french, german, russian, syriac under choice
french, german, russian, syriac under choice
UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT (Abstract) BA/BSc/BComProgramme-Syllabusof Commoncourses-French,German,Russian and Syriac-Under Choice based credit semester system-in School of Distance Education / Private mode in tune with the regulations -approved-implemented with effect from 2012 admission applicable to 2011 admission also-Orders issued. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL AND ACADEMIC BRANCH IV ‘B’ SECTION No.GA IV/B2/2134/06 Dated, Calicut University. P.O.16.07.2012 Read 1. U.O No.GAIV/J2/3601/08 dated 17.12.2010. 2. U.O. No.GAIV/J2/3601/08 Vol IV dated 10.05.2011. 3. U.O GAIV/B2/2134/06 dated 12.03.2012 and U.O GAIV/B2/2134/06 . . dated 25.05.2012 4. Letter no S.D.E/C3/7498/2011 dated 08.06.2012 from the Director School of Distance Education 5. Letter from the Chairperson Board of Studies in European Languages dated 03.07.2012 ORDER Vide paper read first above, Choice based Credit Semester System and Grading has been introduced for UG programmes under School of Distance Education /Private mode of University with effect from 2011 admission onwards. Vide paper read second above, orders were issued to implement the additions to clause1 of the Regulations governing the Choice based Credit Semester System ,U.G programmes in School of Distance Education /Private mode as follows: The Syllabus of U.G programmes under Choice based Credit Semester System will be the same for the Regular, School of Distance Education and Private mode. The number of Courses and Credits of School of Distance Education /Private mode will be the same as that of regular programme except for B.A Programmes. For B.A Programmes there will be one complementary course in each semester with 4 Credits. The complementary Course in 1st and 4th semesters and 2nd and 3rd semesters will be the same. Vide paper read third above the Syllabus in respect of Common courses of European Languages- French, German, Russian and Syriac followed in the Regular UG Programme(Revised in 2011) was implemented for School of Distance Education/Private mode of the University with effect from 2012 admission and 2011 admission respectively. 2 Vide paper read fourth above,the Director School of Distance Education has requested for clarification on the internal and external marks in the Syllabi of Common courses in respect of European Languages S.D.E/Private mode. The Chairperson Board of Studies in European Languages was requested to forward the corrected version of the Syllabus of Common courses in respect of European Languages exactly in accordance with the School of Distance Education Regulations. Vide paper read fifth the Chairperson Board of Studies in European Languages has forwarded the corrected version of the Syllabi in tune with School of Distance Education regulations CCSS UG 2012 admission, applicable to 2011 admission also. Sanction has therefore been accorded for implementing the syllabus of Common courses of French,German,Russian and Syriac for B.A/BSc/BCom programmes under Choice based Credit Semester System in School of Distance Education /Private mode of the University with effect from 2012 admission onwards applicable to 2011 admission also. Orders are issued accordingly. The corrected version of the Syllabus is appended herewith. Sd/DEPUTY REGISTRAR (G&A-IV) For REGISTRAR To The Director, School of Distance Education. Copy to : P.A to Controller of Examination./Ex. Section/ EG. Section/ DR,AR-B A Branch/ System administrator with a request to upload the syllabus in the University Website/GA I F section/Library/SF/DF/FC. Forwarded /by Order Sd/SECTION OFFICER 2 3 University of Calicut RESTRUCTURED UG CURRICULUM SYLLABI for Common Courses 7, 8, 9, 10 (additional languages), Open Course 29 & Elective Course 35 of EUROPEAN LANGUAGES (FRENCH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN AND SYRIAC) For the UG Programmes under SDE/Private mode ( 2012 admission)* APPROVED BY BOARD OF STUDIES IN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES (UG Board Meeting held on 07/02/2012) * This syllabus can be made applicable to 2011 admission also. 3 4 CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION 3 DETAILED LIST OF COURSES 4-6 1. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 1 (for BA/BSc pattern) 7-23 2. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 2 24-41 3. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 3 42-56 4. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 4 57-72 5. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 5 73-85 6. SYLLABI FOR SEMESTER 6 86-93 7 Syllabi for semesters 1&2 (for B.Com. pattern) 94-106 INTRODUCTION The Board of Studies in European Languages (UG), University of Calicut, has designed altogether 29 courses in the Foreign Languages (FL) – French (F), German (G), Russian (R) and Syriac (S) as additional languages for the B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Programmes based on the outlines prepared by Kerala State Higher Education Council. They include Common courses, Open courses and Elective courses. The common courses comprise: 1) Communicative skills in French/German/Russian/Syriac 2) Translation and Communication in French/German/Russian/Syriac 4 5 3) Literature in French/German/Russian/Syriac 4) Culture and Civilisation of France/Germany/Russia and Syrian Traditions (in comparison with Kerala culture); 1) Four Open Courses designed are: French for Hotel Management and Tourism 2) German for Tourism and Hospitality Management 3) Russian for Business and Tourism 4) Cultural History of Syria The Elective Courses offered are: 1. Concepts of Comparative Literature 2. Women’s Writing (in Russian Literature); and 3. History of Syriac Literature. The new curriculum has been designed taking into account the linguistic, intellectual and cultural requirements of the students. The major objectives of the courses are to familiarize the learners with a modern foreign language French, German and Russian and with the classical language Syriac; to enable them to acquire proficiency in the target language and also to familiarize them with the literatures produced in these languages. The Communicative Language Courses will help the learners to develop the skills to read, write and speak in the particular language effectively and efficiently. The Translation and Communication Courses will enable the learners to develop skills to interpret and translate from and into the target language. Besides, by familiarizing with the literatures produced in the other languages a learner can not only increase his/her aesthetic values but can have a close understanding of the target culture. Learning a Foreign Language will definitely enhance the intellectual and cultural competence of the learner and enable them to acquire maximum levels of proficiency in the Foreign Language that they learn. The Open Courses are mainly special purpose courses (need-based) to meet the requirements of the learner. The Elective Courses offered includes the newly emerging disciplines of comparative literature and women’s literature. The objective of the Comparative Literature Course is to develop the ability to critically analyse literary texts in a broader perspective of world literature. This will help to cultivate cross cultural awareness of the learner. ************************************************************* University of Calicut – Restructured UG Curriculum – SDE/Private mode - (2012 admission) * 5 6 --------Detailed list of Common Courses in European Languages French/ German/ Russian and Syriac as Additional Languages for UG Programmes under SDE / Private mode approved by BOS in European Languages (BOS meeting held on 7/12/2012) Note: Courses in FRENCH, GERMAN & SYRIAC are designed for both BA/B.Sc. pattern and B.Com pattern for the Semesters 1& 2. All the other courses are common for all programmes BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com. (Description of alpha-numeric used in the codes is given at the end.) Sl. No. Course Code Instru ction hours / week Cred it Exa m Hrs Communicative skills in French 4 4 3 Communicative skills in German Communicative skills in Russian Communicative skills in Syriac 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 Literature in French 5 4 3 Literature in German 5 4 3 Literature in Russian 5 4 3 Literature in Syriac 5 4 3 Title of the Course Marks Total Cred it Int . Ex t. 20 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 4 20 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 4 20 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 4 Semester – 1 1 2 3 4 FL(F) 1A 07(1) FL(G) 1A 07(1) FL(R) 1A 07 FL(S) 1A 07(1) 4 4 4 Semester – 2 5 6 7 8 FL(F) 2A 08(1) FL(G) 2A 08(1) FL(R) 2A 08 FL(S) 2A 08(1) Translation and Communication in French Translation and Communication in German Translation and Communication in Russian Translation and Communication in Syriac 4 4 4 Semester – 3 9 10 11 12 FL(F) 3A 09 FL(G) 3A 09 FL(R) 3A 09 FL(S) 3A 09 Semester – 4 6 4 4 4 7 Sl. No. Course Code 13 FL(F) 4A 10 14 FL(G) 4A 10 15 FL(R) 4A 10 16 FL(S) 4A 10 17 FL(F) 5D 29 FL(G) 5D 29 FL(R) 5D 29 FL(S)5D 29 18 19 20 21 FL6 E1 35 Title of the Course Culture and Civilization of France (in comparison with Kerala culture ) Culture and Civilization of Germany (in comparison with Kerala culture ) Culture and Civilization of Russia (in comparison with Kerala culture ) Culture and Civilization of Syrian Traditions (in comparison with Kerala culture ) Semester – 5 French for Hotel Management and Tourism German for Tourism and Hospitality Management Russian for business and Tourism Cultural History of Syria Instru ction hours / week Cred it Exa m Hrs 5 4 3 20 80 % % 4 5 4 3 20 80 % % 4 5 4 3 20 80 % % 4 5 4 3 20 80 % % 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 20 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 2 3 Semester – 6 (Electives) Concepts of Comparative 3 Literature Women’s Writing (in Russian 3 Literature) History of Syriac Literature 3 Marks Int . Ex t. 80 % 80 % 80 % 80 % Total Cred it 4 4 4 20 80 2 % % 22 FL6 E2 35 2 3 20 80 2 % % 23 FL6 E3 35 2 3 20 80 2 % % Courses for B.Com Pattern (for French, German & Syriac for the Semesters 1&2) 24 FL(F) 1A Communication Skills in 4 4 3 20 80 4 07(2) French % % 25 FL(F) 2A Translation and Communication 4 4 3 20 80 4 08(2) in French % % 26 FL(G)1A Introductory German for 4 4 3 20 80 4 07(2) Business people (Level -1) % % 27 FL(G)2A Introductory German for 4 4 3 20 80 4 08(2) Business people (Level -11) % % 28 FL(S) 1A Communication Skill and 4 4 3 20 80 4 07(2) History of Syriac Literature % % 29 FL(S) 2A Translation, Grammar and 4 4 3 20 80 4 08(2) History of Syrian Christians in % % India 7 8 Description of Letters & numerals used in the Course Code : A – Common Course D – Open Course E1, E2, E3 – Elective 1, Elective 2, Elective 3 FL – Foreign Language FL(F) – Foreign Language (French) FL(G) – Foreign Language (German) FL(S) – Foreign Language (Syriac) FL(R) – Foreign Language (Russian) Numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ( semesters 1 to 6) (1) – for BA/B.Sc. Pattern (2) – for B.Com Pattern * This ssyllabus can be made applicable to 2011 admission also --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation : The evaluation for each course shall contain two parts : (i) Internal Evaluation : 20% ,weightage 1 (ii) External Evaluation : 80%, weightage 4 Internal exam with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR sheet . 8 UIVERSITY OF CALICUT RESTRUCTURED UG CURRICULUM –SDE / Private mode (2012 admn.) * * Can be made applicable to 2011 admission also COMMON COURSES IN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES FRENCH/ GERMAN / RUSSIAN & SYRIAC AS ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES. (Approved by the BOS meeting held on 7/2/2012) SYLLABUS Prepared by BOARD OF STUDIES IN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES 2012 Semester -1 1. FL(F) 1A 07(1) Communicative skills in French 2. FL(G) 1A 07(1) Communicative skills in German 3. FL(R) 1A 07 Communicative skills in Russian 4. FL(S) 1A 07(1) Communicative skills in Syriac SEMESTER -1 COMMON COURSE – 7 COURSE CODE : FL(F) 1A 07(1) COURSE TITLE : COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS IN FRENCH SYLLABUS Credit :4 Stream: BA/ BSc Weightage: 4 ( 80%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aims : 2. 1. To familiarise the students with a modern foreign language. To familiarise the students with the sounds of French and their symbols. 3. To familiarise students with French for basic communication and functions in everyday situations. 4. To familiarise students with the basic of writing simple, direct sentences and short compositions. Course Outline : 4 Modules 1. Module I : Current trends in French pronunciation, grammar , lexical items, discourse models-oral and written. 2. Module II : Literary communication literary passages, versification, lyrics and music. 3. Module III : Communication skills in everyday conversation. 