Übersicht - AHK Belarus


Übersicht - AHK Belarus
Das belarussische Potential der Informations- und
Bericht über die Softwareindustrie der Republik Belarus
Die Zusammenstellung wurde von der Repräsentanz der deutschen Wirtschaft
in Belarus erarbeitet
Stand: September 2012
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Historische Hintergründe
Wesentliche Ausbildungsstätten
Belarussische staatliche Universität für Informatik und Funkelektronik
Belarussische Staatliche Universität
Belarussische nationale technische Universität
Staatspolitik im IT- Sektor von Belarus
Verbände und Assoziationen
Gesellschaft „Informationsgesellschaft“
Wissenschaftlich-technische Assoziation "Infopark"
Assoziation „Belinfokom“
Branchenverband für Telekommunikation
Der „High- Tech Park“ Hochtecnologiepark (HTP)
Ergebnisse der HTP Unternehmen im Jahre 2011 (eigene Angaben):
Leistung- und Angebotsspektrum
Forschungseinrichtungen im IT- Bereich und Brancheninstitute
Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften von Belarus
Vereinigtes Institut für Informatik
Institut für Mathematik
Branchenübergreifendes wissenschaftlich-praktisches Zentrum für Identifizierungssysteme und elektronische Geschäftsoperationen
Forschungs-Ingenieur-Unternehmen „Geoinformationssysteme“
Forschungsinstitut für technische Informationssicherung
Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Zentrales FuE-Institut für
Steuerungstechnik“ („ZNIITU“)
Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Forschungsinstitut für Automatisierungsmittel“
Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Agat-System“
Offene AG „Konstruktionsbüro für Systemprogrammieren“
Offene AG „Giprosvjaz“
Innovative IT-Unternehmen
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Während der letzten Jahre hat sich der Sektor der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) in Belarus mit Unterstützung des Staates stark entwickelt und
zählt zu den Top Sektoren der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
Gartner hat im Jahre 2011 in der „Analyse von Belarus als ein Offshore Zielland“ festgehalten:
„Ein straffes Bildungssystem, wettbewerbsfähige Gehälter, zusammen mit einer leistungsfähigen Belegschaft, haben es Weißrussland ermöglicht, eine ausgereifte IT
Outsourcing Industrie zu entwickeln, das Land als alternativen Standort für Offshore
Aktivitäten zu entwickeln, besonders auf dem Gebiet der Softwareentwicklung.“
DREW GUFF, Managing Director and Founding Partner of Siguler Guff & Company:
„Wenn Sie ein Projekt haben, lassen Sie es in Indien bearbeiten, wenn Sie ein
schwieriges Projekt haben, geben Sie es in die USA, aber wenn Sie ein „mission
impossible“ Projekt haben, dann geben Sie es nach Belarus“
1. Historische Hintergründe
Bereits in den fünfziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts spielte das zur Sowjetunion gehörende Belarus eine gewisse Sonderrolle im wirtschaftlichen Kontext des Staatsgebildes. Neben der Tatsache, dass Belarus landläufig den Beinamen „Montagezentrum der sowjetischen Wirtschaft“ führte und neben den baltischen Republiken und, in
begrenztem Umfang auch auf die Ukraine zutreffend, die am besten ausgebildeten
Fachleute des Staates hervorbrachte, wurden hier – wie auch in der Ukraine - die für
das ehrgeizige Rüstungsprogramm der Sowjetunion notwendigen Fachkräfte der
Computertechnik angesiedelt. Belarus war also so etwas wie die Wiege der sowjetischen Computertechnik.
Während in der Ukraine vorrangig Hardwarefragen bearbeitet wurden, legte die damalige Staatsführung bereits Mitte der 50-iger Jahre in Belarus die Grundlagen für
die so genannten elektronischen Programmentwicklungen, also nach heutigem Verständnis – der Softwareentwicklung. Neben der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Forschungsinstituten für theoretische und angewandte Kybernetik spielten die universitären Bildungseinrichtungen eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Ausbildung von Programmierern. Die Hochschulrahmenlehrpläne für diese Fachrichtungen waren a priori
auf eine sehr solide mathematische Grundlagenausbildung ausgerichtet und sind es
noch heute.
Neben der durchaus soliden universitären Ausbildung spielte das, was heute unter
dem Begriff „Begabtenförderung“ zusammengefasst wird, eine Rolle, die sich bis in
die Gegenwart erhalten hat – das frühzeitige Erkennen von talentierten Schülern, die
im Rahmen des Bildungssystems eine Förderung erhielten. Bis heute gibt es die so
genannten „Olympiaden“ für junge Programmierer und seitens der Softwareunternehmen werden diese Ausscheide gern genutzt, um Talente zu erkennen und frühzeitig zu binden.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
2. Bildungssystem
Nach Angaben des belarussischen Bildungsministeriums werden an 55 Hochschuleinrichtungen und höheren Bildungsstätten des Landes Fachleute für Informatik und
Kommunikationstechnik ausgebildet. Jährlich stehen bis ca. 16.000 Absolventen dieser Fachgebiete der Wirtschaft zur Verfügung. Das ist, verglichen mit einer Einwohnerzahl des Landes von ca. 9,5 Millionen, ein erhebliches Potential. Die Neuausrichtung der vorhandenen Ausbildungsprogramme auf die Bedürfnisse der Wirtschaft
und der technologischen Entwicklung stand in den vergangenen Jahren im Focus.
2.1. Wesentliche Ausbildungsstätten
2.1.1. Belarussische staatliche Universität für Informatik und Funkelektronik
Ausbildung im IT Bereich:
Fakultät für Computerprojektierung.
Die Studenten erlernen moderne Mittel und Verfahren für die Projektierung
von elektronischen Erzeugnissen, EDV-Systemen, der optischen und Medizintechnik.
Fakultät für Informationstechnologien und Steuerung
Die Ausbildung von Studenten wird in den Fachgebieten „Automatisierte Systeme der Datenverarbeitung“, „künstliche Intelligenz“, „Informationstechnologie
und Steuerung von technischen Systemen“, „Industrieelektronik“ durchgeführt.
Fakultät für Computersysteme und Netze
Die Ausbildung von Studenten wird in den Fachgebieten „Computerhardware“,
„Informatik“, „Software für Informationstechniken“ durchgeführt.
Fakultät für Kommunikationstechnik
Die Studenten erlernen moderne Elektronik und Informatik, moderne elektronische und Informationstechniken für Telekommunikation.
Neben der theoretischen Ausbildung werden Forschungslabore mit inhaltlicher
Schwerpunktsetzung für die Ausbildung und Forschung genutzt, die hier auszugsweise genannt sein sollen:
Computersysteme zur Identifizierung von Abbildungen, Neue Informationstechnologien, Computertechnologien, Automatisierte Steuersysteme, Moderne Technologien
der Softwareprojektierung, Informationstechnologien und -Systeme, Mathematische
Versorgung von angewandten Informationstechniken, Informationstechnik und Technologie.
2.1.2. Belarussische Staatliche Universität
Ausbildung im IT Bereich:
Fakultät für angewandte Mathematik
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Die Ausbildung von Studenten wird in den Fachgebieten „Angewandte Mathematik“, „Informatik“, „Wirtschaftskybernetik“, „Computersicherheit“ durchgeführt.
Fakultät für Mechanik und Mathematik,
Die Ausbildung von Studenten wird in den Fachgebieten „Mathematik und Informatik“, „Informationstechnologien“, „Soft- und Hardware“ durchgeführt.
Fakultät für Funkphysik und Computertechnologien,
Die Studenten bekommen Fachkenntnisse auf den Gebieten der Computersicherheit, der Computernetze, Luftraum-Informationssysteme, angewandte Mathematik u. a.
Auch an dieser Universität wird die theoretische Ausbildung durch Laborpraxis ergänzt. Darüber hinaus existieren an der Belarussischen Staatlichen Universität spezielle Forschungsinstitute wie:
Das Forschungsinstitut für angewandte Mathematik und Informatik der Belarussischen staatlichen Universität mit den Schwerpunkten: Informationssicherheit;
mathematische Modellierung von komplizierten Prozessen in der Physik, in der
Wirtschaft, in der Technik, in der Medizin, im Umweltschutz; Computerdatenanalyse, Softwareentwicklung.
Forschungsinstitut für angewandte Physik der Belarussischen Staatlichen Universität mit den Schwerpunkten: Datenverarbeitung und Datenübertragung,
Entwicklung von Geoinformationssystemen und intellektuellen Steuersystemen
Zentren für Informationstechnologien, Informationsressourcen und Informationssicherheit der Belarussischen Staatlichen Universität.
2.1.3. Belarussische nationale technische Universität
Ausbildung im IT Bereich:
Fakultät für Informationstechnologien und Robotertechnik
Die Ausbildung von Studenten wird in den Fachgebieten „Software für Computertechnik“, „Automatisierte Projektierung“, „Robotersysteme“ und weitere
Forschungslabor für Informationsnetze
Datenverarbeitung in Netzen; Entwicklung der Soft- und Hardware zur Informationssicherheit, Datenverarbeitung, Datenspeicherung u.a.
Neben diesen genannten Universitäten existiert eine Vielzahl weiterer Hochschuleinrichtungen, nicht nur in der Hauptstadt des Landes, sondern auch in den Regionen.
Vor dem Hintergrund des enormen Innovationszyklusses in der IT- Branche und
ebenso in der Kommunikationstechnik haben sich wichtige Unternehmen der BranRepräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
che und Hochschulbildungseinrichtungen zusammengetan, um den Studenten der
fortgeschrittenen Semester eine praxisnahe Ausbildung zukommen zu lassen.
Es wurde quasi ein Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Projekt ins Leben gerufen, dessen Inhalt darin besteht, dass Fachleute aus der IT-Branche den Studenten nach
dem Grundstudium als Dozenten das aktuelle Know-how vermitteln. Damit wird sicher gestellt, dass die Studierenden neben einer soliden Grundlagenwissensvermittlung (hier liegt die Verantwortung beim Public-Sektor, also den Bildungseinrichtungen), das von der Wirtschaft gewünschte Wissen (also dem Privat Partner) vermittelt
wird. Eine Schlüsselfunktion dieses Modells haben die Unternehmen, die sich unter
dem Dach des „High-Tech Parks“ befinden. (siehe: Staatliche Programme)
Darüber hinaus wurden spezielle Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogramme für die bereits
vorhandenen Fachleute zu den Themenschwerpunkten: Wissenschaft, Technologie,
Ökonomie, Mathematik und Sprachen aufgelegt, um den Pool von vorhandenen
Fachleuten „fit for the future“ zu machen.
In der Regel führt das oben erwähnte Ausbildungsmodell (PPP) dazu, dass die Studierenden bereits ab dem 3. Studienjahr von den Branchenunternehmen unter Vertrag genommen werden. Obwohl die Gehälter im 4-stelligen US$ Bereich zur Regel
gehören, klagt die Branche über Personalengpässe.
3. Staatspolitik im IT-Sektor von Belarus
Es gibt ein wachsendes Verständnis bei der Führung des Landes über die Rolle, die
die IKT-Branche in der belarussischen Wirtschaft spielen sollte. Der IKT-Sektor von
Belarus erhielt in den vergangenen Jahren eine deutliche staatliche Unterstützung.
Der Staat hat richtigerweise erkannt, dass die Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft mit all ihren Facetten eine der nationalen Prioritäten darstellt und ein notwendiges Instrument der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Republik Belarus ist. Diese
Entwicklung wurde zur nationalen Aufgabe erhoben, die die Koordination und die
Vereinigung von Bemühungen des Staates und der privaten Wirtschaft fordert.
Seitens des Staates ist neben der Präsidialverwaltung das Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informationsentwicklung der Republik Belarus (http://www.mpt.gov.by) für
die Belange der Branche zuständig. Spezielle Funktionen innerhalb des Ministeriums
für das Gebiet der Informationsentwicklung übernimmt die Abteilung für Informationsentwicklung.
In den Jahren 2003 bis 2010 wurde in Belarus ein so genanntes „Staatsprogramm für
Informationsentwicklung (e- Belarus“ realisiert. Ziel des Programms war die Einführung von Informationssystemen in den staatlichen Verwaltungen.
Es wurden mehr als 20 Informationssysteme entwickelt. Neben den normalen Verwaltungsvorgängen, die durch die Einführung der Systeme effizienter werden sollten
– wie die Steuerverwaltung - wurde im Staatsprogramm auch die effizientere Arbeit
im Gesundheitswesen und der medizinischen Betreuung von Patienten berücksichRepräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
tigt. Auch das Katasterwesen und die Grenzkontrollen spielten in diesem Staatsprogramm eine Rolle.
Kurz und gut: im Focus dieses Programms stand die Erhöhung der Effizienz der
staatlichen Verwaltung.
Nicht neu ist die im Zusammenhang mit der Durchführung dieses Programms gewonnene Erkenntnis, dass die erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Programms Anpassung
der Rechtsvorschriften erfordert. Dieser Prozess ist noch nicht abgeschlossen.
Unter Berücksichtigung der internationalen Trends im IT-Bereich und der gewonnenen Erfahrung aus der Vergangenheit, hat das Ministerium für Kommunikationen und
Informationsentwicklung der Republik Belarus gemeinsam mit der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften von Belarus im Jahre 2010 die Strategie der Entwicklung
der Informationsgesellschaft der Republik Belarus für den Zeitraum bis 2015 entwickelt, welche vom Ministerrat genehmigt wurde.
Das Programm hat neun Schwerpunkte:
Nationale Informations- und Kommunikationsinfrastruktur,
elektronische Regierung (e-Government),
elektronisches Gesundheitswesen,
elektronische Beschäftigung und sozialer Schutz der Bevölkerung,
elektronische Ausbildung und Entwicklung Human Resources,
elektronisches Zollamt,
IKT-Sicherheit und digitale Sicherheit,
Entwicklung der exportorientierten IT-Industrie.
Weitere staatliche Programme und Verordnungen, die für die Entwicklung der Branche von Relevanz sind:
Verordnungen des Präsidenten der Republik Belarus vom Mai 2001 und vom September 2005. Sie zielten darauf ab, günstige Bedingungen zur Entwicklung der Softwareindustrie und der Kommunikationstechnologien in der Republik Belarus zu
Eine große Rolle spielte darüber hinaus das Staatsprogramm „Elektronisches Belarus“. Im November 2011 wurde ein „Beirat zur Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft“ beim Präsidenten der Republik Belarus eingerichtet und die Gründung des
„Nationalen Zentrums für elektronische Dienstleistungen“ beschlossen.
Am 24. Juni 2003 hat die belarussische Regierung eine Entschließung über die Bildung eines „Fonds für die finanzielle und technische Unterstützung der Entwicklung
und Förderung der Informatik in Belarus“ angenommen. Der Fonds fördert wissenschaftliche und technische Arbeiten im Bereich von IT-Entwicklungen durch finanzielle Unterstützung von juristischen Personen.
Am 4. Dezember 2009 verabschiedete das Parlament den Gesetzesentwurf "Über
digitale Dokumente und digitale Signatur".
Darüber hinaus hat die Regierung eine Reihe von nationalen Programmen zur Unterstützung der IKT-Entwicklung genehmigt, darunter unter anderem:
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
ein staatliches Programm zur Entwicklung der technischen Infrastruktur für die Verwendung von Chipkarten für Bankprozesse (2006-2010),
ein Programm zur Einführung von Informatik in das Bildungssystem der Republik
Belarus (2007-2010),
ein staatliches Programm zur Einführung von Innovationen zur weiteren Entwicklung
des Telekommunikationssektors (2008-2010), wurde durch das Ministerium für
Kommunikationen und Informationsentwicklung verabschiedet.
