information - The Association of Jewish Refugees
information - The Association of Jewish Refugees
VOL. XX No. 9 September, 1965 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE- ASSOCI ATION Ertcin OF JEWISH GREAT 8 FAIRFAX MANSIONS, FINCHLEY RD. (corner Fairfax Rd.). London, N.W.3 0//i'ce and Contulting Hours: Telephone : MAIda Vale 9096;7 (General Ollice and Wellart for t h t Aged), MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Agency, annually licensed by the L.C.C., and Sociai Services Dept.) Friday lOa.m.— lp.m. Rosenthal Year Book IX of the Those of us who are looking forward with eager anticipation to the annual event of this Year Book* will not be disappointed : the varied contributions to Volume IX, sober and competent, are not only valuable in themselves but also raise a number of fundamental questions for ourselves, the former German Jews. As usual, the Year Book is introduced by its editor. Robert Weltsch, who, with youthful vigour and sure touch, elicits important, relevant studies. By succinctly characterising the seventeen monographs, articles and notes, he conveys to the reader their essential unity in design and theme. (It would be worthwhile to collect his Introductions to the volumes so far published and, one fervently hopes, to be continued, into a book of its own, since they are indicative of the many aspects of the German-Jewish problem : religious, political, economic, social and cultural.) In the space of a review it would be impossible to describe adequately all the contributions. The present reviewer can only touch the surface of some. The book falls into five sections : Semantics and Historiography; Jewish Contributions to Culture and Trade ; " Bohemian Interlude "; Literature and Art; and German Jews Abroad. Forty pages of Bibliography 1963 under the title Post-War Publications on German Jewry, compiled on behalf of the Wiener Library by Bertha Cohn, round off this as every previous edition of the Year Book. The analysis of recent German-Jewish history, seen as a symbiosis attempted with varying degrees of success and failure, is as necessarj' as it is painful for those who have lived through it. Symbiosis, originally a biological term, in our context denotes not only the "association of two different organisms" (Oxford English Dictionary), but the purposeful living together of two diflerent human groups aiming at, but not always leading to, complete integration. The problem of Jews and Judaism in a largely non-Jewish world is visible in its most acute form in this attempted German-Jewish symbiosis ; it is the problem of how to achieve integration while at the same time maintaining Jewish separateness, that is, the preservation of Jewish identity amidst full participation in the national life of the non-Jewish majority. It is Emancipation which has posed this dilemma for the first time in Jewish history. The present Year Book makes a significant contribution to its understanding. In the first study ("The Jewish Parasite. Notes on the Semantics of the Jewish Prob- Monday fo Thunday BRITAIN 10a.m.-lp.m. 3—6p.m. torical Interpretation of Judaism", aptly placed by the Editor after Bein's study. Though Weber distinguishes between Judaism before and after assimilation, his use of the term Pariahvolk to characterise the Jews before assimilation is likewise open to dangerous misuse. Thus, he speaks of the Jews as Leo Baeck Institute of " a people living without attachment to a native soil of their own, connected with their lem,with special reference to Germany"),Alex hosts only by certain economic functions Bein tackles this grave problem from a which they exercised ". hitherto neglected angle. He treats with the Liebeschiitz's critical evaluation of Weber's significance of language for the image of the concept of the Jews as a Pariahvolk is of capiJew in the mind of the majority population tal importance for the understanding of the by showing how terminology expresses and, at mind and attitude to Jews and Judaism among the same time, conditions an attitude and how leading German intellectuals in the first third such an attitude leads to action. The sinister of the twentieth century. influence of terminology on Nazi doctrine and Turning from semantics to historiography, practice, and its direct connection with the Georg Herhtz offers a comparative study of Jewish tragedy are demonstrated with a wealth " Three Jewish Historians : Isaak Markus Jost, of relevant detail. By a close examination of Heinrich Graetz, Eugen Taubler", in which the antisemitic literature from the nineteenth he seeks " t o demonstrate the tremendous century onwards Bein illustrates how the progress which the historiography of the Jews concept of " the Jew" gradually crystallised made in Germany in the course of rather less in the image which the Nazis propagated. He than a century ". His attempt at vindicating sees the philosophical foundation of such a Jost as " the first Jewish historian with a scienconcept in the romantic glorification of the tific approach . . . a historian of independent organic and the biological roots of modern mind and integrity " in contrast to the theolonationalism. Add certain mystical and mythi- gian Graetz (who had a rather low opinion of cal ideas and you have the theoretical super- Jost) is interesting. Herlitz shares Salo W. structure of National Socialist Germany. Bein Baron's view of Graetz and charges him with rightly points out that what was originally a " wavering between different historical conlinguistic analogy became an independent ceptions ", due to being " a Prussian patriot criterion for fatal value judgements, and and a Nationaljude". We must exercise exemplifies this with the development of the restraint in the face of such an apparent conterm " parasite". Denoting originally an tradiction ; there are also other views on element m a living organism, the term was Graetz, and, in his Introduction, Dr. Weltsch applied to political and social life and played draws our attention to other relevant studies, a decisive part in justifying certain measures notably a perceptive evaluation by E. J. Cohn. by which the majority " host nation " of pure The more successful part of Herlitz's comparaGermans was to be saved from the destructive tive study is devoted to Eugen Taubler, whose influence of a minority of dangerous " para- basic thesis that Jewish history must be sites". In cold logic, the step to the exter- viewed within the context of general history mination of these parasites was not far. was shared by Ismar Elbogen (a fact Herlitz not mention). Herlitz rightly pleads for Bein's study makes sombre reading ; its aim does the acceptance writers on Jewish history is to warn us not to fall prey to insidious of the exemplaryby propaganda which may result in the accept- torian Taubler. methodology of the pure hisance by the victims themselves of the concept created by the host nation. Confirmation Reuwen Michael, in his German study, comes from an unexpected quarter : the dis- " Graetz and Hess", stresses the two men's tinguished literary critic and translator of identity of views on the desirability of reShakespeare, Friedrich Gundolf, who, in a establishing a Jewish nation in Palestine as letter to Eugen Mayer, speaks of the Germans well as their conservatism and opposition to as " a nation and a faith whose hospitality the Reform movement. Recent interest in we enjoy " (Eugen Mayer " Zwei Gedichte aus Graetz and Hess is no accident : the dangers, Friedrich Gundolfs Jugend", pp.343 E.). demonstrated by Bein, even after the defeat Herzl also accepted the host-guest concept, and of Nazism, and the need—both among Israelis perhaps one could see in Zionism a reaction and Galut-Jews—of redefining their Jewishagainst the opposite concept of a German- ness underline the relevance of these two Jewish symbiosis. In any final assessment of thinkers' search for the meaning of Judaism the inter-relationship between Jews and Ger- and Jewish history. mans we would do well to remember Bein's Eduard Rosenbaum's essay on "Ferdinand verdict : "What appeared to be a symbiosis Lassalle " offers, despite its brevity, a percepto the Jews looked to the Germans—and not tive summary of the views held on this cononly to avowed antisemites—like a more or troversial socialist, who lies buried in the less dangerous form of parasitism foisted Jewish cemetery of Breslau. upon the German host nation". The problematic aspects of the German-Jewish A telling complement and, to some extent, symbiosis in the strictly theoretical-cultural corrective to Bein's searching analysis of field are well brought out in Fritz Heineparasitism is furnished by H. Liebeschiitz in mann's lively study "Jewish Contributions to his weighty exposition of "Max Weber's His(Continued on page 2, column 1) GERMAN-JEWISH SYMBIOSIS , * Year Book IX of the Leo Baeck Institute. Edited by Robert Weltsch. London, 1964. Pp. xxxU -I- 448. « 7s. 6d. For members of the Society of Friends of the Leo Baeck Institute free of charge. REFUGEES IN Page 2 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 GERMAN-JEWISH SYMBIOSIS (Continued from page 1) German Philosophy," which is devoted to the German-Jewish dialogue from Mendelssohn to Hermann Cohen. It is a refreshingly independent study by a philosopher nurtured in this tradition of which he shows a valuable critical understanding. Of Mendelssohn he says that, while his " ' Jerusalem' remains a document of permanent value ", he failed to give " his people a sufficient religious and spiritual foundation to enable them to live as Jews together with the Christian population. This was of far-reaching consequence for Gennan Jewry ". Heinemann also considers it " noteworthy that the success of Mendelssohn, Marx and Cohen (as German philosophers) depended on friendship and co-operation with outstanding Germans (Lessing, Engels, Natorp), a phenomenon which would seem to deserve fuller analysis ". The specific position in which Jews are placed, whether they are just ordinary people or have made " outstanding contributions " to German or French or English culture, becomes evident from the interesting study by Heinz Becker on Meyerbeer ("Giacomo Meyerbeer —On the Centenary of His Death "). It shows how " political considerations interfere with artistic judgement". This also emerges from Max Brod's " Some Comments on the Relationship between Wagner and Meyerbeer ". An interesting sidelight on this complex of problems is thrown by Z. Szajkowski's " The Struggle for Yiddish During World War I— The Attitude of German Jewry ". Right in the centre of the German-Jewish problem is the limitation of the legal and political emancipation of the Jews in Germany, as it becomes evident in the discussion on their admission to public oflSce. In his interesting article on " Jews in Public Service under the German Monarchy", Ernst Hamburger shows that the Jews were simply not acknowledged as equal citizens by predominantly Christian conservatives, not even by Unmittelbar nach Verkundung erscheint das Bundesentschadigungsgesetz in der endgiiltigen Fassung des BEG-Schlussgesetxes (2. AendG-BEG) mit einem Leiffoden von RA. Dr. L. H. Farnborough ca. 128 Seiten, brosch . . DM 12,40 Soeben erschienen : Bruno Blou Das Ausnahmerecht fur die Juden in DeutscMand 1933-1945 3. Aufl., 128 S., Gr. 8», brosch. DM 9,80 im Verlag der Allgemeinen Wochenxeitung der Juden in Deutschland. Zu beziehen durch alle Buchhandlungen und durch die Bucherstube der Allgemeinen 4 DiJsseeldorf 10, Zietenstrasse SO. Postfach 100 99 Postscheck Essen 99 OSS / Telefon 49 36 34/35 1 Berlin I S , Joachimstaler Strasse 13.Telefon 91 SS 51 liberals. Jews could not be entrusted with the education of German youth. " Jews in the Leipzig Fur Trade ", by W. Harmelin is important not only for economic history but also for that of the Jewish community of Leipzig. The flourishing fur trade fostered the development of a vigorous communal life, including important contributions made by individual Jewish scholars at the University of Leipzig. "The Life of Clementine Kraemer ", by W. J. Cahnman, allows us more than a fleeting glance of the Jewish community in Munich and relates personal family matters skilfully to the Jewish fate in Germany. The next two contributions, "A Voice from the Prague Enlightenment", by Ruth Kestenberg-Gladstein and Hans Tramer's " Prague— City of Three Peoples", relate " Bohemian Interlude " to the wider context of the evolution of modern Judaism. Especially Tramer's article highlights the considerable contribution of the Jewish inteUectuals of that famous city to German literature as well as to Zionism. Of special relevance to a final assessment of unwanted contributions by " guests" to the culture of their "host" is Tramer's factual statement that the Germans—one of the three peoples—did not want to have anything to do with these literati-Jews who claimed to represent German literature (Brod, Kafka, Ernst Weiss and many other poets and novelists of distinction). A tribute to the Jewish painter, Eugene Spiro, on his ninetieth birthday, consists in the reproduction of four of his cycle of prophets (Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel). Finally, Alexander Carlebach's " The German-Jewish Immigration and Its Influence on Synagogue Life in the U.S.A. (1933-1942)" provides welcome relief from the gloom spread by the frank analysis of success and failure of German-Jewish symbiosis, in that it describes—as the result of the author's visit to the U.S.A. —how refugees from Nazi oppression settled down in their newly-won freedom as Jews. They mostly hailed from Southern and Western Germany, bringing with them local traditions and customs which they try to preserve while being, at the same time, inevitably subjected to the influences of both Jewish and Christian Americans. If anybody had doubts as to the justification of the Leo Baeck Institute and its numerous publications, such doubts will disappear after reading the Institute's weighty studies. They are indispensable building material for a strictly scholarly history of Jewry and Judaism in Germany. It is not possible to erect a monument with casual labour, with a contribution here and a contribution there written in one's spare time, valuable as such monographs are. Time is short and the number of those who can speak from first-hand knowledge is bound to decrease. We must find full-time workers, whom some of the distinguished permanent contributors to the Year Books should train —think of Taubler and the Akademie fiir die Wissenschaft des Judentums and his eminent colleagues and their disciples. Yet the goal can oniy be reached if all former German Jews render their practical and moral support to the work, especially by strengthening the Society of Friends of the Leo Baeck Institute. Recently the Leo Baeck Institute "celebrated " the tenth anniversary of its creation. In the life of a scholarly Institute ten years is a short time. Much has been achieved during these years. It is in our power to help the good work on. RESTITUTION PAYMENTS TRANSFER No Dollar Premiums In the May issue of " AJR Information " we reported that, together with other organisations, the AJR had asked the authorities concerned for a reconsideration of the decision according to which dollar premiums were no longer to be granted on transfers of capital restitution and compensation payments. In his reply the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that he had to adhere to his decision. The matter was also raised in Parliament on August 3 by Sir John Foster and Sir Barnett Janner, but the answer was again in the negative. In his supplementary question Sir John Foster referred to the fact that the victims of Nazism received the money in compensation for their investments. " Does the Chancellor realise the existence of the anomaly," he asked, " that if they had received shares instead of money they could sell the shares on the investment currency market ? " On behalf of the Treasury Mr. MacDermot stated that the Chancellor had given sympathetic consideration to representations which were made on this subject, but that he could not single out this class for special treatment compared with all the other categories of receipts now subject to the new procedure. In answer to a further question by Mr. Sydney Silverman, Mr. MacDermot stated that, up to now, the recipients of German restitution payments had been in a better position than, for example, British claimants against the Egyptian Government, who have never been able to sell their compensation as investment currency. ANGLO-GERMAN COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Time Limit Extended According to the rules of the Anglo-German Compensation Agreement which were published in the October, 1964, issue of AJR Information, claims had to be submitted to the Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, London, S.W.l, until July 31, 1965. This time limit has now been extended to March 31, 1966. Claimants must have been British citizens on October 1, 1953, and payments for loss of liberty or damage to health can only be granted to persons who did not receive or are not eligible for receiving indemnification for these damages from Germany and Austria. As according to the German Indemnification Law, indemnification cannot be awarded for a captivity of less than one month, persecutees who were in a concentration camp for less than one month might be eligible for a payment under the Anglo-German Compensation Agreement. The types of damages for which Nazi victims from Austria might be eligible for compensation under the Agreement were described in the May, 1965, issue of AJR Information. Your House /or:— CURTAINS, CARPETS, LINO, UPHOLSTERY SPICIALITY CONTINENTAL DOWN QUILTS I ALSO RE-MAKES AND RE-COVERS ESTIMATES FREE DAWSON-LANE LIMITED 17 BRIDGE ROAD, WEMBLEY PARK Telephone : ARN. 6671 Personal attention of Mr. W. Shackman. Page 3 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Dr..C. Kapralik Aus der Oesterreichischen Sozialversicherung Pensionsclynamik in Oesterreich Wir wollen heute unseren Lesern aus Oesterreich ueber eine wichtige Neuentwicklung auf dem Gebiete der osterreichischen Sozialversicherung berichten. Diejenigen, die im Bezug von Sozialversicherungspensionen stehen, wissen, dass diese Pensionen von Zeit zu Zeit erhoht worden sind. Bekanntlich sind in den Nachkriegsjahren in West- und Mitteleuropa Lohne und Gehalter starker als die Lebenskosten angestiegen. In anderen Worten, die Lohne und Gehalter haben nicht nur mit den Lebenskosten Schritt gehalten, sondern Lohn- und Gehaltsempfanger haben an der Erhbhung des Nationaleinkommens teilgenommen und ihren Lebensstandard verbessern konnen. Die osterreichische Gesetzgebung war seit 1955 bestrebt, auch fuer die Pensionisten eine gewisse Erhbhung des Lebensstandards zu sichern, doch geschah dies bisnun durch sporadische Erhbhungen, deren Ausmass von budgetaeren Erwagungen diktiert war. Nuninehr ist jedoch das osterreichische Parlament einen entscheidenden Schritt weitergegangen, indem es die sogenannte Pensionsdynamik, ueber die seit Jahren in Oesterreich diskutiert worden ist, eingefiihrt hat. Durch das Pensionsanpassungsgesetz (PAG—BGBl. 96/65) ist von Gesetzes wegen sichergestellt worden, dass die Pensionen Jahr fiir Jahr der Entwicklung der Lbhne und Gehalter der im Erwerbsleben stehenden folgen werden. Die statistische und mathematische Basis, auf der die neue Regelung ruht, ist zu kompliziert um hier geschildert zu werden ; diejenigen unserer Leser, die sich aber fuer die Art und Weise der Ermittlung der Richtzahl und der Aufwertungsfaktoren interessieren, seien auf den neuen Abschnitt Via des ASVG, bezw. den neuen Abschnitt VII des GSPVG, verwiesen. Sie werden den neuen Bestimmungen entnehnien, dass es gelungen ist, ein Problem von ausserordentlicher Kompliziertheit in prazise (wenn auch nur dem Fachmann klare) Gesetzessprache umzugiessen. Natiirlich fordert diese bahnbrechende Neuerung Vorsorge fiir die laufende Bereitstellung der erforderlichen Mittel. Die Angestellten und Arbeiter, die selbstandigen Gewerbetreibenden, sowie die freiwillig Versicherten werden in Zukunft erhohte Beitraege zu leisten haben. Fiir unsere Leser, die freiwillige Beitrage zahlen, sind hauptsachlich von Interesse die zukiinftigen Beitragsleistungen in der Pensionsversicherung der Angestellten. Die monatlichen Beitrage wurden ab Mai 1965 von 14% auf 15% erhbht; sie werden ab Janner 1967 auf 16%, ab Juli 1968 auf 16.5%, ab Juli 1970 auf 17% erhbht werden. Diese gesteigerten Beitragsleistungen werden jedoch nicht geniigend sein, um die erforderlichen Mittel sicherzustellen, und die bsterreichische Bundesrepublik wird alljahrlich erhebliche Zuschiisse zu leisten haben. Die Auswirkungen des Pensionsanpassungsgesetzes sind fiir die in Emigration lebenden Pensionisten ausserordentlich bedeutsam. Dass dieses Gesetz erlassen werden konnte ist symptomatisch fuer die Wandlung und ErstarKung der wirtschaftlichen Lage Oesterreichs. Pensionsversicherung der Selbstandigen Im Maerz 1962 berichteten wir in AJR information ueber den erfolgreichen Ausgang der Verhandlungen des Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria mit der bsterreichischen Bundesregierung, die dazu fiihrten, dass auch diejenigen, die zur Emigration gezwungen waren, der Pensionen unter dem im Jahre 1958 erlassenen Gewerblichen Selbstandigen Pensionsversicherungsgesetz (GSPVG) teilhaft werden konnten. Die Pensionsversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft hat bis zum Jahre 1963 Ansuchen von Emigranten um Zuerkennung von Pensionen in einer Weise gehandhabt, die dem Geiste der Besprechungen des Claims Committee mit der Bundesregierung entsprach. Im Jahre 1964 mussten wir jedoch die befremdende Wahrnehmung machen, dass sich die Praxis der Anstalt geandert hat, wurde jeder auch noch so kurze Aufenthalt in Oesterreich zum Anlass genommen um die Ersatzfrist des § 62(3) GSPVG als beendet zu erklaeren mit dem Resultat, dass den Betroffenen Pensionsrechte abgesprochen wurden. Noch uberraschender war die Tatsache, dass das Oberlandesgericht Wien in einer Reihe von Entscheidungen der von der Anstalt eingeschlagenen Linie gefolgt ist und die obige Gesetzesstelle dahin interpretiert hat, dass Auswanderung als Behinderungsgrund der Fortsetzung der selbstandigen Erwerbstatigkeit wegfalle, sobald nach dem Jahre 1945 eine Riickkehr nach Oesterreich objektiv mbglich war; ein, wenn auch nur voriibergehender Aufenthalt in Oesterreich beweise, dass die objektive Behinderung weggefallen ist. In einer besonders krassen Entscheidung wurde der Witwe die Pension verweigert, weil ihr verstorbener Mann im November 1947 am Abend in Bruck/Neusiedel von Ungarn kommend, in Oesterreieh eingereist war, iiber Nacht im Zug Oesterreich iiberquert hatte, und am nachsten Morgen iiber Arnoldstein nach Italien, auf dem Wege nach Israel, ausgereist war. Gegen diese erstaunliche Entwicklung hat das Claims Committee auf allerhbchster Regierungsebene nachdriickUche Vorstellungen erhoben. Es wurde ausgefiihrt, dass es sich gar nicht darum handeln kbnne, ob eine Riickkehr objektiv moeglich war, dass es sich vielmehr darum handle, ob eine solche Riickkehr zugemutet werden