Special Holiday Sale - NYS Historic Newspapers
Special Holiday Sale - NYS Historic Newspapers
S I ! ; I l l 11 ! •¦• II llfl l H 1<H I"); ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ it01anil * I -*-• .- •._«. a ..t_»_t_»_» .>_» a f. * * * '¦Taatiil f -»-»-¦ U r t f l l e i d j a n r ig t SS3 r a u i= r a o t. 3n Spttlesttut, 9liebttbat)«n, if<l).of5 jiingftljin tin 72ja$tiger 9Jiann nit eintr 22 3<u)te alttn 2Mb ixn S?unb fiit 'S Se&en. » t ft r a f u n g t i n t s © e * i* <$ m o r t n e n. SHS in Deffau, «niz.lt, to"* Sifthjurgeridj' etbffnet toer» btn foD tt, fteflte fidj ifttaui , bafj ettt ®tfdjlt)o«ntr ofjne ©ntfdjulbigung fttjHt. 2)a8 ©ertdjt natjitt tl)rt btit/ db in bit uufttrgerooijnlid) i)eb,t ©elbfttafe PM 150 Watt. S t i t ( a n t e s un g l u dl idjeS S u f a m m e n t r e f f t n . 2)et 59= jdtjrige Sffiinjet SJeitung in Raufc, §ef= f-n^ajTaa, ft-arbt ssr ftirtm 23»m* frige Don tintm ©iftnbafjn'uae at-iwffen unb gttbbtti. Sttn berft '&n Siefle n*fli »or brri 3aT)ttn Ccifung? ftiau ooii tintm Uiftntaljnjuge tobtge= ffl(>«ti tnotrten. 33 r a c e 2 J) a t t i n t s S t l j r . I i n g S. Jn ajletfefcurg, 5ptoBtn* Cadjfen, fie! Beirn St&fdjnetlMrt tints HBeibenftodeS bet @$u(»ria6e Sritjatbt .in bit ©aale unb lpurbe bom ©ttome fctlgctrttDen. 33er in bet Slaty trot) ntnbe ©ttbriittjtiing Conn* entiltibete fidj fdjiteH, fprang iti'S SSBaffer unb btarljtt ben Rnaben fdjit)immtnb an'3 W«. g t b f t m j a m 931 e e r t. 9tn t;r Jtiift; btr ianifasn 3nfs! SJletn fiiit-ien .ifettjin tttoa 15 ttder SartbeS in bit Oftfet. Sfufjtt btm ffletirrt an ISoben ltitb bet 2Betitj bet abgeftiit-= ten aQalbet auf et»a 10,000 Kronen ($2680) gefd)5j}t. S)it UtfaoV be§ SlfcfiutjfS war bie bebtiitenbe llnttr* ininitung beg 33oben§ burd) ttnter^ itbifd)e Cluellen. 9J2ifstun g e n e t ! 8 e i t u g . 6ine alle *"frau in ®re*ben fpielte mtt einem iungen392ann ein 3t*)niedooS bet fodjftfd^en Santvslotterit, auf tni &ei ber 3"^ung b<^ ^auptgeminn Bon 500,000 fllar! fie!. Urn i^ten fpielet urn feinen 2l)eil am ©ewinn xa itttugen, oerfua)te fie ju fliict)l«n; \u ttmrbe jebod) auf btm f tabntjof ton bem aHitgeminner no* gefletlt unb bet ^elijei ii6etge6en. a S e m e t t t n *t D e t t ^e 2tau= u it g. 3i* SBittenbttg, ^tooin* Sa*i-fen , toutbe fiitjlid) aad) 465 3at)ten bss erfte' ;»b!f*f 5pnar mitbtr aetraut. Son 1440 b\i 1867 fatte in 20tt*en= betg lein Jube gelooljnt. 35te Jjuben muiben nam lid) 1440 „auf eicige 3ei= ien" aut SBiHenberg wrbamit; erft 1867 fonnien fie, nad)bem ba8 ^xtU jtigigleitigeitt in Rtaft getreten toat , nsiebet bortbin gutiidfthten. M m S D i a m a n t s .f j o c t u e t t S t a g e g e f t o t b e n . 2)aS S3abet '» felje @l|epaar in .Honigsiffllbe, !8ran= benbutg, reollte ftine 3)iamant=^oe()» jeit begeljen. Wit aSotbeteitungen *um gefle ttmten gettoffen, fltnber unb <*n« ittlinber fiaittn fid) eingefunben , a(3 tJrau JBaber mil einem 3TJ7aIe con einer Otjmnadjt befallen mntbe ; eine fialbe <£tunbe fpiiter trat 6ereit» ber 2ob tin. dine ©lun&e Jarattf f(at6 tf>c gttifet SJebenSgeftiljrie. SSeibe fjatten (teinalje ein Stlter Bon 90 Safjren et» rtitfji. S e i l o t e n e S u m me i t > i e b e t b e t o m m e n. *Dei Mentier ge» ty x au* ebtrstoafbe, SBtanbenbutg, »Sr stit tine: ::: finer @elbtafd)e oet» tea^tten TSumme Don 13,000 OTatl nad> SSerlin