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Katalog - Christian Unity Press Home
Bibeln und Testamente
Nach der Übersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers
Bibeln in lateinischer Schrift
Lutherbibel – 1912 (Version 12/98)
Das neu überarbeitete Neue Testament 1998 hält sich noch
genauer an den Grundtext der Reformation (den sog. „textus
receptus“) als die alte Lutherbibel von 1912. Zweispaltig,
Verseinteilung, Dünndruckpapier, Text Verfassung 1912,
Anhang: Zeittafel z. Biblischen Geschichte u. Landkarten,
Format 14,5 x 20 x 2,5 cm
1351 - Ld, Goldschn, Gb, schwarz, harter Einband ... USD $21.00
1352 - Hardcover, königsblau, gebunden .......... USD $27.50
1035 - Softcover, Ld, schwarz, Goldschn. Griffregister
Taschenbibel Format 11 x 17 cm ......................... USD $47.00
Revidiert 1956/64, einspaltig, fortlaufend gesetzter Text,
der Psalter und andere poetische Stücke in Gedichtzeilen,
Gliederung in Sinnabschnitte, Versziffern a. Rand, Anhang,
Familienchronik, Format 13,3 x 21,5 cm
1612 - Leinen, rot, Farbschnitt .......................... USD $15.00
1613 - Leinen, Goldschnitt ................................ USD $20.00
1617 - Ziegenleder, Goldschnitt, rotbraun ......... USD $32.50
Standardausgabe Luther Übersetzung 1984
Zweispaltig, versweise gesetzt, fettgedruckte Kernstellen,
Verweisstellen, Dünndruckpapier, mehrfarbige Landkarte
1561 - Linson, schwarz, 14 x 21,4 x 3,1 cm ...... USD $30.20
1571 - Li., schwarz, m.Apokryphen, 14 x 21,4 x 3,5 cm ... USD $34.00
1576 - Ld, schwarz, Goldschn, 14 x 21,4 x 3,5 cm,Apo ... USD $69.00
Taschenbibel - Luther-Übersetzung 1984
Zweispaltig, versweise gesetzt, fettgedruckte Kernstellen,
Verweisstellen zwischen den Versen, Dünndruckpapier,
mehrfarbige Landkarte, Format 11 x 17 x 2,8 cm
Ohne Apokryphen
1205 - Leder, weinrot ........................................ USD $46.00
1206 - Leder, schwarz, Goldschnitt ................... USD $52.00
Senfkornbibel - Luther Übersetzung 1984
Zweispaltig, versweise gesetzt, fettgedruckte Kernstellen,
Verweisstellen, Dünndruckpapier, mehrfarbige Landkarten,
Format 8,5 x 12,5 x 2,2 cm
1031 - Plastik, schwarz ..................................... USD $21.00
1036 - Leder, schwarz ....................................... USD $46.00
1037 - Leder, weinrot ........................................ USD $46.00
1039 - Ld, schwarz, Goldschn, RV .................... USD $58.00
Testamente in lateinischer Schrift
2802 - Großdrucktestament mit Psalmen Einspaltig in größerem,
gut lesbarem Druck, Sach- und Worterklärungen, Textfassung
1984, Format 16 x 25 cm. Ln, grün, Farbschn. ... USD $46.85
2222 - Volks-Testament mit Psalmen Zweispaltig, Verseinteilung,
fettgedruckte Kernstellen, Textfassung 1984, Li, orange ... USD $7.50
Das Neue Testament - 1912 (Version 12/98)
1033-1 Westentaschen-braun, Kunstleder ......... USD $6.00
1033-2 Westentaschen-grau, Kunstleder ........... USD $6.00
Westentaschen-Testament mit Psalmen
Einspaltig, fortlaufender gesetzer Text, Gliederung in
Sinnabschnitte, biegsame Einbände, Textfassung 1984
2022 - Plastic, rot .............................................. USD $12.00
2026 - Leder, schwarz ....................................... USD $23.00
2027 - Leder, rot ............................................... USD $23.00
2011 - Pocket-Testament Einspaltig, fortlaufend gesetzter
Text, Gliederung in Sinnabschnitte, biegsamer Einband,
Textfassung 1984, Ld, schwarz ......................... USD $19.50
5442 - Bremer Biblische Handkonkordanz
Alphabetisches Wortregister der Heiligen Schrift. Enthält
weit über 150.000 Bibelstellen, Gb. ...... USD $56.45
4678 - Lexikon zur Bibel, Gerhard Maier (Hrsg.) F. Rienecker
mehr als 6000 Stichworte, 1814 S., über 3000 Abb.
