February 2011 - CAF Swiss Wing
February 2011 - CAF Swiss Wing
n o i t / Swiss Wing i COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE d E l a i c e p S Volume 16, No. 60 CAF Swiss Wing Newsletter February 2011 Survival – Underground in Lucerne On Thursday September 16th 2010 several of our members met for a visit at the entrance of Sonnenberg, the largest underground shelter built during the «Cold War». We were met by Pia Schnyder who would be our guide for the afternoon and our descent into the underworld. At the entrance to the shelter 20’000 marks on the tunnel wall indicate the number of people which the shelter was planned for in the seven story cavern situated above the autobahn tunnels. The combined works cost amounted to 32 million dollars. Three diesel generators of 1725 hp each and a gas filtration system provide power and air conditioning of 8 cubic meters per hour and person. Fresh water supply is assured thru an intricate system in the rocks. Electro-magnetic protection to save guard electronic equipment from atomic explosion was provided. We were also shown the planned 328 bed hospital with two operating theaters, the Table of Contens Lucerne Aus dem Vorstand Ferdi und Max Jahresend in Zofingen Midland 2010 Airshow-Reisen Ende des AC-4 News / Veranstaltungen Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 radio studio and the prison. During an exercise in 1987 it was determined, that due to logistic limitations no more than 17’000 people could be accommodated. Even with this number one can imagine the magnitude of the task at hand. With the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the cold war threat a large part of the shelter was decommissioned and the hospital equipment was donated to an African country. As we left the facility thru the autobahn access we returned to the outer world and the roaring traffic and all were grateful that none of us would ever have to seek protection in such a shelter. Col Theo Arter Know to use this English version 1st: Go to the German part of the homepage and print out the German Version of the Contact 2nd: Follow the pages and read the German/English title 3rd: Not all Pictures legends and articles are translated in full length g 4th: Have fun and enjoy the Contact Col Werner Meier Col Jost Schneeberger CAF Swiss Wing Our guide Ms Pia Schnnyder The operations room, the dormitory, the kitchen. The CAF group in front of the tunnel entrance. February 2011 Page 2 CAF Swiss Wing report A practice training flight took place over Lake Hallwil and was approved by Henry. Weather forecast was positive but when I looked out the window at 6.00 am Saturday a morning fog over the Reuss valley had closed in and it looked less promising. On the Birrfeld airfield webcam one could not even see the tarmac! Nevertheless my passenger was ready at 07:30 and we preflight the Stinson as latest arrival at Widnau was 10 am and our estimated flight time would be 50 minutes. Meanwhile I proceeded with briefing my passenger for the demo as he would be the patient to be picked up in our demo. Engine start planned for 09:00 but the fog persists. A phone call to Widnau reveals the whole show is delayed by an hour. We are not the only ones blocked by the weather. At 09:45 the sky starts to clear and we start the engine. Some 15 to 20 planes are ready and as we taxi around the Hangar and call up we hear «PC-7 team sector Page 3 Aus dem Vorstand Stinson Pilots Ferdi and Max in clinch with the weather gods During 1910 Switzerland commemorated its 100 year anniversary of aviation. With great expectations I had reserved the L-5 for the weekend of August 19th to 22nd with plans to join the «Balloon Days» at Widnau wauu - for the first time, landing on an open field on the westside of the Rhein river. The program included demo flight of the Stinson and of course other events such as the PC-7 team and all sorts of aviation exhibits. February 2011 Intentionally left blank An old post card showing Chavez crossing the Alps west 10 aircraft landing in sequence!» Until they are on the ground and directed to the south grass parking the runway is blocked for 20 minutes. Another call to Widnau and we are told to abort the mission. A disappointed crew which does not give up! An alternative for the day is planned. My wife happens to be on supporting mission for a cycling tour in Jura Mountains. I call her to find out her exact whereabouts and I tell her we shall be there shortly for a fly past and a little smoke. Once more we start the engine and proceed at 3500 feet over the Jura chain past Langenbruck, Welschenrohr and soon we sight the trailer camp at Sonceboz. After the second 360 enough people had gathered and were waving. As we had smoke oil on board we gave them a