June 2014 - GyrosAway
June 2014 Antony Thomas Flying Above Anahuac Southwest Regional Chapters of the Popular Rotorcraft Association Chapter 6 Mid-South Rotorcraft Club Contact: Thom Francis 210 S 8th Street Gurdon, AR 71743 Email: [email protected] Phone: 870-403-2888 This Months Contributors: Dean Dolph Bill Wieger Bob O’Dell Danny Whitten Don Bouchard Walt Backer Chapter 20 Pelican State Rotor Club Contact: Bill Wieger 112 Gayven Dr. Pineville, LA 71360 Phone: 318-640-5656 Email: [email protected] Website www.pra20.com Chapter 62 Lone Star Rotorcraft Club Contact: Mark Spies Houston, TX Phone: 713-469-2462 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gyrosaway.com Chapter 65 Central Texas Rotorcraft Club Contact: Paul Erb 9901 Brodie Ln. 160-283 Austin, TX 78748 Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-680-1835 Website: www.centexpra.org Visit The Lone Star Rotorcraft Club on Facebook. Southwest Regional Newsletter Club news and upcoming events Member profiles Member’s machines Chapter meeting minutes Projects, builds and modification Photos Family news Classifieds Newsletter Past Issues Chapter 78 Texas Rotorcraft Association Contact: Bob Stark PO Box 428 Olney, TX 76374 Phone: 940-564-2938 Email: [email protected] Website: www.txrotorcraft.org Oklahoma Contact: Robbie Hyde Duncan, OK Email: [email protected] Phone: 580-475-5261 Southwest Rotorcraft If you have missed an issue of our newsletter just go to http://www.gyrosaway.com/newsletters.php to download past issues. To subscribe to Southwest Rotorcraft just click the button below. Subscribing to Southwest Rotorcraft also automatically subscribes you to the Western Rotorcraft. At the beginning of each month you will be sent a link to Southwest Rotorcraft and Western Rotorcraft where you can read them online or download them to your computer. Click Here to Subscribe Now Page 2 June 2014 Upcoming Events Send Us Your News June 10-14; Rotors Over the Rockies, Brigham City Utah June 21; Chapter 62 Meeting at Anahuac June 28; Chapter 78 Meeting in Olney June 28th; Chapter 65 Fly-In in Luling Texas July 19; Chapter 62 Meeting in Anahuac July 6; Chapter 78 Meeting in Olney August 5-9; PRA International Convention, Mentone Indiana September 25-27; Ken Brock Freedom Fly-In; El Mirage Dry Lake Bed California October 17-19; Steve Weir Memorial Fly-In (Formerly Gatorfest Fly-In), Anahuac Texas October 24 and 25; Chapter 20 Meet in Bastrop, LA On the Cover Antony Thomas flying high above Anahuac Texas, picture shot by Bobby Martin as he flew alongside in his MTO Sport Southwest Rotorcraft Project Reports Send us pictures of your project to include in future editions of the newsletter. We will post anything you have on your build, modifications, training, etc. Just send an email to tell us what you are doing and include some pictures if you have any. Progress reports are probably the most interesting things to read about and see. Your Pride and Joy Send us pictures of your machine to include as a feature in future editions. If you include some information on the details of your machine or a short bio of yourself we’ll also include this with your pictures. Brag about your aircraft!! Events and Meetings Next time you’re at a fly-in or just out flying with a buddy, take some pictures and let us know about it. Have your club secretary send us your club news and tell us about your meetings. Send us names of new members so we can welcome them to our sport. We are interested in anything your club is doing. Family News and Announcements Our newsletter isn’t just all about the machines, it’s about the people of our region also. Any family news or announcements you want to share please feel free to send us so we can let everyone know. Page 3 June 2014 Steve Weir Memorial Fund The family of Steve Weir, with the support of the PRA, has set up a memorial fund in Steve’s name. The funds will be used by the PRA for education and training. If you would like to contribute, please visit the PRA website’s donation page, http:// www.pra.org/donation.aspx?i=48, check “other” and put Steve’s name in the box. Fill in the amount you wish to contribute , check the payment method, and hit “Donate”, it’s that easy. If you can’t, or would rather not contribute via internet, you can send a check to the PRA at: We strongly encourage all SWR readers to become members of the PRA. By joining you will be supporting the organization that promotes our sport by representing us to the FAA and assist them on making gyro flying available for all of us. The new PRA website has several members only benefits including: PRA’s electronic Rotorcraft magazines along with past issues chocked full of great information and historical data, downloadable