gefommen, urn ein @tunb= flifrf ju faufen. <Sz liefj jebod> bie Safety mit totem nxttb,»oaen Sntyitt en etnet 6te0e fiegen, bfe ib;mau8 bem <Skbad)tni6 entfiel. Kadjbem gectyt bei ^olijet Don feinem iQetlufte 2in= geige etftaitet tyiite, font et roieber su feinem ©elbe. Gt t>atte e§ ad)tlo§ in «inet SReftauration auf bem lifdje Iie» 3en Iaffen, reo e§ ein (sttyi&mann fanb, •bet ti an bie aintfitty gunbftette ab* liefetfe. U n e r l D a t t e t e f p a t e !8e = ft r a f ti n g. I)er SBiitftenmattyt Wenfcfd) au§ Sobau, ©adjfen, mat im Sab^te 1874 megen fdjled)ter Scf)anb= lung toon feinem 2ntp»entijeif befer^ titt unb in'S 9lu§lanb gegangen. 3m 3oi)re 1898 !et)tte er mi) Sadjfen ju» riicf in bti Slnna^me, baf- !Betjab,iung etngetteten fet. Si &lit& aud; 3^« long unangefodjien. S?eiterb:ng§ a&er routbe et betfjaftet unb icegen Defer* tion *u fed)§ TOonaten (DefSngnifj unb SBerfe&ung in bie groeite Klaffe be3 ©olbatenftanbe§ beturttytlt. 2>ie ffle= •£ b'rben fatten bie ffletjatjrung burd^ jjcitrcet lige Etncttcrung be§ ©tecfbtie fS i!nt?t!Jrocf*Tt. ^olgen fcfj ineret 3aci b = ! it n f a II. S« ft-aoritani |<aul 3Jian« Kf;einpro= au§ Sieinfdjeib, ueSmann lira. BeaaS fid) mit einer Slnja^I §cr= ' " ' Viit f ren auf bie ^agb nad) SuUai). bem SQBege baf)in loollte einer bet ^ngb-aenoffen nad) einer flraty fdiiefjcn; i)ier6ei entlub ftdj fee ffen @eroet)r bor= Beitig unb ber gan*e©d)toifd)i [6 brang IC2anne§mr\nn. in '3 redjte SSein. 2a man fdjon tjotlj im (Scbtrgc unb lucit tsr. etn.em firnnfenfiaufe enlfetnt mar, ' bauerte e3 gcrattme Seit , 6i§ fin «rjt jut ©telle loar, bet bem SSerungliidteii etnen SOerbaiib anleaen fonntc. SU3 bet Scrleijte nad; etiua 21fiiinbigcr 5vatjrt auf einem acitetlragen in Ac-d)em eintra f, fteHie ber 2Ii'3t feft , bafj eine CeOen»gef al)T nidjt Dorlieg:, a ber fctfol ge »on ^ec ,*fd)lijad)e trat ber Sob in ber fclaenben Marijt ein. mu S a t e' t l a 'n h i U e & e e i n e I BURIED LIVING PERSONS. ORDER OF THE GARTER. 2) e f e r t e u t S. Gin Sseferteur ftanb Horrible Castom of Japaneae Prior a.w ¦ ¦ ¦¦„¦¦_„.._. «_ !_ _ # „ n_ a> A ll^..w uu u .* ua..«u*.u. •a ».. .jr.B.H WHt^ jiingft in ber ?(erfon einel gewiffen ts Year «4« A. D. ".eaeadarr Roumac**. Ro4jifon)8tt bor bem RriegSgeridjte in Prior to the year tlio A. D. the JapaThe origin of the Order of the Golden 2Ret, 33eutfdjseotljringen. fio»3t= nese had one of the most horrible burial Fleece is, like that of the Garter, ; fotoSli roar oor fedj^ Jatyen in Sal customs that can lie imagined—that of shrouded in mystery. Ver; *A w modbeutfety 3nfantetie=S«egiment 3h. 130 burying all the immediate friends and ern archaeologists attach any credence retainers-of a prince or other person of etngetteten unb info lge JJtifjfjanblun-to the vulgar tradition, wholly unsupgen burd) „alte Ceute " nad) fed)§mona= note in a standing position around the ported by any authority, that at a court potentate's grave and leaving them in tiger SJienftjeit befertiri. jn grant* ball given by Edward III. a lady, supthe earth up to their necks to perish posed to be the Countess of Salisbury, teid), wofjin er fid) toanbte, fanb er of thirst and hunger. dropped her garter, and the king, takleine Slrbeit ; ein GJenbarm, auf ben et The custom cannot be said to have ftiefj, iiberrebete ib,n, in bie gremben* been general as late