Ausgabe 17 KW 50


Ausgabe 17 KW 50
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Ulisses Spiele
Tulamidischer Gaukler (Tulamidische Reiter) Blister
Modelliert von Stefan Niehues.
„Wenn ihr lernen wollt, wie man
ein Messer richtig weit wirft, dann
fragt einen Gaukler“, sagt das
Sprichwort. Und es stimmt. Fast
niemand kann es mit der
Leichtfüßigkeit und
Reaktionsschnelligkeit dieses
Artisten aufnehmen. Eben noch im
Rücken des Gegners, schleudert er
ihm im nächsten Augenblick von
der anderen Seite gleich zwei
Messer entgegen. Doch das ist auch
sein Nachteil, denn wer schnell sein
will, hat wenig Platz für
schützenden Ballast. Der Blister
enthält die Metallminiatur des
Charakters, eine hexförmige
Kunststoffbasis und die
entsprechende Charakterkarte. Die
Miniatur wird unbemalt geliefert
und muss gegebenenfalls zusammengebaut werden.
Geistmagier aus Fasar (Tulamidische Reiter) Blister
Modelliert von Stefan Niehues.
Niemand kann den Geist eines
Menschen quälen wie ein
Geistmagier aus Fasar, der nicht
einmal vor den verbotene Pforten
der Magie zurückschreckt. Im
Reiche des Geistes vollbringt er
wahre Wunder, sei es dadurch,
dass er den Gegner lähmt, ihn in
Panik versetzt oder schlicht an Ort
und Stelle bindet. Und wenn all das
nicht hilft, dann sicherlich ein
Spruchspeicher mit dem
Kampfzauber Fulminictus. Der
Blister enthält die Metallminiatur
des Charakters, eine hexförmige
Kunststoffbasis und die entsprechende Charakterkarte. Die Miniatur
wird unbemalt geliefert und muss gegebenenfalls zusammengebaut
Tulamidischer Phexgeweihter (Tulamidische Reiter)
Modelliert von Stefan Niehues.
Vom Glück gesegnet ist dieser
Phexdiener ein wahres Bollwerk in
der Schlacht. Umhüllt von
Sternenstaub, der dem Gegner den
Angriff erschwert, wirft er sich in
den Kampf. Ein solider
Nahkämpfer, der stets bereit ist,
sein Glück mit seinen Gefährten zu
teilen. Der Blister enthält die
Metallminiatur des Charakters,
eine hexförmige Kunststoffbasis
und die entsprechende
Charakterkarte. Die Miniatur wird
unbemalt geliefert und muss
gegebenenfalls zusammengebaut
Tulamidische Sharisad (Tulamidische Reiter) Blister
Modelliert von Stefan Niehues. Ihre
Augen versprechen die Liebe, doch
ihr Mengbilar-Dolch bringt giftigen
Tod. Ihr Tanz der Unantastbarkeit
schützt sie vor denen, die ihr Spiel
durchschauen und das Schwert
gegen sie erheben. Doch nur diese
haben eine wirkliche Chance im
Kampf gegen sie, denn Magie
bereitet ihr ebenso wenig
Probleme, wie ein Tanz durch die
Reihen der Gegner. Der Blister
enthält die Metallminiatur des
Charakters, eine hexförmige
Kunststoffbasis und die
entsprechende Charakterkarte. Die
Miniatur wird unbemalt geliefert
und muss gegebenenfalls
zusammengebaut werden.
Almadaner Söldnerschütze (Helden & Schurken) Blister
Modelliert von Gregor Adrian
Showcase Bemalung von Raffaele
Picca Ein solider Nahkämpfer ist er
unbestritten, doch eine tödliche
Gefahr wird der Söldnerschütze
erst, wenn einige Schritt zwischen
ihm und seinem Ziel liegen. Selbst
Deckung oder ein unübersichtlicher
Nahkampf können sein
Scharfschützenauge nicht vom Ziel
ablenken. Lässt man ihm einen
kurzen Moment, sein Ziel
anzuvisieren, wird er fast immer
den Schwachpunkt der Rüstung
finden und für sich nutzen. Seine Armbrust vermag er fast blind binnen
weniger Augenblicke nachzuladen. Der Blister enthält die Metallminiatur
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
des Charakters, eine hexförmige Kunststoffbasis und die entsprechende
Charakterkarte. Die Miniatur wird unbemalt geliefert und muss
gegebenenfalls zusammengebaut werden.
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Gareth - Kaiserstadt des Mittelreichs (Box)......
Erscheint am 13.Dezember 2012
Gareth, die größte Stadt
Aventuriens. Eine Metropole voller
Gegensätze, voller Gefahren – eine
Stadt für Helden! Die Kaiserstadt im
Herzen des Kontinents hat mehr als
zwei Gesichter: prachtvolle Paläste
und goldgeschmückte Tempel neben
schäbigen Mietskasernen. Reiche
Patrizier fahren in edlen Kutschen,
die Armen kämpfen in vor Unrat
starrenden Gassen um ihr Leben.
Stadtgardisten patrouillieren über
das edle Pflaster während anderswo
Schläger der lokalen
Unterweltbanden um die
Vorherrschaft ringen. Fromme
Pilger strömen zur Stadt des Lichts, doch gleichzeitig suchen unheilige
Kreaturen aus der verfluchten Dämonenbrache die Stadt heim. Die
Garether Bürger sind stolz auf ihre Stadt, die allen Bedrohungen
standgehalten und sich aus der Asche zu neuer Pracht erhoben hat. Ob
fremde Eroberer, Orks oder Dämonenheere – Gareth trotzt allen
Gefahren, und kaum eine andere Stadt hat in der Vergangenheit so viele
Helden hervorgebracht wie die Metropole des Mittelreichs. Zwischen
Licht und Schatten, Reichtum und Armut, Gesetz und Verbrechen braucht
es Mut, List, eine scharfe Klinge und natürlich wahre Helden! Diese
Spielhilfe gibt Ihnen alles an die Hand, um die Metropole Gareth lebendig
werden zu lassen und zahllose Stunden voller Spielspaß in ihren Gassen
zu verbringen. Lassen Sie Ihre Helden auf finstere Schurken und
dankbare Verbündete stoßen. Sie können uralte Geheimnisse erforschen,
Gilden beitreten und sogar angesehene Ämter erlangen. Unterwerfen Sie
sich dem Gesetz oder fordern Sie es heraus, wählen Sie zwischen Licht
und Schatten und bestimmen Sie selbst Ihr Schicksal in der Kaiserstadt
Gareth. Diese Box enthält neben umfangreichen Kartenmaterial der Stadt
und Ausgaben des Garether Stadtboten drei Bücher und ein Heft: - Im
Herzen der Metropole, das Kompendium zu Leben und Sterben in der
Kaiserstadt - Goldene Dächer, düstere Gassen, mit den Beschreibungen
von Orten und Personen in den fünf Stadtteilen Gareths, der
Dämonenbrache und dem geheimnisvollen Unter-Gareth - Gassenhelden,
einen Abenteuerband mit Szenarien und einer dreiteiligen
Stadtkampagne - Karten & Pläne, Gebäudepläne, Karten und weitere
Stätten okkulter Geheimnisse.....................30,00
Die Magierakademien Aventuriens, Band III Mächtige Zauberei, große
Geheimnisse und unvorstellbare Relikte der Vergangenheit – all dies
verbindet der Aventurier mit dem Begriff Magierakademie. Über ganz
Aventurien verstreut liegen diese Stätten der Ausbildung arkan begabter
Zöglinge, die Stoff für Legenden und Geschichten sind. Aber was geht
wirklich hinter den Mauern der Magieakademien vor? Stätten okkulter
Geheimnisse ist der dritte Band, in dem die aventurischen
Magieakademien im Detail vorgestellt werden. Wie läuft die Ausbildung
der Scholaren ab? Wie erhält man Zugang zu den umfangreichen
Bibliotheken? Welche Dienstleistungen kann man für welchen Preis
erhalten und welche dunklen Geheimnisse ranken sich um die Akademie?
Neben der Bereicherung des Hintergrundes von Helden-Magiern soll dies
vor allem der Aufbereitung der
Akademien als Schauplatz für
Abenteuer dienen. Der vorliegende
Band enthält die ausführliche
Beschreibung von mehr als 13
Lehranstalten. Die einzelnen, hierbei
behandelten Akademien sind:
Al’Anfa, Bethana, Kuslik, Lowangen,
Norburg, Punin, Rommilys, Vinsalt.
Außerdem werden auch einige neue
und alte Schulen beschrieben, etwa
Elburum, Tuzak, Ysilia, YolGhurmak und Mendena sowie
zahlreiche private Lehrmeister.
Diese Spielhilfe enthält
Informationen zu den aventurischen
Magierakademien für Spieler und
Spielleiter. Zum eigentlichen Spiel werden an weiteren Materialien nur
die Basisregeln und die Geographia Aventurica benötigt. Die Kenntnis der
erweiterten Regeln, insbesondere Wege der Helden und Wege der
Zauberei, ist hilfreich, aber nicht, erforderlich.
Aventurischer Bote #156.............................3,90
Liebe Botenleserinnen und Leser!
Der Aventurische Bote 156
präsentiert Ihnen auch dieses Mal
wieder eine bunte Mischung aus
Artikel, Spielhilfen und Szenarien.
Der Ingame-Teil wird sich u.a.
folgenden Themen widmen: Die
neueste Ausgabe des Salamanders
wird wieder über die Entwicklungen
der Gildenmagie und des
Allaventurischen Magierkonvents
berichten. Die Kirche der Rondra hat
nach den turbulenten Ereignissen der
letzten Zeit an Kraft gewonnen und
Almada hat einen neuen Meister der
Münze. Auch aus dem Horasreich
erfährt man Neues, das Gesuch der Ailyne Nemrod hat erste Reaktionen
hervorgerufen und im Bornland harrt jeder Bronnjar und Leibeigener auf
das Ergebnis der Adelsmarschallwahl. Doch nicht nur Nachrichten vom
Festland haben die Botenredaktion erreicht: Auf Maraskan regt sich
erneut Unheil. Im Outgame-Teil finden Sie dieses Mal den Sieger unseres
Wettbewerbs der Mirhamer Königwahl. Die Spielhilfe von Kai Lemberg
bietet unter anderem ein kleines, dreiteiliges Abenteuer und eine
Aussicht wie es im Tiefen Süden politisch weitergeht. Im Tractatus
Contra Bestias können Sie mehr über die geheimnisvollen und
bedrohlichen Gestaltswandler erfahren, einem echten Klassiker unter den
aventurischen Ungeheuern. Mit dem Asarjaban-Ring präsentieren wir
Ihnen darüber hinaus ein machtvolles und gefährliches – aber auch
humorvolles – Artefakt, welches Sie für Ihre heimische Spielrunde
nutzen können. Und passend zur Adelsmarschallwahl präsentiert Ihnen
Eevie Demirtel ein Abenteuerszenario, in welchem die Helden hautnah
die politischen Intrigen im Vorfeld der Wahl miterleben können. Wie
immer finden Sie im hinteren Teil des Boten eine Chronologie der
inneraventurischen Ereignisse und Meisterinformationen zu den
Beiträgen. Der Aventurische Bote 156 deckt den inneraventurischen
Zeitraum Ingerimm/Rahja 1035 BF ab.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Von eigenen Gnaden (Ab.159)....................20,00
Die Schwarze Eiche (Ab.161).....................12,00
Wieder erhältlich
Finster ist das Leben in der
Wildermark geworden und die
Kriegsfürsten pressen die einfache
Bevölkerung bis aufs Blut aus. Auch
Zweimühlen, einst blühender
Grafensitz an der Reichsstraße gen
Warunk, fiel unter dunkle Schatten.
Düstere Kriegsfürsten und
verdorbene Magier herrschten
immer wieder über die Stadt und die
Bürger haben sich bereits der neuen
Ordnung gefügt. Um sie aus ihrer
Lethargie zu reißen und ihren
Willen zum Widerstand zu wecken,
bedarf es schon wahrer Helden.
