by Ampelio Zappalorto - Fine Arts Unternehmen


by Ampelio Zappalorto - Fine Arts Unternehmen
by Ampelio Zappalorto
by Ampelio Zappalorto
The project
The subject of the film is the journey. The actors are the
director himself and his daughter, the young child Andrea
The two main characters, between real and imaginary,
take a trip in which contemporary Berlin is the point of
departure and the Adriatic sea the arrival.
From the metropolis to nature, from the crystal to the
liquid world, inverting the biographic and artistic journey
of the author, Italy-Germany.
A passage in reverse, in which his daughter Andrea
becomes a kind of alter ego to the author.
In the film, the places, as well as the “Dramatis Personae”,
take on an almost metaphysical value.
In effect, the images may be read as an allegory of the
age of man and the ages of the world, of opposites that
constitute the individual and
the passage of time, or
again of the sublimely technological and the sublimely
Film data
Original format:
Super 8
18 minutes
Ampelio Zappalorto
David Bers, Cinzia Mello, Ampelio
Ampelio Zappalorto
Luca Del Sole, Ampelio Zappalorto
Giorgio De Novellis / DG PIXEL,
Padova - Italy
by Ampelio Zappalorto
Artist’s info
Born 1956 in Vittorio Veneto, Italy. Lives and works in
Berlin and Treviso.
Internazionale di Trento e Rovereto (I) 1997 Werkschau 5,
Neues Kunstquartier, Berlin / Realfiction, Area di ricerca
di Padriciano, Trieste 1996 Missing links, Galerie Klaus
Fischer, Berlin / Cluster images, Werkleitz Biennale,
Törnitz (D).1995 Werkschau 3, Neues Kunstquartier,
Berlin 1994 Pavillon des Instituts fürDeutsche Kultur,
Arte Fiera, Bologna / Perpetuum mobile, Biennale di S.
Martino di Lupari (I) 1993 XLV Biennale di Venezia 1992
Domestic art, Pettineo (I) / Brandbreite, BBK, Berlin 1991
Gegenüber, Galerie Westernhagen, Köln / Kunst Europa,
Marburger Kunstverein - Museum für Bildende Kunst,
Marburg (D).
1977-82 Graduated at the Accademia di Belle Arti,
1993 Scholarship of the Stiftung Kulturfonds, Berlin.
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2005 “Identity” Palazzo Pretorio, Cittadella-Padova
2002 “Blumen fuer Deutschland” Artinprogress, Berlin
2001 Galleria L’Elefante, Treviso (I) 2000 Pari & Dispari
Project, Berlin 1999 Palazzo Ducale, Genova / Pari &
Dispari Project, Reggio Emilia 1998 Fondaco delle Biade,
Feltre (I) 1997 Galleria Totem-Il Canale, Venezia / Studio
Tommaseo, Trieste 1995 Apparat Galerie, Berlin / Palazzo
Piazzoni, Vittorio Veneto (I) 1994 Kunst-Werke, Berlin
1993 Studio Venticinque, Milano 1991 Eisenhalle, Berlin /
Galerie Westernhagen, Köln 1990 Galerie Loulou Lasard,
Berlin / Galerie Westernhagen, Koln.
Ampelio Zappalorto, edited by S. Gualdi, Fine Arts
Unternehmen Books by Christian Marinotti, Milano 2002
R. Maresci, Death Market, Contatti n° 132, pp. 91-92,
Castelvecchi Editore, Roma 1998
Pas de Deux, edited by T. Santi, Adriano Parise Editore,
Verona 1996
Group exhibitions (selection)
2005 “Festival del cinema Italiano” Pesaro 2004
“Mostra Bianca” a cura di A. Martino, Centro Arte
Contemporanea Bannata,Piazza Armerina-Enna / “HeartFeltreartecontemporanea” a cura di De Faveri Arte,
Feltre / “Mixed Media” a cura di M. Di Stefano, Centro
Arte Contemporanea Bannata, Piazza Armerina-Enna /
“Independent Film Show, 4th Edition” a cura di P. Pala,
Fondazione Morra, Napoli 2003 “Take care” a cura di
A. Pauletti, Museo Nazionale Villa Pisani, Stra-Padova /
“Take care” a cura di A. Pauletti, Galleria A+A, Venezia
/ “Generations” a cura di M. Bers, Galerie K&S, Berlin
2001 Terrae, Palazzo Guarnieri, Feltre (I) / Esercizi di
stile, Palazzina delle Arti, La Spezia (I) - Museo Civico,
Senigallia (I) 2000 Fotoalchimie, Museo Pecci, Prato (I)
/ Il corpo rinato, Galleria il Gabbiano, La Spezia (I) 1999
Art for a real life, Pari & Dispari Project, Reggio Emilia (I)
/ Werkschau 6, Neues Kunstquartier, Berlin / Zufall und
Inszenierung, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden 1998
Gesichter und Dinge, NGBK, Berlin / Senza titolo, Festival
Sektor, Artist’s Services Berlin, Kulturwerk, Association of
Visual Art, 124,127, Berlin 1996
Il pasto estetico, edited by T. Santi, Assessorato alla
Cultura, Vittorio Veneto (I) 1995
Ampelio Zappalorto, Deterritoriale, XLV Biennale di
Venezia, edited by T. Santi, texts by T. Santi, M. Bers,
Adriano Parise Editore, Verona 1993
Ampelio Zappalorto, Amor, edited by J. Pepper, text by M.
