Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:


Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Würfelbecher Myranor ...........................15,00
Würfelbecher Thorwal...............................15,00
Der neue Thorwaler Würfelbecher trägt das silberne Swafnir-Symbol der
Thorwaler im Wellenkreis auf blauem Grund.
Im Zwölfgötterglauben gilt Swafnir als Sohn Efferds und Rondras und
somit als Halbgott. Der Würfelbecher besteht aus dem Becher und einem
Deckel auf dem auch das Symbol der Swafnir aufgedruckt ist. Swafnir
ist der Gott der Seefahrt, er hat aber auch einen kämpferischen Aspekt.
Daher wird der DSA Würfelbecher mit zwei zum Becher passenden
sechsseitigen Würfeln ausgeliefert, auf denen auch das Swafnir-Symbol
aufgedruckt ist.
Würfelbecher Horasreich............................15,00
Myranor das Güldenland, ist ein Kontinent der Welt Dere. Er befindet
sich westlich von Aventurien, jenseits des Meeres der Sieben Winde.
Myranor unterscheidet sich von Aventurien vor allem durch seine
erheblich größeren geografischen Ausmaße und einer Vielzahl von
nicht menschlichen Völkern.
Der Kontinent dehnt sich von Norden nach Süden von Pol zu Pol aus;
die Ost-West-Ausdehnung ist aber noch weiträumiger und umfasst
damit mehr als die Hälfte der Welt von Dere. Der Würfelbecher besteht
aus dem Becher und einem Deckel, auf beiden ist die Goldene Triopta
aufgedruckt. Der Würfelbecher besteht aus handgearbeiteten schwarzem
Der Myranor Würfelbecher wird mit zwei zum Becher passenden
sechsseitigen Würfeln ausgeliefert, auf denen auch die Goldene Triopta
aufgedruckt ist.
RatCon 2010 – Eintrittskarte.....................12,00
Die Veranstaltung für alle Fantasyund Science-Fiction-Begeisterten
aus ganz Deutschland!
10.09. - 12.09.2010 FritzHenßler-Haus,
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 33-37,
Beginn: Freitag ab 18.00 Uhr
Ende: Sonntag um 18.00 Uhr
Eintritt: 12,- Euro (für alle 3 Tage)
Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie
Erscheint am 19.08.2010
Horas wird vor allem im Horasreich angebetet und gilt dort als Gesandter
aller Zwölfgötter. Nach der Lehre der Praios-Kirche ist er ein Sohn
Ucuris; selten gilt er auch als Sohn Praios' und der güldenländischen
Magierin Gylduria. Angeblich landete er auf einem Adler in Aventurien
dort, wo heute die Stadt Horasia liegt.
Er soll "das Auge, das sieht" und "die Stimme, die befiehlt" gehabt
haben, auf der Stirne den Ucuri-Funken (Drittes Auge) getragen und die
Linie der Kaiser Aventuriens begründet haben.
Sein Name wurde zum Titel und die Kaiser des alten wie des neuen
Horasreiches fügten ihn ihrem Namen an.
Der Würfelbecher besteht aus dem Becher und einem Deckel auf beiden
ist der Adlerwappen des Horasreiches aufgedruckt.
Und der DSA Würfelbecher wird auch mit zwei zum Becher
passenden sechsseitigen Würfeln ausgeliefert, auf denen auch
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Ulisses Spiele
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Die Dunklen Zeiten Imperien in Trümmern..............................60,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Wir schreiben das Jahr 564 vor
Bosparans Fall. Der Blutkaiser
Fran-Horas wurde in die
Niederhöllen gerissen, nur wenige
Jahre nachdem er das
Bosparanische Reich in den
Abgrund der Ersten
Dämonenschlacht getrieben hat. Die
Legionen sind vernichtet, die
Provinzen versinken im Chaos.
Orks und Goblins verheeren ganze
Landstriche und unterjochen die
wehrlosen Siedler. Während die
Menschen in den Randgebieten des
Imperiums um das nackte
Überleben kämpfen, flüchten sich
die Herren Bosparans in Ausschweifungen und Dekadenz.
Auch auf der anderen Seite des Kontinents ziehen düstere Wolken auf.
Das einst so mächtige Diamantene Sultanat, die Wiege der tulamidischen
Kultur, blickt einer unsicheren Zukunft entgegen. Die Kämpfe um den
Sultansthron im prächtigen Khunchom bringen keinen Sieger hervor und
lähmen das riesige Reich. Das finstere Großsultanat Elem, einst
mächtigster Vasall des Diamantenen Throns, geht eigene Wege und
erweckt auf seinem Eroberungszug bald den Zorn höherer Mächte.
Jegliche Ordnung ist verloren, selbst die Götter streiten um die
Vorherrschaft in Aventurien und die Menschen scheinen zu reinen
Spielsteinen der Überderischen zu werden. Die Grenzen zwischen Gut
und Böse verschwimmen, wenn ein jeder nur versucht zu überleben. Um
in dieser Zeit sein Glück zu finden, braucht es Wagemut,
Entschlossenheit, eine scharfe Klinge und einen wachen Verstand. Es ist
eine dunkle Zeit – eine Zeit für Helden!
Diese Spielhilfe macht erstmals die aventurische Historie am Spieltisch
erlebbar. Enthalten sind alle Informationen, die zum Spiel in den
sagenhaften Dunklen Zeiten (564 – 162 v. BF) benötigt werden. Lernen
Sie Aventurien von einer anderen Seite kennen! Wir wünschen Ihnen viel
Spaß beim Eintauchen in eine faszinierende Zeit.
Neben einer ausführlichen und sich über zwei Bücher erstreckenden
Beschreibung des aventurischen Kontinents in dieser wechselhaften
Epoche und einem weiteren Band mit den nötigen Regelerweiterungen,
finden Sie weiterhin einen Abenteuerband mit verschiedenen Szenarien,
ein Heft mit einer Sammlung von Geschichten und Erzählungen, sowie
umfangreiches Kartenmaterial.
Hallen Arkaner Macht................................30,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 19.08.2010
Die über ganz Aventurien verstreuten Akademien der Magiergilden sind
nicht nur Stätten der Ausbildung arkan begabter Zöglinge, sondern auch
Stoff für allerlei Legenden und Geschichten. Mächtige Artefakte und
große Schätze sollen hier lagern, ebenso wie manche Relikte der
Vergangenheit. Aber was geht wirklich hinter den Mauern der
Magierakademien vor? Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet diese Frage und
stellt ausführlich dar, wie die Ausbildung der Scholaren abläuft, wie man
Zugang zu den umfangreichen Bibliotheken erhält, welche
Dienstleistungen man für welchen Preis erhalten kann und was
tatsächlich im Giftschrank einer
Akademie lagert. Neben der
Bereicherung des Hintergrundes von
Helden-Magiern ist das Ziel des
Bandes dabei vor allem die
Aufbereitung der Akademien als
Schauplätze für Abenteuer.
Der vorliegende Band enthält neben
einem allgemeinen Teil zum Leben
an den aventurischen Akademien
ausführliche Beschreibungen
einzelner Lehranstalten. Die
einzelnen hierbei behandelten
Akademien sind: Belhanka, Brabak,
Donnerbach, Fasar (Al'Achami),
Festum, beide Garether Akademien,
Lowangen (Akademie der
Verformungen), Kuslik (Halle der
Metamorphosen), Methumis,
Mherwed, Perricum, Riva, Thorwal und Zorgan. Jede Beschreibung wird
um Bodenpläne und weitere Karten ergänzt.
Die übrigen Akademien werden in einem folgenden Band beschrieben.
Der Mondenkaiser......................................23,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Ein tiefer Riss geht durch das
Mittelreich. Während Kaiserin
Rohaja von Gareth im Norden
versucht, ihr zerrüttetes Reich zu
ordnen, beansprucht ihr Bruder
Selindian Hal ebenfalls die
Kaiserwürde. Das Volk in Almada
liebt und verehrt ihn wie einen
Heiligen, doch im Rest des Reiches
belächelt man den blassen Jüngling,
der seit frühester Kindheit von
Geheimnissen und düsteren
Prophezeiungen umgeben ist. Doch
der Mondenkaiser, wie ihn seine
Gefolgsleute nennen, ist nicht länger
gewillt, auf sein Schicksal zu warten:
Er fordert die Anerkennung ein, die ihm zusteht – und scheint dafür
gewillt, ein ganzes Reich in den Krieg zu reißen.
Während die Helden im Reich des Mondenkaisers unterwegs sind,
kommen sie einem hinter Träumen und Schleiern verborgenen
Geheimnis auf die Spur. Und sie erhalten eine Ahnung, welche
ungeheuren Mächte im Hintergrund nur darauf lauern, dass die Situation
eskaliert und das Mittelreich in einen neuen Bürgerkrieg stürzt.
Der Mondenkaiser enthält neben dem eigentlichen Abenteuer um das
Schicksal des almadanischen Königs umfangreiche
Hintergrundinformationen, mit denen Sie eine eigene, umfassende
Kampagne im Königreich am Yaquir ausgestalten können.
Space Gothic
Space Gothic-SL-Schirm.............................14,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 26.08.2010
Verbergen Sie mit dem Spielleiterschirm für das Space Gothic Rollenspiel
Ihre wichtigen Notizen und Würfelergebnisse vor den neugierigen Augen
Ihrer Spieler! Dieser aus vier Falt-Elementen bestehende
Spielleiterschirm zeigt auf der den Spielern zugewandten Seite
fantastische Illustrationen aus dem Space Gothic Universum, während
auf der Seite des Spielleiters Tabellen und Übersichten aufgeführt sind,
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
die das Spiel beschleunigen, indem
sie ihm das Blättern und Suchen im
Regelbuch ersparen. Alle wichtigen
Tabellen für den Kampf und
Fertigkeiteneinsatz sind vorhanden,
dazu gibt es eine Auswahl der
wichtigsten Waffen und
Schutzkleidungen. Hergestellt aus
stabiler Pappe eignet sich dieser
strapazierfähige Schirm ideal für
unterwegs, für das Spielen auf
Conventions und Messen oder
John Sinclair
John Sinclair-SL-Schirm............................14,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Streng vertraulich!
Verbergen Sie mit dem
Erzählerschirm für das John
Sinclair Abenteuerspiel Ihre
wichtigen Notizen vor den
neugierigen Augen Ihrer Spieler!
Dieser aus vier Falt-Elementen
bestehende Erzählerschirm zeigt
auf der den Spielern zugewandten
Seite fantastische Illustrationen aus
dem John Sinclair Universum,
während auf der Seite des
Erzählers Tabellen und Übersichten
aufgeführt sind, die das Spiel
beschleunigen, indem sie ihm das
Blättern und Suchen im Regelbuch
ersparen. Alle wichtigen Tabellen für den Kampf und die Abwicklung von
Herausforderungen sind vorhanden, dazu gibt es eine vollständige Liste
aller Waffen und Ausrüstungen aus dem Grundregelwerk und dem ersten
Abenteuerband „Ewige Jugend“ sowie eine umfangreiche Sammlung
Allgemeiner Erzähleraktionen. Hergestellt aus stabiler Pappe eignet sich
dieser strapazierfähige Schirm ideal für unterwegs, für das Spielen auf
Conventions und Messen oder zuhause.
Pathfinder dt.
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Verberge mit dem Spielleiterschirm
für das Pathfinder Rollenspiel deine
wichtigen Notizen und
Würfelergebnisse vor den
neugierigen Augen deiner Spieler!
Dieser aus vier Falt-Elementen
bestehende Spielleiterschirm zeigt
auf der den Spielern zugewandten
Seite die fantastischen
Illustrationen von Wayne Raynolds.
Auf der Seite des Spielleiters
stehen dir dagegen alle wichtigen
Tabellen und Übersichten zur
Verfügung, mit denen du das Spiel schnell und unterhaltsam leiten
kannst, ohne lang im Regelbuch
herumblättern zu müssen. Hergestellt aus stabiler Pappe eignet sich
dieser strapazierfähige Schirm ideal für unterwegs, für das Spielen auf
Conventions und Messen oder zuhause.
Almanach zum Finstermondtal...................17,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Weinet, denn das Licht ist
Die bedrohlichen Weiten des
heimtückischen Finstermondtales
sind eine von Feen heimgesuchte
Wildnis am Rande der Zivilisation,
in der die schlimmsten Raubtiere
und die größten Gefahren die
Menschen selbst sind – wie auch
jene, die oftmals als Menschen
angesehen werden. Mit dem
Almanach zum Finstermondtal
kann man diese furchteinflößende
Region detailgenau erforschen,
uralte Zwergenruinen und dabei
einen Zirkel böser Druiden sowie
die Geheimnisse der gefürchteten Werwölfe kennenlernen, die im
Ardschlagwald und dem Finstermondtal ihr Unwesen treiben. Zusätzlich
lüftet das Buch die Geheimnisse des berüchtigten Falkengrunds und
seines tyrannischen Herrschers Thuldrin Kreed, des Holzkonsortiums,
des letzten Barons des republikanischen Andoran, des zurecht
gefürchteten Koboldkönigs und dem noch immer rumorenden Vulkan
Droskars Fels. Als perfekter Ort für Abenteuer wartet das Finstermondtal
und seine Geheimnisse auf die Spielercharaktere.
Mit großer beiliegender Karte 400 x 520 mm.
Die Zwerge Golarions.................................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Axt und Hammer!
Vor Jahrhunderten in lichtlose
Höhlen hineingeboren, kämpften
sich die Zwerge in ihrer Jagd nach
einer göttlichen Prophezeiung
aufwärts. Während ihrer
sagenhaften Himmelsqueste trieben
sie die wilden Orks vor sich her, bis
sie schließlich die Welt an der
Oberfläche erreichten. In ihren
eigenen Reichen und Gebräuchen
verankert, bearbeiten die Zwerge
nun ihre Schmieden, singen Lieder
von legendären Helden, brauen ihr
berühmtes Bier und ziehen in die
Schlacht gegen böse Humanoide und abscheuliche Monster.
In diesem Pathfinder-Handbuch findest du:
• Informationen über die Zwerge von Golarion – wo sie leben, wovon sie
sich ernähren, wie sie sich kleiden und ihre Einstellungen gegenüber
Arbeit und Krieg.
• Neue Kampftalente für zwergische Kampfstile.
• Die Geschichte des Zwergenvolkes.
• Eine Regionalbeschreibung der Fünfkönigsberge, dem ältesten und
standfestesten Refugium der Zwerge.
• Seltene Magie der Zwergengötter.
• Zauber für den Kontakt mit Ahnen sowie für den Schutz und das
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Überleben in den Finsterlanden.
• Neue Wesenszüge für Zwergencharaktere.
