Commerce in Zürich – Venn Diagrams at their Best
Commerce in Zürich – Venn Diagrams at their Best
22 Commerce in Zürich – Venn Diagrams at their Best rms – Still waiting for a shop which serves redheads AND muffins For traditional targeted shopping, most of us techies will have transitioned to googling around for online shops – but they can’t replace a comfortable bookstore or a place to just hang around and window-shop. Introduction enjoying a good brew nor having the need Now, you might belong to the same of cir- for spectacles), their homepage[1] certainly is a cle of customers as myself, and your enjoyment curious callback to the days of 90’s design and of the shopping experience depends on the source code. inverse number of times you get spoken to by Opticians in general seem to have a some- annoying shopkeepers. In that case, you might what hard time competing with their trade be better off with shopping on-line or in your lo- alone: If you take the bus 33 and just observe cal supermarket. For everyone else, there’s the the shops passing by your window, you will en- plethora of tiny multi-purpose stores through- counter a multitude of combinations, such as a out Zürich. combined optician and florist. Speaking of florists, one genius shopkeeper Motivation decided to roll the professions which stereo- Why multi-purpose? Well, first and foremost: typically feature the most attractive staff into Rent in Zürich is beyond expensive. So which one, and open a combined florist and cafe in bumbling, young entrepreneur would risk Wiedikon. their whole venture on a single-point-of-failure scheme? If you rent a whole store, and instead Conclusion sell products or services from at least two uncor- All in all, you will quickly see why there is no related categories, you might just not fail in all actual Venn diagram here to illustrate the phe- of these categories. nomenon: Things get out of hand very quickly. You can help this project: Next time when you Examples see a shop with an unbelievable combination This might all sound very abstract, so let’s of sales strategies – note it down and send it look at some actual examples, taken right off in – we’re always interested to hear more about the streets of Zürich: examples of weirdness, whence-ever it might Loungeoptic is a combined optician and come. café situated smack-bang in the middle of Oberstrass. And while I can’t say anything about the quality of their services (on grounds of neither [1] 23 Lernen Sie ein Unternehmen kennen, das Ihnen mehr Chancen, Herausforderungen und Zufriedenheit bietet. Ein Unternehmen, das auf Teamwork und Zusammenarbeit setzt. Ein Unternehmen, das Technologietrends mitgestaltet und in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich Top-Unternehmen hilft, ihr Geschäft neu zu erfinden. Zum Beispiel bei 13 der 20 SMI-Unternehmen. Unser Spektrum ist so breit gefächert, dass Sie sogar den Job wechseln können, ohne das Unternehmen zu wechseln. Sprechen Sie mit uns und entdecken Sie Ihre Möglichkeiten. © 2012 Accenture. All rights reserved.