a light fantastic
a light fantastic
INCHbyinch.de Inch technical english Inch by Inch LESEPROBE speed record cheap microscope history of the laser arithmeum desktop stirling engines tech clips robot selection material handling pneumatics history of the laser G ko ekü ww ste r w. nlo zt inc se e L hb s P es yin rob ep ch eh ro .de ef b /p t un e rob te eh r eft ZKZ 87779 // ISSN 2199-0581 a light fantastic aktuelle reportagen aktuell & relevant für Ingenieure & Techniker BUSINESS TIPS 64 fachwissen Seiten auf Englisch viele sprach- übungen mit vokabelhilfe DAS Sprachmagazin für technisches englisch Print-ABO inchbyinch.de/abo Pictorial newsletter Web 36 € Stores 28 € iTunes jährlich für Studenten Google Play 4x twitter facebook editorial technisches englisch – Inch by inch Wer in einem technischen Beruf tätig ist, kommt heute ohne gutes Fach-Englisch kaum mehr aus: Fachartikel und Handbücher gibt es oft nur auf Englisch, Telefonate mit ausländischen Kunden oder Lieferanten sind unvermeidbar und nicht nur Vertreter und Bauleiter müssen heute ihr Unternehmen im Ausland repräsentieren. Inch, das Sprachmagazin für Ingenieure und Techniker, hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihr technisches Englisch Stück für Stück – Inch by Inch – ganz nebenbei aufzufrischen und auszubauen. In jedem Heft erwarten Sie fünf große Reportagen zu aktuellen, ungewöhnlichen Themen aus Technik, Wissenschaft und Industrie. Dank der praktischen Vokabelhilfe können Sie in den Artikeln mühelos schmökern. Fachvokabular und Grammatik gibt’s in kleinen Stücken zu jeder Reportage dazu. Wenn Sie tiefer einsteigen möchten, finden Sie in Inch zu ausgewählten TechnikThemen ausführliche Pictorials, Fachwörterbücher, Engineering Basics und viele Übungen, mit denen Sie Ihren technischen Wortschatz vertiefen können. Der Sprachteil trainiert wechselnde Grammatik-Schwerpunkte und Beiträge zu Business Englisch und den Umgang mit fremden Kulturen geben Ihnen den letzten Schliff. Inch ist damit optimal auf die Sprachbedürfnisse von Ingenieure und Techniker ausgerichtet – zusammengestellt von einem erfahrenen und preisgekrönten Team aus Ingenieuren, Sprachtrainern und Journalisten. Diese Leseprobe gibt Ihnen einen ersten Eindruck von Inch. Das gedruckte Heft ist mit 64 Seiten natürlich wesentlich umfangreicher und bietet mehr Reportagen, mehr Pictorials, umfangreichere Wörterbücher und viele weitere Sprachübungen. Inch erscheint alle drei Monate neu. Mit einem Abonnement zum Vorzugspreis von € 36,00 (€ 28,00 für Studierende) bleiben Sie technisch wie sprachlich immer auf dem neusten Stand. Natürlich können Sie Inch auch digital lesen: Sie finden uns in den digitalen Zeitungskiosken von Apple und Google und bei Pressekatalog.de Apropos digital: Auf www.inchbyinch.de haben wir für Sie alles gesammelt, was nicht ins Heft gepasst hat oder sich nicht drucken lässt: Videos, weiterführende Links und Vokabeltrainer zu den Reportagen, Updates und Webfundstücke. Dort können Sie sich auch für unseren kostenlosen Pictorial-Newsletter anmelden. Sie erhalten dann zweimal pro Woche ein Technik-Bildwörterbuch mit englischen Fachbegriffen und den deutschen Übersetzungen dazu. Nun aber Schluss mit langen, deutschen Vorreden, weiter geht's mit technischem Englisch. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Vergnügen mit dieser Leseprobe und würden uns freuen, Sie bald als regelmäßigen Leser begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr Matthias Meier // Chefredakteur [email protected] < cover: roy KaltSchmIdt/laWreNce berKeley NatIoNal laboratory > INCHbyinch.de 1 contents lady of the lake speed record // Mit einem „Akkuschrauber auf Rädern”, dem stromlinienförmigen, elektrischen Seitenwagen-Motorrad KillaJoule, fuhr Eva Håkansson über 434 km/h schnell und wurde damit zur schnellste Frau auf dem Motorrad. Eine elektrische Liebesgeschichte. 6 12 62 A light fantastic foldscope history // Laserlicht ist das ultimative Werkzeug. Seit seiner Erfindung vor über 50 Jahren hat es viele Branchen revolutioniert – von der Kommunikation über Handel, Industrie und Unterhaltung bis hin zur Medizin. Dies ist die Geschichte eines fantastischen Lichts. lab report // 2000-fache Vergrößerung für gerade mal 50 Cent? Das sind die Eckdaten eines Papier-Mikroskops, das eine Forschergruppe an der Stanford University entwickelt hat. 22 29 < Photos: bonnevillestories.com, lawrence berkeley national lab, foldscope, m. meier > 2 INCHbyinch.de Editorial 1 Tech Clips 4 toy story 12 museum stop 13 Impressum // Team 28 Two.Five Four 30 stirling engine toy story // Was beim Böhm, einem Hersteller von Präzisionsteilen, als Werbegag gedacht war, macht heute die Hälfte des Geschäfts aus: Modelle von Stirling Motoren, die sogar auf dem Schreibtisch betrieben werden können. 12 leseprobe ENGINEERING Pictorial Dictionary Engineering Basics material handling 14 pneumatics 15 robot selection 16 make it work 27 arithmeum museum stop // Heute mag es unfassbar erscheinen, aber bis in die 1970er waren alle Rechenmaschinen rein mechanisch. Das Arithmeum in Bonn erzählt ihre Geschichte und setzt diesen feinmechanischen Wunderwerken ein Denkmal. LANGUAGE Mixed Up 21 Feature Review 19 Word Combinations 18 Answers 20 13 features speed record history lab report INCHbyinch.de lady of the lake 6 a light fantastic 22 foldscope 29 3 tech clips Hub-less umbrella < Photo: SadaBike > Animalistic Gears What do you see on the picture above? A scanning electron microscope image of a set of badly machined small gears? Gears they are, except not machined but grown – by a small insect called Issus. We usually think of gears as something that we see only in human-designed machinery, but scientists from the University of Cambridge have discovered that evolution developed interlocking cogs long before we did. The juvenile Issus has hind-leg joints with curved coglike strips of opposing ‘teeth’ that intermesh, rotating like mechanical gears to synchronise the animal’s legs when it launches into a jump. The gears in the Issus hind-leg bear remarkable engineering resemblance to those found on every bicycle and inside every car gear-box. Each gear tooth has a rounded corner at the point it connects to the gear strip; a feature identical to man-made gears – essentially a shockabsorbing mechanism to stop teeth from shearing off. www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/functioning-mechanical-gears-seen-innature-for-the-first-time < Photo: University of Cambridg > 4 Hub-less wheels on a vehicle are certainly an eye-catcher. Ever since Franco Sbarro introduced his famous motorbike in 1989 the seemingly floating wheels have stood for futuristic design – and a lot of engineering problems. The latest attempt to bring the hubless wheel to the masses is Gianluca Sada’s folding bicycle. Here the rolling rings are not just for show. Take them out, and the rest of the full-grown city bike folds down to a neat package the size of an umbrella. That still leaves the 26-inch wheels to deal with, but at least they have no spokes and you can carry them over your shoulder or, as Sada suggests, use them as a frame for a backpack. Despite the cool look, engineering such a beauty is still tough: A heavy planetary gearing system in the crank has to be used to produce sufficient speed for the back sprocket and drive wheels. The fact that without its stabilizing spokes the rim has to be strengthened adds even more weight. www.sadabike.it blend in, to bolt, to catchy charge cog countermeasure // ˈkaʊntəmeʒə crank dashboard gusty harvest, to hind-leg hub-less interlock, to intermesh, to joint juvenile // ˈdʒuːvənaɪl leave machine, to mere // mɪə planetary gearing pollution rated resemblance // rɪˈzembləns rim scanning electron microscope shear, to (sheared, shorn) // ʃɪə snail spoke sprocket terrified torque // tɔːk umbrella einfügen, integrieren (ver-) schrauben einprägsam (Batterie-) Ladung Zahn (eines Zahnrads) Gegenmaßnahme Kurbel Armaturenbrett böig, stürmisch ernten, sammeln Hinterbein nabenlos ineinandergreifen verzahnen Gelenk jugendlich Blatt bearbeiten, spanen nur, bloß Planetengetriebe (Umwelt-) Verschmutzung hier: NennÄhnlichkeit Felge Elektronenmikroskop scheren Schnecke Speiche Zahnkranz erschrocken, angsterfüllt Drehmoment Regenschirm INCHbyinch.de tech clips The wind in the trees < Photo: NewWind R&D > Pollution and climate change are killing trees, so why not plant new trees as a countermeasure? Like the Wind Trees from French manufacturer New Wind. Each of the artificial trees has 72 “leaves”: small Savonius rotors each with its own sealed direct drive generator. Specially designed for small wind speeds starting at a mere two meters per second and capable of harvesting even turbulent and gusty winds the whole tree has a rated peak output of 3.1 kW. While the power output may be a bit optimistic, the Wind Tree is nonetheless a good way to raise awareness of renewable power in general and wind power in particular, especially since the small wind power plant is designed for urban areas and the tree design blends in perfectly with real, (still) growing trees. www.arbre-a-vent.fr Born to be Electric The move from petrol to electric engines allows for some radical new concepts in vehicles: Like building a mechanical snail on two wheels which can carry its rider up to 200 kilometers on a single charge. Gizmag called the Johammer J1 electric motorbike a “terrified snail”, which is a surprisingly accurate – and quite catchy – description of its retro-style look. But the J1 is anything but a snail when it comes to performance: the rear-wheel mounted electric motor produces a torque of 220 Nm and pushes the bike to a top speed of 120 kph. Designed from ground up with electric power in mind, the J1 has some unusual features – besides its look. A solid, bolted frame carrying the custom-made battery supports the swing arms – single sided for the rear wheel and double sided for the front wheel. Want to know how fast you are going? Just look the beast in the eyes: The dashboard instruments are located in the snail’s eyes aka mirrors. www.johammer.com INCHbyinch.de < Photo: Johammer > 5 speed record Eva Håkansson und ihr Mann Bill Dubé wollen beweisen, dass „Benzin ja sowas von altmodisch ist“. Mit einem „Akkuschrauber auf Rädern”, einem stromlinienförmigen, elektrischen Seitenwagen-Motorrad, über 434 km/h schnell zu fahren, ist dafür nicht nur ein überzeugendes Argument, sondern macht Eva Håkansson auch zur schnellsten Frau auf dem Motorrad. Eine elektrische Liebesgeschichte. Lady of the lake Eva Håkansson and her husband Bill Dubé are on a mission to prove that “gasoline is so last century”. Pushing 434 km/h in a “cordless drill on wheels”, a streamlined electric sidecar motorcycle, is a pretty strong argument for that. It also makes Eva Håkansson the fastest woman on a motorcycle. An electric love story. “That’s probably the most boring action footage in history!” Eva Håkansson was slightly disappointed when she rewatched the clip