1859 - 1891 - Alpine Club
1859 - 1891 - Alpine Club
INDE~ TO THE I . JobtNAL ALPINEI VOL$. I. TO lJ?r'·-W9ff ~V. II I, I I 'PEAK8, INCLUDING: PA88B8,A1:W (JLI!;CIBB8' EDITED, BY F. A. WALLRota . , VI0r,-PIUII8U''flNT OF 'tHll 4tP1NB LONDON GREErrr, . I,()NG)IANS, AND NEW YlDRK: ~L.ul\, I AjNlD CO. 15 EAST '1fI~' ST~EET 1892. I'ntl11'V.D ~PO'l"l'ISWOODE BY A.'>;D CO" li'l!\\"S'l'lllt&ll' LOl;DOli I SQUAlll> L~ST OF DISTRICTS BEEN DtVIDED INTO w.~nCH ITHE FOR THE P'fRPOS'S ALPS HAVE OF SECTION 111. OF THE INDEX ,,1. Maritzme Alps.-Main chain from Col d' 1tare to Co1de l'Argentiere, 8. of Col di Tenda. 2,. Oottian Alps.-From Col de l' rgentie to the Mont Cenis, E. of the Durance Valley and 01du G tibier. 3:. lJauphine Alps.-W. of the Dura ce Vall y and Co1du Galibier. 4. Tarentais6 Alps.-N. of the Arcl Valley land W. of Col d'Iseran and the Tign6s Valley ... , I 5. Graian Alp8.~From Mont Cenfs to ~he Little St. Bernard, E. of Col d'heran, E ••md N. Ot the Attc Valley. 6. Mont Blanc.-Fronl the Little $t. Be Ilil'd to the Great St. Bernard, S. lInd E. of the Cha.jon4 V lIey. 7. Chablais, Gene'llois,and Faucigny,,--N. ,0 the Cha.monix Valley, S. of the Lake of Geneva, a.nd~. of e Rhone Valley. S. Great St. Bernard.-From the Great t. Bernard to Cols de Valpelline and d'Rerens, w. the E olena Valley, including Arolla. 9. Ellolena-Zinal.-E. of the Evol nil. Va ley, W. of the Zermatt Valley, N. ofCol d'Herens .. ] Q. MQn'tfJ Rosa.:.,-From Col de Valp~lline ,to,Monte Moro, including the Saasgrat •. 11. Simplon.-From Monte Moro to, the including Monte !' Le011l.e. SitP1on, 12. Lepontine Alps.-From 13. H. lit 16. 17. the Sim~lon to the St. Gotthll.rd, including Tieino and the Italian likes. lJiabl/}ret8.~W. of the Gemmi, N. of the 1 hone Valley. Be1'1lCse Obm·Zand.-E. of'the Ge lni, W. of the Gl·imsel. Tillis, and Blume GlaciCl..-Fr m the Grim~el Valley to the Reuss Valley, S. of the Lake 0 Luce fl, N. of the FUl'kll. North Switzerhwd.-N. and W of th Vorder R'hein VaMey, E. of the Lake of Lucerne, inclding th JUgi, Gliirnisch, San tis, and Todi. St. Gotthal'd.-F. rom the St. Got~,lard tol the Fluel» Pass, S. nj the Vorder Rhine VaHey, N. of the Valley. In1 I vi US'!' bF DIstmCTS 18, }J",.i"',-From Ih, InJValJ'y to lh, Add. Vall')'. W, or II. Stelvio, E. of Lake C01~W. 19., Ortler .District.-From t~e Stelv 0 to the Botzen Va~.ley(Lowe Adige), N. of the Ton~le Pass, 8. of the Upper Adige Valley 20. Adamello an(l Erenta 1J'llt/'ict. S..'.of the Adds, 'l'onale Pa~1 and Val di Sole, E. ofake 0, W. oftbe Adige. 21. North l'JJrol.-N. of th Inn alley, Pinzgau, and Ennstha between the F~uela Pa II, InD" d Bavarian ,plain, including th Silvretta group, Vorar erg, a Salzburg.' 22, Central Tyrol.-S, of t e Inn !lilley, Pin,zgau, and Ennstha: N. of the Drave, E. of t e .Adig ,including the Oetzthal, Stubai Zillertbal, Gr. Venedig r, and 1'. Glockner. 23. SOltth l.)rol or .Dolomite .-S. the Drave,E. of the AdigE W. of the Piale. 24. South·Ei:lste,'n Alps.-E. iave, inclUding Terglou, Bosnif Herzegovina, &0. PRE~A~)E ,-+-- i I I , THE Index to the I .Alpine Journ~I' was lcommenoed five years ago, but, owing to various causes, thel compl~tion of the w(lrk has heen delayed; but the delay will not,i I hope detract from its va.lue, as, by including the volumes since p}lblishe I it is now brolilght down to date, The origlnal scheme was rat.h more elaborate than the present, the matter contained being divi ed into seven heads. 'rhis it was thought advisable to ourtail, and t has t erefore been condensed into four sectionII, viz.:I. The Names of Authors of 5 gned a icles and notes, fullowt1din each case by a list of writi.ng~,exelul 'ng New Expeditions, In Memoriam notices, /lI,nd Reviews. i i II. .A list of :Mapsand lllUlltra. ons. ' III. A s{>ecialIndex for ea.llh ountai group in the Alps (based largely on the lIrrangt'ment in 'B II's Al ine Guide '), the heading;s of which are set out with an ex lanator map., Additional sp~cial headings for non-Alpine groups. IV. General Index. The.three vola. of 'Peaks, Pes, and Index, and are numbered P. L, P ii., an of the two $eries. The dates of illsue of the vario anum are given, as in many cases this ill facil I have to express my thllllk to Me Coolidge, Gardiner, Marett, W. !:Mathe and Wa.lker, who kindly unde took t volumes; l\nd also to Mr. Dent, W 0, in a has helped me in the revision of he pl'OO June, 1$92. Glaciers' are included in,the P. iii., to avoid the oonfUliion ers of the' Alpine Jourlilal ' 'tate reference. s. Blackstone, Brooksblf,nk, I Paoke, Sowerby, Tuokett, e task of indexing various dition to indexing a vaItHne, s. F. A. WAI,LRO'l'H. I I :PATES OF PUBLICATION GLACIERS,' VOL. i. 11lO9 F ~.lil;nd I No. 1. March, 1868 2. Jline, 1868 S. September, 1$63 4. December, 1868 O. Maooh, 1864 6. June, 1864 7. September, 1864 8. December, 1864 YOLo M A N F n. 12. December, 1865 18. March, 1866 14. June, 1866 . 15. September, Hl66 16. December, 186U VOL. V. :y,1870 gust, 1870 vember, 1870 bruary, 1871 84. N 'lember, 1871 VOL. VI. 37. A gust, 1872: 88. N 'lem ber, ] 872 89. F bruary, 187,8 40. My, 1878 41. A gust, 1878 42. N vember, 1&73 48. F bJ.·uary, 1874 44. My, 1874 VOL. VII. 45. A /(Ul:lt, 1874 46. N vember,1874 47. F brunt'y, 187,5 20. Vot. IV. 21. May, 1868 22. August, 1868 23. November, 1868 ~4. February, 1800 25. 1I1n)[,1869 26. August, 1860 27. Novemher, 1860 :.18. :February, 1870 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. M A N F M y, 1875 gust, 1875 vember, 1875 bruary, 1876 '1,1876 ~OL' VIII. i 53. A gust, 1876 1)4. Nv.ember, 1876 55. F brunTY, 1877 AND ALPINE 85. F bruary, 187:2 86. M y,1872 III. 1867 I 88. My, 1871 II. 9. March, 1865 10. June, 1866 September, 1865 VOL. 29. 80. 81. 82. THE P. Ii. 186' I. No. 17. } 18. 19. r PEAl 5, PASSES, -+ JOURNAL' P. OF AND THE NUM:ijERS viii DATES OF P~BLICAiON No. . 56. May, 1877 57. 58. 59. 60. August, 1877 November, 1877 February, 1878 May, 1878 VOL. 61. 62. 68. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. : XII. 85. August, 1884 86. Novetnber, 1884 R7. Febl'uary, 1885 88. May, 1885 !:39.Auguat, 1885 901.Novetnber, 18SlS 91. February, 1886: 92. May, 1886 IX. August, 1878 November, 1878 February, 1879: May, 1879 August, 1879 November, 1879 Febl·llary. 18801 May, 1880 Vor.: XIII .. 98. August, 1886 94. November, 1886 95.Febr~ry,1887 96. May, 1887 97. August, 1887 98. November, 1887 99. February, 1888 10101.May, 1888 VOL. X. 89. August, 1880 70. November, 1880 71. Februarv, 1881 VOL. August, 1881 November, 1881 February, 1882: May,1882 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 88. 84. August, 1889 November, 1882 Febrllary, 1883 May, 1883 August, 1883 November, 1883 February, 1884 May, 1884 •• lOB •. November, 188$ XI. V(jL. XV. 107. February, 1890 1018. May, 1890 109. August, 1890 1101.November, 1890 111. February, 1891 112. May, 181n 113. August, 1891 114. Novetnber. 1801 Edito·'s 1'. i., J. XIV. 101. Augullt,1888 102. November, 1888 1018.February,1889 1014.May, 1889 105. August, 1889 72. May, 18in 73. 74. 75. 76. VOL. VOL. No. BAU P. ii. and iii., E. S KENN Vole. i.-iii., H. B. G.E<rR6J'1 Vols. i'\". v., 1" VoJe. vi.-ix., D. Y SSPREN "y. nESI ~o18.~:-xi\'.,w. .f\-. 13:..c '\ 01. Xl., A. J. B*J.J1R I . FIELD OLIDGl1 OURNAL INDEX TO ALPI E VOLUMES I. AND SECTION I.-NAMES t followed ill OF AUTHOR. eack case by a List ~f W,iti {la, e,vcl ding Ne~uE.rpeditio'll8, I'll Memoriu1n notices, 'lid Re' ·ClIJ8. A. C" Hohbalm, viii. ~84 B DINGTO , C. C., list of Icelandic A. P., Sesia Joch, v. 143 lants, . ii. 125 AbercrombYjD. J., fatal accident on B ilie-Gr mann, W. A., a.scelltof the Felik och, viii, 112, 163 he Gros Glockner, vii. 211 - second ascent of the Aiguille du - Golden eagle and its eyrie, the, l\'Iidi,v. 44 ii,92 - Swiss Jahrfest, n, vi. 184 B er, G. p" ascent of Arlj.1'at, Adams-Reilly, A., Bee de Luseney, x.818 , the, iii. 49 - new pa in Norway, xii. 268 - new asceIjtsin t,he chain of Mont B foul', F }iI. & G. W., attempt Blanc, ii. 97 n the iguille des Chal'moz, x. - rough survey of the chain of 97 Mont Blanc, a, i. 257 BIll, J" Al erhorn, the, i. 820 AUbutt, T. C., effectof exerciseupon - glaciers ~ldmeteorology,ix. ~98 the bodily tem)?eratul'e,v. 212 - mountai cering in the Great - health and trl1lning ofmoulltflintIllS,vi 220 eers, viii. 30 ' - notes 0 the botal1Yof the 'disAlpine Club, memoria1to tIle F1'ElDch rict of armio, v. 177 Government with referenceto the -~I\SS of the Schwu1'zthor, F. i. gllide systElmfit ChalIlonix,vi. 421 55 Ames, E. L., ascent of the Fletsch- - assage fthe Strahleck, P. i.255 horn and the Allalinhorn, P. i. - izzo St la, ii. 272 206 - llva to inzo10by the Rocca di Anderson, E., Schreckhorn, the, P. i. renta, i 442 284 '- ull'gesti ns for Alpine travellers, Anderson, J. S., accident on the ~. 1.490 Dent Blanche, xi. 98 ._~' at di anova and the Pisgana - Dent Blam;he from Zinal, xi. 158 IISS, ii. 1 - flew tracks on the Eiger /l.nd Bal, R. ., Sgurr Nan Gilliltn, Bl'eithorn, :s;ii. 240 .70 - Schrecl[hofUby the N.W. arete, Bal at, Ch monLt guides, vi. 872, the,xi. 437 30 " i l The three vols. of Peaks, Passes, R.nd GlRCi~[Sare ref rued to RSP. i., P. ii., P. iii. ~ Notes signe{1 by known initials use indexe4 under tl1'e author's ntl,me• 1 ,, , \' • B :Barnard, G., hints on sketching in water-colours in the Alps, ix. 78 :Barnes, G. S., Dents des :Bouquetins, xiii. 5.29 :Ba~ett, accident on the Wetterhorn, xi. 94 ~ strange sight on Snowdon, xl. 482 :Barrington, C., :first ascent of the :a., Eiger, xi. 17~ :Baumann, I., adventure on the Aiiguille du Plan, x. 443 :Beachcroft, R. M., from Simplon to Tpsa Falls, xi. 895 Benhett, G., traveller shot at on the Gemmi, xiii. 184 :Benllett., R. D., Adamello district, the, v. 186 :Bircham. f'. T., Piz :Roseg, the, i. 255 :BlaQkstone, F. E., from Courmayeur to tbe Great St. :Bernard, ii. 419 ~ ftom the FOlcial! to Orsieres by the Valley of Champey, i. 47 ~ from St. Nichollts to Busten by the mountains, i. V8 ~ passage of the Col de la Selle from La Grave to St.Ohristophe, P. iii. 215 :Blanford, T., Maurienne, the, ii. 177 BolQgnini, N., churches of Val Rendena and the legend of Oharles the Great, the, vii. 447 :Bonney, T. G., adch>ess,xi. 878 - An der Lenk to Kandersteg or Leukerl1ad by the Rothkumme Glacier, ii. 270 _ climbing with one guide, xi. 100 - Dent perroc and AiguillEl de 10. Zit, viii. 18 • - excurs~on in Dallphine, an. i. 66 - Gross Glockner, the, vi. 150 -lfrowth and sculpture of the Alps, xlV. 88, 105, 221 - Levanna district, the, ii. 79 - Lofoten Islands, the, i v. 4~7 - range of the Meije, i. 302 - Val dEl St. Christophe and Col de Sais, P, iiL 198 Bowen, Sir G. F., SoutherJl .4UpS of New Zealand, the, vi. 364 Bowles, R. L., sun1:lurn, xiv. 122 BowlinA', E. W., Grand Combin and the high-levell'oute, the, vii. 898 Brinton, W., ascent of the Gross Glockner, P. ii. 429 - Germl\.n Alps, the, P. ii. 425 . D., 800roo route Ca$hmere, the, iv. 1'1' 3 NAMES OF A THORS Watson on the Bildstock\joch, J. R., excursions in Norxv. 156 way, v. 49 C olidge, W. A. B., Aiguille de - Lauteraar Sattel, t:\1e,i. 60 :Polset, ii. 269 ' - process of determining depth, a, Aiguill du Midi de Peisey, ix. vi. 282 , 169 ' -'- travelling in Norwl\.y, iv. 1 Aiguill s d'Ai'Ve, the, viii. 57 Car:fi:ae, J. A., and others, Lyshmm along e frontier from thetullaccident, the, viii. 346 llel to t e Levanna, xi. 833 Carrington, J. B., l\{atten LiI1lll1i, Alpine bibliography, 1878-9,ix. the, xiv. 247 503 . Oarson, T. fl., notes from the Italian Alpine Wlmes, xiv. '61 Alps, xi. 869 ~lpine 11(11Sa11d lIuts, x.437 i Carteighe, M., ascent of, the Dom Xl. 412; xiv. 518 from Saas, xv. 101 Alpine veteran, an, ix. 310 - note on Dauphin6 in 1887, xiii. 460 ' ascent f the Meije, ix. 121 Dauph n~ in 1870, v. 128 Obater, G., second ascent of the Dauph n6 jottings, xii. 174 Viescberhorn, i. 319 day d night on the Bietsch. Oheetham, ,T. F., Thibetan route horn, a, vi. 114 from Simla to Srinagar, the, iii. Diable ets from the CreuK. de 118 I Champ , ,1ii. 400 Clayton, E., mountains of Kurdistan, xiii. 293 early Mcents of the Dent I Blanch ,JI,V. 64 - new routo up the J ungfrau from early ttempts on Monto Hosa the Roththa1, tbe, xiv. 245 from t e Zermatt side, the, xv. - Hoches l\{outonneel.\,vii. 401 493 - struck by lightning, viii. 449 explot tions among the OoUinn Cobb, G. F., Isenthal, ii. 421 Alps: 1) The ChQ.mbeyron disCole, G. R. F.,l·ailrQad across the Andes, viii. 425 I I trict, • 123; (2) :Monte Viso, x.453 Ooleman, E. T., mountaineering on I explor tions in Dauphin6, vii. the Pacifill, v. 357 136 - mountains and mountaineering in first ascent of the Zermatt the far West, viii. 233, 385 l3reitho n, xv. 437 Oompton, E. T., expeditions in the Grind lW111dand Zermatt in the Brenm gl'oup, xi. 309 olden d ys, xv. 223 Conway, ,V. 1\L, Alpine art in the Kilc 11hPass, or Sausgrat, xiii. EastorD. Alps, i. 280 1428 - centrists and excentrists, xv. R07 Dlll;p,S the Alps, xiii. 270 Melje from La G~'nve, the, xii. - Dom fronl the Domjoeh, the, xv. 104 891 '- exhausted districts, xv. 255 " new h n at La Berarde, xiii. 419 notes from the neighbourhood - life in tht\ Vispthal at the beginI of Stei ,xv. 72 ning of the sixteenth century, xii . . notes n inns in the Oottian and 380 Mariti e Alps, ix. 497; in the - 1\lonte Rosa from the South, xii. Taren ise, ix. 238 65 Palvo 'l~lva, the, xv. 330 .~ new routes in genellal, xiii. 161 Point de Bazel and the 001 de - North district of the Sans Grat, Tsante eina, xv. 154 the, x. 332 Punta Billuca, xv. 440 - passes across the Weisstbor l'idge, xi.l93 ~~~ord left on mOlUltain tops, xm.12· - routes up the RQssbodenborll, x. -i- Sarae s in the Alps, the, ix. 489 254; x 2(\9 Co~lidge, W. A. B., accident to 1\11'. .cAMl'BELL, I '\ T i t 1£ -+. -+ B 2 4 NAMES OF ~THOR I ~~st, A., 224 Ooolidge,W. A. Bo,Scbreckhorn in winter, the, ix. 218 - Signor Sella's Dauphine photo~ graphs, xiv. 250 - Socit'ite d~s TQul'istes and La Berarde, Xl.411 - some peaks and passes in the Oberland, xiii. 200 - Tete du Salude, x. 491 - two notes on el\.rlymountaineer~ I ing, xiv. 406 . .- Wetterhorn and JUngfl·Q.Uin winter, vi. 405 Coolidge,W.A. B., and Oardl'ner,F., lIUhnerstock, the, xv. 323 Oordier, II., as<!ension du Finste1'&o.1'horn pal' Ie Rothhornsattel, viii. 262 Oornish, T., accident in the Maderaner Thal, the, XV. 275 - ascent of the WeisshOl'll from Zinal, xv. 192 - Weisshorn frOm the Zil\al side, xiv. 515 Cowell, J. J., on some relics of the guides lost on Mont Blanc, i. 332 - two ascents of the Grand Paradis, P. iii. 408 Oraven, A. E., around Kande1'8teg, x,377 Oullinan, F. J., AiguilIe de Talefre, x.25 Cunningham, C. D" accident on the Aiguille Blanche de Peuteret, xi. 90 - Alps in winter, the, xi. 2~ I -- autumn and willter mountaineer. ' ing, :xii.171 - decline of Oha)uonix,as a moun'ta.ineel'ingcentre, xi. 459 - Great Scheideck in winter, xiii. 73 - hill-climbing in Scotland, xii. 502 -. winter ascent of Ben Nevis, xi. 182, 480 Cust, A., A.i~uille·de 10. Za ±'romthe Glacier de Dauva Blantz, ix, 170 - Alpine inns and huts,:x:. 487 - Arolia, notes on, chiefly etymological, viii. 94 - ascents of ·Mont Colon, Mont Brule, and the Dents des Bouquetins, viii. 138 - 001 dll Oheilion,vii. 216 - 001 de l'Oulie Ceeca, xi. :.?39 - 001 d'Otemma, ;\:.402 ents des Bouquet~ns,viii. I + Matter 01'llwithout guides, the, viii. 24 -1- Mr..O ~set'ssurvey of the Rhone . GlaCler IX. 481 -r nomen lature of the Otemma Peaks, ii. 528 -1- Pic d' lan, xiii. 57 . rocks nd raml:1lesin the Oombe ! d'AroU ,viii. 1 to Aro 10. by Va.l de Nendaz, xi. ~238 wande 'ugs in T... iCino,x. &.6,146 ! 'I -t t G. H., accident on the Aiguill Blanche de Peuteret, xi. 93 avidson, W. E., Aiguille du Dru, , xi. 867 001 D lent, ix. 236 :Qavies, . Lt, a8(jent of the Dom, I P. i. 19 echy, . de, ascent of l\<faglich, the, xi .417 first tt cent of Adai OhQch,xii. 209, 31 , 493 itiner of a tour in the Central Oaucas, xii. 81) mount in travel in the Sikkim Rimal ya, x. 1 t'icle,L, Grande Fourche, la, vii. 439 ent, O.. , address, xv. 3 Alpin climbing-past, present, i and fut re, ix. 65 amate 1'8and professional guides of the resent day, xii. 289 ascent of Tetnnld Tau (Gestola), xiii. 22 exped,',ion to the Caucas\lB,notes ARWIN, + on ltD,' iv. 94 histol' of an ascent of the AiI guille u Drn, ix. 185 histol' of tho search expedition to the aucasus, xv. 26 1. hundJ· th number oithe IAlpin!' iJOUl'na" the, x~ii.497 ~I. J nssen's ascent of Mont Blo.Qc, v. 326 mount ineering in the Qldsty1,), , xi. 382 old P' end with a new face, all, ! xi. 215 , Rack :Mountainsof Skye, the, . xv. 42~ t + + NAMES OF AUTHORS 5 I ' aison, J., ascent of the Dent Dent, O. T., Rotbhorn from Zermatt, lanche, it 292 the,n.268 , on, E. "accident on the Piz - search expedition to the Oaucasus, rnina, xi. 848 xiv. 432 ~ - Tetnuld and Gestola, xiii. 418 F~' zgerald W. II. W., misconduct f 1\ gui e, x. 108 - two attempts on the Aiguille du F rster, R W. E., baths of StaebelDru, vii. 65 rg aD the heights and passes Diener, 0., hypsometry of the Dolo'nthe v' inity, the, P. i. 8n mites, xiv. 60 from t e Griitli to the Grimsel, Dodson, J. G., passages of the Glacier P. iii. 7 du Tour and 001 du Miage, P. ii. Swiss p nsioDs, i. 95 189 Donkin, W. F., journey in the F ster, G. E., Aiguille du Midi, v. Oaucasus in 1888, xiv. 311 145 ascent f Mont Oolon, v. 350 - mountaineering in the Oaucasus, xiii. 242 Eiger om th~ Eigerjocb, the, viii. 20 - l?hotography in the High Alps, Xl. 68 I -+ new p es in the Mischabel range, Douglas, Lord F., Gabelhorn, the, " liv.365 ii.221 F9wler, R., Aigllille Verts and the Duhamel, H., ancient glacier passes Ohardo net, the, iv. 140 ascent f the Breithorn from the of Dauphine, xiii. 538 - Ecrins fl'om tbe south, the, x. 219 north, .44 - passes between tbe valleys of the F eeman, O. E., Gross Griinborr Veneon and of,tbe Romanche, x. from th Ooncordia Hut, xv. 32& 264 eshfield D. W., Alpine dangertl, vii.,l58 279 - topogTllophyof the Meije and the Grande Ruine, ix, 293 Alpine maps, x. 42 Durier, 0., first· pal!Sage of the 001 Besirp da, the, xi. 302 du Geant, ix, 86 Brenta Alta and the Oima Tosa, Hle, vii. 46 . bye.co er!! in Savoy, xii. 1, 137 EOOLES, J., ascent of Mont Blanc by Oanal vii. 46 the Broglia andFresnay Glaciers, I Oauc an literature, ix. 182 viii. 409 Oauca us, topographical results, I xiv. 45 . - effects of lightning on crystalline rocks, xiv. ) 18 Oentra Oaucasus in 1887, a skela- RockY Mountain region of ton di of six weeks' travel in, Wyoming and Idaho, the, ix. 241 , xiii. 85 Eden, 0., ascent of El Viejo, i. 228 Ohartt' use de Reposoir, the, xv. - Serra do. Estrella, the, v. 122 I38l~b' '" 499 ; e 1m s ill t he 0 aucasus, Xl1l. Rvans, T. W., ascent of Baula, i. 360 xiv. 1 Col de la Tour Ronde, v. 230 - expedition to Cape Reykjanes, i. critici m on Alpine litel'ature, a, 247 vii. 44 dolom tes of Val Rendena, v. 241) earlies attempts on Monte Rosa, F. I~. H.t ascent of Popocatepetl, iv. 234 I xii. 46 + early ents of Ararat, viii. 213 Falknel',A. de, Oimon della Pala, the, viii. 162 early xplorers of the Oaucasus, - Primiero, viii. 278 xiv.S1 Enga iue and lleighbourhood, the, Farral', J. P., Finsternarhol'n by S. arete. xi. 368 v.279 -I- Eng . climbers and Oaucasian - Weissborn by the western face, , critics, xii. 820 xi. 416 i 1 I ! -+ II -t t t' + t ; 6 NAMES OF Freshfield, D. W., explorations and ascents in the Cancasus in 1889, xiv. 436 - glaciers and meteorology, ix. 300 - glel\nings from Cogne, viii. 300 - Gran Sasso d'Italia, the, viii. 858 - great peaks of the IIim!\laya, xii. 448 - Himalayan nnd Alpine mountnineerin:;l', xii. 99 - hints fOl' Caucasian exploration, xi. 471 _ hints for travellers in the Caucasus and elsewhere, xiv. 24 history of the Duet, ix. 6 itinerary of a tour in the Caucasus, iv. 160 Kaltwassel' Sattel, the, vi. 197 Kilima-njaro, xiii. 475 Lago d'Iseo, Lovel'e, and Val di Scalve, viii. 85 legends of the Val rIi Genova, vii. 440 manners and customs of the Engadine, vi. 432 Maritime Alps, the, ix. 1117,385; xiii. 177 mediooval routes across the Alps, vi. 872 Midsummer il) Corsica, x. 194 Monte Generoso, viii. 52 Monte 'fezio, .\:ii. 175 Mustagh Pas8, the, xiv. 50 new route across the Italian lakes, xiii. 38 night ou the Elbruz Saddle, xiv. 239 - note on Algerian mountains, xiv. 82 - note on Professor Tylldall's attempt on the Matterhorn in 1862, v.335 - note on the Maritime Alps, x. 45 _ notil on the Saracens at Saas and elsewhere ill the Alps, ix. 208 _ notlls on old h'acks: I, The Oberland, ix. 484; II. The Dolomites, x.6S; III. Round Monte Rosa, x. lll8, IV. The mountains of Dante, x. 400; V. Gorges of the noja, and Spur of T,~lrbia, xi. 228 _ notes 011 the Himalaya and the Himalayan sun'ey, xii. 52 - Ol'tIer :;\'IOup,the, v. 284 _ Ost Spitze of Monte Rosa, the, vi. 244 i +UTHOR$ :freshfiel , D. W., Pass of Hannibal, i the, xi. 267; xiii. 28 Passo di Ritorto, vi. 150 -!- Pelm , the, vi. 257 +- Plaei a Speacha, amI early i mount ' eeri)J~ in the Biindner i Obed d, x.289 +- Punt Sengie, the, xii. 176 reeen !';dditions to the Clu1)· rooms, xu. 342 Roch de Plassse, x. 491 Sanet ary of San Chiaftredo, the, +- t t x.481 Sarao Sarltc skete ! Pania .;....aolii'u -!- aJll'in Swiss Swiss tram landR, Tyrol Vallo Magn Vallo xv. 32 Ziller ns in the Al s, the, x. 274 ns at Saas, the, ix. 282 es from the Apennines, the elIa Croce, vii. 372 e of Abkhasia, XY. 237 in the Pyrenees, vii. 47 Dolomites, v. 200 aI,etches, x. 497 in the Westel'll Highiii. 473 v. Tirol, xii. 471 broaa and the Prato , xiii. 557 'a, M., cabin on Mont Blanc, haler Ferner, the, vii. 281 . O. S., wintel' ascent of Glyder ), Fawr, a, yi. 195 alton, I F., avalanches. of the ! JUDp;fmm, i. 184 fJardineJ, F., across the Pyrenees, ! xi. 39 ascen of Elhruz, vii. 113 Daup ine in 1873, vii. 80 excnr ions in the Lepontine Alps, ix.57 expe itiona from the Saas ThaI, ~ viii. 1 r- expe itions round Zermatt in 1876, iii. 375 . first scent of the Hiihnerstock, xiii. 3 I) ;- first ascent of the Punta del Brogll,Xiy.466 !- mon taineering in Dauphine with, lout g\ ides, ix. 219 1- mou taineering in June, 1876, • viii. 2 9 thrc new ascents without guides ! iu So them Dauphine, x. 138 - visit ~o Montserrat, a, xi. 226 t- f- ! i.- 7 NAMESOF A*aORS I {: Gardiner, F., week amongst the !french Dolomites, a, xiv. 211 Gardiner, F., a'!1dothers, iti~erary of a tour in the Caucasus"vn. IOU Garvagh, Lord, plea fc)r Norway, a, viii. 49 GeOl'ge H. B., axe v. alpenstoclr, iv.126 - blue light in snow, iii. 220 Col de la Tour Noire, i. 274; xv. 497 - Elbruz and the attempted ascent of it by a Russian expedition, ii. 168 - I, f~t.e of tho French Alpine Club, Anne\(y, 1876, viii. 221 - Finsteraarjoch, the, i. 249 - ~uides at Pontl'esiJ:la, i. 142 - knots for roping travellers, ii. 95 - medirevl11routes across the Eastern Alps, vi. 371 - M.6nch from the Wengern Alp, the, i. 85 -Monte Rosa seen from the SitupIon, i. 207 - mountain huts, vii. 337; in the Bernese Oberland, vii. 164 - mountaineering notes, iv. 237 - note from the neighbourhood of Courmayeur, vii. 400 - notes on photography in the High Alps, iv. 402 - Nugre Alpiculares, xiii. 327 - phenomenon on the Arolla Glacier, x. 492 - Sesil\jocht the, i. 49 .• - Sion FestlVal of the SW18SAlpme Club, the, vii. 159 - suggestions as to the best mode of carrying a pack, iii. 95 - Val di Genov/l., x. 112 Gilbel·t J., Canale, vii. 45 Godley, A. D., M.tirbeggliicke, the, xiv. 514 Goodhart, C. \V., balloons for monntaineers, vi. 317 Garret, A., Italian ascent of the J\IatterhorD, the, ii. 237 Gosset, P. C., accident on the Raut de Cry, i. 288 - hut on the J uDgfrau, xii. 171 - inundations in Switzerland in 1868, iv. 177 Gotch, H. G., Mt'ije, the, viii. 177 Graham, W. W.,Aiguille du Geant, xi. 73 -----,.--.---------------1"'"1 G~aham, . W., climbing in the !Hima1a a, xi. 365 -: Kumll.o map, the, xii. 265 -, mount neermg in Sikkim, xi. 402 travel nd ascents in the Rimaaya, xii 25 G een, . S., climbing in New ',ealand xi. 301 journe into tbe glacier regions of New ealand, xi. 1, 57,129 Lenden eld's, Dr. R. van, ex., loratio a in the Southern Alps :' of New ea.lalld, xii. 162 G 'eelle, • A., cil'cular rainbows, xii. 173 Daupb' 6 in 1888, xiv. 372 ove, F .. , address, xiii. 213 Alpine training diet, xii. 149 ascent of the AiguiUe de Bionlla8say, i. 321 compo. ati ve skill of travellers and gui es, v. 87 discov 1'1 on the Riffelhorn, vi. 437 DOl'the n and southern ascents of the atterhol'n, i v. 185 Ortier • pitze, the, ii. 424 Stude 'och, the, i.364 iissfeldt P., first ascent of Piz Roseg-, thf.', ix. 383 ~Iont Blanc from Courmayeur, xv. 55 .t., on thJ Italian side of the J\fatter: horn, ,'till. 418 -l' I f., prO,VJiSion for old age of guide.q, i.44 all, }f. Alpine ropes, ii. 224 glaC~'e observations, xv. 348 all, J\I . Marshall, Zermatt and I the N w Weissthor in 1849, ix. t i 173 flaU, • E., across Lapland, vii. "• 169 I +-- ascen~ of the Dent d'HerellS, i. 209 I ;- Col d~s 13ollquetins, the, i. 92 - :.a~~~aCcident OIl the IJyekamm, '-- Strai s of Magellan and the Ande of Central Chile, iv. 327 y .' ~., ~nd others, guides at , PontI sma, 1. 141 iHa;nil~!. A. E., Denta des Bouqu&' tlllS, 'Iii1. 225 I iRan, ' --------------- 8 NAMES OF 4UTHOR~ Hamilton, A. B., district of A rolla, the, vi. 20 - fete of the French Alpine Club at Grenoble, viii. 445 Hann, J., glaciers and meteorology, ix.297 Hardy, J. F., A!.:tna, P. i. 475 - ascent of the Finsteraarhorn, P. i. 283 - ascent of the Lyskamm, P. ii. 383 - ascent of the Piz Bernina, P. ii. 177 - Col du Sonadon from St. Pierre to Chermontane, P. ii. 252 - JOlmls Glacier, the, P. iii. 429 Hartley, J. W., Aiguille du Geant, xi. 802 - Weisshorn fl'om the Schallenberg Glacier, viii. 419 Haslmtt-Smith, W. P., mountaineering in the Lake district" xiii. 178 Hawker, W. H., accident on the Titlis, the, ii. 223 - Ohamois hunt in the Oberland, iv.129 - Corsica, iv. 269, 289 wolf 'hunt in the Maritime Alps, vi. 174 Hawkins, F. V., exclusions on the west side of Mont Blanc, P. i. 58 Heathcote, C. G., Col de Pierre' Joseph, the, iii. 00 - Laquinjoch, the, iii. 44 Heelis, J., ancient Rhone Glacier, the, xii. ]57 Hinchliff, T. W., Alpine flowers, l' . older, W., southern valleys of the Ca casus, xv. 513 olland, E. 1'., green shadows on snow, '. 95 phosp orescent snow, i. 143 tour i Iceland in 1861, P. ii. 8 olmes •. , Dnter Gabelhorn fl'om ~ the Tr' t Valley, xiii. 176 .l:lIolzman, .M;., Ampezzo-SextenAm'on' 0 Passes, the, vii. 9 Ampe zo . Cadore - Auronzo Passes, the, vii. 240 . Dam pass, the, xiii. 176 Dolom tes in winter, the, ix. 882 -i- l\'lonte J,aste, vii. 264 notes n the Brenta group, xi. + 1, 1 + 413 Val IJ oplrlllso nil', xiv Iornby, horn IT Ebnefl Agassiz ort, F, Alpine Ioward, ! in Carn owells,., i.120 F. owse, T. Cantal, the, x. 37 flOl'lt 0 tho Engadine, ii. 428 moss fi ra of St. Moritz, v. 273 udsoll, ., accident on the Col de JVIiage,1Je, P. ii. 208 Idson, JI. A., Col delle Loccie, the, i.75 v.97 - from Zermatt to the Val d'Anniviers by the Trift Eass, P. i. 126 - Wildstl'Ubel and O1denhorn, the, P.i,326 Hines, H. K., ascent of Mount Hood, Oregon, iiL 214 Hoare, H. S., accident on the Dent Blanche, xi. 97 , - ascent of .Mont Maudit, ix. 313 Hodgkinson, G. C., French map of Mont Blanc, the, ii. 421 - hyp,sometry nnd the aneroid, P. hi. 463 , :- minimum tllermometers, i. 48 Hogarth, W., Orcefa Jokull water eruption, P. ii. 121 Holder, H. W., expedition to the Caucasus, an, xiv. 177 rsec, x. 110 ,C., &0., ascent of Mjol380 . J., ascent of the Silberm the north, ii. 254 joch, Schmadrijoch, and och, iii. 85 J. A., beginnings of the lub, the, ix. 50 ., Terglou and llbngert ola, the, iv. 345 ascent of the Gllirnisch, - Col To rnanche, the, ii. 86 ughes, "from the l\Iittaghorn to the E . nerhorn, xiii. 182 ulton, "., Monte dena Disgrazia from th north-east, xi. 245 II, tchinso ,C. B., accident on the I.PizMol' eratsch, i. 440 ~ Goschefen-Limmi, the, ii. 158 ' Hfltchison J. A., climbs ill the Titlis d*I'ict, xii. 266 ! Ji!(''KSON' jill'S' E. P., winter qua\'ette,"a, iv. 200 Jll. mb, F W.,Ool de la Valpelline, c., P. 306 - Col deS~PlanardS' ii. 44 -ICol du SOllndon and 001 de la ~Iaison lanche, P. it 241 it. 9 NAMES OF AUTHORS , I .lacomb, F. W., 001 du Sonadon to Ollomont; Col de Orete Seche; ascent of :Mont GeM, P. ii. 259 - Finsteraarhorn, the, i. 319 - introduotory remarks on the high level route, P. ii. 227 - Italian Alpine Club, an, i. 207 - Todi, the, i. 320 Jocelyn, N., pOl·table level, a, ii. 43 Jose, T. P. H., Monch from Wengel'll Alp, xiii. 128 Judson, O. F., Grand Oombin, xv. 444 KENNEDY,E. S., ascent of Monte della Dis!f;azia, i. 3 - ascent of Piz Bermna, P. ii. 14tl - 1\Iay and December on the Faul· horn, xiv. 302 - night adventure on the Bristenstock, a, P. i. 853 Kennedy, E. S., and ot,hers, report of the Special Committee on Ropes, Axes, and Alpenstocks, i. 321 Kennedy, T. S" accident on the Brouillard Glacier, the, vii. 110 - ascent of the AiguilleVerte, iii, 68 - aecent of the Dent Blanche, i. 33 - -- excursions from Oourmayem' in the range of' Mont Blanc, vi. 168 - Zermatt and the .Mattel·horn in winter, i. 77 Kin!\" H. S., first ascent of the Alg'Uille Blanche de Peuteret, xii. \ if L~.yton, O~E..' Balf1'inhorn, the. xi. L~t4 W., cident on the Aiguille lanehe de Peuteret, xi. 91 - climbi with a hand camera, xv. f72 J . n . I . b .. L '1,man, ~., ClrcUar ra.m ows, xu. 73 -IFee Pa , the, xi. 414 L~denfel , R. von, Dachstein group.' he, ix. 95 - New Ze land Alps, the, xii. 339 Li dt, R., r. Gosset's survey of the hone lacier, ix. 500 L n/(man, W., accident on the letsch lacier, 1. 20 - Ohamo ixguides, vi. 314, 379 - model'n ountaineering, viii. App. L pp6, G., Ohamonix guides, vi. 375 - Mont Bane in winter, vii. 437 ria, A. ascent of the Hohbergorn, xii . 521 -lea1'ly n oS of the Lyskamm and Wellenk 'ppe, xiii. 555 - iG1'ossV]iescherhorn, xiii. 555 -Ihuts in :plastern Alps, xiii. 39, 265 - itablet the memory of Sir - umphr( Davy, xiii. 265 - three n~ ascents in the Bernose bel'landl without guides, xiii. 378 L dwig, J 1\£., third peak of !)iz oseg, i . J68 10 431 I I I i 305 I Koch, German Alpine Olub and the Tyrolese guides, the, vi. 369 LAlIDEN, W., Ohalll-ion and other places, xv. 532 - rambling reminiscences of Arolla, xiii. 446 Latham, F. L., Bregenzer '\Vald, the, ii. 154 - personation of a guide, i. 48 - Se1'tig Pass from Davos to Scanfs, i.318 Law, E. D., indiaI'ubber versuS popel' as a material for Alpine maps, x. 40 I I I I I three new ascellta in the Bernese Oherland, xiv. 25 Ring, H. S., and Barrett, H., Supersax fund, xii. 465 Kitson, J. Ii., J ungfrau, the, v. 377 - 'Weisshorn from the north, the, v. apanna Gnifetti to Zermatt, xv. - I ,\ i t 23 -ivariatio 85 ; of the Adler Pass, xiii. I I lVld.CCORMrc~., J., fatal accident on the iffelhor M~cdona]d, he Schr M~cdonald, mnch, i - :passage ld Ilac f, , ii. 153 C. A., new descent from khoI:D, a, xv. 370 R. S., ascent of the 423 of the Roththal Sattel t of the J llngfrau, ii. 61 !II key, A. J., Lepontine 52 Maiin, :Mrs., Wetterhorn; Alps, xv. descent by he J{enfi n Glacier, xv. 369 M kin, A .. , leaves from the diary f, xv. 4 , 120, 205 ~I Zermat and the '\Veissthor in 1840, x. ---..,----<---------------~I, i I i 10 . i NAMES 011 4UTHOR~ I ' Yareet, W., breathing at high alti- I *athews, W., on the Oomte de· tudes, xiii. 1 I I St. Bo ert's method of measuring - on the use of alcoholic stimulants I height by means of the baro:' meter, v.94 in mountaineerinf!" xiii. 319 Marett, 0., legal rights to glaciers, on th sympeziometel' and ane~ xii. 4.69 raid ba ometer, ii. 397 ..•...St. Ro rt's hypsologista, iii. 209 - on the retreat of Swiss glaciers, viii. 275 ~aude, . E., circular l'aillbows; xii. - travelling in Switzerland half a 1172 century ago, xi. 474 . l\ifaude, "l\Iont BlanCl by the I Glacier du D6ine, xv. 554 Mason, T., ascent of Snmfell JOImll, v.8S ~aund, . 0., Aiguil1e Verte from Mathews, O. E., accident on the I the Ar entiere Glacier, viii. 289 Matterhorn, ix. 372 Gross Lautel'aarhorn from the -. Alpine obituary, the, xi. 78 west, x • 27 ' - ascent of the Matterhorn from mount 'n misadventures, vii. 409 the south side, v. 259 new r ute across the Bietsch·· horn, x 20 - climbing with one guide, xi. 100 - 001 de Trelat~te, the, ii. 285 . winter trip' to Sardinia, a, viii. 121 congress of Alpine clubs at ennell, . r., .Fllih·Pass, v. 144 Geneva, ix. 833 1\ em'er, ., first ascent of the Pala - congress of Alpine clubs at Paris di San artino, ix, 165 in 1878, ix. 104 + hut 0 the Gross Glockner, ix. , 238 - growth of mountaineering, the, x.251 Konig pitze from the Suldeu - Jiigerhorn and the Lyskamm I Grat, i • 167 fro111Gl'essonay, the, iv. 65 sket s from the Dolomites,. , xiii, 18 - Weisshol'l1, the, i. 44 Mathews, W" Alps of the TareniChell' . W; A., exploration of the taise, the, P. iii. 389 Siklrlm Himalaya, xv. III - ascent of Mont Pourri, i. 112 twent years' climbing in the - ascent of Monte Viso, P. Hi. 147 HimalllfY8, xi. 203 - building of the Alps, the, xiii. ~~e m~OrelT".A.IPine dangers, vii. 314 - climbing with one guide, xi. 100 Col de Grandes JOI'888eS,the, vii. - Col de Lys, the, P. ii. 859 225 - 001 des Jumeaux (Felikjoch), P. expedi ions from the Tschierva ii. 397 I Glacie , viii. 198 - Cl'OZfund, the, ii. 422l\iIills,F GI'and Paradis, the, xiv. - determination of heights by means i 517, of the barometer, ii. 33, 68, 123 ¥~~ml1,n, .,001 des GrandesJorasses, - explorations round the foot of I n. 114 Monte Viso, P. iii. 129 from t e head of the Glacier de - French and English bOlling I l\1iage 0 Oontamines by the Col points, ii. 46 I 'dit in anchissable,' v. 277 - Grande Oasse, the, viii. 225 + Laute aar Sattel, the, i. 68 - Grandes RoussesofDauphiue, the, PontI' ina to Chiesa, P. ii. 131 i. 294 :Moore, . Vol" Aiguille de Tl'ela- Moseley's theory of glacier I tete, v. 143 motion, iv. 411 asc~mt of Mont Blanc from the - mountains of Ragues, with the I Glacier de la Brenva, ii. 369 ascents of the Velan, Combin, &c., ascent of the Viescherhol'n, i. 236 P. i. 76 -I- attem t to ascend the Lyskamm - on the comparison between the from th west, i. 86 ...•...n:om implon to Saas by the metrical and English readings in double-scale barometers, i. 441 Gamse 'och, i. 140 + T' I i + t t t.. t g., + ± + + .) \' 11 NAMES OF A~THORSI I Moore, A. W., Gabelhorn, the, ii. 222 - Grindelwald in winter, iii. 207 - Jakob Anderegg btU'nt out, vi. 8]6 - Monch and Jungfrau from the Wengern Alp, vii. 294 - lVlotning Paas, the, ii, 191 - Ortler Spitze, the, i. 46 - Todi and Adula Gebirge, the, iii. 153 - Turtman ThaI to the Einfisch Thai by the Pae de Forcletta, i. 203 - variations on the high level route, v.Boo - winter expeditions in the Alps, iv. 809; v. 62 - Winteljoch, v. 143 winter tour in the Dolomites, ix. 307 Morse, G. IL, Finsterllarhorn by the south arete, xiii. 422 Morsehead, F., circular rainbows) xii. N~man_Nf'rUda, L., Monte Giralba, tv. 441 -Isome n aecents in the BerninA. roup, x • 401 N gee, F •• , descent of the Aletschorn on fe north, xi. 415 l l OLt , ••. ' J•. , trips in the HimaJavas, Or . rfi~t~'ascent of the Grivola, ·v.78 - Mont P _~mountai 49 - Sierra Os. orn, *t An de • rdu, iv. 887 s of Spain, the, vi. 57, evada, the, iii. 1 G., the' Couronne' Lenk, vi. 54 S\ n. r P AJc.XE, c~'1botanical notes from the , olomi , vii. 167 -idiscrep ncy between French and J~nglish baromehic Iltandards, i. 172 Moseley, Canon, observations on 1\1:1'. 15 I - electrici~yin the Pyrenees, i.202 l\1:athews's account of his theory -English and metricnl barometric of glacier motion, v. 40 talldard , ii. 46 Muddock, J. E., letter from, xi. 127 - flora of the Pyrenees, ii. 47 Mummery, A. F., :first ascent of the - Papave Alpinum, the, v. 76 Matterhorn by the Zmutt arete, ix. 458 - Pelmo, he, vi. 367 MU1'l'ay-Browne, T. L., Glittertind - P~~illo d'Ooand Pic des Posets, .m.ll and Uledalstind, the, v. 154 -: reminis enees of the Pyrenees, NAPIER, Hon. G., ascent of Demllr vend, viii. 256 Nichols, R. C., Alpine map of Switzerland, the, ii. 350 - Alpine slang, vi. 253 - cloud streamers in the Alps, i. 208 - etymology of' avalanche,' vi. 99 - excursions in the Graians : "£he Grand Ap,parei,' ii.IS ; 'The Ste HeJ(me,' Ii. 387; 'The Albaron,' iii. 104 - Gamchi Glaciel', the, ii. 224 - glaciers and meteorology, ix. 299 - mountains, rain and snow, vi. 275 - passage of the Col de la Tempe and the Col de l'Echauda, P. iii. 183 Noel, Hon. R., Remerjoch, the, iv. 255 Norman, H. J., Binnenthal, 481 the, xi. fii. ~7 .... , . -I SRXlfl'a es, Vll. 364; Vlll. 40 -; Sierra evada, the, iv. 113 -I table 0 the heights of the peaks ~l1d pass s of the Pyrenees, P. iii. p38 -I Vigne ale, the, i. 131 Pi'SSingha ,G. A., Weisshorn from ,inal, t e, ix. 427 . P ulsol1, , ascent of Orrefa Jolrull, l, ii. 12 l)~COCk, D. R., travel in the aucaSll ,xv. 372 Parson, . A., Cima di Jazzi from iacugn gll, viii. 51 P .ndlebur gleanings from Cogne. ,'1'he Gl'ivola and Tour de St. PieI$' ix. 72 -! Schrec horn from the Lauteraar ~attel, t e, vii. 34 -1. Zillerth leI' Ferner, the Thurner~amp, v i. 282 ,n., i 12 NAMES OF 4UTHOR$ , Pendlebury, W .1l'1.,Grande Aiguille, la, vii. 148 Penhall, W., Matterhorn from the Zmutt Glacier, the, ix. 449 Philippe, M., Obamonix guides, vi. 427 Pilkington, C., ascent of the Jungfrau from the Wengern Alp without guides, x. 886 - ascent of the Meije without guides, ix. 411 . - Black Ooolins, the, xiii. 488 - Scottish Mountameering OIub, xv. 79 Pilkin/{ton, C. H., Col de Mont Brule, i. 68 -- Val des AUues, ii. 812 Pollock, Sir F., companion of Albert Smith, a, xv. 871 - library of the Alpine Club, the, xii. 420 Powell, G. H., Piz d'Albana, the, xiii. 184 Powell, W. W. R., death of Joseph Bran~chen,the,ix. 379 Pratt-Barlow, F. T., ascent of the Monte delIa Disgrazia from Chiareggio, viii. 20 - Cfranc}Paradis from Oogue, vii. 1 Prothero, F. E., ChlJ'iden Gmt, the, T. Ro:a:'lRT, Oomte P. de, a new metho of measuring heights, vi. 414; '.204 hieSB, ., and LUscher, C., death of Jo eph Brantschen on the Matter om, the, ix. 374 . chiitz' Bson, H., Melchior Anderegg as a sculptor, vi. 315 chulz, ., accident on the Meije, the, xii 399 hUBter, F. 0., Zermatt guides, xiii. ,177 ~chwo.tkoJr F., mountaineering in I Alaslca, xiii. 89 Seh' weitz , E., Breithorn, the, P. ii. 348 l on re ation, ii. 307 later, • L., Krukeli Pass, the vi. 101 riven, tino di preven blistel'i ella, A., eton-Ka', Monte ., Dolomit~ of San Marastrozza, Xlv.20l ion of snow bUl'Ding and g, xiii. 389 iguille du Geant, xi. 72 H. W., attempt on Rotondo in winter, xi. 412 lost 0 notes om Campfer, xi. 370 iber-Gy i, G., Monte delIa Disi.90 I grazia, . 