SCC Annual Picnic Marina Auto


SCC Annual Picnic Marina Auto
SCC Annual Picnic
Marina Auto-X
September 2009 - Volume 29 Number 9
the official newsletter of
Class Glass
- Santa
Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The Rattle from
the Dashboard
Jerry Banks
Jeff Sprague
Publications Director
Greetings All -
My last diatribe... I promise!
Lois and I are still planning our
road trip in September, but
things beyond my control have
cut into our road trip time. A
couple of weeks ago I got home from work and there,
waiting for me, was a letter from the U.S. District
Court. I have to appear at the U.S. District Court on
September 15, 2009 (two weeks into our road trip
time) and possibly be selected as a member of the
Federal Grand Jury. Now, I do believe being a member
of the Federal Grand Jury will be very exciting,
deciding whether or not someone should be indicted
and tried for a crime. But, would I be asking too much
to have the summons delayed one month? Well
enough about me.
Last week’s family get-together almost ended in fisticuffs when
my eldest sister announced that she wanted to buy a Lexus RX.
Apparently, she doesn’t know her baby brother very well. I
don’t care that the dashboard has a mouse, Diane... I think I
successfully browbeat her enough. She’s now going to look at
SRX, Acadia and Enclave, but she’s making no promises.
Cash for Lunkheads?
Anybody else out there a little peeved-off that our tax dollars
are being used to subsidize purchases of foreign cars? “Cash
for Clunkers” pretends to be a green initiative, but let’s get over
that right now. It’s really not. You can get $3500 for as little as a
1mpg improvement. It’s really a stimulus package by politicians
too gutless to give it real teeth.
Why couldn’t our leaders have the lugnuts to have made
this a stimulus plan that actually beneifts Americans? It’s great
that the plan gave Ford and GM a big boost this month, but the
fact remains that over half of the cars purchased were not of
these shores. So we just burned through a $3 billion stimulus
plan that sent $1.5 billion to Japan (and that’s just the
government portion). I’m sure this made a lot of Honda
salesmen and Yokohaman assembly line workers happy, but
how does that help our jeopardized American families? Why
couldn’t this plan have given $3500-$4500 allowances for cars
built in America, and maybe $1000 for the others? In other
words - proportional to how much it helped OUR economy.
And why the heck would our government spend countless
billions bailing out domestic automakers and then turn around
and offer an incentive plan to buy cars from their competitors?
In what universe does that make sense? And the government
thinks GM needs more business sense?
Just to show I’m reasonable, I’ll readily grant that the key
should be “made in America”: in other words, a Toyota built in
Fremont should qualify, but a Dodge built in Mexico should
I like Japanese cars as much as the next guy, but until our
own economic troubles dissipate, jobs are everything, and this
50% deal is nonsense.
The Club membership is now at 190 members.
Jack Atkinson joined our little group at last month’s
Business Meeting. Jack’s wife, Yolanda joined Santa
Clara Corvettes in January and now we have the
Atkinson Team. Yolanda and Jack live in South San
Francisco, so it is a little difficult making the business
meetings, but it was a pleasure seeing them at the
Club picnic last month. And today as you read this
article Jack and Yolanda are on their own little road
trip to the blue grass of Kentucky.
I also have to give a lot of thanks to Andy
Hoepfner, the Club Web Master, for setting up the
membership database in our web site. I think it is well
organized and looks great. If you haven’t taken the
time to check it out please do so. Log on, and please
make any necessary corrections to your membership
information, especially check your WSCC membership
number. If you’re not sure what your WSCC number is,
or need help logging on, contact me at
“[email protected]”, I may be able to assist you. As
Andy has time we may be able to use the membership
database to sign-up for social events or even renew
our membership every year.
Save the wave
[email protected]
Jeff’s opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of SCC.
Want to have your say? Write to [email protected]
Deputy in charge of distribution: Jan Minearo
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
The Driver’s Seat A Message from the President
We are now just a couple short weeks away from
Corvette Spectacular. A lot of effort, and planning
goes into putting on this major event, and it is with
your help that this show will continue as being the
best Corvette Car Show in Northern California. If you
haven't already done so, please contact David Johnson to
find out what duties that you can be of help of on the day
of the show. One thing is for certain, that you will feel a
sense of accomplishment after the conclusion of the event,
if you were involved in it's success. Most duties require
only an hour or two during the event, and you will be
there already, (am I right?) so you may as well contribute to
the day. We do need to support the club, and corvetting in
general by attending and entering your car in the show.
