Bond, Steven (1991) Control of rhizome growth in Alstroemeria. PhD
Bond, Steven (1991) Control of rhizome growth in Alstroemeria. PhD
Bond, Steven (1991) Control of rhizome growth in Alstroemeria. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository: Copyright and reuse: The Nottingham ePrints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions. This article is made available under the University of Nottingham End User licence and may be reused according to the conditions of the licence. For more details see: For more information, please contact [email protected] CONTROL OF RHIZOME IN GROWTH ALSTROEMERIA by STEVEN BOND B. Sc., M. Sc. Nottingham Thesis submitted to the University of for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy October . 1991 ýcr+sr. Department of Agriculture and Horticulture Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences University of Nottingham Sutton Bonington Loughborough LE12 5RD Abstract Increases of temperature in the range from 8 to 18°C in vivo, significantly enhanced the dry weights of lateral dry weight temperatures in irradiance rhizomes, was often seen to decrease. production from 100 to 50 per cent in vivo, produced in the dry weights of lateral rhizomes, of lateral rhizomes, tubers numbers and irradiance temperature hours light in a 24 hour the dry weights in either daylength rhizome production or numbers influence had a strong a temperature and a short daylength in vivo produced of plant decreases In contrast, and shoots were largely Daylength Decreases significant and shoots. roots treatments. period At the higher roots and shoots. of 8 to 16 few significant produced. over the time of flowering. by unaffected treatments parts the changes However, For maximum of between 13 and 18°C, a high irradiance were required. Increases of temperature in the range 8 to 18°C in vitro, caused significant increases in the number of lateral highest temperature roots produced the numbers was unaffected rhizomes often decreased. produced by temperature. produced no significant rhizomes, roots or shoots produced etiolation of the shoots. for the culture Win- 2 with a daylength changes in the number in vitro. Low irradiance, were a temperature of from from 8 to 20 hours light For a good multiplication environment The number Decreases in irradiance 100 to 25 per cent and increases in daylength a 24 hour period, At the and shoots produced. in of lateral however, caused rate the requirements irradiance 15°C, of an of 5 of 8 hours of light in a 24 hour period. The presence or absence of tubers and damage suffered by `splits' prior to planting in vivo. be found important to were factors in the establishment of plants Subculture of rhizome explants rhizome explants divided without into single internodes enhanced the rhizome multiplication lators triiodobenzoic acid and paclobutrazol significant duced. aerial shoot or rhizome rate. Addition acid, thidiazuron, to culture changes in the numbers However, paclobutrazol with or without media, with and without produced shoot size was reduced and the diameter aerial shoots, of the plant growth regu- a-naphthaleneacetic of lateral apices and of rhizomes, acid, gibberellic BAP, caused no shoots or roots pro- changes in explant morphology, of roots was increased. i. e. Acknowledgements I would like to thank for their financial R. A. Goemans and Parigo Horticultural and technical for use in this study. Martin Mr. for the plant material and assistance I would also especially like to extend Squire for his help and advice throughout for the experimental Co. Ltd., provided my gratitude to my work and to Julia Mills, work to which she contributed. I would also like to thank my supervisor Dr. Peter Alderson, for the help given during my studentship and in the completion of this thesis. I would like to thank maintenance Howse for her help in the preparation of many of niy experiments, for their technical Hunter Dorothy support for his help with Mike Yoemans and help in maintenance the photographs that and Terry of experiments and Travers and Barry were taken. I would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Agricul- ture, Fisheries and Food, during the first two years of my studentship and the various institutions, who helped to provide some of the finance required for the completion of my work. Finally, I would like to thank the friends I have made during my time here for their kindness and generous help. Contents List of Figures V List of Tables vii List of Appendices ix List of Abbreviations 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 ALSTROEMERIA 1.3 1.4 x AND AIMS OF THE STUDY 1.2.2 Morphology 1.2.3 Breeding 1.2.4 Propagation 1.2.5 General Culture 1.2.6 Economic .................. and Development of the Rhizome In Vitro APICAL Rootstock 3 7 10 ........................ 12 ...................... 13 .................. IN VIVO AND IN VITRO RESEARCH 1.3.2 1 2 .......................... Importance 1 2 Description Taxonomic In Vivo ....... ........................ 1.2.1 1.3.1 REVIEW AND LITERATURE ............ 14 .......................... 18 .......................... DOMINANCE ..................... 21 1.4.1 The Mechanism 1.4.2 Growth Regulator Control of Apical Dominance .... of Apical 14 Dominance .......... Triiodobenzoic Cytokinins Auxin-cytokinin Gibberellins Paclobutrazol Ethylene and abscisic acid ........... synergism 23 23 acid ............... and thidiazuron 21 .......... ........... ................... .................. 25 27 28 29 32 i 2 MATERIALS GENERAL 2.1 SOURCE OF PLANT 2.2 GROUP BACKGROUNDS ISTICS ............. 2.3 3 AND GENERAL In Vivo 2.3.2 In Vitro 34 MATERIAL CULTURAL 2.3.1 METHODS ............... AND GENERAL CHARACTER............... CONDITIONS .. ............ 37 39 .......................... MEDIA 2.5 DATA RECORDING PREPARATION THE EFFECT DAYLENGTH .................... AND ANALYSIS 40 40 ............. AND OF TEMPERATURE, IRRADIANCE ON RHIZOME GROWTH IN VIVO 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 THE EFFECT ...................... OF TEMPERATURE 42 .. .. ............ Materials and Methods ................ 3.2.2 Results ......................... THE EFFECT OF IRRADIANCE ............. 3.2.1 3.4 3.3.1 Materials 3.3.2 Results and Methods .. .. .. ................ .. ......................... .. OF DAYLENGTH THE EFFECT ............. .. Materials and Methods ................ 3.4.2 Results ......................... DISCUSSION ......................... 3.4.1 3.5 3.6 CONCLUSION 4 .. .. .. ........................ .. FACTORS AFFECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT PLANT MATERIAL OF ALSTROEMERIA 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 THE EFFECT 4.3 4.2.1 Materials 4.2.2 Results THE 4.3.1 EFFECT ........................ OF TEMPERATURE and Methods 42 42 42 43 48 48 48 49 49 53 53 61 OF `SPLIT' 63 63 64 .............. 64 .................. 64 ........................... OF REMOVAL 34 37 .......................... 2.4 3.3 34 OF THE Materials and Methods .................. ROOTSYSTEM .. 65 65 11 4.3.2 4.4 5 ........................... THE EFFECT OF TUBER EXTRACTS 4.4.1 Materials 4.4.2 Results 4.5 DISCUSSION 4.6 CONCLUSION and Methods EFFECT IN VITRO 74 74 ON GROWTH IN VITRO 75 75 Discussion 75 75 ......................... VITRO OF THE 76 ............ 5.3.1 Materials and Methods .................. 76 5.3.2 Results 77 ........................... Discussion ......................... 77 IRRADIANCE OF TEMPERATURE, GROWTH ON RHIZOME IN VITRO INTRODUCTION 6.2 THE EFFECT .................... OF TEMPERATURE ............ Materials and Methods ................ 6.2.2 Results ......................... THE EFFECT OF IRRADIANCE 6.3.1 Materials 6.3.2 Results THE EFFECT and Methods 80 .. .. .. ............. ................ ......................... OF DAYLENGTH AND .. 6.2.1 .. .. .. ............. Materials and Methods ................ 6.4.2 Results ......................... DISCUSSION ......................... CONCLUSION ........................ 6.4.1 6.6 73 ........................ OF EXPLANT DENSITY 6.1 6.5 67 Materials and Methods .................. Results ........................... THE EFFECT DAYLENGTH 6.4 66 67 COMPARISON OF THE GROWTH IN CULTIVARS FOUR ALSTROEMERIA 5.3.3 6.3 ..... .................. INVESTIGATIONS 5.2 5.3 66 .......................... INTRODUCTION 5.2.3 IN VITRO ........................... 5.1 5.2.2 66 ........................... PRELIMINARY 5.2.1 6 Results .. .. .. .. .. 80 81 81 81 84 84 85 85 85 87 87 90 iii 7 OF APICAL DOMINANCE RATE OF THE RHIZOME THE INFLUENCE MU LTIPLICATION 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7.2 7.3 MECHANICAL 7.2.1 Materials 7.2.2 Results CHEMICAL Materials 7.3.2 Results TIBA 8 DISCUSSION 8.1 8.2 94 .................. 98 98 ..................... 98 106 99 102 .................. 106 ........................... Chemical Control Control Dominance of Apical of Apical TIBA Thidiazuron BAP/NAA GA3 Paclobutrazol Dominance ........ ......... ...................... 112 113 ................... 114 ................... 114 ....................... 115 .................. 116 .......................... 118 CONCLUSIONS ............................ SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE 106 112 118 GENERAL References ..... 94 Paclobutrazol 7.4.2 AND DOMINANCE 102 Mechanical SUMMARY 94 ...................... Thidiazuron ................... NAA/BAP ................... GA3 ....................... 7.4.1 CONCLUSION ... 93 93 ........................... DOMINANCE .................. and Methods General 7.5 OF APICAL and Methods 7.4 ........................ CONTROL 91 91 ........................... CONTROL OF APICAL 7.3.1 ON THE IN VITRO WORK ............ 120 122 IV List Figures of 1.1 The distribution 1.2 The inflorescence cultivars of the genus Alstroemeria and a portion of the stem from three hybrid of Alstroemeria ..................... 1.3 The morphology 1.4 The morphology of the distal s troerneria ............................. 1.5 in South America of Alstroemeria of the rhizome Stages in the development portion 5 6 ........ of the rhizome .4 of Al8 of a lateral rhizome of Alstroemeria 9 from the second axillary bud of an aerial shoot ......... 2.1 The rhizome rootstocks of the four cultivars chosen ...... 38 3.1 of the cultivars `Butterfly' and `Valiant' different three temperatures at .................. 46 3.2 3.3 Growth The effect of temperature tivars ................................ 4.1 4.2 5.1 6.1 6.2 on plant deaths in Alstroerneria cul47 Growth of the cultivars `Valiant' and `Eleanor' after 20 weeks at three different 3.4 after 24 weeks irradiances Growth ................... `Valiant' and `Eleanor' of the cultivars daylengths different three at 52 after 20 weeks 56 ................... The effect of tuber extracts on shoot production by rhizome cultures of Alstroemeria cultivars ................ 68 The effect of tuber extracts on lateral rhizome production rhizome cultures of Alstroemeria cultivars ............ 69 Cultures of the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' `Eleanor', after four weeks growth in vitro ........... The effect of temperature on the number of lateral by in Alstroemeria vitro produced cultivars ........... by and 78 rhizomes 82 The effect of temperature on the number of shoots produced in vitro by Alstroerneria cultivars ................ 83 V 7.1 The effect of six explant types on the multiplication the cultivar 7.2 7.3 `Valiant' ....................... rate of types on the multiplication rate of The effect of six explant 96 97 ....................... The effect of GA3 on the morphology of rhizome explants of the cultivar 7.5 95 The effect of six explant types on the multiplication the cultivar `Parade' ....................... the cultivar `Eleanor' 7.4 rate of `Eleanor' ....................... The effect of paclobutrazol on the morphology plants of the cultivar `Eleanor' .................. of rhizome 105 ex108 vi List Tables of 3.1 3.2 The effect of temperature on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, tubers and shoots produced by Alstroemeria cultivars ..... The effect of temperature on the dry weights of rhizome, roots and shoots produced 3.3 3.4 by Alstroemeria 3.6 by Alstroemeria 55 The effect of explant the cultivar `Eleanor' Comparison meria 7.1 temperature density deaths on plant 65 ... by rhizome 70 in vitro on shoot production in 76 ....................... of the growth in vitro of four cultivars of Alstroe77 ............................... The effect of temperature on the number of roots produced in vitro by Alstroemeria 6.3 ...... The effect of daylength on the dry weights of lateral rhizomes, by Alstroemeria cultivars ...... roots and shoots produced The effect of tuber extracts on root production cultures of Alstroemeria cultivars ................ 6.2 51 54 4.2 6.1 50 The effect of daylength on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, tubers and shoots produced by Alstroemeria cultivars ..... The effect of establishment 5.2 ......... cultivars 4.1 5.1 45 The effect of irradiance on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, tubers and shoots produced by Alstroemeria cultivars ..... The effect of irradiance on the dry weights of lateral rhizomes, roots and shoots produced 3.5 cultivars 44 cultivars 84 .................. The effect of irradiance on the numbers of lateral by in Alstroemeria vitro shoots and roots produced rhizomes, cultivars . The effect of daylength on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, in by Alstroemeria cultivars produced vitro and roots shoots . The effect of TIBA and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhiby in Alstroemeria and roots produced vitro zomes, shoots cultivars .............................. 86 88 100 Vll 7.2 rhizomes, cultivars 7.3 7.4 7.5 on the numbers of lateral shoots and roots produced in vitro by Alstroemeria The effect of thidiazuron and BAP 101 .............................. The effect of NAA and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by Alstroemeria cultivars .............................. The effect of GA3 and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by Alstroemeria cultivars The effect of paclobutrazol lateral BAP the numbers of and on rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by Alstroemeria cultivars .............................. 103 . 104 107 vi" List Appendices of (MS) Medium Revised Skoog and A Formulation of Murashige B Formulation of Alstroemeria C Stock Solutions of Growth Regulators D Preparation of Alstroemeria Production Tuber Medium ............. Extracts .......... ....... . 142 143 144 145 LX List Abbreviations of ABA BAP GA3 - Abscisic - 6-Benzylaminopurine - Gibberellic acid acid IAA - Indole-3-acetic acid NAA - a-Naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid - Murashige and Skoog revised medium (Appendix A) - Plant TIBA MS PGR growth regulator X Chapter LITERATURE AND 1.1 INTRODUCTION GENERAL 1: REVIEW INTRODUCTION Alstroemeria, AND the `Peruvian has become increasingly Lily', AIMS is grown as a cut flower crop and as such in the last few years. In terms of crop area popular it is now the second most important cut flower grown in the United (Deen, 1986). It is grown extensively there is a great deal of interest A limited number mainly of papers have been produced time to flowering and the length rootstock. propagated This is surprising by division Studies on Alstroemeria in vitro, establishing a micro propagation centrations of plant plants. Very little temperature growth published and light ports on plant growth cytokinins for improving methods growth are vegetatively in vitro. have taken place over the last two These have been related for multiplication information regulators cultivars refer- of the rhizome system with emphasis on optimising regulators on the Very little period. in vivo and by rhizome culture which environments different the effect of or on factors on the growth as most Alstroemeria only a few publications. decades, have yielded in vivo. These papers focus of the flowering of the rhizome the effects of tem- and environmental these is the to of parameters effects made ence and States of America. detailing of Alstroemeria on the effects of time of planting Kingdom and Colombia in the Netherlands in it also in the United and light on the growth perature STUDY OF THE is available on the growth of subculture. the con- and rooting either to of ex- on the effect of of Alstroemeria in vitro The only published relate to the use of auxins for rooting reand and shoot proliferation. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of (i) temperature and 1 light regimes on the growth of the rhizome of Alstroemeria (ii) plant growth and rhizome break apical dominance The following vivo and in vitro. 1.2 1.2.1 expressed within of Alstroermeria thought part of the study involved of the literature review of to attempts in order to increase the explants, a general description includes of the concept of apical dominance, An overview the plant growth of the in on the plant and a review of the work published by which mechanisms on the growth methods bud outgrowth. rate of axillary growth The latter M vitro. explants and subculturing regulators in vivo and in vitro and the used in this study regulators are to affect it, is also included. ALSTROEMERIA Description Taxonomic belongs to the family The genus Alstroemeria cotyledons Alstroemeria (Hutchinson, are four (2n=16) of Alstroemeria (Lakshmi, cultivars (2n=4x=32), occasionally amongst Alstroemeria is a native of South America or tetraploid the triploids 1980; Tsuchiya are triploids diploid i. e. (one species) Many of the species are endemic them (Healy (2n=3x=24) with aneuploidy with 1987). a few occurring with Chile as its centre of distribu- to certain Wilkins, and 1985; Uphof, distributions wide (Figure countries 1952), though 1.1). Their habitats or regions within some are known The estimate 1987) may prove to be conservative, survey of the area was undertaken. and Hang, pos- and tetraploids. tion. the genus (Bayer, Leontochir species in the genus Alstroemeria being either have fairly of the mono- genera in this family, (150 species), Bomarea have shown that studies Corolliferae (two species). sess 16 chromosomes The majority There 1959). (50 species), Schickendaritwia and Cytological in the division which is included Alstroemeriales, in the order Alstroemeriaceae to in 50 species of if a full and detailed range from the tropical 2 Amazon area to the snowline forests and river valleys, Overall, 1979). 3700m and from Ecuador, The genus, therefore, ern Chile. (Healy and the genus ranges from sea level to is on the equator, which the high through plateau, to the western coastal deserts of Chile 1985; Verboom, Wilkins, of the high Andean tolerates many to Patagonia varied in south- and often extreme environments. Full descriptions (1959), (1952) and Willis Uphof perennials of the genus Alstroemeria with a rhizomatous ina. through The inflorescences cymes, each carrying are composed one to five sympodially (Figure fruit produced, 1.2.2 Morphology copious endosperm and Development The roots of Alstroemeria may be produced the fibrous on virtually mainly from the newly the roots and tubers. after each loculus and within Many explosively. seeds are and a small embryo. of the Rhizome Rootstock tubers, rhizome The tubers (Mabberley, 1987) in quantities Machtasters, 1947). root that In others, on the species new roots arise apex and, to a lesser extent, are known similar hairs. the size depending It was also reported 1951). formed Some species lack any part of the rhizome. roots and possess only fleshy roots with 1.3A) (Buxbaum, receptive both fibrous thin and are and thick and fleshy, and the fleshy roots develop into thick (Figure splits dehisce has axile and tri-locular The ovules are numerous that The perianth six stamens that becoming and tri-lobed, lamthe of or compound flowers. arranged in two series, with is a dry capsule containing of simple 1.2). The ovary is inferior, the anthers have dehisced. the mature of a whorl on the alternately 180° at the base, causing inversion The style is filiform placentation. from which aerial shoots and roots, rootstock, segments are free and arranged at daily intervals in Hutchinson The genus consists of herbaceous arise. The leaves are positioned which may carry tubers, stem and are twisted (1985). be found can from to be local sources of starch to that found in potato (Cox and 3 Colombia VPr1 P711 Pl 7 :1 * Ec *p 3 sp ------ --- - ---a- Figure 1.1: The distribution of the genus Alstroemeria in South America, denoting presence in a country. (From Buxbaum, 1951) 4 Figure 1.2: The inflorescence cultivars of Alstroemeria and a portion of the stem from three hybrid \. ý, ýý ýI ý aerial shoots roots II, Ili first axillarv bud aerial shoot I 1ý ýý ,ý '`'. ý`'\ ýýi, 311 lý. ý ýý ýý1`. ýýýý,,, , t 'r Jn root ý'ý . J/J i__ B C first scale leaf Figure 1.3: The morphology of the rhizome of Alstroemeria, showing the arrangement of the roots, shoots, scale leaves and axillary buds, viewed from A the side, B the front and C at the apex. The sequence of numbers 1-5, indicates the progression from the older to the youngest shoots, respectively. (From Buxbaum, 1951) 6 The aerial shoots arise from the rhizome and are positioned (Figure length its ranks along 1.3A and B). The thickened this large bud is the axillary However, (Buxbaum, vious aerial shoot is greatly enlarged are suppressed may die. basal internodes chain of enlarged whereas development rootstock, is developed, of the rhizome (Figure second axillary beginning a is sympodial. 1.4A) also bears an axillary a lateral rhizome of the rhizome. The for a long time, only developing when the base of the aerial shoot dies or is removed. (Buxbaum, the aerial shoot occur on internodes long monopodial a imitating the ramification bud may often stay dormant 1.4A it can be seen that new aerial shoots and consequently 1.5A and B), thereby (Figure further that From this The second scale leaf of the aerial shoot (Figure bud. This may produce 1.3C). of the aerial shoot forward bud is projected this occurs to such an extent and the shoot (Figure a bud of the first scale leaf of the pre- 1951). The first internode and the axillary and B). Occasionally apex develops appears to be monopodial large bud so that the rhizome very in two alternately No further 1951; Heins and Wilkins, axillary buds 1979; Priestly et al., 1935). 1.2.3 Breeding breeding Alstroemeria has been in progress for about 40 years, but only after the first ten years was it possible to release some new hybrids, difficult proved (Goemans, to hybridize 1962). Early most two species hybrids and only a small number in this breeding species was used the resulting progeny of seeds were produced it was observed programme were more or less fertile as the species but were completely that as soon as a third sterile. A small number of Alstroemeria species have been used in the production Alstroemeria ligtu Alhybrids, Alstroemeria with aurantiaca, and of modern stroemeria pelegrina prominent amongst the probable progenitors, especially (Broertjes Verboom, has been hybrids It 1974). the and suggested earlier of that the cause of sterility in these hybrids was probably through interspe- aerial shoot first axis second scale leaf first sca] enlarged basal internode first axillary bud first scz enlarged basal internode rvo L -ý Figure 1.4: The morphology of the distal portion of the rhizome of Alstroeleaves the arrangement of shoots, roots, scale and axillary showing meria, buds from A the side and B the ventral surface. (From Buxbaum, 1951) 8 second axillary bud old aerial shoot second scale leaf aerial ehnnt old aerial shoot first axi second scale leaf root _g lateral rhizome Figure 1.5: Stages in the development of a lateral rhizome from the second axillary bud of an aerial shoot. A shows an early stage with the bud enlarging and Ba later stage with the lateral rhizome supporting its own root and (From Buxbaum, 1951) shoot. 