100% Renewable Energy - ASPO Conference 2012
100% Renewable Energy - ASPO Conference 2012
100% Renewable Energy - more than just a vision! Professor DI MAAS Peter Droege CMPIA! Chair of Sustainable Spatial Development! University of Liechtenstein! Vaduz, Liechtenstein! urbanscape.org! Tokyo! Washington! Rome! Vienna! Fossil fuels supply 85% of global commercial energy! Renewables: 12.5%. Nuclear: 2.5% of final energy ! ! (REN21 2007 Global Status Report) Global and local transport:! 95% oil dependent! Annual fossil air pollution related health costs in China: 60 billion USD! Annual fossil air pollution related health costs in Europe: 90 billion Euro" (2005/6)! Fossil and nuclear energy reliance presents " rising international security threats" Burning oil fields of Abadan in 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war ! ! New York, 11 September 2001! Baghdad, 21 March 2003 ! Cities across OECD countries account for 75%! of their national fossil fuel consumption levels! Annual fossil fuel consumption has risen globally more than five-fold since 1950.! It continues to rise today, paralleling global urbanization trends! Beijing 1975! Beijing 2002! Images courtesy USGS Las Vegas 1973! Images courtesy USGS Las Vegas 2000! Images courtesy USGS Las Vegas 2006! Sydney 1975-2002! Urban form is culturally articulated energy technology" pre-fossil settlement, West Africa, 1990s - dating back to the 5000s BC! Pre-fossil city! central Rome of Sixtus IV and V, 15th and 16th Century! Form follows fuel! regional shopping mall, USA! Fossil urbanism: universal suburbia! Fossil City: the demand side of urban power! Tysons Corner VA 1984! The supply side of urban power" Large thermal power plants waste energy - and water! Half of US fresh water uptake used for electric power plant cooling! Half of the electricity generated can be used for pumping, processing, transportation, treatment and disposal in urban water and liquid waste systems ! ! Water consumption of power plants" Conventional coal combustion Once-through cooling ! Cooling towers ! ! ! ! !l/kWh" !1.2" !2.6" Oil and natural gas combustion" Once-through cooling ! Cooling towers ! ! ! !1.1" !2.6" Nuclear reactors (light water)" Cooling towers ! ! !3.2! Water pollution and waste in mining, processing, transportation" Coal mining" Oil production" Petroleum refining" Tanker accidents" Pipeline spills" Nuclear fuel cycle" Fossil fuel combustion delivers 75% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions! The rest is due to land clearing and deforestation! Global fossil carbon emissions, 1800-1950.! Source: Scripps, ORNL und IPCC.! John Tyndall 1820-1893" Lecture 1863 Global fossil carbon emissions, 1800-1950.! Source: Scripps, ORNL und IPCC.! John Tyndall 1820-1893" Lecture 1863 Global fossil carbon emissions, 1800-2000.! Source: Scripps, ORNL und IPCC.! John Tyndall 1820-1893" Lecture 1863 Global fossil carbon emissions, 1800-2000.! Source: Scripps, ORNL und IPCC.! Svante August Arrhenius! 1859-1927! 390 ppm 280 ppm Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, 1000-2000.! Source: Scripps, ORNL und IPCC.! 450 ppm 2 degrees C Carbon emission reduction targets! Quelle: Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware.! 0.7 degrees C The risk to overshoot two degrees C! Methane feedback: melting permafrost soils Cutting and draining of southeast" Asian rainforest moorlands:! Cutting and draining of southeast" Asian rainforest moorlands:! • Each year moor drainage releases 630 Millionen Tonnen CO2e into the atmosphere! Cutting and draining of southeast" Asian rainforest moorlands:! • Each year moor drainage releases 630 Millionen Tonnen CO2e into the atmosphere! • This equals the total global emissions savings expected from the Kyoto protocol! 