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Ausgabe 42 KW 46 - 49
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
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Das Schwarze Auge Holzschale "Ingerimm"...7,50
Weihnachten kommt in großen Schritten näher und da haben wir
beschlossen Ihnen das Einkaufen noch weiter zu versüßen...
Wenn Sie vom 06.12.2011 – 29.12.2011 bei uns für 50 Euro
bestellen schenken wir Ihnen ein exklusives Inrah Kartenspiel, das nur
dem Drakensang Computerspiel beilag. (Angebot gilt solange Vorrat
Das Schwarze Auge Holzschale "Peraine"......7,50
Das Schwarze Auge Holzschale "Travia"........7,50
Aber das war noch nicht alles... auch haben wir die Das Schwarze Auge
Holzschalen die es bisher nur auf Cons und Messen gab ins Program
Holzschalen in einem edlen und zeitlosem Design zur praktischen
Nutzung, zur Aufbewahrung oder für dekorative Zwecke. Nicht nur für
Das Schwarze Auge-Fans sondern auch für LARP Freunde. Die Das
Schwarze Auge-Holzschalen sind mit einem Schwarzen Auge oder mit
einem von vier verschieden Göttersymbolen, Firun, Periane, Travia und
Ingerimm erhältlich. Die Holzschalen sind 75 mm hoch, haben einen
Durchmesser von 125 mm und ein Fassungsvermögen von ca. 360 ml.
Ein passendes Holzbesteck, bestehend aus Löffel und Gabel, gehören
dazu. Achtung nicht Spülmaschinenfest!
Das Schwarze Auge Holzschale "Firun".........7,50
Das Schwarze Auge Holzschale "Auge"..........7,50
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 42
KW 46 - 49
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
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Uhrwerk Verlag
Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor
Wege nach Myranor (limitiert)...................50,00
Diese in sandfarbenem Kunstleder
gehaltene Ausgabe von "Wege
nach Myranor" ist auf 250 Stück
limitiert. Von den 250 Stück
gehen aber nur 150 in freien
Dungeonslayers Charakterbögen-Block.........8,95
mit 50 doppelseitig bedruckte
Charakterbögen Schlachten, aber
bitte mit Stil Zeig Stil und Klasse
mit den neuen, offiziellen
Dungeonslayers Charakterbögen,
lass Deine Mitspieler eiskalt vor
Neid erblassen und verwirre den
Spielleiter mit ihrer Anmut und
Statt grellem Weiß umschmeicheln
sanfte Grautöne Dir die Linsen und
auch nach Stunden des Schlachtens,
Mordens und Plünderns hast Du
immer noch alle Werte scharf im
Blick, während der Rest der Runde
nur noch ziellos durch die Gegend
Wege nach Myranor .................................35,00
Myranor, der ferne Westkontinent
voll phantastischer Wesen und
mächtiger Helden, wartet auf Sie!
Schlüpfen Sie selbst in die Rolle
eines berühmten Gladiators,
versuchen Sie als Angehöriger
eines der Hohen Häuser das
Ansehen ihrer Familie zu mehren
oder schwingen Sie sich als
geflügelter Ashariel durch die Lüfte.
Dieses Buch enthält alles, was Sie
benötigen, um solche Helden und
noch viele mehr für das Spiel in
Myranor zu erstellen.
Dieser Band enthält die kompletten
Regeln zur Erschaffung
myranischer Helden: eine große
Zahl Spezies, Kulturen und Professionen, mit denen Sie viele erdenkliche
Konzepte abbilden können. Und wenn Ihnen die vorgefertigten
Möglichkeiten noch nicht reichen, so liefert das Buch Ihnen alles, was
Sie zur Erstellung neuer und exotischer Spezies, Kulturen oder
Professionen benötigen. Die Möglichkeiten in Myranor sind schier
grenzenlos und es liegt an Ihnen, diese phantastische Welt zu ergründen.
Schritt für Schritt gibt ihnen Wege nach Myranor dabei Hilfestellung, um
den Ihrem Geschmack entsprechende und den Anforderungen Ihrer
Gruppe passende Helden zu erstellen. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung an
Vor- und Nachteilen, alle nötigen Regelergänzungen für das Spiel in
Myranor und weitere Themen wie eine umfangreiche Namensliste für
alle im Buch behandelten Völker runden den Band dabei ab.
Zudem hast Du mit den Cliptracks stets Deine Lebenskraft und Deine
Slayerpunkte vor Augen, damit Dein nächster Dungeonrun nicht Dein
letzter wird.
Und wenn es trotzdem mal wieder Mische gab, hast Du genügend Vorrat
und kannst lässig den nächsten Bogen aus dem Ärmel schütteln – JUST
Romane / Comics
Einsamer Wolf 8 - Der Dschungel des Grauens
Du bist Einsamer Wolf - der letzte
Setze dein Abenteuer mit dem
achten Band dieser Rollenspielserie
fort und werde Teil dieser
einzigartigen Fantasy-Saga. Du
hast geschworen, deine Vorväter zu
rächen. Daher suchst du nun nach
dem Weisheitsstein von Ohrido, der
in den Dschungelsümpfen des
Danargs verborgen sein soll.
Geführt von Paido, einem
Kampfmagier aus Dessi, reist du in
geheimer Mission durch das
kriegsgebeutelte Land Talestria.
Jedoch gerät deine Suche in Gefahr,
als deine Identität entdeckt wird –
und zwar von niemand Geringerem als den Dienern der Schwarzen Lords!
Jedes Buch der Saga Einsamer Wolf kannst du einzeln für sich oder
kombiniert mit den anderen Abenteuern dieser Reihe als einzigartige
Rollenspielsaga spielen und erleben. Im Zusatzabenteuer MASKERADE
IN HIKAS schlüpfst du in die Rolle des Vakeros-Kampfmagiers Paido. Es
gehen Gerüchte um über Agenten und Meuchelmörder der Schwarzen
Lords, die in der dessischen Stadt Hikas ihr Unwesen treiben. Die
Altmagier schicken dich aus, um die Vorfälle zu untersuchen und die
feindlichen Spione aufzustöbern. Kannst du den Schleier der
Geheimnisse lüften?
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 42
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
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Ulisses Spiele
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Aventurischer Bote #150............................3,50
Der Aventurische Bote
bietet auch zu seinem 150.
Jubiläum wie immer
Neuigkeiten und
Spielmaterial aus der Welt
des Schwarzen Auges.
Ebenfalls ist das neue TAbenteuer T9 enthalten!
Die Nachrichten widmen
sich dramatischen
Ereignissen aus ganz
Aventurien: So erfährt man
mehr über die Situation im
albernischen Bredenhag,
wo der grausame Jast Irian
von Crumold herrscht. Der
Salamander berichtet
wieder über die wichtigsten
Entwicklungen in der
Gildenmagie, aber auch
Botschaften aus Meridiana,
den Dunklen Zeiten und
dem berüchtigten Optolithen haben es in die Ausgabe geschafft.
Während sich der schwarzweiße InGame-Teil den Neuigkeiten aus
Aventurien widmet, kommt der Farbteil mit einer großen Menge
unterschiedlichster Spielhilfen daher. So kann man eine Beschreibung
des königlichen Palastes von Mirham finden, die auch eine Aussicht auf
die weitere Entwicklung Stadt aufzeigt.
T9 - Hochzeit wider Willen:
Für die Spielleiter wird aber vermutlich vor allem das T-Abenteuer
Hochzeit wider Willen von Interesse sein, indem sich die Helden – wie es
der Name schon andeutet – als eine Art Heiratsvermittler in den
Tulamidenlanden betätigen müssen.
In der Reihe der Meisterpersonen des Schwarzen Auges findet man
dieses Mal gleich zwei aventurische Prominente: Salpikon Savertin, den
Convocatus Primus der Schwarzen Gilde, und den berüchtigten Lucardus
von Kémet.
Desweiteren beschäftigt sich der Jubiläumsbote mit den legendären
Botenreitern aus Beilunk und passend zum Aventurischen Atlas und der
Kaiserlichen Derographischen Gesellschaft aus Verschworene
Gemeinschaften wird der Archetyp der Kartographin vorgestellt.
