Entry Instruction Manual


Entry Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Version: 2.5.1
Date: 20.11.2012
CD Lab AG, Irisweg 12, CH-3280 Murten, Tel. +41 (0)26 672 37 37, Fax +41 (0)26 672 37 38
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................... 4
System requirements .................................................. 4
WinCan8 main screen.................................................. 5
Icons of the symbol bar .............................................................................. 5
Project manager ......................................................... 6
Creating a new project ............................................................................... 7
Language (country dialogue) ....................................................................... 8
Project structure ........................................................................................ 9
Adding an existing project to the list ........................................................... 10
Highlighting and deleting projects ............................................................... 11
Backing-up a project ................................................................................. 11
Project and inspection information ............................... 12
Section area ............................................................. 14
Creating a new section .............................................................................. 14
Entering section information ...................................................................... 15
Mandatory fields ....................................................................................... 15
Selecting an existing section ...................................................................... 16
Moving sections ........................................................................................ 16
Deleting sections ...................................................................................... 17
Combining abandoned sections .................................................................. 18
Observations and damages ......................................... 20
Recording damages................................................................................... 20
Entering damage grades ............................................................................ 21
Deleting observations ................................................................................ 21
Video Settings........................................................... 22
Video Recorder Settings ............................................. 22
10 Video Window ........................................................... 23
11 Recording and playing video clips ................................. 24
Deleting a video sequence ......................................................................... 25
12 Taking and viewing pictures ........................................ 26
Viewing a picture ...................................................................................... 27
Deleting a picture ..................................................................................... 28
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Table of Contents
13 Labelling damage sites on pictures ............................... 29
14 Setting file names for pictures and videoclips ................. 30
15 Second inspection of a section ..................................... 31
16 Inspection of lateral sections ....................................... 32
Define a new section as a lateral section ...................................................... 33
Define an existing section as a lateral section ............................................... 34
17 Search tool ............................................................... 35
18 Printing inspection reports .......................................... 36
Printing special reports .............................................................................. 37
Printing a video or DVD cover ..................................................................... 37
19 Customizing the project template ................................. 38
Modifying the section overview ................................................................... 38
Overview of template settings .................................................................... 39
Modifying the section/inspection details ....................................................... 40
Modifying the colour of the pipe graphic ...................................................... 41
Simple and associated databases ................................................................ 42
Layout of the manhole screen .................................................................... 43
Classification colours ................................................................................. 44
Displaying repairs ..................................................................................... 45
Layout of report headers ........................................................................... 46
Printing damage grades on the inspection report .....................................47
Printing additional parameters on the inspection report ............................48
Printing symbols related to the manhole text ..........................................49
20 Menu Settings ........................................................... 50
21 Saving templates....................................................... 51
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Introduction, System requirements
WinCan Entry is the basic module of WinCan v8, the following items are included:
 Documentation of project information, sewer pipe section data and observations
 National language(s) and national standards
 Two inspections per sewer pipe section
 One optional Import/Export Interface
 Viewer Export and Mediadistribution
 Live Video with all Windows-compatible video cards. Entry of individual images and
video clips with Windows codec’s (without Hardware)
 Configurable entry fields
System requirements
Operating system:
Windows XP Professional, SP3, 32bit
Windows 7/Vista Professional or Ultimate, SP1, 32bit
The latest Windows updates must always be installed
INTEL Pentium 4, 3 GHz or higher (no AMD!)
1GB or higher
Screen resolution:
1024x768 pixels and 24-bit colours or higher
Image digitization:
see below
Supported Video Hardware
Vitec for CDLAB
(PCI card, MPEG-Encoder)
Vitec for CDLAB
(PCI card, MPEG-Encoder)
Vitec for CDLAB
(PCI card, MPEG-Encoder)
Sensoray for CDLAB
WinCan MobileCap 124
(external USB device, MPEG-Encoder)
PCTV, Analog Pro USB 150e
(external USB device)
PCTV, MediaCenter 100i
(PCI card)
ADVC 100 (external Firewire device)
ADVC 55 (external Firewire device)
ATI (Asus)
AX800: ATI Rage Theater Video
AVerTV USB 2.0
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WinCan8 main screen
WinCan8 main screen
Section overview, showing all
the sections in the current project
Video and photo window showing
the LiveVideo signal, recorded
videoclips as well as photos
linked to the current project.
Observeration overview showing always the observations assigned to section actually highlighted in the section overview
OSD-bar showing the control buttons for text overlay functionality. The
available buttons depend upon the text generator connected to your PC!