• Spieltechnische Werte für drei zwergische NSC, die als Söldner oder
Gefolgsleute dienen können
Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor
Galerie des Bösen (Modul U1).....................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Pathfinder Modul
Die große Stadt Absalom ist als
Zentrum des Handels, der Bildung
und der Kunst bekannt. Im
Efeuviertel leben dutzende
berühmter Künstler, doch einer von
ihnen kann seine Bilder zum Leben
erwecken und mit seinen Farben
schreckliche, zerstörungswütige
Monster heraufbeschwören. Gelingt
es den Spielercharakteren, den
wahnsinnigen Maler zu stoppen,
bevor er seine Kunst
perfektioniert? Galerie des Bösen
ist ein Stadtabenteuer für Charaktere der 8. Stufe und ist mit dem
beliebtesten Fantasy-Rollenspiel der Welt kompatibel. Der Band
beinhaltet Informationen zum Efeuviertel von Absalom und natürlich zu
dem diabolischen Künstler und seinen verdrehten Werken. Die
Spielercharaktere müssen den Urheber der tödlichen Gemälde ausfindig
machen und seine wahre Identität aufdecken.
Geeignet für: Charaktere der 8. Stufe
Abenteuerart: Stadt-Abenteuer
Schauplatz: Absalom
8 Battlemechs ............................................3,75
Tod in Valantia..........................................22,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Sidor Valantis, die rauschende
Metropole Valantischen Meer, ist
bekannt für ihr buntes
Völkergemisch und ihren
ausschweifenden Lebensstil.
Besonders im „Sang“, den Tagen
im Jahr, in denen Raia gehuldigt
wird und sich die Straßen der Stadt
mit Feiernden füllen. Die Tage, die
jedes Jahr im prächtigen und
pompösen Raia-Fest münden.
Auch dieses Jahr herrscht schon
ausgelassene Stimmung als die
Helden in Sidor Valantis eintreffen,
doch die Pläne das berauschende
Fest zu genießen, geraten bald in
Vergessenheit, denn der Tod geht um in Valantia! Eine Serie von höchst
ungewöhnlichen Todesfällen zieht die Helden in einen gefährlichen Sog
aus Intrigen, Begierden und Rache, der sie quer durch die verwirrenden
Gassen und Kanäle von Rumakra treibt. So wird die Aufgabe weitere
Opfer zu verhindern umso zwingender, als sie selbst in den Verdacht
geraten, in die Vorkommnisse verwickelt zu sein und sie um ihr Leben
fürchten müssen. Mannigfaltig sind die Geheimnisse die darauf warten
von den Helden, aus dem schummrigen und betörenden Halbdunkel
heraus, ans Tageslicht gezerrt zu werden. So werden sie gezwungen sich
selbst in die zwielichtigen und verruchten Ecken Sidor Valantis zu
stürzen, um Antworten zu finden und viele interessante Persönlichkeiten
zu treffen, die sich als hilfreiche Verbündete oder erbitterte Gegner der
Helden erweisen können.
Fantasy Productions
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Enthält acht Miniaturen:
Kit Fox (Uller), Black Hawk, Daishi, Mad Cat, Orion, Victor, Centurion,
Alle unsere Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert und können aus
Einzelteilen bestehen!
Isenborn Band 3 - Eisen, #122..................10,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Die Dritte Dämonenschlacht ist
vorüber – die düstere Bedrohung ist
es nicht! Jetzt senden die dunklen
Fürsten ihre Truppen in den
Söldner, Drachen, ein Untotenheer
und eine fliegende Festung sollen
das Mittelreich zerbrechen.
Inmitten dieses unheiligen
Ansturms richten die Freiherren
vom Isenborn ihr Banner über
einem neuen Junkergut auf,
während sich ihre Kinder fern der
Heimat bewähren müssen: Fiana
kämpft mit den Schergen des
Dämonenkaisers um Isenborns Eisen, und Falk dient seinem
Schwertvater als Knappe. Beide folgen dem Weg, den Mut und Pflicht
sie weisen. Er wird sie zu Heldentum führen – oder in einen frühen
Tod ...
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Die zerschnittene Welt (Marasin 3)............10,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Juli 3114 alter Terranischer
In dieser Zeit geht die United Stars
Organisation – kurz USO – gegen das
organisierte Verbrechen vor. An ihrer
Spitze steht der Arkonide Atlan,
Perry Rhodans bester Freund. Ein
Zellaktivator verleiht dem mehr als
zehntausend Jahre alten einstigen
Imperator des arkonidischen
Imperiums die relative
Atlan, die Psi-Kämpferin Trilith Okt
und die siganesische Besatzung des
Paladin-Roboters haben ein klares
Ziel: Sie wollen die Bewohner
Marasins vor der drohenden Invasion
der Illochim warnen. Auf dem
bizarren Planeten Kamsporn, dessen Äquator von einer mehr als
fünfhundert Kilometer hohen und von zahlreichen Völkern bewohnten
Plattform umgeben ist, glaubt ihnen jedoch niemand. Man betrachtet sie
sogar als Feinde und macht Jagd auf sie.
Die Zeit wird knapp, denn derweil nimmt in der Milchstraße Parjasthina,
der oberste Doviat der Illochim, die letzte Phase seines lange geplanten
Rachefeldzugs in Angriff. Sein Ziel ist die zerschnittene Welt ...
Atlas Games
Ars Magica 5.Ed.
The Sundered Eagle...................................23,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Once-proud Constantinople has
been ravaged by bloodthirsty
Crusaders, and has sunken into
depravity and ruin. With the fall of
the blessed city, ancient magical
bindings maintained by Roman
relics of the defeated Empire are
now shattered and broken,
releasing beasts and demons to
roam the land. Tales of unseasonal
happenings draw eager hunters and
curious Seekers alike. Meanwhile,
the magi of the Theban Tribunal
and their supernatural patrons
devote their efforts to maintaining
the peace. They struggle against
divisions that mirror the age-old battles of the Titans and Olympian
gods, who even now stir among their ancient temples and sanctuaries.
The Sundered Eagle contains full details of the Tribunal of Thebes. The
lands of ancient Greece and Asia Minor are the home of epic legends and
mighty gods of both Faerie and Magic, while the Byzantine Empire has
its own myths. The Theban Tribunal's magi and covenants, who govern
themselves according to the democratic institutions of ancient Athens,
live among plentiful sites of power. Both mundane and supernatural
struggles for supremacy over these lands challenge characters to
negotiate a maze of Byzantine schemes. Each faction will have the
chance to restore peace and unity to the eastern Empire, under its own
Baksha Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Good Help..................................................39,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
You have just finished your evil doctorate. Now it s time to build your
first monster and unleash it on the town!
After bidding for two assistants, the doctors send them out into town to
gather supplies and body parts. (the doctors must at least appear to be an
upstanding member of society...)Product Code: BAK001
Under Construction - check back soon ! Once you have enough body
parts, supplies and money to pay your help, you can assemble your
monster and let it rampage! The player whose monster destroys the
town is the winner - but if more than one monster gets into the action, it
will be the last monster standing!
You need new game board!
Bedrock Games
Crime Network
Old Country (Crime Network RPG)..............11,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Dominic Russo is a rat. A deal gone
wrong landed his pals in jail—and
Russo in the witness protection
program. While his buddies got old
and angry in the pen, Russo spent
five years relaxing on the beach.
But now, his number’s come up.
Russo’s beach is located in Conaca,
a small city on the western coast of
Sicily. The family he turned his
back on knows this – and they've
got people they can count on to
make sure Russo gets what he
In Old Country, a module for the
Crime Network role-playing system,
players travel far from home to take
care of a traitor, and find
themselves embroiled in a city-wide
manhunt. Russo’s connections in his Italy are stronger than ever, and the
network that protects him is as old as the island itself.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Far from their America, in a mob paradise where they have no foothold,
players will be forced to rely on their wits to accomplish this mission,
and every last drop of their mettle to determine how far they’ll go for
mob justice.
Black Blade Publishing
Swords & Wizardry
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules...................16,80
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Swords & Wizardry is an OGL
adaptation of the original 1974
fantasy role-playing game created by
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, with
select supplemental material
(1974-1979). Prepare to be
introduced to the old style of free-form
gaming. These rules are flexible and
open to interpretation - designed not to
cover all conceivable situations, but to
allow good Referees and players the
freedom to create and play games of
their own design. Pick up the rules,
grab some dice, some graph paper and
a pencil and imagine the Hell out of it!
Catalyst Game Lab
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Balance of Power.......................................31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
It is 1815 and the world has been
turned upside down. Napoleon
Bonaparte has finally been defeated
after nearly conquering all of Europe
through years of devastating warfare.
Now the Great Powers must deal with
the chaos left behind. As each nation
early tries to grow, a careful balance of
government, military and economic
interests must be maintained.
Shadowrun 4.Ed.
Runner's Toolkit........................................31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Runner's Toolkit
Beyond skills and instincts, the proper kit
will see a runner through almost any
situation. The difference between
dropping nuyen in your pocket and street
cred to your name, and an ignominious
death. The Runner’s Toolkit provides a
plethora of tools for both gamemasters
and players to make running easier than
ever. This box contains the following:
A deluxe, hard-cardboard 4-panel
Gamemaster’s Screen.
On The Run, a 56 page “fi rst adventure.”
Contacts, Adventures & Sprawl Sites, a 32 page booklet of ready-to-use
contacts, and a host of adventure ideas.
4 letter-sized, full-color laminated maps of the Sprawl Sites locations.
A 64 page book of tables from Arsenal, Augmentation, Street Magic, and
Unwired: a perfect “shopping list” for character creation.
Anatomy of a Shadowrun, a fi ction and rules walkthrough of a typical
The Pregenerated Auxiliary Character Generation System (PACs), a plugand-play system for quickly generating characters; also includes 7 new
sample characters.
6 heavy-duty double-sided cardstock Quick Reference Cheat Sheets for
use during gameplay.
Sixth World Almanac.................................35,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
What was the VITAS outbreak like
for the people who were there?
What was Renraku Arcology—and
its operating software—like before
it became a total nightmare? How
does it feel to get off a plane and
set foot in the ghoul kingdom of
The Sixth World Almanac is the
ultimate compendium of Sixth
World energy, history, and
geography. With the most detailed
timeline in Shadowrun’s history
and write-ups of nearly forty major
nations, this book immerses players
and gamemasters in the Sixth World deeper than they have ever been.
The Almanac is full of Shadowrun firsts, including the first-ever fullcolor map of the entire Sixth World and new fiction covering historic
eras that have never been detailed in past sourcebooks. Open the
Almanac and fall into the Sixth World—let the art, the maps, and the
writing bring you more completely into one of the most exciting,
enduring role-playing settings of all time!
Dawn of the Artifacts: Darkest Hour...........11,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Jane "Frosty" Foster returns to
recruit help for tracking down
another artifact the Phaistos Disc,
which can help unlock some of the
secrets of the Piri Reis Map. This
adventure goes international, taking
the runners to Hamburg, Europort,
and Frankfurt, and bringing them in
contact with organized criminals,
law enforcement authorities,
Aztechnology security forces, and
Darkest Hour is a complete
adventure that continues the Dawn
of the Artifacts storyline but can
also be played alone. Some of the
powers behind the search for the
powerful artifacts make themselves more visible as the conclusion of the
hunt draws near.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Battletech Introductory Set - 25th
Anniversary Set
24 unpainted, ready-to-play plastic
BattleMech minis
2 unpainted, premium-quality
plastic BattleMech minis
One 12-page full-color quick-start
rulebook will have players into the
action in minutes
36-page book of pre-generated
BattleMech Record Sheets
One 80-page full-color rulebook
inner Sphere at a Glance, a 56-page
full-color book of universe background and BattleMech technical data
One 16-page full-color Painting and tactics Guide
two heavy-duty cards of compiled tables
two 18” x 24” game-board quality maps
einschätzbaren Temperament, wandelt der Fürst der Massaker nun
erneut über Gaïa…
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Kingsley Warlock ist sowohl eines
der Vorstandsmitglieder von
Schwarze Sonne, als auch einer der
vertrauenswürdigsten Agenten der
Familie Delacroix. Meister des
Schwertes als auch der dunklen
Künste, nutzt er seine Kontrolle
über die Untoten um seinen Einfluss
als auch den von Schwarze Sonne
best möglich auszuweiten.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Die Shinobi sind Elite Assassinen
die von der östlichen Insel namens
Varja stammen. Rücksichtslos
wurden sie sowohl in uralten Ki
Techniken, als auch den dunklen
Künsten der Infiltration und
Heimlichkeit trainiert. Ihr Leben
jedoch haben diese schattengleichen
Mörder gänzlich ihren Fürsten
Corvus Belli
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Der ultimative Henker namens
Marchosias, ist der mächtigste
Kämpfer der Inquisition. Er ist eine
gefährliche Waffe, welche die Kirche
nur entfesselt wenn die Situation es
unweigerlich erfordert. Mit seinem
unbegrenzten Potential für
Zerstörung und einem nur schwer
Moblots (Rifle, Panzerfaust).........................7,75
The fast and versatile Merovingian
Heavy Infantry is back! Now in a
female version armed with the
powerful Panzerfaust to provide
heavy support to Ariadnan forces.
This figure is the perfect match for
those players who want to create a
Moblots Infinity Fireteam. The
Moblot girl is a sure choice for any
Cipher Studios
HexPack: Lakes & Rivers
More Terrain for the Battlefield!
You've defeated your opponent
across all the terrain that the
BattleTech Introductory Box Set has
to offer and now you want more
worlds to conquer. Grab your dice
and start rolling, because this
product is for you!
HexPack: Lakes and Rivers is a
flexible map system aid for the
BattleTech game system. Designed for use in conjunction with other preprinted mapsheets (such as those from the Introductory Box Set), the
system’s flexibility allows for easy modifications to existing mapsheets,
increasing the enjoyment of a given scenario as players quickly change
the terrain to bring new excitement to each game they play! A booklet
contains two ready-to-play scenarios, which include expanded play
options such as clearing woods, buildings and additional weather
•One 18″ x 22″ full-color gameboard-quality mapsheet, with a different
map printed on either side.
•Four punch-out-and-ready-to-play gameboard-quality HexTile sheets.
•Sixteen page booklet.
Miniatures not included
Ariadnan player!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Armbots: Peacemaker and Auxbot ............24,00
The PanOceanian assault Remotes have been created to engage an
enemy swiftly, damaging it in the first stage of the battle. Thanks to
their advanced deployment capability, the Peacemaker Armbots are the
most suitable choice to do so. These assault Remotes will coordinate
attacks with their Auxbots, laying down an unceasing barrage to totally
obliterate any hostile force.
Djanbazan (Rifle+Light Shotgun)..................7,75
Sin-Eater Observants (Sniper).......................7,75
the battlefield! (Blister containing 1 figure).