from her helmet camera. The narrow view through the window of the KillaJoule electric sidecar motorcycle was anything but spectacular: The white expanse of the Bonneville Salt Flats, some mountains in the distance and the occasional track marker whizzing by faster and faster … and faster. Much more thrilling than all this action footage was an inconspicuous slip from a matrix printer; the timing ticket confirming a speed of 240.726 mph (387.328 km/h). Despite her flop as a filmmaker, on the 28th August, 2014, Eva Håkansson had nonetheless written history: fastest elec- 6 tric motorcycle in the world, fastest woman on a motorcycle and fastest sidecar motorcycle in the world – including internal combustion engines. The last one is something Håkansson is especially proud of. “It’s the first time in over 100 years that an electric vehicle has taken an overall speed record for a vehicle type. The last time was in 1899 when the world’s fastest car was electric,” says the woman who has “Gasoline?! That’s so last century!” written all across her red streamliner. Bikes and Batteries Eva Håkansson was born in Sweden. Inspired by the boredom of the Swedish countryside and the enthusiasm of her INCHbyinch.de/03 < Photo: bonnevillestories.com > speed record with Håkansson Dubé was well known for being the designer of the aptly named KillaCycle, a 500-horsepower monster of an electric motorcycle that would catapult its driver from zero to 60 mph (97 km/h) in less than a second. Needless to say, Håkansson and Dubé had a lot to talk about, which they did … and more. Just 18 months after their first encounter they got married in style with the ElectroCat as a wedding vehicle and non-conductive ceramic wedding rings. With the wedding came a shift in focus from drag racing to land speed records. “The first thing most people ask when they see something like the KillaCycle is: How fast does it go?” says Håkansson. “But drag racing isn’t about speed, it’s about acceleration.” Slightly annoyed by such questions and even more so by the highly competitive nature of drag racing, the couple decided to spice up their relationship with a pinch of salt. And they knew exactly where to find it: “If you want to go fast, you go to the Bonneville Salt Flats,” grins Dubé. a fast, electrifying hobby All they needed was a new “giant cordless drill on wheels” – one built specifically for speed. Not exactly an easy task, >>> father Sven, a motorcycle racer and tinkerer, she became interested in science, and environmental engineering in particular, at an early age. After winning a junior scientist prize, Eva started studying, not engineering but economics – much to the disappointment of her family. Nonetheless, she teamed up with her father to build Sweden’s first streetlegal electric motorcycle, the ElectroCat. In 2007, Håkansson’s interest in electric vehicles took her to the United States, where she met Bill Dubé at a conference. A ‘highly charged’ encounter as it was to turn out. Dubé may well be called an electric racing veteran. As early as the eighties the mechanical engineer started building battery-powered vehicles and raced them against the cars of likeminded enthusiasts to make it a bit more interesting. He had caught the speed bug and he helped found the National Electric Drag Racing Association in 1996 – after a lot of lobbying to remove the requirement of an internal combustion engine for drag vehicles. At the time he met INCHbyinch.de/03 acceleration annoyed aptly // ˈæptli boredom charge, to competitive conductive confirm, to cordless drill disappointed disappointment encounter environmental // Beschleunigung verärgert, gereizt passend, treffend Langeweile laden, aufladen wettbewerblich, konkurrierend leitfähig, leitend bestätigen, quittieren Akkuschrauber enttäuscht Enttäuschung Treffen, Begegnung Umwelt- expanse footage found, to inconspicuous // ˌɪnkənˈspɪkjuəs internal combustion engine likeminded pinch requirement slip speed bug spice up, to streamlined task team up, to thrilling tinkerer whizz, to Weite, Fläche Filmmaterial gründen unscheinbar Verbrennungsmotor gleichgesinnt Prise Voraussetzung, Anforderung Zettel, Beleg Geschwindigkeitsfieber würzen stromlinienförmig Aufgabe sich zusammentun, verbünden fesselnd, packend Tüftler, Bastler sausen, flitzen ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl 7 speed record With flying colours: The KillaJoule electric sidecar motorcylce enters the measured mile at the Bonneville Speedway at over 240 mph – that's thumbs up for Eva Håkansson, the fastest woman on a motorcycle. especially when racing and land speed records is ‘just’ a hobby. Dubé works as an engineer and scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in his day job and Håkansson is a PhD student in mechanical engineering at the University of Denver – which makes for a clear distribution of roles: “I pay for 80 percent of the bills and Eva does 80 percent of the work,” admits Dubé. The easiest part of the design process was specifying the maximum length of the KillaCycle: 5.8 meters – the diagonal length of the double garage next to their home in Denver, Colorado. The rest of the design wasn’t much harder since the couple could draw on their great experience with fast electric vehicles – and the help of friends and family. Trading skills for knowledge, Håkansson learned how to properly weld a Chrome Moly tubular steel frame. The bodywork was cut from pre-coated aluminium sheets normally used for signposts. Håkansson’s father Sven, now in his eighties, designed the suspension and a simple but elegant lever steering. The DC motor was scavenged from the KillaCycle and lots of donations in the form of parts, discounts or simple elbow grease from friends and sponsors made up for the rest. In 2010, a sleek red cigar rolled from its trailer and touched the salt for the first time. The Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah are the mecca for everyone who wants to go fast. Several times a year speed freaks from all over the world gather in the blindingly white, hot and occasionally very wet but perfectly flat salt pan that is the Bonneville Speedway to create a sort of Burning Man for motorheads – a strange mixture of the Wild West and a highly regulated event, where basically everyone can show up with a racer on a trailer and try his or her luck to set a speed record. sidecar solution But no such luck for the KillaJoule team. At least they finished their first season on the salt safely or “rubber side down and shiny side up”, as Håkansson puts it. The two-wheeler was too 8 wobbly, the cockpit too small and the DC motor just not up to the job: KillaJoule was in dire need of a serious re-design. The most obvious change was the addition of a sidecar to increase stability. Although there are people crazy enough to cling to a small platform next to a motorcycle going 200 mph or more, Håkansson thought it would be “highly un-aerodynamic”. Luckily, regulations allow for a 62-kilogram ballast in lieu of a passenger. Such an extra weight would be a huge penalty in drag racing but it’s more than welcome in land speed racing. “Exceeding the take-off speed of a 747 but not taking off can be quite a challenge, and the weight helps,” explains Håkansson. The third wheel also had the welcome advantage that the KillaJoule, now a streamlined electric sidecar motorcycle, would literally be in a class of its own with no competitors. While working on the frame the couple also decided to stretch it to the full length of the Denver garage allowing faster egress in case of emergency – and drivers taller than the petite Eva Håkansson. The next big change was the switch to an AC motor. Salt had been creeping into the commutators of the old DC motor causing massive trouble. The new 500-horsepower water-cooled AC motor is heavier than the old motor and requires an additional inverter to turn the DC from the battery into AC, but then again, weight is good. A mantra that is also reflected in the choice of batteries. The Lithium Nanophosphate batteries from A123 Systems with a voltage of 400 Volts and a power output of 10 kWh may have a smaller energy density than the Lithium Ion batteries used in Smartphones or a Tesla car but they are much more robust and they offer thousands of recharge cycles as well as additional safety. While weight was never a problem in the design of the KillaJoule, Håkansson and Dubé were suddenly battling another factor: volume. “The real problem with a streamliner is packing,” knows Håkansson. The faster you want to go the more stuff you need: here a second brake chute, there an additional fire extinguisher system, although the latter is a bit INCHbyinch.de/03 < Photos: Phil Hawkins > speed record unnecessary – just like the required fire retardant Nomex suit for the driver – since the KillaJoule does not carry any fuel. “But if you want to compete against internal combustion engines, you have to follow their rules,” sighs Håkansson. to finish first And what a competitor the KillaJoule became: 139 mph in 2011, 191 mph in 2012, and in 2013, the small KillaJoule team closed the season with an official top speed of 212.172 mph (341.458 km/h). It seemed that their motto “to finish first you must finish first” was paying off. “In land speed racing you have to do your work at home,” stresses Håkansson, “if you are out on the salt and something breaks, you’re done.” On that 28th August, 2014, all the homework had been done and the KillaJoule had passed the scrutiny of the safety inspection the day before. Eva Håkansson got in line and waited for her run, pushing aside her nervousness and the thought that bad things can happen quickly out here. Then came the green flag. Håkansson pointed her red streamliner in the right direction and let the electrons go wild. A few minutes, some slight rumbling and a bit of boring footage later, the first ‘time’ came through: 241.852 mph, measured by timing a ‘flying mile’. A record, no question, but not an official one until they had repeated their run in the opposite direction within two hours – the regulations require the participants to calculate the average of two runs. While the two-hour time limit can be challenging for some it was more than enough for team KillaJoule. Refilling five kilograms of ice-water for the cooling of the AC motor and swapping the battery set for a fully charged one doesn’t take long. “The main job between runs is clearing off the salt,” explains Håkansson, “it gets everywhere and turns to concrete when it dries.” During a previous season Håkansson had a close call when one of the tires rubbed against the hardened salt and almost blew. But this time everything was OK and ready for the second run. >>> INCHbyinch.de/03 advantage average // ˈævərɪdʒ bill bodywork brake (para)chute // ˈpærəʃuːt cling, to close call compete, to concrete // ˈkɒŋkriːt creep, to density dire // ˈdaɪə draw on, to (drew, drawn) egress // ˈiːɡres elbow grease exceed, to experience fire