plans, and a PRA supported forum. Please join today, you won’t be disappointed. www.pra.org PRA Steve Weir Memorial P. O. Box 68 Mentone, Indiana 46539 Make sure you clearly mark the check with Steve’s name to assure the funds are deposited into the right place. PRA Volunteer Opportunities From The Editor One year without a cigarette, what an accomplishment for me. All of the other vices I have ever had, many of them I don’t wish to divulge, have seemed very easy to kick as compared to smoking. I tried many different times and just couldn’t do it. One time I was even able to hold off for a little over three months so the addiction was well over with, but the habit came back and I once again fell off the wagon. This time I tried the vaporizer, which I keep hearing many mixed reviews on and there is no research as to the hazards, but it worked for me. Three days after getting my vaporizer, I was no longer wanting a cigarette. Now I just need to get rid of the vaporizer, which shouldn’t be very tough because I really don’t use it much at all. Hopefully this can serve as an inspiration to anyone else wanting to make a change, kick a habit, or get your wings, stay persistent, it may be tough but if you work at it hard enough, I’m sure you can do it. Until next month, fly safely. Mike Grosshans, Southwest Rotorcraft Editor Southwest Rotorcraft The PRA is not a self-standing separate entity; the PRA is the expression of the effort by the members who donate some of their time to our wonderful sport. Please consider lending a hand by pitching in and volunteering for PRA activities like writing articles, helping at the convention or some of the following positions. Web Content Editor Web Interface Programmer Manufacturer Information Ambassador Airport Activities Manager Web and Content Ambassador Advertisement Coordinator Social Media Ambassador Curator Volunteer for the History of the PRA For info about any of these opportunities, email [email protected]. Page 4 June 2014 May Meeting On May 17th, the May Meeting of PRA Chapter 62 was called to order by Secretary Mike Grosshans (filling in for Mark). Members in attendance were Stacy Maness, Dean Dolph, Danny Whitten, Bobby Munroe, Cliff Massey, Michael Stone, Antony Thomas, Chauncey Surry, Keith Johnston, and Todd Moak. Visitors were David Trammel, Doyle Millen, and Elizabeth Stone; David joined that day. Dean mentioned that the PRA had some open board positions and encouraged anyone interested to please let us know so we can assist in the nomination. Danny presented the monthly Chapter bank balance. Stacey presented a safety topic, his discussion was on the care and maintenance of rotor blades. New Business began with Dean offering to donate his boom trainer to the club, it was decided the club would accept, more details to follow. Mike mentioned that Rotor Over the Rockies was coming up and that Dean, Danny, and himself will be attending. The Vice President’s position was discussed. Since Steve is currently having to work extended hours and extra days, he is having difficulty attending the meetings. Dean asked if anyone would be willing to step up and fill the position. Cliff said he would be very interested and would like the opportunity, Dean motioned for a vote, Stacey seconded and a vote was taken. The vote was unanimously in favor of Cliff Massey to assume the position of Vice President. The group was updated on the status of Steve McGowan and was informed his engine had went out, we will let everyone know more as we know more. The group was asked for suggestions for purchases for the chapter shop, a floor mounted drill press and a MIG welder was suggested. A sheet metal machine was purchased last week and the group agreed on the chapter purchase. The meeting was adjourned, the lunch (BBQ brisket) was provided by Danny, donations were accepted. Next meeting is set for June 21st at Anahuac, Cliff volunteered to bring the lunch. Ground school was held in the FBO after lunch. Chapter 62 wishes to welcome it’s newest member. David Trammel joined us in May. Welcome aboard, we’re glad to have you with us and hope to see your new RAF flying soon. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 5 June 2014 Rotors Rule at Pineville EAA Fly-In April 12 Good weather prevailed at Pineville for the Spring EAA Fly-In, but the low ceiling conditions at embarkation locations elsewhere produced slim fixed wing arrivals. Proportionately, gyros were much more “numerous” with four flying in the afternoon as shown in the tarmac picture. Gyronaughts sort of messed with the minds of the fixed wingers on this date. Gyros certainly were the attention-getters with the visitors. The Pineville (Lake Buhlow) airport is an absolutely great place for “close-up and personal” acquaintance with aircraft and flight operations, with the close proximity of the tarmac-taxiwayrunway layout. Thus the visitors can see and enjoy flying very close. Bill Wieger is an “established regular” at the events and Mark Lohman has become a recent regular. Wieger is known for providing air show periods in the box just across the runway from the hangars. This year the presence of Paul Juneau and Mark McDonner added an enormous new dimension to the event. Mark would probably have won the longest distance award, if it was still given, with his flight from Gonzales arriving in time for noon chow. The two place colorful Sparrowhawk provided a much greater perception of gyro sophistication and advancement that most people were aware of. Scott Bordelon was also on hand but without gyro. Paul dazzled spectators with takeoffs and landings after he got a feel of the airport. Several were estimating the length of his take-off roll, which was thought to be six feet by some. The event closed out the day with an evening banquet in EAA Chapter 614’s extraordinary clubhouse and on the lakeside deck along with music and dancing to the Red River Jazz Band. One unscheduled event closure was an emergency landing by a DC-3 (I think) on its return trip easterly which put down on Paul Juneau’s grass strip near Simmsport. Mid-South Rotorcraft Club Jim Edwards of Russellville Arkansas has started a new VW powered Gyro working with Walter Backer from Atkins AR who has a machine shop. We are looking forward to keeping everyone posted. Charles Hill, also from Russellville, is getting closer to finishing His VW Powered gyro. This area is getting lots of Gyros. CENTRAL TEXAS ROTORCRAFT CLUB Second Annual Fly-In Chapter 65 will be holdings it’s second fly-in, June 28th at Luling Carter Memorial (T91), Luling Texas Southwest Rotorcraft Page 6 June 2014 Texas Rotorcraft Association May Meeting by Bob O’Dell The Texas Rotorcraft Association met on May 24th in the back room at Don Antonio’s restaurant in Olney, Texas. There were eight members and twelve guests in attendance at the meeting including Larry Neal, Bob Stark, Bob and Betty O’Dell, Bryan Fair, Ira McComic, Henry Foster, Jim and Leatha Hirsch, Elaine Paniszczyn, David D'Antonio, Scott Sullins, Desmon and Crissy Butts, Patrick Christine, Glenda Purcell, Larry and Barbara Ward, Ron Ingram, and Kathy Rodriguez. The speaker for the meeting was Jim Hirsch who is the President of Air Tractor. Jim provided us with the history of Air Tractor starting with Leland Snow's first aircraft modification and use in South Texas until the present day successful operation in Olney, Texas. There were many bumps in the road that would have derailed most operations but Leland Snow was not one to let bumps stop his progress. While Leland was testing one of his earlier prototypes, he pulled several G’s to demonstrate the strength of the aircraft. A wing folded and fortunately Leland was able to safely bail out. They later determined that the cause was a misplaced decimal point in one of the design calculations. A situation like this would have been the end for most companies but did not deter Leland. Air Tractor is now producing more than just spray planes, their products range from fire fighters to military aircraft. The State Department has several aircraft used for spraying illegal drug crops in foreign countries. These planes have special plating and bullet proof windshields and fuel tanks. These aircraft take ground fire on a regular basis in their daily operations. The use of Air Tractors in fighting forest fires is gaining popularity. These planes can be equipped with floats and a system for loading water from a reservoir while flying. Turnaround time is in seconds. An undisclosed number of especially equipped Air Tractors with attachment points for weapons have been sold to foreign countries. One of these aircraft was successfully tested in Olney firing a live 50 caliber machine gun. Air Tractor is presently producing 150 to 200 aircraft a year. Olney has been good for Air Tractor and Air Tractor has been good for Olney. Southwest Rotorcraft Our club will try to sponsor a trip through Air Tractor's plant later in the year. After the lunch and program, the group went to the Olney Airport where some flying and lying took place. The next TRA meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2014, at Bryan and Paula Fair's house. This is an annual event that takes place at their home on a landing strip near Boyd, Texas. Bryan and Paula will furnish the Bar-B-Q meat dish and everyone else is invited to bring a covered dish. You can fly into this airport if that be your desire. Bryan has promised to provide details