Als kleinen Vorgeschmack zum Abenteuer Schleiertanz kann man in die
Kurzgeschichte um das Kitab ash Shifa, ein mysteriöses Zauberbuch,
eintauchen und mehr über einige der Pro- und Antagonisten des
Abenteuers erfahren. Mit dem Boten wird zudem das T-Abenteuer
Hochzeit wider Willen geliefert, welches eine junge Heldengruppe nach
Zorgan führt, von wo aus sie einen jungen Bräutigam zu seiner Hochzeit
nach Elburum begleiten sollen.
Ergänzt werden die Berichte von Meisterinformationen zu den jeweiligen
Der inneraventurische Schwarzweiß-Teil deckt diesmal den Zeitraum
Ingerimm/Rahja 1034 BF ab.
Rabenblut - Al Anfa Kampagne (Ab.186)........
Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden, sagt
man. Doch die verheerende
Niederlage bei der Seeschlacht von
Phrygaios frisst immer noch tief im
Herzen der Schwarzen Perle
Al'Anfa. Unruhen und Aufstände
erschüttern die Stadt, Machtkämpfe
unter den Granden lähmen die
Politik, und es ist nur eine Frage
der Zeit, bis der berüchtigte Funke
das Pulverfass zur Explosion bringt.
Ausgerechnet unter solchen
Umständen stirbt die Grandessa
Tsaiane Ulfhart, kinderlos und ohne
Verwandte. Erben werden gesucht –
und gefunden in den Helden, die
sich würdig erweisen müssen, das
Grandenhaus durch diese stürmischen Zeiten zu führen und sich gegen
Neider, Erbschleicher und Konkurrenten durchzusetzen. Allen voran
Nareb Zornbrecht, der berüchtigte Erbe skrupelloser Sklavenhändler, der
sich ein Ziel gesetzt hat: Das Haus Ulfhart auszulöschen. Doch es gibt
noch andere, die die Unruhen nutzen und nach einem uralten Geheimnis
forschen, das mächtig genug ist, um die Herrschaft in Al'Anfa an sich zu
reißen und den Silberberg in einem Meer aus Blut zu ertränken.
Rabenblut führt die Heldengruppe durch Al'Anfas Intrigen und enthält
Hintergrundinformationen für die Zeit nach den Aufständen.
Spieler: 1 Spielleiter und 3-5 Spieler ab 14 Jahren
Komplexität (Meister/Spieler): Hoch / Hoch
Erfahrung (Helden): Erfahren
Anforderungen (Helden): Talenteinsatz, Kampffertigkeiten, Interaktion,
Ort und Zeit: Al'Anfa, 1032 BF bis 1035 BF
Die Quelle der Geister E7............................12,50
Die Waldwildnis zwischen Nostria
und Andergast – Ein Ort voller
Geheimnisse, über den die
Bewohner der Streitenden Reiche
sich viele Märchen erzählen, aber
auch ein gefährlicher Ort, der
wilden Kreaturen und Räuberneine
Heimstatt bietet.
Dorthin hat es die Helden
verschlagen. Ausgehend von einem
andergastischen Holzfällerdorf,
werden sie die Waldwildnis
erkunden und mehr über deren
Mysterien in Erfahrung bringen. Im
Auftrag eines Magiers müssen sie
ein Heilmittel finden, dass ihn von
seinen Leiden – einer schlimmen Krankheut – befreit.
Und so ziehen die Helden aus, um nach der heilsamen Quelle der Geister
zu suchen, die sich irgendwo in dem riesigen Wald zwischen Nostria und
Andergast befinden soll. Die Quelle jedoch soll von schrecklichen Wesen
bewacht werden, die nicht gut auf Sterbliche zu sprechen sind. Noch
ahnen sie nicht, dass andere unheilvolle Mächte ebenfalls die Heilquelle
suchen und der Heldengruppe dabei in die Quere kommen.
Die Quelle der Geister ist eine kleine Kampagne, welche die Spieler in
Abenteuer rund um die nostergastische Waldwildnis entführt. Das
Abenteuer ist für Einsteiger-Meister und -Spieler gedacht und kann ohne
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 42
KW 46 - 49
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
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großen Aufwand nur mit den Basisregeln gespielt werden.
Für 1 Spielleiter und 3 – 5 Spieler ab 14 Jahren
Komplexität (Meister/Spieler): niedrig / Einsteiger
Erfahrung (Helden): niedrig
Anforderungen (Helden): Kampffertigkeiten,Interaktion, Talenteinsatz
Ort und Zeit: Andergast und Nostria, in neuerer Zeit
Pathfinder dt.
Abenteuerpfad #10: Wächters Totenwache (4 von 6)
Die Sterne stehen nicht richtig
Niemand reist nach Argmoor. Es ist
ein hässlicher Ort mitten im
hässlichsten Sumpf von ganz
Ustalav und voller Leute, die nicht
gut auf Fremde zu sprechen sind.
Argmoor bietet einen reichhaltigen
Nährboden für Gerüchte und
Wahnsinn, und jene, die davon zu
sprechen wagen, flüstern von
spurlos Verschwundenen,
unförmigen Schatten und
Opfergaben an entsetzliche, längst
vergessene Dinge.
Als die Spur der Todeskultanhänger
des Wispernden Pfades die Abenteurer nach Argmoor führt, müssen sie
wohl oder übel das Geheimnis dieses verfluchten Dorfes ergründen. Sie
stoßen auf verzweifelte Leute, die zwischen den Fronten eines Krieges
zwischen unaussprechlichen Dingen aus dem Meer und Eindringlingen
aus den dunkelsten Winkeln des Kosmos stehen. Können die Helden
Argmoor vor seiner eigenen Tradition des Schreckens retten? Oder
werden sie zu den nächsten Opfern des Schreckens von jenseits der
Dieser Band des Pathfinder Abenteuerpfades setzt die Kampagne um
„Die Kadaverkrone“ fort. Er enthält:
* „Wächters Totenwache“ – ein Pathfinder-Abenteuer für Charaktere der
9. Stufe von Greg A. Vaughan.
* Blasphemische Geheimnisse der üblen Religionen, die gemeinhin als die
Alten Kulte bekannt sind, und den Verstand zerschmetternde Götter wie
Azathoth, Nyarlathotep und Cthulhu – von James Jacobs.
* Ein gewaltiges Bestiarium mit acht klassischen Monstern, die durch
H.P. Lovecraft und den Erzählungen des Cthulhu-Mythos inspiriert
wurden – von James Jacobs und Greg A. Vaughan.
* Laurel Cylpha entdeckt im neuesten Eintrag der Chroniken der
Kundschafter, dass die Toten nicht die einzige Gefahr in Ardis darstellen
– von F. Wesley Schneider.
Zoroastrian priests still call on Divine power, although their days of glory
are long over, and scholars rejoice in libraries and schools that dwarf the
young universities of Europe. Jinn haunt the deserts and mountains, and
live and trade in the cities. But this is not a land ready for Hermetic magi
to seize, for the Order of Suleiman is no myth, and its sahirs are
Were you to tell of these lands for a thousand nights, still you would not
exhaust their wonders!
Battlefront Miniatures
Flames of War
LRDG Half Patrol .......................................45,00
LRDG Half Patrol includes six one-piece resin
LRDG Chev trucks with crew and weapon
Well before the start of the Second World
War, a British officer in Egypt took an
interest in the deep desert. Major Ralph
Bagnold was a veteran desert traveller. He,
along with some colleagues, pioneered
techniques for crossing the Sahara with
motor vehicles and is also credited with the
development of the sundial compass. This
device was critical for navigating the desert
wastes where a normal compass would be lead astray by the many iron
deposits in the Sahara.
SAS Jeep Troop ........................................30,00
SAS Jeep Troop includes seven SAS Jeeps
with drivers and passengers,
The Special Air Service (SAS) was established
by David Sterling who personally led missions
until his capture in 1943. Another colourful
leader was Paddy Mayne, a former
commando. During one raid, Mayne
physically lifted a control panel out of a
German plane with his bare hands when he
ran out of explosives to use.
LRDG Ford V8 Car .....................................11,00
Atlas Games
Ars Magica 5.Ed.
The Cradle & The Crescent .........................26,35
Travelers tell of lands to the east, beyond the
shattered Byzantine Empire and the Crusader
kingdoms of Outremer, where sorcerers ride
carpets and whirlwinds, where jinn worship
and trade openly in the great cities, and where
fire is the sign of God.
Those travelers speak the truth.
