Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
Published by 'THE ~=m~:;ET~E=~~ICAL SOCIETY . ......_ _. . . . . . . . Mrs. Daniel Edwlirds West, VOLUME 28 FALL 1981 NUMBER 3 -CONTENTS .... ~OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK c . . .. . .. . • 101 • • • • • • • • • .. NEWS AND NOTES'FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS BOOK REVIEWS . .. .. .... .. ... .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY ,TENNESSEE TENNESSEANS IN TEXAS . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . THE FAMILIES OF WHITE COUNTY, 'tENNESSEE IN 1860 • FAMILY GATHERINGS • • • • • • .. .. .. .. .. -. . . .. . .. ... • • · .. . . .. -. HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1836 TAX' RECORD • .. • • • .. .. .. .. . • • · ., . ·. . .. .. .. . .. ,.. . . .. . . . 109 115 . .. . .. .. 119 . .. .. RO~E COUNTY, TENNESSEE MAR,RIAGEBONDS1801-1826 QUERIES • • • ~ .. .. . . . .. .. . FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILL BOOK.1808..1847 .103 . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. • 1()2 125 . . . 130 • • 135 141 . .. .. .. .. • 146 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . P.o. BOX 12124 M~mph;s, Tennessee 38112, President Vice President Recording Becretary Correspondence Secretary Librarian Assistant Librarian Surn~me Itide~Secretary .Treasurer Editor Managing Director Director LIBRARY STAFf Pauline Casey Briscoe' Lucile Hendren Cox Lynn Hodges Craven Amelia Pike Eddlemon Mary Frances Gertz Helen Culbreath Hamer Emma Fisher O'Neal Jessie Taylor Webb Wilma Sutton Cogdell Jane Cook Hollis Marilyn Johnson Baugus R. F. Simpson, Jr. Louise TittsworthTyus Eve1ypDuncan Sigler Betty Key 'Jean Williams Turner Be,tsy Foster West ," Herbert Ray Ashworth Eleanor Riggins Barham Laurence B. ,Gardiner EDITORIAL STAFF Herman L. Bogan Eleanor W. Griffin Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Myrtle Louise Shelton . Margaret N. Sinclair Gerry Byers Spence Jean Alexander West' BUSINESS STAfF Henrietta,D. Gilley !Betty Cline Miller "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: published quarterly in March, June, September, and December; annual subscription $8.00. All subscriptions begin with' the first issue of the year. Non-delivery of any issue should be reported, to THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL' SOCIETY within two months of date of usual delivery if a second copy is to be supplied free of charge. Subscribers may submit one query each year for free publication; additional queries will be accepted on a "space available" basis. Contributions of all types of genealogical information will be accepted. We publish previously unpublished Tennessee-connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates. All material for publication is subject to editing to conserve space. Every effort will be made.topub1ish accurate material; however, neither THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN' n NEWS, nOr the Editor can assume responsibilities for errors on the part of contributors. Corrections of. proven errors will be published. Publishable and unpub1ishab1e contributions are put, on file in our library for the use of our members. Books donated to our library will be reviewed in the earliest possible 'issue.of the quarterly. postage paid s,t Memphis, Tennessee. 101 Fall 1981 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK We have received a letter with an item which deserves your immediate attention. The Alabama Genealogical Society will hold a one-day seminar 3 Oct 1981 at Holiday InnMedical Center, Birmingham, AL. Mr. H. William Helmbold, speaker for the day, will cover topics of interest to beginning, experienced, and professional genealogists. For information, contact the Society, 1465 Panorama Dr., Birmingham, AL 35216. Don Vincent, 936 No. Skyline Dr., Tacoma, WA 98406, has sent us news of a book now in the making. BesiGes writing a genealogical column for the Pulaski County Democrat, a newspaper in Waynesville, MO, Don is working to replace early records of Pulaski County, which were destroyed by fire in 1903. Facts collected on all residents at the time of the county's first census in 1840 form the basis of the book, but more data are needed to make the history as complete as possible; therefore, he requests our help. Many of the early settlers in Pulaski came from Tennessee counties, especially the Rhea-McMinn-Roane-Blount-Monroe area. Large numbers came from North Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia, but most states in the south and mid-west were also represented. If you have lost an ancestor in Missouri about 1840, you may find him in the Pulaski County 1840 Index, which you may purchase by sending $5.00 to Don at the above address. We wish him well with his project! In our last issue we outlined some of the history and current operation of the Tennessee Genealogical Society. Now, we list ,for you the services of this society: Library - The most utilized of our services, but, obviously, one that is limited to subscribers who live fairly close to Memphis. However, we welcome all who might be passing through town to visit ••• if you come when we're open: ( Thursdays - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from January to Thanksgiving 2nd & 4th Mondays - 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. January to Thanksgiving Master Surname Index - Service to subscribers everywhere. This file consists of 3x5 index cards sent in by subscribers within the last five years. Each card contains the name of one person and all statistics known about him, and the name and address of the subscriber. You may add your cards to the file by following the format given on page 140 of this issue. If you send your request and a long envelope, stamped and self-addressed, our Surname Index Secretary will send you the names and addresses of others working on that line along with any data found in the file on your ancestor. Family Five-Generation Chart - Service offered to all subscribers. These are eharts filled in by subscribers, whieh are indexed, filed in book form, and placed in our library for perusal by all who visit us. The advantage for distant subscribers is having your name, address and area of search available to other searchers. Free Query - One 50-word query per year in the free query seetion of this magazine. (Because of the large number of queries reeeived, we must limit each subscriber to one per year.) Send your query on a separate, full-sized sheet of paper PLEASE, and be sure to put your name and address on that sheet also. , Table of Contents - We offer a printed Table of Contents which gives a resume of material printed in all our back issues. CUrrent price $1.00. 102 "Ansearchin'" News NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Prepared by Amelia Pike Eddlemon ALABAMA FAMILY HISTORY & GENEALOGY NEWS, The North Central Alabama Gen. Soc., 200 Clark St. NE, Cullman, AL 35055; Joyce David, Ed., Briarwood Press, Route 1, Box 221, Hanceville, AL 35055. Vol. 2, No.1, 1981. $10. Established 1980 for the purpose of collecting, preserving and sharing genealogical data. Contains Blount Co. marriage license index Vol. A 1820-30, 1900 Cullman Co. census index, Rev. pensions of Morgan Co., Alabama soldiers who served in Creek Wars, etc. THE INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGY EXCHANGE, Piney Woods Pioneers Gen. Club, Route 2, Box 1030, Kountze, TX 77625. $12 yr. Approximately 10 pages. Subscriber entitled to one 50-word query at 10¢ per word. Feb. issue includes passenger list of ship Erin. THE HEYDON-HAYDEN-HYDEN FAMILIES, Bill Hyden, Editor, P.O. Box 35004, Tulsa, OK 74135. $10 yr. Contains information on family reunions, family charts, computer searches, and other genealogical data on these family names. gyARTERLY, VA GEN. SOC., P.O. Box 7469, Richmond, VA 23221. $10 yr. and initiation fee. Vol. 19, No.2, 33 pages includes Bible records, court records, executions 1714 to 1720, obituary notices, queries, pedigree charts, and abstract of Martin papers. THE TEXARKANA USA QUARTERLY, Texarkana USA Gen. Soc., P.O. Box 2323, Texa~kana, AI-TX 75504. $7.50 yr., single mbrshp. Vol. VIII, No.1, contains cemetery, cens~s, Bible records, ancestor charts, queries, family history, newspaper abstracts, etc. RICHARDSON FAMILY RESEARCHER AND HISTORICAL NEWS, Richardson Heritage Soc., 944 South $7.50 yr. Newspaper. Vol. 7, No. I contains queries and Richardson and related family historical and genealogical data. G Street, P.O. Box 123, Broken Bow, NE 68822. BULLETIN of the Gen. Society of Old Tryon Co., Inc., P.O. Box 938, Fo~est City, NC 28043. Vol. IX, No.1, 50 pages of court minutes, data on the Beamon family, queries, cemetery inscriptions, and list of members with names they are researching. THE BACKTRACKER, NW Arkansas Gen. Society, P.O. Box K, Rogers, AR 72756. $5 yr. Vol. 10, No.2. Included in this issue are records of land patents in Madison Co., 1880 maiden names of Madison Co., Washington Co. marriages 1886, index to 1860 census of Washington Co., funeral homes, pedigree charts, newspaper abstracts, queries, etc. QUARTERLY, Illinois State Gen. Society, P.O. Box 2225, Springfield, IL 62705. $12 yr. Vol. XIII, No.1, 60 pages. Information includes old letters, church records, Cook Co. records, articles onPhillips-Wright-Turrentine-French-Myers-Boggess7Fries families, queries, and other information pertaining to genealogical research. ITAWAMBA SETTLERS, Roy A. Turner, P.O. Box 1432, Tupelo, MS 38801. $15 yr. Vol. 1, No.1. New publication which plans to get as many records relating to Itawamba Co. into print as possible. This issue contains 1836 tax lists, queries, and Lee County marriages, etc. (73 pages) THE ROADRUNNER, Chaparral Gen. Society, P.O. Box 606, Tomball, TX 77375. $7.50 yr. Vol. 7, No.2. The 40 pages in this issue includes marriage records, deed information, Grimes Co. births, cemetery data, queries, and index .f tax book for Austin County, as well as other genealogical information. 103 Fall 1981 BOOK REVIEWS By Herman L. Bogan, Evelyn D. Sigler, Eleanor W. Griffin PASSENGER AND IMMIGRATION LISTS INDEX, compiled by P. William Filby with Mary K. Meyer. 1981. HardBack. 2339 pp. Order from GALE RESEARCH CO., Book Tower, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Three Volume Set. $225.00. ( Over 480,000 names of immigrants, taken from 330 published sources. such as book~, WPA records, genealogical and historical quarterlies, histories, bulletins, ship passenger lists and naturalization records are included in these three volumes with names arranged alphabetically, three columns to a page. This work has an additional 26 pages of source material and instructions. These people from various countries migrated to North America (including Canada) and the West Indies during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Each listing consists of full name of the immigrant, age when known, port of entry, year of arrival and the source and page from which it has been taken. Members of a family are grouped together, and where a wife's maiden name is given, she is listed under that name as well as her married name. You may find your ancestor in more than one place if he is listed in more than one book. Lists include freemen, indentured servants, Jews, planters, prisoners, Palatine immigrants, convicts, rebels, recruits, protestants, persons of quality, religious exiles, Quakers, apprentices, children stolen, maidens pressed, serving men sold for a term of years, etc: persons from all walks of life. Sources of this compilation often give the country from which they emigrated. It is much easier to search these volumes than the many passenger lists. previously printed. Genealogists will find them invaluable and libraries will find them well used. TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH by George K. Schweitzer, Ph. D. 1981. Soft Back. 123 pp. Order from the author, 7914 Gleason, C-1136, Knoxville, TN 37919. $8.00. Tennessee residents add tax. This 8~ x 7 inch book contains more concrete instruction on Tennessee than many a tome of verbosity. The publication has four divisions: TENNESSEE BACKGROUND, (history & geography, etc.); TYPES OF RECORDS, (a discussion of 31 categories to search); RECORD LOCATION, (the places to search); and COUNTY LISTINGS, (alphabetical list of counties & their available records). There are maps illustrating the geography, rivers, early settlements and roads, and individual counties. Also included are lists of publications on the various categories-i.e., biographies, census indexes, church records, genealogical compilations, current periodicals, etc. This is an excellent text book for beginners in genealogy and a concise check list for veterans in the field. MARRIAGE RECORDS FULTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY, January 1861 to April 1870.~ published by. Fulton Genealogical Society. 1980. Soft Back. 70 pp. Indexed. Order from the publisher, P.O. Box 31, Fulton, KY 42041. $6.00. This is the third volume in a series of marriage records, the first being Marriage Records of Hickman County, Kentucky 1822-1845 from which county Fulton was formed, and the second being Marriage Records, Fulton County, Kentucky 1845-1861. This volume is unique in that it contains more information on the bride and groom than is available in the first records. Besides the names of bride and groom, the date and surety, each document provides space for the residence, age, number of marriage, birthplace and parents' birthplace for both parties, occupation of the groom and place of marriage. Consents are given when available, as'we11 as other genealogical information. "Anserachin'" News 104 Book Reviews (continued) BIOGRAPHICAL CYCLOPEDIA OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY. Published by the John Gresham Co., Chicago-Philadelphia. 1896. Reprint with new material copyrighted 1980. Hard back. 667 pp. Indexed. Order from Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $40.00. Kentucky furnished many men who rose to prominence within her boundaries, and also within surrounding states. This volume includes over 1100 sketches of the people who made Kentucky--early pioneers and their successors up to the twentieth century. The writers went directly to the people to get their story, and many of the names given here were not included in similar earlier editions. The 10,000 name index (new material added to this printing) will be welcomed by researchers. TO HOPE, TO LABOR, AND SO TO LIVE - Descendants of John.Mack (1740-1814) With Some Allied Families by Mary P. Engels. 1980. Hard back. 179 pp. Indexed. order from the author, 1024 Hicky, Forrest City, AR 72335. $21.00. AR res. add tax. Although the larger portion of this book deals with John Mack (1740-1814), the first part gives lineage of his wife, a son's wife and a grandson's wife. These allied lines are Burnett, Wilson, and Hudson-Reese-Brevard-McNitt. John Mack, born 1740 in Scotland, immigrated to Maryland and resided at different times in Somerset, Cecil and Baltimore counties. In 1766 he married Sarah Burnett in Prince Edward Co., VA. They moved to Pittsylvania Co., VA in 1772 where records show he purchased land and was paid for service in the Rev. War. Later records place him and his sons in Davidson and Maury counties, TN. He and Sarah are buried in the family cemetery near McCains, TN. Descendants are found in several counties of TN, AR, MO and TX. Sixty-four pages of family group sheets complete the book~ GENEALOGICAL & LOCAL HISTORY BOOKS IN PRINT by Nettie Schreiner-Yantis. back. 1000 pp. Indexed. VA 22150. $15.00. Soft Genealogical Books in Print, 6818 Lois Dr., Springfield, 1981. Termed by someone as a "wish book" for genealogists, this is truly a fine publication. It consists of a listing of works on all areas of research, including states, counties, and family genealogies. The price and vendor's address are included for every book listed, as well as the name of at least one professional researcher with area of search indicated. A section on maps, atlases, and gazetteers is very helpful, as is ordering information for census forms and family sheets on which to record your data. Mrs. Schreiner-Yantis has used her vast experience to compile an essential tool for the serious genealogists. It belongs in everyone's personal library. PERSONAL NAME INDEX TO THE 1856 CITY DIRECTORIES OF IOWA by Elsie L. Sopp. Hard back. 154 pp. Alphabetical. Detroit, Michigan 48226. $30.00. 1980. Order from Gale Research Company, Book Tower, This volume 13 in the Gale Genealogy and Local History Series was prepared to provide genealogists and historians with a statewide index for Iowa. It was felt that an index was needed for the period of the 1850's following the 1850 federal census schedule. The names listed are from the mid-1850 city directories of seven counties in-Iowa and three cities in Illinois~ Many Westerners find that their ancestors settled, rested, or traveled through Iowa's rolling hills in their westward migration. Fall 1981 105 Book Reviews (continued) MARRIAGE AND DEATH NOTICES, Marion County, Texas and Environs 1853-1927 by Juanita Davis Cawthon. 1980. Soft back. 160 pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 844 Ack1en St., Shreveport, LA 71104. $16.50. Marion County, Texas was formed from Cass County in 1860 so that much information found in this book is from both counties. The material is extracted primarily from Jefferson, TX newspapers, but notices from nearby areas which could be of interest to local people are included. Other newspapers used are The Texas Republican and Tri Weekly Herald of Marshall, Texas; The Southwestern, Shreveport, LA; The New Orleans Christian Advocate and the Texas Christian Advocate. Frequent reference has been made to Cemetery Records of Marion County, Texas, compiled by Martha McCraw Chapter DAR and that information is inserted in the proper place. The first twenty pages carry 19th century dates and next 105 pages dated since 1900. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT, SOUTH CAROLINA MARRIAGES, 1777-1852. Editor: The Rev. S. Emmett Lucas, Jr. 1979 •. Soft back. 69 pp. Order from The Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $12.50. ( No marriages were recorded in South Carolina until after 1900 therefore, marriage records must be ferreted from other sources. These records were taken from Old Abbeville Court House records and purport to be the closest thing to known marriages that exist for people listed in the Old 96 and Abbeville legal records for the period 1777 to 1852. The names are taken from such things as wills, equi:ty records, deeds, etc. The "key" to finding out more data about the parties concerned is the book Abstracts of old 96 and Abbeville District, S.C. by Pauline Young. The publisher has tried to clear up many "confused areas" in this publication of the records as originally compiled. He hopes the list of marriages will provide a start for further search of old records. MATHENY GENEALOGY by Dolores E. Matheny Gucciardo. 1980. Soft back. 192 pp. Indexed. Order from author, #14 Point South Court, Little Rock, AR 72211. $25.00 p.p. The Matheny family immigrated to the American colonies from France and subsequently spread out over many states. The first immigrant to the American colonies was Daniel Mathenia I, ca 1638-1689, who married Sarah Wentworth in 1648. In so far as known all the Mathenys are descended from Daniel & Sarah. Along with tracing her roots the author has interspersed personal anecdotes about various members of the family. Also included is a section on the Grinsley family and a separate index for the Matheny family. This is another concise compilation which is an asset to any family lineage collection. MARRIAGES OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1804-1872. Compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley. 1981. Hard back. 352 pp. Indexed. Order from Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD 21202. $22.50. Rutherford County was erected in 1803 from Davidson Co. and one time extended south to the Alabama state line. Although a few deed books were destroyed during the Civil War, the country has an almost complete county record intact. The marriage records are extensive and contain approximately 11,000 marriages. Each entry contains the names of the bride and groom, date of issue, marriage bond or license and sometimes the name of the bondsman. Nearly 25,000 names are found in the index. 106 "Ansearchin'" News Book Reviews (continued) LOYALISTS IN THE SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, VOL .. I, by Murtie June Clark. 1981. Hard back. 635 pp. Indexed. Order from Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD 21202. $30.00. This book contains official rolls of loyalists recruited from North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisana. The rolls were obtained from various archives, libraries, and pr~vate collections which document the service of approximately 15,000 loyalists. The information on each person varies. In the case of the military, the men are listed by rank, with dates and places of service, company, regiment, and brigade, active duty, missing, deserted, killed, died, or sick. Other information given is petitions for back pay, widows and orphans claims, names of refugees, lists which contain much useful information. This is claimed to be the best and most ambitious work of its kind yet produced. A COLLECTION OF UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA GENEALOGICAL AND FAMILY RECORDS, VOL. I. Edited by James W. Wooley. 1979. Hard back. 405 pp. Indexed. Order from The Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $30.00. This is the first volume in a proposed series on Upper South Carolina genealogical and family records which were taken from vast files of the late Pauline Young of Liberty, SC. These records were given to the Rev. S. Emmett Lucas, Jr. in 1968, and have been prepared for publication by Mr. Wooley. This volume contains a va~iety of abstracted documents on a varying number of persons of the same surname; for instance there are 13 entries for Chapman and 1 for Carroll. Chapman entries include guardian and probate records, wills, distribution of estates, a deed and many explanations of family connections. The Carroll entry is a naturalization paper of Daniel Carroll in 1844. MARRIAGES OF DAVIDSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1789-1847 by Edythe Rucker Whitley. 