Auf dem Gebiet der Kommunikation werden gegenwärtig vom Ministerium für Kommunikationen und Informationsentwicklung gemeinsam mit dem Staatsunternehmen
«Beltelekom» (http://beltelecom.by) – dem größten Telekommunikationsunternehmen
in Belarus - Multimedia-Dienstleistungen auf Basis der Plattform IMS (IP Multimedia
Subsystem) eingeführt.
Für die Jahre 2011-2015 wurde geplant:
den Übergang zu den Multiservicenetzen der Telekommunikation zu verwirklichen;
die Anzahl von stationären Breitbandanschlüssen auf das 2,8-fache (bis zu 3,0
Mio. Anschlüsse) zu vergrößern (Belarus hat ca. 9,5 Moi Einwohner);
Modernisierung der Datenübertragungsnetze mit Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 100 Mb/s zu erreichen,
Dienstleistungen der mobilen Telekommunikation der vierten Generation einzuführen;
Datenübertragung auf der Grundlage von Technologien des mobilen Breitbandzugriffes WiMAX, WCDMA und LTE für das mobile Internet für ca. 5,0 Mio User
zu ermöglichen;
die Technologie der passiven optischen Netze (xPON) einzuführen.
4. Verbände und Assoziationen
Bemerkenswert für die Entwicklung der IKT Branche in Belarus ist auch die Rolle der
professionellen Verbände und Assoziationen.
4.1. Gesellschaft „Informationsgesellschaft“
Die 1999 registrierte staatliche öffentliche Gesellschaft „Informationsgesellschaft“
vereinigt derzeit ca. 500 IT-Fachleute, deren Tätigkeit auf die effiziente Anwendung
der Informations-, Telekommunikations- und analytischen Technologien in allen Bereichen der belorussischen Gesellschaft gerichtet ist.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
4.2. Wissenschaftlich-technische Assoziation "Infopark"
Die wissenschaftlich-technische Assoziation wurde entsprechend eines Erlasses des
Präsidenten der Republik Belarus „Über die staatliche Unterstützung der Entwicklung
und des Exports von Informationstechnologien“ als Förderinstrument der belarussischen IT-Industrie 2001 gegründet. Die Hauptaufgaben der Assoziation sind die Koordination, die Vertretung und der Interessenschutz von Mitgliedsunternehmen.
Im November 2011 hatte die Assoziation „Infopark“ 72 Gesellschaften verschiedener
Eigentumsformen als Mitgliedsunternehmen, darunter 40 kleinere (5-50 Fachleute),
24 mittlere (50-250 Fachleute) und 8 große (über 250 Fachleute) Unternehmen.
4.3. Assoziation „Belinfokom“
Die Assoziation von IKT-Organisationen vereinigt 13 Unternehmen, die sich mit der
Datenübertragung, mit dem Internetservice und mit der Produktion der Telekommunikationsausrüstung beschäftigen. Die Hauptaufgabe der Assoziation ist die Interessenvertretung von IKT-Organisationen bei Staatsorganen sowie Beratungs- und methodische Hilfe für die Mitglieder.
4.4. Branchenverband für Telekommunikation
Branchenverband für Telekommunikation wurde im April 2005 als öffentliche Vereinigung von juristischen Personen und Unternehmern aus dem Bereich der Telekommunikation gegründet. Gegenwärtig hat der Verband 95 Mitglieder. Die Hauptaufgaben des Verbandes liegen in der Förderung der Fernsehentwicklung und der Telekommunikation, in der Koordination der Tätigkeit von Verbandsmitgliedern, in der
Vertretung ihrer Interessen bei Staatsorganen, in der Entwicklung von Beziehungen
mit anderen öffentlichen Vereinigungen in Belarus und im Ausland zu Fragen der
Vervollkommnung der Telekommunikationssysteme.
4.5. Der „High-Tech Park“ (HTP)
Seit 2005 existiert in Belarus der „High-Tech Park“ (http://www.park.by/?lng=en) mit
gegenwärtig 106 ansässigen Unternehmen - Tendenz steigend, deren Softwareexportvolumen zum Jahresende 2011 ca. 215 Mio. US$ betrug – die wohl bemerkenswerteste Einrichtung der Branche in Belarus. Die Kundenliste der dort angesiedelten
Unternehmen umfasst Firmen aus mehr als 56 Ländern.
Damit wurde Belarus zu einem bedeutenden Zentrum des IT- Outsourcing und eines
der kostengünstigsten europäischen Zentren des IT-Nearshoring.
Mit der Gründung des „High-Tech Parks“ (HTP) beabsichtigte man regierungsseitig,
der Softwarebranche Bedingungen zu schaffen, die ihre Entwicklung befördern. Die
im HTP angesiedelten Unternehmen genießen hervorhebenswerte Steuervorteile;
gleiches trifft auf die Beschäftigten zu. Unternehmen des IKT Sektors können sich
dort ansiedeln.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Die geschaffenen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingen bieten auch die Möglichkeit einer
„Virtuellen Anwesenheit“, d.h. die IKT Unternehmen können ihren physischen Sitz
landesweit haben, genießen dennoch die gleichen Rechte und steuerlichen Vorteile.
Das hat den Vorteil, dass die Mitarbeiter der betreffenden Unternehmen in ihrem sozialen Umfeld bleiben können und ihre Lebenshaltungskosten unter dem Niveau der
Hauptstadt Minsk liegen. Die technische Infrastruktur ist auch in den Regionen des
Landes mittlerweile ausreichend und stabil entwickelt.
Auf Grund der Gesetzgebung sind Unternehmen, die sich unter dem Dach des „HighTech Parks“ ansiedeln von allen Körperschaftsteuern, einschließlich der Mehrwertsteuer und der Gewinnsteuer befreit und vom Zoll freigestellt. Die individuelle Einkommenssteuer für Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen, die zum „High-Tech Park“ gehören, liegt bei nur 9%. Dieser vom Gesetzgeber garantierte Rahmen hat Gültigkeit bis
zum Jahre 2020.
Nach Angaben des „High-Tech Parks“ wuchs das Produktionsvolumen der zugehörigen Unternehmen im Jahre 2009 um das zehnfache im Vergleich zur Softwareproduktion des ganzen Landes 2005.
Der „High- Tech Park“ bietet neben den Steuervorteilen aber auch weitere günstige
Bedingungen für Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter.
Neben der hervorragenden technischen Infrastruktur und seiner sehr günstigen Lage
unmittelbar an der Verbindungsstrasse zwischen Berlin und Moskau, ca. 40 km bis
zum Airport Minsk, also günstige logistischen Voraussetzungen, spielen die Wohnbedingungen für die Mitarbeiter ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle.
Der ca. 50 ha umfassende Komplex in Minsk umfasst Kindergärten und Schule, Freizeiteinrichtungen wie Fitnesscenter, Schwimmbad und Sportkomplex, die den Ansprüchen der Mitarbeiter genügen, ein Geschäftszentrum und ein Gesundheitszentrum.
Auf dem Gelände ist eine eigene IT – Weiterbildungseinrichtung, die den Mitarbeitern
die Möglichkeit bietet, immer über das neueste Wissen zu verfügen.
Fragen des Qualitätsmanagement, also entweder Prozessverbesserung nach CMMI
oder Einführung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen nach ISO wurden vermittelt und
die meisten Unternehmen sind zertifiziert.
Neben den fachspezifischen Weiterbildungen bietet die Weiterbildungseinrichtung
auch Sprachkurse für Programmierer an, um die Kommunikationsfähigkeit mit Auftraggebern und Partnern zu verbessern.
Die Programmierer der angesiedelten Unternehmen erhielten Weiterbildungen bei
IBM, SAP, Orakel, Microsoft und anderen weltweit führenden Softwarehäusern. Hinsichtlich der beruflichen Qualifikation zeichnen sie sich vielfach durch Mehrfachqualifikationen aus, d.h. sie besitzen neben ihrer eigentlichen Qualifikation auch mathematische, ingenieurtechnische, naturwissenschaftliche und andere Abschlüsse.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Am 13. März 2012 verabschiedete die Stadtverwaltung Minsk einen Beschluss zur
Erweiterung der Flächen des „High-Tech Parks“. Ein bereits ansässiges Unternehmen plant auf einer Fläche von rund 3,5 Hektar einen Neubaukomplex mit Bürogebäude für 1.000 Arbeitsplätze, ein Parkhaus für 400 Fahrzeuge, ein Fitnesscenter
und ein Wohnkomplex mit 132 Wohnungen für Mitarbeiter. Darüber hinaus ein Einkaufszentrum, Freizeiteinrichtungen, eine Schule und einen Kindergarten. Im August
2012 wurde der erste Spatenstich getan und Ende 2013 soll der Komplex in Betrieb
genommen werden.
Mitarbeiter der Weltbank haben nunmehr angeregt, die vom Gesetzgeber eingeräumten wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf die gesamte IT-Branche in Belarus
Daneben wurden für die Gesamtbranche weitere Vorschläge unterbreitet, die sich auf
Infrastrukturentwicklung, Zugang zur Projektfinanzierung, Fachkräfteaus- und Weiterbildung, Verwaltung und Besteuerung, innovative Umsetzung von F&E Ergebnissen, Branding und Kommunikation beziehen. Zu den unterbreiteten Vorschlägen
zählt auch die Möglichkeit des Einsatzes von Venture-Capital. Die unterbreiteten
Vorschläge werden in den Fachgremien geprüft.
4.5.1. Ergebnisse der HTP Unternehmen im Jahre 2011 (eigene Angaben):
Per 01.01.2012 befanden sich 106 Unternehmen unter dem Dach des Hochtechnologie-Parks.
52 Unternehmen wurden von belarussischen Gesellschaftern gegründet,
31 Unternehmen sind 100%-ge Auslandsunternehmen,
23 Unternehmen wurden als Joint-Venture Unternehmen gegründet.
Der Export der Software nahm um 34 % zu und belief sich im Jahre 2011 auf 215
Mio US$ (161 Mio US$ im Vorjahr).
Der Exportanteil belief sich auf 87 % der gesamten Produktion,
davon 47 % an Kunden aus Nordamerika, 35% an Kunden aus Westeuropa und 14%
an Kunden aus der GUS.
Per 01.01.2012 waren in den Unternehmen des HTP 11.863 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt,
davon allein 2.267 Neueinstellungen im Jahre 2011.
Das Produktionsvolumen der Unternehmen des Hochtechnologie-Parks erreichte seit
seiner Gründung im Jahre 2005 / 2006 eine Summe von 803 Mio. US$, davon 667
Mio. US$ reines Exportgeschäft.
Die Softwareproduktion für Kunden aus Belarus (Banken, Unternehmen und Verwaltungen) stieg um das 1,6 –fache im Vergleich zum Jahre 2010.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Kunden HTP sind Auftraggeber aus 56 Ländern.
4.5.2. Leistung- und Angebotsspektrum
Das Leistungs- und Angebotsspektrum der im HTP ansässigen Unternehmen umfasst: Box Products/Licenced Software, Services & Solutions, Custom Software Development, IT Services, Active Server Pages (ASP), Software as a Service (SaaS),
Business Process Outsourcing, Testing, Software Ready for SaaS Development.
4.5.3. Softwareeinsatzgebiete
Hinsichtlich der Softwareeinsatzgebiete arbeitet man für B2B and B2C Advertising,
Banking, Building & Real estate, Consumer goods and services, Electronics and
electrical, Education, Energy, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Finance, Food
and Beverage, Gambling & Entertainment, Government, Healthcare, Information
Technology, Insurance, Logistics, Machine building enterprise, radio-electronical
manufacturing, Machine Industry, Manufacturing, Media, Oil & Gas, Protection
against unauthorized access, Retail, Science & Technology, Sports & Travel, Telecommunications, Transportation, Vending Business.
4.5.4. Softwaretypen
Dazu bieten die Unternehmen des HTP nahezu alle gängigen Softwaretypen an –
von Accounting software, Database management system software, Financial analysis
software, Web services software, Stock market and trader software, CAM Software,
CAD Software, Web platform development software bis hin zu Educational software.
Zu den Auftraggebern zählen beispielsweise Peugeot, Mitsubishi, British Petroleum,
Gazprom, Reuters, British Telecom, London Stock Exchange, World Bank, CocaCola, BOSCH. Mit SAP existiert eine Zusammenarbeit.
Darüber hinaus haben HTP-Unternehmen Softwareprodukte im Wert von 50 Mio. bis
60 Mio. US$ für den Binnenmarkt geliefert. Bei der Bedarfsdeckung belarussischer
Großbetriebe und Banken geht es im Wesentlichen um die Importsubstitution im ITBereich. Einheimische Auftraggeber der IT-Produkte sparen dadurch immense Importkosten.
Angaben zu ausgewählten Unternehmen des „High-Tech Parks“ sind der Anlage
zu entnehmen.
5. Forschungseinrichtungen im IT- Bereich und Brancheninstitute
Die wesentlichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten im IT- Bereich werden in
Einrichtungen der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften und des Bildungsministeriums sowie in Brancheninstituten der Republik Belarus durchgeführt.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
5.1. Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften von Belarus
5.1.1. Vereinigtes Institut für Informatik
Grundlagen- und angewandte Forschung auf den folgenden Gebieten: Automatisierung der Projektierung, angewandte Mathematik, Supercomputertechnologien, Bioinformatik und medizinische Informatik, Geoinformationssysteme, digitale Kartografie,
kosmische Informationstechnologien, GRID-Technologien.
Das Institut hat 3 Forschungsabteilungen:
Modellierung der intellektuellen Prozesse
Modellierung von Prozessen zur Formierung und Erkennung von Abbildungen
Informationstechnologien und –systeme.
Das Institut ist der Dienstleister des akademischen wissenschaftlichen Netzes
BASNET und betreut das Republikanische Supercomputerzentrum der allgemeinen
5.1.2. Institut für Mathematik
Grundlagenforschung auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik
Entwicklung von mathematischen Modellen und Verfahren zur Lösung angewandter Aufgaben in der Physik, Mechanik, Mikroelektronik, Wirtschaft, Technik, Biologie, Ökologie, Medizin, Informationssicherung, Kommunikationsnetzen und in anderen Bereichen. Produkte und Dienstleistungen: mathematische Modellierung und Softwareentwicklung.
5.1.3. Branchenübergreifendes wissenschaftlich-praktisches Zentrum für Identifizierungssysteme und elektronische Geschäftsoperationen
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Automatisierte informations-analytische Systeme zur Warennummerierung,
zur Strichcode- und Radiofrequenzidentifizierung (RFID) für Unternehmen und
Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Warennummerierung und der Nutzung der
Technologien der automatischen Identifizierung, einschl. die Einführung und
Unterstützung des Strichcodes in der Produktion in den staatlichen Informationsressourcen der Republik Belarus – Depositar der Strichcodes;
Verifizierung der Strichcodes;
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Schaffung der Infrastruktur und Systemlösungen für Mittel der automatischen
Auf der Basis des Zentrums arbeitet das Nationale technische Komitee für Standardisierung „Identifizierung“.
5.2. Forschungs-Ingenieur-Unternehmen „Geoinformationssysteme“
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Die Schaffung und Einführung der Geoinformationstechnologien unter Nutzung von Raumfahrtmaterialien der Fernerkundung der Erde zur Lösung von
Aufgaben der Wirtschaft, der Verwaltung, des Umweltschutzes u. a.
Die Entwicklung und Einführung der programm-informativen Komplexe zur
Bearbeitung von Raumfahrtabbildungen der Erdoberfläche zur Entwicklung
von Karten in der digitalen und graphischen Form.
Die Entwicklung und die Einführung der intellektuellen Expertensysteme zum
Monitoring des Zustandes von gefährlichen Chemieobjekten.
5.3. Brancheninstitute
5.3.1. Forschungsinstitut für technische Informationssicherung
Operations-alalytisches Zentrum beim Präsidenten der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Koordination der wissenschaftlichen, methodischen und praktischen Arbeiten
zur technischen Informationssicherung und zur Erhöhung des antiterroristischen Schutzes von Objekten im Interesse der Ministerien, Ämter und anderer
Organisationen der Republik Belarus.