48 Prothero, G. W., Dom from the ~impson, ., ascent of Sikaram, ix. Domjoch, the, xv. 110 ,288 Purtsclieller, L., Meije by the Gango tre, a journe~ in the Eastern Ridge, the, xii. 460 Himala a to the I Oow s Mouth,' vi. 385 R. H., AralIa, xii. 260 Himal yan routes, vii. 259 Habot, 0., attempt to ascend Monte snow lindneSB, xiii. 477 Rosa by the Italian side in the Suffai Koh range and the Je11alabad re .on, x. 12 eighteenth century, ix. 496 - :passes in the French Alps in the lingsby, W.O., Aiguilles Rouges eIghteenth century, x. 275 d'A1'Oll ,a day on the, xiv. 84 UlImsay, A. C., ancient glaciers of circuit rainbows, xii. 272 Switzerland and North Wales, Lake istrict, the, xiv. 169 . P. i. 400 moun ineering in the Madera- note on drift, P. i. 515 nerthal xiii. 138 __ mount ineel'ing in Norway, xi. Hobarts, O. H., pass between Piz 142 , Bernina and Piz :Morteratsch, viii. 160 -r new a:Jcent of Scafell, a, xiii. 93 Rogers, J. D., some ascents in the \ night ~adventure on the Dent Langkofel grO\1pof the Dolomites, Blanch, a, xv. 404 xv. 365 notes n a campaign in Norway, :Rumbold, Sir H., late disastrous fire xii. 26 at Meiringen, the, ix. 234 ~mith, C~.~I., walkin~ tour through Russell, Oount H., mountains and I the Hi alaya, a, iiI. 52 mountaineering, v. 241 $owel·by"J., from Gadmen to Gut- + i " i;' NAMES OF A"QTHORS T!]lR. I tannen, by the Trift ThaI and Furtwang Pass, i. 388 So)Verby, Grosse Windgelle, the, vii. 266 - round the Maderanerthal, vi. 321 - tour in the Alps in 1800, a, vii. ;r., ~31 - Wolfendorn Kind, the, xiii. 479 Spence, J. M., peak of Naiguata, Venezuela, the, vi. 101 Stallard, G., GrosshOl'l1, the, xv. 443 Starr, R., Hoch Wild Spitze, the, ix.494 - Oetzthlller Ferner in' 1875, the, ix.81 StlIphen, L., accident on Mont Blanc in 1870, v. 188 - Alpine accidents in 1887, ;1:iii. 467 - Alpine dangers, ii. fl73; vii. 811, 404 -ascent of the Rothhorn, ii. 67 - ascent of the Schreckhorn, P. iii. B - best form. of alpenstock for the hi~h Alps, the, i. 253 - Bietschborn and :BHimlis Alp, the, i. 853 - Eastel'I1 Oarpathians, the, iii. 25 - effect of a rarefied atmosphere on climbers, viii. 281 - Jungfraujoch and the Vioscherjoch, the, i. 97 -' new pass in the chain of Mont :Slane, a, vi. 351 - passage of the Eigel:joch, P. ill. 15 - peaks of Pl'imiero, the, iv. 385 recent accidents ill the Alps (1869), iv. 373 - round Mont Blanc, v. 289 -Weisshorn. the, i. 39 Stevens, G. W., falling stones on the Schreckhorn,viii.4oo Stlll, S. F., f1,ndRuck, E. W., lost on the Strahleck, iv. 39 Stocker, A. H., Kahlamba l\Iountains, the, xiv. 897 - Old Mall of Skye, the, xiii. S65 Stogdon, J., accident on Mont Blanc, v. 193 - English lakes in winter, the, v. 34 Stratton, F., Isenfluh and the SausthaI, xv. 555 Stutfield, H, )1., Alpujlll'raS and the Sierras Nevadas, xi~i. 80 :( I 13 O. B., ~reat peaka of the imalay , the, xli. 438 -- tour of. nnchanjanga, xiii. 28 Tn 101', C., Monte Rosa from l\facunaga, v. 232 Ta lor, F., irculal' rainbows, xii • .fJ71 T telmann, M. von, l!.8Qentof 04;ltoaxi, vi" 4,48 T mas, P W., Aiguille du Oha1'onnet, i. 262 - death 0 Joseph Br\lontschen, the, .378 -Dam fro the Riel). Glacier, the, v.222 - mounta' Qel'ing in Southern 0010ado,xv,480 To ham, W., expedition to M<lunt t. Elias Alaska, an, xiv. 345 - few no 8 about the Selkirks, a, ·v.418 - Selkirk l}Tlge,the, :xiv. 58 To er, H. 'IT" ascent of Mount grells, ix. 462 Trltter, C, Mischabe~joch, thll, 1. 25 - ~lOnch, h~, i. 8l:l T~cker, O. 0., Alpine and Arotic .ravel, v'i. 153 -loaucas 8, the, iv. 241 -- Oima. d, n,.lt Vezzanf1"the, vii. 57 -- Gross 'lockner, the, vi. 151 - Pania d lla Croce, la, vii. 214 -- R08eng ten Gebirge, the, vii. 45; ix. 38 -Iweek in the Graians in 1867, a, "vi. 83, 1 {) T~. kett, F., l1Cl'OS.'lthe Kapyle ighlan ,xiv. 73 - Alpine ibliography, ii. 159,1269, 1126; -iv. 2, 239; v. 378 ; vi. 438; ·i.445 -~.,.~ • tnthf,t~\8~Wi.8 ..S Inundation -!MCent' the Aletschhorn, P. iii. $8 -, ascent 0 Taygetus, viii. 316 -i Col de I Reuse de l' At'olla, P. it -r~~l Vi~ent.jno, ~osco del Oon- i~lio, ~d. Monte CI.LVallo,the., vi. -G1 contl'ib tions to Alpine hypeoetry, . iii. 484 - contribt tions to the top0!P'!joph~' . f t4e 0 tier and LombarCl Alps, l. 885 . 14 NAMES OF ~UTH,O* 'Tuckett, F. F., determination of heights by the thermo,barometer, v.218 - dirt bands of the Lower Grindelwald Glacier, P. iii. 4515 enrly ascents of the Ortler Spitze, ii. 30l Elbruz and Kazbelr, iv. 166 exC)ursionsin the Graian Alps, v. 171 exploration in the Alps of Dau.phil1~, 1. 145 explorations in the Gi:ischenen Thil,l, ii. 92 g~des at Pontresina, the, i. 206 Heim, Dr., on glaciers and glacier theories, xii. 219, 300 hunting grounds of Victo~' Emmanuel, P. iii. 259 hypsometry of Greece, viii. 434 Lysjoch and Zumstein Spitze fifty years ago, the, v. 136 medireval routes across the ElUltern Alps, vi. 434 ' Monte della Dis15razia, v. 46 mountaineering III the Tyrol, iii. 217 narrow escape from lightning On the Roche Melon, vii. 191 - night adventure in the Suldenthal, a, ii. 341 - night bivouac on the Grivola, a, - P. iIi. 292 '- night on the summit of Monte Visa, a, i. 26 notes on Corsica, xi. 44,9 on the amount of ozon\! at differ_ ent altitudes, P. iii. 445 on the recent ref,rent of the Lower Grindelwald Glacier, vi. 80 Pizzo d'Uccello and the Solca d'Equi, the, xi. 324 race for life, It, v. 337 round Monte Ointe, with notes on some eXClusions in the N:W. of Corsica, x. 814 Swiss I Alponclub,' tho, iv. 147, 203 - tables of the heights of the Alpine pealls and passes, P. iii. 503 Tuckett, F. F., £VIld Kennedy, T. S., ice-axes, ii. 217 Tyndall, J., accident on t.he Pi~ Morteratsch, i. 437 - day among the s~raCS of the Glacier du Geant, P. i. 89 'Il.' ....yndft,.ll~'J"Mal·jelen See, the, vi.IOO 'Il.'yrwl1it, R. St. J., ascent of Om Shau e1', desert of M(lunt Sinal, ',i. 205 exped tion to Hammerfest, an, iU. I 76 +- w. trTTER80t-KEL~O, .. E., Dent de 370 ~rei innen and Mal'~al'ole, the, . MO~'C!Je,xi. T ' r Vl•3 . l'oll.naICol'tina, vi. 199 xv. 79 ... SaastDolomites, , I A.INEW~IGHT,B., :Nlonte di Seer,.. scen f om the Scerscen Glacier, xiii. 1 .aIker, ., Andeer to ViQOSoprano, 1.256 of t ~'f 'Ik~:-"..,•.• ,19 W. all, C.I G., Cinque p~ """g, ill. TOln .• the, x. 180 o/an, T. W., ascent of I,liwedd by I north e, xi, 239 W~allroth F. A., Hinchlifl' memorial, the, xi. 407 'i~t27i ., GoutIre de lJuserailles, t atso n, . E. B••,Engadinll in winter, the, x. 1 Piz rnina in winter, ix. 492 atson, ., traces of glaciers in North merica, x. 109 latson, . S., Balfrinhorn, the, i. ,188 ± ele(ltri al adventures, i, 142 attsr • L., ascent of :Myrdal~ I JOltnll, ii. 170 Went war h, Lotd, Aigui1le de Peth teret a d Jumeaux· of Valtour~ , nanehe" ix. 1 , Wetherell, F. T., accident on the , Bondns a Glacier, xiii. 471 -t Adler at Grindelwald, the, viii. ,400 -+ Alpine Alpi,ne ascent Fee Gl -+ Br(lilh Oarrel, , 1865 a -+ cil'cula t-+ inns and huts, x. 487 query, an, xv. 372 ,t· the Tiischhorn from the ier, ix. 200 rn (F~tl'ggengrat), x. 428 J. A., llnd the G-orrets it! 1890, xv. 332 rainbows, xii. 273 II'I 15 NAMES OF AUrHORS , Wetherlld, F. T'l Col de Ill. Dent Blanche, ix. 17~ - Domjoch and Lysjoch, the, ix. 309 - first ascent of the l\'1Onch, xiii. 265 -- Gross Schreckhorn and Gross Lauteraa.rhorn, viii. 52 hut on the Col du Gilant, viii. 5.2 mountain huts, vii. 337 mountain huts in the chain of Mont Blanc, ix, 235 Oberland in April, the, xiii. 331 raised plans 6f the Alps, xiv. 171 - records left on mountl1in tops, xii. 467 - ten «:lays'hard work in the Zermatt district, vii. 388 - traverses in the Eastern Gmians, viii. 79 Whately, A. P., Bistellen Pass, the, ii.426 Whitehouse, H. R., ascent of Iztaccihuatl, xv . .268 - note on the heights of the Mexican peaks, xv. 271 - recent ascent. of Popocatepetl, a, xiv. 403 Whitwell, E. R., (\,SCentof tl1e Cimon della Pala, v. 111 - ascents of the Popena and Gaisl or Rothwand, vi. 398 - first ascents of the Aiguille de Blaitiere and Dent Blanche from Zerm!l.tt,vii. 4!42 'Whitwell, T., meteorological note, i. 444 WhymlJel', ~., a,cent of :Mont Pel-I voux, P. Ul. 223 - ascent of the Pointe des Ecrins, ii.225 - camping out, ii. 1 expeditions among the Great Andes of Ecuador, x. 49, 113, 185, 241,369,425,498 - fatal accident on the Matterhorn, the, ii. 148 Greenland, v. 1 note on an alleged Jl.scent of Chimborazo in 1856, x. ~.26 some notes on Greenlan,l and the Greenlanders, vi. 161,209 Tyndall's, Professor, attempt on the ~Iatterhol:n in 186.2, v. 329 WtiCkS, J. H., two peaks and a entre, x . 333 W' r!lm, ., darlr colour of sky in t)ie High Alps, i. 48 - ~ce grot , an, j. 144 .- jntersec on of lines of bedding of ~eve by lue vllins, i. 46 W.~liams, •. , excu.reions round Pin010, ix. 04 W Uams, • G. II., Dos di Sabione, he, viii. 164 W lliams, . S., Maritime Alps, the, .• 383 W lliams, ., Monte Rosse>di Sceren,;rli. 77 W llinJr, . G .• Alpine sketching, ii. 361 , W 11s,A.. , ¢hamonix guides. and the eath o~ the :i\-Ier de Glace, vi. 07 , - Idestructton of the flor4 of the ~lps, xii 358 - excursio s in the neigh~ourhood f Si'/(t, i.49 - passage f the Fen8tre de Salena, he, 1). i. 1 W lson, C., ircull11'rainbows,xii.17 4 - cli'mbin in Norway, xiii. 144 - Highlo.l ds in winter, thl'l, xi. 480 W nkwort , S., 001 d'Argentier6, he, 1). ii 231 . -~gUide. s t Pontresino., tJIe, i. 205 W od, J .. H., two new ascents at an Mar ino, xv. 368 Wbolley,l ., asclltlt of Dychtau, the, xv. 173 ' -, exploratjions and ascen~s in the Oaucfl.S~~in 1889, xiv. 445 Wjiste, A.~ circular rainb.ows, xii. ~74 • Y~LD, G., I Alpine inns am~ huts, x. ~87 _~'XCl\l'Si~S in the South-western l'raians, ix. 474 - Grande Serre, the, xi. 480 Levl\nn , the, ix. 168 .... ~crnmblf.~ in the Easte~n Gl'aians, ~1.14 ; . n. 77, 509 ; XIV. 281 Y~Ue, Co., Hannibal's vinegar, •xi. 481! -I' 0., accident :Meije, tlfe, .xii. 895 ZS~.G G~IO:ND~, I , on the 16 MAPS A.~p lLLU~TRATIONS SE1CTIONn.-MApS Maps: . ADAl OROCR group, xii. 493; xiv. 453 Apparei Grand and Ste lI~Ullle, ii. 3 A:t g:tiere, Co1 P. ii. 2S7 a', BAGNES,mountains of, P. i. 77 B·cruma, g l'aClers 0 f th e, .1. 830 - Piz, P. ii. 131 Blanc, Mont, P. i. 1 - - east end of chain o~!..i. 274 • CAUCA$US, central group, xiv. 24 - chain of the, xiii. 853 Combin, Grand, P. ii. 278 Cook, Mount, xi. 07 , ~RLA1\{Bt l\fonntains, xiv. 402 }(?sht~taf group,xili. 2q8 ~ M~DEllA,NRTHAIJ,vi. 321 1\£glich a d Volujak, xiv. 480 1\£ ritime Ips, ix. 410 1\£~ije'2th03ea, nd the Gran~e Ruins, ~x.; :: I x. 26 4 ~ N~.VAllA, 'ierra,.iii. 16; iv. 113 N+w Zeala d, Southern Alps, xi. 1 i - - new ways to, xii. 1~ - - west side, P. ii. 189 Bl'enta group, xit 309 Bristel'lstock, P. i. 370 : ,I OIjERL;\NDlthe. P. i. 285 ::1 glaQiers of, P. iii. 8 O~tler gro p, i, 422 P~RADIS' rand, vii. 8 P voux, 1\ ont, P. iii. 181 P \l1'1'i, M t, i. 114 P renees, outh of LuchQD, P. iii. Ol DU:BL1!lRETS district, P. i. 327 Disgra~ia, Monte della, country round, i. 4 Dychta,u, xv. iJ8 .FORMA$ZA., Val, 1ll0untaillil of, ix. 57 . ! e, i. I/O ct, P. ii. 848 of, P. i. 150 ande$, i. 295 RqSA, )lIoD -! dist -'-l.'ang R usa611,G S SGllAT d the Fletschhorn, P. i. 07 GLAllUll,Alps of, P. i. 371 Gloclmer, GroBs, P. ii. 425 Godemp.r, Val, mountains at the head of, x, 138 Goeschcnell ThaI. head of, ii. 94 Graillllll, P. iii. 259 - eastern, xii. 509' - southel'n, iii. 112 Grisanohe, Rhames, and Savaranche, valleys of, it 32 St Eli!1S'4ount, xiv. 854 Sa auohes, neighbourhood of, xii. G Se Ie, 001 e la, iii. 221 S' 'm-T et frontier, xv. 112 Sn wdon, llcient glaciers of, P. i. r. ~no : I URI Alps, f. iii. 73 lIA.:NNI.BA.L'S Pasaage, xiii. 38 V~•.LPE:r.'tl~, Co}}e:, P. ii. 807 Vi~o, l\Iont~, P. 111. 1••0 JCELAND,South-East, zd.LERTHA~ER A.lpen, vii. 281 Zil1al Glaci+r, P. i. 127 , P. ii. 3 , 17 ILLUSTRATIQNS lllustratiohs. I I I AAR, Glncier, beyond the Kirchet, 1~.i. 411 - gorgo of tho, Roches MOlltonn6es, P. i. 411 Abvssinian Saint, iv. 173 Adai Ohoch gronp, X\·. 520 - - group from Goribolo, xiii. 354 Ailefi'oide, Pic de 1', P. iii. 200 - Val de 1', glaciers ot, P. iii. 104 Aletschhol'll from th'e Eggischhorn, P. iii. 37 Alisdair, Sgul'r, xv. 429 Alpine tent, ii. 6 Anderegg, J., xii. 866 Anterne, Lac d', and the Chaine des Fys, ii.49 Aragon, adventure with brigands, v. 241 AI'oUa, Pigne d', panol'ama from, viii. (frontispiece) Axe-heads and knots, i. 320 Azerou Taletat, xiv; 78 'BALL, J., xv. (frontisl>iece) Balmenhorn, the, xii. 70 Bavona, Val, from the Capella di Monte, x. 56 B6rn.rde, la, 1'. iii., 198 Berninlllj crevasse on, P. ii. (frontispiece) - g'roup, from Pizzo Scalino, ii. 352 - Fiz, xv. 4tH Besso, Lo, F. i. 147 Bezingi Glacier, xiii. 280 Blanc, l\-Iont, from Combloux, xii. (frontispiece) -" - from the Croix de Feuillette, 1'. i. 75 - "- from tbe Jardin, P. i. 48 - -- south side, viii. 409 - - west face, ii. 97 Bohren, P., xii. 364 Bordjula, xv. 517,518 Bouquet-ins, nents des, from the west, xiii. 529 Boval, view from, P. ii. 159 Brenta group f)'om Moute Gazza, xi. 323 Buet, snow eOlmee, xii. 360 'But what is this? ' v. 284 SAi~IM:P~TEL1LO'D ol0!llites, xv. 366,867 o.a ncm 1'0 k, P. 1.45 On casinn chain, the, above the ychsu lncier, xiii. 373 Co a Glaci ,xii. 217 00 I'edale, onte, view from, ii. 352 Oh!lmois, P,. ii. 444 Oh~rdonne, Aiguille du, incident <!In,iv. 1 6 Oh~rmoz, ignille des, x. 307 Ohimhora.z , x. 369 -Ilan of amp x 438 Ci origo, g rge ~f the, vi. 57 Co on, MOl t" vi. (frontispiece) Co bin, G [md, from the Glacier de orbassi're, P. i. ]23 Co k, l\fou t, xi. 129 Co 'bassiere li'om the chalets of, P. i. ~O C01~paxi, ~1l3 ,- jeruptio . of, x. 436 CU~,Uinhill , the. xiii. 43,3 Cwm Glas oraine, P. i. 429 - 'Graiano ,P. i. 452 I , , DAiRD,natt~al pillars in the gorge <If the, P ii. 262 DeM cham is,'iv.130 Del'·IWJ11, , oc PercM, P. i. 421 Di g1'am of knot, ii. 96 Ili grams f a mal'roon, vi. 283; s crehin materials, xii. 368 Dis razia, onte della, from Cresta iizza, i. 851 "- . om thejS611a Pass, xi. 245 the, f om the Eggischhorn, P. i 195 DOt, Do kin, W. F. xiv. 309 Dofendikan Dr" Aigui Dy~htau, x "- ji'om the .- rlld the "- fnd the , xv. llB e du, ix. 185 . 173,176, 190 Doumala Glacier, XIV. ]0 utuin Glacier, xv. 37 llu-auz Glacier, xv. 37 I EA~Lli1'S nes , the, 11. 152 ECljins, Poi te des, from the west, :\1. 221 ~ from t e 001 du Gillibier, ii. 225 -- +- from he Col du Glacier Blanc, i.176 ; -- +- a 18 ILLUSTRATIONS Eerins, p.ointe des, from the slopes N.W. of les Etages, i. 168 Eiger, outline of the, v. 337 EigerJ.och, from the Wengern Alp, P. tii. (frontispiece) Eivettes, Glacier des, from the, ii.79 Elbruz, vii. 113 - from Terskol, xiv. 57 I I 244 LAMA Rtf, iii. 148 Lang J15 ull, P. i . 115 Last biv uac, th , xv. 26 , Latpar nss, vie from, xiii. 371 Leila, vi w from, xv. 237 Level, a ew, ii. 4 Llanberi Pass, • i. 419 -' _ TII c Perc~~, P. i. 425 - - episode in I the history of, an, P. i. 461:1. ' - - R~Ches Mo tonmSes, P. i. 422 - - se tion of, . i. 44.5 Llyn :rdal, soot' II across mOl'aines, Gl1ant, Aiguille du, xi. 72 - - from the north-west, v. 289 Glissading, v. 234 Glockner, Gross, from Heiligenblut, P. ii. 427 Goribolo Pass, view from, xiii. 373 Grandes DenUl, tbe, viii. If; Grave, la, cascade near, P. iii. 232 Gl'ivola from the 001 d'Arbole, P. iii. 268 from below the 001 de Nivolet, P. iii. 286 - from the east, p.m. 323 - from the south-west, P. iii. 318 - summit of, P. iii. 809 Gvalda Glacier, l'aoge /:louth of, xiii. - P.l.44 P. il. 96 ICE-AXE,now forui of, i. 255 Ice pinnacles, P. i. 44 Imponjwana, the, xiv. 39i Isemn, Col d', from the, ii. 70 lztaccihuatl, xv. 2G8 - summit of, :269 xv. 'JAcon calls on us to follow,' ii. 321 Jalwbshnvn ice-stream, fragment of the, v. (frontispiece) . - L1rd w, Roc es Moutoul1~es, &c., P.I. 0 LucerllefUd Pil 11,8, xii. 346 Luseney, Bee de, Hi. 49 Lyskam from t e Gornel'grat, P. ii. 383 - from xresson ,P. ii. 35fl 504 Herens, Dent d', from the Valpslline, i. 209 • HOl1lingdalsrokken, iv. 28 Horungtinderne, iv. 32 Hut, interior of, xii. 378 Hver Fjall, P. ii. 102 t KANOHAiN.J"ANGj{ ~nge, iv. 73 ; xii. 99 Karagabl Glacier xiv. 57 Kirchet,lthe plai Il.bove, as a lake,. P. i. 4~2 i KIMr s~ng brid~e, P. ii. 86 Knot, di~gram o~ ii. 96 Koshtantau, view from below', xiii. peale, vi. 385 HERDtf BUID, I Jelu, mJuntainS~f' xiii. 293 Jungfrmt from t e Steinberg Alp, ii. 161 I FASTmma for tent poles, ii. 7 Finsteraarhorn, from the Oheraarhorn, viii. 263 -from the S.E., P. i. (frontispiece) GANGOOT1.UJ I , . M:A:EN I B~..AS, P. U 460 l\:Iaglich,1 xiv. 41~ - chain I of, xiv. ~23 l\laladettla. from fhe Antenac, P. iii. 122· I l\falte Btun rang' J xi. 141 Man an~· :Monste , Hi. 204 Maritim Alps, the, from lIe St. Hono~t, ix. 3 5 Marroon diagral of, vi. 283 Martinsllch and the Segnes Pass, P. i.. 30 l\Iatterh l'n, clluI\onade on tho, v. 237 - from reuil, iv. 187 - from ihe 001 4e la Dent Blanche, P. ii. '137 I - ii'om the Den~ d'Hel'ens, i. 220 - from the N.E.~ iv. 189 ILLUSTRATtONS Matterhorn from St. Luc, P. i. 154 - from the Stockje, P. ii. 337 j ix. 449 - hut on Zermatt face, ix. 371 i my first camp on/ ii. (frontispiece) l\lcije, P. iii. 217; viii. 177 - from the Chateleret, ix. 418 - from the Vallon des Etan\lons, ix. - P~.rdu, M~t, from the Lac du 001, iv. 337 PE1uteret, iguille de, ix. 1 P4·otograp 'c apparatus, iv. 407 P~~ska J8.I~l·,camp by the,.vii. 169 Pletra, la, pastle of, IV. 880 PSyt\l'8. gt'~ull>,xv. 442 P'~06nlllla'l from Monte Tonale, ix. 121 I I Mial;'e, 001 de, P. ii. 211 Qljuo, 241 l\Hdl, Aiguille du, descent of, v. 145 Morkfos, v. 49 Mountaineeril at wOl'k, xv. 474, 476, 479 NADELGRA.T horn the summit of the Dom, x. 332 - from the 1Jlrichshorn, xiii. 521 Naksagar Paes, view from, xiii. 371 Nttltshik, the snows from, xiii. 354 Narrow areta, a, ii. 369 Nepal peaks, xii. 459 Nevada, Sierra, from the Torre de Ill. Vela in the Alhambra, iii. (frontispiece) . Noaschettl\ Glacier, xiv. 281 Noon Oooripeaks, one o.t'the, iv. 177 00, Port d', P. iii. 106 Oroefa Jolmll, P. ii. 50,67 OrtIer group, i. 389, 401, 409 Oskjugjil., the, viii. 173 PAT.A.OnION delia and Oiroa di Vezzana, v. ] 13 j vii. 57 - - - finallramm, v. 113 Paradis, Grand, from the Oramont, P. iii. 411 - - group, vi. 110 Paul, Mount, viii. 169 Pelmo, on the, vi. 257 Pelvou." Mont, P. iii. 247; v.234 - -- buttress of, P. iii. 240 - - from above Guillestre, i. 150 - - from above la Bessee, P. Hi. 223 - I W. ptmk, vii. 409 - - from the Vanon d'AHefl'oide, P. iii. 236 - - gt·oup, P. iii. 227 - - pinnacles of; P. iii. 193 Peiiamellera, :Pico de, vi. 69 19 . I Grrat : Quebrada at, the, x. I ' R R ~ FTESUN~LOFOTEN,iii. 82 ud.Holt P. ii. 27 pe, WI'O g way to use, v. 234 ", Mon " 'rom th, ii. 41 . t? -"«,,t, -.- and~le. 'VeissthorRidge,fllom the Pizz Bianco, xi. 193 Rdseg, Piz, xv. 471 Rqitor, fro the, ii. 79 -Ifrom A sta, P. iii. 883 R'4ssian fm, Ilee, ii. 10 STACB:XISTP1'HE, mountains of, P. iii. 03 I -Elias, ~unt, xiv. 348 - fi?ierl'e, rand, Tour du, vi. 105 8a~~, 001 d , P. iii.1S0 8a1~anehes, ~.I?he of, xii. 3 Sa~s 1\1aor, IV. 299 8a$0 d'Ital a, Gran, from Iso]a, viii. 53 , Sa~vegal'deJ Pic de, P. 1.·H.116 Scl:jreckhol1},P. i. 241 ; xi. 437 '- from GI'l1de1wald Gl., I>, iii. 4i Scl:jwarze G aeier, ascent of, P. i. 176· ice pi nacles, P. i. 178, 179 Scrj:lW prop nllr canoe amODlrst ice~rgs, vi. 209 • Sk~tching aeel'Ials, xii. 368 Sle ping ba , traveller in, ii. 3 Sn wy chai ,the, from above GlIlraVi' xi. 317 SOl adon, 0 1 du, P. ii. 246 Sta in the dark, n, Ii. 273 SIO mover 11 Al pine valley, xii. aliB Su~.ts-Helli , }). ii. 112 --lava fiel , P. ii. 110 - t- TEtEMETER)xv. 357 Teitt poles, fastening for, ii. 7 , c 2 20 lLLUStrRA'rIO~S VAAGB:KALLEN, iv. 24 Valp l1iue, head of, P. ii.317 Val't Aig1.lille,incidents on, iv. 141, 'Tetnuld, xiv. (frontispiece) Thierberg, summit of, P. iii. 90 TOllI'Noire, 001 de la, i. 280 Tragone, caml? at, iv. 289 'Traveller in his bag, ii. 3 Tr6Iatl\te, Col de, ii. 290 11m. Glacier, x.ii. 360 ! - Pass from the Gornergrat, P. i'I' 14 Vezz Pa Viejo Villa Viso, 128 Triftenjoch and Rhone Glacier" P. iii. 96, ' 'rschingel cave, the, iv. 129 I 1'sfol'ga, view from, xv. 516 na Oima, di, and aimon della a, v.lIB; vii, 57 EI, craters of, i. 232 ,view from, P. i. 342 Monte, from the N., P. iii!.129 from tbe N.E., x. 453 from Turin, P. iii. 148 pinnacles of, P. iii. 167 summit of, P. iii. 157 I ! ! UMENA-X, island of, vi. 161 iUshba, xiii. 514; from the Adyrs~ l)a8s, xiii. 354 WlnJOCH, from the, xiii. Hl4 ,"V 1'0 g way to use a rope, the, v. 2. 21 SPE<.:IAL DlS'llRICTS SECTION lII.-SPECIAL DI~TRICTS. 1'he ntlD1bcrs bof01'ethe hCn(lings reterito the diYlsl,in. ou the lllAp. 1. AT,PS.- Main chain Got cl'Altw'e to Gol de )IARITIMlJ from t'AI:qentiere, S. of Col di 1'enda. Agel, .l\lont,ix. 383 Al'gentera, Punta dell', xv. 490 Bookson, xii. 197 Inns, ix. 407 Maritime Alps, ix. 137, 385, (map) 410 - _ from lIe St. Honol'l\t (iIlustratiou), ix. 385 New expeditions in l878, ix. 89 - -' in 1879, ix.. 336 ... Notes on, x. 45 ; Xl. 228; Xlll. 177 Table of heights, ix. 410 '.topographicalnote, ix. 409 Wolfhuut, a, vi. 174 2. ALPs.-}rom Gol de I'Argcnbere to tM. Mont Genis, E. of the DUI'awe Valley and Cot dM GaUMer. COTTlAN Agnello, Col de 1', i. 148 Uesimaud8, xi. 302 Books on, viii. 471; ix. 446; x• 406; xi. 125, 237 ; xii. 357 ; xiv. 389 Cbambeyron dist.rict. x. 123 Diary of the late A, '1'. Ma.lkin, xv. 44 IIannibal,passof,xiil.28, (map) 38 Inns, ix. 497 Italian' Alps, notes on, xi. 369 New expeditious in 1865, ii. 207 - - in 1878, vi. 292 - - 'in 1875, vii. 316 - - in 1879, ix. 346 - - in 1881, x' 34S - - i111882,xi. III - - in 1883, xi 3:19 - - in 1884, xii. 110 - - ill 1885, xii. 400 - - in 1888, xiv. 143 - - in 1890, xv. 200 PeIva d'Elvn, xv. 330 Sall Chiafl'redo,x. 481 Viso, Monte, nSC'3ntof, P. m, 147 - - district, x. 453; (map) p.m. 129 - - explorations ronnd, P. iii. 129 ~..riso,1\I~'ntelfrom the N'. (illmltro.- tion),. iii. 129 ti: m the N.E. (illustration), ! x. 453 i- - f1.' ill Turin (illustration), . P. m. 148 - - ni h.ton the summit.,It, i. 26 - - p' lIJaclesof (illustration), P. iii. 07 , - - su mit of (illustration), 1>.iii. 57 ,- -to. Ie of heights,P. iii. 177 -- - w~thotltguides, ix. 222 , I 3. iDA l1PHI :M ALPS.- -,;v, of tke T- - "I~ i i Dura eil Valle!! Galibl r. a1Ut Col du ~jguille, Grande, lar vii. 148 .i'\iIefroi e(illl1strati()ll),P. iii. 209 .t- east ak, x. 278 - note n, viii. 114 - Val 1',Glaciers of (illustro.tion), • Hi 194 -i\,ncient lacier passps,xiii. 538 .;A.rve,A guilles d', viii. 57 l\upillo, Pic des, accident on, I xiii. 3 (} 136rard6,a.(illustration), I'. iii. 198 "- inn a , Xlii. 184 +- and t e Soci6t6 des Tou1'i$tes, xi. 41 ~.00][8 o~, x. HI8, 1.70,368 ; xii. , 189, 92; xiii. 276, 277, 285; , xiv. 2 2; xv. 84, 230 Carle, P 6 de :Madarne,xiii. 270 ra~se ~erte, Col de la, note on, i vi. 36 (Jharrier , Breche de-la, viii. 164 - - nie on, vi. 305 Dauphin in 1873, vii. 80 - in 18 7, note on, xiii. 460 - in 18 8, xiv. 372 Ecrins, oj; inte des (ill.ustl't\tianS),i. 168,116; ii. 2:!5 - - asqant of, ii. 225 ..- - from the S., x. 219 t-. - fl'l'rn the W. (iIlust,rations), I x.221 Excl1rsio in, i. fI6 .i- in 181~' ix. 175 .ExpeditipllSin 1870, Y. 128 22 SPECIAL DT$TRICTS ExploratioDs in, i. 145; vii. 136 French Dolomites, xiv. 211 Godemllr, Val (map), x. 138 Grave, la, cascade near (illustration); P. Hi. 232 Guide du Haut Dauphin~, maps of, xiv. 403 . Moije!.:he, viii. ~7.7; (i11us~rati~n8) P. 111. 217; YlII. 177; lX. i Pelvou~. ' Mont, buttress of (iIlustrati9n), P. iii. 249 - -lom above La Bessee <.illustrat.i n), P. iii. 223 - 'om Vallon d'Ailefroide (illu tration), P. iii, 236 - innacles of (illustration), P,'H,193 121; Photo raphs of, xiv. 250 Rousse, Grandes, the, i. 204, (ma ) 295 , St. Ch' stopbe, mountains C1f (illustrati n), P. Hi. 203 - - able of heights of points near P. iii.2l4 al (Ie, and the Co1 ~e Sais, P. ii, 198 Sais, 1 de (illustration), P. iii. (maps) ix. 293; x.264 aCCldent on the, xii. 395 ascent of the, ix. 121; xiv. 326 - by E. ridA'e, xii. 460 - from La Grave, xii. 343, 891 - from the Ohilteleret (ilIustration), ix. 418 - range of the, i. 802 - W. peal! (illustration), vii. 409 - without guides, ix. 4i1 Meije and Grande Ruine (topography), ix. 293 Mountain misadventures, vii. 409 Mounto.ineel'ing in, without guides, ix. 219; xii. 423' New expeditions in 1863, i. 137, - 189 i;!;;~:;i:;~:;t~) - -1n xi. Salude Tete du,x. 491 Wintefexpeditionsin 1883-4, 198 - in 1864, i. 372, 429 - - in 1865, ii. 206 1867, iv. 820 411 - - oJtkeA1'c W. of Col (j'18eran and he T~qnel!Valley, Allues Val des, ii. 312 Casse, Grande, note 011, viii. 225 Excur ions in 1878, ix. 175 Exploations in, in J 859 and 1860, P. i' , 339 Inns i ,ix. 238 :MlIul'i nne, .the, ti. 177 Midi d Peisey, Aiguille dUI ix.109 New e peditions in 1864, i. 373 - - n 1805, ii. 208 --'n 1874, vii.150 - - n 1876, viii. 100 11 1878, ix. 97, 102 1883, xi. 365 - - n 1884, xii. 1J9 - - n 1886, xiii. 117 - - n 1887, xiii. 405 1889, XlV. 481 - - n 1890, xv. 295 l}lantr ,Col de, ii. 391 Plnssll ,Roeher de, x. 491 Polset AiguilIe de, xii. 269 Pouni/Mont (map), i. 114 - - "scent of, i. 112 Wintet expeditions, xii. 260 TA - in ]873, vi. 288 - - in 1874, vii. 104, 150 - -in ]875, vii.314 - - in 1876, viii. 97, 342 - - in ]877, viii. 328 - - in 1878, ix. 1)0 - - in 1879, ix:. 354 - - in 1880, x. 82 - - in 1881, x. 345 - - in 1882, xi. 107 - - in 1883, xi, 346 - - in 1884, xii. 1]2 - - in ]885, xii. 410 ill 1886, xiii. 117 - - in 1887, xiii. 400 - - in 1888, xiv. 145 - - in ]880, xiv. 479 - - in ]8\lO, :iv. 292 "7" in 1891, xv. 541 New map of, ix. 206 Notes on, xii. 174 Olan, Pic d', xiii. 57 Passes in, x. 2'64 Pelvoux g'rOl!p(mustl'atione), P. ili. , 227,247; 1. ]50; v, 234; (sketch 1 map)P. iii. 181 -1\1ont, ascent of, P. ili. 223 I AlSEAL'J'S.-N. Val/!yand SPEC1AL .5. DISTIUCTS ALPS. -Fl'O?It frIont Ceni8 to tile Little St. Bel-nard, E. of Col d']sel'an, E. and N. of the Al'e Valley. GaHAN Along the frontier from the tun· nel to the Levanna,xi. 333 Apparei, Grand, and Ste. Helena (map),ii. 390 Bazel,Pointe de, and the 001 de la Tsanteleina,xv. 154 Bianca, Pttnta, xv. 440 ~ool{s on, ix. 51, 54; x. 172, 178; xiii. 285 Broglio,Punta del, l\Scentof, xiv. 466 Cogne, ~l(Janingsfi'om, viii. 300; ix. 72 _ district.•modelof, v. 375 Collel'in,Ool.du, accident on, iv. 61 Dard, nat1;U'nl pill!11'$ in t~? gorge of the (Illustration),P. 11. 262 .Diary of the late A. T. Malkin,xv. 126 Eivettes, Gl. des, from the (illus~ tration), ii. 79 Excursions in, ii. 18, 387; iii.. 104; v. 171; ix.474 Exp,editionsin, vii. 211 Gadletta, 001de la, P. iii. 397 Graians(map), P. iii. 259 -,- Eastern (map), xii. 509 - Southern (map), iii. 113 Grisanche, Rhen:es, and Sava~ muche,valleys of (map), ii. 32 'Grivola, ascent of, P. iii. 318 . - from below the Col de Nivolet (illustration),P. iii. 286 - fI'omthe Cold'Al'bole(illulltration), P. iii. 208 ._ from the East (illustration), P. iii. 323 _ from the S.W. (illustration), P. iii. 318 _ night bivouacon, P. iii. 292 - summit of (illutltl'ation),P.iiL 309 Hunting grounds of Victor EmUlanuel,p, Hi.259 Iseran, Col d', from the (illuiltration), ii. 79 Italian Alps, notes on, xi. 369 Levauu/I,the, ix. 168 _ district, the, ii. 79 1\{elon,Hoehe,narrow escapefrom lightnitlg, vii. 191 1 23 New eXfeditionsin 1868,i. 200 - - i~ 1804, i. 374, 429 - - il31865,ii. 207, 267 - - i~ 1866,ii. 416 - - i~ 1867,iv. 57 - - i~ 1872,vi. 91 - - i~ 1875,vii. 316 - - it~18711,viii. 101 - - i 1878,ix. 91) - - i 1879,ix. 300 . 1881,x. 30'i, 406 '- 1882, :xi. 114 1883,xi. 3ilS 1884,xii. 116 1885,xii. 411 1886,xiii. 119 1887,xiii. 406 1888,xiv. 146 1- - i 1889,xiv. 4182 - - i 1890,xv. 295 No~sch~ttuGlacier (illustration), XIV. 281 Nona,iCca di, P. it 201 Ji>aradisGr/lnd(ma~), vii. 8 - ent of, P. hi. 408; ix. 5 •- IIi Oogne,vii. 1 - - f m the C1'llmont(illustra. ·tion), P. iii. 411 - - gt~llp (illustration), vi. 110 - - i~ winter, xiv. 824; xv. 445 - - n 1.eon, P. iii. 816 Rosse,1 , i. 444 Ruitor, ascentof one of the peaks, P. Hi 884 - fro~ the (illustration),ii. 79 - froll1Aosta (illustration),P: Hi. 383 ! St. FOi'f,ii. 400 - -1 dslip,viii. 415,41iO S.t. Pie re" Grand, Tour du, vi. 805, illustration) 105 Sassier Aiguille de la, ascent of, P. Hi 362 Savara ehe, Val, inn at, P. iii. 291 Scrambes in the Eastern Graillus, xi. 1 j xii. 77, 509; xiv. 281 Sengie,Punta, xii. 176 Serre, rand, xi. 480 Spring scents,vii. 268 'fable 0 heights, P. iii. 3la '£ravers s in, viii. 79 Week i , in 18<'17, vi. 83, 105 Winter eXpeditions,.x. 494; xii. 260 r. 24 SPECIAL :DISTRICTS! I I BUNO.-From tie" Lt'ttle St. Bernm'd to tIle G"eat St. Bemara, S. and E. of the 6. Blanch~ de Peuteret, Aiguille, xii. 431 I - - ~' cident on, xi. 90 Books. n, viii. 228, 403, 457; x. 1~6" 67, 1~~,~~i; x~.1.9~48±; XIl. 0; Xlll. 2 d), 4dO, 5/0 Brouill I'd Glacier, accident on, vii. 1 0 Cal~ci1 Rock (illustration..), P. i.. MONT Chamont'.t· Vallell' Alps in winter, xi. 253 Argentiere, C01 d', P. ii. 231 ; i. 444; (map) P. ii. 227 Arpille, accident on, xiii. 398 BionllassllY, Aiguille de, ii. 321 Blaiti~re, Aiguillle de, vii. 422 lUane, Mont, xv. 326 ; (maps) P. i. 1; P. ii. 189 - - accident on, in 1864, i. 384 - - accidents on, in 1866, ii. 382 - - accident on, in 1870, v.188, 193 - - acc~dent on, in.1S7i, ix. 48 - - aCCident on, 1U 1890, xv •. 274 - - accident on, in 1891, xv. 539 - - by the Brouillard m., viii. 409 - - by the. CU. du Dome, xv. 554 - - centenary of De Sruussure's ascent, xiii. 55tl . - ~ crossed in winter, xiii. 549; xiv.3:t5 - - early history, viii. (app.) 3 - - E. end of chain (map), i . 2i4 - - excursions on the W. side of, 1'. i. 58 - from COUlbloux, xii. (frontispiece) - from Courmayeur, ix. 171 ; xv. 052 - from the J3renva, ii. 369 -from the CNix dliFeuillette (illustmtion), }'. i. 7 (j - from the Jardin (illustration), 1'. i. 48 - from the G1. de Miage, iv. 261 - - in spring, vii. 268 new ascents in the chain of, ii. 97 - - - - observatory on, ii. 220 position of snmmit, xiv. 170 relics of'puides lost ou, i. 332 round, v. 289 So side (illustratiol!l), viii. 40!l .- - survey of chain, 1. 257 - - W. face (illustl'ntion), ii. 97 ok I Cham ix, decline of, xi. 450 - gnid s, vi. 306, 872,421 ; vii. 42 - - r les, P. i. 525 Champ y, Val, i, 47 Chul'do met, Aigllille du,. iv. 14:1, (iUu tratioll) 146; xi. 262 Charm z, Aiguilles des, x. 3li7 (wit illustration) Courlli yeur, vii. 400 - axCI rsiolls from, vi. 168 - to t e Great St. Bernard, ii. 419 I Courte~, las, accident on, xii. 348, 406 Dolent, Col, ix. 236 Dome, 'lacier du, ii. 332 Dru, iguille du, ix. 185 (with illust ation), 1381; xi. 367; xiv. 511 - - e r1y attempt on, vi. 194 - - t 0 attempts 011, vii. 66 . penlc, xii. 128 Early ountaineering, notes on, ix.2 Exhau ted districts, xv. 257 Fomcn, Grand, nomenclature, vii. 89 Gennt, iguille du, ix. 48; xi. 72 (wit illustration), 302 - - f; m the N. W • (illustration), v.28 I- - h ight of, xi. 181 . - C01 u, accident on, in 1860, i. 22 - - - - - GIll ier du, 39 a ident on, in 1885" xii. 407 a cident on, in 1890r xv. 273 ~rst passage, ix. 86 lit on, viii. 52 Sel'aCS of', P. i. i Greponl AiguillE:lde, position of, x. 420 I Hamel,! Dr., accident to, i.141 Hirond~l1es, C01 des, vi. 351; x. 111 I Huts, vJi. 168, 337; ix. 235 SPECIAL DIS'l'l{tCTS Ice pinnacleA (illustration), P. i. 44 Infranchissable, 001 dit, v. 143, :Pierre J ~Ph, 277 , Jacob calls on us to follow' (illustration), H. 321 J omsses, Grandes, accident on, xii. 108 - - in winter, xv. 370 - - 001 des, ii. J 14: vii. 225 1\Iaudit, Mout, ix:. 170, 312 - - height of, ii. 421 1\ler de Glace, deatl1 on, vi. 306, 372 ' l\Iiage, 001 de (illustration), P. ii. 211 . - - accident on, P. ii. 208 Midi, Aiguille du, v. 44; xi. 215 - - descent of (illustra.tion), v. 290 - 201 - - in 1864, i. 874, 429 - iu J865,ii. Iln, 208 - in 1866, ii. 364, 415 - in 18lJ7, iv. 50 - in J868, iv. 157 - in 1860, iv. 383 - ill 1870, v. 135 - in 1872, vi. 90 - - in 1878, vi. 292 - - in 1874, ,·ii. ]04 - - in 1875, vii. 318 - - in 11;70, viii. 105, 344 - - in 1877, viii. 337 - -- in 1878, ix. 104 - - in 1879, ix. 304 - - in 1880, x. 95, 233 - - in 1881, x. 405 - - in 1882, xi. 1]5 - - in J 883, xi. 362 - - in 1884, :xii. 120 - - in 1885, xii. 410 - - ill 1887, xiii. 408 - - in 1888, xiv. 150,404 - - in 1889, xiv. 406 j xv. 150 - - in 1890, xv. :<97, 364 Nonne, la, xv. 829 Peuteret, Aiguille de, ix. 1 (with ill ustra tion) i ':1'wope in, xv. 33$ Verte, iguille, iii. 68; iv. 140, (ilIust ations) 141, 142 •.....- f1' m the Argent.iare 01., viii. 2 I) !Winter expeditioIlB, v. 68; vii. 436 ; . 4\)4; xL 242 145 - descent to the G lncier des Bossons, v. 145 Model'll mountaiuee11ng, viii. (appendix) 3 Moine, Aiguille du, xv. 78 Narrow 1l1'ete, a (illustration), ii. i3(l0 . New expeditions in 1863, i. 136, 001 de; iii. 99 :Pl~~3f,i me du, adventure on, l'Ianard , Col des, ii. 44 Salena, eD\3trede, P. i. 1 tralefl'e; ill'uiIIe de, x. :J5 (fOUl',O I du, a.nd 001. de Minge, P. ii. 80 Noire. 001 de lit, i. 274, (itlustrai' on) 280; xv. 407 - Rond , 001 de la, v. 2.10 'Xrelat.et , AiguilIe de,. v. 14:3 - 001 e, if. 285, (illustration) 7. OHAJlLA~!1, GENEVOIB. OJGN~_N. Val , S. AND FAV- of the Ghmnoni.r oL the La!,/! C!f Gene/)• und W. of the illume Valle. Ailterne Ll\C d', and the Ohaine des F s (illustration), ii. 49 ;manc, $llt, new ways to (map), xii. 1 ,.....- ro nd, v. 292 !Books 0 , xiii. 209 lI3uet, e 1'ly accident on, xiii. 179 hist~v of the, ix. 6 ~, snow corn ice on (il.lustratiOU), • xii. 3 0 fDial'Y 0 the late A. T. Malldll, , xv. 4 1EllA'le's~est, the (illustration), ii. f- 52 ' ~Hdi, Dtnt du, accident on, xiv. , HIS. :New exnedi1ions in ] 803, i. 196 ,.....- in! 1804, 1. 431 ,.....- inf!IS90, xv. 298!RtJposoi, Ohl\l'treuse du, xv. • 331 ~al1anch s, ueighbourhood (map), xii.lQ ,.....spire ~f (illustration), xii. 3 Savoy, loye-corners in, xi i. I, 137 I Sixt, exqursions near, ii. 49 26 8, GREAT ST. BERNARD.-F1'mn tAil Great St. Bernaril to Cots de Valpelline anil d'Hel'ens, W. of tile Evolena Valley, including A1·Olla. At'olla, xii. 265 - Combe d', rambles in, viii. 1, 133 - rlistrict, vi. 20 - Glacier, phenomenon on, x. 492 - notes on, viii. 94 - Pigne d', panorama froID, viii. (frontispiece) - - sunrise from, vii. 269 - reminiscences ot~ xiii. 446 - Reuse de 1', Col de 10.,1'. ii. 287 Ragnea, m0U11taine of, P. i. 76, (map) 77 Bouquetins, 001 d~s, i. 02 - Dents des, xiii. 529 (with illus. tration) - - note on, viii. 224 Breney, Col de, vi. 300 Brulb, Mont, 001 du, i. 63 CheUlon, Col de, vii. 216 Cbel'mout,ane, Col de, 1'. it 273 Colon, Col de, xiv. 407 - Mont, vi. (frontispieoe) - - ascent <If', v. 350 Combin, Grand, xv. 444 i (map) P. ii.273 . - - fl'om the Glacier de COl'~ bassiel'o (illustration») P. i. 123 - - frOIDthe Sonadon, vii. 265 - - and the high~levelroute, vii. 898 Corbassiere, from the chalets of (illustration), P. i. 90 Diary of the late A .T. Malkin, xv. 136, 213 Early mOllntaineering, notes on, ix. 27 Exhausted districts, xv. 258 Expeditions in, iv.H8, 203, 218 Grandee ])ents, the (illustration), viii. 10 . High~level route, variations on, v. 809 New - - - - - - - - ____________ expeditions in 1863, i.137 in 1864, i. 377 in 1865, ii.lS:'! in 1866,. ii. 364, 414 in 1869,. iv. 884 in 1871, v. 276 in 1872, vi. 92, 145 in 1875, vii. 319 New e peditions in 1878, ix. 106 - - i 1879, ix. 864: - - i 1881, x. 858 - - i 1882, xi. 116,174 - - i 1886, xiii. 173 - - i 1887, xiii. 410 - -:- i 1889,. xiv. 498 - - i 1890, xv. 298 - - i 1891, xv. 542 Otem 0., 001 d' , x. 492 - pe 5, nomenclature of, xii. 523 Ou11e scca, 001 de 1', xi. 230 Rosa lanche, xi. 238 Rouge d'ArolIa, Aiguilles, xiv. 841 St. Ber ard,. Great, mediooval passage of, xiii. 271 Serpen ine, Col de la, vi. 366 sonadi' 001 du ~illustro.tion) P. ii 246 - nd the Col de 10. Maison Blan he, I'. ii. 241 - - t 01]0Inont, P. ii. 259 VaIP.el 'ne, 001 de la, P. ii. 306, (roo. ) 807 - hea~ of the (illustration), P. ii. Si7ille de la, from the Glacier Za, Ai de ILUVll. 13lanz, ix. 170 EVQLB J!.-ZnuL. - E. of tltlJ Evol na Valley, JfT. of tile Ze1'~ . matt Valley, N. (if Cot d'IIol'en8. Besso, 0 (illustration), 1'. i. 147 Biesjoc , lalmon, v. 185 Blanch , Dent, i. 33; ii. 292, 368 - - a cident on, xi. 97 - -- a night adventure on, xv. 404 S. a1'(lte,viii. 114 1 de la, ix:. 179 - - e r1y Mcents of, xv. 64 - - f m Zermatt, vii. 427 - - f m Zina!, xi. 158 nook 0 , xi. 2S4 oorniel' Grand, Col du, v. 350' -- - r cord on, xii. 467 Exhau ed districts, xv. 264 Expedi~'ons in, vii. 388 l<'ordet , Pall de, i. 20a Gab,e.lh rn, by S.E. arete, viii. 399 from Zinal, ii. 221 - Unt 1', from the Trift valley xiii. ~76 Hohbal ,viii. 284 Huts, v i. 1:137 Momin Pass, ii. 191 .J SPECIAL :Mountaineering without guides, x . 418; xii. 128, 424 l\ioul'ti, Poiutes de, xv. 656 New expeditions in 1863, i. 1\)7, 201 - - - - -'- -. - - - -.- - in 1864, i. 376,431 1865, ii. 1'13, 209 in 1871, v. 214 in 1872, vi. 145 in 1873, vi. 204 in 1874, vii. 107,152 in 1875, vii. 320 in 1876, viii. 108 in 1877, viii. 838 in 1878, ix. 106 in 1879, ix. 366 ill 1880, x. 9(1 in 1H81, x. 859 in 1882, xi. 118 in 1884, xii. 121, 255 in 1886, xiii. 123 in 1887, xiii. 409 in 1888, xiv. 152 in 1889, xiv. 499 in It'90, xv. 306 - - ill ill 1891, xv. 5413 Notes on, xv. 870 Rothhorn, ii. 67; vi. 365 - fl'om Zel'matt, vi. 268 Rothhorn.ioch, vi, 436 St. 'Nicholas to Susten, i. 93 TOITent, 001, murder of tl'a,Yeller on, i. 188, 207 Tl'ift Glacier (illustration), xii.S60 - Pass, P. i. 126 - - from the Gornergrat (illustration), P. i. 128 Weisshoru, the, i, 39,44 - accident on, xiv. 136 - by facl;', xi. 416 - from the north, v. 1305 - from the Schallanberg Glacier, viii. 4Hl - from Zilla1, ix. 427 j xiv. 515; xv. 192 Wellenki.ippe, early llame of, xiii. 555 Zermatt, expeditions round, viii. 'V. 376 Zinal Glacier (map), P. i. 127 Zina1joch, vi. 437 10. ROM.-F,·om ooa de Valpeltine to Monte ,Mom, in,. cludhlg tile Saas!lrai . MONTE Adler Pass to Fee, xiii. 185 27 DIS1lRICTS t 4\.llalinh rn, P. i. 222 . alfrinh t'Il., i. 188 j xi. 414 :aa1mp.n~\l:n (illust:l:ation), xi~.70 ooks O~t lX. 440; x.v. 458 reilhor , x. 423 reitho , P. ii. 843 __ first scent of, xv. 437 , -- from the Schwltl'zthor, xii. 246 -- N. si e, v. 44; 'rii. 420 Busel'ail es, Gouirrll du, ii. 271 Chateau des Dames, P. ii. 810 Corn~re,Val, Col de,P. ii. 310 Diary 0 tbe late A. T. Malkin, xv. 46 147,205 P-Olll,P.·. 104; xv. 869 ...:. from he Domjoch, xv. 104 from the EggillChhorn (illus'. tratio ), P. i. 195 - from he Kien xv. 222 ,- from aas, xv. 101 t>omjoc iv. 869; ix. 300 piirl'enbfrn by N.W. fuce, xiii. , 566 I :j]1arly Iinountaineering, ix. 28 j l 'I- m., xiv.4Q7 Exhaus~d districts, xv, 263 Ex~diti~ns in, vii. 888 ree Pas~f xi. 414 relikjoc~, P. ii. 897 - accidt1:tJton, viii. 112, 163 1!'indeleni GlaciAl', accident on, i. 21 I liJaSsigjO~'h;xi. 181 (fnifetti, Oapanna, from the, to i Zerma ,t, xv. 223 iI~ren8, ~nt d' (with illustl'ation), 1. 