4. Module IV : Training in creative writing . Text book : BONNE ROUTE (Lessons 1-8) Volume I by Pierre Gibert and Philippe Greffet , Publishers : Alliance Française, Hachette. Reference Works : 1. Le Nouveau Sans Frontières Vol I Pub : Clé International 2. Panorama Vol I 3. Cours de langue el de civilisation françaises : Mauger (Bleu) Vol I 4. Mauger (Rouge) Vol I 5. Tempo Vol I Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1) Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2) Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3) Essay type questions(out of 3 questions, 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER Semester-1 Common Course-7 Communicative Skills in French Time: 3 Hours I Weightage : 4 (80%) A. Vrai on Faux ? 1. Anna est étudiante 2. Elle est en 1 ère année de francais 3. Ella s’appelle Anna Giuliani 4. Anjourd’ hui elle arrive en avance. B. Faites des phrases complètes . 1. Comment vous appelez vous? alors, elle ne travaille pas beaucoup 2. Elle ne parle pas assez bien le français alors elle est toujours en retard 3. Elle est très fatiguée Anna Scotto 4. Elle travaille dans une banque loin de l’ école pour étudier a L’ Université C. Cochez la bonne réponse: 1. Maria est a Paris depuis - un an, six mois,trente jours 2. Le studio de Maria est –grand, confortable, a cote de l’école 3. Maria est italienne, espagnole, française II A. Répondez aux questions suivantes : 1. Vous parlez anglais ? 2. Tu aimes Paris ? 3. Vous chantez en italien ? 4. Tu joues du piano ? B. Répondez ‘oui’ ou ‘non’ : [Exemple : Est-ce que tu aimes le français ? Non, je n’ aime pas le français ou Oui, j’aime le français] 1. Est- ce que tu danses bien ? 2. Tu regards la télévision ? 3. Aimez – vous le café ? 4. Ecoutez- vous de la musique ? C. Posez la question : [Exemple : Oui, je joue du piano → Joues - tu du piano ? ou Est-ce que tu joues du piano ?] 1. Non, je ne regarde pas la télévision . 2. Oui, je visite Paris 3. Non, je ne danse pas 4. Oui, je travaille un peu. D. Dites l’ heuse dans une phrase ? 1. 10.30 am 2. 7.45 am 3. 12.00 Noon 4. 11.45 pm 5. III A. Ecrivez cinq phrases en français sur deux des sujets suivants : 1. Les saisons 2. Les articles 3. La négation 4. Les prépositions B. Ecrivez un dialogue entre deux amis ou entre un homme et une femme C. Ecrivez un poème ou une chanson que vous avez appris. IV. A. Quelle est. Votre distraction preferee. Exphquez- la en français en 100 mots. B. Ecrivez en français un texte de huit phrases avec les mots “aimer”, “ami”, “avec”, ‘‘bonjour”, “et, “habiter”, “non, “oui”, “visiter”. C. Ecrivez en français huit phrases sur deux des sujets suivants : 1. Votre ami 2. Votre maison 3. votre classe 4.Votre collège Semester I Common Course -7 Course code : FL(G) 1A 07 (1) Course Title: Communicative Skills in German Stream : B.A/B.Sc. Credit : 4 Syllabus Weightage : 4 (80%) Objectives : to familiarize the students with a modern foreign language – German 2. to familiarize the students with German for basic communication in everyday situations 3. to familiarize students with the basics of writing simple direct sentences and short compositions Course Description Module I Current trends in German orthography, German grammar and lexical units, discourse models, oral and written Module II Communication patterns, prose passages, etc. Module III Communication skills in everyday situations Module IV Training in creative writing in German Text Book prescribed: Lernziel Deutsch ( Lessons 1 – 6 only) Reference Materials Lernziel Deutsch Themen Tangram Sprachkurs Deutsch Schulz-Griesbach 1. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER COMMON COURSE 7: Communicative Skills in German SEMESTER I Time: 3 Hours Weightage -4 (80%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ia. Welcher Artikel ist richtig? 1. _____ Buch liegt hier. ( der, das, die ) 2. Ich habe ____ Bruder. ( ein, einem, einen ) 3. Er hat _____ Geschwister. ( kein, keine, keinen ) 4. Seit _____ Jahr wohnen sie hier. ( einer, einem, einen ) Ib. Ergänzen Sie die Verbformen! 1. Frau Ito _______ aus Japan. ( kommen ) 2. ________ Monika zur Universität? ( fahren ) 3. Der Film ____um 7 Uhr _____. ( anfangen ) 4. Dino ____ Musiker werden. ( wollen ) Ic. Ergänzen Sie die Präpositionen! 1. Der Unterricht dauert ____ 9 Uhr bis 12 Uhr. ( zu, von, um ) 2. Herr Wild arbeitet____ Tokio. ( in, aus, nach ) 3. Frau Wild geht ____ Fräulein Lau ins Kino. ( seit, nach, mit ) IIa. Lesen Sie den Text und antworten Sie auf Englisch! Es ist Viertel nach acht. Dino Botta fährt zur Universität. Am Vormittag hat er zwei Stunden Deutschkurs. Der Unterricht beginnt um 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. Wieviel Uhr ist es? Wohin fährt Dino? Wann hat er Deutschkurs? Wann beginnt der Unterricht? IIb. Was macht man hier? Beispiel : Büro : arbeiten 1. Schule warten 2. Bushaltestelle einkaufen 3. Supermarkt besuchen 4. Theater lernen IIc. Welches Wort passt nicht in die Gruppe? 1. arbeiten, antworten, bestellen, telefoniert 2. Onkel, Tante, Lehrer, Vater 3. Sonntag, Geburtstag, Freitag, Montag 4. Morgen, Nachmittag, Mittagessen, Abend IId. Schreiben Sie die Zahlen! 1. 22 2. 15 3. 300 4. 89 IIIa. Ordnen Sie die Sätze! Rewrite the following dialogue in the correct sequence: Monika : Ah, Dino! Na, wie geht´s? Dino : Nicht lernen? Dino : Hallo, Monika! Hier ist Dino. Monika : Ich weiss noch nicht. Fernsehen oder Lesen. Dino : Danke, gut! Du, was machst du heute Abend? Monika : Nein, nein, die Prüfung ist vorbei. Ich habe wieder Zeit. IIIb. Bilden Sie Sätze! Write sentences using the following words Beispiel: lernen, Deutsch, die Studentin Die Studentin lernt Deutsch. 1. 2. 3. 4. Monika / Bonn/ in/ wohnen Der Film/ zwei Stunden/ dauern Die Vorlesung/ 11 Uhr/ beginnen/ um Herr Wild/ seine Schwester/ eine Jacke/ schenken IIIc. Wie heisst das Wort auf Deutsch? translator __________ cinema ____________ alt___________ sleep ________ IIId. Antworten Sie auf Deutsch! 1. Wie alt sind Sie? 2. Seit wann lernen Sie Deutsch? 3. Was sind Ihre Eltern von Beruf? 4. Haben Sie Geschwister? IVa. Übersetzen Sie ins Englische! ( only 4 ) 1. Wie spät ist es? 2. Kommen Sie mit ins Kino? 3. Ja, ja, mach schnell! 4. Nehmen Sie bitte Platz! 5. Also, tschüss, bis Freitag! 6. Was ist denn los? IVb. Schreiben Sie kurz über dieses Thema! Meine Familie Vokabular : Vater, Mutter, Geschwister, alt, Beruf, Onkel, Tante IVc. Ihre Freundin lädt Sie ins Kino ein. Schreiben Sie einen kurzen Dialog ! Vokabular : Karten, heute Abend, gern, der Film, dauern, wie lange, beginnen SEMESTER-1 Common Course-7: Course code : FL(R) I A 07 COURSE TITLE: COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS IN RUSSIAN Credit: 4 Programme: B.A/ B.Sc./ B.Com. Weightage :4 ( 80%) 1. 2. 3. Syllabus Objectives: To familiarise the learners with Russian alphabets:- printed as well as written forms of alphabets- the Russian sound system- vowels:- palatalizing and non palatalising vowels. Consonants: hard and soft consonants. Syllables, words, word stress. To introduce different types of Russian intonations with a view to read and speak Russian efficiently and effectively. To familiarise with Russian basic grammar for effective communication in everyday situations.. 4 To familiarise the learners to read more complex texts, to write letters and simple essays, the ultimate aim being to develop skills to read original texts, to develop skills to translate and interpret Russian into English and vice-versa.. Syllabus: (4 Modules) Module 1. 20 contact hours of teaching Russian alphabets both printed and hand-written forms; sound system- vowels: palatalising and non-palatalising vowels. Consonants: hard and soft consonants. Syllables, words, word stress. Reading drills; making simple sentences in everyday situations; practicing simple conversations; Russian dialogues at different situationsdifferent types of sentences and their intonations. The Russian intonation pattern; Reading and writing of Russian sentences with special reference to Malayalam word order and syntax. Module 2. 20 contact hours of teaching Russian nouns and adjectives; classification of Russian nouns according to number and gender; three genders and rules to form plural nouns. Combination of Russian nouns and adjectives in singular and plural in all the three genders. Pronouns, personal and possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, reflective pronouns, cardinal numbers upto 100, ordinal numbers; different pattern of conjugation of Russian verbs. Module 3. 20 contact hours of teaching Overall view of Russian case system; introduce the cases in the following order: 1) nominative case singular and plural 2) prepositional case in singular and plural 3) accusative case in singular and plural 4) Dative case in singular and plural. Module 4. 20 contact hours of teaching Imperfective and perfective aspect of Russian verbs and their usage. Conjugation of Russian verbs so far studied; formation of Russian tenses; present, past and future tenses; simple and compound future tenses; Introducing Russian verbs of motion with more frequently used prefixes; Direct and indirect speech. Recommended text books: (Any one of the following available text books can be used.) 1. Russian, by V.N.Wagner and Y.G.Ovsienko Lessons 1 to 25, Peoples Publishing House New Delhi 2. Russian for beginners, by Y.G.Ovsienko Lessons 1 to 19, Russian Language Publishers, Moscow 3. Russian for everybody, Edited by V. Kostomarov Lessons 1 to 30 Russian Language Publishers, Moscow 1977 4. Russian in exercises, by S. Khavronina, A. Shirochenskaya Russian Language Publishers, Moscow 1978 Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model question paper COMMON COURSE- 7 : COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS IN RUSSIAN Programme: BA/BSc/BCom. Semester -1 ; Time: 3 Hours ; Weightage: 4 ( 80% ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. Name in Russian any 10 objects found in the class-room and classify them in gender (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter).(Weightage-1, grade-D, w.g.p-10) II. Write the Russian equivalent words for the following and provide their plural form. (Weightage-1, Grade-D, 1. father 2. sister. 3. daughter. 4. brother. 5. son. 6. uncle. 7. children. 8. mother. 9. friend. 10. student. III There are 10 mistakes in the given passage. Underline the wrong words and write the correct form. У мне есть друг. Он зовут Винид. Винид студенть. Он учиться в институт. Он живут в общежитие. Он изучает по-русски. Он хорошо говорить русский язык. IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs given in the rackets.Attempt any five only. Джон -----------письмо . Мы --------------в парк. Гита ------------ журнал. Максим ---------в Москве студенты --------- на экскурсию. Нина ----------- в киоске. / писать / / идти / / читать / ./ жить/ / ехать / / работать/ Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct form of the words given in the brackets Attempt any four. a. Дети ---------- в детский сад. / идти, идёт, идём, идут, идёте / b. Студенты -------- на экскурсию. / едет, ехать, едешь, едут, еду/ c. Он --------- книгу в портфель. / кладу, кладут, кладёшь, кладёт/ d. Она ------- карту мира. / рисую, рисуем, рисует, рисовает/ e. Студенты -------- в библиотеке. / занимается, занимают, занимаемся, занимаются/ VI. Insert the possessive pronouns мой, его, её, наш, ваш, их in the correct form. Это ------- дом. Я живу внизу. Вот ----- комната. Рядом живёт ------ сестра. Это ------ комната. Брат тоже живёт внизу. Вот ------- комната. -----родители живут наверху. Вот ---- комната. В окно я вижу ---- улицу. -----улица очень широкая. По ------ улице идёт трамвай. VI. Fill in blanks using the following words: Этот, эта, это, эти -------- наша библиотека. ------ библиотека большая и удобная. ------ студенты учатся в нашем классе. -------- студентка приехала из Дели. -------- дом. ------дом строили два года. VII. Write a dialogue in Russian between you and your friend over the phone regarding the excursion scheduled on Sunday morning to Kovalam beach VIII. Write a letter to your friend invitinging him to visit your place to spend summer holidays with you. IX. Write an essay in Russian (minimum 10 sentences) about any one of the topics given below: 1. your school 2. your family 3. my class-mate X. Compete the dialogue. ------------------? Меня зовут Олег. ------------------? Да, Я студент. ------------------? Я живу в Москву. -------------------? Мои родители живут в Москве. -------------------? Да, работают. Отец инженер, а мать врач. ------------------? Я приехал в Индию учиться в Делийском Университете. --------------------. Я тоже рад познакомиться с вами. --------------- . До сведания. Semester – I COMMON COURSE 7 -UG/SDE MODE Course Code & Title : : FL(S) 1A07 (1) Communicative Skills in Syriac Stream : BA/BSc Credit -4 weightage: 4 ( 80%) MODEL QUESTION BA/BSc FL(S) 1A07 (1) - Communicative Skills in Syriac Time: 3 Hrs Weightage: 4 ( 80%) Internal Examination:With 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet. Internal evaluation: Weightage: 1 (20) % Scheme of End-Semester Examination: External Question paper may contain: 1) Short answer type (consisting 9 questions with I weightage each – 9 x 1 = 9 wt.) 2) Paragraph Type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5 x 2 = 10 wt.) 3) Essay type questions (out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2 x 4 = 8w.) (Total number of questions 19, Total wt.27) Semester- 2 1. FL(F)2A 08(1) :Translation and Communication in French 2. FL(G)2A 08(1) :Translation and Communication in German 3. FL(R)2A 08 :Translation and Communication in Russian 4. FL(S)2A 08(1) :Translation and Communication in Syriac SEMESTER – 2 COMMON COURSE – 8 Course code - FL(F) 2A 08 (1) COURSE TITLE : TRANSLATION AND COMMUNICATION IN FRENCH SYLLABUS STREAM -BA/B.Sc Credit 4 Weightage-4 ( 80%) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aims:1) To ameliorate the level of language proficiency 2) To inculcate the cultural aspect of the region. 