Spezielle Erforschungen im Bereich der Sicherheit der technischen Mittel zur
Bearbeitung und Sicherung der Information;
Durchführung der Arbeiten für die komplexe Informationssicherheit in den Objekten von Kunden in allen Regionen der Republik Belarus;
Entwicklung von integrierten automatisierten Systemen zur Unternehmensverwaltung und zur Steuerung von technologischen Prozessen, zum elektronischen Dokumentendurchlauf u.a.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
5.3.2. Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Zentrales FuE-Institut für Steuerungstechnik“ („ZNIITU“)
Industrieministerium der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Entwicklung von automatisierten Steuersystemen für Staatsorgane und Industrieunternehmen
Entwicklung und Herstellung von elektronischen Chipkarten verschiedener
5.3.3. Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Forschungsinstitut für Automatisierungsmittel“
Staatliches militär-industrielles Komitee der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Entwicklung von automatisierten Steuersystemen verschiedener Anwendung
Schaffung der Hardware zur Datenübertragung;
Herstellung von Prüf- und Messgeräten
Entwicklung der Software für verschiedene Anwendungen.
5.3.4. Staatliches Forschungsunternehmen „Agat-System“
Staatliches militär-industrielles Komitee der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Entwicklung von Kommunikationsmitteln
Entwicklung von automatisierten Informations-Steuersystemen
Projektierung von integrierten Sicherheitssystemen, einschließlich Brandmeldesystemen
Entwicklung und Herstellung von Schutztechnik
Entwicklung von Hardware zur Übertragung von Digital- und Analogdaten
Entwicklung der Software allgemeiner und spezieller Anwendung.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
5.4.5 Offene AG „Konstruktionsbüro für Systemprogrammieren“
Staatliches militär-industrielles Komitee der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Automatisierte Systeme zur Verwaltung von Unternehmen und zur Steuerung
von technologischen Prozessen
Software zur On-line-Radarüberwachung des Weltraumes
Systemsoftware für verschiedene Recheneinrichtungen
Systeme zum Umweltmonitoring
5.3.6. Offene AG „Giprosvjaz“
Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informationsentwicklung der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Entwicklung und Einführung von neuen Technologien für Telekommunikationssystemen
Projektierung von Kommunikationsnetzen
Koordination der FuE auf dem Gebiet der Telekommunikation u.a.
5.3.7. Offene AG „PROMSVJAZ“
Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informationsentwicklung der Republik Belarus
Produkte und Dienstleistungen:
Entwicklung und Einführung von neuen Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologien für den Zugang zu Computernetzen und Informationssystemen,
Entwicklung und Schaffung der Ausrüstung für Glasfasernetze u.a.
6. Innovative IT-Unternehmen
Im IKT-Sektor von Belarus dominieren im Vergleich zu anderen Wirtschaftsbranchen
private Unternehmen, die in folgende Cluster aufgeteilt werden können:
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Kundenspezifische Softwareentwicklung (z.B., Epam systems, Belhard
group, Sam solutions, Softclub, System technologies, BelSoft, Joint-Stock
Company IBA);
Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen (GSM-Dienstleister: z.B. “MTS” ltd,
Joint-Stock Company “Best”, Foreign Enterprise “Velcom”, CDMA operator –
“Belcel” ltd);
Systemintegration (z.B., IBA, Sviaz’informservice);
Insgesamt beschäftigen sich ca. 500 belarussischer Unternehmen und Entwicklungsgruppen unmittelbar mit der Softwareentwicklung.
Kunden von belarussischen Softwareentwicklern sind führende Gesellschaften der
Welt in der IKT-Sphäre: Alcatel, IBM, British Telecom, Microsoft, SAP, Siemens, Sun
Microsystems, Xerox. IT-Dienstleistungen belarussischer Unternehmen nutzen große
internationale Korporationen und Institutionen: Coca-Cola, Ford, Goodyear, Honda,
Johnson & Johnson, London Stock Exchange, Procter & Gamble und Welthandelsorganisation. Belarus ist auch den IT-Dienstleister für große russische Gesellschaften: “Gazprom”, Hersteller der Telekommunikationsausrüstung “IskraUralTel”, Erdölgesellschaft “Rosneft”, Metallurgiekomplex “Severstal”, Flugzeugbauer “Tupolev”,
Telekommunikationsunternehmen “Vympelcom” u.a.
Zu den größten IT-Unternehmen mit Geschäftstätigkeit in Europa gehören:
EPAM Systems - ein führender Softwareoutsourcing-Dienstleister für Zentral- und
Osteuropa. EPAM hat Hauptbüros in Nordamerika (Newtown, PA) und in Ungarn
(Budapest), liefert Software nach Großbritannien, Schweden und Deutschland.
EPAM Systems hat Softwareentwicklungszentren in Russland, Ungarn, Belarus und
in der Ukraine.
ScienceSoft Inc - ein anerkannter Outsourcing-Dienstleister in Osteuropa. Im Laufe
von 20 Jahren hat sein Entwicklungszentrum über 200 Projekte realisiert. Die von
ScienceSoft Inc. entwickelte Software wird in mehr als 500 Gesellschaften genutzt.
Itransition - eine internationale Gesellschaft, die kundenspezifische Software entwickelt und Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Systemintegration anbietet. Itransition hat
Vertretungsbüros in den USA (Texas), im UK und den Niederlanden.
EffectiveSoft - der belarussische Entwickler von kundenspezifischer Software. Die
Firma erfüllt aus einer Hand in enger Abstimmung mit Kunden alle Teilbereiche und
Implementierungen eines Projekts – vom Grobkonzept bis zum fertigen Produkt
(Software Release). EffectiveSoft liefert kundenspezifische Software in folgenden Bereichen:
Umfangreiche Web-basierte Datenbanken
Web-basierte Datenbearbeitung im Echtzeitbetrieb
e-Commerce Applikationen
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Technische Unterstützung und Adaptierung für bereits entwickelte Produkte.
BelHard Group - eine der führenden IT-Holdings in Belarus, die das gesamte Spektrum von Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Software anbietet:
Entwicklung der kundenspezifischen Software
Installation, Einrichten und Wartung der Software
Automatisierung von Verwaltungs- und Betriebssteuersystemen
Prüfung der Software u.a.
BelHard Group hat seit 1994 über 500 Projekte realisiert.
IBA Group - der größte IT-Dienstleister in Osteuropa, der mit 2500 Spezialisten
Onshoring-. Nearshoring- und Offshoring-Projekte erfüllt. IBA Group hat Büros in der
Tschechischen Republik, den USA, Deutschland, Bulgarien, Zypern und Russland
sowie Softwareentwicklungszentren in Belarus und in der Tschechischen Republik.
NTLab Systems entwickelt Software für integrierte Schaltkreise, für elektronische
Blöcke und Systeme. NTLab System arbeitet auf vielen Gebieten der Funkelektronik:
GPS/GLONASS/Galileo- Satellitennavigation, digitalen TV, RFID-Systeme.
Generation_P Consulting Ltd entwickelt kundenspezifische Software für Tourismusindustrie. Das Unternehmen ist auf der Entwicklung und Einführung von On-lineSystemen zur Suche von Tourismusprodukten spezialisiert. Die Gesellschaft hat ein
Entwicklungszentrum in Minsk und Vertriebsbüros in München, die Kunden in EU,
GUS und Nordamerika bedienen. Kunden von Generation_P Consulting sind Hauptgesellschaften der Tourismusbranche: IT-Nischenfirmen, Reisedienstleister, Feriendienste.
7. Gehälter
Während in den staatlichen Einrichtungen und Unternehmen die Gehaltsstrukturen
vorgegeben sind und die Mindestgehälter bis zum Ende des Jahres 2012 auf den
Gegenwert von ca. 500 US$ erhöht werden sollen, können die privaten Unternehmen
der Softwareindustrie aus Landessicht verhältnismäßig attraktive Gehälter bezahlen
und damit qualifizierte Mitarbeiter gewinnen und binden.
Verifizierbare Angaben zur Gehaltsstruktur in der privaten IT-Branche sind aus vielfältigen Gründen kaum zu erhalten.
Die Gehälter hängen neben anderen Faktoren von der Qualifikation und dem Erfahrungsschatz der Mitarbeiter ab.
Nach Angaben des „High-Tech Parks“ kann man bei den dort ansässigen Unternehmen davon ausgehen dass:
ein Durchschnittsgehalt von ca. 1.400 US$ gezahlt wird.
Young Professionals mit einem Einstiegsgehalt von ca. 700 bis 900 US$ rechnen können.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Je nach Projekt, Erfahrung und Qualifikation bis zu 2.000 US$ pro Monat erreicht werden können (Androide und I-Phone Entwickler). Ebenfalls liegen in
dieser Kategorie die Java-Entwickler.
Erfahrene Entwickler (6 und mehr Jahre) können bis zu 2.300 US$ erzielen.
Damit liegen diese Gehaltsstrukturen sehr weit unter denen, die in Westeuropa üblicherweise zu erzielen sind.
Zwischen den im „High-Tech Park“ angesiedelten Unternehmen wurde eine Übereinkunft erzielt, dass man auf das Abwerben von Mitarbeitern verzichtet. Über das „ob
und wie“ diese Übereinkunft eingehalten wird, lässt sich kaum Auskunft erhalten.
8. Zusammenfassung
Mit dem Bericht über das Potential der belarussischen Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft sollte eine sachliche Darstellung der Dynamik der Entwicklung dieser Branche gegeben werden. Belarus will in absehbarer Zeit das „Silicon Valley“
Europas werden. Die Analyse aller staatlichen und privatwirtschaftlichen Initiativen
zeigt, dass ein besonderer Fortschritt in dieser Branche zu erkennen ist. Staatlich
geschaffene Erleichterungen für Unternehmen und Investitionen verschaffen der
Branche eine Anziehungskraft. Das stetig zunehmende Exportwachstum ist Beleg
dafür. Die Ausbildung des technischen Nachwuchses wurde auf die Anforderungen
der Unternehmen abgestimmt.
Die jährlichen Wachstums des IT Marktes liegen bei 24 bis 28%.
Die günstige geografische Lage zu Westeuropa und der geringe Zeitunterschied von
GMT+2 erlaubt ein Überlappen der Arbeitszeiten zwischen westeuropäischen und
zum Teil auch amerikanischen Auftraggeben und somit eine Abstimmung in time.
Die Flugzeiten zwischen Minsk und Westeuropa liegen bei 2 bis 4 Stunden und bieten einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu asiatischen Ländern.
Zwei Technopark ähnliche Strukturen mit sehr guter Infrastruktur ermöglichen die
Konzentration von Know-how auch für Auslandsinvestitionen.
Die günstige Kostenstruktur und das hohe technische Anspruchsdenken der Entwickler führen zu kostengünstigen und qualitativ hochwertigen Lösungen.
Diese Rahmenbedingungen wurden von den international führenden Analysten wie
Gartner, Brainbench, Forbes etc. anerkannt und in ihren Reports hervorgehoben.
Anlagen: Übersicht wesentlicher Unternehmen des „High-Tech Parks“
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Active Technologies, Ltd.
Postal address:
Skryganova str., 6A-14, office 17,
Minsk, Belarus, Minsk, Belarus,
[email protected]
+375 29 3777935
Active Technologies LLC is a software company that optimizes and automates business processes for cloud services providers. We deliver billing and service provisioning solutions for ISP, ISV or telecoms and their end-customers enabling wide range
of services like SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS
(Infrastructure as a Service) and others.
The company also provides custom software development and consulting focused on
cloud technologies. Key expertise: software provisioning automation, high load systems, clustering and high availability, monitoring, server, network and system software.
Major customers of the company are: Parallels Holding Ltd., ActiveHost Limited,
Asigra Inc., Active Technologies, Ltd., ActiveHost RU, Ltd.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 34, 114 Nekrasova St., Minsk,
Belarus, 220068.
[email protected]
+375 17 287 80 45
Altoros is a software delivery acceleration specialist that provides technology services to software companies and start-ups. Focused on cross-platform software development and innovative cloud computing services, the company has profound experience in creating large-scale applications and systems that feature scalability,
flexible architecture, and re-usable code base.
Areas of expertise include .NET, Ruby on Rails, Java, Adobe Flex, and NoSQL / Distributed Cloud Computing technologies, as well as programming for mobile devices
(Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Android, and iOS).
By partnering with Altoros, independent software vendors and start-ups deliver sophisticated software products to the Logistics, Telecom, Marketing, Sport/Fitness,
and Media industries. Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Autodesk, Toyota, RightScale,
Couchbase, and other technology leaders have trusted Altoros to speed up software
time-to-market, expand in-house teams, and cut development costs.
While having a development center in Belarus, Altoros runs offices in Norway, Denmark, UK, and across the U.S., and employs over 200 talented IT professionals.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Android Application for a Wireless Media Device
Bid Manager
Call Recording, Analytics, and Workforce Optimization Solution
Cloud Computing Management Platform and Server Templates
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Dual-Screen Technology Web Application
Effect Warehouse
Innovative Energy Management System
Key-Value Database Management System and Distributed Memory Caching
System Development
Mobile Augmented Reality Travel Guide
Mobile Service Management Software Suite
Multi-tenant SaaS Application for Printing Companies
Next generation voice mail system (NGVM), Speech Design Carrier Systems
Online Radio Application for Android
Order Processing and Tracking System
Personal Finance Management System
Selecting and Mixing Paint Color Software
SharePoint-based CMS for Online Community
Team Foundation Server Timesheet Extension
The Automated System for Holding Tenders for Toyota
TX Chrono
Warehouse Workload Monitoring Application
Web-based System for Retailers
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Andrey Bogomolov, Sole Proprietorship
Postal address:
Office 237, 5-1 Zhukovskogo Street,
Minsk, Belarus, 220007.
[email protected]
+375 29 677-79-49
Provides ERP/BI on-demand upscale software development, professional implementation and 24/7 support for SME sector employing a software-as-a-service (SaaS)
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
ERPVault: Automotive Parts Customer Order Fulfillment and Supply Chain
Management Solution
ERPVault: Automotive Recycling ERP Solution
ERPVault: SEO ERP Solution
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
4th floor, 11 Kulman St., Minsk, Belarus, 220100.
[email protected]
+375 17 210-12-91
Limited Liability Company
Founded in 1997 in Minsk, Applied Systems Ltd. is an expert in the field of industrial
automation and control systems. It provides a full cycle of project development services including requirements drafting, design, development, testing, implementation
and follow-up maintenance of software solutions.
Applied Systems has a profound expertise in developing data acquision, analysis and
visualization software, as well as in integrating induastrial equipment and systems. In
2006 the Company established a competence center in automated software testing
and has been undertaking practical and research activities to improve test infrastructure and processes.
The Company's solutions have been successfully applied in the following fields:
testing of engines and cars to comply with the international ecological
standards (EURO, EPA, Japan);
enhancement of manufacturing and technological lines performance;
automated transportation systems for materials, goods, and baggage in logistics and distribution centers;
vehicle tracking systems;
automation of laboratory data acquisition and processing systems;
system for automated software testing control;
staff learning, advanced training and enrichment experiences.
For many years Applied Systems Ltd. has been a software development partner to a
leading manufacturer of vehicle emission measurement solutions. World-known
automobile concerns such as Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler, General Motors, MAN and
Porsche, employ these solutions to test vehicle emission exhaust and develop new
efficient engines.
Applied Systems Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2009 certified company, a Microsoft partner
with the Software Development competency.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Learning Management System
Octopus. Solution for Automated Testing Control
Platform for Automation Control Systems
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
5 Chapaeva Street, office 328, Minsk,
Belarus, 220034.
[email protected]
+375 17 294-30-41
Atlas SOFT Ltd.
