Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska I
Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska I
Curriculum Vitae Name : T.Prohaska Thomas PROHASKA, Ao. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Date and Place of Birth : 02.02.1968 in St.Pölten / Austria Family status: married Address: Iglaseegasse 67/9, A-1160 Vienna, Austria Current Office Address : University of Agricultural Sciences Institut für Chemie Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Wien, Austria [email protected] Career 03/2002 - onward Associate professor (equivalent) at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Chemistry. Research, Project Management, Teaching, University Administration. 03/2002 Habilitation (venia docendi) in Analytical Chemistry, BOKU Vienna 10/2000 – 03/2002 Uiversity Assistant at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, (Prof. Dr. G. Stingeder). Isotopic analysis, species analysis and elemental trace and ultratrace analysis under cleanroom conditions. Project management. Teaching activities in Analytical, Inorganic and General Chemistry (lectures and courses). 12/1998 – 10/2000 EC scientific research fellow (Marie Curie Fellowship) at the European Commission Research Centre (IRMM) in Geel/Belgium, Isotope Measurement Unit (M. Grasserbauer, P. Taylor). Reference measurements by IDMS, setup of a multicollector ICP-MS. 09/1996 – 12/1998 University Assistant at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, (Prof. Dr. G. Stingeder). Elemental trace and isotopic analysis under cleanroom conditions.Teaching activities in Analytical, Inorganic and General Chemistry (lectures and courses). 11/1995 – 09/1996 Research assistant at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, (Prof. Dr. G. Stingeder). Setup of cleanroom laboratories, instrumental installation for trace and ultratrace analysis. Teaching activities in Analytical, Inorganic and General Chemistry (lectures and courses). 08/1995 - 11/1995 Research work at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Soil Science (Prof. Dr. W. Wenzel) and Institute of Chemistry, (Prof. Dr. G. Stingeder) – Research project on the sequential extraction of As in soils and setup of an HRICPMS for trace and ultratrace analysis. 12/1992 – 05/1995 Research Assistant at the Vienna University Institute of Analytical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. M. Grasserbauer). Research on the field of surface analysis. Teaching activities on the field of analytical chemistry. I of Technology, Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Education 03/2002 Habilitation (venia docendi) in Analytical Chemistry, BOKU Vienna 12/1994 Doctoral Examination: „Doktor der (Dr. techn.)“, Degree Summa cum Laude. 12/1992 – 05/1995 Doctoral Thesis at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry: „Investigation of Surface Reactions by Scanning Probe Microscopy“; supervision: Prof. Dr. Manfred Grasserbauer, Univ.Ass. Dr. Gernot Friedbacher. 11/1992: University Diploma in Technical Chemistry University of Technology, Degree Summa cum Laude. 03/1992 – 10/1992 Diploma-thesis at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry: ‘In-situ Investigations of Surface Reactions on Alkali Halides by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)’. supervision: Prof. Dr. Manfred Grasserbauer, Univ.Ass. Dr. Gernot Friedbacher. 04/1987-11/1992 Study of Technology. 07/1986 School Leaving Examination (Abitur), Summa cum Laude. Technical Chemistry at technischen the Wissenschaften at Vienna the Vienna University of Research abroad 01/1999 – 12/2000 EC research fellow (Marie Curie Stipendium) am European Commission Research Centre (IRMM) Geel/Belgien, Isotope Measurement Unit (M. Grasserbauer, P. Taylor) Reference measurements by IDMS, setup of a multicollector ICP-MS. 06/1996 – 08/1996 Research work at the Muroran Institute of Technology Muroran/Japan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (Prof. Dr. H. Shirahata) Rare earth element analysis by ICP-MS under cleanroom conditions. 07/1994 – 08/1994 Research work at the UNICAMP Campinas/Brasilien Department of Semiconductor and Photonics (Prof.Dr. V.Baranauskas) Diamand film deposition on silicon and porous silicon analysis by AFM and STM. 09/1993 Research work at the University of Technology Espoo/Finland, Department of Chemical Engineering and Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Prof.Dr. L.Niinistö) Thin film deposition by ALE and SILAR. II Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Additional activities 12/2005 – onward Member of the EURACHEM WG for education and training 05/2005 – onward Austrian ambassador for the European Comission TrainMiC program 11/2003 – onward National contact point for AcadeMIC (metrology in chemistry in academia) 06/2002 – onward expert for the IMEP (International Measurement Evaluation Programme) educational programme of the European Commission 05/2001 project evaluator within the MIT programme of the 5th framework programme of the European Commission 06/2000 – 06/2004 Chairman of the International Conference on High Resolution and Magnetic Sectorfield ICP-MS 03/2000 – 01/2001 Member of the ‘Round Table Science’ organized by the Austrian representation in Brussels. 01/2000 – 12/2001 Member of the Advisory Panel for the JRC Alumni network of the European Commission 01/2000 project evaluator within the MIT programme of the 5th framework programme of the European Commission 10/1999 – 012004 Official speaker of the german speaking (D-A-CH) ICPMS user. 09/1996 – 09/1998 EDV master user 10/1989 – 10/1990 student’s representative for “Technische Chemie” at the Vienna University of Technology Awards and grants 01/2007 Poster award at the Plasma Winter conference 2007 in Taormina (I) fot the best contribution in the session 12/2006 VIENNOVATION award of the City of Vienna and the publisher group NEWS 06/2004 START prize of the FWF 11/2003 Feigl award of the ASAC 06/2001 Poster award at the ‘European Conference on Environment, Health and Safety’, Paris (F) for ‘best illustration of the input of metrology into environmental research’ 05/1999 Paper selection by the Editors of JAAS for the ‘Publisher's Choice’ page of the Royal Society of Chemistry 01/1999 Poster award ath the Plasma Winter Conference 99, Pau (F) for the best contribution in the session 01/1999 EC research fellowship (Marie Curie) 06/1996 Research scholarship of the Austrian Ministery and the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science III Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska 07/1994 Research travel scholarship of the TU Vienna 09/1993 Research travel scholarship of the TU Vienna Current Research Activities Methods and techniques • Trace and ultratrace analysis under cleanroom conditions using ICP-MS (sectorfield and quadrupole based instruments) and AAS technologies. • Isotope ratio analysis using (MC) - ICP-MS • Direct analysis of solid materials using Laser Ablation coupled to an ICP-MS Fields of analysis • Environmental studies: o trace elements and isotopic signatures in ground water o elemental mobility in soil and rhizosphere studies o pollution in citiy aerosols by isotopic tacer o • Authentication studies: o Investigation of purity and origin of raw materials o Investigation of provenance of food and feed o Investigation of authenticity of historic artefacts • Migration studies: o Investigation of migration pattern of ancient cultures using Sr isotope ratio measurements o Migration of fish in natural water habitats Biomonitoring of heavy metal uptake Investigation of Hg in amalgam patients Investigation of As in Certification exercises Metrological measurements of isotopic and elemental composition Certification exercises within the IMEP programme of the European Commission Fundings • National fundings: o FWF START Project 2005 - ongoing o FWF research projects 1996 – 1999; 2000 – 2004; o Subcontractor in FWF research projects 1999 - 2001 o Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien 1999; 2001; 2002 o Direct BOKU funding of instrumental infrastructure 2002; 2004 • International funding: o EC subcontractor in a certification exercise o EC subcontactor in the METROPOLIS Network 2001 – 2004 o Austrian – Hungarian Network 2007 - ongoing • Contract work: o International organizations: IRMM, IAEA, ESA o Contract with various small and medium enterprises IV Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Current Teaching Activities Lectures on General and analytical chemistry for first year and undergraduate students at the University of Agricultural Sciences. Courses for ‘chemical calculations and