extinguisher // ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃə gather, to // ˈɡæðə in lieu of // in luː lever // ˈliːvə motorhead obvious penalty petite // pəˈtiːt PhD student previous recharge, to retardant // rɪˌtɑːdənt rumbling scavenge, to // ˈskævɪndʒ scrutiny // ˈskruːtəni sheet signpost skill sleek suspension swap, to // swɒp trade, to tubular // ˈtjuːbjələ voltage weld, to wobbly Vorteil, Pluspunkt Mittelwert, Durchschnitt Rechnung Karosserie Bremsfallschirm sich klammern, festhalten etwa: Beinaheunfall antreten, konkurrieren Beton kriechen, schleichen Dichte dringend, schlimm zehren von, nutzen Ausstieg Muskelkraft überschreiten Erfahrung Feuerlöscher zusammenkommen an Stelle, anstatt Hebel Autonarr offensichtlich, deutlich Nachteil, Handikap zierlich, klein Doktorand(in) früher, vorausgegangen wieder aufladen hemmend Rumpeln, Poltern hier: plündern Prüfung, Untersuchung Blech, Platte Schild, Wegweiser Fähigkeit, Können schnittig, elegant Federung, Radaufhängung tauschen, wechseln tauschen, handeln röhrenförmig, RohrSpannung schweißen wackelig, schwabbelig Grammar bit gerund ...see highlighted examples in text. A gerund is the ____ing form of the verb when it functions as a noun. Among other things, it can be used as the subject of the sentence. Example: Driving at 400 km/h requires a lot of skill. Driving at 400 km/h is the subject of the verb requires. //// Exercise on page 19 //// 9 < Photos: Håkansson/dubé > speed record From a distance it looked as unspectacular as the first one: a red flash, a faint but very energetic sounding whirring noise and then the white plume of the break parachute. No way to judge the true speed until the volunteers in the timing booth confirmed the second run at 239.600 mph – resulting in an average of 240.726 mph (387.328 km/h). Record! In fact, several records. But still not official, at least not until the certificate had been signed by a timing association for a small fee of $350. There’s really no money in land speed racing, just a little fame and even that is temporary. “The nature of records is that they’re never owned, only borrowed,” Dubé knows only too well, “and they’re always meant to be broken.” But then again, there’s no harm in putting a bit of distance between you and the competition – which they did. A month later, Eva Håkansson pushed the KillaJoule to a whopping 270.224 mph (434.9 km/h). Unfortunately, it was a private Test-n-Tune with no official sanctioning body present, so no official record, but the speed came as somewhat of a surprise, especially for her husband Bill: “Our calculations pointed towards a theoretical top speed of 265 mph. In reality, it’s usually a bit slower but KillaJoule was actually faster!” This changed everything. “KillaJoule went too fast. Our initial goal was 260 mph and then we would have been done,” admits Håkansson, “but now 300 mph is within reach. It’s such a nice, round number and everyone expects us to go for it.” So now the couple, who just love to “talk nerdy”, has a new favourite subject: aerodynamics. Replacing the signpost sheet metal body with something more aerodynamically optimised should be enough to ensure that next season Eva Håkansson will still be the “lady of the lake”. <<< Matthias Meier >>> http://killacycleracing.com Die Webseite des Team KillaJoule mit vielen Informationen, Bildern und Videos über das Fahrzeug, die Rekorde und Eva und Bill. Top: Dressed for speed – the KillaJoule electric streamliner. Middle: Eva Håkansson and her husband Bill Dubé. Bottom: It isn't called a salt lake for nothing – the Bonnevill Salt Flats after a rainfall. association booth borrow, to faint fee goal plume // pluːm sanctioning body volunteer whirr, to // wɜː whopping 10 Verband, Vereinigung Kabine, Bude leihen, borgen schwach, leise Gebühr, Entgeld Ziel Wolke, Fahne, Federbusch etwa: offizielle Vereinigung Freiwillige(r) surren, schwirren kolossal, stattlich www.westword.com/2011-06-09/news/killacycle-cordless-drill-on-wheels Sehr ausführlicher und lesenswerter Artikel von 2011 über Eva Håkansson und Bill Dubé, ihr Hobby und wie sie sich kennengelernt haben. www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/fo/salt_lake/recreation/bonneville_salt_flats.html Offizielle Informationen zu den Bonneville Salt Flats vom Bureau of Land Management. www.scta-bni.org www.saltflats.com Zwei der Veranstalter, die den Bonneville Speedway für HochgeschwindigkeitsEvents nutzen. www.a123systems.com www.gkn.com www.rinehartmotion.com Die Hersteller der elektrischen Komponenten des KillaJoule. Links, Vokabeln & mehr unter www.inchbyinch.de/inch03/killajoule INCHbyinch.de/03 speed record tech Extras pictorial Killajoule Bonnie. S. Flats racing mascot suspension on-board fire extinguisher inverters to turn DC into AC Chrome-Moly steel frame land speed racing tires with hardcompound rubber battery pack of 375 V, 10 kWh bodywork panels made of pre-painted sign aluminum 2 Kevlar ribbon brake chutes AC motor suspension how Lithium Nanophosphate batteries work mini Dictionary motorcycles caliper carburettor chain clutch lever engine fairing fender frame front fork gearshift lever handlebars headlight main stand motorbike motorcycle mudguard muffler saddle shock absorber silencer spoke swingarm taillight throttle transmission INCHbyinch.de/03 Bremssattel Vergaser Kette Kupplungshebel Motor Verkleidung Schutzblech (amerik.) Rahmen Frontgabel (Fuß-) Schalthebel Lenker Scheinwerfer Hauptständer Motorrad (brit.) Motorrad (amerik.) Schutzblech (brit.) Endschalldämpfer (amerik.) Sitzbank Stoßdämpfer Endschalldämpfer (brit.) Speiche Schwinge Rücklicht Gasgriff Getriebe The lithium-ion batteries used today in smartphones and some cars store energy via a reaction between lithium ions and the cathode and anode material. The lithium ions are inserted or removed in active materials through a process called “intercalation.” The power output of the battery is limited by the slow chemical reactions between these materials. Therefore, traditional lithium-ion batteries have high energy, but low power. The Nanophosphate material is an agglomeration of primary and secondary Nanophosphate particles, which increases the cathode surface area with the electrolyte. This allows for faster lithium insertion and thus more power. The nanoscale structure also increases abuse tolerance and provides longer life and greater ability to maintain consistent power over a wide range of state-ofcharge compared to other lithium-ion chemistries. abuse // əˈbjuːs agglomeration // əˌɡlɒməˈreɪʃn insert, to insertion intercalation maintain, to state-of-charge surface // ˈsɜːfɪs Missbrauch, Misshandlung Zusammenballung, Anhäufung einfügen, einsetzen Einfüge, Einsetzen Einlagerung, Einschiebung wahren, behalten Ladezustand Oberfläche 11 Desktop Stirling Engines Toy story < Photo: böhm > Nicht alles Spielzeug kommt aus Fernost, denn manchmal muss es eben genau sein. Was beim Böhm, einem Hersteller von Präzisionsteilen, als Werbegag gedacht war, macht heute die Hälfte des Geschäfts aus: Modelle von Stirling Motoren, die ohne Gefahr für Leib, Leben und Akten sogar auf dem Schreitisch betrieben werden können. T hey are the pride of every tech-museum shop and even Manufactum lists them as one of their “good things in life”: The miniature Stirling machines from Böhm – shiny stationary engines, cars and locomotives made from brass, aluminium and stainless steel powered by nothing more than the heat of a small alcohol burner. What today is a viable business for the small company in Neustadt an der Aisch started out as a give-away. After Hermann Böhm had founded a company for precision parts in 1990, he thought about a Christmas present for his customers which could showcase the capabilities and precision of his workshop. In a magazine for model building he came across a blueprint for a small Stirling engine. The perfect give-away: The different materials and the high-precision milling and turning required would demonstrate the scope of his services and the Stirling principle was clean and safe enough to operate the small engines even on an executive’s desk. Invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling, a Scottish minister, the Stirling engine is a heat engine that works by cyclic compression and expansion of a gas, usually air. The gas is compressed in the colder portion of the engine and expanded in the hotter portion resulting in a net conversion of heat into work. The Stirling engine can be powered by any heat source and – with only gas as a working fluid – it is much cleaner than a steam engine. Unfortunately, it’s very hard to adjust Stirling engines to changing loads and so it was steam that, ultimately, powered the industrial revolution and not hot air. But on a desk and in an office a little hot air never did any harm. And so Böhm’s Striling models became a success. What had started as a crazy idea for a give-away became a regular product range, which today accounts for about 50 per cent of the company’s turnover. The earliest and simplest of Böhm’s Stirling models is the HB7, a classic horizontal inline runner. The addition of overhead rocker arms gives models like the HB11 or HB10 a slightly Steampunk-like look. Unintentionally, stresses 12 Böhm, who designs all the models himself. It takes him about a year from the first sketches, through CAD models and several prototypes before he can add a new model to his range: like the Rocket L1 locomotive, the HB24, a “flame eater” with its beautiful, fat sound, or the elegant HB6, which only needs the heat from a coffee pot or a human hand to run. Each of them is available fully assembled or as a kit for those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty and want to understand how things work – like us engineers. <<< Matthias Meier >>> www.boehm-stirling.com Die ausgezeichnete Webseite von Böhm, wo die Stirling Modelle betrachtet, bestellt und vor allem angehört werden können. Allein das Klicken durch die Seite macht schon riesig Spaß. account for, to assemble, to blueprint brass capability executive // ɪɡˈzekjətɪv found, to give-away harm invent, to kit mill, to minister net pride range rocker arm scope showcase, to stainless steel stress, to success turn, to turnover unintentionally // ˌʌnɪnˈtenʃənəli viable // ˈvaɪəbl ausmachen zusammenbauen, montieren technische Zeichnung Messing Fähigkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit Führungskraft gründen hier: Werbegeschenk Schaden, Leid erfinden, ausdenken Bausatz fräsen Priester netto Stolz Palette, Sortiment Kipphebel Umfang, Rahmen präsentieren, herausstellen Edelstahl betonen, hervorheben Erfolg drehen Umsatz unbeabsichtigt, unabsichtlich rentabel, brauchbar INCHbyinch.de/02 arithmeum museum stop T he story the Arithmeum tells starts at the end: At the entrance of the museum is a small bowl filled with silicon chips, which in less than a decade made everything else on display obsolete: all the handcrafted abacuses, the clever Napier rods, the handy slide