January 2015 - Saint Athanasius the Great
January 2015 - Saint Athanasius the Great
January 2015 Athanasios & Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria In the half-century after the First Ecumenical Council held in Nicea in 325, if there was one man whom the Arians feared and hated more intensely than any other, as being able to lay bare the whole error of their teaching, and to marshal, even from exile or hiding, the beleaguered forces of the Orthodox, it was Saint Athanasios the Great. This blazing lamp of Orthodoxy, which imperial power and heretics' plots could not quench when he shone upon the lampstand, nor find when he was hid by the people and monks of Egypt, was born in Alexandria about the year 296. He received an excellent training in Greek letters and especially in the sacred Scriptures, of which he shows an exceptional knowledge in his writings. Even as a young man he had a remarkable depth of theological understanding; he was only about twenty years old when he wrote his treatise "On the Incarnation." Saint Alexander, the Archbishop of Alexandria, brought him up in piety, ordained him his deacon, and after deposing Arius for his blasphemy against the Divinity of the Son of God, took Athanasios to the First Council in Nicea in 325. Saint Athanasios was to spend the remainder of his life laboring in defense of this Holy Council. In 326, before his death, Alexander appointed Athanasios his successor. In 325, Arius had been condemned by the Council of Nicea; yet through his hypocritical confession of Orthodox belief, Saint Constantine the Great was persuaded by Arius's supporters that he should be received back into the communion of the Church. But Athanasios, knowing well the perverseness of his mind, and the disease of heresy lurking in his heart, refused communion with Arius. The heresiarch's followers then began framing false charges against Athanasios. Finally Saint Constantine the Great, misled by grave charges of the Saint's misconduct (which were completely false), had him exiled to Tiberius (Treves) in Gaul in 336. When Saint Constantine was Credit: http://www.goarch.org/chapel/saints_view?contentid=391 succeeded by his three sons Constantine II, Constans, and Constantius, in 337, Saint Athanasios returned to Alexandria in triumph. But his enemies found an ally in Constantius, Emperor of the East, and he spent a second exile in Rome. It was ended when Constans prevailed with threats upon his brother Constantius to restore Athanasios (see also Nov. 6). For ten years Saint Athanasios strengthened Orthodoxy throughout Egypt, visiting the whole country and encouraging all: clergy, monastics, and lay folk, being loved continued on inside cover 4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ church 781.646.0705 Fr. Kastanas emergency voicemail pager 781.673.2002 ■ fax 781.641.4700 ■ www.saintatha n asius.o rg office email address: StAth an asiusG O C @g m ail. com 1 by all as a father. After Constans's death in 350, Constantius became sole Emperor, and Athanasios was again in danger. On the evening of February 8, 356, General Syrianus with more than five thousand soldiers surrounded the church in which Athanasios was serving, and broke open the doors. Athanasios's clergy begged him to leave, but the good shepherd commanded that all the flock should withdraw first; and only when he was assured of their safety, he also, protected by divine grace, passed through the midst of the soldiers and disappeared into the deserts of Egypt, where for some six years he eluded the soldiers and spies sent after him. When Julian the Apostate succeeded Constantius in 361, Athanasios returned again, but only for a few months. Because Athanasios had converted many pagans, and the priests of the idols in Egypt wrote to Julian that if Athanasios remained, idolatry would perish in Egypt, the heathen Emperor ordered not Athanasios's exile, but his death. Athanasios took a ship up the Nile. When he learned that his imperial pursuers were following him, he had his men turn back, and as his boat passed that of his pursuers, they asked him if he had seen Athanasios. "He is not far," he answered. After returning to Alexandria for a while, he fled again to the Thebaid until Julian's death in 363. Saint Athanasios suffered his fifth and last exile under Valens in 365, which only lasted four months because Valens, fearing a sedition among the Egyptians for their beloved Archbishop, revoked his edict in February, 366. The great Athanasios passed the remaining seven years of his life in peace. Of his fifty-seven years as Patriarch, he had spent some seventeen in exiles. Shining from the height of his throne like a radiant evening star, and enlightening the Orthodox with the brilliance of his words for yet a little while, this much-suffering champion inclined toward the sunset of his life, and in the year 373 took his rest from his lengthy sufferings, but not before another luminary of the truth -- Basil the Great -- had risen in the East, being consecrated Archbishop of Caesarea in 370. Besides all of his other achievements, Saint Athanasios wrote the life of Saint Anthony the Great, with whom he spent time in his youth; ordained Saint Frumentius first Bishop of Ethiopia; and in his Paschal Encyclical for the year 367 set forth the books of the Old and New Testaments accepted by the Church as canonical. Saint Gregory the Theologian, in his "Oration On the Great Athanasios", said that he was "Angelic in appearance, more angelic in mind; ... rebuking with the tenderness of a father, praising with the dignity of a ruler ... Everything was harmonious, as an air upon a single lyre, and in the same key; his life, his teaching, his struggles, his dangers, his return, and his conduct after his return ... he treated so mildly and gently those who had injured him, that even they themselves, if I may say so, did not find his restoration distasteful." Saint Cyril was also from Alexandria, born about the year 376. He was the nephew of Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, who also instructed the Saint in his youth. Having first spent much time with the monks in Nitria, he later became the successor to his uncle's throne in 412. In 429, when Cyril heard tidings of the teachings of the new Patriarch of Constantinople, Nestorius, he began attempting through private letters to bring Nestorius to renounce his heretical teaching about the Incarnation. When the heresiarch did not repent, Saint Cyril, together with Pope Celestine of Rome, led the Orthodox opposition to his error. Saint Cyril presided over the Third Ecumenical Council of the 200 Holy Fathers in the year 431, who gathered in Ephesus under Saint Theodosius the Younger. At this Council, by his most wise words, he put to shame and convicted the impious doctrine of Nestorius, who, although he was in town, refused to appear before Cyril. Saint Cyril, besides overthrowing the error of Nestorius, has left to the Church full commentaries on the Gospels of Luke and John. Having shepherded the Church of Christ for thirty-two years, he reposed in 444. 