Doch wenn das Joch der falschen
Herren erst abgeschüttelt ist, ziehen
schon neue Probleme am Horizont herauf. Blutige Schatten erheben sich
und drohen das kleine Licht der Hoffnung zu ersticken, noch bevor es voll
erstrahlen kann. Und so müssen die neuen Herren von Zweimühlen durch
ein Meer aus Stahl und Blut waten, wenn sie nicht alles verlieren wollen,
was sie gerade erst gewonnen haben.
Wieder erhältlich
Du kommst in einem finsteren
Kerker zu dir, und du kannst dich
nicht daran erinnern, wie du dorthin
gekommen bist. Den
Kerkerwächter, einen finsteren Ork,
kannst du schnell überwinden, und
wenn du möchtest, kannst du sogar
noch weitere Gefangene befreien.
Doch dann gilt es, das Gemäuer
unbemerkt zu verlassen, in dem es
vor Schwarzpelzen und anderen
ungastlichen Kreaturen wimmelt.
Am Anfang wirst du einfach einen
Weg suchen, um herauszukommen.
Doch bald wirst du merken, dass es
um etwas viel Grundlegenderes
geht: um das nackte Überleben! Die
schwarze Eiche ist ein Solo-Abenteuer, es kann also ohne Spielleiter und
Mitspieler gespielt werden. Alle Regeln und Spielmechanismen werden
im Buch erklärt, sobald sie benötigt werden, so dass das Abenteuer sogar
für Neueinsteiger besonders geeignet ist.
Die Zuflucht E5..........................................12,00
Wieder erhältlich
Erster Teil der Kampagne um den
Weißen Berg, einer zweiteiligen
Einsteiger-Abenteuer-Kampagne für
Das Schwarze Auge. Der Freiherr
von Andrafall lädt zum Turnier, um
die Hochzeit seiner lieblichen
Tochter mit einem altgedienten
Recken angemessen zu feiern. Doch
nicht nur Ritter sind geladen, denn
zur gleichen Zeit findet in der
kleinen Andergaster Stadt auch das
jährliche Volksfest mit
Bogenschützenturnier und einem
Geländelauf statt. Hier treffen sich
Helden und solche, die es werden
wollen, um sich in unterschiedlichen Wettkämpfen zu messen. Doch
dann verschwindet ein wertvolles Schmuckstück, und der Freiherr setzt
eine hohe Belohnung für seine Wiederbeschaffung aus. Eine Spur führt
tief hinein in die Wildnis des Steineichenwaldes, und dort stoßen die
Helden schließlich auf die Spuren eines uralten Geheimnisses. Die
Zuflucht ist der Auftakt zur zweiteiligen Kampagne um den Weißen
Berg, die sich vor allem an unerfahrene Spielleiter und Spieler wendet.
Ein DSA-Gruppenabenteuer für 3 bis 5 unerfahrene Helden. Ort und Zeit:
Andergast und Steineichenwald; in jüngerer Zeit Zum Leiten dieses
Abenteuerbandes benötigen Sie nur das DSA Basisregelwerk. Kenntnis
weiterer Spielhilfen, vor allem der Regionalbeschreibung Unter dem
Westwind, ist hilfreich, aber nicht notwendig. Von dem Autor Florian
Don-Schauen stammt unter anderem auch die ebenfalls für Einsteiger
konzipierte vierteilige Spielsteine-Kampagne.
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Romane / Comics
Die Türme von Taladur 5 - Türme aus Kristall #145
Erscheint am 13.Dezember 2012
Der Stuhl des Ratsmeisters ist noch
immer unbesetzt. Das Ringen um
die Macht in der Eisenstadt strebt
seinem Höhepunkt entgegen, und
längst trägt der Taladurer Adel
seine Streitigkeiten nicht mehr mit
Samthandschuhen, sondern mit
blankem Stahl aus. Die
hochschwangere Jazemina flüchtet
sich in die trügerische Ruhe ihrer
Landgüter und ahnt nicht, dass die
größte Gefahr ausgerechnet aus den
Reihen ihrer eigenen Familie droht.
Unterdessen macht ihr Geliebter
Boromeo gnadenlos Jagd auf all
jene, die ihn zur Knechtschaft in
den Minen von San Cardasso
verdammten. Aber ist es wirklich
nur der alte Zwist der Taladurer
Familias, der das Blut in den Straßen der Stadt fließen lässt? Oder zieht
jemand im Verborgenen seinen Nutzen aus der Uneinigkeit der Stadt?
Romane / Comics
Atlan - Polychora 3 - Versprengte der Unendlichkeit
Atlan - Polychora 3 - Versprengte der Unendlichkeit Im Jahr 3126
häufen sich die Anzeichen eines möglichen Niedergangs des Solaren
Imperiums, und Perry Rhodan beginnt, über Gegenmaßnahmen
nachzudenken. Natürlich nimmt in seinen Plänen auch die United Stars
Organisation (USO) eine wichtige Rolle ein, jene Institution, die sich um
die Sicherheit all jener winzigen Staatengebilde kümmert. An der Spitze
der USO steht der Arkonide Atlan, Perry Rhodans bester Freund. Ein
Zellaktivator verleiht dem mehr als zehntausend Jahre alten einstigen
Imperator des arkonidischen Imperiums die relative Unsterblichkeit.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Durch ein missglücktes
Zeitexperiment wurde Lordadmiral
Atlan nach Polychora verschlagen –
eine aus zahllosen Lebenssphären
bestehende Arche, die Unbekannte
vor Äonen aus dem Quantenschaum
erschaffen haben. Schon die
geringste Manipulation dieser
kleinsten Bausteine aller Materie
stellt eine unübersehbare Gefahr
für die Milchstraße und alles Leben
in ihr dar. Atlan entscheidet sich
für den aussichtslos erscheinenden
Kampf gegen den Terraner
Galverin Schmidt, der wie kein
anderer den Quantenschaum zu
beherrschen versteht. Unterdessen
startet die USO in der heimatlichen
Galaxis mit Unterstützung der
Piraten-Lady Tipa Riordan den
verzweifelten Versuch, durch das Chaos der Irrealitäten zu Atlan
vorzustoßen. Und während die dramatischen Geschehnisse in Polychora
ihrem Höhepunkt entgegentreiben, werden ein fremdartiger
Außerirdischer und ein lebendes Raumschiff zum entscheidenden Faktor
Pathfinder dt.
AP #20: Freibeuters Los - Unter Piraten 2/6 .
Pathfinder Abenteuerpfad 20
Abenteuer 2/6 des
Abenteuerpfades „Unter Piraten“
Nach ihrer Meuterei können die
Spielercharaktere nun ihre Karriere
als Piraten auf der Fiebersee
beginnen. Sie müssen eine riskante
Balance zwischen erfolgreichen
Raubzügen mit entsprechenden
Prahlereien und ihren ehemaligen
Kameraden und neuen Feinden von
der Wermuth finden, die Rache
üben wollen. Dazu müssen sie
Schiffe kapern, Küstensiedlungen
plündern und sich gegen andere
Piraten durchsetzen. Dabei fällt ihnen eine Schatzkarte in die Hände,
welche den ersehnten Einzug in den inneren Kreis der mächtigsten
Piraten ermöglichen könnte. Doch bevor es dazu kommen kann, müssen
erst einmal die unterseeischen Hüter des Schatzes und einige unliebsame
Überraschungen überwunden werden. Dieser Band bietet Zusatzregeln
für den Abenteuerpfad, mit dem die Spielercharaktere Macht und
Ansehen sammeln können, um sich Vorteile zu verdienen.
Classic Battletech
Romane / Comics
Blut-Avatar- MWDA #19...........................11,95
Die erste Leiche, die in Weitab
auftaucht, einem abgeschiedenen
Dorf auf dem Planeten Denebola, ist
die eines Fremden. Als das
Denebola Bureau of Investigations
und der Legat auf der anderen Seite
des Planeten sich die Leiche
aneignen, ist Sheriff Hank Ketchum
klar, dass dieser Fall eine Nummer
zu groß für ihn ist. Aber er
bekommt Hilfe vom berüchtigten
Kriminaler Jack Ramsey.
Gemeinsam mit der talentierten und
hübschen Gerichtsmedizinerin
Amanda Slade nimmt Ramsey sich
den Fall vor und findet Hinweise auf
eine Verschwörung, die mindestens
bis zum Tod von Hank Ketchums
Vorgänger als Sheriff zurückreicht.
Vielleicht sogar bis zum Heiligen Krieg der Blakisten. Eine nicht
ungefährliche Entdeckung… Doch er ist nicht der Einzige, der in Gefahr
schwebt. Ohne dass Ramsey es ahnt, sind die Verschwörer vor seiner
Nase dabei, unliebsame Zeugen aus dem Weg zu räumen. Für die
Polizisten stellt sich die Frage, wer die größere Gefahr ist – die Clans,
Blakes Wort oder die Agentin des Legaten?
Uhrwerk Verlag
Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor
Eine Katastrophe hat die Insel
Era’Sumu heimgesucht. Tausende
Menschen starben, als lebende Tote
aus einem uralten optimatischen
Laboratorium ausbrachen und über
die Stadt Sumnea Velkaris
herfielen. Doch bald lernen die
Helden jemanden kennen, der
behauptet, Informationen über ein
Heilmittel für die Seuche zu
besitzen. Um es zu erlangen,
müssen die Helden lediglich mitten
in den verheerten Landstrich reisen
und den Horden von Untoten und
Mutanten trotzen, die sich ihnen in
den Weg stellen. Schnell zeigt sich,
dass der Mensch des Menschen
größter Feind ist und es nicht so einfach ist, das Heilmittel aufzufinden.
Die Suche führt die Helden durch das halbe Imperium, konfrontiert sie
mit den Machenschaften von Verschwörern der unterschiedlichen Häuser
und lässt sie längst vergessene Geheimnisse aufdecken. Auch wenn es
den Helden gelingen mag, das Heilmittel zu erringen, heißt das noch
lange nicht, dass sie auch wirklich erfolgreich waren. Denn dieses
Heilmittel besitzt eine besondere Form und kann zudem nur an einem
ganz bestimmten Ort eingesetzt werden. Und dieser Ort ist fernab der
Götter, der Ordnung und des Lebens. An diesem Ort mögen Feinde zu
Verbündeten werden – doch kann man diesen trauen? Und ist es den
Preis wert, der gezahlt werden muss, um die Mutter der lebenden Toten
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
zu besiegen? Gelingt es den Helden, die Saat der Erdmutter zu pflanzen,
die Sumublüten wachsen zu lassen und so dem geknechteten Land
Frieden zu bringen? ABENTEUER M17 Ort/ Region: Era'Sumu, Iolona,
Dorinthapolis, Narinion Zeit: neuere myranische Zeit Stichworte zum
Abenteuer: Flucht und Erkundung eines Landes der Untoten, Erforschung
diverser Dungeons, Suche nach einem Heilmittel Komplexität
(Meister/Spieler): hoch/ mittel Erfahrung (Helden): Experten
No Quarter Magazine 45...............................7,50
No Quarter Magazine # 45 kicks off with
more model previews from the upcoming
HORDES: Gargantuans, giving players
another glimpse at the super-sized warbeasts
coming their way. Also in this issue, Guts &
Gears focuses on the Trollkin Long Riders,
Gavyn Kyle delves into the murky past of the
gatorman warlock Bloody Barnabas, and
support for the Iron Kingdoms RPG
continues with new monsters in
Monsternomicon & Beyond, rules for
steamjack logistics, and new equipment in
Privateer Press
Protectorate Judicator Colossal Box (plastic)....
Judikator Koloss des Protektorats The
Judicator channels Menoth's wrath by
delivering the punishment of fire unto
heathens. It can unleash withering barrages
of rockets while bathing the unfaithful in
great gouts of holy flame. Its cortex is
linked to a blessed reliquary containing the
interred remains of an honored priest
whose essence serves as a reservoir for
divine energies, filling the machine with
spiritual power and enabling it to fight
unrelentingly in the name of the Creator.
Cryx Bane Knights Unit Box (repack) .........60,20
Fell creations of blasphemous runes
and animated bones, bane knights
are unhallowed vessels of darkness
summoned from the void. They
draw strength from those who
strike at them, brutalizing their
foes while advancing relentlessly
across the battlefield. Bane knights
can become fully spectral for short
periods of time, passing through
solid barriers to reach their
terrified victims.
