Vocabulary Unit 1 Vocabulary Unit 1
Vocabulary Unit 1 Vocabulary Unit 1
Vocabulary Unit 1 Hier findest du die wichtigsten Wörter und Wendungen zu jeder Unit. Sie helfen dir beim Erarbeiten der Texte und bei den Aufgaben. Damit du sie im Kontext lernst, findest du zu jedem Wort einen Beispielsatz. Die phonetische Umschrift zeigt dir, wie ein Wort oder eine Wendung ausgesprochen wird. in common [ɪn ˈkɒmən] Regarding music, my parents and I have very little in common. gemeinsam in comune melody n [ˈmelədɪ] Do you remember the melody of that song? Melodie melodia mention v *** [ˈmenʃən] I bought the CD you mentioned and I think it’s great. erwähnen menzionare [mu:d] Hearing this song always puts me in a good mood. Laune, Stimmung umore occasion n *** [əˈkeɪʒən] He plays the guitar on every occasion. Gelegenheit, Anlass occasione mood n *** Wörter mit Sternchen kommen im Englischen häufig vor (je mehr Sternchen, desto häufiger). Daher ist es wichtig, dass du diese kennst und verstehst. Präge dir vor allem die drei- und zwei-Sterne Wörter ein. Die andern gehören zum erweiterten Wortschatz. passion n ** [ˈpæʃən] I can’t understand my brother’s passion for jazz. Leidenschaft passione react (to) v ** [rɪˈækt tʊ] How did people react when the band didn’t show up? reagieren (auf) reagire (a) Die Vocabulary List ersetzt nicht ein Wörterbuch, das du vor allem für offene Aufgaben zum Thema brauchst. record n *** [ˈrekɔ:d] He has a lot of jazz records, doesn’t he? hier: Schallplatte disco (musicale) regarding prep ** [rɪˈgɑ:dɪŋ] What is your opinion regarding this question? bezüglich in merito a, concernente rhythm n ** [ˈrɪðəm] I think that a good song has to have a good rhythm. Rhythmus, Takt ritmo sing along phr v [sɪŋ əˈlɒŋ] Everybody sang along and had a really good time. mitsingen cantare assieme slightly adv *** [ˈslaɪtlɪ] I’m glad that you feel slightly better now. ein wenig, etwas leggermente, un po’ tidy v * [ˈtaɪdɪ] I’m not in the mood to tidy my room now; I’ll do it tomorrow. aufräumen riordinare, mettere in ordine tune n ** [tju:n] This tune always makes me smile. Melodie melodia up to a point [ʌp tʊ ə pɔɪnt] Well, you’re right, at least up to a point. bis zu einem gewissen Grad fino a un certo punto widely adv *** [ˈwaɪdlɪ] I’m not surprised that the answers to this question vary widely. weit, beträchtlich assai, ampiamente appearance n *** [əˈpɪərəns] Some people think that appearance is everything. Aussehen, Auftreten apparenza, aspetto, esteriorità audience n *** [ˈɔ:dɪəns] Many people are nervous in front of a large audience. Publikum, Zuhörer pubblico, ascoltatori catchy adj [ˈkæʧɪ] I can’t forget this song – it has such a catchy tune! eingängig, ins Ohr gehend orecchiabile chorus n * [ˈkɔ:rəs] It’s a very simple chorus – even I can remember it. Refrain ritornello crime story n [kraɪm ˈstɔ:rɪ] We listened to a crime story on the radio last weekend. Kriminalgeschichte racconto giallo, racconto poliziesco encourage v *** [ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ] Everybody should be encouraged to play an instrument. ermutigen, fördern incoraggiare, incentivare glance behind phr v [glɑ:ns bɪˈhaɪnd] Then the movie star walked away and didn’t glance zurückschauen behind. guess n ** [ges] What’s your guess: will they make it into the charts? Vermutung, Annahme ipotesi, supposizione independence n *** [ɪndɪˈpendəns] Her independence is very important to her. Unabhängigkeit indipendenza Key Key adj adjective adv adverb conj conjunction n Vocabulary Unit 1 noun phr v pl prep v phrasal verb plural preposition *** most common words ** very common words * fairly common words verb Music and me affect v *** [əˈfekt] It’s funny how melodies and rhythms can affect the way you feel. beeinflussen, sich auswirken auf influenzare, condizionare ages [ˈeɪʤɪz] I haven’t heard that song for ages. eine Ewigkeit, Ewigkeiten un’eternità awesome adj [ˈɔ:səm] Everybody says that it was an awesome experience. beeindruckend, super meraviglioso, splendido be fond of [bi: fɒnd əv] Her father is very fond of classical music. gerne mögen essere appassionato di beat n ** [bi:t] I love that band – their music has a great beat. Takt, Rhythmus ritmo can’t stand [kɑ:nt stænd] He can’t stand pop music – it’s too simple, he says. nicht ertragen können non sopportare catch sb’s attention [kæʧ ˈsʌmbədɪz əˈtenʃən] What is it about this song that catches your attention? jds Aufmerksamkeit erlangen charts n pl [ʧɑ:ts] This song has been in the charts for many weeks now. Hitparade, Charts date n *** [deɪt] Where did you go on your first date? hier: Rendezvous qui: appuntamento [dɪˈpend ɒn] That depends on the weather, of course. abhängen (von) dipendere (da) distract v * [dɪˈstrækt] Does music distract you when you do your homework? ablenken distrarre drums n pl [drʌmz] When did you learn to play the drums? Schlagzeug batteria (strumento musicale) emphasis n *** [ˈemfəsɪs] The emphasis was clearly on volume: the concert was very loud. Betonung, Akzent exciting adj ** [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] All in all, it is a very exciting band. aufregend, spannend eccitante, avvincente expand on v *** [ɪkˈspænd ɒn] That’s a very interesting point. Can you expand on it? erläutern, weiter ausführen spiegare old-fashioned adj ** [əʊldˈfæʃənd] I can’t believe that these people are so old-fashioned. altmodisch vecchio stile, antiquato extract n ** [ˈekstrækt] Did you read the extract? It sounds very exciting! Auszug estratto, passaggio (di un testo) passionate adj * [ˈpæʃənət] My sister feels very passionate about protecting animals. leidenschaftlich appassionato, con passione hardly adv *** [ˈhɑ:dlɪ] Can you turn the music up, please? I can hardly