Forging New Frontiers - PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD
Forging New Frontiers - PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD
PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD (Company No. 367122-D) 14th Floor, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Telephone / Telefon : 09-513 3888 Facsimile / Faksimili : 09-514 5988 Laporan Tahunan 2007 Annual Report Forging New Frontiers laporan tahunan 2007 annual report Our Vision Our Mission Visi Misi To be a progressive and an excellent organisation. Menjadi organisasi yang progresif, cemerlang dan terunggul. To property Menjadi organisasi yang terunggul dalam bidang developement and to invest in other business which hartanah dan melabur dalam lain-lain bidang perniagaan could contribute the best return to the investors, customers yang memberikan pulangan terbaik kepada pelabur, and employees through an efficient and responsible pelanggan dan pekerja melalui pengurusan yang cekap management. dan bertanggungjawab. be an esteemed organisation in Pasdec Holdings Berhad (“PASDEC”) is a leading property developer in Pahang listed on the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Stock Code: 6912) under the property counter since 27 October 1997. Pasdec Holdings Berhad (“PASDEC”) adalah merupakan pemaju hartanah terunggul di negeri Pahang yang tersenarai di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Kod Stok: 6912) sejak 27 Oktober 1997 di bawah kaunter hartanah. PASDEC is responsible for coordinating and marketing Pahang’s vast resources to create new opportunity for growth and prosperity. Its present authorised and paid up capital is RM500 million and RM205.9 million respectively. PASDEC bertanggungjawab membantu negeri Pahang yang kaya dengan pelbagai sumber, menyelaras dan memasarkan sumber-sumber tersebut serta mewujudkan peluang-peluang baru yang menjanjikan pertumbuhan dan kemajuan. Modal dibenar dan modal berbayar PASDEC masing-masing adalah RM500 juta dan RM205.9 juta. As an investment holding company, the principal activities of PASDEC through its subsidiaries include property development, project management, trading of building materials, engaging in construction business, manufacturing of bricks and management of resorts and condominium. PASDEC’s constantly expanding investment portfolio is channelled through numerous subsidiary companies and joint ventures. Sebagai syarikat pemegang pelaburan, kegiatan utama PASDEC melalui syarikat-syarikat subsidiarinya adalah dalam pembangunan hartanah, pengurusan projek, perdagangn bahan binaan, menceburi dalam bidang pembinaan, pembuatan batu bata dan pengurusan resort serta kondominium. Portfolio pelaburan PASDEC sentiasa diperluas melalui rangkaian syarikat-syarikat subsidiarinya yang luas dan pelbagai usahasama yang dijalankan. CONTENTS/ KANDUNGAN 2 Notice of Annual General Meeting 3 Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 4 Statement Accompanying Notice of Annual General Meeting 4 Penyata Mengiringi Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 5 Group Financial Summary 5 Ringkasan Kewangan Kumpulan 6 Corporate Structure 6 Struktur Korporat 7 Corporate Information 7 Maklumat Korporat 10 Profile of Directors 10 Profil Lembaga Pengarah 20 Management Team 20 Kumpulan Pengurusan 22 Letter from Chairman 22 Perutusan Pengerusi 36 Corporate Governance Statement 36 Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat 41 Directors’ Responsibility Statement 41 Penyata Tanggungjawab Para Pengarah 42 Statement on Internal Control 42 Penyata Kawalan Dalaman 43 Audit Committee Report 4 3 Laporan Jawatankuasa Audit 50 Corporate Events ‘07 50 Acara Korporat ‘07 55 Financial Statements 113 Penyata Kewangan 171 Analysis of Shareholdings 171 Analisa Pemegang Saham 1 73 List of Properties 173 Pegangan Hartanah 196 Corporate Directory 196 Panduan Korporat • • Proxy Form Borang Proksi Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Twelfth (12th) Annual General Meeting of PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD will be held at Meranti I, Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort, Telok Chempedak, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 at 10:30 a.m. for the following purposes:AGENDA NOTICE OF DIVIDEND PAYMENT AND ENTITLEMENT DATE 1. To receive the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 together with the reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. (Resolution 1) NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT the final dividend of 2 sen per share less 26% Malaysian Income Tax in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007, if approved by the shareholders at the forthcoming Twelfth Annual General Meeting, shall be paid on 27 August 2008. The entitlement date shall be on 15 August 2008 and a Depositor shall qualify for entitlement to the dividend only in respect of: a.Shares transferred to the Depositors’ Securities Account before 4:00 p.m. on 15 August 2008 in respect of transfers; and b. Shares bought on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. 2. To declare a first and final dividend of 2 sen per share less 26% Malaysian Income Tax in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007. (Resolution 2) 3. To re-elect the following Directors who retire in accordance with Article 83 of the Company’s Articles of Association:- (a) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Resolution 3) (b) Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Resolution 4) (c) Majid bin Mohamad (Resolution 5) 4. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following Ordinary Resolution in accordance with Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965: “That pursuant to Section 129(6) of the Companies Act, 1965 Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud, who has attained the age of seventy (70) years, be re-appointed as Director of the Company to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting”. (Resolution 6) By Order Of The Board, SHAKERAH ENAYETALI Company Secretary Kuantan 30 May 2008 5. To approve Directors’ fees for the year ended 31 December 2007. (Resolution 7) 6. To re-appoint Messrs Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. (Resolution 8) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 0 7. To consider any other business of which due notice shall have been given. Notes: 1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may appoint not more than two proxies to attend and vote in his stead, but such appointment shall be invalid unless he specifies the proportions of his holdings for each proxy. A proxy may, but need not be a member of the Company and the provisions of Section 149(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 1965 shall not apply to the Company. 2. A member of the Company who is an authorised nominee as defined under the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act, 1991 may appoint at least one proxy but not more than two proxies in respect of each securities account. 3. The instrument appointing a proxy must be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing or if the appointer is a corporation either under common seal or under the hand of an attorney or an officer duly authorised. 4. The instrument appointing a proxy must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at 14th Floor, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan NOTIS DENGAN INI DIBERIKAN BAHAWA Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke Dua Belas (12) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD akan diadakan di Meranti I, Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort, Telok Chempedak, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur pada hari Selasa, 24 Jun 2008 jam 10:30 pagi untuk tujuan-tujuan berikut :AGENDA NOTIS TARIKH PEMBAYARAN DIVIDEN DAN KELAYAKAN 1. Menerima penyata kewangan beraudit bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007 berserta dengan Laporan Pengarah dan Juruaudit mengenainya. (Resolusi 1) NOTIS ADALAH JUGA DENGAN INI DIBERIKAN BAHAWA dividen akhir sebanyak 2 sen sesaham tolak 26% Cukai Pendapatan Malaysia bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007, sekiranya diluluskan oleh para pemegang saham di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke Dua Belas, akan dibayar pada 27 Ogos 2008. Tarikh kelayakan adalah pada 15 Ogos 2008 dan Pendeposit hanya layak untuk menerima dividen berhubung dengan: a.Saham-saham yang dipindahkan kepada Akaun Sekuriti Penyimpan sebelum 4:00 petang pada 15 Ogos 2008, bagi perpindahan; dan b. Saham-saham yang dibeli di Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad atas dasar kelayakan mengikut Peraturan-Peraturan Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. 2. Mengisytiharkan dividen pertama dan terakhir sebanyak 2 sen sesaham ditolak 26% Cukai Pendapatan Malaysia bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. (Resolusi 2) 3. Melantik semula Pengarah-Pengarah berikut yang bersara menurut Artikel 83 Tataurusan Penubuhan Syarikat: (a) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Resolusi 3) (b) Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Resolusi 4) (c) Majid bin Mohamad (Resolusi 5) 4. Untuk mempertimbangkan dan jika perlu, meluluskan Resolusi Biasa berikut menurut Seksyen 129 Akta Syarikat, 1965: “Bahawa menurut Seksyen 129(6) Akta Syarikat, 1965 Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud, yang telah mencapai umur tujuh puluh (70) tahun, dipersetujui untuk dilantik semula sebagai Pengarah Syarikat sehingga Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang”. (Resolusi 6) 5. Meluluskan yuran para Pengarah bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. (Resolusi 7) Dengan Perintah Lembaga Pengarah, SHAKERAH ENAYETALI Setiausaha Syarikat Kuantan 30 Mei 2008 6. Melantik semula Tetuan Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad sebagai Juruaudit dan memberikan kuasa kepada para Pengarah untuk menetapkan imbuhan mereka. (Resolusi 8) Nota: 1. Seorang ahli Syarikat yang layak hadir dan mengundi di mesyuarat, layak melantik tidak lebih dari dua orang proksi untuk hadir dan mengundi bagi pihaknya, tetapi perlantikan tersebut tidak sah melainkan ahli menentukan bahagian sahamnya untuk diwakili oleh setiap proksi . Seorang proksi boleh, tetapi tidak semestinya seorang ahli Syarikat dan peruntukan di bawah Seksyen 149(1)[b] Akta Syarikat 1965, tidak terpakai ke atas Syarikat. 2. Seorang ahli Syarikat yang merupakan nomini sebagaimana dijelaskan di bawah Akta Industri Sekuriti (Depositori Pusat), 1991, boleh melantik seorang proksi tetapi tidak lebih dari dua proksi bagi setiap akaun sekuriti. 3. Suratcara perlantikan proksi hendaklah ditandatangani oleh pihak yang membuat perlantikan atau peguam yang diberi kuasa secara bertulis, atau sekiranya pihak yang membuat perlantikan ialah sebuah perbadanan, ia hendaklah dibuat di bawah cop mohor atau ditandatangani oleh pegawai atau peguam yang diberi kuasa. 4. Suratcara perlantikan proksi mestilah diserahkan ke Pejabat Berdaftar Syarikat di Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur tidak lewat daripada empat puluh lapan (48) jam sebelum masa yang dijadualkan bagi mesyuarat tersebut atau sebarang penangguhannya. 0 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 7. Mempertimbangkan sebarang urusan lain di mana notis yang sewajarnya telah diberikan. STATEMENT ACCOMPAnYING NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1. The respective profiles of the Directors who are standing for re-election and re-appointment under Item 3 and 4 respectively of the Notice of Twelfth Annual General Meeting are set out in the Profile of Directors on pages 10 to 19 of this Annual Report. Their interests in the securities of the Company and its subsidiaries are disclosed on page 172 of this Annual Report. PENYATA MENGIRINGI NOTIS MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN 1. Profil pengarah-pengarah yang akan dilantik semula di bawah Item 3 dan 4 Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke Dua Belas dimuatkan di dalam Profil Lembaga Pengarah di muka surat 10 hingga 19 Laporan Tahunan ini. Pegangan sekuriti mereka di dalam Syarikat dan anak-anak syarikat dinyatakan di muka surat 172 Laporan Tahunan ini. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 0 Group financial summary ringkasan kewangan kumpulan 26 120 106 20 72 60 40 33 40 6 10 5 (RM Million / RM Juta) 15 80 (RM Million / RM Juta) (RM Million / RM Juta) 100 400 25 107 2 1 (23) 0 -5 -10 -15 20 319 325 327 2004 2005 2006 342 354 300 200 100 -20 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 -25 2007 Turnover Perolehan 2003 2004 2005 2006 0 2007 2003 Profit/(loss) for the year Keuntungan/(kerugian) bagi tahun semasa 2007 Net Assets Aset Bersih 15.34 1.75 1.66 1.72 1.55 1.58 1.59 1.5 (sen) (RM) 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 2003 2004 2005 Net Assets Per Share (RM) Aset Bersih Sesaham (RM) 2006 2007 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 2.92 0.83 0.55 (11.10) 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Earnings/(loss) Per Share (sen) Pendapatan/(kerugian) Sesaham (sen) Turnover / Perolehan Profit/(loss) after taxation / Keuntungan/(kerugian) selepas cukai Net assets / Aset bersih Net assets per share (RM) / Aset bersih sesaham (RM) Earnings/(loss) per share (sen) / Pendapatan/(kerugian) sesaham (sen) Year Ended 31 December / Tahun Berakhir 31 Disember 2003 RM’000 2004 RM’000 2005 RM’000 2006 RM’000 2007 RM’000 40,090 1,152 341,594 1.66 0.83 32,992 (23,846) 318,725 1.55 (11.10) 72,001 5,339 324,749 1.58 2.92 105,659 1,251 326,576 1.59 0.55 107,229 26,404 354,099 1.72 15.34 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 2 Corporate structure struktur Korporat 100% Pasdec Putra Sdn. Bhd. 40% Pasdec Cempaka Sdn. Bhd. 40% Genting View Resort Development Sdn. Bhd. 20% Prima Prai Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. 100% Kuantan Tembeling Resort Sdn. Bhd. 30% KTR Resorts Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pasdec Land Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pasdec Mega Sdn. Bhd. 100% Sumbangan Sakti Sdn. Bhd. 100% Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. 100% Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. 100% Kuantan Bricks Sdn. Bhd. 70% Pasdec Pintas Sdn. Bhd. 70% Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. 51% Kimdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 0 Property Development/ Pembangunan Hartanah Trading and Contracting/ Perdagangan dan Kontraktor Manufacturing/ Pembuatan Others/ Lain-lain Corporate Information Maklumat Korporat Board of Directors Lembaga Pengarah COMPANY SECRETARY Setiausaha Syarikat YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan Bin Haji Yaakob Shakerah Enayetali YH Dato’ Abdul Ghani Bin Sulaiman Non-Independent Non-Executive Deputy Chairman Timbalan Pengerusi Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Encik Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain Group Managing Director Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan YH Dato’ Haji Lias Bin Mohd Noor Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif YH Dato’ Hamdan Bin Jaafar Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif YH Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor Bin Ali Registered Office Pejabat Berdaftar Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur Telephone/Telefon : 09-5133888 Facsimile/Faksimili : 09-5145988 Registrar Pendaftar Securities Services (Holdings) Sdn. Bhd. Level 7, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur Telephone/Telefon : 03-2084 9000 Facsimile/Faksimili : 03-2094 9940 Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Auditors Juruaudit Encik Majid Bin Mohamad Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad Public Accountants/ Akauntan Awam Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif YH Dato’ Mohamed Amin Bin Haji Daud Senior Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bebas Kanan Bukan Eksekutif YH Dato’ Sri Khalid Bin Mohamad Jiwa Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Encik Abdullah Bin A. Rasol Independent Non-Executive Director Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Principal Bankers Bank-bank Utama CIMB Bank Berhad RHB Bank Berhad AmBank Berhad Stock Exchange Listing Penyenaraian Bursa Saham Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad 0 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman Pengerusi Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 We began with a common understanding... 0 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 0 Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Chairman/Pengerusi Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob, a Malaysian, aged 58, was appointed as Chairman and Director of Pasdec Holdings Berhad on 21 January 2003. He holds a B.A (Hons) and Diploma In Education from University of Malaya. A well-known politician, he is a member of the Pahang State Legislative Assembly representing the Pelangai Constituency since 1986. Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan has been the Chief Minister of Pahang since May 1999. He is also the Chairman of the State Executive Council of Pahang and holds portfolios in various committees. Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan is the Chairman of Mentiga Corporation Berhad and state owned agencies such as Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP), Pahang State Foundation, Amanah Saham Pahang (ASPA), Kumpulan Permodalan Bumiputera Pahang (KUMIPA), Lembaga Kemajuan Perusahaan Pertanian (LKPP) and Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Pahang (PPAP). He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 10 Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 58 tahun, dilantik sebagai Pengerusi dan Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada 21 Januari 2003. Beliau berkelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (Kepujian) dan Diploma Pendidikan daripada Universiti Malaya. Ahli politik yang dikenali ramai, beliau seorang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri mewakili kawasan Pelangai sejak tahun 1986. Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan telah dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Pahang sejak Mei 1999. Beliau juga merupakan Pengerusi Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Pahang dan memegang portfolio dalam beberapa jawatankuasa. Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan merupakan Pengerusi Mentiga Corporation Berhad dan agensi-agensi milik kerajaan negeri seperti Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP), Yayasan Pahang (YP), Amanah Saham Pahang (ASPA), Kumpulan Permodalan Bumiputera Pahang (KUMIPA), Lembaga Kemajuan Perusahaan Pertanian (LKPP) dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Pahang (PPAP). Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman Deputy Chairman/Timbalan Pengerusi Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman, a Malaysian, aged 65, was appointed as Deputy Chairman and Director of Pasdec Holdings Berhad on 22 April 2003. He graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Malaya in 1968 and served as an Officer of the Malaysian Administrative and Diplomatic Service in various government agencies. Subsequently, he obtained his Diploma in Development Administration from Manchester University, United Kingdom in 1976, after which he continued to hold various posts in government agencies including the post of Malacca State Financial Officer, Sarawak State Development Officer, General Manager of Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA) and Director of Pay and Allowance Division, Public Services Department, Malaysia. Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghani went on to serve as the State Secretary of Pahang in 1996 before retiring in 1998. Presently, he is the NonExecutive Deputy Chairman of Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn. Bhd., Deputy Chairman of Pahang State Appeal Board and Chairman of a few other private companies. He is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Dato’ Abdul Ghani berkhidmat sebagai Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pahang pada tahun 1996 sebelum bersara pada tahun 1998. Pada masa ini, beliau merupakan Timbalan Pengerusi Bukan Eksekutif Syarikat Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn. Bhd., Timbalan Pengerusi Lembaga Rayuan Negeri Pahang dan merupakan Pengerusi di beberapa syarikat sendirian berhad yang lain. Beliau merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Ganjaran Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. 11 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 65 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi dan Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada 22 April 2003. Beliau memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (Kepujian) daripada Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1968 dan telah berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik Malaysia di beberapa agensi kerajaan. Seterusnya, beliau memperoleh Diploma dalam Pentadbiran Pembangunan daripada Manchester University di United Kingdom pada tahun 1976. Kemudian daripada itu, beliau terus menyandang pelbagai jawatan di agensi-agensi kerajaan, termasuk jawatan Pegawai Kewangan Negeri Melaka, Pegawai Kemajuan Negeri Sarawak, Pengurus Besar Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA) dan Pengarah Bahagian Gaji dan Elaun di Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN Group Managing Director/Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain, a Malaysian, aged 63, holds a LLB (Hons) and LLM from Buckingham, as well as MSc (Transport) and MBA (Management) from Cranfield, England. He is an advocate and solicitor and was appointed to the Board as Group Managing Director of Pasdec Holdings Berhad on 28 February 2005. He commenced his career in banking sector from 1994 until 2000 in Affin Bank Berhad and held the post of General Manager. During his tenure in the bank, he was assigned in various capacity including human resource management and training, marketing, corporate communication and public relations. Prior to this, he has held various senior managerial positions in transportation companies from 1974 to 1990. His strong background in banking and financial sector is an added advantage to Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He is a member of the Tender Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain, seorang warganegara Malaysia, berusia 63 tahun berkelulusan LLB (Kepujian) dan LLM dari Buckingham serta MSc (Pengangkutan) dan MBA (Pengurusan) dari Cranfield, England. Seorang peguambela dan peguamcara, beliau telah dilantik menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah sebagai Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada 28 Februari 2005. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 12 Beliau memulakan kerjaya di dalam sektor perbankan dari tahun 1994 hingga 2000 di Affin Bank Berhad dan menyandang jawatan sebagai Pengurus Besar. Sepanjang berkhidmat di dalam sektor perbankan, beliau telah melaksana pelbagai bidang tugas meliputi pengurusan dan latihan sumber manusia, pemasaran, komunikasi korporat dan perhubungan awam. Sebelum itu, beliau pernah menyandang beberapa jawatan pengurusan kanan di beberapa syarikat perkapalan dari tahun 1974 hingga 1990. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman beliau yang luas di dalam sektor perbankan dan kewangan adalah satu kelebihan kepada Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Tender Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah DATO’ HAJI LIAS BIN MOHD NOOR Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor, a Malaysian, aged 57, was appointed to the Board on 19 August 2002. He is a B.A (Econs) (Hons) graduate of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In 1993, he attended the Stanford Executive Program at Stanford University, USA and later in 2000 earned an MBA from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP). Prior to being promoted to his present post on 1 January 2003, he was the Acting Chief Executive Officer and Deputy General Manager of PKNP. He also sits on the Board of Astana Golf Resort Berhad and Pascorp Paper Industries Berhad. Dato’ Haji Lias is a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Beliau merupakan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP). Sebelum dinaikkan pangkat ke jawatannya kini pada 1 Januari 2003, beliau menjadi Pemangku Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Timbalan Pengurus Besar PKNP. Beliau juga menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Astana Golf Resort Berhad dan Pascorp Paper Industries Berhad. Dato’ Haji Lias merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Audit, Jawatankuasa Pencalonan dan Jawatankuasa Ganjaran Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. 13 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 57 tahun, dilantik menjadi ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 19 Ogos 2002. Beliau berkelulusan Sarjana Muda Sastera (Ekonomi) (Kepujian) daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pada tahun 1993, beliau menghadiri Program Eksekutif Stanford di Stanford University, AS dan kemudian memperolehi MBA daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dalam tahun 2000. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah DATO’ HAMDAN BIN JAAFAR Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar, a Malaysian aged 57, and an Economics Graduate from University Malaya, was appointed to the Board on 14 November 1995. Upon graduation in 1974, he joined Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP) as an Administrative Officer. He served in various departments within the PKNP Group and went on to become the Deputy General Manager before being promoted to Chief Executive of PKNP, a post which he held from 1994 to 2001. He was appointed as an Executive Director of Pasdec Holdings Berhad in December 1996 and subsequently in November 2001, he was seconded to Pasdec Holdings Berhad as the Group Managing Director where he served until early January 2005 before being called back to PKNP until his retirement in 2007. Presently, he is running his own business. His experience ranges from township and real estate development and major socio-economic development in Pahang. Dato’ Hamdan is also a member of the Tender Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 14 Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 57 tahun, dan seorang graduan Ekonomi dari Universiti Malaya, telah dilantik sebagai Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada 14 November 1995. Sebaik menamatkan pengajian pada tahun 1974, beliau menyertai Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP) sebagai seorang Pegawai Pentadbiran. Beliau pernah berkhidmat di berbilang jabatan dalam Kumpulan PKNP dan seterusnya memegang jawatan Timbalan Pengurus Besar sebelum dinaikkan pangkat menjadi Ketua Eksekutif PKNP, jawatan yang disandang dari tahun 1994 hingga 2001. Beliau telah dilantik sebagai Pengarah Eksekutif Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada Disember 1996 dan seterusnya pada bulan November 2001, beliau dipinjamkan ke Pasdec Holdings Berhad sebagai Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan di mana beliau berkhidmat sehingga awal Januari 2005 sebelum diarah kembali bertugas ke PKNP sehinggalah persaraan beliau pada tahun 2007. Pada masa ini, beliau menjalankan perniagaannya sendiri. Pengalaman beliau merangkumi pembangunan bandar dan hartanah serta perkembangan sosio-ekonomi utama di negeri Pahang. Dato’ Hamdan juga merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Tender Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah DATO’ HAJI MOHAMAD NOR BIN ALI Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/ Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali, a Malaysian, aged 62, was appointed to the Board on 22 August 2002. Having graduated from University of Malaya with a B.A (Hons) Sociology in 1969, Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor went on to take his Diploma In Management Science, and subsequently earned an MBA (Investments) and MBO from Northrop University, USA. He is a Fellow of Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation (CCAF) since 1986. He has vast experience in the audit field having served in the Public Sector as Director of Audit in various states including Pahang, Terengganu, Johor and Selangor. He was the Assistant Auditor General in 1996 before being promoted to Deputy Auditor General, a post he held until his retirement in 2001. Presently, he is running his own academy as the President of Modern Intellectual Development Academy. He is also a member of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee and Chairman of the Tender Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Beliau berpengalaman luas dalam bidang audit setelah berkhidmat dalam Sektor Awam sebagai Pengarah Audit di beberapa negeri termasuk Pahang, Terengganu, Johor dan Selangor. Beliau pernah menyandang jawatan Penolong Ketua Juruaudit pada tahun 1996 sebelum dinaikkan pangkat kepada Timbalan Ketua Juruaudit, jawatan yang disandangnya sehingga beliau bersara pada tahun 2001. Kini, beliau mengendalikan akademi sendiri sebagai Presiden Akademi MINDA (Modern Intellectual Development Academy). Beliau juga merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Audit, Jawatankuasa Ganjaran dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tender Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. 15 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali, seorang warganegara Malaysia, berusia 62 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 22 Ogos 2002. Setelah memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (Kepujian) dalam jurusan Sosiologi daripada Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1969, Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor melanjutkan pelajarannya untuk memperoleh Diploma dalam Sains Pengurusan dan seterusnya kelulusan MBA (Pelaburan) dan MBO daripada Northrop University, AS. Beliau merupakan Fellow Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation sejak tahun 1986. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah MAJID BIN MOHAMAD Non-Independent Non-Executive Director/ Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Majid Bin Mohamad, a Malaysian, aged 54, was appointed to the Board on 19 August 2002. He graduated from University of Malaya with B.A (Hons) and later earned an MBA from Manchester Business School, England in 1985. He has also attended the Program for Management Development at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA in 1989 and an Advanced Management Program, at INSEAD, Paris in 2007. He first started his career in 1977 as a Bank Officer with the Central Bank of Malaysia and served various departments between 1977 to 1993. After working in the Central Bank for 15 years, he joined the insurance industry in 1994. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Pacific and Orient Insurance Sdn. Bhd., MNI Berhad, The People’s Insurance Co. (M) Berhad and Talasco Insurance Berhad between 1994 to April 2002. In June 2002, he joined Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd as Executive Vice President/Deputy Chief Executive Officer. At present, he is the President/Chief Executive Officer of Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd. Majid is also Vice Chairman of Labuan International Insurance Association (LIIA), a member of the Investment Committee of Kumpulan Permodalan Bumiputera Pahang (KUMIPA) and Director of Pasdec Resources (SA) Ltd. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 16 Majid bin Mohamad, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 54 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 19 Ogos 2002. Beliau memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (Kepujian) daripada Universiti Malaya diikuti kelulusan MBA daripada Manchester Business School, England pada tahun 1985. Beliau juga telah menghadiri Program Pembangunan Pengurusan di Harvard Business School, Boston, AS pada tahun 1989 dan Program Pengurusan Lanjutan di INSEAD, Paris pada tahun 2007. Beliau memulakan kerjayanya pada tahun 1977 sebagai Pegawai Bank di Bank Negara Malaysia dan berkhidmat di beberapa jabatan di antara tahun 1977 hingga 1993. Selepas bekerja dengan Bank Negara selama 15 tahun, beliau menceburi industri insurans pada tahun 1994. Beliau pernah memegang jawatan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Pacific and Orient Insurance Sdn. Bhd., MNI Berhad, The People’s Insurance Co. (M) Berhad dan Talasco Insurance Berhad antara 1994 hingga April 2002. Pada bulan Jun 2002, beliau menyertai Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd sebagai Naib Presiden Eksekutif/Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif. Pada masa ini, beliau adalah Presiden/Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd. En. Majid juga merupakan Naib Pengerusi Persatuan Insurans Antarabangsa Labuan (LIIA), ahli Jawatankuasa Pelaburan Kumpulan Permodalan Bumiputera Pahang (KUMIPA) dan Pengarah Pasdec Resources (SA) Ltd. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah DATO’ MOHAMED AMIN BIN HAJI DAUD Senior Independent Non-Executive Director/ Pengarah Bebas Kanan Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud, a Malaysian, aged 70, was appointed to the Board on 30 April 1997. He is a Barrister-at-law of the Honorable Society of Middle Temple and was called to the English Bar in November 1971. Upon returning to Malaysia, he joined Messrs Ibam Sdn. Bhd. in 1972 as Company Secretary and was later promoted to Deputy General Manager of the same company. Subsequently, he went on to set-up his own law practice with two other lawyers in Kuantan. He was a Member of Parliament of Pekan, Pahang from 1982 to 1986 and Rompin, Pahang from 1986 to 1990. He served as the Deputy Speaker of Dewan Rakyat Malaysia from 1986 until 1990. He was the Chairman of Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara from 1986 until 1995 and Chairman of Kuantan Port Authority from 1985 until 1987. Dato’ Mohamed Amin serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Beliau pernah menjadi Ahli Parlimen bagi Kawasan Pekan, Pahang dari tahun 1982 hingga 1986 dan bagi Kawasan Rompin, Pahang dari tahun 1986 hingga 1990. Beliau menjadi Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat Malaysia dari tahun 1986 hingga 1990. Beliau telah memegang jawatan Pengerusi Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara dari tahun 1986 hingga 1995 dan Pengerusi Pelabuhan Kuantan dari tahun 1985 hingga 1987. Dato’ Mohamed Amin merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Audit dan Jawatankuasa Pencalonan serta ahli Jawatankuasa Ganjaran Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. 17 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 70 tahun, telah dilantik menjadi ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 30 April 1997. Beliau seorang Barrister-at-Law Persatuan Terhormat di Middle Temple dan telah diterima masuk ke Badan Peguam Inggeris pada bulan November 1971. Sebaik sahaja kembali ke Malaysia, beliau bekerja dengan Tetuan Ibam Sdn. Bhd. pada tahun 1972 sebagai seorang Setiausaha Syarikat dan kemudian telah dinaikkan pangkat ke Timbalan Pengurus Besar di syarikat yang sama. Seterusnya, beliau telah menubuhkan syarikat guaman sendiri bersama dua orang peguam lain di Kuantan. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah DATO’ SRI KHALID BIN MOHAMAD JIWA Independent Non-Executive Director/Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa, a Malaysian aged 49, was appointed to the Board of Pasdec Holdings Berhad on 30 April 1997. His career began in the financial sector when he joined Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad (BBMB) in 1981. Dato’ Sri Khalid is a business graduate from University of Technology MARA and during his tenure with BBMB, he has gathered vast knowledge and experience in financial business activities. He also contributed significantly to the bank’s operations and business development especially when he was the Head of Credit at one of its Selangor branches, responsible for analysing and managing credit portfolio. His tremendous experience in the financial sector and other business fields has led to his involvement in corporate ventures. He began making inroads into the corporate world when he was appointed as a Director of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Dato’ Sri Khalid is also a Director of DFZ Capital Berhad, Naluri Corporation Berhad, Asian Composite Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. and United Industries Sdn. Bhd. He is the Executive Chairman of Ace Global Ventures Sdn. Bhd. and its group of companies, which is involved in TV media services, supply of television programmes, event management, supply of broadcast and other specialised equipment, property, construction and engineering works. He is also an advisor to several community associations. Dato’ Sri Khalid is a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Tender Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 18 Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 49 tahun, telah dilantik menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad pada 30 April 1997. Kerjaya beliau bermula dalam sektor kewangan apabila menyertai Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad (BBMB) pada tahun 1981. Dato’ Sri Khalid seorang graduan Universiti Teknologi MARA dan sepanjang tempoh berkhidmat dengan BBMB beliau memperoleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman luas di dalam aktiviti perniagaan kewangan. Beliau juga telah memberi sumbangan yang penting di dalam operasi dan pembangunan perniagaan terutamanya sewaktu beliau memegang jawatan Pengurus Kredit di salah sebuah cawangan bank tersebut di Selangor dimana beliau bertanggungjawab terhadap analisa dan pengurusan portfolio kredit. Pengalaman di dalam sektor kewangan dan sektor-sektor perniagaan yang lain telah membuka jalan kepada penglibatan beliau di dalam dunia korporat apabila beliau dilantik sebagai Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Dato’ Sri Khalid juga adalah Pengarah DFZ Capital Berhad, Naluri Corporation Berhad, Asian Composite Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. dan United Industries Sdn. Bhd. Beliau juga merupakan Pengerusi Eksekutif Kumpulan ACE Global Ventures Sdn. Bhd. yang terlibat di dalam perkhidmatan media televisyen, pembekal rancangan televisyen, pengurusan acara, pembekal peralatan penyiaran dan lain-lain peralatan khas penyiaran, hartanah, pembinaan dan kerja-kerja kejuruteraan. Beliau juga merupakan penasihat kepada beberapa pertubuhan masyarakat. Dato’ Sri Khalid merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Audit, Jawatankuasa Pencalonan dan Jawatankuasa Tender Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Profile of Directors Profil Lembaga Pengarah ABDULLAH BIN A. RASOL Independent Non-Executive Director/ Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Abdullah bin A. Rasol, a Malaysian, aged 58, was appointed to the Board on 23 May 2002. Abdullah is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, United Kingdom and a Chartered Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. He is presently the Director of F&B and Tourism Sector of Eden Inc. Berhad (formerly known as Eden Enterprises (M) Berhad). Prior to his present position, he was the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Amanah General Insurance Berhad. He served the Amanah Capital Group since 1984, initially serving as the Finance Manager of Amanah Merchant Bank Berhad (AMBB) and moving on towards corporate banking and subsequently as the General Manager of AMBB. His tasks whilst at AMBB include marketing and evaluation of credit facilities, management of assets, financial advisory, equity restructuring and project financing. He gained audit and accounting experience in Coopers & Lybrand, Guthrie Malaysia Holdings Bhd and Pernas Construction Sdn. Bhd. prior to joining AMBB. Abdullah serves as a member of the Audit Committee of Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder, nor any conflict of interest with Pasdec Holdings Berhad. He has not been convicted for any offences (other than traffic offences) within the past 10 years. Sebelum daripada ini, beliau memegang jawatan Pengarah Eksekutif dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Amanah General Insurance Berhad. Beliau berkhidmat dengan Kumpulan Amanah Capital sejak tahun 1984, pada mulanya sebagai Pengurus Kewangan dengan Amanah Merchant Bank Berhad (AMBB), seterusnya beralih ke bidang perbankan korporat dan akhir sekali sebagai Pengurus Besar. Tugas-tugas beliau semasa berkhidmat di AMBB termasuk pemasaran dan penilaian kemudahan kredit, pengurusan aset, khidmat nasihat kewangan, penstrukturan semula ekuiti serta pembiayaan projek. Beliau telah memperolehi pengalaman dalam bidang audit dan perakaunan semasa beliau berkhidmat di Coopers & Lybrand, Guthrie Malaysia Holdings Bhd. dan Pernas Constrution Sdn. Bhd. sebelum menyertai AMBB. Abdullah merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Audit Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tiada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan mana-mana pengarah lain dan/atau pemegang saham utama, mahupun sebarang konflik kepentingan dengan Pasdec Holdings Berhad. Beliau tidak pernah disabit dengan apa-apa kesalahan (selain kesalahan lalu lintas) dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. 19 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Abdullah bin A. Rasol, seorang warganegara Malaysia berusia 58 tahun, telah dilantik menjadi ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 23 Mei 2002. Abdullah adalah seorang Fellow di Persatuan Berkanun Akauntan Bertauliah, United Kingdom dan merupakan Akauntan Bertauliah dengan Institut Akauntan Malaysia. Pada masa ini beliau merupakan Pengarah F&B dan Sektor Pelancongan Eden Inc. Berhad (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Eden Enterprises (M) Berhad). Management Team Kumpulan Pengurusan YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN Group Managing Director / Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Dato’ Haji Mohd Kharuddin Bin Mohd Ali Goh Song Han IR. Samsudin Bin Ishak Shamsul Anuar Bin Ya’ akub Shakerah Enayetali Haji Mohd Azman Bin Sa’ ad Mohd Asri Bin Mohamad Ripin Haji Anwar Bin Matnor Wan Khairuddin Bin Wan Ab Manan Zulkipli Bin Haji Jalaluddin AHMAD SHAH BIN OTHMAN MOHD RIZAN BIN ISMAIL General Manager Business Development Pengurus Besar Pembangunan Perniagaan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 20 Company Secretary Setiausaha Syarikat General Manager / Pengurus Besar Kuantan Tembeling Resort Sdn. Bhd. Group Financial Controller Pengawal Kewangan Kumpulan General Manager / Pengurus Besar Pasdec Putra Sdn. Bhd. Manager / Pengurus Kuantan Bricks Sdn. Bhd. General Manager Project Pengurus Besar Projek General Manager / Pengurus Besar Pasdec Land Sdn. Bhd. Manager / Pengurus Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. General Manager Administration Pengurus Besar Pentadbiran General Manager / Pengurus Besar Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. Manager / Pengurus Pasdec Mega Sdn. Bhd. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 21 Letter from Chairman Perutusan Pengerusi DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi Para Pemegang Saham Sekelian, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to present the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Pasdec Holdings Berhad (PASDEC) for the financial year ended 31 December 2007. I am also pleased to note that year 2007 marked the 10th year of listing of PASDEC on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Saya bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, dengan sukacitanya membentangkan Laporan Tahunan dan Penyata Kewangan Pasdec Holdings Berhad (PASDEC) bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. Saya gembira kerana tahun 2007 menandakan tahun ke-10 penyenaraian PASDEC di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT PERSEKITARAN OPERASI The Malaysian economy grew by a steady 6.3% in the year under review driven by robust domestic demand despite a weaker external environment. Domestic demand increased by 10.5% in 2007 (2006: 7%), driven mainly by buoyant expansion in private consumption and investment. Increases in disposable income, firm labour market and favourable financing conditions drove consumer spending higher, whilst private investment activities remained strong with higher levels of spending in the manufacturing, services and construction sectors as well as upstream oil and gas activities (Source: Bank Negara Report 2007, Ministry of Finance Malaysia). Ekonomi Malaysia berkembang pada kadar stabil 6.3% ditinjau dalam tahun yang dipacu oleh permintaan domestik yang kukuh meskipun dengan persekitaran luar negeri yang lemah. Permintaan domestik meningkat 10.5% pada 2007 (2006: 7%), didorong terutamanya oleh pengembangan memberangsangkan dalam penggunaan dan pelaburan swasta. Peningkatan dalam pendapatan boleh guna, pasaran buruh yang teguh dan keadaan pembiayaan yang menggalakkan mendorong perbelanjaan konsumer yang lebih tinggi, sementara aktiviti pelaburan swasta terus kukuh dengan kadar perbelanjaan yang lebih tinggi dalam sektor perkilangan, perkhidmatan dan pembinaan juga aktiviti huluan minyak dan gas (Sumber: Laporan Bank Negara 2007, Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia). Malaysian property market remained buoyant in 2007. The overall market strengthened with increases in both transaction volume and value, improved sales performance for newly launched housing units and reduced numbers of property overhang. However, property and construction activities moderated with increase in newly completed units but decrease in the commencement of new construction and building plan approvals ( Source: Property Market Report 2007, Ministry of Finance Malaysia). Pasaran hartanah Malaysia kekal aktif pada 2007. Pasaran keseluruhan menjadi lebih teguh dengan peningkatan dalam bilangan dan nilai pindahmilik, prestasi jualan unit-unit perumahan yang baru dilancarkan dan pengurangan lebihan jumlah hartanah. Bagaimanapun, terdapat penyederhanaan dalam aktiviti hartanah dan pembinaan dengan peningkatan unit-unit yang baru siap serta penurunan perlaksanaan baru pembinaan dan kelulusan pelan bangunan (Sumber: Laporan Pasaran Hartanah 2007,Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia). 23 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dear Shareholders, LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi During the year under review, Pahang State’s property Pada tahun yang ditinjau, prestasi hartanah Negeri Pahang performance showed improvement from the previous year, menunjukkan kemajuan berbanding tahun lepas, mencatatkan recording an increase in total volume and transactions by 7.6% peningkatan dalam jumlah bilangan dan nilai pindahmilik and 13.1% respectively to register 14,012 transactions worth 7.6% dan 13.1% masing-masing untuk mencatat 14,012 RM2.09 billion with residential sub-sector dominating 50.5% of pindahmilik bernilai RM2.09 bilion dengan sub sektor kediaman the market share (Source: Property Market Report 2007). The mendominasi 50.5% bahagian pasaran (Sumber: Laporan prices of residential property in the State were on upward trends Pasaran Hartanah 2007). Harga hartanah kediaman di Negeri and varied depending on the locations and types. berada di aliran menaik dan berbeza-beza bergantung kepada lokasi dan jenis. Positive inflows were observed in the residential sub-sector due to the implementation of several Government initiatives, Aliran masuk positif dapat dilihat dalam sub sektor kediaman hasil which began since December 2006. Policies introduced daripada pelaksanaan beberapa inisiatif kerajaan, yang telah during the year under review included the liberalization of the bermula sejak Disember 2006. Polisi yang diperkenalkan pada Foreign Investment Committee ruling on foreign ownership of tahun yang ditinjau termasuk liberalisasi terhadap peraturan homes, the exemption from Property Gains Tax and relaxation Jawatankuasa Pelaburan Asing mengenai pemilikan asing on the number of residential or commercial property loans bagi hartanah kediaman, pengecualian Cukai Keuntungan that foreigners can obtain. These policies have been proven Hartanah successful through findings from the Real Estate and Housing kediaman dan komersil yang boleh diperoleh oleh orang asing. Developers Association (REHDA). The REHDA findings indicated, Polisi ini terbukti berjaya melalui hasil kajian Persatuan Pemaju inter alia, that foreign investment in the residential sector rose Hartanah dan Perumahan Malaysia (REHDA). Hasil kajian REHDA 30% in the first half of 2007. ini menunjukkan, antara lain, bahawa pelaburan asing dalam dan kelonggaran jumlah pinjaman hartanah sektor kediaman meningkat 30% pada pertengahan 2007. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 24 LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi PRESTASI KEWANGAN I am pleased to announce that the Group has recorded commendable results for the year ended 31 December 2007. The Group recorded a turnover of RM107.2 million, an increase of 1.5% as compared to the preceding year (2006: RM105.7 million). Saya dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan bahawa Kumpulan telah mencatat hasil yang memberangsangkan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007. Kumpulan telah mencatat perolehan sebanyak RM107.2 juta, meningkat 1.5% berbanding tahun sebelumnya (2006: RM105.7 juta). The Group recorded a substantially higher profit for the year of RM26.4 million as compared to last year’s profit of RM1.25 million. Higher profit for the year was attributed to the development of Putra Square in Transit Quarters, Kuantan and the gain arising from the exchange of rights by the bondholders of the Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds. Kumpulan mencatat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi untuk tahun ini sebanyak RM26.4 juta berbanding tahun lepas sebanyak RM1.25 juta. Keuntungan yang lebih tinggi adalah hasil daripada pembangunan Putra Square di Transit Quarters, Kuantan dan keuntungan daripada pertukaran hak oleh pemegang-pemegang bon Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds. Earnings per ordinary share increased to 15.34 sen from 0.55 sen the previous year. Pendapatan bagi sesaham biasa meningkat 15.34 sen dari 0.55 sen dalam tahun sebelumnya. The Board of Directors is pleased to recommend a first and final dividend of 2 sen per share less Malaysian tax in respect of financial year 2007 for shareholders’ approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Lembaga Pengarah dengan sukacitanya mengesyorkan dividen awal dan akhir 2 sen sesaham ditolak cukai Malaysia bagi tahun kewangan 2007 untuk kelulusan pemegang-pemegang saham di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT PERKEMBANGAN KORPORAT The year under review saw a continuation of the corporate strategies conceived in 2006. During the year, the Company subscribed to 70% equity interest in Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn Bhd (BASP) as agreed in the Joint Venture Agreement dated 28 January 2006. The balance of the equity interest in BASP is held by AWP Aquarium & Park Sdn. Bhd. This partnership received further impetus following the approval of 115.2 acres of land at Bukit Tinggi, Bentong Pahang by the State Government of Pahang for development into an aquarium and sanctuary park to be known as the Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park. Tahun yang ditinjau meyaksikan kesinambungan strategi korporat 2006. Pada tahun ini, Syarikat telah melanggan sebanyak 70% kepentingan ekuiti dalam Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. (BASP) seperti yang dipersetujui dalam Perjanjian Usahasama bertarikh 28 Januari 2006. Baki kepentingan ekuiti dalam BASP dipegang oleh AWP Aquarium & Park Sdn. Bhd. Kelulusan tanah seluas 115.2 ekar di Bukit Tinggi Bentong oleh Kerajaan Negeri Pahang telah mendorong perlaksanaan projek Usahasama ini yang mana tanah tersebut akan dibangunkan dengan pembangunan akuarium dan taman ‘Sanctuary’ yang akan dikenali dengan Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park. 25 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 26 In connection with our corporate issuance of RM150 million Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (REBs), the entire RM15.0 million of Series 1 and RM59.0 million of Series 2 of the REBs have been redeemed/exchanged by the bondholders todate. As of 31 December 2007, the Group recognised a profit of RM32.36 million from the exchange of REBs into shares. Berhubung dengan terbitan korporat RM150 juta Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (REBs), sehingga kini keseluruhan RM15.0 juta dari Siri 1 dan RM59.0 juta dari Siri 2 REBs telah ditebus/ditukar oleh pemegang-pemegang bon. Sehingga 31 Disember 2007, Kumpulan telah mencatatkan keuntungan RM32.36 juta ekoran pertukaran REBs kepada saham. In line with the Group’s internal restructuring strategies, whereby non-property and property related businesses are clearly separated, the Group proceeded to place non-property related companies under Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Consequently, shareholding in Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd. was transferred from PASDEC to Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Sejajar dengan strategi penstrukturan semula kumpulan, di mana pengasingan dibuat antara perniagaan hartanah dan bukan hartanah, Kumpulan telah menstrukturkan syarikat yang bukan berkaitan hartanah di bawah Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Sehubungan dengan itu, pegangan saham dalam Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd. telah dipindahkan dari PASDEC ke Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. has recently been established to take over the businesses of trading of construction materials and provision of insurance services from Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. and placed under Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. yang baru sahaja ditubuhkan untuk mengambil alih perniagaan bahan binaan dan perkhidmatan perlindungan insurans daripada Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. telah diletakkan di bawah Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. In December 2007, Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with Mentiga Corporation Berhad for the acquisition of a piece of land measuring 28.98 acres at Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Kuantan, Pahang for a total consideration of RM9.86 million. Pada bulan Disember 2007, Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. telah menandatangani Perjanjian Jual Beli bersyarat dengan Mentiga Corporation Berhad bagi pemerolehan sebidang tanah seluas 28.98 ekar di Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Kuantan, Pahang dengan harga sejumlah RM9.86 juta. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS TINJAUAN OPERASI The Group, although diversified in interests, remains firmly committed to its core strengths in property related activities, namely property development, construction, project management, manufacturing of bricks, trading of building materials and management of resorts and buildings. Walaupun cenderung kearah mempelbagaikan aktiviti perniagaan syarikat, Kumpulan terus komited dan memberikan tumpuan terhadap perniagaan teras dalam aktiviti berkaitan hartanah, iaitu pembangunan hartanah, pembinaan, pengurusan projek, pembuatan batu bata, perniagaan bahan binaan dan pengurusan resort dan bangunan. For the year under review, a total of 957 units of residential and commercial properties were offered for sale in development projects under Astana Villa, Pasdec Damansara, Bandar Putra, Baluk Perdana, Baluk Permai, Chendur Utama, Semambu Baru, Rompin Permai and Raub Perdana, all located in Pahang. The entire value of the properties amounts to approximately RM104.0 million. Dalam tahun tinjauan, sejumlah 957 unit hartanah kediaman dan komersil telah ditawarkan untuk jualan di projek Astana Villa, Pasdec Damansara, Bandar Putra, Baluk Perdana, Baluk Permai, Chendur Utama, Semambu Baru, Rompin Permai dan Raub Perdana, semuanya terletak di Pahang. Keseluruhan nilai hartanah dianggarkan berjumlah RM104.0 juta. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi With the completion of the upgrading of Kuantan/Kemaman Bypass into a dual-carriage way, buyers take a mere 10 minutes drive directly to the town centre via this bypass and can now expect an appreciation in capital value of their property. As an added value, PASDEC will spend approximately RM8.0 million to build an elevated slipway across Kuantan/Kemaman By-pass to facilitate the access to the project. BANDAR PUTRA The construction of this mixed development project began in March 2007. It was officially launched on 21 February 2008. Phase 1 of the 417-acre freehold development which features an integrated mix of residential, commercial and recreational components comprises modern single and double-storey semidetached and linked houses in over 38 stylish designs. Since its recent launch, the products of Phase 1 received overwhelming response from the buyers. The Group is confident that Bandar Putra Kuantan will be wellreceived for its innovative concept which focuses on providing quality living within a conducive living environment for its residents; with a natural green lung incorporated throughout the development surrounded by tropical Zen landscapes, good streetscapes and a community centre. PASDEC DAMANSARA Terletak di tanah pegangan bebas 535 ekar, pembangunan Fasa 1 Pasdec Damansara merangkumi 187 unit rumah teres 2tingkat dan 1 ½-tingkat rumah teres. Ianya adalah pembangunan kawasan berasaskan konsep “Kehidupan dalam Taman”. Setiap kawasan pembangunan akan di kelilingi zon hijau yang dirangkaikan secara linear dengan Taman Tasik seluas 35 ekar. Penduduk Fasa 1 akan menikmati pandangan indah semasa memandu pulang melalui jalan dua hala yang dibarisi pokok dan juga taman mainan kanak-kanak yang luas, dilanskap sepenuhnya dan dilengkapkan dengan laluan pejalan kaki berturap dan tempat berteduh. Sehingga kini, 95 % pembangunan di Fasa 1 sudah siap dibina, dengan 65% daripada rumah teres dua tingkat dan 50% rumah teres 1 ½-tingkat telah dijual. Dengan siapnya penaiktarafan Jalan Pintas Kuantan/Kemaman menjadi dua hala, tempoh perjalanan pembeli ke pusat bandar melalui jalan pintas ini hanya memakan masa 10 minit dan nilai hartanah yang dibeli dijangka meningkat. Sebagai nilai tambahan, PASDEC akan membelanjakan kira-kira RM8.0 juta untuk membina landasan bertingkat merintangi Jalan pintas Kuantan/Kemaman untuk memudahkan akses kepada projek. BANDAR PUTRA Pembinaan projek pembangunan bercampur ini telah dimulakan pada Mac 2007. Bandar Putra telah dilancarkan dengan rasmi pada 21 Februari 2008. Fasa 1 pembangunan di atas tanah hak milik bebas seluas 417-ekar yang menampilkan campuran komponen kediaman, komersil dan rekreasi ini terdiri daripada rumah berkembar dan rumah berangkai satu tingkat dan dua tingkat moden dalam lebih 38 reka bentuk menarik. Sejak ia dilancarkan, produk-produk yang ditawarkan Fasa 1 memperoleh sambutan yang amat memberangsangkan daripada pembeli. Kumpulan yakin bahawa Bandar Putra Kuantan akan diterima dengan baik oleh pembeli kerana konsepnya yang innovatif yang memberi fokus kepada penyediaan kehidupan berkualiti dengan persekitaran yang sesuai untuk penduduknya; dengan kawasan hijau yang diterapkan di keseluruhan pembangunan bercirikan lanskap Zen tropikal, lanskap jalan dan pusat komuniti. 27 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 PASDEC DAMANSARA Situated on 535 acres of freehold land, the first phase of Pasdec Damansara comprises 187 units of 2-storey and 1 ½-storey linked houses. It is a precincted development based on the concept of “Home in a park”. Each precinct is surrounded by a green zone and linearly linked to a 35 acres Lake Park. Phase 1 residents will be able to enjoy a scenic drive home on a treelined dual-carriage road as well as a big children playground, fully landscaped and equipped with paved walkway and shelter. At present, phase 1 is 95% completed, with 65% of the 2-storey linked houses and 50% of the 1 ½-storey linked houses sold. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi Construction of a new dual-carriageway just beside the development further boosts ease of travel to the township with strategic links to the town administration centre, beaches and even the Kuantan airport. BALUK PERDANA (BANDAR GEBENG) Baluk Perdana, which is now at its third phase of development, was developed under an environmentally friendly concept of ‘community living amidst nature’. Currently, 700 residents have made Baluk Perdana their home. Within this development, the Group set aside land for development of housing for the Royal Navy Force of Markas Wilayah 1 Kuantan. The Taman Samudera project, which was handed over to the Royal Navy at an official ceremony attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak in May 2007, comprises 365 units of houses equipped with amenities and recreational facilities. Baluk Perdana, once fully developed, shall comprise 1,890 residential and commercial units. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 28 PUTRA SQUARE On the commercial front, Putra Square, a tripartite joint venture between Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Jasa Imani Sdn. Bhd. and PFAS Corporation Sdn. Bhd., is progressing well with the construction of the second phase of development comprising of a shopping complex and an office tower. The soft launch of the project was held in April 2008. This exciting development will be the first multimedia super corridor in the East Coast. Pembinaan jalan dua hala yang baru bersebelahan dengan pembangunan ini akan memudahkan perjalanan ke pusat bandar, pantai dan juga lapangan terbang Kuantan. BALUK PERDANA (BANDAR GEBENG) Baluk Perdana, yang sedang diperingkat Fasa 3, dibangunkan bawah konsep mesra alam dengan ‘Kehidupan komuniti dalam persekitaran semula jadi’. Sehingga kini, 700 penduduk telah mendiami Baluk Perdana. Pembangunan di projek ini juga merangkumi pembinaan kediaman bagi Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia(TLDM), Markas Wilayah 1 Kuantan. Projek kediaman anggota tentera TLDM yang dikenali sebagai Taman Samudera ini telah diserahkan kepada pihak TLDM pada satu majlis yang dihadiri oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pertahanan, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak pada bulan Mei 2007, terdiri daripada 365 unit rumah yang dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan dan rekreasi. Apabila siap dibangunkan kelak, Baluk Perdana, akan didiami dengan 1,890 unit kediaman dan komersil. PUTRA SQUARE Bagi pembangunan komersial, pembinaan Putra Square, satu Usahasama tiga pihak di antara Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Jasa Imani Sdn. Bhd. dan PFAS Corporation Sdn. Bhd., sedang berjalan lancar dengan Fasa 2 pembangunan yang terdiri daripada kompleks membeli-belah dan menara pejabat. Pembukaan tidak rasmi kompleks perniagaan telah dibuat pada April 2008. Pembangunan yang mengujakan ini akan menjadi koridor raya multimedia yang pertama di Pantai Timur. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TANGGUNGJAWAB SOSIAL KORPORAT The Group firmly believes in striking a balance between profitability and our contributions to the community, staff and the environment that surrounds us. Even as we stride ahead, we are mindful that we are in the business of creating value and opportunity for all. We are also mindful about the sustainability of the environment and its need for replenishment, nourishment and preservation. It is this belief that underlies our every move, forms our strategies and motivates us for the future. It is when the people, the environment and the community are in harmony that we can truly embrace the world with an easy conscience and positive step forward. Kumpulan percaya kepada perlunya ada keseimbangan antara keuntungan dan sumbangan kepada masyarakat, warga kerja dan persekitaran. Dalam melangkah ke hadapan, kami menyedari bahawa kami berkecimpung dalam perniagaan yang memberikan hasil dan peluang untuk semua. Kami juga menyedari tentang pemuliharaan alam sekitar serta keperluan dalam perkitaran semula, penambahbaikan dan pemeliharaan alam semulajadi. Kesedaran inilah yang mengatur setiap langkah kami, membentuk strategi dan memotivasi kami untuk kepentingan masa depan. Hanya dengan keharmonian di antara manusia, alam sekitar dan masyarakat membolehkan kita mendakap dunia dengan hati nurani yang tenang dan melangkah dengan positif ke hadapan. During the year under review, the Management was particularly sensitive and aware of the rising cost of living. Hence, a salary revision in line with increasing costs was implemented to ease the burden of all staff. The Group ensures an environment of continual learning and progression and this is reflected in our job rotation policies. This policy allows our employees to meet new challenges to ensure faster growth potential and job enrichment. Introduction of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) into our performance appraisal system allowed for a more standardized and effective method of evaluating performance, where excellence is rewarded and incentives are placed to encourage continual drive and motivation. ASET UTAMA KAMI: WARGA KERJA KAMI Kumpulan menerapkan nilai kejujuran, kepimpinan, kepercayaan dan kecemerlangan kepada setiap warga kerja kami. Nilai ini dicerminkan melalui pelbagai strategi, polisi dan amalan budaya korporat yang berterusan. Pada tahun yang ditinjau, pihak Pengurusan sedar dan peka tentang peningkatan kos sara hidup. Sehubungan dengan itu, semakan semula gaji sejajar dengan peningkatan kos telah dilaksanakan untuk mengurangkan bebanan semua warga kerja. Kumpulan sentiasa memastikan suasana persekitaran kerja dengan proses pembelajaran yang berterusan bagi warga kerja yang dicerminkan melalui polisi ‘pengiliran’ kerja. Polisi ini memberi peluang kepada warga kerja kami menghadapi cabaran baru, meningkatkan potensi dan memantapkan mutu kerja. Applikasi Kunci Petunjuk Prestasi(KPI) dalam sistem penilaian prestasi telah menjadikan proses penilaian dibuat dengan lebih objektif dan effektif, di mana ganjaran dan insentif diberikan sejajar dengan kecemerlangan demi menggalakkan peningkatan prestasi dan motivasi berterusan. 29 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 OUR GREATEST ASSET: OUR PEOPLE The Group instils the fundamental values of trust, leadership, empowerment and excellence to each of our staff. These values are reflected in various strategies, policies and flow through our corporate culture. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi THE ENVIRONMENT As a responsible developer, the Group is very much concerned about the ill effects of an unstable environment. In each of our projects, there is always an awareness of preservation, environmental rehabilitation and blending the projects to the environment. ALAM SEKITAR Sebagai pemaju yang bertanggungjawab, Kumpulan amat prihatin dengan kesan buruk terhadap keadaan alam sekitar yang tidak seimbang. Di setiap projek kami, kesedaran tentang pemeliharaan, pemulihan alam semulajadi serta keseimbangan pembangunan projek dengan alam sekitar. Our ‘green’ policy is evidenced through our Pasdec Damansara, Bandar Putra, Baluk Perdana and Pasdec Perdana projects. Each township is carefully planned to include an abundance of green zones – areas which bring you close to nature and have minimal man-made influences. Polisi ‘hijau’ kami dipraktikan dalam perlaksanaan projek-projek di Pasdec Damansara, Bandar Putra, Baluk Perdana dan Pasdec Pesona. Setiap perbandaran dirancang dengan pengisian zon hijau yang luas – dengan kawasan yang dikelilingi alam semula jadi serta pengaruh buatan manusia yang minima. One of our projects adopts a honey-comb concept, where the development will incorporate elements such as thermal comfort designed homes to reduce the need for air-conditioning, waste management systems incorporated under sink grinders in the kitchen to dispose off organic matters and community based collection of recyclable refuse. The Group collaborates closely with the Department of Irrigation to ensure that our projects do not contribute to environmental degradation. Salah satu daripada projek kami menggunapakai konsep’sarang lebah’, di mana pembangunan menampilkan elemen seperti rumah yang direka bentuk dengan keselesaan termal untuk mengurangkan keperluan penghawa dingin, sistem pembuangan sisa yang diletakkan di bawah pengisar sink di dapur untuk membuang bahan organik dan pengutipan sampah komuniti yang boleh dikitar semula. Kumpulan sentiasa bekerjasama rapat dengan Jabatan Perparitan dan Saliran untuk memastikan semua projek kami tidak menyumbang kepada pencemaran alam sekitar. BEKERJA UNTUK KOMUNITI Kumpulan mengamalkan kedermawanan korporat yang memanfaatkan kebajikan dan menguntungkan masyarakat keseluruhannya. WORKING FOR THE COMMUNITY The Group practises corporate philanthropy in a way that benefits the welfare and enriches the community as a whole. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 30 Pada tahun yang ditinjau, Kumpulan telah memberi sumbangan kepada mangsa-mangsa yang terjejas dalam banjir tahun 2007 di Pekan, Pahang. Selain bantuan kewangan, Kumpulan juga memberi sumbangan dengan mengedar makanan dan bahan-bahan penting seperti beras, minyak masak, roti, telur dan lampin bayi. Selain daripada itu, Kumpulan telah mengumpul 30 orang daripada warga kerjanya untuk memberi bantuan di kawasan terlibat dan memastikan mangsa mendapat manfaat daripada pelbagai sumbangan yang telah dibuat. During the year under review, the Group made contributions to the victims affected by the 2007 flood in Pekan, Pahang. Besides monetary donation, the Group dispersed food and essential items such as rice, cooking oil, bread, eggs and diapers. Furthermore, the Group mobilized 30 staff to provide hands-on assistance and to ensure that victims benefited from the various contributions made. Pada Disember 2007, Kumpulan telah bekerjasama dengan persatuan kanak-kanak terencat akal untuk menganjurkan Karnival Jualan Pasdec. Persatuan ini menyediakan penjagaan dan keperluan kebajikan kepada kanak-kanak terencat akal dalam menjalani kehidupan. Aktiviti yang dijalankan bukan sahaja untuk kanak-kanak, tetapi juga melibatkan aktiviti derma darah daripada orang awam. Sebahagian hasil kutipan telah didermakan kepada 10 organisasi amal. In December 2007, the Group collaborated with an association for mentally retarded children to organise a Sales Carnival. The Association cares for and guides the mentally retarded children through the necessary steps of life. The event encompassed not only games and activities for the children, but also blood donation from the public. Proceeds from the event were distributed across 10 charitable organizations. Dalam menyokong perkembangan sukan negeri, Kumpulan telah menjadi penaja Pertandingan Bola Sepak Piala Veteran Pasdec. Acara tahunan ini dianjurkan bersama Pasdec dan Persatuan Bola Sepak Pahang. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi In support for the development of sports within the region, the Group became the sponsor of the Pasdec Veterans Cup Football Tournament. This yearly event is co-organised by Pasdec and the Football Association of Pahang. Menuju kehadapan, Kumpulan merancang untuk memulakan penubuhan persatuan penduduk dalam projek pembangunan yang dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan interaksi komuniti dan perangkaian kawasan kejiranan. Moving forward, the Group plans to initiate the formation of residents’ association within its development projects to enhance community interaction and neighbourhood networking. MENINJAU MASA HADAPAN The year to come will be a mixed bag of challenges and increased competition for an ever-shrinking ‘piece of pie’. The Group has undertaken effective strategic planning and has positioned itself to weather these challenges. At the onset, the Malaysian economy thus far has been somewhat resilient to the sub-prime crisis affecting most parts of the world. Indications are that the Malaysian economy in the year to come will still remain favourable, with growth expected between 5 to 6%. Record high oil prices will have a significant effect on the overall cost of living, affecting particularly the middle to lower income groups. The trend towards a rise in building material costs will subsequently increase the cost of construction, thus putting pressure on purchaser affordability vis-à-vis the price of properties. Setakat ini, ekonomi Malaysia menunjukkan daya tahan dalam menghadapi krisis sub prima yang menjejaskan kebanyakan negara dunia. Petunjuk membayangkan ekonomi Malaysia untuk tahun yang akan datang tetap menggalakkan, dengan jangkaan pertumbuhan di antara 5-6%. Kenaikan harga minyak yang telah mencatat rekod tertinggi dijangka akan memberi kesan signifikan kepada kos sara hidup, menjejaskan terutamanya kumpulan pendapatan pertengahan dan rendah. Aliran ke arah peningkatan kos bahan-bahan pembinaan akan seterusnya meningkatkan kos pembinaan, dan memberikan kesan terhadap kemampuan membeli dalam hubungannya dengan harga hartanah kediaman. 31 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LOOKING AHEAD Tahun hadapan dijangka menyaksikan pelbagai cabaran dan peningkatan persaingan dalam ‘pembahagian pai’ yang semakin mengecil. Kumpulan telah membuat perancangan strategik yang teliti dan bersiap sedia dalam menghadapi segala cabaran mendatang. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi Furthermore, a shortage of skilled labour and over dependency on migrant workers presents further cost challenges for the industry as a whole. Kekurangan tenaga kerja mahir dan kebergantungan berlebihan kepada pekerja asing telah memberikan lebih cabaran dengan peningkatan kos kepada industri secara keseluruhannya. However, the Group applauds the decision by the Federal Government to allow the use of savings in the Employees Provident Fund for monthly repayments of housing loans. The Group predicts that the effects of this scheme have already begun to filter into the market. In addition, the Government’s revised policy in reducing the stamp duty by 50% on houses worth RM250,000 or less will go far in spurring the residential property market. Walau bagaimanapun, Kumpulan memuji keputusan Kerajaan Pusat membenarkan penyimpan menggunapakai simpanan dalam Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja untuk melunaskan ansuran bulanan pinjaman perumahan mereka. Adalah dijangkakan skim ini akan beransur-ansur beri kesan kepada pertumbuhan pasaran. Tambahan pula, polisi Kerajaan yang telah disemak semula dengan pengurangan duti setem sebanyak 50% untuk rumah bernilai RM250,000 atau kurang, akan menggalakkan pasaran hartanah kediaman. Encouragingly, the positive market sentiment for the Pahang property market is a reflection of the Eastern Corridor Economic Region (ECER) Masterplan. The Masterplan will benefit not only the residential and industrial sectors, but also the agricultural and tourism sectors, thus spurring increased economic activity in the region. The Group has strategically moved into non-property related businesses to reduce our reliance on property development. The Group views areas such as manufacturing-based industries, services and oil and gas industry with much anticipation. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 32 Paling menggalakkan ialah Pelan Induk Wilayah Pembangunan Ekonomi Koridor Pantai Timur (ECER), yang telah membayangkan sentimen pasaran yang positif untuk pasaran hartanah Pahang. Pelaksanaan Pelan Induk ini kelak, bukan sahaja akan memanfaatkan sektor kediaman dan industri, tetapi juga sektor pertanian dan pelancongan, sekaligus menggalakkan penambahan kegiatan ekonomi di Wilayah ini. Kumpulan telah bergerak secara strategik ke arah menceburi perniagaan yang bukan berkaitan dengan hartanah untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan pada pembangunan hartanah. Kumpulan sedang mempertimbangkan penerokaan dalam bidang seperti industri berasaskan pembuatan, perkhidmatan dan industri gas dan minyak dengan penuh pengharapan. LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN Perutusan pengerusi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PENGHARGAAN On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to our customers, shareholders, business partners and government authorities. Your contribution, trust, wisdom and confidence over the past 10 years guide our strength and ensure our continued growth. Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan ikhlas saya kepada pelanggan, pemegang saham, rakan niaga kami dan jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan. Sumbangan, kepercayaan, kearifan dan keyakinan anda sepanjang 10 tahun yang lepas memandu kekuatan kami dan memastikan pertumbuhan kami secara berterusan. I would like to express my gratitude to my fellow Directors for their invaluable views, insights and support. I must thank the State EXCO members and the State Government of Pahang for the uncompromising and continued support of PASDEC. Finally, to all staff, your commitment and dedication to the Group is admirable and provides the impetus for sustained success and excellence. Thank You. Saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada rakan-rakan Pengarah atas pandangan, pendapat dan sokongan mereka. Saya mesti berterima kasih kepada barisan Ahli-Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Pahang dan Kerajaan Negeri Pahang atas sokongan yang tidak berbelah bahagi dan berterusan kepada PASDEC. Akhir kata, kepada semua kakitangan, komitmen dan dedikasi anda kepada Kumpulan mengkagumkan dan menjadi penggerak kepada kejayaan dan kegemilangan berterusan. 33 DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB Chairman Pasdec Holdings Berhad 21 May 2008 DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB Pengerusi Pasdec Holdings Berhad 21 Mei 2008 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Terima Kasih. ... to spread our wings to greater heights PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 34 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 35 Corporate Governance Statement Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat The Board of Directors of Pasdec Holdings Berhad recognizes the importance of practicing good corporate governance as a fundamental part of discharging its responsibilities to protect and enhance shareholders’ value. Lembaga Pengarah Pasdec Holdings Berhad memperakui kepentingan tadbir urus korporat yang baik sebagai sebahagian asas penting dalam tanggungjawab untuk memelihara dan melindungi kepentingan para pemegang saham. The Board is pleased to disclose to shareholders on the manner the Group has applied the principles of good corporate governance and extent of compliance with the best practices as set out in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance Revised 2007 (“Code”), during the year ended 31 December 2007. Lembaga Pengarah dengan sukacitanya memaklumkan kepada para pemegang saham bahawa Kumpulan Pasdec telah menggunapakai prinsip-prinsip tadbir urus korporat yang baik sepertimana terkandung dalam Kod Tadbir Urus Korporat Malaysia 2007. (“Kod”), sepanjang tempoh berakhir 31 Disember 2007. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS LEMBAGA PENGARAH Composition of the Board Komposisi Pengarah The Board currently has ten (10) members comprising of a Non-Executive Chairman, a Non-Executive Deputy Chairman, a Managing Director, three (3) Independent Non-Executive Directors and four (4) Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors Ahli Lembaga Pengarah merangkumi sepuluh (10) orang anggota yang terdiri daripada seorang Pengerusi Bukan Eksekutif, seorang Timbalan Pengerusi Bukan Eksekutif, seorang Pengarah Urusan, tiga (3) orang Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif dan empat (4) orang Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif. The Board’s composition represents a mix of knowledge, skills and expertise relevant to the Company’s operations to provide strong and effective leadership and control of the Group. The profile of each Director is set out on pages 10 to 19 of this Annual Report. Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah adalah gabungan dari pengalaman pengurusan perniagaan dan kewangan yang luas, serta berkepakaran dan berpandangan bernas dalam perbincangan dan proses membuat keputusan Lembaga. Profil setiap Pengarah dimuatkan di dalam muka surat 10 hingga 19 dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. The Non-Executive Directors, all of whom are respected business leaders in their own right, play an important role in the Board’s decisions, and provide unbiased and independent views, advice and judgment in the decision making process. The roles of the Chairman and the Managing Director are distinct and each has clearly defined responsibilities to ensure a balance of power and authority. The Chairman is primarily responsible for ensuring orderly conduct and effectiveness of the Board whilst the Managing Director, being the only Executive Director, has the principal responsibility of reporting, clarifying and communication matters relating to the day-today operations of the Company to the Board. Board Responsibility PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 36 The Board of Directors is responsible for planning the strategic direction of the Group, the allocation of resources, the continuous review of the Group’s business operations and performance, the monitoring, implementation and review of appropriate processes and internal controls to manage business risk, and generally, for ensuring that the Company is being managed and its business conducted in accordance with high standards of accountability and transparency. Para Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif, yang semuanya terdiri daripada ahli-ahli yang dihormati dalam bidang masing-masing, memainkan peranan penting dalam keputusan Lembaga. Para Pengarah Bebas menyediakan pandangan, nasihat dan pertimbangan bebas yang tidak berpihak dalam proses membuat keputusan. Peranan Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan adalah ketara berbeza dan setiapnya mempunyai tanggungjawab jelas bagi memastikan keseimbangan kuasa dan kewibawaan. Tanggungjawab utama Pengerusi adalah untuk memastikan pengendalian rapi dan keberkesanan Lembaga manakala Pengarah Urusan, yang merupakan satu-satunya Pengarah Eksekutif, mempunyai tanggungjawab utama untuk melaporkan, menjelaskan dan menyampaikan perkaraperkara berkaitan operasi harian Syarikat kepada Lembaga. Tanggungjawab Lembaga Pengarah Lembaga Pengarah bertanggungjawab ke atas arah perancangan strategik Syarikat dan Kumpulan secara menyeluruh yang menjurus kepada pencapaian wawasan, misi dan prestasi tinggi Syarikat. Lembaga Pengarah bertindak memastikan Syarikat dan Kumpulan diuruskan selaras dengan kawalan dalaman yang baik serta prosidur sistematik yang telah ditetapkan mengikut standard ketelusan pengurusan syarikat yang tinggi. Corporate Governance Statement Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat Board Meetings Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah The Board meets at least five (5) times a year. Additional meetings are convened when necessary. During the financial year ended 31 December 2007, there were seven (7) Board meetings held. The attendance of each Director at the Board meeting are as follows:- Lembaga hendaklah bermesyuarat sekurang-kurangnya lima (5) kali setahun dengan mesyuarat tambahan diadakan mengikut keperluan. Sepanjang tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007, sejumlah tujuh (7) mesyuarat telah diadakan dan kehadiran setiap Pengarah ke Mesyuarat Lembaga adalah seperti di bawah:- Director No. of Meetings Attended 7/7 6/7 7/7 5/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 7/7 5/7 5/7 Supply of Information The agenda and Board papers are distributed well in advance of each Board meeting to enable the Directors to fully consider and appreciate the matters arising for discussion, and to seek additional information of the same, if necessary. Senior management staff may also be invited to participate in the meetings to provide the Board with detailed explanations and clarifications on issues that are being deliberated. All the Directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary and the senior management staff in the Group. If necessary, the Directors may also seek independent professional advice to discharge their duties at the Group’s expense. Board Committees The Board has delegated specific responsibilities to other Board committees, which operate with clearly defined terms of reference. (a) Audit Committee The Audit Committee report detailing its membership, its terms of reference and activities during the year is set out in pages 43 to 47 of this Annual Report. (b) Nomination Committee The nomination committee comprises of three (3) Non-Executive Directors, the majority of whom are Independent: 1. 2. 3. Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Chairman – Senior Independent, Non-Executive) Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa (Independent, Non-Executive) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Non-Executive) Pengarah Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali Majid bin Mohamed Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Abdullah bin A. Rasol Bilangan Kehadiran Mesyuarat 7/7 6/7 7/7 5/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 7/7 5/7 5/7 Pembekalan Maklumat Sebelum mesyuarat diadakan, kertas-kertas mesyuarat diedarkan lebih awal kepada ahli-ahli Lembaga untuk membolehkan mereka melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka dengan berkesan dan memudahkan keputusan dibuat. Kakitangan pengurusan kanan sekiranya perlu boleh dijemput menghadiri mesyuarat jika Lembaga Pengarah memerlukan penjelasan mengenai sesuatu isu. Lembaga mempunyai akses sepenuhnya kepada pengurusan kanan dan berhak mendapatkan nasihat serta khidmat Setiausaha Syarikat. Sekiranya perlu, para Pengarah boleh mendapatkan khidmat profesional bebas dengan perbelanjaan ditanggung oleh Syarikat. Jawatankuasa Lembaga Pengarah Lembaga Pengarah telah mengagihkan tanggungjawabnya kepada beberapa jawatankuasa, yang mempunyai takrif bidang kerja serta tanggungjawab yang jelas. (a) Jawatankuasa Audit Komposisi, bidang kerja dan aktiviti-aktiviti Jawatankuasa Audit dibentangkan di muka surat 43 hingga 47 dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. (b) Jawatankuasa Pencalonan Keahlian Jawatankuasa Pencalonan terdiri daripada tiga (3) Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif, yang mana majoriti terdiri daripada Pengarah Bebas: 1. 2. 3. Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Pengerusi – Bebas Kanan Bukan Eksekutif) Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa (Bebas Bukan Eksekutif) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Bukan Eksekutif) 37 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali Majid bin Mohamed Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Abdullah bin A. Rasol Corporate Governance Statement Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat The Committee is primarily responsible for the following:- •To review and recommend new candidates for appointment to the Board •To review and recommend appointments to committees of the Board; and •To assist the Board in reviewing on an annual basis the required mix of skills and experience of the Directors of the Company (c) Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee comprises of four (4) nonexecutive Directors, one of whom is independent: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman (Chairman – Non Executive) Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Senior Independent, Non-Executive) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Non-Executive) Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Non-Executive) The Committee is primarily responsible for making recommendation to the Board on all elements of remuneration and terms of employment of the Executive Director, drawing from outside advice if necessary. (d)Other Committee In addition to the aforementioned committees, the Board has also established a Tender Committee. Re-election of Directors In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, all Directors who are appointed by the Board during the year are subject to re-election by shareholders at the following Annual General Meeting. 38 The Company’s Articles of Association also provide that at least one-third (1/3) of the Directors including the Managing Director shall retire from office at each Annual General Meeting. All Directors shall retire from office once at least in every three (3) years but shall be eligible for re-election. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Director’s Training All the Directors have attended the Mandatory Accreditation Programme conducted by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”). The Board encourages its Directors to attend seminars, workshops to update their skills and knowledge to enable them to carry out their roles effectively as director in discharging their responsibilities towards corporate governance, operational and regulatory issues. During the year, the Directors have attended various courses and seminars to further enhance thier knowledge and skills. Tanggungjawab Jawatankuasa ini meliputi perkara-perkara berikut :•Mengkaji dan mencadangkan perlantikan calon-calon baru ke Lembaga •Mengkaji dan mengesyorkan kepada Lembaga, perlantikan bagi mengisi jawatan di dalam jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa; dan •Membantu Lembaga membuat penilaian tahunan terhadap gabungan kemahiran dan pengalaman para Pengarah Syarikat. (c) Jawatankuasa Imbuhan Keahlian jawatankuasa ini terdiri dari empat (4) Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif, yang mana seorang (1) adalah merupakan Pengarah Bebas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman (Pengerusi – Bukan Eksekutif) Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Bebas Kanan Bukan Eksekutif) Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Bukan Eksekutif) Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Bukan Eksekutif) Jawatankuasa Imbuhan bertanggungjawab mengemukakan syor-syor kepada Lembaga berhubung semua elemen imbuhan dan terma-terma pekerjaan Pengarah Eksekutif, dan sekiranya perlu, mendapatkan nasihat dari luar. (d) Lain-lain Jawatankuasa Selain dari jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa yang telah dinyatakan Lembaga juga turut menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Tender. Pelantikan Pengarah dan Pemilihan Semula Selaras dengan Artikel Tataurus Penubuhan Syarikat, semua Pengarah yang dilantik oleh Lembaga adalah tertakluk kepada pemilihan semula oleh para pemegang saham pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan. Sekurang-kurangnya satu pertiga (1/3) daripada bilangan Pengarah termasuk Pengarah Urusan hendaklah bersara dari perkhidmatan pada setiap Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan dan tertakluk kepada pemilihan semula oleh para pemegang saham. Latihan Berterusan Pengarah Semua Pengarah telah menghadiri Program Akreditasi Mandatori, sepertimana disyaratkan oleh Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”). Semua Pengarah digalakkan menyertai latihan dan program profesional tersebut bagi meningkatkan skil dan pengetahuan mereka dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas secara lebih berkesan. Sepanjang tahun kewangan, Para Pengarah telah menghadiri beberapa kursus dan seminar bagi tujuan peningkatan skil dan pengetahuan mereka. Corporate Governance Statement Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION IMBUHAN PENGARAH Remuneration of the Executive Director is recommended by the Remuneration Committee to the Board and is structured to link rewards to corporate and individual performance. Imbuhan kepada Pengarah Eksekutif adalah disyorkan oleh Jawatankuasa Imbuhan kepada Lembaga Pengarah yang mana dibuat selaras dengan imbuhan prestasi korporat dan prestasi individu. The aggregate remuneration of Directors of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 categorised by components and range of remuneration can be found in Note 8 (page 83) of Notes to the Financial Statements in this Annual Report. Penetapan imbuhan Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif pada keseluruhannya ditentukan oleh Lembaga Pengarah dengan setiap Pengarah berkenaan tidak terlibat dalam perbincangan untuk menentukan imbuhannya sendiri. Yuran para Pengarah dibayar kepada para Pengarah dengan kelulusan daripada para pemegang saham di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan. SHAREHOLDERS Butiran berkenaan imbuhan para Pengarah Syarikat bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007 yang dikategorikan mengikut komponen dan julat ganjaran boleh dilihat di dalam Nota 8 (mukasurat 141) kepada Nota-Nota Penyata Kewangan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. Relations with Shareholders and Investors PARA PEMEGANG SAHAM The Board recognises the importance of transparency and accountability to its shareholders and communicates with its shareholders and stakeholders regularly through timely release of financial results on a quarterly basis, press releases and announcements, which provide shareholders with an overview of the Group’s performance, operations and major developments. Hubungan Dengan Para Pemegang Saham dan Pelabur The Annual General Meeting serves as the primary channel for communicating with shareholders. Shareholders who are unable to attend are allowed to appoint proxies to attend and vote on their behalf. The Chairman and the Board will respond to the questions raised by the shareholders during the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders and the general public may obtain up-to-date information relating to the various activities of the Group by assessing its website at The Group’s press releases and latest financial and non-financial announcements can also be found there. ACCOUNTABILITY AND AUDIT Financial Reporting In presenting the annual financial statements and quarterly announcement to the shareholders, the Board is committed to presenting a balanced and fair assessment of the Group’s financial position, performance and prospects while complying with all applicable regulations and accounting standards. To this end, the Audit Committee assists the Board in discharging its fiduciary duties relating to corporate accountability and reporting practices of the Group. The Directors’ Responsibility Statement in respect of the preparation of the annual audited financial statements of the Company and Group is set out in page 41 of this Annual Report. Lembaga menyedari kepentingan ketelusan penyebaran maklumat kepada para pemegang saham, dan komunikasi berterusan melalui laporan tahunan syarikat, keputusan kewangan dan pengumuman melalui Bursa Malaysia serta pekeliling merupakan cara perhubungan yang berkesan dengan pemegang saham dalam mendapat pandangan terhadap prestasi, operasi dan perancangan pembangunan Syarikat. Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan merupakan forum utama untuk berdialog dengan pemegang-pemegang saham. Pemegang saham dibenarkan menghantar wakil ke mesyuarat tersebut. Pengerusi dan Lembaga akan menjawab soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan oleh pemegang saham semasa mesyuarat agung itu. Pemegang saham dan orang awam boleh mendapatkan maklumat yang terkini berhubung pelbagai aktiviti Kumpulan dengan melayari laman web Syarikat di Siaran akhbar dan pengumuman terkini kewangan dan bukan kewangan boleh diperolehi menerusi laman web ini. KEBERTANGGUNGJAWABAN DAN AUDIT Laporan Kewangan Dalam menyampaikan penyata kewangan tahunan dan pengumuman keputusan suku tahunan kepada pemegang saham, Lembaga dengan bantuan Jawatankuasa Audit bertanggungjawab mengemukakan penilaian adil dan saksama prestasi dan tentang kedudukan kewangan serta prospek Syarikat dan Kumpulan. Penyata Tanggungjawab Para Pengarah Syarikat dan Kumpulan adalah terkandung dalam mukasurat 41 di dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. 39 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Board as a whole decides on the remuneration of Non Executive Directors, with the individual Director concerned abstaining from discussion of his own remuneration. Directors’ fees are paid to the Directors with approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Corporate Governance Statement Penyata Urus Tadbir Korporat Internal Control Kawalan Dalaman The Directors acknowledge their responsibilities for the internal control system in the Group, which includes financial controls, operational controls, compliance monitoring as well as risk management in order to safeguard shareholders’ investment and the Company’s assets. The Group’s Statement on Internal Control is set out on page 42 of the Annual Report. Lembaga mempunyai tanggungjawab menyeluruh untuk mengekalkan sistem kawalan dalaman yang mantap, termasuk kawalan kewangan, kawalan operasi, pemantauan kepatuhan di samping pengurusan risiko demi melindungi kepentingan pelaburan para pemegang saham dan aset-aset Syarikat. Penyata Kawalan Dalaman Kumpulan dipaparkan di muka surat 42 Lapuran Tahunan ini. Relationship with External Auditors The Board maintains a formal and transparent professional relationship with the external auditors through the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has been empowered to communicate directly with the external auditors. The external auditors have an obligation to bring significant defects to the Group’s system of control and compliance to the attention of the management and if necessary, to the Audit Committee and the Board. ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Material Contracts Involving Shareholder’s Interests Directors’ and Major None of the Directors and major shareholders had any material contracts with the Company during the financial year ended 31 December 2007. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 40 Hubungan dengan Juruaudit Lembaga melalui Jawatankuasa Audit mengekalkan hubungan formal dan telus dengan Juruaudit Luaran Syarikat bagi mendapatkan khidmat dan nasihat profesional mereka. Jawatankuasa Audit telah diberi mandat untuk berkomunikasi secara terus dengan juruaudit luaran. Juruaudit luaran mempunyai obligasi untuk memberi perhatian kepada pihak pengurusan terhadap kepatuhan sistem kawalan dan jika perlu kepada pihak Jawatankuasa Audit dan Lembaga bagi sebarang kelemahan ketara terhadap kepatuhan pada sistem kawalan tersebut. MAKLUMAT KEPATUHAN TAMBAHAN Kontrak Penting Melibatkan Kepentingan Pengarah Dan Pemegang Saham Utama Sanctions and/or Penalties Imposed Tidak ada Pengarah atau pemegang saham utama yang mempunyai kontrak penting dengan Syarikat dalam tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. There were no sanctions and/or penalties imposed on the Company by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2007. Pengenaan Sekatan dan/atau Hukuman Non-Audit Fees Tiada sekatan dan / atau denda yang dikenakan ke atas Syarikat dan / atau subsidiari oleh badan-badan penguatkuasaan akibat ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan / undang-undang. The amount for non-audit fees paid or payable to the external auditors and their associates for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 is RM27,420.00. Yuran Bukan Audit Variation in Financial Result Jumlah yuran bukan audit yang telah dibayar atau perlu dibayar kepada juruaudit luar dan sekutunya bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007 ialah RM27,420.00. The Group’s audited consolidated profit for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 of RM26.4 million differed by RM15.4 million or 36.8% from the consolidated unaudited profit of RM41.8 million for the year previously announced on 29 February 2008 due to provision made relating to impairment of land in Labuan. Announcement on the variance in results was made on 29 April 2008. Perbezaan Keputusan Kewangan Keuntungan Kumpulan beraudit bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007 ialah sebanyak RM26.4 juta, RM15.4 juta atau 36.8% lebih rendah dari keuntungan Kumpulan belum diaudit sebanyak RM41.8 juta yang diumumkan pada 29 Februari 2008. Perbezaan ini adalah disebabkan oleh peruntukan rosot nilai tanah di Labuan. Pengumuman berhubung dengan perbezaan ini telah dibuat pada 29 April 2008. DIRECTORs’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Penyata TANGGUNGJAWAB PARA PENGARAH The Directors are responsible for the preparation of financial statements prepare for each financial year to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the Company and of the results and cash flows of the Group and of the Company for the financial year then ended. In the preparation of these financial statements the Director have:• ensured compliance with applicable approved accounting standards; • adopted suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently; and • made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Company and Group maintain accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position in order to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act, 1965. The Statement of Directors pursuant to Section 168(15) of the Companies Act, 1965 is set out on page 60 of this Annual Report. The Directors have general responsibilities for taking such steps that are reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the Group, and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. Lembaga Pengarah bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa penyata-penyata kewangan Syarikat dan Kumpulan memberikan gambaran sebenar dan saksama mengenai hal ehwal Syarikat dan Kumpulan. Lembaga Pengarah telah memastikan bahawa dalam penyediaan penyata-penyata kewangan:• Segala piawaian-piawaian perakaunan yang diluluskan dan terpakai di Malaysia telah diikuti. • Kumpulan dan Syarikat menerima pakai polisi-polisi perakaunan yang wajar secara konsisten; • Keputusan dan anggaran yang munasabah dan bijaksana dibuat di mana berkaitan; dan Para Pengarah bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa Syarikat menyimpan rekod-rekod perakaunan yang menggambarkan dengan ketetapan yang munasabah kedudukan kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat, dan membolehkan mereka memastikan penyata-penyata kewangan mematuhi Akta Syarikat, 1965. Penyata oleh Pengarah-Pengarah selaras dengan Seksyen 169(15) Akta Syarikat, 1965 dikemukakan pada muka surat 118 Laporan Tahunan ini. Para Pengarah mempunyai tanggungjawab umum untuk mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang sewajarnya bagi memelihara asetaset Kumpulan dan mengelakkan serta mengesan penipuan dan lain-lain yang di luar aturan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 41 STATEMENT ON INTERNAL CONTROL Penyata KAWALAN DALAMAN “In order to improve the transparency, integrity and increasing managerial efficiency – We are fully responsible to assure certainty to the board of directors and shareholders of the continuous business process improvement throughout a systematic and ethical risk management and internal control system” DATO’ MOHAMED AMIN HAJI DAUD SENIOR INDEPENDENT, NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BOARD’S RESPONSIBILITIES Paragraph 15.27(b) of the Listing Requirements of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad requires the Board of Directors of a listed company to include in its annual report a “statement about the state of internal control of the company as a group”. The Board acknowledges its responsibility of ensuring the effectiveness and adequacy of the internal control system to cover risk management, financial, operational and compliance controls within the Group. The Board shall also periodically review all internal control mechanism so as to ensure its strengths are being maintained and weaknesses are being remedied. The Board, however, does not regularly review the internal control system of its associate companies, as the Board does not have any direct control over their operations. “Selaras dengan usaha memastikan peningkatan ketelusan, integriti dan effisiensi pihak pengurusan, pihak kami bertanggungjawab memberi keyakinan kepada Jemaah Pengarah dan Pemegang Saham melalui pengurusan risiko dan kawalan audit dalaman yang bersistematik dan beretika ” DATO’ MOHAMED AMIN HAJI DAUD PENGARAH BEBAS KANAN BUKAN EKSEKUTIF TANGGUNGJAWAB JEMAAH PENGARAH Para 15.27(b) di dalam syarat penyenaraian Bursa Saham Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”) menyatakan bahawa syarikat yang disenaraikan di dalam Bursa Malaysia perlu membuat “kenyataan berkenaan status kawalan dalaman syarikat sebagai sebuah Kumpulan” PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 42 Lembaga Pengarah mempunyai tanggungjawab secara keseluruhan untuk memastikan kadar keberkesanan dan kecukupan sistem kawalan dalaman yang merangkumi pengurusan risiko, kewangan, operasi dan tahap kepatuhan terhadap sistem kawalan dalaman Kumpulan. Lembaga Pengarah juga akan dari masa ke semasa memantau kadar keutuhan sistem kawalan dalaman bagi memastikan tahap keutuhan yang tinggi dikekalkan dan kelemahan diperbaiki. Walau bagaimanapun, Lembaga tidak melaksanakan kajian dan penilaian berkala terhadap status kawalan dalaman syarikatsyarikat bersekutu kerana pihak Lembaga tidak mempunyai kuasa mutlak untuk mengawasi operasi syarikat-syarikat tersebut. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT INTERNAL AUDIT AUDIT DALAMAN During the financial year ended 31 December 2007, the Group outsourced some of its internal audit function to an independent firm of consultants. Sepanjang tempoh kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007, Jawatankuasa Audit telah melantik perunding juruaudit luar profesional dalam menjalankan kerja audit dalaman Syarikat dan Kumpulan. The internal audit team assists the Audit Committee in providing assurance that a sound system of internal controls exists by reviewing such controls and procedures of the Group. At the onset, the audit programme is presented to the Audit Committee for perusal and agreement and findings are presented to the Committee accordingly. The internal audit team is totally independent. It has no involvement in the operations of the Group and is not involved in providing advisory services to the management of the Group. COMPOSITION OF AUDIT COMMITTEE Juruaudit-juruaudit bebas tersebut bertindak membantu Jawatankuasa Audit dalam memastikan ketelusan sistem kawalan dalaman dilaksanakan secara berkesan melalui kawalan dan prosidur yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kumpulan. Program-program audit dalaman telah dibentangkan dan diluluskan oleh Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit. Juruaudit-juruaudit yang dilantik adalah merupakan badan bebas yang tidak terlibat langsung dalam operasi Kumpulan serta tidak terlibat dalam memberi khidmat nasihat kepada pihak pengurusan Kumpulan. The present members of the Audit Committee of the Company are:- KEAHLIAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT 1. Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Chairman / Senior Independent Non-Executive Director) Jawatankuasa ini terdiri daripada ahli-ahli seperti berikut:- 2. Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa (Member / Independent Non-Executive Director) 3. Encik Abdullah bin A. Rasol (Member / Independent Non-Executive Director) 4. Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Member / Non -Independent Non-Executive Director) 5. Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Member / Non-Independent Non-Executive Director) 1. Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Pengerusi / Pengarah Bebas Kanan Bukan Eksekutif) 2. Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa (Ahli / Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif) 3. Encik Abdullah bin A. Rasol (Ahli / Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif) 4. Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Ahli / Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif) 5. Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Ahli / Pengarah Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif) MEETINGS The Audit Committee convened thirteen (13) meetings in the financial year ended 31 December 2007. The details of attendance of each Audit Committee member at the Audit Committee meetings are as follows:- KEHADIRAN MESYUARAT Tiga belas (13) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit telah diadakan sepanjang tahun dan kehadiran setiap ahli ke mesyuarat tersebut adalah seperti berikut : Audit Committee Member No. of Meetings Attended 13/13 12/13 11/13 13/13 13/13 Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Encik Abdullah bin A. Rasol Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor Kehadiran Ke Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit 13/13 12/13 11/13 13/13 13/13 43 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Encik Abdullah bin A. Rasol Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT TERMS OF REFERENCE BIDANG-BIDANG RUJUKAN Objectives Objektif The primary objectives of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in the effective discharge of its fiduciary responsibilities for corporate governance, financial reporting, risk management, internal control and compliance of statutory and legal requirements. The Audit Committee is to review the quality of the audits conducted both by the internal and external auditors of the Company. Objektif utama Jawatankuasa Audit ialah membantu Lembaga Pengarah dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya dengan mengkaji keutuhan sistem tadbir urus korporat, laporan kewangan, keberkesanan sistem pengurusan risiko dan kawalan dalaman dan memastikan pematuhan kepada undang-undang, syarat-syarat, peraturan-peraturan dan garis panduan yang berkaitan. Jawatankuasa Audit juga bertindak menilai tahap kualiti yang dijalankan oleh juruaudit dalaman dan luaran Syarikat dan Kumpulan. Membership The members of the Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board from amongst their number and shall be composed of no fewer than three (3) members with a majority of Independent Non-Executive Directors. At least one member of the Audit Committee:(a) must be a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants; or (b) if he is not a member of the Malaysia Institute of Accountants, he must have at least 3 years, working experience and:(i) he must have passed the examinations specified in Part I of the Schedule of the Accountants Act 1967; or (ii)he must be a member of one of the associations of accountants specified in Part II of the 1st Schedule of the Accountants Act, 1967. The Chairman of the Audit Committee shall be an independent Non-Executive Director appointed by the Board. No alternate director shall be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee. The Board shall review the performance of the Audit Committee and each of its members at least once in every three (3) years to determine that they have carried out their duties in accordance with their terms of reference. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 44 The Board shall, within three (3) months of a vacancy occurring in the Audit Committee which results in the number of members reduced to below three(3), appoint such number of new members as may be required to make up the minimum number of three (3) members. Keanggotaan Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit adalah dilantik oleh Lembaga Pengarah di kalangan para ahlinya dan terdiri daripada sekurang-kurangnya tiga (3) ahli, yang majoritinya merupakan Pengarah Bebas. Sekurang-kurangnya seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit:(a) mestilah merupakan ahli Institut Perakaunan Malaysia; atau (b) sekiranya beliau bukan ahli Institut Perakaunan Malaysia, beliau mesti mempunyai pengalaman kerja sekurangkurangnya 3 tahun dan:(i) beliau mestilah lulus peperiksaan yang ditetapkan pada Bahagian 1 Jadual Pertama Akta Perakaunan 1967; atau (ii)beliau mestilah merupakan ahli salah satu persatuan akauntan yang ditetapkan pada Bahagian II, Jadual Akta Akauntan 1967. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Audit hendaklah merupakan Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif yang dilantik oleh Lembaga Pengarah. Pengarah ganti tidak boleh dilantik sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit. Lembaga Pengarah akan mengkaji tempoh pemegangan jawatan dan prestasi Jawatankuasa Audit dan setiap ahlinya sekurang-kurangnya sekali setiap tiga (3) tahun untuk menentukan sama ada Jawatankuasa Audit telah menjalankan tugasnya mengikut bidang rujukannya yang telah ditentukan. Sekiranya terdapat kekosongan dalam Jawatankuasa Audit, iaitu Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit kurang daripada tiga (3), Lembaga Pengarah mesti memenuhkan kekosongan tersebut dalam tempoh tiga (3) bulan. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT Notice of Meeting and Attendance Notis dan Kehadiran Mesyuarat The agenda for Audit Committee meetings shall be circulated before each meeting to members of the Committee. The quorum for each meeting shall comprise of at least two (2) members and the majority of members present shall be Independent Directors. Bagi setiap mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit, agenda mesyuarat diedarkan sebelum mesyuarat diadakan. Kehadiran setiap mesyuarat hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) ahli yang majoritinya adalah Pengarah Bebas Syarikat. The Company Secretary of the Company shall be the Secretary of the Committee. Frequency of Meetings The Committee shall meet at least four (4) times during each financial year. Additional meeting may be called any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Committee. Authority The Audit Committee has the following authority as empowered by the Board:(a) to investigate any activity of the Company within its term of reference; (b) have the resources which are required to perform its duties; (c) have full and unrestricted access to any information and personnel pertaining to the Group; (d) have direct communication channels with the external and internal auditors; (e) to convene meetings with the external auditors excluding the attendance of the executive members of the Committee, whenever deemed necessary; and (f) to obtain independent professional advice as necessary. Duties and Responsibilities In fulfilling its primary objectives, the Audit Committee shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:1. Review the quarterly results and year end financial statements, prior to the approval by the Board of Directors, focusing particularly on:(a) going concern assumptions; (b) changes in or implementation of major accounting policy; (c) significant and unusual events; and (d) compliance with accounting standards, regulatory and other legal requirements. Jawatankuasa Audit atas budi bicaranya, boleh menjemput Pengarah lain, pihak pengurusan, kakitangan Kumpulan, dan/ atau juruaudit luaran ke mesyuarat jawatankuasa. Setiausaha Syarikat adalah sebagai Setiausaha Jawatankuasa Audit. Kekerapan Mesyuarat Mesyuarat perlu diadakan sekurang-kurangnya empat (4) kali setahun. Mesyuarat tambahan boleh dipanggil pada bila-bila masa atas budi bicara Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Audit. Kuasa Jawatankuasa Audit Jawatankuasa Audit diberikuasa oleh Lembaga Pengarah bagi menjalankan bidangkuasa seperti berikut:(a) untuk menyiasat sebarang perkara dalam bidang rujukannya; (b) untuk mendapatkan segala sumber yang diperlukannya; (c) untuk diberi akses penuh dan tidak terhad kepada maklumat berkenaan Syarikat dan Kumpulan; (d) mempunyai komunikasi langsung dengan juruaudit luaran dan juruaudit dalaman. (e) untuk mengadakan mesyuarat dengan juruaudit luaran tanpa menjemput ahli-ahli eksekutif jawatankuasa, sekiranya perlu; dan (f) untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat pihak profesional bebas sekiranya dianggap perlu. Tugas dan Tanggungjawab Dalam memenuhi objektif utamanya, Jawatankuasa Audit bertanggungjawab terhadap:1. Mengkaji keputusan suku tahunan dan penyata kewangan akhir tahun Syarikat dan Kumpulan sebelum mencadangkan agar diluluskan oleh Lembaga Pengarah, dengan memberi tumpuan khususnya kepada:(a) andaian-andaian terhadap syarikat sebagai entiti yang berterusan; (b) sebarang perubahan dalam polisi dan amalan perakaunan; (c) keadaan luar jangka yang memberi kesan; dan (d) pematuhan kepada piawaian perakaunan dan keperluan statutori dan undang undang lain yang berkaitan. 45 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Audit Committee has the discretion to invite other Directors, members of the management and employees of the Group, and/or the external auditors to its meetings. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT 2. Review and discuss with the external auditors of the following:(a) (b) (c) (d) the audit plan prior to the commencement of audit; their audit report; their evaluation of the system of internal control; problems and reservations arising from interim and final external audits, and any matters the external auditors may wish to discuss (in the absence of management, where necessary); and (e) their management letter and management’s response. 3. Review any related party transaction and conflict of interest situation that may arise within the Company or the Group, including any transaction, procedure or course of conduct that raises questions of management integrity. 4. Review the following in respect of Internal Auditors:(a) adequacy of the scope, functions and resources of the internal audit function and that it has the necessary authority to carry out its work; (b) internal audit programme, processes and results of the internal audit programme, processes or investigation undertaken and whether or not appropriate actions are taken on the recommendations of the internal audit function; (c) effectiveness of the system of internal control; (d) major findings of internal audit investigations and management’s response; (e) review any appraisal or assessment of the performance of the staff of the internal audit function; (f) approve any appointment or termination of senior staff member of the internal audit function; and (g) note resignations of internal audit staff members and provide the resigning staff member an opportunity to submit his/her reason for resignation. 5. Consider and recommend the nomination and appointment, the audit fee and any questions of resignation, dismissal or re-appointment of the external auditors. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 46 6. Report promptly to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on any matter reported by it to the Board of Directors which has not been satisfactorily resolved resulting in the breach of the Listing Requirements. 7. Carry out such other responsibilities, functions or special assignments as may be defined jointly by the Audit Committee and Board of Directors from time to time. 2. Mengkaji dan membincangkan dengan juruaudit luaran:(a) (b) (c) (d) pelan audit dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja audit; laporan audit; penilaian sistem kawalan dalaman; membincangkan sebarang perkara yang ingin ditimbulkan oleh juruaudit luaran, tanpa kehadiran pihak pengurusan, sekiranya perlu; dan (e) surat kepada pengurusan dan maklumbalas pengurusan. 3. Mengkaji sebarang urus niaga dengan syarikat-syarikat berkaitan yang mungkin berlaku di dalam Syarikat atau Kumpulan, termasuk sebarang urus niaga, prosedur atau tindakan yang boleh menimbulkan persoalan tentang ketelusan pihak pengurusan. 4. Mengkaji perkara-perkara Dalaman, seperti berikut:- berkenaan dengan Audit (a) mengkaji sama ada skop, fungsi, sumber dan kuasa yang diperlukan oleh audit dalaman untuk menjalankan tugasnya adalah mencukupi. (b) mengkaji rancangan, proses, keputusan audit atau penyiasatan yang dilakukan, dan mengkaji sama ada tindakan yang sewajarnya telah diambil oleh pihak pengurusan terhadap cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh juruaudit dalaman. (c) mengkaji keberkesanan sistem kawalan audit dalaman. (d) mengkaji maklumbalas pengurusan terhadap keputusan penyiasatan audit . (e) mengkaji dan menilai prestasi setiap kakitangan audit dalaman. (f) meluluskan sebarang perlantikan atau pemberhentian kakitangan kanan audit dalaman. (g) mengenalpasti sebab-sebab pemberhentian kakitangan audit dalaman dan memberi peluang kakitangan untuk menyatakan sebab berhenti. 5. Membantu Lembaga Pengarah dalam hal ehwal berkaitan pelantikan dan perletakan jawatan juruaudit luaran dan mencadangkan pencalonan pihak-pihak tertentu sebagai juruaudit luaran dan keberkesanan audit mereka dari segi kos. 6. Apabila Jawatankuasa Audit berpendapat bahawa sesuatu perkara yang dilapurkan ke Lembaga Pengarah tidak diselesaikan dengan cara yang memuaskan, dan menyebabkan ketidakpatuhan kepada syarat-syarat penyenaraian Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”), Jawatankuasa Audit akan melapurkan perkara tersebut dengan serta merta kepada pihak Bursa Securities. 7. Menjalankan sebarang tugas-tugas lain yang telah dipersetujui oleh Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit dan Lembaga Pengarah. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE RINGKASAN AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA AUDIT The Audit Committee has discharged its functions and duties by introducing a systematic and disciplined method to improve the effectiveness of risk management, internal control and governance process for the Group. Summary of the key activities are as follows:- Jawatankuasa Audit telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab dan tugas melalui carakerja yang sistematik dan berdisplin untuk menambahbaik keberkesanan pengurusan risiko, kawalan dalaman dan proses tadbir urus Kumpulan. Ringkasan aktivitiaktiviti utama adalah seperti berikut:- (a) Reviewed the quarterly financial result announcements; (b) Reviewed the Group’s annual audited financial statements and recommended to the Board for approval; (c) Reviewed related party transactions within the Group; (d) Reviewed the results of the risk assessment exercise and audit plan for internal audit; and (e) Reviewed and deliberated on issues raised in the audit reports by internal auditors in relation to weaknesses in internal controls. (a) Telah mengkaji pengumuman keputusan kewangan suku tahunan. (b) Telah mengkaji dan mencadangkan untuk kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah bagi Laporan Kewangan Audit Tahunan Kumpulan. (c) Telah mengkaji urusniaga-urusniaga dengan syarikatsyarikat berkaitan yang berlaku di dalam Syarikat atau Kumpulan, termasuk sebarang urusniaga, prosidur atau tindakan yang boleh menimbulkan persoalan tentang ketelusan pihak pengurusan. (d) Telah mengkaji keberkesanan sistem dan pelan kawalan audit dalaman. (e) Telah mengkaji dan menyelesaikan kelemahan-kelemahan kawalan audit dalaman yang dikenalpasti dalam laporanlaporan audit dalaman oleh juruaudit dalaman dan luaran. During the financial year, the Audit Committee also conducted and completed two (2) special audit assignments, to improve the system of internal controls and procedures of the Group. Jawatankuasa Audit memberi tumpuan untuk mengukuhkan struktur tadbir urus Syarikat dan Kumpulan iaitu, Polisi dan Prosidur Syarikat, ‘Pasdec Authority Limit’ dan juga prosesproses yang dikawal di bawah Manual Prosedur Operasi ISO 9001:2000. Sepanjang tahun, Jawatankuasa Audit juga telah melaksanakan dan menyempurnakan dua (2) tugasan audit dalaman khas, selaras dengan usaha meneguhkan ketelusan sistem kawalan dalaman dan prosidur dalaman Syarikat dan Kumpulan. 47 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Audit Committee concentrated on strengthening the corporate governance structure of the Company and the Group, i.e. Policies & Procedures, Authority Limits and structured processes governed by the ISO 9001:2000 Operational Manual. ... exploring opportunities here and beyond PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 48 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 49 corporate events ‘07 acara korporat ‘07 JANUARy / JANUAR1 march / mac PKNP and PASDEC ’s Group ‘Ibadah Programme’ at Surau Al-Ikhwan, Bukit Setongkol, Kuantan. ‘Corporate Grooming & Etiquette’ Seminar at Vistana Hotel, Kuantan. Program Ibadah Korban Kumpulan PKNP and PASDEC di Surau Al-Ikhwan Bukit Setongkol, Kuantan. Seminar ‘Corporate Grooming & Etiquette’ di Vistana Hotel, Kuantan. FEBRUARy / FEBRUARi PASDEC’s 2007 Staff and Management Gathering at MS Garden, Kuantan. Majlis Perjumpaan Awal Tahun Pengurusan dan Anggota Kerja PASDEC 2007 di MS Garden, Kuantan. PKNP and PASDEC’s 2007 Family Day at Recreational Centre, Pantai Balok, Kuantan. Hari Keluarga Kumpulan PKNP dan PASDEC’s 2007 di Pusat Rekreasi Pantai Balok Kuantan. The Official Launching and Opening of Sample Houses of PASDEC Damansara Project Pelancaran dan pembukaan rumah contoh Projek PASDEC Damansara. APRIL / APRIL Workshop On 5S System Audit Practical at Hotel Sri Malaysia, Genting Highlands, Pahang. Bengkel Praktikal Audit Sistem 5S di Hotel Sri Malaysia, Genting Highlands, Pahang. Participation in MAPEX I Pahang 2007 Exhibition at Megamall, Kuantan. Penyertaan di Pameran MAPEX I Pahang 2007 di Megamall, Kuantan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 50 PASDEC’s Friendly Bowling Tournament with the State Goverment Department Head at Premium Lanes, Kuantan Plaza, Kuantan. Kejohanan Bowling Persahabatan PASDEC dengan Ketua-ketua Jabatan Kerajaan di Premium Lanes, Kuantan Plaza, Kuantan. corporate events ‘07 acara korporat ‘07 May / Mei Handing Over Ceremony of Taman Samodera, (the Royal Navy Force Housing Complex) to the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. Majlis Penyerahan Kompleks Perumahan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (“TLDM”) Taman Samudera, Baluk Perdana, Kuantan kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. 11th Annual General Meeting of PASDEC at Meranti 1, Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort, Kuantan. Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan PASDEC ke-11 di Meranti 1, Resort Hyatt Regency Kuantan, Kuantan. Sales Promotion during of Islam Hadhari Exhibition at Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan. Promosi Jualan sempena Pameran Islam Hadhari, di Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan. JULy / JULai PASDEC’s Friendly Golf Tournament at Astana Golf Resort, Kuantan. Kejohanan Golf Persahabatan PASDEC di Astana Golf Resort, Kuantan. Participation in Sales Exhibition for Pekan Fest Festival, Pekan, Pahang. Penyertaan dalam Pameran Jualan sempena Festival Pekan Fest, Pekan, Pahang. Sales exhibition in conjunction with the 25 Years Celebration of Yayasan Pahang and the Opening of its new office complex. Pameran Jualan sempena Majlis Perasmian Bangunan dan Perayaan 25 Tahun Yayasan Pahang di Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan. Workshop on “Benchmarking Application and Skills” at Kuantan Tembeling Resort, Kuantan. Bengkel ‘Kemahiran & Aplikasi Penandaarasan’ di Kuantan Tembeling Resort, Kuantan. Internal Quality Audit Programme. Program Audit Kualiti Dalaman. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 JUNe / JUN 51 corporate events ‘07 acara korporat ‘07 august / ogos Sales Promotion in conjuction with 50 Years of Independence Week Celebration at Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. High Tea at the Sample House of Pasdec’s Damansara Project, Kuantan. Pameran Jualan sempena Minggu Kemerdekan ke-50 Tahun di Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Majlis Minum Petang di Rumah Contoh Pasdec Damansara, Kuantan. Workshop on ‘Building Quality Culture For Organizational Effectiveness’ at the De Rhu Beach Resort, Kuantan. Bengkel ‘Building Quality Culture For Organisational Effectiveness’ di De Rhu Resort, Kuantan. Sales Promotion at Rompin Fest Festival , Rompin, Pahang. Promosi Jualan sempena Festival Rompin Fest, Rompin, Pahang. Participation in Marching of 50th Independence Day Celebration. Penyertaan Pembarisan Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-50. SEPTEMBER / SEPTEMBER Participation in Mega Properties Fair at Megamall, Kuantan. Penyertaan di Mega Properties Fair di Megamall, Kuantan. PASDEC‘s Friendly Bowling Tournament with Pahang State Technical Departments at Premium Lanes, Kuantan Plaza, Kuantan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 52 Kejohanan Boling Ramah Mesra Pasdec dengan JabatanJabatan Teknikal Kerajaan Negeri Pahang di Premium Lanes, Kuantan Plaza, Kuantan. High Tea at Astana Villa Project, Bandar Indera Mahkota, Kuantan. PASDEC Staff and Management Gathering at MS Garden, Kuantan. Majlis Perjumpaan Pengurusan dengan kakitangan PASDEC di MS Garden, Kuantan. Majlis Minum Petang di Projek Astana Villa, Bandar Indera Mahkota, Kuantan. corporate events ‘07 acara korporat ‘07 PASDEC’s Veteran Cup Football Tournament co-organised by PASDEC and Pahang Football Association (PNB) at Padang MPK 2, Kuantan. Kejohanan Bola Sepak Piala Veteran PASDEC 2007 anjuran bersama PASDEC dan Persatuan Bola Sepak Pahang(PBNP) di Padang MPK2, Kuantan. PASDEC’s 10th Year Listing Anniversary Dinner at Dewan Jubli Perak Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, Kuantan. Majlis Santapan/Jamuan Malam 10 Tahun Penyenaraian PASDEC, di Dewan Jubli Perak Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, Kuantan. OcTOBER / OkTOBER Pasdec Sales Exhibition for the month of Ramadhan in Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Pameran Jualan Pasdec sempena bulan Ramadhan di Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. NOVEMBER / NOVEMBER Hand Over of Keys to the purchasers of Baluk Permai Phase 1 Baluk Permai, Kuantan. Majlis Serah Kunci Projek Perumahan Balok Permai Fasa 1 di Baluk Permai, Kuantan. DecEMBER / DisEMBER Participation in MAPEX II 2007 at Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Penyertaan di Pameran MAPEX II 2007, di Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Bengkel ‘Key Performance Criteria for Processes within QMS’ di Awana Genting Highlands, Pahang. 53 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Workshop on ‘Key Performance Criteria Workshop for Process Within QMS’ at Awana Genting Highlands, Pahang. corporate events ‘07 acara korporat ‘07 PASDEC’s Sales Carnival co-organised with NGO (Retarded Children Day Care Centre, Kuantan) at Atrium II, Kuantan parade, Kuantan. Karnival Jualan PASDEC 2007 anjuran bersama Badan NGO (Pusat Jagaan Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal, Kuantan) di Atrium 2, Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Blood Donation Campaign at PASDEC’s Sales Carnival in Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. 54 Hand Over of Keys to the purchasers of Chendor Utama Phase 1 Project and Chendor Phase 2 at Chendor, Kuantan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Kempen Derma Darah di Karnival Jualan PASDEC di Kuantan Parade, Kuantan. Majlis Serah Kunci Projek Chendor Utama Fasa 1 dan Chendor Fasa 2, di Chendor, Kuantan. Flood Aid distribution to 300 residents at Sekolah Kebangsaan Ubai Relieve Centre. Pengagihan Bantuan Banjir kepada 300 penduduk di pusat Pemindahan Sekolah Kebangsaan Ubai, Pekan. Handover of the Group’s business ‘Zakat’ 2007 to His Royal Highness ‘KDYTM’, the Regent of Pahang. Penyerahan Zakat perniagaan Kumpulan 2007 kepada KDYTM, Tengku Mahkota Pahang. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Directors’ Report 60 Statement by Directors 60 Statutory Declaration 61 Report of the Auditors 62 Income Statements 63 Balance Sheets 64 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 65 Company Statement of Changes in Equity 66 Cash Flow Statements 68 Notes to the Financial Statements 55 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 56 DIRECTORS’ REPORT The directors have pleasure in presenting their report together with the audited financial statements of the Group and of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2007. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The principal activities of the Company are investment holding and provision of management services to the subsidiaries. The principal activities of the subsidiaries are described in Note 17 to the financial statements. There have been no significant changes in the nature of the principal activities during the financial year. RESULTS Group RM Company RM Profit for the year 26,404,339 6,300,288 Attributable to: Equity holders of the Company Minority interests 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 6,300,288 - 26,404,339 6,300,288 There were no material transfers to or from reserves or provisions during the financial year other than as disclosed in the financial statements. In the opinion of the directors, the results of the operations of the Group and of the Company during the financial year were not substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature other than the gain of RM34,392,919 on disposal of investments as disclosed in Note 6 and impairment of land held for property development of RM20,116,367 as disclosed in Note 6 and Note 36(e). DIVIDENDS The amount of dividends paid by the Company since 31 December 2006 were as follows: PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 56 RM In respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2006 as reported in the directors’ report of that year: First and final dividend of 2% less 27% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares, declared on 22 June 2007 and paid on 27 August 2007 3,008,000 At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007, of 2% less 26% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares, amounting to a dividend payable of RM3,048,474 (1.48 sen net per ordinary share) will be proposed for shareholders’ approval. The financial statements for the current financial year do not reflect this proposed dividend. Such dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be accounted for in equity as an appropriation of retained earnings in the financial year ending 31 December 2008. DIRECTORS’ REPORT DIRECTORS The names of the directors of the Company in office since the date of the last report and at the date of this report are: Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin L. Sulaiman Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd. Noor Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar Dato’ Abdullah @ Mohamad Nor bin Ali Majid bin Mohamad Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Abdullah bin A. Rasol DIRECTORS’ BENEFITS Neither at the end of the financial year, nor at any time during that year, did there subsist any arrangement to which the Company was a party, whereby the directors might acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in or debentures of the Company or any other body corporate. Since the end of the previous financial year, no director has received or become entitled to receive a benefit (other than benefits included in the aggregate amount of emoluments received or due and receivable by the directors or the fixed salary of a fulltime employee of the Company as shown in Note 8 to the financial statements) by reason of a contract made by the Company or a related corporation with any director or with a firm of which he is a member, or with a company in which he has a substantial financial interest. DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS None of the directors in office at the end of the financial year had any interest in shares in the Company or its related corporations during the financial year. EXCHANGEABLE BONDS On 15 November 2006, the Company issued RM150 million Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) at 100% of its nominal value comprising two (2) series as follows:- (b) RM135 million REBs (“Series II”) exchangeable into 40,785,500 ordinary shares of YTL Cement Berhad issued for a maturity of 7 years from the issue date. During the year, the entire Series I of RM15 million and RM74 million of Series II have been exchanged. 57 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (a) RM15 million REBs (“Series I”) exchangeable into 4,792,333 ordinary shares of Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad issued for a maturity of 5 years from the issue date; and DIRECTORS’ REPORT OTHER STATUTORY INFORMATION (a) Before the income statements and balance sheets of the Group and of the Company were made out, the directors took reasonable steps: (i) to ascertain that proper action had been taken in relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of provision for doubtful debts and satisfied themselves that all known bad debts had been written off and that adequate provision had been made for doubtful debts; and (ii) to ensure that any current assets which were unlikely to realise their value as shown in the accounting records in the ordinary course of business had been written down to an amount which they might be expected so to realise. (b) At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render: (i) the amount written off for bad debts or the amount of the provision for doubtful debts in the financial statements of the Group and of the Company inadequate to any substantial extent; and (ii) the values attributed to the current assets in the financial statements of the Group and of the Company misleading. (c) At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which have arisen which would render adherence to the existing method of valuation of assets or liabilities of the Group and of the Company misleading or inappropriate. (d) At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances not otherwise dealt with in this report or the financial statements of the Group and of the Company which would render any amount stated in the financial statements misleading. (e) As at the date of this report, there does not exist: (i) any charge on the assets of the Group or of the Company which has arisen since the end of the financial year which secures the liabilities of any other person; or (ii) any contingent liability of the Group or of the Company which has arisen since the end of the financial year. (f) In the opinion of the directors: (i) no contingent or other liability has become enforceable or is likely to become enforceable within the period of twelve months after the end of the financial year which will or may affect the ability of the Group or of the Company to meet their obligations when they fall due; and PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 58 (ii) no item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature has arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report which is likely to affect substantially the results of the operations of the Group or of the Company for the financial year in which this report is made. DIRECTORS’ REPORT SIGNIFICANT EVENTS The significant events during the year are as disclosed in Note 36 to the financial statements. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Details of the subsequent events are disclosed in Note 37 to the financial statements. AUDITORS The auditors, Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad, have expressed their willingness to continue in office. Signed on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the directors dated 25 April 2008. DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 59 STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS PURSUANT TO SECTION 169 (15) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 We, DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB and YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN, being two of the directors of PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD, do hereby state that, in the opinion of the directors, the accompanying financial statements set out on pages 62 to 112 are drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 and applicable Financial Reporting Standards in Malaysia so as to give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group and of the Company as at 31 December 2007 and of the results and the cash flows of the Group and of the Company for the year then ended. Signed on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the directors dated 25 April 2008. DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN STATUTORY DECLARATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 169 (16) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 I, GOH SONG HAN, being the officer primarily responsible for the financial management of PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the accompanying financial statements set out on pages 62 to 112 are in my opinion correct, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1960. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 60 Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovenamed GOH SONG HAN at Kuantan in the state of Pahang Darul Makmur on 25 April 2008 Before me, GOH SONG HAN REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD (367122 D) We have audited the financial statements set out on pages 62 to 112. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s directors. It is our responsibility to form an independent opinion, based on our audit, on the financial statements and to report our opinion to you, as a body, in accordance with Section 174 of the Companies Act, 1965 and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility to any other person for the content of this report. We conducted our audit in accordance with applicable Approved Standards on Auditing in Malaysia. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion: (a) the financial statements have been properly drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 and applicable Financial Reporting Standards in Malaysia so as to give a true and fair view of: (i) the financial position of the Group and of the Company as at 31 December 2007 and of the results and the cash flows of the Group and of the Company for the year then ended; and (ii) the matters required by Section 169 of the Companies Act, 1965 to be dealt with in the financial statements; and (b) the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Act to be kept by the Company and by its subsidiaries have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act. We are satisfied that the financial statements of the subsidiaries that have been consolidated with the financial statements of the Company are in form and content appropriate and proper for the purposes of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and we have received satisfactory information and explanations required by us for those purposes. The auditors’ reports on the financial statements of the subsidiaries were not subject to any qualification and did not include any comment required to be made under Section 174(3) of the Act. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia 25 April 2008 NIK RAHMAT KAMARULZAMAN BIN NIK AB. RAHMAN No. 1759/02/10 (J) Partner 61 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 HANAFIAH RASLAN & MOHAMAD AF: 0002 Chartered Accountants INCOME STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 Note Group Company 2007 RM 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 3 4 107,229,338 (56,442,400) 105,659,001 (72,771,641) 14,376,235 - 13,284,555 - Gross profit Other income Administrative expenses Other expenses 50,786,938 37,387,347 (15,975,199) (31,336,585) 32,887,360 693,938 (17,528,715) (5,030,536) 14,376,235 3,042,985 (3,502,390) (1,416,630) 13,284,555 794,753 (5,943,852) (1,250,098) Operating profit Finance costs 5 Share of (loss)/profit of associates 40,862,501 (9,244,350) (241,116) 11,022,047 (6,657,373) 308,863 12,500,200 (7,138,638) - 6,885,358 (3,243,367) - Profit before tax Income tax expense 6 9 31,377,035 (4,972,696) 4,673,537 (3,422,630) 5,361,562 938,726 3,641,991 - Profit for the year 26,404,339 1,250,907 6,300,288 3,641,991 Attributable to: Equity holders of the Company Minority interests 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 1,138,987 111,920 6,300,288 - 3,641,991 - 26,404,339 1,250,907 6,300,288 3,641,991 15.34 0.55 Revenue Cost of sales Earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Company (sen): Basic, for profit for the year 10 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 62 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 Note 2007 RM 2006 RM (restated) 2007 RM Company 2006 RM 12 13(a) 14 15 17 18 23 16 16,171,891 138,211,352 7,505,242 83,898 - 3,613,951 67,803,643 823,258 13,058,830 154,566,910 7,671,299 86,106 - 3,865,068 163,743,367 1,942,989 120,638 - - - 59,406,316 - 15,614,022 - 138,002 60,374,442 47,000,000 - 234,213,235 344,934,569 75,140,976 107,512,444 Current assets Property development costs Inventories Trade receivables Other receivables Cash and bank balances 13(b) 19 20 21 24 147,106,809 15,676,819 63,617,953 23,078,593 27,010,892 89,467,922 12,509,432 57,566,740 27,819,302 25,919,608 - - - 219,111,986 5,437,354 260,440,296 6,500,402 276,491,066 213,283,004 224,549,340 266,940,698 TOTAL ASSETS 510,704,301 558,217,573 299,690,316 374,453,142 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company Share capital 31 Share premium Retained earnings/ (Accumulated losses) 205,978,000 43,007,997 105,112,871 205,978,000 43,007,997 77,590,357 205,978,000 45,515,750 (27,073,090) 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) Shareholders’ equity Minority interests 354,098,868 10,446,720 326,576,354 15,308,671 224,420,660 - 221,128,372 - Total equity 364,545,588 341,885,025 224,420,660 221,128,372 25 26 32 1,864,802 69,812,347 73,878 1,592,817 152,937,015 3,672,424 - 64,561,002 - 151,163,101 - 71,751,027 158,202,256 64,561,002 151,163,101 Non-current liabilities Retirement benefit obligations Borrowings Deferred tax liabilities 63 Current liabilities Retirement benefit obligations 25 Borrowings 26 Trade payables 29 Other payables 30 Tax payable 27,378 31,386,985 25,634,186 14,004,270 3,354,867 24,887 25,512,865 22,387,978 8,683,735 1,520,827 - 19,762 - 9,801,331 887,561 18,725 1,255,383 887,561 74,407,686 58,130,292 10,708,654 2,161,669 Total liabilities 146,158,713 216,332,548 75,269,656 153,324,770 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 510,704,301 558,217,573 299,690,316 374,453,142 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Land held for property development Investment properties Prepaid land lease payments Investments in subsidiaries Investments in associates Marketable securities Intangible assets Group CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 Attributable to Equity Holders of the Company Non-Distributable Distributable Share Share Retained Capital Premium Earnings RM RM RM At 1 January 2006 205,978,000 43,007,997 - Total RM Minority Interests RM Total RM 75,763,279 324,749,276 15,196,751 339,946,027 - 688,091 688,091 - 688,091 205,978,000 43,007,997 76,451,370 325,437,367 15,196,751 340,634,118 Profit for the year - At 31 December 2006 205,978,000 At 1 January 2007 205,978,000 Profit for the year - Dividends (Note 11) - Acquisition of interest in a subsidiary - At 31 December 2007 205,978,000 - 1,138,987 1,138,987 111,920 1,250,907 43,007,997 77,590,357 326,576,354 15,308,671 341,885,025 43,007,997 77,590,357 326,576,354 15,308,671 341,885,025 - 31,603,614 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 26,404,339 - (4,081,100) (4,081,100) - (4,081,100) - - - 337,324 337,324 43,007,997 105,112,871 354,098,868 10,446,720 364,545,588 Effects of adopting FRS 3 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 64 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 Non-Distributable Share Share Accumulated Capital Premium Losses RM RM RM Total RM 205,978,000 45,515,750 (34,007,369) 217,486,381 - - 3,641,991 3,641,991 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) 221,128,372 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) 221,128,372 - - 6,300,288 6,300,288 - - (3,008,000) (3,008,000) 205,978,000 45,515,750 (27,073,090) 224,420,660 65 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 At 1 January 2006 Profit for the year At 31 December 2006 At 1 January 2007 Profit for the year Dividends (Note 11) At 31 December 2007 CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 RM Cash Flows From Operating Activities Profit before taxation 31,377,035 Adjustments for: Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments 2,208 Property, plant and equipment written off 51,492 Reversal of provision for doubtful debts (191,855) Bad debts recovered - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 920,891 Depreciation of investment properties 166,057 Gain on disposal of investments (34,392,919) Loss/(gain) on disposal of land held for property development 3,915 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (17,666) Gain on disposal of property development costs - Impairment of property, plant and equipment 176,778 Reversal of impairment losses in inventories - Provision for impairment losses in investments in marketable securities 330,093 Provision for impairment losses in investment in an associate 10,000 Provision for impairment losses in investments in subsidiaries - Reversal of provision for impairment losses in investments - Reversal of provision for impairment losses in investments in marketable securities (243,600) Provision for doubtful debts 5,504,567 Impairment loss of goodwill 1,132,643 Impairment of land held for property development 20,116,367 Income from forfeited sales - Share of loss/(profit) of associated companies 241,116 Provision for retirement benefits 590,441 Interest expense 9,244,350 Interest income (849,040) Dividend income (7,073,388) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 66 Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 4,673,537 5,361,562 3,641,991 2,208 2,760 (31,200) (85,112) 968,418 39,968 (14,250) - - - - 17,364 - (355,283) 17,365 - (4,855,946) (52,000) (1,515,328) - (98,151) - - - - - - - - - - 330,093 - 3,419,957 (1,651,831) 279,559 (76,159) (155,496) 244,471 - - (44,870) (216,094) 568,974 6,657,373 (398,886) (5,911,568) - - - - - - - 7,138,638 (2,390,478) (13,797,595) 48,690 3,243,367 (694,129) (12,675,195) Operating profit/(loss) before working capital changes Increase in receivables Increase in inventories (Increase)/decrease in land held for development Increase in property development costs Increase in payables 27,099,485 (6,666,925) (3,167,387) (5,615,878) (57,638,887) 7,389,590 (221,192) (21,821,318) (3,190,677) 4,670,438 (12,164,878) 1,996,395 (1,927,573) (35,790,995) - - - 9,250,115 (6,214,511) (69,714,896) 2,094,321 Cash used in operations Interest paid Interest received Taxes (paid)/recovered Retirement benefits paid (38,600,002) (2,110,855) 849,040 (4,954,267) (315,965) (30,731,232) (6,657,373) 398,886 (279,956) (90,806) (28,468,453) (5,143) 2,390,478 938,726 - (73,835,086) (3,243,367) 694,129 - Net cash used in operating activities (45,132,049) (37,360,481) (25,144,392) (76,384,324) CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 2007 RM Company 2006 RM Cash Flows From Investing Activities Acquisition of a subsidiary Acquisition of an associate Additional investment in marketable securities Proceeds from disposal of investment Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposal of land held for development Proceeds from disposal of property development costs Dividends received (763,347) - - 41,068,863 (1,437,703) 49,723 1,851,154 - 5,169,931 - (10,000) (47,000,000) 32,249 (2,960,274) 52,000 8,411,168 203,512 4,254,050 - - - 31,411,168 - - - - 1,116,900 (47,000,000) - Net cash generated from/(used in) investing activities 45,938,621 (37,017,295) 32,528,068 (47,000,000) 5,185,000 - - (246,000) (2,779,836) (6,000,000) (157,494) - - (5,420,000) (3,008,000) 2,200,000 150,000,000 12,500,000 - (4,238,899) (22,000,000) (79,231) 520,000 (4,631,012) - - - - - - - - (18,724) - - (5,420,000) (3,008,000) 150,000,000 (10,000,000) (17,688) - Net cash (used in)/generated from financing activities (12,426,330) 134,270,858 (8,446,724) 139,982,312 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (11,619,758) 59,893,082 (1,063,048) 16,597,988 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 19,579,503 (40,313,579) 6,500,402 (10,097,586) 7,959,745 19,579,503 5,437,354 6,500,402 Cash Flows From Financing Activities Drawdown of term loan Proceeds from issuance of Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds Drawdown of revolving credits Repayment of bankers’ acceptances Repayment of borrowings Repayment of revolving credits Payment of hire purchase creditors Proceeds from bankers’ acceptances Fees on bonds issuance exercise Interest paid Dividends paid Cash and cash equivalents at end of year (Note 24) The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 67 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 1. CORPORATE INFORMATION The Company is a public limited liability company, incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia, and is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The registered office of the Company is located at 14th Floor, Kompleks Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. The holding corporation of the Company is Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang, a statutory body incorporated in Malaysia under the Pahang State Enactment No. 12, 1965. The principal activities of the Company are investment holding and provision of management services to the subsidiaries. The principal activities of the subsidiaries are described in Note 17. There have been no significant changes in the nature of the principal activities during the financial year. The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the directors on 25 April 2008. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of Preparation The financial statements comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 and applicable Financial Reporting Standards (“FRSs”) in Malaysia. At the beginning of the current financial year, the Group and the Company had adopted new and revised FRSs which are mandatory for financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007 as described in Note 2.3. The financial statements of the Group and of the Company have also been prepared on a historical cost basis. The financial statements are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) Subsidiaries and Basis of Consolidation (i) Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are entities over which the Group has the ability to control the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group has such power over another entity. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 68 In the Company’s separate financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less impairment losses. On disposal of such investments, the difference between net disposal proceeds and their carrying amounts is included in profit or loss. (ii) Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the balance sheet date. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting date as the Company. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date that such control ceases. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, intragroup balances, transactions and unrealised gains or losses are eliminated in full. Uniform accounting policies are adopted in the consolidated financial statements for like transactions and events in similar circumstances. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (a) Subsidiaries and Basis of Consolidation (Cont’d) (ii) Basis of consolidation (Cont’d) Acquisitions of subsidiaries are accounted for using the purchase method. The purchase method of accounting involves allocating the cost of the acquisition to the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued, plus any costs directly attributable to the acquisition. Any excess of the cost of the acquisition over the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities represents goodwill. Any excess of the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of acquisition is recognised immediately in profit or loss. Minority interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net assets in subsidiaries not held by the Group. It is measured at the minorities’ share of the fair value of the subsidiaries’ identifiable assets and liabilities at the acquisition date and the minorities’ share of changes in the subsidiaries’ equity since then. (b) Associates Associates are entities in which the Group has significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but not in control or joint control over those policies. Investments in associates are accounted for in the consolidated financial statements using the equity method of accounting. Under the equity method, the investment in associate is carried in the consolidated balance sheet at cost adjusted for post-acquisition changes in the Group’s share of net assets of the associate. The Group’s share of the net profit or loss of the associate is recognised in the consolidated profit or loss. Where there has been a change recognised directly in the equity of the associate, the Group recognises its share of such changes. In applying the equity method, unrealised gains and losses on transactions between the Group and the associate are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associate. After application of the equity method, the Group determines whether it is necessary to recognise any additional impairment loss with respect to the Group’s net investment in the associate. The associate is equity accounted for from the date the Group obtains significant influence until the date the Group ceases to have significant influence over the associate. When the Group’s share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the Group’s net investment in the associates, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. The most recent available audited financial statements of the associates are used by the Group in applying the equity method. Where the dates of the audited financial statements used are not coterminous with those of the Group, the share of results is arrived at from the last audited financial statements available and management financial statements to the end of the accounting period. Uniform accounting polices are adopted for like transactions and events in similar circumstances. On disposal of such investments, the difference between net disposal proceeds and their carrying amounts is included in profit or loss. 69 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (c) Intangible Assets Goodwill Goodwill acquired in a business combination is initially measured at cost being the excess of the cost of business combination over the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. Following the initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is not amortised but instead, it is reviewed for impairment, annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. Gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold. (d) Property, Plant and Equipment and Depreciation All items of property, plant and equipment are initially recorded at cost. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the income statement during the financial period in which they are incurred. Subsequent to recognition, property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Construction work-in-progress is not depreciated. Depreciation of other property, plant and equipment is provided for on a straight-line basis to write off the cost of each asset to its residual value over the estimated useful life, at the following annual rates: Buildings Plant and machinery Motor vehicles Office equipment Office renovation Furniture and fittings Signboard 2% 10% - 20% 10% - 20% 10% - 20% 8% - 10% 10% - 20% 10% The residual values, useful life and depreciation method are reviewed at each financial year- end to ensure that the amount, method and period of depreciation are consistent with previous estimates and the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the items of property, plant and equipment. An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. The difference between the net disposal proceeds, if any and the net carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss and the unutilised portion of the revaluation surplus on that item is taken directly to retained earnings. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 70 (e) Investment Properties Investment properties are properties which are held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both. Such properties are measured at cost, including transaction costs. Investment properties are derecognised when either they have been disposed of or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefit is expected from its disposal. Any gains or losses on the retirement or disposal of an investment property are recognised in profit or loss in the year in which they arise. The depreciation policy for investment properties is in accordance with that for depreciable property, plant and equipment as described in Note 2.2(d). NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (f) Land Held for Property Development and Property Development Costs (i) Land Held for Property Development Land held for property development consists of land where no development activities have been carried out or where development activities are not expected to be completed within the normal operating cycle. Such land is classified within non-current assets and is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Land held for property development is reclassified as development properties at the point when development activities have commenced and where it can be demonstrated that the development activities can be completed within the normal operating cycle. (ii) Property Development Costs Property development costs comprise all costs that are directly attributable to development activities or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to such activities. When the financial outcome of a development activity can be reliably estimated, property development revenue and expenses are recognised in the income statement by using the stage of completion method. The stage of completion is determined by the proportion that property development costs incurred for work performed to date to the estimated total property development costs. Where the financial outcome of a development activity cannot be reliably estimated, property development revenue is recognised only to the extent of property development costs incurred that is probable will be recoverable, and property development costs on properties sold are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. Any expected loss on a development project, including costs to be incurred over the defects liability period, is recognised as an expense immediately. Property development costs not recognised as an expense are recognised as an asset, which is measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The excess of revenue recognised in the income statement over billings to purchasers is classified as accrued billings within trade receivables and the excess of billings to purchasers over revenue recognised in the income statement is classified as progress billings within trade payables. (g) Construction Contracts Where the outcome of a construction contract can be reliably estimated, contract revenue and contract costs are recognised as revenue and expenses respectively by using the stage of completion method. The stage of completion is measured by reference to the proportion of contract costs incurred for work performed to date to the estimated total contract costs. Where the outcome of a construction contract cannot be reliably estimated, contract revenue is recognised to the extent of contract costs incurred that it is probable will be recoverable. Contract costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. When it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss is recognised as an expense immediately. When the total of costs incurred on construction contracts plus, recognised profits (less recognised losses), exceeds progress billings, the balance is classified as amount due from customers on contracts. When progress billings exceed costs incurred plus, recognised profits (less recognised losses), the balance is classified as amount due to customers on contracts. 71 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (h) Inventories Inventories are stated at lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined using the first in, first out method. The cost of raw materials comprises cost of purchase. The costs of finished goods and work-in-progress comprise raw materials, direct labour, other direct costs and appropriate proportions of production overheads. The cost of unsold properties comprises cost associated with the purchase of land, direct costs and appropriate proportions of common costs. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. (i) Impairment of Non-Financial Assets The carrying amounts of assets, other than investment property, construction contract assets, property development costs and inventories are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated to determine the amount of impairment loss. For goodwill, the recoverable amount is estimated at each balance sheet date or more frequently when indicators of impairment are identified. For the purpose of impairment testing of these assets, recoverable amount is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows that are largely independent of those from other assets. If this is the case, recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs to. Goodwill acquired in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to each of the Group’s CGUs, or groups of CGUs, that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities of the Group are assigned to those units or groups of units. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s or CGU’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. Where the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount. Impairment losses recognised in respect of a CGU or groups of CGUs are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to those units or groups of units and then, to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit or groups of units on a pro-rata basis. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 72 An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it arises, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is accounted for as a revaluation decrease to the extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the amount held in the asset revaluation reserve for the same asset. Impairment loss on goodwill is not reversed in a subsequent period. An impairment loss for an asset other than goodwill is reversed if, and only if, there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. The carrying amount of an asset other than goodwill is increased to its revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. A reversal of impairment loss for an asset other than goodwill is recognised in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at revalued amount, in which case, such reversal is treated as a revaluation increase. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (j) Financial Instruments Financial instruments are recognised in the balance sheet when the Group has become a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial instruments are classified as liabilities or equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement. Interest, dividends, gains and losses relating to a financial instrument classified as a liability, are reported as expense or income. Distributions to holders of financial instruments classified as equity are charged directly to equity. Financial instruments are offset when the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset and intends to settle either on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. (i) Cash and Cash Equivalents For the purposes of the cash flow statements, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and at bank and deposits at call which have an insignificant risk of changes in value, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. (ii) Marketable Securities Marketable securities are carried at the lower of cost and market value, determined on an aggregate basis. Cost is determined on the weighted average basis while market value is determined based on quoted market values. Increases or decreases in the carrying amount of marketable securities are credited or charged to the income statement. On disposal of marketable securities, the difference between net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount is charged or credited to the income statement. (iii) Trade Receivables Trade receivables are carried at anticipated realisable values. Bad debts are written off when identified. An estimate is made for doubtful debts based on a review of all outstanding amounts as at the balance sheet date. (iv)Trade Payables Trade payables are stated at the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received. (v) Interest Bearing Loans and Borrowings All loans and borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received less directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, interest bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. (vi)Equity Instruments Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised in equity in the period in which they are declared. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 73 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (k) Leases (i) Classification A lease is recognised as a finance lease if it transfers substantially to the Group all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership. Leases of land and buildings are classified as operating or finance leases in the same way as leases of other assets and the land and buildings elements of a lease of land and buildings are considered separately for the purposes of lease classification. All leases that do not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards are classified as operating leases. (ii) Finance Leases - the Group as lessee Assets acquired by way of hire purchase or finance leases are stated at an amount equal to the lower of their fair values and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of the leases, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. The corresponding liability is included in the balance sheet as borrowings. In calculating the present value of the minimum lease payments, the discount factor used is the interest rate implicit in the lease, when it is practicable to determine; otherwise, the Company’s incremental borrowing rate is used. Any initial direct costs are also added to the carrying amount of such assets. Lease payments are apportioned between the finance costs and the reduction of the outstanding liability. Finance costs, which represent the difference between the total leasing commitments and the fair value of the assets acquired, are recognised in the profit or loss over the term of the relevant lease so as to produce a constant periodic rate of charge on the remaining balance of the obligations for each accounting period. The depreciation policy for leased assets is in accordance with that for depreciable property, plant and equipment as described in Note 2.2(d). (iii) Operating Leases - the Group as lessee Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. The aggregate benefit of incentives provided by the lessor is recognised as a reduction of rental expense over the lease term on a straight-line basis. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 74 In the case of a lease of land and buildings, the minimum lease payments or the up-front payments made are allocated, whenever necessary, between the land and the buildings elements in proportion to the relative fair values for leasehold interests in the land element and buildings element of the lease at the inception of the lease. The up-front payment represents prepaid lease payments and are amortised on a straight-line basis over the lease term. (l) Income Tax Income tax on the profit or loss for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Current tax is the expected amount of income taxes payable in respect of the taxable profit for the year and is measured using the tax rates that have been enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is provided for, using the liability method. In principle, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax is not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or negative goodwill or from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is not a business combination and at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (l) Income Tax (Cont’d) Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is recognised as income or an expense and included in the profit or loss for the period, except when it arises from a transaction which is recognised directly in equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognised directly in equity, or when it arises from a business combination that is an acquisition, in which case the deferred tax is included in the resulting goodwill or the amount of any excess of the acquirer’s interest is the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of the combination. (m)Employee Benefits (i) Short Term Benefits Wages, salaries, bonuses and social security contributions are recognised as an expense in the year in which the associated services are rendered by employees. Short term accumulating compensated absences such as paid annual leave are recognised when services are rendered by employees that increase their entitlement to future compensated absences, and short term non-accumulating compensated absences such as sick leave are recognised when the absences occur. (ii) Defined Contribution Plans Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into separate entities or funds and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if any of the funds do not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee services in the current and preceding financial years. Such contributions are recognised as an expense in the profit or loss as incurred. As required by law, the Group and the Company make such contributions to the Employees Provident Fund (“EPF”). (iii) Defined Benefit Plans The Group operates an unfunded, defined benefit Retirement Benefit Scheme (“the Scheme”) for its eligible employees. The Group’s obligation under the Scheme, calculated using the Projected Unit Credit Method, through which the amount of benefit that employees have earned in return for their services in the current and prior years is estimated. That benefit is discounted in order to determine its present value. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised as income or expense over the expected average remaining working lives of the participating employees when the cumulative unrecognised actuarial gains or losses for the Scheme exceed 10% of the higher of the present value of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets. Past service costs are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the average period until the benefits become vested. If the benefits are already vested immediately following the introduction of, or changes to, a pension plan, past service costs are recognised immediately. The amount recognised in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligations adjusted for unrecognised actuarial gains and losses and unrecognised past service costs, and reduced by the fair value of plan assets. Any asset resulting from this calculation is limited to the net total of any unrecognised past service costs and present value of any economic benefits in the form of refunds from the plan or reductions in future contributions to the plan. 75 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (n) Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised: (i) Sale of Properties Revenue from sale of properties is accounted for by the stage of completion method as described in Note 2.2(f)(ii). (ii) Construction Contracts Revenue from construction contracts is accounted for by the stage of completion method as described in Note 2.2(g). (iii) Sale of Goods Revenue is recognised net of sales taxes and upon transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyer. Revenue is not recognised to the extent where there are significant uncertainties regarding recovery of the consideration due, associated costs or the possible return of goods. (iv)Revenue from Services Revenue from services is recognised net of service taxes and discounts as and when the services are performed. (v) Dividend Income Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. (vi)Rental Income Rental income from investment property is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. (vii)Interest income Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis using the effective interest method. (viii)Management Fees Management fees are recognised when services are rendered. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 76 (o) Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale. Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation. All other borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont’d) (p) Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a result of a past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pretax rate that reflects, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as finance cost. (q) Functional and Presentation Currency The individual financial statements of each entity in the Group are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“the functional currency”). The consolidated financial statements are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), which is also the Company’s functional currency. 2.3 Changes in Accounting Policies and Effects Arising from Adoption of New and Revised FRSs On 1 January 2007, the Group and the Company adopted the following revised FRSs and amendment to FRS: FRS 117 : Leases FRS 124 : Related Party Disclosure Amendment to FRS 1192004 : Employee Benefits – Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures The MASB has also issued FRS 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources which will be effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007. This FRS is, however, not applicable to the Company. The adoption of the revised FRS 124 and Amendment to FRS 1192004 to give rise to additional disclosures but did not result in significant changes in accounting policies of the Group and of the Company. The principal changes in accounting policies and their effects resulting from the adoption of the revised FRS 117 are discussed below: (a) Leasehold land held for own use Prior to 1 January 2007, leasehold land held for own use was classified as property, plant and equipment and was stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. The adoption of the revised FRS 117 has resulted in a change in the accounting policy relating to the classification of leases of land and buildings. Leases of land and buildings are classified as operating or finance leases in the same way as leases of other assets and the land and buildings elements of a lease of land and buildings are considered separately for the purposes of lease classification. Leasehold land held for own use is now classified as operating lease and where necessary, the minimum lease payments or the up-front payments made are allocated between the land and the buildings elements in proportion to the relative fair values for leasehold interests in the land element and buildings element of the lease at the inception of the lease. The up-front payment relating to the land element represents prepaid lease payments and are amortised on a straight-line basis over the lease term. 77 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.3 Changes in Accounting Policies and Effects Arising from Adoption of New and Revised FRSs (Cont’d) (a) Leasehold land held for own use (Cont’d) The Group has applied the change in accounting policy in respect of leasehold land in accordance with the transitional provisions of FRS 117. At 1 January 2007, the unamortised amount of leasehold land is retained as the surrogate carrying amount of prepaid lease payments as allowed by the transitional provisions. The effects on the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2007 are set out below: Decrease in property, plant and equipment Increase in prepaid land lease payments There were no effects on the consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007 and the Company’s separate financial statements. The reclassification of leasehold land as prepaid lease payments has been accounted for retrospectively and as such, certain comparatives have been restated. Previously Stated RM Adjustment RM Restated RM 13,144,936 - (86,106) 86,106 13,058,830 86,106 Group Property, plant and equipment Prepaid land lease payments (b) Initial direct costs PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (83,898) 83,898 78 2007 RM Prior to 1 January 2007, the Group, as a lessor in operating lease arrangements, had recognised initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging leases as an expense in the profit or loss in the period in which they were incurred. The revised FRS 117 requires such costs to be added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognised as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. According to the revised FRS 117, this change in accounting policy should be applied retrospectively. In general, the Company does not incur significant initial direct costs on negotiating and arranging leases and as a result, this change in accounting policy did not materially affect the financial statements of the Company. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.4 FRSs, Amendment to FRS and Interpretations Issued but Not Yet Effective At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following new and revised FRSs, amendment to FRS and Interpretations were issued but not yet effective and have not been applied by the Company: FRSs, Amendment to FRS and Interpretations Effective for financial periods beginning on or after FRS 107 : Cash Flow Statements 1 July 2007 FRS 111 : Construction Contracts 1 July 2007 FRS 112 : Income Taxes 1 July 2007 FRS 118 : Revenue 1 July 2007 FRS 120 : Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 1 July 2007 FRS 134 : Interim Financial Reporting 1 July 2007 FRS 137 : Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 1 July 2007 FRS 139 : Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement Deferred Amendment to FRS 121 : The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - Net Investment in a Foreign Operation 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 1 : Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 2 : Members’ Shares in Co-operative Entities and Similar Instruments 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 5 : Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning, Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 6 : Liabilities arising from Participating in a Specific Market - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 7 : Applying the Restatement Approach under FRS 1292004 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies 1 July 2007 IC Interpretation 8 : Scope of FRS 2 Share-based Payment 1 July 2007 The above FRSs, amendment to FRS and Interpretations are expected to have no significant impact to the financial statements of the Group and the Company upon their initial application. The Group and the Company is exempted from disclosing the possible impact, if any, to the financial statements upon the initial application of FRS 139. 2.5 Significant Accounting Estimates and Judgements (a) Critical Judgements Made in Applying Accounting Policies There were no significant judgements made in applying the accounting policies of the Group which may have significant effects on the amounts recognised in the financial statements. (b) Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty The Key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below : (i) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment The cost of plant and machinery is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the assets’ useful lives. Management estimates the useful lives of these property, plant and equipment to be within 5 to 20 years. These are common life expectancies applied for the assets owned by the Group. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological developments would not significantly impact the economic useful lives and the residual values of these assets, therefore the future depreciation charges would not vary significantly. 79 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT’D) 2.5 Significant Accounting Estimates and Judgements (Cont’d) (b) Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty (Cont’d) (ii) Property development The Group recognises property development revenue and expenses in the income statement by using the stage of completion method. The stage of completion is determined by the proportion that property development costs incurred for work performed to date bear to the estimated total property development costs. Significant judgement is required in determining the stage of completion, the extent of the property development costs incurred, the estimated total property development revenue and costs, as well as the recoverability of the development projects. In making the judgement, the Group evaluates based on past experience and by relying on the work of specialists. (iii) Impairment of goodwill The Group determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires an estimation of the value-in-use of the cash-generating units (“CGU”) to which goodwill is allocated. Estimating a value-in-use amount requires management to make an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the CGU and also to choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. The carrying amount of goodwill as at 31 December 2007 was RM823,258. 3. REVENUE Sale of properties Project management fees Construction contracts Sale of goods Management fees Rental income Dividend income Sand mining income PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 80 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 73,296,519 266,338 20,115,094 3,987,169 669,360 1,412,953 5,911,568 - - - - - 578,640 - 13,797,595 - 609,360 12,675,195 - 107,229,338 105,659,001 4. COST OF SALES Property development costs (Note 13(b)) Additional costs for completed project Cost of land held for property development sold (Note 13(a)) Cost of inventories sold Cost of services rendered Cost of construction contracts Sand mining operations 14,376,235 13,284,555 33,481,302 47,553 1,855,070 9,977,373 704,420 9,799,460 577,222 37,526,067 5,810,454 9,376,577 538,737 19,519,806 - 56,442,400 72,771,641 76,704,714 186,614 9,736,768 9,726,107 875,720 1,972,970 7,073,388 953,057 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 2006 RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 13,782 89,765 3,081,799 1,420,702 10,720 15,009 2,025,596 - 5,143 - - - - - 7,133,495 - 6,181 805,060 405,741 2,026,385 - 9,244,350 6,657,373 6. PROFIT BEFORE TAX The following amounts have been included in arriving at profit before tax: Group 2007 2006 RM RM Employee benefits expense (Note 7) 11,332,274 10,074,400 Non-executive directors’ remuneration (Note 8) 811,450 815,050 Auditors’ remuneration: - Current year 133,000 127,000 - Underprovision in prior year 400 6,500 Provision for doubtful debts 5,504,567 244,471 Property, plant and equipment written off 51,492 2,760 Office rental 586,516 499,514 Rental income (123,400) - Bad debts recovered - (85,112) Reversal of impairment losses in inventories - (98,151) Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments (Note 15) 2,208 2,208 Income from forfeited sales - (44,870) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (Note 12) 920,891 968,418 Depreciation of investment properties (Note 14) 166,057 39,968 Impairment loss of goodwill (Note 16) 1,132,643 - Impairment of property, plant and equipment 176,778 - Impairment of land held for property development 20,116,367 - Provision for impairment losses in investment in an associate 10,000 - Provision for impairment losses in investments in subsidiaries - - 7,138,638 3,243,367 40,867 84,935 1,130,657 677,253 10,475 68,364 7,133,495 98,304 2007 RM Company 2006 RM 2006 RM 1,194,265 733,200 1,027,732 701,550 10,000 - - - - - - - 9,000 48,690 - - - - 17,364 - - - 17,365 - - - - - 3,419,957 279,559 81 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 5. FINANCE COSTS Interest expense on: Hire purchase Term loans Overdrafts Revolving credits Bankers’ acceptances Commitment fees Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds Other interests NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 6. PROFIT BEFORE TAX (CONT’D) Provision for impairment losses in investments in marketable securities Interest income Reversal of provision for impairment losses in investments in subsidiaries Reversal of provision for impairment losses in investments in marketable securities Reversal of provision for doubtful debts Loss/(gain) on disposal of land held for development Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment Gain on disposal of property development costs Gain on disposal of investments Reversal of provision for contingencies 7. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EXPENSE Wages and salaries Social security contributions Short-term accumulating compensated absences Contributions to defined contribution plan Pension costs - defined benefit plan (Note 25) Other staff related expenses 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 330,093 (849,040) - (398,886) 330,093 (2,390,478) (694,129) - - (1,651,831) (76,159) (243,600) (191,855) 3,915 (17,666) - (34,392,919) (1,781,682) (155,496) (31,200) (4,855,946) (52,000) (1,515,328) (14,250) - - - - - - (355,283) - - 2007 RM 7,768,461 89,719 4,510 1,055,982 590,441 1,823,161 Group 2006 RM 2007 RM 6,609,635 81,304 96,236 873,300 568,974 1,844,951 386,017 18 - 58,080 - 750,150 Company 2006 RM 2006 RM 340,210 303 43,850 643,369 11,332,274 10,074,400 1,194,265 1,027,732 Included in employee benefits expense of the Group and of the Company are executive directors’ remuneration amounting to RM866,356 (2006: RM514,380) and RM440,724 (2006: RM370,500) respectively as further disclosed in Note 8. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 82 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 8. DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION Executive directors’ remuneration (Note 7): Fees Other emoluments Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 164,000 702,356 142,880 371,500 20,000 420,724 20,000 350,500 866,356 514,380 440,724 370,500 Non-executive directors’ remuneration (Note 6): Fees Other emoluments 185,000 626,450 185,000 630,050 185,000 548,200 185,000 516,550 811,450 815,050 733,200 701,550 1,677,806 1,329,430 1,173,924 1,072,050 Group Total directors’ remuneration 2006 RM The number of directors of the Company whose total remuneration during the financial year fell within the following bands is analysed below: Executive directors: RM350,001 - RM400,000 RM400,001 – RM500,000 Non-executive directors: RM50,001 – RM100,000 RM100,001 – RM150,000 9. INCOME TAX EXPENSE Income tax: Malaysian income tax Under/(overprovision) in prior years Tax credit recognised during the year Number of Directors 2007 2006 2007 RM Group - 1 1 - 8 1 8 1 Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 8,566,486 4,756 - 3,351,731 (5,586) (1,554) (938,726) - - - Deferred tax (Note 32): Relating to originating and reversal of temporary differences Relating to changes in tax rates Underprovided in prior year 8,571,242 3,344,591 (938,726) - (3,586,248) (3,665) (8,633) 74,645 - 3,394 - - - - (3,598,546) 78,039 - - 4,972,696 3,422,630 (938,726) - Total income tax expense Domestic current income tax is calculated at the statutory tax rate of 27% (2006: 28%) of the estimated assessable profit for the year. The domestic statutory tax rate will be reduced to 26% from the current year’s tax rate of 27%, effective year of assessment 2008 and to 25% in subsequent years of assessment. 83 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 2007 RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 9. INCOME TAX EXPENSE (CONT’D.) A reconciliation of income tax expense applicable to profit before taxation at the statutory income tax rate to income tax expense at the effective income tax rate of the Group and of the Company is as follows: Group Profit before taxation Taxation at Malaysian statutory tax rate of 27% (2006: 28%) Effect of changes in tax rates on opening balance of deferred tax Effect of income subject to tax rate of 20%* Effect of income not subject to tax Effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes Effect of utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses and unabsorbed capital allowances Deferred tax assets not recognised in respect of current year’s tax losses and unabsorbed capital allowances (Over)/underprovision of deferred tax in prior year Under/(overprovision) of income tax in prior year Tax credit recognised in current year PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 84 Tax expense for the year * 2006 RM 31,377,035 4,673,537 8,471,799 (2,245) - (9,671,216) 6,040,462 1,308,590 (6,420) (25,772) (74,051) 3,819,597 (695,565) (1,812,622) 833,339 (8,634) 4,756 - 217,054 3,394 (5,586) (1,554) 4,972,696 3,422,630 Certain subsidiaries with paid up capital less than RM2.5 million are eligible for this incentive. Company 2007 RM 2006 RM Profit before taxation 5,361,562 3,641,991 Taxation at Malaysian statutory tax rate of 27% (2006: 28%) Effect of income not subject to tax Effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes Deferred tax assets not recognised in respect of current year’s tax losses 1,447,622 (3,114,532) 727,736 448 1,019,757 (3,467,714) 2,447,492 465 (938,726) - Tax expense for the year Tax savings during the financial year arising from: 2007 RM Utilisation of current year tax losses Utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses 2007 RM 1,550,339 44,272 Group 2006 RM 2007 RM 275,696 1,691,101 1,550,339 - Company 2006 RM 275,696 - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 10. EARNINGS PER SHARE (a) Basic Basic earnings per share amount is calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial year. 2007 2006 Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company (RM) 31,603,614 1,138,987 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (unit) 205,978,000 205,978,000 Basic earnings per share (sen) 15.34 0.55 (b) Diluted No diluted earnings per share were presented as there were no potential dilutive ordinary shares outstanding as at 31 December 2007. Dividends in respect of Year 2007 2006 RM RM Dividends Recognised in Year 2007 2006 RM RM - 3,008,000 3,008,000 - - 1,073,100 1,073,100 - - 4,081,100 Proposed for approval at AGM (not recognised as at 31 December 2007) First and final dividend for 2007: 2% less 26% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares (1.48 sen per ordinary share) 3,048,474 - 4,081,100 - - - 3,048,474 4,081,100 Company 4,081,100 - 3,008,000 - Recognised during the year: First and final dividend for 2006: 2% less 27% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares (1.46 sen per ordinary share) - 3,008,000 85 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 11. DIVIDENDS Group Recognised during the year: First and final dividend for 2006: 2% less 27% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares (1.46 sen per ordinary share) Interim dividend for 2007: 15% less 27% taxation on 20,000,000 ordinary shares (11 sen per ordinary share) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 11. DIVIDENDS (CONT’D) Dividends in respect of Year 2007 2006 RM RM Company Proposed for approval at AGM (not recognised as at 31 December 2007) First and final dividend for 2007: 2% less 26% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares (1.48 sen per ordinary share) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 3,048,474 - - - At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007, of 2% less 26% taxation on 205,978,000 ordinary shares, amounting to a dividend payable of RM3,048,474 (1.48 sen net per ordinary share) will be proposed for shareholders’ approval. The financial statements for the current financial year do not reflect this proposed dividend. Such dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be accounted for in equity as an appropriation of retained earnings in the financial year ending 31 December 2008. 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Buildings RM 86 Dividends Recognised in Year 2007 2006 RM RM Construction Work-in- Progress RM Plant and Machinery RM Other Assets* RM Total RM Group Cost At 1 January 2007 Additions Acquisition of a subsidiary Disposals Written off 10,785,856 19,699 - - - - - 2,237,500 - - 1,670,716 712,365 - - - 6,847,814 1,324,714 - (103,332) (204,247) 19,304,386 2,056,778 2,237,500 (103,332) (204,247) At 31 December 2007 10,805,555 2,237,500 2,383,081 7,864,949 23,291,085 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2007 Charge for the year (Note 6) Disposals Written off Impairment losses 585,468 218,636 - - - - - - - - 1,418,305 107,074 - - 176,778 4,241,783 595,181 (71,276) (152,755) - 6,245,556 920,891 (71,276) (152,755) 176,778 At 31 December 2007 804,104 - 1,702,157 4,612,933 7,119,194 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2007 10,001,451 2,237,500 680,924 3,252,016 16,171,891 At 31 December 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D.) Buildings RM Group (Cont’d) At 31 December 2006 Cost At 1 January 2006 2,933,686 Additions 2,884,347 Disposals - Written off - Reclassification (441,941) Transfer from inventory 5,409,764 10,785,856 Construction Work-in- Progress RM Plant and Machinery RM Other Assets* RM Total RM - - - - - - 1,228,775 - - - 441,941 - 7,064,343 75,927 (229,598) (62,858) - - 11,226,804 2,960,274 (229,598) (62,858) 5,409,764 - 1,670,716 6,847,814 19,304,386 At 31 December 2006 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2006 Charge for the year (Note 6) Disposals Written off Reclassification 448,151 181,512 - - (44,195) - - - - - 1,194,381 179,729 - - 44,195 3,924,302 607,177 (229,598) (60,098) - 5,566,834 968,418 (229,598) (60,098) - At 31 December 2006 585,468 - 1,418,305 4,241,783 6,245,556 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2006 10,200,388 - 252,411 2,606,031 13,058,830 * Other assets consist of office renovation, furniture and fittings, office equipment, motor vehicles and signboard. Office Equipment RM Motor Vehicle RM Total RM 8,300 157,051 165,351 1,802 1,660 25,547 15,704 27,349 17,364 At 31 December 2007 3,462 41,251 44,713 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2007 4,838 115,800 120,638 87 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Company At 31 December 2007 Cost At 1 January 2007/31 December 2007 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2007 Charge for the year (Note 6) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D.) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 88 Office Equipment RM Motor Vehicle RM Total RM Company (Cont’d) At 31 December 2006 Cost At 1 January 2006/31 December 2006 8,300 157,051 165,351 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2006 Charge for the year (Note 6) 142 1,660 9,842 15,705 9,984 17,365 At 31 December 2006 1,802 25,547 27,349 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2006 6,498 131,504 138,002 (a) During the financial year, the Group acquired property, plant and equipment at aggregate costs of RM2,056,778 (2006: RM2,960,274) of which RM 745,163 (2006: RM Nil) were acquired by means of hire purchase. Net carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment held under hire purchase arrangements are as follows: Motor vehicles Plant and machineries 369,164 501,417 395,510 - 870,581 395,510 2007 RM Group 2006 RM (b) Part of the leasehold building of a subsidiary with carrying value amounting to RM157,765 (2006: RM162,993) is pledged to financial institutions for credit facilities granted to the subsidiary as detailed in Note 26. (c) Included in property, plant and equipment of the Group are fully depreciated assets which are still in use costing RM3,195,922 (2006: RM2,991,632). 13. LAND HELD FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COSTS (a) Land held for property development Freehold Land RM Leasehold Land RM Total RM 55,937,903 21,289,770 (1,855,070) 7,389,096 (24,279,145) 98,629,007 1,378,336 - - (162,178) 154,566,910 22,668,106 (1,855,070) 7,389,096 (24,441,323) 58,482,554 99,845,165 158,327,719 Group At 31 December 2007 Cost At 1 January 2007 Additions Disposals Transfer from property development costs (Note 13(b)) Transfer to property development costs (Note 13(b)) At 31 December 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 13. LAND HELD FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COSTS (CONT’D) (a) Land held for property development (Cont’d) Freehold Leasehold Land Land RM RM Group (Cont’d) At 31 December 2007 Accumulated impairment losses At 1 January 2007 Impairment loss for the year At 31 December 2007 Carrying amount at 31 December 2007 - - - 20,116,367 - 20,116,367 20,116,367 20,116,367 58,482,554 79,728,798 138,211,352 69,223,368 1,625,372 (5,187,281) (9,723,556) 93,569,202 8,751,681 (623,173) (3,068,703) 162,792,570 10,377,053 (5,810,454) (12,792,259) At 31 December 2006 55,937,903 98,629,007 154,566,910 Carrying amount at 31 December 2006 55,937,903 98,629,007 154,566,910 Leasehold Development land costs RM RM Total RM At 31 December 2006 Cost At 1 January 2006 Additions Disposals Transfer to property development costs (Note 13(b)) (b) Property development costs Group At 31 December 2007 Cumulative property development costs At 1 January 2007 Costs incurred during the year Transfer from land held for property development (Note 13(a)) Reclassification Transfer to land held for property development (Note 13(a)) Unsold units transferred to inventories Reversal of completed projects At 31 December 2007 Freehold land RM 19,997,147 2,087,931 34,550,996 3,087,741 119,636,799 74,111,021 174,184,942 79,286,693 24,279,145 (24,279,145) 162,178 - - 24,279,145 24,441,323 - (7,389,096) - - - (178,385) (1,344,539) - (5,040,346) (7,602,900) (7,389,096) (5,218,731) (8,947,439) 14,695,982 36,277,991 205,383,719 256,357,692 89 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Total RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 13. LAND HELD FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COSTS (CONT’D) (b) Property development costs (Cont’d) Group (Cont’d) At 31 December 2007 Freehold land RM Cumulative costs recognised in income statement At 1 January 2007 (3,004,923) Recognised during the year (Note 4) - Reversal of completed projects - At 31 December 2007 (3,004,923) Leasehold Development land costs RM RM (826,585) (2,002,531) 1,344,539 (80,885,512) (31,478,771) 7,602,900 (84,717,020) (33,481,302) 8,947,439 (1,484,577) (104,761,383) (109,250,883) Property development costs at 31 December 2007 11,691,059 34,793,414 100,622,336 At 31 December 2006 Cumulative property development costs At 1 January 2006 7,523,984 33,191,680 147,785,562 Costs incurred during the year 2,780,508 7,248,110 37,932,996 Transfer from inventories 204,853 - - Transfer from land held for property development (Note 13(a)) 9,723,556 3,068,703 - Unsold units transferred to inventories - (114,143) (4,802,051) Reversal of completed projects (204,853) (6,596,311) (52,402,482) Disposal of project during the year (30,901) (1,873,624) (2,930,393) Unsold units transferred to investment properties - (373,419) (5,946,833) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 90 At 31 December 2006 Total RM 147,106,809 188,501,226 47,961,614 204,853 12,792,259 (4,916,194) (59,203,646) (4,834,918) (6,320,252) 19,997,147 34,550,996 119,636,799 174,184,942 Cumulative costs recognised in income statement At 1 January 2006 (98,249) Recognised during the year (Note 4) (2,906,674) Transfer from inventories (204,853) Reversal of completed projects 204,853 (5,126,603) (2,296,293) - 6,596,311 (100,964,894) (32,323,100) - 52,402,482 (106,189,746) (37,526,067) (204,853) 59,203,646 (3,004,923) (826,585) (80,885,512) (84,717,020) 16,992,224 33,724,411 38,751,287 89,467,922 At 31 December 2006 Property development costs at 31 December 2006 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 13. LAND HELD FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COSTS (CONT’D) The freehold land and leasehold land of certain subsidiaries with a carrying value of RM42,408,934 (2006: RM16,421,913) have been charged as security for short term borrowings. Titles to leasehold land of a subsidiary with a carrying value of RM1,066,973 (2006: RM2,043,109) are registered under the name of its holding corporation. The transfer of the title will be done upon the completion of the properties development. The title of leasehold land held for development of a subsidiary with a carrying value of RM27,324,277 (2006: RM27,427,232) is still pending transfer to the subsidiary’s name from the ultimate holding corporation, Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang. The title of freehold land held for development of a subsidiary with a carrying value of RM19,582,312 (2006: RM7,389,096) is still pending transfer to the subsidiary’s name from the vendor. 2007 RM Group 2006 RM Buildings Cost At 1 January Transfer from property development costs (Note 13(b)) 8,354,382 - 2,034,130 6,320,252 At 31 December 8,354,382 8,354,382 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January Charge for the year (Note 6) 683,083 166,057 643,115 39,968 At 31 December 849,140 683,083 7,505,242 7,671,299 Net carrying amount At 31 December 15. PREPAID LAND LEASE PAYMENTS At 1 January Amortisation for the year (Note 6) 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 86,106 (2,208) 88,314 (2,208) At 31 December 83,898 86,106 Analysed as: Long term leasehold land 83,898 86,106 The long term leasehold land of the Group was pledged to a licensed bank for credit facility granted to a subsidiary. The credit facility was fully settled during the year. 91 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 14. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 16. INTANGIBLE ASSETS PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Group 2006 RM Goodwill Cost At 1 January Effects of adopting FRS 3 Arising from acquisition of a subsidiary (Note 17) 4,564,733 - 12,912 3,552,818 1,011,915 - At 31 December 4,577,645 4,564,733 Accumulated amortisation and impairment At 1 January Effects of adopting FRS 3 Impairment loss (Note 6) 2,621,744 - 1,132,643 2,297,931 323,813 - At 31 December 3,754,387 2,621,744 823,258 1,942,989 Net carrying amount At 31 December 17. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES Unquoted shares at cost Less: Accumulated impairment losses 92 2007 RM 2007 RM 81,624,753 (22,218,437) Company 2006 RM 80,824,755 (20,450,313) 59,406,316 60,374,442 Details of the subsidiaries are as follows: Proportion of Name of Country of Ownership Subsidiaries Incorporation Principal activities 2007 2006 % % Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Property development, project 100 100 management and provision of management services Kuantan Tembeling Malaysia Property development and 100 100 Resort Sdn. Bhd. management of resort and condominium Pasdec Land Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Property development 100 100 Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Trading of building materials, 100 100 hiring of machineries and to engage in construction business Kimdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Property development 51 51 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 17. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES (CONT’D) Proportion of Name of Country of Ownership Subsidiaries Incorporation Principal activities 2007 2006 % % Kuantan Bricks Sdn. Bhd.* Malaysia Bricks manufacturing 100 100 Sumbangan Sakti Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Property development 100 100 Pasdec Mega Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Property development 100 100 Pasdec Pintas Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Dormant 70 70 Pasdec Putra Sdn. Bhd.** Malaysia Property development 100 100 Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Dormant 100 100 Pahang Aircraft Industries Malaysia Manufacturing, selling and leasing Sdn. Bhd.*** of aircraft and related components 100 100 Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd.*** Malaysia Trading of building materials and 100 provision of insurance services Bentong Aquarium & Malaysia Operator of aquarium and theme park 70 Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. * Subsidiary of Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. The auditors’ report of this company refers to the going concern assumption and that the company is dependent upon the financial support of the Company. The report is not qualified. ** Subsidiary of Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd.. *** Subsidiary of Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd.. Acquisition of a subsidiary On 23 July 2007, the Company subscribed to 800,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each representing 70% equity interest in Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. pursuant to a Joint Venture Agreement dated 28 January 2006. The effects of the acquisition on the financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2007 is as follows: Property, plant and equipment Cash and bank balances Other debtor Other payables Minority interests Group’s share of net assets RM 2,237,500 32,982 400 (1,159,843) (33,312) 1,077,727 93 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 17. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES (CONT’D) The fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed from the acquisition of the subsidiary is as follows: Fair value Acquiree’s recognised on carrying acquisition amount RM RM Net assets acquired: Property, plant and equipment 2,237,500 2,237,500 Other receivables 400 400 Cash and bank balances 36,653 36,653 Other payables (1,150,141) (1,150,141) Fair value of net assets Less: Minority interests Group’s share of net assets Goodwill on consolidation (Note 16) 787,088 12,912 Total cost of acquisition 800,000 Net cash outflow arising from acquisition: Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary Cash consideration paid 36,653 (800,000) (763,347) 18. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 94 1,124,412 (337,324) 2007 RM 1,124,412 Group 2006 RM In Malaysia: Unquoted shares, at cost Share of post-acquisition reserves 1,270,000 2,413,951 1,270,000 2,655,068 Less: Accumulated impairment losses 3,683,951 (70,000) 3,925,068 (60,000) 3,613,951 3,865,068 Represented by: Share of net assets 3,613,951 3,865,068 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 18. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES (CONT’D) Details of the associates are as follows: Name of Country of Principal Proportion of Proportion of Associates Incorporation ActivitiesOwnership Interest Voting Power 2007 2006 2007 2006 % % % % Prima Prai Malaysia Property 20 20 20 20 Sdn. Bhd. development Genting View Malaysia Developer 40 40 40 40 Resort and contractor Development Sdn. Bhd. Pasdec Malaysia Dormant 40 - 40 Cempaka Sdn. Bhd. The financial statements of the above associates are coterminous with those of the Group, except for Prima Prai Sdn. Bhd. which has a financial year end of 31 March. For the purpose of applying the equity method of accounting, the management accounts of Prima Prai Sdn. Bhd. for the period ended 31 December 2007 have been used. 19. INVENTORIES Properties held for sale Land Finished goods Diesel and lubricant 20. TRADE RECEIVABLES Trade receivables Construction contracts: Due from customers (Note 22) Retention sum receivables (Note 22) Progress billings receivable Accrued billings in respect of property development costs Less: Provision for doubtful debts 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 14,526,266 950,493 166,699 33,361 11,177,787 1,133,296 188,353 9,996 15,676,819 12,509,432 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 31,675,347 31,732,190 483,708 - 30,522,865 3,844,170 795,225 1,386,740 26,517,962 - 66,526,090 (2,908,137) 60,432,117 (2,865,377) 63,617,953 57,566,740 The Group’s primary exposure to credit risk arises through its trade receivables. The Group’s trading terms with its customers are mainly on credit. The credit term is generally for a period of 30 to 120 days. The Group seeks to maintain strict control over its outstanding receivables and has a credit control department to minimise credit risk. Overdue balances are reviewed regularly by senior management. In view of the aforementioned and the fact that the Group’s trade receivables relate to a large number of diversified customers, there is no significant concentration of credit risk. Trade receivables are non-interest bearing. 95 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 21. OTHER RECEIVABLES Amount due from related parties: Subsidiaries Holding corporation Related companies 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM - 28,784,578 24,087,041 - 29,513,584 21,545,498 207,734,256 25,646,748 4,022,499 249,406,604 25,703,442 4,022,499 Deposit Prepayments Sundry receivables 52,871,619 551,450 557,969 5,191,195 51,059,082 526,761 497,897 6,559,245 237,403,503 - 120,303 1,489,955 279,132,545 327,083 882,444 Less: Provision for doubtful debts 59,172,233 (36,093,640) 58,642,985 (30,823,683) 239,013,761 (19,901,775) 280,342,072 (19,901,776) 23,078,593 27,819,302 219,111,986 260,440,296 Amounts due from subsidiaries amounting to RM27,146,414 (2006: RM71,124,327) bear interest of 6% (2006: 6%) per annum and are repayable on demand. The amounts are unsecured and are to be settled in cash. The remaining amounts due from related parties of the Group and of the Company are non-interest bearing and repayable on demand. These amounts are unsecured and are to be settled in cash. 22. DUE FROM/(TO) CUSTOMERS ON CONTRACTS Construction costs incurred todate Attributable profits 21,663,502 247,931 11,396,219 297,425 Less : Progress billings 21,911,433 (21,427,725) 11,693,644 (10,930,132) 483,708 763,512 483,708 - 795,225 (31,713) 483,708 763,512 - 1,386,740 Due from customers on contract (Note 20) Due to customers on contract PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 96 Retention sum on contracts, included within trade receivables (Note 20) 2007 RM Group 2006 RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 23. MARKETABLE SECURITIES At cost: Shares quoted in Malaysia Unit trusts quoted in Malaysia Less: Accumulated impairment losses Shares quoted in Malaysia Unit trusts quoted in Malaysia Market value of: Shares quoted in Malaysia Unit trusts quoted in Malaysia 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 51,720,296 17,030,218 116,517,642 48,086,103 - 15,944,115 47,000,000 68,750,514 164,603,745 15,944,115 47,000,000 (14,670) (932,201) (194,252) (666,126) - (330,093) - (946,871) (860,378) (330,093) - 67,803,643 163,743,367 15,614,022 47,000,000 143,380,214 16,098,017 228,385,139 39,414,809 - 15,614,022 38,994,832 159,478,231 267,799,948 15,614,022 38,994,832 Certain investments in quoted shares by a subsidiary with carrying amount of RM Nil (2006: RM2,207,667) are pledged to financial institutions for term loan facilities granted to the subsidiary. Investments in Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad and YTL Cement Berhad with a carrying amount of RM33,225,370 (2006: RM73,531,551) by a subsidiary are pledged to financial institutions for issuance of RM150 million Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) (Note 28). Certain investments in quoted shares by a subsidiary with carrying amount of RM18,389,423 (2006: RM Nil) are pledged to banks for certain facilities granted to a related company. Cash and bank balances 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 7,751,042 19,259,850 18,048,218 7,871,390 121,568 5,315,786 105,264 6,395,138 27,010,892 25,919,608 5,437,354 6,500,402 Included in cash at banks of the Group is an amount of RM6,393,859 (2006: RM3,523,453) held pursuant to Section 7A of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 and therefore restricted from use in other operations. Deposits with licensed banks of the Group amounting to RM13,828,562 (2006: RM1,290,665) are pledged to banks for credit facilities granted to certain subsidiaries (Note 26). Other information on financial risks of cash and cash equivalents are disclosed in Note 35. 97 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 24. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash on hand and at banks Deposits with licensed banks NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 24. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (CONT’D) For the purpose of the cash flow statements, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following as at the balance sheet date: Group Company 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM RM RM Cash and bank balances 27,010,892 25,919,608 5,437,354 6,500,402 Bank overdrafts (Note 26) (19,051,147) (6,340,105) - Total cash and cash equivalents 7,959,745 19,579,503 5,437,354 6,500,402 25. RETIREMENT BENEFIT OBLIGATIONS The Group operates an unfunded, defined benefit Retirement Benefit Scheme (“the Scheme”) for its eligible employees. Under the Scheme, eligible employees are entitled to retirement benefits with 7.5% of final salary multiplied by plan service with maximum of 300 months payable on attainment of the early retirement age of 40 upon completion of 10 or more years of plan service or retirement age of 56. (i) Balance Sheet The amounts recognised in the balance sheets are determined as follows: PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 98 2007 RM Group 2006 RM Present value of funded defined benefit obligations Unrecognised transition obligation Unrecognised actuarial losses 2,997,574 (397,840) (707,554) 2,199,627 (581,923) - Net liability Analysed as: Current 1,892,180 1,617,704 27,378 24,887 Non-current: Later than 1 year but not later than 2 years Later than 2 years but not later than 5 years 152,755 1,712,047 34,277 1,558,540 1,864,802 1,592,817 1,892,180 1,617,704 The movement in the present value of the defined benefit obligations over the year is as follows: At 1 January Current service cost Interest cost Amortisation of transitional liability Benefits paid At 31 December 2007 RM 2006 RM 1,617,704 233,400 143,634 213,407 (315,965) 1,139,536 216,813 123,721 228,440 (90,806) 1,892,180 1,617,704 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 25. RETIREMENT BENEFIT OBLIGATIONS (CONT’D) (ii) Income Statement The amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows: Current service cost Interest cost Amortisation of transitional liability 2007 RM Group 2006 RM 233,400 143,634 213,407 216,813 123,721 228,440 Total, included in employee benefits expense (Note 7) 590,441 All of the Group’s contribution to defined benefit plan has been included in administrative expenses. 568,974 (iii) Actuarial Assumptions The principal assumptions used for the purposes of the actuarial valuations were as follows: 2007 2006 % % Discount rate 7.0 7.0 Expected rate of salary increases 5.0 5.0 Actuarial valuation for the Scheme is conducted by an independent actuary at regular intervals. The last valuation performed for the Scheme was on 24 January 2006. Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and mortality tables. The average life expectancy of an individual retiring at age 56. (iv)Historical Information The history of experience adjustments is as follows: Present value of defined benefit obligations 2007 RM 2006 RM 1,892,180 1,617,704 99 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 26. BORROWINGS 18,412,135 6,500,000 274,000 5,374,880 135,170 2,779,916 12,500,000 520,000 6,082,110 - - - - - - - 30,696,185 21,882,026 - - 639,012 51,788 3,560,189 70,650 - 19,762 18,725 690,800 3,630,839 19,762 18,725 31,386,985 25,512,865 19,762 18,725 4,858,025 64,485,714 347,085 1,745,628 151,068,052 - - 64,485,714 - 151,068,052 - 69,690,824 152,813,680 64,485,714 151,068,052 121,523 123,335 75,288 95,049 69,812,347 152,937,015 64,561,002 151,163,101 Total Borrowings Bankers’acceptances Bank overdrafts (Note 24) Revolving credits Term loans Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (Note 28) Hire purchase liabilities (Note 27) 274,000 19,051,147 6,500,000 10,232,905 64,485,714 655,566 520,000 6,340,105 12,500,000 7,827,738 151,068,052 193,985 - - - - 64,485,714 95,050 151,068,052 113,774 101,199,332 178,449,880 64,580,764 151,181,826 31,195,777 3,821,025 1,041,250 64,485,714 26,042,215 785,628 360,000 151,068,052 - - - 64,485,714 151,068,052 100,543,766 178,255,895 64,485,714 151,068,052 Short Term Borrowings Secured: Bank overdrafts Revolving credits Bankers’ acceptances Term loans Hire purchase liabilities (Note 27) Unsecured: Bank overdrafts Hire purchase liabilities (Note 27) Long Term Borrowings Secured: Term loans Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (Note 28) Hire purchase liabilities (Note 27) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Company 2007 RM 100 Group 2006 RM Unsecured: Hire purchase liabilities (Note 27) Maturity of borrowings: (excluding hire purchase): Within one year More than 1 year and less than 2 years More than 2 years and less than 5 years More than 5 years 2007 RM 2006 RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 26. BORROWINGS (CONT’D) The bank overdrafts and bankers’ acceptances of the Group are secured against the land registered under the name of the holding corporation, first legal charge over long term leasehold land and building of certain subsidiaries, fixed and floating charges over certain assets of subsidiaries, joint and several guarantee by the directors of a corporate shareholder of a subsidiary and corporate guarantee by a subsidiary and the Company. The secured revolving credits of the Group are for a period of six months and are secured against fixed legal charge over certain freehold land of a subsidiary, proportionate corporate guarantee by the Company of up to 51% and joint and several guarantee by the directors of a corporate shareholder. The term loans are secured by the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) The Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds of the Group and of the Company are secured against part of the marketable securities as disclosed in Note 23. The secured hire purchase liabilities of the Group are secured against corporate guarantee by a subsidiary company. First legal charge over the freehold land and leasehold land of certain subsidiaries as disclosed in Note 13; Fixed and floating charges over certain assets of subsidiaries; Joint and several guarantee by the directors of a corporate shareholder of the respective subsidiary; and Corporate guarantee by a subsidiary and the Company. Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 230,747 506,542 79,089 135,068 23,868 81,490 23,868 105,358 Less: Future finance charges 737,289 (81,723) 214,157 (20,172) 105,358 (10,308) 129,226 (15,452) Present value of lease liabilities 655,566 193,985 95,050 113,774 Analysed as: Due within 12 months (Note 26) Due after 12 months (Note 26) 186,958 468,608 70,650 123,335 19,762 75,288 18,725 95,049 655,566 193,985 95,050 113,774 2007 RM 2006 RM 101 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 27. HIRE PURCHASE PAYABLES Minimum lease payments: Not later than 1 year Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 28. RAINBOW EXCHANGEABLE BONDS On 15 November 2006, the Company issued RM150 million Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) at 100% of its nominal value comprising two series as follows: (i) Series I - up to RM15 million REBs or such other amount exchangeable into 4,792,333 or such other appropriate number of ordinary shares in Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad (“RBH”) (“Exchange Shares”); and (ii) Series II - up to RM135 million REBs or such other amount exchangeable into 40,785,500 or such other appropriate number of ordinary shares in YTL Cement Berhad (“Exchange Shares”). The salient features of REBs issued by the Company are as follows: (a) The tenors of the of Series I and II are 5 and 7 years respectively. (b) The REBs carry an interest or coupon rate of five percent per annum for both of the REBs series and payable semi-annually in arrears from the date of issue of the REBs, with the last coupon payment to be made on the respective maturity dates. (c) Each REB entitles the REBs holders to exchange for one Exchange Share at the Exchange Price which is indicatively set at a premium of 10% to 30% from five-day Weighted Average Market Price of the relevant Exchange Shares prior to the price fixing date or at par, whichever is higher at any time after the Securities Commission’s approval, for the relevant series at any time during the Exchange Period. (d) The REBs are secured by the following:- (i) A Put-Option written by the Put-Option Writer to acquire the Exchange Shares at an agreed Option Price, upon the terms and conditions contained in the Put-Option agreements; (ii) Deposit/ pledge of the Exchange Shares with the Security Trustee, for the benefit of the REBs holders; (iii) Assignment/ charge of an Escrow Account, a Disbursement Account (“DA”), and Debt Service Reserve Account (“DSRA”), in favour of the Security Trustee for the REBs holders; and (iv) Assignment of the proceeds under an irrevocable Standby Line from a financial institution (“Liquidity Reserve Provider”) equivalent to one (1) coupon payment payable during the tenor of the REBs, in favour of the Security Trustee for the REBs Holders; or PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 102 If no Standby Line is established, an assignment/ charge of a Liquidity Reserve Account (“LRA”), into which an amount equivalent to one (1) coupon payment payable during the tenor of the REBs shall be deposited. (e) The Option Price with regards to Series I and II are as follows: Series I: the outstanding amounts, owing or payable by the Company to the REBs holders under the relevant Transaction Documents, as at the date of the put option notice as referred to in the Put-Option agreements; Series II: the outstanding amounts, owing or payable by the Company to the REBs holders under the relevant Transaction Documents, as at the date of the put option notice less the amount of: - any standby facilities procured by the Company; and - any cash deposits by the Company into the DSRA. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 28. RAINBOW EXCHANGEABLE BONDS (CONT’D) (f) The REBs shall be redeemed by the Issuer on the respective maturity dates at approximately 122% to 140% of the Issue Price of the relevant Series save and except for the following circumstances: (i) The REBs are exchangeable at any time by the REBs holders into the Exchange Shares, during the tenors of the REBs; (iii) The Issuer may, at any time, purchase the REBs at any price in the open market or by private treaty; (ii) The REBs may be redeemed by the Issuer after the expiry of three (3) years from the issue date of the REBs and subject to the market price of the relevant Exchange Shares as traded on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad being at least 130% of the Exchange Price of the relevant Exchange Shares; (iv) The REBs shall be cancelled and cannot be reissued if the REBs have been exchanged into the Exchange Shares by the REBs holders, redeemed by the Issuer after year 3 and/or purchased by the Issuer in the open market. The REBs are accounted for in the balance sheets of the Group and of the Company as follows: Group and Company 2007 2006 RM RM Nominal value - issued and fully paid At 1 January 150,000,000 Issued and fully paid - 150,000,000 Exchanged into Exchange Shares (89,000,000) At 31 December Redemption Premium At 31 December 61,000,000 150,000,000 3,485,714 1,068,052 Total included within long term borrowings (Note 26) 64,485,714 151,068,052 29. TRADE PAYABLES Trade payables are non-interest bearing and the normal trade credit term granted to the Group ranges from 30 to 90 days. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 103 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 30. OTHER PAYABLES 2007 RM Amounts due to related parties: Due to a corporate shareholder of subsidiary companies 4,758,839 Due to a subsidiary company - Due to other related companies 1,053,531 Due to holding corporation 1,796,473 Group 2006 RM 2007 RM - - 242,862 1,542,296 - 9,217,764 - - Company 2006 RM - 7,608,843 1,785,158 9,217,764 Retention sum 787,856 1,055,301 - Other payables 3,146,836 1,668,690 - Accruals 2,206,569 3,216,253 329,401 297,050 Coupon on bonds 254,166 958,333 254,166 958,333 14,004,270 8,683,735 9,801,331 1,255,383 The amounts due to related parties are non-interest bearing and are repayable on demand. These amounts are unsecured and are to be settled in cash. 31. SHARE CAPITAL Number of Ordinary Shares of RM1 Each Amount 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM Authorised 1 January/31 December 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 Issued and fully paid 1 January/31 December 205,978,000 205,978,000 205,978,000 205,978,000 The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company. All ordinary shares rank equally with regards to the Company’s residual assets. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 104 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 32. DEFERRED TAX At 1 January Recognised in the income statement (Note 9) At 31 December Presented after appropriate offsetting as follows: Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities 2007 RM Group 2007 RM 3,672,424 (3,598,546) 3,594,385 78,039 - - - 73,878 3,672,424 - - 2007 RM (2,489) 76,367 Group 2007 RM - 3,672,424 - - - - - Deferred Tax Liabilities of the Group: At 1 January 2007 Recognised in income statement 2006 RM Accelerated Capital Allowances RM 3,672,424 (3,596,057) At 31 December 2007 76,367 At 1 January 2006 Recognised in income statement 3,594,385 78,039 At 31 December 2006 3,672,424 Deferred Tax Assets of the Group: At 1 January 2007 Recognised in income statement At 31 December 2007 Deferred tax assets have not been recognised in respect of the following items: Unused tax losses Unabsorbed capital allowances (2,489) (2,489) 105 2007 RM 7,937,309 - Group 2006 RM 19,452,982 267,984 7,937,309 19,720,966 The unused tax losses of the respective subsidiaries are available for offsetting against future taxable profits subject to no substantial changes in shareholdings of those subsidiaries under the Income Tax Act, 1967 and guidelines issued by the tax authority. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Company 2006 RM 2006 RM 73,878 3,672,424 The components and movements of deferred tax liabilities during the financial year are as follows: Company 2006 RM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 33. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Unsecured: Corporate guarantees for facilities granted to: - subsidiaries - a related company Bank guarantees Performance bonds Dispute with the Inland Revenue Board for years of assessment 1999 to 2004 2007 RM Group Company 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM - - 806,829 209,829 - 262,980 395,719 209,829 40,504,000 - - - 41,704,000 - - 1,221,436 - - 1,016,658 2,089,964 40,504,000 41,704,000 34. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (a) In addition to the transactions detailed elsewhere in the financial statements, the Group and the Company had the following transactions with related parties during the financial year: Group Company 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM RM RM Holding corporation - office rental and service charge 508,316 483,514 - Subsidiaries - interest income - - (2,390,478) (538,885) - management fee income - - (540,000) (540,000) - gross dividend income - - (13,797,595) (12,675,195) Purchase of insurance from a subsidiary - - 39,223 96,205 With the exception of dividend income, the directors are of the opinion that all the transactions above have been entered into in the normal course of business and have been established on terms and conditions that are not materially different from those obtainable in transactions with unrelated parties. (b) Compensation of key management personnel PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 106 The remuneration of directors and other members of key management during the year was as follows: Group Company 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM RM RM Short term employee benefits 2,835,430 2,552,742 1,134,150 1,036,170 Post-employment benefits - Defined contribution plan 183,251 160,149 39,774 35,880 - Defined benefit plan 275,407 - - 3,294,088 2,712,891 1,173,924 1,072,050 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 34. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (CONT’D) (b) Compensation of key management personnel (Cont’d) Included in the total key management personnel are: 2007 RM Directors’ remuneration 1,677,806 Group 2006 RM 2007 RM 1,329,430 1,173,924 Company 2006 RM 1,072,050 35. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (a) Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies The Group’s financial risk management policy seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the development of the Group’s businesses whilst managing its interest rate risks (both fair value and cash flow), liquidity risk and credit risk. The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks and they are summarised below. It is, and has been throughout the year under review, the Group’s policy that no trading in derivative financial instruments shall be undertaken. (b) Interest Rate Risk The Group is exposed to interest rate risk through the impact of rate changes on interest bearing debts and assets. The investment in financial assets is short term in nature and they are not held for speculative purposes but have been mostly placed in fixed deposits with licensed financial institutions. The Group’s interest rate risk arises primarily from interest-bearing borrowings. Borrowings at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Borrowings obtained at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group manages its interest rate exposure by maintaining a mix of fixed and floating rate borrowings. The following tables set out the carrying amounts, the weighted average effective interest rates (WAEIR) as at the balance sheet date and the remaining maturities of the Group’s financial instruments that are exposed to interest rate risk: Note WAEIR % Within 1 Year RM 1-2 Years RM More Than 3 Years RM Total RM At 31 December 2007 Group Fixed rate Term loans Hire purchase liablities Bankers’ acceptances REBs 26 27 26 28 8.72 4.81 8.25 5.25 (5,374,880) (186,958) (274,000) - (3,838,025) (225,006) - - (1,020,000) (243,602) - (64,485,714) (10,232,905) (655,566) (274,000) (64,485,714) Floating rate Fixed deposits Bank overdrafts Revolving credits 24 26 26 3.45 8.24 5.47 19,259,850 (19,051,147) (6,500,000) - - - - - - 19,259,850 (19,051,147) (6,500,000) 107 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 35. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONT’D) (b) Interest Rate Risk (Cont’d) Note WAEIR % PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 108 At 31 December 2007 Company Fixed rate Due from subsidiaries Hire purchase liabilities REBs At 31 December 2006 Group Within 1 Year RM 1-2 Years RM More Than 3 Years RM Total RM 21 27 28 6.00 4.87 5.25 27,146,414 (19,762) - - (20,799) - - (54,489) (64,485,714) 27,146,414 (95,050) (64,485,714) Fixed rate Term loans Hire purchase liablities Bankers’ acceptances REBs 26 27 26 28 8.47 5.25 8.25 5.25 (6,082,110) (70,650) (520,000) - (1,745,628) (80,615) - - - (39,424) - (151,068,052) (7,827,738) (190,689) (520,000) (151,068,052) Floating rate Fixed deposits Bank overdrafts Revolving credits 24 26 26 3.47 6.63 8.58 7,871,390 (6,340,105) (12,500,000) - - - - - - 7,871,390 (6,340,105) (12,500,000) Company Fixed rate Due from subsidiaries Hire purchase liabilities REBs 21 27 28 6.00 4.87 5.25 71,124,327 (18,725) - - (55,625) - - (39,424) (151,068,052) 71,124,327 (113,774) (151,068,052) Interest on financial instruments subject to floating interest rates is contractually repriced at intervals of less than 6 months and annually. Interest on financial instruments at fixed rates are fixed until the maturity of the instrument. The other financial instruments of the Group that are not included in the above tables are not subject to interest rate risks. (c) Liquidity Risk The Group manages its debt maturity profile, operating cash flows and the availability of funding so as to ensure that refinancing, repayment and funding needs are met. As part of its overall liquidity management, the Group maintains sufficient levels of cash or cash convertible investments to meet its working capital requirements. In addition, the Group strives to maintain available banking facilities at a reasonable level to its overall debt position. As far as possible, the Group raises committed funding from both capital markets and financial institutions and balances its portfolio with some short term funding so as to achieve overall cost effectiveness. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 35. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONT’D) (d) Credit Risk The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to trade receivables. The Group trades only with recognised and creditworthy third parties. It is the Group’s policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In addition, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis and the Group’s exposure to bad debts is not significant. The Group does not offer credit terms without the specific approval of the Head of Credit Control. Since the Group trades only with recognised and creditworthy third parties, there is no requirement for collateral. The credit risk of the Group’s other financial assets, which comprise cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and non-current investments, arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these financial assets. The Group does not have any significant exposure to any individual customer or counterparty nor does it have any major concentration of credit risk related to any financial assets. (e) Fair Values The carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities of the Group and of the Company at the balance sheet date approximated their fair values except for the following: Note Carrying Amount RM Fair Value RM Group At 31 December 2007: Marketable securities Term loans Hire purchase payables REBs 23 26 27 28 67,803,643 10,232,905 655,566 64,485,714 159,478,231 8,976,376 773,519 76,908,800 At 31 December 2006: Marketable securities Term loans Hire purchase payables REBs 23 26 27 28 163,743,367 7,827,738 193,985 151,068,052 267,799,948 7,078,167 273,216 190,962,428 Company At 31 December 2007: Marketable securities Hire purchase payables REBs 23 27 28 15,614,022 95,050 64,485,714 15,614,022 111,762 76,908,800 At 31 December 2006: Marketable securities Hire purchase payables REBs 23 27 28 47,000,000 113,774 151,068,052 38,994,832 131,462 190,962,428 The fair value of borrowings is estimated by discounting the expected future cash flows using the current interest rates for liabilities with similar risk profiles. The method and assumption used by management to determine the fair values of marketable securities is by reference to stock exchange quoted market bid prices at the close of the business on the balance sheet date. 109 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 36. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS (a) Pursuant to a Joint Venture Agreement entered into on 28 January 2006, the Company has subscribed for 800,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each representing 70% equity interest in Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. (“BASPSB”) for a total purchase consideration of RM800,000 during the year. (b) On 20 June 2007, a subsidiary of the Company, Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated with an issued and paid up capital of RM2. (c) On 26 July 2007, the Company transferred its entire investment in the shares of Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd. to a subsidiary, Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. for a consideration of RM2 representing 2 ordinary shares in Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd.. (d) On 3 December 2007, Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. had entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with Mentiga Corporation Berhad for the acquisition of a piece of land measuring approximately 28.98 acres at Mukim Kuala Kuantan, District of Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur for a total cash consideration of RM9,856,457. As at 31 December 2007, the Company had paid a deposit of RM851,960 for the said land. (e) During the year, a piece of land held under a subsidiary, Pasdec Pintas Sdn. Bhd. (“PPSB”) was auctioned off without the knowledge of the board of directors of PPSB and the Company. Prior to the acquisition of PPSB (then known as Lancar Pintas Sdn. Bhd.) in 1997 by the Company, PPSB had entered into a sale and purchase agreement with prospective buyers of shop lots that PPSB intended to build. In 2005, two of the prospective buyers took legal action against PPSB for failing to commence and build the said shop lots. The summon was served on PPSB on an address which is neither the registered nor the business address of PPSB, as a result of which, PPSB was not aware of such legal action. The plaintiffs managed to obtain a judgement in default of appearance and subsequently auctioned off the land in 2007 for a price of RM2,660,000. The ownership transfer to the purchaser was completed in 2007. The directors of PPSB are of the opinion that there were elements of fraud given the manner in which the above incident unfolded and are instituting legal action against the parties concerned. Following this development, a full provision for impairment losses of RM20,116,367 with respect to the land has been made in the books of PPSB for the financial year ended 31 December 2007. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 110 (f) During the year, the entire RM15 million nominal amount of Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) under Series I and RM74 million from RM135 million nominal amount of REBs under Series II were redeemed. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 37. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (a) Effective 1 January 2008, a subsidiary of the Company, Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. transferred all its activities relating to trading of construction materials and provision of insurance services to another subsidiary, Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. and ceased activities relating to hiring of machinery. (b) Subsequent to the year end, RM11 million nominal value of Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) from Series II was redeemed. 38. COMPARATIVES The following comparative amounts as at 31 December 2007 have been reclassified to conform with current year’s presentation: Previously Stated Adjustments Restated RM RM RM Balance Sheet At 31 December 2006 Property development costs 87,986,168 1,481,754 89,467,922 Trade payables (20,906,224) (1,481,754) (22,387,978) 39. SEGMENT INFORMATION (a) Reporting Format The primary segment reporting format is determined to be business segments as the Group’s risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by differences in the products and services produced. Secondary information is reported geographically. The operating businesses are organised and managed separately according to the nature of the products and services provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products and serves different markets (b) Business segments The Group comprises the following main business segments: (i) Investment holding - provision of management services; (ii) Property development - the development of residential and commercial properties; (iii) Trading - in building materials; (iv) Manufacturing - manufacturing and sales of bricks; and (v) Construction - construction of residential and commercial properties. No segment reporting by geographical area is prepared as the Group activities are mainly carried out in Malaysia. 111 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 720 7,993,881 87,765,742 73,562,857 14,375,515 13,369,195 75,900 - Property Development 2007 2006 RM RM 8,655,096 214,900 3,987,169 - Trading 2007 2006 RM RM 1,071,012 470,542 - 842,032 Manufacturing 2007 2006 RM RM 2007 RM Total 2006 RM Elimination 2007 2006 RM RM Consolidated 2007 2006 RM RM 9,736,768 20,115,094 107,229,338 105,659,001 - - 107,229,338 105,659,001 - - 15,136,857 14,211,227 (15,136,857) (14,211,227) - - Construction 2007 2006 RM RM (881,983) - (491,748) - (400,602) (956) 6,311 41,135,487 14,794,069 (9,508,036) (12,086,913) 31,377,035 4,673,537 - (4,972,696) (3,483,861) - 61,231 (4,972,696) (3,422,630) 290,472,551 374,453,141 492,409,767 512,512,687 - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 6,641,098 - 1,955,320 - 2,302,489 - 2,007,323 - 9,552,393 - 9,864,533 801,378,298 900,793,004 (294,287,948) (346,440,499) 507,090,350 554,352,505 - 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,413,951 2,665,068 3,613,951 3,865,068 Total assets 510,704,301 558,217,573 Liabilities Segment liabilities 66,051,892 153,324,770 295,245,811 330,843,739 6,513,431 1,786,344 4,128,001 2,958,533 8,291,002 9,012,028 380,230,137 497,925,414 (234,071,424) (281,592,866) 146,158,713 216,332,548 Other segment information Capital expenditure - - 1,160,663 70,900 28,199 719 845,511 680 22,405 3,627 2,056,778 75,926 - - 2,056,778 75,926 Depreciation of property, plant & equipment 17,364 17,365 739,970 716,735 10,568 3,204 141,388 217,156 11,601 16,167 920,891 970,627 - - 920,891 970,627 Depreciation of investment property - - 166,057 39,968 - - - - - - 166,057 39,968 - - 166,057 39,968 Impairment losses recognised in income statement 3,750,050 279,559 24,795,333 - - - 179,091 - - - 28,724,474 279,559 (3,419,957) (279,559) 25,304,517 Reversal of impairment losses (1,651,831) (76,159) (243,600) (152,066) - (567) - - - (2,863) (1,895,431) (231,655) 1,651,831 76,159 (243,600) (155,496) Other significant non-cash expenses: Provisions - 48,690 9,668,372 268,225 147,148 - - - 161,527 - 9,977,047 316,915 (4,188,960) (48,690) 5,788,087 268,225 Increase in liability for defined benefit plan - - 590,441 478,168 - - - - - - 590,441 478,168 - - 590,441 478,168 Assets Segment assets Investment in associates 1,138,987 (224,322) - Profit after tax 31,603,614 (349,115) (870) 538,885 (9,244,350) (6,657,373) - (241,116) 308,863 1,250,907 (111,920) 5,361,562 3,795,991 37,405,625 11,707,837 938,726 (1,811,518) (5,909,596) (1,672,343) 2,734,582 - Net profit for the year 26,404,339 Minority interests 5,199,275 Profit/(loss) before tax Income tax expense Finance costs (11,978,932) (7,196,258) Share of (loss)/ profit of associates - - (241,116) 308,863 - - - - - - (241,116) 308,863 Total revenue 14,376,235 21,363,076 87,841,642 73,562,857 8,869,996 3,987,169 1,541,554 842,032 9,736,768 20,115,094 122,366,195 119,870,228 (15,136,857) (14,211,227) 107,229,338 105,659,001 RESULT Segment results 12,500,200 8,696,876 42,029,543 15,457,776 (283,390) 30,704 (822,987) (692,411) (318,247) 154,900 53,105,119 23,647,845 (12,242,618) (12,625,798) 40,862,501 11,022,047 REVENUE - Sales to external customers - Inter-segment sales SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONT’D) Investment Holding 2007 2006 RM RM 112 39. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 PENYATA KEWANGAN 114 Laporan Para Pengarah 118 Penyata Para Pengarah 118 Akuan Berkanun 119 Laporan Juruaudit 120 Penyata Pendapatan 121 Lembaran Imbangan 122 Penyata Perubahan Dalam Ekuiti Disatukan 123 Penyata Perubahan Dalam Ekuiti Syarikat 124 Penyata Aliran Tunai 126 Nota-Nota Kepada Penyata Kewangan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 113 LAPORAN PARA PENGARAH Para pengarah dengan ini membentangkan laporan mereka dan penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat yang telah diaudit bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. KEGIATAN-KEGIATAN UTAMA Kegiatan-kegiatan utama Syarikat adalah pemegangan pelaburan dan penyediaan perkhidmatan pengurusan kepada syarikatsyarikat subsidiari. Kegiatan-kegiatan utama subsidiari-subsidiari dinyatakan di Nota 17 kepada penyata kewangan. Tidak ada sebarang perubahan penting dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ini di sepanjang tahun kewangan. HASIL Kumpulan RM Syarikat RM Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa 26,404,339 6,300,288 Diagihkan kepada: Pemegang ekuiti Syarikat Kepentingan minoriti 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 6,300,288 - 26,404,339 6,300,288 Tidak ada pindahan yang penting kepada atau daripada rizab atau peruntukan sepanjang tahun kewangan ini selain daripada yang dinyatakan di dalam penyata kewangan. Pada pendapat para pengarah, hasil kendalian Kumpulan dan Syarikat di sepanjang tahun kewangan tidak dipengaruhi secara besaran oleh sebarang butiran, urusniaga atau kejadian yang bersifat penting dan ganjil selain daripada kesan yang timbul daripada keuntungan daripada jualan pelaburan berjumlah RM34,392,919 seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 6 dan rosotnilai tanah untuk pembangunan hartanah berjumlah RM20,116,367 seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 6 dan Nota 36(e). DIVIDEN Jumlah dividen yang dibayar oleh Syarikat sejak 31 Disember 2006 adalah seperti berikut: PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 114 RM Berhubung tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2006 seperti yang dilaporkan dalam laporan para pengarah pada tahun tersebut: Dividen pertama dan terakhir pada kadar 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 27%, diisytiharkan pada 22 Jun 2007 dan dibayar pada 27 Ogos 2007 3,008,000 Pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang, dividen terakhir pada kadar 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 26% yang berjumlah RM3,048,474 (1.48 sen, bersih setiap saham) berhubung tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007 akan dicadangkan untuk kelulusan para pemegang saham. Penyata kewangan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007 tidak mengambil kira dividen yang dicadangkan. Dividen tersebut, jika dipersetujui oleh para pemegang saham, akan diambilkira di dalam ekuiti pemegang saham sebagai pengasingan pendapatan tertahan dalam tahun kewangan yang berakhir pada 31 Disember 2008. LAPORAN PARA PENGARAH PARA PENGARAH Pengarah Syarikat yang berkhidmat sejak tarikh laporan yang terakhir dan pada tarikh laporan ini ialah: Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin L. Sulaiman Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd. Noor Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar Dato’ Abdullah @ Mohamad Nor bin Ali Majid bin Mohamad Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Abdullah bin A. Rasol MANFAAT PARA PENGARAH Di sepanjang dan pada akhir tahun kewangan, Syarikat tidak menjadi pihak kepada sebarang persetujuan yang matlamatnya ialah untuk membolehkan para pengarah Syarikat mendapat manfaat melalui perolehan saham atau debentur Syarikat atau sebarang badan korporat. Sejak akhir tahun kewangan yang lepas, tidak ada pengarah yang telah menerima atau berhak menerima manfaat (selain daripada manfaat yang termasuk dalam ganjaran diterima atau akan diterima dan patut diterima oleh para pengarah seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 8 kepada penyata kewangan atau gaji tetap bagi pekerja sepenuh masa Syarikat) akibat daripada sebarang kontrak yang dibuat oleh Syarikat atau syarikat berkaitan dengan pengarah atau dengan firma di mana ia adalah ahli, atau dengan syarikat di mana ia mempunyai kepentingan kewangan yang nyata. KEPENTINGAN PARA PENGARAH Tidak ada pengarah yang memegang jawatan pada akhir tahun kewangan mempunyai sebarang kepentingan di dalam saham Syarikat atau syarikat-syarikat berkaitan di sepanjang tahun kewangan. BON BOLEH TUKAR Pada 15 November 2006, Syarikat telah menerbitkan Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) bernilai RM150 juta pada 100% nilai nominalnya yang terdiri daripada dua (2) siri seperti berikut: (b) RM135 juta REBs (“Siri II”) boleh tukar kepada 40,785,000 saham-saham biasa YTL Cement Berhad telah diterbitkan untuk tempoh matang 7 tahun dari tarikh diterbitkan. Di sepanjang tahun kewangan, kesemua RM15 juta nilai nominal REBs dari Siri I dan RM74 juta nilai nominal REBs dari Siri II telah ditebus. 115 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (a) RM15 juta REBs (“Siri I”) boleh tukar kepada 4,792,333 saham-saham biasa Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad telah diterbitkan untuk tempoh matang 5 tahun dari tarikh diterbitkan; dan LAPORAN PARA PENGARAH MAKLUMAT BERKANUN LAIN (a) Sebelum penyata pendapatan dan lembaran imbangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat disediakan, para pengarah telah mengambil langkah-langkah yang sewajarnya: (i) untuk menentukan bahawa tindakan yang sesuai telah diambil berkaitan dengan penghapuskiraan hutang lapuk dan peruntukan bagi hutang ragu dan berpuashati bahawa kesemua hutang yang diketahui lapuk telah dihapuskira dan peruntukan yang memadai telah dibuat bagi hutang ragu; dan (ii) untuk memastikan bahawa aset semasa yang berkemungkinan tidak dapat direalisasi pada nilainya seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam rekod-rekod perakaunan dalam perjalanan perniagaan biasa telah dikurangkan nilainya kepada jumlah yang dianggap boleh direalisasi. (b) Pada tarikh laporan ini, para pengarah tidak mengetahui tentang sebarang keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan: (i) jumlah yang dihapuskira sebagai hutang lapuk atau jumlah yang diperuntukkan sebagai hutang ragu di dalam penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat tidak memadai secara besaran; dan (ii) nilai aset semasa di dalam penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat mengelirukan. (c) Pada tarikh laporan ini, para pengarah tidak mengetahui tentang sebarang keadaan yang timbul yang boleh menyebabkan kepatuhan kepada kaedah penilaian yang sedia ada bagi penilaian aset atau liabiliti Kumpulan dan Syarikat mengelirukan atau tidak sesuai. (d) Pada tarikh laporan ini, para pengarah tidak mengetahui tentang sebarang keadaan yang tidak diperkatakan dalam laporan ini atau penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat yang boleh menyebabkan sebarang jumlah yang dinyatakan di dalam penyata kewangan mengelirukan. (e) Pada tarikh laporan ini, tidak wujud: (i) sebarang tindihmilik ke atas aset Kumpulan atau Syarikat yang timbul sejak akhir tahun kewangan yang menjamin liabiliti pihak lain; atau (ii) sebarang liabiliti luarjangka Kumpulan atau Syarikat yang timbul sejak akhir tahun kewangan. (f) Pada pendapat para pengarah: PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 116 (i) tiada liabiliti luarjangka atau liabiliti lain yang telah berkuatkuasa atau berkemungkinan akan berkuatkuasa dalam tempoh dua belas bulan selepas akhir tahun kewangan ini yang akan atau boleh menjejaskan keupayaan Kumpulan atau Syarikat menunaikan kewajipannya apabila tiba masanya; dan (ii) tiada butiran, urusniaga atau kejadian yang bersifat penting dan ganjil yang timbul di dalam jangkamasa di antara akhir tahun kewangan dan tarikh laporan ini, yang berkemungkinan boleh menjejaskan secara ketara hasil kendalian Kumpulan atau Syarikat bagi tahun kewangan di mana laporan ini disediakan. LAPORAN PARA PENGARAH PERISTIWA-PERISTIWA PENTING Peristiwa-peristiwa penting sepanjang tahun kewangan dinyatakan dalam Nota 36 kepada penyata kewangan. PERISTIWA-PERISTIWA SUSULAN Peristiwa-peristiwa susulan selepas tahun kewangan dinyatakan dalam Nota 37 kepada penyata kewangan. JURUAUDIT Juruaudit, Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad, telah menyatakan kesanggupan mereka untuk menerima perlantikan semula. Ditandatangani bagi pihak Lembaga menurut resolusi para pengarah bertarikh 25 April 2008. DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 117 PENYATA PARA PENGARAH MENURUT SEKSYEN 169(15) AKTA SYARIKAT, 1965 Kami, DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB dan YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN, dua daripada para pengarah PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD, dengan ini menyatakan bahawa, pada pendapat para pengarah, penyata kewangan yang dibentangkan di mukasurat 120 hingga 170 telah disediakan menurut kehendak Akta Syarikat, 1965 dan Piawaian Pelaporan Kewangan (Financial Reporting Standards atau “FRS”) di Malaysia untuk memberi gambaran yang benar dan saksama berkenaan dengan kedudukan kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat pada 31 Disember 2007 dan hasil serta aliran tunai Kumpulan dan Syarikat bagi tahun berakhir pada tarikh tersebut. Ditandatangani bagi pihak Lembaga menurut resolusi para pengarah bertarikh 25 April 2008. DATO’ SRI HAJI ADNAN BIN HAJI YAAKOB YUSOF ALI BIN HAJI MOHAMED ZAIN AKUAN BERKANUN MENURUT SEKSYEN 169(16) AKTA SYARIKAT, 1965 Saya, GOH SONG HAN, pegawai yang terutamanya bertanggungjawab ke atas pengurusan kewangan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD, dengan sesungguhnya dan seikhlasnya mengaku bahawa penyata kewangan yang dibentangkan di mukasurat 120 hingga 170, pada pendapat saya adalah betul, dan saya membuat pengakuan ini dengan sesungguhnya mempercayai bahawa ianya benar dan menurut peruntukan Akta Akuan Berkanun, 1960. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 118 Ditandatangani dan diakui sesungguhnya oleh GOH SONG HAN yang tersebut di atas di Kuantan dalam negeri Pahang Darul Makmur pada 25 April 2008 Di hadapan saya, GOH SONG HAN LAPORAN JURUAUDIT KEPADA AHLI-AHLI PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD (367122 D) (Diperbadankan di Malaysia) Kami telah mengaudit penyata kewangan yang dibentangkan di mukasurat 120 hingga 170. Penyata kewangan tersebut adalah tanggungjawab para pengarah Syarikat. Tanggungjawab kami adalah untuk menyatakan pendapat bebas, berdasarkan audit kami, mengenai penyata kewangan dan melaporkan pendapat kami kepada anda, sebagai satu badan, menurut Seksyen 174 dalam Akta Syarikat, 1965 dan bukan untuk tujuan lain. Kami tidak bertanggungjawab kepada pihak lain terhadap isi kandungan laporan ini. Kami melaksanakan audit mengikut Piawaian Pengauditan yang diluluskan di Malaysia. Piawaian tersebut memerlukan kami merancang dan melaksanakan audit untuk mencapai kepastian munasabah mengenai samada penyata kewangan tersebut bebas daripada salah nyata yang ketara. Sesuatu audit juga merangkumi pemeriksaan, berdasarkan ujian, bukti yang menyokong jumlah dan penyataan dalam penyata kewangan. Sesuatu audit juga merangkumi penilaian prinsip perakaunan yang digunakan dan anggaran penting yang dibuat oleh para pengarah, serta penilaian pembentangan penyata kewangan secara keseluruhannya. Kami percaya bahawa audit kami telah memberi asas munasabah untuk menyatakan pendapat kami. Pada pendapat kami: (a) penyata kewangan telah disediakan dengan wajarnya menurut peruntukan Akta Syarikat, 1965 dan Piawaian Pelaporan Kewangan (Financial Reporting Standards atau “FRS”) di Malaysia dan memberi gambaran yang benar dan saksama mengenai: (i) kedudukan kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat pada 31 Disember 2007 dan hasil serta aliran tunai Kumpulan dan Syarikat bagi tahun berakhir pada tarikh tersebut; dan (ii) perkara-perkara yang diperlukan oleh Seksyen 169 dalam Akta Syarikat, 1965 untuk diambilkira dalam penyata kewangan; dan (b) rekod perakaunan dan rekod-rekod lain dan daftar-daftar yang dikehendaki oleh Akta untuk disimpan oleh Syarikat dan subsidiari-subsidiarinya telah disimpan dengan wajar menurut peruntukan Akta. Kami berpuas hati bahawa penyata kewangan subsidiari-subsidiari yang telah disatukan dengan penyata kewangan Syarikat adalah dalam bentuk dan kandungan yang sesuai dan wajar bagi tujuan penyediaan penyata kewangan disatukan dan kami telah menerima maklumat dan penjelasan yang memuaskan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh kami bagi tujuan tersebut. Laporan juruaudit bagi penyata kewangan subsidiari-subsidiari tersebut tidak tertakluk kepada sebarang syarat dan tidak mengandungi sebarang teguran di bawah Seksyen 174(3) dalam Akta tersebut. HANAFIAH RASLAN & MOHAMAD AF: 0002 Akauntan Bertauliah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia 25 April 2008 NIK RAHMAT KAMARULZAMAN BIN NIK AB. RAHMAN No. 1759/02/10 (J) Rakankongsi PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 119 PENYATA PENDAPATAN BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2007 Nota 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 2006 RM 3 4 107,229,338 (56,442,400) 105,659,001 (72,771,641) 14,376,235 - 13,284,555 - Keuntungan kasar 50,786,938 32,887,360 14,376,235 13,284,555 Pendapatan lain Belanja pengurusan Lain-lain belanja kendalian 37,387,347 (15,975,199) (31,336,585) 693,938 (17,528,715) (5,030,536) 3,042,985 (3,502,390) (1,416,630) 794,753 (5,943,852) (1,250,098) Keuntungan daripada kendalian Kos kewangan 5 Bahagian (kerugian)/keuntungan dari syarikat bersekutu 40,862,501 (9,244,350) 11,022,047 (6,657,373) 12,500,200 (7,138,638) 6,885,358 (3,243,367) (241,116) 308,863 - - Keuntungan sebelum cukai Perbelanjaan cukai pendapatan 6 9 31,377,035 (4,972,696) 4,673,537 (3,422,630) 5,361,562 938,726 3,641,991 - Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa 26,404,339 1,250,907 6,300,288 3,641,991 Diagihkan kepada: Pemegang ekuiti Syarikat Kepentingan minoriti 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 1,138,987 111,920 6,300,288 - 3,641,991 - 26,404,339 1,250,907 6,300,288 3,641,991 15.34 0.55 Pendapatan Kos jualan Pendapatan sesaham boleh diagih kepada pemegang ekuiti Syarikat (sen): Asas, keuntungan bagi tahun semasa 10 Syarikat PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 120 Nota-nota yang disertakan merupakan sebahagian asasi penyata kewangan. LEMBARAN IMBANGAN PADA 31 DISEMBER 2007 Kumpulan Syarikat Nota 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM RM RM (dinyatakan semula) ASET Aset bukan semasa Hartanah, loji dan peralatan 12 16,171,891 13,058,830 120,638 138,002 Tanah untuk pembangunan 13(a) 138,211,352 154,566,910 - Pelaburan hartanah 14 7,505,242 7,671,299 - Bayaran pajakan tanah prabayar 15 83,898 86,106 - Pelaburan dalam subsidiari-subsidiari 17 - - 59,406,316 60,374,442 Pelaburan dalam syarikat-syarikat bersekutu 18 3,613,951 3,865,068 - Sekuriti boleh pasar 23 67,803,643 163,743,367 15,614,022 47,000,000 Aset tak nyata 16 823,258 1,942,989 - 234,213,235 344,934,569 75,140,976 107,512,444 Aset semasa Kos pembangunan hartanah Inventori Penghutang perdagangan Lain-lain penghutang Wang tunai dan baki di bank 13(b) 19 20 21 24 147,106,809 15,676,819 63,617,953 23,078,593 27,010,892 89,467,922 12,509,432 57,566,740 27,819,302 25,919,608 - - - 219,111,986 5,437,354 260,440,296 6,500,402 276,491,066 213,283,004 224,549,340 266,940,698 JUMALH ASET 510,704,301 558,217,573 299,690,316 374,453,142 EKUITI DAN LIABILITI Ekutiti boleh diagih kepada pemegang ekuiti Syarikat Modal saham 31 Premium saham Keuntungan/ (kerugian) terkumpul 205,978,000 43,007,997 105,112,871 205,978,000 43,007,997 77,590,357 205,978,000 45,515,750 (27,073,090) 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) Pemegang ekuiti Syarikat Kepentingan minoriti 354,098,868 10,446,720 326,576,354 15,308,671 224,420,660 - 221,128,372 - Jumlah ekuiti 364,545,588 341,885,025 224,420,660 221,128,372 25 26 32 1,864,802 69,812,347 73,878 1,592,817 152,937,015 3,672,424 - 64,561,002 - 151,163,101 - 71,751,027 158,202,256 64,561,002 151,163,101 Liabiliti semasa Tanggungan manfaat persaraan 25 Pinjaman 26 Pemiutang perdagangan 29 Pemiutang lain 30 Cukai belum bayar 27,378 31,386,985 25,634,186 14,004,270 3,354,867 24,887 25,512,865 22,387,978 8,683,735 1,520,827 - 19,762 - 9,801,331 887,561 18,725 1,255,383 887,561 74,407,686 58,130,292 10,708,654 2,161,669 Jumlah Liabiliti 146,158,713 216,332,548 75,269,656 153,324,770 JUMLAH EKUITI DAN LIABILITI 510,704,301 558,217,573 299,690,316 374,453,142 Liabiliti bukan semasa Tanggungan manfaat persaraan Pinjaman Liabiliti cukai tertunda Nota-nota yang disertakan merupakan sebahagian asasi penyata kewangan. 121 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 PENYATA PERUBAHAN DALAM EKUITI DISATUKAN BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2007 Pada 1 Januari 2006 Diagihkan kepada Pemegang Ekuiti Syarikat Tidak Boleh Diagih Boleh Diagih Modal Premium Keuntungan Saham Saham Terkumpul Jumlah RM RM RM RM Kepentingan Minoriti RM Jumlah Ekuiti RM 205,978,000 43,007,997 75,763,279 324,749,276 15,196,751 339,946,027 - - 688,091 688,091 - 688,091 205,978,000 43,007,997 76,451,370 325,437,367 15,196,751 340,634,118 - - 1,138,987 1,138,987 111,920 1,250,907 Pada 31 Disember 2006 205,978,000 Pada 1 Januari 2007 205,978,000 Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa - Dividen (Nota 11) - Pembelian kepentingan dalam subsidiari - 43,007,997 77,590,357 326,576,354 15,308,671 341,885,025 43,007,997 77,590,357 326,576,354 15,308,671 341,885,025 - 31,603,614 31,603,614 (5,199,275) 26,404,339 - (4,081,100) (4,081,100) - (4,081,100) - - - 337,324 337,324 43,007,997 105,112,871 354,098,868 10,446,720 364,545,588 Kesan daripada menerima pakai FRS 3 Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa Pada 31 Disember 2007 205,978,000 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 122 Nota-nota yang disertakan merupakan sebahagian asasi penyata kewangan. PENYATA PERUBAHAN DALAM EKUITI SYARIKAT BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2007 Pada 1 Januari 2006 Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa Tidak Boleh Diagih Modal Premium Saham Saham RM RM Kerugian Terkumpul RM Jumlah RM 205,978,000 - 45,515,750 - (34,007,369) 3,641,991 217,486,381 3,641,991 Pada 31 Disember 2006 Pada 1 Januari 2007 Keuntungan bagi tahun semasa Dividen (Nota 11) 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) 221,128,372 205,978,000 45,515,750 (30,365,378) 221,128,372 - - 6,300,288 6,300,288 - - (3,008,000) (3,008,000) Pada 31 Disember 2007 205,978,000 45,515,750 (27,073,090) 224,420,660 Nota-nota yang disertakan merupakan sebahagian asasi penyata kewangan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 123 PENYATA ALIRAN TUNAI BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2007 Aliran Tunai Daripada Kegiatan Kendalian 2007 RM Keuntungan sebelum cukai 31,377,035 Pelarasan untuk: Pelunasan pembayaran pajakan tanah prabayar 2,208 Hartanah, loji dan peralatan dihapuskira 51,492 Peruntukan hutang ragu baikpulih (191,855) Hutang lapuk baikpulih - Susutnilai hartanah, loji dan peralatan 920,891 Susutnilai pelaburan hartanah 166,057 Keuntungan daripada jualan pelaburan (34,392,919) Kerugian/(keuntungan) daripada jualan tanah untuk pembangunan 3,915 Keuntungan daripada jualan hartanah, loji dan peralatan (17,666) Keuntungan daripada jualan tanah dalam pembangunan - Rosotnilai hartanah, loji dan peralatan 176,778 Turun nilai inventori baikpulih - Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan sekuriti boleh pasar 330,093 Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan dalam syarikat bersekutu 10,000 Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan dalam syarikat subsidiari - Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan baikpulih - Peruntukan rosotnilai sekuriti boleh pasar baikpulih (243,600) Peruntukan hutang ragu 5,504,567 Rosotnilai muhibah 1,132,643 Rosotnilai tanah untuk pembangunan 20,116,367 Pendapatan daripada pembatalan jualan - Bahagian keuntungan/(kerugian) dari syarikat bersekutu 241,116 Peruntukan tanggungan manfaat persaraan 590,441 Perbelanjaan faedah 9,244,350 Pendapatan faedah (849,040) Pendapatan dividen (7,073,388) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 124 Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 4,673,537 5,361,562 3,641,991 2,208 2,760 (31,200) (85,112) 968,418 39,968 (14,250) - - - - 17,364 - (355,283) 17,365 - (4,855,946) (52,000) (1,515,328) - (98,151) - - - - - - - 330,093 - - - - - - 3,419,957 (1,651,831) 279,559 (76,159) (155,496) 244,471 - - (44,870) (216,094) 568,974 6,657,373 (398,886) (5,911,568) - - - - - - - 7,138,638 (2,390,478) (13,797,595) 48,690 3,243,367 (694,129) (12,675,195) 2006 RM Keuntungan/(kerugian) kendalian sebelum perubahan modal kerja Tambahan dalam penghutang Tambahan dalam inventori (Tambahan)/kurangan dalam tanah untuk pembangunan Tambahan dalam perbelanjaan pembangunan Tambahan dalam pemiutang 27,099,485 (6,666,925) (3,167,387) (221,192) (21,821,318) (3,190,677) (1,927,573) (35,790,995) - (6,214,511) (69,714,896) - (5,615,878) (57,638,887) 7,389,590 4,670,438 (12,164,878) 1,996,395 - - 9,250,115 2,094,321 Tunai digunakan dalam kendalian Perbelanjaan faedah Pendapatan faedah Cukai (dibayar)/dipulih Manfaat persaraan dibayar (38,600,002) (2,110,855) 849,040 (4,954,267) (315,965) (30,731,232) (6,657,373) 398,886 (279,956) (90,806) (28,468,453) (5,143) 2,390,478 938,726 - (73,835,086) (3,243,367) 694,129 - Tunai bersih digunakan dalam kegiatan kendalian (45,132,049) (37,360,481) (25,144,392) (76,384,324) PENYATA ALIRAN TUNAI BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2007 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat Pembelian subsidiari Pembelian syarikat bersekutu Tambahan pelaburan dalam sekuriti boleh pasar Hasil jualan pelaburan Pembelian hartanah, loji dan peralatan Hasil jualan hartanah, loji dan peralatan Hasil jualan tanah untuk pembangunan Hasil jualan kos pembangunan hartanah Pendapatan dividen (763,347) - - 41,068,863 (1,437,703) 49,723 1,851,154 - 5,169,931 - (10,000) (47,000,000) 32,249 (2,960,274) 52,000 8,411,168 203,512 4,254,050 - - - 31,411,168 - - - - 1,116,900 (47,000,000) - Tunai bersih dihasilkan daripada/ (digunakan dalam) kegiatan pelaburan 45,938,621 (37,017,295) 32,528,068 (47,000,000) 5,185,000 - - (246,000) (2,779,836) (6,000,000) (157,494) - - (5,420,000) (3,008,000) 2,200,000 150,000,000 12,500,000 - (4,238,899) (22,000,000) (79,231) 520,000 (4,631,012) - - - - - - - - (18,724) - - (5,420,000) (3,008,000) 150,000,000 (10,000,000) (17,688) - (12,426,330) 134,270,858 (8,446,724) 139,982,312 (11,619,758) 59,893,082 (1,063,048) 16,597,988 19,579,503 (40,313,579) 6,500,402 (10,097,586) 7,959,745 19,579,503 5,437,354 6,500,402 2006 RM Aliran Tunai Daripada Kegiatan Pelaburan Aliran Tunai Daripada Kegiatan Pembiayaan Penerimaan pinjaman berjangka Penerimaan bon Penerimaan kredit pusingan Pembayaran balik penerimaan jurubank Pembayaran balik pinjaman Pembayaran balik kredit pusingan Pembayaran ansuran sewabeli Penerimaan jurubank Yuran untuk bon Faedah dibayar Dividen dibayar Tunai bersih (digunakan dalam)/ dihasilkan daripada kegiatan pembiayaan (Kurangan)/tambahan bersih dalam tunai dan kesetaraan tunai Tunai dan kesetaraan tunai pada awal tahun Tunai dan kesetaraan tunai pada akhir tahun (Nota 24) Nota-nota yang disertakan merupakan sebahagian asasi penyata kewangan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 125 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 1. MAKLUMAT KORPORAT Syarikat adalah syarikat awam liabiliti terhad yang diperbadankan dan bermastautin di Malaysia dan disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Pejabat berdaftar Syarikat adalah di Tingkat 14, Kompleks Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Perbadanan induk bagi Syarikat ialah Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang, sebuah badan berkanun tempatan yang diperbadankan di Malaysia di bawah Enakmen Negeri Pahang No. 12, 1965. Kegiatan-kegiatan utama Syarikat adalah pemegangan pelaburan dan penyediaan perkhidmatan pengurusan kepada syarikat-syarikat subsidiari. Kegiatan utama syarikat-syarikat subsidiari adalah seperti dinyatakan di Nota 17. Tiada sebarang perubahan penting dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ini di sepanjang tahun kewangan. Penyata kewangan ini telah diluluskan oleh Lembaga Pengarah untuk diterbit menurut resolusi para pengarah pada 25 April 2008. 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING 2.1 Asas Penyediaan Penyata kewangan mematuhi peruntukan Akta Syarikat, 1965 dan Piawaian Pelaporan Kewangan (Financial Reporting Standards atau “FRS”) di Malaysia. Bermula dari tahun kewangan semasa, Kumpulan dan Syarikat telah menerima pakai piawaian perakaunan baru dan pindaan FRS yang mandatori bagi tempoh kewangan bermula pada atau selepas 1 Januari 2007 seperti dinyatakan di Nota 2.3. Penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat telah disediakan menurut kelaziman kos sejarah. Penyata kewangan dinyatakan dalam Ringgit Malaysia (RM). 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (a) Subsidiari dan Asas Penyatuan (i) Subsidiari Subsidiari-subsidiari adalah syarikat-syarikat di mana Kumpulan mempunyai kuasa untuk melaksanakan kawalan terhadap polisi-polisi kewangan dan operasi untuk memperolehi manfaat daripada aktiviti-aktiviti syarikat-syarikat tersebut. Kumpulan akan mengambilkira kewujudan dan kesan potensi hak mengundi yang boleh dilaksanakan atau boleh ditukar semasa menentukan kuasa ke atas syarikat lain. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 126 Di penyata kewangan Syarikat, pelaburan dalam subsidiari-subsidiari dinyatakan pada kos ditolak kerugian rosotnilai. Pada pelupusan pelaburan, perbezaan di antara perolehan bersih daripada pelupusan dan jumlah yang dibawa diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan. (ii) Asas Penyatuan Penyata kewangan disatukan terdiri daripada penyata kewangan Syarikat dan kesemua subsidiarinya pada tarikh lembaran imbangan. Penyata kewangan subsidiari-subsidiari telah disediakan bagi tarikh laporan yang sama seperti Syarikat. Subsidiari-subsidiari disatukan dari tarikh berkuatkuasa pengambilalihan iaitu tarikh di mana Kumpulan mempunyai kuasa dan akan terus disatukan hingga kuasa dilupuskan. Di dalam penyediaan penyata kewangan disatukan, baki, urusniaga, dan hasil atau rugi laba belum direalisasi di antara syarikat dihapuskan sepenuhnya. Polisi-polisi perakaunan seragam diterimapakai dalam penyata kewangan disatukan bagi urusniaga dan peristiwa yang sama. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (a) Subsidiari dan Asas Penyatuan (Samb.) (ii) Asas Penyatuan (Samb.) Pengambilalihan subsidiari-subsidiari diakaunkan dengan kaedah pembelian. Kaedah perakaunan pembelian melibatkan pengagihan kos pengambilalihan kepada nilai saksama aset-aset diambilalih dan liabiliti-liabiliti, dan liabiliti luarjangka pada tarikh pengambilalihan. Kos pengambilalihan dinilaikan sebagai agregat nilai saksama pada tarikh pertukaran aset-aset diberikan, liabiliti-liabiliti berlaku atau dijangka dan instrumen ekuiti diterbitkan, ditambah kos-kos lain yang secara langsung disebabkan pengambilalihan. Sebarang lebihan kos pengambilalihan dengan kepentingan Kumpulan bagi nilai saksama bersih aset-aset, liabilitiliabiliti dan liabiliti luarjangka mewakili muhibah. Sebarang lebihan kepentingan Kumpulan bagi nilai saksama bersih aset-aset, liabiliti-liabiliti dan liabiliti luarjangka dengan kos pengambilalihan diiktiraf dalam keuntungan atau kerugian serta merta. Kepentingan minoriti merupakan bahagian keuntungan atau kerugian dan aset-aset bersih dalam subsidiarisubsidiari yang tidak dipegang oleh Kumpulan. Ianya dinilai saksama atas aset-aset dan liabiliti-liabiliti bahagian minoriti yang dikenalpasti pada tarikh pengambilalihan dan atas perubahan dalam ekuiti subsidiari bahagian minoriti, selepas pengambilalihan. (b) Syarikat-syarikat Bersekutu Syarikat-syarikat bersekutu adalah syarikat di mana Kumpulan mempunyai pengaruh penting yang mana bukan merupakan subsidiari ataupun kepentingan dalam perjanjian usahasama. Pengaruh penting merupakan kuasa untuk mengambil bahagian dalam membuat keputusan polisi kewangan dan operasi syarikat tersebut tetapi bukan kuasa atau kuasa bersama ke atas polisi-polisi tersebut. Pelaburan dalam syarikat-syarikat bersekutu diambilkira dalam penyata pendapatan disatukan menggunakan kaedah perakaunan ekuiti. Di bawah kaedah perakaunan ekuiti, perkongsian Kumpulan dalam keuntungan selepas pengambilalihan setelah ditolak kerugian syarikat-syarikat bersekutu diambilkira dalam penyata pendapatan disatukan. Kepentingan Kumpulan dalam syarikat- syarikat bersekutu dinyatakan pada kos berserta perkongsian Kumpulan dalam keuntungan atau kerugian terkumpul dan rizab terkumpul selepas pengambilalihan. Di mana terdapat perubahan yang dinyatakan di dalam ekuiti syarikat bersekutu, perubahan tersebut juga dinyatakan di dalam Kumpulan. Dengan kaedah ekuiti, laba atau kerugian belum direalisasi dalam urusniaga antara Kumpulan dan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu telah dihapuskan sehingga tahap kepentingan Kumpulan dalam syarikat bersekutu tersebut. Seterusnya Kumpulan akan menentukan peruntukan rosotnilai tambahan yang sewajarnya berdasarkan pelaburan bersih Kumpulan dalam syarikat bersekutu tersebut. Syarikat bersekutu diambilkira sebagai ekuiti dari tarikh Kumpulan memperolehi pengaruh penting sehingga tarikh Kumpulan tidak lagi mempunyai pengaruh penting ke atas syarikat bersekutu tersebut. Apabila bahagian Kumpulan dalam kerugian syarikat bersekutu adalah sama atau melebihi kepentingannya dalam syarikat bersekutu tersebut, termasuk sebarang kepentingan jangka panjang, pada dasarnya, membentuk pelaburan bersih Kumpulan dalam syarikat-syarikat bersekutu, Kumpulan tidak akan mengiktiraf kerugian tambahan melainkan ia telah menanggung kewajipan atau melakukan pembayaran untuk pihak syarikat bersekutu tersebut. Penyata kewangan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu yang terkini digunakan oleh Kumpulan dalam penggunaan kaedah ekuiti. Jika tarikh penyata kewangan yang digunakan tidak sama dengan Kumpulan, bahagian dalam hasil diambilkira dari penyata kewangan terakhir yang sedia ada dan penyata kewangan dari pengurusan sehingga tempoh perakaunan berakhir. Polisi perakaunan yang seragam diterima pakai untuk urusniaga dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang lebih kurang sama keadaannya. Pada pelupusan pelaburan, perbezaan di antara perolehan bersih daripada pelupusan dan jumlah yang dibawa diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan. 127 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (c) Aset Tidak Ketara Muhibah Muhibah diperoleh dalam kombinasi perniagaan pada mulanya dinilai pada kos yang merupakan lebihan kos kombinasi perniagaan ke atas kepentingan Kumpulan dalam nilai saksama bersih aset-aset, liabiliti-liabiliti dan liabiliti luarjangka yang dikenalpasti. Selepas dikenalpasti, muhibah dinilai pada kos setelah ditolak kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul. Muhibah tidak dilunaskan tetapi dikaji semula bagi rosotnilai secara tahunan atau lebih kerap sekiranya berlaku peristiwa atau perubahan dalam keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan nilai dibawa dirosotnilai. Keuntungan atau kerugian atas pelupusan syarikat adalah termasuk nilai muhibah dibawa berkenaan syarikat yang dijual. (d) Hartanah, Loji dan Peralatan dan Susutnilai Kesemua hartanah, loji dan peralatan pada mulanya dinyatakan pada kos. Kos-kos berikutnya mengambilkira nilai dibawa aset atau diiktiraf sebagai aset berasingan sekiranya sesuai, apabila sudah nyata bahawa manfaat ekonomi yang berhubung dengan sebarang urusniaga akan menyalur ke Kumpulan dan kos boleh dikira dengan tepat. Nilai dibawa bagi bahagian diganti akan dinyahiktirafkan. Kesemua pembaikan dan peyelenggaraan akan diiktiraf ke penyata pendapatan dalam tempoh kewangan ianya berlaku. Selepas pengiktirafan, hartanah, loji dan peralatan dinyatakan pada kos selepas ditolak susutnilai terkumpul dan kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul. Pembinaan dalam perlaksanaan tidak disusutnilaikan. Susutnilai bagi hartanah, loji dan peralatan lain diperuntukkan mengikut kaedah garis lurus untuk menghapuskira kos setiap aset kepada nilai sisa sepanjang anggaran hayat kegunaan pada kadar tahunan seperti berikut: Bangunan Loji dan mesin Kenderaan Peralatan pejabat Ubahsuai pejabat Kelengkapan dan lekapan Papan tanda 2% 10% - 20% 10% - 20% 10% - 20% 8% - 10% 10% - 20% 10% Nilai sisa, hayat kegunaan dan kaedah susutnilai dikaji semula pada setiap penyata kewangan akhir tahun bagi memastikan amaun, kaedah dan tempoh susutnilai adalah konsisten dengan anggaran terdahulu dan anggaran corak penggunaan manfaat ekonomi bagi hartanah, loji dan peralatan tersebut. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 128 Sesuatu hartanah, loji dan peralatan dinyahiktiraf selepas dilupuskan atau apabila tiada manfaat ekonomi dijangkakan dari penggunaan atau pelupusannya. Sekiranya ada, perbezaan antara hasil pelupusan bersih dan nilai dibawa bersih diiktiraf dalam keuntungan atau kerugian dan bahagian lebihan penilaian semula yang belum digunakan terus di masukkan dalam perolehan tertahan (e) Pelaburan Hartanah Pelaburan hartanah adalah hartanah yang dipegang untuk menjanakan pendapatan sewa atau peningkatan nilai hartanah atau kedua-duanya. Hartanah tersebut dinilaikan pada kos, termasuk kos transaksi. Pelaburan hartanah akan dinyahiktirafkan selepas dilupuskan atau selepas pelaburan hartanah tersebut telah dihentikan penggunaannya dan tiada manfaat ekonomi dijangkakan daripada pelupusannya. Sebarang keuntungan atau kerugian dari persaraan atau pelupusan hartanah pelaburan akan diiktiraf dalam keuntungan atau kerugian pada tahun berkenaan. Polisi susutnilai bagi pelaburan hartanah adalah sejajar dengan susutnilai bagi hartanah, loji dan peralatan seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 2.2(d). NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (f) Tanah untuk Pembangunan dan Kos Pembangunan Hartanah (i) Tanah untuk Pembangunan Tanah untuk pembangunan terdiri daripada tanah di mana tidak ada kegiatan pembangunan dilaksanakan atau di mana kegiatan pembangunan dijangka tidak akan disiapkan dalam kitaran kendalian biasa. Tanah ini diklasifikasikan sebagai aset bukan semasa dan dinyatakan pada kos tolak kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul. Tanah untuk pembangunan diklasifikasikan semula sebagai kos pembangunan hartanah apabila kerja pembangunan telah dilaksanakan dan dijangkakan akan siap dalam masa kitaran kendalian biasa. (ii) Kos Pembangunan Hartanah Kos pembangunan hartanah mengandungi kos-kos terlibat secara langsung kepada aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan atau yang boleh diagihkan secara munasabah aktiviti tersebut. Jika hasil aktiviti pembangunan boleh dianggarkan dengan sewajarnya, hasil pembangunan hartanah dan kos pembangunan hartanah diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan dengan merujuk kepada kaedah peringkat penyiapan. Peringkat penyiapan diukur dengan merujuk kepada pembahagian kos pembangunan hartanah yang ditanggung bagi kerja yang telah dijalankan sehingga kini kepada jumlah anggaran kos pembangunan hartanah. Jika hasil pembangunan hartanah tidak boleh dianggarkan dengan sewajarnya, hasil pembangunan hartanah diiktiraf setakat kos pembangunan hartanah yang ditanggung yang mungkin akan boleh diperolehi semula, dan kos pembangunan hartanah bagi hartanah dijual diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam tempoh ia dikenakan. Sebarang kerugian yang dijangka atas projek pembangunan termasuk tempoh tanggungan liabiliti diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dengan serta-merta. Kos pembangunan hartanah yang tidak diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan akan diiktiraf sebagai aset yang dinilaikan pada harga terendah di antara kos dan nilai boleh realis bersih. Apabila hasil diiktiraf di dalam penyata pendapatan melebihi bayaran kepada pembeli, baki ditunjukkan sebagai bayaran terhutang di dalam penghutang perdagangan dan apabila bayaran kepada pembeli melebihi hasil diiktiraf didalam penyata pendapatan, baki ditunjukkan sebagai bayaran kemajuan di dalam pemiutang perdagangan. (g) Kontrak Pembinaan Jika hasil kontrak pembinaan boleh dianggarkan dengan sewajarnya, hasil kontrak dan kos kontrak masing-masing diiktiraf sebagai hasil dan perbelanjaan dengan merujuk kepada peringkat penyiapan aktiviti-aktiviti kontrak. Peringkat penyiapan diukur dengan merujuk kepada bahagian kos kontrak yang ditanggung bagi kerja yang telah dijalankan sehingga kini kepada jumlah anggaran kos kontrak. Jika hasil kontrak pembinaan tidak boleh dianggarkan dengan sewajarnya, hasil kontrak diiktiraf setakat kos kontrak yang ditanggung yang mungkin akan boleh diperolehi semula. Kos kontrak diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam tempoh ia dikenakan. Apabila jumlah kos kontrak berkemungkinan akan melebihi hasil kontrak, kerugian yang dijangka diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dengan serta-merta. Apabila kos ditanggung atas kontrak pembinaan ditambah keuntungan diiktiraf (tolak kerugian diiktiraf) melebihi bayaran berperingkat, baki ditunjukkan sebagai jumlah terhutang daripada pelanggan kontrak. Apabila bayaran berperingkat melebihi kos ditanggung ditambah keuntungan diiktiraf (tolak kerugian diiktiraf), baki ditunjukkan sebagai jumlah terhutang kepada pelanggan kontrak. 129 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (h) Inventori Inventori dinyatakan pada harga terendah di antara kos dan nilai boleh realis bersih. Inventori ditentukan pada asas masuk dahulu, keluar dahulu. Kos bahan mentah terdiri daripada kos pembelian. Kos barang siap dan kerja dalam perlaksanaan terdiri daripada kos bahan mentah, kos perkerja, kos langsung dan pembahagian overhed pengeluaran. Kos hartanah belum jual termasuk kos berkaitan dengan pembelian tanah, kos langsung dan pembahagian kos umum yang sewajarnya. Nilai boleh realis bersih merupakan harga jualan anggaran di dalam urusniaga biasa perniagaan ditolak semua kos anggaran yang perlu ditanggung untuk melakukan jualan. (i) Rosotnilai Aset-Aset Bukan Kewangan Jumlah nilai dibawa aset, selain daripada pelaburan hartanah, aset kontrak pembinaan, kos pembangunan hartanah dan inventori dikaji semula pada setiap tarikh lembaran imbangan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat sebarang petunjuk yang aset telah mengalami rosotnilai. Jika sebarang petunjuk wujud, jumlah yang boleh diperoleh daripada aset dianggarkan berdasarkan jumlah kerugian rosotnilai. Bagi muhibah, nilai yang boleh diperolehi dianggar pada setiap tarikh lembaran imbangan atau lebih kerap sekiranya peristiwa atau perubahan dalam keadaan yang menunjukkan nilai dibawa mungkin mengalami kerugian rosotnilai. Bagi tujuan menguji rosotnilai aset, nilai boleh diperoleh adalah berdasarkan asas aset individu melainkan aset tidak menjana aliran tunai yang bergantung sepenuhnya kepada aset-aset lain. Dalam kes ini, nilai boleh diperoleh adalah berdasarkan unit penjana tunai (“UPT”) kepada aset dipunyai tersebut. Muhibah diperoleh dalam kombinasi perniagaan dari tarikh pengambilalihan diagihkan kepada setiap Kumpulan UPT atau kumpulan-kumpulan UPT yang dijangka dimanfaat dari kombinasi sinergi, walaupun aset-aset atau liabiliti-liabiliti lain Kumpulan diberikan kepada unit-unit tersebut atau kumpulan-kumpulan unit. Nilai boleh diperoleh aset adalah yang mana lebih tinggi dari aset atau nilai saksama UPT ditolak kos untuk menjual dengan nilai boleh diguna. Dalam mentaksir nilai boleh diguna, anggaran aliran tunai masa hadapan didiskaunkan kepada nilai kini menggunakan kadar diskaun sebelum cukai yang menunjukkan nilai masa tunai dalam pasaran semasa dan risiko tertentu kepada aset. Dimana nilai dibawa aset melebihi nilai boleh diperoleh, aset dikatakan telah merosotnilai dan dikurang nilai kepada nilai boleh diperoleh. Kerugian rosotnilai diiktiraf bagi UPT atau kumpulan UPT diagihkan terdahulu bagi mengurangkan nilai dibawa muhibah kepada unit-unit atau kumpulan-kumpulan unit, dan kemudiannya dikurangkan secara pro-rata kepada nilai dibawa aset-aset lain. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 130 Rosotnilai diiktiraf dalam untung atau rugi bagi tempoh dimana ianya berlaku melainkan aset dibawa pada amaun dinilaisemula yang mana rosotnilai diakaunkan sebagai kurangan penilaian semula setakat mana rosotnilai tersebut tidak melebihi amaun aset yang sama didalam rizab penilaian semula. Rosotnilai muhibah tidak dibalikkan semula dalam tempoh berikutnya. Rosotnilai selain daripada muhibah dibalikkan semula sekiranya ada perubahan anggaran digunakan bagi menentukan nilai boleh diperoleh dari rosotnilai diiktiraf terdahulu. Nilai dibawa bagi aset selain daripada muhibah akan ditambah kepada nilai boleh diperoleh yang dipinda, sekiranya amaun ini tidak melebihi nilai dibawa (bersih setelah susutnilai atau pelunasan) yang ditentukan sekiranya tiada rosotnilai diiktiraf bagi aset dalam tahun-tahun terdahulu. Pembalikan rosotnilai bagi aset selain muhibah diiktiraf dalam untung atau rugi, melainkan aset dibawa pada amaun nilaian semula yang mana dalam kes tersebut pembalikan ditunjukkan sebagai tambahan dalam penilaian semula. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (j) Instrumen Kewangan Instrumen kewangan diiktiraf dalam lembaran imbangan apabila Kumpulan menjadi pihak kepada peruntukan berkontrak instrumen berkenaan. Instrumen kewangan adalah diklasifikasikan sebagai liabiliti atau ekuiti menurut peruntukan dalam perjanjian kontrak. Faedah, dividen, laba dan kerugian berkenaan dengan instrumen kewangan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai liabiliti, dilaporkan sebagai perbelanjaan atau pendapatan. Pengagihan kepada pemegang instrumen kewangan diklasifikasikan sebagai ekuiti dikenakan terus ke ekuiti. Instrumen kewangan dikontra apabila Kumpulan mempunyai hak mengikut undang-undang dan berniat untuk menyelesaikannya secara bersih atau dengan merealisasikan aset dan menyelesaikan liabiliti secara serentak. (i) Tunai dan Kesetaraan Tunai Bagi tujuan penyata aliran tunai, tunai dan kesetaraan tunai termasuk tunai di tangan dan di bank, deposit tetap dan deposit dipanggil, ditolak baki overdraf bank. (ii) Sekuriti Boleh Pasar Sekuriti boleh pasar dibawa pada harga terendah di antara kos dan nilai pasaran, yang ditentukan atas asas agregat. Kos ditentukan atas asas purata wajaran manakala nilai pasaran ditentukan berdasarkan nilai pasaran dicatat. Tambahan atau kurangan dalam jumlah dibawa bagi sekuriti boleh pasar diiktiraf dalam untung atau rugi. Apabila sekuriti boleh pasar dilupuskan, perbezaan antara hasil pelupusan bersih dan nilai dibawa akan diiktiraf dalam untung atau rugi. (iii) Penghutang Perdagangan Penghutang perdagangan dibawa pada nilai yang dijangka boleh direalisasi. Hutang lapuk dihapuskira apabila dikenalpasti. Anggaran dibuat bagi hutang ragu berdasarkan kajian semula ke atas semua jumlah yang belum dijelaskan pada tarikh lembaran imbangan. (iv)Pemiutang Perdagangan Pemiutang perdagangan dinyata pada kos, iaitu pada nilai saksama balasan yang akan dibayar pada masa hadapan untuk barang dan perkhidmatan yang diterima. 131 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (v) Pinjaman Berfaedah Semua pinjaman mulanya diiktiraf pada nilai saksama pada jumlah hasil diterima ditolak kos urusniaga secara langsung. Selepas diiktiraf, faedah pinjaman dinilaikan pada kos pelunasan menggunakan kaedah faedah berkesan. (vi)Instrumen Ekuiti Saham biasa diklasifikasikan sebagai ekuiti. Dividen atas saham biasa diiktiraf dalam ekuiti dalam tempoh di mana ia diisytiharkan. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (k) Pajakan (i) Pengelasan Pajakan diiktiraf sebagai pajakan kewangan jika kesemua risiko dan manfaat berkenaan dengan hakmilik dipindahkan secara besarannya kepada Kumpulan. Pajakan tanah dan bangunan adalah dikelaskan sebagai pajakan operasi atau pajakan kewangan sama seperti pajakan aset-aset lain dan elemen tanah dan bangunan adalah ditimbang secara berasingan bagi tujuan pengelasan pajakan. Kesemua pajakan yang tidak memindahkan kesemua risiko dan manfaat dikelas sebagai pajakan operasi. (ii) Pajakan Kewangan - Kumpulan sebagai penerima pajak Aset yang diperolehi secara sewabeli atau pajakan kewangan dinyatakan pada jumlah yang bersamaan dengan nilai saksama atau bayaran nilai kini minimum pajakan pada permulaan pajakan, yang mana lebih rendah, setelah ditolak susutnilai terkumpul dan kerugian rosotnilai. Liabiliti yang berkaitan dimasukkan di dalam lembaran imbangan sebagai pinjaman. Dalam pengiraan bayaran nilai kini minimum pajakan, faktor diskaun yang digunakan adalah kadar faedah yang terkandung dalam pajakan, jika ia adalah praktikal untuk ditentukan; atau sebaliknya, kadar pinjaman bertambah Syarikat akan digunakan. Sebarang kos permulaan secara langsung juga ditambah kepada nilai dibawa oleh aset berkenaan. Bayaran pajakan diagihkan di antara kos kewangan dan kurangan liabiliti tertunggak. Kos kewangan, yang merupakan perbezaan di antara jumlah komitmen pajakan dan nilai saksama perolehan aset, diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam penyata pendapatan di sepanjang jangka masa pajakan tersebut untuk membolehkan penghasilan satu kadar tempoh faedah yang berkala ke atas baki obligasi bagi setiap tempoh perakaunan. Polisi susutnilai bagi aset pajakan adalah sejajar dengan susutnilai bagi hartanah, loji dan peralatan seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 2.2(d). (iii) Pajakan Operasi - Kumpulan sebagai penerima pajak Pajakan operasi adalah diiktiraf sebagai satu perbelanjaan mengikut kaedah garis lurus sepanjang jangka masa pajakan yang berkaitan. Insentif manfaat galakan yang disediakan oleh pemberi pajak diiktiraf sebagai pengurangan perbelanjaan sewa sepanjang jangka masa pajakan mengikut kaedah garis lurus. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 132 Di dalam kes pajakan tanah dan bangunan, bayaran minimum pajakan atau pembayaran terdahulu diagihkan, bila perlu, antara elemen tanah dan bangunan dalam kadar nilai saksama relatif untuk faedah pajakan dalam elemen tanah dan bangunan pada permulaan pajakan. Pembayaran terdahulu mewakili pembayaran pajakan prabayar dan dilunaskan mengikut kaedah garis lurus sepanjang jangka masa pajakan. (l) Cukai Pendapatan Cukai pendapatan atas keuntungan atau kerugian untuk tahun semasa terdiri daripada cukai semasa dan cukai tertunda. Cukai semasa mewakili cukai pendapatan yang dijangka akan dikenakan ke atas keuntungan tahun semasa yang boleh dicukai dan dikira pada kadar cukai yang berkuatkuasa pada tarikh lembaran imbangan. Cukai tertunda diperuntukkan menggunakan kaedah liabiliti. Mengikut prinsip, liabiliti cukai tertunda diiktiraf untuk semua perbezaan sementara yang boleh dicukai dan aset cukai tertunda diiktiraf untuk semua perbezaan sementara yang boleh ditolak, kerugian cukai belum diguna dan kredit cukai belum diguna setakat mana keuntungan boleh dicukai untuk digunakan atas perbezaan sementara yang boleh dipotong, kerugian cukai belum diguna dan kredit cukai belum diguna. Cukai tertunda tidak diiktiraf jika perbezaan sementara timbul daripada muhibah atau muhibah negatif atau daripada pengiktirafan awal sesuatu aset atau liabiliti dalam sesuatu transaksi yang bukan penggabungan perniagaan dan pada masa transaksi tersebut, tidak mengakibatkan perubahan kepada keuntungan perakaunan dan juga keuntungan bercukai. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (l) Cukai Pendapatan (Samb.) Cukai tertunda dikira pada kadar cukai yang dijangka akan digunakan dalam tempoh di mana aset direalisasi atau liabiliti diselesaikan, berasaskan kadar cukai yang berkuatkuasa pada tarikh lembaran imbangan. Cukai tertunda diiktiraf sebagai pendapatan atau perbelanjaan dan termasuk dalam untung atau rugi bagi tempoh kecuali jika ia timbul dari urusniaga yang diiktiraf secara langsung di ekuiti, di mana cukai tertunda itu juga dikenakan atau dikreditkan secara langsung di ekuiti, atau jika ia timbul dari kombinasi perniagaan secara pengambilalihan, cukai tertunda itu dimasukkan ke dalam muhibah atau sebarang lebihan kepentingan sipengambil dalam nilai saksama aset-aset, liabiliti-liabiliti dan liabiliti luarjangka syarikat yang diambilalih yang dikenalpasti ke atas kos pengambilalihan. (m)Manfaat Pekerja (i) Manfaat Jangka Pendek Upah, gaji, bonus dan caruman keselamatan sosial diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam tahun di mana perkhidmatan berkenaan diberi oleh pekerja Kumpulan.Cuti berbayar terkumpul jangka pendek seperti cuti tahunan berbayar diiktiraf apabila perkhidmatan diberi oleh pekerja yang meningkatkan hak mereka kepada cuti berbayar di masa hadapan, dan cuti berbayar tidak terkumpul jangka pendek seperti cuti sakit diiktiraf apabila cuti berlaku. (ii) Rancangan Caruman Tertentu Rancangan caruman tertentu adalah rancangan manfaat persaraan yang mana Kumpulan membayar caruman tetap kepada syarikat berasingan atau tabung dan tidak mempunyai sebarang tanggungjawab disisi undangundang atau tanggungan konstruktif untuk meneruskan bayaran caruman sekiranya mana-mana tabung tidak mempunyai aset yang mencukupi berkaitan khidmat pekerja dalam tahun kewangan semasa dan terdahulu. Caruman berkenaan diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan di dalam untung dan rugi apabila berlaku. Seperti yang termaktub di dalam undang-undang, Kumpulan perlu membuat caruman kepada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (“KWSP”). (iii) Rancangan Manfaat Tertentu Kumpulan mengendalikan satu manfaat tertentu Skim Manfaat Persaraan (“Skim”) yang tidak dibiayai untuk pekerja yang layak. Tanggungan Kumpulan di bawah Skim ini adalah ditentukan menggunakan Kaedah Peramalan Unit Kredit berdasarkan kepada penilaian aktuari bebas di mana jumlah manfaat yang telah diganjarkan kepada pekerja sebagai pulangan bagi perkhidmatan mereka bagi tahun semasa dan tahun sebelumnya dianggarkan. Manfaat tersebut didiskaunkan untuk menentukan nilai kininya. Keuntungan atau kerugian aktuari diiktiraf sebagai pendapatan atau perbelanjaan kepada anggaran purata hayat kerja pekerja apabila keuntungan atau kerugian aktuari kumulatif tidak diiktiraf bagi Skim melebihi 10% dari yang tertinggi dari nilai kini rancangan manfaat tertentu dan nilai saksama rancangan aset. Kos khidmat terdahulu diiktiraf serta merta setakat mana manfaat telah diletak hak dan ataupun dilunaskan mengikut kaedah garis lurus sepanjang tempoh purata sehingga manfaat pindaan diletak hak. Sekiranya manfaat telah diletak hak sebaik sahaja Skim diperkenalkan atau dipinda, kos khidmat terdahulu diiktiraf serta-merta. Amaun diiktiraf dalam lembaran imbangan mewakili nilai kini rancangan manfaat tertentu dilaraskan bagi keuntungan atau kerugian aktuari dan kos khidmat terdahulu tidak diiktiraf, dan dikurangkan oleh nilai saksama rancangan aset. Sebarang aset terhasil daripada pengiraan ini adalah terhad kepada jumlah bersih dari kerugian aktuari tidak diiktiraf dan kos khidmat terdahulu, dan nilai kini manfaat ekonomi dalam bentuk pulangan atau pengurangan caruman rancangan di masa hadapan. 133 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (n) Pengiktirafan Pendapatan Pendapatan diiktiraf apabila sudah nyata bahawa manfaat ekonomi yang berhubung dengan urusniaga akan menyalur ke Kumpulan dan Syarikat, dan jumlah pendapatan boleh dikira dengan tepat. Berikut adalah kriteria spesifik pengiktirafan yang perlu ada sebelum pendapatan diiktiraf: (i) Hartanah Pembangunan Pendapatan daripada jualan hartanah pembangunan diambilkira dengan merujuk kepada peringkat penyiapan seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 2.2(f)(ii). (ii) Kontrak Pembinaan Pendapatan daripada kontrak pembinaan diambilkira mengikut kaedah peratusan penyiapan seperti yang dinyatakan di Nota 2.2(g). (iii) Jualan Barang-barang Pendapatan berkaitan dengan jualan barang-barang diiktiraf bersih cukai jualan dan diskaun, apabila risiko dan manfaat dipindahkan dengan sempurna. Pendapatan tidak diambil kira jika terdapat kemungkinan besar wang balasan tidak dapat dipulihkan, kos berkaitan dan pemulangan barangan. (iv)Pendapatan daripada Perkhidmatan Pendapatan daripada perkidmatan yang diberikan diiktiraf bersih daripada cukai perkhidmatan dan diskaun apabila perkhidmatan tersebut telah dilaksanakan. (v) Pendapatan Dividen Pendapatan dividen diiktiraf apabila hak pemegang saham untuk menerima bayaran telah terbukti. (vi)Pendapatan Sewa Pendapatan sewa daripada pelaburan hartanah diiktiraf mengikut kaedah garis lurus atas tempoh pajakan. (vii)Pendapatan Faedah Pendapatan faedah diiktiraf berdasarkan asas akruan menggunakan kadar faedah berkesan. (viii)Yuran Pengurusan Yuran pengurusan diiktiraf apabila perkhidmatan tersebut telah dilaksanakan. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 134 (o) Kos Pinjaman Kos pinjaman secara langsung berkenaan pengambilalihan, pembinaan atau pengeluaran aset yang layak, iaitu aset yang sememangnya mengambil masa yang panjang untuk disiapkan untuk digunakan atau dijual, dipermodalkan sebagai sebahagian kos aset-aset tersebut, sehingga tiba masa aset itu sedia atau hampir sedia untuk diguna atau dijual. Pendapatan pelaburan diperoleh dari pelaburan sementara sesuatu pinjaman khusus menungggu perbelanjaan ke atas aset yang layak, ditolak daripada kos pinjaman yang boleh dimodalkan. Semua kos pinjaman lain diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam penyata pendapatan dalam tempoh di mana ia berlaku. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.2 Ringkasan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Penting (Samb.) (p) Peruntukan (q) Fungsi dan Pembentangan Matawang Peruntukan diiktiraf apabila Kumpulan mempunyai obligasi kini hasil daripada kejadian lampau dan kemungkinan terdapat aliran keluar sumber yang mengandungi manfaat ekonomi yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan obligasi tersebut dan jumlah anggaran yang munasabah boleh dibuat. Peruntukan dikaji pada setiap tarikh lembaran imbangan dan diselaraskan untuk menggambarkan anggaran semasa yang terbaik. Jika kesan nilai masa wang adalah penting, jumlah peruntukan adalah didiskaun pada kadar pra-cukai yang mencerminkan risiko khusus yang ditanggung. Bila kaedah mendiskaun digunakan, tambahan kepada peruntukan kerana jangka masa diiktiraf sebagai kos kewangan. Penyata kewangan individu setiap syarikat di dalam Kumpulan dinilai menggunakan matawang utama persekitaran ekonomi dimana syarikat beroperasi (“fungsi matawang”). Penyata kewangan disatukan dinyatakan dalam Ringgit Malaysia (RM), yang mana adalah juga fungsi matawang Syarikat. 2.3 Perubahan dalam Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan, Kesan dan Perubahan dalam Perbandingan Hasil daripada Menerima Pakai FRS Baru dan Pindaan Pada 1 Januari 2007, Kumpulan dan Syarikat telah menerima pakai FRS baru dan pindaan yang berikut: FRS 117 : Pajakan FRS 124 : Pembentangan Pihak Berkaitan Pindaan kepada FRS 1192004: Manfaat Pekerja - Keuntungan dan Kerugian Aktuari, Pelan Kumpulan dan Penyataan. MASB juga menerbitkan FRS 6: Penerokaan dan Penilaian Sumber Mineral yang akan berkuatkuasa bagi tempoh kewangan bermula pada atau selepas 1 Januari 2007. Walaubagaimanapun, FRS 6 adalah tidak berkaitan dengan operasi Kumpulan atau Syarikat. Penggunaan FRS 124 dan Pindaan kepada FRS 1192004 menyebabkan tambahan pendedahan tetapi tidak membawa kepada perubahan penting dalam polisi-polisi perakaunan Kumpulan dan Syarikat. Perubahan utama di dalam polisi-polisi perakaunan dan kesan-kesan menerima pakai Semakan kepada FRS 117 adalah seperti yang dibincangkan di bawah: (a) Tanah pegang pajak dipegang untuk kegunaan sendiri Sebelum 1 Januari 2007, tanah pegang pajak untuk kegunaan sendiri adalah dikelaskan sebagai hartanah, loji dan peralatan dan dinyatakan pada kos ditolak susutnilai terkumpul dan kerugian rosotnilai. Kesan daripada menerima pakai Semakan kepada FRS 117 mengakibatkan perubahan dalam polisi perakaunan berkaitan dengan pengelasan pajakan tanah dan bangunan. Pajakan tanah dan bangunan dikelaskan sebagai pajakan operasi atau pajakan kewangan sama seperti pajakan aset-aset lain dan elemen tanah dan bangunan adalah ditimbang secara berasingan bagi tujuan pengelasan pajakan. Pajakan tanah pegang pajak untuk kegunaan sendiri kini adalah dikelaskan sebagai pajakan operasi dan bila perlu, bayaran minimum pajakan atau pembayaran terdahulu diagihkan di antara elemen tanah dan bangunan pajakan pada permulaan pajakan. Pembayaran terdahulu berkaitan dengan elemen tanah tersebut mewakili pembayaran pajakan tanah prabayar dan dilunaskan mengikut kaedah garis lurus sepanjang jangka masa pajakan. 135 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.3 Perubahan dalam Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan, Kesan dan Perubahan dalam Perbandingan Hasil daripada Menerima Pakai FRS Baru dan Pindaan (Samb.) (a) Tanah pegang pajak dipegang untuk kegunaan sendiri (Samb.) Kumpulan telah menerima pakai perubahan dalam polisi perakaunan berkaitan dengan tanah pegang pajak mengikut peruntukan transisi FRS 117. Pada 1 Januari 2007, baki pajakan tanah yang belum dilunaskan adalah kekal sebagai nilai pemangku pada nilai dibawa oleh pembayaran pajakan tanah prabayar seperti mana yang dibenarkan oleh peruntukan transisi. Kesan-kesan ke atas lembaran imbangan disatukan pada 31 Disember 2007 adalah seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah: 2007 RM Tidak ada kesan ke atas penyata pendapatan disatukan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007 dan penyata kewangan Syarikat. Pengelasan tanah pegang pajak sebagai pembayaran pajakan prabayar diambilkira secara retrospektif dan angkaangka perbandingan tertentu telah dinyatakan semula. Sebagaimana Sebagaimana Dinyatakan Tambahan/ Dinyatakan Sebelumnya (kurangan) Semula RM RM RM Hartanah, loji dan peralatan Pembayaran pajakan tanah prabayar 13,144,936 - (86,106) 86,106 13,058,830 86,106 (b) Asas kos terus PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (83,898) 83,898 136 Kurangan dalam hartanah, loji dan peralatan Tambahan dalam Pembayaran pajakan kewangan Syarikat Sebelum 1 Januari 2007, Kumpulan sebagai pemberi pajakan dalam susunan pajakan operasi, telah mengenal pasti asas kos terus yang terlibat dalam perundingan dan penyusunan pajakan sebagai perbelanjaan dalam untung atau rugi dalam tempoh ia berlaku. Semakan kepada FRS 117 memerlukan kos seperti itu untuk ditambah kepada nilai dibawa aset pajakan dan dikenal pasti sebagai perbelanjaan sepanjang jangka masa pajakan atas dasar yang sama seperti pendapatan pajakan. Selaras dengan Semakan kepada FRS 117, perubahan dalam polisi perakaunan ini seharusnya digunakan secara retrospektif. Secara am, Syarikat tidak akan terlibat dengan asas kos terus dalam perundingan dan penyusunan pajakan dan akibatnya, perubahan dalam polisi perakaunan ini tidak mendatangkan kesan ketara kepada penyata kewangan Syarikat. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.4 FRS, Pindaan kepada FRS dan Interpretasi (“IC”) Dibentangkan tetapi Belum Berkuatkuasa Pada tarikh kelulusan penyata kewangan ini, FRS baru dan dipinda, pindaan kepada FRS dan Interpretasi Jawatankuasa Terbitan (Issues Committee atau “IC” Interpretations) berikut telah dibentangkan tetapi belum berkuatkuasa dan belum diterima pakai oleh Kumpulan dan Syarikat: Berkuatkuasa untuk tempoh kewangan bermula dari atau selepas FRS 107 : Penyata Aliran Tunai FRS 111 : Kontrak Pembinaan FRS 112 : Cukai Pendapatan FRS 118 : Pendapatan FRS 120 : Perakaunan untuk Pemberian daripada Kerajaan dan Pendedahan Bantuan Kerajaan FRS 134 : Laporan Kewangan Interim FRS 137 : Peruntukan, Liabiliti Luarjangka dan Aset Luarjangka FRS 139 : Instrumen Kewangan: Pengiktirafan dan Penilaian Pindaan kepada FRS 121 : Kesan Perubahan dalam Kadar Tukaran Matawang Asing – Pelaburan Bersih dalam Operasi Asing IC Interpretasi 1 : Perubahan dalam Penghapusan yang Sedia Ada, Pembaikpulihan dan Liabiliti-Liabiliti yang Seakan Sama Dengannya IC Interpretasi 2 : Saham Ahli-ahli di dalam Entiti Koperasi dan Instrumen-instrumen Seakan Sama Dengannya IC Interpretasi 5 : Hak untuk Faedah akibat Penghapusan, Pembaikpulihan dan Dana Pemulihan Persekitaran IC Interpretasi 6 : Liabiliti akibat Menyertai di dalam satu Pasaran Khusus – Peralatan Elektrik dan Elektronik Buangan IC Interpretasi 7 : Menggunakan Kaedah Penyataan Semula di bawah FRS 1292004 – Laporan Kewangan di dalam Ekonomi Inflasi Terlampau IC Interpretasi 8 : Bidang FRS 2 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 Ditunda 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 1 Julai 2007 Penggunaan awal FRS baru dan dipinda, pindaan kepada FRS dan Interpretasi di atas dijangkakan tidak membawa kesan penting ke atas penyata kewangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat. Kumpulan dan Syarikat dikecualikan daripada mendedahkan kesan kemungkinan, jika ada kepada penyata kewangan ketika penggunaan awal FRS 139. 2.5 Anggaran Perakaunan Ketara dan Pernilaian (a) Andaian Kritikal Dalam Menggunakan Polisi-Polisi Perakaunan Tidak ada pertimbangan penting dibuat dalam menggunakan polisi-polisi perakaunan Kumpulan yang mempunyai kesan yang ketara kepada amaun yang diiktiraf dalam penyata kewangan. (b) Sumber Utama Untuk Ketidakpastian Anggaran Andaian utama berkaitan dengan masa depan dan lain-lain sumber utama ketidakpastian anggaran pada tarikh lembaran imbangan, yang mempunyai risiko ketara dan menyebabkan suatu perubahan ketara kepada nilai bawaan aset-aset dan liabiliti-liabiliti dalam tahun kewangan seterusnya dibincangkan seperti di bawah: (i) Susutnilai hartanah, loji dan peralatan kilang Kos loji, mesin dan peralatan kilang disusutnilai mengikut kaedah garis lurus kepada jangka hayat aset. Pengurusan menganggarkan jangka hayat loji, mesin dan peralatan kilang berkenaan adalah diantara 5 hingga 20 tahun. Ini adalah jangka hayat umum yang diguna pakai bagi hartanah, loji dan peralatan Kumpulan. Perubahan dalam tahap penggunaan dan kemajuan teknologi tidak akan memberi kesan penting kepada jangka hayat ekonomi dan nilai sisa hartanah, loji dan peralatan. Maka, susutnilai dikenakan di masa hadapan tidak akan mempunyai perbezaan yang ketara. 137 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 FRS, Pindaan kepada FRS dan Interpretasi NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2. POLISI-POLISI PERAKAUNAN PENTING (SAMB.) 2.5 Anggaran Perakaunan Ketara dan Pernilaian (Samb.) (b) Sumber Utama Untuk Ketidakpastian Anggaran (Samb.) (ii) Pembangunan hartanah Kumpulan mengiktiraf hasil pembangunan hartanah dan kos pembangunan hartanah dalam penyata pendapatan dengan merujuk kepada kaedah peringkat penyiapan. Peringkat penyiapan diukur dengan merujuk kepada pembahagian kos pembangunan hartanah yang ditanggung bagi kerja yang telah dijalankan sehingga kini kepada jumlah anggaran kos pembangunan hartanah. Andaian yang ketara diperlukan dalam menentukan peringkat penyiapan, jumlah kos pembangunan hartanah yang ditanggung bagi kerja yang telah dijalankan, dan juga pemulihan daripada projek pembangunan. Andaian dibuat oleh Kumpulan berdasarkan pengalaman lepas dan menggunakan pakar-pakar tertentu. (iii) Kerugian rosotnilai muhibah Kumpulan menentukan sama ada muhibah mengalami rosotnilai sekurang-kurangnya setahun sekali. Ini memerlukan anggaran ke atas nilai boleh diguna unit penjana tunai (“UPT”) dimana muhibah diperuntukkan. Penganggaran nilai digunakan memerlukan pengurusan membuat anggaran ke atas jangkaan aliran tunai daripada UPT akan datang dan juga memilih kadar diskaun yang bersesuaian untuk pengiraan nilai semasa. Nilai bawaan muhibah pada 31 Disember 2007 adalah RM823,258. 3. PENDAPATAN Jualan Hartanah Yuran pengurusan projek Hasil kontrak pembinaan Jualan barangan Yuran Pengurusan Pendapatan sewa Pendapatan dividen Pendapatan jualan pasir PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 138 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 76,704,714 186,614 9,736,768 9,726,107 875,720 1,972,970 7,073,388 953,057 73,296,519 266,338 20,115,094 3,987,169 669,360 1,412,953 5,911,568 - - - - - 578,640 - 13,797,595 - 609,360 12,675,195 - 107,229,338 105,659,001 4. KOS JUALAN Kos pembangunan hartanah (Nota 13(b)) Kos tambahan bagi menyiapkan projek Kos jualan tanah untuk pembangunan (Nota 13(a)) Kos inventori dijual Kos perkhidmatan yang telah dilaksanakan Kos kontrak pembinaan Kos jualan pasir 14,376,235 13,284,555 33,481,302 47,553 1,855,070 9,977,373 704,420 9,799,460 577,222 37,526,067 5,810,454 9,376,577 538,737 19,519,806 - 56,442,400 72,771,641 2007 RM Syarikat Kumpulan 2006 RM 2006 RM NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 40,867 84,935 1,130,657 677,253 10,475 68,364 7,133,495 98,304 13,782 89,765 3,081,799 1,420,702 10,720 15,009 2,025,596 - 5,143 - - - - - 7,133,495 - 6,181 805,060 405,741 2,026,385 - 7,138,638 3,243,367 9,244,350 6,657,373 6. KEUNTUNGAN SEBELUM CUKAI Amaun-amaun berikut telah dimasukkan dalam mendapatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai: Perbelanjaan manfaat pekerja (Nota 7) Ganjaran para pengarah bukan eksekutif (Nota 8) Ganjaran juruaudit: - Tahunan semasa - Kurangan dalam peruntukan tahun-tahun lepas Peruntukan hutang ragu Hartanah, loji dan peralatan dihapuskira Perbelanjaan sewa Pendapatan sewa Hutang lapuk baikpulih Turun nilai inventori baikpulih Pelunasan pembayaran pajakan tanah prabayar (Nota 15) Pendapatan daripada pembatalan jualan Susutnilai hartanah, loji dan peralatan (Nota 12) Susutnilai pelaburan hartanah (Nota 14) Rosotnilai muhibah (Nota 16) Rosotnilai hartana, loji dan peralatan Rosotnilai tanah untuk pembangunan Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan dalam syarikat bersekutu Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan dalam subsidiari Syarikat Syarikat 2006 RM 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 11,332,274 811,450 10,074,400 815,050 1,194,265 733,200 1,027,732 701,550 133,000 400 5,504,567 51,492 586,516 (123,400) - - 127,000 6,500 244,471 2,760 499,514 - (85,112) (98,151) 10,000 - - - - - - - 9,000 48,690 - 2,208 - 2,208 (44,870) - - - 920,891 166,057 1,132,643 176,778 20,116,367 968,418 39,968 - - - 17,364 - - - - 17,365 - 10,000 - - - - - 3,419,957 279,559 2006 RM 139 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 5. KOS KEWANGAN Perbelanjaan faedah di atas : Sewabeli Pinjaman berjangka Overdraf bank Kredit pusingan Penerimaan jurubank Yuran komitmen Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds Lain-lain faedah NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 6. KEUNTUNGAN SEBELUM CUKAI (SAMB.) Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan sekuriti boleh pasar Pendapatan faedah Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan dalam subsidiari baikpulih Peruntukan rosotnilai pelaburan sekuriti boleh pasar baikpulih Peruntukan hutang ragu baikpulih Kerugian/(keuntungan) daripada jualan tanah untuk pembangunan Keuntungan daripada jualan hartanah, loji dan peralatan Keuntungan daripada jualan tanah dalam pembangunan Keuntungan daripada jualan pelaburan Peruntukan luar jangka baikpulih 7. PERBELANJAAN MANFAAT PEKERJA Gaji dan upah Kos keselamatan sosial Cuti berbayar terkumpul jangka pendek Kos persaraan - Pelan caruman tertentu Kos persaraan - Pelan manfaat tertentu (Nota 25) Lain-lain perbelanjaan pekerja PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 140 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 330,093 (849,040) - (398,886) 330,093 (2,390,478) (694,129) - - (1,651,831) (76,159) (243,600) (191,855) (155,496) (31,200) - - - 3,915 (4,855,946) - - (17,666) (52,000) - - - (34,392,919) (1,781,682) (1,515,328) (14,250) - - (355,283) - - 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 7,768,461 89,719 4,510 1,055,982 590,441 1,823,161 6,609,635 81,304 96,236 873,300 568,974 1,844,951 386,017 18 - 58,080 - 750,150 340,210 303 43,850 643,369 11,332,274 10,074,400 1,194,265 1,027,732 Syari 2006 RM 2006 RM Termasuk dalam kos pekerja Kumpulan dan Syarikat adalah ganjaran pengarah eksekutif sebanyak RM866,356 (2006: RM514,380) dan RM440,724 (2006: RM370,500) masing-masing seperti yang dibentangkan selanjutnya di Nota 8. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 8. GANJARAN PENGARAH Ganjaran pengarah eksekutif (Nota 7): Yuran Emolumen lain 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 164,000 702,356 142,880 371,500 20,000 420,724 20,000 350,500 866,356 514,380 440,724 370,500 Ganjaran pengarah bukan eksekutif (Nota 6): Yuran Emolumen lain 185,000 626,450 185,000 630,050 185,000 548,200 185,000 516,550 811,450 815,050 733,200 701,550 1,677,806 1,329,430 1,173,924 1,072,050 Syarikat 2006 RM Jumlah ganjaran pengarah Bilangan para pengarah Syarikat mengikut turutan jumlah ganjaran sepanjang tahun adalah seperti analisa di bawah: 9. PERBELANJAAN CUKAI PENDAPATAN Cukai pendapatan: Cukai pendapatan Malaysia Kurangan/(lebihan) peruntukan dalam tahun sebelumnya Kredit cukai diiktiraf dalam tahun semasa Bilangan Pengarah 2007 2006 - 1 1 - 8 1 8 1 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 8,566,486 3,351,731 (938,726) - 4,756 - (5,586) (1,554) - - - 8,571,242 3,344,591 (938,726) - Cukai tertunda (Nota 32): Berkaitan dengan perbezaan sementara asal dan dibalik semula Berkaitan dengan perubahan dalam kadar cukai Kurangan peruntukan dalam tahun sebelumnya (3,586,248) (3,665) (8,633) 74,645 - 3,394 - - - - (3,598,546) 78,039 - - Jumlah perbelanjaan cukai pendapatan 4,972,696 3,422,630 (938,726) - Kadar cukai semasa dikira pada kadar cukai berkanun 27% (2006: 28%) ke atas keuntungan boleh taksir bagi tahun semasa. Kadar cukai berkanun akan dikurangkan dari kadar cukai semasa 27% kepada 26% berkuatkuasa daripada tahun taksiran 2008 dan kepada 25% berkuatkuasa daripada tahun-tahun taksiran berikutnya. 2006 RM 141 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Pengarah eksekutif: RM350,001 - RM400,000 RM400,001 – RM500,000 Pengarah bukan eksekutif: RM50,001 – RM100,000 RM100,001 – RM150,000 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 9. PERBELANJAAN CUKAI PENDAPATAN (SAMB) Penyata penyesuaian cukai yang dikenakan ke atas keuntungan sebelum cukai pada kadar cukai berkanun dengan perbelanjaan cukai pada kadar cukai berkesan Kumpulan dan Syarikat adalah seperti berikut: Kumpulan Keuntungan sebelum cukai Cukai pada kadar cukai berkanun Malaysia sebanyak 27% (2006: 28%) Kesan perubahan kadar cukai pada baki awal cukai tertunda Kesan atas pendapatan yang tertakluk kepada cukai sebanyak 20% Kesan atas pendapatan yang tidak tertakluk kepada cukai Kesan atas perbelanjaan yang tidak boleh ditolak untuk tujuan cukai Penggunaan kerugian cukai yang tidak diiktiraf dan elaun modal belum diserap sebelum ini Aset cukai tertunda tidak diiktiraf atas kerugian cukai belum digunakan dan elaun modal belum diserap yang timbul dalam tahun semasa (Lebihan)/kurangan peruntukan cukai tertunda dalam tahun-tahun sebelumnya Kurangan/(lebihan) peruntukan cukai dalam tahun-tahun sebelumnya Penggunaan cukai kredit dalam tahun semasa PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 142 Perbelanjaan cukai pendapatan bagi tahun * Syarikat 2007 RM 2006 RM 31,377,035 4,673,537 8,471,799 (2,245) - (9,671,216) 6,040,462 1,308,590 (6,420) (25,772) (74,051) 3,819,597 (695,565) (1,812,622) 833,339 (8,634) 4,756 - 217,054 3,394 (5,586) (1,554) 4,972,696 3,422,630 Syarikat subsidiari yang memiliki modal berbayar kurang daripada RM2.5 juta berhak menerima insentif ini. 2007 RM 2006 RM Keuntungan sebelum cukai 5,361,562 3,641,991 Cukai pada kadar cukai berkanun Malaysia sebanyak 27% (2006: 28%) Kesan atas pendapatan yang tidak tertakluk kepada cukai Kesan atas perbelanjaan yang tidak boleh ditolak untuk tujuan cukai Aset cukai tertunda tidak diiktiraf atas kerugian cukai tahun semasa 1,447,622 (3,114,532) 727,736 448 1,019,757 (3,467,714) 2,447,492 465 Perbelanjaan cukai pendapatan bagi tahun (938,726) - Penjimatan cukai bagi tahun semasa adalah daripada: Penggunaan kerugian cukai tahun semasa Kerugian cukai belum guna bawa ke hadapan 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 1,550,339 44,272 275,696 1,691,101 1,550,339 - Syarikat 2006 RM 275,696 - NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 10. PENDAPATAN SESAHAM (a) Asas Pendapatan asas sesaham dikira dengan membahagikan keuntungan diagihkan kepada pemegang ekuiti biasa Syarikat bagi tahun semasa dengan purata wajaran bilangan saham biasa yang diterbitkan di sepanjang tahun kewangan. 2007 2006 Keuntungan diagihkan kepada pemegang ekuiti biasa Syarikat (RM) 31,603,614 1,138,987 Bilangan purata wajaran saham biasa yang diterbitkan (unit) 205,978,000 205,978,000 Pendapatan asas sesaham (sen) 15.34 0.55 (b) Cair Tiada pendapatan cair sesaham bagi tahun semasa ditunjukkan kerana tiada potensi kecairan ke atas saham biasa yang tertunggak pada 31 Disember 2007. Dividen Diiktiraf dalam Tahun 2007 2006 RM RM 3,008,000 - 1,073,100 - 4,081,100 4,081,100 - Dicadangkan untuk persetujuan pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (tidak diiktiraf pada 31 Disember 2007): Dividen pertama dan terakhir bagi tahun 2007: 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 26% (1.48 sen setiap saham biasa) 3,048,474 - - - 4,081,100 - 4,081,100 3,008,000 3,008,000 - - 3,048,474 - Syarikat Diiktiraf dalam tahun: Dividen pertama dan terakhir bagi tahun 2006: 2%ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 27% (1.46 sen setiap saham biasa) - 143 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 11. DIVIDEN Dividen untuk Tahun 2007 2006 RM RM Kumpulan Diiktiraf dalam tahun: Dividen pertama dan terakhir bagi tahun 2006: 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 27% (1.46 sen setiap saham biasa) - 3,008,000 Dividen interim bagi tahun 2007: 15% ke atas 20,000,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 27% (11 sen setiap saham biasa) - 1,073,100 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 11. DIVIDEN (SAMB.) Dividen untuk Tahun 2007 2006 RM RM Syarikat Dicadangkan untuk persetujuan pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (tidak diiktiraf pada 31 Disember 2007): Dividen pertama dan terakhir bagi tahun 2007: 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 26% (1.48 sen setiap saham biasa) 3,048,474 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 - - - Pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang, dividen terakhir pada kadar 2% ke atas 205,978,000 saham-saham biasa selepas cukai 26% yang berjumlah RM3,048,474 (1.48 sen, bersih setiap saham) berhubung tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007 akan dicadangkan untuk kelulusan para pemegang saham. Penyata kewangan bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007 tidak mengambil kira dividen yang dicadangkan. Dividen tersebut, jika dipersetujui oleh para pemegang saham, akan diambilkira di dalam ekuiti pemegang saham sebagai pengasingan pendapatan tertahan dalam tahun kewangan yang berakhir pada 31 Disember 2008. 12. HARTANAH, LOJI DAN PERALATAN Pembinaan dalam Bangunan Perlaksanaan RM RM 144 Dividen Diiktiraf dalam Tahun 2007 2006 RM RM Loji dan Mesin RM Aset-aset Lain* RM Jumlah RM Kumpulan Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2007 Tambahan Pembelian subsidiari Pelupusan Hapuskira 10,785,856 19,699 - - - - - 2,237,500 - - 1,670,716 712,365 - - - 6,847,814 1,324,714 - (103,332) (204,247) 19,304,386 2,056,778 2,237,500 (103,332) (204,247) Pada 31 Disember 2007 10,805,555 2,237,500 2,383,081 7,864,949 23,291,085 Susutnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2007 Susutnilai dikenakan bagi tahun (Nota 6) Pelupusan Hapuskira Kerugian rosotnilai 585,468 218,636 - - - - - - - - 1,418,305 107,074 - - 176,778 4,241,783 595,181 (71,276) (152,755) - 6,245,556 920,891 (71,276) (152,755) 176,778 Pada 31 Disember 2007 804,104 - 1,702,157 4,612,933 7,119,194 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 2007 10,001,451 2,237,500 680,924 3,252,016 16,171,891 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 12. HARTANAH, LOJI DAN PERALATAN (SAMB.) Pembinaan dalam Bangunan Perlaksanaan RM RM Kumpulan (Samb.) Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2006 Tambahan Pelupusan Hapuskira Pengkelasan semula Pindahan dari inventori Loji dan Mesin RM Aset-aset Lain* RM Jumlah RM 2,933,686 2,884,347 - - (441,941) 5,409,764 - - - - - - 1,228,775 - - - 441,941 - 7,064,343 75,927 (229,598) (62,858) - - 11,226,804 2,960,274 (229,598) (62,858) 5,409,764 10,785,856 - 1,670,716 6,847,814 19,304,386 Pada 31 Disember 2006 Susutnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2006 Susutnilai dikenakan bagi tahun (Nota 6) Pelupusan Hapuskira Pengkelasan semula 448,151 181,512 - - (44,195) - - - - - 1,194,381 179,729 - - 44,195 3,924,302 607,177 (229,598) (60,098) - 5,566,834 968,418 (229,598) (60,098) - Pada 31 Disember 2006 585,468 - 1,418,305 4,241,783 6,245,556 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 2006 10,200,388 - 252,411 2,606,031 13,058,830 * Aset-aset lain terdiri daripada pengubahsuaian pejabat, perabot dan kelengkapan, peralatan pejabat, kenderaan bermotor dan papan tanda. Peralatan Pejabat RM Kenderaan Bermotor RM Jumlah RM Syarikat Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2007/31 Disember 2007 8,300 157,051 165,351 Susutniali terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2007 Susutnilai dikenakan bagi tahun (Nota 6) 1,802 1,660 25,547 15,704 27,349 17,364 Pada 31 Disember 2007 3,462 41,251 44,713 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 2007 4,838 115,800 120,638 145 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 12. HARTANAH, LOJI DAN PERALATAN (SAMB.) Peralatan Pejabat RM Kenderaan Bermotor RM Jumlah RM Syarikat Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2006/31 Disember 2006 8,300 157,051 165,351 Susutnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2006 Susutnilai dikenakan bagi tahun (Nota 6) 142 1,660 9,842 15,705 9,984 17,365 Pada 31 Disember 2006 1,802 25,547 27,349 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 2006 6,498 131,504 138,002 (a) Sepanjang tahun kewangan, Kumpulan telah membeli hartanah, loji dan peralatan dengan kos berjumlah RM2,056,778 (2006: RM2,960,274) di mana RM 745,163 (2006: RM Tiada) adalah melalui sewabeli. Nilai dibawa bersih hartanah, loji dan peralatan yang dimiliki oleh Kumpulan secara sewabeli adalah seperti berikut: 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM Kenderaan bermotor Loji dan mesin 369,164 501,417 395,510 - 870,581 395,510 (b) Nilai dibawa bersih bangunan pegang pajak tertentu milik sebuah subsidiari berjumlah RM157,765 (2006: RM162,993) telah dicagarkan kepada bank untuk kemudahan pinjaman subsidiari tersebut seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Nota 26. (c) Termasuk dalam hartanah, loji dan peralatan Kumpulan adalah aset yang telah disusutnilaikan sepenuhnya tetapi masih digunakan berjumlah RM3,195,992 (2006: RM2,991,632) pada kos. 13. TANAH UNTUK PEMBANGUNAN DAN KOS PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 146 (a) Tanah untuk pembangunan Tanah Tanah Milikbebas Pegang Pajak RM RM Jumlah RM Kumpulan Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2007 Tambahan Pelupusan Pindahan dari kos pembangunan hartanah (Nota 13(b)) Pindahan ke kos pembangunan hartanah (Nota 13(b)) Pada 31 Disember 2007 55,937,903 21,289,770 (1,855,070) 7,389,096 (24,279,145) 98,629,007 1,378,336 - - (162,178) 154,566,910 22,668,106 (1,855,070) 7,389,096 (24,441,323) 58,482,554 99,845,165 158,327,719 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 13. TANAH UNTUK PEMBANGUNAN DAN KOS PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH (SAMB.) (a) Tanah untuk pembangunan (Samb.) Tanah Tanah Milikbebas Pegang Pajak RM RM Kumpulan (Samb.) Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2007 Kerugian rosotnilai dikenakan bagi tahun - - - 20,116,367 20,116,367 - 20,116,367 20,116,367 58,482,554 79,728,798 138,211,352 69,223,368 1,625,372 (5,187,281) (9,723,556) 93,569,202 8,751,681 (623,173) (3,068,703) 162,792,570 10,377,053 (5,810,454) (12,792,259) Pada 31 Disember 2006 55,937,903 98,629,007 154,566,910 Nilai dibawa pada 31 Disember 2006 55,937,903 98,629,007 154,566,910 Tanah Tanah Kos Milikbebas Pegang Pajak Pembangunan RM RM RM Jumlah RM Pada 31 Disember 2007 Nilai dibawa pada 31 Disember 2007 Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kos Pada 1 Januari 2006 Tambahan Pelupusan Pindahan ke kos pembangunan hartanah (Nota 13(b)) (b) Kos Pembangunan Hartanah Kumpulan Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kos pembangunan hartanah terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2007 Kos yang ditanggung dalam tahun semasa Pindahan dari tanah untuk pembangunan (Nota 13(a)) Pengelasan semula Pindahan ke tanah untuk pembangunan (Nota 13(a)) Unit yang belum dijual dipindah ke inventori Pembalikan projek yang siap Pada 31 Disember 2007 19,997,147 2,087,931 34,550,996 3,087,741 119,636,799 74,111,021 174,184,942 79,286,693 24,279,145 (24,279,145) 162,178 - - 24,279,145 24,441,323 - (7,389,096) - - - (178,385) (1,344,539) - (5,040,346) (7,602,900) (7,389,096) (5,218,731) (8,947,439) 14,695,982 36,277,991 205,383,719 256,357,692 147 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Jumlah RM NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 13. TANAH UNTUK PEMBANGUNAN DAN KOS PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH (SAMB.) (b) Kos Pembangunan Hartanah (Samb.) Tanah Tanah Kos Milikbebas Pegang Pajak Pembangunan RM RM RM Jumlah RM Kumpulan (Samb.) Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kos terkumpul diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan Pada 1 Januari 2007 Diikitiraf dalam tahun semasa (Nota 4) Pembalikan projek yang siap (3,004,923) - - (826,585) (2,002,531) 1,344,539 (80,885,512) (31,478,771) 7,602,900 (84,717,020) (33,481,302) 8,947,439 Pada 31 Disember 2007 (3,004,923) (1,484,577) (104,761,383) (109,250,883) 11,691,059 34,793,414 100,622,336 147,106,809 7,523,984 2,780,508 204,853 33,191,680 7,248,110 - 147,785,562 37,932,996 - 188,501,226 47,961,614 204,853 9,723,556 - (204,853) (30,901) 3,068,703 (114,143) (6,596,311) (1,873,624) - (4,802,051) (52,402,482) (2,930,393) 12,792,259 (4,916,194) (59,203,646) (4,834,918) - (373,419) (5,946,833) (6,320,252) 19,997,147 34,550,996 119,636,799 174,184,942 Kos terkumpul diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan Pada 1 Januari 2006 Diikitiraf dalam tahun semasa (Nota 4) Pindahan dari inventori Pembalikan projek yang siap (98,249) (2,906,674) (204,853) 204,853 (5,126,603) (2,296,293) - 6,596,311 (100,964,894) (32,323,100) - 52,402,482 (106,189,746) (37,526,067) (204,853) 59,203,646 Pada 31 Disember 2006 (3,004,923) (826,585) (80,885,512) (84,717,020) Kos pembangunan hartanah pada 31 Disember 2006 16,992,224 33,724,411 38,751,287 89,467,922 Kos pembangunan hartanah pada 31 Disember 2007 Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kos pembangunan hartanah terkumpul Pada 1 Januari 2006 Kos yang ditanggung dalam tahun semasa Pindahan dari inventori Pindahan dari tanah untuk pembangunan (Nota 13(a)) Unit yang belum dijual dipindah ke inventori Pembalikan projek yang siap Pelupusan projek dalam tahun semasa Unit yang belum dijual dipindah ke pelaburan hartanah Pada 31 Disember 2006 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 148 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 13. TANAH UNTUK PEMBANGUNAN DAN KOS PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH (SAMB.) (b) Kos Pembangunan Hartanah (Samb.) Tanah milikbebas bagi subsidiari-subsidiari tertentu dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM42,408,934 (2006: RM16,421,913) telah dicagarkan sebagai sekuriti untuk pinjaman jangka pendek. Tanah pegang pajak bagi subsidiari-subsidiari tertentu dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM1,066,973 (2006: RM2,043,109) adalah berdaftar di bawah nama perbadanan induk. Perpindahan hak milik akan dilakukan apabila pembangunan hartanah tersebut telah siap. Tanah pegang pajak sebuah subsidiari dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM27,324,277 (2006: RM27,427,232) masih belum ditukar nama kepada nama subsidiari tersebut daripada perbadanan induk terakhir, Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang. Tanah pegang pajak untuk pembangunan sebuah subsidiari dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM19,582,312 (2006: RM7,389,096) masih belum ditukar nama kepada subsidiari tersebut daripada penjual. Kumpulan 2007 RM 2006 RM Bangunan Kos Pada 1 Januari Pindahan dari kos pembangunan hartanah (Nota 13(b)) 8,354,382 - 2,034,130 6,320,252 Pada 31 Disember 8,354,382 8,354,382 Susutnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari Susutnilai dikenakan bagi tahun (Nota 6) 683,083 166,057 643,115 39,968 Pada 31 Disember 849,140 683,083 7,505,242 7,671,299 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 149 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 14. PELABURAN HARTANAH NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 15. PEMBAYARAN PAJAKAN TANAH PRABAYAR Pada 1 Januari Pelunasan bagi tahun (Nota 6) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Kumpulan 2006 RM 86,106 (2,208) 88,314 (2,208) Pada 31 Disember 83,898 86,106 Di analisa sebagai: Tanah pegang pajak dipegang dalam jangka masa panjang 83,898 86,106 Tanah pegang pajak dipegang bagi Kumpulan telah dicagarkan kepada satu bank berlesen untuk kemudahan kredit yang telah diberikan kepada sebuah subsidiari. Kemudahan kredit tersebut telah diselesaikan sepenuhnya dalam tahun kewangan. 16. ASET TAK NYATA 150 2007 RM 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM Muhibah Kos Pada 1 Januari Kesan daripada menerima pakai FRS 3 Wujud daripada pembelian subsidiari (Nota 17) 4,564,733 - 12,912 3,552,818 1,011,915 - Pada 31 Disember 2007 4,577,645 4,564,733 Pelunasan dan rosotnilai terkumpul Pada 1 Januari Kesan daripada menerima pakai FRS 3 Kerugian rosotnilai (Nota 6) 2,621,744 - 1,132,643 2,297,931 323,813 - Pada 31 Disember 3,754,387 2,621,744 Nilai dibawa bersih Pada 31 Disember 823,258 1,942,989 17. PELABURAN DALAM SUBSIDIARI-SUBSIDIARI Saham tidak disebut harga pada kos Tolak : Kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul 2007 RM Syarikat 2006 RM 81,624,753 (22,218,437) 80,824,755 (20,450,313) 59,406,316 60,374,442 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 17. PELABURAN DALAM SUBSIDIARI-SUBSIDIARI (SAMB.) Butiran subsidiari-subsidiari adalah seperti berikut: Pembahagian Kepentingan Nama Negara Pegangan Subsidiari-subsidiari Diperbadankan Kegiatan-kegiatan utama 2007 2006 % % Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pembangunan hartanah, 100 100 pengurusan projek dan peruntukan perkhidmatan pengurusan Kuantan Tembeling Malaysia Pembangunan hartanah, dan 100 100 Resort Sdn. Bhd. pengurusan tempat peranginan dan kondominium Pasdec Land Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pembangunan hartanah 100 100 Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Perniagaan bahan-bahan binaan, 100 100 penyewaaan mesin dan aktiviti pembinaan Kimdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pembangunan hartanah 51 51 Pembuatan batu-bata 100 100 Pembangunan hartanah 100 100 Pembangunan hartanah 100 100 Tidak aktif 70 70 Pembangunan hartanah 100 100 Tidak aktif 100 100 Pembuatan, jualan dan pajakan kapal terbang dan komponen-komponennya 100 100 Perniagaan bahan-bahan binaan 100 dan menyediakan perkhidmatan insurans Bentong Aquarium & Malaysia Operator akuarium dan taman tema 70 Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. * Subsidiari Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd.. Laporan juruaudit untuk syarikat ini merujuk kepada penggunaan konsep andaian berterusan dan syarikat ini bergantung kepada sokongan kewangan daripada Syarikat. Laporan tersebut tidak bersyarat. ** Subsidiari Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd.. *** Subsidiari Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd.. 151 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Kuantan Bricks Sdn. Bhd.* Malaysia Sumbangan Sakti Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pasdec Mega Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pasdec Pintas Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pasdec Putra Sdn. Bhd.** Malaysia Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Pahang Aircraft Industries Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.*** Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd.*** Malaysia NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 17. PELABURAN DALAM SUBSIDIARI-SUBSIDIARI (SAMB.) Pembelian subsidiari Pada 23 Julai 2007, Syarikat telah membeli 800,000 saham biasa RM1.00 setiap satu mewakili 70% kepentingan ekuiti di dalam Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. berikutan daripada Perjanjian Usahasama bertarikh 28 Januari 2006. Kesan pembelian tersebut ke atas kedudukan kewangan Kumpulan pada 31 Disember 2007 adalah seperti berikut: RM Hartanah, loji dan peralatan 2,237,500 Wang tunai dan baki di bank 32,982 Lain-lain penghutang 400 Lain-lain pemiutang (1,159,843) Kepentingan minoriti (33,312) Perkongsian aset bersih Kumpulan 1,077,727 Nilai saksama aset-aset dan liabiliti-liabiliti yang diandaikan daripada pembelian subsidiari tersebut adalah seperti berikut: Nilai saksama Nilai dibawa diiktiraf daripada oleh yang pembelian dibeli RM RM Aset bersih yang dibeli: Hartanah, loji dan peralatan 2,237,500 2,237,500 Lain-lain penghutang 400 400 Ang tunai dan baki di bank 36,653 36,653 Lain-lain pemiutang (1,150,141) (1,150,141) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 152 Niali saksama bersih aset-aset Tolak: Kepentingan minoriti Perkongsian aset bersih Kumpulan Muhibah atas penyatuan (Nota 16) Jumlah kos pembelian Aliran tunai keluar bersih daripada pembelian: Tunai dan kesetaraan tunai dalam subsidiari Balasan tunai dibayar 1,124,412 (337,324) 787,088 12,912 800,000 36,653 (800,000) (763,347) 1,124,412 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 18. PELABURAN DALAM SYARIKAT-SYARIKAT BERSEKUTU 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 1,270,000 2,413,951 1,270,000 2,655,068 Tolak: Peruntukan rosotnilai terkumpul 3,683,951 (70,000) 3,925,068 (60,000) 3,613,951 3,865,068 Diwakili oleh: Perkongsian aset bersih 3,613,951 3,865,068 Di Malaysia: Saham tidak disebut harga pada kos Perkongsian rizab selepas pengambilalihan Butiran syarikat-syarikat bersekutu adalah seperti berikut: Nama Syarikat- Pembahagian Pembahagian syarikat Negara Kegiatan-kegiatanKepentingan Pegangan Kuasa Mengundi Bersekutu Diperbadankan Utama 2007 2006 2007 2006 % % % % Prima Prai Malaysia Pembangunan 20 20 20 20 Sdn. Bhd. hartanah Genting View Malaysia Pemaju dan 40 40 40 40 Resort kontraktor Development Sdn. Bhd. Pasdec Malaysia Tidak aktif 40 - 40 Cempaka Sdn. Bhd. Penyata kewangan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu di atas adalah selaras dengan Kumpulan kecuali Prima Prai Sdn. Bhd. yang mana tahun kewangannya berakhir pada 31 Mac. Bagi menggunakan kaedah perakaunan ekuiti, penyata kewangan Prima Prai Sdn. Bhd. yang tidak diaudit untuk tempoh berakhir 31 Disember 2007 telah digunakan. 