The SUN Network - Cambridgeshire DAAT
The SUN Network - Cambridgeshire DAAT
The SUN Network Be heard, Be involved, Be The SUN Network The SUN Network Newsletter Winter 2015 Hello everyone and welcome to The SUN Network’s winter 2015 newsletter. It has been a while since the SUN Network has kept you all up to date with what has been going on and what will be happening in the future months. We’re excited about the changes that have happened and the future projects the SUN Network will be involved in. Have a read to find out more. STAFF CHANGES We have waved goodbye to three members of staff who have moved on to pastures new. Chrissy Gaughan, Iain Hayman and Jenny Swain. We wish them all the very best in their future roles, they shall be missed here at the SUN Network. We welcome new members to the team, Russell Bowyer who has joined us as our Drug and Alcohol Engagement Facilitator, Anne Wigglesworth as our full time Mental Health Engagement Facilitator and Weaver as the new Manager for the SUN Network. At a glance…… P2—Latest News - Drug and Alcohol Engagement P3—Latest News—Mental Health Engagement - Staff Introductions - Message from the Editor P4— Latest News—Mental Health Engagement - Events P5—Latest News—Mental Health Engagement - Community Groups - 5 Values -Staff Training P6 — Update from the Clinical Commissioning Group P7— Update from the County Council Commissioners -Mobile Crisis App P8—Be Involved - Human Library - Train with us - Forth coming consultations P9—Coming up - Dual Diagnosis - Future Training - Feedback Review - SUN Leaflet - Contact us 1 Drug and Alcohol Engagement’s Latest News We welcome our new Drug and Alcohol Engagement Facilitator, Russell Bowyer. Russell came into post on 26th May 2015 to facilitate service user engagement with people who may or may not be using drug and alcohol services in Cambridgeshire. Russell's role is funded by Cambridgeshire Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services within the County Council. Russell has a wealth of knowledge about Drug and Alcohol services available within Cambridgeshire. UPDATE FROM DRUG AND ALCOHOL ENGAGEMENT As we draw to the end of 2015 and reflecting upon this last year, there has been a great deal of change and progress in our work on behalf of the DAAT. The Recovery Cafes have continued to grow and go from strength to strength. The Ely Café has had a number of recovery events/ recovery walks and showings of the film “Dear Albert”. This film continues to inspire as well as presenting service users with the challenges many face whilst in addiction. At the Cambridge Café, group numbers peaked during the summer with 28 people attending. The café was buzzing after a summer game of rounder’s and a few soft drinks. It continues to grow and offer support to people. This group specifically are now looking for other things to do as a group. They want to get out in the community, doing “NORMAL” things. Activities have included: a walk in the park; going to a museum; going for a coffee between meetings over weekends, helping each other with decorating and photography, with a Christmas meal planned and booked this group continues to evolve and grow in the community. The Huntingdon Café started out slowly but has much potential to expand during 2016. The Wisbech Café continues to offer significant challenges and will be refreshed. Our attendance at Fulborn continues to prove beneficial, meeting those going through detox and assisting them in their recovery journey, giving guidance when required and signposting them to relevant support groups that are available. We are pleased to announce that the contract for this work has been extended for a further 12 months from April 2016. Our commitment to the Dual Diagnosis agenda will continue with the SUN Network Drug & Alcohol and Mental Health Engagement workers collaborating on joint work initiatives together. We look forward to seeing you all and working with you in 2016. Come along, drop in and join a Recovery Cafe in the County, every week on: Monday - The countess Free Church, Chapel St, Ely from 10.00—12.00 Wednesday - Starbucks Café, Huntingdon from 12.00-13.30 Wednesday—Clowns Café , Kings Street, Cambridge —12.00-16.00 Thursday - Ferry Project, Wisbech from 16.00—18.00 2 Mental Health Engagement’s Latest News The Sun Network has been very busy working throughout the county participating in many events, offering training through the Recovery College East, delivering consultations, feedback sessions and expanding our skills and knowledge. Read on to find out more! INTRODUCTIONS Anne joined the team in August 2015. Anne’s role as Engagement Facilitator is to involve and engage Service Users and Carers of Mental Health and Social Care Services in the evaluation of experiences, to facilitate system navigation and deliver training to service users. Prior to working for the SUN Network Anne has worked as a self employed teacher of Performing Arts and Fitness and more recently, within Social Housing. Anne brings experience of working within diverse section of communities. Weaver joined the SUN network at the end of September 2015, as their full time service manager. Weaver has over twenty years’ experience of managing both senior and front line staff. He has managed projects that provide a service or services to a broad range of some of the most vulnerable, marginalized and challenging of client groups i.e. rough sleepers, hostel residents, individuals in second stage move-on housing and young people in supported accommodation. He has managed managers and their teams working with individuals who are NEET, leaving care, are offenders or at risk of offending, those with drug & alcohol, mental/physical health/behavioral issues. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Hello Everyone, Welcome to the SUN Network’s Winter News Letter. It has been a while since a newsletter has been produced and there have been many changes to the SUN Network throughout the year. I hope this latest newsletter brings you up to date with the SUN’s activities. Staffing is now back up to full capacity and we are excited about the future of the SUN Network. As always we are pushing forward with new ideas and themes to ensure you are heard, about the services you use. In summary, we have started to branch out into Peterborough, making new connections, but there are many more to make. We are reviewing our approach to the current Feedback sessions we hold and welcome any thoughts and ideas about how you would like us to engage with you. We will be working closely with the new Recovery Coaches and you to help evaluate this service. We will also be holding a survey to establish key thoughts and recommendations about how the SUN Network can better respond to the needs of service users and represent these needs to commissioners. From all of us here at the SUN Network we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. We look forward to catching up with every one in the new year ahead. 3 Mental Health Engagement’s Latest News Continued EVENTS HEAR ME! The SUN Network worked as part of the Voices Cambs Forum to put on the Hear Me event, which was aimed at demonstrating good practice for organisations and to involve people in the planning and improving of local health and social care services. The event took place in Ely’s Larkfield Community Centre and was a great success. We had talks about Participation and Coproduction from Eve Redgrave, of Pin Point. My Mind, a collaboration with youth to find out about their Mental Health from Rita Nunes of Health Watch. Representing local views at National level by Beverley Young of Age UK. There were workshops to be involved in looking at Engaging with Gypsy/Romany/Traveller communities, by Kate D’Arcy of the University of Bedfordshire and Healthwatch, How to support a person with learning difficulties to speak up, by James Sheard from Voiceability, Skills and confidence boosting training for meetings by Graham Lewis, from Cambridge Alliance and The Human Library by Anne Wigglesworth from the SUN Network. WELLBEING WITH THE RICHMOND FELLOWSHIP The Sun Network were delighted to attend the Wellbeing Event Hosted by the Richmond Fellowship in March and Wisbech, in October for World Mental Health Day. We had fun meeting new service users as well as a variety of new organisations we plan to collaborate with in the future. There was the opportunity to test your physical health, find out about local services in the area and speak with local emergency service departments. A café provided delicious home made cakes, and there was a raffle for everyone to win something. PROMISE CHARTER EVENT The SUN Network has pledged their support for the promise charter. The PROMISE Charter aims to “redefine the frontiers of humane care and promote dignity by eliminating reliance on the exercise of force in mental health”. The event held on the 9th October, showcased not just what is happening within CPFT but also with Hertfordshire Partnership University, NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT), local health and social care and higher education institutions. The jam packed agenda, allowed attendees to hear from many speakers in different roles (e.g. nurses, researchers, consultants, ward managers, clinical directors, health professionals and commissioners) from organisations including Cambridge University, Addenbrooke’s hospital; Anglia Ruskin University, Mind, Richmond Fellowship, Cambridgeshire County Council, Group Therapy Centre, Life Craft & Life Line, and Cambridgeshire Constabulary. 4 Mental Health Engagement’s Latest News Continued LOCAL COMMUNITY SELF SUPPORT GROUPS The SUN Network has been assisting some mental health self help, local community groups. We have been working with these groups offering intermittent guidance and support to enable them to stay focused, have direction and maintain longevity within the community. We have offered these groups basic training, giving them the opportunity to learn new skills, enabling them to manage the group creatively, equally and independently. Do you attend a local self help group? Do you know of one in your local area that would benefit? We would like to know about you. Get in touch to see what we can do for you! 5 VALUES The Sun Network has kicked off their 5 Values Training at the Recovery College East. The 5 Values of Integrity, Empathy, Inclusion, Honesty and Personalisation are to be introduced and delivered in over 13 Mental Health organisations throughout the county. The SUN Network have worked alongside service users to devise the structure, method and training format to train individuals with lived experience of mental health challenges to assess the 5 Values within services as Peer Assessors to ensure they are being delivered. The course has been a great success and our first Peer Assessors will be going out into services in 2016. STAFF TRAINING As a team we are always keen to ensure our knowledge and approaches are current and up to date. Some of the training the team have participated in is...ASIST, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Mental Health First Aid, Personality Disorder, Psychosis and ABCD, Asset Based Community Development. 