konnte in Anbetracht der Vorkommnisse wahrend der sogenannten Anschluss-Zeit. Dies sei von Bundesregierung in den Jahren 1953/4 wahrend der Verhandlungen des Claims Committee iiber die Pensionen der bffentlichen Angestellten, iiber Spezialversicherungspensionen und bei anderen Gelegenheiten voll anerkannt. Es gehe daher nicht an, dass entgegen dem Geiste aller Besprechungen Personen der Ersatzzeit verlustig gemacht werden, die aus irgendwelchen Griinden, sei es um ein Restitutionsverfahren zu betreiben, oder die Graber ihrer Eltern zu besuchen, sich vorubergehend in Oesterreich aufgehalten haben. Es soil mit Befriedigung festgestellt werden, dass sowohl der bsterreichische Bundeskanzler, als auch der Minister fiir Soziale Verwaltung, voiles Verstandnis fuer die Lage gezeigt haben. Das bsterreichische Parlament hat im Wege der jiingst erschienenen 13. Novelle zum GSPVG (BGBl. 222/65) Abhilfe geschaffen. Die Novelle bestimmt, dass verfolgungsbedingte Auswanderung langstens bis zum 1. April 1959 als Ersatzzeit gilt. Diese Ersatzzeit wird nur unterbrochen, wenn der Versicherte im Inlande seinen Wohnsitz wieder begriindet hat Oder eine selbstandige Erwerbstatigkeit GERMAN AMBASSADOR IN ISRAEL On August 11, the Gennan Ambassador to Israel, Dr. Rolf Pauls, arrived in Lydda. His arrival was preceded by a week of protests throughout the country. There were also demonstrations outside President Shazar's mansion, when he presented his credentials to the President. One of the Ambassador's first actions after his arrival was a visit, at his own request, to Yad Vashem, where he saw the exhibits and archives commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. Protests were also lodged against the appointment of Dr. Alexander Toeroek as Dr. Pauls' deputy. Press reports accused Dr. Toeroeck of collaborating with the Nazis during the war while secretary at the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin in 1944, when the Germans occupied Hungary and began channelling their orders for the destruction of Hungarian Jewry through the Berlin Embassy. Dr. Toeroek has denied the accusations. The Israeli Foreign Ministry, after investigating Dr. Toeroek, has cleared him of any association with antisemitic activities. Other members of the West German Embassy's staff in Israel include Graf York von Wartenburg, whose father was executed by the Nazis; Herr von Uthmann and Herr Hondrich, the two last-named being too young to have held any post during the Hitler regime. Until a permanent residence has been found the Embassy will be accommodated in the Sheraton Hotel (Tel Aviv). EXCHANGE OF AMBASSADORS WELCOMED Dr. Prinz's Cable to Chancellor Erhard Dr. Joachim Prinz, President of the American Jewish Congress, has sent the following cable to Chancellor Dr. Erhard : " May I express my deep gratification on the exchange of Ambassadors between your Government and Israel. I hope that this new relationship will open avenues of meaningful co-operation between Germany and the people of Israel fully consonant with Germany's moral obhgation and her special relationship to that people. I am confident, too, that this relationship with Israel will further the cause of peace in the Middle East. We who have lived through the Nazi holocaust will remember at all time our historic responsibilities." AUSCHWITZ SENTENCES After a trial which lasted 20 months, sentences were passed on the defendants of the Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt. Six of the prisoners were given life sentences, 11 were sentenced to hard labour, ranging from 14 years to 39 months, and three were acquitted. Those sentenced to life-long hard labour—the highest punishment in Germany after the abolition of the death penalty—are four guards, one medical orderly and one " trusted " prisoner. Those acquitted were one of the camp doctors (Dr. Schatz) and two clerks. Several of the sentenced defendants have lodged appeals. When announcing the sentences, the Judge, Dr. Hofmeyer, recalled the unspeakable brutalities which had come to light in the course of the trial. He emphasised that the Court's task had not been to " overcome the past" ; the only issue with which it had been concerned was the guilt of the accused. aufgenommen und langer als ein Jahr ununterbrochen ausgeiibt hat. Eine in die Novelle eingebaute Uebergangsbestimmung sichert, dass auf bis zum 31. Dezember 1966 zu steiienden Antrag alle diejenigen Falle neu aufgeroUt werden kbnnen, in denen die Pensionsversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft die Zuerkennung einer Pension mit Ruecksicht auf einen voriibergehenden Aufenthalt in Oesterreich verweigert hat. AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 4 EASTERN JEWRY NEWS FROM ABROAD DEPORTA-nON OF PARIS JEWS REMEMBERED UNITED STATES Immigrants' Son for U.N. Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg, a Justice of the Supreme Court since 1962, succeeded Mr. Adlai Stevenson as American Ambassador to the United Nations. The son of poor Jewish immigrants, Mr. Goldberg began as a delivery boy and worked his way through two colleges at once. By the age of 30 he was lawyer for several trade unions. President Kennedy chose him as Secretary for Labour in 1961. Announcing the appointment. President Johnson said: " His life embodies the story of our open and free society as a fulfilment of the opportunity we want all mankind to share." According to America, the liberal Jesuit weekly, Mr. Goldberg " might conceivably be destined to become the first Jewish President of the United States ". New Appointments President Johnson announced the appointments of three more Jews to high positions in the Administration. Dr. Harold Brown, 38, will become Secretary of the Air Force. This will make him a member of the Cabinet. Mr. Stephen N. Shulman, 32, was appointed General Counsel to the Air Force. Mr. Leonard H. Marks, 49, was named Director of the United States Information Agency. Mr. Abe Fortas was appointed to the U.S.A. Supreme Court to succeed Mr. Arthur Goldberg. Mr. George J. Feldman, a New York attorney, has been nominated the first United States Ambassador to Malta. Another Jewish attorney, Mr. David Bronheim, has been appointed deputy U.S.A. co-ordinator of the Alliance for Progress, the programme designed to aid the economic development of Latin America. Bar Association Against Discriminatloii The American Bar Association cancelled arrangements to hold two sessions of its convention in Miami Beach in a private club which bars Jews and Negroes. Mr. Morris B. Abram, president of the American Jewish Committee, protested against the venue in a letter to the A.B.A. president. Mr. Lewis F. Powell. In reply, Mr. Powell said that his organisation " does not practise or tolerate racial or religious discrimination in any form ".—(J.C.) RIO DE JANEIRO'S WEIZMANN SQUARE Some months ago it was decided to call a square in one of the most exclusive areas of Rio de Janeiro " Chaim Weizmann Square ", after Israel's first President. The naming ceremony has now taken place and a bronze bust of Dr. Weizmann wap unveiled in the square. Among the buildings in the square are the Governor's palace, the Anne Frank municipal school and the West German Embassy. Speakers at the ceremony included the Governor of Gunabara Province, of which Rio de Janeiro is the capital, the president of the Brazil-Israel Cultural Centre and the Israeli Ambassador.—(J.C.) Visit by U.S.A. Rabbis Thousands of Jews attended a meeting at the Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr, to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of " Black Thursday "—July 16, 1942—when the Gestapo, aided by the French police, rounded up 30,000 Paris Jews for deportation to the death camps. GENEVA DESECRATION Red paint was smeared on the monument to the Jewish victims of Nazism at the main Geneva synagogue. The monument was unveiled on June 15, 1964. The inscription reads : " Because they were Jews, six million men, women and children were killed during the Nazi era, innocent victims of a world laden with sin. May God remember their martyrdom." ANTISEMinSM IN SWEDEN New antisemitic terror threats have been received in recent weeks by Jews in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmb, including Dr. Bemhard Tarschys. chairman of the Board of Deputies of the Stockholm Jewish community. Dr. Tarschys pointed out that a large number of Jews who were rescued from Nazi concentration camps were living in Sweden, and such antisemitic letters made them afraid. The Jewish communities have drawn the Swedish Prime Minister's attention to neo-Nazi activities in Sweden, and they plan a further approach to Dr. Erlander complaining of an antisemitic campaign in the country. The Swedish Nazis have been given notice to quit their headquarters in Stockholm by the landlords, who are administrators of the estate of the late C. E. Carlberg, a one-time Nazi. Bjoern Lundhal, the head of the organisation, has objected to the notice and the dispute may go to the courts.— (J.C.) ANCIENT LIBEL SUPPRESSED In 1475 the body of Simon, a Christian child, was found in Trent, in north-eastern Italy, and Jews were tortured and massacred after being accused of his murder. Five years later the people of Trent received the right from Pope Sixtus IV to canonise Simon, and soon afterwards the saint was proclaimed patron. In spite of a finding by the Pope's envoy that the Jews were innocent, the libel has been maintained for nearly 500 years. Periodic protests in the last few decades had no effect. Now, as the result of vigorous action by the Vatican, all references to the Jews having been responsible for the child's death have been stopped. A booklet describing the libel which used to be on sale in Trent Cathedral has been withdrawn, the chapel dedicated to St. Simon closed and the sculpture overhanging its entrance, depicting the Jews spilling the child's blood, has been removed. The solemn procession, which used to carry the mummified remains of the child together with the torturers' instruments through the town, has also been suppressed. Feuchtwanger (London) Ltd. Bankers BASILDON HOUSE 7-11, MOORGATE, E.C.2 Telephone: METropolitan 8151 Representing: 1. L. FEUCHTWANGER BANK LTD. J FEUCHTWANGER CORPORA-nON TEL AVIV : JERUSALEM : HAIFA | 60 EAST 42nd ST., NEW YORK, 17, N.Y. For the first time in ten years American rabbis have addressed worshippers in Moscow's Central Synagogue. In the words of an eyewitness the scene was " electrifying." As the three rabbis, members of a visiting nine-member delegation from the (Orthodox) Rabbinical Council of America, walked with the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Y. L. Levin, behind the sefer Torah, worshippers reached out to touch them or to whisper the names of relatives Uving in the United States. Observers in Moscow have commented on the fact that not only have the Russian authorities permitted the visit of a rabbinical delegation, who toured the Soviet Union, but that they were also able to occupy the Central Synagogue pulpit. "Economic Crimes" After an absence for some time from the Soviet press, two of Moscow's major newspapers recently published stories implicating Jews in economic crimes. The first appeared in " Pravda " on July 7, attacking Soviet citizens offering refuge to people sought by the police for economic crimes. Pictures of three wanted men were published, two of whom had distinctly Jewish names. Other Jews were mentioned in the article about a gang wanted in connection with the illegal production of textiles. On the same day, " Moskovskaya Pravda" began the publication of a series of articles about a documentary film entitled " Black Business " dealing with the notorious ShakermanRoifmann affair. The paper brought in Jewish names not mentioned in the film. Subsequently " Sovetskaya Rossiya " named a Jewish barber in Omsk and his associates as the ringleaders of a drug ring. Antisemitism Denounced Addressing a joint meeting of the Communist Party central committee and the Latvian Supreme Soviet in Riga, Mr. Alexei Kosygin, the Soviet Premier, denounced antisemitism as being " alien " to the Communist world outlook. Mr. Kosygin said that the party was progressing towards its final aim, the merging of the nations into one family, "by way of the fullest development of the national culture of every people and every nationality "• He stated that " nationalist remnants in any form, be it the manifestation of nationalism. Great Power chauvinism, racism or antisemitism, are absolutely alien, in contradiction to our Communist world outlook." Threat to Synagogue The local authorities in Tallin are planning to demolish the synagogue in the capital of Estonia. This community of four thousand Jews is about to lose its synagogue on the second floor of a small building, because it is in an area earmarked for reconstruction. The authorities are unwilling to make another building available to the community, which has very limited means itself. Ivrit in Leningrad When the international congress of " twinned cities " opened in Leningrad in the presence of 500 delegates from 40 countries, municipal leaders of Israel were invited to the Soviet Union for the first time. Mr. Oved Ben Ami, Mayor of Natanya, leading the Israeli delegation, made his opening speech in Hebrew and English He stated afterwards that although no Israeli cities or towns are as yet twinned with any in the Soviet Union, the delegation was given a friendly reception by the Russian hosts, and the Mayor of Leningrad seemed to like his suggestion for an exchange of street names between the two towns. The Israeli delegates also visited synagogues in Leningrad and Moscow. A special prayer was recited at Moscow for the welfare of the Presidents of the U.S.S.R. and of Israel.—(J.C.) AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 5 HOME NEWS ANTISEMITIC OUTBREAKS IN PARLIAMENT Outbreaks of racialist activity and vandalism have occurred in South London. There was a bomb scare at Brixton Synagogue when a caller telephoned Dayan M. Steinberg's home. A search was made by the police but no bomb was found. Special branch officers and local police investigated threats to burn down the Croydon Synagogue and telephone calls threatening its minister. Other leading Jews in the area are also said to have been threatened and Mr. Bemard Weatherill, M.P., has taken action over this matter. More than thirty Tooting shopkeepers complained to the police about anti-Jewish and racialist posters and other daubings on their shops. The M.P. for Wandsworth Central, Dr. David Kerr, referred to this as an outrageous display of racialism and a desperate fling before the Race Relations Act. Fascist Activities Synagogue Fires The spate of synagogue incidents continues. Fires recently broke out in Clapton and Ilford synagogues. Antisemitic slogans were daubed on the Clapton synagogue. An attempt, resulting in little damage, was made to set fire to the Shomrei Hadath Synagogue, in Finchley Road. Police were called to the Stanmore Synagogue, where they found two bottles of petrol and paraffin against the door. No damage was caused. A scuffle occurred outside the Golders Green Synagogue. Members of the community were alerted by an anonymous 'phone call that the synagogue would be raided. No damage was caused. Deputies' Concem A Board of Deputies' delegation, led by its president, Mr. S. Teff, called on Mr. J. L. Waldron, an assistant commissioner of police at Scotland Yard. They expressed to him the anxiety felt by the Jewish community at the number of anti-Jewish incidents, particularly petrol bomb attacks on synagogues, over the past few months. Mr. Waldron intimated that these incidents were regarded very seriously and that all possible steps were being taken to protect synagogues and to apprehend the culprits. The defence organisation of the Board of Deputies, in a concerted effort to prevent further attacks on synagogues and communal buildings, has brought into consultation with it every synagogue in Britain. Conferences between representatives of Metropolitan synagogues and of the Jewish Defence Committee have taken place. Archbishop's Condemnation Following the recent attacks on synagogues in the London area, the Most Rev, John A. Murphy, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cardiff, in a strongly worded statement offered " sympathy for our Jewish brethren." The Rev. W. W. Simpson, general secretary of the Council of Christians and Jews^ commenting on the statement, said he was glad that at last a strong ChristLan initiative had been taken. The " Catholic Herald " in an editorial also praised Archbishop Murphy's stand, adding that Christians would welcome " the putting on record of their own revulsion against conduct which is so contrary to their code which owes much to its Jewish heritage."—(J.C.) " Sentence of Death " Anonymous 'phone callers claiming to be officials" of the Ku-Klux-Klan on two occasions told Mr. Reginald Freeson, M.P. for Willesden East, that he has been " sentenced to death ". Mr. Freeson. an outspoken campaigner against racialism, although he regards the matter as a poor joke ", has reported the calls to the Police. Mr. Reginald Freeson suggested that the pohce be asked for special reports about the growth of illegal acts by members and associates of the Union Movement, the British Nazi Party, and other such organisations. He was particularly concerned about acts of violence, assault, abusive telephone calls, threats of violence, arson and other insulting and threatening conduct against the persons and property of minority groups. Sir Frank Soskice, the Home Secretary, stated that he was being kept informed of the activities of fascist groups. These activities, he said, remained on a small scale and no general request for special reports was necessary. Outrages to Jewish Property Replying to Mr. Quintin Hogg's question as to how many cases had been reported by the Metropolitan Police recently of outrages against specifically Jewish property in the Metropolitan Police district. Sir Frank assured M.P.s that the police were in close touch with the Jewish religious authorities and that they were paying special attention to synagogues throughout the Metropolitan Police district. He was also asked by Mr. Hogg whether he was satisfied that adequate measures were being taken for the protection of synagogues and churches against outrage. At a later stage, Mr. Paul B. Rose asked Sir Frank how many cases of arson against synagogues and other Jewish communal buildings had been reported to him. He suggested that in view of two further cases in the Metropolitan area, the Home Secretary should call for reports from chief constables on violence and arson by fascist organisations. Sir Frank replied that he had received reports of twelve incidents since September 1, 1964, most of them in the Metropolitan Police District. He was kept fully informed by the Commissioner and was satisfied that the police were paying special attention to the prevention of these incidents and the detection of those responsible. He did not consider that there were any grounds for asking chief constables generally for special reports. Race Bill The Race Relations Bill was given an unopposed third reading in the House of Commons. Sir Frank Soskice, who moved the third reading, said the Bill was designed to " get in first", to be ready to cope with frictions and difficulties which might arise. The Government would watch the situation as it developed. Should it appear that the provisions were inadequate, it might later be necessary for the Government to extend its scope and to reconsider its effect and operation. During the debate Mr. Quintin Hogg condemned attacks on Jews and Jewish property. " The Jewish people have suffered enough in our lifetime without having this frightful thing rearing its head again", he declared. Mr. Hogg said he represented a constituency where there were a large number of Jewish people and he had been very much disturbed by the number of attacks on Jewish property. The Board of Dei)uties had given him a list of 22 outrages against Jewish property since last November, one case involving loss of life. CHILDREN ON RACE PROBLEMS Over 100 sixth-formers from North London secondary schools attended a conference on race relations arranged by the North London Council of Christians and Jews. Dr. David Pitt, chairman of the Committee Against Racial Discrimination, spoke on " The problems of settling in Britain". ANGLOJUDAiaA Tribute to Dr. Brodie At a reception given in Rabbi Dr. Israel Brodie's honour, warm tributes were paid to him by the St. John's Wood Synagogue. A presentation was made to Dr. Brodie, who presented the synagogue with a portrait of himself. Jewish Peace Society Lord Silkin has agreed to become vicepresident of the Jewish Peace Society in place of the late Viscount Samuel. At the annual meeting of the National Peace Council, the society was represented by Mr. Adrian Cohen, Mr. Hugh Harris and Rabbi Dr. H. F. Reinhart. The society organised a public meeting at the Westminster Synagogue as part of its contribution to the programme of World Co-operation Year. Duke of Edinburgh's Visit The Duke of Edinburgh paid an hour's visit to Liverpool's new Jewish Youth Centre, where he saw about 550 boys and girls pursuing their normal group activities. He unveiled a plaque commemorating his visit. During his tour the Duke displayed particular interest in a group of the Jewish Lads' and Girls' Brigade preparing for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Building a Synagogue Fourteen volunteers, men and women, are helping to build a synagogue at Harlow, Essex. The Harlow Jewish Synagogue, throughout its eleven years, has been without permanent headquarters. The new synagogue will be made of prefabricated materials and should be ready for use by the end of the year. The congregation of 60 families raised £750 to buy the land. Most of the sum required for the building will be provided by the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain, to whom the community is affiliated. Henriques Memorial Lady Henriques has officially opened the Basil Henriques library at the Bernhard Baron Settlement in Aldgate. Sponsored by the Association for Jewish Youth, the library's aim is to encourage the study of Judaism in affiliated clubs, a policy advocated by Sir Basil Henriques during his lifetime. Glasgow Home The Glasgow Jewish Old Age Home's extension scheme has now been completed at an estimated cost of £100,000. The Home was established in 1949. With the completion of the extension, new ideas for the running of the Home will be developed. Already a mobile shop enabling residents and patients in the geriatric wards to obtain various comforts has been inaugurated. The older section of the Home is also to be brought into line with the same standard of amenities and facilities provided in the new building. There are at present 38 residents, with a further ten people awaiting admission. Manchester Desecrations Five-feet high swastikas were daubed in bright yellow paint on about 30 tombstones in the Rainsough Cemetery, the largest Jewish cemetery in Manchester. Antisemitic slogans were painted on