treat on our last low pass. We then proceeded via Biel to the Bernese Oberland and back to our base Birrfeld where we just managed to CAF Swiss Wing land before the field was closed for a display by the PC-7 team. In the end we still had our satisfaction and fun watching their demonstration. To the organizers a great vote of thanks for all the work. Max and I never set foot outside the door this weekend. Col Ferdi Nietlisbach But then there would be another celebration at Raron on the occasion of the centenary of the first crossing of the Alps by Hugo Chavez. As usual Max and I had prepared for this event in detail. We would land at a temporary field near Brig where Chavez took off 100 years ago. Unfortunately he did not survive a crash when his craft was caught in a heavy down draft on landing. The scheduled displays this afternoon included helicopters of Air Zermatt, a historic flight of the AC-4 Comte (1928) Brig-Domodossola-Brig, Flypast of a Morane, Aerobatics and balloon flights, Christian Moullec in his ultra-light and the geese would form up, and last but not least the Bücker squadron and the Patrouille Suisse would perform. But allas! Never had the Rhone valley been covered with such a heavy fog as on this weekend! The event prepared with such care had to be called off. February 2011 Page 4 CAF Swiss Wing report Year end meeting November 27th at Zofingen The year-end meeting of the CAF Swiss Wing took place in Zofingen, a quaint old town built in the ninth and tenth century when the dukes of Zähringen were in charge. The town council takes great pride in preserving this historical site and strict control of any alteration or maintenance of buildings is exercised. A competent guide showed us around and refreshed our knowledge of Switzerland’s history. We braved the cold and the snow and were happy to meet for dinner at the best hotel in town. A third of our 135 member were present to enjoy this evening together. Col Theo Arter February 2011 Page 5 CAF Swiss Wing report Midland, TX, 2010 This year the Swiss Wing was represented by CAF Cols Anna Regula Wolff and Peter Winkler, as well as Roger Wimmer. The weather was perfect and we were again impressed by the Friday «Special Show for Special People» with so many volunteers to make this possible. The classic «Tora Tora» show, the different warbirds and of course the B-29 «FIFI» as well as the B-17 «Texas Raider» gave the show this year a special touch. In contrast to the noisy C-17 Globemaster, the F-16 and F-15 the almost silent aerobatic display by Bob Carlton in his Super Salto Sail plane with jet assist and accompanied by music was a real treat. Saturday evening at 19:30 we enjoyed the night show with a Twin Beach 18 and the Super Salto with light effects and flares again with music. The stars of the show of course were the «FIFI» and the «Texas Raider». The B-29 had been grounded for four years awaiting new engines. The B-17 of the «Gulf Coast Wing» had been down for more than 8 years for a complete restoration. She is now in top condition and I was privileged to a flight in the bomber seat during the landing. Together with our friends from the DFW Wing we spent the night show and the Colonel party Sunday night. As usual Anna Regula again was in the team for the spectacular firewalls and bombing scenes of the B-29. Col Peter Winkler February 2011 Page 6 CAF Swiss Wing February 2011 Page 7 Airshows & Military Events 2011 Aussergewöhnliche Programme für Kenner von Spezialisten zusammengestellt. Details unter: www.cosmos-tours.ch Flying Legends Air Show Duxford / GB, 9. - 11. Juli 2011 Begleiten Sie uns zum grössten Event mit Warbirds (1. & 2. Weltkrieg) von Europa! Lassen Sie sich von Europas grösster Sammlung von flugfähigen Raritäten begeistern und erleben Sie packende europäische und amerikanische Fluggeschichte sowie Vorführungen der Spitzenklasse! Inkl. Besuch RAF Museum in Hendon! RIAT-Royal International Air Tattoo Fairford / GB, 16. - 18. Juli 2011 Ein Muss für jeden Freund der Militärfliegerei! In Fairford findet jährlich die weltgrösste militärische Flugschau statt! Freuen Sie sich auf ein phantastisches Programm mit über 200 Militärflugzeugen, Hubschraubern und einigen der besten Staffeln von Europa. Schwerpunkt 2011: 40. Jubiläum RIAT & 50 Jahre NATO Tiger Association. Inkl. Besuch RAF Museum in Hendon! Oshkosh EAA Airventure Airshow / USA, 24. Juli - 1. August 2011 Willkommen zur grössten und schönsten Luftfahrtveranstaltung der Welt (über 900'000 Besucher/1'000 Flugzeuge)! Es erwartet Sie ein faszinierendes Airshow-Programm mit Antics Doppeldecker, zahlreichen Warbirds (Fighter und Bomber) aus dem 2. Weltkrieg, moderne Jets (F-22 Raptor, Experimentals, Ultralights, Commercials etc.). MAKS - Luft- & Weltraumfahrt Moskau / RU, 