News letter 31.8.12 - Deutsche Schule Taipei
News letter 31.8.12 - Deutsche Schule Taipei
31st August 2012 The EPC Primary Newsletter Telephone: +886 2 8145 9007 Volume No: 01 Welcome to the current edition of the Wen Lin Journal - the fortnightly newsletter for the European Primary Campus. Inside this newsletter you will find all the latest goings on for the French Section, German Section, British Infant Section and British Junior Section. We also frequently have articles from other parts of the school community such as the library staff and PTA. Inside this week’s journal… • Remember your first day at school. The British Nursery children had a magical day! • Come and join the Fun with British Section Year 3’s Activity Day • A warm welcome to the new children in Klasse 1 of the German Section • The Bilingual programme in the French Section reaches it’s 5th year • The Library is open and ready to lend you books! We also have… Our usual letters from Mrs Martin and Ms Corry and contributions from the library staff. School Website Links British Infant Section British Junior Section French Section German Section Dear Parents WELCOME to the new academic year 2012—2013. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer holiday. I went back to England and spent 7 weeks with friends and family, and I loved every minute!! I would like to welcome a few people who are new to our Section this year Shanthi Shingham—Nursery class teacher in Turtle Class David Treston—Reception class teacher in Frog Class Carol Cristie— Reception class teacher in Jaguar Class plus Reception Year Group Leader Hilary Trehern—Year One class teacher in Serow Class Jane Walden—Year One class teacher in Bear Class Michaela Stevens—EAL support teacher in Reception Corne Coetzee—EAL teacher in Year One Nikolai Deaves—EAL teacher in Year Two Karina Tung—Nursery assistant in Seahorse Class Judy Chang—Nursery assistant in Octopus Class The list seems quite long, but over the summer we expanded and created an additional class in both Year One and Year Two. We now have 4 classes in each year group, hence we needed more staff. The school year has started really well, and I would like to thank you for showing such commitment to the school uniform, even down to the black shoes. The children all look really smart. Don’t forget to label ALL items worn and / or brought in to school, especially items such as school hats and lunch bottles. Staff work hard to look after the children but haven’t really got the time to look after all their property as well. Naming all items really helps the children look after their own things. Children are allowed to bring their own footballs in to school, but they MUST NOT be leather, and the children need to understand that they bring them to school at their own risk. Teachers again, have not got time to look after footballs. We do not allow leather balls because the Infant children have to play football in an area close to windows, and we want to avoid any windows getting broken. Can you also please make sure any football brought in to school is clearly named. The teachers are all busy settling the children back in to school. They are looking at last year’s records as well as making their own assessments. All the children apart from in the Nursery should be bringing reading books home, and it is always at this time that I offer a Parent Information / Workshop on our Reading Scheme. This year is no different. I will be running the workshop on Friday 21st September in the Infant Cookery Room at 1:40. If you are interested in attending this session, please fill out the form below and return it to the Infant Office by Friday 14th September. I look forward to working in partnership with you as we work together to meet the needs of your children. Best wishes Ruth Martin [email protected] _________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name _______________________ Child’s Class ________________________ I would like to attend the Reading Workshop on Friday 21st September at 1:40 Do you remember your first day at school? Your first class? Your first teachers? Most of our Nursery children are now experiencing these ‘firsts’… and we hope their time with us is fun, happy and interesting. By the way, our ‘firsts’ were: Miss Beate was in ‘Bunny’ class with Miss Green in South Africa Miss Jenny’s teacher was Yamamoto in Tokyo, and she