ERASMUS Intensive Programmes Compendium of Selected


ERASMUS Intensive Programmes Compendium of Selected
Looking at the Wider Picture: ERASMUS Intensive Programmes
ERASMUS Intensive Programmes
Compendium of Selected
Intensive Programmes with
German Project Coordination 2009/10
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit
German Academic Exchange Service
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation
Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Beate Körner (project coordination), Head of Unit 603, DAAD
Britta Schmidt
Stefanie Bittner
heimbüchel pr Cologne/Berlin
Print run
May 2010 - online brochure
Any reproduction, even in extracts, only with full reference to this source.
Photo credits
heimbüchel pr stock
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and
the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
This publication reflects the views only of the authors, neither the Commission
nor the Ministry can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.
Selected Intensive Programmes with
German project Coordination 2009/10
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e Aa c h e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 3 4 3 - 1 - 3 4 )
JUNCS Jülich Nuclear Chemistry Summer School
H u m b o l d t U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 7 5 - 3 - 3 0 )
Energy Security in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st Century
H u m b o l d t U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 7 5 - 4 - 3 1 )
IPBib: The Grimm-Center - A Library Fairy Tale?
H u m b o l d t U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 7 5 - 1 - 2 8 )
Health as a Lifelong Learning Process (HELLP)
H u m b o l d t U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 7 5 - 5 - 3 2 )
The Mithras-Site at Porolissum - An Interdisciplinary Teaching Excavation in Romania
H u m b o l d t U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 7 5 - 6 - 3 3 )
Intensivprogramm Berlin inter3
F r e i e U n i v e r s i t ä t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 1 - 2 8 5 5 0 - 1 0 )
THEMIS Summer School in Law
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e f ü r T e c h n i k u n d W i r t s c h a f t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/
Low-Energy Building Research
H o c h s c h u l e f ü r W i r t s c h a f t u n d R e c h t B e r l i n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 29794-1-39)
Political Opinion Formation on BLOG and Twitter – Players, Standards, and Web Competence
in an International Comparison
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e B r a u n s c h w e i g / W o l f e n b ü t t e l ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P ZuV-27900-1-40)
BIOCEN – Strategies for Bio-Energy and Bio-Fuel Production – Life Cycles, Assessment and
H o c h s c h u l e D a r m s t a d t ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 5 4 6 - 1 - 4 7 )
Atlantis – International Project-Based Learning
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
T e c h n i s c h e U n i v e r s i t ä t D r e s d e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 7 5 6 - 1 - 4 4 )
Intensive Programme Education and Technology
Al b e r t - L u d w i g s - U n i v e r s i t ä t F r e i b u r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 4 0 9 1-41)
CEMGE – Classification, Evaluation, and Management of Grasslands
Al b e r t - L u d w i g s - U n i v e r s i t ä t F r e i b u r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 4 0 9 2-43)
Site Classification of European Forests
J u s t u s L i e b i g U n i v e r s i t ä t G i e s s e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 8 0 1 - 1 18)
„Heterogeneity and Hybridity in the Literature and Culture of Central Europe Based on the Example of Vilnius"
G e o r g - Au g u s t U n i v e r s i t ä t G ö t t i n g e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 7 4 9 - 1 38)
Relations between the EU and Emerging Global Players
E r n s t M o r i t z Ar n d t U n i v e r s i t ä t G r e i f s w a l d ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 28709-1-21)
Plasma Applications in Material Sciences
G o t t f r i e d W i l h e l m L e i b n i z U n i v e r s i t ä t H a n n o v e r ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P ZuV-28261-1-5)
Cropping Energy: Linking Food, Bio-Mass Production, and Waste Management to Bio-Energy
R u p r e c h t K a r l s U n i v e r s i t ä t H e i d e l b e r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 29870-1-15)
Challenges to Human Dignity; Welfare and Social Society
U n i v e r s i t ä t K a s s e l ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 1 7 - 1 - 2 6 )
Summer Breeding Academy on Organic Animal Husbandry
C h r i s t i a n - Al b r e c h t s - U n i v e r s i t ä t z u K i e l ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 28321-1-4)
International Course in ArcheoGeophysics
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e K i e l ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 9 1 8 - 1 - 7 )
Intensive Programme on Embedded and Ambient Intelligence
U n i v e r s i t ä t K o b l e n z - L a n d a u ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 5 0 9 - 1 - 1 7 )
Small-Scale European Integration through Cross-Border Cooperation Part II: Investigating the
EU's External Borders
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
U n i v e r s i t ä t z u K ö l n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 8 5 5 - 1 - 4 6 )
Europe's Borders: Europe and the Mediterranean
P ä d a g o g i s c h e H o c h s c h u l e L u d w i g s b u r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M OB I P - Z u V 29736-1-42)
Culture as a Creative Resource for a Future Europe. Cultural Policy and its Dimension in Four
European Countries: Finland, Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria
E v a n g e l i s c h e H o c h s c h u l e L u d w i g s b u r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M OB I P - Z u V 101890-1-1)
Intensive Programme in Diversity Inclusion for Social Cohesion (IP-DISCO)
J o h a n n e s - G u t e n b e r g - U n i v e r s i t ä t M a i n z ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 29716-1-37)
The Presence of the Past: European Cultures of Memory
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (DE-2009-ERA/MOBIP-ZuV-28714-1-20)
Migration in Europe – New Dimensions, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Plural Perspectives
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e O l d e n b u r g / O s t f r i e s l a n d / W i l h e l m s h a v e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/
HCainBioMed – Human-Centred Approaches in Biomedical Engineering
H o c h s c h u l e O s tw e s t f a l e n - L i p p e ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 7 4 1 - 2 - 6 )
Advanced Digital Architectural Design
U n i v e r s i t ä t P o t s d a m ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 2 7 6 - 1 - 1 9 )
COMPA/RAISONS: The Enlightenment in a French-Polish-German Comparison
U n i v e r s i t ä t R e g e n s b u r g ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 5 6 8 - 1 - 2 )
Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Security
U n i v e r s i t ä t S i e g e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 7 7 7 - 1 - 2 3 )
Myths, Nation-Building, Political Identities
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e S t r a l s u n d ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 3 7 5 - 1 - 9 )
10 Years Student Formula
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e S t r a l s u n d ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 8 3 7 5 - 2 - 1 2 )
Automation and Modelling of FC-based Energy Systems
S t a a t l i c h e H o c h s c h u l e f ü r M u s i k T r o s s i n g e n ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V 28706-1-27)
Academy for Historical Organs in Southern Germany
W e s t s ä c h s i s c h e H o c h s c h u l e Z w i c k a u ( D E - 2 0 0 9 - E R A/ M O B I P - Z u V - 2 9 7 5 0 1-13)
User-Friendly Innovations and Design for Senior Citizens
All details based on project descriptions from coordinating institutions.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
F a c h h o c h s c h u l e Aa c h e n
JUNCS Jülich Nuclear Chemistry Summer School
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Scherer
Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Scherer
Contact information
Chemistry and Biotechnology
Ginsterweg 1
52428 Jülich
Tel. +49/(0)241/6009-53124
Fax +49/(0)241/6009-53199
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Università di Bologna, Prof. Domiziano Mostacci
Haute Ecole Paul-Henri Spaak, Prof. François
Universidade de Coimbra, Prof. Maria Isabel Lopes
XIOS Hogeschool Limburg, Sonja Schreurs
Universitad Politecnica de Valencia, Prof. José
Rodenas Diego
Participating subject areas
Chemical and Process Engineering
Level of study
MA and PhD
Funded persons
15 students, 6 teachers
Working language
Jülich, Germany and Diepenbeek, Belgium (1 day)
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 27,731.49
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Nuclear technology is essential in energy production, industry, research, and medicine. The
European Commission's position statement on sustainable development clearly shows the
importance of preserving and enhancing competence in the field of nuclear and radiological
The main objective of this practical course is to give students the opportunity to study
fundamental nuclear chemistry techniques in an actual work situation with access to equipment
that is not available at most of the partner institutions.
The primary target group is engineering students at the Master's degree level. Students at the
PhD level may also be admitted.
The main activities will be introductory lectures and practical exercises in using AcUAS
facilities aimed at
(a) giving the students practical experience in a nuclear chemistry work environment, and
(b) encouraging them to relate this experience to their academic skills and thus giving them a
unique opportunity to obtain a better insight into possible fields of professional activity.
A valuable by-product we hope will derive from the practical experience they get is that the
participants will learn to attribute importance to safety and quality assurance factors in
connection with the use of radiation and open radioactive materials and that this will instill in
them an awareness of the importance of radiation hygiene in their future work.
The practical exercises will be organized in international subgroups, making it possible for the
participants to interact with fellow students from different countries and cultural backgrounds.
The results will be published in a documentation booklet which will be also made available as a
CD and posted on a permanent website.
Planned dissemination of project results
All participants are active in European networks aimed at achieving a harmonized system of
education in this field. A number of workshops on these matters have been established in
which collaborating partners plan to report the results of JUNCSS as a model programme.
Course contents and results will be made available on a CD as well as posted on a dedicated
At our annual CHERNE network workshop we will discuss issues relating to the
implementation of our programmes as well as the planning of further activities.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Energy Security in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st Century
Project coordinator
University teachers
Pierre Steuer
Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen
Contact information
Abteilung Internationales
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel. +49/(0)30/2093-2705
Fax +49/(0)30/2093-2376
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Koebenhavns Universitet, Prof. Dr. Ole Waever
Tartu Ülikool, Dr. Viktor Trasberg
University of Turku, Prof. Dr. Marko Lehti
Uniwersytet Gdanski, Prof. Dr. Stanislaw
Participating subject areas
Political Science and Civics,
Physical Sciences
Level of study
Funded persons
24 students, 4 teachers
Working language
Copenhagen / Berlin
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 54,301.60
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Given that it is being held in the year of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, the intensive
programme (IP) "Energy Security in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st Century" will focus on
current issues of global importance with a view to stimulating interdisciplinary cooperation and
exchange between partner universities in this area. The IP would like to help promote
international cooperation among universities in the Baltic Sea Region and, at the same time,
strengthen "Baltic Sea Studies". The primary target group is MA students from partner
universities and their professors.
The interest shown in Energy Security by such a wide range of fields of science and
scholarship illustrates the interdisciplinary breadth of this subject.
Learning together with fellow students from other European countries will help participants
develop intercultural competence as well as improve their foreign language proficiency .
Using English as a working language will give them practice in expressing themselves in the
global language of science. The fact that the summer school will take place in two parts, one in
Denmark and the other in Germany, will give participants an opportunity to improve their
knowledge of or develop an interest in two further languages.
Cooperation in an international group of students and professors constitutes a significant basis
for the formation of international and interdisciplinary networks at the level of studies, teaching,
and related work areas. It also promotes individual and intercultural competence as well as
The composition of the group will be based on a geographical balance aimed at promoting
multilateral dialogue between old and new EU member states and/or between western and
eastern European countries in the Baltic Sea Region.
Students will be able to fully integrate the IP into their regular studies. They will be given 5
ECTS points for successful completion of the programme. IP course activities will consist for
the most part of lectures followed by discussions, seminars, working groups, and subjectrelated excursions. This will be complemented by other excursions and cultural activities
relating to the host country locations as well as IP subject matter. Teaching will be done by
professors from the participating universities, from other universities, as well as other experts
in the areas of energy security, energy policy, and sustainability.
The IP website has a Moodle integrated open-source learning platform that can be used
before, during, and after the IP. Selected papers presented by students at the IP will be made
available on the website.
Planned dissemination of project results
The project website:
is a publicly accessible platform, on which both programme information and contacts can be
found. Evaluation results will also be posted on the website. Links to it will be placed on the
websites of participating partner institutions.
An electronic publication produced by the participants will be posted on the website at the end
of the IP. It will contain lectures given by participating professors, an article by a student
participant from each work area, as well as team presentations.
The local media and the specialist press will be informed about the intensive programme
"Energy Security in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st Century", along with organizations such
as the Berlin House of Culture – Center for Northern European Studies and Culture
("Kulturhaus Berlin – Zentrum für nordeuropäische Wissenschaft und Kultur").
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Humboldt Universität Berlin
IPBib: Das Grimm-Zentrum – (k)ein Bibliotheksmärchen
(IPBib: The Grimm Center – A Library Fairy Tale?)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Katharina Tollkühn
Prof. Dr. Konrad Umlauf
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann
Dr. Gertrud Pannier
Dipl.-Inf. Susanne Dobratz
M.A. Olaf Eigenbrodt
Contact information
Universitätsbibliothek der HU Berlin
Dorotheenstr. 1
10099 Berlin
Tel. + 49/(0)30/2093-3280
Fax +49/(0)30/2093-3207
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Masarykova Univerzita Brno, Dr. Michal Lorenz
State University of Library Studies and
InformationTechnologies Sofia, Dr. Tania Todorova
Vilniaus Universitetas, Irena Kriviene
Universität Wien, Dr. Andreas Brandtner
Participating subject areas
Library and Information Science
Level of study
BA and MA
Funded persons
20 students, 7 teachers
Working language
Length of course
17 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 39,085.29
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The IPBib 2009 intensive programme will take advantage of a rather unique situation involving
the construction of a new university library, the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Center http:// This is connected with the restructuring of a classical
closed-stack library of the 19th century to turn it into a modern open-stack library and the
simultaneous integration of 12 branch and partial libraries in humanities, cultural studies, social
science, and economics disciplines. When completed this will be Germany's largest openstack library collection (approximately 2 million volumes).
The aim is to make it possible for students to study related architectural, logistical,
technological, classification-system-related, and collection-security-related solutions in theory
and practice. In addition to the implementation of cutting-edge technologies students will
witness an expansion of the range of state-of-the-art library services offered, and they will be
able to compare this with the experience and concepts they bring with them from their own
countries. The knowledge and experience gained here will help qualify participants to head
libraries, to implement concepts, to assume management positions, as well as to shape
processes, and in doing so will significantly enrich existing studies programmes. Experience
from the IP is to be incorporated into course materials at participating universities. An IP in
2010 in Lithuania (construction of a new library at the University of Vilnius) and one in 2011 in
Vienna (new building programmes for academic libraries) will ensure project continuation.
The target group is students of Library and Information Science (enrolled in Bachelor's or
Master's degree programmes). The intensive programme teaching activities will consist for the
most part of workshops, specialist discussions, seminars, and lectures, supplemented by
practical activities carried out under the supervision of library personnel as well as by
excursions to other libraries and/or information management institutions. The national diversity
of the participants will promote multilateral dialogue between old and new EU countries and
support the creation of international and interdisciplinary networks at the level of studies and
teaching. An improvement in language proficiency can be expected, given that the working
language is German.
The Moodle open-source learning platform integrated into the project website can be used before, during, and after the IP. Lectures and student
papers are to be gathered together in a publication and presented at the Leipzig Library and
Information Congress. Students will be able to fully integrate the IP into their studies (6 ECTS
Planned dissemination of project results
The IPBip (Grimm Center) project website ( is a publicly
accessible platform, on which both programme information and contacts can be found.
Evaluation results will also be published on the website. Links to this website will be placed on
the websites of participating partner institutions.
