Mid-Winter Sale - NYS Historic Newspapers
Mid-Winter Sale - NYS Historic Newspapers
6 t n .-m e t t io ii t S. i g e 8 5B e > g r a b n ' J B 'i)at iieuiid) in ' dec ¦StafjU fab,tit ,*u '9Jftboa ;t , '^a., ftattge funben. ton 40 ¦i-.-x^*«^-w^*-K*>-:-:-M-r-x-,-^-.4 Gin <£ta1} lblod im ^ernidit Itonnen, in loelcfiem ba? iy leiid), baa & t I D t f f t ti i b t f f t. "Set Slut unb bie ©ebeitte con jit -ei '}(rbei« Sdjat-amtafeftttat irt 5ffiaff)tncnon et* tern tingebettet mar , murbe nad) bem bitit fiir-iicf- $500 •ugcfnniM Don 9titu3 ber latb olifdjen ititdje in *(brat tinent Unbelaniiieii auZ ©t. 2out3 , Btt gefentt. gmei ?hieiter Namens ^ohn bamit tintn frii ht v an r-tt "Jitsitrung gottiit unb 5°!'^ ©aj'ua batten oot fturjem in ben genannten !B5etten fctriibttn SBetrug icett mad-tit will. einen entfeljlidjen 2ob gefunben. ©it ft o ft f p i t I i g e i fj f t 11 t r. befanben ftdj in einer ©rube nalje bei Gine gfrou <Jf>flrfottt TI. Sffleiflljtman einem ©d)mef*«Ofen , totfdKt etete in ©l)icaqo, 31L, f-at ntulii) in oem fliifftgtn ©ta^ls entr)ielt. Gin @Ioubtn , bab ibr Gtoitt fie tytti ®ti* Sonnen 3apfen be« Cfen* fprang tnctattS unb bti toegtn gtljttratfjtt Ijabe, ©tlb unb 80,000 ?funb . be* glu^e'nben fetalis WHtttffpapittt im Wttitit bon $15,000 ergoffen fid) au3 bem Ofen in bie in ten Ofen gtiootfen unb wtbtannt. ©rube auf bie beiben Ungliidlicben, bie @ eg e n b a . 3 u 6& a 11 = couftanbig serbtannten, fo bafj and) f p i 1 1 bftbtn fid) bit ©titoenten btt nidjt bie ©pur son ibnen ober ifjren $od)f$ult in <San "Jjo ft, Rot., unb btS Rltibungl'jluden meljr ju feben tear., ¦JftbraSto Centra . (Jollege. ju Omatja . 2)i(,..WibMte :©tet( iSontpant) " tonnte Wtbr., erHSrt. 3)ie fStubentehf-^faft '^4'''ttitt}l'tnifiij|tte{ien ', ben ©tab,! ju ber erffgtnannitn igofydjult wrlangt Ptrfaufen ober fiir ben beabftdjtigt ge= bit einfiifjruna fd-arftrer ; @>itlrej*tln. loeftnen Stvtd ,*u gebraudj en, unb bt* burdj fw.^e tin Wuiatlen. be* <jtt fj * ttj ojj, btnfetfc«n m«t ber 9tfdie ber Un« batlfbitles, in It"3tn5gtfab,tli«b- 9tob; giudlttf-en nad) titd)iicr>tii Sittus ju fyittn otxifiittt loetixn foR unb .trill fid) beerbtgen. an Itinera Jufeballfpiel tneb*' SetbeifiR t n e m a t o g r a p Ij e j p l o = gen, fo lange Hjtem SSetlangen nidjt b t r t e. Stie erpTopon tiner 9Jia= ftaitgegeben witb. famine fiir lebenbe "Bilber in einem tlei-SJ lotbet S r u b e t , u r n nen ©djaujimmer in Spitt3biirg, 5J5a., < u t i a n t e n. Gin teraulafete unlangft bit iBerle^ung bon SHutter 13jal|riget flnabe Stamens 3!at)ib etioa 30 ^trfonen , meiften« Mtnber im Otlltoafer in UIjiBicotlje, O., bet nattj »»et tion 12 bii 16 Safjren. 2!ie Gr^ bem Zobt feines jungeten SBiuberJ ptofton murbe baburd) Berurfadjt , bag "Stlbetf, h-e(cb,et butti) JOetbtennen auf fid) bie Geuuloib=i"jaute in bem ftrfi entfegHa^e SSeife um'3 2e6en tarn, in brebenbeft Gi)I?nber burd) bal auf fie Jijaft genommen lpurbe , ljat befannt , etnmirfenbe maaj iige fiid)t ent'iinbe * feinen Stubet umgebrad)t ju boten, ten." 2)a* geuer tb,eilte ftdt? fdinetl ben urn feine SJlntter ju fronten. in -Caoib ©raperien unb Sorljangen mit unb in fagte, er b,abe ein Stiitf ^ot) bet einigen 9J2inuten ftanb ba$ dimmer in ftiidjt angejiinbei unb tie RIeibung Stammen. G3 befanben fid) etroa 60 SPetfonen ju btr 3*"'* ••" Simmer unb fetneS StubetS in SBtonb gtfeit." ftnbrang nad) ber 2bur mar fiird)* 3 a b. n m e b , a l l S e l b f t * ber m o t b m oA i ». 