as the date given, ing it up and observing some of his to smile as thoujrh they legion ctnjutreten, ba er fonft bod) for the Japanese records prove that in courtiers thought lie had not obtained this favor auSgeroiefen tbiirbe. ©ebulbig biente the time of the Emperor Suinin ('J~ -'M merely by accident, exclaimed In a er bort feine fiinf 3a()re ab unb tourbe B. C.) the burial rites of royal person- loud voice, "Hon! soit mil mal y pense." bann nao> gfrantreid) abgefdjoben. I)a ages were so modified as to partially There is another opinion which traces b^orteer bon ben JtriegSgetiittyen, bie in abolish former cruelties. Speaking of the origin of this ordei-. which, accorda young brotiier of Suinln, who died ing to the learned Seldon. "exceeds in ber SUlaroffofrage auftaucbtn. Urn end had bis retinue buried standing auf Bfcterliinbifctyr Seite mitfedjten gu around his grave, the old record says: majesty, honor and fame all the chivlonnen, tel)rte JtoSjitoro^fi -utiid unb "For many days they died not, but alrous orders In the world ." to Richard tnelbete ftdj bei feinem alten Stegiment. wept and cried aloud. At last they Coeur de Lion having upon the occalister bie 'en llmftKnhen Iteft e* baZ died. T»ogs and crows assembled and sion of some warlike expedition during uis n'uis iu Pulesutie ciiuseu a iettiuern ©eridjt bei ber geringften (Strafe bon ate off their beads. Tbe emperor's com- thonged garter as tbe distinctive mark fedja SDJonaten ©efangrttf' bemenben, passion was aroused, and he desired to of his partisans. Yet another theory aiiS) loiirbe ij bn einer'SJerfeJung in bie change the manner of burial. When ascribes the foundation of the order to )h-eite ftlaffe hti Solbaienftanbts ab* tb* empress died, soon after, the mika- the fact that Edward at the battle of do inquired of his officers if something Crecy Issued his garter as a signal for gef etyn, In the way of a change could not be battle, which, proving successful, deterD p u l e n t e S a u e r n lj o d j ^ suggested, and one proposed to make mined him to Institute the order in ) e i t. Sine Bauernb odjjett, *u ber Clay figures of men and bury them as memory of the event. ^ nicbt toenigei ala 250 @afte gekben substitutes." Both these opinions are to a certain toaren, fanb biefer Sage in bem fjan* That this did not entirely do away extent feasible, and the first Is matenober'fdien Sorfe fiiebern ftatt. gmei with the former custom Is proved by rially fortified by the well known fact Winber, jmei Jtalber unb me^rere •n edict issued In the year (HO A. D.. that when the crusaders captured St. @d)h)cine, eine 3Jtenge ©efliigel atler the date given first above, which forbid Jean d'Acre In a nocturnal assault the the burial of living persons and providSfrt unb 180 i)8funb Karpfen fjatten ed a penalty for further adherence to knights of the Christian army were or: dered to wear straps of white leather Sur SBertyrrlidjung beS 3efteS beitta* the awful rite.—St. I/ MI 'S Kepublie. bound round the leg under the left knee gen miiffen. 2)ie loatytytft fiirftlid)e In order to distinguish them from the in ber toar SBraut ^uSftattung ad)t Infidels. VAMPIRE BATS. SRaumen be* neuen jmeiftbdigen, be§ !8riiu» Ther Are tp atatl »< Vt-ai Bluud »u4 fe^Iofjartig gebauten 4»aufe§ ' THE WATER SriRiT. Casne Death at Maar Calves. ttgamS, bai mit alien mobernen Gtn= ria)tungen berfetyn loar, untergebrad)i. Vampire bats are found by thousands Orl(l> of odd avellefs Afeoat Reset-.. Ins Dmttvaiaa* Pcraoas. 