the cemetery walls. Herbert Samuel Centre The foundation-stone of the Herbert Samuel Educational Centre has been laid at the David Eder Farm. Horsham, Sussex. The new building will be designed both as a centre where Jewish youth organisations can hold seminars and other educational and cultural activities, and as a training centre for those about to go on Shnat Sherut. AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 6 German News Dr. R. Levy ISRAEL'S FOREIGN TRADE IN 1964 North America (in 1963 : 192 million dollars, or 29 per cent). The most important countries from which goods were imported were the United States, Great Britain, France, the German Federal Repubhc, Belgium and Holland, with goods imported to the value of altogether 566 million dollars, or 69 per cent of the total value of Israel's imports, against 453 million dollars, or 68% of the total (IsraeU) imports in 1963. Gross exports from Israel had a value of 370 milUon doUars, as against 349 milUon dollars in the preceding year. This increase by 21 milUon dollars was the result of an increase in industrial goods exported (including diamonds) by 42 milUon dollars, or 12 per cent of total exports; on the other hand, exports of agricultural products (including citrus fmits) decreased by 22 milUon dollars, or 25 per cent of the total exports. The main part of Israel's exports was destined for Europe, in fact goods to a value of 232 million dollars, or 63 per cent of Israel's total exports, as against 228 million dollars, or 65 per cent, in the previous year, 1963. The most important countries of destination for Israeli export were the United States, Great Britain, the German Federal Republic, Holland, Switzerland and Belgium. These six countries obtained goods to the value of altogether 212 million dollars, or 57 per cent of the country's total exports, as against 202 million dollars in the previous year. Israel's trade with the countries of the European Common Market (E.E.C.) was made up in the years 1963 and 1964 as follows: Last year the deficit in Israel's trade balance increased further. According to the publications of the Central Bureau of Statistics in Jerusalem the deficit in Israel's trade balance was 454 million dollars and therefore 130 million dollars greater than in the previous year, 1963. This 40 per cent increase is the result of the increase in imports by 142 million dollars, or 22 per cent, 43 million dollars of which is accounted for by the import of ships and 'planes, whereas exports rose by only 13 milUon dollars, or 4 per cent. The proportion of exports to imports fell from 51 per cent in 1963 to 44 per cent in 1964. Gross imports amounted to 826 million dollars against 672 million dollars in the preceding year. This increase of 154 million dollars, or 23 per cent, is due to the increased import of raw materials by 76 million dollars, or 16 per cent; an increase of 60 million dollars, or 42 per cent, in investment goods (of which the import figure for ships and planes of 17 million dollars in 1963 rose to 60 million dollars in 1964); an increase in nonperishable consumer goods of 13 million dollars, or 31 per cent, and in perishable consumer goods of 7 milhon dollars, or 38 per cent. The greater part of Israel's imports (60 per cent), to a value of 496 million dollars, came from Europe (in 1963 : 375 million dollars, or 56 per cent), whereas goods to the value of 214 million dollars, or 26 per cent, came from Imp ort* E x p o r t •* Italy Belgium West Germany Holland Luxemburg France Total 1964 1963 1964 1963 6,599 22,115 33,311 30,236 1 11,806 7,772 19,987 39,475 24,120 5 15.181 34,762 37,108 65,145 34,875 455 68,062 18,151 12,739 61,219 31,576 235 30,977 104,068 106,540 240,407 154,897 In 1,000 doUars With the countries of the European Free Trade Association (E.F.T.A.) IsraeU trade developed as follows in the past two years ; Export * Import* Austria Denmark Great Britain Norway Portugal Finland Sweden Switzerland Total 1964 1963 1964 1963 1,777 4,164 46,035 3,213 876 4,307 8,106 25,790 2,155 5,059 47,816 3,478 478 4,613 8,014 24,767 5,246 6,229 58,287 6,208 3,797 9,619 12,217 24,865 3,086 6,387 131,322 3,629 4,781 9,404 10.431 25,523 94,268 96,380 226,468 194,563 In 1,000 doUars In January of this year (1965) a certain improvement in Israel's export was noticeable. In that month exports amounted to 40.2 million dollars, against 38.9 milUon dollars in January, 1964. Export of industrial goods (including diamonds) amounted to 25.3 million dollars (in January, 1964 : 23.9 milUon dollars), and export of citrus fruits to 13.7 million dollars (in January, 1964 : 13.1 milUon dollars). BAMBERG INCIDENTS Although swastika daubings and other antisemitic incidents have been reported from many parts of West Germany, none of them has been on the scale of the Bamberg outbreak, reported in our last issue. Pressed to say what measures were being taken to apprehend those behind the weekslong rash of Nazi daubings in Bamberg, a poUce spokesman stated that everything was being done to prevent further outbreaks, but nothing more could be said. A reward of about £1,750 is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the Bamberg vandals and the city government is to bear the cost—about £1,250—of restonng the gravestones in the desecrated Jewish cenaetery. A 20-year-old dental technician, Reinhard Woitzik, was arrested by the Bamberg police on charges of being responsible for the daubing of slogans, and has admitted the deed. Woitzik's father, a wartime officer in the S.S., died last year after his release from a Polish prison, where he served a prison sentence for war crimes. When Woitzik appeared in court a psychiatric examination was ordered to determine if he was "mentally responsible." ANTISEMITIC OUTBREAKS In Munich, swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans were daubed on the pavement and advertising hoardings. There were similar reports from Heilbronn, Krefeld, Dusseldorf and other places. The publisher and editor of a small newspaper, Philip Buxmann, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment by a court in Reinheiin. near Darmstadt, for publishing an antisemitic libel. He will also be barred from his profession for a year. Dietrich Schuler, a schoolteacher, was, m Stuttgart, sent to prison for seven months for publishing and distributing a pro-Nazi, antiJewish pamphlet. He was barred from holding any public position for five years and deprived of his voting rights. ACTION TAKEN The Rhineland-Palatinate State legislature has dismissed two prosecutors because of their involvement in Nazi crimes in Luxembourg during the war. Leo Drach, the chief prosecutor of Frankenthal, was sentenced to 35 years' hard labour by a Luxembourg court, but was released in 1954. Josef Wienecke, the first prosecutor of Coblenz, was given ten years for his part in Nazi special court proceedings in Luxembourg. Temporarily released on parole after several years' imprisonment, he absconded to West Germany. Neither man seems to have had any difficulty in obtaining his post with the Rhineland-Palatinate judiciary. In Wuppertal, the legal authorities suspended the police chief of Neu-Isenburg, Friedrich Rondholz, who is suspected of complicity in the murder of Jews and other civilians in Western Russia in 1941, when he was a member of a Nazi police battalion. Herbert Guenther was sentenced in West Berlin to ten months' imprisonment for making insulting remarks about the Jews and expressing approval of the Nazis's extermination policy. Guenther was an inmate of a concentration camp during the war. M.P. RETURNS AWARD The recent award of the Great Federal Cross of Merit to Bundestag Deputy Dr. Hermann Conring (C.D.U.) was strongly criticised by the Dutch Government, which lodged a protest with the Federal Foreign Office. During the war, Conring was Governor of the Dutch city of Groningen. It was stated that, according to documents found in Holland, he had been responsible for Nazi crimes against the Jews of his district. Conring denied the charges but decided to return the insignia, because he wanted to avoid any criticism levelled against the Federal President for having bestowed the Order on him. Page 7 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Egon Larsen ' FATHER OF THE REPORTAGE Egon Erivin Kisch We have had quite a succession of anniversaries to celebrate this year, from the Magna Carta to the Battle of Waterloo. We also ought to have remembered, in April, that Egon Erwin Kisch was born 80 years ago ; perhaps we forgot because it is so difficult to visualise him as old and venerable—the Rasende Reporter, as everybody called him after the title of his most famous collection of newspaper articles which established his reputation in 1926. We, the journalists who began our careers in Central Europe as his juniors, owe him a debt which cannot be paid off with a mere anniversary notice. For he created the modern reportage; he Ufted the trade of journalistic writing to the level of a branch of literature; and I feel that whatever we write, there is (or at least should be) a grain of Kisch's heritage in it, though few of us can aspire to the standards he had set for himself, to his honesty and compassion, to his wit and insight, and to his sheer craftsmanship in handling the German language. One has to re-read his stories now and compare them with presentday German newspaper writing to discover how great Kisch's influence still is, and how small the achievements of most of those who try to follow in his footsteps. It was Kisch who opened our eyes to the extraordinary in everyday life, to the unique on our doorstep. Few journalists before him had ever thought it worth while writing about such subjects as a village of lunatics in Belgium, the Ufe of a hop picker, an American dog cemetery, the mercury miners in Spain, the Bohmisches Dorf in Berlin, the ghetto of Amsterdam. In his hands, simple things acquired deeper meaning, people in humdrum jobs became human beings ; he taught us to look behind the facades ; he showed us comedy and tragedy in life where others merely saw banality. Born in 1885 as the son of a well-to-do Jewish family in Prague, he grew up in an atmosphere which nurtured the talents of an he st le unusually great number of writers—Rilke and Werfel, Meyrink and Kafka, Brod and Weiskopf. Jews and non-Jews, Germans and Czechs were part of a closely knit bilingual cultural and literary community the like of which no other town or period has ever produced. He started his journalistic career with the Prager Tagblatt but moved, in 1906, to its rival, Bohemia, at first specialising in local crime and court reports. His great scoop was ths discovery of the sensational spy story behind the hushed-up suicide of Colonel Redl, Chief of Staff of the Prague Army Corps, in 1913 [now dramatised by John Osborne in his latest play, A Patriot for Me]. A lifelong Socialist, he was one of the leaders of the Rote Garde in Vienna when the Habsburg monarchy broke up in 1918, and there is a splendid story about those days which he liked to recall. He marched into the building of the Neue Freie Presse at the head of a group of armed revolutionaries, and right into the editor's sanctum. There, behind his desk, sat his elder brother. " The house is occupied", Egon Erwin informed his brother sternly. "You will have to leave this room immediately. We are taking over! " The brother looked at him defiantly. " All right ", he said, " I yield to brute force." He picked up his papers and walked towards the door. But as he passed the rebel leader he hissed in his ear, " You just wait—I'll tell mother! " He made Berlin his headquarters, travelling and writing for the Uberal newspapers. His articles, collected in book form—after Der rasende Reporter came Paradies Amerika, Hetzjagd durch die Zeit, Schreib das auf, Kisch. China geheim and others—established him firmly as the reporter who combined a flair for discovering a good " story" and for ferretting out the truth with a deeply felt social conscience. Early in 1933 he was arrested by the Nazis and his books were, of course, flung on Goebbels' pyre. He tried to emigrate to AustraUa, was not allowed off the ship, jumped overboard in defiance and broke his foot. He returned to Paris, went to Spain during the civil war and found a temporary home in Mexico. Immediately after the liberation of Czechoslovakia he returned to Prague, where they elected him Town Councillor. A month after the 1948 Gottwald putsch he attended a banquet at the Soviet Embassy. He ate too much of the roast goose, his favourite dish: this, as far as we know, was the cause of his death at the age of 63, a "curtain" as ironical as Kisch himself could have fancied. Perhaps he was lucky; as a Westernised Jew, he might have been liquidated with the Slansky group a few years later. Gottwald's Stalinists must have feared his sharp eye and wit. I suppose we all have our favourite Kisch stories, such as the one about the V.I.P. visit to the home for fallen girls in Prague, who welcomed as an old friend the accompanying local reporter with enthusiastic cries of " Servus, Egonek ! " My own favourite among Kisch's characters is the Jewish tough who had returned to Prague after mixing with gangsters in America and who would sit in his Stammcafe looking for a fight. And if there was no chance of a shemozzle developing the natural way, he would suddenly get up, punch some innocent customer at the neighbouring table on the nose and snarl: " Wer ist ein besch . . . Jud ? " Old Acquaintances Munich Calling: During the past years, the municipality of Munich, through advertisements in Jewish refugee publications like AJR Information and Aufbau, appealed to emigres to contact their former home town. Since 1961, 425 persons responded, and the authorities invited them to Munich. During the first year only three came, in 1962, six, and at present the total numbers 103. They had only to lay out their fares. The city was their host for a fortnight, providing them with accommodation, as well as theatre and concert tickets. Each guest was welcomed by the Oberbuergermeister. Home JSetvi: Berlin-born Ren6e Goddard, a former actress, is now head of ATV's script department.—Maximilian Schell and Ferdy Mayne take part in John Osborne's " A Patriot for Me ", about the Austrian spy Redl, at the Royal Court Theatre.—Lilian Harvey will visit London when her old film, " The Congress Dances ", is shown. Israel: Tel Aviv's Chamber Theatre presented a new comedy by Ephraim Kishon, " PuU Out the Plug, the Water is BoiUng ".— After the successful " My Fair Lady ", impresario Giora Godik produced another Broadway hit, " Fiddler on the Roof ", based on Sholem Alechem's, " Tevye der Milchiker".—The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra has arranged a cultural exchange with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra for three weeks in May next year.— The first Israeli-German co-production of Verdi's " Othello ", partly financed by several German cities, was directed by Arno Assmann and conducted by Istvan Kertesz, both of Cologne's Opera, at the Frederik R. Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv.—Habimah produced " Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? " and Ustinov's " Photo Finish ". Obituary : The playwright, Frantisek Langer, died in Prague, aged 77. His plays include " The Conversion of Ferdy Pistora " and " A Camel Goes through the Needle's Eye".—89year-old Professor Rudolf Holzer, doyen of the Austrian joumalists, has died in Vienna.^ The actor, Joe Furtner, died in Berlin, at the age of 71; he was in the cast of the popular radio series, "Die Insulaner". Milestones: Last month the following became 65: EUsabeth Bergner (London), whose next role will be in " The Madwoman of Chaillot " in Berlin ; Hans Thimig (Vienna), youngest of the Thimig family; Robert Siodmak, who directed the films " The Spiral Staircase " and " The Killers ", and who a few years ago returned to Europe.—Dr. Eugen Guerster, former Cultural Attach^ to the German Embassy in London, reached the age of 70 in Munich where he is living in retirement.—" Querido", the publishing firm in Holland which published works by refugee authors, has celebrated its 50th anniversary. Germany: Eric Pohlmann, of London, appears in a revival of Burckhardt's " Feuerwerk " at Munich Deutsches Theater.—Rochus Gliese designed the decor for Marceau's " Manager " at Berlin's Renaissance-Theater.— Lucie Mannheim and Walter Richter appear in Superville's " Kinderdieb " in Bremen's TV.— Viktor de Kowa will produce " Goetz" at Hamburg's Thalia-Theater.—Max Lippmann, of Wiesbaden's " Filmbildstelle", is a jury member for the Venice Film Festival. PEM Page 8 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 //. IF. Freyhan A HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN PRZEMYSL THE CASE OF FURTWAENGLER Last year's tenth anniversary of Furtwaengler's death did not pass unnoticed in this country: there were some memorial concerts in London, and the B.B.C. devoted a special programme to the great conductor who had been no stranger to British audiences. The controversy which had resulted from his decision to remain in Germany under the Nazi regime became an obstacle to his appearance in the U.S.A. after the war but did not preclude his enthusiastic reception over here, and if the critics did not always see eye to eye with his interpretations there were no poUtical motives involved. Many former refugees from Germany and Austria also felt no inhibitions in attending his concerts and reviving unforgettable musical experiences. Music lovers will welcome the acquaintance with a volume of Furtwaengler's letters which has been edited by the well-known writer Frank Thiesg.* The selection covers the whole of Furtwaengler's life, with special emphasis on his early youth and the years after 1945. Thiess makes it quite clear that the inclusion of the correspondence with Jewish friends and of letters referring to the political controversy is intended to remove " das ebenso peinliche wie ungerechte Missverstaendnis, mit dem man sein Verhalten waehrend der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur beurteilte ". This is obviously only one of the many aspects which make the book highly rewarding; moreover, the personal image which emerges from the whole of the collection may well contribute towards a balanced and fair assessment of Furtwaengler's actions between 1933 and 1945. The over-all impression is of a highly sensitive introvert artist who, after a happy childhood, becomes gradually torn by a conflict which he was never to solve. It is perhaps little known that the man who ranked among the greatest conductors of the century saw his true mission, throughout his life, as that of a composer, whom conducting tended to keep away from his real task. Of course, Mahler and Strauss had faced this dilemma and had mastered it, and one might conclude that Furtwaengler's creative gifts lacked the elementary force which would have overcome all obstacles. However that may be, Furtwaengler believed in his compositions—some proved quite successful—and his letters give ample evidence of the tragic sense of frustration which sprang from this fundamental conflict. If Thiess is right in suggesting that the interpreter in Furtwaengler owed some of his success to the insight which the composer had gained from his labours, Furtwaengler himself derived little comfort from it. In his work and in his whole outlook, Furtwaengler was deeply rooted in the heritage of German music from Bach to Brahms and Bruckner, with an " extension" as far as Hindemith. Like Bruno Walter, he was not in sympathy with the more radical trends in twentieth-century music, and he also saw in German music—except for Chopin and Verdi— the culmination of the art. (It is worth noting that he included Mendelssohn and Mahler in the German heritage.) Hand in hand with this went a strong—but not narrow— German patriotism. All this has to be borne in mind when one judges his decision to stay in Germany in spite of his genuine aversion to the inhumanity of the Nazi regime. " Ich habe offenbar . . . als Kiinstler wie als • WUhelm Fnrtwaengler, Briefe. Brockhaus, 1964. Deutscher ein reines Traumleben gefiihrt", he writes in 1949, and continues: " Umso unbarmherziger ist das Erwachen, von dem mir jetzt im vorgeriickten Alter nichts erspart bleibt". This bitter self-criticism contains an apologetic note which may well be the clue to his case. Not prepared to sever all ties with his native country, he persuaded himself that he could help to keep alive the spirit of the " other Germany " through his art—a case of "inner emigration", as it were. In 1947 he writes to Thomas Mann : " Wenn Sie etwa sagten, dass der Fidelio Beethovens im Deutschland Himmlers nicht erkUngen diirfe, so werden Sie das heute nicht aufrecht erhalten. Denn ein Deutschland Himmlers hat es nie gegeben, nur ein von Himmler vergewaltigtes Deutschland". Had he not indeed Uved the Ufe of a dreamer ? For Thomas Mann, the issue was clear, and he felt unable to condone Furtwaengler's attitude. Furtwaengler, on his part, saw no need for repentance ; he remained convinced that he had acted rightly. But he concluded his letter: " Und wenn ich persbnlich Ihren Briefe entnehmen musste, dass zwischen uns gegenwartig das Trennende noch allzusehr im Vordergrund steht, so gebe ich die Hoffnung nicht auf, dass das einmal anders wird ". Here is the longing to be accepted again by the leading representative of the " other Germany " whom he respects in spite of the gap that separates them. Furtwaengler could justifiably claim : " Und was Kampf gegen den NationalsoziaUsmus heisst, weiss ich noch immer ebenso gut, wie einer derer, die heute in Deutschland zu Gericht sitzen ". His early plea for his Jewish fellow-musicians, in 1933, is well known, and so is his later fight for Hindemith which led to his resignation from all his posts. Besides these public actions, there were numerous others which must not be forgotten: attempts to save Jewish musicians from dismissal; letters of recommendation to help them abroad (Dr. Ludwig Misch received such a letter even after the November pogrom) ; an interview with Himmler on behalf of a "Halbjude" who had fallen foul of the Gestapo. Himmler's comment speaks better than anything else for Furtwaengler: " Ja, ja, Herr Staatsrat, von Ihnen wissen wir ja, dass Sie sich gerne fiir Verbrecher einsetzen ". In spite of this impressive record, Furtwaengler was more bitterly attacked after 1945 than many of his colleagues who had served the regime much more wholeheartedly. The reason may well lie in a " noblesse oblige" conception on the part of his opponents. Here was no mere musical craftsman, here was an artist possessed by a lofty idealism, who had once represented all that made Germany lovable. No doubt he had made a better stand than many in his position, but it was felt that he ought to have gone further and not have stopped short of a complete break with a regime which he abhorred but appeared to serve. Yehudi Menuhin supported him in his afterwar struggles, and Schoenberg, for whom he had once interceded with Nazi Minister Rust (and whose widow he later