You do not have to have a pristine trailer queen to show
your car. Any Corvette that is in reasonable condition is
welcome, so that daily driver of yours just needs a quick
wash, and vacuuming, and it is about ready to be entered.
We can give you a few tips that will help you present your
car, and make you proud that you were at the event. If you
are a member of the club, you
should attend Corvette Spectacular.
We are still looking for raffle
prizes for Spectacular. Prizes can
be any new item that you can come
up with to donate. You may want to
ask the manager at your favorite
restaurant or watering hole for a gift
certificate, it will help promote their
establishment, and would make a
great raffle prize. Other items that
work good are anything from candle sets to car parts.
Raffle prizes do not need to be car related, so use your
imagination, or just pick up a neat item that you see on
sale, but have no need for yourself, whatever it might be, it
probably would make a great raffle prize. We are looking
to have 200+ prizes, and are currently still under 100! We
have a long way to go, and a short time to get there, so
help us out please.
It is also getting to that time of year where we need to
start thinking about Board of Directors for next year. All
positions are available, so if you have a talent that you
think would contribute to the betterment of the club,
now is the time to step forward. Most positions take a
limited amount of commitment, for an unlimited
amount of satisfaction. You do not need to be a long
term club member to become a board member, you
just need to have the desire to help make this club the
best Corvette Club on the planet! With all of this said,
it is time for me, after 7 years of being on the board,
the last three as your President, to step aside, and
allow some fresh leadership pave the way of our club’s
future. Please consider if you have what it takes to
become a member of influence to the club, by
submitting your name as a potential Board of
Directors member.
See ya round the bend -
The monthly publication of the Santa Clara Corvettes
club Incorporated in 1975
Mailing Address:
Santa Clara Corvettes
P.O. Box 2634
Santa Clara, CA 95055-2634
Statements appearing in FIRST CLASS GLASS are those of the
authors and do not necessarily constitute an opinion of SCC, officers,
or editors. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted
provided full credit is given to First Class Glass, SCC, and the
author(s). First Class Glass is not affiliated with General Motors.
“Corvette” and the Corvette emblem are registered trademarks of
General Motors, Inc.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Competition: Racing - Rick Bronner
Not only is summer heating up but
so is the 2009 Championship Series
Auto Cross. There were two events
held during the month of August. The
first one was Championship series #4
on Sunday August 2nd at Marina. We had a total of 63
entries, which is pretty typical for Marina. We had a
surprise winner for top time with Randy Wonnenberg
edging out Rory Marin by 5 /100ths of a second! We
also had a surprise winner in Women’s Top Time with
Mim Peterson beating Cheryl Martin by just over a
tenth of a second. Santa Clara Corvettes took twelve
first place finishes out of 26 classes
I’m writing this just as we finished the two day
event at Solano Junior College. Onion Peel # 11
hosted by Vaca Valley Vettes on Saturday the 22nd. It
was a fairly large turn out with just over 90 entries.
Harold Olsen took top time of day for men. We will
have to wait for the results to be posted for the class
winners. The big news was the return of Dave Bonar
and “Bada Boy” It was a welcome sight to see Dave
back in the saddle. Dave’s always a favorite at our
Nord Fjord 52 followed on Sunday the 23rd. The
morning started out overcast and windy and at least
20 degrees cooler than Saturday. Dave Bonar did take
a first in class with “Bada Boy” Keith Mendia also
took first in class with his awesome ’60. We had class
winners from Christine Courtney, Linda Lariz, Sandy
Mendia and Victoria Wilson all from Santa Clara.
Your Competition Director took Top Time of Day
holding off all the boys from AAS and SCCA. There are
still 5 events to go so we still have plenty of racing
See You at The Track
Rick Bronner
Your Comp Director
WSCC Chatter: Sandy Mendia
Hi there!
