Bijlagen - HvA Kennisbank
Bijlagen - HvA Kennisbank
Bijlage 1: Overzicht interventies Fysische therapie Auteur Doelgroep Interventie + vergelijking Standaard behandeling? Uitkomstmaten Resultaat De Bie 1998 Tussen 18 – 65 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 24 uur. Pt. met fracturen, open wonden, onderliggende abnormaliteiten voet en been en slecht begrip Nederlandse taal werden uitgesloten van de studie. 2 soorten lasertherapie als aanvulling. Hoge dosis (5j/cm2) en lage dosis (0,5J/cm2) vergeleken met placebo. 4 weken brace + huiswerkoefeningen en advies. Pijn (0-10), Functie (0-100), afwezig werk/school/huishouden (dg), tijd tot oppakken sport, ADL beperking (0-10), zwelling enkel (volume), pressure treshold test, subjectief herstel (0-10) en tevredenheid herstel (0-10). Placebo groep scoorde over het algemeen beter. Klein verschil in pijn. Significant verschil bij functie, afwezigheid werk/school/huishouden, subjectief herstel en ADL beperkingen. Het aantal inversietrauma’s na 1 jaar was significant hoger in de lage dosis groep vergeleken met de andere 2 groepen. Hoge dosis en lage dosis lasertherapie zoals gebruikt in deze studie is niet effectief in de behandeling! Sandoval 2010 Tussen 18 – 26 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 96 uur. Pt. met ernstig enkelletsel, aandoeningen die zwelling en pijn kunnen beïnvloeden, regelmatig gebruik ontstekingsremmers en andere behandelingen werden uitgesloten. Tussen 18 – 60 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 5 dagen. Pt. met diabetes, vasculaire aandoeningen, metalen platen in onderbeen, contralaterale blessure, open wonden, pacemakers en gebruik van diuretica werden uitgesloten. 2 soorten HVPC als aanvulling. Negatieve polariteit en positieve polariteit vergeleken met standaard behandeling alleen. Eerste fase: ijzen, been omhoog, isometrisch en actief oefenen zonder weerstand tot pijngrens zonder dragen gewicht. Tussenfase: ijzen, oefeningen met steeds meer dragen van gewicht tijdens lopen, oefeningen propriocepsis op vaste ondergrond. Eindfase: propriocepsis op wankele ondergrond, PNF, ren activiteiten in S- en Z- vormen en sprongen in alle richtingen. Pijn in rust, palpatie en 4 bewegingen (0-10), zwelling enkel (omtrek & volume), ROM (goniometer), lopen (staplengte, grote v/d passen en loopsnelheid) Aan het einde geen significant verschil tussen de groepen. De HVPC negatief scoorde echter iets beter in alle uitkomstmaten en bereikte het einde van de behandeling sneller. Resultaten laten vermoeden dat HVPC negatief het herstel versnelt in de eerste fase van herstel! Zwelling enkel (omtrek & volume), Subjectief functie (adapted Hughston Clinic Subjective Rating Scale for Ankle Disorders). Geen significant verschil tussen de groepen. NMES zoals gebruikt in deze studie is niet effectief in het verminderen van zwelling of verbeteren van de subjectieve functie! Man 2007 2 soorten NMES. Op de spieren v/h onderbeen, submotor elektrische stimulatie vergeleken met placebo. Tussen 14 – 65 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 100 uur. Pt. met zelfde trauma in afgelopen jaar, meerdere blessures, diabetes, ernstige spataderen en blessures aan het bot werden uitgesloten. Voetballers tussen 18 – 26 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 8 uur. Ultrasound therapie vergeleken met placebo. Advies enkel omhoog tijdens rust, gewicht dragen op geblesseerde voet. Tubigrip voor na de behandeling. Pijn (0-10), enkel zwelling (omtrek), ROM (goniometer), dragen van gewicht (2 weegschalen). Geen significant verschil tussen de groepen. Ultrasound therapie zoals gebruikt in deze studie niet beter dan placebo! Laser vergeleken met RICE + placebo en RICE alleen. RICE: Rust, IJzen (3 x 20 min.) Compressie (elastic wrap) en Elevatie. Enkel zwelling (volume) Laser + RICE had een significant verschil in de vermindering van zwelling na 24 en 72 uur. Laser + RICE kan zwelling verminderen! Auteur Doelgroep Interventie + vergelijking Standaard behandeling? Uitkomstmaten Resultaat Bleakley 2006 Sporters en algemene patiënten van 16 jaar en ouder. Trauma niet ouder dan 48 uur. Pt. met blessures aan het bot, positieve anterior drawer test of talar tilt test, meerdere blessures en aandoeningen die met kou te maken hebben werden uitgesloten. 2 ijsprotocollen. Intermitterend (10 min. ijzen, 10 min. rust en weer 10 min. ijzen elke 2 uur) vergeleken met standaard. 20 minuten constant ijzen elke 2 uur. Subjectief functie (Binkley’s lower extrimity functional scale), Pijn (0-10) en enkel zwelling (omtrek) Significant verschil intermitterend protocol vergeleken met standaard. Intermitterend had in de eerste week minder pijn tijdens activiteiten. Intermitterend ijsprotocol kan de pijn in de eerste week na het trauma verminderen! Nyanzi 1999 Stergioulas 2004 IJzen Externe steunmiddelen Auteur Doelgroep Interventie + vergelijking Standaard behandeling? Uitkomstmaten Resultaat Lamb 2009 Ouder dan 16 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 7 dagen. Pt. met fracturen groter dan 3mm en contra-indicaties voor immobilisatie werden uitgesloten. 3 groepen mechanisch support. Aircast brace, bledsoe boot of 10 dagen below-knee cast vergeleken met dubbele laag tubular compression bandage. Advies verminderen pijn en zwelling. Behandeling volgens gebruiksaanwijzing product. Functie (Foot and Ankle score), Kwaliteit van leven (SF-12 short), subjectief voordeel van support (0-10). D. Beynnon 2006 Tussen 16 en 65 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 72 uur. Pt. met geschiedenis van inversietrauma, abnormaal looppatroon voor trauma, fractuur in de enkels afgelopen 12 maanden, aanwijzingen fractuur, syndesmosis blessures, brandwonden, scheur in de huid, prikwonden, zwanger of planning van zwangerschap, chronische ziekte, neurologische aandoening en onwillig tot therapietrouw werden uitgesloten. Graad 1: Elastic wrap, airstirrup ankle brace, airstirrup ankle brace gecombineerd met elastic wrap. Graad 2: Elastic wrap, airstirrup ankle brace, airstirrup ankle brace gecombineerd met elastic wrap of fiberglass walking cast (10 dg) gevolgd door elastic wrap. Graad 3: Air stirrup ankle brace of fiberglass walking (10 dg) gevolgd door elastic wrap. Fase 1: Krukken (wanneer nodig), ijzen (20 min.) en omhoog houden (15 min.). ROM oefeningen (ook passief), Achillespees rekken en rondjes van de enkel. Inversie/eversie/teen buigen met weerstand (handdoek) en wanneer het goed voelt lopen, zwemmen en fietsen. Fase 2: Warm/koud behandeling, krachttraining (eversie/inversie/dorsaal- en plantairflexie), op tenen en hielen staan,. Fase 3: Behendigheid training, sport-specifieke training, balanceboard training, weerstand met een Thera band en balans. 1 uitkomstmaten: Tijd tot het weer kunnen lopen, traplopen, volledig dragen van gewicht. Below-knee cast had een sneller herstel en een belangrijk verschil na 3 maanden op de enkel functie, pijn, symptomen en activiteiten vergeleken met de tubular compression. Aircast had een verschil in enkelfunctie vergeleken met tubular compression maar niet op de andere uitkomstmaten. Bledsoe boot had geen voordeel vergeleken met tubular compression. Na 9 maanden geen significanten verschillen. Below-knee cast wordt aangeraden door de wijde spreiding van voordeel. Aircast is een goede vervanging voor de below-knee cast (indien nodig)! Graad 1: Air-stirrup gecombineerd met elastic wrap zorgde voor een gehalveerde tijd tot het traplopen en normaal lopen vergeleken met airstirrup of elastic wrap alleen. Graad 2: Air-stirrup gecombineerd met elastic wrap zorgde voor de kortste terugkeer naar het normaal lopen en traplopen. Graad 3: Geen verschil in tijd. Na 6 maanden was er geen verschil tussen de behandelingen wat betreft het aantal nieuwe inversietrauma’s. Behandeling van graad 1 en 2 kan het beste gebeuren met een Airstirrup gecombineerd met elastic wrap. Dit zorgt voor een eerdere terugkeer naar het functioneren voor het trauma. ste de 2 uitkomstmaten: Tijd tot het volledig functioneren in het dagelijks leven, rennen. de 3 uitkomstmaten: Enkelfunctie en ROM (Karlsson’s functional scale en goniometer) Trainingsprincipes Auteur Doelgroep Interventie + vergelijking Standaard behandeling? Uitkomstmaten Resultaat Bassett 2007 Gediagnosticeerd inversietrauma (geen fracturen etc.). Pt. die slecht Engels verstaan werden uitgesloten. Standaard behandeling. 2 groepen. Groep die het programma thuis uitvoert (alleen kliniek bij overgang fase) vergeleken met het programma op de kliniek (afspraken zoveel nodig, oefeningen/activiteiten onder toezicht). Functie (Lower limb task questionnaire en Motor activity scale), therapietrouw (aanwezigheid afspraken, aantal pt. bij laatste afspraak, Sports Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale), subjectief therapietrouw (0-5). Manal 2010 Sporters tussen 20-35 jaar. 3 weken na trauma. Pt. die niet voldeden aan plyometrische training inclusiecriteria voldoen werden uitgesloten. Pt. met graad 3 inversietrauma, fracturen, subluxaties, abnormaliteiten van de voet, inversietrauma geschiedenis, chronische aandoeningen en aandoeningen aan de onderste extremiteit werden uitgesloten. Tussen 16 – 65 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 7 dagen. Pt. met graad 3 inversietrauma, fractuur, meerdere blessures, contra-indicatie voor ijzen, slecht verstaan Engelse taal of gebruik van drugs en alcohol werden uitgesloten. Eerst 3 weken standaard. Daarna plyometrische training (2x per week, weken volgens Miller et al.) vergeleken met weerstandstraining (2x per week). 36 – 48 uur: RICE. Rust, ijzen, compressie (bandage of tubigrip), elevatie. ROM oefeningen binnen de pijngrens. 10 – 14 dagen: ROM (plantairflexie, dorsaalflexie, inversie en eversie), Krachttraining (lichte weerstand), kuit en hiel strekken, tapen van enkel. Gewichtdragen en balans. Uitwerken, zwaarder maken tot volledig herstel. RICE. Rust, ijzen, compressie en elevatie. Na verdwijning zwelling (meestal 3-5 dg.) ROM en oefeningen voor het dragen van gewicht. De groepen hadden dezelfde scores op enkelfunctie, therapietrouw en motivatie. De thuisgroep had een significant hoger percentage van aanwezigheid bij afspraken en een betere score in het afmaken van het programma. Thuistherapie met therapietrouw strategieën is een veilige en goede optie voor patiënten met een inversietrauma! Er was een significant hogere score van de plyometrische groep wat betreft de functiescore. Week 1: IJzen (intermitterend, 3 x per dag) en compressie. Subjectief enkelfunctie (Lower extremity functional scale), pijn tijdens rust en activiteiten (0-10), zwelling (omtrek) en activiteiten (physical activity logger), Sports ankle rating score (lopen, ROM, kracht, stabiliteit) en subjectief functiescore. Bleakley 2010 Versnelde interventie (in eerste week al oefeningen naast standaard) vergeleken met standaard interventie. Week 2 – 4: Krachttraining, neuromusculair trainen, sport specifieke oefeningen (30 minuten elke week). Enkelfunctie (2 voor spierkracht en uithoudingsvermogen (traplopen en op hiel staan), 1 stabiliteit (op tenen staan) en 1 voor balans (op 1 been staan) Kaikkonen et al.) Dynamische spierkracht (biodex system 3 dynamometer and biodex advantage software package). Beide groepen zijn goed voor het verbeteren van spierkracht. Plyometrische training is echter effectiever in het verbeteren van de enkelfunctie! Er was een significant betere score op enkelfunctie voor de oefengroep. Activiteitniveau was significant hoger in de oefengroep. Er was geen verschil wat betreft pijn of zwelling en in beide groepen waren er 2 die opnieuw een inversietrauma kregen. De versnelde interventie scoort op de korte termijn beter op enkelfunctie en activiteitenniveau! Hupperets 2009 Sporters tussen 12 – 70 jaar (uiteindelijk gem. 28 jaar met 11 jaar spreiding). Trauma niet ouder dan 2 maanden. Pt. die niet de vragenlijst ingevuld teruggaven werden uitgesloten. Propriocepsis training zonder toezicht. Standaard behandeling eerst afgerond (volgens KNGF richtlijn). Zelfrapportage van inversies van de enkel (zwikken), Opnieuw inversietrauma’s die leiden tot het niet kunnen sporten en dat leidt tot kosten in de gezondheidszorg. Van Rijn 2007 Tussen 18 – 60 jaar. Trauma niet ouder dan 7 dagen. Pt. die in de afgelopen 2 jaar al een inversietrauma hebben gehad werden uitgesloten. Standaard behandeling gecombineerd met oefeningen (extra training/oefeningen) vergeleken met alleen de standaard. Vroegtijdig ROM oefeningen, advies huiswerkoefeningen, vroegtijdig dragen van gewicht, zo vroeg mogelijk activiteiten gaan doen. De enkel werd getapet indien nodig. Subjectief herstel (0-10), opnieuw krijgen van inversietrauma, tevredenheid herstel (1-3), instabiliteit (op 1 been staan), ROM (electronic digital inclinometer). 