250 degrees C" 350 ppm! 280 ppm! 10 years"! planning horizon: 2020 not 2050 100 %" renewable resources! Net peak oil" From 1:100 barrel ratio (1930) to 1:11 (2000): from bell to shark fin?! Alt 2007! Essential future energy vision for a generation" Efficiency, sufficiency und turn to a renewable world! global! renewable" potential! 10,000 times! fossil fuel! consumption! Global wind power: conservative capacity 5-7 times conventional generation! Global wind power capacity to 2008: increases! Renewables Global Status Report, the 2008 Update, forthcoming ! Photovoltaics global capacity 1995 to 2008! Renewables Global Status Report, the 2008 Update, forthcoming ! Activity Nr. Ingots/Wafers Equipment Cells Lines Turnkey Cells Wet Chemistry Modules Turnkey Lines Modules Tabbers, Stringers, Laminators Thin Films Vacuum Deposition Company Current Empl. Location 1 Gebrüder Schmid Freudenstadt 380 2 ALD Vacuum Technologies Hanau 360 130 3 Herbert Arnold Weilburg 4 CGS Crystal Growing Systems Asslar 50 5 G&N Erlangen 40 6 Gebrüder Schmid Freudenstadt , Schwetzingen 430 7 Roth & Rau Hohenstein-Ernstthal 210 8 Centrotherm Photovoltaics Blaubeuren, Dresden 200 9 Rena Gütenbach, Berg 450 10 Stangl Semiconductor Eichenau, Puchheim 100 11 Lotus Systems Gutmadingen 70 12 Ramgraber Hofolding b. Braunthal 40 13 HMS Höllmüller Herrenberg 40 14 M-O-T Mainz 15 Reis Robotics Obernburg 720 16 Gebrüder Schmid Freudenstadt, Niedereschach 530 17 Teamtechnik Freiberg am Neckar, Berlin 350 18 Robert Bürkle Freudenstadt 350 41 31 17 Berlin 34 45 Germany 19 37 22 21 36 Düsseldorf 20 19 Meier Vakuumtechnik Bocholt 170 20 Somont Umkirch 100 21 Robust Remscheid 50 22 SunWare Duisburg 20 23 Solarwatt Dresden 24 Applied Materials Alzenau, Dresden 20 500 25 Von Ardenne Anlagentechnik Dresden 500 26 Leybold Optics Alzenau, Dresden 320 27 FHR Anlagenbau Ottendorf-Okrilla 33 Leipzig 8 27 25 23 26 24 Dresden 47 7 43 4 Frankfurt 3 14 2 24 26 15 6 5 9 17 46 44 1 16 6 13 Stuttgart 28 18 12 30 40 10 Munich 20 16 35 32 8 29 38 9 11 42 39 90 PV supply chain participants (sample)! Invest Germany 2008! Hamburg Öl 48% Haushalte 29% Gas 10% Industrie 20% Dienste 16% Uran 24% Wasser 10% Transport 33% nEE 1% Switzerland: 80% energy import dependent National renewable energy independence model (example Japan)! Harry Lehmann et al 2004-2009 Solar Control Wind Biogas Storage Rise of the virtual power plant:! Industry demonstration of an operational network! by Enercon, Schmack Bioenergy and SolarWorld, 2007 ! Intra-urban and regional decentralised power! UK Greenpeace July 2005! Moving to 100%: ! Regions with ! energy autonomy targets and und processes " ! Moser et al 2009 Navarre, Spain: Traditions of regional water power! 2007: wind power overtakes nuclear power in Spain! Acciona Energia! Bio-energy production! Acciona Energia! Milagro solar garden, Navarre, Spain! Acciona Energia! Solar pension plan! Acciona Energia! Samsø island and Thisted commune, Denmark! Cities with integrated renewable / carbon neutral strategies: Munich, Germany! Munich Riem Messe-City: evolution of renewable life! Bill Dunster//Peabody Trust/BioRegional Development Group! Beddington Zero Emissions Development, 2000-2002! Rolf Disch! ‘Sun ship’ surplus energy development! Freiburg, Germany! Renewable Vatican! Germany’s renewable capital! Pugh Scarpa Kodama! Colorado Court affordable housing project, Santa Monica, 2002! Busby and Associates 