The company specializes in design, development, delivery and documenting of software solutions in-cluding custom software to meet specific customers’ needs. The
company has solid experience in soft-ware development and support for media and
telecommunication, government and defense, oil and gas industry, healthcare on
Java/J2EE, .Net, C++, Oracle. Atlas Soft designs and implements analytical systems
based on Oracle BI, Microstrategy, SAP BO.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Business Process Outsourcing
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
AVEST Close Corporation
Postal address:
P.O.B. 203, Office 3N, 5 Gazety Pravda
Avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220116.
[email protected]
+375 17 297-92-34
AVEST CC is a design software company. For the last 12 years AVEST CC has been
engaged in the development of data security products and services. In addition to
applied engineering work the company is actively involved in research and standards
development in the area of cryptography. The company is the leading provider in
Belarus of security solutions for data protection. It cooperates with many state and
commercial structures including the Foundation for Social Protection of Population of
the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, National Bank
of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of
Bel?rus, state amalgamation "Belarusian Railway", JSC Belagroprombank, JSC
BPS-Bank, Priorbank JSC and many others.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Bel IT soft International, Joint Limited Liability Company
Postal address:
7 Kozlova lane, office 36, Minsk, Belarus, 220037.
[email protected]
+375 29 258 70 00
Joint Limited Liability Company
The company was founded in 2010. Main focus of the company is custom development of information systems for eLearning.
The main customer is Danish company ElearningForce International. It's a Microsoft
Gold software development partner and worldwide strategic partner, especially in the
sphere of eLearning.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
BELabat JLtd
Postal address:
Office 2, 8 Kalilingradnsky per., Minsk, Belarus, 220012.
[email protected]
+375 17 290-48-79
The company specializes in software development for SAP technology and has large
experience in software development technology. Since company was founded it implemented projects for foreign customers Astoria LTD, Abat AG, Lynx AG etc.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 709, 2 Melnikayte Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220004.
[email protected]
+375 17 226-84-26
Limited Liability Company
The Company positions itself as an IT integrator and specializes in SW development
(custom SW development and SW reengineering and integration - Internet Banking,
Payment and Billing systems, CRM systems, Supply Chain Management systems,
Document Flow systems, Remote Consulting systems, distributed ERP systems,
Business Solutions built at the SAP platform, Online marketplaces and auctions, Multimedia & Publishing systems, E-shops, Horizontal Portals, Embedded systems, SW
for Mobile devices, Solutions in the field of Encryptic data protection, CAD/CAM/CAE
and production process automation, etc.).
Also, the Company renders SW-related services: networking and remote administering, hosting and domain names registration, web-sites promotion and optimization,
deployment of Box Products/Licenced Software, Business Process QA and outcourcing, ASP, SaaS, SW Testing including cryptographic security tests, Personnel training, IT audit and various consulting.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
T services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Cash and Treasure Management Informationa System
Development of Software Components HP IUM
Diabetics Mobile Application
GdeEtotDom.ru Web Site ( Accomodation Location Information )
Mass Media Mobile Application
Modules Development for Backup and User's Data Sharing
Russian Art Media Internet Portal
Tsesna Electronic Trade House
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 709, 2 Melnikayte Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220004.
[email protected]
+375 17 226-84-26
Limited Liability Company
The Company positions itself as an IT integrator and specializes in SW development
(custom SW development and SW reengineering and integration - Internet Banking,
Payment and Billing systems, CRM systems, Supply Chain Management systems,
Document Flow systems, Remote Consulting systems, distributed ERP systems,
Business Solutions built at the SAP platform, Online marketplaces and auctions, Multimedia & Publishing systems, E-shops, Horizontal Portals, Embedded systems, SW
for Mobile devices, Solutions in the field of Encryptic data protection, CAD/CAM/CAE
and production process automation, etc.).
Also, the Company renders SW-related services: networking and remote administering, hosting and domain names registration, web-sites promotion and optimization,
deployment of Box Products/Licenced Software, Business Process QA and outcourcing, ASP, SaaS, SW Testing including cryptographic security tests, Personnel training, IT audit and various consulting.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
T services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Cash and Treasure Management Informationa System
Development of Software Components HP IUM
Diabetics Mobile Application
GdeEtotDom.ru Web Site ( Accomodation Location Information )
Mass Media Mobile Application
Modules Development for Backup and User's Data Sharing
Russian Art Media Internet Portal
Tsesna Electronic Trade House
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Byelex Multimedia Products, Foreign Enterprise
Postal address:
111-62 Mayakovsky St., Minsk, Belarus, 220028.
[email protected]
+375 17 213 28 04
Founded in 2001, currently employs 15 IT Specialists, including specialists certified
as Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) and Oracle Certified Professional (OCP).
Development technologies, tools and languages: JavaEE, JSF, JAX-WS, Spring,
EJB, JPA, REST, GWT, Hibernate, Glassfish, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse IDE, GWT, Lotus Domino, Drupal, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, PHP, operating systems Linux and
Sun® Solaris, DBMS Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL.
365/ArboNed, Utrecht, the Netherlands;
ProAct BV, Zoetermeer, the Netherlands;
Heineken Nederland BV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands;
EventTouch BV, Gouda, the Netherlands;
Stork Food Systems, Boxmeer, the Netherlands;
North Scotland Water Authority, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;
Thames Water, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom;
Your Test Professionals BV, Amstelveen, the Netherlands;
Leo Kannerhuis BV, Doorwerth, the Netherlands;
Veltion BV, Schelluinen, the Netherlands.
Target Activities:
Software Ready for SaaS Development
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IT projects:
EQS software package - back office for enterprise operating in accordance with
InControl software package – data storage state analysis
Information System BuzzTalk - collection and semantic analysis of web content
Information System EventTouch - assistant in organizing events
Information System FaceRanked - ranking objects based on the analysis of users'
Internet- technology @dvisor and OrthoExpert information system
The range of applications KCStreet
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
CactusSoft Unitary Enterprise
Postal address:
17 Kommunisticheskaya str., Minsk, Belarus, 220002.
[email protected]
+375 17 3343507
CactusSoft specializes in nearshore software development with focus on mobile/embedded solutions and Microsoft technology. Our services cover the complete
software product life cycle, from concept creation and UI design, to software development, testing, integration and maintenance.
CactusSoft is an engineering-centric company whose majority of employees are senior software developers. Collectively, CactusSoft engineers have successfully realized dozens of complex software projects across several industries solving a range of
tough business challenges. We work for clients across Europe, North America and
Russia. Our customers include well-known brands like Yandex (Russia), Odnoklassniki (Russia), Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Turner Broadcasting (USA), Synchronoss (USA) and others.
CactusSoft was founded in 2007 and is a Microsoft Gold Partner.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
PO Box 70, Minsk, Belarus, 220050.
[email protected]
+375 17 306-02-77
Joint Limited Liability Company
CLABS specializes in rendering multi-dimensional software development services
that cover all phases of software development lifecycle from requirements analysis
and concept creation to implementation and maintenance. The Company is an expert
in development of custom web and desktop applications; full-scale IT-consultancy;
system integration of software solutions; production of scalable and cost-efficient solutions using both Open Source technologies and other up-to-date technologies and
CLABS focuses on the following activities:
1.Corporate applications development
2.Custom-made software
3.Software re-engineering and migration
4.Open source applications customization
5.Software quality control and assurance
6.Software servicing and support
7.Mobile application development (within various mobile platforms)
CLABS is a team of professionals that produced a number of science-intensive and
innovative business-solutions which have been successfully implemented in various
industries: eCommerce and eGovernment, eCulture, eHousing, entertainment, education, real estate, wholesale and retail, and etc.
No matter what is the objective of the development project CLABS offers an effective
combination of mature workflow, up-front software development technologies, creative solutions and corporate values that enable the company to solve most complicated business challenges.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Catalogue System
Information Retrieval System
Information System for Business Processes (Administrative Procedures) Generation, Display and Management
Sales Analyzer
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
33A Khoruzhei St., Minsk, Belarus, 220002.
[email protected]
+375 17 283-16-69
Foreign Private Production Unitary Enterprise
The company specializes in development of financial Internet solutions and ecommerce applications. At present CTXM software products include comprehensive
e-commerce applications, payment system and online game services. First software
products developed by CTXM during 2004-2005 appeared to be unique in the world
market. Major business directions: payment services, B2B and e-commerce solutions, iGaming applications, mobile games development. Among CTXM clients are
Com Tec Co (Luxemburg), Random Logic (Israel) and others.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 501, 104 Dzerzhinskogo Ave., Minsk, Belarus, 220116.
[email protected]
+375 29 321-98-76
Foreign Private Enterprise
The Enterprise specializes in Internet / Intranet / Network applications, including development and support of the services such as Dotcom-Monitor™ remote server
monitoring system and AcrossCommunications™ message delivering system.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Dotcom-Monitor™ Web Sites, Networks and Servers Monitoring Service
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
135 Retchitskoye Shosse, Gomel, Belarus, 246012.
[email protected]
+375 23 245-21-21
Open Joint-Stock Company
The company specializes on working out of the system and applied software of real
time of management by radar-tracking means. A scope of workings out – creation of
national monitoring systems of a space. The basic customers - Concern «RTI Systems», Concern "Almaz-Antej". The company functions since 1969.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 606, 24 Surganova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220012.
[email protected]
+375 17 290-96-63
Economica-soft Ltd
Specialization: development and innovation of economical appropriation software
based on «1C: Enterprise» platform. 30 employees, 1 candidate of technological sciences, 11 specialists qualified by PJSC «1C» for 18 components (platforms «1C: Enterprise 7.7» and «1C: Enterprise 8»).
Basic solutions: «Accounting and administration of pharmaceutical warehouse»,
«Belarusian apteka» «Accounting and administration «Oblagroservice», «Bookkeeping for You», «Retail outlet», «Wages», etc. More than 600 clients, among them are
RUE «Belfarmacia», RUE «Farmacia» of Minsk, of Mogilev, of Grodno, RC «Belagroservice», JSC «Minskoblagroservice», SSF NAS of Belarus «Physical and technical institute», Representative office of LLC «Nestle Russia», Representative office
of JSC «Mitnija» (Lithuania), Representative office of LLC «Colliers International»
(Latvia), Representative office JSC «Pozhtechnica» (Russian Federation), Representative office of SIA «BOOTEX» (Latvia), Representative office of GlaxoSmithKline
Export Limited, etc.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
A set of information systems of trade accounting in the sphere of medical
goods and medicine sales based on 1C Enterprise v.7.7, v.8
Information accounting and management system "Agroservice" based on
1C:Enterpise 8
Information System «Accounting 8 for You» Based on 1C:Enterprise 8
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
3 Kolasa Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220013
[email protected]
+375 17 284-60-00
Limited Liability Company
The Company mainly specializes in high-intellectual and science intensive software
development, it provides services in custom software development and maintenance
for more than 70 customers from the USA and Europe. EffectiveSoft is recognized as
Microsoft Certified Partner (MS Gold Certified Partner). One of the top company’s
priority is enterprise level solutions and high load web applications development.
The company provides custom applications development in a variety of industry verticals: financial and e-commerce (banking and trading platforms), healthcare, elearning, entertainment and mobile applications. Company’s services cover all
phases of software development lifecycle: requirements analysis, design, programming, implementation and software testing.
EffectiveSoft focuses on the following:
Document management applications.
Trading platforms.
Time management.
Mobile applications development.
Software testing and QA.
Net, Silverlight, Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft CRM development.
Game and application development using Flex/Flash.
Semantic application development using Intellexer SDK (Intellexer.com).
T Consulting.
Support and maintenance services for created solutions and systems.
Open Source Customization.
The company’s Quality Management System (QMS) is certified against ISO 9001.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Advertising company
Company Service Management System
Customer QA LAB
Developer Portal
Flash game Rally Quest 2
Intellexer Summarizer
iPhone game East Indian Tycoon
Knowledge-Based Computer-Aided Innovation Application
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
EPAM Systems, Inc.
Postal address:
Suite 110, 1/1 Academician Kuprevich St., Minsk, Belarus,
[email protected]
+375 17 389-01-00
Established in 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. is a leading global software engineering
and IT consulting provider with delivery centers throughout Central and Eastern
Europe. Headquartered in the United States, EPAM employs over 7,000 IT professionals and provides services to clients worldwide using a global delivery model
through its client facing and delivery operations in North America, UK, Germany,
Switzerland, Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, and Kazakhstan.
EPAM's core competencies include complex software product engineering for leading
global software and technology vendors, as well as development, testing, maintenance, and support of mission critical business applications and vertically oriented IT
consulting services for global Fortune 2000 corporations.
EPAM is recognized among the top companies in IAOP's "The 2011 Global Outsourcing 100", featuring EPAM in a variety of sub-lists, including “Leaders – Technology” and “Leaders – Entertainment & Media”. The company is also ranked among the
best global service providers on "The 2011 Global Services 100" by Global Services
Magazine and NeoAdvisory, which includes EPAM in the list of the world's "Top Outsourced Product Engineering Vendors" for the 3rd year running.
Selected clients: SAP, Microsoft, Oracle (incl. Hyperion, Sun and ATG), Thomson
Reuters, Barclays Capital, The Coca-Cola Company, London Stock Exchange,
MICEX, Viacom/MTV Networks, Wolters Kluwer, Renaissance Capital and many
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IT projects:
Corporate SAP-based Real Estate Management System for the National Bank of
EPAM Aligns Business Processes at a mobilcomaustria group’s Branch
EPAM Receives Preferred Supplier Status from Bosch Group
EPAM's Capital Markets Competency Center helps MICEX strengthen its competitive edge through FAST and FIX protocol implementations
Global Sales Support System for Colgate-Palmolive
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Ericpol Brest Foreign Limited Liability Company
Postal address:
52 Dzerzhynskogo Str., Brest, Belarus, 224030.
[email protected]
+375-162 22 00 19
Foreign Limited Liability Company
ERICPOL BREST is known as a rapidly developing company delivering top-quality
Software development services in the domains of telecommunication, medicine, car
insurance etc. Besides ongoing cooperation with foreign customers the company
constantly enlarges its range of activities at the domestic market of the Republic of
ERICPOL BREST Foreign Limited Liability Company was founded in 2007.
ERICPOL`s greatest asset is its knowledgeable and experienced staff. For years the
company has been continually progressing and now the number of employees is over
120. Along with our partners in Poland, Sweden and Ukraine we belong to the
ERICPOL Group which is Poland’s largest ICT exporter in the sphere of telecommunication technology.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 408, 172 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 17 266-39-72
Joint Limited Liability Company
The major activities of the Company are custom software development, design, development, and implementation of ERP systems, as well as information and analytical systems on the basis of Oracle solutions (Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle BI, Oracle JD Edwards) for management of enterprises in various
industries of Belarus and other countries of the world.
Recently they have been actively developing IT-outsourcing services based on J2EE,
.NET, XML, Oracle Fusion Middleware technological platforms, as well as automated
and load testing services using such instruments as TestLink, Selenium/WebDriver,
HP Quick Test Professional, Grinder, HP LoadRunner.
Among the major clients for whom ERPBEL solutions were implemented are Minsk
Central Customs, Customs Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan, Customs Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Kazakhstan
(Treasury), Minsk Tractor Works.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 536, 5/1 Melezha St., Minsk, Belarus, 220113.
[email protected]
+375 17 219-88-28
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise EuroATS, a 2.0 Supplier, is a software technology production
company, specializing in Social Computing, Research and Development, Mobile and
Web Development. We bridge the artistic with the technical, think-tank approach with
the best talent, thus enabling our customers to turn their conceptual ideas with the
solution that works.
Their customers include: Sicuritalia Group Holding, Poltrona Frau Group, IKEA Italia,
Sinergetica Srl., Luxottica Group, Busnelli Gruppo Industriale, Piazza Sempione, as
well as several technology start-up companies from Italy, Switzerland, Germany and
the US.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 612, 65B Timiryazeva Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220035.