22% in de propriocepsis groep en 33% in de controle groep rapporteerde een opnieuw inversietrauma. De propriocepsis training is geassocieerd met een 35% vermindering in risico op het opnieuw krijgen van een inversietrauma. Het gebruik van een propriocepsis programma na de standaard behandeling is effectief voor de preventie van inversietrauma’s! Er was een significant hogere tevredenheid over de therapie bij de groep met extra oefeningen. Op alle andere uitkomstmaten was geen verschil. Er is een kleine aanwijzing dat vanwege het risico op het opnieuw krijgen van een inversietrauma, de standaardbehandeling met oefeningen de beste optie is. De tevredenheid over de behandeling is groter bij deze groep dan bij de groep standaard behandeling! Bijlage 2: CAT-analyses CAT-analyse 1 Cryotherapy for acute ankle sprains: a randomised controlled study of two different icing protocols (Bleakley CM, McDonough SM, MacAuley DC) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “To be eligible for inclusion in the study, subjects had to have sustained a mild/moderate ankle sprain within the preceding 48 hours. A three point grading scale was used to determine the severity of the sprain. Subjects testing positive on the anterior drawer test or talar tilt test were automatically excluded from the trial. Delayed physical examination for the presence or absence of a ligament lesion gives diagnostic quality equal to that of arthroscopy. Other exclusion criteria were subjects <16 years old, a bony injury, multiple injuries, or the presence of any cold related conditions. The exclusion of a bony injury was made using radiography and/or the Ottawa ankle rules classification.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The mode of cryotherapy was standardised across groups and consisted of melting iced water (0°C) in a standard sized pack. Plastic ice bags (20 cm620 cm) were completely filled with water, placed in a freezer, and removed when frozen. Before application, the packs were held under hot water for 30 seconds and wrapped in a single layer of standardised towelling (moistened until just dripping wet). Standard ice application consisted of 20 minutes of continuous ice treatment performed every two hours. This duration of treatment has been recommended in the literature and is also commonly used in the clinical setting. The intermittent ice group applied ice for 10 minutes. The pack was then removed, and the ankle was rested at room temperature for10 minutes. The ice was then reapplied for a further 10 minutes. Again intermittent treatments were repeated every two hours, and both groups continued their respective treatments over the first 72 hours of injury. Previous studies have shown that the mode and duration of cryotherapy applied in the intermittent protocol reduces skin temperature to 5°C immediately after treatment. Subjects were responsible for ice pack preparation, and all treatments were self administered. At the time of the trial, subjects were given a verbal explanation of the correct procedure for ice pack preparation and application, which was supplemented with step by step written instructions. Patient compliance was monitored using a treatment diary, which was returned to the secondary researcher one week after the injury. Ankle mobility (ankle circles, 30 repetitions 63), calf stretching (non-weight bearing, 30 second holds x 5), and basic proprioceptive exercises were standardized between groups by means of an advice sheet. Subjects were encouraged to perform these exercises once a day for the first week.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Before the start of the trial, an independent researcher, who had no contact with the study participants or input into the day to day proceedings of the trial, generated the randomisation sequence using computer software. Stratified randomisation was used with two strata: sports and general population. Separate block randomisation sequences were produced for each subset of participants. An allocation ratio of 1:1 was used with a block size of 4.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punten Opmerking: Patiënt niet geblindeerd. Onderzoekers wel? Toelichting: “The primary investigator, who remained blinded to group assignment until completion of data collection and analyses, carried out subject recruitment, gained informed consent, and assessed all baseline and follow up measurements. Three secondary researchers assigned subjects to either the standard (n = 46) or intermittent (n = 43) group and provided advice on the appropriate cryotherapy treatment and standardised treatment. Group assignment was concealed from the secondary researchers, using opaque sealed envelopes, until subject recruitment and informed consent was completed.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Table 1 shows the basic and clinical characteristics of patients in each group. Table 2 highlights that at baseline there were no significant differences between groups in terms of ankle function, pain at rest or on activity, or swelling. The degree of compliance in both groups was good: mean (SEM) number of ice treatments over the first 72 hours was 5.7 (0.41) in the standard group and 5.5 (0.42) in the intermittent group (t = 0.21, p = 0.84).” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: De therapietrouw is bijgehouden door het invullen van een dagboek. Er is mogelijk sprake van contaminatie doordat ze in het onderzoek niet het aantal patiënten hebben bereikt die ze wilde bereiken. Onder toelichting staat het stukje tekst waar uitgelegd staat waarom ze dit aantal wilde bereiken. Toelichting: “The degree of compliance in both groups was good: mean (SEM) number of ice treatments over the first 72 hours was 5.7 (0.41) in the standard group and 5.5 (0.42) in the intermittent group (t = 0.21, p = 0.84).” “A randomised controlled pilot study (n = 15) was used to determine sample size and recruitment targets. The power analysis calculations based on the results showed that assuming 80% power and a 0.05 a value, and based on a between-within repeated measures analysis of variance design, a minimum number of 40 subjects would be required for each intervention group, to detect a mean difference of 9 (in either direction) on the questionnaire for the primary outcome. Using information from a previous study in the same hospital department, a 10% attrition rate was estimated at each phase of the trial, therefore this study aimed to recruit a total of 128 subjects. Recruitment was planned for a 52 week period, and an average of 2.5 new subjects would be recruited a week.” Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: Er wordt beschreven dat de patiënten naast het ijzen ook oefeningen krijgen. Dit is echter een onderdeel van de onderzochte interventie waardoor het niet opgevat wordt als cointerventie. Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The primary outcome measure was subjective ankle function, assessed using Binkley’s lower extremity functional scale. This scale has excellent test retest reliability and good construct validity. Pain was assessed using a 10 cm visual analogue scale, marked ‘‘no pain’’ at one end and ‘‘worst pain ever’’ at the other. This form of assessment was considered most appropriate because of its high level of repeatability when used serially on the same patient. Swelling was measured using a figure of eight method. All measurements were performed using one quarter inch wide plastic tape following a standard written protocol. A mean of two measures, from both the injured and uninjured ankle, was recorded. To establish the degree of swelling on the injured side, a difference value was calculated by subtracting the mean value for swelling for the uninjured ankle from the injured ankle. The figure of eight method has been shown to be a highly reliable and valid tool for measuring the girth of both healthy and oedematous ankles.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er zijn best veel patiënten uit het onderzoek gehaald i.v.m. het niet komen naar de follow up’s. Toelichting: Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Intention to treat analysis Nineteen subjects were lost to follow up, and therefore full datasets from 70 subjects were available for the intention to treat analysis. All 70 of these patients received the relevant intervention as allocated and all of them complied adequately with treatment. Subjects were deemed to be compliant if they applied ice at least once each day over the first 72 hours, as rated by their patient diaries. None of them were considered protocol violators, and it was not deemed necessary to undertake an additional per protocol analysis.” Score: 9 punten CAT-analyse 2 Low-level laser therapy in ankle sprains: A randomized clinical trial. (de Bie RA, de Vet HCW, Lenssen TF, van den Wildenberg FAJM, Kootstra G, Knipschild PG). Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Patients who reported between September l, 1993, and December 31, 1995, to the accident and emergency department of a university hospital with acute lateral ankle sprain, who were between 18 and 65 years old, and whose injury was not older than 24 hours were selected by the physician on call. In addition, patients with fractures (confirmed by obligatory radiography), direct open trauma, and underlying abnormalities of the foot and/or legs were excluded. Finally, those with systemic diseases (eg, rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes) and mental handicap were excluded, as well as people with difficulties with the Dutch language. Patients could also be excluded for practical reasons, for instance, if they lived too far away or if they could be expected not to attend all therapy sessions (eg, going on holiday, working abroad).” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “All patients received a standardized treatment regimen that consisted of 4 days' elastic wrapping followed by 3.5 weeks of bracing with a Push ankle brace. We also provided standardized patient information and standardized home exercises. The home exercises consisted of simple mobility exercises for the ankle, learning to bear weight on the injured foot, and later learning to regain balance and ensure a proper gait pattern. The additional 904nm LT was similar in all three groups, except for the dose. Laser specifications are given in table 1. Laser dose at skin level was 0.5J/cm 2 in the low-dose group, 5J/cm 2 in the high-dose group, and 0J/cm 2 in the placebo group. The target tissue was considered to lie a maximum of lcm under the surface of the skin. Energy density at tissue level was calculated to be 0.07J/cm 2, 0.7J/cm 2, and 0J/cm 2 for each dose, respectively. Laser output was validated before the start and at the end of the trial and was checked at regular intervals during the trial by an independent party.” “The most painful area on the lateral side of the ankle was chosen as the target location. The patient indicated the painful area. This was consequently checked by an algometer. The target area was circumscribed with a waterproof marker during the first visit. Before LT was applied, the area was cleaned with alcohol (96%) to minimize backscatter and reflection from fatty skin. Then the probe was placed perpendicularly in the center of the circumscribed area, directly on the skin, thereby preventing energy loss due to divergence. All three groups followed the same treatment schedule: 5 treatment sessions in the first week, 3 treatment sessions in the second week, and 2 treatment sessions per week in the third and fourth weeks, adding up to 12 treatment sessions during a 4-week intervention period. At each treatment session, every patient received 200 seconds of laser therapy.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Patients were stratified by severity of injury (mild or severe) and sports participation (participation or nonparticipation in sports activities) to prevent unequal distributions by chance for these prognostic factors between treatment groups. After informed consent, 217 consecutive patients were randomly allocated to one of three groups by means of a computergenerated table, with a random permuted block size of 3. The first group (n = 74) received low-dose LT, the second Group (n = 72) received high-dose LT, and the third group (n = 71) received placebo LT.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Patiënten, therapeuten, assessors en analisten waren geblindeerd. Toelichting: “Patients, therapists, outcome assessors, and analysts were blinded to the treatments given.” “Blinding of the treatment setting was ensured by randomizing the three settings (high, low, or placebo) over 21 treatment codes (7 for each group) so that in the event of unmasking one of the codes, the trial did not have to be halted. This, however, did not occur.