Icons of the symbol bar
Navigation buttons
Deleting sections, inspections…
1 / 2: Launching the Upstream / Downstream manhole inspection
3. Launching WinCan TEXT
4. Launching WinCan DRAW to create a sketch assigned to the current section
5. Displaying the inclination graph assigned to the current section
6. Launching WinCan 3D to get a 3D-View of a satellite pipe network
7. Launching the temperature protocol
8. Launching the flushing protocol (table for planning events of pipe flushing)
9. Launching the software for scanning cameras (Panoramo, DigiSewer, RPP, PanCam)
10. Launching the search tool for entering criteria to find sections quickly
11. Launching the report generator for building query tables
12. Launching the WinCan Docu-Center for printing inspection reports
13. Displaying the list of manholes having been inspected
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Project manager
Project manager
When you start WinCan and enter your user name and password the Project manager
appears first listing all the active projects together with their name (1), project directory
path (2), language (3), database type (4) and the server name (5).
The columns 4 and 5 are not important for normal users but are extremely helpful for
Dead links to projects that have been
removed from your hard drive appear as INVALID PROJECTS
Microsoft-Access is the default database for vehicles.
Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE can
be used as a substitute database for vehicles or for multi-station major projects.
Oracle SQL Server is only used for
multi-station major projects.
1. Create a new project (p. 7)
Click here to open the
project selected above.
Click here to open the project with filter options (see documentation Filter/Replicator).
2. Add an existing project to the project manager
3. Define/Select a target folder for a BACKUP copy of an existing project
4. Delete a project from the list (the project will NOT be deleted from the hard drive)
5. Rename the selected project (the project must NOT be loaded in the background)
6. Connect to a SERVER project
7. Remove the connection to SERVER project
8. Merge several projects into one single project (see documentation Filter/Replicator)
9. Delete ALL INVALID projects from the list (i.e. projects without any valid path).
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Project manager
Creating a new project
Click on the icon
in the project manager to create a new project
Enter a unique name for your project database (Don't
use characters like \ : ; . , & / in the file name!).
Always verify if a value ("1" or "1st insp" ….) is
set in this field (default value = 1)
Selecting the Language (p. 8) displays the standards
used in this country. The arrangement of this option
group is stored in the file Standards.ini in the corresponding language folder.
You can only select database types
for which a corresponding dongle
license is available (the default
type is MS Access 2000).
Select the template
and catalogue for
main sections, satellite sections and
manhole reports.
Click here to set
target folder where
the new project is
going to be saved.
These 2 masks are only
displayed if the corresponding dongle licenses
are activated!
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Project manager
Important: Once you have confirmed these project settings you won't be able to change
them in the future! Therefore be sure that you have chosen the RIGHT template as well
as the RIGHT catalogue before starting your inspection job!
Language (country dialogue)
Click on the folder icon at the right end of the LANGUAGE textbox to select the language
used in your country:
Set the current program language. In the case of some countries (e.g. Switzerland, Belgium etc.), it is also necessary to select language subgroups for the individual national
languages (e.g. German, French etc.).
Only the languages which dongle licenses are available for are appearing in the dialogue
box below (e.g. no dongle licenses for Mexico):
Grey flag symbol:
Language Setup NOT installed; License available
AND activated
Coloured flag symbol:
Language Setup installed;
License available AND activated
You will only be able to select your language if the corresponding language setup has
been installed before (see documentation “System administration" p. 11) AND the
corresponding dongle licenses are activated.
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Project manager
Project structure
Once the project has been created by WinCan8 you will automatically find it in the target
folder whose path you defined before (p. 7). The most important subfolders of a WinCan project are described below:
Project folder (main folder)
This subfolder contains the project database
This subfolder contains the section
sketches created with WinCan DRAW.
This subfolder contains the inclination files
This subfolder contains all the pipeline and
manhole pictures related to the project
This subfolder contains all the data recorded by
scanner cameras (Panoramo, DigiSewer, RPP)
This subfolder contains all the manhole
sketches created with WinCan DRAW.
This subfolder contains the project template
(i.e. all the field and page layout settings that
can be modified by the user (chapter 16).
This subfolder contains the pipeline and manhole videoclips related to the project
It is strongly recommended to split your hard drive into at least 2 partitions: The drive
C:\ (about 100 GByte) contains the installation of Windows and the application software
(e.g. WinCan8) whereas the drive D:\ (or E:\) ought to be reserved for the WinCan8 projects.
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Project manager
Adding an existing project to the list
Launch WinCan8 and click on the icon
in the project manager. Select subsequently
the uppermost entry in the dialogue box Select import (2):
The other entries listed
in this panel allow you
to import external data
to a new or an existing
WinCan8 project.
Browse for the project folder in the Windows dialogue box that is shown below. Open the
project folder by doubleclicking on it. You will see then all the subfolders of the project:
Double-click on the subfolder DB to open it and
select the the project database itself (3).