9lud) fam ber @djroiegeroater nod) mit In Veragas and Cirlqul. They are particularly fond of veal blood , but older In Great Britain the belief that you einer anfeljnlidjen llingenben 9)Jorgen* stock and horses, colts, mules and bur- must not rescue a drowning person is gabe tyriiber. ros all suffer. 7 did not catch n vam- most prevalent in Cornwall and vari( s o l b a t e n a l § S R d u b e r . pire at his work, though' I saw hun- ous parts of Scotland. The French Slit f bem ifflege bon Oftromo nad) dreds of them , but the cattlemen all sailor and the boatman of the Danube ajjielcatef , ^ofen , tourben ber pansier tell the same story. The vampire set- bow to the decree, together wiih the ' ©lapa unb fein (Sotnt l)interriid§ bon tles somewhere ou the bai l; of the Itiissia us. and let the people drown. l»r. Taylor iu Ills "I'rimitive Culgroet Jtnfanteriften iifcerfallen unb auS- beast In the pasture at night and then, while slowly f a n n i n g its wings to and ture" declares (his lingering fondness geraubt. <Sie ertjielten fdjioere SJer* fro, cuts a circular p iece of skin one- for this old creed is because the water lefcungen am Jtcpf. ®er SBatet loar qunrter of an inch in diameter. spirit Is angry at being despoiled of its fbfort tobt; ber (£ob]n loar lebenSge* Th rough this hole lie sucks the blood victim , and should the unlucky person fa*)tlid) beriounbet , bod) lonnte et nod; till satisfied . who has dared to frustrate him trust bon ber fofort benad)rid)tigten unb er* One wound would be of little conse- himself to the water's power he will fdjienenen <Jferid)t3!ommtifton betnom* quence, nor would the loss of blood do drown as sure us fate. The Hohemiau fisherman shrinks men toerben; 3fuf ®runb feiner 9luS= much damage were that all, but half a fage erfolgfe nod) Wad}.* im 155. 3n* dozen vampires may feast on one poor from simt-j bing a drowning man from fanterie=3teg iment eine llnterfudiung. calf or on the back o? a saddle horse tbe waters, fearing the water demon in one night. Tli« calf Is badly weak- will inke nwiiy his luck in Ashing and 5Bie ©eitengetoebte bon jloei 3nfante* ened by the loss of blood, while a Sad- drown him before he gets to shore with riften tourben boDer SSIut gefunben. dle horse so served is worthless until the would be victim . In Germany X x' t Snfantttiften tourben bertjaftet. the wounds are entirely healed. But when some one Is drowned they say, S 1 1 6 ft ra o t b a v. i Q b, r * that is not the worst result of the bite. "The rirer spirit claims its yearly sacH e b e . 3n ©trafjburg, Gifaft, flliijte The region swarms with n pestiferous rifice," or, "The nix has taken him ," The belief Is current not aln.ie lu fid) ber 19jiifyrige Seminarift §off* fly that soon after dayligh t finds the those countries above mentioned, but and lays eggs In it. Unless ihe mann , loeil et toegen Unbotmafiigfeit wound wound is properly cleaned and d ressed the Kanichatkans rather than help a auS bem Seminar entlaffen worben with a waxy salve within forty-eight man out of the water would force him loar, au~ bem gtoetten ©todtoerf bei hours after the vampire's attack the under, and if