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The three treatment groups were similar with respect to demographic characteristics and baseline measures, although age and gender differed slightly in the high-dose Group compared with the other two groups (table 2).” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Best een aantal behandelingen zijn gemist door patiënten. Toelichting: “All patients were present for baseline measurements, yet 2.1% of all treatment sessions were missed and thus formed gaps in the data set (43 of 2,064 treatment sessions; 0.4% from the low-dose group, 0.7% from the high-dose group and 1% from the placebo group). Seven patients missed only one treatment session because of illness or work. These missing data were substituted by the mean value of preceding and following measurements in the data set in both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses. Eight patients missed 21 treatment sessions because they believed they were cured. For these patients, the last known entry was substituted for the intention-to-treat analysis. Two of these patients were in the low dose group, 1 was in the high-dose group, and 5 were in the placebo group. Three patients withdrew from the trial without being cured. These were 2 patients from the low-dose group, 1 of whom missed two treatment sessions in a row and one of whom stayed away 10 days after trauma; 1 patient from the high-dose Group stayed away 8 days after initial trauma. For these patients, the last known value was substituted for the intention-to-treat analysis.” Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Het is duidelijk aangegeven in de tekst dat de patiënten medicatie mochten nemen. Dit werd ook vastgelegd. Toelichting: “We allowed patients to take standardized pain medication(Paracetamol, b 500mg; maximum dosage 1 tablet every 4 hours). These drugs were provided at intake, and the patients kept a record of the amount they took.” Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “In this trial, we considered the most important outcome measures those that were capable of reflecting the actual state of the complaint from the patients' point of view. Therefore, the primary measures of effect were perceived pain measured on a scale of 0 to 10 and function. For measurement of pain, we specifically chose a scale of 0 to 10 because this way of grading pain is familiar and easy to use for patients and other assessors. Function was scored on a 100-point scale that combined the items pain, instability, weight bearing, swelling, and gait pattern. The scale has been validated and is used as both a diagnostic and a prognostic instrument. Secondary outcome measures were total days of sick leave from work, school, or housekeeping because of trauma and moment of reuptake of sports (measured in days since onset of trauma). We also measured limitation in activities of daily living (ADL) by use of a scale of 0 to 10, swelling of the ankle by means of the volumetric difference between swelling at intake and at several points during the intervention, pressure threshold test (in kg/cm 2) by means of an algometer, subjective recovery by use of a scale of 0 to 10, and satisfaction about recovery rate and received treatment by use of a scale of 0 to 10.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 1 punt? Toelichting: “All patients were present for baseline measurements, yet in the follow-up 3.6% to 8.3% of the patients were lost to follow-up as time passed. The low-dose group showed 6 losses to follow-up after 1 year; 4 patients had moved, 1 patient did not respond to either written or telephoned requests, and 1 patient's telephone was disconnected. In the high-dose group, 2 patients had moved and 1 patient had left an erratic telephone number; thus 3 patients in total were missed. The placebo group showed 8 losses to follow-up after 1 year; 6 patients had moved, 1 patient's telephone was disconnected, and 1 patient had no telephone and did not respond to written requests.” Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Subsequently, the data were analyzed with SPSSWIN/PC statistical software. Analysis was performed in a blinded manner and according to the intention-to-treat principle: all participants, including those with poor compliance and those who had withdrawn from therapy, remained in the group to which they were assigned by randomization. Subsequently, a per-protocol analysis was performed to see whether protocol deviations influenced the results.” Score: 9 punten CAT-analyse 3 Mechanical support for acute, severe ankle sprain: a pragmatic, muticentre, randomised controlled trial. (Lamb SE, Marsh JL, Hutton JL, Nakash R, Cooke MW.) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Participants with severe ankle sprain were recruited between April, 2003, and July, 2005, from eight emergency departments across England. Patients had to be over 16 years of age (to ensure skeletal maturity, and avoid inclusion of epiphyseal injuries that would not be managed with the treatments tested), and unable to bear weight for at least 3 days after the injury. Weight-bearing status is used to indicate severity of sprains, since clinical grading is not possible in the acute phase. People with flake fractures of less than 3 mm were included, because such fractures should be treated as soft-tissue injuries;3 all other recent fractures were excluded. All participants had a radiograph, since the Ottawa criteria specify inability to bear weight as an indication for radiography.3 Patients were excluded from the trial if they had contraindications to immobilisation (eg, high risk of deep-vein thrombosis, as assessed by the recruiting clinician), or if the injury had occurred more than 7 days previously.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Niet duidelijk wat hun protocol precies inhoud. Toelichting: “Plaster technicians, physiotherapists, and nurses were responsible for applying the supports, and all were provided with training. The treatment packages have been described in detail elsewhere. In summary, each participant had their device fitted individually to ensure correct fit and comfort. Sizing was in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. Tubular compression bandage was applied as a double layer, from the tibial tuberosity to the base of the toes. The below-knee cast was a synthetic non-flexible cast, applied from the tibial tuberosity to the base of the toes, and was lined and padded. Protocols for progression of weight-bearing and activity were determined by the manufacturers’ recommendations, recent research protocols, and results of a national survey of practice completed in the planning phase of the trial. Participants were provided with written and verbal instructions on when to remove the support (customised to each device), washing of the support, regular elevation of the leg while it was swollen, gentle mobilising exercises, pain control and application of ice packs, and what to do in the event of difficulties with the support. All participants were provided with elbow crutches. Additional physical therapy techniques were not included in the trial treatment protocol. If additional treatment was deemed necessary at any point after randomisation, this use of treatment was quantifi ed by self-report questionnaire and considered as descriptive data alongside the outcomes of the trial.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Randomisation was stratified by centre, and administered independently by a central telephone randomisation centre (Birmingham Cancer Trials Service), ensuring allocation concealment.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Behandelaar en patiënt kunnen niet geblindeerd zijn in dit onderzoek. Toelichting: “Researchers masked to the treatment allocation completed data entry.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punten Opmerking: Volgens de tekst zijn ze gelijk. Ik denk dat de groep ‘aircast’ aan het begin over het algemeen overal iets lager scoort. Toelichting: “Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of participants. Ankle function was substantially impaired in all participants. The median interval between time of injury and application of treatment was 3 days (IQR 2 days), with no differences between the groups.” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Therapietrouw is moeilijk te meten en er zijn andere behandelingen toegestaan die ook nog eens verschillen van elkaar. Toelichting: - “A limitation of our study was that we were unable to measure compliance with the supports accurately.” Punt 7: Co-interventies Score: 0 punten Opmerking: In tabel 3 staat wat voor hulp ze hebben gezocht. Dit is echter heel algemeen. Toelichting: zie tabel hierboven. Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The primary outcome was quality of ankle function, measured with the Foot and Ankle Score (FAOS11). The FAOS also includes assessments of pain, symptoms, activities of daily living, and ability to do sports. All outcomes on the FAOS are given a score from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates extreme symptoms and 100 indicates no symptoms. Generic health-related quality of life was measured with the short-form 12 (SF-12 version 1),12 in which physical and mental quality of life were each given a score from 0 to 100, the population norm being 50. We used a visual analogue to capture self-perceived benefit of the ankle supports (score 0–10, where 0 indicates no benefit and 10 indicates maximum benefit). Scores on the Functional Limitations Profi le (the UK version of the Sickness Impact profile13) were obtained, but not reported; they proved difficult to complete, since patients found the response categories difficult to understand and complete. We obtained scores on two additional visual analogue scales of pain, and reported our findings elsewhere. Participants were asked to report additional treatments, including reattendance at the emergency department, imaging, and treatment in primary care, secondary care, or the private sector.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 0 punten (veel loss-to-follow up) Toelichting: “There were no differences in loss to follow-up between the trial groups, and no suggestion of differences between those lost to follow-up and those remaining in the trial at 9 months.” Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Analyses were by intention to treat. Data were summarised as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.” Score: 7 punten Algemene opmerkingen: In dit artikel wordt niet vergeleken met het niet hebben van zo’n support. CAT-analyse 4 Effect of high-voltage pulsed current plus conventional treatment on acute ankle sprain (Sandoval MC, Ramirez C, Camargo DM, Salvini TF). Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Inclusion criteria were: post-traumatic edema caused by ankle sprains classified as mild (minimal pain and functional limitations, without hematoma, normal gait) or moderate (limping gait, localized edema, moderate functional loss) within the first 96 hours after injury and with positive anterior drawer signs or lateral tilt in the ankle joint. Participants were excluded if they had severe sprains (severe edema and hematoma, inability to support weight and total function loss) or diseases that could interfere with the edema and pain (skin lesions, systemic diseases or prior trauma), and if they were making regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs or had been subjected to treatment, such as traction, massage, immobilization or manual therapy.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Conventional treatment The three groups underwent a physical therapy treatment often recommended for ankle sprain: - Initial phase: cryotherapy (bag of crushed ice for 20 minutes), around the entire ankle joint, combined with elevation of the affected limb, isometric and unresisted active exercises in all degrees of freedom of the ankle joint, until the limits of pain without weight bearing; - Intermediate phase: introduced when the unresisted active movements were performed without pain. Cryotherapy maintained during this period. Introduction of exercises with progressive loading, progressive weight bearing during gait and proprioceptive exercises on stable surfaces; - Advanced phase: introduced when the participants performed resistance exercises without pain. Proprioceptive training on unstable surfaces. Strengthening with proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and elastic bands. Introduction of running activities in S- and Z-shaped paths, and jumps in all directions. HVPC parameters A high-voltage stimulator (Intelect 500, Chattanooga Corp, Chattanooga, TN, USA) was used, with a direct monophasic pulsed current and twin spikes of 5 and 8μs separated by an interpulse interval of 75μs. Monopolar stimulation was used with a dispersive electrode placed on the lumbar region and two active electrodes applied to the internal and external malleolus of the ankle. The current intensity was at submotor level, i.e., too weak to elicit a visible motor response. The intensities were chosen based upon animal studies that reported positive results. Because the participants were in the acute phase of injury, this intensity would avoid the risks of generating muscle contractions and increase the trauma. The choice of polarity depended on the group allocation, and the frequency used was 120 pps. HVPC was applied once a day for 30 minutes. The equipment was calibrated prior to the intervention, using an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 1002) to verify the selected parameters.