Foundry, Forge, & Crucible!
Trollblood Pyre Troll Light Warbeast Box (plastic)
Flammentroll Leichtes Warbeast
The fearsome pyre trolls are able to
belch gouts of combustible liquid
that ignites in the air, sticks to
flesh, and burns at hellish
temperatures. After softening foes
with blazing spittle, pyre trolls use
their thick claws to tear apart their
sizzling victims. Even their skin exudes heat, the air around them
smoldering with ripples that warn of the inferno to come.
Bronze Demon - Umbau-Set........................13,50
Vierteiliges Umbau-Set für Panzer.
Das Set beinhaltet eine Frontplatte,
zwei Seitentüren und eine obere
Four-piece conversion kit for tanks.
The set includes a front panel, two
side doors, and an upper door.
Protectorate Epic Warcaster - Intercessor Kreoss Box
Fürsprecher Kreoss Epischer Kavalleriewarcaster des Protektorats
Isis - Umbau-Set.........................................13,50
Fünfteiliges Umbau-Set für Panzer.
Das Set beinhaltet eine Frontplatte,
eine Seitentür, eine obere Tür und
zwei Banderolen. Diese können
optimal auf der Oberseite von
Panzern platziert werden (rechts
und links neben der oberen Tür)
aber auch an anderen Positionen,
Fahrzeugen oder Geländestücken
sind die Banderolen eine tolle Verzierung.
Five-piece conversion kit for tanks. The set includes a front panel, a side
door, an upper door and two banderoles. This can be optimally placed on
the top of tanks (left and right of the upper door), but also at other
positions, vehicles or terrain pieces are the banderoles a great ornament.
Isis - Banderolen-Set....................................4,50
Das Set beinhaltet zwei Banderolen.
Diese können optimal auf der
Oberseite von Panzern platziert
werden (rechts und links neben der
oberen Tür) aber auch an anderen
Positionen, Fahrzeugen oder
Geländestücken sind die Banderolen
eine tolle Verzierung.
The set contains two banderoles. This can be optimally placed on the top
of tanks (left and right of the upper door), but also at other positions,
vehicles or terrain pieces are the banderoles a great ornament.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Alderac Entertainment Group
Legend of the 5 Rings
Legend of the Five Rings: Book of Earth..........
“Be like unto the earth, and you
shall endure forever.” – Isawa
Norimichi, Master of Earth The
earth is the rock upon which the
Empire of Rokugan has stood
proudly for more than one thousand
years, both as a metaphor and a
very real truth. They are the
essence and soul of the Crab Clan,
as well as the power and the
determination of the Dragon.
Countless families and Fortunes are
of Earth, and their works within the
mortal realm depend upon its
strength to shape the face of
destiny. The Book of Earth is the second in a series of elemental
sourcebooks that will explore the themes of each of the five elemental
Rings. >From the quiet, stolid fortresses that stand quietly against the
force of the Empire’s enemies, to the crushing violence of a tetsubo,
every aspect of the eternal essence of Earth will be examined. In this
book you will find explorations of: Sumai and its traditions throughout
the clans The devastating use of heavy weapons in the martial
philosophy of Rokugan Spells concerning containment and resistance
Kiho utilized by the Brotherhood of Shinsei The silent, foreboding
fortress known simply as the Lair And much more!
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
The royal court of the City-State of
Tempest is the center of fashion
and culture. Inside the palace, the
wealthy, wise, and powerful
mingle, and their conversations
shape the future. For a skilled
negotiator, there is no better place
to be. An idea seeded here, a name
dropped there, a favor turned, and a
courtier can quickly rise to
prominence, wealth, knighthood,
and more. Courtier is a game of the
royal court of the City-State of
Tempest. Play cards to influence
key personalities or adjust the
board to your advantage. Gain
control of coteries to use their
special abilities. Influence the right
courtiers, and complete petitions to score points. Whoever has the most
points at the end of the game wins! • The perfect gateway game for
Tempest • Designed by Philip duBarry, designer of Revolution! •
Players compete for public goals, yet have private ones as well • Plays
in under an hour! Contents: 48 influence cards, 44 power cards, 26
petition cards, 17 fashion cards, 8 coterie ability cards, wooden cubes,
game board and rules. Players: 2-4 players Ages: 10 & Up Playing Time:
60 minutes
A large, safe harbor astride a
dangerous stretch of seagoing trade
routes, the docks of the City-State
of Tempest are said to be the
busiest in the world. Ships from
every known nation--and a few
that are little more than rumors-conduct their business here in this
polyglot city. Among this chaosof
cargo and shouting and gold, the
great merchant houses conduct
their affairs with the ruthlessness
of crocodiles. Their goal: Be the only merchant house in Tempest.
Achieving that goal takes courage, calculation, and a gambler's calm.
Mercante is a game of economic warfare between merchant houses. The
war is fought with gold, contracts, market manipulation, and outright
theft. You play one of nine merchant houses, each with a unique ability.
Buy and sell commodities, fulfill contracts, turn a tidy profit, or drive
down the value of your opponents' goods. With a realistic market model
and every player involved in each auction, Mercante will test your
mercantile mettle! • Designed by award-winning designer Jeff Tidball •
Highly interactive: everyone is involved every turn • Realistic economic
model • Asymmetrical house powers Contents: 1 market board, 5
merchant ledgers, 3 reference tracks, 9 house power cards, 32 shipment
cards, 38 event cards, 20 contract cards, 72 goods tokens, 1 reference
track marker, 2 upkeep markers, 20 agent markers, 15 warehouse
markers, victory point tokens, coin tokens in various denominations, and
rules. Players: 3-5 players Ages: 12 & Up Playing Time: 60 minutes
From the busy, rugged quays of the
Merchant Quarter to the ornate
magnificence of the Great Basilica,
from the imperious chambers of the
Senate to the stinking, crowded
alleys of the Swamp, secret cabals
move unseen in the City-State of
Tempest. These clandestine
societies, bound by blood oaths and
driven by power, conspire to seize
control of Tempest. They wage a
secret war with words, gold, and a
knife in a darkened alley. When it is won, few will be wiser as to who
really pulls the strings in this great city.... Dominare is a game of the
hidden war for total control of Tempest. The weapons of this war are
people, and Dominare provides dozens of \"weapons\" for you to wield.
Use your agents to build a conspiracy, and watch it grow in power as you
add to it. Agents spread influence through eight city districts each with
unique advantages, and use your agents' abilities to wrest control of key
parts of the city from the opposition... for in the end, control is all that
matters. • En epic game covering the entire City-State • Scores of
individual characters with unique powers • Players build a conspiracy,
balancing influence vs. exposure • Designed by gaming industry veteran
jim pinto Contents: 1 double-sided game board, 95 agent cards, 30
event cards, 8 district ability cards, 6 reference cards, 50+ influence
tokens each in 6 player colors, 8 victory point markers (unpainted), coin
tokens in various denominations, and rules. Players: 2-6 players Ages:
12 & Up Playing Time: 2-3 hours
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Love Letter....................................................8,99
Tempest is AEG's new line of
designer board games set in a
unique shared world, beautifully
realized by artists Andrew
Hepworth and Jeffrey Himmelman.
Each game shares the setting and
characters with other games, yet
occupies its own unique position in
the over-arcing story. Come explore
the City-State of Tempest! All of
the eligible young men (and many
of the not-so-young) seek to woo
the princess of Tempest.
Unfortunately, she has locked
herself in the palace, and you must
rely on others to bring your
romantic letters to her. Will yours
reach her first? Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2–4
players. Your goal is to get your love letter into Princess Annette's hands
while deflecting the letters from competing suitors. From a deck with
only sixteen cards, each player starts with only one card in hand; one
card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one
card, trying to expose others and knock them from the game. Powerful
cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards
for too long, however, and your letter may be tossed in the fire! · Fast,
easy game play · Family-friendly with lavish artwork · Part of the
Tempest game line · By renowned Japanese designer Seiji Kanai ·
Clamshell packaging shows off the embroidered bag Contents:
Embroidered velvet bag with drawstring, 16 game cards, 4 reference
cards, 13 wood tokens, and rules booklet. Players: 2-4 Ages: 8 & Up
Playing Time: 20 minutes
Battlefront Miniatures
Flames of War
Wings of Glory is a game system
that allows players to recreate
aerial combat during World War I
and II, using cards and miniatures
to represent the airplanes and their
maneuvers. In Wings of Glory
players will control one or more
airplanes, taking to the skies to
engage their opponents in aerial
duels, or trying to accomplish a specific mission, such as recon, escort, or
bombing. This WW1 Wings of Glory Rules and Accessories Pack is a
complete game system, that includes all the rules and accessories
necessary to play the WW1 version of the game system. Players will
find the core WW1 rules system presented in a beautiful 48-pages color
booklet – Basic, Standard, Advanced, and a wealth of Optional rules. Also
included are all the rules and counters necessary to use special models
(such as multi-engine bombers and balloons) and special weapons (antiaircraft, rockets and incendiary bullets). The pack also features four
decks of Damage Cards (A, B, C, D); Target, Trench, Machine Gun, Anti
Aircraft Guns and Bomb cards; four airplane consoles, two rulers and
FW190 F8.................................................14,00
Red Artillery Template (Metric)..................11,00
includes one Transparent Red
Plastic Artillery Template (15cm x
15cm). The ancient science of
artillery reached its destructive
pinnacle in the bloody stalemate of
the First World War. There the
armies of Europe learned the art of
massed artillery fire to smash
enemy defences and cut them off
from their reserves. Their
technique was slow and
methodical, but extremely deadly.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Wings of Glory WW1: Rules and Accessories Pack
The FW 190 was one of the most
important aircraft in the Luftwaffe,
featuring heavily as a fighter and
in ground attack roles. Armed with
a pair of 20mm cannons and
bombs it was a significant threat to
Allied armour.
Ares Games
Wings of Glory WW1
Red Rangefinder (Metric)...........................11,00
includes one Transparent Plastic
Red Range Finder. The Red Range
Finder: Metric is an ideal accessory
for any keen Flames Of War player.
It provides a quick reference for
movement rates of the different
troop types in Flames Of War and also provide an easy measuring tool
for command distance when deploying your army.
Rocky Outcrops..........................................22,00
Contains six pre-painted Rock
Outcrops, perfect for your figures to
fight around.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Sturm Platoon (Winter)................................... 14,00
The Jagdtiger heavy tank-hunter is
an awesome beast to behold. This
massive vehicle has a gun so
powerful that no enemy tank in
service can deflect its round. It has
front armour so heavy that the
enemy has no choice but to attempt
to flank it to knock it out. All this
power comes at a cost; its heavy
weight makes it slow and
mechanically unreliable.
3.7cm FlaK43 Platoon (Winter).................17,00
includes three 3.7cm FlaK43 Antiaircraft gun with crew, one
Command SMG team, one Small
three-hole base & three Medium
bases. During the pre-war and early
period of the war medium antiaircraft guns (3.7cm and 4cm
calibres) were relegated to a relatively minor role in Germany’s air
defence. Instead emphasis was placed on the light 2cm calibre weapons
such as the FlaK30, FlaK38 and Flakvierling 38 (Quad 2cm).
Panzergrenadier Platoon (Winter)...............17,00
includes one Command Panzerfaust Assault Rifle team, one
Panzerschreck team, two Assault Squads, one MG Squad, one Small
three-hole base & seven Medium four-hole bases. The Volksgrenadier
divisions were formed in the Autumn of 1944 after the destruction of
Army Group Centre by the Soviets in the east and of the Fifth Panzer
Army in Normandy in the west. The new infantry divisions were
designed to economise on personnel and to be primarily focused on
Feldherrnhalle Panzerkompanie................145,00
The panzer brigades used tried and
tested battle group tactics learned
on the Eastern Front during 1943
and early 1944. By grouping all of
their armoured assets into a single
battle group and launching
lightning-fast strikes against
enemy spearheads they could
destroy the attacking force before it could be reinforced. The 106.