he should escape to tbe 2fbrergebauoe 3 in ben §ofraum unb animal will be destroyed by the prog- shore no one would dare receive him blieb fofort tobt. 2er §auptgrunb eny of the fly. The percentage of into ills house 01- dare to give him food. ber (Snffaffung beftanb batin , ba£ calves thus killed is large In spite of He is supposed to be dead after once falling into the water. ©offmann loSbrenb be§ ltnterrid)t3 the watchfulness of the cow herders Saje ooffenbefe tttt b laut att^fprad), Panama Correspondent. A Mlsfclr Uraert Win*. bie einem fielder bei feinem SBortragr The saiiiiel is a hot, noxious elecMmtiklna; CastonitK ftilifiifd) nidjt gliiden rool'Iten , unb bafj Anion/;; the- Keclmanas of .Africa it Is trica l wind which passes over the sandy er ftdj einmal toeigerte , eine ©traf* the custom for the people when smok- desert s of Arabia and Africa . It moves arteit an'itfertigen , bie ber gteidje 2et)= ing to take a limber twig, which they with the quickness of lightning and ter ber gangett filaffe aufertegt Ijatte. bend into the form of a semicircle and pa sses in narrow currents for it few G r j i n e f m n t n a l l f t o n « then.bury in mud. This is well pound- minutes at a time. It deals liistanl * e r t i ft i n n e n. Ginen !8eioei8 ed down , and when the earth is suffi- death to every man or beast happening bafiir , bafy fidj bie Gtjinefen nidjt metjt ciently set the twig is withdrawn, to face it , and it is said that it so decomposes thein that their limbs fall leaving a hole which answers fo botlig ablefjnenb gegen bie abenb* pose of a pipestem. Tobacco the pur- asunder. The approach of it is Indicatis placed lanbifdje Rttitur bet^aiten , bilbete ein lu the excavation. ed by thick haze in the horizon , and neulitij bon djinefifdjen jungen Somen The Hawaiian natives habitually travelers. If they have time, throw in ©djangfjai aufgefii^rte* Jtorgert in swallow tbe smoke, and a few whiffs themselves on their faces, with their auSlanbifctyr OJiuftf. SBefonber* geidj* are enough to produce Intoxication. feet toward it. till It has passed. The nete ftd) batin eine junge Siame 91a* This drawback, however, has its com- sirocco is a nother blighting wind, which mens 3*e ausi, bie Seetljown* 27. pensating advantage, since the exhaus- prevails in Italy and adjoining dis©onate in anerfennenSibetttyf fBeife tion of a single pipe Is enough to pro- tricts about April. The West Indian of a totally different fpielte. 5li|dj anbere mitioirfenbe 2)a* duce wholesale Inebriation , as It Is hurricanes are description, being simply vortexes of men loiefen gute Seiftungen auf bem passed from mouth to mouth. great force, and they have been known The Kaffirs smoke dagha toba'-co, Rlabiet loie im bierftimmigen ©efange species of hemp. In a water pipe re-a to blow heavy cannon out of a battery auf . and carry a man over a ten foot wall. sembling the hookah. !8 i fj i b, m b i e 91 a f e a b. 3n A Sttlrnit*. Ore***!****. I'arla ReBtanrants. SBafel, ©djroeij, berfjaftete ein ©etyim* A Chicago man Just returned from When a certain well know comedian, polijift einen megen jatjlreidjer berbte* prided himself on his fun making a ramble in Europe declares that In djerifdjet £anblungen ftedbrief(id) ber* who ability, was "starring" in Edinburgh Paris the traps for unwary travelers folg ten SJucfdjen. 