Aufbau und Internationalisierung von ecoinvent – die Referenz für Hintergrunddaten von Ökobilanzen Dübendorf 24 November 2014 Stefanie Hellweg Präsidentin Vereinsvorstand ecoinvent und ETH Zürich Anwendungspallette der Ökobilanz… Quelle: Science 344, 1109-1112 Folie 2 Inventardatenbanken • Vereinfachen die Sachbilanzierung wesentlich Beruhig dich. Ich mach das schon… … Folie 3 Geschichte ecoinvent Bereits in den 90er Jahren waren Schweizer Institute führend bei der Erhebung von Sachbilanzdaten Verschiedene Datenbanken mit nicht-kompatiblen Datensätzen Gemeinsame Datenbank mit konsistenten, harmonisierten und transparenten Datenbanken Anfangs ein nationales Netzwerk Seit 2013: gemeinnützig orientierter Verein (gegründet von Empa, ETH, ART, PSI, EPFL) Folie 4 Geschichte ecoinvent Versionen 1 und 2: Pionier- und Umsetzungsphase, einheitliche Qualitätsrichtlinien, Datenfokus,… Version 3: einige neue Daten, Fokus auf methodischen Änderungen, z.B. mehrere «Systemmodelle» Production Process Product A Folie 5 Product B Product C My fleece jacket is nearly burden free because it is made from recycled PET fibers! My PET bottle is nearly free of environmental burdens as it will be recycled to a fleece jacket! ecoinvent heute Used by more than 6000 users in more than 40 countries Included in or available for the leading LCA and ecodesign software tools SimaPro, Umberto, Team, OpenLCA, CMLCA, GaBi, KCL-Eco, Regis, Emis, ecobilan, Green-e, and others Folie 6 ecoinvent Nutzerverteilung Zugriff Webpage 2014 Folie 7 Switzerland Germany United States France United Kingdom Italy Spain Brazil Netherlands Sweden ecoinvent Lizenzverkäufe Nutzerprofil (75% der Lizenzen) Iran, Islamic Czech South Romania Republic of Republic Africa Greece Korea, Republic of Malaysia Chile Serbia Austria Turkey India Finland Polan Argentina d Mexico Chinese Taipei Portugal Colombia Norway Indonesia Singapore other countries United States France Germany Thailand Italy Denmark Japan Canada Spain Australia Belgium Sweden China Folie 8 Switzerland Netherlands Brazil United Kingdom ecoinvent in der Literatur Anzahl «Hits» pro Jahr (google scholar, 17.11.2014) Anzahl Zitationen im ISI Web of Science kleiner (aber gleicher Trend) 1800 1600 1400 v2 1200 v3 1000 v1 800 600 400 200 0 1994 Folie 9 1999 2004 2009 2014 ecoinvent – Qualitätsmerkmale Konsistent Vollständig verlinkte Datenbank Zuverlässig Unabhängige Expertenreviews aller Daten Transparent Alle Einheitsprozesse und Berechnungen sichtbar Dokumentation aller Datensätze Folie 10 Wie geht es weiter? Pendente «Hausaufgaben» erledigen Daten, Daten, Daten… Datenaktualisierung neue Daten Internationalität ausbauen Slide 11 Herausforderung Wertschöpfungsketten • Steigende Komplexität von internationalen Wertschöpfungsketten mit globalen Umweltwirkungen • Ziel LCA: Umweltwirkungen mit Systemperspektive bewerten und Problemverlagerungen vermeiden ? Use Production Disposal Recycling Reuse Resources Resource Extraction Emissions Regionalisierte Sach- und Wirkungsbilanz Folie 12 ? ? ecoinvent als globale Datenbank • International supply chains demand international data collection • ideally organized in a collaboration of regional data collection networks • Local data collection efforts can rely on global background data and grow organically into local process systems Folie 13 LCA in emerging economies Fast-growing demand for LCA and related techniques in emerging economies International users will benefit greatly from global supply chain data in several sectors LCA-based regulations in developed countries may cause international trade disputes → Strong demand for local LCI data and expertise Folie 14 Problems of starting LCI networks Local level of expertise in life cycle-based methods can be low Lack of local environmental studies compared to developed countries, so less basis for background data Local conditions can differ significantly (technology, scale, emission control…) Inventory databases need a certain “critical mass” to be useful Gaps in process chains will introduce errors in the results Slide 15 Cooperation with LCI initiatives Project supported by the Swiss government (SECO) Cooperation with several emerging economies to support LCI networks in developing countries Use existing expertise of ecoinvent The goal is to: Build expertise on life cycle thinking and LCA Create capacity for LCI data collection Create background data for local (and global) studies Grow into self-sustaining regional LCI competence centres Slide 16 Building capacity Experts and experienced practitioners Workshops in India, Brazil, South Africa Regular communication and discussion of problems Guidance for data creation Software tool with automatic pre-validation Documents and videos to guide beginning data creators Informing and involving stakeholders Slide 17 Case study: Coal power Coal power constitutes ~ 70% of Indian generation Germany India Calorific value of burned coal 27.7 MJ/kg 15.7 MJ/kg Emission abatement In most power plants only Desulphurisation, denitrification, and dedusting dedusting operating in most power plants CO2 92 g/MJ coal 96 g/MJ coal NOx 0.06 g/MJ coal 0.63 g/MJ coal SO2 0.07 g/MJ coal 0.89 g/MJ coal PM2.5 0.005 g/MJ coal 0.202 g/MJ coal Net efficiency of power plant 36 % 32 % Slide 18 Case study: Coal power ReCiPe points/kWh Remaining substances 0.16 0.14 Nitrogen oxides 0.12 0.1 Sulfur dioxide 0.08 Particulates, < 2.5 um 0.06 0.04 Hard coal in ground 0.02 Carbon dioxide, fossil 0 India Slide 19 Germany Case study: Coal power Similarities Dataset structure Some values (efficiency, CO2) Differences Existing datasets proved a helpful resource Mathematical relations & Child datasets simplify changes Slide 20 LCI database creation Without background data, life cycle-based assessments are virtually impossible or highly flawed Several critical sectors occur in virtually all life cycles Solution: Integrate into existing database Framework of an existing dataset simplifies data collection for inexperienced users Local datasets can fall back on global background data with higher uncertainty until local inputs become available Updates integrated into supply chains automatically Data collection results can be applied immediately for first screening results Slide 21 Conclusions ecoinvent continues to publish useful and relevant life cycle inventory data in a centrally organized form Construction of a network of collaboration partners Support of other LCI initiatives by offering structure and experience Integration with existing data helps to create datasets and to reach critical mass for high quality database Transparent unit-process inventory modeling facilitates cooperation and data exchange Slide 22 Thank you for your attention! Questions and Discussion