Panzerbrigade FHH received 36 of the latest production Panther tanks,
as well as 11 of the very first production run of Panzer IV/70 tank
hunters. Supported by armoured infantry and self propelled anti-aircraft
units they were capable of delivering a bloody nose to any American unit
in their way
Red Token Set............................................11,00
includes one Command Panzerfaust MG team, three Panzergrenadier
Squads, one Panzerschreck team (Schützen option), one Small three-hole
base, four Medium four-hole bases & three Medium five-hole bases. Each
Panzergrenadier Platoon is equipped with MG42 machine-guns, K98
rifles and Panzerfaust anti-tank rockets.This provides them with
amazing firepower, both on attack and defence.
includes thirty Transparent Red Plastic Flames Of War Gaming Tokens.
The Red Token Set contains 30 transparent plastic gaming tokens
featuring the Flames Of War Tiger Tank logo: 4x Bailed Out tokens; 4x
Bogged Down tokens; 4x Dug In tokens; 4x Gone To Ground tokens; 4x
Pinned Down tokens; 4x Non-Assaulting Team tokens; 2x Ranged In
tokens; 2x Reorganising tokens; 2x At The Double tokens.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
7th Armored Division...............................145,00
The 7th Armored Division fought
from Normandy to the Lorraine in
the summer of 1944. After a hard
fight around the German fortresscity of Metz, they fought in the
soggy battlefields of Holland. After
a rest and refit with the new M4A3
Sherman models, the Lucky
Seventh was back in action during the Battle of the Bulge, where it
successfully fought German spearheads around St. Vith to a standstill.
Wargames Illustrated #302.........................6,50
Blue Panther
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
The Duke, who has no heirs, has
decreed that his throne will go to
whomever does the most to lift up
and develop the duchy. You are a
successful, but common merchant,
aiming to buy a noble title by
impressing the Grand Duke. His
wealth is waning, so you need to
hurry. You develop properties to
improve the city and generate
income - then use the income to
develop properties. In the end,
where you build, could be as important as what you build.
Catalyst Game Lab
Classic Battletech
A Time of War Companion..........................40,49
Shadowrun 4.Ed.
Bedrock Games
Crime Network
Orlando's Guide to Organized Crime ...........19,99
Make your bones with Orlando as
your guide. In this latest
supplement from Bedrock Games,
learn to survive life in the American
mafia, as Orlando shows you the
ropes. Provides a complete overview
of everything from major US crime
families to street gangs. Includes:
New equipment Real-life American
crime families Organized crime
groups in Italy More detailed
treatment of crime skills Laws and
the legal system Optional rules for
rackets and combat
Shadowrun: Sacrificial Limb - Boardroom Backstab 2
In 2072, Roger Soaring Owl, CEO
of Knight Errant, resigned.
In 2073, Roger Soaring Owl was
attacked on the streets of Denver.
Witnesses were not clear on just
what attacked him, but most say it
was meaner, stronger, and faster
than any metahuman.
Now it’s 2074. It’s time to find out
what Roger Soaring Owl learned.
Corporate machinations don’t get
any meaner than this. Rivals of the
megacorporation are certain it’s
hiding some dark secrets, and
they’re willing to spend significant
nuyen to uncover this information. Runners are going to have to
infiltrate an Ares subsidiary and gain the corporation’s trust if they want
to discover the secret—and if they do, they will have to find a way to
survive with what they have learned.
Sacrificial Limb is the second in the Boardroom Backstabs series of
adventures for Shadowrun. It has plot information, NPC details, player
handouts, and everything needed to throw players into the depths of
corporate espionage, digging for the paydata the megacorps want to keep
Sacrificial Limb is for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Romane / Comics
Star Challengers: Moonbase Crisis..............10,79
MOONBASE CRISIS! After an exhilarating
space simulation field trip at the local
Challenger Center, a group of students are
hand-picked by the mysterious
Commander Zota for a special adventure:
to travel to the future and a real moonbase
in trouble, where they will learn skills to
save the human race! Star Challengers is
an exciting, new young adult fiction series!
Created by New York Times Best-Selling
Authors Rebecca Moesta & Kevin J.
Anderson, with June Scobee Rodgers,
Founding Chairman and Director for
Challenger Centers for Space Science
Education, and published by Catalyst Game
traitors, too! Star Challengers is an exciting young adult fiction series!
Created by New York Times Best-Selling Authors Rebecca Moesta &
Kevin J. Anderson, with June Scobee Rodgers, Founding Chairman and
Director for Challenger Centers for Space Science Education, and
published by Catalyst Game Labs.
Cipher Studios
Hell Dorado
Deserteure - Götz von Berlichengen (Blister) ...
Deserteure - Charon (Blister)......................24,99
Deserteure - Isaia and Golem (Blister) .............
Star Challengers: Space Station Crisis ............
ANDERSON Book 2 in the exciting new
trilogy! Now that JJ Wren, her brother
Dylan, and friends King and Song-Ye have
seen Earth’s dark future — facing an
invasion by the hideous alien Kylarn —
they know they have to prepare the human
race. At the local Challenger Center, the
mysterious Commander Zota sends JJ and
her friends off on another mission, this
time to the International Space Station
Complex, where they meet old friends,
survivors from the disaster at Moonbase
Magellan … as well as a mysterious girl,
Mira, who claims to be from the past. Another Star Challenger with her
own mentor, just like Commander Zota. Together, they have to discover
and stop the continuing plans of the alien invaders. And the Kylarn have
set their sights on conquering, or destroying, the space station, so that
Earth has no protection at all!
Star Challengers: Asteroid Crisis.................10,79
Threat from space! It was supposed to be
just an educational field trip to the
Challenger Learning Center, but JJ Wren
and her friends find themselves
transported into the future, to a time when
the human race is under siege from deadly
alien invaders. The evil Kylarn have
shifted the orbits of three asteroids,
sending them tumbling toward Earth—and
a direct impact will have devastating
consequences. With instructions and skills
they learn from the mysterious
Commander Zota, JJ and her fellow Star
Challengers embark on a mission to the
asteroids before it’s too late, hoping to
divert the giant rocks before they strike Earth. But the alien invaders
aren’t the only enemy—the Star Challengers have to worry about human
Cranial Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Like - The social Game!...............................19,95
Mit Like taucht ihr in die Welt der
sozialen Netzwerke ein und werdet
Mitglied bei dem Wettkampf um
den Platz des populärsten Users im
Netz. Steigere deine Beliebtheit bei
den anderen Nutzern und lasse das
Ansehen der anderen sinken mit
deinen für sie peinlichen Posts. As
a user of status (the largest social
network in the world), your goal is
to become the most popular user on
the web, and show off the most
friends! Become the troll - that irreverent provocateur - and tag the other
users with your embarrassing posts! Your rivals don't want to be the
laughing stock of the web for sure, and won't hesitate to try their best to
win the discussion. They'll even be willing to pay for the support of the
other users! You just have to hope that in their rush they'll make a
mistake: then you can show off and grow your popularity! But be
careful: sooner or later you'll be tagged too...Are you sure you want to
risk your reputation to get the last word? Challenges - Duel with other
users to the last Like and grow your popularity! Alliances - Help other
users to win particularly difficult challenges in exchange for a reward, of
course! Rhythm - Join the action at any time and press your advantage.
Timing is everything! Irony - Take the roles of the most embarrassing
personalities of the web. Do nerd, cheerleader, or emo mean anything to
you? Fun - Develop more and more effective strategies and combos, and
leave your adversaries astonished!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Cubicle 7
HeroQuest: Sartar - Kingdom of Heroes...........
HeroQuest Game Rules in the
Glorantha SettingThe Flame of
Sartar has been extinguished. For
generations, our wise kings and
powerful magicians fought against
the armies and demons of the
Lunar Empire and kept us free.
Now, the people suffer under the
tyranny of the Red Moon. In every
hill fort, village, and tribe, there are
prophesies of a new liberator who
shall start the Hero Wars and free
Sartar—the Argrath. Is it your
destiny to be this Argrath and
relight the Flame of Sartar?
• Everything you need to run a
HeroQuest campaign set in the core of Greg Stafford’s legendary
Glorantha setting
• Includes an epic campaign arc
• Plenty of crunch, with rules for character and clan creation, rune
magic, and heroquests
• A hefty, 378-page tome that really delivers the goods!
• Veteran gamers will want to check this out latest version of an
all-time favorite setting; new gamers will find a unique and
imaginative brand of fantasy rich with detailed setting information
• Companion title releases simultaneously for huge upsell!
HeroQuest: Sartar - Companion...................39,99
More HeroQuest Adventures in
Glorantha!Ready to set out on your
Gloranthan adventures in Sartar?
The Sartar Companion kits out
HeroQuest Glorantha players and
GMs with details on dozens of
locations and characters, over 70
encounters (many potential
adventures in their own right), half
-a-dozen Sartar cults, and six fulllength adventures.It’s an entire
campaign in one hefty volume!
• Adds nearly 300 pages of
detail to Greg Stafford’s legendary
Glorantha setting
• Scores of encounters, adventure seeds, and full-length adventures
make this a great off-the-shelf resource for GMs
• Players will want the background material that fleshes
out their characters and clans
• Veteran gamers will want to check this out latest version of an
all-time favorite setting; new gamers will find a unique and
imaginative brand of fantasy rich with detailed setting information
• Terrific upsell for the Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes title
releasing simultaneously
HeroQuest: Pavis - Gateway to Adventure........
Pavis: Gateway to Adventure
contains 416 pages of pure
Gloranthan gold, including:
Character creation for Pavis heroes.
Full write-ups for locations
including New Pavis, Pavis Country,
Sun Dome County, Prax, the Ruins
of Feroda, and the Pavis Temple.
66 detailed random encounters and
20 special encounters for Prax, the
River of Cradles, and Pavis - each
an adventure in its own right. Four
full-length scenarios: Rough
Business; The Celestial Engine; Red
Moon Rising; and the Purple Troll.
Each features major characters, themes, and plotlines for campaigns set
in Pavis. Dozens of adventure seeds. Full write-ups for six Gloranthan
cults: Pavis, Flintnail, Lanbril, Yelmalio, Zola Fel, and the Seven Mothers.
More than thirty maps! Revisit the classic city as you have never seen it
Dice Candies
Würfel & Zubehör
Chocolate Gaming Dice Set............................7,19
The only fumble for a natural one is devouring the misbehaving dice, so
we now give you Dice Candies as a critically delicious treat for
roleplaying gamers worldwide. Handmade and presented in a stylish
package, you will find joy with every bite of this set of chocolate dice;
which include a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6 and d4!
Dreamscarred Press
Psionics Expanded......................................22,49
Take psionics to the next level with
all new character options and rules.
With new classes, new options for
existing classes, new psionic
powers, feats, items, and prestige
classes, this book has something
for new psionic characters and old!
Contained within the pages of
Psionics Expanded you will find: #
Alternate racial options for all of
the psionic and core races # Six
new 20-level psionic base classes:
the aegis, cryptic, dread,
marksman, tactician, and vitalist - a
psionic healer # Advanced class
options including class archetypes, advanced disciplines, and new
psychic warrior paths, wilder surges, and soulknife blade skills # Dozens
of new psionic and metapsionic feats # New psionic powers for all
manifesters # Nine new psionic prestige classes, including the body
snatcher, metaforge, and soul archer # New psionic armor, weapons, and
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
items, as well as a new type of psionic item to empower mind blades,
armor, and shields Building off the core psionic rules of Psionics
Unleashed, Psionics Expanded gives over two hundred pages of new
character options to allow you to have exactly the psionic character you
want. Psionics Expanded requires Psionics Unleashed.
Engine Publishing
Universal Spielhilfen
Never Unprepared: The Complete ...................
Game Master's Guide to Prep......................17,95
Whether you're new to game
mastering or have been running the
same campaign since 1974, Never
Unprepared: The Complete Game
Master's Guide to Session Prep will
help you prepare for games faster,
avoid common pitfalls, and have
more fun in the process. To our
knowledge, this is the first book
entirely devoted to the process of
prepping for tabletop RPGs. Ten
years in the making, Never
Unprepared is award-winning
author Phil Vecchione's epic rock
ballad to game prep. A project
manager and veteran game master,
he draws on extensive experience to
present flexible systems for
developing or optimizing your own unique approach to game prep. Phil's
work has previously appeared on (silver ENnie Award
winner for Best Blog, 2010 and 2011) and in Eureka: 501 Adventure
Plots to Inspire Game Masters and Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for
Any Roleplaying Game.
