October 2015 - St. Paul Elementary School
October 2015 - St. Paul Elementary School
Achieving Excellence in Catholic Education through Learning, Leadership and Service O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 PRINCIPAL Bernadette Maloney SECRETARY Karen Dafoe PARISH PRIEST Fr. Randy Foster Fr. Stan Witczak DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Barbara McMorrow SUPERINTENDENT Joan Carragher TRUSTEES Helen McCarthy CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL CHAIR Ms. Nora Darling Teresa Hartenburg Board Office 1-800-461-8009 St Paul’s Catholic Elementary School 1101 Hilliard Street Peterborough, Ont K9H 5S3 Tel: (705)742-2991 Fax: (705) 742-6685 St Anne’s Parish Weekend Mass Times: Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am & 11:00 am Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you to everyone who attended our Welcome Night on September 17, 2015. It was a resounding success. Most of the school community was able to attend and we look forward to a great year. Thank you to Mark and Teresa Hartenburg who supplied Pizza Hut, personal pan pizzas at cost. St. Paul is very fortunate to receive the support of generous individuals and businesses within the community. Donations, that are tax deductible, have allowed families to send their children to summer camp, participate in extracurricular sports in the community, purchase necessary medications and basic needs. Thank you to such a supportive parent community. This month’s virtue of Charity is demonstrated in so many ways on a daily basis at St. Paul. In September we had a red-themed day to raise money for the Diocesan efforts to assist Syrian Refugees. As a school we raised $790.00 in just one day. It is so important that our children see us living out our Catholic Social Teaching and helping those in need. This month, students will have further opportunities to practice charity as we run our Thanksgiving Food Drive and ask students to donate hard candy after Hallowe’en in the first week of November. Students have begun the practice of keeping a weekly gratitude journals. On Thankful Thursdays, students can volunteer to have their journal read over the PA system. This week , Sabrina was thankful for all that she has learned at school. Another student wrote, “We receive 80% of our information from the world through sight, I thank God for my eyes. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” It is through them that we experience God. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.. Bernadette Maloney. Achieving Excellence in Catholic Education through Learning, Leadership and Service: Fruits of the Holy Spirit The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are found in section 1832 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as inspired by the fifth chapter of Paul's letter to the Galatians. CCC #1832 "The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity." The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are gifts we have been given and each month we will recognize and name one of the Fruits of the Spirit alive and working in our Catholic Community. The Spirit is alive and working in each of us, and grants us gifts that enable us to collaborate in the salvation of others and in the growth of the Body of Christ, the Church; by this power of the Spirit, God’s children can bear much fruit. In the month of October, the Liturgical Season of the Church is Ordinary Time. The Liturgical colour is green. Every school in the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board will be learning, praying and talking about the Fruit of the Holy Spirit called Charity. “Charity is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbour as ourselves, for the love of God.” CCC 1822 At home, at school and in our parishes, let us model Jesus’ commandment to love each other so that our children will understand that charity is an act of love. Catholic School Council Thank you to everyone who came out to ST. Paul’s Open House & Bake Sale. Thank you to Mark and Teresa Hartenburg who supplied Pizza Hut, Personal Pan Pizzas at cost for September’s Welcome Night. School Council would also like to thank all those who baked something for our Bake Sale this year. It was a great success with a grand total of $783.15 raised for Catholic School Council fundraising. We had a great deal of support this year and it was greatly appreciated. To all those that volunteered, without your help none of this would