An electronic publication produced by the participants will be posted on the website at the end
of the IP. It will contain lectures given by participating professors, an article by a student
participant from each work area, as well as team presentations. A presentation of this project
publication is planned to take place at the Leipzig Library and Information Congress in June
2010. It is also to be presented together with project results in the students' home countries. It
will be archived in electronic form on the edoc server at Humboldt University (Berlin) and made
freely available via the university library's online catalogue.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Local media and specialist press publications will be informed about the IPBib intensive
programme and on its conclusion students will be given an opportunity to publish articles in the
university newspaper "HUMBOLDT" and the student newspaper "UNAUFGEFORDERT" about
the subjects dealt with by this programme and the results achieved.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Health as a Lifelong Learning Process (HELLP)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Dr. Elke Knisel
Dr. Elke Knisel
Contact information
Institut Sportwissenschaft; Abteilung Sportpsychologie
Konrad-Wolf Straße 45
13055 Berlin
Tel-1. +49/(0)30/2093-4641
Tel-2. +49/(0)30/2093-4630
Fax +49/(0)30/2093-4631
Partner universities and contacts
Universität Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rode
University School of Physical Education Poznan,
PhD Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Prof. Dr. Marcela
Universität Wien, Prof. MMag. Dr. Konrad Kleiner
Participating subject areas
Health (wide-ranging programs)
Physical Education, Sport Science
Teacher Training (with specific focuses)
Level of study
Funded persons
48 students, 4 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 58,466.59
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
HELLP has set itself the goal of developing a European health module for the university
training of teachers of physical education.
With the help of four modules "Body and Measure", "Body and Time", "Body and Bodies" as
well as "Body and Environment" future physical education teachers are to be made able to
implement the theme "Health as a Lifelong Learning Process" in their teaching at schools.
These four modules were developed on the basis of scientific analyses carried out in the
framework of the Comenius 2.1 Programme "HEALTH(A)WARE" and constitute optimum tools
to help an interdisciplinary group of students (MA) and professors with backgrounds in sports
science, education, and medicine develop a European health module.
Teaching units were established for 2009/2010 on the basis of the overview list of subjects and
seminar units developed for 2008/2009.
In preparation for the IP workshop each of the partner institutions will formulate seminar papers
with a view to increasing knowledge of specific health issues and promoting the
implementation of solutions.
The presentation of these preliminary papers and the conclusions drawn from them will mark
the opening of the workshop. Subjects are to be developed for the teaching of health-related
issues in an interdisciplinary context as well as appropriate teaching methods.
The fine-tuned curricula formulated in this workshop are to be made available as a manual on
the website ("Wissenschaft und Praxis"). The latter provides a forum where students can take
part in discussions and exchange information.
Prospectively this health module is to serve as the basis for establishing an integrated degree
programme in the subject area "Schools and Health".
Planned dissemination of project results
The results of the HELLP project are to be disseminated at schools and universities.
Partner institutions are to carry out their role as multipliers primarily in the form of papers
presented at conferences and articles published in journals (e.g. Zeitschrift für
Sportwissenschaft, Bewegungserziehung, Human Movement, Moving Bodies, European
Journal of Physical Education, Journal of Sport Science et. al.) as well as at the national level
in the form of workshops and cooperative relationships with schools. Here they will be able to
make use of school networks established in the framework of the HEPE and HEALTH(A)
WARE projects.
Curricula and seminar plans plus related materials are to be made widely available for testing
purposes either as downloads from the Internet or on a CD. A dialogue between universities
and schools is being actively conducted on the website. This site can be linked with the
websites of HEPE, HEALTH(A)WARE, and the Berlin-Brandenburg State Institute for Schools
and Media (Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg, LISUM) via the Internet
portal. Experience and new developments can be discussed in the forum provided on the site
and can serve as useful input for following IPs. The website is to have a comprehensive list of
links to related topics on the World Wide Web and as such is to serve as a tool for the work
done by professors and students at our institutions. Through internships and periods of training
as student teachers participants will be able to help make this project better known at
schools.The public is to be kept informed of the work being done in the project through the
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Das Mithras-Heiligtum von Porolissum – Eine interdisziplinäre Lehrgrabung in
(The Mithras Site at Porolissum – An Interdisciplinary Teaching Excavation in Romania)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Dr. Veit Stürmer
Dr. Veit Stürmer
Dr. Manuel Fiedler
Contact information
Winckelmann-Institut, Inst. f. Kultur- und
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel-1. +49/(0)30/2093-2267
Tel-2. +49/(0)30/2093-2265
Fax +49/(0)30/2093-2494
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Dr. Istvan
Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Dr. (DLA) Zsolt Vasáros
Fachhochschule Erfurt, Prof. Dr. Christoph Merzenich
Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer
Participating subject areas
History and Archaeology
Architecture and Building
Museum Science, Cultural Heritage Preservation
Level of study
Funded persons
40 students, 14 teachers
Working language
Porolissum/Moigrad (Salaj District, Romania)
Length of course
23 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 56,556.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
An interdisciplinary field course and teaching excavation of a Roman Mithras cult site in
Porolissum (Romania) begun in August 2009 is to be continued together with students of
Archaeology, Architectural History, as well as Monument Preservation and Restoration at our
partner universities in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), as well as Erfurt and
Cologne (Germany). Also taking part will be geophysicists as well as experts in archaeometry
and numismatics. The IP is designed to extend over a period of three years so as to make it
possible for a large number of students to benefit from this opporunity to acquire specialist
knowledge and experience that can best be provided by a field course. Students are to be
taught skills and given practical experience in applying these skills in four areas: surveying,
excavation/documentation, preservation/restoration, and presentation. The IP will provide
students the training they need to acquire this kind of knowledge, doing so in an
interdisciplinary environment and with an intensity that cannot be provided by most university
The subject of the IP is one of the best-preserved Mithras cult sites left behind by the ancient
Romans, in the center of Porolissum (now an archaeological park), a former castellum on the
border of the Roman province of Dacia, not far from present-day Romania's borders with
Hungary and Ukraine. Originally a deity from India and Iran, Mithras was among the most
important gods in the Roman pantheon and was widely worshiped in all European and nonEuropean parts of the Roman Empire, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.
Once excavation of the building has been completed (7 x 30 meters, with preserved frescos
and temple furnishings) a rare cultural monument of international importance will be presented
to the public in one of the structurally weakest regions of the European Union.
Planned dissemination of project results
A website is currently being designed that, on the one hand, will provide information about the
IP for specialists and non-specialists alike and, on the other, will provide access via a portal to
an area of the website containing information reserved for IP participants. The website is to be
constructed either at Humboldt University in Berlin (CMS) or at the University of Cologne as
part of the Arachne project ( Documentation of the
excavation, effected throughout the IP in the form of notes, drawings, and photos, will be
stored on the server and, as such, be made available in digital form to partners in Germany,
Romania, and Hungary for purposes of further evaluation. The overall documentation will be
fed into a central database. Either a new database will be created for this purpose before the
first ID takes place (August 2009) or a database currently being installed at the University of
Cologne and the German Archeological Institute (iDAI) will be used.
The project management will present a progress report at an annual conference (cIMeC) to the
Romanian Ministry of Culture as well as to an audience of experts. Talks are to be given at the
participating institutions as well as at international conferences (e.g. in addition to cIMeC,
Limes Congress, RCRF, World Archaeological Congress).
On completion of the project the excavated building is to be opened to the public at Porolissum
Archaeological Park in the form of a museum display. It is conceivable that some of the
materials found at the site could be put on display along with virtual reconstructions of the
excavation site in special exhibitions at museums, particularly in Romania and Germany. The
preparation of exhibitions of this kind would exceed the limits of what is possible in the
framework of the IP applied for here and would require further projects.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Intensivprogramm Berlin inter3
Project coordinator
University teachers
M.A. Stephanie Trigoudis
Dr. Barbara Gügold
Prof. Dr. Norbert Fries
Dr. Anneliese Abramowski
Prof. Dr. Erhard Schütz
Dr. Ralf Klausnitzer
Contact information
Philosophische Fakultät II, Dekanat
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel-1. +49/(0)30/2093-9798
Tel-2. +49/(0)30/2093-9719
Fax +49/(0)30/2093-2048
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
King’s College London, Dr. Alexander Clarkson
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Prof. Dr. Angeliki
Đstanbul Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr. Sevinç Hatipoğlu
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Dr. Agnieszka Dickel
Università degli studi di Bergamo, Prof. SSA Eva
Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis, Dr.
Marie-Ange Maillet
Roskilde Universitet, M.A. Sofie S. Nielsen
Participating subject areas
Modern EU Languages
Language Teaching Methods
Sociology and Cultural Studies
Level of study
Funded persons
40 students, 8 teachers
Working language
Length of course
13 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 60,342.29
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The subject matter of the Berlin inter3 IP is based on German Studies programmes at partner
universities and, as such, includes historical, sociological, cultural, linguistic, literary,
intercultural, and career-related elements. Among other things, it is intended to support the
teaching of German in other countries and, in cooperation with the German departments at the
universities in question, to help increase interest in the German language and German culture.
The range of disciplines involved shows the breadth of the field of work for German language
specialists and future teachers of German. Learning together with fellow students from other
European countries helps improve intercultural competence and, at the same time, constitutes
one of the most important prerequisites for the creation of international and interdisciplinary
networks at the level of studies and teaching.
An improvement in language proficiency can be expected among the participating foreign
students, given that the working language is German.
The participating partner universities are grouped together in a balanced geographical
distribution, a factor that will serve to promote dialogue between the old and new EU countries.
Participants will be able to fully integrate the IP into their studies (5 ECTS points).
IP course activities will consist for the most part of seminars, lectures, and workshops,
supplemented by excursions and cultural events.
A website-based Moodle open-source learning platform can be used by participants before,
during, and after the IP. Lectures and selected student papers will be made available in a
The primary objective of the intensive programme is that of creating multisdisciplinary and
multilateral networks between teachers and students from German departments that are in
different countries and employ different approaches.
Planned dissemination of project results
The Berlin inter3 website ( is
an open-access platform where both programme information and network contacts can be
found. There will also be a password-secured area accessible only to IP participants.
Participants will be actively involved in the production of a volume recording the proceedings of
the IP. It will include lectures given by participating professors as well as an article written by a
student or students from each work area.
Information will be provided to the media (e.g. university newspapers such as "Humboldt" and
"Unaufgefordert", local newspapers, the national weekly "Die Zeit", radio stations).
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Freie Universität Berlin
THEMIS Summer School in Law
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Christian Armbrüster
Prof. Dr. Christian Armbrüster
Contact information
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
Van’t Hoff Strasse 8
14195 Berlin
Tel-1 +49/(0)30/838/52181
Tel-2 +49/(0)30/838/52550
Fax +49/(0)30/838/56293
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
ESADE Law School - Universitat Ramon Lull, Prof. Dr.
Beatriz Añoveros
Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi”, Luigi
Universite Paris 12- Val de Marne UFR de Droit,
Monique Marcelli
Ankara Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr. Hilal Karagöz
Participating subject areas
Comparative Law
European Union Law
Level of study
Funded persons
35 students, 9 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 56,556.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The central theme of this intensive programme is "International and Business Law". This year
the focus will be on "Transnational Mergers and Acquistions" and "Recent Developments in
European Contract Law".
In the framework of this IP we will be looking at the regulations provided under European Law
for transnational mergers and acquisitions. The rules provided by the laws governing capital
markets and accounting guidelines are instrumental in determining the exercise of fundamental
freedoms (freedom of establishment for companies and the right to freedom of movement for
services) in the area of company law. In a workship parallels are to be drawn between EU
freedom of establishment and respective areas of national company and tax law.
Comparative Law as an academic discipline has a number of important functions. It offers a
broad range of models for resolving economic or social conflicts in a European context. This is
due to the fact that the various legal systems of the world have, of necessity, found a larger
number and a wider variety of solutions than any one expert working within the limits of his or
her own system would ever be able to come up with, no matter how brilliant they might be.
There is to be a meeting of different disciplines and an attempt made to identify points of
contact between them.
The target group is students in MA and PhD programs. Teaching will be provided in the form of
lectures, workshops, and a moot court (simulated court proceedings).
Preparatory and follow-up work for THEMIS IP will be carried out with an e-learning system in
a blended-learning scenario. This will involve the exchange of case outlines, information on
precedents, and video conferences. These instruments are intended to supplement traditional
classroom teaching during the IP by providing an opportunity for self-organized, active, open,
and subject-specific learning in the preparatory phase. Participating students are to be taught
knowledge and skills that will be useful to them later on when working in a legal profession.
The projected results of an applied comparative law approach include an analysis of the
"acquis communautaire" and current legislative trends in contract law.
Planned dissemination of project results
The results will be published in all partner countries in the form of a seminar report (summary
of working group reports, planning workshop, evaluation report) and made available on the
following websites:
The results are to be discussed in best-practice workshops organized by national agencies.
There is potential for further dissemination via the "Bundesnotarkammer" (BNotK),
"Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer" (BRAK), "Deutscher Anwaltverein" (DAV), "Deutscher
Notarverein" (DNotV), "Deutscher Richterbund" (DRB), as well as their respective
representative offices in Brussels. This can be done at the international level through the
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Low-Energy Building Research
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Dieter Bunte
Prof. Dr. Dieter Bunte
Contact information
Fachbereich 2
Blankenburger Pflasterweg 102
13129 Berlin
Tel. +49/(0)30/5019/4239
Fax +49/(0)30/5019/2128
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu OY, Eric Pollock
Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Jüri Tamm
KaHo Sint Lieven Hogeschool, Alexis Versele, Vilniaus
Technikos Universitetas, Prof. Dr. Natalija Lepkova
Participating subject areas
Building and Civil Engineering
Level of study
BA and MA
Funded persons
20 students, 4 teachers
Working language
Length of course
14 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 34,085.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The subject matter of this IP is low-energy buildings. It deals with design rules and measures
that will increase energy efficiency based on the design and uses of a building. This includes
the construction of new buildings as well as the renovation and reconstruction of existing ones.
A lecture period of two weeks in each of the three years in question is planned. The target
group is students with a strong interest in the objectives of the IP. During the IP they will be in
contact with experts from the universities involved and cooperating companies.
Main activities, expected outcomes:
- multidisciplinary and Europe-wide communication, information exchanges between
students and experts about all aspects of low-energy buildings,
- three intensive international study sessions of two weeks each at three different
participating universities,
- lectures given by experts from companies,
- field excursions,
- student-based research work, mainly in cooperation with companies,
- presentation of research results during the intensive study sessions,
- establishing a multidisciplinary state-of-the-art standard for low-energy buildings
(additional objective: creating teaching materials that would be made available to
anyone interested in this subject),
- reference also being made to bachelor's and master's degree theses for
documentation of research results,
- Internet communication and information platform,
- Europe-wide comparison of national codes for design, construction, and certification
with regard to energy efficiency in the building sector and low-energy buildings.
Planned dissemination of project results
Basically, the IP will be a paperless programme, using web-based learning in combination with
the annual intensive session. Results will be published on our IP web site. Bachelor's and
master's degree theses and other research papers will also be published there. The IP is not
directly involved in producing a textbook, but the website, lectures, and theses form a lowenergy-building factbase.
After the first year it will be possible to see if other related fields, such as information
technology and wellness technology, can benefit from or participate in the knowledge gained.
Interdisciplinary research will be possible at most partner institutions, given that they are
multidisciplinary schools.
We have also envisaged the initiation of long-term tracking and facility management
programmes at the local level in order to show the success or failure of new methods and
materials used in low-energy building programmes. Energy consumption, ventilation, air
quality, tightness, and heat recovery are easy to monitor. With regard to the interpretation of
monitoring results, it may take a while to see what has actually worked over a longer period of
time. At some future point in time it will become possible to produce a textbook or a designand-management manual.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Politische Meinungsbildung in BLOG und Twitter – Akteure, Standards und
Webkompetenz im internationalen Vergleich
(Political Opinion Formation on BLOG and Twitter – Players, Standards, and Web Competence
in an International Comparison)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bücker-Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bücker-Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Olaf Winkel
Prof. Dr. Oskar Niedermayer
Ulrich Riehm
Sebastian Gievert
Contact information
Fachbereich 1
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Tel-1. +49/(0)30/9021-4332
Fax +49/(0)30/9021-4057
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Växjö Universitet, Thomas Marten
University College Ghent, Prof. Dr. Frank Naert
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Prof.