Cubicle 7
Gamescapes: Grasslands............................10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
You asked for it, and here it is –
Savage Mojo’s well-loved, high
quality art applied to flip-mats that
we've designed specifically for open
plan warfare. When the titans of
your imagination clash they can do
it on finely detailed grasslands that
we've recreated in all their
resplendent glory on your gaming
table. The ground isn't cluttered
with mountains or pre-rendered
buildings - use the set for any game
where a stretch of grass is what
you want, from fantasy to sci-fi,
western to waterworld (well, maybe
not that last one).
For increased flexibility, and because you asked for it too, we've
produced this battlefield in two versions - with the regular 1" square grid
and with a hex-based version on the other side. Now you hex-based
wargamers can join in the Gamescapes fun!
The military tasks of the male counterparts of the Reverend Moiras are
to cover the advance of Observance troops by providing support fire and
to protect Nomad settlements. The Sin-Eaters will stand out during your
enemy’s active turn, when you can take advantage of their Neurocinetics
Special Skill, allowing them to shoot the complete Burst of their
weapons. A single Sin-Eater Observant can become the key element of
any Nomad defensive tactics!
Garuda Tactbots (HMG)................................8,75
Death from above! The
Garudas are the airborne
troops of the Special
Situations Sections. There
is no more fearsome
enemy than this combat
robot which can land
behind your lines armed
with its rapid-fire heavy
machine gun. Raining
death from the clouds
means ALEPH has come to
Taken from the old Haqqislam Starter Pack, now discontinued, the basic
Djanbazan is released separately for all those new Haqqislamite players,
and also any veterans who want to build up a Djanbazan Infinity
Fireteam, taking advantage of the Link Troops rule. The Djanbazans are a
special operations unit, experts in Search and Destroy actions, using
their Multispectral Visors to find hidden enemies.
Gamescapes: Desert Steppes......................10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Map tiles of churches and ruins are
all well and good for roleplaying
those small encounters, but when
hordes clash, it's time for untold
carnage on open battlemat terrain,
in 1" squares or hexes as it suits
This desert steppe terrain is perfect
for a whole host of battlegrounds,
from a raid by Mongolian horsemen
to startroopers attacking on Mars.
Wherever a rich red rocky
landscape is suitable, whether it's
modern Afghanistan or a fantasy
wasteland, this is one stunning
backdrop for the fighting.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Gamescapes: Wasteland.............................10,93
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Wastelands are deadly places, and
none more so than our battlemat
terrain. Blasted rock as far as the
eye can see, beautifully recreated as
a set of flip-maps. The perfect kill
zone for your minis to fight it out,
whether it's roleplaying or tactical
For added flexibility you get two
versions of the terrain, one with the
classic 1" square grid on it, the
other marked up with a hex grid.
Whatever your game, this is the
background for your tabletop
Nameless Streets (HeroQuest).....................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Size: 24” x 32”, double sided
Whether it’s a frost giant assault on
your northern fortress or Arctic
commandoes striking at Ice Station
Alpha, this battlemat is the place
for your troops to do battle, terrain
so realistic you’ll want mittens
while you’re playing to keep the
frostbite at bay!
Our battlemat terrain is beautifully
created and double sided, with the
regular 1" square grid on one side
and a hex-based version on the
other. Whether you’re tactical
gaming or roleplaying, break out
the survival rations and pray there’s
no blizzard during the battle – there’ll be blood on the ice before it’s all
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Nameless Streets is a game of
mysteries and the paranormal
beings who investigate them.
Powered by the flexible and
dynamic HeroQuest game system,
players take on such roles as a
famous vampire detective, his
werewolf muscle, and the
necromancer who helps to solve
murders. Set amidst the narrow,
rain-soaked streets of Portland,
Oregon, Nameless Streets handles
classic mysteries, like the Locked
Room, and more esoteric struggles
with equal ease. You might locate a
missing person one week, and get
caught in the crossfire between warring sorcerer guilds the next.
Inside this book, you will find:
- Optional HeroQuest rules in which characters' baser natures might get
the better of them.
- Full Keywords for a wide variety of supernatural creature types, from
human magicians, to vampires and werewolves, all the way to lamia and
- Five different magical traditions, including Witchcraft, Necromancy,
and the explosive art of Wizardry.
- A selection of pre-configured mystery scenarios, suitable for an
evening's play, as well as a longer-term mystery that will span several
sessions. When you've gone through these, use the tools provided to
make your own mysteries.
- A description of Portland, The Rose City, including famous landmarks
and a selection of characters and organizations to work for, or against.
Solve crimes with a werewolf's sense of smell and sharp claws, a
wizard's spell-casting ability, or a vampire's “interviewing” skills. Make
a name for yourself in Portland's underground, or bribe your way into
the halls of power. Always remember that no matter what you achieve,
there is someone (or something) who wants to take it from you!
Gamescapes: Ice Realm..............................10,39
Gamescapes: Dry Gulch Pop. 643...............10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
With Boot Hill on one side and the
corral on the other, there’s no
shortage of appropriate spots for a
shootout in Dry Gulch. Our latest
set of tobacco-spittin’, hard-ridin’,
Wild Westin’ Gamescapes adds to
the dust and death you’ll find in our
Tumbleweed Town and Dry Gulch
Mine sets. Use them individually to
give you up to six locations for your
adventures (each map is doublesided to fill it to the max with
potential uses), or combine them
for one huge play area… over
4,600 squares for characters to
run, jump, fight and cuss in. Or
whatever it is they get up to in your game!
Gamescapes are double-sided gaming maps printed to the highest quality
on strong laminated card and coated with an easy-wipe surface to give
you years of gaming pleasure. This set is printed with the classic 1”
square grid overlaid.
The Alchemist's Wife - Clockwork & Chivalry /
RuneQuest II..............................................19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
January 1646, and the land is in
the grip of an icy winter. From
Prince Rupert’s capital of Oxford,
the Adventurers set out on a quest
for the missing wife of a highranking Alchemist. Ahead of them,
a ruthless Parliamentarian agent
leaves a trail of destruction; behind
them, a mysterious figure dogs
their footsteps. They are bound for
the tainted lands around Naseby,
where the magickal aftermath of
alchemical warfare blights the
countryside. Beyond lie the
Clockwork weapon-shops of
Cambridge and a deadly climax
which could re-ignite the smouldering embers of Civil War.
The Alchemist’s Wife is an adventure campaign for Clockwork &
Chivalry, which follows on directly from the adventure in the worldbook.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
It takes the Adventurers through a landscape of divided Factions, of
powerful magick and clockwork machinery, of ghostly hauntings and
twisted nature, as they struggle to survive and learn the truth about the
Alchemist’s Wife.
The Alchemist’s Wife requires the Clockwork & Chivalry worldbook
available from Cubicle 7 and the RuneQuest II Core Rulebook available
from Mongoose Publishing.
Savage Worlds
Sundered Skies Companion........................19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Sundered Skies Just Got A Lot
More Dangerous. . .
The Sundered Skies Companion
expands upon and compliments the
information found in the Sundered
Skies core book. Designed to be
used by players and Gamemaster’s
the Sundered Skies Companion is
bursting with gaming goodness,
* A host of new Edges and
* Detailed information on day-today life in the Sundered Skies,
including superstitions and
commonly held beliefs. Game
mechanics are included so they can
have a direct influence on your game.
* Advanced dwarven munitions add even more explosive options to your
arsenal of equipment.
* Several new ship designs, including the experimental flame dancer.
* New magic and spells, including a new goddess, The Beautiful One, and
Voidomancy—where the caster draws on the void itself as a source for
his spells.
* Holy days for god, each one dripping with role-playing and adventure
* Expanded information on the isles of the skies, including four brand
new island—The volcanic Atrium; frozen Frostrock, the desolate and
tragic Remorse, and the mysterious jungle isle of Savannah
* 16 cults and secret societies the heroes can join or oppose. Each goals
and organisation is fully detailed, including unique Edges available to
heroes who join.
* Over 25 new Savage Tales designed to be used alongside, and within
the existing Plot Point found in Sundered Skies.
* Sundered Gods—a guide to what direction your campaign can take once
the Plot Point is completed.
* A veritable horde of new monsters, opponents, and allies.
* And much, much more!
Sundered Skies is a dark fantasy setting by Triple Ace Games and is
designed for use with the award-winning Savage WorldsTM RPG.
Sundered Skies Compendium 1..................11,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Sundered Skies: Compendium 1 contains 4 thrilling adventures full of
peril, horror and madness.
A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of
madness. Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends.
The Ice Tower takes the heroes to the artic wasteland of the Draining
Sea. There they must contend with the elements, savages, and zealots if
they hope to pillage the ancient resting place of The Battlelord.
Fate of The Summoner sends the heroes all over the skies in an attempt
to recover cursed salvage causing mayhem and madness. Can they hope
to solve the mystery of the lost skyship,
The Summoner?
In Blade of Destiny A find on a
forgotten island out in the void sets in
motion a series of events which sends
the heroes to the hottest depths of the
Skies, as they seek to save the soul of
one of their number. Can they cheat fate
as they struggle against The Blade of
Mindthief starts off with a routine
courier job, which soon becomes a
desperate race against a powerful
member of the Bright Cabal with the
ability to tear memories from its
victim’s minds. This adventure takes the
heroes from the monster haunted ruins
of the Shattered City to a temple hidden below the teeming streets of
Gateway and a desperate chase across a haunted, forgotten island, where
alliances must be forged with the most untrustworthy of allies to survive
a terrible threat.
Sundered Skies is a dark fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage
Worlds by Triple Ace Games.
Caladon Falls.............................................27,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
They came out of nowhere and started
ripping the world apart, one city at a
time. Using power on a scale never
before seen, Warlocks wielding the
magic of the Wild have a mission: raise
armies and annihilate the entire
continent of Austeria. Set in the
fantasy realm of Relic, this book looks
at warfare through the eyes of common
soldiers – soldiers whose side is losing
the war.
Take the challenge. Roleplay in a
fantasy world without cute pointyeared elves, where the dwarves aren’t
cookie-cutter copies of Tolkein’s stout,
bearded mountain folk. Focus on a daily life and death struggle where
the enemy is cruel, powerful, and around every corner. Take the
challenge. Let your adventurers become...
...mankind’s only hope.
Inside the covers you’ll find:
* Heaps of world detail you’ll need to run games in Suzerain’s Relic realm
during the War of the Wild.
* Many new character options including new Edges, Hindrances and
* Stats for dozens of heroes and villains alike, plus an assortment of
soldiers and monsters from the war.
* A finely-tuned setting in which to take your characters from Novice to
Heroic rank.
* 30 scenarios including a full plot-point campaign covering the arrival of
the Warlocks and the fight for survival in the Caladon Kingdom.
Monsters and Other Childish Things (Pocket Edition)
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Monsters are real.
You know because you have one. He's more fun and way tougher than all
the other kids' monsters.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Try not to let him eat your friends.
“Monsters and Other Childish
Things” is a distressingly fun and
funny roleplaying game about kids
and the relationship-devouring
horrors from beyond time and
space who love them. Players take
the roles of kids and the vicious
monsters who are their best friends
in all the world -- and the source of
all kinds of otherworldly trouble.
“Monsters and Other Childish
Things” is perfect for new gamers
young and old, and for all gamers
who like a little humor with their
horror and a few scares with their
Players take the roles of ordinary
kids whose best friends are
slavering monstrosities from
beyond time and space -- and that’s already enough to get them in all
kinds of trouble with parents, school principals, friends, the Monster
Investigation Bureau, mad science teachers, wannabe wizards, you name
it. Can you make it through a school day without having to explain why
your monster ate the substitute teacher? We’ll soon find out.
The hardback edition of “Monsters and Other Childish Things” was
nominated for three Ennie Awards in 2008: Best Writing, Best Game,
and Product of the Year. The “Monsters” sourcebook “The Dreadful
Secrets of Candlewick Manor” was nominated for the Ennie Award for
Best Setting in 2009.
This handy, digest-size paperback edition includes the full text of the
hardback edition of “Monsters and Other Childish Things.”
“Monsters and Other Childish Things” features...
* Complete rules based on the One-Roll Engine, tailored for fast, frenzied
monster action and all the trouble that kids with monster friends must
* Two chapters for new gamers by Greg Stolze, “How to Play Roleplaying
Games” and “How to Run Roleplaying Games.”
* Tons of pre-generated monsters and kids, plus quick character creation,
more detailed rules for creating custom monsters, and “Instant
Monsters” where you can make up a new monster with a roll of the dice.
* A complete adventure to kick things off.
The Legends of Anglerre Companion...........19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Legends of Anglerre
Companion is the first supplement
for the Fate-powered Legends of
Anglerre fantasy roleplaying game,
giving you new rules, tools, and
scenarios to take your Legends of
Anglerre games to new heights of
action and adventure! Packed with
new rules for families and
dynasties, city and island
adventures, aspects-only play, and
a complete random adventure
generator, as well as two complete
scenarios (“Dreams on Dragon
Island” and “The Sirens of Simris”),
and much more.
The Legends of Anglerre Story Teller's Screen.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Packed with all the information a
Story Teller needs for easy
reference during a session of The
Legends of Anglerre, this 'deluxe'
thick screen will last for years
fantasy adventures.
Feder und Schwert
Warhammer 40K
Warhammer 40.000-Rollenspiel: Freihändler.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
In Freihändler schlüpfen Sie in die
Rolle eines Freihändlers oder seiner
geachtetsten Berater. Ermächtigt
durch ein uraltes
Handelsabkommen streben Sie
nach Profit und reicher Beute in
den unerforschten Regionen des
Alls. Ihr Schiff wird Sie zu neuen
Welten und in die unerforschten
Weiten der Leere bringen, wo Sie
auf Rivalen, Piraten, Aliens und
möglicherweise sogar Kreaturen
des Warps treffen werden. Sie
werden große Reichtümer und
Schätze erringen und ebenso
wieder verlieren, und Ruhm oder
Schande werden Ihren Taten
Entdecken Sie uralte, verborgene Mysterien, suchen Sie nach längst
vergessenen Welten der Menschheit oder himmlischen Phänomenen, die
nie zuvor ein Mensch gesehen hat. Überleben Sie die Gefahren des
Weltraums, die über die Bedrohung des Vakuums und die tödliche
Strahlung hinausgehen und niemals dazu gedacht waren, daß Menschen
sich ihnen überhaupt stellen müssen.
Mitglied der Mannschaft eines Freihändlers zu sein bedeutet, an der
Schwelle zu nahezu unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten zu stehen. Gewaltige
Profite warten auf Sie und Ihre Gefährten. Ruhm und Glück harren der
Tapferen, doch den Unvorsichtigen erwartet nur ein anonymer Tod.
Das Freihändler-Grundregelwerk enthält alles, was Sie benötigen, um
Abenteuer im Warhammer 40.000-Universum zu bestehen.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Freebooter Miniaturen
Freebooter's Fate
Gale Force Nine
Kapitän Ulgat ...........................................14,90
Kapitän Ulgat ist ein Anführer und kann einmal für eine Mannschaft
Goblin Piraten für 100 Dublonen angeheuert werden.