9 hybrid cific sterility the parents was an unknown had an unreduced sterile triploid the diploid with (Broertjes The latter number. and Verboom, by differences in radiosensitivity confirmed (Broertjes gories and Verboom, et al., 1987; Tsuchiya Due to the sterility of many netic variation and producing Consequently, the through majority breeding mutation many commercially (Broertjes young plants are generally between diploid growth van Harten, hybrid seems to be and triploid cate- by cytological (Hang and Tsuchiya, 1988; improvements and Verboom, Actively rhizomes growing used and all of the mutants is responsible 1974) and have now been produced of Alstroerneria 1978,1988). have been to these hybrids (Broertjes ge- are limited. in these cultivars of improvements using X-rays for inducing methods cultivars, of very so far, have produced, It has been suggested that a for this phenomenon 1988) rather than a unicellular and Verboom, 1.2.4 pattern lead to and Hang, 1987). been found to be `solid' ones, i. e. not chimeral. sympodial two mechanisms 1974) and has been confirmed viable mutants and van Harten, or one of the gametes 1974). Triploidy analysis for a large number of the modern hybrids Tsuchiya because one of number, tetraploid spontaneous chromosome plants chromosome (Broertjes origin of the meristem and (Broertjes 1974). Propagation Due to the high incidence duced, seed propagation are propagated are lifted traditionally in summer of sterility and the variability is uncommon in Alstroemeria. by splitting and carefully divided if present, Consequently, of the rhizomes. The plant into single rhizomes. rhizomes the apex and up to 10 cm of healthy and tubers, of the plants they clumps From these rhizome is removed with roots and the aerial shoots are reduced to approximately cni. These `splits' are grown in small pots until they become established then they are planted 1981,1986a; Molnar, pro- out into their flowering 1975; Salinger, positions 1985; Verboom, (Healy 2 and and Wilkins, 1979). 10 With the introduction tures in controlled environment Gabryszewska Horticultural and a longer daylength The in vitro propagation Co., personal Pierik communication; et at., 1988). personal humidity, Co., personal crops, communication; transferred environments of Horticultural Co., they are ready for planting out in has the potential including meristems the growth to grow into a lateral rhizome The adoption As dis- buds on each aerial and a second which (Buxbaum, 1951; Heins and of these lateral or multiplication and application rates due to et al., 1980). of the rhizome et al., 1935). As outgrowth slow then the throughput, niques to Alstroemeria (Hussey a large and quite propagation has in fact only two axillary continues 1979; Priestly Alstroemeria have low natural of axillary Alstroemeria one which in vivo is low. (Parigo are established plants, flower development cussed earlier they up positions. of other is generally (NAA), acid are moved to a glasshouse, plants At this point communication). restricted Wilkins, until monocotyledonous number shoot, Rooted Horticultural (1962). Co., personal Horticultural in small pots and weaned, by passage through their flowering Many (Parigo are grown for l-1 is 2-4 added mg at (BAP) et al., 1979; Parigo of ax- (MS) Skoog and et al., 1988) and a-naphthaleneacetic for rooting to 1 mgl-1, decreasing temperatures (George and apex growing of Murashige 6-benzylaminopurine (Hussey shoot proliferation to compost communication). is the proliferation system used commercially based on that medium To this MS medium Pierik 6W m-2 be- 1984; Hussey et al., 1979). In this system the explants on semi-solid of cul- of 16 hours. buds from rhizome explants with an actively Sherrington, growth (1984) suggest the use of higher and Hempel of Al- of 15°C and a 12 hour daylength. conditions (Parigo ing used commercially (22-24°C) with subsequent depends on the light source used, approximately The irradiance illary aseptic techniques, using standard stroemeria, Alstroemeria much This involves the manipulation in vitro. is now performed propagation techniques, of micro propagation rhizomes rate, of the rhizome of in vitro propagation does not increase the number of axillary tech- buds present 11 but allows growth and production of lateral rhizomes throughout the year. These techniques may also be used to induce higher proportions of these axillary buds to grow out. Therefore, with these techniques, many more plants may be produced in vitro in one year than may be produced in vivo. Culture General 1.2.5 In South America the species of Alstroemeria tats and consequently and climates Due to the varied quirements. these cultivars (Keil, and `Orchid'. experiment with The general (1980), Healy and Wilkins Verboom (1979), Wilkins (1979). son the new hybrid is grown as a summer of, for example, Co., personal ground Planting (1976), Heins and carefully and Healy are not frost resistant. However, crop without mushroom the protection The plants out in the autumn, and Wil- and Lang culture. glass, as many an increasing of area of glass, in both the U. K. system is protected compost by Anon and spacing requirements out under beds and the plants are lifted is carried growers (1975), Salinger (1985), is carried communication). while is a brief account of Alstroemeria The rhizome and the Netherlands. mulch Molnar (1980), Wilkins et al. of Alstroemeria cultivars that has been described cultivars (1981,1985,1986), The following culture principally information. cultural can be found in Bik and Berg (1981) (1985) respectively. Commercial most of the cultural own setting, More specific details on the nutritional of Alstroemeria environments it has been suggested in their of Alstroemeria culture hybrids, of the new commercial from studies on a few cultivars, Alstroemeria re- environmental are now available, Consequently, the available considering ancestry many cultivars have resulted recommendations should have very different do not respond equally in the same greenhouse 1986). Although `Regina' habiin range of a wide grow or straw in the winter (Parigo are usually grown by a Horticultural in prepared and replaced every two or three years. preferably bed. In some instances, plants per square meter of densities at planting five to six of may take place in 12 April in the U. K. autumn May, though or Great care should damage be taken at lifting be open, slightly should or death. poor growth rotting (Robinson, acid and well drained, The plants (Parigo are required nutrients as the fleshy roots are very brittle in subsequent easily, resulting is still the more common. planting make vigorous Horticultural can cause and high levels of growth Co., personal communication). for the stems is essential as they may reach a height Support The soil 1963). as waterlogging and of two meters or more. Temperature is thought With ering. important the rhizome and should be maintained With prevent flower curring in spring induction, In winter, Shading them seem to be relatively lighting 15°C in the and long days in summer to be seasonal, appears ocof levels tend to in- and temperature may be used to bring forward spring the daylength. stems helps prevent growth Cropping at the junction with Botrytis have been isolated viruses now several and becoming too dense is achieved any stems or removing the rhizome. free of pests with occasional aphids and caterpillars. Alstroerneria would outbreaks of spider mites, can be a problem in dull weather (Versluijs and Hakkaart, 1985). Importance Economic has been grown in the United plant for at least 200 years, with Royal Botanical cultivation should night be may used to avoid extremes low light by increasing of weak vegetative Alstroemeria temperature flowering such that and autumn. generally by separating 1.2.6 is very high temperatures flower production. and enhances whitefly, soil temperature Winter 18°C. not exceed Supplementary flowering. Thinning flowof as the site of perception, many cultivars high temperature. production, factor in the induction at 10°C or above and raised to approximately spring. hibit to be an important Gardens Kingdom as an herbaceous garden the introduction of A. pelegrina to the Kew in A. 1753, and at (Robinson, 1831 since 1963). aurantiaca has been in Over the last two decades, with 13 hybrid the new of the introduction deal of popularity a great gained to some extent and Lang, 1989), and the large range of flower colours available. colour range, which shades and intensities varying is a product pink, yellow and white, of the diverse colour species. The inner whorl of tepals is generally dots and it is often inner whorl tinted yellow in comparison crops (Healy 1981), which and Wilkins, the introduction meria is now moving types' (Eggington, the world's over 166 million (Anon, other in considerable can result with production area of Alstroemeria et al., 1988). to the United Currently cultivars, `winter energy Alstroeflowering frone every worldwide the Netherlands had risen to 275 and Colombia Colombia's 94 cent of with per States of America. stems were produced In the period in the Netherlands, year, and almost 88 million per cent on the previous Colombia with require- (Deen, 1986). two largest producers, being exported of the flower glasshouse cut 1986) and up to 200 stems can be produced By 1986 the production (Pierik These elaborations improved of new and into `all year round' square meter in production hectares base found in the to the grower is the low temperature of Alstroemeria Also, with of red, orange, marked with dark streaks and or white. ment for flower production, savings. 1.3.1 with The between cultivars. vary markedly The attraction 1.3 by the grower (Healy includes has the long vase life of the flowers appreciates is manipulated of up to three weeks, which Alstroemeria has become an important and consequently The consumer cut flower crop. from Europe, cultivars are production 1988-1989 an increase of 13 stems were produced in 1989,1990). IN VIVO AND IN VITRO RESEARCH In Vivo Several papers have been published during the last 15 years, on the effects of light and temperature However, Alstroemeria in the of growth vivo. on direct few reference to the effects of these parameters on the only a make any 14 rhizome. Most of the papers deal with the time to flowering, the length of the flowering period and the percentage of shoots that are generative. Some refer to the total number of shoots produced, which is an index of the rhizome growth. Powell and Bunt (1984,1986), the date of propagation months, March the following until May remained vegetative initiation occurred of shoot inhibition, until January, at which daylength factor vernalization had been demonstrated of four weeks at low irradiance (Healy work and Wilkins, can be fulfilled either previously 1982a, 1982b) showed that weeks, or at 13°C over an extended production treatment during the flowering increased, but date than period period no difference period interactions of requirement. by Healy a 5°C treatment levels to promote at 5°C for a short of This suggested by complex a vernalization Sims in conditions seen were affected less by propagation being controlled in May on the cultivar. (1979), when they found that plants required minimum A period to commence was also reported and possibly in time flower shoots. vegetative and short days to be a period of dormancy. patterns remained half of the plants propagated the decline in shoot production by season, the effect of the latter Wilkins November or two to eight weeks, depending that flower production temperature, Often, the following or dormancy, (1985) also considered low temperature spring. Plants two to four flowers within in July, September in both new and previously and last for between This or May initiated whereas those propagated vegetative have shown that on several cultivars, can have a marked effect on flower production. in January, propagated working flowering. for a Further this cold requirement of time, i. e. of up to 16 weeks. decreased as the duration in the total and time six to eight Total shoot of the 5°C to flowering was observed between plants under the two regimes. Noordegraaf (1972,1975) showed that 9°C, the lowest of the temperatures flower initiation occurred earliest at tested, and that there was virtually no flowering at 25°C, the highest temperature tested. However, subsequent 15 was faster at the higher temperatures. flower development of shoots increased over the temperature of generative percentage proportion a higher stant of vegetative percentage shoots 1990) produced irrespective of cultivar, than A constant from (Blom 16°C of soil temperature the spring at the con- grown plants Annual of 15 per cent, production In the autumn and summer. production was not affected tween the spring/summer and constant Ke; '-Gunderson et al. (1989) investigated temperatures occurred and concluded a 20°C mean daytime with temperature soil temperatures, that day temperatures gave improved air temperatures produced the greatest air temperature, at 5 to 25°C, the highest number the soil temperature temperature year round with production. shoots. a root Warmer whereas cooler When plants of 13°C with the rhizome and roots shoots, 33 per cent, was pro- of generative (Healy 10°C of was 13°C, no differences and Wilkins, 1986c). When in the percentage of generative shoots were seen, regardless of the air temperature high in percentage resulted a which ments of flowers combined higher yields of generative air temperature air and sub- production flower grade and stem length, were grown in a constant duced at a rhizome respectively. the effect of different of 12 to 14°C which favoured be- decreased from 3.1 to 2.2 and the autumn/winter for uncontrolled and dependent. flower production of but the ratio in a 15°C. However, at a constant a decrease in flower during at a soil tem- increases and decreases were observed which were cultivar winter, strate Alstroemeria at 21°C for 21 days resulted flowered of the shoots 15°C soil temperature. Piott, and have been reported results growing of 15°C for 40 days and then perature higher Similar (1988). (1979) showed that Heins and Wilkins number range of 13°C to 25°C, however, the shoots declined. Waithaka and by Chepkairor The total or the daylength. of generative Treat- shoots also produced high dry weights for roots and rhizomes. The effect of soil cooling and supplementary lighting has also been considered by Lin (1984,1985), who showed that an air temperature of 15 to 18°C and 16 of between a soil temperature of flowering shoots in spring/summer high pressure sodium mentary spring and summer the autumn flowering with 11 and 14°C resulted produced and winter, and also in autumn/winter. lighting plants with fewer flowering in October lighting. strated that greatly increase yields and advance flowering planting (Healy of flowering lighting. et al., 1982; Healy 1983) have reported similar interruption by incandescent produces creased the number night (1983), Lin and Molnar the upper limit et al., incandescent daylength, lighting and quality 1982; at was absent. Healy and for up to five hours, which produced Similar 1985; Lin and therefore was short (Healy earlier flowering results with by Noordegraaf a 16 hour daylength flower production. can due to supplementary Extending was used as an extension inand long day/short (1972,1975) was suggested and as this time caused to occur even earlier but fewer shoots were produced. periments natural stems. from which for maximum of flowering 1976,1979) have also been reported treatments flowering increases in the number light a long day treatment, of flowering Krogt, for shoot and flower initiation 1979; Heins and Wilkins, effectively 1986b; daylength when natural or January by at least three weeks. Other and Wilkins, shoots and the advancement This occurred Wilkins, of and quality (1973) demon- Leliveld in December than rather times of the year when the stimulus Night shoots, whereas in increased the number this treatment Supple- for 16 hours a day in the provided the use of supplementary or without and Molnar, number However, soil cooling also decreased total shoot production, shoots. workers in an increased In these ex- hours of eight of not as a night interruption. As may be expected, under conditions of short days i. e. eight to ten hours, the flowering of Alstroemeria cultivars is severely inhibited, irrespective of soil or air temperatures (Healy et al., 1982; Healy and Wilkins, Wilkins, 1979; Heins and 1979; Lin and Molnar, 1983; Noordegraaf, 1975). However, shoot production is not inhibited. Dambre (1988) used a short day treatment of dormancy hours in Alstroemeria in the to onset of nine prevent an attempt cultivars which, as already stated, often occurs in summer. In the first few 17 weeks of the short the rhizome, partly in this season which, encountered press flower formation. Rhizome by short day treatments. the daylength with After as previously formation are thought to sup- were also suppressed and growth the number was stopped plants increased and there was an increase in rhizome flowering which was and high temperatures stated, the treatment on daylength 90 per cent of these shoots were vegetative, to be associated thought of shoots were formed i. e. up to five times the number formed under natural However, conditions. large numbers day treatment, numbers of and weight. In an early publication, flower initiation and formation remain flowering are not promoted has an inhibitory unresolved. while by two primary Healy or thermophase, is biphasic. as a prerequisite a flush once the thermophase or photophase, flush dormancy a and after 1.3.2 factors, (1986c) and Wilkins flower These interactions Alstroemeria temperature rhizome state that but a continuous of this interaction the control of flowering temperatures, and that flower and induction process for each shoot elongates. The latest summary photoperiod, by the same factors et al. (1989) suggest that is not a single event on the rhizome as the rhizome development shoot that effect on shoot development. Keil-Gunderson is influenced photoperiod, (1975) stated Noordegraaf (Blom and Piott, Plants require a cold induction to flowering. has been fulfilled is strongly The mechanism is still implicated. of the rhizome lack of plant growth 1990) suggests that is believed substances unclear. Cessation treatment, that triggers However, a flowering of to be due to high soil and long photoperiods. In Vitro Although the commercial propagation of Alstroerneria is carried out in vitro, very few publications have been produced or methods of culture. 4i ht, temperature the effect of on Qo. It would appear that only ZivJ(1973) has tried a White's Alstroemeria. MS for the than medium propagation of medium other 18 (1963) was compared the growth Recently, of cultures. on different MS medium with but no differences Smith were observed (1987) referred to tests and Bridgen but few results are presented media components, in in the abstract published. sources have also been assessed, for example flower pedicels, Different explant subapical segments of inflorescence (Hussey et al., 1979; King 1973). For good explant zome segments with Lin and Monette, and Bridgen, growth stems and rhizome segments and ease of production, Cultures and Monette, from initiated culturing (1988) demonstrated the larger the explant, in relation sliced give a Pierik rhizome. of aerial shoots it bears, the lower the rate of axillary an explant et al., 1979; segments rhizome those from the intact with suggested that from rhi- halves or quarters, 1987), or into poorer response compared that 1987; Ziý,, 1987; Lin and Monette, (Hussey has been apex suggested an intact 1987). (Lin longitudinally or vegetative et al. to the number bud outgrowth, and a single shoot was the most efficient comprising Alstroemeria. way of multiplying el' 01. Ziv/(1973) Although cytokinins, respectively, (1984,1985) on rhizome meria in vitro. shoot growth growth branching, Gabryszewska and Hempel BAP Cytokinins but inhibited were reported and 6-(y, ry-dimeth- and indole-3-butyric and rooting, that the auxins stimulated rooting, with by Pierik as above, with branching, rhizome stimulated and the cytokinins (PBA), purine NAA aerial shoot production but had no effect on rhizome regulators (IAA) acid comparisons of compounds. and the auxins They concluded most effective. ilar results (2iP) BAP et al. (kinetin). of Alstroeand aerial NAA being the with branching acid rooting and aerial shoot being the most effective. Sim- (1988) after screening the addition of the auxin the same indole-3-acetic 6-(benzylamino)-9-(2-tetrahydropyranyl)-9H(zeatin) 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)purine furfurylaininopurine and auxins made any direct screened the effects of the cytokinins ylallylamino)-purine production (1987) used different in their work, neither these groups of effects within (IBA) and Lin and Monette Bridgen and Winski (1989), and 6- however, re- 19 ported few differences growth of Alstroemeria With with irradiance and light Pierik in vitro. rhizome explants between 1.5 and 9.7 W m-2 for rapid propagation. affected by daylength, at daylengths 1988). When multiplication of 8 hours with ing a decrease in the rhizome The in vitro culture of Alstroemeria genesis and embryogenesis gen, 1986; Gonzalez hybrid embryos, reported (Winski elimination sluijs, from that difference Benito would can be cultured of 6-8 W m-2, Different elicit a different not reach maturity without causwould, cultivars to achieve organo- of somaclonal 1990). at 15°C range of responses. is also being studied and Alderson, rate at rates at 10, multiplication Alstroemeria for the production 15 of 15°C was established temperature rate. et at., between was seen decrease in multiplication an irradiance pattern, cultured between at temperatures no significant multiplication and irradiance (Pierik 6 8W to of m-2 (1989) after comparing a similar Bridgen rate was not significantly rate was compared et al., 1988). An optimum following of the rhi- was made between explants when comparison of 8 or 16 hours, at an irradiance daylength and a irradiances that reported multiplication 15 and 20°C. These results show that although (1988) 120 AE m 2s-1 was the optimum that In addition, and Winski of Alstroemeria lower irradiances. the at increased 15 and 21°C but there was a significant by Bridgen present data on on the multiplication et al. and 24°C, rising by 3'C intervals, 24°C (Pierik Alstroemeria had no effect on the multiplication shoot length (1989) concluded Winski of 8°C for initiating at 22°C, only two publications multiplication the and Lin and Mon- Alstroerneria, when rooting the effects of temperature zome, though and 2iP, on the (1984), who reported and Hempel (1987), who suggested a temperature ette cultures BAP, kinetin in culture. of Gabryszewska the exceptions higher for need a between the cytokinins The variants in vitro (Brid- rescue of in the seed, has also been and Bridgen, 1988). Likewise, Alstroemeria have also been studied culture and virus (Hakkaart and Ver- meristem 1985). 