Dr. Cesary Trosiak
Universität Wien, Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Rathkolb
Participating subject areas
New Technologies
Political Science and Civics
Journalism and Information Science
Level of study
Funded persons
32 students, 4 teachers
Working language
German, English
Length of course
11 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
1 year
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 42,120.49
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The subject "Political Opinion Formation on BLOG and Twitter - Players, Standards, and Web
Competence in an International Comparison" focuses on the question as to whether
participation of young citizens in the political process can be promoted by means of Internet
communication and web-based political education and what content and media-design options
can best be used to achieve this. Our analysis will be centered around factors such as the
media competence of young voters (predominant target group), the role of professional players
(journalists, politicians) and the standards of the web-based political education contents on
offer. Parallel to content-related work the bilingual BLOG "Expectations with regard to the next
EU Council Presidency" is to be documented and analyzed in all phases of the project.
Information and communications technologies are explicitly in the foreground in this project
both as a subject of investigation and in terms of their application.
A key objective of the IP will be to formulate proposals for further development of Web 2.0 in
political education work. The aim is to improve efforts, particularly at schools, to involve young
people in the political process. This is in support of a major objective of the European
Commission's i2010 initiative.
The "Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Berlin" (as of 1 April 2009 "Hochschule
für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin") is the project coordinator and will hold a thirteen-day IP
seminar in Berlin in March 2010 in cooperation with the University of Växjö (Sweden), the
University College in Ghent (Belgium), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), and the
"Institut für Zeitgeschichte" at the University of Vienna (Austria). Eight students and one project
manager from each university will take part in the project.
Planned dissemination of project results
The dissemination and evaluation of the project results will take place in three ways:
1. Publication of research results in printed form
A report on the IP is to be written up in German and English. The coordinator will send several
copies of reports on individual issues to the participating universities so that they will be
available in their libraries. In addition, each participating university is to see to it that the
general public is provided suitably worded information regarding the IP and its results.
2. Information on a dedicated website
FHVR / HWR Berlin will provide a dedicated website for the IP. Relevant information will be
posted there at the beginning of the IP. When it is completed reports in pdf format will be
posted for download. Links to the various cooperation partners will be provided as well (see
item 3).
3. Impetus for political education work
Cooperation with polical education institutions is planned in connection with the IP. In Berlin
the "Landeszentrale für politische Bildung" will be involved in carrying out the international
seminar. The other universities will engage in cooperation with local authorities and partyaffiliated political education institutions during the preparatory phase (in Belgium: "Verenigung
Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten" (VVSG) and "Politieke Academie", Brussels). On the one
hand, this so as to be able to benefit from the experience these institutions have accumulated.
On the other, it is so that the IP will be able to make suggestions to these institutions as to how
they could change their offerings so as to be better able to get more young people to support
the participation objectives formulated by the European Commission in its i2010 initiative.
The institutions we have contacted have shown a strong interest in working with us, since they
have not made much use of the potentials of Web 2.0 thus far.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel
BIOCEN – Strategies for Bio-Energy and Bio-Fuel Production – Life Cycles, Assessment
and Evaluation
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Ahrens
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Ahrens
Contact information
Department of Bio Process Engineering
Salzdahlumer Str. 46/48
38302 Wolfenbüttel
Tel-1. +49/(0)5331/939-4114
Fax +49/(0)5331/939-4702
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
TAMK University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Eeva-Liisa
Silesian University of Technology, Dr. inz. Jan Cebula
Aalborg University, Prof. Dr. Peter Westermann
Valladolid University, Prof. Dr. Pedro Antonio García
Participating subject areas
Environmental Science
Electricity and Energy
Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
Level of study
BA and MA
Funded persons
16 students, 6 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 28,905.16
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The programme will focus on sustainable renewable energy production and closing the circle in
terms of CO2 emissions, substrate utilisation for biofuel, biogas, or other renewable energy
production, as well as on consideration of circle-closing products and by-products in the area
of biofuel and renewable energy production. Another focal point will be the calculation of
energy balances with a view to developing knowledge for use in forward-looking strategies for
reliable renewable energy production, including social implementation factors from different
European points of view.
Renewable energy production levels vary from place to place in Europe, depending on specific
conditions in different areas. The factors involved will be a major topic in our intensive course
The target group will be highly qualified students who have excellent academic records. The
course teachers have a high level of expertise in areas of specialization relating to the topics
being dealt with. The goal of the intensive course programme is to provide a level of teaching
which will enable the students to acquire a high level of expertise in the field of renewable
energy and biofuel production, including system evaluation, system sustainability, and process
development. The knowledge they acquire is to be transferred to their home countries and
institutions with a view to establishing future cooperation on a European level in the fields of
renewable energy and biofuel production.
The main activities will be classroom teaching combined with practical work in both laboratory
and full- scale applications such as biogas plants. A modern web-based learning platform
(Moodle) will be used as a tool for implementation of the intensive course programme. It will
include a social factor, i.e. the importance of accumulating experience with regard to social
circumstances relating to renewable energy supply strategies.
Planned dissemination of project results
Dissemination will take place at the local, national, and international levels. At the local level
the teaching materials created during the IP will be made available to students and teaching
staff from participating universities. At the national level the results of the IP will be presented
in seminars, on theme days, and at network meetings. At the international level the results
produced by the IP will be presented at conferences by university teachers involved in the
project. Dissemination will also take place via the website created for the project.
The course results will be presented to industrial representatives. The Braunschweig/
Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Sciences has established advisory boards in support of
industrial partners. These partners will be involved in the process of information dissemination
and utilisation.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Hochschule Darmstadt
Atlantis – International Project-Based Learning
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Udo Bleimann
Prof. Dr. Udo Bleimann
Prof. Dr. Harriehausen-Mühlbauer
Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Röll
Dr. Thomas Martens
Contact information
Computer Sciences
Haardtring 100
64295 Darmstadt
Tel. +49/6151/168418
Fax +49/6151/168935
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
The University of Plymouth, Steve Wheeler
Warsaw University of Technology, Dr. Krzysztof
Cork Institute of Technology, Dr. Paul Walsh
Participating subject areas
Education Science
Computer Science
Personal Skills
Level of study
MA and PhD
Funded persons
36 students, 9 teachers
Working language
Cork, Darmstadt
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 76,168.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The proposed project will identify and further develop new ideas in the area of teaching and
learning. These ideas will be tested and carried out in an international environment made up of
staff and students from all four partner universities. Evaluation and feedback will lead to
updated versions of modules (content, learning units) and learning methodologies, which will
then be implemented in the standard curricula of the partner institutions.
Our ideas are based on a new blended-learning concept. This approach combines face-to-face
learning, e-learning, and project-based learning. We try to employ an appropriate mix of these
three teaching methods with our students. The composition of this mix is dependent on the
capabilities of the individual students. Six different learner types have been established, based
on the latest research results in the fields of education and psychology. They are used to
better accommodate individual learning requirements rather than addressing all learners in the
same way (as often happens in traditional teaching). We call this new concept "learning your
own way".
Our ideas are embedded in a social web paradigm and focus on "learning by contributing",
inviting all participants to contribute to the overall results in a collaborative manner. This leads
to highly motivated, better trained, and more capable learners. They gain intercultural
competence and are more likely to succeed in an increasingly competitive global environment.
Planned dissemination of project results
Dissemination and exploitation plan
The planned process will provide information on quality, relevance and effectiveness of the
results of the action.
The dissemination plan will focus on the students’ needs for better teaching and learning
methods. During the project these needs will be analysed and results will be evaluated. These
results will affect the next step in the project. The analysis, implementation, evaluation and
feedback will form a cyclic process continuously improving the results.
Within the participating universities there will be a continuous scan for broader target groups
with a potential interest in the results. Any possibility to transfer results to a broader audience
will be taken into consideration, as well as any possibility to enlarge the participating
community within this project.
Shared responsibilities among the partners
The results will be shared and published after every major meeting to guarantee continuity
during the project. Responsibility for the dissemination of project results at the local and
national levels lies with each of the partners involved, taking into account their specific
expertise and interests, e.g.
University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt: (pedagogy, technology, communication,
University of Plymouth (pedagogy, evaluation)
IT Cork (technology, communication)
University of Technology, Warsaw (technology)
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
During and after the project results are to be made available by publishing them:
at various conferences, e.g. International Research Symposium on Security, eLearning,
Internet Application and Networks, INC 2010, etc.,
in various journals, e.g. Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, International Journal
for Mobile Learning and Organisation, Campuswide Information Systems (Emerald), etc.
at fairs such as Online Educa-Berlin, Learntec, CeBIT (using the Technology Transfer
in workshops
These options have a multiplier effect aimed at getting as many end-users as possible
interested in using the teaching methodology developed during the project. Preliminary results
showed a significant interest in the CeBIT fair in 2008 and 2009.
Further results will be published on a dedicated website. All these options will strongly support
the sustainability of outcomes and deliverables. They will also promote improvement of
teaching and learning methodologies.
Mainstreaming project results and informing appropriate decision-makers will be done at the
following levels:
At the local level, within universities, promoting teaching and supporting e-learning at various
levels. This applies to the respective partners:
At Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany, it will be used to
improve teaching supported by the Centre for Advanced Learning, Media and Simulation.
At Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, it will support the improvement of teaching,
coordinated by the Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education Department.
In Plymouth, UK, the Faculty of Education and the Educational Development and Learning
Technologies Department will share information with a range of faculties and departments
at the University of Plymouth with a view to improving current teaching approaches.
Associate Deans Teaching & Learning will be targeted in particular.
In Warsaw, Poland, the Warsaw University of Technology will use the results achieved to
improve their teaching abilities.
Existing facilities and networks will be used at the national level:
In Germany teaching know-how will be fed into e-learning networks, particularly those of
universities in the State of Hesse, coordinated by the Hessian Ministry of Education and
Research and "Hessisches Telemedia Technologie Kompetenz-Center" (httc). These
networks will be used as relays to disseminate results to a large number of potential endusers.
In Ireland relevant information will be shared at universities in meetings regarding adult
education. A close working relationship already exists with Irish institutes of technology.
These institutions will be kept informed of progress achieved in this project.
In Plymouth workshops will be held at the university's e-learning conference, which is a
national event. The e-learning research network will be used as a conduit. Project
information will be made available to the Higher Education Academy and disseminated at
meetings between different universities. Meetings with the University of Wales (Newi) merit
special mention here.
In Warsaw the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics at the University of Technology
will use its e-learning network to disseminate results to Polish universities.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
At the European and international levels the results will be disseminated and discussed on a
network known as the Advanced Learning Technology for Learning in a Net-based Information
Society (Atlantis) Network. The overall goal of this network is to improve sustainable learning
and teaching at higher education institutions. Members of Atlantis include: Darmstadt
University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany; Warsaw Technical University, Warsaw,
Poland; University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland,
Munich Armed Forces University, Munich, Germany; Economic University of Budapest,
Budapest, Hungary; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania;
University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, Wisconsin; Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Worcester, Massachusetts. Further networks, on which results will be shared, are: the
Association for Learning Technologies Conference (ALT-C), the European Distance and ELearning Network (EDEN), Delphi, etc.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Technische Universität Dresden
Intensive Programme Education and Technology
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Dr. Sabina Misoch
Contact information
Institut für Berufspädagogik / Professur für
Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
Tel-1. +49/(0)351/463-34915
Tel-2. +49/(0)351/463-32772
Mobil +49/(0)175/1829033
Partner universities and contacts
Universitetet I Bergen, Prof. Dr. Daniel Apollon
WyŜsza Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w
Rzeszowie, PhD Maciej Piotrowski
Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, Prof. Dr. Pascal
Université de Haute-Alsace, Prof. Dr. Marc Weisser
Participating subject areas
New Technologies
Teacher Training and Education
Teaching Methods
Level of study
Funded persons
30 students, 8 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 65,942.25
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The objective of this intensive programme on education and technology (IPET) is to bring
together professors and PhD-level postgraduate students from five universities and four
countries for a twelve-day course in the field of educational technologies. An external
evaluation partner will monitor IPET to ensure quality.
This IP focuses on teaching methods for virtual learning, knowledge management, and ICT
theory. The target group is around forty students and nine teachers from at least four
European countries who are involved in the "Education & Technology" interdisciplinary study
programme (MOD project funded by the EU 2006 – 2008, see website: Five European universities and two public research institutes are working together to
form a European network that will award joint PhD degrees. The main activities of the project
are the organisation of an annual summer school course which is to be held at Dresden
Technical University in Germany and which is part of an effort to develop a long-term learning
community. Students who successfully complete the summer school course will receive three
ECTS credits. These credits are an obligatory part of the E&T study programme.
IPET will be conducted in English and will focus on:
- classroom teaching
- courses in specialized teaching methods
- courses in soft skills
- discussions
- thesis presentations
- social activities
IPET is part of an effort to promote the creation of a European Higher Education Area and, in
addition, is a substantive element in the development of a curriculum for phase III with the aim
of bringing about an improvement in quality.
As our current research shows and as relevant authorities in Germany (BLK, HRK) confirm, no
specific regulations have been put in place thus far governing the accreditation of graduate
students. A debate has been initiated about implementing ECTS at the postgraduate (PhD)
level. This IP project will help to improve the current situation in European countries by taking
stock of the current state of PhD education in France, Norway, Germany, and Poland in an
effort to develop an integrated approach. As such, IPET will be an important element in the
process of establishing a common European Higher Education Area, as agreed in Bologna,
and will help to promote the establishment of international study programmes and joint
IPET quality is ensured by a strategy combining independent expertise with an online course
evaluation system currently being developed at universities in the State of Saxony (https:// e135/e1466/e1482/doku/teilprojekte2007/koehler.pdf). Ongoing
access is ensured by a link to Saxony's education portal ( that
provides a platform for online offerings and where universities are able to engage in
Planned dissemination of project results
An E&T website already exists ( A special area for the IP will be created
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
An IP of 12 days is to be held each year as part of the summer school curriculum. The
dissemination of project results will be ensured by a variety of measures to be taken at the
local, national, and international levels:
- Advertisement of the summer school course on the E&T project website.
- Close cooperation with the press representatives of all five partners in the network.
- Dissemination via mailing lists and other Internet options.
- A separate area for the dissemination of information on IPET has already been created on
the website ( Information on the project will be provided there. Papers
presented during the intensive course will be posted there afterwards in pdf format.
- Use of the forum function for communication prior to and following the summer school course
with a view to forming a long-term learning community for doctoral candidates in the field of
education technology.
The continuity of dissemination is guaranteed by Saxony's education portal
( The latter is a network project created by the universities in
Saxony as a platform for the use of online educational offerings as well as for providing
advisory or other services. The existence of this website will ensure IPET's ability to continue
to supply and market its services on a long-term basis.
