Bedienungsanleitung deutsch
Bedienungsanleitung deutsch
Digital Piano Bedienungsanleitung 1 Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Bevor Sie das Gerät einschalten, empfehlen wir, diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durchzulesen. Verwahren Sie die Betriebsanleitung an einem sicheren Ort auf. Standort Um ernsthafte Schäden, Verfärbungen und Fehlfunktionen zu vermeiden, setzen Sie ihr Gerät niemals folgenden Umweltbedingungen aus: • Direktem Sonnenlicht • Hohen Temperaturen (in der Nähe von Heizkörpern oder tagsüber im Auto) • Hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit • Übermäßigem Staub • Feuchtigkeit und Nässe • Starken Vibrationen Stromversorgung • Vergewissern Sie sich, dass ein passendes Netzteil verwendet wird, das mit der Eingangsspannung des jeweiligen Landes übereinstimmt. • Schalten Sie das Gerät aus (OFF), wenn Sie es nicht verwenden. • Wenn Sie das Gerät eine längere Zeit nicht benutzen, ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. • Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht bei Gewittern. • Vermeiden Sie die Nutzung einer Steckdose, an denen Geräte mit hohem Strombedarf angeschlossen sind, wie Elektroheizungen oder -öfen. Desweiteren vermeiden Sie die Nutzung von Mehrfachsteckdosen, weil dies die Soundqualität beeinflusst, Funktionsfehler und mögliche Schäden verursachen kann. • Um Schaden am Gerät oder an anderen, damit verbundenen, Geräten zu vermeiden, schalten Sie alle Gerät AUS, wenn Sie die Verkabelung vornehmen oder lösen. Handling und Transport • Benutzen Sie niemals Gewalt an den Reglern, Verbindungen oder anderen Teilen des Instrumentes. • Reißen Sie nicht an den Steckern, sondern ziehen Sie diese vorsichtig heraus. • Lösen sie alle Kabelverbindungen, bevor Sie das Gerät transportieren. • Vermeiden Sie physische Erschütterungen durch Schütteln oder fallen lassen. • Legen Sie keine schweren Gegenstände auf dem Instrument ab, dies kann zu Kratzern oder ernsteren Schäden führen. Reinigung • Säubern Sie das Gerät mit einem trockenen, weichen Tuch. • Um hartnäckige Verschmutzungen zu entfernen, benutzen Sie ein leicht angefeuchtetes Tuch. • Benutzen Sie niemals Alkohol oder chemische Reinigungsmittel. • Vermeiden Sie das Ablegen von Vinyl auf der Oberfläche (Vinyl verklebt und verfärbt die Oberfläche). Elektrische Verträglichkeit Dieses Instrument verfügt über digitale Schaltungen und kann evtl. zu Störungen führen, wenn es sich zu nah an Radio- oder Fernsehgeräten befindet. Sollten solche Störungen auftreten, stellen Sie das Instrument weiter entfernt von den betroffenen Geräten auf. Öffnen Sie das Gerät nicht Bei Defekt oder Fehlfunktion geben Sie das Gerät in eine Fachwerkstatt. 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Bedienelemente und Display 5 Vorderseite LCD Rückseite Pedal 5 6 7 7 Aufbau 8 Stromversorgung 10 Anschlüsse 11 Kopfhörer Audio-Equipment MP3-Player Computer Externes MIDI-Laufwerk 11 11 11 12 12 Einstellungen 12 Lautstärke Brillanz 12 12 Abspielen eines Demo-Songs 13 Sounds 13 Auswahl Dual-Modus Lower-Modus Twinova 13 14 14 14 Begleitautomatik 15 Rhythmus-Spur Alle Spuren Bereiche Lautstärke Fingering Tempo Ein-Finger-Bedienung Metronom 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 19 Mischer 19 Weitere Funktionen 20 Tuning Transponieren Split-Funktion Taktart Lautstärke Harmonie Harmonie-Arten Skalen Skalentypen Grundton EQ-Effekt 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 DSP-Effekt 23 Reverb-Typ 24 3 Reverb-Level Chorus-Typ Chorus-Level MIDI In MIDI Out Anschlagdynamik - Touch Response Sprachauswahl Ausschalten 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 Registration Memory 26 Einstellungen Aufrufen der Einstellungen Auswahl des Speicherplatzes 26 26 27 Aufnahme 27 Starten der Aufnahme Stoppen der Aufnahme Playback Löschen eines Songs 27 28 28 28 Song 29 Anhören der Songs Song-Einstellungen Üben des Songs 29 29 29 Wiederherstellen der Werkseinstellungen 29 USB Flash Drive 30 Bedienung Abspielen Speichern Laden Löschen Formatieren 30 30 30 31 32 32 Tastenbelegung 32 MIDI 33 Was ist MIDI? MIDI-Geräte Datenaustausch mit dem Computer 33 33 33 Hilfe bei Störungen 34 Spezifikationen 35 Übersicht über die Sounds 36 Übersicht über die Styles 40 Song-Verzeichnis 43 Verzeichnis der Akkorde 44 MIDI Implementierung 45 Skalen-Systeme 46 WEEE-Erklärung / Entsorgung 47 Herstellerangaben 47 4 C M Y M Y Y MY K 4 2015/4/30 12:57:01 Bedienelemente und Description Display Panel & Display Vorderseite Front Panel 1 4 2 5 6 15 16 19 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 1. [VOLUME] Knob When [SHIFT] key pressed SONG MODE: STYLE MODE: Tastenbelegung Song-Modus Adjust master volume 4. Style button 7. [START/STOP] button 7.Style-Modus [START/STOP] button Enter the style mode Start or stop playing the song Start or stop playing the VOLUME: Knob Lautstärkeregler 2.1[BRILLIANCE] style Adjust voice brilliance When [SHIFT] key released 8. [PAUSE] button 2 BRILLANCE 4. Style direct button Pause the playing song 8. [SYNC START] button 3. USB device socket Select a direct style or start it Turn the Sync Start on Style-Auswahl; mit SHIFT: and off 4Insert a USB flash drive Aufrufen des Style-Modus 5. [FUNCTION+/-] button 9. [REPEAT A/B] button 12. [FILL C] button Enter function menu Set the beginning and the 9. [INTRO/ENDING] button Aufrufen des A FUNCTION+/-: Fill-in C plays end for a loop section of a Play the Intro or Ending 5 selected song Funktionsmenüs 6. [MIXER] button 13. [FILL D] button Enter mixer menu 10. [FILL A] button Fill-in D plays 10. [REW] button A Fill-in A plays 6 A MIXER: Aufrufen des Menüs Rewind the song 14. 11. [FILL B] button 7 [ACC VOL] button START/STOP eines Songs START/STOP eines Styles Adjust ACCOMP volume 11. [FF] button A Fill-in B plays Fast forward the songSYNC START: An-/Abschalten 4 2015/4/30 12:57:01 8 [TEMPO+/-] button PAUSE 15. 16. [CHORD MODE] button der Funktion Adjust the current tempo 16. [MELODY OFF L/R] button Choose chord mode Use to mute/activate left or REPEAT AB:definieren von INTRO/ENDING: Abspielen 9 A.B.C. MODE lamp 17. right-hand part, allowing each Anfang und Ende eines Loops eines Intros or Endings Indicate A.B.C. mode status: part to be practiced separately on or off Panel & Display Description 10 18. FULL RANGE MODE lamp 11 Show if the full range mode is on or off REW: zurückspulen FILL A FF: Schnellvorlauf FILL B Front Panel 1 4 2 12 FILL C 19. LCD 13 FILL D Show all the parameters related to the current operation Turn the power on or off 001 8 拍民谣 音量 11 2. [BRILLIANCE] Knob Adjust voice brilliance 暗 016 16 拍 1 同步启动 055 慢民谣 前奏 / 尾奏 095 电子舞曲 1 插入 A 154 波沙诺瓦 插入 B 172 华尔兹 插入 C 186 进行曲 插入 D 亮 203 中国民乐摇滚 伴奏音量 功能 速度 /是 /否 歌曲 全键盘模式 001 原声大钢琴 048 放克电钢琴 062 颤音琴 079 手摇风琴 100 手风琴 108 尼龙吉他 167 小提琴 双音色 186 弦乐合奏 211 小号 226 铜管合奏 244 高音萨克斯 276 甜蜜长笛 286 甜蜜排箫 624 二胡 记忆库 示范曲 When [SHIFT] key released 4. Style direct button Select a direct style 录音 8. [PAUSE] button Pause the playing song or start it 19 39 下音色 双钢琴 八度 节拍器 切换 STYLE MODE: 7. [START/STOP] button Start or stop playing the style 存储 M1 M2 M3 M4 单触键设置 伴奏音轨 旋律音轨 1 旋律音轨 2 旋律音轨 3 旋律音轨 4 旋律音轨 5 8. [SYNC START] button Turn the Sync Start on and off MELODY5.OFF L/R: [FUNCTION+/-] button 9. [REPEAT A/B] buttonMODE: Aufrufen des CHORD Enter function Set the beginning and the 9. [INTRO/ENDING] button Stummschalten desmenu Parts für die end forModus a loop section of a Play the Intro or Ending linke/rechte Hand 6. [MIXER] button selected song 13. [FILL D] button A Fill-in D plays Enter mixer menu 10. [FILL A] button A Fill-in A plays 10. [REW] button Rewind the song 14. [ACC VOL] button M CM Adjust the current tempo 16. [CHORD MODE] button Choose chord mode 16. [MELODY OFF L/R] button Use to mute/activate left or right-hand part, allowing each part to be practiced separately MY CY CMY 11. [FILL B] button A Fill-in B plays 11. [FF] button Fast forward the song 3. Status display area 17. A.B.C. MODE lamp Indicate A.B.C. etc. mode status: Display the status of function, USB drive, USB, 19 Display 6 16 SONG MODE: 7. [START/STOP] button Start or stop playing the song 自动低音和弦模式 Y Modus 14 USB设备 USB 设备 调音台 和弦模式 旋律关闭 左手/右手 Adjust ACCOMP volume 2. Instant message area Display the current tempo, measure, memory/O.T.S 15. [TEMPO+/-] button setting. Kontrollleuchte für Full Range 18 13 明亮度 最大 C Begleitautomatik 12 12. [FILL C] button A Fill-in C plays 1. Chord display area Display chord information. Kontrollleuchte für 17 10 When [SHIFT] key pressed 4. Style button Enter the style mode 启动 / 停止 最小 3. USB device socket Insert a USB flash drive LCD 16 39 8 18 1. [VOLUME] Knob ACC VOL: Lautstärke für die 14 Adjust master volume Begleitautomatik 39. [POWER] button 15 TEMPO+/- 5 15 17 7 on or off K 4. System message display area 18. FULL RANGE MODE lamp Show if the full range mode is Display important messages related to the current operation. on or off I.e. in voice mode, it displays the voice name and number. 43: Laufwerk für Flash-Drive 39. [POWER] button 39: POWER: Ein-/Ausschalttaste 001 8 拍民谣 音量 1. Chord display area Display chord information. 2. Instant message area 5 016 16 拍 1 055 慢民谣 095 电子舞曲 1 154 波沙诺瓦 172 华尔兹 186 进行曲 203 中国民乐摇滚 功能 伴奏音量 速度 调音台 USB设备 USB 设备 /是 001 原声大钢琴 048 放克电钢琴 062 颤音琴 079 手摇风琴 100 手风琴 108 尼龙吉他 167 小提琴 双音色 歌曲 /否 186 弦乐合奏 211 小号 226 铜管合奏 244 高音萨克斯 276 甜蜜长笛 286 甜蜜排箫 624 二胡 记忆库 存储 M1 M2 M3 M4 单触键设置 录音 伴奏音轨 旋律音轨 1 旋律音轨 2 旋律音轨 3 旋律音轨 4 旋律音轨 5 下音色 双钢琴 八度 节拍器 切换 明亮度 启动 / 停止 最小 Turn the power on or off LCD 39 3 19. LCD Show all the parameters related to the current operation 最大 暗 亮 同步启动 前奏 / 尾奏 插入 A 插入 B 插入 C 插入 D 和弦模式 旋律关闭 左手/右手 自动低音和弦模式 全键盘模式 示范曲 39. [POWER] button Turn the power on or off LCD 5 1. Chord display area Display chord information. 2015/4/30 12:57:02 LCD 2. Instant area 1. message Chord-Informationen Display the current tempo, measure, memory/O.T.S setting. 