Take your saga to the east, with details of the
Islamic lands of the Mythic Middle East:
Arabia, Persia, and the lands beyond.
LRDG Ford V8 Car with two one-piece resin LRDG Ford V8 cars, two
drivers, two passengers & four vehicle Machine-guns.
Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) patrols are led by a pilot cars, whose
duty is to test out the ground ahead of the rest of the patrol for soft sand
and other desert hazards. In the first few years this car was a Ford V8,
but the American Willys Jeep quickly became a favourite as they became
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 42
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
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LRDG / SAS Dismounted Patrols .................9,00
with ten Dismounted LRDG/SAS
teams & ten Small bases.
The British were the first to
organise proper deep desert raiding
forces beginning with the Long
Range Desert Group, also known as the LRDG.
Before the war, Major Ralph Bagnold pioneered some of the critical
developments necessary for motorised travel across the formidable
Sahara Desert. Building on his achievements and innovations, such as
the famous Bagnold Sundial Compass, the British deployed several
raiding forces in the Libyan desert. The original formation was the Long
Range Desert Group, which conducted its first missions in late 1940.
From then on, the LRDG operated with the Free French based in Chad and
helped conduct a hugely successful raid against Murzuk in preparation
for the French attack on Kufra the following month. As the war raged
on, the LRDG was joined by the Special Air Service (SAS) and other small
forces such as Popski’s Private Army. All of these proved themselves to
be quite adept at taking the battle to the enemy’s rear echelon troops. By
the end of 1942 the LRDG and SAS had achieved great success. The two
forces complemented each other well as the LRDG preferred more
passive missions such as intelligence gathering, while the SAS took on
the more active and destructive missions.
Their impact on the campaigns along the coastline cannot be overlooked
as the raids took a heavy toll on Axis aircraft, supplies, and
reinforcements. The Germans and Italians were forced to commit more
and more troops to protect their rear, which helped give the British the
initiative they so badly needed in the North African campaign.
The British desert raiders were an inspiration to many other armies in
the war and soon other countries, such as the United States, sought to
replicate the raiders’ successes.
Desert Raiding Campaign Pack ..................24,00
includes one Raiding Aces booklet, one Campaign Map, ten Raiding Aces
Medal Pins, one erasable marker pen & one plastic tube carry case.
Raiding Aces is an escalation campaign that focuses on the special forces
that fought in the Sahara from 1941-1943. It is all about the bold raids,
sabotage missions, and convoy ‘bash ups’ fought in North Africa.
This is not your typical campaign. In the beginning you are a commander
with a crazy notion of establishing a deep reconnaissance unit. Your
superiors reluctantly agree to let you form your elite unit, but it will be
up to you and your men to prove the value of your idea.
During the campaign you will write the story of your squadron as you
fight through the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert and wadis of the
Mediterranean coastline. Your small force will grow and develop into an
elite force ready for the final decisive battles in North Africa.
Like Infantry Aces, Raiding Aces is an escalation campaign. An
escalation campaign different from a normal campaign where players
use the same points throughout the campaign. Instead, an escalation
campaign starts at a small point level and works its way up to higher
levels at the beginning of each campaign turn.
The Raiding Aces Raiders Campaign Pack contains everything you need
to run a Raiding Aces campaign. Included in the pack is:
- 1x 40 page Raiding Aces Campaign rules booklet that contains all the
rules need to guide you through an Raiding Aces campaign.
- 1x Raiding Aces Wet-erasable campaign map (30" x 20") to track
progress during the campaign.
- 10x Raiding Aces Medal Pins to award to players.
- 1x Wet-erasable marker pen.
- 1x Plastic tube carry case for ease of transport and protecting your
campaign map.
So what are you waiting for? Raiding Aces gives players the chance to
launch a campaign of havoc on the enemy supply lines!
Etaireia Pezikoy HQ ..................................14,00
Etaireia Pezikoy includes Company
HQ with Company Command Rifle
team & 2iC Command Rifle team,
two Boys Anti-tank Rifle teams,
one 60mm mortar team, one Brixia
mortar team, four VB teams, four
Extra Greek officers, four Small
bases & six Medium bases.
Highly motivated, the Greek
infantryman’s equipment is a collection of WWI-vintage light machineguns and rifles. His uniform varied from captured Italian gear to British
uniforms and helmets.
Under the direction of the Ypolochagos, or lieutenant, theFrench-style VB
grenade launchers or captured Brixia 45mmmortars can silence heavy
machine-gun emplacements.
The blister contains everything you need to a complete Etaireia Pezikoy
HQ as featured on page 37 of Burning Empires. This includes the two
optional Boys Anti-tank Rifles and the optional Light mortar team.
Motociclisti Platoon ..................................14,00
Motociclisti Platoon includes ten motorcycles, ten riders, ten passengers,
two Greek officier passenges, two Greek VB passengers & five Large
When the Bersaglieri units of Motorciclisti deployed to the Eastern front
their tropical helmets were replaced with the more traditional Italian
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 42
KW 46 - 49
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Wargames Illustrated
– Internet:
Wargames Illustrated #290........................6,50
The upcoming issue of Wargames
Illustrated contains the following
Mike Haught kicks off our theme
coverage with some background
information and Flames Of War
characteristics for Otto Carius Tiger Ace and adventurer on the
Eastern Front, 1942-44.
The Battle of Malinava 1944
makes for an excellent wargaming
action with plenty of opportunities
to turn the tables on history. So
that’s exactly what the Battlefront
Studio team did. Read all about it here.
As part of our theme coverage Wayne Turner takes a close look at the
WWII Soviet Pulyemyetno-artillyeriyskiy
Batalon - that’s easy for him to say!
This month’s theme content celebrates the launch of two new Flames Of
War Late war Eastern Front books: Red Bear and Grey Wolf. Co-author
Wayne Turner flicks through the pages of the books and tells us what’s
General de Brigade author Dave Brown presents a scenario and battle
report for one of Napoleon’s seminal victories.
Somewhat obsessed with what looks like a very small war (on the
surface), Gerry Henry presents the case for
wargaming the battles of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. This article
also acts as an introduction to some interesting articles in future issues.
Following on from last month’s Peloponnesian War theme we return to
Greece and present a sceanrio for refighting one of the great actions of
the war.
Chris Peers presents us with an interesting take on the Comanche
Indians of the Southern Plains of the US.
Through his extensive research he has reached a few conclusions that
might surprise you on how this Native
American tribe should behave on the tabletop.
After seeing this wonderfully impressive game at Salute earlier this
year, we knew we had to learn more about its development. Dr Howard J.
Fuller provides us with the story behind this ACW Naval ‘what if?’ game.
The ‘Like a Stonewall’ Wargames Group have a reputation for their
impressive show circuit demo games, and their
Battle of Pavia, 1525, game was no exception. Nick Buxey tells the tale
of the game from conception to demonstration.
PLUS we have loads of photos from the Colours show (UK), our wrap-up
of the 2011 FOW European Grand Turnament (UK), our new irregular
column "Tabletop Musings"
Catalyst Game Lab
Classic Battletech
Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade.....................7,99
More ’Mechs For The Battlefield
You’ve grasped the tactics involved
with the additional units and
weapons from Total Warfare to
defeat your opponents. Now you
own Technical Readout: 3058
Upgrade and want to deploy some
of those ’Mechs, vehicles, and
battle armor on your gaming table.
Grab your dice and start rolling,
because these sheets are for you!
Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade
contains 49 pre-printed ’Mech
record sheets that will have players
firing autocannons, missiles and
PPCs at each other in no time. More than 30 vehicle—as well as 20
battle armor—sheets bring the excitement of combined-arms game play
to any table top. Two ready-to-play scenarios focus on the highlights of
this volume, while an extensive Rules Addendum section, concentrating
on massed infantry actions, provides a sneak peak of all the advanced
rules options provided in Tactical Operations.
Cosmic Patrol Core Rulebook .....................19,99
Rockets and Rayguns!
Cosmic Patrol is a roleplaying game set in
a retro future based on the Golden Age of
science fiction. If you’ve ever seen a cover
from a classic 1930s-1960s sci-fi pulp
magazine, you’ve got the idea. You and
your friends form the crew of a Cosmic
Patrol rocketship and blast off for action
and adventure in the wild galaxy.