Schutzumschlag, Format 15,5 x 23 x 5,8 cm ... USD $33.00
Großausgabe - Luther-Übersetzung 1984
Zweispaltig, versweise gesetzt, fettgedruckte Kernstellen,
Verweisstellen zwischen den Versen, mehrfarbige Landkarten,
Format 16,5 x 25 cm
1731 - Leinen, schwarz, ohne Apokryphen ....... USD $40.00
Luther Testament - 1984
Neues Testament und Psalmen und Sonderseiten zu Luthers Leben
und den Stätten seines Wirkens, ca. 1005 S., 11 x 18 x 2.5 cm
2303 - Harter Deckel mit Bild, gebunden .......... USD $10.00
Rev. 27. April 2015
Die Bestellung richte man an: 810-732-1831 oder e-mail: [email protected]
20-001 Christus heilt heute! W. Dale Oldham ................ USD $0.50
20-002 Das Geheimnis der Erlösung, E. E. Byrum ........USD $3.50
20-003 Das Geheimnis eines fröhlichen Herzens, C. W. Naylor ... USD $5.00
20-004 Das Leben und volle Genüge, C. E. Orr ............ USD $1.75
10-8505 Das Herz des Menschen, Johannes Goßner ... USD $3.25
20-005 Das Reich Gottes, Riggle, Byrum, Smith ........... USD $1.95
20-006 Das siegreiche Herrschen Christi, H. M. Riggle ... USD $0.95
20-007 Das verborgene Leben, C. E. Orr ........ (zurzeit vergriffen)
20-008 Das Zungenreden im Lichte der Bibel, H. C. Heffren ... USD $ 0.50
20-009 Deine Religion, C. W. Naylor ................................... USD $0.50
20-010 Der Sabbat, H. M. Riggle ....................................... USD $0.90
20-038 Die biblische Gemeinde, A. Borbe ......................USD $1.95
20-011 Die Entscheidungsstunde, Jacob Helffenstein ... USD $0.10
20-012 Die Heiligung: Das zweite Gnadenwerk, G. Sonnenberg ... USD $1.95
20-013 Die neutestamentliche Gemeinde, H. M. Riggle ... USD $3.25
20-014 Die Offenbarung erklärt, F. G. Smith .................. USD $6.50
20-015 Die Taufe des Heiligen Geistes, R. R. Byrum .... USD $1.75
20-016 Die wichtigsten Lehren der Bibel, R. L. Berry .... USD $0.10
20-017 Ein religiöses Zwiegespräch, C. E.Orr ............... USD $2.25
20-019 Erlösung durch Christus, R. L. Berry .................. USD $1.75
20-020 Heiligung, Robert Girke ...................................... USD $0.50
20-021 Hölle und ewige Verdammnis im Lichte des Wortes Gottes,
H. M. Riggle ....................................................... USD $2.00
20-022 Hoffnungsstrahlen, D. O. Teasley ....................... USD $2.50
30-001 Ich will mit dir sein! S. Weißburger ..................... USD $3.50
30-013 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!! Namen über alle Namen,
H. D. Nimz ............................................................ USD $3.00
20-039 Lichtstrahlen für Dich, Friedrich Krebs ............... USD $1.95
30-016 Meine Erlebnisse als Missionar in Südamerika, Josef Krebs
... USD $5.25
20-023 Pascha Tichomirow, der Räuber .......... deutsch USD $1.75
20-024 englisch USD $1.75
30-003 Pilgerreise zur seligen Ewigkeit, John Bunyan
gebunden USD $22.85
30-004 Kartoniert USD $18.80
20-027 Samuel Morris - Ein Leben voll Heiligen Geistes
............................................................... deutsch USD $0.75
Von Dr. Thaddeus C. Reade ................ englisch USD $0.75
20-029 Systematische Bibelkunde, Edmund Krebs
Altes Testament .................................................USD $15.00
20-030 Neues Testament ..............................................USD $15.00
20-037 Systematische Bibelstudien, A. F. Gray ............. USD $3.00
20-032 Verordnungen der Bibel, E. E. Byrum ................ USD $1.75
20-033 Was die Bibel lehrt, F. G. Smith .......................... USD $9.50
20-034 Was soll ich tun, dass ich selig werde? E.E. Byrum ... USD $2.50
20-035 Weide für Lämmer, C. E. Orr .............................. USD $1.95
20-036 Zwei Gnadenwerke,H. M. Riggle ....................... USD $1.75
20-042 Der erste Petrusbrief, Fritz Lenk ........................ USD $8.00
30-0032 Aus dem Leben der Mutter Sarah Smith ........... USD $1.50
Die angeführten Compact Discs bieten eine reiche Auswahl von
Liedern und Musikstücken, die das Lob Gottes und die herrliche
Botschaft des Heils verkündigen.
