Play and Prosume 13th July 2011, 10am – 6pm Kunsthalle


Play and Prosume 13th July 2011, 10am – 6pm Kunsthalle
Play and Prosume
13th July 2011, 10am – 6pm
Kunsthalle projectspace Karlsplatz
Treitlstraße 2, A-1040 Wien;lang=de
Vorträge, Screenings und Diskussionen zu aktuellen Strategien von
Kunst, Medien und Propaganda,
Eine Auskoppelung des Forschungsprojekts TEF/ Technology Exchange and
Flow (HERA),
Foto: TripleA profiler
Medien sind allgegenwärtig, wir benutzen sie und sie uns: die Grenzen
zwischen der Produktion und dem Konsum von Inhalten sind nicht mehr
eindeutig zu ziehen. Die Mediengeschichte, der Blick auf den frühen
Film, die ersten Fernsehprogramme zeigt, dass Propaganda nie auf ein
passives Publikum einwirkte, sondern aktiven wenn auch nicht zwingend
kritischen Konsum voraussetzte. Kein Wunder also, dass die
Computerspieleindustrie heute die Film- und Fernsehbranche nicht nur
technisch ablöst, wenn es darum geht, Propaganda geschmeidig und
ständig in Gang zu setzen.
Am 13. Juli wird es um die Spielregeln gehen auf die wir uns längst
eingelassen haben – in unserem Leben mit Medien. In Diskussionen,
Screenings und Vorträgen wird ein Blick auf das soziale Spiel unseres
technisierten Alltags geworfen. Kommen Sie und spielen Sie nicht mit!
(Margarete Jahrmann und Brigitte Felderer)
Participants (Konferenzsprache Englisch):
Dr. Gerald Bast (Rektor/ president University of Applied Arts
Vienna), des. Rektorin Eva Blimlinger (des. Rektorin/ president des.
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Prof. Dr. Margarete Jahrmann (artist/
researcher University of Applied Arts Vienna), Prof. Brigitte
Felderer (curator and researcher, University of Applied arts Vienna,
Dr. Barbara Fränzen (director, Film dept. Austrian Federal Ministry
for Education, Arts and Culture), Prof. Dr. Michael Punt, research
fellow Dr. Martha Blassnigg, Ph.D. cand. Martyn Woodward, (University
of Plymouth/ Transtechnology research), Prof. Dr. Bert Hogenkamp, Dr.
Rudmer Canjels (Free University of Amsterdam), Bas Agterberg (Bild en
Geluit Archive Hilversum), Mark-Paul Meyer (senior curator the EYE
Amsterdam), Dipl. Arch. Manfred Hermann (architect& researcher), Dr.
Axel Stockburger (artist and researcher/ Academy of Fine Arts
Vienna), Kristian Lukic (curator and researcher/ Bratislava/Novisad),
Clemens Wolf (artist and urban interventionist), Dr. Peter
Purgathofer/ Dr. Fares Kayali (University of Technology Vienna/
University of Applied Arts Vienna), Alessandro Ludovico (editor
neural magazine/ Bari Italy), Felix Bohatsch (Indie Game Designer
Broken Rules Vienna), and guests.
Play and Prosume
This public symposion at Kunsthalle projectspace Vienna is put
together by the research team „Pervasive Prosumer Plays“ at the
University of Applied Arts Vienna as part of “TEF/ Technology,
Exchange and Flow: Artistic Media Practices & Commercial
Application”. This joint research project is funded by HERA
Humanities in the European Research Area programme of the European
Science Foundation. The research is led by Prof. Dr. Michael Punt,
University of Plymouth, principal investigators are Dr. Margarete
Jahrmann, University of Applied Arts Vienna and Prof. Dr. Bert
Hogenkamp, Free University Amsterdam. Associate project partners are
the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Hilversum and the Eye
Film Institute Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Propaganda and play are critically connected - in the new socially
networked forms of production and reception, subsumed under the term
Produsage (Bruns 2008). Regarded as a concept in media the term
invalidates the distinction between producer and consumer, thus
including ideologies of collectivity and persuasion. This symposion
reflects Produsage and persuasive strategies implicit in early films,
in commissioned advertisement movies as well as in contemporary games
and public arts in urban space. In order to communicate this
research, curatorial methods, performance arts, Alternate Reality and
Indie games will be discussed as emerging methodologies of arts
The one-day event is based on panel discussions and impulse inputs by
artists, researchers, curators, responsibles and decision makers of
universities, film funds as well as the creative industries and
independent game designing companies.