5 The Clinical Commissioning Group a John Ellis has been awarded the CCG Star Award for his tireless dedication to creating better Mental Health Services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. His commitment to ensuring that people have access to wide range of services that are available no matter where you live will be the legacy that he leaves behind when he retires in December. Recovery Coaches – Many people have told us that they often feel on a cliff edge when being discharged from services, wondering if they are going to cope without the level of support they have been used to and how they would be able to re-access support when in crisis. Through consultation with people using Mental Health services and with organisations providing those services, a Recovery Coach model has been developed. The team of Recovery Coaches and Peer support workers will work with individuals and their carers to help them access other support from the third sector and within their local community to help within the next stage of their Recovery. The team will be hosted by the Recovery College but will be expected to spend at least 50% of their time within local services so that they are accessible. The manager Emma Green has been appointed and commenced in November. The rest of the team will be in place ready to roll out by 1st January 2016. Enhanced Primary Care – Many of you will have been involved in the consultation about designing a service that sits in the gap of what support a GP can provide and the threshold to be able to access CPFT services. We are just at the point of finishing our consultation about what this service should look like and be able to offer. We will hope to have a finalised plan soon. Increased Access to Psychological Therapies – We have invested quite heavily in IAPT services so that more and more people can have access to psychological therapies. This is a service designed primarily for people with more mild to moderate mental health symptoms to prevent their problems from escalating. We have a number of organisations providing this: Cambridge: CPFT (Psychological Wellbeing Service), Mind in Cambridgeshire Richmond Fellowship – employment support Centre 33 (for 17-25 year olds) Fenland: CPFT (Psychological Wellbeing Service), Mind in Cambridgeshire Group Therapy Centre Richmond Fellowship – employment support Cambridge Community Counselling Service Huntingdon: CPFT (Psychological Wellbeing Service), Mind in Cambridgeshire Group Therapy Centre (coming soon) I Richmond Fellowship – employment support Centre 33 (for 17-25 year olds) Peterborough: CPFT (Psychological Wellbeing Service), Insight Healthcare Insight Healthcare (for 17-25 year olds) Insight Healthcare (for Group therapy) Richmond Fellowship – employment support Peterborough Counselling services Self-referral available for all services or you can access via your GP. 6 The CCG Update Continued... COMPLETED CONSULTATIONS Over the course of the 2015 the SUN Network have run consultations for the Recovery Coaches as part of CPFT, 3rd Sector Redesign and Enhanced Primary Care. 3rd Sector Redesign The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) wanted feed back about how commissioned mental health services within the county’s communities and the NHS can work more closely together, to provide a better service. We asked Service Users what they felt about mental health services working together. You Said: “I’m concerned if it gets too big it will become impersonal.” “My hopes are for a seamless approach to mental health for ordinary people” “Something needs to change to offer more support in the community, prevention being better than cure, leaving people until they are desperate is not on. THE COUNTY COUNCIL COMMISSIONERS KIM DODD LEAVES CAMBRIDGSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Kim Dodd the Head of Mental Health Commissioning has left the Cambridgeshire County Council . Her last working day was the 10th December. Kim has been with the Council for two and half years. During that time she has worked with CPFT colleagues and the Clinical Commissioning Group Commissioners to improve services . She has for example, completed the Council’s Social Care Mental Health Strategy. She has a strong interest in research which she has used for the benefit of the Council She will be missed and we wish her all the best. COMPLETED CONSULTATIONS Street Outreach Programme: The Cambridgeshire County Council asked the SUN Network to gain service user input for the retendering of the Street Outreach contract. We were able to speak with people who have accessed the service and put forward some fantastic questions for the retender process. The CCC have always valued and supported service user input in all their mental health services. CRISIS CARD-MOBILE APP Latest download numbers: 880 Free to download from App Store or Google play, the Crisis card mobile phone app is there to help you manage your mental health and recovery. Devised along side service users, the app has many features. One button Crisis text alerts, Record the changes in how you feel through the crisis scale, traffic light system and log the reason for the change. View your history so you can start to see patterns. Be inspired by the top tips. Receive the latest up to date drug notifications. Have access to health and wellbeing information and log how you’re feeling on a daily basis. 