Die Charakterkarte mit allen für Freebooter's Fate benötigten Spielwerten
liegt der Figur bei.
Der Figurenbausatz besteht aus 11 Teilen.
Die Figur wird unbemalt und in Einzelteilen geliefert und muss noch
zusammengebaut werden.
Tiradora und Matelot (2)............................12,90
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Fighter Token Set......................................10,80
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Fighter’s Token Set for Gale
Force Nine’s series of Official
Handbook token sets muscles its
way onto the scene.. The tokens
and tiles in this handy set will
make tracking your combat actions
a breeze.
Each set includes a Character
Status Tile. This durable plastic tile is a handy reference for all the
variable stats that can change during combat. The tile is designed to
work with wet erase markers so you can quickly modify your status as it
changes in battle.
The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an
extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token
can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character is
carrying one of the party’s torches or lanterns. The Bloodied token
conveniently marks your model when the never-ending battle begins to
take its toll, while the Dying token reminds your companions that your
fighter is grievously injured and needs immediate attention.
The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your
character. Scale tokens fit neatly around the base of your model, or can
be placed on the Status Tile or your character sheet. The personalized
Marked tokens designate the targets of your armored assaults and
combat challenges. The Total Defense token shows when your character
is focusing on staying alive rather than attacking. The remaining scale
tokens have iconic fighter imagery that the player can define for use for
a wide range of exploits, attacks and reminders during combat (For
example, the battle axe tokens are perfect for marking the corners of an
area of effect attack on the Battle Grid).
Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your
miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or
vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on
the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when
your character is rendered invisible.
Wizard Token Set......................................10,80
Tiradora und Matelot sind Charaktere aus dem Gefolge und können
beliebig oft für jeweils 55 Dublonen angeheuert werden.
Die Charakterkarten mit allen für Freebooter's Fate benötigten
Spielwerten liegen den Figuren bei.
Der Figurenbausatz besteht aus 8 Teilen. Die Figuren werden unbemalt
und in Einzelteilen geliefert und müssen noch zusammengebaut werden.
This sets contain many tokens and tiles as well as an invisibility stand-in
for your Player Character’s miniature.
Included in each set is a Character Status Tile. This durable plastic tile is
a handy reference for all the variable stats that can change during
combat. The tile is designed to work with wet erase markers so you can
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
quickly modify your status as it changes in battle.
The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an
extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token
can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character is
carrying one of the party’s torches or lanterns. The Bloodied token
conveniently marks your model when the battle begins to take its toll,
while the Dying token reminds your companions that your ranger is
grasping onto the last threads of life.
The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your
character. Scale tokens fit neatly around the base of your model, or can
be placed on the Status Tile or your character sheet. The Marked token
can be placed on the miniature you’ve designated as your Hunter’s
Quarry. The Total Defense token shows when your character is focusing
on staying alive rather than attacking. A Concealment token indicates
that your ranger is laying in wait for her prey. The remaining scale
tokens have iconic ranger imagery that the player can define for use for
a wide range of effects and reminders during combat (For example, the
arrow tokens are perfect for marking the corners of an area of effect
attack on the Battle Grid).
Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your
miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or
vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on
the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when
your character is rendered invisible.
Cleric Token Set........................................10,80
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The gods have heard your pleas and
will send The Cleric’s Token Set
from Gale Force Nine’s series of
Player’s Handbook token sets to
bolster your party. The tokens and
tiles in this handy set will make
tracking your combat actions a
Each set includes a Character Status Tile. This durable plastic tile is a
handy reference for all the variable stats that can change during combat.
The tile is designed to work with wet erase markers so you can quickly
modify your status as it changes in battle.
The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an
extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token
can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character is
carrying one of the party’s torches or lanterns. The Bloodied token
conveniently marks your model when the never-ending battle begins to
take its toll, while the Dying token reminds your companions that your
cleric is close to death and needs someone else to heal for a change.
The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your
character. Scale tokens fit neatly around the base of your model, or can
be placed on the Status Tile or on your character sheet. The personalized
Marked token designates the target of your sacred wrath. The Total
Defense token shows when your character is focusing on staying alive
rather than attacking. The remaining scale tokens have iconic cleric
imagery that the player can define for use for a wide range of prayers,
attacks and reminders during combat (For example, the holy hammer
tokens are perfect for marking the corners of an area of effect attack on
the Battle Grid).
Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your
miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or
vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on
the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when
your character is rendered invisible.
Ranger Token Set......................................10,80
This sets contain many tokens and tiles as well as an invisibility stand-in
for your Player Character’s miniature.
Included in each set is a Character Status Tile. This durable plastic tile is
a handy reference for all the variable stats that can change during
combat. The tile is designed to work with wet erase markers so you can
quickly modify your status as it changes in battle.
The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an
extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token
can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character is
carrying one of the party’s torches or lanterns. The Bloodied token
conveniently marks your model when the battle begins to take its toll,
while the Dying token reminds your companions that your ranger is
grasping onto the last threads of life.
The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your
character. Scale tokens fit neatly around the base of your model, or can
be placed on the Status Tile or your character sheet. The Marked token
can be placed on the miniature you’ve designated as your Hunter’s
Quarry. The Total Defense token shows when your character is focusing
on staying alive rather than attacking. A Concealment token indicates
that your ranger is laying in wait for her prey. The remaining scale
tokens have iconic ranger imagery that the player can define for use for
a wide range of effects and reminders during combat (For example, the
arrow tokens are perfect for marking the corners of an area of effect
attack on the Battle Grid).
Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your
miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or
vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on
the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when
your character is rendered invisible.
Market Square Mat 20"x30"......................16,20
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Market Square lies at the heart of any rural village, growing town or
bustling city. Merchants and traders from every land come to sell their
common goods and exotic wares. If adventures seek basic supplies, a
rare reagent or even information for their next quest, they are sure to
find it here. This map depicts a number of intersecting streets lined with
vendor booths and stands. A proud statue stands in the middle of the
square overseeing all of the shady dealings. Numerous buildings
surround the square, including a livestock pen and a burnt out ruin.
Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Game Maps will be available in finer
game and hobby shops worldwide! Look for more game accessories for
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS from Gale Force Nine all year long!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Caves of Chaos Mat 20"x30".....................16,20
This high-quality vinyl surface is ideal for staging encounters during
your adventures! The mat lies flat for ease of play and is sold in sturdy
polycarbonate tube for easy storage and transport. The mat may be
marked with WET-ERASE markers to temporarily alter terrain areas or
make other notes about battlefield conditions during play. The Game Mat
measure 20” x 30” and is marked with a 1” grid.
The Caves of Chaos serve as a lair for all manner of fel creatures. These
caves can be the home to a dangerous cult, shelter a horde of marauding
orcs or the hiding spot for fabulous treasures. The map shows three
entrances to a network of caverns and chambers. The map is rich in
details including fire pits, a primitive throne and monstrous statue.
Branching openings allow this map to serve as the beginning of a greater
system of tunnels.
Hamlet's Hit Points....................................16,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Hamlet's Hit Points brings author
Robin D. Laws's all-new tool for
gamemastering power to the
gamer's table. This original method
for exploring stories gives any
gamemaster, of any roleplaying
game, a powerful tool for
understanding why some stories
and games garner raves while
others fall short. It describes nine
critical story beats and shows how
emotional swings should be timed
to present a compelling story - and
thus, a compelling RPG experience.
Written with any RPG in mind,
Hamlet's Hit Points is an
indispensable tool for any
Cthulhu (englisch)
crashed on the ice north of
Svalbard, Norway. An international
rescue mission was launched to find
him and his aeronauts. Your
characters are part of this mission –
and the State Department wants
you to rescue the survivors before
the Russian expedition gets them!
But soon this humanitarian mission
becomes embroiled in international
tensions, mysterious
disappearances, and the cold
arcano-science of Yuggoth...
Set throughout the globe and torn
from the pages of the hidden
history of the world, Age of Cthulhu
adventures bring new secrets and
mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu game. Each
adventure comes with copious player handouts, detailed maps, and pregenerated investigators ready to risk their lives and their sanity to
confront the horrors of an uncaring universe.
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements of Call
of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of horror.
Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical events, Age of
Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to exploring the horrors of the
Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the excitement of heroic pulp-themed
adventure to your gaming table. So dim the lights, load your trusty
sidearm, and prepare to venture into the unknown...
Rules Set: Chaosium Basic Role Playing.
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Age of Cthulhu 4:
Horrors from Yuggoth..................................8,79
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
History tells us that General Umberto Nobile and Roald Amundsen
overflew the North Pole in 1926, making the first trans-polar flight from
Europe to America. In 1928, Nobile went back in the Italia, which
DCC #65: Caves of the Crawling Lord
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
As the crowds of the desert bazaar
haggle under wind-torn tents, a
cursed rain pours from the sky:
hundreds of grayish worms splatter
into pots of rare spice and barrels of
imported foods, spreading panic all
over the market! Sent to uncover
the source of this strange curse, the
heroes uncover the lost catacombs
of a forgotten tiefling kingdom.
Soon they are in a realm of
madness and entropy ruled by the
crawling lord of the caves.
Goodman Games
4E Adventure Mega-Pack...........................80,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This massive adventure collection contains everything a 4E dungeon
master needs to build his campaign! Containing 15 adventure modules
totaling more than 800 pages, this mega-pack presentation offers a
multitude of options for advancing from level 1 to 12 in any 4E
campaign. And when purchased in this mega-pack bundle the consumer
saves more than 50% from full retail price!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
4E Character Mega-Pack............................40,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This collection of character options is what every 4E player needs to
advance his game. It features six books chock full of character options
for both classes and races, drawn from the Forgotten Heroes and Hero's
Handbook lines, with a Character Codex thrown in for character record
keeping. When purchases together in this mega-pack bundle the
consumer saves more than 50% from full retail price!
Haywire Group
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Complete with 133 dice and 100
cards, exercise both sides of your
brain with this super-fun game for
friends and familiy! With a mixture
of dice games, physical challenges,
artistic creations, and trivia
questions that are sure to test your
Green Ronin Publishing
Dragon Age
Dragon Age Gamemaster's Kit....................14,49
The Game Master's Kit is the
perfect accessory for fans of the
Dragon Age RPG. This handy
product features a three-panel
hardback screen that puts all the
essential game info right in front
you. It also includes a 32-page
adventure by Jeff Tidball that can
serve as an introduction to the
game or as a follow-up to the
adventure in the core game. With the Game Master’s Kit and Set 1 of the
Dragon Age RPG, you'll be ready to kickstart your dark fantasy
Mutants & Masterminds
Flickin' Chicken.........................................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
They bounce, they roll, but can YOU
hit the target? Nine rounds of
chicken throwing insanity! Fun
indoors or out!
DC ADVENTURES Hero's Handbook............31,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Join the never-ending battle for
truth and justice in the world's
greatest super-hero universe, using
the world's greatest super-hero
roleplaying game! The DC
ADVENTURES Hero's Handbook is a
complete super-hero RPG, based on
the award-winning Mutants &
Masterminds system. Take on the
roles of legendary DC heroes like
Superman, Batman, or Wonder
Woman, or create your own! Get
started right away with a wide
selection of hero archetypes, or
build from scratch using a
comprehensive creation system.
The Hero's Handbook provides
everything you need for hours of
adventure in the DC Universe, including all the rules of the game, an
overview of the original comic-book setting, and details on major heroes
and villains, complete with game information. It's all presented in
gorgeous full-color, with art by some of DC's most famous illustrators.
Experience super-hero adventure in the world that defined the genre:
Become a hero of legend with the DC ADVENTURES Hero's Handbook!
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Arkham Horror
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Arkham Horror: Schatten über Innsmouth (dt.)
Von all den Städten, die in H.P.
Lovecraft’s Vision von
Massachusetts zu finden sind, ist
vielleicht keine so tödlich wie der
kleine Fischerort Innsmouth. Es ist
eine heruntergekommene,
sterbende Stadt, die von innen
heraus durch einen alten Pakt
verzehrt wird, der sie einst
schützen sollte. Die Ermittler
dürfen hier keine Unterstützung der
Bewohner erwarten, wenn sie die
verrottenden Docks und die
stinkenden Strände erkunden. Wahrscheinlich ist letztendlich der einzige
Weg Innsmouth zu retten die völlige Zerstörung, mitsamt der
fürchterlichen Kreaturen, die die Gewässer nahe dem Devil Reef
Innsmouth Horror bringt einige neue Aspekte ins Spiel, die die Welt von
Arkham Horror erweitern. Dazu gehören die individuellen Geschichten für
jeden Ermittler als auch der morbide Charme der Stadt Innsmouth. Deren
Gemeinde ist den Ermittlern nicht gerade freundlich gesinnt und so kann
es durchaus passieren, dass sie sich im Gefängnis wiederfinden um an
einen Shoggoth verfüttert zu werden, während sie nach Beweisen
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
suchen um die Behörden einzuschalten. Innsmouth jedoch seinem
Schicksal zu überlassen wäre keine gute Idee, denn die Wesen aus der
Tiefe werden sich sammeln und emporsteigen und mit ihnen der Große
Innsmouth Horror enthält 16 neue Ermittler, 8 neue Große Alte, 2 neue
Vorboten, Karten epischer Kampf für die neuen Großen Alten, über 30
neue Monster, Unmengen neue Standortkarten und Begegnungen in den
anderen Welten und einen Spielplan der Stadt Innsmouth. Insgesamt
kommen über 300 neue Karten zum Grundspiel dazu.
Spieleranzahl 1 - 8
Spieldauer 2:00 - 4:00 Std.
Alter ab 12 Jahre
Autor Richard Launius, Kevin Wilson
Smallville: High School Yearbook................27,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Being a teenager is never easy, and
it's even worse if you're from
another planet or some kind of
meteor freak! This sourcebook for
the SMALLVILLE RPG takes you
back to high school, covering the
first four seasons of the hit TV
show on the CW Network and
expanded rules for teenage drama
with a kryptonite twist.
Iron Wind Metals
Classic Battletech
Icarus II Mech - ICR-1S...............................8,76
Erscheint voraussichtlich im September
Spielwerte im Technical Readout 3075 (Artikelnummer: CAT35130) 75 Tonnen.
Alle unsere Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert und können aus
mehreren Einzelteilen bestehen!
Smallville: The Watchtower Report............27,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
It didn't end with the Wall of
Weird. Mysterious projects,
villainous experiments, and
superpowered opponents have all
risen to challenge Clark and his
companions, and much of it can be
traced back to LuthorCorp! This
sourcebook is your guide for dozens
of superpowered antagonists,
abilities, and adventure hooks.