COMPACT DISCS ............ U.S. $11.00/STÜCK
50-001 Du großer Gott (Instrumental) (CD)
50-002 Ein herrlicher Retter (CD)
50-015 Erinnerungen (CD)
50-018 Errinerungen Nr. 2 (CD)
50-020 Errinerungen Nr. 3 (CD)
50-021 Errinerungen Nr. 4 (CD)
50-022 Errinerungen Nr. 5 (CD)
50-003 Festgesänge (CD)
50-004 Himmlisches Heimweh (CD)
50-005 Ich will dich erheben mein Gott (CD)
50-006 Jesu Liebe - wunderbar! (CD)
50-007 Jesus Christus derselbe . . . (CD)
50-014 Jesus kein andrer Name (CD)
50-017 Liebe, die mich suchte (CD)
50-008 Nur Jesus möcht’ ich sehen (CD)
50-016 Preiset unsern Gott (Instrumental) (CD)
50-013 Salz der Erde - Licht der Welt (CD)
50-009 Weihnacht ist’s auf dieser Erde (CD)
50-010 Wer überwindet (CD)
50-011 Wissen sollte jedermann (CD)
50-012 Wunder der Weihnacht (CD)
50-019 Zionslieder (CD)
Wer möchte mithelfen im Missionsfeld für den Herrn. Folgende Traktate sind erhältlich für den Preis von U.S. $2.50 pro Pfund – Portofrei.
Andreas letzte Nacht
Beachte die Warnsignale der Bibel
Das Herz Napoleons I.
Das Wort des Herrn Oberst gilt!
Der Freund vor der Tür
Der Vertrag mit dem Totengräber
Der Wert einer Seele
Die Ehescheidung im Lichte der Bibel
Die freie Wahl
Die Gemeinde des Herrn
Die Gnade des Gouverneurs
Ehescheidung und Wiederverheiratung
Eine sichtbare Predigt
Einige der wichtigsten Lehren der Bibel
Er hat die Verbindung gemacht
Ich denke meine Aussicht auf den Himmel ist gut
Johannes drei sechzehn
Nicht ein Gefühls-, sondern ein Glaubensleben
Niemand . . . hat Johann eingeladen
Ob das wohl gemeint ist?
Sage es so einfach, dass ich es fassen kann
Seine Niagarafälle
Was ist deine Hauptsorge?
Was Offenbarung 20, 1-9 nicht lehrt
Welche Einstellung hast du zu Gott?
Wer ist Jesus?
Wo gehst du hin?
LOSUNGEN ........................................... 95-004 v2012 $6.75
POSTERS - Der breite und der schmale Weg .......................... USD $7.20
Die in der Liste verzeichnete Bibeln, Bücher, Kassetten usw. haben wir
zur Zeit vorrätig, und wir können sie zu den angegebenen Preisen und
Versandkosten liefern. Bei Bestellungen über $100.00 US erhalten Sie
5% Ermäßigung. Änderungen der Preise vorbehalten! (besonders bei
Bibeln). Bitte den Betrag erst nach Empfang der Ware und der Rechnung
schicken. Wenn Sie mit Kreditkarte oder Paypal bezahlen möchten, dann
teilen Sie uns das bitte mit.
Bestellungen richte man bitte an:
Christian Unity Press
5195 Exchange Dr., Flint MI 48507, U. S. A.
Tel.: 810-732-1831
E-mail [email protected]
Liederbücher und Liederhefte
40-003-5 „PREISET IHN“—Heft 1, 2, 3. ............. Pro Heft USD $.20
40-007 „SO LIEBT JESUS“ ........................................ USD $ 2.50
40-010 „Geh früh, dich zu erquicken“ ........................ USD $16.00
40-009 „ZIONS WAHRHEITSLIEDER“ ...................... USD $16.00
10-5173 Meine erste Bilder Bibel
von Kenneth N. Taylor - (ab 3 Jahre)
12,5 x 17,5 x 2,2 cm .... USD $16.75
10-3986 Die Familien-Bilderbibel
von Kenneth N. Taylor - 304 S.- ill.