1981. Hard back. 277 pp. Indexed. Order from Genealogical PUblishing Co., Inc., 111 Water st., Baltimore, MD 21202. $20.00. Davidson County, created in 1783, originally included most of the territory west of the Cumberland Mountains now making up Middle Tennessee. It is an area once heavily traveled as a route of migration. All of the early marriage bonds and licenses were destroyed by fire but the registers are intact, and the records published here have been transcribed from these. There are 7,000 marriages included in this volume. The marriages are arranged in order of their appearance in the original registers; one of the early marriages of historical interest is that of Andrew Jackson to Rachel Donelson, 17 Jan 1794. THEY CAME TO TEXAS compiled by Maurice Bradford Ballard. 1980. Order from author, 203 Graham, Kenedy, TX 78119. $34.50. Hard back. 678 pp. They Came to Texas is the family history and genealogy of Cecil Raymond Ballard and Maurice Bradford Ballard extending from 1734 to 1975. Included are pioneer families of Bradford, Roberts, Shive, Park, Robinson, Everett, Averett, Campbell, Mayberry, Marlin and Turner. There are many old photographs and personal stories which this reviewer always finds fascinating. Also included are lineage charts and family cemeteries. This large, clothbound book is well-written and easy to read and will be welcomed as a keepsake by all persons connected to the family. 107 Fall 1981 Book Reviews (continued) RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DEED ABSTRACTS. BOOKS 1 thru 5, 1779-1794, Vol. 1 by Barbara Newson Grigg. 1981. Soft back. 108 pp. Rt. 2, Box 458, Asheboro, NC 27203. $15.00. Indexed. Order from the author, Randolph Co., NC was erected in 1779 from the southern part of Guilford Co. which in turn was formed in 1771 from Orange Co. on the east and Rowan Co. on the west. The 'Revolutionary War, fire, and vermin have taken a heavy toll of records of the first two years, but the Court Minutes for this period have survived. The 24 deeds recorded there have been abstracted and form the first two pages of this book. The third page begins with Bk I, page 1 and records a State Grant to Wm. Cole on 19 Nov 1799. As was often the case in early times, many deeds were registered late and the second entry is dated 29 Mar 1780, 300A granted to David Alexander. Many entries of the 1780's follow, and there is at least one dated 17 Nov 1760, Jacob Evans to Jeffery Beck. This book is a gem for 18th century research in central NC. MARRIAGES OF ROBERTSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1839-1861 by Edythe Rucker Whitley. Hard back. 135 pp. Indexed. Baltimore, MD 21202. $15.00. 1981. Order from Genealogical Publishing Co., 111 Water St., Robertson County, on the western flank of Sumner County, was made from old Tennessee County in 1796, the year that Tennessee became a state. The early marriage records of Robertson Co. have not survived, neither in the form of a register nor as unrecorded bonds, and the earliest extant records begin in 1839. The object of this book is to preserve' marriage records that have survived within this time frame~ The marriages are arranged in chronological order under the surname of the groom. All names are included in the index. ( MARRIAGES OF SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1787-1838'. Compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley. 1981. Hard back. 150 pp. Indexed. Order from Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD 21202. $15.00. Sumner County was erected in 1786 when Tennessee was still a part of North Carolina. The county was an important crossroads for migration from east to west and froDl KY southward. The author states in her preface, "For some unknown reason the Clerk of Sumner County did not record the early marriages in a book or ledger, as was the custom. The marriages listed here derive instead from original marriage bonds and unrecorded licenses found amongst loose papers in the courthouse in Gallatin. Some original bonds had been lost or were taken from the courthouse before I made my original transcriptions in 1937." This is one of several new publications by Mrs. Whitley which contain marriage information from middle Tennessee counties. CAMPBELL COUNTY, GEORGIA MARRIAGE BOOK A 1829-1842 by Nancy Jones Cornell. back. 64 pp. $5.00. Indexed. 1980. Soft Order from Joel Dixon Wells, Rt. 2, Box 895, Hampton, GA 30228. Campbell County was created in 1828 from parts of Carroll, Coweta, DeKalb and Fayette counties. Marriage Book A contains the earliest marriage records of the county--18291842. There are 324 abstracted marriages. The original index to Book A has been included even though many names were left out. Three new indexes are included, one each for brides, grooms, and those who performed the marriages. Everyone looks forward to researching hitherto unpublished materials. "Anserachin'" News 108 Book Reviews (continued) MARRIAGES OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1783-1868. Compiled by Brent H. Holcomb. 1981. Hard back. 284 pp. Indexed. Order from Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD 21202. $20.00. Although Mecklenburg County was formed in 1763 from Anson County, the earliest surviving bond is dated 1783. The marriage bonds themselves are on file at the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh. The abstracts in this book were made from micro-film copies of both the bonds and the register kept from 1851-1867 by the Register of Deeds in Mecklenburg County. The information is alphabetically arranged by the groom's surname and gives the name of the bride, date of marriage bond, names of ministers, witnesses, and bondsmen who are often related to the groom or bride. Approximately 5,000 marriage records are abstracted. Approximately 15,000 names are accounted for. WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY COURT MINUTES 1793 THRU 1796 BOOK III by Weynette Parks Haun. 1980. Soft back. 166 pp. Indexed. Durham, NC 27704. $17.50. (NC res. add tax.) Order from author, 243 Argonne Dr., Wake was formed in 1771 from Cumberland, Johnston and Orange counties and has as its county seat Raleigh. These records were transcribed from microfilm of the original records. Each page of the original manuscript has been assigned a number which is underscored. The numbers appearing by some of the underscored numbers are the page numbers as they appeared in the original records. Court minutes are always a valuable source of information and to have them indexed is indeed a bonus. Surnames are capitalized which makes it easy to find your person on the indicated page. THE THURMANS, A WEST KENTUCKY PIONEER FAMILY, 1815-1980 by John O. Braswell. Soft back. 158 pp. Order from author, P.O. Box 292, Kennett, MO 63857. 1980. $20.00. The author grew up in Calloway County, Kentucky but left there at the age of 22. Forty three years later he returned to visit kin and the idea of a Thurman Family Reunion was born. This event sparked interest in a family tree and the book began to take shape. The family is traced from Halifax County, VA in 1815 through Robertson County, TN in 1841 and then to Calloway County, KY by 1856, but the author concedes "We have coneentratedon the known facts of the present ••• rather than of the past." He solicits the aid of all who would like to add facts and further research. We are treated to family charts, stories and pictures, and reprints of newspaper notices. COSBY FAMILY RECORDS, VOL I by Don Simmons. 1981. from author, Route 1, Melber, KY 42069. $4.00. Soft back. 72 pp. Indexed. Order This book is a pot pourri of data gathered by the author and others on the Cosbys in the Southern states. Forthcoming will be another volume on Cosbys in other states and possibly a third volume on the western movement. Disproved is the assumption that only one immigrant started the Cosby line in America, as several early immigrants have surfaced, two of them before 1700. This collection of facts is taken from tax lists of the late 1700's and early 1800's, wills and administrations, censuses, other publications, bible records and military records. Many different family groups are outlined. This is a gold mine for anyone with a Cosby line. The author welcomes additional information. CORRECTION: 1860 Federal Census Wayne County, Mississippi should be ordered from Gwen Platt, 314 DOOLEY Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72116. 109 Fall 1981 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE Copied by Elizabeth Riggins Nichols from M-704, Roll 537 ( Page 113 Carey B~a1 Benjamin Pritchard Alexander M. Childress John Porter Isaac C. Pritchard Wm. Howel Young D. Ham Bennet Shelton Polly Eglin John Edgar Samuel Williams Frances W. Dyers Curtis M,£hon Isaac Ivy Wilson Ivy Wm. R. Hooten Thomas Alexander Henry Homa1e Samuel Smith Isaac Hamal Wm. Inman Abner Jones Christopher Butt Thomas Hutihison John Inman John Hawks James Fudge Henry Pewitt Wm. Kirby Lewis Pewitt Page 114 James Smith WIn. Givens Henry C. Duke John Peay Nathanial Melton John Taylor Joseph Pewi!. Benjamin Jones John Peregin Wm. Williams John Yates Joshua Yates Henry McNeal Fanny Givens Robt. L. King Nathaniel Carter Polly Greer Reuben White Philip Anglin John Beard Thomas McCord Nathaniel Carter Wm. White John Powe! Isaac '!'woomey J Ham No_ Brown John Wadkins Wm. Green Bennet Aden Page 115 Smith Garre!. Abner Buckaloo Daniel D. White Daniel T. Ragsdale Joseph Hendricks John White Wm. Hendricks Penelope Edney Louis McGee Elizabeth Jones Thomas Sheppard John Buttery Jessee Terrile Reuben Hicks Mary Quinn Henry Blackwell Thomas Sullivan Nancy W. Davis George Scott John Sellers William Sellers Christopher Hollier Jackson Nale John McCrory Joseph Nale Eusebras McDaniel Isaac Anderson John L. Nale John I. Anderson Lyden Laughlin Page 116 Wm. Nale Wm. Thompson George Harris James Davis James L. Bird Sinai Bird James Bird Elijah King David Brown Hugh Brown Wm. P. Anderson James A. Cunningham John Wright Plummer Baxter David King Thomas ija.!!,kes James P. Brown In. S. Walker Frederick Ivy Wiley B. {.]hite Ralston Maury Alexander Craig James Bradford Kerney Bradford Wm. Edwards James Younger Merritt Ingram David Adams Samuel Adams John Harberson Page 117 John Williams Bird N. Beard Mary Beard Thomas Church Benjamin Williams Charles Church Hugh Fox, Sr. Simon Roach John Roach Wiley Beasly Henry Fox Miles Fox Steven Potts Wm. Potts James Potts John Beard, Jr. James Thompson Minerva A. Mayberry TIlomas Prowel, Sr. Daniel Belcher Thoma~ Prowe1, Jr. Thomas P. Thompson Joseph Wakefield Hugh A. Fox Robert W. Nance Wm. Hay Thomas Younger Arthur Church Robert Church Elijah Fox Page 118 Thompson Davis Thomas Litton Henry Litton Wm. McCord Yardry McAlpin Joel Gardner Rebecca Dollar John Gardner Isabel W~rthington Wm. L. Kelly Alexander Thompson M.P. Montgomery John B. Ragsdale Lancaster Ragsdale Daniel S. Gardner Mary Walker Daniel B. Hammock Elihu P. White James Ragsdale Daniel Ragsdale Jeffrey Johnson James Houston Hiram N. \\'llite Richard Ragsdale Michael Robinson John Robinson Susannah Edwards George Allen George Godwin Waddy Y. Johnson Page 119 John Johnson l"rm. Arindell Rosannah Sparkman Jessee Sparkman, Sr. Jessee Sparkman, Jr. lV'yat Coleman Seth Sparkman Ebenezer Newton Nathaniel Davis James Beasley C.R. Sparkman Jas. G. Sparkman Peter Epps Lucinda Thompson Czarina Dodd Andr D. Blackburn Joseph Cowan Geo. Burns, Sr. Geo. Burns, Jr. Tapley M. Lightfoot Archibald Peach Joseph Cook Nathaniel Butt John Wilkins. Jr. John Wilkins, Sr. lolm. Burns Geo. W. Mayberry Richard Haley Louis Johnson Thomas Short Page 120 Nartha Pickett Nathaniel Harrison John Southall John H. Stone Mary Stone John Cox Willis HeLin Wm. Hacklin Joseph Carl Stark Seers Henry D. Potter James W. Rea Wm. Bingham John Peach James G.(?) Bingham Hardy B. Gray Wm. Bond "Anscarchin'" News 110 Index to 1840 Census, Williamson County, Tennessee (continued) Ann Bond John Bond Geo. Parham James Pew1.!. Joshua n. Parham Thomas T. Peay James Aams (?) Samuel Church John Roberts John W. Moore Richard D. Pillow Hiram W. Alexander Geo. A. Conn Page 121 Thomas Hughes Wm. S. Davis Wm. Thweatt Wm. H. Baldridge Nicholas Hughes JamesC. Davis Rachael Cummins Wm. HcKenzie James Wilkins Henry Hunter Joseph Hunter Ann Bennett Elizabeth Hunter James Burnes Thompson Cunningham Samuel Allen Elisha Broomfield Edward Moore James Peach Higdon Moore Francis Flippen Robert Flippen Hilliard Beasley Wm. Meacham Baldy Gardner Green Meacham Geo. Marlin Robt. Marlin James A. Coleman Taylor Jones Page 122 Richard Jones John Belcher Robert Bates John Vowel Nancy Hawkes Littlebury Beasly In. P. Beasly Reddick Godwin Nathan Meacham Jacob l-l£rton Charles Cray Andrew Rogers Thomas H. Perkins Littlebury Person Jeremiah Hawkes John Stroud Bennet Blackman Wm. L. Bennett James Swanson, Jr. Richard Vickory (Azd?) Vickory Wm. Gilbert Wm. Wiggs Charles G. Allen Charles Sweeny Mary Huggins James Trentham Rebecca Neal John Cowan Jones R. Coleman Page 123 Jonas Meadors Jasper Meadors Joseph R. Meadors Wyat Haley Henry Macklin Elizabeth Oldham Amos Adams Jacob Carl. Sr. Jacob Carl, Jr. Wm. Duty Wm. B. Barker Gen'l L. Nolen Joseph Coleman Joseph Warren Isham Reese Henry Hawkes Mark Ragsdale Henry Cotton Addison Y. Denton Thomas C. Beasly John Gilpin Arthur Coleman Jessee Shelton Wm. M. Witt Levina Crosen Joel Johnson Wiley Johnson Meredith Johnson Williamson G. Andrews Peter Parham Page (No II) Samuel H. Bailey Jerome B. Helm Eleancy Johnson Mary Ragsdale Hiram Ragsdale Thomas Pace Caroline Johnson Fielding Helm Alexander Clark Wm. B. Nesbit James Frost Page Bond Bird Dodson John Roland Elizabeth McCollum Joel Ferguson Stokely Y. Veteto Wm. J. Sparkmam Eliza Sparkman Matthew P. Sparkman John M. Kates John Aikin Joseph Burnett Samuel Aikin Wm. Holt Wm. Holderfield Wm. R. Pope A.R. Powel Micajah Ragsdale Margaret Jamison Page 124 John G. Roundtree Wm. Trimble John Satterfield Samuel Ragsdale Thomas McCracken Sterling Nicholson Asa J. Pritchett Albert Cartwright Wm. C. Crawley Nancy Wood Bird Fitzgerald Alexander McRady Jordan R. Puryear Nelson Newcombe Pristley Dodson Ryal James Polly Dodson James l\,!I1.Ir.h John Fitzgerald Joseph Waller John Brooks John Fitzgerald Elizabeth Shaw James M. Gid~ens Matthew D. Thomason Trisham Patton Thomas B. Bond John Yates George McLelland Margaret Lamb Page 125 Joshua Durdon Wm. D. Neal Caleb Dodson Chas. H. Thompson Etchison Grigsby Dossey Atkinson Joshua Reames Martin Prewl t John L. Clark Thomas H. Black Dorces McComack Isaac Owen John Brooks John Ely James Watson Daniel Riggins Ezekiel Sudberry Westley Thomas Ellis Jones Isaac Ferguson Graves Thurman David Terry John T. Thompson Charles Neely Nathaniel Shaw (blotted out) Thomas A. Pope Elizabeth Pope James S. Drake Bannister W. Shaw Robert C. Loften Page 126 Joseph Yates James L. Clay Mary Chaney Frances Mays Geo. W. Barker Hannibal Neely Thomas Butler Eli Dodson Mary Hunter Jacob Critz John Shaw John W. Patton Wilkins Chaney James Pugh Joseph Ormand Martha Crump John Watson Wm. Blackburn Lodwick B. Beech, Jr. Wm. Cheatham James Hass.!.l Elisha Hass~l Patrick Reese Joseph Andrews Timothy Terrile Wm. H. Murfrees Estate Andrew Campbell Allen F. Hathcock George W. Trimble James M. Critz Page 121 SolomonM. Burnes James Swanson, St. Prastley E. Dodson Hugh H. Edengton 111 Fall 1981 Index to 1840 Census, Williamson County, Tennessee (continued) ( Peter B. Beech Edward Swanson Buford Blackburn Willis Turner Isaac W. Briggs Richard Swanson Dawson Claxton Margaret Hulme John Kirkpatrick Abram North Joshua Young Narcissa North Edwin J.H. Reese Gasaway Peach Samuel Atkinson Thomas Anthony William Anthony Wm. Brown Littleberry R. Starks Robert Green Job Mayberry Thomas Haynes Nicholas P. Holt John Z. Wren John M. Currin Jessee Shaw Joseph Falwell Elizabeth Maury Reuben Ford . Mary M. Hilliard Thomas J. Miller Mary Armstrong James M. Gilliam David Youngman Sanford G. Allen Abram P. Maury Edward H. Allen Ransom King Charles Allen, Sr. Daniel Sinclair Frederick Ezell Thomas Moore Peggy S.(1) Mallory John McNabb James Allen Wiley Horton Charles M. Allen Nicholas Y. Perkins John A. Allen James P. Holloway Wm. Denton John Williams Lewis C. ~llen Page 128 Wm. White Dicey Ashlin James Southall Samuel F. Glass Edward Scruggs Page 130 Penelope Ragsdale Nancy Tomlin Townshend Yates Elizabeth Marshall James Hughes Spencer Poe Joshua Gilbert James Hamilton Chatin P. Thompson Howard F. Thweett Peter B. Thweett John Y. Cook Edmund Wall David P. Byers John Z. Short Wm. A. Boyd Susan Hughes Moses E. Farmer Margaret A. Maury Chastine Crenshaw Matthew Meacham Hartwell H. Hobbs James Meacham John D. Ben~tt Thomas Chrisman Wm. Davis Wiley Jones Susan A. White Bartley Tucker Wm. Morse David W. Gee Benjamin F. Louis Willey Gee Mary Carter James Thompson Wm. Jones Edward W. Pinkard Wm. Peach Henry J. Walker Jo!,!eph Benn~tt Thomas Shelton Henry D. Ray Jonathan J. Peach Henry Betty Hector Glass Price Gray Daniel Williams Wm. B. Orton Charles Allen, Jr. Pryor Hughes Robert F. Gee Mary W. Runnels Hannah Gee Merritt R. Brown Wm. H. Short Page 129 Hanse H. Harper Haman Critz Wm. E. Hughes ,Page 131 Elizabeth Hughes Parsons Moss Washington Shelton Jacob Jones Abner Stacey Isaac Short Rebecca Berry Nathaniel Doolin Josiah Cook Thomas Brown Joseph S. ~hompson Turner Davis Wm. Montgomery Vincent Forehand Benjamin D. Thompson Anzey Jones Doctr. C. Hight Jonathan Clark James W. Pritchard Lawson Allen Wiley Adams ~fary Atkinson John Atkinson Anderson Cook Daniel Vaughan Fanny Echols James H. Lyttle John B. Scruggs Elizabeth Larimore Wilkins Denton Page 132 Charles Collier Sally Crenshaw Alvis Hardy Wm. Tillet Goodwin Curtes Edward Smith James Smith, Sr. Chas. P. Lyon Darius Phelps Andrew Moore Jessee Phelps Eli Graham Joseph Motherel James C. Robinson Jane Morris Mary Morris Jacob Morris Vachel Mitchel Henry Hulme Wm. McFadden John Gray Dempsey Sawyers Matthew Horn Wm. Minetree John Evans, Sr. Matthew Tennison An thony William Robert A. Hill Wilkins Whitfield Nancy White Page 133 Abraham Taylor Wm. Cartwright Sarah McPherson Philip Cloyd Louis Hill Samuel Byers John J. Taylor Wm. Byers James Byers David Hill Robert Hill James B. Hill John Hill John Butler Constantine Perkins John Evans Nicholas Perkins Wm. Bateman Eldridge Cloud Wilson Woodruff Lucinda McGavock James Smith, Jr. Robert Fipps Thomas W. Ballow Thomas Berry Harrison Nichol James Matthews Isaac Long Henry Truitt James M. Talley Page 134 Samuel H. Powers Alexander McCown Benjamin S. Orgin John H. Neal John Lanear Evan Bateman Ann Ballow Joseph Reagin Stephen Wilson Rachael Pinkerton Daniel Cartwright Levin Cato James H. Tucker James Wiggins Charles Ensley Sally G. Roper Anderson Tucker Wm. Spencer Isaac Wyat Joseph Lynk Elizabeth Wilson Isaac Roland Sirena G. Hulme Henry Horn David B. Mann "Ansearchln'" News 112 Index to 1840 Census, Williamson County, Tennessee (continued) Henry Stewart Wm. Caldwell Catherine McCutchen James McCutchen Samuel McCutchen Page 135 William Scruggs James Pomeroy Martha G. McCutcheon Robt. Work Elizabeth Piere John Carter Benjamin Pritchett Joshua Piere John W. Evans Stephen Stocket Robert Hulme Stokely A. Davis Joseph McPherson John Wilson Rebecca McGlaughtin Martha Wilson John LeMasters William Armstrong Geo. W.. Parker Moses E., Cato Joel Walker James P. Snead George Harding Wm. P. Edes Joseph S. Bartlett James Parten Ephraim Brown Susan Leiton (?) Spencer Midged (?) Wm. Reams Page 136 William Armstrong Baldwin Taleferio Nelson Parish Wm. Hulme Gilbert H. Lee Augustus D. Frazier Willis B. Ray John Bartlett Wm. Tweedy Elizabeth Wheeler John W. Hulme Charles H. Pickering Minah A. Bond Jessee Sprewel Thomas Wyatt Burwell Temple Rebecca Crowder Elizabeth Stewart Richard Manley John Manley Benjamin Noore Wm. Moore Charles Peach Eliza Stanley Thomas J. Bryan Thomas Lock Jonathan Frost John Lyttle Larazus Gatlin Elizabeth Graham Page 137 Temperance Lyttle Parnet;ea Hughes Henry W. Sweeny. John p. McKay Joseph D. Polson Wm. A. }lackey Arthur Scott Albert H. Clardy George W. Porter Robert Hodge Reuben Nichols Martin Lyttle Samuel Powers, Sr. Ensley McMahon Wm. Powers Harrison Boxley Hartwele Chrisam Richard Griggs Jared Boxley John Long Thomas S. Griggs Samuel D. Smith Thomas Stewart Edwin A. Reams Thomas J. Martin Joseph F. McMahon John B. Beech Ann Hardeman Henderson McMahon James Brickle Page 138 Wrn. Maney Thomas H. Goodrum Christopher E. McEwen John Davis Wm. R. Buford Gracey W. Goff John L. t-lcEwen Elijah Gray John \01. Hodge Sarah Kersey Philip Mayberry Joel \olren James Caruthers Eli A. Watters Laban L. Watters James Gaisey Lov~ng H. Wooldridge A.C. Webb Ennis Maury Mary tolalker Larkin B.!!rch George W. Roper Jesse Birch Paul C. Garner Steven S. Bradley Margaret Buchanan Robt. Buchanan Wlll. Buchanan Thomas Symmons Washington Merrit Page 139 Joel Stevens James Stevens Thornton Westbrook Wm. Reynolds . Wm. H. Hill Hary Brown David Ferguson Zacheus German John J. Watson Elizabeth Corzine Robert K.B. Beech Wm. A. Narshall Nary Reynolds Richard Steele \o1m. Poyner Louis C. Waggoner Frances Rice Robert Caruthers Rosanah Coleman Enoch Bateman Alexander Moore Mary Mackey Isham Rice Mardcai WId te John Poyner Jane Dillon George W. Graham John Brooks Thomas Y.