[email protected]
+375 17 254-76-05
Foreign Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in building customized mission-critical high-quality Webbased business applications for a diversity of large and mid-sized customers.Founded in 1998, Exadel is privately owned with headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area and development offices located in Minsk, Vitebsk (Belarus), Moscow
(Russia) and Donetsk (Ukraine). The company has representative offices in Germany
and Belgium.
Exadel made a significant contribution to the open source community by putting its
existing tools into Open Source at JBoss under Exadel's strategic partnership with
Red Hat. These tools include Ajax4jsf and Exadel VCP together as JBoss Rich
Faces, and Exadel Studio/Exadel Studio Pro as JBoss Developer Studio/JBoss
Tools. The tools help develop large-scale enterprise solutions with rich user interfaces.
Apart from developing its own software products (Fiji, Flamingo, JavaFX Eclipse
plug-in) the company delivers fast, scalable and cost-effective solutions using both
Open Source technologies and Java EE, Flex, Seam, Flamingo, Fiji, other modern
technologies and frameworks.
The company has multiple development branches that develop software for iPhone,
Blackberry platforms as well as deliver computer graphics and CAD/CAM systems
solutions using C/C++.
The company has innovative business-solutions which are successfully used in various industries: tourism, health care, banking, real estate, investment, wholesale and
retail trade, hydro- and flow dynamics, printing, and education.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IT projects:
Acquinity Interactive
Action Blox
Agents of Interpol Computer Game
JBoss Developer Studio
Jboss RichFaces
Mobile Locator 4
RBS iPhone
Siperian JSF Components
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
25 Kalvariyskaya Street, office 415, Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 252-55-72
Exigen Services Foreign Enterprise
Exigen Services is the leader in Outsourcing 2.0, the next generation of global application outsourcing, and one of the top 100 IT services companies in the US. Since
2000, Exigen Services has pioneered the use of distributed Agile methods for rapid
and precise systems development throughout the financial (banking, insurance and
brokerage markets), health care, telecommunications, government and media industries. Clients range from Fortune 500 organizations to mid-sized growth companies
including Sun Microsystems, CSC, Universal Music Group, Standard & Poor’s,TMobile, AXA, Westpac Bank and many others.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
1/1 Kuprevicha, room 1006, Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 29 165-36-43
Exon IT Joint Limited Liability Company
The Company was founded in July 2008 as part of « Exon IBT holding» to resolve IT
problems of the holding company and for promoting of IT products and services, that
has been developed by the company to European and Arabic countries markets.
Since 2009 «JSC ExonIT» has been stood as independent company. The Company
became a resident of Hi-Tech Park (Belarus) in 2008.
Target Activities:
Web application development of different levels (websites, portals, on-line shops,
Web-cartography and GIS
The company developed a wide range of web-cartography projects based on OpenSource software.
The biggest project is www.maps.by, geoportal of “State centre of cartographic and
geodetic data of the Republic of Belarus”. This project is a part of the National Program “Electronic government”. This portal allows to visualize spatial information. The
API that has been developed for the clients of «State centre of cartographic and geodetic data of the Republic of Belarus” allows to build in top-base at their own resources. The flexible system of access right distribution allows to set up the access to
cartographic information to different kind of users groups.
Custom Software Development
JSC «ExonIt» offers custom software development for the government and for private companies from USA, Europe, and Arabic world countries.
Languages and technologies: java, php
Mobile iphone applications.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
The company has developed more then 10 different applications for iphone for different client from USA and for the Baltic region.
Among the customers: CIB Software GmbH (Germany), CJSC «CredexBank» , PLC
«BelinvestBank», CJSC "Honorbank", insurance company «Kentavr», Belarusian
National Insurance Fund, «State centre of cartographic and geodetic data of the
Republic of Belarus» and much more.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Corporate site of CredexBank CJSC (www.credexbank.by)
ERP-system for Industrial Investment Company Exon IBT Limited
Interbank Currency Exchange Client
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
35a Ponomarenko Street, office 201-75, Minsk, Belarus, 220002.
[email protected]
+375 17 202-76-78
Joint Limited Liability Company
The Company works in the market of automation for financial institutions and specializes in the development and implementation of software for banks and financial companies.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
178 Partizansky Ave., room 8, Minsk, Belarus, 220075.
[email protected]
+ 375 17 346-20-96
Limited Liability Company
The main activity of the company FP Trade is the development of custom software:
information-analytical systems for banking and finance and enterprise management
systems. In particular, the main directions are the automation of the processes of life
insurance for the U.S. market, investment management and credit risk management
system and business risk. Used technology is the. NET by Microsoft. The company's
activities focused on the export of proprietary software and services for its development.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
GalantisSoft Manufacturing
Postal address:
Room 11, 39/A Kolasa St., Minsk, Belarus, 220012.
[email protected]
+375 17 290-28-58
Private Foreign Unitary Enterprise
GalantisSoft is a leading provider of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions. It helps financial, insurance, healthcare and manufacturing companies improve
operational performance through business consulting and technology solutions. The
Company is incorporated into «Galantis» group of companies.
Among its customers are Citibank, J.P. MorganChase, BMO Financial Group, Wells
Fargo, Edulinx, T Mobile, Sterling Insurance Company, Labor and Industries, Fox,
Blockbuster, APL, CNA, RBC Insurance, The Hartford, Allstate, Aetna, St Paul Travelers, Woori Bank, ConEdison, NASTA Insurance Company, Rosprombank and others. The Company's staff are IBM FileNet Certified Professionals with years of experience, ensuring the highest value to your organization.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
E-archive Insurance Documents
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Game Stream
23 Libavoromenskaya Street, 4th floor, Minsk, Belarus, 220039.
[email protected]
+375 17 328 27 29
Joint venture limited liability company
The company is one of the leading developers in Belarus of software for Internet intellectual systems (online advertising management and optimization) and data visualization (computer simulators, computer games). It develops and offers a full range
of IT-services for software development and support in the above mentioned areas.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Intellectual system of online advertising management and optimization
Operation “Bagration”, a real-time strategy computer game
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
GBSoft, Limited Liability Company
Postal address:
office 22, 33A Khoruzhej St., Minsk, Belarus, 220002.
[email protected]
+375 29 319 70 75
Limited Liability Company
BSoft Ltd. started its activity in June, 2010. The enterprise was established by the
founders of the company GlavBukh based on its long-term experience of business
automation. (GlavBukh Ltd. has been operating on IT market since 2003).
Today GBSoft team includes over 10 qualified specialists certified in 1C software
packages, whose professionalism was proved by successful projects and numerous
certificates (1C: Specialist - 8 certificates, 1C: Professional - 15). GBSoft pays special
attention to enhancing staff career level and development, as well as creating an efficient motivation system.
The company specializes in development and implementation its self-developed
software solutions for automation of management and accounting activities based on
1C: Enterprise 8.x platform.
Among their clients are such large enterprises as Zabudova JSC, Agrokombinat
Zhdanovichy MRUE, Belovezhskiy JSC, Brestvtormet RUE, Gomelvtormet,
Mogilevvtormet, Grodnovtormet, Vitebskvtormet, Stroymaztrest JSC, LLK- Naftan
JVLL, etc.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Automated enterprise management system based on 1C:Enterprise 8
GBSoft: Payroll and personnel (the self-developed solution based on 1C:
Enterprise 8)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 511, Nezavisimosti Avenue, 169, Minsk, Belarus, 220114.
[email protected]
+375 17 218 12 42
Global Connect BelRus Foreign Limited Liability Company
FLLC Global Connect BelRus is a new, fast growing software outsourcing boutique
focusing on networking, low-latency high-speed connection solutions, trading intelligence and data base engineering.
The team of high qualified, experienced professionals aims to deliver latest state-ofthe-art software to cover the needs of the financial markets of tomorrow. Key to success is the innovative software solutions, combined with our knowledge, experience,
expertise and motivation.
Global Connect BelRus was founded in 2009 to create outstanding software solutions for the financial industry. They are part of the worldwide active Global Connect
Group with its headquarter in Amsterdam and branches in Singapore and New York.
Global Connect operates over 25 data centers around the world.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Global Feed Handler (GFeeder)
Homer Monitoring System (HMS
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
6A Skryganova Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 390-03-51
Limited Liability Company
The Company is a professional developer of custom web and desktop applications
specializing in the fallowing major business domains: travel (including business
automation for tour operators and agencies, travel search and booking systems,
back-office systems, system integration); solutions backed by TRAVEL SUITe, the
Company's core platform; telecommunications and e-commerce.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
B2C Booking Website
Booking System and Supplier Interfaces Development
Integration of Travel Services Providers into Booking System
Travel Booking Engine
Travel Meta-Search Engine
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 527, 5 Dzerzhinsky Street., Minsk, Belarus, 220089.
[email protected]
+375 17 328-17-34
Gödel Technologies Europe Foreign Enterprise
GödelTech is focused on the development of high-tech solutions, system integration
and business automation tools. The Company’s expertise covers: Largescale Bespoke Development, Product Lifecycle Management, Quality Assurance Testing,
Outsourcing, Co-sourcing, Business Intelligence, SOA, Identity Management, Content Management and Customer Relationship Management, which is all backed by a
highly efficient Technical Support Service.
GödelTech develops software for a variety of industries, including commercial,
healthcare, education, transportation, oil and gas, retail and many more.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
25-203 Yanki Kupaly Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 17 328-68-77
Foreign Limited Liability Company
HTC BLR is a work unit of HTC Corp located in Minsk.
At the moment HTC BLR main objective is development of mobile software and services to clients on the basis of HTC devices. Company specialists have great practical experience in generation of applications for tablets and smartphones based on
Android OS, internal applications dealing with content and services for million of devices.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Flashcode Service
FM Radio
HTC Locations
My PhoneBook
Orange Homescreen
SanDisk Delivery Card Service
Task Manager
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 6N, 91 Grushevskaya St., Minsk, Belarus, 220089.
[email protected]
+375 17 220-40-40
Human System Ltd.
The company provides the full range of business automation services based on
1C:Enerprise software.
Since its foundation Humen Systems Ltd completed more than 1.100 projects,
among its clients are more than 2.500 belarusian and foreign companies including
"Minsk Metro", "Belshina" Belarusian tire works, the oldest enterprise of the woodworking branch "Borisovdrev" JSC, Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry
"Belneftekhim", the first Belorussian refining enterprise “Naftan” OJSC, hotel complexes "Tourist", "Planeta"; tourist agencies "Alatan Tour", "Merlin Tour"; audit companies Deloitte&Touche, Ernst & Young; hypermarkets "Bigzz", "Corona"; and others.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IASO Backup Joint Limited Liability Company
Postal address:
Office 15, 35 Bihovskaya St., Minsk, Belarus, 220065.
[email protected]
+375 17 219-76-64
Joint Limited Liability Company
IASO Backup is a leading vendor of software and services for online data backup.
The solution for data backup allows companies to automate processes and minimize
costs, which are usually spent on the processes of creating backups. IASO Backup
provides innovative Dutch software to our distribution partners and customers from
the Netherlands, Germany, France, Great Britain.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IBA Gomel Park Private Production Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise
Postal address:
Office 202, 18/19 Fedjuninskogo St., Gomel, Belarus, 246007.
[email protected]
+ 375 232 68 26 64
Private Production Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise
IBA Gomel Park is a part of IBA Group, a powerful IT service provider of 2,500+ IT
and business professionals. The company offers a wide range of services including
consulting, development, migration, maintenance, and 24X7 support with focus on
mainframe systems and applications, web-based applications, enterprise solutions,
SAP solutions other ERP systems, business intelligence, and Lotus technologies.
Headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic, IBA Group has offices and development
centers in nine countries. IBA holds DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and CSN EN ISO
9001:2009 certificates and is at SEI CMMI Level 4 as judged by Gartner and
The company is recognized by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) as one of The Global Outsourcing 100 in the Leaders Category, ranks
as one of the world's largest software companies in the Software Magazine's Software 500 and is included in the category “Emerging Leaders: Eastern Europe” of
Global Services 100 by Global Services and NeoAdvisory.
In 2011, IBA Group won an IT Europa’s European IT Excellence Award in the Relationship Management category. IBA Group was awarded by the Institute of Certified
Financial Managers (ICFM) as The Best Employer of the Year 2011 and was selected for the shortlist of 2011 European Outsourcing Association Awards in the
category Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
B2B and B2C Tridion-Based Development
HR Management System (HRM)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
PO Box 214, Minsk-30, Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 17 2891515
Private Trading Unitary Enterprise
The private company. Established in August 2011 by the product software company
«IGSOFT» (Bulgaria).
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Multi-user and Multi-server System for Massive Online Tournaments
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
22 Olshevskogo Street, Office 33, Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 202-60-47
Private Production Unitary Enterprise
The Company specializes in software development for foreign customers carrying out
the whole cycle of production from the formalization of ideas to the commercial release of the product. Also the Company in cooperation with other foreign companies
participates in the implementation of projects on the development of mechanisms for
semantic processing of text information.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
1A V.Khoruzhey Street, 6th Floor, Office 20., Minsk, Belarus,
[email protected]
+375 17 200-41-80
Foreign Private Research and Development Enterprise
The Company specializes in non-structured information intellectual management system engineering and renders services in custom software development.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
InfoNgen Cloud/API – Web-Services Providing Programmatic Access to InfoNgen Functions
InfoNgen Discovery Engine for Business, Finance and Information Professionals
InfoNgen Newsletters
TheMarkets.com Toolbar Extension Plug-in for Internet Explorer
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
97, Gorkogo St., Grodno, Belarus, 230016.
[email protected]
+375 29 666 82 93
Saitodrom Ltd
Custom Software and Web Applications Development using Offshore Software Development Model around full Software Development Cycle: SoftwareDesign and Development, Software Quality Assurance, Application Migration, Software Maintenance and Support.
Company’s technology focus includes Java, Eclipse RCP, iPhone, Android, Windows
Mobile, Java Frameworks, Microsoft.NET, Web Development.
Important part of the technological expertise is an extensive Know How in development of business and engineering applications based on Eclipse platform. The company is an active member of Eclipse foundation and thus takes active part in development of this technological platform.
From software development process perspective they use time-proven methods for
distributed project management enforced by web-based tools. They help the customers to organize outsourcing work in efficient way.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 15, 6A Skryganova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 202-23-23
Intelligent Systems CJSC is one of the leading developers of "1C: Enerprise" platform-based products. The company provides the full range of IT-services, including
business accounting and management automatization.
The company has more than 1200 clients in Belarus, including Belarusian State University, National Technical University, Culture and History Museum, National Center
of Legal Information, State Archival Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and others
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
9 Timiryazev St., Minsk, Belarus, 220004.
[email protected]
+375 17 211-27-85
Joint Limited Liability Company
Intetics Co is a leading global sourcing company focused on establishing and operating remote dedicated teams for software development, system administration, engineering, data processing and back-office support. Based on our unique, proprietary
business model of Remote In-Sourcing®, Intetics has successfully served as the
technology partner for over 200 firms worldwide, helping them solve their business
challenges with minimal effort and maximum efficiency.
The company is ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2005 certified and Microsoft Gold Competency Partner. The company’s innovation and growth achievements are reflected in
winning prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50, Inc 500 and CRN 100 awards and
inclusion into the Top 100 Global Emerging Service Providers and Top 100 Global
Outsourcing Companies lists.
Intetics has worked with a wide variety of clients worldwide including such market
leaders as: Burda Digital, Cengage Learning (former Thomson Delmar Learning),
Check Point, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Navteq, S&C Electric, Saba Software, Snapon, Spreadshirt, StudiVZ, SugarCRM, and Würth Group. Intetics is also a subcontractor for IKEA, Kmart, Kraft, Office Depot, T-Mobile and Vodafone.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
5 Bogutskogo Street, the 4th floor, Grodno, Belarus, 230002.
[email protected]
+375 15 296-43-72
Limited Liability Company
The company IntexSoft appeared on the IT market in 1999. Today, IntexSoft is one of
the leading custom software development companies in Belarus.