209;: IX. 49 - - frt' the Tiefenmattenjoch, ix.38' lIohberg orn, xiii. 521 agerhor ,iv. 65 ,;fligerjoc, xv. 369 Jazzi, C'ma di, from Macugnaga, viii, 5~ Jumeallx Co1 des (Felikjoch), P. ii.3l-i7' of V~jtoUl'nnncbll, ix. 3 Loccie, aol delle, i. 75 r ~iif.I~~t' 'I- ~ec de (with illustration), lysjoch •. ,ii, ~50 ; ,ix. 3?? and Z ~msteln Silltze fifty yeurs ago,v.136 ~ys1\am ,P. ii. 383 ..:..... accid nt Oil, in 1869, iv. 375; t v.23 28 SPECIAL Lyskamm. accident on, in 1876, viii. 346 - early nalDe of, xiii. 055 - from the Gornergl'lllt (illustration) P. ii. 383 - from Gre$sonay, iv. 65; (illustration), P. ii. 31i0 - froID the N.E., xv. 441 - from the W., i. 86 l\Ia tterhorn, ii. 4; v. 329 ; '\'iii. 447 - accident Oil, in 1865, ii. 148 - accident on, in 1879, ix. 372 - accident on, in 1886, xiii. 90, 166,264,421 - accident on, in 1887, xiii. 3n!) -- accident all, in 1890, xv. 274 - adventure 011,xiii. 550 - by the Zmutt arete, ix. 4.58 - eannonMe on (illustmtion),"'\1. 2:H7 - from BreuU, ii. 154, 237 ; (illustration) iv. 187; v. 259 - from the Col de la' Dent Blanche (lllustrlttion), P. ii. 337 - from the ])ent d'Herens (illustration), i. 220 . - from the N.E. (illustration), iv. 189 - from St. Luc (illust1'ation), P. i. 154 - from the Stoc){je (illustration), 1). ii. 837 ; (illustration) ix. 440 - from t.he Zmutt Glacier, ix. 449 - hut, vii 337 - hut on S. side. ii. 268 - hut on Zermatt face (illustration), ix.. 871 - 'my first camp on,' ii. (frontispiece) • - northern and southern Meents of, iv. 185 - without 'guides, viii. no, 242 Mischabeljoch, i. 125 Mittap;horn to the Egginerhorn, xiii.l82 Modern mountaineering, viii. (app.) 26 MO\llltaineeriog' without guides, x. 418 ; :xii. 128 Nll(~~~gTat(illu~tration~), x. 332; XI1l. 521 • Nlldelborn from the Hohberg Glacier, xi. 175 Nadeljoch, iv. :365 New expeditions ill 1863, i. 135, 106,190 DISTRICTS Newe~~iedition~.in ~~64. i.377,4:m· - - 1 1865,11. 1.A - - i~ Hi66, ii. 413 - - i 1867, iv. 54 - - i 1868, iv. 157 - - in11860, iv. 384 -,. i- ,- ,- - in i i in 1- - i in - - in - - i 1- - i i- - 1871, v. 275 1872, vi. 01, 145 1873, vi. 293 1874, vii. 105,154 18715,'Vii. 319 1876,.'viii. lU7, 345 1877, viii. 338 1878, ix. 108 1879, ix. 365 i~ 1880, x. fl6, 162 ,- 11lj 18R2, Xl. '- - 1 j- - 1- - - - 1 !~1881, x; 358, 405 116,120 in 1883, xi. 30a i1~1884, iOj1885, - - !Ilf 1886, - - Ini 1887, i~ 1888, - - i 1880, - - i 1890, i_ - 1 - ii' xii. 121 xii. 419 125, 172 Xl11.4H xiv. 152 xiv. 499 xv. 305, 364 .x!~!. 1- - 1"0 tea 1891, xv. 551 INew in 1886, xiii. 161 INord E d, P. ii. 412 iRiWelho 11,accident on, ii. 153 - dise ery on, vi. 437 - from the Garner Glacier! v. ~76 .Rosa, . onte, (maps), P. 1. 155; 1). ii',j843; i. 50 - - a:rcident on, ii. 154 - - ~nd the Weis!\t,hor ridge (illustira.tion), xi. 193 - - e ' ly attempts on, xii. 468 ; xv. 4 :3 - - £r III the Gornel'grat (iUustrntio ), P. ii. 416 - fl' 1U Gressonay, note, vii. 218 .- £r m 1\facugnag'a, vi. 232 - fr m the S.. xii. 65 . - - f am the Zumstein Sattel, viii. 00 - - i the eighteenth century, ix. 41.1~ - in winter, xi, 243, 479 -"1' und, x. 158 Snasp:l'a and Fletschhorn (map), P. i. !07 - nort dish'iet of, x. 332 St. The dule, a.ccident on, P. i. 190 - 8ti'an~e discoVel'j' all, xii. 470 - - SPECIAL 29 l>1b'TRIC'fS ·St. 'l'Module, winter on, ii. 219,272 Schwarzthor, P. i. 155 Schwarze G1aciel'. ascent of (illustration), 1>, L 176 __ ice pinnacles (illustration), P. i. 17ti, 179 Sesiajocb, i. 49; v. 143,367 Spring 8SCl'nts, vii. 268 Siidlellzspitz, xi. 181, 382 Tiiscllhorn, from the Fee ix. m., Newl exp.editiOlJSin 1891, xv. 550 Port~engrat, xi. 181. 392 Ro8~, Monte, Seen from the Simpl!>u road, i. 207 Ros odenhorn, routes up, x. 489 Saa rat and Fletschhoru (map), P i. 207 Sou'g-hol'U, xi. 181 Wei smies, viii. 226 - a d FletschhOruel', xv. 153 200 'riefeumattenjoch, v. 320 Toul'nalin, Grand, in wiuteJ', vii. 214 Tournanche, 001, ii. 86 \Yei88thor, New, in 1840, h:. 173 - ride-e, passes across, xi. 19:{ WindJoch, from the (illnstrntion), xiii. 164 \Vlntl3r expeditiom;, x. 494; xii. 260; xiii. 549; xiv. 325 Zerma.tt and the Matterhorn in winter, i. 77 - early monuta.ineering, viii. (app.) 26 - expeditions round, viii. 875 - ill 1840, x. 44 12. L PONTINE ALPS. - S 11l.plon to tile St. Fl'ont the Gattlun'll, iyludin!l Tieino and the Italian Lakes. Bas~dil1e and Ofeujoch, ix. 171 B~yp.na. V.•ll (illust~'ation), x. 5G BlgJ!lasco, nm at, Xl. 304 Bintenthal, xi. 481 Boo s on, xii. 02,487,488; ·xiv. 3 8; xv. 93 Eal'1y mountaineering, xiv. 406 Exelil'sions in, ix. 57 For#azza. Val, mountains of (\pap), ix. 57 Ge*l'OSO, Monte, viii. 52 !taiau lakes, new route across, xii. 38 11. SUIPLON.-F,·01n Monte Moro ' to the Si11lplon,including Monte Leone. Tlistenen Pass, ii. :'117,426 Diary of the late A. T. :Malkin, xv. 210 Early mountalnceI'ing, notes 011, ix.29 Expeditions from the Saasthal, viii; 148 . Fletsehhorn, P. i. 206 Gamserjoch, i. 140 Laquin 'and Rossbodenl>asses, vii. 124,215 l,aquinjoch. m. 44 New expeditions in 1883, i. 135, Lewmtine Alps, xv. 152 Ne\y expeditions in 1863, i. 198 in ] 86.1, i. 380 - +- in 1866, ii. 410 in 1873, vi. 299 in 1874, vii. 154 in 1877, viii. 340 - .;.....in 1878, ix. 112 in 1879, ix. 369 - +- in 1880, x. 98 -~ in 1886, xiii. 126 in 1888, xiv. 153 in 1889, xiv. 503 . in 1891, xv. 550 SiI plan to the Tosa Falls, xi. 395 Tic no, wanderings in, x. 56, 146 - +- - +- - +- - +- - +- 138, 199 -- -. -. _. _. -. -. -. -. _. in in in in in in in in in in in 1864, i. 377, 433 1873, vi. 296 187(i, viii. 106 187D, ix. 367 1881, Jr..405 1882, xi. 117, 119 1883, xi. 363 1884, xii. 123 1887, xiii. 415 1889, xiv. 501 1890, xv. 307 13. D~Anr,ERETs.-1V:ortlte Ge11lmi, N. of the Rhone Valhry. AC~idents in 1887, xiii. 398 BiB , Ooruettes de, accident on, iii. 53 no k 011, ii. 41 C~" Hallt de, accident on, i. 288 Di blerets (map), P. i. 327 ccident on,. ix. 373 - from the Orellx de Champs, viii. ~OO 30 SPECIAL DIS'fRlCTS Diary of'the late A. T.Malkin, xv. 156 Engstligengrat in winter, v. 67 Morcles, Dent de, xi. 370 Mountaineering in, viii. 269 New expl~ditions in 18flO, xv. 311 Rothlmmme Glacier, it 270 Villard, view from (illustration), P. i. 342 Wildstrubel and Oldenhorn, P. i. 326 Winter expeditions, xii. 171 Zanfleuron Glacier, accident on, xiv. 474 14. DERNESE OBERLAND.-B. of tlM Gemmi, W. of tile· Gl'imsel. Ac~idents in 1887, xiii. 391 Aletsch Glacier, accident on, i. 20 - - eleotl'ical adventures, i. 142 Ale-tschhorll, P. iii. &I, (iJlustra~ tion) 3'7 - descent on the N., xi. 415 - ice grotto 011,1. 144 Almerhorl1, i. 820 Balmhorn and Hegizi Furke, vii. 441 - new route up, xiii. 485 Bietschhorn, 'Vi. 114 - and Bliimlis Alp, i. 353 - new route across, x. 20 Dooks on, it 416; x. 413; xiii. 194; xiv. 71. 34l Diary of the late A. T. l!alkin, xv. 40, 120 Doldenhorn and Weisse Frau, i. 207 Early mountaineering, 'Viii. (app.) 39; xiv. 407 Ehneflubjoch, Schmadrijoch, and Agassizjoch, iii. 85 Eiger (illustration), v. 337 -n.valallche on the, v. 341 - by·tha Mittelegi arete, xiii. 553 - first lUlcent of', xi. 172 - from the BergH, xii. 240 - from the Ei~x;ioch, ,iii. 203 Eigerjoch, P. iiI. (frontispiece), 15 Expeditions in, ix. 488 Fafdum Pass, ii. 91 Faulhol'D, xiv. 302 Fin..teraa.'l'horlt,.P. i. 288 - by Rothhornsattel, viii. 26'2 - by S. llreta, xi. 368; xiii. 422 - discovery of, xiv. 322 - from the Oberaarhorn (il1ustr~ tion), viii. 263 i FiDster~arhOl'D from the S.E., P. i. (fron ispiece) - gite on, i. 319 FinsterfarjOCh, i. 249 FJiih P ss, v, 144 Hamch Glncier, ii. 156, 224, 270 Gemmi traveller shot at on, xiii. 184 i Glacier of (map), P. iii. 3 Grinde wald Glacier, retreat of, vi. 3 - hl1 icane at, xi. 178 - in intel', iii. 207 Grossh rn,x'V.448 GrUnh rn, Gross, from the Concordi ,xv. 328 Heiltht of mountains, P. iii. 87 Hulme tock, xiii. 309 j xv. 323 Huts, ·i. 164 Isenflu and the Sausthal, xv. 555 J uugf'r u,accidenton,in 1872, vi. 07 - acci ent on, in 1887, xiii. 391 - adv ntureon, xiii. 55 - attt! pt on, from the Rothtbl, in 1828, v. 374: - ava nches of, L 184 - first ascent of, xiii. 269 - fro the Roththal, xiii. 189 j xiv. 45 - fron tbe Steinberg Alp (illus. trati n), ii. 161 - fro the Wengel'l1 All', x.386 - in inter, xii. 171 .- upy part of, v. 377 J ungti': ujoch, excursion to, from the ggischhorn, P. t 809 - and iescherjoch, i. 97 Kander teg, al'ound, x. 377 Kilchfl h Pass, xiii 428 Kilchill,oclr, '\Iiii. 160 Laute arhorn, Gross, "'I'iii.52 j xi. 27 Lal1ten\a'l'jocb, ac~ident on, x. 46 Lauterlj.ar Sattel, 1. 60 . Marjelen See, vi. 100 MattenlLimllli, xiv. 247 MOde~ 1nountaiueering, viii. (app. 39 Miinch, i. 82, 423 - an~dungfrau fmm the "'{engerti II', vii. 294 - fro Wengel'n All', xiii 128 Monch. och, hut, ii. 224 MOllnt ineering in, ,·iii. 273 - wit out guides, x. 418; xii. 128, i4.24 I \ SPEOIAL New expeditions in 1863, i. 134, 137, ]97, 201 - - in 1864, i. 378, 433 - - in 1865, ii. 209, 267 _ - in 1866, ii. 363, 410 - - in 1867, iv. 54 - - ill 1868, iv. 153 - - in 1869, iv. 382 - - in 1871, v. 276 - - in 1872, vi. 93, 146 - - inlH73, vi. 297 - - in 1875, vii. 325 - - in ] 876, viii. 109 - - in ]877, viii. 341 ill J 878, ix. 111 - - in 1879, ix. 368, 493 - - in 1880, x. 98, 161 - - in ]881, x. 360, 363 - - in 1882, xi. 120 - - in 1888, xi. 364 - - in 1884, xii. 123 - - in 18815, xii. 421 - - in ]886, xiii. 121, 171 - - in 1887, xiii. 416 - - in 1888, xiv. 156 - - in 1889, xiv. 504 - - in 1890, xv. 308 - - in 189], xv. 547 Nomeuclature, ii. 252 Oberland (map), P. i. 235 - a chamois huut in, iv. 129 Old tra.clrs, notes on, ix. 484 Peaks and passes in, notes on, xiii. 266 . Renfeljoch, iv. 255, 336 Ritzlihorn, iv. 208 Roththal Sat,tel, passage of, ii. 161 Scheideck, Great., in winter, xiii. 73 Schl'eokhorn, P. i. 234; P. iii. 8; viii. 52 j ix. 184; (illustrat.ions) P. i. 241: ; P. iii. 4; xi. 437 - accident on, in 1869, iv. 873 - accident on, in 1886, xiii. 113 - by theE., xv. 370 - hy N.W. al'ete, xi. 487 - falling stones on, viii. 400 - from the Lauteraar ::latte], vii. 34 - in winter, ix. 2] 3 Silbel'horl1, from the N., ii. 254 Strahleck, P. i. 255 - lost on the, iv. 39 Studerjooh, i. 364 Three neW ascents in, xiii. 378; xiv. 25 81 DIS'1'RICTS Tschinge~ Cave (illustration), iv. 129 -Pass,t·22 Viescherporn, i. 236, 319; xiii. 555 ; Wetterhpm, ' accident on/ xi. 93 - and .!Jungfi'rul in wlIlter, vi. 405 - by th~ Renfen Gl., xv. 369 Winter lexpeditions, iv. 809; v. 63; x~ 418, 404; xii. 172; xiii. 269, 4~6, 549; xv. 78, 199 - qual·t~tte, a, xiv. 200 15; TITLIS! AND RHONlJ GTJAClER.- From !tke Grimsel Valley to the Reuss! Valley, S. 01 the Lake 01 ii' Lucer~e, N. of the Furka. Climbs xii. 266 !Da.mma ass, xiii. 176 ~Dgelbe , abo,ut, vi. 74 lFurtwa g Pass, i. 383 Goschen n-Limmi, it. 157 Goschen~u ThaI, explorstions in, ii.92 _ - h~ad of (map), ii. 94 Gnitli ~ the Grimsel, P. iii. 73 trsentbal ii.421 !Madera. erthlll, round the, vi. 387 lMountai eering without guides, x. a,' 418 ! New - - ex:~' ~,it.ion8 in1 864, i. 435 ill 1865, ii. 268 in 186ft, ii. 411 ill 1867, iv. 53 iU11873, vi. 298 - in! 1875, vii. 327 - in!1886, xiii. 122 - in! 1888, xiv. 158 - in! 1889, xiv. 504 - ~nl!1890, xv. 311 -lU 1801, xv. 547 ::5'i-~z~~i:~ - on, 'Schloss erg, vii. 267 IStein, n ighbourhood of, xv. 72 Thierbe~, summit of (illustrntion),IP. Hi. 90 Titlis, a~cidellt OIl, ii. 223 - in w~nter, xiii. 549 Triften.i~ch (illustration), P. iii.96 Uri, AI»s of (mnp), P. lii. 73 WinterJPch, v. 143 32 SPECIAL SWrrZERLA.ND.-JV: and W. of tlIe Vorder Rhein Valley, E. '?f the Llll.e of Lucerne, including the Ri,qi, Gtiirni$oh, the Silntis, and Ti:idi. Boolts on, xi. 431 ; xiv. 341 Bi'istenstocl[, P. i. 353, (map) 370 Drunni Pass, ii. ~l(; , Calanda, stone whirlwind on, iv. 16. NOETH 217 Clariden Grat, 1. 95 Early mountaineering in, x. 289 Elm, Btwgsturz at, x. 422 ctlarnisch, i.120. dlarl\~, Alps of (map), P. i. 371 Huli Glacier, retreat of, vii. 267 Itrllkeli Pal'S, vi. 101 Maderanerthal (map), vi. 321 - accident in, xv. 275 - monlltainel~ring in, xiii. 133 - ronnd the, vi. 321 ~Inrtinsloch and the Segnes Pass (illustration), P. i. 390 New expeditions in 1863, i. 134 - - in 1864, i. 379, 435 - - in 1865, ii. 134, 214 - - in 1806, ii. 36..1,409 - - in 1867, iv. 5a - - in 1879, ix. 369 - - in 1886, xiii, 126 Riemenstalden ThaI and Kulm Pass, vii. 165 Ruchi Pal:lS, iv. 217 TBdi, iii. 153 - hut on, i. 320 Windgelle, Grosse, vii. 266 - - W. peak of, viii. 160 Winter expeditions, x. 418, 494 17. S'r. GOTTlIARD.-Fl'mn tliA St. GoUhara to the Fluela Pass, S. of the Voram' Rhein Valley, N. afthe Inn Valley. Adula Gebirge, iii. 165 Albana, l)iz d', xiii. 184 Andeer to Vico Soprano, i. 266 Bevers, Val, v. 283 Boolton, xii. 284 ]~arly mountaineering in, x. 308 :Mountaineering- notes, iv. 237 :Munteratseh, Piz, vi. 104 New expeditions in 1864,i. 380 - - in 1865, ii. 135, 214 - - in 18fi6, ii. 860 - -in 1867, iv.50 - - in 1880, x. 162 DISTRICTS New expediti~ns in 1883, xi. 365 Plll.t~ll.,Piz, 218 Sertig 1)as8, i. 318 Stena, Pizzo ii. 272 Swiss Dolom~tes, v. 206 Tinzenthor, V. 284 Whiter expe~it.ions, x. 418, 495 iY. 1 18. Bl!lRNlNA.+.Fi·om tlte Inn Valley to tlte Adria Valley, W. of the f:J(eltio, E.I qf Lake Como. AeeJdents inl ]887, xiii. ::lB5 Ben!iina, Gl~ciers of' (with map), 339 I ' - ~roup, Jl1W asoonts in, xv. 461 - +- from ,Pizzo Scalino (illl18t~ation), ii. 352 -- l>iz (mal1~' P. ii. 131, 146; ix. 168; (illl\~tratioJl) xv. 461 - - and fiz Mortel'atscb, plWI between, ,viii. ]1[)0 .- - crllvll~se on, P. ii. (frontispiece) I .- - lost o~ the, ix. 162 - - tour df, P. ii. 131 - - tOUr )of, from Hospice by Sella Pa.s to Pontresina, iv. :;j38 I BoMasea ~·aacier, accident on, i.f *iii.471 : Bo\>ks on, tiiL 55; xi. 236; xiii. 210; xv.'504 Botany, ii. ~23 ; v. 273 Boval, vie froni (illustration), 1>. ii. 150 . Campfer, D!. te8 from, xi, 870 Di$,grazi,a, ' onte della, i. ,3' (illustration) 51 -coun ry round (map), i, 4 --from: Chiaregogio, viii. 20 - - fl'omi the N.E., xi. 245 - - fromlthe Sella Pas8 (illustra.tion), xi.I 245 ' Dqsde, COiO di, xv. 557 Engadine i winter, x. 31 Gussfeldt, attel, xv. 498 Oiizza, 01' sta, iv. 2] 7 :Mbrteratsc , Piz, accident on, i. 437 New e,."{pei·tiOllSin 1863, i. 135 - - in 1 64, i. 380, 435 - - in 1 U5, ii. 135, 212 - - in 1 66, ii. :~58,404 - - ill1~67, iv. 48 - - in 1~71, v. $79 -- - in 11'72, vi. 1))4 33 SFECIAL DISTlUOTS New e~pediti6ns ill 1873, vi. 301 - -in 18'i5,vii. 327 - - in 1876, vi~i. 109 - - ill 18'i8, ix.. 113 - - i111880, x. 100 - - in 1882, xi, 121 - - in 1885, xij. 422 - - in 1886, xiji. 127 - - in ]887, xiii. 417 - - i111888, :xiv. 159 - - ill 1889, xi·v. 505 - - in 1890, xv. 313 PaHi, Piz, esCRJ,J6 ~9. OBT~R DrsTRIOT.-From. the Stelvio to the Botzen Valley (Lower A.dlfJe), N. of the Tonale S. tif tIle Upper AdifJo Valley. Book on, xii. 61 Bormiol dist.rietof, botany, v. ]77 Oevedale, Monte, accident pn, ix. 114, ~62 - - vlew from (illustration), ii. 352 Guides, bounty fund for, :xiIi. 481 Hypsoll/.etry, xiv. 252, 327,408 Konigss:pitze from the Sulden Grat, ix. ]67 :lIIountaineering in, i1i. 219 New expedi.tions ill 1804, i. 382, 437 - - in 18H5, ii. 143, 2]4 - - in in ill in in in 1806, ]867, 1873, 1875, 1879, 1889, 422 ii. 853 iv. 46 vi. 301 vii. 328 ix. 370 xiv. 505 ' ..,.. ....,.top !P'aphy of, i. 385 ..;....Spitze 1. 46 j ii. 424 ear' ascel/ts of, ii. 301 ~ulden:th ,a night advenlture in, +- - 'i. :341 urwte r Spitze, xv. 329 ents, ix.. 492 ~ 'intell 20. on, ix. 110, 164 Pontresina gllldes, i. 141, 205; ii.407 - tariff, vi. 430 Rosego,Piz, i. 255 ; iii. 19; v. 378; ix. 3$3; (illustration) xv. 471 - - in winter, xi. 411 - - third peak of, ix. 118 Rosso <1.iScerscen, Monte, kii. 177 - - "':'-fromtheScerscen Glacier, xiii.e01 St. Moritz, flora of, ". 273 Schneehaul,e, ix. 439 Swiss Dolomites, v. 200 Tschierva GlMier, expeditions from, viii. 198 Winter expeditions, ix. 49'2; xv. 153,226, '444 Pa8s, Ortler gtjoup, V.' 284; (illustrations) f' 389, 401, 40lJj (map) AND BRENTA DIST1UC'X.+S. of tlle Adela, Tonale ADA){E~LO Pa88~ .. ~nd Val di Sole, E. of Lake qomo, rv. of tile Adlge. A.damellq district, excursions in, v. 186 i Books ().nJ viii. 470 j x. 174, 410; xv. 16$1 505 :$renta AlIta, vii. 46 - group) xi. 41$ - - IIxileditioll8 in, xi. 309 (with map) ·r ·- fl.'O~i. :Mont.e. Gazza Ttion), 323 (ill.ustrasteIiac io, Passo, xv. 3G~ arcen P a, accident on, xiii; 114 i: enova, a1di, ~. 112 - - an 11 the Pisgana Pass, ii. . I[ypsortle ry, xiv. 252,408 Ieeo, LIl o,d', viii. 85 MOllutai eering in, iii. 219 rIr ew eJfp itiolls in 1864, i.· 436 - - in 865, ii. 147, 213 -r- - in 867, iv. 45 + - in 872, vi. 92, 94, 148 -+- - in 878, vi. 303 -t"' - in 874, vii. 107, 155 -+- - in 876, vii. 328 -+- - in 876, viii. 109 - - in 880, x. 104, 162 - - f881' irl x. 362 in 884, xii. 126 iI/ 887, xiii. 417 ilj. 888, xiv. 161 ~inzoiol l' und, ix. 304; xi. 122 Presanell~ (illuab'.ation), ix.· 306 :Presana l{ass, x' 179 u.e;;nlt.~' Val, D.olomites .Of, v. in,viii. 168 :&iva to P llzolo, i. 442 Sp,bioue, os di, viii. 164 Vallon, C ma di, Viii. 898 Winter e.peditiolfS, xv. 226 __ - in D SPECIAL DIStRICTS 21. TYROL,-,N. Of the Inn Valley, .pwlJfJau, and Ennstllal, between the Fluela Pass, Inn, NORTH and Bavarian Plain, including the SilVl'ettfl GI'OUp,VOI'arlberg, and Salzbu1'!1. Books on, xiii. 205; xiv. 412; xv. 232,60!> Bl'egenZel' Wald, t4e, it 164 Dachstein, accident on, xiv. 1138 - gl'OUP, ix. 495 Flucl1thoJ!n, iv, 207 Hochnal'l', accident on, xiv. 473 Mountaineering in, iii. 218 New expeditions ill 1864, 1. 4136 - - in 1866, ii. 3~2, 862 - - in 1878, ix. 118 - - in J881, x. 360, 405 - - in 1884, xii. 124 Iin 1889, xiv. t>06 Iin 1890, xv. 315 Puzna.un 1rhal, plUl~1lin, xi. 1~3 Wl1tzml1nn, aMidan:t. on, xv. 225 ;- from 8. Bm'tholomii, xv. 501 Widdel'lltein, accident on, xii. 109 :22. TYROL •..,....')'. qfthe Inn Valley, Plnzgau and Ennsthal, N. of tl~eDrave, It, of tIle Adige, CENTRAl, includilig the Oetztllal, Stubai, Zillerthal, Gr. Yensdt'fJ8r and Gr. GlocknC1·• .Accidents in 1886, xiii. 64, 1lO Books Oil, vii. 457; x. 4131 xi. 807; xiii. 131, 429; xv. 100 ExpeditioDll in, viii. 161; ix, 494 l!'ernaujo<lh, x. 280 Gloclniel'" GroBs, P. ii. 4291 vi. 150,351; vii.211 • .- ~. from HciliA'enblut (illustration), ]l. ii. 427 ;- - green shadows on snow, i. 95 - - hut on, ix. 238 ;- - topo,.,"'l'aphy,P. ii 425 (with map) , IIol'ns])itl!sn, vii. 211 Hypsometry, xiv. 252,327 Kitzsteinhorn, accident on, xv. 273 :l\l()Uutllineerin~ in, Hi. 217 New expoditions in 1865, ii. 189 ......- in 1866, ii. 353 ......- in 1872, vi. 95, 148 _. - in 1874, vii, ]56 ;- ill 1875, vii. 829 New ex~itions in 1878, ix.lla ~ -in/1880, x. 101, 165 - - in 11881, x. 3(11 - - in 1884, xii, 124 •...•- in~1886' xiii. 127 r- - in 1888, xiv. 160 New'l'o tes in, xv. 361 Oetzthal, xi. 123 - distriet, xiv. 465 OetzthaTht' Ferl;1er in 1875, ix. :n Schloss ~ eissenstei'n, viii. 227 Similal!~, accident o.n, xv. 273 Steinsc~lltgjoch, iv. 883 ivened~' II, Gross, xv. 656 i- - ident on, ii. 224 ... !.W:~:S;i E.el4~truck. by light;ping ,Wiesba hhorl1, GrollS,vi. 351 Wintel' ¥pedit.ions, x. 495 .Zillerth~]er Alpen (map), vii. 281 .Zille1,tMler Ferner, vii. 232, :t8l - - aqcident in, x. 177 28. Sount TYROL OR DOLoillTl;1S.S, of ~he Drave, E. of the Adig8, W. oj the Piave. Al\1pez~o-Cadol'e-Auronzo l)asses, vii. 240 Am~ez~o-Sexten-Al1ronzo Passes, : Vll. 9~ 'B 001rs n, 1. . 3""0 . 811""!': ••• I.; '!,1., 116, ~5l), 4tll), ~m. 285, Xlll. 348 Botanv! vii. 167 :Campit~llp Dolomites (illustrations), xv. 366, 367 ,cinQUef:0,.l'l'i, . the, x... 180 ,cortina round, vi. 199 ,cristal] ,:Monte, xv. 78 .- - a~ident on, xiv. 136 Dl'ei Zi!llllln, the, MJ.d :M.armarole, vi.3¥ Giralb'; lIIonte, xv. 369, 441 Hypso etry, xiv. 6Q, 327, 408 .Langk ,fu1group, xv. 365 Larsec"V!ll, x. 110 Malmo ntlt hut, vii. 838 .~lount, in¢el'in~ in, iii. 218 - Wltl ont ~uides, i\:ii. 128 Newo!l. peditions in 186S, i. 201 - - i 1864,1.4."17 - - i 1865. ii. IS, - - i 186i, iv. 4~,61 - - i 1872, vi. 95, 149 ......- ip. 1874, vii. 109, 157 ,- - in 1875, vii. 331 I. :!~~. 35 Sl'ECIAL DISTlUC'rs ,New expeditions in 1878, h:. 114 - - in 1fli9, ix. 371 _ - in 1880, x. 106, 164 - - in 1881, x. 361 _ - in 1884, xii. 126 _ - in 1886, xiii. 174, 263 ,-. - in 1889, xiv. !S05; xv. 151 - - in 1890, xv. 815 :Notes on old tracks, x. 68 )?ala, Cimon della, v. 111; viii. 115, 16$1; (illustration) vii. 57 ,-. - accident on, xiv. 138 - - final.kamm (i~lustration), v. 113 Pelmo. vi. 257, 367 _ on the (illustratipn), vi. 207 Pietra, castle of (illustration), iv. 885 :popena auil Gaisl, ascents of, vi. 898 Popera group (illustration), xv. 442 :primiero, viii. 278 - peaks of~ iv. 885 l1itorto, P~sso ill, vi. 150 l1osenga1'ten Gebirge, vii. 845; ix.288 - Passes, :X:. 72 ~an l'ifartino di Ca!ltrozza, Dolomites of, xiv. 291 - - Pala di, ix 4&,165; 807 _ - two Ilew ascents, xv. 368 Sass 1.1ao1',xiii. 455, (illustration) xiv. 299 Sketches from, xiii. 13 Vernel, xv. 79 VezZI\Ill\, Oima di (illustration), v. 113; vii. 57 - - and Oimon deUaPala (illustration), vii. 57 Winter eX]~editions, ix. 307, 382; x.495 Zwolferkofel, vii. 211 24. A.LPs.-B, of tlle Pial1e, including TCl'glou, Bosnia, .fIcrzegov~a,~·c. 1300ks on, ix. 446 j "ii. 62 SOUTH-EASTERN 001 Vicentino Bosco del Oonsiglio, and Monte Oavallo, "i. 124 J alouz, vii .. 211 Kaltwasse~' Sattel, vi. 197 J"aste, Monte, vii. 264 lfuglich (n1ap), xiv. 430 ~Iag]ich, ~scent of, xiv. 417 ..,- chain i of (illustration), xiv. 423 ' '""I"" from the Drakosh (illustration), xiv.41t ~edirev~ routes, vi. 371 Tel'glou ~ l\Iangel't in Oarniola, iv.3451 A~ICA' ' ~ gel'ian ~ountains, xiv. 82 tlas, Great, mountailleel'ingin, vi. 2201 ....-Lesser, 1I:iii.40 7~ou ll al.etat (illustration), ;iv. t. j ook on, xv. 889 qameroo lIountains1 xiv. 253 'hampag'/l!i Oastle, X.IV. 56 Fernandq l~o peak, vi. 1 lIP1ponjw\illa,the (illUlltl'atioll), xiv. 397 K abyle tighlandS, t,p. e, xiv. 73: :tahlamb Mountains, xiv. 397, ~map) 02 :t~~i~_nf~a:69xiii' 418, 475; :¥:iv. 1 ¥ountai exploratiOl~ in, vi. 51 ~•.etel' Bo te Mountai~ (Mauritius), , vi. 180 *uwenzo i, xiv. 324 ~ 1 A~RIOA, . If. 4111Sb, mountaineering in, ~iii. 80,In :Books on~ iv. 223; v. 389; ::,:iii. 427; *.168 Oo!ol'a~ol southern, P1ountain~el'mg lU,1 X'V. 480 ood,Mbunt, iii. 214 YPSo~tlr, xv. 871 ztaccih atl (with illustration), xv. 8 l -. sum~m't~ks, f (illustration), xv ..~'. 69 ~!exican heights of, xv. ~71 lrfountai in the Far West, viii. p. ; 233, 5 ew ex d~tions in 1890, xv. 316 rizaba, iii, 210 ~ acific, . untaineering on the,; v. 357 ' Popocat~petl, iv. 23t; viii. 280; xiv.4Q8 Rainier, Mount, vi. 11)2 D 2 36 SPECIAL DIS11RlCTS }:tocky ~:Iountllins, ix. 241 St. Elias, Mount, xiv. 164, 345, (illustrthtion) 348, (map) 354 l3elkirk Rl~nge, xiv. 58, 168,~80; xv. 418 Sir Donald, :l\Iount, xv. 820 Viejo, El, i. 223 ~ craters of (illl1stJ1ation), i. ;232 New expe,.ditions in 1890, xv. a20 Om Sh~umer, i. 200 AVSTRALljA.. Book oJjl,xiii. 493 Q!RPATHJA~~. ~ Book~,:p. all ElISter, iii. 25 A~fERICA,S. Aconcagul1, xii. 128 ,Andes, Chilean, xi. 407 ;- of Ecuador. ix. 5l3; x. 49,118, 185, 24l, 369, 425, 498 ;- railroa,d across, vIii. 425 J:3ookaon" ix. 501; xiii. 558 Ohimborazo, he 489; x. 226, (illustration) 369 ;- plan (lIt camp (illustration), x. 436 Cotopaxi, viii. 448; ix. 45; (illustration) x. 113 - eruption of (illustration), x. 436 lilimani, viii. 897 ; Lx. 489 Quito, the Great Q\1ebrada. (illustration), x. 241 ltoraima, l;:ii. 127, 264 Straits of Magellan Q.lldthe Apdes of Central Ohile, iv. 827 Venezuela, vi. 50, 101 APENNlNE8. :poolrs 0111, viii. 55; xii.'62; xiv. 269; xv. 232 New expeditions in 1875, vii. B36 Pallia delle Oroce, vii. 2.14, 372 )?izzo d'Uccello and the Solco d'Equi,xi. 324 • Sasso d'Halia, Gl'lln,viii. 353 (1Vith illustration) Tezio, :Monte, xii. 175 VallombroslI, xiii. 557 Winter ascents, h:. 4-91 AsI.\.. Ararat, Mount, viii. 110, 208; ix. 318 ;- - earl!. ascents <,If, viii. 213 Argreus, ~~ount, ix. 1384,402 l300ks on, vi. -205; ix. 18:3; xiii. 46 Demavend, viii. 256 Jelu, mou!1tains of (illustration), xiii. 293 Kurdistlln, mountains of, xiii. 293 -~_, q-l-UCASUS . , Abkha ia, the solit.\~deof, xv. 237 I Adai 0 ocb, xii. 209, 314,493 oup (illustr\ition), xv. /520 j I ..- (lUa ) xii. 403; :xiv. 453 . ..- frolU Goribolo (illustration)1 xiii. 354 Ascen4' ilj, xv. 558 . B .• e;~oJ Gl.acier (iIlUStl.atiOn),.Xiii. Books on, vi. 158 i ix. 182 ~ xi. 429; xt.570 Bordjul\ (illustrations), xv. 517, 518 ' CaucM an travel, xiii. 41 Oauca lB, iv. 241 Opja G acier (illustration), xii. 217 Oentr group (map), xiv. 24 Chain f the (map), xiii. 353 ;- aho e the D1.chsu Glacier (ill tration), xiIi. 378 fllim in, xiii. 499 ; xiv. 1 Donki 's(W.F.)journeyin 1888, xiv. 311 Dych u, xv. 173, (illustrations) 173,176,100; (map) xv. 3& ..- 8n~ glaciers (illustrations), xv. 37 ! - fr0t; the Doumala Glacier , (ill~tratiOn), xiv. 10 Early xp,lorers, xiv. 314 Elbru , Ii. 1H8 ; (w. ith illustration) vii. 13; xiv. 239 ;- fro Terskol (illustration), x}v. 57 Ex Explo Explo Gesto Gori tri (}val (ill High-' Uints. 24' ition to, xiv. 04, 177 ation of,xiv. ,88 'atiqns in 1880, xiv. 436 a, xiii. 220, 418 10 fa~s, vie'f from (i~uson), xiii. 373 Wacier, range south of stration), xiii. 504 evel routes, x~. 254 for travellers, xi. 471; xiv. . J 37 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Owm Grsdanog (illUlltrntion), P. i. 452 T /lillian, SgUl·I•..Nan, xv. 70 (flvder F'. wr in wi~ter, vi. lQ5 · ighland, the, in winter, xi. 480 ~ake di lct, the, xiv. lti9 ,t - nee s to motlntaiua in the, : xiii. 5 . in inter, v. 34. • lanbe1'i Pass (illU>.ltl'ation),1>. i. Karaga.m Glacier (illustration), xiv. 57 :Koshtantau (illustration),xiii. 244 - group (map), xiii. 258 Last Bivouac, the (illustration), xv. 26 Latpar PltllB, from (illustration), xiii. 371 ,Leila, view from (illustration), xv. '- f 237 ;Mountaineering in, Pii. 242 :Nwagar Pass; froDl (illustration), xiii. 371 :Naltshik, fl'om (ill1l,$tl'ation), xiii. - ep' ode in the history oi, an (illustr tion), P. i. 460 ehes }lou~onn6es (iH.ustl'atio , P. i. 42~ +- - s~' on of (illustration), P. , i. 445 t,liwedd, xi. 239 .. lyn Id aI, ~ection across mo! raines (mustrauon), P. i. 454 Llyd w, Roches Moutonn6es . (illust ation), P. i. 440 · ben r"'.s (illust~'atioIl), 1'. i. - :New expeditions in 1884, xii. 110 _ - in 1886, xiii. 116 - - in 1890, xv. 316 :New maps of, xiv. 57 Passes in, xii. 423 SeaI'Chexpedition, xlv. 432; xv. 26 Six: weeks travel in, xiii. 35a Snowy ehain, the, frj)m above Gurschavi (illustratiop), xii. 317 Southern valleys ot', xv. 513 Tetnuld fl'om Gesto~, xiv. (frontispiece) 'l'opogl'aI!hy, xii. 320; xiv. 452 'rOUl' in, 1"1'. 160; vii. 100; xii, 80 Travel in, xv. 372 Tsforga, view from (illustration), xv. 516 Ushba (illustration), xiii. 514 - from Adyrsu Po.ss (illustration), xiii. 304, +- 460 ;rewex editions in 1890, xv. 315 ~cd.fell, ,'iii. 93,178 ~'cotIan ,climbing in, xii. 502 I3kye,olman of, x. 111 r- bltlle W. edge, xiii. 205 t- Rock Mouutains of,:xv. 4-22 Snowdo ,-ancient glaciers of . (map) P. i. 419 r- stl'an e siilht on, xi. 482 trhirlme e, viii.. 401 ales, ne ient g'laciers, P. 1. 419 · f !OORSIOA. G· 412 iv.289 GRBA.r EOE. lypso try, viii. 434 !Moullt!\i excuI'sion~ in, ix. 157 iTaygett ,viii. 316 xi. Round M~lllte Cinto, x. 314 'rl'agone, ,ca.mp at (illustration), Vi~tto,iy. Bl 0 Pel'oM (illustration), P. i. 45 854 ):IlidsummElriu, x. 104 :Notes on, :,,-i.449 Itotoudo, Monte, in winter, 419 ,L - G~tEENLA D. !Gl'eellia d, v. 1 ,,Ja\wbs vn ice-stl'eq.m, v. (frontispiece 269,280 BRITAIN. Alisdnir, :~gurr (illustration), Notes 0 ,vi. 101,209 xv. 429 nen Nevi!liu winter, xi. 182,480 Peterm Screw icebe Umena vi. 1 Books on, ii. 261 ; xv. 233 Ooolins, the blncl" xiii. 433 Cuillin hills (illustl'ation), xiii.. 433 Cwm GlcUlmoraine (illustration), P. i. 429 'I! Un Spitzo, v. 260 ropeller c(>noe amongst s (illustration), "\'1. 2QU ,island ot' (illustration), 1 88 SPECIAL DISTRICTS, Boolrs on, vi, 43; vii. 338, 452 Climbing and h~nting in, xi. 203 Do,pendikang (illustrlttion), xv. 1I6 ' GangootrB, vi. 385 - peak (illustration), vi. 385 Great pealrs of, the, xi~. 438 Hi;ndostan to Tibet, iii. 52 Kt\~chanj~ngti. g~?UP, (ilhlstt'atlOns), IV. 73; Xll. 99 Lama Y:Ul'tl(illustration), iii. 148 MountaIn trl'lvel in, x. 1 l\Iountaineering in, xi. 301, 36p, 402 ; xiii. 99 M~stagh Pass, the, xiv. 00 Nepal peaks (illustratio/l), xii. 459 Noon Coon peaks (illustration) iv.177 Routes in, vii. 259 Silraram, ix. 288 Sil;kim, ix. l.\B4 - exploratioll in, xv. 111 - Thibet fl.-ontier (map), xv. 112 Simla to Srinagar, iii. 118 Sooroo route, the, iv. 103 Suft'aid Kohrange, x 12 Survey, lLotes on the, xii. 52 Trips in, iv. 73 SUl:ts-~el1i:. lava :field (illusha-. tlOn),i P. 11. no Tour inf in 1861, P. i1. 3 hPAN. Fusiya~a in winter, vii. 214 0., :NEW amiNEA-. . Book vii. 269 l\1Qullta~neering in, xv,. 71 NEW ZE~A.ND. Alps o~. x. 287 ; xii. 339 Book 0 , xi. 428 Cook, ount (ma}», xi. 57 - d Mount Tasman (illustrAtion) xi. 129 Eo.l·nsi w, Mount. xii. 341 J onrne into the glo.cillrregions <If, xi. 1 57, 129 :Malte ~run range (ilhUltration), U. 141 ; l\lo,unt~'needllgin, xi. 3~1, 366 ; xv. 5 Southe Alps, vi. 364 ; (map)' xi. 1 -e(xplorlittionin, xii. 162 1 NORWAY., Io.EL4ND. BalIla, i. 360 BO,okson, iii. 197 ; vii~. 168 Climbing- in, vii. 50 Herdu Breid (illustration), P. ii. 96 Hver-Fjall (il1ustration),P. ii.102 Iceland. South-East (map), P. ii.3 Klttfr, swing bridge (illustration), I). ii.86 • Ltwg Jukull (illustl'litP-on), P. ll. 115 IIIYl'dals Jokull, vii. 179 New eXTleditions in 1875, vii. 336 Oroofo.Ji5kull, xv. 559; (illustru.tions) P. ii. 50, 67 . OsIrju8Jll., the (illustration), viii. 173 l'mil. Mount (illustt'ation), viii. 169 UtHld-Holt (illustratiop), P. ii. 27 Hey lrjlln'es, Cape, expedition to, i. 247 Sn~ft'lll Jokul1, v. 39 Surts-H~llir (illustration), 112 P. ii. Books PD, vH. 53; xv. 506 Climbi{tg in, xii. 267 ; xiii. 144 Excur~onsin,v.49 G~:tiil.tind' the, and Uledalstind, Hamm rfest, expedition to, iii. 76 lI?I'ni "dal81'oklren (illustratioll), lv.2 HOTlln'tindel.'ue 32 (illustration), iv. J(jkul~Glacie. r, P. iii. 429 Lot'oten Islands, iv. 427 l\IjPln;, ascent of, xiv. 380 Morkti s (illustration), v. 49 MOlmt ineering in, xi. 142 New e;peditious in 1885, xii. 422, 470' -- t - - in 1886, xiii. 128 1888, xiv. 162 - - n 1889, xiv. 506; xv. 152 R{i~8821d Lofoten (illustration), Trav~ing in, iv. 1 ; viii. 40 Vaag1kallen (illustration), iv. 24 tpORTU(h~:r.. Estl·eJjl.a,Serra da, v. 122 39 SPECIAL DISTRICT/) PYRENEES. Across the, xi. 399 Aragon, adventure with brigands (illilstrlltion), v. 241 :Bookllon, iv. 64; xiv. 255 Oillodgo, gorge: of the (illustration), vi. 57 E1ectticity in, it 202 Flora of, ii. 47 Lucbon, south of (map), P. iii. 101 MaladettlL (illllBtration), P. Hi. 122 Mountaineering' in, v, 241 New expeditions in 1864, i. 383 00, Port d' (illustl'ation), P. iii. 106 iv.837 Winter 'trip in, viii. 121 SOANDI~A)VIA. Book 01!1, xv. 507 Explol''ttions in",xi. 182 Laph1lll~, across, vii. 16n New e.xjpeditioDsin 1881, x. 363 - - ~ 1883, xi. 365 Pieske., Uaur, camp by the (iUustra~i4n), vii. 169 S~CILY. i !p. i. 47f;, I SPAIN. ! .! Alpu~Lras, the', xiii. 80 Books fm, ii. 265; xiv. 'i0; J.."'V.391 ~{ont!' at, xi. 226 Remilliscences Of, xii. 17 Sauv~garde, Pic de (illustration), P. m.116 S;\.RDm~A.' : ,Ai;tnf!l, - PO'rtillon d', P. iii. 101 .Peii.amellera,Pico dll (illU8tration), vi. 69 , Perdu, Mont (with illu$tration), Spring in, vii. Vignem~le, tbe" i. 131 W este'1'~,vi. 66 47 Mou ins of, vi. 57, 149 Nevalft ,Sierra,iii. (fronti!rpiece) 1; (m\l.Ih iii. 1/3; iv. 113 (with map) 40 GENERAL WDEX SECTION TV.-GENERAL L~DEX AS1 ascende(l, xii. 44 AS2 attempted, xii. 45 A1tbreldre Glacier, xii. 269 Aamot, xiv. 506 Aflr Glaciers, observations on, P. i. 403 - pavilion, vii. 164, 338 Aardal, v. li7 Aheille, Col de 1', xiv. 147,285 Abetolle, 1', inn at, viii. 356 Abisso, Rocca d', ascended, xii. 194 Abkhnsia, JtV. 237 Abney, ,V. die W., photographs by, xiii. 426; xv. 394 Abraspungo Pass, x. 435 Abries, inn at, ix. 497 A bl'llzzi, viii. 359 Accidents, Bee Alpine Accidents Aclmres, 8.., accident to, xiii. 398 Ach.su Pasl!, xiv. 441 Aconcagna, iiv. 831 ; xii. 105, 127 - attempted, xi. 407; xiii. 558 A~ ui, ix. ~261,287 Ada Glacier, xi. 407; xii. 304 j xiii. 559 Adai Choch, xiii. 378 - - ascended, xii. 91, 110, 209, 314,49:3>; xv. 317, 521 - - group, xiv. 57,437,453 Adlam6, CorlJO dell', ascended, xiii. 567 - Monte, ascended, xiii. 484 Adamello, viii. 109 • - ascemled. i1. 147; v. 187; xi. 123 - district, inns in, v. 188 - group, topography of, ii. 15 - l'MS, ii. 147 A(lams, Mount, viii. 301 Adams, Sir F. 0., objtun.ry notice, xiv. 410,470 . Arl,tn1s-Hdlly, A., ~IS. of map by, xiii. 29~~ - obituary notice, xii. 256 AMa, source, of the, v, 178 Ad:inapur, x. 16' Adiue, Col, xiii. 231; xiv. W9 Adil'subashi Mcended, xv. 058 Adish, robbery at, xiii, 361, 371 Adler Palls, L 49 ; viii. 107 Adler Plt$l, variation of, x. 97 j xiii. 185 4(11erhor* ascended, xiii. 173 4.(IJ1'811 P~S<l, xiii. 356, 503 4.ela, Piz/d', ascended, v. 205 - - in tinter, x. 418 4lJtna asc~nded, P. 1. 475 botan~p. i. 489 . 4f'i ....rica, III ulltaiu exP!o.rlltion, xi •.45 4gassiz lacier, xiii. 01; xiv. 860 4gassiz, rof., obituary notice, vi. 384 i .~g~ssiz~<th, ii.. 411; iii. 92; vi. 146 .,.. lU wmlter1 XlV. 249 Agel, lfo!nt, ix. 388 AWrenste1uspitze, accident on, xiv. + 78 Agiuza, <1ll'estad', Bee Giizza, Ol'esta Agneauxl Pic des, IIscemded, ix. S59 - Plate ~esl Glacier de la, i. 311 ~gnel, Cpl d', x. 458 tgnelin'i901 d', viii. 60 guello, ~ol de 1', i. 148 Col, ~·i. 258 - - Fo cella del, vii. 82 f\,gola, cco. d', x. 164, f\,hneng~t ascended, viii. 464 Ahrenth 1, vii. 283 Aig1es, 01 des, x. 266 Aiguille,i Grande, Ill, ascended, vi. 289 j tii. 148 - Montl xii. 127 - - as¢ended, x. 347; xiv. 215 Aig.Uille~,Col des, viii. 342; x. 346 Aiguille te, l', ascended, xi. 114 j xii. 1 Aigldlll· s, 001 des, xii. 18 Ail-a-m Glacier, xiv. 449 Ailefl'oi e, P. iii. 209 - and ics du Glacier Blanc, viii. 114 i ascllf.'dea, v. 133 centl 1 peak, xiv. 480 cha1 ts of, P. iii. 234 Co1 e 1', xi. 107 j xiv. 377 - E. peak, x. 278 - from[ the \V., xiv. 479 -position of, i. 158 AiRot, ¢ol d', viii. 331 ° ..lit Inguen, xiii. 40 Ajaccio, iv. 270; x. 197 Ala, viii. 129 - Ghicet d', xi. 356 ..llagh, xii. 210 Alagn a, i. 51 - inn at, x. 161 Alaska, climbing in, 'xiii. 89, 177 - cold of, iv. 233 - forests of, iv. 225 Albana, Ptz d', ascended, xiii. 184 Albaron, ii. 416 - ascended, Hi. 111 ;ix. 475; xii. ]17 - from G1. des EiI,ettes, ix. 100 4lbarl'acill Mountains, vi. 59 Albel'gian, A-Ionte, ascended, xli. 113 Albertville, xii. 142 Albula, l'iz, in winter, x. 495 Alcazaba, Picacho de, iv. 123 Alcoholic stimulants in mOlllIltaincering, xiii. 819 Alefroide, see Ailefroide Aletsch Glacier, accident on, i. 20 -- - crevasses, P. 1. 323 -- - electrical adventuI'e, i. ]42 -- - Maulins, P. i. 323 Aletschhorn ascended, P. ili. 33 -- crossed, i. 434 - ice ~oti;o, i. 144 - KleIn, a.~lCended,xii. 179 -- N. side, vi. 147, 2HR; xi. 415 Alisdair, Sgurr, ascended, xiii. 436; xv. 431 Allnlin Pass, P. i. 225; ix. 29 Allalinhorn, viii. 384 - ascended, P. i. 222; ix. 29, 111; xi. Ill: - by E. arete, xiii. 415 Al16e Blanche, Aiguil1e de 1', ascended, xiv. 497 - - - demolished. i. 272 - - 001 de 1', xiv. '497 Allmen, Yon, accidellt to, vi. 97 Alios, inn at, h. 500 Allnes, Va] des, ii. 312 Almag-el, ix. 284 Alma,jalo'1iegna, v.~i.178 Almauun-gja, P. 11. 7 AlmRnna-skard, P. ii. 71 Almltllzor, l-l.iscode, vi. 63 Almcrhol'n, i. 320 ; xiii. 378 Alpenstocks, P. i. 495; i. 253, 821 Alpetto hnt, xi. 369 Alphllbel Pass, accident on, xiv. 475 Alphllbelhorll ascended, Lx. 111 A.IlhllhelhO 11 by N.E!..face, XII".' • 551 y W. a eta, xiv, 501 Y W. f' e, ix. 367 , Al ine acei ents, xt 78; xi~i. 419; xv. 172 early, xiii. ]30, 179 in 18 1, v. 372 in 182, vi. 97 in 18 4. vii. in 186, viii. 112,163 in 187, viii. 346 in 18 8, ix. 114, 162 in ]8 9, ix. 371 in 18 0, ix. 493; x. 40, 109, -. - no 177 . in 18 1, x. 363; xi. 1411 in 18 2, xi. 90 in 18 3, xi. 34,2 ill 18 4, xii. 108, 167 in 18 5, xii. 343, 395, 406 ill 186, xiii. 53, 95, 16ll in 187, xiii. 890,432,467 in 18 8, xiv. H8, 136, 3l17, 432 in 18 9, xiv. 473 in 18 0, xv. 225,272 in 18 1, xv. 539 l't, ix. 3 ; x, 490 '- C and ppliancea ExhiMtion, ::.jiii. 461; xv. 98 - in th Eastern Alps, x. 280 ibliogr .~hy, ii. 150, 269, 426; 9:( ": •• IV. 6~, "'.~, ; v. 378; VI.• 4.ll5 j V11. i5; viii. 453; ix. 239, 503 limbin ix.65 ~ plub an the King of Italy, ii. 91 -- ~ dinn s, s~~D1er,,,vi. 56,256; "-' .l- • "J 11. 56, ~ -- - --- 2 0; Vlll, 56, ..•88 ; IX. 56, "12; x. 8, 288; xi. 56,308 ; xii. 4,360; 'ii. 56, 352; xiv. 72, 16 ; xv. 235, 512 - - wi tel', v. 336: vi. 100, 384; ii. 168, 08; viii. 176,408; ix. ..84, 448; x. 184, 424; xi. ] 92, 36 ; xii. lZ08,492; xiii. 2]~~,496 ; 'iv. 280 ; xv. 100, 396 - form tion of, viii. (app.) 83 ; ·x.50 - lega y to, xiii. 351 --- librl\ y, xii. '125; xiv., 65; ,'v. 447, 01,560 Ct aloglle, x. 48, ] 8et - - d plicates, xv. 502, 559 - - ill ps, x. 4:& - meet 15ill I,iyerpool, viii. 402 - mcm rial to the ]'f'ello11 ovel'l1l1l/'lnt,vi. 421 I I 42 GENERAL xi. 183, AlP.ine Clubc ]>ictul'e ex1~~bit.i?ns,vi. 160, 208, ~85, 384; V1I. 168,408; viii. 115, 176.408 ; iJ\!.184, 448 ; x. 183, 424; xi. 101, 40H, 436; xii. 168,208,462; xiii. 175,291,461; JOv. 64, 309, 328, 344, 402, 416; :xv. 96, 392,396 - - proceedings, v. ~136, 396; ':~. l;l5,160, 207, 256, 383, 445; "V1I. 1)5, 168, 224, 279, 408, 468; viii. l$6,176, 231, 288, 4:07, 471; ix. 1)5,184,240, 312, 448, 512; XI 48, 182, 239, 288, 424, 498; xi. 55, 1!:J1,243, ~08, 435, 485; xii. 63, 207,286,360, 401,.(l31; xiii. 56, :;Ill, 289, 351, 405, 571; xiv .. 71, 274,342, 414; xv. 90, 168, 234, 395, 457, In1 - - l'ecent Ildditions, xii. 342 - - relief fund, xiii. 046, 573; xi v. l'i't, 408; xiL 468; xiii. xiv. 242; xv. 75, 1; 371 448 - - c . nge in editorship, ix. 613; xiv. 5 0 - - in ex, xiii. 175, 263 - - infOduction, i. 1 ,- - 10 th number of, xiii. 497 ,- - re rint, xii. 127, 260 -lakes and glacier erosion thOO1'Y, l'v. 28' - litera ure, criticism OD, vii. 143 - map, Switzerland, ii. 350 - matt s, s:tate intervention in, xiv. (l6, 71, 162, 245 , Alpine Glub (German), formation of, 251 1.95 , meet ngs, Lal,es, ix:. 56, 440'; x. 45, 4' 2; xi. 124 - ales, ix. 177, 884; x. 182, ~82; i. 182, 242 - obit ary, xi. 78 - pho gl'aJ!hs. ii. 48 i ix. 23~! 448; X. 28 ; xt. 47, 178, 410; xu. 342 - pict es, ii. 95, 31$; vii. 45; ix. 302; x. 282, 497; xii. 341; xiii. 337; xv. 167,507,671 - port olio, the, xiii. 049 - rail ays, xv. 79, 222 SISD ,vi. 193, 253 - spor , iv. 129; vi. 174; xii. 343 Alps, ra, destruction of, xii. 287, 358 - freq ency of bad weather in, v. - - - and Tyro1es$ guides, vi. 369 . - - - huts, xii. 263 - - - meetings, x. 420; xi. 177, 408 ; xii. 467 - - - publications, vii. 168 Alpine Club (Gel'man and Austrian), meetings, xiii. 183,482; xiv. 244; xv. 76 Alpine Club (It.a1ian) at Aosta, ii. 425 - - - formatioll of, i. '207 - - - meetings, v. 374; viii. 53; ix. 239; x. 237, 2831419; xi.177, 408; xii. 260, 468,1)23; xiii. 183, 482; xiv. 243; xv. 77 - - - publications, vii. 167 - - - staiistics, v. ~60 - - - twenty-fifth hirthday, xiv. 245 Alpme 168 Club (New Ze~]and), xv. 558 "• Alpine Clnb (Nol'wegilln), xiii. 147 Al,r,ine Club (~wi8s), formation ol',i. ,)5 - - - eXJreditions, iv. 147, 203 - - - Jabrbuch, iv. 60 -- meetings, "vi. 184; vii. 159; viii. 54; ix. 239; x. 420; I Alp.,ine ub (Swiss) twenty-~th birthda , :nv. 168 A.l~ine C bs (forei~n), vi. 429 - - ,- ongress, IX. 154, 333; x. '120 j x. 48, 177 - - ublications of, in 1888, xiv. 51 dange , P. .i. 491; ii. 273J v. ~~18,2 3; vii. 158, :,J79,311, 4,02 ..,..... games xiv. 61 ..,..... huts d ehaius, ix.490 - J ourn , back numbers, xv. 226, Alp~ne Club ~French), fOl'mation of, VI. 430; ViI. 43 - - - meetings, viii .