August 31 marked the end of the
Fiscal Year for WSCC, so at our
September meeting, we need to vote on the 2009-2010
WSCC Budget Proposal. I sent the information out via
our listserver, so you would have plenty of time to take a
look at it. I will also provide some copies of it at our
September meeting, so those who are not on the
listserver will have a chance to review the
information. This proposal was endorsed by the WSCC
Budget Committee at an August 8, 2009 meeting.
The other business we need to vote on is the WSCC
Competition Code Proposal, which we have discussed at
several meetings. This is the proposal that Gary
Moreland presented to the WSCC Events Director on
February 15, 2009, which was endorsed by the WSCC
Competition Code Committee at a July 18, 2009
meeting. 7
Our club vote will be presented at the October 3,
2009 WSCC General Business Meeting, which will be
held at 12 noon at Club Auto Sport, 521 Charcot
Avenue, San Jose. Please try to attend, since it is a local
meeting. Other topics to be discussed will be 2010
Convention, the NCM Caravan and DVD, 2009 Year-End
Banquet and 2010 Renewal Dues. For the complete
agenda, please see the WSCC website: http://
While you are on the website, check out all the Type I
events offered in September... Three autocrosses and two
car shows!
Have a great September and remember... Memory Lane
is a Quarter Mile Long!
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Social Director’s Report: Keith Mendia
I just got an email from Jeff Sprague
reminding all the Board members it is
time to submit our newsletter articles
for the September issue this weekend.
Today is August 18th. The good news is that I actually
have a major event we completed this month already.
That event was our Annual Picnic which was held on
Saturday, August 8th at Las Palmas Park in Sunnyvale. This
year we had 87 members and guests attend along with
numerous pets. I think this is the largest picnic turn out we
have had since I have been in the club which is 11 years.
The Picnic is one of the two annual events that is paid
for out of our clubs treasury. The cost to put it on is
around $1,500 and it seems our members sure enjoyed
the day. We started around 11am with some background
music and a table full of munchies. Several people
brought their pets to the event. There is a dog park and
our guest dogs certainly enjoyed it. Judy and Joe
Ventimiglia even brought their miniature horse, Magic, to
the event. Magic weighs about 125 lbs and is a therapy
animal which means he can go anywhere a seeing eye
dog can go. He is always a hit with the kids and everyone
who meets him. I was interested to see how he and our
Newfoundland, Hank, would get along as they are the
same size. Well, they are real buddies. It made for some
great pictures.
This is the second year that Armadillo Willy’s has
catered our event and they did a wonderful job. The food
was very good and there was plenty for everyone. Several
of our members brought desserts. There were lots of
interesting conversation groups and our members were
really getting into the event.
After lunch was over several games and athletic events
began. The park featured a large grassy area for baseball
and football along with some shaded area for less
strenuous activities. A great many members commented
on how nice the facility was. Sunnyvale is to be
commended for the quality of their city parks.
About 5 pm everyone was packing up and saying
good bye and talking about the next events coming up on
the calendar. I have mentioned before how our club is
really a Corvette family and this event is a perfect
example. I really enjoyed seeing so many of our members
get together and enjoy the day. All of this and there
wasn't a Corvette within 100 feet of the event.
I want to thank everyone that brought food and
desserts to the event and also those who arrived early to
help decorate. I know Jeff took lots of pictures and some
will be in this issue. If you missed this event, make sure to
attend the 2010 Annual Picnic. It will be just as fun.
Our club is providing support for the 2009 National
Corvette Caravan Kick-off at Club Auto Sport in San Jose
on Saturday, August 29th. We have 15 volunteers meeting at
5am to get everything ready for the big send-off party. There
will be live music, race simulators, vendors, pancake
breakfast, banner signing and lots of fun. Our goal is to give
those Corvette owners are real send off on their way to
Bowling Green, KY.
If you are not going on the Caravan yourself, come on
down to the party and join in anyway. We hope to see several
hundred Corvettes there. The address is Club Auto Sport, 521
Charcot Ave. San Jose, CA. 95131
The event runs from 7am to 11am at which time the CHP will
lead the Caravan off. Bon Voyage !!