19. INVENTORI Hartanah dipegang untuk dijual Tanah Barang siap Diesel dan minyak pelincir 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 14,526,266 950,493 166,699 33,361 11,177,787 1,133,296 188,353 9,996 15,676,819 12,509,432 153 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 20. PENGHUTANG PERDAGANGAN Penghutang perdagangan Kontrak pembinaan: Terhutang oleh pelanggan (Nota 22) Wang tahanan boleh terima (Nota 22) Bayaran kemajuan boleh terima Bayaran akruan berkaitan kos pembangunan hartanah 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 31,675,347 31,732,190 483,708 - 30,522,865 3,844,170 795,225 1,386,740 26,517,962 - Tolak: Peruntukan hutang ragu 66,526,090 (2,908,137) 60,432,117 (2,865,377) 63,617,953 57,566,740 Pendedahan utama risiko kredit bagi Kumpulan adalah daripada penghutang perdagangannya. Terma perdagangan antara Kumpulan dengan pelanggannya kebanyakannya adalah secara kredit. Syarat kredit perdagangan biasa Kumpulan adalah antara 30 hingga 120 hari. Kumpulan mengamalkan polisi risiko kredit yang ketat untuk mengawasi baki terhutang belum jelas dan mempunyai unit kawalan kredit untuk mengurangkan risiko kredit. Baki belum jelas diteliti dengan kerap oleh pihak pengurusan kanan. Atas sebab yang telah dinyatakan dan bahawasanya penghutang perdagangan Kumpulan terdiri daripada bilangan pelanggan yang banyak dan berbagai, Kumpulan tidak mempunyai tumpuan risiko kredit yang besar. Penghutang perdagangan tidak dikenakan faedah. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 154 21. LAIN-LAIN PENGHUTANG Jumlah terhutang oleh pihak berkaitan: Subsidiari-subsidiari Perbadanan induk Syarikat-syarikat berkaitan 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM - 28,784,578 24,087,041 - 29,513,584 21,545,498 207,734,256 25,646,748 4,022,499 249,406,604 25,703,442 4,022,499 Deposit Prabayar Lain-lain penghutang 52,871,619 551,450 557,969 5,191,195 51,059,082 526,761 497,897 6,559,245 237,403,503 - 120,303 1,489,955 279,132,545 327,083 882,444 Tolak: Peruntukan hutang ragu 59,172,233 (36,093,640) 58,642,985 (30,823,683) 239,013,761 (19,901,775) 280,342,072 (19,901,776) Syarikat 2006 RM 23,078,593 27,819,302 219,111,986 260,440,296 Jumlah terhutang oleh subsidiari-subsidiari sebanyak RM27,146,414 (2006: RM71,124,327) dikenakan faedah sebanyak 6% (2006: 6%) setahun dan perlu dibayar balik atas permintaan. Jumlah tersebut tidak dijamin dan harus dijelaskan secara tunai. Jumlah terhutang oleh pihak berkaitan yang lain kepada Kumpulan dan Syarikat tidak dikenakan faedah dan perlu dibayar balik atas permintaan. Jumlah tersebut tidak dijamin dan harus dijelaskan secara tunai. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 22. TERHUTANG OLEH/(KEPADA) PELANGGAN KONTRAK Kos kontrak diiktiraf hingga kini Keuntungan terkumpul 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 21,663,502 247,931 11,396,219 297,425 Tolak: Bayaran kemajuan 21,911,433 (21,427,725) 11,693,644 (10,930,132) Terhutang oleh pelanggan kontrak (Nota 20) Terhutang kepada pelanggan kontrak 483,708 763,512 483,708 - 795,225 (31,713) 483,708 763,512 - 1,386,740 Jumlah wang tahanan atas kontrak, termasuk dalam penghutang perdagangan (Nota 20) 23. SEKURITI BOLEH PASAR Pada kos: Saham disebut harga di Malaysia Unit amanah disebut harga di Malaysia Tolak: Kerugian rosotnilai terkumpul Saham disebut harga di Malaysia Unit amanah disebut harga di Malaysia Nilai pasaran sekuriti boleh pasar: Saham disebut harga di Malaysia Unit amanah disebut harga di Malaysia 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 51,720,296 17,030,218 116,517,642 48,086,103 - 15,944,115 47,000,000 68,750,514 164,603,745 15,944,115 47,000,000 (14,670) (932,201) (194,252) (666,126) - (330,093) - (946,871) (860,378) (330,093) - 67,803,643 163,743,367 15,614,022 47,000,000 143,380,214 16,098,017 228,385,139 39,414,809 - 15,614,022 38,994,832 2006 RM 159,478,231 267,799,948 15,614,022 38,994,832 Pelaburan dalam saham disebut harga tertentu oleh sebuah subsidiari dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM Tiada (2006: RM2,207,667) telah dicagarkan kepada institusi kewangan untuk kemudahan pinjaman berjangka untuk subsidiari tersebut. Pelaburan dalam Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad dan YTL Cement Berhad oleh sebuah subsidiari dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM33,225,370 (2006: RM73,531,551) telah dicagarkan kepada institusi kewangan untuk terbitan Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) berjumlah RM150 juta (Nota 28). Pelaburan dalam saham disebut harga tertentu oleh sebuah subsidiari dengan nilai dibawa sebanyak RM18,389,423 (2006: RM Tiada) telah dicagarkan kepada bank untuk kemudahan tertentu yang diberikan kepada sebuah syarikat berkaitan. 155 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 24. TUNAI DAN KESETARAAN TUNAI Tunai di tangan dan di bank Deposit dengan bank-bank berlesen Jumlah tunai dan kesetaraan tunai 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 7,751,042 19,259,850 18,048,218 7,871,390 121,568 5,315,786 105,264 6,395,138 27,010,892 25,919,608 5,437,354 6,500,402 2006 RM Termasuk dalam tunai di bank bagi Kumpulan adalah sejumlah RM6,393,859 (2006: 3,523,453) yang dipegang menurut Seksyen 7A Akta Pembangunan Perumahan (Kawalan dan Perlesenan) 1966 dan oleh itu dihadkan penggunaannya dalam lain-lain operasi. Deposit dengan bank-bank berlesen bagi Kumpulan berjumlah RM13,828,562 (2006: RM1,290,665) telah dicagarkan kepada bank untuk kemudahan kredit yang diberikan kepada subsidiari-subsidiari tertentu (Nota 26). Maklumat lain mengenai risiko kewangan tunai dan kesetaraan tunai adalah seperti dibentangkan di Nota 35. Bagi tujuan penyata aliran tunai, tunai dan kesetaraan tunai pada tarikh lembaran imbangan adalah seperti berikut: Tunai di tangan dan di bank Overdraf bank (Nota 26) Jumlah tunai dan kesetaraan tunai 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat 27,010,892 (19,051,147) 25,919,608 (6,340,105) 5,437,354 - 6,500,402 - 7,959,745 19,579,503 5,437,354 6,500,402 2006 RM 25. TANGGUNGAN MANFAAT PERSARAAN Kumpulan mengendalikan satu manfaat tertentu Skim Manfaat Persaraan (“Skim”) yang tidak dibiayai untuk pekerja yang layak. Di bawah Skim ini, pekerja yang layak berhak menerima manfaat persaraan sebanyak 7.5% daripada gaji terakhir didarab dengan pelan perkhidmatan dengan maksimum 300 bulan boleh dibayar apabila umur persaraan awal 40 tahun dicapai dengan syarat memenuhi 10 tahun atau lebih daripada pelan perkhidmatan atau usia persaraan 56 tahun. (i) Lembaran Imbangan Jumlah yang diiktiraf dalam lembaran imbangan ditentukan seperti berikut: PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 156 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM Nialai kini tanggungan manfaat tidak dibiayai Perubahan tanggungan belum diiktiraf Kerugian aktuari belum diiktiraf 2,997,574 (397,840) (707,554) 2,199,627 (581,923) - Liabiliti bersih Dianalisa sebagai: Semasa 1,892,180 1,617,704 27,378 24,887 Bukan semasa: Lebih daripada 1 tahun tetapi tidak lebih daripda 2 tahun Lebih daripada 2 tahun tetapi tidak lebih daripda 5 tahun 152,755 1,712,047 34,277 1,558,540 1,864,802 1,592,817 1,892,180 1,617,704 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 25. TANGGUNGAN MANFAAT PERSARAAN (SAMB.) (i) Lembaran Imbangan (Samb.) Pergerakan dalam nilai terkini tanggungan manfaat tidak dibiayai sepanjang tahun adalah seperti berikut: : 2007 2006 RM RM Pada 1 Januari 1,617,704 1,139,536 Kos perkhidmatan semasa 233,400 216,813 Kos Faedah 143,634 123,721 Pelunasan peralihan liabiliti 213,407 228,440 Manfaat dibayar (315,965) (90,806) Pada 31 Disember (ii) Penyata Pendapatan Jumlah yang diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan adalah seperti berikut: Kos perkhidmatan semasa Kos faedah Pelunasan peralihan liabiliti 1,892,180 1,617,704 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 233,400 143,634 213,407 216,813 123,721 228,440 Jumlah dalam perbelanjaan manfaat pekerja (Nota 7) 590,441 568,974 Semua manfaat oleh Kumpulan dalam pelan manfaat tertentu telah diambilkira dalam perbelanjaan pengurusan (iii) Andaian Prinsip Aktuari Andaian prinsip aktuari yang digunakan adalah: 2007 2006 % % Kadar diskaun 7.0 7.0 Kadar jangkaan kenaikan gaji 5.0 5.0 Penilaian aktuari untuk Skim dilaksanakan oleh aktuari bebas secara berkala. Penilaian terakhir bagi Skim tersebut telah dilaksanakan pada 24 Januari 2006. Andaian mengenai mortaliti masa hadapan adalah berdasarkan pada statistik diterbitkan dan jadual mortaliti. Jangkaan purata umur individu bersara adalah 56 tahun. (iv)Maklumat Sejarah Pelarasan pengalaman sejarah adalah seperti berikut: Nilai kini tanggungan manfaat tidak dibiayai 2007 RM 2006 RM 1,892,180 1,617,704 157 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 26. PINJAMAN 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 18,412,135 6,500,000 274,000 5,374,880 135,170 2,779,916 12,500,000 520,000 6,082,110 - - - - - - - 30,696,185 21,882,026 - - 639,012 51,788 3,560,189 70,650 - 19,762 18,725 690,800 3,630,839 19,762 18,725 31,386,985 25,512,865 19,762 18,725 4,858,025 64,485,714 347,085 1,745,628 151,068,052 - - 64,485,714 - 151,068,052 - Tidak bercagar: Pemiutang sewabeli (Nota 27) 69,690,824 152,813,680 64,485,714 151,068,052 121,523 123,335 75,288 95,049 Jumlah Pinjaman Penerimaan jurubank Overdraf bank (Nota 24) Kredit pusingan Pinjaman berjangka Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (Nota 28) Pemiutang sewabeli (Nota 27) 69,812,347 152,937,015 64,561,002 151,163,101 274,000 19,051,147 6,500,000 10,232,905 64,485,714 655,566 520,000 6,340,105 12,500,000 7,827,738 151,068,052 193,985 - - - - 64,485,714 95,050 151,068,052 113,774 101,199,332 Kematangan pinjaman: (tidak termasuk pemiutang sewabeli): Tidak lebih daripada 1 tahun 31,195,777 Lebih daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun 3,821,025 Lebih daripada 2 tahun dan tidak lebih daripada 5 tahun 1,041,250 Lebih daripada 5 tahun 64,485,714 178,449,880 64,580,764 151,181,826 26,042,215 785,628 360,000 151,068,052 - - - 64,485,714 151,068,052 178,255,895 64,485,714 151,068,052 Pinjaman Jangka Pendek Bercagar: Overdraf bank Kredit pusingan Penerimaan jurubank Pinjaman berjangka Pemiutang sewabeli (Nota 27) Tidak bercagar: Overdraf bank Pemiutang sewabeli (Nota 27) Pinjaman Jangka Panjang Bercagar: Pinjaman berjangka Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (Nota 28) Pemiutang sewabeli (Nota 27) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 158 100,543,766 Syarikat 2006 RM NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 26. PINJAMAN (SAMB.) Overdraf bank dan penerimaan jurubank bagi Kumpulan dicagarkan dengan tanah didaftarkan di bawah nama perbadanan induk, cagaran pertama ke atas tanah pajakan jangka panjang dan bangunan subsidiari-subsidiari tertentu, cagaran tetap dan terapung ke atas aset-aset tertentu subsidiari-subsidiari, jaminan bersama dan berasingan oleh pengarah-pengarah dari pemegang saham korporat sebuah subsidiari dan jaminan korporat oleh sebuah subsidiari dan Syarikat. Kredit pusingan bercagar Kumpulan adalah untuk tempoh enam bulan dan dicagarkan oleh cagaran tetap sah ke atas tanah milikbebas tertentu sebuah subsidiari, pembahagian jaminan korporat oleh Syarikat sehingga 51% dan jaminan bersama dan berasingan oleh pengarah-pengarah dari sebuah pemegang saham korporat. Cagaran pinjaman berjangka adalah seperti berikut: Cagaran pertama ke atas tanah pegangpajak subsidiari-subsidiari tertentu seperti yang dibentangkan di Nota 13; Cagaran tetap dan terapung ke atas aset-aset tertentu subsidiari-subsidiari; Jaminan bersama dan berasingan oleh pengarah-pengarah dari sebuah pemegang saham korporat subsidiari berkenaan; dan Jaminan korporat oleh sebuah subsidiari dan Syarikat. Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds bagi Kumpulan dan Syarikat dicagarkan oleh sebahagian sekuriti boleh pasar seperti yang dibentangkan di Nota 23. Liabiliti pemiutang sewabeli bercagar Kumpulan adalah dicagarkan oleh jaminan korporat oleh sebuah subsidiari. 27. PEMIUTANG SEWABELI Bayaran pajakan minimum: Tidak lebih daripada 1 tahun Lebih daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih daripada 5 tahun 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 230,747 506,542 79,089 135,068 23,868 81,490 23,868 105,358 Tolak: Tanggungan kewangan masa hadapan 737,289 (81,723) 214,157 (20,172) 105,358 (10,308) 129,226 (15,452) Nilai kini liabiliti pajakan 655,566 193,985 95,050 113,774 Dianalisa sebagai: Terhutang dalam tempoh 12 bulan (Nota 26) Terhutang selepas 12 bulan (Nota 26) 186,958 468,608 70,650 123,335 19,762 75,288 18,725 95,049 655,566 193,985 95,050 113,774 Syarikat 2006 RM 159 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 (a) (b) (c) (d) NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 28. RAINBOW EXCHANGEABLE BONDS Pada 15 November 2006, Syarikat telah menerbitkan Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) berjumlah RM150 juta pada 100% nilai nominalnya yang terdiri daripada 2 siri seperti berikut: (i) Siri I - sehingga RM15 juta REBs atau jumlah setara lain yang boleh ditukar kepada 4,792,333 atau bilangan saham- saham biasa yang sewajarnya dalam Road Builder (M) Holdings Berhad (“RBH”) (“Saham Pertukaran”); dan (ii) Siri II - sehingga RM135 juta REBs atau jumlah setara lain yang boleh ditukar kepada 40,785,500 atau bilangan sahamsaham biasa yang sewajarnya dalam YTL Cement Berhad (“Saham Pertukaran”). REBs yang diterbitkan oleh Syarikat mempunyai ciri-ciri penting seperti berikut: (a) Tempoh pegangan untuk Siri I dan Siri II masing-masing adalah 5 dan 7 tahun. (b) Kedua-dua siri REBs tersebut membawa faedah atau kupon sebanyak lima peratus dan perlu dibayar dua kali setahun secara terhutang dari tarikh penerbitan REBs, dengan bayaran kupon terakhir dibuat pada tarikh matang masing-masing. (c) Setiap REB memberikan hak kepada pemegangnya untuk menukar satu Saham Pertukaran pada Harga Pertukaran yang telah ditetapkan pada premium sebanyak 10% sehingga 30 % dari Harga Pasaran Wajaran untuk lima hari bagi Saham Pertukaran tersebut sebelum tarikh penentuan harga atau pada par, yang mana yang lebih tinggi pada bila-bila masa selepas persetujuan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, untuk siri berkenaan pada bila-bila masa dalam Tempoh Pertukaran. (d) Cagaran REBs adalah seperti berikut: (i) Opsyen-Beli yang dibuat oleh Penerbit Opsyen-Beli untuk membeli Saham Pertukaran dengan Harga Opsyen yang dipersetujui, berdasarkan syarat dan terma di dalam perjanjian Opsyen-Belian. ; (ii) Deposit/cagaran Saham Pertukaran kepada Pemegang Amanah, untuk manfaat para pemegang REBs; (iii) Penyerahhakkan/cagaran Akaun Escrow, Disbursement Account (“DA”), dan Debt Service Reserve Account (“DRSA”), berpihak kepada Pemegang Amanah untuk pemegang REBs; dan (iv) Penyerahhakkan hasil dalam Kemudahan Tunggusedia tak boleh mansuh daripada institusi kewangan (“Liquidity Reserve Provider”) bersamaan dengan bayaran satu (1) kupon boleh dibayar dalam tempoh pegangan REBs, berpihak kepada Pemegang Amanah untuk pemegang REBs; atau PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 160 Jika tiada Kemudahan Tunggusedia dibuat, penyerahhakkan/cagaran untuk Liquidity Reserve Account (“LRA”), dimana jumlah bersamaan dengan bayaran satu (1) kupon semasa tempoh REBs mesti didepositkan. (e) Harga Opsyen untuk Siri I and II adalah seperti berikut: Siri I : Siri II : jumlah tertunggak, terhutang atau bayaran oleh Syarikat kepada pemegang REBs berhubungan dengan Dokumen-Dokumen Transaksi, pada tarikh notis opsyen-jual seperti yang dirujuk di dalam Perjanjian OpsyenBelian; jumlah tertunggak,terhutang atau bayaran oleh Syarikat kepada pemegang REBs berhubungan dengan Dokumen-Dokumen Transaksi, pada tarikh notis opsyen-jual ditolak dengan jumlah berikut: - kemudahan tunggusedia yang diperoleh oleh Syarikat; dan - deposit tunai oleh Syarikat di dalam DRSA. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 28. RAINBOW EXCHANGEABLE BONDS (SAMB.) (f) REBs boleh ditebus oleh Penerbit pada tarikh tamat tempoh pegangan dengan kadar lebih kurang antara 122% dan 140% daripada Harga Terbitan Siri-siri. Walau bagaimanapun: (i) REBs boleh ditukar pada bila-bila masa oleh pemegang REBs kepada Saham Pertukaran, dalam tempoh pegangan REBs; (ii) REBs boleh ditebus oleh Penerbit selepas tarikh tamat tempoh tiga (3) tahun daripada tarikh terbitan REBs dan tertakluk kepada harga pasaran Saham Pertukaran seperti yang diperdagangkan di Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad paling kurang 130% dari Harga Pertukaran bagi Saham Pertukaran yang berkaitan; (iii) Penerbit boleh pada bila-bila masa, membeli REBs dengan harga pasaran dari pasaran terbuka atau dengan perjanjian persendirian; (iv) REBs boleh dibatalkan dan tidak boleh diterbitkan semula jika REBs telah ditukar kepada Saham Pertukaran oleh pemegang REBs, ditebus oleh Penerbit selepas tahun ketiga dan/atau dibeli oleh penerbit di pasaran terbuka. REBs diambilkira dalam lembaran imbangan Kumpulan dan Syarikat seperti berikut: Nilai nominal - diterbitkan dan dibayar penuh Pada 1 Januari Diterbitkan dan dibayar penuh Pertukaran kepada Saham Pertukaran Pada 31 Disember Premium Penebusan Pada 31 Disember Kumpulan dan Syarikat 2007 2006 RM RM 150,000,000 - (89,000,000) 150,000,000 - 61,000,000 150,000,000 3,485,714 1,068,052 Jumlah termasuk dalam pinjaman jangka panjang (Nota 26) 64,485,714 151,068,052 29. PEMIUTANG PERDAGANGAN Pemiutang perdagangan tidak dikenakan faedah dan syarat kredit perdagangan biasa yang diberikan kepada Kumpulan adalah antara 30 hingga 90 hari. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 161 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 30. LAIN-LAIN PEMIUTANG Jumlah terhutang kepada pihak berkaitan: Terhutang kepada pemegang saham korporat sebuah subsidiari Terhutang kepada syarikat subsidiari Terhutang kepada syarikat-syarikat berkaitan Terhutang kepada perbadanan induk 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 4,758,839 - 1,053,531 1,796,473 - - 242,862 1,542,296 - 9,217,764 - - - Wang tahanan Pemiutang lain Akruan Kupon untuk bon 7,608,843 787,856 3,146,836 2,206,569 254,166 1,785,158 1,055,301 1,668,690 3,216,253 958,333 9,217,764 - - 329,401 254,166 297,050 958,333 Syarikat 2006 RM 14,004,270 8,683,735 9,801,331 1,255,383 Jumlah terhutang kepada pihak berkaitan adalah tidak dikenakan faedah dan perlu dibayar balik atas permintaan. Jumlah tersebut tidak dijamin dan harus dibayar secara tunai. 31. MODAL SAHAM Bilangan Saham Biasa RM1 Setiap Satu Jumlah 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM Dibenarkan 1 Januari/31 Disember 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 Diterbitkan dan dibayar penuh 1 Januari/31 Disember 205,978,000 205,978,000 205,978,000 205,978,000 Pemegang saham biasa adalah berhak untuk menerima dividen seperti yang diisytiharkan dari masa ke semasa dan adalah berhak untuk satu undi sesaham pada mesyuarat pemegang saham Syarikat. Saham-saham biasa adalah sama taraf dengan sisa aset Syarikat. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 162 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 32. CUKAI TERTUNDA Pada 1 Januari Diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan (Nota 9) Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM 3,672,424 (3,598,546) 3,594,385 78,039 - - - 73,878 3,672,424 - - Pada 31 Disember Syarikat 2006 RM Dibentangkan selepas pelarasan sewajarnya seperti berikut: Aset cukai tertunda Liabiliti cukai tertunda 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM (2,489) 76,367 - 3,672,424 - - - 73,878 3,672,424 - - Syarikat 2006 RM Komponen-komponen dan pergerakan liabiliti-liabiliti dan aset-aset cukai tertunda sepanjang tahun kewangan sebelum pelarasan adalah seperti berikut: Liabiliti Cukai Tertunda bagi Kumpulan: Pada 1 Januari 2007 Diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan Elaun Modal Dipercepatkan RM 3,672,424 (3,596,057) Pada 31 Disember 2007 76,367 Pada 1 Januari 2006 Diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan 3,594,385 78,039 Pada 31 Disember 2006 3,672,424 Aset Cukai Tertunda bagi Kumpulan: Pada 1 Januari 2007 Diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan (2,489) Pada 31 Disember 2007 (2,489) 163 Aset cukai tertunda tidak diiktiraf untuk item-item berikut: Kerugian cukai belum diguna Elaun modal belum diserap 7,937,309 - 19,452,982 267,984 7,937,309 19,720,966 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM Kerugian cukai belum diguna boleh dilaras dengan keuntungan bercukai subsidiari-subsidiari yang berkenaan pada masa hadapan, tertakluk kepada tiada perubahan ketara dalam pemegang saham subsidiari-subsidiari tersebut dibawah Akta Cukai Pendapatan, 1967 dan garis panduan yang diterbitkan oleh pihak berkuasa percukaian. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 2007 RM NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 33. LIABILITI LUARJANGKA Tidak bercagar: Jaminan korporat bagi kemudahan yang diberikan kepada: - subsidiari-subsidiari - syarikat berkaitan Jaminan bank Bon prestasi Perbezaan penilaian dengan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri untuk tahun taksiran 1999 sehingga 2004 2007 RM Kumpulan 2006 RM 2007 RM Syarikat - - 806,829 209,829 - 262,980 395,719 209,829 40,504,000 - - - 41,704,000 - - 1,221,436 - - 1,016,658 2,089,964 40,504,000 41,704,000 2006 RM 34. URUSAN PENTING DENGAN PIHAK BERKAITAN (a) Tambahan kepada urusniaga terperinci di dalam penyata kewangan, Kumpulan dan Syarikat mempunyai urusniaga yang berikut dengan pihak-pihak yang berkaitan sepanjang tahun kewangan: 2007 RM Syarikat 508,316 483,514 - - - - - - - - - - (2,390,478) (540,000) (13,797,595) 39,223 (538,885) (540,000) (12,675,195) 96,205 2006 RM Perbadanan induk - sewa pejabat dan caj perkhidmatan Subsidiari-subsidiari - pendapatan faedah - pendapatan yuran pengurusan - pendapatan dividen kasar Belian insuran dari subsidiari Kecuali pendapatan dividen, para pengarah berpendapat bahawa semua urusniaga di atas adalah dalam perjalanan biasa perniagaan dan berdasarkan syarat dan keadaan yang tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang ketara daripada urusniaga yang dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang tidak berkaitan. (b) Pampasan kepada kakitangan pengurusan utama PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Kumpulan 2006 RM 164 2007 RM Ganjaran para pengarah dan lain-lain ahli pengurusan utama adalah seperti berikut: Kumpulan Syarikat 2007 2006 2007 2006 RM RM RM RM Manfaat jangka masa pendek pekerja 2,835,430 2,552,742 1,134,150 1,036,170 Manfaat selepas pekerjaan: - Pelan caruman tertentu 183,251 160,149 39,774 35,880 - Pelan manfaat tertentu 275,407 - - 3,294,088 2,712,891 1,173,924 1,072,050 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 34. URUSAN PENTING DENGAN PIHAK BERKAITAN (SAMB.) (b) Pampasan kepada kakitangan pengurusan utama (Samb.) Termasuk dalam jumlah kakitangan pengurusan utama adalah: Kumpulan 2007 2006 RM RM Ganjaran pengarah 1,677,806 1,329,430 2007 RM 1,173,924 Syariakt 2006 RM 1,072,050 35. INSTRUMEN KEWANGAN (a) Polisi dan Objektif Pengurusan Risiko Kewangan Polisi pengurusan risiko kewangan Kumpulan memastikan bahawa sumber kewangan yang mencukupi dapat diraihkan untuk pembangunan perniagaan Kumpulan di samping menguruskan risiko-risiko kadar faedah (kedua-dua nilai saksama dan aliran tunai), risiko kecairan dan risiko kredit. Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan menyemak dan bersetuju polisi bagi menguruskan setiap risiko dan ianya diringkaskan di bawah. Di sepanjang tahun, adalah menjadi polisi Kumpulan untuk tidak melibatkan sebarang urusniaga berasaskan instrumen kewangan derivatif. (b) Risiko Kadar Faedah Kumpulan terdedah kepada risiko kadar faedah melalui kesan perubahan kadar ke atas pinjaman berfaedah dan aset berfaedah. Pelaburan dalam aset kewangan adalah berbentuk jangka pendek dan bukan untuk tujuan spekulasi, dan kebanyakannya adalah deposit tetap dengan institusi kewangan berlesen. Kadar risiko faedah Kumpulan terutamanya terdiri daripada pinjaman berfaedah. Pinjaman pada kadar terapung mendedahkan Kumpulan kepada risiko kadar faedah aliran tunai. Pinjaman diperoleh pada kadar tetap mendedahkan Kumpulan kepada risiko kadar faedah nilai saksama. Kumpulan menguruskan risiko kadar faedah dengan mengimbang kadar pinjaman tetap dan terapung. Jadual-jadual berikut menunjukkan nilai dibawa, purata wajaran kadar faedah berkesan (“PWKFB”) pada tarikh lembaran imbangan dan baki kematangan instrumen kewangan Kumpulan yang terdedah kepada risiko kadar faedah: Nota PWKFB Dalam masa 1-2 % 1 Tahun Tahun RM RM Lebih Daripada 3 Tahun RM Jumlah RM Pada 31 Disember 2007 Kumpulan 165 Kadar tetap Pinjaman berjangka Pemiutang sewabeli Penerimaan jurubank REBs 26 27 26 28 8.72 4.81 8.25 5.25 (5,374,880) (186,958) (274,000) - (3,838,025) (225,006) - - (1,020,000) (243,602) - (64,485,714) (10,232,905) (655,566) (274,000) (64,485,714) Kadar terapung Deposit tetap Overdraf bank Kredit pusingan 24 26 26 3.45 8.24 5.47 19,259,850 (19,051,147) (6,500,000) - - - - - - 19,259,850 (19,051,147) (6,500,000) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 35. INSTRUMEN KEWANGAN (SAMB.) (b) Risiko Kadar Faedah (Samb.) Nota PWKFB Dalam masa 1-2 % 1 Tahun Tahun RM RM PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 166 Lebih Daripada 3 Tahun RM Jumlah RM Pada 31 Disember 2007 Syarikat Kadar tetap Terhutang oleh syarikat subsidiari 21 Pemiutang sewabeli 27 REBs 28 6.00 4.87 5.25 27,146,414 (19,762) - - (20,799) - - (54,489) (64,485,714) 27,146,414 (95,050) (64,485,714) Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kumpulan Kadar Tetap Pinjaman berjangka Pemiutang sewabeli Penerimaan jurubank REBs 26 27 26 28 8.47 5.25 8.25 5.25 (6,082,110) (70,650) (520,000) - (1,745,628) (80,615) - - - (39,424) - (151,068,052) (7,827,738) (190,689) (520,000) (151,068,052) Kadar terapung Deposit tetap Overdraf bank Kredit pusingan 24 26 26 3.47 6.63 8.58 7,871,390 (6,340,105) (12,500,000) - - - - - - 7,871,390 (6,340,105) (12,500,000) Kadar tetap Terhutang oleh syarikat subsidiari 21 Pemiutang sewabeli 27 REBs 28 6.00 4.87 5.25 71,124,327 (18,725) - - (55,625) - - (39,424) (151,068,052) 71,124,327 (113,774) (151,068,052) Syarikat Faedah atas instrumen kewangan yang tertakluk kepada kadar faedah terapung, ditetapkan semula secara kontrak pada jangka masa kurang dari 6 bulan dan tahunan. Faedah atas instrumen kewangan yang tertakluk kepada kadar tetap adalah tetap sehingga instrumen matang. Instrumen kewangan lain Kumpulan dan Syarikat yang tidak termasuk dalam jadual di atas, adalah tidak tertakluk kepada risiko kadar faedah. (c) Risiko Kecairan Kumpulan menguruskan profil kematangan hutang, aliran wang tunai dari kegiatan kendalian dan kemudahan dana untuk memastikan kesemua keperluan kewangan, bayaran balik dan dana dapat dipenuhi. Sebagai sebahagian daripada keseluruhan pengurusan kecairan, Kumpulan menetapkan tahap tunai dan pelaburan boleh tukar tunai yang mencukupi untuk memenuhi keperluan modal kerja. Tambahan pula, Kumpulan tegas dalam pengekalan keupayaan kemudahan kewangan pada tahap yang memuaskan. Sejauh yang boleh, Kumpulan meraih dana komited dari kedua-dua pasaran modal dan institusi kewangan dan mengimbangkan portfolionya dengan dana jangka pendek untuk mencapai kos efektif yang menyeluruh. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 35. INSTRUMEN KEWANGAN (SAMB.) (d) Risiko Kredit Pendedahan utama risiko kredit bagi Kumpulan adalah daripada penghutang perdagangan. Kumpulan hanya menjalankan urusniaga dengan pihak-pihak yang mempunyai status kredit yang baik. Adalah menjadi polisi bagi Kumpulan untuk memastikan setiap urusniaga kredit yang akan dilakukan melalui prosedur pengesahan kredit. Di samping itu, baki terhutang diawasi secara berterusan untuk memastikan pendedahan Kumpulan kepada hutang lapuk tidak ketara. Syarat perdagangan secara kredit tidak akan ditawarkan sebelum mendapat kelulusan daripada Bahagian Kawalan Kredit. Disebabkan oleh urusniaga dijalankan dengan pihak yang mempunyai kedudukan kredit yang baik, tiada sebarang cagaran diperlukan Risiko kredit Kumpulan untuk lain-lain aset kewangan, yang terdiri daripada tunai dan kesetaraan tunai, sekuriti boleh pasar dan pelaburan bukan semasa, yang mungkin berlaku akibat kemungkiran oleh pihak bertimbal, dengan pendedahan maksimumnya adalah bersamaan dengan nilai dibawa aset-aset kewangan tersebut Kumpulan tidak mempunyai sebarang pendedahan yang ketara kepada mana-mana pelanggan individu atau pihak terbabit dan tidak mempunyai sebarang penumpuan risiko kredit yang tinggi berkaitan dengan aset-aset kewangannya. (e) Nilai Saksama Nilai pembawa aset kewangan dan liabiliti Kumpulan dan Syarikat pada tarikh lembaran imbangan adalah hampir menyamai nilai saksama kecuali yang berikut: Nilai Nilai Nota Bawaan Saksama RM RM Kumpulan Pada 31 Disember 2007: Sekuriti boleh pasar Pinjaman berjangka Pemiutang sewabeli REBs 23 26 27 28 67,803,643 10,232,905 655,566 64,485,714 159,478,231 8,976,376 773,519 76,908,800 Pada 31 Disember 2006: Sekuriti boleh pasar Pinjaman berjangka Pemiutang sewabeli REBs 23 26 27 28 163,743,367 7,827,738 193,985 151,068,052 267,799,948 7,078,167 273,216 190,962,428 Syarikat Pada 31 Disember 2007: Sekuriti boleh pasar Pemiutang sewabeli REBs 23 27 28 15,614,022 95,050 64,485,714 15,614,022 111,762 76,908,800 Pada 31 Disember 2006: Sekuriti boleh pasar Pemiutang sewabeli REBs 23 27 28 47,000,000 113,774 151,068,052 38,994,832 131,462 190,962,428 Nilai saksama bagi pinjaman dianggarkan dengan mendiskaunkan jangkaan aliran tunai masa hadapan dengan menggunakan kadar faedah semasa bagi liabiliti yang mempunyai profil risiko yang sama. Kaedah dan andaian yang digunakan oleh pihak pengurusan untuk menganggarkan nilai saksama sekuriti boleh pasar adalah dengan merujuk kepada harga bida pasaran disebut di pasaran pertukaran saham ketika penutupan perniagaan pada tarikh lembaran imbangan. 167 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 36. PERISTIWA-PERISTIWA PENTING (a) Lanjutan daripada Perjanjian Usahasama yang telah ditandatangani pada 28 Januari 2006, Syarikat telah membeli 800,000 saham biasa RM1 setiap satu mewakili 70% kepentingan ekuiti dalam Bentong Aquarium & Sanctuary Park Sdn. Bhd. (“BASPSB”) untuk jumlah balasan belian sebanyak RM800,000 dalam tahun kewangan. (b) Pada 20 Jun 2007, sebuah subsidiari Syarikat, Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. telah ditubuhkan dengan modal diterbitkan dan dibayar penuh sebanyak RM2. (c) Pada 26 Julai 2007, Syarikat telah memindahkan seluruh pelaburannya di dalam Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd. kepada sebuah subsidiari, Mutiara Pasdec Sdn. Bhd. untuk balasan RM2 mewakili 2 saham biasa dalam Pahang Aircraft Industries Sdn. Bhd.. (d) Pada 3 Disember 2007, Pasdec Corporation Sdn. Bhd. telah memasuki satu Perjanjian Jual Beli bersyarat dengan Mentiga Corporation Berhad untuk pembelian sebidang tanah dengan anggaran ukuran 28.98 ekar di Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur untuk jumlah bayaran belian sebanyak RM9,856,457. Pada 31 Disember 2007, Syarikat telah membayar deposit sebanyak RM851,960 untuk tanah tersebut. (e) Dalam tahun kewangan, sebidang tanah milik sebuah subsidiari, Pasdec Pintas Sdn. Bhd. (“PPSB”) telah dilelong tanpa pengetahuan Lembaga Pengarah PPSB dan Syarikat. Sebelum pembelian PPSB (sebelumnya dikenali sebagai Lancar Pintas Sdn. Bhd.) dalam tahun 1997 oleh Syarikat, PPSB telah memasuki satu perjanjian jual beli dengan bakal-bakal pembeli lot-lot kedai yang akan dibina oleh PPSB. Dalam tahun 2005, dua daripada bakal-bakal pembeli tersebut telah mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap PPSB kerana kegagalan memulakan dan membina lot-lot kedai tersebut. Saman yang dihantar ke alamat yang bukan merupakan alamat berdaftar atau perniagaan PPSB telah menyebabkan PPSB tidak sedar tentang tindakan undangundang tersebut. Pihak plaintif telah berjaya mendapatkan penghakiman engkar kehadiran dan seterusnya melelong tanah tersebut dalam tahun 2007 pada harga RM2,660,000. Pemindahan hak milik kepada pembeli telah disempurnakan dalam tahun 2007. Para pengarah PPSB berpendapat bahawa adanya unsur penipuan yang terselindung di sebalik kejadian ini dan telah memulakan tindakan undang-undang terhadap pihak yang berkenaan. Berikutan dengan itu, peruntukan kerugian rosotnilai sebanyak RM20,116,367 terhadap tanah tersebut telah dibuat di dalam buku PPSB bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 168 (f) Dalam tahun kewangan, kesemua RM15 juta nilai nominal Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) dari Siri I dan RM74 juta daripada RM135 juta nilai nominal REBs di bawah Siri II telah ditebus. NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 37. PERISTIWA-PERISTIWA SUSULAN (a) Bermula 1 Januari 2008, subsidiari Syarikat, Pasdec Bina Sdn. Bhd. telah memindahkan semua kegiatannya yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan bahan-bahan binaan kepada Pasdec Trading Sdn. Bhd. dan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan penyewaan mesin telah diberhentikan. (b) Susulan kepada tahun berakhir, RM11 juta nilai nominal Rainbow Exchangeable Bonds (“REBs”) daripada Siri II telah ditebus. 38. ANGKA-ANGKA PERBANDINGAN Berikut adalah jumlah perbandingan pada 31 Disember 2007 yang telah dikelaskan semula menurut pengemukaan tahun semasa: Sebagaimana Sebagaimana Dinyatakan Dinyatakan Sebelumnya Perubahan Semula RM RM RM Lembaran Imbangan Pada 31 Disember 2006 Kos pembangunan hartanah 87,986,168 1,481,754 89,467,922 Pemiutang perdagangan (20,906,224) (1,481,754) (22,387,978) 39. MAKLUMAT SEGMEN (a) Format Laporan Format laporan segmen utama ditentukan berdasarkan segmen perniagaan disebabkan risiko dan kadar pulangan Kumpulan secara prinsipalnya dipengaruhi oleh kelainan dalam jenis produk dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan. Informasi peringkat kedua dilaporkan secara geografi. Operasi perniagaan diaturkan dan diuruskan berasingan berdasarkan jenis produk dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan, dengan setiap segmen mewakili unit strategi perniagaan yang menawarkan produk berbeza dan untuk tujuan pasaran berlainan. (b) Segmen Perniagaan Organisasi Kumpulan secara keseluruhannya terbahagi kepada segmen-segmen perniagaan utama: (i) Pemegang pelaburan - penyediaan perkhidmatan pengurusan; (ii) Pembangunan hartanah - pembangunan hartanah perumahan dan komersil; (iii) Perdagangan - dalam bahan-bahan binaan; (iv) Pengilangan - pembuatan dan jualan batu-bata; dan (v) Pembinaan - pembangunan hartanah perumahan dan komersil. Tiada laporan segmen berdasarkan geografi disediakan kerana aktiviti-aktiviti Kumpulan hanya dijalankan di Malaysia. 169 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 39. Pembangunan Hartanah 2007 2006 RM RM 8,655,096 214,900 3,987,169 - Perdagangan 2007 2006 RM RM 1,071,012 470,542 - 842,032 Pengilangan 2007 2006 RM RM Jumlah 2007 2006 RM RM Penghapusan 2007 2006 RM RM Disatukan 2007 2006 RM RM 9,736,768 20,115,094 107,229,338 105,659,001 - - 107,229,338 105,659,001 - - 15,136,857 14,211,227 (15,136,857) (14,211,227) - - Pembinaan 2007 2006 RM RM (881,983) - (491,748) - (400,602) (956) 6,311 41,135,487 14,794,069 (9,508,036) (12,086,913) 31,377,035 4,673,537 - (4,972,696) (3,483,861) - 61,231 (4,972,696) (3,422,630) 308,863 - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 290,472,551 374,453,141 492,409,767 512,512,687 - 6,641,098 - 1,955,320 - 2,302,489 - 2,007,323 - 9,552,393 - 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,413,951 2,665,068 3,613,951 3,865,068 9,864,533 801,378,298 900,793,004 (294,287,948) (346,440,499) 507,090,350 554,352,505 Jumlah aset 510,704,301 558,217,573 Liabiliti Liabiliti segmen 66,051,892 153,324,770 295,245,811 330,843,739 6,513,431 1,786,344 4,128,001 2,958,533 8,291,002 9,012,028 380,230,137 497,925,414 (234,071,424) (281,592,866) 146,158,713 216,332,548 Maklumat lain Perbelanjaan modal - - 1,160,663 70,900 28,199 719 845,511 680 22,405 3,627 2,056,778 75,926 - - 2,056,778 75,926 Susutnilai hartanah, loji dan peralatan 17,364 17,365 739,970 716,735 10,568 3,204 141,388 217,156 11,601 16,167 920,891 970,627 - - 920,891 970,627 Susutnilai pelaburan hartanah - - 166,057 39,968 - - - - - - 166,057 39,968 - - 166,057 39,968 Rosotnilai diiktiraf dalam penyata pendapatan 3,750,050 279,559 24,795,333 - - - 179,091 - - - 28,724,474 279,559 (3,419,957) (279,559) 25,304,517 Kerugian rosotnilai baikpulih (1,651,831) (76,159) (243,600) (152,066) - (567) - - - (2,863) (1,895,431) (231,655) 1,651,831 76,159 (243,600) (155,496) Lain-lain perbelanjaan bukan tunai: Peruntukan - 48,690 9,668,372 268,225 147,148 - - - 161,527 - 9,977,047 316,915 (4,188,960) (48,690) 5,788,087 268,225 Tambahan dalam liabiliti tanggungan manfaat tertentu - - 590,441 478,168 - - - - - - 590,441 478,168 - - 590,441 478,168 Aset Aset segmen Pelaburan dalam syarikat bersekutu 1,138,987 (224,322) - (241,116) Keuntungan selepas cukai 31,603,614 (349,115) (870) - 538,885 (9,244,350) (6,657,373) 1,250,907 (111,920) 5,361,562 3,795,991 37,405,625 11,707,837 938,726 (1,811,518) (5,909,596) (1,672,343) - 2,734,582 Keuntungan bagi tahun 26,404,339 Kepentingan minoriti 5,199,275 Keuntungan/(kerugian) sebelum cukai Cukai Kos kewangan (11,978,932) (7,196,258) Bahagian (kerugian)/ keuntungan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu - - (241,116) 308,863 - - - - - - (241,116) 308,863 Jumlah pendapatan 14,376,235 21,363,076 87,841,642 73,562,857 8,869,996 3,987,169 1,541,554 842,032 9,736,768 20,115,094 122,366,195 119,870,228 (15,136,857) (14,211,227) 107,229,338 105,659,001 HASIL Hasil segmen 12,500,200 8,696,876 42,029,543 15,457,776 (283,390) 30,704 (822,987) (692,411) (318,247) 154,900 53,105,119 23,647,845 (12,242,618) (12,625,798) 40,862,501 11,022,047 720 7,993,881 87,765,742 73,562,857 14,375,515 13,369,195 75,900 - Pemegang Pelaburan 2007 2006 RM RM 170 PENDAPATAN - Jualan luar - Jualan antara segmen MAKLUMAT SEGMEN (SAMB.) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 NOTA-NOTA KEPADA PENYATA KEWANGAN 31 DISEMBER 2007 ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS As At 30 April 2008 ANALISA PEMEGANG SAHAM Pada 30 April 2008 Authorised Share Capital/ Modal Saham Dibenar : RM500,000,000 Issued and Paid-up Capital/ Modal Diterbitkan dan Berbayar : RM205,978,000 Class of Shares/Jenis Saham : Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each / Saham Biasa RM1.00 setiap satu Voting Rights/Hak Mengundi : One vote per shareholder on a show of hands or one vote per ordinary share on a poll / Satu undi bagi setiap pemegang saham dengan mengangkat tangan atau satu undi bagi setiap saham biasa dengan cara mengundi Analysis by Size of Shareholdings/Analisa Mengikut Saiz Pegangan Saham Size Of Shareholdings Saiz Pegangan Saham No. Of Shareholders Bil. Pemegang Saham % No. Of Shares Bil. Saham % 1 - 99 100 - 1000 1001 - 10000 10001 - 100000 100001 – 10298899 (*) 10298900 and above (**) 5 1,985 2,882 703 88 3 0.09 35.03 50.86 12.41 1.55 0.05 161 1,962,972 12,624,684 20,937,933 35,163,200 135,289,050 0.00 0.95 6.13 10.17 17.07 65.68 Total/Jumlah 5,666 100.00 205,978,000 100.00 Remarks / Nota: * Less than 5% issued shares/Tidak melebihi 5% daripada saham diterbitkan ** 5% and above of issued shares/Melebihi 5% daripada saham diterbitkan Substantial Shareholders (Excluding Bare Trustees)/Para Pemegang Saham Utama (Kecuali Bare Trustees Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang Direct/ Langsung No. Of Shares Held/ Bil. Pegangan Saham % Indirect/ Tidak Langsung No. Of Shares Held/ Bil. Pegangan Saham % 106,395,650(1) 51.65 - - Ciri Ehsan Sdn. Bhd. 18,563,800 9.01 - - Hong Leong Fund Management Sdn. Bhd. for Pembinaan Sri Jati Sdn. Berhad 15,806,600 7.67 - - Notes / Nota:(1) Inclusive of 4,300,000 ordinary shares held by nominee company, AIBB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd., whereby Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang is the beneficial owner. Termasuk 4,300,000 saham biasa yang dipegang oleh syarikat nominee, AIBB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. yang mana Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang merupakan pemegang saham benefisiari. 171 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Name/Nama ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS As At 30 April 2008 ANALISA PEMEGANG SAHAM Pada 30 April 2008 List Of 30 Largest Shareholders/Senarai 30 Pemegang Saham Terbesar No. Name Bil Nama No. Of Shares Bil. Saham % 1. Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang 2. Ciri Ehsan Sdn. Bhd. 3. HLG Nominee (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Hong Leong Fund Management Sdn. Bhd. for Pembinaan Sri Jati Sdn. Berhad 4. Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera Permodalan Nasional Berhad 5. AIBB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang 6. Yeoh Kean Hua 7. Ke-Zan Nominees (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. - Kim Eng Securities Pte. Ltd. for Horizon Growth Fund N.V. 8. Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang 9. Feab Properties Sdn. Bhd. 10. Ciptaan Meriang Sdn. Bhd. 11. Poo Choo @ Ong Poo Choi 12. Zenith Aim Sdn. Bhd. 13. Chuah Chew Hing 14. Teh Bee Gaik 15. Tan Kian Chuan 16. Tew Kim Thin 17. OSK Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Berhad - Pledged Securities A/C for Tan Gaik Suan 18. Yeoh Meng Ghee 19. Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Pheng Yin Huah 20. ECML Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Koo Tang Liang @ Koo Chee Meng 21. Yeoh Phek Leng 22. Yeoh Swee Leng 23. Public Invest Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Liew Fui Ngo 24. Tan Kian Aik 25. Mayban Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Koay Boon Hooi 26. Tan Suat Yong 27. Yayasan Selangor 28. TCL Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Chin Kiam Hsung 29. Public Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. - Pledged Securities A/C for Tan Teang Yam 30. Mohd Fauzi bin Mohd Anuar 100,918,650 18,563,800 48.99 9.01 15,806,600 7.67 5,000,000 2.43 4,300,000 2,140,000 2.09 1.04 1,969,500 1,177,000 1,000,000 965,700 905,900 867,900 756,500 740,000 590,100 520,000 0.96 0.57 0.49 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.37 0.36 0.29 0.25 430,000 410,000 0.21 0.20 400,000 0.19 399,900 371,000 360,000 0.19 0.18 0.17 356,000 318,500 0.17 0.15 301,000 300,000 300,000 0.15 0.15 0.15 290,500 0.14 260,000 250,000 0.13 0.12 Total/Jumlah 160,968,550 78.15 Directors’ Interest In The Company Or In A Related Corporation/ Kepentingan Para Pengarah Di Dalam Syarikat Atau Syarikat Berkaitan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 172 No. Name Bil Nama 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob Dato’ Abdul Ghani bin Sulaiman Yusof Ali bin Haji Mohamed Zain Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor Dato’ Hamdan bin Jaafar Dato’ Haji Mohamd Nor bin Ali Majid bin Mohamad Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud Dato’ Sri Khalid bin Mohamad Jiwa Abdullah bin A. Rasol Direct/ Langsung No. Of Shares Held/ Bil. Pegangan Saham % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indirect/ Tidak Langsung No. Of Shares Held/ Bil. Pegangan Saham % - - - - - - - - - - - LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) KUANTAN (Properties/Land bank) 1 Kompleks Teruntum Leasehold(99 yrs) Building / Commercial Lot 2.15 22 years 0.01 Lot 2.16 “ 0.01 Lot 3.13 - 3.15 “ 0.14 Lot G-20 “ 0.02 0.38 19 th floor “ 0.20 PN 398 Lot 146 Sek.18 (Master title) Leasehold(99 yrs) Building / Commercial Bandar Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 08.06.2075 (2.10 Ac.) 1,542,051 (Project On planning) 2 HS(M) 26538 / PT.29080 (Medan Jaja-BIM) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - - 0.31 59,183 Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 27.09.2091 Building / Commercial 3 Project Phg.Cement S.B. (for housing) (Properties/Land bank) HS(D) 15538 / PT.992 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - - 49.42 427,820 Mukim Ulu Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 03.06.2095 Building / Residential - - 1.04 6,193,531 30 years 1.68 2.40 1,551,601 0.96 1,611,704 4 Project Mahkota Square (Properties/Land bank) PN 1872 Lot 40 Sek. 5 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / Bandar Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 31.03.2081 Building / Commercial 5 Project Kuantan Waterfront (Project On planning) HS(D) 313 / PT.4332 (Medan Pelancung) Leasehold (99 yrs) Commercial Bandar Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 23.04.2072 (Shop Lots) Workshops Jaya Gading (24 Lots) (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 7677 PT. 15310 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - 387.22 mp. HS(D) 7678 PT. 15311 Expiring 28.12.2096 Industries 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7679 PT. 15312 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7680 PT. 15313 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7681 PT. 15314 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7682 PT. 15315 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7683 PT. 15316 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7684 PT. 15317 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7685 PT. 15318 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7686 PT. 15319 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7687 PT. 15320 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7688 PT. 15321 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7689 PT. 15322 372.33 mp. HS(D) 7690 PT. 15323 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7691 PT. 15324 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7692 PT. 15325 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7693 PT. 15326 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7694 PT. 15327 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7695 PT. 15328 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7696 PT. 15329 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7697 PT. 15330 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7698 PT. 15331 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7699 PT. 15332 148.64 mp. HS(D) 7700 PT. 15333 390.30 mp. Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan 173 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 6 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 7 Project Bandar Baru Gebeng (Balok Perdana) - PN.4500 Lot 9730 (HS(D) 20038) (Zon 4) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 5.91 Ha. 14.60 PN.4501 Lot 9731 (HS(D) 20039) (Zon 6) Expiring 16.01.2099 Building / Residential 13.44 Ha. 33.20 PN.7467 Lot 11083 [HS(D) 23612 ] (Zon 3A2) 143,000.00 mp. 35.34 HS(D) 23613 PT. 9311 (Zon 3A1) 27,204.00 mp. 6.72 PN.6974 Lot 11085 [HS(D) 23614] (Zon 2A1) ( Food Court ) 7,593.00 mp. 1.88 PN.6975 Lot 11086 [HS(D) 23615] (Zon 2A2) ( Commercial ) 73,660.00 mp. 18.20 HS(D) 23616 PT. 9314 (Zon 2B - Comm.) ( Commercial ) 134,299.00 mp. 33.19 HS(D) 23617 PT. 9315 (Zon 2C - Comm.) ( Commercial ) 10,497.00 mp. 2.59 HS(D) 24230 PT. 10863 (Zon 5) 58,772.764 mp. 14.52 Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan 0.69 8 Project Balok Perdana (Zon 1 F3 - Bayan ) (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 23787 PT. 9485 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 287.00 mp. HS(D) 23788 PT. 9846 Expiring 16.01.2099 Building / Residential 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23789 PT. 9847 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23790 PT. 9488 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23791 PT. 9489 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23792 PT. 9490 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23793 PT. 9491 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23794 PT. 9492 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23795 PT. 9493 163.00 mp. HS(D) 23796 PT. 9494 163.00 mp. HS(D) 23797 PT. 9495 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23798 PT. 9496 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23799 PT. 9497 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23800 PT. 9498 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23801 PT. 9499 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23802 PT. 9500 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23803 PT. 9501 130.00 mp. HS(D) 23804 PT. 9502 355.00 mp. Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 174 9 Project Balok Perdana ( Zon 3C ) (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 24139 PT. 9837 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 288.00 mp. HS(D) 24140 PT. 9838 Expiring 16.01.2099 Building / Residential 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24143 PT. 9841 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24145 PT. 9843 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24147 PT. 9845 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24149 PT. 9847 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24150 PT. 9848 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24152 PT. 9850 249.00 mp. HS(D) 24153 PT. 9851 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24154 PT. 9852 Expiring 16.01.2099 Building / Residential 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24155 PT. 9853 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24156 PT. 9854 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24157 PT. 9855 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24158 PT. 9856 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24159 PT. 9857 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24160 PT. 9858 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24161 PT. 9859 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24162 PT. 9860 156.00 mp. 3.69 17,284,930 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(D) 24163 PT. 9861 378.00 mp. HS(D) 24165 PT. 9863 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24168 PT. 9866 (Zon 3C) 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24169 PT. 9867 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24170 PT. 9868 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24171 PT. 9869 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24172 PT. 9870 130.00 mp. HS(D) 24175 PT. 9873 278.00 mp. HS(D) 24176 PT. 9874 (Zon 3C) 1,907.00 mp. HS(D) 24177 PT. 9875 288.00 mp. HS(D) 24178 PT. 9876 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24179 PT. 9877 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24180 PT. 9878 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24181 PT. 9879 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24182 PT. 9880 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24183 PT. 9881 288.00 mp. HS(D) 24184 PT. 9882 304.00 mp. HS(D) 24185 PT. 9883 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24186 PT. 9884 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24187 PT. 9885 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24191 PT. 9889 399.00 mp. HS(D) 24192 PT. 9890 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24193 PT. 9891 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24194 PT. 9892 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24195 PT. 9893 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24196 PT. 9894 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24197 PT. 9895 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24198 PT. 9896 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24199 PT. 9897 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24200 PT. 9898 190.00 mp. HS(D) 24201 PT. 9899 368.00 mp. HS(D) 24202 PT. 9900 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24203 PT. 9901 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24204 PT. 9902 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24205 PT. 9903 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24206 PT. 9904 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24207 PT. 9905 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24208 PT. 9906 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24209 PT. 9907 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24210 PT. 9908 190.00 mp. HS(D) 24211 PT. 9909 190.00 mp. HS(D) 24212 PT. 9910 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24213 PT. 9911 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24214 PT. 9912 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24215 PT. 9913 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24216 PT. 9914 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24217 PT. 9915 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24218 PT. 9916 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24219 PT. 9917 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24220 PT. 9918 302.00 mp. HS(D) 24221 PT. 9919 337.00 mp. HS(D) 24222 PT. 9920 156.00 mp. 175 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(D) 24223 PT. 9921 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24224 PT. 9922 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24225 PT. 9923 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24226 PT. 9924 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24227 PT. 9925 143.00 mp. HS(D) 24228 PT. 9926 156.00 mp. HS(D) 24229 PT. 9927 (Zon 3C) 255.00 mp. Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan - - 7.35 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 176 10 Project Chendor Utama (Project Ongoing) PN 4828 Lot 10093 ( HS(D) 20789 ) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 30.09.2100 Building / Residential HS(D) 27730 PT.11494 360.00 mp. HS(D) 27731 PT.11495 300.00 mp. HS(D) 27732 PT.11496 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27733 PT.11497 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27734 PT.11498 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27735 PT.11499 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27736 PT.11500 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27737 PT.11501 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27738 PT.11502 290.00 mp. HS(D) 27739 PT.11503 361.00 mp. HS(D) 27740 PT.11504 343.00 mp. HS(D) 27741 PT.11505 275.00 mp. HS(D) 27742 PT.11506 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27743 PT.11507 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27744 PT.11508 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27745 PT.11509 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27746 PT.11510 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27747 PT.11511 265.00 mp. HS(D) 27748 PT.11512 300.00 mp. HS(D) 27749 PT.11513 370.00 mp. HS(D) 27750 PT.11514 482.00 mp. HS(D) 27751 PT.11515 276.00 mp. HS(D) 27752 PT.11516 284.00 mp. HS(D) 27753 PT.11517 297.00 mp. HS(D) 27754 PT.11518 310.00 mp. HS(D) 27755 PT.11519 322.00 mp. HS(D) 27756 PT.11520 335.00 mp. HS(D) 27757 PT.11521 404.00 mp. HS(D) 27758 PT.11522 536.00 mp. HS(D) 27759 PT.11523 627.00 mp. HS(D) 27760 PT.11524 509.00 mp. HS(D) 27761 PT.11525 329.00 mp. HS(D) 27762 PT.11526 316.00 mp. HS(D) 27763 PT.11527 441.00 mp. HS(D) 27764 PT.11528 436.00 mp. HS(D) 27765 PT.11529 504.00 mp. HS(D) 27838 PT.11602 338.00 mp. HS(D) 27839 PT.11603 275.00 mp. HS(D) 27840 PT.11604 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27841 PT.11605 260.00 mp. 8,139,655 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(D) 27842 PT.11606 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27843 PT.11607 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27844 PT.11608 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27845 PT.11609 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27846 PT.11610 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27847 PT.11611 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27848 PT.11612 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27849 PT.11613 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27850 PT.11614 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27851 PT.11615 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27852 PT.11616 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27853 PT.11617 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27854 PT.11618 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27855 PT.11619 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27856 PT.11620 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27857 PT.11621 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27858 PT.11622 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27859 PT.11623 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27860 PT.11624 275.00 mp. HS(D) 27861 PT.11625 338.00 mp. HS(D) 27862 PT.11626 502.00 mp. HS(D) 27863 PT.11627 429.00 mp. HS(D) 27864 PT.11628 429.00 mp. HS(D) 27865 PT.11629 591.00 mp. HS(D) 27866 PT.11630 366.00 mp. HS(D) 27867 PT.11631 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27868 PT.11632 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27869 PT.11633 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27870 PT.11634 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27871 PT.11635 454.00 mp. HS(D) 27872 PT.11636 495.00 mp. HS(D) 27873 PT.11637 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27874 PT.11638 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27875 PT.11639 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27876 PT.11640 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27877 PT.11641 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27878 PT.11642 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27879 PT.11643 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27880 PT.11644 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27881 PT.11645 293.00 mp. HS(D) 27882 PT.11646 542.00 mp. HS(D) 27883 PT.11647 300.00 mp. HS(D) 27884 PT.11648 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27885 PT.11649 260.00 mp. HS(D) 27886 PT.11650 290.00 mp. HS(D) 27887 PT.11651 354.00 mp. HS(D) 27888 PT.11652 386.00 mp. HS(D) 27889 PT.11653 322.00 mp. HS(D) 27890 PT.11654 322.00 mp. HS(D) 27891 PT.11655 584.00 mp. HS(D) 27893 PT.11657 TNB 411.00 mp. 177 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 24,104.00 mp. 5.96 (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 27896 PT.11660 Pemb. Kedai Akan Datang (Properties/Land bank) HS(D) 27901 PT.12469 Pemb. Akan Datang F2 313,466.70 mp. 77.46 HS(D) 27902 PT.12470 Pemb. Akan Datang F3a 245,812.8 mp. 60.74 HS(D) 27900 PT.12468 Pemb. Akan Datang F3b 66,260.70 mp. 16.37 Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 178 11 Project Putra Square (Transit Quarters) Leasehold (99 yrs) (Project Ongoing) PN 5569, Lot 423 Sek.20 (HS(D) 19051) Expiring 19.12.2106 Building / Commercial - - Bandar Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan HS(D)28467 PT.22584 Hotel/Office/ConventionHall 22,584.00 mp. 25.30 HS(D)28468 PT.92050 Shopping Complex 31,564.00 mp. HS(D)28469 PT.92051 Building / Commercial 11,644.00n mp. HS(D)28470 PT.92052 Building / Commercial 9,830.00 mp. HS(D)28471 PT.92053 Building / Commercial 11,641.00 mp. STP 2,465.00 mp. HS(D)28472 PT.92054 Building / Commercial 8,681.00 mp. HS(D)28473 PT.92055 Building / Commercial 192.00 mp. HS(D)28474 PT.92056 Building / Commercial 156.00 mp. HS(D)28475 PT.92057 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28476 PT.92058 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28477 PT.92059 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28478 PT.92060 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28479 PT.92061 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28480 PT.92062 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28481 PT.92063 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28482 PT.92064 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28483 PT.92065 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28484 PT.92066 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28485 PT.92067 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28486 PT.92068 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28487 PT.92069 Building / Commercial 69.00 mp. TNB 61.00 mp. HS(D)28488 PT.92070 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28489 PT.92071 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28490 PT.92072 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28491 PT.92073 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28492 PT.92074 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28493 PT.92075 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28494 PT.92076 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28495 PT.92077 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28496 PT.92078 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28497 PT.92079 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28498 PT.92080 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28499 PT.92081 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(D)28500 PT.92082 Building / Commercial 169.00 mp. HS(D)28501 PT.92083 Building / Commercial 233.00 mp. Bandar Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan 33,289,712 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 12 Habour Park’ Gebeng (Industrial Land) Leasehold (99 yrs) (Properties/Land bank) 164.2 10,763,130 Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan Expiring Vacant land / Industry Land title application - PTK 3/3/24313 19.36 9,353,678 Project Astana Golf Resort (Housing/Villas) (Properties/Land bank) HS(M) 28442 / PT.30463 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - 1242.70 mp. HS(M) 28444 / PT.30465 Expiring 22.05.2092 Building / Residential 1101.20 mp. HS(M) 28451 / PT.30472 1353.50 mp. HS(M) 28452 / PT.30473 1088.30 mp. HS(M) 28453 / PT.30474 975.20 mp. HS(M) 28461 / PT.30482 970.60 mp. HS(M) 28462 / PT.30483 1275.00 mp. HS(M) 28464 / PT.30485 1411.60 mp. HS(M) 28469 / PT.30490 1093.50 mp. HS(M) 28478 / PT.30499 1301.10 mp. HS(M) 28481 / PT.30502 1002.00 mp. HS(M) 28484 / PT.30505 1036.90 mp. HS(M) 28488 / PT.30509 1077.30 mp. HS(M) 28489 / PT.30510 1157.60 mp. HS(M) 28493 / PT.30514 1025.50 mp. HS(M) 28494 / PT.30515 1014.50 mp. HS(M) 28500 / PT.30521 932.80 mp. HS(M) 28503 / PT.30524 1139.40 mp. HS(M) 28528 / PT.30549 1039.60 mp. HS(M) 28531 / PT.30552 1229.50 mp. HS(M) 28550 / PT.30571 1121.30 mp. HS(M) 28558 / PT.30579 772.90 mp. HS(M) 28560 / PT.30581 882.90 mp. HS(M) 28561 / PT.30582 1011.80 mp. HS(M) 28565 / PT.30586 910.30 mp. HS(M) 28566 / PT.30587 1226.00 mp. HS(M) 28567 / PT.30588 1067.60 mp. HS(M) 28568 / PT.30589 1040.70 mp. HS(M) 28569 / PT.30590 947.20 mp. HS(M) 28570 / PT.30591 1082.70 mp. HS(M) 28571 / PT.30592 1115.40 mp. HS(M) 28572 / PT.30593 955.70 mp. HS(M) 28573 / PT.30594 1136.10 mp. HS(M) 28574 / PT.30595 1216.40 mp. HS(M) 28577 / PT.30598 1093.70 mp. HS(M) 28579 / PT.30600 1087.60 mp. HS(M) 28580 / PT.30601 1204.10 mp. HS(M) 28583 / PT.30604 1136.40 mp. HS(M) 28680 / PT.30701 1458.10 mp. HS(M) 28313 / PT.30334 1110.60 mp. HS(M) 28314 / PT.30335 803.70 mp. HS(M) 28315 / PT.30336 804.90 mp. HS(M) 28316 / PT.30337 850.60 mp. HS(M) 28317 / PT.30338 802.30 mp. HS(M) 28318 / PT.30339 802.30 mp. HS(M) 28319 / PT.30340 885.50 mp. HS(M) 28320 / PT.30341 811.10 mp. 179 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 13 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 180 DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 28321 / PT.30342 811.10 mp. HS(M) 28322 / PT.30343 1180.00 mp. HS(M) 28328 / PT.30349 836.40 mp. HS(M) 28346 / PT.30367 928.20 mp. HS(M) 28347 / PT.30368 807.20 mp. HS(M) 28348 / PT.30369 800.90 mp. HS(M) 28349 / PT.30370 802.40 mp. HS(M) 28350 / PT.30371 1022.70 mp. HS(M) 28351 / PT.30372 1037.80 mp. HS(M) 28352 / PT.30373 1127.00 mp. HS(M) 28353 / PT.30374 949.7 0mp. HS(M) 28354 / PT.30375 857.40 mp. HS(M) 28355 / PT.30376 1053.30 mp. HS(M) 28371 / PT.30392 1275.60 mp. HS(M) 28415 / PT.30436 1125.20 mp. HS(M) 28421 / PT.30442 1000.00 mp. HS(M) 28422 / PT.30443 1114.60 mp. HS(M) 28424 / PT.30445 1095.70 mp. HS(M) 28425 / PT.30446 1125.10 mp. HS(M) 28426 / PT.30447 1283.60 mp. HS(M) 28428 / PT.30449 1098.00 mp. HS(M) 28431 / PT.30452 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 898.00 mp. HS(M) 28432 / PT.30453 Expiring 22.05.2092 Building / Residential 915.40 mp. HS(M) 28434 / PT.30455 1299.90 mp. HS(M) 28435 / PT.30456 1045.40 mp. HS(M) 28436 / PT.30457 1004.20 mp. HS(M) 28437 / PT.30458 997.90 mp. HS(M) 28441 / PT.30462 1046.20 mp. HS(M) 28692 / PT.30731 Commercial (Hotel) 4.93 HS(M) 28693 / PT.30733 Maintenance Centre 2.51 Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan 58.93 4,985,399 - (Project On planning) 14 Project Pasdec Villa ( Bukit Perdana ) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / HS(D) 24965 [PN 7220 Lot 105661] Expiring 02.01.2104 Building / Residential (Properties/Land bank) 15 Project Mahkota Idaman (Sektor III ) Leasehold (99 yrs) Building / Commercial 2 years - HS(M) 44389 / PT.55557 Expiring 24.05.2097 233.00 mp. 0.33 HS(M) 44394 / PT.55562 233.00 mp. HS(M) 44404 / PT.55572 165.00 mp. HS(M) 44405 / PT.55573 143.00 mp. HS(M) 44406 / PT.55574 143.00 mp. HS(M) 44407 / PT.55575 143.00 mp. HS(M) 44408 / PT.55576 143.00 mp. HS(M) 44409 / PT.55577 143.00 mp. Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan 10,582.00 mp. 2.61 16 Project Mahkota Perdana III (Sektor III ) (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 24695 / PT.78434 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 29.04.2102 Building / Residential - LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 17 Project Balok Permai ( Fasa 1 ) Leasehold (99 yrs) (Project Ongoing) 13,592,018 HS(M) 8128 / PT 10454 Expiring 02/08/2103 Building / Residential 133.00 mp. 2.78 Building / Residential HS(M) 8152 / PT 10478 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8231 / PT 10557 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8236 / PT 10562 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8253 / PT 10579 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8254 / PT 10580 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8255 / PT 10581 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8256 / PT 10582 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8257 / PT 10583 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8258 / PT 10584 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8259 / PT 10585 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8260 / PT 10586 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8261 / PT 10587 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8262 / PT 10588 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8263 / PT 10589 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8264 / PT 10590 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8265 / PT 10591 116.00 mp. HS(M) 8266 / PT 10592 116.00 mp. HS(M) 8267 / PT 10593 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8268 / PT 10594 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8269 / PT 10595 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8270 / PT 10596 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8271 / PT 10597 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8272 / PT 10598 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8273 / PT 10599 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8274 / PT 10600 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8275 / PT 10601 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8276 / PT 10602 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8277 / PT 10603 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8278 / PT 10604 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8279 / PT 10605 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8280 / PT 10606 (Fasa 1) 210.00 mp. HS(M) 8396 / PT 10722 (Fasa 1) 392.00 mp. HS(M) 8398 / PT 10724 268.00 mp. HS(M) 8399 / PT 10725 268.00 mp. HS(M) 8400 / PT 10726 268.00 mp. HS(M) 8401 / PT 10727 269.00 mp. HS(M) 8402 / PT 10728 293.00 mp. HS(M) 8405 / PT 10731 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8406 / PT 10732 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8407 / PT 10733 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8408 / PT 10734 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8409 / PT 10735 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8410 / PT 10736 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8414 / PT 10740 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8416 / PT 10742 317.00 mp. HS(M) 8423 / PT 10749 (Fasa 1) 307.00 mp. HS(M) 8424 / PT 10750 305.00 mp. HS(M) 8425 / PT 10751 309.00 mp. HS(M) 8426 / PT 10752 354.00 mp. 181 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 8427 / PT 10753 350.00 mp. HS(M) 8428 / PT 10754 355.00 mp. HS(M) 8433 / PT 10759 333.00 mp. HS(M) 8434 / PT 10760 326.00 mp. HS(M) 8435 / PT 10761 327.00 mp. HS(M) 8438 / PT 10764 314.00 mp. HS(M) 8443 / PT 10769 (Fasa 1) 484.00 mp. Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 182 18 Project Balok Permai ( Fasa 2 ) (Project Ongoing) HS(M) 8158 / PT 10484 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / 206.00 mp. HS(M) 8159 / PT 10485 Expiring 02/08/2103 Building / Residential 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8160 / PT 10486 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8161 / PT 10487 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8162 / PT 10488 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8163 / PT 10489 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8164 / PT 10490 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8165 / PT 10491 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8166 / PT 10492 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8167 / PT 10493 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8168 / PT 10494 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8169 / PT 10495 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8170 / PT 10496 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8171 / PT 10497 152.00 mp. HS(M) 8172 / PT 10498 152.00 mp. HS(M) 8173 / PT 10499 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8174 / PT 10500 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8175 / PT 10501 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8176 / PT 10502 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8177 / PT 10503 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8178 / PT 10504 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8179 / PT 10505 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8180 / PT 10506 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8181 / PT 10507 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8182 / PT 10508 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8183 / PT 10509 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8184 / PT 10510 212.00 mp. HS(M) 8185 / PT 10511 193.00 mp. HS(M) 8186 / PT 10512 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8187 / PT 10513 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8188 / PT 10514 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8189 / PT 10515 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8190 / PT 10516 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8191 / PT 10517 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8192 / PT 10518 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8193 / PT 10519 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8194 / PT 10520 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8195 / PT 10521 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8196 / PT 10522 152.00 mp. HS(M) 8197 / PT 10523 152.00 mp. HS(M) 8198 / PT 10524 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8199 / PT 10525 93.00 mp. 6.04 7,271,682 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 8200 / PT 10526 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8201 / PT 10527 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8202 / PT 10528 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8203 / PT 10529 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8204 / PT 10530 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8205 / PT 10531 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8206 / PT 10532 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8207 / PT 10533 199.00 mp. HS(M) 8208 / PT 10534 209.00 mp. HS(M) 8209 / PT 10535 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8210 / PT 10536 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8211 / PT 10537 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8212 / PT 10538 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8213 / PT 10539 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8214 / PT 10540 (Fasa 2) 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8215 / PT 10541 (Fasa 2) 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8216 / PT 10542 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8217 / PT 10543 93.00 mp. HS(M) 8218 / PT 10544 (Fasa 2) 152.00 mp. HS(M) 8281 / PT 10607 (Fasa 2) 255.00 mp. HS(M) 8282 / PT 10608 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8283 / PT 10609 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8284 / PT 10610 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8285 / PT 10611 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8286 / PT 10612 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8287 / PT 10613 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8288 / PT 10614 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8289 / PT 10615 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8290 / PT 10616 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8291 / PT 10617 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8292 / PT 10618 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8293 / PT 10619 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8294 / PT 10620 181.00 mp. HS(M) 8295 / PT 10621 181.00 mp. HS(M) 8296 / PT 10622 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8297 / PT 10623 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8298 / PT 10624 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8299 / PT 10625 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8300 / PT 10626 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8301 / PT 10627 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8302 / PT 10628 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8303 / PT 10629 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8304 / PT 10630 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8305 / PT 10631 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8306 / PT 10632 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8307 / PT 10633 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8308 / PT 10634 255.00 mp. HS(M) 8309 / PT 10635 255.00 mp. HS(M) 8310 / PT 10636 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8311 / PT 10637 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8312 / PT 10638 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8313 / PT 10639 133.00 mp. 183 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 184 DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 8314 / PT 10640 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8315 / PT 10641 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8316 / PT 10642 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8317 / PT 10643 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8318 / PT 10644 (Fasa 2) 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8319 / PT 10645 (Fasa 2) 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8320 / PT 10646 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8321 / PT 10647 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8322 / PT 10648 181.00 mp. HS(M) 8323 / PT 10649 181.00 mp. HS(M) 8324 / PT 10650 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8325 / PT 10651 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8326 / PT 10652 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8327 / PT 10653 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8328 / PT 10654 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8329 / PT 10655 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8330 / PT 10656 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8331 / PT 10657 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8332 / PT 10658 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8333 / PT 10659 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8334 / PT 10660 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8335 / PT 10661 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8336 / PT 10662 255.00 mp. HS(M) 8337 / PT 10663 313.00 mp. HS(M) 8338 / PT 10664 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8339 / PT 10665 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8340 / PT 10666 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8341 / PT 10667 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8342 / PT 10668 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8343 / PT 10669 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8344 / PT 10670 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8345 / PT 10671 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8346 / PT 10672 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8347 / PT 10673 327.00 mp. HS(M) 8348 / PT 10674 301.00 mp. HS(M) 8349 / PT 10675 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8350 / PT 10676 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8351 / PT 10677 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8352 / PT 10678 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8353 / PT 10679 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8354 / PT 10680 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8355 / PT 10681 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8356 / PT 10682 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8357 / PT 10683 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8358 / PT 10684 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8359 / PT 10685 287.00 mp. HS(M) 8360 / PT 10686 310.00 mp. HS(M) 8361 / PT 10687 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8362 / PT 10688 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8363 / PT 10689 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8364 / PT 10690 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8365 / PT 10691 133.00 mp. LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 8366 / PT 10692 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8367 / PT 10693 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8368 / PT 10694 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8369 / PT 10695 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8370 / PT 10696 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8371 / PT 10697 313.00 mp. HS(M) 8372 / PT 10698 307.00 mp. HS(M) 8373 / PT 10699 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8374 / PT 10700 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8375 / PT 10701 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8376 / PT 10702 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8377 / PT 10703 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8378 / PT 10704 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8379 / PT 10705 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8380 / PT 10706 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8381 / PT 10707 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8382 / PT 10708 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8383 / PT 10709 310.00 mp. HS(M) 8384 / PT 10710 303.00 mp. HS(M) 8385 / PT 10711 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8386 / PT 10712 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8387 / PT 10713 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8388 / PT 10714 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8389 / PT 10715 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8390 / PT 10716 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8391 / PT 10717 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8392 / PT 10718 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8393 / PT 10719 133.00 mp. HS(M) 8394 / PT 10720 145.00 mp. HS(M) 8395 / PT 10721 (Fasa 2) 305.00 mp. Mukim Sg. Karang, Daerah Kuantan 19 Apartment Medan Warisan (Properties/Land bank) HS(D) 13234 / PT.41392 13552.52mp. Leasehold (99 yrs) 4-storey Apartment Expiring 12.04.2086 Building / Commercial (Master Title) HS(D) 13235 / PT.41393 13621.08mp. (Master Title) Bandar Kuantan Lot G3 Block G 12 years 80.99 mp. Lot G6 Block B 92.55 mp. Lot G8 Block B 92.53 mp. Lot G20 Block B 92.53 mp. Lot 106 Block B 87.32 mp. Lot 108 Block B 87.92 mp. Lot 110 Block B 92.53 mp. Lot 114 Block B 87.92 mp. Lot 116 Block B 87.92 mp. Lot 118 Block B 87.92 mp. Lot 120 Block B 87.92 mp. Lot 206 Block B 82.31 mp. 0.26 1,600,544 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 185 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) (Project On planning) 20 Project Pasdec Pesona - PN 7736 Lot 108560 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Expiring 18.04.2105 Building / Residential (Properties/Land bank) 21 Kompleks Teruntum Leasehold (99 yrs) 22-storey Lot 2.20-2.23 Expiring 08.06.2075 Building / Commercial PN. 398 Lot 146 Sek.18 (Master title) Bandar Kuantan (PASDEC Bina Sdn. Bhd.) (Properties/Land bank) 22 Brick Factory (PN. 472 / Lot 27892) Leasehold (60 yrs) Industry / Mukim Kuala Kuantan Expiring 10.05.2046 Brick Factory Daerah Kuantan (Kuantan Brick Sdn. Bhd.) (Properties/Land bank) 23 Resort Leasehold (99 yrs) Apartment / Hotel [HS(D) 10793 / PT.29819 (PN4075 / Lot 9)] Expiring 12.12.2092 Building / Commercial Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan (Kuantan Tembeling Resorts Sdn. Bhd.) 19.48 451,353 22 years 0.03 0.03 157,965 14 years 1.26 20.10 83,898 11 years 13.21 8,410,032 181.50 Ha. 448.305 37,429,908 41.17 18,336,800 5.93 1,879,983 282,822 (Project Ongoing) 24 Project Bandar Putra Freehold Vacant land / Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan Agriculture Geran 5294 Lot 28735 (Partly converted to Building) (PASDEC Putra Sdn. Bhd.) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 186 (Project On planning) 25 Project Bandar Damansara Freehold Building/ Residential Kuantan HS(D) 18375/ PT.6945 and 474 others Mukim Sg. karang, Daerah Kuantan (Project On planning) 26 Project Kuantan Piazza Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land HS(M) 65652 / PT.83065 Expiring 17.04.2106 Building / Commercial Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan (PASDEC Land Sdn. Bhd.) PEKAN 27 Shophouses Bandar Baru Peramu (7 lots ) Leasehold (99 yrs) (Properties/Unsold) 7 years 0.22 HS(M) 3733 / PT. 6738 Expiring 11.04.2093 Building / Commercial 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3736 / PT. 6741 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3737 / PT. 6742 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3738 / PT. 6743 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3739 / PT. 6744 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3740 / PT. 6755 130.00 mp. HS(M) 3741 / PT. 6756 130.00 mp. Mukim Pekan, Daerah Pekan LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 119,295 28 Project Pusat Komersil Peramu (Properties/Land bank) PN 2554 Lot 5195 (Master Title) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - - Mukim Pekan, Daerah Pekan Expiring 28.09.2093 Building / Commercial 6.41 HS(D) 4389 PT.12186 Building / Shop/Office 193.00 mp. HS(D) 4390 PT.12187 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4391 PT.12188 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4392 PT.12189 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4393 PT.12190 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4394 PT.12191 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4395 PT.12192 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4396 PT.12193 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4397 PT.12194 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4398 PT.12195 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4399 PT.12196 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4400 PT.12197 Building / Shop/Office 205.00 mp. HS(D) 4401 PT.12198 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4402 PT.12199 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4403 PT.12200 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4404 PT.12201 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4405 PT.12202 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4406 PT.12203 Building / Shop/Office 204.00 mp. HS(D) 4407 PT.12204 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4408 PT.12205 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4409 PT.12206 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4410 PT.12207 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4411 PT.12208 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4412 PT.12209 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4413 PT.12210 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4414 PT.12211 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4415 PT.12212 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4416 PT.12213 Building / Shop/Office 130.00 mp. HS(D) 4417 PT.12214 Building / Shop/Office 193.00 mp. HS(D) 4418 PT.12215 Building / Shop/Office 210.00 mp. HS(D) 4419 PT.12216 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4420 PT.12217 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4421 PT.12218 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4422 PT.12219 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4423 PT.12220 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4424 PT.12221 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4425 PT.12222 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4426 PT.12223 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4427 PT.12224 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4428 PT.12225 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4429 PT.12226 Building / Shop/Office 210.00 mp. HS(D) 4430 PT.12227 Building / Shop/Office 204.00 mp. HS(D) 4431 PT.12228 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4432 PT.12229 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4433 PT.12230 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4434 PT.12231 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4435 PT.12232 Building / Shop/Office 204.00 mp. HS(D) 4436 PT.12233 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4437 PT.12234 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. 187 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(D) 4438 PT.12235 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4439 PT.12236 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4440 PT.12237 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4441 PT.12238 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4442 PT.12239 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4443 PT.12240 Building / Shop/Office 135.00 mp. HS(D) 4444 PT.12241 Building / Shop/Office 241.00 mp. HS(D) 4445 PT.12242 Building / Commercial 62.00 mp. HS(D) 4446 PT.12243 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4447 PT.12244 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4448 PT.12245 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4449 PT.12246 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4450 PT.12247 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4451 PT.12248 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4452 PT.12249 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4453 PT.12250 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4454 PT.12251 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4455 PT.12252 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4456 PT.12253 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4457 PT.12254 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4458 PT.12255 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4459 PT.12256 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4460 PT.12257 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4461 PT.12258 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4462 PT.12259 Building / Commercial 59.00 mp. HS(D) 4463 PT.12260 Building / Commercial 74.00 mp. HS(D) 4464 PT.12261 Pedestrian Mall 1,033.00 mp. HS(D) 4465 PT.12262 Commercial Center 13,361.00 mp. HS(D) 4466 PT.12263 SRP 1,640.00 mp. HS(D) 4467 PT.12264 Water Tank 682.00 mp. Mukim Pekan, Daerah Pekan (Properties/Land bank) - - 391.36 468.93 4.65 ROMPIN PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 188 29 Agriculture land at Summerset Rompin HS(D) 3329 / PT.2545 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / HS(D) 3330 / PT.2546 Expiring 15.01.2094 Agriculture Mukim Rompin, Daerah Rompin (Kg. Sembayan) 157,961 30 Project Pontian Permai (Project Ongoing) HS(M) 2004 / PT. 2392 Freehold Vacant land / 334.00 mp HS(M) 2005 / PT. 2393 Building / Residential 288.00 mp HS(M) 2006 / PT. 2394 301.00 mp HS(M) 2007 / PT. 2395 313.00 mp HS(M) 2008 / PT. 2396 326.00 mp HS(M) 2009 / PT. 2397 335.00 mp HS(M) 2010 / PT. 2398 340.00 mp HS(M) 2011 / PT. 2399 383.00 mp HS(M) 2012 / PT. 2400 288.00 mp HS(M) 2013 / PT. 2401 265.00 mp HS(M) 2014 / PT. 2402 265.00 mp HS(M) 2015 / PT. 2403 265.00 mp 5,969,692 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 2016 / PT. 2404 265.00 mp HS(M) 2017 / PT. 2405 265.00 mp HS(M) 2018 / PT. 2406 265.00 mp HS(M) 2019 / PT. 2407 324.00 mp HS(M) 2020 / PT. 2408 324.00 mp HS(M) 2021 / PT. 2409 265.00 mp HS(M) 2022 / PT. 2410 265.00 mp HS(M) 2023 / PT. 2411 265.00 mp HS(M) 2024 / PT. 2412 265.00 mp HS(M) 2025 / PT. 2413 265.00 mp HS(M) 2026 / PT. 2414 401.00 mp HS(M) 2027 / PT. 2415 401.00 mp HS(M) 2028 / PT. 2416 265.00 mp HS(M) 2029 / PT. 2417 265.00 mp HS(M) 2030 / PT. 2418 265.00 mp HS(M) 2031 / PT. 2419 265.00 mp HS(M) 2032 / PT. 2420 265.00 mp HS(M) 2033 / PT. 2421 324.00 mp HS(M) 2034 / PT. 2422 324.00 mp HS(M) 2035 / PT. 2423 265.00 mp HS(M) 2036 / PT. 2424 265.00 mp HS(M) 2037 / PT. 2425 265.00 mp HS(M) 2038 / PT. 2426 265.00 mp HS(M) 2039 / PT. 2427 265.00 mp HS(M) 2040 / PT. 2428 265.00 mp HS(M) 2041 / PT. 2429 284.00 mp HS(M) 2042 / PT. 2430 284.00 mp HS(M) 2043 / PT. 2431 265.00 mp HS(M) 2044 / PT. 2432 265.00 mp HS(M) 2045 / PT. 2433 265.00 mp HS(M) 2046 / PT. 2434 265.00 mp HS(M) 2047 / PT. 2435 265.00 mp HS(M) 2048 / PT. 2436 265.00 mp HS(M) 2049 / PT. 2437 324.00 mp HS(M) 2050 / PT. 2438 189.00 mp HS(M) 2051 / PT. 2439 93.00 mp HS(M) 2052 / PT. 2440 93.00 mp HS(M) 2053 / PT. 2441 93.00 mp HS(M) 2054 / PT. 2442 93.00 mp HS(M) 2055 / PT. 2443 93.00 mp HS(M) 2056 / PT. 2444 93.00 mp HS(M) 2057 / PT. 2445 93.00 mp HS(M) 2058 / PT. 2446 93.00 mp HS(M) 2059 / PT. 2447 93.00 mp HS(M) 2060 / PT. 2448 93.00 mp HS(M) 2061 / PT. 2449 93.00 mp HS(M) 2062 / PT. 2450 156.00 mp HS(M) 2063 / PT. 2451 156.00 mp HS(M) 2064 / PT. 2452 93.00 mp HS(M) 2065 / PT. 2453 93.00 mp HS(M) 2066 / PT. 2454 93.00 mp HS(M) 2067 / PT. 2455 93.00 mp 189 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 190 DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(M) 2068 / PT. 2456 93.00 mp HS(M) 2069 / PT. 2457 93.00 mp HS(M) 2070 / PT. 2458 93.00 mp HS(M) 2071 / PT. 2459 93.00 mp HS(M) 2072 / PT. 2460 93.00 mp HS(M) 2073 / PT. 2461 93.00 mp HS(M) 2074 / PT. 2462 93.00 mp HS(M) 2075 / PT. 2463 189.00 mp HS(M) 2076 / PT. 2464 189.00 mp HS(M) 2077 / PT. 2465 93.00 mp HS(M) 2078 / PT. 2466 93.00 mp HS(M) 2079 / PT. 2467 93.00 mp HS(M) 2080 / PT. 2468 93.00 mp HS(M) 2081 / PT. 2469 93.00 mp HS(M) 2082 / PT. 2470 93.00 mp HS(M) 2083 / PT. 2471 93.00 mp HS(M) 2084 / PT. 2472 93.00 mp HS(M) 2085 / PT. 2473 93.00 mp HS(M) 2086 / PT. 2474 93.00 mp HS(M) 2087 / PT. 2475 93.00 mp HS(M) 2088 / PT. 2476 156.00 mp HS(M) 2089 / PT. 2477 156.00 mp HS(M) 2090 / PT. 2478 93.00 mp HS(M) 2091 / PT. 2479 93.00 mp HS(M) 2092 / PT. 2480 93.00 mp HS(M) 2093 / PT. 2481 93.00 mp HS(M) 2094 / PT. 2482 93.00 mp HS(M) 2095 / PT. 2483 93.00 mp HS(M) 2096 / PT. 2484 93.00 mp HS(M) 2097 / PT. 2485 93.00 mp HS(M) 2098 / PT. 2486 93.00 mp HS(M) 2099 / PT. 2487 93.00 mp HS(M) 2100 / PT. 2488 93.00 mp HS(M) 2101 / PT. 2489 188.00 mp Mukim Pontian, Daerah Rompin - MARAN (Properties/Land bank) 31 Quarry Land Kg. Kuala Sentul Leasehold (21 yrs) Vacant land / - HS(D) 605 / PT.8139 Expiring 14.08.2015 Industries (Quarry) Mukim Chenor, Daerah Maran 17.17 82,928 1,171,254 TEMERLUH (Properties/Land bank) 32 Pusat Komersil Temerluh (7 lots) Leasehold (99 yrs ) Building / Commercial 3 years HS(D) 15379 PT.8124 Expiring 01.04.2095 201.00 mp. 0.19 HS(D) 15385 PT. 8130 178.00 mp. HS(D) 15386 PT.8131 178.00 mp. HS(D) 15397 PT.8142 201.00 mp. Mukim Perak, Daerah Temerluh LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 33 Pusat Komersil Temerluh (Properties/Land bank) HS(D) 15465 PT.8384 Leasehold (99 yrs ) Building / Commercial Mukim Perak, Daerah Temerluh Expiring 01.04.2095 (PASDEC Mega Sdn. Bhd.) (Project Ongoing) 34 Geran 3617 / Lot 3770 Freehold Vacant land / Mukim Mentakab, Daerah Temerluh Industry / Commercial (Kimdec Coporation Sdn. Bhd.) 3 years 178.00 mp. 0.04 - - 116.83 22,452,642 - - 32.79 925,395 (Project Ongoing) 35 Geran 3618 / Lot 3771 Freehold Vacant land / Mukim Mentakab, Daerah Temerluh Industry / Commercial (Kimdec Coporation Sdn. Bhd.) (Project Ongoing) 36 CT 3479 Lot 1207 Freehold Vacant land / - - 25.53 22,901,175 CT 1546 Lot 1131 Buiding / Residential 30.38 CT 1169 Lot 1129 10.34 Mukim Mentakab, Daerah Temerloh (Kimdec Coporation Sdn. Bhd.) 0.23 1,062,567 90.49 35,603,227 906,640 BENTUNG 37 Pusat Komersil Sri Ketari (Properties/Unsold) HS(D) 14117 / PT.18008 (S.D. to Strata) Leasehold (99 yrs) Building / Commercial - 590.00 m.p. HS(D) 14119 / PT.18010 (S.D. to Strata) Expiring 02.01.2096 183.00 m.p. 366,200.0 mp. Bandar Bentong , Daerah Bentung (PN 4438 Lot 8 Sek.17 - Master Title) 38 Bukit Tinggi (Properties/Land bank) HS(D) 14686 / PT.18197 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / Mukim Bentung, Daerah Bentung Expiring 01.09.2101 Buiding / Residential (Project On planning) RAUB 39 Project Raub Perdana 2 (JV Dynabumi Link) Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - - HS(D) 7725 / PT.19143 Expiring 02.01.2100 Building / Residential 72.92 HS(D) 7737 / PT.18226 4.43 Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub 0.47 (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 6838 / PT.16730 Leasehold (99 yrs) Building / Commercial 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6939 / PT.16831 Expiring 03.01.2093 190.19 mp. HS(D) 6940 / PT.16832 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6941 / PT.16833 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6942 / PT.16834 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6943 / PT.16835 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6944 / PT.16836 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6945 / PT.16837 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6946 / PT.16838 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6947 / PT.16839 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6948 / PT.16840 148.64 mp. HS(D) 6949 / PT.16841 233.65 mp. Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub 191 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 192 DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 40 Project Cheroh Perdana (Cheroh Maju 3) (Project Ongoing) HS(D) 3007 / PT. 9318 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / HS(D) 3008 / PT. 9319 Expiring 19.04.2086 HS(D) 3009 / PT. 9320 HS(D) 3010 / PT. 9321 - 250.93 mp. 4.93 Building / Residential 295.62 mp. 302.02 mp. 302.02 mp. HS(D) 3011 / PT. 9322 297.66 mp. HS(D) 3012 / PT. 9342 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3013 / PT. 9393 336.22 mp. HS(D) 3014 / PT. 9391 242.94 mp. HS(D) 3015 / PT. 9390 250.84 mp. HS(D) 3016 / PT. 9388 243.87 mp. HS(D) 3017 / PT. 9387 243.87 mp. HS(D) 3018 / PT. 9386 243.87 mp. HS(D) 3019 / PT. 9385 243.87 mp. HS(D) 3032 / PT. 9352 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3033 / PT. 9351 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3036 / PT. 9348 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3037 / PT. 9347 310.30 mp. HS(D) 3038 / PT. 9346 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3039 / PT. 9345 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3040 / PT. 9344 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3041 / PT. 9343 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3042 / PT. 9394 418.71 mp. HS(D) 3043 / PT. 9395 487.09 mp. HS(D) 3044 / PT. 9396 335.47 mp. HS(D) 3045 / PT. 9397 319.03 mp. HS(D) 3046 / PT. 9398 290.79 mp. HS(D) 3047 / PT. 9399 274.53 mp. HS(D) 3048 / PT. 9400 266.45 mp. HS(D) 3049 / PT. 9401 266.45 mp. HS(D) 3050 / PT. 9402 266.45 mp. HS(D) 3055 / PT. 9407 369.66 mp. HS(D) 3057 / PT. 9409 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3059 / PT. 9411 387.03 mp. HS(D) 3061 / PT. 9413 323.12 mp. HS(D) 3127 / PT. 9389 420.01 mp. HS(D) 3128 / PT. 9392 422.15 mp. HS(D) 3135 / PT. 9359 313.73 mp. HS(D) 3136 / PT. 9360 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3137 / PT. 9361 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3138 / PT. 9362 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3139 / PT. 9363 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3140 / PT. 9364 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3141 / PT. 9365 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3142 / PT. 9366 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3143 / PT. 9367 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3144 / PT. 9368 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3145 / PT. 9369 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3146 / PT. 9370 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3147 / PT. 9371 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3148 / PT. 9372 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3149 / PT. 9373 143.07 mp. 37,750 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) HS(D) 3150 / PT. 9374 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3151 / PT. 9375 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3152 / PT. 9376 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3153 / PT. 9377 143.07 mp. HS(D) 3154 / PT. 9378 330.08 mp. HS(D) 3199 / PT. 9533 291.43 mp. HS(D) 3201 / PT. 9324 371.33 mp. HS(D) 3202 / PT. 9325 374.50 mp. HS(D) 3203 / PT. 9326 345.97 mp. HS(D) 3204 / PT. 9327 346.06 mp. HS(D) 3205 / PT. 9328 281.96 mp. HS(D) 3206 / PT. 9329 281.87 mp. HS(D) 3207 / PT. 9330 206.99 mp. HS(D) 3109 / PT.9494 437.76 mp. HS(D) 3110 / PT.9495 253.17 mp. HS(D) 3112 / PT.9492 327.95 mp. HS(D) 3208 / PT. 9331 248.89 mp. HS(D) 3209 / PT. 9332 260.12 mp. HS(D) 3210 / PT. 9333 260.12 mp. HS(D) 3211 / PT. 9334 260.12 mp. HS(D) 3212 / PT. 9335 384.90 mp. HS(D) 3213 / PT. 9336 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3214 / PT. 9337 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3215 / PT. 9338 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3216 / PT. 9339 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3217 / PT. 9340 227.61 mp. HS(D) 3218 / PT. 9341 227.61 mp. Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub (Pasdec Mega Sdn.Bhd.) - - (Properties/Land bank) 41 Quarry Land Kg. Besu (Lot 1595) Leasehold (21 yrs) Vacant land / HS(D)10608 PT.3653 Expiring 11.07.2023 Industries (Quarry ) Mukim Sega, Daerah Raub (Pasdec Mega Sdn.Bhd) 19.97 83,964 193 BERA (Properties/Unsold) 42 Shop lot Bandar Triang Leasehold (99 yrs) Building / 20 years HS(D) 3592 / PT.5952 Expiring 13.01.2084 Commercial 92.90 mp. 0.05 HS(D) 3587 / PT.5945 92.90 mp. Mukim Triang, Daerah Bera (Properties/Land bank) 176,209 JERANTUT 43 Perumahan Kuala Tembeling HS(D) 391 / PT.667 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - - 12.50 HS(D) 392 / PT.668 Expiring 11.03.2076 Building / Residential 79.88 HS(D) 393 / PT.669 4.00 HS(D) 394 / PT.670 19.00 Mukim K. Tembeling, Daerah Jerantut 277,158 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) 1,140,260 (Properties/Unsold) 44 Workshop Industri Jerantut ( 22 lots ) Leasehold (66 yrs) Vacant land / 7 years HS(M) 4064 / PT.6974 Expiring 10.01.2058 Industrial 149.00 mp. 0.55 HS(M) 4066 / PT.6977 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4067 / PT.6978 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4069 / PT.6980 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4070 / PT.6981 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4071 / PT.6982 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4072 / PT.6983 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4073 / PT.6984 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4074 / PT.6985 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4075 / PT.6986 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4077 / PT.6988 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4078 / PT.6989 149.00 mp. HS(M) 4079 / PT.6990 305.00 mp. HS(M) 4080 / PT.6975 149.00 mp. Mukim Pedah, Daerah Jerantut 45 Perumahan Inderapura Fasa 5C Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - HS(M) 6293 / PT. 8230 Expiring 02.04.2101 Building / Residential 157.00 mp. 0.17 HS(M) 6294 / PT. 8231 157.00 mp. HS(M) 6299 / PT. 8239 363.00 mp. Mukim Pedah, Daerah Jerantut 677.00 mp. (Pasdec Mega Sdn.Bhd.) 194 46 Perumahan Inderapura Fasa 3 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / HS(M) 6295 / PT.8232 Expiring 02.04.2101 Building / Residential 277.00 mp. HS(M) 6296 / PT.8233 277.00 mp. Mukim Pedah, Daerah Jerantut (Pasdec Mega Sdn.Bhd.) 47 Perumahan Inderapura Fasa 2 Leasehold (99 yrs) Vacant land / - HS(M) 6300 / PT.8242 Expiring 02.04.2101 Building / Residential 299.00 mp. HS(M) 6304 / PT.8246 352.00 mp. HS(M) 6301 / PT.8243 277.00 mp. Mukim Pedah, Daerah Jerantut (Pasdec Mega Sdn.Bhd.) PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 0.14 0.23 LIST OF PROPERTIES As at 31 December 2007 PEGANGAN HARTANAH Pada 31 Disember 2007 PROJET / TITLE / LOCATION PROJEK/HAK MILIK/LOKASI DESCRIPTION OF AGE OF BUILT-UP LAND NET BOOK VALUE@ TENURE PROPERTY/ BUILDING AREAS AREA 31.12.2007 EXISTING USE (YEARS) (M.S.Q) (ACRES) (RM) PEGANGAN JENIS HARTANAH/ USIA KELUASAN KAWASAN NILAI BUKU BERSIH@ KEGUNAAN SEMASA BANGUNAN KAWASAN TANAH 31.12.2007 (TAHUN) (MPS) (EKAR) (RM) SELANGOR (Project Ongoing) 48 Project Kota Warisan, Sepang Freehold Building / Residential HS(D)18793 / PT.34972 - Precint 1 (Bungalow Land) 743.20 mp. HS(D)18792 / PT.34971 743.20 mp. HS(D)18790 / PT.34969 743.20 mp. HS(D)18789 / PT.34968 743.20 mp. HS(D)18805 / PT.34984 806.80 mp. HS(D)18804 / PT.34983 805.70 mp. HS(D)18803 / PT.34982 808.60 mp. HS(D)18796 / PT.34975 798.10 mp. HS(D)18895 / PT.35074 - Precint 2 (Bungalow Land) 958.90 mp. 1.32 HS(D)18894 / PT.35073 859.40 mp. HS(D)18893 / PT.35072 883.90 mp. HS(D)18885 / PT.35064 983.70 mp. HS(D)18877 / PT.35056 818.90 mp. HS(D)18879 / PT.35058 818.70 mp. HS(D)18911 / PT.35090 - Precint 3 (Bungalow Land) 1,039.80 mp. 1.81 HS(D)18910 / PT.35089 1,174.30 mp. HS(D)18909 / PT.35088 1,259.10 mp. HS(D)18908 / PT.35087 1,157.50 mp. HS(D)18923 / PT.35102 820.10 mp. HS(D)18921 / PT.35100 970.10 mp. HS(D)18928 / PT.35107 892.50 mp. Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang Selangor (Sumbangan Sakti Sdn. Bhd.) (Properties/Land bank) 49 HS(D) 11309, Lot 4820 Freehold Vacant land / - - Mukim Rawang, Daerah Ulu Selangor Agriculture Selangor (Kimdec Coporation Sdn. Bhd.) 1.53 9,434,062 51.41 16,315,417 2,652.21 211,873,709.00 195 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 CORPORATE DIRECTORY PANDUAN KORPORAT PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD (367122-D) Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur Telephone/Telefon : 09-5133888 Telefax/Telefaks: 09-5145988 Web site : PASDEC CORPORATION SDN. BHD. (55031-P) SUMBANGAN SAKTI SDN. BHD. (426838-T) KUANTAN TEMBELING RESORT SDN. BHD. (226274-V) PASDEC PINTAS SDN. BHD. (358830-P) Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5145988 Jalan Padang Golf, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5676688 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5679988 PASDEC BINA SDN. BHD. (9248-H) Tingkat 3, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5121036 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5121037 MUTIARA PASDEC SDN. BHD. (411529-T) Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5145988 PASDEC TRADING SDN. BHD. (777804-K) Peti Surat 30, Jaya Gading 26070 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5421481, 5421518 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5422242 Lot 106, Tingkat 1, Blok B, Medan Warisan, Lorong Sri Teruntum 1, Tanah Putih, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5136137, 5135773 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5144851 PASDEC LAND SDN. BHD. (210031-A) BENTONG AQUARIUM & SANCTUARY PARK SDN. BHD.(709060-M) PASDEC PUTRA SDN. BHD. (13735-M) Bangunan Komuniti Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur Telephone/Telefon :09-5513288/5519288 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5513385 PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5145988 KUANTAN BRICKS SDN. BHD. (206416-A) Tingkat 3, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5179001 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5179002 196 Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5145988 PASDEC MEGA SDN. BHD. (368024-K) No. 7, Tingkat 1, Pusat Komersial Temerloh, Jalan Dato’ Bahaman 4, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-2965723 Telefax/Telefaks :09-2962680 KIMDEC CORPORATION SDN. BHD. (342895-U) No. 36, Jalan Industri 2/1, Taman Perindustrian Temerloh, 28400 Mentakab, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephine/Telefon : 09-2771888/2776888/7888/7666 Telefax/ Telefaks :09-2777333 PAHANG AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD. (551633-W) Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephine/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/ Telefaks :09-5145988 Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephine/Telefon :09-5133888 Telefax/ Telefaks :09-5145988 GENTING VIEW RESORT DEVELOPMENT SDN. BHD. (76079-K) 2nd Floor, Wisma Hing, No. 78, Jalan SS 2/72, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Telephone/Telefon :03-61002267/60 Telefax/Telefaks :03-61001016 PRIMA PRAI SDN. BHD. (277791-V) Suite 12-3, 12th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone/Telefon :03-21644800 Telefax/Telefaks :03-21649723 KTR RESORTS SDN. BHD. (327564-H) Jalan Padang Golf, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Telephone/Telefon :09-5675888 Telefax/Telefaks :09-5679988 PASDEC CEMPAKA SDN. BHD. (672766-A) Lot 13-01A, Level 13 (East Wing) Berjaya Times Square, No. 1, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone/Telefon :03-21491999 Telefax/Telefaks :03-21431685 Proxy Form I/We (FULL NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) of (ADDRESS) being a member of PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD hereby appoint of (FULL NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) (ADDRESS) or failing him/her the Chairman of the meeting as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Twelfth (12th) Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at Meranti I, Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort, Telok Chempedak, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 at 10:30 a.m. and at any adjournment thereof. ORDINARY RESOLUTION FOR AGAINST 1. To receive the audited financial statements and reports for the year ended 31 December 2007. 2. To declare a first and final dividend of 2 sen per share less 26% Malaysian Income Tax in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007. 3. Re-election of Dato’ Haji Lias Mohd Noor (Article 83) 4. Re-election of Dato’ Haji Mohamed Nor bin Ali (Article 83) 5. Re-election of Majid bin Mohamad (Article 83) 6. Re-election of Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Section 129) 7. Approval of Directors’ Fees 8. Re-appointment of Messrs Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamd as Auditors (Please indicate with an “X” in the appropriate spaces provided above as to how you wish your vote to be cast. If you do not do so, the proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his discretion.) As witness my hand this _______________ day of _______________ 2008. No. of shares held ___________________________ Signature/Seal Notes:1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may appoint not more than two proxies to attend and vote in his stead, but such appointment shall be invalid unless he specifies the proportions of his holdings for each proxy. A proxy may, but need not be a member of the Company and the provisions of Section 149(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 1965 shall not apply to the Company. 2. A member of the Company who is an authorised nominee as defined under the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act, 1991 may appoint at least one proxy but not more than two proxies in respect of each securities account. 3. The instrument appointing a proxy must be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing or if the appointer is a corporation either under common seal or under the hand of an attorney or an officer duly authorised. 4. The instrument appointing a proxy must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at 14th Floor, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Fold this flap for sealing Then fold here STAMP The Company Secretary PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD 14th Floor, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota 25000 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur 1st fold here BORANG PROKSI Saya/Kami dari (NAMA PENUH DALAM HURUF BESAR) (ALAMAT) Sebagai Ahli/Ahli-ahli PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD dengan ini melantik dari (NAMA PENUH DALAM HURUF BESAR) (ALAMAT) atau jika beliau tidak dapat hadir, Pengerusi mesyuarat sebagai proksi saya/kami untuk mengundi bagi pihak saya/ kami di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Syarikat yang Ke Dua Belas (12) yang akan diadakan di Meranti I, Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort, Telok Chempedak, 25050 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur pada hari Selasa, 24 Jun 2008 pada jam 10:30 pagi dan pada sebarang hari penangguhannya. RESOLUSI BIASA SETUJU TIDAK SETUJU 1. Menerima penyata kewangan beraudit bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2007 berserta dengan Laporan-Laporan. 2. Mengisytiharkan dividen pertama dan akhir sebanyak 2 sen sesaham ditolak 26% Cukai Pendapatan Malaysia bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007. 3. Perlantikan semula Dato’ Haji Lias bin Mohd Noor (Artikel 83) 4. Perlantikan semula Dato’ Haji Mohamad Nor bin Ali (Artikel 83) 5. Perlantikan semula Majid bin Mohamad (Artikel 83) 6. Perlantikan semula Dato’ Mohamed Amin bin Haji Daud (Seksyen 129) 7. Meluluskan yuran para Pengarah 8. Melantik semula Tetuan Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad sebagai Juruaudit (Sila tandakan “X” di dalam ruang yang disediakan di atas bagaimana anda ingin untuk membuang undi. Jika anda tidak berbuat demikian, proksi akan menggundi atau tidak mengundi di atas budi bicaranya.) Tandatangan pada _______________ haribulan _______________ 2008. Bil. Saham yang dipegang ___________________________ Tandatangan/Cop Mohor Nota-nota:1. Seorang ahli Syarikat yang layak hadir dan mengundi di mesyuarat, layak melantik tidak lebih dari dua orang proksi untuk hadir dan mengundi bagi pihaknya, tetapi perlantikan tersebut tidak sah melainkan ahli menentukan bahagian sahamnya untuk diwakili oleh setiap proksi . Seorang proksi boleh, tetapi tidak semestinya seorang ahli Syarikat dan peruntukan di bawah Seksyen 149(1)[b] Akta Syarikat 1965, tidak terpakai ke atas Syarikat. 2. Seorang ahli Syarikat yang merupakan nomini sebagaimana dijelaskan di bawah Akta Industri Sekuriti (Depositori Pusat), 1991, boleh melantik seorang proksi tetapi tidak lebih dari dua proksi bagi setiap akaun sekuriti. 3. Suratcara perlantikan proksi hendaklah ditandatangani oleh pihak yang membuat perlantikan atau peguam yang diberi kuasa secara bertulis, atau sekiranya pihak yang membuat perlantikan ialah sebuah perbadanan, ia hendaklah dibuat di bawah cop mohor atau ditandatangani oleh pegawai atau peguam yang diberi kuasa. 4. Suratcara perlantikan proksi mestilah diserahkan ke Pejabat Berdaftar Syarikat di Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur tidak lewat daripada empat puluh lapan (48) jam sebelum masa yang dijadualkan bagi mesyuarat tersebut atau sebarang penangguhannya. Fold this flap for sealing Then fold here SETEM Setiausaha Syarikat PASDEC HOLDINGS BERHAD Tingkat 14, Menara Teruntum Jalan Mahkota 25000 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur 1st fold here