Pendimethalin final RR 1107 Art 51 Part A STOMP AQUA BASF DE
Pendimethalin final RR 1107 Art 51 Part A STOMP AQUA BASF DE
Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 1 of 14 Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses REGISTRATION REPORT Part A Risk Management Product code: Stomp Aqua Active Substance: Pendimethalin 455 g/L COUNTRY: Germany Central Zone Zonal Rapporteur Member State: Germany CORE ASSESSMENT Applicant: BASF BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 Date: 03/12/2012 Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 2 of 14 Table of Contents BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 PART A – Risk Management..................................................................................................................................... 4 1 Details of the application......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Application background.......................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Annex I inclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Regulatory approach ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.1 Uses applied for and registration decision............................................................................................. 5 1.3.2 Public interest and minor use ................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 Data protection claims............................................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Letters of Access ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Details of the authorisation ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Product identity ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Classification and labelling ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Classification and labelling under Directive 99/45/EC or Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008................ 6 2.2.2 R and S phrases under Regulation (EC) No 547/2011 .......................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Other phrases ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Restrictions linked to the PPP ................................................................................................................ 7 Specific restrictions linked to the intended uses.................................................................................... 8 2.3 Product uses ........................................................................................................................................... 10 3 Risk management................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Reasoned statement of the overall conclusions taken in accordance with the Uniform Principles 12 3.1.1 Physical and chemical properties ......................................................................................................... 12 3.1.2 Methods of analysis................................................................................................................................ 12 Analytical method for the formulation ................................................................................................ 12 Analytical methods for residues ........................................................................................................... 12 3.1.3 Mammalian Toxicology......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.4 Residues and Consumer Exposure ....................................................................................................... 12 Residues .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Consumer exposure ............................................................................................................................... 12 Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 3 of 14 3.1.5 Environmental fate and behaviour ...................................................................................................... 13 3.1.6 Ecotoxicology ......................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.7 Efficacy ................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Conclusions............................................................................................................................................. 13 3.3 Further information to permit a decision to be made or to support a review of the conditions and restrictions associated with the authorisation......................................................................................................... 14 Appendix 1 – Copy of the product authorisation ................................................................................................... 14 Appendix 2 – Copy of the product label.................................................................................................................. 14 BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 Appendix 3 – Letter of Access.................................................................................................................................. 14 Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 4 of 14 PART A – Risk Management This document describes the acceptable use conditions required for extension of the registration of Stomp Aqua containing Pendimethalin in Germany. The risk assessment conclusions are based on the already existing registration of Stomp Aqua. The following sections of Registration Report, Part B were prepared on basis of new data: • Section 4. Assessments for the safe use of Stomp Aqua have been made using endpoints agreed in the EU reviews of Pendimethalin. Appendix 1 of this document provides a copy of the final product authorisation in Germany. Details of the application 1 Application to extend the authorisation of a plant protection product Stomp Aqua already authorised in Germany to minor uses not yet covered by that authorisation. The application is intended for use in Germany only. 1.1 Application background Details on applicant and application Stomp Aqua Type of application Zonal application according to Article 51, ZRMS=DE, first application (GV1) Registration number 005958-00/28 Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 , Speyerer Straße 2, 67117 Limburgerhof, Deutschland Authorisation holder BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 , Speyerer Straße 2, 67117 Limburgerhof, Deutschland Function Herbicide Type of formulation Capsule suspension Expiration of authorisation 2017-12-31 BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 Plant protection product Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment 1.2 Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 5 of 14 Annex I inclusion The active substances included in the plant protection product are approved according Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The present application is in line with the provisions of the approvals. Active substance (BVL Number) Pendimethalin (0404) 1.3 Content in PPP 455 g/L Approval status Approved according Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 Approval Regulation (EC) No 540/2011 Expiration of approval 31/12/2013 Regulatory approach The PPP is already registered in Germany according to Directive 91/414/EEC taking into account the uniform principles of Annex VI. Therefore the evaluation of the current application is limited to the points not covered by the existing registration. 1.3.1 Uses applied for and registration decision Number of use Plant/commodity/object Harmful organism/purpose decision 001 Sorghum (SORSS) annual dicotyledonous weeds (TTTDS) (excluding field chamomile (ANTAR) catchweed bedstraw (GALAP) chamomille spec. (MATSS) Birdseed (SENVU) galinsoga spec. Authorise (GASSS)) BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 1.3.2 Public interest and minor use According to Article 51 (2) a and c of the Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 extensions of authorisation are only possible if the intended use applied for is minor in nature and in public interest. Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 6 of 14 In Germany the cultivated area of Sorghum is about 12350 ha, of which approx. 9880 ha need to be controlled. Calculation shows that authorisation holder will not profit from an authorisation of the requested use(s). All data are valid for open field. Upon this calculation and the examination of available alternative measures for the applied use(s) it can be stated that the applied use(s) is minor in nature and the authorisation is in the public interest. 1.4 Data protection claims Non new studies have been submitted. 1.5 Letters of Access Not applicable. Details of the authorisation 2 BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 2.1 Product identity Product name Stomp Aqua Authorisation number 005958-00 Composition Pendimethalin 455 g/L Type of formulation Capsule suspension (CS) Function Herbicide Authorisation holder BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 , Speyerer Straße 2, 67117 Limburgerhof, Deutschland 2.2 Classification and labelling 2.2.1 Classification and labelling under Directive 99/45/EC or Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 N Dangerous for the environment Xn Harmful RA121 Contains polymeric methylene diisocyanate. May produce allergic reactions. RK050 R 50/53: Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment RX042 R 42: May cuse sensitiation by inhalation SK012 S 36/37: Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. SP001 To avoid riks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. SX002 S 2: Keep out of the reach of children. SX013 S 13: Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. SX022 S 22: Do not inhale dust. SX023 S 23: Do not inhale gas/fumes/vapour/spray (appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturer). Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 7 of 14 SX024 S 24: Avoid contact with skin. SX035 S 35: This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. SX045 S 45: In case of an accident, or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (where possible, show this label) SX057 S 57: Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination. 