•54,221, 445 ; x. 282, 419; xi. 118, 408; xii. 467 ; xiii. 183, 482, 566; xiv. 245; xv. 77 INDEX I in arch, x. 238 in inter/.t~mperat~~e:~. 74 ma s of, n. 350; xill. 2/0 pan ramI/>of, from Turin, v. 2H9 ph togra]bhy in, iv. 402; xi. 63; xv. 72 - Sal cens in the, P. ii. 148, 184; ix. • 02, 208, 254; x. 269 - stl' ctme of, xiii. 314; xiv. 38, 105 221 GENERAL DEX 43 A des, raiv-oad across, viii. 425 ......,(Chilea*), iv. 331 ......,- abBe~ee of glaciers, iv. 334 - - hei~' t of snow Jine, iv" 334 - - stru tUre of, iv. &12 A dreis, ., accident to, xv. 540 A e, Bec e 1', see Mont, G1'ltudo 326,408 ecca d Alps (French), passes in, in the eigh. A el'oid ba olUeter, the, ii. 307 ~eenth century, x. 275 gioIa, v",'i. 303 Alpujarras, xiii. 80 A n09Y, m ¢ting at, viii. 54, 221 - topography of, iii. \) A tabbia lacier Pass, ix. 369 Altar ,viii. 448 A taragua Pass of, viii. 431 - attempted, x. 429 telao as nded, i. 437; vi, 402 Alteidet, P. iii. 436 - in wint / x. 495 Altels asceniled, P. i. 335 - ill winter, x. 418 - Pass, vi • 258 Althing, J~.ii. 8 - without guides, xii. 128 ti~AtIas vi. 230 Alvan, Roche d', ascended, ix. 02, A tibes, ix 139 232 A tigine, izzo d', see Spiihnhol'u -...:- Co1 de la, viii. 100; x. 261 tiquitie , in Ecuador, x. 184,239, Amaro, Monte, viii. 363 78, 498! Amateurs and guides,xii. 289 tisana, iii. 448 j x. 427 Ambata, ForceUa d', vii. 27 - ascende ,ix. 513 j ;:to 190 Ambies, Docca d', ascended, x. 162 - attempt d, x. 188 - Cima a', ascended, ;x:. 105 A ~Rangi, 611 Cook, Mount - - topog~ap'hy, xi. 413 - Passo d', vii. 108 A sta, P. i '. 383 Ambin, Col d', viii. 70; xi. 350 - a'correc 'on, viii. 402 - Dent d', ascended, vH. 316; xi. 349 . A ,parei, , rand, ascended, i. 200; 1. 21 j • 100, 481 -central peak, xii. 195 - - C01 u, ix, 100 - Mont d', ascended, vi. 292; xi. 350 - - hei~ t of, ii. 23 A uila, vIi • -300 AlPerica, North, heights of moun· A uileia '. 435 tains, viii. 241 A PietraJ viii. 372 - -.traces of glaciers, x. 109 AlI3el'ten GlQ.cier,P. i. 328 A agoD, adlventure with brigands in,. .247 ; AIPianthe, Co1 d', xv. 261 AlI301a, l'asso d',.x. 105 A rat, Viij" 110; ix. 54 - ascende ,viii. 208 ; ix. 318 Ampezzo valley, xiii. 18 - early as ants of, viii. 213 Anavyrti, inn at, viii. 327 - landslip xii. 10 Ancoll, Col <{I, xi. 400 vis, Co des, xii. 144 A1ldeer, i. .256 AI enjoch, vii. 152, 320 Anderegg, J., fund, vi. 316, 372 A bola, Po. del Gh. d', xiv. 153 - obituary notice, ix. 120 Anderegg', 1\1.,Ml'ving by, vi. 315; -l'unta ',see Ofeuhol'u vii. 269; xv. 97 A ole, Co d', P. iii. ~67 A as, Pie des, witho,ut guides, ix. Andel'eggjoch, iv. 153 Al1dermatt in spring, :.\:iii.332 0,225 Andel'lUatten, ix. 63 . A cheboc, J>oiute de 1', ascended, iii. 120, Andel'matten, F., obituary notice, xi. 345 At iues, se~Em'ins - fund, xi. 414 - C01 d', ~. 177 Anderson, E., obituary notice, xv. A ·tic forlins of vegetation, retreat 09 f, V. 85: Andes, ix. 384 - regions, Ig~aciers in, xii. 162, 305 A don rh-e>,',xii. 2101 407 - absence of snow on, v. 243 Alps, table of peaks, P. i. 517 - - of peaks and passes, P. iii. 506 - wiut,er of '71-72, v. 375 Alps (Eastem), medi~val route$, vi. 871,434 - - table of heights, xiv. 60, 252, GENERAL Arenal, the, x. 50 Argoous, Mount, asce)lded, ix. 884, 462 Argegno, road, xiii. 31) Argentera, Punta deW, ix. 840,11,10; xv. 496 Al'g'entiol'o, Aiguille d', ascended, i. :375; ii. 108; x. 233 - Col d', P. ii. 231 ;i. 444; ii.46 - - in winter, xi. 242 - 001 de 1', xi. 270; xiii. 29 - Glncier d', advance of, xii. 524 - - inn at, ix. 496; x. 112 - - new pass, xi. 116 - - retreat of, viii. lt75 - Pointe de 1', llIlcended, xi. 346 Arias, Aiguille des, /lscended, viii. 99 - Col des, viii. 99 Al'iet1"a, Col de 1', P. iii. 272 Al'iondet, Tete d', ascended, xv. 545 Arkwright, Capt., accident to, ii. Z82 Arly, valley of the, xii. 143 Arnas, Oollann d', xi. ,lJI>7 - - Punta del, ascended, xi. 853 Ami, Cima (lei, xi. 317 Arnstein, L., accident to, xi. 99 Arolla, vi: 20 ; viii. 94; xii. 265 - Col d', i. 137 ~ Combe d', viii. 1 - - structllre of, viii. 8 - geology, viii. 16 - Glacier, dirt bands on, P. ii. 281 - - phenomenon on, x. 492 - inn at, v. 316; xi. 242 - Pigne d', ascended, ii. 134; v. 818; viii. 6 - - by N. face, xiv. ,498" - - from the N.E., xiv. 498 - - 'sunrisll from, vii. 260 - Reuse del', 001 de la, P. ii. 287 Arpille, accident on, xiii. 398 Al'pisson, CI'oix d', P. iii. 268; viii. :304 Al'pitetta, :po i. 146 Arpont, Col de 1', i. 374; ii. 179; ix. 104 - Dome de 1', llscended, xii. 12() Arround, vi. 223 Artel'ovll, Col d', ·ii. 419 Arthur's seat, xii. 505 Arve, AigniUe d', ascended, vi. 290; vii. 136; viii. 57 i xi. 109; xiii. 191 DEX A 'e, Aig1i\illed', Oentral Pl~ak, vii. 50 - - 001 rdes, i. 372; v. 128; iii.68 - - Nort~ern, ix. 96 - - Sout ern, ix. 95; x. 8H - - with \It guides, xii. 428 - 001 Cl', viii. 65 A veron, clave of, accident in, xiii. 82 A zalbl Sa1tel, vii. 26 A co. x. 3~7 A coli Pic no, meeting at, xv. 77 A inalIa, aI, v. 252 A tazou, ie d', from, the N., xiii. 97 A unakerd uk, fossil remains, vi. 66 A anan, pal. uear, xiii. 299 A las, vi. 20; xiv. 82 Lesser, ascended, xiii. 40 A bert, C 1 d', xii. 18 A gstkum enhorn ascended, xiv. 01 . A lille, Ohl1Q.dell', see Onille,Oima ell' A It, Piz, scended, x, 296 A pillous, Pic des, accident on, xiii. 306 - asee ded, ix. 90; xiii. 117 - wi out guides, ix. 225 A Irier No ril, Aiguille de r, viiii. 96 - Col e 1', x. 358 A Ironzo, i ~ at, viii. 453 A see, cl mate of, v ..272 A stabot- il1der ascended, xiv. 508 A Istralia, glacial period, xiii. 495 A tion, vi 180 A alanche. etymology of, v. ,346 ; vi. 99 . on the 1ger, v. 342 011 the I1nt de Cry, i. 291 A alanc s, xii. 222; xiii. 546 001 des yHi. 335; x. 2~4 damag caused by, xiv. 163 danger from, ii. lJ76 in l'ied ant, xii. 260 in wint r, vi. 411 on the ung-fran, i. 184 artoli,'ol 0:; x. 317 'at, Hiz, ascended, x.296 • edo, P MO d', ii. 406 A erau, orri di, ascended, x. 107, 180 erole, i II at, xi. 412 ino, lalte, xv. 266 GENERAL IN EX Avio, Passo d'l vi. 94 - Val di, vi. iS05 Avril, Mont, ascended, P. i. 100; P. ii. 274 Ayas, Glacier d', P. ii. 2~8 Ayer, P. i. 148 AZZ~n'a, Rocc~a, xii. 417, 517 BACQIIUBer Dance, xiii. 183 Bacone, Piz, a\lcended, xii. 179 Bnden, meeting at, xv. 371 Badon, Rocher, ascended, viii. 329 Bad~ls ascend~d, x. 296 Biichli Lucke, xiii. 485 Uficblistock ascemled, xiv. 158 ; xv. 89 Bar, 'N.,accident to, xiii. 391 Biirepgrube, viii. 175 Bngion, Crodu. di, Forcella delIa, vii. i5l Bag'~es, Mountains of, nomenclature, I'. i. 124 _ Val de, botany, P. i. 88 Bnilletta, Pointe de la, ascended, xv.29B Baillie-Grohmann, W. A., photographs by, xv. 96 Bakel', G. P., photographs b~':,xv. 394 Baker, Mount, viii. 387; Xli. 305 _....,. ascended, v. 357 -....,. botany,v. 359 ; viii. 396 - - geology, viii. 395 - ....,.glacier on, viii. 2340 - - height of, v. 366 Baksan valley, vii. 102 Balaitous ascended, xii. ~O - precipices of, v. 242 Baldegg, lalte, vii 268 Balfour, F. 1\1.,accident to, xi. 90 - ol?ituary notico, xi. 1Q1 Balli-inhorn ascended, i. 135, 188; ix. 110; x. 341; xi. 385,414 Ball'rinjoch, x. 97, 343, 31:19 Balit~a, vi. 198 Balkttr, xv. 38 Ball, Oima di, ascended, iv. 390; xiv. 296 - Glacier, xi. J3, 59 Ball, J., Alpine Guide, republication of~xv. 235, 372, 396 - Order of S.S. Maurice a~d La~arus conferred on, ii. 91 - obituary notice, xiv. 469; xv.16 Ball, L., accident to, xiv. 138 Ball, Paeso di, wii. 335 Balloons for mountaineering, vi. 317 , Ba rqa, MOI!.tedella, ascepded, xi. 360 Ba mat, J., iengraving oft xii. 342 Da me, Gla~ier de la, P. ~i. 268 - 'I/n at, xi. 412 - Rousse, :;pointe de, ascended, xv. 94 ' Bn m,. enhol'llt, ix. 310 . scendecl, xii. 70 Do. mhorn 1scended, i. 378; vii. 441 ; iii. 278 - rom the Gnsterenthal, x.161,382 ElW rou e ~p, xiii. 485 - n winte , v. 66 Bit tal vall y, jii. 151 Ell toro Gl . ier, xiv. 60 Ea tschiede joch, ii. 363 ~ x. :!l Ba Ilchdieh ascended, xv. 428 DII c, Ie, i. 65 Ba ehe, Ie, vii, 15 Ba s, 1es, eIlded, ix. 913 Bn l1. Lach Pass, iii. 134 B . e, Co de la, xii. 20' B harossa route of,vi. 372,435 D ~lonne e, inn at, ix. 41)8 Bit donev, 01 de, xii. 78, 417, 51tjl: Ba domiec e, inn at, xi. 412 Ba ~e8, P rt de, xii. 18 Ba e~ti, Co Ie, xiii. 489 Ba ga,xi. 25 Ba lrer, }Ii sA., aecid,mt to, xiii. J 32.471 Da 'l~ard, G ictures 08; ix. Op; xii. .44; xv. Da 'oimeter, y mean Bil.'ometric 'i. 46 Ba ometric Da 'one, Pa ,. obituary notice, xv. 282 by, vi. 160; vii. 168, 302, 513; :x. 183; :xii. 160; xiii. 339; xiv. 830, 97, 393 determinatio1J. of heights of, ii. 83,63, 123; v. 2]8 standards, i. 315, 441; stations, v. 269 0 di, x. 149 rahat,h, i. 388 Ba rhOrner xv. 265 B rhorn, ~n88er, ascended, xi. 118 BR ardjusi scended, xv. 322 B hil Gla ler, xiv. 440 Ba ilsn GI ie1',xiv. 89 Bn odine a cended, viii. 341; ix. CO, 12,171 - Pnsso ~J' vii. 154 Ba SIlC, Co de, ii. 32; xii. 414 - Dl3r6,C 1 de, ix. 101 -l\Iont, canded, ii. 207,3HO ; xii. 14 - I)~tit M\)nt, ascended, ix. lOl, 483 46 Bassagne, Col de, xiv. 491 Bllttaglia, Bocca., x. 3ll) B&twal'l'i, vi. 389 Bllula ascended, i. 360 Baumann, J., death of, xv. 457 BllUS,Cima del, height of, x. 46 Bausa Marza, Forcella di, vii. 16 Bavona, Passo di, x. 90 Bayazid, viii. 216 Bazel, Pointe del ii. 208; ;:v. 154 - - ascended, lX. 10_ ; XlV. 489 , 13ean, J" accident to, v. 188, 196 Bearne, !1isa, pictures by, xv. 167 Deaume·l~luvinel, Cte. de la, Mcident to, xi. 343 Beaumont, l\IOlmt, xi. 139 Deaver Glacier, xv. 421 Decbe, MouQ,t de la, xi,<139 Decca, Cima del, ascended, xii. 194 Bec!r, Herr, 'photow-aR,hs by, ix. 239; Xl. 178, 410; xu. 110 BOOolehut, ,'ii. 462; x. 112 -, Malga of, v. 186 - Vedretta di, ii. 14; v.187 Befrings Skar, xiv. 506 Behr, \V., accident to, Xv. 540 ,Beichgrat, i. 378, 434 - hut, xv. 447 Bel }'ra, !lonte, Fo~cella. di, vii. ~43 Belfort, meeting at, xiii. 482 Dell' AIda, Salto della, a.ccidllIlt 011, xv. 541 Bella Vista. :Pass, i. 380 Bellagarda aacended, xi. 369 Bellavona, Bocca, x. 316 Belledonne, Cl'oix de, <accident on, xv. 275 - Grand Pic de, ascended, viii. 829, 3~0 - Pic Central, xi. 107' Belluno, vi. 128 lIelpole but, iv. 353 TIen Lomond in winter, xi. 480 Ben Nevis in winter, xi. 182,4,80; :xii. 507 J3ennen, J., accident tc" i. 288 13erarde, la, P. iii. 187,205,211 - Crete de la, see Vallon, Pic du - inn at, ix. 230; xi. 411; xii. )75; xiii. 184,419,460 - Pic de Is, see Ecrins, Dome des - Vallon de la, Col du, see A vaIancbes, Col des Berceau, Ie, ix. 153 Berches, les, vii. 315 ches, OQl des, ix. 361 enger, d~l de, iv. 384 ierre a"hut at, vii. 337 gaigne, iA,., accidell·t to, xiv. 139 gamo, vRi. 93 gen, iii. p gli but, ~i.,224; vi!. 164; xi. 242 listock Iltscended, iv. 156 gun, in~at, iv. 23B ~we:rks pf ascen4,ed, xiii. 565 mg's Gr at Glacier, xiv. 168 narde, ont de la, vii. 400 ne, eXhi;ition at, xv. 571 nier, M nt, ix. H19 --- ascen ed, ix. 98 lina ar~te, viii. 109 ist~ict, Iphoto&~aphs of, xiv. 516 1a01ers IQf,P. 11. 135 ass, inti on, iv. 238 iz, accilJent on, xi. 34R, 436 and Ipiz Morteratach, pass etween, viii. 160 asce ded, P. ii. 146 ; ii. 359; .168 atte ted, i. 347 by ~ Bernina Scharte, xii. 80; xiv 159, 280 by N E. face, xv. 314,468 by th Rosso di Scerscen arete, . ii.422 early ascents of,I'. ii.IS4 from the Tschiel'va Glacier, .. 100 in w.jnter, ix. 492 lost dn the, ix. 118, 16.2 pew ute, x. 283 tour f, iv. 238 withut guides, xi. 182,247 charte, xii. 180 j xiii. 50, $02; iv. 159, 280 Be tol, Co de, ii. 1313; v. 315 j vi. 9 - Dents d , ascended, xiii. 410 - - Col liS, xiii. 410 - Pointe e, ascende4, xv. 304 Be imauda ascended, xi. 302, 370 Be snnese scended, vii. 316 ; xi. 354 - by N.ar te, xiv. 49(1 Be sans, in at, xi. 412 ; xiv. 5~O - Dja, see lIe8€anese Be see, 10., • iii. 232 Be so, Lo •. i. 146 - - from Ie Blanc, xv. 546 B sonnes, etes, ascended, ;x:ii.114 Be sho, xi. 473; xii. 97 j xiii. 858, Be Be Be Be B~ Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be - 0" 10 GENERAL IN EX Betsho Pal/s, xiii. 358, 501,51'1 Betta Furka, iv. 69 ',. - in 1840, xv. 41) Bevers, Pit, x. 162 - Val, v. ::Ja3 Beyer, H" accident to, ix. 493 Ilezingi, iv. 165; vii. 101; xii. 93; xiii. 222, 251; xiv. 180 _ Glacier, xiii. 367 Bhasteir, Sgurr, xv. 433 Bianca, Bocca, x, 3J l) - Punta, xv. 440 - - ascendedl xiv. 483 Bianco, Pizzo, 1. 201 Bibliog1'aphy, see Alpin eBibliography Bicocca, Colle della, ix:. 846; :k.. 458 Bider, G., Ilccident to, xiii. 391 Bidien-druln-nan-RaPlh ascl/nded, xiii. 436 Bieliger Lucke, xii. 179 Rienne, maeting at, ~iii. 481 Bieshorn ascended, xii. 122,251'),360 Biesjoch, i. 376; viii. 108,381 _ - lake on summit of, v. 1315 ..,....- vluoifl,t.ionof, v. 307 Bietschhol·tl ascended, i. 353; v, 277 ; vi. 114 - by S.E. arete, ix. 111; x. 20 ..,....from the S., xii. 124 ..,....hut, x. 487 . ..,....without guides, xii. 128, 180, 479 Biferten Glacier, P. i. 399; iii. 158 Bifertenstock from the Frisal Glacier, xv. 92 Big Glacier, the, xiv. 58 Bignl1Sco, vi. 300; ix. 61; x. 63 - inn at, ¥i. 304 , Bignone. ':Monte, ix. 153 BildstOekljoch, accident on, xiv. 457; xv. 156 BiIlian, Co1 de, i. 2\)(':l 13ingol Dagh, ix. 183 Binn, inn 81t,xi. 481 Bionaz, inn at, vii. 50 13ionna8say, Aiguill~ de, ascended, ii. 132,321 ~- - by E. arete, xiv. 150 Hiram Ghatee, vi. 3913 Hil'chfluh Pass, Bee Deichgrat Bil'kbeck, J., obituary notice, xv. 277 Bil'kenkol1joch, vii. 23 Bischoff, J., accident to, vi. 97 BischofsmUtze ascended, ix. 495 13iscie,Forcella della, vii. 19 Eise. Oornettes de, accident on, xiii. 53 47 Bis x, Tete,laRcendEfd, xi. 486 Bist nen Pa8~,ii. 311,426 Bjo etind a cended, xiv. 386 mil. , A. J., pictul'ell b.y, xv. 167 lUai iere, Ai tille de, V1.293 ascend d, vii. 105, HIS, 422 vi i. 106 llla c, Glad r, Col du, i. 74, 176 yi , 139; . 268 Cret~ u, i. 166; vi. 291; vii. I' ; ix. 3 9 Pic du viii. H4 - 11ont, acc dent on, 1864, i. 384 _ accide ts on, 1866, ii. 38'2 accide t OU, 1870, v. 188, 193 - 187 , ix. 48 - 1$ ,xv. 274 - 1$9 ,xv. 539 Albe<rt Smith's ascent, xv. 371 asceud ,d, ii. 3($5; iii. 75 - by gi1'l, xiv. 164 - itl. a sledge, xv. 326 by ball on, v. 377 . ..,.... crosSe ,vi. 90, 168, 21)3; ix• 10 De Sa .ssure's ascent, xiiI. 556 ,first as ents, viii. (app.) 6 French map of, ii. 421 from t~e Aigu.i1le de GOllter, xi .142 from t e Brellva GlaciElr, ii. 13,369; .135; xiv.404 ii'om e Brouillard Glacier, vi. 384; v'i. 337, 409 from t Cnl du.Geant, xiv. 151 fl'om t e Col dll Miage, xiv. ISO ..,.... fl'om C urmaY/llll', i. 136, 201 ; ix. 171; x . 552 ..,.....' from t e Glapier du ltlome, xv 554 from e Glacier de )t[jage, iv.261 from t e Pierrli Pointue, i. 431 ~eo1(j ,xii. 6 . Hamel Dr., accident to,i. 141, as ; viii. app.) 1() hut (In, xv. 328 in spri go, vii. $l6B in win, er, vii, 436; x. 494; xi. 242, 25 ; xiii. 467, 549; xiv. 32 MS. of eilly's map, xiii, 292 map-d wing i.n the chain of, ii. 46 obsel"'l'llitOryon, ii. 220 ode to,ix. '446 48 GENERAL IfDEX Blanc, Mont, position of summit, xiv. 170 - - range, huts, vii. 168; ix. 235. - - relics of guides Ipst; i. 141; 332 - - ronnd, v. 280 - - storm on, v. 195 - - surv~y of, i. 257 - - table Qf heights, xv. 558 - - three days on top of, xiii. 057 - - tunnel under; vi. 436 - - views of, xii. 8, ~37 - - W. face of, ii. 107 Blltnc de O~emon, l\Iont, ascended, ii. 364; iv..205; vi. 25 - - - by E. arete, ]fiii. 411 Blanc de Pralognan, Mont, x. 491 Blanc du Tllllul, Mont, ascendedt xi. 362 lilll-nche, Del!-t, ii. 368 - - acaide!).t on, xi. 97 - - ascended, i. 38; ii. 134, 21)2 - - by S. al'ilte, v. 217 ; viii. 114, 370 - - by S.:E;. face, xiv. 499 - - by W. arete, xii. 122 - - 001 de la, ix. 172 - - early ascents of, xv. 64 - from the SchOnblihl GlMier, vii. 107, 427; xv. :no - - from Zina], xi. 119, ]58 - - night adventure pn, xv. 404 -routes ~p, xiii. 161 - - without guides, :If:ii.424, 520 Blanche, Tilte, i. 03 - - ascended, P. ii. 3.35 Blanche de Peuteret, Aiguille, q.cci. qent on, xi. 90 - - - ascended, xii. 419, 431 Blll-nchet, Col, x. 354 Blanchets, Oprne des, aseended, xv. Bl~m1isalp~orn ascended, ix. 439 13 bbio, P.iii. 140 B B' B' B' H - 0, vii. 1!6H hm, E., ~ccidE'\lt to, xv. 225 rterriicki I}scended, :<tiv.501 sch, R, !apcident tOI xiv. 476 7fs 'ROfI'lS, 001 des, viii. 342; x. - Cret$ des, ascended, viii. 333; -.87 - - Tilte ides, llscendl'ld, viii. 3*2 n verdal, v. 154 n nelvdal~ P. iii. 435 13 ong ra~e,. xiii. 40~ .. Bo ren, P. obituary notice, XL 44 13 'ling poi fs, French and Bnglish; i.46 . B , Glacifl1 du, movements of, xiii. 99,402 l' 1 - Ie, inn ix:. 238 B umsbroov. 56 Bo umsdal, v. 50 130 dasca lacier, accident on, xiii. 32,471. Bo do, Fo¢ella di, ii. ]37 13 er, P., 4ccident to, xiii. 3119 Bo horomei 001 du, in 1843, xv. 125 130 ington, lB.. P., pictures by, xv. 07, 93 Bo llepierr hut, xi. 241 130 neval, . iii. 353 - 001 de, ii. 412 - inn at, i. 412; xiv, 518 - Punta, scended, xii. 412 130 ney, C 1, viii. ] O~; ix. 77 j xii. 5,418, 20 130lvoisin, ic, ascendlld, ix. 1359; x. 42 130.rdooil,ee 130rdjula 13 . ueta P $$, xiii. 561 292 Ba'ckhardt F. C., accident to, xiii. BJanchisseuse, Col de ]/1, x. 08 5,167, Q4,421 Blanden, Bee de, viii. !/4; xii. 523 - - ascended, viii. 15 j ix. 365 Bo ier, iX'1327 - 001 de, ix. 365; xv. 261 130 .i Bonif xiv. 76 . no djulo. aspended, xv. 317, 319, 518 Blllueisspitze ascended, xiii. 273 13o'mio, bo. s of, v. 179 Blungnv Jolmll, vii. 51 -. otany district, v. 177 Blath Bheinn ascended, xv. 426 Bo szelt, iii 27 nJaven range, xiii. 433 lio telhorn,~rom the N., xiv. 5013 Blegno, Val, iii. 167 130 zllg9, V di, ix. 305 131eu,Lac, xu. 18 Bo co, ix. 9 Bli,menhorn ascended, ii. 410; viii. - Cima de, ascended, vi. 178 ~40; ix.58 130 colunga vii. 388 Blinnenjoch, viii. 340 Bo io, Capt, his pel'il, iv. 356 Blifmlis Alp ascended, i. 359 j iv.384 no nia, hill to travellers, xi"v. 429 - - fl'om the Tschingl'll Glaciel', vii. 1:R .E.,'Ba.clrgrant'givento,xiI64 ~25; x.360 49 GENERAL I*DEX Boss,E., obituarynotice,xiv. 67 Bossesdu Dromadaire,proposedhut on, xiv. 325 Bossnns,Glacierdes, advanceof,xii. 523; xiii. 199,492 - - in 1800,vii. 433 - - in winter, v. 72 Bot, Pierre a, P. i. 414; xii. 158 Botany,xii. 358' - JEtna, P. 1. 489 - Alpine,v. 97 - Arcticvegetation,retreat of,v. 85 - Bormio,v. 177 - By, P. ii. 260 - OantsI,x. 89 - 001de Seylieres,P. iii. 143 - Oorsica,iv.293,308 - Diablerets,v. 106 - Dolomites,vii. 167 - Doronvalley, P. iii. 357 - Engadine,P. ii. 185; ii.423 - Faulhorn, v. 108 - Ferna.ndoPo, vi. 8 - Grindelwald,v. 107 - Himalayas,xv. H9 - Iceland, P. ii. 125 - Lac d' 00, P. iii. 128 .......; Linth Thal, P. i. 899 - Miinnlichen,v.109 - MonteMajella,viii. 371 - Monte Visa,P. iii. 139 - Mount Baker, v. 359; viii.396 - New Zealand,xi. 12,59,137 - Norwa.y,iv. 19 -- Papaver Alpinum,v. 76 - Permo,vi. 368 - Pic des Posets, P. iii.114 - POlltresina,v. 110 -P~renees,ii.47; vii. 367; xii. 23 - RlfFelberg,v. 109 - St..Moritz,v. 273 - San Martino, xiv. 301 - Saxifrages,vii. 364; viii. 40 - Sierra Nevada, iv. 115 - su~gestions,P. i.514 - Trlft Pass, P. i. 158 - Trugberg,P. i. 321 - Val de Bagnes,P. i. 88 Bottarello,Pizzo, ascended,xiv. 503 Botzen,meetingat, xv. 76 Botzel'e8se,Aigl1ilIe de; ascended, xv. 299 Bouchet,Brie, ascended,x. 352 - Col du, ix. 103 Bounty fund for guidesin the OrtIer district, xiii. 481 I Bliuetin 1 .1. 1the vaHeys of.Oogne, . iii. 26B Bo quetins~ 001 des, P. ii. 322; '.64,921 vi. 145 entsd~, viii. 13 ascllT\ded,vi. 28; viii. 133, . 24; xiiil.410,454, 529 by W. face, xiv. 498 Bo cet, P~C,ascended,xiii. 404 Bo rrit, ix.'ll Bo lason, ointe du, ascended, ix. 00, 480 xiii. 119 Bo ai, P. ii 157 Bo e, Val i, P. i. 486 Bo evre, 01 lie, Bee Panoaaeyre, 01de Bo ell in inter, v. 35 Bo el, P. ii. 356 - 'nn at, x '.271 Bl' ley, J .. , accidentto, xiii. 398 Br dley, M,s, pictUl'esby,xiii. 339 Br ins,~rejudicesof, vi. 889 Bl' ndenbergtha1,vii. 93 Br dis,A. ron, accidentto, xiv. 140 Br t8chen,IJ.(1), deathof~ix.37B, 4· Br tschen,J. (2),accidentto,:1!v. 274 - und, ix. 881 Br n, M.,hotographs by, ii..48 Bre thing a high altitudes, vii. 102, 1 9; viii.. 281; ix. 68; xi. 208, 4; xii. f,l,2, 105; xiii. 1, 1>68 Bre aglia, aI, i. 256 Bre enzer aId,ii. 154 Bre da-mer Jokull, P. ii. 64 Bre lhorn, x 423 Bre thorn cended,P. ii. 348 by Qlwenof Italy, xiv. 511 - yN.W.larete,xiv.152 - l'st ltBc1nt,P. iii. 260 j viii. ( pp.) 29, xv. 437 - 'om the nOl'th,v. 44; vii..420; v..·. 384 - f Oln the SChW8l'Zthor, xii. 121, 2 6 - i winter xiii. 549 - ( berlan) ascended,ii. 209; xi. 1 0; xii. 80; xiii. 190 und th, ii. 413 Brei lauibot ascended,xii. 123 BreI e-tind scended,xiv. 509 Bre ble, J. e, xiii. 271 Bre ey, C01 e, ii. 134; vi. 366 Bra ta Alto. scended,ii.148; vi. 148 nomenplature,vii. 46 assa ascended,xi. 123; xi. 317 :El I 50 GENERAL Brenta, Bocca dil i. 443 .- - hut, x. 489 Oima. eli, ascended, xi. 123, 318 - Oror-zon di, ascended, xi. 123,315; xii. 126, 525 - group, vii. 463; xi. 413 - Torre I1scepded, xi. 122, 313 Brelltollnl1, see Brenta Bassa Brenva Glacier, ii. 370; v.135; xiv. 404 Bresciana Pass, iii. 172 Breslaller Hiitte, xiv. 458 Breuil, inn at, vi~. 50 Brevent, circular rainbow on, xii. w, 173 - death on the, xiv. 141 Bre.ieres, P. iii. 350,391 Briau90n, inn at! x. 488 - meeting at, Xlii. 183 - railway to, xii. 174 Brie Froid ascended, xi. 351 Bride-lea-Bains, P. iii. 356; ii. 312 Brigands, Pyrenees, v. 246; vi. 72 Bri~elserhorn as~ended, x. 308 Brione, x. 148 Bristenstock, vi. 1337 _ ascended, P. i. 353; x. 307 Brocken, spectre of the, xi. 370, 482 Broglia, see Brouillard Broglio, Pnnta del, ascended, xiv. 466,482 Brouillard Glacier, viii. 337, 409 - - accident 011,vii. 110 Brouis, C01 de, vi. 178 Brown, Mount, viii. 386 Bl'ute, Mont, ascended, viii. 133 - - 001 du, P. ii. 285; 1. 63; v. 325, 355; viii. ] 36 - - nomenclature, viii .•96 Bruna,la, hut, xii. 417 Brunberg ascended, xiii. 485 Brunegghorn ascended, i1. 209; viii. 108,338 Bruneggjoch, i. 'l32; .viii. 108 Bl'llnig PIISS, extinct glacier, P. i, 413 . Brunni PIISS, ii. f.H6; vi. 332 Brnnod, G., IIccident to, xv. 273 Brnsadaz, vi. 261 Bl'usau, FOl'cella di, vii. 252 Bl'llSsone, inn at. P. i1. :~99 Bucbe, 001 de la, 8ee Etala, Passage de l' BUCBesIIscended, iii. 37 Budden, Oolle, xv. 260 - PUlltl1, xii. 85 DEX j B dden,P nta, ascended, xii. 418,509 B' dos, iii. !36 ·B et, ii. 5 early a cident on, xiii. 130,179 history f, ix. 6 in 1839 xv. 43 in wint ,x. ~94; xi. 2GB B rdjula, e Bordjula B rnaby, l·S., photographs by, xii. 64 B rne-.Jon s, Pi' picturElS by, xv. 09 B rney, Mount, height of, iv. 329 B sala Pa1ls, xv. 113 B sazza attemptlld, xi. 122 B scagna'fasso di, xi. 397 B seraille , Gouffioedu, ii. 2'11 B pa vall y, iv. 83 B tterfiies· Himalaya.s, xii, 46 B , botan ,P. ii. 260 Tete de P. ii. 259 C DALLol,erro del, ascended, iii. 8 ; iv.123 bione, MSO di, x. 149 C der.ldI!'1 a.scepded, xii. .866 C di, Sier de, vi. 59 C dino, 'ma, Forcella della, vii. o o 20 sar's P s, xi. 295 C gliari, .i.'ii. 123 . C abre, 0 1 de, xiv. 491 Pointe e, aseended, xill. 491 Punta, see B~,zel, Pointe de C lacuccia x. 315 landa, . i. 397 stone .hirlwjnd on, iv. 217 o Idera, go dj, iv. 121 C lfeuser hal, P. i. 393 o luornie xiii. 177 o lvi, x.21 C madra. ass, ii. 135; iii.167 mbrena Sattel, ii. 2] 2 C meroon l\1ouptains, xiv. ~~53 mosci, unta dei, ascended, xivi 493; x .295 C mpbell, ~Ir.,·accident to', xv. 126 o o o C C C C C mpe.(log~.o, B.occa di, x. 332 mpestri Pass, vii. 254 mpidell , vii,. 352 mpiglia P. iii. 273 piglio viii l6P, inn at, v. 251 j vi. 430; vii. 462 mping- ut, ii. 1 C mpo, O@rnodl, ascended, ii. 408 o \ . , I GENERAL CampoMoro, Val, P. ii. 142 - Tenca, Passo di, vi. 299 - - Pizzo di, ascended,vi. 299 Campoduro, Passo, vii. 19, 256 Campol, FOl'cellaill, vii. 264 Camuzzi, Bocca dei, 1. 436; v. 257; vii. 108 Canaje, vi. 140 (Janal'e,vii. 45 - Val di, iv. 887 Canali, Cima di, ascended, ix. 371 .C- Passo di, ii. 137 Canaon, Port de, xii. 21 Canard, Aiguille du, ascended, xi. 346 Canariz, v. 123; vi. 66 Oanciano, Passo di, P. ii. 141; i. 848 Cantsl, botany, x. 39 Oantaro Magro ascended, v. 127 Oanzoi, Val, x. 69 Capilleria, iii. 10; iv. 122; xiii. 82 Oappella di Monte, x. 66 Oapronllle,001 de, x. 324 capucin, Mont, ascended, xv. 545 Capiitschin Pass, P. ii. 136 Oaramanico,viii. 863 Oal'BS8ina, Val, iii. 168 .. CardaI, Port de, xii. 25 Oar6 Alto ascended, ii. 214; vi. 304 Oarihuairazo, viii. 448 - ascended,x. 433 Carle, Madame, Pr6 de, i. 70; ix. 224; xiii. 270 Oarranqui, x. :373 Oarrara, vii. 374; viii. 356 - mountains, xi. 324 Carr6, Glacier, Pic du, ascended, xv. 293 Carrel, Ohanoine, monument to, vii. 398; viii. 114 ~ - obituRl'Ynotice, v. 270 Oarrel, J. A., xv. 332 - death of, xv. 274 - fund, xv. 446 - obituary notice, xv. 284 Carrelet hut, x. 488 Carro, Cima del, xiii. 407 -·001 di, iiL 115; viii. 104 Cnsa Dio, Monte, Pass, vii. 245 Cascade range, iii. 214; viii. 236 Casse DeseI·te,Col de la, i. 198; vi. 289, 291, 365; vii. 86, 141; x. 91, 267 - Graude, viii. 225 - - !l,.~cended, P. iii. 374; viii.JOl i I 51 I INDEX Casse Gran~e, by N. face, xiv. 270 - - Col de la, viii. 101 - - from he N., xiii. 405 - - hut, 'i. 271 - - hyps metry, i. 119 - - secon peak of, xi. 365 Castagneli, A. (1), accident to, iv. 61 Castagneri, A. (2), accident to, xv. 274 - - obitu ry notice, xv. 289 Castagneri, Pl1SS0,xii. 195 Castaneze, • 383 Castsni,la e, xiv. 856 Oastel Del no, P. Hi. 150 - - inn , ix:.498 - Toblino, vii. 466 Castellacci , Passo, xv. 363 Castello, C 1 di, ii. 414 - Colle, v i. 28 - Monte, ii.155 Caste1nau,pol de, ix. 862; x. 266 caste1nUOV~'vii. 382 Oastilian cain, vi. 62 oas.tor a.sc nded, P. Ii. 405; viii. 878; xv 864 - withoute-uides, xii. 128 Catalrla, P 1. 476 Ca.tl1ldnp k attempted, xiv. 400 Oatsuperr lake, x. 6 Caucasian ritics, xii. 320 Caucasus, ccidont in, xiv. 99,432; xv. 26 . - eal'ly e 10rers,iv. 166; xiv. 314 - edible ants, iv. 247 - explora ion in, v. 376 - fever in xiii. 376 - glaciers xii. 324 j xiii. 367 - high-le e1routes, xv. 254 - hints fi l' mountaineers, xiii. 257, 376; xi . 24 - inhabit nta, iv. 249 - Mr. Do 'n's joul'ney, 1888, xiv. 311 - morain s in, xiii. 367 - new m s, xiv. 57 - nomencature, xiii. 229 - requisi s for, xiii. 258 -- search xpeditioll, xiv. 432; xv. 26 - structu'e of, iv. 241 - topogr hy, xii. 320; xiv. 452 - travelli g in, xi. 471; xv. 372 527 Cavadiras ass, vi. 332 Co.vagnoli P1l8S0 di, x. 99 Cavale, pil.s de la, ix. 362; x.143 T I E 2 52 GENERAL INDEX Cava1es, Co1 des, i. 170, 198, 318 ; ix. 862; x. 266 - - variation of, vi. 288 Cavallo, l\Ionte, ascended, vi. 142 Cavel, Fuorcla de, x. 487 - Piz, ascended, x. 296,487 Cav611Lo, Corno ui, lUlcellued, xiii. Chakung. a Pass, xv. 117 Chalance, Col de, without guides, ix.91, 31 Cha1anso , see Collerin, Mont Challant, Val, x. 160 Chambey on, Aiguille de, ascended, ix. 349; x. 131 - Brec e, ascended, ix. 351; x. 567 135 - Passo di, vi. 805 Chamcha hi, xii. 500 Caver~no, x. 65 Cavrem Pass, vi. 332 Chamois, Br~che des, viii. 104 Cfavrera, adventure near, x. 151 - Col de~ (1), vii. 315; x. 266 Cayambe, viii. 448 - Col d s (2), xv. 259, 544 - ascended, x. 245 - Patte des, Pointe des, ste Cayolle, Co1 de la, ix. &'J6 Camas i, Punta dei ' Cedeh, PlUlSOdi, v. 285 Chamois unting, iv.129 Ceja Glacier, xii. 216, 814, 497; Chamon' ,fete at, xiii. 556 xiv. 452 - Glaci rs, viii. 275 - - retreat of, xiii. 41 - - ad ance of, xii, 523 - Pass, xiv. 487 - ~uid , P. i 525; v. 190, 297; Cencenighe, inn at, viii. 115VI. 30 , 372, 421; vii. 42; ix. 308, Ceneda, vi. 184 :1d.45 Cengia del Banco Pass, vii. 244 - in 18 ,vii. 433 - Forcella di, vii. 81, 258 - in 18: ,xi. 476 - Passo di, 8ee Oberbacheljoch - in wi ter, vi. 406 Cenis, Mont, xi. 292 - monu ent to de Saussure, xii. 464 Ceppo, Capo 0.1, x. 324 - new hool for, vi. 152 Oercen Pass, accident on, xiii. 114 Champa e Castle ascended, xiv. 56, Cerentino, ix. 62 398 Ceres, new cauiage road· from, to Ohampa y, P. iii. 356 Lanzo, v. 177 Champ6 y, pension at, i. 96 Cer6sole, v. 176 : Champe , Lac, i. 47; xv. 257 - inn at, P. iii. 281; x. 487; xi. 369, I - Val, .47; ii.45 412; xiv. 325, 518; xv. 447 Ohampo eon, Loup de, Co1 du, xii. 11& - Pointe de, see Lune, Pic de 10. - Val, x.361 - Scalal'e di, P. iii. 280 Ohance1 hut, x. 489 Ceun, Col de, ix. 100 Chando in, i. 94 Cervendone, Pizzo del, ascended, Chandr valley, iii. 129 xiii. 126.168; xv. 535. Chang- Pass, Bee Kang-1a Pass Oervieres, inn at, xii. 175 Chanri , xv. 537 Cesanne, inn at, x. 487 - hut t, xv. 324 Cetinje ascended, xiv. 418 Chanro e, Croix de, viii. 446 Cevedale, Monte, accident on, ix. Chapea Ronge, Pas dn, xii. 116 114, 162; xiv. 476 Chapin F. A., photograllhs by, xv. 234 - - lUlcended, ii. 341; iv.46; vi. Charbo el, Pointe de, ascended, viii. 302 102 - - in winter, ix. 492 Chal'do ,Col du, viii. 335 - -'-without guides, x. 498 Char(lo net, Aiguille du, ascended, ChalJlllton, Mont, lUlcended, xi. 112 ii.2 9, iv.144 Chables, P. i. 85 - ttempted, x. 233 Ohabourneau, Cime de, see Verdonne, - Y S.E. face, xv. 364 Pic - om the Glacier du Tour, h:. 364; xi. 262 Chaillol Cone ascended, ix. 358 - Jumeaux de, E. lleak of, xiii. 401 - Col du, i. 267; iv. 60; v.295 - Vieux ascended, lX. 361; x. 144 - - i winter, xi. 242 1\10 t, see Charbonel, Pointe de Chaix hills, ".-iii.91; xiv. 354 I _ I I I I I III 53 Charforon ascended, xi. 369 - Col du, eee ~Ionciair, Col de - from the north, xiv. 100, 289 Charles the Great, legend of, vii. 447 Oharmoz, Aiguilles des, accident on, ~;ii.182 - - ascended, x. 357 _ - attempted, x. 397 - - N. pelik, x. 95; xiii. 408 Oharniel', 001 de, xiv. 219 Chal'l'iere, Breche de, vi. 289, 365; vii. 86, 140; viii. 164 ; ;'(. 267 - - without guides, xii. 424, 588 - Tete de, x. 267 - - ascended, viii. 342; xi. 109 Chartreuse, Grande, i. 179 - - accident on, xii. 109 Chartreuse du Reposoir, xii. 187 Ohassefor~t, Dome de, ascended, xii. de la, 119 \} I I II - hut, xii. 271 -Chateau des Dames ascended, P. ii. 310 Chil.telard,Pointes du, ascended, xiii. 407 Chi\.telleret hut, xi. 412 C~atillon, inn at, x. 161 Chaughan, Thibeto.n game of, iv. 196 Ohauve, Mont, ix. 158 Chaux, 001 de la, xi. 238 Cho.viere,Ool de, P. iii. 401 j ii.816 Checruit, 001 de, vii. 400 -Oheesemaking, P. i. 874 Chelfem valley, xiv. 458 CheIlion, Col de, vi. 26; vii. 216 Oheiron, ix. 147 Ohellata, Col de, xiv. 75 Chemerno Pass, xiv. 418 Chenee, iv. 80 Oherbadung, eee Oel'vendone CMret, Tete de, ascended, xi. 109 Chermontane, derivation of, P. i. 103 - Col de, P. ii. 278 ; vi. 29 - - variation of, i.377 - Glacier de, Bee Otemmo., Glacier d' Chester, Mr., accident to, iv. 375; v. 24 Cheville, Col de, in 1840, xv. 56 -Ohevres, Pas de, P. i. 108; viii. 3, 143 j xiii. 449 Chhorten Nyima Pass, xiii. 28 Chianale, Val de, P. iii. 153 Chio.reggio, viii. 22 Chi arena, Ill, ascended, iv. 50 317 ; 54 GENERAL IN EX Clapier, ~Iont, ascended,ix. 343 - - Passo di, ix. 343 Cla'P~erdu Peyron, Pic du, ascended, Xlll.117, 403 Olarahiitte, xii. 263 Clarence peak ascended, vi. 17 OlarldenGra~i. 95,134 Olaux, i. 69, 153 CleUes,inn at, x. 488 Cleuson, 001 de, xi. 238 Cleveland peak, xiii. 93 Climber and gymnast, xv. 224 Olochatel, 001 de, viii. 383 - Montagne de, ascended, viii. 334 Olothing for mountaineers, P. i. 497 Oloud streamers, i. 208 Ohl02za,Val, v. 203 Ooal Glacier, xiv; 860 Oocagna,v. 175 Cocco,Forcarella, x. 150 Oogne,P. iii. 269; vi. 84 - bouquetin, P. iii. 263 - tprldes, xii. 84 - mn at, x. 487 Ooimbra,v. 123 Ooire.na-Oreicbe,xiii. 437 Oole, H. W., obituary notice, viii. 56 Coleman,E. T., pictures by, vi. 384 ; xiii. 463 OoUanes,valley of, x. 429 Colle,II, xi. 303 OoUerin,001 du, iii. 113 - - accident on, iv. 61 - Mont, ascended, xii. 117,411 Oollier, Sir R., pictures by, vii. 168; ix. 802 Oollingwood, W. G., pi,ptures by, xv. 97,167 Oollon, see Oolon OoUouey,Pointe du, xii. 149 - - ascended, xii. 13 Oolon, 001 de, P. ii. 285; v. 355; vi. 29 - - in 1543, xiv, 407 - - in 1843, x. 44; xv. 138 - Ol'ete a, P. ii. 276 - - demolished,P. ii. 300 - Mont, viii. 13 - -lIScended,. ii. 414; iv. 56; v. 350; viii. 133,383; xiii. 454 - - by N. face, xv. 305 - Petit Mont, ascended, xv. 305 Oolouret, Grand, xv. 129 Ooloursof shadows, P. ii. 169 00 baUaz,pension at, i. 96 00 beynot; Pic de, ascended, xii. 13 ' Co bin, Grand, ascended,P. i.H6; i. 384; vii. 398; ix. 106; xv. i4 -' by S. side, vi. 443 by S,lE. arete, xv. 544 - - fust~cent, ix. 28 - - from the Sonadon, vii. 265, -1- 19 . 00 bin de orbassiereascended,P. i. 2; ix. - Petit, a ended, xv. 300 Co blOUX '·i.141 00 boe, A p of, P. iii. 265 00 pass, • 357 o pton, . :r., pi~ures by, ix. 4~,i • 183; Xl. 192, 410, 486; XlI. '69,4631; xiii. 463; xiv. 328, 843; v. 96, 167, 507 C corde, :l?lacede la, P. i. 292 o <lamine,Glacier de, P. iii, 188 t oo dy, Pie~ de, xii. Hi8 finale,· onte, lIScended,i. 382, 87 o nsiglio, sco del, vi. 134 o natance, Mount, xii. 305 o nstantia hut, xiv. 519 o nsumpti n, t~e Alp~.and, v. 271 C ok, Mo t, Xl. 1; xu. 164,339 _ aace ded, xi. 129 - atte pted, xi. 57; xv. 445 - bota· y, xi. 59 - heig t of, x. 418; xi. 133 - (AI a), viii. 386 o olidge, 'c, ascended,ix. m, 229 o olins, m ~pof, xv. 447 the bla k, xiii. 433; xv. 422 o razon ended, ix. 513; x. 116 o rbassi1\r, Glacier de, 1~.i. 90; v. 311 - hut,x. 489 rbett, 1\ • R., pictures by, xv. 167, 509 . C rbett, iaB,accident to, x. 365 o l'<iier, .eche, xiii. 404 o rdier, ., accident to, viii. 284 o rdina, onte, xv. 258 -lISce ded, xv. 544 C rdon';T te de, xv. 258 - asce ded, xv. 545 o rjon, Iflnt de, accident on, xiii. o 398 i o rkendal\ Mr., 196 accident to, v. 188, 55 GENERAL COl'l1eille,Col de, it 315 Cornelle, Passo delle, iv. 397 ; vii. 64 - - variation of, viii. 100 Cornel'e, Val, Col de, P. ii. 309 Cornier, Grand, ascended, ii. 133 - - by S. arete, xiii. 400 - - by ""V. face, xii. 122 - - Col du, i. 431; v. 350 j viii. 377; ix.172 - - - without guides, x. 419 .- - from the N., ix. 106,239 - - record on, xii. 467 Gornisello, Passo di, x. 104 Cornu, Lac, ancient glaciel's, ii. 62 Corona, Monte, x. 319; xi. 450 Corone11e Pass, xii. 185 Corps, inn at, x. 488 Correspondents, 'our own,' xi. 176 Corridors de la Meije, Col des, ix. 862 Game Labain, peale at head of, xiii. 441 Corse, Cap, x. 210 Corsica, iv. 269, 289 - botany of, iv. 293,308 - olimate, iv.805 - fauna of, iv. 306 - forests of, iv. 272; x. 218, 329; xi. 450,455 - geography of, iv. 275 - geology, xi. 454 -- inns, x. 218 - people of, h,. 303 - suggested tom', x. 329 - vendetta, iv. 281; x. 216 Corte, x. 328 Cortina, inn at, vi. 200 - round, vi. 199 ' Corvara, xiii. 22 Corvatsch, Piz, attempted, xi. 370 Carve, ~Iont, Col de, IV. 57 - - Glacier de, P. iii. 414 Coscione, l\Ionte, x. 201 Costa, Big., pictures by, xi. 45, 192 j xv. 167,509 Costa Rossa, Col di, x. 467 Costng-rande, Colle di, x. 351 Coste ROll~e, Col de la, ix. 94 Ootatoil', Xli. 23 Cotocachi ascended, x. 370 Cotopaxi ascended, viii. 448 j ix. 45, 513; x.120 - microscopic ash from, x. 238, 438 Cotschen, Piz, see Obel'alpstock - - ascended, xii. 479 Oouard, 001 du, i. 297; viii. 75 Col, see Oornere, Val, Co ll'gnier, 01 de ; Co mayeur, vii. 400 00 rtes, 1e8 accident on, xii. 343, 406 - ascende ,viii. 105, 297 Co Ittet, F. obituary notice, x •• 331, 63 Co ttet, :MjA., obituary notilJe, xiii. 1 61 1 ! 00 tts, H.,lpictures by, xv. 1137 Cr mm, B~roness von, pictures by, Or .184 I pons, ;P. i. 494 j iv. 21'11; xii. 74,528: Cr ne, W., ictures by, xv. 97 Cl' ppa di ermin ascended, x. 61 Or sale, vii 463 Cr sta, i. 26 Cr t, 001 d 312 Cr te Sach , 001 de, P. ii. 26'1 ,v. Or ton, Be de, xv. 263 - ~ ascen ed, vii. 319 -1201 de,~v. 263, 305 - Tour de. xv. 263, 306 01' ux de 0 amps, viii. 400 Cr vasse, unta, ascended, xiv. 486 Or vasses, ~oncealed, dangers from, '.275 ' Or Hon, MnI'llt, viii. 386 01' ner pasl ix, 63 Cr spalt aSJde, nded, vi. 336 Or'sSolo, x. 467 - inn at, l·i. 218; x. 487 Or stalljoe, vi. 344; vii. 15 01' st,al11118,Foreola ill, accident 011, iv, 140 - :Monte, • 157 - - ascel~ed' x. 296 01' stalio G aeier (Ortler), i. 401 - Monte, cident 011, xiv. 136 - -.asee1'\ded, xiii. 18 - - by NI.N.E. 8rete, xiv. 505 ; xv. 8 . - .-- in winter, x. 495 - - N.W;'l?eak, x. 362 - - (Ort1~r), i. 46 .••.• - - - a cended, 1. 382, .:>97 - Pass, nc ident all, xiv, 47ci Cr tillan, 01 de, i. 67 Cl' ce, Ores a della, ascended, xiii. 567 Cl' ce d'Ov ,Bocca, x. 319 Cr cetta, ol1e della, accident on, ·ii. 109 Or ft, A., ictures by, vi. 160,384; ii. 168, 408; ix. 302, 513; x. 83; xi. 192,409; xii. 168, '162 56 GENERAL INDEX Croft, A., pictures by, xiii. 175, 338 ; xv. 97, 167, 393 Croisse Baulet ascendecl, xii. 140 Oroix, Col de la, in 1840, xv. 44 - - (Corsica), x. 331 Orommelin, H. A., accident to, xiii. M,110 Orosse, R., accident to, v. 372 Orot del Ciaussine hut, x, 488; xi. 412 Orouzet, Col du, xii. 114 - Tetes du, ascended, xii. 114 Croz. M., accident to, ii. 148 - fund, ii. 422 Orozetta, Col della, v. 176 Orupillouze, Lacs de, xii. 115, 411 Ory, Haut de, accident Oil, i. 288 Cs~Iho ascended, iii. 31 Duculla, Capo alla, x. 326 Cueva d'Arras, xii. 23 CUg'ilio, Cima, ascended, xv. 368 Culatta, Cima della, ix. 90 - - height of, x. 46 Cumbre Pass, xiii. 563 Cunonega, PaRRodi, x. 70,107 Curaglia, Hi. 165 Currecanti Needle, xv. 481 Ouzco Pass, xiii. 561 Owm Glas, P. i. 427 Cwm Graianog, P. i. 452 Cylincb:e, xii. 22 Cynene, ix. 160 auphin~ in 1887, xiii. 460 in winl;er, iv. 320 . new ~ap of, ix. 296 photo~raphs of, xiv. 250 topogrltphv, i. 67. auva Blantz, 001 de, ix. 107,170 avis, H; W. B., pictures by, xv. 509 avos, 'i. 818 ' invasi~ of, P. ii. 146 winte", health resort, v. 376 avy, ShjH., tablet to, xiii. 265 awson ~lacier, xv. 420 . eabang, !xii. 26 earg, s~urr, ascended, xv. 429 echy, ...