Click here to open the database
that will now be added to the list
in the project manager (4).
Note: Opening and editing an existing project require the installation of the
language and country standard used in the project as well as valid dongle
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Project manager
Highlighting and deleting projects
Keep the CTRL-key pressed and click on the projects to be deleted.
To highlight a large group of projects click on the first project of the group, keep the
SHIFT-key pressed and click on the last project of the group: the projects then are highlighted as shown below:
Both procedures allow the user to highlight SEVERAL projects that may then be deleted
in ONE single step. Finally click on the button
highlighted projects
in the project manager to delete the
Backing-up a project
You can also create a back-up of the selected project. This type of back-up can then be
transported from one computer to another where it can be re-imported into the Project
Manager. Click on the button
in the project manager to run the backup function:
You simply need to specify the target directory for
the back-up. The back-up function makes sure that
all project files like templates, pictures and videos
will be included in the copy.
If you use an external drive (e.g. memory
stick), you must make sure that it has got
sufficient capacity to store all the data.
Note: You can only use this BACKUP-function to save projects from the local
computer. The BACKUP of a server database or projects stored on a server must
be done by a database administrator using the BACKUP functions of the server
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Project and inspection information
Project and inspection information
Click on this icon in the symbol bar to open the project information window.
The project/inspection information panel is divided into 3 parts:
The project information area (1) at the top displays data fields that apply to the entire
project. The central area (2) shows a list of all the contacts available for the currently selected contact type. The bottom area (3) provides text fields used for editing the currently selected contact or entering data of a new contact.
The default contractor for the current and
for future projects is highlighted in RED
Click on a tab to change the contact type
To enter/change the contractors LOGO double-click in the box where the logo appears or
click once in the textbox containing the logo file name.
Select the logo file from the subfolder "C:\Program Files\WinCan v8\WinCan\logo" in the
Windows dialogue box.
Finally select the position of the logo on the report pages and confirm:
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Project and inspection information
Contacts administration:
Go to the Client, Manager or Contractor tab. Click on this button and
enter the information for your new contact under Contacts.
Then click on the floppy disk icon to save the new contact.
or on Cancel to discard the changes.
Select a contact from the list.
Then activate the function.
The contact is highlighted in green.
Then uncheck.
Your changes are saved.
To set a contact as current in your project, select the contact in the middle section of the screen and then click on Save contact. (Alternatively:
double-click on the contact name).
To save a contractor as default, select the contractor in the middle section
of the screen and then click on Save contact and then Contractor as default. This contractor will then be highlighted in red.
To delete a contact from address database
To delete contact from current project
To add a deleted contact to the address file.
To open Help documentation.
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Section area
Section area
Creating a new section
The first section for each new project is created automatically:
Double-click on the first column to display ALL the section and inspection fields. To create
a NEW section double-click in the column Section No. of the next empty line.
Click here to create a new section from this view
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Section area
Entering section information
You can enter information for the relevant section and inspection in the section header.
To move to the next field, press the tab key or use the mouse. Double-click in the date
and time fields to automatically update them.
Some fields have pull-down menus like the Material list. To open such a list just press
the move down cursor key click on your keyboard:
Move down with the corresponding cursor
key and press the Enter key to save the
selected list entry in the current field.
Mandatory fields
The fields of the input mask usually appear in BLUE (entry of section data) or in RED.
(entry of inspection or observation data). Once a section or inspection field has been set
as mandatory it will appear in YELLOW and must contain an entry:
If you don't type anything in a YELLOW field the section number will be highlighted in orange.
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Section area
Selecting an existing section
To edit a section double-click on the corresponding number (1). To navigate among the
recorded sections of the current project use the navigation buttons (2):
The functions lying behind the navigations buttons are explained below:
Go to first section.
Go to previous section.
Back to the main section (only if the current section has been defined as a lateral
Go to next section.
Go to last section.
Moving sections
To move sections select the menu command Tools, Move Multiple Sections In the upper
part select the section(s) to be moved. In the lower part select the position where you
want to have inserted the section(s) that are going to be moved:
Moved sections are always inserted BEFORE
the highlighted section.
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Section area
Deleting sections
To delete a single section select the corresponding number and drag it to the toilet icon:
To delete more than one section at once select the command Tools, Delete Multiple Section(s), check all sections you want to delete and finally confirm with the green OKbutton.
Once the sections have been deleted they can NOT be retrieved anymore. All the observations, videos and photos linked to these sections are deleted either.
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Section area
Combining abandoned sections
In case of obstructions/obstacles you may be forced to stop the current survey and to resume it from the opposite side until you reach the obstruction again. The 2 separately inspected section parts (abandoned sections!) finally must be combined to put them together again into one single section. To do so proceed as follows:
The last observation line must contain the text "…abandoned…".