assisted with her compensation claim) spoke warmly of him in one of his letters. Thomas Mann, who had himself " gone the whole way ", thought otherwise. Opinions on the issue will continue to differ —meanwhile, Furtwaengler's letters will at least enable us to understand him. Already during the Second World War, in 1944, three men joined together to commemorate the Jewish community of their home town in a book. But it was not to be vouchsafed to these three men. Dr. Josef Gelernter, Dr. Jizchak Mann and Chaim Klagsbald, to witness the fulfilment of their initiative. Fourteen years more were to elapse until, initiated by Yad Vashem in 1958, an editorial combine was formed anew with the object of bringing to a successful conclusion the project of the three deceased. We have before us an impressive work*, magnificently planned and produced. The editorial staff comprised: Matitjahu Gans, Joseph Altbauer, Eliahu Bloch, Leopold Goetz, Hanoch Hand, Arjeh Menczer, Dov Nitzani (Knopf), Mordechai Schattner and Hanan Trau; their work was conscientious, work of intellect and heart. The book reminds us that important men, of worldwide reputation, have come from Przemysl. We read about Dr. Hermann Liebermann, Deputy in the Austrian Parliament and later in the Polish Sejm. He was a Minister in the Polish Government in Exile in London. Just how pre-eminent Dr. Liebermann was may be judged from the fact of his burial next to Karl Marx in London. In this list of Jewish celebrities we find Dr. Leib Landau, Counsel for the Defence in the Steiger lawsuit. Another sturdy fighter against antisemitism and racial hatred was the writer Matitjahu Mieses. His brother. Dr. Josef Mieses, Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army, translated the Pentateuch into Polish. There is an account of two other brothers: Jakob Mann, the scholar and historian, who wrote, inter aUa, about the Jewish sect, the Kareans. His brother. Dr. Jizchak Mann, translated Karl Marx's " Capital" into Hebrew, for which he received the Tschemichovsky Prize. From Przemysl comes the poet, Abraham Ben Yizchak Sonne, who has been described by BiaUk and Leah Goldberg as the father of modern Hebrew poetry. We cannot mention all. We must, however, speak of Professor Schorr, the Assyriologist at Warsaw University. He was at the same time Chief Rabbi of the Liberal Tlumatzky Temple in Warsaw. He was called to the Polish Senate. After Lemberg and Cracow, Przemysl was the third largest town in Galicia, an important centre of Jewish culture that saw its noblest task in the erection and maintenance of schools and social welfare centres, as well as in the cultivation of intellectual interests. With the awakening of Zionism the need to found youth associations and sports clubs was naturally also realised here at once. In a contribution Hanan Trau reports jointly with Dov Mitzani on the Rabbis who put their stamp on the Jewish community of Przemysl during the course of 400 years. The greater part of the historical material has been supplied by Dov Mitzani, whilst Hanan Trau has described interesting figures of the " grosse Klaus ". For centuries up to the days of the disaster the Jews numbered about one-third of the population there. Przemysl was once the fortress of a great kingdom. " Viribus Unitis " was the motto chosen by its ruler. Involuntarily we think of it, because only united efforts succeeded in erecting to the destroyed Jewish community this monument, which is in every way exemplary. FRITZ GERSTMANN. • Sefer Przemysl, History of the Jewish Community of Przemysl. 552 pp., 232 illustrations. Published privately by the Irgun Josej Przemysl be Jisrael. Under the direction of Dr. Zwi Hubenfeld. Editor : Dr. Arje Menczer. Page 9 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Hans Jaeger SCHREIBTISCHMOERDER Nr. 1 A Himmler Biograjihy With the publication of a biography of Heinrich Himmler,* the authors' trilogy of biographies which started with Goering and Goebbels has now been completed. It is not the first time that Himmler has been the subject of thorough investigations. Willi Frischauer and Josef Wulf dealt with him before, and the memoirs of Felix Kersten, Himmler's masseur, offered much material, as did the works of Gerald Reitlinger. But the authors of the present biography, Manvell and Fraenkel, have opened up new sources. These consisted of documents handed over by the American Government to the German Federal Archives at Koblenz, and others in the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, the Berlin Document Centre, the Wiener Library in London and the Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam. The authors have also been able to interview a number of persons, including Himmler's daughter, Gudrun, and his elder brother, Gebhardt; Karl Wolff, the former S.S. General who is now serving a prison sentence; SchwerinKrosigk, Hitler's Minister of Finance ; Otto Strasser, Himmler's assistant in the earUest days of the Party; Wemer Best, third in the S.S. hierarchy; Heydrich's widow; the widow of FeUx Kersten ; a bodyguard of Himmler's ; his former Secretary; two former fellowstudents in Munich and two British officers in charge of Himmler after his arrest. The result of this research is to some extent meant to serve as a waming, because men such as Himmler are not always easily recognised for what they really are until it is too late. This aspect widens the extent of the book. The enemies of democracy argue that democracy breeds mediocrity. A book like that under review shows that dictatorships are the real breeders of mediocrity. In his brilUant introduction Manvell states that the story of persons who rose from insignificance and comparative penury to absolute mastership in the course of eight years and who were dead and utterly discredited twelve years later, is unique in modern history. Wealuiess Overcompensated The problem of how it was possible that persons who were unsure, nervous to the point of timidity and lacking aU initiative the moment they came into contact with stronger personaUties could, at the same time, be militant and hold a great part of the world to ransom, has fascinated many biographers and sociologists. The answer will be found only gradually. One such person, Skorzeny, was once described as a soulless robot; this may be one element. Another is a certain obsession ; the belief in one's own mission. And finally, frustration comes in as well. This we learn from the description of Himmler's youth. His father was a pedantic schoolmaster in Munich, then in Landshut. Social prestige meant everything to him and the pride of his life was that he was once tutor to a Bavarian prince. This prince had to be godfather to Himmler who was named Heinrich after him. It does not call for much imagination to visuaUse the pompous, stiff, authoritarian, deadly serious atmosphere of Himmler's parental home. This mixture of serviUty and arrogance, of worship and oppression, can only produce cripples and monsters. Himmler's diaries indicate primitivity but * Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel : Himmler. Heinemann. London. 285 pp. 30s. also some other traits which are illuminating. He scorns the " timid people" of Landshut who " dislike the war" and who are " chicken-hearted ". Otherwise he notes that he is " frightfuUy bored ". Was he already at that stage longing for the hero he could worship ? And is there a kind of self-hatred when he blames the petty bourgeoisie of Landshut ? His claim that he " led people into action " in the First World War is not confirmed by his miUtary papers. All the same, he joined the local Free Corps. When he fell ill he started studies at Munich University and he took good care that he " received the traditional cut in the face". The diaries show him as a conventionalist, an ardent nationalist ; he avoided human relationships, he despised women, but he was socially ambitious. He concealed his shyness under a certain arrogance. In the Apollo Club, the students' society of which he was a member, he showed his strong antisemitic feelings as early as 1922, and violently demanded that the Jews should be excluded. His fellow-students looked down on him because his weak constitution prevented his drinking beer. Then, at a rifle-club meeting, he met Captain Ernst Roehm, who was 13 years his senior and who became a decisive influence on him. He joined the " Reichskriegsflagge " and as one of Roehm's men took part in the Munich putsch in November, 1923. He had already become a member of the Nazi Party in August, 1923. By that time his antisemitism had grown. He persecuted Wolfgang Hallgarten, a fonner fellow-pupil who had become a pacifist (he emigrated later to the U.S.A. and is now a well-known sociologist). To the annoyance of his parents Himmler refused to look for work. He wanted to engage in politics and was active on behalf of Gregor and Otto Strasser. Gregor Strasser found him useful because he was " full of frustrated ambition to be a soldier ". When the Strasser brothers moved to BerUn, Himmler found different work. He surveyed the secret arms dumps which were kept concealed from the Inter-Allied Control Commission. He Uked this kind of work. In contrast to Goebbels, who then became a public figure, he preferred desk-work and pedestrian activities to speaking and writing. He suggested to Kurt Luedecke, who later went to the U.S.A., that the names of all Jews and their Christian friends in Lower Bavaria be published. This, already at that stage, indicated how his mind worked. The fly was evolving into a stinging wasp ! Whilst Goebbels treated Himmler as the local manager of his star-speaking tours. Hitler thought otherwise, appointing him Gorta Radiovision Service (Member R.T.R.A.) 13 Frognal Parade, Finchley Road, N.W.S SALES REPAIRS Agents for Bush, Pye, Philips, Ferranti, Grundig, etc. Television Rentals from 8/- Per Week Mr. Gort will always be pleased to advise you. (HAM. 8635) Reichsfuehrer of the S.S. in 1929. The reason: " Something in this clerk-like man with his miUtary ambitions and self-discipline revealed to him the kind of perfectionism necessary to create a reUable counter-force to the undisciplined mob of storm-troopers." The few examples so far referred to show the comprehensiveness of this book, both with regard to hitherto unknown details and to the psychological approach. We leam that Himmler's wife, Marga, whom he married in 1928, was of Polish origin; her maiden name was Concerzowo. Both beUeved that " their common interests in such matters as medicine and herbs amounted to love". Himmler the crank becomes manifest from an essay on agriculture. He dreams of a farming community, entirely self-supporting, abolishing money within the community, orgamsed on an hierarchic basis, designed by a " deep communion with the soil", and reviving ancient folk-lore and folk-dancing. Wealth of New Material The amount of material presented by the authors is ovei-whelming: the encounter with Darre, who hardened Himmler's prejudices into obsessions, organised the Race and Settlement Office and influenced Himmler's Marriage Law for the S.S.; the meeting with Heydrich who influenced him so much by his " Nordic appearance " that, within 20 minutes, he made him head of the Security Service (their relationship is masterly described); the part played by Wilhelm Keppler, whom Himmler introduced to Hitler and who was the link between the Fuehrer and the industrialists. We learn details about the ways in which Himmler dealt with his rivals or opponents: he outsmarted Frick, the Minister of Interior, but found this much more difficult with Schacht. His affair with his Secretary, Hedwig, by whom he had two children, may have been added reason for his propagation of bigamy as a prime measure to be taken after the war —officially to replace war losses—and to break with the Catholic Church whose attitude towards marriage he called " satanic". The last part of the book is dedicated to the " systematic" side of Himmler's sinister activities: The creation of the Reich Commissariat for the Consolidation of German Nationhood (settlement of Germans in the East), which brought 566,000 Germans in after the expulsion of 1.5 million Poles and Jews; the campaign for the extermination of the Polish intelligentsia; the euthanasia programme (" mercy-killing " of 60,000 Germans), the acceptance of genocide as Nazi policy; the organisations " Lebensborn" and " Ahnenerbe ". Himmler's infiltration tactics are a chapter on their own. He knew about Hitler's illness. He contemplated defection and toyed with the idea of a separate peace, hoping that this might secure his succession. But in the end he hesitated. When Kersten told him that the annihilation of the Jews was regarded by the Allies as the worst crime and that those responsible would have to face a court trial, he denied that such action could be considered as criminal, since it was decreed by law. Hitler's orders were the supreme law, and he had only carried out these orders. Thus, neither he nor the S.S. could accept any responsibility. The end is known: the extension of the S.S., the attempt of the Resistance to approach Himmler via Popitz, the final blow against Canaris, Himmler's short-lived military command, his negotiations with Bernadotte, and finally his arrest and suicide. The authors have succeeded in producing a masterful book on a most compUcated subject. AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 10 Jacob Maillis JOSEPH CARO AND THE SHULCHAN ARUCH The year 1492 was one of the most tragic in Jewish history. It was the year of the ruthless expulsion of Spanish Jewry, which finally sealed the fate of that once-flourishing community. What had been the greatest spiritual centre of the Diaspora was at one blow utterly destroyed. Now the Jews of Spain had to take to the wanderer's staff, and at the cost of immense material and spiritual sacrifice leave the land that had for many centuries been their second home. For the exiles from Spain it set off a period of intense and bitter suffering. Multitudes of homeless Jews, wretched and destitute, wandered over land and sea seeking a place of refuge, where they could at least save their bare lives. It was a comfortless picture, recalUng only too clearly the memories of the Hitler era, which we of our generation still retain so vividly before our eyes. Joseph ben Ephraim Caro, the later great codifier and towering representative of Rabbinic Judaism in his day, was born in Toledo, in Spain, four years before the expulsion. As a child he already knew the injustices and the perils of an unsettled wandering life. Like many of his unfortunate brethren, his family, too, after long and painful shifting from place to place, found refuge and protection in Turkey, which was at that time friendly to Jews. The Ottoman Empire offered peace and hospitality to the harassed victims of the terrors of the Spanish Inquisition. Joseph Caro's parents settled first in Salonica, then in Adrianople and Nicopolis, where he devoted himself assiduously to the study of the Talmud and Rabbinic literature, in which he showed from early youth extraordinary ability. An unforgettable impression, indicating his early incUnation to mysticism, was made on him by the fascinating figure of Shlomo Molcho, the young Marrano returned to Judaism, who, through his exalted visions, openly proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. Molcho's martyr's death, which was surrounded by the people with a halo of sanctity, fired the imagination of the young Joseph Caro. He started work very early on his monumental commentary to the code of Jewish law, his " Bet Joseph". What he had in mind, as Maimonides had 400 years before him, was (to examine the entire Rabbinic law-giving from its sources to his own time, and to put it in systematic order. His work, which evolved slowly, and after thorough critical investigation, is a commentary on the " Arba'ah Turim ", " The Four Roads ", of Rabbi Jacob ben Asher, in which, after the most careful critical investigation of the whole immense material and all the relevant sources, he laid down definitely the final authoritative Halacha. Only a man with his astonishing range of reading, his phenomenal memory and his exceptional knowledge in all departments of Halachic Uterature could have produced this colossal compilation. He worked on it for twenty years, only to put it aside at the end. For another fourteen years he was busy re-examining the sources before he made his final decisions in religious and civil law. In specially difficult cases he based himself on the great Halachic deciding authorities Uke Aifasi. Maimonides and Asheri. So 32 years passed since the young Joseph Caro had started on his gigantic work till he could give it the final shape he had envisaged. Beginning with the Talmudic literature and going on to Rabbi Israel Isserlein, one of the great authorities of German Jewry in the 15th century, Caro drew, in all, on 32 major sources for his legal decisions. The fact that he based himself little on the Ashkenazic authorities naturally roused opposition to his work among the great contemporary Rabbinical authorities in Poland. For Halacha is the living development of the legal code. And so the Rabbinical authorities of the time demanded rightly that the jurisprudence of the Ashkenazic Jews, especially of the circle of the great Franco-German rabbis, should be taken into account in the final determination of the religious decisions. No less a man than Rabbi Moses Isserles (Rema), the great Rabbinical authority of the 16th century, drew attention in his commentary on the " Turim ", " Darke Moshe'", to certain shortcomings in Caro's work, and made additions in accordance with the latest decisions of the Ashkenazic authorities. Joseph Caro's magnum opus, the " Bet Joseph ", appeared in the years 15511559 in Venice and Sabbionetta. Yet the work that left its unique imprint on the life of the Jewish people was his practical and generally comprehensible code that became known as " Shulchan Amch" (" The Prepared Table"). Not since Maimonides's " Mishne Torah " has any work been privileged to enjoy such an influence on the spiritual shaping of Judaism as the Shulchan Aruch. As a compendium of Jewish ritual and law, the Shulchan Aruch is a handbook for daily use that regulates the reUgious and the private life of every single Jew, accompanying him from early morning till late at night, weekday and festival, in joy and sorrow. It was also a shortened version of his earlier work, " Bet Joseph ", omitting the evidence as well as the indication of the sources. In this form it became a generally understood concise handbook for all the eventualities of life, in which all the assembled legal material is presented briefly and precisely. In his Shulchan Aruch, too, Joseph Caro followed the systematic arrangement of Reb Jacob ben Asher's " Turim "; so his work falls into four main parts—" Orach Chaim " (" The Way of Life ") about daily duties (mitzvot), " Yoreh Deah" (" He Learns Understanding ") about the ritual law, " Eben HaEzer " (" The Stone of Help ") about the matrimonial laws, and " Hoshen Mishpat " (" The Shield of Justice ") deaUng with the civil law. The Shulchan Aruch which appeared for the first time in 1565 in Venice, became an unparalleled success. In 35 years, from 1565 to 1600, it went through no less than eight complete editions. But it, too, soon encountered opposition from the great rabbis and sages of the Ashkenazic world. They objected partly to the fact that Joseph Caro, in making his legal decisions, had given no consideration to the Ashkenazic authorities. That was why the Light of Polish Jewry, Rabbi Moses Isserles (Rema) of Cracow, made corrections and additions to the Shulchan Aruch, under the title " Mappah" ("The Tablecloth"), in consonance with the Halachic decisions and incorporating the old-estabUshed Ashkenazic practices and traditions. He often used the words, " This is the custom in our countries " (kach nohagin), to make his decision for the validity of the custom, as against the disputed law (Din). The first edition of the Shulchan Aruch with Isserles's corrections appeared in Cracow in 1571, and in this form it became the authoritative code of Jewish law, and as such is still recognised by Orthodox Jews throughout the world. Joseph Caro was also known as a mystic, and he belonged to the group of Cabbalists in Safad headed by R. Isaac Luria (Ari), the founder of practical Cabbalah. Caro's book, " Maggid Mesharim" (" Announcer of the Truth ") is a clear sign of the dark ascetic mood of the time. It is a kind of mystic intimate diary in which Joseph Caro records his discussions with his heavenly mentor (Maggid), who had revealed himself to him. The Maggid rebukes him for his sinfulness, because he has not renounced the physical pleasures of this world, with its eating and drinking and sleeping, and tells him to submit to the ascetic discipline. Maggid instructs him and teaches him the mysteries of the Torah. He informs him that he has been found worthy of being burned at the stake, Uke "my chosen Shlomo, whose name here is Molcho ", who went with joy and ecstacy to his martyr's death for the Sanctification of God's Name. The whole period was overshadowed by the tremendous catastrophe of the Spanish Jews. Restless minds were moved by profound pessimism and mystic speculative thought, preaching in consequence aversion from this world, which was presented as a delusion, as a disconsolate vale of tears, where sinful man is surrounded by demons lying in wait to destroy his soul. What he had to do, therefore, was to be God-fearing and pious and not to transgress the Law of God. This was fully set out with careful systematisation in the Shulchan Aruch. The Cabbalists added further mystical practices and symbolic actions, which man should perform for the good of his soul. This soon led to the production of a supplementary " Shulchan Aruch Ari," which extended Joseph Caro's compendium with newly arisen practices. Jewish life was deep in the Middle Ages. Judaism was having a hard fight for its existence. A hostile world still confronted it menacingly. Therefore the spiritual leaders of the people and their teachers wanted to direct the crises and the storms of the time towards quieter waters, so as to survive through inner concentration and the erection of new dams and dykes. Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch was one of these architecturally imposing dykes and walls that preserved historic Judaism. In his works rabbinic legislation attained its grand culmination. It was the supreme expression of a period that in its concentration and its hindsight was carried along by a grand foresight, that sought to secure the threatened future of the people. REPORT ON INDIAN JEWRY Professor Walter J. Fischel, Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature at the California University, visited London en route to Jerusalem to represent his university at the World Congress of Jewish Studies. There he delivered a paper on his research into Indian Jewry. He spoke of Indian Jewry as " good Jews, Jewish-conscious and very tradition-bound "• He did not see any future for them in India. They were emigrating en masse to Israel and there were only about 18,000 left. There was no persecution in India, but life was hard economically and they were cut off from the mainstream of Jewish life. Dr. Fischel has found much of his material in the Public Record Office in Chancery Lane, London, which he discovered to be a particularly rich source of Indian-Jewish archives. He is planning to do further research in The Hague, Lisbon and the Vatican. AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 11 KAEMPFER FUER HUMANITAERE DEMOKRATIE Zum 8 0 . Geburtslag von Kurt Hiller Kurt HiUer, den das Exil Uber die Tschechoslowakei nach England brachte, wurde vor kurzem in Hamburg, wo er seit etwa zehn Jahren lebt, 80 Jahre alt. Die Staats-und Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg veranstaltet aus diesem Anlass eine Ausstellung von Schriften, Briefen und Dokumenten, die bis zum 30. September gebffnet ist. Hiller ist einer der grossen Apostel der Vernunft und Kampfer des Humanismus, ein Geist von europaischem Format. Er selbst hat sich als " Politosoph " bezeichnet, was sagen will, dass er in jenen Bezirken zuhause ist, in denen PoUtik und Philosophie sich mischen. Seine Neupragung des Begriffes " Demokratie " ist vielleicht die bedeutendste seiner staatspoUtischen Definitionen. Hiller Ibst das liberale Element der Demokratie von dem Prinzip der Majoritat. Das eine—Diskussion, Recht der Persbnlichkeit, Maximum an Freiheit—ist die Weiterfiihrung der Ideen Platens; das andere—die absolute Herrschaft der Mehrheit—eine Verfallserscheinung, die immer zum Sieg der Dummheit und manchmal sogar der Barbarei gefiihrt hat. Viele seiner Arbeiten sind der verfassungsrechtlichen Frage gewidmet, wie man zur " Auslese der Besten" kommen kann, um die humanitare Demokratie durchzusetzen. In seiner Konzeption eines " freiheitlichen Sozialismus"—Aktivist, der er ist, versuchte er, dieser Konzeption organisatorische Form zu geben—distanzierte er sich von Karl Marx, insbesondere von dessen Materialismus und bkonomischem Determinismus, denen er den menschlichen Willen, die Idee, den Geist, entgegensetzt. Mehr noch distanzierte er sich von den Marxisten, und von den Kommunisten wurde er verfolgt, verleumdet, denunziert und geohrfeigt. Niemals hat er den Kampf gegen die Despotic, auch gegen die rote, aufgegeben. Dr. Hiller ist ein gliihender Bejaher ebenso wie ein fanatischer Verneiner, einer, der Ehrfurcht vor dem Grossen und Schoenen hat und Hass und Verachtung fUr Dummheit, Stumpfheit, Luge. Er hat seit fast 60 Jahren gekampft und gestritten, gewettert und gelitten, kompromisslos und unkompromittiert, parteiisch, aber unparteilich, mit dem Mut zum Nonkonformismus und zur Unpopularitat, und mit der Kraft zum gerechten Zorn, ebenso wie zur Liebe und Begeisterung. Schon vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg nahm er sich die Misstande der gesellschaftlichen Realitat vor, von den Bezirken der Justiz und SexualpoUtik, iiber das Parteiwesen und die Presse, bis zu Literatur und Kunst, Als Herausgeber der " Ziel"—Jahrbucher setzte er einer ganzen Generation den Stempel seiner Persbnlichkeit auf. Gleich nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg war er aktiv im Rate der Geistigen Arbeiter, im Ausschuss fuer Strafrechtsreform, im Deutschen Friedenskartell, in der Liga fuer Sexualreform. Bald darauf erschien sein " Sprung ins Helle ", ein Werk, das eine neue Sprache in die politische Philosophie jener Tage brachte. Jahrelang gehbrte er zu den profiliertesten Mitarbeitern der " Weltbuehne ". Schaffend und schbpferisch fand er in England ein Forum, als sich voriibergehend der deutsche Sprachkreis ihm verschloss. Zu den meisterlichsten seiner Biicher zahlen die Essaysammlung " Kbpfe und Tropfe" (Rowohlt, 1950) und das Thesenbuch " Der Aufbruch zum Paradies" (Kurt Desch, 1952). Kurt Hiller ist heute einer der grbssten lebenden Stilisten der deutschen erbrternden Prosa. HERBERT FREEDEN. ERNST MULLER—80 YEARS On September SOth, 1965, our friend, Mr. Ernst Miiller, will celebrate his 80th birthday. Born in Paderborn, WestphaUa, of an old Jewish family, he became a pupil at the famous Gymnasium of his birthplace. Thus he was educated in the old humanistic spirit, acquiring a very good knowledge of the classics, especially Greek and Latin languages. This education guided him through all his Ufe up to the present day, so that his interests lie especially in history of the classic and even prehistoric ages. He became a student of Law at the University of Munich, where he joined the Licaria, the Jewish fraternity of the K.C. Even now, as an " Old Boy," he is still in contact with the K.C. friends all over the world. In 1913 he established himself as a solicitor in Hanover, and after the First World War he became one of the leading lawyers, specialising in Civil and Company Law. In 1939 he came to London, where life was very difficult for him, but his wellknown humour and his abiUty to cope with every situation helped him to overcome all hardship. After the war he practised as an international lavi^er and offered his help to his many friends, and especially to the A.J.R. In this, his 80th year of life, he has not lost any of his many interests, and an evening at his home together with his dear wife Kathe, is always full of highly inspiring discussions, ranging from the old Hethites and even prehistoric caves up to the most modern discoveries in physics and Astronomy. May good health never fail him in the future, and may his knowledge and interests accompany him for many years to come. W.D. BECHSTEIN STEINWAY BLUTHNER Finest selection reconditioned PIANOS. Part exchange. Deferred terms. JAQUES SAMUEL PIANOS LTD. 2 Park West Place, Marble Arch, W.2 Tel.: PAD. 8 8 1 8 / 9 AUTHORISED BECHSTEIN RETAILERS APIOOB AWARD FOR MUSIC PUBLISHER Mr. Max Hinrichsen was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of Trinity College of Music in London, " in recognition of his considerable contribution to the art of music." This is the first award of this kind made by any music academy to a music pubUsher. The award was conferred upon Mr. Hinrichsen at a ceremony at Wigmore Hall, when Yehudi Menuhin and Sir Malcolm Sargent were also made Fellows. Mr. Hinrichsen's family has been connected with music publishing since 1863, and his father was the owner of the well-known firm of Peters Edition in Leipzig. Mr. Hinrichsen settled in England in 1937 and, a few years later, established his own firm, while his brother set up a publishing house in the U.S.A. The production of the English firm includes the first pubUcation of 30 volumes of English keyboard music. For six years Mr. Hinrichsen edited, in a voluntary capacity, a magazine called " On Leave in London," for the benefit of members of the Forces spending their leave over here. Mr. Hinrichsen, who Uves in Hampstead, has been a member of the AJR since its inception. FRENCH HONOURS Many Jews received awards in the Bastille Day Honours List. M. Andre Maurois was awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. Darius Milhaud, the composer, became a Grand Officer of the Legion, as did ViceAdmiral Jacques Traub. M. Andr6 Blum, vice-president of the Association of Free French, was made a Commander of the Order. The award of Officer of the Legion of Honour was made to M. Jean-David Weill, conservator of the national museums of France. TSARIST ARTIST DISCOVERED Mr. Joseph Tepper, a well-known Jewish painter in Tsarist Russia, now in his eighties, has been discovered living in the Eishel home for the aged in Cuemavaca, near Mexico City. Portraits of famous people whom Mr. Tepper painted in his time included the Russian singer Chaliapin and the Yiddish author and poet, I. L. Peretz. 1 With the Compliments of DICK & GOLDSCHMIDT LTD London W.l Page 12 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 OBITUARY MRS. HANNA PHILIPP It is learned with deep regret that Mrs. Hanna PhiUpp passed away suddenly. She was a member of the AJR Board. During the last war years and the early post-war period she was also a regular voluntary helper at the AJR head office. In those days of anxiety she worked for the " Transmare" scheme, then estabUshed by the AJR for recording the names of relatives who had not been able to leave Germany before the war. She also helped to organise the AJR Clothing Collection for survivors on the Continent. By her capable and unassuming participation in the team work, she gained the affection of all her colleagues on the staff. Mrs. Philipp was also actively associated with the efforts of Youth Aliyah and of Self-Aid for Refugees. The urge of working for the benefit of her fellow-refugees and fellow-Jews was part of her personality, and she did what she considered necessary or was asked to do without being prompted by any feelings of personal ambition. At the same time, she enjoyed good company and the beauties life has to offer. By her sincerity and charm she acquired a wide circle of friends, all of whom feel united with her husband, our friend, Mr. Ernst Philipp, in his bereavement. ERWIN SEEGALL Mit Erwin J. SeegaU, der am 8. August wahrend eines Erholungsurlaubs in Bad Schwalbach/Taunus gestorben ist, ist einer der wenigen judischen Mitarbeiter des bundesdeutschen Auswartigen Dienstes dahingegangen. Mehr als ein Jahrzehnt war Seegall im Wirtschaftsreferat der Deutschen Botschaft in Neu-Delhi (Indien) tatig. Er hat sich in dieser wichtigen Stellung viel Ansehen und Anerkennung erworben. Der Nachruf des Bundesaussenministers Dr. Gerhard Schroder spricht von einem " vorbildlichen Mitarbeiter ". Das Fliichtlingsschicksal hatte Erwin Seegall Ende der 30er Jahre von Deutschland in das nbrdliche Indien, damals noch britische Kolonie, verschlagen, wo der Aufbau eines neuen Erwerbslebens manches Schwere mit sich brachte. Aber, ausdauernd und zuversichtlich, wie dieser von jeher arbeitsame Mann war, vermochte er sich auch in der Fremde durchzusetzen. Wer Erwin Seegall als von seiner pommerschen Heimatssphare wie vom jiidischen KleinstadtmiUeu gepragten jungen und im judischen Leben aktiven Juristen vor 30 und mehr Jahren kennenlernte und ihm dann, vor wenigen Jahren, in seinem sonnendurchgluteten Botschaftsbiiro gegeniibersass, fand ihn im Kern seines Wesens fast vbllig unverandert. Die Anhanglichkeit und das Interesse an alten Freunden, insbesondere aus der einstigen judischen Jugendbewegung, waren geblieben. Er hat ein Alter von nur 62 Jahren erreicht. E. G. LOWENTHAL. DR. MARGARETE BERENT The lawyer. Dr. Margarete Berent, died in New York in her 78th year. She had studied law and taken her doctorate before the First World War, but was only admitted to the State examinations when the ban on female candidates was lifted, under the Weimar Republic. In 1925 she became the first woman lawyer to take up practice in Berlin. She was also a well-known author and lecturer and took a leading part in the fight for equal rights of women. In 1933, when she was barred from practising, Margarete Berent became the responsible official of the Rhineland District of the " Reichsvertretung." She left Germany only a few days before the outbreak of war and, after a short stay in Chile, re-emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1941. Under great difficulties she took up legal studies again and, after having passed her American examinations with distinction, worked with the legal department of the New York Municipal Administration. At the same time, as in Germany, she took an active part in Jewish affairs. ANNA HERZ Mrs. Anna Herz died in Switzerland after a long illness at the age of 70. For many years, until her retirement through ill-health, she was a welfare worker with Self Aid of Refugees. She will be gratefully remembered by her many friends, her former colleagues and all who knew her. Hers was a colourful personality, and she was able to impart some of her enjoyment of life to all who came in contact with her. This rare gift will be sadly missed. WOECHENTLICHE JET-FLUG GRUPPEN-REISEN Die billigsten Gruppen-Preise fuer Reisen nach Israel M i t Hotel—oder Privat-Unterkunft. W i r stehen Ihnen auch m i t unserer stets erstklassigen Bedienung fur Reisen in andere Lander zur V e r f u g u n g CORDIAL TRAVEL 665 Finchley Road, Childs Hill, London, N.W.2 ('Phone HAM. 4 4 1 4 / 5 ) Unter personlicher Leitung von Mr. L. Hersh. Unser Biiro ist ieden Sonntag ron 10 o.m.-l p.m. geoffnet, an Wochentogen von 9.30 a.m.-6 p.m., Geschlossen am Sabbath. Such pretty things at Reasonable Prices MANtTFACTUREKa OF Flasticisers and Stabilisers for P.V.C. WetanCM PiKinents, Finishes and Fatllquors for Leather Emulsifiers, Detergents and Wetting Agents Polyethers for P o l y u r e t h a n e Foami E C C L I t ' MANCHISTER BRANCHES IN M A I N TOWNS T l L f ^ H O M f : I C C i e S S I K / I • TCLEX • • T I O • OVERSEAS D t O U I R t C S CABLES LANMttO ECCLES U A N C H E S T E K CCCLIt AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Letters to the Editor GERMAN-JEWISH DENTAL SURGEONS Sir,—I have been approached by Dr. F. H. Witt, who is in charge of the West German " Forschungsinstitut fuer Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde " im Bundesverband der Deutschen Zahrmerzte e.V." in Cologne-Lindenthal. He informs me that it is intended to deal either in a doctor's thesis or in a special publication, with the achievements of the following former members of the dental profession : Dr. Konrad Cohn, born 1870, Berlin; Dr. Oskar Pulvcrmacher, Berlin, Potsdamer Str.; Dr. Moritz Lipschitz, Berlin, Tauentzienstr. 9. Any reader who can supply biographical details, especially about the last period of the lives of these three persormlities, should kindly write to me. Yours, etc., DR. F. G. SALOMON. 10 Newbridge Road, Bath. VIER EINSTELLUNGEN ZUM JUDENTUM ? In Menachem Gersons Aufsatz " Martin Bubers Werk im Deutschen Judentum" (August 1965) findet sich eine Theorie iiber die deutschen Juden, die keiner Wirklichkeit entspricht. Nach dieser Theorie gab es " vier Einstellungen: Assimilation . . . der das Judentum nicht der Fortfiihrung wert zu sein schien", "die jiidischen Kommunisten", " den politischen Zionismus und die Orthodoxie ". Bei dieser Aufstellung fehlen mindesteris 80% der deutschen Juden, ndmlich die durchschnittlichen, die so jiidisch waren wie sie einen rechten Arm hatten. Sie lebten in ihrem jiidischen Kreis, sie hielten Freitag Abend, und wenn nicht Freitag Abend mi imwettt umex WITH LYCRA -lighter in weight, smoother to the touch, cooler to wear, easier to wash Dip>-waisted with Lycra and the unique 'X' design to slim you, yet never restrict you. White, Black, Navy or Pretty Blue. E.\tra small to extra large 45/- MfXpmitee WITH LYCRA It's the brieier-than-ever pantee with high-cut legs for extra freedom of movement. Brief X pantee with Lycra is ideal for Sportswear and Playwear. White. Extra small to large 32,11 Page 13 Pessach, und wenn nicht Pessach die Hohen Feiertage^-das Wort iiber die " Drei-TageJuden " ist nur toricht gewesen. Eine christliche Heirat gait ah Ungliick, und nichts ist falscher als zu sagen, " dass ihnen das Judentum nicht der Fortfiihrung wert schien ". Sie lebten mit den Sulzbachers und Feuchtwangers und Goldschmidts, sie interessierten sich fixr die Ulmer Gotzens und die Steppacher Hirschmanns, und sie wussten ganz genau, oder sie fiihlten, dass sie kein Leben ausserhalb dieser Gemeinschaft hatten. Ernst Rowohlt sagte einmal zu mir: " Ich bekomme nie genug jiidische Biicher. Judisches Buch ? " Schon ein Erfolg ! Allein die Bar-Mizwahs. Und falls es jemand nicht wissen sollte, Ernst Rowohlt hatte nichts mit Juden zu tun. Diese Bucher-Kdufer loaren die 80% ausserhalb der Gersonschen Juden. Yours, etc., GABRIELE TERGIT. London, S.W.IS. ALUMNI SOCIETY Sir,—I wonder whether you could draw the attention of your junior readers to the Alumni Society (affiliated to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St. John's Wood). The basic aim of this Society is to create a social atmosphere where young people, from the ages of 17-18, of similar and varied interests can meet. Our activities include debates, dramatics, discussions and parties. At present we have an active membership of 80, of which a large percentage are at universtty. I shall be happy to answer any enquiries. Yours, etc., DIANA H. MOHR. (Hon. Sec. Mem.) I I Brim Hill, London, N.2. " MEIN KAMPF " Copyright Refused Last February, the Jewish Chronicle made reference to Hutchinson's plan to publish " Mein Kampf", debating the wisdom of making it available in a cheap edition. The Board of Deputies at that time also made representations to Hutchinsons. Now the Bavarian State Government, which owns the copyright, has refused to grant permission for its publication because it regards the book as antisemitic Uterature. Mr. R. A. A. Holt, chairman of Hutchinsons, confirmed that his firm had decided not to pubUsh " Mein Kampf ", but declined to give any reasons for the decision. He also refused to comment when asked whether Hutchinsons feared that a cheap edition might elicit the wrong type of reaction from certain kinds of reader. Hutchinsons are said to have told the German Embassy that they felt they were discharging a duty to history by publishing the book and that their action would be approved by the general pubUc. In advance publicity for the new edition Hutchinsons stated that the introduction to the book by Mr. D. C. Watt, senior lecturer in international history at the London School of Economics, would present the background to Hitler, the origins of history of " Mein Kampf " and a critical assessment of that book. FILM ON RESCUE WORKERS A feature film is to be made about the lives of the Misses Ida and Louise Cook. The sisters' bravery in rescuing Jews from Nazism during the war was recently marked by a presentation at the Israeli Embassy. AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 Page 14 DEPUTIES APPROACH SOVIET MINISTER Round and About Swastika Stamps Private Schools' Discrimination Despite protests in Parliament, postage stamps incorporating the swastika in the design, which the Post Office proposes to issue this month to commemorate the Battle of Britain, are not to be withdrawn. Mr. Anthony Wedgwood-Benn, the Postmaster-General, told M.P.s that the stamp was one of a block of six designs depicting different aspects of the Battle of Britain. " The broken swastika, half-covered by the sea, is shown on the shattered tail-fin of a Luftwaffe bomber that has been shot down and is sinking into the English Channel. Above, four R.A.F. fighters ride triumphant. Since that is what the Battle of Britain was all about, I do not propose to withdraw the stamps." M.P.s pointed out that the design would be offensive to many who suffered under the symbol of the swastika and that there was concern among many people at the appearance of the swastika on a British stamp. Sir Barnett Janner declared that the swastika was a recognised emblem of the advocates of genocide. A protest was also made in the Lords. For the Government. Lord Hohson replied that the public was under no obligation to buy the stamps, as normal stamps would be on sale at the same time. Mr. S. Teff, president of the Board of Deputies, sent a letter of protest to Mr. Benn before the debate in Parliament. He stated that the Board had received numerous complaints from members of the Jewish community, to whom the sight of the swastika in any form is offensive in the extreme. In a further letter the Board, through Mr. Teff, pointed out that the P.M.G.'s reply to M.P.s failed to meet the objections raised. Mr. Teff added that the swastika was being used by " neo-Nazis of this and other countries with the most hateful propaganda "—(J.C.) In the House of Lords, Lord Brockway demanded that private schools should not discriminate against Jewish pupils. The occasion was the second reading in the House of Lords of the Race Relations Bill. In schools under pubUc authorities children were educated together whatever their colour or race, said Lord Brockway. This principle should, he believed, be extended to private schools. In no schools in this country should racial discrimination be practised. FAMILY EVENTS Birthday No Separate Jewish Teachers' CoUege A request to set up a State-aided Jewish denominational college for the training of teachers has been rejected by the Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Anthony Crosland. The conclusion reached by the Department of Education and Science was that there were not enough Jewish non-graduates to justify setting up a separate Jewish college of education. Ex-Mayor Honoured Mr. Arthur Howitt, a former Mayor of Richmond, celebrated his 80th birthday. He was the founder of the Richmond Hebrew Congregation and is a former president of the Western Synagogue. Ministers and laymen from all sections of the Jewish community gathered at the Western Synagogue to pay Mr. Howitt tribute on the occasion. Bamett Stross to Retire Sir Barnett Stross. Labour M.P. for Stokeon-Trent for the past 20 years, will not be contesting the next General Election. Sir Barnett, aged 65, has decided to retire for reasons of health. Schwabach.—On July 31 in her 76th year, Mrs. Marianne Schwabach (nee Block), of 98 Princes Park Avenue, N.W.ll. Deeply mourned by her family and the many refugees to whom she opened her house before and after the war. Winterburgh.—Mr. Eugen Winterburgh, 64 King Edward's Gardens, London, W.3, will celebrate his 75th birthday on September 27th. " AJR Information ", to which Mr. CLASSIFIED Winterburgh has often contributed, Situations Vacant joins his relatives and friends in conveying its heartiest congratula- Women tions to him. EXPERIENCED COOK Required twice weekly, private household Silver Wedding N.W.B. Box 594. Goodfriend.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Situations Wanted Goodfriend, of 11 Shirehall Lane, London, N.W.4, celebrated their Men silver wedding on August 22nd. GERMAN TRANSLATIONS, typing, etc., by man of 62. Prompt Deaths and reliable. Box 601. IMPORT-EXPORT OFFICE MANGottsehalk.—Mr. Adolf Gottschalk AGER due to retire end of month, passed away peacefully on July reUable in all work of Home/InterSOth. Deeply mourned by his wife national Trade, intends carrying Marga, brother and sister. 59 working and still good for conFleetwood Road, London, N.W.IO. on siderable time, wishes to hear from Philipp.—On August 16th, sud- well-known people interested in denly at 87 Holland Park, London, capable man. Box 604. W.ll, Hanna, dearly beloved wife FORMER BUSINESSMAN, middleaged, seeks work up to 6 hours per of Ernst PhiUpp. day as salesman, messenger or in Rosenbaum.—Miss Recha Rosen- warehouse. Best references. Box baum passed away on August 4. 605. Deeply mourned by Margot RosenADAPTABLE MAN, baum, Anita, Walter and friends. A G I L E 25a Belsize Park Gardens, London, sixties, good references, seeks fulltime or part-time position as clerk, N.W.3. storekeeper, etc. Box 610. Rubner.—Mrs. Paula Rubner, of 25 Grange Court, Leeds, 6, (formerly Women of Vienna), passed away after a PERSONAL ASSISTANT/SECREshort illness in her 70th year. TARY. Position required by very Deeply mourned by her twin efficient, experienced and reliable daughters. Mrs. Liesl Dunston and lady. English/German/French, Mrs. Gretl Swanson, relatives and some Spanish, bookkeeping. Box many friends. 