2.2.2 R and S phrases under Regulation (EC) No 547/2011 None. 2.2.3 Other phrases Restrictions linked to the PPP The authorization of the PPP is linked to the following conditions (mandatory labelling): Operator protection SB001 Avoid any unnecessary contact with the product. Misuse can lead to health damage. SB110 The directive concerning requirements for personal protective gear in plant protection, "Personal protective gear for handling plant protection products" of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety must be observed. SE110 Wear tight fitting eye protection when handling the undiluted product. SF245-01 Treated areas/crops may not be entered until the spray coating has dried. SS110 Wear standard protective gloves (plant protection) when handling the undiluted product. SS2101 Wear a protective suit against pesticides and sturdy shoes (e.g. rubber boots) when handling the undiluted product. SS610 Wear a rubber apron when handling the undiluted product. Ecosystem protection NW262 The product is toxic for algae. NW264 The product is toxic for fish and aquatic invertebrates NW265 The product is toxic for higher aquatic plants. NW468 Fluids left over from application and their remains, products and their remains, empty containers and packaging, and cleansing and rinsing fluids must not be dumped in water. This also applies to indirect entry via the urban or agrarian drainage system and to rain-water and sewage canals Honeybee Integrated Pest Management (IPM) WH951 The risk of resistence has t be indicated on the package and in the instructions of use. Particularly measures for an appropriate risk management have to be declared. BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 Mode of action (FRAC/HRAC/IRAC-Group): K1 Active substance Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 8 of 14 The authorization of the PPP is linked to the following conditions (voluntary labelling): Honeybee NB6641 The product is classified as non-hazardous to bees, even when the maximum application rate, or concentration if no application rate is stipulated, as stated for authorisation is applied. (B4) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) NN 130 The product is classified as harmless for populations of the species Pardosa amentata and palustris (lycosid spiders). NN 160 The product is classified as harmless for populations of the species Aleochara bilineata (staphylinid beetle). NN 165 The product is classified as harmless for populations of the species Poecilus cupreus (ground beetle). NN 1842 The product is classified as harmless for populations of the species Aphidius rhopalosiphi (braconid wasp). Specific restrictions linked to the intended uses Some of the authorized uses are linked to the following conditions (mandatory labelling): See 2.3 (Product uses) Ecosystem protection NW 605-1 When applying the product on areas adjacent to surface waters - except only occasionally but including periodically water bearing surface waters - the product must be applied with equipment which is registered in the index of 'Loss Reducing Equipment' of 14 October 1993 ('Bundesanzeiger' [Federal Gazette] No 205, p. 9780) as amended. Depending on the drift reduction classes for the equipment stated below, the following buffer zones must be kept from surface waters. In addition to the minimum buffer zone from surface waters stipulated by state law, the ban on application in or in the immediate vicinity of waters must be observed at all times for drift reduction classes marked with "*". 50 % 10 m 75 % 5 m 90 % 5 m BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 NW606 The only case in which the product may be applied without loss reducing equipment is when at least the buffer zone stated below is kept from surface waters - except only occasionally but including periodically water bearing surface waters. Violations may be punished by fines of up to 50 000 Euro. Buffer: 20m NT 107 A buffer zone of at least 5 m must be kept from adjacent areas (except agriculturally or horticulturally used areas, roads, paths and public places). In addition, in an adjoining strip of at least 20 m, the product must be applied using loss reducing equipment which is registered in the index of 'Loss Reducing Equipment' of 14 October 1993 (Federal Gazette No 205, p. 9780) as amended, and be registered in at least drift reducing class 50 %. Neither loss reducing equipment nor a buffer zone of at least 5 m are required if the product is applied with portable plant protection equipment or if adjacent areas (field boundaries, hedges, groups of woody plants) are less than 3 m wide. A buffer zone of at least 5 m is also unnecessary if the product is applied in an area which has been declared by the Biologische Bundesanstalt in the "Index of regional proportions of ecotones" of 7 February 2002 (Federal Gazette no. 70 a of 13 Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 9 of 14 BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 April 2002), as amended, as agrarian landscape with a sufficient proportion of natural and semi-natural structures, or if evidence can be shown that adjacent areas (e.g. field boundaries, hedges, groups of woody plants) were planted on agriculturally or horticulturally used areas. Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment 2.3 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Page 10 of 14 Product uses PPP (product name/code) active substance Stomp Aqua (005958-00/28) Pendimethalin Formulation type: Conc. of as : Applicant: Zone(s): BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 central EU professional use non professional use CS 455 g/L Verified by MS: yes 1 UseNo. 2 Member state(s) 3 Crop and/ or situation (crop destination / purpose of crop) 4 F G or I 5 Pests or Group of pests controlled (additionally: developmental stages of the pest or pest group) 6 7 8 Application Method / Kind Timing / Growth stage of crop & season Sorghum (Sorghum spec.) (SORSS) BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 DE Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 F annual spraying dicotyledonous weeds (excluding (TTTDS) field chamomile (ANTAR) catchweed bedstraw (GALAP) chamomille spec. (MATSS) Birdseed (SENVU) 11 12 Application rate Max. number (min. interval between applications) a) per use b) per crop/ season 001 10 To BBCH 16; a) 1 after emergence b) 1 kg, L product / ha g, kg as/ha Water L/ha a) max. rate per appl. a) max. rate per appl. min / max 13 14 Remarks: PHI (days) e.g. safener/synergist per ha e.g. recommended or mandatory tank mixtures b) max. total rate b) max. total per crop/season rate per crop/season a) 2,5 L/ha b) 2,5 L/ha a) 1,138 L as/ha b) 1.138 L as/ha 150 – 400 L/ha F Restrictions (see NW 605-1 (50 % drift reduction: 10 m buffer; 75 % and 90 % drift reduction: 5 m buffer) NW606 (20 m buffer without drift reducing technique) NT 107 (5 m buffer and 50 % drift reduction) Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 11 of 14 BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 galinsoga spec. (GASSS)) Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment 3 Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 12 of 14 Risk management 3.1 Reasoned statement of the overall conclusions taken in accordance with the Uniform Principles 3.1.1 Physical and chemical properties Not relevant for extension of authorisation according article 51. 3.1.2 Methods of analysis Analytical method for the formulation Not relevant for extension of authorisation according article 51. Analytical methods for residues Sorghum belongs to the group of dry commodities. Sufficiently validated analytical methods based on GC and LC-MS/MS are available for enforcing Pendimethalin in sorghum seeds. 3.1.3 Mammalian Toxicology The PPP is already registered in Germany according to Directive 91/414/EEC. If used properly and according to the intended conditions of use, adverse health effects for operators, workers, bystanders and residents will not be expected. 3.1.4 Residues and Consumer Exposure The residue behaviour of the active substance pendimethalin has been evaluated within the EU review process. Information about metabolism is sufficient to evaluate the intended use in sorghum. Residues No results of supervised residue trials in sorghum are available. Based on the available residue information on maize which according to guideline 7525/VI/95 can be extrapolated to sorghum is sufficient to perform an adequate assessment. Residues that are expected from the intended use of the plant protection product will not exceed the MRL of 0.05* mg/kg for pendimethalin established under Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. Consumer exposure BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 Uptake assessments of residues of by consumers result in the following maximum ADI (0.125 mg/kg bw/d) consumptions: TMDI (EFSA PRIMo): 3.4 % (FR toddlers) NTMDI (DE NVS II): 2.8 % (DE children of 2-4 years) Long-term dietary intake of residues of pendimethalin is unlikely to present a public health concern for European consumers. Since pendimethalin is found to be of low acute toxicity no ARfD has been allocated. Therefore, no acute risk is expected from the consumption of sorghum treated according to the intended use. Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment 3.1.5 Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 13 of 14 Environmental fate and behaviour No new studies are presented; all data were reviewed within the EU review and approval of the national authorisation 005958-00/00 according the uniform principles of directive 91/414/EEC. No effect on groundwater and the environment are to be expected. 3.1.6 Ecotoxicology No new studies are presented; all data were reviewed within the EU review and approval of the national authorisation 005958-00/00 according the uniform principles of directive 91/414/EEC. The PPP Stomp Aqua and the active substance pendimethalin are toxic to the aquatic environment (NOEAEC microcosm-study 1.1 µg pendimethalin/l, TER 1). Concerning PEC calculation results of a field volatilisation study are available and are included (PEC drift and volatilisation for conventional technique: 5 m 2,66 µg/l,10 m 1,603 µg/l, 15 m 1,262 µg/l and 20 m 0,769µg/l). Subsequently no additional entries as those according to the evaluated use pattern and good agricultural practise are acceptable. Therefore the safety phrases and conditions of use NW262, NW264, NW265 NW468, NW 605-1 (50 % 10 m, 75 % 5 m, 90 % 5 m buffer) NW 606 (20 m buffer) are assigned, see also and Considering use patterns as laid down in 2.3 entries of the product Stomp Aqua on terrestrial non-target areas cannot be excluded (HC 6,4 g as/ha with a TER of 2). Risk mitigation (NT107) is therefore necessary to avoid harmful effects on terrestrial non-target plants. Risk Assessment for Honeybees The honeybee risk assessment for the main application covers the use(s) in accordance with Article 51 of regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (see also point 2.2). 