(?) Cook Matthew Brooks Page 140 George Poyner John Mallory Judith Nallory Isaac Vaughen Johnson Vaugh~n James Ferguson James M. Gault Robert C. Foster James R. McGavock James Plunket William W. Robb ~thinia Hardeman Wm. M. Wright Hugh Dempsey John N. Charter Thomas K. Handy Thomas H. Bradley Beverly Reese Richard A. Graham Edward G. Clouston Andrew Park William Park John H. Otey James Park John Nichols Nlchael Doyle John II. Bullock Alfred McGan Thomas L. Robinson William Be~son (1) Page 141 Joseph Littleton William H. Crouch Benjamin F. Brown E.L. Crocker Alexr C. Carter Wm. D. Taylor Isaac English Daniel McPhail Ferdinand Stith Wm. D. Fisher Southeran S. Mayfield Thomas Parkes William Anderson Alexr F. McKinney Robert Rainey Henry Baldwin Reuben P. Hayes Redmond G. Edwards Hugh Duff John W. -Miller Harvey D. Parish John E. Gadsey Jonathan Rothrock Samuel Boehms Alfred H. Dashiell Thomas M. Warren Christina White Mary Barham Michael Cody Frances Gunter Page 142 Smith H. Sample Arthur Brown John Hale Mary Priest Elizabeth Neal James Gray John McDaniel Abner Vaughen Franklin P. White Elvira Smith Andrew Johnson Andrew W. Hunt Charles A. Merrill 113 Fall 1981 Index to 1840 Census. Williamson County. Tennessee (continued) Hugh Kelly Schuyler n. Baily Charles M. Scott Lawrence O. Bryan Thomas E. Hall John W. Allen Eli McGan Thomas W. Spivey Polly Dean George W. Newman Robert Parker Felix G. Gunter Sarah Davis 1o1elvin G. Cox Mildridge Smith Charles D. Parish Stephen West ( Page 143 William Somerville William Johnson Wm. O.N. Perkins Henry Bridges James C. Karr Nath 1 11. Thomas Henry Ea1beck Jonathan McCurdy Richard Robinson John :HcA1pin Thompson Jackson Mary A.E. Smith Ewing Cameron Asa Vaughen Francis T. Reid John Marshall Christean G. Weller Samuel Inman Fleming Duffer George Shule Mary W. Shule Mary Parker Robert Courtney James B. Beech Benjamin R.White Robt. G. Richardson Isaac Young Alexr S. Lamb Richard Hall Saunders Scott Page 144 Aaron Hood Thomas 8. White Armstcd Atkinson Sally Hiter Andr 8. Ewing Thomas A. Pankey Samuel Crocket Ann B. Dudley Mary Moore Ferdinand Moore Patrick Kenedy Fountain B. Carter James Southall Lem l B. McConico Albert H. Baily Tilman F. Atkinson Wm. P. Campbell Johnson Williams James Plunket & Co. William A. Gilliam Susannah Parish John G. Woodall. Canelm H. Hines Angus McPhail Daniel Corter Thomas Neely Randall McGavock M.C.H. Puryear David Tomlinson Abram Gant Page 145 Thomas S. Smith Thomas Blackwell Thomas L. Douglas Jane B. McCanless Benjamin H. Shepard John N. Lynk John W. Dandridge John F. Hughes Benjamin House Brice M. Hughes James Brown John Hughes Amasa Webb Robert Hill Thomas Vernon Mary Young David Halfacre Shedrack Sudberry Rachael Harder Jessee Williams Joel Anderson Samuel Merritt Robert Parkes Polly Bailey James Cavender Sally Neely Wm. L. Neely Samuel Ray Rufus Ledbetter Edward Trent Page 146 James G.Q.cey John Jackson John G,£cey Josiah Nevills Elizabeth Beech George Long Andrew Parkes Hugh Thompson John Parkes John H. Wilson Elizabeth McGee John Boyd Jame! Poteat Nath L. Harrison Edward Epps George G. Boyd James B. Caruthers William Mangrum Benjamin Clardy John 101. Stewart Henry J •. Merritt Thomas Merritt Garner Y. McConico Margaret Barnet M.D. Stanfield Henry Halfacre Franklin Hard~man Zachariah Coleman William Carroll John Walton Page 147 Richard Beal William J. Shumate Gideon Ratcliffe Thomas H. Coleman Abner Peace John McGee Felix G. Fitts Walter Daniel Charles Lavender Barbara York Oram Hopkins Jane Lester James Poteat Claibourne H. Kinnard J. Elliott Francis Collier John Cowles Elleanor J. Farmer William C. Anderson Thomas Walton Sterling Caudle Nancy Christley John Fitts John Montgomery William Fleming William Graham John T. Graham Jonathan Core Rachael Ballard Mary Caudle Page 148 Leonard Stark Marcus Fitts Richard Tomlinson Rosanah Graham Henry Riddle Andrew Poteat Barbara Poteat Robert Haddly Grainger Blackwell Monroe Short Willis G. Jones Joel Reagin George Gillaspie John M. Gillaspie Henry Sweeny William Harrison, Sr. William Harrison, Jr. Sarah House James Holland John A. Barnes Samuel Winstead John Lamb Isaac Black Willis Hampton Alfred Nichol James House John H. Neely Peter Ford William T. Allen Bryant Mosely Page 149 Moses Hill Stephen W. Hicks Allen Mangrum Sally Guthrie Guilford Pi.ppin Mary Ellis Dolly StanfiE!ld William Leground Polly Mosely John W. Boxley Plummer ,T. Mangrum Benjamin Roberts William Thomas Jessee Cox Daniel German Ann Evans William P. Stevens Gilbert Marshall James Marshall Henry Brown Calvin Stevens Wiley B. Edington John Birge Richard ~. Hubbard Hezekiah Smithson Sally Shelburn Frederick Halfacre Penny Sumner Jacob Halfacre [10/80y] Peter J. Ford Page 150 Jacob Halfacre [40/50y] "Ansearchin'" News 114 Index to 1840 Census. Williamson County. Tennessee (continued) Dennis M. Crafton Andrew Craig Jessee Warren Charles H. Stevens Isham Hardy Wm. G. Smithson Tazwill Birge John Brim Edward Stevens Joseph S. Bailey John Starnes Samuel S. Starnes Elizabeth Watson James Price Andrew Norris Thomas H. Roberts Bartholemew Spence Mumford L. Warren James Morgan Benjamin Hughes Wm. H. Mangrum David Beech Mary P. Brethett James Tisdal John A. Roach John Carter Sarah Carter Martin Rowlette Branch Beech Page 151 Collin Roy Archibald Lytle Samuel Wilson Joseph Wilson John Tisdal Louis Whitby Frances Pinkston Elizabeth Birge Henry P. Mason Stephen Hicks Louis B. Stevens Susan Pistole Ro__ham(?) Griggs Fielding Pratt Nancy Stevens Benjamin Stevens John Jordon Mary Davis Henry Jackson Green W. Hunt John Waggoner Curtis Stevens Allen T. Nolen Benjamin B. Fore Stephen Trent Stephen Nolen Josiah Wood Benjamin A. Hicks Elleanor C. Stevens John W. Birge Page 152' Sarah Petway Frances Louis Dorcas Tune " Louis Barfield Maddison Hicks Samuel R. Shannon Joseph Hicks John B. Hubbard Sterling Harper Jn o Wm. Wilson John Wallis Robert Henderson Benjamin Newton Rhoda Frost John B. Dun Francis C. Edmondson Joseph C. Dodson Jn o A. Castleman John Williams William T. Snead Jessee H. Philips Robert N. Hubbard John N. Wright David Bell John Edmondson Jeremiah Prim Lorenza D. Prim Thomas Chambers John Hamer Benjamin Housden Page 153 Benjamin Housden, Jr. James Housden G.2.rge Gee Elizabeth Barnes Samuel H. Barnes George H. Ran~in Nath l • Fields Thomas Holt Catherine Lee James Modlin Asa Harper Hubbard Owen John M. Thompson Lemiza Hill John H. Crockett Joshua Cannon Sarah Hunt Green H. Prim Shedrack Prim William Allen Leander S. lIam~r Charles Prim Elizabeth Vaughn David A. Michel Jn o P. Still. Sr. Robert Rash Jn o P. Still. Jr. John McMurray Elkin Griggs John Quin" Page 154 Louis Peal Edmund W. Vaughen Luke Pryor Archibald Carmichal James Wisener Nancy Manson Susannah Cochran Nathan Cochran Joseph Taylor Wm. T. Smith Reese Walll.!.r Harris Ham~r Johnson Orton Elisha F. O. Meal William Pomeroy Thomas Ray William Brown", Sr. Louis Causeway John M. Winsted William Brown, Jr. William Edmu~on Elijah Morrow Hezekiah Hill Jeremiah Hill Lawrence Fly George Davis Polly Nolen Margaret Nolen John Taylor Henry H. Gray Page 155 Elizabeth Gray Wallis Cosway Susan Rankin Richard Leith Michael M. Leith Volantine Waggoner Henson Saunders Peter Ladd Peter Barnes George Barnes Alexander Vincent Alexander Smith Elizabeth Chadwell Samuel W. Edmondson Henry Mullin James Gardon Henry Tyndall Joel Champion Noble Ladd John Stanfield Charles S. Lester Francis W. Cunningham Burges Robinson John Allen Alex r Holland Thomas Kellough Augustus Holland Louis Cozine Andrew J. Lamkins Christopher Guinn Page 156 David Canady Rhoda Chambers \Hlliam Perkins Nelson 0lford Ellis Cook Wilson E. Guy Henry Hampton John lIolt William Pomeroy. Sr. Berry Modlin Henry T. Gray Polly Bassell Isaac Teague William Johnson Constantine P. Snead George W. Snead James Snead Sarah Roberts John S. Gray William K. Peebles Henry S. Thomas Nancy Hightower Henry Gray James A. Gray Norman B. Malone George Mayfield William Peebles William Woolf James M. Meadors Winney McCrady Page 157 John Guth~ Alex r E. Snead John M. 'Holland Clairbourne Bolten William McAlpin William Woodson David Cartwright Matthew Johnson Boling G. Frazler Thomas McCrory John P. Waller Frances Waller Howell S. Woodruff Littleton Newsom Reuben A. Gentry Alex r Baker Isaac Barr Elisha Thomas Evan B. Ormes William Sawyers James Sawyers Leonard Burnett Spencer Wyatt Sally White (To be continued) Fall 1981 ( 115 TENNESSEANS IN TEXAS from A History of Central & Western Texas by Capt. B. B. Paddock - Lewis Publishing Co., 1911 - in Two Volumes Tennesseans extracted by T. P. Hughes, Jr. ( VOLUME I Judge James W. SWAYNE of Ft. Worth was born 6 Oct 1855 in Lexington, Henderson Co., TN, the son of James W. and Amanda J. (HENRY) Swayne. He was the nephew of Judge John T. Swayne of Memphis. Robert James NORTON, Parker Co., the first white child born in the city of Weatherford, was born 18 Mar 1858. He was the son of O.C. Norton, a native of Tennessee who had come to Parker Co. in 1857. James C. HUTCHESON, Springtown, TX, was born in Meigs Co., TN, 9 Jun 1839, son of Charles (born 1807) and Sarah (WORTHINGTON) Hutcheson (born 5 Jan 1809). Both parents were born and married in Bledsoe Co., TN. To this union were born six children: Mrs. M.A. SCHOOLFIELD, now living in Arkansas; William L. of Springtown, TX; Samuel W. and Charles N. both died in TN; James C. and Alfred L. of Springtown, TX. After the death of Charles Hutcheson in 1842, Sarah married Burton HOHMAN and had four children: Murphy L.; Robert A. who died in TN; Coul~ ter living in Tennessee; and Washington N. also of TN. On 23 Oct 1860, James C. Hutcheson married Harriet A. RUNYAN, who was born 25 Nov 1841 in Hamilton Co., TN. The issue of this union, born in Tennessee, were: Marcellus B., born 11 Aug 1861; Caswell E. born 14 Mar 1863; Elizabeth born 11 Aug 1865, now wife of Dr. S.J. HILL; Charles W. born 11 Apr 1867; Franklin L. born 18 Nov 1868; Adolphus L. born 17 Sep 1870; James L. born 13 Mar 1872; and Laura Belle born 11 Dec 1876. Harriet Hutcheson died 20 Nov 1891 and on 5 Jan 1896, James C. married Mary J. CRYSUP, daughter of William and Jane (HAAS) Crysup. Jane Crysup was born in TN. Andrew J. CUNNINGHAM, Parker Co., TX, was born 20 Aug 1844 in Marion Co., TN, son of Plesant H. and Jennie (McMURRAY) Cunningham, both born in 'TN. John J. HINER, Granbury, TX, was the son of Rev. James Hiner and Martha ABNEY, who was born in Weakley Co., TN. Harrison L. NEELY of Granbury, TX, married on 14 Sep 1864 Algeronia L. MAXWELL, who was born 24 Jan 1844 in Weakley Co., TN, daughter of Calvin and Amanda (FLEMING) Maxwell, both natives of TN. James H. CAGE, Erath Co., TX, was the son of John Cage born 1811 in East Tennessee. Dr. Martin S. CROW, Erath Co., TX, was born in McNairy Co., TN, on 6 Apr 1833; on "27 Jan 1859 was solemnized his marriage to Mary Jane GEORGE born 23 Jun 1843 in Me Nairy Co., TN, daughter of William and Elizabeth (CHAMBERS) George, both natives of TN. Dr. Gabriel B. BEAUMONT, Coleman Co., TX, a prominent physician and surgeon of Coleman Co., was born 1845 in Clarksville, MOntgomery Co., TN. Dr. William J. VINSANT, Reeves Co., TX, was born in Marion Co., TN, and graduated from the University of Tennessee Medical Department in Nashville in 1900. Owen Davis MANN, McCulloch Co., TX, who married Luella DUKE born in Dyer Co., TN,. died 1909 at Brady, TX. VOLUME II Alfred H. WILLBERN, Llano Co., TX, was the son of F.C. Willbern who was born in Me Nairy Co., TN, 13 Sep 1827. Charles T. MOSS of Llano Co., TX, was the son of Matthew MOss who was born in TN and came to Texas in 1834. Lueuis Boyd FINCH was born 21 Aug 1852 in Tennessee where his parents were born: Matthew S. Finch born 10 Sep 1814 and Julia A. BOYD born 27 Mar 1817. James BOYD, father of Horace A. Boyd who was born 7 Ju1 1823 in Trigg Co., KY, was born in Nashville, TN. 116 "Ansearchin'" News Tennesseans in Texas (continued) Judge James DeMUMBER of Covington. TX was born in Williamson Co, TN 17 Sep 1838. Rufus A. WILLI~~ON. M.D •• was born in Murray (Haury) Co, TN 4 Dec 1854, the son of John J. Williamson and his wife, Eliza B. CARR. J.W. ORAND of Whitney, Hill Co., TX. was born 24 May 1861 in Cannon Co., TN, the son of John W. and Eliza Jane (TALLEY) Orand. William G. JETTON was the son of Granville and Sophronia (CHAPPELL) Jetton. Granville was born in Tennessee in 1834 and died in Mt. Calm, TX in 1908. After the death of her husband, Sophronia returned to Murfreesboro,TN to raise her children. James W. FREELAND of Hill Co., TX, was born 5 Sep 1869 in Murray Co., TN, and came to Texas with his parents when he was 14 years of age. His psternalgrarldfather James Freeland, died in the county (Murray) in early life and left the following issue: Lucius of Hill Co., TX; Joseph of' Navarro Co., TX; James M. of Hill Co. t TX; John and Thomas who were both killed in the Confederate service. James M., born 1844 in Murray Co., TN, married Drusilla Brown CARIG, born 1854 in the same county and had issue: twins - James W. and Dora, wife of H.C. MELTON of Haskell, TX; Laura, who married G.A. CASKEY of Hill Co., TX; and Mabel. James Knox PARR was born 1 Sep 1863 in Obion Co., TN. He was the son of Thomas Jefferson Parr and his wife, Isabel EDMONDS, both born and reared in Obion Co., TN. He had two sisters also born in Obion Co., TN: Emma, the wife of W.R. MOORE of San Angelo, TX; and Mary, who is the wife of Dr. J.B. FINCH of Dresden, TN. John Morgan JUSTISS was born near Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN on 3 Jun 1862, and his father, John Justiss, was born in the same neighborhood in 1822. The grandfather, Samuel Justiss, was a slave holding planter of the early days and died near Lebanon; he married a sister of "Uncle Peter" CARTWRIGHT, and they had the following issue: John b 1822; Rev. Joseph, a Christian minister of Murfreesboro, TN; a daughter who married Rev. John SHANNON, who, after her demise, married her sister Nannie; another daughter married Weck MANKIN OF Murfreesboro; still another daughter who married Rev. William SPARKS. John born 1822 married Miss Rachel DeBOW, daughter of Byrd DeBow and became the parents of Byrd, John Morgan, Archie N., Mary, Rebecca. Mildred and Robert. John H. ONSTOTT, of Hill Co., TX, married Miss Lue WRIGHT, daughter of Samuel Wright of TN. S. Eb JOHNSON. Jr., of Hill Co., TX was born in Madison Co., TN in 1872. Dr. John BOWMAN came to Texas in 1853 from Columbus, TN and settled in Williamson Co. Horace CRESWELL was born at Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN 5 Nov 1877, son of Percival M. Creswell born in Wilson Co., TN and grandson of Dr. Samuel James Creswell of Wilson Co •• TN. Percival M. Creswell married Miss Josephine STALEY, daughter of William J. Staley of Wilson Co., TN. James K. WALLING was born in Sparta, White Co., TN on 12 Aug 1849 and came to Texas from McMinnville, Warren Co., TN. The father, Judge Walling married Rachel DENTON, born in White Co., TN, daughter of Isaac Denton. They had the following issue: Hugh of Nashville, TN; Sallie who married Captain W.B. WOOD and died in Chattanooga; Joseph who passed away at Fairfield, TN; Mrs. Mattie FAULKNER who passed away in McMinnville; James K. and Annie, the wif e of Thomas J. HUBBELL, who died at Chattanooga. James K. Walling was married in McMinnville, TN to Miss Mary NORTHCUT , daughter of General Adrian Northcut, a Mexican War Soldier and a division commander of the Tennessee Militia of the Confederate Army. Orlando P. ROBERTS, lumber man of Memphis, TN was the son of Mr. Roberts and Miss Louise CASON, daughter of Braxton Cason, who were married in Lee Co., MS. Walter Lee WRAY of Hill Co., TX was the son of Zachary T. Wray, who was born in Sumner Co., TN and came to TX in 1870. Dr. James A. SPEER, of Hill Co., TX was born 5 Oct 1868 at Readyville, TN, son of Ephraim A. Speer who was born in Lawrence Co., TN in 1838. The paternal grandfather Fall 1981 117 Tennesseans in Texas (continued) ( was Rev. Joshua H. Speer. Our subject married in Nashville, TN 26 Jan 1898 Minniebelle BOWMAN, daughter of J. R. Bowman and Arabella HUNT, who was born in Maine. Nat S. REES of Hill Co., TX was born near Booneville, Lincoln Co., TN 21 Mar 1862 son of Nat S. Rees, grandson of Joel Rees. His paternal grandmother was a LEFTWICH. Harsh E. CHILES of Hill Co., TX was born at Glass, Obion Co. ,. TN 27 Jul 1879 the son of Henry C~ & Belle EDMONDS. Henry C. Chiles was born 1838 in Giles Co., TN; his first wife was a Miss SANFORD; Jennie, their only child, married James TUCKER and died at Union City, TN. He and his second wife, Belle Edmond Parr, relict of Jefferson PARR, had two children, Harsh E. and Minnie who married John P. McELRATII of Murray, KY. Patrick E. HOOKS was the son of William I. Hooks and Julia GRIFFIN who were married at Arlington, TN. Pebby HARWOOD of Hill Co. TX born 28 Aug 1881 in Giles Co., TN was son of Dr. Musgrove Pettus Harwood and Etta McMILLION, both born and reared in TN. Judge Horton Brooks PORTER of Hill Co., TX, born 16 Jun 1879 in Henry Co., TN, was " the son of Thomas Kennedy Porter and Atlanta BROOKS and grandson of Dr. Joe H.Porter and Geraldine CLARK of Henry"Co., TN. His gr-grandfather, Dr. Thomas Kennedy Porter, was the first white child born in Henry Co., TN. Sons of Dr. Thomas K. Porter and Geraldine HORTON were Dr. Joe H. and James D. Porter. John J. CYPERT was born in Wayne Co., TN son of Dr. Jesse B. Cypert born 1845 in MS and Margaret PORTER, daughter of John J. Porter of Williamson Co., TN, and grandson of Jasper Cypert and his wife, a Miss BUNDY, who were born in TN. His gr-grandfather, Jesse. and Jasper were born in Winchester, TN. (Cypert is from Siebert.) The parents of George CARMICHAEL of Hill Co., TX were John Carmichael born 1800 and "Anna Jane JOHNSTON, natives of TN. John J. COX married 28 May 1886 at Coleman, TX Emma MARTIN, daughter of Capt John E. Martin born 1825 in Sumrter Co., Tn and Sirtai ~1. DEVER. George C. PENDLETON of Bell Co., TX, born 23 Apr 1845 in Coffee Co., TN, was a son of Edmund Pendleton and Sarah SMART, both natives of TN. Samuel Wheat BISHOP of Bell Co., TX was a son of Joseph Bishop & Millie SIMPSON of TN. James E. ROOT of Bell Co., TX, born 13 Nov 1867 in Shelby Co., TN, was the son of Thomas J. Root and Molly BOLTON, both natives of TN. James S. BIGHAM of Bell Co., TX was born 11 Jul 1838 Bedford Co., TN, son of Oliver H. Bigham & Nancy SCOTT, both from TN. In 1869 Capt James S. Bigham married Louisa HAMILTON, a Tennessean whose father, John W., came to TX in 1854. William Alexander WHITE of Bell Co., TX, born 27 Jun 1834 Williamson Co., TN, was the son of Cary White born 1 Jan 1800 in TN and Nancy M. SHULE born 10 Nov 1800 in TN. William K. SAUNDERS of Bell Col, TX was son of Xeonophon Boone Saunde~s born 21 Oct 1828 in Columbia, TN and Annie E. SURGHNOR. Michael D. LIGHT of Bell Co., TX, born 23 Dec 1833 Shelby Co., TN, was a son of Wil~ l1am R. Light born 1810 in TN and Annie MERCER born 1814 in TN. In 1856 Michael D. married Eliza YARBOROUGH born 1839 in TN, the daughter of Absalom Yarborough. Andrew J. McGUIRE of Lampass Co., TX was born Apr 1842 in TN, so~ of Dr. John McGuire. Anderson L. HORNE of Lampass Co., tx was born 30 Mar 1853 in Bradley C~., TN, son of Henry W. Horne and Mary YOUNG. Ben C. LOVE of Robertson Co.,, TX was a grandson of David H. Love, a TN native. George McMILLAN of Robertson Co., TX was the son of Andrew McMillan and Talitha HIGGS, who was born in TN. Albert G. ALEXANDER of Robertson Co., TX was born 1858 in NashVille, TN, the son of A.D. Alexander and Susan JONES. Leonard ISAAC of Milam Co., TX was the son of Dr. A.C. Isaac who came to TX in 1848 from TN. 118 "Ansearchin'" News Tennesseans in Texas (continued) Ernest L. RAMSEY of Milam Co., TX was born in Culleoka, TN 1870, the son of L.A. Ramsey & Sarah J. RENFROW. Francis E. STILES of Milam Co., TX was a son of F.N. Stiles of TN and M. Floyd THOMAS. A.J. GRUBBS of Milam Co., TX was the son of Samuel J. Grubbs & Susan GUNTER who was born in TN. John Dickson ROBERTSON of Williamson Co., TX was the son of Luke s. Robertson, born 1809 in Rutherford Co., TN. His paternal grandfather, John Robertson married a Miss SANDERS, and both died in Rutherford Co., TN. Of their children, Jordan died in TN; Luke S., Micajah and Thomas spent their lives in TN; Sallie married Mr. MINEWAY and died in TN; }~ry Ann lived on the old Robertson homestead in TN. Luke S. married Emeline DICKSON, born 1815, daughter of John Dickson of Rutherford Co., TN. John Dickson Robertson was born in Rutherford Co., TN 28 Jan 1835, and on 26 May 1858 married Harriet A. MOORE, born in TN 1838, the dauthter of Robert W. Moore of Marshall Co., MS. William F. CASEY of Williamson Co., TXwas son of Hugh Casey, born 11 Dec 1833 in TN, & was 18 when his father, James H. Casey, brought him to TX. Cooper SANSOM of Williamson Co., TX was the son of Richard Sansom born 24 Oct 1826 in Maury Co., TN, son of Dr. Dorrell N. Sansom &a daughter of Rev Duncan BROWN. Richard Sansom married Mary Agnes COOPER, daughter of M.D. Cooper of Maury Co., TN & had 6 children: Savantha SWENSON, Richard H. who lived in Knoxville, TN, Mary A. who married J.E. Cooper, M.D., and Cooper. William H. EANES of Williamson Co., TX was the son of Robert Eanes born 1809 in Winchester, TN, who was the son of Edwin Eanes. Sampson CONNELL of Williamson Co., TX was the son of Sampson Connell, Sr., who was born 1822 in Giles Co., TN. R.T. COOPER of Williamson Co., TX, born Murray (Maury) Co., TN 13 Jan 1863, was the son of Capt. R.T. Cooper of Lewis Co., TN and grandson of Robert M. Cooper. Joseph F. FLINN, M.D., of Williamson Co., TX was the son of Dr. J.C. Flinn, born in Bolivar, TN who practiced medicine in Henderson Co., TN until he carne to TX. Claud C. MORRIS of Falls Co., TX was the son of Aaron P. Morris who was born in TN. Judge Walter E. HUNNICUTT of Falls Co., TX was a son Winfield Scott Hunnicutt, born 1828 in Giles Co., TN where he married Lucinda SMITH, a native of Lincoln Co., TN. Walter H. ALLEN practiced medicine in Falls Co., TX; his maternal grandmother was Frances A. (MANN) McCAIN born in TN. Zill I. HARLAN of Falls Co., TX was the son of George Harlan and Pauline McCALEB, daughter of Zill McCaleb who came to TX from TN. James B. McALLISTER, M.D., of McLennan Co., TX was born 21 Dec 1865 in Gibson Co., TN, the son of Thomas McAllister and Anna PRATT. Judge Thomas L. McCULLOUGH was a son of Capt. Ed McCullough and his 2nd wife, Eliza FISER, daughter of W.A. Fiser who came to TX from TN. Joseph W. TAYLOR of McLennan Co., TX, born 25 Nov 1849 in Hardeman Co., TN, was the son of Rev. Howell L. Taylor. Samuel H. SMITH of McLennan Co., TX was a son of Sterling Smith born 1800 in Giles Co., TN. Fred E. McLARTY of McLennan Co., TX was born 13 Jul 1879 in Hardin Co., TN, the son of David N. McLarty and Cynthia SMITH. John W. CHRISTIAN of McLennan Co., TX was born 10 Jan 1836 in Warren Co., TN, son of Hiram Christian who was one of eight chidlren of Drury Christian of VA. On 22 Nov 1866 John W. married Mary E. MOORE daughter of James W. Moore, a native of TN. Luther JOHNSON of Hill Co., TX was born 13 Oct 1867 in Madison Co., TN, the son of S. Elbert Johnson who was born 1842 in Madison Co., TN. S.J. ~iITESIDE, son of S.J. Whiteside, Sr., was born in Obion Co., TN. J. Albert TARVER married Sallie GRANT, daughter of Albert Grant a citizen of TN. 119 Fall 1981 THE FAMILIES OF WHITE COUNTY. TENNESSEE IN 1860 contributed by Harold R. Wallace 6110 East Fifth St. Apt 215, Tucson, AZ 85711 (Continued from Summer issue) All requests for further information about any family will be answered by the contributor. 264-252 James C. STEAKLEY 26 TN. farmer. Manerva 25. Wiley 16. farmer. William M.S. John A. 11/12. (Wiley Steakley served with First Confederate Volunteer Cavalry and received C.S.A. Pension #16505.) 265-253 Solomon SEALS 50 NC. farmer. Lydia 62 VA. Nancy A. 25 TN. Bethel 20 (male). farmer. 278-266 Thomas FRASIER 42 TN. farmer. Nancy 40. Burson 19 (male). Amanda 18. Houston 16. farmer. Jane 14. Mary 12. Elizabeth 10. John 8. Sarah 6. Renshaw 4. Martha 2. 