16. - 21. August 2011 Erleben Sie unter der kompetenten Führung des Fliegerei und Russland-Experten Walter Fürst (ehem. Militär Attaché und Mirage Pilot) eine ganz exklusive und einmalige Reise, die von Highlights nur so strotzt! Während 2 Tagen sind Sie zu Gast an der grössten Airshow der Welt (MAKS – International Aviation & Space Salon), besuchen den berühmten Kreml und erleben unvergessliche Highlights (Monino, Einsatzzentrale ZUP, Sternenstädtchen!). CAF “Airsho11” Midland, Texas / USA, 6. - 11. Oktober 2011 (Patronat CAF Swiss Wing) Die „Airsho“ der Commemorative Air Force CAF ist der exklusive Höhepunkt unter den jährlich stattfindenden US-Air-Shows! Es erwarten Sie spektakuläre Flugdarbietungen zu historisch relevanten Gegebenheiten aus dem 2. Weltkrieg (z.B. Angriff auf Pearl Harbour, Battle of Britain etc.) und auch atemberaubende Einlagen der US Air Force. Oceana Airshow / USA, 22. September - 4. Oktober 2011 Einmaliges Programm mit Norfolk, Washington sowie New York. Erleben Sie anlässlich von „100 Jahre Navy“ eine packende Airshow mit den Blue Angels. Weitere Highlights: Air & Space Museum, Intrepid Flugzeugträger-Museum und vieles mehr. Nellis Las Vegas Airshow, Las Vegas / USA, 10.- 18. November 2011 VIP-Reise zur Homecoming Airshow der USAF Thunderbirds. Es erwartet Sie ein atemberaubendes Möchten Sie eine Airshow besuchen, die nichtHighlights auf unserem Programm aufgeführt ist? Airshow-Programm mit zahlreichen im Land der einarmigen Banditen: LasDann Vegas. kontaktieren Sie uns. Wir stellen Ihnen gerne ein individuelles Programm zusammen. Infos und Reservation bei: Acapa Geschäftsstelle Aarberg: Cosmos Tours, Mühlaudamm 6, 3270 Aarberg, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)32 392 75 80/82, Fax +41 (0)32 392 75 81 [email protected] / www.cosmos-tours.ch CAF Swiss Wing news Retirement of the Comte AC-4 HBIKO After installation of the engine and the technical checks the engine testing began. The adjustments were time consuming and rather tricky. The fly past at the Lucerne traffic museum would be the last official flight. The rather high oil consumption could be corrected but at higher rpm the oil temperature could not be controlled. As we had to vacate the hangar at Dübendorf anyway we decided to dismantle the aircraft and put it in temporary storage at the Lucerne museum until the new aviation hall will be completed. The engine was dismantled again and an internal oil leak was found to be the cause of the problem. De-registration followed in November 2010. We 2011 February 2011 Page 8 Veranstaltungen / Reisen 19. März 28. Mai 18.-19. Juni 25.-26. Juni 25. Juni 1.-3. Juli 9.-11. Juli 16.-18. Juli 30. Juli 20.-21. August 20.-21. August 2.-4. September 16.-18. September 24. September 8.-9. Oktober 12. Oktober 26. November Generalversammlung CAF Payerne Museum + Weinbaumuseum Internationale Belpmoostage (IBT) R.I.O. Oldtimermeeting Ecuvillens 75 Jahre Fliegerabwehr / Dübendorf Full-Reuenthal Flying Legends Airshow Duxford RIAT Fairford BBQ, CAF Swiss Wing Air-Festival, Biel-Kappelen Dittinger Flugtage Oldtimertreffen Hahnweide (D) Airshow «Air 2011» Sion Festung Furggels / Pfäfers CAF Airshow Midland / USA Fliegerschiessen Axalp Jahresendanlass CAF SW CAF SW Flight OPS Flight OPS Flight OPS Flight OPS CAF SW CAF SW CAF SW Flight OPS Flight OPS Flight OPS Flight OPS CAF SW CAF SW CAF SW would like to thank all those who helped to maintain this aircraft over the years. With 80 years she now deserves a place among the other Swissair planes in the Lucerne museum: Fokker F-VII, Orion, DC-3 and Convair «Coronado». Col Henry Saladin Flight Operations Comte AC-4 Mitfliegen in unserem Warbird «Stinsy» Koordinator: Midland 2010 Henry Saladin 044 853 0533 Piloten: Roger Burri 056 667 3843 Ruedi Lang 052 343 8153 Werner Meier 056 633 6181 Ferdi Nietlisbach 079 200 7260 Jost Schneeberger 031 911 8177 Max Schönenberger 044 858 2051 CAF Swiss Wing - Shop CAF Swiss Wing www.caf-swisswing.ch Präsident: CAF Col Thomas Lutz Brunnenwies 53, 8132 Egg Editor: CAF Col Werner Meier Itenhard 47, 5620 Bremgarten «Contact» ist das Publikationsorgan des Swiss Wing der CAF in Midland TX, USA Druck: Knapp AG, 8918 Unterlunkhofen S tinsy-Wein Rotwein: Cabernet Sauvignon, California Weisswein: Chardonnay , France Geniessen Sie diesen Stinsy-Wein an einem lauen Sommerabend und denken Sie daran: Mit jedem Schluck unterstützen sie den CAF Swiss Wing. Infos über den Wein und Bestellformulare finden sie auf unserer Homepage oder rufen Sie mich einfach an. Diese 0.5 Liter-Flasche eignet sich auch sehr gut als Geschenk für Flieger-Fans. Minimum-Bestellung 6 Flaschen. Werner Meier, Itenhard 47, 5620 Bremgarten [email protected] Viele weitere Artikel finden Sie auf unserer Homepage: www.caf-swisswing.ch