November 2013 - VADA-CH
November 2013 - VADA-CH
November 2013 . . . EXTENSIONS President’s Message November 2013 Inside this Issue 1 2 President’s Message By Sherri Booye 3 VADA October Meeting Minutes By Sheli King on behalf of Alison Douglas 4 5 Jeremy Steinberg Clinic Info and Auditor Forms 6 Classifieds VADA-CH October Meeting Minutes By Annan Hepner VADA Award Banquet Reservation Form A big thank you to Thea Yancey for stepping up and running the schooling show at Grayson Farm. This was her first time running a show and she did a great job. Thanks also to Molly Armentrout for handling the entries and setting up the ride times. Also a round of thanks to the great volunteers, Sarah Kern the steward, Catherine Kern assistant to Thea, Melyni Worth our scorer, Lee Scott, scribe, April Shultz, runner, and Laura Berne who assisted in the jump setting for the CT. Also, thanks to Kim Schmidt for use of the lovely Grayson Farm and to Carter Bass for judging. We could not run the show without all of your help. We even made a little money from the show! But, where was everybody else? We only had 6 chapter members ride in the show, all the rest of the riders were nonmembers of our chapter. I know it is late in the year, but this is such a nice show and venue, and it is one of the few opportunities for the chapter to earn some money to fund everything we do. Would it help to hold the show earlier? Maybe the end of September to use as a tune up for the BLMs or the GAIGs? Please let me know what you think. Don’t forget the November 23/24th clinic with Jeremy Steinberg at Toad Hollow Farm. More information on the clinic and the sign-up sheets and liability waivers are in this newsletter and on our website. Hope to see you there. We can use a couple of volunteers for setup. If you can help, please contact Gardy Bloemers at [email protected]. Congratulations to our members who rode at the GAIGs. We had a number of members that pinned in the championships and Sarah Kern was the high point Amateur Rider for the whole show with one ride! We are still looking for people to run for officer and Board positions. Please let me know if you would be willing to serve. Sherri VADA of Charlottesville, Inc. 1 November 2013 VADA-CH October 2013 Board Meeting Minutes Submitted by Annan Hepner Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Sherri Booye at Shadwell’s. Members Present: Sherri Booye, Gardy Bloemers, Carter Bass, Annan Hepner, Kim Schmidt, Melyni Worth, Jan Templeton, Lee Scott, Catherine Kern, and Sarah Kern. Saddle, Tack & Harness Repair We will finish out the year with 91 members Treasury Balance remains at $6, 765.18 The address to send Grayson Schooling Show entries to Molly Armentrout has been corrected on the new forms and updated on the website to her new address. The schooling show plans were confirmed with Grayson owner, Kim Schmidt, and Carter Bass will be the dressage judge and Eliza Slone will be jump judge. At the time of the meeting, there were 2 riding slots on Saturday and 3 slots on Sunday available for the Jeremy Steinberg Clinic November 23-24 at Toad Hollow. We were unable to confirm Tootie as the clinic caterer, but we do have Chef Hellman and her Northern European pastry chef assistant Karin. If you would like lunch at the clinic for either day please let us know so we can let them know how many people to expect. We have yet to decide on either judge for our August licensed show or next year’s trainers for the VADA-CH clinic. Carter and Nancy will discuss possible options for the judges. Brian Ross was brought up, but was ruled out because he already has a few shows in Region 1. As for clinicians, Julio Mendoza, Ali Brock, and JJ Tate have been brought up. Update: The judges for the 2014 licensed show are Lisa Schmidt (S) and Tammi Batts (S). The TD is Kelly Farmer. Congratulations VADA-CH for being the GMO that donated the most for the GAIG Championship advertisements and sponsorships! A big thank you for all the local businesses and people who sent in donations! Board nominations for next year’s officers were briefly discussed and the next meeting was set for Wednesday November 13th at Timberwood Grill and then Mon December 16th at Shadwell’s. Meeting was adjourned by Sherri at 8:20pm. 2 High Point Farm CATHERINE SUTTON USDF Certified Trainer 434-361-1427 November 2013 NEWSLETTER VADA-CH June Minutes Cont. Congratulations to all who participated in the 2013 The next meeting will be July 21 at the pool party at Sherri’s. Then the fall were scheduled for September 9 at GAIGs and the October Show atmeetings Grayson Farm! Timberwood Grill and October 7 at a winery for a Wine rd Scholarships: The application for the two scholarships (3 level th th and below & 4 level and higher) is due to Sherri by June 17 . st th th State Issues: Nancy explained that the state board is still discussing location options for the 2014 Chapter show. Tasting Meeting! was called to order at 7:07pm by President Sherri Share Pictures for InclusionMeeting in our Newsletter and Booye at Timberwood Grill. Celebrate your Accomplishments with the