cried because she didn’t understand Japanese. Miss Karen remembers singing hymns with Sister Eulalia in the UK Miss Shanthi had fun building with blocks in Singapore. New student orientation Dear Parents, Students and friends of the School, Welcome to our first official newsletter for this academic year ‘The Wen Lin Journal’. The newsletter is published every fortnight on our website and parents are sent a link by email. Each section contributes to the newsletter and my letter will give you information about current and future events as well as reminders for the students in British Juniors. New Term Our school term has started very smoothly despite the disruption caused by a broken water pipe underneath the terraced area adjacent to the canteen. Parking and the disruption to the flow of traffic has also caused difficulties for parents and the school is seeking ways to resolve this issue. Once the ECAs start next week matters should improve somewhat. In the first few weeks of school the teachers invest time in ensuring the children are clear about the expectations of behaviour and help them to become familiar with the normal school routines. We expect the children to take responsibility for their own belongings, particularly at the end of the day. Any clothing items left around the school are put into the lost property boxes which are housed outside the Music Rooms. At the end of every half term any unclaimed items, which have not been named, are donated to the PTA second hand uniform sale. Please make sure your child collects their lunchbox at the end of the day. If your child travels home by bus their lunchbox is placed on the wire shelving units (currently outside the main door of the Junior Wing) If going home by car it is left in the canteen. We throw away any lunchboxes which have been left at school for longer than a week as they become a health hazard, particularly in the hot weather. Welcome Evening Thank you to all of those who were able to attend our evening event yesterday. It was an opportunity for parents to meet the staff and match names to faces. Each year group informed parents of the overview for the year and we have now posted the information booklets on the website. Each term you will be sent a link to an outline of the programme for your child’s year group. Please click here to access the current information. Parent Teacher Meetings Wednesday 19th September 3:30pm - 7:30pm The purpose of this meeting is for the class and EAL teachers to let you know how well your child has settled into their new class and for you to let us know more about them. However please note that if you have any concerns please make an appointment to see the teacher as soon as possible. The best way to do this is by writing a note in your child’s Home/Link diary or you can contact the office. Information about class groupings for Chinese Language Classes Please note that your child will be bringing home a letter on Monday 3rd September with details of their CLC teacher and which group they have been placed in. New Staff I would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members of staff: Mrs Gillian Richardson - Year 3 teacher Mr Kyle Stebbing - Year 6 teacher Mr Greig Richardson - Year 6 EAL teacher Ms Prerna Gurnani - Special Needs Assistant ECAs (Extra Curricula Activities) Our exciting lunchtime ECA and after school activity programme starts on Monday. If you have any questions please contact the organisers as listed in the ECA booklet or contact the office. Please ensure your child is collected from the canteen at 4:15pm. Birthdays If it is your child’s birthday and you would like to celebrate it by sending in cake please note that we ask you to contact your child’s class teacher first to arrange an appropriate time. Teachers find cutting and serving large creamy cakes very difficult as it ‘eats’ into teaching and learning time. It is much easier to give out cupcakes, sliced traybakes or cookies at break time rather than cakes at the end of the day. Please note we don’t allow presents or sweets to be given out in school. If your child has dietry restrictions or food allergies please can you write a note in your child’s Home/Link diary. Dates: As soon as all trip dates have been finalised we will send out a Junior Section Calendar for the term. In the meantime please note the following: Monday 3rd September Tuesday 4th