have been possible. So a BIG thank you goes out to you! Our next school council meeting is October 6 @ 6:30-8pm in our school library. Friday, October 30 - Halloween “Dance-A-Thon” Fund Raiser This year we will again be holding only ONE MAJOR fund raiser - our Halloween “Dance-A-Thon”. Last year we raised $22,000 which along with our weekly pizza lunches allowed school council to put forward $31,000 towards the purchase of our new playground equipment. An amazing outcome from the hard work of so many dedicated people. Our Dance-A-Thon Kick-Off assembly was held on Monday, September 28th in the gym. Prizes for pledges were showcased. The lineup of incentive prizes is amazing this year with three bicycles topping the list of prizes students can win for their fund raising efforts. A huge thank you goes out to the Dance-a-thon Fundraising Committee. Proceeds from our fund raiser directly benefit all students with the focus this year of improvements to St. Paul’s kindergarten yard, new team jerseys and continued support of technology for student use. Please encourage your child to participate and bring in as many pledges as possible. Children should hand in their pledge sheets with a minimum of $10.00 every Thursday from October 9-30 so we can do weekly totals. Let’s top last year! The Dance-A-Thon will take place on Friday October 30. We encourage all students, staff and parents to participate. 9:20-10:20 Gr. 1,2,3 10:30-11:30 JK/SK 1:15-2:15 Gr. 4,5,6 2:15-3:15 Gr. 7,8 Halloween Hard Candy Drive St. Paul School will be hosting their first HARD CANDY DRIVE in November. This is one of our Social Justice projects that is being coordinated by the kindergarten children. This Canadian project will help children in third world and developing nations. The hard candy helps activate the salivary glands and prepare the digestive tract for food. Please encourage your child to participate by donating some of their Halloween treats – specifically, wrapped, hard candy. Daily collections will occur during the first week of November. We look forward to your anticipated participation. Breakfast Program St. Paul’s School The school year is underway once again and St. Paul’s offers students a healthy snack/breakfast on a daily basis. With choices from three food groups, cereal, fruit and vegetables and dairy students have the nutrition they need to be successful at school. Please consider volunteering your time to this worthwhile program. Please contact the school, 705742-2991 to volunteer. For the Safety of Everyone and less distraction - Cell phones, cameras, ipod’s etc. are not to be used in school unless under the supervision of the classroom teacher. Students may request permission from their teacher to use the office phone. We ask that parents do not text your child during school hours. Thank you for your cooperation! Immunizations Required for School Attendance As of July 1, 2014 the Immunization of School Pupils Act has added vaccination against three additional diseases that students require for entry to school; they are meningococcal disease, Pertussis (whooping cough) and varicella (chickenpox). These three vaccines are in addition to existing requirements for proof of immunization against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps and rubella. Your local health unit is required under the Immunization of School Pupil's Act (ISPA) to collect and maintain up-to -date records of all the above immunizations for every child registered in school. Now is a good time to contact your health care provider to discuss your child’s immunization needs in light of the new legislation. Parents are required to contact the health unit to update immunization records for their children or provide a valid affidavit. Visit your local health unit website for more information: Peterborough County and City please visit the Peterborough CountyCity Health Unit at http:// www.pcchu.ca/my-life-health/parentscaregivers/immunizations/ HEAD LICE Our first pediculosis check will occur on Monday, October 5, 2015. Please continue to check your child’s head on a regular basis and notify the school in the event of head lice. We will assist you with the necessary information. Your call remains confidential, but knowing there is a case helps us to prevent further outbreaks. The school board has posted a brochure, “Don’t Let Head Lice Bug You!”on their website:www.pvnccdsb.on.ca under “Board Information”: publications. PAGE 4 Mental Health Moment One of the foundational