anne-lise coste - Susanne Hilberry Gallery


anne-lise coste - Susanne Hilberry Gallery
Born 1973 in Marseille, France.
Lives and works in New York, NY.
1995-1997 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Marseille
1997-1999 Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zurich
Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart (upcoming, fall)
Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam (upcoming, fall)
Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander, Santander
Seduce & Destroy, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit
A cage is a cage is a cage, Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich
5 years 5 days, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
Anne-Lise Coste, Lá, GalerieArt Attitude Herv Bize, Nancy, France
to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
Liberty, Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam
Merde merde merde, you + you + you, tell me tell me tell me, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit
Anne-Lise Coste, Anton Kern Gallery, New York
F rance, Frac Pays de la Loire, Carquefou (with Tatjana Trouv )
Institutional and Poetic Violence, Museu Serralves, Porto [with Catalogue]
Save Picasso, Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Barcelona
qui suis-je, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
one Day, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
la vie sur terre, Galerie Art:Concept, Paris
F R A N C E, Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Barcelona
You we, Fries # 4, Neue Kunsthalle St.Gallen
Le Retour des Colonisès, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
CAN, Neuch tel
Parmi les singes et les signes, Kunsthalle Lingen [with Catalogue]
Amberg&Mati, Zurich
Contre la saturation du visible, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart [with Catalogue]
loin, loin, loin, Kunsthaus Glarus [with Catalogue]
Galleria Laurin, Zu rich
Galerie Philippe Pannetier, N mes
Anna Helwing Gallery, Los Angeles
Wuthering Heights, Malm
Ellen de Bruijne Projekts, Amsterdam
Fallen from Grace, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart (with Uwe Max Jensen)
Galerie Nicolas Krupp, Basel
Exposition Fran aise, Galerie Philippe Pannetier, N mes
Museum im Bellpark, Kriens
The Projectroom Is Everywhere, Galerie Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe
Ugly Can Happen, Kleines Helmhaus, Zu rich
upcoming: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
Hysteria, Laughter and a Sense of Seriousness, Galerie Gregor Staiger and Karma International, Zurich
Voici un dessin suisse, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Untitled: ber Erfolg in der Kunst, Substitut - Raum f r aktuelle Kunst aus der Schweiz, Berlin
Out of Line, Slag Gallery, New York
Anne-Lise Coste, Galerie Art Attitude Herv Bize, Nancy
Voici un dessin suisse. 1990-2010, Mus e Rath, Genf
Collection 3, Fondation Salomon, Alex
salon du dessin contemporain, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
Professionalization is Killing Art, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen
Shining by Absence, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona
Curated by – vienna 09, Galerie Georg Kargl, Vienna
Shifting Identities – Swiss Art Now, CAC – Contemporary Art Center. Vilnius
EVENT HORIZON, Raster, Warsaw (curated by Karma International)
Blast from the past 2, Galerie Art Attitude Herv Bize, Nancy
Shifting Identities - Swiss Art Now, Kunsthaus Zu rich, Zurich
Nogueras Blanchard, Artnews Project, Berlin
collection migros museum fu r gegenwartskunst Part I, Migros Museum fu r Gegenwartskunst, Zu rich
Learn to Read, Tate Modern, London
Overtake. The reinterpretation of modern art, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork
Cosmic Dreams, Centro Cultural Andratx, Andratx / Mallorca
De leur temps 2. Art contemporain et collections priv es en france, Mus e de Grenoble,Grenoble
Destroy Athens, 1. Athens Biennial, Athens, [with Catalogue]
Words Fail Me, MOCAD Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit
Die Jugend von heute, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
Midnight Walker, Kunsthaus Baselland
Midnight Walker, CREDAC, Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris
Aller / Retour 2. Carte Blanche Filschli/Weiss, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
Experiments in Pop, Sommerakademie 2006 im Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern
MMK Arnhem
Swiss artists, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw
Global World / Private Universe, Kunstverein St. Gallen [with Catalogue]
CAN, Neuch tel [with Catalogue]
ID Troubles, Halle fu r Kunst e.V., Lu neburg
Galerie Donz Van Saanen, Lausanne
Galerie Laurin, Zu rich
In erster Linie..., Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel
twinkle, twinkle, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
Zeichnen.Eine Konfiguration., Museum Im Bellpark, Kriens
Urban Diaries – Young Swiss Art, Arco 03, Madrid [with Catalogue]
In Portraiture Irrelevance Is Ugliness, Museum Schloss Hardenberg, Velbert-Neviges Werkund
Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zu rich 2003, Helmhaus, Zu rich
Galerie Karrer, Zu rich
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nizza
Paint, Galerie Bob van Orsouw, Zu rich
The bourgeois show – sociala strukturer i stadens rum, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg
Luck is for Losers, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
Energies de Resistance, Attitudes, Genf
The Collective Unconsciousness, Migros Museum fu r Gegenwartskunst, Zu rich
Zeitmaschine, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern [with Catalogue]
Pers nliche Pl ne, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel [with Catalogue]
Protest! Respect!, Kunsthalle St.Gallen, St.Gallen
Unloaded – Coming Up For Air’Art, Bunker, Oberschan/Wartau
8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, Vilnius Lithauen [with Catalogue]
In Portraiture Irrelevance Is Ugliness, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
Violence The True Way, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zu rich
Binz 39, Zu rich
Wald/Explosion, Helmhaus, Zu rich
Mixing Memory and Desire, Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern [with Catalogue]
Flexibilit tsversuche, Museum Friedericianum, Kassel [with Catalogue]
Pr sentation der st dtischen Ank ufe, Helmhaus, Zu rich [with Catalogue]
Cute, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zu rich
Freie Sicht auf’s Mittelmeer, Kunsthaus Zu rich, Zu rich [with Catalogue]
K rper: Tanz/Performance, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern
Becker, Christoph: Shifting Identities. (Schweizer) Kunst heute, Cat. Kunsthaus Zu rich, Zurich 2008
Anne-Lise Coste, REMEMBER, Artist Book, Zurich, 2008
Look, Ulrich (Ed.): Institutional and Poetic Violence, Cat.: Museu Serralves, Porto, 2008
Destroy Athens, Cat. 1st Athens Biennial 2007, Athens, 2007, pp. 90/ 91
Experiments in Pop - Aufbruch in eine neue Allt glichkeit, Cat. Sommerakademie 2006 im Zentrum Paul
Klee, Bern, 2007, pp. 48/ 49, 63, 66/ 67
Cat.: Annelise Coste: 18 Heads of 2006, Kunsthalle Lingen, 2006
“Lingener Kunstpreis an Annelise Coste“, Kunstbulletin, November 2006, p. 85 - 86
Roy, Corinne: Portrait: Annelise Coste. De Marseille Zurich,, 19. September 2006
Spinelli, Claudia: Annelise Coste, Weltwoche, 20 July 2006, p. 62 - 63
Dankow, Karolina: Annelise Coste, Contemporary Magazine, Issue # 83, June 2006, p. 40 - 43
Hollein, Max and Ulrich, Matthias (Hg.): Die Jugend von heute, Cat. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 2006
Kunst zum Runterladen,, Kunstbulletin, April 2006, p. 89
Christofori, Ralf: Annelise Coste, Frieze, October 2005, p. 230
Annelise Coste. POEMABOUT, Edition Patrick Frey, 2005
Von Burg, Dominique: Annelise Coste im Kunsthaus, Kunstbulletin, April 2005
Lasko, Cat. CAN Neuch tel, May 2004
Global World / Private Universe, Cat. Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, February 2004
Art Bunker, Cat. Art Bunker Show, Edizioni Periferia, 2003
Non, Artist-Book with 108 Drawings by Annelise Coste, Edition Patrick Frey, 2003
Zeitmaschine Oder: Das Museum in Bewegung, Cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, May 2002
Jetzer, Gianni: Personal Cosmologies. Drawings by Annelise Coste and Andro Wekua, Cat. Kunsthalle Basel,
Pers nliche Pl ne, 53/2002
Kaiser, Philipp: Bezeichnungsprozesse. Annelise Coste im Museum im Bellpark Kriens’, Kunstbulletin, April
2001, p.24-25
Steiner, Juri: Fouiller entre les mots, Parkett, Nr.57, 1999, p. 202-203