Further universities have expressed an interest in becoming partners in the project. In
Germany: Dresden International University ( And in Austria "Bildung - Medien Neue Lernkultur" (
forschungskolleg.html), a graduate school under the management of "Pädagogische Akademie
Eisenstadt" in partnership with the University of Potsdam.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Al b e r t - L u d w i g s - U n i v e r s i t ä t F r e i b u r g
CEMGE – Classification, Evaluation, and Management of Grasslands
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Werner Konold
Prof. Dr. Werner Konold
Dr. Evelyn Rusdea
Contact information
Institute for Landscape Management
Tennenbacher Str. 4
79106 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel. +49/(0)761/203-3634
Fax +49/(0)761/203-3638
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universitatea de ŞtiinŃe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară
(USAMV) Cluj-Napoca, Prof. Dr. Ioan Rotar
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Ass. Prof. Tommy
Participating subject areas
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
Natural Environments and Wildlife
Environmental Protection
Level of study
MA, but also open to BA and PhD
Funded persons
20 students, 4 teachers
Working language
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Length of course
14 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 31,337.50
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Grassland and vegetation classification is a basic requirement for selecting site-adapted
management techniques for sustainable agriculture as well as for restoring sites and
landscapes or for adapting grassland ecosystems to climate change. Grassland classification
and evaluation is a subject that is both interdisciplinary and holistic. Our objective is to improve
the methods employed by our instructors in teaching the classification and management of
grasslands to students to prepare them to be able to design, analyse, and evaluate grassland
management strategies and to understand grasslands in land-use-system terms. The focus will
be on the development of strategies for sustainable grassland use in the context of regional
Our main activities will be discussing and improving teaching methods based on the
development of problem-oriented learning strategies. We will teach theory and our students will
apply what they have learned to real-world situations in problem-related team projects, starting
with the design of data-collection-and-analysis methods and ending with discussions and
The intended outcome of our efforts will be: (1) an example of integrated classification and
evaluation of pastures and meadows as well as an analysis of grassland management for the
area in question, (2) improved teaching materials, (3) an increase in capability for both
students and teaching staff, (4) documentation in the form of an electronic manual in English
that can be downloaded from the Internet.
Planned dissemination of project results
The results of the project will be compiled in the form of an electronic manual containing
information on aims, methods, practical approaches, and case studies recorded in the course
of the three-year duration of the IP. Various aspects of teaching methods and grasslandclassification methods will be covered in the manual.
Among other things it will contain: an overview of the aims and methods of grassland
vegetation, classification of grasslands and cultural landscapes; grassland techniques and
land-use history; site-quality assessments; grassland species selection and agricultural
options; ecology of the dominant species in Europe; interaction between climate and soil;
vegetation sampling methods: plot concept, selection of plots, stratification; plots and relevés:
size/shape, structures, species composition; data analysis, analysis of elements of farmland
areas, vegetation-site relationships, management of grasslands, options for sustainable land
use in order to maintain grasslands and their biodiversity in our cultural landscapes.
Analysing und discussing the long-term survival of grasslands would help raise awareness of
the different status of grasslands in different parts of Europe.
The manual will supplement related materials in the participating institutions and be made
available on the Internet, thus ensuring its transnational dissemination. The fact that the
manual will be in English will also contribute to its wide dissemination.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Site Classification of European Forests
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Albert Reif
Prof. Dr. Albert Reif
Contact information
Institute of Silviculture
Tennenbacher Str. 4
79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49/(0)761/203-3683
Fax +49/(0)761/203-3781
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov, Prof. Dr. Ioan
Vasile Abrudan,
Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Ass. Prof.
Dr. Konstantinos Theodoropoulos
Participating subject areas
Level of study
Diploma and MA
Funded persons
20 students, 4 teachers
Working language
University Experimental Forest of Taxiarchis-Vrastama,
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 28,730.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Forest-site and vegetation classification is a basic requirement for selecting site-adapted tree
species for sustainable forestry as well as for restoring sites or adapting forest ecosystems to
climate change. Site classification is a subject that is both interdisciplinary and holistic. Our
objective is to improve the methods employed by our instructors in teaching site classification
to our students to prepare them to be able to design, analyse, and evaluate forest-siteclassification strategies.
Our main activities will be discussing and improving teaching methods based on the
development of problem-oriented learning strategies. We will teach theory and our students will
apply what they learn to real-world situations in problem-related team projects, starting with the
design of data-collection-and-analysis methods and ending with discussions and evaluations.
The intended outcome of our efforts will be: (1) an example of integrated site classification for
the area in question, (2) improved teaching materials, (3) an increase in capability for both
students and teaching staff, (4) information about site classification in Europe will be
documented in a manual for foresters and other land users.
Planned dissemination of project results
The results of the project will be compiled in the form of an electronic manual containing
information on aims, methods, practical approaches, and case studies recorded in the course
of the three-year duration of the IP. Various aspects of teaching methods and site-classification
methods will be covered in the manual.
Among other things it will contain: an overview of the aims and methods of forest site
classification; forest vegetation and land-use history; site quality assessment; tree species
selection and silvicultural options; ecology of the dominant forest tree species in Europe; soil
sampling; interaction between climate and soil; sampling methods of vegetation: plot concept,
selection of plots, stratification; plots and relevés: size/shape, homogeneity, structures, species
composition; data analysis: introduction to classification and ordering methods, analysis of
vegetation-site relationships.
The manual will supplement related materials in the participating institutions and be made
available on the Internet, thus ensuring its transnational dissemination. The fact that the
manual will be in English will also contribute to its wide dissemination.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Justus Liebig Universität Giessen
„Vielfalt auf kleinem Raum. Heterogenität und Hybridität in Literatur und Kultur
Mitteleuropas am Beispiel von Vilnius.”
("Heterogeneity and Hybridity in the Literature and Culture of Central Europe Based on the
Example of Vilnius")
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Cora Dietl
Prof. Dr. Cora Dietl
Hon. Prof. Dr. Sascha Feuchert
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg
Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger
Dr. Anna Veronika Wendland
Contact information
Institut für Germanistik, Bereich Literatur
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10B
35394 Gießen
Tel-1. +49/(0)641/9929080
Tel-2. +49/(0)641/9931000
Fax +49/(0)641/9929089
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas, Doc. Dr. Ruta
Uniwersytet Łódźki, Prof. Dr. Joanna Jabłkowska
Participating subject areas
Humanities (wide-ranging programmes)
General and Comparative Literature
Travel, Tourism, and Leisure
Level of study
BA, MA, Magister
Funded persons
22 students, 10 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 43,882.54
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The IP will attempt to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of the role of language and literature
in national and regional identity-finding and memory processes as well as the complexity of
such processes in heterogeneous literary landscapes. Vilnius was chosen as an ideal
example, a multinational city with a strong cultural and literary tradition. The capital of
Lithuanian and current European Capital of Culture, Vilnius is a literary center, where Polish,
Russian, Belarusan, Jewish, Tatar, Karaim, and German influences have created notable
legacies. Like the city itself, the literature coming out of Vilnius can only be understood in terms
of its heterogeneity and hybridity.
In the three-year project "Heterogeneity and Hybridity in the Literature and Culture of Central
Europe Based on the Example of Vilnius" students from the Universities of Gießen, Łódź, and
Kaunas will focus on literatures that come together in regions where there is cultural diversity.
At the same time, they will create a virtual guide to points of cultural interest in the city. The IP
will pursue the following objectives:
Analysis of cultures and literatures in heterogeneous regions. Vilnius will be the main focus
and point of departure, but parallels will be recurrently drawn to comparable regions
Analysis and discussion of different regional, identity, and alterity concepts in cultural
documents, with a focus on different modes of interaction with different cultures.
Creation of a virtual guide of the city of Vilnius, taking into account its linguistic and cultural
Establishment of a long-term network between the Universities of Gießen, Łódź, and
The target group are students from the Universities of Łódź and Gießen enrolled in an MA
programme entitled "German-Language Literature and Culture in Eastern Europe" or a BA
programme entitled "German Philology", as well as students from VDU Kaunas enrolled in an
MA programme entitled "Applied German and Lithuanian Studies" (an application has been
submitted for this project).
In three interdisciplinary block seminars that will take place in successive years at the three
partner universities, the students will make acquaintance with different cultures and their
heterogeneous literary landscapes as well as with different research traditions in the various
disciplines and countries. In the individual seminars the focus will be on more than just cultural
differences and factors of interest from a comparative literature standpoint. They are also to be
forums for the discussion of different theoretical approaches. In the framework of practical
exercises methods are to be developed with regard to translating as well as with regard to the
presentation of literary research results in a teaching situation. The seminars will make use of
modern information technologies and students will be able to continue to communicate with
each other about them on the Internet. In Gießen, Łódź, Kaunas, and Vilnius visits will be
made to institutions that deal with the study, preservation, and teaching of the respective
national cultural heritage.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Planned dissemination of project results
The students will prepare their papers as entries in a virtual literary guide for Vilnius and the
surrounding area. These entries are to be written up in webpage format (HTML files) and may
include pictures and recordings relating to the authors and texts referred to – to the extent that
permission can be obtained to use copyrighted material.
They are hierarchically structured, with a start page that contains basic information (dates,
facts, opening hours) and links to subpages that discuss the process of finding national and
regional identities through literature in a clearly worded and understandable manner, with
examples given.
The subpages contain text excerpts, biographical and historical background information, as
well as text interpretations. These pages are to be written in German, Polish, and Lithuanian.
They are to be linked to Google maps by means of a KML code. As a result of this digital link
between informative texts and specific locations it will be possible to call up the texts on
Internet-capable GPS devices wherever needed.
The user only needs to know the web address for the guide. In cooperation with the Tourism
Office in Vilnius free flyers with the web address will be provided at the respective points of
In this way the results of the IP will be made available to a broad public free of charge.
A page is to be created on the city guide website for user feedback and criticism. A student
assistant is to be hired to look after the feedback page and to continue to develop the city
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
G e o r g - Au g u s t U n i v e r s i t ä t G ö t t i n g e n
Relations between the EU and Emerging Global Players
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager
Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager
Contact information
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49/(0)551/39-7293
Fax +49/(0)551/39-7417
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universiteit Antwerpen, Prof. Dr. Liliane van Hoof
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Prof. Dr. Chris
Aarhus Universitet, Prof. Niels Holger Skou
Université de Poitiers, Dr. Philippe Norel
Univeristà degli Studi di Siena, Prof. Luigi Luini
Universidada de Coimbra, Prof. Maria Adelaide
Pedrosa Silva Duarte
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Prof. Katarzyna
Universitatea „Al.I.Cuza“ Iasi, PhD Gabriela Carmen
Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, JUDr. Dipl. Ing.
Pavel Lašček
Unversidad de Sevilla, Prof. Dr. Luis Palma Martos
Participating subject areas
Sociology and cultural studies
Level of study
Funded persons
36 students, 9 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 52,424.94
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The objective of the IP is to enhance understanding of economic, commercial, political, and
legal relations between the EU and emerging global players, especially China. By bringing
together about 40 students and 15 teachers from several member states, the IP will seek to
create a European network of academics interested in this topic.
The main target group are students typically enrolled in master's degree programmes in
economics, business administration, or social sciences. Project teachers and members of the
local business community will benefit from meeting students from different parts of Europe.
The IP will offer a variety of learning and networking activities. Specifically, lectures will be
given by faculty from universities in several EU member states. Students will prepare research
papers, present their results in seminar sessions, work out short statements on topical EU
policy issues, and summarise the findings of the IP in a poster session. In addition, students
and faculty will come into contact with companies representatives, politicians, and leaders of
civic initiatives in the host region (Lower Saxony).
Results of the IP will be papers written by students as well as teaching materials provided by
participating faculty, all of which will be made available on the IP website.
Planned dissemination of project results
The following activities are planned to ensure successful dissemination of project results:
The website is the most important tool for ensuring dissemination of project information. All
papers will be posted there. The advantages of a website for dissemination of project-related
information are that:
* students from other universities unable to participate in the IP will also have access to the
* it will enable a large number of professors from other universities to use our materials for
* it will enable the companies we visit in the course of the IP to share our results.
The organizing of round tables constitutes the second component of the dissemination
strategy. Here, ideas put forward by students will be shared with politicians and journalists from
Lower Saxony.
The third dissemination tool is the poster session at the end of the IP. This session will be open
to other students, professors, companies, interested citizens of Göttingen, and journalists so
that the results of the IP can be shared with the public. The posters will also be made available
on the website.
The IP is to be held three times in three consecutive years. This will mean that experience and
feedback accumulated in 2010 can be used productively in future IPs.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
E r n s t M o r i t z Ar n d t U n i v e r s i t ä t G r e i f s w a l d
Plasma Applications in Material Sciences
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hippler
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hippler
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Meichsner
Prof. Dr. André Melzer
Contact information
Institut für Physik
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6
17487 Greifswald
Tel-1. +49/(0)3834/8647-80
Tel-2. +49/(0)3834/8647-00
Fax +49/(0)3834/8647-01
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Charles University in Prague, Prof. Dr. Milan Tichý
Politechnika Koszalińska, PhD, DSc. Witold Gulbinski
Politechnika Szczecinska, Dr. Marcin Holub
Gdansk University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Bogdan
Linköpings universitet, Prof. Dr. Ulf Helmersson
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Prof. Dr. Holger
Other project partners
Leibniz-Institute for Plasma Research and Technology
(INP), Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann
Participating subject areas
Physical Science
Material science
Level of study
BA, MA and PhD
Funded persons
22 students, 11 teachers
Working language
Length of course
11 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 40,428.75
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Plasma technology is a key technology in microelectronics manufacturing, nanotechnology,
materials research, lighting and plasma displays, pollution control, medical and biological
applications, and sterilization. It is having a major impact on society. The aim of the IP is to
develop a curriculum for a compact training course in plasma applications for undergraduate
and postgraduate students of material sciences with a background in science and engineering.
The IP course is intended to provide students both theoretical and practical knowledge about
plasma applications in material science and technology.
The level of teaching is aimed at forth year undergraduate students with a major in physics as
well as at graduate students with a strong background in science, engineering, or medicine.
Students from participating institutions with a keen interest in plasma science will be selected.
However, the course is also open to students from other institutions. No extensive advertising
is planned during the first year but a website providing information about planned activities,
including the IP course, and contact details is to be created.
Subjects to be addressed during the upcoming IP are applications of plasma science, in
particular deposition of thin solid films and coatings, surface functionalization, surface
modification and nano-structured surfaces, biological and medical applications, plasma
sterilization, atmospheric and micro plasmas, and surface analytical techniques.
One of our main goals is the implementation of a compact course in plasma physics that
includes the transfer of science-based knowledge to a broader audience. This broader
audience in the context of life-long learning shall consist of participants from companies or
organisations that require specific and detailed training in plasma science. The IP course is to
provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about plasma physics and its
applications in science and technology. Subjects to be addressed during the IP are
fundamentals of plasma physics, plasma diagnostics, plasma sources, electronics and vacuum
requirements, dusty plasmas, waves and instabilities, fusion plasmas and confinement,
electronics for plasma physics, atmospheric pressure discharge, micro plasmas, plasma
chemistry, lighting, plasma displays, astrophysical plasmas, thin films deposition, surface
modifications, nano-structures, and biological and medical applications.
Planned dissemination of project results
It is anticipated that the lectures and courses will be available to other people (teachers,
students) interested in the subject. It is believed that the courses can be readily transferred to
other teaching programmes. A website providing information on and results of course activities
will be maintained during and after the IP. The same thing is planned for upcoming IP courses.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Cropping Energy: Linking Food, Bio-Mass Production, and Waste Management to BioEnergy Products
Project coordinator
University teachers
Dr. Bernhard Huchzermeyer
Dr. Bernhard Huchzermeyer
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weichgrebe
Contact information
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Institute of Botany
Herrenhäuser Str. 2
30419 Hannover
Tel-2 .+49/(0)511/762-2631
Fax +49/(0)511/762-19262
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universidad de Oviedo, Prof. Dr. Ana García
Universidade de Lisboa, Dr. Maria Isabel Caçador
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Dr. Martin Weih
University of Sussex, Dr. Timothy Flowers
Participating subject areas
Biology and Biochemistry
Level of study
MA or young PhD students
Funded persons
14 students, 6 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 29,053.95
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The growing human population presents a huge challenge to world food and energy
production. Current and upcoming problems are exacerbated by the fact that (i) the available
area of arable land is constantly being reduced by pollution and mismanagement, and (ii) bioenergy production is competing with food production, given that crops grown on high-quality
land produce the highest yields of bio-gas and bio-fuels.