In Cosmic Patrol, players take the role of
Patrolmen—the first and last line of
defence for humans in a dangerous
galaxy. Patrolmen explore, discover and
defend the interests of humans wherever
they go. With an atomic ray gun at their hip, they brave the unknown on
a regular basis.
Cosmic Patrol Core Rulebook
Cosmic Patrol is a role-playing game by Catalyst Game Labs that is all
about creating a story. Using Cues as building blocks, you will construct
a plot and narrate your Patrolman’s way through the millions of threats
the cosmos has to offer. Your adventure will be unique to you and your
group, and you’re encouraged to write those adventures up in true pulp
style, for all the world to enjoy.
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Corvus Belli
Fantasy Flight Games
Loup-Garou. (Box with 4 male figures)........24,00
(Box with 4 male figures). A new
multi-part unit box providing all
remaining weapon options of this
fearsome Merovingian troops. If the
Loup-Garous are capable to fight and
stop the Dog-Warriors riots, with
their Viral Special Ammunition… do you dare to imagine what they can
do against any enemy of Ariadna?
Nisses (MULTI Sniper Rifle).........................7,75
Unfortunately for her enemies, the
longly awaited PanOceanian fanfavourite Nisse Sniper has arrive to
the battlefield. This troop joins a
long range weapon with a good BS
Attribute, the Mimetism Special
Skill and a Multispectral Visor L2.
The Nisses don´t fear the storm,
because they are the storm!
Hussein Al-Djabel, Hassassin Fiday ..............7,75
(Rifle + Light Shotgun, Viral
CCW).Al-Djabel is a veteran Fiday,
a professional killer with a
legendary reputation, the true
Destroying Angel. Now, with this
special character, Haqqislamite
players of the Hassassin Bahram
Sectorial Army can deploy 3 Fidays
on the table!
Sogarat (HMG).............................................8,75
This mythical Morat Heavy Infantry
dominates the entire battlefield,
sweeping the enemy from the zone
of operations through aggressive
and extreme use of maximum fire
Father Lucien Sforza, Authorized Bounty-Hunter
(Viral Rifle + ADHL). Father Sforza
is an unique bounty hunter who has
the appearance of a gunslinger
gentleman. Yu Jing players can
officially play this mercenary
miniature in the ITS with Imperial
Service army lists. Thanks to his XVisor, the enhanced range of the
Viral Rifle with Adhesive Launcher attached allows Sforza to get
anybody dead or alive.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Lord of the Rings LCG: Return to Mirkwood.....
After a long and difficult hunt, the
heroes of Middle-earth have
captured Gollum and now escort
their prisoner back to King
Thranduil’s palace in Mirkwood.
There, Gandalf the Grey hopes to
interrogate the wretched creature
for the information he suspects
may keep the One Ring out of the
Dark Lord’s clutches. But the
journey back won’t be easy! The
sixth and conclusive Adventure
Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood
cycle, Return to Mirkwood puts
your heroes in the difficult position
of escorting Gollum through some
of the darkest and most dangerous
locations of Mirkwood forest. New
predators stalk through the forest,
drawn by Gollum’s tantrums.
Return to Mirkwood expands the
card pool for The Lord of the Rings:
The Card Game with 60 new cards, including a challenging new Quest, a
new hero, and three copies each of new attachments, allies, and events.
Warhammer Invasion: The Iron Rock.........11,95
A horde of Orcs has gathered at The
Iron Rock, eager for fightin', slayin'
and lootin'. No land is safe when
the Greenskins go to war...
The Iron Rock is the third Battle
Pack in "The Capital Cycle" for
Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game! With half of its cards
devoted to the warmongering
greenskins, The Iron Rock is an
invaluable Battle Pack for players
of the stunty-smashin' Orc horde.
Not an Orc player? Fans of other
races will also find a variety of
useful tactics, units, and support
options. While a Blessing of
Asuryan shines down upon the High
Elves' greatest mages, the vile
Beastman Shaman feeds on the
corruption of his allies. Meanwhile,
the Bretonnian Black Knight
engages in some offensive
questing, and the Burial Mound gives the forces of the undead a new
source of power! The Greenskin horde is gathering under a banner of
war, and unless they are stopped, their Waaagh! will leave the Old World
in ruins. Prepare for the onslaught!
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Dust Tactics: Terrain Tile Set.....................23,95
The Dust Tactics Terrain Tile Set
includes 12 double-sided terrain
tiles and more. These exciting
components feature snow,
warehouse, water, and bridge
locations on which your Dust
Tactics troops can wage their war.
The Dust Tactics Terrain Tile Set
also includes the Operation: Blue
Thunder campaign book found in
the original Core Set. There are
eight scenarios featured in the
campaign book as well as three bonus scenarios to play on massive maps
that are 12 tiles large.
Runewars: Banners of War Expansion.......39,95
War continues to ravage the
continent of Terrinoth. The free
cities change hands and tyrants
bleed the land dry with a death toll
that has not been seen since the
great wars of ages past. Each
nation knows it cannot slow the
passage of time, or the armies of
their enemies without help. And
above all, they know that the war is
far from over...
Banners of War is an exciting
expansion for Runewars, the epic board game of conquest, adventure,
and fantasy empires! Take fate into your own hands by adding new
units to your armies, conscripting heroes to lead them, and employing
new tactics against your foes.
With eight new unit types – two for each faction – you can customize
your armies like never before. New Development cards let you upgrade
your existing units and purchase new faction-specific abilities, while the
Commanders of the Battlefield variant lets your most valiant heroes lead
your forces to victory. Featuring new Hero, Objective, Season, Reward,
and Order cards, plus over 50 new plastic figures, Banners of War lets
you raise the stakes in Runewars and become the ruler of Terrinoth!
Dust Tactics: Schwere Sturmgrenadiere Ausf. A
The Axis Heavy Recon Grenadiers
march onto the battlefield in some
of the toughest armor in the game.
Their battle suits grant them
damage resilience and render them
immune to Allied small arms
munitions. Even at close range,
they can shrug off some enemy
machine gun fire. Then, when they
retaliate with their MG 44 zwei, the
response is lethal.
While their MG 44 zwei fails to threaten the more heavily armored
combat walkers, a shrewd general knows there are better uses for the
Heavy Recon Grenadiers than confronting walkers. Their combination of
armor and weaponry makes them an excellent unit for neutralizing
enemy squads, and with the rules for structures introduced in Operation
SeeLöwe, the Heavy Recon Grenadiers can take the fight to squads in
places where walkers can’t go.
Dust Tactics: Red Devils- 3rd Paratroops Brigade
Parachuting into the thick of battle, the Allied Red Devils sport battle
armor and 60W Phaser Guns to survive the initial rush of Axis infantry
and send great pulses of energy blasting through the streets of Scapa
Flow. If they manage to drop in close enough to their enemies, the Red
Devils can also use Rocket Punches to crash through the hulls of the
heaviest walkers.
Players commanding this paratroop brigade will want to time their
arrival for maximum impact. Their battle armor may protect them from
light infantry weapons, but the squad is best utilized against armored
targets, not enemy squads. Their phaser weapons allow the Red Devils to
target any medium walker–and even some heavy walkers–at range, and
those they can’t blast with their phasers, they can slam with their rocket
punches. The general’s job will be to keep them out of harm’s way long
enough to let them smash through key enemy units.
Civilization: Fame and Fortune Expansion........
“I had the ambition to not only go
farther than man had gone before,
but to go as far as it was possible to
– Captain James Cook
Master the world with the Fame
and Fortune expansion for Sid
Meier’s Civilization: The Board
Game! With exciting new game
options, new map tiles, and
components for a fifth player, Fame
and Fortune will bring your
civilization to remarkable new heights.
Spieleranzahl 2 - 5
Spieldauer 2:00 - 4:00 Std.
Alter ab 13 Jahre
Great person cards provide the powerful assistance of Marco Polo,
Hannibal, and a host of other great historical figures, while investment
cards allow you to spend your hard-earned coin to reap lasting benefits.
