Participants in the Colloquium
Participants in the Colloquium
Participants in the Colloquium Ahtens, Dr. Th ., c/o J. R. Geigy A. G., CH4000 Basel 21, Switzerland !ngelini, Dr. Giovanni, Clinica Dermatologica, Bari, Italy Antia, Dr. N. H. F .R.C.S., Prof. of Plastic Surgery, National Insti tute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London N.W. 7, England, and The Tata Department of Plastic Surgery, Balaram Building, Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, Bombay 8, India AujouJat, Dr. Louis Paul, President du Comite National d' Assistance aux Lepreux, 42, rue Spontini, Paris 16, France A.zulay, Dr. Rubem D avid, Prof. of Dermatology, Avenida Atlantica 3130, Apt. 701 , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Baccaredda-Boy, Prof. Aldo, Director Clinica Dermatologica, Universita di Genova, Viale Benedetto XV, Genova, Italy BaIlestrem, Graf von, Hubert, Prasiden t des Deutschen Aussatzigen-Hilfswerks, Bonn, Schumannstr. 49, West-Germany Barry, Dr. Vincent C., D .Se., Medical Research C..ouncil of Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland 8echelli, Dr. L. M., Chief Medical Officer, Leprosy Division of Communicable Diseases, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland Beine, Dr., HallS Homsheide, Klinik fur Geschwiilste lind Tuberkulose der Haut und ~rundh6hle, Handorf, West-Germany Bertamino, Dr. Rino, Dermatologic Clinic, Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy Binford, Dr. Chapman H., Medical Director, Leonard Wood Memorial, 1200-18th Street, ~.W., Washington D .C. 20036, USA BJenska, Dr. Wanda, St. Francis' Leprosarium Buluba, P.O. Box 151 , Iganga/ Uganda . Bonomo, Prof. Lorenzo, Institute of Clinical ~fedicine, University of Bari, Medical School, Via Amendola n. 176, Bari, Italy Irlllicke, Prof. Rudolf, Dr.rer.nat., o Leiter der Ahteilung fur naturwis~enschaftli ch e \1ikrnbiologie, Forschungsimti tut Borstel, BorBstel West-Germany rowne, Dr. Stanley G., O.B.E., F .R.C.P., The prosy Study Centre, 57a Wimpole Street, ndon, W. I , England fr n., Dr. E. W " Bemhard-Nocht-Institut ~ Sehiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten, Hamg 4, Bemhard-Nocht-S tr. 74, West-Ger- t ltlany xv Cameron, Dr. R., Winkelmatt 214, Ch-4303 Kaiseraugst, Switzerland Carayon, Medecin General A., Professeur Agrege, Direoteur de I'Institut de Pathologie exotique-Le Pharo-Marseille, France Conalty, Dr. M. L., M.D., M.R.C.Path., Medical Research Council of Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Constabel, Stabsarzt Dr. Gerd, FlensburgMurwik, Swinemiinder Strasse, Stiitzpunkt Marinesanitatsstaffel, West-Germany Convit, Prof. Dr. Jacinto, Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, EI Medico Jefe de la Divisi6n de Dermatologfa Sanitaria, Caracas, Venezuela Coutelier, Dr. L., c/o Lab. Lacroix, Universite Catholique de Louvain, B-3000 Louvain, Belgium Debruyne, Dr., Institut Pasteur de Line, 20 Bd. Louis XIV, Lille, France DelvilIe, Dr. J., Ecole de Sante Publique, 4, Avenue Chapelle aux Champs, B-I200 Brussels, Belgium Droogenbroeek, van, Dr. J. B. A., Institut voor Tropische Geneeskunde Prins Leopold, · Nationalstraat 155, Antwerpen , Belgium and Damien Foundation, 54328 Sorokdo/ Chonnam, Korea Fasske, Dr. Eberhard, Leiter der Abteilung fur Pathologie, Forschungsinstitu t Borstel, "Vest-Germanv Fetting, Dr. Rudolf, Leiter der Abteilung fur Immunologie, Forschungsinstitut Horstel, West-Germany Fink, Dr. Ernst H., Bemhard-Nocht-Institut fur SchifFs- und Tropenkrankheiten, Hamburg 4, B emhard-~ocht-Str. 74, We'it-Germany Fowst, Dr. G., Medical Director Lepetit spa, Via Roberto Lepetit 8, Mailand, Italy Freerksen, Dr. Edith, Ober~irztin der Forschun g~ klinik des Forschun gsinstitlltes Rorstel, Borstel , Wes t-Germany Freerksen, Prof. Enno, Dr. Dr., Direktor des Forschungsin stitutes Borstel, o. Professo r fur experimentelle Medizin der Universihit Kiel, Borstel, West-Germ any Freerksen, Jens-Peter, cand.