skills for good mental health is an ability to recognize and adapt to stress. Parents can assist their children to recognize and manage stress by tuning into these simple signs that your child’s stress system is overworking: Trouble falling asleep Crabby mood in the morning Easily upset – even over little things, trouble calming down Volatile mood Trouble paying attention or even hearing your voice Frequent anger, or signs of sadness, fear or anxiety Check out http://www.self-regulation.ca/ for helpful hints on how to help your child develop the skills to effectively cope! @StefaniBurosch School Mass - St. Anne’s Church .School Mass – Friday, October 13, 10:45 at St. Anne’s Church Mrs. Stanlick’s Grade 5 class will be organizing this mass. Students will walk to the church. If it is raining mass will be in the gym. The Grade 5 students will also be conducting a school-wide food drive for Thanksgiving. The collection of non-perishable food items will take place from September 28th to October 9th. This is the October Social Justice Project at St. Paul and a great opportunity to give back to the Peterborough community and to keep in our thoughts on those less fortunate than ourselves. . PAGE 5 . School Photos . Students’ school photos will be taken on Thursday October 1st. Edge Imaging will be providing this service to St. Paul with the added benefit that parents can order and pay for photos on-line. Family discounts will include students’ siblings attending Secondary School as well. Make a Donation to Our School Breakfast Program Parents are an important partner in our School Breakfast Program. Please consider making a food donation to support our program. Next time you go grocery shopping, purchase one of the items below and drop it off at our Breakfast Program: cheese strings bag of apples yogurt tubes nut-free granola bars Financial donations are also gratefully accepted. Online donations can be made to Food For Kids Peterborough and County at www.pcchu.ca/ffk by clicking on the “Canada Helps” icon. Include our school’s name in the comment box. A printable tax receipt will be issued. Research shows that students with access to a breakfast program have reduced risk for disease, are more likely to come to school and participate in class, have better test scores, and are more likely to graduate. Our students thank you for your generous support! SOCCER RESULTS The St. Paul soccer teams played in the family of schools soccer tournament at Beavermead and Eastgate fields. The senior girls team defeated St. Josephs 6-0, Immaculate 4-0 and St. Paul Lakefield 6-0. The only loss for the girls was 3-1 against St. Annes. Team members were: Victoria Sotiriadis, Riane Corcoran, Santana Chandler Asta, Ellie Murdock, Nicole Savino, Taylor Ahern, Maria Con, Lydia Hartwick, Joey Issa, Abbey Jinkerson, Lacey Kangas, Taya Keast, Victoria Lister and Tanya Perras. The Senior boy's soccer team defeated St. Martins 2-0, Monsignor Jamot 2-0 and Immaculate 4-3. The only loss was to St. Teresas 2-1. Team members were: Andrew Donaghue, Cameron Crough, Peter Hartenberg, Brandon Kidd, David Matzke, Jefferson Vaz Mondragon, Cam Prince, Brayden Robitaille, Tyler Roche, Josh Salteri, Spencer Vesnaver, Rodrigo Astorga, Grant Black, Elie Issa, Mitch Madill, Ethan McPhail, Alex Glover and Aiden Maltman. The Junior team defeated St. Teresa's 8-0, St. Martins 5-1 and St. Paul Lakefield 4-1. The Junior teams only loss was to St. Annes 2-1. Team members were: Adrian Charles, William White, Noah Jackson, Caiden Entwistle, Hunter Hanley-Kirk, Ali el-Amir, Wyatt Wiggins, Daniel Watmough, Jacob Crough, Adam Savino, Owen Hartwick, Grace Skinner, Brooke Orser, Kylie Forsyth, Kristen Hacker, Julia Hicks, Ella Krete, Taylor Yanagidaira, Delaney Hancock, Grace Murphy and Emily Perras. A special thank you to the Donaghue and Vesnaver families for donating soccer balls to the school for Daily Physical Activity, recess and Physical Education times! Murray C. Rodd, Chief of Police Timothy Farquharson, Deputy Chief of Police Peterborough Police Service 500 Water Street, PO Box 2050 Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7Y4 Main Phone 705 876-1122 Executive Fax 705 876-6005 Operations Fax 705 743-1540 Website – www.peterboroughpolice.com 23rd September 2015 Dear Teachers, Parents, Caregivers and Support Staff My name is Sean Nusink. I am a police constable with the Peterborough Police Service. For the 2015-2016 school year, I will continue to be part of the