Format 14,5 x 19 x 2,4 cm ... USD $21.00
10-5001 Die Kinderbibel
von Anne de Vries - Format 16,5 x
22,5 x 2,5 cm................. USD $16.00
Bibeln anderer Übersetzer
1452 - Menge-Bibel Unveränderter Nachdruck (Textfassung 1939), Neudruck
in moderner Lateinschrift, Altes u. Neues Testament ohne Apokryphen,
14 x 21,4 cm, 1376 Seiten, Gb, mit Schutzumschlag ... USD $46.00
Elberfelder Bibeln
5841 - Großausgabe, einspaltig, revidiert, Kld., 16,5 x 25 cm ... USD $50.00
5919 - Standardausgabe, zweispaltig, revidiert, schwarz, Kld,
13,4 x 20,8 cm ................................................................ USD $36.00
6016 - Bruns-Bibel Bibel mit Erklärungen, 1644 S., Gb.
14,5 x 21,8 x 4 cm .................................................................. USD $35.90
Deutsch-Englische Bibeln und Testamente
Deutsch-Englische Bibel
Text: King James Version und Dr. Martin Luther, deutscher Text in gotischer
Schrift, gebunden, Format 14,5 x 21 x 5 cm, schwarz.
10-0001 - Einfacher Einband (temp. out/zurzeit vergriffen).... USD $37.00
Großdruck, Format 16,5 x 25 x 6 cm, schwarz
10-0001-1 - Einfacher Einband, gotisch ............................... USD $30.00
Text: King James Version und Dr. Martin Luther, deutscher Text in lateinischer
Schrift, gebunden, Format 17 x 24 x 6,25 cm, schwarz.
10-1004 - Leder, Goldschnitt, Griffregister .......................... USD $49.00
Deutsch-Englisch Testament
10-0003 - Text: King James Version und Dr. Martin Luther, deutscher Text in
gotischer Schrift, Gb, Format 12 x 16 x 3,5 cm. Ln, schwarz ... USD $7.50
Die Bestellung richte man an: 810-732-1831 oder e-mail: [email protected]
All Occasion
Still Waters
Country Gardens
37-3037 [KJV Scripture]
37-3018 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: We
appreciate who you are
and the difference you've
made in our lives. Just
wanted you to know...
Sample Inside Text: May
God bless your day with
whispers of peace, the sunshine of kindness, the fragrance of love.
Enduring Love
37-9012 [NIV 1984 Scripture]
Together . . .
TOP: Love is
patient, love is
kind . . . . Love
never fails. 1
Corinthians 13:4, 8(NIV)
BOTTOM: you have gorwn, you have
dreamed, you have known a love that's like
no other! God bless you on this special day.
Forever in Bloom
To Order: 810-732-1831 or e-mail: [email protected]
37-9011 [KJV Scripture]
Happy Anniversary
LEFT:They two shall
be one. Ephesians
RIGHT: May the love
you share today be
as beautiful as all of
your yesterdays and as
precious as all of your tomorrows.
How tenderly you
care for
each other's
Hearts . . . .
TOP:Love one another deeply, from the
heart. 1 Peter 1:22(NIV)
BOTTOM: How sweetly you show God's
love through your marriage. Happy Anniversary!
As God has made
each flower beautiful
and unique, so has He
made each marriage.
LEFT:Behold, what
manner of love the
Father hath bestowed
upon us. 1 John 3:1
RIGHT: Your marriage is one of God’s
most beautiful creations. May your love
continue to bloom and grow. Happy Anniversary!
On Your Anniversary
has poured
out his love into our hearts. Romans
BOTTOM: May the blessings be too numerous to count, the memories too warm
to forget, the joys too wonderful to contain!
Wishing You Love Today and Always.
A love blessed by
God is forever in
LEFT: I have loved
thee with an everlasting love. Jeremiah
RIGHT: Praying this anniversary adds
another wonderful memory to a lifetime of
love and happiness. Best Wishes on Your
Your love story has been designed by God.
great is the love
the Father has lavished on us. 1 John 3:1(NIV)
BOTTOM: May your romantic adventure
last through the years and continue to
show the world God's gift of true love and
a marriage made in heaven. GOD BLESS
Anniversary Blessings
LEFT: And this I
pray, that your love
may abound yet
more and more. Philippians 1:9
RIGHT: May the love you celebrate today
grow richer and deeper with each and every
Baby Congratulations
Little Ones
37-3527 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: Wishing
you many memory-making moments with your precious baby!