2 Happy New Year, Χρόνια Πολλά και Καλή Χρονιά! As we enter 2015, I would like to thank all our parishioners, families and friends for your awesome support of the St. Athanasius Parish in 2014. Your continuous participation, unwavering love and great generosity made our 50th year as a parish a tremendous success. The year was filled with fellowship and cooperation in commemoration of our past 50 years, and with it came a stronger stewardship and financial base which will enable us to focus on our ministries, our community, and on capital projects (including Iconography and the Community Center) in 2015. 2015 Parish Council Elections Under the direction of the Election Committee consisting of Nick Darris, Costa Kapetanakis, George Makredes and Vassilios Tsiaras, elections for the 2015 Parish Council were held on Sunday, December 7. Our newly elected members include David Bowling, George Katsarakes, Peter Ladas, Vassilios Pantazopoulos and Mark Ypsilantis. Parishioners re-elected to serve another term include S. Nicholas Kriketos, Charlie Pappas, Eleanor Profis and Maria Tsaousidis. All elected will serve a 2 year term on the Parish Council. Ongoing members with 1 year remaining on their term include Thanasi Arvanitis, Stefanos Bouboulis, Dean Ioakimidis, John Ioakimidis, Bill Karras, Nikitas Splagounias, Ted Speros and Paul Tsitsopoulos. Fr. Kastanas will administer the Parish Council Affirmation of Office on Sunday, January 4th after Divine Liturgy. 2015 officer elections will also occur on Sunday. Thank you to all who give their time and talents to serve on the Parish Council and most especially to our outgoing members Fotini Gavrielidis, Vivian Karafotias, Dimitri Pagounes, George Pantazopoulos and Paul Skambas. Your dedication and leadership to our community is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Paying Down the Mortgage Many thanks to our Parishioners who gave generously towards a second tray passed after Liturgy on Sunday, December 21st. Your generosity raised $1,115 which was applied as an extra payment towards our mortgage principal. As you may know, we refinanced our mortgage in August, achieving an interest rate of 4.4% along with the ability to pay off the mortgage ahead of our 25 year term without any penalty. While our new monthly mortgage payment is $22,151, we continue to pay at our previous mortgage rate of approximately $26,000 each month, applying an extra $4,000 towards the principal. Our approved 2015 budget includes this extra monthly payment and we will strive to pay that amount as long as we are financially able to do so. Paying at this rate will allow us to pay off our mortgage in approximately 18.5 years! To help us achieve this goal, we will continue the practice of passing a second tray specifically for the mortgage at least once each month going forward. Church Elevator Renovation More good news … our elevator overhaul was completed in December! This challenging, unplanned project took much longer than expected and we apologize for any hardship caused during the months the elevator was out of order. The new electronics system will give us a more reliable elevator with easier future maintenance & service. Celebrating our Parish January 18 is a special day for our Parish; it is the feast of our patron saint, St. Athanasius the Great. Please join us as we celebrate with Great Vespers on Saturday evening, January 17th, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 18th. Our Parish-wide celebration will culminate with a luncheon following Divine Liturgy. See the calendar for details. Lastly, we want to grow participation in various teams and committees during 2015, including Stewardship & Welcoming, Greek School, Community Outreach, Greek Festival, Parish Communications, Iconography, Building, and Technology. Please consider volunteering to help meet the needs of your Parish and our community. Faithfully, Apostolos Paul Tsitsopoulos, Parish Council President 3 News and Announcements Parish Visit to Hellenic Nursing Home On Saturday, December 13, 2014, for the 24th year in a row, all the ministries of our St. Athanasius Parish visited with the guests of the Hellenic Nursing Home in Canton, MA. Fr. Kastanas celebrated the Liturgy, our choir offered the responses, and the youth of our Community from the Catechetical School, the JOY, and the GOYA distributed cards and shared fellowship with the residents. 4 News and Announcements JOY On Friday, November 21, 2014, our JOY group enjoyed a movie night at the Capitol Theatre in Arlington, MA. The Polar Express was the film shown on the big screen. The JOY group is guided by parents Jane Awad, Loula Boretos, Christina Katos, Sophia Loyack, Olga Patoucheas, and Argyro Tsiaras. St. Athanasius Parish Christmas Card Committee Thanks You The Saint Athanasius Christmas Card Committee is grateful for the community’s participation and support of this year’s Annual Parish Christmas Card and would like to extend a Blessed Christmas and Ηronia Polla to all! Additionally, we would like to remind parishioners to send in their $20 donation for the Christmas Card if they have not already done so. Please mail donations directly to the Church office, 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476. 5 News and Announcements GOYA Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Thank you to the GOYAns and families for helping with all of our fundraising this month. We had a wonderful turnout for wreath making and we sold all of the wreaths in one day! Thank you to everyone who supported our GOYA! On December 7th, we participated in the annual visit to the Hellenic Nursing Home in Canton, MA. Our GOYAns made handmade cards and gave them out to all of the elderly residents. It was a very heartwarming experience that we won't soon forget. Thank you to all who attended this event. Also, a big thank you to the Carayannopoulos family for hosting this year's Christmas Party! We had so much fun decorating cookies for Rosie's Place, a Boston sanctuary for homeless women. Upcoming events include our Annual GOYA Blacklight Dance, which will be held on Saturday, January 24th. Please spread the word to the GOYAns of surrounding parishes. Music will be provided by DJ Stavros Ioakimidis of the Salonica Boys. We hope to have a big turnout this year, just like in years' past! Thank you. Love, GOYA Fifties Plus The Fifties Plus Ministry held there annual Christmas Luncheon on December 18th. We honored Fr. Kastanas for his 25 years serving as our priest at St. Athanasius. A wonderful time of fellowship was had by all.The Fifties Plus Committee would like to extend warm wishes for a Blessed and Happy New Year to6all. News and Announcements Sunday Catechetical School A Happy and Blessed New Year to all from the Catechetical