Discover ancient relics, expand your capital city into a metropolis, and
bolster your cities with temporary fortifications or trade caravans to
edge out your rivals. The time has come to guide your people to
CoC: Never Night Pack...............................11,95
The hunt for relics takes the different
factions of Call of Cthulhu: The Card
Game to the glaciated shores and frozen
mountains of Antarctica. Dedicated
cartographers, gun-toting thugs, and
insidious cultists seek to unlock dark
secrets frozen in time in Never Night, the
fourth Asylum Pack in the Ancient Relics
In the desolate antarctic climes, great
powers lie sealed in layers of ice. Apply
your talents to be the first to drill into
Never Night and unlock its terrifying
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Warhammer 40K
– Internet:
WH40K: Dark Heresy The Book of Judgement
The Calixis Sector is plagued
with heretics, recidivists, and
the unworthy...and it is the
Adeptus Arbites who bring them
to judgement.
Book of Judgement, a
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay
supplement, is a guide to crime
and punishment in the Calixis
Sector, and provides a powerful
resource for Dark Heresy
campaigns that feature Imperial
Law as a story foundation. This
detailed supplement contains
new rules, backgrounds,
alternate careers, and equipment
for playing Acolytes with legal
authority or a criminal past, and
provides players with
information about the Adeptus Arbites’ mission to bring order to the
Calixis Sector. Game Masters of all experience levels will find expanded
Investigation rules and a new adventure, Jurisdiction, that plunges the
Acolytes into a conflict between three of the Imperium’s most powerful
Book of Judgement is a guide to crime and punishment in the Calixis
Sector, and provides a powerful resource for Dark Heresy campaigns that
feature Imperial Law as a story foundation. This detailed supplement
contains new rules, backgrounds, alternate careers, and equipment for
WH40K: Deathwatch First Founding..........31,95
First Founding is the latest
supplement for Deathwatch. The
First Founding Legions were
crafted by the Emperor himself,
and they forged the Imperium in
bloody combat as they waged the
Great Crusade across the galaxy.
First Founding details the nine
Chapters directly formed from
the loyalist Space Marines
Legions, and includes new rules
from solo modes to new
advances specialities. Of these
nine Chapters, First Founding
features the final four Chapters
not discussed in previous
Deathwatch rulebooks. This
exciting supplement includes the
background of the nine Traitor Legions and their fall to the seduction of
the Ruinous Powers. Additionally, for the first time in Deathwatch, First
Founding provides new rules for Battle-Brothers to have followers.
Warhammer Fantasy
Warhammer Fantasy: Lure of Power..........39,95
Every lord and every grande dame in
Ubersreik, they wish to be the lord,
n’est-ce pas? And so they must all
dress the part and out-do one another
day after day. If madame wears a
wig with a feather, mesdame les
autres must have two feathers the
next day!
Lure of Power lets characters rub
elbows with the hoity-toity elite and
nobility of the Old World. This
delightful supplement for
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay delves
into the world of nobility and the
insidious influence of Slaanesh, the Dark Prince, youngest and subtlest
of the Ruinous Powers.
Players and GMs alike find increased opportunities for noble and social
characters as well as background material on Slaanesh. Rich new
mechanics for social encounters make them every bit as engaging and
important as combat. Give in to your desires!
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Warhammer Invasion
Warhammer Invasion: Der Eiserne Fels.........7,95
Eine nach Kampf, Gemetzel und
Brandschatzung dürstende Orkhorde sammelt
sich am Eisernen Fels. Kein Land ist sicher,
wenn die Grünhäute in den Krieg ziehen ...
Der Eiserne Fels ist der dritte Battle Pack aus
dem Hauptstadt-Zyklus, einer
zusammenhängenden Reihe von Erweiterungen
für Warhammer: Invasion, einem Kartenspiel
über epische Schlachten, Verwaltung von
Königreichen und gewaltigen Questen. Dieses
60 Karten umfassende Set enthält 20
verschiedene neue Karten zur Verbesserung
bestehender Decks, die den Metaplot von Warhammer: Invasion noch
vielfältiger gestalten.
Der Eiserne Fels enthält die Karten 61-80 des Hauptstadt-Zyklus.
Die Eisenbahn kommt nach Deadwood!
Herr der Ringe: LCG
Herr der Ringe: LCG Die Rückkehr zum Düsterwald
Nachdem die Helden Gollum in den Totensümpfen
in die Ecke getrieben und gefangen genommen
haben, müssen sie die Kreatur nun, durch den
Düsterwald hindurch, nach Norden eskortieren,
damit sie in den Hallen von König Thranduil
festgehalten und befragt werden kann. Die Reise
wir jedoch keine leichte sein: Der Dunkelwald war
schon immer ein gefährlicher Ort, aber auch die
Diener des Dunklen Herrschers sind begierig
darauf Gollum zu fangen und sie haben ihre
eigenen Pläne mit ihm … und Gollum selbst
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versucht ebenfalls, seinen Bewachern zu entkommen.
Die Rückkehr zum Düsterwald ist das sechste der monatlich
erscheinenden und aus 60 festgelegten Karten bestehenden Kartensets
der Schatten des Düsterwalds Erweiterung für Der Herr der Ringe: Das
Kartenspiel. Der Inhalt dieses Packs ermöglicht die Verbesserung
bestehender Decks und versorgt die Spieler mit einem völlig neuen
Szenario, dem sich ihre Helden stellen können.
Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel ist ein ungewöhnliches LCG, welches
sowohl alleine als auch im Team gespielt werden kann. Also versammelt
eure Gemeinschaft und begebt euch auf ein großes Abenteuer!
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Deadwood Deutsch ....................................19,96
Seid ihr abgebrüht genug, um die
Stadt zu übernehmen, bevor die
Eisenbahn hier ankommt?
Rivalisierende Banden haben die
Kleinstadt Deadwood überrannt.
Der Geruch des Geldes, das nach
Anbindung an die Eisenbahn in
dieser Stadt zu machen ist, hat sie
angelockt wie Geier das Aas. Diese
Banditen bedrohen die Einwohner,
reißen sich deren Besitz unter den
Nagel und schrecken auch nicht vor heftigen Duellen auf o# ener Straße
Rune Age: Das Kartenspiel dt.....................19,95
In einem Zeitalter in dem
Innovation und Entdeckerdrang
Hand in Hand gehen. Wo Krieg in
der Luft liegt und die Propheten
über einen herannahenden Sturm
flüstern, ist die Zeit gekommen, all
deine Stärke zu sammeln und dir
deinen Platz in Terrinoths Buch der
Legenden zu sichern.
Rune Age ist ein Deck Aufbauspiel
über Abenteuer und
Herausforderungen für 2-4 Spieler.
Eine Fantasy Welt die in den selben Gefilden spielt wie Terrinoths
Runebound, Decent: Journeys in the Dark, Runewars, Dungeon Quest
und Rune Age lässt den Spieler eine von vier Rassen kontrollieren, um in
einer Welt des Konfliktes um den Sieg zu wetteifern.
Entwickelt von Corey Konieczka, ist Rune Age ein einzigartiges Deck
Aufbauspiel das den Fokus auf verschiedene Szenarios legt. Jedes der
vier enthaltenen Szenarios enthält unterschiedliche Zielvorgaben für die
Spieler, zwischen Jeder gegen Jeden bis zu komplett kooperativem
Gameplay. Willst du den Kampf gegen alle anderen wagen, um die
legendären Drachenrunen zu finden? Oder willst du dich mit deinen
Freunden verbünden, um dem tödlichsten Sturm gegenüberzutreten den
Terrinoth jemals gesehen hat. Du hast die Wahl.
Rune Age enthält:
252 Karten
1 speziellen sechsseitiger Würfel
Gears of War: Das Brettspiel dt..................47,95
Der Tag als die Horde auftauchte,
kam zu einer Zeit, als die Menschen
von Sera noch wussten was Frieden
ist. Ohne Warnung fielen die
Herrscharen von Locust ein und
unzählige Schrecken kamen aus den
verborgenen Höhlen ans Tageslicht.
Die Vereinigten Regierungen der
Ordnung (COG), bemühten sich der
subterranen Bedrohung Herr zu
werden, jedoch wurde ihre
Verteidigung rasch zerstört. Als
Milliarden starben, beschlossen die Menschen in ihrer Verzweiflung, ihre
Städte mit Hilfe von Massenvernichtungswaffen zu zerstören, um die
völlige Übernahme das Feindes zu verhindern. Jetzt beginnt ein
erbitterter Kampf, ein letztes aufbäumen gegen die totale Vernichtung.