Birthday Delights
A Wish for You
37-1028 [KJV Scripture]
Recipes on Back of Card
37-1507 [NIV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text:
Happy birthday to a
one-of-a-kind, handmade creation of God.
Have a wonderful, Godfilled day!
Sample Inside Text: May
God fill your birthday with
love, joy and many more
sweet surprises!
Boxed Greeting Cards
$4.49 per box
Size: 4 ¾" x 6 ¾" • 12 cards • 3 each of 4 designs • 13 envelopes
Due to regular updates, all prices and product availability are subject to change without notice.
To Order: 810-732-1831 or e-mail: [email protected]
Birthday Hidden Pictures
37-1029 Kids will enjoy finding the hidden
pictures on the inside of the card!
Sample Inside Text: Happy Birthday!
Fluttering by on butterfly wings to wish
you the joy a birthday brings!
Bountiful Blessings
Tranquil Shores
37-1030 [KJV Scripture]
37-1039 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text:
Praying your birthday will
find you rejoicing in the
goodness of life and the
greatness of God.
Sample Inside Text:
In every thought that
blooms, in every wish
that shines, may you feel
God's love for you.
Country Bouquets
Petals of Joy
37-1547 [KJV Scripture]
37-1059 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: May
your light shine brightly
and your heart sing joyfully—all in the name of
the Lord, the Giver of all
that is wonderful.
Sample Inside Text: On
your birthday and every day,
may the blessing of His hand
touch the mission in your
Birthday Blooms
37-1032 [NIV 1984 Scripture]
are for celebrating...
TOP: Mercy,
peace and
love be yours in abundance. Jude 2 (NIV)
BOTTOM: and there is no one more
wonderful to celebrate than you! Wishing
you every happiness on your special day!
Happy Birthday
TOP: May
the Lord bless
you...all the
days of your life. Psalm 128:5 (NIV)
BOTTOM: Good health, great happiness,
lots of love and laughter...As you celebrate
another birthday, may God shine His brightest blessings on you!
God was
surely smiling
when He made
TOP: Know
that the Lord is God. It is he who made us,
and we are his. Psalm 100:3 (NIV)
BOTTOM: and He still is! Thanking God on
your birthday for your beautiful heart, kind
spirit and joyful nature.
Birthday Blessings Just for
TOP: There
will be showers
of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26 (NIV)
BOTTOM: Wishing you a day filled with
sweet surprises, a year filled with joyful
blessings, and all the happiness that comes
from sharing them with the ones you love.
A Birthday
Prayer for You
Have a Happy
TOP:I will be
glad and rejoice in thee: I
will sing praise to thy name, O thou most
High. Psalm 9:2
BOTTOM: May your heart rejoice as you
take time to reflect on the wonder of God’s
grace, the beauty of His love and the joy of
His fellowship.
Birthday Blessings to You
Feathered Friends
37-1241 [KJV Scripture]
God Bless
Your Birthday
TOP: O sing
unto the Lord a
new song: sing
unto the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1
BOTTOM: Like the birdsong of morning,
may your heart song rise with praise to the
Lord on your birthday and always.
TOP:The Lord
hath been mindful of us: he will bless us. Psalm 115:12
BOTTOM: May God’s light shine on your
birthday, and may He give you divine peace,
glorious love and endless care throughout
the coming year.
TOP: The
Lord is good to
all: and his tender mercies are over all his
works. Psalm 145:9
BOTTOM: Praying the year ahead holds
new revelations for you of God’s faithfulness, mercy and love.
Grand Adventures
37-1012 [KJV Scripture]
A birthday is a great
opportunity for a brand
new outlook.
LEFT: Walk in newness of life. Romans
RIGHT: Wherever
you look on your birthday, may you see God’s blessings gather
around you.
Happy Birthday
TOP:Bless the
Lord, O my soul,
and forget not
all his benefits. Psalm 103:2
BOTTOM: May the year ahead be a
wonderful adventure for you--touched by
praise and gratitude to God, filled with His
daily miracles and rich with His wisdom
and wonder.
moments don’t just
us richly all things to
enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17
RIGHT: They’re designed especially by
God. May your birthday be full of moments
that leave you breathless and memories
too good to forget.
Best Wishes
on Your Birthday
TOP: Grace
be to you, and
peace, from God our Father. Ephesians 1:2
BOTTOM: As time goes by, our needs
become fewer, our wants become simpler.
Praying your birthday brings you peace
in simple pleasures and joy throughout
the year.