The company offers a full range of IT-services for development, testing, implementation, and maintenance of software, consulting services and mobile application development. IntexSoft actively cooperates with Belarusian and foreign companies and
has successfully completed many projects in such areas as Java EE development,
mobile development, web-to-print, etc.
The company is headquartered in Grodno, Belarus. IntexSoft success in its country
stimulated the company to enter the international market, and today IntexSoft has an
office in Germany. There are more than 70 highly qualified professionals on the staff
of IntexSoft.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Application for online learning (Arvato)
Application for optimization of the labor market (Next Vantage)
Automated translation system for Lots of Dots
Catalog translater for Arvato
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Educational mobile applications for Intellijoy
Mobile application "My seven wonders"
Mobile application for TUT.BY
Mobile application Taxido
Online calculator for Fotoetalon
Photo books creating tool for Pixelspeed Layouter
Print on demand backoffice for Styloprint
Software for data migration (Arvato)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 407, 131 Starovilenskaya Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220123.
[email protected]
+375 17 293-13-99
Foreign Private Production Unitary Enterprise
The Enterprise is specialized in the development of industrial and information software for facilitation, systematization and optimization of researchers’, inventors’ and
engineers’ work. The Enterprise develops solutions in the sphere of intellectual systems, including expert systems based on advanced linguistic and knowledge processors that provide sense-based processing of text documents (articles, reports, patents, etc.) in natural languages like English, French, German and Japanese.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Goldfire Innovator Product
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
5 Chapaeva St., office 430, Minsk, Belarus, 220034.
[email protected]
+375 17 294-51-61
Foreign Private Production Unitary Enterprise
The Company is specialized in software development, its distribution and services
based on advanced information technologies. The main comany's solutions are implemented in different areas: healthcare, mass media, industry, software develompent.
The customers of the company are more than 40 clients from all over the world.
Among them are: 3M SPSL, JohnDeere, Chrysler Group, XATA, Starkey Laboratories, Inc.; Gearworks, Inc.; Time Management Corporation, ASI DataMyte, Chrysler
Group, Achieve Healthcare Technologies, and others.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Chrysler Group
InfoTeCS State Watcher
MTS TestSuite
State Watcher
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 809, 155 Bogdanovicha Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220040.
[email protected]
+375 17 334-96-86
Foreign Private Production Unitary Enterprise
IT Park is a part of IBA Group, a powerful IT service provider of 2,500+ IT and business professionals. The company offers a wide range of services including consulting, development, migration, maintenance, and 24X7 support with focus on mainframe systems and applications, web-based applications, enterprise solutions, SAP
solutions other ERP systems, business intelligence, and Lotus technologies.
Headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic, IBA Group has offices and development
centers in nine countries. IBA Group holds DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and CSN EN ISO
9001:2009 certificates and is at SEI CMMI Level 4 as judged by Gartner and
The IBA Group is recognized by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) as one of The Global Outsourcing 100 in the Leaders Category, ranks
as one of the world's largest software companies in the Software Magazine's Software 500 and is included in the category “Emerging Leaders: Eastern Europe” of
Global Services 100 by Global Services and NeoAdvisory.
In 2011, IBA Group won an IT Europa’s European IT Excellence Award in the Relationship Management category. IBA Group was awarded by the Institute of Certified
Financial Managers (ICFM) as The Best Employer of the Year 2011 and was selected for the shortlist of 2011 European Outsourcing Association Awards in the
category Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Cross Brand Solutions (CBS)
EDGE Support and Development
Global Logistic System (GLS)
Material Procurement System
Tivoli Storage Manager Support and Development
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
58 Nezavisimosti Ave., Premises 1, Minsk, Belarus, 220005.
[email protected]
+375 17 2863281
Information Technology Alliance Ltd. (also IT@alliance)
Information Technology Alliance Ltd. (ITA) is a rapidly growing European offshore
software outsourcing company founded in 2009. They are specialized in custom
software development, development of banking and financial software, e-Commerce
and m-Commerce software, and mobile software, Electronic Health Records
(EHR/EMR), Personal Health Records (PHR), e-Learning software, customized software for Android OS and iPhone OS (mobile solutions), as well as web development
on the basis of PHP technologies.
ITA offers the customers development of cost-effective innovative customized high
quality software solutions in different spheres.The primary focus on innovation, high
quality, and use of cutting edge technology in Software development distinguishes
Information Technology Alliance from its competitors in today's global market.
Information Technology Alliance is a member of Microsoft BizSpark Startup Program
and Microsoft Partner Network.The company was founded in May 2009. Currently, it
has more than 15 employees.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Creation of a framework for development of banking applications
Development of a framework using web technologies
Interdisciplinary software solution in the financial sphere (NBA project)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 29, 9 Kulman St., Minsk, Belarus, 220100.
[email protected]
+375 17 293-18-77
Limited Liability Company
iTechArt Group is a premier software development and consulting firm specializing in
web and mobile development.
The company offers the clients a traditional IT outsourcing model complete with project-based services giving our clients the ability to build and manage their own dedicated team in one of our development centers in Eastern Europe.
Incubating ideas and accelerating innovations
Product research and conceptualization
Selecting an architecture design & platform
Product implementation & customization
Installing the product at an end-client’s site
Integration of your software with an end-client’s in-house systems
Product migration & porting
Product modernization and extension
Industry Focus
Software and Technology
Financial Services
Marketing & Digital Media
Social Media
Network Security & Access Control Systems
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Technology Focus
Mobile (iOS, Android)
Web & Intranet Portals (HTML5, PHP, Ruby, Python, Django)
Open Source
Enterprise Platforms (.Net, Java, C++)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Business Intelligence
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
27 Smolenskaya Street, 4th floor, Minsk, Belarus, 220088.
[email protected]
+375 17 385 64 42
Limited Liability Company
Itilect is a leading web development company that provides cutting-edge software
solutions and high-quality services for SME customers in the eCommerce sector.
Working together since 2001, the team counts over 30 highly skilled web developers,
best-of-breed customer support and testing engineers and other software experts
proficient in open-source theologies such as Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
1 Kulman St., Minsk, Belarus, 220013.
[email protected]
+375 17 200-02-10
Joint-Stock Company
Itransition is a trusted software development company with more than 12 years of
professional experience. Itransition delivers a full spectrum of software consulting
and development services to clients from more than 30 countries across the globe
ranging from SMBs to Fortune 500 enterprises. Itransition is expert in development,
customization and integration of complex enterprise-level solutions offering a wellbalanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for IT.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Car Dealership Management System
Content Management System and Portal for an International Consumer Electronics Provider
Print Order Management Solution
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
1A Pionerskaya Street, village Dobraya, Gorki district, Mogilev
(Magileu), Belarus, 213415.
[email protected]
+375 22 33 46 0 13
Foreign Private Production Unitary Company
JNetworks provides software development services in the following IT domains: information security, business process management, B2B solutions, e-government.
During last year (the company exists a bit more than a year) the company had delivered several releases of the product OpenTunnel, the gateway for business messages, which is successfully used by municipalities of the Netherlands.
Along with providing services in software development, the company also works on
its own product for business process management.
One of the specialties, which takes priority, is providing services in the development
of system solutions for SAAS platforms which include security services (authentication , authorization), track&trace services, messaging gateways.
The technology stack, among others, include Linux/Unix systems, relational and nonrelational databases, Java/JavaEE platform.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Hades – IAM System
Panacee – Business Process Management System
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 19, 75 Dolgobrodskaya Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220070.
[email protected]
+375-29 642-99-41
Scientific and Production Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in providing software solutions for automation of clothes
design. The main customers of LAKSHMI Company are “Bellegprom” and “Belkhudozhpromyzly” concerns.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Automation of Design and Technological Preparation of Sewing Production for
Automation of Design and Technological Preparation Procedures for Fur and
Leather Clothes Making
Automation of Design of Sewing Clothes Production from Genuine Fur for
Women, Men, Children
Innovation Project:Automation of Design of Swimming Clothes for Children
and Adults
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
155 B Bogdanovicha Str., Minsk, Belarus, 220040.
[email protected]
+375 17 262 52 48
Limited Liability Company
International consulting company LeverX International (www.leverx.com) was established in 2004. The company operates on American, EMEA and CIS markets. Employing over 100 professionals in SAP technologies, LeverX established close collaboration with SAP Custom Development, SAP America, SAP Nordic, SAP Switzerland, SAP CIS when participating in projects on development, implementation and
support of SAP products. For many years LeverX’s specialists have successfully participated in projects on creating rapid prototypes for SAP Value Prototyping (former
Center of Excellence), achieving brilliant results under tight deadlines.
The company possesses unique expertise in the development and implementation of
SAP PLM product, in the USA LeverX was awarded the status of Golden Partner in
PLM area. Solutions for iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, SAP Mobile, developed
by the Mobile Development department of the enterprise, enable mobile device integration with SAP solution and are widely used by our clients all over the worlds.
The list of LeverX’s successful projects unites such leaders of their business areas as
SAP AG, BMW, Daimler, Sharp, Tenneco, Bosch, Miele, at&t, Intel, nVidia, Odfjell,
BachTransGas, WelchAllyn, Panalpina, DHL, T-Mobile, Target, Adidas and others.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Tenneco Plant Business Process Automation
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
43 Shatko Street, office 101, Minsk, Belarus, 220089.
[email protected]
+375 29 640-41-21
Limited Liability Company
The Company is an offshore software developer. The company's main business is
development of information security and data search software.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 49, 185 Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220125.
[email protected]
+375 17 211-86-78
Limited Liability Company
The company offer retailers a complete solution that can be adapted to meet unique
requirements and propose tools to be flexible, proactive and unique.
The retail automation systems as «LS-Trade» and «Fusion-Trade» package automates point-of sale processes and store operations, provides centralized control for
multi-store retailers, and integrates with Microsoft Office system programs and other
popular applications.
«Fusion-Trade» is an absolutely new solution for retail automation, based on the idea
to use in computation logic not value-level programming, which is based on a list of
statements, expressions, comparisons, conditional jumps, etc., but to use functionlevel programming (FLP), which is built on functions without the use of variables.
Being somewhat constrained (while still remaining Turing-complete), FLP possesses
the property of incrementality: it can efficiently determine how the values of a function
change depending on the change in the values of the functions which that function
uses. This property, in turn, allows creating transparent mechanisms for constraining,
logging, integration, persistent functions, live forms, undo/redo, and so on.
Additionally, FLP boasts significantly better features for optimizing multiple computations. Significantly, this allows creating WYSIWYG interfaces (similar to Excel) and
generally integrating domain logic and presentation logic to the maximum degree
possible. Last but not least, FLP is fundamentally simpler, and thus more understandable to business analysts and even ordinary users, which allows substantially
lowering the entry threshold to software development for “non-programmers”.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 303, 95 Nezavisimosti avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220043.
[email protected]
+375-17 280-08-81
MAPSOFT Close Joint-stock Corporation
CJSC "MAPSOFT" is a domestic company, which specializes in software development and provides the services for the implementation and exploitation of information
systems. The company works in the sphere with high quality and reliability requirements: automation of financial and economic activities for government organizations
and working processes optimization for medical institutions.
The company was repeatedly awarded for its high results at different competitions:
"MAPSOFT" team was commended by the Executive Office of the President of the
Republic of Belarus for the development, implementation and support the state program "Electronic Belarus" (a system of financial management and accounting for
state structures) at a professional level.
CJSC "MAPSOFT" was acknowledged as a laureate of the republican competition
"The best entrepreneur 2009 in the sphere of services" for achieving high performance in financial and economic activities.
The company collaborates with more than 1500 public institutions throughout the
country: educational, health, sport and tourism, culture, social protection, executive
institutions and many others. Some CJSC "MAPSOFT" customers: the Executive
Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences,
National Anti-Doping laboratory, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of
Commerce, Ministry of Transport, the executive authorities at different levels and
many others.
About 70 highly qualified specialists work in the company. The company has its representatives in all regional centers and large cities: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno,
Mogilev, Baranovichi, Molodechno, Mozyr, Pinsk, Polotsk.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
P.O. Box 4, Minsk, Belarus, 220014.
[email protected]
+375 17 207-83-82
Limited Liability Company
The company help the clients to make their business more efficient by means of providing quality and modern IT services. Company serves financial institutions by supporting and maintaining their software systems primarily focusing on Online and Remote Banking services.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
20 Matusevicha Street, suite 40A, Minsk, Belarus, 220082.
[email protected]
+375 29 773-75-46
Private Production Unitary Enterprise
Melsoft Private Enterprise was formed in 2008. Today the enterprise comprises of 60
employees, and it is planned to increase the personnel to the amount of 80 people.
Main specialization of Melsoft Private Enterprise is development of interactive multimedia software. Melesta trademark was registered by the enterprise for the purpose
of identification and protection of software products developed.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 29, 43 Platonova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220005.
[email protected]
+375 17 210-02-78
Private Production Unitary Enterprise
The Enterprise is one of the leading developers in the Republic of Belarus of software
in the field of communications. It offers a full range of services in both software development and technical support.
Among its products and activities are the system of telemetry and monitoring of fiberoptical modems; the development of software communications using construction
technology networks such as NGN, protocols IP, VoIP, IPTV, enabling telecom operators to build next-generation networks and provide universal and exclusive services; the Internet system of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus; Industry-specific learning and testing Internet systems which use corporate databases on
labor protection, and others.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 302, 25 Yanky Kupaly St., Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 17 328-64-56
Limited Liability Foreign Company
The Company was established as a research and development center of SAS "Mobile Tag" French company and specializes in the development of mobile applications
and mobile software for handsets and mobile operators. The Company's activity encompasses the whole development cycle in accordance with the world standards
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
CMP (Code Management Platform)
Mobiletag Barcodes Reader and Price Comparator
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
177-1 Nezavisimosti Avenue, 5th floor, Minsk, Belarus, 220125.
[email protected]
+375 17 393-03-56
Limited Liability Company
The company develops high load website applications and researches the ways to
increase software performance and to enhance the technology used for multi-user
online projects support and development.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 10, 23 Libavo-Romenskaya St., Minsk, Belarus, 220028.
[email protected]
+375 17 328-32-94
Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in software development for automation of managerial
processes of the customer company. Also it renders services in software distribution
and technical support, implements projects on introduction of corporate information
control systems. The Company's clients are public authorities and administration,
ministries, departments and other organizations subordinate to the Government of
the Republic of Belarus, a large number of small and medium enterprises.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Digital signature for the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 420, 41 Surganova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220013.
[email protected]
+375 17 290-09-99
Private Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise
NTLab-systems is a member NTLab group founded in 1989. The company specializes in services and solutions for microelectronic industry: embedded software for
chips, electronic blocks and systems; software models of microelectronic blocks
(Semiconductor IP); software for automation of IC design process - memory compilers; compilers and debuggers for microprocessors and microcontrontrollers.
The company's projects are implemented in the most advanced areas of modern
electronics: chips and modules for multi-system GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou satellite navigation receivers; systems of radio-frequency identification (RF ID); systems
for reception of digital TV broadcasting (DVB-T/H/SH standard).
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Algorithms, models and embedded software for
GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou navigation receivers
Memory Block Compiler
Protected Microcontroller Software Model for E-Documents
Silicon Tuner IC Software Model for Digital TV
Software Decoder for MPEG-4/H.264 Data Stream
Software Tools Set for IC Design in 0.18 UM Technology
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
15A Revolutsionnaya Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 17 226 06 35
Joint Venture
The Company offers a whole range of IT-services for Financial Software development and support. The priority directions of the company’s activity are: creation of
software for investment and banking business, including applications for exchange
transaction automation, portfolio management and financial risk analysis.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
AML - Anti Money Laundering and payments control system
MPE Analyzer (Maximum Potential Exposure Analyzer)
Odin - CDS and Bond trading system
QIS - Portfolio management system
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 404, 34a Englesa St., Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 29 874-40-23
Foreign Private Production Unitary Enterprise
ObjectStyle implemented projects for the National Hockey League as well as a number of other international customers.The company participates in open source development of Apache Cayenne product at the Apache Software Foundation.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
10A Biruzova Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 290 86 39
OCSICO (“Tochnye resheniya”)
OCSICO is a professional and reliable Eastern European software development services provider.