Sunday School. Teachers and students alike had a very busy end to the year. The December Advent season is always filled with meaningful social action activities as we await the birth of Christ. This year, the children visited the Hellenic Nursing Home (HNH) and collected toys for the Home for Little Wanderers. As it happens every time, the visit to HNH left us with many sweet memories, touching moments, and the desire to visit again soon. Enjoy some of these memories from the picture collage included elsewhere in this bulletin. The toy drive (coordinated by our first and second grade teachers Eleni & Marianna Terzakis, Tina Bowling and Martha Pavlakis-Bowling and students) was a tremendous success! Thank you to all who brought in toys for our toy-box or purchased toys online. Our 8th grade students also coordinate a successful sock drive under the direction of their teacher, Nick Pantazopoulos. With the help of the St. Athanasius PTO we organized the annual Family Communion Breakfast. Young and old enjoyed the great tasting pancakes that dads (and this year also moms) cooked, the rich program of our young Greek School students, and the traditional visit by none other than the St. Athanasius Santa himself! A big thank you to the PTO that helped out in many ways to make this beloved event a success. On Sunday December 21st, the Sunday School children chanted the early Liturgy hymns under the direction of our music teacher Mrs. Alexis Mitchell and at the end of the Liturgy they presented the annual St. Athanasius Children's Christmas Pageant. Many people contributed much time and talent for the success of these events. We are especially thankful to all the students that took part in the pageant, as well as to our talented soloist Sophia Kyrou who so much enriched our program with their beautiful voices and the parents that committed their time for the required practices. A BIG thank you to our teachers and pageant directors Cassandra Chamallas and Spyridoula Kazis-Moustakas. 7 News and Announcements In closing, as we start 2015 filled with hope, promises and new year’s resolutions, let’s briefly reflect on the Gospel story we read on New Year’s Day. In this story Jesus is 12 years old, about the same age as some of my 5th grade students. He is finally old enough to participate in the Liturgical life of the Hebrews, and so He accompanies His family to Jerusalem for Passover. As you probably remember, after the visit is over the family departs to return to Nazareth thinking that Jesus is in the company of other family members. After a day’s journey they discover that Jesus is not with them. Joseph and Mary return to Jerusalem and after a 3 day search they find Jesus in the temple. There, the Gospel tells us, Jesus was “sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.” Did you ever ponder the significance of this simple sentence? Jesus, as God Himself, knew everything and was filled with all of the wisdom any person would ever achieve. Why does then Jesus pays this special attention to the teachers of God’s Law? I tend to believe that Jesus was setting an example for every young person to follow. A shining example of how to listen attentively, ask serious questions, be in holy places and close to people that teach God’s law. Let’s make a resolution to help our children and students follow Christ’s example by attending with them the Divine Liturgy every Sunday and participating in the Catechetical Sunday School activities. This way each child will keep on learning and “increasing in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man” as Christ did! Our next staff meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 11th immediately following the end of classes. 8 News and Announcements Sunday School Christmas Pageant Greek School Christmas Pageant 9 News and Announcements Philoptochos Happy New Year St. Barbara's Philoptochos celebrated this holiday season with 27 in attendance at Biagio's Restaurant, on Sunday, December 7. Winter clothing items were donated for the Home for Little Wanderers, which have been delivered. Thank you to all who attended and participated in some holiday cheer. We visited Hellenic Nursing Home with many of our fellow parishioners, Saturday, December 13. It was a great turnout. They are so pleased and grateful when Arlington comes to visit them bearing gifts, smiles, and company. The provision of food cards for the "Homeless and Needy Fund" is open to all parishioners. If you are able, please donate a $10 food card from Stop & Shop and leave it in the church office for those in need this holiday season. Food cards are welcome and will continue to be handed out through the month of February. The church office will regulate the distribution of the cards with care. If you know any parishioners that are home and cannot travel to church. Please reach the church office at (781) 646-0705 to let us know. We will be recruiting nominations for our Elections to be held in May 2015. Please, please, come forward if you would enjoy to be part of Philoptochos. Our term will end June 2015, and a new group will begin. If you have questions or interest, please reach a current member or contact Kathy VanKuilenburg (978) 663-3936 or by email at [email protected]. Our next General Assembly will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:00 p.m. ~ James Bouboulis Auditorium We wish you many blessings for a Healthy, Happy, and Safe 2015 Greek School Join us for our ST. ATHANASIUS FAMILY GLENDI FOOD WINE MUSIC RAFFLES Saturday, February 7, 2014 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. St. Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA $15 per adult $10 per child (18 and under) email us with questions and to RSVP at: [email protected] This fundraiser will help support the events held for our Greek School children. 10 News and Announcements Young Adults The Young Adults have been active in fellowship with Metropolis of Boston’s Orthodoxy on Tap and in ministry with Sunday’s/Saturday’s Bread. Orthodoxy On Tap is an activity organized by the Metropolis of Boston’s Youth and Young Adult Office. It aims to brings together individuals interested in sharing open dialogue and discussion about issues, challenges and hot topics in our world and church. St. Athanasius’ Young Adults have attended Orthodoxy On Tap events held at the Cityside Bar on Beacon Street in Boston in the Spring and Fall of 2014. Previous event topics include, “Scripture and Tradition,” “Compassion: The Path of Internal Transformation,” and “What is the true meaning of Christmas?” On Saturday, December 27th, 2014, Young Adults attended Sunday’s/Saturday’s Bread program at Church of St. John the Evangelist, 35 Bowdoin Street, Boston. Saturday’s/Sunday’s Bread is a program that serves free hot meals to people in need in Boston every Saturday and Sunday. Gift-Wrapped Socks from the St. Athanasius Sock Drive were handed to guests at the church as they walked out. Sunday’s/Saturday’s Bread trips are planned for February 28 & March 28 2015. If you are 18-30 and are interested in the St. Athanasius Young Adults, please feel free to contact Dimitrios Loucagos ([email protected]). 