stoechiometry’ Lectures on General and Analytical Chemistry for first year students at the engineer’s school for Natural Technological Products at the ‘Fachhochschule Wr. Neustadt’. Lecture on environmental chemistry for master and postgraduate students. Supervision of diploma students. Supervision of post graduate (PhD students) and post doc students. Evaluation and development of a new teaching plan for the change to Baccalaureat and Master Studies for Biotechnology and Food technology. Development of a students teaching programme for university teachers: ‘New methods of teaching in higher education – motivation and proactive studies’ Development of cooperation between partner universities in the field of education Interest and Hobbies Languages and foreign cultures, holistic science, Shiatsu and health (Diploma as Shiatsu practitioner obtained 2007); Naikan; Sports (Biking, running, skiing, swimming, horse riding, yoga); Literature; Cooking; Musik (guitar playing); V Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Publications Total numbers of publications: 88 Publications in refereed journals: 56 Book chapters: 14 Other publications: 18 Publications in refereed journals: (R56) ‘Development of an On -line Flow Injection (FI) Sr/Matrix Separation Method for Accurate, High Throughput Determination of Sr Isotope Ratios by Multiple Collector-Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS)’, P.Galler, A. Limbeck, S. Boulyga, G. Stingeder, T. Hirata and T. Prohaska, Anal. Chem. – in press (R55) ‘History of individuals of the 18th/19th centuries stored in bones, teeth and hair analyzed by LA-ICP-MS - a step in attempts to confirm the authenticity of Mozart’s skull’, C. Stadlbauer, C. Reiter, B. Patzak, G. Stingeder and T. Prohaska, Anal Bioanal Chem, 388, 2007, 593-602 (R54) ‘Improved abundance sensitivity in MC-ICP-MS for determination of 236U/238U isotope ratios in the 10-7 to 10-8 range’, S.F: Boulyga, Urs Klötzli and T. Prohaska, J Anal Atom Spectrom, 21, 1-4, 2006 (R53) ‘Report of the 1st Academic Summer School for ‘Metrology in Chemistry’, held in Rogaska Slatina Slovenia (6-9 July 2005), T. Prohaska, E. Bulska, S. Duta, I. Leito, B. Magnusson, N. Majcen, E. Prichard, P. Robouch, M. Suchanek, P. Taylor, E. Vassileva and W. Wegscheider, Anal Bioanal Chem, 385, 2006, 1031 - 1032 (R52) ‘The role of Ca uptake from deep soils for spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) ’, Torsten W. Berger, Siegfried Swoboda, Thomas Prohaska and Gerhard Glatzel, Forest Ecology and Management, 229, 2006, 234-246 (R51) ‘Quartz from Allchar as monitor for cosmogenic26Al: Geochemical and Petrogenic implications’, Miodrag K. Pavicevic, Cvetković Vladica, Georg Amthauer, Anna Bienoik, Blažo Boev, Franz Brandstaetter, Rade Jelenkovic, Dejan Prelević and Thomas Prohaska, Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006, 527 - 550 (R50) ‚A Fluorescence Labelling Approach to Assess the Deterioration State of Aged Papers’, Ute Henniges, Thomas Prohaska, Gerhard Banik and Antje Potthast, Cellulose, ISSN: 0969-0239 (Paper) 1572-882X (Online), 2006 (R49) ‘Der Fundkomplex von Schletz und seine Bedeutung für den aktuellen Diskurs endlinearbandkeramischer Phänomene in Zentraleuropa’, M. Teschler-Nicola, T. Prohaska and E.M. Wild, Collegium Anthropologicum, 2005 (R48) ‘Analysis of trace elements in human hair by LA-ICP-MS’ – C. Stadlbauer, T. Prohaska, C. Reiter, A. Knaus and G. Stingeder, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 383(3), 2005, 500-508. (R47) ‘ICP-MS-based tracing of metal sources and mobility in a soil depth profile via the isotopic variation of Sr and Pb’ – T. Prohaska, W. Wenzel and G. Stingeder, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 242(1-2), 2005, 243250 (R46) ‚Novel Micro Suction Cup Design for Sampling Soil Solution at Defined Distances from Roots’, Markus Puschenreiter, Walter Wenzel, Gottfried Wieshammer, Walter J. Fitz, Smone Wieczorel, Katherina Kanitsar, Thomas Prohaska and Gunda Köllensperger, J. Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168, 2005, 286-291 (R45) ‚Die bestimmung der Erosionsraten im Allchargebiet (Mazedonien) mit Hilfe langlebiger kosmogener Radionuklide im Quarz’, Miodrag Pavicevic, Georg Amthauer, Anna Bienok, Blazo Boev, Franz Brandstätter, Cvetkovic Vladica, Rade Jelenkovic, Dejan Prelevic and Thomas Prohaska, Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Ges., Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 2004. (R44) ‚87Sr/86Sr-Isotopenverhältnis in (prä)historischen menschlichen Skelettresten - Indikator für individuellen Ortswechsel’, Maria Teschler-Nicola*), Thomas Prohaska§), Friederike Gerold*),Mark Watkins§), Christopher Latkoczy#) & Gerhard Stingeder§), Coll Anthropol. 2004 VI Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska (R43) ‘Determination of trace elements bound to soil and sediment fractions’ – J. Hlavay, T. Prohaska, M. Weisz, W.W. Wenzel and G.J. Stingeder, Pure Appl. Chem., 76(2), 2004, 415-442 (R42) ‘Die Bestimmung der Erosionsraten im Allchargebiet (Mazedonien) mit Hilfe langlebiger kosmogener Radionuklide im Quarz’, M. Pavicevic, G. Amthauer, A. Bieniok, B. Boev, F. Brandstätter, C. Vladica, R. Jelenkovic, D. Prelevic and T. Prohaska, Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 2004, No.1 (DMG 2004 Tagung, Karlsruhe, 19.-22. September 2004) (R41) ‘Analysis of Ancient Glass samples by Laser ICP-MS’ – G. Schultheis, T. Prohaska, M. Schreiner, G. Stingeder, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 19, 2004, 838 - 843 (R40) ‘AMS measurements of 26Al in quartz to assess the cosmic ray background for the geochemical solar neutrino experiment LOREX’ – Miodrag K. Pavicevic, Eva Maria Wild, Georg Amthauer, Michael Berger, Blazo Boev, Walter Kutschera, Alfred Priller, Thomas Prohaska and Ilse Stefan –Nuclear Instruemnts and Methods B, in Physics Research, 223-224, 2004, 660 - 667 (R39) ‘Uncertainty of species unsprecific quantification strategies in hyphenated ICP-MS analysis’, Gunda Köllensperger, Stephan Hann, Jphanna Nurmi, Thomas Prohaska and Gerhard Stingeder, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 2004 (R38) F. Novotny, M. Teschler-Nicola, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder Diagenetic alterations in archeological human skeletal remains via light microscopy and their implications Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. Suppl., 2003, 36, 159.] (R37) “Measurement of Sr isotopes in prehistoric human bone samples by Laser Ablation ICP-MS” – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder and M. Teschler Nicola – ICP-information newsletters, 2003. (R36) “Arsenic in field-collected soil solutions and extracts of contaminated soils and its implication to soil standards” – W.W. Wenzel, A. Brandstetter, H. Wutte, E. Lombi, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and D. Adriano, J. Plant Nutr and Soil Sci., 165, 2002, 221-228 (R35) “Investigation of Sr isotope ratios in prehistoric human bones and teeth using Laser Ablation ICP-MS and ICP-MS after Rb/Sr separation, – T. Prohaska, G. Schultheis, C. Latkoczy, M. Teschler-Nicola and G. Stingeder, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 17, 2002, 887-891 (R34) “Fungal trehalose phosphorylase: kinetic mechanism, pH dependence of the reaction and some structural properties of the enzyme from Schizophyllum commune” – C. Eis, M. Watkins, T. Prohaska and B. Nidetzky, Biochem. J, 356, 2001, 757-767. (R33) “Strontium isotope ratio determination after on-line matrix separation by coupling ion chromatography (HPIC) to an inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometer (SF-ICP-MS)” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder and M. Teschler Nicola – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 16, 2001, 806-811. (R32) “Arsenic fractionation in soils using an improved sequential extraction procedure”, W.W. Wenzel, N. Kirchbaumer, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, E. Lombi and D.C. Adriano, Anal. Chim. Acta, 436, 2001, 309-323. (R31) “Evaluation of different methods for detector deadtime correction in ICPMS”, S. Nelms, C.R. Quétel, J. Vogl, T. Prohaska and P. Taylor – J. Anal Atom. Spectrom., 16, 2001. (R30) “Simultaneous multi-element analysis of trace elements in soil samples by means of high resolution Inductively coupled plasma sectorfield mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS)” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and W.W. Wenzel, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 368, 2000, 256-262. (R29) “Observation of structural depth profile of porous silicon by atomic force microscopy”, D.C. Chang, V. Baranauskas, I. Doi, T. Prohaska – J. Porous Mater. 