summer programs


summer programs
The Rev. Steve Hilgeman, pastor of Redeemer, said that as they
ran their campaign they encouraged members to, “Give as God
leads you to do so, and the results will handle themselves." He also
shared that the members focused on the idea that “It was all
about sending children and families to camp!”
In a conversation with Libby Bedenbaugh, campaign
director, Pastor Hilgeman shared his thoughts concerning the
congregation’s response to the campaign for Standing on the
Promise. “It is important to know that this campaign was designed
to be followed immediately by our annual stewardship drive;
the congregation knew that, and they responded in kind in the
congregation stewardship campaign. The Holy Spirit moved this
congregation significantly; the number of pledging members has
increased, and overall giving has given us the confidence to increase
our proposed budget by an additional 10-12%.”
The LINK is published 3 times per year by NovusWay Ministries.
Standard postage paid at Arden, NC.
Postmaster: Please send address changes to
The LINK, 28 Spruce Drive, Arden, NC 28704.
Florida/Bahamas Synod
The Rev. Joe Glymph, Carl A. Berkey-Abbott
North Carolina Synod
Frank W. Reed, The Rev. Gregory B. Williams
South Carolina Synod
The Rev. Christine Stoxen, Kevin Wicker
Southeastern Synod
The Rev. Dale A. Sillik, Mary K. Peterson
Vol LXVIII No. 1, February 2015
Winter 2015
Summer Camp 2015!
Change Service Requested
Occasionally a pastor will raise the concern
that Lutheranch is too far away for his/her
congregation to get involved. Sometimes
someone will share that the church is having trouble balancing
its own budget, so how can they help Lutheranch? Fortunately,
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Savannah, didn’t let either
of these objections stand in the way of conducting a campaign
this past fall. Not only did they conduct a campaign, but they
exceeded the $300 per worshipper challenge goal and received
commitments of $25,720 from a congregation that averages 75
weekly in worship.
Standing on the Promise continues in
congregations across the Southeastern
Synod with $2.7 million in commitments
received by year end 2014. The response has
been very encouraging especially when one
considers that two campaigns have been
conducted back to back in the synod.
Redeemer-Savannah, GA
Conducts Successful Campaign!
Summer camp 2015 holds the promise to be tremendous at Lutheridge,
Lutherock, Luther Springs and Lutheranch! An exceptional team of summer
staff is being assembled and trained and attendance is projected to increase
at each site. Lutheranch will be hosting its first ever confirmation camp and
Luther Springs programs will be led by Sue Mendenhall, the new synod director
for youth and camp ministry. Lutheridge is adding Pony Express for grade
school youth, Ride On Explorers and Mission Team Paddlers for middle school
youth and Grandparents Camp. Lutherock is offering an Upward Soccer Camp.
Family Camp and many other adventure options for youth in grades 3-12 are
offered at Lutherock and Luther Springs.
Susan Tellefsen not only served as the congregational leader
for Standing on the Promise, but she also chaired “The
Challenge” campaign for Lutheranch.
Bedenbaugh remarked; “We are grateful for congregations
like Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Savannah.” She
went on to say that an additional 20 congregations have
scheduled campaigns this winter and spring, but there is
still time for congregations to conduct a campaign before
it concludes in June 2015. In addition to Bedenbaugh, the
Rev. David Hart is available to assist congregations. For
more information on how your
congregation can participate,
please contact Bedenbaugh at
[email protected] or
Libby Bedenbaugh Rev. David Hart
Libby Bedenbaugh, Senior Development Associate
The Rev. David Hart, Development Associate
The Rev. David Kruger, Development Associate
The Rev. Jan Setzler, Senior Development Associate
Dale Nettnin, Development Associate
The Rev. Mary Canniff-Kuhn, Lutheridge Program Co-Director
The Rev. Tim Canniff-Kuhn, Lutheridge Program Co-Director
Kara & Jacob Ridenhour, Lutherock Directors
Sue Mendenhall, Luther Springs Program Director
At Large
Amy Carpenter, Dr. Everett Flanigan, Todd Johnson, Susan Lee,
Katherine Till, Paul Schabacker, Larry Moeller
The Rev. Dr. Leonard H. Bolick, The Rev. H. Julian Gordy, The Rev. Herman Yoos
Carl Berkey-Abbott
The Rev. Jack Diehl
The Rev. Robert G. Schaefer
Michele Hilton
Karen Grenier
The Rev. Nathan S. Swenson-Reinhold
Don Armagost
Todd Johnson
Yvonne Will
The Rev. Katie Carroll
Tom Kyle
Margo Walbolt
Laura Bedenbaugh, Director of Sales and Marketing
Jonathan Frock, Sr. Facilities Consultant
Keith Johnson, Executive Director
Margo Rabon, LINK Editor
Craig Rieger, Vice President of Properties
Susan Troutman, Chief Operating Officer
NovusWay is owned and operated by the FloridaBahamas, NC, SC, and Southeastern synods of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and serves
all ages from the SE USA. Its camp and conference
facilities are Lutheridge, 160 acres in Arden, NC,
known for its summer camp and year-round ministry
programs; Lutherock, 762 acres on Sugar Mt.,
near Newland, NC, known for its rugged, outdoor
adventure ministry and Lutheranch, 519 pristine acres
in Tallapoosa, GA
Luther Springs is owned and operated by the The
Florida-Bahamas Synod of the ELCA. Programs are
offered throughout the Synod and at Luther Springs,
situated on the shores of Vause Lake. Luther Springs
serves all ages, year-round.
The Holy Spirit uses the Christ-centered camp communities to touch and change the lives of thousands of lives each
summer. The key to Christian camp is the college age staff that love tirelessly, are incredible servants and positive Christian
role models. They are truly following and living out Christ’s example of being a counselor to the world! And in return the
lives of the counselors are touched and changed forever. Witness the story of Athena Bless.
Athena attended Lutherock for three summers and had the same counselor for two summers. She
writes, “I looked up to her and from then on I aspired to be a counselor myself.” Athena followed
her dream and served at Lutherock as a counselor for three summers and as an area director
for one summer. She went on to exclaim, “I anticipated one day impacting campers the way my
counselor impacted me. Instead, I quickly learned that I would be the one impacted by camp
more and more every day. I have been changed by the
beautiful environment and natural landscapes…I have
grown and been humbled time and time again by the amazing
community of campers and staff. All of my experiences at Lutherock have
served as a catalyst to help me gain a better understanding of myself and
my relationship with God.”
Staff that love tirelessly,
are incredible
servants and positive
Christian role models
Athena is now a student at Wake Forest Divinity School and one day aspires to be a camp director. Kara Ridenhour,
Lutherock director, had this to say about Athena and her impact on campers, “She definitely impacted others with her
willingness to jump in and serve and her love for youth, God’s creation and this place was evident in everything she did.”
is both the theme and promise of summer camp for thousands of campers, staff,
pastors and leaders. Athena concluded her reflections by saying “(camp) is the perfect place for people of all backgrounds
and experiences to step away from day to day distractions and intentionally seek God through nature and community.”
Considering being a summer staff counselor?
Being a part of the Lutheridge, Lutherock, and Luther Springs summer staff is being a part of a dedicated team. The counselor
is a facilitator, guide, and role model, enabling the group to have fun at camp while they experience Christian community and
grow in their relationship with Jesus. The 2015 staff information is online at Please
forward the information to anyone who has been out of high school for one year, you think is interested and/or has the gifts to
be a counselor. If you have questions about a specific site, you may be in touch with Lori Bode for Lutheridge: lbode@lutheridge.
com, Kara Ridenhour for Lutherock: [email protected]; and Sue Mendenhall for Luther Springs: [email protected].
See pages 6-10 for Summer 2015 Program Schedule
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Hausers Make Expanded “Mission Possible” at Lutherock
Mission Possible is a $2.3 million capital campaign in the Florida/Bahamas Synod to help ensure
the future of Luther Springs and Lutherock. While the campaign is still in its very early stages and
commitments are still being received from leaders, nearly $600,000 has already been pledged and
there is hope of reaching the $3 million challenge goal!