of the festivities to all on our mailing list. Everyone is invited. If you are not on the TRA mailing list but would want to come to this get-together, send me your email address and I will make sure you get the details. My email is [email protected]. Bob Page 7 June 2014 DREAM IT - BUILD IT - FLY IT Don Bouchard’s Newest Creation Last year at the Ken Brock Freedom Fly-In, Don purchased what looked like just a trailer load of parts, it was in no way anything you could possibly consider a gyro, it looked like the trailer was worth more than the machine. With perseverance, he trailered it all the way from El Mirage, back to College Station Texas. He had to stop and replace the tires, and even ran into someone in Arizona who purchased the engine from him. Months later he brought it to a chapter 62 meeting, it didn’t look anything like what he picked up at El Mirage. Don even made the trip all the way to Bensen Days this year with his newest creation. Even though it remained under a tarp for most of the event (due to rain), it was uncovered long enough for many of us to see it again, it was sure looking good and I’m sure it was a strong contender for the most innovative built gyro. Don’s build sports a round tubing frame and an Eco Tech three cylinder engine. The building is almost complete and it should be ready for it’s first flights soon. Hopefully we will be able to witness the first flights at the Chapter 62 hangars. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 8 June 2014 wicksaircraft.com DAR Services, Prerotators, and Seat Tanks www.calumetair.com aircraftspruce.com Forum Talk Here are some interesting threads about pre-rotators, there are a couple on the use of a cordless drill which I find very intriguing and possibly a very viable option to keep weight off if your shooting for the ultra light category. http://www.rotaryforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35788 http://www.rotaryforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40498 http://www.rotaryforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34432 Newest and Youngest DPE Dayton Dabbs, Texas gyro CFI and Magni dealer of Round Rock Texas, has just received his DPE designation from the FAA. I had the pleasure of meeting Dayton last year at the Chapter 62 fly-in in Anahuac. He is a super great guy and from what I hear, a very outstanding instructor. Congratulations Dayton, this is what our sport was in need of and there couldn’t have been a better person to get it. Dayton writes: I am very excited to help advance our sport and promote safety as the highest priority. There were 5 DPE applicants in the class including myself (Magni Rep), Mark Sprigg (Magni Rep - Missouri), Chris Lord (Xenon Rep - Illinois), Bob Snyder (AutoGyro Rep Maryland), and Pat Warren (Sportcopter Pilot - Oregon). The class was held in Oklahoma City from June 2nd-June 6th, and all of us left with at least a sport pilot (Pat & Bob received Commercial) designation. I know we all have safety as the number one priority, and we are all very excited to promote the future of gyro aviation. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 9 June 2014 Got a Fly-In Coming Up In Your Area? Please send us the information and we’ll let everybody know. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 10 June 2014 Hangar Flying Think your having a bad day? Southwest Rotorcraft Page 11 June 2014 Light-Sport Gyroplanes An introductory guide for discovering these unique aircraft This non-technical book is for persons who are interested in gyroplanes, especially those who may not know much about them, but are curious to discover more. Even persons who think they know a lot about gyroplanes may be surprised to learn about developments that are making gyroplanes better, safer, and more inviting to fly for novices new to aviation as well as pilots who fly all kinds of aircraft. In brief, whether you’re avidly interested in gyroplanes or simply curious, this book is for you. Available on Amazon.com. Also available on Amazon: Gyro Books For Sale Born Free - My Life In Gyrocopters ORDERING INFORMATION Born Free ................. $ 19.95 Sales Tax @ 8.50 % .. $ 1.69 (California residents only) Shipping .................... $ 4.00 in USA To Order By Mail Send check or money order payable to: Marion Springer 720 Mirage Lake Rd. Adelanto, CA 92301 Pay Online Through PayPal Email: [email protected] Southwest Rotorcraft Great books, DVDs, and CDs at www.gyrobooks.com Page 12 June 2014 Hangar Talk Radio Nationally syndicated weekly talk radio show on Yahoo Sports Radio dedicated to all aspects of aviation and aviation enthusiasts. Also available on Podcast and iHeart Radio. Chapter Patches If you would like to get a