The goal of the IP is to start teaming up scientists and graduates with a view to creating a
growing interdisciplinary group of scientists who will contribute substantially to the coordination
of research across Europe. It aims to bring together (i) basic-research-derived expertise in
projects on sustainable land use for food and biomass production, reclamation of polluted
soils, and energy production from wastes and bio-mass, (ii) scientists from the engineering
faculty working in the same areas, but taking a more applied approach, and (iii) company
representatives and other stakeholders seeking to scale up experimental results. The latter
group will provide insight into relevant jobs and explain what skills students will need to learn to
be able to work competitively in this field.
The IP will tackle the problem posed by competition for arable land between food and energy
production interests. The action will address knowledge gaps within and among disciplines.
Attendees will be encouraged to produce a database on plant material and technology in use
in different European countries. In a concluding poster session we will discuss research
proposals for the economic and sustainable utilization of underused plant material as well as
so-called infertile land.
It is obvious that not all of these goals can be achieved in two weeks' time. For this reason the
IP is divided up into a home-university-based preparatory phase and the subsequent course.
During the IP, a scientist from the host university will be in charge of organizing a day’s topic
and lend a hand in team teaching with guest scientists. We will take advantage of the fact that
we can invite specialists from partner universities for each of the topics treated during the IP.
Each of the specialists will present an outline of his or her topic on the IP website and will ask
for contributions to a relevant discussion forum. Attendees will be encouraged to contact these
specialists during the preparatory phase.
All results will be presented on the IP website. This is meant to be the basis for subsequent
actions. Initiating ongoing interactions among former IP attendees and working on
multidisciplinary approaches will be a major goal of this action.
Planned dissemination of project results
Planned follow-up and dissemination activities with other organisations
We will receive assistance from stakeholder organizations, above and beyond what we get
from partner universities. At the international level we will have the support of YPARD (Young
Professionals in Agricultural Research and Development), an organisation under the umbrella
of CGIAR/FAO. Relevant information will be posted on the YPARD website (
Participants can use the website free of charge to build their own alumni networks.
Dissemination activities at the sectoral level
As a rule, companies are invited to attend "special events" where a new technology is
presented or information provided with regard to the kinds of skills job applicants need to have.
Subsequent to introducing students to an applied topic we may visit a company that works in
the area in question. During the IP event we will build on existing contacts for determining the
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
extent to which laboratory findings might lend themselves to larger-scale production, etc. Early
dissemination of relevant information among stakeholders is a prerequisite.
Dissemination activities at the regional and transnational levels
Companies throughout Europe have expressed an interest in interacting with attendees.
Obviously they see them as ideal candidates for employment in the near future. Government
officials from agencies working in areas such as land management, food, water, and energy
security will also be invited to attend the final poster presentation.
Dissemination activities at the national level
All partner universities will receive a report on the IP event. The report will focus on the final
poster presentation, but will also contain information on further IP events. In Germany a short
version of this report will be disseminated by the biotechnology section of the Society of
German Engineers (VDI). Our partners will disseminate information through their national
Structure and management of the project website and its links to partner websites
The project website will be hosted by Leibniz Universität Hannover and partner websites will be
linked to it. The local webmaster will look after the IP website. Content management will be in
the hands of the coordinator in Hannover.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
Challenges to Human Dignity; Welfare and Social Society
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Johannes Eurich
Prof. Dr. Johannes Eurich
Contact information
Diakoniewissenschaftliches Institut
Karlstraße 16
69117 Heidelberg
Tel-1. +49/(0)6221/543336
Tel-2. +49/(0)6221/543338
Fax +49/(0)6221/543820
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Univerzita Karlova v Praze – Evangelická teologická
fakulta, Doc. Dr. Jindřich Halama
EELK Usuteaduse Instituut, Vaike Salveste
Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Riikka Hälikkä
Diakonhjemmet Høgskole, Prof. Dr. Kai Ingolf
Participating subject areas
Social Services
Economic Disciplines
Level of study
Funded persons
32 students, 10 teachers
Working language
Heidelberg, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum
Length of course
13 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
1 year
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 54,171.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
- Knowledge and reflection of fundamental changes in the social structure of European
countries, particularly with regard to the role of minorities and problems of exclusion.
- Overview of public and private structures and activities relating to social security and welfare
support in the participating European countries as well as a comparison of their main
- Exemplary analysis of social services practice with regard to deficits or deficiencies and
reflection on possibilities of improvement.
- Description and discussion of key problems with regard to financing and management in
selected social services sectors, for example in working with the disabled, the poor, or
Target groups:
Students and professionals engaged in social work (management, NGOs, churches etc.) who
have a bachelor's-degree-level qualification (180 CP).
Main activities:
10.5 days of lectures and discussion; visits to social services institutions and discussions with
social services providers and managers; two days for cultural issues
Expected output:
In addition to the social knowledge and insights indicated under the heading ‘Objectives’, the
following output will be produced: articles for discussion in an international journal put out by
the European network of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice (to be published in
2010/2011), study texts for JCT, and chapters for a textbook on the welfare state, social
services, and the development of civil society in Europe.
Planned dissemination of project results
Selected reports on the IP written by students and teachers will be posted on the website. The
latter will be launched by the "Diakoniewissenschaftliches Institut" before the beginning of the
IP. The site will also provide the agenda, key papers presented during the IP, photos
authorized by the participants, in addition to general information about the network and the
master programme. Pooled experience, new insights, and information exchange will improve
the module development process, particularly master programme module 2.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität Kassel
Summer Breeding Academy on Organic Animal Husbandry
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim
Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim
Prof. Dr. Gerold Rahmann
Contact information
Universität Kassel
Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Nordbahnhofstr. 1a
37213 Witzenhausen
Tel-1. +49/(0)5542/981647
Fax +49/(0)5542/981646
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Eesti Maaülikool, Dr. Ragnar Leming
Fachhochschule Eberswalde, Prof. Dr. habil. Bernhard
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (FH),
Prof. Dr. Knut Schmidtke
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Maribor
University, Prof. Dr. Martina Bavec
Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Dr.
Jan Kuchtík
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ewa
BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Applied
Life Sciences, Vienna, Prof. Dr. Werner J. Zollitsch
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Dr. Ovidiu-Nicu Pentelescu
Ege University Agricultural Faculty, Prof. Dr. Yilmaz
Participating subject areas
Cattle Management
Plant and Animal Husbandry
Level of study
BA , MA/Hauptstudium
Funded persons
33 students, 13 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 52,519.75
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The Summer Academy on Organic Animal Breeding and Organic Animal Husbandry is a twoweek intensive course for students and teachers from ten European agriculture departments
covering selected topics from the field of organic animal production. The course has special
relevance to the practical challenges of organic agriculture systems in Europe. It comprises
several days of lectures, visits to organic farms, group work, discussion meetings, and a final
assessment. Units on intercultural communication are embedded in the overall programme and
the participants will be given further information about the aims of the Erasmus programme.
The course will be given in English.
Students will receive a course attendance certificate and four ECTS credit points if they pass
the exam.
The Summer Academy’s aim is to support the transfer and exchange of knowledge regarding
organic agriculture in Europe as well as scientific cooperation in this field. The Summer
Academy is a supplement to regular programmes of studies at European universities, where
lectures on organic animal husbandry are not offered for the most part. In this sense its
purpose is to help improve the education of future agricultural researchers, consultants, and
Planned dissemination of project results
The dissemination of information on or produced by the Summer Academy will be provided, in
part, in the form of press releases in German, Slovenian, Polish, and English. The address list
for specialist and general press representatives currently numbers around 100. Results
(reports, photos, presentations) will be posted on University of Kassel websites. Relevant links
will be placed on partner university websites. Anyone interested but not able to attend the IP
will have access to the results.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
C h r i s t i a n - Al b r e c h t s - U n i v e r s i t ä t z u K i e l
International Course in ArcheoGeophysics
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel
Contact information
Institut für Geowissenschaften / Geophysik
Otto-Hahn-Platz 1
24118 Kiel
Tel-1. +49/(0)431/8803916
Fax +49/(0)431/8804432
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Engineering Faculty, Kocaeli University, Dr. Mithat
Firat Özer
Comenius Universität Bratislava, Prof. Dr. Roman
Participating subject areas
Other Areas of Geography, Geology
History and Archeology
Level of study
Funded persons
30 students, 10 teachers
Working language
Albersdorf, Germany
Length of course
15 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 57,929.66
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Together with students of Geophysics and Archeology at our partner universities in Turkey and
Slovakia we would like to provide three field courses at the following archeological sites:
2008: Iznik,Turkey: Greek Settlement, Nicea (application submitted and approved in 2007),
2009: Bratislava, Slovakia: La-Tène-Age Celtic Settlement Mound, Horne Oresany; and Crypts
of the Medieval-Baroque Cathedral St. Nicholas in Trnava (application submitted and approved
in 2008),
2010: Albersdorf, Germany: Neolithic Earthworks, Palisades and Graves (current application).
The foundational feature of the fifteen-day course is learning to take measurements with
geophysical prospecting systems (geomagnetic, geoelectrical, georadar, seismic,
microgravimetry) for the purpose of being able to reconstruct ancient settlements and detect
archeological objects. Detailed maps providing geological parameters and 3D illustrations of
the underground situation are to be compiled with the help of computer programs.
The aim of the course is to teach students how to use state-of-the-art methods and to provide
an opportunity to apply these methods immediately in practice. The three sites selected for
these field courses were chosen with a view to providing widely differing types of archeological
monuments, states of preservation, and soil conditions. Experience has already been
accumulated at these sites with regard to geophysical, archeological, and soil analyses. New
results can be compared with older findings and possibly added to them. Archeological
information is unlocked by digitalizing data in a geoinformation system and then visualizing the
information with a graphic system.
We are going to be in close cooperation with local monument protection authorities and the
results of these field courses will be provided to them. We expect to have fifteen students each
from the fields of archeology and geophysics as well as a total of ten instructors.
Planned dissemination of project results
Posters are to be printed and a website created describing the project, specific questions
studied at the sites, and the results achieved. The posters are to be made up in such a manner
that they can be used at conferences. The results of field measurements and evaluations
carried out in the framework of these courses are to be written up in scientific journals.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule Kiel
Intensive Programme on Embedded and Ambient Intelligence
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Helmut Dispert
Prof. Dr. Helmut Dispert
Prof. Dr. Hauke Schramm
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kißig
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Samberg
Contact information
Fachbereich Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Grenzstr. 5
24149 Kiel
Tel-1. +49/(0)431/210-4114
Tel-2.(Mobil) +49/(0)171-2750136
Fax +49/(0)431/210-64114
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK),
Prof. Dr. Kimmo Salmenjoki
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Smail
T.E.I. of Crete, Dr. George Papadourakis
Aveiro University, Prof. Dr. José Alberto Fonseca
Estonian IT College, Dr. Kalle Tammemäe
Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen – KHK, Luc Friant
Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège
(HEPL), Int’l Rel Mger Joseph Barsics
University of Glamorgan, Dr. Jonathan Andrew Ware
Participating subject areas
Computer Science
Computer Use
Level of study
last year BA, MA
Funded persons
40 students, 16 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 56,625.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The objective of this intensive programme (IP) is to bring together students and faculty from
across Europe to increase their knowledge of Embedded Systems and Ambient Intelligence in
a new approach that combines these two subject areas. Embedded Systems have shown
strong growth as a subject area as a consequence of a constant trend towards increased
miniaturization in microelectronics. A similar development can be seen in the field of sensorand-actuator-oriented R&D activities. The use of these technologies in our daily lives has
increased in things like home automation, automotive technology, medicine, as well as
teaching and learning. Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing is the term that was formerly used
to express these ideas. It was changed to Ambient Intelligence to underscore the importance
of the user and a context-centered approach.
The goal of this IP is draw the attention of students to these converging technologies. They will
be given an opportunity to meet professors who have expertise in a number of areas of
specialization and to discuss various options for continuing and enhancing their studies, for
instance by taking advantage of educational programmes offered by the IP institution.
The programme is aimed primarily at students in the final year of undergraduate studies (BA
level) and those in their first year of postgraduate studies (MA level). It also targets university
teaching staff with experience in the relevant areas.
Planned dissemination of project results
All the material produced for the IP will be made available on a website that is to be
We plan to use a state-of-the-art learning management system (LMS) to provide support to
students and teachers. Open-source solutions like Ilias or Moodle could potentially be used
and have the distinct advantage that they are available free of charge. They constitute more
than just an ordinary website in that they make it possible to distribute course content and, at
the same time, have features that can assist teachers both in the exercise phase (preparation
for exams) and in the student evaluation phase (exams).
In addition to being posted on the web, all lectures and papers will be published in printed
form, in the tradition of conference proceedings.
Plans have been made to produce an (annual) report about the intensive programme. It will be
made available to the public. At the end of the three-year life cycle all three annual reports will
be consolidated in a paper discussing the experience gained through the partnership formed
with regard to teaching Embedded and Ambient Intelligence in a European context.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Small-Scale European Integration through Cross-Border Cooperation Part II:
Investigating the EU's External Borders
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Köppen
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Köppen
M.A. Wolf Schuenemann
Contact information
Lehreinheit Geographie (Department of Geography) –
Campus Landau
Demographieforschung & Anthropogeographie
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau
Tel-1. +49/(0)6341/280-183
Tel-2. +49/(0)6341/280-369
Fax +49/(0)6341/280-398
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
University of Joensuu, Department of Geography, Prof.
Dr. Jarmo Korteleinen
Université de Strasbourg, Faculté de géographie et
d'aménagement, Dr. Patricia Zander
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Institute of SocioEconomic Geography and Spatial Management, Prof.
Dr. Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz
Other project partners
Staatskanzlei Rheinland-Pfalz
Regional Council of Northern Karelia
Participating subject areas
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Political Science and Civics
Level of study
BA and MA
Funded persons
21 students, 7 teachers
Working language
Joensuu, Finland
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 46,892.75
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The project "Small-Scale European Integration through Cross-Border Cooperation" focuses on
border regions as areas where the quality of cross-border and transnational cooperation can
be studied very accurately, providing valid results about factors that both support and hinder
effective and sustainable European integration. Border areas are seen as sensitive spots in
geographical, political, economical, and social terms, both for the Europe of today and the
Europe of tomorrow.
The main objective of this IP is to gather current scientific knowledge on European border
areas and to study the practice of cross-border cooperation on a small scale and daily life in
selected regions (German-French border, Finnish-Russian border, and German-Polish border).
Conclusions are to be drawn as to whether or not experience accumulated in borderland areas
might serve as an example for European integration.
Target groups are mainly university students, but also local participants such as selected
classes from public schools. In the cities where the courses are held members of the general
public will be invited to selected events (e.g. public lectures). The IP will draw upon the
expertise offered by members of local initiatives that deal with cross-border issues.
The intensive course will lead to a final publication and a permanent web-based distancelearning platform on cross-border cooperation.
Planned dissemination of project results
Dissemination will be guaranteed by the following measures:
Publication of IP results and experience (on the Internet and in printed form).
Sharing of experience and results with local Euroregions (in the first IP with Regio
PAMINA, in the second IP with Euregio Karelia).
The results of the first IP are to be presented to the person responsible for cross-border
cooperation at the Staatskanzlei Rheinland-Pfalz; the Regional Council of Northern Karelia
will be included in the second IP.
Direct distribution of publications to further relevant associations concerned with regional
policy and cross-border cooperation.
Public lecture, announced by the press, with invitations being extended to students from
local schools and members of relevant local associations.
Website with an embedded distance-learning platform is a crucial part of the project.