At Luther Springs, projects will increase capacity for adults and youth, add kitchen (see rendering)
and meeting room space and program components for environmental education, and retire the
debt in order to free up funds for ministry. At Lutherock the purpose is to purchase land at the
entrance to the site (pictured aside) as well as additional land and to build an all-camp worship area.
Vickie and Dr. Ed
Ed and Vickie Hauser, Asheville, NC recently made a very generous gift to help purchase land at the entrance to Lutherock. (Their
gift will also enable a Pioneer Cabin at Lutheridge to be remodeled). Their gift came about in an unusual way. Over 15 years ago,
the Hausers committed substantial funds to a trust through the ELCA Foundation that would supplement their retirement income and one day provide funds
for expanded ministry at Lutherock. When they learned that the corpus of the trust would be depleted if they lived another ten years they decided to close the
trust and distribute the balance (over $75,000) to NovusWay as part of their Christian tithing.
St. Peter House
chapel and
Meeting room
Kitchen expansion
Adult Lodging
Kinports Porch Renovation
Chapel and Meeting Rooml
A Challenge Phase Project
Rev. Dr. Jan Setzler
Light Blue ExistingFacilities
The Hausers chose Lutherock as the primary recipient of their gift for several reason. Dr. Hauser has volunteered to do
field work at Lutherock for 25 years and chaired the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Council for most of those
years. As a retired professional ecologist he remarked,
Adult Lodging
“600 of the 709 acre Lutherock site are designated as a
Kuehner Center
“Caring for Creation” site by the North Carolina Synod’s
Task Force on Caring for Creation. The site has also
been designated as the Lutherock Significant Natural
Heritage Area by the state of North Carolina.”
The acreage at Lutherock’s entrance has never
been owned by the camp and this area is critical to
continued camp operation as Dr. Hauser noted,
“Since this land is now available for purchase by
the ministry, we directed our trust holdings to be
used to purchase this land.”
This gift is culmination of 25 years of
nce Road
Lutherock Entra
dedicated service to the ministry by Ed and Vickie Hauser. Dr. Hauser authored a very comprehensive
Natural Resources Management plan for Lutherock that was unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees. Recently he has been conducting
an environmental assessment at Luther Springs. The Hausers concluded their remarks by saying, “We hope our gift can be used as an inspiration and
challenge for others to contribute to this most worthy land acquisition.” If you would like more information on how you can help with Mission Possible at
either Luther Springs or Lutherock contact the Rev. Jan Setzler; [email protected], 864-942-2974.
Swimming Pool Dedication
Set for May 2, 2015
The much anticipated new swimming pool at Lutheridge is completed and ready to serve
campers in summer 2015. The pool (pictured at left) is situated on the lower campus
adjacent to Bischoff Lodge, and features a water slide, “ocean entry” for families and
children and a misted area. The adjacent bathhouse will serve the pool and new tent
village that will be completed in the coming months. The dedication of the new pool is
scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015, at which time all donors to the Heritage Campaign
and friends of ministry are invited to share in the festivities and camp celebration.
Libby Bedenbaugh
According to Jon Frock, Sr. Facilities Consultant, all Heritage projects have been completed with
the exception of the new tent village which should be ready to serve campers in summer 2016. Other projects included
installing a new HVAC system in Thornburg Hall and remodeling the guest rooms, remodeling Lineberger (dining) Hall
and adding a storage room, remodeling the apartments in Mission Hall and resurfacing the gatehouse section of the
entrance road. A tithe of Heritage Campaign proceeds also went to land acquisition at Lutheranch. Frock concluded
his assessment by stating, “These improvements position Lutheridge to very effectively serve and meet the needs of a new
generation in this new century.”
The original campaign goal was $2 million. The board increased the goal to $2.13 million in order to
undertake a more comprehensive remodeling of Thornburg Hall. As this edition of the LINK newsletter went to press, $2.04 million had
been received toward the $2.13 million goal. If you would like to help put the campaign over the top, contact Libby Bedenbaugh at libby@, 803-940-6523.
May 2, 2015 • Everyone Welcome
come for the day or inquire about staying over.
May 2, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
A day of fun and activities with BBQ picnic at Lakeside Lodge. Pool dedication and program with
lots of time for swimming. For more information on the Pool Celebration and Dedication event or to
register to stay over, contact Angie Yates, [email protected], 828-209-6328
WWW.NOVUSWAY.COM | 828.684.2361
2020 Plan Charts Future
Together with the Luther Springs Board of Directors, the
Planning & Review Committee and staff, the NovusWay
Board of Trustees spent August 8-9, 2014 at Lutherock
to begin work on Strategic Plan 2020. (Participants are
pictured below). The planning process was led by Frank
Chapman, Resource Development Associates, and a fellow
Lutheran from Lexington, SC. Following is a working draft of 2020 plan.
Mission “providing places set apart to inspire and empower all in Christ’s love”
and Vision “that all who come experience God’s grace, and go to love and serve”
Participants identified seven core values that are at the heart of NovusWay:
1. enabling spiritual growth as expressed in the mission and vision;
2. implementing Christ-centered community;
3. caring for God’s creation;
4. exhibiting high standards of competence and performance;
5. practicing teamwork;
6. demonstrating integrity and exemplary practices, and
7. being good stewards of resources entrusted to our care.
In order to live out the core values and accomplish the mission the board
identified, six imperatives need to be practiced:
Maintain a satisfied client base;
Provide a quality product (programs, facilities and hospitality);
Provide a safe environment for campers and guests;
Maintain financial stability;
Grow revenue and maintain flexibility; and
Increase the base of engaged stakeholders and donors.
Four strategic goals were
identified as the focus of the plan. Each goal has a team of board and staff that
are developing objectives and action plans to accomplish the goals by 2020:
1. Increase total participation 50% by December 2020;
2. Relieve ourselves of the burden of the balloon payment for Lutheranch by
3. Increase annual fund donor base by 500 (50 %) and $150,000 revenue
(20%) by 2018;
4. Achieve 90% guest satisfaction by 2020 (8 or above on a scale of 1-10)
I trust you sense the care and thought that is going into developing such a
comprehensive draft. Plan 2020 means board and staff efforts are aligned,
resources are targeted to key areas and leadership is united in ministry. A
second planning retreat at Luther Springs is set for Feb. 27-28, 2015 at which
time the 2020 plan will be finalized.
It is a joy and privilege to serve with you.
Unique Venues names Lutheridge the
Best Camp or Retreat Center to Unplug
and Refocus
Unique Venues, a marketing and membership
organization committed to bringing together
one-of-a-kind event venues with meeting
planners, Named Lutheridge the Best Camp
or Retreat Center to Unplug and Refocus.
Go to to learn more.
“We were thrilled to receive this recognition from a national organization that
brings properties and event planners together. “ said Laura Bedenbaugh, Sales and
Marketing Mananger for NovusWay. “While the many who experience Lutheridge
throughout the seasons will not be surprised, the recognition by a national
organization is one that will bring opportunity for hosted ministry from outside
organizations and share the special place Lutheridge is with others.
Unique Venues represents thousands of non-traditional properties in the United
States, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom for any kind of get-together.
Camp Month Resources Feature
Eight New Films
It is time to invite the children, youth, and families of your congregation to summer
camp at Lutheridge, Lutherock, Luther Springs and Lutheranch. February is Camp
Month and NovusWay encourages congregations and individuals to get the word
out on all the great programs opportunities.
“Time and time again we see where sharing camp stories and experiences are a huge
part of encouraging a child or even adult to go to camp,” said Laura Bedenbaugh,
Sales and Marketing Manager. “The word of mouth is the strongest influence someone
has when deciding to attend camp and we encourage congregations to find their own
special way to share the experience of camp.”
Bedenbaugh gave several other tips for coordinating camp month:
Share a bulletin or email announcement with the congregation and youth group.
Congregations will soon receive a packet with information and a copy of the
Summer 2015 camp brochure. Call 828-684-2361 to request additional brochures.
If your congregation has a Facebook page, we suggest a four week progression of
• First week—ask people to share their favorite camp song on your Facebook
• Second week—ask people to post their favorite picture from summer camp
• Third week—ask people to share their favorite memory from camp
• Fourth week—include a link to the Lutheridge, Lutherock, Luther Springs
Facebook pages
There are many other resources available including bulletin inserts and eight new
films/videos to promote summer camp and program opportunities:
1. Lutheridge Summer Camp. Great film from a camper’s perspective. Perfect
for a parent or grandparent to share with their kids or to use with a youth
2. Mom’s Perspective on Camp. Ideal to share with a mom who is a little reluctant
about sending her son or daughter to camp.