3) To analyze & evaluate other translated texts. Course Outline: 4 Modules 1. Module I : Translation as Communication, translation as transmission, social and cultural factors. 2. Module II: Literary translation, commercial translation from source language to target language and vice-versa. 3. Module III: Analysis of translated texts, treatment of technical terminology in the translated texts. General principles for the translation of key words and culturespecific terms. 4. Module IV: Business translation, translation of advertisements. Text Book :: Bonne Route Vol I By Pierre Gibert and Philippe Greffet. Pub. By Alliance Francaise and Hachette. Lessons 9-17 Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 wt.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER SEMESTER-2 COMMON COURSE-8 FL(F) 2A 08 (1) : TRANSLATION AND COMMUNICATION IN FRENCH Time : 3 Hours Weightage :4 (80%) I A) Reliez les phrases: 1. Ou allons-nous.? Des chaussures noires 2. Je préfère à côte de la poste 3. Le magasin est Dans les grands magasins 4. Le samedi, il ya un monde fou au ‘Bon Marché’ B. Completez avec ‘beau’, ‘beaux’, ‘belle’ ou ‘belles’: 1. un ................ costume, 2. de ................. livres 3. de ................. horloges 4. une.................chambre. C. Cochez les bonnes réponses: 1. Patrick □ Antonio □ travaille à Paris L’oncle d’Antonio □ 2. Patrick □ Daniel □ travaille à Lisbonne L’oncle d’Antonio □ 3. La société d’ Antonio □ De l’oncle d’ Antonio □ est portugaise De Patrick □ II A. Répondez á quatre des questions suivantes: 1. Quelle heure est-il maintenant? 2. Quand est-ce que tu vas au college? 3. Ou est ta maison? 4. Quel age avez-vous? B. Traduisez en anglais: 1. Nicolas Legrand est un musicien. 2. ‘L’ Avare’ est écrit par Molière 3. M et Mme Mouly ont besoin de déménager, 4. L’ UNICEF est crée en 1946 par l’ ONU. C. Traduisez en français: 1. Serge worked hard. 2. He learnt his lessons well. 3. Mr. Ledoux lives in a big house. 4. They need two or three rooms. D. Répondez par écrit: 1. Est-ce que vous aimez aller au concert? 2. Est-ce qu’il ya beaucoup de restaurants dans le quartier de Jane? 3. Est-ce que les cinq amis vont au cinéma? 4. Est-ce qu’ils vont au restaurant? III. Traduisez en anglais: A) Elle : Elle : Tu as le carnet de cheques? Lui : Oui, Pourquoi? Il ya deux ou trois gros chèques a faire. Pour huit ou neuf mille francs au moins. Ta voiture, nos impôts, mon dentiste. B. Elle : Il faut déménager…… les enfants grandissent……. Chacun va avoir besoin d’ une chambre maintenant. Lui : ……. Oui….. mais? C’esl un gros problème Qu’est-ce qu’ on fait? On reste à Paris? On cherche quelquechose en banlieue? C : Oui, en vacances…… Pour trois jours seulements…… ce n’est pas beaucoup, mais je suis contente de te revoir…… : Non, non, je. n’oublie pas le cassoulet! Allons, Maria….. A demain, l’heure tourne! D. Irene : Alors, ce bac, ça a marché? Serge : Comme ci, comme ça. Les maths ça va, la philo….hum! Tu sais, avec les correcteurs, on n’est jamais sur….. Toi, tu as eu de la chance, tu as eu ton bac facilement. Weightage 2 IV. Traduisez: A: en français Jane : What do we do this evening? Shall we go for a movie? At the C.G. there are two very good films, “37 le matin” and “Sous le soleil de Satan” Lamia : yes, but on Friday evening, at the theatre, you have to stand in a queue. B. en francais: My dear friend, For the summer holidays, I am looking for a small house on rent in the countryside,near your house. With our three children, we need two or three rooms, a big drawing room a kitchen and a bathroom. Can you find it for me? With all my love, Sd/C. en anglais Il dit non avec la tête Mais il dit oui avec le coeur il dit out a ce qu’il aime il dit non au professeur il esl debout on le questionne et tous les problèmes sont posés Soudain le fou rire le prend. D: en anglais: La croix-Rouge est une organisation internationale fondee en 1863, par Henri Dumant pour secourir les blesses de guerre, Aujourd’hui elle est présente dans tous les pays. Elle aide les victimes des guerres et des catastrophes naturelles. En temps de paix, la croix – Rouge aide les malades, les pauvres et les personnes seules. Semester – 2 Common Course -8 FL(G) 2A 08 (1) Course Title: Translation and Communication in German Stream :B.A/B.Sc Credits : 4 Weightage : (4) 80% Syllabus Objectives : Translation from and into the target language ( here German ) is a difficult task that requires great skill and practice. After completing one common course in German, the student is expected to be able to converse fluently on most standard topics related to daily life. He or she should also be a position to comprehend what a native speaker says in any given everyday situation. Course Description : Module I In the course of the syllabus the students come across situations in German social life such as shopping, buying birthday gifts, New Year celebrations, asking directions, family life, etc. By means of role play and writing brief reports on the situations mentioned above, the students acquire the targeted skills. Module II Further development of already acquired communication patterns through the introduction of simple German texts based on daily life in German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Module III The introduction of practical training in translation from and into German. Module IV Further training in creative writing in German as well as a brief introduction to commercial German expressions. Text Book prescribed: Lernziel Deutsch ( Lessons 7-12 ) Reference Materials : Lernziel Deutsch Themen Tangram Wirtschaftsdeutsch Schulz-Griesbach Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER COMMON COURSE -8: Translation and Communication in German SEMESTER - 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Time: 3 Hours Weightage –4 ( 80%) Ia. Setzen Sie die richtige Präposition ein! Er interessiert sich _____ Musik. ( in, für ) Wir freuen uns ____ das Geschenk. ( bei, über ) Ich denke _______ meine Heimat. ( von, an ) Die Studenten fahren _______ Haus. ( zu, nach ) Ib. Welche Antwort ist richtig? Sie hat in diesem Haus _________. ( wohnt, gewohnt ) 2. Er ________ nach Deutschland gefahren. ( ist, haben ) 3. Der Lehrer ist heute _____. ( ankommen, angekommen ) 4. Wir haben das nicht ____________. ( wissen, gewusst ) Ic. Bilden Sie das Präteritum ! Beispiel : Dino fährt nach Bonn. Dino fuhr nach Bonn. 1. 2. 3. Der Zug kommt pünktlich. Monika kauft den Pullover. Wir bringen die Kamera mit. IIa. Übersetzen Sie die folgenden Sätze! 1. Ich kümmere mich um die Familie. 2. Atu hat ein Zimmer gemietet. 3. Am Wochenende sind wir zu Hause geblieben. 4. Sie lernte viele Ausländer kennen. IIb. Was macht man hier? Beispiel : Büro : arbeiten 1. Universität Brot kaufen 2. Bäckerei studieren 3. Garten Briefe schicken 4. Post Blumen pflanzen IIc. Lesen Sie den Text und beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen! Angelika sagt : Ich war zuerst vier Jahre in der Grundschule. Dann wollten mich meine Eltern aufs Gymnasium schicken. Ich musste eine Prüfung machen, und die habe ich bestanden. Auf dem Gynasium hatten wir die Fächer Deutsch, Mathematik, Physik und Englisch. Das waren Hauptfächer. 1972 machte ich das Abitur und begann mein Studium. 1. Wie lange war Angelika in der Grundschule? 2. Hat sie die Prüfung bestanden? 3. Welche Hauptfächer hatte sie? 4. Wann begann sie ihr Studium? IId. Ergänzen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Reflexivpronomen! 1. Heinz und Gerda können ______ eine Wohnung leisten. 2. Wir treffen ____ oft mit dem Lehrer. 3. Ich kaufe ____ ein Wörterbuch. 4. Er wünscht ___ keine Kinder. IIIa. Ordnen Sie die Sätze! Rewrite the following dialogue in the correct sequence. The first sentence is given: An der Hotelrezeption: a. Guten Tag, mein Name ist Schneider. Ich habe ein Zimmer reserviert. 1. Danke sehr! 2. Nein, nein. Ist Frau Krause schon da? 3. Guten Tag, Herr Schneider! Sie haben Zimmer Nummer 14. Haben Sie viel Gepäck? 4. Ja, Frau Krause hat Zimmer Nummer 22. 5. Bitte sehr! 4. IIIb.Welche Sätze Passenzusammen? Match the following: 1. Wie geht es Ihnen? Wann gehen Sie ins Bett? 2. Das kostet 5 Euro. Wohin gehen Sie? 3. Um 10 Uhr. Danke, gut. 4. Ich gehe ins Kino. Wieviel kostet das? IIIc. Bilden Sie Sätze! 1. Atu Konga, Studium, 2009, beenden 2. Heute, Dino, Deutschunterricht, haben 3. Claudia, unabhängig, bleiben, möchten Wir, einen Urlaub, auf, Deutschland, in, sparen IIId. Schreiben Sie die Wörter auf Deutsch! Newspaper To understand To marry _____________ _____________ ______________ Lecture _______________ IVa. Übersetzen Sie ins Englische! In der Schweiz lebte einmal ein Graf. Er hatte nur einen einzigen Sohn, aber der war dumm und wollte nichts lernen. Da sprach sein Vater : „Mein lieber Sohn, du musst fort von hier. Ich will dich zu einem Lehrer schicken, der soll dich unterrichten. Ich möchte einen klugen Sohn!“ IVb. Schreiben Sie kurz über dieses Thema! Einkaufen im Supermarkt Vokabular : Samstag, Lebensmittel, Reis, Fleisch, Kassetten, Getränke, Milch, Mineralwasser, kaufen, gehen, Stadt, Bus, kosten IVc. Antworten Sie auf Deutsch! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sind Sie verheiratet? Haben Sie Kinder? Warum lernen Sie Deutsch? Wie oft gehen Sie ins Kino? Gefällt Ihnen der Film ,Slumdog Millionaire’ ? Wie ist das Wetter heute? Was trinken Sie zum Frühstück? Wann schreiben Sie die Prüfung? SEMESTER -2 COMMON COURSE- 8: FL(R) 2A 08 Course Title : Translation and communication in Russian Programme: BA/BSc/BCom. Credits- 4 Weightage- 4 (80%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Syllabus 4 Modules Objectives: 1. Introducing Russian as a source language to a minimum level of competency to understand the source language texts. 2. Understanding translation as a linguistic, cultural, economic and professional activity. 3. Evaluating and interpreting translation at different spheres of human activities like literary, media, science and technical fields. 4. Familiarising technology of translation with its possibilities and limitations. Module (1) 20 contact hours of teaching A quick revision of basic Russian grammar and complete the uncovered two cases (in level-l) like Genetive and Instrumental cases in singular and plural. Declensions of nouns and adjectives in singular and plural in all the six cases. expression of time – tenses in Russian-present, past and future tenses. Verbal adverbs, participles; comparative degree, superlative degree, reflective verbs, cardinal and ordinal numbers, names of week days and months. Module (2) 20 contact hours of teaching Role and relevance of translation - translation as communication, translation as transmission of knowledge beyond language boundaries, translation as cross cultural interaction between nations and people, translation in the present context, translation practices, translation and interpretation as a profession, institutions involved in translation as a means of communication. Module (3) 20 contact hours of teaching Theories of translation- Linguistic, literary, cultural, and communicative, types of translation- literary, non-literary, scientific and technical translation, key conceptsequivalence, faithful translation, free translation, adaptations, source and target language peculiarities- criteria for good and readable translation, treatment of technical terminology in target language- general principles for translation of literary and technical texts. Module (4) 20 contact hours of teaching Analysis and evaluation of translated texts- literary, non-literary, science and technical texts after translation- assessment and suggestion for improving the target language texts after translation- Assignment for internal assessment – selection of texts for translation under the guidance of class teacher, review of the translated text in the class-room and students participation in reviewing the translation- grades may be awarded as internal assessment- literary translations can be encouraged and the translations can be published as college publications. Recommended text books: Any one of the following available text books can be used. 1. Russian by V.N.Wagner and Y.G.Ovsienko Lessons 26 to 40, Peoples Publishing House New Delhi 2. Russian for beginners by Y.G.Ovsienko Lessons 20 to 33, Russian Language Publishers, Moscow 3. Russian in exercises by S. Khavronina, A. Shirochenskaya Russian Language Publishers, Moscow 1978 4. A linguistic theory of translation, J.C.Catford Oxford University Press 5. The theory and practice of translation. Nida Eugin and Charles Taber 6. Translation and Translatin, Theory and Practice, Bell Roger.T. and Christopher N Candlin 1989 Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model question paper COMMON COURSE- 8: Translation and communication in Russian Programme: BA/BSc/BCom. Semester- 2. Time: 3 hours Weightage: 4(80%) 1 Write an essay on any one of the following topics: 1. Different types of translation. 