•de, photographa by, xii. 464; x .96 eep Gill xiii. 93, 178 - Pi • rascended, xiv. 170 egioz, iii. 824 inn ai,l':xiv. 518 eltino, Oastel, see Castel Delfino elphi, l\:tt. (Eubcea), ascended, ix. 157 emaven asconded, viii. 256 emonte, inn at, ix. 498 ent, O.. , photographs by, xv. 894 ente, 0& aI, x. 819 ootiba, i i. 119 epth, pr .cess of determining, vi. 282 eraH, vi. 891 erIun as ended, x. 296 erochoil' 001 du, landslip in 1751, xii. 9 DACHSTEIN,accident on, xiv. 138, 478 - gl'OUp,ix. 495 - in winter, xiv. 248 - plateau, by S. wall, xiv. 506 Dadiasch, xiii. 512 Daino ascended, xi. 320 Daisy Glacier, xiv, 860 DalCOIl, Val, v. 258 Dalimlrote, fort of, iv. 89 Damma Pass, i. 485; ii. 94; Xlll. 122,176 Dammastock without guides, x. 419 Dante, the mountains of, x. 400 Daljiling, x. 2; xii. 36, 440 Dal'l'ei, xiv. 406 - aRcended. xiii. 191 Da1'rey, 8ee Neuva, Aiguille de la . Darwln, ~Iount (New ZeaInnd), xi. 1:39 • - ,-- (Terra del Fuego), iv. 829 Dauphme, ancient glacier passes, xiii. - 5~ hypsometry, i. 157,.180, 801 I I I esor, E., death of, x. 492 espland M., accident to, xiii. 898 etona.ta,Ui. 26 ] evadhuu &, 8ee Gaurinsanltal' I evas, J.. 0., accident to, xii. 408 evdorak lacier, xii. B85; xiv. 445 evil's Bt dge, disfigurement of, x,r. 879 D ville G cier, xv. 420 D &ulligir ~xii. 26 D ablel'ets accident on, ix. 378; xiii. 398 l1scend) , viii. 270 botany v. 106 from t e Crenx de Champs, viii. 400 D ablons a cended, i. 201 Col des i. 482 D' amond eak, viii. 898 D' vel, P so del, ii. 404; v. 204 - Val del v.20B Di volezza I Pass, accident ou, xiii. 95,468,470 57 GENERAL Diavolezza Pass, hut Oll, xv. 447 - - in winter, xv. 153 Diet, P. i. 497; xii. 149 Dildos, xi. 473 Dilliss ridge, iii. 124 Dimaro, inn at, v. 250 Diosaz, Gorges de, vii. 439 Dirt bands Oll the ArolIa Glacier, P. ii. 281 Disco island, vi. 213 Disgrazia, Monte della, ascended, i. 3; iv. 48 ; v. 284 - - first ascent, v. 46, 48 - - from Chial'e[gio, viii. 20 - - from Val Malenco, vii. 328 - - without guides, xi. 121, 182, 245 Disgraziajoch, ii. 187 Dixon, Prof., photographs by, xv. 894 D~anga, Bce Janga DJeb81 Tezah ascended, vi. 230 Dorferkees, accident on, xv. 273 Do~s in the mountains, xii. 18 DOIgt, Ie, ascended! xiii. 210, 485 Dolaenhom ascended, i. 207; vi. 147; x. 885 .....;.. from the Faulen Glaciel', xiii. 191 - from the Gasterenthal, xv. 810 - Klein ascended, ix. 488 Dolent, 001, ii. 131 ; ix. 236. - Mont, ascended, i. 374; ii. 101 Dolin, Mont, ascended, xiii. 448 Dollfuss, Pavillon, vii. 164,338 Dollmayer, H., accident to, xiii. 399 Dolomites, botany, vii. 167 - hypsometl'Y, xiv. 60,252,327,408 -- in winter, ix. 307, 382 - French, xiv. 211 - Swiss, v. 200 - Val Rendena, v. 249 Dom ascended,P. i. 194; iv. 209; ix. 110; xv. 369 - early attempts on, x. 337 - fl'om the Domjoch, ix. no; xv. 104 - from the Irien Glacier, xi. 117; xv. 222 - from Sans, vii. lOS, 324; xii. 419 ; xv. 101 .- from the S.W., xiii. 413 Dome, Col de, xv. 296 - Glacier du, ii. 332 ; xv. 552 Domjoch, iv. 3HD; ix, 300 Don Jean Maurice, Croix de, ascended, xv. 295 D ngully, vi. 390 D ngu8sol'tpl ascended, xiv, 97, 190; v. 558 D nkia, x' 4 - ascende , xi. 404 - Pass, xi . 31 D kin, M'lss, pictures by, x. 184; iii. 462 xv. 97 D kin, M lint, ascended, xv. 420 D kin, ' F" accident to,DV. 99, 2; xv. 26 -letter fr m, xiv. 190 - memol'i to, xiv. 239 - obitual' notice, xiv. 128, 275 - }?hotogr .phs by, x. 1R~, 424, 496 ; 1. 178, 192, 409; xu, 64, 169, 64; xiii' 176, 338, 463 - - e 'ition of, xiv. 809 Do kin an 'Fox, bivouac, xv. 34 Do e, B •. J. M., pictures by, xi. 10; xiii 339; xiv. 330; xv. 97 Do ndah, v • 388 Do udika attempted, xv. 117 Do 'millouz ,Pic de, ascended, viii. 43 Do 'on valle , botany, P. iii. 356 Do (" 001'0 di, ascended, ii. 407; v. 1557 lacier, ak at head of, ascended, f i.406 - ut,xv. pS7 8S8O di) ii. 408 Do enhornJ circular - 71 ' Do son di \Genova rainbow, xii. ascendeil, xiii. 67 Do glas, L?r.d F., .accident to, ii.14.8 Do rejald, iF. 84; iv. 29 Do Orags cended, xiv. 169 Dr on leg ds, iv. 172 Dr ensber range, xiv. 56,807 osh P , xiv. 428 Dr ga Jok .11,vii. 52 Drii l)eak, i i. 150 D1'6 ac1rhor ascended, iv. HI5; vi. ~;~.~~:~i~ ::: 1 7 - WiLhoit guides, x. 498; ~~ii.128 Dre -Zinnen ascended, vi, 845 Dl'e -Zinnell oeh, vii. 29 Dl'e dnel'hii1lte, xii. 263 Dri t, P. i. 4119,456, 515 58 GENERAL ~DEX Droites, les, ascended, viii. 105, 106, 298 Dru, Aiguille du, ascended, ix. 104, 185, 881; xi. 367 - - attempted, vii. 65 - - both peaks, xiii. 400; xiv. 511 - - early attempt on, vi. 1~4 - W. peak, IX. 364; xu. 128; xiii. 459 Druos, Basso. de, ix. 338 Dubh, Sgurl', ascended, xiii. 436 Duudenhorn, x. 378 DUrl'enhorn ascended, x. 340 j xiii. 412 - by N.W. face, xiii. 056 - Klein, ascended, xiii. 172 DUrren See, vi. 345 Diissistock, accident on, xv. 275 - ascended, vi. 881 j x. 807 j xv. 276 - by W. face, xiii. 131 Dumso:nf\' fort, iv. 89 Dunagirl, xii. 28 - attempted, xi. 866 ; xii. 40 Dunaasau, xii. 43 Duncan Glacier, xv. 421 Dunkur, iii. 65 Dupr6, Mdlle., death of, x. 365 Durance passes, xiii. 37 Durand Col, P. ii. 861; v. 321 j vii. 392; viii. 378; ix. 172 - Mont, Glacier de, P. i. 100 Durano, Monte, ascended, vii. 157 ])urra Nooh, x. 14 Dychsu Glacier, vii. 101 - gorge, xii. 93 Dycntau, xiii. 229, 256, 354 - accident on, xiv. 00, 4~2; xv. 26 - ascended, xiv. 447; xv. 173 - height of, xiii. 364 Dzasset, Fenetre de, xi. 350; xii. 85,418,518 ESTascended, xii. Q9 ES8 ascended, xii. 59 EOt ascended, xii. 59 Eagle's nest, the, ii. 50 Eagles, vii. 92 j xii. 24 Early mountain~ring, xiv. 406 Earnslaw, Mount, attempted, 341 East, A., pictures by, xv. 510 Ebnefluh ascended, iv. 156 Eblle:6.uhjoch, ii. 410 j iii. 86 xii. boulement, Aiguille de 1', ascended, ii. 364 j iii. 102 < candies, .Pointe des, ascended, xiii. 487 'ccles, J.jphotographs by, xv. 894 chauda, 'Col de 1', P. iii. 196 'chellt'l, Pointe de 1', ascended, xii. 482 j xiv. 481 'crins, B~eche des, xiii. 50 001 d , i. 74 j vii. 138 j viii. 195 j xiii. 45 D6mees,ascended,x.222j xi. 100 Flamb au des, ascended, x. 94 Pointe des, ascended, i. 378; ii. 225; x. 465 j xiv. 168, 878 - atte pted, i. 66, 164 - by . face, v. 132 - by •. fuce, x. 82, 219 - pos;' ion of, i. 150 - wit out ~ides, ix. 227 enis, 1\ ft, xlii. 873 , gel', P., death of, x. 421 fund, Xl' 422 E ginerhql'U ascended, xiii. 182 , gischhd;rn in 1840, xv. 60 • :a.Iets,les, iii. 69 E gel' asce ded, i. 435 j viii. 274 attemp by E. l'idge, xi. 28, 85 by a n :w route, v. 277 br. the iMitteliegi ridge, xii. 421 j xhi.55 fil'St as ent, viii. (a\>;p.)81 j xi. 172 from t e Bergli, xu. 123, 240 from te Eiget:ioch, viii. 100,208 Glacier P. iii. 16 . great a alanche on, v. 342 in wint r, xv. 78 E gerhOrn i ascended, xiii. 416; xiv. 29 get:ioch,i P. iii. 15; v. 2'16; viii. 205,34] lferkofe~ vii. 257 IferkOf,i'oCh, vii. 25 E sjoch, v Ii. 161 ; xiv. 466 E'vettes, lacier d', ii. 83 E bruz, iv ,166 j ix. 138 j xi. 473 a.lIeged ascent, xii. 327 ascend , iv. 164 j vii. 102, 113 ; xii. 95 attemp d, ii. 168 from te N.E., xiv. 450 Glacier of, xii. 324 height f, xiii. 364 night 0 , xiv. 239 I~ ectrical ltclventures, i. 142 phenomena, iv. 216,356 i 59 GENERAL INiEX Electricity, vii. 203 - Pyrenees, i. 202 Elelldhiitte, xii. 263 Elliott, J. M., accident to, iv. 373 Elm, landslip at, x. 422 Elva, Pelvo d', ascended, xv. 330 Elwerriick ascended, xiv. 159 Embrun sacked, ix. 257 - inn at, xi. 241 Emile Pic, 001, x. 85, 268 Encula, Col de 1', viii. 332 - Or~te de 1', ascended, viii. 332 - Rocher de 1', ascended, ix. 362; xiv. 146, 376 Ende der Welt Ferner, ix. 870 En~adine botany, P. ii. 185; ii. 428 - m winter, x. 31 - manners and customs, vi. 432 Enge, the, i. 60 Engelbel'g, P. iii. 84; vi. 74 Enl~bricht, Hen', accident to, xi. Engelhorn 26 England, 48 ascended, xiii. 416; xiv. Mx., photographs by, ii. English churches in Switzerland, iii. 209 Engst1en, inn at, i. 96 Engstlig-engrat in winter, v. 67 Ennerdale Pillar, xiii. 95 Eutdeckungsfels, xii. 75 Entraigues, 001 d', x. 85 Entre deux Eaux, inn at, ix. 238 - Pierroux, Aiguille d', ascended, xi. 846 - - 001 d', viii. 98 Epaisseur, Aiguille de 1', viii. 59, 69 - - ascended, ix. 92; xii. 1715 Epee, Glacier de 1', ii. 27 Epicoun, Bee, nomenclature, xii. El'J: tic phenomena, explanation of, i .213 Er felderjoch, vi. 80 El' eldthal~ vi. 81, 338 Es avinadeascended, x. 853 E hen, F.A., accident to, xiii. 130, 79 Es hia Pas~, i. 381; v.206 Es 'eins, inp. at, ix. 497 Es igliete, pena, vi. 66 Es inazito rass, xiii. 562 Es iJ!go, Ll/.e d', P. iii. 103 Es efjord, 53 Es eng, i~1 at, ix. 500 Es 6rels, ix 140 Es ella, rro. da, v. 122 E blons, 01 des, P. i. 113 es, le81.P. iii. 186, 205 ointe des, ascended, ix. 94 E~a, Pa!$o.ge de 1', viii. 344; x. v. 1 I E iache, 10gnosa d', ascended, xi. 50; x11,400 E et, Col ide 1', ix. 362 Grand, 1001du, xiv. 467 T~te <ij I', ascended, viii. 343; • ix.855 I E E E E ropa, Picas de, vi. 67 tin, xii~ 181 a, Pass~ d', x. 59, 150 ~que, 1'1 ascended, viii. 15 height of, v. 851 Mitre 1'; ascended, ix. 364 erek, i~: 467 verest, ~ount, See GaUl'inSD.llkar a, x. 208,814 volena, inn at, i. 96 chaUl)a, ,Lac del', hut, x. 489 "ygliere,Pointe de J', ascended, x, 85 YjafjalrOkUll, vii. 52 zel'i, xi . 444 'J;; 523 - Gran, xv. 473 Erbetet, see Herbetet Erosion theory, iv. 282; xiv. 221 Err, Piz d', pass near, ii. 360 Errata, i. p. viii; iv. 437; vi. 104, 208,320,445; vii. 56, 224; viii. 97, 227; ix. 239, 297, 384, 496; x. 184, 240, 288, 368, 424, 500; xi. 56,192,244, 308, 372,436,486; xii. 288, 360, 423, 533; xiii. 212, 292, 432, 496; xiv. 72, 176, 280, 844; xv. 576 Erratic blocks, xii. 157 vii. 824; xi. 202 iissler, ., accident to, xiv. 476 airweatfer, Mount, xiv. 166 alban Sritze, Kleine, ascended, xv, ADERJO 160 , albanjoklh, vii. 864 a1dum tass, i. 434; ii. 9l a1kenre~be ascended, xi. 143 'a.1kner, ICima, ascendedl xi. 320 alkniss' accident on, xill. 399 aUet, ~1:ont, ascended, ii. 388 ,60 GENERAL tNDEX Falling stone, accident from, P. i. 239 . FaIut, xii. 454, 459 Fanella Pass, x. 11,87 Farnareita ascended, x. 353 Faulber~, P. i. 28~ - hut, 11.160; v11.164 Faulhorn, vii. 294; xiv. 302 - botany, v. 108 - in 1839,xv. 40 - in winter, iii. 208; vi. 408; xiv. 201,249 - scientificascent, xii. 154 Faurio, Roche, ascended, vi. 289; vii. 89 - - 001 de, vii. 104; x. 85, 268 Fedaja hut, x. 488 - Pass, vii. 167 - - inn, xiii. 24 Fedchenko, Prof., death of, vi. 306, 372 Federal' Kogel, viii. 279 - - ascended, vii. 109, 360; x. *toules, Col des, viii. 8~~; xi. 84,7 Tete d&s,ascended, Vl11. 842; lX. 854 - in winter, xi. 411 F uel'stei~ ascended, xii. 124 F nillette,lOroix de, P. i. 74 ii.188 arnie,F rcella di, vii. 14 F era, V v. 204 F n'e, Ie, cended, x. 346; xi. 108 llar Ku pe, xi. 193 F llarjochj xi. 116, 194 mber F ner, xi. 124 . delen lncier, accident OD, i. 21 - cha gee in, P. i. 156 steraar orn ascended, P. i. 283 by the ld route, xii. 178 by the thhorn Sattel, viii. 109, Fx Gl~iC',P. 262 b;r S. aete, xi. 868; xiii. 422 clrcula rainbow, xv. 329 discove of, xiv. 322 early ent, P. i. 808 first a . nt, viii. (npp.) 64 . from thl Agassizjoch, iv. 155; vi. 297 I (l'ite on, i~.319 In wintrr, xiii. 269; xiv. 249 seen frr Grindelwnld, ix. 485 73 Fedozjoch, ii. 360 Fee, inn at, x. 487 - Pass, xi. 117, 414 Feistritz, iv. 348 Feli~och, P. ii. 397; i. 87; viii. 378 - accident on, viii. 112, 163 - to San Giacomod'Ayas, vii. 105 :FtSlixNeW,Pic, ascended, x. 88 Fellaria Glacier, i. 350 Feltrume, Forcella di, vii. 253 Fend, ix. 83; xiv. 456 FeneetrellAS,inn at, xi. 241 Fenetre, 001 de, P. ii. 302 - Glacier de, shrinking of, P. ii. 274 • Fer, Croix de, accident on, xiii. 182 Ferber, Herr, accident to, xv. 275 Ferden Rothhorn ascended, ix. 498 Fermin, Oreppa ill, ascended,x. 861 Fel'uando Po, vi. 1 - - botany, vi. 3 - - peak ascended, vi. 17 Fmnaujoch,x.165,280 Fe~c1e Glacier, xv. 143 Ferrand, Grand, ascended,xiv. 218 - Punta, ascended, viii. 70 Ferriera, inn at, XIV. 326 Ferro, Paaso di, i. 435 - - variation of, vii. 327 Festihorn, xiii. 523 FestOlfjall, i. 247 ' i£~oi~l o::li:~:~: 419; xii. 424; in win 1',ili. 208 j iv. 317 Fi -cobon Olma di ascended xiv. ~ Fi l'ina, V , pass into, ii. 410 ;;J~'I.'1~~~~'~'110 Fl che1',J. (2), accldent to, XIV. 99, 432' xv 26 - ~bit ry notice, xiv. 184 fund, vi~.112, 217 Fi , Rochel'Sdes, landslip, xii. 10 . rlandsffiord,v. 53 F mbeau aes Ecrins, aee Ecrins . Fl mbenux1,les, ascended,viii. 344 Fl Ckistoc~from the l\IeielltLlll,l, xiv. • Jl win 1',xiv. 248 Fl skedal, ··ii. 160 F :_~ ascended,P. i. 206 from th Laquin Glacier, ix. 367 uomenc tll1'e,viii. 107, 151; xv. ~ 53 I Flbtschjoc~, i. 433; vii. 126 Fl~llri, MOl1t,aee Per\leedu Reposoir GENERAL I l' I Flimser Firn, P. i. 391 Floiten Glacier, x. 102 - Grund, vii. 235 Floitenspitze ascended, viii. 161 Floods in the Tyrol, xi. 124 Flora, destruction of, xii. 287,358 Fluchthorn ascended, iv. 207 - - without Ifuides, xi. 182 Fliih Glacier, Vll. 442 - Pass, v. 144 Fluela Pass, inn at, iv. 238 Flumet, xii. 144 Flumser Pass, P. i. 375 Fohn, the, P. i. 259; P. iii. 85; x. 37 Folletta, ~[onte,ascended,xiii. 567 Fond, Col du, viii. 100; xiv. 494 - Pointe du, ascended, viii. 100 - - by S. ridge, xiv. 493 - Snillette, see Font Sancte Font Sancte, Pointe de la, ascended, ix. 347; x. 129 Fontainebleau, fete at, ix. 154 Fontana Rimella, Bocca di, x. 328 Fonte Glacier, xiii. 120 - Roc del, ascended, xiv. 491 FonteniI, xii. 113 Foo Pass, P. i. 375 Fora, Piz, ascended, xv. 313 Forame, FOl'Cella di, vii. 17 Forato, Monte, vii. 379 Forbes, J. D., obituary notice, iv. 221 Forca, la, Pass, vii. 13 ForcelIe, Ie, x. 326 Forcelliua Pass, iii. 19 Forches, Col, xii. 417 - Punta, ascended, xi. 358; xii. 84 Forchll, Mont, Bec de, ascended, i. 200; ii.27 Forciolline, Passo delle, xiv. 143 - Vallon delle, P. iii. 155 l!~orclaz,xii. 144 - in winter, v. 68 Forcletta, Pas de, i. 203 - Pass, xi. 397 Forests, Swiss, statistics of, iv. 211 Formazzora, Passo di, x. 99 FOl'llllCcillascended, ii. 341, 3M - l~a8SO della, ii. 354 Forno Glacier (Bormio), v. 180 - - (Maloya), advance of, xii. 302 - - hut, xiv. 519 - inn at, xi. 412 - Pass, i. 381 - Passo del (1), ii. 146 61 fNDEX *orno, p$SSOdel (2), x. 98; xiv. 1M di, 8ee Oedeh, Pas..qodi . Val, 1.402; v.176 orster; W. E., obituary notice, xii. ! 520 MOl11t, rt, ascended, iv. 205 t Pass~ r i - Co~du, xi. 116 os, Co1 <le, ix. 101, 482 ouille, Pas de la, xiv. 217 Ori:a24 P~nta, ascended, x. 355; urche, ~ra.nde, ascended, viii. 106, 344 - nomenclature, vii. 439 . urchon~, Mont, ascended, xv. 542 F urioun,:Roccie,.ascended, xiv. 143 ~ 001, des, (1) xiv. 488; (2) xv. :2'd t Glaciett des, xiii. 119 Pointe des, 8ee Per~~ du Rapo. soir, Pointe F wIer, Mlrs., death of, vi. 56 F x, H., it.ccident to, xiv. 99, 432; xv. 26 obituary notice, xiv. 132, 275 F x, Moulilt, ascended, xv. 420 F ya, the, vi. 61 F adllsta, Cima di, ascended, iv. 397 ; v.1l9 ele, ~onte, see Scale, Monte el1a , Val, v. ~84 F anchet, 'Rocher de, ascended, xv. 96 uz Joseph Fjord, v. 268 xinetU$, ix. 209,254,275 iberge, ]P. i. 885 Fr igerbac~, accident in, xiv. 477 • imann, !Hen', accident to, xi. 345 mont's ~eak ascended, ix. 245 F ch AI s, passes in, in the 18th entury, .271) Fr ne,I'ic u, ascended, ix. 176 Fr ney, Ie, inn at, xii. 175 Fr res Oha ois, Breche des, xiv. 479 F snay, O~I du, xii. 483 - Glacier,iviii. 387, 409 Fl' ty, :Monit,inn at, vii. 400 Fr w, 1\1r.,,pictures by, xv. 167 Fl' uli, hyp$Ometl'Y, ix. 183 Fr hn Alp; inn at, i. 96 Fr ppa, FOl'cella di, vii. 249 Fl" denjoch, xiii. 191 it, AlgullIe du, ascended, xiii. 491 Fu gian Mb~mtains, glaciers of, iv. 29 62 GENERAL jmDEX I .FiinffingerSpitze ascended, xv. 367 Fiinffingoel'stoclte ascended, xii. 266 Fiirke1ejoch,ii. 354 Fiisshorn ascended, v. 276; xiii. 268 Fulgurites, xiv. 118 Fulmini, Vedretta dei, xi. 317 Fum, Va1di, to Pinzolo, ii. 213 Fumo, Monte, ascended, xiii. 484, 567 Fundus ThaI, hut, xv. 557 Furggengrat, viii. 840; x. 423 Furggenliorn in winter, ix. 214 ]\u·ggenjoch,i.136 Funer, C., accident to, xiii. 398 Furtwang Pass, i. 383 Furva, Val, v. 182 Fusio, x. 155 .Fusiyamain winter, vii. 214 Fusu di Forzo ascended, xii. 417 Fusst.einascended,x. 103 - without guides, x. 498 Fys, Chaine des, ii. 54 Galenhorn ascended, xiii. 172 ale~joch" x. 833, 343; xiii. 165, 172,556 alenstook,position of, ii. 93 alese, COlde, iii. 109; ix. 480 - in 1843, x. 44; xv. 130 alibier, 001 du, road over, viii. 79 Gra.'ndjRoche du, cr08sed,xi. 110 alisia, :Punta di, Bee Bousson, Pointe du almihol11erascended,xii. 479 qamchi Glacier, ii. 156, 224, 270 amserjoCh,i. 140; vii. 126, 215 andOheI1e, Col de la, ix. 362 Tete d~ la, ascended, x. 01 . anges, ~Ythic accounts of, vi. 395 source of, vi. 387 augootr , vi. 385 j xii. 28 :~~r~~~ a:i.i~81t on, xiii. 399 aspard, l'ic, ascended x. 84 astaldi, Oresta, ascended, xiv. 147, I i: l 284 GAllAS,xi. 400 Gabbett, W. E., accident to, xi. 98 Gabelhorn ascended, ii. 133; v.814; xi. 418 - by N.E. arete, ix. 107, 170 - by N. face, xv. 306 - by S. face'Ax.9~.. - by S.E. arete, VU1. 899 - crossed,vii. 292 - from the W., vii. 320 - from the Wellenkiippe, xv. 306 - fl'omZinaI, ii. 221; vii. 153 - Ober and Unter, Col between" viii. 339 - Unter, ±'romthe Tl'ift hut, xv. 371 - - from the Trift valley, xiii. 123, 176 .....,- thunderstorm on, xv. 416 Gabeljoch, Ober, xiv. 152 Gabet, Mons. and Madame, accident to, xiv. 475 GacIm,xiv. 418 Gadertbal, xiii. 21' Gassijoeb, x. 96; xi. 118 Gni, 1'>ointede, see Gny, Punta di GailHzthal, vi. 872~' Gaillettn, Col de, P. iii. 397; ii 300; ix. 101, 483 • Gaisberg, accident on, xi. 99 Gaisillscended, vi. 402 Galambre, Col de, vi. 292; viii. 70 GaldhOpiggeascended,iv. 33 Punta, ascended, xii. 110 asterenthal, x. 882 daudin, ¥., accident to, xiv. 474 qaurinsallkar, iv. 88; x. 4; xi. 403; xii. 103~442, 521 nomen¢lature,xii. 452 aVafnie,.iv.387; vii. 48 inn at"i. 133; xii. 21 Port d~, iv. 114; xii. 24 avet, OO/11be de, P. iii. 184"2]5 ( via Pa$, v. 181 Gay, Becc~~i, nomenclat~~, xiv. 485 Puntadi, ascended, Vll. 316; x. 355; xi. 23 azza, :M:~te, ascended, xi. 323 aant, Ai~ille du!vi. 172 - ascended, Xl. 72, 115, 802; Ixii. 431 -+ - atteplpt on, ix. 48 height of peaks, xi. 181 Col du, P. i. 89 - acciiilenton, iu 1860, i. 22 .. - accilient on, in 1885, xii. 407 accident Oil, in 1890, xv. 273 asce~dedby the QueenofItaly, XIV. 16~, 243 -:---first. passage of, ix. 22, 86; XIV. 407 -- hut on, vii. 168; viii. 52; ix. 236 - in ,tinter, x. 493; xi. 256; xiii. 269 ! - Italian side, P. i. 56 -+ - =f -t 1-:--- GENERAL fDEX Heant, Col du, three day,.s. on, xiii. 8 - Glacier du, avalanche, P. i. 49 - _. bursting of sut-glacial lake,: P. 1.48 - _ icefall, P. i. 48 Gebi, iv. 162; vii. 100; xiii. 374; xiv. 18 G6bro.ulaz, Col de, ix. 102, 176 Geirangerfjol'd,iv. 27 GeiBtthornascellded,x. 98 - topog-raphy,xiii. 268 Gelas, Cima dei, ascended,ix. 341 - _ topography, ix. 410 - di Belvedere,Passo d~ see Pagari, Passo di G616,Mont, ascended, P. ii. 269; lV. 205 Gelle, v. 58 Gelmerhol'Uascended, xiv. 257 Gelm6rhorner :pass,xv. 547 Gemerk, vii. II Gemmi in winter, v. 65; xii. 172 - traveller shot at on, xiii. 184 GemaenFreihllit rock, P. ii. 167 Gemsfayrenstockascended, x. 308 Gendpy, Roch!lrs de, ltSiCended, xv. 296 Generoso,l\Tonte,viii. 52 Geneva, Alpin!!Oongress,ix. 333 Genevois,Pointe des, ascended, xv. 545 . Genu.V1'e, l\font, xi. 288; :xiii.29 Genil, source of the, iii. 13 - valley of, x~ii.85 Genova, Val d~,ii. 11 j x. 112, 170 - - legends of, vii. 440 Geny, J. R., accident to. xiii, 396 Geology,xiii. 314; xiv. 39, 105,221 - Arolla, viii. 16 - Corsica, xi. 454 - Mont Blanc, xii. 6 -- Mount Baker, viii. 395 - Snowdon, P. i. 426 -- suggestions,P. i. 518 . - survey of tbe Hhone Glacier, ill'. 431 Gepatsch Glacier, xv. 361 - - hut on, xiii. 265 Gerilldorfer Spitze, accident on, xiv. 140 Gel's,lac de, xii. 16 Geschonen Limmi, see Gilschenllll Limmi Gesner, C., xii. 428 Gestola ascend!)d,xiii. 116,220 - height of, xlii. 364 63 I ~SWla, no.menc1ature,xlii. 418 ystrs, t~e, ~. ii. 10 hertui Glacier, xv. 33. ~ ~heu, :I\Ionte,llBcended,:It.101 hisoni, xi.203 j,fusa J.>e¥, iii. 131 ':Tya, 1ii.142 ~rg!ole,Capo. alIe, x. $24 G]iauLongo, vii. 13 'b80n, }trs., pictures by, xiv. 330, 344 ers, Colde, xiv. 220 ,essen Glacier, i. 184 ettaz, 111I, xii. 140 G glistock ascended, xii. 266 GIbert, J., pictures by, :.\tii.533 llian, SgulT-nan,xv. 156 - llBceJ1ded,xiii. 434; xv. 70, 424 G zling, ~ii. 234, 292 G ordani, :Punta, ascended, xii. 67 G ordano,Punta, ascended,ix. 4 ol'liico,hattle of, xiii. 486 G ouberriy,~Iont, P. iii. ~10 - ascepded, vi. 292; vii. 142 ' OUX,see'Degioz G OVO,l?Of 0.1,xi. 328 G pplera, 01de la, ix. 352 G ralba 13 sa, Forcella di, vii. 38 Forcelljl di, vii. 24 :Monte,'xv. MO,441 - ~~j:;ded, xv. 315 G td, (5J"1de, ii. 84; lx. 477; :l<. 277 Gardin, (Jol de, x. 130 Grand Ll!lzin,Breche, 1{. 90, 267 j xiv. 375 Grose, Ool de la, x. 265 j xii. 118 G uf, Piz, Ilscended,x. 2f)6 G aidstein~och,Hoher, ii. 352 G' egllalunll ascended,xiv. 385 Glacier't xiv. 380 G.eithorn ~scended,xiv. 162 G endebodl, hut at, xiii. 153 G' uratind •from Eilridalsvand, XiV. 152 G ace, Lac, P. iii. 106 G acial pel~od,P. i. 400 G aeier llci1lon,vii. 401 Aig'uille du, see Suess/!-,Becca di -1001 du, ii. 415 ..J fleas, vij. 85 _.J motion, GOl'ller and ]?indelen PIacier, ;Po i. 155 -i music, P. i.174 -.passes, ancient, xv. 75 64 GENER.AL o/DEX Glacier, polishedrock, xiii. 211' - vin du, P. i. 343 Glaciers,advanceof, xii. 523 - ancient, P. i. 400 - - Croix de Nivolet, Col de la, P. 3,287 - - and vegetation,v. 83 - - Lac Cornu,ii. 62 - - Lucerne, iv. 211; vii. 267 - - Rocky Mountains,ix:.246 - and meteorology,ix. 297, 435 - Arctic, xii. 162,226 - Caucasus,xii. a24; xiii. 367 - depl'6Ssions in, P. ii. 362 - dirt bands,P. i. 109; P. ii. 281; P. iii. 455 _ 6arllaccounts of, xh".319 - eroSIOn, iv. 282; xiv. 221 - exorcisingthe, ix. 495 - extent of Swiss,iv. 180 - former extension,xii. 157 .... Greenland,v. 6. - Himalayas,xi. 218; xii. 33, 304, 312,439,450 - legal rights to,ix. 49; xii.469 - measurementof, ix. 332,431 - motion,i. 334; iv 411; v.40 - observations,xv. 348 - regela.tion,ii. 807 - retreat of, vi. 30, 195, 329; vii. 267; viii. 275; xi. 186 - suggestionsfor observing,P. i.509 - temperature,xii. 233 - theories, P. i. 400; ix. 327; x. 497; xii. 219, 800; xiv. 221 - tracesof,in North America,x.l 09 - variation of, xii. 181, 481 - veined.structure, P. i. 278; i. 46 Gllirnischascended, i. 120,.;x. 308 Glandon,Col du, viii. 61 Glarus, derivation of, P. i. 371 Glayza,Grand, ascended,xii. 112 Glecksteinhut, vii. 164 Glen Brittle, xiii. 437 Gleno, Monte,viii. 91 - -' ascended,vii..107 - - Passo di, vii. 107 GletscherGartenat Lucerne,vii. 267 Gletscherhornascended,iv. 54 , GletscherMons,'xii. 469 Gletschhornascensied,xv. 811,375 GiIetschjoch,xv. 548 Gliems,Piz, ascended,x. 296 - Porta da, ii. 134; iii.164 j x. 297 GHere, Pointe de la, ascended,xiii. 400 Gl'iilrede tralo/o\1lan,P. iii.371 G itra, fallisof the, v. 156 G ittertindiascended,v. 156 G oclmer, GJ'oss, accident on, xiii. 54, 110 --.J--:- asc~~ded,P. ii. 429; vi. 151, ~ol;. xu},.455 j - gree$.sha?ows o~ snow,i. 95, -, - hut on, Vl.150; IX. 238 -i - in winter, vii. 168, 211; x. !l95 ' topography.of, P. ii. 425 - - wlthlmt gmdes,x. 498 Gl clmer-h,nts,xii. 263 - accidentat, xiii. 399 - propose4railwa,Y"xv. 79 Gl' hainti Piz, Xli.179 Gl der Fawr in winter, vi. 195 G 'fetti, Gi, death of, iv. 61 Gn'fetti hut, xii. 68; xv. 223 unta, see Signal Kuppe Go i, desert of, cold in, v. 24.'5 Go a-foss,:(:>. ii. 105 G hI'S,Herr, accidentto, xv. 274 Go chenenLimmi, i. 435; ii. ]57 hal, ii. 92 Go 11ea Va~u, P. i. 82 Go ran, Colide, x. 146 Go , Boche1ltadel, xi. 361; xii. 88 Go dau, lan~slipat, xii. 428 G dzechscliarte, accident on, xiii.. 1 4 Go on, Aiquille du, ascended,viii. 6 withol:itguides,xii. 424 01 du, ~iii. 178; x. 84 in wi¢er, iv. 821 Go ern See!vi. 80 Go 00, vii.'1;J75 Go dalI, F., ipictUl'esby, xv. 510 Go ola, x.146 Go on Benl1ett,Mount, xiv. 324 Go boloPa$S,iv. 162 Go er Gla~ier, advance of, P. L 4 1 chang~sin, P. i. 156 GO! hwysfa~P. i. 425 Gor atsch '{'/lu,xiii. 503 Gos A., pic~uresby, xv. 167 Gos in Tha~, xii. 29 Got esaCkerir~iinde, accident on, xv. 2 5 Gou lIe, Mo t de la, ascended,xv. 5 3 I GOlle1',Aig\1illedu, ascended,P. i. -1- 6,00 GENERAL Gouter, Ai~\lille du, descent by night, P. i. 71 - Dome du, ii. 334 - - ascended, P. i. 68 - - 001 du, i. 375 - - from the Aiguille de Bionuassay, xiv. 150 - - from the Glacier de :Minge, ii.110 Grabenhorn ascended, xiv. 152 Graducewsky, "W., accident to, xiv. 476 Gratfeneire, 8ee Combin, Grand Grahnm, P., pictures by, xv. 167, 509 Graian Alps, model of, v. 375 - - table of heights, P. iii. 313 Graigner, ii. 54 Grancrou, Col de, v. 174; vi. 106; xi. 23; xii. 416, 514 Grand Glacier, xv. 420 Grande, Forcella, vi. 201 ; vii. 242 Granero, Monte, x. 456, 481 - -ascended, xii. III Grangettes, Col des, viii. 343 Granta Parey, record left on, xiii. 129 Graou, Tete du, ascended, viii. 343 Grasse, ix. 148 Grassen Pass, vi. 77; xv. 74 Grassmere, Alpine meAting, xi. 124 Grauenhaupt, P. i. Hi4 Grave, la, P. iii. 215 ~ inn, x. 488; xiii. 461 _llic de la, ascended, vii. 145, 151 - - lower summit, x. 83 Graven, A., accident to, xv. 274 Greadaidh, Sgu1'r, ascended, xiii. 444; xv. 428 Great End in winter, v. :36 Oredetschjoch, vi. 93 - without guides, x. 410 Gredos, Sierra de, vi. e2 Greece, hypsometry of, viii. '134 <'freenland, v. I, 266; vi. Hil, 209 - geology, vi. 218 - glacier!', v. 6 j xii. 162, 220 - height of mountains, vi. 217 - inhabitants of, v. 18 - sport in, v. 10 Grenier, Bec du, ascended, i. 372 - Oros, ascended, xii. 112; xiv. 145 - - Pas du, ix. 96 Grenoble, fete at, viii. 445 65 nfDEX Or~nzgipfel, xv. 495 I Or~nz Glllqier, viii. 338 Or~llzsattel, xiii. 126 Gr~poD, 1\Iig11i11ede, position of, .420 Gr sivaudap, i. 206 Gl' ssonay, inn at, x. 161 Or esgletsclilerjoch, ix. 58 01' eskogellJ,scended, xiv. 464, 01' es Pass, ix. 4P6; xiv. 155, 406 Or gna, vii., 464 - ascended, vii. 328 Or msel, Hpspice, burnt down, P. i. 61 • - in 1544'I,xii. 182 - Ilake, P. ~. 408 -Jto Viescb, i. 187 01' ndelwald and Valais, intercourse etween, xv. 74 -Ibotany, \T. 107 -lEnglish church, ii. 221; xii. "[89 ; xiii. 120 - ~GlaCiers,viii. 276 retreat of, vi. 30 - lurncalle at, xi. 178 - 'n the olden days, xv. 223 - .n winte~ iii. 207; iv. 309 - ,mis, vii 400 arble uarries, vi. 32 G~rsanChe, , ai, P. iii. 384 o • e, Aigoul11e,hut on, vii. 168, 337, 01 ; ix. ',236 j xv. 552, 557 Or si~horn, 'cil'cular rainbow on, xii. 71 or~'v~la a~~..nded!~. iii. ~~4, 318; v. 7:,; VlI.2; Xl. 21; xu. 615 ttempta OD,P. iii. 313 Y N. al·~te, viii. 101; ix. 72 -prossed, 'Viii.82, 102 - 'rom th~ Col de Mesoncles,x.355 - rom Va~ Savaranche, viii. 82,102 - n springt, vii. 268 ig'bt bivonac on, P. iii. 292 Or·voletta. ~scended, xii. 418, 515 Or hmanllSl,lJ itze, by S. side, xv. 365 Or s Jean, Dol de, xi. 108 Gr scovalld ! avalllnche at, xii. 261 l - nn at, Xii. 412 Gl' ssgant 1l!8cended,vi. 337 Gr sshol'll ascended, xv. 311, 448 Gl' sso, l\Iollte, x. 310 Or sventrel\Iountains, ix. 248 Or tte, E. de, accident to, i. 21 01' 'uhol'll, Gross, ascended, ii. 268; ~iii. 121 - '- from theOoncordia hut,xy.328 F 66 GENERAL l~mEX Griinhorn hut, vii. 338 - Klein, ascended, xii. 421 - - without guides, xii. 424; xiii. 382 GI·i.inhornli in winter, xiii. 466 Gruettll, J.\'Iont,asceuded, viii. 105 Gl'unsteinscho.rte, xiii. 566 Gl'ytereidsuibben, xiii. 128 Gspa1tenhorn ascended, iv. 382; x. 379 - attempted, iv. 54, 157 Gstei~, Viii. 271 Gstrem, P. P., accident to, xv. 273 Guadalupe, Sierra de, vi. 62 Guagner?la, Oapo di, x. 326 - 001 dl, x. 327 . Gunguo, x. 206 Gungul1 Pichincbl1 ascended, x. 103 Guallabamba, x. 241 Guft.randa, x. 50 Guardia del Porco, 8ee Fourioun, Roccie Guayaquil, x. 40, 441 Guazzo, Sig., pictures by, viii. 115 Gudvangen, iii. 71:) Giiferhorn ascended, x. 296; xi. 365 Giissfeldt Sattel, xiii. 302,417 i xv. Guides, Ptrenees, xii. 21 of, v. 88 regulatJ~ons as to, xiii. 170, 422,. -+ qualiti~s -+1471 San ~I.rtino Lantosca, xiii. 177 '436 stories· in Alpine periodicals, ix. l .Tyrol,. :vi. 369 =t177,42:4 Zerma!, viii. 382; xiii. 106, 167" oiu~Ilestre".P. iii. 134 mn at, ~x. 497 ~Iin, Bec¢a di, ascended, vii. 211 - in 8Pling, vii. 268 nomenclature, xv. 263 G litera, b~ths of, x. 200 'vra, 18? gorge of, ii. 52 G 1Iba asc~nded, xiii. 350, 507 ~ uku, 8~e Koshtantall G Gumal'a Oboch, xii. 316 -=-l- asceeded, xv. 558 ~1_I'Clzi-v~~lr peal" xv. 319 -+ , j c-.·fr~l,Xl\1. 456 rhwal group, xii. 28,40 'Ilrscbavi, xii. 498 sher BI1Um,xiv. 51 ~ ttinger, M., accident to, xii. 108, G, I '167 408 Giizza, Cresta, xiii. 302 - - ascended, i. 381; ii. 359; iv. 217 - - attempted, i. 351 Guggi Glacier, P. iii. 16 - hut, vii. 338 Guicha.la, Pass, xii. 47, 440 Guichard, Cabltns, P. i. 61 Guide, an sarly, xi. 180 - misconduct ora, x. 108 - pel'sanation of a, i. 48; -viii. 401 Guidos, ix. 70 - and amateurs, v. 87 j xii. 289 - bounty fund for, xiii. 481 - Chamonix, P. i. 525; v. 100, 297 ; vi. 30C., 372, 421; vii. 42; ix. 308 ; xi. 459 - Cogne, xii. 84 - fund, ix. 445 - insui'ance for, ix. 49; x. 278; xii. 183,481 - lectures to, xiii. 271 - Norway, v. 170 j xi. 145; xii. 268, 423; xiii. 148 - payment of, xv. 500 - Pontresina, i. 141, 205, 352; ii. 407; vi. 430 - provision for old age, i. 44 G1lyot Gl~ier, xiii. 91 j xiv. 854 G~'alda Glacier, xiii. 357, 509; xiv .. j89 mvlichtenlil. orn ;tscen~ed, xv. 73 by N. W. arete, XIV. 504 ~ G 'iichtenjocb, xiv. 158 1 H~DLlOH' tr., death of, xiv. ,178 dow, l\' '., accident to, ii. 148 II If H II lbelfjoc ,xiii. 126 lIeI', A. accident to, x. 46, 109 lys, the ix. 404 "'t., ••• id~t to,' lI&m.l, 141,38' If~mmam ~leskolltin, xiv. 8a .H~mmerfest, iii. 76 . Hllngendh9rn ascended, i. 379 I nnibal, ~>assof, xi. 2C7; xiii. 28 II nniba1'8~Vinegar, xi. 481 H no, iv. 30 H notinde ne, iv. 430 I rdan3'el'~jord, iii. 7R j iv. 34 II rdman,· Sir \V., obituary notice, ·v.281 II rdy, J'IF., obitllury notice, xiii. 42,572 H~sli 412 Th;a, extinct glacier, P. i. GENERAL ITassel(jord.iv. 434 lIaast, J. von, medal awarded to, xii. 63 Hatseger ThaI, iii. 26 Hatters, hint to, xiii. 39 Hausstoclr ascended, x. 308 Haute Pisse, Col de la, x. 93 Halltemma, Bee Otemma Hawker, W. Ii., ohituarynotice, vii. 56 Hay, M., pictures by, xv. 500 Hayman, ~Ir., accident to, viii. 112, 163 Heas, inn at, xii. 21 Heber, A., accideut to, xiii. 390 Hell'rattJOlu,iv. 434 Height~, detel'minntion of, by barometer,ii.33, 63,123; iv. 94; v.218 - method of measurhIg, P. i. 498; P. iii. 345, 463,484; iv. 269; vi. 414 j vii. 204 Heilill'endrei ill'nnnen, i. 400 Heimtz, Hen', accident to, ix. 114 Hekla ascended,P. ii. 13; vii. 52 Helle Platte, vii. 401 Helsenhol'llascended, xv. 534 Henle, Herr, accident to, xii. 109 Hennesiell'elKopfe ascended,n. 361 Henvieres, Pointe des, ascended, x. 348 Hepp, E., accident to, xiii. 398 Herbetet, Col de 1',xii. 86 - Pointe de r, ascended, x. 354; xi. 16, 20; xiv. 149, 282 - - nomenclature, viii. 102 ;xi. 480 Herdu Breid, I>, ii. 97 HeremeJ;1Ce, GIllCj€'l' d', I>. i. 108 - Val d', v. 326 Herens, Col d', i. 33 - - in 1843, x. 44; xv. 142 - - without guides, x. 41\) - Dent d', ascendpd, i. 138, 209; viii. 383; ix. 4f); xiii. 17:3 - - by S.E. face, xiv. 499 - - from BreuiJ, vi. 294 - - from the Stocl,je, x. 358 - - from the 'fiefemnattfllljoch,ix. 382 ; x. 358 Herkomer, H., pictures by, xii. 463 ; xv. 97 Hel'oubreiol', vii. 52 HeItz, M., death of~xiv. 477 Herzegovina, hints to travellers, xiv. 429 Her?ma1111, J., accident to, xii. 408 Heuberg ascended, ii. 157 67 IN~EX Hi h-level Jlollte,nriations on,v.300 Iii hest mO].lntainin the world, xii. ~, 49, 52,103, 450 Hi~.hlands in wmtel', xi. 182, 480 ; il. 502 - '~esternl xiii. 473 Hi alayas, climbing'in, xi. 203 logy ~f, iv. 87 - laciers ~n,xi. 213; xii. 33, 304, 3 2, 439, '450 eight o~mountains, xi. 403 lints for tl'avellers, vi. 385 asses 0 1" Snowy range,' iv. 85 hysical f,eatures,xv. 119 outes, vj-i.259 port, iii., 120; iv. 87; xi. 203; v. 119 . llrvey, ltii. 53, 438 able of ~eights, xii. 446 opograp)lV,iv. 7t) ; xii. 26 egetati~n, xv. 119 oology,h. 87 Hi is I))on~stery,iii. 143 H' chlitf, 11. W., memorial, xi. 407, 6 - bituary Inotice,xi. 39, 56 Hi do, island of, iv. 421:l Hi doo l{oQsh,x. 15 IIi dostl1ntp Thibet, iii. 52 Hi tereis ~allie1" ii. 142 Hi ter!lrasl pitze ascended, xv. 150 Hi tel'1'hein.iv. 237 R·. ts to..~o,:ntameers, P. i. 490; l~. 1 j Ul. ,90 - t- in tlj.e Caucasus, xiii. 257, 316 j xiv.,24 Hi ts to travellers in Bosnia and erzegovina, xiv. 429 in lc~and, P. ii.1l7 Hi ondelles Col des, vi. 292, 851; . 111 1 Hi orical ~ountailleering, xii. 178 Hli al'-fjall~P. ii. 100 Ho halmspi~zeascended, xii. 125 lIo hfeiler tj.scended,vii. 157 - eight of, vii. 289 - n winte~, x. 495 ithout Iguides,x. 408 Ho h Gall *scended,vii. 329 no hjoch, Vii.&28; xii. 125 ospiz, ~i. 264 Ho hna1'1',~ccidenton, xiv. 473 - bservat?ry, xiii. 39 lIo hstettei1 Dome ascended, xi. 01, 366 i xii. 167, 839 - Placier, xi. 57 j xii. 166 J!' 2 68 GENERAL I-Iochthiiligrat, X\'. 207 Hoch Wild 8pitze ascended, VU1. 161 ; ix. 494 ; xiv. 466 - - - from the Langthaler Glacier, vii. 329 IIohlenstock ascended, xiii. 126, 134 lHirnli in 1840, xv. 58 Hof (Iceland), P. ii. 75 IIolfmannshi.itte, vi. 150 IIohbalm, viii. 284 IIohberghorn ascended, x. 339; xiii. 172, 521 Hohberg Pass, x. 336; xiii. 412, 556 lIobe Kasten, accident on, xiv. 248 Hohlentrift Pass, xi. 117 IIohlicht (Lys Glacier) hut, vii. 337 - (Schallenberg) hut, vii. 33'1 Hohsalld Glacier, xi .•'198 IIohsandhorn ascended, viii. 341; ix.64 Hohwnnghorn, Gross, ascended, xiv. 500 Holbein's sketches, xii. 346 Holland, F. W., death of, x. 365 Holmes, H, photographs by, xv. 96 Homme, 13ec de 1', without guides, xii. 423 - Col de 1',vii 316 j ix.93 Hood, MOUDt,ascended, iii. 214; viii. 234 - - height of, viii. 301 Hooker Glacier, xi. 4; xv. 445 Hooper, W., photographs by, xii. '.1,64 Homingda.lsrolrken ascended, iv. 28 Hornspitzen ascendEd, vii. 211 Hornthalerjoch, xi. 124 • IIorungtinder, iv. 32 IIouel·ts, Col des, x. 349 - ValIon des, Pic du, Bee SignaM, Pic IIoxa Pass, iv. 203 IIrafua gja, P. ii. 8 HudsoD, ·C., accident to, ii. 148 Hi.ilmerstock, xv. 323 - ascended, xiii. 121, 309 - S.W. peak, xiv. ii04 IItilmerthalihOlu al!cencltld, xiv. 158 HiillehOlu ascended, xv. 5:35, 550 Hupner; }I., accident to, ii. 223 Huesca, iv.ll5 HuB Glacier, retreat of, vii. 267 Hllfistoclr, see Dussistock IIllnd.tall Sattel, vii. 23 I:1\OEX II If If II IUgrun~Pass, iii. 62 nter, C.; pictures by, xv. 167 tchinsotil, C. B., accident to. i. 440 Itchinson, W. G., death of, xiii. 15 II It questinn, the, x. 237 II ts, ix. 165,180 - l1.nd Chl\5.11s,ix. 490 -I Bedole, lvii. 462 x. 112 - Bietschhorn, x. 487 j I ! -r- - -i Blanc, Mont, :tv. 328 range, vii.. 168 j ix •.235 -I BI'enta, .Bocca dl, x.489 -i Bruna, to., xii. 417 -10hanrioD, xv. 324 . -i (Jonstan:tia, xiv. 519 Oorbasslere Glacier, x. 489 Daupbi~e,h:. 224, 232; x. 488; i. 241, i!12 j xiii. 276 mavole~za Pass, xv. 447 Dosd6, :il:v.557 Easterli Alps, x. 489; xiii. 265, ~76 Falilbel ,ii. 160; vii. 164 Feda,ja, IX. 488 Forno C~lacier, xiv. fil9 Fundus! Thai, xv. 557 Germal'1 Alpine Club, xii. 263 Gjendelilod, xiii. 153 Gllifettl, xii. 68; xv. 223 Grise, Aii!'lIille, vii. 168, 337, ~ 401; iX~236; xv. 55:2, 557 Gross loclmer, vi. 150; ix. 238 IIohlicl t, vii. 337 Italian Ips, xi. 3G9; xiii. 276 J ungfrlltu, xii. 171 Langetill.J, xiii. 128 Leipsig r, x. 112, 179 :Marillo ata, vii. 338; x. 488 Matter orn, ii. 268; iv.158; vii. 337 ' l\10rte,~.a, xii. 189 :1I10Dlltt, v.275; vii.3a7; xiv. 519 N'orwit. , xiii. 147 . Obel'lal~d, ii. 224; vii. 104, 338 ; xi. 242; xv. 447 -i Olperel'! x. 489 Ptilftem1ieder, xv. 558 Ptitsch~rtba!, x. 489 l'ial~to~letto, xiv. €iW l'ierl;e 4 Berenger, vii. 33'" ~ reg'ulattons as to, xiii. 188 ----I Sacripnpte, x. 488 -.( SanIllOlj.r,xiv. Mil . Signalliuppe, xv. 558 ...J Stockje, viii. 376 69 GENERAL Il'IPEX Hut~, Tarentaise, xii. 271 - Terglou, xv. 375 - TOdi, i. :1QO Hveitestrl1nd, xiv. €lOG Hver~Fjall, P. ii. 103 Hypsometry, P. i. 498, 517; P. iii. 845, 463, 484, 506; i. 315, 441 ; ii. 32, 33, 46, H3, 128, :.197; iii. 209; iv. 94, :!OO; v. 218; vi. 414; vii. 204 - Cauc!tsus, xiii. 364 - Dauphine, i. 157, 180, SOl - Eastern Alps, xiv. 60, 252,326, 408 - Friuli, ix. 183 fi'om the tunnel to the Levanna, xi. 333 Graian Alps, P. iii. 313 Greece, viii. 434 Himalayas, xii. 446 l\Iexico, xv. 271 l\Iont Blanc, xv. 553 Mont Poul'1'i, i. 119 Monte Viso, iii. 174 New Guinea, xv. 72 N. America, viii. 241; xv. 371 Ortler Group, i. 416 Spain, vi. 73 r. InARRA,X.373 Ibex, vi. 64 Ibi Gamin, xiii. 3 - - attempted, xii. 31 Ice-axes, P. i. 494; i. 253, 321 ; ii. 31,217; iv. 126 Ice caves, iv. 174; xii. 45 - erosive power .of, xii. 300 - grotto, i. 144 - slop~s, da~!?ers on, ii. 277 - wrltlD!!" Xl!. 492 Iceberg-s, disruption of, vi. 213 Iceland, botany, P. ii. 125 Icy bay, xiii. 89 Iglesia, la, Pass, xiii. 500 lIlecellewaet Glacier, xv. 420 Iller, accident Oil, xi. 845 Illgrabeu, chasm of, i. O-t I1lilllani ascended, viii. 397; ix . 48l); xi. 408 IlIiuiza, viii. 448 - ascended, x. 376 - attempted, x. 117, '120 Iltaqui, x. 371 Imfanger, E., accident to, ii. 223 Imponjwana Pass, xiv. 3DU Im~ng, F., ~ccidtlnt to, x. 3(H Ina nit, P.,Rccident to, x. 46, 109 - uod, x. 366, 42,1.,408 Ioc in, valli/ly of'the, iv. 202 Ine dine, Ml>nte, ascended, x. 202 Ind s, the, fii. 142 In~tnet, Clill de 1', vii. 136; viii. Inf~1lets, 1$"S' gorge of, P. iil. 216, 2 I 11lfl~llcbissable, .dit, Col, v. 277 lng IS, J. .1., pICtures by, xv. 167, 5 0 In8'III', sourc¢s of the, xiii. 518 - valle v of'the, iv. 248 Inn~l'koller,jI., accident to, xiv. 136 In~' cher Ri~dl, vii. 21 1m keepers, !ix. 485 Inn;, Adawll!~o di~tric~Lv. 1.88, 250; I. 430; )'11. 46:.; Vlll. 168 - ~n del' tenk, vi. 54 - ~ol\vyrti, viii. 327 - ~pennin\!s, viii. 356; xiv. 326 - {\rgentiere Glaciel', ix. 4U6; x. 1112 _lrOlln, xi. 242 erglin, '\t,.'~v.316; 238 ernina1>ass, iv. 238 - . ionaz, rii. 50 - Jencenighe, viii. 115 hampet~', i. Of) - ~hiesa, "',Iii. I,J 5 -. t::0mball~z, i. 06 - OOl'sica, lx. 218 -~ottian ~ps, 1. 115; vii. 218; i '.409, ~97; x. 487; xi. 241,370, , . 12 anphin~, i. 68; ix 230; x. 488 ; 241, 4011; xii. 175; xiii. 184, 419,4(jQ -~)Olomites, vi. 200; "ii. 50, 247; iii. 115,,453; x. 73; xiii. 24 -- Engstle " i. 96 - IEvolena i. 90 - ~"lllela lass, iv. 238 - f.rohn lp, i. 96 *. 87; xi. ~6U, 412; xiv. il25, 518 ; . v. 447 - .Jeponti e Alps, x. 487; xi. 304, 81; xv. 152 - :Maritim~ Alps. ix,"407 - 'Mnuvoisill, v. 311 - norway; xiii. 128 -IObeJ'lan.a, iv. 230; vii. 105, 440; riii. 400, 453; ix. 401; xi. :!41 j 70 GENERAL Inns, Pierre Pointne, i. 431 - Poschiayo, i. 96 - Pyrenees, i. 133; xii. 21 - Rabbi, vi. 303 - Rosa, Monte, district, P. i. 222; P. iL Bil9; iv. 238; .ii. 50; x. 161, 487; xiv. 519; xv. 79 - St. Gertrud, v. 284 - St. Gervais, i. 96 - Sonnenberg, i. 96 - Stachelberg, i. 96 - Tarentaise Alps, vii. 440; ix. 238; x. 488; xi. 412; xii. 270 - Zinal, xi. 242 - Zl1leiden, i. 94. Insurauce for guides, ix. 40; x.278; xii. 183, 481 ; xiii. 148 Inundations in 1852, P. i. 269 - in 1868, iv.177 Invergnan, Becca dell', ascended, i. 374; ii. 29; xii. 414 Ipari, xiii. 360 Ippolit.a Pass, ,fee Piodejoch Isaia, 001, xiv. 143 Tsch), climate of, v. 272 Iselin, Mr., accident to, ii. 420 Isenflub, xv. 555 Isenthal, P. iii. 76 - treatment of travellers, ii. 866, 421 1s60, Lagood', viii. 85 Iwran, 001 d', P. iii. 352; ii. 81 - l\Iont, vi. 101; xiii. 119 - - demolished, P. iii. 404 Isoard ino, x 487 Isola, inn at, ix. 499 Italian lakes, new route &C1'OSS, xiii. 38 Italy, Queen of. xiv. lB8,5Il I vrogne, P. iii. 384 • lztaccihuatl ascended, xv. 268 - height of, xv. 271 Eo P., obituary notice, x. 231 . Jiigerh()l'n ascended, iv. 54, 65 Jiigeljoch, xi. I UJ,; xv. 3(-\9 Jiig-ihorn ascended, xii. 123 Jahrfest, Swiss, vi. 184 .Tako, iii. 119 • J ahtllri Pass, iii. 125 Jalouz ascended, "ii. 211 Jaman, Dent de, in winter, xii. 171 Jamthaler, Ferner, xi. 124 JACKSON, l:NDEX J foga, vii. 101; xiii. 512, 520 xiv. 93; xv. 058 -+ attempted, xv. 318, 528 height bf, xiii. 364 second peal! ascended, xiv. 198 J nigeI'SCh~l'te,ii. 214, 354 J un, J., oRrving by, xi. 192 June, Dett, nscelld,d, xv. 208 J zzi, Oim di, ascended, }'. ii. 365; iv.67 - fr0ll\.l\Iacugnaga, vii. 319; viii. -t ascended, -+ 51; xi. 199 J. E. 1\'1.Quide, correspondence, xi. 1127,192i Gauthier, 001 de, viii. 343; xi. ]0 - Jean, O~l de, xiii. 191 Je 61'Son, ouut" viii. 393 Je lall~bad, x. 17 Je liughau , C., accident to, xiv. 478 Je u•.mo,un~iUS ot~ xiii. 298 Je lll, P., eath of, xv. 557 J ala, vi. • ( 1 Ji song-la, see .Tong'song-la Jj llilticke xii. 123 Jo nne, A.