Outsourcing to OCSICO helps companies achieve their strategic goals and gain additional benefits, such as: cost savings, reduced time-to-market, resources usage optimization, better product quality management.
The company has long-term relationship with many European, Australian, Russian,
US-based companies in various sectors. This comes as a result of the deep understanding of the customers’ businesses and commitment to quality:
Banking and Finance
Business Intelligence
Retail Industry
Manufacturing and Engineering
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Automation system for a telecom operator
Computer-vision retail solution
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Suite 55, 29 V. Horugey St., Minsk, Belarus, 220123.
[email protected]
+375 17 334-42-73
Foreign Private Unitary Industrial Enterprise
The company specializes in PDM/PLM/ERP systems development, software for reliable endpoint data protection in the enterprise network development. A number of
large projects on the development of the automated information systems were realised for the engineering and equipment building enterprises in Belarus and Russia.
Among the customers in Belarus there are the largest engineering and equipment
building enterprises as P/A “Minsk Tractor Works ", Production Republican Unitary
Enterprise "Minsk Automobile Plant", “Bobruiskagromash”, “Brestgazoapparat” OJSC
JV, JSC "Vityaz", Baranovichi Machine-Tool Plant “Atlant Inc.” and others. The projects of the automated information systems were developed for a number of the Russian enterprises, such as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise MMPP "Salute", The
Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, OAO «Sarapulsky Radioworks», OAO “Zawolzhsky Motorny Zawod”and others. The software products, developed at the enterprise in the
form of custom development, are used now on such known international concerns, as
A.C.Nielsen, Procter and Gamble, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
IT projects:
Corporate production control system (CPS «Omega Production»)
DevicePro Ultimate 2010
Web portal "Self-Regulation In Construction Industry"
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 49, 29 Energetic Region, Gomel, Belarus, 247023.
[email protected]
+375 29 236-76-36
The ORLOVSOFT is small business company started in 2006 as a MapleConnect
Partner of World leader in total math software Maplesoft™ (Waterloo Maple Inc.).
Mission consists of innovative industry and educational software creation for most
accurate new generation engineering analysis. Main internal product requirements:
easy to use, absence of training period, new solution quality. Current product list
consists of TIMO Structural CAE system and Mechanics of Materials Toolbox for Maple.
The flagman product is TIMO Structural CAE (computer aided engineering) system
for structural analysis in industry and education.
Microsoft BizSpark Partner from 2008.
ORLOVSOFT is independent from Wolfram Research Inc. and Waterloo Maple Inc.
CEO and Founder PhD Siarhei Arlou.
Target Activities:
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Pobediteley av. 89/3, office 402, Minsk, Belarus, 220020.
[email protected]
+375 17 250-50-13
Joint Limited Liability Company
The main focus of the Company is the development, optimization and implementation
of SAP-based software. Ozone Consulting is a SAP VAR partner. The Company facilitates the outsourcing of nearshore and offshore SAP development, project implementation and software maintenance predominantly with Business Suite, NetWeaver™ solutions and ABAP development.
The Company also engages in projects on logistics, banking, retail, healthcare, medicine, quality control, telecommunications, oil & gas, aerospace industries. Since 2007
Ozone Consulting has successfully fulfilled over 20 major projects for overseas clients, including PHILIPS, TNT, STORK, Vodafone Group, Gazprom Neft, NTS (Rodnaya Storona TM), etc.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Financial Consolidation Solution for SME Group Company
Google Maps Integration with SAP R/3 PS for Open Source GIS Functionality
SAP BPC implementation in Retail for NTS (Rodnaya Storona TM)
SAP Business Intelligence Solution for Vodafone Group
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 25a, 1/3 Kulman St., Minsk, Belarus, 220013.
[email protected]
+375 17 209-84-23
Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in both original and custom software development. The
Company's main expertise is web-based technologies, telecommunications, and
Linux-based embedded software. Company's solutions are designated for real-time
communication by supporting VoIP (Voice over IP), web conferencing, and rich
graphical messaging system; trading and exchanging commodities using Internet;
marketing workflow management and communication for large company's with geographically distributed branches; data storage system that ensures permanent, secure, tamper proof, and timely on-line access to archives, based on open source
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Data Storage System Embedded Solution
Dedicated Marketing Planner
Web-Based E-Mail Client
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Room 2, 121-2 Timiryazeva St., Minsk, Belarus, 220020.
[email protected]
+375 17 209-50-05
Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in development of corporate Java-systems, websiteprogramming (PHP/MySQL/AJAX), C/C++-projects and mobile applications (iPhone,
Windows Mobile, Android).
PM&S Software Ltd successfully developed a wide variety of projects for Western
large corporate Java-systems for media business
database applications for small and medium business (Java/AJAX/JavaScript;
MySQL/PostgreSQL; TomCat/JBoss/Hibernate);
applications for specific industries (tourism, logistics, thermography etc);
data processing and visualization.
Since its foundation the Company has successfully implemented many projects for
foreign customers such as ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion GmbH, Alfa Media Partner
GmbH, Cerasus.media GmbH, Different Solutions GmbH, Tensegrity Software
GmbH and others.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
IT projects:
Kiln Monitor 4D Software Application for Automatic Monitoring of Cement Production
PhotoReporter System for Publishing House Reporter
ProSa TV Advertising Marketing System
ProSeco TV-Broadcasting Planning System
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 6, 13/2 Zapadnaya Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220036.
[email protected]
+375 17 200-09-20
Limited liability company
The company specializes in software development, engineering specifications Development; Development, implantation and attending of Data Warehouses and Business
Intelligent (BI) systems; Development, implantation and attending of systems based
on Microsoft SharePoint Server.
Designing and development of information systems
Business Process research and reengineering
MS SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle databases design
Programming in Windows XP/7 environments
Development of WEB systems
Development of ERP systems
Designing the distributed automated systems
Development and introduction of the distributed systems
Development, implantation and attending of multilevel client-server systems
Development, implantation and attending of Data Warehouses and Business
Intelligent (BI) systems (MS SQL Server 2005-2008).
Development, implantation and attending of the distributed systems based on
Microsoft SharePoint Server
Among the company's projects are Integrated automated information system of Belarus republican unitary insurance enterprise "Belgosstrakh"; information system of the
company "ZEPTER INSURANCE"; designing, development, delivery and documenting of information systems in cooperation with the Cyprian company Canespi Limited
for objects of building in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey, Pakistan and others.
Target Activities:
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Business Process Outsourcing
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 324, 70 Myasnikova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220030.
[email protected]
+375 17 3065120
Limited Liability Company
PrognozBel has been working on IT market since 2009 and belongs to the international group of companies PROGNOZ with headquarters in Belgium (PROGNOZ
Systems SPRL).
PrognozBel develops custom Business Intelligence software solutions of monitoring,
analyzing and forecasting of economic and financial processes. The software helps
improve the efficiency of industrial enterprises, federal and regional authorities, banks
and financial organizations’ activity. The key areas of the company’s research work
include macroeconomic analysis, development of separate sectors of economy, major industrial and financial enterprises and holdings.
The staff consists of highly educated programmers and analysts, with PhDs in
mathematics among them.
The company possesses a special permit (license) to carry out activities of technical
information security, including cryptographic techniques, also the use of digital signatures, issued by the Intelligence and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IT projects:
Department report collection system for the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus and its subordinate organizations
Republic of Belarus Census 2009 results access system through public Internet portal
Software for collecting, processing, analyzing and visualization of data
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 607 A, 4 Melnikayte St., Minsk, Belarus, 220004.
[email protected]
+375 17 306-38-68
Qulix Systems Inc.
The Company specializes in software development, testing and consulting and provides the following services: Custom software development (.NET, Java, Mobile,
PHP etc.), Independent quality assurance, Integration and customization, Data migration, Data porting, Offshore development centre setup, Code inspection, design
and project document review, Cloud Computing Solutions, Website development,
Graphic and website design.
The Company has implemented a number of projects for Customers all over the
world, e.g. the University of Liverpool, UNICEF, JBoss, NVisionGroup, RBC Soft, Bite
Group, Fujitsu Services, Yandex, MTS, Beeline, VTB24, Oracle, Alcatel-Lucent and
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
Automated Electricity Metering System "Continium"
E-Procurement Application (EPROC)
Financial Platform
Mobile Application Porting Case Study
Web Conferencing Project: Making People Closer
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
1 Vetkovskaya Street, office 112, Gomel, Belarus, 246000.
[email protected]
+375 29 345-99-75
Private Scientific and Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise
The Enterprise develops competitive high-techl software including software with
unique functions.
Target Activities:
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
JPEG Image Compression Engine (Library)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 342, 1/1 Kuprevicha Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 17 269 04 00
Banking Competence Center
Innovation is a powerful weapon of differentiation for financial institutions. Many
banks and financial institutes are currently undergoing changes regarding their IT
Infrastructure and Business Applications landscape. Their challenges are among
others to increase efficiency, reduce costs and add value to their clients by creating
innovative products and services.
With the Banking Competence Center, Rond addresses those challenges in a unique
way with more than 300 specialists embedded in the national and international ST
Group network. As a trusted, innovative and entrepreneurial partner for retail banks,
private banks and financial institutions, Rond Banking Competence Center offers a
wide range of services such as: Consulting Services, Application Services and Information Technology Services.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 1011, 1/1 Kuprevicha Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 17 285-82-68
Private Unitary Enterprise
The company «Private Unitary Enterprise «Sakramant IT» is one of the top software
developers in the area of the Russian, English, Belarussian, Lithuanian and Georgian
speech recognition and synthesis systems for various operating systems and mobile
platforms. The company also develops software pursuant to the customer’s technical
Major developments of the company are made in the area of:
Speech synthesis: technology of textual information conversion into synthesized human speech; allows to voice any textual and digital information by a
synthesized voice of high quality, both male and female, in its sounding close
to natural voices at most;
Speech recognition: technology of human speech recognition, allowing to use
speech interface natural for man to communicate with electronic engineering;
Development of software pursuant to the customer’s technical assignment.
In telecomunications:
Alcatel Business Systems (France)
Strom Telecom (Czech)
«Telecomproduct» (Russia),
ZAO «ASB» (Russia)
In educational and applied products:
UNESCO bureau in Moscow
SHAI, Swedish HIV Aids Info (Sweden)
AK «Almazy Rossii-Sakha» (Russia)
«Rosselkhozbank» (Russia)
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
In mass media:
«TNT Production» (Russia) – in reality show
«Fresh-media» Ltd (Russia)- for interactive TV
NewspaperDirect, Inc. (Canada) - news speech portal
Projects for users with vision problems
Code Factory (Spain)
Different organizations for visually impaired people:
OO «BELTIZ» (Belarus)
OO «RARDIZ» (Belarus),
OOO «Logos» (Russia),
Center «Reabilitacia» (Russia).
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Development of High-Quality Lithuanian Synthesis System Entitled Sakrament
Lithuanian TTS Engine
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
15 Filimonova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220037.
[email protected]
+375 17 309-17-09
SaM Solutions
SaM Solutions is a leading software outsourcing company focusing primarily on IT
consulting and offshore programming services for both US and European marketplaces. Founded back in 1993 by a 10-person team of alumni of the Belarusian State
University of Computer Science, today SaM Solutions has a staff of over 600 employees globally.
18-year business history in the international market, compliance of the company’s
QMS with the DIN EN ISO 9000:2001 standards and broad services palette allow
SaM Solutions to handle projects of any complexity, using state-of-the-art technologies. Among the customers of SaM Solutions are such world concerns as Siemens
and SAP, public enterprises as European Patent Office and middle-sized companies
as Lexware or azh GmbH. SaM operates a number of global offices in countries including Germany (Corporate Headquarters), the USA, the UK, the Netherlands, Belarus and Ukraine.
The company strives to maintain superior technology proficiency through technology
partnerships with IT industry leaders such as Microsoft, Oracle and Sun Microsystems. SaM Solutions also plays an active part in the open-source community by contributing to and supporting open-source projects, solutions and conferences. SaM
Solutions provides the following software services: business analysis, software requirements co-development, architecture and design of software application, custom
software application development, technology/data migration, porting of software, reengineering of legacy software applications, support and maintenance of software
applications, customization/localization services, software testing and quality assurance.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Judicial Workflow Automation System
Microsoft Outlook Connector for SUSE LINUX Openexchange
Storage Management Solution Suite
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
8b/1-501 Fabritsiusa str., Minsk, Belarus, 220007.
[email protected]
+375 17 256 07 76
Scand has been involved in custom software development, design, integration, testing and support of custom software and related software products since 2000.
Scand specializes in Web application development, custom software development for
Windows, Mac OS and Unix, database design, development and management, mobile and embedded software development.
The company is highly experienced in developing software for such spheres as
power engineering, eCommerce, banking, advertising and printing industry, production management, architecture and construction using cutting-edge .NET, Java, PHP,
C++ technologies and methodologies (Agile, Scrum, XP).
11 years in IT, more than 300 successful projects for dozens of customers globally,
over 100 highly experienced engineers are the company’s main assets.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
2 Bedy St., Minsk, Belarus, 220040.
[email protected]
375 17 293-37-36
ScienceSoft Inc.
ScienceSoft Inc. is one of the most mature IT services providers in Eastern Europe.
Founded in 1989, ScienceSoft is based in Minsk, Belarus, and operates an EU subsidiary in Helsinki, Finland. The company’s highlights include around 300 experienced professionals, ISO 9001 certified processes and over 20 years of market experience. ScienceSoft has the statuses of an Oracle Partner, Qt Recognized Partner,
Bitrix Business Partner. The company has attained a number of Microsoft competences, among which are Silver Application Integration, Silver Mobility, Silver Web
Development, and Midmarket Solution Provider competences. ScienceSoft has been
a member of Belarus Hi-Tech Park since 2006 and an IBM PartnerWorld member
since 2010.
ScienceSoft service offerings embrace custom software development, mobile application development, Microsoft technology and business platform consulting, Oracle
technology consulting, software testing, dedicated teams, IT infrastructure services
as well as consulting in the area of security information and event management.
The global client base exceeds one hundred companies, from small businesses to
Fortune 500 multinationals in 24 countries. The company possesses strong knowledge of vertical domains including telecommunications, healthcare & life sciences,
education, logistics and transportation, retail and wholesale, media & entertainment.
ScienceSoft has a number of awards from the local city council as the best exporter
of the year.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
IT projects:
Centralized Business Process Management System
Online Reservation System
Personnel Planning System
Population Database
Scanmarket eAuctions
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution for Healthcare
Virtual Store
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 14, 29A Brilevskaya Str., Minsk, Belarus, 220039.
[email protected]
+375 17 222-55-99
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Seavus is a software development and consulting company with a proven trackrecord in providing successful enterprise-wide business solutions. Founded in 1999
in Malmoe, Sweden, Seavus successfully covers the European and US market from
several branches and offices in the world.
Seavus’ expanding portfolio covers: core BSS/OSS solutions, Customer Experience
and Relationship Management solutions, BI solutions, as well as embedded programming, tailored mobile and Android solutions, managed services, consultancy
and resourcing. Seavus portfolio includes over 2,000 customers, among which leading worldwide telecoms and handset manufacturers, as well as organizations from
banking and finance industry, consumer electronics, technology, education, government, health, etc.
Seavus FLLC is a part of Seavus Group with its members in Sweden, Macedonia,
Serbia, Belarus and USA. Seavus FLLC is a direct developer of program products
both for external customers and internal use within Seavus companies.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 19A, 1/3 Kulman Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220013.