7(1-3), 2000, 349-352. (R28) “SI-traceable certification of Cu, Cr, Cd and Pb in sediment and fly ash candidate reference materials”, T. Prohaska, C.R. Quétel, C. Hennessy, D. Liesegang, I. Papadakis, P.D.P. Taylor, C. Latkoczy, S. Hann and G. Stingeder –J. Env. Monitoring, 2, 2000, 613-620. (R27) “Separation of Spectral and Non-spectral interferences by On-line coupling High Performance Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for the Accurate Determination of 234 U, 235U, 238U and 232Th in industrial Ores”, S.Hann, T. Prohaska, G. Koellensperger, G. Stingeder – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 15(6), 2000, 721-726. VII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska (R26) “Comparative performance study of ICP mass spectrometers by means of U isotopic measurements”, C. Quetel, J. Vogl, T. Prohaska, S. Nelms, P. Taylor and P De Bièvre - Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 368, 2000, 148. (R25) “Lead isotope ratio analysis in a soil profile by inductively coupled plasma sectorfield mass spectrometry”, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, C. Latkoczy, W.W. Wenzel and G. Stingeder – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 15(4), 2000, 365-370. (R24) “Concentrations of selected trace elements in human milk and in infant formulas determined by magnetic sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”, Michael Krachler, Thomas Prohaska, Erich Rossipal, G. Koellensperger and Gerhard Stingeder– Biol. Tace Elem. Res. , 76, 2000, 97-112. (R23) “Examination of the performance exhibited by a high resolution magnetic sector ICPMS for uranium isotope abundance ratio measurements over almost 3 orders of magnitudes and down to pg • g-1 amount content level”, C.R. Quétel; T. Prohaska; M. Hamester; W. Kerl and P.D.P. Taylor – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 15(4), 2000, 353-358. (R22) “Determination of trace elements in human milk by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS)”, Thomas Prohaska, Gunda Köllensperger, Michael Krachler, Kristof De Winne, Gerhard Stingeder and Luc Moens – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 15(4), 2000, 335-340. (R21) “Evidence of genocide 7000 BP – neolithic paradigm and geo-climatic reality”, M. Teschler-Nicola, F. Gerold, M. Bujatti-Narbeshuber, T. Prohaska, Ch. Latkoczy, M. Watkins and G. Stingeder, Coll. Anthropol. 23, 1999, 2 (R20) “Precise sulfur isotope ratio measurements in trace concentration of sulfur by high resolution inductively coupled plasma sectorfield mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-SMS)”, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder – J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 14(9), 1999, 1501. (R19) “Speciation of arsenic of liquid and gaseous emissions from soil in a microcosmos experiment by liquid and gas chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) detection”, T. Prohaska, M. Pfeffer, M. Tulipan, G. Stingeder, A. Mentler and W.W. Wenzel, Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 364, 1999, 467-470 (R18) “Determination of rare earth elements, U and Th in environmental samples by Inductively coupled plasma double focussing sectorfield mass spectrometry”, T. Prohaska, S. Hann, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 14(1), 1999, 1-8 selected by the Editors of JAAS for the "Publisher's Choice" page of the Royal Society of Chemistry on the Web. (R17) „Strontium isotope ratio measurements in prehistoric human bone samples by means of HR-ICPMS“, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 13 (6), 1998, 561-566. (R16) “Dependence of detector dead time on analyte mass number in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”, F. Vanhaecke, G. de Wannemacker, L. Moens, R. Dams, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder , J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 13 (6), 1998, 567-571. (R15) “Investigation of element variability in tree rings of young norway spruce by laser ablation ICPMS”, T. Prohaska, C. Stadlbauer, R. Wimmer, G. Stingeder, Ch. Latkoczy, E. Hoffmann, H. Stephanowitz, Sci. Tot Environ., 219(1), 1998, 29-39. (R14) „AFM and STM studies on In2O3 and ITO thin films deposited by Atomic Layer Epitaxy“, T. Asikainen, M. Ritala, M. Leskelä, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, Appl. Surf. Sci, 99, 91-98, 1996. (R13) „studies on the morphology of Al2O3 thin films grown by Atomic Layer Epitaxy“, M. Ritala, H. Saloniemi, M. Leskelä, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, Thin Solid Films, 286, 54-58, 1996 (R12) "AFM investigation of silicon substrates for chemical vapour deposition of diamond films", G. M. Fuchs, G. Friedbacher, D. Schwarzbach, E. Bouveresse, T. Prohaska, M. Grasserbauer, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 353, 698-701, 1995 VIII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska (R11) “Investigations of corrosion processes on cleavage edges of potash-lime silica glasses by Atomic Force Microscopy“, I. Schmitz, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Schreiner, M. Grasserbauer, Fres. J. Anal. Chem, 353, 1995 (R10) "In-Situ iInvestigation of deposition of ZnS thin films on mica by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method as studied by AFM“ R. Resch, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, T. Kanniainen, S. Lindroos, M. Leskelä, L. Niinistö, Fres. J. Anal. Chem 353, 772-777, 1995 (R9) "In-Situ investigation of surface processes on AlGaAs/GaAs cleavage edges“, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, Fres. J. Anal. Chem, 353, 670-674, 1995 (R8) “nanotopographical changes on graphite tube surfaces in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET-AAS) Experiments as Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)", J.Habicht, T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Grasserbauer, H.M.Ortner Spectrochim. Acta 50B, 713-723, 1995 (R7) "Growth of zinc sulfide thin films with sucessive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method as studied by Atomic Force Microscopy", T.Kanniainen, S.Lindroos, T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Leskelä, M.Grasserbauer; L.Niinistö J. Mater. Chem. 5, 985-989,1995 (R6) “AFM-investigations of AlGaAs/GaAsMultilayer structures under Inert and reactive media by Atomic Force Microscopy“, T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Grasserbauer - Analytical Chemistry, 67/9, 15301535, 1995 (R5) "Maximum entropy deconvolution of AFM & STM images", G.Fuchs, T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, H.Hutter, M.Grasserbauer; Fresenius Journal for Analytical Chemistry, 351, 143-147, 1995 (R4) "Development of crystallinity and morphology in hafnium dioxide thin films grown by Atomic Layer Epitaxy"; M.Ritala, M.Leskelä; L.Niinistö; T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Grasserbauer, Thin Solid Films, 250, 72-80, 1994 (R3) "Surface roughness reduction in Atomic Layer Epitaxy growth of titanium dioxide thin films"; M.Ritala, M.Leskelä; L.Niinistö; T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Grasserbauer, Thin Solid Films, 249, 155-162, 1994 (R2) "Surface analysis with Atomic Force Microscopy through measurements in air and under liquids"; G.Friedbacher, T.Prohaska, M.Grasserbauer, Microchim. Acta, 113, 179-202, 1994 (R1) "In-Situ investigation of surface reactions on alkali halides by Atomic Force Microscopy"; T.Prohaska, G.Friedbacher, M.Grasserbauer, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 39, 190-194, 1994 IX Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Book chapters: (B14) ‘Direct solid analysis of Celtic bronze fibulas of different origin by means of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)’, S. Swoboda, P. Ramsl, G. Stingeder and T. Prohaska, in ‘Monographie Pottenburnn’, P. Ramsl (ed.) – in press (B13) `Non destructive determination of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in early upper paleolithic human teeth from the Mladec caves – preliminary results’, Thomas Prohaska, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Patrick Galler, Antonin Prychistal, Gerhard Stingeder , Monika Jelenc and Urs Klötzli, in Monographie Mladec, Springer, 505-514, 2006 (B12) ‘Metrology in Chemistry: ICP-MS Analysis in Environmental Science’, Thomas Prohaska, Yetunde Aregbe and Peter Evans, in Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Applications and Emerging Technologies, eds. J.G. Holland and D. Bandura, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2005, 190-206 (B11) ‘Interferences – Polyatomic Ions with high mass resolution’, Norbert Jakubowski and Thomas Prohaska, in press (B10) ‘Demonstration of measurement capabilities by means of interlaboratory comparison schemes for trace element analysis in food’, Y. Aregbe, T. Prohaska, P. Robouch in: ‘The determination of Trace Elements in Food: Applications for Atomic Mass Spectrometry’, S. Caroli (ed), in press (B9) ‘HR-ICP-MS’ – T. Prohaska in ICP-Mass Spectrometry Handbook, S. Nelms (ed.), Blackwell publishing, 2005, 41-54 (B8) “Applications of ICP-MS in Environmental Science” - Thomas Prohaska, Gunda Köllensperger, Stephan Hann, Gerhard Stingeder, Walter Fitz and Walter Wenzel, in Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Applications and Emerging Technologies, eds. J.G. Holland and S.D. Tanner, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2003, page numbers, 93- 104 (B7) “Arsenic in food and environment” - T. Prohaska and G. Stingeder - Handbook of Elemental Speciation, Chapt. 