~obituary notice, x. 231 J elme, Pfc, without guides, ix. 90, 26, 357i; x. 140 J 0 h Pass t'n 1544, xii. 182 Jo ri ascen ed. i. 307; ii.206 - Co1 du, i. 206 Jtn Jo ll, P.~.. 17 Jo ull-dal heidi, P. ii 87 Jo uls Gl 'er, P. iii. 437 Jo di Mon asio, vi. 197 Jo annsbergjoch, ii. 139 Jo nson, Oi E., pictures bJ', xv. 167 J o!lUson, Mlr., accident to, viii. 112, 63 I Jo' ville h x. 489 Jo frue as nded, xiv. 508 Jo es, C. I., obitna.ry notice, xv. 283 J01 as river xiii. 90 Jo gri, xii. !37, 46 J 0 gsong-ll\ 1'ass, xii. 441; xiii. 27· Jo sees, Graudes, accident on, xii. 08,167 ascent' eel,.ii. 131; "iv. 59, 001 d 5, 1. 430; 11. 114; VI1. ' f 1 104,225 in. wi tel', xv. 870 - 'etites, scended, viii. 845 JOS;edltl' se .Tustedal Jot nheim, ',xiii. 146 Jo x, 001 dr, x. 161 - a plainel xii. 9 I~T GENERAL .Jubonu ascended, xi. 402; xii. 47 .Tubrun,8ee Jubonu Julier, Piz, vi. 104 .Jumeaux, Co1 des (Felikjoch), P. ii. 397 - - see Zwillingejoch _ of Valtournanche ascended,ix. 4 Jumnoo,x. 4,; xi. 403; xii. 29, 441 J unlf, chapel of, i. 93 - Pass, xv. 205 Jungfrau, accident on, in 1872,vi. 97 - accident on, in 1887, xiii. 391, 468 - adventure on, xiii. 55 ascended, xi. 173 ascent of, in 1811, P. i. 280 ascent of upper part by rocks, v.377 - avalanches, i. 184 - crossed, vi. 94, 297 - crossedin winter, xiii. 466; xiv. 207 - early attempt on, from the RoththaI, v. 374 - first ascent, viii. (app.) 49; xiii. 269 - from the Roththal, i. 434; ii. 161; iv. 383; x. 363; xii. 421; xiii. 189, 303, 485; xiv. 35, 245 - from the Wengern Alp, ii. 210; iv. 54; v. 277 i.vii. 301 ; ix. 112 - hut on, xii. I'll - in winter, vi. 411; xii. 171; xv. 79,203 . - railway up, xiv. 512 - without guides, x. 386; xii. 424 Jun~fraujoch, P. i. 300; i.07, 201, 434 - height of, i. 202 Jungthn\iooh, x. 96 ,Jurjura range, xiii. 40; xiv. 73, 82 .Tustedal,iv. 30, 36 Justedals-brre, v. 55; xi. 148; xii. 268; xiii. 152; xiv. 507 - pass over, xii. 422; xiv. 507 K., xii. 28; xiv. 50 Kabru, x. 4; xii. 29, 99, 440 - ascended, xi. 402; xii. 48, 52 Kabyle Highlands, xiii. 40; xiv. 73, 82 Kafirstan, ix. 292; x. 15 Kaga, iii. 110 Kahlamba Mountains, xiv. 56, 397 Kaida, Fr. A.., death of, xiv. 141 71 INDEX K isereck, iaccidenton, xiii. 399 K iserjochj ix. 32 K 1, Xlii. 312 Killde, xiii-1360,372 l K Itwa.qserSattel, vi. 197 K Itwasserjoch, i. 199; vii. 131 K met, 88($ Ibi Gamin K lIllllwit~out guides,xii. 421,424 ; ·ii. 384, Ka.munta,pi. 92, 495, 501 K4nchanjallga, iv. 88 ; x. 4; xi. 02; xiii 29, 430; xiii. 27 King-Ching 0.0, xii. 81 K nderate , x. 377 K ng-la as euded, xi. 366 - Pass, xi 208,406; xii. 37, 50 - - peak near, ascended,xH.38, 51 K nitz, R. accident to, xiv. 328 K pper G atee, vi. 301 K ragalll lacier, ix. 182; xii. 324, 96; xii. 41 - Pass, iv~161; xiii. 373 K a.koru~ Pass, xii. 31; xiv. 50 K ro.oul,it165;xiv. 482; xv. 29,175 K rasu, xili. 297 K 1·gil,ili.)49; iv.194 K riu ChOth, xii. 210 K rkarsoa ascended, vi. 219 K rneid T 1, vii. 357 K ra gotll'e,xii. 497 K stenjoc~, ix. 368 K stensteilil,vii. 164 K uflliannJ U., obituary notice, xiv. 49, 821i K bek, ivl 166; xi. 473; xiii. 355, 71 i - alleged ~scent, xii. 330 - '58endet, iv. 160; ,xiv.452; xv. - from thll Devdorak Glacier, xiv. 45 height elf,xiii. 364 K bneknaijlSeascended, xi. 365 K hlenjo; ii. 268, 411 K hrenl'iic , by S. arete, xiv. 502 bv W. rete, xiv. 501 Ii ilbaCbj~h' vii. 237 K lemen, i i. 27 K lel'tingo it ascended,vi. 210 K rms. P s, iv. 354 K sch, Piz i. 318 - asce ded, i. 381 - wit~1ut guides, xi. 245 K sel Ko~e1 ascended, vi. 96; vii. 53 i --' - height of, viii. 279 72 GENERAL Khrumkoll Glacier, xiv. 446; xv. 174 - Pass, xv. 174 Kibo, xiii. 475 - ascended. xv. 69 Kienhorll ascended, xi. 363 Kilchfi uh Pass, xiii. 423 Kilchistock asr:ended, viii. 160 - from the \V., xv. 89 Kilima-njaro, xiii. 475 - ascended, xiii. 418; xv. 69 - attempted, vi. 51 Kimawenzi, xiii. 475 Kinchinjinga, see Kanchanjanga King of Italy and the Alpine Club, ii.91 mOil Cl1ocll, xii. 314 Kirchet, the, P. i. 411 Kh'ken, the, v. 161 Kishin Dagh ascended, xv. 322 Ristau Grat Pass, P. i. 875 Kitzsteinhorn, accident on, xv. 273 Kjeipeu IIscended, xiv. 381 K"jendl\ls-brm, xi. 148 K' lIllsen Pa.qs, P. i. 372 Hll,in, A., accident to, xiv. 478 Klein ThaI, P. iii. 78 K1einberg-Jochl, xiv. 160 Kleiuleitenjoch, viii. 161 mou ThaI, i. 120 - - Pas~, P. i. 874 l{uight's Peak, xv. 422 - -- ascended, xv. 425 Knots for roping travellers, ii. 95 Iumbel fuud, viii. 349, 408, 472 Knubels, the, accident to, viii. 346 Kuutsford, MmIDt, ascended, xv. 72 KnutshuHind, v. 165 - ascended, xiii. 155 - from E. side, xii. 470 Kodor, xv. 246 forest, xiv. 444 - valley, ,·ii. 103 lGjni~sjoch, i. 400 1Ginigs~ilze ascen.ded, i. 382, 404 - by N .E. face, Xl. 186 - crossed, i. 437 - from tbe Suldan Grat, ix. 167 - in winter, ix. 492 - without guides, x. 498 l\orhel', II., Ilccident to, xiii. 308 }\otl11gill, vii. 18.) Kola JlUts, xiv. 826 Komluirsen, iii. 1:?2 Koruldullscended, xiv. 448 Koshtillltllu, iv. ]65; vii. 101; xiii. nu, ~:!O,216, 3i51; xiv. 436 INDEX ¥oshtan~all IIscended, xiv. 88, 90, 182 1- heigh~ of, xiii. 364 +-- nomeJilclature, xiv. 436 {ut, iii. t25 {otln-gj"" P. ii. 24 •otschnl\, iv. 346 -rllnzbeJ'g',P. iii. 20 'rausi J.i accident to, xv. 540 (reiljocli, see Cedeh, Passo di -restowi\.jn Gora, xiii. 870 'eutzb~g, vii. 25 -renzkof 1, xiii.' 22 - r?uzli Lass, val'i~tion of, ii. 409 rleg AI,~ Pass, Xl. 481 -riegsma,tten, P. ii. 147 'risllvilr,' i. 247 rongbmlger, J., accident to, xv. 22,), •ronlet ~scended, vi. 341 J.onetadi' iii. 36 rn,keli ass, iv. 53; vi. 101 uban v lIey, vii. 103 ubroo, eo Kabru iihfad l,aBe, xv. 74 uhe Gl4cier, i. 185 uhn, accident to, xiii. 391 u]r, XIV~419 ~:r 'ukena ,xii. 127 ulm Pa , vii. 165 ulu Ilea , iii. 55 tm.on 'p, the, xiC 2<lIl unawu iv.82 , peak, ~ii. 55 1 upfer, 4.., Ilccident to, xii. 408 urdista~, xiii. 293 sport \11, xiii. 300 1 utais, xfii. 371, 375; xiv. 312 valldalsbrro, xii. 268 VitelvejlllS Skill', xiv. 509 1 yiingch ,iii. 139 yelllng, iii. 132 ACCTA, Ol'ca della, xi. 458 acs, Ooides, x. 456 ammor "chI. vii. 31 ammel'e Glacier, P. i. 336 iillllUel'e horn, I}. i. 338 + IIscend,ed,ix. 493 Ij.llg'ier, Ai., obituary notice, xi. 106 :f!.llgO, Oroda dol, without guides, xii. ,128. agunaIi.lU'ga, iv. 121 agyaplal xv. 111 I ahnscha~te, accideut on, xiv. 140 a1ro F.i~lI, vii. 17.) ~a]re dwellings, iii. 11)0 l GENERAL La]res, access to mountains in the, xiii. 548 - Alpine meetings, ix. 56, 440; x. 45, 422; xi. 124 Lama Ynru, iii. 148 IJambrion, Torre de, vi. 67 Lammergeier, vii. 92; xii. 24 Lana, Col di, x. 71 Lalldslip, Ararat, xii. 10 - Elm,x. 422 - Goldan, xii. 428 .' - Hochers des Fiz, xii. 10 - St. Foi, viii. 415, 450; xii. 10 Lnneuvaz, Aiguille de, see Neuva, Aiguille de la - 001 de, viii, 844 I .•aug Jokl111, P. ii. 115; vii. 51 - Kofelascended, vi. 96, 202 - Vand, vii. 171 Langada Pass, viii. 318 La.ng-dale Pilre ascended, xi. 124 - - in winter, v. 35 Lallgenfinhjoch, viii. 107 Lallgerin, Fomella di, vii. 2M Lo.ngethal, hut in, xiii. 128 Langmuferer Spitz, ii. 142 LangtaufereI:joch, ii. 142 - variation of; xi. 123 Lau!(thaler Glacier, vii. 329 l .•angthalerjoch, xiv. 466 Lallguard, Piz, P. ii. 132 - - a.ccident on, xv. 275 Lanier, L., obituary notice, xii. 63 Lalljal'On, iii. 6; iv. 122 ; xiii. 82 LauoHn, xiii. 389 . Lana, Grand Glacier de, i. 198 IJallslebonrg, inn at, vii. 440 ; xi. 412 Lansqueour, Glacier de, 1'. iii. 414 Lanza, L., accident. to, xv. 539 Lallzadn, Vnl, p, ii. 142 Lanzo, viii. 315 - new carriage road to, v. 177 Lapland, sport in, vii. 177 Lappach, vii. 285 Lapps, the, iv. 24 Laqnillhorn ascended, P. i. 206; viii. 152 - first ascent, ix. 21) - from the Fletschjoch, xiii. 415 - from the Laquinjoch, xi. 363 - nomenclature, xv. 154 Lnquinjoch, i. 135, lOn, 377, 483; iii. 44; vi. 296; vii. 126; xii. 123 lJaquin ThaI, pass f!'om, i. 138 Largo, Cima del, ascended, ii. 3m; xiii. 191 I~DEX 73 L.rossor, tOl de, ix. 99 1••rs N~b a ascended, xii. 267 L.rsa, lll •. 41 L.l·sec, V41, x. 110 L~ste, l\Io:\lte, ascended, vii. 264 - - For*ella di, vii. 264 L telhor~}'lCended, xiv. 502; xv. 210 L tham, £t., accidflut to, x. 365 L tpar PallS, xii. 97 j xiii. 371; xi\·. 97; xv. !318, 320 L trigg, x~i. 548 L udo, Caain del, Pass, vii. 245 Lllugier, Val1on, Col clu, ix. 3'1.6; x. 1128 Lt1uihorn hcended, xii. 123 L urel Hill, iii. 214 L uta~et, pol d.~! P. iii. 216 - mn pn, X1l1. 461 L uteraar~orn, viii. 52 ~ asceud~d, x. 493 attempted, xii. 424 from t4e 'IN., xi. 27 in wintllr, xiii. 466; xiv. 202 record lefl 011, xiv. 321:1 L~ute~aarjoch, i~. 155 acclden) on, x. 4(1, 109 L~utel'aar !Snttel, i. 60; vii. 34 L~lIze, C~l de la, i. 306; vii. 136, !14!; x.1265 acci~ent on, x. 365 - in inter, iv. 323 - wit out guides, ix. 232 L val, see. Val, ln L varedo, Forcella di, vii. 29 L veno, r{ ad to Punte Treslt, xiii. 38 L vertezz , x. 148 L yey, la, xiii. 57 Col de n, ix. 94, 355 hut, x.1489; xi. 412 L vina, l~~nta, from the 'V., xiv. 484 'rone ~i, ascended, xi. 115 ; xii. 78 L vizzItral Val, x. fl3, 155 L winen Thor, i. 98 ;bn, L l~u~ta, ascemlfld, xi. 115; xii. -+ -+ -+ -+ --+ - ij af, \V., photographs hI', xv. 394 L an PitC!lCr, sell Oantlu:o l\Iogl'O L IJlmdun Pnss, ix. 369 L 'chaud, ~ig'uille de, ascended, vi. 01,172 Col de, viii. 337 L epee, iii. 61 LgIlOne,tonte, xii. 343 L h, iii. 1 ± to Oas mere, iv. 193 L, idensee ,Pass, viii. 176 74 GENERAL ~NDEX XV'j Leila ascended, xiv. 448, 452' 239,558 ' Leipsigel' Hiitte, x. 112, 179 Leisile, Vallon de la, l'ed snow, P. iii. 869 Leiterspitz ascended, xiv. 152 Lengenfeld, iv. 858 Lenk, An del', P. i. 827 - - inn at, vi. 54 Lento. l'iver, P. iii. 168 Lentahorn ascended, xi. 365 Lenzjoch, xiii. 418 Leo, iii. 62 - PorgyuI, xii. 81 Leon, i. 228 Leonardo do. Vinci on the Rigi, x • 280 - - sketches by, xii. 346 Leone, Monte, ascended, xi. 895 - - first ascent, ix. 80 Lepclla Pass, iii. 63 Lessieres, Pointe des, ascended, xiv. 488 Leukel'bad, xii. 351 Levanna, ix. 168 - Centrale, ascended, ix. 477; xi. 356 - from the N., x. 406 - from the tunnel to the, table of hei&,hts, xi. 333 - OrIentale, ascended, x. 856; xi. 25,355 Levannetta ascended, xi. 115 ; xii. 80 Level, a, ii. 43 Levi~liani, vii. 215, 378 LewlS, W. A., accident to, viii. 346 Liappey Alp, v. 327 Liaz, Bec de la, ascended, xv. 544 Libbey Glacier, xiv. 355 Lightfoot, Bishop, obituttry notice, Xv. 68 Lightning, eflectB of, viii. 449; xiii. 193 - - on rocks, xiv. 118 - on Roche Melon, vii. 191 UIle MolIa, iv. 436 Lilley, Mount, ascimded, xv. 71 Limpiopongu, ix. 45 Linnrd, Pill, ascended, ix. 113 - - without guides, xi. 182 Linda Glacier, xi. 130; xii. 166 Linth ThaI, botany, P. i.399 Lion, Col du, x. 96, 359; xi. 184 - Tete du, from the N.t x. 405 List, R., accident to, xiiI. 399 Litznel', Gross, ascended, xv. 315 I+ivel'pool~exhibition, xiii. 263, 292, , 387 i mvi~no, ral, v. 205 IF,ionaz,IOMlet of, P. iii. 292 Ifizard's Rllad, xv. 482 !}lanberisIPass, P. i. 419 Wiwedd,-~y N. face, xi. 289 I1lyn IQ~~, P. i. 453 l.1Ydai' P. i. 435 oba, 1\Io go mo., vi. 3 obbia,) , ii 18, Alta, asso della, vi. 305 ~ bhorn, prosses, ascended, viii. 464 ocana, It iii. 279 ::::o:t,' ~ .ii~6 280 occie, C1 delle, i. 50, 75 . 'Monte delle, i. 76 as~ded' vii. 320 -+- - by ~.E. arete, xiii. 414 U.I<ochmat1', J.1H., accident to, xi. 97 fund, i.99 ~ocker Sitze, Ansser, ascended, xv. 1265 . ! - In~! ,ascended, xv. 308 i:idals. aupe ascended, xi. 143; xii. 267 422 - fro the N.E., xiv. 507 offel Sp' II ascended, vii. 235 OffeljOC1vi. 95 oen, inn at, xiii. 128 rendal, i. 152 otsc~en ass in 1543, xiv. 407 - In 840, xv. 61 ot8c:lJS&t 1, i. 48 oex, les, accident on, xiii. 399 oftbden, ee Lofoten ofoten i ands, iv. 23,427 moLint 'ns, iii. 82 olmer as ended, ix. 438; xv. 533 Klein, nded, xv. 311 ~ombard,: AbbtJ, accident to, xv. i+ - l 275 1 ' Iflllbard~OOI' viii. 7l:!, 336 but, x. 489 .. mmi J ur, vii. 174 mnitze Spitz, iii. 25 ~ ngman, W., obituary notice, viii. 349 ! nguer, f., death of, xiv. 141 nzalw ascended, xii. 123 oP.l!e,G .. pictures by, vi. 20~~ 2~5; V11. 45; lX. 42, 240, 303 ; Xlll. 338, ~ :462; x .97,393,508 photog aphs by, xv. 96, 394 oranour , Tete de, ascended, x. 91 + GENERAL Lorichard, Col, xii. 113 Lory, Breche, xiv. 480 Losetta, Cima di, ascended, xi. 352 - Oolle di, xii. 111 Louis Philippe, P. i. 394 Louise, Val, P. iii. 234 - - inn at, i. 68; xiii. 461 Loup, Co1 du, viii. 332; ix. 359; x. 141 Lourousa, Passo delIa, ix. 403 Lovere, viii. 85 I.ovitel, 001 de, vii. 314 - Val de, P. iii. 200 Luc, de, ix. 7 Lucerne, Canton, at the period of the great extension of glaciers, iv. 211 - Gletscher Garten, vii. 267 Luchon, Baguares de, P. iii. 101 - to Oal:ltlmeze,i. 383 Ludwigshi.ihe ascended, xii. 73 - first ascent, P. ii. 377 Luis, Grande, ascended, xiv. 497; xv. 374 - - 001 de la, xiv. 151,497 Luisettes, Aiguille de, ascended, xv. 261,301 - 001 de, xv. 261, 301 Luisso.s, Oolle del, xi. 353; xii. 111 Lul.manier Pass, new road, iv. 239 Lummi river, v. 858 Lune, Col de la, xiv. 148, 288 - Pic de la, o.scended, vii. 211, 317; ix. 862; xi. 15; xiii. 489; xiv. 148, 288 Lunga Lacha Pass, iii. 187 Lunghino, Forcella eli, iii. 19 Luschariberg, church of~iv. 364 Luseney, Bee de, ascended, iii. 49 - Col de, vi. 293 J.usiera, Passo di, ix. 343 Lu.ssal't, Punta, aee Etiache, Rognosa d' Lykeri, 1\1ont, ascended, ix. 157 Lyng<ln Fjord, P. iii. 429 Lyre, Grande, Pointe de la, ascended, xv. 544 Lys, Val de, x. 160 J.ysefjol'd, iv. 36 Lysjoch, P. i. 162; F.ii. 359; ix. 309 - early ascents, v. 136 - in winter, xii. 524 jxiii. 549 - to Alagna, ii. 413 ; iv. 56 Lyskamm, accident on, in ]869 j iv. 375; v. 23 - accident 011, in 1877, viii. 346 75 rn!J.>EX LYt'lmlUm as.cended, P. ii. 383 ; viii. 1 75 ' y S.E.l!"rete, ix. 109 - Frossed, p. 414 - ~arly najne of, xiii. 555 ~ ~rom Gr~ssonay, iv. 55, 65 - rom thEj N.E.; xv. 307, 441 - rom W., i. 86, 877 -rn winter xii. ~60; xiv. 825 th1 1\1190ALr..u~ ....,.~., ~ICtur~~.by,!-.183 ; I. 409 ; !X1I. 463; XUl. 1/6; xv. 94 M~~onaId,! R. S., obituary notice, Ill. 120 i M~hachi, •. 114, 186, 425 1\1 hah6i pal., iii. 150 j)Ia hos asc nded, iv. 123 M Innes, 1'., accident to, xii. 109 1\1 Lllch]a, T. II., pictures by, xii. 63; xv. 97 1\18lagan, 1'., pictures by, xi. 409 1\1 nama.ra A., accident to, xv. 275 bituary notice, xv. 283 1\1 Whirte, J., pictures by, xii. 160 ; v. 167 1\1 atschja h, i 382,400 1\1 1dalena~la, inn at, ix. 499 1\<1 et'anel' aI, vi. 321; xiii. 183 ccident in, xv. 275 ia, Cap. alIa, x. 825 lenerh' tte, xii. 263 onua, ima della, 868 Sass 1\laol' ol1e de a, ix. 346 i Fines re, inn at, ix. 490 Mii. nlichen ix. 214,486 - )otany, . 109 Mii. heggliic 6, xiv. 5]4 j)f' •elen e, disappearance of, P. i. 11 ; vi. 00; ix. 444 soun iugs of, 1\ i. 468 1\1 otto, a alanche at, xii. 262 1\10. ellan, traits of, iv. 327 M gin, V11 , vi. 300 ; x. 57 1\18 lich aSCrnded' xiv. 424 1\1acha, vi. 00 0 Chini vii. 259 Dr gna, 00 . de ]0., iv. 204; v. 326 j)la n, l\Irs. photographs by, xiii. 1/6,524 Ma po /lsce ded, xi. 407 ; xiii. 558 Ma 1'0, the, -iv. 226 1\111 sama, F rcella di, vii. 255 lUa sonlUa ehe, Col de la, P. ii. 241; .:310 rande, !la, i. 296 t -II 76 GENERAL Majelln, ~1onte, flora of, viii. 3il - - ill winter, ix. 402 Ma]mlu, xii. 444, 522 ])1al Infernal, Vanon du, ix. 144 Mala Tau ascended, xiv. 452 ])1alaberga, Oroce eli, xi. 370 ])1aladetta ascended, P. Hi. 120 Malaspina Glacier, xiv. 353 Malenco, Val, P. ii. 139; i. 3 Malevo ascended, xiii. 193 Malja8set, x. 129 - inn at, ix. 497 - road to, xi. 24] Malltin, A. T., obituary notice, xiv. ~tarbrees,! Aiguilles, 105 ascended, viii. . 1\ arcora, *roda. Bee Sorapis 11are, Pas 0 della, ii. 354 Pizzo ella, ascended, ii. 144; 285 v. i 11argna, Ijiz, in winter, xv. 226 11argueritt, Point.e de, ascended, vii. 3]4 • 11/triana, ¢01 della, ii. 414 J Ilriande, ~")01de la, viii. 09 Pointe e la, asc •.• nded, x. 1)3 1Im'illelli, p'.,lIccident to, x. 3fj4 ]) Ilritime corrections, xiii. 177 ~ al'marol ascended, vi. 96, 348 attemp ed, xii. 128 Forcell di, vii. 249 11 l'lUolat ascended, i. 437; ii. 138; Ti. 95, 49; xiii. 25 di Hoc a ascended, i. 201 hut, vi'. 338; x. 488 1\ arocaro, Bocchetta eli, v. ]87 ]\ arl'iot.t, ., accident to, vii. 44 1\arscholl O1'nascended, i. 380 ~ arshall, J. A. G., accident to, vii. 110 11arshall ass, xv. 480 1\ arsila , iii. 143 1\ arson, . orce11o.di, vii. 17 1\ l\l·t.e,1\1 nte di, ascended, xv. 291 11artell T a], inundation in, xv. 408 ]) artigllar ,001 de, v. 129; viii. 63 1\ artinsloc ,P. i. 389 ]) ary, Poi te de, ascended, ix. 348 ; lIPS' 235, 275 Mallet Glacier, vii. 229 - Mont, Mcended, v. 297. Malte Brun, Mount, xii. 167 - -. range, xi. ] 40 l\In]vaglia, Val, iii. 174 Malval, Oombe dt', I'. Hi. 216 l\1amisson Pws, iv. 101; vii. 100; xii. 210, 324, 497; xiii. 375; xiv. 22 Mana Pass, xii. 32 i'\Ianas01'llva lake, xiii. 40 l\Iancros, Pic de, ascended, xiii. 401 :Mnudl, Herr, accident to, xiii. 399 l\Iandrini, Force11a eli, vii. 255 Mnndron hut, x. 112, 179 .- Passo de], vi. 305 Mandruzzi, FOl'cella, vii. 2i55 l\1angane1lo, Bocca di, x. 203 MalJll'el't ascended, iv. 363 Malliglia, Mont.e, ascended, xv. 290 Manila rope, test for, xii. 424 l\Ianji Kanta Pass, xiii. 477 Manteiga8, v. 125 Mantel, Hoche, 00] de, x. 265 l\Iap-drmving in the Ohain of' Mont Elanc, ii. 246 lIInps, Abruzzi, xiii. 129 - Aletsch Glacier, xii. 221 - Algerian, xiv. 82 - Alps, the, ii. 350; xiii. 270 - Bosnia, xiv. 420 - Oaucasus, xiv. 57, 4aG - Ooolins, the, xv. H7 -- Dnuphine, xh'. 40;l -- IIimalayas, xii. 44, 58, 265 l\Iaquigllaz, J. J'J accident to, xv. 274 l\Iaradals Brte, xiv. 508 lIIarndalstincler ascended, xiii. 153 - K peak, xii. 470 l\Iarai, OhiUets de, P. iii. 8In lIIaraja, Forcella di, vii. ]8 I~DEX I x. ]28 Pointe Haute de, ascended, ix. 350; x. ]32 . 11as de Ill. Grave, Pic du, ascended, xi. 348 ~ asher B UlU,xii. 28; ::xiv.51 11llsbkapa , xv. 319 11u..~ino,V I, i.]3 to Son -io, Pass, ii. 361 J asks, xii . 390 l\ asses, 0 I des, x. 82 1\ nt., H.occ del, ascended, ix. 339 . - {losi ion of, ix. 411 1\.Marotto Vedl'etta di, ii. 14 ::\ athews, V., order of SS. Maurice find La' al'USconferred on, ii. 91 J atsch, i .383 J at8cher.i ch, it 143 11atten Li umi ascended, xiv. 24·7 1\ attel'hor , ii. 4 - Ilcciden on, in ]8G5, ii. 148 -i. acciden on, in ] 879, ix. 372 GENERAL Matterhorn, accident on, in 1886, xiii. 95, 166, 2(H, 421 - accident on, in ]1;00, xv. 274 - adventure Oil, xiii. 390, 468, 550 - ascended, ii. 148; iv. 158, 189; vii. 389 - attempted, ii. 8; v.329 - by the FUl'ggen ridge, x. 96 - by the Zrnutt arete, ix. 365, 458 -- circular rainbow on, xii. 273 - cl'ossed, v. 277; xiii. 50 - dnngers of, viii. 447 - from llreuil, ii. 154, 237; iv. 56, 185 j v. 259; xiii. 418 - from the 'riefenmatteu Glacier, ix. 366 -. from the Zrnut.t Glacier, ix. 449 - hut on, iv. 158; vii. 337 - hut on S. side, ii. 268 - in spring, vii. 268 - in winter, i. 77; x. 494 - Klein, new route up, xiii. 414 - round and over, xii. 420 - snowstorm on, v. 265 - top of', xii. 467 - wIthout tl'uides, viii. 110, 242; x. 410; xil. 128 .Matterjoch, i. 135 Mattmark See, inn at, P. i. 222 Matto, :.\1onte, ascended, ix. 339 l\Iaudit, J\1ont, ix. 170 - - ascended, viii. (app.) H; ix. 105,313 - - height of, ii. 421 Maurer, A., a.ccident to, xi. 93 - carvings by, xi. 192 - fund, xi. 97,179,242 - obituary notice, xi. 106 MUUl'es,Montagne del', ix. 200, 254 Mnul'ienne, derivation of, xi. 300 Maurin,Co1 de, i. 1J7 .Mallvoisin, inn at, v. 311 l\Iawenzi attempted, xv. 70 May, S., accident to, xiv. 476 :.\Illye, Tete de la, xiv. 374 :.\1I1yer,E., accident to, xv. 273 1\1a)"l'hofen,vii. 233 l\Iean, Grand, Col du, ix. 100, 475 - - - ]Jt!aksnear, xii. 117 Meande, 001 de In, xiii. 401 - 110che, ascended, xiv. 145 :MOil Illnl1rtin, Aiguille de, ascended, :w.295 - Puinte de, ascended, xi. 357 -- Signal de, lUlcended, xi. 357 Meat, compressed, ii. 29 77 L."{PEX }]e~e1, Piz, iiii. 167 Mllie.1ser Glf.cier, ii. 214; iii. 166 l\1e eve, xii. 14'.1, Me dassa, ~onte, x. 456, 481 - ~. ascen ed, xi. 114, 352 .Me·e,P.iii 216; iv.3:.?2; viii. 64 ccident pll, xii. 395 scellded viii. 328; ix. 93, 121, lQ •.•.•.. 0') ~"), 3 ,::-; X111.[ 460; XIV. ,,_6, 3. 6; xv. 2 - ~,cellded!bY alady, xiv. 163 ttempte , vii. 418; viii. 178 tternpts on, ix. 135 reche d la, i. 372; vii. 412 ; . 265; xiiv. 374 in Wi~tel" iv. 324 Y E. I·i ge, xii. 392, 410, 460 -9 entral p ak, v.130; vi. 290; vii. o I m, - ol'rectio , ix. 297 orl'idor de la, Co1 des, ix. 362 •. peak, x. 84 - rom la jl'ave, xii. 343, 391, 410 ange of he, i. 302 topog aphy,i~. 293 itbout uides, ix. 411; xii. 423, ° 4 Me Helie, v'j, 436 Mo'l'ingell, re at, Ix. 234 1\1e, Val di vi. 129 Me aia, fore t of, xi. 450 1\1ekeda1, x ii. 159 1\1ekedals- ig ascended, xiv. 508 Me kevo1ds roo ascended, xii. 267 1\1e lichen v Hey, inn, xiv. 519 }1e on, Roc e, nccident on, xv. 539 ascen ed, xiv. 494 lIarro escape on, vii. 191 1\16 za, 001 e, x. 323 1\1e s, inn a ,x. 488 Me Itone, II cident at, v. 372 l\fe ue, Pie e, ascended, vii. 316 Me • de GIa e, viii. 275 adva ce of, xii. 523 death OIl, vi. aO(), 372 in 18 0, vii. 4a3 ill wi tel', v. 70 1\1e'a.Viglie~Laghi delle, ix. 345, 393 Me cantour , CiDla di, ix. 400 lUe oneles, 01 de, xi. 21, 358 1\le snerjoc xii. 185 1\1etia, xiii. 512 - ·Hncier, I-iii. 357 ass, xii. 50! Me. urina, Forcella di, vii. 18 }\1e.II di Fi1 ,Capo, x. 324 78 GENERAL *DEX Meteorology,i. 444; vi. 1Dl; viii. 449; ix. 297,435; xiii. HIS j xiv. 118 Mettenbergjoch, xiv. 157 Meunier, Mont, ascended, ix. 337 Meyer, IJt., accident to, xiv. 139 :Meyer,Pian, P. iii. 155 :Mezzo,Val di, Forcella del, vii. 243 Mezzo-ni, Becca di, acciclent on, xv. 540 - - ascended,vi. 95, 201 - Oima di, vii. 47 Mhadaidh, S~llrr, ascended, xv. 427 l\Iiage, Aigutlle de, ascended, P. i. 59 j iv. 384 - 001 de, P. i. 59, 04; P. ii. 194; i. 201; ix. 25 - - accident on, P. ii. 208 - - height of, P. ii. 222 l\'IicOoinuich,Sg'urr, xiii. 442 l\Iichel, 0., death of, x. 46 Micocci, J., pictures by, xiii. 292, 339, 462; :~:iv.403 MirldagsNrebba ascended,xii. 267 Midi, Aiguille du, ascended, P. ii. 193; '1'.44; x. 27 - - avalanche of stonl's on, v. 151 - - by the eastern rocks, vii. 318 - - by N. face, xi. 215 - - descent to the Glacier des Bossons,iv. 383: v. 145 - - first ascent, ix. 20 - - from the N., vi. 293 - - in winter, xi. 242 - - narrow escape on, v. 1ill - - second peak of, xi. 862 - ile la Grave, Aiguille du, see Meije - I)ent du, accident on, xiv. 138 - - ascended, P. i. 83 r xiii. 210, 485; xv. 298 - - first ascent, ix. 27 - de Peisey, Aigltille du, ascended, ix. 98 - - - note on, ix. 169 1\Iidtmockstind ascended, xii. 471; xiii. 158 l\Iigotti, A., accident to, xiii. 114 1\likletveitveten, circular rainbow on, xii. 173 l\IiIchbachloch,ix. 486 ?lIilitary mOllntameel'ing,x. 238 MilJaris,001 de, xii. 22 l\Iine, :Mont,i. 93 l\Iinuto, Punta, x. 324 l\Iisouna Chalet, viii. 199 1\Iischabel,derivation of, ix. 278, 284 ~fiSCllabe~i och, i. 125; iv. 57; viii. '152,38 j xiii. 164 1\ishh'gi lacier, xiii. 245 - retr at of, xiii. 228 - vie from, xiii. 367 Pass, v. 174 Tau, xf··i.369 - asc ded, xiv. 446; xv. 176 - atte pted, xiv. 92, 192 ~ ittaghor I\Scended,viii. 341; ix. 164 i ' ' to theigginerhOrn, xiii. 182 1\ittelber rjoch, ii. 141 l' ittelhor ascended,ix. 487 l\ itteljoc , i. 433 1\ittelrlic ascended,xiii. 415 1\itteltho xi. 200 _ 'OIniras ended, xiv. 390 1\odane, . iii. 400 inn at., ii. 271 1\oel Heb g ascended,xi. 242 1\onch I\S nded, i. 83, 137, 423 attemp d, i. 82, 85 crossed vii. 325 first as ent, viii. (app.) 80; xiii. 265 : -+ from t~e Eigerjoch, viii. 341 ;xiii. ! 383 : -+ from t e Wengel'll Alp, ii. 364; vi. 94; ii. 294; xiii. 128 hut, ii. 224; vii. 164 in win er, xiii. 269; xiv. 249 witho guides, xii. 424 1\onchjoc , i. 83, 97 ; vii. 301 withou guides, x. 410 orchens 'tze, Gross, viii. 161 1 orkfos aterfall, v. 57 1\osel Fer er Spitz, Hoch ascended, ii. 140 08e1enoo asoended, ii. 140; vii. 285 1\.oA'hegnox. 59 1\oine, Ie, ascended, xv. 543 Aigui1 du, ascended, xv. 7.8, 297 - in inter, x. 494 ~ oiry, 00 de, i. 432 l\ ojanda, '. 374 1\oldavia, roads in, iii. 29 1\olesov, ccident on, xiii. 398 olla, Li e, iv. 436 Store, v. 43Cl l\ olveno, . 442 j viii. 167 Oima, ttempted, xi. 317 1\oming ass, i. 376 j ii. 134, Hll I GENERAL rnrEX Morning Pass from tbe Rothhorn, vi. 205 - - variation of, vi. 14.5 1\1ominghorn,Ober, ascended, xiii. 123 Monal, Mount, ascended, xi. 366; xii. 44 Moncayo,vi. 59 l\Iollciair, Becca di, ascended, xiv. 140, 289 - Col de, x. 356; xi. 26; xiv. 149, 289 Moncimor ascended,x. 174; xii. 79 Moncol've, Decca di, ascende(l, xii. 419, 519 Moudifra I. ascended, xi. 820 l\lonei, Col de, i. 200 - - variation of, xii. 415, 510 - Coupe de, x. 854; xi. 19 -- Tete de, ascended, vii. 21.1; xii. 416,512; xiii. 489 - - nomenclature, xiv. 485 1>Ioneri,vi. 388 1\Ionfret, Cima, ascended, xii. 118, 418 Mont, Col du, ii. 28 - Grande Becca du, ascended, xiv. 494 Montandeyne, Becca di, ascended, vii. 816; xii. 417, 517 - 001 de, see Bonney, C01 - Glacier de, P. iii. 414 - Poiute de, ascended, xi. 18 lVIontanvertin winter, v. 70 l\lontllllio,Jof di, vi. 197 Montee du Fond, 001 du, vii. 150; viii. 70 :i\Iontets,'Grands, Aiguilles des, ascended, i. 259 - - - in winter, xi. 242 - - Col des, in winter, xi. 242 Monthey, blocks of, P. i. 415 l\Ionticella, ForceUa di, vii. 248 Montserrat, xi. 226 1\lonvoisin,see l\1auvoisin :Moore,A. W., obituary notice, xiii. 186, 258, 291 - Jlicture of, xiii. 351 -t,a1)letto, xiii. 465 :Morainesiu the Caucasus, xiii. 367 MOl'cles,Dent de, ascended, xi. 370 Morena, Sierra, vi. 61 :Morgenberghorn, accident on, xiii. 898 Mora, Monte, i. 49; ix. 280 - - accident on, xi. 345 79, l\i~o, .Mon~1 , in 1543, xiv. 407 - I- m 18 0, :xv. 52 ~1iocco, tr vellers in, vi. 220 1\1rrone, 1\onte, viii. 363 1\1rte, la, ut, xii. 189 M rterlltsc Glacier, P. ii. 160, 165 - i- legen~ of, P. ii. 170 -1- retra t of, viii. 277 -IPiz, acc' ent on, i. 437 -!- ascen ed, iv. 52; xi. 122 - - by S ridge, xiv. 159 - - from the Tschierva Glacier, x. 00 1\1rts, Col es, P. i. 97 1\1seley, . 0., accident to, ix.372 M tte, la, halllt, ix. 238 - Grande, ascended,i. 374; ii. 187 - - Col e la, viii. 101 - - fl'Omthe S., xiv. 481 M ttiscia, untn, see Hiillehorn l\I uchel'oll , Grande, ascended, ix. 76 M ulins, 0 igin of, P. ii. 363 l\Iunier, ont, ascended, ix. 337 M untain idgets, xiv. 63 - sickness v. 244; xiii. 825 - tOJls,xi. 381 1\1untaine ring, comparative skill of raveller and guides, v. 87; xii. 89 - dangers of, see Alpine dangel'S - early, x v. 406 - growtll f;x.251 - hints fo , ii. 1 - historic I, xii.l7S - in win , i. 77, 288; iii. 207; iv. 09 ; v. 2, 246; vi. 405; vii. 211, ~a6; ix. 13,307,491; x. 258,418, F,95; xi. 182, 239, 242,25:3,411, 70 ; xii 171,260,524; xiii. 22, 73, ~69,466 549; xiv. 200, 248, 324 ; ·v. 78, 53, 199, 226, 370, 444 made e sy, xiv. 326 milital' , x. 238 qualitie l'ecluiredfor, v. 89 trainin of !l'llides,v. 91 withou guides, viii. no, 242; ·x. 90, 2 9,411; x. 138, 418, 408; xi. ]21,18],245; xii. 128,428, 460; xii. 188, 378, 466, 522, 550 ngers of, v. 93 1\1uDtah~' 1'8, eqnipmelltfor,xv. 458 1\1untaills temperature of, vi. 275 l\I llntet t, v. 275 j vii. 337; xiv. 519 ~ Pointe re, ascended,v. 275 80 GENEltAL $DEX l\Iourti, Pointes de, ascended, xv. 556 Moutiers, P. ilL 356 l\Iuanda, la, xii. 510 - Col della, x. 159 l\Iuande, Col de la, i. 429 -- - without guides, ix. 01, 231 JHiihlwaldel' Thnl, "ii. 285 Miiller's ptlak ascended, xiii. 404 l\Hirtschenstock, P. i. 375 l\lugbi, Palu di, ascended, ix. 306 l\IulahaQen, xiii. 83 - ascended, iii. 11 ; iv.121 l\Iulets, Grands, in winter, v. 73; xi. 255 3Iulinet, Pointe clu, ascended, ix. 100,476 l\Jullel', W., photogmphs by, xii. 464 l\Iunia, Pic de la, ascended, xii. 20 Munteratsch, Piz, vi. 104 .iUuuz, 1\1.,accident to, xiii. 113 Muraille, Rouge, Col de la, xi. 358 ; xii. 84 l\Iurailles, Grandes, Col des, xiii. 173;xv.263 l\Iul'ajon, inn at, ix. 499 Muraun, Piz, ascended, x. 296 Murchison, Mount, viii. 387 l\Iurgun Pass, iv. 203 Murray, A. II., pictures by, xv. 07 l\Iuscbem, Vul, v. 280 . Musgrave, Mount, nscended, xv. 71 :Music and musical instruments, iv. 209 l\Iussoorle, vi. 387; xi. 208 l\Iu8tagh Pass, xiv. 50 l\Iutten Pass, xiv. 155 l\Illtthorn ascended, i. 380 Muzal't Pass, xiii. 47 • l\Iuzelle, 001 de la, vii. 151 - Roche de la, ascended, vii. 314 - - attempted, vii. 410 l\Iyrdals Jiikull ascended, vii. 179 Myvatn lake, vii. 52 Myvatus 01'006, viii. 173 NACIIAnPass, vii. 103 Nadelhorn ascended, ix. 367; x. 337; xiii. 413 , - from the Hohbel'g Glacier, xi. 175 - from the S., xiii. 125 Nadeljoch, iv. 365; x. 336; xiii. 125 Nlifels, battle of, P. i. 371 i , , ~oosdals-broo, xi. 152 ~assihorn I ascended, xiii. 189 ~~'~£al d~:oo.V::: 'r~;, ' 101 Naiam01a For,cella di, vii. 27 N kal'a1a orest, xiii. 375 Nal,ra Ne kra, xiv. 444 Naksagar ass, xiii. 372, 512 i'la.Jtshil" -iii. 252, 354, 370 am aI', P ii. D8 Namika.-l" Pass, iii. 148 . auda Devi, xii. 28, 52 - att mpted, xi. 366; xii. 43 i 1I11ga I' bat, xii. 28, 446 ~ ant Fra con, P. 1. 446 1 anzer Tal, i. 140 1 'Iraujal, alley of, x. 431 .[ 8.ret., l' so di, x.]57 arlul.nda l'8.8s, iii. 120 1 ltl'sing, •. 4.; xi. 40.3; xii. 442 !lsta, (J ma di, ascended, lx. 89, 1406 . i - height of, x. 46 1 auders, 'reat, ix.500 r avettes, Co1 des, ix. 358 J: aye, R chers dll, in winter, xii, J 171 ebbin, orce1la di, vii. 265 i I\$'oi,iii. 26 elge 00 ier, Pic de, x. 268 scended, x. 85; xiii. 404 ~eige de Ecrins, Dome de, 860 J Ecrins, Dome dAS Nel, Col A, iii. 108 ' eudaz, al de, xi. 238 1 epal ]\I untains, x. 4 1 er, Pil1 ascended, ii. 214; vi. +- - 1 336 I'll { ta, ascended, xlv. 146, 281 ; era, xv. 44 ero, Mo te, i. 4 - asc nded, xiii. 120 i 'eskr!l ~dor, xiv. 444 Jes,thorn ascended, ii. 211 j vi. 93 circul r rainbow on, xii. 173 from he S.E., vii. 326 With01t guides, x. 419 . 'ethou," ic de, pass neal', i. 383 'eucbiit ois, Hotel des, xii. 177 eu va, iiguille de la, ascended, xiv. 1 .,405 'evada, Sierra, iii. 1; iv. 113; vi. 58; xiIi. 80 81 GENERAL IN~EX Nevada, Bierl'a, batany, iv. 115 - - glacier an, iv. 120 - - table .ofheights, Hi. 3 Neve, Cadin della, vii. 19 - Cal della, x. 70 New Guinea, xii. 127 - - matmtaineering in, xv. 71 - - table .ofheights, xv. 72 New Zealand Alps, vi. 364; x. 237 - - Alpine Club, xv. 558 Nichals peak, xiii. 93 Nicalasi, P. i.478 Niederjacb, xii. 125 Nierlt, Rach della, ascended, xiv. 144 Niesen, accident an, xi. 99 - in winter, xii. 172 Nigaadsbroo, iv. 31 Nimraud Dagh, structure .of, xiii. 294 Niala, x. 209 Niti Pass, xii. 34 Nivalet, Craix de, Cal de la, P. iii. 285 - - - ancient glacier, P. iii. 287 - - - in 1843, xv. 132 Naana, Val, x. 68 Nansca, P. Hi. 279 Naaschetta, Becca di, ascended, xiv. 148,287 - Col, xii. 520 Nail' Glacier, P. iii. 192 - - Col fram, x. 345 Nona, Becca di, ascended, P. ii. 261 j P. iii. 264 Nonne, la, 8<lCended,xv. 329 Nanz&, x. 211 Noon Caan peaks, .iv. 198 Nard End IlScended, P. ii. 412; vi. 145; viii. 339; ix. 108 Narmann, A'l pictures by, xv. 508 Narw&y, avalanches in, v. 55 - botany, iv. 19 - food, lv.13 - guides, v. 170; xi. 145; xii. 268, 428; xiii. 148 - huts, xiii. 147 - inns, xiii. 128 - mountains and glaciers, iv. 80 - raads, iv. 7 - routes to, iv. 2 - sport in, iii. 78; iv. 18 - travel in, iv. 1; viii. 49 Noshka PIlSS,xiii. 378; xiv. 17 Naumenon ascended, xi. 358; xii. 82 Nowel~ Mr., pictures by, xv. 167 On LISK, osemite valley, asded, v 894 Ob raarjoc ,hut an, xi. 242 Ob ralpjo vi. 884 Ob ralpstoc ,vii. 266 cende, vi. 382; ix. 869; x. 07 j xiii 133 Ob rbacher .och, ii. 139; vii. 30 Ob rgestele ,inn at, vii. 165 Ob r-Grind lwaldjooh, i. 197 Ob rland, n menclature, ii. 252 Ob rthaljac ,xv. 72 Ob au, Tilt de 1', IlSconded, x. 347 Ob tuary, IVine, xi. 78 Oc e, Dent d , in winter, xii. 171 Oc senha . i. 97 - ascendet iv. 155; xv. 809 - by N ..• a ete, xiii. 122, 268; xiv. 14 . - by W. rete, xiv. 156 - in wint ,xiii. 466 Oc senjach iv. 155; xiii. 267 O' seustoc llSoonded, iii. 157 Oc sner fr m the Gunkel Kaar, x. 01 Oe gruben pitze, Vordere, N. peak, .861 ill hinen lp, accident an, xi. 99 O£ n Fuar a, ii. 218 o n~arn, S.W. a~llte, xiv. 153 o uJach, 111. 341; lX. 63, 171; x. 8; xiv. 1M Oi ,Cima " pasitian .of, xiii. 407 ; -iv.482 - Co1 d', iv. 482 01 n, Ai ilIe d', ascended, viii. 842 j r.. '.90 Col d', ii. 316; ix. 281 Pic d', IlScended, vii. 316; viii. 331; ix 361,412; x. 95; xiii. 57 - IlSce ts .of, xiii, 72 - Bum its of, xiii. 70 G 82 GENERAL ~DEX i I Old.~an of Sltye ascended, x. 111; q. rt~er,SJitze, ascended, i. 382,410; X1l1. 265, 436, 442 I VI. 443l Olden, inn at, xiii. 128 T - byte l\farltgrat, xiv. 505 Oldenhorn ascended, P. i. 345 by he Old.route, xii. 178,529 Olen, Col d', viii. 135 - cir lar rainbow on, xii. 174 - Colle d', iv. 57; viii. 379; xii. - eo.' y ascents, ii. 301 65, 524 fro Endo der Welt Ferner, - - in 1840, xv. 50 ; ix. '37 - - inn, x. 161 +- - fro the Hochjoch, vii. 328 ; Olive, Fort de r,accident at, xiv. ~XiV' 50 , 139 - fro St. Gertrud, v. 285 Oliveto, Monte, xii. 67 - fro Sulden, iv. 53 Ollen, CoUed', 8ee 01en, Oolle d' - in inter, ix. 492 ; xiv. 248 Ollomont, Pass to, from the Mont - ne route, xi. 186 Durand Glacier, P. ii. 255 - wi out guides, x. 498 Olmenhorn ascended,xiii. 171 rtlerjoo ,ii. 143 Olmi Capella, x. 319 skjugja the, viii. 173 Olperer ascended, x. 102 steno, r ad, xiii. 39 - hut, x.489 tago, m untaim in, xi. 140 - without guides, x. 498 temma, 001 d', x. 492 ; xv. 261 Olymyus, Mount (N. America), :x:ii. Glaci d', P. ii. 301 300 peaks nomenclature, xii. 523 Om Shaumer asoended, i. 205 ovalo, . 369 Ondella, Bocca de 1', x. 317 ttersba m ascended, v.i.337 - Col de 1', xi. 450 uarans nis, xiv. 83 Ondezana ascended, ix. 363; xi. 15; uB'liett , Point.e de 1', xiv. 489 xii. 416, 510 uIUe, ima dell', ascended, xH. Onge, ForceUa d', vii. 256 413 OnsdagsF)eld ascended,xii. 267 d'Ar ron ascended, xi. 353 00, Lac d, P. iii. 101 uliarse, Punta dell', Bee Oollerin, - - botany, P. iii. 123 l\'Iont - Port d', P. iii. 106 ulie Oe a, xii. 523 ; xv. 473 OpillOU8,8ee Aupillous - 0 1 de 1', xi. 239 Orca, Val d', Pa.~ses,P. iii, 275 ulx, in at, ix. 497 O1'Oi6res, inn Rt, x. 488 urs, M nta~e de 1',ix. 358 Oren, Oombed', P. ii. 295 va, Or ce d, Pass, xi. 449 Orieto, ForceUa d', vii. 14 wen Sauley range, xii. 127 ; xv. Orizaoo attempted, iii. 210 71 - height of, xv. 371. yace, . ii. 264 Ormelune Ascended,xiii. 120 pysans, ourg d', P. iii. 184, 200 - 001 d', ii. 389 ~zieri, vf' 127 - E. peak, ii. 207, 389 zone t diflel'ent altitudes, P. iii. Ornon, Col d', vii. 315 446 Orny, Glacier d', P. ii. 192 - - hut on, ix. 236 PAOOAll , l\'I. G., engraving of, xii. Oro, Monted', ascended, iv. 301 OrcefaJlikull, P. ii. 51 ; vii. 51 342 Pacific s ope, mountaineering on the, - -:ascended, P. ii. 123: xv. 559 v. 35 ; viii. 238, 885 Ortiga, Colle dell', ix. 346 Ortler distl1ct, bounty fund for Paclt, s ggestions as to carrying, iii. 95 " guides, xiii. 481 Rdon, orcella di, vii. 167 - group, table 'of heights, i. 416 Paesana P. iii. 170 - -.topo~raphy ~~,i. 385 C) - Spitze, 1. 46 j 11. 48, 4~4 j vi. Patigors ,xi. 473 IPagari, IlSSO di, ix. 343 801 !Paglia ba, x. 208, 324 ; xi. 455 - - accident on, xiv. 476 t..+- - GENERAL IN~EX 83 i Pag-lial'a,la, viii. 367 Pain de Sucre ascended,xv. 543; aee alsQ Ai!luillette Paine, MissE., pictures by, xiii. 462 Pajuhorn ascended,vi. 48 Pa1a,Cimondella, iv. 395,401 ; vii. P 'otspitzelascended,i. 199; xii. 73 - nd Ludtigshohe, pass between, v i. 321 ~ Par eyerspi e, accidenton, xiii. 399 Pa ons,A., pictures by, xiii. 462 Par ng La ,ix. 289 58 ass, iii. 6 - - accidenton, xiv. 138,327 Pas Mm, x ii. 373 - - ascended, v. 111; viii. 115, Pas erza Gl ier, xii. 309 162 j xiii. 456; xv. 151 Pat rson, . fl., accident to, viii. - - heil!'htof;viii. 279 3 6 - - without guides,xi. 182 Pat es des hamois,Pointe des,see Pale, derivation of, ix. 55 amosci, >untadei Palet, Col du, p, iii. 356 ; ix.484 Pa nes, Co des, P. i. 97 Pallavicini, Marquis, accident to, Pa 6, x. 26 xiii. 54,110 cended ix. 356 Palle, Forcella di, vii. 251 01du, ,266 Palii Pass, i. 436 Pa erhiitte~xii.263 - Piz, ascended,i. 137,341 Pe mark· 2,925ascended,xv. 313 - ~ escapeon, ix. 119, 164 3,219 ascended,xiv. 501 - - in winter, xv. 153, 444 Pe sand p l38es, table of, P. iii. 506 Pandim, x.4; xi. 403 ; xii. 39, 103, Pa U Blanfe, Aiguille de la, as442 ended, x 31 Panestrel ascended,x. 849 P6c et}Aig '~~ede,asce~~ed,ix, 1.~~ - Col de,x. 349 01 du, 11. 150; Vlll.70; Xlll. Pania della Croce,x. 402 5 - - ascended,vii. 214, 878; xi. Pe ranzini,'B.,accidentto, x. 864 324 Pe Fly, xii. 46 Panosseyre,001 de, xv. 300 Pei ey, inn t, i. 115 Panticosa,xi. 401 al, P.. '. 358 Papaver Alpinum,v. 76 Pel ou Bla c a~cended,xiv. 488 Paradis, Grand,asoonded,p.m. 408: Pel t,1\10n ascended,ix. 336 ix. 5; xi. 18 ; xii. 519; xiv. 517 Pel ice,Val P. iii. 143 - - attempted,ix. 479 Pel 0 asce ded, vi. 257, 367 - - Coldu, xiv. 286 - otnny, i. 368 - - from OeresoIe,vii. 318 winte , x. 495 - - from Cogne, vi. 91; vii. 1 ; ithout uides,xi. 182 viii. 84; 102 . pelt&t,Te du, ascended,x:.349 - - fl'omthe E., xiv. 147,284 Pel 0 d' El a ascended,xv. 330 - - from the Pointe de Montan- Pel OUX, Cr te de,ascended,viii. 329 deyne,ix. 863 ,ont, ~scended,P. ~ii. 223; i. - - in winter, xii. 260; xiv. 324; 1 5; v. 133; x. 86; xlv.377 "" xv. 445 f\tte~Pted' P. iii. 229; i. 66 - - nomenclature,P. iii. 316 fl'om he W., x. 347 Pa1'f\ss6e, Dent, ascended,i. 378; ii. with ut guides,ix. 227 177; ix. 104; xii. 260 Pe &lara,v .62 Pareis, Grandes, ae.e Bessanese P ameller, Pico de, vi. 70 Parella, Bocca eli, x. 317 Pe aranda, IPena dE', demolished,vi. ParepselL\:, CoI des, accidenton, xiv. 1 139 l)~as, Val e, iv. 115 Pari~l'es,Col de, xii. 410 p.e hall, W , accidentto, xi. 93 - Pic de, ascended, xii. 115, 190, - bituary notice,xi. 103 411 P 1eRoss, Capo,x. 324 Paris, congressat, ix. 154 Pe u Roc cended,xiv. 144 - meetingat, xv. 77 P Qeedu posoir,Pointe, v. 292 Parrachee,Dent, see. Paras~e, Dent - j- - as nded, xii. 137 a I G2 , , 84 GE:NERAL ¥DEX PerQee du Reposoir,Pointe, from Cluses,xv. 331 Percia, Cimadi, ascended,xii. 413 Perdu, Mont,i. 133 - - ascended,iv. 337 Pel'iadesascended,xi. 362; xv. 333 Peroi, Forcellll.