
886, 889- 90, 979- 81; cooking, 961- 2;
electric devices, 1238, 1267- 8; first aid,
1400- 3; food and food values, 1453- 4,
2984, 2423- 4, 3685; furniture, 1525- 9;
h eating and ventilation, 1818- 20 ;
laundry, lighting systems, 21~6-7,
1245- 6, 1402- 4; paints and ,-a.rmshes,
2752 ; rugs and carpets, 726- 9 ; sewing,
3254- 5; soap, 3315- 8; wall paper,
3711- 12. See also in Index Cooking;
Food ; Food values ; Sewing ; etc.
Homel' or Gomel' , Russia . J\ffg. and rly.
centre and river port on bran ch of
Dnieper R., 350 m. s. w. of Mo'3cow ;
pop. 105,000.
Home Office, Brit. govt. dept. dealing with
police, prisons, factories, mines, and
oth er home affa.iTs.
Ho' mer, anc. Gk. poet., to whom is ascriberl
authorship of "Iliad " and " Odyssey/'
1870- 1, 1726, picture, 1725; picture..~
life of ea.rly Greeks, 1692; vocabulary,
1294.-Stories from: Achilles, 11, 12;
Adventures of the Great-Hearted Ody~ ­
sens, 2668- 74; Aphrodite in the Trojan
War, 161; Athena and Dioroedes, 272;
D eath of Hector, 1823- 4; Odysseus a.nd
Circe, 866- 7; How Odysseus and HL-;;
Men Outwitted the Cyclops, 1039- 40;
Proteus, 2986; Trojan War, 3595.
Homer, Winslow (1836- 1910),, considered
most typically national of all A mer.
painters ; pictures the ocean and fisherfolk with uncon1promising truth ; " The
Maine Coast " (l\fetropolitan ~Iuscuro,
N .Y .) and " On a TJee Shore" (Providence) considered his masterpieces.
" Homer of Rome,'' 2152.
" Homer of the insect,'' 1364.
Homer• pigeon.
Same as Homing or
oarr1er p1geon.
Home Rule, for Ireland, 1893; Belfast
opposes, 404; Gla.d:.;tonP-'s m easure.,
1612; O'Connell, 2666; P arnell, 278789.
Home Secretary, head of t.h e Home Ollice,
senior to the other state secr etaries.
Homing, homer, or carrier pigeon, 2883,
picture, 2885.
Hominidre (ho-?n/i·n '·l.-dP), mankind considered as a family in zoological classification, 2320.
Homo (ho'mo), generic name for man,
2319, 2320.
Hommop' a.iby, a system of medicinefonudcd
by H ahncmann ; g uiding principle is
that a drng causing certain sympt.oms
in normal persons is the proper r emedy
for a dincase showing t h e same symptoms
(" like cures lHw u).
Honan'. Inln.ncl prov. of E.-cent. China ;
67,940 sq. m . ; pop. 30,000, 000; cap.
Kaileng ;
cereals, cotton, tobacco,
indigo, hemp, minerals.
Hondo (hon' du). Satne as Honshu.
Honduras (hon-clg'rds), republic of Cent.
Amer. ; 44,275 sq. m . ; p op. 674,000 ;
1871, 781- 3, map, 782; n1ahogany,
Honduras, British. See in Index British
Honduras, Gulf of, inlet of Caribbean Sea
on E. coast of Cent. Amer. ; mnp, 782.
Honey, 392- 3, pict1ne's, 390; clover best
sotuce, 892 ; contains glucose, 1620 ;
used for sweetening before sugar, 3433.
Honey-bee. See. in I nde~: Bee.
Honeycomb, waxy many-eellcd structure
made by bees for holding honey, 392,
391, pictures, 390.
Honeycomb coil, in r:tdlo apparn,tus, 3770.
Honey-dew melon, 2379.
Honeysuckle, various shrubs bt>anng
fragrant t·r Umflet-shaped flowers, 1872;
name incorrectly applied to columblnc,
Honeysuckle, wild, or azalea, 1872.
Hongkong, China, isl. city and Brit. colony;
pop. 625, 000 ; 1872- 3, 848, rna.p, 579.