11 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Strict Fast Wine/Oil Allowed Fast Free Thursday Friday 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Feast Day of St. Basil the Great Orthros 8am Divine Liturgy 9-10:15 2 No School Office Closed 5Theophany/EpiphanyEve Epiphany Orthros 8:45 D. Liturgy 10-11:30 Catechetical School 10am Memorial:+Helen Constant PARISH COUNCIL OATH OF OFFICE Cutting of the Vasilopita GOYA 12:15 Hours Service 7-8:30 Vesperal Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters 8:30 10:30 Little Halos 8:30-3 11The Sunday After Epiphany/Theophany 12 Little Halos 8:30-3pm Orthros 8:45am D. Liturgy 10-11:30 Memorial: +Infant Anna Katos SundayCatechetical Ch. School 10 Greek School K1 and K2 4-6pm Greek Dancing for the children 6-8 No Bible Study in Grk Adult Dancing 8 Greek School K1 and K2 4-6pmGreek Dancing for the children 6-8pm Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study in Greek 7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk Dancing 8-10pm 6 The Holy Epiphany/Theophany Orthros 8 D. Liturgy with the Blessing of the Waters 9-10:30am Little Halos 8:30-3 Gr 1&4 Grk.School 4-6:30 Vespers in Boston @ St. John’s 7pm 7 St. John The 13 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 1 and 4 Bible Study in English 7:15-8:30 14 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 2 and 5 8 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 3 and 6 9 Little Halos 8:30-3 15 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 3 and 6 16 Little Halos 8:30-3 Basketball Practice for all @ the Ottoson Gym 5:157pm Basketball Practice for all @ the Ottoson Gym 5:157pm 10 Great Vespers Service 4:30pm 17 St. Anthony Orthros 8 D. Liturgy 9-10 am St. Athanasius the Great Vespers 6:30 pm Followed by Philoptochos Reception 18 The Feast of St. Athanasius The Great and St. Cyril Parish Name Day, Celebration & Luncheon Memorial: +Fotini Francis Moskos GOYA 12:15 19 Martin Luther King Holiday No School No Dancing No Bible Study Town Hall MLK event 6pm 20 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 1 and 4 25 26 Little Halos 8:30-3pm Orthros 8:45am D. Liturgy 10-11:30 SundayCatechetical Ch. School 10 Greek School K1 and K2 4-6pmGreek Dancing for the children 6-8pm Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study in Greek 27 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 1 and 4 Bible Study in English 7:15-8:30 7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk Dancing 8-10pm Forerunner, Prophet, and Baptist Orthros 8 D. Liturgy 9-10 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 2 and 5 Parish Council 7pm 3Baptism 2pm Baby Dionysis Cecil Great Vespers 4:30 Memorial: +Fanny (Fotini) Coumoundouros Fish Allowed 4The Sunday Before Saturday 21 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 2 and 5 Parish Council 7pm 28 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 2 and 5 22 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 3 and 6 29 Little Halos 8:30-3 Greek School 4-6:30 Grades 3 and 6 23 Little Halos 8:30-3 Basketball Practice for all @ the Ottoson Gym 5:157pm JOY Bowling in Woburn 6-8pm 30The Feast of the Three Hierarchs Orthros 8 Divine Liturgy 9-10am Little Halos 8:30-3 24 Memorial: +Chrysoula Giannakou Great Vespers 4:30pm GOYA Black Light Dance 7-11pm 31 Great Vespers Service 4:30pm Basketball Practice for all @ the Ottoson Gym 5:157pm 12 Ιανουάριος 2015 Κυριακή Δευτέρα Τρίτη Τετάρτη Πέμπτη Παρασκευή Σάββατο Αργια Γραφειου Γραφης μμ Ονομαστικη Εορτη της Εκκλησιας μας και Μεσ. Δείπνο Αγγλικα μμ Αγγλικα μμ μμ Δεξιωση εις Αιθουσα Δ. Μπουμπουλη Σ μμ 13 2015 SAINT ATHANASIUS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CONFIDENTIAL FAMILY INFORMATION FORM complete return thispoint. form to the Church Office [Type a quote from the document orPlease the summary of and an interesting You can position the text box anywhere in the 4 Appleton Street, of Arlington, 02476 document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting the pull MA quote text box.] Name: Address : City: Home Telephone: I would like bulletin via mail Member Spouse State Zip via email Children / Age Name: / Mobile Tel: / E‐mail: / Occupation: / Work Tel: / SAINT ATHANASIUS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CONFIDENTIAL FAMILY INFORMATION FORM Please complete and return this form to the Church Office Please check those items in which you or a member of your family has some expertise or interest. Place name or initials of the specific family member after each item checked. Bible Study Youth Work Real Estate Management Teaching Sunday School Medical/Nurse Church Choir Art/Design Services Greek School/Little Halos Visitation of Elderly/Infirm Soup Kitchen Youth Ministry Scouting Finance New parents Computer ‐ software Legal Ushering / Welcome Web Design Mechanical / Plumbing Reader (in liturgy) Computer – Hardware/Systems Electrical Architecture Outreach to Community Evangelism Festival Publishing/Marketing Construction Philoptochos Other Gardening Office Work STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE / DONATION Family Name I understand it takes approximately $1,010 per active Stewardship family to operate and support the ministries and facility of the St. Athanasius Parish in 2015. We would like to pledge $ We would like to pledge $ We would like to pledge $ Monthly Semi Annually Yearly You can also pledge at http://www.saintathanasius.org/stewardship/ 14 St. Athanasius Stewardship Goal Based on 2015 Budget 515 families contributing an average of $1,000 per family will cover nearly all our variable operating expenses $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 What does this mean? 2015 Stewardship Goal to Support your Church and its Ministries, $520,126 Ministries, $232,500 Church Payroll, $48,000 Operating Expense, $83,200 Property Expense, $111,500 Mortgage - Extra Principal Pmts, $48,000 $300,000 Mortgage - Principal Pmts, $90,115 $200,000 Net Rental Income, $268,789 $100,000 Mortgage - Interest Pmts, $175,600 $0 Cash In Cash Out St. Athanasius Ministries we Support Sacraments, Visitation ministry, JOY, GOYA & Youth Athletics ministries, Catechetical Education, Bible Study, Greek Language and Cultural Education, Altar Servers, Choir & Chanting ministries, Local outreach for homeless and needy, Clergy payroll & benefits (Priest & Deacon) Metropolis Ministries we Support Summer, Winter and Family Camp (MBC), Philoxenia House, Greek Education, Orthodox Christian Religious Education, Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Youth Greek Dance & Athletic Ministries, Orthodox Christian Fellowship Archdiocese Ministries we Support Hellenic College/Holy