IP lectures and presentations will be published on the distance-learning platform, making
them available to a broad public via the Internet.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität zu Köln
Europas Grenzen: Europa und das Mittelmeer
(Europe's Borders: Europe and the Mediterranean)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Christian Wentzlaff-Eggebert
Prof. Dr. Christian Wentzlaff-Eggebert
Contact information
Arbeitskreis Spanien-Portugal-Lateinamerika
50923 Köln
Tel-1. +49/(0)221/470-4185
Fax +49/(0)221/470-5119
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Prof. Dr. Eduardo
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Dr. Maria Wirf Naro
Universidad de Sevilla, Prof. Dr. Pedro Piñero Ramírez
Universidad de Granada, Dr. Lola Ferre Cano
Universidad de Cádiz, Prof. Dr. Virtudes Atero Burgos
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Prof. Dr. Facundo
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Prof. Dr. Anna
University of Cluj-Napoca, Prof. Dr. Mihaela Toader
Università degli studi di Bergamo, Prof. Dr. Gabriele
University of Limerick, Dr. Liam O Dochartaigh
Participating subject areas
International Relations, European Studies
Humanities Disciplines
Foreign Languages
Level of study
BA from the third year of study on, MA and PhD
Funded persons
43 students, 18 teachers
Working language
Length of course
11 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 61,047.55
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The subject of this IP, "Europe's Borders", is a critical reflection on the question as to where
Europe begins and where it ends in cultural terms and, as such, on an issue of major
significance at the EU level, as shown by the public debate that has taken place on Turkey's
candidacy for EU membership, the steady flow of African immigrants into Spain from northern
Africa, and the EU's relationship with Ukraine and Russia.
The objective of this intensive programme is to create teaching materials on this subject that
will define criteria for a European identity that are not based on exclusionary attitudes but
rather reflect a desire to be inclusive and to pursue a process of rapprochement.
Target groups for this project are professors and students of literature, history, art, political
science, economics, and philosophy at the participating universities in Germany, Italy, Poland,
Spain, and Romania who produced interdisciplinary teaching materials on the subject of
"Europe and the Mediterranean" in academic year 2009/10. Spain and Romania will serve as
paradigms for the change taking place in cultural borders and the parallel existence of different
cultures, languages, religions, and systems in the past and the present.
The new materials are to be tested in March 2010 in an eleven-day intensive course at the
University of Cádiz. This will involve fifty students and professors of the relevant subjects from
the partner universities who will present statements or chapters for textbooks, written at their
home universities in preparation for this course.
One desired result of this IP is to present a critical analysis of the issues raised. Another is to
produce teaching materials for publication on our own website and in book form.
The working languages are English and Spanish.
Planned dissemination of project results
In the preparatory phase a website ( is to be created
for the IP at the University of Cologne, where reading materials and bibliographical information
will be posted for the students enrolled in the course to use in writing papers in Spanish,
English, and French.
There won't be any language problems to speak of. Nearly all the participants will have a good
knowledge of Spanish and English, giving them access to texts from other EU projects. Each
student will write a fifteen-page paper in one of these languages. The student papers and all
the materials written by the professors will be posted on a second website, linked to the first,
so that the participants will have an opportunity to read up on topics of particular interest to
them. The book in which these materials are printed is to be distributed by the students and
professors at their home universities as well as by experts who were guest speakers during the
course. It is to be sent to central libraries and to further institutions of higher education with
similar course modules.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
Culture as a Creative Resource for a Future Europe. Cultural Policy and its Dimension in
Four European Countries: Finland, Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Knubben
Prof. Dr. Thomas Knubben
Contact information
Institut für Kulturmanagement
Reuteallee 46
71634 Ludwigsburg
Tel-1. +49/(0)7141/140411
Fax +49/(0)7141/140693
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz
(AHE), Dr. Arnold Warchal
South-West University ‘Neofit Rilsky, Dr. Svetlana
HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, M.A. Timo
Participating subject areas
Business Administration
Cultural Management
Level of study
Funded persons
35 students, 9 teachers
Working language
Helsinki, Finland
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 64,530.50
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The objective of this IP is to initiate cooperation between four universities that provide training
in the field of cultural management with a view to developing a joint curriculum. Humak
(Finland) will work with students from its BA-level cultural management programme, Łódź
(Poland) students of political science at the MA level, Ludwigsburg (Germany) students at the
MA level, and South-West University (Bulgaria) cultural studies students at the BA level. The
four partners want to develop a shared cultural management curriculum that will lead to a joint
bachelor's degree.
In the first year the intensive programme will focus on cultural policy requirements at the EU
level. The main activities will be distance learning and preparatory work before the project and
then human presence learning over a period of ten working days. During this period there will
be study visits to relevant institutions in Finland, lectures, and workshops. The output of the
project will be papers, teaching materials, an intranet system, a publication, and a website.
Once established, the shared curriculum will serve as a starting point for the development of a
joint postgraduate (MA) degree or a combination of joint and national degrees.
Planned dissemination of project results
Details of this project will be made available to cultural organizations and educational
institutions both in the partner countries and through formal and informal networks in a large
number of EU countries. A final report will be made available to interested parties via the
Internet in the form of articles on the subject of cultural management. Results of the project will
be disseminated by the information networks of cultural organizations (journals, websites, large
research networks).
The project objective is to promote the interests of the cultural management sector as well as
broader policy interests. The project results will be published in cultural journals in the
participating countries. Dissemination will be carried out at the international level by the
European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC ). The material will
also be made available on the European Commission's multilingual web platform "Espace
Virtuel d’Echange" (EVE).
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
Intensive Programme in Diversity Inclusion for Social Cohesion (IP-DISCO)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Dr. Melinda Madew
Dr. Melinda Madew
Prof. Dr. Beate Aschenbrenner
Prof. Jo Jerg
Contact information
Social Work Department
Paulusweg 6
71638 Ludwigsburg
Tel-1. +49/(0)7141/965-280
Tel-2. +49/(0)7141/9745-200
Fax +49/(0)7164/965-237
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Charles University in Prague, Mgr. Ing. Ondrej Fischer
Newman College of Higher Education, Graham
Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Dr. Monika
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Riikka Hälikkä
KHKempen University College, Pieter Lievens
Participating subject areas
Social Work and Counselling
Philosophy and Ethics
Level of study
Funded persons
30 students, 18 teachers
Working language
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 50,413.10
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
IP-DISCO will place thirty diverse students in a ten-day social learning laboratory where issues
of race, culture, religion, sexuality, and disability will be lived and studied with reference to antidiscriminatory principles expressed in European law.
Target participants are students of Social Work and related disciplines with personal
experience in and commitment to resolving contentious issues regarding inclusion or
exclusion. They are motivated by their own biographies as well as by political advocacy.
Activities will include reports on cutting-edge research by experts and scholars in related
disciplines as well as visits to communities and agencies that deal with inclusive citizenship,
diversity issues, and social cohesion.
Given the situations that can arise when diverse participants are brought together, methods
are employed to ensure that participants see working, studying, and living together as an
opportunity for reflection on how contentious differences among individuals can strengthen or
threaten social cohesion.
We want to contribute to the efforts being undertaken in European social work education by
equipping practitioners with competence in dealing with conflictive issues resulting from
exclusionary practices that have marginalized groups and communities, including religious or
ethnic minorities and gays or lesbians. In addition to improving didactical methods in social
work training, an analysis of the subject of inclusive citizenship in Europe will be produced as a
curricular resource.
Planned dissemination of project results
Method of dissemination
1. Student reports will be compiled and edited for distribution to university libraries as resource
materials. Copies will also be sent to NGOs visited during IP-DISCO in Germany. The other
four universities will distribute literature from the IP to partners in their respective countries.
2. Results of evaluation will serve as feedback and guidelines for project implementation in the
second year.
3. Lectures, discussion notes, speeches/talks given by lecturers, trainers or resource persons
will be collected and compiled to serve as a source book. The latter will be distributed to the
partner NGOs, universities, and local or state governments where the partner universities are
4. The above-indicated materials/literature will be made available as an online resource book
to all students enrolled at the participating universities.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
The Presence of the Past: European Cultures of Memory
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder
Contact information
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55099 Mainz
Tel-1. +49/(0)6131/3923784
Tel-2. +49/(0)6131/3923775
Fax +49/(0)6131/3923776
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Trinity College Dublin, Prof. Dr. Stephen Wilmer
Universität Wien, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hulfeld
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, Dr. habil.
Phillippe Wellnitz
Participating subject areas
Music and the Performing Arts
History, Philosophy and related subjects
Level of study
mainly PhD
Funded persons
26 students, 6 teachers
Working language
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 39,487.72
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
"The Presence of the Past – European Cultures of Memory" explores the complex relations
that exist between past and present and investigates various intercultural and interdisciplinary
phenomena of this presence in cultural and artistic representation. The starting point is the
assumption that in cultural as well as historical discourses after the Shoah, it is above all
performative and theatric models of witnessing that take on a constitutive significance for the
presence of the past. By paying attention to the respective cultural interests of a memory
culture, the specific national character of each implementation of "the presence of the past"
comes into focus. Likewise, an interdisciplinary perspective will enable the materiality of the
representational forms to be precisely observed.
The aim of the project is the development of the IP theme with respect to its place within
theories of the culture of memory, the investigation of historical and contemporary phenomena
of cultural performances of the past in the areas of art, media, and popular culture as well as
providing perspective on various national, transnational, and intercultural implementations of
the handling of historiography in theory and practice.
The IP targets postgraduates but is also open to selected MAs and undergraduates. The
planned summer programme comprises seminars, workshops, presentation panels, a lecture
series, as well as a thematically oriented cultural programme, including excursions and
discussion sessions. The language of instruction is English.
Planned dissemination of project results
The lecture series as well as selected papers from the postgraduate presentation panels are to
be published in an edited volume no later than the conclusion of the third joint IP.
Project Website
The respective individual outcomes of the various IP courses are to be summarized at the end
of the IP and presented in a visual format for the benefit of all participants. This is to ensure
that all participants will be able to familiarise themselves with the conclusions and insights of all
the course units and thereby make use of them for their own projects. Presentations are to be
made available for download on the IP website after completion of the IP. Other course
materials, bibliographies, Internet links, or visual materials can be collected as well.
Participants who will be writing a paper for additional credit at their home universities will
likewise have the opportunity to make their texts available to all participants via the IP website.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Migration in Europe – New Dimensions, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Plural
Project coordinator
University teachers
Dr. Lydia Potts
Dr. Lydia Potts
Contact information
Department of Social Sciences
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
Tel-1. +49/(0)441/798-2530
Tel-2. +49/(0)441/798-5143
Fax +49/(0)441/798-4868
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
University of Stavanger, Dan D. Daatland
University of Nova Gorica, Dr. Mirjam M. Hladnik
Lisbon Open University, Dr. Ana Paula Cordeiro
University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Dr.
Salim Murad
Other project partners
University of Zagreb, Dr. Milan Mesic
Participating subject areas
Sociology and Cultural Studies
Political Science and Civics
International Relations, European Studies
Level of study
Funded persons
24 students, 16 teachers
Working language
University of Oldenburg
Length of course
16 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 61,236.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The IP will introduce students to interdisciplinary theory and empirical research in migration
studies as carried out by an international team of teachers. The focus will be on contemporary
European migration, addressing national contingencies, as well as global dimensions.
Students will review key concepts and develop a solid knowledge of migration research. They
will be sent out to do local fieldwork and in the process apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
The IP is set at the beginning of the second cohort of "Joint Master in Migration and
Intercultural Relations" (JMMIR), a programme of studies jointly offered by six European
universities. The first cohort was admitted in 2006. An enlarged group was admitted in 2009. In
addition to JMMIR students, the IP is open to participants from other MA programmes at all
partner universities.
The activities will include interdisciplinary seminars, presentations, lectures, workshops,
working groups, and field visits. Participants will be familiarised with specifics of intercultural
learning methods as well as e-learning techniques.
Expected results include the formation of international teams as well as the writing of student
papers and/or multimedia documents.
Planned dissemination of project results
Partners will organise IPs annually at the beginning of each Joint Master in Migration and
Intercultural Relations cohort. Since the IP is part of the MA programme, students will continue
to work with material that is produced during the IP (documentation of research results etc.)
when studying modules of Joint Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations. Working
groups formed during the IP might continue to operate during the entire course of study.
The six involved partners will use the IP to deepen their collaboration on the institutional as
well as the academic level. They will engage in constant curriculum development and
improvement of study materials. In the course of the study year e-learning facilities of the two
new partners will be extended. The Joint Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations also
has plans to apply for Erasmus Mundus status in the future.
The two new partners from the University of Zagreb and the University of Southern Bohemia
have strong academic traditions in the area of migration and will further enrich the content of
the IP. They will also bring in new networks and contacts that will broaden the scope of the IP
at the same time as it strengthens its focus. The University of Stavanger already coordinates a
Comenius network, LearningMigration 225585 - CP -1-2005-1- NO - COMENIUS – C3.
Network activities, including annual conferences and seminars, will provide an excellent forum
for dissemination of project output. The Slovenian partner is active in the AEMI network
(Association of European Migration Institutions) where annual conferences and meetings will
be used to disseminate IP project output. For more information on partner involvement in
European and international networks that could be potential arenas for dissemination see
section 4.9.
The Joint Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations website provides regularly updated
information on the study programme and will inform students about the IP. Web-based study
materials will be made available via this platform. With the start of the IP for the second cohort
a weblog will be set up where students and teachers can share their experiences and thoughts
about the IP and the study programme, make their research available, and discuss aspects of
their studies. This weblog might spark interest in the programme among potential students.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven
HCainBioMed – Human-Centred Approaches in Biomedical Engineering
Project coordinator
University teachers
M.A. Andrea Menn
Prof. Dr. Heidi Lenz-Strauch
Prof. Dr. Thomas Anna
Contact information
International Office
Friedrich-Paffrath-Str. 101
26389 Wilhelmshaven
Tel-1. +49/(0)4421/985-2386
Fax +49/(0)4421/985-2405
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Ing. Marten Wiersma
Universitatea “Politehnika” din Timisoara, Prof. PhD
Mirela Toth-Tascau
Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Dr. Liam Morris
University of Keele, Dr. Jan Herman Kuiper
KAHO Sint Lieven, Dr. Jan Van Biervliet
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences,
Heikki Hasari
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, PhD Elza Fonseca
Baskent University, Assistant Prof. Dilek Çökeliler
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Associate Prof. Oliver
Participating subject areas
Medical Technology
Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technology
Engineering and Engineering Trades
Level of study
BA and MA (end of first or beginning of second cycle)
Funded persons
55 students, 15 teachers
Working language
FH OOW in Wilhelmshaven
Length of course
15 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 78,185.20
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The three-week IP "Human-Centred Approaches in Biomedical Engineering" (BE) is organized
in four modules focusing on modelling in BE, computer-based methods in BE, biomedical
instrumentation and signal processing, as well as social and medical aspects of BE. The
objective is to provide insights into technical as well as economic, ethical, social, intercultural,
and safety aspects of engineering work. Students will learn how to integrate these factors into
the design of biomedical devices that are to be certified and marketed in Europe.
The IP targets students from ten different European countries in biomedical engineering and
related fields at the end of their first or the beginning of their second cycle. Students will take
seminars and work in laboratories on various topics. Workshops and poster presentations will
be held on intercultural, ethical, and social issues. External experts from hospitals and the
biomedical industry will give lectures on economic prospects. Visits to hospitals and companies
in the biomedical industry as well as excursions to local sights will be included in the
Project output will be study materials in English, the development of double degree
programmes among network partners, 6 ECTS for each student, posters on central biomedical
and related issues, and an evaluation of the IP.