2>er SBerbredjer lei* his landlord , who seldom attended any are innumerable as the sands of the ftete aSJiberftanb, unb eS entfpann fidj public place save the kirk , asked him seashore. One of the most familiar is ein .ftanbgemenge, mobei ber Surfdje if he would oblige him with a "pass the restaurant where the bill of fare bem SCoIi'iften bodftanbig bie 'Jlafe ab* for the playlioos. " This favor was ! is without; prices , the check being made bife, fo bafj biefer in bal. ©pital ber= readily grained , ami tin- "s-ide man" out ace.iv.iiiij? to what the customer Bradjt loerben inufete. 35er Surfdje donned his best black suit and wit- seems able to pay. "I was bitten once entflob.; er ronrbe jebodj in §iiningen , nessed the comedian 's two grea t est ' or twice in this way," says the travhumorous Impersonations. Gifafe, feftgenomraen unb nadj ber landlord tbe next morning, Meetiughls ; cler. "but then 1 refused to order unthe comedi- less tiie menu mentioned the cost. ©djmeij au^geliefert. an asked how be liked the jierforinance. Sometimes the proprietor protested U r n e i n e n p f e n n i g . Gin "Weel ," said the Scotsman, "it pleas- feebly, but I told bim that he didn 't Ginipoljner in Obenfirdjen, Mfjeinpro- ed roe In fac' gey wee), and 1 conseeder buy his victuals without knowing the binj, erljielt jiingft bon einem 'JSoIi'ei * you played unco' natural.like, hut price, and 1 should follow his exambeamien bie fdjrifi.idje 9J?it!!)eilitng, heigh, man . I had a hard job to keep ple." tootjtberfdjlofien unb berftegelt, in'S mysel' frae iaugiiiiiK. " To Sav« Ont'l Bacon. §aug gebradjt, baf t er an bie ©tabl* Ilnlttifn on f*a«4ry. "To save one's bacon "—that is, to faffe einen pfennig ju gatjlert b,abe, When 1 fee) inclined to read poetry, maki* 11 narro w esca pe—is supposed to Weil ib, m ftatt 44 nur 43 pfennig an I take down my dictionary. The poet- refer to the Dniiuiow flitch. For many 3agbbiidiigelbetn auf bie ©tcuer gut- ry of words is quite as beautiful as ceiituries it was the custom at Dunthat of sentences. The author may ar- uiow , in 'England , to present a Hitch of gefdjtieben feien . 5H o fj I) a a r a I § S o b e g * range the gems effectively, but their bacon to 11 married couple of twenty shape and luster have been given by ti r f a d) e. 3" t i n m *$"it'itale -jit tlie attrition of ages, /inner me iiic years' s t a n d i n g who would make 0:1th SOSien fiarb ber StedjnungSo ff i'ial Sie* Guest simile from the whole range of on the Scriptures t h a t they hail never had a quarrel. To come close to • > gelntaner. Cir Ijatte fidj an einem aus lniag i n n t i v o writing, aud I will sliow* quarrel w i i l i o u i au actual rupture was.einem ©ofa tyrbor ftctynben Slofifjaar jou a single word which conveys r, in tiie popular wiuie ct , "10 save one's ant ?trme gcti fet unb fidj babutdj cine more ' profound, a more accurate and a bacon." SMiifberiii fiiinc i jugejogen. 1T;ie an jj more eloquent nnaiosy.