2. Informationen: Tempo, Takt, Speicher, O.T.S Panel & Display Description 3. display Status-Informationen, z.B. USB-Laufwerk 3. Status area 4. Systeminformationen: Sound-Modus, Display the status of function, USB drive, USB, etc. Nummer und Name des Sounds 4. System message display area Display important messages related to the current operation. I.e. in voice mode, it displays the voice name and number. 4 25 22 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 20. [USB DEVICE]Ohne button SHIFT-Taste Enter USB DEVICE menu C M Y CM MY When [SHIFT] key pressed When [SHIFT] key released Mit SHIFT-Taste 21. [DEMO] button 21. [SONG] button Enter song mode and play songs 20 USB DEVICE: Aufrufen des Menüs Enter demo mode 20 and play 22. Data dial demo songs Increase decreasedes the Modus; value 25. Voice button SONG:and Aktivieren Abspielen von DEMO: Aktivieren des direct Modus; Abspielen der 21 21 25. [VOICE] button Select a direct voice Songs Demo-Songs 23. [+/YES] button Enter the voice mode the value 32. [BANK] button 22 Increase DATA DIAL: Wählrad zum Ändern eines Wertes 22 32. [RECORD] button Select a bank to store settings 24. [-/NO] button Enter record mode 23 +/YES: Erhöhen eines Wertes 23 Decrease the value 33. [STORE] button Register the current panel settings 24 -/NO: Vermindern eines Wertes 33. [ACCOMP] button 24 26. [DUAL] button Select the accomp track to the Voice R2 on and off record 34~37.M1~M4 button 25 Turn VOICE-Direktauswahl 25 VOICE: Aufrufen des Modus Recall the registered panel settings 27. [LOWER] button 34~38. MELODY 1-5 button DUAL: Anund Abschalten des zweiten 26 Turn the Voice L1 on and off 26 Select the melody1-5 track 38. [O.T.S] button Sounds R2 to record Turn one touch setting on and off 28. [TWINOVA] button LOWER: An- und Abschalten des zweiten 27 Turn the TWINOVA on and off 27 Sounds L1 CY CMY K 29. [OCTAVE] button 28 Set TWINOVA: An- und Abschalten der Funktion octave in TWINOVA mode 28 31 SHIFT: Funktionstaste 31 Pedal 31. [SHIFT] button 29 OCTAVE: Einstellung im Twinova-Modus Press and hold it29 to access 30. [METRO] button secondary functions of other Turn the metronome on and off 30 METRO: Ein-/Ausschalten des Metronoms 30 buttons Rear Panel 32 BANK: Auswahl einer Speicherbank AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT 32 RECORD: Aufrufen des Modus 45 USB 46 47 ACCOMP: Auswahl der Begleitspur für die 45. Soft Aufnahme Pedal 33 STORE: Speichern der aktuellen Einstellungen 33 34 on the will have für a softer 34 MELODY 1-5: played Auswahl derkeyboard Melodiespuren effect. die AUfnahme 35 When you step on the soft pedal, all notes 40 41 42 43 44 35 M1-M4: Aufrufen der gespeicherten 40. AUX IN jack 36 Informationen 36 41. AUX OUT jack 37 37 42. MIDI IN jack 38 O.T.S: An-/Abschalten der Funktion 38 43. MIDI OUT jack 44. USB jack 46. Sostenuto Pedal When you step on the sostenuto pedal, the notes played before you step on the pedal would have a sustain effect. 47. Sustain Pedal When you step on the sustain pedal, all notes played on the keyboard will have a longer sustain. It also supports the half-pedal operation. Performing with the sustain pedal will achieve a smoothly effect. 6 5 Set octave in TWINOVA mode demo songs K value 25. Voice direct button Select a direct voice 25. [VOICE] button Enter the voice mode 32. [BANK] button Select a bank to store settings 32. [RECORD] button Enter record mode Rear Panel Rückseite 33. [ACCOMP] button 40.Select AUXthe INaccomp track to 41.record AUX OUT off 42. MIDI IN 34~38. MELODY 43. MIDI OUT1-5 button 44.Select USBthe melody1-5 track ff 30. [METRO] button Turn the metronome on and off to record 33. [STORE] button Register the current panel settings AUX IN d off 40 38. [O.T.S] button Turn one touch setting on and off MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB 41 42 43 44 40. AUX IN jack 41. AUX OUT jack Pedal 42. MIDI IN jack 31. [SHIFT] button Press and hold it to access secondary functions of other buttons 43. MIDI OUT jack Pedal 44. USB jack 45 MIDI OUT AUX OUT 34~37.M1~M4 button Recall the registered panel settings off ode 31. [SHIFT] button Press and hold it to secondary functions buttons 46 47 USB 45. Soft Pedal 45 43 44 Soft Pedal Dieses Pedal reduziert die Lautstärke und ändert leicht das Timbre der When you step on the soft pedal, all notes gespieltenplayed Noten, derwillKlang wird. on wodurch the keyboard have a„weicher“ softer effect. Wenn Sie auf das Sostenutopedal treten, während Sie Tasten gedrückt halten,46. werden die Töne Sostenuto Pedal so lange ausgehalten, bis Sie das Pedal you step the sostenuto pedal, the loslassen When (Sustain). Dieonanschließend gespielten Töne werden nicht 46 Sostenuto Pedal notes played before you step on the pedal ausgehalten sondern normal wiedergegeben. So können Sie would have a sustain effect. beispielsweise einen Akkord mit Sustain versehen und andere Noten staccato 47.spielen. Sustain Pedal When you step on the sustain pedal, all 47 Sustain Pedal Es funktioniert genauso wiekeyboard das Pedal an einem akustischen Piano, es notes played on the will have a bewirkt also einsustain. Sustain dessupports Sounds, longer It also thenachdem Sie Ihre Hände von den half-pedal operation. Tasten genommen haben. Performing with the sustain pedal will achieve a smoothly effect. 5 7 6 2015/4/30 12:57:02 Aufbau Setup 6 2015/4/30 12:57:02 Dieser Abschnitt beinhaltet Informationen über den Aufbau Ihres Instruments und die Vorbereitung This section contains information about up your instrument and preparing to play. Please go through this section zum Spielen. Bitte gehen Siesetting den Abschnitt sorgfältig durch bevor Sie das Gerät anschalten. carefully before turning the power on. Setup Setup Guide Before you proceeding assemble the stand, get a Philip's Übersicht überto die Einzelteile screwdriver (not supplied). Make sure you have the following parts, which are supplied into Bevor Sie den Ständer zusammenbauen, besorgen package. This section contains information about setting up your instru carefully before turning the power on. Sie sich bitte einen Philips-Schraubendreher, GuideTeile vorhanden sind: da dieser nicht mitgeliefert wird. Stellen Sie dann sicher, dassSetup alle folgenden Before you proceeding to assemble the stand, get a Philip's screwdriver (not supplied). Make sure you have the following parts, which are supplied in 1 package. 6 3 2 C 6 5 M Y 2 CM MY CY CMY K 4 1. Gehäuse 2. linker Seitenständer 3. rechter Seitenständer 4. Pedalkasten 5. Rückwand 6.7Pedalkabel 10 8 9 7. Handschrauben (4) 8. Schrauben M6x45 (4) 9. Nieten 4x15 (8) 10.Schraubenabdeckungen (4) 1 Piano body 2 Left leg component 3 Right leg component 4 Foot pedal 5 Rear board 6 Foot pedal cable 7 Hand screws (4pcs) 8 Screws M6x45 (4pcs) 9 Tapping screw 4x15 (8pcs) 7 10 Screw caps (4pcs) 6 8 8 9 10 Setup Setup Setup Aufbau ween the left and right leg sght of screws leg (8) (2 on each pedalA. unit. surepedal unit (4) in between the left and right leg Put(Make the foot nfoot each s correct before screwing) (2&3) use 4 pieces of screws (8) (2 on each components ake sure ewing) Befestigen Sie die Seitenständer mit den Schrauben (8) am Pedalkasten und decken Sie die Schrauben mit den Plastikkappen ab. side) to stable the legs onto the foot pedal unit. (Make sure the direction of the placement is correct before screwing) he rear board fixed on the component (3), the left leg B on the previous page. on the left leg age. B. Use 8 pieces screw (9), make the rear board fixed on the footpedal unit (4) and right leg component (3), the left leg component (2) finished in part B on the previous page. Befestigen Sie die Rückwand mithilfe der Schrauben (9) an Pedalkasten und Seitenständern. Der Stand ist nun fertig. p of the assembly finished in rews (7) to stable afterward. inished in C. Put the piano body (1) on the top of the assembly finished in fterward. part B, use 4 pieces of hand screws (7) to stable afterward. Legen Sie das Piano auf den Stand und befestigen Sie es mit den Handschrauben. 7 7 9 7 Setup D. After the initial set-up, connect pedal cable (6) with the foot the bottom-panelmit pedal jack. Verbinden Siepedal dastoPedalkabel der Pedalbuchse an der Rückseite des Gerätes und verbinden Sie abschließend das Netzteil mit der DC In-Buchse. mance. C Das Piano ist fertig! M Y CM E. Installation is completed now. Play the piano and enjoy the perfect performance. MY CY CMY K 9 2015/4/30 12:57:03 Connections Stromversorgung Vergewissern Sie sich zuerst, dass das Gerät Power1. Jack ausgeschaltet ist. Drehen Sie dann die Lautstärke Power Supply 1. Make sureauf thatMinimum. the piano is turned off. Before you switch the piano on off , turn down of piano and any 2. or Verbinden Sie the dasvolume Netzteil mit der entsprechenden connectedBuchse audio equipments first. am Piano. VOLUME MIN MAX 3. Verbinden das andere Ende des Netzteils mit 8 Sie 2. Connect the power cable to the AC outlet. der Steckdose. 4. Schalten Sie das an; im Display erscheint 3. Press the [POWER] button, theGerät LCD will display “LOADING...”, which indicates the piano has powered on. „Loading“. 4. If you are ready to turn off the piano, press the [POWER] button Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich das Gerät selbst again. ausschaltet, wenn es länger als 30 min nicht benutzt Notes: wird. 1. The piano will be automatically shut down in about 30 minutes if it is not used. Wenn Sie das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzen, 2. When während the keyboard is notGewitters. in use or during thunderstorm, please eines disconnect the power for safety purpose. Connecting a pair of Headphones A standard pair of stereo headphones can be plugged in here for private practice or late-night playing. Jack1: when a pair of headphones is plugged into the jack 1, the sound can be heard from both headphones and speakers of the instrument. trennen Sie es bitte vom Strom. Gleiches gilt 10 Jack1 Jack2 M M Y Y Y MY Connections 3. Press the [POWER] button, the LCD will display “LOADING...”, which indicates the piano has powered on. 4. If you are ready to turn off the piano, press the [POWER] button again.Power Jack Connections VOLUME Power Supply Notes: 1. Make sure that the piano is turned off. Before you switch the 1. The piano will be shutthe down in about 30 minutes if it piano on automatically or off , turn down volume of piano and any Power is not used. connectedJack audio equipments first. Power Supply 2. When the keyboard is not in use or during thunderstorm, please 1.Connect Make sure piano is the turned off. Before you switch the disconnect the power for the safety purpose. 