We have a very nice Social event planned on Saturday,
Sept. 5th. We will be meeting at Kassabian Motors, 6080
Dublin Blvd. Dublin, CA. 945468 at 10:30am. They have a
large collection of specialty and exotic cars for sale in a
beautiful building. We will meet in their parking lot, tour the
cars, sign up for poker hands and depart at about 11:30am for
a cruise though the hills and eventually arrive at Andy & Ilona
Hoepfner's home 34541 Egerton Place, Fremont, CA. 94555
for a BBQ lunch prepared on a C-3 rolling BBQ. Bring your
bathing suits as this is a pool party as well. ( How much fun
stuff can you cram into a day??). Andy has requested a $10
per person sign up fee which will be returned to you at the
event. If you plan to enjoy adult beverages you should bring
some with you. The poker hand is 50/50 and will help off set
some of the cost of the event so buy more than 1 hand if you
feel lucky. Ilona's daughter, Jule will be visiting from Germany
and is looking forward to meeting all of us.
We have also scheduled TGIF parties on Sept. 4th and
18th at Pedros Restaurant & Cantina, 3935 Freedom Circle,
Santa Clara, CA. 95054 beginning at 5 pm. Stop in after work
and enjoy a cold one and some good company.
Margie has scheduled an Adopt-a-Highway event on
Saturday, Sept. 26th. Please RSVP to her if you can come and
help beautify our section of 101.
Since we will be electing our 2010 Board in a couple of
months, it is time to start thinking about your contribution to
Santa Clara Corvettes and all of the good things this club
does. I have enjoyed being your Social Activities Director for
the last 2 years. I believe this is the best position on the Board
since it is totally about organizing events for our members to
have a good time. There are so many neat places to go and
things to do. We have lots of ideas from members that we just
did not have time to do yet. If you are interested in this
position and would like to know more about it, please let me
know. It does require some time but it is very rewarding and
Let's go agitate some asphalt !!!!
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Keith Mendia
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
August 7 TGIF at Pedro’s Cantina
Jeff Sprague’s entry in the Car and
Driver “do it yourself cover” contest
Car Show
Aug 15
Chuck Vivian submitted this cool picture from his
recent trip
12 to Bryce Canyon with
Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
SCC Picnic
August 8
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Competition: Car Shows
We’re nearing the end of the Car Show season with
only two more shows remaining: our own Corvette
Spectacular on September 20th and the last show of
the year which
will be held in
Fairfield the
following week.
On August
15th in
we almost
ran off
with another
Club Par
Award but
lost out
to Diablo
Corvettes by
one. Our
eight cars
with David
Jacobson, Tim Boone and Monica Bellofiore and Don
Harr all taking First Places in their classes. David and
Victoria Wilson took Second Place in Park and Show
with Danny and Elaine Smith, Richard Brown and
myself taking Seconds in Car Show.
Since this will be the last issue of
FCG before Corvette Spectacular,
there are several items that
should be mentioned. At most
recent count there were about 59
pre-registered for the event-about
half were SCC members. Only
about 15% of SCC members are
signed up so far for Spectacular!
There will be a lot of tasks that
cannot be performed early and must be accomplished
the day before and the morning of the event. We will
need “all hands on deck” for both Saturday the 19th
and Sunday the 20th in order to get everything
delivered, set out and operational before those early
birds start arriving. No one likes to get up early but this
one day will have to be an exception in order to make
Spectacular the success it has always been. Maximum
cooperation and enthusiasm will be the order of the
day. Let’s make this the best car show ever!
The Top Ten Cash for
Clunkers Trade-Ins:
The Top Ten Cash for
Clunkers New Cars:
1. 1998 Ford Explorer
2. 1997 Ford Explorer
3. 1996 Ford Explorer
4. 1999 Ford Explorer
5. Jeep Grand Cherokee
6. Jeep Cherokee
7. 1995 Ford Explorer
8. 1994 Ford Explorer
9. 1997 Ford Windstar
10. 1999 Dodge Caravan
1. Ford Focus
2. Honda Civic
3. Toyota Corolla
4. Toyota Prius
5. Ford Escape
6. Toyota Camry
7. Dodge Caliber
8. Hyundai Elantra
9. Honda Fit
10. Chevy Cobalt
AUTOWEEK: General Motors Co. came close to
regaining the top spot from Toyota Motor Corp. in
a shrinking global auto market during the first
half, while No. 3 Volkswagen AG gained ground
on both.