3n f°^ e u'nauSffeb* ttrlieb. 3n !)w " ilanihfe, ben SfuSgahg liefer Saljnfc^mtrjen mad)te ein jmbl f- ju geroinnen, tri'gen SSiele Ieid)te bacon unb "HnMere unirjaljriges aRabdjen ^amen* Sbfepbine Sranbiounben getreten , aber Siiemanb murbe ge* atoton in -Sfoofltjn, *)}. $., eir.en ben ' SelbftmorbB frfiiff). *Sa3 Jtinb fajl oj fa'ljrttd) oerlefct. ^te Sbiiren bet tltetlidien 2Qof)niii!g, in S t u b e n t e n i n & t f a I) r. bet ti fid) jut 3eii allein befanb, bter)te tSret ©tubenten ber J)ale*Unit*etfitat bai ©at an , nabm tin Gnbe bti am in 9Jem i^aoen, Gonn., muftten neutid) daiatm befeftigten Summifr^lniicfje* 17 ©tii nben im Sturm auf tiner flciin ben 97'unb unb Iegte j ftcb auf bai nen Jelfemnfe! im £ong - 39(an* €o **t^a. Z)et • penettante fJaJgeiud) ©unb jubringen , ebe man ib.nen §u leiit tint anbete Snfafftn bei §aufei ijilfe fommen fonnte. tit ©tubenten an, tteld-e bie 2b,iite etbtad) unb fo toaren auf bie Gntenj agb gegangen , ba "! cet'meifelte Rinb bon ftd-tiem al8 fte fiom ©titrme iiberrafdj i mur = lobe tetteie. ben. ©it tetteten pa> auf ba$ Gitanb, y i u i li i t = S t a n b. 5"**""''""- mo Fte ben gan .'en Sag oerbrad*ten, bereien im llmfange eon Dielen Qua= mdbtenb ber ©turm beftiinbig an btatmeilen ftnb in South. Iiatota ©iarte junaqni unb bie Sj ogen iibet Mtd) tintn $r«trfc«2Jrart ""< wrwuffrt bie 3n f't binme .amufd;en. iie Stu= nid)t3 ju ioorben unb meb,tete ^erfonen ^aben benten fd)ienen fid) ^itrau§ in ben glammen ben 2.ob etlitten. madien, benn aU man fie fanb , !agen "BaS -fjeuet , weW)e» }\"oei 2age (ang fte unter ibren Gnieubooten tint t;at= »iitfi,efe , bebrot)fe eine geit fang bie ttn fid) bereit¦u c\emcid)t, bie 7iadit auf Stabt 9(fcerbeen unb bie Cinbeteien bem Gifanb . .- ubringeit . Set iiitjlid) et 'offneten 9toftbub=3nbia= Sebte trot* ©enidbrud). ner=3£efet»ation. SSiele Sarmgeljbfte Jn einem "oofpitat in ^bi(abelp *)ia unb eine iinjafjl Scfjulf-aufer ftnb bet ftarb biefer 2.age ein JJ'ann 'Jiamenl ^erftbtung anljeimgefaffen. 2ie fiin« ©eorge .Oanbrortlj, ber burd) einen Sib* btr be» garmets iyoi'ii Siiltingl , sivti >h;rj son einem 'Celbebiilter in ber ?(n= 3Jiabd)en im SHter fon ferfil unb ad)t lage ber i ttlantic IHefining Companr/' DECEMBER FASHIONS. ABOUT D A N C I N G . "Sll-i|»lf" linwaa Which I oat a l.reat Ural of Hon.*}'. The day of crepe de chine has passed, find few of (lie many gowns tor evenIn** functions are made of this beautiful fabric, for it bus evidently had its day. No longer do the fashionables care for the soft fabrics which clung "rrsccfiilly about them , for now all the evening gowns measure HO many yards around the bottom that I shall mil tell how many for feur some man might read this, but the number is simply •taggerinn. 