2. thethat power cable to AC outlet. piano on or off , turn down the volume of piano and any connected audio equipments first. 3. Press the [POWER] button, the LCD will display “LOADING...”, Anschlüsse MIN VOLUME MAX Kopfhörer Connecting aBuchse pair of Headphones Anwhich dieser Standard-Kopfhörer indicates the können piano hasSie powered on. MIN MAX A standard of stereo headphones 2. pair Connect the power cable tocan thebe ACplugged outlet. in here for anschließen, wenn Sie in Ruhe oder spät in der private practice or late-night playing. Jack1 4. If you areofready to turn off the piano, press the [POWER] button Jack1: when a pair headphones is plugged into thedisplay jack 1,“LOADING...”, the Nacht spielen möchten. 3. again. Press the [POWER] button, the LCD will sound can be heard from both headphones and speakers of Jack2 which indicates the piano has powered on. the instrument. „Headphone Jack 1“ ist die Buchse 1 für den Notes: Jack2: when pairare of ready headphones intopress the jack 2,the 4. If ayou to turn is offplugged the piano, the [POWER] button Kopfhörer. Wenn Sie hier 1. The piano will be automatically shut Kopfhörer down inshut about minutes if it internal stereo speaker system iseinen automatically off.30 The again. anschließen, Sieheadphones. den Pianosound sowohl is not sound canused. only bekönnen heard from 2. Whendie theKopfhörer keyboard is als not in use or during please durch auch aus demthunderstorm, Piano Notes: disconnect the power for safety purpose. Note: selbst hören. 1. The piano will be automatically shut down in about 30 minutes if it To avoid theisrisk hearing loss when using headphones, please notofused. do not play the piano with a high level a long time. 2. When the keyboard isvolume not die inof use orfor during Connecting a2“pair Headphones „Headphone Jack ist Buchse 2.thunderstorm, Sobald Sie please an dieser Buchse einen Kopfhörer anschließen, disconnect the power for safety purpose. A standard pair of stereo headphones can be plugged in here for AUX IN AUX OUT IN MIDI OUT USB noch über wird die Tonübertragung durch das Piano gestoppt und Sie können den MIDI Pianosound nur private practice or late-night playing. Jack1 den Kopfhörer empfangen. Jack1: whenan a pair of headphones is plugged into the jack 1, the Connecting Audio Equipment Connecting a pair of Headphones sound canjack be heard from headphones and speakers of Jack2 The rear-panel AUX.OUT delivers theboth output of be theplugged instrument A standard pair of stereo headphones can in here for the instrument. Bitte regeln Sie die Lautstärke herunter, wenn Sie längere Zeit mit Kopfhörern spielen, Ihr Gehör for connection to a keyboard amplifier, a mixing console, or tape private practice or late-night playing. Jack2: when a cord pair of headphones is plugged into the jack 2,the Jack1 sonst dauerhaft geschädigt werden. recorder.könnte Use an audio to plug into the AUX.OUT jack located Jack1: when a pair of headphones is plugged into the jack 1, the internal stereo speaker system iscord automatically shut on the rear panel then plug theheard other from end of theheadphones into AUX.IN of off. The sound can be both and speakers of Jack2 sound can only be heard from headphones. the amplifier. the instrument. Jack2: when a pair of headphones is plugged into the jack 2,the Note: Note: internal stereo speaker system is automatically shut off. The To avoidsound the risk ofonly hearing loss when using headphones, please beplease heard from headphones. To avoid damaging the can speakers, ensure that the volume do not play the piano with a high volume level for a long time. has been set to the minimum level before connecting the power and otherNote: devices. AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB To avoid the risk of hearing loss when using headphones, please do not play the piano withAudio a high volume level for a long time. Connecting an Equipment Die Buchse AUX OUTjack an delivers der Rückseite Pianos ist eine The rear-panel AUX.OUT the outputdes of the instrument AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB Anschlussmöglichkeit füramplifier, Verstärker, Stereoanlagen, Connecting antoMP3/CD Player for connection a keyboard a mixing console, or tape ConnectMischkonsolen the audioUse output an MP3/CD player orthe other audio oder Recorder. Benutzen Sie jack ein located Audiokabel recorder. an of audio cord to plug into AUX.OUT Connecting an Audio Equipment source tofür the stereo AUX.IN jack on rear panel. on the rear panel then plug the other end of the cord into AUX.IN ofGerät. die Verbindung zwischen Instrument und externem The rear-panel AUX.OUT jack delivers the output of the instrument The inputthe signal is mixedtowith the pianoamplifier, signal, allowing you amplifier. for connection a keyboard a mixing console, or tape Bevor Sie die Verbindung herstellen, drehen Sie bitte die to play along. recorder. Use an audio cord to plug into the AUX.OUT jack located Audio-Equipment Lautstärke auf Minimum um Schäden an Lautsprechern zu on the rear panel then plug the other end of the cord into AUX.IN of Note: verhindern. theavoid amplifier. To damaging the speakers, please ensure that the volume has been set to the minimum level before connecting the power and other devices. Note: To avoid damaging the speakers, please ensure that the volume has been set to the minimum level before connecting the power and other devices. Connecting an MP3/CD Player AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB 9 Connect the audio output of an MP3/CD player or other audio source to the stereo AUX.IN jack on the rear panel. MP3-Player The input signal is mixed the piano signal, allowing you Connecting an with MP3/CD Player to play along. Connect the audio output of an MP3/CD player otherCD-Players audio Verbinden Sie den Ausgang eines MP3-oroder mit source to the stereo AUX.IN jack on the rear panel. der Buchse AUX IN an der Rückseite des Gerätes. Das The input signal is mixed with the piano signal, allowing you einkommende Signal wird mit dem Pianosignal gemischt und to play along. AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB Sie können zur Musik spielen. 9 9 11 Connections Connections Connecting a Computer Computer AUX IN You can use the USB Connector to receive MIDI messages from computer or transmit MIDI messages to computer. Das Instrument kann über die USB- oder die MIDI-Buchsen Connecting a Computer You can use a commercially available MIDI interface to connect the AUX IN You can the USB ConnectorMIDI-Daten to receive MIDI messages from anuse seiner Rückseite empfangen und senden. piano to the computer via the MIDI connectors. computer or transmit MIDI messages to computer. Der USB-Anschluss kann MIDI-Daten sowohl senden als auch empfangen. Note: You can use a commercially available MIDI interface to connect the Bitte stellen Sie nicht gleichzeitig „Input“ und „Output“ Do not set USB device to MIDI be input and output simultaneously piano to thethe computer via the connectors. when setting the software on PC. Otherwise the sound will be der Sound sonst überlappt, wenn Sie spielen. overlapped when playing the keyboard. Note: AUX OUT AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI IN MIDI OUT MIDI OUT USB USB fest, da Do not set the USB device to be input and output simultaneously when setting the software on PC. Otherwise the sound will be overlapped when playing the keyboard. AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB Connecting external MIDI devices Externes MIDI-Laufwerk You can use standard MIDI cables to connect external MIDI devices. AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN Connecting MIDI devicesein externes Sie könnenexternal über Standard-MIDI-Kabel MIDIcan IN: use Receive MIDIMIDI message from an external MIDIMIDI device. You standard cables to connect external Laufwerk anschließen. Bitte schalten Sie stets alle Geräte MIDI OUT: Transmits MIDI message generated by the instrument. devices. aus, bevor Sie sie MIDI THRU: Simply relays themiteinander MIDI messageverbinden. received at MIDI IN. Note:IN: MIDI IN: MIDI Das message Gerät empfängt MIDI-Daten von einem MIDI Receive from an external MIDI device. To avoid damages, please be sure togenerated turn off thebypower switches MIDI OUT: Transmits MIDI message the instrument. externen Gerät. before you disconnect the related devices from the keyboard. MIDI THRU: the MIDI message received at MIDI MIDI Simply OUT: relays Das Gerät überträgt MIDI-Daten anIN. ein Note: externes Gerät. To avoid damages, please be sure to turn off the power switches THRU: Leitet die devices empfangenen Daten weiter. before MIDI you disconnect the related from the keyboard. MIDI IN MIDI OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT Adjusting the Master Volume Turn the [VOLUME] knob clockwise, the volume increases and vice versa. Einstellungen Adjusting the Master Volume Turn the [VOLUME] knob clockwise, the volume increases and vice Lautstärke versa. Drehen Sie den Regler VOLUME nach rechts um die Lautstärke zu erhöhen oder nach links, um sie zu vermindern. Adjusting the Voice Brilliance Brillanz Turn the [BRILLIANCE] knob clockwise, the voice sounds brighter and vice versa. You can change the piano brilliance as you wish. Benutzen Sie den Regler BRILLANCE um die Brillanz des Sounds ihren Wünschen anzupassen. Adjusting the Voice Brilliance Turn the [BRILLIANCE] knob clockwise, the voice sounds brighter and vice versa. You can change the piano brilliance as you wish. 10 10 Playing the Demo Song 12refer to Demo The instrument features 5 wonderful demos. Please List. 1. Holding down [SHIFT] button, then press the [DEMO] button to start MIDI OUT USB MIDI OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT MIDI IN Playing the Demo Song Abspielen eines Demo-Songs The instrument features 5 wonderful demos. Please refer to Demo List. 1. Holding down the [SHIFT] button, then press the [DEMO] button to Piano verfügt über wundervolle Demosongs. startDas the demo song playing, and fünf the LCD will display the number and name theDemosongs demo. Liste of der finden Sie im Anhang. Eine 2. Beats Flashing Drücken Sie die Tasten SHIFT und DEMO gleichzeitig During demo playback, the LED indicator of [START/STOP] will flash Demosong with einen the current tempo, redzu forstarten. strong beat and green for weak beat. um Benutzen Sie das Drehrad DATA oder die Tasten +/YES und 3. You can use theeinen data dial, [+/YES] / [-/NO]button to select demo -/NO um Demosong auszuwählen. Im aDisplay song.erscheinen Name und Nummer des Songs. Die Songs werden Endlosschleife abgespielt. 