-med., Abteilung fUr experimentelle Biologie und Therapie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, WestGermany Fritschi, Dr. Ernst P., M.B., D .Orth., F.R.C.S. ( Edin.), Surgeon, The Leprosy Mission, DjaIan Tjipaku II/I, Blok Q, Kehajoran Bam, Djakarta, Indonesia lntematiorwl ]ourrwl of Leprosy Gaugas, Dr. Joseph M., Ph.D., National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, N.W. 7, England Hartmann, Dr. Gunter, Bemhard-Nocht-Institut fiir Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheilen, Hamburg 4, Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 74, WestGermany . Havel, Dr. rer. nat. Albin, Abteilung fiir experimentelle Biologie und Therapie am Forschungsinstilut Borstel, Borstel, West-Germany Hellwig, Mr. Kurt, Neustadt/Ostsee, Butzhorn 53, West-Germany Henneberg, Prof. Dr. G., Prasident des Bundesgesundheitsamtes, Berlin 33, Thielallee 88-92, West-Germany Hilson, Prof. Dr. G. Richard F., Professor of Bacteriology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, Hyde Park Comer, London, S.W.l, England Hoffmann-Kuhnt, Dr. Chr., Deutsches Institut fiir Arztliche Mission, Tiibingen, Paul-Lechler-Str. 24, West Germany Hohma, Dr. S., Abteilung fiir experimentelle Biologie und Therapie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, West-Germany I1ukevich, Prof. Dr. Alexis, Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Apartado 526, Maracaibo, Venezuela Jager, Dr. Gerold, Leprosarium Nyenga, P.O. Box 24, Jinja, Uganda Jaeger, Mr. Robert F. S., US Foreign Science Office, I. G. Hochhaus, Room 750, Frankfurt/M., Bremer Strasse, West-Germany Jaffe, Dr. Ludwig, Bernhard-Nocht-Institut fill Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten, Hamburg 4, Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 74, West-Germany Jamison, Dr. David G., University of Cambridge, Department of Anatomy, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DY, England Job, Prof. Dr. C. K., B.Sc., M.D., Schieffelin Leprosy Research, Sanatorium Karigiri, Vellore-4, S. India Jopling, Dr. W. H ., University College Hospital, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, 4, St. Pancras Way, London, N.W. 1, England Jordan, Prof. Dr. Paul, Direktor der Unjversitats-Hautklinik, Munster, von Esmarchstr. 56, \Vest-Germany Jung, Dr. Kersten, Allgemeines Krankenhaus St. Georg, 1. Med. Abteilung, Hamburg 1, LohmUhlenstr. 5, West-Germany Kalthoff, Dr. P. Gerhard, Mannheim, Hebelstr. 19, West-Germany Kazda, Dr. Jindrich, Leiter der Abteilung flir Veterinarmedizin am Forschunginstitut Borstel, Borstel, West-Germany Keese, Dr. E. J., Post Box 2148, Karachi 18, West-Pakistan Kimmig, Prof. Dr. Dr. j., Direktur def Uni slitiits-Haulklinik, Hamburg 20, Martin~er52, West-Germany n. KlingmiilIer, Prof. Dr. Georg, Universita Hautklinik, Bonn-Vellusberg, West-Ge~ Klokke, Prof. Dr. A. Hans, UnjversiteitskhniJ voor Hiudziekten, Catharijnesingel 101. Utrecht, Netherlands Kn~tt.gen, Prof. .Dr. Herm~n J:, ..Tropenmedr zmlsches Instltut der Umversltat, Tubing~ Wilhelm-str. II, West-Germany Kober, Mr. Hermann, Geschaftsfuhrendes \Tot_ standsmitglied des Aussatzigen-HilfSWe!\s e.V., Wurzburg, Dominikanerplatz 4 W Germany , Kooij, Dr. Reijer, Department of Dermatolo~ Gemeentziekenhuis, Zuidwal 83, The Ha~ Netherlands Korsak, Mrs. Tatjana, Ulliversite Libre Bruxelles, Faculte de Mooecine et (Ie p _ macie, Ecole de Sante Publique, 100, ~ Belliard, Brussels 4, Belgium Kolbel, Dr. Hermann, Leiter der Abteilung fUr Elektronenmikroskopie am ForschungSiIlStitut Borstel, Borstel, West-Germany Krampitz, Priv. Doz. Dr. H. E., Institut ffu Infektions- und Tropenmedizin der Unh'er sitat, Munchen 90, Am Neudeck 1, West. Germany LanguiI1on, Medecin-Genhal, Jean, Directeur de J'Institut Marchoux, Bamako, Mali Lechat, Prof. Michel F., Dr. P. H., Ecole d~ Sante Publique, 4, Avenue Chapelle alll Champs, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium Leiker, Dr. D. L., Instituut voor Tropische H}giene, Mauritskade 57, Amsterdam-O Netherlands Lieske, Dr. Herbert, Hamburg 71, Bramfelder Chaussee 