80ft and flimsy silk mulls and chiffons in ail the seven primary colors arc seen, ' and these In turn are accordion plaited, j and that takes an awful lot or stuff. Then around the bottom of this plaitInf, and so arranged that it will spread the full width, are ruffles, sometimes only one. but then that one Is edged with lace aud peruana with a ruffle of ribbon, and this in turn Is edged with lace. Isle*is bound to he there any-' how. The underskirt la genera lly ruffled , too. so tha t the whole lower portion of the skirt shall set out widely. Horn* of the skirts of heavier goods have twenty gores. Certainly they are narrow, but, even so. twenty gores will bring a skirt to remarkable dimensions. Bat what would a hall dress, or, indeed, any dress for swell occasions, look like If the akirt were not mad* so that It will swish and roll like the billows on a stormy sea with the wearer 's every motion? It Glvra ISaar at Manner , linrrlll. aeaa lai Healthful Eterriae. Hygienic authorities declare that no form of indoor physical exercise is better than dancing. It is especially beneficial for children in cold weather, when they are housed iu more or less. Then, too, dancing is a perfect delight to the little OII ^H . Tsach Children to Dane*. I Many a girl and young man who feel shy and awkward hi society aud whose hands ami feet are sadly in the Way would be entirely at ease if dancing had been included in their early education. It leaches young people how to enter aud leave a room, how to make a courtesy or bow, how to sil. stand and walk. Many a woman now middle aged will recall How unhappy •ad uncomfortable she was tnade when a girl at parties where there'was dancing and' she knew nothing of the fine art and was obliged to sit awkwardly Slid watch the oilier* spinning around with flying feet and happy faces, their very eyes danciug with joy. There was real menial sun'ei'ing, keen at.that , in thus being shut out from what gave others so much pleasure. Looked at iu all lights, dancing is part of tins liberal. aducatiou of every boy and girl. 1'areuta aud friend* owe it to a child's fu ture, to see thst this part of its social training is not negI "Simpla" DriilM. Exp.n*iv* lected; that , 100, 110 matter whether For 701111a* aTirls who have jiHt "eome they reside in town or country. out" tbe ui'wle (hi« »eii*>n in for exTha Country Oaneina Class. treme simplicity, but (to nut let ttiat I word eanse yon to think the cost of ¦ Iu all towns of any size there are dress will lie any lem. These simple frocks have a habit of reiiiiiring; a now dancing teachers, which is fortudreadful lot of And hand work, and nate for the rising generation. ' In farm neighborhoods it: will lie easy to form .tluit i* always costly unlexx y«u do it a dancing club and have a teacher yourself. White , cmm.