hear anything. kaum a malapena, a stento, difficilmente pattern n *** [ˈpætən] We had to listen to the audio file and write down the sound pattern. Muster schema, modello depend (on) v *** 60 attirare l’attenzione di qualcuno classifica, hitparade enfasi, accento Going for a song guardarsi indietro Music to my ears 61 Vocabulary Unit 1 Vocabulary Unit 2 performer n * [pəˈfɔ:mə] He must be one of the greatest performers ever. Künstler(in), Darsteller(in) artista, attore, musicista, esecutore di una performance particular adj *** [pɑ:ˈtɪkjələ] Is there a particular reason why you want to go home now? bestimmt, besondere(r, s) particolare, preciso, determinato prejudice n ** [ˈpreʤədɪs] This review is terrible: it's full of prejudice. Vorurteil pregiudizio persuasive adj * [pəˈsweɪsɪv] That is a very persuasive argument. überzeugend convincente, persuasivo prison n *** [ˈprɪzən] You won’t go to prison for parking in the wrong place, will you? Gefängnis prigione, carcere recommend v *** [rekəˈmend] It is an album that I can only recommend. empfehlen raccomandare, consigliare reflect v *** [rɪˈflekt] Can you hear yourself reflected in some tunes? wiederfinden, spiegeln riflettere, rispecchiare [rɪˈkɔ:d] I have to make sure to record it. aufnehmen incidere, registrare remind sb of v *** [rɪˈmaɪnd ˈsʌmbədɪ əʌ] It reminds me of a film about Africa I once watched. jdn erinnern an ricordare qualcosa a qualcuno record v *** release v *** [rɪˈli:s] When the album was released, it changed the world of music. hier: herausbringen qui: pubblicare, uscire, lanciare sul mercato slam v ** [slæm] He ran to his room and slammed the door. (Tür) zuschlagen sbattere (la porta) restare, rimanere I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you; please speak up. Some songs remain trendy, others lose their appeal very soon. bleiben [spi:k ʌp] remain v *** [rɪˈmeɪn] speak up phr v parlare più forte, lauter sprechen, spiegare la propria seine Meinung sagen opinione a voce alta review n *** [rɪˈvju:] I always read the reviews of new albums. Kritik, Rezension critica, recensione spectacular adj ** [spekˈtækjələ] From our hotel room, we had a spectacular view of the mountains. atemberaubend, fantastisch mozzafiato, spettacolare stress n *** [stres] Is the stress on the first syllable or the second? Betonung, Akzent accento, accentuazione [səkˈses] This band has had a lot of success in the last few years. Erfolg successo tear n ** [tɪə] The music in that film always brings tears to my eyes. Träne lacrime [ˈvaɪələns] I can’t stand lyrics that are all about violence. Gewalt violenza success n *** violence n *** Be a music critic announcement n *** Mixie you, mixie me community n *** [kəˈmju:nətɪ] There are many friendly people in this community. Gemeinde, Gemeinschaft comune, comunità flag n ** [flæg] The South African flag is very colourful. Fahne, Flagge bandiera immigrant n * [ˈɪmɪgrənt] A lot of immigrants live in our neighbourhood. Einwanderer(in) immigrante Italian n/adj [ɪˈtælɪən] I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian. Italienisch, italienisch italiano (lingua italiana) meeting place n [ˈmi:tɪŋ pleɪs] That new restaurant has become a popular meeting place. Treffpunkt, Versammlungsplatz punto di ritrovo mix v *** [mɪks] It is a good thing that different cultures mix, isn’t it? mischen, vermischen mischiarsi, mescolarsi portrait n ** [ˈpɔ:trɪt] I like reading portraits of famous people in the newspaper. Porträt ritratto, portrait [əˈnaʊnsmənt] Oh dear, I didn’t understand a word of what they said in that announcement. Mitteilung, Ansage appeal n *** [əˈpi:l] This song has a very special appeal, don’t you think? Reiz, Anziehungskraft attrattiva, fascino assess v ** [əˈses] What criteria do you use when you assess an album? einschätzen, beurteilen awful adj ** [ˈɔ:fəl] Now stop singing – you sound awful. furchtbar, schrecklich terribile, tremendo broadcast v ** [ˈbrɔ:dkɑ:st] When are they going to broadcast the concert? senden, ausstrahlen diffondere, mettere in onda, trasmettere by far [baɪ fɑ:] It’s by far the best news I’ve had in a long time. bei Weitem, mit Abstand di gran lunga Multicultural neighbourhoods critic n *** [ˈkrɪtɪk] All the critics agreed that it was a brilliant album. Kritiker(in) critico a number of [ə ˈnʌmbə(r) əv] There are a number of things I like about this country. einige, mehrere svariati, diversi, una serie di [ˈi:vən] Even my parents like the new CD I bought. sogar persino, addirittura apart from [əˈpɑ:t frɒm] Apart from the weather, our holiday was great. abgesehen von fatta eccezione per eccellente, magnifico Asia n [ˈeɪʃə] Your new neighbours are from Asia, aren’t they? Asien Asia be spoilt for choice [bi: spɔɪlt fə ʧɔɪs] There were so many things to see – we were really spoilt for choice! eine grosse Auswahl haben avere una grande scelta campus n * [ˈkæmpəs] We often go to the university campus for a walk. Universitätsgelände campus (universitario) Canadian adj [kəˈneɪdɪən] We learnt that Toronto is the biggest Canadian city. kanadisch [ˈsɜ:təntɪ] He’s always late, that’s a certainty. Gewissheit certezza even adv *** annuncio valutare excellent adj *** [ˈeksələnt] This is excellent news! ausgezeichnet, hervorragend extraordinary adj ** [ɪkˈstrɔ:dənərɪ] What an extraordinary performance! ausserordentlich, aussergewöhnlich straordinario, fuori dal comune feature n *** [ˈfi:ʧə] Which features of this song do you like best? Merkmal caratteristica, tratto distintivo former adj *** [ˈfɔ:mə] A classmate from my former school is playing in a rock band now. ehemalige(r, s), frühere(r, s) ex, precedente, vecchio certainty n ** Chinese adj chinesisch cinese latest adj *** [ˈleɪtɪst] jüngste(r, s), letzte(r, s), neueste(r, s) [ʧaɪˈni:z] Many