4. Holding down in theeiner [SHIFT] button, then press the [demo] button or press the [START/STOP] button directly to stop playing and exit the demo mode. Um den Demosong zu beenden, drücken Sie bitte die Tasten START/STOP oder abermals die Tasten SHIFT und DEMO Note: um den Demomodus zu verlassen. 1. In demo mode, only the following button functions will be available: [DEMO], [START/STOP], [ TEMPO+/-], [+/YES], [-/NO], Data dial, Bitte beachten Sie, and dass im Demomodus nicht alle Knöpfe und [VOLUME], [BRILLIANCE], [POWER]. All other buttons the keyboard function willTastenbelegung become invalid. finden Sie im Tasten zurand Verfügung stehen. Die ersten Kapitel der Bedienungsanleitung. 2. In recording, style or song mode, the LED indicator of [START/STOP] will flash with the current tempo. 11 12 2015/4/30 12:57:04 Sounds Dieses Piano verfügt über 600 außergewöhnlich realistischer Sounds, den Voices. Eine Liste mit allen Sounds finden Sie im Anhang. Playing Voices The instrument features 600 exceptionally realistic voices. Please refer to Voices List. Auswahl Sie die Taste SHIFT und eine VOICE-Taste. PlayingDrücken Voices Im Display erscheint „VOICE R1“ und dieone Voice1. In idle status, holding down the [SHIFT] button, then press of the voice Nummer. direct button to enter the voice mode. LCD will display the name and number of the current voice and highlights “R1”. Wählen Sie eine Voice aus, indem Sie das Drehrad 2. Use the data dial, [+/YES]/ [-/NO] button to select the voice you oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO benutzen. want to play. You can also use the voice direct button to select a voice. Jede der Voicetasten verfügt über drei Voice- 3. You can play the keyboard andund listenL.toWenn the wonderful voice. Quellen: R1, R2, die Dualoder LowerFunktion aktiv ist, können Sie durch Drücken der Note: SHIFT- und VOICE-Taste zwischen den When the Dual and Lower functions are on, hold down [SHIFT] Dies wird imthe Display button, thenSoundquellen press one of the wechseln. voice select buttons to shift voice angezeigt. source between R1, R2 and L1. The selected one will be highlighted on LCD. Playing two voices simultaneously-DUAL 1. In idle mode, press [DUAL] button to turn on dual voice. LCD displays current voice name and number, and highlights “R2”. 2. When “R2” is highlighted, use the data dial, the [+/YES], [-/NO] button or voice direct button to select the dual voice you want to play. 3. Play the keyboard, you will hear two different voices sounded simultaneously in a layer. It seems like two instruments playing at the same time. Note: 13 Note: Note: When the Dual and Lower functions are on, hold down [SHIFT] When Dual andone Lower functions are on, hold down [SHIFT] button,the then press of the voice select buttons to shift the voice button, then press one of the voice select buttons to shift voice source between R1, R2 and L1. The selected one will be the highlighted source between R1, R2 and L1. The selected one will be highlighted on LCD. on LCD. Playing two voices voices simultaneously-DUAL simultaneously-DUAL Dual-Modus Playing two 1. In idle mode, press [DUAL] button to turn on dual voice. LCD 1. In idle mode, press [DUAL] to turn on dual voice. LCD displays current voice namebutton and number, and highlights “R2”. Drücken Sie diename Taste DUAL. Zwei verschiedene displays current voice and number, and highlights “R2”. Voices klingen Die der[+/YES], Dual-Voice 2. When “R2” isgleichzeitig. highlighted, use theNummer data dial, the [-/NO] wird im 2. When “R2” isangezeigt. highlighted, usetothe datathe dial, thevoice [+/YES], Display button or voice direct button select dual you [-/NO] want to button play. or voice direct button to select the dual voice you want to play. Wählen Sie eine Dual-Voice aus (= VOICE R2), indem Sie 3. Play the keyboard, you will hear two different voices sounded das oder Tasten +/YES und sounded -/NO oder 3. Play the Drehrad keyboard, willdie twolike different voices simultaneously in ayou layer. Ithear seems two instruments playing at die simultaneously layer. It seems like two instruments playing at theVoicetasten same time. in abenutzen. the same time. Note:Wenn sich die Tastatur im Splitmodus befindet, wird nur der Note: When the keyboard has been split, only the right hand area will play Bereich für die Hand mitright der hand Dual-Voice der für When thevoice. keyboard has rechte been split, only the area will belegt, play the dual the dual voice. die linke Hand nicht. Play Different Voices with Both Play Different Voices with Both hands-LOWER Lower-Modus hands-LOWER 1. In idle mode, press [LOWER] button to turn on lower voice. The 1. In idle mode, press button toareas, turn onwhich lowerhave voice. The keyboard is split into[LOWER] two independent different keyboard is split into two independent areas, which have different voices. LCD displays the left hand voice name and number, and Um mit zwei verschiedenen Sounds „nebeneinander“ zu voices. LCD displays the left hand voice name and number, and highlights “L1”. spielen, drücken Sie die Taste LOWER. Die Nummer der highlights “L1”. Lower-Voice wird im Display angezeigt (VOICE L). Sie 2. When “L1” is highlighted, use the data dial, the [+/YES], [-/NO] können Lower-Voice auswählen, indem Sie das 2. When “L1” is eine highlighted, usetothe data dial, the [+/YES], button or voice direct button select the lower voice you[-/NO] want to button or voice direct button to select the lower voice you want Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO oder dieto play. play. Voicetasten benutzen. 3. Play the keyboard with both hands, and you will hear two different 3. Play thefrom keyboard both hands, and you will hear two different voices the twowith areas. voices from the two areas. Note: Note: The right hand voice does not change when you change lower voice. The right voice13does not12:57:04 change when youzwischen change lower voice. L und VOICE R1/R2 dar. Er sitzt ab Werk 2015/4/30 Derhand Splitpoint stellt die Trennung VOICE Split Point F#3. Sie können ihn jedoch jeder beliebigen Taste zuweisen. Bitte lesen Sie dazu das Kapitel Split Pointon the keyboard that separates voice L1 and voice R1/R2 is The Point „Einstellen desThe Splitpoints“. The Point thepoint". keyboard that L1 andatvoice R1/R2 is called the on "split splitseparates point is setvoice to F#3/G3 the factory called "split point". Theset split point is set F#3/G3 the factory setting.the However you can this to any keytoyou want.atPlease refer to setting. you canpoint. set this to any key you want. Please refer to KeySplitHowever setting for split KeySplit setting for split point. bei Twinova Twinova The twinova mode splits the keyboard into two independent areas, 12 which have the same pitch and voice, for the convenience of 12 Im Twinovamodus ist die Tastatur in zwei Bereiche mit one-to-one teaching. 1. In idle mode, press [TWINOVA] button to turn on twinova. gleicher Tonhöhe und gleicher Voice geteilt. LCD highlights “TWINOA”. In twinova mode, dual voice and lower voice are unavailable. The default split point is E3 (32). Press 1. Um den Modus zu starten (oder zu beenden), drücken [TWINOVA] button again you can exit twinova. Sie TWINOVA. Die Indikatorlampe „Twinova“ leuchtet In the diesem die Funktionen „Dual“ 2. In twinovaauf. mode, defaultModus voice ofsind right hand and left hand is the und upper voice you select before entering twinova mode. Useliegt the data „Lower“ nicht verfügbar, der Split-Punkt bei E3 (32), dial, the [-/NO] button the voice direct button to choose 2. [+/YES], Voice Auswahl: ImorTwinovamodus ist die aktive Voice voice. die Upper Voice. Diese können Sie vor Aktivierung des 3. In twinova mode, press [OCTAVE] button, LCD temporarily displays gehabt the octaveModus value ofwie twinova. Nowaussuchen. you can use the data dial, the 3. [-/NO] Festlegen imThe entsprechenden [+/YES], button des to setSplit-Punkts: octave value ofsiehe twinova. range of octave is Kapitel. -1 to 1. 4. Oktav-Einstellung im aktiven Twinovamodus: Drücken Note: Sie OCTAVE; im Display erscheint kurz der aktuelle 1. In the song playing mode, the twinova is invalid. Wert. SiePoint können ihn DIAL 2. Please refer to Split setting to mit set the splitoder point.+/- verändern; der Bereich geht von -1 bis 1. Bitte beachten Sie Im Demo- und Songmodus ist die Funktion Twinova nicht verfügbar. Auto Accompaniment 14 The auto accompaniment feature puts a full backing band at your fingertips. To use it, all you have to do is to play the chords with your octave is -1 to 1. [+/YES], [-/NO] button to set octave value of twinova. The range of octave is -1 to 1. Note: 1. In the song playing mode, the twinova is invalid. Note: 2. Please refer to Split Point setting to set the split point. 