rules and even the most sophisticated mechanical calculators. As a student, Prof Bernhard Korte, today director of the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics in Bonn, experienced this transition first hand. He realised that his trusty old Brunsviga M and all the other mechanical calculators would soon be obsolete and started collecting them. In 1999, he donated his entire collection, some 1000 pieces, to the university – under one condition: build a museum for them. Today the light building at the University of Bonn holds the most comprehensive collection of calculating devices in the World: 6000 exhibits, also including historic arithmetic books, a Hollerith tabulating machine, an Enigma and a Zuse Z25. The oldest exhibits are also the most mundane: little stones from a time when most people counted “one, two, many”, and had to use pebbles to keep account of their stock. Although we now have much more sophisticated means to keep a record of numbers, we still use the Latin word for ‘small stone’ for it: calculus. Abacuses are next in the long history of calculating tools. A modern combination of an abacus with an electronic calculator is proof that, despite the silicon revolution, in some parts of the world sliding beads never lost their appeal. From 1600 John Napier’s rods became popular among mathematicians but turning them was tedious and error-prone. And so the great German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz gave the problem a little thought and came up with not one but two mechanical principles to automate the process – the stepped drum and the pinwheel. All the other mechanical calculators on display in the Arithmeum, from the replica of Leibniz’s stepped-drum machine to Curt Herzstark’s small, cylindrical Curta and Korte’s first collector’s item, the Brunsviga M, are based on one of these two principles. INCHbyinch.de/02 < Photo: M. Meier > Heute ist die Tastatur das einzige mechanische Teil an unseren Rechnern – und manchmal nicht einmal mehr das. Doch bis in die 1970er waren alle Rechenmaschinen rein mechanisch. Das Arithmeum in Bonn erzählt ihre Geschichte und setzt diesen feinmechanischen Wunderwerken ein Denkmal. Even the motor-driven Hamann calculator from 1969 – a machine so ‘sophisticated’ it needed constant maintenance and repair and became a disaster for its manufacturer. On display next to this dinosaur from a dying age is a Japanese Busicom 141 PF from 1972 – the first commercial calculator with one of these opalescent shimmering chips visitors can grab from a bowl at the entrance of the museum. <<< Matthias Meier >>> Arithmeum – rechnen einst und heute Lennéstrasse 2 53113 Bonn www.arithmeum.uni-bonn.de appeal arithmetic book // əˈrɪθmətɪk bʊk bead bowl collector’s item comprehensive donate, to error-prone exhibit // ɪɡˈzɪbɪt experience, to handcrafted keep account, to maintenance // ˈmeɪntənəns mechanical calculator mundane // mʌnˈdeɪn obsolete // ˈɒbsəliːt opalescent // ˌəʊpəˈlesnt pebble replica // ˈreplɪkə rod slide rule slide, to stepped-drum machine stock tabulating machine tedious // ˈtiːdiəs transition trusty Anziehungskraft, Reiz Rechenbuch Perle, Kügelchen Schale, Schüssel Sammlerstück umfassend stiften, schenken fehlerbehaftet Ausstellungsstück, Exponat erleben, erfahren handgefertigt Buch führen Wartung Rechenmaschine einfach, unscheinbar veraltet, überholt opalisierend Kiesel Nachbau Stab Rechenschieber schieben Staffelwalzenmaschine Lager-, Viehbestand Tabelliermaschine mühsam, lästig Übergang, Wechsel zuverlässig, treu 13 pictorial material handling crane end carriage guard rails deck/ platform travelling hoist/trolley crane track scissor arm crane girder rope hoist pendant with cable hook block hydraulic cylinder steering wheel overhead travelling crane scissor lift top deckboard tow bar fork pump unit entry stringer board steering wheels block bottom deckboard load rollers pallet hand pallet truck Weitere Pictorials und Newsletter unter www.inchbyinch.de/category/pictorial 14 INCHbyinch.de dictionary Pneumatics actuation adiabatic aftercooler air conditioning air spring air storage tank auxiliary valve ball valve bistable valve blanking plug cartridge valve cassette valve check valve coil compact cylinder compressed air motor compressibility compressor condensation connection port counter-pressure valve coupling cushioning cutting ring cylinder bore cylinder stroke desiccant diaphragm air dryer double-acting drop-off pressure dryer emergency-stop exhaust air exhaust regulation filter filter cartridge fitting flat piston flow control valve flow rate gasket gripper guided cylinder hand valve hose impact buffer incremental shaft encoder jerk-free leakage lubricator manifold master cylinder needle valve INCHbyinch.de Betätigung adiabatisch Nachkühler Luftaufbereitung Luftfeder Kessel Hilfsventil Kugelventil Impulsventil Blindstopfen Blockeinbauventil Kassettenventil Rückschlagventil Spule Kompaktzylinder Druckluftmotor Kompressibilität Kompressor Kondensation Anschluss Gegenhalteventil Kupplung Dämpfung Schneidring Zylinderbohrung Zylinderhub Trocknungsmittel Membrantrockner doppelwirkend Abfalldruck Trockner Not-Aus Abluft Abblasregelung Filter Filterpatrone Verschraubung Flachkolben Drosselventil Durchfluss Dichtung Greifer Führungszylinder Handventil Schlauch Aufprallpuffer Winkelschrittgeber ruckfrei Leckage Öler Verteilerstück Geberzylinder Nadelventil oil removal filter on-off valve parallel gripper piston piston rod plunger pneumatic pneumatics poppet valve power valve pressure amplifier pressure gauge pressure relief valve profile cylinder barrel profile rod proportional valve pulsation damper push-in fitting quick coupling quick exhaust valve refrigeration dryer rodless rotary cylinder safety valve sealing surface servo valve shaft seal silencer single-solenoid valve slide unit snubber solenoid valve sorption stem actuated valve stroke length suction gripper supply port surge switching pressure swivel table tee valve manifold valve return spring valve terminal vane motor water separator way valve workshop compressor Ölausscheider Absperrventil Parallelgreifer Kolben Kolbenstange Stößel pneumatisch Pneumatik Sitzventil Arbeitsventil Druckverstärker Manometer Überdruckventil Profilzylinderrohr Profilstange Proportionalventil Pulsationsdämpfer Steckverschraubung Schnellkupplung Schnellentlüftungsventil Kältetrockner kolbenstangenlos Drehzylinder Sicherheitsventil Dichtfläche Regelventil Simmerring Schalldämpfer monostabiles Ventil Schlitteneinheit Druckstoßminderer Magnetventil Sorption Stößelventil Hublänge Sauggreifer Luftversorgungsanschluss Druckstoß Ansteuerdruck Schwenktisch T-Stück Ventilblock Ventilfeder Ventilinsel Lamellenmotor Wasserabscheider Wegeventil Handwerkerkompressor Vokabeltrainer und Download unter www.inchbyinch.de/dictionary/pneumatics 15 engineering Basics Robot Selection C artesian robots, sometimes called gantry robots, are mechatronic devices that use motors and linear actuators to position a tool. They make linear movements in three axes. Physical scaffolding forms a framework that anchors and supports the axes and payload. Cartesian robot movements stay within the framework’s confines, but the framework can be mounted horizontally or vertically, or even overhead. In contrast, SCARAs and six-axis robots typically mount on a pedestal. SCARAs move in the X, Y, and Z planes like Cartesians, but incorporate a theta axis to rotate the end-of-arm tooling. This makes SCARAs good for vertical assembly operations. However, the arm is essentially a lever, and that limits SCARAs’ reach: The joints are load points that need robust bearings and high-torque motors to handle the loads when the arm extends. Six-axis robots move forward and back, up and down, and can yaw, pitch, and roll to offer more directional control than SCARAs. This is suitable for complex movements that simulate a human arm. The additional range of movement also lets six-axis robots service a larger volume than SCARAs can. Six-axis robots often execute welding, palletizing, and machine tending. Picking a robot type To pick a robot, first evaluate the application’s needs. That starts with profiling the job’s load, orientation, speed, scara robot 16 six-axis robot travel, precision, environment and duty cycle, sometimes called LOSTPED parameters. Load. A robot’s load capacity must exceed the total weight of the payload, including any tooling, at the end of the robot arm. What limits SCARA and six-axis robots is that they support loads on extended arms. In contrast, a typical Cartesian robot’s support frame and bearings consistently support the entire range of motion. Orientation depends on how the robot is mounted and how it situates parts or products being moved. The goal is to match the robot’s footprint to the work area. If a SCARA or six-axis robot’s floor or line-mounted pedestal creates an obstruction, then such robots may not be the best option. If the application only needs movement in a few axes, then small-frame Cartesian robots can mount overhead and out of the way. Speed and travel. Along with load ratings, robot manufacturer catalogues also list speed ratings. One key consideration when choosing robots for pickand-place applications is acceleration times over significant distances. Cartesian robots can accelerate at 5 m/sec or more, rivalling the performance of SCARA and six-axis robots. Cartesian robots also make sense when applications involve long spans. Precision. SCARA and six-axis robots have predefined accuracy ratings that make it easy to determine their repeatability of movement. But these robots lock designers into one level of accuracy at the time of purchase. End users can upgrade Cartesian or gantry robots to myriad levels of accuracy by changing the actuator with a ball screw. Environment. Two factors that dictate the best robot are the working envelope’s ambient environment and hazards in the space itself. Environmental factors such as dust and dirt also affect robot selection. Duty cycle. This is the amount of time it takes to complete one cycle of operation. Robots that run continuously 24/7 reach their end of life sooner than those running only 8-hr days, five days a week. programs & controls The most suitable robot for an application also depends on the requirements for controls and programmability. All robot controls interpolate point-topoint, linear, or circular movements through path following and programmed speed, acceleration, and deceleration parameters. The options are entry-level and high-performance controls. Entry-level controls are generally available only with Cartesian robots. These operate with three degrees of freedom, which require less computer processing and programming sophistication than robots with more axes and degrees of freedom. High-performance controls process more degrees of freedom and convert machine-joint coordinates to the world coordinates necessary, for complex rotary or circular movements. SCARA and six-axis