GM, which trailed Toyota by more than
274,000 units after the first half of 2008, was
behind by about 11,000 units through the first six
months of this year. GM's sales fell 21.8 percent
vs. Toyota's 26 percent.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
276 Martin Ave - Santa Clara, California 95050
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Secretary’s Report: Mim Petersen
Santa Clara General Meeting Minutes 8/5/09
President, Gary Rost – Welcome and board
member introductions.
Membership, Jerry Banks – Asks if there are
any guests and there are 3. Jim introduces
himself and owns an ’06 Monterey Red and
from Los Altos. He found out about SCC
from one of the yellow cards. Ron is a new owner of an ’81. Michael just
opened a State Farm office down the street and a possible Spectacular
sponsor. Jerry asks if there are any new corvettes, and there is one – a
1964 silver blue fuelie convertible. Jerry also hands out a new
membership packet. Also, asks members to please sign the member roster
being passed around.
Publications Director, Jeff Sprague – Nothing critical this month. There
are some flyers on the table for Corvettes at the Castle. The January issue
of the newsletter will be spectacular. This will be the 30th anniversary of
the magazine. Jeff mentioned a term limit in his article this month, so he
will not be re-running for the position.
Treasurer, Alan Templeton – Good news – we have money!  A lot of
activity this month. Received $2500 from the autocross, and $300 profit.
Receiving an average of 3 car show registrations a week, $500 received so
far. $350 prepayment for t-shirts. Received $4000 donation for the car
show trophies. Spent $200 for the SCC decals, and $400 for the
newsletter. We have $6600 balance in the account. Received a generous
donation from Boardwalk Chevy for the trophies. National First also
donated $1500 for the t-shirts. Thanks to both.
President, Gary Rost – Mentions again that we have to keep the cash flow.
We must keep some at the end of the year, and enough to maintain
activities throughout the year. We had to pay up front for the trophies this
year, unlike previous years.
Social Director, Keith Mendia – For social events, we had 2 TGIF’s at
Pedros. Thanks to David Wilson and to all who helped organize the 5th
annual BBQ at Debbie’s home. This is the last night to sign up for the
picnic. It’s free for members and $15 for non-members. Please bring a
dessert or salad, food will be catered by Armadillo Willies. BYOB, sodas
and water will be provided. Location is the Los Palmas Park in Sunnyvale,
hours 11am – 5pm. Food to be served at 1pm. Parking is marginal and
bring any sports equipment. The next dates for Pedros’ TGIF’s are 8/21,
9/4, and 9/18. The NCM caravan kickoff is on Saturday 8/29 at Club
Autosport. Fifteen people have volunteered for the 5am setup. Poker Run
and pool party at Andy’s house Saturday 9/5. $10 donation for the party.
There’s an Adopt-A-Highway scheduled on 9/26. Margie says we’re
almost at the end of a 5 year commitment. A Halloween party, wine
tasting, and go karts planned in the future.
Vice-President, Ron Minearo – Introduces sponsors Mike of TPS
motorsports, Bob of Automotive Enterprises, Troy Francis at Courtesy
Chevy, and Sandy Scutchall at National First. The static cling club decals
have arrived and every member gets a free one. Ron will bring the decals
to the picnic and extras will be $3 each. Decals can be mounted in either
direction on the windshield. Club ware for sale and this is the last night
for special orders.
Competition Director Car Shows, David Johnson – There are no WSCC
car shows in July. The next car show is the CCCC on 8/15 at the Clarion
in Modesto. Nine people have signed up. We will caravan from
McDonald’s at Mission and 680. There are Spectacular car show
registration forms on the tables. Please sign up! Forms also in the
newsletter and can be downloaded from the web site. Thanks again to
sponsors Tim Boone and Sandy Scutchall. Bill and Sue L. will visit Los
Altos merchants for donations.