Fantasy Flight Games
Warhammer Invasion LCG
atrocities, the armies of the true creators march forth. The Lizardmen
arrive from Lustria to reclaim what is theirs. The neutral race receives a
new, non-unique attachment that provides consistent, battle-oriented
card draw and a new quest that increases the ferocious efficacy of these
savage warriors. CONTAINS CARDS 101-120 of “THE BLOODQUEST
CYCLE.” This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The
Card Game core set is required to play.
A Game of Thrones LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Warhammer Invasion: Shield of Gods ........11,95
Shield of the Gods is the climactic
final Battle Pack in The Bloodquest
Cycle! The 60 new cards (three
copies each of 20 different cards)
in Shield of Gods relate the latest
chapter of a world at war.
Greenskin hordes sweep across
Black Fire Pass and drive waves of
Squigs and other creatures at the
Dwarfs in their ancient Karaks.
Chaos cultists seek to corrupt the
Empire from the inside, even as the
Empire’s Knights undertake quests
with a newfound fervor. Bolstered
by a new legend, the Dark Elves
prepare to launch a whole new
wave of assaults against their kin
in Ulthuan. Meanwhile, amid the
bloodshed, amid the endless tactical
maneuverings and wartime
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
AGoT: The House of Black and White .........11,95
“Worshipers came to the House of
Black and White every day. Most
came alone and sat alone; they lit
candles at one altar or another,
prayed beside the pool, and
sometimes wept. A few drank from
the black cup and went to sleep;
more did not drink.” –George R.R.
Martin, A Feast for Crows The
House of Black and White
introduces 60 new cards (3 copies
each of 20 different cards) that
further enrich the Beyond the Narrow Sea cycle and its exploration of the
people, places, and events of Essos. House Stark features prominently in
this Chapter Pack, but players will also find a host of high-impact
locations for each House, as well as an arsenal of Weapons and other
attachments. Meanwhile, The House of Black and White provides
fantastic and deadly tools to players who favor the unique personalities
of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. The Many-Faced God
may wait at the end of the road for all individuals, but two plots, a
location, and an event allow players to make greater stories of the lives
of those characters who stand unique in A Game of Thrones: The Card
Game. An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to
play. Contains cards 81-100 of the Beyond the Narrow Sea series.
AGoT: A Roll of the Dice.............................11,95
Frog found him dicing with Beans
and Books and Old Bill Bone, and
losing yet again. The sellswords
loved Greenguts, who bet as
fearlessly as he fought, but with
far less success. –George R.R.
Martin, A Dance with Dragons The
Great Houses each take long
gambles as they double down on
the intrigues they have hatched in
Essos. At stake? The Seven
Kingdoms of Westeros! A Roll of
the Dice concludes the Beyond the Narrow Sea cycle of Chapter Packs in
climactic fashion as each of the Great Houses reinforces its position by
recruiting Armies, hiring Mercenaries, and treating with new Allies.
Nonetheless, at the heart of every gamble is an element of chance, and
fate plays a large role as eight new events unfold and alter your games,
driving thrilling plot twists. The 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20
different cards) in A Roll of the Dice can raise up characters or bring
them crashing down with dizzying speed. You can try to out think your
opponent to seize the Iron Throne, or manipulate your foes through
deceit. You can hire sellswords to supplement your armies. But no matter
how you pursue your agenda, when you play the game of thrones, you
must still roll the dice! An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is
required to play. Contains cards 101-120 of the Beyond the Narrow Sea
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
FFG Gamers Deck Boxes BLACK....................7,95
Star Wars - X-Wing
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Star Wars X-Wing: Dice Pack.......................6,35
Make the jump to lightspeed with
the X-Wing Dice Expansion Pack
for the X-Wing Miniatures Game!
With an additional set of six custom
eight-sided dice, your battles will
move faster, letting you focus on
outwitting your opponents. This
accessory includes three red attack
dice and three green defense dice,
allowing each player to have a
complete set of dice.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Merchant of Venus Boardgame...................63,95
Fantasy Flight Games is delighted
to announce the upcoming release
of Merchant of Venus, a fantastic
new edition of a classic 1980’s
board game of space traders and
alien riches. Two to four players
race through the galaxy on a wild
dash for cash, locating and
establishing vital trade lines to
transport goods from the planets
where they’re common, to the
planets where they can sell for
maximum profit. The trader with the most wealth wins. This revision of
the 1980’s classic remains true to its magnificently campy core while
expanding the game in surprising ways that will cause even the most
hardcore fan to celebrate. Space traders, get your ships ready for launch
because it’s time to engage in some wild entrepreneurship! Spieleranzahl
2 - 4 Spieldauer 2:00 - 4:00 Std. Alter ab 14 Jahre
Ugg-Tect “Ugungu!” howled the
caveman, a genius of his day. Club
in hand, he stomped his feet
meaningfully until his tribemates
lifted the giant stone block. Thus,
the first monument was born. Club
your tribemates to architectural
domination! Ugg-Tect is a hilarious
game of prehistoric architecture in
which two teams, made of up to
four player each, race to complete
stone-aged structures. Leading each
team is the charismatic ugg-tect, who must guide his workers to victory
using nothing but a simple vocabulary of primitive grunts, a series of
exaggerated gestures, and his trusty club. Ugg-Tect includes: Two
inflatable clubs Eight large wooden blocks (in various shapes and colors)
Two cardboard slabs and two crib sheets Twenty-four project cards One
Cadwallon: City of Thieves King of Ashes Expansion
The guild intrigues of Cadwallon:
City of Thieves grow even richer
with the treasure trove of new
adventures, characters, equipment,
and Arcana in The King of Ashes
Expansion! Rumors claim the
newly-opened catacombs contain
the legendary treasure of Sophet
Drahas, and the thieves of the city
above race to find entrance to these
long-hidden catacombs and grab
their riches. The King of Ashes
explores these catacombs with a new board and six adventures that can
play independently or combined into a larger campaign. But thieves
delving into these underground passages need be wary, lest they run
afoul the dread Cyclops of Mid-Nor! Revised rules make the militia a
more imposing force, and rules for experience, equipment, and
mercenaries afford tremendous strategic options in your games,
especially when you play them as part of a larger campaign.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Rune Age: Oath and Anvil Expansion...............
Oath and Anvil, an expansion for
Rune Age, adds two new playable
races to the game: the dwarves of
Dunwarr and the orcs of the Broken
Plains. These proud factions each
bring their own unique style of play
to Rune Age. With their penchant
for mining and love of wealth, the
dwarves are able to quickly amass
large sums of gold, then parlay it
into devastating attacks against
their foes. Meanwhile, the orcs
display a single-minded lust for
combat, proving that there's no
orcish phrase for \"half measure\".
Their all-or-nothing approach to
battle rewards players who empty
their hands to win. Not to be
outdone, the four existing factions have rallied formidable new units to
their cause. Cunning Novice Wizards and massive Roc Warriors bolster
the Daqan Lords' emphasis on hand control, while swift Leonx Riders and
lumbering Forest Guardians capitalize on the Latari Elves' mastery of
influence. The forces of evil are likewise emboldened; foul Vampires and
fearsome Barrow Wyrms add their strength to the armies of Waiqar the
Undying, while depraved Blood Sisters and corpulent Obscenes engage in
ritual mutilation for the glory of the Uthuk! New scenarios challenge your
deck-building prowess and new Mercenary cards provide even more
strategic options. Unite the tribes, fire the forges, and experience Rune
Age like never before!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Tannhäuser: Frankenstahl Miniature Pack.......
A war hero son of the Union’s
brilliant president, Colonel James
Curtis Edison was executing
dangerous missions before his
eighteenth birthday. Armed with
the best weapons and technology
the Union can muster, Edison is a
one-man army, capable of bringing
down the largest of soldiers with
the flick of a switch and a pull of a
trigger. The Edison Single
Miniature Pack is an expansion for
Tannhäuser that includes one professionally painted figure and
accompanying character sheet, an all-new scenario, and all the tokens
and equipment cards necessary to bring Edison’s inspiring leadership to
your battles.
Dust Tactics
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Dust Tactics: SSU Hero Pack.......................15,95
The SSU, like the other factions,
goes to battle under the leadership
of inspiring and skilled
commanders. Heroes like Nikolaï,
Yakov, and Red Yana give the SSU
forces an edge in combat. Red Yana
has an extraordinary Fighting
Spirit, and Nikolaï is a superb Pilot.
Meanwhile, Yakov is a Legendary Tactician who can adeptly command
any strike force. With the SSU Hero Pack, your army has access to new
skills and strategies to win any battle.
Dust Tactics: SSU Airborne Walker Transport.
Airlift walkers into the thick of
battle with the SSU Airborne
Walker Transport. In addition to
the transport, this expansion
includes a modified KV-47 Walker
that can be armed in three different
configurations. With so many
options, there is a perfect walker
for any combat situation! Combining the speed of the SSU Airborne
Walker Transport and the toughness of the KV-47 results in a highly
effective combat tool. Quickly reinforce your forces or launch a rapid
assault with this Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare expansion.
Dust Tactics: SSU Ground Attack Helicopter ....
Swift, deadly, and armed to the
teeth, the SSU Ground Attack
Helicopter expansion for Dust
Tactics and Dust Warfare supports
SSU forces with precision air
strikes. Launch this machine in one
of four different builds, each
specializing in a different combat
role. The Striker, for example, is armed with heavy machine guns and
cannons, providing air superiority. Choose your armament of cannons,
bombs, and rockets and unleash a salvo of destruction upon your enemy
with the SSU Ground Attack Helicopter.
Dust Tactics: Operation Hades Expansion.........
Dust Tactics: SSU Red Guards Antitank Squad
"Red Thunder"............................................15,95
The SSU infantry responds to the
threat of Axis and Allied walkers
with the Red Guards Anti-Tank
Squad. Anti-tank squads are an
essential element of modern
infantry formations, and the Red
Guards Anti-Tank Squad are a core
element of the famed Red Guards
Infantry Regiments. These veteran soldiers have spent countless hours
perfecting their use of heavy weapons and aren’t afraid to get up close
and personal with the world’s biggest war machines. If they get into
range, there’s nothing they can’t destroy. These five anti-tank specialists
come equipped with two PTRS-47 bazookas, each capable of punching a
hole through even the most heavily armored walkers. Deploy these
soldiers to add some spine and versatility to any Dust Tactics SSU army!
Dust Tactics: SSU Red Guards Command Squad "Red
ong behind the Axis and Allies in
VK technology and combat
walkers, the SSU army of Dust
Tactics has relied on the strength
of its infantry to endure the war,
and Soviet field officers have
been no strangers to their
nation’s suffering. Accordingly,
though the Red Guards Command Squad offers SSU players all the
standard Command Squad skills, allowing them to reactivate your other
units, call in artillery strikes, and help coordinate your attacks, these
stalwart veterans arrive at the battlefield better armed than their Axis
and Allied counterparts. These battle-tested soldiers have upgraded their
weaponry to better combat any direct threat they might encounter. The
Red Guards Command Squad carries UGLs and a PTRS-47 for the times
when it’s best to lead by example. After all, these soldiers are more than
just a group of tough officers and specialists: they are First Red Guards.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Dust Tactics: SSU IS-5 Heavy Tank "Mao
Zedong/Vladimir Lenin...............................39,95
With less access to VK-driven
technologies, SSU engineers have
had to invent other means to
combat the powerful walkers
deployed by their Axis and Allied
foes. Their response? The IS-5
Heavy Tank comes equipped with
serious SSU firepower in both of
two Damage Resilient configurations. Built to deal with serious threat of
enemy aircraft, the IS-5 A “Mao Zedong” controls a battlefield at range
with its Quad 85 mm AA Gun. These powerful guns are deadly to enemy
aircraft and can be used effectively against ground targets as well.
Meanwhile, the SSU has long considered artillery the most important
weapon on the modern battlefield and has found success throughout the
war with its huge guns. Accordingly, the IS-5 B “Vladimir Lenin,” is a
powerful artillery platform, capable of reducing enemy targets to rubble
with its massive 252 mm field mortar.