3.1.7 Efficacy Labelling in accordance with the requirements of ANNEX III General principles of integrated pest management under directive 2009/128/EC (see also point 2.2): -The classification of effects on beneficial arthropods for the main application covers the use(s) applied for under the terms of Article 51 of regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. -The categories and labelling for mode of action for the main application cover the use(s) applied for under the terms of Article 51 of regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. According to Article 51 of the regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 the requirements for approval concerning the sufficient effect and any unacceptable effects on plants and plant products not need to be checked. BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 3.2 Conclusions PPP Stomp Aqua is already registered in Germany according to Directive 91/414/EEC taking into account the uniform principles of Annex VI. The intended use is minor in nature and the extension of authorisation is in public interest. Effects on bees and other beneficials were evaluated in the frame of the already authorised uses. No additional effects are anticipated because of the extension of uses(s). Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Part A Core Assessment Stomp Aqua Art. 51 Extension of authorisation for minor uses BVL Registration Number:005958-00/28 Registration Report –Central Zone Country – Germany Page 14 of 14 The indended use in sorghum will not result in residues above the MRLs set for pendimethalin according to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. A risk for consumers through the consumption of food with these residues of pendimethalin is not expected. There is no special risk mitigation necessary which deviate from the existing registration. Considering an application in accordance with the evaluated use pattern and good agricultural practise as well as strict observance of the conditions of use no harmful effects on groundwater or adverse effects on the ecosystem are to be apprehended. 3.3 Further information to permit a decision to be made or to support a review of the conditions and restrictions associated with the authorisation None Appendix 1 – Copy of the product authorisation See below. Appendix 2 – Copy of the product label No product label available. Not mandatory according to Article 51 (5) Appendix 3 – Letter of Access BVL_FO_05_2422_200_V1.0 No letter of access necessary. The applicant is owner of the data submitted for evaluation. Applicant BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Date: 03/12/2012 Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit Dienstsitz Braunschweig • Postfach 15 64 • 38005 Braunschweig Dr. Dietmar Gottschild Referent TELEFON TELEFAX E-MAIL INTERNET Mit Zustellungsurkunde BASF SE E-APE/DT, Li 556 Speyerer Straße 2 67117 Limburgerhof +49 (0)531 299-3512 +49 (0)531 299-3002 [email protected] IHR ZEICHEN IHRE NACHRICHT VOM AKTENZEICHEN 200.22200.005958-00/28.64295 (bitte bei Antwort angeben) DATUM 12. Dezember 2012 GV1 005958-00/28 Stomp Aqua Verfahren zur Erweiterung einer Zulassung nach Artikel 51 Abs. 1 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 Bescheid Die Zulassung des oben genannten Pflanzenschutzmittels mit dem Wirkstoff: 455 g/l Pendimethalin Zulassungsnummer: 005958-00 Versuchsbezeichnung: BAS-45538-H-1-CS Antrag vom: 8. Februar 2012 wird wie in Anlage 1 beschrieben auf der Grundlage von Art. 51 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 21. Oktober 2009 über das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinien 79/117/EWG und 91/414/EWG des Rates (Abl. L 309 vom 24.11.2009, S. 1) um folgende Anwendungsge- BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 biete bzw. Anwendungen erweitert: Dienstsitz Braunschweig Bundesallee 50, Geb. 247 38116 Braunschweig Tel: +49 (0)531 21497-0 Fax: +49 (0)531 21497-299 Abt. Pflanzenschutzmittel Messeweg 11/12 38104 Braunschweig Tel: +49 (0)531 299-5 Fax: +49 (0)531 299-3002 Dienststelle Berlin Mauerstraße 39-42 10117 Berlin Tel: +49 (0)30 18444-000 Fax: +49 (0)30 18444-89999 Referatsgr. Untersuchungen Diedersdorfer Weg 1 12277 Berlin Tel: +49 (0)30 18412-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 18412-2955 SEITE 2 VON 8 Anwendungs- Schadorganismus/ Pflanzen/-erzeugnisse/ Verwendungszweck nummer Zweckbestimmung Objekte 005958-00/28-001 Einjährige zweikeim- Sorghum-Hirse blättrige Unkräuter (ausgenommen: Acker-Hundskamille, Kletten-Labkraut, Kamille-Arten, Gemeines Kreuzkraut, Franzosenkraut-Arten) Festgesetzte Anwendungsbestimmungen Es werden folgende Anwendungsbestimmungen gemäß § 36 Abs. 1 S. 1 des Gesetzes zum Schutz der Kulturpflanzen (Pflanzenschutzgesetz - PflSchG) vom 6. Februar 2012 (BGBI. I S. 148, 1281) festgesetzt: Für die Anwendungen 005958-00/28-001: (NT107) Bei der Anwendung des Mittels muss ein Abstand von mindestens 5 m zu angrenzenden Flächen (ausgenommen landwirtschaftlich oder gärtnerisch genutzte Flächen, Straßen, Wege und Plätze) eingehalten werden. Zusätzlich muss die Anwendung in einer darauf folgenden Breite von mindestens 20 m mit einem verlustmindernden Gerät erfolgen, das in das Verzeichnis "Verlustmindernde Geräte" vom 14. Oktober 1993 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 205, S. 9780) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, mindestens in die Abdriftminderungsklasse 50 % eingetragen ist. Bei der Anwendung des Mittels ist weder der Einsatz verlustmindernder Technik noch die Einhaltung eines Abstandes von mindestens 5 m erforderlich, wenn die Anwendung mit tragbaren Pflanzenschutzgeräten erfolgt oder angrenzende Flächen (z. B. Feldraine, Hecken, Gehölzinseln) weniger als 3 m breit sind. Bei der Anwendung des Mittels ist ferner die Einhaltung eines Abstandes von mindestens 5 m nicht erforderlich, wenn die Anwendung des Mittels in einem Gebiet erfolgt, das von der Biologischen Bundesanstalt im "Verzeichnis der regionalisierten Kleinstrukturanteile" vom 7. Februar 2002 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 70a vom 13. April 2002) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, als Agrarlandschaft mit einem ausreichenden Anteil an Kleinstrukturen ausgewiesen worden ist oder angrenzende Flächen (z. B. BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 Feldraine, Hecken, Gehölzinseln) nachweislich auf landwirtschaftlich oder gärtnerisch genutzten Flächen angelegt worden sind. Begründung: Das o.g. Pflanzenschutzmittel bzw. der darin enthaltene Wirkstoff Pendimethalin besitzt ein SEITE 3 VON 8 hohes Gefährdungspotenzial für terrestrische Pflanzen auf Nichtzielflächen. Unter Berücksichtigung aller zu den Auswirkungen von Pendimethalin auf Pflanzen vorgelegten Daten wird die HC5 (Labor) von 6.4 g a.i./ha als bewertungsrelevante Toxizität angesehen. Aufgrund der Vielzahl geprüfter Arten (z.T. empfindliche Wildpflanzen) und der zusätzlich zu einigen Spezies vorliegenden Ergebnisse aus Freilandstudien wird eine Reduzierung des Sicherheitsfaktors auf 2 für vertretbar erachtet. Da allerdings nur Monospeziestests durchgeführt wurden und indirekte Effekte wie Konkurrenz unberücksichtigt bleiben, kann auf einen Sicherheitsfaktor nicht ganz verzichtet werden. Die Aufnahme von Pendimethalin erfolgt über die Wurzel, die Koleoptile und das Hypokotyl, d.h. hauptsächlich über den Boden und nur im geringen Umfang über das Blatt. Daher kann in die Berechnung der PECini eine Interzeption von 50% eingestellt werden. Pendimethalin wird über die Pfade Abdrift und Verflüchtigung/Deposition auf die Nichtzielfläche eingetragen. Grundlage der Einträge über Abdrift sind die tabellierten Driftwerte nach Rautmann und Ganzelmeier. Die Einhaltung der in der o.g. Anwendungsbestimmung aufgeführten Maßnahmen ist bei Einsatz des Mittels aufgrund der beschriebenen Effekte gegenüber terrestrischen Pflanzen durchsetzbar vorzuschreiben, da andernfalls das unter Berücksichtigung der bestehenden Unsicherheiten zum Schutz terrestrischer Biozönosen festgelegte Toxizitäts-/Expositionsverhältnis (hier: TER = 2) unterschritten wird, schädliche Auswirkungen auf den Naturhaushalt nicht auszuschließen sind und somit der Schutz der terrestrischen Biozönosen nicht gewährleistet ist. Für die Anwendungen 005958-00/28-001: (NW605-1) Die Anwendung des Mittels auf Flächen in Nachbarschaft von Oberflächengewässern - ausgenommen nur gelegentlich wasserführende, aber einschließlich periodisch wasserführender Oberflächengewässer - muss mit einem Gerät erfolgen, das in das Verzeichnis "Verlustmindernde Geräte" vom 14. Oktober 1993 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 205, S. 9780) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung eingetragen ist. Dabei sind, in Abhängigkeit von den unten aufgeführten Abdriftminderungsklassen der verwendeten Geräte, die im Folgenden genannten Abstände zu Oberflächengewässern einzuhalten. Für die mit "*" gekennzeichneten Abdriftminderungsklassen ist, neben dem gemäß Länderrecht verbindlich vorgegebenen Mindestabstand zu Oberflächengewässern, das Verbot der Anwendung in oder unmittelbar an Gewässern in jedem Fall zu beachten. reduzierte Abstände: 50 % 10 m, 75 % 5 m, 90 % 5 m BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 Begründung: Das o.g. Pflanzenschutzmittel bzw. der darin enthaltene Wirkstoff Pendimethalin besitzt ein hohes Gefährdungspotenzial für aquatische Organismen. Für das beantragte Mittel sind die Auswirkungen auf Grünalgen bewertungsrelevant. Anhand SEITE 4 VON 8 der Labortests weist das Mittel gegenüber Algen eine geringere Toxizität auf als der Wirkstoff-Gehalt es erwarten lässt. Die Risikobewertung basiert daher auf Ergebnissen zum Wirkstoff Pendimethalin. Die bewertungsrelevante Toxizität gegenüber aquatischen Organismen für den Wirkstoff Pendimethalin ist der Endpunkt aus der Mikrokosmos-Studie mit einer NOEAEC von 1,1 µg/L in Verbindung mit einem Sicherheitsfaktor von 1. Die Kalkulation der abstandsabhängigen Konzentrationen in Oberflächengewässern basiert zunächst auf den tabellierten Driftwerten nach Rautmann und Ganzelmeier. Verflüchtigungsbedingte Depositionen des Wirkstoffs Pendimethalin in Oberflächengewässern sind grundsätzlich zu erwarten, da der Wirkstoff mit einem Dampfdruck bei 20 °C von > 10"4 Pa als semivolatil bis volatil (Verflüchtigung von Pflanzen und Boden) einzustufen ist. Für die Berechnung der PEC werden Ergebnisse aus Freilandverflüchtigungsversuchen mit dem Mittel Stomp SC (AWM: 4 L/ha = 1600 g Pendimethalin/ha) herangezogen. Bei Nichteinhaltung der in Zusammenhang mit der o.g. Anwendungsbestimmung definierten Maßgaben führen die Einträge des Mittels in Oberflächengewässer und die hieraus resultierenden Konzentrationen auch bei sachgerechter und bestimmungsgemäßer Anwendung zu einer Unterschreitung des erforderlichen Toxizitäts-/Expositionsverhältnisses (hier: TER = 1). Für die Anwendungen 005958-00/28-001: (NW606) Ein Verzicht auf den Einsatz verlustmindernder Technik ist nur möglich, wenn bei der Anwendung des Mittels mindestens unten genannter Abstand zu Oberflächengewässern - ausgenommen nur gelegentlich wasserführende, aber einschließlich periodisch wasserführender Oberflächengewässer - eingehalten wird. Zuwiderhandlungen können mit einem Bußgeld bis zu einer Höhe von 50.000 Euro geahndet werden. 