Keith M. will help. Jungle Bob will put out flyers next week. Jan Minearo
is in charge of raffle prizes. Jan will accept prize donations or money and
she’ll do the shopping. We’ve received 20 prizes so far and need more
money. Rick Bronner has donated some very nice items. Please bring the
raffle prizes early so the right amount of tickets can be generated.
Competition Director Racing: Rick Bronner – Has donated a flat panel
TV and 2 leather jackets. Our 2nd annual Chariots autocross in Oakland
did not have as big a turnout as last year. Conflicts with NHRA drag races
at Infineon and the AAS autocross. However Chariots ran smooth and was
organized. SCC won ½ of the awards. Marina was next. Mim Petersen
took top Female time of the day. Rick checked out the AAS autocross at
Great America. It took place in an overflow parking lot. Great America
will lease it out for the next year to generate income. It’s not certain if we
can get it. Next autocross is a 2-day at Solano Community College 8/22,
8/23. Rick will lead the Saturday caravan. We’ll meet at the Flames
restaurant on E. Calaveras. Meet at 6:30am and leave at 7am. Planning to
spend the night at the Comfort Inn in Cordelia. No discounts for the club.
The Shelby Club is hosting an open track day at Infineon on 8/29, 8/30.
$275 one day or $500 for both days. Convertibles have to have a roll bar.
WSCC Representative, Sandy Mendia – Sign up on the listserver for club
updates. Please read about the WSCC regionalization proposal and give
comments to Sandy. Please let her know your thoughts. Sandy needs your
comments to send to Rob Weaver. She will email the proposal out to the
listserver again. The committee approved Gary Moreland’s comp code
change and reinstatement. Sandy will have more info at the next meeting
so that the club can vote.
National Corvette Museum, Buzz Marston – WSCC had redrawn the
regional maps, to keep the regions within 2 hour travel time. Hawaii is not
viable at this point. Fresno will be in Northern California and N. CA will
be one region. Need to create regions once again since so many clubs
wanting to join WSCC. The new map alienates N. and S. California.
Sandy will email a new map. Sandy thanks those who have sent
comments already.
President, Gary Rost – Some frustration with the comp code meeting and
with the process. The E-board wants 2/3 majority. Discussion about some
guidelines for clubs to have more control. Gary and Margie suggest that
E-board members should not be reps. Additional discussion to be moved
National Corvette Museum, Buzz Marston - Opportunity to place the SCC
banner at the NCM, cost will be $350. The banner will stay there for one
year. The balance is back and the SCC board has approved the expense.
Ron M. and Buzz mention that the banners will hang from light poles in
front of the NCM. The banner sites raise money for the NCM. The NCM
makes arrangements for the design and we can add to the banner. The club
will get the banner back after one year. Ron Minearo proposes to spend
$350 for the banner. He mentions that it’ll be nice to have this banner at
our events. A vote is taken and the motion carries unanimously. Buzz
reminds everyone to please come out to Club Autosport for the caravan
kickoff. Keith M. is working to organize.
Web Master, Andy Hoepfner – He sent out email logins for the web site.
Later this year he’ll add the ability to edit info.
President, Gary Rost – Asks if there is any old or new business and there
is none. Meeting adjourns at 8:40pm.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
GM/National Corvette Museum: Buzz Marston
yep… Corvette Racing in the
new GT2 C6R.
2009 Caravan Kick Off
Celebration at CAS
Speaking as a Board Member of the National
Corvette Museum:
Although the Kick Off will be history by the
time you read this, I want to dedicate a few
lines to thank Santa Clara Corvettes for
volunteering and supporting the Caravan
Kick Off celebration at Club Auto Sport. In
particular Keith Mendia and of course my
own wife, Ruth Marston for putting this
together over the past 3 years. We will be in
Bowling Green for the 15th Anniversary of the
NCM and won’t be at the next meeting, but
please know that the National Corvette
Museum values our relationship with Santa
Clara Corvettes.