Planned dissemination of project results
The results of the IP will be disseminated in various ways:
- by presenting teaching materials, laboratory reports, posters, and evaluation reports on the
- by publishing the final report on the website;
- by implementing the project outcome in the curricula at home universities;
- by reporting on the IP in networks and at events like national or international conferences;
- by developing double degree programmes among IP partners.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
H o c h s c h u l e O s tw e s t f a l e n - L i p p e
Advanced Digital Architectural Design
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Marco Hemmerling
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Marco Hemmerling
Contact information
Fachbereich „Detmolder Schule für Architektur und
Emilienstraße 45
32756 Detmold
Tel. +49/(0)5231/769-667
Fax +49/(0)5231/769-681
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Prof. Dr. Aslihan
Politecnico di Milano, Prof. Celestino Soddu
University of Plymouth, Mathew Emmet
Participating subject areas
Interior Design
New Technologies
Level of study
Funded persons
30 students, 7 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 50,225.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The objective of the "Advanced Digital Architectural Design" IP is to give students general
competence in the use of digital media in design and planning processes in architecture and
interior design. Working in an intercultural and interdisciplinary environment, students are to
acquire the ability to use a computer as an interactive instrument and to see its "artificial
intelligence" as an extension of their own creative potentials. The IP is also intended to provide
orientation in connection with the development of a planned international master's degree
programme in "Digital Architectural Design" that is to be initiated with the partner universities
after the IP.
Target groups
The IP will be jointly carried out by the four participating universities: Politecnico di Milano
(Italy), Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), University of Plymouth (UK), and Hochschule
Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany). It will target students of Architecture and Interior Design who
aleady have a basic knowledge of CAD (computer-aided design) and would like to improve
their skills in the use of digital media in the process of creating and planning spatial designs.
Main activities
The two-week IP will seek to integrate theory and practical applications to form a holistic
conception. Digital Architectural Design will be taught in lectures and seminars, focusing on
three factors that will be discussed in greater detail in the second week in a design workshop
and which, as an experiment, students will develop into concepts of their own in intercultural
groups. The results will be presented, discussed, evaluated, and compiled in a final forum. The
IP will be rounded off by two excursions to outstanding architecture projects, the design of
which relied very heavily on the use of digital media.
Planned dissemination of project results
Students will be provided information about course content, organizational matters, and project
results via the IP website before, during, and after the IP takes place. The website is designed
to be an interactive medium that integrates teaching materials and makes them widely
accessible. Reports on project activities and results are to be provided in the regional press
and in journals. Project results will be presented in lectures, informal talks, and at specialist
The IP documents are to be published as a book that will also be available in digital form (pdf).
A film documentation of the IP is planned as well and will be available on the website.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität Potsdam
COMPA/RAISONS: Aufklärung im französisch-polnisch-deutschen Vergleich
(COMPA/RAISONS: The Enlightenment in a French-Polish-German Comparison)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile
Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile
Contact information
Historisches Institut, Lehrstuhl Kulturgeschichte der
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Tel-1. +49/(0)331/977-1199
Tel-2. +49/(0)331/977-1156
Fax +49/(0)331/977-1798
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Uniwersytet Zielona Góra, Dr. Jaroslaw Kuczer
Uniwersytet Torùn, Prof. Dr. Wlodzimierc Zientara
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,
Prof. Dr. Jan Borm
Université Paris X Nanterre, Prof. Dr. Monique Cottret
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Prof. Dr. Hartmut
Participating subject areas
History, Philosophy, and related subjects
General and Comparative Literature
Level of study
Funded persons
50 students, 20 teachers
Working language
English, German, French, Polish
Universität Zielona Góra
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 69,730.00
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
In the COMPA/RAISONS project different manifestations of the Enlightenment are to be
studied by students and professors from two French, two Polish, and two German partner
universities, taking into account the tension that existed in that period of history between a new
interest in knowledge, on the one hand, and traditional regional and religious factors, on the
other, and doing so in the framework of a French-Polish-German comparison. Students are to
be made aware of the differences that existed in the various regions of Europe during the
Enlightenment as well as the different traditions that exist with regard to research on the
Enlightenment – the latter with the help of accompanying scholars from France, Poland, and
Germany. To this end three IPs are to be held in Potsdam, Paris, and Zielona Góra that will be
aimed, for the most part, at students enrolled in master's degree programmes. The project was
conceived with a view to developing a joint European master's degree programme in "The
European Enlightenment" and serves as an instrument for selecting young academic talent for
existing PhD programmes on the Enlightenment at the partner universities, as for instance the
Enlightenment Laboratory at the University of Jena, or a European graduate programme
beginning in 2009 with the participation of three COMPA/RAISONS partner universities. Each
IP will consist of a twelve-day programme of teaching, including a two-day excursion to
selected sites relating to the Enlightenment. The IPs will be concluded with the writing of
seminar papers. Students will be able to get credit for the IP as a seminar and if they
successfully complete it they will be awarded 6 ECTS.
Planned dissemination of project results
The IP materials will be published in electronic form and updated on a web-based
communication platform (Moodle).
The IP materials will be published in several languages as a European textbook on the
Enlightenment (available as a book on demand either in printed or electronic form).
A joint website will be created for the partner universities. A Polish-language website has been
created for the IP in Zielona Góra on the website of the Historical Institute at the University of
Zielona Góra (
The IP will be listed in the course catalogues of the partner universities.
The opening of the summer school will be open to a broader public. Representatives of the
relevant universities and embassies will underscore the importance of joint study programmes
in opening statements.
The project will be listed in the summer school catalogue of the Deutsch-Französische
Hochschule (DFH) 2010.
The project is being carried out with a view to developing a joint European master's degree
programme on "The European Enlightenment". The principles of ERASMUS Mundus serve as
a model for this.
The project is being carried out as a means of recruiting candidates for existing doctoral
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität Regensburg
Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Security
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul
Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul
Contact information
Information Systems
Universitätsstraße 31
93059 Regensburg
Tel-1. +49/(0)941/9432-742
Fax +49/(0)941/9432-744
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Technische Universität Graz, Prof. Dr. Karl Christian
Universität Wien, Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerald Quirchmayr
Technische Universität Wien, Dr. Edgar Weippl
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Prof. Dr. Bart Preneel
Universidad de Malaga, Prof. Dr. Javier Lopez
Panepistimio Peiraiws, Prof. Dr. Sokratis Katsikas
University of the Aegean, Assistant Prof. Asimakis Leros
Università degli studi di Milano, Prof. Dr. Pierangela
Karlstads universitet, Prof. Dr. Simone Fischer-Hübner
Stockholm University, Dr. Christer Magnusson
University of Bristol, Dr. Theodore Tryfonas
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Prof. Dr. Keith
Kingston University, Christopher Wills
University of Kent, Prof. Dr. David Chadwick
University of Plymouth, Prof. Dr. Steven Furnell
The Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State
University), Associate Prof. Natalia Miloslavskaya
Other project partners
Participating subject areas
Computer Science
Business Studies with Technology Focus
Electronics and Automation
Level of study
MA, Diploma or PhD
Funded persons
48 students, 20 teachers
Working language
Karlovassi, Samos, Greece
Length of course
Initial application
10 days
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 75,642.50
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Enforcing IT security is no longer the problem of a single company or country. This problem
grows exponentially when organisations cross international borders. Reliable and secure
systems and software can only be designed and used if IT security becomes an integral part of
computer science, business applications, and telecommunications curricula. IT security
education must be holistic, specific, and ahead of the curve with regard to threats and attacks.
As the subject is very broad and involves numerous different issues, providing an IT security
curriculum is not something that should be done by one university or country alone. The need
for joint forces, knowledge, and specialisation is imminent. With this proposal we would like to
become able to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of numerous colleagues throughout
Europe. The Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Security – IPICS – will
bring together twenty lecturers from seventeen European universities and up to sixty students
from eight European countries for the purpose of transferring IT security knowledge. A ten-day
intensive programme will provide the foundations of IT security and specialist topics. In the
process of creating a European culture of IT security, students will benefit from combining
knowledge from different areas in the field. The IPICS complements national computer
science, information systems, and business curricula. On successful completion of the
programme, participants will be awarded an IPICS certificate worth 4 ECTS by the coordinating
institution that will be honoured by all IPICS partner universities. IPICS will not be a momentary
campaign but rather one that will generate momentum with annual activities (most recently in
Vienna in 2009 and in Regensburg in 2008).
Further highlights of this proposal are:
- continuation of a long IPICS history (started in 1998);
- "IT Security: strengthen the European economy" as a superimposed case delivering a
common, multidisciplinary theme;
- publication of an IPICS textbook (available at Artech House, ISBN: 978-1-59693-2289);
- practical work conducted in two special security labs included in the curriculum;
- through a Wiki, active participation of students, continuing after the IPICS.
Planned dissemination of project results
The dissemination strategy is aimed at making IPICS results, knowledge, and outcomes known
to European universities, companies, and interested citizens. The dissemination strategy will
include the following methods and channels:
Project website – containing a description of objectives, the consortium, learning
modules, the curriculum, and other materials.
Press releases and press conferences organised by the LO.
IPICS Wiki / a knowledge management Web 2.0 tool maintained by the LO and
providing information from IPICS students and lecturers.
Dissemination of the curriculum and reporting of IPICS experiences at the international
IFIP WG 11.8 meetings.
Publishing of IPICS papers on the IPICS website and in the IPICS Wiki.
Publication of the IPICS curriculum and IPICS content as a textbook by Artech House.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Dissemination activities can be roughly divided up into three parts:
Raising awareness for IT security and developing a European culture of IT security.
Promotion of IPICS.
Promotion of results, achievements, and knowledge.
Access to the website and the Wiki is public and free. Editorial work in the Wiki can only be
done by IPICS members. A recent publication on IPICS aims and methods appeared in the
proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES
2008, Barcelona, Spain): Schläger, C., Fuchs, L., Pernul, G.: Intensive Programme on
Information and Communication Security (published by IEEE 2008).
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Universität Siegen
Myths, Nation-Building, Political Identities
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Raphaela Averkorn
Prof. Dr. Raphaela Averkorn
Contact information
Department of History
57068 Siegen
Tel-1. +49/(0)271/740-2011
Tel-2. +49/(0)271/740-4502
Fax +49/(0)271/740-4596
E-Mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Uppsala universitet, Historiska institutionen, Dr. Lars
M. Andersson
Universidade de Coimbra, Dr. Filomena Marques de
Cukurova Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr. Elif Hatun Kilicbeyli
Panteion University of Social and Political Science,
Prof. Dr. George Contogeorgis
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Dr. François Pernot
Universidad de Deusto, Dr. Maria Jesús Cava Mesa
Lancaster University, Dr. Anne Sophie Krossa
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Prof. Dr. Amélia Aguiar
Università degli Studi di Pisa, Prof. Dr. Enrica Salvatori
Università degli Studi di Siena, Prof. Dr. Ariane
Participating subject areas
History, Philosophy, related subjects
Sociology and Cultural Studies
Political Science and Civics
Level of study
BA (3rd year and above) and MA
Funded persons
36 students, 18 teachers
Working language
University of Siegen
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 76,115.49
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The intensive programme will take place in March 2010 as the first part of a three-year cycle
and will examine the topic "Myths, Nation-Building, Political Identities" from a multidisciplinary
perspective. In the first project year the programme will focus on the analysis of regional,
national, supranational, and European myths, their development and meaning, as well as
different forms and perceptions of myths, from ancient times to the present. Their interrelations
with the complex process of European integration will be analysed by considering selected
case studies from different regional and cultural areas. A high level of interdisciplinarity is a
priority of the programme. It comprises relevant topics from and aspects of a variety of
disciplines: History, Sociology, Political Science, Protestant Theology, Catholic Theology,
Philosophy, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Media Studies, as well as Art, Art History, and
Selected partner universities from different regions of Europe will participate in the programme.
The coordinating university has maintained intensive relations with them for several years now
in the framework of the Erasmus programme among others.
The IP will be integrated as an optional module in the new joint master's programme "Roads to
Democracy(ies)" established by the Universities of Siegen, Uppsala and Coimbra. As a result
of the IP being listed among the optional courses for other study programmes, students
enrolled in those programmes will be fully recognized. To advanced students (3rd year and
above) at the bachelor's and master's degree levels as well as to students of teacher training
courses from Siegen and abroad, the interdisciplinary and international seminars of the IP will
offer a clear added value compared to traditional, subject-specific courses, as they provide the
opportunity for a high-quality academic exchange across cultural, subject-related, and
methodological borders in a truly international and multilingual learning and teaching
In addition to presentations and discussions in a plenum, forums and work groups will be set
up where students can develop and discuss theoretical concepts and papers together with
teachers and tutors during the face-to-face period in Siegen and present their ideas during
specific plenary phases. In preparation of the actual face-to-face period, a project-related
website, as well as an e-learning platform, will be constructed where working groups are
formed that want to prepare for the different topics of the programme. On this website all
project-related material will be published in advance. Furthermore, the website will be an
instrument for publishing and disseminating learning and teaching materials after the
programme is completed and for making the results accessible to external target groups
(multipliers such as university lecturers, teachers etc.). The programme will also include
cultural activities related to the overall topic (e.g. excursions to regional enterprises and cultural
institutions) that will provide an insight into non-academic fields and practical experience.
Planned dissemination of project results
The coordinating university and participating partner universities will be actively involved in
post-IP activities. Each partner will act as a multiplier at the national and international levels in
its own country as well as in its own university and non-university networks and disseminate
the results of this project at universities, schools, and other institutions such as museums,
archives, cultural institutions etc. Plans have also been made to permanently establish
international and interdisciplinary intensive courses in the form of a spring school.
As soon as the project is approved a website will be created on which information will be
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
posted regarding the nature of the intensive programme, the teaching programme, as well as
the partner universities involved (by means of links among other things). Abstracts on
individual teaching units, results generated by students in the form of PowerPoint files and
documentations of spring school and related excursions, illustrated with photos and videos, will
be placed online.
The impressions and opinions of students recorded in reports turned in after the intensive
programme is completed will be published on the website in the framework of the evaluation
process. The results of official interim and final evaluations reached on the basis of a
cooperative effort on the part of professors, organizers, and students will also be published
and a final evaluation report compiled. These results will help us prepare for the second project
year and, if need be, we can make technical or content-related modifications on the basis of
the insights we have gained. These results also give partner universities ideas for similar
The dissemination of materials produced in the course of the intensive programme is an
imporant post-IP activity. Plans have been made to publish a textbook that will be available on
the website as a download. An editorial committee will be formed made up of representatives
of the respective partner universities and placed under the aegis of the Universities of Siegen,
Uppsala, and Coimbra. It will deal with the editorial tasks required to turn the materials
produced (written versions of presentations by professors and students) into publishable copy.
This material is meant to be used in more than just the following semesters by teachers in the
Contemporary Studies joint master's degree programme "Roads to Democracy(ies)" and other
degree programmes at the University of Siegen. The fact of the matter is that it can also be
used by all the partner universities involved in the project as well as by other interested
Plans have been made to permanently bring material and knowledge from this cycle of
intensive programmes into a blended e-learning course than could initially be used at the
partner universities and then later at other universities as well in order to encourage the
existence of long-term learning communities on a virtual basis as well. The Universities of
Siegen, Uppsala, and Pisa have worked together successfully in a project of this kind, creating
a course together with other partners on "European Identities in History" that is now in regular
use. In the past the applicant worked successfully in intensive programmes abroad with
professors from the Universities of Adana, Athens, Coimbra, Deusto, Lisboa Nova, Pisa,
Siena, and Uppsala. The University of Lancaster concluded an agreement with the Department
of Sociology at the University of Siegen on joint MA and PhD classes. An initial course took
place in 2008. The conditions are excellent for being able, on the basis of this intensive
programme, to develop spinoff products at some time in the near future such as a joint
international interdisciplinary blended e-learning course on the topic "Myths, Nation-Building,
Political Identities“.