<ii, vii. 250 Perrant, Col,viii. 60 Perroc,Dent, ascended,vi. 27; xiii. 173 - - by Pointe des Genevois,xv. 545 - - fromthe N.W., xv. 302 - - N. peak, xv. 303 - - structure of,viii. 18 Perros,Puert,ade los, iv. 115 Pers, Aiguille,ascended,xiii. 119 - Glacier, accident on, xiii. 395, 468 - Munt, le~nd of, P. ii. 170 Pescara,vih. 863 Pesio, Certosadi, xi. 304 - - inn at, ix. 409; xi. 370,412 Peter Botte MOlmtainascended,vi. 189 Petermann, A., obituary notice, ix. 120 Petermann Spitze,v. 266 . Petersgrat,i. 48 i viii. 274 - without guides,x. 419 Petrarcb, ix. 188 Petrus, J., accidentto, xi. 90 - fund,xi. 242 - obituarynotice,xi. 104 Petsch Vrh ascended,iv. 360 Peuteret, Aig'uillede, ascended,ix. 1 Peyrou d'Amant ascended,vi. 288; viL83 Plaffenjoch,ii. 141 Pf'affennieder,hut on, xv."558 Piltschel'thalhut, x. 489 Pflerschtha1,hut in, xiii. 265 PlossenThaI, xiv. 465 Phillip, C. B., pictnres by, xi. 409; xii. 168,287,46::1;xv. 97 Phosphorescentsnow, P. iii. 52, 71; i. 148' Photographicapparatus,iv. 406 Photography,iv. 217, 402 j xi. 63; xv. 472 Photo-Ill.Pass, iii. 148 Pian, Monte,Forcello.aItadel,vii. 18 - - Forcellabasso.del, vii. 18 Pinnile,Bocca,x. 319 Piano del Re, inn at, x. 487 Pie.ntonettohut, xiv. 519 i i p' ccola,C~.lledella, ix. 478; xii. 81 Forcell ,vii. 241 chincha x. 193 P ctUl'ee 'bitions, it 95, 318; vii. 45; ix. 02; x. 289.,497;xii. 341; xiii. 33 ; xv. 167, 507, 571; see a18o,AI ine Club Picture Exhibitiona P ece,GIll.ier de, P. ii. 282 P edo,Pa so di, vii. 28 l' erre,Bo ne, Glacierde la, i. 167 Fendue Colde, ix. 92 . Joseph!Col de, ii. 865, 415; iii. 99 I ~fenue~8ee Scoletta.Aiguillede Petit, 01 de, ix. 362 . Pointe, Rocher de, ascended,xv. 295 . pOintu~inn at, i. 431 P eskaJa r, vii. 175 P' tra Oa ela, viii. 366 p' trella, ocea,x. 318 p' tri, A.., Rccidentto, xiv. 139 P eve di Buono,inn at, v. 188 . at, Mo~t,xiv. 245 Platte, C de la, i. 373; vi. 292; vii. 143 Refugede la; x. 488; xi. 241 P latus, ident on, ii. 420 ascende in 1555,xii. 428 model f, iv. 153 P latussch rte, accidenton, xiv. 473 P lIar Roe ascended,x. 45 p' ene,el ctricity on, i. 202 P nier, G nd, ascended,x. 88 P no,x. 2 1 P nzolo,i. 442; v. 25b j viii. 167; ix. 304; xi. 122 . inn at, . 256 P oda,Fo Ia di, v. 48 P odajo, ssodi, x. 149 P ode,loch,vii. 321; xii. 77 P sanino, ii. 387; xi. 327 P sganaP sa,ii. 11 P socb,Pi , ascended,v. 282 P stoja,m tin~ at, viii. 53 P t, Moun, viii. 393 P ttinaja, 01,x. 324 P~'tzthD.I J~Chl'xiv. 465 P z, II, as nded,x. 68 P'zzo, 'Oi a del,8ee Loccie,Monte deUa ~an, Aigl'Uedu, adventure on, x. 443 Ol'~ted~,ascended,xv. 304 P nail TfI, xiv. 462 I GENERAL P1anards, 001 des, i. 430 ; ii. 44 P1anaval, P. iiL 385 - 001 de, ii. 267 Planerense, Col de, xiii. 191 Planspitze, accident on, xiv. 478 ; xv. 225 Plantrin, Col de, ii, 208, 391 Plaret ascended, ix. 356; xiv. 374 - 001 du, xii. 116 Plas8&s, Rocher de, ascended, x. 491 Plat, Aiguille du, ascended, viii. 98; ix. 361; x ..346; xii. 395,424 - - by E. arete, xiv. 480 Plat de Ill. Selle, Aiguille du, ascended, viii. 100 PlaM, 001 de, xii. 16 Platei, Desert de, v. 291 Platt Ko~el, vii. 352 Platta, PlZ, ascended, iv. 218 Platteikogel ascended, xv. 159 Platten, the, i. 61 - inn at, iv. 239 Plattenhorner in winter, v. 65 Platter family, xii. 380 Pleureur, Mont, ascended, iv. 205; v.276,329 - - by S.W, arete, xv. 299 Plines, l)ointe des, demolished, i. 266 . PIiva waterfall, xiv. 430 Plomo, Monte, iv. 331 Po, source of, ix. 54 Polie, Roche, vii. 434 Pol1elltbaljoch, xiv. 465 Pololtonko Pass, xi. 211 Poleet, Aiguille de, ascended, 1\ iii. 401; ix. 102,17.6; xii. 269 - - E. peak, xii. 120 - 001 de, ix. 176 Pomagalfflon, Forcella di, vii. 13 POIl&lnniet'e, Col de la, viii. 79 Ponte, p, iii. 275 j viii. 313 - AI, xi. 396 - - inn at, x. 487; xv. 152 - Tresa, xiii. 38 Pontresma, botany,v. 110 - derivation of, P. ii. 151; ix. 263, 287 - !?,"idel'l,i. 141, 205, 352; ii. 407; vl.430 Popeua, accident on, xiv. 475 - ascended, vi. 398 - FOl'celli di, vii. 15 Popera, Oima, ascended, xv. 442 - Monte, ascended, vii. 257 85 INoiEX Pop catapetl ascended, iv. 234; viii. 2 0; XlV. 3 - h ight of, xv. 371 Pop e, R., cident to, xv. 273 Par es, Oroi des, ii. 56 POl' etta., Co de la, v. 291; xii. 11 Par 'engrat, y W. face, xv, 307 - s.cond p ak, xi. 117 Pal' ieuhorn ascended, xi. 181, 392 Por iIlon, L c de, P. iii. 106 art de, . iii. 108 Pal' lijoch, ji. 337 Par ons, Po te des, ascended, xv. 20 Pas hiavo, i n at, i. 96 Pos ts, .Pic .es, ascended, P. iii. 113 botan, P. ill. ll4 Po kum, i .196 POlrri, 1\10 t, l\scendl!d, P. iii. 403; i 112; ix 97 by S. arete, xii. 119 from he N.W., vii. 150 hyp mAtry, i. 119 S. pe k, p, iii. 894 - tapo raphy, i. 114 Po ssets, 1 , P. iii. 310 Pr Fiori, 'dge of, v. 258 Pr idali, 10ima di, ascended, xv. 68 p. dleves, tn at, ix. 498 Pr ~el'hiitt , xii. 263 P1' lognan, . iii. 872 - fete at,~. 419 - Grand ec de, ascended, ix. 176; ·ii. 118, 406 - S. peak, xiii. 117 - inn at, i . 238; x. 488 ; xii. 270 Pr to, 001 ~i, x. 331 - :M:agn~, iii.557 - Val di, i, 301 Pr tt, J .. , death of, ix. 118 - obitu notice, ix. 119 Pr zzo, i at, ix:. 498 Pt Nouve u, 001 du, viii. 77 PI dil Pas " vi. 485 P nj Plalli'na, xiv. 417 Pl' rayen, leesemaking,P, ii. 291 - passes! om, P. ii.288 PI'S les onds, Pic des, ascended, "iii.402 . sanella, ix. 806 llAcende , i. 436 Bocca i, x. 104, 363 by N.E arete, x. 362 in win r, xv. 226 P esena, sso di, x. 179; xv. 363 86 GENERAL Presson, Passo di, accident on, xiv. ' 141 Prievlusa, Piz, ascended, xiv. 160 Prievor, xiv. 421 Pl'imiero, viii. ~78 ; x. 68 - peaks of, iv. 385 Prina, Oh., pictures by, xiii. 463 Prix, E., accident to, xiii. 399 Process of determining depth, vi. 282 Psegaschko Pass, xii. 325 Pucelle, Saut de la, P. iii. 216 Puckle, O. K., accident to, xiii. 53 Puissail16, 001 de, x. 265 Pundim, see Pandim Punmah Glacier, xiv. 55 Purity, Mount, ascended, xv. 421 Pusterthal, iv. 847 Puy Mary, x. 39 Puzata, Piz, ascended, x. 308 Pyrenees, botany, ii. 47; vii. 867 ; xii. 23 - brigands, v. 246; vi. 72 - electricity, i. 202 - guidas, xii. 21 - sport, P. ill. 118 - spring in, vii. 47 - table of. peaks and passes of, P. iii. 538 QUAINS,the, iv. 26 QU{Lrt Dessus, Oime de, ascended, xiv. 489 Quatervals, Piz, ascended, v. 279 Queen of Italy, xiv. 163, 511 Quelljoch, xiv. 160 Quenanger Fjord, P. iii. 436 Quensel, H., murder of, i. 138, 207 Querceta, vii. 377 Queyrns, xiii. 200 - Oombe de, P. iii.13l> Queyrette, Pic de, ascended, xv. 292 Quho,x. 187, 194,375 Qvickjock, vii. 178 inn at, vi. "303 Radiche, Punta, x. 319 llaillard, H., death of, xiv. 479 Railways, xv. 79, 222 Rainbows, circular, xi. 482; xii. 172, 271; xv. 329' Rainfall, P. i. 269; vi. 275 Rainier, lHount, ascended, vi. 192; viii. 389 - - a.ttempted, viii. 235 RA.1JDI, IINDEX ount, glaciers of, xii. 305 ainthal vii. 330 ajette, ii. 523 apos " xii. 445 aldung peak, iii. 59 am Ko nd, ix. 291 amf, P so, x. 150 amiere Punta, xi. 351 min IISS, P. i. m5 amolj~~h, xiv. 465 amport1,iii. 57 analde~A" accident to, xiii. 398 andall, Mr., accident to, v. 188, 196 angget er, 0., accident to, xii. 408; iii. 54, 110 arefled air, effects of, see Breathing at hig altitudes as Tim onine ascended, xiii. 40 atang, ·i. 119 ateau ended, vi. 290; vii. 137; viii. 1 attem ted, vi. 288; vii. 84 Br~ce du, vii. 146, 151 I- by S •• face, xi. 108 . cro , x. 266 witho t flU ides, ix, 92, 232 ati.er'~iguille du, ascended, x. 168. tsch h, iv. 359 auhko 1 Pass, vii. 16 aurisr~ Tauern, phosphorescent. snow, .143 I\X AI e, accident on, xiv. 328 ; +- xv. 2 5 bbio, Eunta del, 8ee Bortelhorn e;i;~;03 mountain tops, xii. 467; ed mo ,P. i. 379; i. 152; xii. 31\) edessa , :Monte, xv. 263 edorta, Monte della, ascended, vii. 328,4P2 l)ltss~d~ x. 149 ed, 0*, E. B., accident to, xii. 100 egelati n, ii. 307 egizi rke, vii. 442 eichen u, Louis Philippe at, P. i. 394 I e!Chen~t~in, accid~?t on, xii. 408 lR:.emdee , 11'.24; Vll. 173 '~J, It~~O~l a:c~~9nt to, xiv. 138 ~ - c rches of, vii. 447 II..- in s in, viii. 168 IRemen lacier, xv. 369 enferj ch, iv. 255, 336 fReplat, ete du, ascended, vii.14$, 151 ! GENERAL xfDEX Reposoir,Ohartreusedu, xv. 881 - Pointe Per~elldu,..v. 292 - - - ascended,xu. 137 - - - fromCluses,xv. 831 Retyezo.t,iii. 26 Retzi Rothhorn ascended,ix. 494 :Review8: Ab~ate,.E., .Guida 0.1Gran Sasso d !taUa, XlV. 269 . Abich, H., Die Gletscher im Kaukasus,ix. 182 AdamElllo,8 new map of, vii. 277 .' Album d'un Alpiniste,x. 174 Albums,x. 170 Alpine Club, map of Switzerland, vu.218 - - (Austrian) Zur Errinnerung an die VOl' 25 Jahren erfo1gte Griindung des Dest. Alpenvel'Cins, xiii. 482 - - (French)Annuaire,vii. 842; ix. 442; x. lt18, 366; xi. 187, 422; xii. 186, 482; xiii. 195, 491; xiv. 269; xv. 81, 386 _ - - section Lyonnaise,Bullotin, x. 414; xii. 191; xiii. Ul9; xiv. 271; xv. 452 - - - Sous-sectionde Gap, x. 170' - - (German and Austrian) Kalonder,xv. 456 . - - - Mittheilungen, x. 415; xv. 160, 449 - - - Zeitschrift,viii. 468; ix. 180,444; x. 415; xi. 282,421j xii. 183, 525j xiii. 272, 564 j xiv:.331; xv. 158, 382 - - (Italian) Bollettino,x. 173; xi. 425; xii. 193,484 j xiii. 201, 489; xiv. 266; xv. 86, 380 - - - Oronooa,xiv. 174 _ - - SezioneLigure,Ricordo, xi. 432 - - - Sezione Lucana, Annuario, x. 408 - - - SezioneVicentina,Bolletino, x. 174 - - (Swiss)Die eraten25 Jahre des S.A.C.,xv. 391 - - - Echo des Alpes,vii. 343; x. 285; xiii. 487 - - - Jlthrbuch.,iv.147,203jvi. 442; vii. 843; viii. 54, 174, 4~4; ix. 178, 4'!!3 j,!. 46, 28.~.i Xl.183, 418; Xli. 1/9, 479; Xlll. ! :RtvieW8 :~I 87 188,( n~~x)194, 484;xiv. 257 xv. 8 ,8/3 .Andre zi, Dr., Les Enux Theri malefde Acqua Rossa, xii. 284 Arileitu" zu wissenschaftUchen ~o c tungen auf Alpenreisen, Xl. 2 3 Allnuai de la Suisse:Pittoresque, xv. I) Arve, " Les Fastee du Mont Blan , viii. 228 Associ iod'ExoursionesOatalana, Bull ti,xi. 55; xv. 891 Austin A., :PrinceLucifer, xiii. 488 Bade, K., Guideau Midi de la Fra e, xii. 281; xiii. 207 - Sou hem France,xv. 455 - Sii Baiern,Tirol, &c., xi. 190; xiii. 80; xiv. 175; xv. 230 Baillie Grohman,W. A., :Peasant life i Tyrol, ix. 177 - Tyr 1 and the Tyrolese, vii. 457 Ball,., Alpine Guide, iv. 282, '880 vi. 441 Balli, "., La ValleMaggia,xii. 62 - Va e Bavona,xii. 487 Barett, }I., Aper\lu geo1oll'ique sur la chaine du Mont Blanc, x. 4 - 11 Ghioociaio del Miage, x. 172 - n ago del Rutor, x. 178 - Re zione sulle Oondizione Q logiche della Valle den~ Do , x. 406 - St di GeologicisulleAlpiGraie Set entrionaIi,x. 172 - St di Geologici suI Gruppo del Gran Pa.ra.diso,ix. 51 Barn rd, G.,DrawingfromNature, ii. 3 Bau gartner, H., Die Gefahren de Bergsteigens,xiii. 51 Bazz tta, G. G., and Bruson4 :m., G ida dell'Ossola,xiv. 338 j :xiv. 93 Beni C., Guida illuiltrata del O~tino, x. 407 B6ra d, E., Antiquites Romain..as d s 10.VaHood'Aoeta,xi. 53 Berl ech~ Switzerland illustr ted, lX.447 88 GENERAL +DEX Reviews: Berlioux, E., Lecture de la Carte de France, x. 167 Berndt, G., Das Val d'Anniviers, xi. 234 - Del' Fohn, xiii. 274 Bertini, E., Le dimore estive del Appennino Toscano, xii. 62 - Guida della Val di Bisellzio, x. 407 Billwiller, R., Die meteorologische Station auf dem Siintis, xiv. 341 Blackburn, fl., Travellillgin Spain in the Present Day, ii. 368 Blackie, Switzerland, its Scenery and People, x. 175 Blank, fl., Fiihrer durch Saalfelden im Pinzgau, xv. 230 Blaserna, P., Sulla TemperatW'lt corrispondente 11.1 periodo glll.ciali, xii. 134 Bletzacher, J., Lieder Buch des D. and O. Alpen Vereins, xiii. 841 Boddam-Whetham, J. W., Roraima and British Guiana, ix. 327 Bossoli, F. E., Panorama from :Monte Sante Salvatore, vii. 54 llrn~~:~, E., and Gremli, A., LesRoses des Alpes Maritimes, xii. 273 IBurton, . F., and Drake, O. V. T." Unex lored Syria vi. 205 of I Busk, ~ iSBR. H., The Valleys i Tirol, vii. 274 .. IBut1el', ., Alps and Sanctuaries of Pie ont, x. 409 Carega . Meurice, Marchese, Bassegua del Alpinismo, ix. 512 Oasenti 0, Ricordo, xi. 432 Caueasi n literature, ix. 182 Oavieze H., Guide-book to the Enga ine, viii. 287 Cavieze, M., Ober Engadin, xiiL II 'I 210 Ceresol, A., L6gendes des Alpes Vau iaes, xii. 355 Chapin, F. H., Mountaineering in, 0010 do, xv. 163 Ohrist, ., La flore de 10. Suisse et ses 0 igines, xii. 273 Oiviale, A., Les Alpes au point devue (e la G60graphie, &c., xi. 52 Olapo.r'de, A. de, Champ6ry, xiii. 209 501 Bonnefoy, J. A., Le Prieur6 de Ohamonix, x. 167 Bonney, T. G., Outline Sketches in the High A.lps of Dauphin~, iii. 205 - The Alpine Regions of Switzerland, iv. 168 Bordier, Voyage aux Glacieres, ix. - , • l'anorama from the Duomo at Milan,x.417 Botalliquepratique, xii. 273 Brentari, 0., Guida del Trentino, xv. 504 Browne,G.F., Ice Caves ofFl'ance and Switzerlan'd, ii. 215 BrUgger, C. G., Beitrage zur NaturOhronik del' Sehweiz, xiv. 265 Buehheister, J., Ueber das Bergsteig-en, xv. 94 Burnaby, Mrs., High Alps in 'Winter, xi. ::J06 Burnat, E., and Gremli, A., Catalogue l'ltisonn6 des Hieracium des Alpes Maritimes, xii. 273 Coaz, Soh Conwa to t 230 - Oll Pen -The Coolid and Dan I J., Die Lauinen der: eizer-Alpen, x. 284 , W. M:, Climber's Guide e Central Pennines, xv. ber's Guide to the Eastern ones, xv. 503 ermattPocket-book,x.176 e, W. A. B., Duhamel, R.,. errin, F., Guide dn Hl1ut hine, xii. 524 j xiii. 277; xv. 30 Coron - La - Mo Correv Alp Ollmm , G., Aria di l\[onti, ix. 445 alMe d'Aoste, x. 287 t Blanc or Sim'Plon, x. 167 n, fl., Les Plantes de$ ,xii. 273 nil, L., Glacial Moraines, xv. 92 Cunnigham, C. D., and Abneyr, Vii. e. W.,PioneersoftheAlp1'l,. xiii. 424 Ounyn hame, Sir A., Travels in the astern Caucasus, vi. 158 Dalla Torre, K. W. von, Atlas der lpenfiora, xii. 273 Daude~, A., Tartarill S1.\rles Alpes,. xii. r76 , GENERAL Reviews : Delmard, S. D., Village Lifa in Switzerland, ii. 41 Dent, C. '1'.,Above the SnowLine, xii. 129 Die kartogrllphie del' Sehweiz, xi. 480 Diener, C., Del' Gebhogsbaudet West Alpan, xv. 561 Digny, Count 0., Mont Blanc, h:. 446 Dixon,W. H., The SwitzaI'S,v. 884 Doncourt, A. S. de, La MontBlanc et Bell explorations, xiii. 430 Dufour, T., William Winham et Pierre Martel, x. 166 Duhamel, H., Les Ohalets dans lea Alpes Dauphinoises, xiii. 276 Duriet', C., Le Mont Blanc, viii. 457; x. 165 • Eckenatein, 0., and Lorria, A., The Alpine Portfolio, xiv. 621 Eckerth, W., Die Gebirllsgruppe des Monte Ori8tallo,xiii. 348 Edwards, A.. B., Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys, vi. 317 Egli, J. ,T., Del' Schweiz, xiii. 349 Ellis, R., Hllnnibal's Passage of the Alps, iii. 193 El1ropaiscbeWanderbilder, xv. 94 F. G. aud S. 0., Rifllgi e Guide \ nelle Montagne Italiane, xiii. FJ~~nnet, J., Une Ascenscion aU Mont Blanc, xiii. 670 Favre, A., Recherches Geolo. 1 DEX 89· vie~us: I Gauthi~, T., Les Vacances du Lund x. 286 George, H. B., The Oharland and I its G Ilciers,ii. 416 GAyer, G., Fiihrer dU1'Ch das, Dlle steingebirge, xiii. 205 Gilbert J., Landscape in Art before Clau e and Salv!\tor, xii. 848 - and Ohurchill, G. 0., the DoloI mite l\lountains, i. 370 I Gordo -Oumming, O.F., From the I He idas to the Himalayas, vii. 452 GOt're A;, Victor-Emmanuel sur leSelpes, ix. 54 Gorre and Bicb, Guide de la Va ee d'Aoste, viii:.286 Gran. ' A., Album Pittores.que des Al Brian~onnaises,x. 170 Gree ,W. S., High Alpa of New Ze land, xi. 428 Gre~li, A., The Flora of Switzerla~d' xv. 157 Gro~ r, G., and Rabl, J., EntWI kelung del' Hoohtt'uristik in de OeaterreichischenAlpen, xv. '387 Gro~mnnn, P., Wanderungen in d n Dolomiten, viii. 469 Oro e, 1<'.0 .. , '1'heFrosty CaUCl\llUs, v". 405 Grul e, A. 'W., Alpenwanderungen, Gi:' ~~1~~,3 P., Bericht .iiber ei~er ise in den cent.ralen Chilena-· l'gentinischen Andes, xiii. giques, iv. 1.07 Favl'e, C., Etudes SUrl'hiatoire desl Passages !tala Suisse du Haut Ynlais, xi. 432 . Fellenbel'g',E. van, Berner AIPenl xiii. 194 Fiorio, C., and Ratti, 0., I Peri 0010 dell' Alpinismo, xv. 164 Fischel', A., Zwei Kaukasus Ex peditionen, xv. 570 Fischer, L., Flora VOnBel'D,xiv. 7 FOl'el, Archives des Scionc s l>hysiques,x. 416 Fl'Elshfield,D. W., Italian Alps, vi . 459 - and Wharton, W. J. 'L., Hin s to Travellers, xiv. 523 Gnrein, J., Album de Qlle,yras, " 170 !. I' 58 - n den Hochalpen, xiii. 49 eiae in den Andes von Ohile nd Argentinien, xiii. 558 G ida Storico-Alpino di Bas$ano,. iii. 205 G ide e Portatori, xv. 95 0 ide-books,ix. 811 G ides Joanne, xii. 205 Ci iffues, E., Sechot at POt'llard,. Xlii. 208 illemin, P., Les Oout-umes d'Arviellx, x. ]68 a&l'dt, Y. von, Die Entheilung del' Alpen, xi. 234 Uebersichts-Karte del' Alpenlander, xv. 80 nmerton, P. G., Landscape, xii.. f' 843 90 GENERAL Reviews: Hardmeyer, J., Die Briinigbahn, xiv. 265 - Locarno et Bes val16es, xii. 488 Hare, A., Cities of Northern and Central Italy, vii. 466 Harpprecht, T., BergL'ahrtel1, xii. 528 Hass, II., lliustrirter FUhrer durch die Hohen Tauel'll, xiii. 131 - Illustrirter Fuhrer durch die Zillerthalel' Alpen, xiii. 429 - Oetzt.htiler und Stubaier Alpen, xv. 165 HuB', L., and Stead, R., The Story of the Nations-Switzerland, xv. 448 Huxley, T. H., Physiography, ix. 54 Indian Alps, vii. 452 laaia, C., 11Club Alpino in Torino, 1863 to 1881, xi. 125 Javelle, E., Souvenirs d'un Alpiniste, xii. 530 JOAnne, A., Collection des Geographies Departementales, x. 167 Joanne, P., Dauphine et Savoie, xiii. 206 Kaltbrunner, D., Aide-memoire du Voyageur, x. 285 - Manuel du Voyageur, x. 285 - and Kolbrunner, E., Der Beobachter, xiv. 413 Keller, F., The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland, iii. 179 Keller, F. C., Die Gemse, xiii. 344 . Kemble, F. A., The ~dventul'es of Mr. Timothy Homespun in Switzerland, xiv. 524 Kin~, 0., Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, N. America, v. ~DEX R(Jview8: Leek, Deutsche Sprachinseln • in W.lst;htil'ol, xiii. 342 Le Me$urlel', A., An 1m. I i prom~tu Ascent of Mont Blanc, It., 'V. xLIii i ILenden ·ld, R. von, Forschungsi reise ~ den Austl'alischen Alpen, xiii. 493 ,Leu~iDg!lr, R., Relief Karte von Thol,iXV.230 - Reli~ Kme von der Sebweiz, xv.3\}2 LevasseUr, E., Las Alpes et les Grandes Ascensions, xiv. 409 Liebeski.nd, A. G., A Pocket-book for MQuntaineel's, vi. 54, 320 Lurani, iJ!~.,La J\.lontagne di Val J\.Iasi:r:\o, xi. 236 Lyell, SirC. The Geological Evide~ces of. the Antiquity of Man, ii. 89 Lytton, Earl of, Glenaveril, xii. 353 1vlainl.:Mrs.,High Life and Towers of bilence, xiii. 186 lVIarinellft,G., Materiali per l'Altimetri., Italiana, ix. 447 Mariti~e Alps, the, and their Seaboard!, xii. 197 l\'Iartelli, A. E., and Vaccarone, L., Guid4 de~le Alpi <;?eoidentali, x.17!); XlV. 335, 520 Martin, D., Excursions Geologiqdes, xiv. 339 Mathie~, J., Panorama dlll\IlISsif de I'Qisans, xiii. 847 Melle, t. 0., La Vallt'ie d'Aoste, x.28$ Meurer~ J., Alpinen Sport, xi. 54 - Auf. den Oetzthaler Fernern, xi. 307 - Ladame, J., Chemin de Fer de Calais a. Milo.u, xv. 80 Landolt, E., Die Bache, Schneelawinen und Steinschliige, xiii. 350 Lansdell, H., Russian Centl'al Asia, xiii. 46 Law, W. J., The Alps of Hannibal, iii. 198 Lo.wson, A. J., Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea, vii. 269 BeMeidung des Hochtouristen, x.418 889 - Oa~piglio, Areo, &e., xv. 165 DIISFinsteraarhorn, x. 413 Der il\Iont Blanc, x. 167 Fiihrer durch die Dolomiten, xii. 2135; xv. 230 - Fiihter durch Salzburg, xv. 165 - Illu~rirte Fiilll'er dUl'ch die Alpe)a von Salzburg, &e., xiii. 429 . - Illll~t.rirteFiihrerdurch Oesterreich--Ungal'll, xiv. 175 GENERAL Review8 : Meurer, J., lllustrirte Fiihrer durch Ost~Tiro], &c., xiii. 130 --lllustrirte Fiilu'el' durch West~ Tirol, xii. 486 - lllustrirteSpecial-Fiihrerdurch die Ortler~Alpen, xii. 61 Meyer, H., Across ElIi8t African Glaciers, xv. 389 Michelet, J., The ~tountain, v. 386 "Minor Alpine Pel'iodicals, xii. 199 1\1010n, F., Sui Popoli dei Setti Comuni, x. 417 Monusey, A. H.,. A Journey through the Caucasus, vi. HiS Muddoak, J. E., The J.E.M. Guide for Switzerland, xi. 48 Murrtl.y, J., Handbook for Travellers in Switzevland, xv. 569 - Knapsack Guide to Switzerland, ii. 89 - Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont, xiii. 131 Noe, F., Geologisohe Uebel'Bichtsoha1'te der Alpen, xv. 162 Norslre Turistforenings Aarbog 1890, xv. 506 Obel'osler, J., FUhrer durch MittelItalien, xv. 230 O'Shea, H., A. Guide to Spain, ii. 265 Osona, A., Guia del Alt PIa de Barcelona, xiv. 70 - Guill. Itineraria de. las Serras de la Oosta de Llevant, xiv. 70 - Guia !tinel'aria dal Vall6s Superior, xiv. 70 PllIlorama of the Alps from Turin, vi. 53 Partsch, J., Die G1etscher del' Vorzeit in den Karpathen, xi. 371 Paterson, Guide to Switzerland, xiii. 52 Payot, V., Description I)etrographique des Roches de In Ohaine du 1\Iont )llanc, xii. 531 - Oscillations des Quatra Grands Glaciers de la Vallae de Chamonix, ix. 442; xii. 530 Penck, A., Die Vergletsoherung del' Deutschen Alpen, xi. 190; xiii. 206 Pernisch, J., Das Kurhaus Tarnsp und seine U mgehllnKen, xiv. 265 Perrin, A., Histoit'e de Ill. Vallee Il'fDEX 91 Reviews: at du Priellr~ de Chamonix,xiii. 279 PalTin, :f., A Travers les Alpes du Dauphine, xii. 192 !Perrin, ,1\1. A., Le Prieu1'6 de Champnix, xi. 484 . retzend~rfel', L., Humoristische I Naturgeschichte des Alpinen i l\lensdhen, xiv. 172 eYer, ~' Geschichte des Reisens in del' Sehweitz, xii. 850 hillipp Wolley, C., Savage Suanetia, xi. 429 lunket, HOD. F'l Here and There I in th~AIPS' vit. 272 ocket, uide-books, ix. 181 rrior, ,., Ascents and Passes in ! the Lke Districts of England, f , ii.26 laabl, J'J Illllstrirte FUhrer durch · Kiirnt;n, xii. 62 ~ Illus irte Glockner-Fuhrer, x. : 413 ~adde, ~., Del' BingOl Dagh, ix. , amber, 182 ~. E., ..In Ascensions et F1l1ne.'ries, ~ v. 340 Etud s Historiques, xv. 93 ~ atti, C, Da Torino a Lanzo, xi. · 237 i- ,and Gasanova, F., Guida delia • Yl\])e ~'Aoste, xiii. 490; xv. 98 lRava, OJ, Album photographiql1e de la vallee de Bal'celonnette, x. 170 Ravenst~in, L., Rarte del' West Tholer und Engadiner Alpen, x. 175 !Richter" E., Die Gletseher del' OstalIlen, xiv. 520 !Richter,! J. P., The Litel'ltl'Y W Ol,]{~ of Leonardo do. Vinci, I xii. 2~} "!Richthoen, F. von, Fi.ihrer fUr Forse. ungsreisende, xiii. 281 Rochas a;'Aiglun, A. de, Les Vallees Vaudoises, xi. 125 Ronzon,A., Jl Oadore, viii. 469 Rosenthjtl, J., Schutzhiitten und Unt.el'kunfthausel' in den Alpell, xiii. 276; xiv. 173 Roth, D~•., and Fellenhel'g, M. von, The Doldenhol'Il and Weissa Frau, i. 207 Russell, Cvmte H., Les Grandes 92 GENERAL mDEX Reviews: Repiews: Ascensions des Pyrenees, iv. 64 Russell, Comte H., Souvenirs d'un Montagnard, xiv. 255 St. Moritz Post and Davos Kews, xiv.I7S St. Robert, P. di, PercM i ghiacciaj si vadano retirando, xii. 184 Saussure, M. H. B. de, Voyages dans lea Alpes, x. 167 Schatzmann, R., Alpenwirthschat'tliche V olkschriften, xiii. 849 Scheuchzer, J. J., Itinera Alpina, iii.200 Schindler, A., Die Wildbl1ch und Flues Verbauung nach der Gesetzen del' Natur, xiv. fl88 SChla1:l'intweit, H. von, Reisen in lndlen und Roch-Asien, vi. 43 Schluidt, C., Zur Geologie del' Schweizer Alpen, xv. 94 Schmidt, II., and Stieler, K., The Bavarian MOlmtains and the Salzkammergut, vii. 457 Schroter, L., Taschentloro. des Alpen-Wo.ndel·ellS, xiv. 835 Schlitz-Wilson, H., Alpine Ascents and Adventures, viii. 466 - Philip Mannington, vii. 271 Schwarz, B., Die ]~rscblieS8ung del' : Gebirge, xiii. 41 Schwarz, T., Ueber Fels undFirn, xiii. 44 Schweizerische Naturforschung Gesellschaft, Beitl'iige zur «eologischen l{arte del.' Schweiz, v. 191 • Scritti Varii, di Argomento Attenente all' Alpinismo, x. 174, 407; xi. 189 , Seboth, J., Alpine Plants, ix. 441 Secco, A., Guido GeOlogico-Alpina di Dassano, x. 417 Sella, V., and V81lino, D., Monte }tosa e Gressonay, xv. 453 Seton-Karr, H. W., Shores and Alps of Alaska, xiii. 427 Shairp, J. C.t Tait, P. G., and Adams-Reilly, A., Life and Letters of J. D. Forbes, vi. 244 Shepherd, C. W., The NorthWest Peninsula of Iceland, iii. 197 $imony, F., Das Dachsteingebiet, xiv. d2 Smith, It., Tent Life with English Gi~siea in Norway, vii. 53 OCietajPina Friuiana, Cronaca, xi. 53 odeM, .~gli Alpinisti Trid?ntiui, Annu tlO, x. 174, 410; Xl. 285, 488 ; ii. 197; xiii. 481 oci6t6 ~sTouristes ?u Dau:phin~, . Annu Ire, x. 170, 368; Xl. 188, . 424; :xii. 189, 483; xiii. 200, f 493; xiv. 272; xv. 84,453 Soperga'i xii. 857 Stettler, !K., Das Frutigiand, 841 xiv. ' ..•... 13 teub, ur Namens und Alpen, LandeskunL~i., e Zder Deutschen xiii. 2 7 Stoppa , A., The Bergamesque ll.lle s, viii. 470 iStrasser,: G, Das Fri:ihliche Murmelthler, xiii. 488 - Del' ~letschermann, xiv. 264 IStrickla~d, F. de B., The Engadine,~· v. 504 Studer, '., Ueber Eis und Schnee, xi. 80 Studer,J., Walliser und Walser, xiii. 342 Svenska, TuristiOreningens Aa.rsskrift(1891), xv. 007 . Talbert,~' Les Alpes, Etudes et SOllY nil'S, x. 175 TillieI', J. B., Historique de Ill. Vall6 d'Aoste, x. 408 Tissot, .. , I,ll. Suisse Inconnue, xiv. ~1l Touri8~n Karten, xv. 391 Tozer, • F., Turkish Armenia and astel'U Asia Minor, x. :.135 Trautw in, T., Das KlIisergebirge, xv. 5 4 - Register zu den Publikationen des D. and O. Alpenvereins, xiii. 340 - Siid,\>aiem, 'I'il'ol, &c., vii. 844; xv. 1~5 - Weg-weiser durch Siidbaiern, vi.·.l~8 Trenth~~ Annuario, ix. 445 Tschud~, I. von, Del' Turist in der Sch~~~~, vi., 1?3; vii: 344; xii. 62; itill. 132, 341; XlV. 70 Turler,: E. A., Das Malerische 93 GENERAL INDEX Reviews: und romantische Emmenthal, xiv. 340 TUrler, G. A., Die Berge am VierwaJdstiittersee, xiv. 69 Turner, G., Picturesque Wales, xv. 233 Tyndall, J., Hours of Exercise in the Alps, Y. 2R5 Umlauft, F., Die Alpen, xiii. 281 translated, xiv. 408 Vaccarone, L., Le Pertuis du Viso, x.411 - Statistica della prime Ascensioni, xv. 230 Vignet, L., Les Etapes d'une Berliull, x. 415 Viollet-Ie-Duc, E., Mont Blanc, viii. 403 VOrD1ann, W. H., Ans den Fremdenbiichern von Rigi Kulm, xi. 481 Waltenberger, A., Die Dolomit AJpen, xiii. 569 Walton, E., Peaks in Pen and Pencil, vi. 319 - and Bonney, T. G., The Pealts and Valleys of the Alps, iii. 205 "Watts, W. t., Across the Vatna J1iltull, viii. 168 Weilenmann, J. J., Aus del' Fh·· nenwelt, vi. 319; viii. 469 Weissen, A., Guide du Touriste en Savoie, xiv. 527 Wenger, J., Ungllicks-Ohronil{, xiv. 414 Werner, W., ·Album for Alpine Plants, xii. 206 White, W., Holidays in Tyrol, viii. 116 Whitney, Professor, The Yosemite Guide-book, vi. 52 Whymper, E., '£he Ascent of the Matterhorn, ix. 440 - Scrambles amongst the Alps, v.~84 Whymper, F., Travel and Adventure in the Tel'ritory of Alaska, iv. 223 Widmann, J. V., Spnziergiinge in den Alpen, xiii. 48 Wilson, A., The Abode of Snow, vii. 338 Winterbilde aus del:' Schweiz, Xv. 157 Reviews': Wolf, F. p., Die Katnstrophe am Matte~orn, 1886, xiii. 166 WaIli and Ohamonix, xiii. i 277; v. 2135 Zanffak, . J., Signaturen in-und lluslaudischer Kartenwerken, xv. 85 ~sigmondy, E., Die Gefahren del' Alpen,. xii. 472; translated, + 522 1m H chgebirge, xv. 226 Re , 1\1., ac ident to, xii. 408 Re ItjAIles, ape, i. 248 Re I{Jnvik, ~247 Re oIds, J., death of, xiv. 141 Rh inwnld lacier, iii. 173 Rh inwnld om, see Valrhein, pjz Rh mes GI ci~rs, xiv. 402 -. al de, • iii. 397 Rhj:me Gla~er, P. iii. 96 - - ancie1?t, the, xii. 157 - '- measurement of, xii. 181, 468, 4181 - - obsel'tations on, xiii. 485 - - retre~t of, viii. 277 ; xiii. 193 -.survelY of, ix. 481, 500 Rillon, Pie nscended, xiv. 494 Ried, inn a~ iv. 239 j xi. 241 au, - :Pass,ix.28, HI; x.385 - t- varia~on of, xiii. 125 Ri~dm(1.ttClCOI de, iv. 204 Ri~ellstal en Th,aI, vii. 165 RiE\llzjoch, ii. 2] Ri~ti, viii. 8 Riaublanc, 01 de, viii. 66, 74 Rift Pic du,' ascended, viii. 343 Ritl'elbel'g, accident on, xii. 408 - botany, v. 109 Riffelhorn, ~ccident on, ii. 153 - discovery on, vi. 437 - from the Gorner Glacier, v. 306, 376 - new routje up, xi. 118 Rifugio, Oi~a del, ascended, xiv. 161 Rig'i in 1852, P. i. 2.56 - panoram", of, ix. 447 lUma.c, wat(lrs of, viii. 482 Rimbianco, ,Forcella di, vii. 19 Rirpplas, ix, 895 Rinderhornby E. arete, ix. 493 Rinella, Bocca, xi. 458 Ringelspitzd from the Kalfeuserthal, xv. 87 Rio Martino caverD, x. 469 Riobam ba, .:t. 427 94 GENERAL Rioburent, Bee Rubren, Grand Rion valley, xiv. 21 Rioufroid, Col de, xiv, 218 Riseten Pass, P. i. 875 Ritord, Ie, ascended, xv. 543 Ritorto, Pa880 di, vi. 150 Ritter Pass, i. 11:19; vii. 131; xi. 397 ; xv. 267, 312 Ritzlihorn ascended, i. 379; iv. 208 Ritzli Pass, xv. 547 Riva, i. 442 _ SecCl>,Val, Forcellll. del, vii. 258 Rjukanfos, iv.38 Roads, Roman, vi. 234 Robinson,H. H., picturos by, xv. 167 Roc Noir, Grand, ascended, xiv. 487 Rochail, Col de, viii. 330 _ Rocher de, ascended, viii. 330 Rochebrune ascended, x. 353 Rochefort, Col de, viii. 412 _ DBme de, ascended, x. 405 - _ from t.he Italian side, xiv. 496 Roches, Col des, xiii. 118 _ Moutonnees, P. i. 410; vii. 401 Rocheure, Co1 de la, ix. 99 Roclty Mountains, ancient glaciers, ix.246 _ - Club, vii. 402; viii. 54 Roda, Val di, Campanili di, ascended, xv. 368 Rosheim, v. 154 Rofelpass, xi. 202 Rognons, Col de, x. 88, 145 Rognosa, Colle della, xii. 409 ROlSe des Banques, xii. 86 Roisebanque, Cime de, xi. 360 Roja, gorges of t.he, xi. 228 - inn at, ix. 500 Rol, Punta, ascended, xi. 858; xii. 84 Roland, Breche de, hut, xii. 22 Roman roads, vi. 434 Romanche river, P. iii.200 Rommehest ascended, v. 54 Romsdal, iii. 84; iv. 27 Romsdalhorn, iv. 27 - asCended, xi. 144; xii. 267 Ronce, Pointe de, ascended, xii. 116 Ronco, P. iii. 274 ' Ronda, Serrania, 'Vi. 58 Rondinaja, vii. 388 Ronung Pass, iii. 62 Roopuu/l' Pas~, iv. 84 Ropes, first recorded use of, iv. 172 -knots, ii. 95 INDEX Ro,pes, macbine made, ix. 56 - metal eyes, ii. 221, - report of the Alpine Club Committee, i. 321 - test for, xii. 424 -use of, P. i. 492; i. 21; ix. 115; xiii. 397 Roraima, xli. 127 -lascende4, xii. 264 Ro~a Blanc~e, Pointe de, ascended, ~v. ~4 ; :jc.i..238' . -[del Ban, ..hl, Monte, ascended, Xl. 860 . -Monte, ,accident on, in 1865, ii. 1M - - a.ccid~nt on, in 1881, x. 364 - - acei~ent on, ill 1885, xii. 408 - - ascended, ix. 108; xv. 223 - - attetllpt on, in tbe eighteenth century, iix. 496 - - deri'\1ation of, xii. 202, 468 - - carliest attempts on, xii. 468 - - early! attempts on, xv. 493 - - first ~scenfs, viii. (app.) 29 - - from Gressonay, vii. 154, 218 - - from the Lysjooh, vii. 107 - from Macuguaga, vi. 91, 282 j without guides, xii. 128 - - fromfthe S., xii. 65; xiii. 203, 263 - - from. the Zumstein Sattel, vm. 338,400' - - in winter, xi. 243, 479; xiv. 825 _ - new route, iv. 157 - Ost $pitze, vi. 244 - rolled out, vii. 337 - seen 'from the Gemmi, P. i. 835 - - seen from the Simplon road, i. 207 - - tour of, i. 377 - - without guides, viii. 383 Rtl>86glow! explanation of, P. i. 172, 198 Rose~ Glaoier, P ..ii. 1a5 ..... -' Piz,.ascrnded, 1. 255; 11. 135; lll. 1lJ; IX. 13; xv. 314 - - a~tetPpted, i. 135 - - by ~.W. arete, xiv. 505 - - first .ascent, v. 378; ix. 383 - - frOlll the N., xv. 467 - - from the Tschierva Glacier, viii. 109f.200 - ,- in Wlinter, xi. 411 GENERAL Roseg, Piz, third peak of, ix. 168 , - - without j;\'uides, xi. 182, 246 - ThaI, P. ii. 133 - Thor, see Caputschin Pass Rosenegg Pass, xii. 480 Rosengarten, vii. 109, 345 - passes of, vii. 864 ; x. 72 Rosenheim, meeting at, xiii. 188 Rosenhorn ascended,,i. 197 ; x. 493 Rosenlaui Glacier, reljreat of, viii. 277 - to the Grimeel, ii. '267 RoseLta, eima di, ascended, xiv. 295 - PallSOdella, ii. 13$ • Rosoire, Col de, P. iii. 879 Rossa, Ciroa, ascended, xiii. 48<1 - Croce, ascended, xi. 353 - Croda, ascended, xiii. 263 -- - without guides, xii. 128 - Forca, x. 70 - Viva, ascended, xi. 23 - - W. peak, x. 857 Rossboden Pass, vii. 132, 215; xi. 895 Rossbodenhorn ascended, viii. 148; x. 405 ; xiii. 415 - first ascent, ix. 29 - from Simplon, viii. 106 - IlOmenclature, xv. 154 - routes up, x"489 Rosse, ascended, i. 444 Rosses, Dent des, ascended, xv. 546 Rosset, 001, ii, 32 Rosso, Capo, x. 324 - Cima di, ascended, iv. 51 - di Scerscen, Monte, ascended, ix. 179, 439; xii. 177; xiv. 159; xv. 314, 464 - - - from the Roseg Fuorcla, xiii. 417 - - - from tIle Scerscen Glacier, xiii. 127,801 - di Tschierva, Monte, ascended, viii. 199 Rossruckspitze from the N., x. 498 Rossziihne, vii. 350 Rotang Pass, iii. 129 Roth, F., accident to, x. 46, 109 Rothe, H., accident to, xv. 539 Rothelsch Glacier, vi. 139 Rother-kopf attempted, vii. 234 Rothewand Spitz, vii. 362 Rothgriitli, ii. 365; xiv. 302 Rothgrat Pass, x. 96 Rothhorn ascended, i. 433; ii. 67 ; 1", xv. 194 - (Ferden) ascended, ix. 493 INDEX 95 ~othhorn i(Finsteraar) ascended, xiii. i 188 i (Retzit ascended, ix. 494 -+ (Siede~~, xiv. 154 attemI\lted, i .. 197 -+ by W;lface, lX. 108 ...,..cross , vi. 295,365 from rmatt, vi. 268; vii. 395 to the [oming Pass, vi. 295 witho t guides, x. 419; xii. 128 thhorn och, vi. 436 othhorn attel, viii. 262 othk e Glacier Pass, ii. 270 othmoo .och, xi. 123 othsatte , i. 369 oththal a.ttel, 8ee Jungfrau othwan aee Rossa, Croda otondo, Monte, i. 30 - asc nded, iv. 296; x. 203 -atte pted in winter, xi. 412 Passo, XIV. 155 Pizzo, ascended, xiv. 155 oUa, la, Pass, vii. 246 OnCh()n, Pic, ascended, x. 353 ouge, but, Col du, P. i. 104 ~ I ougas, tigUilleS, ascended, ii. 62 -I- Col de , xiii. 400 -- d'Alo , Aiguilles, ascended, xiv. 84 ~-...:..- ~y E. face, xi. 174 ~ - - $Outh point, xiii. 411 -. du D~'lent, Aiguilles, ascended, -+ -+ xiv. 15 ,406 nouies, 0 1 des, vii. 104 ...;...Somm t des, ascended, vi. 289, 290 ; 1'!ii.87, 136 j xiv. 8.76 - -:- frotp. the N.W., xiv. 146 RouJet, T,~te du, ascended, xi. 847; , xii. 395, 424; xiv. 878 Roum~iOlJ' Col de la, viii. 330 Ito~~~, 4iguille, ascended, x. 846 ; X1ll. 406 - - by iN. arete, xiv. 482 ~ Grande, ascended, vii. 211 - - Co~ de, vii. 211, 317 Roussee, Col des, ix. 305 ~ Grandlls, ascellded. i. 137,294; vii. 1«, 151 ; viii. 74 ~ - Br~he, des, xiv. 145 - - Co~ des, viii. 76 ~ - N. ~d S. }?eaks,xiii. 402 ...••.- S. pealr, Vill. 330; xiv. 145 Itovina, Qima della, ascended, ix. 391 - - he~ht of, x. 46 Royds, Ai.M., disappearance of, xiii. 114 GENERAL INDEX Rubesoier, E., accident to, xiii. 54, 110 Rubi, P., accident to, x. 46, 109 - obitua.ry notice, x.78 Rubi~Roth fund, x. 110, 366 Rubren, Grand, ascended, ix. 348; x.130 Ruchen Pass, iv. 217; vi. 328 Rucbi, Gross, ascended, i. 379; vi. 327 Rudd, G. A., lICcident to, xiv. 141 Uudhard, H., death of, xiv. 141 Riitte, Herr von, accident to, xi. 99 Uuine, Bergerie de la, P. iii. 137 - Grande, ascended, vi. 291 j vii. 82, 140 j X. 90 j xiv. 375 - - Col de la, vii. 147, 151; x. 267 - --group, topography, ix. 293 - - N. peak, xiii. 404 - - witnout guides, xii. 424 Ruinette ascended, ii. 133 ; .iv. 203 l-tuitor ascended, P. iii. 387 j vii. 400; xiv. 495 - 001 du, i. 429 Ruminabui, ix. 45 Ruskin, J., pictures by, xv. 393 Uussein Liicke, ii. 363 - Piz, 88e T1idi Russian furnace, P. iii. 70; ii. 10 Ruverde, Foroella di, vii. 250 Ruwenzori, xiv. 324 Ryle, A. J., pictures by, xv. 509 Uymfischhorn, f:!'Omthe Adler Pass, viii. 107 SAA.S,ancient passes to, vi. 38 - inn at, x. 487 ; xv. 79 • - Pizzo del, ascended, xiv. 502 - Saracens at, P. ii. 184; ix. 202, 208, 278, 282 Sans-grat, vi. 91 Sabbione, Oolle del, ix.846 Sa.bione, Dos di, viii. 164 Bacchi, Passo dei, xiii. 417, 496 Sache, 001 de la, P. iii. 858 ...:--DOme de la, ascended, xii. 119 Sachs, Dr., accident to, ix. 114 Sacl'ipante hut, x. 488 Sacro, Monte, of Varallo, xv. 446 Saddle Peak ascended, xiv. 91, 188 Slid on, xii. 92, 494 Siintifl, accident on, xi. 345 i xiii. 398; xiv. 476 Sagen ascended, xiv. 508 Sapette, 001 delle, P. iii. 156,167; i. 29 . Sae-ra, Sier~a, vi. 58 Sagro, Monte, vii. 376; xi. 329 St.! Anna Ilks, iii. 36 St •.Bernar<l, Great, accident on, xi. 99 - - in'1800, vii. 434 - - me~val passage, xiii. 271 -Little, v~i. 400 St., Catheri,e, Mount, i. 205 St. Ceciliaslrrone ascended, iv. 30 St. Christo~he, P. iii. 1813,202, 221 ; :!tiii. 538: - iBrOOhe e, vii. 151; x.265 -char ro to, xi. 241 - Val de, • iii. 200 - - heiglts of points in, P. iii. 214 8t Elias, ount, viii. 385; xiv. 345 -i - atte ptec1, xiii. 89, 177; xiv. 64 - heig t of, xv. 371 St Esprit, AiguiUe du, ascended, x. J 367 St. Etienn~, inn at, ix. 500 St. Foi, 350, 390; vii. 400 inn at'l' \'. 519 . landS1i~ viii. 415, 450; xii. 10 ~ S. Gertru , inn at, v. 284 St. Gerva' , inn at, i. 96 - walks tom, v. 290 St. Grat, <Dolde, xiv. 495 St. Hele~'. , Mount, viii. 235, 890 Sj' Jean d :Arves, inn at, x. 488 S . Luc, i n a.t, i. 96 S . Ma.jol 6, ix. 271 S . Marti ,xiii. 76 S . Mauri e, Bourg, P. iii. 349 St. J\Iax' e de Beaufort. xii. 142 St. Micha&l, Piz, ascended, iv. 51; p.m. v.206 St. :Moritz, flora of, v. 273 - in wintJer, x. 31 St. Nichol/1s, i. 93 St.. Paul Sl1rUbaye, adventure at, x. 133 - - inn at, i.'l:. 497 - - roa~ to, xi. 241 St. Pitu-re, Grt'lond,Tour du, ascended, iv. 58; Ivi. 87; viii. 102; ix. 75; , xii. 51~ - - - from Oogne, vi. 365 - Vallo~ de, i. 69 St. Remy! 001 de, ii. 419 St. Rohefl;, Count eli, obituary notice, xiv. 28$, 275 III GENEHAL ~DEX I 97 I St. Romao, v. 125 St. TModule, ix. 31; xv. 207 - accident on, P. i. 190 - in 1543, xiv. 407 - in 1800, vii. 435 - in 1840, x. 44; xv. 47, 59 ill winter, xi. 200 - strange discovery on, xii. 470 - winter on, ii. 219, 272 St. Veran, x. 129, 353 - Baisse de, xi. 231 - inn at, xi. 241 Ste. Anne,· Pointe de, ascended, ii. . 207 . h:. 348 Ste. Helene ascended, ii. 208, 394; SllIn:wrartiqo Lantosca, i~.386 - - ~uid~s, xiii. 177 - - mn lit, ix. ,109 - Pala dil ascended, ix. 48, 165, 307 i x. 164; xiv, 297 - - atta~pted, v. 118; vii. 332 - - withbut guides, xi. 182 S n Parteo, :[\[onte, x. 319 Piotr, Grau, Colle del, see onei, oupe de - Monte " x.199 - S S ix.101; n. 297 I Ste. Lucie, Col do, x. .'330 Sais, Col de, P. iii. 207 Salananchera, see Saluinall Chiran Salm'ous, xii. 23 Salawllt Pass, xv. 321 Salena, Fenetl'e de, P. i. 16; i. 268 - Glacier de, i. !l80 Salenquo, Pic de, i. 383 Saline ascended, ii. Blia - Forcella di, vii. 250 Salle, Ill, ascended, iv. 207; v.276, 328 Salles, Pointe de, ascended, ii. 54 Salomon, Dr., aocident to, ix. 114 Sal~~e, Tete du, ascended, x. 94; XUl.63 - - position of, x. 491 Saluinan Chiran ascended, xiv. 92, 194 - - Pass, xiv. 198, 439 f:laluzzo, P. Hi. 148 Sa1upey1'6,P. Hi. 149 San Angelo, Col, vii. 13 San Bernardo Mountain ascended, xv. 482 San Chiaftl.'odo, x. 481 - inn at, vii. 218 -Pass of,x. 350,466 San Dalmazzo di Tenda, inn at, ix. 499 San Filipe, Cerro de, vi. 59 Sau Giacomo d' AyaR, P. i. 189 San Giulia.no, LllgO di, ix. 304 San Lucl\l1, CacHn di, vii. 19 San LUCIU\O,Pat;SOdi, vii. 331, 4H2 San Mal·tino, i. 14 - di CllStrozZl\, xiv. 201 - - botany, xiv. nOl - - inn at, vii. 50, 462 - - names of' peaks, xv. 499 asoo ded, xi. 459 Stefan, vii. 447, 463 Vito, n at, viii 115 8, Po' to de Ill, ascended, xiii. 18 d Grat Pass, P. i. 378 S . dakphtl, xii. 442 ~netscl1 EIISS,accident on, xiii. 398 SlInko vall!lY, iy, 195 Sanmoarhutte, xii. 264; xiv. 461 S~llS Nom; Pic, ascended, xv. 297, 335 S£. sflour0tfi Glacier, see Zanfieul'on lncie1: I S to. CaU\fl'ina,v. 179 S . t" f?rocje ~~ss, vi. 485 ~te'buchll, Vll. 80 SaPtschflroi Pass, xii. 325 S~busat; Ll1c de, P. iii. 105 SlliPin, COlldu, ii. 419; vii. 400 ~iniere ll~cie1" P. iii. 238 Vallan a,'i. 69 &raoons a Saus, P. ii. 184 i ix. 202, I 208, 27a, 282 - in the Alps, P. ii. 148; ix. 208, 254; x. ,26H - in Daurihine, i. 153 - in the Yalais, iv. 216 Sam-urcn i\scended, s.. 250 Sllil'Ca, gOI'!