robots usually have expensive, proprietary controls capable of INCHbyinch.de/01 Industrieroboter sind nicht nur in der Massenfertigung, sondern zunehmend auch in kleineren Industriezweigen oder gar im Handwerk zu finden. Unser Vergleich von kartesischen, Sechs-Achs- und SCARA-Robotern erleichtert die Auswahl. circular interpolation and movement sequences. SCARA & six-axis robots SCARA and six-axis robots: • May come equipped to meet defined speed and motion specifications – and deliver higher performance right out of the box. • May cost more because they come with expensive features such as proprietary controllers. cartesian robot < Photo: bosch-rexroth > accelerate, to acceleration ambient // ˈæmbiənt amplifier anchor, to // ˈæŋkə assembly auxiliary // ɔːɡˈzɪliəri ball screw bearing // ˈbeərɪŋ confine consideration deceleration decrease, to degree of freedom delay device dispense, to duty cycle exceed, to exhibit, to gantry robot // ˈɡæntri ˈrəʊbɒt goal hazard incorporate, to injury joint legacy // ˈleɡəsi INCHbyinch.de/01 • Execute complicated tasks and require more programming for complex motion patterns. • Take up less space and weigh less to fit a predefined footprint while delivering a specified speed. • Exhibit less rigid-arm extensions, because they are built to be as light as possible to carry heavier payloads. Cartesian robots Cartesian robots’ total cost of ownership has decreased 25% over the last five years, so now they are viable options for small to midsize manufacturers looking to automate storage-and-retrieval, pickand-place, liquid-dispensing, packaging, and auxiliary machine-tool operations. In addition, Cartesian robots: • Consist of standardized components that combine into robots that cost less than purpose-built robots. • Can be specified with online tools. Online software takes some of the beschleunigen Beschleunigung umgebend Verstärker verankern Montage HilfsKugelgewindetrieb Lager Grenze, Begrenzung Überlegung, Betrachtung Verzögerung abnehmen, sinken Freiheitsgrad Verzögerung Gerät, Apparat dosieren Arbeitszyklus überschreiten, übersteigen aufweisen, zeigen Portalroboter Ziel Gefährdung, Risiko umfassen, einbauen Verletzung Gelenk hier: Alt- confusion out of how to leverage the mix-and-match modularity of Cartesian robots. • Are safer. On legacy Cartesian robots, safety circuits connect to controls that introduce delays as they command the motor’s drive amplifier. Newer robots have intelligent servodrives instead, with safety circuits that accelerate response. These circuits also let Cartesian robots operate in reducedtorque mode. To prevent injuries, robots in this mode shut down if it contacts the trainer. <<< Richard Vaughn >>> Dieser Beitrag ist eine gekürzte Fassung eines Artikels, der in Machine Design, Ausgabe Dezember 2013, erschienen ist. Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors. http://machinedesign.com/motion-control/ difference-between-cartesian-six-axis-andscara-robots www.boschrexroth.com Bosch Rexroth, Anbieter von Antrieben und Automatisierungslösungen, liefert für viele der im Artikel beschriebenen Roboter Baugruppen. lever // ˈliːvə leverage, to machine tending myriad // ˈmɪriəd obstruction pattern payload pedestal // ˈpedɪstl pitch, to plane proprietary // prəˈpraɪətri purchase // ˈpɜːtʃəs purpose-built // ˈpɜːpəs bɪlt rating response rigid // ˈrɪdʒɪd scaffolding // skæfəldɪŋ sophistication // səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn storage-and-retrieval support, to tooling torque // tɔːk travel viable // ˈvaɪəbl weld, to working envelope yaw, to // jɔː Hebel wirksam einsetzen Maschinenbeschickung Unzahl, Vielzahl Hindernis, Behinderung Muster Nutzlast Sockel, Untergestell nicken Ebene, Fläche firmeneigen, proprietär Kauf, Anschaffung speziell angefertigt Nennwert, Klasse Ansprechen, Reaktion steif, starr Gerüst Feinheit, Ausgereiftheit Regalbedienung unterstützen, tragen Werkzeug (-ausstattung) Drehmoment Hub, Verfahrweg machbar, rentabel schweißen Arbeitsbereich, Arbeitsraum gieren 17 word combinations Some individual words in English are commonly combined with others to provide a variety of different concepts. Find words in the boxes below to complete the word combinations which match the definitions. //// Answers on page 20 //// office 1 This is measured in m2. office 2 Desk, chair, cupboards, filing cabinets, etc.. office 3 The time that the company/shop/service is open for business. office 4 Real estate property used only for commercial purposes. block paperless furniture 18 head overheads space open-plan desk sales public hours services politics job back home The top of the company is located here. 5 office You have this when you can do your work in your own house. 6 office People here normally have no direct contact with customers. 7 office There are no individual rooms in this place. 8 office profit 1 If business has been bad and earnings are probably going to go down, a company might issue this. profit 2 A section of a company aimed at earning money. profit 3 The selling price minus the cost price. profit 4 Where everyone gets a portion of what is earned. pre-tax annual record net gross operating margin distribution generation forecast maximization warning sharing non-operating retained centre Earnings which are left after tax and dividends are paid out. 5 profit Earnings before the government gets its share. 6 profit Earnings made from the normal day-to-day business of the company (before interest and taxes). 7 profit Revenue minus direct cost of production. 8 profit INCHbyinch.de/03 feature review gerund >>> lady of the lake // 6 Use the verbs in the box either in the gerund or the infinitive form to fill in the spaces in the sentences below. race save develop set provide 1 2 put identify study change not take off design do tip reconstruct exceed make autonomous cargo vessels presents some very special challenges for research engineers. problems and methods and tools autonomous systems is the aim of the MUNIN project. 3 the type of fuel is another idea safe and cost-effective costs. 4 audio from video requires that the frequency of the video samples is higher than the frequency of the audio signal. 5 Nakatsu, who is also an engineer, realized that into the future. 6 the flight of birds could bring his train, and us, his trains faster was one of Nakatsu’s goals, but that, he needed to make them quieter. 7 can be a delicate subject – especially on a business trip in a foreign country. 8 and 9 land speed records is ‘just’ a hobby for Eva Håkansson and Bill Dubé. the take-off speed of a 747 but helps to keep the bike on the ground. 10 Dubé thinks that can be quite a challenge, and extra weight a bit of distance between you and the competition is a good feeling. //// Answers on page 20 //// past perfect >>> a light fantastic // 22 Underline the correct form of the highlighted verbs. 1 The man tripped // had tripped over a toolbox that someone left // had left in the corridor and broke // had broken his leg. 2 My colleague already finished // had already finished the report when I got // had got to the office. 3 The Australian team arrived // had arrived at the site in 2014. They spent // had spent a lot of time assembling the best equipment around so they were // had been keen to start immediately. 4 When he returned // had returned to the lab he realised // had realised that he left // had left the burner on. 5 When Jacques Cousteau was // had been ready to dive at the antique site SCUBA gear was // had been available 6 7 8 9 10 for several years. Baxter did // had done a lot of research on the subject so his ideas were // had been important for the project. The CEO, who discussed // had discussed the matter with the R&D people, suggested // had suggested a change of material. Physicists were working // had been working on a better solution for years. Then the breakthrough came // had come all of a sudden. The first shop opened // had opened in February in Manchester and by the end of the year another four opened // had opened around the country. It was // had been clear that the candidate prepared // had prepared very well for the interview. INCHbyinch.de 19 answers Feature Review >> gerund 1. Designing/developing autonomous cargo vessels presents some very special challenges for research engineers. 2. Identifying problems and developing methods and tools to provide safe and costeffective autonomous systems is the aim of the MUNIN project. 3. Changing the type of fuel is another idea to save costs. 4. Reconstructing audio from video requires that the frequency of the video samples is higher than the frequency of the audio signal. 5. Nakatsu, who is also an engineer, realized that studying the flight of birds could bring his train, and us, into the future. 6. Making his trains faster was one of Nakatsu’s goals, but to do that, he needed to make them quieter. 7. Tipping can be a delicate subject – especially on a business trip in a foreign country. 8. Racing and setting land speed records is ‘just’ a hobby for Eva Håkansson and her husband Bill Dubé. 9. Exceeding the take-off speed of a 747 but not taking off can be quite a challenge, and extra weight helps to keep the bike on the ground. 10.Dubé thinks that putting a bit of distance between you and the competition is a good feeling. 20 Feature Review >> past perfect word combinations 1. The man tripped over a toolbox that someone had left in the corridor and broke his leg. 2. My colleague had already finished the report when I got to the office. 3. The Australian team arrived in 2014. They had spent a lot of time assembling the best equipment around so they were keen to start immediately. 4. When he returned to the lab he realised that he had left the burner on. 5. When Jacques Cousteau was ready to dive at the antique site SCUBA gear had been available for several years. 6. Baxter had done a lot of research on the subject so his ideas were important for the project. 7. The CEO, who had discussed the matter with the R&D people, suggested a change of material. 8. Physicists had been working on a better solution for years. Then the breakthrough came all of a sudden. 9. The first shop opened in February in Manchester and by the end of the year another four had opened around the country. 10. It was clear that the candidate had prepared very well for the interview. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. office space office furniture office hours office block head office home office back office open-plan office B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. profit warning profit centre profit margin profit sharing retained profit pre-tax profit operating profit gross profit Make it work Egbert lifts up the cheese cover, ... d ... the mouse escapes and runs though a light barrier. The light barrier cuts off the current operating a magnet, a which then releases a weight. b The weight falls onto a spring, ... h ... bounces off the spring and pushes a lever, ... e ... which sets a cable winch in motion. g A parcel is litfed up on a pulley. i The RFID label on the parcel is registered by a scanner ... k ... and this switches on a linear drive ... ... whose carriage slides to the end and activates a hyc draulic valve. The hydraulic cylinder aligns the two dish antennas of a f radio remote control unit ... j ... which then switches on a vibratory bowl feeder ... ... and this transports the food into the hamster’s cage. INCHbyinch.de mixed up It’s easy to mix up one word with another. Some seem to be the same as words used in German but have completely different meanings. Others are often simply used wrongly. With our help you won’t mix things up. His comments are no longer creditable. Seine Äußerungen sind nicht mehr His comments are no longer creditworthy. glaubwürdig. His comments are no longer credible. The loan will not be increased this year. Der Lohn wird in diesem Jahr nicht The wage will not be increased this year. erhöht. The lone will not be increased this year. The new prospectus is more attractive and more informative. Das neue Prospekt ist attraktiver und The new prospect is more attractive and more informative. informativer. The new brochure is more attractive and more informative. I left a note on your desk. Ich habe eine Notiz auf deinen I left a notice on your desk. Schreibtisch gelegt. I left a notebook on your desk. It is very important to have a private rent these days. Heutzutage ist es sehr wichtig eine It is very important to have a private pension these days. private Rente zu haben. It is very important to have a private pensioner these days. The contracts are in the brown leather folder. Verträge sind in der braunen The contracts are in the brown leather map. Die Ledermappe. The contracts are in the brown leather file. //// Answers //// His comments are no longer credible. creditable = lobenswert >>> Even though they lost, it was a creditable performance. creditworthy = kreditwürdig >>> The bank said he was not creditworthy so did not lend him the money. The wage will not be increased this year. loan = Darlehen >>> The loan must be repaid within five years. lone = einzeln, einsam >>> Texas is called the Lone Star State as it has only one star on its flag. The new brochure is more attractive and more informative. prospectus = Emissionsprospekt (beim Börsengang), Vorlesungsverzeichnis You need a good solid prospectus to show potential investors. prospect = Aussicht >>> The prospects for integration have not been improved after the election. I left a note on your desk. notice = Aushang, Anzeige >>> I pinned a notice up on the notice board. notebook = Notizblock/-buch, Heft >>> I need to buy a new notebook; I have completely filled the old one. It is very important to have a private pension these days. rent = Miete >>> My rent has increased by 50% in the last 5 years. pensioners = Rentner >>> Society has changed; there are more pensioners than ever before. The contracts are in the brown leather folder. map = Landkarte >>> I don’t need a map, I have a navigation system. file = (Akten-) Ordner >>> The files on the top shelf can all be destroyed. INCHbyinch.de/02 21 history Laserlicht ist das ultimative Werkzeug. Seit seiner Erfindung vor über 50 Jahren hat die „Licht-Verstärkung durch stimulierte Emission von Strahlung“ viele Branchen revolutioniert – von der Kommunikation über Handel, Industrie und Unterhaltung bis hin zur Medizin. Dies ist die Geschichte eines fantastischen Lichts. < Photo: Roy Kaltschmidt/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory> 22 INCHbyinch.de/04 history A light fantastic Laser light is the ultimate tool. Since its invention some 50 years ago light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation has revolutionized fields as diverse as communication, commerce, industry, entertainment and surgery. This is the story of the light fantastic. A method for amplifying light had its origins in an idea Einstein developed in 1916. Looking deeply into the new theory of quantum physics, he predicted that rays could stimulate atoms to emit more rays of the same wavelength. But engineers had little notion of how to manipulate atoms, and for decades the idea seemed a theoretical curiosity of no practical interest. The push came around 1950 from an unexpected direction. Short-wavelength radio waves, called microwaves, could make a cluster of atoms vibrate in revealing ways. Radar equipment left over from World War II was reworked to provide the radiation. Many of the world’s top physicists were thinking about ways to study systems of molecules by bathing them with radiation. Charles Townes of Columbia University had studied molecules as a physicist in the 1930s, and during the war he had worked on radar as an electronics engineer. The Office of Naval Research pressed him and other physicists to put their heads together and invent a way to make powerful beams of radiation at ever shorter wavelengths. In 1951, he found a solution. Under the right conditions – say, inside a resonating cavity like the ones used to generate radar waves – the right kind of collection of molecules might generate radiation all on its own. He was applying an engineer’s insights to a physicist’s atomic systems. Townes gave the problem to Herbert Zeiger, a postdoctoral student, and James P. Gordon, a graduate student. By 1954 they had the device working. Townes called it a MASER, for "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". Townes had predicted a remarkable and useful property for the radiation from the device: it would be at a single frequency, as pure as a note from a tuning fork. And so it was. The high degree of order in such radiation would give the maser, and later the laser, important practical uses. Townes was not alone in his line of thought. Joseph Weber of the University of Maryland expressed similar ideas independently in 1952. And Robert H. Dicke of Princeton worked toward the same goal along a different path. Neither tried to build a device. In Moscow, A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov were thinking in the same direction, and they built a maser in 1955. Physicists had been working for generations toward controlling ever shorter wavelengths. After radio and >>> INCHbyinch.de/04 amplification amplify, to cavity cluster device goal // ɡəʊl graduate student invent, to invention notion // ˈnəʊʃn physicist // ˈfɪzɪsɪst predict, to property radiation ray revealing solution surgery // ˈsɜːdʒəri tuning fork Verstärkung verstärken Hohlraum, Kammer Gruppe, Anhäufung Gerät, Apparat Ziel Doktorand erfinden Erfindung Vorstellung, Idee Physiker vorhersagen, prognostizieren Eigenschaft, Vermögen Strahlung Strahl aufschlussreich, aussagend Lösung Chirurgie Stimmgabel Grammar bit past perfect ...see highlighted examples in text. The Past Perfect generally indicates that something happened before something else in the past. There must be some other reference point in the past (whether explicitly mentioned or implicitly contained in the context). In this history text, the majority of the context is in the past, e.g. the laser story started in 1950. So, we use the past perfect as follows: Townes had studied molecules in the 1930s. (which was before the 1950 reference point) Masers had been modestly useful (the concept of ‘up to that point’) Gould, who had discussed the problem… (the concept of ‘already’) …. people had bought flash lamps (within a few weeks of the reference point, by a certain point after the reference point) Physicists had been working for generations (continuous form, focuses on a duration) //// Exercise on page 19 //// 23 history < Photo: HRL Laboratories, Malibu CA > The same arrangement meanwhile occurred to Gordon Gould, a graduate student at Columbia University who had discussed the problem with Townes. For his thesis research, Gould had already been working with "pumping" atoms to higher energy states so they would emit light. As Gould elaborated his ideas and speculated about all the things you could do with a concentrated beam of light, he realized that he was onto something far beyond the much-discussed "infrared maser". In his notebook, he confidently named the yet-to-be-invented device a LASER (for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Gould, Schawlow and Townes now understood how to build a laser – in principle. To actually build one would require more ideas and a lot of work. Some of the ideas were already in hand. Other physicists in several countries, aiming to build better masers, had worked out various ingenious schemes to pump energy into atoms and molecules in gases and solid crystals. In a way, they too were inventors of the laser. So were many others clear back to Einstein. The Race to Build a Laser Dr. Theodore H. Maiman realized that a flash lamp would be sufficient to 'pump' the ruby crystal that forms the 'heart' of a laser. On May 16, 1960, he observed pulses of red light – the world’s first laser. radar, the logical next step would be far-infrared waves. Masers had been modestly useful, more for scientific research than for military or industrial applications. Only a few scientists thought an infrared maser might be important and pondered how to make one. Infrared rays could not be manipulated like radar, and indeed were hard to manage at all. From the maser to the laser Townes thought about the problems intensively. One day in 1957, studying the equations for amplifying radiation, he realized that it would be easier to make it happen with very short waves than with far-infrared waves. He could leap across the far-infrared region to the long-familiar techniques for manipulating ordinary light. Townes talked it over with his colleague, friend and brother-inlaw Arthur Schawlow. Schawlow found the key – put the atoms you wanted to stimulate in a long, narrow cavity with mirrors at each end. The rays would shuttle back and forth inside so that there would be more chances for stimulating atoms to radiate. One of the mirrors would be only partly silvered so that some of the rays could leak out. This arrangement, the so-called Fabry-Pérot etalon, was familiar to generations of optics researchers. 