You Are a Blessing
L E F T: Ye a r e
blessed of the Lord
which made heaven
and earth. Psalm
RIGHT: Take time to
laugh and breathe in
His wonders. Take time to enjoy the beauty
of His presence. Take time to celebrate the
extraordinary blessing you are. Thanking
God for the joy you are.
God’s Gift of Hope
To Encourage You
Butterfly Gardens
37-7032 [KJV Scripture]
To Order: 810-732-1831 or e-mail: [email protected]
Encouraging Words
for You
LEFT: The Lord
shall give that which
is good. Psalm 85:12
RIGHT: A heart
at peace, a day of
sunshine, a world of
blessings...may these be yours today!
LEFT: It is good that
a man should both
hope and quietly wait
for the salvation of
the Lord. Lamentations 3:26
RIGHT: Hope is a lot like sunshine. Even
when you can't see it...you know it’s there.
Wishing you hope for today and peace with
each tomorrow.
Get Well
Praying For You
Gentle Breezes
Prayers from
the Heart
37-2028 [KJV Scripture]
LEFT: I will not
forget thee. Behold,
I have graven thee
upon the palms of
my hands. Isaiah
RIGHT: When you think no one sees your
problems...God spots you! Hope it helps to
know God and I care!
37-6029 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: As
you wait for good health
to return, may the Lord's
peace be a real comfort
to you. God bless you
Sample Inside Text:
God is with you today
and always. Praying
for you.
Peaceful Prayers
37-8042 [KJV Scripture]
When we consider all of creation, it is hard
for our minds to
TOP:...Casting all your care upon him; for
he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
BOTTOM: that God really does care about
each and every detail of each and every one
of our lives. Lifting you up in prayer today.
May you
come to know
in deep, lifechanging
TOP:I will never leave thee, nor forsake
thee. Hebrews 13:5
BOTTOM: the constancy of God's presence, the faithfulness of His heart, the
enduring power and strength of His eternal
love. Praying for You.
Boxed Greeting Cards
$4.49 per box
God's answers sound
just like peace.
TOP: They
that wait upon
the Lord shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they
shall run, and not be weary; and they shall
walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
BOTTOM: Keep listening... keep waiting...
keep trusting... and I will keep praying for you.
God rarely
lets us see miles and miles
TOP: Now
faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
BOTTOM: Instead, step by step and side
by side, He takes our hand and gently
guides. Praying for your peace throughout
this journey.
Size: 4 ¾" x 6 ¾" • 12 cards • 3 each of 4 designs • 13 envelopes
Due to regular updates, all prices and product availability are subject to change without notice.
To Order: 810-732-1831 or e-mail: [email protected]
Comforting Wishes
37-4019 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: May your
memories one day bring a smile
instead of a tear, comfort instead of
heartache, hope instead of sorrow.
Forever in Our Hearts
37-4028 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: During this sad
time, you are never far from God's
thoughts or His care. In Sympathy.
Gateways to Grace
37-4029 [KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: ...hearing every sigh, catching every tear, guiding you back to the way of peace.
With deepest sympathy.
Thank You
Many Thanks
[KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: Your kindness meant more than you
Blank Notes
37-8090 [KJV Scripture]
Inside: Blank
A Warm Thank You
[KJV Scripture]
Sample Inside Text: Words can hardly express how much your
kind and generous spirit is appreciated. Thanks again for all you've
To Order: 810-732-1831 or e-mail: [email protected]
35-006 A Religious Controversy, C.E. Orr ...................... USD $2.50
These CDs offer a large selection
35-008 Egermeier’s Bible Story Book
of songs and music pieces to praise
Hardcover ....................................................... USD $14.99
God and proclaim the wonderful
Paperback ..................................................... USD $11.99
message of salvation.
35-009 Food for Lambs, C.E. Orr .................................. USD $4.75
35-011 How We Got Our Bible, E.E. Byrum ................... USD $1.75
35-012 In the Valley of the Shadow of Death, G.A. Kunzelmann ... USD $ 2.50
Compact Discs
35-013 Paula, the Waldensian, E. Lecomte ................... USD $4.75
50-016 Praise our God (Instrumental) .................... USD $11.00
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Andrew’s Last Night
Christmas–What’s in it for me?
Christmas without Christ
Christ’s Resurrection and Ours
How to Face Frustration
Make It So Plain That I Can Get Hold of It
Memories, Memories, Memories
New Life for You
No One Invited John
Saved . . . by Grace
There Is Hope for the Backslider
This We Believe
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