School Fees 2014 Deutsche Schule Pretoria


School Fees 2014 Deutsche Schule Pretoria
School Fees 2014
Deutsche Schule Pretoria
valid as from 1.1.2014 till 31.12.2014
Interim Fee Structure
Enrolment fee - payable with the enrolment (non-refundable)
Enrolment fee Kindergarden/Kinderkrippe
Enrolment fee Grade R and Grade 1
Enrolment fee Grade 2 to Grade 5
Enrolment fee Grade 6 to Grade 12
Payment in advance - per child - payable at enrolment
School fees
total per year
Kindergarden/Kinderkrippe - per child
Grade R - per child
Grade 1 to 4 per child
Grade 5 to 6 per child
Grade 7 to 9 per child
Grade 10 to 12 per child
R 26,570
R 30,350
R 39,100
R 40,610
R 42,120
R 45,040
Replacement Student Card
R 2,000
R 2,000
R 5,000
R 20,000
R 4,000
per year payment of total
before 28.02.
monthly debit
(10 months)
per term
(3 months)
R 25,242
R 28,833
R 37,145
R 38,580
R 40,014
R 42,788
R 2,591
R 2,959
R 3,812
R 3,959
R 4,107
R 4,391
R 6,643
R 7,588
R 9,775
R 10,153
R 10,530
R 11,260
R 100
Bus ticket - Mamelodi/Eersterus
Bus ticket - Silverton/Meyerspark
R 7,650
R 5,100
Afternoon Care: Kindergarden & School
Annual fee per child Kindergarden/Kinderkrippe
Annual fee per child - School
Daily rate per child - School
Half day rate
R 10,700.00
R 12,650.00
R 100.00
R 55.00
incl. lunch
14h00 - 17h30
incl. holiday care
excl. lunch
12h00 - 17h30
excl. lunch
12h00 - 17h30
excl. lunch 12h00 - 15h00 oder 15h00 - 17h30
Holiday Care - Afternoon Care Centre
Annual fee per child
Holiday care per term
Daily rate
Half day rate per child
R 4,100.00
excl. lunch
siehe Formel
R 162.00
R 125.00
excl. lunch
excl. lunch
excl. lunch
daily rate x number of
days minus 20%
per day also for Kindergarden
per day also for Kindergarden
Guest scholar
R 500.00
no further costs
50 % of the monthly fee
100 % of the monthly fee
Admission fee
1 - 3 school days
up to 10 school days
exceeding 10 school days
Allgemeine Information
School fees are payable in advance. Current terms of payment - published on the DSP website or obtainable
from reception - are applicable.
A sibling's discount may be granted upon simplified application.
No social discount will be granted during the first year of enrolment (regardless of grade)
Banking details
Deutscher Schulverein Pretoria
Bank: ABSA
Branch code: 632005
Acc.: 070271842
Further expenditure: Uniform, school books, stationery, class excursions / day trips, private extra-mural activities, miscellaneous
Insurance: All learners should have a Medical Aid. The school will not be liable for lost items; an insurance of valuables will be at the
discretion of parents.
Bücherlisten für die einzelnen Klassen sind im Sekretariat erhältlich und auf der Website einsehbar. Sollten vorgeschriebene Bücher
im Buchhandel nicht erhältlich sein, wird der Fachlehrer eigenes Material erstellen und den Kindern die Kopien gegen Entgelt zur
Verfügung stellen.