20 1.4 1.4.1 DOMINANCE APICAL The Mechanism Recent of Apical of this reviews (1988). and Hooley Dominance can be found topic The growing shoot apex is known over a range of developmental influence laterals of the orientation events including and the development which a plant adopts but they also have the ability bud meristems, loses its capacity on the form the development them in a quiescent state until the apex shoot apex. bud. apex of the axillary (Tamar, A small group directly 1987). further After The ability apices is not only of major development and develops into the This phenomenon to sustain a supply ecological advantage but industries, as axillary the latter numbers, has commercial via techniques of vegetative This suggests that, al., 1988). growth is also required It has been postulated of lateral that (Hertel mays and Leopold, evidence that the majority signal. bud growth 1963; Sheldrake of auxin transport polarity However, in bud growth is (Richards et by the auxin of transport from the tabacum and coleoptiles and Northcote, it is other than those this signal is provided segments of Nicotiana and plant meristems, before lateral lateral which has been shown to have a basipetal shoot apex in internodal and horticultural in these species, hormones bud may control by the apical integrated. are propagation. the apex is the source of some correlative stimulated. produced and development can be used to increase yields outgrowth defoliation some grass species of replacement is also an excellent value in the agricultural Since removal of the shoot apex stimulates that bud is formed a visible of a plant of the way in which plant growth example of cells in the axil of a leaf becomes isolated from the apical meristem primordium IAA, influence to restrict Not and stolons. from is the plant. or removed to dominate the growing evident bud growth, axillary buds in several plant species have been shown to originate Axillary from maintaining and Roberts to exert correlative of rhizomes have do the tissues of a plant apical a profound only of lateral (1987) in Tamas of Zea 1968). There is takes place in cells associated 21 with the internal (1983) Gilbert have shown that bundles is the location with down moving growth decreasing the plant distance from the apex. buds was proposed, (1972) and Hillman and Usciati often This is considered less central and direct reviewed This tance. than previously to a greater flows and distribution of transport As these would include directed movement stituents, thereby McIntyre, consequently limiting (PGRs) regulators the growth McIntyre bud outgrowth of lateral hormonal as being closely controlled control and plant nutrients, for these growth and Damson, con- et al., 1978; The stimula- 1988). inhibitors auxin as polar to interpret, accep- ions and water. buds (Leakey by such compounds has become more difficult a greater of metabolites, to the apex would bias competition was regarded activity patterns plant growth 1969,1972,1977; tion of lateral molecules towards on possible emphasis and envisaged. for many years and is now gaining is leading by Guern to be more complex The concept that auxin acts at the shoot apex by diverting it, has been considered inhi- of auxin has shown the role of auxin in and release of apical dominance the maintenance as an effect of theory more recent work, (1984,1986), effect on the less pronounced becoming Since the direct or supply. concentration of lateral probably dominance carrier. to have a direct was thought the plasma the vascular cells sheathing auxin transport with Jacobs and stem tissue, sativum of the presumptive buds, of axillary increasing bition in Pisum of the basal ends of parenchyma membranes Auxin and in cells close to the cambium. phloem bud than when axillary by auxin (Rubery, supply 1987b). It has also been reported IAA auxin and that This suggests that transport likely ion extrusion, and that the absence of calcium the calcium status to alter both the internal by inhibitors inhibited directly is the of cell a change in the direction concentration stimulated normally and Fuente, 1984), can be prevented (De Guzman transport, that calcium IAA of polar transport. linked IAA and rate of by to auxin movement distribution and polar is of cal- 22 cium within the cell. These changes could then set off different developmental effects in the cell (Hepler and Wayne, 1985). The basic mechanism of apical dominance, therefore, remains unresolved even though extensive information is available on specific hormonal effects. All the classes of major growth substances are known to have at least some effect on axillary bud growth but their interaction is still largely undefined. In general, a hormone regime that enhances vigour of the apical bud enhances apical dominance, whereas when the apical bud is less vigorous, lateral bud growth may continue under the influence of growth promotive hormones in the axillary bud (Tamas, 1987). Growth 1.4.2 Regulator Triiodobenzoic in plants (TIBA) acid to be due mainly to decrease plant the effects of TIBA Morris of polar sativum) coleoptile inhibited of specific known Inhibition cv. branching as TIBA is However, 1988). different under the basipetal of TIBA of TIBA and Leopold, `Paul Richter') to intact to the basal cut ends (Saltveit (Okubo and Uemoto, 1987a). as it did in the auxin transport auxin in- pea seedlings In Dracaena 1963). first the at node of tulip potent (Rubery, of IAA, transport of the increase in diffusible treatment and highly as phytotropins decrease 60 in basipetal per cent a after the application riana of a group transport, auxin (Hertel Zea of mays stem segments, after TIBA and Hooley, to be unpredictable (1973) showed that application et al. (Pisum 1983). (Roberts which were also reported in crop lodging, to a reduction height regulator trees and stimulates in soybean yields have been found is classed as a member hibitors plant growth conditions. environmental TIBA in fruit Increases such as soybean. also known is a synthetic branch development but are thought Dominance of Apical acid 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic increases lateral Control marginata occurred and Fonteno, has also been reported flower stalks 1985). TIBA (Tulipa gesne- also inhibits 23 of hypocotyl the growth (2,4-D) acetic acid sections of soybean induced by 2,4-dichlorophenoxy- by as much as 60 per cent (Widholm Auxin uptake into tobacco stem segments is stimulated action of TIBA, probably (Rubery, from the cells efflux inhibit polar auxin in this recognised of polar auxin auxin anion efflux' (Goldsmith, at the level of the auxin and Rubery, (Depta different site It therefore within fashion polar a Consequently, contradiction (Thomson of TIBA auxins and TIBA (Davies work This has shown TIBA for polar that transport auxin reside on a separate with the catalytic associated to be it binds to a regulatory site could with it, if the proteins being a non-competitive system. subunit are mobile in any transport that the biological to resolve this apparent inhibitor and also a substrate This suggests that for the auxin efflux carrier, have separate specific and Hooley, downhill et al., 1973). properties binding sites and that translocations, (Depta role for auxins in such developmental (Roberts mechanism itself has also been found to be transported tion of one of the sites allows ligand both sites prevents The the plasma membrane has been two model a site proposed of the polar transport apparent 1956). acting carrier of the efflux carrier or capable of interacting TIBA was the first chemical inhibition seems likely site. of auxin secretion 1980), with Further either permanently the membrane. of auxin to be an `energetically within of the efflux from the substrate subunit, regulatory 1987b). inhibitor et al., 1983). and Skoog, 1977; Rubery, efflux carrier 1978; Rubery, a non-competitive by blocking is now thought transport by the of a component 1987a) and TIBA (Niedergang group up to threefold 1978). transport from the basal ends of cells (Rubery, 1970). results have also been recorded 1979). Similar (Davies and Rubery, for Pisurn sativum Phytotropins of inhibition as a result and Shaffer, and Rubery, of TIBA whereas occupation of 1984). It is therefore are consistent events as growth the occupa- with a critical dominance and apical 1988). 24 Cytokinins There is strong evidence that (Tamas, growth from and thidiazuron are key factors cytokinins 1987). Application of cytokinins to quiescent a range of species has been shown to stimulate in soybean ample monocotyledonous (Ali and Fletcher, plants (Hussey, in vitro (Dalton polar auxin thought transport to play an important Apical dominance within the plant root-produced cytokinin, thereby depriving Wareing applied by regulating which accumulates cuttings Therefore, growth, if the apical bud is highly dominant It has also been shown (Wang mainly to enable axillary Thidiazuron, distribution shoot growth of IAA requires in the shoot apex, Woolley and to the apical stump of BAP, buds may be under apical then the root-derived to the apical bud, thereby shoots are able to synthesize cytokinin, seem that cytokinin from the roots can enhance axillary while cytokinins dominance. supply, previously, buds. This suggests that cytokinin transported in auxin mul- to inhibit leads to a decrease in the amount are probably it would as stated preferentially in, the axillary to, and accumulation control. sequently is known buds of their supply of cytokinin. at the base, reaching the axillary transport BAP This assumes that 1975). the axillary Solanum and cormous, role in apical dominance. (1972) have shown that the application of decapitated for ex- growth, of BAP to ryegrass (Lolium 1982), a mechanism, may be maintained (Phillips, buds Increases in the rate of tillering 1976). and Dale, 1981,1985). (Harrison, their bud axillary 1971) and in bulbous have also been found from the application tiflorum) in promoting and Wareing, repressed axillary a redirection of cytokinin may be necessary to either buds to synthesize cytokinin, N-phenyl-N'-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl) initiate bud cytokinins enhancing apical 1979) that while buds are not. Consupply axillary or a decline bud growth or respectively. urea, was first developed as a defoliant for cotton Gossipium hirsuturn (Arndt et al., 1976). It is absorbed by the leaves and causes premature formation of the natural abscission layer between the stem and petiole (Anon, 1986) and it also provides superior 25 control of regrowth The biochemical fully not yet Cytokinin vegetation principles has been detected of thidiazuron activity stimulation (van Nieuwkerk trees and oleracea `Italica' group) Increases in cytokinin on shoot formation have been determined for woody induce an increase in the activity of this enzyme suggests that it plays an important tissues (Chatfield levels in plant response from the enzyme. role in the regulation and Armstrong, being virtually the biological as a cytokinin-active inactive, activity of BAP (Takahashi of thidiazuron of the most active adenine-type The biosynthesis Thidi- 1986). in inducing along with this other derivative (Mok is very variable, few having a activities et many equal to et al., 1978). In all reports to date was higher than or comparable to that cytokinins. is promoted by the synergistic action of auxin (Lau and Yang, 1973) and it has been shown that thidiazuron and cytokinin can substitute that of ethylene phenylurea with of oxidase. of such derivatives activity or completely or greater than that production for cytokinin oxidase and the specificity This suggests that thidiazuron may serve as a substrate al., 1987). The cytokinin species of cytokinin azuron was found to be as effective as any adenine derivative is classified and (Brassica brocccli Wang 1986), 1986; et al., et al. , (Mok et al., 1987) and several other test systems. in callus tissues of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. `Great Northern' Thidiazuron of being less active 1985), analogues The effects of thidiazuron bud growth of axillary in callus bioassays where it was found to be more active than et al., 1982; Mok and Mok, than the parent compound. cytokinins are understood. (Mok cytokinin 1987). the mode of action of thidiazuron underlining Phaseolus lunatus cv. `Kingston' zeatin (Gianfanga, the leaf abscission after effectively (Yip application for adenine-type cytokinins resulted tion in mung bean ( Vigna radiata) findings in an increase in ethylene produc- and cotton 1984a, 1984b, 1985). This is thought ethylene earlier Yang, 1986). This activity and of thidiazuron in enhancing agrees with (Gossipium to play an important hirsutum) (Suttle, role in the abscis- 26 leaves (Anon, sion of cotton From these observations the biological eral, to the properties phenomenon in vitro is the change in cytokinin azuron Cytokinin-dependent on medium endogenous cytokinin and Katterman, by combined ual buds treated treatment and Hooley, with kinetin followed in the lengths of their internodes. by the cytokinin induces ethylene fect on auxin-induced cv. on Phaseolus a phenomenon that individ- by the auxin. of elongation production in some plant species (Kang When production ef- (Lau and Yang, 1973; Yoshii and and Burg, 1968) suggested led to inhibition bud of growth. (Yeang and Hillman, et al., 1971; has a synergistic of cytokinin it enhances its production. vulgaris axillary buds to be due to release from Work that on Pisum IAA However, 1981,1982) stimulated buds and that inhibitors sativum ethy- more recent work has shown that creasing the ethylene level in the apical shoot can lead to development inhibited also of this reaction (1967) demonstrated This was thought and promotion ethylene 1981), i. e. lene production auxin, by auxin, resembled uninhibited 1971) and the addition (Burg with PGR, could achieve this result. alone, neither Sakai and Imaseki, in vivo, however bud outgrowth 1988). The mechanism Sachs and Thimann still remains unclear. `Alaska' (Thomas known to be caused by thidiazuron are often transitory in vitro (Roberts Imaseki, to an increase in synergism can be prolonged applied in subse- 1986). The effects of cytokinins inhibition to it. maintained autonomy et al., 1983). This may be linked synthesis, Auxin-cytokinin evident cytokinin et the use of thidi- after exposure requirement displayed thidiazuron, containing (Mok cytokinins with associated in gen- conform, callus of some Phaseolus lunatus genotypes, (Capelle quent passages Auxin effects of thidiazuron for the adenine-type established An interesting al., 1987). of leading to a loss or decrease in apical dominance. polar auxin transport, 1986) and may play a role in the inhibition of ethylene production in- of the reverse this 27 (1988) et al. also concluded Dijck Van process. production, by the synergistic stimulated to the culture medium of the bromeliad cultivar auxin medium. In cultures of Plantago produced, in a ratio and cytokinin (Barna ovata did not significantly it enhanced with the outgrowth genus Vriesea, where axillary by adding of auxin correlated their quality and auxin added (1987) found similar Pierik enhanced addition effect of cytokinin in vitro, is positively buds in some bromeliads. lateral that the increase in ethylene results with shoot formation a was of 1: 10 to the culture and Wakhlu, affect the number 1988), though shoots of axillary increased and significantly of their length. It is known that ethylene inhibits polar-auxin transport (Morgan et al., 1968) which, as stated previously, is thought to be a key factor in the maintenance be dominance. Therefore, the a means of ethylene could of apical production by which the synergistic interaction of auxin and cytokinin Gibberellins There are few reports Studies with (Furutani as a result Gibberellic of the more efficient Case, 1965; Palmer and Halsall, the external buds of some plants, of Hordeum (GA3) enhances apical dominance acid sativum and Zingiber officinale 1986; Jacobs and Case, 1965; Torrey, GA3 has been found to stimulate In contrast, a possible role in the regula- indicate gibberellins such as Pisum and Nagao, bud development levels and the data that exists is often contradic- applied tion of bud development. in many plants, between axillary on the relationship and endogenous gibberellin tory. operates. release of IAA the basipetal 1969; Pilet, application 1973), probably by the dominant transport of IAA apex, as (Jacobs and 1965; Stowe and Yatnaki, 1957). of GA3 may also enhance the outgrowth such as Nelumbo (Kane Avena and cv. `Chinese' lutea, Hedera helix cv. et al., 1988; Galston and Davies, `Baltica', 1969; Lewnes and Moser, 1976; Scott et al., 1967). Kinetin strongly promotes the releaseof axillary buds from apical dominance ThiSachs (Catalano GA3 Hill, 1969; together and when applied with and 28 1964). It has, however, been suggested that this may be the action of mann, GA3 on the buds after their release from inhibition apical dominance As stated previously, from the apex the bud is situated decreasing that which this effect is increased. (Liu 1984) and intercalary Cellular elongation is a complex force the of of turgor and Jones, meristems in newly formed (Kaufman, The latter effect on the irreversible, or plastic, 1987). 1987; of the cell wall but a profound effect on elasticity component process (Metraux, the yielding affects cells 1965,1967). the physical and a change in cell wall metabolism 1977). from GA3 can increase that involving mechanism and GA3 has been shown to have little al., 1975; Stoddart, to result by be a means of shoots could and Loy, 1976) and elongation and Kende, the further it can be postulated Therefore, It has been established (Raskin Stuart this is thought and that of GA3 to cause elongation the capacity cell proliferation becomes less pronounced or supply of auxin. concentration by kinetin. (Adams of extensibility There seems to be no information linking et these two phenomena. Paclobutrazol field testing Extensive has shown paclobutrazol, pentan-3-oll, nyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) trum growth with (Lever to the plants no adverse effects pounds retardant to which active growth producing paclobutrazol retardants [(2RS, 3RS)-1-(chlorophe- reductions belongs, demonstrated to be a broad spec- in vegetative growth, generally et al., 1982). The group of com- the triazoles, (Hedden far so highly the most are Graebe, and 1985). Studies with apple cultivars (Quinlan and Richardson, 1984; Stinchcombe et have Tromp, 1987) 1984; shown that paclobutrazol al., decreases can cause in shoot length and leaf size and promote flowering, though the time of flowbeen has delayed. fruit Enhancement recorded of set ering was sometimes but without any effect on yield. Similar results were reported for strawberry (McArthur berries larger fewer Eaton, 1987) were of numbers and where 29 and yield was unaffected. produced al., 1987) and cultivars 1984), plant growth (Prunus of plum was inhibited Changes in ear and grain number ceous crops and turf and yields mental plants, often with enhanced flowering. and poinsettia (Euphorbia ium longiflorum) (Jiao paclobutrazol (Hebbleth- and Batch, to produce 1982). more compact These include 1983), Easter lily (Lil- Rees 1986; et al., et al., 1982), had been proven for over 60 species (Anon, Paclobutrazol is readily foliage and it is transported Consequently little and paclobutrazol almost acropetally, and Shearing, stem tissue and roots, exclusively the site of action of paclobutrazol. through division areas of cell by 1984). in the xylem. in the leaves sprayed onto foliage accumulates reaches the meristematic PP333 is required of through and of plant growth paclobutrazol up passively (Hanks tulip 1985; Lever et al., 1982; Shanks, 1980). By 1984, control taken orna- chrysanthemum 1983; Rees et al., 1982) and many others (Galston Menhenett, as- in gramina- (Menhenett, pulcherrima) reduced. of canopy structure, with has also been used effectively and Quinlan, severely were often et have been produced grasses, after treatment Paclobutrazol (Huang watermelon (Webster and modification et al., 1982; Lever et al. 1982; Shearing waite with domestica) changes in plant morphology, with sociated In studies and cell elongation, To reach these meristeinatic areas uptake the roots or exposed stems (Anon, 1984; Lever et al., 1982). The primary role of paclobutrazol also possess fungicidal that the compound endogenous interferes (Lever directly increased with a variety chlorophyll the plants, The latter concentration, may result as has been recorded with the regulation physiological altered it does of These are thought and cytokinins. of secondary though It is also assumed et al., 1982). delayed senescence and increased stress tolerance man et al., 1987). retardant, or indirectly levels of abscisic acid (ABA) to be closely connected including properties is as a growth responses carbohydrate (Gehlot status, Gross1989; et al., from a change in the water use of in apples following the application of pa- 30 (Atkinson, clobutrazol 1986; Atkinson and Chauhan, levels by decreased of water uptake, caused conductivity area, stomatal duced by the action of paclobutrazol increased (Smith to the explants, prowith in in vitro material of which leads to better ex vitro establishment et al., 1990). Commercial paclobutrazol form which is known has fungicidal Lurssen, 1987). sterol but impact of the gibberellin and Lawrence, respectively the action of paclobutrazol elongation and other growth of gibberellins. demethylation of sterol of ergosterol, branes, thereby some fundamental affecting associated Therefore, cell division with on sterol metabolism and Wiggins, a vital component (Dalziel acid 1987). prevents in fungi (Baldwin prevents the biosynthesis biosynthesis oxidase in the oxi- 1985; Graebe, responses normally The action of paclobutrazol 1984; Hedden to ent-kaurenoic as an anti-gibberellin of the or interference of gibberellin of ent-kaurene ent-kaurene and Graebe, action and Lawrence, 1987). The inhibition 1984; Hedden et al., 1987; biosynthesis of gibberellin precursor (Lenton on growth (Dalziel the 2S, 3S form 3R 2R, the which and are caused by the selective to be caused by the inhibition is thought hibition little on the inhibition 1985; Lurssen, of two enantiomers, stem elongation These phenomena metabolism, and Graebe, dation is a racemic mixture to inhibit activity two enantiomers with are often It has also been shown that these changes confer resistance chrysanthemum. to desiccation that These changes together on plants. wax, have been demonstrated epicuticular with decreases in leaf associated size and density, and root may be This 1987). and the action involves in1984) which fungal cell memof of these membranes. property The biosynthetic pathways of sterol and gibberellin have features in common has been levels to the reported of plant tissues reduce sterol and paclobutrazol (Baldwin Wiggins, and 1984). However, the enantiomers are not specific inhibitors of the two pathways. Consequently, a third mode of action, namely changes in endogenous ABA levels, is implicated to explain the observed effect on water consumption and stomatal movement. 31 Ethylene and abscisic acid Although they these growth regulators have been implicated in the mechanisms interaction their sequently, have not been used in the present study, with discussed dominance apical will previously. Con- be considered here briefly. Ethylene There is considerable dominance, (Roberts though ethylene et al., 1968). Pretreatment in their individual of whole after the removal of the ethylene level the may reduce of auxin carriers regulating Abscisic gene expression the ABA treated (Morgan (Burg hours and 1968) appears to be with recovery occurring 1973). This suggests that ethylene in the plasma membrane, or intra-cellular protein that axillary bud growth possibly by movement. content is correlated buds. If the shoot is decapitated, the of or otherwise to release the buds from the ABA plants (Tucker, content from inhibition inhibition, (Tamas, (Tucker, 1987). of the axillary 1976). ABA treatment whereas the application inhibition polar inhibition is seen to decrease rapidly tomato, signal acid Some workers have reported with and Mullins, to be inhibited, (Beyer, sensitivity for several plants 1967) or excised segments (Osborne auxin transport as a correlative can severely inhibit pretreatment with species differing necessary for polar in also play a role may apical its gaseous nature makes it unlikely and Hooley, 1988). Ethylene auxin transport, Burg, evidence that of ABA the ABA In non-branching of axillary to the shoot with of the buds mutants of buds is much higher than in normal buds inhibits their growth, apex releases axillary 1977). This response is thought bud growth, of apical content the consequent buds to be caused by the loss of its dominance effect. There are no indications that ABA functions as the correlative signal released by shoot apices. The available evidence suggests that ABA acts within the 32 buds as a secondary axillary inant plants apex. Decapitation factor, lowered but this was prevented (Tucker, 1978). maintain a high level of ABA the effect of ABA It therefore whose level can be regulated ABA levels in axillary by the application appears, that in the axillary may be modified of IAA the polar buds. by the dom- buds of Phaseolus to the cut stump transport of IAA It is also thought, by other plant growth can that (Tamar, substances 1987). 