20 m Begründung: Siehe NW605-1. Auflagen Die Zulassung wird mit folgenden Auflagen gemäß § 36 Abs. 3 S. 1 PflSchG verbunden: Siehe Anlage 1, jeweils unter Nr. 2. Vorbehalt Dieser Bescheid wird mit dem Vorbehalt der nachträglichen Aufnahme, Änderung oder BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 Ergänzung von Anwendungsbestimmungen und Auflagen verbunden. SEITE 5 VON 8 Abgelehnte Anwendungsgebiete bzw. Anwendungen Für folgende Anwendungsgebiete bzw. Anwendungen lehne ich Ihren Antrag ab (siehe Anlage 2): - keine - Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung Gegen diesen Bescheid kann innerhalb eines Monats nach Bekanntgabe Widerspruch erhoben werden. Der Widerspruch ist bei dem Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Messeweg 11/12, 38104 Braunschweig, schriftlich oder zur Niederschrift einzulegen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen im Auftrag gez. Dr. Hans-Gerd Nolting Abteilungsleiter Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt und ist daher ohne Unterschrift gültig. BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 Anlage SEITE 6 VON 8 Anlage 1 zugelassene Anwendung: 005958-00/28-001 1 Anwendungsgebiet Schadorganismus/Zweckbestimmung: Einjährige zweikeimblättrige Unkräuter (ausgenommen: Acker-Hundskamille, Kletten-Labkraut, KamilleArten, Gemeines Kreuzkraut, Franzosenkraut-Arten) Pflanzen/-erzeugnisse/Objekte: Sorghum-Hirse Verwendungszweck: 2 Kennzeichnungsauflagen 2.1 Angaben zur sachgerechten Anwendung Einsatzgebiet: Ackerbau Anwendungsbereich: Freiland - Erläuterungen: Anwendung im Haus- und Kleingartenbereich: Nein Erläuterung zum Schadorganismus: Stadium des Schadorganismus: bis 16 - Erläuterungen: Erläuterung zur Kultur: Stadium der Kultur: ab 13 - Erläuterungen: Anwendungszeitpunkt: Nach dem Auflaufen - Erläuterungen: Maximale Zahl der Behandlungen - in dieser Anwendung: 1 - für die Kultur bzw. je Jahr: 1 - Abstand: - Erläuterungen Anzahl Behandlungen: Mischungspartner: - Erläuterungen: Anwendungstechnik: spritzen - Erläuterungen: Aufwand: - 2,5 l/ha in 150 bis 400 l Wasser/ha BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 - Erläuterungen: Sonstige Ergänzungen und Hinweise: - keine 2.2 Sonstige Kennzeichnungsauflagen - keine - SEITE 7 VON 8 2.3 Wartezeiten (F) 3 Freiland: Sorghum-Hirse Die Wartezeit ist durch die Anwendungsbedingungen und/oder die Vegetationszeit abgedeckt, die zwischen Anwendung und Nutzung (z. B. Ernte) verbleibt bzw. die Festsetzung einer Wartezeit in Tagen ist nicht erforderlich. Anwendungsbezogene Anwendungsbestimmungen BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 (NT107) Bei der Anwendung des Mittels muss ein Abstand von mindestens 5 m zu angrenzenden Flächen (ausgenommen landwirtschaftlich oder gärtnerisch genutzte Flächen, Straßen, Wege und Plätze) eingehalten werden. Zusätzlich muss die Anwendung in einer darauf folgenden Breite von mindestens 20 m mit einem verlustmindernden Gerät erfolgen, das in das Verzeichnis "Verlustmindernde Geräte" vom 14. Oktober 1993 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 205, S. 9780) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, mindestens in die Abdriftminderungsklasse 50 % eingetragen ist. Bei der Anwendung des Mittels ist weder der Einsatz verlustmindernder Technik noch die Einhaltung eines Abstandes von mindestens 5 m erforderlich, wenn die Anwendung mit tragbaren Pflanzenschutzgeräten erfolgt oder angrenzende Flächen (z. B. Feldraine, Hecken, Gehölzinseln) weniger als 3 m breit sind. Bei der Anwendung des Mittels ist ferner die Einhaltung eines Abstandes von mindestens 5 m nicht erforderlich, wenn die Anwendung des Mittels in einem Gebiet erfolgt, das von der Biologischen Bundesanstalt im "Verzeichnis der regionalisierten Kleinstrukturanteile" vom 7. Februar 2002 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 70a vom 13. April 2002) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, als Agrarlandschaft mit einem ausreichenden Anteil an Kleinstrukturen ausgewiesen worden ist oder angrenzende Flächen (z. B. Feldraine, Hecken, Gehölzinseln) nachweislich auf landwirtschaftlich oder gärtnerisch genutzten Flächen angelegt worden sind. (NW605-1) Die Anwendung des Mittels auf Flächen in Nachbarschaft von Oberflächengewässern - ausgenommen nur gelegentlich wasserführende, aber einschließlich periodisch wasserführender Oberflächengewässer - muss mit einem Gerät erfolgen, das in das Verzeichnis "Verlustmindernde Geräte" vom 14. Oktober 1993 (Bundesanzeiger Nr. 205, S. 9780) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung eingetragen ist. Dabei sind, in Abhängigkeit von den unten aufgeführten Abdriftminderungsklassen der verwendeten Geräte, die im Folgenden genannten Abstände zu Oberflächengewässern einzuhalten. Für die mit "*" gekennzeichneten Abdriftminderungsklassen ist, neben dem gemäß Länderrecht verbindlich vorgegebenen Mindestabstand zu Oberflächengewässern, das Verbot der Anwendung in oder unmittelbar an Gewässern in jedem Fall zu beachten. reduzierte Abstände: 50 % 10 m, 75 % 5 m, 90 % 5 m (NW606) SEITE 8 VON 8 BVL_FO_05_2468_200_V1.0 Ein Verzicht auf den Einsatz verlustmindernder Technik ist nur möglich, wenn bei der Anwendung des Mittels mindestens unten genannter Abstand zu Oberflächengewässern - ausgenommen nur gelegentlich wasserführende, aber einschließlich periodisch wasserführender Oberflächengewässer - eingehalten wird. Zuwiderhandlungen können mit einem Bußgeld bis zu einer Höhe von 50.000 Euro geahndet werden. 20 m Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment REGISTRATION REPORT Part B Section 4: Metabolism and Residues Detailed summary of the risk assessment Product code: Stomp Aqua Active Substance: 455 g/L Pendimethalin Central Zone Zonal Rapporteur Member State: Germany CORE ASSESSMENT Applicant: BASF SE Date: 03/12/2012 Page 1 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Table of Contents IIIA 8 METABOLISM AND RESIDUES DATA .........................................................................3 IIIA 8.1 Evaluation of the active substances .....................................................................................3 IIIA 8.1.1 Pendimethalin ......................................................................................................................3 IIIA Storage stability ...................................................................................................................3 IIIA Metabolism in plants and plant residue definition(s)...........................................................3 IIIA Metabolism in livestock and animal residue definition(s)...................................................4 IIIA Residues in rotational crops.................................................................................................5 IIIA Residues in livestock ...........................................................................................................5 IIIA 8.2 Evaluation of the intended use(s) ........................................................................................6 IIIA 8.2.1 Selection of critical use and justification.............................................................................6 IIIA 8.2.2 Sorghum...............................................................................................................................8 IIIA Residues in primary crops ...................................................................................................8 IIIA Distribution of the residue in peel/pulp ...............................................................................8 IIIA Residues in processed commodities ....................................................................................8 IIIA Proposed pre-harvest intervals, withholding periods...........................................................8 IIIA 8.3 Consumer intake and risk assessment..................................................................................8 IIIA 8.4 Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) ........................................................................9 IIIA 8.5 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................9 Appendix 1 List of data submitted in support of the evaluation ...........................................................10 Appendix 2 Detailed evaluation of the additional studies relied upon..................................................12 A 2.1 Storage stability .................................................................................................................12 A 2.2 Residues in primary crops .................................................................................................12 A 2.2.1 Nature of residues..............................................................................................................12 A 2.2.2 Magnitude of residues in maize.........................................................................................13 A 2.3 Residues in processed commodities ..................................................................................31 A 2.4 Residues in rotational crops...............................................................................................31 A 2.5 Residues in livestock .........................................................................................................31 A 2.6 Other studies/information ..................................................................................................31 Appendix 3 Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo) .........................................................................32 Page 2 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment IIIA 8 METABOLISM AND RESIDUES DATA IIIA 8.1 Evaluation of the active substances IIIA 8.1.1 Pendimethalin Table IIIA 8.1-1: Information on the active substance pendimethalin Structural formula H3C NO2 H3C N NO2 Common Name IIIA H CH3 CH3 Pendimethalin Storage stability A brief summary of the storage stability data on pendimethalin is given in the following table. Data, which has been previously evaluated on EU level is described in detail in the corresponding DAR (Spain, 1998, ASB2010-10301) and in the reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for pendimethalin in various crops (EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2400, ASB2012-1117). There are further studies on storage stability in plant products (cereals) available. However, none of them is needed for the present evaluation, since the available data on storage stability is sufficient. Table IIIA 8.1-2: Stability of residues (Annex IIA, point 6 Introduction, Annex IIIA, point 8 Introduction) Stability of pendimethalin IIIA Pendimethalin residues were stable for 24 months when stored at -20 °C in commodities with high water content (onions and potatoes), high acid content (grapes), high oil content (soybean