3. Parents. What to do in Asheville and western North Carolina when you drop
your child at Lutheridge.
4. Adult Programs. Good introduction to the many adult program opportunities
at Lutheridge.
5. Hosted Ministry Groups. Very helpful information for groups that are
considering a retreat at Lutheridge.
6. Destination Asheville. Quick intro of all the great things to do in Asheville
while at Lutheridge. Relevant for adult programs and hosted ministry groups.
7. Lutherock Summer Camp. Go to to check out this great film
that is designed for middle school or high school youth.
8. Wild Women Weekends. Share with a friend. Space remains
for you to join us at Lutheridge this winter for Wild Women
To request resources or request help promoting Camp Month, or if
you can’t access Facebook or the website, call Laura Bedenbaugh at
828-209-6316, [email protected] and she will get a DVD and
resources to you.
Laura Bedenbaugh
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684 .2 3 6 1
The Men In Mission of St. Paul Lutheran,
Maryville, TN hosted its second annual
Come to the Water fundraiser on August 16,
2014. Come to the Water is a nationwide
fundraiser benefiting outdoor ministries,
sponsored by Lutheran Men in Mission,
the national men’s ministry of the ELCA.
The men of St. Paul designated
Lutheridge as the recipient of both the
2013 and 2014 fundraisers. The combined two-year total of $6,800
resulted from spirited and friendly
Olympic-style competition between
teams comprised of guys ranging from
age 2 to age 90. Clayton Narveson, the
oldest competitor at 90 commented,
“The muscles work a little slower, but it is
always a fun and happy day!”
Since outdoor ministries often take
place near lakes, streams, rivers, or
beaches, Come to the Water 2014 was held at
Louisville Point, a popular park near Knoxville TN. Because
some of the events are water active, the competitors often got wet –
reminding them how they came to the waters of baptism and how baptismal
waters are a common bond across all generations. St Paul’s pastor, the Rev. Rick
Ohsiek observed, “These are wonderful events. In fellowship, play and discipleship,
we show what it means to live ‘walking wet’.”
Fourty-four competitors composed nine
teams, three more teams than last year;
18 women and girls comprised the
referee and officiating staff; and about
50 spectators urged on their ‘sponsored’
teams. Team names included “Mighty
Ducks” (the champions), “Passed Overs”
and “Moustachioed Pistachios.” More
information on specific activities and competition can be
found at
Larry Moeller, event coordinator, remarked, “Come to the Water is an excellent
opportunity for a men’s group to design and host an event for guys of all ages that
directly impacts outdoor ministries in a very positive way. We learned a lot from last
year, to make this year even better.” The 2015 event is scheduled for August 15.
Moeller indicated that the men’s ministry of St. Paul serves by: (1) helping men
grow and live out their faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ, (2) providing opportunities
for men to grow spiritually and develop
an evangelical attitude through scripture,
(3) inviting men to participate in the life
and witness of the church, (4) socializing
with one another, and (5) supporting the
mission of the church.
The national ministry, Lutheran Men
in Mission (LMM), is an independent
501(c)3 serving all Christian expressions
from its Lutheran roots. It’s vision is: ‘for every man to become a
bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ’. LMM sponsorship of these local events, where
guys of every generation work shoulder to shoulder to support Lutheran Outdoor
Ministries all over the United States, reflects the commitment to build a meaningful
ministry for men of all ages throughout the journey of faith. A
number of similar events are being planned in 2015 across the
country. If you would like more information on how LMM can
assist your congregation in conducting a Come to the Water
event, contact Doug Haugen, LMM executive director, (773)
380-2566, email: [email protected]. For details about the
St. Paul event, contact Larry Moeller (865) 984-9040 ext. 110,
email: [email protected].
Larry Moeller
• Ryobi 18+ rechargeable drill batteries
• LED Projector
• Mini-vans for day camp teams
• Floor jack (auto shop type)
• 4-wheel drive Tractor with front
bucket and backhoe
• Minivans in good working
condition with low miles
(for day camp travel teams)
• New or good used washers,
dryers and refrigerators
• 4-door sedan vehicle (good
for traveling)
• Dehumidifiers
• AED automated external defibrillator
• Snowblower
• Washer Dryer
• Pick up Truck Wire welder
• Weed eater trimmer
• Dehumidifiers
• 13-passenger van/bus
• LED Projector
St. Paul Lutheran Men Lead
“Come to the Water” fundraiser
for Lutheridge
Luther Springs
• 30-40 hp, 2-cycle outboard
motor for pontoon
• Canoes, sports balls
• Fuel efficient vehicle
• Bed sheets for single beds
We recognize the following volunteers and donors who contributed
during the period of October 1 through December 31, 2014.
Luther Springs
• Prince of Peace Lutheran in Largo made a donation to purchase a
new protective guard for the food station.
• The Gainesville Chapter of Thrivent Financial donated all new
flatware for the kitchen.
• Special appreciation to Frank & Connie Reed, Charlotte for a
generous gift to enable production of six short films (videos) to
promote summer camp, adult programs and hosted ministry at
Lutheridge! See more information on page 3.
• Thank
you to Thrivent
Financial and
NovusWay staff
(pictured) for
helping a South
Carolina family
come together for
Christmas. Through
staff contributions
and the formation
of a Thrivent
Action Team, a
mom and her five
children were
reunited at Lutheridge
for Christmas and were provided with a tree, decorations, groceries, gifts
and gift cards. The children were surprised and excited and the mom later
remarked, “This was the most memorable Christmas I have ever experienced.”
• Thanks to David Troutman and John Park of Greenville for a weekend of site
work – including chainsaw work on trees, splitting firewood, filling potholes
and helping to winterize The Founders Lodge.
• Camp Lutherock has lost many Hemlock trees over the past decade due to the
invasive insect Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) which has spread throughout
the Appalachian Mountains. Special thanks to Lutherock neighbors, John and
Connie McLendon, who were concerned and helped make funds available
from a family foundation to determine if any Hemlocks could be saved and
what could be done to make regeneration possible in the future.
Camp Lutherock’s
5k Trail Run
April 25, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
Lodging available. All net proceeds
go towards Camp Lutherock’s
camper scholarship fund. Visit this
website for registration,
Space is still available for the March 13-15 weekend!
2015 Theme: Centering Prayer Let God touch your heart and quicken your
soul. Become a Wild Women at Lutheridge!
Rate: $210 per person
Leader: Pastor Mary Canniff-Kuhn, Lutheridge Program Director and Storyteller
RIVER RAT RAMBLE at Luther Springs
Join us for a weekend of canoeing, games, fellowship, and worship. Price
for this retreat includes a morning of Zip lines and climbing wall and will
require an extra release form to be filed. Please note these are rustic cabins, and
therefore we rely on the weather for heating and cooling. Please include 1 adult for every 7 youth of each gender.
River Rat West: Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center in Lithia
March 13-15, 2015 (Friday-Sunday)
Register by Feb. 23, 2015
Register 2/23 - 3/9/15
$110.00 per youth
$120.00 per youth
$75.00 per chaperone
$100.00 per chaperone
Please include 1 adult for every 7 youth of each gender.
River Rat East: Camp Chowenwaw in Green Cove Springs
March 20-22, 2015 (Friday-Sunday)
Register by March 2, 2015
Register 3/2 - 3/16/15
$95.00 per youth
$110.00 per youth
$75.00 per chaperone
$100.00 per chaperone
GRANDS WEEKEND at Luther Springs
March 20-22, 2015 (Friday – Sunday)
At Grands Weekend, you’ll meet new people, learn new activities, and enjoy
a fun weekend of spiritual growth with your grandchildren. You will enjoy a campfire,
cookie baking, and plenty of free family time for a variety of activities. Presented in
cooperation with Adult Lutherans Organized for Action (ALOA).
Leaders: Rev. Dick Hafer, Rev. Dave and Debby Kruger, and Margo Walbolt
Kuehner Center: $95.00 per person (13+); $65.00 per child (2-12)
4th grandchild is free!