Researchers, artists and Indie game developers as well as curators
will discuss the relations between artistic avant-gardes and
commercial applications. The developing discourse will critically
question film, TV and game technologies and practices of public arts
and performance as techniques of propaganda and intervention.
10:00 - 10:45
//Welcome and Positioning of Arts Research
Gerald Bast (president die Angewandte/University of Applied Arts
Wien): Welcome Address
Art research/ Künstlerische Forschung und die Angewandte Wien
Margarete Jahrmann (artist and researcher Die Angewandte Wien)
Play, Prosume, Propaganda: Film, Television, games and art shows?
The concept of this event critically reflects urban interventions and
exhibitions as methodologies of arts research in social design. How
and why is it possible to host the development of an “exhibition
game” as research project at an institution as the Angewandte Vienna
– Is this the transdiciplinary arts research of the future?
Eva Blimlinger (des. Rektorin Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien)
Arts-based research - a political strategy or/and a new field of
Arts-based-research brings the creation of artistic knowledge
together with the kind of reflection that leads to an increase of
society’s knowledge. Arts-based-research was always a part of
artistic work but since the last years it is becoming an issue in the
academic field. Is it only a political strategy to get financial
support or/and is it a new field of artistic work.
Barbara Fränzen (Leiterin der Abteilung Film im Bundesministerium für
Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur)
Do Art Funding Structures Fit To New Forms Of Art Making?
Technologies in the media sector have changed rapidly in the recent
years. Thus – speaking of film – new forms of storytelling, of reception as well as of production and distribution of art developed. Film
funding bodies and their financing is focussing on screenings at festivals, theatres and art exhibitions. How to face the new situation?
10 min pause
11:00 – 12:30
// TEF research/ Archives and museums as venues to test new
methodologies of research
Mark-Paul Meyer (senior curator, the Eye Film Institute Netherlands)
Play it again, Archive!
The film archive is a place that constantly needs new
interpretations, new approaches and new technologies to unveil the
facts and meanings that are concealed in the collections. Curatorial,
academic and artistic research are crucial strategies to explore the
potential of the archive. For a film archive or museum, one of the
critical topics of research is the cinematic and the phenomenon of
the film itself - in the historical collection, as well as in
contemporary cinematographic expressions - and to find modern and
inspiring ways of exhibition.
Bas Agterberg (curator, the Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision Hilversum)
O brother where art thou?
This is about the audiovisual archive and its contact with the
independent directors and producers. It will focus on commissioned
film that relates to the TEF project. What audio-visual products have
companies made in the past 25 years? And how are these productions
archived, described, put into context and made accessible?
Martyn Woodward (Michael Punt/ Martha Blassnigg, University of
Plymouth, Transtechnology Research)
Selling the Immaterial: Avant-garde Practices and Commercial
Advertising Forms.
This project discusses the mutual exchanges, convergences and
crossovers between early commercial advertising and experimental
avant-garde practices with a particular focus upon the persistence of
perception within both. The Hamlet cigars campaign from UK in the
1960s is chosen as a core example of how audio-visual advertising
works in selling the immaterial (of a happiness through a smoke), in
which the formal treatment
discussed not merely as an
strategy, but as a product
recognizes the active role
of minimalism used throughout the work is
artistic stylisation or a conscious formal
of a very human creativity which
of the viewer.
Bert Hogenkamp/ Rudmer Canjels (Free University Amsterdam)
Industrial film and video production, 1950's to 1980's.