seeds, almond kernels) as well as in dry commodities (almond hulls). Metabolism in plants and plant residue definition(s) A brief summary of the metabolism of pendimethalin in plants is given in the following table. Data, which has been previously evaluated on EU level is described in detail in the corresponding DAR (Spain, 1998, ASB2010-10301) and in the reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for pendimethalin in various crops (EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2400, ASB2012-1117). There are further studies on the metabolism in succeeding/rotational crops available. However, none of them is needed for the present evaluation, since the available data on rotational crop metabolism is sufficient. Table IIIA 8.1-3: Plant groups covered Metabolism in plants (Annex IIA, point 6.1 and 6.7, Annex IIIA, point 8.1 and 8.6) The metabolism was investigated in onions, soybeans, potatoes and maize with 14C-labelled pendimethalin. Pendimethalin was hardly translocated within the plants. The metabolism appeared to be similar in all crops investigated. Pendimethalin was extensively metabolised to a variety of natural, water soluble-components and was incorporated into macromolecular plant constituents, none of which exceeded 10 % of the total radioactive residue. Page 3 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Rotational crops Lettuce, carrots, radish, red beets, beans, wheat, soya bean and cotton seed with 14C-labelled pendimethalin, soil treatment. Metabolism in rotational crops similar to metabolism in primary crops? (yes/no) Distribution of the residue in peel/ pulp Processed commodities (nature of residue) Residue pattern in raw and processed commodities similar? (yes/no) Plant residue definition for monitoring Plant residue definition for risk assessment Conversion factor(s) (monitoring to risk assessment) IIIA Only small amounts of the total residue were identified as parent compound and its alcohol metabolite CL 202,347. The largest part of the radioactive residues was either incorporated into natural plant components (cellulose, lignin) or was polar in nature, thus indicating an intensive metabolism. Metabolism in rotational crops was found to be similar to that in primary crops. yes no data no data not applicable pendimethalin pendimethalin none Metabolism in livestock and animal residue definition(s) A brief summary of the metabolism of pendimethalin in livestock is given in the following table. Data, which has been previously evaluated on EU level is described in detail in the corresponding DAR (Spain, 1998, ASB2010-10301) and in the reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for pendimethalin in various crops (EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2400, ASB2012-1117). Table IIIA 8.1-4: Metabolism in livestock (Annex IIA, point 6.2 and 6.7, Annex IIIA, point 8.1 and 8.6) Animals covered Lactating goats and laying hens with [14C]-4-methyl- or uniformly [14C]-ring-labelled pendimethalin. In lactating goats, doses of 0.5 to 20 mg/kg feed were studied. The largest part of the administered dose was eliminated via urine (8-15 %) and faeces (69-94 %). Liver was the target organ with total radioactive residues of up to 0.25 mg/kg (at the 20 mg/kg dose level). Residues in milk were <0.01 mg/kg at all dose levels except the highest dose (0.02 mg/kg). In laying hens, doses of 0.5 and 10 mg/kg were studied, and resulted in no detectable residues (<0.01 mg/kg) in tissues and eggs at the low dose, and residues of 0.205, 0.035 and <0.01 mg/kg, in liver, skin with adhering fat and muscle, respectively, at the high dose. Time needed to reach a plateau concentration in milk and eggs Pendimethalin was extensively metabolised to a complex, unresolvable mixture of polar components each minor relative to the total radioactive residue. Metabolites in significant amounts were not observed. A plateau was not reached. Page 4 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Animal residue definition for monitoring Animal residue definition for risk assessment Conversion factor(s) (monitoring to risk assessment) Metabolism in rat and ruminant similar (yes/no) Fat soluble residue: (yes/no) IIIA pendimethalin pendimethalin none yes yes (log Pow = 5.2 at pH 7) Residues in rotational crops A brief summary of the field rotational crop studies on pendimethalin is given in the following table. Data, which has been previously evaluated at EU level is described in detail in the corresponding DAR (Spain, 1998, ASB2010-10301) and in the reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for pendimethalin in various crops (EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2400, ASB2012-1117). Table IIIA 8.1-5: Residues in rotational crops (Annex IIA, point 6.6, Annex IIIA, point 8.5) Field studies IIIA Experiments showed that pendimethalin persisted for a long time in soil (more than one year). However, numerous rotational crop studies are available and showed that under practical conditions of use residues of pendimethalin are below the LOQ (0.01 mg/kg) in mature plant parts of crops belonging to the groups leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, oilseeds and pulses as well as cereals. Residues in livestock An actual calculation of the dietary burden (based on all relevant uses authorized in Germany) is provided in Table IIIA 8.1-6. Table IIIA 8.1-6: Feedstuff % DM Calculation of the dietary burden (based on all relevant uses authorized in DE Percent of daily livestock diet (dry feed basis) Chicken Dairy cattle Beef cattle Pig 1,9 kg bw 550 kg bw 350 kg bw 75 kg bw daily max. feed (DM) 120 g daily max. feed (DM) 20 kg daily max. feed (DM) 15 kg daily max. feed (DM) 3 kg Intake (mg/kg, dry feed basis) Residue (mg/kg) Chicken Dairy cattle Pig Beef cattle Kale/Cabbage 14 5 35 35 15 0.250 a 0.089 0.625 0.625 0.268 Silage 20 – – – – 0.11 b) – – – – Grains except Maize 86 45 – – – 0.050 c 0.026 – – – – 0.140 d – 0.033 0.008 – e 0.024 0.012 – 0.020 0.067 0.100 0.200 0.200 Straw (Cereals) 86 – 20 5 Pulses 86 30 15 – 25 0.070 Root + Tubers (e.g. Potatoes) 15 20 30 60 60 0.050 f Rape seed 86 – – – – 0.05 g) – – – – Intake (mg/kg dry weight feed) 0.207 0.770 0.833 0.488 Intake (mg/kg bw/d) 0.013 0.028 0.036 0.020 Intake (mg/animal/d) 0.025 15.395 12.497 1.465 a HR, based on the following cGAP: 1x 1.6 kg as/ha, PHI: 56 d b HR, based on the following cGAP: 1x 1.6 kg as/ha, post-emergence, PHI: F c STMR, based on the following cGAP: 1x 1.6 kg as/ha, post-emergence, PHI: F D HR, based on the following cGAP: 1x 1.6 kg as/ha, post-emergence, PHI: F E STMR, based on the following cGAP: 1x 1.6 kg as/ha, pre-emergence, PHI: F f HR, based on the following cGAP: 2x 0.8 kg as/ha, PHI: 49 d g HR, based on the following cGAP: 1 x 0.9 kg as/ha, PHI: F Page 5 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Table IIIA 8.1-7: Conditions of requirement of livestock feeding studies on pendimethalin Ruminant: Poultry: Pig: Expected intakes by livestock ≥0.1 mg/kg diet (dry yes 0.77 (cow), 0.83 weight basis) (yes/no – If yes, specify the level) (beef) yes 0.21 yes 0.49 Potential for accumulation (yes/no): no no no Metabolism studies indicate potential level of residues ≥0.01 mg/kg in edible tissues (yes/no) yes yes yes Table IIIA 8.1-8: Results of livestock feeding or metabolism studies (Annex IIA, point 6.4) Ruminant: Poultry: Pig: Feeding levels (mg/kg feed dry matter) in feeding studies goat (metab. study): hen (metab. 0.5, 1.5, 20 study): 0.5, 10 See ruminant Relevant dosing levels in feeding study: 1.5 See ruminant 0.5 Expected residue levels in animal matrices (mg/kg): Muscle <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Liver 0.02 (referring to TRR, % as most likely also <0.01) <0.01 <0.01 Kidney 0.02 (referring to TRR, % as most likely also <0.01) <0.01 <0.01 Fat <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Milk <0.01 – – Eggs – <0.01 – IIIA 8.2 Evaluation of the intended use(s) IIIA 8.2.1 Selection of critical use and justification The critical GAP used for consumer intake and risk assessment is presented in Table IIIA 8.2-1. Page 6 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Table IIIA 8.2-1: Critical Use (worst case) used for consumer intake and risk assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 UseNo. Member state(s) Crop and/ or situation F G or I Pests or Group of pests controlled Application (crop destination / purpose of crop) (b) (additionally: developmental stages of the pest or pest group) Method / Kind 7 8 Timing / Growth stage of crop & season (g) (c) 1 DE Remarks: sorghum (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) F annual dicotyledonous weeds (except field chamomile, catchweed bedstraw, chamomille spec., birdseed, galinsoga spec.) BBCH 16 spraying 10 11 Application rate (d-f) (a) 9 after emergence, from BBCH 13 For crops, the EU and Codex classifications (both) should be used; where relevant, the use situation should be described (e.g. fumigation of a structure) Outdoor or field use (F), glasshouse application (G) or indoor application (I) e.g. biting and suckling insects, soil born insects, foliar fungi, weeds All abbreviations used must be explained Method, e.g. high volume spraying, low volume spraying, spreading, dusting, drench Kind, e.g. overall, broadcast, aerial spraying, row, individual plant, between the plants - type of equipment used must be indicated Page 7 / 32 Max. number (min. interval between applications) a) per use b) per crop/ season (h) L product / ha a) max. rate per appl. b) max. total rate per crop/season g as/ha a) 1 b) 1 a) 2.5 b) 2.5 a) 1140 b) 1140 (g) (h) (i) (j) a) max. rate per appl. b) max. total rate per crop/season Water L/ha 12 13 PHI (days) (i) Remarks: e.g. safener/synergist per ha e.g. recommended or mandatory tank mixtures min / max (j) 150 - 400 F Growth stage at last treatment (BBCH Monograph, Growth Stages of Plants, 1997, Blackwell, ISBN 3-8263-3152-4), including where relevant, information on season at time of application The minimum and maximum number of application possible under practical conditions of use must be provided PHI - minimum pre-harvest interval Remarks may include: Extent of use/economic importance/restrictions Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment IIIA 8.2.2 Sorghum IIIA Residues in primary crops For the evaluation of the intended use 29 residue trials with pendimethalin on maize were submitted. The trial data can be extrapolated to sorghum. All trials were conducted with higher application rates than intended (1.5 to 2.0 kg as/ha instead of 1.1 kg as/ha) except for one trial where only 1 kg as/ha was applied. Mature grain samples were taken in only 17 trials and only those were considered for the assessment. The following table gives a brief overview of the supervised residue trials selected for the assessment of pendimethalin in