253, West-Germany Lippelt, Prof. Dr. Heinrich, Bernhard-NochtInstitut fill Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten. Hamburg 4, Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 74, WestGermany Ludwig, Dr. Lotte, Hamburg 66, Heidenhont· weg 16, West-Germany Marwyck, van, Prof. Dr. Christian, Staatl Hygiene-Institut der Freien Hansestadf Bremen, Bremen, St. Ji.irgen Strasse, West· Germany Mecke, Dr. P., Abt. Med. Mikrobiologie d Klinischen Anstalten, Aach en, Goethestr 27-29, West-Germany Meissner, Prof. Gertrud, Dr. Dr. h.c., emcr Leiterin der Abteilung fur mediziniscl. Mikrobiologie am Forschungsinstitut Borsttl Borstel, \Vest-Germany. xvi Participants in the C olloqutu7n \feissner, Prof. Johannes, Dr., Leiter der Ab- Rohrscheidt, Mrs. Eva, Diplomchemikerin, Ab. teilung fUr angewandte Radioaktivitat am teilung fUr naturwissenschaftliche MikrobioForschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, Westlogie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, West -Germany Germany \{eneghini, Prof. Carlo Luigi, Clinica Derma- Rosenfeld, Mrs. Magdalena, Leiterin der Ab.' tologica, Piazzale Giulio Cesare, Bari, Italy teilung fur experimentelle Biologie und Meriden, Prof. Felix-Pierre, Faculte de MedeTherapie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, cine de Paris, Laboratoire de Pathologie Borstel, West-Germany Experimentale, 21, rue de I'Ecole de Mede- Rosenfeld, Mr. Walter, Aussatzigenhilfe Emcine-VI, 78 Paris, France maus Schweiz, Spitalgasse 9, 3011 Bern, ~{eyer-Rohn, Prof. Dr. J., Erster Oberarzt der Switzerland Universitats- Hautklinik, Hamburg 20, Mar- Saerens, Dr. E. J., Medical Research, Director, tinistr. 52, West-Germany Lepetit Belgica s.a., Avenue de Tervueren, ~feyerheim, Mr. Rolf, Fundacao Ataulpho de 35, Brussels 4, Belgium Paiva, Departamento de Vacinacao, 260, Sagher, Prof. Felix, M.D ., Director, DepartAvenida Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ment of Dermatology and Venereology, Ha~li)hest, Dr. H., Oberfeldarzt im WBK I, Kiel, dassah Medical Organization , P .O. Box 499, Niemannsweg 220, West-Germany Jerusalem, Israel ~lohr, Prof. Dr. Werner, Bemhard-NochtSaul, Dr. Amado, Dermatologist, Centro Der\nstitut fiir Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten, matol6gica Pascua, Carciadiego 21 , Mexico Hamburg 4, Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 74, West7, D .F., Mexico Germany Schaller, Priv. Doz. Dr. K. F. Direktor des \{ondl, Mr. A. Martin,o 4450 Bell Haven Lane, Emst-Rosenwaldt-Instituts, Koblenz, und Oshkosh, Wisc., 54901, USA Lektor fiir Tropische Dermatologie an der \{iickter, Dr. Heinrich, Chemie Griinenthal Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg 52, Parkstr. GmbH, Stolberg/ Rhld ., Zweifaller Strasse, 34, West-Germ ny West-Germany Scheiber, Dr. Peter, Oldenburg LO., Rouge\fiilIer, Prof. Dr. Rainer W., Kaln , Herderstr. mann-S tr. 25, West-Germany 6, West-Germany Schmidt, P.rof. Dr. Henning, Professor for DerMurohashi, Dr. Toyoho, Department of Tubermatology, Odense University Hospital, Dept. culosis, National Institute of Health, 10-35, for Dermatology and Venereology, DK-5000 Kamiosaki 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Odense, Denmark Japan Schroder, Dr. Karl-Heinz, Leiter der Abteilung Ostergaard, Mr. E., 19, Njalsgade, Kopenhagen, fur medizinische Mikrobiologie am ForschDenmark ungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, W est-Germany Opromolla, Dr. Dilton Vladimir de Araujo, Schulz, Prof. Dr. K. H., Universitats-Hautklinik, Sanat6rio Aimores, Bauru, Sao Paulo, SP, Allergieabteilung, Hamburg 20, Martinistr. Brazil 52, West-Germany Orlowski, Dr. Ernst-Heinrich, Chefarzt der Schumacher, Prof. Dr. Hans-Harald, BernhardForschungsklinik des Forschungs-institutes Nocht-Institut fUr Schiffs- und TropenHorstel, Borstel, West-Germany krankh eiten, Hamburg 4, Bernhard-NochtPattyn, Prof. Dr. Stefaan R., Instituut voor Str. 74, West-Germany Tropische Geneeskunde Prins