- soft pink, baby blue come from the town to the eotuury on mail ihe na.itel *1IAI KM . with liriulii aihl one or two afternoons a week, -meeting deep reil for ilie brunettes, are |»ro- the club First at one home and then at dm-etl in all the li|*t;i silken ami half another. Iu general it lias been found Milken 1'ahrii-*. Voile is also one of the that with children a woman dancing »eds better than a man. pretty lhiii£ * I'nr the youii)*. HIM I white teacher *itert ' eashmere is *een very often exeept for The children s dancing class can meet ilaiii iiiK. But. after all , the 'new old" Saturday afternoon, when there is no dolled awias net U tirs t favorite . Black school, and the occasion can be made dotted net of the same i|iiality as the so delightful lo the little ones they will white is pretty mid well liked aud look forward lo it with as much deligh t as to s rea l party. All extravagance in coats Inn shout 1- cents a yard ; but. 44 I said, do not feel too elated until you have lieard tile rest. It reciuire* ftfl y yard* i>f net for a rutted frock like the one in the illustration aud an Mid-Winter Sale Special Sale of Ladies' Trimmed H ats Ready to wear , up-tothe-minute in style and at very low prices. including Overcoats , U lsters , Reefers. Sheepskin Coats, H ats, Caps, and Gent's Furnish. .I ings. Also a large assortment of goods that will be sold at Rock-Bottom Prices. Pea Jackets , alt wool , and finely tailore d Men 's Suits, strictl y up-to-dare from , Boys' 2 and 5-p iecc Suits from J S2.SO $6 to"*99vOO v S 1 «SO tO SSLuO FURS ! FURS! FURS ! e also cany a large assortment of Ladies' Furs, Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, all the latest styles. Even-thing in the line of Shoes for both ladies a'ttd gentlemen can be found at this store, besides a numbed'of other articles too numerous to mention. I buy FURS of all kinds and pay the highest market prices. Mink skins from $3 to $5. Foxes $4. Before Purchasing Elsewhere Give Us a Call. We will Save Your Money. R. Levitt The Brick Store, Riverhead, N, V. Peconic A ve. Lane's Harness Store. I nf The Largest ^Mk ilmthe Island Horse Goods ^B^yon .. ;$al)ren , tjnten in ben glammtn ben an: 1. Wugu ft 3 904 OM oitiiid gelito s crjen batte unb irotjbem bis for ftutiob gefunben. jem lebte. Gr Ijatte 15 9)'onaie lang „ 6 t 0 B < 3i e i a) t I) ii tn e r. " auf iiufttii fen unb SBa ffertett gelegen , Uebet ba» Zt,tn\a.: ©rofje iReitf-tf -iU Ijaite Heine Sd)tner*en, mar immer bei met " £)ielt jiingft 5prafibent Gliot son SeiouBtfein , fonnte afcer teine iOiuSfel ier Jpaoarb4lniBet fitdt in SStibgepovt , regen , au8genotnmen bie ber beiben 6onn., in bern „6ontemporan- Club ," JBorberarme; babei ,* efirte er ater be= fottidiritttneiftenS DJiitgtiebet beffen ftiinbig ab , bi§ bet 2ob it)n erlbfte. lid) geftnnte 9J!annet unb gtautn ftnb, ein © r a B l ' ^ t a S c f i a uf p i e l . ©eb,eimnif* eine SRebe, beten ^nfjalt in &l Spctfi**, ZeiaZ, ab' fur bie sriifientoert iff. 3ebem -tnjf^ Sfn/afj ^d; bt$ rten SUJitgliebe beS U M i reutbe oot gebaltenen "JJJinentongre ffes fanb ein bem Seginn bet 5Rebe baZ SBerfptedjen ©iiertamp f ftatt , ber fii r oiefe 5lmeriabgenommen , bie <Sad)t fii r ftd) ju hu faner mo _b( ber erfte unb letjte gemefen fatten. 