1. In the song playing mode, the twinova is invalid. The auto accompaniment puts a full backing band at your 2. Please refer to Splitfeature Point setting to set the split point. fingertips. To use it, all you have to do is to play the chords with your left hand using your selected accompaniment style, and then the accompaniment will automatically play along, instantly following the Funktion stellt Ihnen even eineavollständige chords you Diese play. With auto accompaniment, solo performerBand can oder ein komplettes Orchester als Begleitung zur Seite. Abhängig von den Akkorden, die Sie mit enjoy playing with the backing of an entire band or orchestra. This keyboard (including 10 user styles: styles derfeatures linken 240 Hand spielen, passt sich231-240) die Begleitautomatik selbständig an. Das Instrument verfügt in a variety über of musical genres. Try to select some of the different styles 240 Styles (inklusive der User-Styles mit den Nummern 231-240) in einer Vielzahl auto List) accompaniment feature puts a full backing band at your (referThe to Style and enjoy the auto accompaniment. verschiedener Musikgenres. Probieren Sie verschiedene aus, eine Liste mit den verfügbaren fingertips. To use it, all you have to do is to play the chords with your The auto accompaniment feature puts a full backing band at your Styles finden Sie im Anhang. left hand using your selected accompaniment style, and then the fingertips. usewill it, all you have toplay do isalong, to play the chords with your Play AutoToAccompaniment(rhythm track accompaniment automatically instantly following the left hand using your selected accompaniment style, and then the can chords you play. With auto accompaniment, even a solo performer only) accompaniment will automatically play along, instantly following the playing with the backing of an entire band or orchestra. 1. In enjoy idle mode, when pressing [SHIFT] button, press any of the style chords you play. With auto accompaniment, even a solo performer can This keyboard features 240 (including 10 user styles: 231-240) direct button to enter the style mode. LCD displays the name and styles enjoy playing with the backing of an entire band or orchestra. in a variety musical genres. Try to select some of the different styles number of the of current style. This features 240 (including user styles: 231-240) styles (referkeyboard to Style List) and enjoy the auto 10 accompaniment. in a variety of musical genres. Try to select some of the different styles 2. Use the data dial, the [+/YES], [-/NO] button or the style direct (refer to List) and the auto 1.Style Drücken Sieenjoy SHIFT undaccompaniment. eine STYLE-Taste, im Display button to choose Play Autostyle. Accompaniment(rhythm track Auto Accompaniment Begleitautomatik Auto Accompaniment Auto Accompaniment Rhythmus-Spur erscheinen Name und Nummer des Styles. only) Wählen Siebutton einentoStyle aus. Benutzen 3. Press the2.[START/STOP] start the rhythm tracks ofSie the hierzu das Play Auto Accompaniment(rhythm track 1. In idle mode, when pressing [SHIFT] button, press any of then the auto accompaniment. Also you can press [SYNC START] and Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO. Siestyle können die only) direct button to enter the style mode. LCD displays the name and play any key to start the rhythm tracks of the auto accompaniment. Styles auch direkt über die Style-Tasten auswählen. 1. number In idle mode, pressing of thewhen current style. [SHIFT] button, press any of the style 3.button Drücken Siethe START/STOP um die Rhythmusspur direct to enter style mode. LCD displays the name and der Play Auto Accompaniment(all tracks) of thedial, current style. zu[-/NO] starten. Sie auch SYNC 2. number Use theBegleitautomatik data the [+/YES], button orkönnen the style direct 1. In style mode, press [CHORD MODE] button to enter “auto bass button to choose style. drücken und die Begleitung startet mit dem ersten Spielen chord” (A.B.C.)mode. LED on the panel willdirect light 2. Use the data dial,The the “FINGERED” [+/YES], [-/NO] button or the style einerisTaste. up. The keyboard split into two areas. Play chords in the left to choose style. button to start the rhythm trackshand 3. button Press the [START/STOP] of the area. auto accompaniment. Also you can press [SYNC START] and then Press [CHORD MODE] button again totoenter range” tracks mode. of The 3. play Press thekey [START/STOP] buttontracks startof“full the the any to start the rhythm therhythm auto accompaniment. “FULL RANGE” LED on the panel will light up. You can play chords auto accompaniment. Also you can press [SYNC START] and then over play the entire keyboard normal fingering. any key to startinthe rhythm tracks of the auto accompaniment. PlayAlle AutoSpuren Accompaniment(all tracks) 1. In style mode, press [CHORD MODE] button to enter “auto bass Play Accompaniment(all chord”Auto (A.B.C.)mode. The “FINGERED” LED ontracks) the panel will light 1. Drücken Sie CHORD MODE um den Modus „auto 1. up. In style press [CHORD MODE] button enter bass The mode, keyboard is split into two areas. Play to chords in“auto the left hand chord” (A.B.C.)mode. “FINGERED” LED on theDer panel will light für die bass chordThe = A.B.C“ aufzurufen. Bereich area. up. The keyboard is split intozum two areas. Play “full chords in the left hand Press [CHORD MODE] button again to enter mode. The linke Hand wird Bereich fürrange” die area. 14 on 2015/4/30 12:57:05 will light up. You can play chords “FULL RANGE” LED the panel Begleitautomatik. Akkorde, die Sie in diesem Bereich Press [CHORD MODE] button again to enter “full range” mode. The over the entire keyboard in normal fingering. spielen, werden automatisch und als Basis “FULL RANGE” LED on the panel will light up. erkannt You can play chords over thefür entire in normal fingering. diekeyboard vollautomatische Begleitung genutzt. Drücken Sie CHORD MODE um in den „Full Range“-Modus Auto Accompaniment zu gelangen. Nun werden Akkorde auf dem gesamten Keyboard erkannt. 2. Drücken Sie SYNC START oder START/STOP. Sobald Sie nun einen Akkord mit der 2. Press [SYNC START] button , and then play a chord in the chord linken Hand spielen, startet die Begleitautomatik. area to start auto accompaniment of all tracks. When you change a chord, the accompaniment automatically changes. Alternatively, press [START/STOP] button to start auto accompaniment of rhythm track, then play a chord in the chord area. It will start auto accompaniment of all tracks Bereiche Accompaniment Sections verschiedene Typen von BegleitautomatikThere Es are gibt various types of Auto Accompaniment sections that allow you to Sektionen, vary the arrangement of the accompaniment to match the song die Ihnen erlauben, das Arrangement der you are playing. Begleitung dem Song anzupassen, den Sie spielen, so z.B. They are: Intro, Main (A,B,C,D), Fill (A, B,C,D), and Ending. Intro, among Main (A, B,during C, D), Fillperformance In (A, B, C, D)can und Ending. Sie By switching them your you easily können während desofSpiels einfachsounding zwischen diesen produce the dynamic elements a professional arrangement in your performance. wechseln und so ganz persönlich Arrangements zusammenstellen. INTRO Section The intro is an opening section of the song. When the intro pattern finished, the system will automatically shift to the main section. MAIN Section 15 The main is an important section of the song. And it plays an accompaniment pattern and repeat infinitely until another section's button is pressed. 13 13 13 you to vary the arrangement of the accompaniment to match the song you are playing. They are: Intro, Main (A,B,C,D), Fill (A, B,C,D), and Ending. By switching among them during your performance you can easily produce the dynamic elements of a professional sounding arrangement Introin your performance. Diese Sektion wird für die Einleitung eines Stückes verwendet. Sobald das Intro beendet ist, INTRO Section diesection Begleitautomatik zumthe Hauptteil. The introwechselt is an opening of the song. When intro pattern finished, the system will automatically shift to the main section. Hauptteil (Main) MAIN Section Dies ist der Hauptbestandteil des Stückes, es wird ein Begleitpattern über The main is an important section of the song. And it plays an die so lange wiederholt werden bis eine andere Sektion ausgewählt wird. accompaniment pattern and repeat infinitely until another section's button is pressed. mehrere Takte gespielt, Fill In FILL IN Section Diese Sektion stellt dynamische Variationen zur Verfügung, die Ihr Spiel noch professioneller Auto fill in functionlassen. automatically addsdas a fillFill to your performance. klingen Sobald In beendet ist, When kehrt die Begleitautomatik zum Mainpattern (A, the fill-in is finished, accompaniment shifts to the Main section D) zurück. (A,B,C,D). ENDINGEnding Section Ending isDiese used for the ending of the song. When the ending is Sektion dient zum Beenden des Songs. Nach einem finished,Länge accompaniment automatically stops. The length of the ending eines Endings hängt vom ausgewählten Style ab. differs depending on the selected style. Note: Bitte beachten Sie: Ein ausgewählter Fill wird so lange halten. During style playback, hold down one of the FILL [A]-[D] buttons, and the selected fill-in pattern will play continuously until the button is released. When style stops, press one of the FILL [A]-[D] buttons to select a main section. The corresponding LED will light up. B, C, Ending stoppt die Begleitautomatik. Die wiederholt wie Sie den Knopf gedrückt Spielen mit verschiedenen Bereichen - ein Beispiel Playing Different Accompaniment 1. Wählen Sie einen Style aus. Sections 2. Drücken Sie CHORD MODE. 1. Press style direct button or use the data dial, [+/YES]/[-/NO] button 3. Drücken Sie SYNC START. to choose style. 4. Drücken Sie A. Drücken Siebutton INTRO/ENDING. Nun bass blinktchord) das „A“ auf 2. Press 5. [CHORD MODE] to enter A.B.C. (auto mode. dem Display, der Style ist fertig zum Abspielen. 