266-254 M.P. SEALS 21 TN. Eliza 24 NC. Stokley G. 1. Phineas EARLES 10. 279-267 Isaac DODSON 56 TN. farmer. Susan 56. Margaret 35. Delilah 33. Mary 19, Carlee 16 (female). Isaac M. 14. 267-255 John A. BROGDEN 29 TN. farmer. Stacy 27. H.D. 4 (male). Mary M. 10/12. 280-268 James DODSON 20 TN. farmer. Angeline 20. 268-256 James W. BRYANT 59 TN. farm laborer. Elizabeth 61. Nancy 17 KY. Sarah 13. ( 277-265 John W. MITCHELL 37 TN. farmer. Hannah 32 GA. Martha 14. Joseph B. 12. William 10. John P. 7. 269-257 Thomas LEWIS 41 TN. farmer. Martha 38. Margaret 17. Bird 13. Tandey 10 (male). Eliza 6. W.M. 2 (male). Arthur and Luther MOSS 1/12 (twins). 270~258 Bird LEWIS 37 TN. farmer. Marnha 41. John 14. Emily 12. Marshall and Mason 5. (twins). Mary J. 2. 271-259 James C. SHEPHERD 27 NC. farmer. Jirusha 29 TN. Alice T. 2/12. (In 1870 census: Lorra Ann 8. Maranda R. 6. Thomas L. 4. Jirusha 2.) 272-260 William J. MALEY 52 TN. farmer. Mary 42. Margaret DUDLEY 18. Isaac STEAKLEY 11. 273-261 John WAL~~CE 40 TN. farmer. Dicy 34. Vance 12. Daniel 8. Waman 6. Susan 4. John F. 5/12. (In the 1870 census they also had Eliza 6 and Frank 3.) 274-262 Jane WILSON 63 NC. Daniel 24 TN. farmer. Richmond 22. farmer. Rutha 26. Daniel B. 3. Martha 1/12. 275-263 Wesley GRAHAM 41 TN. farmer. Elizabeth 37 NC. John H. 17 TN. farmer. Margaret L. 13. Amanda 12. Francis A. 7 (male). Andrew B. 4. James R. 3. Joseph V. 2/12. William 24. farm laborer. (A Wesley G. Graham married Eliza A. ,EE 28Sep 1865 in White Co.) 276-264 David GRAHAM 40 TN. farm laborer. Elizabeth 37. Milton 3. Luella S. 7/12. Mary E. JAMES 17. (David Graham married Elizabeth James 14 Feb 1852 in White Co.) 281-269 Samuel DODSON 48 TN, farmer. Sarah 28 NC, Eliza J. 18 TN, Alfred 16. farmer. Elizabeth 14. Margaret 13. Darthula 11. Mary 8. Sololoon 4, Hannah 1. Thomas 3/12. (Samuel Dodson married Sarah Ann EARLES 17 Jan 1855 in White Co. She was probably a daughter of Martin and Kizea Earles; see Family #102 in the Van Buren Co. 1850 census.) 282~270 Solomon DODSON 79 VA. farmer. Margaret 75. Barbara 54 TN. James 50. farmer, Jane 44. Margaret 42, James WILSON 19. farmer. Carroll Dodson 6 (male). 283-271 S.D. CUNNINGHAM 23 TN. farmer. B.B. BOYD 25 (male), Emeline 15. Susan E. POWELL 1. 284-272 Laban KIRBY 24 TN. farmer, Hannah 22, Absolom·3, Florence L. 6/12. (Laban served with Gen. Dibrell's 8th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry. C.S.A. and received Pension #14865 from White Co.· and Pension #1098 from Van Buren Co.) 285-273 John DODSON 54 TN. farm laborer. Lydia 50. Jesse 26. farm laborer. Ailsey 30 (female). Mahala 22. Mary 17. John 15. 286-274 Alfred WILSON 43 TN. farmer. Mary 38. Waman 17, farmer. Margaret 15. Crockett 15. Jane 12. Logan 10. Leatha 8. Kelley 6. Dibrell 4. Carrick 2. (Waman probably fought with Gen. Dibrell's Cavalry and received C.S.A. Pension 115389.) 287-275 Carroll TUCKER 36 TN. farmer. Jane 30. Mary E. 12. Henrietta 9. Thomas 7, George 3, Margaret 1. 288-276 Noah DODSON 65 TN. farmer. Nancy 60, Nancy A. 28. Sarah A. 23, Manerva J. 22, Samuel V. 19, Mansen E. 17. 120 "Ansearchin'" News The Families of White County. Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 289-277 Jesse EAVANS 56 TN, farmer, Susan 53, John 18, farmer, Jesse 15, Susan 14, James 12, Anderson 9. Mary PHILIPS 34, Elizabeth 13 (deaf and dumb), Jesse 10, John 6, Mary Eavans 82 VA. Mahala 15 TN, Sylvania 14, Susan 12, Emeline 11 Margaret 10. 290-278 John H. DODSON 33 TN, farm laborer. Jane 29. Helen 7, Darius G. 4. Nancy E. 1. 303-291 Samuel QUEEN 59, NC, farmer, Margaret 59 (blind). Elizabeth 34 TN, Lucinda 22, William H. 23 (blind & deaf), Sarah 24, Milly A. 11, Adam 6. Hubbard 5, Candacia 3. 291-279 Hartwell WILSON 35 TN. farmer, Martha 23. 304-292 Hubbard BROWN 50 NC, farmer, Mahala 50, Elizabeth BAKER 21 TN. 292-280 Thomas FRASIER 83 VA, farmer. Mary 70 NC, Simon 23 TN, farmer, Elizabeth MILLER 15. 305-293 Ambrose DAVIS 36 TN. 293-281 Solomon DODSON, Jr 36 TN, farmer,Elizabeth 36, Emily 17, Bransfird 15, Leatha 13. (Solomon Dodson married Elizabeth WILSON 28 Feb 1842 in White Co.) 306-294 John SCOTT 44 NC (mulatto), farmer, Emelin 30 TN (apparently white), Samuel Scott 15 (apparently white), Amanda J. 13 (mulatto), Lucretia 10 (mulatto), Robert 8 (mulatto), Austin 6 (mulatto), Saleta 4 (mulatto), Woodson 1 (mulatto). 294-282 G.W. FRASIER 47 TN, farmer, Malinda 43 IN, William HAYSE 25 TN, farmer. 295-283 Levi YATES 47 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 42, Nancy J. 21. Judi~ C. 19, Thomas S. 16, farmer, Mary E. IS, Cyntha E. 12. Martha E. 10, David H. 5, Hartwell 2. (In the 1870 census, Family #60, Civ. Dist. #2 of White Co., they also had Sarah E. 10. Judie Caroline was born 12 Oct 1839 to Levi Yates & Martha FRASIER [if ,Martha & Elizabeth were two different women, Elizabeth's maiden name was probably WILSON.] After 1860 Judie married Jasper WELCH, born 26 Sep 1836 in White Co., to Archibald Welch. Jasper & Judie had at least four children: Albert 26 Dec 1862 in Sparta; Mary Paralee 14 Oct 1863; John Marshall 4 Mar 1866; Linville 17 Oct 1870. Mary Paralee married Charles Byron MYERS 9 May 1889 in White Co.) 296-284 Robert DAVIS 35 TN, farmer, Sarah M. 23, Milly C. 2. 297-285 James DAVIS 29 TN, farmer, Louisa 29 NC, ~~ry E. 3 TN. Mahala J. 1. (James Davis married Louisa BROWN 20 Jul 1855 in White Co.) 298-286 Catherine DAVIS 58 TN, Elizabeth 36, David 31. farmer, Tilman 17, farmer. 299-287 Absolom DAVIS 27 TN, farmer, Mary E. 16. (Absolom served in the 28th Consolidated Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A., and received Pension #15343.) 300-288 John MILLER 57 VA, farmer, Sarah 58 NC, Lucy 31 TN, Mary 20. 301-289 James MILLER Charles 1/12. 23 TN. farmer, Mary 22, 302-290 A. WELCH 62 NC, farmer, Rebecca 48, 307-295 Micajah SCOTT 79 NC (mulatto), farm laborer, David 50 (mulatto). 308-296 William GREEN 59 KY, farmer, Mary 59 TN, Henry C. 14, Sarah 11, Mary P. 6. (In the 1850 White Co. census they also had John 29, Almida 17, William 23 [married within the year, see Family #301 in 1860 White Co. census), Emaline 20, Woodson 17, Elizabeth 13, Mary 12, James 9, Nancy 9, Margaret & Sarah DEMPSEY 11 [tWins]. In 1860 Vamily #472 in Warren Co. was John Green 38, Malinda 37, John 7, Washington 5, Eli 3, and Mary 1. Woodson Green 27 was living in the household of Nancy COLLINS, Family #12. James Green 21 was a teamster living with James MEDLEY, Family #28.) 309-297 W.G. COAL (COLE) 45 KY, farmer, Martha 40, Sarah E. 19 TN, Elias S. 17, farmer, Eliza E. 16, }~ry M. 13, Nancy V. 11, Bethel G. (male), W.J'. 4 (male). Hvrum C. 2. (This was Family 11143 in the 1850 Van Buren Co. census. His given name was William. All the children from the 1850 census were at home in 1860.) 310-298 Alfred YATES 21 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 22, Marsellas 2 (male), William 5/12. (Alfred was a son of Levi Yates. See Family #283.) 311-299 Rachel COAL (COLE) 39 TN, Elias M. 14. 312-300 Pleasant AUSTIN 38 TN, farmer, Mary E. 35, John W. 5, William B. 4, Robert S. 1, Robin 32. farmer. (Robin, or Roberson, served in the 8th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry & received C.S.A. Pension #5181. Pleasant and perhaps Robin were sons of John Austin, Sr. and Mary A., Family #159.) 313-301 William M. GREEN 33 TN, farmer, Almedia F. 25, Henry 10, William 8, Mary S. 5, Hampton 3, 121 Fall 1981 The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continue4) fl296. MILLS ,21 VA, farmer, was living with them.S,ee Familyfl1374 in' the 1860cen.sus.) 314-302 John M. ANDERSON 44 TN, farmer, Eliza 45, Thomas.M. 20, farmer, RobertB. 19, farmer (did'he marry Lucinda WILLIAMS 23 Apr 1863 in White Co. 1), William P. 17, farmer, Martha E. 10, Mary A. 6. 326-314 Nathaniel AUSTIN 79 VA, farmer, Mary 75, Elizabeth 50 TN, Susan FRASIER 40, JalDes 25, farmer, Elizabeth Austin 17 • (In the 1850 cens\Js they also had R01>erson' 24 and gave TN as their birthplace.) 315-303 James W. MITCHELL 33 TN, farmer, Naney J. 28, John B. 10, Sarah W. 8, Martha C. 6, Rachel '5. 3, Mary 1. 327-315 El:r"abeth wILSON 76 TN , Samuel 34, _far.mer •. Thomas 80 (black) .(~amily #264 in the 1850 White Co. census was Thomas Wilson 70 ~A, Elizabeth 63 TN , Sarah 29 ,. Samuel 24.) I Laura I, Peyton LEWIS 30, farmer, see Family 316-304 Daniel, SUTHERLAND 36 TN, farmer, Mary 30, Martha J. 4, Rufus L. 1. (In the 187Q census they also had Albert WHITE 12 with them.) ( i 328-316 William WILSON 38 TN, far1!ler, Thomas 13,.;, RobertG. 10,. Samue18,WilHam R. 6. (In 1850 Family ,1265 was WilliamWilso,~ 28 ~, farmer, Sarah 21, Thomas.3, R.obert 1, Mary K. GREEN 16. Sarah Green married William Wilson 2 Dec 1845 in" Whi.t\e Co. a.nd died around 1859. Mary K.waspro~ bably Sarah's sister. The family in '1870 was William 48, Sarah E.29 .• Samuel 18, WilliamR. l6,John T. 4,Martha E.2, MaryE. 5/12 [bQrn ,!Jan 1869],' Eliza E. COLE 25. {see Family. 11297 of the 1860 census], Robert l~ and Henry Wilson 10 [black}, farm laborers.) 329-317 Nathani~lMARLOW 55 NC, farm laborer, Martha 51 VA. JohnT. '16 TN, llenryC. 14, MarthaJ~ 13, Nathaniel 7. (In the 18~0 cens,t1s tht!y also had Asa/M. 11, ThOmas 9, George W. 7., and.Nathaniel , Sr~' s birthplace, was. SC. ) 321-309 William G. LEWIS 33 TN, farmer, Nancy 36, Judia P. 9, Almedia G. 8 ,Mary J.6, Alice J. 4, James P. 3. (In 1870 they also had H.:B. 10 (male) and Edward A. 5.) 322-310 Roberson AUSTIN 33 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 25, Mary J. 3, David C. 2, John T. 10/12. (In 1850 Roberson was single & liVing with his parents. See Family fl314.) 323-311 'John PARKS 34 OH, farmer, Mary 32 TN, Sarah A. 13, James II, Thomas C. 9, Jane 7, Anna (Amanda?) E. 4, Theresa E. 2, William C. 2/12. (In the 1870 census they also had Susan 6. John Parks received C.S.A. Pension 12678 for service with Dibrell's 8th TennesseeVoltinteer Caval~y.) 324-312 James M. CAMPBELL 31, TN, farmer, Elizabeth 20, Martha J. 9, Sarah A. 7, Buck S. 9/12, Martha 62NC. 325-313 Nathaniel G. AUSTIN 33 TN, farmer, MarthaJ. 36, William B. 12, Mary E. 11, Monroe 3. Darthala S. 1. (In the 1850 census Hezekiah. 330-318J~hn MASON 63 i<Y, farmer,. Mahal~50 TN, Mary WALLACE 52. (Was ,tb1s. Mary Wallace . the, daugh;er of old Elias, the daughter who never married?) 331-j19 Nancy wHITE 65 TN, John R. 25" farmer, MadahLOWERY28, Flora .5. (Nancy may have,been Woodson, P • White's widow; if so, her maiden n~me was MITCHELL.Woodson,born 31 Oct 1783, was the oldest son of John S.White,theRevolutionaryveteran who dhd in,'White Co. 16 Oct 1846 and Martha PHILLIPS.) , 332-320 Henry J. CAMP 30 TN, farmer, Julia A. 25, Sarah A. 3, Samuel P. 2,William W. ,6/12, William'PERRY 25, farm laborer. (In 1850 he livedwith'Family fl404.WilliamE.& Mary Camp.), 333-.32l,Joseph PATTEN 29 TN, ~armlaborer,Mar gal'et34KY, . Isaae' 7, Lewis 5, Joseph 4, Mart~a 9/12-, TN. 334-322 Charles GRAHAM' 42 TN, farmer, Malinda 38, JamesN. 17, farmer, ~ohnJ. 14, WiillamR. 11,.Char1esW •. 9,' Crockett A.ti, Sarah 4. Nancy 2. (tl' 1850 this 'was Family 1J139 in Van Buren Co.snCia-bo had Mary H. 11.) 122 "Ansearchin'" News The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 335~323 James M. RODGERS 31 TN, farmer, Mary R. 28,' Eliza A. 6, Sarah A. 4, Ande~son L. 2, Mary A. 4/12. (James was a son of A.S. Rodgers and Delilah, see Family #325.) Martha A. 15, Mary S. 13, Sarah E. 9, Nary V. 8, Spencer C. 7, Martha E. 6, William A. 3, Rachel J. 1.) 336-324 Larkin RUTHERFORD 30 TN, farm laborer, Delilah 35, Eliza Jane born 13 Aug 1855, James H~ 1. (In the 1850 census, Family 11206, Larkin's bi~th pace was KY. Family #92 in the 1870 census was Larkin WEATHERFORD 42, Delilah 43, Eliza J. IS, James 12, Stanton W. 9. Delilah Rutherford is probably the daughter of A.S. & Delilah RODGERS. Family 11370, Isham Rodgers, is part of the same family group:) 344-332 Pinkney STEAKLEY 24 TN, fa,rmer, Elizabeth 20, Mary S. 4, JohnH.L. 2. Un the 1850 Van Buren Co. census Pinkney was living with Willie Steakley, Family 11324. Was Elizabeth the Elizabeth Parker 11, daughter of Stacey Parker in l850? Willie & Priscilla Steakley were not found in 'the 1860 census, but their younger children, Sarah, Priscilla & Isaac, lived with three different families in Van Buren and White coun t:i es •) 337-325 A.S. RODGERS 52 TN, farmer, Delilah 53, Joseph H. 17, farmer, Tennessee 14, Delilah J. II, Martha E. 6, William KIRBY 23, farm laborer. (In the 1850 census they also had James M. 21 [Family #323], George W. 19 [Family 0326], Sarah 12, Hulda R. 9, Thomas WALKER 17 KY, farmer.) 338-326 George W. RODGERS 29 TN, farmer, Isabella 26 • Delilah J. 7,' Vincent 4, William E. 1. (George was a 'son ofA~S. Rodgers. He lived with Family #193 in the 1850 census.) 339-327 William M. RODG~RS 33 TN, far~er, Jane 30, Eliza 11, James 8, John 5, Hulda 3, Hugh 1. (The wife's name was Margaret Jane in 1850, and Eliza was Eliza Ann.) 340-328 James H. LEWIS 52 TN, farmer, Esther 47 SC, William J. 18 TN, farmer, Martha 13, James H., Jr 10, Nancy 8, Hester A. 4. (In 1850 they also had David 12, Sar.h Ann 11 and Mary 6. The 1870 census listed Narcissus 14, ~he same age Hester would have been.) 341-329 James GANNS 23 TN, farm labor, Sarah 19. 342-330 Benjamin LEWIS 85 VA, farmer, Sarah 71 bor~ in NC.) TN. (In the 1850 census Sarah was 70, 343-331 Stacey STEAKLEY 50 (female) TN, Spenc~r M. PARKER 23, farmer, David E. 18, farmer, Frances 16, Andrew J. IS, farmer, Stacey A. 12 (fe,male). (Family #277 in the 1850 Van Buren Co. census listed Stacey Parker 40 [widow], Robert A. 20, school teacher, Eleanor 17, Spencer 14, Elizabeth II, Samuel 9, David 7, Fanny Y. 6, AndrewJ. 5, Stacy Ann 3. By 1860 she had married a Mr,. Steakley, was widowed again and living in White Co. Before the 1870 census Stacey married a third time to a Mr. WALLACE, was a widow again and lived with her son, Spencer Parker, in Civ. Dist. #2 of White Co., see Family #42. Spencer married Sarah E. BROGDEN 8 Jan 1861 in White Co., a daughter of Isaac S. Brogden [see Family 11245]. Their children in 1870 were 345-333 James W. LEWIS 28 TN, farmer, Rachel E.29, Elizabeth J. 5, Mary E. 1 MO. 346-334 Jacob A. LEWIS 28 TN, farmer, Emily 30, Eliza 12, Sarah 9, Mary 7, Mansfield 4, Rose 11/12.(1 believe James and Jacob are included with Family #246 in the 1850 White Co. census: William Lewis 73 VA, farmer, Mary 56, Emily 21 TN, James 20, farmer~ Jacob 18, farmer, Martha 15. Emily and Jacob were married at that time.) 347,-335 J.M. ALBERSON 23 TN, farmer, Martha' 26, Franklin 2, SaphronaC. 7/12. (In the 1850 census James M.ALVERSON 14 lived with Elijah Alverson & Winn;y who was probably Elijah's daughter-in-law.) 348-336 Nancy A. CUNNINGHAM 69 TN, Thomas 34, farmer. (Family 11205 in the 1850 White Co. census, was Edmund Cunningham 57 VA, farmer, Nancy 57 TN, Mary 25, Thomas 23, farmer, Patsey 19 [Martha?], Lane 17, farmer, Lee 14, Thomas DYER 6. Edmund Cunningham married Nancy ANDERSON 11 Nov 1814 in White Co. Lane married a girl named Catherine within the year before ,the 1860 census. In 1860 Thomas Dyer was living with Elizabeth A. Dyer 35, Family 8350.) 349-337 Stephen PLEDJER 49 NC, farmer, Mary 48, Sarah 56, Sarah A. 25, Susan 19, Philip J. 17, farmer, Stephen 12, JanelO IN, Murdoc LOWERY 27 NC (mulatto), farm laborer, James DODSON 19 TN, farm laborer, Solomon SPARKS 18 VA, farm laborer. 350-338 Martha F. POSS 39 NC, James 10, Hyrum 9, Eliza 8, John 7 TN, Monroe 5, Sarah 3. 351-339 William WILSON 27 TN, farmer, Margar~t 25, Almedia 6, Tandy 4 (male), Joseph 2, Martha 1. 352-340 John GRAHAM 79 VA, farmer, Mary 35 AL, Mary 20 TN. 353-341 Laban FOSTER 53 KY, farmer, Louisa 39 Fall 1981 123 The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) SC, Francis M. 23 TN, farmer, Epperson 20, farmer, Rebecca 17. (Family #271 in the 1850 census also had Allen 21, Mary 19, William 17, Margaret 16, James GAOlS 15 and Mary LANE 3.) 354.;..342 Chester BREWER 25 NC, farm laborer, Margaret A. 26 TN, Lydia H. 4, John 2. 355-343 James HARRIS 34 TN, farm laborer, Susan 26 NC, Milly J. 5 TN, Absolom 3, Helen 6/12, all mulattos. (In the 1870 census they also had Permelia 14, Albert 12, Helen 10, James 8, Alexander 6, Frank 4, Willilim 3 and George 1.) 356-344 James H. BRYAN 26 TN, grocery merchant, Nancy 18, Haskin D. 1. (In 1850 James lived with his parents, WilliamL. & Leah Bryan. See Family 11860.) . 357-345 Nancy WHITLEY 51 TN, John R. 29, farmer, JoelF. 22, farmer, George S. 16, farmer, Louisa Whitley RUSSELL 31 [married within the year], William F. GENTRY 6, John 3. (The 1850 census listed:· Joel Whitley 42 TN, Nancy, J.R. 18, and Jane 16.) ( 358~346 Colbird ARNOLD 25 TN, farmer, Lucinda J. 25, Hays 4, John F. 9/l~. Ma~yLEWIS 14. (In 1870 Family 1147, Dist. 2,a],so listed Maggie KERR 29, her son Co1uinbus 2, and Japhthet WILLIAMs 21.). 359-347 Martha BURDEN 54 KY,· Margare~ E. 23~ TN, 'furner L. 18, farm laborer. 360-348 Seaborn HOLLAND 40 TN, farmer, Charlotte 27 "Mary Ann 17, Smith A. 15, John E. 13, Charles M. 9, Malissa 6, Susan 4, SamariaC. 2, Berryman 5/12, Henry JEFFREYS 6 (mulatto). (The l850census listed Seaborn, Elizabeth 32NC & Sarah E. 10. In 1870 Berryman was called "C.C." William BOHANNON 14 AI. and John Bohannon .11 were farm laborers.) 361-349 Madison F. O'CONNER 39 TN, surveyor, Christiana J. 32 NC, Annie P. 5 TN, James H. 4, Stamps 2 (female), Charley S. S. 2/12, Henry FRASIER 60 NC,wagonmaker, Clarissa 70., (In the 1850 census he was living with James R. CONNER, probably a brother, Fam~ly #581. Christiana was probably a daughter of Henry & Clarissa Frasier.) 362-350 Eli.zabeth A. ,DYER 3S TN, Thomas S., 17, farm laborer, Francis M. 1. 363-351 Vance GIST 22 TN, farmer, Mary.J. 19 (married within the year). 364-352 Mary C. had Joe . V. born parents, John and Elizabeth Gist, Family #356.) 365-353 C.P. HERD 35 TN, farmer, Phoebe 34, Margaret E. BURDEN 20, Mary J. Herd 11, Margaret E. 10, James 6, SusanS~ 4, John F.2, Josephina 3/12. (Commodore P. Herd married Phoebe WALLING 9 Apr 1844 in White Co.) 366-354 Annie Jane BRYANT 37 TN, John D. 20, farmer, Perry F. 18, Andrew C. 16, Mary R. 14, James H. 7. (Annie Jane HERD married Morgan Bryant in White Co.; James H. was born 4 Feb 1852. In 1870 Annie had. /Uldrew C., James H. and Elizabeth [was she Andrew.'s wife?] liVing with her. Was he the A.C.Bryant who married Celestia STEWART 4 Jun 1875 in White Co.?) 367-355 Robert MILLER 35 VA, farmer, Susan C. 27 TN, Car1ee. J~ 4 (female), Theophilus G. 1. (In 1850 Robert, Susan and Mary 1 '[who apparently died before 1860] were living with Jesse COUCH, Family #368.) 368-356 Jesse COUCH 52 NC, farmer, Mary 5Q TN. (Jesse was not married in 1850. He and Mary / were listed in the 1870 cel1sus.) 369-357 Vardimari BR~ALO 34 SC,farmer, Nancy 38 TN, John 15" farmer, Aggie C. 11, Susan J. B"Mary S. 4. (Varderman Brumbalo married Nancy HODGES 28Jun 1838 in Sparta. In l850Vardam BROMLEY was listed ashousehold head ofF~i1y #225. ) 370-358 James B. MOORE 27 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 30, Bannister 2/12 (female). 371':"359 Thomas R. KEATHLEY 33 TN" farmer, Susan A. 30, Isaac W. (or H.) 5, William R.. 3, Alice· B. 2/12. (In 1850 Thomas was with Family IIJ71, Jesse and Susannah Keath~, his parents. Isaac H. Keathley married Mary E. UPCHURCH; Lula Castella Keathley was·bom to them 6 Mar 1890 in McMinnville. Warren Co.) 372~360 Lucinda COPE 41 TN, Jesse KEATHLEY 77 NC, farmer, Clarissa Cope 12. (Lucinda, daughof Jesse Keathley, was probably the widow of Andrew Jackson Cope. They married 1. Jan 1846 in WhHe Co. In the,1870 census, Lucinda was living with Family #7, Charles HUDGINS, son pf ~ampton and Eliza Hudgins. Also in that family was Clary Jane 21, probably the Clarissa above. She and Charles had a son, James A.Hudgins, born Nov 1869. The 1850 census had Jesse and Susannah Keathley born in VA.) John GIST, Jr 27 TN, farmer, Susan J. 21, 373-361 Willis KEATHLEY 33 TN, farmer, Eliza 4, Noah 2, Dovey 5/12. (In 1870 they also (Elizabeth?) A.· 30, Fletcher 12, Berry P. 8 H. 8, Nancy E. 5, William V. 3 and Martha (male), Sarah A•. 5. (In the 1850 census they Dec 1869. In 1850 John lived with his also had Panitha 14 and John W. 13.) 124 "Ansearcbin'" News The Families of White County. Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 374-362 J.K. McDONALD 26 TN, farmer. Nancy 22, Josephine 1/12. 384-372 Isaac DENTON 23 TN, farmer, Matilda 20. (Isaac Denton married Matilda M. RODGERS 5 Oct 1859 in White Co. She was a daughter of Isham 375~~63 James DODSON 53 TN, farmer, Mary J. 50, and Malinda Rodgers. Isaac was a son of Isaac Emery 20, farmer', El1zabeth 18, "Benjamin 16, ,and Mary Denton,Family 11378 in the 1850 White farmer~ James' 13, Mary 11, Lucinda,7. (In the ,Co. census; Isaac, Sr, a,farmer, and Mary's 1850 census, Family 1449, they also had in their children were: Susannah 18, Ema1ine 16, Isaac home Nancy 12, Arthur WATSON 20 NC, farmer, John 14, Ozias ~2, George 10. Sarah Ann 8, Rutha 5 , Watson 18, Jane Watson 16 TN, probably J~hn's and Mary ,3. Family 0538 in the 1860 Warren Co. wife.) , census included Isaac. St:. a Baptist Minister, Mary and another son, James M. 9; Susannah and 376-364 Thomas GILL 23 TN, farm laborer, MaEmalinehad ~rried or died. In l8600zias and linda 19, John 1. wife, Sarah • were Fam!ly #534 in Warren Co.) , -----377-365 John HODGE 45 TN. farmer. Susan 42. Margaret 2~, James 19. farmer,.Newton 17, farmer, 385-373 Shirold LAWSON 42 TN. farm laborer, MaJane IS, Major R. 12. John 10. Mary 8. Martha 5, hala 40. Mary A. 16, James M. IS, Rebecca J. William 7, Martha 4(?), Marion 2. (In the 1850 12, Michael H. 10, Margaret E. 9. Vance 4. Wilcensus. Family #374, John and Susan had sons liam R. 2. (This was Family 11264 in the 1850 William 14 & Marion 12. Did these boys die beVan Buren Co. census. The ages differed, but fore 18601 In 1870 John Hodge was a widOwer. ' Mary Ann, James M., Rebecca J. and Michael were FamUy #2, Dist.3" with J4ne22,John J. 18, listed.) Mary 16, Martha 13, Wll~iam 17, Mary J. 14. Marion 10 and Randa 3 at home.) 386-374 S.H.[Samuel] KEATHLEY 48 ,TN. farmer, Matilda 48, Harrison H. 'II, Sarah A. 9. (In the 378-366 J.V.HORTON 52 SC, farmer. Sarah 48. 1850 census they also h,d Amanda C. 16, Mary J. Sarah A. 21, Susan M. 17. Louisa E. 14. John D. IS, William H. 13. Eliza A. 11.) 12. (In 1870 Sarah CARMICHAEL 31 lived with this family, 07. Civ. Dist. 3.) 387-375 William H. KEATHLEY 23 TN, farmer, Sarah 22, Amanda F. 2, Jacob 2/12. (He was the 379-367 Newton M. HORTON 22 TN, farmer. Sarah oldest son of Samuel and Matilda Keathley; be A. 22. served with Gen. Dibrell's 8th Tennessee C~.a lry and received C.S.A. Pension #2420.) 