Highlight the abandoned section
part (1) and copy it using the
shortcut SHIFT + F5.
Resume the inspection from the opposite side and stop the survey with
the same observation text as shown
Select the menu command ”Tools”  “Combine abandoned sections”
Double-click in the field " New length (1)" to automatically calculate the total length of
the abandoned sections OR enter the effective length of the section (e.g. provided by
maps) so you will automatically obtain the uninspected length within the section.
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Section area
Combined sections will be displayed in green (1) whereas the abandoned sections are
coloured in dark red (2). Selecting the same menu command (3) again will not show anymore the sections that have already been combined.
Uninspected length =
New length – Summary length
To delete the sections that have already been combined just select the corresponding
menu command (4).
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Observations and damages
Observations and damages
Recording damages
For each new section, the data record for the first observation is already created.
Double-click on the observation field to open the observation catalogue. Browse for the
predefined observation text that corresponds best to the damage at the current position.
To add further observations just double-click on the No.-field in the next empty line. So
the catalogue is opening again allowing you to browse for another observation text:
Click the green OK-button
to confirm your input or hit the button
to quit the
catalogue. The OK-button only appears when all necessary data have been entered.
 If the clock is displayed, you can select the exact clock position (e.g. 3 o’clock) or a
position range (e.g. 5-7 o’clock) to indicate the exact position of the damage. To select a clock position, click on the appropriate number. To select a position range, click
on the 1st number, move in clockwise direction and click on the 2nd number.
 Some type of observations ask the operator to enter the exact clock position or the
position range of the damage as well as to specify the damage using additional catalogue parameters (e.g. fracture size, diameter reduction etc.)
• Some observations can be defined as continuous defects: Use the buttons Start and
Finish respectively to set the exact positions (m or ft) of the beginning and the end of
the damage observed. The beginning of the continuous defect will be highlighted in
orange until the automatically displayed damage text is selected again:
If the Start-position of a continuous defect has previously been set the catalogue automatically suggests you first to close this continuous defect when opening the catalogue
again. You may then either double-click on the displayed text to close the continuous
damage immediately or select another observation text first:
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Observations and damages
Entering damage grades
Some catalogue standards (PACP, WRC4 etc.) are automatically adding a damage grade
to the observation entered before. But some catalogues still allow entering the grades
manually. To do so just select the corresponding observation, open the value list from
the field Grade in the observation table and assign the right value to the damage:
Observations with assigned damage grades will be printed in the inspection report showing the colour you previously defined in the template (p.50).
Deleting observations
To delete an observation click on the damage number and drag it to the toilet icon keeping pressed the left mouse key:
Alternatively, you may also delete a selected observation pressing the DEL button.
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Video Settings
8 Video Settings
A video capture device (e.g. PCI-card from VITEC or MobileCap124-device from SENSORAY) must be installed before you can record a live video image. The video source
may be a camera, a video recorder or any other device that generates a video signal.
Click on the button
in the video window to open the video settings window. Video
and photo captures can be set and tested in the dialogue box below:
If all the settings are OK, the
video image is displayed in
this window.
Use this button to reset the original configuration of the MPEG
encoding card (VITEC board). If ever the signal displaying area
remains BLACK and the message "VITEC card not found" is
popping up after switching on the camera the video signal can
be caught again hitting this button.
9 Video Recorder Settings
If you are still using a video recorder select the menu Settings, Set Video Recorder to select the type of video recorder connected to your PC:
The following video recorders are supported:
JVC SR-S388 E / U
Panasonic AG-7350
Panasonic AG-7355
Panasonic MD830
Panasonic LQ-MD800
Denon DN V310
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Video Window
10 Video Window
The video window is located in the upper right-hand corner of the WinCan main screen. If
the camera is switched off the WinCan logo is always displayed per default in this window:
To enlarge or reduce the size of the video
double-click directly on the image
Click here to switch
on the LiveVideo.
click on the magnifier icon
Click here to switch
off the LiveVideo.
The video window is able to display different kinds of media like…
 The LiveVideo image currently provided by the TV camera signal.
 A video clip DIRECTLY recorded from the TV-camera.
 A video clip recorded by another camera system and imported into WinCan
 A video clip recorded on a VHS tape.
 A picture DIRECTLY taken by the TV-camera.
 A picture taken by another camera system and imported into WinCan.
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Recording and playing video clips
11 Recording and playing video clips
A video clip is a film stored on the computer. It can relate either to an entire section or to
an individual observation. Click on the button
to switch on the LiveVideo signal in the
WinCan main screen. Double-click on the red dot
to display the recording control
STOP recording
Clip recording is paused AUTOMATICALLY when opening the damage catalogue.