Cross, Ecumenical, Patriarchate, World Orthodoxy, Outreach, Military Bibles, Missions and Evangelism Church Payroll Church Administrative Assistants, Bookkeeper, Cantor, taxes & expense. note: Clergy payroll included in Ministries Operating Expenses Church & Religious Supplies, Telecom, Office Supplies & Equip, Auto Expenses Property Expenses Utilities, Building Maintenance & Repairs, Property & Liability Insurance Mortgage Includes Interest & Principal. Extra Principal payments to be made as finances allow Net Rental Income AHNS School, House, Parking & Hall rental 15 St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2014 Contributions as of December 15, 2014 THANK YOU! Your continued Love and Support make our many ministries possible ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ! Η αγάπη και η υποστήριξη σας στηρίζουν τις πολλές διακονίες της εκκλησίας μας Mr. & Mrs. George Afouxenides Mrs. Aggeliki Aggelis Mr. & Mrs. George Aggouras Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Aggouras Mr. & Mrs. Christos Akrivoulis Anastasios & Rita Alepakis Mr. & Mrs. John Alepakis Mr. & Mrs. Zissis Alepakis John & Stella Alessi Mr. & Mrs. Georgios Alexandridis Elaine M. Alexis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anamateros Mr. & Mrs. Harry Anamateros Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Anargirou Mr. Arthur Anastasopoulos Joseph & Potoula Angelakis Sotirios & Constantina Angelakis Despina Angelopoulos Mr. George Angelopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Antonakas Mr. & Mrs. George Antonopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Antonopoulos Hariklia & George Kapodistrias Nick & Sophia Aronis Athanasios & Angela Arvanitis Kosta & Elaine Arvanitis Jonathan & Thea Athanas George & Lena Athanasiadis Pavlos & Danielle Athanasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Athanasiou Mr. & Mrs. John G. Athanasopoulos Betty Athanasoulas Mr. & Mrs. Christos Athanassiu Karim & Jane Awad Mr. & Mrs. George Baltatzidis Ms. Maria Bandouveres Ms. Shant Baran Ms. Janet Barbas Elke Barber Jean Barlas John and Valerie Belitsos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Billiris Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bilis Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bithoney Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Blanas Mrs. Eleftheria Bolanos Mrs. Kyriaki Bolender Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bonavita Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bonos Georgios & Spiridoula Boretos Themistoklis & Demetra Boretos Ekaterini Bouboulis I.Bouboulis & A. Giakoumis Mihail S. Bouboulis Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bouboulis Mr. Georgios I. Bouboulis Konstadinos & Gina Bourikas Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Bourikas Dr. David & Tina Bowling Ernest Brekalis Ms. Katina Caramanis Leo & Eleni Carayannopoulos Thomas & Corinne Carroll Mariela Castillo Steven & Fatima Ceppi Mr. & Mrs. James Chalapatas Miss Panagiota Chaloulakou Cassandra Chamallas Charles & Lynne Chamallas Christina Chamallas Diamond Chamallas Neil & Maria Kleftis Chesler Mrs. Kiki Chrisafis HarisTabakovicTina Christodoulea Anastasios&Eleni Christophilos Mr. & Mrs. Elias Christopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Chrysanthopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chrysanthopoulos Mrs. Jean Cicalis The Cokorogianis Family Alexander & Carolyn Colovos Mrs. Zoe Colt Ms. Georgia Contes Mr & Mrs C. Courduvelis Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daigel Antonios & Betty Dakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dalaklis Mr. & Mrs. Menelaos Dalaklis Stephen & Isabell Dalaklis Mr. & Mrs. George Dardonis Ms. Katherine Darris Nicholas & Aphrodite Darris Dorothy & Gioseppe Deblasi George & Katerina Delegas John-Kevin Delegas Adam & Mercy Deleidi Mr. & Mrs. George Delyani Mr. Spyros Demetropoulos Athanasios & Voula Demopoulos Cynthia J. Demopoulos James & Kalisty Demopoulos Angela Denison Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dennison Robert & Stephanie Devasto Robert & Thespena Devito Mr. & Mrs. Christos Dimas Dimitrios & Potoula Dimopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Dinis Mr. & Mrs. Yannis Doganis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Douvas Brian & Dede Downey James & Maria Dres Mr. & Mrs. George Drizos Maria Dubrowski Mr. John Dulchinos Stephen& Kim Edmonds Evaggelos Eleftheriou Mr. & Mrs. George Eliopoulos Kathryn G. Elios Mrs. Elizabeth Elios Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Everett Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Falabella Rachel & Emmanuel Fanopoulos Daniel & Christina Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fassas Mr. Randall T. Fassas Ms. Christine Fassas Anastasia Fetfatsidis Mrs. Iphigenia Fillios Carolyn & Mark Finocchiaro William & Irene Fiore Andrew & Pelagia Fotopulos John & Joanne Francis Mrs. Holly Tingos Freiner Mr. & Mrs. Kristen Frias Mr. & Mrs. Theofanis Galanopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Galanopoulos H. Galanopoulos & M. Dardati Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Garalis Kosta and Fotini Gavrielidis Mr. & Mrs. James Geanakos Mr. & Mrs. Tim Geanakos Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gennis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gennis Apostolos & Erika Georgacopoulos Artie Georgacopoulos Eleni Georgacopoulos Mr. Stephan Georgacopoulos Taso & Tamara Georgacopoulos Irene Georgakoudi Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas George Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Georgelis Mr. & Mrs. George & Sophia Georges The Edmonds Family Evan and Kathleen Georgopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Steven Georgopoulos 16 St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2014 Mrs. Maria Olga Georgopoulos Mrs. Garyfallia Georgoulis Dr. Anesti & Natalie Ghanotakis Mr. & Mrs. John Ghanotakis Mr. Alexander Ghanotakis Mathew & George Gheorghiou & Family Mr. & Mrs. Chris Gianakura Peter & Anna Giannopoulos Mrs. Evangeline Gianocostas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Giatrelis Mr. & Mrs. James Giosmas Mr. & Mrs. Harry Girdis Mr. & Mrs. Jeorgo & Tatiana Gjikn Mr. & Mrs. James Gogos Alexander & Rita Goulopoulos Irene Grigas Mr. & Mrs. James Grigas Mr. & Mrs. Margaritta Grimes Christopher & Kristin Harris Mr.