Chapter! VADA-CH Clinic: The Jeremy Steinberg clinic will be on rd th November 23 and 24 . More information to come. To increase member awareness and participation and to advertise VADA-CH events the board decided that we will make a public VADA-CH Facebook page. If members have any photos of a VADA-CH show, event, or just a great riding picture, please email them to Annan at [email protected]. Nancy Lowey Orange, Va 540.672.3454 [email protected] USEF ‘R’ Dressage Judge USEF ‘r’ Dressage Technical Delegate Clinics, Events, Pony Club Rallies,4-H shows, lessons. USEF Bronze, Silver, Gold Medalist Bruno Greber Eid. Dipl. Reitlehrer USDF Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist Book your Dressage Lessons on Your Horse or our FEI Lesson Horse Check our website for special boarding/training packages – young horses/sales horses. Ashanti Farm, Gordonsville, VA 22942 [email protected] Bruno home: 540 832 9872 CARTER BASS USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist Dressage Instruction through FEI Breeder of Top Quality Warmbloods USEF Judge: “R” Dressage – “R” DSHB Sport Horse Evaluation Kirkford Farm 1715 Merriefields Lane Ruckersville, VA 22968 3 Phone: (434) 978 1287 Cell: (434) 962 5008 Email: [email protected] November 2013 their set up. Dianne will talk with the organizers of the horse trials to see what rings they want left up for their use, so we will be sure to use the Horse Center rings in those locations. We will need 4 trucks each day for the judges, and will also have a small PA system available for use by the ring steward in the Speed Ring. VADA October 2013 Board Meeting Minutes Submitted by Sheli King on behalf of Alison Douglas A special VADA meeting was called to order at 8pm to go over final planning for the VADA Fall Show/Regional Championships. The company we previously used to rent tables and other show supplies is no longer in business and so we will be renting everything we need from the Horse Center. In terms of food service, the outside Café is permanently closed, so the only permanent food vendor will be inside the coliseum. This location will be supplemented by a food trailer set up near the stabling office as well as a coffee stand. Present on the call were Alison Head, Tina Longaker, Dianne Boyd, Meredith McGraff, Carmen Geidt, Judith Halloran-Lord, Beth Ripple, Jane Palmer, Nancy Schaffer, Nancy Lowey, Robin Nunlley and Sheli King. Dianne and Tina started the call by sharing some show statistics – there have been 520 stall requests to date (which means we may need to use some outside stalls, especially for people only stabling for a single day) and we have about 387 horses entered, about 300 of which are in finals classes. Alison & Tina will work together to identify early arrivals and late departures and will get that info to the Horse Center so they can plan stall cleaning after the show. Many of the finals classes are really large (one has 38 entries!) and awards ceremonies for 8 finals classes are scheduled for lunch time on Sunday. The competitors’ party will be held on Friday night and there will be evening classes on both Friday and Saturday, which means we will need to feed dinner to the evening volunteers on both nights. We will serve them the party menu Friday night and Lasagna with all the fixings on Sat. On Sat night, Nancy Lowey has organized desserts on the concourses hosted by the vendors, who are excited by the idea. In terms of volunteers, it appears that Holly has everything in control and we are also in good shape for scorers. Alison Douglas, Beth Ripple and Tina all have some of the VADA radios and will bring them to the show. Dianne went down to the Horse Center and spent the day with the new facilities manager to ensure that the footing in all the rings will be as good as it can be and that the rings will be prepped, dragged and watered to our specs. Based on this meeting, she feels confident that the rings will be in good shape. The ones on the top of the hill held up particularly well in the rain. Tina will get the rings to the Horse Center as early as she can next week so they can begin Nancy and Gardy did a sensational job getting vendors and sponsors. The show program is really large and fancy – packed full with ads! We have 18 vendors coming and thus far, $11,740 has been deposited from vendor and sponsor fees. The meeting concluded at 9pm. 4 November 2013 NEWSLETTER 5 November 2013 NEWSLETTER 6 November 2013 NEWSLETTER Auditor Application Form: Jeremy Steinberg Clinic November 23rd and 24th, 2013 We will accept walk-in auditors on both Saturday and Sunday. However, we would like to encourage auditors to send in their liability release form and payment if a non-member in advance of the clinic. Your Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Your Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Your Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________ Saturday, the 23rd of November ________ VADA-CH Member Non-Member Sunday, the 24th of November ________ VADA-CH Member Non-Member Saturday and Sunday ________ VADA-CH Member Non-Member Interested