Click on the button
to switch off the LiveVideo signal and double-click on the filmstrip
in the field clip to play the video clip that has been recorded and digitized.
Run the clip forward or backward
the clip
Change the clip displaying speed
Enlarge the video image
Scroll the clip to a certain position
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Recording and playing video clips
11.1 Deleting a video sequence
Click on the button
to switch off the LiveVideo signal and double-click on the filmstrip
icon in the field clip to display the preferred video sequence:
Grab the clip displayed in the video window and drag it DIRECTLY to the toilet icon (1)
keeping the left mouse key pressed. Finally you will have to confirm the following message:
If you just grab the filmstrip icon to the toilet (2) ONLY the link to that clip in the database will be deleted. You are reminded about that by the corresponding message:
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Taking and viewing pictures
12 Taking and viewing pictures
WinCan is providing two columns named as Photo 1 and Photo 2 to take 2 pictures per
observation either from the LiveVideo stream or from a previously recorded video clip:
Double-click on the green bullet
in the field Photo1 or Photo2 and
the video window is enlarged:
Use this button to take a picture from the current
video position. The photo is saved to the hard
drive and linked to the corresponding observation.
Click here to take the
picture from the.
Click here to reduce the video
window to its normal size.
If you double-click on the green bullet and keep the CTRL-key pressed WinCan is taking
the picture DIRECTLY from the video source WITHOUT enlarging the video window!
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Taking and viewing pictures
12.1 Viewing a picture
Click on the button
to switch off the LiveVideo signal and double-click on the corresponding photo icon in the fields Photo1 or Photo2 to show the picture in the video window:
Close the
Open the panel with
arrow icons (p. 29)
Print the
Enlarge the window
Click on the arrow icons to navigate through the group of pictures
assigned to the current section.
Use these buttons to modify the
brightness, contrast and saturation in
a separate dialogue box.
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Taking and viewing pictures
12.2 Deleting a picture
Click on the button
to switch off the LiveVideo signal and double-click on the corresponding photo icon in the fields Photo1 or Photo2 to show the picture:
Grab the picture shown in the video window and drag it DIRECTLY to the toilet icon (1)
keeping the left mouse key pressed. Finally you will have to confirm the following message:
If you just grab the photo icon to the toilet (2) ONLY the link to that picture in the database will be deleted. You are reminded about that by the corresponding message:
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Labelling damage sites on pictures
13 Labelling damage sites on pictures
Open a picture and click on the button
to display the dialogue box with the labelling
Save the arrows icons with
the picture.
Select the preferred colour of
the arrow icons.
If a backup copy of the original picture doesn't already
exist it will be created AUTOMATICALLY.
Select an arrow icon
and drag it to the
damage site shown on
the photo.
Confirm all the
changes and close
the dialogue.
changes on the photo (e.g. deleting arrow icons from the picture).
If you quit the photo view using the button
or if you navigate with the green arrow
buttons to the next or previous photo the modifications that have not yet been saved will
be lost.
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Setting file names for pictures and videoclips
14 Setting file names for pictures and videoclips
Click on the menu "Settings, Set media file names" and the corresponding dialogue
box appears as you can see below: you are able now to set a pattern for the names of
pictures/videos that will be or have already been taken and recorded in the current WinCan8 project:
Example of a photo file name based on the fields as set above:
Note: DATE DDMMYYYY = Date of creation; TIME hhmmss = Time of creation; Date and
Time are automatically taken from the operating system.
Example of a video file name based on the fields as set above:
The pattern shown in these 2 examples will set unique file names.
You may choose other fields if you prefer BUT always be aware of the fact that some field
combinations will create NON unique file names and thus will cause already existing picture or clip files to be overwritten!
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Second inspection of a section
15 Second inspection of a section
Every section can be inspected several times. Instead of typing the section data again it's
possible to assign a new survey to an existing section. First double-click on the text
box that is always showing a 1st inspection per default:
Enter a unique number for
the new inspection.
The new survey will automatically be done
with the same template and catalogue as
used for the previous ones. Just confirm
with the green button and you are ready
for the 2nd inspection.
The navigation buttons on the right and on the left allow you to shift between different
inspections. To delete a 2nd or a 3rd inspection drag the inspection name to the toilet icon.
A section that has been inspected more than once is always checked in the 3rd column of
the section overview in the WinCan main screen:
A 2nd inspection is included in EVERY license. In case you must inspect sections MORE
than twice you will need an additional license for multiple inspections. Select the menu
command Info, Hardlock to check your license:
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Inspection of lateral sections
16 Inspection of lateral sections
The link between lateral sections and the corresponding main section is managed via the
SAT column in the observation part of the WinCan8 main screen. Double-click on the
set in the SAT column to show the meter/feet position where the corresponding lateral section joins the main section: WinCan immediately highlights this lateral section as shown below:
Main section with lateral
sections (satellite sections)
Lateral section linked to
section 4
Click on the SAT button
to jump back to the corresponding main section.