RV Site: $55.00 per person (13+); $35.00 per child
VOLLEYBALL MARATHON through Luther Springs
At Faith Lutheran, Sarasota
8:00 PM March 27 - 8:00 AM March 28, 2015
Get ready to “bump, set, and spike!” your way through the late night hours! Youth
groups, start practicing! Please bring 1-2 chaperones per team. This fund-raising
event for Luther Springs ensures that our camp vehicles will be in road ready
shape for the summer. REGISTER ONLINE
Rate: Youth $35.00
Adult $15.00
CREATE IN ME at Lutheridge
FISHERS OF MEN at Lutherock
April 10-12, 2015 (Friday – Sunday) Come to the mountains to enjoy life and the
serenity of fly fishing. This men’s retreat at Lutherock offers
an opportunity to be in a place where God can teach us a lot
about our faith through the mountain waters. There is time
for learning knots, entomology, and casting practice before
heading out together on Saturday and Sunday mornings to
the river. A North Carolina fishing license is required and can be purchased online
at There will be a limited amount of basic gear available to rent.
Cost: $230.00 per person
Leaders: John Lord, Jacob Ridenhour and Pastor Peter Brown
TRAILBLAZERS at Luther Springs
April 17-19, 2015
Calling young trailblazers, grades 3-5, for a weekend of community
building, creative fun, and faithful exploration. Trailblazers is an opportunity
for youth directors to build your youth groups. Summer staff will lead activities
- campfire, worships, Bible study, games, and songs. Don’t miss this faith and
community building weekend.
Leader: Sue Mendenhall, Luther Springs Program Director Register by March 23, 2015
Register after March 23, 2015
$95.00 per youth
$110.00 per youth
$80.00 per chaperone
$95.00 per chaperone
April 20-22, 2015 (Monday-Wednesday)
Connect. Create. This workshop, designed for adults
age 50 and up, provides opportunities for spiritual, creative,
and personal growth. The clear message in the Bible is we never
retire from our walk with God or our serivce to God. Discover
tools and resources to identify your God-given gifts to find meaning, passion, and
purpose for the second half of life.
Experience. Explore. As we mature our spiritual pace quickens. Surrounded by the
inspiring naturea setting of Luther Springs, experience how we are connected
with others to God’s abundant grace. There will also be time to explore, hike,
canoe, craft, or relax on the porch with a good book.
Leaders: Rev. Stephen Kauffman of King of Kings Lutheran Church, Port Richey
and Margo Walbott Adult Lutherans Organized for Action (ALOA) Florida Region
ALOA Member: $95.00 per person
Non-ALOA Member: $130.00 per person (includes 1 year ALOA membership) SCRAP CAMP at Lutheridge
April 24-26, 2015 (Friday-Sunday)
Enjoy the blessing of other Christian women as you scrapbook your
precious memories. Got pictures? Need time and space? We’ve got it!
The weekend is dedicated to scrapbooking sprinkled with fun, inspiration, fellowship,
devotions, and Sunday worship. Come and enjoy the dedicated time knowing you will
be spoiled by the camp chef all weekend, and there will be no doing dishes!
April 9-12, 2015 (Thursday – Sunday) 2015 Theme: Jesus and Justice
Jesus and Justice will be our theme as we explore Fair Trade
Crafts and the role of art in liberation. Workshops and creation
stations offer hands-on opportunities to try new arts and crafts
in a safe place where you cannot fail. Meet others striving to give God’s creative Spirit
larger space in their lives. All rates are per person and include three nights lodging
(double occupancy unless otherwise specified), all meals, AND all art materials and
Worship Leader: Pastor Mary Canniff-Kuhn, Lutheridge Program Director
Workshop Leaders: More than 30 artists eager to share their art form with you! Contact
Pastor Mary about the program and schedule 828-209-6307 or [email protected]
Register by March 17, 2015
Register after March 17, 2015
Full on-site
Leader: Liz Propst
Full On-Site: $185.00 per person Commuter: $140.00 per person
Optional Thursday Arrival: $65.00 per person
GOD'S SPA FOR WOMEN at Luther Springs
April 24-26, 2015 (Friday – Sunday)
Getaway Garden is more than a short rest from everyday responsibilities,
it's a weekend of: focusing on concepts of seasonality and timing; connecting with
other women of all ages and with God in order to better understand ourselves and
the authentic relationships we seek in life; serving others in need through small
seeds of grace and love; worshipping, praying, singing, and celebrating God's
blessings as sisters in Christ.
Massages are available for an additional fee (contact Anna Allen at [email protected] to schedule yours - include God’s Spa
Spring 2015 in the subject line).
Cost per person:
Kuehner Center: $143.00 per person Morgan Village: $120.00 per person
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
Adults & Family
June 7-13
First Camp:
Full Week
Crazy Cool Campout
Nite Owl Explorers
Rock & Raft
Rock & Raft • Cave & Wave
Camp SummerShine
June 14-20
First Camp:
Full Week
Fire & Water Explorers • Paddlers’ Week
Crazy Cool Campout
High in the Sky • Saddle & Paddle
High in the Sky
June 21-27
4th of July
June 28-July 4
4th of July First Camp:
Full Week
4th of July Pioneers
Crazy Cool Campout
4th of July Explorers • Ride On! Explorers
Rock & Raft • Cave & Wave
4th of July Nite Owl
Family Camp
Music Week
July 5-11
First Camp:
Full Week
Music Week Pioneers
Music Week Explorers
Surf & Turf • High in the Sky
Music Week Mountaineers
Surf & Turf
Music Week • Adults
July 12-18
First Camp:
Half Week
Pony Express (4-6)
Nite Owl Explorers • Mission Team Paddlers
Pony Express (4-6) • Cave & Wave
WaveRiders • Cave & Wave
Hilltop SummerShine
Grandparents’ Camp
July 19-25
Christmas First Camp:
Full Week
Christmas Pioneers
Christmas Explorers • Ride On! Explorers
Rock & Raft
Asheville Adventure
Family Camp
Crazy Cool Campout
Fire & Water Explorers
High in the Sky • Surf & Turf
High in the Sky
Surf & Turf
July 26-Aug 1
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
June 7-13
Mountain Top Pioneers
Blue Ridge Expeditions
Appalachian Adventures
June 14-20
White Water Backapck
Canopy Adventures
Canopy Adventures
CrossTraining Week 1
June 21-27
Adults & Family
June 28-July 4
Mountain Top Pioneers
Blue Ridge Expeditions
Appalachian Adventures
CrossTraining Week 2
July 5-11
Mountain Top Pioneers
Blue Ridge Expeditions
White Water Backpack
July 12-18
UpWard Soccer Camp
White Water Backpack
July 19-25
Blue Ridge Expeditions
Canopy Adventures
July 26-Aug 1
Family Camp Adventure
Canopy Adventures
Lutherock is available for a retreat and mission groups. Call 828-684-2361 to book!
1-2 Grade
3-5 Grade
6-8 Grade
9-12 Grade
June 7-12
Luther Springs is available for a retreat group. Call 352-546-5554 to book!
June 14-19
Luther Springs is available for a retreat group. Call 352-546-5554 to book!
Servant opportunities are also available. Look inside for more information.
June 21-26
Mini Camp (Sun-Tues Only)
June 28-July 3
Leadership Lab:
Basic & Advanced
Confirmation Camp
July 5-10
Camp Gators
Camp Gators
July 12-17
Lutheran School Week - Servant opportunities are also available. Look inside for more information.
July 19-24
Rez House Week
July 26-31
Mini Camp
(Sun-Tues & Wed-Fri)
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
Servant Camp: Orlando
Lutheridge First Camp Adventure (grades 1-2)
Camp fun for young campers with a 1/6 counselor/camper ratio.