\'l:l of the, v. 258 S~dUlla, sport in, vUl. 126 SM:dona Glacier, P. i. 392 - Pass, i. 134 Sllil'jelrtjaktro ascended, x. 363 SOIl'miento, Mount, height of', iv. 829 S~l'nico, v¥ 86 S~rrable, <f?l de, iv. 114 S~ss ~.raor,:iv. 386 - - ascotllded, vii. 333 j xiii. 174, 455; xiv. 299 - - witbout guides, xii. 128 Sllssbol'g, P. i. 383 Sasseno, Passo di, x. 57, 15G Sassi, Pa8so dei, x. 157 III 98 GENERAL INDEX Sassiere, Co1 de la, ii. 208,392 - de St. Foi, P. iii. 389 . -- Grande, Aig-uille de la, ascended, P. iii. 362; ix. 101, 483 .- Lac de la, P. Hi. 361, 396 - 1>ointe de hI, see Fonel, Poiute du s.'l..~so c1'Italia, Gran, ascended, v. 375 i vii. 836; viii. 853 - - - in winter, ix. 491 8co.le, ~Ioute delle, v. 184 Scalena, Bo¢ca di, x. 331 Scaletta PBlls, origin of name, P. ii. 148 Scalino, Piz~o, llScended, ii. 358 ScoJve, Val /Ii, viii. 85 Scl\Jllnfa,hiapcia, x. 318 SCllinfs, 1. 318 Scersceu, ~onte ai, :see Rosso ill Seerscen, .1M0nte - a'ass, P'i'i. 138't vi. 301 ScUalfkoll'e crOllSed,xiv. 465 SC~IlUenjoc , i. 432 8chaUhol'Il ",scellded, vi. 294 SchaulmohlUitte, xii. 264 SchauM, -Vorder, Spitz, ascended, ii. - - - mn.p of the, xiii. 129 - eli ~Iur ascended, x. 363 - attempted, x. 68 - - S.W. peak, lx.1l4 - - without. guides, xii. 128 - di ~Itl?;,vii. 463 - Negro, Passo di, :x. 155 141 Satchori Pass, vii. 100 Sa.ttelhol'll ascended, "ii. 179 Sausgrat, see Kilchfiuh Pass Sa.ussaz, Aiguille de Ie., ll8OOnded,x. Scihebu1os,'xi. 473 Scheel'horn. ascended, vi. 829; x. 306 8ql1eerjocbl i. 435; vi. 830 8c1heideck,rGI'eat, in win tel', xiii. 73 - - north peak, :ri. 348 Seheulder,i E., accident to, xi. 99 Saussure, de, vii. 201; ix. 25 Sehel1lode~, Piz, a~ellded, x. 200 - centenary, xiii. 556 Scheriltbaler, J., accident to, xv. - monument to, xii. 464 ,273 - portrait of, :x-v. 458 Sl:heuchzll~, iii. 200 Saustlm1, xv. 555 Sphieck, V., murder of, xiv. 141, 827' : Saut des Fmnyros, Ie, ix. 389 - du Loup, ix.. 147 Schienbo~, xiii. 190 Sauvage. Grand, Cima du, ascended, - ll/lCen~d, xi. 121 xiii. 403 Schla.gin~eit, A., dent11 of, xii. 32 - - 001 du, viii. 76; xi. 107 . Sch1egeis~n ThaI, vii. 291 . Sl\~;egarde, Pic de, ascended, Vii'l Schlenket8J?itze ascended, xiii. 565 $oh1el'll $pltzen ascended, xv. 79 Savaranche, Val, P. iii. 324, 413; $ohlinig,' innkeeper at, xiii. 28~1, 478 . viii, 80 - - in 1843, :X-V. 133 Schloss Weisscnstein,viii. 227 - - inn a.t, P. Hi. 291 .' SchlO1ls~l'g ascended, vii. 267 SlLvien Thal, v. 202 SchloBSb~rgjocb, vi. 82, 339 Savine, Aiguille de, see Ambin, Schmadt1ijoch, ii. 411; iii. 89 Dents d' Schmoclts, 1Ind, iii. 25 Savoynt, Mont, ascended; xiii. 402 Sohneeberg, accident on, ix. 493 Saxl:l,1\Iout, vii. 400 Schneehaube ascended, ix. 439; xii. - - accident 011,x. 365 Schobel" 'l'horI, viii. 227 8axifl'nges, ,ii: 364 i viii. 40 Schiillhc(lrn, 0., ltccident to, xv. 225 Soys! Col clu, IX. 362 . PIC du, Mcended, lX. 355; xv, Schonb~h1 Glacier, vii. 428 83 In 641 SchOnbuhlbol'u . ascendod, xii. 479 - Pike,x. 45 Schonl~itellpass, ,·ii. 10 Scbramoochscharte, accident on, xiii. 399,l!68 Schra~mnel\erspitze, vii. 157 Schraul,oge1 ascended, ii. 353; vii. - - circular I'l\iubow on, xii. 174 Scale, Lago delle, Y. 184 Sclll'aUllpitze ascended, vii. 329 - - N. summit, xiii. 404 Seafell a.sc~.l1<led·, xi. 124 - by Deep Gill, xii. 533 - new route, xiii. 93,178 ! 156 -------,------r-----,I",lj--In---------- GENERAL 8chreckhorn, accident on, in 1869, iv.373 - accident on, in '1886, xiii. 113, 290 - ascended, P. iii. 3; iii. 94 - attempted, P. i. 234 - avalanche on, 1"). i. 247 - by N. W. art\te, xi. 364, 487 - by the E., xv. 370 - early attempts on, P. i. 253 - falling stones on, viii. 400 - first ascent, viii. Capp.) 71 - from the Lautersa1' Sattel, vi. 298; vii. 34; xiv. 156 - in wintel', ix. 184, 213 j xiii. 466 ; xiv. 248; xv. 201 - Klein, P. iii. 4 - - ascended, P. i. 249; iv. 157; xiv. 157 - ridge, viii. 52 - temperature, ix. 180 - without guides, xii. 424; xiii. 188 Schl'eckjoch, xiv. 504 Schreyer, A., accident to, xiii. 399, 468 8chrotterhorn ascended, vii. 329 Schrotteljoch, vii. 329 Schuler, accident to, xlii. 898 8chuls, v. 282 Schwarze, Hilltere, I1.scended, :viii. 161; xiv. 461 Schwo.lbonkofljoch, vii. 22 Schwarenbach in winter, v. 63 8chwartzhorn (Grisons) ascended, P. ii. 148 Schwarze Glacier, P. i. 178 - Schneide sscended, vii. 156 Sohwarzenstein ascended, x. 102 Sohwarzerberp;erjoch, ii. 853 Sohwarzhorn ascended, vi. 295 j xii. 72 Schwo.l'zkopf, viii. 175 Schwarzt.hor, P. i. 155 j iv. 57,69 j viii. 383; xii. 121,246 Schwarzwandspitze ascended, Tii. 156 Schwo.rzwanter ascended, xv. 159 Schwemzer Spitze, x. 104 Sciaasll. ll.8Cellded,ii. 415 - nomenclature, xii. 523 Scie, Aiguille de la, ascended, xiv. 497 Sciol'a, Pizzi di, aecended, xv. 91 Scolette, Aiguille de, ascended, xi. 111 Scopi ascended, x. 300 99 INDEX Scott's peak, viii. 393 Scotti::ih Mom:ltaineering' Olllb, xv .• 79 ! S60., ~ol de, iii,'.82; iii. 114; ix.99, 474 sedie~adregh llscended, x. 460 Seeho, aodde t near, xiii. 390 Seeho r;! Gro~., ascen~ed, xv. 315 . Seew Joch, 1.,379 j Vi. 322 Seewilnen Pas!j, xi. 202 Sefton, :Moun~ xi. 139 Segnee Pass, lI'. i 387 Segura, Sierr~ vi. 58 Seguret Foran; ascended, ix. W, 225 - - 001 de, 'viii. 348 - - - vari~tion of, ix. 94 Seiler/ A., obi~uary notice, xv. 491 Seis~r Alp, x, 72 Sel~nit, Vo~derJ..ascended, xi. 186 Se16,001 du,.f' 61:1, 170, 315 - - withou~ guides, ix. 229 - Pointe du,:ascended, x. 347 Selkitk Mo~ntains, xiv. 58, 168, 28Q; xv. 4~8 Sella, A" death of, xv. 556 Sella Pass, i. 137, 352; iii. 20 jvi. 301 - Piz; ascen~ed, i. 136 - Punta, as<$nded, ix. 4 Sella, Q.; o~ituary notice, xi. 477, 486 Sella, V., photographs by, xi 47, 178, 192, 410 j :!tit. 169, 360, 464; xiii. 176,463; Jciv. 402, 415; xv. 96 - photograplts of Dauphine, xiv. 250 - - of the Caucasus, xv. 510 Sellajoch, xi~. 23 Selle, 001 de la, P. iii. 215; i.306 - Glacier d~ la, hut, ix. 232 - Vallon de,.P. iii. 202, 221 Selletta PltllBi vii. 246 Sellettes, Col des, viii. 97 - - witho~t guides, ix. 231 Semeltind, by S.W. arete, xii. 470 :-3emmeringFass, accident near, xiii. 399 Seng Pass, xv. 550 Senllies, Col do, viii. 104 - Pointe d:e, ascended, viii. 104, 300 - - height of, xii. 176 Seu$'la, la, },jii.523 Sen~a NomEl, Punta, aecellded, xii. 67 Sept Laux, 0halet-, x. 488 H2 III 100 GENERAL Sept Laux, 001 de, i. 296 . Sera, Pian di, vii. 252 Seravalle, vi. 132 Serchio valley, vii. 380 Serengia ascended, x. 296 Serpentine, 001 de la, v. 819; vi. 366 - Mont,lIScended, iv. 205 Serravezza, vii. 215, 377 Serre, Grande, ascended, ix. 363; x. 3M; xi. 20 - - nomenclature, xi. 480 Sm:tiA'Pass, i. 318 Ser.~~ Gran} by N ••~rete, xi!. 486 Ses18iloch, 1. 49; 11. 134; IV. 384; v. 143, 367; viii. 379; xii. 76 Sestriflres, 001 de, hut on, xi. 241 - Rognosa di, ascended, xi. 112 Severen, 001 de, iv. 204 Sev~, A., pictures xv. 3~3 Seyheres, 001 de, P. m. 143; I. 26 - - botany, P. iii. 143 - - red snow on, P. iii. 144 Seymour, Miss, pictures by, xii. 341 Sgumain, xiii. 442 Shalbruz ascended, xv. 321 Shaour·tu Glacier, xiv. 454 Shari-tau, xv. 319 Shasta, Mount, ascended, v. 394 j viii. 394 - - glaciers on, xii. 305 - - height of, vi. 52 Sherman peak ascended, v. 366 Shialker, iii. 62 Shichildi Glacier, xiv. 442,454 Shieldag, xiii. 474 Shigri group, iii. 133 Shin PIISS,xv. 321 Shkaltra, xv. 250 Shkara, xiii 372, 519 - ascended, xiv. 93, 197 - attem{lted, xiv. 89 - 001, XIV.89! 91, 1.90 - height of, xrii. 364 Shoda ascended, xiii. 374; xiv. 18; xv. 819 Siah Koh, ix. 292 . Siara, Monte, ascended, x. 106 Sibolet" Oolle di, ix. 846 Sieben Brlwoon, P. i. 327 Siedel Rothhorn,ascended, xiv. 154 SiedelhOI'n, glacier marks on, P. i. 409 Siege Carre, 001 du, x. 460 Signal Klippe lIScended, xii. 73 - - by S.E. arete, xiii. 414 ~r., INDEX Signal Kiil1pe, fhat ascent, P. ii. 877 - - hut <.In, xv. 558 - - in wlnter, xii. 524 Signale, Pi*, ascended, x. 93, 348 Signaljoch" xi. 120 Sikaram a~ended, ix. 288; x. 12 Silck~ ~alaya, ix. 884; x. 1 Silberbast"xiii. 555 SUberhorn iascended, i. 197 ; ii. 210 j Y. 277; ~v. 38 - attempte~, i. l~~ - by W. $rete, XlU. 416 - from the N., ii. 254 -, from th~ Roththal, xiv. 31 Silber P~, Bee Lysjoch vretta hut, iv. 152 Pass, ~"436 Si eliho in winter, xii. 172 Si Haun, cident on, xv. 273 -1 ascend~d, xiv. 459 SilmilaunjQch, xiv. 161, 460 Si;mla, iii. (>4,118 - to Chmi, vii. 259 Simlet.ind"v.162 - ascend~d, xiii. 154 SimUleli :&.sa, vii. 126, 215 SimolchUJj1, see Siniolchim stmonysp~~ze asoonded, xii. 528 Simpson, W., pictures by, ix. 518 Simson, ~. C., photographs by, xii. 464 ai, i. S chal, x,\5 S cholagj1a ascended, ix. 513; x. ·185 ; i St· ~5 Sin~alila~hain,x. 7 SimolchM, xii. 440 Sion, fest~al at, vii. 159 Sipan MOlmt attempted, x. 236 Sir Dona~a, Mount, xiv. 58 - - asc~lDded,xv. 329 Sirac lIScIlnded, viii. 832: ix. 361 j x. 144 Sirkhubal/8on, Tau, xii. 316 Sirtori, A" accident to, xiv. 140 . Sissone, ~onte, ascended, i. 381 Sissupe~, iii. 131 Sitka, xivi.846 .' Six huudted 'Grandes Courses,' xlv. 510 Sixt, ii:· ~ Skagasto~d, accident on, xi.~145 - ascen4ed, xi. 144 $k;rtar Jokull, eruption of, P. ii. SkatykoIl1, xii. 495 GENERAL Skatykom Ohoch, see Adai Choch ....: Glacier, xiv. 402 Skeidarar Jokull, eruption of, P. ii. 85 - river, P. ii. 38 Skenes Skali, iv.162, 245; xiii. 871 j xiv. 15 Skjrelbrej Vand, xiv. 384 Skorpil, H., accident to, xiv. 477 Sky, dark colour of, in the High . Alps, i. 48 Skye, xiii. 265, 488; xv. 422 Sleeping bags, i. 27; ii. 2; xiii. 464, 528 Sletmarkhi:i ascended, xiii. 155 - by W. ridlfe, xii. 470 Sligachan, xiiI. 487; xv. 424 Slogen, xiv. 396 - ascended, xii. 267 Smith, J. W. G., pictUl'eS by, vii. 168; x. 183; xi. 192 j xii. 168; xiii. 339,463; xv. 97, 393 Smorskredtind ascended, xii. 267 ' Smllke Jente-Tind ascended, xiv. 508 Snaefell Jokull, vii. 51 - - ascended, v. 38 Snow, blue light in, iii. 220 - green shadows on, i. 95 - phosphorescent, P. iii. 52, 71; i. 143 - red, P. i. 379 j iii. 144, 369 j i. 152; xii. 319 Snow-blindness, P. ii. 443 ; vii. 263; xiii. 477; xiv. 125 - in chamois, xiii. 845 - precautions, ix. 175 Snow-burn, xiii. 889; xiv. 122 Snowdon, by S. face, xi. 242 - circular rainbow on, 'xi. 482 - geology of, P. i. 426 Soana, Val, P. iii. 273 Sobretta, Monte, v. 182 Societa degli Alpinisti Tridentini, r. xv. 446 Soci~tEl des Touristes du Dauphin~, formation of, vii. 399 Sognefjord, iii. 79; v. 58 Solco d'Equi, vii. 387; xi. 330 Soleitinder ascended, xiv. 162 Solliette, Pointe de, ascended, xii. 116 Solmona, viii. 362 Som, Grand, ascended, i. 179 Sommeiller, 001, xi. 350 Sonadon, Col du, P. ii. 241, 252 j .v. 810; vii. 398 IND1j:X I I 101 Sondi Dove, 1rorcella di, vii. 251 Sonk1ar, K.von, obituary notice, xii. 255 - F~. iilein von, accident to, xiii. 114 Sonn ick, Hbher, observatory, xiii. 89 Sonn nberg, . iii. 74 - P nsiou at i. 96 SO~horn. ended, xi. 181 - b N.W. rete, xiv. 503 - b S. arll , xiv. 502 Sook e, vi. 3 Soor 0 route, iv. 194 Sor~i8 atte~Pted' vi. 201 -' winter, i. 495 ·thout g ides, xi. 182 Sorb/l, Rocca di, x. 331 SoreUler, Ai nille du, ascended, xi. 348; xv. 5 2 - -i.- withouit guides, ix. 91, 230 Sou$es, Pic_~es, E. summit, xv. 293 Soioum 'leh, fever, xiii. 376 Sp" horn a ended, xiv. 502 ein, as ended, xi. 418 Spa' ,maps fmountains, vi. 149 - s ort in, i. 70 - ~ble of ights, vi. 73 Spaljno, Lag , Oomo di, ii. 408 Spa*orterj()c , i. 435; xv. 74 SpaIj.ort, (}r ascended, iv. 53; vi. 3$9 j xv. ,4 - mein, asqended, viii. 464 Spallta, viii. ~20 Spe1lllnzo.,Pi~ della, ascended, i. 12 Speseha, Plapidul! A, vi. 332; x. 289 - Porta da,:x. 305 SpiUgerten a/mended, xi. 418 Spio[to, Grata di, vii. 18 Spit! river, i~. 63 Spit;bel'g exlllored, xi. 182 Sport, Alps,iv. 129, 311 - bears, xii,· 343 - Grisons, Ij>. i. 385 - I1£imalaY!\ll,iii. 120; iv. 87; xi. 203; xv. t19 - '¢urdistSJ\l, xiii. 300 - Lapland, I vii. 177 - Norway, iii. 78 j iv. 18 - Fyrenees, P. iii. 118 - Sardinia, I viii. 126 - Spai11,vi; 70 - wolf-hunting, vi. 174 Spottiswoodll, W., obituary notice, xi. 307 Srinagar, iii, 52, 118 Stach, K., a(lcident to, xiv. 478 IS, 102 GENERAL Sta.chelberg, P. i. 371 - fire at, P. i. 383 - hotel at, i. 96 Stammerspi tze ascended, x. 360; xii. 124 Stapp en, blUlaltic· formations of, v. 38 State intervention in Alpine matters, xiv. 251 Statoja, Cima del, xi. 450 Staunies, Passo di, vii. 15 Stooknadelhorn, x. 339 - I18cended, xiii. 413 Stein, xv. 72 - Alp and Glacier, P. iii. 86 Steinalbljoch, vii. 256 Steinbel'g ascended, xv. 73 Steinbock aooended, i. 376 - Bee Bouquetin Steinernes Meer, accident at, xiii. 899, 468 Steinlimmi, xii. 266 Steinschlagjoch, iv. 383 Stella, Monte (Corsica), x. 199 - Monte della, ascended, ix. 340 - - nomenclature, ix. 410 - Pizzo! I18ceuded, ii. 272 Stellijoch, xii. 121 StelvlO Pass, vii. 50 Stenico, v. 258 Sterkborn ascended, xiv. 400 Stillup.grund, vii. 237 Stintzing, Dr. von, accident to, xi. 345 StockJp'on ascended, x. 297 Stocknorn (Thun), accident on, v. 872 Stockje hut, viii. 376 Stone whirlwind, iv. 217 • Storivellir, vii. 52 Storms, iv. 216 Stragio, Bee Trajo Str8h1bett ascended, xi. 363 Strahleck, P. i. 255; ix. 486 - derivation of, P. i. 273 - early passage cf, P. i. 280 :- in 1848, xv. 120 - hi winter, iii. 20B; iv.819 -lost on, iv. 39 - Old, iv. 154 Strahlegghorn I18cended, xiv. xv.30B Strahlgrat, viii. 341 Stro.h1horn ascended, viii. 378 - by S. face, vi. 91 - by S.E. face, xi. 363 INDEX Stltahlhorn ,by S.W. ridge, xv. 551 - from tM Weissthor, vi. 296 Strahlkogel ascended, xiv. 463 Swanciacotie, Capo, x. 324 Stltandatinttr, vii. 52 St~eicb, K.~accident to, xiv. 99, 432; ;lev.26 ! -lobituaIj notice, xiv. 134 St~ 334 St art, C., pictures by, xv. 167 St. dar, B., obituary notice, xiii. 333 Studer, G.,: obituary notice, xv. 343 Studerhorti ascended, vi. 98 St\lderjoch~ i. 364; ii. 418 St\lle-vsek,1 iv. 165; xii. 92; xiv. passl vi. 7; x~. 29, 316 St pf, J. xii. 181 St. ggedals ind, xi. 146 -:- I18cende , xiv. 509 - ~from M. radal, xiv. 162 S~anetia, Iii. 357, 511 - travel ~, xi. 472 Suanetian ~, character of, iv. 249 S~c, Mont, ii. 104 S~ij\11eugjo~,xiii. 125; xiv. 153 S· dlenzapi ze, xiii. 164 -. ascendl ,xi. 117,181,385; xiv. l53 ! - from th~N., xiii. 125 . Sue~a, Be+Ci.di, ascended, xiv. 493 Suft'md K0-/l, lX. 288; x. 12 ~gR'e8tion~ for Alpiue travellers, . • L 490 t Sqha, XiV. 21 SQ.lden Gl ier, advance of, vi. 42 -! Thal, i. 407; ii. 341 S~litelma, Ivii. 174 S1iltanpnr,!iii. 127 SqltraTa£8.Scended,VU. 102,116 S1ilzbach, bel', ThOrl, ii. 140 SulzeI'-Er at,A., accident to, xiii.39B Sulzerj och~ ii. 141 Sunburn, Ji:iii. 389; xiv. 122 Sungnam, :iii. 62 SUpersax f\md, xii. 465 i511phelled~l,v. 54 SUrcombr~ ascended, x. 296 Surenen E~, P. lii. 84 Snrlei, I18cendp.d,xi. 370 Sursass , murder on, xiv. 141, 827 Surts-Hell , P. ii. 111 Susine, V e delle, ii. 17 Sustenho ascended, ii. 158 - from Ei, xiv. 504 - from the V oralpthal, xv. 37(') - without guides, x. 418 PliZ 157; III GENERAL 103 INDE."1<: n., Tanl1heiser, nccident to, xiv. 138 Susteni~;~ P. iii. 87; xv. 73 Tantermuoz~a, Val, v. 280 Susten . i, xv. 73 Tar",sp, min~ral baths of, v. 281 Sutlej rope bridge, iv. 79 Tar~essou, P~c,xii. 19 - valley, iii. 57 . TlU'$ntaise, geography of, P. iii. 841 Suwarrow, retreat of, P. i. 376 Tarl1, Mount iv. 328 SVlU'~isenexplored, xi. 182 Tartejokk, vU. 176 Svina.fell macier, P. ii. 44 '.l'artagine, nocca di, x. 319 Swiss-English, xii. 129 Swiss local names, significa~ion of, Tarll'is Pass, vi. 372, 435 Tas.chach Glacier, vi. 148 iv.214 Taaehach-hQ.tte, xii. 264 Switzerland, Alpine map of, ii. 350 TMman Gl¢ier, xi. 4, 57,137,367; - illustl'ate(l, ix. 447 xlii. 163 - in 1800,vii. 431 - ~ount, l¢i. 139 - inundations in 1868, iv. 177 . To.rj.,xiii. ~5,508 - new map of, vi. 208 Ta.lj.fers,viii 284 - physical geogra~hy of, P. i. 268 Ta"'~walder, Peter, obituary notice, - travelling in 1830, xi. 474 J(lv.169 i Sympiezometer, the, ii. 32, 397 Tateyanaz ! precipices, accident on, SziaSlla, 8ee Bciassa xii.109 : Taygetue aifended, viii. 816 TADARETTA Glacier, avalanches, ii. Tchagerjoe" /lee Tscha~erjoeh Tcl1amtc~hi Tchal, xU. 497 48 Table of heie:hts, P. 1. 517; P. iii. 506 Tch egem, ~~ii.101; xii. 94 Tacul, AigUllle du, ascended, x. 95 ; Tcberek va ley, vii. 100 Tebuloe, x' • 325 xv. 150 - 001 du, in winter, xi. 242 Tefieda, Sie):ra, vi. 58 Tiischhorn ascended, viii. 880 'l'elbin, R"I accident to, ii. 420 Telemeter, Jxv. 357 - by E. face, xv. 307 Telleccio, Co1 de. iii. 106; iv. 57; - by S.W. arete, xiii. 414 - from the Domjoch, ix. 109; xv. vii. 818;1 ix. 76 Tempe, 0<11de la, P. iii. 188; viii. 108 64 - :from the Fee Glacier, ix. 200 Temperatt¢e, effects of exercise on, - from the Mischabeljoch, viii. 345 - :from Baas, viii. 108 v.212 - from the S.E., xi. 363 - suggestions for observing, P. i. 508 Tafonato, Capo, x. 324 Tagherot PaSll, vi. 226 Tenda, Cot di, xi. 228 - - inn at, ix. 499 T~'aferro ascended, x. 159 Tilneriffe,r· .•.i. 6, 10, 326 N. ridge, xv. 92 Tents, ii. Tail de, Pene, xii. 18 Teo, Pllnt~ di, ascended, ii. 861 Taillante,Roche, ascended, xii. 110 Tairneilear, xiii. 440 Tepli, Taut:xii. 316 Tillramo, vpi. 365 Tairraz, J., death of, viii. 303 Talelre, AiguiUe de, ascended, ix. Tercier, S.~ accident to, xiii. 398 Terek, thei xii. 325 . 364; x.25 Tel'eSellgo.; Va!, v. 253; vi. 308 - Col de, ii. 132; v. 135 - Petite AiguiUe de, ascended, xi. '.l'$rglou ~ended, iv. 845; xii. 525 .....•huts on, xv. 375 116 Terni, viiij 857 'l'alung, xii. 439 T~ra.r088lli1Punta, 8ee Wasenhol'D. Talvik, P. iii. 429 Tamgout Lalla Khadija, xiv. 74 Terre Noire, 001 de, xii. 112 Tamina river, accident, ii. 367 Terci,Piz~ascended,x.313 Tersiva, Runta di, iii. 116 Tamischbachthurm, accident on, xiii. - - asc$ded, viii. 305 899 - - in spring, vii. 268 Tanneiron, ix. 146 104 GENERAL Terza Grande ascended, x. 106; xv. 161 Tessonet, Pointe de, ascended, iii. 117 Tete Noire, carriage accident, x. 365 - - in winter, vi. 407 Tetnuld, xiii. 358 - ascendedz xiii. 364, 513; xv. 558 - height of, xiii. 364 - Tau, aee Gestola Teton, Grand, ix. 250 Tetret, Grand, Col du, iv. 58; vi. 111; ix.76 Tezio, Monte, xii. 175 Thabor, Co1 du, ix. 96 - Mont, accident on, xi. 345 - - ascended, ix. 96, 176 - Pic du, ascended, ix. 96 Thli.lijocb, i. 138; vii. 126; ix. 368 ; x. 98 Thelemarken, iv. 37 Thermometers, v. 221 - on summits, i. 48 Thian Shan, xiii. 46 Thierberg ascended, P ..Hi. 88 - 'peaks near, ascended, xv. 549 Th1erber~limmi, xv. 73 Thing.vellir, P. ii. 6 Thion, Crete A, vii. 163 Thirlmere, viii. 401 'Thorstein ascended, ix. 495 Three Sisters, viii. 393 Throndhjem, iii. 81 Thuher Glacier, xiv. 89 - Pass, xi. 473 j xii. 423 Thuile, la, P. iii. 350, 391 Thuriaz, Mont, Bee Pourri, Mont Thurnerko.mp ascended, vi .• 95; vii. 288 - first ascent of, xi. 182 - in winter, xiv. 325 - without guides, x. 498 Thurnerkampjoch, vi. 95; vii. viii. 161 Thurwieser Spitze. ascended, 528; xv. 829 Tichtengee, see Tiutiurgu Tiefenbaehjoeh, vii. 156 Tiefenbach Kogel asceuded, vii. Tiefenmattenjoch, l'. 275, 821; 383 Tiefenstock ascended, xiii. 171 • Tierser Thal, vii. 857 Tighietto, Capo, x. 324 Tignes, P. ill. 350, 859 INDEX Tigljles, inn lj.t, ix. 238; xii. 271 - Jl,.acde, :ft. iii. 368 - lit Val def inn at, ix. 238 Tint1a val!eYI ix. ;j37, 396 Tin~bras, :Mqnt, ascended, ix. 837 Tin~everges !iu Buet, ii. 54 - ]fie de, i. :431 - ....- ascen~ed, ii. 56 'rintenhoru lascended, ii. 362; iv. 24>9; v. 2lf7 - i:p winter~x. 495 Tin.en Thor v. 211, 284 TiP Pass,n. 423 Til' b Mil', ·i.445 f Tir .Ul'da, C~del xiv. 74 Tis Mount. xiiI. 40 Tit~n, vi 1 3 onume t to, viii. 226 Titl s, accid ton, ii. 223 - Ul winte~ xiii. 549 Tit1l.sjoch, xl'. 78 Tiutiurgu, xlv. 439 Tollarettajoqh, x. 104 To~ach, inIl at, viii. 115 T~aCher ~ld, vii. 20 iedl, vi~"20 To gganin, xiii. 77, 467 To ung, iii. 67 T" i,P. i. W8 - .soondedi ii. 134; iii. 153; vi. 334; xii. ~80 - Ant asce~t, :x:. 803 - from the I Russein Alp, ii. 409 - hut on, ~ 320 - in wintet, x. 418, 495 . - Pass, P. ~.375 Tok, peak or, iii. 146 T01lZburg, c~stle of, iii. 36 Totana ascepded, iv. 51; vi. 200 - from Va.J.Traveruanzes, xii. 185 - without guides, xii. 128 Toilllies, T~te des, ascended, xiv. 144 239 ; xii. 156 viii. Tolgyesch, ~i. 28 Tolo, :l\1ont~ x. 319 Tona1e PI\f!S, Charles the Great's nmrch, vi,i. 449 Tondu, l\<Ioht, Col de, i. 430; vii. 400 To.ogl0 pealt ascended, vi. 46 Tonini, C6lJ ix. 474 . Torano, Cailale di, xi. 331 Torghattenjiii. 81; v.49 -natural funnel in, v. 51 TOfO,Trou :de, i. 883 Torre, la, P. iii. 145 III 105 GENERAL INDEX Torrent, 001 de, murder of traveller on, i. 188, 207 Torrone, Oolle del, xii. 179 - Pizzo, E. peak, xii. 179 Toea, Bocce. ai, vi. 92 - Oima, ascended, iv. 46; v. 255;· ~i. 92; xi. 811, 820; xii. 126, 521 - - nomenclature, i. 448; vii. 46 - falls, ix. 59; xi. 895 Tosiccia, viii. 866 Tour, Aiguille du, ascended, i. 429 - - in winter, xi. 242, 261 - 001 du, P. i. 18; P. ii. 189; v. 295j ix.26 - - In winter, xi. 242, 26l - Glacier du, P. i. 1; i.265 - Noire ascended, viii. 106; xii. 530 - - 001 de la, i. 186, 274; xiv. 405, 516; xv. 497 - Ronde ascended, iv. 59; v. 282; xii. 120 -001 de la, iv. 59; v.280; xii. 121 - - ridge, xiv. 404 Tournalin, Grand, ascended, i. 137 - - in spring, vii. 268 - - in winter, vii. 214 - - proposed pa.th up, v. 398 Tournanehe, 001, i. 483; ii. 86 - - va.riation of, x. 162 Toul'll Salliaras, 001 des, i. 196 Tovello, Lago di, vi. 80$ Townsend, Mount, ascended, xiii. 494 Trachsella.uinen, inn at, ix. 487 Tl'afoierjoch, iv. 47 . Train's Paes, xii. 81 Trajo, Glacier du, P. iii. 297,310 Tl'ampal, El, vi. 65 Travellers and guides, comparative skill of, v. 87 Traversette, 001 de la, i. 26; x. 477 - - in 1840, xv. 45 - tunnel, x. 411, 477 Traversiere ascended, ix. 101; xii. 414 Travignolo, Passo di, vi. 97 Travitale, Co1, iv. 895 - Val, iv. 889 Tl'e Oroci Pass, vii. 12 - Sassi Pass, vii. 331 Tr6laporte, P. i. 40 Tr6latete, Aiguille de, ascended, i. 875 j ii. 103; v. 143 - 001 de, i. 429; ii. 2$5; vii. 400 I Tr6la.Mte, Gl~· ier de, P. i. 64 Tremcandstin ascended, xiv. 888 Trempggia, P , ascended, xv. 313 TreS$.·ta asceided, xi. 361; xii. 87 j xiV!.150, 2~ Tre . 0, Mo~te, ascended, ii. 144, 21 I TI'llS avica, xlv. 429 Trib a.zione, [Bacon. della, ascended, vii 816; li. 416, 514 - 0 Idella, ii.317 Tr" njoch, . iii. 00 '£rift 000, P •. 126; vii. 391 - avalanche~ P. i. 142 - Mtany, Pi i. 153 . Triftlimmi, iJI:.489 TrioTht. Ai~ullie de, 1. 263 - Oi>lde, 1. $74; ii.99 Trip~achUuUjvii.236 Tristlli, xii. 2$ Tr~n Alp, ~ccident on, xiii. 398 Tro18 Evech6$, Pic des, ascended, x. 83 - Poiutes, Q01 des, viii. 97 Troltlltind att~mpted, xiv. 894 Troltinderne,iiv. 27 l'rubinesca, 'Punta, ascended, ii. 861' Triitlzi Pass, lVi.94 Trugbergbo*any, P. i. 321 - derivatioJ:} of, P. i. 314 Truzbuc Glacier, xiv. 406 Try£an, cirqular rainbow on, xii. 12 Tsa!/:.teleina, .6ee Ste. H61bne - Gol de 10.;xiv. 489; xv. 154 Tsc4a.ge11oc~, ix. 288 j x. 72 TSCll.engelsj~(h' ii. 354 Tschierv~. GaCier,. :viii. 198 - :tass, n. 6; V1. 94 - :tiz~ acci ent on, v. 872 - - rTY Wi. arete, x. 100 Tscl1ingel, (:lima di, ascended, 51. iv. •. - the dog, lieath of, ix. 810 - Pass, i. 2~ - - chamQis hunting, iv. 129 - - in 18$9, xv. 41 Tschinge1horn ascended, iv. 130 Tsehingello~tighol'n, xi. 418 Tscl1udi, J. won, obituary notice, xiii. 866 Tschuggen ~n winter, xii. 172 TsfQrga asc~nded, xv. 317, 515 Tshubiani, iiii. 372 Tsoji-Ia Pa.$, iii. 151 III 106 GENERAL Tuckett, F. F., Order of S. S. Maurice a.nd Lazarus conferred on, ii. 91 Tuckett, 001, ix. 359 - Spitze ascended, iv. 50 Tuilsas ~ita, xiv. 57 Tukht, ix. 290 TunbergsdaJsbrre, iv. 81 Tunglung Pass, iii; 141; ix. 289 Turanda, iv. 77 Turbat, 001 de, vii. 316;' xiii. 58 Turbia, spur of, xi. 228 Turge de la Suffie ascended, ;x:. 353 Turin,panorama from, v. 269; vi. 53 Turlo Pass, i. 50 - - in 1840, xv. 51 Turner, anecdote of, vi. 132 Turros, 001 de, xi. 352 Tutuin Glacier, xiv. 433, 453; xv. IllfDEX U~'I11MOU11tains,no glaciers in, xii. 312 uranaai' d ascended, xiv. 508 U):'athiirne , xii. 266 U bach aI, P. i. 260 , bakken, xii. 267 i Roth ck ,ascended, P. iii. 80 Imun, , . _ •.•.•. '34; L '806 I Uruch, iv.' 161; xiii. 373 ' Urusbieh1iv.163; vii. 102, 113; xii. 94; Xil~.355 - hunte~of' xiii. 857 'Qshba, x' • 97; xiii. 859 attem ed, xiv. 96, 190,811,451 ; 'I xv. 31 + N. pe~ ascended, xiv. 93, 199 Glacie ,xiii. 505 .shkul, .,'ii. 360, 372; xiv. 15 sseglio, n at, xi. 412 tchkula ,vii. 103 tsalady v. 357 ~ ttlidal, ;V. 59 80, 174 Tuxerjoch, accident on, xiv. 477 Tyndall, I., accident to, i. 487 Tynda.ll Glacier, xiii. 92; xiv. 354 - Mount, ascended, v. 891 Tyrol, floods in, xi. 124 - mountaineerina- in, iii. 217 - new survey;, xin. 424; xiv. 252 - v. Tirol, VIi. 166 Tyrolese guides, vi. 869 V AAGElCA!LLEN, iv. 28, 435 Vacoo, qima. della, ascended, xiii. 406 - - noJinencla.ture, xiv. 482 Vadred, !Piz, ascended, ii. 361; iv. 50 UAlIlL\., SGUltR-NA-R,ascended, xv. Va.jolat I18cended, x. 362 - glen~'i. 351 - Passo di, ix.1l4 VaI, la, . iii. 352 - Oad' do., vii. 254 - inn atxiv. 518 Valais a d Grindelwald, intercourse bewe ,in the 16th century, xv. 815 Uccello, Oapo, x. 324 - Pizzo d', vii. 887 - - ascended, xi. 324 Uertsch, Piz, see Albu1a, Piz Uku ascended, xiii. 868; xiv. 10 Uledal Pass, v. 161 Uleda.lstind ascended, v. 162 Ullu-auz Bashi, see l\Iala Tau - Glacier, xiv. 99 - Pass, xiv. 488, 487; xv. 31,174 Ulrichen, inn at, vii. 165 Ulrichshorn ascended, x. 335 - first ascent, ix. ::18 - from the Hochbltlm Glacier, xiii. 164 Ulrichsjoch, see Windjoch Ulvl:i, iv. 430 Umenak, vi. 217 Uncompahgre I'ange, xv. 481 Unteraarjoch,iv.155 Unt6l'bachhorn ascended, vi. 146 Unte1'8teiner, A., accident to, xv. 74 Valasco"Ool de, ix. 338 Valcorn~re, 001 de, xv. 137 Valdierii,' inn' at, ix. 498 - Bagnl. 00, ix. 404 - - inti at, ix. 498 ValeggiJl., Passo di, x. 99 Valeigli4, Oombe di, iii. 107; viii. 807 ' Valentaj Lt., accident to, xiv. 140 Valetta, Pointe de la, ascended, xi. 114; ;Xii. 77 VaJette,iOol de la, x. 146 V a1gra~e di VaIle, Pizzo, ascended, xv. 2$6 Va.llante, 001 de, i. 26; ix. 354; x.45l),464 273 Untersu1zbachthlirl, xii. 529 III J GENERAL 107 INDEX Valiante, Val de, P. iii. 153 I Va1\det, Colde, ix. 482 Valle perse, Cima. della, ascended, I Va.udois, B~me de, P. iii. 237 Vau1ion, DE\nt de, in winter, xii. xi. 123,318 Vallesinells., Cims. di, ascended, xi. Vaurze, Colide la, ix. 361 319,418 Vallette, 001 de la, ill. 106 Vautisse, 'l'~te de, ascl'uded, xiii. Vallezza, Bocca di, vi. 803 401 Vativiel' ceJiltral peak, xv. 294 Valloiree, Col de, v. 128 Vallombrosa, xiii. 557 - E. summlit, xv. 293 Valion, Cima eli, xi. 322, 414 v*ette, Cdl de xiii. 407 V tation ~f High Alps, iv. 214 - - ascended, vill. 398 Ve lia, Alpe di, xi. 396 - Cime du, ascended, viii. 331 -.i- inn a~, xv. 153 - - without guides, ix. 231 Ve~evi, Gl'~d Dent de, ascended,. - 001 du, vii. 814 :xliii. 451 - de 10. Berarde, 001 du, 866 - ;- by E.! arl\te, xv. 546 Avalanches, Col des Vehestrand, v. 57 - Pic du, ascended, viii. 884 Velan, Aigllil1e du, ascended, xiv. - - without guides, ix. 91, 229 Vallone, Gran, Puutadel, Bee Ambin, 271 Dents d' - Mont, ascended, P. i. 76; vi. 92; Vallonet, Pointe du, ascended, xiii. xv. 213,258 117; xiv. 487 - - by B.tE. face, xv. 301 Valloria. Pass, ii. 361 - - early: Mcant, xv. 489 Vallouise, inn a.t, xiii. 461 - - first ~ent, ix. 27 Valnon~, Col de, xiv. 148,288 Veleta, Oo~ de la, iii. 17 -Corral 4e 10., ill. 12; xiii. 87 - Combe de, v.178 -Picachol de la, ascended, iii. 17; - Tilte de, ascended, xiv. 148, 287 Valolia ascended, x. 2Q6 ~. 119; .ixili.83 V$o.us, av~lo.nche at, xii. 262 ValpelJine, 001 de, P. ii. 806; i. 64 Valrhein, Piz, ascended, i. 880; ii. V~detta ~n Oorsica, iv. 281; x. 216 I 135; iii. 170; x. 809 V $ediger, Q-rol!s, accident on, ii. - - croseed, iv. 237 Vals inn, x. 487 . 4 : Valsenestre, Breche de, vii. 314 -8Sce~ded, xv. 556 Valsol'ey, AiguiUe du, xv. 258 - - in ~nter, xiv. 248 - Col de, ii. 364; xv, 258 - - without guides, x. 498 V4neon ri~er, P. iii. 200 - Glacier de, P. ii. 246 Veneroeolq, Monte, viii. 90 V altendra, 001, xi. 397 Van, xiii. 293 Venezia, '1edretta. della, vi. 802 V limezuela.imountains of, vi. 101 Vanca, Cima, vii. 11 Venode1, F[()l'celladi, vii. 242 Vancouver, Mount, viii. 886 Vanin, Oolle di, xi. 898 Venos/ P.lii. 185, 201 001 de, P. iii. 201 Vanoise, Aiguille de la, demolished, P. ill. 404 Venose, Alpe de, Co1 de 1', x. 264, - Col de la, P. iii. 870 276 . Vantina Qlo.cier, vii. 328; viii. 22 Varallo, inn at, x. 161 advElnture on, xii. 196 - meeting at, xiii. 183 Vjlntoux, [Mont, Petl'arch's ascent, Val'appe, Aiguille de la, ascended, xi. 486 lix.l83;/ x. 174 Varens, Aiguille de, v. 291 V~rbier, Cpl de, P. i.113 Vflrde, Riq, iv. 120 - - ascended, xii. 12 Verdonne,i 001, x. 89, 145; xii. 115 Vasevey, 001 de, v. 276,328 Vatna Jokull crossed, vii. 336; viii. - Pic, asCended, ix. 360; x. 143; xii. 115, 168~ Vauda.letta, Pointe de, ascended, xii. Vergio, Oeillde, x. 814 Vernagehtand, xv. 362 413 In i -0 -0 III - 108 GENERAL Vernagt Ferner, discovery on, xiv. 475 Vernel ascended, xv. 79, 156 - without guides, xii. 128 Verona, Pizzo di, ascended, ii. 186 Verpeil Spitze ascended, vi. 148 Verra, Co1 de, Bee Zwillingejoch - Glacier, discovery on, vi. 99 - Klein, Glacier, vii. 105 Verstauklahom ascended, x. 405 Verstankla Thor, ii. 862 Vert, Col., xv. 261, 301 Verte, Aiguille, ascended, ii. 131, 208; iii. 68; iv.140 - - attempted, i. 273 - - from the Argentiere Glacier, viii. 105,289 - - from the S.W., x. 357 - de Valsorey, Aiguille, ascended, xiii. 487 Verzasca, Val, x. 67, 146 Veso di Forzo, Monte, ascended, xii. 417,516 Vespero, Poncione di, x. 157 VesUlus, Mons, P. iii. 180 Vette, v. 60 VettisfOll, xi. 146 Veymont, Grand, ascended, xiv. 214 Vezzana, Oima di, v. 117 - - ascended, vi. 97; vii. 57; xiv. 295 - - height of, viii. 279 - - without guides, xii. 128 Vicentino, 001, ascended, vi. 180 Vico, x. 208 - Soprano, i. 256 Victoria, Mount, ascended, xv. 71 Video Spitze ascended, i. 398 ViehderJoch, xi. 123 Viejo, El, ascended, i. 228 Viesch, inn at, vii. 440; viii. 458 Viescher Gabelhorn ascended, xv. 374 Vieschergrat, old pass across, x. 47 Vieschel'horn, Gross, ascended, i. 236, 319; vi. 147 - -by N.W. ar&te, xiv. 156, 513; xv. 800 - - in winter, xiii. 466; xiv. 205; xv. 79, 204 • - pole on, xiv. 323 - position of summit, xiii. 381, 555 - record on, xii. 467 - without guides, xii. 424 INDEX Vie~herhor1'lr1Hint.~!, w~t.houtguides, xii. 421,~4; xw. 3,8 - lUein, 80t! Oehsenhorn Viescherjoch, i. 105; ix. 438; xiii. 2$7 . Vi.2\rgl, f' 352 ; x. 458; V' • ~~il.e~!ascended' i. xi. 114; 181; vii. - 01 de, i•.132 -' winter v. 246 Vig , vii. 8 n at, x 78 -' Vi] a Mont~~chio, viii. 86 V' anova, ~ount U. di, accident to, xIv.274 • Vi5' P. ~. '\ 842 V' tte, iii. 153 . Vi , Pas die la, xiv. 214 V' ergrubepjoch, xi. 124 ViIjaigre, M;ont, ascended, ix. 145 Vi,cent Pytamide, xii. 68 - r- first ¥cent, P. ii. 376 . -by S.rw. arete, xii. 68, 122 ViClls,Passd di, ii. 353 - :Spitz asllended, ii. 1353 Vi~,v.l55 V'*" 001 db, x. 352, 472, 476 -Idi Vall~te ascended, xii. 110 -lMonte, 188 - - ascellded, P. iii. 147; x. 453; xiv. 169! - - boto!n,., P. iii. 139 - - by B. face, xiv. 267 - - by );he Vallante face, xii. lX' 175 _ - explbrations round, P. iii. 129 - - ---:-_-hei - - non!. Orissol0, x. 470 fr0nf the N., ix. 858 froi· the N .E., x. 350 tof,i.30 hyp. ometrical observations, P. iii. l' 4 - - ~*tning tubes on, xiv. 121 . _ - mg t on the summit, i. 26 - - wit out guides, ix. 228 Visolot.to iascended, x. 351,475 - 001 du~ x. 862, 472, 476 Visp, iun Jat, x. 487 Vispthai'in the 16th century, xii. 380 Vittona, !Punta, ascended, xii. 67 Viva, Ro¢cla, ascended, vii. 211 - - ftotu the E., xiv. 484 Vivario, ls:. 203 III GENERAL Vlasuljll. ascended, xiv. 419 Voddevijokk, vii. 176 Vrengettnd ascended, xi. 153 - second peak, xii. 26$ Voringfos, iii. 79; iv.85 - circular rainbow at, xii. 272 Vofrade Glacier, xv. 264 Vogeljoch, ii. 135; ili. 174 Vogorno, x. 147 Vorab in winter, x. 494 V OUllSSon,viii. 7 - ascended, xiii. 453 Vraita, Val, P. iii. 149 . Vuibez Glacier, P. ii. 281; v. 351 - - cave near, i. 65 r W A.IGA.T Strait, vi. 21 Walcherhorner, 8ee ViescherhOrner Wales, Alpine meeting, ix. 177, 384 ; x. 18.2, 282; xi. 182, 242 Walker, F., obitury n«lltice,vi. 56 Walker the filibuster, i. 228 Wallroth, F. A., photographs by, xili.464 Walton, E., obituary notice, x. 74 - pictures by, ix. 803; xi. 409; xii. 168; xiii. 463 Wannehorn, Klein, ascended, ii. 411 Warak Dagh, xiii. 29$ Wasanhorn llScended, xv. 266, 812 Waaifluh, accident on, ii. 420 Watson, W. G., accident to, xi. 192; xiv. 467; xv. 156 Watzmann, accident on, xv. 225 - fl'om S. Bartholomli, xv. 501 - hut on, xiii. 265 - in winter, xiv. 248 Way, C. J., pictures 1:)y,xv. 234 Weber-Imhof, Herr, accident to, xv. 539 WeisA, G., accident to, xiii. 399 Weiss Stockli, xiii. 1~7 Weisse Frau ascended, i. 207 Wcisshorn, accident on, xiv. 186 - ascended, i. 89, 201; vii. 895; viii. 380 - attempted, P. ii. 800; i. 40, 44 - by W. face, xi. 416 - from the Bies Glacier, v.274, 277, 305 - from the Schallenberg Glacier, viii. 840, 419 - from Zinal, ix. 866, 427; xiv. 515; xv. 192 109' INDEX W¢isshorn,ipeak near the, xii. 122, - jwithout· 55 ~ ides, xii. 128 W.isskopf, ···.555 W,issku«el v:ii. 411 • -€.scenae~ 1. 124; om th W illllmies •.IV. 888; lX. 35, 118 j v. 459 j xv. 159 Langtaufererthal, x. 361 ascended, viii. 151; ix. 9 Y S. fa e, xi.ll9 - 'crossed, vi. 297; -I viii. 226; ix .. $67 -from the Laquinjoch, xii. 123 -!nomenclature. xv. 153 W~i8Bmiesj~ch, i. 433; ix. 367 . issthor'INew, vii. 128; xi. 200 - - froml Monte Moro, i. 432 -in 1 40, x. 44 -1- in 1 3, xv. 147 -1- in 1 49, ix. 173 -I Old, i. 01· xi. 196 wi~eitenalP . oCk ascended, ii. 409 j vi~ 35 itsattel x. 493 llenkiip, e ascended, x. 359; xv. 06 - crossed"xiii. 124 - early n~e of, xiii. 555 Wlellhoi:n l/-Scended,vi. 146 'Welter, Eerr, accident to, x. 46,. 177 j • endelSte1n; accident on, xiv. 476 endencmacier,vii.327 endenh~' el' ascended, xii. 267 endenjo ,vi. 78 !endens • k ascended, vi. 298; xv. 173 I engern Ip in 1889, xv. 40 erang P ss, iii. 61 etheriam in winter, v. 85 ~ etterhol' ,accident on, xi. 98 --i ascende ,ii. 211 .....•by N. f ce, iv. 154 - b;r the enfen Glacier, xv. 869 - Clrcula~ rainbow on, xii. 172 - crolllledi i. 483 -; first asqent, viii. (app.) 75 '""""from the Hiihnergutz Glacier, ix. :112 : -t from isenlaUi, ix:. 487 -i in spri g, x. 238,494 in wint r, vi. 405; x. 418; xiii. :549; xi . 248; xv. 202 - without guides, x. 886, 419; xii. 128 -l III 110 GENERAL INDEX W:iJ1.te:exp~ditions, Bee Mountaineerl~ln Wihtel' Wi ter of i. 8l71-2 in the Alps, v. W ettel'l~~mi ~asa, Bee Renfe:)och Wetterlucke, 1. 378, 484; u. 210 j xiv. 247 Wettstein, J. H. & A., accident to, xiii. 391, 468 Wheele1', D., accident to, xiii. 390, 85 W' tersto ascended, xiv. 258 W' Iterthu~ meeting at, xiii. 183 W~chber~:r"i. 197 WW hunt,lvi. 174 WblfendOr~ind ascended, xiii. 479 W~lfsbach , vL197 Wlooney, ., photographs by, xv. 468 Whitney, Mount, ascended, v. 394 - peak, xiii. 93 Wliympel', E., Order of SS. Maurice and Lazarus conferred on, v. 875 - photographs by, x.240; 424 - pictures by, xv. 97 W1iymper Glacier, xii. 164 Widderst.ein, accident on, xii. 109 Wienerhiitte, x. 489 Wiellbachhorn, Gross, ascended, vi. 6,894 ' 1 Urdwajvalley, iii. 02 ~en, ablet to Sir ..XUl. 26 -+ - l\8Cended u. 141; lJl:. 83; XIV. 459 - from the Taschach Glacier, vi. 148; vii. 156 Wildstrubel ascended, P. i. 826 j viii. 272 -- crossed, P. i. 336 Wilerhorn ascended, xii. 123 Wilkinson, Mr, pictures by, xii. 468 Wilkopf, accident on, xiv. 476 Williams, A., pictures by, ix. 448; x. 183; xi. 192, 409; ,xii. 169, 468; xiii. 176, 339, 462; xiv. 329; xv. 97, 167,893 H. G., pictures by, xiii. 176, 839, 462jriv. 64,330; xv. Willink, 07, 169, 393 . Willmann, H., death of, xiv. 479 "Vilson, K., accident to, i1. 158 Wilson, Mount, ascended, xv. 816, 487 Wind River Peak ascended, ix. 248 __ - Glaciel', ix. 244 Wl';ldgelle, <?:.l·O!l~ ascended, ii. 409 y VI. 326; V11. 266; x. 806 - - W. pealr,viii. HIO . _ Kleine, ascended, vi. 828; x. 307 Windjoch, xiii. 125, 163 Winldel', G., accident to, xiv. 136 iii I irange, ix. 241 I 1WNAGt I H. Davy, valley £, iv. 859 Wyomin 851 Wiesler, H,:{ acciden~ to, xiv. 478 Wilde Pfanen ascenil.ed, i1. 141 Wilder Freiger llsce1lded, xiii. 127 Wildgrabenpass, vii. 22 Wildhorn ascended, viii. 271 - attempted, P. i. 340 - new route up, xi. 183 Wildspitze, a~cideut o~, xiv. 476 _ . w~·terjoch,1 v. 143 river, xii. 98 lAllT8ET~'H-8HAH, 8lJ(JSt. Elia.s 1\1t. Yakatat,ixiii.89, 178; xiv. 347 akla P~S, xv. 112 iyaIUng~iri. 390 Yethong' Pass, xv. 112 Yosemi valley, v. 891 Young, .. , accident to, ii. 882 IZA, Aig~ille de la, ascended, vi. 23; Viii'i1; ix. 106 - - f:om the Glacier de Dan"ll. Blan z, ix. 170 - om the W., xiv. 498 i ructure of, viii. 18 - - Without guides, xiii. 454 - Call de la, vii. 819 Zahler.horn ascended, ix. 439 . Zahnk/l>felascended, xv. 866 Zahnlilcke, xiii. 122 ZaIUO!, Dent de, ascended, xv. 303 Zanileuron Glacier, P. 1. 848 . - -;accident on, xiv. 474 Zann~r Pasa, xiii. 368,515; xiv: 1 - -' variation of, xiv. 89 Zapp~rt Glacier, iii. 178 - Pass, ii. 135; iii.177 Zarafahan Glacier, xiii. 47 Zard~zan, Col de, i. 188 Zeb~SjOCh,xi. 128 Zeb Pass, 1.382, 402 !al del, v. 183 Zeidiler, Dr., accident to, xiv. 138 GENERAL Zell, vii. 23a ZeUine Va.1, vi. 143 Zembra.sca., Monte, l1$cended, ii. 405 - Zinel'llflien ro«ks ascended, xiii. 450 Zirial :MoUDt'lascended, ix. llii Zmei~en, inn at, i. 94 - Pliss, ii. 1~1 Pass, ii. 405 Zmtltt Glacie , in 1848, xv. 145 Z~m~~nd,vll.235 Zemmtha.l vii. 234 ZemusllJlldong, xiii. 27 - ~ Matter orn from, be. 449 Zoit coudoi, he, tl.9cended, xv. 304 Zenas SkaH, se.e Skenes Sha1i Zermatt, English Ohurch, ii. 160 - glacie1'!l, viii. 277 - g'llidoo, viii. 382; xiii. 106, 167, 177,421 - in 1800, vii. 436 - in .1840, x~ 44 - in 1845, P. i.155 - in 1849, ix. 173 - in the olden days, xv. 223 - in winter, i. 77 - Souvenir de, ix. 447 ' 111 INDEX Zol , Val d , 1;leople of, vi. 267 Montel. Vii. 28 Zsi~ondY' -lJ'., llccident to, xii. 395 ZOVQ, ituary j1otice, xii. 405 Zuc hi, F., o.t:ident to, xv. 539 Zuc erhiiU ~8Cended, vii. 157 Ztmitze ZUtOllCS, i~ winter, x. 495; xiv. F~rcello. di, vii. 13 Zu steinsat ,el, viii. 3.'38,400 Z t1I steinspi ze as. cended, xii. 74; .• 223 Zernetz, v. 202 rst asce t, P. ii. 376; v. 141 ~eyritzkampe1, accident on, xiv. 141 - from thl1.GrenzSI.ttel, xiii. 126 Ziegoler, K., accident to, xiii. 391, 41J8 ZU~l·t,Val,rv. 288 Zillerthaler Farnel', accident on, x, Zupo Pass, 1. 381 177 -l'iz, frolh the Zupo Pass, v. 280 Zinal Glacier, P. i. 148 Zl1~ich, me4ting at, xv. 7() - inn at, xi. 242 Z"tillingejOrh, 1. 196 ZwolferkO£ II ascended, vii. 21] - Pointe de, ascended, vii. 821 Zinaljoch, vi. 437 j vii. 821 _lfro1ll th Gil'albathal, xiv. 00 ! PltL",'rEn SPOT'fLSWOODE A},'l) t"O., fW "EW.s~ LOllDO". III SQUAllS MAP to face opposite pnge I II; III MAP to face opposite pnge I II; III MAP to face opposite pnge I II; III