September 6:00 - 6:45pm Year 4 parents - Camp Taiwan meeting Wednesday 5th September 9:00 - 10:30am Parent Support Council Coffee Morning Friday 7th September 8:30 - 10:00am New parents - Transition Meeting Thursday 13th September 1:50 - 3:00pm EAL Workshop for parents Tuesday 18th September EAL reports sent home Wednesday 19th September 3:30 - 7:30pm Parent/teacher meetings Thank you for your support in helping your child settle into school over the last two weeks. The children have made an excellent start to the year and I have been particularly pleased with the way new children have been welcomed into the school by their peers. Kind regards Adele Corry Head of British Junior Section [email protected] Tel: (02) 8145 9007 Ext 1501/1502 The Year 3 children took part in an activity day. We played leap frogs, made costumes, became real life statues and played ball games. As you can see, all the children had a great time. If only every day could be like this! ES IST ZEIT! D i e S c h ul e b e gi nn t . von Oliver Günter Es gibt eine Zeit zum Lernen und Arbeiten und auch eine Zeit zum Reisen und Erholen. Letztere war am 20. August 2012 für unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler vorbei. Und so fanden sich alle wieder in der Schule ein - neugierig darauf, wie wohl die ersten Schultage anlaufen und die neuen Lehrerinnen Frau Helga Averbeck und Frau Saniye Sarikaya so sein werden. Der erste Schultag verlief für alle ruhig und ohne besondere Vorkommnisse und Nebenwirkungen. Am zweiten Schultag kamen dann auch unsere Erstklässler zur Schule. Sie wurden von uns um acht Uhr im Amphitheater in Empfang genommen. Eingestimmt mit Fotos aus dem Vorjahr, eröffnete Helene aus der dritten Klasse unsere Einschulungsfeier. Laut rief sie in die Runde: "Es ist Zeit!" Doch Zeit für was? Zeit zum Fußballspielen, zum Faulenzen? Das fragten sich einige Schülerinnen und Schüler, die sich zu ihr auf die Bühne gesellten. Schnell wurden die hinzugekommenen Kinder von Helene aufgeklärt: "Nein, es ist Zeit für Schule!" Da ging es dann auch schon los: Mit einem wilden Tanz zu dem Lied "Ke Nako! Es ist Zeit!", das übrigens anlässlich der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2010 komponiert und von unserer Jill Lin einstudiert wurde. Unser Schulleiter, Herr Emmanuel Fritzen, eröffnete nun offiziell die Feierlichkeiten und begrüßte alle anwesenden Eltern, Kinder, Lehrer - und natürlich unsere neun Erstklässler, die voller Stolz ihre Schultüten mitgebracht hatten. Frau Helga Averbeck holte die "Neuen" auf die Bühne und gab ihnen schon ihre erste Aufgabe: Mit Hilfe eines Sternenpuzzle - passend zu unseren neuen Lehrwerken "Einstern" und "Einsterns Schwester" - fanden sich Paare bestehend aus einem Erstklässler und einem Zweitklässer. So erhielt jeder Erstklässler seinen "Paten", der sich fortan um ihn kümmern und ihm helfen sollte. Bevor die Erstklässler von ihren "Paten" in das Klassenzimmer geführt wurden, sangen die Kinder der Klassen zwei bis vier noch das Lied "Ihr geht jetzt zur Schule", von mir auf der Gitarre begleitet. Und dann ging es auch gleich los mit Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen. Ich wünsche allen ein erfolgreiches Schuljahr 2012/2013! M ÄR C HE N AU S AL L E R W E LT U n s e r e P r ä s e nt a t i o ne n von Oliver Günter Die Ergebnisse unserer Projektwoche wurden am Kurzem noch Müllerstochter war, sowie der Bremer 18. November im Amphitheater vorgestellt. Stadtmusikanten - Hänsel und Gretel aus dem Unter großem Beifall der anwesenden Eltern, Freunde und Gäste bezwangen schließlich die merkwürdigen "Märchenwald" heraus und sicher nach Hause zu geleiten. Erstklässler mit einer goldenen Axt und einer gol- Und den Schülerinnen und Schülern der Klasse 3/4 denen Schere die wilden taiwanesischen Drachen kommt nach dem beeindruckendem Stockkampf a aus dem Sonne-Mond-See. lá Robin Hood nun keiner mehr zu nahe. Den Zweitklässlern gelang es - mithilfe des Rotkäppchens und Jägers, der Königin, die vor die Drachen des Sonne-Mond-Sees "Hänsel und Gretel im Märchenwald" Stockkampf die Drachen werden getötet Märchenfiguren im Wald Stockkampf Happy End das ganze Ensemble Foto der Präsentation M ÄR C HE N AU S AL L E R W E LT U n s e r Vor l e s e t a g von Oliver Günter Unmittelbar nach den Präsentationen konnten die Grundschüler in verschiedenen Räumen weitere Märchen aus aller Welt hören, denn wir