2.4. Arsenic, R. Cornelis (ed) – Wiley , 2005 (B6) “Comparison of ICP-QMS and MC-ICP SFMS for the determination of Pb and Tl in certified reference materials” – S. Nelms, C. Quétel, T. Prohaska and P. Taylor – Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: The new Millennium, G. Holland and S.D. Tanner (eds.), The Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge, UK, 2001, 257-270. (B5) “ICP-MS applied to isotope abundance ratio measurements: performance study and development of a method for combining uncertainty contributions from measurement correction factors” – C. Quétel, T. Prohaska, S. Nelms, J. Diemer, P.D.Taylor, C. Latkoczy and G. Stingeder, Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: The new Millennium, G. Holland and S.D. Tanner (eds.), The Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge, UK, 2001, 270-279. (B4) “Application and Quality of ICP-MS” – T. Prohaska, C. Quétel, P.D.Taylor, C. Latkoczy and G. Stingeder, Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: The new Millennium, G. Holland and S.D. Tanner (eds.), The Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge, UK, 2001, 165-177. (B3) “Rare Earth Element (REE) Analysis in Biological, Geological and Environmental Samples by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Sectorfield Mass Spectrometry (HR-ICP-SFMS)”, T. Prohaska, S. Hann, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, S. Yin, H. Shirahata, Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: New Developments and Applications, G. Holland and S.D. Tanner (eds.), The Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge, UK, 1999, 209-221. (B2) “Inductively Coupled Plasma Sectorfield Mass Spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) for accurate and precise strontium isotope ratio measurements in Prehistoric human bone samples”, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola, Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: New Developments and Applications, G. Holland and S.D. Tanner (eds.), The Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge, UK, 1999, 237-245. (B1) „Determination of Arsenic in Soil Extracts Using High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry“, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W.Wenzel, Plasma Source Mass X Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Spectrometry – Developments and Applications, G. Holland, S. Tanner (eds.) - The Royal Chemical Society, 1997, 291-297. XI Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Other publications: (O18) Pavicevic, M., Cvetkovic, V., Amthauer, G., Bieniok, A., Boev, B., Brandstätter, F., Prohaska, T., 2006 Quarz und Christoballit aus Allchar als Monitore für kosmogenes 26Al. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogishen Gesellschaft 151 (O17) ‚Der Fundkomplex Asparn Schletz (Niederösterreich) und seine Bedeutung für den aktuellen Diskurs endlinearkeramischer Phänomene in Zentraleuropa’, M. Teschler-Nicola, T. Prohaska und E. Wild, Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mecklenburg Vorpommerns, Band 41, 2006, 1-16 (O16) ’19.ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Report’, T. Prohaska, Mitteilungsblatt der GDCh, 4, 2004, 19-20. (O15) “Measurement of Pb in wine spike: Method development for IMEP-16” – S. Nelms, C.R. Quétel, J. Vogl, T. Prohaska and P. Taylor – IRMM internal report, GE/50/99, 1999 (O14) “Evaluation of different methods for detector deadtime correction in ICPMS” – S. Nelms, C.R. Quétel, J. Vogl, T. Prohaska and P. Taylor – IRMM internal report, GE/49/99, 1999 (O13) “Prestudies for the accurate determination of Cu in Si single crystals at low level using ID-ICPMS"- T. Prohaska, I. Papadakis, C.R. Quétel, P. Taylor and P. de Bièvre – IRMM internal report, GE/47/99, 1999 (O12) “Impurity measurements of spike material IRMM621 (Cd), IRMM632 (Cu) and NBS981 (Pb)” – T. Prohaska, S. Nelms, C.R. Quétel and P. Taylor – IRMM internal report, GE/46/99, 1999 (O11) “Certification of 3 sediment and 1 fly ash candidate reference material for Cr, Cu, Cd and Pb by using ID-ICPMS” – T. Prohaska, C.R. Quétel, C. Hennessy, D. Liesegang, P. Taylor and G. Stingeder IRMM internal report, GE/45/99, 1999 (O10) “De-convolution of uncertainty components in sequential digital ICPMS isotope ratio measurements. Application to calculation of the IDMS uncertainty budget” - C.R. Quétel, T. Prohaska – IRMM internal report, GE/44/99, 1999 (O9) “Arsen in Böden Österreichs”, W.W. Wenzel, A. Brandstetter, F. Jockwer, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and H. Wutte, Proc. of Expertentagung der Arbeitsgruppe Bodenschutz der ARGE Alpen-Adria, Sept. 25-25, 1998, St. Veit a.d. Glan Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen, München (ed), 1999, 56-71. (O8) “Lead Isotope Ratio Determinations in Soil Solution Samples by Means of ICP-SMS”, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler Nicola and W.W. Wenzel – Proceedings of the “Fifth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna/Austria”, 1999 (O7) “Arsen in Böden Österreichs - Forschungsprojekt der Bund/Bundesländer-Kooperation”, W. Wenzel, A. Brandstetter, E. Brauner, F. Jockwer, E. Lombi, A. Mushtaq, N. Kirchbaumer, A. Schnepf, M. Tulipan, H. Unterfrauner, T. Valersi, H. Wutte, G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, R. Sletten – Forschungsbericht, Land Salzburg, Abteilung Land- und Forstwirtschaft, (ed), (1998). (O6) "Sequential Chemical Extraction Optimized for Arsenic Fractionation in Soils", R.S. Sletten, F. Jockwer, W.W. Wenzel, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, Proceedings of the “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley/USA”, 1997, 243-244. (O5) "Measurement of Arsenic in Soil Extracts by HR-ICPMS”, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel, Proceedings of the “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley/USA”, 1997, 259-260. (O4) "Optimization of Arsenic Determination in Soil Extracts by Hydride Generation", F. Jockwer, R.S. Sletten, W.W. Wenzel, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, Proceedings of the “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley/USA”,1997, 261-262. (O3) "Determination of Trace Elements in Soil Samples by Means of High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HR-ICPMS)", G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, Ch. Latkoczy, W. W. Wenzel, Proceedings of the “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley/USA”, 1997, 391-392. XII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska (O2) „Energieforschung in Österreich“, I. Prohaska, R. Reitzig, T. Prohaska, Study for the Austrian Ministery of Science, Research and Arts, March 1996. (O1) “Probenträger zur Untersuchung unter Flüssigkeiten mit AFM( Sample holder for Investigations under Liquids by AFM)“, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, Austrian patent, ref. nr. A2104/93, 1993 XIII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Contributions to Conferences/ Seminars and Meetings (the presenting author is underlined) Feb. 2007 ‘ISOTOPIC FINGERPRINTS – A UNIQUE PIECE OF INFORMATION (?)’ T. Prohaska, S. Boulyga, P. Galler, S. Swoboda, G. Stingeder,Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – invited lecture Feb. 2007 DEVELOPMENT OF AN IN-LINE FI Rb/MATRIX SEPARATION METHOD FOR ACCURATE DETERMINATION OF 87Sr/86Sr ISOTOPE RATIOS P. Galler, A. Limbeck, S. Boulyga, G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – poster Feb. 2007 Characterization of historical artefacts by (LA)-(MC)-ICPMS S. Swoboda, J. Diehl, P. Ramsl, S. Boulyga, G. Stingeder and T. Prohaska, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – poster Feb. 2007 Precise determination of 44C/40Ca isotope ratios by using ICP-MS with dynamic reaction cell and its potential for food authenticity studies S.F. Boulyga, S. Swoboda, M. Horacek, D. Bandura*, M. Brunner, U. Klötzli**, G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – lecture Feb. 2007 Direct isotope analysis of uranium and plutonium in radioactive particles using LA-MCICP-MS S.F. Boulyga, J. Feuerstein, T. Prohaska, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – poster Feb. 2007 Isotope dilution laser ablation ICP-MS for direct and accurate analyses of Chlorine, Sulfur and trace metals in coal samples. S.F. Boulyga, J. Heilmann, K.G. Heumann , T. Prohaska, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – poster Feb 2007 Mozart and his contemporaries – history stored in bones, teeth and hair analyzed by LAICP-MS Thomas Prohaska, Christina Stadlbauer, Christian Reiter*, Beatrix Patzak**, Gerhard Stingeder, Winter Plasma Conference, Taormina, Italy, February 2007 – poster – award for the best poster in session Nov. 2006 ‘Wasser – Jahrestagung des Österreichischen Restauratorenverbandes’ Wien/A, ‘Wasser – Mythologie und Naturwissenschaft’, T. Prohaska, invited lecture, Nov. 2006. Sept: 2006 Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Präzisionsanalytik mittels ICP-MS. , Anorganika 2006, 28. September 2006, Wien Sept. 2006 Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Präzisionsanalytik mittels ICP-MS. , Anorganika 2006, 27. September 2006, München, Deutschland Sept 2006 Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Präzisionsanalytik mittels ICP-MS. , Anorganika 2006, 26. September 2006, Olten, Deutschland Sept 2006 Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Präzisionsanalytik mittels ICP-MS. , Anorganika 2006, 25. September 2006, Karlsruhe, Deutschland XIV Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska June 2006 Hann, S., Köllensperger, G., Falta, T., Boulyga, S., Popp, M., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Applications of ICP-MS with Dynamic Reaction Cell Technique (ICP-DRCMS). , Seminar on Spectroscopic Techniques, June 14, 2006, Cordoba, Spain June 2006 Galler, P., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prychistal, A., Stingeder, G., Boulyga, S., Prohaska, T., 2006 Bestimmung von Sr87/Sr86 Isotopenverhältnissen in historischen Zahnproben mittels Laser Ablation-Multicollector-ICP-MS (LA-MC-ICP-MS). In: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz: 2. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum, 09.06. - 10.06.2006, Graz June 2006 Swoboda, S., Galler, P., Stingeder, G., Horacek, M., Prohaska, T., 2006 Isotopic and mulitelement pattern for the characterization of agricultural products. In: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz: 2. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum, 09.06. 10.06.2006, Graz, Austria April 2006 Prohaska, T., Boulyga, S., Wenzel, W., Mayer, H. K., Schreiner, M., Krska, R., Klötzli, U., Lohninger, H., Jakubowski, N., Horacek, M., Wimmer, B., Fodor, P., Vanhaecke, F., Extended isotopic "fingerprints" for highly reliable authentication and traceability of Marchfeld asparagus: a pilot study. , TRACE (Tracing Food Commodities in Europe) 2nd Annual Meeting, April 24-26, 2006, Prague March 2006 Galler, P., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prychistal, A., Stingeder, G., Boulyga, S., Prohaska, T., Non Invasive Determination of 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios in Human Teeth via Laser Ablation-Multi Collector-ICP-MS (LA-MC-ICP-MS). , 39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (DGMS) + 20. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen + 7. Symposium über Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 5. - 8. März 2006, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Deutschland Feb. 2006 Galler, P., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prychistal, A., Stingeder, G., Boulyga, S., Prohaska, T., 2006 Bestimmung von Sr87/Sr86 Isotopenverhältnissen in historischen Zahnproben mittels Laser Ablation-Multicollector-ICP-MS (LA-MC-ICP-MS). 17. Massenspektrometrische Diskussionsveranstaltung , 15. Februar 2006, Universität Wien Feb 2006 Swoboda, S., Galler, P., Boulyga, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., 2006 Multiple Isotopenverhältnisse zur Bestimmung der regionalen Herkunft von Lebensmitteln. 17. Massenspektrometrische Diskussionsveranstaltung, 15. Februar 2006, Universität Wien Jan. 2006 ‘Plasma Winter Conference 2006’, Tucson, AZ, USA, ‘Tracing the origin of food by (LA)ICP-MS’, T. Prohaska, S. Boulyga, S. Swoboda, P. Galler and M. Horacek - lecture Nov. 2005 ‘SINA meeting (stable Isotope Network Austria)’, Vienna, Austria, ‘Tracing the Origin by Isotopic Signatures by ICP-MS’, T. Prohaska – invited lecture Nov. 2005 Eisinger, E., Horacek, M., Prohaska, T., Authentication of meat by stable isotopes. , SINA Meeting (Stable Isotope Network Austria), November 2005, Wien Nov. 2005 Swoboda, S., Galler, P., Boulyga, S., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Horacek, M., Heindler, J., Application of isotope ratio measurements by EA-MS and ICP-MS for proof of authenticity of agricultural products. , 3rd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 7-9, 2005, Prague April 2005 Swoboda, S., Prohaska, T., Ponahlo, J., 2005, Quantifizierung von Jadeit mittels LaserAblation ICP-MS. , ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum, April 2005, Tulln, Austria XV Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska April 2005 Swoboda, S., Prohaska, T., Ponahlo, J., 2005 Quantifizierung von Jadeit mittels Laser-Ablation ICP-MS. Dissertantenseminar, April 2005, BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien April 2005 GOECH meeting in LINZ: ‘Anwendung von Isotopenanalyse mittels ICP-MS als unbestechliche Zeugen der Vergangenheit’ – T. Prohaska – invited lecture March 2005 AOAC meeting, Brussels, Belgium – Y. Aregbe, T. Prohaska, L. Van Nevel and P.D.P. Taylor – invited lecture Feb. 2005 Forum Analytik, Vienna, A “Challenges and limits of isotope ratio measurements by ICPMS”– T. Prohaska - invited lecture Jan. 2005 ‘2005 Plasma Winter Conference’, Budapest, Hungary , ‘Laser Ablation ICP-MS of Human Hair’, T. Prohaska, C. Stadlbauer, G. Stingeder, C. Reiter and A. Knaus - lecture 2004 Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 151(2005), „Quarz und Christoballit aus Allchar als Monitore für Kosmogenes 26Al“, M.K. Pavicevic, V. Cvetkovic, G. Amthauer, A. Bieniok, B.Boev, F. Brandsätter and T. Prohaska Sept. 2004 DMG 2004 tagung, Karlsruhe, Germany . ‚Die Bestimmung der Erosionsraten im Allchargebiet (Mazedonien) mit Hilfe langlebiger kosmogener Radionuklide im Quarz M. Pavicevic, G. Amthauer, A. Bieniok, B. Boev, F. Brandstätter, C. Vladica, R. Jelenkovic, D. Prelevic and T. Prohaska. – Poster presentation Sept. 2004 ChemArt, Vienna, Austria – Woche der Chemie, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien “Isotopenmuster als unbestechliche Zeugen der Vergangenheit‘’ – T. Prohaska – invited lecture Sept. 2004 9th Intl. Durham Conference . ‘Challenges of ICP-MS in environmental Applications’ – T. Prohaska – invited lecture Sept. 2004 19. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Zürich, CH – Investigation of human hair by LA-ICP-MS – C. Stadlbauer, T. Prohaska, C. Reiter and G. Stingeder - poster Oct. 2003: I’FACSS meeting’, Fort Lauderdale, USA, ‘HR-ICP-MS vs ICP-DRC-MS – challenges and meetings’ – T. Prohaska, G. Schultheis, G. Stingeder - invited lecture Oct. 2003: ’4th Intl. Conference on HR-ISP-SFMS’, Venice, Italy, ‘Charakterisierung von historischen und archäologischen Proben mittels LA-ICP-MS’ - T. Prohaska, G. Schultheis, M. Teschler-Nicola and G. Stingeder Oct. 2003: ’18. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen und 6. Symposium für spektroskopische Methoden in der Elementspurenanalyse’, Berlin, Germany, ‘Charakterisierung von historischen und archäologischen Proben mittels LA-ICP-MS’ - G. Schultheis, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola, P. Ramsl, M. Schreiner and K. Dittrich. Sept. 2003: ‘Analysentage’ - ICP-MS seminar of PE-SCIEX, Vienna, Austria – ‘Anwendung der ICPDRC-MS in der Element- und Isotopenanalyse’ – T. Prohaska - invited lecture Jan. 2003 ‘ISMAS Silver Jubilee Conference’, Goa, India – ‘Stable Isotope Ratio Measurements by ICP-MS’ – T. Prohaska – invited lecture Jan. 2003 ‘Plasma Winter COnference 2003’, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, ‘Analysis of biogenic Sr in archaeological samples by ICP-MS’, G. Schultheis, T. Prohaska, M. Teschler-Nicola and G. Stingeder - poster XVI Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Sept. 2002 “8th Durham Conference”, Durham, UK, “The role of ICP-MS in environmental science” T. Prohaska – invited lecture, chair of the session “environmental applications” Sept. 2002 “9th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry”, Nagoya, Japan, “AMS measurements of 26Al in quartz to assess the cosmic ray background for the geochemical solar neutrino LOREX - M.K. Pavicevic, E.M. Wild, A. Priller, W. Kutschera, B. Boev, T. Prohaska, M. Berger and I. Steffan – poster Jan 2002 “Plasma Winter Conference”, Scotsdale, USA, “Stable strontium isotope ratio measurements by means of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in prehistoric and historic archaeological findings” – T. Prohaska, G. Schultheis, G. Stingeder, C.Latkoczy and M. Teschler-Nicola - poster Oct. 2001 “COLA 2001”, Tsukuba, JP, “Stable strontium isotope ratio measurements by means of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in prehistoric and historic archaeological findings” – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, M. Teschler-Nicola and G. Stingeder - poster Sept 2001 “17. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen”, Vienna, A, “Measurement of Sr isotope ratios in skeletal human remains using ICP-MS” – G. Schultheis, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, M. Watkins, M. Teschler-Nicola and G. Stingeder - poster June 2001 “European Conference on Environment, Health and Safety”, Paris, F, “ICP-ID-MS measurements of Pb, Cu, Cd and Cr in Sediment and Fly-ash in the scope of the IMEP14 certification campaign” - T. Prohaska, C.R. Quetel, Y. Aregbe, C. Hennessy, D. Liesegang, P. Taylor – poster (award for " the best illustration of the input of metrology into environmental research") Feb. 2001 „European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry“, Lillehammer, N, „Environmental Nuclear Safeguards Monitoring: Uranium Measurements Using Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Multicollector ICP-MS Instrumentation“ – C.R. Quétel, A. Held, T. Prohaska, R. Wellum and P.D.P. Taylor - lecture Feb. 2001 „European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry“, Lillehammer, N, „Multielemental Analysis of Amniotic Fluid by ICP-SFMS” – J. Nurmi, S. Hann, M. Krachler, T. Prohaska, G. Köllensperger and G. Stingeder - poster Feb. 2001 „European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry“, Lillehammer, N, „Reconstruction of a Murder by Tl-Poisoning using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Sectorfield Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-SFMS)“ – S. Hann, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and C. Reiter - poster Jan. 2001 „Forum Analytik“, Vienna, A, „Multielemental Analysis of Amniotic Fluid by ICP-SFMS” – J. Nurmi, S. Hann, M. Krachler, T. Prohaska, G. Köllensperger and G. Stingeder - poster Jan. 2001 „Forum Analytik“, Vienna, A, „Reconstruction of a Murder by Tl-Poisoning using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Sectorfield Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-SFMS)“ – S. Hann, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and C. Reiter - poster Sept. 2000 „4. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie ‚Homo – unsere Herkunft und Zukunft’ “, Potsdam, Deutschland, „Strontium-Isotopenverhältnis in (prä)historischen Skelettserien Ostösterreichs – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt“ - Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T., Gerold, F., Watkins, M., Latkoczy, Ch. and Stingeder, G. -poster Sept 2000 “5. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse & 16. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen”, Juelich, D, “Detector dead time correction for ICP-MS: a critical review” – S. Nelms, C. Quétel, T. Prohaska, J. Vogl and P.D.P. Taylor - lecture Sept 2000 “5. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse & 16. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen”, Juelich, D, “Application of magnetic sector multi collector XVII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska ICPMS instrumentation to uranium measurements for environmental nuclear safeguards” – C. Quétel, A. Held, T. Prohaska, R. Wellum and P.D.P. Taylor - lecture Sept 2000 “5. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse & 16. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen”, Juelich, D, “Multielementanalytik von Fruchtwasser mittels ICP-SMS” – S. Hann, J. Nurmi, M. Krachler, T. Prohaska, G. Koellensperger and G. Stingeder - poster Sept 2000 “5. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse & 16. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen”, Juelich, D, – T. Prohaska, chair of the 16. ICP-MS Anwenderkreistreffen Sept. 2000 “7th Durham Conference”, Durham, UK, “Application and Quality of ICP-MS” - T. Prohaska – invited lecture, chair of the session “application” Sept. 2000 “7th Durham Conference”, Durham, UK, “ICPMS applied to isotope abundance ratio measurements: performance study and development of a method for combining uncertainty contributions from measurement correction factors” - C. Quétel, T. Prohaska, S. Nelms, J. Diemer and P. Taylor –lecture Sept. 2000 “7th Durham Conference”, Durham, UK, “Comparison of MC-ICP-MS with quadrupole ICP-MS for the certification of the amount content and isotopic composition of enriched 206 Pb and 203Tl materials, using isotope dilution” - S. Nelms, T. Prohaska, C. Quétel and P. Taylor –lecture Sept. 2000 "12th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Millennial Perspectives: Past, Present and Future”, Cambridge, England, “Stable strontium isotope ratio measurements in prehistoric Austrian human bone samples – an interdisciplinary research project”, M. Teschler-Nicola, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, F. Gerold, Ch. Latkoczy, and G. Stingeder. April 2001 “69th Annual Meeting der AAPA, Sitzung Skeletal Biology XII ‘Old world and new world perspectives on Bioarchaeology’ (Am. Ass. of Phys. Anthrop. und Deutsche Gesell. f. Anthrop.)”, San Antonio, USA, “Strontium isotope ratio measurements in prehistoric Austrian human bone samples using high-resolution inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry (HR-ICPMS).”, M. Teschler-Nicola, T. Prohaska, Ch. Latkoczy, F. Gerold, M. Watkins and G. Stingeder. – invited lecture May 2000 “1st Intl. Conference on HR-ICPMS”, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, “Application of HR-ICPMS in ultratrace analysis and the role of certified reference materials” – T. Prohaska – invited plenary lecture, chair of the session “instrumentation” May 2000 “1st Intl. Conference on HR-ICPMS”, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, “Evaluation of different detector deadtime models for ICP-MS” – S. Nelms, T. Prohaska, C. Quétel, J. Vogl and P. Taylor –lecture Jan. 2000 “2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, “Analysis of Stable Strontium Isotope Markers in Salmon Fish by means of ICP-SMS” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, S. Thorrold, C.M. Jones - lecture Oct. 1999 “The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) annual meeting in conjunction with the 45th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy (ICASS)”, Vancouver, Canada, “Certification of Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr in sediments and fly ash using isotope dilution ICPMS” - T. Prohaska, C.R. Quetel, C. Hennessy, D. Liesegang, P. Taylor – poster Oct. 1999 “The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) annual meeting in conjunction with the 45th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy (ICASS)”, Vancouver, Canada, “Possibilities and Applications of Precise XVIII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Isotopic Ratio Determination with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Sectorfield Mass Spectrometer” - C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder and M. Teschler Nicola – lecture Oct. 1999 “The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) annual meeting in conjunction with the 45th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy (ICASS)”, Vancouver, Canada, “Evaluation of different methods for detector deadtime correction in ICPMS” - S. Nelms, C.R. Quetel, J. Vogl, T. Prohaska and P. Taylor – poster Oct. 1999 “The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) annual meeting in conjunction with the 45th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy (ICASS)”, Vancouver, Canada, “Comparison of isotopic ratio measurements using quadrupole and magnetic sector (single and multi collector) ICPMS” - C. R. Quetel, T. Prohaska, J. Vogl, S. Nelms, P. Taylor – invited lecture Oct. 1999 “50th Anniversary Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society – SERMACS-99”, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, “Isotope Ratio Analysis in Anthropological Sciences” - C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder and M. Teschler-Nicola – lecture Sept. 1999 “ICPMS Anwendertreffen”, Dresden, Germany, “Abtrennung spektraler und nichtspektraler Interferenzen mittels HPIC-ICP-SMS zur genauen Bestimmung von Thorium und Uran in mineralischen Rohstoffen” - S. Hann, T. Prohaska, G. Köllensperger, Ch. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder – lecture Sept. 1999 “ICPMS Anwendertreffen”, Dresden, Germany, “Analytical Challenges of Strontium Isotopic Studies of Atmospheric Inputs to a Forest Ecosystem by means of ICP-SMS” – M. Watkins, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, T. Berger and G. Stingeder – poster July 1999 “12th international Symposia by the Society for Analytical Chemistry (SAC 99)”, Dublin, Ireland, “Novel Applications of Precise Isotope Ratio Determinations” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder and M. Teschler Nicola – poster July 1999 “12th international Symposia by the Society for Analytical Chemistry (SAC 99)”, Dublin, Ireland, “Novel Applications of Precise Isotope Ratio Determinations” - G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, M. Watkins and M. Teschler Nicola – lecture July 1999 “Fifth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements”, Vienna, Austria, “Lead Isotope Ratio Determinations in Soil Solution Samples by means of ICPSMS” - C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler Nicola and W.W. Wenzel – lecture June 1999 “ICPMS workshop Finnigan MAT”, Breda, The Netherlands, “The versatility of an HRICPMS for environmental investigations” - T. Prohaska – invited lecture March 1999 „Spring Seminar Series 1999“, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA - Ch. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, S. Hann, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder, and M. Teschler-Nicola lecture Feb. 1999 “10. MS Diskussionsveranstaltung”, Vienna, Austia, "Präzise Isotopenmessungen für Anthropologische Fragestellungen" - M. Watkins, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola - lecture Jan. 1999 “HP – Forum Analytik”, Vienna, Austria, “The utility of novel applications for a high resolution ICP sectorfield MS (HR-ICP-SFMS) for precise determination of isotope ratios in tracer studies” – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder – poster XIX Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Jan. 1999 “HP – Forum Analytik”, Vienna, Austria, “Accurate determination of trace elements in human milk samples by ICP sector field MS (ICP-SFMS)” – T. Prohaska, G. Koellensperger, M. Krachler, K. De Winne, G. Stingeder, L. Moens - poster Jan. 1999 “HP – Forum Analytik”, Vienna, Austria, “Online matrix separation by coupling HPLC to an ICP sectorfield MS (HPLC-ICP-SFMS) for sccurate strontium isotopic ratio determination in prehistoric samples” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola - poster Jan. 1999 “HP – Forum Analytik”, Vienna, Austria, “Determination of rare earth elements (REE), U and Th traces in technological REE samples by online coupling of ion chromatography to an ICP-MS (HPLC-ICP-MS) – S. Hann, G. Koellensperger, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder poster Jan. 1999 “Plasma Winter Conference 99”, Pau/France, “The utility of novel applications for a high resolution ICP sectorfield MS (HR-ICP-SFMS) for precise determination of isotope ratios in tracer studies” – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder – poster – price for the best contribution in the session Jan. 1999 “Plasma Winter Conference 99”, Pau/France, “Accurate determination of trace elements in human milk samples by ICP sector field MS (ICP-SFMS)” – T. Prohaska, G. Koellensperger, M. Krachler, K. De Winne, G. Stingeder, L. Moens - poster Jan. 1999 “Plasma Winter Conference 99”, Pau/France, “Online matrix separation by coupling HPLC to an ICP sectorfield MS (HPLC-ICP-SFMS) for sccurate strontium isotopic ratio determination in prehistoric samples” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, M. Watkins, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola - poster Jan. 1999 “Plasma Winter Conference 99”, Pau/France, “Determination of rare earth elements (REE), U and Th traces in technological REE samples by online coupling of ion chromatography to an ICP-MS (HPLC-ICP-MS) – S. Hann, G. Koellensperger, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder - poster Dec. 1998 “Current Topics in European Anthropology. Twenty fifth School of Biological Anthropology”, Zagreb, “, Evidence of Genocide 7000 BP - Neolithic Paradigm and Geoclimatic Reality” – M. Teschler Nicola, F. Gerold, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder – invited lecture Nov. 1998 “Seminar on Environmental Analytical Chemistry of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry – TU Vienna”, Vienna/Austria, “Trace and Ultratrace Analysis on Dry and Wet Deposition Samples by ICP-SMS” – T. Prohaska, S. Stopper, G. Stingeder, H. Puxbaum – invited lecture Oct. 1998 “Suedtiroler Kulturwoche”, Traismauer, Austria, “Das Massaker von Schletz” – M. Teschler Nicola, F. Gerold, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder – invited lecture Sept. 1998 "Arsen in Böden Österreichs", W.W. Wenzel, A. Brandstetter, F. Jockwer, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder and H. Wutte at the “Expertentagung der Arbeitsgruppe Bodenschutz der ARGE Alpen-Adria”, 24.09.1999-25.09.1999 St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria - lecture Sept. 1998 “ ICPMS Anwendertreffen 1998”, Mainz/Germany, “Speziierung von Arsen in Flüssig-, und Gasphase mit ICPMS” – T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, R. Pongratz, M. Pfeffer, A. Mentler – poster presentation Sept. 1998 “ ICPMS Anwendertreffen 1998”, Mainz/Germany, “Bestimmung von U und Th in technologischen Materialien mittels HPLC-ICPSFMS” – S. Hann, G. Köllensperger, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder – poster presentation XX Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska Sept. 1998 “6th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry”, Durham/UK, “Determination of REE , U and Th in Biological and Geological Samples by High Resolution ICP-SFMS” – T. Prohaska, S. Hann, G. Stingeder – lecture Sept. 1998 “6th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry”, Durham, UK, “Strontium Isotopr Ratio Measurements of Prehistoric Human Bone Samples by means of ICP-SFMS” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola – lecture Sept. 1998 “2. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (GAPA)”, Braunschweig, Germany, “., Neolithisches Paradigma und geoklimatische Realität”, M. Teschler Nicola, F. Gerold, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder – invited lecture May 1998 “Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences”, München/Germany, “Speciation of Arsenic in the Soil – Water – Gas – System by IC, HG and GC Using HR-ICPMS as Powerful Detection Unit” – T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, R. Pongratz, M. Pfeffer, A. Mentler – lecture March 1998 “Workshop zum Arsenprojekt im Rahmen der ÖBG”, Vienna, Austria, “Eine neue Methode zur sequentiellen Extraktion von Arsen in Böden” – F. Jockwer, E. Lombi, N. Kirchbaumer, T. Prohaska, W. W.Wenzel, R. S. Sletten und G. Stingeder – poster presentation March 1998 “Workshop zum Arsenprojekt im Rahmen der ÖBG”, Vienna, Austria, “Mikrobielle ArsenUmsetzungen in Böden” – M. Tulipan, M. Pfeffer, A. Mentler, T. Prohaska, R. Pongratz und G. Stingeder – poster presentation March 1998 “Workshop zum Arsenprojekt im Rahmen der ÖBG”, Vienna, Austria, “Measurement of Arsenic in Soil Extracts by HR-ICPMS” – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W. W. Wenzel – poster presentation March 1998 “Workshop zum Arsenprojekt im Rahmen der ÖBG”, Vienna, Austria, “Arsenspeziation in Bodenproben mittels HPLC-HR-ICPMS ” – R. Pongratz, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, A. Mentler, M. Pfeffer – poster presentation Feb. 1998 “Gesellschaft für Archäologie, Landau”, Landau, Austria, “Die frühneolithische Siedlung von Asparn/Schletz. Die anthropologische Spurensicherung als wesentlicher Teil der Geschichtsrekonstruktion” – M. Teschler-Nicola, F. Gerold, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder – invited lecture Sept. 1997 “13. ICPMS Anwendertreffen”, Geesthacht, Germany, “The Capabilities of HR-ICPMS for Precise Isotope Ratio Measurements” – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler-Nicola - lecture Sept. 1997 “13. ICPMS Anwendertreffen”, Geesthacht, Germany, “Arsenspeziation in Bodenproben mittels HPLC-HR-ICPMS” – R. Pongratz, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, A. Mentler, M. Pfeffer – poster presentation June 1997: “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements”, Berkeley, USA, “ ) "Measurement of Arsenic in Soil Extracts by HR-ICPMS” - T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel, - poster presentationr June 1997: “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements”, Berkeley, USA, “Sequential Chemical Extraction Optimized for Arsenic Fractionation in Soils” – R. Sletten, F. Jockwer, W.W. Wenzel, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder - lecture June 1997: “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements”, Berkeley, USA, “Optimization of Arsenic Determination in Soil Extracts by Hydride Generation” – F. Jockwer, R.S. Sletten, W.W. Wenzel, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy - poster presentation XXI Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska June 1997: “Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements”, Berkeley, USA, “Determination of Trace Elements in Soil Samples by Means of High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HR-ICPMS)” – G. Stingeder, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, W.W. Wenzel - lecture June 1997: “International Conference on Biological Changes in Europe from the End of the Middle Paleolithic to the Neolithic“ Bordeaux, F, “An Early Neolithic Population in Austria: Skeletal Evidence for Inter Human Violence” - M. Teschler-Nicola, M. Bujatti Narbeshuber, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska; G. Stingeder - lecture Jan. 1997: „ELEMENT User Meeting“, Ghent, Belgium, „ELEMENTATIONS“ – T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder - invited lecture Jan. 1997: „1997 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry“, Ghent, Belgium, „The Potential of Elemental Trace Analysis in Soil, Glacier and Water by HR-ICPMS“ – T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel, H. Shirahata - lecture Jan. 1997: „1997 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry“, Ghent, Belgium, „Precise Determination of Isotope Ratios with HR-ICPMS“ – C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, M. Teschler Nicola, W.W. Wenzel - lecture Sept. 1996: „3. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse“, Jülich, Germany, „Einfluß der Bodenmatrix bei der Bestimmung von As mit HR-ICPMS“, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel - poster presentation Sept. 1996: „3. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse“, Jülich, Germany, „Bestimmung von Elementspuren in Bodenlösungen mittels HR-ICPMS“, Ch. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder- lecture Sept. 1996: „3. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse“, Jülich, Germany, „Spurenelementanalyse in Jahresringen von Fichtenklonen für dendrochemische Untersuchungen mittels LA-ICPMS“, C. Stadlbauer, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, E. Hoffmann, R. Wimmer - poster presentation Sept. 1996: „5th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry“, Durham, GB, „Influences of Soil Matrices on the Determination of Arsenic by means of HR-ICPMS“, T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel – lecture Sept. 1996: „5th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry“, Durham, GB, „The Capabilities of HR-ICPMS for Simultaneous Multielement Analysis of Soil Samples“, G. Stingeder, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, W.W. Wenzel – lecture Sept. 1996: „5th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry“, Durham, GB, „HRICPMS Investigations of Spectral Interferences and Matrix Effects in Soil Samples“, C. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel – poster presentation April 1996: "ISEAC26", Vienna, Austria, "HR-ICP-MS determination of arsenic in environmental samples - spectral interferences and matrix effects", T. Prohaska, C. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel - poster presentation April 1996: "ISEAC26", Vienna, Austria, “Simultaneous Multielement Analysis of Soil Samples by HR-ICPMS", Ch. Latkoczy, T. Prohaska, G. Stingeder, W.W. Wenzel, W.E. Blum - poster presentation Feb. 1996: "ELEMENT Anwendertreffen", ISAS Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, "Erfahrungsbericht: simultane Multielement Ultraspurenanalytik von Bodenproben mit dem Finnigan MAT Element HR-ICPMS", T. Prohaska, Ch. Latkoczy, G. Stingeder -lecture XXII Curriculum Vitae T.Prohaska March 1995: Guest lecture at the University of Helsinki: „AFM and STM for the Investigation of Technological Samples and Processes - on the example of Thin Film Deposition“, T. Prohaska - invited lecture March 1995: „Seminar on Scanning Probe Techniques (AFM/STM) in Surface Engineering“, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland: „In-situ Investigations of Surface Reactions by Scanning Probe Microscopy“, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, L. Niinistö lecture Okt. 1994: "SXM 1 Workshop", Münster, Germany: "In-situ Untersuchungen von Korrosions und Beschichtungsprozessen mittels AFM", R. Resch, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, L. Niinistö - poster presentation Sept. 1994: "Österr. Chemietage 1994", Graz, Austria: "In-situ Investigations of Corrosion Processes on MBE Superlattices by Atomic Force Microscopy", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - lecture Sept.1994: "8. Arbeitstagung angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, AOFA 8", Kaiserslautern, Germany: "In-situ Studium von Oberflächen-reaktionen an technologischen Materialien mittels Rasterkraft-mikroskopie, RKM", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - poster presentation Sept.1994: "8. Arbeitstagung angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, AOFA 8", Kaiserslautern, Germany: ""In-Situ Investigation of Deposition of ZnS Thin Films on Mica by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction Method as Studied by AFM“, R. Resch, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer, T. Kanniainen, S. Lindroos, M. Leskelä, L. Niinistö poster presentation Sept.1994: "8. Arbeitstagung angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, AOFA 8", Kaiserslautern, Germany: “Investigations of Corrosion Processes on Cleavage Edges of Potash-Lime Silica Glasses by Atomic Force Microscopy“, I. Schmitz, T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Schreiner, M. Grasserbauer - poster presentation July 1994: "Frontiers in Science and Technology at Nano-Micro Scale" XV CBRAVIC 94, Campinas, Brazil: "In-situ and Ex-situ Investigations of Surface Reactions by Atomic Force Microscopy", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - invited lecture May 1994: Deauville Conference 94, 13th International Symposium on Microchemical Techniques, Montreux, Switzerland: "In-situ Investigations of the Corrosion Process on MBE Superlattices by Atomic Force Microscopy", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - lecture April 1994: Seminar on Analytical Chemistry at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Austria: "Einsatz der Rasterkraftmikroskopie zur Untersuchung von Oberflächen-prozessen an Festkörperoberflächen in flüssigen und gasförmigen Medien", T. Prohaska - lecture Sept.1993: VIII Euroanalysis - European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Edinburgh, UK: "Investigations of Surface Reactions by Atomic Force Microscopy", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - poster presentation Sept.1993: VIII Euroanalysis - European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Edinburgh, UK: "Atomic Force Microscopy under Ambient Conditions", G. Friedbacher, T. Prohaska, J. Kraus, M. Grasserbauer - lecture June 1993: "VII Tagung Festkörperanalytik", Chemnitz, Germany: "In-Situ Investigations of Surface Processes on Alkali Halides by Atomic Force Microscopy", T. Prohaska, G. Friedbacher, M. Grasserbauer - poster presentation XXIII Curriculum Vitae Nov. 1992: T.Prohaska Seminar on Analytical Chemistry at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Austria: "In-situ Untersuchung von Oberflächenprozessen an Alkalihalogeniden mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie", T. Prohaska - lecture XXIV