7 BE INVOLVED HUMAN LIBRARY 2016 After the disappointment of having to cancel the Human Library event in November in the Queensgate Shopping Centre, Peterborough, we are pleased to announce we plan to hold a Human Library event in 2016. We will be looking for ‘Human Books’ and volunteer staff on the day of the event. The Human Library ( aims to challenge preconceptions and reduce stigma by recognising the person beneath the diagnosis. To be a ‘Human Book’ you just need to have lived experience where you have been subject to stigma and prejudice. Examples could include a mental health issue, experience of substance misuse, a disability or an extreme life event. Look out for how to get involved and to find out more about what is required or offer your services, please contact us on [email protected] or call on 01480 276057. TRAIN WITH US Working with the Recovery College East, The SUN Network offers training on How to facilitate your own group. This short course is designed to give those who wish to start up their own group, the tools and confidence to carry that forward, or for those already in established self help groups, who might feel they need some help in keeping focused or redirecting the focus of their group. We train professionals too. Train with us to become a 5 Values Peer Assessor. Gain the skills to work alongside us to assess the values of Honesty, Personalisation, Inclusion, Working Together and Empathy with in the Mental Health Services available in Cambridgeshire. To find out more about these and other courses available at Recovery College East, contact them on: 01223 884431 or email @ [email protected] or check out their website at Look out for our SUN Network Courses through the Recovery College East. FORTHCOMING CONSULTATIONS Crisis Care Concordat Many of you may well have heard the term Crisis Concordat jumping around, but what does it really mean? Well...the Crisis Concordat is a government initiative to ensure the right care is available at the right time, in the right place at the first time of asking when a crisis occurs. A delivery board has formed, which is made up of services throughout Cambridgeshire and include the Police, Hospitals, NHS Mental Health Services and Charity Mental Health Organisations. This board is working collectively to look at and assess the current system available for Crisis care. Their aim is to then construct a plan and initiate change on how crisis support is received and delivered. You’re views, experiences and opinions of how crisis support should be delivered and needed in a time of crisis are essential. So please get in touch and let us know. 8 COMING UP DUAL DIAGNOSIS The SUN Network will be working closely with our Drug and Alcohol Engagement Facilitator, Russell Bowyer to address your thoughts and opinions about how those with mental health challenges and Drug and Alcohol misuse, experience the services available to you. We would like to hear from you. How has your experience been? What challenges have you faced? All information is kept anonymous and confidential. We can come and meet you, either individually or as part of a group, we can talk over the phone or you can email us. All details of how to be in touch are at the bottom of the page. FUTURE TRAINING As part of our collaboration with the Recovery College East the SUN Network are keen to expand the training we deliver. What training would you like to receive. We want to hear from you! Contact us on 01480 276057 or email us at [email protected] FEEDBACK SESSIONS REVIEW Feedback sessions are an opportunity for you to meet with us face to face, either individually or in groups to feed back about your experiences, ideas and opinions on the mental health services you use. Here at the SUN Network we a reviewing how these are currently carried out. But before a final decision is made we want to hear from you. We want your opinions and ideas about how you would most likely want to feedback to us about the services you use. We want to know what would motivate you to give us your opinions? How would like to do that? We want to know, so your chance to have your say, be heard and influence how services are delivered is done how you want it! NEW! SUN Network Leaflet The SUN Network have put together a new leaflet. It gives you all the information you need to know about how to be heard, be Involved and be in touch. Look out for it and share with others! Be in touch The Limes 24 New Street St Neots Huntingdon PE19 1AJ Email : [email protected] Tel: 01480 276057 9
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