5D7an nimmt inbefc an , bafj fein biirfte. Giner bet ©tiete griff bie Mebe ftcft ljauptfadjlidj gegen einen jmei ber SJiaiaboren an , fpie fete fie auf gemilien 2) !ifIionar tidjttte , bet im unb marf fie bod) in bie 2u ft , jo bafj tBeften eine UniDerfitat begriinbete , fo- bie £eute , blutehb unb mit *erbrod)e » mie gegen bie 3(rt unb 5Q5eife, mie an* nen ©liebern , binmeg getragen merben Sere Mmetifanet it)rc Meitf -tfjiimer et- mugum. 2;ie ametitant fd)ett 3^efegaten maren enitet -t iiber ba= ©djaufpiel marben. unb BerlieBen bie Sribiine, mal)tenb "Jribiine einge ft iitjt. biele "Jtauen in Obnmadit fielen. 2)uicf) ba5 ©iampfen bon 2000 !J" er* © di 11 m in e 3 G n b e t i n t s foner. erfctjiittert , ftiir'te nenJid) in Jinn "Jfrbor, 'JJitd)., loaqreub eine? ¦¦j u r | at ii u ii a t =. j ;:. isicn TjuB^atlfpieies eine Stibiine auf t>em SBilfon , 5)iinn., Ijatte fid) ber ^leiidjer ^pielpla ^ ju faininen. SBtinaijt »un= 5ffim. ^- 3d)ult} mit feintm Gdimager berbar ssar ti ba" bei bem GlebrSnge §. luff auf bie Girf) bnrnd ;fn=3agb itJJiemanb bon "Iicnen, bie auf ben 580= geben , al» fidi tfjre beiben .vninbe ju ben gefdj teubert lourben , trnftlidie 33et- beifeen begannen unb fid) in roiitt) * nbem lefeungen etlitt. £ie 'Itibiine rjnite iRingen Ijetuir.m'iljten. Sie Ijatten fid) "eine ©ifee ,- eS loar nut eine Sln-af)! fo feftgebiffen , tiafj fte nidjt 511 trennen terraffenfarmtger spfariformen , bie j i t toaren unb ©rftufj bref-fe feine %1'mic tiner if)Bbt son grobif jju fe anftiegen. urn , mit bem ©djaft bie Rbter beatbei = 2)iefer "Stjat fadje mar e? roabrfdjein * tenb. Tabti entlub fid) ein ©djuft, lid) aud) 'u^ufdireiben , baf, luenig ber ibm in ben Unterteib ging unb ben ernfftidje JBerfekungen *u t-er,* eid)nen "Job be= iliantiel jur 5o(ge fjatte. roarer., ba fid)erlidi oiete ©lieber ge„ 9? < u n 1 t t) n i a f) r i g e » brodjen roorben ober aud) nod) Sdjlttn* !B a b 1). " Gin "jraulein ?J!atn Scalft) mere^ eingetreten _toare , rcenn bie in JBiorristom ii , 3(. %., aud) unlet bem 2000 "^erfonen gef'Hcn fatten. Katnen „2a!> 19 3aljre alte SBabt) " be* It a tn p f u m e i n 9Jt a b dj e n. fannt , ift jiing fi "(urn briiien -utui aiiO lint ju entfd ifibtn , i'oer b-i * 5H?d;t ba* einem 3u ftar.be ier fiinblirhteit ftie "ier ten \ o tte, eruem [fratilein 6(arit S9re> in fein mit iirlidieij 'Jlltera ftabiinii ein nidfr ben $?i ju madien , fcran ftafte* getreten. Sie 2(er;te Ijo ffeu, - bajj bas ten btefer 2aje in St. iiois\i ,)Wti aer tcytc ^t iifuu luar. ^u«i; rC7i i. i.cr junge M anner 5}amen§ 9trtl)ur SJlar* SInfiil'e, melrte fine 'Xauer »on meb ^ loro unb grant .'g am auf eineni keun rereit 'Biocfieit (jatfen , benaf im Jjraulein SSaupfajje einen reguiaceu gau fttamp f . ©cafli) Mi genau fo , luie ein Jleine-5 2ioi* ber tiirglcrt SiOiiterung j ogen fid) 5tinb. bie SSeiben Hi auf ifjre Unte iflcibung ' , b e r S a g b g e ft 0 r on?, ittth Wit Jioier.ttiiger. murben a!S t. zSir.u fi"--*—r..4;* t„,,,.V« ":*:*.* (vvtju.uv)i ':iv. ^_m..;t .w...^ . U C U. .'lu'.i; r.x^i " Oiirtel benu tj t. Sebec bea~beitete ben bie Ccidie eine* gemiffen ^acob 'getjr , STnberen tnit fofdjem Grfohe , baft ir. mcl-bcr tiirjlid; sou SiJultne , 31." ?)