nahmen zum ersten Mal am bundesweiten Vorlesetag statt. In Deutschland fand dieser bereits zum achten Mal statt. Die Idee: Prominente und Interessierte lesen in Schulen aus ihren Lieblingsbüchern vor und geben so ihre Begeisterung für das Lesen an ihre Zuhörer weiter. Unser besonderer Dank gilt hier den Vorleserinnen und Vorleser Frau Lydia Englberger vom Deutschen Institut, Frau Nina von Scherenberg vom Goethe Institut, Frau Dr. Stefanie Eschenlohr vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst, Frau Andrea Borowsky vom German Trade Center sowie Frau Sabine Schirk und Herrn Knut Nau von der Elternschaft. Auch danken wir den vielen Eltern, die durch ihr Engagement diesen Tag erst ermöglichten. Herzlichen Dank! Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Vorlesetag! Frau Englberger beim Vorlesen Frau von Scherenberg beim Vorlesen Frau Eschenlohr beim Vorlesen Frau Borowsky nach dem Vorlesen Frau Schirk beim Vorlesen Herr Nau beim Vorlesen auch die Vorschulkinder waren dabei Elterncafé Plakat Le programme bilingue françaisfrançais-anglais à l'école primaire fête ses 5 ans et s'offre un nouveau curriculum « Ainsi tout enfant peut devenir bilingue puis multilingue, pourvu que l’on consente à satisfaire certaines conditions… Les unilingues de l’Europe de demain risque d’apparaître comme des sinistrés de la parole. Les multilingues seront, au contraire, le ciment du monde. Comment refuser de donner aux écoliers dès les premières années, en y introduisant le bilinguisme, ce surcroît d’humanité qui fait tout l’enchantement de l’enfant aux deux langues ». Le programme bilingue, le plus ambitieux des projets de la Section française, a été mis en place en 2007 en Petite et Moyenne Sections. En 2012-2013, il couvre les niveaux de la Maternelle au CM1 et sera achevé à la rentrée 2013 avec l’ouverture du CM2, dernière classe de l’école primaire. Pourquoi le bilinguisme? C’est à l’école que nos enfants acquièrent les outils nécessaires pour comprendre et agir sur le monde qui les entoure. A la Section française, nous pensons que le langage est le plus puissant de ces outils. Il leur permet d’exprimer leurs pensées, besoins et désirs, et, interprétant de multiples façons leurs expériences, les aide à construire leur personnalité. Les avantages à être bilingue sont nombreux : ◦ Le bilinguisme accroît la souplesse intellectuelle des enfants. La possession de deux langues vivantes (ou plus) augmente les chances de parler couramment, l’originalité et les capacités d’adaptation et de réflexion des sujets. ◦ Les enfants bilingues entretiennent un fort sens de leur propre identité, en même temps qu’ils deviennent sensibles aux autres peuples et aux autres cultures. ◦ Ils sont plus disposés et plus doués pour l’apprentissage d’une troisième langue. ◦ L’opération qui consiste à séparer deux langues en évitant de mélanger les codes confère aux sujets bilingues une approche des langues plus analytique. ◦ Le bilinguisme offre un avantage lors des études supérieures et dans le monde du travail. La moitié de l’humanité parlant deux ou plusieurs langues, être bilingue constitue un atout majeur pour votre enfant : avec une éducation bilingue, il est mieux préparé à s’intégrer dans un monde de plus en plus interdépendant. Le saviezsaviez-vous? ◦ Les programmes enseignés sont les programmes officiels de l’Education nationale, sauf pour les programmes de langue anglaise, qui se réfèrent au UK National Literacy Framework . ◦ L’écriture utilisée par les élèves et les enseignants est l’écriture cursive française. ◦ Pour enseigner la totalité des programmes, il faut répartir les contenus d’enseignement entre les deux langues. ◦ Une compétence est validée dès lors qu’elle est acquise dans l’une ou l’autre langue – et non dans l’une et l’autre langue. ◦ L’éducation bilingue repose sur le processus de transfert des acquisitions d’une langue dans l’ autre. ◦ Les programmes limitent le recours à la traduction et privilégient l’acquisition des savoirs dans une langue à la fois. Ils s’attachent à ménager le transfert des concepts dans la seconde langue sur un temps long. ◦ Les supports pédagogiques sont des supports originaux dans la langue concernée – pas des traductions. Catherine Buatois Directrice de la Section française The bilingual programme FrenchFrench-English in Primary celebrates its 5th anniversary and develops a new curriculum The bilingual