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Inspection of lateral sections
16.1 Define a new section as a lateral section
Double-click on the orange bullet (1) in the SAT column. In the message box that follows
click on the button YES (2) to create a new section that will automatically be treated as a
lateral section.
Fill out all the important section/inspection fields and start recording the damages. Click
on the button
to finish the inspection of this lateral section and confirm the message
that will follow with YES:
The icon
appearing in the SAT column shows you that the lateral section that has
just been created before is definitely linked to the corresponding main section (e.g. section 3):
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Inspection of lateral sections
16.2 Define an existing section as a lateral section
First create a new section as usual (1) and then move to the section whose observations
will show you where connections will have to be defined (2). Double-click on the orange
bullet in the SAT column and answer the question in the message box that follows with
NO (4).
A list of all the sections that have not yet been linked with other sections will then be
displayed in a new dialogue box:
Select the recently created section (1) in this list to link it to the corresponding main section highlighted above (2). The link between main and lateral section (satellite) may be
deleted at any time grabbing the SAT icon
toilet icon.
with the mouse and dragging it to the
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Search tool
17 Search tool
Click on the button
to launch the Search Tool. Within the dialogue box shown below
it is possible to search for up to 15 criteria (wildcards such as * and ? are valid characters too):
The next time you start WinCan the fields will already be completed with the entries from
the previous search. So the user can define the search fields where he must enter the
criteria as shown in the following example:
Use these criteria to look for
sections situated at street
whose name is beginning
with P and whose inspections have been completed
after the 1.1.2012.
The most recently used settings are stored in the file
Confirming by clicking on the green tick displays the search result and the corresponding
tool bar displayed at the top of the section table on the right:
Arrow down:
next section corresponding to the search criteria.
Arrow up:
previous section corresponding to the search criteria.
end search.
Search-button: end this search and open the Search Tool dialogue again.
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Printing inspection reports
18 Printing inspection reports
Click on the printer icon in the symbol bar of the WinCan main window
printing dialogue (WinCan Docu-Center):
to open the
Printing in WinCan8 is inspection based. So you
must first select the inspection to be printed!
Click here to get
the print preview.
Left part:
Central part:
Right part:
Select the sections
to be printed as
well as the printer.
Select the report
types you want to
have printed.
printing options for
each report type.
 Area 1 is providing options for selecting the sections to be printed.
 Area 2 allows the user to define criteria by which the individual sections/manholes will
be sorted. The available sort criteria are listed on the left and the selected criteria
appear on the right. To select the criteria either double-click it or move it with the arrow button.
 Area 3 is showing all the output types for the selected reports:
Printer: documents are shown in a preview and can then be printed.
E-Mail: the document is saved as a PDF file that is directly attached to an e-mail.
PDF/Print job: the WHOLE report is wrapped into a single PDF file.
PDF/Section: a PDF file for EACH section is going to be created.
: Add external PDF files as building or road plans to the print job.
: Enter the page number the printing starts from.
Click on the button
to save the print settings for further print jobs.
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Printing inspection reports
18.1 Printing special reports
WinCan8 is providing special summary reports like the Inspection Summary and the Profile Report.
For both reports you may decide whether the sections with abandoned inspections should
be printed or not:
The Profile Report is AUTOMATICALLY separated into a group of main and a group of lateral sections (satellites).
18.2 Printing a video or DVD cover
First of all launch a Viewer export of the current project in order WinCan can calculate
the amount of discs (CD/DVD) needed to copy all the section/inspection data.
The number of the disc is then AUTOMATICALLY copied into the inspection field
SI_MediaNumber and displayed in the list box in the WinCan Docu-Center:
This project can be distributed on 1 DVD.
Activate both check boxes to get the cover
printed. Select the option ALL to list all the
sections on the cover.
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Customizing the project template
19 Customizing the project template
The most important new feature in WinCan8 is the free configuration of the headings or
data grids. This enables the user to define the data to be displayed and the way they can
be processed. Since this operation requires considerable knowledge of the software and
the subject itself we recommend that such a job is done only by experienced users, supporters or database administrators.
19.1 Modifying the section overview
The WinCan input mask of the section overview can be modified when clicking on the
header of any section field keeping the CTRL-key pressed:
The Template-Settings dialogue box is listing all the field properties that can be changed
by the user. No programming knowledge is therefore needed.