" Honi soit qui mal y pense," 1066.
Hon' iton pillow lace, 2140.
Honolulu (hon-6-ly.'ty_), cap. of Hawaiian
Isls. ; pop. 84 .000 ; 1803, m ap, 1805;
Pacific cable, 643; street scen e, picture,
Hono' rius, Flavius, Rom . emperor of the
west; son of Theodosius ; invasion of
Goths, 80 ; suppresses gladiatorial contest's, 1609.
Honour, decorations of, 1065; orrlers of
knighthood, 2125.
Honour, Medal of, It., 1066.
Honshu (hon-sltu') or Hondo, largest isl.
of Japanese Empire; 86,953 sq. m. ;
pop. 38,000,000, rnnp, 2036.
Hood, Alexander, Viscount Bridport (17271814). Brit . sailor, captm·ed the Fr.
Warwick, 17..61 ; second in command of
Channel fleet under Howe 1793 ; viceadmiral of England, 1796.
Hood, Horace (1870--1916), Brit. admiral;
went down with his ship In'l:incible at
battle of Jutland; 2077- 8.
Hood, Samuel, Viscount (17~4-1 816). Brit.
naval commander-in-chief in America
1767-71 ;
distinguished in various
battles 1780-83 with Fr. fleet under De
Grasse ; commanded in Mediterranean
1793 ; great tactician.
Hood, Sir Samuel (176~-1814). Brit. sail'or ;
distinguished himsf>lf in several nava l
engagements, notably against the Fr. in
l 802 and 1804 ; vrcvim1sly served under
Kclson at Sant.a Crnz, 1707, and at battle
of the ~ile, 1798.
Hood, Thomas (1700- 13-t5). E11~. port
and humo::-ist whose end uring fame r ests
on Rerious work ; 1873.
"Hood," Brit. battle-ship, 377, pict-cre,
Hood, Mt., in Cascade Rang0- of N. Oregon,
11,2:!5 ft., 4f> m. s. F.. of rortland ; why
its cone is steep, 2158.
Hooded crow, 1021.
Hoo' doo, a person or thing whose prt'sence
causes bad lu ck ; derived from vooqoo,
Hoof, a horny sh eath en casing toes of many
a nimals ; corresponds to finger-nail or
toe-nail of man ; 1875.
Hoogli (hy_'gle). ~ame as Hu~li.
Hook, 'fheodore Edward (1788-l R.J.l). Eng.
hnn,orous author and dJ:amatist ; h e
won popularity with u Gilbert Gurney "
and •t Jack Brag," both of which first
appeA.red in the Ne1v 111rmthl1J, of which
h e was editor; he was a great practical
Hoo'ka, tobacco pipe used in Orient, picturr,
Hooker, Joseph (1814-79), An1er. Civil War
general ; commanded Army of Potomar
(1863) ; lost battle of Chancellorsville ;
commanded v ictorious army of Cumberland at " 'Battle above the C1onds. •·
Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton (1817-1911),
eminent E ng. surge0n and naturalist;
made important ad dit.ions to botanical
knowledge ; expeditions to Antarctic
r egions, Australia., t.he Himalayas, and
Syria ; wrote " Genera Plantarum" ;
friend of Darwin, 1060.
Hooker, Richard (1553-1600). Eng. a.11thor,
wrote tt J,a.ws of Rcclesiastical Polity,"
a masterly ex position of philosophical
and political principles ; it has beF-n
called tbe earliest Eng. prosP. worl\: '' with
enough of the preser\'ing salt of excellence to adapt it t0 the mental palate
of ruonern r eaders."
Hook of Holland, point of land at mo uth
of ~faas (l\t:euse) R ., 18 m. from R.ot,terdam, 2570.
Hooper, John (1495 ?-1555). Eng. ma.rtyr,
bishop, and r eligions rP.for mer ; bnrnfd
as h eretic in r eign of ~la.ry.