Condor Hover Tank (Upgrade) (2)...............10,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich im September
Spielwerte im Technical Readout 3075 (Artikelnummer: CAT35130) 50 Tonnen.
Alle unsere Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert und können aus
mehreren Einzelteilen bestehen!
Wolverine II Mech - WVR-7H.......................9,40
Erscheint voraussichtlich im September
Spielwerte im Historical: Operation Klondike (Artikelnummer:
CAT35230) – 55 Tonnen.
Alle unsere Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert und können aus
mehreren Einzelteilen bestehen!
Magaret Weis Productions
Mongoose Publishing
Smallville: Role Playing Game....................35,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Every hero has a beginning… The
SMALLVILLE Roleplaying Game lets
you experience all the superpowered
action and coming-of-age drama of
the hit show on the CW Network.
Whether you're struggling against
your heritage, your humanity, or
your heroic responsibility, you'll
need the support of friends and
family in order to embrace your
destiny. Players may choose to take
on the role of Clark, Chloe, Lois,
Oliver, or their own original
characters in the world of
Easy-to-learn rules and full-color
pages bring the show to life for new and experienced gamers alike.
Lone Wolf
Heroes of Magnamund...............................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
In the Lone Wolf rulebook, you
played one of the Kai warrior
monks. With Heroes of
Magnamund, you can now select
from a huge range of different
characters, and tailor each to your
own preferences. When you get
together with your friends to
embark on new adventures, you will
find they will all be very different
to you. Instead of being part of a
Kai warrior band, you might find
yourself in the company of a Knight
of Sommerlund, a vicious barbarian
from the ice caverns of Kalte, and a
dwarven gunner of Bor!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
LBB 4: Psion.............................................11,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Little Black Books return!
Harking back to the original release
of Traveller in the 70’s, the Little
Black Books from Mongoose bring
the latest version of Traveller to
your gaming table in a handy and
collectible size.
Concentrating on Psion characters
and psionic powers, this addition to
the Traveller range will literally
open your mind to new possibilities.
Whether you are looking to
introduce psionics to the Third
Imperium, add new abilities to
members of the Psi Corps, or flesh
out psion organisations of your own
creation, this book has everything
you need. Including new talents, equipment and survival techniques, it is
the essential companion for every Psion.
Cults of Glorantha......................................31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
In a world where the gods are real
and shape the daily lives of their
adherents, cults are an everyday
necessity for every culture in
Glorantha. This book provides the
structures, myths and modus
operandi for the key human and
non-human cults of the Orlanthi,
Solar Pantheons, God Learners and
EWF. From the barbarian cults of
Prax through to the esoteric
mysticism of the draconic orders;
from the ancient Storm Tribe to the
Saints of the Invisible God. Fully
revised and compatible with
RuneQuest II, Cults of the Glorantha
is an indispensable RuneQuest resource.
Otherworld Creations
Savage Worlds
Strike Force 7............................................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Strike Force 7 is America's highly
trained Anti-terrorist force. Its
purpose: To defend the world from the
forces of Skorpion; a global conspiracy
bent on world conquest!
Inside you’ll find is everything you
need to play as members of America's
highly trained Special Missions force.
Defend global freedom as a rugged
marine, former special ops member,
top of his field computer expert, or
even the mysterious ninja who now
works for Uncle Sam! The adventures are limited only by your
This Savage Worlds edition contains new Edges, Hindrances, weapons,
and vehicle enhancements, plus an introductory adventure!
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide...........31,99
This invaluable hadcover player
reference for the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game provides a
wealth of new ideas and options for
players, including six completely
new 20-level character classes,
expanded rules for the 11 core
classes, innovative new feats and
combat abilities, a wealth of
fantastic equipment, dozens of new
spells, and more! Conceived by
Pathfinder lead designer Jason
Bulmahn and written with input
from a huge open playtest involving
thousands of gamers, the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Advanced Player’s Guide gives players the edge they need to make the
most of their characters and ensure they survive to defeat the next
monster, claim the next treasure, and form legends of their own that will
endure the ages!
With a cover from fan-favorite artist Wayne Reynolds and lavish fullcolor interior illustrations, the 320-page hardcover Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Player’s Guide is an essential volume for gamers eager to take
the next step in their Pathfinder journey.
New Classes in the Advanced Player’s Guide include:
The Alchemist: An arcane mystic who brews salves and unguents to
modify his body in freakishly effective ways.
The Cavalier: A noble warrior who weaves through high society as easily
as he does the most treacherous battles.
The Inquisitor: An agent of faith trained to root out the dark secrets and
even darker monsters that haunt the forgotten corners of the world.
The Oracle: A divine mystic dedicated to a mysterious occult tradition
that grants her fantastic powers—but at great cost.
The Summoner: An arcane spellcaster who conjures powerful servitor
creatures from beyond the veil of reality to serve his whims.
The Witch: A versatile caster who gains her spells from the eldritch
whispers of her bonded familiar and casts potent hexes to aid allies and
vex foes.
GameMastery Item Cards: The Serpent's Skull Deck
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Claim forgotten treasures and lost lore in
the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path with
this thrilling new assortment of 54 unique
GameMastery Item Cards. From
mysterious serpentfolk relics to the regalia
of the Gorilla King and the trappings of
tribal civilizations, the exotic items in this
set add a delightful dimension to any Item
Card collection and bring a great sense of
immersion to any fantasy campaign!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
GameMastery Item Cards allow heroes to keep track of their equipment
in style, and the set is completely compatible with all of Paizo's other
GameMastery Item Card sets. Each of these full-color cards features a
beautiful portrait of an item on one side with space on the back to keep
notes. GameMastery Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy
roleplaying game.
Adv. Path #37: The Serpent's Skull #1
A new Adventure Path begins—the
Serpent’s Skull! The jungle nation of
Sargava is a colony on the verge of the
vast jungle wildlands of the Mwangi
Expanse, a place where numerous
powerful factions clash for control.
When rumors of a route to a mythical
lost city surface, four factions (the Red
Mantis assassins, the Pathfinder
Society, the Aspis Consortium
merchant league, and the Pirate Lords
of the Shackles) engage in a race to be
the first to claim this lost city’s
treasures—and the first step in this
quest is to solve the ancient mysteries
of the notorious island known as Smuggler's Shiv, laden with shipwrecks
and crawling with treacherous beasts! Your new campaign begins right
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters, this
volume of Pathfinder kicks off the highly anticipated Serpent’s Skull
Adventure Path, in which the heroes brave a trackless jungle to discover
the legacy of lost empires. Supplemental articles contain rules for the
four competing factions in the campaign, with tips on how the heroes
can join forces with them or contest their goals, as well as an overview
of the ancient serpentfolk of the Mwangi Expanse and their eerie magic.
The Pathfinder Bestiary section introduces five all-new monsters perfect
for Serpent’s Skull adventuring. Award-winning author and gaming icon
Robin Laws (Dungeon Master’s Guide II, The Dying Earth Roleplaying
Game) provides an exciting installment of a new fiction arc for the
Pathfinder Journal.
Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page,
perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It
contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for several new
monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional
material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes
use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and
the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.
Pathfinder Companion: Orcs of Golarion........8,79
The vile, hated orcs are the most
common evil humanoid race of the
Pathfinder world, the sword-fodder
of countless celebrated heroes and
daring adventurers. But they’re also
among the most populous civilized
creatures on the planet, and their
centuries-spanning conflicts with
dwarves, elves, and humans form
the pages upon which the history of
mankind is written in blood.
Pathfinder Companion: Orcs of
Golarion provides Pathfinder RPG
players everything they need to fight—or play—orc and half-orc
characters, bringing this shadowy race to the savage forefront!
Learn the secret history of this brutish race, from their first emergence
from the Darklands into the sunlit world to the latest reports from the
orcish realm of Belkzen and other important orc strongholds. Discover
the physical and mental qualities of orcs and their half-breed kin, explore
their unusual culture, and choose an appropriate campaign trait for your
orc or orc-slaying player character. With extensive notes on orc religion
and worship practices, orc tribal magic, and orc weapons, combat tactics,
and rage powers, this Pathfinder Companion is an absolute necessity for
any who would battle orcish evil—or revel in it!
Each volume of the Pathfinder Companion contains several playerfocused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles
with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combatfocused characters, as well as a persona section detailing helpful NPCs
and traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.
Paradigm Concepts
Shattered Empires
Shattered Empires the RPG........................19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Origins Award-winning Arcanis
the World of Shattered Empires is
Enjoyed by thousands world-wide,
Arcanis is one of the most popular
fantasy campaign settings of recent
memory. This is a complete
rulebook featuring a fast-paced,
action-packed new system.
Pelgrane Press
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Bamboozle. Betray. Backstab.
Why go all the way to the dungeon
for enemies, when the other players
are sitting right next to you?
Skulduggery, the Roleplaying Game
Of Verbal Fireworks & Sudden
Reversals, brings fast and funny
innovation to the exciting world of
inter-player conflict!
Super-speedy character generation—
gets your group skeeving and
conniving in minutes. Just
distribute component cards, trade,
and you're done.
Simple, and simply hilarious, rules—
convert the eternal playground
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
chant of "No you don't!" "Oh, yes I do!" into a zingy action resolution
Turns your power-gamers into witticism machines — by rewarding the
strategic use of pre-supplied punchlines.
Exploit others' weaknesses— , while weaseling away from your own, as
you grapple with an uproarious array of self-defeating temptations.
Unleashes— the updated rules of the acclaimed Dying Earth Roleplaying
Game, bringing elegant finagling and oneupsmanship to any genre.
Revel— in the dark art of Machiavellian Game Mastering with copious
guidance and devious advice.
Comes pre-loaded with four side-splitting, ready-to-play scenarios:
If Space Permits— : Amid a crazy bacchanal, interstellar traders compete
to corner the market on hallucinogenic jumpwine.
Yes, Wing— : Hose your fellow cabinet secretaries in the most betray-oriffic place on Earth: Washington, D.C.
Casting Call— : Sign-up sheets have gone up for this year's high school
musical. Let the viciousness commence!
Skulduggery & Crossbones— : You're pirates. You're trapped on a
becalmed ship. Your captain just got his head bitten off by a shark. Go!
Privateer Press
In einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Welt
ist Zorn deine mächtigste Waffe.
Bei HORDES bebt die Erde unter
den Schritten gewaltiger
Warbeasts, die zum Kämpfen
geboren wurden, wenn sie sich
inmitten eines chaotischen
Schlachtfelds mit gewetzten Klauen
und Fängen auf ihre Feinde stürzen.
Aus dem blutigen Nebel des Krieges
ziehen die Anführer den
ungezügelten Zorn und schmieden
aus ihm mächtige Waffen, die sie
ihren Feinden entgegen werfen,
denn nur der Stärkste, Schnellste
und Gerissenste kann hier
In diesem schnellen und
aggressiven 30 mm Tabletop-Miniaturenspiel übernimmst du die
Kontrolle über mächtige Warlocks und ihre Horden aus wilden Kämpfern
und monströsen Warbeasts in der schicksalsträchtigen Wildnis von
Westimmoren, der Heimat der Eisernen Königreiche.
HORDES: Primal Mk II führt dich in diese wilde Welt mit:
• Den vollständigen Basisregeln für das HORDES TabletopMiniaturenspiel.
• Einer detaillierten Geschichte der nicht-menschlichen Zivilisationen
von Westimmoren und ihrer Konflikte.
• Beschreibungen und Spielwerte der mächtigen Warbeasts und
Soldaten der Trollblütigen, des Zirkels Orboros, Everblights Legion und
der Skorne.
• Eine Hobby- und Bemalanleitung, mit der du dein Tabletop-Spielfeld
zum Leben erwecken kannst.
Ergreife die unaufhaltsame Macht von Hordes Mk II und setze den
inneren Zorn frei!
Hordes: Primal Mk II Softcover dt...............29,99
Versklave und Unterjoche
Aus der Ödnis der Sturmlande von
Immoren marschieren die
heimtückischen Armeen des
Skorne-Imperiums auf ihrem
Eroberungsfeldzug gegen die
Eisernen Königreiche. Disziplinierte
Ränge aus Prätorianern, elitären
Kataphrakten und bösartigen
Schmerzensbringern kämpfen Seite
an Seite mit furchterregenden
Titanen und anderen großen
Warbeasts unter den grausamen
Augen ihrer mächtigen
Kriegsherren. Krieger durch und
durch, greifen die Skorne auf die
finstere Kunst der Todesmagie
zurück, um ihre körperlichen Leistungen über jede normale Grenzen
hinaus zu verstärken und selbst nach ihrem Tod hinaus
Mit diesem Forces of HORDES: Skorne Buch kannst du die gnadenlosen
Skorne auf ihrem Unterwerfungskrieg gegen die Eisernen Königreiche
anführen. Es enthält:
Vollständige Fraktionsregeln und Spielwerte für alle aktuell
verfügbaren Skorne Modelle in HORDES Mk II.
Neue Truppen für den Kampf, inklusive dem völlig neuen
Warlock Dominar Rasheth.
Ein detaillierter Blick in die Geschichte und den Aufbau des
Eine Hobby- und Bemalanleitung, mit der du deine
Streitmacht auf den Kampf vorbereiten kannst.
Listen für Skorne Themenarmeen, mit denen du spezialisierte
Streitkräfte des Skorne-Imperiums ins Feld führen kannst.
Forces of Hordes: Skorne (Softcover)..........31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 12.08.2010
Forces of Hordes: Skorne (Hardcover).........41,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 12.08.2010
Forces of Hordes: Skorne (HC dt.)...............39,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im September
Trollblood Trollkin Skinner...........................9,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The Trollkin race and their Troll
warbeasts are known throughout
the Iron Kingdoms for their
voracious appetites. In such a
culture, the hunters capable of
bringing down big game are
viewed with great respect. For the
Skinners, wilderness Trollkin who
dare to stand toe-to-toe with the
biggest game of all, that respect borders on veneration. These cunning
woodsmen hunt the mightiest of beasts with the same calm and
determination as other Trollkin hunt boar or ulk.
The Trollkin Skinner solo comes in a blister (PIP 71054). A player may
field two Trollkin Skinners for each warlock in a Trollblood army.
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 12.08.2010
Hordes: Primal Mk II Hardcover dt..............39,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 12.08.2010
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Circle Orboros Warpborn Skinwalkers (3).. .42,50
The Stinger Lesser warbeasts come in a blister (PIP73051). A player
may field any number of Stingers for each warlock in a Legion of
Everblight army.
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 25.08.2010
Circle Orboros Warpborn Skinwalkers (1).. .14,50
Skorne Dominar Rasheth...........................29,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
In an empire known for discipline
and precision, it is a rare man who
can excel in spite of his unsavory
appetites and predilections.