24 The race was on! When Schawlow and Townes published their ideas in 1958, physicists everywhere realized that an "optical maser" could be built. Teams at half a dozen laboratories set out, each hoping to be the first to succeed. Schawlow left it to Townes to make the first attempt. Townes decided to start with potassium gas, since its properties were well understood. But one of these properties is that it is corrosive. The gas attacked the seals on Townes’s glass tubes and darkened the glass. When Schawlow and Townes published their work, Gould told his employers that he was working along the same lines. They got funding for a project from the US Department of Defense. The project was classified "secret", and Gould was barred from working on it because he had briefly participated in a Marxist study group during the war. Masers were being made not just from gas but from crystals – synthetic ruby, for one. Perhaps a crystal might be stimulated to emit visible light. Irwin Wieder and collaborators tried pumping energy into a ruby, using a tungsten lamp. The system was hopelessly inefficient – they couldn’t get nearly enough energy into the atoms to make a laser. At IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Peter Sorokin realized that you didn’t need mirrors if you used a crystal with the right properties. He had a calcium fluoride crystal polished to have square sides. A ray striking an edge at a 45-degree angle would be reflected towards the next edge and continue to go round and round the inside. A trace of uranium atoms sprinkled through the crystal could act like a gas in a cavity. But they couldn't get laser action, that is, amplification of light. Bell Labs had a good supply of rubies for maser research, and Schawlow decided to try that route. Meanwhile Ali Ja- INCHbyinch.de/04 history van, a former student of Townes, tried another route. Like Townes, Javan preferred the simple medium of a gas, and he settled on a combination of helium and neon in a long glass tube. An electric discharge through the gas would energize the helium, and collisions would transfer that energy to the neon. They too couldn't get laser action. Theodore Maiman made calculations and measurements that convinced him Wieder was wrong in saying it was impossible to pump much energy into a ruby. Even so, you would need an extraordinarily bright energy source. One day Maiman realized the source did not have to shine continuously, which was what Schawlow and others were trying. A flash lamp would do. Scouring manufacturers’ catalogues, he found a very bright lamp with a helical shape. achievement // əˈtʃiːvmənt aid aim, to application assemble, to attempt bar, to collaborator // kəˈlæbəreɪtə confidently convince, to Department of Defense discharge // dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ discovery elaborate, to // ɪˈlæbərət emit, to employer equation etalon flash lamp funding helical // ˈhiːlɪkl ingenious // ɪnˈdʒiːniəs inventor leap, to modestly occur, to // əˈkɜː participate, to ponder, to potassium gas radiate, to ruby scour, to // ˈskaʊə seal shuttle, to silver, to sprinkle, to succeed, to thesis // ˈθiːsɪs trace tungsten lamp // ˈtʌŋstən læmp yet-to-be-invented INCHbyinch.de/04 Errungenschaft, Leistung Hilfe, Unterstützung beabsichtigen, nach etw. trachten Anwendung, Verwendung zusammenbauen, montieren Versuch, Anlauf aussperren, untersagen Mitarbeiter, Mitstreiter zuversichtlich überzeugen Verteidigungsministerium Entladung Entdeckung ausarbeiten, verfeinern ausstrahlen, abgeben Arbeitgeber Gleichung Eichmaß, Lehre Blitzlampe Förderung, Unterstützung spiralförmig genial, raffiniert Erfinder springen bescheiden, mäßig hier: in den Sinn kommen beteiligen, mitwirken überlegen, nachdenken gasförmiges Kalium strahlen, abstrahlen Rubin hier: durchkämmen Dichtung pendeln hier: verspiegeln streuen, sprenkeln Erfolg haben, erfolgreich sein Dissertation Spur, Hauch Wolframfadenlampe noch nicht erfunden Just right, he thought, for fitting a ruby inside. He assembled the components with the aid of an assistant, Irnee d’Haenens, and on May 16, 1960, they observed pulses of red light. It was the world’s first laser. Other teams moved quickly when they heard of Maiman's work. Within a couple of weeks of the press conference that announced the discovery in July, groups at Bell Labs and TRG had bought flash lamps like the one shown in Maiman's publicity photo, reproduced his device and studied it in detail. Schawlow, who had joined the Bell group with his technician George Devlin, made a laser out of a different type of ruby crystal. Wieder with Lynn Sarles independently got the same result. When Sorokin heard of Maiman’s achievement, he realized that he had been too pessimistic. He and Mirek Stevenson had their calcium fluoride crystals recut into cylinders silvered at their ends, and got laser action from them in November. The input power required was less than 1% of that needed for the ruby laser. Back at Bell Labs, Ali Javan with Donald Herriott and William Bennett continued on their original path, and in December produced a continuous beam of infrared rays – the first gas laser. Altogether, by the end of 1960 three quite different types of laser had been demonstrated. >>> Prof. Charles H. Townes was the inventor of the MASER and one of the many fathers of the LASER. He died on 27th January 2015, aged 99. < Photo: Elena Zhukova/UC Berkeley > 25 history Over fifty years after the first laser, there are few people in modern society who have not been affected by the invention – communications, commerce, industry, entertainment, surgery and science. But over the long run, none of the uses of lasers is likely to be more important than their help in making new discoveries, with unforeseeable uses of their own. Dieser Artikel ist ein Auszug aus der Webdokumentation „Bright Idea. The First Lasers“. Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung des American Institute of Physics. Die vollständige Dokumentation mit vielen Bilder, Interviews mit den Akteuren und weiteren Links findet sich unter www.aip.org/history/exhibits/laser/sections affect, to over the long run beeinflussen, betreffen auf Dauer, langfristig http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2015/01/27/nobel-laureate-and-laserinventor-charles-townes-dies-at-99 www.planetary.org/blogs/mat-kaplan/0131-remembering-charlestownes.html Charles Townes, einer der vielen Erfinder des Lasers, ist erst vor kurzem im Alter von 99 Jahren verstorben. Zwei Nachrufe. www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/284158_townes.html www.jeffhecht.com/Pioneers.html Zwei weitere Versuche, die turbulente Geschichte des Lasers nachzuerzählen. www.laserfest.org Webseite des Laserfests zum 50 jährigen Jubiläum des Lasers mit vielen weiterführenden Informationen. http://spie.org/x39914.xml Lasergeschichte in Bildern. www.optique-ingenieur.org/en/courses/OPI_ang_M01_C01/co/OPI_ang_ M01_C01_web_1.html Ausführliche Erklärung der Laser-Grundlagen. Links, Vokabeln & mehr unter www.inchbyinch.de/inch04/laser tech Extras mini Dictionary laser processing beam beam guideway beam source beam telescope CO2 laser continuous wave operation diode laser excitation focal length labelling laser cutting laser forming laser processing laser welding lens mirror optics polarization processing optics pulsed operation pumping resonator solid-state laser surface treatment wavelength 26 Strahl Strahlführung Strahlquelle Strahlteleskop CO2 Laser Dauerstrichbetrieb Diodenlaser Anregung Brennweite Kennzeichnen Laserschneiden Laserformen Laserbearbeitung Laserschweißen Linse Spiegel Optik Polarisation Bearbeitungsoptik Pulsbetrieb optisches Pumpen Resonator Festkörperlaser Oberflächenbehandlung Wellenlänge http://youtu.be/ssg67GLfTtw Ein Film von 1967 über den Laser mit dem Titel „A Light Fantastic“. How laser tweezers work Laser tweezers are probably the closest thing in real science to the tractor beams of Star Trek and Star Wars. They use light to manipulate microscopic objects ranging from small metal particles to cells and molecules. Laser or optical tweezers are usually built by modifying a standard optical microscope. The basic principle behind them is the momentum transfer associated with bending light. Light carries momentum that is proportional to its energy and in the direction of propagation. Any change in the direction of light, by reflection or refraction, will result in a change of the momentum of the light. If an object bends the light, changing its momentum, conservation of momentum requires that the object must undergo an equal and opposite momentum change. This gives rise to a force acting on the object. The fact that the central rays of a laser beam have a higher intensity, i.e. momentum, than the extreme rays is then used to trap objects or, depending on their size, direct them in a certain direction. >> see also: Inch 01 // Fusion – HOW A RUBY LASER WORKS conservation give rise to, to (gave, given) momentum propagation // ˌprɒpəˈɡeɪʃn range, to refraction require, to trap, to tweezers // ˈtwiːzəz Erhaltung hervorrufen Impuls Ausbreitung reichen, sich bewegen Brechung verlangen, erfordern fangen, einfangen Pinzette INCHbyinch.de/04 make it work Ing. Egbert has built another one of his crazy machines. Unfortunately, his operating instructions have got a little mixed up. Connect the instructions in the correct order and help Egbert to feed the hamster. /// Answers on page 20 /// Egbert lifts up the cheese cover, ... A The light barrier cuts off the current operating a magnet, which then releases a weight. B The weight falls onto a spring, ... C ... whose carriage slides to the end and activates a hydraulic valve. D ... the mouse escapes and runs though a light barrier. E ... which sets a cable winch in motion. F The hydraulic cylinder aligns the two dish antennas of a radio remote control unit ... H ... bounces off the spring and pushes a lever, ... G A parcel is lifted up on a pulley. I The RFID label on the parcel is registered by a scanner ... J ... which then switches on a vibratory bowl feeder ... K ... and this switches on a linear drive ... ... and this, in turn, transports the food into the hamster’s cage. Egbert lifts up the cheese cover, ... .. and this, in turn, transports the food into the hamster’s cage. bounce, to // baʊns carriage cheese cover dish antenna lever // ˈliːvə light barrier linear drive INCHbyinch.de/03 abprallen, federn Schlitten Käseglocke Parabolantenne Hebel Lichtschranke Linearachse parcel pulley // ˈpʊli radio remote control valve // vælv vibratory bowl feeder // Packet Flaschenzug, Seilzug Funkfernsteuerung Ventil Wendelförderer winch Winde, Haspel vaɪˈbreɪtəri bəʊl ˈfiːdə 27 team Matthias Meier Chefredakteur IMPRESSUM Matthias Meier ist Journalist und Ingenieur mit über zehn Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Sprachlernzeitschriften. Er schreibt, redigiert, layoutet und verlegt Inch. Inch +49 (0)721 40 67 135 [email protected] Judith Fortey Sprachredakteurin Judith Fortey ist Freelance In-Company Trainerin und Dozentin für Wirtschafts englisch. Die englische Muttersprachlerin betreut den Sprachlernteil und schreibt Beiträge für Inch. [email protected] David Mackie Sprachredakteur David Mackie ist Freelance In-Company Trainer und Dozent für Wirtschaftsenglisch. Der englische Muttersprachler betreut den Sprachlernteil und schreibt Beiträge für Inch. [email protected] Güli Yüksel Aboservice Güli Yüksel kümmert sich um Aboservice und Versand. Sie ist Ansprechpartnerin für Abonnements, Adressänderungen und Einzelheftbestellungen von Inch. Tel +49 (0)721 6283-12 Fax +49 (0)721 6283-29 [email protected] TECHNICAL ENGLISH INCH BY INCH Inch | Technical English – Inch by Inch ist das Sprachlernmagazin für technisches Englisch. Gestaltet von einem erfahrenen Team von Redakteuren und Sprachtrainern vermittelt es Fachenglisch für technische Berufe durch spannende und unterhaltsame Technikreportagen. Zur Leseerleichterung werden schwierige Vokabeln und Fachwörter markiert und in einer Vokabeltabelle übersetzt. Hinzu kommen Fachwörter, Technikgrundlagen, Geschäftswissen und Vokabel- und Grammatikübungen, die auf den Berufsalltag von Ingenieuren und Technikern zugeschnitten sind. Herausgeber & Verlag Matthias Meier Weiherstr. 