people like Chinese food. Their latest CD is a great success but I don’t like it at all. più recente, ultimo crime n *** [kraɪm] He said there was no crime in this neighbourhood. Verbrechen crimine ganz gleich, egal [ˈdɜ:tɪ] sporco No matter what you say, I will go to that concert. dirty adj ** dreckig, schmutzig [nəʊ ˈmætə] indipendentemente, a prescindere da Can I have a clean spoon, please? This one is dirty. no matter disadvantage n ** [dɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪʤ] It was clearly a disadvantage that he didn’t speak English. Nachteil svantaggio 62 canadese Mixie you, mixie me 63 Vocabulary Unit 2 Vocabulary Unit 2 Diversity is our strength distance n *** [ˈdɪstəns] From there, you can see the mountains in the distance. hier: Ferne downtown adv [ˈdaʊntaʊn] Let’s go downtown and have a drink. in der/die Innenstadt, in centro (in centro im/ins Stadtzentrum città) dragon n [ˈdrægən] I got a book about dragons for my birthday. Drache drago facility n *** [fəˈsɪlɪtɪ] It is a small town with all the facilities of a big city. Einrichtung, Anlage struttura, servizi further adv *** [ˈfɜ:ðə] The other hotel is a little further away but it’s much nicer. weiter più lontano helpful adj ** [ˈhelpfəl] It was very helpful that you can speak English so well. hilfsbereit, hilfreich utile, (essere) di aiuto nationality n * [næʃənˈælətɪ] Your neighbours from Asia, what nationality are they? Nationalität, Staatsangehörigkeit nazionalità, cittadinanza Native American adj [ˈneɪtɪv əˈmerɪkən] Many cities and provinces have Native American names. uramerikanische nativo americano, indiano d’America, indigeno qui: lontananza [əˈkeɪʒənəl] We have an occasional meal at this restaurant. gelegentlich occasionalmente [ˈpleɪgraʊnd] My brother likes that playground very much. Spielplatz parco giochi property n *** [ˈprɒpətɪ] You can see some beautiful properties in this part of town. hier: Immobilie, Liegenschaft qui: proprietà, immobile province n ** [ˈprɒvɪns] Canada has ten provinces and three territories. Provinz provincia [ˈrezɪdənt] Montreal has more residents than Vancouver. Bewohner(in) abitante, residente occasional adj ** playground n * resident n *** street sign n [stri:t saɪn] Do you know what that street sign means? Strassenschild cartello stradale, segnale uncertainty n ** [ʌnˈsɜ:təntɪ] There’s some uncertainty about whether they can come for a visit. Ungewissheit incertezza variety n *** [vəˈraɪətɪ] This is a city with a great variety of neighbourhoods. Vielfalt varietà [ˈvɪzɪt] I had a visit from my parents yesterday. Besuch visita visit n *** Let’s mix Polish adj [ˈpəʊlɪʃ] Her mother has a Polish background, I think. polnisch polacco produce n * [ˈprɒdju:s] I like fresh produce – it tastes so much better. (landwirtschaftliche) Erzeugnisse, Obst und Gemüse prodotti (agricoli freschi come frutta e verdure) pronunciation n * [prənʌnsɪˈeɪʃən] Her pronunciation is very good – she sounds like a genuine Canadian! Aussprache pronuncia reaction n [rɪˈækʃən] I got a mixed reaction when I told them about my plans. Reaktion reazione South Korean adj [saʊθ kəˈri:ən] I didn’t know that this was a South Korean car. südkoreanisch sudcoreano speciality n * [speʃɪˈælətɪ] I want to try this local speciality, please. Spezialität specialità speculate v * [ˈspekjəleɪt] I don’t want to speculate who will win the match tomorrow. spekulieren, Vermutungen anstellen speculare, azzardare charity n *** [ˈʧærɪtɪ] My aunt works for a charity at weekends. hier: Wohltätigkeits-organisation qui: organizzazione caritatevole, associazione benefica company n *** [ˈkʌmpənɪ] He works for a small IT company. Firma, Unternehmen ditta, società, impresa, compagnia [kəmˈpəʊz] Can you tell me who composed this song? komponieren comporre (musica) My country of origin is Switzerland. Herkunftsland Paese d’origine [daɪˈvɜ:sətɪ] This city is known for its cultural diversity. Vielfalt varietà, pluralità education n *** [eʤʊˈkeɪʃən] It’s important to have a good education. Bildung, Ausbildung formazione, istruzione enrich v [ɪnˈrɪʧ] This experience has certainly enriched my life. bereichern arricchire follow-up question n [ˈfɒləʊʌp ˈkwesʧən] I asked a number of follow-up questions to get more information. Folgefrage, Anschlussfrage domanda complementare/integrativa get married [get ˈmærɪd] My sister got married in 2010 and she and her husband are still happy together. heiraten sposarsi identity n *** [aɪˈdentɪtɪ] It is important that immigrants keep their identity. Identität identità immigration n * [ɪmɪˈgreɪʃən] After their immigration, they integrated very quickly. Einwanderung immigrazione integrate v ** [ˈɪntɪgreɪt] We must all help them to integrate. (sich) integrieren integrarsi compose v ** country of origin n diversity n ** [ˈkʌntrɪ əv ˈɒrɪʤɪn] African-American adj [ˈæfrɪkənəˈmerɪkən] Are there many people of African-American origin in Canada? afroamerikanisch afroamericano intention n *** [ɪnˈtenʃən] I will not tell you what my intentions are. Absicht intenzione Asian adj * [ˈeɪʃən] Asian elephants are fascinating animals. asiatisch asiatico move v *** [mu:v] They have just moved to another neighbourhood. hier: umziehen qui: trasferirsi, cambiare casa [ɔ:ˈθentɪk] They spoke with an authentic accent. authentisch autentico native language n lingua madre author n *** [ˈɔ:θə] Verfasser(in), Autor(in) Everybody thought that English was her native language. Muttersprache I absolutely agree with what the author of this newspaper article writes. [ˈneɪtɪv ˈlæŋgwɪʤ] autore/autrice permanently adv They said that they’ve settled here permanently. auf Dauer, für immer be ashamed (of) [bi: əˈʃeɪmd əv] I’m quite ashamed of what I did – I'm