Gears of War: Das Brettspiel, entwickelt von Corey Konieczka, basiert
auf dem sehr beliebten third-person shooter von Epic Games. Ein bis vier
Spieler, übernehmen die Rollen von COG Soldaten, die kooperieren um
die Horde von Locust zu zerstören, sie müssen zusammenarbeiten um
komplette Missionen gegen ein herausforderndes, geniales und variables
Spielsystem bestehen zu können.
Du musst eine von sieben zufällig konstruierten Missionen erfüllen und
in dramatischen, wilden Feuergefechten deine Mitstreiter unterstützen,
damit ihr als Team gegen einen unerschrockenen Feind siegen könnt.
Denn nur durch Teamwork und Kommunikation werdet ihr einen
taktischen Vorteil erringen können, um mit dem abschließen eurer
Mission einen Sieg für die Menschheit zu erreichen. Um zu hoffen, die
Horde von Locust wieder in ihre Löcher treiben zu können, wirst du jeden
Soldat brauchen, den du bekommen kannst. Lass keinen Mann zurück!
Risiko Evolution dt.....................................47,95
Im Jahr 2128 – nach jahrelangen
Weltkriegen – hat eine Gruppe von
Physikern, Astronomen und
Ingenieuren eine bahnbrechende
Technologie entwickelt: Sie können
neue Welten erschaffen. Anstatt
wegen immer knapper werdender
Ressourcen Kriege zu führen,
können nun Völker und Fraktionen auf eine junge Erde transportiert
werden, die noch kein Mensch berührt hat.
Unter großem Jubel starteten die Kolonisten zur ersten neu erschaffenen
Welt und ließen den Krieg hinter sich. Kaum zwei Monate später kam es
dort zu den ersten Kampfhandlungen. Scheinbar sind die Fraktionen
nicht bereit zu teilen oder alte Zwistigkeiten zu begraben. Neue Welten
wurden besiedelt und neue Kriege entstanden. Ihnen gehört eine dieser
Welten. Sie wartet auf Ihre Geschichte, auf Ihre Kriege. Doch im
Moment gibt es weder Städte noch Auseinandersetzungen – sogar die
Kontinente haben noch keine Namen.
Doch das wird sich ändern.
Die Kriege kommen.
Sie kommen immer.
Bei Risiko Evolution verändert jedes Spiel alle weiteren Spiele. Eine
schlechte Entscheidung im ersten Spiel wird Sie später irgendwann
wieder einholen. Sind Sie bereit, langfristige Risiken einzugehen? Alle
Spieler formen gemeinsam ihre neue Welt: die Geschichte und ihre
Städte, das Schicksal der Fraktionen und wie sie kämpfen. Mit jedem
Spiel kommen neue Karten und Sticker dazu, während andere auf
Nimmerwiedersehen verschwinden. Dieses Spiel vergisst nicht, was Sie
tun …
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Aktivieren Sie mit jedem Spiel neue Regeln und Ereignisse, um Ihre
Evolution weiter voranzutreiben. Machen Sie Ihr Spiel. Schreiben Sie
Geschichte.Mit der Evolution-Edition erleben Sie Risiko auf eine ganz
andere Art: Was Sie in dem einen Spiel tun, wirkt sich nämlich auf alle
zukünftigen Spiele aus. Ihre Handlungen haben Konsequenzen, mit
denen Sie die Geschichte Ihrer Welt formen. Sie werden auf dieses Spiel
schreiben, Dinge markieren, Aufkleber anbringen und sogar einige Teile
wegwerfen.Tatsächlich. Irgendwann wird Ihr Spiel einen Krieg
durchgemacht haben – Ihren Krieg. Ihre Ausgabe des Spiels wird
einzigartig sein, seine eigene Geschichte haben, eigene Schwächen und
Stärken und eigene Helden.Die ersten Spiele in dieser Welt werden
relativ einfach und überschaubar sein (für Risiko-Verhältnisse), doch was
Sie dabei tun, beeinflusst alle nachfolgenden Spiele. Je tiefer Sie in die
Kriege einsteigen, desto komplexer wird das Spielgefühl.Nach dem
Öffnen werden sie die vielen versiegelten Päckchen und Umschläge
bemerken, die das Spiel enthält. Sie werden nach und nach geöffnet und
ins Spiel integriert. Sie könnten sie natürlich jetzt schon alle aufreißen,
aber damit nehmen Sie sich selbst die Spannung, also sollten Sie Ihre
Ungeduld bis zum richtigen Moment zügeln. Außerdem sind einige
Bereiche des Regelbuchs leer – noch. Denn dort werden im weiteren
Spielverlauf zusätzliche Spielregeln eingefügt.
Was ist hier also anders? Eine Menge!
devastation meted out by a single squad can cause whole armies to flee
in terror.
Number of Miniatures: 5
Product Type: Plastic Resin Miniatures
Unit Type: Infantry
This Set Includes:
5 x Resin Plastic Stormrage Veterans including Commander
2 x Hailstorm Cannons
2 x Heat Cannons
1 x Optional Heat Hammer
1 x Mantic Point
5 x 25mm Round Bases
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted. Plastic Resin requires
Warpath Orx Paint Set ..............................15,99
Forge Father Steel Warriors Section (10) ...11,59
Steel Warriors are the mainstay of
any Forge Father army. Taking to
the field in sophisticated suits of
Aesir armour, they carry the best
weapons this technologically
advanced race has at its disposal.
Those who do not succumb to the
deadly fire of their hailstorm rifles
quickly succumb to the strength and
bravery Steel Warriors exhibit in
Number of Miniatures: 10
Product Type: Plastic Miniatures
Unit Type: Infantry
This Set Includes:
10 x Plastic Steel Warriors
5 x Optional Heat Hammer
Spare Heads, Grenades and Commander options
1 x Mantic Point
10 x 25mm Round Bases
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Forge Father Stormrage Veterans (5)..........10,39
Stormrage Veterans are support
troops armed with heavy guns crafted
on the Forge Father homeworlds. Each
Stormrage Veteran has many years of
experience, and puts this and his
weaponry to good use blowing big
holes in the enemy army. Stormrage
Veterans are few in number, but the
Forge Father Steel Warrior Platoon (20) ....20,79
Steel Warriors are the mainstay of any
Forge Father army. Taking to the field
in sophisticated suits of Aesir armour,
they carry the best weapons this
technologically advanced race has at its
disposal. Those who do not succumb to
the deadly fire of their hailstorm rifles
quickly succumb to the strength and
bravery Steel Warriors exhibit in melee.
Number of Miniatures: 10
Mantic Games
Product Type: Plastic Miniatures
Unit Type: Infantry
This Set Includes:
20 x Plastic Steel Warriors
10 x Optional Heat Hammer
Spare Heads, Grenades and Commander options
2 x Mantic Point
20 x 25mm Round Bases
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Forge Father Hero .......................................8,39
The Forge Fathers do not wage war
lightly, but once committed they
will depart only when their foe has
been annihilated!
Number of Miniatures: 1
Product Type: Blister
Unit Type: Hero
This Set Includes:
1 x Metal Forge Father Hero
1 x Plastic 25mm Round base
Models supplied unassembled and
Forge Father Starter Army.........................51,99
A Forge Father Army is among the
most technologically advanced in
the galaxy. The Forge Fathers are
not tempted to battle easily, but
will readily deploy their forces to
defend their honour and their
trading interests. The Forge Fathers
do not wage war lightly, but once
committed they will depart only
when their foe has been
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Number of Miniatures: 30 Figures and 2 Vehicles
Product Type: Plastic and Plastic Resin Miniatures
Unit Type: Army Set
This Set Includes:
20 x Plastic Steel Warriors
10 x Plastic Resin Stormrage Veterans
2 x Plastic Resin Jotunn Heavy Hailstorm Cannon
Spare Heads, Grenades and Commander Options
4 x Hailstorm Autocannons
4 x Heat Cannons
12 x Heat Hammers
30 x 25mm Round Bases
Miniature supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Warpath Starter Set ..................................51,99
Warpath is the mass combat
science fiction game written by
Alessio Cavatore, from Mantic
Games. Warpath is easy to learn,
highly tactical and very bloody.
This science fiction battleset
pitches two starter Marauder and
Forge Father armies against each
other, each including a variety of finely detailed plastic infantry, heavy
weapons and vehicles. This battleset includes everything you need to get
gaming with your Warpath army including dice, and a copy of the
Warpath rules.