Babias, Galerie Loulou Lasard, Berlin 1990
Terrae-5 ceramisti contemporanei, edited by A. Pauletti,
Palazzo Guarneri, Feltre 2001
Esercizi di stile, edited by M. Ratti, text by M. Borzone,
by Ampelio Zappalorto
// Artist’s info
Palazzina delle Arti, La Spezia (I) - Museo Civico, Senigallia
(I), Silvana Editoriale, Milano 2001
Berlin, edited by Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit und
Soziales, Berlin 1995
Il pasto estetico, edited by T. Santi, Assessorato alla
Cultura, Vittorio Veneto (I), 1995
Fotoalchimie, edited by M. Bentivoglio, texts by M.
Benivoglio, B. Corà, Museo Pecci, Prato 2000
Verso il fiume, edited by Assessorato alla Cultura, S. Donà
di Piave (I), Venezia 2000
Perpetuum mobile, edited by T. Santi, Biennale di S.
Martino do Lupari (I)
Pulp-archeologia del 3° millennio, edited by V. Dehò,
Galleria Mares, Pavia (I), Ed, M. Calisti, Pavia 1999
texts by T. Santi, M. Bers, , Juliet Editrice, Trieste 1994
Ampelio Zappalorto. Deterritoriale, XLV Biennale di
Venezia, edited by T. Santi, texts by M. Bers, T. Santi,
Adriano Parise Editore, Verona 1993
L’immagine forte, edited by T. Santi, Galleria Dieda,
Bassano del Grappa (I), 1999
Die Frage der Aura/La questione dell’Aura, edited by
V. Conti, texts by M. Perniola, H. Saner, R. Pierantoni,
Palazzo Ducale, Genova 1999
XLV Biennale di Venezia, edited by A. Bonito Oliva,
Marsilio Editore, Venezia 1993
La presenza della virtualità, edited by M. Borzone, Edizioni
Laboratorio della Lunigiana, La Spezia (I) 1993
Werkschau 6, text by W. Gauger, Neues Kunstquartier
Berlin, edited by Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit und
Soziales, Berlin 1999
Kunst Europa, edited by VDK, texts by A. Kohlmeier and
M. Babias, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz (D) 1991
Gesichter und Dinge – contemporary photography in
Germany, text by M. Harder, edited by NGBK-Berlin,
Berlin 1998
Theater fuer Pforzheim, edited by H. Ohff, texts by H. Ohff
and G. Kuehne, Oktogon Verlag, Muenchen 1990
Werkshau 5, text by E. Kaufhold, Neues Kunstquartier
Berlin, edited by Senatsverwaltung fur Gesundheit und
Soziales, Berlin 1997
Verso levante, edited by M. Di Stefano, Assessorato alla
Cultura, Siracusa (I) 1989
Gradi del brunire, edited by M. Di Stefano, texts by M. Di
Stefano and L. Perissinotto, Palazzo Piazzoni Parravicini,
Vittorio Veneto (I) 1987
Realfiction, edited by M. Campitelli, Area di ricerca di
Padriciano, Trieste 1997
Cluster images, edited by M. Konrath and M. Kreissler,
Werkleitz Biennale of the new media, Toernitz,
Magdeburg (D)1996
Arte a Treviso, edited by L. Rosso Bortolatto, Matteo
Editore, Treviso (I) 1987
Kunst konzentriert, edited by IBK e.V., Berlin 1986
A oriente, edited by Assesorato alla Cultura, text by T.
Santi, Casa del Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto (I) 1996
Werkschau 3, text by K. B. Müller, Neuen Kunstquartier
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phone +41 41 711 68 20 / fax +41 41 711 54 15
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