603. In a letter sent by the Board of Deputies to the Soviet Embassy, an appeal was made to Madame E. Furtseva, the Soviet Minister of Culture, during her visit to London. The Board asked for clarification of the cultural life and situation of the estimated three million Jews in the U.S.S.R. It was stated that the situation gave the impression that it was the result of administrative measures employed apparently in an arbitrary way. These were intended to estrange Jews from their own cultural and traditional past, and to bring about their assimilation by means contrary to the Soviet practice, to the Constitution of the U.S.S.B.. and to the declarations of the Communist Party on the cultural problems of minorities. The Jewish Youth Committee for Russian Jews also sent a letter putting eight questions to the Soviet Minister. MAX ROSTAL 60 The violinist. Max Rostal, recently celebrated his 60th birthday. A pupil of Arnold Rose and Carl Flesch, he was awarded the Mendelssohn Prize at the age of 20 and appointed Professor at the Staatliche Hochschule fiir Musik when he was 25. He emigrated in 1933 and, from 1944 to 1958, taught at the Guildhall School of Music in London. Since 1953 he has been associated with the Konservatorium der Musik in Berne. He is also in charge of the annual tuition courses for vioUn and viola, held in Adelboden (Switzerland). E.G.L. LORD COHEN'S POST Lord Cohen of Brighton has accepted an invitation from the Minister of Public Building and Works to be chairman of the independent authority which the Government is to set up to test and assess new building products and innovations. He has expressed the wish that he should be allowed to carry out this work in an honorary capacity. SECRETARY, English/German/ French, bookkeeping, seeks parttime position. Box 600. COMPANION — HELP / SITTERIN for adults and children seeks part-time work. Good references. Box 606. ELDERLY WIDOW, skilled in handicraft work (machine knitting, finishing, pearl stringing) seeks homework. Box 607. HOMEWORK, typing or unskilled work, wanted by middle-aged woman. Box 608. BOOKKEEPER/WAGES CLERK, Import/Export, German correspondence, seeks change of position after 25 years, due to firm's moving. Box 609. Acconunodation Vacant CAMBRIDGE—Luxurious accommodation in cultured private house with gardens and deckchairs, bath, h. & c , TV, radio, telephone, central heating, use of kitchen, fridge, etc. 30s. per person per night. Meals and service if desired. Box 596. NICE BEDSITTING ROOM to let, central heated block of flats, constant hot water, lift, use of kitchen. Hampstead, 5 gns. per week. Box 599. VERY NICE BEDSITTING ROOM, h. & c. w., gas fire, gas ring. One or two persons, N.W.2. area. 'Phone : GLAdstone 4641. Accommodation Wanted ELDERLY ORTHODOX Gentleman, seeks room with part or full board, ground or 1st floor, near Finchley Road or Frognal stations. Box 597. ELDERLY BACHELOR, very active, seeks pleasant home with central heating and partial board in London. Box 602. Personal ELDERLY WIDOWER (not an invalid) wishes to share his comfortable house, on favourable terms, with middle-aged lady and one or two of her female relations. Two kitchens, two bathrooms, home help and car kept. Box 598. WIDOW, good-looking, middl^ aged, wishes to meet educated gentleman, object friendship and companionship. Box 595. AJR Needlewomen Service WOMEN available for alterations, mending, handicrafts. 'Phone MAI4449. Miscellaneous RADIO SET wanted for Old Age Pensioner. AJR Social Services Department, MAI. 4449. A L T E R A T I O N S WANTED ? 'Phone experienced dressmaker for best work. HAMpstead 8775. MISSING PERSONS Enquires by AJR Kaiser.—Heirs or relatives of the late Dr. Sigismund Kaiser, who died on August 4, 1961 (last address 11a Eton Rise. Eton College Road, London, N.W.3), sought in connection with restitution claim. Katz.—Siegfried Katz, last known address 776 Finchley Road, London, N.W.ll. Wanted in connection vvith a restitution claim. Page 15 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 NEWS IN BRIEF SECRETARY-GENERAL OF W.J.C. Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner, member of the World Jewish Congress Executive, Consultant to the European Headquarters of the United Nations and specialised agencies, was elected Secretary-General of the W.J.C. Dr. Riegner was born the son of a Berlin lawyer in 1911 and studied law and political science. He emigrated in 1933. When the W.J.C. was founded in 1936 he was appointed legal secretary to its Geneva office. He became Director of "that office in 1939 and, during the war, played an historic role in uncovering the extermination plan of the Nazi regime. He passed on to AlUed headquarters the information he had received from a reliable German source, but the warnings were not heeded. After the war Dr. Riegner co-ordinated the work of the W.J.C. Isranches. WHO CAN HELP? Grand Piano for Home Required As readers know, the House Committees of the Homes for the Aged, jointly run by the AJR and the C.B.F., regularly arrange concerts and other functions for the benefit of the residents. These functions are always greatly enjoyed by the old people, many of whom are no longer able to leave their house. It would be of great help, if for one of the Homes a grand piano could be made available. Readers or friends of theirs who wish to dispose of their instrument and are prepared to donate it to the Home should kindly contact the AJR (8 Fairfax Mansions, London, N.W.3). Donations towards the costs for necessary repairs are also welcome. JEWISH COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP IN GERMANY AUTOMATIC The local federal administration court gave its ruUng in a test case between the West Berlin community and a former local Jew now living in Italy, who refused to pay communal taxes. The Jewish community took its stand on the Prussian law of 1847, still in force, and the community's statutes. According to this law, every citizen born of a Jewish mother automatically becomes a member of the Jewish community in his place of residence. The West Berlin court has now supported this view. AUSTRLVN JEW HONOURED The Gold Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria has been awarded to Dr. Wilhelm Krell, executive director of the Viennese Jewish Community Council. The honour was accorded for Dr. Krell's contribution to the country's compensation laws. Dr. Krell has been secretary-general of the Austrian Jewish community since 1947, a member of the committee for the restitution of victims of Nazism since 1949 and a member of the managing board of their assistance fund since 1956. BEN URI ART FUND The Ben Uri Art Society council has announced that a special fund is to be established to purchase paintings by contemporary Jewish artists for the Ben Uri permanent collection. It is also intended to mount an annual exhibition of Israeli paintings and sculpture. SIMAR HOUSE DICTIONARY AMENDMENT Following a complaint by a Jewish purchaser, Odhams Books Ltd. are to expunge an offensive definition of the word " Jew " from all future editions of their Concise English Dictionary. The present edition describes a Jew as " member of the Hebrew branch of the Semitic race; Israelite; believer in the Hebrew religion; (slang) extortionist, bargainer or moneylender; Jew, to cheat, outwit". Similar definitions appear in the Concise Oxford Dictionary and other standard reference books. A spokesman of the Oxford University Press stated that the definition had been included on historical grounds and would therefore not be removed. He pointed out, however, that certain emendations had been made in the most recent edition of the dictionary. Terms such as " rich as a Jew " and " unbeUeving Jew" had been deleted. The definition of the verb " to jew " as " cheat", " overreach " had been entirely removed. The editor of the Chambers's Dictionary declared in a statement to the Jewish Chronicle that the function of a dictionary is to record what people say. The meaning of the noun " Jew " could not be taken out but he thought that when the dictionary was reset a different comment should be put on it. JEWISH STUDENTS' SETTLEMENT IN STRASBOURG A Jewish Students' Settlement will be opened in Strasbourg shortly. It will provide accommodation for 120 residents and also comprise premises for cultural activities, a library and a kosher restaurant. The settlement, which is run under the auspices of the Strasbourg Jewish community, bears the name of " Cite Laure Weil." TADLEY COURT The private Continental Hotel TADLEY COMMON, BASINGSTOKE 10-12 Herbert Road BOURNEMOUTH WEST KOSHER REST & CONVALESCENT HOME FOR GENTLEFOLK As always, the House with the home-like atmosphere and its beautiful gardens. CENTRALLY HEATED Open the whole year DIETS on request IDEAL FOR A SHORT HOLIDAY OR HOME FOR YOUR RETIREMENT within easy reach of Sea and Town Centre Visit us or write for Brochure. Mrs. MARGOT SMITH 'Phone: Westbourne 64176 'Phone : Heath End 312 In four acres of beautiful grounds, between Reading and Basingstoke, this charming house combines all the amenities of a country hotel with day and night attention by a qualified Nursing Staff. SUN-LOUNGE. BRIDGE ROOM. FULL CENTRAL HEATING. SPECIAL DIETS. C a t e r i n g with a difference foods of all nations for formal or informal occasions—in your own home or any venue. Free consultations—please 'phone The Exclusive Salon de Corseterie Mrs. ILLY LIEBERMAN Mme H. LIEBERG WEStern 2872 'THE HOUSE ON THE HILL' Nursery and Kindergarten 5 NETHERHALL GARDENS, N.W.3 871 Newest shades in hosiery. EXPERT CT QUALIFIED FITTERS ARLET" 77 ST. GABRIEL'S ROAO. N.W.Z visitors to London and permanent guests are welcomed in my exclusively furnished and cultivated Private Hotel. Occasional meals provided. Central heating throughout. Garden, TV. etc. Good residential district. 'Phone : GLA. 4029 MRS. LOTTE SCHWARZ 169a Finchley Road, N.W.3 (MAI. 6301) COMFORTABLE HOME FOR OLD LADIES Moderate Terms 68 Shoot-up Hill, N.W.2 'Phone : GLA. 5S3S Mr. & Mrs. H. Schreiber, THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL 9 Church Rood, Southbourne, Bournemouth 'Phone ; Bournemouth 48804. AJR CHARITABLE TRUST PARTIES CATERED FOR These ore the ways in which you can help : HARROGATE CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER COVENANT Comfortably furnished bed-sittingrooms for short or long periods. Central heating. Meals by arrangement. MRS. M. EGER. 3 •"••ospectus from the Principal, H A M . 1662 HOUSE THE DORICE Continental Cuisine—Licensed FINCHLEY ROAD, N . W . l l 'Phone : SPEedwell 8673 Ready-made and to measure. HOME PRODUCE. We are fully booked from 1st Sepfember, 1965, to 15th April, 1966, with winter residents but would welcome enquiries for the summer season 1966. SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, HARROGATE Do you want comfort and every convenience, First-Class Accommodation On lieu of your membership subscription to the AJR) A Covenant commits the covenanter for a period of seven years or for his titetime. whichever period is shorter. GIFTS IN YOUR LIFETIME A BEQUEST I N YOUR WILL Ask for particulars from : The Secretary. AIR Charitable Trust. S Fairfax Mansions. London, N.W.S. room with own bath, excellent Continental food, TV. lo'-nge. gardens ? Mrs. A. WOLFF, 3 Hemstol Road, N.W.6 (MAI. 8521) Space donated bv TRADE CUTTERS LIMITED. Britannia Wsrki, 2S St. Pancras Way, N.W.1. Page 16 AJR INFORMATION September, 1965 NEWS A B O U T ROCKET SCIENTISTS ISRAEL Protest to Austrian Foreign Minister BELSEN LIBERATION ANNIVERSARY GERMANY'S MORAL DUTY In Tel Aviv, Mr. Josef Rosensaft, of New York, the president of the World Union of Survivors of Bergen-Belsen, addressed the opening meeting of a week-long series of events in Israel marking the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp. In his address he alleged that Jewish leaders had allowed survivors to linger there for five years after the Liberation. " These same leaders ", he said, " failed to attend the week-long celebrations and they are also absent tonight ". Brigadier H. L. Glyn Hughes, who commanded the British unit which took over the camp at the end of the war, said that thousands of Germans now visiting the national park opened on the camp site stated that they knew nothing of its function. " But they knew, all Germans knew, and we must not forget", he declared. Mr. Levi Eshkol, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Brigadier Glyn Hughes, addressed a meeting in the Habimah Theatre in Tel Aviv, as part of the ceremonies. The Prime Minister told the Brigadier : " We owe to you and your nation, and to all nations which took part in crushing Nazism, a debt of gratitude. Perhaps your presence here carries a grain of atonement for the great sin committed by those nations which had the power to prevent the Holocaust and did nothing." Ernst Simon Addresses Church Congress BRASSIERES, CORSETS AND CORSELETS All made to measure MRS. A. MAYER 'Phone No.: SPE. 1451 Professor Ernst Simon, of the Hebrew University, in Cologne addressed an audience of some 3,000 at a session of the twelfth congress of the German Evangelical Church, dealing with Christian-Jewish issues. He put forward the view that had it not been for the Nazi persecution of the Jews the State of Israel might well have been established without open military conflict with the Arabs, although it would have taken much longer. The chaotic conditions accompanying the establishment of the State of Israel were, he said, a consequence of the Nazi regime, which had also supported the former Mufti of Jerusalem. Hitler's Germany had thus done more than commit mass murder and other crimes. All these facts imposed on Germany the moral duty to aid Israel's security and to do the utmost possible to promote peace in the Middle East. A German policy of peace in the Middle East would be an act of reparation for Nazi wrongs. The German people could not bring back the dead to life, said Professor Simon, but it could help prevent new wars and new murders. His speech was warmly applauded. M. SULZBACHER JEWISH Si HEBREW BOOKS (aiso purchased) 4 Sneath Arenue, Golders Green Rd., London, N . W . l l . Tel.: SPE. 1694 DEUTSCHE BUECHER SHIPPING ORDER TO BRITISH FIRM An Israeli shipping company. Cargo Ships El Yam (Haifa), has ordered four bulk-cargo carriers from the Tees-side Furness Shipbuilding Company. The total value of the contract, £11 million, represents the second largest order ever given to a single British shipyard. (The largest, valued at £14 million, was placed a week earlier by Norway. )The ships, to be delivered during 1967 and 1968, will be powered by diesel engines. They will be used for transporting general cargo (including coal, sulphur and grain).—(J.C.) PHOTOCOPIES HIGHEST PRICES QUICK and RELIABLE paid for GOLDERSTAT 25 Downham Rood, N.l •Phone : CLIssold 5464 (5 lines) 54 Golders Gardens, N . W . I I 'Phone: SPEedwell 5643 FOR THE HIGH FESTIVALS Machsorim, Taleisim, Cops, Luachs 5726 (at 1/-) All ritual requisites. Professor Wolfgang Pilz, the West German rocket scientist who headed the research team working for Egypt, is now living in Austria. It is understood that his contract ran out and he declined to renew it. Professor Pilz is the last leading German rocket expert to return from Cairo. Professor Goerke and Professor Kleinwaechter preceded him some time ago. The A ustrian-Jewish community has protested to the country's Foreign Minister at the presence in Egypt of Austrian scientists working on Cairo's armament programme. The Minister stated that the matter would be put before the Cabinet when it reconvenes after the summer holidays.—(J.C.) K« Q L (ELECTRICAL I INSTALLATIONS)! U . Wir interessieren uns ouch fiJr Ihre mitgebrachten deutschen Bucher und Autographen T Q 199b Belsize Road, N.W.6 MAI. 2646/KIL. 2646 Electrical Contractors & Stockists of oil Electrical Appliances. OFFICIALLY APPOINTED HOOVER SERVICE DEALERS LIBRIS (LONDON) LTD. 38a BOUNDARY ROAD, LONDON. N.W.S Director : Dr. I. Suschltzkv 'Phone : M A I . 3030 5 Garson House, Gloucester Terrace, London, W.2 Tel.: AMBassador 1564 18 CRAWFORD STREET, BAKER STREET, W . l Large selection of all typts of travel goods, especially Air Travel Cases. A.'l travel goods repaired. Old trunks and cases bought. FAIRFIELD & FUCHS 267 West End Lane. N.W.6 GRANGE TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. 59 COLDHARBOUR LANE, HAYES, MIDDLESEX Tel.: MR. HAYes 5517-9. J. G. Cables: Grange, Hayes. Middx. Under the personal supervision of J. BARON. M.T.A.l.. DIRECTOR & GENERAL MANAGER FOR ALL TRAVEL. TOURS, CAR BOOKINGS AND INSURANCE, AIR AND RAIL TICKETS, HOTEL RESERVATIONS, TRAVELLERS" CHEQUES & FOREIGN CURRENCIES, SIGHTSEEING & EXCURSIONS, THEATRE TICKETS, AGENTS FOR ALL TOUR OPERATORS. TOURS TO ISRAEL A SPECIALITY The WIGMORE LAUNDRY Ltd. RICH'S SHOE REPAIR SERVICE now at 250 Finchley Rd. (Palace Court), N.W.S, and 133 Hamilton Rood, N . W . n WE COLLECT A N D DELIVER •PHONE H A M . 1336. SPE. 7463 (HAMpstead 0748) H. KAUFMANN Painting & Decorating Specialising in High-class Interior Decorating Built-in Furniture, General Woodwork, Formica work (off Edgware Road) 'Phone HAMpstead 2602 SHOE REPAIRS S. DIENSTAG 99 FRAMPTON ST., N.W.S ALWAYS A T YOUR PERSONAL SERVICE LUGGAGE REPAIRS TIME F. FRIEDLAND INTERIOR FITTINGS WEL. 2S28 All Makes Bought, Sold & Exchanged. Repairs, Maintenance. STETS GESUCHT! R. & E. STEINER (BOOKS) WE GO ANYWHERE, ANY 201 Wembley Hill Rood, Wembley, Middx. (ARNold 5525) STANDARD SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Ltd ELITE TYPEWRITER Co. Ltd. Aus alien Wissensgebieten, Bibliophile und Erstousgoben, Autographen, Illustrierte Werke Gentlemen's cast-off Clothing, Suitcases, Trunks, etc. CONTINENTAL LAUNDRY SPECIAUSTS Most London Districts Served SHE. 4575 brings us by radio Write or 'phone the Manager, 24-hour telephone service MR. E. HEARN, 1 STRONSA ROAD, LONDON, W.12 Printed at the Sharon Press, 31 Furnival Street. E.C.4 Phone: PAD. 3714/GLA. 8917 RABENSTEI^ Ltd. Kosher Butchers, Poulterers and Sausage Manufacturers Under supervision of the Beth Din Wholesalers of and Retailers first-class Continental Sausages Daily Deliveries 11 Fairhazel Gardens, N.W.6 'Phone : MAI. 3224 and MAI. 9236 GERMAN BOOKS bought by Continental Book Supply Write to : F. Steiner, 96 Greencroft Gardens. London, N.W.6. or 'phone M A I . 6892 DAS ENTSCHAEDIGUNGS-SCHLUSSGESETZ dargesteUt von Dr. ERICH COHN (London) und MARTIN STRANZ (London) Sonderbeilage zu „AJR Information" September 1965 Dr. Erich Colm (London) DAS ENTSCHAEDIGUNGS-SCHLUSSGESETZ Durch das Bundesentschaedigungsgesetz (BEG) vom Jahre 1956 sollte die Entschaedigung der Verfolgten ihre abschliessende Regelung erfahren. Im Verlauf der Durchfuehrung hat sich jedoch die Notwendigkeit ergeben, das Gesetz in einer Reihe von Punkten zu ergaenzen. Das nunmehr geschaffene Schlussgesetz ist daher nicht ein vollkommen neues Gesetz. Es ist ein Aenderungsgesetz, das zum Ziele hat, das BEG zu verbessem, bestehende Luecken zu schliessen und Unklarheiten zu beseitigen. Daraus folgt, dass Verfolgte, denen bereits nach dem BEG Ansprueche auf Entschaedigung zustanden, die bisher aber nicht mindestens einen Anspruch rechtzeitig angemeldet hatten, die versaeumte Anmeldung jetzt nicht nachholen koennen. Sie koennen nur solche Ansprueche geltend machen, die erst durch das Schlussgesetz vollkommen neu geschaffen sind. Dagegen kann ein Verfolgter, der rechtzeitig, d.h. bis zum 1. April 1958, irgend einen Antrag auf Entschaedigung fuer eigenen Schaden gestellt hatte, oder dem Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand gewaehrt war, noch andere eigene (nicht ererbte) Ansprueche, die ihm schon nach dem bisherigen Gesetz zustanden, deren Anmeldung er aber versaeumt hat, bis zum 31. Dezember 1%5, also sehr kurzfristig, nachschieben. Ebenso kann ein Berechtigter, der rechtzeitig einen ererbten oder einen Hinterbliebenen—Anspruch nach einem bestimmten Verfolgten angemeldet hatte, innerhalb derselben kurzen Frist noch weitere ererbte Ansprueche nach demselben Verfolgten nachmelden. Die Grundlage der Entschaedigung bildet somit das bisherige Gesetz, dessen Inhalt von K. Friedlander in der Beilage der „ AJR Information " vom August 1956 ausfuehrlich wiedergegeben ist. In der nachfolgenden Zusammenfassung kann es sich nur darum handeln, die Abaenderungen und Verbesserungen in dem Schlussgesetz in den wesentlichen Grundzuegen darzustellen. Soweit diese Abaenderungen neue oder erweiterte Ansprueche oder Beweis—Erleichterungen gegenueber dem bisherigen Gesetz gewaehren, ist fuer deren Beruecksichtigung ein Antrag erforderUch, der bis zum 30. September 1%6 zu stellen ist. Bei alien eingereichten Antraegen hat eine Darstellung des Sachverhaltes mit Angabe von Beweismitteln und Angaben ueber Art und Umfang des Anspruchs zur Vermeidung des Ausschlusses bis zum 30. September 1966 zu erfolgen. Nach dem BEG sind grundsaetzUch nur die aus Deutschland stammenden Verfolgten voll berechtigt, waehrend Verfolgte aus Gebieten, die nicht am 31. Dezember 1937 zum Deutschen Reich gehoert haben, z.B. aus den ausserdeutschen Vertreibungsgebieten, nur beschraenkte Oder auch gar keine Entschaedigungs-Ansprueche haben. BezuegUch dieser ..Besonderen Verfolgtengruppen" wird auf die gesonderte DarsteUung (S. 7 und 8) ueber ,,Ausserhalb des frueheren Deutschen Reichs verfolgte Personen" verwiesen. I. ERWEITERUNG DES KREISES DER VOLLBERECHTIGTEN 1. Danzig Die Verfolgten aus Danzig hatten bisher nur beschraenkte Anspnieche, weil Danzig nicht zu dem Deutschen Reich in den Grenzen vom 31. Dezember 1937 gehoerte. Durch das Schlussgesetz werden sie mit rueckwirkender Kraft voU anspruchsberechtigt und zwar auch dann, wenn sie frueher weder deutsche Staatsangehoerige noch deutsche Volkszugehoerige waren. Fuer sie gilt die neue Anmeldefrist bis zum 30. September 1966. Hat ein dem deutschen Sprach- und Kulturkreis zugehoeriger Verfolgter aus Danzig bereits unter dem bisherigen Gesetz nach den Vorschriften fuer die Vertriebenen rechtzeitig Entschaedigung beantragt, so kann er weitere Ansprueche, die ihm bereits nach den Vorschriften fuer die Vertriebenen zustanden (z.B. wegen Koerperschadens) nur bis zum 31.12.65 nachschieben (hierueber siehe Vorbemerkung). Hat aber ein solcher Verfolgter unter dem bisherigen Gesetz keine Anmeldung vorgenommen, so wird er mit Anspruechen, die ihm nach dem bisherigen Gesetz wegen Freiheits- oder Koerperschaden bereits zustanden, wegen Fristversaeumung ausgeschlossen sein. Neu sind fuer sie nicht nur die fuer alle anderen VoUberechtigten neu geschaffenen Ansprueche, sondern insbesondere auch der Anspruch wegen Ausbildungschadens, Eigentum- und Vermoegensschadens einschliesslich Auswanderungskosten, und wegen Geldstrafen und Bussen. Wegen der Gleichstellung mit den anderen VoUberechtigten ist die Erhoehung der Berufschadensansprueche (Kapitalentschaedigung oder Rente) von besonderer Bedeutung. Die GleichsteUung von Danzig mit dem Reichsgebiet kann auch neue Entschaedigungsansprueche fuer die Verfolgten aus dem Reichsgebiet schaffen, soweit fuer sie ein Schaden, der zur Entschaedigung berechtigt, in Danzig entstanden ist. 2. „ Rueckwanderer " Durch die Rechtsprechung wurde die Uebersiedlung eines verfolgten Auslaenders aus dem Reichsgebiet in das Land seiner Staatsangehoerigkeit nicht als Auswanderung anerkannt. Diese sogenannten Rueckwanderer waren daher nach dem BEG ueberhaupt nicht anspruchsberechtigt. Die neue gesetzliche Regelung gibt ihnen die voUen Ansprueche, wenn sie vor dem 8. Mai 1945 aus Verfolgungsgruenden ihren Wohnsitz oder dauemden Aufenthalt aus dem Reichsgebiet oder aus Danzig verlegt haben. 