33 Chapter MATERIALS 2: AND GENERAL METHODS 2.1 SOURCE OF PLANT Plants of four hybrid and a 'Butterfly type', cultivars MATERIAL of Alstroemeria, were supplied Alstroemeria growth characteristics. groups and, therefore, for Alstroerneria 2.2 GROUP The four cultivars together (Spal- to as `Butter- into groups on the basis of their chosen originate they exhibit `Eleanor', Company type' will be referred are often divided cultivars `Parade', by Parigo Horticultural ding, U. K. ). In this thesis the `Butterfly fly'. `Valiant', from four different a range of growth characteristics in vivo and in vitro. cultivars BACKGROUNDS AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS In this thesis, aerial shoots are referred to as shoots. the rights of the breeder the species used in the following To protect programmes supplied will be referred by Parigo Horticultural to as a, 3, y and b. This breeding information was Co.. " Species a, a native of cool plains and mountain foothills, including pine forest frost-free. is Nothofagus the where climate generally and " Species ý, a native of frost-free areas of the Pacific coast, where a cool dry. it is to summers and often warm spring usually gives way " Species -y, a native a shade loving of the northern South America most regions of and plant. 34 " Species b, a native of the Pacific coastal regions. All of these parent species were collected from Chile, though they are not all restricted to this country. Group A (sterile triploids) Species a9x Species Qd Hybrid 19x Species a cj cv. `Eleanor' This group performs cultivars with hybrid when established Generally Group well in vitro but shows poor establishment 1 as the female parent the rhizome grow well in vitro. is large and the shoots no flowers are produced are tall in vivo. All However, and strong. in the winter. B (sterile triploids) Species ß9x Species ry c Hybrid 29x Species ad cv. `Carmen' Radiation Mutation cv. `Valiant' 35 This group multiplies in vitro but possesses good growth in vivo. poorly However, the rhizome is small and weak and the shoots, though reasonably tall, are also weak. There is some flower production through the winter. Group C (sterile triploids) These are products of the same programme as that for group B. The cultivar chosen from this group was `Parade'. Growth in vitro is relatively poor, whereas in vivo it is good. However, the rhizome, though slow to extend, is not as small and weak as that in group B and shoot growth is tall and strong. The stems remain vegetative in winter. Group D (fertile diploids) Species S9x Species ry cv. `Butterfly The growth of these cultivars they are easy to establish is quite dissimilar different it shorter texture types' in vitro is generally and grow vigorously. very poor, whereas in vivo Morphologically to the others as the stems are shorter, and the close positioning and more compact. Flowering this group the leaves have a of the shoots on the rhizome makes is generally confined to late summer and autumn. The number markedly and distribution between the four cultivars `Eleanor' the groups. of the roots and tubers on the rhizome Figure chosen. It can be seen, therefore, shows poor establishment, good establishment, 2.1 shows the rhizome whereas the cultivar the converse being true in vitro. and `Parade' are intermediates that rootstocks of in vivo the cultivar `Butterfly' The cultivars between the two cultivars varies `Eleanor' shows `Valiant' `Butand terfly'. 36 Figure 2.1: The rhizome rootstocks of the four cultivars chosen. Each rhiB= basal `Valiant', internodes. A= ten zome segment consists of enlarged `Parade', C= 'Butterfly' and D= `Eleanor'. Bar =5 cm 37 2.3 2.3.1 GENERAL CULTURAL CONDITIONS In Vivo At the beginning of each experiment lifted plant clumps for splitting had been produced to three litre material pots were transferred is produced nitrogen, phosphorus M2 compost. This compost they were supported tall and with split canes and string. to their experimental feed of Maxicrop with (Maxicrop The and after approximately positions from a seaweed extract and potassium level, nutrient 1987). As the plants grew fairly 12 weeks the plants were given a liquid fertilizer and small plants were transferred Fisons Levington with a pH range of 5.3 to 6.0 (Anon, of ap- consisting grade of peat and has a medium consists of a medium-coarse the stems were fragile, These `splits', basal internodes, pots containing was supplied as freshly by hand, or as small plants in 9 cm pots that from micro propagation. 10 enlarged proximately plant Triple (1: 1000). This small quantities International of added Limited, per- sonal communication). These were the standard cultural conditions for all in vivo experiments, conditions specific to each experiment are described in the relevant sections. 2.3.2 In Vitro Rhizome cultures were maintained of the four cultivars, as a multiplying for use in experiments. on the plant, which stock cultures were subcultured 15°C, a 12/12 hour (day/night) difficult daylength underground when initiating. Color cycle (Parigo Horticultural of approximately 29,65-80 provided cent tubes. Any changes to these conditions All cultures, was removed The every four or five weeks and maintained µE m-2s-1), sections. are all situated to disinfect and an irradiance by Philips material was necessary as the meristems of Alstroemneria makes them Co., by Parigo Horticultural from which stock, A stock of material used in the micropropagation personal communication) supplied stock and experimental, W, warm described are at Co., 20 W M-2 (120 white fluores- in the relevant Alstroemeria on were grown 38 production (Parigo medium Horticultural however, some experiments, different Co., personal In communication). of PGRs were added to combinations this medium. Unless otherwise This included stated, rhizomes internodes, node. the roots with At subculturing before continuing subculturing explant' removed the explants through occurred 2.4 Horticultural first the the shoots excised above and were returned MEDIA were carried if no change had to do so. MS based revised medium on was medium production B). It also contained (Appendix agar Stock solutions of the medium were stored frozen. stock solutions To prepare were mixed 4 mg 1-1 BAP, unless stated otherwise. (Appendices of the vitamins culture media, Distilled and the medium was then adjusted water and hydrochloric was added to obtain regulators (Sigma) agar of volumes (Appendix the required to a pH of 5.8 using solutions volume of potas- production dissolved being l-1 8g at ) (5 for i. ten 104°C minutes. p. s. at into and amino acids which acid. In this study Alstroemeria was always used semi-solid, pensed in 25 ml aliquots A and B) were stored the appropriate and sucrose and growth C) were added. (Ap- and sucrose and reduced of vitamins constituents in the dark at 5°C, with the exception by autoclaving that communication) A), with elevated concentrations pendix medium after which PREPARATION The Alstroemeria sium hydroxide condition been had it reported cycles, as this time, then it was unlikely within to this initial All of the in vitro experiments Co., personal basal of three enlarged consisted out for 12 weeks only, i. e. three subculture (Parigo For them to fresh medium. the next four weeks of the experiment, again occur. would some of the removing , culturing and transferring a `standard work, was subcultured for subsequent older part of the rhizome explant experimental four weeks. every first the the the node, roots and shoots above all of removing lateral separating in vitro material The medium diswas 140 ml screw top glass jars and sterilized by 39 j5 4This r (15 121°C at p. s.i. autoclaving jar type and medium volume were used in all of the in vitro experiments. Due to the thermolabile had been sterilized. sterilized nature of GA3i it had to be added after the medium Consequently, Sartorius with Minisart and added to the cooling previously sterilized DATA 2.5 All pH adjusted NML AND designs were randomised root blocks, and the complete system were repeated to produce the details with The in vivo experiments (ii) and and tubers rhizomes into ANALYSIS of either four or eight weeks by recording intervals aseptically filters, jars. culture designs being given in each section. lateral 0.2 µm pore size disposable This was then dispensed medium. RECORDING experimental of GA3 were filter solutions with through replication were assessed at (i) the numbers of shoots, the dry weights rhizome of the laterals. time. of the shoots, whole These experiments The repetitions were performed over the same period one year later, to prevent any seasonal effects occurring. The two data sets were then combined each parameter per plant. at subculturing recorded. eighth The numbers and twelfth of shoots, lateral that media or environments sets were combined of the experiment, the explants during were becoming the initial weeks from producing material. the start of and roots were rhizomes was not used, as accustomed to the new four weeks. The second and third to be repeats as one data set, as they were considered a mean value for each parameter The means of the numbers produced using all non-infected were assessed cultures However, the first set of data for each experiment it was considered jar. In the in vitro experiments fourth, the on the experiments. to give a mean value for for each treatment Data presented per culture were calculated in figures and tables are the means per explant. When the data consisted of scores or counts, it was considered to be discontinuous and was analysed by fitting binomial linear or a model with a 40 Poisson distribution deviance. From These are both considered of the errors. these analyses, (p) could be worked probability data, for example of samples, were subjected weights Genstat the using performed cultural probability Trust, considered significant for p=0.05 computing Experimental Continuous to an analysis (p) were produced. 5 statistical 1988, Rothamsted out. error of the difference for from the standard which values ance, (sed) and the statistical (x2) were produced, values for chi-square from which the statistical as analyses of All of vari- of the means analyses were (Lawes Agripackage Station). Differences or less. As this study was principally concerned with the effects of the treatments the cultivars differences and substantial been demonstrated (Section sponse between cultivars the experiment were between the cultivars 2.2), no analyses of the variation in experiments designed to quantify have already in growth be An exception made. will the differences apparent on re- to this is in vitro (Section 5.3). 41 Chapter THE 3: EFFECT TEMPERATURE, DAYLENGTH OF IRRADIANCE AND ON RHIZOME GROWTH IN VIVO 3.1 INTRODUCTION Of the limited number of papers published factors on the growth vironmental of Alstroemeria specific reference to how these factors Consequently, rhizomes experiments influence were carried the environmental in vivo, only a few make the growth of the rhizome. out to study the growth irradiance across ranges of temperature, In each experiment, on the effects of changes in en- response of and daylength, in vivo. factors were constant with the ex- ception of the single variable being studied. All of the experiments were carried out in the period between autumn to spring in order to avoid extremes of temperature in the glasshouses. Suitable plant material was also more available in the autumn. 3.2 3.2.1 THE EFFECT Materials OF TEMPERATURE and Methods Potted `split' plant material (Section 2.3.1) of the cultivars and `Butterfly' were grown in three controlled set at constant temperatures of 8,13 were set on a 12/12 hour (day/night) u. kcm `Valiant', environment `Parade' Saxcil cabinets, and 18°C, for 24 weeks. The cabinets daylength cycle, lighting being supplied by Philips Color 21(white fluorescent tubes 65-80 W, that gave approximately 42 28 W M-2 (180 µE m-2s-1) screen. Growth analysis the 24 week period, treatment repeated tion 2.5), with from behind was carried at which were removed subsequently of light, times a white translucent out at intervals four plants of eight weeks, over from each experiment was and the data analysed (Sec- of each cultivar and assessed (Section This 2.5). using new plant material design of 3 temperatures an experimental perspex with x8 replicates, 4 assessments for each cultivar. 3.2.2 Results had a greater Temperature effect on the dry weight numbers of lateral rhizomes, These differences were generally cultivars weights performed poorly, producing 13 and 18°C tended to be small. a lesser extent This trend creasing by week 24. apparent Differences the temperature new growth from `splits' nificant for the cultivar initially but within generally made during in more plants and subsequently `Valiant' (Figure but suddenly base. Closer examination the tubers in the cultivar at at 18°C `Parade' dying. 3.2). this experiment failing and to collapsed that to establish Often, in- viable This was particularly a few weeks they had collapsed did not wilt had not produced results between growth 3.1). the observation supports and lower dry There was often a decline in growth at 13°C, especially (Figure `Valiant' At 8°C all of the fewer parts generally on the than (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). roots and shoots produced than at the other two temperatures. to levels lower than that of plants sig- some shoots emerged and died. The shoots due to deterioration at their revealed that the rhizome segments of these plants any new roots and had completely on these dead plants were still intact degenerated. Some of and were unchanged from when they were planted. Time to flowering, although not quantified, was retarded for all cultivars at 8°C, with a similar time to flowering for the plants in the 13 and 18°C teinperature regimes. Some material of all the cultivars at all the temperatures 43 Table 3.1: The effect of temperature on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, tubers and shoots produced by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade' and `Butterfly' Cultivar Temperature (°C) 8 `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' Period of growth (weeks) 24 08 16 Number of lateral rhizomes 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 13 0.0 0.3 1.3 3.1 18 0.0 0.0 4.0 5.0 8 13 18 8 13 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 not significant 0.8 0.6 0.2 1.5 0.0 2.3 1.6 5.9 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 not significant 2.6 2.1 2.0 4.1 5.0 3.4 4.8 7.3 6.2 not significant `Valiant' 'Parade' `Butterfly' 8 13 18 Number of tubers 8.1 4.9 4.8 4.4 8.9 31.0 5.6 4.5 8.5 33.0 4.3 4.1 8 13 18 0.8 1.5 0.7 not significant 0.4 2.9 2.7 6.0 3.8 2.7 4.3 21.0 13.1 3.3 3.7 3.7 not significant 2.9 5.3 4.6 10.0 2.8 19.1 7.8 38.0 40.0 8 13 18 p=0.05 Number of shoots `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' 8 13 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.6 2.8 5.0 18 0.0 2.3 9.8 8 13 18 8 13 18 5.9 16.3 19.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 not significant 3.1 2.1 2.5 4.1 2.8 6.2 7.3 15.0 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 not significant 7.8 3.6 6.5 13.8 8.3 19.5 15.9 29.5 28.1 not significant 44 Table 3.2: The effect of temperature on the dry weights of rhizome, roots `Butterfly' `Parade' by `Valiant', the and cultivars and shoots produced Cultivar Temperature (°C) 'Valiant' 8 13 18 `Parade' 8 13 18 Period of growth (weeks) 24 16 08 Rhizome dry weight (g) 0.62 0.44 0.29 1.04 1.11 0.59 0.34 1.04 0.91 1.33 0.31 1.04 d. f. sed=0.12, =63 p=0.05, 0.70 1.34 0.56 0.92 2.20 1.14 0.42 0.92 1.30 1.06 0.90 0.92 not significant `Butterfly' 8 0.33 0.38 0.56 0.99 13 0.33 0.42 1.01 2.21 18 0.33 0.40 1.13 3.38 d. f. sed=0.15, =63 p=0.001, 8 1.76 dry weight (g) 3.24 4.82 2.05 13 18 1.76 1.76 3.15 2.28 Root `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' 4.85 6.07 16.91 11.32 not significant 4.14 1.47 6.33 8.07 24.99 8 2.61 13 2.61 18 2.61 4.31 8 13 4.50 15.26 p=0.01, sed=2.17, d. f. =63 3.02 4.15 1.68 2.45 9.23 30.77 3.08 2.45 18 2.45 2.19 P=0.001. 'Valiant' 8 13 18 `Parade' 8 13 18 `Butterfly' 8 13 18 1.75 8.32 sed=2.76, 38.33 d. f. =63 Shoot dry weight (g) 0.80 0.19 0.07 0.00 7.03 0.10 1.89 0.00 20.23 0.07 4.74 0.00 p=0.001, sed=1.60, d. f. =63 0.75 5.38 0.13 0.00 0.24 4.85 40.27 0.00 18.33 11.30 0.00 0.56 p=0.01, sed=3.65, d. f. =63 5.34 0.00 0.25 1.66 20.89 0.00 1.36 4.60 19.89 0.00 2.27 13.80 p=0.001, sed=2.46, d. f. =63 45 { 1 { ý ". ý' (A) and `Valiant' (B) after 24 Figure 3.1: Growth of the cultivars `Butterfly' Left to right: 8,13 and 18°C. Scale weeks at three different temperatures. = 1m 46 50 40 30 20 10 0 'Valiant' 8 °C 0 `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' 'Parade' Cultivar 13 °C ®18 `Butterfly °C P=0.01 not significant p=0.05 Figure 3.2: The effect of temperature `Valiant', `Parade' and `Butterfly' on plant deaths in the cultivars 47 had buds developing flower in or was `Butterfly' the cultivar 3.3 3.3.1 OF IRRADIANCE and Methods Materials Small (Section plants 2.3.1) `Valiant' of the cultivars and `Eleanor' grown for 20 weeks in a glasshouse, set at a mean daily temperature (day/night) hour 12/12 and a produced daylength by high pressure sodium lamps (G. E. C. RC HPS/U ments of 60 and 50 per cent irradiance graded shade netting, protection were produced were of 15°C extension was 2 Solarcolour, of light. Environ- by covering the plants (Rokolene 40 and 50 per cent shade respectively S. and E. Strauss Ltd. ), supported Roko Containers, netting, cycle. The daylength 28 W m-2 (88 µE m-2s-1) 400 W), that gave approximately with of seemed to be least affected by temperature. EFFECT THE by week 16. The time to flowering on a metal frame. Two plants analysis of each cultivar (Section 2.5) at intervals in the different was monitored no significant change in the temperature Irradiance was also monitored alterations in the properties data analysed 4 replicates, (Section with irradiance repeated treatments. due to no changes occurred during of the netting 2.5), with for growth regimes to ensure that in the different occurred to ensure that was subsequently were removed of four weeks, over the 20 week period. Temperature The experiment 3.3.2 from each treatment, the experimental using new plant material an experimental period. and the design of 3 irradiances x 6 assessments for each cultivar. Results There were no losses of plants following Overall, of lateral irradiance rhizomes, had a greater transfer effect on dry weight tubers and shoots produced trends of decrease in number to the three litre containers. than on the number (Tables 3.3 and 3.4). Some and dry weight with decreasing irradiance evident but they were generally only apparent by weeks 16 or 20. Growth were was 48 always best at 100 per cent irradiance, differences depending Of the cultivars studied. studied, to changes in irradiance visible difference little Time to flowering, on the cultivar and the growth `Eleanor' received. across the range of irradiances were evident at all irradiances were present in the 100 per cent irradiance 3.4 3.4.1 THE EFFECT Materials (Section grown for 20 weeks in a glasshouse 2.3.1) blackout automated supplementary The supplementary Two analysis (Section not producing vironments. lighting were and `Eleanor' were x4 from were taken for set a maximum extension daylength to 12 and of 8 hours, 16 hours. 7.5 W m-2 (5 µE m-2s-1) each treatment was were removed for growth of four weeks, over the 20 week period. to ensure that heating experiment replicates, tempera- bulbs. any significant This at a mean daily hours 8,12 16 were achieved and of of approximately 2.5) at intervals readings `Valiant' maintained the tungsten effects in the extended was subsequently (Section data the analysed and 3 daylengths Both cultivars by week 12. for daylength lighting of each cultivar Temperature material curtains, by 100 W tungsten plants by week 8, whereas but time, this more at treatment. of the cultivars 15°C. Daylengths ture of approximately provided `Valiant' and Methods plants with for both of OF DAYLENGTH Small with 3.3). Buds and some flowers studied. for the cultivar treatments (Figure a cultivar within only buds were developing in flower in all the irradiance being there was appeared to be similar not quantified, `Eleanor', parameter At the end of the experiment the cultivars for the cultivar levels were be to the more sensitive seemed between the treatments although However, of the cultivar. between the 60 and 50 per cent irradiance perceived not consistent, regardless repeated lights daylength were en- using new plant 2.5), with an experimental design of with 6 assessments for each cultivar. 49 Table 3.3: The effect of irradiance on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, and shoots produced by the cultivars `Valiant' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' `Eleanor' Irradiance (%) 0 Period of growth (weeks) 16 48 12 Number of lateral rhizomes tubers 20 100 0.0 0.0 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.0 60 0.0 0.3 2.3 1.8 3.5 4.5 50 0.0 0.8 0.5 2.3 1.8 2.3 2.0 6.3 100 0.1 1.3 p=0.001 2.0 1.5 60 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.8 1.3 50 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.8 not significant Number of tubers `Valiant' `Eleanor' 100 15.7 14.0 15.0 19.5 49.5 67.3 60 50 15.7 15.5 18.0 25.8 28.3 39.8 15.7 18.3 14.0 26.3 23.5 33.8 15.8 27.0 100 5.5 not significant 8.7 8.8 12.3 60 5.5 8.5 10.5 11.5 10.3 21.3 50 5.5 6.8 8.5 9.0 12.0 18.5 Number of shoots 8.8 13.0 18.8 3.8 6.5 10.5 12.0 3.5 9.0 9.5 13.8 5.0 29.0 18.0 12.5 not significant `Valiant' 100 60 50 3.3 3.3 3.3 not significant `Eleanor' 100 3.5 5.3 8.5 10.8 11.8 60 50 3.5 3.5 5.5 6.3 6.0 7.5 10.5 8.5 10.3 11.8 14.0 11.8 11.5 not significant 50 Table 3.4: The effect of irradiance on the dry weights of lateral rhizomes, roots and shoots produced by the cultivars `Valiant' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' `Eleanor' 0.66 0.66 0.66 Period of growth (weeks) 48 12 16 Rhizome dry weight (g) 0.57 1.38 2.25 1.05 0.76 0.81 1.37 1.49 0.67 1.01 1.02 1.18 3.69 2.29 1.82 100 0.27 p=0.001, sed=0.16, d. f. =45 0.45 0.59 1.14 1.29 1.91 60 0.27 0.36 0.46 0.80 1.36 2.04 50 0.27 0.36 0.41 0.45 0.91 1.01 Irradiance (%) 100 60 50 0 p=0.001, `Valiant' 100 60 50 3.98 3.98 3.98 20 d. f. =45 sed=0.15, Root dry weight (g) 7.99 19.65 4.82 4.45 9.31 12.31 5.02 4.54 8.00 6.33 8.84 4.05 25.26 15.90 17.51 not significant `Eleanor' 100 60 50 1.53 1.53 1.53 2.90 2.50 2.51 p=0.05, 3.21 2.92 2.62 6.71 4.29 2.88 sed=1.43, `Valiant' `Eleanor' 0.86 0.86 0.86 2.64 1.79 2.02 100 1.09 2.96 60 50 1.09 1.09 2.76 3.56 5.80 5.82 6.45 22.54 17.44 15.30 not significant 40.00 10.11 23.29 6.72 6.37 15.67 15.19 7.66 d. f. =45 Shoot dry weight 100 60 50 10.57 11.96 5.06 17.61 (g) 37.65 32.70 25.97 54.95 53.18 43.96 62.94 88.72 47.89 44.04 61.82 56.75 p=0.001, sed=2.69, d. f. =45 51 ýý 3.3: Growth of the cultivars weeks at three different irradiances. = 1m Figure (B) 'Eleanor' after 20 and Left to right: 50,60 and 100 %. Scale 'Valiant' (A) 52 3.4.2 Results The daylength treatments the two cultivars, Increasing of lateral rhizomes daylength tem for the cultivar parameters of tubers produced `Eleanor'. differences for (Table 3.5 studied decrease in the number caused a significant by the cultivar produced increase in the number Time a few significant only across the range of growth and 3.6). evident produced `Valiant' and also a significant and the dry weight of the root sys- Some other differences were possibly becoming by weeks 16 or 20. to flowering daylength. All plants For the cultivar the daylength daylength. `Valiant' was not in all of the treatments `Eleanor', flowering markedly affected by buds by week 4. possessed was delayed by four to eight weeks in of 12 hours and by eight to twelve weeks in the eight hour By week 16 there were buds or flowers in all of the treatments. In the eight noticeably in the cultivar hours daylength thicker with smaller regime, shoots of the cultivar `Eleanor' leaves and they were approximately height of shoots in the other two treatments It was not possible to produce photographs (Figure were half the 3.4). of the rhizome rootstocks to (Figures those the the the complement of whole plants at end of experiments 3.1,3.3 and 3.4), due to the congested nature of the roots and rhizome and the damage that they consequently suffered when being removed and cleaned of compost. 