Warhammer 40K
WH40K: Rouge Trader The Navis Primer........
Dark conspiracies, blasphemous cults,
and corrupting chaotic powers are
ever present threats to the Imperium.
Yet searching out such hidden horrors
is the task of the Inquisition, for who
else will save mankind from these
threats? Disciples of the Dark Gods
features in-depth descriptions of a
variety of cults, organizations, and
factions for Acolytes and Inquisitors
to infiltrate and expose. Plus
backgrounds on internal feuds,
factionalism, and personal rivalries
that constantly threaten to weaken
the God-emperor’s domain. Wanted
Heretics of the Calixis Sector: Complete descriptions of eight of the most
notorious and dangerous villains at large and declared Excommunicate
Tratoris. The House of Dust and Ash—a scenario for experienced Acolytes
with an exciting mix of action, horror, and investigation. Not for the
faint-hearted! A copy of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook is needed to use
this supplement.
WH40K: Deathwatch The Outer Reach ...........
For as long as mankind has sailed the
void of the Jericho Reach, it has been
a place of danger and mystery. Evil
slumbers in the forgotten places
between the stars, and only the
Deathwatch can stand before it. The
Outer Reach is an exciting
supplement for Deathwatch!
Revealing the secret dangers that
lurk in the darkness between the
stars, The Outer Reach gives players
and GMs never-before-seen access to
the enigmatic Dead Cabal, a
mysterious circle of warrior-scholars who have devoted their lives to
fathoming the unfathomable. What’s more, this arcane tome presents
the lost history of the arrogant and merciless Necrons of the Suhbekhar
dynasty, and it offers the latest intelligence regarding their horrifically
imminent return. All this, along with details on various Suhbekhar
warriors, in-depth looks at the worlds beyond the reach of the Achilus
Crusade, and scores of useful plot hooks, makes The Outer Reach an
invaluable addition to any Deathwatch library
Goodman Games
Cthulhu (englisch)
Age of Cthulhu 7: The Timeless Sands of India
India: exotic splendors, desolate sands, and
the mysteries of the Subcontinent. The
answers to unexplained nightmares rest in
India's timeless sands, where eons-old
mysteries still dwell just below the veneer
of polite society. Curious investigators are
quickly drawn into a shadow-war waged by
forces of darkness. The clues lead to the
ferocious sandstorms of the Great Thar
Desert, with fires, assassins, spies, and the
alien Lightning Cannon along the way! Age
of Cthulhu adventures include many of the
classic elements of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a
forbidding sense of horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations
and historical events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming table. So
dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to venture into the
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Warhammer 40K
WH40K: Schattenjäger - Das Blut der Märtyrer
Brennet im Feuer des Glaubens! Das
Licht des Gott-Imperators steht
zwischen der Menschheit und ihrer
Vernichtung. Die Ekklesiarchie
verteidigt denGlauben mit Bolter,
Kettenschwert und Feuer gegen
seine unzähligen Feinde. Dieses
Buch beinhaltet neue Regeln,
Hintergründe, alternative Karrieren
und Ausrüstung für die Diener des
AdeptusMinistorum, der Kirche des
Gott-Imperators der Menschheit.
Hier finden Sie eine detaillierte
Geschichte der Ekklesiarchie und
des Adeptus Sororitas sowie
umfassende Beschreibungen des Ministorums innerhalb des CalixisSektors, von den Schreinwelten bis hin zu den mächtigen Kardinälen der
Sektor-Synode. Erfahren Sie mehr über die gläubigsten Dienerinnen des
Imperators, das Adeptus Sororitas, sowie über die Ordo Militaris,
Dialogis, Famulus und Hospitalis. Bringt Erlösung durch Auslöschung!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Um diesen Zusatzband verwenden zu können, ist das SchattenjägerGrundregelwerk erforderlich.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Descent 2. Edtion Die Reise ins Dunkel ...........
In den finstersten Tiefen Terrinoths
sammelt ein machthungriger
Overlord eine Armee schauriger
Kreaturen, um die Welt der
Lebenden zu unterwerfen. Die letzte
Hoffnung der freien Volker ist eine
kleine Gruppe von Helden, die sich
mit Mut und Geschick dem Bosen
entgegenstellt. Es liegt nun an
ihnen, in die aufkommende
Dunkelheit zu ziehen und die Plane
des Overlords zu durchkreuzen,
bevor es zu spat ist ..
Descent 2. Edtion Upgrade-Kit ...................15,95
Descent: die Reise ins Dunkel, Zweite
Edition schickt neue Helden in den
Kampf gegen neue Feinde in den Tiefen
Terrinoths! Doch sie sind nicht allein ...
Mit diesem Upgrade-Kit für Descent:
die Reise ins Dunkel, Zweite Edition
können sich sämtliche Figuren aus
bisherigen Produkten der Reihe
Descent: die Reise ins Dunkel ebenfalls
in neue Abenteuer und Gefahren
stürzen! Dieser Nachrüstpack enthält
alle nötigen Karten, um sämtliche
Helden und Monster aus Descent: die
Reise ins Dunkel, Erste Edition in der
neuen Edition einzusetzen!
Nicht weit vor der
Nordamerikanischen Küste liegt
mitten im Atlantik die sogenannte
Flämische Klippe. Ein großer
Flachwasserbereich, der von einem
untermeerischen Plateau gebildet
wird. In dieser Meeresregion
vermischen sich arktische Gewässer
mit dem wärmeren Wasser des
Golfstroms. Dadurch wird die
Flämische Kappe zu einem der
ergiebigsten Fischgründe der Welt,
derselbe Umstand begünstigt aber auch die Bildung von extrem starken
Wirbelstürmen. In diesem Spiel verdingen sich die Spieler eine ganze
Fangsaison lang als Hochseefischer. Zu Beginn müssen sie ihr mageres
Startkapital investieren, um Fischtrawler zu mieten, Kapitäne und
Mannschaft anzuheuern, sowie Treibstoff und Fischköder zu kaufen. Nur
die fähigsten und mutigsten Fischer sind in der Lage den größten und
profitabelsten Schwertfisch zu fangen. Jetzt müssen sie es nur noch
zurück in den sicheren Hafen schaffen, um den Fang zu
versilbern. \"Schwertfisch\" ist ein Spiel über Fang und Handel mit
Schwertfischen, aber auch über das Abenteuer, die Herausforderung und
die Gefahren der Seefahrt.
Indie board & card Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
The Resistance: Avalon...............................17,99
A whole new way to play your
favorite game. The Resistance:
Avalon pits the forces of Good and
Evil in a battle to control the future of
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Gauntlet of Fools.........................................15,95
Deine Helden sind mal wieder bester
Laune. Daher fangen sie an in ihrer
Leichtfertigkeit mit verbundenen
Augen zu jonglieren und versuchen
dabei noch auf einem Bein hüpfend
ihren Gegner zu bezwingen. Wie das
funktionieren soll? Findet es mit
Gauntlet of Fools, dem mehr als
lustigen Abenteuerspiel heraus!
Choose your hero from hundreds of
possible combinations. You'll make
ridiculous boasts to get the best hero.
And every boast comes at a cost. How
awesome is your knight with a flaming
sword after you brag that he'll fight
blindfolded with a hangover? You'll find out soon enough when you face
the Gauntlet. 50 unique and beautifully illustrated encounters that will
kill you. That's right. You die, fool! But even a fool wants his gold, and
the monsters have it. Roll a handful of dice, slay a monster, get its
treasure. Die with the biggest pile of loot and you win. A game that dares
to pit wizard vs. warbarian, monk vs. priest, ninja vs. zombie.
Flash Point Fire Rescue: 2nd Story.............13,49
An expansion for Flash Point: Fire
Rescue. 2nd Story contains two new, 2
story buildings and additional game
tokens to track action points.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Flash Point Fire Rescue: Urban Structures...13,99
An expansion for Flash Point: Fire
Rescue. Urban Structures contains two
new buildings, a new firefighting
specialist and multiple scenarios.
Martin Ellermeier Verlag
Tabletop Insider
Tabletop Insider #9......................................4,95
Micro Art Studios
Chaos Bases, Bike 25x70mm (4).................6,50
Gauntlet of Fools.........................................22,49
A beautifully illustrated adventure
game of strategy and fortune where
everyone dies in the end.
Arcane Bases, 20x20mm (5)........................4,30
Arcane Bases, 25x25mm (5)........................4,30
Arcane Bases, 40x40mm (2)........................4,30
Legendary Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Wild Fun West...........................................19,95
In the card game Wild Fun West,
players strive to build a small town
in the American Wild West,
bidding every turn for the building
of their choice, be it a Post Office,
a Saloon or a Jailhouse. The goal of
every player is to construct four
out of the six buildings listed on his
objective card. Each turn, players
receive money from their
professions, then use the money to
bid for new professions and to cast
votes on the buildings to be added to town. The professions employed by
a player influence the income of that player as well as the income of the
player on his left, making the game fun and unpredictable. Every
profession has up to 4 abilities, banning other professions from the
game, adding a bonus for bidding on a specific building and providing
extra income if some specific building/profession card is in the game.
There are 12 Character cards from which the players can choose, each
with a special ability, adding to the game diversity. The game ends as
soon as the town includes four or more of the buildings listed on a
player's objective card, that player being the winner of the game.
Arcane Bases, Cavalry 25x50mm (4) .............
Arcane Bases, 50x50mm (1)........................4,30
Arcane Bases, Chariot 50x100mm (1) ...........
Arcane Bases, Round 25mm (5)...................4,30
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Arcane Bases, Round 40mm (2)...................4,30
Arcane Bases, Round 60mm (1)...................4,30
Arcane Bases, Bike 25x70mm (4) ...............6,50
Arcane Bases, Ellipse 120mm (1)...............12,95
District 5 - Guard House (1)........................14,05
District 5 - Objective Room (1)...................17,30
player characters. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate
plastic base from the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Box, making them easy to
mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for
commonly encountered creatures and tons of distinct creature images,
the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path Pawn Collection brings the friends
and foes of Pathfinder’s pirate campaign alive like never before! Note:
This product does not include bases. It is intended for use with the bases
found in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Box.
Paizo Publishing
Adv. Path: Skull & Shackles Pawn Collection....
Key monsters and NPCs from the
piratical Skull & Shackles Adventure
Path come alive on your tabletop
with this collection of more than
100 creature pawns for use with
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or
any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed
on sturdy cardstock, each pawn
contains a beautiful full-color image
of a monster or NPC from the Skull
& Shackles campaign, including
pirates, sea monsters, cyclopes,
merfolk and dozens of unique NPCs
that are also suitable to represent
Pathfinder: NPC Codex HC..........................35,99
Populate your Pathfinder world
with the 320-page NPC Codex, the
latest hardcover rules reference for
the smash-hit Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game! This must-have
compendium contains more than
250 fully-detailed Non-Player
Characters ready for instant
insertion into your campaign! With
full statistics and tactics for
characters of every level of every
class in the Core Rulebook, the NPC
Codex speeds prep time and adds
new dimensions to your campaign!
The famous “iconic characters” of
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
also come alive with statistics at various levels of development, providing
ready-to-use player characters for any occasion. Gorgeous illustrations
by Paizo's finest artists appear on nearly every page, adding inspiring
visuals to game statistics you will use again and again!
GameMastery Face Cards: Dungeon Dwellers. .
Unleash the denizens of fallen temples,
monstrous lairs, and forgotten
catacombs with Dungeon Dwellers Face
Cards! This 54-card set of beautifully
illustrated, full-color Face Cards lets
you add a whole new dimension to your
game and show your players the faces
of the enemy! In addition to artwork
from Paizo’s finest illustrators, each
card also includes space on the back to
add your notes for each monster or
character, allowing you to keep track of
who’s who. Face Cards are designed for
the Pathfinder RPG, but are usable
with any fantasy roleplaying game.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Adv. Path#64: Beyond the Doomsday Door ...