really sorry. sich schämen (für) vergognarsi (di) [ˈpɜ:mənəntlɪ] per sempre, in via permanente genuine adj ** [ˈʤenjʊɪn] Are you sure that this is genuine Chinese food? echt genuino, vero profession n *** [prəˈfeʃən] What’s your father’s profession? Beruf professione Greek adj [gri:k] Do you know any Greek words? griechisch greco recently adv *** [ˈri:səntlɪ] The company has recently moved downtown. kürzlich, neulich recentemente immigrate v [ˈɪmɪgreɪt] How many people immigrated to Canada last year? einwandern immigrare [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] Apart from taking notes, I’m also responsible for taking pictures. verantwortlich, zuständig responsabile, addetto Japanese adj [ʤæpənˈi:z] Sushi is a typical Japanese food. japanisch giapponese responsible adj *** stabilirsi, insediarsi Good looks are very important to me. Aussehen aspetto, look [setl] sich niederlassen [lʊks] settle v *** I travelled a lot before I settled in this beautiful city. looks n pl society n *** [səˈsaɪətɪ] Today we live in a multicultural society. Gesellschaft società qui: accadere, capitale strength n *** [streŋθ] The strength of this community is that people help each other. Stärke punto di forza opportunità, chance support v *** [səˈpɔ:t] Do you support a charity too? unterstützen sostenere, appoggiare authentic adj * occur v *** [əˈkɜ:] It didn’t occur to him to say thank you. hier: in den Sinn kommen opportunity n *** [ɒpəˈtju:nətɪ] It was a great opportunity to learn about Native American customs. Gelegenheit, Chance 64 Mixie you, mixie me 65 Vocabulary Unit 3 Vocabulary Unit 3 Passion for sport jump v *** [ʤʌmp] She jumps on her bike every afternoon to go training. springen saltare, balzare keen on doing … [ki:n ɒn ˈdu:ɪŋ] In Australia, many people are keen on swimming. mit Begeisterung … tun fare qualcosa con entusiasmo mountain climbing n [ˈmaʊntɪn ˈklaɪmɪŋ] Mountain climbing is fascinating because you’re so Bergsteigen close to nature. casco notice v *** [ˈnəʊtɪs] We noticed that there were a lot of nouns in the German text. bemerken, zur Kenntnis nehmen notare, rilevare gern … tun fare volentieri qualcosa (p. es. mi piace fare) paragliding n [ˈpærəglaɪdɪŋ] Paragliding gives you a great feeling of freedom. Gleitschirmfliegen fare parapendio sehr gern … tun fare molto volentieri, (p. es. adoro/amo fare) peak n ** [pi:k] Next time, he wants to try another route to the peak. Gipfel, Bergspitze Is it true that women love shopping? [ˈreskju:] After his accident, he had to be rescued by helicopter. retten salvare, soccorrere I suggest that we go swimming now. vorschlagen proporre, suggerire rescue v ** ride v *** [raɪd] She trains hard so that she can ride in competitions. fahren (z.B. Motorrad), reiten andare (per es. in motocicletta o in bicicletta) safe adj *** [seɪf] Is it safe to cross the road here? sicher, ungefährlich sicuro, non pericoloso [ˈseɪftɪ] He’s very careful – he always puts safety first. Sicherheit sicurezza [ˈʃəʊldə] Does your shoulder still hurt? Schulter spalla athletics n * [æθˈletɪks] Athletics is an important Olympic discipline. Leichtathletik, Athletik atletica, atletica leggera do sport [du: spɔ:t] She does sport in winter, too. Sport treiben praticare sport formal adj *** [ˈfɔ:məl] I wrote a formal letter to complain about the situation. formal, formell formale free time n [fri: taɪm] My father is very busy and has little free time. Freizeit tempo libero helmet n * [ˈhelmət] She always wears a helmet when she goes skiing. Helm like doing … [laɪk ˈdu:ɪŋ] You like playing computer games, don’t you? love doing … [lʌv ˈdu:ɪŋ] suggest v *** [səˈʤest] Fascinating sports safety n *** scalare, arrampicarsi sulle montagne vetta [bi: hʊkt] When I read his new book, I was hooked. total begeistert sein totalmente entusiasta bone n *** [bəʊn] I didn’t know the human body has so many different bones! Knochen ossa suddenly adv *** [ˈsʌdənlɪ] The weather can change suddenly in the mountains. plötzlich, auf einmal all’improvviso border n *** [ˈbɔ:də] They crossed the border and were happy to be back in Switzerland. Grenze confine summarise v * [ˈsʌməraɪz] Can you summarise the newspaper article you have just read? zusammenfassen riassumere, sintetizzare [teɪk ə rɪsk] I would never take such a risk! ein Risiko eingehen correre un rischio break v *** [breɪk] auseinanderbrechen, kaputtgehen; hier: reissen take a risk She heard a noise and thought the rope was breaking … can’t stand doing … [kɑ:nt stænd ˈdu:ɪŋ] I just can’t stand hanging around and not doing anything. nicht leiden/ertragen non sopportare können, … zu tun carry on doing … [ˈkærɪ ɒn ˈdu:ɪŋ] Then he quickly got up and carried on playing. weiterhin … tun continuare a fare qualcosa adore doing … [əˈdɔ: ˈdu:ɪŋ] My sister adores skating and she’s very good at it, too. liebend gern … tun adorare (fare qualcosa molto volentieri) chunk n [ʧʌŋk] Sometimes it’s easier to learn chunks rather than single words. Brocken, (grosses) Stück; hier: Wortgruppe, Wendung pezzo di grande dimensione, qui: gruppo di parole, locuzione athlete n * [ˈæθli:t] You have to be a great athlete to become an Olympic champion. Sportler(in) atleta, sportivo/a He put on his new boots and ran onto the pitch. Stiefel, Sportschuh amare, gradire (p.es. mi piace molto fare) [bu:t] stivale, scarpone, scarpa sportiva gerne … tun boot n *** chant n [ʧɑ:nt] There were loud chants in the stadium to support the home team. Sprechchor coro cheer on phr v [ʧɪə ɒn] The fans cheered on their team although they were two goals behind. anfeuern fare il tifo per cheerleader n [ˈʧɪəli:də] You have to be quite athletic to become a cheerleader. Cheerleader commentary n * [ˈkɒmentərɪ] I love listening to sports