380-368 Benjamin GIST 31 TN, farmer, Martha 24, Doctor R. 6. Sarah E. 5. Waman 2, Pamela PRICE 388-376 Washington SWINDLE 23 TN, farmer, Elba 10. A. 20. Sarah J. 3. Amanda M. 1. (George Washington Swindell married Eliza A. KEATHLEY 12 Dec 381-369 John W. LAWSON 38 TN. farm laborer, 1855 in White Co., a daughter of Samuel and MaSarah 33, Ellender 13. £dIey A. 12, Thomas H. tilda Keathley.) 10,Joseph A. 7. Mary A. 1. 389-377 Andrew COPE 79 VA, farmer,. Elizabeth 382-370 Isham R. RODGERS 42 TN, farmer. Malinda 60 NC, Joshua 22 TN, farmer. Finetta 23, Pat42 VA, James W. 21 TN, farmer, Mary Ann 18, Mar- rick HENNESSEE 25, farm laborer. (Joshua David garet IS, Anderson L. 13, William D. 12, Martha M. Cope married, Pernetta C. KEATHLEY 4 Dec 1856 E. 9, Cyntha G. 6. Hulda 4, JosephH, 2. (The in White Co, a daughter of Willie and Elizabeth. 1850 census household included Matilda 111 WilJoshua was the J.M. Cope who served with Dibliam GRAY 19, farmer. Catherine Giay 22, probrell's 8th Cavalry and received C.S.A. Pension bably his wife; and Henry HARDEN 22, farmer. #115. In the 1850 census. Family 1384. Andrew James W~ Rodgers probably served in the 84th and Elizabeth also had Susan 22. Matilda 19, Tennessee Volunteer Infantry. C.S.A. and reCharlotte 18. Mason L. 16. Malinda 14, and Mar~ ceived Pension #4056.) garet 10.) 383-371 David D. WATSON 37 TN, farmer. Elizabeth 390-378 Elizabeth HOLLAND 83 NC, Rebecca 43 TN. 30, Eliiah 19. farm laborer. James H. 4. Nancy (Family #389 in the 1850 census was Harrison 3, Isham and Malinda 3/12 (twins), Washington Holland 71 VA, Elizabeth. Rebecca, Jane 19, RODGERS' 4. (In the 1850 census Family #398 was Nelson 15, Amanda 13 and William 11.) David 29, Betsey M. [his second wife?] 20. Elijah 8. A David Watson married Susan WALLING 15 (To be continued) Dec 1839 or 8 Aug 1840 in White Co. Washington Rodgers lived next do~r to Isham and Malinda ' who was perhaps a Watson.) Fall 1981 125 FAMILY GATHERINGS Compiled by Jessie Taylor Webb NASH - WILKINSON Families - Sent by Mrs. Clifford Hill, 418 W. Matthews, Jonesboro, AR 72401. JOHN NASH, possibly son of Thomas and Agatha Nash and born 21 Dec 1729 in Henry Co., VA died in Davidson Co., TN where his will dated 15 May 1801 was probated Jul 1802. His wife ,was Margaret, probably CLOYD, because she was mentioned in the Lincoln Co., KY will of James Cloyd naming her children: 1. Thomas Nash- born 28 May 1803 ,Davidson Co., TN; died 1828 in Rutherford Co.; TN;m Hannah WEST. 2. Agnes (nAggyn) Nash; m James CLOYD'l 3. Mary (npollyn) Nash; tn/l ? LOCKRIDGE; m/2 ?' HOOD. 4. Nancy Nash. 5. John Nash - age 80 in 1860 Bedford Co., TN Census. 6. Mary Nash - born c1768, in VA; died 1852 in Marhsall Co., AL; m 12 Mar 1790 in Madison Co., KY John SAGE (?). 7. Travis Coleman Nash -born c1780 in NC i died 7 Apr 1844 in Shelbyville, Bedford Co., TN; m SOct 1808 in R':ltherford Co., TN Johanna MILLER ... born c179l in VA; died 1862? Her family was listed in District 5 of 1850 Census of Bedford Co., TN. 8. George R. Nash- ~ 31 May 1810 Martha GRIFFIN in ,Rutherford Co., TN. ( TRAVIS COLEMAN NASH was Capt. 'in Co. "A" Tenn. Regiment, War of 1812" and his widow was granted warrant #4426, dated 25 Apr 1851 for hi~ service. He and Johanna Miller were-parents of 15children, all born in Bedford Co., TN except the oldest who was born:1!n Rutherford Co. , Each ,child drew lots for ,a portion of his father's estate. 1.John,R.~Nash'- bdrnc1810; died before 1854; m'e1830 Jane ? 2 • 'Mary, Nash - borne1812; dfedbefo,re 23 ~r 1835; m John W. McGIMPSIE. 3. 1ElizabethNash .:. bornc1814 and, died in Bedford Co ~ , TN; ,m Levi C. JOHNSON. 4. :James C. Nash - born c1814; m Elizabeth? 5 .iThomas Nash - bOrn c1816; m 21 Mar 1821? Sarah KNOTT. 6. !E1iza Louisa Nash - born c1819; died before Jul 1856 in Prospect, Giles Co., TN;, m William McKendree HARWELL. 7. 'Emily Nash - born c18l7;' m Benjamin F. GARR.tTT. 8. Travis Coleman Nash, Jr. - born c1820; died post 1851. 9. ~rancis M. Nash - born c1826; died c1853 in Bedford Co., TN. 10. Augustus Smith Nash -born Z3 Jul 1829; died 1 Mar 1920 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co., AR'; m 2 Dec 1849 in Limesto,ne Co., ALMargery Mildred ADKINS. 11. Granderson Miller Nash - born 4 May 1832; died 29 Sep 1877 in Pleasant Ridge, Leo:n Co., TX;m 21 Juri 1859 ElizabethW. GLOVER. 12.' George W. Nash - born before 1820. ? ; m/2 Kate ? 13.' Thomas Nash ... born c1835; mil J~ne 14. Abner Nash _- born c1835; ,died before 1853. 15. Lafayette Nash - born c1838; 'm 25 Nov 1858 Sarah E. BAXTER in Washington Co~, TX. WILLIAM ALONZA WILKINSON was born 29 Aug 1841 in AL and died 23 Jun 1910 in Giles Co., TN where he is buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery at Frankewing, TN. He was the son of John B. and Lousanne Wilkinson. His first wife was Isabella HARWELL,' born 10 Sep 1844 and died 16 Dec 1874, the mother of his oldest child. In 1875 'he married second Joanna Catherine HARWELL, the daughter of William McKendree Harwell and Eliza Louisa, NASH. She was ,born 15 May 1843 in Giles Co. and died there on 11 Mar 1911. All six of William Alonza's children were born there also. They are: 1. Viola Wilkinson - m Clyde, NEESE and had 4 children; lived in Frost, TX. 126 "Ansearchin'" News Family Gatherings (continued) 2. Beulah Ann Wilkinson - born 12 Jul 1876; died 28 Oct 1903. She m W.J. CAPLEY and had two. children: Clennna who married Howard McFERRIN of Fayettev.ille, TN, and Rupert. . . 3. Cora Bell Wilkinson - born 25 May 1878; m Emory JARRETT and had two daughters who were teachers in Houston, TIt. . 4. John William Wilkinson - born 5 Feb 1880; m Dora SHIPMAN and had a daughter, Mary Lee. . 5. Rev. Frank Wilkinson - born 23 Nov 1881; m Elizabeth HORTON. They are the parentsof Frances Beth who m W. C. RAINWATER of Grand Prairie; TX. 6~Mattie L. Wilkinson - born 14 Sep 1884; died. 3 Jan 1961; m H. Griffith PAYNE. They are the parents of Mary, Ruth, Lonnie, Gilbert, and William Harwell. 1830 NEILL LETTER - Contributed by Mrs. C.L. Neill, Box 103, Pharr, TX 78577. Can anyone help Mrs. Neill in identifying the ALEXANDER AND SALLY NEILL, authors of this letter dated 14 Aug l830? It is addressed to William Neill, Lincoln Co., Sherrillsville Office, North Carolina. It probably came from Hardin, Henderson, McNairy or Hardeman Counties, Tenn. and it is thought the author is a descendant of Andrew Neill who was in Rowan Co., NC c1752 and died in Iredell Co~ c18lO. An Alexander Neill and Evan SHOEMAKER were in the 1830 McNairy Co. Census. Mrs. Neill would like . to know of any NEILL-CAVIN connection. The letter reported to "Dear Sister and Friends" that they and their families were all well, the settlement healthy, crops good except the late sowed wheat, "forred" was good, that he had a good stock of horses but was unlucky on cows. Sally IRVIN would have enoushcorn for this year and enough hogs to furnish meat. It reported Shoemaker and Sally Irwins were well but that Shoemaker had not received a reply to his letter written in March. On 19 May 1830 Limey Irvin married a man named NORRIS, a tanner by trade who lived in tl.Bollouiver, Hardymon County" (Bolivar). Thoman KERR was living in Savanna (sic). Noble was living with James Neill; Alexander was living where he was when William and Allison were here. Rosey was getting very fat and Peggy would probably continue living there. Compliments were sent to John Neill, Robert and Thomas ALLISON and their families, "coz. Gilbreth Neill and Matty", John Cavin, Rabella Cavin, Samuel and Robert Cavin, and their !amilies. JOHN·KlNGSTON (KINGTON) - Revolutionary War Pension - Sent by Mrs. C. R. Delahunt, R.R. 2, Box 60, Avon, IL 61415. Abstract of application filed by his widow Eleanor CAFFREY KINGTON, 18 Oct 1838, Morgan Co., TN. Before Thomas JACK, J.P. of Morgan Co. she made the following statements of fact: She was born 10 March 1766, the daughter of John Caffrey and wife.. She was widow of John Kington, private, who served 9 months in the Rev. War, entering militia service from Henry Co., VA. He first substituted for EDMONSON under Col. CHRISTIE, against the Indians west of VA. She often heard her husband and Thomas BUTLER, decIde of Anderson Co., TN, discuss their service together in the War •. The RECTORS and Butlers of MOrgan and Anderson Counties could substantiate her statements. She was married to John Kington, who was about 4 years older than she, on 15 Feb 1792 in Campbell Co., VA by Baptist minister FLOWERS. Sally MARTIN RECTOR witnessed the marriage. John Kington died in Morgan Co., TN 2lMar 1831. Tennessee certificate #7946 was witnessed by Polly DABNEY, Robert A. Dabney and N. J. Kington, residents of Morgan Co., TN, who attested to the truth of some of the statements. Among those from Morgan Co., TN who were witnesses or made affidavits, were: Fall 1981 127 Family Gatherings (continued) Thomas L. LEA, J.P.; Edmund G. Kington, clerk; Sally Rector, first cousin of the petitioner, born 17 Jan 1772, and widow of Martin Rector. John HOWARD had known John Kington since 1815 and lived 3/4 miles from him. Daniel S. LAVENDER, J.P. From Overton Co., TN were: Wm. HAYTER (?), J.P.; John S. DAUGHERTY, clerk; Henry DILLEN from Fentress Co., TN, resident of Overton C()., knew and served with both John Kington and Joseph FRENCH in Henry Co., VA. He said Joseph French married Judy SMITH prior to 1794. From Fentress Co., TN were: ,Eleanor Kington, age 82 in 1848; J. B. (7) KENNEDY, attorney from Pall Mall, TN. From Anderson Co., TN: Elizabeth Rector, tl own first cousin" of Eleanor Kington, and sister ()f Sally Rector. From Clinton Co., KY were: Robert DABNEY, attorney in 1843; George Dabney, ' , Rev. War pensioner. Children of ,JOHN KINGTON and ELEANOR CAFFREY Kington 1. 2. ( 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. William Caffrey Kington, born 13 Jan 1793, served in War of 1812 and Creek Wars; died 5 Aug 1845 Walker (later Catoosa) Co, :GA~ Family in 1850 census. He married 30 Oct 1816 in Roane Co, TN, Rosanna (Rhoda) Rector. John H.Kington, born '8 Feb 1795, was in Morgan Co, TN 1850-55; he enlisted in War of 1812 on 13 Nov 1814 and was discharged 20 Jan 1815. On 25 Dec 1827 in Roane Co, TN ,he married Sarah Rector. He died there on 24 Jan 1863. Sarah lived in Winchester, Scott Co, IL itl1878 and died 20Sep 1883 in Wichita, KS. Mary (Polly) KingtQn, born .12 Jan 1797, married Robert A. Dabney, son of George Dabney; ,Rev. p~nsioner.. HeW-as an attorney arid the f:J.rst ,Morgan Co, TN Circuit Clerk. They were residents of Jamestown, TNinl848 and Vandalia, IL in 1850. No known children. " , EliZabeth (Betsy) Kington',,,',bot'n 12 Jun 1799,married ?ROSS. Nicholas J. Kington, born 26 Sep 1801, married by 1823 Penelope.....1-. He lived in Walker Co, GA in 1850. ' Bernard M. Kington, born 13 Jan 1804, was a resident of Hopkins Co, KY until his death in 1865 (or 1867) ,at Evansville, IN of cholera. He married: mil ca 1824 Sarah Ann, SNODGRESS of Walker Co, GA, born 24 May 1806; m/2 24 Oct 1844 Sara Slaton HEWLETT of Hopkins Co, KY; m/3 4 Jun 1856 Nancy Ellen O"BRYAN of Hopkins Co, KY. G(~orge Strother Kington, born 26 Apr 1807., served in the F1or.ida Wars. Hewas Fentress Co, TN Register from 1854 until his death in 1888. ' Ca .1840' he married Harriet BENNETT. Married secondly before 1860 Melissa .....1-. Edmund G. Kington, born 26 Apr 1807, was Clerk of Court, Morgan Co, ,'TN 1836-39. He was in Fayette Co, IL 28 Mar 1849; in Walker Co, GA 24 Feb 1851; and received 1and patent 'in Hamilton Co, IV 29 Aug 1851. " Nancy Kington, born 12 Jul 1809, married c1828 Eldridge MYETT, resident of Morgan Co, TN 1850. Entries in Bible that had belonged to James Henry Kington, youngest son of Bernard McMinua Kington, Sr.: Melvina Kington,born 6 Feb' 1842 John H. Kington, born 7 Feb 1825 .Ed. G. Kington, born 9 May 1827 Mary C. Kington, born 1 Sep'1846 Thomas J. Kington, born 27 Feb 1828 Joseph R. Kington, born 31 Dec 1848 Wm.C. Kington, born 25 Apr 1831 Bernard M. Kington, born! 7. Mar 1857 James S. Kington, born 12 May 1833 Sarah Ann Kington, born 8 Feb 1859 Francis M. Kington, born 19, Nov 1835 W. P. Kington; born 12 Mar 1861 George M. Kington, born 5 Feb 1840, J. H. Kington, born 23 Feb 1866 128 "Ansearchin'" News Family Gatherings (continued) BRAMLEY/BRUMLEY CEMETERY - Submitted by James R. Bramley, 2639 Overlook, Germantown, TN 38138 On 3 Dec 1849 B. S. TATUM deeded to Mrs. Sarah BRUMLEY a tract of land for a burying ground for her late husband, John.Brumley. The tract contained 30 sq. poles and was originally part of a tract of land conveyed to John Brumley by John C. McKEAN in Mar 1829 and belonged to the estate of John Brumley at'thetime of his death in 1833. The cemetery is located in NE Fayette Co, TN approximately 8~ miles NE of Somerville on the Old Jackson Rd.· It is found on the E side of the road approximately ~ mile SW of the intersection leading to Mt. Moriah c'ommunity. John and Sarah BRA.MLEY are known to be buried here. John Bramley was born in TN 1790/1800 and died in Fayette Co 14 Mar 1833. He served in the War of 1812 in a Company of Mounted Infantry made up of men from Sevier Co, TN, under Capt. Simeon Perry and Col. Samuel Wear in the winter of 1813. On 19 Mar 1812 John Bramley and Sarah AMONETTE were married in Sevierville, TN. After spending some t.ime during the early l820s in northern AI. he bought land .and settled in Fayette Co, TN in 1829. Sarah Amonette Bramley was born in TN in 1797. Her father, Benjamin Amonette, was a Ranger in Sevier Co, TN for several years about 1810. Benjamin Amonette and wife, Nancy HUBBARD, were from Powhatan Co, VA and were married there 12 Jan 1793. After John died in 1833 Sarah remained in Fayette Co to rear their 8 children until her death in the Fall of 1870.' ' The headstones still remaining in the Bramley Cemetery are: Bettie TRAINER - 23 Feb 1821, wife of B. M. Trainer (dau of John & Sarah Bramiey) B. M. trainer - 22 Feb 1811 - 15 Nov 1891 Nannie Trainer - 1846-1919' Florence F. SHINAULT - 1879-1935 W. 1. Trainer - 1 Feb 1857 - 20 Nov 1876 John W. Shinault - 1870-1956 J. M. Trainer - 17 Nov 1869- 28 Nov 1910 Vol1ie G. Trainer - 3 Jul 1877 - 7 Jun 1918 Sallie, wife of W. J. ROGERS, Addie, wife of J. H. Trainer, 17 Jun 1852 - 15 Oct 1902 25 Aug 1851 - 2 Aug 1910 Children of M. L. and Lou WILES (4 small mouments - no dates or names) TOTTY FAMILY of Hickman Co., Tenn. - Information from Mrs. Roy MacDonald, 3320 Willow St., S.W., Tacoma, WA 98439 A bible owned by Mrs. Ellie Totty and dated 9 June 1917, Independence, MO, was copied by Annie Sutton Totty. From the dates given there, we have reconstructed the family of Williford Doris Totty. Additional names and dates found in the record are included, although no family connection to the Tottys was stated or implied. WILLIFQRD DORIS TOTTY - born 12 May 1824; died 24 Feb 1908; m 10 Aug 1848 N~CISSA ADLINE REED - died 12 Jul 1861, aged 39 yrs, 6 mos, 12 days. They were parents of: 1. Mary Francis Totty - born 13 Jul 1851; died 2 Aug 1890; m 14 Feb 1873 Samuel TOTTY and had issue: 1. Alabama Totty PRINCE - born 14 Apr 1874; died 17 Jul 1898. 129 Fall 1981 Family Gatherings (continued) 2. Ida Lenore Totty PRINCE - born 11 Mar 1877; died 8 Mar 1906. (No record is given of a Prince marriage for either daughter.) 2. Sarah Elizabeth Totty - born 9 May 1853; m Leeroy N. Totty 20 Mar 1870. 3. James David Totty - born 1 Jan 1856; died 30 Jan 1908; m 1 Jan· 1897 Allis CliURCH. Williford D. TOTTY and Rebecca HARBIN were married 11 Sep 1870. Jarred G. COTTON and A. TOTTY were married 11 May 1890. Jonathan TOTTY and Charlotte HARBIN were married 14 Oct 1866. Ina E. BURNHAM - buried 22 Sep1832 William G~ REED - born 21 Feb 1820, died 24 Mar 1850 James D. HARBIN - died 25 Jun 1906, 74 years,S months, 12 days Barnett TOTTY - died 26 May 1872, age 74 years .Te1itha HARBIN -died 17 Jul 1881, age 84 years, 2 days W. ? TOTTY - died 28 May 18_._, age 25 years, 20 days Mrs. Annie CURRY - died 6 Feb 1906, 82 years, ? months, 3 days GEORGE ELLIStOTTY -born 10 Oct 1879 in Hickman Co, TN; died ,14 May 1967 in Columbia, TN; married 16 Sep 1906 CYNDIA (Cindy) VIRGINIA LITTON born 11 Feb 1887. She died 23 Mar 1967? and is buried in the Stand Cemetery at Shady ,Grove, Hickman Co, TN.. Their children: Hollis OWen b. 9 ju1 1907; Paul b. 9 Feb 1909; Charlesb. 23 Feb 1911; Annie Sutton b. 12 Ju1 1913; B. T. b. 31 Dec 1917; Martha Francis b. 14 Jut 1924; and Eva Mae b. 14 Oct 1927. ( JOEL BLACKBURN RECORDS - from Mrs. J. Clifford Hill, 418 W•.Matthews Ave., JonesborQ, AR 72401 Joel BLACKBURN ':"" born 12 ,Dec 1794; died Jefferson Co, At at the home of his son-in- . law, W. L. .WILSON. . Anna FRY BLACKBURN - born 25 Dec 1796. Obituary:! Mrs. Anna Blackburn, wife of Joel Blackburn died 1 Apr 1872. She was born in Anderson Co, TN, married 16 Aug 1814 and moved to Blount Co, AL Nov 1816. She and her family were members of the Methodist Church. 1., William B. Blackburn - born 15 Apr 1815; died 15 Jan 1885 Franklin Co, AL; mIl Lovena (Livia) CRUMP, dau of John. Married by Lewis WHITE, J.P. She was born '1 Jul 1819; died 14 Nov 1848 in Blount Co~ AI.. leaving 8 children. 23 Aug 1849 Lydia TAYLOR.' . Margaret Blackburn ~ born 26 Dec 1817. Robert Blackburn - born 2 Apr 1820. Elizabeth,B1ackburn - born 5 Feb 1822; m W. L. WILSON. , Joel J. (Joseph Clay?) Blackburn - born 1 Mar 1824; m NancyL. HANCOCK. Chloe Anna Blackburn -born 2 lun 1829; m Bluford CORNELIUS (1825-1892). Vienna Blackburn - born 27 'Feb 1832; m 3 Jan 1835 William HULLETT, born 12 Nov 1830. Pascal Jackson Blackburn - born 10 Aug 1834; m Esther HANCOCK • James Blackburn - born 1 Mar 1839; mIl '? ; m/2 Margaret J.' MOORE.' Mary J. (Jane) Blackburn - born 31 Jan 1840; mHo11and HENDRICKS. Elmira Catherine Blackburn - born 21 Jan 1842; m Frank HANNAH. m/2 2. 3. 4,. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. 11. "Ansearchin'" News 130 FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILL BOOK 1808- 1847 Abstracted from microfilm by Betsy F. West (Continued from Summer issue) This abstract i,s tak,en from microfilm ofa book which seems to be a' copy of the or'iginaJ.. Some interpretations are not mine. The nUmber preceding the name of th~ testator is the page number Qf the will book. BFW 148 - LOUIS SHORES: to wife Mary Shores, home and negro man Joe and megro woman Mariond •••my old negro woman Lydia ••• myson Reuben ,and dau Franky and grandaughter Jane HARRISON be schooled ••• my son Alfred ••• to dau Sa!y negro boy Andy ••• to son Reuben, negro boy Orange ••• to dau Betsy, negro boy Bob ••• to my little dau Franky, negro girl Mary ••• to my grandaughter Jane Harrison, negro child Newman ••• negroes Joe and ~ercer not to be separated, if sold. Executors: Solomon SPARKS, Richard C. HOLDER. 13 Feb 1836. Witnesses: R.C. Holder, George HUDSPETH. Proven 22 Feb l83~ by both witnesses as the nuncupative will of Lewis Shores, who died shortly aft¢r said will was written. The Executors named renounced the execution of said will. (No administration recorded here. BFW) i 149 ALExANDER FLOYD: 30 Jun 1831. To wife Amy ••• at her death or remarriage to "myI child Mary Ann Floyd or' ller grandson" (not named) ••• '~to my child Mary Ann Flox, one negro girl named Sarrah and all the above named legacy with its increase if any and a bonefide ••• Fifth to half my land whereon I now live." (This is what appears on the record, but obviously the copyist has not read the original correctly. It probably should have re~d "and a bone fide right to half my land. ~." BFW) To Sa~uel JACKSON, my, father-in-law ••• land where he now lives. To my grandchildren" Geoirge Alexander Floyd &, Mary Silvesta Floyd, son & dau of my son Joseph ••• the surviving lawful heirs of my son William Floyd ded'd and the heirs of my dau Ann WILLIS, dec'd, intermarried to Anderson F. Wills. Executor, Anderson F. Willis. Wit;nesses:BEjHOLLINWORTH, A. E. PATTON. (no probate recorded here) 1 _ ! 150 - WILLIAM RAWLINS: Executor to sell 100 A. near the Sulphur Springs adjoining Mr., WOOD, dec'd, Solomon BANKS and others ••• also negroes Amy and her youngest dau Yo~ica (Monica?) be sold'together, Matilda and her son Harry be sold together, Batcy and her two sons Washington & Tom Grandy ••• dau Clarissa Winston RAINS ••• dau Sarah S.COLEMAN ••• dau Amy Ann McGEE ••• to son John A. Rawlings, furniture and "one hundred dollars in Thomas Rawlins Bond of three hundred dollars which is coming to me also the one Marth(?) owned by Mr. HEDGEPETH of the Tract of land I sold Thomas Rawlins be !paid for out our (sic) of my Estate by my Executors" ••• three sons-in-law, Dr. E1~sha SIMS, Henry A. Rains and Joseph (Jesse written oV,er) McGee, executors ••• estate to be divided amongst my children Thomas Rawlins, Samuel C. Rawlins, Betsy T. Si~s, Amy A. McGee, C1arissaW. Raines and Sarah L. Coleman. 5 Apr 1836 No witneSses given. Probated 6 Jun 1836. Benj. DECHERD, Andrew 1. BRAZELTON and W.B. ~AGNER testified they believed the writing & signature to be his. Rec. 10 Jun 1836. 152 - RICHARD S. EASLY ••• burial to include marble marker with dates of birth & de1th ••• I have conveyed to George WAGNER as Trustee for my wife land on which I resi~e ••• to wife, Nancy negro b<iy Gabriel" stock arid household furniture, ••• to son Pyr dnt Eas1y, negro Charlotte and her four children, Joe, Isaac, Eliza and Lewis ••• to'son Hugh Eas1y ,negro boy Edward ••• to ~lissouri GILES wife of George Giles of Jackson Co, Alabama negro boy Jeff ••• to Polly THOMPSON dau of Esther Thompson, negro girl Martha. "The three last named objects of my county (bounty?) are the natural children of Esther Thompson which I have always recognized (and) still do, 131 Fall 1981 Franklin County, Tennessee Will Book - 1808-1847 (continued) JU' as my children. I have not heard from Polly for sometime; she may be married. If so, the description here given will be sufficient designationll ••• to son Benjamin Easly, negroes Robert Nichols and Esther ••• to wife Nancy, negro boy Frank ••• to son Henry Easly, land purchased of James MONTGOMERY, on which John BARNES is tenant ••• to wife, "an old faithful female slave called Sarah" ••• to son Benjamin & son-inlaw Geo. Giles four town lots in Bellefonte, Jackson Co, AL. Executor: Joseph MILLER. 7 Jul 1836 Witnesses: Squire B. HAWKINS, Hugh Montgomery, John HOPPER. Proved by all witnes,ses 5 Sep 1836. Recorded 24 Sep 1836. 