(Shattered Star 4) ......................................17,99
Chapter 4: \"Beyond the Doomsday
Door\" by Tito Leati The hunt for
the seven shards of the Shattered
Star leads the heroes back to the
western coast of Varisia, to the
multifaith monastery known as
Windsong Abbey. The next shard of
the Shattered Star appears to be
hidden somewhere within the
dungeons below the abbey. But
when the PCs arrive, they find the
monastery in ruins and held by
savage giants and twisted fey! An
ancient terror has returned home,
and now dwells within the deep
dungeons below—a terror who hopes to open the dread Doomsday Door
deep within! “Beyond the Doomsday Door” is a Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game adventure for 10th-level characters. This volume continues the
Shattered Star Adventure Path, in which players explore dungeons and
wilderness in search of a powerful artifact. This volume offers an
examination of the monstrous proto-demons known as qlippoth and an
essay on Groteus (god of oblivion and ruins). New monsters fill the
Pathfinder Bestiary, while Bill Ward's Pathfinder Journal fiction
explores the seedy underbelly of the scoundrel haven of Riddleport! Each
monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains
an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and
support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to
expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open
Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s
oldest fantasy RPG.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary
You can never have too many
monsters! This book contains 46
new monsters found in the Inner
Sea region—all invented specifically
for the Pathfinder Campaign
Setting! Some, like the gearsmen of
Numeria or the moth-like star
monarchs who serve the goddess of
dreams, have been mentioned many
times in Pathfinder Campaign
Setting books, but others like the
alien vespergaunt or Rahadoum's
desert-dwelling whirlmaws have
only been obliquely illustrated or
mentioned before. And some make
their appearance for the first time in print after debuting in Paizo's office
campaigns (like the mysterious and ancient veiled masters, or the
disturbingly alluring fungus queen). With monsters ranging in challenge
rating from 1/2 (such as the capering monkey goblin or the enigmatic
lashuntas) all the way up to beyond CR 20 (including two immense
spawn of Rovagug and three powerful outsiders with sinister agendas for
the Inner Sea region, like the exiled infernal duke Lorthact), along with
three new monstrous templates (the exotic mind-draining vetala vampire,
the blighted fey of Fangwood, and the twisted mutants of the Mana
Wastes), the 64-page Inner Sea Bestiary is set to add a host of new
favorite beasties to any Pathfinder game! By Jim Groves, James Jacobs,
Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, F. Wesley
Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Greg A. Vaughan
GameMastery Flip-Mat: Ancient Dungeon .......
Delve the deepest, oldest tombs and
catacombs with Flip-Mat: Ancient
Dungeon, a gorgeous double-sided
battle-scale map of two complete
dungeon levels! Both sides show
numerous rooms and corridors that
YOU populate with your own
ancient treasures and terrors! This
portable, affordable map measures
24\" x 30\" unfolded, and 8\" x
10\" folded. Its coated surface can
handle any dry erase, wet erase, or
even permanent marker. Usable by
experienced GMs and novices alike,
GameMastery Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal! On
tabletops across the world, the Flip-Mat Revolution is changing the way
players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to
sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic
encounters and easy clean-up is just a Flip away?
Prometheus Games Verlag
Pocket RPGs
NOVA Basisbuch.........................................49,95
EIN EPOS NIMMT SEINEN ANFANG Wir eroberten die Sterne und doch
sind wir nichts. Der Schmerz und die Trümmer zerberstender Welten
lehrte uns Demut. Sie kamen über uns und verschlangen, wessen sie
gewahr wurden. Verzweifelt kämpften wir wie unzählige Spezies zuvor
gegen den nicht enden wollenden Strom des Kontinuums – der BetaPictor. Über einhundert Jahre sind vergangen und niemand vermag zu
erklären, warum der Ansturm plötzlich erlag. Bedrohlicher Friede liegt
über der Galaxis. Was von der Menschheit geblieben und durch den Feind
geeint war, zerbrach. Seither wetteifern die Spezies der Milchstraße um
Ressourcen und Macht im Schatten des Beta-Pictor-Kontinuums und
niemand wagt das trügerische Geschenk der Koexistenz zu ergründen.
Ein jeder fürchtet die Antwort und doch flüstern einige wenige – da sei
ein Weg, ein Weg hinaus, ein Weg nach Andromeda. Das
NOVAbasisbuch enthält u.a. ... unterschiedlichste Charaktertypen,
darunter diverse Außerirdische und Artifikanten Beispielcharaktere zum
schnellen Spieleinstieg und Erschaffung eigener Charaktere detaillierte
Beschreibungen außerirdischer Rassen und historisch miteinander
verwobener terranischer und außerirdischer Zivilisationen W6-System
mit modularen Regeloptionen für komplexeres Spiel Umfangreiche
Charakterausstattung mit einheitlichen Regelkonzepten wie
Schutzkleidung, Waffen, Mutationen, Kybernetik, Scanner,
Raumschiffe, übernatürliche Fähigkeiten etc. einheitliche Editoren zum
vielfältigen Eigenbau sämtlicher Ausrüstung, von Nanobots bis zu
Raumschiffen das Abenteuer „Nanodämmerung“ … und mehr!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Reaper Miniatures
Dark Heaven Legends
Hellknight: Order of the Pyre........................6,29
Elsker Longlegs, Pirate..................................7,19
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Rach Soldier.................................................5,39
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Hellknight Captain........................................6,29
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Aglanda, Herald of Razmir............................6,69
Malvernis Soldier..........................................6,29
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Clegg Zincher................................................6,29
Kombinationen von Eigenschaften möglich - mehr, als es Tierarten auf
der Erde! Mit dem Zusatzset können bis zu 6 Personen am Spiel
teilnehmen. Spielt man zu zweit oder zu dritt, so empfiehlt sich, die Zahl
der Karten zu reduzieren und die Hälfte der Karten aus dem Grundset
und aus dem Zusatzset herauszunehmen. Beide Decks haben eine gerade
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Russian Board Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Die Vielfalt des Lebens auf unserem
Planeten ist wirklich unglaublich.
Die Evolutionstheorie erklärt es
dadurch, dass unterschiedliche
Arten im Kampf ums Überleben
verschiedene Strategien entwickelt
haben: Die einen haben es gelernt,
neue Nahrung zu verdauen, die
anderen – sich effektiv vor
Raubtieren zu schutzen, die Dritten
migrierten an Orte, wo kein anderes
Tier uberleben konnte. Neue
Anpassungsfähigkeiten entstanden
in unterschiedlichen Tiergruppen – so haben Dinosaurier, Vögel und
Säugetiere unabhängig voneinander das Fliegen gelernt. Alle durch die
Evolution “erfundenen” Fähigkeiten wurden kombiniert und mittels der
naturlichen Selektion getestet. Als Ergebnis starben manche Arten aus,
und die besser adaptierten Lebewesen nahmen dominierende Positionen
auf der Erde ein. Das Spiel “Evolution” ermöglicht Ihnen,
unterschiedliche Eigenschaften (Anpassungsfähigkeiten) der Tiere selbst
zu kombinieren und die Population unter den Bedingungen der unstabilen
Futterbasis wachsen zu lassen. Durch Regulierung der Zahl, Erwerb
neuer nutzlicher Eigenschaften und Schutz gegen Raubtiere muss die
Population des Spielers uberleben und am Ende des Spiels die
dominierende Position im Ökosystem einnehmen.
Time to Fly.................................................10,35
Neue Eigenschaften! Fliegen,
Hinterthalt, Intellekt,Muschel
ermöglichen verbesserten Schutz
und raffinierte Angriffe.
Verwandlung und Spezialisierung
sind zusätzliche nahrungsquellen.
Der Anglerfisch sichert Überleben
einfacher neuer Tiere. Im Spiel mit
diesem Zusatzset sind 50 Mio.
The Jam.....................................................10,35
Ach, ist es schön, an einem
frostigen Winterabend mit einer
Tasse heißen Tee zu sitzen und die
aromatische Erdbeerkonfiture oder
die duftige und gesunde
Himbeermarmelade zu naschen!
Oder zum Beispiel ein Glas
aufmachen und den Freunden etwas
Exotisches servieren, wie etwa
Konfiture aus Moltebeeren oder
Walnussen. Piroggen sind auch was
Schönes, vor allem die mit
Kirschkonfiture. Aber zuerst muss
man fleißig sein und die Beeren
sammeln, die Konfituren kochen
und die Piroggen backen. In diesem Spiel kocht man unterschiedlichste
Konfituren und backt Piroggen. Zu Beginn des Spiels bekommt man
Aufgaben: bestimmte Konfituren fur den Winter zubereiten, Piroggen fur
die Oma backen, Piroggen und Konfituren fur eine große Tee-Party mit
Freunden machen. Fur jede gekochte Konfiture und jede gebackene
Pirogge sowie fur erfullte Aufgaben bekommt man Punkte. Wer beim
Spielabschluss die meisten Punkte hat, hat gewonnen.
Spartan Games
Dystopian Wars
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Zamiec Class
Sky Fortress...............................................22,40
The armed forces of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth are
known for their unparalleled battle
skill and courage. Long years of
warfare have honed the
Commonwealth Hussar Legions into
veteran fighting units capable of
facing off against all an enemy can
throw at them. The Zamiec Class
Sky Fortress' breathtaking stature makes it instantly iconic in the world
of Dystopian Wars.
Dominion of Canada Steele Class Robot...........
Sold to the Dominion of Canada by
the Federated States of America,
the Steele Class Robot is an
exciting new variant of the flying
John Henry Class Robot. Standing
over two hundred scale feet tall,
this destructive monster is capable
of massive strides that make quick
work of closing the distance between him and the enemy. It can then
swiftly unleash its unforgiving flamethrower!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Kingdom of Denmark Korsor Class Minelayer..
The Korsor Class Minelayer has
proved an invaluable fighting
machine since the outbreak of the
war. Armed with an automated
mine laying rig, these ships
manoeuvre in large numbers,
denying entire swathes of the
battlefield to the enemy, forcing
them towards bottlenecks where the Kingdom of Denmark can fight
them on an equal footing.
Kingdom of Denmark Skagerrak Class Gunship
....................................................................... 13,55
The Skagerrak Class Gunship is the
finest fighting ship that the Danish
Navy currently has to offer. The
Gunship exemplifies Denmark's
approach to warfare; namely, a
distinct effort to make up for a lack
of numbers by the use of advanced
modern technology, battlefieldcontrol tactics and the
specialisation of its warships for operation in Denmark's narrow home
Prussian Scandinavia Aufseher Class Assault Airship
The Aufseher Class Assault Airship
is designed to allow the air landing
of Prussian armoured units directly
in the heart of enemy strong
points, either to provide support for
larger attacks or in surprise raids
on key objectives. It takes the
Teutonic Order's favoured battle
tactics of shock assaults to a whole
Protectorate of Belgium Liege Class Land Ship
The Liege Class Land Ship is the
pinnacle of flexible defensive
strategy. It is heavily armoured
against incoming fire, and has
multiple Ack Ack batteries to
repulse aerial aggression. It is even
designed to embed itself into the
earth once it has found an optimal
position. With its ground clamps firmly in place, the Liege becomes a
stable, unshakable firing platform, allowing even greater accuracy with
its formidable weapons.
Protectorate of Belgium R-4 Class Medium Tank
Belgium is an interesting Allied
Nation consumed by civil war.
Internal conflicts are rapidly
escalating first to proxy wars and
then full-scale clashes. The mighty
R-4 Class Medium Tank is
tenacious in battle and will help the
Protectorate of Belgium attain
control over their territory.
Infantry Token Set.....................................11,80
Infantry provide an important
component to both attack and
defence on land. Infantry are
represented by detailed tokens that
deliver the following assets: Line
Infantry, Infantry Reserves,
Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers.
This set includes 10 Infantry
Tokens, 10 green dice and 10 ivory
new level.
Firestorm Armada
The Faust Class Robot is a new type of manned combat robot, large
enough to dwarf terrified enemy infantry and toss aside light tanks like
cardboard boxes. Now enemy soldiers have yet another reason to fear the
might of the Prussian Empire.
Campagin Guide 1: Marauders of the Rift........
Marauders, pirates, raiders, corsairs, call them what you will, this full
colour Firestorm Armada Campaign Guide delivers to you page-afterpage of thrilling information to take your space combat games to a new
level. Six new factions are introduced, including the audacious Oroshan
Imperium, along with statistics for numerous space vehicles, mercenary
fleets, new in-game mechanics, a full campaign background and tabletop
scenarios for you to game.