The top scroll bar lists all the fields that have already been configured and the active field
is highlighted in RED. To move from field to field within this dialog box, you simply need
to click on the corresponding field names:
If the required field is not
listed you can click on the last
EMPTY field at the end of the
scroll bar …
… and assign a predefined field from this drop
down list.
Print a complete list to document the
field settings.
Save or reject the settings.
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Customizing the project template
19.2 Overview of template settings
All the field properties are explained in detail in the picture below. Any modification of
property can become a part of the Template and is thus saved in a corresponding template file (WTP-file) in the subfolder C:\Program Files\WinCan v8\WinCan\[Language
Assign a database field to the active cell (highlighted in RED).
Change the position of the field within the row.
Data entry is possible for this field or not.
The field is shown in the input mask or can be hidden.
Data entry is mandatory for this field (highlighted in YELLOW) or not.
Copy the field content into to the NEXT record or not.
Type a user friendly name for the field header.
Type some help text describing the use of the field.
Type a text that is automatically entered into EVERY new record.
10. Define the manhole field the content should be copied into (e.g. N_ChamberShape).
11. Define the number of characters for a text field.
12. Define the number of decimal places for a numeric field.
13. Align the text within the field.
14. List of data types available for this field: any text, numeric decimal, numeric integer.
15. Available data entry modes: manual input, simple value list, associated value list.
16. Data entry limited to predefined list entries or not
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19.3 Modifying the section/inspection details
Double-click on the number of any section to get access of all the section and inspection
Keep the CTRL-key pressed and click on the header of the preferred field whose properties you want to modify. Make the changes in the Template-Settings dialogue that is
popping up. The dialogue box now contains an additional drop-down list box with rows
the fields have been put in. The name of the list items refers to the corresponding line
number of the input mask (e.g. grid_s_detail(0) = line 1)
Associated value lists consist
on 2 columns: Each value has
to be assigned a unique key
This functionality can be used to configure the field layout DIRECTLY line-by-line.
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Customizing the project template
19.4 Modifying the colour of the pipe graphic
Open the section/inspection details, keep the CTRL-key pressed and click on to the field
A value list with an associated colour column is an integrated part of the properties of
this field:
Press the colour button select
the preferred colour for each
list entry and confirm.
The pipe graphic is finally printed in the corresponding colour on the inspection report:
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Customizing the project template
19.5 Simple and associated databases
It may be useful to create databases for fields like S_Location, S_StartStreet and
S_EndStreet or others especially when working with long lists. The input modes simple
databases or associated database must be selected for that purpose.
Click on the button
and enter
your data into a new database. The
file DatabaseInput.mdb.tpl in the
v8\WinCan\Scripts is used as a template.
The new database is automatically
saved in the subfolder Template of
the current WinCan project.
Click here to edit the database.
Click here to open an existing database. When using external data they must be imported into a MS-Access table/query named as WinCan and provide the text fields
Key and Value.
Confirm the settings for this field and
access the data by clicking on the drop
down arrow:
Enter the beginning of a
search text …
… or select a street name and
double-click on the corresponding line.
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Customizing the project template
19.6 Layout of the manhole screen
To edit the layout of the manhole screen, you must launch the manhole input mask. Click
on the icon
respectively in the symbol bar of the WinCan main screen.
Keep the CTRL-key pressed and click on the header of any manhole field to access the
same dialogue box as provided for the section fields. Make the changes you prefer and
save all the fields.
If you do not want to maintain a separate manhole protocol, you can also store certain
manhole-related information in the section header. To activate this function, the Template Settings in the section screen must be opened from the fields S_StartNode,
S_EndNode, S_FromManholeInfo or S_ToManholeInfo:
Check or uncheck the required manhole fields.
Use this button to display
additional fields for manhole data entry.
You can then use them by double-clicking on one of the fields S_StartNode, S_EndNode,
S_FromManholeInfo, S_ToManholeInfo. This opens the dialogue box below:
Note: Alternatively the designated fields can also be configured directly via the
layout (headings) in the section screen. In this case, it is not necessary to use
the dialogue box.
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Customizing the project template
19.7 Classification colours
The damage classification is defining colours and texts assigned to the damage class set
for each observation according to the current catalogue. To modify these settings, select
"Settings >> Set Damage Classification Colours" from the menu.
Click here to set the colour for the damage level.
Up to 11 different colour
patterns can be saved.
Click here to change
the grade number.
Click on the button
(1) to save the current colour pattern permanently.
Click on the button
(2) to reload an existing colour template.
Click on the button
(3) to apply the selected colour template.
Click on the button
(4) to apply the colour settings in the project template.
The grade number corresponds to the number of the damage class and is usually entered
MANUALLY into the observation table right to the observation text:
Some catalogue standards however are AUTOMATICALLY calculating the damage grades
(e.g. PACP, WRC3, WRC4).