2. The problem of equivalance in translation 3. Relevance of translation in the contemporary world. 11 W rite brief note any two of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transcreation limitation in literary translation. Socio-cultural elements in translation Yardstick for good translation. 111. Write short notes on any four of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Translatability of a text Transliteration. An acceptable definition of translation Contextual elements in translation Adaptations Eqivalence in translation IV Translate the following text into English: Антон Павлович Чехов , сын лавочника, внук крепосного, родился в 1860 году в Таганроге, в городе на берегу Азовского моря. Чехов рано начал работать, помогать семье; Когда учился в гимназии, давал уроки , чтобы заработать деньги для семьи, работал в лавке отца. После окончания гимназии Антон Павлович поступил на медицинский факультет Московского Университета. В годы учёбы в университете он публикует свои первые юмористические рассказы. В 1884 году опубликован первый сборник его рассказов. Чехов становится известным писателем. Всё творчество Чехова тесно связано с жизнью русского народа. Любимые герои Чехова – это всегда люди труда , крестьяне, трудовая интелигенция . Чехов верил в великую силу труда , верил в людей труда. Он мечтал о лучшем будущем своей родины , мечтал о времени , когда вся россия станет прекрасным садом. Сам Чехов не уставал служить своему народу. Врач по профессии , он бесплатно лечил людей, построил на свои деньги сельскую больницу , помогал всем , кто к нему обращался. Жизнь писателя была коротка , он умер в сорок четыре года , в 1904 году. Но произведения , которые он создал за 25 лет напряжённой работы , сыграли огромную роль в развитии русской и мировой литературы. V Translate the following text into English: Учёный и поэт Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов занимался химией, физикой, геологией, астрономией, русской грамматикой. Он сделал важные открытия в области химии и физики. Но главная его заслуга перед наукой – основание первого русского университета, который открылся в Москве в мае 1755 года. О значении Ломоносова для русской науки хорошо сказал Александер Сергеевич пушкин: “ Ломоносов был великий человек…Он создал первый университет, он, лучше сказать, сам был первым нашим университетом”. V1 A) Translate the following texts into Russian Anton and John are friends. They study together in the University of Calicut. They usually go to the class together in the morning by walk. They are learning English in the evening class. After the classes they go to the canteen and take coffee or tea. Then they go to the library and prepare their home work. They return home late in the evening. B) I have a friend. His name is Mohan. He studies in Cochin University. He studies physics. I often visit him. He has many books. His hobby is to collect books. He lends books to others. He advises other friends what to read. Especially children often come to him to borrow books. He has a good collection of children’s books. We go together to the bookshops to buy new ones. Semester – II COMMON COURSE 8 SYRIAC - UG/SDE MODE --- COURSE CODE- FL(S) 2A08 (1) TRANSLATION ANDCOMMUNICATION IN SYRIAC Stream : BA/BSc. Credit : 4 Weightage : 4 ( 80%) Internal evaluation by OMR : 1 (20%) ; External exam.- 4 ( 80%) Semester – II COMMON COURSE 8 SYRIAC - UG/SDE MODE - Model Questions Cours : FL(S) 2A08 (1) TRANSLATION ANDCOMMUNICATION IN SYRIAC Time : 3 Hours Weightage : 4 ( 80%) Semester -3 1. FL(F) 3A 09 - Literature in French 2. FL(G) 3A 09 - Literature in German 3. FL(R) 3A 09 - Literature in Russian 4. FL(S) 3A 09 - Literature in Syriac SEMESTER – 3 COMMON COURSE -9 Course code FL (F) 3A 09 - COURSE TITLE : LITERATURE IN FRENCH Syllabus CREDIT : 4 STREAM : BA/BSc WEIGHTAGE : ( 4 ) 80% Aims: 1) to introduce the students into the realm of French literature. 2) to familiarize the students with the French culture & civilization. 3) Also, acquisition of vocabulary so as to understand the language better. Course Outline: 4 modules 1. Module I: Reading of certain contemporary literature. 2. Module II: Literary appreciation, literary study. 3. Module III: General study of literature. 4. Module IV: Appreciation of cinema/theatre. Text Book: BONNE ROUTE.Vol I ( Lessons- 18-25) By Pierre Gibert and Philippe Greffet , Pub. Alliance Francaise and Hachette Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER COMMON COURSE-9 : LITERATURE IN FRENCH Time : 3 Hours Weightage- 4 (80%) I. A) Reliez les phrases: 1. Edith deteste louer un studio 2. Nous commençons a boire de l’eau. 3. Elle préfère jouer aux cartes 4. Ils cherchent a marcher tous les jours B. Completez avec ‘pas’, ‘plus’, ou ‘rien’ 1. L ‘avenir n’ est ……. rose. 2. Les jeunes qui n’ ont …… de diplôme ne trouvent pas de travail. 3. Les vieux qui perdent leur place ne trouvent ……. d’ employeur. 4. Antoine n’aime …… travailler. C. Cochez la bonne reponse: (Rose ou noir?) 1. Pour les jeunes, ce n’est pas facile! 2. Du travail, il n’en manqué pas! 3. L’avenir n’est pas rose! II A. Re’pondez aux questions suivantes avec ‘oui’ ou ‘non’, dans une phrase complete: 1. Pierre a fait du ski l’annee dernière. 2. M. et Mure. Dupre’ aiment faire du ski. 3. Mme. Dupre aime bien la lecture. 4. M. Dupre fait beaucoup de sport. B. Faites une phrase au present ou au passe’ compose’: (Exemple je/rencontrer: J ‘ai rencontre’ Jerome) 1. Joseph/epouser 2. Jerome/etre en poste 3. Leurs fils/parler 4. Leur fille/travailler. C. Formez des noms:| Example: programmer – programmeur. 1. acheter 2. manger 3. voyager 4. professer. D. A qui parlez-vous? (Exemple: Votre voisine- Parlez-vous a votre voisine? Oui, nous lui parlons souvent. Non……) 1. La secretaire du patron. 2. La jolie brune du troisième. 3. Les copains de Philippe 4. Le docteur Chataignier III A. Traduisez en anglais. Le visage en feu. J’ arrive a un Carrefour, Le feu etait au rouge. Il n’y avait pas de voitures, je passe’ ! Seulement, il y avait Un agent qui faisait le guet B. Ecrives vos impressions en cinq phrases une de ces professions: 1. instituteur 2. prêtre 3. medecin C. Lisez le texte suivant et répondez aux questions en français: Voici mon problème: j’ai dix-neuf ans et je suis au chômage depuis un an. Comme je n’ai pas de ressources, je vis chez mes parents. 1. Qeul esl le problème de l’auteur? 2. Quel age a-t-il? 3. Ou vit-il? 4. Pourquoi il y vit? D. Tradiusez en anglais: Tous les matins, elle prenait le train. Elle descendait a Saint-Lazare et troittinait sans regarder les vitrines jusqu’au salon de coiffure. Elle senfilait sa blouse rose. IV.A. Lisez le poeme suivant et donnez le ‘resume’ en anglais: La couleur locale Comme il est beau ce petit paysage Ces deux rochers, ces quelques arbres Et puis l’eau et puis le rivage Comme il est beau Tres peu de bruit un peu de vent Et beaucoup d’eau C’est un petit paysage de Bretagne. Ecrit par: Jacques Prevert B. Racontez en francais une histoire d’amour (en 100 mots) ou Racontez une histoire d’un film, en 100 mots. C. Aimez-vous le théâtre? Pourquoi? Justifiez. D. Redigez votre curriculum vitae avec les mots clés: nom, prénom, age, nationalité, domicile,situation de famille, études et formation, experiences professionnelles, experiences diverses. Semester -3 Common Course – 9 FL (G) 3A 09 - Course Title: Literature in German (Selected readings) Stream : B.A/B.Sc Credits : 4 Weightage – 4 (80%) Syllabus Objectives After undergoing one year’s language course in German the students would have acquired enough familiarity with the target language that they can read and comprehend basic everyday German communication as well as simple literary texts .They will be able to communicate in most everyday situations with native speakers . An aesthetic sensibility would also be developed which help them in gaining comparative insights into the social and cultural value system of the German society. Course Description Module I Grammar and Strukturen only from lessons 13to 16 in Lernziel Deutsch I. Module II Selected prose readings 1. Der Fernseher: Hermann Klier, AUSLESE, P.60 2. Ich rufe aus Amerika an: Burghild Holzer, AUSLESE, P. 39 3. Das Brot: Wofgang Borchert, Deutsche Gegenwart 4. Rotkäppchen: from Deutsche Märchen und Sagen Module III Selected poems 1. Ein Gleiches : Goethe, from Echtermeyer von Wiese, P.234 2. Familienleben: Manfred Eishorn, from AUSLESE, P.51 3. Der Schneider von Ulm: Bertolt Brecht, AUSLESE, P. 36 Module IV Comprehension and analysis of selected literary texts. Additional exercises on vocabulary building can also be done to enable the learners to write short texts and simple verse in the target language . Text Books: a. Lessons 13to 16 in Lernziel Deutsch I (see module I) b. Selected prose and poems given in modules II & III Reference materials Lernziel Deutsch I Themen Tangram Auslese Echtermeyer von Wiese;Deutsche Gedichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart Schulz-Griesbach Deutsche Gegenwart Deutsche Märchen und Sagen Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER COMMON COURSE – 9: Litrerature in German (Selected Readings) SEMESTER- 3 Time:3 Hours Weightage-80% 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. I a. Ergänzen Sie ! Der ____ Kollege kommt aus Japan. ( neue, neuer) Die ____ Familie macht Urlaub in Spanien. (ganzen, ganze) Wir mieten ein ____ Haus. (schöner, schönes) Die Lehrerin hilft den ____ Studenten. (jungen, junger) b. Ergänzen Sie den Genitiv! Die Strassen _____ der Hauptstadt sind breit. (der, des) Das Haus _____ Freundes ist sehr schön. (meinen, meines) Die Eltern _____ Kinder sind berufstätig. (der, des) Die Miete _____ Hauses ist hoch. (das, des) c. Verbinden Sie die Sätze! 1. Ich weiss nicht, a. dass er eine bessere Stelle finden kann. 2. Peter geht nicht in die Schule, b. wie ich das machen soll. 3. Er sagt, c. weil er krank ist. II a. Bitte übersetzen Sie die folgenden Sätze ins Englische! 1. Die Kinder wollen weg von zu Hause. 2. Er gibt zu viel Geld aus. 3. Ich habe keine Lust zu arbeiten. 4. Die Schweiz ist eines der reichsten Länder. b. Antworten Sie auf Englisch! 1. Was kaufte die Mutter? ( Der Fernseher) 2. Warum wachte die alte Frau auf? (Das Brot) 3. Was fragt die Tochter? (Ich rufe aus Amerika an) 4. Wohin geht Rotkäppchen? (Rotkäppchen) c. Antworten Sie auf Englisch! 1. 2. 3. 4. Welche Tageszeit ist es? (Ein Gleiches) Was sagt der Schneider? (Der Schneider von Ulm) Wie beschreibt der Mann sein Familienleben am Anfang? (Familienleben) Gelingt es dem Schneider zu fliegen? (Der Schneider von Ulm) d. Bitte lesen Sie den folgenden Text und antworten Sie die Fragen auf Englisch! Frau Lang, 72 Jahr alt, wohnt in einer grossen Altbauwohnung in Dortmund. Sie ist noch recht aktiv und eine grosse Hilfe für die ganze Familie.“Früh um halb acht kommt mein Schwiegersohn und bringt die beiden Enkelkinder, auf die ich aufpasse, bis meine Tochter mittags mit ihrer Arbeit fertig ist. Sie arbeitet nur halbtags, wissen Sie. Die Kleinen sind süß, wirklich, zwei liebe Kinder, mit denen man wunderbar spielen kann.“ 1. Wie alt ist Frau Lang? 2. Wie viele Enkelkinder hat sie? 3. Wann bringt der Schwiegersohn die Enkelkinder zu Frau Lang? 4. Arbeitet die Tochter den ganzen Tag? III a. Bilden Sie ein neues Wort mit dem Artikel! Beispiel: ‚der Einwohner’ + ‚die Zahl’ = die Einwohnerzahl 1. das Haus + die Tür ´ 2. der Bahnhof + die Uhr 3. der Geburtstag + die Karte 4. das Foto + das Album b. Bilden Sie Nomen aus den folgenden Verben! Beispiel: arbeiten _´ die Arbeit 1. wünschen 2. fragen 3. fahren 4. sprechen c. Ergänzen Sie die Komparativformen! Beispiel: Köln ist schön. Hamburg ist schöner als Köln. 1. Peter ist gross. Sein Bruder ist _____ als Peter. 2. München ist 800 Jahre alt. Frankfurt ist _____ als München. 3. Das Hemd ist teuer. Der Pullover ist _____. 4. Martin ist jung , aber Claudia ist ______. d. Setzen Sie die Satzteile richtig zusammen! 1. Ich warte auf den Zug, a. in der mein Freund wohnt. 2. Das sind die deutschen Touristen , b. dessen Kinder in Amerika studieren. 3. Das ist die Wohnung, c. der nach Berlin fährt. 4. Kennen Sie den Arzt, d. denen wir geholfen haben. IVa. Bitte übersetzen Sie ins Englische! Es ist eine Weile still. Dann sagt er:“Es ist niemand zu Hause.“Und ich sage : „ Aber du bist doch da“. Er schweigt. Versucht etwas zu sagen. Ich frage:Was machst du denn?