3.5 DISCUSSION As expected, plants of the three cultivars grown at 8°C exhibited the slowest growth rates. It is well established that the metabolism and growth rate of plants are positively correlated with temperature. It has also been considered that the decline in shoot production at low temperatures is a change towards a period of dormancy for Alstroerneria, (Healy and Wilkins, 1985; Sims, 1985). Commercially, it is known that the growth of Alstroemeria is inhibited if temperatures are allowed to fall too low and many of the new hybrid 53 Table 3.5: The effect of daylength on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, and shoots produced by the cultivars `Valiant' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' `Eleanor' Daylength (hours) 0 Period of growth (weeks) 16 12 48 Number of lateral rhizomes tubers 20 8 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.8 4.0 5.30 12 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.50 16 0.0 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.0 0.60 0.8 1.3 8 0.1 0.0 p=0.05 0.8 0.0 12 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.5 1.8 1.5 16 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.8 0.8 3.5 of tubers 21.3 23.0 31.0 not significant Number `Valiant' 8 10.7 15.0 17.0 12 10.7 14.8 17.5 16.3 20.5 29.3 16 10.7 17.8 19.3 24.0 28.5 27.0 not significant `Eleanor' 8 5.5 7.0 6.5 10.3 10.0 13.8 12 5.5 9.3 9.5 10.8 13.5 13.8 16 5.5 10.5 11.3 20.5 18.8 36.3 p=0.05 Number of shoots 4.8 3.5 6.0 5.0 11.3 7.0 13.5 9.5 19.3 12 3.3 3.3 16 3.3 5.0 5.5 7.0 9.8 10.5 8 3.5 not significant 8.3 5.3 4.3 10.5 14.5 12 3.5 5.5 6.3 16 3.5 5.0 5.3 11.3 8.0 11.3 12.8 8 `Valiant' `Eleanor' 9.5 6.3 12.3 not significant 54 3.6: The effect of daylength on the dry weights of lateral rhizomes, roots and shoots produced by the cultivars `Valiant' and `Eleanor' Table Cultivar `Valiant' `Eleanor' 0.66 0.66 0.66 Period of growth (weeks) 48 12 16 Rhizome dry weight (g) 0.97 1.39 0.63 0.86 0.91 0.79 0.56 0.74 0.95 0.93 0.67 0.95 2.03 1.12 1.28 8 12 0.27 0.27 not significant 0.58 0.31 0.34 0.41 0.33 0.34 1.28 0.71 1.22 0.83 16 0.27 0.33 0.63 0.75 1.36 Daylength (hours) 8 12 16 0 0.39 20 not significant Root `Valiant' `Eleanor' `Valiant' 8 12 16 8 12 16 8 12 16 dry weight (g) 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.48 3.87 4.46 7.57 6.51 9.37 9.06 8.18 10.31 1.53 1.53 1.53 not significant 5.03 3.05 1.80 1.96 4.58 3.14 2.15 2.64 9.31 2.12 2.77 5.68 p=0.05, sed=1.60, d. f. =45 5.94 5.47 19.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 4.81 4.57 4.34 5.01 5.13 8.58 Shoot dry weight (g) 3.98 10.55 17.64 1.46 7.69 17.02 3.97 1.47 3.18 1.25 4.64 14.23 34.52 23.77 23.44 not significant `Eleanor' 8 1.09 1.99 2.48 10.47 19.67 40.01 12 1.09 2.55 5.06 11.34 19.48 34.30 16 1.09 2.96 5.83 10.17 16.23 24.16 not significant 55 Figure 3.4: Growth of the cultivars weeks at three different daylengths. lm = `Valiant' (A) and 'Eleanor' (B) after 20 Left to right: 8,12 and 16 hours. Scale 56 (Parigo known be frost Horticultural to to sensitive cultivars are Co., personal communication). can also occur in Alstroemeria Dormancy (Dambre, 1987; Powell and Bunt, 20°C in northern temperate between for example 1984,1986), (Parigo zones of the world for the cultivars (Fortanier of Nerine flexuosa flowering 20°C are known growth (Kim 30°C exceeding of lateral maximize ) (Mitchell, spp. lateral 1953a, 1953b). (Section The at temperatures production has is an important for the growth in rye- is generally As Alstroemeria 1.2.4), a temperature production rhizome which temperature to decline decrease in the rate of tillering a to produce vegetatively production, spears is also known above (Rees, 1972). state et al., 1989). For two of the three cultivars, also been demonstrated propagated to be too high for good High lower 13°C. temperature °C 18 than was at at rhizomes (Lolium grass Similar et al., 1979), and temperatures to keep Iris bulbs in a vegetative rate of Asparagus indi- is raised and `Parade'. `Valiant' i. e. 17 to 21°C, are also considered temperatures, Co., experiment cates that the increase in growth rate slows down as the temperature from 13 to 18°C, especially 18 and Horticultural The data from the temperature communication). personal high too are when temperatures does that not regime will lead to a lower level of new plant commercial Alstroemeria of An optimum consideration. be between to would appear 13 and 18°C. Many of the results obtained herent in Alstroemeria, which high or low temperature the cultivars stroemeria, supports may be linked with help the plant to overcome stress. this theory. The increase in tuber Dambre storage organs are produced above ground parts survival periods number (1987) has reported as temperatures die down and the plant mechanisms in- of either in two of that in Al- rise, i. e. before the becomes dormant, in order to survive hot dry summers. A possible reason for the rapid decline in plant growth at 18°C may have been the use of constant temperature regimes, consequently the plants were 57 not subjected to cooler tive habitats. Therefore, temperature in the early growth constant yet, if the temperature number to extremes type of effect has been indicated best growth where officinale) fluctuating at 27.5°C, whereas at a temper- et al., 1978). The perception is also related roots in Gladiolus (1986) demonstrated Gladiolus when grown few contractile corms produced to fluctuate that roots, increases in the significant for many types of bulbs, the pattern of environment With and a short growing Alstroemeria, seen in bulbs. although has been shown by the year round 1986) and the work on temperature (Blom cultivars manipulation and Piott, cultivars and constant 1990; Keil-Gunderson native of periods to the distinct by some of the new Alstroemeria exhibited Alstroemeria for surviving mechanisms i. e. are related season in the plant's these are not equivalent This of growth for subsequent growth, and a cold requirement stress seem to be present, flowering This of these roots were produced. summer dormancy growth Halevy was allowed Rees (1972) states that habitat. much faster un- of contractile temperatures, at constant this could be achieved of 29°C (Evenson fluctuation. na- by day degrees was produced an optimum be in their would is controlled (Zingiber and the production to temperature as they dormancy regime. of ginger temperature atures produced of depth if summer temperature, at or above a critical der a constant temperatures night phases of pattern of (Eggington, flowering of et al., 1989; Lin, 1984,1985). The failure perature. to establish It would seem that is exhausted higher temperature, greater the `splits' can initially dies. This the whole plant effect is accelerated and by demanding faster, it the to thereby causes shoots grow as and causing it to dry out more quickly. It is not clear why the roots and tubers on the `split', it. from shoots the but if new roots are not produced resources from the rhizome fail to support produce to tem- fast enough, reserves in the rhizome, rhizome was shown to be related some of the `splits' In replanted Alstroerneria, at the newly formed apex of the rhizome present when planted, new roots are formed mainly and also from the roots and tubers 58 that already exist (Stinson, (Robinson, moved 1952). However, 1963). In some way the normal may have been disrupted glasshouse bed. Frequently, root system. by the treatment function of these organs received during may have prevented This to being the plants are sensitive lifting from the on the pre-existing new growth many of the roots and tubers on lifted plant clumps are damaged or broken off. It is also possible that the tubers did not receive the stimuli for the mobilization required due to the inappropriate of their and translocation environmental reserves, the at the time of potting conditions `splits'. Overall, the results obtained from this experiment 15°C temperature do seem to confirm the considered as the maximum for efficient plant and flower production by commercial growers of Alstroemeria. Reducing studied irradiance for both produced an overall decrease in each of the parameters the cultivars `Valiant' to which the decrease occurred from ably resulted Similar with results Easter Lily (Miller (Skuterud, gigantea The cultivar which of reduction and this is supported in overall and Langhans, `Eleanor'. Higher irradiance caused by the growth to poorer and quality 1989), Elymus growth. were found repens and Agrostis 1953a, 1953b). by the fact that in winter this cultivar `Valiant' Horticultural low in the winter cultivar These effects prob- lead consequently plant the degree appeared to be more sensitive to changes in irradiance, ers, whereas the cultivar are generally would 1984) and ryegrass (Mitchell, `Eleanor' this period (Parigo dependent. was cultivar in the rate of photosynthesis reductions decreases in irradiance, however, and `Eleanor', would continues flowno produces flowers throughout to produce Co., personal communication). and may cause flower seem to favour this was not tested in the present Alstroerneria experiment. Light bud abortion production, The interaction levels in the however, of temper- daylength and irradiance can cause buds to dry up and plants become dormant in the summer (Section ature, 1.3.1. ) (Parigo Horticultural to Co., 59 communication), personal consequently (1988) have Gomez shown that and the dominant than rather est environment understorey is often provided. shading Alstroerneria a for- In forests it is often whereas in low scrubland plant, favours aurantiaca an open site for growth. Puntieri it co-exists with several species of shrubs and herbs. The levels of supplementary lighting used in the daylength experiment were not high enough to allow the plants under the 12 and 16 hour daylengths to produce greater amounts of photosynthates than those at the 8 hour daylength. was approximately As a consequence, plant production equal. As daylength is usually considered as a stimulus for change in the developlighting was only intended to mental stage of a plant, the supplementary initiate such changes and not to influence photosynthesis. The increase in shoot nificant, number with of Dambre the observation supports that does not corroborate short days suppressed crease rhizome swelling rhizome root dry weight, number probably resulting hence an increase organ production a period formed hibition increased However, the made by Dambre, In ginger (Zin- and growth. (Adaniya growth `Eleanor' et al., 1989). and the increase in from the increase in the tuber natural strategy for overcoming number, of periods stress. Increases in daylength statement not sig- 10 to 16 hours was seen to de- from of the cultivar may again be part of the plant's environmental formation and enhance vegetative The increase in tuber found who the other conclusion increases in daylength giber officinale) (1987) though at a short day of nine hours. numbers of shoots were produced present study decrease in daylength, are often accompanied be may a signal in photoperiod prior by Dambre of generally and plants of flowering by increases in temperature, to a period (1987) that of summer or stimulus dormancy. This confirms at the end of the spring flowering long days and rising temperatures, form few new shoots by shorter for storage daylengths period, storage organs are and few, if any, flowers. further the supports The in- the findings of 60 other workers on this aspect of the control et al., 1982; Healy Molnar, and Wilkins, 1983; Noordegraaf, ilar effects on plant `Croft'), and Langhans, of Easter increasing cause a decrease in the cold treatment tivars Nerine (Weiler and Langhans, flexuosa (Lilium Lily longiflorum daylength alba was found to be unaffected simvar. was found (Smith has been shown Growth 1973). and Thunb. Lilium of for flowering required 1972; Weiler, 1979; Lin has produced change in the time to flowering However, 1962). the daylength (Healy flowering 1979; Heins and Wilkins, 1975). Varying height but no significant of Alstroemeria to cul- flowering and of (Fortanier et by daylength al., 1979). The data means and the results ments in this chapter ber of replicates then result, should with Means with differences between because the num- caution high standard if one or two extreme especially Consequently, be interpreted used was low. analyses for the experi- of the statistical deviations data pieces of may are recorded. may be ex- the means in the treatments aggerated. In the temperature experiment there were eight replicates however, due to the death of plants caused by the treatments, each treatment, there were usually less than this number. were four replicates for each cultivar why fairly could explain were not significant 3.6 in for each cultivar In the other two experiments, in each treatment. there The low replication strong trends seem to have been established, which when analysed. CONCLUSION For maximum rhizome high irradiance and a short daylength is a cut flower crop and flowering daylengths, which of some shading employed for efficient are required. is inhibited do not normally in the summer of between a temperature production However, 13 and 18°C, a as Alstroemeria by high irradiance occur together, and a daylength a compromise least of at and short position 12 hours are flower production. 61 The experiments which performed lasted for periods of either 20 or 24 weeks, after the size of the pot would have restricted the growth of the plants. Many of the trends only began to show after the plants had been growing at least 16 weeks. Any repeat experiments should therefore use larger pots and longer periods of time to enable the trends to develop further. provide a better understanding for of the effects of the environmental This could parameters studied. 62 Chapter FACTORS 4: ESTABLISHMENT MATERIAL 4.1 AFFECTING OF `SPLIT' THE PLANT OF ALSTROEMERIA INTRODUCTION High from plants (Section died. were found temperatures (Section `splits' to be detrimental 3.2.2). In contrast, 2.3.1) were used in experiments It was further in advance of new roots those cultivars that observed that normally have poorer rates of `split' produce of these observations, investigate influencing 3.2.1) with investigated planting for their roots that theyrt determine different whether whether new shoots well did were more likely to die. were generally Also, seen to three experiments were set up to of `splits'. The first exam- the establishment ined the effect of the range of temperatures (Section plants 3, none of the plants often produced fewer tubers, potted of establishment. As a consequence factors when small in Chapter `splits' and those that to the establishment durations the `splits' establishment, produce. relied used in the earlier at these temperatures. on the roots or whether they could establish The last experiment the establishment and tubers experiment The second present at using new used an in vitro system to of `splits' could be enhanced by extracts from the tubers of Alstroemeria. 63 EFFECT THE 4.2 and Methods Materials 4.2.1 Three controlled of 8,13 environment and irradiance vided by Philips hours 10 W m-2 (60 tLEm-2s-1) pro- `Valiant' of the cultivar and `Eleanor' were used. The and `Eleanor' were derived from `splits' that five months earlier. The `Butterfly', at least five months had been raised from however, before the experiment were removed from their pots and then treated plants lifted from ground any root or tuber in three litre pots containing were replanted Sixty pots of each cultivar were transferred of one week, five plants At intervals a glasshouse and grown dead within 12 weeks. that 4.2.2 damage. of dead and established x5 (Section replicates, with to that of 1.2.4). The `splits' Great obtained N12 compost. to each of the three temperatures. each cultivar were transferred to twelve weeks. From previous ob- which did not establish of 15°C. After with 12 durations and twelve weeks in by the recording of plants was assessed, plants, be would lighting The glasshouse had no supplementary the glasshouse the establishment temperatures in a manner similar at a mean daily temperature was maintained numbers plants seed, ger- All of the plants Fisons Levington from on for a further it was concluded servations, began. beds, i. e. split for replanting care was taken to prevent Pot grown tubes. `Butterfly' into three litre pots, approximately had been potted minated cycle of 12/12 a daylength W, warm white fluorescent `Valiant', of the cultivars temperatures rooms set at constant of approximately Color 29,65-80 plants of the cultivars plants growth and 18°C were used, each with (day/night) plants OF TEMPERATURE an experimental the design of 3 for each cultivar. Results No significant differences in plant establishment were found for any of the cultivars in any of the temperature treatments. The plant deaths that occurred did not exceed five per cent for any cultivar in any treatment (Table 4.1). 64 Table 4.1: The effect of establishment temperature cultivars `Valiant', `Eleanor' and `Butterfly' Cultivar Temperature `Valiant' `Eleanor' `Butterfly' deaths in the on plant Plant deaths (%) (°C) 8 0.0 13 18 0.0 0.0 8 1.7 13 18 1.7 0.0 8 13 4.2 4.2 18 2.1 No differences significant 4.3 THE EFFECT OF REMOVAL OF THE ROOTSYSTEM 4.3.1 Materials `Splits' and Methods produced from the division into three litre pots containing of two year old plant clumps were planted Fisons Levington ing all of the roots and tubers were removed M2 compost. as close to the rhizome sible. The pots were placed in a glasshouse without and set at a mean daily temperature vars `Valiant', `Butterfly' `Parade', plants were produced During with a 10 week period that initially produced and `Eleanor' one year later, the cultivars or not they subsequently material set of as a control. were assessed by recording This experiment when more plant lighting supplementary were used. A similar their root systems intact shoots, whether plants. as pos- of 15°C. Ten pots of each of the culti- scoring pots at the end of the 10 weeks, according dead or established Prior to plant- to whether died and by they contained was repeated at a similar was available. the pots period This increased the 65 total replicate number for each cultivar to 20 plants in each treatment. 4.3.2 Results Between 60 and 80 per cent of the `splits' `Valiant', `Parade' tivar `Eleanor' and `Butterfly' any living system contained of the cultivars roots 40 per cent of the cul- and approximately shoots initially. produced without None of the splits without a root by the end of the 10 week period. material of the rhizome segments had dried up and it was apparent All that very few new had been roots produced. When the root system was intact, `Valiant', the cultivars `Parade' and `Butterfly' `Eleanor' of the cultivar between 70 and 90 per cent of the splits of By the end of the 10 week shoots initially. produced period between 55 and 75 per cent of the pots of the cultivars rade' and `Butterfly' contained up, as happened 4.4 4.4.1 THE to the `splits' EFFECT Materials D). These extracts medium, The extracts had dried without roots. OF TUBER `Valiant', EXTRACTS `Parade', `Butterfly' were filter sterilized without IN VITRO onto media containing extract was performed specific interaction a similar from and then added to Alstroemeria pro- for GA3 (Section 2.4). to provide `Valiant' extract the tubers action `Parade' and `Eleanor' from the same cultivar of the cultivar and the compounds was occurring of 10 per a concentration to see, if any effect was produced, between a cultivar (Appendix and `Eleanor' BAP, in the way described of the cultivars explants media containing or whether The plants that failed to establish were added to the medium cent. Rhizome latter `Eleanor' were prepared from fresh tubers removed from pot grown plants of the cultivars transferred `Pa- and Methods Total tuber extracts duction `Valiant', 25 per cent of the cultivar and approximately viable plant material. 55 per cent and approximately within and onto `Butterfly'. whether within all cultivars were The it was a its tubers and tubers. 66 Some explants tion medium were also cultured The cultures daylength W, fluorescent cycle, with tubes giving by Thorn Pluslux 3500,70 5W m-2 (28 pE m-2s-1) of light. provided approximately period and the data analysed 4.4.2 light x 20 replicates (Section 10 jars 5.2) with hour 12/12 15°C at and a were incubated (Section 2.5) at intervals were assessed treatments (Section were placed in each jar explants' for each treatment. Cultures produc- as a control. Five `standard (day/night) Alstroerneria on unsupplemented of four weeks, over a 12 week 2.5) with an experimental design of 3 of the rhizome and roots of for each cultivar. Results The tuber extracts severely inhibited (Figures all cultivars 4.1 and 4.2 and Table 4.2). between the response of the explants the same cultivar A marked or medium difference of the shoots the growth on the medium containing extract was seen in the length by explants difference containing from the cultivar was seen extract from `Butterfly'. of the shoots produced. Many containing extracts between two and four times longer than those on the control were medium, with produced Little growing on media a few being up to six times as long. This effect of the extracts was not quantified. 4.5 DISCUSSION The results from the temperature experiment did not confirm the earlier observations that an increase in temperature in `split' establishment. decrease caused a significant This second experiment indicated that, within the range studied, temperature had no effect on the establishment of Alstroemeria `splits'. Since the methods and the cultural conditions employed were vir- tually identical in the two experiments, the discrepancy in the results would differences in the `splits' used. Two main that there were strongly suggest differences were recognised. The first was the age of the plants from which 67 6 5 0 0 03 a) ý. 2 i 0 `Valiant' M Control `Parade' Cultivar 0 `Valiant' `Parade' `Eleanor' 'Own' `Eleanor' ® `Butterfly p=0.05 P=0.01 P=0.001 Figure 4.1: The effect of extracts from their own tubers and those of the cultivar `Butterfly', on shoot production by rhizome cultures of the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade' and `Eleanor' 68 1.50 M 1.25 0 1 1.00 s. Z 0.75 w 0 0.50 z 0.25 0.00 `Valiant' M Control 'Parade' Cultivar 0 'Own' `Eleanor' ®'Butterfly' `Valiant' not significant `Parade' P=0.001 `Eleanor' p=0.01 Figure 4.2: The effect of extracts from their own tubers and those of the by lateral the `Butterfly', of rhizome cultures production rhizome on cultivar `Eleanor' `Valiant', `Parade' and cultivars 69 Table 4.2: The effect of extracts from their own tubers and those of the by 'Butterfly', on production root rhizome cultures of the cultivars cultivar `Valiant', `Parade' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' Tuber extract Control 'Own' `Butterfly' `Parade' `Eleanor' 0.89 0.66 0.54 0.62 0.38 0.45 0.85 0.64 0.60 No differences significant the 'splits' had been derived. were produced of the cultivars Those of the cultivar from seed raised plants, in production had been cropped for flowers. Consequently, `Butterfly' for ap- were produced none of beds for at least two years or this plant material could be con- in the earlier experiment that than used younger sidered as physiologically and had not experienced associated with and `Eleanor' five months old. Therefore, approximately these plants had been growing `Valiant' been had established which from pot grown `splits', five months. proximately `Splits' flower production the second experiment in the rhizome rootstock of resources the reduction and cropping. Hence, the `splits' used in were probably in the those than used more vigorous and probably the more important earlier experiment. The second difference, the treatment received by the plants during 'splits' prior to preparing of Alstroemeria are lifted soil being removed fairly was removed carefully minimising from the rhizomes. mechanically roughly. lifting of the two, was the soil of and removal In commercial practice, clumps from the glasshouse soil, with In the second experiment, the the compost from the rhizome and roots of pot grown plants, thus damage to the root system. The reduced incidence of plant deaths in the second experiment may, therefore, have resulted from the `splits' being 70 less damaged and, as a consequence, in a better physiological state to sustain the growth of the `split' and subsequent plant establishment. higher The slightly incidence of the plants, i. e. they were only about five months the `splits' of the cultivar the seed. Consequently, than those normally The removal inal root of the roots system failed ficient reserves within not sufficient on splits plant from being exhausted zome Consequently, Comparisons on a `split' for the growth to be that behind that are damaged way to one that by the cultivars such as the morphology tubers they produce. cultivars (Figure there of their but shoot production, the reserves of the rhiThe major production, of shoots. formed. made in Chapter 3. If the roots then such a propagule It may, therefore, of exhaustion produce followed of reserves by be related to the number of roots properly. studied, were suf- into the rhizome does not match is rootless. could, therefore, and not functioning exhibited Rootless of the production functional, hence not and Failure to establish establish, that of the shoots already shoots and suffer the same problems death. that the rate of new root can be made with observations will act in a similar initial or to prevent uptake of water and nutrients are damaged, of the orig- before the plant becomes established. lags considerably the requirements of were sometimes establishment. also indicated to sustain growth at this stage appears at least initially, old from germination `Butterfly' for subsequent the rhizome to sustain in to the small size the importance confirmed The results to establish. `Butterfly', used commercially. to the propagule `splits' problem may be attributed to the other two cultivars, comparison smaller deaths for the cultivar of plant The different may be associated root systems and the numbers capacities with to factors of roots and These factors have been shown to vary greatly between 2.1). The reliance on a pre-existing, undamaged root system and the observation that shoot production is generally in advance of root production, may be a function of the shoots being a greater sink for nutrients than the root system. 