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Block allocation was used to avoid possible selection bias in the allocation of treatments and to ensure that the three groups were balanced in their baseline characteristics. The block allocation sequence was generated by means of a random number table and, after that, the allocation of treatments to patients was performed.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Patiënten en therapeuten geblindeerd. Toelichting: “Assessments and interventions were made, respectively, by two trained physical therapists with no access to the identification of the treatment groups or the type of polarity used in the HVPC.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Er is volgens de tekst een verschil aan het begin van het onderzoek in de mate van plantairflexie. Dit is ook een uitkomstmaat. Ze kunnen echter wel het verschil in verbeteringen vergelijken met elkaar. Toelichting: “The baseline characteristics, such as gender, age, dominant limb and clinical history, were homogeneous. In 27 participants (96.4%), the right limb was the dominant limb, although only 10 of them had suffered the injury to that limb. The mean postsprain period for the three groups was 31.4±17.6 hours and no difference was observed between them. Overall, trauma caused by forced inversion was the most common cause of sprains (n=22). This was the first episode of sprain for the majority of the assessed participants (n=17; Table 1). The analysis of the initial assessments found no statistical differences between groups, except for plantar flexion ROM (p=0.03; Table 2).” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er wordt niks beschreven over de therapietrouw. Daarnaast wordt er in de tekst gesproken over een ‘beperkende factor’ voor duidelijke verschillen in het onderzoek. Toelichting: “The number of participants (n=28) may have been a limiting factor for the identification of statistical differences.” Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 0 punten Toelichting: “Hier wordt niets over gezegd.” Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The following dependent variables were considered: pain, ROM, edema and some gait parameters. Pain was assessed at rest, on palpation and in all four movements of the ankle (dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, eversion and inversion), using a horizontal visual analog scale (VAS) ranging from 0 to 10 cm, where 0 represented no pain and 10 represented the worst pain experienced by the participant. The participants were also asked to indicate the degree of pain on the VAS, and the distance to the location marked was then measured and recorded in cm. The edema was measured by means of girth measurement and water displacement volumetry. The first was measured with a tape measure in two places: around the ankle on the distal end of the lateral malleolus and around the foot, on the highest part of the longitudinal internal arch. The mean was taken between the two measurements for each limb, and the differences between right and left limbs were recorded. Water displacement volumetry was chosen because some authors consider it as the gold standard for measuring edema20. A volumetric tank with an output for excess water into a graduated cylinder of 500 ml was used. The participant was instructed to sit on a chair and slowly introduced the affected limb into water with the knee at 90° of flexion and the ankle in neutral position, until it was fully supported by the surface of the foot at the bottom of the tank. The volume of the displaced water was then measured in the graded cylinder. Finally, the same procedures were performed with the contralateral limb. The ROMs of dorsal and plantar flexion, inversion and eversion of both ankles were measured with a standard goniometer, following the protocol of Norkin and White. All movements started with the ankle at an angle of 90° between the leg and foot. For data analysis, the differences between the ankles were used. Finally, the following descriptive gait variables were evaluated: step length, stride length and gait velocity. For these measurements, the participant was instructed to walk on a black carpet where the footprints were recorded and the step and stride length were measured. Gait velocity was evaluated by recording the number of steps per minute.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Er wordt niet gesproken over de loss-to-follow up. Wel is in de tabellen te zien dat het aantal personen niet is veranderd van het begin tot eind. Het kan echter ook zo zijn dat ze met meer dan 28 personen begonnen en dat zij deze personen er uit hebben gehaald toen zij niet meer kwamen naar de follow up’s (er wordt echter wel vermeld bij in/exclusiecriteria dat er 28 personen werden betrokken bij het onderzoek).” Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 0 punten Toelichting: “Er wordt niet gesproken over een ‘intention to treat’ analyse. In de tekst wordt wel beschreven wat ze gebruikten voor het analyseren van de uitkomsten: For this analysis, oneway ANOVA was used. Meer informatie is te vinden onder het kopje ‘statistical analysis’”. Score: 7 punten CAT-analyse 5 Home-based physical therapy intervention with adherence-enchancing strategies versus clinic-based management for patients with ankle sprains. (Bassett SF, Prapavessis H) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Fifty-two people diagnosed with an acute ankle sprain (first-time or recurrent) were selected from 4 physical therapy clinics in middle to low socioeconomic suburbs. Forty-seven of these people met the inclusion criteria and were willing to take part in the study. The sole exclusion criterion was a poor command of the English language that could impede understanding of the intervention information and the questionnaires.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “All subjects were prescribed the same progressive 3-phase physical therapy intervention protocol outlined in Table 1, which was progressed on the basis of the severity of the sprain and their recovery from symptoms.” “Clinic-based intervention. Subjects in this intervention group were scheduled appointments according to the severity of their sprain, their rate of recovery, and their ultimate need for treatment. During these appointments, the subjects undertook the physical therapy intervention program, with the physical therapist spending time treating their symptoms and supervising the activities and exercises. Subjects also were prescribed a small home program of no more than 4 simple activities, which was designed to supplement the clinic treatment, not replace it. No standard written or verbal information was used to educate subjects about their injury and physical therapy intervention. Instead, the physical therapists decided which educational and cognitive behavioral techniques to use, and these techniques mostly depended on the severity of each subject’s sprain, his or her rate of recovery, and his or her ability to understand and adhere to the treatment program.” “Home-based intervention. Subjects were scheduled clinic appointments that coincided with the transition from one phase to another. During these appointments, minimal, if any, treatment of symptoms was given. Instead, the physical therapists spent the time teaching the subjects about the application of the prescribed treatment modalities to be undertaken at home during the next treatment phase and the indicators for progressing or modifying them. To guard against the possibility of poor adherence that has been associated with home-based physical therapy intervention programs, the subjects were given educational and cognitive-behavioral adjuncts to help them implement the physical therapy intervention. These included a treatment booklet and equipment such as strapping tape, Tubigrip* for compression, Thera-Band resistance bands,† and wobble boards. The booklet contained information about the structure of the ankle; ankle sprains; the modalities for the 3 treatment phases and their method of progression; diary grids; progress sheets; and adherence-enhancing strategies, such as cues, reminders, relapse prevention methods, and treatment goals. The information was written in simple, everyday language, illustrated with pictures and diagrams, and it could be tailored to suit the subjects’ rate of recovery. Subjects also were given pocket-size laminated cue cards as treatment reminders and instructed to put the cue cards in noticeable places such as their pocket or bedside table.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Those who volunteered signed a consent form and were randomly assigned to either the clinic intervention group or the home intervention group by way of a computer generated list.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Blindering is voor deze uitkomstmaten niet belangrijk. Toelichting: Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Gegevens voor de interventie komen goed overeen. Toelichting: Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Als uitkomst wordt gemeten hoe vaak de patiënten naar hun afspraken kwamen, hieruit kan je opmaken dat de patiënten best trouw waren aan hun therapie. Er valt echter wel op dat de thuisgroep zich thuis minder goed aan de leefregels/oefeningen houd dan de andere groep. Als contaminatie kan je aanmerken dat alle patiënten op verschillende manieren gemotiveerd worden en dat het aantal afspraken verschilt per persoon. Dit is echter wat zij al van plan waren te onderzoeken. Toelichting: Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punten Opmerking: Er wordt niks gezegd over andere interventies. Je kan echter wel uit de tekst opmaken dat andere interventies niet toegestaan zijn. Toelichting: Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1punt Toelichting: “Demographic characteristics. The subjects’ age, sex, level of involvement in sports and physical activity, and previous history of injury and physical therapy treatment were recorded. Distance from the clinic to home (in kilometers) and reasons for choosing the clinic also were recorded. The ankle sprain characteristics assessed were: (1) whether the injury was first-time or recurrent, (2) the date the injury was sustained, (3) the cause of injury, and (4) the injury’s severity graded according to the O’Donoghue system. The level of pain at the time of the injury was assessed using a box plot. An 11-point box plot was used in preference to a visual analog scale, because we considered it to be more reliable for transposition of scores in the data entry phase of the study.” “Ankle function. The Lower Limb Task Questionnaire (LLTQ)22 and the Motor Activity Scale measured ankle function.” “Adherence. Adherence was defined as the extent to which the subjects followed the clinic- and homebased components of their physical therapy intervention. First, attendance at clinic appointments was measured by the percentage of attendance (calculated by dividing the number of appointments attended by the number scheduled and multiplying by 100). In addition, the number of subjects who completed their physical therapy intervention program by attending their final scheduled clinic appointment was recorded.” “Second, adherence to the physical therapy modalities given during the clinic appointment was assessed by the physical therapists at the end of the treatment using the Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale (SIRAS).” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Goed weergeven. 3 niet gekomen naar de afspraken na het beëindigen van het programma. Toelichting: Voor volledig figuur zie artikel. Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Intention to treat analyse is gedaan. Toelichting: Zie figuur 1. Score: 10 punten CAT-analyse 6 A prospective, randomized clinical investigation of the treatment of First-time ankle sprains. (Beynnon BD, Renström PA, Haugh L, Uh BS, Barker H). Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “This was a community-based study of first-time ankle sprains in skeletally mature subjects who did not have congenital deformity or degenerative conditions. Between April 1993 and June 1998, all subjects who had sustained an ankle injury and visited the emergency departments of our 2 university affiliated hospitals, had visited the university’s student health center, or were university athletes who had consulted trainers at the university were invited to participate in this study. Subjects were included only if they presented to our clinic within 72 hours after the initial ankle trauma. They were excluded if they had experienced or exhibited any of the following conditions: had a previous sprain of either ankle; had abnormal gait before injury; had a previous fracture in either ankle within the past 12 months; showed radiographic evidence of a fracture at the time of presentation; showed radiographic evidence of a syndesmosis injury, burns, lacerations, or puncture wounds; had open tibial epiphyses; were younger than 16 years or older than 65 years; were pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant; had chronic illnesses, metabolic disease, or neurologic disease; or were unwilling to adhere to the prescribed treatment program.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Patients with a grade I ankle sprain were treated with an elastic wrap (Ace), Air-Stirrup ankle brace (Aircast, Inc, Summit, NJ), or an Air-Stirrup ankle brace combined with an elastic wrap (Figure 1). Those with a grade II sprain were treated with an elastic wrap, Air-Stirrup ankle brace, Air-Stirrup ankle brace combined with an elastic wrap, or a fiberglass walking cast worn for 10 days followed by the use of an elastic wrap. Subjects with a grade III ankle sprain were randomized to treatment with either the Air-Stirrup ankle brace or a fiberglass walking cast worn for 10 days followed by the use of an elastic wrap.” “Other than the before-mentioned treatment options, all subjects underwent the same care administered by the same clinicians at the same clinic. All subjects followed the same standardized home rehabilitation program that was provided through written instructions and oral directions. Rehabilitation involved 3 phases. Phase 1 occurred during the first week after the baseline visit. During this time, subjects were instructed to use crutches as needed, perform swelling control with ice (eg, administer ice for 15-20 minutes, every 3-4 hours, for 72 hours after injury), and elevate the injured ankle above heart level for 15 minutes every 3 to 4 hours during the first 72 hours after injury. Range of motion exercises were performed, including passive range of motion, Achilles tendon stretching, and ankle circles. Subjects were allowed to begin with toe curl, ankle inversion, and ankle eversion exercises with a towel and progress to swimming, walking, and riding a stationary bike when they felt comfortable doing so. During phase 2, subjects initiated contrast treatments (eg, alternate use of heat, followed by cold), and strength training progressed to isometric eversion, inversion, and dorsiflexion and plantarflexion exercises. This was followed by dynamic exercises (heel and toe raises) and then single- and double-leg balance training. Once the subject had completed phases 1 and 2, was pain free, and obtained full range of motion, the subject progressed to phase 3. This involved agility drills (eg, directional walking, jumping-hopping, and running activities), sport-specific drills, balance-board training, and elastic resistance training with a Thera-Band. After the subjects’ strength had returned to normal, they continued with balance exercises and gradual return to sports.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Subjects were then randomized to a treatment group according to the grade of the ankle sprain, sex, and age.” “Treating clinicians and subjects were blinded to the randomization process, and the assigned treatment was concealed within an envelope before allocation. A Block randomization procedure was used so that the treatment schedule was arranged in blocks, with each block containing each treatment once. For example, there were 4 treatment methods for grade II ankle sprains. Because we had 4 treatment methods and planned to test a total of 80 subjects with this injury, there were 20 blocks. The first Block contained a random ordering of the 4 treatment methods, the second block contained an independent random ordering of the 4 conditions, and so on. Each random sequence of the 4 treatments obtained from a table of random numbers composed a separate block.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Patiënten, therapeuten en effectbeoordelaars waren niet geblindeerd. Toelichting: “Treating clinicians and subjects were blinded to the randomization process” “One weakness of the study was that the treatment providers and study participants were not blinded to assignment status after allocation because we were unable to conceal the specific external support the subject was wearing. However, the primary and secondary outcomes were recorded by the patient via the daily logs outside of the clinical setting, and therefore blinding of the physician to the treatments may have had little influence on the measurement of these outcomes. It was not possible to blind subjects to the treatments they received, and the effect this had on outcome remains unclear.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The randomization procedure created a homogeneous sample of subjects. Subjects were of similar age, body mass index, sex, and activity levels between treatments for each ankle sprain severity group (Tables 1 and 2).” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Geen contaminatie voor zover bekend. Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Voor zover niet bekend dat er andere interventies toegestaan waren. Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Primary and Secondary Outcome Measures Baseline Through Day 21 or Until the Patient Healed: At the baseline visit, subjects were given a daily log and instructed how to use it at home. The log contained questions that the subjects answered by indicating their responses on a visual analog scale. Each day, the subjects indicated their status with regard to return to walking a minimum of 1 block and climbing a minimum of 1 flight of stairs in the same way they did before ankle injury, placingfull weight on the ankle without a limp (primary outcome). They also documented their status with regard to tolerating full weightbearing, experiencing no pain during weightbearing, achieving full capability in function of normal activities of daily living, returning to full capability in work or school activity, and returning to full capability at usual athletic and recreational physical activity (secondary outcomes). Thus, for each ankle sprain group (grades I, II, and III), the log allowed us to measure the primary outcome (ie, the time required to return to walking a minimum of 1 block and climbing a minimum of 1 flight of stairs as was done before ankle injury, placing full weight on the ankle without a limp) and secondary outcomes (ie, the time required for subjects to return to full weightbearing, experience no pain during full weightbearing, obtain full capability in function at normal activities of daily living, return to full capability in work or school activity, and return to full capability at usual athletic or recreational physical activity). These primary and secondary outcomes were evaluated with the daily log for 21 consecutive days after the baseline visit, and if necessary, this continued until the subjects could walk and climb stairs as they did before the initial injury.” “Patient Function and Ankle Motion: Tertiary Outcomes Obtained at 6-Month Follow-Ups Patient function and ankle motion were evaluated at the baseline and 6-month follow-up visits. Measures included demographic data, history of present ankle sprain (or reinjury at the 6-month follow-up), and Karlsson’s functional scoring scale (an evaluation of pain, disability, and activity limitation).26 Plantarflexion and dorsiflexion motion of the normal and injured ankles was evaluated with a handheld goniometer at the baseline and 6-month follow-up visits. Dorsiflexion motion was evaluated relative to the neutral position with the subject actively dorsiflexing the ankle and establishing the limit of motion, whereas plantarflexion motion was measured relative to the same neutral position with subject actively plantar flexing the ankle to establish the limit of motion. At the 6-month follow-up, the single-legged hop and toe raise tests were performed. For the single-legged hop, subjects were instructed to jump and land as far as they felt comfortable on their noninjured legs. Two jumps were attempted and the mean recorded. This was repeated on the injured leg. Next, subjects stood on an inclined board and were instructed to perform toe raises by bearing weight on their toes and elevating their heels to a maximum height. This was done individually on the injured and uninjured ankles during 15-second intervals. The number of toe raises was recorded for injured and uninjured limbs.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Aan het begin wel adequate follow up maar na 6 maanden niet meer. Toelichting: “For each ankle sprain severity grade, the primary and secondary outcome measures were obtained from an adequate proportion of those enrolled (at least 80% were followed); however, a smaller proportion of subjects participated in the 6-month follow-up. Capturing a larger proportion of those enrolled at the 6-month follow-up may have produced statistically significant findings for some of the tertiary comparisons.” Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Er is sprake van een intention to treat Toelichting: “An intent-to-treat analysis was used. For the primary outcome of time required to return to normal (preinjury) activity (ie, walking and stair climbing), we viewed the statistical tests of our hypotheses in a “survival analysis” mode. Because it was possible that normal function was never achieved by a select subset of the treated subjects, analysis of the data at the 6-month follow-up took into account the percentage of subjects not completely cured. In addition, there were censored data because of subjects’ noncompliance with the study protocol or the fact that some subjects moved away from the geographic area in which our study was conducted. These data were handled by log-rank and other parametric likelihood methods. Event-time distributions were estimated and displayed nonparametrically by the Kaplan-Meier method. Differences between treatment groups were tested nonparametrically by log-rank tests. Alternative nonparametric tests were done to confirm that the conclusions were robust to the methods used. Secondary outcomes were analyzed in a similar manner. Karlsson’s functional scoring scale, ankle motion, and single-legged hop and toe raise tests were treated as continuous data. Treatment group comparisons were performed with analysis of variance and post hoc testing, although nonparametric rank tests were also performed to check that the conclusions were robust to the data distribution assumptions.” Score: 8 punten CAT-analyse 7 Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on ankle swelling in the early period after ankle sprain. (Man IOW, Morrissey MC, Cywinski JK) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Thirty-four subjects within the age range of 18 to 60 years with acute ankle sprain injury (occurring within 5 days of the first scheduled test) were recruited within 12 months from the Minor Injuries Unit, Guy’s Hospital, London. Subjects who had a clinical diagnosis of a sprained ankle recorded in their medical notes were invited to participate in the study. The severity of the ankle injury was not documented in the medical notes in the form of any grading or classification system. Subjects with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease or any neurovascular deficits or metal implants in the lower leg, injury to the contralateral ankle that required surgical attention in the previous year, or open wounds and subjects who were taking diuretics or wore pacemakers were excluded from the study.