20 76227 Karlsruhe Deutschland Tel +49 (0)721 40 67 135 Fax +49 (0)721 40 67 136 www.inchbyinch.de Chefredaktion Matthias Meier (verantwortlich) Tel +49 (0)721 40 67 135 [email protected] Abonnentenservice & Vertrieb Güli Yüksel Tel +49 (0)721 6283-12 Fax +49 (0)721 6283-29 [email protected] Anzeigen Matthias Meier (verantwortlich) Tel +49 (0)721 40 67 135 Fax +49 (0)721 40 67 135 [email protected] Sprachredaktion Judith Fortey – [email protected] David Mackie – [email protected] Bankverbindung: Matthias Meier Volksbank Karlsruhe, Konto 10 366 500, BLZ 661 900 00 IBAN: DE43 6619 0000 0010 3665 00 BIC:GENODE61KA1 Bezugspreise Inch erscheint viermal jährlich. Einzelpreis € 9,50 zuzüglich € 1,50 Versandkosten. Der Preis für ein Jahresabonnement (4 Ausgaben) beträgt € 36,00 bzw. € 28,00 für Studierende (gegen Vorlage einer Immatrikulationsbescheinigung bei der Bestellung). Die Abopreise verstehen sich inklusive Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten. Der Laufzeit des Abonnements beträgt mindestens ein Jahr. Das Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch um ein weiteres Jahr, wenn es nicht spätestens sechs Wochen vor Ablauf des Bezugsjahres schriftlich gekündigt wird. Druck Druck + Verlagsgesellschaft Südwest mbH Ostring 6 76131 Karlsruhe Konzept & Layout Matthias Meier Urheber- und Verlagsrecht Die Zeitschrift und alle in ihr enthaltenen einzelnen Beiträge und Abbildungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der durch das Urheberrechtsgesetz festgelegten Grenzen ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlags unzulässig. Der Verlag haftet nicht für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte, Bilder und Unterlagen. Gebrauchsnamen Die Wiedergabe von Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, Warenbezeichnungen und dgl. in dieser Zeitschrift berechtigt nicht zu der Annahme, dass solche Namen ohne weiteres von jedermann benutzt werden dürfen; oft handelt es sich um gesetzlich geschützte eingetragene Warenzeichen, auch wenn sie nicht als solche gekennzeichnet sind. ISSN: 2199-0581 28 USt-IdNr.: DE206999470 INCHbyinch.de Fold and watch lab report 2000-fache Vergrößerung für gerade mal 50 Cent? Das sind die Eckdaten eines Mikroskops, das eine Forschergruppe an der Stanford University entwickelt hat. Nun soll das Foldscope aus Papier massenhaft an Schulen und vor allem an Kliniken in der dritten Welt verteilt werden. W hen Manu Prakash, PhD, wants to impress lab visitors with the durability of his Origami-based paper microscope, he throws it off a three-story balcony, stomps on it with his foot and dunks it into a waterfilled beaker. Miraculously, it still works. Even more amazing is that this microscope – a bookmarksized piece of layered cardstock with a micro-lens – only costs about 50 cents in materials to make. Prakash’s dream is that this ultra-low-cost microscope will someday be distributed widely to detect dangerous blood-borne diseases like malaria, African sleeping sickness, schistosomiasis and Chagas. “I wanted to make the best possible disease-detection instrument that we could almost distribute for free,” said Prakash. “What came out of this project is what we call useand-throw microscopy.” The Foldscope can be assembled in minutes, includes no mechanical moving parts, packs in a flat configuration, is extremely rugged and can be incinerated after use to safely dispose of infectious biological samples. With minor design modifications, it can be used for bright-field, multi-fluorescence or projection microscopy. One of the unique design features of the microscope is the use of inexpensive spherical lenses rather than the precisionground curved glass lenses used in traditional microscopes. These poppy-seed-sized lenses were originally mass produced in various sizes as an abrasive grit that was thrown into industrial tumblers to knock the rough edges off metal parts. In the simplest configuration of the Foldscope, one 17-cent lens is press-fit into a small hole in the centre of the slide-mounting platform. Some of his more sophisticated versions use multiple lenses and filters. To use a Foldscope, a sample is mounted on a microscope slide and wedged between the paper layers of the microscope. With a thumb and forefinger grasping each end of the layered paper strip, a user holds the micro-lens close enough to one eye that eyebrows touch the paper. Focusing and locating a INCHbyinch.de/02 target object are achieved by flexing and sliding the paper platform with the thumb and fingers. Because of the unique optical physics of a spherical lens held close to the eye, samples can be magnified up to 2,000 times. The Foldscope can be customized for the detection of specific organisms by adding various combinations of coloured LED lights powered by a watch battery, sample stains and fluorescent filters. It can also be configured to project images on the wall of a dark room. In addition, Prakash is passionate about mass-producing the Foldscope for educational purposes, to inspire children – our future scientists – to explore and learn from the microscopic world. <<< Kris Newby >>> Dieser Beitrag ist ursprünglich am 10.3.2014 in Scope, dem Blog von Stanford Medicine, erschienen. Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Redaktion. Der Originalbeitrag findet sich unter: http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2014/03/10/stanford-bioengineer-developsa-50-cent-paper-microscope www.foldscope.com Offizielle Webseite des Foldscopes. Leider kann das günstige Mikrosop derzeit noch nicht bestellt werden, die Entwickler arbeiten aber an einer Version für alle. www.ted.com/talks/manu_prakash_a_50_cent_microscope_that_folds_ like_origami TED Vortrag, in dem Manu Prakash das Foldscope vorstellt. abrasive grit // əˈbreɪsɪv ɡrɪt achieve, to // əˈtʃiːv assemble, to beaker blood-borne bright-field cardstock disease dispose of, to dunk, to // dʌŋk durability flex, to grasp, to incinerate, to // ɪnˈsɪnəreɪt layered passionate // ˈpæʃənət poppy-seed precision-ground purpose // ˈpɜːpəs rugged sample stain slide slide, to sophisticated target // ˈtɑːɡɪt tumbler // ˈtʌmblə wedge, to // wedʒ Schleifkörner erreichen, erzielen zusammenbauen, montieren Messbecher durch Blut übertragbar Hellfeld Kartonpapier Krankheit, Erkrankung wegwerfen, entsorgen eintunken, eintauchen Strapazierfähigkeit, Haltbarkeit biegen, beugen greifen, packen einäschern, verbrennen geschichtet, mehrlagig leidenschaftlich Mohnsamen feinstgeschliffen Zweck, Aufgabe robust, stabil hier: Färbemittel Objektträger schieben technisch ausgereift, anspruchsvoll Ziel hier: Trommel festklemmen, zwängen 29 two.five four ODD WORDS narcisstick // Another name for a selfie stick. autofail // When the auto-correction inserts a wrong or nonsensical word into a text. voice jail system // A complicated voice mail system which traps you with too many choices and no way to go back. microvacation // A very short vacation or holiday. black-hole resort // A resort where you pay extra for the ‘privilege’ to have no access to internet, television, telephones or cell phones. Weitere seltsame, neue und ungewöhnliche englische Wörter unter www.wordspy.com access available compassion declare, to distraction glance, to jail // dʒeɪl nonsensical // nɒnˈsensɪkl pity skill suggestion // səˈdʒestʃən threatening // ˈθretning Zugang, Zugriff vorhanden, verfügbar Mitleid, Mitgefühl erklären Ablenkung blicken, ansehen Gefängnis absurd, widersinnig Mitleid Fähigkeit, Können Andeutung, Unterstellung bedrohend, gefährdend problems and engineers Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems readily available, they will create their own problems. Normal people don't understand this concept; they believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet. The fastest way to get an engineer to solve a problem is to declare that the problem is unsolvable. No engineer can walk away from an unsolvable problem until it's solved. No illness or distraction is sufficient to get the engineer off the case. Engineers will go without food and hygiene for days to solve a problem. (Other times just because they forget.) Nothing is more threatening to the engineer than the suggestion that somebody has more technical skill. When an engineer says that something can't be done (a code phrase that means it's not fun to do), just glance at the engineer with a look of compassion and pity and say something like: "I'll ask Bob to figure it out. He knows how to solve difficult technical problems." At that point it is a good idea not to stand between the engineer and the problem. Ing. We introduced Origami engineering in our car production … Engineers should look more closely at the Japanese art of paper folding. 30 … and solved the parking problem too. INCHbyinch.de/04 become INCH PERFECT! 4 x Inch pro Jahr für nur € 36,00 Studierende mit Nachweis: € 28,00 jetzt abonnieren! Der Vorzugspreis für ein Jahresabonnement (4 Ausgaben) beträgt € 36,00 bzw. € 28,00 für Studierende (gegen Vorlage einer Immatrikulationsbescheinigung bei der Bestellung). Die Abopreise verstehen sich inklusive Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten. Die Laufzeit des Abonnements beträgt mindestens ein Jahr. Das Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch um ein weiteres Jahr, wenn es nicht spätestens sechs Wochen vor Ablauf des Abozeitraums schriftlich gekündigt wird. Ihre Daten werden zur Durchführung des Vertrages und Pflege der Kundenbeziehung gespeichert. Ja, ich möchte Inch abonnieren, beginnend mit Ausgabe: Name Vorname Titel Firma/Institution Straße/Nr. PLZ/Ort Land Email Vertrauensgarantie: Das Abonnement verlängert sich jeweils um ein Jahr, wenn es nicht sechs Wochen vor Ablauf des Bezugszeitraums gekündigt wird. Zur Wahrung dieser Frist genügt die rechtzeitige Absendung des Widerrufs. Eine Kündigung richten Sie bitte per Brief, Fax oder Mail an: Aboservice Inch, Druck + Verlagsgesellschaft Südwest mbH, Ostring 6, 76131 Karlsruhe, Fax: +49(0)721 6283-29, E-Mail: [email protected] Datum Unterschrift Formular ausfüllen und Fax an: +49 (0)721 6283-29 oder per Post an Aboservice Inch, Druck + Verlagsgesellschaft Südwest mbH, Ostring 6, 76131 Karlsruhe Sie können auch telefonisch bestellen unter +49 (0)721 6283-12 oder online unter: www.inchbyinch.de/abo ft: che e o H W ro zum p r l a e t t ter im t e e l e w l s z s – ew y ew r N n a / e n s e o i o nl ict h.d e c t D s i n i o n i by h c Der k ls mit M n i w. ia r w o w t ter Pic n k u i n n Tech bonniere a Jetzt