Leopold, NaSchuppli, Prof. Dr. Rudolf, Burgerspital Basel, tionalestraat 155, Antwerpen, Belgium Skin Clinic, CH-4000 Basel, University ReI'S, Dr. R. J. W., National Institute for Switzerlan d '-{edical Research, Mill Hill, London , N.W. Selvapandian, Prof. A. J., B.Sc., M.S ., F.A.C.S., i , England F.I.C.S ., Professor of Orthopaedics, DepartRetzlaff, Mrs. Erika, Diplombiologin , Abteiment of Orthopaedics and Leprosy, ReconIllng fur experimentelle Biologie und Therstructive Surgery, Leprosy Research and apie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel .. Rehabilitation Project, Christian Medical West-Germany College and Hospital, Vellore 4, S. India Ridley, Dr. D. S. Pathologis t, University ColSeydel, Dr. Jochen, Leiter der Ab teilung fur lege Hospital, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Pharmazeutische Chemie am Forchungsinsti4, St. Pancras Way, London, N.W. 1, England tut Borstel, Borstel, West-Germany Riedel, Dr. R. Gottfried, Esslingen a.N., Shepard, Dr. Charles C., Chief, Leprosy and Rickettsial Diseases Unit, Virology Section, Schurwaldstr. 51, West-Germany xvii Inte rMtional ]ourMI of L e prosy Department of Health , Education , and \Velfare, National Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia-30333, USA Sheskin, Dr. Jacob, Department of Dermatology and Venereology. Hadassah Medical Organization , Jerusalem, Israel Sievert, Dr. Maria, Universitats-Haulklinik, Munster, von Esmarch-Str. 56, W est-Germany Snethlage, Dr. R., Berlin 65, Rudolf-VirchowKrankenhaus, West-Germany Stiller, Pater Josef, Relief Center Bisidimo, P .O.B. 22, Harrar, Ethiopia Suresh, Dr. K., Danish Save the Children, Njalsgade 19, Kopenhagen S, Denmark Tachezy, Mr. A., Leiter des Arzneimittelbiiros H amburg der Firma Chemie Griinenthal GmbH, Hamburg, W est-Germany Tarnok, Dr. Ivan, Anteilullg fiir naturwissenschaftli che Mikrobiologie am Forschungsinstitut. Borstel, Borstel, West-German y Tepper, Prof. Byron S., Ph.D., Microbiologist, Leonard Wood Memorial, Assoc. Professor of Pathobiology, Johns H opkins-Leonard Wood Memorial Leprosy Research Laboratory, Dept. of Pathobiology, 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Md . 21205, USA Terencio de las Aguas, Dr. Jose, Director Medico de Fontilles, Colonia Sanatorio San Francisco de Borja, Ali cante, Spain Thumin, Dr. Jurgen, Leiter der Abt eilung fiir Dokumen tation and Bibliothek am Forsch ungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, Vlest-Germany ° Deceased Tuck, Mr. W. H., F.B.l.S.T., Senior Lecture The Illstitule of Orthopaedics, Royal N:~ tional Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley lIiU, Stanmore, Middlesex, England Vaidya, Dr. M. C., University of Oxford, Department of Human Anatomy, South Paries Road, Oxford, England, :Ind All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Department o{ Anatomy, New Delhi-16, India Vischcr, Dr. W. A., c/o J. R. Geigy A.G., Cll_ 4000 Basel 21, Switzerland Waaler, Prof. Dr. Erik, Director, Department of Pathology, The Gade Institute, Univer_ sity of Bergen, N-5000 Bergen, Norway Wartensleben, Mr. Herbert, Chemie Grtinen_ thaI GmbH, Stolberg/ Rhld., Steinfeldstr. 2, West-Germany Waters, Dr. M. F. R., National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, N.W. 7, England, and Medical Superintendent, The Research Unit, Sungei Buloh Lepro.~arium , Sungei Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia W egener, Dr. Franz, Vorstandsmitglied des Deutschen Aussatzigenhilfswerks und Leiter des Missionskrankenhauses, Wiirzburg, Lerchenweg 14, West-Germany Weichsel, Mr. D., c/o J. R. Geigy A.G.-1004. 436- CH-4 000 Basel 21, Switzerland \\Iernsdorfer, Dr. Gunther, Lector, Professor fUr Tropenmedizin und medizinische Parasitologie, Erlangen, Gleiwitzer Str. 49, WestGermany Wiedemann, Dr. Otto J., Hoffmann-La Roche A.G . Abt. Klinische Forschung. Grenzach, West-Germany Wolter, Dr. Heinz, Leiter der Abteilung ffir Pharmakologie am Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Borstel, W est-Germarry xviii