“ Er ist ganz still. Dann sagt er: „Ich liege am Balkon“ . Es kommt so still heraus, so ruhig, wie der Abend selber, in dem er sich befindet. Es muss ein warmer Abend sein. b. Bitte übersetzen Sie ins Englische! nun treffen wir uns noch zweimal täglich an der Haustür wenn ich zur Arbeit gehe und sie von der Arbeit kommt und umgekehrt. c. Schreiben Sie kurz auf Englisch über eins der folgenden Themen! ( 8- 10 Sätze) 1. Ein deutsches Märchen 2. Die Nachteile des Fernsehers 3. Die Natur und der Mensch in Goethes „Ein Gleiches“ d. Antworten Sie auf die Fragen auf Deutsch! ( nur 4 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wann gehen Sie ins Bett? Was machen Sie am Wochenende? Warum lernen Sie Deutsch? Wann haben Sie Geburtstag? Wie viele Sprachen sprechen Sie? Wann haben Sie Sommerferien? SEMESTER – 3 COMMON COURSE-9 Course code & title - FL (R) 3A 09 Literature in Russian ( Selected Readings) Credit- 4 Programme: BA/BSc/BCom. Weightage- 4 (80%) Syllabus Objectives: 1. Initiation into analysis of literary texts in Russian 2. Reading of the texts in original Module 1: The following texts are prescribed for detailed study in Russian. F.C. Georby : Z dfc K/,bk Z gjvy/ xelyjt vuyjdtybt V.?. Ktgvjyhjd : Gfhec Y.D.Ujujk : Ibytk K.Y. Njkcnjq : Gjckt <fkf F.G.Xt[jd {fvtktjy > Njkcnsq b Njymrbq : The following texts are prescribed for general reading in English A.S. Pushkin : Captain's Daughter Lermontov, M.Y : Hero of our time (Maxim Maximovich) Gogol : The Inspector Turgenev : Fathers and Sons Dostoevsky : Crime and Punishment Gorky : Mother Module 2: Appreciation of Literature (in Russian) a) Appreciation and Critical analysis of short poems of Pushkin, Lermontov. b) Appreciation and critical analysis of short stories of Gogol, Chekhov. c) Appreciation and critical analysis of fiction – Tolstoy. Module 3: Critical thinking and evaluation of Literature (in English) a) Evaluation and presentation of short novels – Characterisation, theme, critical analysis (Pushkin, Lermontov). b) Evaluation and presentation of Drama (Gogol). c) Evaluation and presentation of novels (Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Gorky). Module 4: Major literary movements in Russian literature (in English) a) Neo-classicism – Role of Trediakovsky and Lomonosov. b) Sentimentalism – Karamzin. c) Pre-romantic movement in Russian poetry – Zhukovsky. d) Romantic movement and Pushkin. - The Rise of the novel, the prose of Pushkin and Lermontov. e) Naturalism and Gogol. f) Realism – novelists, poets, playwrights. g) Symbolist and Post-symbolist movements: - Balmont, Blok, Bely, Akhmatova. h) Socialist Realism – literature of the war period and after. Module 5: Cross-cultural Communication – Project (Topics to be prescribed) Text books: 1. Edgar. V. Roberts : 2. Neil Cornwell (ed.) : 3. D.S. Mirsky : Writing Themes about Literature, Prentice Hall, 1991. The Routledge Companion to Russian Literature, 2001. A history of Russian Literature, Routledge, 1968. 4. S.M. Petravo : Istoria Russkoi Literatury, M, 1978. 5. V.I. Kuleshov : Istoria russkoi literatury, M, Russki Yazik, 1989. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) SEMESTER -3 : COMMON COURSE – 9 COURSE TITLE: LITERATURE IN SYRIAC (Selected Readings) Stream: B.A/B.Sc Objectives: Credit: 4 Weightage: 4 (80%) -To understand the origin, growth and contribution of the language -To acquaint with literary works and communicate events -Study about the literary genius and their contribution -Evaluation of current trends in literary thoughts Modules: 1. History of Syriac Literature: Pre-eminance of the languages Short stories and poems: (a) Josephus & his friends, (b) A prayer of James of Sarugh, (c) On Fasting 11. Literature in the early period upto the 7th century AD (1) Aphrahat (2) Ephrem, (3) Mar Balai, (4) Narsai, (5) Jacob of Odessa, (6) Jacob of Serugh, (7) Philexenos of Mabugh 111. From 7th to 17thC (1) Bar Habrews, (2) Abdhisho 1V. Modern Period 1) Translations, (2) Publications of SEERI, Kottayam V. Detailed Study: Text:The Wise way” St. Ephrem &“From the Heart” by Mar Yasdin Books recommended: 1. Aramaic Grammar - by Fr. Thomas Arayathinal 2. History of Syriac Language- Syriac language and literature –by Fr. Romeo Thomas 3. A brief outline of Syriac Literature. SEERI Kottayam.S Brock 4. A Short History of Syriac Literature – by W. Wright 5. The Syriac Language and Literatur – by Romeo Thomas 6. Collection of Syriac Gems- Poetry, Mannam- Kottayam. 7. Collection of Syriac Gems – Prose, Mannam- Kottayam. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 wt.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Semester – 3 COMMON COURSE 9 UG/SDE MODE Course code and Title - FL(S) 3A 409 (1): LITERATURE IN SYRIAC Time : 3 Hours Model Question weightage: 4 ( 80%) SEMESTER – 4 1. FL(F) 4A 10 : Culture and Civilisation of France (in comparison with Kerala culture) 2. FL(G) 4A 10 : Culture and Civilisation of Germany (in comparison with Kerala culture) 3. FL(R) 4A 10 : Culture and Civilisation of Russia (in comparison with Kerala culture) 4. FL(S) 4A 10 : Culture and Civilisation of Syriac Tradition (in Comparison with Kerala culture) SEMESTER : 4 COMMON COURSE -10 FL(F) 4A 10 : COURSE TITLE: CULTURE AND CIVILISATION OF FRANCE ( in Comparison with Kerala Culture) Syllabus CREDIT:4 STREAM: BA/BSc Weightage: 4 (80%) Aims: 1) To familiarize the student with the French culture &civilization. 2) To comprehend, compare & understand better the civilization of one’s native country. 3) To enrich the vocabulary Course Outline : 4 modules 1. Module I French culture and civilization. 2. Module II Cultural History of the French regions. 3. Module III Tourism, French cuisine, French fashion 4. Module IV Kerala culture-comparison. Text Book : : 1. BONNE ROUTE Vol I - Lessons 26-34. By Pierre Gibert and Philippe Greffet. Pub: Alliance Francaise and Hachette ( Om. Kailash Bookstall, Lal Bahadur Shastri Street, Pondichery) 1) Articles on Kerala culture with special emphasis on festivals, tourist centres, and cuisine. Reference books: 1. Le Nouveau Sans Frontiere Vol ! – CLE INTERNATIONALE 2. Espace Vol 1 3. Panorama Vol 1 4. Tempo Vol 1 5. Malayalam text: ‘Kerala vijnana Kosham’ Desabandhu Publications Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER SEMESTER- 4 - COMMON COURSE-10 CULTURE AND CIVILISATION OF France (in Comparison with Kerala Culture) TIME : 3 Hours WEIGHTAGE – 80% 1. A. Reliez l’ expression et sa definition 1. avoir des sous être pauvre 2. être prés de ses sous être propre 3. être propre comme un sou neuf être avare 4. n’avoir pas le sou être riche B. Completez les phrases: 1 La France? C’est un pays qui………….. 2. La France? C’est un pays que……….. 3. La France? C’est un pays dont………… 4. La France? C’est un pays ou…………….. C. Dites ‘vrai’ ou ‘faux’: 1. Ou passera au moins six heures par jour devant sa télévision. 2. Le cancer sera vaincu. 3. On apprendra l’ informatique des l’école primaire. II A. Répondez en français a quatre des questions suivantes: 1. Connaissez-vous un Français? Est-il gentil? 2. Aimez-vous Paris? Pourquoi? 3. Nommez un monument Français. 4. Qu’est-ce qu’un francophone? 5. Quel esl le plus grand état de la francophone B. Pour quel moyen d’ information (television, radio, presse) utilise-t-on ces mots? 1. téléspectateur 2. journal 3. auditeur 4. magazine C. Respondex par ‘oui’ ou ‘non’: 1. Les Francais sont des gens très bien informés. 2. Passer chaque jour 3 heures 30 devant son poste de télévision, c’est beaucoup! 3. Avec la télévision, tout le monde apprend les mêmes nouvelles au même moment. C’est intéressant! 4. Les nouvelles politiques intéressent beaucoup les gens. D. Lisez le texte suivant est. Répondez aux questions: M. Vincent est un home heureux. Pourtant, comme tout le monde, ses problèmes: de santé, de famille, d’argent et de travail…. Malgré tout, il est content de son sort parce qui’il est naturellement optimiste et qu’il a des goûts simples. 1. Quels sont les problèmes de M. Vincent? 2. Pourquoi M. Vincent est-il content de son sort? 3. Est-ce que M. Vincent est heureux? 4. Donnez trios qualités de M. Vincent. III. A. En l’an 2012 comment voyez-vous? (repondez á quatre des questions) 1. votre travail. 2. vos loisirs 3. le transport 4. votre nourriture 5. votre habillement B. Qu’est-ce que vous aimez lire? Décrivez (en cinq phrases) (les mots clés: les romans, les poèmes, les récits historiques, les livres d’ art) C. Faites une liste des cadeaux de marriage que vous souhaiteriez recevoir. (au moins cinq cadeaux) D. Est-ce qu’il existe dans votre pays des jeux d’argent. Est-ce qu’ils sont très populaires? Pourquoi? (Répondez en cinq phrases) IV. A. Repondez a un des sujets suivants (en 100 mots) 1. Quelles qualités les Français cherchent-ils chez une femme? Et vous, quelles qualités appreciez-vouz chez une femme/chez un homme? 2. Comment voyez-vous la France au XXI siècle? (employez les mots cle’s suivants: le marriage, la télévision, le transport, l’éducation, la médicine, l’ informatique) A. Décrivez en 150 mots ce que vous savez a propos de l’Alliance Française? B. Quelles sont les possibilités touristiques au Kerala? Répondez en français en 150 mots. : (C ) Decrive ançais deux fêtes du Kerala ( en 150 mots) **** Semester -4 - Common Course 10 FL(G) 4A 10 : Course Title : Culture and Civilization of Germany Stream : B.A/B.Sc. (in Comparison with Kerala Culture) Credit: 4 Weightage : 4 (80%) Syllabus Objectives : In this semester the main thrust is on German culture and civilization. The students are familiarized with customs and habits of the German speaking countries. At the same time they are encouraged to undertake an intensive comparative study of the culture of Kerala and the target culture of the German speaking countries. Course Description Module I In this module texts may be introduced dealing with topics like geographical features, Festivals, holidays, customs, cuisine (food & wine) , brief outline of history, sports and leisure activities, environmental issues etc. Module II Simple texts on German education and school system, youth, marriage, pensioners and old age homes . Module III Places of interest for travelers in German speaking countries & Kerala Module IV In this module assignments and projects may be given on topics like tourist destinations in Germany & Kerala, school system, hobbies, sports, festivals on a comparative basis. Students can also design posters and brochures on the various topics discussed in the first three modules. Books Recommended: 1. Blick auf Deutschland Vorderwuehlbecke: vonAnne und Klaus a) 1A Deutschland – Ein ueberblick b) 1B Reise durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland c) 3A Freizeit und Ferein d) 3B Reisen bildet e) 4A Das Schulsystem der BRD f) 8A Feste und Feiertage g) 8B Weihnachten 2. Lernziel Deutsch : Reihe 10: Dialog B & Information Reihe 13: Information-Jugend und Erziehung Reihe 14: Information-Die beiden deutschen Staaten und Staedte in Deutschland Reihe 16: Text 1, Text 2 und Text 4 3. Schulz Griesbach: a) Abschnitt 6 - Die Mahlzeiten b) Abschnitt 13 – Kleines Städte _ Quiz c) Deutschland und Öesterreich als Reiselaänder Reference Materials Lernziel Deutsch Themen I Karussell Schulz-Griesbach Blick auf Deutschland A_Z of German life and culture,p.276-307 in Oxford Color German Dictionary Plus Südindien und Goa selbst entdecken: Claudia Schneider, Zürich 1994 Orientierungkurs Gechichte Institutionen Leben in Deutschland, Langenscheidt Articles and reports from German newspapers and magazines Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER COMMON COURSE – 10 - Culture and Civilisation of Germany (in Comparison with Kerala Culture) SEMESTER-4 Time: 3 Hours Weightage-80% Ia. Richtig oder falsch? 1. In Deutschland suchen die Eltern den Ehepartner für die Kinder. 2. In Indien soll die Ehe das ganze Leben dauern. 3. In Deutschland gehen die Kinder mit 7 Jahren in die Schule. 4. Die Jugendlichen in Deutschland wollen unabhängig leben. Ib. Antworten Sie auf die folgenden Fragen! 1. 2. 3. 4. Wie heisst die Hauptsatdt von Deutschland? Nennen Sie zwei deutsche Flüsse! Wie heisst die Bundeskanzlerin? Wie viele Länder gibt es in Deutschland? Ic . Welche Antwort ist richtig? 1. Mozart ist ein deutscher ................ (Komponist, Mathematiker, Politiker) 2. Der beliebteste Sport in Deutschland ist .....................(Cricket, Fussball,Tennis) 3. In Österreich spricht man ................( Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch) II a. Welche Antwort ist richtig? 1. Wie heisst der deutsche Missionar, der das erste Malyalam-Englische Wörterbuch schrieb? (Hermann Hesse, Hermann Gundert, Max Mueller) 2. In welchem Jahr ist die Berliner Mauer(wall) gefallen? (1990,2001, 1989) 3. Welche Farben hat die deutsche Fahne?(flag) (Schwarz-rot-gold, schwarz-rot-grün,schwarz-.rot-weiss) 4. Deutschland liegt in ______.( Mitteleurpa, Südeuropa, Nordeuropa) b. Ergänzen Sie! . Die 3. Stadt ist sehr _______ , sie ______ an einem Fluss. Es gibt viele ________ über ihn. Sie ist auch _______ durch ihren Dom; man hat viele Jahrhunderte daran ________. Trotz des alten Doms und der vielen Kirchen aus dem Mittelalter ist sie heute eine ganz _______ Stadt. Nur den Karneval _____ man wie früher. Ein besonderes Wasser führt den _______ der Stadt. ( moderne, Lieder, feiert, liegt, alt, bekannt, Namen, gebaut) c. Antworten Sie ! 1. Nennen Sie zwei deutsche Feste! 2. Was für ein Fest ist Ostern? 3. Wie feiert man Silvester? 4. Wo findet das Oktoberfest statt? d. Wie heisst das auf Deutsch? 1. map - L________. 2. travel agency - R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3. to reserve r__________. 4. to swim s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. III a Kombinieren Sie richtig! 