[email protected]
+375 29 650-93-94
Limited Liability Company
SENSOTRONICA Ltd was established in 2007. From the very beginning the company participates in technically complex and science-driven projects. The stuff comprises 15 specialists, tied together by the long time of professional cooperation. Programmers, engineers, scientific workers create company competence that gives the
company ability to deal with the most complex technical problems.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 119, 5 Chapaeva Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220034.
[email protected]
+375 17 294 29 42
Limited Liability Company
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
168/1 Nezavisimosty Ave., Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 17 279 33 45
Closed Joint Stock Company
For nearly 20 year SoftClub group of companies has been among the leaders in Belarus in software development for the banking and finance industries, public sector.
SoftClub – Software Development Center is the software development center both for
SoftClub group and a number of other companies all over the world. SoftClub’s offices are in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Poland.
Geography of SoftClub activities are the CIS countries, including Russia, Belarus,
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, as well as countries in the EU, South East Asia, the USA.
Quality management system of SoftClub for software design, development, production, installation, and support is certified to the requirements of DIN EN ISO
The company has the highest Oracle partner status – Platinum Partner. The specialists have significant competences in Oracle technologies – Oracle Database, Oracle
Business Intelligence, Oracle SOA, integration technologies Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle applications – ERP-systems Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle JD Edwards, CRM-system Oracle Siebel CRM, budgeting system Oracle Hyperion Planning.
The group personnel exceeds 400 people, about 40 people are certified by Oracle,
over 120 specialists have competences in Oracle technologies and products.
In 2011 SoftClub was included in Software Magazine’s Software 500 ranking of the
world’s largest software and service companies.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 2305, 6 Skryganova St., Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 256-28-45
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Softeq Development FLLC is a software developer specialized in low-level software
development (embedded/firmware), mobile and web applications, offering the full
suite of development services, from determining system requirements to product release and on through continued maintenance and support. Embedded and firmware
development is one of Softeq’s key strengths. With 150+ experienced specialists and
more than 15 years experience in the market, Softeq has all the necessary skills to
carry out the most complex projects with the highest standards.
Languages: C, C++, Java, and .NET
Embedded Platforms: Arc MQX, Linux, Windows CE, VxWorks, etc.
Project experience: storage, communications, cryptography, security, among
Since the '90s, Softeq is active in Mobile Application Development. Today Softeq is
able to realize any application on all major mobile platforms: Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Phone 7, Samsung Bada, RIM BlackBerry etc.
To complete the service portfolio, Softeq has a strong web department. The web
team has specialists in such technologies as ASP, .NET, HTML5, PHP and others.
Softeq knows different cooperation models. It starts with the development of custom
software and grows into a long-term partnership in the form of a virtual office (Offshore Development Center), which gives customers maximum flexibility with access
to a wide range of skills and know-how.
Softeq is interested in long-term partnerships with mutual trust rather than short-term
profit. This approach is rewarded by each new customer, which already includes HP,
SanDisk, Samsung, Disney, and Nvidia. In 2011 Softeq’s focus on quality and high
standard of service was awarded with the "Golden Byte 2010" award from HTP for
"Best Foreign Development Center" in Belarus.
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
12A-14 Rakovskaja Str., Minsk, Belarus, 220004.
[email protected]
+375 17 203 63 25
Consulting Private Unitary Enterprise
SOFTGARANTSERVICE works on Belarusian IT market for 12 years. During this
period, using product models, company specialists developed a range of high-tech
products – information systems, which passed the registration in National center of
intellectual property and were successfully commercialized on the market.
As SGS is a long-time player in Belarusian IT-sector, it has an excellent competence
in developing information systems for healthcare and educational sector. A number of
projects for major clinical medical centers and educational institutions were successfully implemented. Throughout the period of existence SGS specialists conducted
researches in the field of creation of new high-tech products for cited above economy
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Collecting and processing report codes software
Integrated Information System for Accounting
Logistics information system “Producer-Distributor-Dealer”
Packaged information system software for economic and financial activity
automation, integrated with hospital information system “IDoctor”
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 30, 8-3 Koltsova Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220090.
[email protected]
+375 29 154 66 06
Limited Liability Company
The Company provides a full range of IT and software developmentimplementation
services in the field of bussiness processes automation. Besides the Company offers
competent IT-solutions for education.In the field of enterprises automation: automated systems providing customers relations management, production and supply
chain management systems, systems based on RFID, consolidated reporting systems, content management systems, etc.
In the scope of education: information systems and software for the education system
basing on smart-cards and mobile means solutions, corporate education systems,
knowledge base management systems.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Advanced School Project
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Dzerzhinskogo av. 104, office 8002, Minsk, Republic of Belarus,
Minsk, Belarus, 220116.
[email protected]
+375 17 207 01 40
Limited Liability Company
SoftTeco LLC was founded in 2008. Since the foundation the company focuses on
customized software development for the markets of Europe, the USA, Canada and
Development of complex internet and intranet web applications and systems
based on JAVA platform (CMS, search engines, SAAS, corporate portals).
Mobile applications development (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile).
Desktop software development (Windows, Linux, Mac OS).
The company has experience in such business domains as:
Human Services.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Africa Puzzle Map
Personal Sommelier
RAY Payment System
Vivoscuola – Internet portal
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
22 Olshevskogo Str., floor 13, office 22, Minsk, Belarus, 220073.
[email protected]
+375 17 203 85 21
Foreign Private Unitary Enterprise on Provision of Services
SproIT specializes in analysis, designing and development of the software for automatic warehouse logistics, deliveries and wholesale sales of automotive spare parts,
automation of management and book-keeping accounting on the wholesale enterprises, automation of electronic sales in the Internet for the wholesale enterprises,
designing, development, delivery and record keeping of software according to
the set customer’s requirements,
designing, development, delivery and record keeping of software of common
designing, development, delivery and record keeping of software for data
rendering of services on maintenance of information systems produced by
SproIT, including educational courses concerning operation of this systems.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
ORDER TRACKING – Software for order management on the warehouse
SPRO-BS – Software for automation of work with data on automotive
SPRO-EC – Software for automation of the whole cycle of electronic sales in
the Internet
SPROBUH – Software for automation of book-keeping
SPROFINANCE – Software for automation of management accounting
SPROGateway – Software for resolving of tasks
SPROWMS – for automation of warehouse logistics services
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 4N, 38 Syrokomly Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220112.
[email protected]
+375 17 220-13-92
Limited Liability Company
The Company is an expert in development of reporting, vending and warehouse/logistics software.
Target Activities:
Business Process Outsourcing
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Stylesoft Dispatcher
VendMAX / InfoVend
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
95 Nezavisimosti Avenue, office 12-316, Minsk, Belarus, 220043.
[email protected]
+375 17 281-77-85
Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in the development of embedded software providing solutions for complex security systems and surveillance, medicine diagnostics and biometrics, digital TV receivers, consumer electronics and human-machine interface
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Highly Optimized Algorithm for Face Detection and Classification
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 441, 1/1 Kuprevicha St., Minsk, Belarus, 220141.
[email protected]
+375 17 269-04-00
Joint Limited Liability Company
System Technologies provides software solutions for banking/finance, insurance,
businesses, and industrial enterprises. The products and competences comprise
Core Banking, BI & EPM, E-Banking, Work Flow, CRM systems. The company is a
partner of Microsoft, Oracle Sybase, 1C.
Among the clients are the leading Belarusian and foreign banks and companies: Belarusbank, Priorbank, Belvnesheconombank, BPS-Bank, Belagroprombank, Belinvestbank, Belgazprombank, BelSwissBank, Belarussian Industrial Bank, International
Reserve Bank, Bank Moscow-Minsk, Belgosstrakh, Belorusneft, Krinitsa.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Integrated Insurance System ST.INSURANCE.IT
Integrated automated system ST.Enterprise.IT
Integrated automated system ST.LEASING.IT
Integrated banking system ST.BANK.IT
Subsystem ST.BANK.IT. Analytics and Reporting
Subsystem ST.BANK.IT. CRM
Subsystem ST.BANK.IT. E-banking
System ST.Workflow.IT
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
78 Masherova Avenue, Floor 4, Minsk, Belarus, 220035.
[email protected]
+375 17 203-65-60
Limited Liability Company
The company is focused on the design, development and support of software solutions. TKP-Soft specializes in the software development in the following areas: telecommunications; Internet applications; electronic document management systems.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
IT projects:
E-Shop for Telecommunications Services
Hardware Management Subsystem for Intelligent Telecommunications
PSTN-to-VoIP Gateway
Realtime Billing Subsystem for Telecommunications Services
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 315, 95/12 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, Belarus, 220043.
[email protected]
+375 17 281-77-93
Limited Liability Company
Tektus Media aims to develop its own software products: enterprise content management (ECM) systems, cross-platform MCPF solution for mobile platforms, and
also the whole product line of software products, based on MCPF with different content and application.
In addition, the company implements complex IT-projects with a complete cycle of
creation from business idea to market launch with a ready solution. Regarding enterprise management systems, Tektus Media develops the software for automating and
managing corporate security systems. Also the company designs its own foreign language learning program on the basis of its own cross-platform MCPF solution.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Automatic Training Systems
Web Studio
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
25 Filimonova Street, office 406, Minsk, Belarus, 220114.
[email protected]
+375 17 265-07-21
Joint Limited Liability Company
Tieto Corporation (until April 2009 – TietoEnator) is the leading IT service company in
Northern Europe providing IT and product engineering services. The highly specialized IT solutions and services complemented by a strong technology platform create
tangible business benefits for the local and global customers. As a trusted transformation partner, they are close to the customers and understand their unique needs.
With about 18 000 experts, they aim to become a leading service integrator creating
the best service experience in IT.
Tieto JLLC in Belarus is a part of Tieto Corporation. Tieto office in Minsk was opened
in 2007. The serving industries are: Financial Services, Telecom & Media, Forest,
Retail&Logistics. Tieto JLLC information security management system is certified
according to ISO27001 and our quality management system is certified against ISO
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
IT projects:
Card Suite
EBS Netbank
Tieto Open Application Suite (TOAS)
Wood Supply Solution
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
28/V Surganova Str., Minsk, Belarus, 220012.
[email protected]
+375 17 294-99-99
Scientific and Technical Private Foreign Unitary Enterprise
Top Soft is one of the leaders of the national IT-market of integrated company management systems. Management processes within an enterprise or a holding, strategic business planning and management, information space monitoring, analytical research, intelligent business analysis – each of these tasks is essential for a presentday company, and Top Soft is offering the best IT solutions to meet every challenge.
The accumulated expert knowledge and rich practical experience are reflected in
Galaktika solutions each of which has been developed for implementation exactly in
the specific business environment of Russia and the CIS.
Top Soft is both the developer and the supplier of its solutions. The personnel of the
corporation consists of qualified specialists in the field of software development, ITconsulting, IT system implementation and maintenance, and user training.
IT projects:
Integrated company management:
Galaktika ERP;
Galaktika Business Intelligence;
Special solutions:
Research and Development Working Management;
Preparing Production Management;
Final Product Assembly Management;
Uniform Registration Management;
Equipment Maintenance;
Real Estate Management;
Quality Management;
Consolidation and Excel-accounts Analysis;
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Industrial solutions:
Galaktika Machinery;
Galaktika Building;
Galaktika Transport Management;
Educational Institution Management;
Food Industry;
Oil and Gas Industry;
Energy Supply Management.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Galakika Educational Process Management Tool
Galaktika Business Intelligence Tool
Galaktika Complex Items Final Assembly Management Tool
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
/1, 316a, Melezha str., Minsk, Belarus, 220113.
[email protected]
+375 29 7615609
Limited Liability Company
TurboHeads LLC was founded in 2010. The company specializes in accounting and
document flow development. Its products main delivery and business model is SaaS
(Software as a Service).
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Online accounting for small business «Assistent.By»
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
offices 1-2, Building 1, Mogilevskaya Street, Minsk, Belarus,
[email protected]
+375 44 59 00 995
Limited Liability Company
The Company specializes in Internet software development. Also the Company engages in the development of multi-user computer games, social media sites and real
estate search engines. Viaden Media works mainly for external markets: the USA,
Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Venezuela, Netherlands, Israel, Romania, China, Russia, etc.
Viaden Media is a member of World Wide Web Consortium and International Chamber of Commerce.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Computer Game
Computer Game
Real Estate Search Engine
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 1409, 5/2 Melezha Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220113.
[email protected]
+375 29 778-63-29
Private Production and Trade Unitary Enterprise
The Enterprise renders a full range of IT-services in software development and support. Also the Enterprise engages in development of computer games.
Among the Company’s projects are Exported Lumber Inventory System for NRUEOT
“Druzhba”, training program based on 3D technologies for GEE Commandengineering institute ECM and computer game “The time of silence”.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Bunny Tales
Information-analytical system of collecting and processing of the state
tistical reporting in form «1 proftech (Ministry of Education)»
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 803b, 15 Smolenskaya Street, Minsk, Belarus, 220088.
[email protected]
+375 17 294-84-29
VirusBlokAda Ltd
The Company is a leader in development of antivirus software on Belarussian market
offering packaged IT-services in implementation and support of antivirus security systems.
Target Activities:
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Anti-Spam System Designed for National Bank of Republic of Belarus and
Based on Vba32 Antivirus software
Anti-Virus SDK
VBA32 Antivirus Software Version
VBA32 Control Center Version 3.12.2
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
5 Chapayev Street, offices 108-110, Minsk, Belarus, 220034.
[email protected]
+375 17 217-02-28
Foreign Enterprise Limited Liability Company
The Company is one of the leading providers of integrated capacity and network
planning software and services for the global telecommunications industry.
Target Activities:
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
OnePlan Platform 4.0
OnePlan Transport 6.4
VPITransmissionMaker 9.0
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
office 35, 6 Merzhinskogo St., Minsk, Belarus, 220012.
[email protected]
+375 17 280-30-42
Limited Liability Company
Web2 Innovation delivers excellence in terms of dedicated and business-centric web
solutions. The company specializes in customized web services that meet Web 2.0
standards and accommodate scopes for futuristic support. The company provides
Custom Application Development, Web2.0 Software Development, Rich Internet Application Development, Product Development, Application Re-engineering, Dynamic
Website Development. Among its clients is the Swiss company Innovative Marketing
Solutions SARL and others.
Target Activities:
IT services, ASP, SaaS
Custom Software Development
Services & Solutions
Box Products/Licenced Software
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de
Postal address:
Office 52a, 1/3 Kulman St., Minsk, Belarus, 220013.
[email protected]
+375 29 750-12-38
Limited liability company
Wimix company was founded in 2007 by two IT-specialists having significant experience in software development and project management. Main direction of “Wimix
Ltd.” activity is providing services on development, adaptation, embedding and maintenance of applications for mobile devices and software products within Embedded
The clients of "Wimix" are the small companies (2-3 people) as well as leading international vendors (like "Motorola") from EU, USA, Russia, Israel.
The main advantage of the company on the IT market is the competitive cost of the
developments and the quality of their software products. Company’s development
strategy is directed at maximal satisfaction of every client’s requirements, extension
of produced software products and services.
The Quality Management System is created and certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
Target Activities:
Embedded Software
Custom Software Development
Box Products/Licenced Software
IT projects:
Android multi-user online game
Bada maps application
Foreign language educational application for mobile devices
Set of plug-ins for MT4 Server
The software package for High-performance liquid chromatography devices
TV guide
Repräsentanz der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Belarus
Prospekt Gasety Prawda 11 │ 220116 Minsk, Republik Belarus │ Tel./Fax: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │http://belarus.ahk.de
Представительство немецкой экономики в Республике Беларусь
Проспект Газеты «Правда» 11 │ 220116 Минск, Республика Беларусь │ Тел./Факс: +375 17 270-38-93 │ E-Mail: [email protected] │ http://belarus.ahk.de