Rasheth leads a house well known
for its ability to train mighty titan
warbeasts, and profits from the
recent push for western expansion
has allowed him to delve ever
deeper into decadence. Too slothful
to walk on his own, the Dominar is
carried into battle by a team of
Dominar Rasheth comes in a blister
(PIP74045). A player may field one Dominar Rasheth in a Skorne army.
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 25.08.2010
Warpwolves bring an undeniable power to the battlefield, but the
massive creatures are difficult to control. Warpborn Skinwalkers are
Devourer worshippers who chose to undergo a partial transformation that
leaves their minds more human while empowering them with a bestial
strength. These monsters wade through opposing formations, ripping
soldiers apart with their jaws or their hefty polearms.
Warpborn Skinwalkers comes in a box (PIP72046). A player may field
two Warpborn Skinwalker units for each warlock in a Circle Orboros
Skorne Paingiver Task Master......................8,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Slavery is one of the most deeply
embedded elements of skorne
culture. The Paingiver caste takes
great pleasure in subjugating new
beasts and races, and recent battles
have only served to open their
minds to new possibilities.
Paingiver Task Masters are sent to
oversee Skorne Minions in battle,
and they are quick to apply the lash
Legion of Everblight Stinger Lesser Warbeasts
to any who grow lax in their service.
Paingiver Task Master comes in a blister (PIP74054). A player may
field two Paingiver Task Masters for each warlock in a Skorne army.
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 12.08.2010
Like nightmares given form, Stingers swarm among the greater
dragonspawn of the Legion. These awful beasts lurk in shallow burrows
waiting for hapless victims to approach so they can sink their barbed
tails into living flesh. The stinger is then ripped from the creature’s body
as its poison gland continues to pump its victim full of venom. This
versatile monster is also capable of spewing forth fiery ash, its preferred
attack when battling machines or lightly armored foes.
Minions Gun Boar......................................12,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The lumbering Gun Boars are
walking artillery platforms in the
service of Lord Carver. These beasts
turn their light cannons upon
enemy formations to scatter them
with explosive force. The product of
mad experiments conducted by Dr.
Arkadius, Gun Boars represent
substantial fire support for the
forces of Farrow and boast a
toughened hide that can withstand
small arms fire.
Gun Boar comes in a blister
(PIP75030). A player may field
any number of Gun Boars for each
warlock able to take farrow
warbeasts in a Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Minion, Skorne, or
Trollblood army.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Minion Thrullg...........................................12,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The reclusive Thrullg are hulking
humanoids that feed on magical
energy. Drawn from the safety of
their lairs by the unfettered use of
magic in battles across Caen, no
spellcaster is safe in the vicinity of
a living Thrullg. As if their magical
appetites were not dangerous
enough, these creatures’ claws and
tentacles can kill a man as easily as they drain arcane power.
Thrullg comes in a blister (PIP75032). A player may field two Thrullgs
for each warlock in a Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Minion,
Skorne, or Trollblood army.
Pulp Monsters
Pulp City
Silverager & Le Murtiple.............................17,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Skyline & Jade Hawk.................................16,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Rogue Games
Thousand Suns
Soda Pop Miniatures
Thousand Suns: Starships..........................10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
this is fast freighter Sundown,
Sundown, Sundown. HELPO MI,
Sundown. Position 154 by 20 by
17. Our craft is under attack and
losing pressure. We require
immediate assistance. Four people
on board, are taking an escape pod.
Without starships, the interstellar
civilization of the Thousand Suns
would be impossible. Starships
travel the jumplines, bringing not
only passengers and trade goods
but also protection against pirates
and alien invaders alike. Other
starships press onward into
Wildspace, seeking out new worlds
to explore, settle, and conquer.
They are the vehicles of Man's destiny among the stars.
Thousand Suns: Starships is a supplement that provides expanded
options for starships -- construction, operation, combat, and more. Fully
compatible with the revised Thousand Suns Rulebook, Starships gives
players and Game Masters alike the tools they need to build and utilize
any starship they can imagine, from fast, maneuverable fighters to
mammoth dreadnaughts. Designed to add depth without unnecessary
complexity, Starships is an invaluable resource for any Thousand Suns
Candy & Cola.............................................10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Stuck in a rut as a flag girl for the
Cerci Speed Circuit it seemed like
poor Candy was doomed to drink
diet forever. Until one night she
caught a strange little creature
pillaging her refrigerator. As the
little fox-tailed felon happily
popped the top off the last soda in
her apartment and guzzled it down
Candy oddly felt the effects. It was
as though she were drinking the
soda and its caffeinated sugary
effects were amplified off the
charts! Thus would begin a
friendship that would take Candy
and her cypher, Cola, out of the
speed circuit and across the known
galaxies in search of the ultimate in
carbonated beverages. Until finally landing here, at Soda Pop Miniatures,
where the beverages are always cold, bubbly, and most important of all
-- refreshing.
Princess Malya & Mr Tomn........................39,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Heir to the throne of Ulixus,
Princess Malya never found the life
of an Alliance dignitary particularly
appealing. The manifesting of her
cypher, Mr Tomn, afforded her just
the opportunity she had been
looking for to set out for a life of
adventure among the stars. She
soon discovered that the universe
was not the romantic storybook she
had long dreamed of as she found
herself unwittingly pulled into
conflict after conflict with her
fellow Relic Knights. Unable to get
the answers she desires from an
uncommonly cryptic Mr Tomn she
has set out across the galaxy to
unlock the mystery of the aethyric creatures known as cyphers,
relentlessly following a trail of fallen heroes and cryptic prophesy. Over
the years she has left behind an impressive array of enemies, admirers,
and love-struck would be suitors; her relic’s speedy thrusters always
keeping her just beyond the horizon.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The night of slaughter that saw the
worshippers of Gomandi exiled
from the rest of the Noh race has
haunted Kenobo for millennia.
Adrift in space, his refugee fleet
dwindles with each passing
generation. Their attempts to find
shelter are constantly repelled by a
universe that understands nothing
of the religious strife that has made
them outcasts and has instead
grown fearful and hostile towards
the entire Noh race. Forced by need,
Kenobo has sold his sword to the
only ones willing to take it, Calico
Kate and her Star Nebula Corsairs.
His services ensuring the vital food,
medicine, and goods needed for his people. Whitening his skin with the
sacred ash of the slain, Kenobo sees their suffering as a test of faith and
will. It is a trial he is confident they will overcome. Indeed, those who
have seen the preternatural feats of the warrior monk in combat cannot
deny the hand of his deity guides him still.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Few would dispute that Fiametta
possesses a mastery of fire matched
only by the most learned sages of
the Arcantric Doctrine. Those who
have are now little more than ash
scattered on the wind. Displaying
her affinity with primal aethyr at an
early age, Fiametta proved a quick
study and rapidly grew bored of the
Codifiers’ dry and dusty lectures on
the many doctrines to manipulate
and channel aethyr. After the
incineration of the 18th Doctrine’s
hall of records and the singeing of
Codifier Longfellow’s beard; the
Codifiers recognized the futility of quelling Fiametta’s fervor. Instead
they assigned her to the Relic Knight, Kisa, where her penchant for
pyrotechnics has proven useful to the Doctrine's champion. Fiametta’s
name and reputation have become known throughout the galaxy as she
brings flame and ruin to any bold enough to stand in her way.
Calico Cate & Skully...................................39,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Calico Kate is the most successful
pirate to ever ply space. Striking
from her base deep within the Star
Nebula her band of corsairs are the
scourge of the Guild and a ceaseless
source of frustration for the paladin
orders of the Six Peers. Swarming
her targets with hordes of lightning
fast ships bristling with weapons,
she audaciously strikes at fleets far larger than her own. Favoring rapid
assaults the swift fliers focus on hull breaches allowing Kate and her
relic to lead destructive assault actions. She has become infamous for her
tendency to take a ship’s crew hostage and then blow up their vessel.
With the assistance of her cypher, Skully, she often augments the
explosions in spectacular fashion to emphasize her ransom demands. Her
most notorious pyrotechnics burn as bright as a small sun, a blazing
challenge to any who would dare oppose her.
Rin Farrah.................................................10,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The Cerci Speed Circuit is no mere
raceway. It is an entire planet given
wholly to the adrenaline rush of speed.
The outcome of premier events such as
Cerci Prime have caused the loss of entire
corporations and left governments in ruin.
Such high stakes require strict measures
to control “audience participation”. Crowd
control is turned over to highly trained
snipers known as, Spotters. Working from
strategically positioned towers and
hovering platforms, Spotters are given
carte blanche to deal with hooligans or
race fixers. Rin Farrah is infamous for her knack to predict the location
of trouble. Her rifle, Rudy, has foiled elaborate plots to influence the
outcome of a race with a single shot. Even the reigning champion of the
Cerci Prime, Princess Malya of Ulixus, credits her last two victories to
Rin’s timely interventions. The pair have since become fast friends and
the Relic Knight rarely enters battle without Rin’s deadly aim providing
Suicide Queen & Rollo.................................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
For Suicide Queen, life was easier
before her cypher, Rollo appeared. In
those days all the leader of the gang,
Hells Bells, needed to concern herself
with was cracking heads and strong
arming racers and pit crews who
thought they could zoom through the
miles of Cerci Speed Circuit racing
track criss-crossing her turf without
paying. Now Relic Knights, Black
Diamond mercs, and all manner of off planet badness seems determined
to wipe her out. Even worse, she'd been forced to seek assistance from
Malya more than once when things got out of hand. Still it wasn't all
bad. Her Dungeon Explore character now only gets purple drops and she
hasn't lost a hand of cards or a roll of the dice since. Ricocheting shots
around corners with unerring accuracy proved fun too. No, it wasn't all
Spartan Games
Firestorm Armada
Military Buildings......................................14,16
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This pack contains a large number of
resin military buildings and
accessories. The models are
designed to give a player weapon
systems, engines, bio-domes, access
buildings, communication sensor
arrays, storage buildings, power
plants so on. Pack contents may vary
in the exact quantity of some
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Weapon Satellites......................................14,75
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This pack includes four models.
Two of the military satellites are
armed with cannon/laser arrays
and two are armed with torpedo
tubes. You can use them to defend
a military installation, such as one
built using the parts you can find in
FAMI01, or to simply act as a
defensive perimeter on a gaming
table. Four acrylic flight stands are
included. The models are a mix of resin and pewter.
PD and COMM Satellites............................16,49
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
To be used on its own or in
conjunction with FAMI01 &
FAMI02, this pack of models gives
you four PD satellites and two
Communication satellites. As with
FAMI02 you can use the contents
to defend a military installation,
insert into an asteroid belt to hinder
spacecraft, or use as objectives
during a scenario. Six acrylic flight
stands are included. The models are made from pewter.
Relthoza Starter Fleet (10 Models).............42,99
Starer fleet comprises:
1x Battleship
3x Cruisers
6x Frigates
Relthoza Battleship (1 Model)....................14,50
The Brood Class Battleship is a
mighty vessel with the most
powerful dual broadsides batteries
of all the fleets. Although it is
matched in total firepower by other
battleships that can use linked fire
patterns and by Dindrenzi rail
guns, a battleship of this class can
sow a trail of destruction when it
gets in amongst the squadrons of
another fleet. The Brood Class is very durable, with a reinforced internal
structure made up of a labyrinth of crawl spaces and bulkheads. It can
also take advantage of its Cloaking Field technology to approach enemy
fleets and suffer less incoming fire while they launch salvoes of
destructive torpedoes.
Relthoza Cruisers (2 Models)......................10,99
The Swarm Class Cruiser is a vessel
with both long range and short
range capabilities. Its torpedoes are
superior to all other ships in the
same class at extreme range, so
with Cloaking Fields turned on and
with a slow approach the Swarm
Class can fire away during the early
period of a battle with relative
immunity. They also have a decent
payload of mines, so that once they have closed in they can sweep
through enemy formations dropping mines and crippling enemy ships
with their broadsides.
Relthoza Frigate (6 Models).......................14,50
The Drone Class Frigate is
designed to follow in the wake of
larger vessels and engage the
enemy once their attentions are
focused on the cruisers and
battleships. The Drone Class needs
to slip into medium range to make
the most of its port and starboard
broadsides, and position itself
nearby other ships within the same
battlegroup so that those vessels pose a greater threat and therefore
draw fire away from the little frigates.
Relthoza Carrier (1 Model).........................14,50
The Hive Class Carrier is probably
the best design of its class in
existence, as the Relthoza stress
the importance of wing support. It
carries a large complement of
wings and has a very effective
broadsides attack making it a
command ship in some
battlegroups. The Hive is also a
relatively cheap design to produce
and has a respectable rack of torpedo tubes in the fore arc. The torpedo
systems of the Relthoza are not consistent between ship designs, but
they are still a credible danger and, like the Relthoza, are not to be taken
lightly - the Hive Class torpedoes are actually superior to those of some
Relthoza Escort (6 Models).........................14,50
The Stinger Class Escort is fast and
deadly and, although it has point
defence weaponry, its main
function is to perform a boarding
assault. Despite being a small ship
it carries a sizeable complement of
marines, so that a full squadron of
Stingers has the potential to take
on a battleship. Even the threat of
such an attack can force a fleet to
target the Stingers instead of an escorted ship.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Relthoza Heavy Cruiser (1 Model)..............10,50
The Scarab Class Heavy Cruiser is
tougher overall than the Swarm
class and, like the Dindrenzi and
Directorate heavy cruisers, can take
a lot more damage than cruisers of
the alliance. It has superior point
defence batteries and a comparably
large complement of marines,
deterring the enemy from
attempting a boarding assault and
making the Scarab Class into a significant boarding threat. Its broadsides
are more powerful and, importantly, its forward weaponry is improved
over that of the Swarm Class, making the Scarab a real brawler of a
Uncharted Seas
Dragon Lords Destroyer (3)........................10,50
Shroud Mages Destroyer (3).........................7,99
The Adept class Destroyer's turret
and ramming capability makes
them very flexible ships in close
quarters, but they are also
surprisingly good at long ranged
bombardment. These are devious
vessels that can fill several roles
and reward foresight
Harbour Walls............................................20,65
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
ineteen highly detailed models in
scale with the Uncharted Seas ships
and monsters. This set of walls and
towers will allow you to start your
Harbour Scenery, building a
stunning backdrop for your models.
The pieces are modular and
designed to fit neatly together. The
massive Sea Gates are wide enough
(120mm) to let any model in the Uncharted Seas range through, and the
walls are 30mm high. All pieces are made from resin.
Harbour Jetty & Wharf...............................12,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Thirty highly detailed models in
scale with the Uncharted Seas
models. This set of wharf and jetty
pieces, including a Harbour Masters
Tower, will allow you to expand
your Harbour Scenery, building a
stunning backdrop for your models.