6. Sobald Sie mit der linken Hand einen Akkord spielen, 3. Press [SYNC START] button. beginnt die Begleitautomatik. Wenn das Intro beendet ist,A]wechselt 4. Press [FILL button. die Begleitautomatik zum Mainpattern A. 7. Drücken Sie B. Es wird ein Fill In gespielt, gefolgt von 5. Press theMainpattern [INTRO/ENDING] B. button. Now “A” LED flashes on panel, the style is ready to play. 8. Drücken Sie INTRO/ENDING. Das Ending wird gespielt, anschließend stoppt die Begleitautomatik. 6. It will start the accompaniment as soon as you start playing in SYNC START Chord section. When the playback of the intro is finished, it automatically leads into Main A section. 14 Lautstärke 1. Drücken Sie ACC VOL, im Display erscheint der Wert der aktuell eingestellten Lautstärke. Der Wertebereich geht von 0 bis 127. 2. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder +/YES und -/NO um den Wert zu verändern. Fingering Als Fingering wird die Art bezeichnet, mit der Sie der Begleitautomatik die Akkord angeben. Es gibt zwei Arten, die im Folgenden beschrieben werden: Chord-Fingermodus und Full Range-Modus. 16 Grundlagen Ein Akkord besteht aus drei oder mehr Noten, die gleichzeitig gespielt werden. Ein C-Dur-Akkord besteht beispielsweise aus den Noten C als Grundton (Root), E als dritter Note (Terz) der CDur-Tonleiter und G als fünfter Note der C-Dur-Tonleiter (Quinte). Wie im vorangegangenen Beispiel gezeigt, wird der tiefste Ton als Grundton bezeichnet (Root). Das Intervall zum Grundton (kleine oder große Terz) entscheidet, ob es sich bei einem Dreiklang um einen Moll- oder Dur-Akkord handelt. Die grundlegende Charakteristik des Dreiklangs bleibt auch erhalten, wenn wir die Reihenfolge ändern, um verschiedene Umkehrungen (Inversions) zu spielen. Häufige Dreiklänge Dur Major Moll Minor Übermäßiger Augmented Verminderter Diminished Der Name sagt aus, um welchen Grundton es sich handelt, ob es sich um einen Dur- oder Mollakkord oder um einen Verminderten handelt usw. Der Akkordname setzt sich zusammen aus dem Grundton und dem Tongeschlecht. Im nebenstehendem Beispiel handelt es sich also um einen C-Moll-Akkord. 17 We define this chord its root is not in the bass (i.e., is not the lowest note) as an inversion chord. When the root is in the bass, we call the chord: root-position chord. If we put the Third and Fifth in the root position, then it forms “Inversion”, we call this chord “Inversion Chord”. See the following major triad and its inverted chord. Chord Name The chord name contains two parts content: Chord root and Chord type. Single Finger Single Finger In diesem Modus können Sie diemakes ganze Vielfalt der Akkord Sie nur Single-finger it simple to produce major,spielen, seventh, indem minor and minor seventh chords by pressing a minimum number of keys on the wenige Tasten drücken müssen. auto accompaniment section. Multi Finger AW_DP330_Manual_G06_150420 16 2015/4/30 12:57:05 Dieser Modus erlaubt Spielen mit normalem 2015 4 das 20 10:28:36 Fingering. Versuchen Sie, die 32 Akkorde in C zu spielen, die in nebenstehender Tabelle aufgeführt sind. Auto Accompaniment Full Range-Modus Multi-finger Multi-finger allows you to play chords in normal fingering. Try playing the 32Modus chord types in C scale listed on the In diesem erkennt das as Keyboard nurright. Akkorde mit normalem Fingering. Note: In full range mode, the entire keyboard will only recognize chords played in normal fingering. Tempo Each style of the instrument has been set with a default or standard tempo, however, this can be changed by using the [TEMPO+]/ [TEMPO-] buttons. 1. Use the [TEMPO+] or [TEMPO-] button to change the tempo. While the tempo data is flashing, use the data dial also can change the tempo. Tempo C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Jeder Style in diesem Instrument ist mit seinem eigenen Tempo programmiert 2. Press the [TEMPO+]/[TEMPO-] to restore werden. worden. Trotzdem kann das Tempobuttons Ihrensimultaneously Wünschen angepasst theSie default tempo Benutzen dazu die setting. Tasten TEMPO+ oder -. Der Wert des Tempos beginnt zu blinken. Sie können das Tempo auch mit dem Drehrad ändern. Um das One Touch Originaltempo wieder Setting herzustellen, drücken Sie die Tasten TEMPO + und When One gleichzeitig. Touch Setting is switched on, you can instantly recall all auto accompaniment related settings including voices selection and digital effects simply with a single touch of a button. 1. Press the [O.T.S.] button to turn on the One Touch Setting for current style. 2. Press one of the one touch setting buttons [M1]-[M4]. Various panel settings (such as voice, effect, etc.) that match the selected style can be instantly recalled with just a single button press. Auto accompaniment is automatically turned on during O.T.S mode. 18 3. Play the keyboard. One Touch Setting parameter list: Part ON/OFF (VOICER1, R2, L1) Root Position First Inversion Chord Root Chord 2. Press the [TEMPO+]/[TEMPO-] buttons simultaneously to restore the default tempo setting. 2. Press the [TEMPO+]/[TEMPO-] buttons simultaneously to restore C the default tempo setting. One Touch Setting When One Touch Setting is switched on, you can instantly recall all One Touch Setting M Y accompaniment related settings including selection and When One Touchauto Setting is switched on, you can instantly recallvoices all digital effects simply with a single touch of a button. auto accompaniment related settings including voices selection and 1. Press [O.T.S.] button turn on the One Touch Setting for digital effects simply with the a single touch of a to button. Bei the dieser Funktion es One sichTouch um eine sehr current 1. Press [O.T.S.] buttonstyle. tohandelt turn on the Setting for komfortable Einrichtung, in der Sie praktisch alle current style. 2. Press the one touch setting buttons [M1]-[M4]. Various panel Einstellungen, dieone mitofder Begleitautomatik zu tun haben, settings (such as voice, effect, etc.) that matchpanel the selected style 2. Press one of the one touch setting buttons [M1]-[M4]. Various mit einem Knopfdruck einsehen können.a single button press. be instantly recalled with just settings (such ascan voice, effect, etc.) that match the selected style accompaniment is automatically can be instantly Auto recalled with just a single button press.turned on during O.T.S mode. 1. Drücken Sie O.T.S. um die turned Einstellungen für den aktuell Auto accompaniment is automatically on during O.T.S mode. 3. Play the keyboard. ausgewählten Style anzusehen. One einen Touch Setting parameter list: 3. Play keyboard. 2. the Drücken Sie der Einstellungsknöpfe M1-M4. Part ON/OFF list: (VOICER1, R2, L1) One Touch Setting parameter Verschiedene Einstellungen wie Voice, Effekt, etc., die mit Voice Change (VOICER1, R2, L1) Part ON/OFF (VOICER1, R2, L1) dem laufenden Style korreliert sind, Voice Volume R2, L1)werden angezeigt. Zu Voice Change (VOICER1, R2, (VOICER1, L1) O.T.S.-Parametern gehören: Part Voice Voice Reverb Level (VOICER1, R2,on/off, L1) Voiceden Volume (VOICER1, R2, L1) Voice Chorus Level (VOICER1, L1) Voice Volume, undR2, Choruslevel. VoiceChange, Reverb Level (VOICER1, R2,ReverbL1) Voice Chorus Level (VOICER1, R2, L1) CM Ein-Finger-Bedienung MY CY CMY K In diesemMetronome Modus wird die A.B.C.-Funktion automatisch UsingMemory metronome helpsnicht you with beat thatwerden. guides your playing by Metronome angeschaltet, kann registriert preset Using metronome helpstempo. you with beat that guides your playing by preset tempo. 1. Turn on the metronome Press the [METRO] button to turn the metronome on. 1. Turn on the metronome Press the [METRO] button to turn the metronome on. 2. Turn off the metronome 17 2015/4/30 Press the 12:57:05 [METRO] button again to turn the metronome off. 2. Turn off the metronome 17 2015/4/30 12:57:05 Drücken Sie diebutton Taste METRO das Metronom ein- oder auszuschalten. Weitere Press the [METRO] again to turn um the metronome off. Informationen zur Einstellung der Taktart finden Sie im entsprechenden Kapitel. 3. Metronome beat type setting 3. Metronome beatPlease typeBegleitautomatik, setting refer to beat type setting. Starten Sie die das Metronom passt den Takt an. Bei einer Aufnahme Please toNote: beat type wird refer der Sound dessetting. Metronoms nicht mit aufgenommen. Note: The metronome will respond in the next beat if it is turn on when the The metronome accompaniment will respond in the next beat if it is turn on when the is playing. accompaniment When is playing. recording, metronome beats cannot be recorded. When recording, metronome beats cannot be recorded. 16 separately the volume of different tracks. Mixer function adjusts 16 Mixer function adjusts separately the volume of different tracks. 1. Press the [MIXER] button. 1. Press the [MIXER] button. NowDrücken you have entered the menu of mixer.Sie Press the [MIXER] button Sie MIXER. Drücken diesen Knopf wiederholt Now you have entered the menu of mixer. Press the [MIXER] button repeatedly to select a track to change its volume. um den Teil auszuwählen, dessen Lautstärkerepeatedly Sie verändern to select a track to change its volume. Metronom Mixer Mischer möchten. 2. To adjust the selected volume setting, please use the data dial or 2. To adjust the selected volume setting, please use the data dial or the [+/YES]/[-/NO] button. the [+/YES]/[-/NO] 1. Drücken Sie die Tasten SHIFT und RHYTHM. Im Displaybutton. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] button simultaneously to turn off ades track erscheinen „Rhythm“ und die Lautstärke Tracks. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] button simultaneously to turn off a track volume. 