Swimming, creative Bible lessons, active games, easy crafts, snacks,
stories, and an earlier bedtime make for a great first camp adventure. Every week offers
different creative themes. Half week option available as suits your child’s readiness.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Half: Sun-Wed
Full: Sun-Sat
Music Week
Pioneers (grades 3-5)
Camp is made for kids! Swimming, crafts, games, hikes, skits, singing,
campfires, and tons of outdoor fun geared to this age group! Caring
counselors are always present, fostering friendships and teamwork. Each camper is
valued and encouraged. Creative Bible study and worship round out every day. Come
join the adventure!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Music Week
Crazy Cool Campout (grades 4-5)
Living outdoors is what makes summer great! Nature activities, cooking
some meals over a campfire, and an off-camp outing add to regular
camp life for younger campers: crafts, swimming, hikes, creative Bible study, and
daily worship. Caring counselors are great role models who help campers make
friends and grow in faith. Campers are housed in cabins or platform tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Pony Express (grades 4-6)
Learn about care of horses, go horseback riding and take part in a
camp-wide relay game. Add to all that the wonderful fun of regular
camp life: crafts, swimming, hikes, campfires, creative Bible study, and daily worship.
Awesome counselors help campers make friends and grow together.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Lutherock Mountaintop Pioneers (grades 3-5)
An awesome adventure awaits our Mountaintop Pioneers! Experience a
whole week filled with outdoor activity including a creek walk, hike to the
top of Lutherock’s mountain, the Group Interaction Course, and a day at the rockslide.
Special events for our Mountaintop Pioneers include a trip to Grandfather Mountain,
swimming at a nearby lake, and a campout! You’ll spend the week with excellent
counselors who foster a spirit of fun, safety, love, and faith formation.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Upward Soccer Camp (grades 3-5)
Join us as we partner with Upward Sports to provide campers with a
week-long exposure to both the sport of Soccer and to Biblical teachings,
fun games and activities, and encouraging instruction. This week of sports camp will
ensure that young soccer players stay fresh and sharp in their offseason while also
being taught important sports and biblical-related character lessons.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Pathfinders (grades 4-5)
Perfect for the camper who can’t wait to be in the Outdoor Adventure
Program! Pathfinders will enjoy the fun of on-site activities including
a hike to the top of Lutherock’s mountain, Bible Study time, a creek walk, the Group
Interaction Course, and an on-site camp out. Add in the adventure of going inside
nearby Linville Caverns and white water rafting down the Watauga river to complete
this faith-filled adventure!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Luther Springs Mini Camp (grades 1-2)
First camp experience especially designed for younger campers. Come
spend 3 days and 2 nights at Luther Springs filled with all the fun things
that happen during week-long summer camps: swimming, archery, campfires, hiking,
crafts, Bible study, canoeing, meeting lots of new friends, games, and more. Sessions
are either Sunday through Tuesday or Wednesday through Friday.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Discoverers (grades 3-5)
Perfect for the upper-elementary age youth, Discoverers is an awesome
week filled with new ways of discovering your faith relationship
with Jesus Christ in an outdoor setting. The week is filled with activities such as
canoeing, campfires, night hikes, interactive Bible studies, swimming, meeting
lots of new friends, time on the challenge course, and more.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Explorers at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
All the best of camp; swim, play games, make crafts, hike, sing around
the campfire, share stories, and grow in faith with creative Bible study!
Stretch into new adventures with the low ropes course and an off-site outing into
Pisgah Forest. Caring college-age counselors show just how fun and powerful living
for Jesus can be. Go home with renewed faith, new friends, and wonderful memories.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Music Week
Fire & Water Explorers at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
Learn to build a campfire and cook a meal over it! Enjoy a lazy day of
tubing down the Green River. You get all the regular camp activities
- pool, hikes, crafts, games, worship - plus more “water time” and two campfires
instead of one!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Nite Owl Explorers at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
Camp with a twist... During this program, campers stay up later at night
and sleep in the morning turning them into “Night Owls”. As the week
goes longer, the nights get later! The week includes starlight swimming, night hikes,
Bible study, glow in the dark crafts, flashlight games, campfires and lots of fun!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Ride On! Explorers at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
This week offers a full week of faith and fun with all the regular on-site
camp activities: crafts, pool, games, songs, skits, campfires and more,
plus an outing into Pisgah forest. Each camper will have an additional outing to
RIDE ON - either a horse - through cool mountain trails, OR go-karts and bumper
cars at an outdoor driving track. Choose your ride when you register.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Mission Team Paddlers at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
This program combines the activities of Paddlers Week (canoe the French
Broad and raft the Nolichucky River) and working with Asheville Greenworks
to beautify the river areas of Western North Carolina ( ).
Campers will spend 2 days of “Creation Stewardship” mission work along with playing
on the river for 2 days. Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
Paddlers Week at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
NEW!! Canopy Adventure at Lutherock (grades 6-8)
“Just add water” to an already rich and fun camp experience! Go on
a water outing in Pisgah National Forest, canoeing on the French
Broad River, and rafting on the Nolichucky River. This week provides a fun way to
“remember your baptism. Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Saddle & Paddle at Lutheridge (grades 6-8)
This Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) combines whitewater rafting
on the Nolichucky River with an overnight camping trip at the river, an
outing in Pisgah National Forest, and a day of horseback riding for a memorable
camp week. On-site camp time will include some regular camp activities. Housed
in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Mavericks at Luther Springs (grades 6-8)
Come enjoy a week at Luther Springs with our dynamic staff. The week is
packed full of hiking, worship, canoeing, archery, crafts, environmental
education, creative Bible studies, large group games, a service project, and more.
Learn about Jesus, make new friends, and create life-long memories.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Camp Gators at Luther Springs (grades 6-8)
A full week of lively nocturnal adventures await campers attending
Camp Gators! We all know how alligators love to sleep in, so this camp
is designed for campers who also like to sleep in. Camp activities begin later in the
morning than our normal weeks and campers stay up later. Activities normally
done in the daylight hours can now be done later in the day. Breakfast at 10:30AM,
lights out well after midnight! Turn the clock upside down and join new friends in
a loving Christian fellowship!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Blue Ridge Expeditions at Lutherock (grades 6-8)
This outdoor adventure program will provide an opportunity to
experience a variety of challenges including rafting the Nolichucky
River, rock climbing at Lutherock, a high ropes course, caving in Worley’s Cave,
hiking at Lutherock, and camping off-site for one night. Challenge yourself at the
rock to an adventure packed week and deepen your faith while sharing adventure,
prayer, and Christian community with a whole new group of friends.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Whitewater/Backpacking at Lutherock (grades 6-8)
Come and enjoy backpacking on a beautiful section of the Appalachian
Trail while learning the basics of hiking and tent camping. Your hike is
followed by a full day of whitewater rafting on the Nolichucky River. This program
is great for first time backpackers. Other activities include the Group Interaction
Course and high ropes course with zip line. Campers have an opportunity to
experience community in a caring environment and foster faith formation.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Cycle-N-Zip at Lutherock (grades 6-8)
Zoom through the forests of South West Virginia and Western North
Carolina during this action- packed week which includes biking the
Virginia Creeper Trail, taking a turn on the Creeper Trail Zip line tour, two nights
of off-site camping, one day of rafting on the Nolichucky River and a day of
high ropes and zip line adventure at Lutherock! Faithful counselors will provide
wonderful care and great Christian witness throughout this adventurous week.
Soar through the trees of the Appalachian Mountains during this zip
line filled week! Campers will get to ride one nearby canopy zip line
tour along with Lutherock’s zip line off of the high ropes course. Combine this with
other on-site camp activities like climbing the challenge tower, campfires, new
friends, caring counselors, and Bible study time and you’re sure to have a zip- pade-do-da-way to re-charge your faith!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Cave & Wave at Lutheridge (grades 6-8 & 9-12)
This Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) combines adventure above
and below ground. Campers will experience guided exploration of
Worley’s Cave, a great natural arena of “big rooms” and small areas, camping offsite one night along the river, plus rafting on the Nolichucky River. On site, enjoy
most regular camp activities like crafts, swimming, ropes course and campfire.
Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
High in the Sky at Lutheridge (grades 6-8 & 9-12)
Up, up, and away! Fly high riding the zip line on the Lutheridge
Tower and the zip line tour of “Boulderline” in Lake Lure, NC (www. But wait! That’s not all... add climbing on the towers of
Lutheridge and Boulderline along with a day of hiking in Chimney Rock State Park
( Combine that with a day of rafting on the Nolichucky
River and you have a super-charged setting to enjoy God’s creation. Explore the
ways God is at work in your life in a natural and adrenalin charged fellowship.
Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Rock & Raft at Lutheridge (grades 6-8 & 9-12)
Spend a day on the low ropes course, a day on the Challenge Tower,
a day rock climbing with an overnight camping excursion, and a day
rafting on the Nolichucky River! This week includes the adventure of climbing with
the thrill of whitewater rafting in a week of physical challenge, spiritual growth,
and Christian community. Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Surf & Turf at Lutheridge (grades 6-8 & 9-12)
Raft the Nolichucky River (“Surf”) and backpack the Appalachian Trail
(“Turf”). The moderate terrain hike provides a good introduction to the
skills of backpacking. Middle school campers experience a day on the Challenge Tower,
a day of hiking, and a night of camping off-site alongside the river. On-site camp time
will include some regular camp activities. Housed in cabins or Platform Tents.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Nite Owl Mountaineers (grades 9-12)
Enjoy all the fun of regular camp activities and July 4th festivities PLUS the stayup-late schedule of Night Owls. Go on a late night outing into Pisgah
Forest, then sleep in until noon. Senior High campers plan and lead
much of their own schedule and activities. The week ends with a
crazy costume dance in celebration of a great week together. Friday
night fireworks vespers take the week out with a BANG!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
CrossTraining at Lutherock (grades 9-12)
Music Week Mountaineers (grades 9-12)
Music Week Mountaineers rehearse and perform with a renowned
choral instructor. Besides the regular fun of camp activities, the week
includes a late night adventure and a “sleep-in” morning. Handbells, drumming,
and orchestra/band are options as well. Return home with new friends and new
songs in your heart! If you love music, this is the week for you!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Waveriders (grades 9-12)
Enjoy paddling the moderate whitewater on the Lower Nolichucky
River in “duckies”, camp out under the night sky along the river, and
the raft the Upper Noli. Add Bible study and Christian community, and this well
hydrated week of fun and fellowship will help you “remember your baptism”.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Asheville Adventure at Lutheridge (grades 9-12)
What is the Asheville buzz all about?! Enjoy all the regular fun of
Christmas week – campfires, pool, songs, crafts….. AND be a part of
some fun adventures. Hike and experience the waterfalls and beauty of DuPont
State Forest where the “Hunger Games” was filmed. Explore downtown Asheville
with its wild and wacky culture and catch an Asheville Tourist baseball game (or
similar outing if the Tourists aren’t in town). Creative worship & Advent/Christmas
bible study with cool counselors round out each day.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Appalachian Adventures at Lutherock
(grades 9-12)
Christian Outdoor Leadership Expedition for high school youth offers
rock climbing, backpacking, and whitewater rafting as well as group
fellowship and discussion, Bible study, and a “solo” self-reflection experience. A
transformational experience, find out more about this program on page 3.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Luther SpringsCamp Gators at Luther Springs
(grades 9-12)
A full week of lively nocturnal adventures await campers attending
Camp Gators! This camp is designed for campers who like to sleep in. Camp
activities begin later in the morning than our normal weeks, and campers stay up
later. Activities normally done in daylight hours can now be done later in the day. Breakfast late morning, lights out well after midnight!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Leadership Lab at Luther Springs (grades 9-12)
Leadership Lab takes the high school youth on a faith journey with
purpose. Participants enjoy the exciting flavor of being at Luther
Springs with breakout times for specific Lab experiences. First year is Basic Lab
where campers are introduced to a variety of basic valuable leadership skills which
can be used in your youth group, as well as in school or work settings. Advanced
Lab take what was learned in Basic Lab a step further and incorporates the
importance of developing their own faith journey. Campers attending Leadership
Lab are able to attend Staff in Training (SIT) - check online for details.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Rate is the same for Basic or Advanced.
Can’t decide which adventure to pick? Do them all... Caving in Worley’s
Cave, white water rafting on the Nolichucky River, rock climbing at Lutherock,
hiking, climbing Lutherock’s Challenge Tower, and one night of off-site camping!
Challenge yourself at the rock to an adventure packed week and deepen your faith
while sharing adventure, prayer, and Christian community.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Whitewater/Backpacking at Lutherock (grades 9-12)
A challenging program including 2 & 1/2 days of hiking and camping
the Appalachian Trail, one day of Class III-IV whitewater rafting on the
Nolichucky River, a day on Lutherock’s Challenge Tower, and more. Participants
should be physically fit, capable of walking up to 10 miles a day with a 30-40 lb
backpack. Campers have an opportunity to experience community in a caring
environment. They will share in adventure, prayer, and Christian life together.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Canopy Adventure at Lutherock (grades 9-12)
Soar through the trees of the Appalachian Mountains! Campers get
to ride two nearby canopy zip line tours and Lutherock’s zip line off
of the high ropes course. Combine this with other on-site camp activities like the
Alpine II tower, campfires, new friends, caring counselors, and Bible study time and
you’re sure to have a zip- pa-de-do-da-way to re-charge your faith!
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
NEW!! Cycle-N-Zip at Lutherock (grades 9-12)
Zoom through the forests of South West Virginia and Western North
Carolina during this action- packed week which includes biking the
Virginia Creeper Trail, taking a turn on the Creeper Trail Zip line tour, two nights of
off-site camping, one day of rafting on the Nolichucky River and a day of high ropes
and zip line adventure at Lutherock! Faithful counselors will provide wonderful
care and great Christian witness throughout this adventurous week.
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Adventure & Mission Trips
At Lutheridge, Lutherock and Luther Springs
your group can choose the adventure activity
which suits your skill and interest level: camp activities and/or servant work (on
or off site), … and much more! We provide customized programs, scheduled to fit
your group, as well as the programs listed in this brochure. For more information
about program opportunities, available dates, and pricing contact:
Lutherock - Kara: 828-733-5868 or [email protected]
Lutheridge - Tim: 828-209-6306 or [email protected]
Luther Springs - Sue: [email protected]
Lutheroad Day Camps through
Lutheridge & Luther Springs
Lutheridge and Luther Springs deliver a qualified director
and excellent counselors who provide powerful and “cool” Christian witness. Our
staff provide the program leadership and a wealth of imaginative ideas to create
an incredible camp experience! Day Camp is a great tool for outreach to the
neighborhood or to a specific population.
To book a Lutheroad Day camps, contact Lutheroad Registration at 828-684-2361; for
general Lutheroad questions, contact Lori Bode at 828-209-6304 or Sue Mendenhal
at [email protected].
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
July 5-11, 2015 Join us for sacred music in the midst of God’s creation
and Christian Community!! Choral, organ, handbells, recorders, and
instrumental music... all led by excellent and inspired clinicians! Whether you are
the director of church music or just enjoy singing in a choir, you will be immersed
and refreshed in the fellowship of music. The highlight of this week is a HymnFest
and a special concert on Friday. Music week is led by gifted clinicians from around
the country. 2015 Theme: We Believe: A Journey Through the Liturgical Year
This year will feature:
ADULT CHORAL: Kenney Potter, Director of Choral Activities at Wingate University;
Wingate, North Carolina
ORGAN and HYMNFEST: Robert Hobby, Director of Music at Trinity English Lutheran;
Fort Wayne, IN
CHAPLAIN: Pastor Tim Smith, Senior Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church; Atlanta, GA
HANDBELLS: Tim Waugh, Director at Charlotte Bronze; NC and WV
Thru 3/15
After 5/15
Thornburg & Cottages
Day with meals
Day without meals
Child staying in room
with adult
Lutheridge Hosts Earth Fare
Lutheridge was excited to host the local branch of Earth Fare grocery stores
in early December. Earth Fare used Lutheridge’s Faith Center to train staff
on food safety and staff policies. “We were excited to have Earth Fare on
site as a hosted ministry group,” said Laura Bedenbaugh, Sales and Marketing
Manager. “While our summer camp and other programs bring so much joy
and life to all of Novus Way’s four sites, it is an honor to have a national grocery
store chain like Earth Fare at one of our properties so they can see all we have
to offer. It is our hope they will share their experience with other organizations
so that we can grow and thrive.”
Earth Fare’s mission is to connect communities and improve lives through
food. Earth Fare has stores from North Carolina to South Carolina and as
far reaching as Ohio.