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Four 10-cm-diameter Carbonflex disk electrodes* were applied to the lower leg muscles of the injured leg of all subjects. They were made of conductive carbonized rubber and secured with a standard crepe bandage to the subject’s lower leg with a water-soaked sponge separating the skin and the electrodes. Two electrodes were placed over the muscle belly of the gastrocnemius muscle, and 2 electrodes were placed over the tibialis anterior muscle of the injured limb. The sensations that would likely be felt were explained to the subjects who were allocated to receive either NMES or submotor ES. For ES, the HEALTHFIT dual-channel P4-Microstim stimulator† was used. The 2 electrodes on each muscle were connected to a separate channel of the stimulator. The ES was characterized by a low-voltage, rectangular waveform having modulated patterns of frequency and pulse duration (Fig. 2). The 30-minute ES pattern used for the subjects in the NMES and submotor ES groups had a total of 360 cycles, with each cycle lasting 5 seconds. Each cycle consisted of 400 pulses having different combinations of pulse-to-pulse intervals and duration values. The calculated average frequency of ES was 80 Hz, but the actual ES was delivered in packets (bursts) causing short-lasting muscle contractions every 1.25 seconds (0.8 Hz) for the subjects in the NMES group. During each burst, the pulse duration varied from 60 to 240 microseconds, and the pulse-to-pulse interval was 8 milliseconds (125 Hz).” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Before arriving at the testing laboratory, subjects were randomly assigned, in groups of 3, to 1 of the 3 groups, using a die protocol.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Therapeuten en patiënten niet geblindeerd. Toelichting: “The 2 volume assessors were blinded to the group allocation of the subjects.” “Disorders were measured by the volume assessors who were blinded to the treatment groups of the patients.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The subject characteristics of the 3 groups at baseline are shown in Table 2. Height and injured and uninjured ankle girth measurements were statistically different at baseline. The Tukey Honestly Significant Difference post hoc analysis showed the difference to be between the sham ES and submotor ES groups. The characteristics of each group for the other possible confounding variables are displayed in Table 1.” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er wordt niks gezegd over de therapietrouw. Echter is het wel zo dat de patiënten andere behandelingen mogen (dit wordt namelijk bijgehouden), dit kan effect hebben op de zwelling. De patiënten mogen namelijk gewoon ijzen. Toelichting: Zie punt 7. Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Er wordt bijgehouden wat voor andere behandelingen de patiënten nemen. Toelichting: “When subjects attended for their subsequent tests, they were asked several questions regarding whether they had taken any more analgesics or anti-inflammatories and whether any other treatments (eg, physical therapy, ice) had been applied to the ankle since the previous session.” Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The outcome measures used in this study were the pretreatment and posttreatment changes for: (1) mean injured ankle volume, (2) mean swelling volume, (3) mean injured ankle girth, and (4) mean ankle girth difference measured at each test session and adapted Hughston Clinic Subjective Rating Scale for Ankle Disorders scores obtained during the first and third test sessions.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 1 Opmerking: Bij de resultaten vindt er geen verandering plaats in het aantal patiënten. Het kan echter ook zo zijn dat dit is vanwege een intention to treat analyse. Ik denk eerder dat ze allemaal naar de follow ups zijn geweest. Toelichting: Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 0 Opmerking: Ik denk dat er een intention to treat analyse is. Toelichting: Score: 8 punten CAT-analyse 8 Plyometric training versus resistive exercises after acute lateral ankle sprain. (Manal IM, Mohamed IM) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “From June 2007 to January 2009, the primary researcher (M.M.) evaluated 42 consecutive athletes whom one of four orthopedic surgeons diagnosed with lateral ankle sprain and referred to the outpatient physical therapy clinic. Subjects who met the following inclusion criteria participated in the study: (1) grade I or II unilateral inversion ankle sprain at least 3 weeks after the acute injury (based on the healing process of the ligament since, the repair phase or the fibroblastic stage requires up to 3 weeks to maximize collagen content and hence stress imposed on the ligament can result in a structurally stronger ligament through being subjected to controlled strain in a functional pattern like that of plyometric training), (2) age between 20 to 35 years (an epidemiological study6 revealed that most ankle sprains occurred in the 15- to 35-year-olds), (3) met the prerequisites for plyometric training recommended by Tippett and Voight include: Positive power squat testing with a weight equal to 60 percent of the individual’s body weight performed five times in 5 seconds. Ability to perform one-leg standing for 30 seconds with eyes open and closed before the initiation of plyometric training. Ability to maintain static and dynamic control of body weight with single-leg squat. Subjects were excluded from the study if they had acute inflammatory conditions, gross joint instability (grade 3 ankle sprain), concurrent ankle fractures with or without subluxation, dislocation or complete rupture, surgery for ankle injury, recurrent ankle sprain, any anomaly of the foot, and history of chronic diseases or other injuries of the lower limb.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “All participants received the same initial treatment for at least the first 3 weeks after injury. Initial treatment incorporated local application of ice, elevation of the injured ankle, and rest. When the swelling and pain disappeared, (usually after 3 to 5 days) early ankle mobilization, and early weightbearing were introduced.” “A 6-week plyometric training program developed by Miller et al.23 according to the recommendations of Piper and Erdmann29 for intensity and volume was used in this study. Instructions for each plyometric exercise were given before the first treatment session. Training volume ranged from 90 to 140 foot contacts per session while the intensity of the exercises was increased for 5 weeks before tapering off during week 6 as recommended by Piper and Erdmann and others. The plyometric training group trained 2 days a week, throughout the study. During training, all subjects were under direct supervision. The plyometric drill consisted of jumping and hopping in different directions, with or without a barrier and with single or double leg stance (Table 1).” “The resistive group was instructed not to start any type of plyometric training during the 6-week period of the study. Resistive training was started in the form of manual resistive exercise for dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, eversion and inversion (manual resistance was applied for 3 to 5 seconds for ten repetitions in each cardinal plane). While controlling the time that a maximal contraction was maintained, the therapist was assured that the targeted musculature was being maximally loaded. Resistance was applied to the dorsum of the foot just above the toes to resist dorsiflexion and to the plantar surface of the foot at the metatarsals to resist plantarflexion. For inversion, resistance was applied to the medial aspect of the first metatarsal and to the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal to resist eversion. Active weightbearing exercises in the form of heel rise and toe rise were performed for ten repetitions each. Towel curl and marble pick up was performed at the end of the session for ten repetitions each. The subject placed the foot on a towel; then curled his/her toes, moving the towel toward the body. For marble pick up, the subject was sitting and marbles placed to one side of the patient’s foot. He picked up one marble at a time by curling his toes around it, then placed it in a container on the other side of his foot. This emphasized the plantar muscles as well as inversion and eversion. The resistive group was trained 2 days a week throughout the study.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The subjects were randomly assigned into two groups by a blinded and independent research assistant who opened sealed envelopes that contained a computer generated randomization card.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Therapeuten en patiënten kunnen niet geblindeerd zijn. De assessor is wel geblindeerd. Toelichting: “All measures were performed by the same assessor who was blinded to the training program.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “There was no significant difference between subjects in both groups concerning age, weight, height, gender, and sport activities (p > 0.05).” “There were no significant differences in all measures at baseline in both groups.” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Best veel patiënten zijn gestopt tijdens de studie (therapietrouw). Daarnaast is het niet bekend of de patiënten zich aan hun leefregels houden (m.n. in de eerste 3 weken) (contaminatie). Toelichting: “From the 19 allocated to the plyometric group, nine subjects left the study for personal reasons and ten subjects continued the rehabilitation program.” “A potential limitation of the current study may be that the number of subjects was relatively low. A larger sample size would provide further insight into the efficacy of this training modality. With this sample size the power of 80% was obtained concerning functional tests but a 20% increase in isokinetic measure could not be reached.” Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punten Opmerking: Hier wordt niks over gezegd maar wij gaan ervan uit date r niks anders toegestaan was. Dit is namelijk na 3 weken standaard behandeling. Normaal zouden zij al uitbehandeld zijn maar nu gaan zij door. Toelichting: Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Before and after the 6 weeks of the study period, each subject performed the four functional ankle tests (two for muscle strength and endurance, one for balance, and one for functional stability) taken from the performance test protocol and scoring scale for evaluation of ankle injuries of Kaikkonen et al. This scale was recommended for studies evaluating functional recovery after ankle injury. These tests were selected because (a) they reflected the functional stability, strength, endurance, and balance of the ankle joint needed to prevent chronic ankle instability (b) focused on objective evaluation rather than subjective and (c) were simple to perform. The first test was walking down a staircase to determine functional instability (evaluated using two levels of a staircase with 42 steps; height, 17 cm; depth, 22 cm). The subject walked down once, 1 step at a time with full contact of the sole to the stair. The walking time was recorded manually with a stopwatch. The second test was rising onheel (subject was asked to rise on the heel with 1 leg as many times as possible at the pace of 60 times per minute to measure the fatigue of the ankle). The knee of the opposite side was flexed 90 degrees and the arms were kept behind the back. In case of lost balance, the subject was allowed to touch the wall to regain balance and then continue the performance. The third test was rising on the toes to measure the fatigue of the plantarflexors. The fourth test was balance in a one-legged stance. The subject was asked to stand on the forefoot on a square beam (height, 10 cm; width, 10 cm; length, 30 cm) with the knee of the opposite side flexed 90 degrees and the arms kept behind the back. The time (seconds) standing was measured manually with a stopwatch.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Veel patiënten zijn niet gekomen naar de follow-up afspraken. Toelichting: “From the 17 athletes assigned to the resistive group, five were lost at followup, two subjects changed their address without notification, and three were involved in intensive resistive training in preparation for competition.” Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Geen intention to treat. Toelichting: “To determine similarity between the groups at baseline, subject age, height, and body weight were compared using independent t tests. Descriptive statistics on gender, and sport activities were compared using chi square tests for homogeneity. Ankle isokinetic peak torque/body weight, the time needed to climb down stairs, the repetitions of rising on heel, rising on toes and the duration of standing on one leg was analyzed using an independent t test. Statistical significance was defined as p < 0.05. For statistical analyses, SPSS 13.0 software was used.” Score: 7 punten CAT-analyse 9 Low-level laser treatment can reduce edema in second degree ankle sprains (Stergioulas A.) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Soccer players that were presented with lateral ankle sprainsbetween July 10, 1992 and May 20, 1998 to the Sports Medicine Lab, University of Athens, who were between 18–26 years old and whose injury had occurred earlier than 8 h, were selected.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The first group (n = 16), the therapeutic protocol of which provided only for the conventional initial treatment (RICE), the second group (n = 16) whose therapeutic protocol provided for the RICE method plus placebo laser, and the third group (n = 15) whose therapeutic protocol provided for the RICE method plus an 820-nm GaA1As diode laser, with a radiant power output of 40 mW at 16 Hz.” “The treatment of all subjects began 2 h after the initial diagnosis of injury. The low-power galium-aluminiumarsenide laser (Biotherapy 2000, manufactured by Omega Universal Technologies) was used. This laser operating with a single laser diode, was used for 5 min. Table 1 details the treatment parameters. Before laser treatment was applied, the area was cleaned with alcohol. Ten points around the lateral side of the ankle were irradiated.18 The first treatment took place in the morning (10:00 a.m.), and the second treatment in the afternoon of the same day (6:00 p.m.). All three groups followed the same treatment schedule: two treatments per day for three days. The laser set produced a sound and a red display to all patients. For protection from the laser beam, all subjects wore glasses. Cold pressure pads (TRU 1042, PI Medical Comp., USA) were applied on all subjects, three times a day for 20 min per application. During the application of the cold pressure pad, the injured extremity was elevated, while throughout the rest of the day it was in an elastic wrap (PHN 7250, Mueller Sports Med., Inc., USA), in accordance with Knight. The athletes were also advised not to put weight on the lower extremity during the treatment period and to use crutches for their daily activities.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “After the consent, 47 soccer players were randomly allocated to one of three groups.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Soccer players, physiotherapists, outcome assessors and statistician, were blinded to the treatment given.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Er wordt niks gezegd over baseline. Het is echter niet heel erg belangrijk aangezien er wordt gekeken naar het verschil in zwelling. Toelichting: Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er wordt niks gezegd over therapietrouw. Het is zo dat veel gebeurd waar de fysiotherapeuten bij zijn. Het is echter niet zeker of de patiënten thuis lopen met hun krukken en of ze hun ‘elastic wrap’ omhouden. Toelichting: Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Dit is niet aanwezig. Er wordt duidelijk uitgelegd wat er wordt gedaan per dag. Toelichting: Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “The edema was measured using the volume-measuring method that measures water displaced when the limb was placed in a volumeter, which is made of Plexiglas and has an opening on top for the displaced water to overflow. Many researchers have used this method to measure the edema of the upper extremities, as well as the lower extremities. The reliability of this method has been pointed out by several researchers. The procedure was as follows: The receptacle was filled with water until it stopped overflowing from the rim of the opening. The athlete would sit on a chair at a distance of 25 cm from the volumeter, and place the injured lower extremity in the volumeter very slowly—so as not to spill additional water during the submersion of the limb— until the heel touched the bottom and the sole was in a neutral position. The displaced water was collected and measured. Calculations were in milliliters. Water volumes recorded in the measurements following treatment, were subtracted from the first measurement. The difference represented the change in volume of the foot edema and the possible diminution of it.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Ze hebben het over 72 uur. Deze meting zullen ze niet veel later dan de laatste behandeling hebben gedaan. In de tabel is er geen verandering in het aantal patiënten. Toelichting: Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Ik denk dat er een intention to treat is, dit omdat alle patiënten zijn behandeld en er geen één is gestopt. Toelichting: Score: 9 punten CAT-Analyse 10 Effect of accelerated rehabilitation on function after ankle sprain: randomised controlled trial (Bleakley CM, O’Connor SR, Tully MA, Rocke LG, MacAuley DC, Bradbury I et al) In/exclusiecriteria Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Patients aged 16-65 years attending an accident and emergency department (Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast) or sports injury clinic (University of Ulster) were included if they had an acute (<7 days) grade 1 or 2 ankle sprain. Two researchers (CMB, SRO’C) excluded patients if they had a complete (grade 3) rupture of the ankle ligament (mechanical instability diagnosed by a positive anterior drawer or inversion stress test), had a bony ankle injury (indicated by Ottawa ankle rules or plain x ray films), had multiple injuries (for example, other joint injury or fracture), had a contraindication to cryotherapy, were non-English speaking, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or had an insufficient address for follow-up. Participants signed a letter of informed consent.” Interventie Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Both groups received written advice on applying ice and compression. Such treatment followed a standard intermittent protocol and consisted of two 10 minute applications of ice and compression interspersed with 10 minutes of rest (repeated three times daily for one week). In week 1 the exercise group undertook therapeutic exercises adapted from a standard protocol (see web extra). The group received standardised verbal and written instructions and a DVD showing the exercises. To monitor compliance with treatment and analgesic use participants completed a treatment diary, which was returned to the research physiotherapists (SRO’C, CMB) at the first followup (week 1). External ankle support (including forms of taping, bracing, and bandaging) or analgesics were not routinely provided. Treatment was standardised in both groups from weeks 1-4 and consisted of ankle rehabilitation exercises focusing on muscle strengthening, neuromuscular training, and sports specific functional exercises. The participants undertook these exercises for 30 minutes each week, once under supervision from the research physiotherapist and four times as a home based treatment. In our current study we used an exercise group that initiated rehabilitation exercises during the first week of injury. The exercises were prescribed for 20 minutes, three times a day, and focused on increasing ankle range of movement, activation and strengthening of ankle musculature, and restoring normal sensorimotor control. Randomisatie Punt: 1 Toelichting: “We used a computer generated randomization sequence to randomise participants. Group allocation was printed on a card (group 1 for standard care group. group 2 for exercise group), and placed in sequentially numbered opaque envelopes with carbon paper on top (SMcD). Randomisation was stratified according to athletic or non-athletic background. For each stratum we produced separate block randomisation sequences using an allocation ratio of 1:1 and a block size of 4. After written consent had been obtained and baseline assessment, SRO’C and CMB randomised participants to one of the two groups from the numbered envelopes.” Blindering Punt: 1 Toelichting:” A researcher (MAT) blinded to the intervention group recorded outcomes at weeks 1-4.” De therapeuten en patiënten kunnen onmogelijk geblindeerd zijn tijdens deze studie. Confounding Punt: 1 Toelichting: In de tabel hieronder is te zien dat de groepen aan het begin redelijk gelijk zijn aan elkaar. Therapietrouw en contaminatie Punt: 0 punten Toelichting: Er worden huiswerkoefeningen meegegeven maar je kan natuurlijk nooit controleren of deze ook daadwerkelijk worden uitgevoerd. Een ander discussiepunt is dat je niet weet of de patiënten naast deze behandeling nog een andere behandeling volgen omdat hen geen restricties is opgelegd met betrekking tot het uitvoeren van activiteiten. Er is natuurlijk geadviseerd maar je weet niet in hoeverre de patiënten dit opvolgen. Co-interventies Punt: 1 punt Toelichting: Er wordt niets gezegd over co-interventies. Elke patiënt krijgt volgens deze studie dezelfde behandeling. Uitkomstmeting Punt: 1 Toelichting: “The primary outcome measure was subjective ankle function, assessed using the lower extremity functional scale. The secondary outcome measures included pain at rest and with activity, assessed using a 10 cm visual analogue scale; swelling, using a modified version of the figure of eight method; and physical activity, using a professional physical activity logger. The sports ankle rating score was completed at baseline and on completion of the study. This scale includes an objective assessment of gait, joint range of movement, strength, mechanical stability, postural stability, and a functional, single leg hop test. Self reported function was also assessed using the Karlsson score at baseline, on completion of the study, and at the 16 week follow-up. Reinjury rates were recorded during follow-up assessments at weeks 1-4 and at week 16.” ‘Loss-to-follow up’ Punt: 1 Toelichting: “In total, 101 met the inclusion criteria and were randomised to either the standard group (n=51) or the exercise group (n=50). One participant in the standard group did not receive the intervention as allocated. Fifteen participants dropped out during the trial. Figure 1 summarises the recruitment, randomisation, and follow-up.” “One participant from the standard group was excluded after randomisation when follow-up radiography revealed a fracture.” Data analyse Punt: 1 Toelichting: “A constrained (as the trial is randomised we constrained the baseline means to equality) linear mixed model analysis was undertaken based on intention to treat, using response variables of lower extremity functional scale score, pain at rest, pain on activity, and swelling, and covariates of treatment type (standard or exercise), time, and athletic background (athletic or non-athletic). We calculated the difference between treatments (adjusted for baseline values) along with 98.75 confidence intervals at each time point (weeks 1-4). The level of significance was set at a Bonferroni corrected level of 0.0125 (0.05/4).” Totaal punten: 9 Cat-Analyse 11 Effect of unsupervied home based proprioceptive training on recurrences of ankle sprain: randomised controlled trial (Hupperets MDW, Verhagen EA, van Mechelen W) In/exclusiecriteria Punt: 1 Toelichting: Interventie Punt: 1 Toelichting: De interventie is duidelijk beschreven: “The programme was derived from a previously described programme, modified by two physical therapists to consist of more general exercises that were to be carried out individually. Feasibility was tested in a pilot study. A detailed description of the different basic exercises of the proprioceptive training programme is described elsewhere, and the training programme is in the appendix on The programme prescribed three training sessions a week, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes a session. Athletes were encouraged to perform the exercises as part of their normal warm up. Exercises gradually increased in difficulty and training load during the eight week programme. Athletes in the intervention group received a balance board (Avanco AB, Sweden), exercise sheets, and an instructional DVD showing all exercises of the programme. All information was also provided on a website, accessible only for those in the intervention group.” Randomisatie Punt: 1 Toelichting: Er is sprake van randomisatie: “Athletes were randomised to intervention or control, with stratification for sex, type of enrolment, and usual care of ankle sprain.Astatistician who had no knowledge regarding any other characteristics of the participants performed the randomisation.” Blindering Punt: 1 Toelichting: Punt