The teaching materials and the project website are to be presented, in cooperation with the
Teacher Training Center (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung) to teacher training offices and schools
that already have a close cooperative relationship with the University of Siegen, at one of the
information events regularly held in the framework of the Bologna Process, so that teachers at
interested schools will be able to make good use of it, particularly in various subjects at senior
level of academic-stream secondary schools or at bilingual schools. Quite a few faculty
members at these schools are at the same time teachers and/or doctoral candidates at the
University of Siegen. The partner universities will also make use of these contacts with schools
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
– to the extent that they are involved in teacher training – so that transnational dissemination
will be guaranteed. Added value for students can derive from the fact that those who have
taken part in an intensive programme may want to write their BA, MA, or State Examination
thesis in one of these subject areas, making use of the materials that are available on the
website. By the same token, university students or secondary school students who have not
taken part in the programme, but have become aware of the website, will be able, with the
assistance of teachers, to write degree theses or term papers on topics taken from the subject
area being dealt with here. This kind of dissemination is also planned at the partner
universities. BA candidates at any university could be inspired by their participation in this
programme to apply for a corresponding master's degree programme at one of the partner
universities. MA candidates, for their part, could later apply for admission to graduate
programmes in this field of research at various universities. By way of example, an
interdisciplinary graduate school in Siegen, "Locating Media", is in close cooperation with a
local cultural studies research area "Medienumbrüche" (Media Changes).
A further way of disseminating the results of this intensive programme might be, for instance,
to address this subject matter and to call attention to this form of teaching and learning in an
international and interdisciplinary environment in lectures that are regularly offered for
interested members of the public by professors at the University of Siegen, regional museums,
and other cultural institutions, as well as at numerous partner universities. The project form and
the results achieved in this intensive programme can be made known at the national and
international levels at events held in connection with the European Higher Education Area by
representatives of partner universities involved in this project and who are, at the same time,
actively involved as coordinators in the Bologna Process. Practical tips can be given in
Bologna workshops on how to organize and execute events of this kind, etc.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule Stralsund
10 Years Student Formula
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Christine Wahmkow
Prof. Dr. Christine Wahmkow
Contact information
School of Mechanical Engineering
Zur Schwedenschanze 15
18435 Stralsund
Tel-1. +49/(0)3831/456552
Fax +49/(0)3831/45711552
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
University of Agder, Tor Erik Christensen
University of Bacau, Prof. Dr. Valentin Zichil
Hanze University Groningen, Yolanda Rijkeboer
University of Dundee, Dr. Alan Slade
Participating subject areas
New Technologies
Communication Skills
Social Competence
Level of study
Funded persons
20 students, 4 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 35,717.90
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Given the fact that the Department of Mechanical Engineering is extremely well equipped at
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences and the level of specialization in automotive
engineering is very high there, foreign students are to be given an opportunity to see modern
trends in automotive engineering. Lectures, tutorials, and lab courses are offered in the
framework of the intensive programme. A field trip to a vehicle manufacturer is planned.
The following subjects are covered in the programme: engineering aspects of chassis design,
systems engineering in motor vehicles, state-of-the-art engines and engine management
systems, alternative power systems, fuzzy control, car manufacturer logistics, composite
materials in vehicle manufacturing, motor vehicle design, marketing, sponsoring, small-batch
Computer applications relating to cost factors will also play a role, making the course just as
interesting for future industrial engineers as for students of mechanical engineering.
The fact that there is a very successful student racing team at Stralsund University of Applied
Sciences and also an Eco Mobile team that is able to look back on major successes in the
United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, make the intensive programme additionally
interesting. We would like to pass on our experience to you on the tenth anniversary of the
founding of the student racing team.
Participating universities will provide lectures.
Planned dissemination of project results
Lecture scripts from the intensive programme are to be collected in English and used in
teaching at our partner universities. We will likely post them on the Internet. Important texts will
be provided on CD or USB stick. Our experience is that students very much like to take home
with them racing car designs they draw during the IP.
During the intensive programme participating scientists from the host university will have the
advantage of being able to update their papers and exchange the latest information with one
other. The intensive programme creates an incentive to take current topics out of the realm of
research and include them in the normal curriculum of the partner universities as having been
tested. This will be a support to accompanying scientists in the national delegations and
provide them with teaching material.
It is expected that participants will report on the course in their home countries. This will
amount to a further synergetic effect.
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Fachhochschule Stralsund
Automation and Modelling of FC-based Energy Systems
Project coordinator
University teachers
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Hans-Friedrich Bauch
Prof. Dr. Hans-Friedrich Bauch
Prof. Dr. Birgit Steffenhagen
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Miege
Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz
Prof. Dr. Reinhardt Cremer
Dr. Mirko Barz
Prof. Dr. Jochen Lehmann
Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Zur Schwedenschanze 15
18435 Stralsund
Tel-1. +49/(0)3831/456710
Fax +49/(0)3831/456687
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Universitetet i Adger, Ass. Prof. Dr. Kofoed Nielsen
Kaunas University of Technology, Ass. Prof. Audrius
Kymenlaakson Ammattikorkeakoulu, Prof. Dr. Markku
Vilnius Gedeminas Technical University, Prof. Dr.
Roma Rinkevičien÷
Tallinn University of Technology, Ass. Prof. Dr. Tiit
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Houcine Hassan
West Pomeranian University of Technology in
Szczecin, Dr. Zbiegniew Sekulski
Participating subject areas
Electricity and Energy
Electronics and Automation
Level of study
BA and MA students
Funded persons
35 students, 8 teachers
Working language
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 54,895.10
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Modern energy supply systems include the use of renewable energy sources. Because of the
fluctuating character of photovoltaic and wind energy, hydrogen will be used as an energy
vector in the future. Fuel cells as a part of automated energy systems play a dominant role in
this scenario.
The programme for our students will include:
lectures about different approaches in the modelling of fuel cells, first providing a grounding
in the fundamentals and then focusing on the automation of fuel cell systems in practice,
lectures about control and automation of fuel cells, the design of fuel-cell-based systems,
coupling of fuel cells with different renewable energy sources, and
lectures about various aspects of hydrogen technology,
practical training in the Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems at Stralsund University of
Applied Sciences.
One important goal is that of familiarizing our students with a brand-new technology: the
practical use of low-temperature fuel cells. In addition, teamwork in multinational groups might
be an initial step towards spending a term abroad to gain practical experience and a better
understanding of the European Union.
Planned dissemination of project results
It is our intention, on the basis of this IP, to carry out further projects with our partners aimed at
taking into account advances being made in science and engineering. In keeping with the
innovative theme of the IP, the topics dealt with are intended to lead to R&D projects at the
participating universities. Our objective with this IP is to expand and intensify exchange
activities (professors, BA/MA students) in the area of renewable energies. The attractiveness
of the offer may make it possible to get participants to pay a larger share of the costs
themselves in the future. Given the urgency of the issues at hand it is likely that industry will be
willing to provide money for supplementary training measures of this kind so that by involving
engineers from the region we will be doing greater justice to networking as a European
concept and the principle of life-long learning.
The IP website has been created and can be accessed (
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen
Akademie Historische Orgel in Süddeutschland
(Academy for Historical Organs in Southern Germany)
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Michael Gerhard Kaufmann
Pfarrer Dr. Martin Weeber, Lehrbeauftragter
Contact information
Institut für Orgel und Kirchenmusik (i. Gr.)
Kapellenhof 6
78628 Rottweil
Tel-1. +49/(0)741/17526-40
Tel-2. +49/(0)741/17526-41
Mobil: +49/(0)175/6012282
Fax +49/(0)741/17526-48
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Prof. Dr.
Armando Carideo
Göteborgs Universitet, Drs. Paul Peters
Vysoká škola múzických umeni v Bratislave, Prof. Dr. J
an Vladimir Michalko
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima din Cluj-Napoca,
Dr. Maria Abrudan
Tartu Ülikool – Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, Olev Kents
Hochschule für Musik Würzburg, Prof. Dr. h.c.
Christoph Bossert
Fachhochschule Köln, Prof. Dr. Friederike Waentig
Hochschule Reutlingen, Prof. Dr. Helmut Maier
Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w
Katowicach, Prof. Julian Gembalski
Participating subject areas
Music and Musicology
Cultural Heritage Preservation
Level of study
Funded persons
25 students, 9 teachers
Working language
German; English
Maihingen, Arnstadt, Ochsenhausen
Length of course
12 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 41,392.07
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
The IP "Academy for Historical Organs in Southern Germany" is an integral part (workshop
module) of the international master's degree programme "OrganExpert". Using well preserved
instruments from the Baroque and the Romantic periods, it makes a significant contribution to
a systematic understanding of the evolution of organs in southern Germany as a part of
European cultural history. This focus takes us from the southern German Baroque organ on up
to the Classic/Romantic sound of the organ in Europe that attained general recognition around
the world and had become the global standard by the late 19th and early 20th century.
The objectives of the IP are an analysis and explanation of the specific phenomena associated
with "organ" and "organ sound" from the perspective of an artist, a musicologist, and an
organmaker. The student's knowledge of the organ tradition and ability to express this
musically will be verified on genuine Baroque organs.
The target groups for this IP are students enrolled in the OrganExpert international master's
degree programme as well as students studying for further organ degrees (Church Music,
Artistic Training, Soloist Class) at the universities/academies in the OrganExpert partner
Learning activities will be primarily artistic and musicological with just a few components
relating to the work of a skilled organmaker. The artistic work will take place in individual and
group lessons as well as in lessons in which the students are divided up into smaller groups
and assigned to parallel locations, each group with its own professor. This arrangement
provides an optimum of individual attention and independent work with the instrument in
question and guarantees the development of talented young organists. A presentation of
musicological background in lectures, seminars, and discussions will lead to a comprehensive
understanding of the stylistic changes that took place between the various musical periods and
the sound-related and technical phenomena associated with this for the respective types of
organs. Technical questions and organ-building solutions will be discussed during visits to an
organmaker's workshop and an organ museum as well as during moments when you take time
to have a good look at how an organ is built.
The expected results are as follows: The students will acquire competence in performing
artistically on historical organs, in engaging in scholarly discourse on the changes that took
place in the sociocultural context of the instrument, and in thinking in the categories of an
organmaker. The musical repertoire developed during the IP will be presented in a church
service and in several concerts. The transparency of the project for the public will be embraced
by the media (newspapers, magazines, radio).
Planned dissemination of project results
A website for advertising and prepare the IP "Academy for Historical Organs in Southern
Germany" was created on the website of the "Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen"
and is now being enlarged for project follow-up. All relevant information with regard to the
proceedings and results of the IP is provided here.
The sustainability of the project is reflected among other things in the dialogue between
practicing organists (students) and organmakers (auditors). It is structured so as to ensure a
longer-term relationship. Each year in the three-year period the focus will be on different
instruments of central importance for the southern German organ tradition. In 2009 it will be the
Baumeister organ in Maihingen (1734-37); in 2010 it will be the Gabler organ in Ochsenhausen
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
(1734/1753); and in 2011 it will be the Link organ in Giengen (1906), all of which are well
preserved and authentisch instruments. The continuation of this discourse is guaranteed by
the publication of seminar papers in book form,
the production of a DVD audiobook, in which the three organs are contrasted with one
the compilation of a sampler documenting the sound of each instrument for use with
different computer applications.
The book and DVD will be published as part of the "Library of OrganExpert" series by Verlag
Organ-Buch, Öhringen, and distributed internationally by the publisher; excerpts can be
downloaded from the website.
The sounds of the teaching organs documented in a sampling procedure have been digitally
remastered by OrganARTMedia, Reutlingen, and are now available as interactive sound
programmes for computers and as virtual pipe organ software. Excerpts can be heard on the
Trossingen Music Academy (Musikhochschule Trossingen) website.
A further media presence will be created by articles appearing in newspapers and magazines
or in programmes on public radio stations (SWR). Course participants will act as multipliers
interacting with the general public in a variety of ways (organists and auditors: organmakers,
conservators etc.). This will guarantee comprehensive and sustainable involvement of all target
groups in the results of the project.
Implementation of the principles defined in the Erasmus University Charter constitutes a gain
for the European Community in that it helps raise awareness of the need to preserve a living
legacy that has come down to us from the past and, as such, contributes to the preservation of
the European cultural heritage. When those who have a profound knowledge of sacred music
share with others by performing in church services this cannot but instil joy in the hearts of the
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
User-Friendly Innovations and Design for Senior Citizens
Project coordinator
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Leonore Heiland
Prof. Dr. Leonore Heiland
Contact information
Fakultät Physikalische Technik/Informatik
PF 201037
08012 Zwickau
Tel-2. +49/(0)375/536-1501
Fax +49/(0)375/536-1503
E-mail: [email protected]
Partner universities and contacts
JAMK university of applied sciences, Technical
university of Cluj-Napoca, PhD Dan Mandru
Technical university of Catalonia, PhD Daniel Guasch
University of Trento, Prof. Antonio Frattari
Hochschule Esslingen, Prof. Dr. Walter Czarnetzki
Participating subject areas
Engineering Sciences
Architecture and Building
Level of study
BA, MA and PhD
Funded persons
27 students, 6 teachers
Working language
Jyväskylä, Finland
Length of course
10 days
Initial application
Envisaged project duration
3 years
ERASMUS Grant 2009/10
€ 48,648.50
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD
Project description
Against the backdrop of a rising percentage of senior citizens in European societies it is the
objective of this IP to dedicate greater attention to the needs of older people in the training we
give our engineers, in the products we develop, and in the way we design the world around us.
We want to develop an IP that will focus on user-friendly innovation and design that sees the
needs of older people as being of central importance. Participating students will work in
multidisciplinary teams and be supervised by professors and lecturers from a variety of subject
areas. These teams will be international in composition. The language of instruction is English,
which is a foreign language for all the participants. The IP will require both mobility and an
ability to engage in international cooperation. The participants will have numerous
opportunities to practice this and improve their Englisch proficiency. The regime of work and
study will involve the solving of project and design problems, e-learning, lectures, and
excursions. A personal objective for every one of the participating students will be that of
developing and/or improving skills in the presentation and scientific discussion of solutions as
well as integration and conflict resolution in a multicultural team. The final assignment for each
team is that of compiling a learning diary. Projects and learning diaries will be published on the
IP website. Because of its internationality and multidisciplinarity this IP constitutes an
innovative form of training. Innovations in product and environmental design are possible. This
IP will promote and spread a positive attitude towards the process of aging in Europe and, as
such, make a contribution for the future.
Planned dissemination of project results
A dissemination plan will be made and monitored by the coordinator (WHZ). Each partner will
have responsibility for disseminating the results of the IP according to the dissemination plan.
The results will be disseminated on the following levels: 1. organisational level; 2. partner
group level; 3. regional level; 4. educational level; 5. European / transnational level.
The importance of disseminating the results within the various professional networks
(engineering, social and health care, architecture, design) will be emphasised with a view to
meeting the goals of the LLP / Erasmus programme and the guidelines set out by the
The results of the IP will be shared internally through the e-learning environment and
summarised on the IP website. Partner universities will disseminate these results through their
staffs, intranets, and on their websites. The results will also be disseminated in the partners'
national and transnational cooperation networks, as well as in professional publications,
seminars etc. During the IP articles will be published on the planning and implementation of an
extracurricular social programme. Articles will be in English or another European language.
Abstracts will be both in English and a national language (some will be posted on the IP
website). All materials – except for posters - will be provided in electronic form for reasons of
sustainability (press releases, articles, slide shows, study material etc.).
IP Compendium 2009/10, DAAD