commentary on the BBC. Kommentar commento, cronaca (sportiva) commit a foul [kəˈmɪt ə faʊl] He was a fair player and never committed a foul. ein Foul begehen commettere un fallo court n *** [kɔ:t] He loves basketball – he’s always on the court in his free time. (Spiel)platz campo (da gioco) don’t mind doing … [dəʊnt maɪnd ˈdu:ɪŋ] She doesn’t mind watching football but she’s no great fan. nichts dagegen haben, … zu tun non dispiacere (p. es. non mi dispiace fare), non avere nulla in contrario equipment n *** [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] I like simple sports that don’t need much equipment. Ausrüstung floorball n [ˈflɔ:bɔ:l] Floorball is a bit like hockey played in the gym. be hooked rompere, strappare [ɪnˈʤɔɪ ˈdu:ɪŋ] I don’t really do sport but I enjoy reading. [ˈeksɜ:pt] Read this excerpt from the novel and give your opinion. Auszug extreme sport n [ɪkˈstri:m spɔ:t] My cousin thinks that skiing is an extreme sport. Extremsportart sport estremo fall off v [fɔ:l ɒf] As he was climbing up, a big piece of rock suddenly fell off. abfallen, sich lösen cadere, precipitare, abbattersi My cousin gets a thrill out of racing downhill on his skis. einen Riesenspass haben an Can we go now? I hate sitting around here! odiare (p.es. non äusserst ungern … mi piace assolutatun; hassen, … zu tun mente fare) enjoy doing … excerpt n get a thrill out of doing … hate doing … [get ə θrɪl aʊt əv] [heɪt ˈdu:ɪŋ] estratto, passaggio (di un testo) divertirsi molto, fare qualcosa con grande piacere imagine doing … [ɪˈmæʤɪn du:ɪŋ] My little brother can’t imagine living without football. sich vorstellen, … zu tun immaginarsi impatient adj * [ɪmˈpeɪʃənt] I must say, you’re a very impatient person. ungeduldig impaziente verletzen ferire, farsi male, infortunarsi injure v ** 80 [ˈɪnʤə] My brother was injured in a match last Saturday. shoulder n *** Fans and players Unihockey cheerleader equipaggiamento, attrezzatura unihockey Passion for sport 81 Vocabulary Unit 3 Vocabulary Unit 4 Yours faithfully [jɔ:z ˈfeɪθfəlɪ] ‘Yours faithfully’ is much more formal than ‘Best wishes’. Mit freundlichen Grüssen cordiali saluti Yours sincerely [jɔ:z sɪnˈsɪəlɪ] ‘Yours sincerely’ is more formal than ‘Kind regards’. Mit freundlichen Grüssen cordiali saluti benefit n *** [ˈbenɪfɪt] It was a great benefit that you speak English so well. Vorteil, Nutzen experience v *** [ɪkˈspɪərɪəns] What else did you experience on your holiday? erleben, erfahren sperimentare, vivere un’esperienza homeless adj * [ˈhəʊmləs] We saw many homeless people in that city. obdachlos senzatetto, barbone statement of defence n [ˈsteɪtmənt əv dɪˈfens] She wrote a really convincing statement of defence. Verteidigungsrede, Verteidigungsplädoyer memoriale di difesa, plädoyer age n *** [eɪʤ] This is the age of the computer, isn’t it? Alter, Zeitalter era, epoca anger n ** [ˈæŋgə] I saw surprise in his face, and then anger. Ärger, Wut rabbia, collera merita, vale la pena apprentice n [əˈprentɪs] I work for a company that employs many apprentices. Lehrling apprendista preferire (p.es. preferisco nuotare che giocare a tennis) be based on [bi: beɪst ɒn] This book is based on a true story. basieren auf, beruhen auf è basato su, si basa su be in charge of [bi: ɪn ʧɑ:ʤ əv] Who is in charge of organising the school’s sports day? die Verantwortung tragen für, zuständig sein für essere responsabile di/per, avere la responsabilità di/per beard n * [bɪəd] My sister doesn’t trust anyone with a beard. Bart barba bottle n *** [ˈbɒtl] Can we have a bottle of mineral water, please? Flasche bottiglia bowl n ** [bəʊl] Chinese food is usually served in little bowls. Schüssel, Schale ciotola, scodella candle n ** [ˈkændl] It was good to have candles because the lamp didn’t work. Kerze candela get the hang of … [get ðə hæŋ əv] She’s out in-line skating again but she hasn’t got the hang of it yet. bei … den richtigen impratichirsi, prenderci Dreh herausbekommen la mano, familiarizzare identify with phr v [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ wɪθ] Which of the statements below can you identify with? sich identifizieren mit identificarsi con motivate v ** [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] Her parents were unable to motivate her to play tennis. motivieren, anspornen pass sth to sb v *** [pɑ:s ˈsʌmθɪŋ tʊ ˈsʌmbədɪ] You always have to pass the ball to the free player. hier: zuspielen qui: passare la palla a qualcuno penalty n *** [ˈpenəltɪ] What’s the penalty for pushing somebody over? Strafe punizione, penalità pitch n ** [pɪʧ] Do you know how long a rugby pitch is? (Spiel)feld campo (da gioco) prefer doing … (to doing …) [prɪˈfɜ: ˈdu:ɪŋ] My sister prefers swimming to running. lieber … tun (als … tun) preferire qualcosa a qualcos’altro quote n * [kwəʊt] Choose one of the quotes below and give your opinion. Zitat citazione receive v *** [rɪˈsi:v] He received a yellow card for committing a foul. erhalten, bekommen ricevere score v *** [skɔ:] It seems very easy to score in basketball. einen Punkt erzielen fare punti, segnare sense of belonging [sens əv bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ] Training together gave them a strong sense of belonging. Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl senso di appartenenza supporter n *** [səˈpɔ:tə] He has always been a supporter of Manchester United. Anhänger(in), Fan tifoso, fan sostenitore Oliver Twist tough adj *** [tʌf] It was a tough match but they won in the end. hart difficile, duro, combattuto worth adj *** [wɜ:θ] Is it really worth all the hard work just to play a game? wert would rather … (than …) [wʊd ˈrɑ:ðə du:] würde lieber … tun (als … tun) I’d rather go swimming than play tennis in this heat. motivare, incitare The ball’s in your court Victorian street life vantaggio, utilità convincing adj ** [kənˈvɪnsɪŋ] We agreed with her because her arguments were so convincing. Dear Sir or Madam [dɪə sɜ: ɔ: ˈmædəm] In a formal letter, you usually start by writing ‘Dear Sir or Madam’. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren stimate signore e stimati signori head teacher n * [hed ˈti:ʧə] Her father is the head teacher of our school. Schulleiter(in), Rektor(in) rettore/rettrice (di una scuola) ceiling n ** [ˈsi:lɪŋ] It was a beautiful room with a high ceiling. (Zimmer)decke soffitto (di locale) improve v *** [ɪmˈpru:v] I must say, your English has improved a lot! verbessern migliorare childhood n ** [ˈʧaɪldhʊd] I’m sure her father didn’t have a very happy childhood. Kindheit infanzia preference n ** [ˈprefərəns] Look at the suggestions and tell me what your preferences are. Vorliebe preferenza chimney sweep n [ˈʧɪmnɪ swi:p] Why do chimney sweeps wear black clothes? Kaminfeger(in) spazzacamino dare v ** [deə] She was so angry that he didn’t dare to say a word. sich trauen osare punteggiatura, interpunzione dirt n * [dɜ:t] After running through the woods, the dog was covered in dirt. Schmutz, Dreck sporcizia überzeugend convincente punctuation n [pʌŋkʧʊˈeɪʃən] Punctuation in English is different from German. Zeichensetzung, Interpunktion sign up for phr v [saɪn ʌp fɔ:] I can’t imagine signing up for dance classes. sich anmelden für annunciarsi per, iscriversi a employ v *** [ɪmˈplɔɪ] They immediately wanted to employ her as a teacher. beschäftigen, anstellen assumere (per un impiego) soon adv *** [su:n] Please send me your suggestions soon. bald presto, prossimamente fat adj ** [fæt] Don’t eat so much chocolate or you’ll get fat. dick, fett grasso structure n *** [ˈstrʌkʧə] Your letters should always have a good paragraph structure. Struktur, Aufbau, Gliederung struttura, impostazione feed v *** [fi:d] Could you feed my cat while I’m away, please? zu essen geben, füttern dar da mangiare suggestion n *** [səˈʤesʧən] Can I make a suggestion? Vorschlag proposta the ball’s in your court [ðə bɔ:lz ɪn jɔ: kɔ:t] la palla è nel tuo campo, tocca a te [ˈfraɪɪŋ pæn] We cooked a large omelette in a frying pan. Bratpfanne I’ve finished – the ball’s in your court now! du bist dran, du bist am Ball frying pan n padella, teglia (per friggere, arrostire) healthy adj *** [ˈhelθɪ] Is she so healthy because she does a lot of sport? gesund sano, in forma 82 Victorian street life 83 Vocabulary Unit 4 subito, immediatamente immediately adv *** [ɪˈmi:dɪətlɪ] I saw the CD and had to buy it immediately. sofort joker n [ˈʤəʊkə] My cousin is a real joker: he always makes people laugh. Spassvogel, Witzbold burlone, mattacchione meal n *** [mi:l] Thank you for the excellent meal! Mahlzeit, Essen pasto narrator n [nəˈreɪtə] In this novel the narrator is an old woman who tells the story of her life. Erzähler(in) narratore/narratrice novel n *** [ˈnɒvəl] My sister likes reading romantic novels. Roman romanzo plate n *** [pleɪt] Always put soup spoons to the right of the plate. Teller piatto (stoviglia) polish v * [ˈpɒlɪʃ] My uncle loves washing and polishing his car. polieren lucidare Vocabulary Unit 4 marry v *** [ˈmærɪ] He loved her so much that he finally asked, ‘Will you marry me?’ mean adj ** [mi:n] Now don’t be so mean – give him a little bit of money! geizig, gemein avaro, tirchio novelist n * [ˈnɒvəlɪst] Charles Dickens was probably the greatest novelist ever to write in English. Romanautor(in) autore/autrice di romanzi orphan n [ˈɔ:fən] Then his parents died, and the little boy was an orphan. Waise, Waisenkind orfano pickpocket n [ˈpɪkpɒkɪt] I saw how the pickpocket took something from her handbag. Taschendieb(in) borseggiatore heiraten sposare publish v *** [ˈpʌblɪʃ] This famous novel was published in 1847. veröffentlichen pubblicare rather adv *** [ˈrɑ:ðə] This film is rather exciting, isn’t it? ziemlich abbastanza porridge n [ˈpɒrɪʤ] In England, I sometimes had porridge for breakfast. Porridge, Haferbrei porridge, pappa d‘avena pot n ** [pɒt] We cooked a whole packet of spaghetti in a big pot. Topf padella, pentola scary adj * [ˈskeərɪ] I thought he was a ghost – it was really scary. furchterregend, unheimlich spaventoso, terrificante prayer n ** [preə] When he was little, he always said a prayer before going to bed. Gebet preghiera wife n *** [waɪf] After they married, he loved his wife even more. (Ehe)frau, Gattin moglie promise v *** [ˈprɒmɪs] She promised to do her homework after supper. versprechen promettere word order n [wɜ:d ˈɔ:də] Today we compared English word order with German word order. Wortstellung, Satzstellung ordine/successione delle parole run away (from) phr v [rʌn əˈweɪ (frɒm)] The novel is about a boy who runs away from home. weglaufen (von) scappare da/di sausage n * [ˈsɒsɪʤ] In England, we also had eggs and sausages for breakfast. Wurst, Würstchen salsiccia, würstel Pickpockets set v *** [set] At the moment she is reading a novel set in the Scottish Highlands. hier: spielen qui: ambientato accuse v *** [əˈkju:z] Are you accusing me of telling lies? anklagen, beschuldigen accusare shine v ** [ʃaɪn] You can see quite clearly at night if the moon is shining. scheinen, glänzen splendere, brillare atmosphere n ** [ˈætməsfɪə] Candles certainly create a romantic atmosphere. atmosfera, ambiente slow down [sləʊ daʊn] Then the narrator slowed down and whispered the last words of the story. langsamer werden, langsamer sprechen rallentare, parlare più lentamente Atmosphäre, Stimmung by heart [baɪ hɑ:t] Have you really learnt your speech by heart? auswendig a memoria smoke v ** [sməʊk] Some people enjoy smoking a cigarette after dinner. rauchen