programme was implemented in the French Section in the 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes in 2007. It has been the most challenging project of the French Section. In 2012-2013, the primary school has a bilingual curriculum in French and English from Kindergarten level to the fourth year. In the future, the bilingual programme will continue up to the end of the primary school (CM2, age 11) and so be completed in 2013. Why bilinguism? Our world has changed dramatically over the last few decades and is becoming fully interconnected. Succeeding in the 21st century will require new ways of thinking, strong language skills and an open mind. Bilingualism carries concrete advantages and improves abilities for children who grow up speaking a second language. ◦ Bilingualism increases mental flexibility for children. Bilinguals will have two or more words for a single object, concept or idea. ◦ Bilingual children are more willing and able to learn a third language, and show an increa- sed analytical orientation to language. ◦ Learning a second language helps children build self-esteem, creativity, problem-solving skills, and math ability. ◦ Bilingual children maintain a strong sense of their own identity while developing sensitivity towards other people and cultures. ◦ Since bilinguals need to be aware of which language to speak in which situation, a bilingual child is more aware of the needs of the listener. ◦ Being taught in two languages gives children a head start in competition for universities and jobs. Learning another language is a step towards joining the global community. When more than half the world’s population is bilingual, mastering a second language teaches ways of interacting with the world. French Section Tips ◦The curriculum taught is the French national curriculum except for the English Language curriculum which refers to the UK National Literacy Framework.. ◦The handwriting used by the students and the teachers is the French cursive handwriting. ◦In order to complete the curriculum in elementary, the teaching content needs to be split among the two languages. ◦A competency is recognised as having been acquired when mastered in one language – not both. ◦The bilingual education is based on the transfer process from one language to the other. Translation is not a satisfactory approach. ◦The curriculum needs to accommodate a long time frame to allow for the transfer of a competency once it has been fully mastered in the language it was taught. ◦All materials are original materials in French or in English – not translations. Catherine Buatois French Section Head Dear Parents, WELCOME BACK… and a special welcome to all the new families! It’s another new year and, like always, we have new books to welcome our children back to school! You’ll find English, French, German, AND Chinese new books sitting in our new book area in both Junior (3F) and Infant (4F) Libraries. Act fast before all the books are gone! What’s more, all Primary Campus parents will enjoy the privilege of borrowing up to 5 Library books for two weeks! All you need to do is to provide our library staff with your parent access card and borrower details for creating a personal account for our library. As a good example to our children, we’d like you to take good care of our library books and to return the loans on time. For more information, please refer to the poster on the next page. We welcome everyone to visit our amazing Library and discover the wonderland in books. However, owing to the fact that our Library is also part of the teaching center, we will only open to parents from 15.00 to 16.00. Please keep in mind that we require you to switch your cell phone off or to the silent mode before enter the Library. Happy Reading! Primary Library Team Breaking News! Parents are able to borrow books! Are you a parent of Primary Campus? Is your child a Reading Mania? Are 3 books not enough for your children? If so… Our parent borrowing program is exactly the one you need! Please provide our library staffs with your: • Parent Access Card • Full Name • Contact Info. (E-mail & Phone Nr.) Parent Borrowing Regulations: • Maximum of borrowing: 5 Books • Period of borrowing: 2 Weeks • Times of renewal: 1 (please renew loans BEFORE due date) • Overdue reminder will be sent by e-mail weekly • NT$5 PER DAY PER ITEM will be charged for OVERDUE loans