& Mrs. Kostas Hassan & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Hatziconstani Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzikostanti Mrs. Maria Hatziliadis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Hatziyannis Barbara & Leonard J. Henson Arthur Horiatis Evangelos & Eleftheria Horiatis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Horiatis Pelagia Hrissanthou Mr. Perry Hristofilous Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Hrysospathis Crystal Iakovou Mr. & Mrs. Iakovos V. Iakovou John & Althea Ioakimidis Stavros & Katina Ioakimidis The Ioakimidis Family John & Martha Jefferson Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Sophia Jepson Constantine & Susanna Joannidis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kakambouras Mr. & Mrs. George Kaliontzis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kalivas Ms Gail Kallis Philip & Amy Kallis John & Irene Kalogeris James & Courtney Kaloyanidis Gregory & Helen Kandaras Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kanellias Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Kapanides Corina Kapetanakis Mr.& Mrs. Constantine Kapetanakis Clio Karabatsas Nicholas & Vivian Karafotias Elizabeth Karagianis Mrs. Katherine Karagianis Stylianos & Angela Karaminas Atha & Stephanie Karasoulos Mrs. Anna Karelas Mr. Panos Karkantis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Karpouzis Bill & Jessica Karras Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karras Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kasseris Fr. Nicholas and Presv.Litsa Kastanas Mr. & Mrs. Harry Katis Demetrios & Christina Katos George & Yiota Katsarakes Haralambos & Georgia Katsikis Mr. & Mrs. Elias Katsos Steven & Shara Katsos Mr. & Mrs. Barry Katz Nicholas & Stella Kazantzas Alice Kefalas Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Kesaris Spiros Kesaris Stathis & Angela Kesaris Demetra Ketcios Mr. & Mrs. James Kiladis Mrs. Aphrodite Kleftis Christopher & Nicky Kokoras Vihren & Rositsa Kolev Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Kolias Mr. & Mrs. George Kolokithas Mr. Dimitrios Kolokithas Mr. & Mrs. George Kombouras Mrs. Katherine Kombouras & Mrs. Konstandina Kondilis Nick & Vicki Konstandakis Mr. & Mrs. Perikles Kontalipos Demetrios & Eleni Kosmidis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kosmidis Mr. & Mrs. Michail Kosmidis Mr. Nicholas Kosseoglou Maria & Valerie Kostandos Alexandria Kostopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Kotsiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Kotsiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Costa Koudanis Nicholas & Maria Koufos Ms Jenny Koulouris Ms Susan L. Koulouris Evangelos & Athena Koutroukas Katherine Kriketos Mr. S. Nicholas Kriketos II Mr. & Mrs. Kosta & Maria Kritikos Mr. Anthony Kritikos Mr. Stamati Kritikos Simon & Lygia Krstanovic David & Kristen W. Kurtz Evmorfilli Kyridis Alexandros & Elizabeth Kyrou Mr. Peter Ladas Nicholas Lambrou The Lampros Family R & G Laundry & family Mr. James Leanos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Leonardos N. Leonardos & R. Chandonnet Ellen Leotsakos Theodore & Nancy Leotsakos Mr. & Mrs. Efstratios Liakos John & Eleni Lodato Mr. Dimitrios Loucagos Alexander & Loula Loukeris Aristomenes & Stella Lydotes John Macaris Mr. & Mrs. Macleod James Macrokanis Athena & Derek Madeiros Mr. & Mrs. John Magoufis John G. Maidonis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Makrakis Charles & Despina Makredes George & Leona Makredes Joanne Markredes Joseph and Maryanne Senna Mr. Gary Makredes Panagiotis & Kalliopi Mamounas Zannis & Angeliki Mamounas Mr. John Mandis Angeliki & Joseph Maniscalco Mr Seth & Dr. Dana Mann Dimitris & Anna Manolakis Mr. & Mrs. Vasiliki Manousos Peter & Maria Maradianos Melanie I. Marken Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Martinez Demitrios & Pauline Mastorakos Mr. & Mrs. Maria Matos Anthoula & Georgio Meimaris Emmanuel & Eleni Meimaris Nikolaos & Maria Meimaris Pavlos & Eleni Meimaris Vasilios & Sonia Meimaris Dennis & Elaine Melahouris Nicholas Melahouris Evey Mihalakopoulos Mark & Carolyn Miminos Lori & Mim Minichiello Efstratios & Youlie Mirogiannis Peter & Kathy Mirogiannis Margaret Mitropoulos Mr. William Mitropoulos Tessie Mitropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moisakis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Moisakis Peter & Megan Moisakis Anastasios Moshonisiou 17 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Moskovis St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Leo & Niki Mourmoutis Mr. & Mrs. George Moustakas Dr.Ioannis & Angela Moutsatsos Mr. & Mrs. Cynthia A Mouzakis Mrs. Katina Muksuris Robert & Marea Mullen Xavier & Gianna G. Munguia Thomas & Aglaia Nanopoulos Kalliope Nicholas Mr. Jaro Norena Hope Orfanos Peter Orfanos Theofanis & Christine Orfanos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Orphanos Stathe & Lisa Paganis Eftichia Pagonis James & Joanne Pagounes George Panagiotis Mrs. Irene Paleologos Mr. & Mrs. Blanas Panagiotis William Pananos Thanos & Maria Pantazis George & Georgia Pantazopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Pantazopoulos Nicholas Pantazopoulos Mr.Costa Papadimitris Lazaros & Eryni Papadopoulos Demetrios & Christina Papageorgiou George & Anna Papalimberis Arthur Papas Mary Pappas Mr. & Mrs. John Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Paragios George & Panagiota Paras Mr. & Mrs. Nikita Paras Ms. Sandra Passmore Elias & Olga Patoucheas John & Aliki Patoucheas Erik Brynjolfsson & Martha Pavlakis John & Maria Pavlidis George Perhanidis Nicolaos & Evangelia Perhanidis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Pesiridis Mr. & Mrs. Efstratios Pesiridis Constantinos Philips Haralambos & Panagiota Phillos Joanne E. Piandes Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pietrolungo Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pithis Ms. Florence Pollock Mr. & Mrs. L. Dean Poulos Mr. Alexandros Prezas Mrs. Eleanor Profis Spyridon Prois Mrs. Mary Prokos Mr. & Mrs. James Psiakis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Raftelis Andre P. Raisis Nicholas & Athina Reisopoulos Constantine & Eileen Reissis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Reissis Ms Valerie Relias Andrew & Deborah Rempis Mr. Christoper Rizza Anastasia Roache Mr. Jorge E. Rodriguez Peter & Soula Rogaris Crystal Roussos Mr. & Mrs. James Sakorafos Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sakorafos Mr. & Mrs. John Schizas Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Schizas Eleni Schizas Ryals Mr. & Mrs. David Schubert Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Scribner John & Paula Seremetis Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Sganga Anthony & Elaine Sgouros Mrs. Betty Shushan Paul & Maria Skambas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Skourides Mr. & Mrs. Costas Skouridis Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Sofronas Mr. & Mrs. Steven Soillis Mr. Christos Soillis Andreas & Ioanna Spalaris Anthony & Despina Speros Iris Speros Mr. & Mrs. James Speros Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Speros Peter & Anna Speros Theodore & Elaine Speros Mr.