3. Tod des Verfolgten in Mittel- oder Ostdeutschland Nach dem BEG hatten die Erben eines Verfolgten, der in Deutschland verstorben war, nur dann Ansprueche, wenn sein Tod iw jetzigen Bundesgebiet erfolgt war. War er dagegen in dem fnieheren Reichsgebiet ausserhalb des jetzigen Bundesgebiets (also Mitteldeutschland und Ostdeutschland) oder Danzig verstorben, so hatten seine Erben keine Ansprueche, mit Ausnahme etwaiger Ansprueche fuer Schaden an Leben. Auch hier erweitert das Schlussgesetz den Kreis der Berechtigten. Die Anspnieche sind zwar nach wie vor nicht vererblich. Ist ein Verfolgter bis zum 31. Dezember 1952 in diesen Gebieten verstorben, so hat aber die nicht wiederverheiratete, von der Verfolgung mitbetroffene Witwe einen eigenen Anspruch auf Entschaedigung insoweit, als ein etwaiger Anspruch des Verfolgten auf sie im Erbwege uebergegangen waere. Ist z.B. ein Verfolgter in Magdeburg verstorben, so kann nunmehr seine Witwe Kapitalentschaedigung fuer Berufschaden, Schaden an Vermoegen und Eigentum, Freiheitsschaden und alle weiteren Ansprueche, die das BEG gibt, bis zum 30. September 1966 anmelden. Sie kann auch wegen des Berufschadens die Rente waehlen, wenn beim Tode des Ehemannes die allgemeinen Voraussetzungen fuer die Rentenwahl vorlagen. Die Ansprueche der Witwe sind nicht vererblich. 4. Zwangsweise Zurueckfuelu'ung eines Deportierten in das Reichsgebiet Der Anspruch entfaeUt im Gegensatz zur bisherigen Rechtsprechung nicht deswegen, weil ein deportierter Verfolgter zwangsweise ins Reichsgebiet zurueckgebracht wurde und damit der Zustand der Deportation ueber die Grenzen des Reichs hinaus sein Ende gefunden hatte. n. NEUE UND ERWEITERTE ANSPRUECHE In der nachfolgenden Darstellung werden die Aenderungen, die fuer die Berechtigten von besonderer Wichtigkeit erscheinen, vorweg behandelt. 1. Witwen der Verfolgten Das Schlussgesetz bringt erhebliche Aenderungen fuer die Rentenberechtigung der Witwen der Verfolgten. (a) Lebensschaden Bei Schaden am Leben haengt die Hoehe der Rente von den wirtschaftlichen Verhaeltnissen des Hinterbliebenen ab. Aendern sich diese z.B. durch neue oder erhoehte Sozialrenten oder andere Einnahmen, aber auch durch Ertraege aus der Aniage von Ent- schaedigungszahlungen, so kann die Rente neu festgesetzt werden, wenn die neu zu errechnende Rente um mindestens 10% von der zuletzt festgesetzten Rente abweicht. Grundsaetzlich ist diese Bestimmung aufrecht erhalten, ebenso wie die Pfiicht der Berechtigten, wirtschaftliche Aenderungen der Behoerde alsbald anzuzeigen und ausserdem die jaehrlichen Fragebogen zu beantworten. Jedoch findet in Zukunft (nicht fuer die Vergangenheit) bei Hinterbliebenen, die das 68. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, eine neue Festsetzung nur dann statt, wenn die neu errechnete Rente um mindestens 30% von der festgesetzten Rente abweicht. Das wird fast ausnahmslos dazu fuehren, dass eine Aenderung der Renten der Witwen, die dieses Alter erreicht haben, nur noch insoweit eintreten wird, als sie an einer aUgemeinen Rentenerhoehung teilnehmen werden. Dabei hat der Wiedergutmachungsausschuss die Erwartung ausgesprochen, dass die Entschaedigungs-Behoerden die Befragung der Verfolgten (Fragebogen) so weit wie moegUch vermeiden oder einschraenken werden. Das Bundesfinanzministerium hat zugesagt, die Durchfuehrungsverordnung dahingehend zu aendern, dass Ertraege aus nutzbringend angelegten Entschaedigungsleistungen kuenftig nicht mehr zu einer Herabsetzung der Rente fuehren. Eine weitere Verbesserung wird nur einen kleinen Kreis von Berechtigten, insbesondere die Witwen von Beamten einschUessUch der juedischen Gemeindebeamten, betreffen. Haben diese wegen des Todes des Verfolgten ausser der Beamtenwitwenpension oder anderen nicht entschaedigungsrechtlichen Versorgungsbezuegen aus deutschen oeffentUchen Mitteln einen Anspnich auf Rente wegen Schadens am Leben, so wurde ihnen bisher von der ihnen zustehenden Lebensschadensrente der Betrag abgezogen, um den die Beamtenpension DM 200,—monatUch ueberstieg. Insoweit „ nihte " die Rente. Diese Bestimmung ist mit Wirkung von der Verkuendung des Schlussgesetzes (also nicht fuer die Vergangenheit) aufgehoben. Das wird zu einer nicht unerheblichen Erhoehung der Zahlung fuer die Rente wegen Schadens am Leben fuehren. Ein Antrag an die Entschaedigungs-Behoerde wird die Aufnahme der erhoehten Zahlung beschleunigen. Die Rentenwahl ist bis zum 30. September 1%6 zu erklaeren. (cc) Hoehe der Berufsschadens-Witwenrente. Die Witwenrente betraegt 60% der Rente, die dem Ehemann zugestanden hat oder zugestanden haette. Soweit beim Zusammentreffen mit anderen Renten nicht eine Sonderregelung, wie z.B. beim Zusammentreffen mit Lebensschaden oder Gesundheitsschaden getroffen ist, gilt nach dem BEG folgender Gnindsatz: ,, Auf die Rente sind andere Versorgungsbezuege aus deutschen oeffentUchen Mitteln anzurechnen, die den Betrag von DM 150,— uebersteigen." Solche Versorgungsbezuege sind z.B. eine Rente fuer eigenen Benifsschaden und eine Rente aus der Angestellten- oder Invalidenversicherung. Durch die Anrechnung aUer Betraege ueber die Freigrenze von DM 150,—fuehrte das zu einer Kuerzung, bisweilen sogar zum Wegfall der Berufsschadens-Witwenrente. Hier bringt das Schlussgesetz zwei Verbesserungen : 1. Der Freibetrag von DM 150,—wird ab 1. Januar 1%1 auf DM 200,—, ab 1. Oktober 1964 auf DM 230,—, erhoeht. 2. Eine deutsche Sozialrente aus eigenem Recht wird nicht mehr angerechnet. Obwohl auch diese Verbesserungen erst mit der Verkuendung des Schlussgesetzes in Kraft treten, folgt doch aus den angefuehrten Daten (1.1.1961 und 1.10.1964) eine rueckwirkende Kraft. (b) Berufsschadens-Witwenrente (aa) Tod des Ehemannes nach dem 1. Oktober 1953. Nach dem BEG hatte die Witwe nur dann einen Anspruch auf Rente, wenn die Ehe bis zum 1. Oktober 1953 geschlossen war. Nach dem Schlussgesetz steht auch denjenigen Witwen die Rente zu, die erst nach dem 1. Oktober 1953 bis zum 29. Juni 1956 die Ehe geschlossen haben. War die Rente fuer den Ehemann vor seinem Tode bereits festgesetzt, so kann seine Witwe jetzt die Witwenrente verlangen. War die Rente, zu deren Wahl der Ehemann noch berechtigt gewesen waere, bei seinem Tode noch nicht festgesetzt, so kann die Witwe das Wahlrecht ausueben, falls sie selbst Verfolgte oder von der Verfolgung mitbetroffen ist. In der neuen Bestimmung wird bei Eheschliessung nach dem 1. Oktober 1953 bis zum 29. Juni 1956 auch eine rueckwirkende Erweitening des Rentenanspruchs des verstorbenen Ehemannes Uegen, weil er nunmehr auch die Versorgung seiner Witwe umfasst. Hatte er bereits die fuer ihn festgesetzte Kapitalentschaedigung angenommen und die Frist zur Rentenwahl vor seinem Tode verstreichen lassen, so wird die Witwe noch jetzt die Rentenwahl bis zum 30. September 1966 erklaeren koennen. (bb) Tod des Ehemannes vor dem 1. Oktober 1953. Starb der Ehemann vor dem 1. Oktober 1953, so stand der Witwe nach dem BEG keine Rente wegen seines Berufsschadens zu. Die Erben hatten nur einen Anspruch auf Kapitalentschaedigung. Hier bringt das Schlussgesetz eine wesentUche Verbesserung. Lagen beim Tode des Mannes fuer ihn die gesetzhchen Voraussetzungen fuer die Rentenwahl vor, so hat seine Witwe nunmehr einen Anspruch auf Rente, wenn sie selbst Verfolgte ist oder von der Verfolgung mitbetroffen war. Der Antrag der Witwe, mit Begruendung, ist ebenfalls bis zum 30. September 1966 zu steUen. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass diesen Witwen eine Rente nicht immer, sondem nur dann zusteht, wenn die besonderen genannten Voraussetzungen vorliegen. Wird die Rente bewilligt, so beginnt sie vom 1. Januar 1960. Eine an die Erben bereits gezahlte Kapitalentschaedigung wird angerechnet, mit der Massgabe, dass der Witwe mindestens drei Viertel der laufenden Rente verbleiben. Die Bestimmung gilt auch fuer die Witwen der Verfolgten, die bis zum 31. Dezember 1952 in Ost- oder Mitteldeutschland oder Danzig verstorben sind. (b) Vererblichkeit Nach dem bisherigen Gesetz war der Ausbildungsschaden nicht vererblich. Nach dem Schlussgesetz geht der Anspruch, wenn er dem verstorbenen Verfolgten zugestanden haette, auf die Erben nach den aUgemeinen Grundsaetzen ueber, bei Tod vor dem 1. Oktober 1953 nur auf bestimmte privilegierte Erben. Auch diese Verbesserung hat rueckwirkende Kraft. Auch hier ist der Antrag bis zum 30. September 1966 zu steUen und zu begruenden. 2. Ausbildungsschaden (a) Pauschalentschaedigung Beim AusbUdungsschaden ist die bisherige Unterscheidung zwischen denjenigen Geschaedigten, die ihre AusbUdung nachgeholt haben und denjenigen, die sie nicht nachgeholt haben, weggefaUen. Nach dem Schlussgesetz erhaelt jeder, der in seiner Ausbildung nicht nur geringfuegig geschaedigt ist, eine Pauschalentschaedigung von DM 10.000. Auch diese erhoehte Entschaedigung wird nur auf Antrag, der bis zum 30. September 1966 zu stellen ist, gewaehrt. Der bisher fuer den Ausbildungsschaden gezahlte Betrag ist auf die DM 10.000 anzurechnen. 3. Erweiterung des Begriffs der abgeschlossenen Berufsausbildung Eine weitere Verbessening betrifft zwar nur einen sehr kleinen Kreis von Verfolgten, insbesondere Aerzte und Apotheker, sie wird hier aber vorweggenommen, weil sie einen ganz neuen Anspruch schafft. Nach der Rechtsprechung zum BEG war die Berufsausbildung derjenigen Personen nicht abgeschlossen, die zwar aUe fuer ihren Beruf erforderlichen staatUchen Pruefungen bestanden hatten, aber aus Verfolgungsgruenden ihre praktische Ausbildung nicht ableisten konnten und die staatliche Zulassung nicht erhielten. Nach dem Schlussgesetz steht ihnen nicht, wie bisher, nur die Entschaedigung auf den Ausbildungsschaden zu, sondem sie erhalten mit rueckwirkender Kraft die voUe Bemfsentschaedigung. Eine aehnliche Bestimmung gilt fuer einen Verfolgten, der den Beruf eines Lehrers an einer wissenschaftUchen Hochschule erstrebt und die dafuer vorgeschriebenen oder uebUchen Pmefungen abgelegt hat und dem die in Aussicht gesteUte Zulassung zur HabiUtation aus Verfolgungsgmenden versagt worden ist. Antrag ist ebenfalls bis zum 30. September 1966 zu steUen und zu begruenden. 4. Schaden im beruflichen Fortkonunen Die Kapitalentschaedigung fuer Schaden im berafUchen Fortkommen wird nicht ueber den Zeitpunkt hinaus geleistet, in dem der Veifolgte eine Erwerbstaetigkeit aufgenommen hat, die ihm eine ausreichende Lebensgnindlage bietet. (a) ,, Ausreichende Lebensgrundlage " Der Entschaedigungszeitraum endete nach dem BEG sobald das Nachverfolgungs-Einkommen des Verfolgten nachhaltig gewisse Saetze erreichte, die in einer Durchfuehrungsbestimmung zum Gesetz festgelegt sind. Diese Vergleichssaetze wurden lediglich dann um 20% erhoeht, wenn seine Altersversorgung z.B. durch eine deutsche oder auslaendische Sozialversicherung oder auf andere Weise nicht,, hinreichend " sichergestellt war. Im Einzelfalle konnte die genannte Erhoehung der Vergleichssaetze zu Gunsten des Berechtigten dazu fuehren, dass der Entschaedigungszeitraum weiter lief und sich somit die zu errechnende Kapitalentschaedigung erhoehte. Das Schlussgesetz bringt dem gegenueber zwei Verbessemngen. Eine Abweichung von den Vergleichssaetzen, die bisher nur ,, in der Regel " anzuwenden waren, ist nicht mehr zulaessig. WesentUcher ist, dass der um 20% erhoehte und daher guenstigere Vergleichssatz auch dann anzuwenden ist, wenn eine hinreichende Altersversorgung besteht. Mit rueckwirkender Kraft wird bestimmt, dass dieser erhoehte Vergleichssatz nur dann nicht zur Anwendung kommt, wenn der Verfolgte einen Anspruch oder eine Anwartschaft auf lebenslaengliche Versorgung nach beamtenrechtlichen Gmndsaetzen oder auf Ruhelohn sowie auf die HinterbUebenen-Versorgung hat. Ein solcher Anspruch nach den Grundsaetzen der Beamtenpension wird einem Verfolgten fast nie zustehen. Der Zuschlag erhoeht sich femer auf 30% bei Maennem von dem Zeitpunkt an, in dem sie das 65. Lebensjahr, bei Frauen, in dem sie das 60. Lebensjahr erreicht haben. Durch Einsichtnahme in den fnieheren Bescheid muss daher festgestellt werden, ob diese Aenderung des Gesetzes eine Ausdehnung des Entschaedigungszeitraums und damit eine Erhoehung der Kapitalent-schaedigung herbeifuehrt. (b) Zuschlag zur Kapitalentschaedigung Bei denjenigen, die aus unselbstaendigem Bemf verdraengt sind, kommt eine Erhoehung der Kapitalentschaedigung noch aus einem anderen Grunde in Betracht. Bisher erhoehte sich die fuer sie errechnete Kapitalentschaedigung nur dann um 20%, wenn sie keine Rente aus der deutschen Sozialversicherung (AngesteUten-oder Invalidenversicherung) hatten oder zu erwarten hatten. Das Schlussgesetz sieht dem gegenueber mit rueckwirkender Kraft vor, dass dieser Zuschlag zur Kapitalentschaedigung stets hinzukommt, wenn die Verfolgten nicht, wie oben, eine Pension nach beamtenrechtlichen Grundsaetzen zu erwarten haben oder beziehen und wenn sie auch keine Ansprueche nach dem BEG wegen Versorgungschaden haben, der darauf beruht, dass sie eine von dem fmeheren Arbeitgeber in Aussicht gestellte Versorgungsleistung nicht erhalten konnten. Diese Verbessemng wird bei Geschaedigten aus unselbststaendigem Dienst in einer Reihe von Faellen eine Erhoehung der Kapitalentschaedigung bringen. Auch hier kann nur aus dem Bescheide festgesteUt werden, ob der Zuschlag bereits frueher gewaehrt worden ist. Antrag ist bis zum 30. September 1966 zu stellen. (c) Rentenwahlrecht bei Verdraengung aus selbstaendigem Beruf Der Verfolgte aus selbstaendigem Bemf hat ein Rentenwahlrecht nur, wenn er im Zeitpunkt der Entscheidung keine ausreichende Lebensgmndlage hatte. Die Bestimmungen ueber die ausreichende Lebensgmndlage sind hier in genau derselben Weise verbessert wie bei der Kapitalentschaedigung. Die Begruendung des Gesetzentwurfes bringt zum Ausdmck, dass der Berechtigte nicht auf Gmnd der verbesserten Bestimmungen das ihm fnieher versagte Rentenwahlrecht ausueben kann. (d) Renten bei Verdraengnng aus unselbstaendigem Benif Erhoeht sich die Kapitalentschaedigung nach den obigen Grundsaetzen zu (a) oder (b), so fuehrt dies bei unselbstaendigem Beruf auch zur Erhoehung der Entschaedigungsrente, da diese von der Hoehe der festgesetzten Kapitalentschaedigung abhaengig ist. Es ist in solchen FaeUen demnach die Erhoehung der Rente under Neufestsetzung der Kapitalentschaedigung zu beantragen. (e) Eheschliessung zwischen 1.10.1953 und 26.6.1956 Ein Rentenwahlrecht duerften auch diejenigen haben, die frueher die Kapitalentschaedigung der ihnen zustehenden Rente vorzogen, weil bei Eheschliessung nach dem 1.10.1953 ihre Ehefrau keine Rente erhalten konnte. Voraussetzung ist, dass sie selbst Verfolgte oder von der Verfolgung mitbetroffen ist. (f) Hoehe der Benifschadensrenten Die Rente fuer Berufschaden bei Verdraengung aus selbstaendigem Dienst wird auf der Grundlage von zwei Dritteln der Versorgungsbezuege eines vergleichbaren Bundesbeamten berechnet. Die Bundesregiemng hat bei Erhoehung der deutschen Beamtengehaelter auch die Renten entsprechend anzugleichen. Es ist jedoch eine Hoechstgrenze festgesetzt, die zur Zeit monatlich DM 785.—betraegt. Das hatte zur Folge, dass diejenigen, die in den hoeheren Dienst eingestuft waren und am 1.10.1953 ueber 45 Jahre alt waren, wegen dieser Begrenzung nicht zwei Drittel der Versorgungsbezuege eines hoeheren deutschen Beamten erhielten. Das Schlussgesetz setzt mit Wirkung vom 1.1.1966 die Hoechstrente auf DM 1000.— herauf. Diejenigen, die jetzt Anspruch auf die Hoechstrente von DM 785.— haben, werden daher, wenn sie am 1.10.1953 ueber 45 Jahre alt waren, etwa DM 867.—und wenn sie ueber 55 Jahre alt waren, DM 1000.—erhalten. Sind sie bereits verstorben, so werden die Renten ihrer Witwen entsprechend erhoeht werden. Die Heraufsetzung des Hoechstbetrages kann auch bei Geschaedigten aus unselbstaendigem Dienst, die bisher DM 785.— erhalten, eine Erhoehung der Rente bis zu DM 1000.— zur Folge haben. Dies haengt von der fuer die Rentenbemessung errechneten Kapitalentschaedigung ab. Bisher nahmen die Renten der im privaten Dienst Geschaedigten an den allgemeinen Rentenerhoehungen gmndsaetzlich nicht teil. Die Bundesregierung ist jetzt ermaechtigt, in Zukunft auch diese Rentenbetraege angemessen zu erhoehen, wenn sich die Dienst-und Versorgungsbezuege der Bundesbeamten auf Grund gesetzUcher Vorschriften erhoehen. Die Ermaechtigung bezieht sich nicht auf die sehr geringen Mindestrenten. (g) Zusammentreffen von Renten und Beamtenpension Hat ein Verfolgter fuer denselben Schadenstatbestand und denselben Entschaedigungszeitraum Anspruch auf Rente wegen Schadens im berufUchen Fortkommen sowie Anspruch auf Wiedergutmachung nach den Vorschriften des oeffentlichen Dienstes (Beamtenpension), so steht ihm der Anspruch auf die Berufsschadensrente nur insoweit zu, als diese die Beamtenpension uebersteigt. Diese Vorschrift wird insbesondere bei juedischen Gemeindebeamten in Betracht kommen, denen beide Anspmeche zugebilligt sind. 5. Schaden am Leben (a) Verschulden des Taeters Die Grundsatzbestimmung des § 15 Abs. 1 BEG lautete: ,, Anspmch auf Entschaedigung fuer Schaden am Leben besteht, wenn der Verfolgte vorsaetzlich oder leichtfertig getoetet oder in den Tod getrieben worden ist. Es genuegt, dass der ursaechUche Zusammenhang zwischen Tod und Verfolgung wahrscheinlich ist." Die Worte ,, vorsaetzlich oder leichtfertig" kommen nach dem Schlussgesetz in WegfaU, sodass es auf ein Verschulden des Taeters nicht mehr ankommt. Da schon nach der bisherigen Fassung des Gesetzes ein Verschulden der nationalsozialistischen Machthaber fast immer als vorliegend angesehen wurde, wird die Aendemng nur wenig Faelle betreffen. (b) Eltemrente Einen Anspmch auf Hinterbliebenenrente hatten Verwandte der aufsteigenden Linie nach dem BEG nur dann, wenn der Verfolgte sie vor seinem Tode unterhalten hat oder, wenn er noch lebte, unterhalten wuerde. Diese einschraenkende Bestimmung ist weggefallen. Nach der Neufassung steht ihnen auch dann die Rente zu, wenn andere Kinder noch am Leben sind. Voraussetzung des Anspruchs ist jedoch weiterhin, dass die Verwandten der aufsteigenden Linie beduerftig sind. 6. Schaden an Koerper oder Gesundheit (a) Beweiserleichterung bei frueherer Konzentrationslagerhaft Anspruch auf Rente fuer Gesundheitsschaden besteht nur dann, wenn die verfolgungsbedingte Minderung der Erwerbsfaehigkeit niindestens 25% betraegt. Der Anspruch scheitert trotz jetzt bestehender Leiden oft an Beweisschwierigkeiten, weil von medizinischem Standpunkt nicht mit Wahrscheinlichkeit festgestellt werden kann, dass die Herabsetzung der Erwerbsfaehigkeit um mindestens 25% verfolgungsbedingt ist. Das Schlussgesetz bringt fuer einen eng begrenzten Sonderfall eine Erleichterung des Beweises : „ War der Verfolgte mindestens ein Jahr in Konzentrationslagerhaft und ist er in seiner Erwerbsfaehigkeit um 25% oder mehr gemindert, so wird fuer den Anspruch auf Rente zu seinen Gunsten vermutet, dass die verfolgungsbedingte Minderung der Erwerbsfaehigkeit 25% betraegt." Die Bundesregierung wird durch Rechtsverordnung bestimmen, welche Haftstaetten als Konzentrationslaeger anzusehen sind. Nur bei Haft in diesen Konzentrationslaegem gilt die Beweiserleichterung und nicht fuer irgendwelche anderen Faelle der Freiheitsentziehung. Sie erstreckt sich nicht einmal auf den Rentenanspruch der HinterbUebenen, faUs der Verfolgte an den Folgen der Gesundheitsschaedigung verstorben ist. In den FaeUen, in denen sie zur Anwendung kommt, endet auch hier die Antragsfrist grundsaetzlich am 30.9.1966, fruehestens aber 6 Monate nach Verkuendung der Rechtsverordnung. (b) Neufestsetzung von Renten Ebenso wie beim Lebensschaden kann sich die Hoehe der Renten bei Aendemng der persoenlichen und wirtschaftlichen Verhaeltnisse des Verfolgten, insbesondere seiner Einkuenfte, aendern. Das Schlussgesetz bringt aehnliche Verbessemngen wie sie bei den Witwenrenten dargelegt sind, insbesondere findet in Zukunft eine Neufestsetzung bei Rentenberechtigten, die das 68. Lebensjahr voUendet haben, nur dann statt, wenn die neu errechnete Rente mindestens 30% von der festgesetzten Rente abweicht. (c) Altersmindestrente Gegenueber dem bisherigen Gesetz enthaelt das Schlussgesetz folgende Verbessemng : Die Mindestrente, welche bei einer Erwerbsminderung von 50% an Frauen, die das 60. Lebensjahr und Maenner, die das 65. Lebensjahr voUendet haben, zu zahlen ist und ab 1. Oktober 1964 DM 340.— monatUch betraegt, konnten Frauen bisher beanspmchen, wenn sie vor dem 1. Januar 1905 geboren sind. Dies ist unveraendert. Bei Maennern war bisher Voraussetzung, dass sie vor dem 1. Januar 1900 geboren waren, waehrend nach dem geaenderten Gesetz auch bei Maennern nur Voraussetzung ist, dass sie vor dem 1. Januar 1905 geboren sind. MaennUche Verfolgte koennen also noch bis zum 31. Dezember 1969 in die Altersmindestrente fuer Koerperschaden ,,hineinwachsen", wenn die sonstigen Anspnichsvoraussetzungen erfueUt sind. 8. Schaden an Eigentum und Vermoegen Fuer Schaden an Eigentum bringt das Gesetz eine Klarstellung. Sachen gelten dann als im Stich gelassen, wenn sie ohne eine die Interessen des Verfolgten wahrende Aufsicht zurueckgelassen sind. Eine weitere Bestimmung betrifft die Auswanderungskosten. Ist ein Verfolgter nach abgeschlossener Auswanderung wegen ihm drohender nationalsozialistischer Gewaltmassnahmen weitergewandert, so wird er auch wegen der dadurch entstandenen Kosten entschaedigt. Die Aenderungen haben rueckwirkende Kraft. 9. Zusammentreffen von Entschaedigimgsrenten Das bisherige Gesetz enthielt ueber das Zusammentreffen von Entschaedigungsrenten nur wenige Bestimmungen. Das Schlussgesetz enthaelt eine sehr eingehende Regelung des Zusammentreffens von zwei, drei oder vier Renten. In den meisten Faellen wird eine Rente voU und die anderen gekuerzt gewaehrt. Die Bestimmungen sind so umfassend, dass sie hier im einzelnen nicht wiedergegeben werden koennen. Die Aendemngen werden bei zukuenftigen Bescheiden von Amts wegen beruecksichtigt werden. 10. Juristische Personen, Anstalten und Personenvereinigungen Nach dem Gesetz haben GeseUschaften und Personenvereinigungen (z.B. wegen Vermoegensschadens) nur sehr beschraenkte Anspmeche. Ansprueche der einzelnen GeseUschafter waren dabei nach der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes ausgeschlossen. Diese Regelung bleibt gmndsaetzlich bestehen, insbesondere auch fuer Offene HandelsgeseUschaften, GeseUschaften mit beschraenkter Haftung und Aktiengesellschaften. Bisher wurde aber in aUen FaeUen der Anspmch fuer Schaden an Eigentum und fuer Schaden an Vermoegen nur insoweit beruecksichtigt, als er raeumlich in dem jetzigen Bundesgebiet eingetreten ist. Mit rueckwirkender Kraft wird nunmehr bei Offenen HandelsgeseUschaften und KommanditGesellschaften, deren saemtliche GeseUschafter im Zeitpunkt der Verfolgung natueriiche Personen gewesen sind, der Anspmch auf Entschaedigung auf diejenigen Schaeden ausgedehnt, die im Reichsgebiet nach dem Stande vom 31.12.1937 oder im Gebiet der Freien Stadt Danzig eingetreten sind. Das ist die einzige Verbesserung, welche die Offenen Handelsgesellschaften und Kommanditgesellschaften betrifft. Dagegen faUen Personenvereinigungen des Buergerlichen Rechts (z.B. AnwaltsSozietaeten) nach dem Schlussgesetz uberhaupt nicht mehr unter die einschraenkenden Bestimmungen und im Bericht des Wiedergutmachungsausschusses wird zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass bei ihnen die einzelnen Gesellschafter ihre Anspmeche (z.B. wegen Verlusts des GoodwiUs) nach den allgemeinen Voraussetzungen ueber Eigentums-und Vermoegensschaden geltend machen koennen, und zwar in Hoehe des AuseinandersetzungsanteUs. Diese Bestimmung hat ebenfalls rueckwirkende Kraft. 