toegekend omdat de effectbeoordelaar geblindeerd is. Het is onmogelijk voor de therapeut en de patiënt om geblindeerd te zijn. “On the basis of the completed injury registration forms, a physical therapist and the primary researcher, who were blinded to group allocation, independently rated all registered ankle injuries as acute lateral ankle sprains or other ankle injuries.” Confounding Punt: 1 Toelichting: De groepen zijn redelijk vergelijkbaar aan het begin van het onderzoek: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Punt: 0 Toelichting: De therapie is niet door iedereen toegepast. Ook is er “missing data”, de vragenlijst is namelijk door 34 sporters niet ingevuld. “A total of 58 (23%) athletes in the intervention group said they had fully complied with the eight week proprioceptive training programme; 75 (29%) said they had been partially compliant; 89 (35%) were classified as not compliant. Compliance with the training programme was unknown for 34 (13%) athletes as they did not complete the questionnaires. Five out of 266 in the control group (2%) said they had performed some sort of proprioceptive training exercises during the one year follow-up. These athletes performed proprioceptive training exercises as part of medical treatment of a recurrence of ankle sprain and were not incorporated in the analysis.” Co-interventies Punt: 0 Toelichting: Deze studie is niet onder supervisie uitgevoerd. Er is wel verteld wat de patiënten wel en niet mogen doen maar er kan niet gecontroleerd worden of dit ook daadwerkelijk is gebeurd. Uitkomstmeting Punt: 1 Toelichting: Er is om de maand gekeken naar het opnieuw optreden van enkelletsel hiervoor is een vragenlijst gebruikt. ‘Loss-to-follow up’ Punt: 1 Toelichting: De loss-to-follow up is geregistreerd. Data analyse Punt: 1 Toelichting: De gerandomiseerde toewijzing van de patiënten aan een van de groepen is gerespecteerd gebleven bij het analyseren van de onderzoeksresultaten. “All statistical analyses were undertaken according to a pre-specified plan. Injury incidences and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated for total sports participation as the number of recurrent ankle sprains reported per 1000 hours of sports, with exposure time of each individual player until the first recurrent ankle sprain. We also carried out a subgroup analysis on medical care for the inclusion ankle sprain. Cox regression analysis compared risk of recurrence of ankle sprain between the groups, with adjustment for age, type of sport (contact or non-contact), and level of sports (competitive or recreational). Other variables were checked for confounding or interaction, but none was found. All analyses were carried out according to the intention to treat principle. Differences were considered significant at P<0.05. Compliance numbers were presented as the absolute number of athletes (and percentages) in each category. Athletes in the control group who performed some form of proprioceptive training during followup were presented as a total number and a percentage of the total number of athletes in that group.” Totaal: 8 punten CAT-analyse 12 Randomized controlled study of ultrasound therapy in the management of acute lateral ligament sprains of the ankle joint (Nyanzi CS, Langridge J, Heyworth RC, Mani R) Punt 1: In/exclusiecriteria Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Geen gradatie in enkelletsel aangegeven voor inclusie. Toelichting: “All patients with inversion injuries of the ankle presenting consecutively to the A&E department at this centre were examined before having an x-ray of the injured ankle to exclude fractures, and admitted to the study if they met the following criteria.” “Patients included had sustained injuries less than 100 hours prior to entry, were able to follow instructions, and were in the age range 14–65 years. Subjects were excluded from the study if they had a previous similar injury within 1 year, had sustained multiple injuries, were diabetic, had extensive varicose veins or had bony injuries rendering them unstable.” Punt 2: Interventie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “A treatment intensity of 0.25 W / c m2 at a mark space ratio of 1:4 at 3 MHz was used. Treatment time was set at 10 minutes per session which allowed each area to be insonated for 2 minutes. An ultrasonic coupling gel recommended by the manufacturers was used. In practice, this gel was applied liberally to the skin under treatment with the transducer head held at right-angles to it. The head was moved in small overlapping circles to cover the area, taking care to keep the head in contact with skin all the time. Treatment was given on three consecutive days and patients were asked to attend a follow-up clinic 14 days after the last session.” Punt 3: Randomisatie Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “A randomized controlled study was carried out with patients assigned to either ultrasound therapy or placebo using a randomization code from the local department of Medical Statistics and Computing.” Punt 4: Blindering Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Patiënten + therapeuten geblindeerd. Toelichting: “Neither the user (CSN) nor the patient was aware of whether the ultrasound machine was in its active or sham phases.” Punt 5: Confounding Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Between groups, no statistically significant differences were measured in any of the objective measures.” Punt 6: Therapietrouw en contaminatie Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er staat aangegeven hoeveel er niet meer zijn gekomen naar de behandelingen. Dit is echter wel 12,1%. Contaminatie = Er wordt niet bijgehouden hoeveel paracetamol er wordt ingenomen per patiënt. Dit kan erg verschillen en is wel van belang bij de VAS uitkomstmaat. Daarnaast wordt er in de discussie getwijfeld aan de blindering. Toelichting: “Seven patients (12.1%, 4 placebo group and 3 ultrasound group) failed to complete the study by not attending either the third or the final session. On enquiry, all of these reported that they had recovered fully and did not have the time to attend the study.” Punt 7: Co-interventie Score: 1 punt Opmerking: Er wordt niet aangegeven hoeveel paracetamol er wordt gegeven. Toelichting: “Patients were advised to elevate the affected limb while resting, and weight bear on the injured foot when they were active. All patients were given suitably sized Tubigrip® (Seton, UK) to wear after treatment. Paracetamol was prescribed for those in need of analgesics.” Punt 8: Uitkomstmeting Score: 1 punt Toelichting: “Since pain, swelling and reduced mobility are major clinical features of ankle sprains, the outcome measures chosen to ascertain the effects of treatment were: a 10-cm linear visual analogue score (VAS) to assess pain, tape measurement of the ankle to determine swelling (Figure 2), range of ankle movement (ROM) to assess mobility, and simultaneous weighing on two identical bathroom scales with one foot on each to assess ability to weight bear. Both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion were recorded using a fluid – filled goniometer to determine ROM. All assessments were done by the same investigator (CSN) at all visits. Before recording VAS scores, patients were asked to walk a fixed 10-metre distance on all occasions.” Punt 9: Loss-to-follow up Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Aangegeven hoeveel er niet naar de laatste sessie zijn gegaan. Deze nemen ze niet mee in de data-analyse i.v.m. het niet hebben van gegevens. Toelichting: Zie therapietrouw Punt 10: Data-analyse Score: 0 punten Opmerking: Er wordt alleen beschreven van hoeveel patiënten de data-analyse is gedaan. Nergens in het artikel staat beschreven hoe ze dit hebben gedaan. Score: 7 punten CAT-Analyse 13 Supervised exercises for adults with acute lateral ankle sprain: a randomized controlled trial (van Rijn RM, van Os AG, Kleinrensink GJ, Bernsen RM, Verhaar JA et al) In/exclusiecriteria Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Patients with a lateral ankle sprain were eligible for the study if they were aged between 18 and 60 years and their first visit to the physician was within 1 week of injury. Patients were excluded if they had a history of an injury of the same ankle during the previous 2 years or if they had a fracture of the same ankle”. Interventie Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Patients in the physical therapy group participated in an individual and progressive training programme supervised by a physiotherapist, using a standardised protocol, which was based on guidance from the Royal Dutch Society of Physiotherapists (Supplementary Table 1). This programme existed of a maximum of nine half-hour sessions, within a period of 3 months, and included balance exercises, walking, running, and jumping”. Randomisatie Punt: 1 Toelichting: “After informed consent and after acquiring baseline information (questionnaire and clinical findings), each patient was randomised by a blinded and independent research assistant, making use of sealed envelopes which contained computergenerated randomisation cards, into either the conventional treatment group or the physical therapy group. Randomisation was stratified for setting (general practice versus emergency department) and severity of the injury (grade I and grade II versus grade III) with a block size of six”. Blindering Punt: 1 Toelichting: “All participants in both groups received the same conventional treatment from their physician who was not aware of whether the patient undertook additional supervised exercises”. Confounding Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Potential confounders were age, sex, body mass index, injury grade, treatment received as preferred, ankle load during work, and ankle load during leisure time at baseline”. Therapietrouw en contaminatie Punt: 0 Toelichting: “All patients in both groups received instructions on home exercises as part of the conventional treatment at the initial examination. In the group with additional supervised exercises, 74% (n = 28) of the patients reported to have done their home exercises regularly. Most patients in the group with conventional treatment alone (82%; n = 36) reported that in the first 3 weeks after injury they rarely or never did their home exercises”. Co-interventies Punt: 0 Toelichtig: “As some participants did not receive the treatment as initially allocated or crossed over and visited a physiotherapist during the trial, the treatment received was not 100%as initially allocated. Those who did not receive the physical therapy as allocated (n = 4) never attended the physical therapy practice. Of the patients assigned to the group with conventional treatment alone, 11% (n = 6) crossed over and visited a physiotherapist during follow up (all within the 3 months’ follow-up period)”. Uitkomstmeting Punt: 1 Toelichting: “The primary outcome measures were subjective recovery and occurrence of re-sprains at 3 months and 1 year of follow-up. Secondary outcome measures were patients appreciation of the received treatment, tested and reported instability and range of motion (ROM) of the ankle joint at 3 months’ follow-up, and reported instability at 1 year of follow-up. Questionnaires were administered at baseline at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 1 year after injury. Information was asked about: subjective recovery on a 0–10 point scale (0 represents no recovery and 10 full recovery); re-sprain; the patient’s appreciation of the received treatment (no, partial, or full appreciation); and reported instability”. ‘Loss-to-follow up’ Punt: 1 Toelichting: “A total of 107 patients were randomised during the inclusion period. Five of these patients (three from the physical therapy group, two from the conventional treatment group) were randomised too early. Although they reported to have sent the baseline questionnaire at the time they were randomised, researchers never received it; therefore, these five patients could not be included in the analyses. During the trial another five patients (four from the physical therapy group, one from the conventional treatment group) were lost to follow-up, but their last available data were carried forward in the analyses”. Data analyse Punt: 1 Toelichting: “Data were analysed with researchers being unaware of participants’ group assignment, using both an intention-to-treat analysis and a per-protocol analysis (that is, analysis based only on patients who complete the entire treatment protocol). For patients with incomplete datasets or who were lost to follow-up, the last available data were carried forward”. Totaal punten: 8
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