2. Passen Sie die Lautstärke nach Ihren Wünschen volume. an (im Bereich von 0 bis 127), indem Sie das Drehrad oder die Press[+/YES]and[-/NO] button simultaneously again to turn on a Press[+/YES]and[-/NO] button simultaneously again to turn on a Tasten +/YES und -/NO benutzen. Gleichzeitiges track volume. track die volume. Drücken der Tasten +/YES und -/NO schaltet Spur The option and parameters are as Drücken follows: stumm. Abermaliges schaltet sieThe wieder an. option and parameters are as follows: 3. Die Spuren Bass, Chord, Lower und Upper können ebenso eingestellt werden. Option Rhythm slave volume Rhythm master volume Nebenstehende Bass volume Verfügung: Chord 1 volume Chord 2 volume Chord 3 volume Phrase 1 volume Phrase 2 volume Voice R1 volume Voice R2 volume Voice L volume Disk volume LCD display Slave Rhythm: xxx Master Rhythm: xxx Optionen stehenxxx zur Bass: xxx Chord1: xxx Chord2: xxx Chord3: xxx Phrase1: xxx Phrase2: xxx Upper1: xxx Upper2: xxx Lower: xxx Disk Vol: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Range Option 0 - 127 Rhythm slave volume 0 - 127 Rhythm master volume 0 - 127 Bass volume 0 - 127 Chord 1 volume 0 - 127 Chord 2 volume 0 - 127 Chord 3 volume 0 - 127 Phrase 1 volume 0 - 127 Phrase 2 volume 0 - 127 Voice R1 volume 0 - 127 Voice R2 volume 0 - 127 Voice L volume 0 - 127 Disk volume 19 LCD display Slave Rhythm: Master Rhythm: Bass: Chord1: Chord2: Chord3: Phrase1: Phrase2: Upper1: Upper2: Lower: Disk Vol: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Range 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 M Y Y Y Y Other Functions Other Functions Weitere Funktionen Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to enter function menu. The default option[FUNCTION+/-] of the menu is "Tune". When you enter the menu time, Press button to enter function menu. Thenext default Drücken Sie FUNCTION+/um das Funktionsmenü aufzurufen. Ab you willoffind option is the same last time. Use [FUNCTION+/-] option the the menu is "Tune". Whenas you enter the menu next time, Werk erscheint zuerst „Tune“, bzw. die zuletzt aufgerufene button select the option to same set. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to you willtofind the option is the as last time. Use [FUNCTION+/-] Funktion. Benutzen Sie die Taste FUNCTION+/set parameter of the current menu. button to select the option to set. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or dataum dialden to 18 2015/4/30 12:57:05 Parameter Sie verändern möchten. Benutzen Sie set parameteraufzurufen, of the current den menu. The option parameters follows:+/YES und -/NO. dazu das and Drehrad oderare dieasTasten The option and parameters are as follows: Range Default No. Option -50~+50 +00 Tune 1 Option Range Default No. -12~+12 Transpose -50~+50 +00 12 Tune 1~88 034 Split Point -12~+12 +00 23 Transpose 0,2~9 004 BeatPoint Type 1~88 034 34 Split Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to enter function menu. The default 0~127 090 Beat Volume 5 0,2~9 004 Beat Type 4 option of the menu is "Tune". When you enter the menu next time, OFF,ON OFF Harmony Switch 0~127 Volume 56 Beat you will find the option is the same as last time. Use [FUNCTION+/-] 090 Duet, 1+5, Octave, CtryDuet, Duet Harmony Typeto set. OFF,ON Harmony Switch button to67select the option Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or dataTrio, dial to OFF Block,1+5, 4Close1, 4Close2, 4Open Duet, Octave, CtryDuet, Trio, Duet Type menu. 7 Harmony set parameter of the current OFF,ON OFF 8 Scale Switch Block, 4Close1, 4Close2, 4Open The option parameters are as follows: Pythagor, Major, Minor, MeanTone, Pythagor Scale type OFF,ON OFF Scale Switch 89 and Werckmei,Major, Kirnberg Pythagor, Minor, MeanTone, Pythagor 9 Scale type C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#, 10 Scale RootRangeWerckmei, Kirnberg DefaultC No. Option A,A#,B C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#, 10 Scale Root-50~+50 +00 C 1 Tune Reset, Pop, Rock, Class, Jazz, Dance 11 EQ type -12~+12 A,A#,B +00 Reset 2 Transpose OFF,ON ON DSPtype Effect1~88 Reset, 12Point Pop, Rock, Class, Jazz, Dance EQ 11 034 Reset 3 Split Room1, Room2, Room3, Hall1, Hall2, Hall2 Reverb Type 13Type DSP Effect 12 0,2~9OFF,ON 004 ON 4 Beat Church, Room2, Delay, PanDelay Room3, Hall1, Hall2, Reverb Type 13Volume 0~127 Room1, 090 Hall2 5 Beat 0~127 Delay, PanDelay Level 14 Reverb Church, OFF,ON OFF 070 Switch 6 Harmony Chorus1, Chorus2, GMTrio, Chrs1, GMDuet 070 Chorus1 Chorus Type 15 Reverb 0~127 14 Duet, 1+5, Octave, CtryDuet, Type Level 7 Harmony Chrs2, Flanger1, Flanger2,Rotary1, Chorus1, Chorus2, GM Chrs1, GM Chorus1 15 Chorus Type Block, 4Close1, 4Close2, 4Open Rotary2Flanger1, Flanger2,Rotary1, Chrs2, OFF,ON OFF 8 Scale Switch 0~127 000 Chorus Level 16 type Rotary2 Pythagor, Major, Minor, MeanTone, Pythagor 9 Scale 1~16,ALL ALL MIDI INLevel 17 Chorus 0~127 000 16 Werckmei, Kirnberg 1~16 001 MIDI IN OUT C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#, 18 Root 1~16,ALL ALL MIDI 17 C 10 Scale OFF,1,2,3 002 TouchOUT A,A#,B 19 MIDI 1~16 001 18 中文,English English Language Reset, OFF,1,2,3 20 Touch Pop, Rock, Class, Jazz, Dance Reset 002 type 11 EQ19 OFF,30,60 030 Power Off OFF,ON 21Effect 中文,English English Language 20 ON 12 DSP 21 Power Room2, Room3, Hall1, Hall2, Hall2 030 Type Off Room1,OFF,30,60 13 Reverb Other Functions Tune Church, Delay, PanDelay This function the pitch of entire keyboard in 2-cent increments. Tune 0~127 070 Level sets 14 Reverb 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select tune menu. LCD displays This function sets the pitch of entire keyboard 2-cent increments. Chorus1, Chorus2, GM Chrs1, in GM Chorus1 15 Chorus Type “Tune:[FUNCTION+/-] xxx ”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change tune value. 1. Press button to select tune menu. LCD displays Chrs2, Flanger1, Flanger2,Rotary1, Its range is ”.from to 50. “Tune: xxx Use-50 [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change tune value. Rotary2 Its range is from -50 to 50. 0~127 000 value to Level 16 Chorus 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the tune Diese Funktion erlaubt, die Tonhöhe des Pianos 2 cent 1~16,ALL ALLin IN 17 MIDI its default setting:000. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the tune value to Intervallen zu verändern um sie an Aufnahmen oder andere 1~16 001 OUT 18 MIDI its default setting:000. OFF,1,2,3 002 19 Touch Instrumente anzupassen. Transpose 中文,English English 20 Language Transpose function allows the overall pitch of the instrument to be Transpose OFF,30,60 030 to be Off 21 Power transposed up or down a maximum of one octave in Display semitone 1. Drücken Sie dieby Taste FUNCTION +/-; im Transpose function allows the overall pitch of the instrument steps. transposed up or„Tune down by a maximum one Drehrads octave in semitone erscheint xxx“. Mithilfeofdes oder der Tunesteps.Tasten +/YES und -/NO können Sie den Parameter This function sets the pitch of entire keyboard in transpose 2-cent increments. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select menu. LCD ändern (-50button bis 50). 1. Press to select menu. LCDordisplays displays “Transpose: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] data dial to 1. [FUNCTION+/-] Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to tune select transpose menu. LCD 2. displays Gleichzeitiges Drücken der Tasten +/YES und setzt “Tune: xxx ”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change value. change transpose value. The max transpose is±12 semitones. “Transpose: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] ortune data dial -/NO to Its range is from -50 to 50.value. die Einstellung auf The denmax Ursprungswert zurück. change transpose transpose is±12000 semitones. 2. Press [+/YES]/[-/NO] simultaneously will set the transpose value to 2. Press andsetting:000. [-/NO] simultaneously willwill setset thethe tune value tovalue to its default 2. [+/YES] Press [+/YES]/[-/NO] simultaneously transpose its default setting:000. its default setting:000. Tuning 18 Transpose 18 Transpose function allows the overall pitch of the instrument to be transposed up or down by a maximum of one octave in semitone 20 steps. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select transpose menu. LCD Tune This function sets the pitch of entire keyboard in 2-cent increments. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select tune menu. LCD displays “Tune: xxx ”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change tune value. Its range is from -50 to 50. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the tune value to its default setting:000. Transponieren Transpose Mit dieser Funktion Sie the dieoverall Tonhöhe des Instruments in Transposekönnen function allows pitch of the instrument to be transposed up or down by a maximum of one octave in semitone Halbtonschritten verändern. steps. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button select transpose menu. LCD 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/-, imtoDisplay erscheint der aktuell displays “Transpose: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to eingestelltechange Werttranspose (ab Werk 000). Wenn Sie einen Song in G value. The max transpose is±12 semitones. spielen möchten, können Sie den Wert auf -05 oder 007 PressTransponierung [+/YES]/[-/NO] simultaneously will set the transpose to der einstellen.2.Die bezieht sich auf allevalue Teile its default setting:000. Musik des Keyboards. 19 2015/4/30 12:57:06 2. Benutzen18Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO oder TRANSPOSE + oder - um den Wert zu ändern. Drücken Sie +/YES und -/NO oder TRANSPOSE + und - gleichzeitig, um den Wert auf die Werkseinstellung zurückzusetzen. Other Functions Split-Funktion SplitPoint This function sets the point that separates the entire keyboard to two sections. Der Splitpoint teilt das Keybord in einen Bereich für die Begleitung 19 2015/4/30 12:57:06 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select SplitPoint menu.(rechts LCD (links vom Splitpoint) und einenbutton für das Melodiespiel displays “SplitPt: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change davon). SplitPoint value. The range of keyspilit: 1~88. 