in lunch at $10 per person per day? Saturday, the 23rd of November ________ Vegetarian Sunday, the 24th of November Vegetarian YES NO (Circle One) Turkey/Chicken ________ YES Ham/ Beef NO (Circle One) Turkey/Chicken Ham/ Beef If you are a VADA-CH member, there is no charge to audit the clinic. If you are not a VADA-CH member, the cost per day to audit is $25 and if you’d like to audit both days we are offering a special package deal at $35 for both. Lunch is available at $10 per person per day. If you’d like to become a member prior to the clinic to qualify for member pricing, contact Sherri Booye at [email protected] to let her know before completing the membership forms on Please make your checks payable to VADA-CH and send a complete* application package to Gardy Bloemers at 6486 Hillsboro Lane, Crozet, VA 22932. Your application will only be considered at the time it is complete. Contact: [email protected] or 434 981 1017 * Complete Package = Application Form, Check, Up-to-date Coggins, Liability Release Form 7 November 2013 NEWSLETTER ASSUMPTION OF RISK, LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FOR THE VADA-CH Chapter Clinic with Jeremy Steinberg November 23rd and November 24th, 2013 AUDITOR RELEASE FORM I hereby acknowledge that I choose to voluntarily audit the VADA-CH Clinic held at Toad Hollow Farm (“Farm”). I am fully aware that horse sports involve intrinsic dangers of serious injury or death as specified in the statute’s language below. In consideration of my/my daughter’s/son’s attendance as a spectator at the equine activities sponsored by VADA-CH at Farm, I hereby release and waive my rights and the rights of any of my insurers by subrogation to sue VADA-CH, its board members and officers and volunteers, the clinician Jeremy Steinberg, and Farm and Farm’s owners, employees, agents, and/or representatives for any loss (including attorney’s fees), damage, injury, or death to person or property sustained by me/my daughter/son in equine activities by any cause whatsoever, including the intrinsic dangers of equine activity The attached copy of the Equine Activity Statute of the State of Virginia is incorporated herein and is an integral part of this Assumption of Risk, Liability Release and Indemnity Agreement! This Agreement, consisting of three (3) pages, shall bind my heirs, personal representatives, assigns and all members of my family. I HAVE FULLY INFORMED MYSELF OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS ASSUMPTION OF RISK, LIABILITY RELEASE, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND THE ATTACHED EQUINE ACTIVITY STATUTE OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, BY READING IT BEFORE SIGNING IT! U U Auditor/Parent or Guardian (under 18 years of age) Signature _________________________ Date ______ ________ Printed Name __________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone No .__________________________________________________ Virginia Equine Activity Statute CODE OF VIRGINIA TTITLE 3.1. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND FOODT TCHAPTER 27.5. EQUINE ACTIVITY LIABILITY ACTT 3.1-796.130. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning: "Engages in an equine activity" means (i) any person, whether mounted or unmounted, who rides, handles, trains, drives, assists in providing medical or therapeutic treatment of, or is a passenger upon an equine; (ii) any person who participates in an equine activity but does not necessarily ride, handle, train, drive, or ride as a passenger upon an equine; (iii) any person visiting, touring or utilizing an equine facility as part of an event or activity; or (iv) any person who assists a participant or equine activity sponsor or management in an equine activity. The term "engages in an equine activity" does not include being a spectator at an equine activity, except in cases where the spectator places himself in an unauthorized area and in immediate proximity to an equine or equine activity. 8 November 2013 NEWSLETTER "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey, or hinny. "Equine activity" means (i) equine shows, fairs, competitions, performances, or parades that involve any or all breeds of equines and any of the equine disciplines, including, but not limited to, dressage, hunter and jumper horse shows, grand prix jumping, three-day events, combined training, rodeos, driving, pulling, cutting, polo, steeple chasing, endurance trail riding and western games, and hunting; (ii) equine training or teaching activities; (iii) boarding equines; (iv) riding, inspecting, or evaluating an equine belonging to another whether or not the owner has received some monetary consideration or other thing of value for the use of the equine or is permitting a prospective purchaser of the equine to ride, inspect, or evaluate the equine; (v) rides, trips, hunts, or other equine activities of any type however informal or impromptu that are sponsored by an equine activity sponsor; (vi) conducting general hoof care, including but not limited to placing or replacing horseshoes or hoof trimming of an equine; and (vii) providing or assisting in breeding or therapeutic veterinary treatment. "Equine activity sponsor" means any person or his agent who, for profit or not for profit sponsors, organizes, or provides the facilities for an equine activity, including but not limited to pony clubs, 4-H clubs, hunt clubs, riding clubs, school- and college-sponsored classes and programs, therapeutic riding programs, and operators, instructors, and promoters of equine facilities, including but not limited to stables, clubhouses, pony ride strings, fairs, and arenas at which the activity is held. "Equine professional" means a person or his agent engaged for compensation in (i) instructing a participant or renting to a participant an equine for the purpose of riding, driving, or being a passenger upon an equine or (ii) renting equipment or tack to a participant. "Intrinsic dangers of equine activities" means those dangers or conditions that are an integral part of equine activities, including but not limited to, (i) the propensity of equines to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them; (ii) the unpredictability of an equine's reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement, and unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; (iii) certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions; (iv) collisions with other animals or objects; and (v) the potential of a participant acting in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or not acting within the participant's ability. "Participant" means any person, whether amateur or professional, who engages in an equine activity, whether or not a fee is paid to participate in the equine activity. 3.1-796.131. Horse racing excluded The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to horse racing, as that term is defined by s 59.1-365. 3.1-796.132. Liability limited; liability actions prohibited A. Except as provided in § 3.1-796.133, an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person, which shall include a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, shall not be liable for an injury to or death of a participant resulting from the intrinsic dangers of equine activities and, except as provided in § 3.1-796.133, no participant nor any participant's parent, guardian, or representative shall have or make any claim against or recover from any equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or any other person for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any of the intrinsic dangers of equine activities. B. Except as provided in § 3.1-796.133, no participant or parent or guardian of a participant who has knowingly executed a waiver of his rights to sue or agrees to assume all risks specifically enumerated under this subsection may maintain an action against or recover from an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional for an injury to or the death of a participant engaged in an equine activity. The waiver shall give notice to the participant of the intrinsic dangers of equine activities. The waiver shall remain valid unless expressly revoked in writing by the participant or parent or guardian of a minor. 3.1-796.133. Liability of equine activity sponsors, equine professionals No provision of this chapter shall prevent or limit the liability of an equine activity sponsor or equine professional or any other person who: 1. Intentionally injures the participant; 2. Commits an act or omission that constitutes negligence for the safety of the participant and such act or omission caused the injury, unless such participant, parent or guardian has expressly assumed the risk causing the injury in accordance with subsection B of § 3.1-796.132; or 3. Knowingly provides faulty equipment or tack and such equipment or tack was faulty to the extent that it did cause the injury or death of the participant. VADA of Charlottesville, Inc. Auditor Initials: 9 November 2013 NEWSLETTER A Premier Riding & Training Facility Located near Charlottesville, VA Convenient to routes 81, 64, 250 & 29 Please go to our website or call for more info & pictures! 434-284-1957 ♦ Erin Sweeney 10 November 2013 NEWSLETTER 11 November 2013 NEWSLETTER 12 November 2013 NEWSLETTER - Classifieds BOARDING Respite Farm Board: Stall available for one mare. Matted stalls with access to dry lot, run-in with mats and bedding. Pastures are rotated and rested. Wood fencing and HorseGuard electrical tape. Blanketing, hold for farrier/vet. [email protected] 804-763-3623 TACK/APPAREL Saddles for Sale All Purpose Saddle Cliff Barnsby, size 17.5, excellent condition, brown, soft seat model, very comfortable!! Matching stirrup leathers included, $750. Contact Catherine Pagliuca at [email protected] or 434-960-4126. 