., Uji parieii ffbe fo 3uiiib£ bcr ber briiien au§ auf Ore Jag b gegangeit unb feitaufgercg t lourbe , baf3 er einen 'JteooiDe t bem nidjt mebr 'uriidgefeljrt mar , auf abfeuerte. 3~ie3 alannirte bie polite!, Smmorteae f o u n t a i n , 9J. '§., aufge-bot ben ^JotiItieldsc bie Jtanip flja ^ne 9i'eben ber fteidjc lag ein ' ' ber , nadjbem er bie funbeti. f ept; ie, jetrTtSter fd> bin J&ef't gefdjoffen i)atie. SKan ' ^lirfcf), , bie baite iigelei geljbrt l lrfadte ber US r nimmt an , bafj Jijetjr oon Unmoljl fein 58urfd>en fiir faft I)inreid)en5 beftraf: befallen murbe unb in ber rjerrjebenWelt unb ibnen eine 3JMnima lftra f« ben KaUe .511 &rvtrbe ge-ian^en fa. auferfeafe. ;; $7*iOO Overcoats witli Belts, all wool , latest style A W I . S E M A N IS TIKHKrH'I'FCr. OF H I S MOKSK AND FITS T H E A X I M A I . OliT W I T H COMTOKT-OIV1X11 HARNESS. OUR (iOODS A U K EtjUAT. TO T H E DEMANDS M A D E UPON THEM. T H E Y A R E M A D E K¥ <iOO!> W O R K M E N AND O F T H E RIOHT MATERIA!,. NO HORSE W E A R IS BETTER THAN THE HORSE W E A R YOU OBT HERE. : : : : : : : .. Harness Made to Order by Our Experienced Makers rum-rr ETENINO DKCXH. underslip of silk. If the net Is black a white or colored sli p U used, orange l)Mii(* exceptionally effective for a brunette. All the ruffles have Spanish headings ami a row of laee nt the edge. Eight to twenty ruffles are made fur this dress anil lire sewed to the tier skin, winch , ii .v t it. .- \\;iy. i* nt>i i'.i.-;'.": IM ! to tin; drop skirt. A — 1 Shephard Checks. i'or srre» »t attire 1 have seen seven 1 very fetchii.s costumes of shepherd checks and lartan plaids in the most subdued colors to bt! found in those usually rather showy goods. Some have flue checks In brown ami fawn , with stripes of faint green or blue or sometimes black with a line of bright red throng!* the weft . These make excellent wearing suits for yotms* girls . aud all the trimming they veniiir.: is a hand of the material cut bias and stitched down. This may be straight around the skirt or put on In more fsn.-ifii! ilesij-r,, nr.it the waist is trimmed to mulch the skirt . This manner of trimming obtains In the fines t 01 ilic:.e wiuic '.- .-.mis. Boleros are so very fashionable ih .it it Is wise for a woman t-_> have one m velvet of some neutral or dark culnr trimmed richly with beading or with spangles aud embroidery . The Syrinns make these boleros stiff with gold braid , leaving scarcely any of the '. civet exposed. Kn * 'hey are henuiifn!. Fitnbroidcry and beads may ia 'uc lie-place of the gold braid. Heavy motifs of lace are app lied on some, and these are edged with narro w ribbon ru.'Hcs and heads. These boleros can be siip¦iod on over any waist. : Chemisettes ail'! rrtihni'cs very h'~ '> )fl the neek are worn with dresses which are cut out In the neck. These are frequently beaded and spangled , uni'C'jiu.lly if tniet'ded for cvenlns wearill.IVI3 H Alii 'Kit. I.UiBISII TO Di .voa. dress Hlianltl )«• avoided .'!»