154 - WILLIAM BOST1CK: to wife Ann, land purchased ~ Pomfret HERNDON ••• to son Jol:m G. Bostick, land on which he lives, purchased of John McGOWEN ••• to son Littleberry Bostick, land purchased of James LOCKARD ••• to dau Lucy AUSTELL, land I purchased of Henry M. RUTLEDGE, and land on Elk River purchased of Ja~es GRAHAM •. oto dau Betsy Ann WILLIS, land purchased of James McDONALD formerly owned by John KING, and 20 A. lion which there is a Spring in (and?) for which I hold said McDonalds and George W. THOMPSON land for a titlell •.• to dau Sally Willis wife of David Willis,' land purchased of Ellis HALE and Samuel C. Hale ••• to dau Lucy Austell, negroes Isaac and Mourning(?) and her increase •••.to Betsy A. Willis, negroes Vercy and her two children .••• to Sally Willis, negroes Agg and her child. All five children appointed .Executors. 16 Jan 1833' Witnesses: Sims KELLY, Daniel McLAMORE, Wm. B.G. MUSE. Proved by Sims Kelly 2 May 1836, and by Wm. B. G.Muse 6Jun 1836.. Ordered to be recorded 3 Oct 1836, "Daniel McL.!,more being out of the state." ( 159 - JOSIAH MUSE: nuncupative will made in his last illness at his own house in the. presence of Ric~ard P. HARRIS and Dennis.B. Muse on 22 Sep 1836 ••• all surplus property that Could be sP.ared 'by his family was'. to be disposed of by his' Executor~ in the purchase .of a tract of .land suitable for a home for his family. Executor: Richmond P. Harris • "Reduced in writing & signed by us II • • ~I Dec' 1836 ·Probated 5 Dec 1836, "the widow did not wish to contest said will, but was anxious that· .the same should be admitted and recorded ••• 11 Recorded 6 ,Dec 18',36. , 160 - WILLIAM STREET: the graves ,of my father & mother and my daughter be walled in with stone or brick •.•• to dau Hauon(?) THURMAN, wife of William Thurman, negro woman Lucy & her two children, Moses & Kitty and their dau Annis ••• to dau Elizabeth BLEDSOE, wife 6f James Bledsoe, negro woman Sarah & her three children, and land ••• to dauNancy EASLY,wife of John Easly, negro woman Clara and land ••• the store of William Street & Sons ••• son Wm H. Street ••• to son Oliver D., negroes Jerry, Rachel & her two children, Adaline& Isabella ••• to son Wm. H. Street, "capital vested in merchandise" and negroes Mariah & Orarige ••• toson Ed1rlin, capital and negroes, Mary & Johri ••• to dau Sarah P • Street, negroes Mary & Lucy daughters of Es!.er ••• to Wm. B., Edward 'and Catherine Elizabeth CRISMAN (minors), heirs of Martha Crisman, negro Cate and her three children named Aron, Catherine and Caroline, also one boy child of Moses & Kitty named Jack •.•• to son Anthony, 1attd and ne.groes Myra & Stephen, l1ve-' ~tock, and ~oney for his schooling ••• to wife Elizabeth, negroes John, Will, Bell, Ester .and four of h~r children named Sophia, Dinah,Ned and Hannah, and negro Sam, negro boy Simon, livestock , & household furnishings. Wife & son Anthony . . and children of Martha Crisman, dec d, "as long as their father chooses to let them remain" ar~ to live on the farm ••• "my negro boy Len shall remain with my son Ant40ny on the ,farm until the death of Mary MACKLEROY at which time said negro boy Len will return' to her heirs ••• " Executors: Oliver D. and Wm. H. Street. ,30 June 1836 Witnesses: John, FITZPATRICK, Thos. ATKINS. Proved Jan term 1837 by both witnesses. Recorded 9 Jan 1837. , . 132 "Ansearchin'" News Franklin County. Tennessee Will Book -1808-1847 (continued) 163 - ROBERT DOUGAN: to my three unmarried daughters Margaret, Ruth, Caroline & Eleanor H. Dougan (sic), a horse ••• my older children ••• wife Elizabeth ••• Executor: Benjamin DECHERD. 19 Feb 1837 Witnesses: W. ESTILL, M.D.; Nathan GREEN, William W. CONN. Proved 7 Mar 1837 by Wallis Estill, M.D. and William W. Conn. Recorded 7 Mar 1837. ' 164 - JOHN COWAN: to ,wife Elizabeth M. negro Celia and her youngest child Sam ••• son William M.,••• step-son ThCJmas D. BERRY ••• step-dau Amanda Berry •••,dau Melinda ••• son Thomas F•••• ' Executor: son-in-law John HANDLY. 14 May 1836 Witnesses: James P. Cowan, Abner ADAMS. Proved 'by Cowan & Adams 3 May 1837 & recorded. 165 - JOHN P. WIGGINS: to dau Rebecca F. Wiggins, "negro boy ~ of (Manuel and) Rosanna and her child Nancy together with theirincrease'~••• tCJ dau Susan E. Wiggins, negro girl Clarissa ••• to wife Rachel, remainder of estate ••• my four children, Henry T. Wiggins, Thomas B. Wiggins, Rebecca F. Wiggins, Susari E. Wiggins ••• to son H. T., negro man David ••• to son Thomas B., negro boy John. Executors: wife & son Henry T•• 'who are to deed to Benj. DECHERD a piece of Wiggins' property "included in Nathan R.' MARTIN field." 13 May 1837 Witnesses: Benj. Decherd, Garland ANDERSON. Proved by, both witnesses 3 Jul 1837. Recorded 4 Jul 1837. 166 - JO~N LONG: to. wife Susannah, plant~tion••• to son(s) Wa~hington and Andrew J. Long ••• to son James Long ••• sons John and William~ •• "Vicky and Rebecca ! Catharine Margaret and Malinda shall as 'they marry or become of age receive a horse" etc. "at the death of my wife Susannah that all perishable property be sold and that Anna and Susannah and Sickey Rebecca Catharine Margaret and Malinda shall receive ••• " amounts to make their inheritance equal to the boys. Executors: Washington and Andrew I Long. 25 Mar 1837. Witnesses: Wm. G. GWIN, Wm •.GIBSON, Jr. Proved by Gwin & Gibson 4 Jul 1837. Recorded 5 Jul1837. 168 - WILLIAM MORRISON: to my two daughters Eliza SLOAN and Eleanor PANTHEA all my land ••• to my daughter(s) Eliza S. & Eleamor P., my negro slaves (not named) ••• to my son William ••• a note John BRAZELTON holds against me ••• son William M•••• my sons Joseph P. and Rolund (Roberd?) D•••• Executors: Benj. DECHERD and Col. Thomas FINCH. 21 Aug 1837 Witnesses. Samuel SCOTT, J.M. McCORKLE, E.A. McCorkle. Proven by J.M. and E.A. McCorkle 6 Nov 1837. Recorded 9 Nov 1837. 169 - WILLIAM SHARP Senr(?): to my sons Richard and James Sharp, land and negro woman Silvy ••• to son Richard, negroes Hannah, Milly, Charles and David ••• toson James, negro boy Harry ••• to son William Sharp, four negroes, two named Peter, one Willis, one Jenny ••• to son Robert, land negro boy Jacob ••• to dau Margaret FERAL, land and negroes Milly, Seving(?) and George ••• to son-in-law William CORN~ negroes Harriet, Violet, Ralph and Aaron ••• to son-in-law John HAYS property & cash ••• to grandaughter Phanny ADAMS, negro girl Sally ••• tograndaughter Anna FERRELL ••• to son-in-law Abner LASATER, negro woman Hanna ••• to grandaughter Mary Lasater, negro girl Syntha ••• to grandsons James, Robert and Richard Lasater ••• my six children, Richard, James, William, Robert, Margaret and Nancy. Executors: Richard and James Shatp. 4 Nov 1836 Witnesses: Jas. R. SLATTER,Wi1liam HUDSON. Proved by both witnesses & recorded 5 Mar 1838. 170 - ROBERT LACKEY: Executors: son Robert Lackey and friend Gideon N. PULLY ••• to wife Elizabeth, land and negro woman Luce, and negro man Bob ••• my son ,and all my daughters (not named) ••• my dau Elizabeth to have possession of her houses & lots 133 Fall 1981 Franklin County. Tennessee Will Book - 1808-1847 (continued) for her lifetime or as long as she shall remain a widow. 2 Feb 1838. Witnesses: John WELDMAN, Millenton LEDBETTER, John R.BROND (BEORD?). Proved by. Brord & Weldman and recorded 5 Mar 1838. 171 - JOHN KEY, Senr: nuncupative will made in presence of John P. KENNERLY and Henry WIGGS ••• estate, exclusive of Flemming, to be divided, and half to to to Thomas WILSON, half to John and Alexander Key ••• to Strother Key's wife, my estate in VA ••• to Thomas Wilson, Flemming ••• Key made the will three or four hours before his death "during his last sickness in the Bill Tavern in Winchester being surprise on a visit from home to Winchester by .sickness ••• " Key died 10 Jan 1838, and the will was written down 20 Jan 1838. Proved by both witnesses and recorded 3 Apr 1838. 172 .~ WILLIAM WILlMAN: to wife Nancy, land which at her death will go to my grandson William Wiliman, son of Lucy Wiliman ••• to each of my children,Lucy, Wiliman, Milley, Sally BAKER. Mary HARRIS, Barbery DOTSON, Beckey I>otson ••• "Lucy Wiliman my Executor and my wife Nancy Wiliman my Executrix ••• " 22 Jun1837 Witnesses: James B. STOVALL, Alexander LONG. Proved by both witnesse.s and recorded 5 Apr 1838. ( 173 - GAUUlUU (GAMINN?) SCROGGINS: Executors: Samuel 1. KENNERLY and John BUCKNER ••• "to Josiah HILL son of Sarah Hill at his birth but (she) has since married", $333 to be put at interest until he becomes of age ••• tothe two little daughters of Polly FINNEY named Elinda & Elizabeth (minors) ••• my niece Nancy Ann BORuM••• to my mother Nancy Kenner1y ••• my brothers and sisters Malinda Buckner, Samuel I. Kennerly, Moriah Borum, Matilda LYONS, John P. Kennerly, Mahala FARIS. 24 Jan 1830 Witnesses: John . M. BENNET, Hezekiah KEETTON. Proved by both witnesses 7 May 1838. Rec. 8 May 1838. . I. '. . 174 - JOSEPH KLEPPER: all property including slaves to be sold •••real estate indicated by deeds from: the Nashville Bank, Joseph LOCKHART. John TURNER, A.A. RAINS, Exr of William Rains , dec'd, Lewis ESTILL, Geo W. HIGGINS and wi,fe, and Stephen . CARTER and wife (lot 1115 in the town of Bellefont, Jackson Co. AL) ••• "to the children male and female of my brother Jacob Klepper (who now lives in Washington County, Tennessee) in being at the time of my death and to the children of my brother John Klepper (who was at the time of his decease living in Washington County Tennessee) in being at the time of my decease, share and share alike. Executors: brother Jacob Klepper and friend Thomas WILSON. 11 Feb 1838 Witnesses: Willis Es till, M. W. HOWELL,Jessie T. WALLACE. (No probate info given) 175 - THOMAS 1. LASATER: to wife Sarah ••• Executors: wife Sarah, father Hezekiah I.asa ter, brother Abner Lasater ••• for her use and the raising anq schooling of my children. 9 Jun 1838 Witnesses: Solomon HOLDER, Hezikiel MUSE, James' CRAYTON. Proved by all witnesses and recorded 7 Aug 1838. 177 - HENRY ROLEMAN.: to wife ,Elizabeth Roleman and her heirs. Executrix, wife Elizabeth. 8, Sep 1830 Witnesses: W.R. ANDERSON. Phebe E. MURRELL. Proven by Phebe E. Murrell, Benjamin DECHERD affirming the signature of Anderson who was ,dead. 3 Sep 1838. Recorded 4 Sep 1838. 177 - ROBERT Z. HAWKINS of Morgan Co, AL: horse and barouche reserved for the purpose of conveying my wife to her relation in Tennessee ••• to my wife Katherine ••• to my children by my first wife, i.e. Mary, Musidora and Eliza ••• son William ••• title bonds of Col. James LEWIS of TN and Willie J. HARRIS mentioned ••• ,Executors: Henry BELB(?) in AL. William STEWARD of Franklin Co in TN. Date not given. Witnesses: 134 "Anscarchin'" News Franklin County, Tennessee Will Book-18mr-1847 (continued) S. COMPTON, William MILLER, S.O. ·HcCON(?). Certified copy made in Morgan Co. AL 8 Oct 1~38. Recorded in Clerks office i~.Sommerville in Deed Bk,D, folio 93 & 9q. Re~orded in Franklin Co. '~ 6 Nov 1838. \01. 179 -JACOB RICH: to wife Rosean ••• I h~vesix chi~dren by my present wife (five sons and one dau, to wit:) James, Preston, Marshall H, Andrew 1. and Louisa who has married Ephraim McDICKEY [one son n(),t named here' - Ed]) ••• I have 12 children by a former wife ••• if Iilny of the six ch,ildren should die before they come of age ••• my, negro George to be sold ••• whereas my s,on Thomas Rich owes me the hire of a n,egro .•• Executors:, 'George HUDSPETH, David O. ANDERSON and my son Marshall Rich whenever he comes of age. 4 Jul 1838 Witnesses: Abram SMITH, Senr, E. McDickey. Circuit Court Sept Terttl",).1~'3'l. George Hudspeth, one of tIle Executors named in the . will of Jacob Rich, geC'd, vs Joseph Rich & Aneal STOVELL: Issue to try Will. This day ca~eYtheparties by their attorneys ••• a jury to wit: Dudley JOHNSON, Charles CRISSMAt3.;~J:Bird FRANCIS, John B. HAWKINS, John FRANCE, James S. COWLING, John Anderson,>'Thomas HOWARD, James KIETH, Daniel WEAVER, Labon JONES, Charles ~RNBLL••• f~nd that it is the will of Jacob Rich as to his personel estate but not as to his .real es tate. ' County Court - Nov Term 1838. Probated & recorded 10 Nov 1838. 182 - RICHMOND P. HARRlf): to'~ife Lydia to maintain and educate my children ••• should my wife die, before they come of age or marry, my brother. George W.D. Harris to take the estate and minors under his care ••• if wife moves from the count'!y to ' sell my boy Dave or purchase his wife from Dr. S.P. SIMS. Executor: Benjamin DECHERD. 9 Apr 1839 Witnesses: Buscherer CRISMAN, B.R.SMITH,Wm. R. Harris. Proved by Crisman & Smith and recorded 5 Jun 1839. 184 - JAMES TAYLOR: "Wher'eas myself and Martha was married and lived together 'a few years and, seeing we could not live together in peace, we parted our property, each one holding their oWn property, I therefore request that she hold her property ••• my daughters Elizabeth, Patsy and Polly and my son Alden. Executors: sons James Taylor Jr. and William Taylor. 26 Jan 1839. Witnesses: James Taylor, Jr. and William Taylor. Proved by both witnesses & recorded 4'Sep 1839. 185 - WILLIS YOUNG.- 9 Apr 1839: to wife Mary ••• all my heirs. Executors: Ewing Young, .Wilson Young. Witnesses: Hosea H. FLOYD, Edward DARNALY. Proved by both witnesses & recorded 12 Jun 1840. 186 - BENJAMIN HAS.TY: wife.Mary ••• my dau Sarah ••• rest of the children. Executors: son Joseph Hasty and George W. CARTER. 8 Jun 1840 Witnesses: James DAWNAM, Hannah Dawnnam. (No probate recorded here) A letter written 8 May 1961 is inserted between pages 188/189 in which the County Court Clerk informed a searcher that records between 1808-1876 did not contain a will he was seeking. "Our Minute Books concerning Probate matters begin in 1837." Perhaps that is why probate records were discontinued here. BFW (to be continued) Fall 1981 135 HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1836 TAX RECORD Filmed by Tennessee State Library & Archives Transcribed by Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. (continued from Summer issue) Names listed between asterisks were out of order on the microfilm, but have been i.ncluded here in proper alphabetical sequence. DISTRICT 119 Allen, William AHEm, J .R. ( ACRES POLL, 1SL 1 88 '1 185 1SL Anderson, Nelson Arther, Nathan 1 Bragg, John 1 300 Bosbee, Alfred 2SL 1 Bell, Thomas 1SL 1 Buye (1),' Archibald 1 Bailey, Thomas F. 216 800 Brown, James. G. Brigance, John 50 1 Berry, William 1 150 Berry, Enoch 50 1 Berry, Thomas 1 .50 Baker, James 1 212 Baker, James, Gdn to Hatcher's heirs 148 1SL Bryans, Heirs 800 Baker, Basil 1 ~ailey, William P. 1 Campbell, Edward 2SL 125 1 Carter, Calvin 598 Carter, Calvin, Admr 2SL 1 Cowan, James 472 2SL Campbell, Edward 1 Campbell, Daniel 1 Campbell, John K. 1073 6SL Caudle. James G. 70 1 Caudle, William 53 1 Clark, Brankley G. lSL 119 1 Collier, B.C. 100 1 Campbell, A.D. 1 Cate, William 113 1 Caton, George 500 ,6SL Ca ton, William 365 7St Caudle, James 127 Campbell, Alexander ISL 1 Dillahunty, Wm. 12SL 975 1 Dillahunty, James ISL 1 Diggs, John 4SL 293 1 Daniel, Joseph 25 1 Diggs, Pleasant 144 6SL Dunlap, Jesse' 1 Dawkins, Travis 1 Diggs, Pleasant, Jr 135 1 Dillahunty, John 1 Diggs, Harris 2SL 142 1 Deshazzer, Thomas 1 Diggs, Benjamin 140 1 D~nwiddie. james 575 12SL Erwin, William 1 Edwards, William 235 lSL Ferguson, Standerford 1 Fry, Bartlett 105 1 DISTRICT #9 ACRES Flippin, Thomas 50 Flippin, Allen lSL Gray, Archibald 100 Greer, Bird 100 1SL Greer, James 1500 Greer, David 68 Greer, Brison ISL 25 2SL Haynes, John 300 Haskett, Joseph Hays, Samuel Hall, Edward Harrison, Mary 115 Haynes, Henry G.'s 4SL Haynes, Thomas 250 Haynes, Samuel 2SL .Irby, Jefferson Ingrum, Thomas 145 Jernigan, Harris 122 Jones, E.B. 2SL 120 Kirby, William 103 Kirby, K.C. Llewellyn, Charles 65 Llewellyn, Jbhn Lenton, A.E. 115 Looney, J~D. 198 Looney, J.n. ,(Gdn) 130 Llewellyn, Green B. Lewis, Davis Linton, Samuel 100 Lawrel, Williams 640 (Agent) Meak, John E. McCrea, William 103 McAdoo, William 136 McCune, W.G. ISL McGee, William Morphis, James 2SL 405, Morton, Turner McCorkle, Lewis ISL 418 McCorkle, Lewis (Gdn) 448 McCorkle, Jane 50 Mooy (1), William McAdoo, Evans 248 Moore, George W.(Adm) 116 Morphis, James (Gdn) 520 Nowlin, Richard Noel, Zachariah 215 , 2SL Nooley, A. Orr~ll, Edgar 81 Orne, Edward & Alden Gifford 220 Orrill, Robert Orrill, William Pointer, William ACRES POLL POLL DISTRICT #9 1 Peel, John 1 1 Peel, Dempsay 1 3SL Partee, Squire B. 1 1 Peeples, Banjamin4SL 100 1 3SL 2SL Peeples, BEmjn~ Exor ' 1 Pettyjohn, Hiram Poe, Joseph 75 1SL 1 1 Petty, William 1 1 Pointer, Thomas 1 1 Poe, David 253 1 1 Price, Allen 1 1 Petty, David 1 Price, Benjamin 1 1 Rhoads, George W. 1SL 40 1 Rafferty, Stearman 1 1 Read, John M. 2SL 150 1 1 Richardson, Daniel 40 1 Richardson, Giles 1 Singleton, Randolph 25 2SL 1 1 Swearingen, Samuel 188 1 Stuart, William 1 1 Travis, George 120 1 1 Taylor, Joseph 1 1 Tanner, John B. 3SL 1 1 Tarbeville, James 1SL 170 Underwood, John ' 1 1SL 1 Webb, Holden lSL 85 1 1 Waller, Isaac H. 1 1 Wall, Robert H. 8SL 250 1 Ward, .William 1 1. Wall, John H. Whitsetts, William's ISL heirs 340 1 1 Whitlock, Baldwin 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 2SL 1 1 1 1 DISTRICT #10 *Armstrong, Lynus Allen, Samuel ' Atkins, Richard S. Allen, James H. Buckley, Lucinda Baker, Porter Be~ts, Daniel Betts, Stokley S. Banks, Eli Bates, Smith 2SL Bies, John Burrows,S. 6SL Buckley, Jeremiah Criddle, Smith 2SL Crouch, Milner F. *Curtis, John 3SL Crawley, Wi~liam Cook, Margaret 240 360 1SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 505 678 89 140 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 136 "Ansearchin'" News Henry County. Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) DISTRICT H10 ACRES POLL 1 Cook, Jordan Crockett, Nathaniel 344 Carter, Wm.L. 5SL 220 1 Dickson, Joseph 1 Drake, LL. 1 Dale, Thomas A. 4SL 448 1 Dollahite, Y.G. 1 Dinkens,' William 1 Dargan, Atlas J. 4SL 202 1 728 8S1 Dinwiddie, James, Sr Dinwiddie, Moses S. 490 1 2SL 145 Dinwiddie, William 138 1 Dinwiddie, Jedidiah 1SL Dinwiddie, James, Jr 220 1 1 Donne1son, Ebenezer lSL 1 Easley, Warham 3SL 40 1 Foster, George N. 3SL 242 1 Foster, James C. lSL 134 1 Filds, John 1 Granade, John A. lSL120 1 Glisson, Brinkley B. 41 1 Gilbert, James Z. 1 lSL Haynes, PrestonG. 1 House, Simeon 1 High, Mark 641 Hunter, Henry 300 9SL Haynes, Thomas Hughes, James H. 1 Janett, John 1SL 453 Klutts, Tobias 1 lSL 1 Klutts, Israel Kirkpatrick, Joseph 168 1 Lee, John 1 Lee, James J. Leath, Peter C. 1 Laurence, John 1 53 1 Murphy, Randolph 1 Miller, Pearson 1SL Middleton, Martha 1 Miller, Bird 402 5SL Manley, Richard, Sr 40 1 Metheney, John 40 1 Metheney, Cullen 100 McKane, Joshua. 1 Metheney, James 1 Metheney, John P. Maxwell, William M. 1 173 1 Martin, William Mitchell, Vachell 2SL 140 1 1 Miller, William Moore,A.P. 1SL 140 1 1 Newton, William 448 14SL Newlon, Martha A. Osborn, Thos., Exor 367 1 3SL of John Osborn Owen, Benjamin 111 1 Patterson, Wm. S. 3SL 115 1 Rogers,C.J. 1 ACRES POLL DISTRICT #11 DISTRICT. #10 ACRES POLL 1 Ray, Moses P. 2S 133 Barton, Joseph 1 Roulhac, Dr. 1 Brown, William R. 1 Randle, Eldridge Bolen, William 79 1 1 Rogers, William C. 307 lSL Crittenden, John 1SL 200 1 Roson, James 1 Crittenden, Wm. 1SL 106 1 60 Rogers, William S. 3SL Carter, Levi 1 197 Carter, Nathan Richie, Thomas J. lSL 1 1 200 Sheek, Adam Coley, James M. 1 1 Tucker,Wi11iam H. 1 Cash, Elijah 1 Cash, John Thomason, Green L. i 1 100 Thomason, Joseph C1a~y, John 1 Thomason, Richard L. 158 1 Cabe, John B. 1 428 Carne, John D. 1SL 100 Davis, Sarah Todd, John 1 3SL Davis, Sarah, Gan Todd, James 1 328 4SL Ward, George I. Daniel, Susan 1 35 2SL Ezzell, Parham Wall, Henry H. 5SL 183 1 80 lSL Fields, John, Sr Wilson, William 4SL 1 1 80 Wilson, Mead Fields, John, Jr 1 1 3SL Freeman, Arthur Wood, William 1 1 Freeman, James A. 200 1 Witt, John 160 3SL 214 l5SL Wall, John, Sr Gooden, Jesse 86 5SL Greene, Ann E. Wrigh t, Tyson 72 1 123 3SL .Hogan, David Williams, Charles 1 2S Hogan, Elijab Winfrey, John A. 9SL 1 1 Y()ung, Ezekiel Hogan, Hal!lblin 1 1 225 Hutcheson, .Lewis M. Young, Hosea 1 4SL 1 Hutcheson, John 1SL DISTRICT fill 1 Howard, James 6SL 463 *Atkins, Abia 327 8St 1 Howard, William 50 1 Atkins, William 1SL 1 Howard, A.P. Atkins, Alford, Exor 320 3SL Hatter, Alexander 88 Atkins, James A.F. 3SL 1 1 Hatter, Philip 1 Alexander, Jefferson 120 1 Hoofman, Thomas Alexander, Joseph 1 Hoofman, Jacob 10 255 2SL Alexander,Jesse 1 Hearne, Cyrus 649 8SL Bowden, Elias 1 Huntsman, John Bowden, Elias, Adm 133 2SL Jackson, Binns 107 3SL of Veasy 1 Jackson, John F. 68 200 1 Bowden, Elias, Agt 1 Jackson, Lewis B. lSL of J.P. 1 Love, John D. 6SL 313 1 Bowden, Dempsey lSL 200 1 Lowery, David 39 1 Bowden, Thomas lSL 1 Lambkins, Mathew 220 1 Bowden, Benjamin F. 1 Latemdne, Thomas lSL 1 Lyons, William W. lSL 1 Bowden, Jesse W. Lyons, William 63 310 5SL Brooks, John, Sr 1 Martin, William 1SL *Brooks, James ·1 1 Marberry, PleasantH. 2SL 1 Brooks, William 1 Moore, Obadiah 1 Brooks, Charles 2SL 100 1 Jesse Moore, 80lSL Brooks, Mary Ann 1 Moore, JamesH. 10 1 Brooks, Michael 3SL 1 Mangum, Jesse 42 Brogden, Willis 45 1 1 Olive, John 2SL 124 Brogden, John 1 Orne, Edward (Alden 640 1 Brogden, David Grifford) 115 1SL Byars, Nicholas 1 Olive, Leroy 100 260 1 Byars, George 1 Olive, Josey 50 1 Byars, William 1 Old, William Byars, John 1 1 Page, John 1SL Buckley, James W. 1 137 Fall 1981 Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) DISTRICT' 1/11 Palmer. William Philips, Elizabeth Philips, James Riggs. Benjamin A. Ross, Dorothy Renf ro. William Strong, Christopher SiSson, William Span, Moses A. Sisson. Robert G. Sanders, Garrett Sim.!!ons, Susan Taylor, James W. Todd, Moses Walker, James Wade, Allen, Gdn Ward, Willie Walker, James D. Yates, Basel lSL ( DOUBLE TAX LIST DISTRICT /111 Bell, Samuel lSL Clary, Benjamin Coonrad,John's heirs Daniel, Woodward 3SL Fiser,' Pleasant Kincaide,David's heirs Love, John D. (Agt) Moore, Greenberry W. Moore, John Polk & Devereaux Rid~ay, Joseph 2SL Riggs, Benjamin A. (Agt) ACRES 133 156 3SL POLL 1 1 1 117 1 848 5SL 20 1 1 1 564 50 lSL 3SL 490 99 147 81 75 lSL 50 1 1 1 590 80 lSL 512 1 1 1 1 1 500 1 1 500 50 360 DISTRICT /112 Atkerson, William 204 Braswell, Jacob lSL 131 Bennett, Larkin Buckley, Coleman 21 Bradly, Robert 580. Boyd, Abner Carmichael, Micha~l 3200 Cockram, Benjamin Callicoat, John 1SL 150 cockram, Duke Cavitt, Hiram 4SL 57 Cavitt. William 240 Cavitt, WilHam 22 Coats, Samuel Cloys, Luke lSL 130 Caffery, Robert 130 Deans, Henry 25 DorIan, Joseph 2000 Doran, Edward 133 Freeman, Da~id's heirs 132 Goode, Henry Humphreys, Asa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACRES POLL DISTRICT #12 Humphreys, Alfred 1 Humphreys, Horatio 1 Hooker, William 1 Hunt, James 480 James, John 273 Johnson, James 1 Jones, Samuel 690 1 Jones, Thomas (Agt) 40 Key, Thomas 1 Key, John 1 Key, Garland 1 Key, William W. 235 Key, William 1 Key, Terry 1 1 Killebrew. Levi 1 Kuykendall, Robert 318 Lawrence, Isaac 1 1SL Love, Robert & 3000 Thomas Love, Thomas lSL Lawrence, John lSL 100 1 Lawrence, John (Agt) 120 McLane, John 1 McLane, James 219 1 McLane. Joseph, Sr 65L McLane, Joseph, Jr 1 Maxwell,John 2.SL 1 McCammon, Nancy W. 140 100 lSL Neal, Catharine Nance, Thomas 1 Nance, William 20 Orr, Samuel G. 1 200 Orr, William Orr, Griffin·W. 1 400 3SL Paschall, Ann Paschall, Jesse 45 Paschall. Elisha 1 Paschall, Alexander 1 Paschall, Samuel 1 Paschall, Milton 1 Page, Crowder 1 Page, Joseph 1 Ridgway, Samuel 1 lSL 50 Ridgway, John 1 1SL Ridgway, Thomas 50 1 Smith, Barnett 1 Smith, .William 1 Smith, David 1 Sims, John 1 Sims, William 1 lSL 150 Somers, Samuel 1 Tart, James 30 1 West, Isaac 219 Ward, Hiram 1 Wilson, Swepston 1 Wilson, Thomas 1 DISTRICT /113 1 *Alexander, James G. 1 Alexander, Thomas J. 1 1 DISTRICT #13 ACRES POLL 1 Avoy (Avery?), Lewis 135 1 Alexander, Thomas 4SL Aaron, George 99 AleXander, William 1 100 Alexande~, Hugh M. 1 270 Auory, Elisha 66 Ayra, Daniel 1 Arrn (?), Anadal 1 Atkins,; George 1 Blackamore, J.A.W. lSL 20 Brisendine, Bannister 42 1 Blan,James 1400 3SL Brent, James 95 *Beard, Richard 1 Brown. James 1 Brundridge,Edward 1 Butterworth, Benjamin 150 1 Baker, Martin 100 1, Brizindine, Stephen 150 Bigum, William 153 Buler (Bullus?), Minnich 1 Coats, James 274 1 Caldwell, Robert D. 2SL lS1 Caldwell,_ James Cooney, John 121 285 3SL Dumas, Jeremiah Dumas, Henry 5 1 Etheridge. Elijah 60 1 Etheridge, Joseph Emerson, Pleasant 120 Ford, James 125 1 Ford, EphramD. Ford. Danie:L 5 1 Humphreys, Thomas 151 1 Humphreys, Henry lSL 85 1 Hendricks, Isaac lSL 100 1 Harding, Gilbert lSL 112 1 Hendricks, William 150 1 Hendricks, Uriah 200 1 Hendricks, James 2SL 160 1 Harding, Henry,W. 2SL 125 1 Irwin, Silas . 