Syndicate Phantom Class Battleship...........16,50
The most powerful warships in the
Syndicate's arsenal are Phantom
Class Battleships. These potent
giants of the void form the solid
core of the cartel's spaceborne
military strength. A product of both
Dindrenzi and Directorate
shipbuilding expertise, it is built for
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
longer-ranged engagements, employing heavy firepower to overwhelm
the opposition.
The Spur Class Heavy Cruiser
mounts the armament of a heavy
gunship into a sleek and opulent
hull. Armed with large numbers of
rapid-firing rail-guns and powerful
forward plasma launchers, a single
Spur is more than enough to
intimidate a rebellious asteroid
colony or stubborn Corsair
OmniDyne Foundry Class Dreadnought ...........
Corsairs Brigand Class Cruiser....................12,40
The Brigand Class Cruiser is the
backbone attack craft of many
Corsair fleets. Its shark-like profile
is guaranteed to strike fear into any
merchant Free Captain who sees
one stalking his ship. Every Corsair
Commander wants a Brigand
squadron to add weight to their
strike forces. The most successful
leaders paint lurid icons or graffiti on the outer hulls, announcing to their
intimidated victims exactly who is attacking them.
Pathogen X9-V Infected Battleship.............20,65
Syndicate Spur Class Heavy Cruiser ...........11,20
OmniDyne thrives on creating
conflict, generating new markets
for its lethal products. However,
OmniDyne keeps its most effective
weapons and defensive technology
to itself. The Foundry Class
Dreadnought is a valuable asset to
any corporate fleet. It is very
heavily armed in order to defend
itself from unwelcome visitors that find their way through its formidable
defensive screen.
Corsairs Outlaw Class Frigate.....................15,95
Some desperate commanders
tempt Corsairs into their service,
for the marauder bands are
formidable fighters and
spacefarers. However, this action
is risky, as Corsairs care about
little but their fortunes and bear
no loyalty except to to their
leaders and shipmates. Many a
would-be conqueror has ended their days drifting lifeless amidst the
wreckage of their flagship, stripped and plundered by an Outlaw Class
and the most dangerous.
Little is known about the
mysterious and terrifying vessels
officially designated 'Pathogen X9V'. The ships appear in all shapes
and sizes, most recognisable as
twisted and warped forms of other,
well known vessels. Of all of these
ships, the behemoths classified as
Battleships are the most horrifying,
Pathogen X9-V Infected Escort...................13,00
Upon seeing images of the
corrupted forms of 'Pathogen X9-V'
infected vessels, most commanders
assume they would be a formless,
mindless horde. This is not the case
however, as these ships clearly
operate under a formidable, if
utterly alien intelligence. As such,
the ships will gather into familiar
formations, and operate with disturbing unity.
Uncharted Seas
Bone Griffons Reanimator Class Troop Ship....
The Bone Griffons are warriors first
and foremost, and fully prepared to
use the sinister magic which keeps
their decayed forms fighting to gain
the upper hand over their foes. To
this end, the Reanimator Class
Troop Ship houses an ornate
temple, dedicated to these
forbidden arts, from which their
priests can reinvigorate any Bone Griffons who have become
incapacitated in battle.
Iron Dwarves Foundry Class Heavy Cruiser......
The Iron Dwarves have truly
mastered the art of engineering.
Although the hulking ironclad
Foundry Class Heavy Cruiser is well
armed, its primary function is
keeping other ships in the fleet
afloat and operational, even after
they have taken considerable
punishment. Then, once the fleet
has closed with the enemy, the Foundry can put its repair crews to a new
task - sabotaging the enemy!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Orc Raiders Pyre Class Frigate......................7,10
Orc Raiders are enthusiastic
explorers, notorious for raiding in
the Uncharted Seas. The aggressive
advance of the Orc Raiders into the
Darnak Cluster has been given a
further boost by the development of
the fearsome Pyre Class Frigate.
These menacing warships bring
literal firepower into the fray,
making use of this most destructive of elements.
Shroud Mages Beacon Class Platform ............
Where their other vessels might
emphasise the Dark magic which
has earned the Shroud Mages their
infamy, the Beacon Class Platform
displays their other most respected
magical discipline: the manipulation
of Light. Held aloft through arcane
engineering, the Beacon uses these
mystical arts to blind their enemies
and enhance their fleet's firepower.
Stronghold Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Space Space Cadets....................................53,95
It’s always been your life long
dream to join the Star Patrol and be
in the crew of an interstellar
Starship. You’ve worked hard,
graduated from the academy, and
received your first assignment as
part of a team of young recruits.
You are confident in your abilities.
Nothing can possibly go wrong. You
are prepared for anything. You are
the… Space Cadets is a fun, frantic,
realtime cooperative game where players take on the roles of Bridge
Officers of a Starship. You might be the… Captain: setting the plan and
making sure that everyone stays focused and does their job. Helmsman:
plotting the ship’s course through asteroid fields and nebulae. Engineer:
using tiles to get enough power to each system. Weapons Officer:
completing puzzles to load the torpedoes and flicking a disc to launch.
Shield Officer: using tiles to form poker hands to power up your shields.
Sensor Officer: using your sense of touch to scan and lock onto enemy
Studio 2 Productions
bist ein Sphärenkind. Nur du kannst
die Welt mit deinen besonderen
Kräften retten. Vieles kannst du
alleine lösen, aber manchmal eilen
dir deine Geschwister aus anderen
Universen zur Hilfe und
unterstützen dich bei gefährlichen
Missionen. Verschiedene Welten
mit unterschiedlichen
Entwicklungsstufen stehen für
deine Spherechild-Abenteuer bereit.
So kannst du an einem Abend von
einer Fantasy-Welt, auf ein Raumschiff in einer fernen Galaxis und
schließlich auf eine Piratengaleere gelangen. Das Spielbuch enthält alles
für ein weltenübergreifendes Abenteuer. Die Einsteigerregeln und zwei
Kurzbeschreibungen der Sphären Valcreon und Icros. Außerdem je vier
Charaktere und das Abenteuer „Die magischen Armbänder“.
Savage Worlds
Necessary Evil: Explorer's Edition (Savage Worlds)
Pinnacle Entertainment's classic
Savage Worlds setting with supervillains saving the earth has
returned better than ever. It's
reformatted to the wildly popular
Savage Worlds: Explorers Editionsize paperback with updated rules.
The plot has been expanded to
include a new ending, giving you
110% of the story of the first
edition. The new edition also has
new art, with two dozen pieces
added. The Fate Of The World Lies
With The Scum Of The Earth!
When the super heroes of the world
are blown to kingdom come by an unstoppable army of invading aliens,
who will save the day? Evil... The only forces left to take on the alien
menace are the crafty and self-serving super-villains! Necessary Evil is a
supers game done Savage Worlds style. Inside the twisted Plot Point
setting are complete rules on making four-color super-powered
characters, over seventy super powers, a whole pile of adventures
weaving in and out of a resistance story, new Edges and Hindrances, a
bestiary of out-of-this-world critters, and more! Necessary Evil requires
the Savage Worlds Roleplaying Game to play, available wherever you
found this book.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 17
KW 50
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Third Eye Games
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.
Dive into adventure and fun!
Mermaid Adventures is a game that
lets you and your friends become
mermaids, forming friendships,
fighting sea monsters and solving
strange undersea mysteries. Great
for families and players of all ages!
API Worldwide: South America...................17,99
Mermaid Adventures
Mermaid Adventures RPG (B&W Edition).........
"Beware Your Surroundings... From
city streets to steamy jungles,
South America bristles with danger.
Demons, organized and aware of
API, threaten to squash the
company's thin forces. Gangs roam
the streets, dealing in goods both
native and supernatural, and the
Amazon protects itself leaving no
traveler unscathed... but the worst
threat comes from within. A
renegade agent threatens to expose
API and their work, aiming to recreate the agency in her own vision.
...But Never Forget What Lies Ahead API Worldwide: South America is
the third regional sourcebook for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. It is a
complete guide to adventures set in South America. API Worldwide:
South America details the threats agents will face from the dangerous
mercenaries, the Ghosts of Sao Paulo, to the blood thirsty cult known as
the Drummers, all of whom deserve their full attention. With limited
manpower, API agents need to up the ante, utilizing deadlier hardware
and magic that ranges from traditional tribal tattoos to high-end finance.
API Worldwide: South America Includes: - Information on the South
American HQ, its location and intertwined history. - Detailed information
on other Organizations operating in South America. - New Equipment,
Organizations, Paths of Magic, and Antagonists. - New Playable Races,
including the displaced Mohan, the inherently deadly Tox, and the
reanimating Thirsts. - 2 New Adventures!"
Mermaid Adventures RPG (Color Edition)........
Dive into adventure and fun!
Mermaid Adventures is a game that
lets you and your friends become
mermaids, forming friendships,
fighting sea monsters and solving
strange undersea mysteries. Great
for families and players of all ages!
Troll Lord Games
Castles & Crusades
A10: The Last Respite (C&C Adventure)...........
Across the long expanse of the
Luneberg Plains and along the
border of the Blasted Heath lies that
region known as the Defemlan. This
is a horrid place filled with the
nasty, bile retched forth from
Aufstrag many ages ago. But it was
not always such. Once, long ago,
that most fabled of creatures, a
unicorn, dwelt here. This great stag
made the fields its home and ruled
the lands all about. He met not with
man or elf, dwarf or gnome but
rather kept all the fey safe from
harm. That was before the coming
of the dark and the horned one. As
with all things in those days the stag vanished and its horn was
consumed by Aufstrag. But some would not have it so. Some say the
unicorn lives and brings hope to the wretched souls who live there still.
But the lords of Aufstrag would know and they would destroy the beast
if it lives still. If any adventurer is worth their metal, they will sally forth
into the Defemlan in search of the fabled Unicorn. The search will be a
race against the agents of evil as they too search for this creature and
take any hero down paths only fools would not tread. Fear for everything
here is maleficent and bent on killing the living save one place, that last
respite of man. For 3-5 characters, level 10-12
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
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Hier finden Sie die TOP 20 Seller der letzten Woche
Vom Fuzzy zum A-Papst ..............................9,90
Unübersichtlicher und
undurchdringlicher als der
Dschungel Südamerikas – so stellt
sich dem ungeübten Betrachter
(und nicht nur dem) die deutsche
Mittelalterszene dar. Was ist ein
Marktfraggle? Worin
unterscheiden sich Reenactment
und Living History? Und wie wird
man möglichst schnell zum
anerkannten A-Papst? Diese und
andere Fragen beantwortet Wolf
Zerkowski auf augenzwinkernde
Weise in dem hier vorliegenden
kurzen Leitfaden. Ausgestattet mit
der Kenntnis der richtigen SzeneFachbegriffe kann der Leser schon
bald hemmungslos am Lagerfeuer
LARPzeit #38..............................................5,50
Inhalt: - Hobbits im LARP - LARP
im Maßstab 1:2 - Hose und
Wendewete - Arbeitsplatz
Mittelerde - Mehr Power! Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor u.v.m.
Stätten okkulter Geheimnisse.....................30,00
Descent 2. Edtion Die Reise ins Dunkel ...........
Pathfinder RSP: Grundregeln Überarbeitete 3. Auflage
Aventurischer Bote #156.............................3,90
Elementare Gewalten..................................30,00
Protectorate Epic Warcaster - Intercessor Kreoss Box
Protectorate Judicator Colossal Box (plastic)....
Wege des Entdeckers..................................30,00
Die 7 Gezeichneten ..................................100,00
Liber Cantiones...........................................30,00
Civilization: Das Brettspiel..........................39,95
Die Rose der Unsterblichkeit 1 - .....................
Schwarze Perle # 141...............................11,95
Tulamidische Sharisad (Tulamidische Reiter) Blister
Tulamidischer Phexgeweihter (Tulamidische Reiter)
Tulamidischer Gaukler (Tulamidische Reiter) ..
Blister............................................................. 8,99
Geistmagier aus Fasar (Tulamidische Reiter) Blister
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.