community services unit. Part of my duties will have me assigned to your school. This will be my second year as a school liaison officer. I have been a police officer for 16 years. Prior to the community services unit I held the rank of Detective Constable and was assigned to the Major Crime and Sexual Offenses unit. Many of my investigations involved threshold offenses against children under the age of 12. My passion is to assist children in any way possible. I also hold the rank of Team Leader of our service’s Emergency Response Team. I constantly strive to stay current in training and response trends for school's most critical incidents. I can appreciate the challenges families, schools, parents and children themselves face every day. The community services unit’s objective is crime prevention thru community development. Our core school programs, with the main objective of a positive police experience, are as follows: JK – SK Elmer the Safety Elephant Grade 1 – 3 Staying Safe (street proofing children) Grade 4 - 5 Healthy relationships / conflict resolution / Bullying Grade 6 – Values Influences Peers Program Grade 7 – 8 Substance abuse, Social Media / Internet responsibility Kindest regards; Sean Nusink Constable Sean Nusink #155 Community Services / ERT Peterborough Police Main: 705-876-1122 EXT 359 [email protected] PAGE Murray C. Rodd, Chief of Police Timothy Farquharson, Deputy Chief of Police Peterborough Police Service 500 Water Street, PO Box 2050 Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7Y4 Main Phone 705 876-1122 Executive Fax 705 876-6005 Operations Fax 705 743-1540 Website – www.peterboroughpolice.com 2015 / 2016 School Calender Year Parental / Volunteer Criminal Records Checks September 2015 Notice to Parents and Volunteers In order to best serve your requests, your school’s Community Liaison officer asks that you apply either in person at the police station or online in order to complete your Criminal Records Check application. Please view the link below in order for you to be best prepared for the application process. http://www.peterboroughpolice.com/request/record-checks/ Please note: On line applications have a total fee of $21.24 ($10.00 standard fee plus $11.24 processing fee) In person applications are the standard rate of $10.00, with no processing fee. Always remember: 2 pieces of government issued photo identification and proof of address. The applicant must be a resident of the City of Peterborough, the Village of Lakefield or the Township of Cavan Monaghan. Sincerely, Peterborough Police Community Services School Liaison Team 7 DATES TO MARK ON THE FAMILY CALENDAR 2015-2016 Sacramental Preparation Program – First Reconciliation Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 CELEBRATION OF FIRST RECONCILIATION October 18, 2015 November 15, 2015 December 20, 2015 January 17, 2016 FEBRUARY, 2016 -TBD Sacramental Preparation Program – First Eucharist Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 RETREAT GATHERING CELEBRATION OF FIRST EUCHARIST February 21, 2016 March 20, 2016 April 17, 2016 May, 2016 - TBD MAY, 2016 - TBD SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAM Time: After the 11:00 Sunday Mass. Plan for Noon to 1:30 p.m. Location: St. Anne Parish Hall Parents if for some reason you have to miss a session, please contact the parish priest who is very willing to assist you so that a session is not missed. You are encouraged, urged and supported to call the parish priest. October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Picture Day 11:00 a.m. Cadet Presentation Grade 7 and 8 4 Mental Health Awareness Week Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi 11 5 Cross Country Gr. 3 to 8 Beavermeade Pediculosis Screening 12 6 Cross Coun- 7 try Rain date International 5:00 p.m. Walk to School Family Skate , Day. Kinsmen Arena— 8 9 Board—wide Cross Country for Qualifying students— Beavermeade Alternate Date for Cross Country 13 15 16 Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila 10:45 School Mass—St. Anne’s 14 Holiday— Thanksgiving Day 18 19 Feast of St. Luke Rosary Apostolate Gr. 2 Sacramental Preparation Program—St. Anne’s Church at 25 17 6:30 p.m. Special Education 20 21 22 23 Feast of St. Pope John Paul II Gr. 4 Peterborough Art Gallery a.m. only. 11:00 a.m. Lockdown Drill Anniversary of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta 26 10 27 IPRC Meetings 28 29 30 Dance-a-thon 24 31
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