fumare innocent adj ** [ˈɪnəsənt] I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m innocent. unschuldig innocente spoon n * [spu:n] Everybody knows that you eat soup with a spoon. Löffel cucchiaio judge n *** [ʤʌʤ] Everybody was quiet when the judge began to speak. Richter(in) giudice stairs n pl [steəz] I’m sorry, there’s no lift – you’ll have to take the stairs. Treppe scala, scale lively adj ** [ˈlaɪvlɪ] The narrator told his story in a very lively way. lebhaft, lebendig vivace supper n ** [ˈsʌpə] They had some bread and cheese for supper. Abendessen, Nachtessen cena manners n pl [ˈmænəz] Good manners are important when eating at a restaurant. Manieren buone maniere surprise n *** [səˈpraɪz] Don’t look at me with such surprise! You know that it’s true. Überraschung, Erstaunen stupore, sorpresa prepare v *** [prɪˈpeə] First we collected arguments, then we prepared the speech. vorbereiten, erstellen preparare treat v *** [tri:t] Many people don’t treat their dogs very well. behandeln trattare purse n * [pɜ:s] trust v *** [trʌst] Nobody will trust you if you always tell lies. vertrauen fidarsi Oh dear, where’s my purse? Somebody must have stolen it! Portemonnaie, Geldbeutel portamonete, borsellino turn pale [tɜ:n peɪl] He turned pale when he read the letter. bleich werden impallidire response n *** [rɪˈspɒns] Then we practised asking questions and giving responses. Antwort risposta whisper v ** [ˈwɪspə] He whispered something but I didn’t understand him. flüstern, wispern sussurrare, bisbigliare worm n * [wɜ:m] When food has gone bad, you may find worms in it. Wurm robbery n * [ˈrɒbərɪ] The man was accused of robbery but he said that he was innocent. Raub, Raubüberfall rapina, furto speech n *** [spi:ʧ] I was very impressed when I heard her speech. Rede discorso steal v *** [sti:l] I didn’t steal the wallet, I just found it! stehlen rubare trial n *** [ˈtraɪəl] A judge has to make sure that there is a fair trial. Prozess, (Gerichts) verhandlung processo, udienza, dibattimento in tribunale wallet n [ˈwɒlɪt] And what was in the wallet that the pickpocket stole? Brieftasche, Portemonnaie portafoglio, borsellino verme Charles Dickens [bɪl] My mother usually pays the bills at the end of the month. Rechnung birth n *** [bɜ:θ] Tell me about the birth of your first child, please. Geburt nascita generous adj ** [ˈʤenərəs] Thank you, sir, that’s very generous. grosszügig generoso bill n *** 84 fattura, conto Victorian street life 85 Vocabulary Unit 5 Vocabulary Unit 5 What’s on? advertise v ** [ˈædvətaɪz] How can we advertise our school party? Werbung machen für, bekannt machen pubblicizzare lately adv * [ˈleɪtlɪ] I don’t know that film – I haven’t been to the cinema lately. kürzlich, in letzter Zeit recentemente make a date [meɪk ə deɪt] Let’s make a date for next week. sich verabreden darsi appuntamento Do you know what’s on tomorrow? was gibt’s? was steht cosa c’è in auf dem Programm? programma? what’s on? [wɒts ɒn] Showing now mondo fantastico, mondo immaginario fantasy world n [ˈfæntəsɪ wɜ:ld] Her sister loves the fantasy world of the cinema. folks n pl [fəʊks] Hey, folks, come over here and see what’s going on! Leute gente grab v ** [græb] Let’s go to the beach and grab a sandwich on the way. sich schnappen pigliare, scroccare gripping adj [ˈgrɪpɪŋ] I chose a film with a gripping story set in New York. packend, fesselnd coinvolgente, appassionante make up for phr v [meɪk ʌp fɔ:] The music was great and made up for the bad organisation. für etw. entschädigen ausgleichen compensare, ripagare movement n *** [ˈmu:vmənt] Every movement of his body was perfect. Bewegung movimento Fantasiewelt movie n * [ˈmu:vi:] What is your favourite movie? (Kino)film film (cinematografico) mysterious adj ** [mɪˈstɪərɪəs] The award-winning actress plays a mysterious lady in this movie. geheimnisvoll, rätselhaft misterioso accurate adj ** [ˈækjərət] Drummers must be able to play accurate rhythms. genau preciso, esatto, accurato act n *** [ækt] At the circus they performed ten thrilling acts. Akt, Nummer atto, numero (esibizione) only adj *** [ˈəʊnlɪ] To my father, the only place of entertainment is the theatre. einzige(r, s) unico acting n * [ˈæktɪŋ] The atmosphere was good and the acting was even Schauspielerei, better. Darstellung recitazione overall adv ** [ˈəʊvərɔ:l] Overall, she prefers musicals to rock concerts. insgesamt, im Grossen und Ganzen nel complesso amusing adj * [əˈmju:zɪŋ] Some of the dialogues were very amusing. amüsant, unterhaltsam divertente preisgekrönt It must be pretty difficult to play such complicated tunes. ziemlich, ganz [əˈwɔ:dˈwɪnɪŋ] [ˈprɪtɪ] award-winning adj The film was made by an award-winning English director. pretty adv *** piuttosto, abbastanza [bləʊ ˈsʌmbədɪ əˈweɪ] She likes action movies, too – the special effects always blow her away. jemanden (fast) umhauen promote v *** [prəˈməʊt] The actress came to Switzerland to promote her film. hier: werben für put together phr v [pʊt təˈgeðə] Put the pieces together and you’ll get the full picture. zusammensetzen comporre, assemblare celebrity n * [səˈlebrətɪ] After winning the award, this actor has become a real celebrity. Berühmtheit, berühm- celebrità, persona te Persönlichkeit famosa range (from … to …) v ** [reɪnʤ (frɒm … tʊ …)] His musical interests range from rock and roll to jazz. reichen (von … bis …) spaziare (da … a …) comprehension n * [kɒmprɪˈhenʃən] Did you find it difficult to answer the comprehension questions? Verständnis comprensione rapid adj *** [ˈræpɪd] He performed some extremely rapid dance steps during the concert. schnell, rasch veloce, rapido cooperative adj * [kəʊˈɒpərətɪv] I think that cooperative learning is a great idea. kooperativ cooperativo decision n *** [dɪˈsɪʒən] I know it’s difficult but we have to make a decision now. Entscheidung decisione run (from … to …) v *** [rʌn (frɒm … tʊ …)] The musical runs from early June to the end of August. laufen (von … bis …) essere in programma (da … a …) definitely adv ** [ˈdefɪnətlɪ] They are definitely celebrities now. bestimmt, sicher definitivamente, certamente scream v ** [skri:m] My sister started screaming when she saw the ghost. schreien, kreischen, heulen gridare, urlare delightful adj * [dɪˈlaɪtfəl] It was a delightful concert, the best I’ve ever been to. wunderbar, reizend meraviglioso, incantevole secret n *** [ˈsi:krɪt] What is the secret of this band’s success? Geheimnis segreto shape v ** [ʃeɪp] She believes that all her actions shape her destiny. formen, gestalten plasmare, forgiare disappearance n [dɪsəˈpɪərəns] Everybody thought that her disappearance was very mysterious. Verschwinden scomparsa showing now [ˈʃəʊwɪŋ naʊ] A few good films are showing now. jetzt (im Kino, Theater usw.) zu sehen ora in programmazione (al cinema, a teatro) disappointing adj * [dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ] It’s disappointing that the band isn’t coming to Switzerland. enttäuschend deluso spend a night out [spend ə naɪt aʊt] We spent a night out in London and had a very good time. abends ausgehen passare la serata fuori edge n *** [eʤ] The video was so exciting that we all sat on the edge of the sofa. Rand, Kante bordo, spigolo stressful adj [ˈstresfʊl] It must be stressful to play so many concerts. stressig, anstrengend stressante emotional adj *** [ɪˈməʊʃənəl] Some people like emotional films, others prefer special effects. emotional, gefühlvoll sentimentale, ricco di emozioni stunning adj * [ˈstʌnɪŋ] We will remember this stunning performance for a long time. toll, fantastisch, sensationell [teɪk wʌnz pɪk] You can watch any film you like – take your pick! sich etwas aussuchen scegliere, selezionare [ˈenəʤɪ] It is amazing how much energy the band’s lead singer has. take one’s pick energy n *** Energie, Kraft energia theme n *** [θi:m] What themes does this band deal with in its songs? Thema argomento, tematica enjoyable adj * [ɪnˈʤɔɪəbl] I’m glad we had a night out – it was very enjoyable. nett, unterhaltsam piacevole thrill v [θrɪl] We were really thrilled by that video. fesseln, begeistern entusiasmare, intrigare entertain v ** [entəˈteɪn] She always wants to be entertained when she comes to visit. unterhalten intrattenere, divertire variation n *** [veərɪˈeɪʃən] They played a few variations of their most famous song. Variation variazione venue n ** [ˈvenju:] luogo dell‘evento This is certainly not the kind of entertainment I like. Unterhaltung We have to make a decision about the venue for the party. waste n *** [weɪst] The concert wasn’t good – going there was a waste Verschwendung of time. blow sb away phr v entertainment n ** 86 [entəˈteɪnmənt] premiato, vincitore/ vincitrice di un premio impressionare, sorprendere intrattenimento, divertimento Veranstaltungsort qui: promuovere, reclamizzare magnifico, spettacolare perdita (di tempo), spreco What‘s on? 87 Vocabulary Unit 5 Let’s go out altogether adv *** [ɔ:ltəˈgeðə] The film won nine awards altogether. insgesamt, alles in allem complessivamente, in totale arrangement n *** [əˈreɪnʤmənt] I remember the arrangement for Saturday very well. Abmachung appuntamento, accordo, intesa be right [bi: raɪt] You said that this band plays great music, and you were right. recht haben avere ragione before adv *** [bɪˈfɔ:] I’ll be there half an hour before to get the tickets. vorher prima blank adj ** [blæŋk] Write your name in the blank box at the top. leer vuoto check out phr v [ʧek aʊt] We also checked out a huge CD shop in London. untersuchen, sich etwas anschauen dare un‘occhiata comfortable adj *** [ˈkʌmftəbl] The seats were very comfortable but the movie was disappointing. bequem, komfortabel comodo early adv *** [ˈɜ:lɪ] I arrived early to buy the tickets. früh, (früh)zeitig presto, in tempo give sth a try [gɪv ˈsʌmθɪŋ ə traɪ] They weren’t sure about the musical, but they gave it a try anyway. etwas ausprobieren provare, sperimentare I’m afraid [aɪm əˈfreɪd] I don’t know the way to the station, I’m afraid. leider mi dispiace make it [meɪk ɪt] I can definitely make it to the concert, don’t worry. es schaffen farcela, riuscire promise n *** [ˈprɒmɪs] Don’t you remember the band’s promise to come back next year? Versprechen promessa seem v *** [si:m] It seems he can make it to the concert after all. scheinen sembrare strip n ** [strɪp] I usually walk my dog on a strip of grass by the river. Streifen striscia test v *** [test] Now ask comprehension questions to test your partner’s knowledge of English. prüfen, testen verificare, mettere alla prova trainers n pl * [ˈtreɪnəz] I love my new trainers – they‘re really comfortable. Turnschuhe scarpe da ginnastica wonder v *** [ˈwʌndə] I wonder who will be the next James Bond. sich fragen chiedersi contest n ** [ˈkɒntest] Did you take part in the singing contest? Wettkampf, Wettbewerb concorso, competizione fix v *** [fɪks] Let’s fix the time and place for our meeting now. hier: festlegen qui: stabilire magazine n *** [mægəˈzi:n] My sister likes reading fashion magazines. Zeitschrift, Magazin rivista manage (to do …) v *** [ˈmænɪʤ (tʊ du: …)] Did you manage to answer all the questions? es schaffen (,… zu tun) riuscire (p.es. riuscire a fare) research v ** [rɪˈsɜ:ʧ] They researched the subject on the Internet to find forschen in, recherout where the venue was. chieren in spontaneously adv [spɒnˈteɪnɪəslɪ] When I asked him, he spontaneously said yes. Make a date 88 ricercare spontan, von sich aus spontaneamente