& Mrs. N. Splagounias Family Mrs. Angelina Stamas Marianthe Stamides Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Stamides Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stamos Nick & Tanya Stamoulis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanitsas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stathakis Mr. Erik Stathakis Mr. William Stathakis Evlambia Stathis Ms. Georgia Stathopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stavriannopoulos Damien & Doxi Stefanidis Dimitrios & Fotini Stefanis George & Rodanthi Stratakis Irini Stylianou Alex & Heather Taoultsides George & Anna Taoultsides Stratos & Spyridoula Taoultsides Mary Tashjian Ms Diane M. Tashjian Mr. & Mrs. Michael Terzakis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theodoulou Peter & Megan Thomopoulos Emmanuel & Argie Tiliakos Paul & Elaine Tilly Mr. & Mrs. Costa Tingos Perry A. & Vicky Tingos Mr. John W Toulopoulos Stefanos & Maria Tourkomanolis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trapotsis Dr. & Mrs. Vlassis Travias Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Trefon Ms. Anna Tsakarissianos Anastasia Tsakirgis Mr. & Mrs. George Tsakirgis Mr. & Mrs. Niko Tsangarakis Maria Tsaousidis Anastasios & Kyriaki Tsaousidis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tsaousidis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Tserkonis Vasilios & Argyro Tsiaras Mr. & Mrs. James Tsihlis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Irene Tsitos Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Tsitsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Tsitsopoulos Mr. Christos Tsongos Mr. Stergios Tsouloufas Evaline Tzevelekakis Mr. & Mrs. Theophilos Vallas Mr. & Mrs. John Vankuilenburg Maria & Steven Vasilakis-Walker Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Venizelos Fotini Vosnakis Michael & Christina Vosnakis Steven & Kelly Vosnakis Mrs. Maria Vrotsos David & Christine Wilson Lazaros & Voula Xanthopoulos Katherine Xenos Mr. & Mrs. Sokrat Xhuveli Mr. & Mrs. Vasiliki Yanakopulos The Yanakopulos Family Homer & Georgia Ypsilantis Mark & Jane Ypsilantis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Ypsilantis Nicholas & Kathleen Ypsilantis Demetra Zacharakis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zacharakis Dorothy Zevitas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zevitas Mrs. Katherine Zevitas Ms. Alexa Zevitas Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Ziavras Menelaos & Elsa Zotos 18 19 News and Announcements Little Halos The first week of December arrived with snow and the children spent time observing the changes in the weather. They discussed the changes in the weather and the clothes they wear to keep warm. Some activities included making a pair of mittens, drawing in the snow and counting snowflakes. The final two weeks of December were devoted to the preparation of Christmas and practicing for our holiday celebration. We read many Christmas books and decorated our Christmas tree using ornaments that depict the story of Christmas. The students made collages using cut out Christmas decorations. All the children collaborated on our forest of Christmas trees class project that is currently displayed in the James Bouboulis Hall. Lastly, the children rolled out cookie dough, decorated and baked Christmas cookies that they took home to enjoy with their family. On Friday, December 19th, The Little Halos extended their warm wishes to their families by acting out the nativity scene, reciting their poem, and singing Christmas carols. The celebration was topped off with a special visit from Santa Claus who gave all the children their gifts. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Upcoming Open House for 2015-2016 school year will be February 4th, 5th, & 6th between 10:00 – 11:00 am. 20 ǼȞĮʌȡȩȖȡĮȝȝĮǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒȢ ȝȠȣıȚțȒȢțĮȚțȓȞȘıȘȢȖȚĮʌĮȚįȚȐȘȜȚțȓĮȢĮʌȩ6 ȝȘȞȫȞȑȦȢ 3 İIJȫȞȝİıȣȞȠįİȓĮȖȠȞȑȦȞ. Little Halos Preschool & Prekindergarten Dayschool, ǹȡȤȓȗȠȣȝİȑȞĮȞȑȠʌȡȩȖȡĮȝȝĮǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒȢȝȠȣıȚțȒȢțĮȚțȓȞȘıȘȢȖȚĮʌĮȚįȚȐĮʌȩȝȘȞȫȞȑȦȢİIJȫȞȝİ ıȣȞȠįİȓĮȖȠȞȑȦȞȉĮȝĮșȒȝĮIJĮİȓȞĮȚįȚĮȡțİȓĮȢİȕįȠȝȐįȦȞțĮȚʌȡȠıijȑȡȠȣȞIJȘȞİȟȠȚțİȓȦıȘIJȦȞ ʌĮȚįȚȫȞȝİIJȠȞȡȣșȝȩIJȘȞțȓȞȘıȘțĮȚIJȘȞțȠȣȜIJȠȪȡĮIJȦȞǼȜȜȘȞȚțȫȞʌĮȚįȚțȫȞIJȡĮȖȠȣįȚȫȞ ȉȠ ʌȡȩȖȡĮȝȝĮįȚįȐıțİȚȘǼȜȜȘȞȓįĮʌIJȣȤȚȠȪȤȠȢİțʌĮȚįİȣIJȚțȩȢIJȘȢȝȠȣıȚțȒȢțȃİțIJĮȡȓĮȂʌȠȪıIJȡȘ Ǿ țȃİțIJĮȡȓĮȑȤİȚįȚįȐȟİȚȝȠȣıȚțȒİʌȓıİȚȡȐİIJȫȞıIJĮįȘȝȩıȚĮıȤȠȜİȓĮIJȠȣȃȒȞIJĮȝ,țĮȚȖȚĮIJĮ IJİȜİȣIJĮȓĮȤȡȩȞȚĮıIJȠȘȝİȡȒıȚȠıȤȠȜİȓȠIJȘȢİȞȠȡȓĮȢȝĮȢȁȓIJIJȜȋȐȜȠȢȉĮȝĮșȒȝĮIJĮșĮʌĮȡĮįȓįȠȞIJĮȚ IJȚȢȆĮȡĮıțİȣȑȢIJȠʌȡȦȓıIJȚȢțĮȚĮȡȤȓȗȠȣȞ ǿĮȞȠȣĮȡȓȠȣ/201,ȑȦȢ ȂĮȡIJȓȠȣ6/2015. Let’s sing together in Greek!!! Every Friday morning starting at 1/9/15 ending 3/6/15. This is an 8 week music program for children ages 6month to 2.9 years old. Registration for: Ας τραγουδήσουμε μαζί Ελληνικά: Child’s Name: __________________________________Birth Date______________ 2nd Child’s Name: ______________________________ Birth Date_______________ Parents Name:______________________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________________Cell Phone________________________ Street Address:_______________________City:_________________Zip:________ E-Mail Address:_____________________________________________________ Person accompanying child if not parent:_____________________________________ I will be bringing a sibling under 3 months (circle) Yes__No, Name and DOB:__________ Class Fee: $__________________ (+Sibling Fee:$_______) Total$_____________ *Younger siblings under 3 months are free, Little Halos Families: $ 120 for 8 sessions Call 781-646-1322 or 781-354-9232 for more information. Location: Four Appleton Street (corner of Massachusetts Ave.) Arlington, Massachusetts 02476 21 Tel: (781) 646-1322 Fax: (781) 641-4700 [email protected] JOY Bowls Join us for glow bowling, pizza, and fun! Friday, January 23, 2015 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6pm Bowling 630 pm to 730pm $10.00 per bowler Woburn Bowladrome 32 Montvale Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801 Please RSVP by January 19, 2015 Loula Boretos 617-605-7213 [email protected] Angie Tsiaras 617-817-9016 [email protected] Olga Patoucheas 617-678-6499 [email protected] 22 i tANOYAPtO: 25 O AnO: fpHrOptO> iAruoVaprot 2l H ATIA ATNH 6 @eoh6yog 'An6 rd peyohtrepo nvef;roro ro0;lplorro_ ro6q topnp6repouq d-Clrtr6q llt,?u Igid!6 rrlg dp066otqq nior4q. t-evv40r1xe rO'SZd m4v'Aprov(6, xotpr6nol,q tr1g Konno6ox(ag, qn6 r6v l-pr1y6pro, 6nloxono No(rov(ou (f i joyoyoOtou) roir4v N6wo (f 5 A0yorlorou). I,rq No(tov(6, 6r6doxeror rr1 ororXercb6rl exnol6euoq, dv6 rq pr6oq or4v Korodpero, onou yvrrlpl(eror pr6 16 ouppoorlr4 rou M. Bq_ o[.l,e ro,',Ene rrq, nqyolve r xovrd o6 nepiqrl pouq prroprKRs xoi, r6los, *a ,Ul*:::^tt^riq 'A04vaq, 6nou 6pioxer, r,ou",.,*nuro rnq outleorrnrrl r<ilpo, 16 M. Bqoitrero. 63mo6qer mrlv nor-pi6o ror, O'r.o.Jpog rou, dnloxonog .p1ov No(rov(ou, r6v lerporovei npeo60repo. ,nf,f , ou.r6g rrlv r:loux(o roD dvol<opnrr1plou or6v nowo, xovrd nporr;rd cr6 q[.I,o rou Bqoltrero, yrd neproo6rep4 dox4o4 m{v nveugonx4 (0t4. Merd, 69t4, dn6 0epp6g nopoxL4oeig iou d,*ou rou, 6nrmp6Qer orqv norp[6o rou xo[.prno[ver orrlv 6vepy6 Opdorl inq 'Exxl,qoloq. "OUoq, rd 6pendvr ro0 0ovdrou dfleror vd ntr4ycir_ oer 14v rguXrl rou, p6 dltrendtrtrqAoug 0ovdroug ouyyevlKov rou npoodrnov. flpcDro ro0 d6etreo0 rou Koroopeiou, 6nerro rrts d6elenq tou t-opyov[o:, f,9..i rou norefo rou xq[, r6l,oq, rRq Uqr6pqq rou N6vvog. Merd dn, otreg rig elirretq, i Oeiq Flp6voro r6v e6pver fiv Krov/nol,a (378), O"oL ,in"po*iq"io, gd xoran,l,4xttx6 rp6no qv'Op0o6ofio xoi XiunO ro(pto ro0g 'Apetovo0g, no0 eiXovn.l,4ppupioer rriv fr,tvlnof,rt. Merd rd odrrlp6 o016 dydlvo, 6 M. @eoddoroq r6v ovo6erxv0er florprdp_ Xq Kcov/n6l,eoq (381). Irr.1 B.Oixoulr. ff vo6o, prd pepi6o eni_ ox6ncrrv r6v dvrrnoArre0erqr yrd e0rel,[ A6yo. T6re b rpnVJ_ prog, dr16roo1r6vog, bql,drver rrlv nopoirrlo4 ior, auolrp"i ygyelend rou'Aprov(6 xqf rel,erd]ver p6'eiprlvq rn qon rou;fr16 "Aeqoe ,toioirepo 390. ueydlo ouyypoerxd 6pyo. nopouord(ouv rd ed,oooe4p6vo nor4prord rou. 6v6ioq6pov IANOYAPIO: 39 OI ANOI TPEII IEPAPXEE '! ylop.n- oir4 xo0repdrOrlxe dn6 rd 151,4 ro0 'l 1ou oi<ilvo, yr6 vd moporrioouv oi erlo_ v_rxieg olertxd p6 16 nor6g eivor dvdrrepoq. 'O M6yo9 Bqo[Ieroq; 6 l-prly6proq 6 OeoA6yoq; -H 6'l<odwqS 6 Xpuo6orogoq; Ird vedl_ repo 6po4 1p6vro xoOrepdlg4xe odv yroprq rtiv l-poppdrov xq[ yevtxd rqg flordeiog. T6 r]gm6 xoi mreugorrx6 rdtrqwo roU xo0ev6q dn6 rotg rpeig 66v flrov, 666oro, 6wetrrDg 16 16ro. <Dd\ooorprx6repog xol o]r0yroroq arnv rog. Oeohoyrx6repoq roi no rrlttx6repoq b rp.t_ :t::_l6 E0yAolrr6repog :.:qlle y6ptoq. xoi rlydrrlq roApqp6rorog 6 Xpuo6ToU?S. AhAd xq[ oi rpelg eilov o6 peydAo doep6 eihxprvfl xoi Oepp{ nior4, r}n6pAognpq eOy}rorriq, Ueyd.trn nqtOeiq, nlnpn drpooitrrorl crrrl oqpoio r4q 'Op0odo{ioq,'dydn4 m6 noiUvro, dqo8io- oro0g dplovreg, dvefdw]rr1rr1 qilovOp<onio, Otopxrl wyldrr6rqro, dUerrrq otorlpooriv4, ouvexR dy<ilvo yrd rq oarq_ plo niv WUX(Dv xoi 16 0piop6o r4q Oootiiioqrou .O OeoU. Bq_ oileroq, 6 lpqy6plog xoi 6 Xpuodoropog A6lrnouv p6oo oro0g oidrveg xoi dnoderxv0ouv 6rl rri peyito rru",ilroro yvropi(ouv v6.o.u-vdrouv rliv Geripepq oogio roO x6o;.rou ,,i'Ooti6i"pn lr; xoi dlqOrvri niorq o16 Iorr{po pog xprori. .O'66 .EAl4vrop6i 61er dOovoro xo0plpo 16 6rr on6 .a or,layXuo rou oyRKqv glyi oipeydhor OttlqrRpeq. Oi rupirog pvqpe('roug eivor:'roo M. Bo_or.l,eiou 1 'lovouopiou, ro0.Ay.'todvvou ipuooor6gou 13 Noepdp[ou xoi ror]'Ay. l-prlyop(ou ro0 geo],6you 25.lovouopl- ou. 'Hrov x6pq oiroyeveioq e0yev6v dn6 rn Oi 6pomrlpt6trlreq rRq'Ayvrlg frrov Pcil;rr1. vd q6pver rf uXeg crrq Xprorrovrx4 nlcrrn xol oi 6ntrulleg rrlg flrov peydtreg. Kotoyy6l04xe or6v oplovro rol 6tordl0qxe vd dpvrl0eI r6v Xptm6.'H'Ayvry 6n6preve vd r6v optohoyei. T6re o oxLrlp6q dpXovrog rrlv 6pr[e o6 nopver.o yrd vd onildloer u1v rprl rr1g.'MI' q 'Ayvq 6rd rRq npooeuXRq 6Qepe npoyprortx6 oetopr6 p6oo <116 nopvelo, ro[ 6ooug 6teQ0op- p6voug r6l.pqoov vo rrlv nl4otdoouv to0g 6pt[e rdtrrl vexpo0g. '496oo9 r6re oi 6reQ0opp6veq yuvqlKeq r4v 66ydtov qn6 16 nopveio xol o dplovrog on6 rr1 povio rou rrlv 6pt[e crq Qolrrd. "Eror n $uXn rnq oreQqvnQ6po n6ro[e np6g r6v Oe6. E0oe6eig lptorrovo[ nop6tro6ov ro dnov0porolg6vo lei{iovd rrlg rol rd dOorl.rov p6 Ueydtrrl e0Ad6ero (n gvngrl rqg neptrr6g 6novol,og6dveror ro( rqv 5r1 'loutriou). i TANOYAP!OE 18 Ol AnOIAOANA:IO: roi KYPIAAOE 'Ap;lrenioxonor'Ale[ov6peiog "'O dytdlrepog rriv qpdlrov rol 11p<oir<ilrepog oy[<ov", "M6yoS flotr1p", "Ir0]roq tiS 'Op0o6o[iog,,. Tlrtror, on6 ro0g nr6 XopoxrqpLcrrrro0g, noO anoveprrl04xov m6 "nol0Qrrro 6orpo" r[g 'Exr],4oiog ;rog, r6v "Ayro 'A0ovdoro. T6 6ro9 295ii296 pr.X. yevvrl0rlxe rriv dn6 yovelg QrcDXo0q otrlv 'AAeldvdpeto, dl,trd nl,o0otoug o6 dpet6g xoi niorl . A6v yt6 dvclrepeg onou669. 'O Oe6g, 5golg, r6v npolxroe 96 ntrotoro 6rdvoro, r<qi dqoU no[pver 14 ororlerdl6q 6r<nol6euoq, 6nerrq oiroxoltrrepyelrou<ol <p0dvet o6 peyo],o iiqq o0pdvrog ooQlog. T6 312 xq( o6 4trrxio 25 1p6vcov, Xerporovelrot 6rdxovog on6 16v florprdppl 'Al,e(ov6peloq 'Atr6(ovdpo, pq(i p6 r6v onoio o'A0ovdorog nolpver p6pog orrlv A'Oiroup. l0vo6o mr1 Nir<oro xol ouvrp[6et rrlv oipeorl ro0 'Ape[ou. T6 328 ne0oiver o'AA6[ov6pog xo[ yrd r6v'A0ovdoLo ntrqoiooe pLd... peydtrrl tiipo. 116 33o Xp6vo r1g eile rd pr6oo fltrrxiog rou, xtrflpog roi Lo6g t6v 6xtr6youv novrlyuprxd flo- rprdpXrl 'Melov6pelog. 'An6 6rl xol n6po 6 "Ayrog 0d ovrtprerc,rn[oer 6vo QoBep6 rol oveL6rlto n6trepto rdv oipertxrov ro0 'Ape[ou. flSvre oxl,qprig efopleg neprlog6dver r:1 noLurdpoxn Eorl rou dn6 r6v'Aperov6 o0rorpdropo Kovmdvrro. "Ogrog, pd niorr1, Odppog, dyr,lvtmLr6rrlto xol 0nopovd, xorop0ri:ver vd 6yei vu<4rqg roi ouvrpi6er ro0g "1,0r<oug" rrlg'Op0o6o(iog 1.rog. Koi 6ror, o tr6yog qg'Ayiog l-poqrlg "Nd dytovi(eoor r6v xotr6 dytirvo rflg niorerrlgul xoi ucig rp6youpe p6 0nopov4 r6v dy6vo noO npo66ltrer gnpoo16 Foq,2, ylverot qn6 16v "Ayro'A0ovdoro npoyprot Lx6rqro, ovol.tQ to6qrrl ro yeyov69.'AneB lcooe otig 2 Mqibu 373 o6 r1trrxlo neplnou 751t6,77 6rdv. l-1p6ner 6nloqg vo ovoQ6poupe 6rr, o M6yog'Agovdoroq 6Loxp[0qxe xol rbg ouyypqQe0q noluypoQ6rorog xol onou6oL6rorog. Aidrovog dx6pr1 dyporle rig npqyporeieq rou rord r6v 60vrxcDv rolnepl 6vov0ponrioeog ro0 A6you. :rd "noIeptKd" rou rqrqtdqoovtot: ""Er0eorg nloreolgo, "'H dyrIrtrtog 6ntoro].4", "'H dntoro)rn np69 to0q 6ntor6noug Aiy0nrou r<olA160qg", "Oi A6yot t<otd r<ilv'Aperovriv,. "A<Dqoe 66 roIdpxer6g enroroL6g. Nd noporqpriooupe optoq 66rn 6rr, o0;rQtovo p6 r6v Kril6rrq rov Kquooxqtru6iolv q ruplrog gvr]prq rou np6net vo ioprd(eror rqv 2o Molbu, 6nou, rql icrroprxd dno6e6etyg6vo, 11 roipulorl rou. f-rd not6 L6yo 6prog xoOtep60qre vo ytoprd(erot oirq q pepo pto(i p6 r6v "Ay. K0prtrLo 6riv yvropi(oupe. T6 nr0ov6repo 6puog eivo; yrd t6 tr6yo no0 xoOrep60qxe xoi 1. A'np6q TrU6eEov, or'12. 2. B'np6g Tru6€eov, t6' 1. 11 yropq r<ilv 23 3'lepoplrlv . FOOD FOR THOUGHT Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is selfdiscipline and self-knowledge. It’s the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. — Ann Lander There is a vast difference between success at twenty-five and success at sixty. At sixty, nobody envies you. Instead, everybody rejoices generously, sincerely, in your good fortune." ~ Marie Dressler You have to dream before your dreams can come true. — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures." ~ Jackson Brown Colors are the smiles of nature. — Leigh Hunt Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. — Helen Keller Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work, risking, and by not quite knowing what you're doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful: yourself. — Alan Alda Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t). — James Baraz "How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking." ~ David Joseph Schwartz Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. — Lao-Tze Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down. — Wilson Mizner The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose. (Author unknown) u January 2015 24