11. 7. Schaden an Freiheit (a) Freiheitsentziehung Fuer Freiheitsentziehung durch auslaendische Staaten wird Entschaedigung nur dann gewaehrt, wenn deren Regierung dazu von der nationalsozialistischen Regierung veranlasst ist. Der Beginn der Veranlassung ist insbesondere bei den Balkanstaaten schwer festzusteUen. Das Schlussgesetz setzt daher fuer Bulgarien, Rumaenien und Ungam bei jiidischen Verfolgten den 6.4.1941 als Beginn der Veranlassung fest. (b) Freiheitsbeschraenkung Hat ein Verfolgter unter menschenunwuerdigen Bedingungen in der lUegaUtaet gelebt, so hat er Anspruch auf Entschaedigung. Zur Erleichtenmg des Beweises wird nach dem Schlussgesetz vermutet, dass diese Voraussetzungen gegeben sind, wenn er unter falschem Namen gelebt hat. Haerteausgleich Die Bestimmungen ueber den Haerteausgleich sind erweitert. U.a. kann er bei einem Schaden an Koerper oder Gesundheit gewaehrt werden, wenn die Verfolgungsbedingtheit mit Wahrscheinlichkeit nur deshalb nicht festzusteUen ist, weil ueber die Ursache des Leidens in der aerztlichen Wissenschaft Ungewissheit besteht. Die Laender haben sich bereit erklaert, den Haerteausgleich auch in einer Reihe von Faellen zu gewaehren, die im Gesetz nicht besonders erwaehnt sind. Das bezieht sich nach dem Bericht des Wiedergutmachungsausschusses z.B. auf Ausgleichsleistungen fuer Witwen, die nach dem 29.6.1956 geheiratet haben, sofern sie von dem Verfolgungsschicksal ihres Ehegatten erheblich mitbetroffen sind. Erwaehnt werden femer u.a. Ansprueche von Verfolgten, die die Antragsfrist versaeumt haben, wenn sie eindeutig und zweifelsfrei begruendet sind und die Gewaehrung lediglich an der Versaeumung der Antragsfrist scheitert. Antraege auf Haerteausgleich sind an keine Frist gebunden. Eine Entschaedigung nach diesem Haerteausgleich steht nur den Verfolgten aus dem Reichsgebiet, Danzig und den Vertreibungsgebieten zu. 12. Verfahren Die Vorschriften ueber das Nachschieben von Antraegen und ueber die Antragsfristen fuer die Anmeldung neuer oder erweiterter Anspmeche oder auf Renten gelten fuer aUe Verfolgtengruppen. Wie schon betont wurde, koennen einem eigenen Entschaedigungsantrag nur weitere eigene Ansprueche nachgeschoben werden. Es ist aber durchaus moeglich, dass in dem Aktenstueck wegen der eigenen Ansprueche ein nicht weiter substantiierter Antrag nach bestimmten Verfolgten enthalten ist, sodass damit die Anmeldefrist auch fuer diesen ererbten Anspruch gewahrt war. Das gilt auch fuer den umgekehrten Fall, dass aus den Akten wegen ererbter Anspmeche zu entnehmen ist, dass der Antrag auch eigene Anspmeche umfassen sollte. Bei der Entscheidung ueber neue Antraege nach dem Schlussgesetz sind die Entschaedigungsorgane an die tatsaechlichen FeststeUungen gebunden, auf denen der fmeher ergangene unanfechtbare Bescheid bemht. Soweit bei Anspraechen fuer Schaden im bemflichen Fortkommen das Bestehen oder die Hoehe des Anspmchs, seine Vererblichkeit oder das Bestehen eines Wahlrechts von den Verhaeltnissen im Zeitpunkt der Entscheidung abhaengig ist, ist von den Verhaeltnissen auszugehen, auf denen die fruehere Entscheidung bemht. Das Gesetz enthaelt femer eine sog. Besitzstandsklausel, die sichert, dass bei neuen Antraegen dem Berechtigten auf jeden FaU das verbleibt, was ihm fmeher zugesprochen worden war. Diese Vorschrift gilt aber nur fuer fruehere Bescheide oder Urteile. War ein Anspmch durch Vergleich, Verzicht oder Abfindung geregelt und wiU der Berechtigte erweiterte Anspmeche auf Gmnd des Schlussgesetzes geltend machen, so muss er diese Regelung bis zum 30.9.1966 anfecht en. Die Begmendung zur Regiemngsvorlage bemerkt dazu: ,, Da durch die Anfechtung der Vergleich rueckwirkend wegfaeUt, besteht jedoch kein Anspruch darauf, dass mindestens an der bisherigen Regelung festgehalten wird. In diesem Falle haben die Entschaedigungsorgane vielmehr wieder voelUg neu ueber den gesamten Anspmch zu entscheiden." Somit kann mit der Anfechtung ein Risiko verbunden sein. Es seien ergaenzend noch zwei Faelle erwaehnt, in denen die MoegUchkeit besteht, einen neuen Antrag zu stellen. Durch das Schlussgesetz sind die Gerichte in Zukunft an die Entscheidung der Entschaedigungsbehoerde gebunden, durch die diese bei Versaeumung der Antragsfrist Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand gewaehrt hat. Ist fmeher abweichend entschieden worden, so kann nunmehr ein neuer Antrag gesteUt werden. Der andere FaU betrifft die sog. ueberholende Kausalitaet. Ein Anspmch ist von den Behoerden oder Gerichten oft abgelehnt oder gekuerzt worden, weil der Schaden ,, mit WahrscheinUchkeit " auch ohne die Verfolgung eingetreten waere. Nach dem Schlussgesetz ist das nur zulaessig, wenn diese Wahrscheinlichkeit an Sicherheit grenzt. Solche Kuerzungen sind z.B. erfolgt, weil angenommen wurde, dass ein Berechtigter, wenn er nicht verfolgt worden waere, durch Einziehung zum Wehrdienst waehrend des Krieges Verdienstausfall gehabt haette oder dass Verfolgte aus Ostpreussen, Schlesien oder Pommern infolge Vertreibung zeitweise ihrem Bemf nicht haetten nachgehen koennen. Abgeleluit wurden Anspmeche von Verfolgten aus diesen Gebieten wegen GoodwiUs und wegen Imstichelassens ihrer Wohnungseinrichtung, weil der AntragsteUer den gleichen Verlust, auch wenn er nicht verfolgt worden waere, bei einer spaeteren Vertreibung erlitten haette. SteUt die fruehere Entscheidung bereits tatsaechlich fest, dass der Schaden auch ohne die Verfolgung mit einer an Sicherheit grenzenden Wahrscheinlichkeit eingetreten waere, so wird ein Neuantrag nicht in Betracht kommen. 13. Angleichung 1st aus medizinischen Gmenden ein Antrag auf Rente fuer Gesundheitsschaden in voUem Umfange abgelehnt, also ueberhaupt keine Rente bewilUgt worden, so ist auf Antrag emeut ueber den Anspruch zu entscheiden. Ein neuer Antrag kann auch dann gesteUt werden, wenn bei Freiheitsentziehung durch auslaendische Staaten ein Anspmch fuer Schaden am Leben und fuer Schaden an Koerper oder Gesundheit mit der Begmendung abgelehnt worden ist, dass die durch die Freiheitsentziehung eingetretene Schaedigung nicht durch nationalsoziaUstische Gewaltmassnahmen veranlasst worden ist. Ein weiteres neues Antragsrecht besteht bei Bemfsschaden, wenn die Kaufkraft auslaendischer Waehrung fuer die Bewertung des Nachverfolgungseinkommens im Widerspruch zu der staendigen Rechtssprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes steht. Fuer Einkuenfte in Grossbritannien ist diese Bestimmung ohne jede Bedeutung. Sie kommt aber z.B. fuer diejenigen Berechtigten in Betracht, die in den Vereinigten Staaten oder in Israel eine Erwerbstaetigkeit ausgeuebt haben. Die Vorschriften, wie sie fuer die Entscheidimg ueber neue Antraege massgebend sind, gelten auch hier. Insbesondere bleibt dem Berechtigten mindestens das, was ihm in dem frueheren Bescheid oder Urteil zugesprochen ist. Sind die hier (unter Angleichung) genannten Anspmeche durch Vergleich, Verzicht oder Abfindung geregelt, so kann der Berechtigte diese Regelung bis zum 30.9.1966 anfechten. 14. Wiedergutmachimg in der Sozialversicherung bei Beitragserstattung wegen Heirat Wenn einer Verfolgten oder der Ehefrau eines Verfolgten waehrend der Zeit vom 30.1.1933 bis zum 8.5.1945 Beitraege zu den gesetzlichen Rentenversichemngen wegen Heirat erstattet worden sind, so kann sie sich durch Nachentrichtung von Beitraegen fuer die Zeit vor Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres weiter versichern. Aus welchen Gruenden die Beitragserstattung verlangt worden ist, ist unerheblich. Durch die Weiterversicherung erwirkt die Verfolgte den ihr verloren gegangenen Anspmch auf die Versichemngsrente. m . SCHLUSSBEMERKUNG Die vielen Verweisungen und Einschiebungen, die das neue Gesetz enthaelt, erschweren eine leicht verstaendUche Darstellung. Die zahUosen Bestimmungen des Gesetzes enthalten nicht durchweg Verbesserungen, sondern auch in einigen FaeUen Verschlechtemngen gegenueber dem bisherigen Rechtszustand. So stand z.B. bei Bemfsschaden nach einem eingehend begmendeten Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofes auch vor Festsetzung der Rente fuer den Ehemann seiner Witwe eine Rente in jedem Falle zu, faUs er vor seinem Tode das ihm zustehende Wahlrecht ausgeuebt hatte. Das Schlussgesetz gewaehrt ihr in diesem Falle die Rente aber nur dann, wenn sie selbst Verfolgte oder von der Verfolgung mitbetroffen ist. Die Verbesserungen werden sich wesentlich auf Ausbildungsschaden, auf Witwenrenten und manchmal auch auf Entschaedigungen bei Bemfschaden auswirken. Neue Gesetze schaffen neue Zweifel, die erst durch die Rechtssprechung endgueltig geklaert werden koennen. Die Schvrierigkeit der Gesetzesauslegung laesst es geboten erscheinen, dass die Berechtigten sachkundige Beratung suchen. Aber auch wenn sie das tun, ist es ihre Pflicht, den Berater zu unterrichten, welche zusaetzlichen Antraege ihrer Meinung nach verfolgt werden soUen. Wer sich um seine Angelegenheiten nicht kuemmert, hat sich den Schaden selbst zuzuschreiben. Darueber hinaus ist es notwendig, auch nach erfolgter Anmeldung auf Aufforderung rechtzeitig den Tatbestand zu schildern und die Beweismittel anzugeben. Die im Gesetz enthaltenen Fristen sind nur kurz, und ohne Mitarbeit der Berechtigten ist auch der Berater ausserstande, die Ansprueche durchzufuehren. Fristen Folgende Fristen sind zu beobachten: 1. 31. Dezember 1965 fuer „Nachschieben" weiterer Ansprueche (vgl. Vorbemerkung Abs. 3). 2. 30. September 1966 (a) fuer Antraege wegen neubegmendeter oder erweiterter Anspmeche; (b) fuer Begmendung bisher nur formeU ohne naehere Angaben angemeldeter Ansprueche (vgl. Vorbemerkung vorletzter Absatz); (c) fuer Antraege auf ,,Angleichung" (vgl. oben in Ziffer 13); (d) fuer Antraege auf ,,Beihilfen" aus Sonderfonds fuer Spaetauswanderer (vgl. hiemeber die nachfolgende DarsteUung). 3. Ein Jahr nach Anspruchsentstehung fuer die seltenen Faelle, in denen die Tatsachen, auf die ein Anspmch gestuetzt werden kann, erst nach dem 31.12.64 eintreten. Martin Stranz (London) AUSSERHALB DES FRUEHEREN DEUTSCHEN REICHS VERFOLGTE PERSONEN Die im Vierten Abschnitt des BEG unter der Ueberschrift ,, Besondere Gruppen von Verfolgten" behandelten Entschaedigungsberechtigten sind in aUer Regel ausserhalb des Reichsgebiets wolmhaft gewesene Personen, die in den waehrend des Krieges von den Deutschen besetzten Gebieten von der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung ergriffen wurden. Sie zerfallen in die Verfolgten aus den Vertreibungsgebieten (§§ 150 bis 159 BEG) und die Staatenlosen und FluechtUnge (§§ 160 bis 166 BEG). bei I. VERFOLGTE AUS DEN VERTREIBUNGSGEBIETEN Als Verfolgte aus den Vertreibungsgebieten (d.h. aus denjenigen Staaten, aus denen die deutschsprachige Bevoelkerung nach dem Kriege vertrieben wurde) werden nur diejenigen angesehen, welche zur deutschen Minoritaet in diesen Staaten gehoerten. 1. Begriffsbestimmung Waehrend im bisherigen Gesetz (§ 150) auf die Begriffsbestimmung des Vertriebenengesetzes verwiesen war, ist dies in der Neufassung unterbUeben und statt dessen bestimmt, dass der Verfolgte dem deutschen Sprach-und Kulturkreis angehoert haben muss. Damit ist die bisherige Zweifelsfrage ausgeraeumt, ob der Verfolgte ,, wegen " dieser Eigenschaft das Vertreibungsgebiet verlassen haben muss ; dieser Nachweis ist nicht mehr erforderlich. Andererseits ist die Anspmchsberechtigung nach der Neufassung des Gesetzes (§ 159 Abs. 2) davon abhaengig, dass der Verfolgte die Vertreibungsgebiete vor dem 1.10.1953 endgueltig verlassen hat. Dieser Stichtag war im bisherigen Gesetz nur bei der Gruppe der Politischen Fluechtlinge in § 160 genannt, sodass nach der herrschenden und vom Bundesgerichtshof gebUligten Ansicht Verfolgte aus den Vertreibungsgebieten, die die sonstigen Anspmchsvoraussetzungen erfueUten, von der Berechtigung nach §§ 150 ff nicht deshalb ausgeschlossen waren, weU sie erst nach dem 1.10.1953 ihr Heimatland verlassen hatten. Nach der jetzigen Fassung des Gesetzes haben diese Spaetauswanderer nur Anspmch auf „ Beihilfe " aus dem neuen nach Artikel V des Schlussgesetzes errichteten Sonderfonds (vergl. Abschnitt III). (c) Vererblichkeit Vererbung der Anspmeche ist (nach dem neuen § 159a) nur zugelassen, wenn der Verfolgte nach dem 1.1.1945 und nach endgueltigem Verlassen der Vertreibungsgebiete verstorben ist. Obwohl das bisherige Gesetz keinen solchen Stichtag nannte, ging die Rechtsprechung dahin, dass bei Tod vor der ,, aUgemeinen Vertreibung " keine vererblichen Entschaedigungsansprueche bestanden, sodass z.B. die Erben eines 1939 aus der Tschechoslowakei ausgewanderten und im Jahre 1942 in der Emigration verstorbenen Verfolgten keinen Anspruch auf die Berufsschadensentschaedigung hatten. Es bleibt also im wesentlichen bei dieser unerfreulichen Regelung. Im uebrigen ist wie bisher die Entschaedigung fuer Berufsschaden nur auf die Witwe und Kinder, evtl, Eltem des Verfolgten und deren Abkoemmlinge vererblich (§ 158 in Verbindung mit § 140). (d) Ausbildungsschaden Ausbildungsschaden wird nach wie vor auch bei Vertriebenen nicht entschaedigt. Jedoch kann nunmehr nach § 171 Abs. 2 Buchstabe d ein Haerteausgleich an Vertriebene aus den im Jahre 1938 an das Reich angegliederten Gebieten (z.B. Sudetengebiet) und aus dem Protektorat Boehmen-Maehren gewaehrt werden, die das Vertreibungsgebiet vor dem 1.8.1945 endgueltig verlassen hatten. n. STAATENLOSE UND POLITISCHE FLUECHTLINGE Die Bestimmungen ueber die Entschaedigung der Staatenlosen und Politischen FluechtUnge sind nur unwesentlich geaendert. Fuer die Begriffsbestimmung der FluechtUnge wird wie bisher auf die Genfer Konvention vom 28.7.1951 verwiesen, obwohl der Bericht des Bundestagsausschusses anerkennt, dass diese Verweisung nicht befriedigend ist. Auch bei dem Stichtag (1.10.1953), vor dem der Verfolgte staatenlos oder politischer FluechtUng gewesen sein muss, verbleibt es, sodass fuer die nach diesem Zeitpunkt aus ihrem Heimatland ausgewanderten Verfolgten nur ,, Beihilfe " aus dem nach Art. V errichteten neuen Fonds in Frage kommt. (vergl. Abschnitt III). 2. Ansprueche 1. Ausschluss frueherer Oesterreicher Trotz zahlreicher redaktioneUer Aendemngen sind die dieser Verfolgtengruppe zugestandenen Berechtigungen im wesentlichen unveraendert gebUeben. Bemerkenswert sind aber die folgenden Neuregelungen. Der Ausschluss der fmeheren Oesterreicher durch den jetzt gestrichenen Satz 2 in § 160 Abs. 2 des bisherigen Gesetzes wird durch den neuen § 166 c herbeigefuehrt, welcher diese einschraenkende Bestimmung nunmehr auf die Verfolgten aus den Vertreibungsgebieten ausdehnt und von der Entschaedigung nach Bestimmungen ueber die ,, Besonderen Verfolgtengmppen " (nicht dagegen nach den allgemeinen Vorschriften des I. Abschnittes des BEG) aUe ausschliesst, die oesterreichische Staatsangehoerige ,, sind oder waren," es sei denn, dass diese Staatsangehoerigkeit erst nach Beendigung der Verfolgung erworben wurde. Die neue Vorschrift ist so unglueckUch formuUert, dass der Bundestagsausschuss dazu bemerkt hat, sie beziehe sich nicht auf diejenigen fmeher oesterreichischen Staatsangehoerigen, die nach 1918 nicht mehr Oesterreicher, sondem Staatsangehoerige eines Nachfolgestaats (z.B. Tschechoslowakei) geworden sind. (a) AnqtmdisToraassetzang Waehrend der Anspruch auf Entschaedigung fuer Sonderabgaben und Berufsschaden nach den bisherigen Bestimmungen davon abhaengig war, dass der Verfolgte ,, vor der aUgemeinen Vertreibung in das Ausland ausgewandert " war, genuegt es jetzt, dass er die Vertreibungsgebiete ,, vor dem 1.8.1945 endgueltig verlassen hat." Die Neufassung beseitigt nicht nur Streit ueber den Beginn der sog. aUgemeinen Vertreibung, sondem deckt auch Verfolgte, welche aus dem Vertreibungsgebiet in ein Land uebersiedelt sind, dessen Staatsangehoerigkeit sie bereits besassen, und Deportierte, die nach ihrer Befreiung in ihr Heimatsland nicht mehr zurueckgekehrt sind, ohne ihren dortigen Wohnsitz vorher im Rechtssinne aufgegeben zu haben. (b) Berufsschadensrente Die Bemfsschadensrente (eine Pauschalentschaedigung von DM 200.— monatUch) ist endUch mit Rueckwirkung ab 1.1.1961 auf DM 250.— monatlich erhoeht worden. Sie kann in Zukunft wie die lueisten anderen Entschaedigungsrenten durch blosse Verordnung der Bundesregiemng (statt durch Gesetz) weiter erhoeht werden (neuer § 166 b). Die Witwe hat nach wie vor kein Recht auf Rente, wenn der Verfolgte nicht bereits selbst vor seinem Tode Rente gewaehlt hatte und, faUs die Rente nicht bereits vor dem Tode des Ehemannes zugesprochen war, hat sie jetzt Anspmch auf Rente nur, wenn sie selbst verfolgt oder von der Verfolgung mitbetroffen war und die Ehe vor dem 29. Juni 1956 geschlossen war. Die Rente der Witwe betraegt ab 1.1.1%1 monatlich DM 190.— (statt DM 150.—). 2. Haerteausgleich Haerteausgleich wird den Staatenlosen und PoUtischen Fluechtlingen nur nach der Sondervorschrift des § 165 gewaehrt, wobei Antragsstellung in der aUgemeinen, am 1.4.1958 abgelaufenen Antragsfrist Voraussetzung ist, bzw. ,, Nachschieben " des Haerteantrages gem. § 189a bis zum 31.12.1965. Sind die Voraussetzungen fuer den Haerteausgleich erst nach dem 31.12.1%5 entstanden, so bleibt zur Anmeldung eine weitere Frist von einem Jahre (§189 a Abs. 2), jedoch sind Anmeldungen nach dem 31.12.1969 gem. Art. VIII des Schlussgesetzes ausgeschlossen. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Verfolgte aus der gewaehrten Entschaedigung in Verbindung mit seinem Vermoegen und sonstigen Einkuenften seinen Lebensunterhalt nicht bestreiten kann, besteht ein Anspruch auf Haerteausgleich. Die im Regiemngsentwurf enthaltene Bestimmung, dass hoehere Betraege nicht gezahlt werden soUen als die fuer die Vertriebenen bestimmte Entschaedigung, ist gestrichen worden. ra. SONDERFONDS FUER SPAETAUSWANDERER Diese in Art. V unter der unklaren Ueberschrift ,, Sonderregelung fuer ueberregionale Verfolgtengmppen ,, bezeichnete Bestimmung ist das Kemstueck des neuen Gesetzes (so : Bericht des Bundestagsausschusses S. 21). In poUtischer Beziehung trifft dies zweifeUos zu, weil die Bestimmung des § 160, nach welcher politische FluechtUngseigenschaft vor dem 1.10.1953 Anspmchsvoraussetzung ist, alle diejenigen ausserhalb des deutschen Reichsgebiets Verfolgten leer ausgehen liess, die erst nach dem 1.10.1953 aus ihrem Heimatland ausgewandert sind. Der grossen Zahl solcher Spaetauswanderer aus den Laendem des Ostblocks, die schwere Naziverfolgung durchgemacht und vielfach gegen ihren WiUen ihr Heimatland nicht frueher verlassen konnten, musste dieser Ausschluss von Entschaedigung unverstaendUch erscheinen, und seit vielen Jahren ist auf diese Luecke der deutschen Entschaedigungsgesetzgebung hingewiesen worden. Diesen Spaetauswanderern aus Laendern des Ostblocks steht nunmehr unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Anspruch auf eine „ Beihilfe " zu, die allerdings weit hinter den nach § 160 ff BEG zu leistenden Entschaedigungen zumeckbleibt, obwohl der hierfuer bestimmte ,, Sonderfonds " nach langen Kaempfen auf DM 1.200 MUlionen erhoeht worden ist. 1. Berechtigter Personenkreis Ansprachsberechtigt sind nur solche Personen, welche nicht unter die Bestimmungen der besonderen Verfolgtengmppen (§§ 150, 160) —insbesondere wegen Fehlens der Stichtagsvoraussetzung (1.10.1953) —faUen, auch nicht nach den allgemeinen Bestimmungen des § 4 BEG zu einer der dort genannten Gruppen gehoeren. Wer wegen Versaeumung der Anmeldefrist die ihm nach den bisherigen Vorschriften zustehende Entschaedigung nicht erhalten kann, hat also keinen Anspmch auf Beihilfe aus dem neuen Fonds. AusgeschJossen sind solche Verfolgte, welche zu einem Personenkreis gehoeren, zu dessen Gunsten besondere (sog. globale) Wiedergutmachung stattgefunden hat. Wer nach der Auswandemng aus seinem Heimatland noch keine neue Staatsangehoerigkeit vor dem 31.1.1965 erworben hat, muss nachweisen, dass er zu diesem Zeitpunkt entweder staatenlos oder ,, politischer Fluechtling" im Sinne des Genfer Abkommens vom 28.7.1951 ist bezw. war. Politischer Fluechtling ist, wer sich aus begruendeter Furcht vor emeuter Verfolgung infolge von Ereignissen, die vor dem 1.1.1951 eingetreten sind, ausserhalb des Staates befindet, dessen Staatsangehoerigkeit er besitzt, und den Schutz dieses Staates nicht in Anspmch nimmt (z.B. auch nicht durch Benutzung eines Reisepasses seines Heimatlandes). Als Fluechtling kann also nicht angesehen werden, wer sein Heimatland verlassen hat, um mit seinen bereits im Ausland befindlichen Verwandten zusammen zu leben, oder aus aehnlichen persoenlichen Gmenden nicht in das Land, dessen Staatsangehoeriger er ist, zumeckkehrt oder sich nur besuchsweise ausserhalb seines Heimatlandes aufhaelt. 2. Beihilfe Beihilfe ist in folgenden Faellen zu leisten : (a) Bei mindestens 6 Monate langer Freiheitsbeschraenkung (durch Tragen des Judenstems oder iUegales Leben)— Beihilfe DM 1000. (b) Bei mindestens 6 Monate langer Freiheitsentziehung (z.B. Zwangsarbeit unter haftaehnUchen Bedingungen im ungarischen Arbeitsdienst)—Beihilfe DM 2000 bezw (bei Alter ueber 65) DM 2500.—. (c) Bei nachhaltiger Erwerbsminderung um mindestens 80% (auch wenn diese nicht durch die eriittene Verfolgung herbeigefuehrt ist)—BeihUfe wie zu (b). (d) Bei Toetung des Verfolgten erhaelt die nicht wiederverheiratete Witwe (gleiches gilt unter besonderen Umstaenden fuer den Witwer einer getoeteten Frau) eine Beihilfe von DM 3000. Wenn der Witwe selbst die Freiheit fuer mindestens 1 Jahr entzogen war, betraegt die Beihilfe DM 5000. Diese ,, Grundbeiraege " sind nach Festsetzung sofort zahlbar. Zu den genannten Grundbetraegen treten unter bestimmten Umstaenden, insbesondere bei laengerer Freiheitsentziehung, ,, Steigemngsbetraege," deren Hoehe nach dem Verhaeltnis des nach Auszahlung der Grundbetraege verbleibenden restlichen Fonds zu der Zahl der fuer Steigemngsbetraege Berechtigten durch spaetere Verordnung festgesetzt werden soU. 3. Vererblichkeit Der Anspruch auf Beihilfe ist auf den Ehegatten bezw. Kinder vererblich aber nur, wenn der Verfolgte erst nach Verkuendung des Gesetzes verstorben ist. 4. Antragsfrist Die Antraege sind bis zum 30.9.1966 bei den Entschaedigungsbehoerden des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen zu steUen, d.h. beim Regiemngspraesidenten Koeln, faUs keine andere Behoerde hierfuer von der Regiemng des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen bestimmt wird. Supplement to "AJR Information " September 1965, published by the Association of Jewish Refugees, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London, N.W.S. Further copies may be ordered at 2/- per copy, plus postage.