71 Such a mechanism these greater rhizome. nutrients, thought (Chapter could be analogous to be involved 7). events genetically in the maintenance It is also possible The profound in explant changes growth transport preferential moic resources for shoot growth, increasing The timing intact the present rhizome growth in Alstroemeria appear that shoots, possibly with an active inhibition tuber of growth would leave transport of resources rhizome by growth that (Chapter on dead rhizomes shoot growth contain was promoted than previously compounds such stress may have caused the plants growth. There may, therefore, be a requirement are mobilized with at the expense of that the tuber thought. It would which encourage rapid for use after periods of environmental of the tubers 3), together indicates extract, may be more important that and the observation production habitats the contents these points. inhibit could promoter in the presence of tuber the tubers times on the rhizome. of resources to the shoots or a specific for tuber be present can observation are production for resources in favour of the shoots. and conditions tubers in whereas preferential of a specific growth competition of apical dominance The presence of a growth inhibitor of shoot growth. or the action of on media supplemented by either may have been mediated parts of the movement shoot and root be necessary to clarify studies would enhancement that to occur at different programmed More detailed of the rhizome, to that of the directed is that to the shoots movement to of compounds by the shoots, at least in respect to the younger The latter extracts, a passive movement a directed sinks, or possibly also controlled plants be purely could growth of stress. In their natural to lose their aboveground for specific conditions for subsequent utilization before elsewhere in the plant. The distribution ure 2.1). (Fig- of tubers on the root systems varies between cultivars For example, the cultivar with the other three cultivars. than shown, it would `Eleanor' has very few tubers If the rhizome of `Eleanor' possess few or no tubers. However, compared is shortened further the experiment on 72 on `split' the effect of temperature difference in the levels of establishment studies growth at a biochemical a carbohydrate regulator, level caused by the tuber the change in growth `Eleanor' the cultivar the tubers there was no and for are not a prerequisite of `splits'. successful establishment More detailed between This suggests that the other cultivars. showed that establishment to determine are required extracts was produced by a plant or inorganic or some other organic if com- pound. 4.6 CONCLUSION It would `splits' stroerneria plant to be essential appear to the absolute The tubers establishment. However, establishment. to keep damage of the root they nature for plant growth of the active on the mechanism remembered although that parallels been concerned probably initial return. the tuber have only a small shoot growth, interaction extract extracts exercised in drawing for overcoming peri- when conditions more can be made. experiment It should was performed reported plant responses in vivo. Consequently, conclusions the before any conclusions be drawn, the other experiments may with role in `split' More work is needed to elucidate in tuber component(s) of the tuber to achieve successful may be of importance ods of stress and for maximizing favourable in order minimum of Al- system also be in vitro and have far so caution must be from this in vitro experiment. 73 Chapter PRELIMINARY 5: INVESTIGATIONS 5.1 IN VITRO INTRODUCTION between plants in a crop situation The competition information also available 1985). However, density on the competition evidence suggests that reducing the number of Hemerocallis number An experiment of explants before growth of explants could experiments of explant is important, designed be incubated was significantly volume to determine in a specified decreased. would be optimised, as vessels significantly has also ratio This the optimum culture vessel, it information, and overall explant by preventing and Van, et at., 1989; Tran Thanh was hoped, would ensure that rhizome production in subsequent and Lang, et al., 1990). Morphogenesis (Cousson was, therefore, that factor in culture explants with This limited vessels. by changes in medium-explant also by the shape of the container 1981). in culture of a nutrient (Lumsden rates been shown to be affected on the effect reports between explants the availability increased multiplication (Healy in this area for Alstroemeria are few published there is well documented, growth any interactive effects between the explants. A second experiment was designed to determine seen in vitro was correlated with the multiplication It had been suggested that the smaller the explant, whether the size difference rates of different cultivars. the lower its propagation rate. 74 OF EXPLANT EFFECT 5.2 DENSITY ON GROWTH IN VI TR O Materials 5.2.1 The cultivar the largest was selected for this experiment `Eleanor' of the four cultivars. rhizome would actions Methods and be greatest meria production The cultures cycle, with vided were incubated by Philips weeks. medium, an irradiance Color The cultures 5.2.2 explants' were cultured 20 Win- of approximately 29,65-80 W, warm white (Section were assessed was recorded affect the size of the explants. an experimental fluorescent rhizomes profor 12 tubes, of four weeks, for each treatment, size. Any lateral daylength 2 (120 pE m-2s-1), 2.5) at intervals not be large enough after a maximum 2.5), giving One, two, of this cultivar. at 15°C and a 12/12 hour (day/night) overall measure of the explant significantly any inter- that on 25 ml of .4lstroeusing ten jars for each of the explant densities. when only the shoot number would It was considered between the explants three, four, five or six `standard because it possessed to provide or roots produced, of only four weeks1 growth, The data wee analysed design of 6 treatments an to (Section x 20 replicates. Results There was little difference in shoot production ties of one to five in a culture jar (Table shoot production with increasing density was apparent of six per jar did, however, result between densi- in decrease a small 5.1), although explant the explant number. in a significant The explant decrease in shoot production. 5.2.3 Discussion The interaction between the explants at a density of six per culture jar, (Section 5.1). the the earlier mentioned studies results of supports inhibition of shoot production due by-products have been to may This of the for the to of explants and/or a nutrients within metabolism competitive effect 75 Table 5.1: The effect of explant density in vitro on shoot production cultivar `Eleanor' Explant density Number of shoots 1 2 4.6 4.5 3 4 4.2 4.2 5 6 4.1 3.4 in the P=0.01 the medium. On the basis of this result five `standard as the explant density tion in this number 5.3 is detailed COMPARISON THE 5.3.1 for subsequent FOUR Materials OF THE `Parade', Alstroemeria production medium jars of each cultivar `Butterfly' OF IN VITRO CULTIVARS were incubated by Philips (Section of approximately explants' per jar. Ten 20 W m-2 (120 µE in-2 W, warm white were assessed at intervals 2.5), giving on were cultured (day/night) hour 15°C 12/12 at and a Color 29,65-80 for 12 weeks. The cultures and `Eleanor' using five 'standard cycle, with an irradiance data analysed sections. and Methods `Valiant', s-1), provided of the appropriate GROWTH ALSTROEMERIA Any varia- in this study. experiments at the beginning The cultivars daylength explants' jar was selected culture per an experimental fluorescent tubes, of four weeks and the design of 4 cultivars x 20 replicates. 76 5.3.2 Results There were no significant differences between the four cultivars (Table 5.2). However, there were significant ences in shoot production, of the cultivars cultivar `Butterfly' `Valiant' 5.1), with appeared The morphology to be more like that the levels of shoot (Table 5.2). In addition `Butterfly' differences there was also a considerable variability within the cultivars, (Figure the cultivars of the tending production to be closer to that of the cultivar between differ- the highest producing the lowest numbers. and `Parade' (Figure `Eleanor' and root production rhizome `Eleanor' with the cultivar and the cultivar numbers in lateral to the amount of 5.1). Table 5.2: Comparison of the growth in vitro, of the Alstroerneria cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' Mean numbers of lateral rhiand `Eleanor'. zomes, shoots and roots 5.3.3 Cultivar `Valiant' `Parade' Lateral branches 0.5 0.6 Shoots 4.2 4.4 Roots 0.06 0.09 `Butterfly' `Eleanor' 0.3 0.5 4.0 4.9 0.00 0.00 not significant p=0.01 not significant Discussion The results from this experiment supplied by Parigo the best growth growth, However, Horticultural in vitro the cultivars confirm the information with `Valiant' these differences Co. Ltd., the cultivar on the four cultivars i. e. the cultivar `Butterfly' shoots produced and not in root being of primary importance shows the poorest showing and `Parade' being intermediate in growth `Eleanor' (Section 2.2). were only expressed in the number lateral or rhizome in the micropropagation production, of the latter of Alstroemeria hybrid cultivars. 77 k {i 'f ýi Qý ýr ýt A . '- , t"4q, ý- B ýý 4 %* )W.W, C Figure 5.1: Cultures of the cultivars 'Valiant' (A), `Parade' (B), `Butterfly' (C) and `Eleanor' (D), after four weeks growth in vitro. Bar =2 cm 78 The suggestion tivars, that variation in multiplication may have arisen due to differences of the more vigorous that of less vigorous cultivars, cultivars. zomes being produced (Section 1.2.2) would Confirmation rate existed between the cul- in growth being maintained rates leading to explants in vitro at sizes larger than This could lead to a higher rate of lateral from the former, as more of the second axillary rhibuds be present per explant. of differences in the in vitro growth of the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor', justifies the selection of these four culti- vars for this study. The variability make future experimental seen within the cultivars may, however, assessment within this study somewhat problem- atic, especially when replicate number is low. 79 Chapter THE 6: EFFECT TEMPERATURE, OF IRRADIANCE AND ON RHIZOME DAYLENGTH GROWTH IN VITRO 6.1 INTRODUCTION few published Of the relatively of Alstroemeria on the growth ronment changes in temperature Pierik on the effects of the culture reports and light, (1988) et at. considering with envi- in vitro, only four of these mention only Bridgen these physical and Winski (1989) and factors of the culture environ- ment in any detail. Experiments daylength were designed to assess the effect of temperature, on the growth with The broad ranges of irradiance and daylength were used in Bridgen factors upper present study were identical lower limits and and Winski the upper temperature an optimum In each experiment, in vitro. of the factor order to establish in vitro. explants and the exception the environmental being studied. of rhizome irradiance limit (1989) and Pierik for Alstroerneria of 15°C. Therefore, tolerance was approximately in order to provide of Alstroemeria for Alstroerneria et al. (1988) reported the range of temperatures below that limit was the lower temperature of these factors that 20°C with chosen for the more information on in vitro. 80 6.2 6.2.1 EFFECT THE OF TEMPERATURE and Methods Materials Five `standard `Butterfly three of the cultivar production stroemeria irradiance Color 32,15 W, Delux assessed (Section and jars containing Al- were incubated daylength fluorescent white provided by Philips The cultures tubes. of the explants at cycle and an of four weeks, over a 12 week period of the quality were also recorded. were and The ex- (Section 2.5) with data the analysed repeated and was subsequently design of 3 temperatures an experimental 6.2.2 (day/night) (26 i, E m-2S-1), m-2 2.5) at intervals visual observations periment 6W warm and `Eleanor' Ten jars of each cultivar a 12/12 hour of approximately `Parade' were placed into culture medium. and 18°C, with 9,12,15 `Valiant', of the cultivars explants' x 40 replicates for each cultivar. Results Temperature affected the growth significantly greatest effect was on the number of lateral vars `Valiant'. of lateral rhizomes duced between terfly' All of the cultivars in temperature. `Eleanor' between However, number 12°C. `Eleanor' in shoot number `Valiant' 6.1). The culti- between production `But- the cultivar 12 and 15°C 15 and 18°C. shoot number only the increases for the cultivars (Figure A slight 6.2). and `Parade' for the cultivar decline was observed `Butterfly' was the only cultivar with The the increase pro- However, In contrast, showed a trend of increasing were significant in the cultivars rhizome cultures. in increase the number an all exhibited 15 and 18°C was only small. difference (Figure rhizomes increase in temperature. with showed a decline in lateral and little Shoot and `Eleanor' `Parade' of the rhizome remained which exhibited `Valiant' in shoot between fairly with increase and number 15 and 18°C. above constant a continuous increase increase in temperature. Very few roots were produced by the four cultivars differences and any were not significant (Table 6.1). A slight increase in shoot height was observed 81 1.0 0.9 2 ° 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ö 0.4 M^` W 0.3 o.2 0.1 0.0 'Valiant' M 'Parade' `Butterfly Cultivar 9°C []12°CEM 'Eleanor' 15°CEE]] 18°C `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' P=0.001 P=0.01 not significant `Eleanor' p=0.001 Figure 6.1: The effect of temperature on the number of lateral rhizomes produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' 82 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 'valiant' ý9°C Parade' `Butterfly Cultivar 'Eleanor' 012°C®15°C®18°C `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' `Eleanor' P=0.05 not significant not significant p=0.001 Figure 6.2: The effect of temperature on the number of shoots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' 83 Table 6.1: The effect of temperature on the number of roots produced by `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' the cultivars vitro and `Eleanor' Temperature (°C) 9 12 15 Cultivar `Parade' `Butterfly' 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 `Valiant' 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.07 18 0.05 in `Eleanor' 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 No differences significant with increasing This temperature. the more vigorous increase in vitro showing cultivars dependent, was cultivar the greatest with increases in shoot length. 6.3 6.3.1 THE EFFECT and Methods Materials Five `standard terfly' OF IRRADIANCE explants' of each of the four cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `But- and `Eleanor' were placed into culture jars containing Alstroemeria medium. Ten jars of each cultivar were incubated at three irra- production diances of approximately respectively), provided 20,10 by Philips and 5W m-2 Color 29,65-80 tubes with a 12/12 hour (day/night) maintained (Section 15°C at daylength (120,60 and 30 µE m-2s-1, W, warm white fluorescent cycle. The temperature was 6.5). The two lower irradiances were achieved by placing the culture jars under by 75 50 light density filters transmission per cent. and which reduced neutral This filter type is designed to reduce the levels of all the wavelengths of light To N3). Roscosun (Rosco Correction Filters, Colour 3402, Cinegel, equally produce the light reduction of 50 per cent, one layer of the filter was used 84 and for the reduction of 75 per cent, two layers of the filter were used. Light readings were taken under one and two layers of the filter. were assessed (Section The cultures of 12 weeks and visual period observations The experiment were also recorded. explant 2.5) at intervals design of 3 irradiances of the quality was subsequently data the analysed and material of four weeks, over a x 40 replicates (Section of the explants repeated 2.5), with with new an experimental for each cultivar. Results 6.3.2 had used no significant The range of irradiances the rhizome `Butterfly', (Table cultures 6.2). decreased. as irradiance vigorous 6.4 THE EFFECT numbers of lateral Again, this was cultivar the greatest dependent, with the more `Valiant', `Parade' differences. of each of the three and three `standard explants' cultivars `Butterfly' of the cultivar culture jars containing Alstroemeria jars of each cultivar were incubated in each of four daylengths, and 20 hours of light per 24 hour period. 15°C (Section 6.5) and an irradiance was provided The cultures also recorded. and visual production The temperature of approximately 2.5) at intervals observations The experiment on the quality was subsequently x 40 replicates Ten i. e. 8,12,16 was maintained at 6W m-2 (26 uE m-2tubes. of four weeks, over a of the explants repeated with were new explant (Section 2.5), with an experimental data the and analysed 3 daylengths were medium. Color 32, Delux warm white fluorescent by Philips (Section were assessed 12 week period material rhizomes OF DAYLENGTH explants' and `Eleanor' s-') and and Methods Five 'standard placed into `Parade' `Valiant', of A slight increase in shoot length was also evident in vitro exhibiting cultivars Materials 6.4.1 For the cultivars there was a slight trend of decreasing with decrease in irradiance. effect on the growth design of for each cultivar. 85 Table 6.2: The effect of irradiance on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar Irradiance Lateral rhizomes Shoots Roots 100 0.61 4.37 0.07 50 0.55 4.42 0.06 25 0.53 4.35 0.07 100 50 0.39 0.30 4.26 4.18 0.03 0.03 25 0.31 4.20 0.02 100 50 25 0.34 0.31 0.31 4.07 4.08 4.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.64 5.20 0.00 50 25 0.67 0.63 5.31 5.24 0.00 0.00 No differences significant (%) `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' `Eleanor' 86 6.4.2 Results Daylength produced A slight trend of increasing in the cultivars occurred changes in growth of the rhizome cultures. no significant lateral daylength, rhizome number with increasing `Valiant', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor', whereas the `Parade' showed no response at all (Table 6.3). The number of shoots cultivar and roots produced exception to this was the number were unaffected which decreased as daylength by the range of daylengths of roots produced used. by the cultivar An `Valiant', increased. A decrease in shoot length was observed with increase in daylength, however, (Section irradiance the 6.4.2) the decrease was slight and as with effects of dependent. cultivar 6.5 DISCUSSION have their All plants Alstroemeria own temperature in vitro it would production appear the medium and/or the optimal of nutrients uptake of the explant metabolism 12 and 15°C, increases in tem- upon by further of maximal For for rhizome there is a tendency that improved This may be a consequence perature. in vivo and in vitro. rate to reach a level between and multiplication can not be significantly which tolerances from at these higher temperatures. These results agree with Winski (1989). found between that Pierik the findings (1988) et al. noted that 15 and 21°C, 15°C was the optimum comparing the present multiplication experiment, and daylength (1988) et al. and Bridgen of Pierik and Bridgen no significant and Winski for the growth differences (1989) of Alstroemeria and were established in vitro, after from Based 20°C. 10,15 the result and on rates at the experiments were conducted assessing the effects of irradiance at 15°C. Irradiance and daylength both influence the total light energy received by plant cultures. In the present study these two factors had no significant ef- 87 Table 6.3: The effect of daylength on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar Daylength Lateral rhizomes Shoots Roots (hours) `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' `Eleanor' 8 12 0.58 0.61 4.39 4.37 0.22 0.18 16 0.61 4.39 0.11 20 0.66 4.33 0.13 8 12 16 20 0.42 0.39 0.39 0.44 4.20 4.26 4.18 4.19 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.06 8 0.29 4.02 0.00 12 0.34 4.07 0.00 16 0.44 4.06 0.00 20 0.37 4.10 0.00 8 0.59 5.20 0.00 12 0.64 5.20 0.03 16 0.71 5.21 0.06 20 0.73 5.23 0.02 No differences significant 88 fects on any of the growth less, rhizome or Pierik et al. to 9.7 Win-2 (1988) Horticultural also found and using daylengths that (1989) in an abstract s-1 for the rapid of 8 and 16 hours, absence of photosynthetic growth be may attributed activity of the tissues, within 1.5 for the culturing of However, irradiance and of 120 µE in-` no (Yamada sugar light (Grout and Aston, x ananassa) demonstrated that low photosynthetic content and 1978) and further the explants role in their plays an important Studies on cauliflower (Grout Furthermore, and Millam, (Brassica investigations 1985) cultured showed no net carbon photosynthetic ability (1985), following However, oleracea var. on strawberry in eitro, have uptake and Their growth was nutrient in vitro, failed to when transferred the leaves which developed from the work of Wardle 1983b), also proposed that the major function is dependent of dioxide and degenerated in vivo, gained full photosynthetic is as a transitory growth, upon exogenous supplies of sugar added to the medium. to an in vivo environment. to transplanting in cul- supply an exogenous it was noted that the leaves which developed develop significant activity some photosynthetic that they also possessed very low levels of photosynthesis. seen to be dependent in the culture and active photosynthesis. of chloroplasts tissues can not grow without et al., 1978). A lack of autotrophic to be caused by deficiencies thought yet although most chlorophyllous Millam Bridgen Unfortunately, in vitro. the explants. to low chlorophyll can develop and maintain tissues, (Fragaria ability for good development Chloroplasts botrytis) from tested could have been due to an The lack of response to the light treatments tured the irradiance varying of Alstroemeria communica- details were provided. experimental conditions Co., personal quote an optimum propagation of 2.5 W in-2 however, the shoots began to had no effect on rhizome multiplication. Alstroemeria, Winski At irradiances studied. was unaffected, multiplication (Parigo light levels these at etiolate tion). parameters subsequent competence. and mineral and (1979,1981,1983a, et at. of the leaves produced source, upon which the newly transplanted for its carbon Grout sources, until in nitro plantlet it has produced new 89 leaves in vivo. 6.6 CONCLUSION The present results indicate of Alstroemeria zome explants lower than this, significant rhizome it is suggested that decreases in explant in order to prevent be kept at an irradiance 8 hours of light growth in a 24 hour day/night of the explants. Shorter been not assessed. However, irradiance of the light should be cultured may be required, period that in vitro. growth rate, will begin to occur. multiplication levels should that 15°C is the lowest temperature etiolation With at which rhi- At temperatures and in particular respect to irradiance, of the explants, of at least 5W in-'. the light For daylength, cycle seems to be sufficient daylengths the for good may be feasible but as yet have if a shorter period of light is used, then a higher if it is the total is most important light integral and not the length for the growth and development of the explants. 