Rudmer Canjels and Bert Hogenkamp will report on their ongoing
research for the HERA Project 'Technology, Exchange and Flow:
Artistic Media Practices & Commercial Application.
10 min pause
12:40- 13:40
// Panel TEF research/ Art and exhibitions, inside outside urban
interventions and Alternate Reality Plays.
Panel moderated and organised by: Brigitte Felderer and Margarete
Jahrmann (University of Applied Arts, Vienna)
Brigitte Felderer (curator, researcher, die Angewandte Vienna)
The curatorial concept of the upcoming TEF exhibition is based on the
research and discussions of the TEF project. The intended „show“ will
present both its analogue and digital/cinematic „objects“ in the
frame of an urban game. The planned exhibition will leave behind
familiar forms and conventions of display. It will frame an
imaginatory space, which can only be entered by following the rules
of the exhibition game.
Margarete Jahrmann (artist, researcher, die Angewandte Vienna/
Game Design at University of Arts Zurich)
The Art and Politics of PLAY! The investigation of art as Double
Reality propaganda play opens up a discourse on research
methodologies and dissemination practices. Does the new buzzword
“gamification” only claim what public arts has already done so far
permanently in urban spaces, interventions and performance?
Manfred Hermann (architect, researcher Vienna)
The Spaceship: Game and Exhibition Architecture
Gamified exhibition-architecture as an immersive learning experience,
room of necessity, studio, headquarter, Derivé Level.
Axel Stockburger (artist researcher, University of Fine Arts Vienna)
Cosplay - embodied media.
At present I am working on a research thread within the WWTF funded
artistic research project entitled TROUBLING RESEARCH, which engages
with different forms of the "Cosplay" phenomenon in China. In this
context I am specifically interested in the social aspects of the
production of costumes, which are based on Japanese animation and
computer games as a specific form of fan culture.
Kristian Lukic (curator researcher, Novisad/ Bratislava)
Play Cultures. As entanglement of play in society slightly shows its
contours, there is growing need for political and cultural analysis
of embedded play. There are different artistic strategies responding
to growing power of play, and the exhibitions and the conference
Play Cultures showed some of them.
Clemens Wolf (artist and urban interventionist Vienna)
Urban interventions vs institutions. Art and subliminal messages.
14:00 - 15:00 BREAK, Buffet
15:00 – 16:30
// Panel: Independent Game Design and Tactics of Persuasion
Panel moderated and organised by: Fares Kayali(University of
Technology Vienna/ University of Applied Arts, Vienna)
Peter Purgathofer (Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology,
Vienna University of Technology)
Persuasion between instant gratification and long term goals.
Game mechanics are sometimes described as an alignment of short term
"instant gratification" mechanisms with the achievement of long term
goals. In other contexts, instant gratification is seen in opposition
to long term goals. The talk will discuss our struggle to reconcile
these two mechanisms in an ongoing project.
Felix Bohatsch(Broken Rules, Game Design Company Vienna)
Too Many Cooks - How to be creative in a team of 5 game designers.
Broken Rules currently consists of five people and everyone is
passionate about game design. Designing a game in a team like that is
not always easy and it can’t work without some basic rules and
structure. I will give a brief insight into how we design our games
and what we have learned doing so.
Alessandro Ludovico (artist and editor of Neural Italy)
"Molleindustria", sarcasm and time.
Manipulation in online political games: Molleindustria makes a
masterly use of time in its games, in a very simple, but subtle way.
This is a starting point for a reflection on political interventions
through games.
Jörg Hofstätter (Ovos, Game Design Company Vienna)
Ludwig - knowledge rules the game.
Ludwig is a new physics game on the topic of renewable energies for
adventurers aged 11-14 years and. The 3D adventure is developed for
school usage and is presumably first 100% curriculum-based 3D
10 min pause
17:00 – 17:30
// Thank God, the Tiki Bar is open!
analogsat / uli kühn
carrera carrer, Musikperformance mit Carrerabahnen
Ongoing: Alternate Reality Conference Play: live performance by
Michael Johannes Muik