2 Stalls Available to board horses. Facility located 7 miles north of town, off rt. 20. Opportunity to train with instructor with 33 years experience who has an trained with the USET. Contact Robin Silke: 434-964-1696 One stall available on small family farm 12 miles south of Charlottesville. Full board with turnout, customized care. Heated wash stall with hot and cold water, heated and air conditioned tack and feed room. Small (40M x20M) dressage arena, lots of trails. Room to park a trailer also. $425.00/month For more information Hillary Horn [email protected], 434-979-5788 HORSES Cedar Creek Stables offers the following horse (contact Melyni Worth at 540-294-3003): CCS Tinuvel, 4 yr old Knabstrupper X TB mare. Sire Ravaldi. Bay with blanket. Qualified for Region 1 Champs in Tr and 1st level in 2011. Scores in the 70’s. Easy elegant ride. Superb temperament, easy to ride and train, be a superb horse for an amateur. $25,000 VADA-CH NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page Business Card Classified $15/ issue $150/ year $10/ issue $100/ year $7.50/ issue $75/ year $5/ issue $50/ year $5/ issue $50/ year VADA-CH Members can run classifieds and business card ads free of charge. Ads will run for 2 months and must be renewed. All ads must be in .jpg format. Send to Tammi Nagel at [email protected] by the 25th of each month. Please make checks payable VADA-CH and send to: Tina Longaker, 8246 Open Gate Rd, Gordonsville, VA, 22942. Ads will not be run until payment is received. Holsteiner Gelding for on-site lease or sale, Ragtime is a registered and branded Holsteiner out of Rantares, who was USEF sire of the year for dressage in 2007. He has great gaits and is fun and easy to sit! Ragtime is a horse that gets noticed wherever he goes for his lovely uphill build and elegant topline. Schools second level and changes. Ragtime trailers well and is easy for vet and farrier. He is UTD on shots and Coggins and has no special needs. Gets along well with mares or geldings and is happy to live in or out. Owner sadly selling due to change in circumstances. He's simply too nice to retire yet and is a horse that loves to have a job. Good home and right fit is a must! Not suitable for eventing or pony club-he would make a great horse for an experienced rider to enjoy lower level dressage. Contact Christina Fedor at [email protected]. Hanoverian Geldings for sale. Ravenswood Farm is offering for sale several 3-5 year old Hanoverian geldings. Beautifully bred, carefully raised, and broken. Sired by Rueben Royal and Dauphin out of Elite mares. Potential super stars with show ring charisma and loads of talent. Prices starting at $25,000 good homes are essential. Contact Patience Wadley at [email protected] or Erin Sweeney at [email protected] (agent). Talented 13.3h mare with excellent gaits for sale, possible long-term lease, to confident rider. She is currently in training with a dressage professional doing training level work. Owner going to college. Possibility to ride under current dressage professional at no cost during trial period. Photos and video available. Please contact Paul Harmon, trainer, at 940-228-6011 or [email protected]; or Lyn Deane-Harris at [email protected]. The pony is at Ravenswood Farm, Keswick, VA 13 Black Dressage Saddle Passier Grand Gilbert, size 17.5, excellent condition, includes stirrup leathers and irons, $950. Contact Catherine Pagliuca at [email protected] or 434-960-4126. Frank Baines Reflex Dressage Saddle Black 18" seat size, with NFMW tree- Narrow flared to MedWide fit. This custom saddle was purchased from Bill Wood, the saddle fitter, and enjoyed for 1.5 years. It doesn't fit current horse, but is in excellent condition and is a very comfortable saddle for both the rider and horse. $1750. for more information. Contact Kathi Gruss at grussvet All Purpose Saddle Cliff Barnsby, size 17.5, excellent condition, brown, soft seat model, very comfortable!! Matching stirrup leathers included, $750. Contact Catherine Pagliuca at [email protected] or 434-960-4126. Black Dressage Saddle, Lauriche, size 18. Suede seat and knee blocks. Adjustable stirrup bars fit variety of riders. “V” billet system. Excellent condition and extremely hard to find! $4000. Contact Ashanti Farm at 540-832-0775 or [email protected] Brown Dressage Saddle, Katzengruber, size 17.5. Beautifully handcrafted in Austria, these saddles are also used at the Spanish Riding School. $1200. Contact Barbara Greber at 540-832-9872 or [email protected] Dressage Boots, black, 7 1/2, very stiff Dover brand with zippers, $50 obo, contact Tamara at 434-286-2389. Albion SLK Black Dressage Saddle, 17 1/2, MW, excellent condition, $1,200 obo, contact Tamara at 434-286-2389. Schleese Black Dressage Saddle, 17 1/2, M, excellent condition, $1,000 obo, contact Tamara at 434-286-2389. November 2013 NEWSLETTER Upcoming Monthly Board/Membership Meetings November Wednesday, November 13th, 7:00 pm Timberwood Grill, Route 29 North December Monday, December 16th, 7:00 pm Shadwells, Pantops VADA-CH 2013 Board President Sherri Booye [email protected] Vice President Nancy Lowey [email protected] Secretary Annan Hepner [email protected] Treasurer Tina Longaker [email protected] State Representative Tina Longaker [email protected] State Representative Nancy Lowey [email protected] State Representative Gardy Bloemers [email protected] Newsletter Tammi Nagel [email protected] 14 Membership Chair Carter Bass [email protected]