Number of Miniatures: 55 and 2 Vehicles
This Set Includes:
- 1 x FREE Forge Father Steel Warriors
- 1 x Printed Warpath Rules
- 10 x Plastic Forge Father Steel Warriors
- 5 x Plastic Resin Forge Fathers with Heavy Weapons
- 1 x Plastic Resin Jotunn Heavy Hailstorm Cannons
- 40 x Plastic Marauder Grunts
- BFG Heavy Weapons, Special Melee Weapons
- Spare Heads, Grenades, Ammo packs and more
- 1 x Plastic Resin Marauder Raptor
- Mantic Guide
- Loads of Mantic Points
- Everything you need to play including Dice
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Noble Armada
Kurgan Kubai Dreadnought .......................19,99
The greatest ship of the Caliphate,
the Kublai is a monstrous vessel
capable of a wide range of
operations. As well as performing
as a 'bruiser' in fleet engagements,
the Kublai also functions as a troop
transporter and fighter carrier, making it the only dreadnought that can
perform all these functions.
This box contains one Kublai dreadnought.
Traveller Campaign 1 Secrets of the Ancients
A complete campaign of truly epic
proportions, Secrets of the Ancients
takes a core theme from the original
Traveller, and fully updates it to reveal
the powers behind the galaxy in a way
you have never seen them before.
Never has a Traveller book truly been
loaded with such secrets.
Written by Gareth Hanrahan, Secrets
of the Ancients will start the players
off in a familiar setting within the
Spinward Marches, but quickly
escalate to take them into times,
places and dimensions they barely
dreamed of. This is Traveller roleplaying at its very best.
Legend .....................................................15,99
Using the core rules from RuneQuest II,
Legend is a new fantasy roleplaying
game that serves as the basis for a
multitude of settings and worlds. 100%
compatible with all previous RuneQuest
II books, including Elric of Melnibone,
Deus Vult and Wraith Recon, Legend
repackages the rules into a new digestsized format.
Paradigm Concepts
Mongoose Publishing
Arcanis: Forged in Magic...........................11,99
Legendary Relics for Legendary
The tales of great heroes often
speak of the miraculous relics they
carry. The spark of creation, the
very energy that formed the
universe from nothingness, is
gathered and focused by
mysterious and dangerous rites of
enchantment. The results are items
of power such as those detailed
The book is an indispensible
resource for Chronicle’s and Heroes
alike. These pages contain scores of
magical items worthy of your heroes, as well as the runes and scrolls
that are at the command of priests and sorcerers.
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Arcanis: Bestiary......................................11,99
Man is the Deadliest Prey...
Arcanis is a dangerous world filled
with wilds stalked terrible and
dangerous beasts, cities built upon
great necropoli filled with wakeful
dead, vengeful empires of inhuman
conquerors and hidden places that
shelter a silent evil. Even 'civilized'
lands are menaced by ancient evils
that are best left undisturbed. It is
left to the great heroes of Arcanis to
leave the common persons to their
safe and quiet lives, blissfully
ignorant of that which seeks their
...Herein are His Hunters
Within this work you will find:
Complete Threat Creation Rules
Monstrous Traits, Talents and Flaws
More than Two Dozen Threats - Mundane and Fantastical Alike
Witch Hunter
and then split it into three.
Trollblood Epic Warlock Grissel Bloodsong......
Grissel Bloodsong stands as a bastion
amid the storm devastating the lives of
her people. Assuming leadership was
never her goal, but she has proven
worthy of shouldering the burden of
Marshal of the Kriels in Ironhide’s
absence. She gladly fights alongside her
warriors and asks nothing of them she
would not risk herself. They trust her to
save them whether by shrewd words or
the booming of her explosive voice and
hammer on the battlefield
Circle Orboros Epic Warlock Baldur the Stonecleaver
While the last tenuous thread of his
life was held fast by Megalith,
Baldur’s spirit was subsumed
within the entirety of Orboros, and
the fundamental principles of the
world were made clear to him. He
has returned to serve as a conduit
for a torrent of destructive power.
In the midst of battle Baldur can tap
into this endless flow to empower
himself beyond his mortal limits,
but the longer he fights, the more
his body tears itself apart.
Witch Hunter: Aztec Empire.......................19,99
Privateer Press
Legion of Everblight Epic Warlock Vayl Consul
of Everblight..............................................13,50
As consul Vayl has achieved a
position of regal authority,
answering only to Thagrosh and
Everblight himself and empowered
to explore her mystical arts. She
picks and chooses which conflicts
require her personal intervention by
peering into the mists of the future
with her divinatory powers. Vayl
has begun to unravel the mysteries
of the athanc, and it was by this
study that she modified her
oraculus to resemble that perfection
Gods of Blood and Shadow
In the almost seventeen decades
since Hernán Cortés’ ill-fated
expedition of conquest,
the Aztec Empire has grown
mighty. Fueled by blood magic and
fanatical devotion to dark gods, the
Mexica now threaten to drive the
Spanish from the mainland. Not
serving the Adversary, their gods
represent another great wickedness
apart from the ancient battles of the
Old World, one that is perhaps even
more dangerous, one not truly
limited by Solomon’s Seal.
Skorne Epic Warlock Lord Arbiter Hexeris...15,99
Through cunning, raw power,
political acumen, and tactical
genius, Lord Arbiter Hexeris has
furthered his own schemes while
simultaneously strengthening the
Skorne Empire. The lord arbiter’s
occult knowledge goes well beyond
the lore of the skorne, and no
enemy arcanist is safe from his
vampiric thirst for mystical secrets. To oppose him in battle is to be
sapped of arcane power as he steals and transforms the energies of his
Minion Warlock Sturm and Drang..............19,50
The monstrous two-headed creation
called Sturm and Drang is proof of
Dr. Arkadius’ mad genius. The key
to this breakthrough was placing
two strong wills in opposition
within a single body. Psychic
feedback crackles between their
individual minds, driving them into
a battle frenzy of escalating power.
Engineered to dominate and
subjugate, the pair have perfect command over the war hogs of the
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farrow and can unleash magic of mind-rending power and explosive
The warlock Sturm & Drang comes in a blister (PIP 75033). A player
may field one Sturm & Drang in a Minion army under the Thornfall
Alliance Pact.
Cryx Satyxis Raiders (repackiging) ............42,50
Minion Gatorman Posse (repack) ...............39,99
Among the most formidable warriors of all the savage races, gatormen
augment their natural battle prowess with brutal strength and oversized
weapons. The barest scent of blood drives them into a killing frenzy, and
a single gatorman can slay several men in a few gore-splattered seconds.
Gatormen have no qualms about fighting for any master as long as they
are provided with steel weapons and ample food.
The Gatorman Posse unit comes in a box (PIP 75041). A player may
field up to two Gatorman Posse units per warlock in a Circle, Legion,
Skorne, or Trollblood army or up to three Gatorman Posse units per
warlock in a Minion army under the Blindwater Congregation Pact.
Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of
the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as
natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life
to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their
victims with the tearing barbs of their enchanted lacerators or break
their bones with smashing blows of their twisted horns.
Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights (repackaging)
Warmachine Two Player Battle Box (plastic)...
Nachdruck erschienen
The mighty forces of the northern
Khadoran Empire are bolstered by
their ideals of strength and
resilience in their clash with the
devout and zealous crusaders of the
Protectorate of Menoth. At the
center of this titanic clash, the
deadly Kommander Sorscha
Kratikoff leads an elite strike force
of powerful Khadoran warjacks and
soldiers against the holy knights of the Protectorate of Menoth led by
their champion High Exemplar Kreoss and his personal retinue of
WARMACHINE is a fast-paced and aggressive 30 mm tabletop
miniatures battle game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the
Iron Kingdoms. Take control of an elite soldier-sorcerer called a
warcaster and his mighty warjacks—massive steam-powered combat
automatons—as you battle to destroy the enemy warcaster.
This two-player battle box (PIP 25001) CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU
NEED FOR A TWO-PLAYER GAME: Complete Prime Mk II rules in a
travel-sized booklet (86 pages), introductory guide, dice, ruler, and 17
plastic WARMACHINE models with corresponding stat cards.