1. Zum Frühstück isst man a. Bier 2. Beim Abschied sagt man: b. Danke! 3. Wenn man ein Geschenk bekommt, sagt man: c. Brot und Butter 4. Die Deutschen trinken gern d. Auf Wiedersehen! b. Welches Wort passt nicht in die Gruppe ! 1. Karneval, Weihnachten,Tag der Einheit, Ostern, Pfingsten 2. Flüsse, Berge, Städte, Seen, Kirche 3. München, Bonn, Leipzig, Paris, Frankfurt 4. Rhein, Elbe, Mosel, Ganges, Donau c. Schreiben Sie 4 Wörter, die Sie mit dem Wort „ Fest“ assoziieren können: Fest Beispiel: feiern 1.-------- 2--------- 3--------- 4--------d. Was macht man hier? 1. Küche a. tanzen 2. Museum b. kochen 3. Sprachinstitut c. besuchen 4. Diskothek d. Deutsch lernen IV a. Lesen Sie den Text und antworten Sie auf Englisch ! In manchen Familien sind der Vater und die Mutter berufstätig. Deshalb sehen viele Kinder und Jugendliche ihre Eltern tagsüber nicht. Vormittags gehen sie in die Schule und nachmittags sind sie allein zu Hause oder treffen sich mit ihren Freunden. Im Alter von 16 bis 20 Jahren verdienen viele Jugendliche schon ihr eigenes Geld. 1.Was machen die Kinder vormittags? 2. Sehen die Kinder ihre Eltern tagsüber? 3. Gehen die Kinder nachmittags in die Schule? 4. In welchem Alter beginnen die Kinder zu verdienen? b. Lesen Sie den Text und antworten Sie auf Englisch ! Frau Müller ist aus Mannheim. Sie lebt seit drei Jahren im Altenheim. Mit ihren 69 Jahren sucht sie immer noch Menschen, um die sie sich kümmern oder mit denen sie sich unterhalten kann. Sie besucht oft ältere Frauen , die allein in ihrer Wohnung leben und Hilfe brauchen. Zweimal wöchentlich singt sie in einem Gesangverein. So vergeht kein Tag , an dem sie nicht irgendetwas unternimmt. „ Und trotzdem fühle ich mich oft einsam und bin traurig,“ sagt sie. „ Mein Sohn, der in Hamburg eine Arztpraxis hat, besucht mich gewöhnlich nur einmal im Jahr, an Weihnachten.“ 1. Wo lebt Frau Müller? Wie alt ist sie? 2. Wie verbringt sie ihre Zeit? 3. Was ist ihr Sohn von Beruf? 4. Wie oft besucht er Frau Müller? c. Schreiben Sie einen kleinen Bericht auf Englisch über ein Thema ! (8-10 Sätze) 1. Wie verbringt man Freizeit in Deutschland und in Kerala? 2. Kerala als Touristenziel d. Schreiben Sie einen kleinen Bericht auf Englisch über ein Thema! (8-10 Sätze) 1. Die Heirat in Deutschland und in Kerala 2. Deutschland als Reiseland Semester -4 Common Course -10 FL(R) 4A 10 COURSE TITLE: CULTURE AND CIVILISATION OF RUSSIA (in comparison with Kerala culture) (in English) Credit: 4 Programme: BA/BSc/Bcom Weightage: 4 (80%) Syllabus Objective: To introduce Russian culture and civilisation through the study of Russia’s history- An attempt to build a socialist state- The unique Russian example- The lessons to be learnt – A comparative perspective in the Indian context – the emphasis on Kerala’s understanding of Russian socialism and communism – Create a climate and mindset for cultural and literary contacts between Russia and India. Module (1) 20 contact hours of teaching. The emergence and development of Rus- the early Russian state- the cradle of the Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian peoples- The struggle of Rus with the Golden Horde, Swedish and German feudal lords- Moscow becoming the centre of a vast multination empire- Feudal Russia in the grip of social crisis- Popular rebellion against tsarism- the cultural scene of the first half of the 19th century- Special reference to Russian paintings and folk art. Module (2) 20 contact hours of teaching. Abolishion of serfdom- Development of capitalism in Russia- Emergence of the working class- The formation of a proletarian party under the leadership of Vladimir Ulyanov ( Lenin ) – The bourgeois- democrative revolution of 1905 – 1907- cultural scene in the late 19th and early 20th centuries- Russia during the First World War ( 1914 to 1918- Victory of the second bourgeois democratic revolution ( February 1917Emergence of proletarian culture and art. Module (3) 20 contact hours of teaching. The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917- The formation of world’s first state of the workers and peasants.- The rout of counter revolutionary and interventionist forces. – Building the foundation of a socialist Russia.- The Great Patriotic war of the Russians against Facism. – The rout of Hitler’s Germany and Japanese imperialism.- Building a developed socialist society, a new socialist culture. Module (4) 20 contact hours of teaching. The period of Perestroika – Fall of Soviet Union – Failure to build a socialist state- The emergence of democracy in Russia- The role of journalism in awakening the Russian people against the distorted history and forbidden literature. – A new awakening in Russian cultural values. The emerging role of religion in place of marxian way of thinking and way of life.- Russia at a cross road. The idea of Perestroika and glassnost in art and literature. The emergence of new business class and its dominance in Russian society- Uncertain course to build a prosperous Russian nation . The impact of Russian attempt to build a socialist society and its failure in the third world countries. Text books: 1. Historical sources. By Nickolai Yakovliev and Victor Prishchpenko Russian Language Publishers, Moscow, 1989 2. Pages from History – S. Syrov (in Russian). Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model Question Paper Semester-1V. -COMMON COURSE -10 Course Title : CULTURE AND CIVILISATION OF RUSSIA (in English) (in comparison with Kerala culture) Programme: BA/BSc/BCom. Time: 3 hours Weightage:4 ( 80%) 1. Write an essay on any two of the following topics: 1. Michael Vasileevich Lomonosov and his contribution for the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. development of Russian Language, culture and education. The Dekabrist Movement and the role of Russian intelligentia for the abolition of serfdom in Russia and it’s impact on Russian society. The contribution of Russian scientists for the development of scientific awakening of Russia in the second half of XIX century. The Great October and its impact on Russian culture, art and literature. N. Chernyshevsky and his fight for civil rights. Russian literature, art and culture in the second half of XIX century. Write short essays on any four of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Adaptation of Christianity in Rus by Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev. Yaraslav the Wise and his reforms. Peter the Great’s cultural reforms. A.S.Pushkin’s contribution to Russian and culture. Ivan 1V the Terrible and his reforms. The role of “Zemlya and Volya” for the democratic movement in Russia and the reason for its failure. 7. Georgy Plekhanov’s role for the emancipation of labour in Russia. 8. A scientific awakening during the later half of 19th and beginning of 20th c. 111. Match the following: Name the paintings or portrait Painter 1. The appearance of Christ before the people V. Vereschagin 2. Trinity F.Vasilyev 3. Christ and sinner Antropov Alexei 4. Portrait of Catherine the Great Argunov Ivan 5. Before Attack near Plevna V.L.Borovikovskii 6. Village A.A.Ivan 7. Portrait of Peter 1 A. Rublev 8. Portrait of Unknown Peasant Woman in V. Polenov Russian dress 9. Portrait of Madame Lopukhina D. Levitsky. 1V. Match the following events: 1. Dekabrists’ uprising in Senate Square 1914 2. Invasion of Russia by Napolean 1917 3. The Great October Revolution 988 4. Adaptation of Christianity in Russia 1812 5. First World War began in 1825. V. Match the following: 1. “A Journey from St.Petersburg to Moscow” - Illegal Marxian Newspaper 2. Borodino - Alexander Gertsen 3. Kolokol - Alexander Radishchev 4. Vedomosti - Kutuzov 5. Iskra -The First Russian Newspaper Semester – 4 COMMON COURSE 10 UG/SDE MODE Course Code & Title - FL(S) 4A10 (1) : Culture and Civilization of Syrian Tradition (in Comparison with Kerala Culture) - Model Questions Time : 3 Hours Weightage : 4 (80%) Semester- 5 1. 2. 3. 4. FL(F) 5D 29 FL(G) 5D 29 FL(R) 5D 29 FL(S) 5D 29 - French for Hotel management and Tourism -German for Tourism and Hospitality Management - Russian for Business and Tourism - Cultural History of Syria SEMESTER – 5 OPEN COURSE – 29 Course code : FL(F) 5D 29 COURSE TITLE: FRENCH FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM SYLLABUS Credit – 4 Weightage- 4 (80%) Aims:- To introduce the students to the world of French culture and civilization, with emphasis on tourism and the hotel industry. Text Book : 1) Texte: ‘A votre Service vol I’ Français pour l’hôtellerie et le tourisme By Rajeswari Chandrasekhar, Rekha Hangal, Chithra krishnanClaude le Ninan, Asha Mokashi. Lesson 1-5 (pages 1-52) and also pages 64, 65, 78, 79, 90, 91, 96, 97, 103, 104, 115, 116, 128, 129, 130, 142, copies available at : General Book Depot 1691 Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006 2)Language for foreign language 7/25 Mahaveer Street, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi. Course Outline : Module I: Introduction to basic aspects of French culture – greetings, introductions, conversations of everyday life etc. Module II : Study of French culture and civilization – food, eating habits, cleanliness, leisure, travelling, favourite things in life etc. Référence Books 1. Le noureau sams frontières...................... pub : clé Internationale . 2. Modern French cours by Dondo Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER OPEN COURSE - 29 Course code : FL(F) 5D 29 FRENCH FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM Time :3 Hours Weightage- 4 ( 80%) I A. Mettez le mot convenable : au, á ou en : 1. Bienvenue ------------ Inde, monsieur Marchand 2. Bienvenue ----------- Bangalore, messieurs 3. Bienvenue ----------- Andhra Pradesh, mesdames 4. Bienvenue ------------ France, monsieur Shastry B. Choisissez le mot convenable : 1. Bonsoir, monsieur. ----------------- s’ il vous plait ? (Quel nom, A quel nom) 2. Est-ce que la chambre est ------- ? (climatisée,conditionée) 3. Oui, -------------- (C’est sur/ bien sur) 4. Vous ----------- une chambre ? (être, avez) C.Completez avec las forme convenable des verbes “vouloir,’’ ‘être’ ou ‘avoir ’ : 1. J’ -------- une reservation 2. Est-ce que vous ----- une chambre ? 3. C’ -------- exact 4. Il y -------- une piscine C. Reconstituez les phrases 1. Instant /s’il/plait/ un/ vous 2. Nuits/une/Trois/pour/chambre 3. Sur/oui/bien 4. une/nous/reservation/avoir. II A. Traduisez en frasaise (quatre au choix) 1. Thank you, Sir 2. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen 3. How are you ? 4. Where are you going ? 5. Here’s the driver with the car 6. I am your guide B.Construisez ds dialogues, comme dams l’exemple : Une voiture, monsieur.client : Est-ce que ma voiture est ici ? Employée :Oui, monsieur. Elle est là 1. Un chauffeur, madame 2. Un guide, madame 3. Un taxi, mademoiselle 4. Une collègue, madame C.Repondez a quatre des questions suivantes : 1. Nommez deux chambres d’ un hôtel 2. Nommez deux fruits 3. Eerivez en lettres : 12,15,21,80 4. Quel est le nom de famille le plus répandu en France ? 5. Eu France qu’est-ce qu’on prend pour le petit déjeuner ? 6. Ou se trouve la plus forte concentration d’ hôtels en France III A Présentez votre ami. Donnez son nom, son prénom, sa profession et dites de quelle ville il est. Décrivez ses goûts et ses préférences. (Il faut écrire en français en 30 mots) B. Décrivez en française en 30mots un des sujets suivants 1. Comment les Français voient-ils l’ Inde,et qui sont les visiteurs français en Inde ? ou 2. Décrivez le rôle du vin dans la vie des Français. D. Ecrivez en Française en 30 mots un des sujets suivants : 1. La cuisine et les français ou 2. La cuisine non- européenne, surtout la cuisine indienne. Semester - 5 Open Course -29:German for Tourism and Hospitality Management Course code : FL(G) 5D 29 Credit: 4 Weightage: 4 (80% ) Syllabus Objectives The main purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the levels of German language and common communication patterns that are required for those who wish to work as guides, hotel staff or interpreters or in travel agencies. Module I Texts on reception, reservation, nationality, hotel complaints, tickets, passport formalities, sight seeing, shopping, arranging vehicles etc may be introduced. Module II Meals, food items, menu card, service, cutlery, places of tourist interest , types of entertainment and treatment. Books Recommended: 1. Zimmer Frei . Deutsch in Hotel und Restaurant: Cohen / Osterloh Lessons 1-5 2. Karussell _ Pages 4-11 Berlin, Schwarzwald, Freiburg und Umgebung Hamburg und sein Hafen, Zürich Books for Reference Herzlich Willkommen: Cohen / Osterloh There will be a written exam for 40 marks and internal assessment for 10 marks Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) MODEL QUESTION PAPER - Course code : FL(G) 5D 29 OPEN COURSE 29 . : GERMAN FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hours Weihgtage-4 (80%) I a. Was passt zusammen? 1. Eine Tasse 2. Eine Portion 3. Ein Glas 4. Eine Flasche - Käse b. Bilden Sie grammatisch richtige Milch Bier Tee Sätze! 1. Wir kostet 2. Die Landkarte hätte gern 3. Der Tourist möchte 4. Die Dame möchten c. Wie heisst das auf Deutsch? 