1 Jameson, Andrew 1 .Jones, A.W. lSL 1 Lemmond, Robert 80 1 Lemmond~, Thomas 1 Lamb, Jason 1 Lawrence, Charles C. Lamb, Thomas 116 lSL 1 Lamb, Joseph 100 1 McCollough, William 1 McConnell, John L~ 200 1 Martin, Abraham 104 1 Mathis, William 200 1 Mathis, James M. 1 Mathis, John W. 1 Montieth, Josiah 1 Mason, Micaijah lSL 138 "Ansearchin'" News Henry County. Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) ACRES POLL ACRES POLL DISTRICT 1114 ACRES POLL DISTRICT.#14 DISTRICT /113 1SL 69 Butterworth, 100 2SL Swor, John lSL 1 Martin, Robert 440 1 Mooney, Thomas 1 Christopher, Soloman Swor, William 1SL 1 210 1 Cress, John 90 1 Mitchell, Lewis Simmons, Levi 1SL 25 1 1 1 Causey, G.L. Simpson, James McRoberts, E.M. 50 Nickson, William 200 lSL Simpson, William 1 Conyers~ Mordecai 1 640 1 Stephens, Fielding Cofman, John Orn, Edward & Alden 30 1 1 Chapp~ll, Christopher 100 Gifford Stroud, Joseph 1 138 1 Newton, Abraham Stroud, Richard Cannon, John 40 1 1 150 2SL Scoggins, James L. 220 Price, Willie Cannon, Martin 1 1 1 Cannady, Robert Philips, Nathan P. :1 Shearman, John 1 20 1 40 Coleman, William Paschall, Elisha 1 Sw~ft, Arthur 1 Stealey, William Price, Oran 1 Darr, Hezekiah 1 1 Parks, james 1 Stealey, Hezekiah Donna1dson,' James 1 1 Travis,Silas 150 1 Davis, Isaac O. J;lrice, Alfred 1 1 Thompson, Jephanah 100 Paschall, William Etheridge, David 1 1 100 Paschall, Henry Volentine, Thomas 1 Emmerson, William 1 Wade, Micaijah 1SL 1 Eaves, Robertson Paschall, George W. 1 100 1 1 Willoughby, Anthony Price, Alexander 1 Ford, Isaac ]: 1 Wilson, Samuel Ray, Hosea Finley, Joshua 1 1 100 200 1 Winn, Thomas G. Finley, Thomas 1 Ray, Thomas 25 1 375 Rawsel1, A. S.(1) Gateley, Thomas lSL Walker, Andrew 40 Willoughby, Jacob 1 Rogers, Daniel 1 Gateley, Joseph H. 1 708 1 Wilson, Merritt C. Ray, James Gateley, Samuel 1 150 1 Woods, John Stewart, David 1 Griffin, James 1 2SL 101 2SL Harper, Francis W. Whitlock, Harden 1 Stewart, John 3SL 1 144 Shumate, Thomas 1 Harmon, Tapley DOUBLE TAX LIST Smithey, William Hope, David 353 ~ ·100 2 1 DISTRICT 1114 Stephens, Eli A. Harmon, Alexander 640 1 Thomas, Jonathan Fairfax, 1 Holland, William 100 1. Hendricks, Daniel 300 Hoover, Alexander Trevathan. John 1 150 1 Harris, William R. 500 Thomson, Moses J. Hartsfield, John 20 1 Tyl;t:'s, John's heirs. 640 Polk, Thomas' heirs 3261 Huddleston, Pleasant lSL 1 1390 1 McLemore, Sugars Thomason, George Hunt, Wilson 1 100 Williams' heirs 1 . Hatder ,James Underwood. Duke 187 41 Warnich, William 1 1 Hinchey, John 274 Warnich,John DISTR1CT #15 1 Hutchens, John 1SL 1 . Jones, Willis 25 Walker, Wilson Albritton, John M. 89 1 Autrey, William Witherington, Joshua 1 Jenkins,Peyton 1 45 Carriage 1 Arthur, William Walls, Hiram 1 Jones, John 50 Back, Jesse 170 1 1 Witherington, Thomas 1 Jones, James M. 5SL Jones, Harrison 140 Brown, Henry 1 1 1 Bradshaw, Joseph Wasson, John 265 1 Lamb, Martin 1 1 Bradford, Henry 4SL 640 Walker, Josiah 25 Lefever, William 1 2SL Landers, John 540 1 Witherington, Joseph 100 lSL Bradford, Crawford 6SL 1 Walls, Andrew J. 135 Millikin, Goerge W. 5SL Moore, Alfred's heirs 823 Bradford, Thomas B.'s Welch, John M.• 1 heirs 80 Young, El·ishaM. 1SL 1 Meaddows, Alexander Caldwell, David 2SL 1 1 Nathan, Powell Carpenter, Willie lSL DISTRICT 1114 1 Nicholas, Lazarus 1 Cooper, Raiford 1 Allen, Thomas L 1SL 100 200 1 Newport, A.R. 1 Craig, Alexander 80 Alexander, James 1 Orrell, Alpha Conrad, William C. 160 1SL Albritton, Isaac 1 Puckett, Leonard lSL 40 1 4SL 100 1 Parker, Cader. Askew, Drew A. Chilcutt, George 15 100 Bean, William 1 Chilcutt, John M. 1 133 1 Parker, Francis 240 2SL Parker, Miles Clark, George 1 Bunch, Thomas 1 123 1 Causey, Hubbard 1 Ballard, John 133 1 Parker, William 9 1 Chilcutt, Joshua 1 Barnet t, William Pernell, Hinson 1SL 1 Cooney, Terence 1SL Blount, I.G. & T. 2250 1 Potts, Thomas 20 Chumley, Joseph 640 152 Bennett, Gabriel 1 Ray, James 85 1 Cooney & Arthur 930 3St: Bauchum, Wyatt 1 1 Swor, Armstrong Fall 1981 139 Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) ( ACRES POLL DISTRICT 1115 ACRES POLL DISTRICT 1115 Cowan, David C.'s 40 Shaw, Andrew 1 heirs Sexton, William H. 1 Elkins, William 2SL Sexton, Willie 15 1 Eaves, Bartlett 1 Smith, Austin 1 Eaves, Davis 1 Smith, Stephen J.K. 1 Fowler, Henry 1 Stillwell, Alexander 1 Fowler, David 1 Snider, Jonas 1 Fowler, George H. 25 Smith, Henry 1 Frazie.r, Thomas, Jr 1 30 Steeley, Mastin 1 Gray, 'Thomas 4SL 250 1 Smith, Samuel 1 Guill, John A. 1 Smoot, Reed 1 Guill, Thomas 1 Steeley, Benjamin 50 Gould, 'John 1 Smith, James W. 1 Gray, James 880 Smith, Mathew W. 1 Gray, David's heirs 60 Scarbough, Alexander 1 37 Goodman, William B. 50 ,Swift, Arthur 42 Graves, Lewis 2SL 1 Turpin, James 110 Guill, John A. 55 1 Turpin, William R. 1. Greer, David S. 500 Tuggle, Granville 1 Houston, John H. 1 Trout, Adam 150 Hogue, John D. 1 Throgmorton, Henry 1 Hines, 'Peter 30 Thaxton, Alexander 1 Hamblin, Henry 1 Vaughan, L~muel 1 Ingraham, Samuel 1 Winn, Henry H. 's 270 Jenkins, Robert M. 1 heirs Jones, N.K. & Wert, 2560 Williams, John H. 2SL 1 William Whitfield, William 80 1 Key ~ Willi,am 1 Wimberly, Isaac 1 Lee, Robert 1 Wimberly, Joseph 1 Lee, James 1 Walker, Thomas J. 1 Linch, J.B. 51 . 'Walker, James 40 1 Lucks, Elijah lSL 25 1 Wimberly, Lewis 80 1 Lamb, Jo!lnathan 316 Winn, Daniel 10 1 McCampbell, Andrew 1000 Wafford, William D. 1 Moody, Isaac N. 25 1 Winchester, J.B. 1 Moody, Elijah 1 450 Wimberly, John 1 ,McElroy, Lem'l 1 Wilson, Edward 35.L 270 1 Moody, JohnR. 1 Willoughly, Wallace 1 McDugal, James L. 1 290 Walker, John 1 McDugal, Washington 1 Mathis, William 1 DISTRICT 1116 Manord, Thomas lSL Adams, Philip 112 1 Manord, William lSL 1 Alleri, William 1 McManus, _ 452 Allmond, AaronG. 1 Niece, Martin lSL Allen, Richard W. 1 Niece, Joseph lSL 1 Bunch, Bryan B. lSL 302 1 Niece, Daniel 1 Barnhill, Edward lSL 1 Niece, George 1 BeH,' John 1],0 Osborn, Samuel 1 Bond, 'Benj amin 400 Oliver, Moses, Sr 85 Bauchum, Reddin lSL 1 Oliver, Willis 1 Cooke, John W. 1000 Oliver, Rheaa 1 . Copeland, Solomon 500 1 Oliver, Moses, Jr, 1 5SL Purdy, John 500 Crisenberry,' John 50 1 Powers, William 1 Copeland, Moses 1 Phlugar, Johp C. 1 Crump, ThomasC. 1 Parker, John C. 1 'Caldwell, Preston 140 1 Randle, John 25 Copeland, John 1 Roberts, William 1 Darnall, Thomas L. lSL 84 1 Roberts, George 1 Dement, Nancy 40 ACRES POLL DISTRICT {/16 1 Emery, Squire 1 Edney, Samuel ISL 250 1 Edwards, Owen H. 3SL 450 Frazier, Julian & Sors 740 lSL 1 rraz1er, William 1 Glover, Anderson 180 1 Glover, Jesse'T. 1 Gainer, John S. 2SL 100 1 Goodman, Wm. B. 4SL 208 1 Gutledge, ,Elijah 100 Gardner, Joshua 1 3SL 175 Gardner, J.C. 1 Gainer, Asa M. 155 Gibson, George's estate Gilcrees,Daniel & 333 Malcolm 1 180 Gloves, Fineas lSL 8,0 1 Hogan, James lSL 1 Howell, Ellyen 60 Holliday, A.J. 1 20 Hogan, Elijah 5SL Haynes, James 68 1 Haynes, Thomas Jackson, Spencer 2SL 220 1 1 King, William P. 4SL 300 423 8SL Kendall, James 665 5SL Kendall, Peter 1 45L 140 King, James P. 1 lSL Kendall, John 1 Kendall, Eli , 5SL 400 1 20.0 Kendal]" Devereaux 4SL 1 Kendall ,William 1 Kirkland, B.W. 1 Ladyman, Benjamin 113 Lee, John's heirs 1 Love, 'Robert 250 1 Landers, Jacob 1 1SL Lowther, William 1 50 Lee, George 1 146 Largent, Richard 179 2SL McLester, Zadock Morgan, Lemuel'M. 750 2SL 1 McDanald, Alexander' 1 200 Manly, Richard 7SL 1 McAllister, Daniel Morgan, John 30 3000 McCampbell, Andrew 271 Norred, William, Sr 1 Norred, John 1 Norred, William, Jr 1 Price, Whitfield 1 Palme~, John L. 2SL 120 1 Ross, Littleberry 1 Ross, David, 1 Rumbley, Thomas 2 SL 260 1 R.obertson, John 1 Robertson, Wm. 2SL 80 1 Robertson, George 140 "Ansearchin'" News Henry County. Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) DISTRICT 1116 ACRES POLL Simpson, ~athan 1 Smith, Henry F. 1 Shankle, Elias 1 ,75 Shankle, Volentine Shankle, Beverly 180 1 Swor,Robert' 144 1 Swor, John 1 Swor, Richard 60 Snider, Peter 250 1 Snit1er, Bedford 1 Swor, Joseph 1 Tally,Bird T. 1 Upchurch, John. Jr 1 Upchurch, David 40 1 Upchurch, John, Sr 130 3SL Upchurch, Joshua 4SL 200 1 Venable, John 166 Ven!ble, Calvin 1 Venible, Moses 1 Williams, Solomon 461 3SL DISTRICT #16 ACRES Williams, Thomas 139 Williams, D.K. 140 WilliamS, Ziby Weaks, Hewlett 148 Weaks, Benjamin 1SL Walker, William 71 Weaks, Andrew 52 Wilson, Zeno Wilson, Joseph Wilson, James, 120 Wright, James lSL 45 Young, James 6SL 214 SUPPLEMENT TAX LIST DISTRICT 112 Horne, William Myrick, John J. Metheney, W.W. Randle, John H. Rhodes, J.R. POLL 1 1 1 ACRES 62 1 DISTRICT 117 Eastes, Burrus Purvis, Jane 100 177 1 1 DISTRICT fl8 Henley, Burrell 62 lSL 4SL DISTRICT 113 Armour, David 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISTRICT 119 Bryan's Heirs 800 DISTRICT 1110 Tyson, Wright 72 DISTRICT fl12 Deans, Henry 25 DISTRICT 1115 McManus, 452 POLL 1 2SL 1 (Concludes Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record) THE MASTER SURNAME INDEX The MASTER SURNAME INDEX contains thousands of cards represent~ng individuals found in the family trees of our subscribers. Our file is, not restricted to any particular locality" b\lt covers families who lived in various European countries and in every state of the United States. Subscribers may request information from this file by writing to the Tennessee Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 12124, Memphis, TN 38112. They will receive information from four (4) surname cards and names & address~s of those working on the same surname. Please send a SELFADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE, and limit requests to one each three (3) weeks as this has proved to be a poplar service and an effort is being made to expedite your replies. WE DO NOT DO FAMILY RESEARCH.O~Y MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS MAY USE THIS SERVICE. You can help make this file more effective by sending us a 3x5 inch file card (no other size will fit our files!) for EACH member of your family tree to be added to this Master Index. Cards, should be typed or printed very plainly. Please give the data listed on the sample card below in preparing your cards. Children should be listed on the back. Each card should contain at least one date and one place, even if they are estimated Ot guessed. This will enable us to determine that a perSOn who lived in one area in the 17th century is a different person from one (with the same name) who lived in another area in the 19th century. Please keep your address current with the Surname Index secretary; the index is revised every five years and if you have not written in that time, your surname cards are transferred to another file for use in the genealogical library. SAMPLE: Surname First Name b ._______ Where d._______ Where. m._______ Where Name of Spouse: Pts of Spouse: Your Name Address __-..,. City, State, Zip Middle Name - M or F _ _ _ _ ....,._ _ --------_ , . , Fall 1981 141 ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE BONDS - 1801-1826 Copied from Microfilm by', Eleanor Riggins Barham (Continued from Summer issue) GROOM BRIDE Tarlton Hurt Sally Glass ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Sol: Samuel Stow Jame's Hamilton Betsey Littleton Nancy Childres Walter Brashear Elizabeth Roberts James McKamy Polly Houston Solomon Potter Esther Melton Nicholas West Polly Jackson Absolom Adkinson Sally Adkinson Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: (, Thomas Forrester William McCarty William Vaughn caleb Casteel William Harwick Peter Upshaw Bradley Dalton Edward Crow James Glasgow, Jr. William Kernealson Peter Johnson Alexan,der Kelly Joseph Byrd Moses Loony Beveridge Brown Joseph Na.1l WaitlJ1an Jones Eli Oliver Samuel Woody Joseph Hankins Sol: Peggy Marney Milly Loony Milly Preston Susanna ,Whittenberger Sol: Ze1pha McNatt Sol: Jenny Fields Sol: Sally Silvey Sol: Jenny Burris Sol: lydia White Sol: Peggy Headrick Kiziah Berry Sol: Sally Prigmore Phemy Mulky Polly York , Sol: Jinny Matthews Albina Mensco White Sol: Hessy Stewart Essie Ellis Hannah Woody Keziah Reynolds . Sol: 12 Nov 1816 12 Nov 1816 by 21 Nov 1816 22 Nov 1816 22 Nov 1816 by 3 Dec 1816 5 Dec 1816 by 9 Dec 1816 1'0 Dec 1816, by 13 Dec 1816 26 Dec 1816 by 17 Dec 1816 19 Dec 1816 by 23 Dec 1816 24 Dec 1816 by 24 Dec 1816 30 Dec 1816 26 SeP 1816,,' 2 Jan 1817 2 Jan 1817 by 8 Jan 1817 16 Jan 1817 by 14 Jan 1817 16 Jan 1817 by 22 Jan 1817 20 Jul 1817 29 Jan 1817 30 Jan 1817 by 6 Feb 1817 6 Feb 1817 by 10 Feb 1817 16 Feb 1817 16 Feb 1817 by 17 Feb 1817 21 Feb 1817 27 Feb 1817 2 Mar 1817 by 27 Feb 1817 4 Mar 1817 6 Mar 1817 by 6 Mar 1817 10 Mar. 1817 25 Mar 1817 27 Mar 1817 10 Apr 1817 by SECURITY OR OFFICIANT William Lyons Thomas McMullin, J.P. James Littleton Samuel Stout J. Purris Philip Roberts Alexander Nesmith, J.P. Abraham McClellan, J.P. William McCarroll Alexander Nesmith, J •.P. John B. West Wm. B.Lenoir, J.P. Benjamine'J. White Wm. C. Mchaney, J. p. , Uriah Allison Isaac Baker Ab m Bogard Samuel Wilson , Thomas McMullin, J. P•. William McClellan Richard Richards, M.G. Bradley Dalton Robert Williams, J. P. William Silvey Alexander Nesmith, J.P. John Leftwick Wm. C. Mchany, J.~. William Brown Wm.C. McHany, J.P. Peter Tidwell John Leftw;(ck Wm',C. Mchany, J.P. George Grigsby Samuel Stout Joseph Lacy Hugh Dunlap, J.P. Nicholas Mans,field , Alexander Nesmith, J.P. William Stewart Thomas C. Childress JohnPurris Thomas McMullin, J.P • "Ansearchin l " News 142 Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM BRIDE Jesse Casey, Jr. Patsey Coe ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Sol: Arthur Coody Noah Ashley Cynthea Garrett Bethiah Good Jacob Lemmons Louisa Winters Andrew Nail Lewis Fairchild John Rather Sally Garvy Malony Melton Nancy Nail Sol: Sol: Sol: Thomas Cox Nancy Vaughn Morgan Hendrix John West Asa Davis Samuel Eblin Sally Bowman Sally Chamblie Ann Wilkinson Sally McCown Sol: 21 Sol: Nathan Daniel Richard Branham John Prior Celia Lemmons Rebecca Witt Harriet Williams Charles Dower Anna Shields Welcome Howell William Gilbreath Garbriel Adkins Seaborn Center Ann Longacre Cynthia ~arrett Elenoer Mead Nancy Carson Hugh McFail Isabella McKamy Robert Campbell Sally Lackey Joseph J. Knox Margaret Erwin John Breden, Jr. John Pannel William Roach Andrew Nail Shadrick Stephens Nancy Frost Nancy McAnally Sarah Spears Sally Harris Susanna Williams James Wells Isaac England Marjory Moore Rebecca Rector Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: William Taylor Andrew Thomas Rachel Crow Polly Larramore 28 28 1 2 2 4 6 11 10 11 16 20 7 9 11 11 Sol: Isabella Miller 26 21 8 21 1 21 26 10 16 21 Sol: Joseph Hankins 4 10 5 10 20 12 1 20 25 8 8 11 11 21 31 5 Sol. Sol: Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May Apr Apr May May May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Ju1 Ju1 Aug Jul Ju1 Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 16 24 24 Oct 10 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov SECURITY OR OFFICIANT John Thomas James McPherson. J.P. Thomas C. Clark Edward Good 1~17 1817 by J. Purris, J.P. Thomas C'. Childres 1817 1817 by Thomas Williams, J.P. Allen Hill 1817 Abraham Justice 1817 William Gardanhire 1817 1817 by Alexander Nesmith 1817 1817 by Thomas McMullin, J.P. 1817 Garrett Hall William Crow 1817 Wm. C. McKamy 1817 James Eblin 1817, 1817 by Richard Richards, M.G. Isaac Enc1and 1817 Tarlton Branham 1817 1817 1817 by Asa Cobb, J.P. 1817 1817 by Abraham McClellan, J.P. 1817 1817 James G. Williams 1817 John Mead George Arnold 1817 1817 by Abraham McClellan, J.P. 1817 Joseph McPherson 1817 by John Wintin, J.P. 1817 James Lackey 1817 by William B. Lenoir, J.P. John Rather 1817 1817 by Alexander Nesmit~, J.P. Wm.C. McKamy 1817 John Leftwick 1817 Joseph Holloway 1817 1817 Allen Rill 1817 1817 by Asa Cobb, J.P. Hugh Woody 1817 1817 Thomas England 1817 by Alexander Nesmith, J.P. 1817 George Arnold 1817 by Thomas McMullin, J.P. 1817 James G. Williams 1817 1817 by Hugh Dunlap, J.P. 1817 1817 by 1817 143 Fall 1981 Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM ISSUED OR CELEBRATED BRIDE Jesse Goodard George Carter Alexander Casey Jame Moore Polly Center Peggy Dunnigan , Eany Whith , Nancy Lanston WilHam Cluck Isaac Casner Philip Stephens William Silvey Phebe Longacre Mary Cook Maryan Oliver Patsy Silvey Conrod Newman Alexander Forrester Cazea,Reynolds Sally Harvey William Bailey Betsey Lawson John Green Polly Price Nathan Gann Sarah Delaney Sol: Sol: Sol: ( Sol: Wit: Jacob Elkins Jonathan Dildine William McNatt Richard Multon Ann Gowers Nancy Garrett Sally Dixon follY,Green Luke Lytle John Roberts John H. Durrett Mary Casteel Mary Hale Sarah Hamelton James Carter John Brown Samuel Tucker Benj. Hagwood Philip Stephens Benjamine Longacre 29 Nov 1817 John Loyd 3 Dec 1817 George Stephens 5 Dec 1817 John Silvey 8 Dec 1817 10 Dec 1817 by Asa Cobb, J.P. Elisha Williams 8 Dec 1817 John McClellan 11 Dec 1817 11 Dec 1817 by Richard Richards, M.G. Bartley Lawson 17 Dec 1817 18 Dec 1817'by Solomon Geren, J.P. 20 Dec 1817 William Green 25 Dec '1817 by Alexander Nesmith, J.P. 24 Dec 1817 24 Dec 1817 by J. Purris, J.P. George Davis, Betsey Margrave Sanuel Davis 30 Dec 1817 30 Dec 1817 ' Galbreath Barton 30 Dec 1817 David Scrivner 6 Jan 1818 Isaac Green 8 Jan 1818 by Alexander Nesmith Edmond Casteel 7 Jan 1818 17 Jan 1818 , Barton McPherson 19 Jan 1818 ' John Purris 22 Jan 1818 by Abraham McClellan, J.P. 27 Jan 1818 5 Feb 1818 by Wm. C. McHany, J.P. James G. Williams 3 Feb 1818 James Lackey 14 Feb 1818 8 Mar 1818 John Hannah Henry Isham 9 Mar 1818 James Lacky' 10 Mar 1818 18 Mar 1818 by Wm. B. Lenoir Peter Manning 14 Mar 1818 15 Mar 1818 by William Eblin, J.P. Abraham McClellan 14 Mar 1818 17 Mar 1818 by Abraham McClellan,J.P. 17 Mar 1818 John Kenely John ,Brown 19 Mar 1818 19 Mar 1818 by' Wm. C. Mchany, J.P. 23 :t-far 1818 James Kennon 24 Mar 1818 Samuel Marney 27 Mar 1818 by James McMullin, J.P. 28 Mar 1818 Martin Davis 2,Apr 1818 George Selvage 9 Apr 1818 by Wm. B. Lenoir, J.P. 17 22 24 26 Sol: 'Sol: Sol: Luther White Isabella McKamy Henry Hart Robert Spence William Erwin Charles Isham John Barger Polly Snow Margaret Alexander Drueil1a Hannah Mary Barnett Polly Lacky Daniel McDaniel Mary Buchanan Samuel McClellan Anna Twitty Joseph McClennehan Alexander Brown Jinny Moore Polly Sharp John Shields Jesse Raben Nellie Delozier Susanah Funk Randolph Moreman Samuel Wilson Rebecca, Whi te Frances [Browder Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: SECURITY OR OFFICIANT Nov Nov Nov Nov 1817 1817 1817 1817 "Ansearchin'" News 144 Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM BRIDE James McCampbell' Betsey Clark ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Sol: Abner F. Staples John Leadsinger Edward W. Musgrove Elcey Toomy Joanna Buckelew Nancy Stout Sol: William King Fanny Gains Edward Merritt William Baily Sally Carden Franky Raybourn Jesse Power George Dennis James Cox Betsey Baker Barshaba Harris Barbara Gardener Isaac Funk Rebecca Rayburn George Raynolds Rachel Smith William Silvey Betsey Howard Thomas Scott Sarah Ferguson Oxley Johnson Catey Rogers Elisha Williamson William Utley Rebecca Mann Fanny Blake Willis Short David Shaw John M. Staples Nancy Kindrick Christeena Vickey Polly Bryant Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: 7 Sol: Jesse Wood Eliza Siscoe Sol: Vinet Henry Rosana Lower John Douty Betsey Holland Jacob Fritts William Hampton Sally Sexton Peggy Burk Osy Dixon Thomas Branham Jenny Boden Nellie Branhan James Laramore (of Knox Co.) William McConnell Kitty Thomas Joseph Duncan Rebecca Irwin 2 2 6 6 12 14' 19 21 27 18 20 19 25 11 13 18 1 24 24 5 8 6 6 16 16 26 3 3 20 23 Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Jane Scott Sol: Sol: 10 9 13 21 22 22 29 23 23 30 29 29 30 11 11 28 5 28 28 Apr ISIS Apr lS18 May l81S May i818 Jun 1818 Jun'18lS Jun lS18 Jun 1818 Jun 181S Aug 1818 Aug 181S Aug l8lS Aug lS18 Sep 1818 Sep 1818 Sep 1818 Oct 1818 Sep 1818 Sep 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Oct 1818 Nov 1818 Nov 1818 Nov 1818 Nov 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Dec 1818 Jan 1819 Jan 1819 Jan 1819 Feb 1819 Jan 1819 Jan 1819 SECURITY OR OFFICIANT by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by by William Alexander Isaac Anderson Amb rose Toomy Ruben Williams Randolph Moreman Gilbreath Barton. J.P. Uriah Allison Hugh Dunlap. J.P. Samuel Grigsby Daniel Baily James McMullin, J.P. John Brown David Shackleford James Gardener Alexander Nesmith, J.P. Jesse Rayburn Wm. C. Mchany, J.P. James Moore J. Purris, J.P. Samuel Silvey Asa Cobb, J.P. Pleasant Branham Thomas McMullin Richard Dickens Abraham McClellan John Williamson Pleasant Branum Thomas McMullin, J.P. Edward Stewart Thomas Childress Samuel Walker Abraham McClellen. J.P. James Preston William Eblin, J.P. Jones Arnold Wm.C. Mchany, J.P. Samuel Silvey Alexander Nesmith, J.P. John Fritts John Fritts John --Benjamine Porter Nicholas ,Mansfield William Eblin, J.P. James Nipper Wm. C. Mchany, J.P. John Potter Alexander Nesmith, J.P. Edward McKane Alexander Nesmith, J.P. 145 Fall 1981 Roane County, Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) SECURITY OR OFFICIANT GROOM BRIDE James Parks Willis Durrett John Tedder 2 Feb 1819 Benjamine C. White 3 Feb 1819 Uriah Allison 4 Feb 1819 4 Feb 1819 by Abraham McClellan, J.P. Sol: Allen Sneed 6 Feb 1819 Betsey Hacker Sol: . 