90 Chapter 7: THE DOMINANCE RATE 7.1 INFLUENCE ON THE OF THE OF APICAL MULTIPLICATION RHIZOME IN VITRO INTRODUCTION The shoot apex has a very important inance (Section 1.4.1). It has been suggested that apex of a plant produce are established. interactions of lateral which the suppression of apical dominance, of compounds thereby which interfere is preventing keeping down the multiplication com- with the mechanisms buds from their inhibited set up to determine the outgrowth by of the apex there are several different describes experiments extent apical dominance the plant, within dominance the and thereby releasing axillary This chapter of growth. bud growth signals from the chemical at other locations It has also been shown that pounds and combinations of apical dom- role in the phenomenon state to what of ancillary rhizomes rate of rhizomes of Alstroemeria and in vitro. Removal of the shoot apex may affect (Richards et al., 1988; Pierik, expanded basal internodal 1987). Subdivision axillary the fragment for Agropyron remove the sites which produce manipulation An experiment of rhizome of the rhizomes into single of adjacent repens (Chancellor, used, the greater 1974), of In these ways it may be possible to the dominance of the signal for maintaining was set up to examine explants rhizomes the number of rhizome buds released from inhibition. the apex. of lateral segments should remove any influence shoots, as has been demonstrated where the smaller the outgrowth the effect of the physical on apical dominance. 91 It is well documented that certain PGRs play a role in the control of apical dominance (Section 1.4.2). The following PGRs were tested. TIBA was selected for its action as an anti-auxin. i auxin IAA, is considered The naturally produced to be important in the establishment and maintenance of apical dominance. ii Thidiazuron tion. was selected for its very active cytokinin-like It is more active at lower concentrations is known to decrease apical dominance. mode of ac- than BAP and the latter Thidiazuron may therefore exhibit a greater effect on apical dominance. iii NAA/BAP combinations were selected because of the known synergistic effect of auxins on some of the actions of cytokinins, the latter decreasing apical dominance, with auxin concentrations lower than that of the cytokinin. iv GA3 was selected for its capacity to increase the elongation of shoots. If the shoots and rhizome of Alstroemeria could be made to elongate, then the increased spatial separation of the axillary buds from the apex may reduce their inhibition v Paclobutrazol reduction by the apex. for its anti-gibberellin was selected in shoot growth, it may be possible effects. By causing a to achieve a relocation of any unused resources into the growth of the axillary buds. BAP was also added to the media containing because it was considered sponse, then the addition TIBA, GA3 and paclobutrazol, that if any of these PGRs produced of BAP may produce an additive a positive re- or even synergistic effect. 92 7.2 MECHANICAL CONTROL OF APICAL DOMINANCE 7.2.1 Materials Rhizome and Methods 'Valiant', of the cultivars cultures `Parade' and `Eleanor' were used to provide the following six types of explant for subculturing. " S1 Three enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex + shoots. S2 " Three enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex - shoots. " S3 Three enlarged basal internodes - rhizome apex + shoots. " S4 Three enlarged basal internodes - rhizome apex - shoots. " S5 Three single enlarged basal internodes + shoots. " S6 Three single enlarged basal internodes - shoots. Five rhizome Alstroerneria taining of a single type were placed in each culture explants types for each cultivar hour (day/night) were incubated daylength W in-2 (120 pE m-2s-1), fluorescent After medium. production of 15°C and a 12/12 an irradiance by Philips provided 20 of approximately Color 29,65-80 W, warm white tubes. four weeks, the number sidered as the control in any way. ment was subsequently an experimental which repeated Alstroemeria production the explant type to a percentage Si was conmanipulated of the total been have produced. could data the analysed and design of 6 treatments apices removed had been produced that as it had not been physically converted rhizomes rhizomes of the data, treatment, The data of lateral The rhizome of lateral For the analysis was recorded. number Five jars of each of the six explant at a temperature cycle, with jar con- x 10 replicates in some of the treatments (Section potential The experi2.5), with for each cultivar. were recultured medium and returned to the stock cultures. on The 93 `Butterfly' cultivar its of rhizome size explants have been impossible bud, second axillary the rhizome removing made it impractical to carry out the physical of the range of explant the enlarged basal internodes It types. had damage occurred no to ensure that when dividing because the small this experiment, for the preparation necessary manipulations would from was excluded to the or when apex. Results 7.2.2 The three cultivars used. Treatments plant treatments production, duced significantly Removal more lateral in lateral apices. Subdivision than ducing the highest manipulations lateral affected CHEMICAL 7.3 significant and 7.3). a significant both of removal However, types of effect of the removal the additive further of the rhizome basal internodes enlarged with single 7.1,7.2 rhizome S4, S5 and S6 pro- apices did not produce production. an effect greater apex produced individual rhizome treatments (Figure rhizomes of only the shoot or rhizome difference in low lateral S2 and S3 resulted By contrast, as in the control. respect to the six ex- trends with very similar exhibited increased these effects, that had had their shoots removed, differences. rhizome of pro- The level to which these different production was cultivar dependent. OF APICAL CONTROL DOMINANCE Materials 7.3.1 Five `standard and Methods explants' of each of the cultivars nor' and three for the cultivar taining Alstroemeria combinations i propagation `Butterfly' medium, `Valiant', `Parade' into culture were placed supplemented with and `Eleajars con- the following of PGRs. 0,0.01,0.10,1.00 l-' 10.00 mg or TIBA +0 or 4 mg l-1 BAP. 94 100 90 0 80 ro 10 0 60 w 0 50 fJý rý 40 C N 30 20 10 0 Si S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Si S2 S3 S4 Explant type So, S6 3 enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex + shoots (control) 3 enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex - shoots (not significant) 3 enlarged basal internodes - rhizome apex + shoots (not significant) 3 enlarged basal internodes - rhizome apex - shoots (p=0.01) 3- single enlarged basal internodes + shoots (p=0.001) 3 single enlarged basal internodes - shoots (p=0.001) 7.1: The effect of six explant cultivar `Valiant' Figure types on the multiplication rate of the 95 100 90 80 "r0 C 60 C 0 50 40 y 30 ?0 10 0 Si Si S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S2 S4 S3 Explant type S5 S6 3 enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex + shoots (control) 3 enlarged basal 3 enlarged basal 3 enlarged basal 3 single enlarged 3 single enlarged Figure internodes + rhizome apex - shoots (not significant) internodes - rhizome apex + shoots (not significant) internodes - rhizome apex - shoots (p=0.001) basal internodes + shoots (p=0.01) basal internodes - shoots (p=0.001) 7.2: The effect of six explant cultivar `Parade' types on the multiplication rate of the 96 100 90 80 a) %0 0 60 0 N 50 40 30 20 10 0 Si Si S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S? S3 S4 Explant type S5 S6 3 enlarged basal internodes + rhizome apex + shoots (control) 3 enlarged basal 3 enlarged basal 3 enlarged basal 3 single enlarged 3 single enlarged Figure internodes + rhizome apex (not significant) - shoots internodes - rhizome apex + shoots (not significant) internodes - rhizome apex (p=0.001) shoots basal internodes + shoots (p=0.05) basal internodes (p=0.001) - shoots 7.3: The effect of six explant cultivar `Eleanor' types on the multiplication rate of the 97 ii or 0.440 mg l' 0,0.011,0.022,0.110,0.220 thidiazuron mg 1-1 BAP. +4 iii 0,0.04,0.10,0.20,0.40 iv 0,0.10,1.00,10.00 or 100.00 mg 1-1 GA3 +0 v 0,0.15,0.30,1.50 or 3.00 mg 1-1 paclobutrazol or 1.00 mg 1-' NAA irradiance W, warm white fluorescent Color 29,65-85 (Section 2.5) and visual observations recorded at intervals (Section ysed either 6,7 x6 looking the standard produced, because it was considered were assessed of the explants were also The data was analon the PGRS, of for each cultivar. Although for changes in the number methods an by Philips provided design, depending or 12 replicates were essentially They were cycle with tubes. The cultures of the quality an experimental or 10 treatments eral rhizomes daylength of four weeks, over a 12 week period. 2.5), with these experiments 1-' BAP. 4 mg or +0 (120 µE m-2s-1), 20 Win-' of approximately or 4 mg 1-1 BAP. (day/night) hour at 15°C and a 12/12 BAP. +4I-' were used for each cultivar. Three jars of each PGR combination incubated and 0 mg l-1 thidiazuron of lat- of assessment were continued that the PGRs could manifest additional changes in the explants. Results 7.3.2 General None of the PGRs lateral rhizomes, explant quality Root production produced shoots any significant or roots were consistently produced. differences In all instances, growth of and better when BAP was present in the media. was severely or completely inhibited The degree to which these effects were exhibited in the number by the presence of BAP. was cultivar dependent. TIBA The presence of TIBA out BAP, resulted in the Alstroemeria in only a slight production medium, increase in the production with or withof lateral rhi- 98 This zomes and shoots. to be dependent appear between ation inhibition of TIBA. Root both TIBA containing Rhizome of TIBA. vitrification of the explants, there concen- all treatments `Valiant' increasing in growth concenand some This was especially and `Butterfly'. deterioration the and no- Due to in the size and was not repeated. Thidiazuron BAP did not produce always declined with as with increasing Thidiazuron tions used, and for the cultivar greater extent (Table the number to inhibit axillary 'Eleanor' but these differences of lateral of roots rhi- produced At the high- of thidiazuron. was frequently completely less than BAP root production bud growth without at the higher concentratested, at all concentrations produced were not statistically to a in the pressignificant 7.2). incidence thidiazuron. cultivar TIBA, than BAP. Fewer shoots were generally ence of thidiazuron medium changes in the number root production appeared it stimulated conversely, propagation concentrations of thidiazuron, est concentrations inhibited. in Alstroemeria any significant However, zomes and shoots. The with and weaker cultivars this experiment The presence of thidiazuron but, in virtually concentrations. the lack of response to the treatments quality treatment, at the highest production became thinner in the weaker growing ticeable was that, observed in the control to deteriorate appeared at the highest occurred not (Table 7.1). and BAP They trend was inhibited production and shoot quality trations of root It did and there was much vari- The only consistent the cultivars. was always complete inconsistent. on the presence of BAP of how many roots were produced regardless tration response was, however, of vitrification increased The lowest concentration dependent. ence of 0.1 mg l' All of the cultivars thidiazuron with inducing increasing concentrations vitrification exhibited vitrification and all were severely vitrified appeared of to be in the presat the highest 99 Table 7.1: The effect of TIBA and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes , shoots and roots prod uced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', 'Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar BAP (mg1-i) TIBA Lateral Shoots Roots (mg1-'-) rhizomes 0.2 4.1 0.2 0.00 Valiant' 0.0 Valiant' 4.0 'Parade' 0.0 `Parade' 4.0 'Butterfly' 0.0 'Butterfly' 4.0 Eleanor' 0.0 'Eleanor' 4.0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.4 4.6 4.9 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 3.8 4.0 4.1 3.9 4.3 4.7 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 4.2 4.4 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.3 4.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.5 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.1 4.4 5.1 4.9 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.6 4.7 0.0 1.00 0.4 5.1 0.0 10.00 0.7 5.3 0.0 No differences significant 100 Table 7.2: The effect of thidiazuron on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' BAP (mgt-1) Lateral Shoots Roots 0.000 0.011 0.022 0.110 0.220 0.440 0.000 rhizomes 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.6 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.6 4.3 4.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.000 0.6 4.3 0.5 0.011 0.6 4.1 0.3 0.022 0.7 4.3 0.3 0.110 0.220 0.7 0.7 4.1 4.3 0.6 0.2 0.440 0.9 4.2 0.1 0.000 0.6 4.4 0.1 0.000 0.011 0.022 0.110 0.220 0.440 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.000 0.4 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.000 0.011 0.022 0.110 0.220 0.440 0.000 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 4.7 4.6 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.7 5.1 0.9 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 `Parade' 0.0 4.0 `Butterfly' `Eleanor' 0.0 4.0 Thidiazuron (mgl-i) No differences significant 101 Again, due to the poor response to the treatments concentration. and the deterioration in the quality of the explants, this experiment was not repeated. NAA/BAP The addition of NAA to Alstroemeria production medium containing did not affect lateral rhizome or shoot production. However, there appeared BAP to be more roots at the highest concentration of NAA in the cultivars `Valiant' (Table `Parade' 7.3). There were no differences in the appearance of the and explants, for any of the cultivars in any of the treatments. This experiment was not repeated. GA3 The presence of GA3 in Alstroerneria BAP, often to reduce appeared shoots and roots produced Vitrification As the concentration to become longer at the highest occurred of GA3 was increased, of the explants experiment of lateral rhizomes, of GA3 was increased, and for the and thinner in the presence of 0.1 mg l-1 GA3 malformed dependent at the highest but independent 7.4). there was a tendency and for the rhizome and thinner concentration (Figure or without of the in the medium. tested, most of the lower concentrations extended with (Table 7.4). None of these re- appearing These effects were cultivar of BAP concentration numbers As the concentration some of the explants concentrations. medium, for shoots to become longer there was a tendency and above, with the slightly in all of the cultivars sults were, however, significant. rhizome to elongate. production to elongate. the shoots were shorter and the rhizome also appeared Once again, due to the deterioration and the apparent lack of response than for shoots However, those at to be less in the quality to the treatments, this was not repeated. 102 Table 7.3: The effect of NAA and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', 'Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' `Parade' `Butterfly' `Eleanor' BAP NAA Lateral (mg 1-1) (mg l-1) 4.0 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.20 0.40 rhizomes 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 4.7 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.00 0.6 4.3 0.3 0.00 0.5 4.3 0.0 0.04 0.9 4.5 0.1 0.10 0.7 4.3 0.0 0.20 0.6 4.4 0.2 0.40 1.00 0.6 0.6 4.4 4.2 0.1 0.2 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.20 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 4.3 4.0 4.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.40 0.7 3.9 0.0 1.00 0.3 4.1 0.0 0.00 0.4 4.8 0.0 0.04 0.5 5.2 0.0 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.8 0.4 0.7 4.8 4.9 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 0.6 4.9 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 No differences Shoots Roots significant 103 Table 7.4: The effect of GA3 and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar BAP (mg l-') `Valiant' 0.0 `Valiant' 4.0 `Parade' 0.0 `Parade' 4.0 `Butterfly' 0.0 `Butterfly' 4.0 `Eleanor' `Eleanor' 0.0 4.0 GA3 (mg 1-i) 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Lateral Shoots Roots rhizomes 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.8 3.5 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.1 4.3 4.2 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.5 4.3 10.0 0.7 4.2 0.0 0.1 100.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.8 4.3 5.3 5.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.8 5.1 0.0 10.0 100.0 0.9 0.9 5.1 5.0 0.0 0.0 No differences significant 104 Figure 7.4: The effect of GA3 on the morphology of rhizome explants of the 1-' 1-1 GA3, BAP A-C=0.0 0.0,1 100 `Eleanor'. + and mg mg cultivar .0 Bar D-F=4.0 mg 1-1 BAP + 0.0,1.0 and 100 mg 1-1 GA3, respectively. =1cm 105 Paclobutrazol Although treatments The number of shoots produced increased as the concentration for the cultivars zol was increased BAP, and the number also showed similar some slight trends were apparent. were not significant, of lateral `Valiant' rhizomes The number trends. the presence of BAP. The cultivars and `Parade', of roots produced and `Parade' decreases in root number with increase in paclobutrazol absence of BAP Paclobutrazol out BAP in the medium (Figure length concentrations those produced was accompanied zome the appearance the morphology on the control the number in rhizome length. and leaf size decreased expansion media. The reduction This of the explants, in shoot treatments in the media also as the concentration any significant com- gave the rhi- was considerable shoots and roots produced, marked changes in the morphology concentra- or elongation, Paclobutrazol There of the roots. rhizomes, with or with- however, the paclobutrazol did not produce paclobutrazol of lateral in the concentration by an increase in its diameter. the roots and a decrease in root length Although also showed slight At the highest of paclobutrazol. of being shorter, had caused no difference affected `Valiant' was always less in morphology, Shoot length 7.5). tion, the leaves and shoots showed very little pared with and without 7.5). had a very marked effect on explant increasing with (Table with in the cultivar produced `Valiant' of paclobutra- swelling of was increased. results as regards due to the very this experiment was re- peated. 7.4 7.4.1 DISCUSSION Mechanical Control of Apical Dominance Pierik (1987) states that it has been known for many years that removal of the apical meristem releases axillary buds from the effects of apical dominance. However, in the case of Alstroemeria there are only two axillary buds on an 106 Table 7.5: The effect of paclobutrazol and BAP on the numbers of lateral rhizomes, shoots and roots produced in vitro by the cultivars `Valiant', `Parade', `Butterfly' and `Eleanor' Cultivar `Valiant' `Valiant' BAP (mg 1-1) 0.0 4.0 `Parade' 0.0 `Parade' 4.0 `Butterfly' `Butterfly' `Eleanor' `Eleanor' 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 Paclobutrazol (mg 1-1) 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 Lateral Shoots Roots 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 rhizomes 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.7 4.1 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.9 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.4 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 5.2 5.1 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 3.00 0.2 4.2 0.3 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.3 0.2 0.1 4.4 4.2 4.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.50 0.2 4.1 1.2 3.00 0.00 0.15 0.30 1.50 3.00 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 No differences significant 107 Figure 7.5: The effect of paclobutrazol on the morphology of rhizome explants A-C=0.0 of the cultivar `Eleanor'. mg 1-1 BAP + 0.0,0.3 and 3.0 D-F=4.0 mg 1-1 paclobutrazol, mg l-1 BAP + 0.0,0.3 and 3.0 mg l-1 paclobutrazol, respectively. Bar =1 cm 108 aerial shoot, one that continues has the potential which There system. the growth of the main rhizome to grow out and produce are also only two types of apices present, of the aerial shoots and those at the distal Therefore, in common 1980), Alstroerneria for axillary potential branching with of the rhizome those at the tips ends of rhizomes most monocotyledonous has a low number of axillary bud proliferation is limited. and another plants (Section 1.2.2). (Hussey et al., buds and consequently From the results presented it would appear that these axillary the buds are influ- enced by both the rhizome and shoot apices. Removal of either of these apices a low increase in axillary produced apices significantly far greater increased lateral than the additive This suggests that bud outgrowth. rhizome if one apex source is removed, bud growth (Roberts and Hooley, mechanism has been proposed al., 1975). However, likely considered and Damson, inhibition of Agropyrori by directing buds towards over ax- repers (Leakey signal is probably et the least Apices are also the movement themselves effect. 1987) and a similar which may be occurring. to effect apical dominance 1977; McIntyre the other may be able to correlative an increase in a chemical lites away from the axillary of the apices separately. 