Hoo' poe. Any birrt of t.hP. genns Upupn, a
small group native to warmer r egions of
E'\.uope, Afric'::\, anrl Asia ; t h e common
European boopoe is ab0nt the sil:e of a
thrnsh, has -plumage of black, white, and
b11ff mixed, a long pointed bill, and a
large erectile cre::;t of two parallel rows
of feath ers.
Hoop skirt, 981.
Hoosac (hg':.. t1k), r., :Mass. , U .S.A., 2359.
Hoover, Herbert Clark Cb. 1874), Amer.
mining engineer, fond admi nistrator
during '\Vorlrl " ' ar, sec. of commerce
1mder Pres. Harding.
Hope, Anthony. P en-namP. nf ~ir Anthony
Hope H awkins (b. 1 8 63)~ F.ng. n ovelist;
" The Prisoner of Zenda" and " Rupert
of H entzan " set fash ion for romantic
comedies invol vh1g noblt'roeu of fiditlons principalities ; later novels are
more serious in tone a,nd d eal with
socin.l and ethic-al -problems of modP.rn
"Hopeless Dawn, A," painting by F.
l~ra mley, pictu'te, 1310.
Hopis (hii'p'i?:) or Mokis, t.ribe of Pneblo
Tnrllans in rent. Ariz., U.S.A., 2991;
v illage, picture, 1939.
Hopkinson, Joseph (1770- 1842), .Am er.
jurist; wrote "Hail Columbia," 2531.
Hopper, in bread-making, picture, 549.
Hoppner, John (1 758-181 O). nng. portrait paintf'r, r iva l of IJa wrenf'e, painted
· portraits of severa l m embers of the
royal f&mily ('t Nelson "; " Countess of
Oxford ").
Hops, climbing h erbs whose fruits are used
iu brewing ; they are largely grown in
Kent, and also in Ger. and central parts
of Europt>, and reach a h ei~ht of 15
to 20 it., clinging tightly to poles or
Horace (Quintus Horatiw:; Fla ccu s), (658 _n.c.), Lati11 lyric poet, 1873, 2153,
ptctw·e.c;, 2151. 3113.
Horm (ho'rr) or Hours, maidens in Ok.
myth., 161.
Horatii (ho-rti'.-=hr-1), lt'gendary Rom.
h eroes, 3111.
Horatio (ho-ni'shi-o) . Tn Shal\e?.pear e's
" Hamlet," devoted friend nf Hamlet.
Hora' tius Cocles ( kiYklez), legendary Rom.
h ero, 3537- 8.
Ho'reb, Mt. Same as Sinai.
Hore' hound. A genus of plants of the mii1t
family ; the common or whit.e horehound ( J11 a.rrubiwm 1~ulgarc), found in
most rt>gions of Europe, is a bushy
perennial 1 to It ft. high with ronndi~h
wrin1\.led leaves cover ed with white down
and whorls of white flowers ; it is used
ns an infusion with sugar for coughs.
Hormones (hur' m o-ner.), bodily secretions
S\lpposP.d to excite various processes
such as ,rro\·rth, 1613- 4.
Horn or Hoorn, Philip de Montmorency,
Count (1G18- 6R), Flemish patriot, 598.
Horn, of animals ; hollow in ho\·ine aui··
mals, 765; of moose, 247 4; permanent
in antclopcR, 154; r enewed in deer.
1066- 8; vields gelatin nod glne, 1545.
Horn, Cape; most · southerly point of • .
Amcr., on isl. of the Fuegian Archipelago,
3334, mop, 3336.
Horn, motor-cn.r, 2493; musical, 1874,
2516, 2702- 4, pictu,res, 2517; Irak
(Mesopotamia), picture, 584; sacred
ram's horn, picture, 2062.
Hornbeam. A small tree of the birch
fa mily with verv h~rd tough wood and
smooth gr ey bai·k ; it is much used by
charcoal- burners.
Hornberg (ho'rn'bf?'K), v il. , Ger., pictur,.,
Hornbill, a tropical bird , 1874.
Hornblende. A blark or gr eenish- hhcl{
mineral containing chiefly ralci· fYl,
dune (French u), burn;
gem; canyon, J P,a?i (nasal) ; G=German g (guttural); Kc=German
(gutt ural).