1. orange juice 2. beach 3. shower 4. passport Tee mit Zitrone. ein Zimmer mit Bad. 20 Euro. ein ruhiges Zimmer. _ O__________ _ S_____ _ D_____ _ P___ d. Welche Wörter (4) assoziieren Sie mit dem Wort ,Reise’? Reise– Beispiel: Fahrkarten 1. _______ 2. ______ 3. ________ 4. ________ II a. Kombinieren Sie richtig! Die Touristen haben viele Fragen. Finden Sie die passende Antwort! 1. Was kostet ein Brief nach Deutschland? A. Gehen Sie zur Bank dort. 2. Haben Sie Ansichtskarten? B. Nur 1 Euro 3. Wo kann ich mein Auto parken? 4. Wo kann ich Geld wechseln? C. Ja, im Hotelkiosk. D. Hinter dem Hotel. b. Lesen Sie den folgenden Brief und kreuzen Sie richtigen Antworten an! Herr Breuer Kennedyallee 36 53175 Bonn Bonn, den 15.2.1994 Sehr geehrter Herr Leutweiler, Letztes Jahr verbrachte ich meine Sommerferien in der Nähe Ihres Ortes. Die schöne Lage und die ansprechende Atmosphäre Ihres Hotels gefiel mir so gut, dass ich beschlossen habe, den Sommer 1994 in Ihrem Hotel zu verbringen. Deshalb interessieren mich die Preise für ein Doppelzimmer mit Bad und ein Dreibettzimmer mit Bad 1. mit Vollpension 2. mit Halbpension 3. nur mit Frühstück Auch für einen Prospekt wäre ich Ihnen sehr dankbar. Voraussichtlich werde ich um die Zeit vom Samstag, 25.06., bis Samstag, 16.07.1994, kommen. Ich bedanke mich jetzt schon für Ihre Mühe. Mit freundlichen Grüssen H. Breuer Bitte kreuzen Sie an: 1. Herr Breuer war schon einmal im Hotel. falsch 2. Diesmal möchte er seine Ferien dort allein verbringen falsch 3. Er bittet um Mitteilung der Preise nur für Halbpension falsch 4. Er bittet um Zusendung eines Prospekts falsch richtig / richtig / richtig / richtig / II c. Geben Sie bitte die Nationalität der Touristen aus folgenden Ländern! 1. Amerika 2. Italien 3. Spanien 4. Dänemark 5. Finnland 6. Irland 7. Griechenland 8. Frankreich III a Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und beantworten Sie die Fragen! Telefonistin: Hotel Astor, bonjour ! Herr Rost: Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Telefonistin: Ja, ein wenig. Herr Rost: Haben Sie noch ein Zimmer frei? Ein Doppelzimmer mit Bad? Telefonistin: Ja. Für wie lange? Herr Rost: Für 3 Tage. Telefonistin: Ihr Name, bitte? Herr Rost: Rost. R-o-s-t. 1. Spricht die Telefonistin Deutsch? 2. Was für ein Zimmer möchte der Herr? 3. Wie lange braucht er das Zimmer? 4. Wie heisst der Herr? III b. Übersetzen Sie den folgenden Text ins Englische! Frank Alt 8500 Nürnberg, den 4.5.2004 Grand Hotel 44, rue de Paris Tunis/ Tunesien Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir wollen im Juni eine Reise nach Tunesien machen. Wir sind drei Personen und brauchen vom 4.6. bis 7.6. ein Doppelzimmer und ein Einzelzimmer. Können Sie uns die Zimmer reservieren? Vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüssen Frank Alt c. Schreiben Sie kurz auf Englisch über eins der folgenden Städten als Touristenziel! 1. Schwarzwald 2. Hamburg 3. Zürich SEMESTER -5 OPEN COURSE - 29 Course Code & Title: RUSSIAN FOR BUSINESS AND TOURISM Credit : 4 Programme: B.A/B.Sc/ B.Com. Weightage: 4 (80%) SYLLABUS Objectives: 1. To familiarise the learners with modern Russian for effective communication in everyday situations. 2. To familiarise the learners with elementary Russian Grammar and various speech patterns required at various situations. 3. To familiarise the students with basic and key words and phrases related to business and tourism. 4. To enable the learners to read, comprehend and write simple dialogues, business letters and texts in Russian. Module I: Introducing Russian Alphabet – Russian Vowels and Consonants – hard and soft consonants – voiced voiceless – palatalizing and non-palatalizing – Reduction of vowels o & e - use of simple Russian sentences and Intonation Constructions. Module II: Russian nouns – gender of nouns, Singular & Plural; Pronouns, personal and possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns: Verbs- present, past and future tenses; Adverbs – Adjectives, Cases of Russian nouns (Nominative, Prepositional & accusative cases), verbs of motion-blnb> [jlbnm. Module III: Introducing elementary business terminology and use of simple sentences using verbs ,snm> zdkznmcz> pfybvfnmcz > ghtlcnfdkznm. Module IV: Introducing words relating to Russian life and culture (meals, food items, names of places providing pieces of cultural information texts, common speech etiquette for tourist purpose etc. 3. 1. Text Books Recommended (any one of the first two text books available) 1. Russian for Beginners- by Y.G. Ovsiyenko. Lessons 1 – 10. 2. Russian – by V.N.Wagner& Y.G.Ovsiyenko. Lessons 1- 17 Russian for Businessmen – issue 1 – by C.A. Khavronina Moscow, 1991 4 Russian for Tourists. Book for Reference: 2. V.N. Wagner & Y.G. Ovsiyenko. Russian - 2. Russian for Tourists - V.G. Kostomarov & A.A. Liontiev., Russian Language Publishers, Moscow, 1987. 3. The Russian Way - Aspects of Behaviour, Attitudes and Customs of the Russians. 4. 'Moskva' - Zinovyeva, M.D. et al., Moscow, 1987. 5. Kometa, Vol. 1 & 2 I..V. Belyakova, - Text book for short term Learners of Russian & Tourists, . Moscow, Russian Language, 1990. T.I. Kapitanova . Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Semester – 5 OPEN COURSE UG/SDE MODE - Syllabus Course Code & Title : FL(S) 5D : CULTURAL HISTORY OF SYRIA Time: 3 Hrs Weightage : 4 (80%) Semester – 5 OPEN COURSE COURSE -UG/SDE MODE -Model Questions Course Code & Title : FL(S) 5D : CULTURAL HISTORY OF SYRIA Time: 3 Hrs Weightage:4 ( 80%) Semester- 6 : (Electives) 1. FL6 E1 35 : Concepts of Comparative Literature 2. FL6 E2 35 : Women’s Writing (in Russian Literature) 3. FL6 E3 35: History of Syriac Literature SEMESTER- 6 Course code : FL6E135 Course Title: Elective- FL6 E 135 - Concepts of Comparative Literature Credit : 2 Programme: B.A/B.Sc/B.Com. Weightage – 4 (80%) Syllabus Objectives 1. To initiate the students into the concepts and methodology of Comparative Literature. 2. To familiarise the student with the concept of comparative study of literature and to promote an international approach to the study of literature. 3. To familiarise the students with the practice and applications in comparative literature, and the textual materials and models for comparison. 4. To develop the ability to critically analyse literary texts in a broader perspective of world literature. Module 1: History, Definition and Scope of Comparative Literature Comparative literature – definition – origin as a discipline. different schools in comparative literature – French, American, Russian. Comparative literary studies in India – Indianness of Indian literature – Role of translation in Comparative literary studies. Module 2: Comparative Literature at 3 levels Regional literature of India with focus on Malayalam literature (Endogenous) – Indian and Western literature with focus on Russian literature (Exogenous) – Indian and World literatures (Global) Western and World literatures (Global). Module 3: Methodology – key concepts in Comparative Literature Influence and analogy studies – Thematology – Genre, movement, period – Reception and Communication – Imagery, ideas and attitudes – Ideas and points of view – Literature and other arts. Module 4: Project: At the end of the course the learners have to submit a project of approximately 15 pages on comparative study of two work belonging to two literatures. The topic for the project is to be chosen from a list provided by the faculty. 1. Text books: Amiya Dev (ed) Comparative Literature – Theory and Practice, Allied Publishers, 1988. 2. Indra Nth Choudhari. - "Comparative Indian Literature: Some Perspectives," Delhi, 1992. 3. S.S. Prawer "Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction," 1973. 4. Terry Eagelton: Literary theory: An Introduction. 5. K.M. George : Comparative Indian Literature 2 vols., Macmillan, Madras, 1984. 6. U. Weissenstein: Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Bloomington, Indiana, 1973. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model Question Paper Semester -6 Elective -35 : Concepts of Comparative Literature Programme: B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Time: 3 Hours Weightage-4 (80%) I.. Answer the following questions: 1) 2) What is Comparative Literature? How will you define 'translation'. 3) What are the different literary genres. 4) Where has drama originated and how? 5) What are the main features of drama? 6) Lui Pirandello's dramas are called "Play within a play." why? 7) What is the characteristic feature of Schiller's drama? 8) How does Strindberg employ 'expressionistic techniques' in his drama? 9) What is liturgical drama? 10) What is 'Gothic Novel'? 11) What are "universal symbols" 12) What is an allegory? II. Write short notes on: 1) Elements of poetry 2) Thematology 3) Types of novel 4) Imitation in literature 5) Types of setting 6) Kinds of points of view III. Write Short Essays: Comparative literary studies in India Goethe's concept of world literature 3. French school of CL studies IV. Write Essay: Indian Literature is one though written in different languages. 2. Role of Translation in CL Studies. 1. 2. 1. SEMESTER- 6 Elective -35 Course code & Title :5 Women's Writing (in Russian Literature) Credit : 2 Programme: B.A/B.Sc/ B.Com. Weghtage: 4 (80%) Syllabus Course Description: The tradition of women's writing through the ages – the social status of women – the family – motherhood – contemporary views on the role of women's education – problems encountered by women writers – images of women in Russian literature – Women's quest for self – definition – feminist writing – difference between male and female perceptions – Post-Soviet reality and women's writing. Module I: Poetry – Contribution of Women Poets to Russian Literature Periodisation – Poets of the Pushkin age – Ann Bunina – Silver age in Russian Poetry – Poetry of Linaida Gippius – Soviety Period – Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva Poetry of the war period – Margarita aliger – Post-soviet poetry – religious and Mystical themes. Anna Bunina To her again Anna Akhmatova Anno Domini (extracts) Olga sedakovaWord Module 2: Short fiction – Women's contribution of the post-soviet period Women writers of the glasnost – post glasnost era – Petrushevskaya, Sadur, PostSoviet period – Variety in themes – disintegration of family – single motherhood – abortion – hospital – Tatiana Ulitskaya – Tatiana Tolstaya – Marina Palei – Postmodernism in Russian literature. Vera Panova – Sereosha Natalia Baronslcaya The Kiss Nadeshcla Kozhevnikova Home Ludmila Petrujshevskaya Waterloo Bridge Module 3: Women Playwrights Playwriting as a phase in literary career – 'double barden' – Publishing as well as staging – glasnost era – boom in publishing and staging – confluence of literature and stage – women writing women's roles – changing pattern in representation of reality – from feminine theme to feminist and female, themes 'new drama' and women play wrights. Ludmila Petrushevskaya – Three girls in blue. Module 4: Feminist Literary Criticism Varieties of feminist thinking – contemporary Marxist feminism – Existentialist feminism, psychoanalytic feminism – Post modern feminism – Major theoretists of feminist literary criticism. Text Books: 1. Adele Marie Barker (ed) A History of Women's writing in Russia, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 2. Nine of Russia's foremost women writers, Glas, Vol.30, Nauka, Moscow, 2003. 3. Barbara heldt "Terrible Perfection," Bloomingon, IN, 1987. 4. Rosalind Marsh "Gender and Russian Literature. New Perspectives, Cambridge, 1996. 5. Christine Tomei (ed.) Russian Women Writers, 2 vols., New York, 1999. 6. Toby Clyman (ed.) Women Writers in Russian Literature, Westport, CT, 1994. 7. Gessen Masha (ed.) Half a Revolution, Pittsburgh, 1995. 8. Mary Egleton – Working with Feminist Criticism, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1996. 9. Rosemarie Tong: Feminist Thought, A comprehensive Introduction, Routlege, 1997. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – wt.) 9x1= 9 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Semester – 6 ELECTIVE COURSE COURSE - UG/SDE MODE Course Code & Title - FL 6E3 3 History oF Syriac Literature - Syllabus Credit-2 Time: 3 Hrs Weightage : 4 (80%) Internal Examination: With 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet. Internal evaluation: Weightage: 1 (20) % Scheme of End- Semester Examination: External Question paper may contain: 1) Short answer type (consisting 9 questions with I weightage each – 9 x 1 = 9 wt.) 2) Paragraph Type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5 x 2 = 10 wt.) 3) Essay type questions (out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2 x 4 = 8w.) (Total number of questions 19, Total wt.27) Semester – 6 ELECTIVE COURSE - UG/SDE MODE Course Code & Title - FL 6E3 35 : History of Syriac Literature Time : 3 hours Weightage : 4 (80%) Courses in French, German & Syriac for B.Com pattern 1. Courses in French (for B.Com. ) Semester Course code Semester – 1 FL(F) 1A 07 (2) Semester – 2. FL(F) 2A 08 (2) Title of course Communication skills in French Translation and Communication in French * 2. Courses in German (For B.Com.) Course code Title of course Semester Semester -1 FL(G)1A 07(2) Introductory German for Business people (Level 1) Semester-2 FL(G)2A 08(2) Introductory German for Business people(Leve - 11) * 3. Courses in Syriac (For B.Com.) Semester Course code Title of course Semester -1 FL(S) 1A 07(2) Communication skill and History of Syriac Literature Semester - 2 FL(S) 2A 08(2) Translation, Grammar and History of Syrian Christians in India. * Courses newly approved in the meeting of the BOS in European Languages held on 08/03/2011 FRENCH FOR B.Com. (additional language) Semester – 1 : Common Course - 7 Course code : FL (F) 1A 07(2) -Course Title : Communication skills in French Credit :4 Stream : B.Com Weightage: 4 (80%) Aims: 1. To familiarise the students with a modern foreign language. 