The pieces are fully compatible with
SSC01. All pieces are made from
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
A two-part highly detailed model in
scale with the Uncharted Seas
models, the Battle Keep is the
perfect fortification to defend your
newly built harbour, or to simply sit
in the middle of a gaming table
harassing passing fleets. The model
is generic for use with any race and
is 66mm tall. All pieces are made
Imperial Human Destroyer (3)....................10,50
The Emperor's latest weapon for
dominance of the Uncharted Seas,
the Kestrel class Destroyer is
designed to fill multiple roles. In
addition to its conventional
broadside cannons, the Kestrel is
equipped with a reinforced front
Orc Raiders Destroyer (3)...........................10,50
Orc Impaler class Destroyers have
recently been discovered hunting in
packs throughout the Uncharted
Seas. They are merciless predators,
regrouping and salvaging what they
can after each assault before
moving on to the next target.
Iron Dwarves Destroyer (3)..........................7,50
The Chisel class Destroyer can
serve alongside larger ships as an
escort, or are perfectly suited to
hunting on their own, armed as
they are with powerful front
mounted cannons and long range
rockets for thinning enemy crews
before they can close to boarding
Bone Griffons Destroyer (3).........................7,99
Designed to take on special
missions for the Dragon Lords, the
Moonbeam class Destroyers stress
joint tactics. Their standard tactics
are to soften up enemies from
range before ramming and
overwhelming the survivors using
combined boarding actions.
end for boarding and carries a front mounted flame cannon.
The Phantom class Destroyer is a
horrifying new weapon in the Bone
Griffons’ arsenal. They are built for
but one purpose: crushing enemy
ships with plague-infected missiles
fired from a massive catapult
whose arm is nearly as long as the
ship itself.
from resin.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
War Tower..................................................9,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Five-part highly detailed model in
scale with the Uncharted Seas
models. This model is generic for
use with any race. The drop in
section provides different weapon
options and the blank allows you to
easily add your own custom
weapons. The War Tower stands
50mm high and measures 51mm
across. All pieces are made from resin.
Thaniras Elf Destroyer (3)............................7,50
When Elven Captains reported the
need for a small fast "Hammer"
type of ship, they were given the
Crow class Destroyer. Packing
firepower similar to the Cobra class,
but in a front mounted
arrangement, they are aggressive
ships that are well suited to ambush
and counterattack tactics.
Ralgard Starter Fleet (10 Models)..............46,50
Starter fleet comprises:
1x Battleship
3x Cruisers
6x Frigates
Ralgard Battleship (1 Model)......................16,99
Bristling with triple cannons and
packed with savage inhuman
warriors, the Vantak class
Battleship has been terrorising the
southern waters of the Uncharted
Seas since their recent sudden
appearance in the waters off
Ganesh. Like floating castles of
death, they lay waste to the
settlements in their wake as they continue their trek northward to
challenge the Dragon Lords for supremacy of these waters. The Vantak is
a massive vessel, highly detailed and having massive sails ensure it
remains fast moving despite its bulk.
Ralgard Cruiser (1 Model)............................7,50
Sailing forth from their homeland
of Tragorria, the stout broad ship
known as the Kalor class Cruiser
forms a solid backbone of guns and
warriors in the fleets of the
Ralgard. The crews of this vessel
are eager for the spoils of war, and
the unit of warriors aboard this
vessel, called a KekRar, sharpen
their blades in readiness to board enemy vessels. While this ship may be
lacking at long range, once they come upon you they are a versatile craft
capable of taking on almost any enemy.
Ralgard Frigate (6 Models)...........................8,99
Heavily armed, and as a result
slower than most sailed ships of
their class, the Hantak class
Frigates are the highly aggressive
first strike craft of the Ralgard
fleet. It is these ships that select
the targets for the heavier Ralgard
ships following behind. Beautifully
detailed, the shipwrights of the
Ralgard have created a classically elegant floating machine of war.
Stratus Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Gold Mine..................................................26,39
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Hidden deep within an unexplored
mountain lies one of the richest
gold deposits in the world. While
hiking in the area, you and a group
of adventurous friends discover
several stones rich in sparkling gold
particles. Curiosity peaked, you all
soon return with pickaxes, lanterns,
and other necessary mining
equipment to begin excavating an
underground mine. Quickly, digging
reveals giant gold nuggets. You
realize that you will soon be rich
beyond your wildest dreams — that is, if your friends (or enemies) don’t
get all of the gold first.
To seal your prosperous fate, you have determined that you must gather
enough gold to purchase the mine and stake a claim — then all of the gold
it contains will be yours! But watch out for the other miners who are just
as greedy as you are and are willing to go to any lengths to beat you to
What awaits you as you descend into the mysterious mine? A "Gold
Mine" of fun, with a new adventure each and every time!
Game contents:
100 game tiles, consisting of:
1 Mine Entrance tile
28 "Gold" Chamber tiles, 4 containing a Secret Passage entrance
67 Mine Tunnel tiles, 11 containing a Secret Passage entrance
4 Cavern tiles
28 "Gold" Nuggets
18 "Gold" Challenge tokens
18 Bat Challenge tokens
6 Miners
2 dice
Instruction Sheet
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Studio 2 Productions
Third Eye Games
Fantasy Craft (2nd Printing)......................39,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
UPDATED! This second printing of the
Fantasy Craft core rulebook includes
complete errata and clarifications,
making it the definitive answer for
anyone looking for a customizable
high adventure roleplaying
Your Dungeon, Your Dragon, Your
This is the time of high adventure —
your adventure! Take charge of your
gaming experience with simple yet
powerful rules that let you craft any
character, any monster, or any world
you can imagine. Whether you like
your fantasy bright or bleak, gritty or
gonzo it’s all here, supported with one of the most versatile RPG systems
ever devised.
Versatile mix-and-match character creation
Revolutionary point-buy monster construction
Sleek, simple character-centric combat
Skill-driven spellcasting and world-driven miracles
Collaborative, dynamic storytelling rules
Fantasy Craft gets back to why we love gaming: It’s about the stakes,
and raising them. It’s about the odds, and beating them. It’s about
legends, and making them. It’s about you.
Roll Your Dice Like a Hero Again!
Savage Worlds
Deadlands Reloaded Player's Guide.............19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
".the enemies were struck with fear, by
the presence of God, who seeth all
things, and they were put to flight one
from another, so that they were often
thrown down by their own companions,
and wounded with the strokes of their
own swords." - Second Maccabees 2:22
Amongst the myriad orders of Witch
Hunters, there are those notable for
their proud histories, secretive
initiations and mysterious techniques.
Those orders of the Accord most active
in the New World are detailed herein for
the benefit of the champions that stalk
the servants of the Adversary.
This 128 page player's guide is
indispensable to Witch Hunters of these orders.
Wu Xing
Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade......................23,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The War Has Begun
The Emperor has called for blood!
All ninja of the Izou Empire face the
crushing might of their own nation.
Where once there was peace, now
there is only destruction and death.
The ninja are forced to fight back,
wielding the ancient art of chi
manipulation alongside their
shuriken and katana. Empire
soldiers pack their own secret
weapons to combat ninja wushu…
powerful firearms.
The ninja of the realm have
assembled into their own army, the
Lotus Coalition. Together, they
hope to take down the Empire and
stop the reign of destruction upon the people of the land. That is if they
can overcome centuries old feuds and rivalries that could destroy them
from within!
This Book Includes:
- A guide to the Izou Empire and the machinations behind their Ninja
- Information on all the Empire’s major cities and landmarks
- Rules for playing any one of the 10 most influential Ninja Clans, like
the Recoiling Serpents or the Virtuous Body Gardeners
- Easy-to-learn, flexible character creation rules.
- Fully immersive mechanics and 11 Fighting Styles make combat an
intense experience.
- Complete rules for 20 Wushu paths, celestial animals and tips on
crafting your own ninja stories.
Urban Mammoth
Urban War / Metropolis
Iskandria SC..............................................28,99
Iskandria: Planetary Data is over
100 pages in full colour and is the
essential companion to the Urban
War & Metropolis game systems.
This sourcebook contains a wealth
of information on the protagonists
and their conflicts within the
Draconis Alba galaxy.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
• 81mm mortar and 3 crew
This is a metal boxed set with 20 figures
Warlord Games
WAG-IR-CAV-3 Roman Cavalry with Spear Command (3)......9,99
Early War French HMG Team.......................7,50
Contains 3 crewmen and a Hotchkiss Heavy machine gun on tripod.
This is metal blister pack
Early War French Mortar Team....................7,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Early War French Squad (12).....................14,49
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
WAG-IR-CAV-4 Roman Cavalry with Spear (3)......................9,99
Roman Civillians (7 figures & furniture)........9,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Iskandria: Planetary Data is over 100 pages in full colour and is the
essential companion to the Urban War & Metropolis game systems. This
sourcebook contains a wealth of information on the protagonists and
their conflicts within the Draconis Alba galaxy.
Unleash Hell! (General & Dog).......................5,99
Accompanied by his faithful warhound this general is the perfect
centrepiece for any Roman army.
At my signal, unleash hell!
Contains one metal general and hound. Supplied unpainted
Macro & Kato - Simon Scarrow Boxed Set...23,99
Bolt Action (WW2)
Defenders of France...................................30,00
German Infantry........................................24,10
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
German Infantry Boxed Set
Each box will contain 25 multi-part, hard plastic miniatures.
• 5x German Infantry Sprues
• 3x German Weapons Sprues
• Plastic Bases
• Background and construction leaflet
Waffen SS................................................30,12
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Waffen SS HMG42 Team............................7,23
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This pack contains two HMG Teams, one with a deployed HMG and a
team of three redeploying their HMG.
Blisterpack containing 6 metal models
Waffen SS PAK 40...................................19,29
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Blisterpack containing 4 metal crew and a PAK 40 75mm Anti-Tank
WAGB-WM-125 Bolt Action Kubelwagen.............................14,49
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
In 1938 High ranking Third Reich officials approached
Ferdinand Porsche of Volkswagen about designing an
inexpensive, lightweight military transport vehicle. This wasn’t
something that Porsche could say no to and in 1940 the first
Kubelwagen rolled out of the factories.
A very common sight in the German army the Kublewagen is
useful in even the smallest skirmish.
Blisterpack containing resin vehicle with metal driver.
Pike & Shotte
Declaring war on Germany in 1939 the French armed forces were
superior to the Germans in tanks and ships but not so in tactical and
strategic prowess. Fighting alongside their British allies, the French
army performed a brave rearguard action culminating in the remarkable
withdrawal from Europe at Dunkirk.
Defenders of France contains:
• Command: 1 Officer with pistol, 1 Sergeant with rifle, 1 Corporal with
rifle grenade launcher and 2 soldiers with carbines
• 12 man section: Sergeant with rifle, Corporal with rifle, 2-man
Hotchkiss LMG team, 7 riflemen and 2 soldiers with rifle grenade
Scots Lancers (12).....................................21,99
This box set contains 12 Scots Lancers.
This is a metal and plastic boxed set
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Cuirassiers (12).........................................30,00
blood, how are you going to live with yourself?
The Danse Macabre asks those questions in new ways, and provides new
tools to answer them in your own chronicle. So let’s get some razors, and
open up some old wounds…
The definitive companion to Vampire: The Requiem™
This box set contains 12 mounted Cuirssiers.
This is a metal and plastic boxed set
Montrose Irish...........................................33,99
This box set contains 24 metal figures on foot including command. Also
includes leaflet with history and flags. This is a metal and boxed set.
• New disciplines tied into kindred Traditions.
• Atrocity and Banes: rules for replacing Humanity with mystical or
personal consequences.
• Exciting new rules for social and mental combat, and the role of
vampiric powers therein.
• Rules and information for play at multiple tiers, from a street-level
coterie to a global conspiracy.
• New covenants, from the sinister Foundation to the renegade Brides of
WoD:Werewolf -The Forsaken
Werewolf Signs of the Moon......................23,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Bad Moon Rising
When wolves howl to the moon, it’s
a prayer. A song of dread and
praise raised to their lunatic
goddess. The invisible moon. The
oracle moon.
The judgment moon. The fertile
moon. The killing moon. These are
the auspices — the wise and violent
blessings of mad Luna.
A Character Book for *Werewolf:
The Forsaken™*
• Chapters devoted to each of the
five auspices: in-character
Gifts, rites, lodges and new Auspice
WAGP-MAC-02 Highlander "Hey McCloud"...........................4,79
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Hey McCloud, get off my ewe! This pack gives you a characterful
shepherd tending four sheep. Presumably he’s lost the others and doesn’t
know where to find them. Leave them alone, and they’ll come home,
wagging their tails behind them.
Blisterpack containing 5 metal models.
WAGP-MON-01 Marquis of Montrose....................................5,99
Perfect to lead your Irish Brigade into battle Montrose is arguably the
greatest commander in the whole of the Civil War, keeping the Royalist
cause alive in Scotland. This blister pack contains one metal mounted
WAGP-MON-02 Irish Brigade Shotte (8).............................11,99
This blisterpack contains 8 metal figures on foot armed with muskets
This is a metal blisterpack
WAGP-MON-03 Irish Brigade Pikemen (8)..........................11,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This blisterpack contains 8 metal figures on foot armed with Pike.
This is a metal blisterpack
WAGP-MON-04 Mac Colla & Bodyguard................................7,23
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
This blisterpack contains Alisdair “The Devastator” Mac Colla and his
two bodyguards, MacPhee and MacInnes. Perfect to lead your Highland
Clans into battle! Blisterpack containing 3 metal models.
White Wolf
Vampire The Danse Macabre......................31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Dance ‘Til Sunrise
What are you willing to do to make it through tonight? What about
tomorrow night? And after the deeds are done and your belly's full of
• A Storytelling chapter dedicated to discussing how best to use auspice
in your game from both a practical and theoretical perspective, as well
as discussion on creating new auspices and new Gifts.
• A series of Storytelling Adventure System scenes meant to serve as
“auspice challenges” – these scenes are bound to different auspices and
can be dropped into your games to highlight the importance of one’s
Wizards of the Coast
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Castle Ravenloft Boardgame......................45,49
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
An exciting D&D® boardgame for
1–5 players
The master of Ravenloft is having
guests for dinner—and you are
Evil lurks in the towers and
dungeons of Castle Ravenloft, and
only heroes of exceptional bravery
can survive the horrors within.
Designed for 1–5 players, this
boardgame features multiple
scenarios, challenging quests, and
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
cooperative game play.
Castle Ravenloft includes the following components:
• 40 plastic heroes and monsters
• 13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles
• 200 encounter and treasure cards
• Rulebook
• Scenario book
• 20-sided die
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Marauders of the Dune Sea..........................8,99
Psionic Power............................................20,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Hot on the heels of Player’s
Handbook 3 comes Psionic Power,
a D&D supplement that explores the
psionic power source in more detail.
This supplement presents hundreds
of new options for D&D characters,
specifically focusing on heroes who
channel the power of the mind. It
provides new builds for the ardent,
battlemind, monk, and psion
classes, including new character
powers, feats, paragon paths, and
epic destinies.