Dates have been set for Gratitude Gatherings in different locations for 2015 throughout
the south to thank donors for their generous financial support to the annual giving
program along with capital campaigns. Donors have supported capital campaigns and
the annual fund that provides scholarships for those needing financial assistance to
attend camp, to enable maintenance and site improvements, to keep all fees low and to
keep the ministry strong and serving in Christ’s name. More information will follow or visit for specific locations and times. Gratitude Gathering
Staff Coordinator
Libby Bedenbaugh
Blue Marlin
April 27, 2015
David Hart
June 6, 2015
Dale Nettnin
Late Summer 2015
Luther Springs
(No. FL)
Dave Kruger and
Jan Setzler
Luther Springs
August 15, 2015
Lutheridge (WNC)
Susan Troutman
August 20, 2015
Libby Bedenbaugh
Fall 2015
Dale Nettnin
October 24, 2015
This is a wonderful, stress-free, faith-filled family vacation – for all generations. Enjoy
the fun of summer camp as a family; make friends and memories which will last a
lifetime. An amazing, affordable Faith-Filled vacation. Great for extended families
too! Bring the grandparents! Adults enjoy morning Bible study and free time while
kids are with counselors having fun adventures and bible study of their own.
Cost per family unit:
1 Adult & 1 Child - $545.00
| 2 Adults & 1 Child - $720.00
1 Adult & 2 Children - $620.00 | 2 Adults & 2 Children - $795.00
Each additional child is $75.00.
Fee includes lodging for 6 nights, all meals, and program costs.
July 4th Family Camp: June 28-July 4
Creative July 4th festivities are included.
Leaders: Pastor Will & Cindy Rose; Chapel Hill, NC
Christmas in July Family Camp: July 19-25
Creative Advent/Christmas festivities are included.
Leaders: Pastors Paul & Lauren (Tilley) Carlson; Norfolk, VA
Grandparents’ Camp: July 12-15 (Sun-Wed)
NEW!!Three nights away for grandparents to share with grandchildren the joys
of camp and pass on the faith. Great fun for kids age 5-12 and their grandparents
(of any age). Counselors take the kids in the morning while Grandparents have
Bible study and free time. Afternoon and evenings are scheduled with activities
to do together - swimming, crafts, games, campfires, with counselors there
to help. The kids will be tired by bedtime! And they will make new friends including growing closer to Jesus, the best friend of all. Leaders: Pastor David
and Jo Hood
Cost per family unit:
1 Adult & 1 Child - $275.00
| 2 Adults & 1 Child - $360.00
1 Adult & 2 Children - $310.00 | 2 Adults & 2 Children - $400.00
Each additional child is $45.00.
NEW!! Take the time to unplug as a family this summer! This is a faith
and adventure-filled family vacation that all generations will enjoy.
Adults enjoy a morning Bible study time while the kids have their own Bible
study time with our caring counselors. Spend the afternoon enjoying on and off
site camp activities like the creek walk, hike to the top of Lutherock’s mountain,
High Ropes Course, Grandfather Mountain State Park, sliding down a nearby
natural rock slide, and so much more! Childcare will be provided on Wednesday
night for an adult night out! There is an option to add on an extra night if you
want to stay in the mountains for the 4th of July and enjoy local festivities.
Cost per family unit:
1 Adult & 1 Child - $545.00
| 2 Adults & 1 Child - $720.00
1 Adult & 2 Children - $620.00 | 2 Adults & 2 Children - $795.00
Each additional child is $75.00.
Gratitude Gathering
Staff Coordinator
Dave Kruger &
Jan Setzler
Grace Lutheran Ch.
Tampa, FL
July 29, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Libby Bedenbaugh Holy Trinity House
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
March 14, 2015
10:00 a.m.
RIDGEROCKRANCH BUILDERS are individuals and families who provide $500 or more annually to provide scholarships, improve facilities and strengthen NovusWay
Ministries. Joining RidgeRockRanch Builders are MasterBuilders who contribute $1,000 or more annually, Cornerstones who contribute $2,500 or more annually,
Keystones who contribute $5,000 or more annually and Foundation Builders who contribute $10,000 or more annually. The following friends have attained these levels
between October 1 and December 31, 2014. Please note the listing does not include gifts to the Heritage, Standing on the Promise or Mission Possible Capital Campaigns.
Master Builder
Foundation Builder
Ms. Marie Jensen
Mr. William H. Stender, Jr.
Mrs. Jean C Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Barkow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Berkey
Ms. Lisa Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Evans
The Revs. Timothy and Susan L. Gamelin
Mr. and Mrs. David Grigsby
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Johnson
Drs. James and Vivian McKanna
The Rev. and Mrs. Darrel A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Regan
Mr. Joseph M. Rhyne, Jr.
Mrs. Jo Anne H. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Berkey-Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Branscomb
Mr. Mark Burton
Mr. Larry Cook and The Rev. Pamela Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hansen
The Rev. Sandra K. Johnson
Mrs. Sara R. Lineberger
Mrs. Renee McCrary
Ms. Rachel Modahl
Mr. Larry D. Moeller
Ms. Sue Moorefield
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Nettnin
Ms. Margaret J. Ogburn
The Rev. Nancy S. Oliver
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Poole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad L. Quanstrom
David and Susan Troutman
Drs. Alan L. and Pamela M. Williams
Mrs. E. Louise Willim
RidgeRockRanch Builder
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Aull
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman T. Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Butler
Ms. Cheryl B. Carpenter
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Carswell
Mrs. Nancy D. Clem
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Culverwell
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Fink
Ms. Arolue Flemmen
Mrs. June Gnann
Bishop H. Julian Gordy and Rev. Morgan Gordy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mrs. Jane Keels
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lang
Ms. Margaret D. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Monroe
Mr. Mark Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. O’Sheal
Mr. and Mrs.C. Clifford Ritchie
Drs. Fred and Karin B. Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Schuessler Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Seibert
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Stahlman
The Rev. and Mrs. G. David Swygert
The Rev. Michael R. and Hannah Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Wicker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wood
The Rev. and Mrs. D. Rhodes Woolly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yarnold
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Youngdahl
Friends of Luther Springs generously contribute $250 or more a year to support outdoor ministries, sustain Luther Springs and to enable affordable
camp fees. Annual giving levels are: Friends who contribute $250 - $499, Supporters make gifts of $500 - $999, Sustainers contribute $1000 - $2499,
Benefactors provide support of $2500 - $4999, Builders make gifts of $5000 - $9999 and Founders contribute $10,000 or more. Gifts to campaigns will
be listed separately. The following donors have attained their gift levels from October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.
Mrs. Alberta Siepiela
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wise
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wuertz
Dr. Wade Burrington
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Delmar M. Gusdal
The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Berkey-Abbott
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald J. Hillerich
Mrs. Margie Hinds
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rathbun
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Riechmann
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walbolt
Billy and Libby Bedenbaugh
Mrs. Marion Birkhimer
Mr. Thomas Langevin
The Rev. and Mrs. H. Peter Lyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. McMurry
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Reilly
The following memorial gifts to the annual fund were received between October 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. The lists are constructed in alphabetical order by the
last name of the person memorialized. Memorial gifts to campaigns will be listed in special publications at the conclusion of each campaign.