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Customizing the project template
19.8 Displaying repairs
In the same class colour window, you can click on
to define the parameters to visualize rehabilitation works on the inspection report. There are two categories of rehabilitation: patch repair and continuous repair (e.g. lining):
Enter the classification number used for Patch Repair.
Enter the classification number for Continuous Repair
In the associated colour fields you can select
the colour used to highlight these items on the
inspection report.
Patch Repair shown on the inspection report.
Continuous Repair shown on the
inspection report.
At the bottom of the report page will be added a
legend referring to these settings
In the figure below, you can see how the repair codes are recorded in the observations.
If the corresponding codes or numbers are not yet available they can be subsequently
defined in the properties for the fields SO_Rate or SO_Level:
To avoid any kind of conflict with classification numbers that are already in use (1 – 9) we recommend
to accept the default repair codes 91 and 92.
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Customizing the project template
19.9 Layout of report headers
You can select the menu command Settings, Set Printing Header Layout to configure the
headers of the different report types selectable in the printing dialogue. Click on the tab
that refers to the header of the report (e.g. Project Information) you want to modify
and select a header cell:
A click on the title is opening the dialogue as shown below. You can type a new title
(caption), select another database table or field, align the text and change the colour:
A click on the content is opening the dialogue as shown below. Only text alignment
and colour can be changed:
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19.9.1 Printing damage grades on the inspection report
Select the tab Inspection Report and click on the cell text Grade. The database field for
the damage Grade must match the field used in the input mask. According to the damage catalogue you will have to select either the field SO_Rate or the field SO_Level:
All the settings must be
done for the 2nd page too!
In this example the field SO_Level has been chosen to save the grade values. Once the
classification colours have been set (see p. 44) the observation text with an assigned
grade value will be printed in the corresponding colour:
Some catalogue standards however are AUTOMATICALLY calculating the damage grades
(e.g. PACP, WRC3, WRC4, WSA) and have the observation text printed in predefined
colours (e.g. WRC) on the inspection report.
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19.9.2 Printing additional parameters on the inspection report
Besides the Grade you can set the size of the observation text (1) as well as the display
of additional inspection informations (2) like continuous defects (SO_ContinousDefect)
or the water level (SO_WaterLevel; important for Norway):
All the settings must be
done for the 2nd page too!
Finally you must confirm all these settings and check the result in the print preview:
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Customizing the project template
19.9.3 Printing symbols related to the manhole text
Select the tab Symbol and type the text for the node name that must also be entered in
the fields S_StartNode and S_EndNode of the input mask.
To visualize connections or junctions in the pipe graphic on the inspection report you
must assign the corresponding Operator Code to the preferred symbol:
Confirm all these settings and enter the appropriate text in the fields Upstream MH and
Downstream MH:
Finally check the result in the print preview:
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Menu Settings
20 Menu Settings
The menu Settings is the most important menu item. That’s why its commands are explained below in detail:
1. Set the unit (meter or feet)
2. Customize the colours used for damage classification
3. Customize the headers of the different report types
4. Save the currently used template with a NEW name
5. Save the currently used template also for FUTURE projects
6. Open the template settings dialogue for section fields
7. Open the template settings dialogue for manhole fields
8. Select a tape recorder that is compatible with the WinCan application
9. Check the recording environment: Make sure the option Automatic control for MPEG is
activated as MPEG recording usually should pause automatically when entering a new
10. Rename photos and videoclips defining yourself a NEW but unique field combination
11. Check the connection to your OSD-device and open the corresponding panels for detailed configuration.
12. Check the connection to the JogShuttle a hardware based control unit that provides
lots of functions to run the video clip and to get precisely to the recorded damage site
within the displayed clip.
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Saving templates
21 Saving templates
Every kind of customization made as described in the chapter 19 is saved in the template
file (*.wtp) used for the current project. To do this quickly run the command Project, reload and confirm the message that follows:
(This message will appear anyway as soon as you quit WinCan8).
Click YES to save the template in both template subfolders:
C:\Program Files\WinCan v8\WinCan\[Language Folder]\Template
…\[Project Name]\Template
Click NO to save the template just in the project subfolder:
…\[Project Name]\Template
To save all the customizations into a NEW template file run the command Settings, Store
project template (*.wtp) and type a name:
The information about the template used in the current project can always be obtained
from the title bar of the WinCan8 main window:
The following templates have been predefined according to certified country standards
for recording damages in pipeline systems and must therefore NOT be modified:
pacp.wtp, pacp_4_4.wtp, pacp_6.wtp
WRC_MSCC_3.wtp, WRC_MSCC_4_SewerageAndDrainage.wtp
Sewrat.wtp, WSA.wtp, WSA_08.wtp
New Zealand
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