Dark Sun Campaign Guide..........................27,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Explore a savage, wondrous world.
Aimed at players and Dungeon
Masters, this game supplement
explores the heroes and wonders of
Athas—a savage desert world
abandoned by the gods and ruled by
terrible sorcerer-kings. Use it to
build Dark Sun heroes and thrilling
D&D adventures set in the Seven
Cities of the Tyr Region, the Ivory
Triangle, the Sea of Silt, and
monster-infested wastelands—or
plunder it for your own D&D
The Dark Sun Campaign Setting
provides exciting character options
for D&D players, including new
races, new character themes and class builds, new paragon paths and
epic destinies, and new equipment. It also provides everything Dungeon
Masters need to run 4th Edition Dark Sun campaigns or include Dark Sun
elements in their homebrew campaigns. It has rules and advice for
handling survival challenges, arena encounters, desert terrain, and
adventure creation. It also presents a short, ready-to-play introductory
Dark Sun Creature Catalog.........................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Monsters and other threats from
the world of Athas.
This supplement for the Dark Sun
Campaign Setting collects the most
iconic and dangerous monsters of
the Dark Sun campaign setting into
one handy tome. It also contains
other hazards and threats found in
the desert wastelands and dungeon
tombs of Athas. The creatures and
threats presented herein make
worthy encounters for Athasian
heroes or the heroes in your
"homebrew" D&D campaign
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
A D&D adventure set in the world of
Athas or your own campaign world.
Now that Tyr is free of Kalak the
Sorcerer-King, opportunity abounds
in the city and the surrounding
wastes. But some see Kalak’s fall as
the beginning of Tyr’s end, and the
unpatrolled deserts nearby are rife
with danger. Outlaws openly defy
the city’s Revolutionary Council and
threaten outlying holdings. If Tyr is
to thrive, heroes must arise to tame
the lawlessness and evil that
threatens the free city.
This stand-alone D&D adventure is
designed to take characters from 2nd to 5th level. Although nominally
set in the Dark Sun campaign setting, Dungeon Masters can easily
incorporate it into their "homebrew" D&D campaigns.
D&D Dice RPG..............................................8,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Everyone who plays D&D needs a
set of polyhedral dice to make
attack rolls, skill checks, and saving
throws! This product includes a dice
bag and a complete set of official
D&D game dice: one 4-sided die,
one 6-sided dice, one 8-sided die,
one 10-sided die, one 12-sided die,
and one 20-sided die.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Dungeon Tiles Master Set Dungeon ACC.....15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im September
A basic set of illustrated terrain tiles
for use with the D&D Roleplaying
This D&D Roleplaying Game accessory
gives Dungeon Masters all of the basic
dungeon tiles they need to create
great-looking terrain in their games.
This set provides ready-to-use,
configurable tiles with which to build
exciting encounter locations.
This accessory contains 10 doublesided sheets of illustrated, die-cut
terrain tiles printed on heavy
cardstock, allowing you to create
dungeon rooms, corridors, and outdoor
locales. The product box is designed for tile storage and as a terrain
element in the game.
In addition to new builds, this book presents expanded information and
racial traits for some of the game’s most popular races, including
dragonborn, drow, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings.
Dungeon Tiles Master Set - The Wilderness....
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Dezember
This box contains 10 double-sided
sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles
printed on heavy cardstock. The tiles
feature wilderness sites and terrain
elements that Dungeon Masters can use
to build exciting encounters set in the
Dungeon Tiles Master Set: The City...........13,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
Illustrated urban terrain tiles for use
with the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy
Roleplaying Game
The Dungeon Tiles Master Sets are
designed to give Dungeon Masters the
tiles they need to build Dungeons &
Dragons adventure maps, including
maps appearing in published
With this box of customizable terrain
tiles, Dungeon Masters can add new
dimension to their Dungeons & Dragons
tabletop experience. Easy to set up and
infinitely expandable, this Dungeon
Tiles set allows DMs to create the
adventures they want to play.
This box contains 10 double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain
tiles printed on heavy cardstock. The tiles feature city streets, sewer
tunnels, and terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build
exciting encounters set in urban environments.
Player Essentials: Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms
Erscheint voraussichtlich im November
An Essential D&D Game Supplement
Mike Mearls and Rodney Thompson
Exciting new builds and character
options for the cleric, druid, paladin,
ranger, and warlock classes.
This essential supplement for the 4th
Edition Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy
Roleplaying Game presents exciting
new builds for the game’s most popular
classes: the cleric, the druid, the
paladin, the ranger, and the warlock.
Each class comes with a set of new
powers, class features, paragon paths,
epic destinies, and more that beginning
players can use to build the characters
they want to play and experienced
players can plunder for existing 4th Edition characters.
D&D Gamma World Expansion Kit: Famine in Far-go
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Dezember
A D&D Gamma World Roleplaying Game
Robert J. Schwalb
A new adventure and more monstrous
mutants for your D&D Gamma World
The radioactive wastelands of Earth are
home to many bizarre and barbaric
creatures. The apocalypse hasn’t exactly
made the world a better place. It’s
survival of the fittest. Time to build a
new food chain.
This game expansion presents a menagerie of mutant creatures and a
ready-to-play adventure. The monsters presented herein can also be
pulled over and used in the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying
This product includes:
- 160-page adventure book, including new mutant monsters
- 4 sheets of die-cut mutant monster tokens
- A fold-out battle map
Caverns of Icewind Dale – Dungeon Tiles. .8,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Januar
This accessory gives Dungeon Masters
an easy and inexpensive way to
include great-looking terrain in their
games. This set provides ready-touse, configurable tiles with which to
build icy caves, winter backdrops, and
other exciting encounter locations. The
tiles in this set can be combined with
tiles from all past and future sets to
create truly memorable adventures.
Caverns of Icewind Dale contains six
double-sided sheets of illustrated, diecut terrain tiles printed on heavy
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
D&D Gamma World Expansion Kit: Legion of Gold
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
A D&D Gamma World Roleplaying
Game Expansion
Richard BakerThe radioactive
wastelands of Earth are home to
many bizarre and barbaric
creatures. The apocalypse hasn’t
exactly made the world a better
place. It’s survival of the fittest.
Time to build a new food chain.
This game expansion presents a
menagerie of mutant creatures and
a ready-to-play adventure. The
monsters presented herein can also be pulled over and used in the
Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game.
This product includes:
•160-page adventure book, including new mutant monsters and
•4 sheets of die-cut mutant monster tokens
•A fold-out battle map
Dark Sun
PP6 - City under the Sand Novel..................5,59
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Aric, a half-elf with a rare natural
ability with the psionic discipline
known as "the Way," must find his
place in a world ruled by the
tyranny of evil sorcerer kings, and
dominated by the savage wilds of
the Athasian desert, a world
presided over by the unrelenting
crimson eye of DARK SUN.
When Aric is brought into a quest to
search for a priceless trove of
weapons, he would rather keep his
head down and live a simple life.
But nothing is simple in the city of
Nibenay with it reclusive ruler
known as the Shadow King. And in
a world where metal is the rarest of
commodities, Aric's "way" with
metal is an even rarer talent.
Enlisted by the Shadow King
himself to seek out this cache of metal weaponry, Aric heads into the
desert with a treacherous band of adventurers. Allegiance's are tested
and secrets are uncovered. But sometimes the secrets hidden by the
sands of time should remain undiscovered.
When Aric and his band uncover an evil perhaps greater than the
Shadow King himself, it is a race against time to see who will harness its
EBB LR Lady Ruin NOVEL............................4,89
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
Let every tool be brought to bear on
the abominations that push their
way into our world.
Lirra Brochann dedicated her life to
the nation of Karrnath. With the
war ended, and the army asleep—
waiting—in their crypts, Karrnath
assigned her to a new project: find a
way to harness the dark powers of
the Plane of Madness.
Even the tools of the daelkyr and
their servitors, in our hands made
pure, will be used to eradicate our
When the government threatens to
withdraw support for the
experiments, the alchemist in
charge, Lirra’s own uncle, makes a
drastic error and opens a portal to
Xoriat. In the ensuing chaos, Lirra becomes bonded to one of the
experiments: a symbiotic tentacle whip with a will of its own.
Let the impure rise up to meet us.
The forces of Xoriat threaten all Lirra once stood for. And the only way to
stop them is to accept the corrupting powers of the tentacle whip.
Let us revel in their ruin.
Taint of the Black Brigade Novel...................4,89
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
The Chronicles of Abraxis Wren
Paul Crilley
A series of brutal murders. A lost
treasure. And the one woman Wren never
wanted to see again.
Abraxis Wren, Sharn’s most notorious
inquisitive, hasn’t had a case in months
when his ex-wife shows up on his
doorstep, framed for the murder of a man
she was hired to protect. She’s the last
person he wants to help, but the trail of
bodies—and the connection to an elite
squad of killers from the Last War—is too
intriguing to resist.
With his assistant Torin in tow, Wren
races to piece together the blood-stained
clues. Only he can save the next victim of
the Black Brigade’s deadly tontine…and find the treasure that belongs to
the last soldier standing.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
EBB TOB 3 - The Fading Dream Novel..........4,89
The Mark of Nerath Novel.............................5,59
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
It is a time of magic and monsters, a time
when only a few scattered points of light
glow with stubborn determination amid a
rising tide of shadows. It is a time when
only the bravest heroes dare tread the wilds
of the unknown . . .
Magroth the Mad—an erstwhile emperor and
tyrant from the time of Nerath, the world’s
last empire—yearns to be free of his eternal
prison in the Shadowfell. And Orcus, the
Demon Prince of Undeath, has a plan to help
him. But in order for Magrorth to be free
and raise a new kingdom in the world, one
that will rule eternally in darkness, he must
carry out a series of tasks—among them the
elimination of Nerath’s remaining royal bloodline, and with it the
possibility of defeat.
Falon of Nenlast, a small trading village in the northern reaches of the
Nentir Vale, is a novice priest of Erathis, mostly content, mostly ignorant
of the dark corners of the world. When he meets Darrum, one of the last
remaining protectors of Nerath, he is shown just how far the shadows
are cast.
With fear and dread loose in the world like hounds in a hunt, Falon and a
ragtag company of adventures must venture forth and confront the
forces that threaten to extinguish the delicate light of civilization forever.
Forgotten Realms
FRS CON 2 Hand of the Hunter NOVEL..........5,59
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
endawen the Hunter has accepted Hweilan's
sacrifice and claimed her as one of his. Now
she must learn to truly become a hunter so
that she may take on the powers of Nendawen
and avenge her family. But while Nendawen's
faithful forge the young woman into a brutal
killer, the undead forces of Jagen Ghen have
found a way into Nendawen's sanctuary in the
Additional titles in the series:
The Fall of Highwatch, Book I
FRS The Sellswords Omnibus NOVEL..........11,19
Erscheint voraussichtlich im August
The drow mercenary Jarlaxle finds an
unlikely ally--and an even more unlikely
savior--in the ruthless assassin Artemis
Entreri. Jarlaxle is in possession of the
dreaded Crystal Shard, but the demonic
artifact is too powerful even for him, and too
malignant even for Entreri. Their first order of
business is to destroy the indestructible, then
journey thousands of miles to the north where
their quest for power and legitimacy will
shine a light on the darkest corners of their
pitch-black souls.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
Thorn's latest mission: protect the prince of
Cyre, a monarch in name only since his
country was destroyed by the Mourning.
But in that same cataclysm, seven cities of
the Feywild--the feyspires--were trapped
on the plain of Eberron, a concurrence the
eladrin who rule the feyspires insist is no
coincidence. They insist that with the right
pieces they can repair the devastation of the
Mourning. All they need are a few that are
missing -one in the heart of a mysterious
Cyran soldier and one that's lodged in
Thorn's spine, carrying the soul of the
Angel of Flame.
D&D - The Seal of Karga Kul NOVEL..............5,59
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
Enter Remy, a quick-witted courier whose
dangerous freight leads him into the vanguard
of an ancient war between forces of light and
the rising tide of shadows that threatens to
overwhelm the burgeoning civilizations of the
Two Rivers Gulf. The story opens with Remy
alone and near death after an encounter with
several stormclaw scorpions. His horse dead
and poison sapping his strength, Remy
collapses with his package at his side,
undelivered. When he awakes, he is in the
company of a band of adventurers who found
him by the side of the road and nursed him
back to health. Among them is a grim
dragonborn paladin named Biri-Daar, whose wariness of the magical
seals on Remy's freight is outweighed by an overwhelming sense of duty
to those in need.
As they journey on, the nature of Remy's package becomes a greater and
greater curiosity. Soon the party, which has come to comprise some sixstrong adventurers, finds itself to be the lynchpin that holds an army of
netherworld forces at bay.
The Year of Rogue Dragons........................11,19
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
A Forgotten Realms Omnibus
Richard Lee Byers
This new omnibus edition collects the
novels The Rage, The Rite, and The Ruin to
present the entire Year of Rogue Dragons
saga under one cover.
Dragons are always a great draw for
fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons, and
Forgotten Realms fans, and this book has
wall-to-wall dragons.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
01.08.2010 – 20.08.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
FRS NN - Gauntlgrym Novel.......................19,59
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
Drizzt joins Bruenor on his quest for
the fabled dwarven kingdom of
Gauntlgrym: ruins said to be rich
with ancient treasure and arcane
lore. But what they find there
surprises them both. Among the
ancient ruins are familiar enemies,
and an undreamed of secret that
could spell disaster for the
unsuspecting people of the city of
Elminster Must Die! Novel..........................18,19
Erscheint voraussichtlich im
Elminster Must Die! is the debut
4th edition appearance of one of
the Forgotten Realms world's most
iconic characters, written by the
creator of the original Forgotten
Realms campaign setting. An
instant classic and a must-read for
every Realms fan. When the
goddess of magic was murdered,
Elminster's world shattered. Once
the most powerful wizard in the
world, immortal, beloved of the
goddess of magic, and the bane of
villainy, he is now a tired old man.
He is powerful, but mortal, and
with all the enemies a man who
makes a habit of saving the world tends to accumulate. To make matters
worse, Elminster has needs - feeding powerful magic items to the
Simbul, his lover, is the only thing that keeps her sane - but their
increasingly risky collection leads his enemies right to him.
MTG Planeswalker - Test of Metal Novel.......5,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Dezember
From the ashes of defeat, the
planeswalker Tezzeret will rise again.
Beaten to within an inch of his life and
left for dead by the psychic sorcerer Jace
Beleren, Tezzeret has lost control of the
Infinite Consortium--an interplanar cabal
he built from the ground up to achieve the
sort of power and influence few in the
Multiverse have ever achieved. Now he
must turn to a former enemy for help: the
dragon Nicol Bolas, perhaps the only
being in the Multiverse powerful enough
to get him back on his feet.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.