This year, we have a great
Corvette Racing “Safari”
Banquet that WSCC and NCM are putting on
at VisionQuest Ranch, “Wild Things” (that
means lions and tigers, etc..) and all the usual
Corvette Corral activities. Please see the
flyers that we have in this issue of First Class
Glass or contact me at: [email protected]
Buzz Marston
Also, thank you to our sponsors that helped
make the morning start a hugh success:
Club Auto Sport
Courtesy Chevrolet
C6R GT2 Corvette
October 9-11th at Mazda Raceway Laguna
Seca, is the date of another three days of the
Monterey Sports Car Championships. This
year the GT2 Class has another contender,
Z06 at VisionQuest Ranch
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
If you only attend only
one car-show this year,
make sure you don’t
miss the superamazing, awe-inspiring,
crazy-good “Corvette
Spectacular!” in
downtown Los Altos.
If you haven’t registered yet,
see registration form
on the next page.
Free for spectators.
Roving reporter Steve Bolaris had the good fortune to attend the Mid-Ohio American Le
Mans races on August 8 where the new next-generation Corvette C6.R finished second and
fourth in the hard-fought GT2 category, piloted by the team of Magnussen and O'Connell.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Support the
sponsors of
First Class Glass!
Fun Stuff:
There was an ad in the San Jose
Mercury today from the Humane
Society, asking readers to donate their
cars to help their animal friends. I don’t
know about you, but I think this is a
terrible idea. I’ve never owned a dog
that could drive worth a damn.
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
Santa Clara Corvettes
2009 Board of Directors
and Associates
President: Gary Rost
510-409-4144 [email protected]
Vice-President: Ron Minearo
408-859-8302 [email protected]
Secretary: Mim Petersen
408-313-8990 [email protected]
Publications Director: Jeff Sprague
408-227-9082 [email protected]
Treasurer: Alan Templeton
408-737-0103 [email protected]
Social Director: Keith Mendia
408-595-1386 [email protected]
Competition Director Racing: Rick Bronner
408-629-7660 [email protected]
2009 Top 5 Automobile Manufacturers
in Customer Satisfaction
1. Cadillac
(89 pts)
2. Lexus
(89 tie)
3. Buick
4. Lincoln-Mercury (88)
5. Honda
Holy cow! 3 of 5 domestics!
Competition Director Car Shows:
David Johnston
408-255-2183 [email protected]
Membership Director: Jerry Banks
408-732-7190 [email protected]
(Source: AutoWeek and University of Michigan report)
WSCC Representative: Sandy Mendia
408-997-6382 [email protected]
National Corvette Museum: Buzz Marston
Web Master: Andy Hoepfner
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
SCC Calendar of Events
September 2009
SCC Business Meeting - 7:30
Poker Run and Pool Party
VV/North Bay Onion Peel AutoX
Corvette Spectacular!
Mon Tue
SCC Autocross
Board Meeting
October 2009
SCC Business Meeting - 7:30
VV/North Bay Onion Peel AutoX
Board Meeting
Hooked on Corvettes - Thunderhill
Halloween Party
Mon Tue
It is unlikely that the next
generation Corvette will look
much like this hybrid Stingray
concept car, but it may contain
some elements of this design
exercise. The question First Class
Glass asks is how much would
you like the C7 to follow this
A. Awesome! Ship it!
B. On the right track, but it needs
to be toned down a bit.
C. Too much. Stick closer to the
current design or I’ll buy a
Share your thoughts at
[email protected]
First Class Glass Gallery
First Class Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes
P.O. Box 2634
Santa Clara, CA
The new GT2 Corvette Racer
More scenes from the 2009 SCC
Picnic, August 8th
Margie’s Crew Cleans up 101
NCM First Place Club Newsletter
Santa Clara Corvettes is a not-for-profit organization formed to appreciate a truly great
car, the Corvette. Our monthly business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each
month at the Los Altos Masonic Building, 146 Main Street in downtown Los Altos (1/2 block
up from San Antonio Rd.) Meetings start at 7:30 PM. All interested Corvette owners and
enthusiasts are invited to attend. For more information, contact anyone on the Board of
Directors, or write to: Santa Clara Corvettes, P.O. Box 2634, Santa Clara, CA 95055-2634.
Visit us on the internet at for info, pictures, and the latest events.
[email protected]
contributing articles
Glass - Santa Clara Corvettes

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