<) only ;>!aiu •Uii ueat u i i i i e cuoseD for the practice class, so that the poorer boys nud girls may not have their feelings hurt. This consideration they are entitled to by the rule of common courtesy. A piano fan make all the music necessary for a class of learner*. Boys 11s well as the girls should lie encouraged to dam* gracefully. No matter how they may object to the dancing lessons In childhood , they will be thankful enough for these In after years. To encoura ge the little ones, too. the grown people, even their mothers and fathers , may Join adult dancing classes. I'lentv of books on the line art of dancinir are to be had , with iliustr.itb.ns. ( j ___ citiquetts at Oanctng Parties. Are Our Specialties. Blankets and Robes For CoW Weather I.AROEST ASSORTMENT TO SE LECT FROM. Peconic Avenue Riverhead ANF H •W "• I Lr» I^E.« .M.WI. dlil 'KI 'n ItKCKIVKl'lIOMIT ATTKNTION -l^tWMMWMMMHd ^IWMl-t BISHOP BROTHERS — Masons and Contractors -Manuiactu rtrs of Dvkerma Wet Process Concrete ( BUILDING BLOCKS. | The frequent small , rather informal dance is now much more comniou than the great ball , which has largely gone out ezeei>t f or high ceremonial occasions. Kor the Informal dance invitations are generally sent out by card or note a week or two beforehand . The Invitations must be answered. The wait/ and the twostep are the favorite round dances . For variety cotillons are introduced. The lancers Is :i popular one still. The gerinan Is frequently danced , and sometimes It occupies th» whole evening. The tirst dance after .;npper is ustmiiy a cotillon. Kcfrosh:;;:-;;;:; ::rc served at :s tiibic in the ¦.!:!:::!:; room or are handed around on tr:iys when tin.' dance is The only absolutel y damp proof stone made. Dea k-rs in rushed Blue Stone for sidewalks and roadways, all or a ih* ess Westhampton , L. I. * LEE'S GREENHOUSES * jt GROWERS OF .*• v<- Soses. Carnations . Violets* Grirysaniiieniiiflis. Palms , Ferns wiches, chicken or lobster snhid . cnKe . Ice crea m and coffee constitute must of the eata 'o ics . Sometimes a wine punch upon 11 side table is ladled out lo all who desire it. American !?irls may attend dancing **art'ei: v.-'.th :: "eut'.crr.;::: .::.'.:rt ti'iuc 1 compnniod by a chaperon , or a young lady may be acccinpauied by her mother or fln older wo/nan fi'iend. Where a gentleman accompanies a lady to a party be waits at the entrance to the . . . M l room where the hostess receives until the younc lady has laid aside tier wraps in the women 's dressing room and comes to join him. Then the two go in together. DOHA BKLI.E UENMSON'. Christmas oens anu w reams. P L A N T S , PALMS , JAPANESE F L O WE R I N G P L A N T S DISHES and TINV FERNS , for FERN CHRISTMAS PRICES ARE LOW. PRESEN TS. ¦¦ , f ' ^w % e* * r v*** ' " — t*. •»-» >--**T 'ar^ j/vuti. r nj-•w w *. r u u Troiv —» j RIVERHEAD , Ijm aM ll . mi II III I IMIIIIIaM niaum I ¦IP Willi I ¦ N. Y *—n llWa——a*a^lata WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ¦ T"l « ¦ mm WEDDING INVITAT IONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS ^=»**-^REVIEW OFFICE.