2.To familiarise the students with the sounds of French and their symbols. 3.To familiarise students with French for basic communication and functions in everyday situations. 4.To familiarise students with the basic of writing simple, direct sentences and short compositions. Course outline: 4 Modules 1. Module I : Current trends in French pronunciation, grammar , lexical items, discourse models-oral and written. 2. Module II and music. : Literary communication literary passages, versification, lyrics 3. Module III : Communication skills in everyday conversation. 4. Module IV : Training in creative writing . Text Book : BONNE ROUTE Volume I ( Lessons 1-8) by Pierre Gibert and Philippe Greffet , Publishers : Alliance Française, Hachette. Reference Works : 6. Le Nouveau Sans Frontières Vol I Pub : Clé International 7. Panorama Vol I 8. Cours de langue el de civilisation françaises : Mauger (Bleu) Vol I 9. Mauger (Rouge) Vol I 10. Tempo Vol I Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1) Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – wt.) 9x1= 9 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3) Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model Question paper Common Course-7 Semester 1 (80%) FL (F) 1A 07(2) -Communication Skills in French Time : 3 Hours Weightage : 4 I A. Vrai on Faux ? Anna est étudiante Elle est en 1 ère année de francais Ella s’appelle Anna Giuliani Anjourd’ hui elle arrive en avance. B. Faites des phrases complètes . 1.Comment vous appelez vous? alors, elle ne travaille pas beaucoup 2.Elle ne parle pas assez bien le français alors elle est toujours en retard 3.Elle est très fatiguée Anna Scotto 4.Elle travaille dans une banque loin de l’ école pour étudier a L’ Université C. Cochez la bonne réponse: 1.Maria est a Paris depuis - un an, six mois,trente jours 2.Le studio de Maria est –grand, confortable, a cote de l’école 3.Maria est italienne, espagnole, française II A. Répondez aux questions suivantes : 1.Vous parlez anglais ? 2.Tu aimes Paris ? 3.Vous chantez en italien ? 4.Tu joues du piano ? B. Répondez ‘oui’ ou ‘non’ : [Exemple : Est-ce que tu aimes le français ? Non, je n’ aime pas le français ou Oui, j’aime le français] 1.Est- ce que tu danses bien ? 2.Tu regards la télévision ? 3.Aimez – vous le café ? 4.Ecoutez- vous de la musique ? C. Posez la question : [Exemple : Oui, je joue du piano → Joues - tu du piano ? ou Est-ce que tu joues du piano ?] 1.Non, je ne regarde pas la télévision . 2.Oui, je visite Paris 3.Non, je ne danse pas 4.Oui, je travaille un peu. D. Dites l’ heuse dans une phrase ? 1.10.30 am 2.7.45 am 3.12.00 Noon 4.11.45 pm III A. Ecrivez cinq phrases en français sur deux des sujets suivants : 1.Les saisons 2.Les articles 3.La négation 4.Les prépositions B. Ecrivez un dialogue entre deux amis ou entre un homme et une femme C. Ecrivez un poème ou une chanson que vous avez appris. IV. A. Quelle est. Votre distraction preferee. Exphquez- la en français en 100 mots. B. Ecrivez en français un texte de huit phrases avec les mots “aimer”, “ami”, “avec”, ‘‘bonjour”, “et, “habiter”, “non, “oui”, “visiter”. C. Ecrivez en français huit phrases sur deux des sujets suivants : 1.Votre ami 2.Votre maison 3.votre classe 4.Votre collège SEMESTER -2 COMMON COURSE – 8 Course code : FL(F) 2A 08(2) Course Title : TRANSLATION AND COMMUNICATION IN FRENCH CREDIT – 4 STREAM - B.Com. Weightage-4 (80%) Aims:1.To ameliorate the level of language communication. 2.To enable to translate accurately from one language to another. 2) To analyze , evaluate and comprehend commercial letters. Course Outline: 4 Modules 1.Module I : Translation as Communication, translation as transmission, social and cultural factors. 2.Module II: Literary translation, commercial translation from source language to target language and vice-versa. 3.Module III: Analysis of translated texts, treatment of technical terminology in the translated texts. General principles for the translation of key words and culture-specific terms. 4.Module IV: Business translation, translation of advertisements. Text Book: 1) Introduction au français commercial by B.Cresson. Pub. by Didier. Lessons 1-8. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – wt.) 9x1= 9 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model Question Paper Course code : FL(F)2A 08(2) : Translation and Communication in French Semester-2 Time : 3 Hours Weightage - 4 (80%) I A) Dites ‘vrai’ ou ‘faux’: 1. Il y a de nombreux modèles de factures. 2. ‘Valeur déclarée’, c’est une forme d’assurance du colis. 3. La S.N.C.F. est une société anglaise. 4. Un carnet de chèques est un seul chèque. B. Complétez avec le verbe ‘avoir’ et l’article indéfini 5. Elle ………… machine à écrire. 6. Nous ……….. photos. 7. Ils ……………voiture. 8. Est-ce que vous ………. appartement ? C. Traduisez ces expressions en anglais : 9. le montant total 10. au dos du chèque 11. rendre payable à l’ordre de … 12. modes d’expédition D. Traduisez ces expressions en français : 13. at the rate of 14. on discount 15. clearance sale 16. express delivery E. Écrivez l’heure en français : 17. 8h 30 18. 9h 10 19. 12h 20. 5h 55 II . Répondez aux questions suivantes: 21. Si le client oubliait de signer le chèque, serait-il valable ? 22. Si le colis avait du retard, peut-on écrire une lettre de réclamation ? 23. Si le colis se perdait, la compagnie serait responsable ? Si vous constatiez qu’un colis était avarié, vous mentionneriez vos réserves sur le récépissé ? 25. Si le client est une administration, il faut envoyer une facture en double exemplaire ? 26. Si votre compte est crédité, vous envoyez la facture acquittée ? III. 27. Traduisez en anglais : Messieurs, J’ai en main votre catalogue « Rentrée des classes 77 » et j’envisage de vous passer une commande de deux cents exemplaires du « Dictionnaire du Français Fondamental ». Je vous serais obligé de bien vouloir m’indiquer : --- quelle remise vous pourriez consentir sur cette commande, --- quels seraient les détails de livraison. Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués. Le Directeur Froment 28. Traduisez en français : Sir, We have duly received your letter dated 25th October. We have also received the crossed cheque for Rs. 18,000. But we regret to inform you that the cheque is not signed. So we are returning this cheque. Please send the signed cheque as early as possible. Yours truly F. Chevalier 29. Lisez la lettre et répondez aux questions qui la suivent : Messieurs, Nous vous expédions ce jour en gare de Bordeaux sept caisses de livres d’un poids total de 820 kilos et d’une valeur de 9433 francs. Nous vous serions obligés de vous charger de l’expédition de ces colis à la Librairie Franco-Asindaise, boulevard de l’Océan à Asinville. Les caisses que vous receverez ne contiennent exclusivement que des livres scolaires. Vous trouverez, ci-joint, une liste détaillée des titres de ces livres et de leur valeur. Recevez, messieurs, nos sincères salutations. Le Chef du Service des Expéditions L. Bernard Questions : Qui écrit cette lettre ? Qu’est-ce qu’on expédie ? Qu’est-ce que les caisses contiennet ? Qu’est-ce que la liste contient ? Quelle est la valeur des livres ? 30. Imaginez une conversation téléphonique entre le Directeur de l’École Internationale et la Librairie de France à Paris. IV. 31. Vous êtes le directeur d’une École. Écrivez une lettre à une librairie demandant la catalogue des livres scolaires. 32. Write an essay in English (150 words) on the present economic situation. Which steps would you suggest to counter the economic slowdown ? 88888 German for B.Com. (additional language) Semester – 1 : Common Course – 7 Course code : FL(G)1A 07(2) Course Title : INTRODUCTORY GERMAN FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE (LEVEL1) Credits Stream Weightage : 4 : B.Com : 4 ( 80%) Syllabus Module 1 Deals with dialogues for business purposes as in the case of reserving hotel rooms , meeting at the exhibition office, fixing appointments etc. Module 2 Here German names, names of countries, languages, professions , numbers , telephone numbers , names of cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are introduced. This module also deals with directions for visitors, prices and currency, time and date which are essential for business communication. Module 3 In this module the emphasis is on spoken German with forms of greeting, self introduction as well as introducing others, making enquiries, excusing and thanking oneself. Module 4 Here the students are given training in everyday German. Basic German grammar is also introduced at this stage. Text prescribed: WIRTSCHAFTSDEUTSCH FÜR ANFÄNGER; GRUNDSTUFE von Dominique Macaire und Gerd Nicolas, Ernst Klett VerlagPages 9- 58 only Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1.Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2.Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3.Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) German for B.Com. (additional language) Semester – 2 : Common Course – 8 Course code : FL(G) 2A 08(2) Course Title : INTRODUCTORY GERMAN FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE (LEVEL11) Credit Stream Weightage: : 4 : B.Com 4 ( 80%) Syllabus Module 1 Contains dialogue models regarding delivery dates, gathering information about firms over telephone etc. Module 2 Vocabulary related to position and duties of business personnel, branches, products, names of European cities and countries, nationalities etc is introduced at this stage. Module 3 In this module learners are expected to learn the vocabulary for greeting, making calls, taking leave, congratulating etc. Module 4 Here learners are exposed to dialogue models , for instance booking a taxi, conversation at the bar, in the café etc. Grammar topics essential for everyday German is also discussed here. Text prescribed: WIRTSCHAFTSDEUTSCH FÜR ANFÄNGER: Pages 59-105 only Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet . Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – wt.) 9x1= 9 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) SYRIAC FOR B.Com. (additional language) SEMESTR-1 COMMON COURSE – 7 Course code : FL(S) 1A 07(2) Course Title : Communication Skill and History of Syriac Literature Credits : 4 Stream : B.Com Weightage: 4 ( 80%) Syllabus Objectives : To understand the origin, growth and contribution of language. Course description. I. Alphabets, vowels & pronounciation. Grammar-Noun-Number Gender and pronoun. II Literary-History of Syriac literature. Aphrahat, St.Ephrem, Bala, Narsai. III Poems- select sentence of St.Ephrem, Wisdom. IV Communicative skills. Phrases, Sentence writings, Translation-St.Mathew Ch :5. Books Recommended : Syriyani Bhasha Pravesika – Fr. Abraham Konattu. Syriac Grammer & Literature by Theodore Robinson. Syro-Chaldean Grammer – Rev.Fr. Gabriel CMI. Collection of syriac gems – Poetry – Mannanam – Kottayam. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1)Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – wt.) 9x1= 9 2)Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3)Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model of Question - Same as for BA/B.Sc Common Course-7 SYRIAC FOR B.Com. (additional language) SEMESTER- 2: COMMON COURSE – 8 Course code : FL(S) 2A 08(2) Course Title : Translation, Grammar and History of Syrian Christians in India Syllabus Credit :4 Stream :B.Com Weightage:4 ( 80%) Objective- Understanding translation as a Linguistic and cultural activity. Evaluating of the history of Syrians in India. I. II. III. Grammar – Pronominal suffixes-singular, conjugation of verbs – active voice. Translation – St.Mathew Chapter 6&7. Translation of short stories. Josephus & His friends. Stag Prodigal son. IV. History of Syrian church in India. 1. Prove that St.Thomas came to India and established the church. 2. 1st Syrian colonization. 3. Second Syrian colonisation. 4. Synod of Diamphor. Books Recommended: 1. Syriac Grammar & Literature – by Theodore Robinson. 2. Collection of Syriac Gems-Prose – Mannanam, Kottayam. 3. History of St.Thomas Christians in India – David Daniel. Internal Examination : with 20 multiple choice questions and OMR answer sheet .Scheme of End- Semester Examination : External Question paper may contain : 1.Short answer type ( consisting 9 questions with i weightage each – 9x1= 9 wt.) 2.Paragraph type (out of 7 questions 5 to be answered, 2 wt. each – 5x2 = 10 wt.) 3.Essay type questions(out of 3 questions 2 to be answered, 4 wt. each. 2x4 =8 w.) (Total number of questions 19 , Total wt. 27) Model of Question - Same as for BA/B.Sc Common Course-8