sorghum. For the detailed evaluation of new/additional residue trials, it is referred to Appendix 2. Table IIIA 8.2-2: Overview of the selected supervised residue trials for pendimethalin in maize Commodity Region (a) Outdoor/ Indoor maize (grain) sorghum NEU Outdoor (a): (b): (c): (d): Individual trial results (mg/kg) Enforcement (pendimethalin) Risk assessment (pendimethalin) <0.05 (17) <0.05 (17) STMR (mg/kg) (b) HR (mg/kg) (c) Median CF (d) 0.05 0.05 none NEU, SEU, EU or Import (country code). Median value of the individual trial results according to the risk assessment residue definition. Highest value of the individual trial results according to the risk assessment residue definition. The median conversion factor for enforcement to risk assessment is obtained by calculating the median of the individual conversion factors for each residue trial. Analytical methods for commodities of dry content such as cereals are available and acceptable for enforcing all compounds given in the residue definition. IIIA Distribution of the residue in peel/pulp Not relevant. IIIA Residues in processed commodities Not relevant. Due to low residues at harvest, no processing studies are required. IIIA Proposed pre-harvest intervals, withholding periods PHI: F IIIA 8.3 Consumer intake and risk assessment The consumer intake and risk assessment is based on the appropriate input values given in Table IIIA 8.3-1 and the toxicological reference values stated in Table IIIA 8.3-2. For the detailed calculation results it is referred to Appendix 3. Table IIIA 8.3-1: Residue input values for the consumer risk assessment Chronic risk assessment Acute risk assessment Commodity Input value (mg/kg) Comment Input value (mg/kg) Comment Sorghum 0.05 MRL -- not necessary (no ARfD allocated) All other commodities of various MRL Page 8 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment plant and animal origin Table IIIA 8.3-2: Consumer risk assessment (Annex IIA, point 6.9, Annex IIIA, point 8.8) ADI 0.125 mg/kg bw TMDI (% ADI) according to EFSA PRIMo 3.4 % (based on FR toddler) NTMDI (% ADI) according to DE NVS II 2.8 % (based on 2- 4 years old German children) IEDI (% ADI) according to EFSA PRIMo Not calculated NEDI (% ADI) according to DE NVS II Not calculated Factors included in IEDI and NEDI None ARfD n.n. IESTI (% ARfD) according to EFSA PRIMo Not calculated NESTI (% ARfD) according to DE NVS II Not calculated Factors included in IESTI and NESTI None IIIA 8.4 Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) No new MRLs are required. IIIA 8.5 Conclusion In supervised field trials involving the application of pendimethalin to maize at early growth stages, no residues were found in maize grain. The trial data can be extrapolated to sorghum. It is concluded that the MRL of 0.05 mg/kg as established under Reg. (EC) No 396/2005 for pendimethalin in sorghum is sufficient to cover residues arising after treatment according to the intended use. The chronic and the short-term intake of pendimethalin residues is unlikely to present a public health concern. As far as consumer health protection is concerned, the BfR/Germany agrees with the authorization of the intended use. Page 9 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Appendix 1 List of data submitted in support of the evaluation Table A 1: List of data submitted in support of the evaluation Annex point/ reference No Author(s) Year OECD: KIIA 6.3 Clemson, A.D. 1978 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Clemson, A.D. 1978 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Nicholson, M. 1976 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 2012 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Clemson, A. D. 1981 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Eckel, M.; Mertz, M. 1982 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Nicholson, M. 1975 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Nicholson, M. G. 1975 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Clemson, A. D. 1982 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1982 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Eckel, M.; Mertz, M. 1982 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Eckel, M.; Mertz, M. 1982 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Trewhitt, J. 2000 Title Source (where different from company) Report-No. GLP or GEP status (where relevant), Published or not Authority registration No STOMP* Residues in maize (grain and straw) PN-730-076 ! 9218/25865/82(GER) ! 894 ASB2012-5657 STOMP* Residues in maize 9218/25866/82/ (GER) ! 898 ASB2012-5658 STOMP* Residues in maize 09218/18934/82 (GER) ! 611 ASB2012-5659 Residue summary from supervised field trials, Pendimethalin in maize / cereals 2001 ASB2012-5660 STOMP* residues in maize PN-730-077 ! 1415 ! 9463/80151/82(GER) RIP2003-985 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais CYA 002770 RIP2003-1335 STOMP residues in maize PN-730-037 ! 483 ! 09218/14894/82 (UK) RIP2003-980 STOMP* residues in maize (France) PN-730-074 ! 491 ! 09218/15937/82 (FR) RIP2003-996 STOMP* residues in maize PN-730-078 ! 1471 ! 9465/81097/82(GER) RIP2003-987 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais CYA No 000769 ! RLG 1471 ASB2010-2633 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais CYA 002768 RIP2003-1336 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais CYA 002767 RIP2003-1334 Pendimethalin (AC 92553) 400 g a.s./L SC (RLM 11074) and 455 g a.s./L CS (DF 10166): At harvest residue study on Pendimethalin in maize - Germany, 1999. PN-730-096 ! 4561 ! PN-FE-99-514 RIP2003-1020 Page 10 / 32 Data protection claimed Owner How considered in dRR Study-Status / Usage* BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 BASF 1 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Annex point/ reference No Author(s) Year Title Data Owner Source (where different from protection company) claimed Report-No. GLP or GEP status (where relevant), Published or not Authority registration No OECD: KIIA 6.3 Young, H. 2000 Pendimethalin (AC 92553) 400 g a.s./L BASF SC (RLM 11074) and 455 g a.s./L CS (DF 10166): At harvest residue study on Pendimethalin in maize - North France, 1999 PN-730-097 ! 4567 ! PN-FR-99-613 RIP2003-1021 BASF OECD: KIIA 6.3 Trewhitt, J.; 2002 Study on the residue behaviour of BAS Lehmann, A.; 455 H in maize after treatment with Mackenroth, BAS 455 21 H, BAS 455 24 H and BAS C. 455 31 H under field conditions in France (N and S), Germany and Spain, 2001. 2002/1004112 ! 82547 RIP2003-1022 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1975 Berichtsbogen für BASF Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3083 ASB2010-2593 BASF OECD: KIIA 6.3 Nicholson, M. 1976 STOMP* Residues in maize 09218/18934/82 (GER) ! 611 ASB2012-5659 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1975 Berichtsbogen für BASF Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3086 ASB2010-2628 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1976 Berichtsbogen für BASF Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3095 ASB2010-2626 BASF OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1976 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3101 ASB2010-2625 OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1975 Berichtsbogen für BASF Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3092 ASB2010-2627 BASF OECD: KIIA 6.3 Anon. 1975 Berichtsbogen für Rückstandsuntersuchungen mit Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln – Mais No 3094 ASB2010-2629 All Spain 1998 DAR ASB2010-10301 All EFSA 2011 Reasoned Opinion: Modification of the existing MRLs for pendimethalin in various crops EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2400 ASB2012-1117 * 1 accepted (study valid and considered for evaluation) 2 not accepted (study not valid and not considered for evaluation) 3 not considered (study not relevant for evaluation) 4 not submitted but necessary (study not submitted by applicant but necessary for evaluation) 5 supplemental (additional information, alone not sufficient to fulfil a data requirement, considered for evaluation) Page 11 / 32 How considered in dRR Study-Status / Usage* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 used used Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Appendix 2 Detailed evaluation of the additional studies relied upon A 2.1 Storage stability No further study on storage stability submitted/needed. A 2.2 Residues in primary crops A 2.2.1 Nature of residues No further study on nature of residues submitted/needed. Page 12 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment A 2.2.2 Magnitude of residues in maize Reference: KII6.3 Report ASB2012-5660, RIP2003-985, RIP2003-1335 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: No Acceptability: Yes Table A 2: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 1982-06-21 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date CYA No 002770 No. 1415 (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Inracorn Mutterlinie : : : : 330 g/l EC Stomp 330 EX (submitted to 003430-00) BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 30.04.1980 2) 3) 25.08.1980 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.7 Water l / ha 400 kg a.i. / hl 0.41 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 28.05.1980 D-7812 Schlatt 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date post emergence 7 Portion analysed (a) foliage cob grain 06.10.1981 Page 13 / 32 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) (d) 89 113 145 89 113 145 10 Remarks (e) analytical method: BASFmethod RLA 10841 V (GC), LOQ: 0.05 mg/kg ASB2012-5660 RIP2003-985 RIP2003-1335 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date CYA No 002769 No. 1415 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Limac 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 04.05.1980 2) 3) 18.09.1980 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.7 Water l / ha 400 kg a.i. / hl 0.41 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 28.05.1980 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date post emergence D-7801 Umkirch 06.10.1981 CYA No 002771 No. 1415 7 Portion analysed (a) foliage cob Limac 1) 02.05.1980 2) 3) 20.10.1980 1.7 400 0.41 29.05.1980 D-7585 Lichtenau post emergence grain foliage cob grain 06.10.1981 Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 14 / 32 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.14 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 9 PHI (days) (d) 89 113 145 89 113 145 88 112 144 88 112 144 10 Remarks (e) analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) RIP2003-985 RIP2003-1337 ASB2012-5660 analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) RIP2003-985 ASB2010-2631 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report RIP2003-980, RIP2003-996, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: No Acceptability: Yes Table A 3: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 2003-08-22 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date No. 483 GBWitchford, Cambridgeshire (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Atou 210 : : : : 330 g/l EC Stomp 330 E (submitted to Stomp SC 033907-00) BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 2) 3) 13.10.1974 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.0 Water l / ha 330 kg a.i. / hl 0.30 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 10.06.1974 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date pre emergence 7 Portion analysed (a) whole plant 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) 125 (e) RIP2003-980 ASB2012-5660 21.08.1975 Page 15 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date No. 483 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Atou 210 GBWitchford, Cambridgeshire 21.08.1975 No. 483 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.5 Water l / ha 330 kg a.i. / hl 0.45 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 10.06.1974 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date pre emergence 7 Portion analysed (a) whole plant 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) 125 (e) RIP2003-980 ASB2012-5660 Atou 210 GBWitchford, Cambridgeshire 21.08.1975 PN-730-074 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 2) 3) 13.10.1974 1) 2) 3) 13.10.1974 2.0 330 0.61 10.06.1974 pre emergence whole plant <0.05 125 RIP2003-980 ASB2012-5660 Inra 240 N-France F-78 Orgeval 1) 2) 3) 1.5 600 0.25 30.04.1974 grain <0.05 168 RIP2003-996 ASB2012-5660 1975-08-26 Comments of zRMS: pre emergence Acceptable. Page 16 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report RIP2003-987, ASB2010-2633, RIP2003-1336, RIP2003-1334, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: No Acceptability: Yes Table A 4: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 1982-06-21 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) CYA No 000769 No. 1471 Forla : : : : 330 g/l EC Stomp 330 E (submitted to 003430-00) BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1)15.05.1981 2) 3) 01.10.1981 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.7 Water l / ha 400 kg a.i. / hl 0.42 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 20.05.1981 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date pre emergence 7 Portion analysed (a) foliage 8 Residues (mg/kg) : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 (d) 90 120 137 (e) xylene formulation, analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) <0.05 <0.05 120 137 RIP2003-987 ASB2010-2633 ASB2012-5660 D- Limburgerhof cob grain 01.04.1982 Page 17 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date 2 Commodity / Variety (a) CYA No 002768 No. 1471 Forla 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1)15.05.1981 2) 3) 01.10.1981 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 1.7 Water l / ha 400 kg a.i. / hl 0.42 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 20.05.1981 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date pre emergence 7 Portion analysed (a) foliage 8 Residues (mg/kg) 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks <0.05 <0.05 0.06 (d) 90 120 137 (e) solvesso formulation, analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) cob grain <0.05 <0.05 120 137 foliage <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 84 111 146 RIP2003-987 RIP2003-1336 ASB2012-5660 xylene formulation, analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) cob grain <0.05 <0.05 111 146 foliage 0.11 0.05 0.06 84 111 146 cob grain <0.05 <0.05 111 146 D- Limburgerhof 01.04.1982 CYA No 000770 No. 1471 Tau D-TuttendorfGettorf 01.04.1982 CYA No 002767 No. 1471 Tau D- TuttendorfGettorf 1) 01.05.1981 2)25.07.1981 -05.08.1981 3)29.09.1981 1)01.05.1981 2)25.07.1981 -05.08.1981 3) 29.09.1981 1.7 1.7 400 400 0.42 0.42 06.05.1981 06.05.1981 01.04.1982 Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 18 / 32 pre emergence pre emergence RIP2003-987 ASB2010-2632 ASB2012-5660 solvesso formulation, analytical method: RLA 10841 V (GC) RIP2003-987 RIP2003-1334 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report RIP2003-1020, RIP2003-1021, RIP2003-1022, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: Yes Acceptability: Yes Table A 5: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 2003-08-22 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date PN-730-096 4561 99-514-01 D-67112 Dannstadt (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Attribut : : : : 400 g/l SC Stomp 400 SC (RLM 11074) 033907-00 BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1)26.04.1999 (sowing) 2) 02.07. 20.07.1999 3)11.10.1999 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 2.0 Water l / ha 490 kg a.i. / hl 0.40 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 27.05.1999 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 16 7 Portion analysed (a) whole plant grain 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 <0.05 : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) 78 140 (e) RIP2003-1020 ASB2012-5660 07.06.2000 Page 19 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date PN-730-096 4561 99-613-353 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Anjou 256 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1)29.04.1999 (sowing) 2) July 1999 3) 10.1999 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha Water l / ha 2.0 364 kg a.i. / hl 0.55 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 01.06.1999 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 16 7 Portion analysed (a) whole plant grain 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 <0.05 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) 73 122 (e) F-28500 Cherisy 17.07.2000 2002/1004112 ACK/05/01 Lenz D-16845 Manker 27.09.2002 2002/1004112 FAN/10/01 Kuxxar F-67160 Seebach 1) 28.04.2001 (sowing) 2) 11.07 29.07.2001 3) 11.09. 17.09.2001 1) 11.05.2001 (sowin g) 2) 17.07. 27.07.2001 3) 25.10.2001 2.0 2.0 300 300 0.66 0.67 30.05.2001 13.06.2001 BBCH 16 plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots grain straw with husks 2003-06-04 Comments of zRMS: BBCH 16 Acceptable. Page 20 / 32 97.5 0.88 0 30 <0.05 104 <0.05 94.6 0.87 104 RIP2003-1021 ASB2012-5660 method: BASF 991/0 RIP2003-1022 ASB2012-5660 0 method: BASF 991/0 34 <0.05 75 <0.05 75 <0.05 118 <0.05 RIP2003-1022 118 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Table A 6: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 2003-08-22 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date PN-730-096 4561 99-514-01 (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) Attribut D-67112 Dannstadt 2000-07-06 PN-730-096 4561 99-613-353 : : : : 455 g/l SC Stomp 455 CS [DF 10166] (submitted to Stomp SC 033907-00) BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 26.04.1999 (sowing) 2) 02.07. 20.07.1999 3) 11.10.1999 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha Water l / ha kg a.i. / hl 2.0 505 0.40 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 27.05.1999 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 16 7 Portion analysed (a) whole plant grain 8 Residues (mg/kg) <0.05 <0.05 : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) (e) 78 140 RIP2003-1020 ASB2012-5660 Anjou 256 1) 29.04.1999 (sowing) 2) July 1999 3) 10.1999 2.0 364 0.55 01.06.1999 BBCH 16 whole plant grain <0.05 <0.05 73 122 F-28500 Cherisy 2000-07-17 RIP2003-1021 ASB2012-5660 Page 21 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date 2 Commodity / Variety 2002/1004112 ACK/05/01 (a) Lenz D-16845 Manker 2002-09-27 2002/1004112 FAN/10/01 F-67160 Seebach Kuxxar 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 28.04.2001 (sowing) 2) 11.07 29.07.2001 3) 11.09. 17.09.2001 1) 11.05.2001 (sowing) 2) 17.07. 27.07.2001 3) 25.10.2001 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha Water l / ha kg a.i. / hl 2.0 300 0.66 2.0 300 0.67 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 30.05.2001 13.06.2001 2002-09-27 Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 22 / 32 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 16 BBCH 16 7 Portion analysed (a) plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots grain straw with husks 8 Residues (mg/kg) 9 PHI (days) (d) 38.7 0.54 <0.05 <0.05 85.0 0.77 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 10 Remarks (e) 0 30 method used: BASF 991/0 104 RIP2003-1022 ASB2012-5660 104 0 method used: BASF 991/0 34 75 75 118 RIP2003-1022 ASB2012-5660 118 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Table A 7: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 22.08.2003 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a. i. in formulation (common name and content) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity / Variety (a) 2002/1004112 ACK/05/01 Lenz D-16845 Manker 2003-06-04 2002/1004112 FAN/10/01 Kuxxar F-67160 Seebach : : : : 330 g/l EC BAS 455 31 H (submitted to Stomp SC 033907-00) BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BAS) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 28.04.2001 (sowing) 2) 11.07 29.07.2001 3) 11.09. 17.09.2001 1) 11.05.2001 (sowing) 2) 17.07. 