KHADOR ARMY: Warcaster Kommander Sorscha, Juggernaut Heavy
Warjack, Destroyer Heavy Warjack, Man-O-War Shocktrooper Unit (5
PROTECTORATE OF MENOTH ARMY: Warcaster High Exemplar Kreoss,
Crusader Heavy Warjack, Vanquisher Heavy Warjack, Repenter Light
Warjack, Exemplar Cinerators Unit (5 models)
A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god
Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and
dedicated to guarding the innocent. Protected from fell magic by the
blessings of the ascendants and from the weapons of their enemies by
heavy armor and locked shields, the Precursor Knights wield their
blessed maces against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind.
Precursor Knights are Cygnar allies that can also be included in some
mercenary contract armies. The Precursor Knight unit comes in a box
(PIP 42013). A player may field up to two Precursor Knight units for
each warcaster in a Cygnaran army.
No Quarter Magazine 39..............................7,50
No Quarter # 39 offers more
content for Unbound games, more
new Theme Forces In Forces of
Distinction, and an exciting look at
some of the new products headed
your way in 2012. In addition, No
Quarter covers Gen Con 2011, with
all the details on the Masters
Tournament and in-depth coverage
of the Formula P3 Grandmaster
Painting Competition! Never miss
an issue!
NQ 39 Table of Contents
Opening Salvo: On the Horizon Pg.
The convention season in 2011
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was a busy one for Privateer Press. Besides being filled with the usual
activity—staffing the booth, running events, and meeting tons of
enthusiastic players—this year saw several big announcements about
future Privateer Press products. Lock & Load and Gen Con both generated
some incredibly exciting news about what's headed your way in 2012.
Well, the time has come to pull back the curtain a bit and showcase some
of the products coming out in the near future.
Terrain Building: IK Linear Obstacles Pg. 20
Scenery plays an important role in creating a narrative for your
battlefield environment. In No Quarter Magazine #36, we discussed how
to make Iron Kingdoms-themed hills. This time around, we are going to
cover linear obstacles.
Linear obstacles are a terrain element present on nearly every game
table; they provide cover from ranged attacks and create physical
boundaries in the landscape. Stone walls and hedges are very
commonplace but become rather boring after a while and can even seem
out of place in certain environments.
Guts & Gears: Wolds Pg. 26
Those foolish enough to wander into the wild, untamed places of western
Immoren face many perils. From ravening beasts to fierce tribes of
savage warriors, the deep forests hide all manner of terrible dangers.
Some dangers are not as obvious as others, and explorers who find
themselves in a clear forest glade surrounded by moss-covered boulders
may be in life-threatening jeopardy without even knowing it. Such places
are often sacred to the druids of the Circle Orboros and are protected by
some of their most potent guardians: the great constructs known as
M&P Challenge: All Your Base Pg. 53
A great model just looks sad and out-of-place on a plain black disc. Sure,
you could add some sand, a bit of flocking, maybe the odd bit of mulch.
That would certainly be better. However, we know for a fact that the
modelers and painters in our community take just as much time and care
with the bases their models rest upon as they do with the models
themselves. So we want to see your best bases! Design a faction-themed
base for your model and show us that a base isn't just something for a
model to stand on.
Power Progression: Skorne Pg. 54
In this installment of Power Progression, I'm going to focus on what I
believe are the strongest qualities of the Skorne: aggressiveness, speed,
unpredictable movement, and brute force. In my experience, the Skorne
perform best when you're quickly closing the gap between you and your
opponent, pushing him into difficult decisions, and then capitalizing on
the mistakes he makes.
Modeling & Painting: Living Megalith Pg. 66
Megalith, Baldur's wold masterpiece, was crafted with the still-living
branches of great trees growing from its frame. For this modification, I
have highlighted this aspect of the giant wold, showing its branches in
their fullest expression, reaching and gathering sustenance from the
brilliant sun above.
This project highlights the chemistry between miniatures and terrain,
integrating techniques of both into a cohesive piece. I will go over how I
used tree armatures and some simple sculpting techniques to achieve
this striking modification.
The Gavyn Kyle Files: Dartan Vilmon Pg. 74
As always, your coin has been well spent in pursuit of my latest subject.
To fully understand Dartan Vilmon and the order he serves, I think a bit
of history is in order. One must understand how the Order of the Wall
functions within the Protectorate of Menoth to fully grasp how High
Paladin Dartan Vilmon has influenced both his own order and recent
monumental events in the Protectorate. Additionally, Vilmon is at the
very center of a schism between the Order of the Wall and the ruling
scrutators; in fact, it could be said he is one of its prime instigators.
The Armory: Cryx Pg. 96
Represent your faction in style! The Armory gives you faction-specific
templates to represent your favorite spells, feats, and effects. These
templates represent some specific Cryx spells and effects. Feel free to
photocopy them for your next game.
Also in this Issue!
News from the Front Pg. 4
New Releases Pg. 6
Bodge Bin: Horthol's Long Riders Pg. 9
On the Horizon: Privateer in 2012 Pg. 10
Forces of Distinction VI Pg. 14
Gen Con 2011 Pg. 34
Unbound Team Gems Pg. 62
Player Gallery Pg. 94
Reaper Miniatures
Dark Heaven Legends
Wizard and Crystal Ball ..............................9,19
Warlord Fantasy
Coloti, Bloodstone Gnome.............................4,79
G'rond, Dwarf Assassin................................4,79
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Dramorion, Dark Elf Sorcerer .......................5,19
Savage Worlds
Mad Scientist (Male)....................................4,99
Evshyvandra Duskwidow, Dark Elf Warrior . .4,79
Undead Outlaw.............................................4,99
Zonkers, Killer Klown ..................................5,59
P-65 Heavy Metal
Annazian, Female Pit Fighter .......................3,99
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Studio 2 Productions
Savage Worlds
Wizards of the Coast
The Path of Kane (Solomon Kane)..............31,99
Cut a Righteous Path in a World of
Evil You have seen the path to
redemption, a road paved in the
blood and bones of the evil you
must defeat to save the world from
its unholy taint. Face that which
prey on men’s dreams, their fears,
and their very souls. Walk The
Path of Kane. This book provides
richer details for the decadent and
decaying Old World, the unknown
and untamed New World,
mysterious and exotic Cathay to
the East, and the savagery of the
Dark Continent. Over fifty new
Savage Tales span the globe, taking Wanderers to new
heights of peril. These adventures can be played alone, woven into an
existing Wanderers’ journey, or often linked to one another, all as you
see fit.
Third Eye Games
Part-Time Gods
Part-Time Gods RPG..................................23,95
You’ve been gifted with the spark
of divinity. Will you give into the
power and leave your mortal life
behind? Or will you lead a double
life and protect those closest to
you? Choose wisely - You only
have one soul.
Part-Time Gods is a roleplaying
game where players take the role of
ordinary people imbued with the
powers of a god. Balancing one's
mortal and divine lives can be
tricky, and divine responsibility
doesn't always pay the rent.
Powered by the new DGS-Lite
system and packed with plenty of character options, players make any
kind of character they can think of and can quickly jump into the world.
Includes over 40 antagonists, flexible divine magic and an in depth view
of the world from the eyes of the gods.
Forgotten Realms
Romane / Comics
Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road Novel.........
A fascinating anti-hero brings high adventure and an
engaging story to the second book by Johnson set in
the 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons Shadowfell
The witch Ilvani’s nightmares of a storm and a
suffering soul are luring shadow creatures into
Ikemmu,bent on hunting her down and killing her for
reasons no one can ascertain. Ashok, however, is
determined to find a way to stop it before the
shadow creatures destroy the city he worked so hard
to save. The trail leads him, the witch Ilvani, Cree, and Skagi along a
caravan to Rashemen, where similarly strange attacks are happening
among the secretive masked witches of the steppes.
Romane / Comics
The Shard Axe (Eberron Unlimited Novel)........
Sentinel Marshal Sabira d’Deneith
has spent the last eight years trying
to drown the memories of the
mission that cost her partner his life
and gave her the nickname, the
Shard Axe. But all the old memories
come flooding back when she’s
recalled from the city of Stormreach
to carry out a mission on House
Deneith’s behalf—to protect and
defend the heir of the dwarven city
of Frostmantle during his murder
trial. The same heir she and her
partner guarded eight years ago in
the same city—from the same style
of murders.
Is the dreaded Nightshard still alive
and taunting her? Or is there
another serial killer loose in the
Mror Holds
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