7 Feb 1819 by Wm. C.Mchany~ J.P • John Loyd 10 Feb 1819 Patsy Hart Sol: 11 Feb 1819 by Richard Richards, M.G. 16 Feb 1819 Anna Massee David Parr 20 Feb 1819 Sally Kimbrel Sol: 21 Feb 1819 by William Eblin, J.P. Thomas Roger 22 Feb 1819 Anna D. Roger,!. Sol: 25 Feb 1819 by William Eblin, J.P. Daniel Wester 24 Feb 1819 Mary Ann McAnally Thomas Prigmore 28 Feb 1819 Viney Lane Levi Wheat 1 Mar 1819 Lucy Robinson William Cornelison 12 Mar 1819 Matilda Short Anthony H. Dicky 15 Mar 1819 Mary Smith William Long 17 Mar 1819 Sally Ketching Ish4m Cox 20 Mar 1819 Sally Ivey John McEwen 22 Mar 1819 Betsey Allison Sol: 25 Mar 1819 by Thomas McMullin, J. P. 22 Mar 1819 Nancy McMullin Sol: 25 Mar 1819 by James McMullin, J.P. Thomas Rayburn 25 Mar 1819 Lucresa Rayburn William Eblin, J.P •. Sol: 26 Mar 1819 by Jesse Preston 25 Mar 1819 Cath~rine Funk Sol: 30 Mar 1819 by john Essery, J.P. Edward Warren . Polly Robinson 10 Apr 1819 Sol: 11 Apr 1819 by Wm. B. Lenoir, J.P. I Simeon Copher 17 Apr 1819 Margaret White Richard Richards 1 May 1819 Elizabeth Spence Sol: 2 May 1819 by Richard Richards, M.G. William Jent Elener McPherren 4 May 1819 Thomas Brown Ann Pride 6 May 1819 John Purris. Patsey Hicks 20 May 1819 Sol: 20 May 1819 by Solomon Geren, J.P. Azariah Cooper Betsey Fos~ee 27 May 1819 Sol: .First Thursday in Jun 1819 by James Tippet Sara Tipp~t 17 Ju1 1819 Sol: 17 Jul 1819 by James McMullin Sarah Turner 28 Ju1 1819 Sol: 28 Ju1 1819 by Thomas,McMu11in, J.P. Nancy Stults 4 Aug 1819 ·Lansford Fields _ Sol: 7 Aug 1819 by John Sophea Work 4 Aug 1819 Wm. C. McKamy Sol: 4 Aug 1819 by Wm. C. Mchany Wit: Benj am~n' .Harrison (to be continued) James Brown Joseph Bryant John Vincent Matthias Parr John M. Wilson ( ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Thomas Taylor Abner Parks Alexander McCullah William Headrick William Green John Coulson Hezekiah Quick Thomas Gossage John Eblin, Jr. John McNatt William Hankins Benjamine Hagewood Baldwin Underwood Samuel Marney Arthur Bane Joseph Byrd Daniel Mason James Beavers Solomon Copeland John Acard Abner Blanton William s. Mason Sally Lane Polly Copher Mary Robinson 146 "Ansearchin'" News QUERIES Prepared for publication by Myrtle L. Shelton 81-97 BAKER-PRYOR: John Pryor, b 1798 VA & wf Rebecca Baker, b 1816 NC, 1iv Gi Co TN 1850; ch wm M, Geo W, Vincent R, Mary A, John B & Amanda. Wish to hear from desc these people. Paula Hartsfield. Rt. 2. Box B 55. Ft. Smith. AR 72916 ?, 81-98 WAKEFIELD-GANOS: Nd info Alexander Wakefield, b 1801 Smith Co TN. s/o Henry & Mary __ liv WitchersCrossroads, Macon Co TN. Nd ch, d pI & d. Nd pts Eliza Ganos, b 1842; Robertson Co TN 1860; m 1861 Francis B Kirby. Liv Logan Co KY;Nashville 1898; Memphis 1901. M (2) Peter Kline 1902; d 1917 Whitehaven TN • . Harry M. Cleveland. 2914 Egypt Central Rd •• Memphis. TN 38128. 81-99 FARLEY: Nd pts S~rah S Farley, b 8 Sept 1847, white Co TN. VA. & Martha --'!...b ca 1802 VA, m Prince Edw cot Nd their pts. Carmen Buff, 121 S. E. Sixth Ave •• Milton-Freewater. OR 97862 Were Jeremiah Farley, b ca 1800 81-100 HELTON-HOLLAND: Columbus Geo Washington Helton, b Feb 1844 TN, m Martha Eliz Holland, b 30 Oct 1858 TN. Nd pts both. She had .sis Sarah & Mary (Mollie). Paul E. Helton. Rt. 1, Box 236, Shady Point. OK 74956 81-101 SPRINGER-BRYANT-LAWLER-READ-WEBB-GILLIAM-DUNN-STUTTS: Nd ancs Aaron Spr;Lnger, d 1852 Law-' rence co TN; Thursey Bryant Springer. b 1805 SC, d 1860s Carroll Co; John A Lawler, b 1789 NC. wf Amy Read; Daniel Gary Webb, b 1779 VA, wf Mary Gilliam; wm Dunn b 1800 NC; Christian Stutts. b 1780 PA, wf Mary . ?~ All d Henderson Co TN. Cindy Holsapple. ll25 Krumn Rd •• Burtonsville. MD 20nO 81-102 JACKSON-BISHOP-PETON: Nd info John Calvin Jackson, b 1865 McNairy Co TN, & wf (1) Minnie, b 1874. d 1892. Came to TX 1893 withs Millard; m (2) Nelear Mammie Bishop, b 1876 Giles Co TN, dau Dan Bishop & Margaret Peton. Linda Stuart, Luckenbach Rt., Fredericksburg, TX 78624 81-103 BISHOP-GARNER-OAKLEY-LIMBACK-LIMBAUGH-SIVILY-SCIVALLY-PARKS-RAY: Nd ptsEd Bishop, d 1906, & wf Florence Minerva Garner. d 1875; liv Bedford Co TN after Civil War; m (2) Mary Jane Oakley. Nd pts & (1) wf Peter Limback, d Franklin Co TN 1846; pts John Sivily d 1832 & wf Leah, Lincoln Co TN. Nd f am wm Bertho1 Parks, b 1823. d 18.93 Moore Co. TN. }father Mary Limbaugh m (2). Pati'ick· Ray. Marvin D. Snoddy. 367 Strasser Dr •• Nashville, TN 3721~ 81-104 DYER-FIELDS: Nd pts wm H Dyer & wf, Maacha Fields. m 1~ June 1844. Wi~li8Jllson Co TN. Obion Co TN census 1870-80; ch Ann E, RobtH, Geo Marshall, Nancy E, Martha E,Wm H, Nathaniel Jas, Maacha A. Susan I, & Joel. James C. Vaughn. 14822 ll6th PI. N. E•• Kirkland. WA 98033 81-105 BANDY-LAMEY-VAUGHAN-PENTECOST: Death certificate shows Thos Jos Bandy, b 19 Nov 1853 Nashville TN; m Mariah Lamey, Vernon Co MO 1874. Nd pts. bros, sis. Who was W. W. Vaughan, b VA 1826, m Harriet ? b TN Dec 1829; ch b KY; later liv Vernon Co • Was Harriet a Pentecost? Vivian S. Bandy, 49 San Miguel Ave., San Mateo. CA 94403 81-106 STARRITT (STERRETT): Nd identity Jos Starritt 1820 census Butler Co KY. Same one 1830 census Limestone Co AL & 1840 census Fayette Co TN? If not, what relation? 1870 Columbia Co AR household Jas Starrett lists Willy 45, b KY & Aramintha 5, b AR; what relation to Jas b 1833 Lauderdale Co AL, mov Fayette Co TN & 1850 census Ouachita Co AR in household of Jos Starritt? Miss Virginia ~right. P. O. Box 726, Camden, AR 71701 81-107 HOLT-BLAZER-RENNER-ESKEW (ASKEW): Nd info Oliver Lee Holt, b 1828; liv Caney Br, Greene Co TN; m Mary Ann Blazer, ti 1829, d 1887 (dau Sam1 Blazer & Sally Renner). Also Thos Michael Eskew (Askew), b ca 1868, m Mary Elvira Holt, b 1877. Memphis. (dau Steven Holt). Mary H. Barnidge, 2204 Monroe St., Alexandria. LA 71301 81-108 WINTON-RAY-PICKEL-SMITH-GODDARD: Desire corr desc Stephen Winton b 1780 PA, d Mar 1856 Meigs Co TN. Liv Sevier Co bef 1808-20, Rhea Co 1820-36. Meigs Co 1836-56. War of 1812 & J P; wf unk. Ch: Nancy H; Rhoda Mm 1848 wm M Ray; Sarah S m 1845 John H Pickle; Mary J m 1844 Elijah S Smith; Myra Jane m 1849 John Ray; Martha Wm 1847 Hugh Goddard; Stephen C & John F. Ronny C. Bodine. P. O. Box 249, Sykesville. MD 21784 147 Fall 1981 Queries (continued) 81-109 ESTES-McBRIAN-McBRYAN-ARNOLD: Nd pts Temperance E McBrian, b TN 1807, m Jas Estes 1833 Jefferson Co IL. Mary McBryan, b 'TN, l1v with them 1850 census; d by 1871. Nd surnaDie.Nd all info John McBrian, b TN, d Jefferson Co ca 1846; m Mary, TN, ca 1805. Son John E, b 1810, m Tabitha -1.; E1iz b TN 1812 m John Arnold, Smith or Wilson Co. All ch d Jefferson Co. Mrs. Robert A. Henderson, Rt. 1, Box 224, Poplar Bluff. MO 63901 81-110 MORTON-SHIPE-JAMES-NEEDHAM-SANDERS: Des corr desc David Morton, d ~838 Anderson Co TN & wf Nancy James; son Pryor A Morto, Bapt Minister Union area 1860-1890, m Margaret Shipe. Nd all info on these & pts David W Needham & Mary Sanders, b McNairy Co TN; mov TX. He was in Civil War. Pat Atkinson, 117 Flag Dr. E., Lake Jackson, TX 77566 81-111 COUCH-PROVANCE-HARMON-ENGLAND: Nd pts & b pI WIn Couch, b 1820 TN; m Louisa Jane Provance, b 16 May 1822, dau Gincey Harmon & WIn Provance, m Greene Co TN 26 Nov 1818. Was she dau of Issac Harmon, Greene Co? All bur Mitchell Cem, Melbourne MO. Nd info Isaac England, b ca 1800 VA; m Rebecca ? • L:1v TN, IL; in MO 1850 census. Methodist Minister Benton Co MO. MrS: Don W. Wells, Box 125, Riverton, KS 66770 81-112 PURVlNE-PARVIN-BUCHANAN-WOODS-GARRETT-WALKER-RODGERS-SANFORD: Des corr desc these fam in TN 1850s. Hawkins Co: Ephraim Pa.rvin/Purvine b 1799 MD; Allen Buchanan b 1833 NC; Matilda Woodsb 1827 TN. Henderson Co: Nicholas Garrett b 1799 SC; WIn Walker b 1799 VA. Madison Co: John B. Rodgers b 1801 NC; John Sanford b 1788 VA. Betty Martin, 217 N. W. Jaye11en, Burleson, TX 76028 81-113 BEAL-POWERS: T (Turner?) Beal, 1830 Shelby Co TN census: Father, 1 male 15-20. John Bea1 m. 4 Sept 1830 Mary Powers. Is she fe 15-20 in household E Powers? John Bea1 mOv TX1836 with Robert~ son's Colony. Any info to identify John as son of T Bea1 needed. Mrs. Luke Hodges, 1811 Garfield, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 ( 81-114 PERKINS-SHERRILL-PENNINGTON-WHITE-FREE: Nd info ancs & desc Joshua Perkins; m Mary Sherrill 1756,. d 1814~ Rutherford Co TN. Known ch: Marjory mAbsa10m Pennington; Joshua; Sarah m Jonas White; Jane; WIn; Benj; Polly &Jesse. Nd info on Free & Pennington. Helen Free Vander.Beek, Rt.5, Box 151, Idaho Falls, ID 83401 81-115 BROWN-DEPEW-DEPUE-THOMPSON-ETHRIDGE-IRICK: Wish contact desc bros 'John & David Brown, Wilson Co TN 1806; bros Geo W, Isaac N, John W Depew/Depue, VA 18~Os to Claiborne,'Hawkins, McMinn Co TN; Henderson Thompson, Rutherford Co 1840; Emerson Ethridge, Weakley Co ca 1850; Jaco~ H Irick, 1850 Washington Co - son or g son of Conrad. of VA? Donnadeane D. Depew, 1024 Apollo Way, Sacramento, CA 9582~ ! 81-116 HARRELL-McCUTCHEON: Nd ptsWm M (Bill) McCutcheon, b ca 1814 TN; l1v MO then TX ca 1834. Married E1iz Jane Harrell ca 1835; 1iv ~avis Co, d ca 1898 nr Hutto,Wi11iamson CO'TX' Would 'like corr any McCutheon connection TN, MO, TX. Howard W. Martin, 2120 Grant, E1 Paso, TX 79930 81-117 ASHMORE-HUGHES-THURMAN-SANFORD: Nd info pts & wf Joshua Ashmore, b NC? m l,7908 Roane Co TN, d 1846. Nd pts Lavinia Hughes, 1817-1849; m 1843 Joshua B. AshmOre. Nd pts of both Meredith R. Thurman, b 1814 KY, d 1891 TX; m 1838 Sarah Ellen Sanford, b 1818 KY, d 1874 Giles Co TN. Mrs. F10y Ashmore Benson, 209 E. 5th St., Alice, TX 78332 81-118 SPENCE-FURGUSON-RICE-KEATHLEY-TAYLOR: Nd info H Larkin Spence, b 1831 TN; m Sarah Ferguson, b AL 1825; l1v Dyer & Lake Co TN. WIn Spence, b 1795 NC; m Ph~be -1.; s Mark b 1835 TN; all ltv Hickman Co TN. John Wesley Rice, b 1822 TN; m (1) Edna Keathley, (2) Charity Taylor; b 1840 TN. Ltv Haywood, Lauderdale & Crockett Co TN. Will exch info. R. Thomas Harris, 5384 Grandview Court, Ventura, CA 930Q3 81..119 MOORE-SARGENT'-WISDOM-McREYNOLDS-WEIR-TEEL-EVANS-THOMPSON-PATTON-WATERS: Geo Moore, b 1765 NC?, m Elinor Sargent, dau WIn & Susannah Wisdom Sargent; d 1838 McNairy Co TN: where bur? She d 1859, bur Carroll Co. Ch: WIn m Margaret McReynolds; Jane m Geo Weir; Susan m Peter Teel; John m Margaret Weir; Martha m John Evans; Geo S m (1) Margaret Thompson,(2) Jane Crawford Patto~; Frances m Thornton Evans; Jas ,W m Polly Waters; Eliz m Lavender Waters. Wish corr with any desc. Mrs. Robert R. Moore, 211 E. 3rd St., Keene, TX 76059 148 "Ansearchin'" News Queries (continued) 81-120 CRAVEN-FOLEY-DAVENPORT: Nd pts John Craven, b ca. 1788, vA/sc, m Priscilla Foley 1809 Christian Co KY. Known bros: Joseph m Susannah Davenport; Robt m Margaret --'i, mov Caldwell Co KY bef 1820, Weakley Co TN bef 1830; d Obion Co 1854. Mrs. Curtis K. Craven. 6310 Scar1etcrest Lane. Memphis, TN 38115 81-121 WEBB-MAY-LOYD: Would like contact with researchers of the above families in Rutherford & Bedford Co prior to 1850. Mrs. W. R. Brothers,1843 N. St. Paul, Wichita, KS 67203 81-122 BAKER-PETERS-HEFLIN-BINNION-BENION-BARNES: Nd pts & dates; Sam1 Baker, b 1831 TN. m Mary Catherine Peters, b 1833 AL.Dau Mary Mahalia m Moses Amza Barnes. Kansas T Heflin, b 1856 Smith Co TN, m Dora Amanda Bennion. b 1859 IL, dau G L Binnion, TN. Mrs. J\1l1an H. Snelson. 2932 Amelia St .• , Shreveport, La 71108 81-123 HOWSER-HOUSER-VARNER-MORPHEW-TURNER-CATHEY-WEEKS-McCULLEY: Nd info: Houser/Howser, PA, NC, SC, TN, AR. Varner, Morphew, Turner, Cathey, Weeks, McCulley, ·TN. Direct desc John & Daniel HO\1ser , James Morphew. Will exch info. Margaret Houser Lee, 5809 Don St., Bakersfie1d.CA 93307 81-124 CAMPBELL-RASBURY: Nd ances, desc Lovick Rasbury, 1781-1858, wf Jane Campbell. First settlers Wayne Co TN. Ch: Lydia Lancaster, b 1803; Mary Ann Meredith, b 1805; John A b 1807; Reuben, b 1809; Lott Grooms, b 1811; Jos C, b 1814; Andrew Caruthers, b 1816. Nd info Lydia, John & Reu. ben especially • . Mrs. W. B. Parsley, 10908 Melton View Lane, Knoxville, TN 37921 81-125 LAWS-SILVERTOOTH-WESTERMAN-MILLER-MITCHELL:.Nd info Martin Laws (s/o Spencer Neasbit Laws & Cynthia Si1vertooth) b 1836 TN. Nd.info Cynthia M. Laws (dau 2nd m to Siotha Westerman) b 1846 Lincoln Co, TN. David Laws m Elizabeth Miller 30 Apr 1811 Wilke.s Co, NC. How kin to John Laws & Ann Miller? Nd fm David Laws mMartha M~tche11 22 Feb 1779 Wilkes Co, NC. Willard Laws, Rt. 1, Box 265, West Sacramento, CA 95691 81-126 CLEM: WID Clem, PA, in St. Paul Parish GA 1762 until 1776. Was he father of Adam Clem, liv Elbert Co GA 1792, Burke Co NC 1793, Bedford Co TN 1810, Madison Co At 1811? Was Valentine his son? Guy L. Reed, 8911 Weldon, St. Louis, MO 63121 81-127 BARNARD: Jonathan Barnard, b 1 Jan 1760, d 1835 Mercer Co KY; m Obedience? Nov 1784 Goochland Co VA. In Claiborne Co TN 1797 with ch: Geo W, b 29 Dec 1785; E1iz, b 20 Feb 1788; John, b 14 Oct 1791. Nd any info. . Clyde O. Barnard, 2129 Sharon.Dr., Garland. TIC 75041 81-128 McREE-TRIBBLE-HOUSTON-HARRIS: Nd info WID Elliott McRee, Maury Co TN ca 1806-32; m 1806 Sarah McLain Houston: where? Wasson Ri~har4 Franklin same Richard Frank, b 1816, d 1849, m 4 Jan 1845 Ernaline (Tribble) Harris in MS? Where? Joanne M. Sanders, 13603 Pebb1ebrook, Houston. TIC 77079 81-129 MOORE-DEATON-McDONALD-McDANIEL: Ndpts WID. Moore b 30 Jun 1821 poss Wilson Co, TN; m Elizabeth Deaton 29. Mar 1842; to DeKalb Co,AL 1843, to Williamson Co, IL 1863. William's f~ther b NC, mother b TN. Des corr McDonald-McDaniel fam, Wilson Co TN area; Magnus & wf Tabitha VA to TN c1800. Barbara J. Moore, 14922 Heimer Rd., San Antonia, TIC 78232 81-130 GREGORY-PLOTT: Nd pts RJ,chard Gregory, b 1837-38 TN, m Julia Ann Plott 11 Mar 1861, Sumner Co TN; mov Pope Co AR ca 1872. Is he son of Archibald & Mary Laytham Gregory, 1850-60 Sumner Co census. Ndproof. Mrs. Joan Roseborough, 1217 S. W.5th St •• Grand Prairie. TIC 75051 81-131 HOLT-WALKER-WILLIAMS-PATTON: Nd ancs: David T Holt & Mary (Polly) J Walker, b 1821-25 nr Chattanooga TN, d 1909-22 at Gravette AR, 4 ch b TN, 4 b AR; John B. Williams & Mary Narcissus Vance Patton, b 1820-27 nr Nashville, d 1861-67, Bentonville AR, 2 ch AR. He had previous family. Wayne Woodman, 7310 Brad St., Falls Church. VA 22042 Fall 1981 149 Queries (continued) 81-132 PHIPPS-FIPPS-HAVNER-HEIFNER-SANDERS: Eliz (Betsey) Phipps Havner-Heifner's pts John Phipps I Fipps, d 1840-50 Coffee Co TN, & Mary Sanders b1765-70 NC, d 1860-70 Benton Co AL. Betsey b ca 1802 KY, d 1906 Benton LA, age 104; m ca 1819 Peter Havner. Franklin Co TN 1820. Any info Sanders fam NC, KY, Franklin, Coffee, Grundy Co TN early 1800s appreciated. Mrs. Gaye Phipps Penc:J,n, 1316 Harley Dr., Woodland, CA 95695 81-133 DYKE-KING: Nd info Alexander Dyke, b Jan 1801 Greenville TN: m Mariah King, b Aug 1814. Had 10 ch; mov from TN ca 1845 to IA. Betty Baker, P. O. Box 5648, Lake Charles, LA 70606 81-134 BROWN-DUGGER-PRIMMER-McHENRY: Nd father's name, m date: Mary Brown m Jacob F DUGGER, ,Carter Co TN ca 1844. Her mother Mary Primmer b 1790 MD, m a Brown ca 1810; son cif Benj? John Primmer's widow m Robt McHenry 23 Sept 1796. Nd info early McHenrys & PrimmersCarter Co. FrancesD. Rowan, 463 Grove St., Bishop, CA 93514 81-135 WESTBROOKS-MURRY: Nd info WID Westbrooks, m Nancy MurrY, Fluvanna Co VA, Nov 1825. Mrs. Carl Goodwin, Rt. 3, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 81-136 YOUNG-GILLEY-BRAVELEY.:..ROWE-BILYER-WORKMAN: Nd info John Young, Cannon Co TN, b 1803 NC; wf Frances b 1799; nd her pts. Ch: Jos; Margaret; John; Alexander; Lelford; Samuel; Loucinda. Loucinda m John Gilley, Rutherford Co, 24 June 1839. Will exch info these families. Gladys Carlson, 542 Sybil Lane S. E., Marietta, GA 30067 81-137 BURRIS-GRAY-MARTIN: Jacob Burris, Rev War, m Susannah Martin, 1st ch BIGen Jos Martin, VA Militia & Indian Agt NC & TN; settled Smith Co TN ca 1809. Dau Betsey d bef 1832; ,m a Gray.Which? Mrs. Vera Rosa, 1710 MunyVista, Apt. 308, ALTON, IL 62002 ( 81-138 CARTER-HASTY-RAMSEY-MULLINS: Dr Geo. W. Carter b 23 Dec 180'0 SC (s/o John, d 1805 Laurens Co SC, & Zibiah ?) mIl 1821 (where?) Nancy Hasty, d Oct 1850, Wayne Co TN (dau Benj or Jourdain?) Thre~ dau m Mullins, Franklin Co 1840$. Geo & bro John T. in Franklin Co 1830; W:ayne Co 1850. Mother Zibiah m Ramsey. Need:his name, place and date. Mrs. L.W. Ledgerwood, Jr. ,1655 Imperial Crown, Houston, TX 17043 81-139 CALDWELL-EDWARDS-LYCHTNER-BOYD: Nd info Jas Caldwell who came from "the Carolinas" and d 14 Sept 1844, 76 yrs, bur Martin, TN. Son David Pinckney Caldwell mIl E1iz P Edwards, m/2 Ann Lychtner 1859, Obion Co. Dau Rebecca F. m Abner Boyd. Is this Jas same as Jas ~01dwe11, Stewart' Co, TN who owned land in Obion, Dyer and Lauderdale Cos, TN? Patricia Lee Murphy, 121 W. Minnehaha Ave., Clermont, FL 32711 81-140 ANGEL-ANGELL-ANGLE: Nd info WID & Lawrence Angel b ca 1790-1800; in Franklin Co, TN 1830-40; in Coffee Co 1850. Are they, sons of Lawrence Angel, Rev Sol, b 1761 Surry Co NC, in White Co 18l0? Mrs. Paula Knudson, 665 North 500 West, ~rovo, UT 84601 81-141 IRISH: Nd info pts Edwin Adelbert (Del) Irish, b 27 Ju1 1848, Brockport, Monroe Co NY. Were these his brothers: Sumner b 1831; Geo D. b 19 May 1835; Justice b 17 June 1839; Royal b 1845; Chas H. b 1847? Was their father Charles? Sumner and Geo D.maybe uncles. Mrs. Jane E.I. Nelson, P.O. Box 236, Port Gamble, WA 98364 81-142 STARKEY,WHALEY-RIDINGS: Nd pts Joel Starkey, d ca 1838, & Delany Whaley, b ca 1800 TN; m by John Fryor 1817, Seyier Co. Wit WID Whaley Sr & Jr. Where was Delany l850-60? Son John m 1848' Sevierville, Mary Catherine Ridings, b 1822-5 TN; bros John & Jas. Nd her pts. Mrs. Denise Muskopf, 1744 Stevens, Belleville, IL 62223 81-143 BALDRIDGE-KINCY-KINSEY: Nd all info Mary Margaret Baldridge, b 1837 Dyer Co TN:m 1865 Dyer Co Thos Jas Kincy, b 1823 NC. Mrs. Lula B.. Watkins, 3816 N. W. 25 St., Oklahoma City, OK 73107 81- 144 BONNER-TEMPLE-FOSTER-ADAMS: Stanley Adams Foster (s/o Joshua Foster & Susan Wood Adams Charlotte & Amelia Co VA to Henderson Co TN) b 9 Oct 1827, d 26 Apr 1863 Crittenden Co AR; m Ma~ Ann Bonner b 22 Ju1 1833, d 12 Mar 1860 Crittenden Co AR dau John Hicks Bonner & Sarah Temple Sussex Co VA to Madison Co TN. 'Nd info these fam and Temples of Little ~ck, A R . ' Mrs. Merlyn Houck, 1717 West Lakeview, Stillwater, OK 74074 150 "Ansearchin'" News Queries (Continued) 81-1'45 TWYFORD-TWIFORD-DEAN-liEWIS-HOLT: Nd info Twyford fam, PA Dutch; homesteaded 320 A north side Wolf Rnr Germantown, TN. Daus Mollie, Penny, ?, and Martha b 23 Oct 1838. She m in Germantown Golien Bramlett/Bradley Dean b 20 Jan 1827, Wayne Co, KY. Ch:W.J. b 3 Feb 1854; Milton J. b 11 Feb 1859 (m Edna Earl Lewis, Dallas TX); Delma E. b 21 Mar 1861; Lilly G. b 30 Jan 1878. Golien B. Dean WllS buried 22 Dec 1877 at Raleigh, TN. Hazel Holt Barton, 12097 Calle de Maria, San Dieao, CA 92128 81-146.STEELE-NUCHOLS-WATERS: Nd any inf.o on following fam: Steele, Nuchols, Waters; liv Mary. ville TN area. Especially interested in yrsbefore 1920. Mrs. Katryn Steele Stroh, 1710 Euclid - Sp. 69, El Centro, CA 92243 81-147 CANTERBURY: Nd info Daniel Centerbury b 16 Feb 1806. TN. Father, Zachariah Centerbury b 1 Jan 1773, mother unk. Liv Anderson & Grainger Co, ,TN 1790s-l805; Madison Co, MS Terr ca 1830 &Bibb Co, AL ca 1850s. Nd sib of Daniel. He m/l (where?) Barbary ? • Does' family Bible exist? Wanda James. 3225 Tena Ruth Cove, Memphi~,TN 38118 --81-148 STOVALL-CARTER-TAYLOR-ROBERTSON: Nd pts Jas Henry Stovall, ca 1830, d.19l5 TX; m/l 1859 Sumner Co TN, Eliz L Carter, dau Jos W; 1 dau Willie; m/2 Mary Eliz Robertson Taylor; ch: Munson, Maude, Isaac, Anna, Donnie, Callie, Clotee Nettie & Gussie.Collecting Stovall data. Will exch. Lyle K. Williams, 5000 Rock River Dr. t Ft.· Worth, TX 76103 81-149 PATTON-MATTHEWS: Desire contact desc Wilson (F W?) Matthews, m Mrs Patton mid 1800s West & Isabelle. Miss Karon-Mac Smith, Rt;. 1, Box 190, Nixon, TX 78140 TN. Ch: Jas, Amos,Mary Eliza 81-150 MORGAN-BRUCE-GORDON-ROSS: Desire hear from anyone re: Theophilus Morgan b 1760s, Iredell Co NC. in Robertson & Carroll Co TN; Phillip Bruce d 1830s, Haywood Co TN; Alexander Gordon, b 1760s King Wm Co VA, Robertson Co by 17908. Any Ross in Madison or Carroll Co TN. Mr. Chris B. Morgan, 3428 Northmoor, Memphis, TN 38128 81-151 ROSA-DICKERTON-DONNELL-WILLIAMS: Desire corr desc John W. Rosa b Cll 1812 Russellville Twp Logan CO KY; & relatives of Dickerson, Donnell, Williams who mov from Sumner & Wilson Co TN ca 1840 to Hickory & Benton CO MO. A. B. Dickerson, 3734 Clearwel1, Amarillo, TX 79109 81-152 SINCLAIR: Nd info Chas Sinclair, with Peter Salling & Howards explo~ed rivers New, Kanawha, OH, MS 1737; patented "Sinclair's BottotilS" Washington & Smythe C6 VA 1748. Will 5 Jun 1766 Orange Co NC; wf Ann's will 6 Oct 1789 Montgomery Co VA. Ch: Chas Jr b ca 1757, Joseph, Jas & Abraham,. all of Anderson Co TN: Robt d ca 1852 Madison Co MO; John in MO 1803. Clark L. Sinclair, 1402 Richmond #307, Houston, TX77006 81-153 PEARSON-WILSON: Nd info McNairy Co TN fam l840~1900. Palmer Pearson b 1797 VA, wf Margaret b 1788 VA; sons Thos Everett b 1818, Gilbert C b 1823. Capt Jas Wilson, b 1780 NC, wf Nancy b 1782 NC; ch: Laura, Robt, Calvin, Milton came from NC, where? to McNairy Co l840s. Thos E m Laura Wilson ca 1847. Ch Caroline Eliz, Jas Palmer, Lainey Va, Mary Catherine, Thos E, Frances p. Will exch. Judith A. Bown~n, 321. South Tanner, Rantoul, IL 61866 81-154 KIFER: Henry Kifer, 1830-40-50 Warren CO KY, age 55, b PA. Nd bpI, b/date, wf, date/pI m. Four chb TN, rest in KY. Kin to John Kifer, Greene Co TN l804-l848? Will exch. June Kifer Ricketts, P. O. Box 156, Lynnville, IN 47619 81-155 MANL(E)Y-DOUGLAS(S)-STALLINS-ANDERSON-KIRBY: Nd pts Sutton Manley b 1821 .NC, m ca 1844 Martha M Stallins b 1822 NC; Nancy Anderson b ca 1783 NC & Landric, dca 1827 AL; bro John b 1802, wf Nancy Taylor, migrated from Edgecombe Co; Rayburn Douglas b 1803 NC, wf Elenor; son Jas m Johnnie Penelope Kirby. All Henderson Co TN 1850. Ack1ee Manley, Jr., 1825 Myrna Lane, Memphis, TN 38117 ?b ca 1790 NC. Known 81-156 NORRIS-ROBERTSON: Nd all info Wm Norris, Sr, b ca 1788, wf Ellen ch: Martin (Mark), Mary Ann, Ellen Jane b TN, Wm-Jr b AL, m Caroline Eliz Robertson, dau Madison Robertson & Mary (Polly), Roane Co TN. Mrs. F. J.S_~~<i.d~n, Jr., 405 South Sutrey Ave., Lafayette. CO. 80026