2003! White Rock Operations Building, British Columbia ! Werner Sobek! Triple Zero! RPS 128, Stuttgart 2008! Jühnde! Sacramento! Copenhagen! SUN-AREA city-wide calculation tool for solar exposure of residential buildings! Osnabrück: 120 km2 / 70,000 buildings! Berlin: solar planning framework! Ecofys for Senate of Berlin 2008! City of Sondershausen Thuringia Area: 11469 ha Population: 21,302 (1,86 EW/ha) Elevation: 208 m Population growth: - 1.07%/a Unemployment: 15.6 % (7/2008) SDH Energetic rehabiltation and autonomous projects Renewable Wilhelmsburg as community engagement process Sachstand • Entwicklung der Gesamtkonzeption und Einzelprojekte • Strategieworkshop • Erhebung Gebäudeenergieverbrauch • Interreg IVB „Build with CaRe“ Planungen abgeschlossen zu 2010 • IBA-Labor Klimafolgenmanagement • Kampagne "100 Energiepässe" • 20 exzellente Sanierungsmaßnahmen • Erhebung der Energiequellen der Elbinsel • BMU-Förderkonzept: „Kommunen mit dem Leitbild der Klimaneutralität“ Partner • Fachbeirat Klima & Energie • BSU Thermal networks Steigerung der Energieeffizienz • 900 bis 3.000 t CO2 Einsparung pro Jahr (abhängig von der Brennstoffwahl) Energy bunker Sachstand • Energiekonzept fertig gestellt • Machbarkeitsstudie Nutzung + Architektur fertig gestellt Planungen abgeschlossen • Planung und Beginn der Grundinstandsetzung Partner • SAGA GWG • Bezirk Mitte, Finanzbehörde, Denkmalschutzamt, BSU Energy bunker – heat storage for urban core thermal networks Energieproduktion pro Jahr • 5.300 MWh (Wärme) • 490 MWh (Strom) • 1.300 t CO2Einsparung • Versorgung von 800 Haushalten mit Wärme und 150 mit Strom Geothermal energy • • • • Ziele Nutzung der unerschöpflichen Erdwärme zur Stromproduktion und zur Wärmeversorgung der Elbinsel (Nahwärmenetz) • • • Sachstand Klärung der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Prüfung der Rahmenbedingungen (Technik, Geologie, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Fördermittel, Betreiber und Abnehmer) Gründung der Projektgesellschaft GTW Geothermie Wilhelmsburg GmbH Beauftragung Geologische Voruntersuchung • • Energieproduktion pro Jahr (Potential) • 35.000 MWh (Wärme) und 3.500 MWh (Strom) • 9.000 t CO2-Einsparung • Versorgung von 4.000 Haushalten mit Wärme und 1.000 mit Strom Urban Biogas Energetic conversion of public landscape waste • • • • • • Biomassepotential der Elbinsel: 7.500 - 10.000 t Gutachten ATUS/Heckenkamp 2007 Technische Konzeptentwicklung Vergleich Trockenfermentationsanlagen; Vattenfall Europe New Energy 2008 Dezentrales Logistikkonzept ArborEnergy; i.A. Vattenfall E.N.E. 2008 Standortauswahl • Strom und Wärme für Kirchdorf Süd; Kooperation mit SAGA GWG, 2008/09 • • • • Energieproduktion pro Jahr 1.500 MWh (Strom) und 900 MWh (Wärme) 1.000 t CO2-Einsparung Versorgung von 500 Haushalten mit Strom und 100 mit Wärme Renewable parkland Sachstand • EU-weiter Wettbewerb vorbereitet und ausgelobt • 1. Baustufe Photovoltaik-Anlage ausgeschrieben (BSU) Planungen abgeschlossen • Durchführung des Wettbewerbs (Januar - Mai) • anschließend Realisierungsplanung • Baufertigstellung 1. Baustufe PV • Ausschreibung Repowering (BSU) Partner • Bezirk Mitte, igs, BSU Space typological energy model! Prof. Dr. Dieter Genske et al, University of Liechtenstein! 1914 Detroit Electric Model 47" Thomas Edison as investor - one third of all cars was electric! Chevy Volt plug-in hybrid! Think! Wrightspeed X-1! Calgarys C-Train, wind power by TransAlta! Sydney 2030! Jan Gehl and Rod Simpson! Sydney 2030 Green Transformer! City of Sydney 2008! A 100% renewable economy in a regenerative world! solarcity.org