—"Autocrat m" i(;m borgenommene Operation Ijatte ij tho Itreakfast Table." KVCI'J ' Hit n» (iooiS. i' "Have you a belt t h a t will go about feinen Grfotg mcljr. The Fuuilly S<*r»|ilionk. SS u di b c t a a t e r it ft t g e i Mrs. Saners (to Willy, as minlslcr my waist?" asked tbe young lady with a smile as she entotvd the dry goods ' © r e i f i n. ^ie ifflittrae itSilljelinine calls to see Mr. Sauerst—Willy, is your , store. SSetnaartner in Gilenbitrg, 5probtn,5 father in? Willy— l'es, lie 's upstairs "JVo. but I h a v e uouiethlng Just as ©acfjfe n, boflenbete jiinafttjin iijr 101. looking over your scrupbook. Mrs. j good," replied the young man who forSebei'.jjaijr. ^ie ©reifin ift torperlidj Saucrs (puzzledi—You mean my family i merly worked iu a dru g store. — Yonunb getfitg nod) riifiig; fie licft oljne account book? W:!!y Well , it'?. 2!! th '' J.OJ... c.;..„. nl „„ JBrifle unb bcrridjtet nodj mandje I)Su §= same. lie and yon always havo a scrap every lime he goes over it. I?volHi!r»ii era Jf l lic. i litfjcn Sfrbeitcn. (1 "What becomes o? a Joke when it ' (j e a r e n i dj t 10 0 Never tfli-vei* Up. SB o I I t 3 gels loo old for the almanac?" Tie—My motto is. "Xcvcr give up. " a I i ID e r b e n. Gin Ginmofiner in "The theatrical programme gets it" frequently noticed It in S8enttbifdj*Obernborf, ajiedlcnburg, er* She—Yes; I've "And from there It's but ' a step, to ¦• a crowded street car.—rhlladelpli: uor feinem 300. ©e* tjanate fidj fur^ the musica l comedy, ell?" -PhiladelRecord phia I' nllctin . bartstage , um ibn nidjt su erleten. ; For Your g§j^> ChristmasShopping j Go To WE* \ WALLACE WELLS & SON'S ) Department Store : Carrying as we do the largest stock and assortment in the county, we believe we can serve you better this season than ever before. A^^-t^^^^ ^A^ ^T^^W^r^r^rW^F^^W \ Wallace Wells & Son, ! I Riverhead New York. - SpecialHolidaySale Special Sale of Ladies' Trimmed Hats Ready to wear, up-tothe-minute in style and at very low prices. Including Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers. Sheepskin Coats, Hats, Caps, and Gent's Furnishings. Also a large assortment of goods that will be sold at Rock-Bottom Prices. Overcoats with Belts, all wool , latest style Pea Jackets, all wool , and finely tailored Men 's Suits, strictl y up-to-date from Boys' 2 ami ypkxc Suits from FURS ! - $7aOO S2.50 - $6 tO $9.00 % \,5Q tO S2.00 FURS ! FURS! Wc also carry a large assortment of Ladies' Furs, Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, all the latest Everything in the line of Shoes for both ladies and gentlemen can he found at this store, besides a number of sty les . other articles too numerous to mention. I buy FURS of all kinds and pay the highest market prices. Mink skins from $3 to $5. Foxes $4. Before Purchasing Elsewhere Give Us a Call. We will Save Your Money. R. Levitt The Brick Store, Riverhead, N. Y. Peconic A ve. s * Lane's Harness Store. The largest JJ^fck Stock of H «*o Goods "$S^Wi' on the island ¦—~ ¦ er X-^1Z—— = \ v ^ jpF A V i S K J i A x lis Tfr<>r j c ; .' nT!'i' <M ' - n\ * W O R X V. A K I > FITS TIIK A N I M A L OUT *ATI H < 'OM I' OIIT ti I V I N f i llAKNl'SS. OUR ( iOOIKS A HE K Q U A I . To T I I K DI ' . U A N D S M ADK !.' 1>0N THEM. T H K Y ARK MADE BY < ;o <W> W OKKM EN A N D Or 'THE RI GHT MATKRIA1 , SO 1IOKSK W K A K IS HKTTKK THAN THE : : : : : : : 1IORSK WEA R YOU fll'T H K K I ' . Harness Made to Order by Our Experienced Makers Arc Our Specialties. Cold Weather Blankets and liobcs For t-iELKCT I..ARGKST ASS () HTM I-:.NT TO FROM . I I Riverhead I 1 A IMF Peconic. Avenue H u / a "a Lr%l >II- « M.\Il. t>K!>KRS UWKtVK I'tlOMIT ATTENTION' I