Hamby Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Kates
Carolyn S. Efird
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Sease
Betsy Muench
Dr. Wade Burrington
Millie Brill
Mr. Emmett E. Wicker
Carol Ernst
David and Susan Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. B. Edwin Wicker
Mrs. Edwina Wicker
Mr. Emmett E. Wicker
Jeff Norris
Mrs. Catherine Norris
Bachman Brown
Mrs. Alice Bittinger
Ms. Carol Lutz
North Carolina Lutheran
ELCA Men in Mission
Cabarrus-Kannapolis Early College
High School
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patterson
My Father – Chuck Campbell
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
The Rev. Cecil W. Carpenter
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter
Robert W. Carswell
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Carswell
The Rev. and Mrs. E. K. Counts
Ms. E. Ruth Counts
Wendell Davis
Mrs. Sara R. Davis
Kenneth Dellinger
Mrs. Patsy G. Dellinger
Velma and Bob Eberly
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Darren Henry Golnitz
Mr. B. Heath and Melody Harper
My Grandparents Jack and
Geneva Goodman
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Dr. Paul Hanson
Mr. Jeff W. Jeffrey
Olive and Heyward Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Shuler H. Houck
Belvin Hill
Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Claude Hough
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Beaver
Frances Kester
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Trexler
Helen Laslow
Mrs. Geraldine J. Heintz
Paul McGee
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Hubert Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Oliver
Maud Paulas – Missionary to Japan
Rev. Lynn M. Seep
Patricia Allen Rhyne
Mr. Joseph M. Rhyne
Mr. David Richbourg
Ms. Ann N. Ashford
Dr. S. E. Richbourg
Ms. Ann N. Ashford
The Rev. Ernest Ridenhour
Rev. and Mrs. Steven P. Ridenhour
Sue Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Aukamp
Mr. D. Michael Hix
Katharina Circle St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Meek
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mellichamp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schober
The Rev. and Mrs. C. Peter Setzer
Karl Stelling
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Betty Styles
The Rev. and Mrs. Klaus O. R. Koch
Robert Troutman
Ms. Susan E. Caulkins
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Flowers
Mr. Mike A. Goyne and
The Rev. Rachel Connelly
Mr. D. Michael Hix
Ms. Mary W. Kehl
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Roberts
Doris Ruger
Mrs. Muriel Johnson
Robert and Margaret Troutman
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Mrs. Jo Anne H. Ritchie
David and Susan Troutman
Armand Sease
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Sease
Elaine Tureson
Mrs. Muriel Johnson
Tommie Soileau
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bynum
Mrs. Virginia Floyd
Sarah Frances Wallace
Ms. Mary W. Kehl
Nancy M. Ward
Mr. C. Douglas Ward
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1
The following honor gifts to the annual fund were received between October 1 and December 31, 2014. The lists are constructed in alphabetical order by the last
name of the person honored. Honor gifts to campaigns will be listed in special publications at the conclusion of each campaign.
Rebecca Algee
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stafford
Dwayne, Catherine and Jacob Fink`
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Lyerly
Mike and Tina Kestner
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Rev. and Mrs. Jason Schafer, Ella and Micah
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Boozer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Amick
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. Poulnot
Jacob Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Fink
Mr. H. L. Koester, III
Ms. Meridith K. Koester
Earl and Mary Frances Sease
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie E. Head
Connie Austin
Ms. Mary W. Kehl
Larry and Carleen Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Lyerly
Dr. George Kroncke
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Sumlin
Pastor Suzanne Shoffner
Dr. Robert S. Cline
Dr. Julie Barnes
Dr. Lisa Lyford
Rev. Eric and Kris Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Lyerly
Linda Lael
Mrs. Frances R. Daily
Bill and Carolyn Shutt
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Marley and Lily Bassett
Mrs. Nancy D. Clem
The Worth and Clarene Fink Family
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne B. Fink
Pastor Charlene Limenih
Mrs. Rose Reubel
Daniel and Elizabeth Slaughter
Ms. Martha E. Sink
Alex Bedenbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Bedenbaugh
Mr. Wade and the Rev. Mary Finklea
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cross
Gil and Freida Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Lohr
The Rev. Carol and Mr. Steve Solovitz
Mrs. Caroline E.. Low
Laura Bedenbaugh
Saint Philip Lutheran Church WELCA
The Rev. and Mrs. William Richard Fritz, Jr.
and Katie
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter and
Ms. Laura A. Lane
The Lothrop-Mahan Family
The Rev. and Mrs. D. Rhodes Woolly
The Rev. Matt Steinhauer
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Steinhauer
Paul and Kristin Fritz,-Xander and Gideon
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter
St. John Lutheran Church,
Statesville, NC Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lindler
The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zenoni
Peggy Mann
Mr. Emmett E. Wicker
Michael and Sandy Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Gagne
The Rev. Tim and Mrs. Kendra Martin
Mrs. Renate A. Gibson
Rev. William Trexler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wade Poust
Marjorie McDaniel
Dr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Moretz
Miriam and Warren Walka
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Huggins, Jr.
Mildred McGee and Family
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Stephanie Walrath
The Rev. and Mrs. Michael G. Weaver
Mike and Judy McKiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hester
Juliana Weeks
Mrs. Ellen M. Boler
Tom and Diane Milburn
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Poole
Emmett Wicker
Mrs. Nancy C. Richbourg
Sheely Miller
Mrs. Ellen M. Boler
Cindi Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Mendola
NovusWay Staff members
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Johnson
Willim Grandchildren
Mrs. E. Louise Willim
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen O’Sheal
Ms. Debbie Reid
Anniversary of Rev. Stephen and Patricia
Ms. Deborah J. Carpenter
Libby Bedenbaugh
Mrs. Jean C. Roberts
Rev. Miriam Beecher
The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Weber
Ray and Elaine Bleiweiss
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Osborne
Susann Brady
Mrs. Rachel Weissman
Rev. George and Mrs. Carolyn Buechner
Mr. and Mrs. David Buechner
Revs. Tim and Mary Canniff-Kuhn
Mrs. Ruth G. Warmanen
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter
Dorothy Carpenter and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter and Ms. Laura A. Lane
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Walter and Amy Carpenter and Alan
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter
Dr. Tina M. Carpenter
Romania Cline
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Rev. Mike and Mrs. Beth Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rudisill
Linda Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Flachsbart
Rev. Pam Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. DeMattio
Our Daughter Katharine Corn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corn
Lynne Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Austin
The Bob Curl Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Barnhart
Lois Dasher
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Branscomb
Rev. Jim and Mrs. Alice Demond
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Lintz
Wayde and Sally Dominick, Cody,Tim
& Caroline
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Jonathan and Laura Frock
Mrs. Catherine Norris
Ben, Caroline and Thomas Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Gagne
Jonathan, James and David Gragg
Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Gagne
My Mother Mary Graham
Ms. Kathy S. Smith
Martha Haigler
Brigadier General Janice M. Haigler
Jack Harchelroad
Ms. Arlene Stuckey
Harley and Inge Henderson
Mr. Thomas Henderson
Don and Nancy Hyatt
The Rev. and Mrs. Larry S. Long
The Rev. Sara Ilderton
Ms. Mary Alice Rutherford
Keith Johnson’s 20th Anniversary
with NovusWay
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Aull
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Berkey-Abbott
Mr. Philip and the Rev. Katie Carroll
The Rev. and Mrs. Marion W. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeVries
The Rev. and Mrs. Darrell Golnitz
Bishop H. Julian Gordy and
Rev. Morgan Gordy
The Rev. and Mrs. David L. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kovar
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Massey
Mr. Larry D. Moeller
The Rev. and Mrs. Darrel A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Schabacker
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Wicker
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Youngdahl
Mary W. Kehl
Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Austin
Bud and Amy Onstad
The Rev. Sandra K. Johnson
Fred and Renee Park
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Mary Peterson
Cobb County Chapter of
Thrivent Financial
Steve Winemiller
Ms. Chereyl B. Carpenter
Rev. W. David Wise
Mrs. Alice R. Wise
Rev. and Mrs. Rhodes Woolly
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelly Everhart
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald Poole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fudjack
Mr. David Poole
Angie Yates
Southeastern McGown
Teachers Workshop
The Rev. Daniel Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Maxey, Jr.
Tony Yount
The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink
Debbie Reid
Dr. and Mrs. Steven F. O’Sheal
Nancy Richbourg
Mr. Emmett E. Wicker
The Rev. Dr. Ronald Rinn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Maxey, Jr.
Janet and Jennifer Ritchey
Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Hall
Everyone welcome – registration not required
• Lutheranch New Retreat Center Site
(near 344 Salem Church Rd., Tallapoosa, GA 30176)
• March 14, 2015 . 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
• Lunch will be provided
A day of fun and activities with an auction of artwork
Auction Artwork Wanted
• Any medium you choose
• All proceeds from the sale of
artwork benefits Lutheranch programs.
If you can help: email Holly Anderson at [email protected].
In subject line put ART AUCTION.
For more information on the Round-up, contact Libby Bedenbaugh, Sr. Development Associate at 803-940-6523, [email protected]
W W W. N O V U S WAY. CO M | 828. 684.2 3 6 1