1988; Tamas, in rhizomes of the changes in mechanism and the effect was the level of its own dominance The shoot apex has been shown to maintain illary production, effects of the removal for this loss, by increasing compensate However, removal of both (McIntyre, of metabo1969,1972, 1988). Therefore, for Alstroemeria in vitro there would appear to be a two part system composed of shoot and rhizome apices, both competing for the nutrients, of which most are supplied by the media. Hence, when one is removed, the other may be able to direct more of the resources towards itself, with only a proportion axillary of what could have been made available being directed into bud growth. This would account for the small increases in lateral rhizome production observed when only one type of apex was removed. The further increases reported after subdivision of the rhizome explants into 109 single enlarged basal internodes, suggests another complexity anism of inhibition in the mech- bud growth in Alstroemeria. of axillary considered to be a competitive or inhibitory This may be effect, produced between the expanded basal internodes themselves. It has already been established, that each shoot will be competing for nutrients and thereby inhibiting axillary bud growth, yet even when the shoots have been removed, the level of latis still not as high as when the shoots are removed eral rhizome production and the expanded basal internodes are separated. Therefore, any effect of the shoot apices can essentially be disregarded. It is possible that, as the axillary buds are released from inhibition of growth, they begin to interact with one another, as each tries to establish dominance over the others. Consequently, explants that consist of several enlarged basal internodes, are seen to produce fewer lateral rhizomes compared with single enlarged basal internodes. Chancellor similar (1974), It was demonstrated results. creasingly fragments smaller of Agropyron on the rhizome working that more axillary repens, reported buds grew from in- when released from the dominance of rhizome, effect of the apex. This, it was suggested, was due to the lack of competition from or dominance multi-node the apex. by, any nearby axillary fragments However, many axillary of dominance that remained buds may start to grow after removal of This effect was attributed growing. over the majority in active growth. the fewer the number the greater the multiplication of the axillary However, in that study, of one single shoot were used, this was a mixture consisting rhizome clear whether some with buds and sometimes explants with and some without buds by those of shoots present on a rhizome rate. to the es- (1988) found al. also with et Pierik meria that axillary on a few days only one, or very few, ancillary buds within were still seen to be actively tablishment buds. It was also shown, that a rhizome fragment, when explants of explants with It was also not made apex. more than one shoot were similar a rhizome Alstroe- mixtures of apex. Between the cultivars used in the present study, differences could be seen in the overall trends when the shoots remained on the explant. This was 110 true of the cultivar especially are known `Valiant' to produce lateral expected number of lateral at subculture by the directed multiplication `Valiant' inherent are caus- weak growth, than would have been expected, This them. in vitro, are reflected may influence this due to their be produced may and `Parade' those of the cultivar if the shoots of the cultivar of metabolites are reaching the explants If these characters to the apices, Consequently, rhizomes nutrients in vivo, whereas `Eleanor' seems to be caused, to an extent, of metabolites ing less redirection shoots weaker. then as apical dominance rates in vitro. The cultivars strong are somewhat movement `Valiant'. more as more could be the reason for the higher than by the cultivar `Valiant', with of single enhirged basal internodes with rhizomes produced consisting shoots. between the cultivars difference Another orous in vitro higher produced the treatments was that those which are more vig- numbers of lateral It is possible that provided. the weaker cultivars lateral levels the achieved same of rhizome sessed over longer periods of time. Hence, this observation different the of be a reflection This strong apical dominance especially if the low amount purposes, is considered rhizome production of apical this experiment apical dominance each system within if they had been as- production, dominance rhizome the high number material Co., personal in vivo, for propagation of potential after the two year period in vivo. can not necessarily in Alstroemeria differ. may However, sites for lateral a plant spends in vivo, as movement In vivo translocation of metabolites Therefore, it may be that is from the medium in vitro, nutrients to a consideration of metabolites the from produced of metabolites in a The communication). the results be extrapolated the shoots and down into the rhizome movement to was considered does seem to be reflected of suitable Horticultural could have between these numbers can then be regarded as reflecting large disparity strength present to rates of the cultivars. in vitro against bed (Parigo production growth in response rhizomes of within is essentially and roots, whereas in vitro the to the shoots via the rhizome. reach the axillary buds on the 111 being directed to way towards the shoots rather taken place. If this is so, then it may influence than after redirection has the degree of apical dominance occurring within the two systems. Chemical 7.4.2 Control of Apical Dominance TIBA The absence of any effect of TIBA duced in Alstroemeria is supported of lateral by work on Hippeastrum rhizomes hybridum 1983), where it was found that soaking bulbs in solutions tacharjee, had no effect on the number (Woodward distichum) caused the number total on the number (Lolium grass in tillering tillers The addition multiflorum) (Marks Acer 1988) son, and species following shoots more shoots produced of TIBA application to the culture for rye- medium and Dale, 1981) also produced that were not significant. significantly of TIBA to increase but did not increase the of TIBA (Dalton increases By contrast, Senecio x hybridus and Wiltshire, 1984) in vitro, the application of TIBA. were of inferior in the Acer cultures (Bhat- (Hordeum For spring barley 1988), a foliar and Marshall, of elongating of tillers. number of bulbs produced. pro- quality (Gerts- produced However, the for subsequent culture. Van Aartrijk formation Flint and Blom-Barnhoorn of Lilium and Alderson (1986) found that fewer bulblets when TIBA It appears therefore, rates of plants vary greatly, tem employed, reported increases in bulblet speciosum in vitro, in the presence of TIBA. cissus chip propagules system. (1983,1984) as differences was applied from in a conventional that the effects of TIBA depending were formed Conversely, Nar- chipping on the multiplication on the plant being used and the sys- may be seen between results produced in vivo and in vitro. 112 Thidiazuron Phenylurea derivatives with been used successfully cytokinin activity, systems, mainly has been used with several ornamental Sorbus aucuparia (Kerns x freemanii 1986), azaleas (Rhododendron flora (Einset 1982). Higher Thidiazuron (Chalupa, and Kerns, et al., 1988), Syringa x hyacinthi- 1984) and apple (Malus has also been used with (Nieuwkerk domestica) N-(2-chloro-4-pyrimidyl)-N'(Ohyama alba Morus have been achieved compared rates of proliferation Tilia 1987), Acer (Meyer 1986), Celtis occidentalis et al., 1986; Wang et al., 1986). The compound (4PU) plants. in within tree species, including pseudoacacia ) sp. (Briggs and Alexander, phenylurea woody and fruit and Robinia and Meyer, with have thidiazuron, in the last few years to increase proliferation vitro shoot multiplication cordata, including and Oka, those with for most cytokinins. Application Stefani, of thidiazuron (Cucumis 1989) and to muskmelon to produce comparatively few reports donous plants-. When duced the formation less vigorous than and van Staden, thidiazuron, of work applied applied thidiazuron adventitious those produced 1988). did not increase the number with Recently, as a solution on BAP and et al., 1989) failed cultivars. on other to the corms of Ixia flexuosa, of multiple (Banko Simi- of shoots produced. by the Alstroemeria shoots or roots produced arboreum melo) (Niedz increase in the number any significant larly, in the present study, thidiazuron rhizomes, Oxydendrum to the tree of lateral There are monocotyle- thidiazuron in- buds. However, these buds were supplemented medium (Meyer Henny and Fooshee (1990) reported to the base of Alocasia plants, that significantly increased the number of basal buds. However, most of these buds were formed beneath the substrate penetrated surface and after 12 weeks only a small proportion had the surface. Read et al. (1987) found that dipping plant material in thidiazuron was more effective than having it present continuously in the medium. This was attributed to the high activity of the compound, which they found to be 113 deleterious The to plant growth with prolonged exposure. BAP/NAA absence of any effect of auxin contrasts been enhanced for Plarctago ium species (McComb, 1985) following in the culture and auxin (Barna ovata and Wakhlu, results al., 1984) and several species in the bromeliad ads in vitro is often very variable, homogenous (Pierik, even if the starting . does, however, support (1985) Dale who found that and (Lolium grass multilorum) medium cytokinin. material et et al., rate for the of bromeli- appears to be personal communication). The present result with Alstroemeria with with the synergis- Vriesea. However, it should be noted that the reaction bromeliad of Dalton genus Aechmea (Dijck and auxin on the increase in multiplication tic effect of cytokinin cytokinin have been achieved (1987) also reported 1974). Pierik 1988; Jones and Murashige, of both Costus speciosus (Chaturvedi species, including some monocotyledonous has 1988) and Stylid- the incorporation Similar medium. rhizomes Shoot multiplication the results of several other reports. with lateral of on the production the rate of tiller by the addition affected was not the observations induction in rye to the of auxin GA3 Catalano and Hill GA3 may promote cal dominance. Alstroemeria (1969) the action of kinetin However, cultivars rate of the rhizome and Sachs and Thimann on releasing axillary when GA3 was applied in vitro, explants (1964) no significant with suggested that buds from api- or without BAP to in the multiplication changes were observed. The application of GA3 onto plants of English ivy (Hedera helix) (Lewnes and Moser, 1976; Frydman and Wareing, 1973) produced significant increases in axillary bud growth and subsequent branching of the plants. The addition of GA3 to the culture medium for embryos of American lotus (Nelurnbo lutea) 114 (Kane et al., 1988) has been shown to produce significant growth The and node number. GA3 also stimulated which was not seen to occur in the control GA3 has now been applied tempts to hasten their (Furutani g2ber offccinale) hibited longa) (Randhawa (Curcuma icant differences height in plant (Hordeum barley on spring 1986), following and Mahey, or tiller distichum) (Woodward of elongating bud growth. of the bulbous A similar treatment in bulb caused a reduction sults have been reported both bulblet (Pierik yield (Halevy for Easter ex- addition orientalis, and Marshall, tillers of GA3 1988) has and to restrict Iris cultivar and Shoub, (Lilium no signif- application tiller `Wedgewood', Similar 1964). (Zieslin longiflorum) of GA3 to the culture and bulblet regeneration lily 1984) exhibited reand of GA3 caused no change in stem length. 1988), where application In Hyacinthus GA3 application, Foliar number. been seen to reduce the number Tsujita, Field grown ginger (Zin- decreases in rhizome yield, whereas emergence and of shoot inhibition tumeric crops in at- monocotyledonous and increase yields. Nagao, and branching, rhizome treatment. to field grown, growth increases in rhizome inhibited medium weight on excised bulb scale segments 1975). and Steegmans, Paclobutrazol The ability of paclobutrazol grown tulips and lilies, producing been well established 1982,1982/3). as potted (Hanks Application cause more reduction placing and other compounds more compact to retard the growth and manageable 1983; Menhenett and Menhenett, make no mention the treated plants. et al., 1982,1986), plants, and Hanks, leaf length, length flower the than the of of stem (Berghoef them 1990). However, and Zevenbergen, of any effect on the growth has to freesias has been shown to of paclobutrazol the flowers too close to the leaves and making plants of pot and development thereby unmarketable these reports bulbs the of of When applied to the grass Lolium perenne (Hebblethwaite paclobutrazol effect was very variable. This changed the amount was considered of tillering but the to be due to effects of the 115 environment, as these trials were conducted in the field. by been have in the stimrates of shoot systems enhanced vitro Multiplication bud development of axillary ulation (Ziv in Aechrnea fasciata (McKinless similar This de novo. plant to that by decreasing Enhanced in vitro. production In contrast 1989,1990). of a short rhizome, has been used as part has also been achieved in liquid (Ziv, oicinalis 1982) by cultures cormlet from which pro- roots were for increasing of gladiolus production paclobutrazol with supplemented Khunachak of Asparagus rosea shoot elongation, of a protocol to these results, observed no changes in shoot growth and In Lapageria et al., 1986) by paclobutrazol. et al., 1988) paclobutrazol, duced a structure rooted (Chin, (a-cyclopropyl-a(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-pyrimidine-methanol) ancymidol initiated in Asparagus (1987) et al. following officinalis appli- cation of paclobutrazol. With Alstroerraeria, had no effect on the rhizome multiplication paclobutrazol in however, the shoot and root morphology changes rate, be of benefit prior to the planting material. out of propagated has also been shown to increase root size in Asparagus 1987) and to promote 1985). If paclobutrazol mani and Poovaiah, medium tuber growth in the potato of Alstroemeria, leaf morphology, ing transpiration, then during Other effects of paclobutrazol in stomatal conductivity in increasing the weaning (Solarrum Paclobutrazol (Khunachak, (Bala- tuberosum) changes in root, water uptake and establishment on the water use of plants, (Atkinson, 1990), could have important officinalis may be to added to the rooting were the subsequent be important could which occurred 1986) and epicuticular roles to play in the weaning shoot and and decreas- of plants ex vitro. including changes wax (Smith et al., and establishment of plants. 7.5 CONCLUSION It would appear that the shoot apices and the root apex exert a very strong dominance effect in vitro on the second axillary bud of the shoots of Alstroe- 116 bud This is the one which can grow into a lateral rhizome and meria. axillary is the only other axillary bud on a shoot, apart from the one which carries on the growth of the main rhizome. inhibit These axillary buds may interact and the growth of each other. These conclusions are supported by the fact that the highest multiplication rate was achieved only when both types of apex were excised and the expanded basal internodes subdivided. With the rhizome apex being recultured, essentially one more plant was produced in each of the treatments where it was removed. Attempts to control BAP, produced especially the rhizome explants bud growth, present controlled Further work working in Alstroemeria Investigation no significant is therefore effects of cytokinins, effects on the multiplication and maintained by the rate of a high degree of inhibition of by the apices, the mechanism understood. the dominance needed to elucidate and to assess the effects of a wider of the vitrification methods in Alstroemeria reported in vitro. This may indicate of which is not yet fully to establish dominance from PGRs, the previously of apart application axillary the apical which occurred to circumvent mechanisms range of PGRs. in the present study, in order this problem, would also be useful. 117 Chapter SUMMARY 8: AND CONCLUSIONS 8.1 GENERAL Two main areas of interest were considered in this thesis. The first was factors on the growth of the the assessment of the effects of environmental rhizome of Alstroemeria in vivo and in vitro. Clear differences morphology vitro. were seen between the cultivars and in their These differences responses to environmental have been considered possessed by the various parental adaptations programmes of the cultivars. Temperature and irradiance plant parts produced had little but little by (i) changes in reaction temperatures in the breeding effects on the dry weight of Changes in daylength The changes in dry weight in the rate of photosynthesis rates within and the plants produced caused by the different and (ii) changes in the total light energy received by the plants, due to the variation profound studied. in vivo and in the characters species included effect on their number. to be due to alterations factors to reflect in vivo had significant effect on any of the parameters were thought used in this study, in their in irradiance and daylength. However, daylength had a effect on the time of flowering. The results from the work in vivo indicated that for maximum rhizome production a temperature of between 13 and 18°C, a high irradiance and a short daylength are required. However, as the latter two tend to be inhibitory to flowering, high summer irradiances are usually reduced by shading the plants daylength is often maintained at about 12 hours. the and 118 temperature the parameters daylength in vitro produced significant apart from that studied, to the change from was attributed Very low irradiances, of nutrition. It was considered factor more important light the of rate of the rhizome for the culture requirements irradiance Initially the important rhizome and tubers, if no tubers the plants failed Con- of a good the shoots, of 15°C, an of no more than 8 hours in a This growth. habitats, any physical `splits' the when that Further nature This phenomenon that may all of contained a work in vitro, showed that could cause dramatic factor of this is still, however, could be linked to the plant's for phases of fast, active of the It was also were planted, the tubers when added to the medium, The damage for planting. of `splits' suggested showed that to be the condition appeared regarding the establishment however, work, growth, a need in order to become after periods of dormancy. Overall, the study on the effect of temperature, Alstroemeria a similar may be the of healthy was influencing for plant establishment. of speculation. re-established process were present from the tubers, in its native to assess which were a temperature Later the preparation to establish. increases in shoot matter of the shoots. by the explant. received and for production material. particularly during factor important mode environment. environment plant in this noted that extracts integral that temperature potted factor have occurred to a heterotrophic cycle. it was thought in vivo of newly This have produced may also of at least 5W m-2 and a daylength 24 hour day/night in vitro. it is suggested that for maintenance From the in vitro investigations, multiplication and caused etiolation it is difficult due to this interaction, sequently, however, light the total Irradiance in any parameter an autotrophic daylength that a shorter effect, as it influences of root production. differences no significant produced responses for all of showed that the optimum temperature in vivo and in vitro, on for growth is approxi- mately the same in both systems. However, when comparing the effects of 119 irradiance between the in vivo and in vitro systems, and daylength differences can be seen in the requirements for growth. of lateral rhizome growth The second area of interest was the inhibition It has been clearly demonstrated by apical dominance. inhibitory very strong and shoot apices exert lateral rhizomes. An interaction, marked that the rhizome controls on the growth of the also occurs between probably competitive, buds, with a tendency for one or a few to become dominant the axillary and inhibit the growth of the others. The greatest multiplication rate of the rhizome was achieved when the rhizome and shoot apices were removed and the enlarged basal internodes were subdivided. Attempts to control apical dominance with PGR. s produced responses. This suggests, that either the method for Alstroemeria was not appropriate dominance mentioned of the operator, plants subcultured by causing per unit of working by an increase in multiplication, If a chemical method system the PGR was not too expensive, 8.2 required should to that may decrease in the number of ex- if this is not offset Consequently, such a change would were able to produce of the micropropagation rate of Alstroemeria a reduction time. previously. in the multiplica- improvements substantial of apical for Alstroemeria practices However, the extra manipulations tion rates achieved. the efficiency of application than has been considered a change in subculturing above, could produce of the PGRs in vitro or that the mechanism in the plant is more complex Commercially, no significant not be cost effective. the same effect then the efficiency not be affected a profitable and providing that increase in the multiplication could be achieved. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK Commercially, there may be some value in establishing the minimum amount of light required to give a good multiplication cost of the lighting. rate, in order to minimise the As this would be considering the total light energy received, determining the minimum time necessary for its accumulation may 12 be also of value. The effect of light quality studied and there appear to be no reports As the quality Alstroemeria the growth of the explant ing', is worth of PGRs to the explants generating problems to result from prolonged ing PGRs to influence a plant may initiate and trials, buds, rhizome the lateral buds themselves, teractions would lead to a better the required it will of us- be necessary to carry characters, e. g. have been modified. appears to have complex interac- between the and shoots, and apices a more fundamental appreciation of the rhizome effect, As a consequence to see if any of the plant's which i. e. `puls- medium, which are often considered to some PGRs. of explants, such as Alstroemeria, with the multiplication in this area for rate of the rhizome production such as vitrification, the growth tions between the lateral to many morphogenetic information flower colour or time to flowering, morphology, With Alstroemeria exposure and flowering on this interaction. for short periods of time and then re- Such an approach studying. was not in general. placing them on unsupplemented out growth development, aspects of plant may help to enhance the multiplication The application without in the literature to be fundamental of light is thought and physiological of Alstroemeria multiplication on rhizome understanding of the limitations of these inassociated and how they may be overcome. t2 t References bud G. 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H 1O Na2Mo04.2HzO CoC12.614,0 KI CuSO4.511 10 FeSO4.711,O Na-0EDTA Inositol Na2EDTA - ethylenediaminotetraacetic Other components: From Murashige sucrose 30gl-1 acid, disodium salt. (Difco and agar Bacto) 10gl-1 and Skoog, 1962. 142 Appendix Production B: Formulation Alstroemeria of Medium All the components, methods of formulation and storage, are the same as in MS, except for the concentrations of the vitamins, sucrose and agar. Stock Stock Volume of stock Final concentration for 11 solution concentration (0-1-') of medium (ml) acid 0.1 10 1 Pyridoxine-[ICI 0.1 10 1 Thiamine-HCI 0.1 10 1 solution Nicotinic (mgl') Other components: sucrose 40 gl-1 and agar 8 g1-' From Parigo Horticultural Co., (personal communication). 143 Appendix C: Stock Solutions Growth of Regulators " 6-Benzylaminopurine 100 mg 1-1: initially (BAP). dissolved in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution, then made up to final volume with distilled water. " a-Naphthaleneacetic 100 mg l-1: initially (NAA), acid and gibberellic (GA3). acid dissolved in 0.1 M potassium hydroxide solution, then made up to final volume with distilled water. " 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic (TIBA). acid 100 mg l-1: dissolved and made up to final volume in distilled water. 9 Thidiazuron 10 mg I-': (Schering Agrochemicals Ltd). dissolved and made up to final volume in distilled water. 9 Paclobutrazol (ICI Ltd). 100 ing 1-': mixed with and made up to final volume in distilled water. Stock solutions dark. in 5°C the were stored at 144 Appendix D: Alstroemeria Preparation from Extracts of `limbers Soil was removed from the tubers by washing under cold running clean tubers were then homogenized in a blender with distilled tuber being added to every 200 ml of distilled was strained through liquid produced was centrifuged (r. p. m. ) to remove remaining was decanted for 15 minutes small amounts water, The resulting water. cloth to remove the majority water. of the plant of plant debris. from the pellet and stored frozen until 100 g of mixture debris. at 3500 revolutions The The per minute The supernatant required. This procedure was performed as rapidly as possible on ice, using distilled degradative water chilled to 2 to 4°C, to minimize the natural brought homogenization the to about as a response This method was adapted from Chuang of the plant reactions tissues. (1978). et al. 145