chapter patch for your flight suit, favorite shirt, ball cap, or just whatever you want to stick it on, contact: Chapter 20; Rudy Graffeo at [email protected] Chapter 62; Danny Whitten at [email protected] CHAPTER SHIRTS Chapter 62 has two styles of T-shirts available, if you are interested please contact Danny Whitten. He has these available for purchase at the meetings. They are $15 each Parts and Supplies New Bensen/Brock Rotor Blades B&B Rotor Blade Price List July 9, 2012 Blades, either Bensen or Brock attach points $1,295.00 Hub Bars: 25”, 36”, or 48” Blades and Hub Bar Sets:; 21’, 23’, or 25’ Contact Roger Farnes at [email protected] or (909) 519-4427 Southwest Rotorcraft Page 13 June 2014 For Sale Classified are free, just send some pictures and a description along with your contact information to [email protected] and we will post whatever it is you have for sale, trade, or looking for. Bensen Gimbal Head Early style head that uses Heim bearings for pitch, rather than the solid blocks. I bought this straight from Bensen, less than ten hours, new main bearing because of age. $400 Contact Jim Edwards at 479 -747-4323 or [email protected] Gyros For Sale 1979 Bensen B8M 90 Hp Mac with 15 hrs. since complete rebuild, electric start, CDI, differential braking, strobes, rotor brake, adjustable trim, 23' Sky wheels, set up for 280 lb. person, all Logs, built by A&P, comes with airworthy and N number. $6,500 or best offer. Mark Spies, markhspies @gmail.com or (713) 469-2462 Air Command Modified Bandit airframe, Rotax 582ul DCDI Model 99 with electric start, 25 ft Dragon Wings, high torque pre-rotator, 9 gallon seat tank, RK Clutch on the Warp Drive 68" 4 blade prop, EIS Model 2000 control panel, Rotor Brake, Shine plated muffler, am asking $15k but will consider all reasonable offers. Rex Byrns, 361-6554987, . center line thrust, HKS 65 HP oil cooled engine very low hours, 64 in warp drive ground adjustable prop, Ken Brock rotor head, no prerotator. Has fly wheel on rotor head. No brakes, has a set of 24’ Rotor Dynes new still in box, 12 gal seat tank. $8,000.00 or best offer! Contact Don Bouchard 979-7775166 Southwest Rotorcraft Page 14 CLT Air Command Asking $6,000 or best offer. Contact Ed Moreland at 832496-7306 or [email protected] Snowbird Avenger Tandem Gyroplane Kit Has a Honda Cam engine with Mikuni carb. 115 HP. $16,500.00 Contact Mark at 225-9363527 or [email protected] June 2014 RAF 2000 Aggressor, Plans Built Bensen Subaru 2.2 Carbureted, 30Ft RAF Rotors, Built in 2006, Cabin Heat, Pitch and Roll Trim, Belt Driven Pre-Rotator, Carb Heat, Rotor Tach, Engine Tach, Altimeter to 20,000 Feet, Air Speed Indicator. Reduced to $29,500. 27’ Dragon Wings, 1982 1.8 Turbo Bratt engine, Tennessee prop, Aggressor air frame. Also have a 2.2 Legacy engine included. $8,000 Gyro is located at the PRA headquarters in Mentone. Bensen, has the McCullough 72 just put a new cylinder and piston and rings and a starter kit on it also 10ft 3 in rotors with a 24 inch hub bar. $5,500, may have a small trailer to throw in if needed, ready to fly. Contact Hoppy at 512- 488-2440 Contact: Thom Francis, email [email protected], phone 870-403-2888. Located in Gurdon Arkansas Contact John at [email protected] or 317-840-2697 For Sale by Ron Menzie KB3 that I have had for several years. has about 350 hrs. Rotax 532, pre-rotator, hydraulic front disc brake, rotor brake, dragon wing rotors, built in prop balancer. This is a true ultralight, I think its empty weight is approximately 248 lbs. $10,000. Southwest Rotorcraft Air Command for sale is quite new with a 148 hours total. It also has a flex shaft prerotator, hydraulic main wheel brakes, rotor brake and its power is a 503 Rotax, pull rope start. $11,000. Page 15 Also have one more RAF, Fuel injected Subaru, 350 hours total, has never been damaged. $24,000. [email protected], (501) 766-6456, ww.ronsgyros.com. Located in Searcy Arkansas June 2014 TRAINING TEXAS LOUISIANA ARKANSAS James Chowns Bastrop, LA James trains in a tow glider at the Morehouse Memorial Airport (KBQP) in Bastrop. This is a great training aid for anyone just entering training in gyros. This was the way training was done before the two place trainers. [email protected] OKLAHOMA Paul Patterson, Edmund Oklahoma Paul trains in a modified RAF at the Guthrie/ Edmond Geoport (KGOK). His RAF includes both a stabilator and a horizontal stabilizer. 405-826-8443 [email protected] GEORGIA Henry Foster Trains at the Olney Airport in a Modified RAF, a SparrowHawk, and an Air Command [email protected] 214– 692-0727 ARIZONA Proper training is the best money spent. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 16 June 2014
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