27.07.2001 3) 25.10.2001 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i. / ha 2.0 2.0 Water l / ha 300 300 kg a.i. / hl 0.67 0.67 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 30.05.2001 13.06.2001 BBCH 16 BBCH 16 7 Portion analysed (a) plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots plant without roots cobs with husks rest of plant without roots grain corn straw with husks 2003-06-04 Comments of zRMS: 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date Acceptable. Page 23 / 32 8 Residues (mg/kg) : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) 0 30 (e) 129 1.9 <0.05 104 <0.05 104 93.5 1.7 0 34 <0.05 75 <0.05 75 <0.05 118 <0.05 118 method: BASF 991/0 RIP2003-1022 ASB2012-5660 method: BASF 991/0 RIP2003-1022 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report ASB2010-2593, ASB2012-5659, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: Yes Acceptability: Yes Table A 8: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 1977-04-28 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a.i. in formulation (content and common name) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date No 3083 (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) Perdux Germany 8301 Mitterhaid, Landshut : : : : 330 g/l EC STOMP 023014-00 (submitted to 002396-00/03) CYANAMID AGRAR GmbH & Co. KG 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1975-05-01 (sowing) 2) 1975-07-20 - 1975-08-03 3) 1975-09-15 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 400 kg a.i./hl 0.50 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1975-05-064) 1975-11-01 Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 24 / 32 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 07 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) (a) maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 : : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) (d) 60 120 10 Remarks (e) 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 5 months ASB2010-2593 ASB2012-5659 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report ASB2010-2628, ASB2010-2626, ASB2010-2625, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: Yes Acceptability: Yes Table A 9: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 1977-04-28 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a.i. in formulation (content and common name) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) No 3086 Germany 7801 Hartheim Limac : : : : 330 g/l EC tankmix STOMP and Atrazin 500 flüssig (submitted to 002396-00/03) CYANAMID AGRAR GmbH & Co. KG 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1975-04-24 (sowing) 2) 3) 1975-09-11 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 400 kg a.i./hl 0.50 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1975-04-304) 1975-11-01 Page 25 / 32 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 07 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) (a) maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 <0.05 : 480 g/l Atrazin : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) (d) 79 114 134 10 Remarks (e) 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 5 months ASB2010-2628 ASB2012-5659 ASB2012-5660 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) No 3095 Limac Germany 7601 Schutterwald 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1975-04-28 (sowing) 2) 3) 1975-09-12 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 600 kg a.i./hl 0.33 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1975-04-304) 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 07 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) (a) maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 <0.05 9 PHI (days) (d) 79 114 135 10 Remarks (e) 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 10 months 1976-04-01 ASB2010-2626 ASB2012-5659 ASB2012-5660 No 3101 Perdux Germany 2211 Christinenthal 1) 1975-05-02 (sowing) 2) 3) 2.0 400 0.50 1975-05-054) no data maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 90 120 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 8 months 1976-03-01 ASB2010-2625 Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 26 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report ASB2010-2627, ASB2010-2629, ASB2012-5660 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: Yes Acceptability: Yes Table A 10: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 1977-04-28 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a.i. in formulation (content and common name) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date No 3092 Germany 7521 Langenbrücken (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) Inra 258 : : : : 330 g/l EC Tankmix STOMP and Atrazin 50 (submitted to 002396-00/03) CYANAMID AGRAR GmbH & Co. KG 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1975-05-10 (sowing) 2) 3) 1975-08-26 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 400 kg a.i./hl 0.50 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1975-05-124) 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date BBCH 07 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) (a) maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 : 480 g/l Atrazin : Pendimethalin 9 PHI (days) (d) 67 106 10 Remarks (e) 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 5 months 1975-11-01 ASB2010-2627 ASB2012-5660 Page 27 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date No 3094 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) Inra 258 Germany 7521 Langenbrücken 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1975-05-12 (sowing) 2) 3) 1975-08-26 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 400 kg a.i./hl 0.50 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1975-05-124) BBCH 07 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) (a) maize cob with <0.05 husks <0.05 9 PHI (days) (d) 67 106 10 Remarks (e) 4) spraying analytical method: M-458 (GC-ECD), max. sample storage: 5 months 1975-11-01 Comments of zRMS: 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date ASB2010-2629 ASB2012-5659 Acceptable. Page 28 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Reference: KII6.3 Report ASB2012-5657, ASB2012-5658 (please refer to reference list for details) Guideline(s): Yes (Guidance 91/4141/EEC) Deviations: No GLP: Yes Acceptability: Yes Table A 11: Residues of pendimethalin in maize Active ingredient Crop / crop group : Pendimethalin : Maize Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Submission date : 2012-05-23 Content of a.i. Formulation Commercial product Applicant Indoors / outdoors Other a.i. in formulation (content and common name) Residues calculated as : Outdoors (European North) RESIDUES DATA SUMMARY FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS (SUMMARY) (Application on agricultural and horticultural crops) 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date (g/kg or g/l) (e.g. WP) (name) 2 Commodity/ Variety 330 g/l CS STOMP 330E (submitted to Stomp Aqua 002396-00) BASF (SE) 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1977-04 (sowing) 2) 3) 1977-10-24 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha Water l/ha kg a.i./hl 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1977-04-264) 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date 7 Portion analysed 9 PHI (days) 1978-06-29 ASB2012-5657 400 0.50 grain Page 29 / 32 <0.05 (d) 181 <0.05 181 10 Remarks Germany 94459 Deggendorf 2.0 (a) BBCH 05-07 green forage 8 Residues (mg/kg) : : Pendimethalin (e) 4) spraying analytical method: RLA 10355 V (straw), RLA 10467 V (grain), (GCECD), LOQ: 0.05 mg/kg, max. sample storage: 6 months PN-730-076, 9218/25865/82 (GER), trial 894 (a) Inra-Korn : : : : Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment 1 Report-No. Location incl. Postal code and date 2 Commodity/ Variety (a) 9218/25866/82 (GER), trial 898 Inra-Korn Germany 94459 Deggendorf 3 Date of 1) Sowing or planting 2) Flowering 3) Harvest (b) 1) 1977-04 (sowing) 2) 3) 4 Application rate per treatment kg a.i./ha 2.0 Water l/ha 400 kg a.i./hl 0.50 5 Dates of treatments or no. of treatments and last date (c) 1977-04-26 4) 6 Growth stage at last treatment or date 7 Portion analysed 8 Residues (mg/kg) 9 PHI (days) 10 Remarks (d) (e) <0.05 <0.05 120 169 maize cob without husks <0.05 120 grain <0.05 169 4) spraying analytical method: RLA 10355 V (straw), RLA 10467 V (grain), RLA 10472 V (whole cobs) (GCECD), LOQ: 0.05 mg/kg, max. sample storage: 8 months (a) BBCH 05-07 green forage 1978-08-02 ASB2012-5658 Remarks: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) According to CODEX Classification / Guide Only if relevant Year must be indicated Days after last application (Label pre-harvest interval, PHI, underline) Remarks may include: Climatic conditions; Reference to analytical method and information which metabolites are included Note: All entries to be filled in as appropriate Comments of zRMS: Acceptable. Page 30 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment A 2.3 Residues in processed commodities No new study on residues in processed commodities has been submitted and none is needed due to low residues at harvest. A 2.4 Residues in rotational crops No new study on residues in rotational crops has been submitted. A 2.5 Residues in livestock No new study on residues in livestock has been submitted. A 2.6 Other studies/information None Page 31 / 32 Stomp Aqua - 005958-00/00 Part B – Section 4 - Core Assessment Appendix 3 Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo) Pendimethalin (F) Status of the active substance: LOQ (mg/kg bw): Code no. proposed LOQ: Toxicological end points ADI (mg/kg bw/day): 0,125 ARfD (mg/kg bw): n.n. Source of ADI: Year of evaluation: COM 2003 Source of ARfD: Year of evaluation: COM 2003 Explain choice of toxicological reference values. The risk assessment has been performed on the basis of the MRLs collected from Member States in April 2006. For each pesticide/commodity the highest national MRL was identified (proposed temporary MRL = pTMRL). The pTMRLs have been submitted to EFSA in September 2006. Chronic risk assessment No of diets exceeding ADI: Highest calculated TMDI values in % of ADI 3,4 3,2 3,0 2,9 2,7 2,3 2,2 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,5 MS Diet FR toddler UK Infant UK Toddler NL child FR infant DE child WHO Cluster diet B IE adult SE general population 90th percentile DK child ES child WHO cluster diet E WHO cluster diet D WHO regional European diet WHO Cluster diet F PT General population NL general ES adult UK Adult UK vegetarian FR all population DK adult IT kids/toddler LT adult FI adult IT adult PL general population Highest contributor to MS diet (in % of ADI) 1,6 1,5 0,9 1,2 1,0 0,9 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 TMDI (range) in % of ADI minimum - maximum 1 3 --- Commodity / group of commodities Milk and cream, Milk and cream, SUGAR PLANTS Milk and cream, Milk and cream, FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, Milk and cream, Milk and cream, CEREALS CEREALS Milk and cream, CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, Milk and cream, SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, CEREALS Milk and cream, Milk and cream, CEREALS Potatoes 2nd contributor to MS diet (in % of ADI) 0,5 0,4 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 Commodity / group of commodities FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) SUGAR PLANTS Milk and cream, FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, Potatoes Milk and cream, CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Potatoes FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Conclusion: The estimated Theoretical Maximum Daily Intakes (TMDI), based on pTMRLs were below the ADI. A long-term intake of residues of Pendimethalin (F) is unlikely to present a public health concern. Page 32 / 32 3rd contributor to MS diet (in % of ADI) 0,4 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,0 pTMRLs at Commodity / LOQ group of commodities (in % of ADI) Carrots FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Potatoes Carrots CEREALS Fruiting vegetables Tropical root and tuber vegetables CEREALS Carrots CEREALS Potatoes Potatoes Meat, preparations of meat, offals, FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Potatoes CEREALS CEREALS FRUIT (FRESH OR FROZEN) Milk and cream, Milk and cream, CEREALS Fruiting vegetables CEREALS CEREALS Fruiting vegetables Carrots