19 2015/4/30 12:57:06 Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the SplitPoint value 1. Drücken Sie2.FUNCTION +/- um „Splitpoint“ auszuwählen. Im Other Functions to its default setting: F#3(34). Display erscheint „SllitPt xxx“. Note: 2. Sie können den Wert mit dem Drehrad oder den Tasten +/YES When twinova is on, the range of keysplit is C3~C6(28~64). Press SplitPoint Other Functions [+/YES] and simultaneously set1 thebis SplitPoint value to its und -/NO ändern. Der[-/NO] Bereich geht will von 88. Wenn Sie die This function sets the point that separates the entire keyboard to two default setting: E3(32). Tasten +/YES und -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird die Werkseinstellung wieder hergestellt sections. (F#3-34). Beat SplitPoint 1. Press Type [FUNCTION+/-] button to select SplitPoint menu. LCD This function sets thexxx”. point that[+/YES]/[-/NO] separates theor entire keyboard to two displays “SplitPt: Use data dial to change 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select BeatType menu. LCD displays “BeatType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] dial und to change SplitPoint value. range of keyspilit: 1~88. or dataC3 Wenn Twinova sections. aktiv ist, liegtThe der Bereich zwischen C6 (28-64). Drücken Sie +/YES und -/ beat type. The range of beat type: 0, 2~9. NO gleichzeitig2. ursprüngliche von E3 [FUNCTION+/-] button toEinstellung select SplitPoint menu. LCD (32) Pressdie [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the SplitPoint valuewieder herzustellen. 2. Press [+/YES] andxxx”. [-/NO] simultaneously will thedial beat value displays “SplitPt: Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] orset data to type change to its default setting: F#3(34). to its default setting: SplitPoint value. The4.range of keyspilit: 1~88. Note: 2. Press [+/YES] andthe [-/NO] simultaneously will set the SplitPoint When twinova is on, range of keysplit is C3~C6(28~64). Pressvalue to its default setting: F#3(34). will set the SplitPoint value to its [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously Beat Volume default setting: E3(32). 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select beat volume menu. LCD Note: displays “BeatVol: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change Drücken SieBeat FUNCTION Im Display When twinova is on,+/the um range„Beat“ of keysplitauszuwählen. is C3~C6(28~64). Press beat volume. of beat volume: 0~127. TypeThe range [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the SplitPoint value to its erscheint „BeatType xxx“. Derbutton Wertebereich geht von 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select BeatType menu. LCD2 bis 9 und default setting: E3(32). 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] will set displays “BeatType: xxx”.simultaneously Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or the databeat dial volume to change 0, ab Werk ist 4 eingestellt. value to itsThe default setting: 090. beat type. range of beat type: 0, 2~9. Taktart C M Y 1. CM MY CY 2. Sie können den Wert mit dem Drehrad oder den Tasten +/YES Beat Type 1. Press Wenn [FUNCTION+/-] button to select+/YES BeatType menu. LCD 2. [+/YES] and simultaneously will set the beat type value und -/NO ändern. Sie[-/NO] die Tasten und -/NO displays “BeatType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change to its default setting: 4. gleichzeitig drücken, wird dieofWerkseinstellung wieder beat type. The range beat type: 0, 2~9. Harmony Switch hergestellt. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select harmony switch menu. LCD 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the beat type value displays “HarmonySw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Beat Volume to its default setting: 4. CMY K C M harmony switchbutton status: 1. change Press [FUNCTION+/-] toOFF,ON. select beat volume menu. LCD displays “BeatVol: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change 2. Press [+/YES]The andrange [-/NO]ofsimultaneously will set harmony switch to beat volume. beat volume: 0~127. defaultVolume setting: OFF. Beat 1. Press [+/YES] [FUNCTION+/-] button to select beat LCD 2. and [-/NO] simultaneously willvolume set themenu. beat volume Playing with harmony: displays “BeatVol: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change value to its default setting: 090. Drücken SieTurn FUNCTION +/um zur Einstellung für die on volume. the A.B.C function, then play a chord in the left hand area. beat The range of beat volume: 0~127. WhenMetronoms you play in the right hand area, it will Im automatically add a Lautstärke des zu gelangen. Display erscheint harmony effect to and the notes. 2. Press [+/YES] [-/NO] simultaneously will set the beat volume „BeatVol xxx“. value DertoWertebereich geht von 0 bis 127, ab Werk ist its default setting: 090. Harmony Switch Harmony types “1+5” and “octave” are always available, while the rest 80 eingestellt. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button are effective only when A.B.C is to harmony switch menu. LCD displays “HarmonySw: Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to+/YES Sie können den Wert mit dem xxx”. Drehrad oder den Tasten change harmony switch status: OFF,ON. Y C CM Lautstärke M MY Y CY 1. CM CMY MY K CY CMY 2. K und -/NO ändern. WennSwitch Sie die Tasten +/YES und -/NO Harmony Harmony Type 1. [FUNCTION+/-] button tonotes selecttoharmony menu. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously willkeys setswitch harmony switch to gleichzeitig drücken, wird die Werkseinstellung wieder You can add a variety of harmony the you played inLCD the displayssetting: “HarmonySw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to default OFF. section. hergestellt. right-hand change harmony switch status: OFF,ON. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select harmony type menu. LCD Playing with harmony: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to displays “HarmonyTp: 2. change Press [+/YES] [-/NO]then simultaneously Turn on the A.B.Cand function, play a chordwill in set the harmony left hand switch area. to harmony type. default OFF. When yousetting: play in the right hand area, it will automatically add a harmony effect to the notes. Playing with harmony: Turn on the A.B.C function, then play chord inavailable, the left hand Harmony types “1+5” and “octave” areaalways whilearea. the rest When you play in when the right hand area, it will automatically add a are effective only A.B.C is on. harmony effect to the notes. 21 19 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the beat volume Beat Type value to its default setting: 090. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select BeatType menu. LCD displays “BeatType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change beat type. The range of beat type: 0, 2~9. CY CMY K 2. Press [+/YES]Switch and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the beat type value Harmony to its default setting: 4.button to select harmony switch menu. LCD 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] displays “HarmonySw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change harmony switch status: OFF,ON. Harmonie C Beat Volume 2. Press [-/NO] simultaneously will set switch to Drücken Sie die[+/YES] TasteandFUNCTION +/-beat um zuharmony den 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select volume menu.Einstellungen LCD default setting: OFF. displays “BeatVol: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change zu gelangen;beat imvolume. Display erscheint „HarmonySw xxx“. Benutzen The range of beat volume: 0~127. Playing with harmony: Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES oder -/NO um die Turn on the A.B.C function, then play a chord in the left hand area. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set the beat volume Funktion anoder abzuschalten. When you play in the right hand area, it will automatically add a value to its default setting: 090. harmonyDrücken effect to the der notes.Tasten +/YES und -/NO stellt die 2. Gleichzeitiges Werkseinstellung wieder her: off/aus. Harmony types “1+5” and “octave” are always available, while the rest M 1. Y CM MY CY CMY K are effective only when A.B.C is on. Harmony Switch 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select harmony switch menu. LCD displays “HarmonySw: Harmony Type xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to harmony switch status: notes OFF,ON. Youchange can add a variety of harmony to the keys you played in the Anwenden des Harmonie-Effekts right-hand section. 2. Press Press [FUNCTION+/-] [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will settype harmony 1. button to select harmony menu.switch LCD to default setting: OFF. xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to displays “HarmonyTp: 1. Schalten Sie change die Begleitautomatik an. harmony type. 2. Spielen Sie Playing mit der linken Hand einen Akkord. with harmony: on the A.B.C function, then play a chord in the left hand area. 3. Spielen Sie Turn einige Noten mit der rechten Hand. Die Harmonie-Noten werden automatisch When you play in the right hand area, it will automatically add a zugefügt. harmony effect to the notes. 19 20 2015/4/30 12:57:06 Harmony types “1+5” and “octave” are always available, while the rest Die Harmonie-Funktionen 1+5A.B.C undisOktave können immer are effective only when on. angewendet werden. Andere Harmonie-Funktionen stehen nur zur Verfügung, wenn die Begleitautomatik aktiv ist. Harmony Type You can add a variety of harmony notes to the keys you played in the right-hand section. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select harmony type menu. LCD displays “HarmonyTp: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change harmony type. Other Functions Harmonie-Arten There are 9 harmony types built into this instrument. 20 2015/4/30 12:57:06 Parameter LCD Display 19 Drücken Sie die Taste FUNCTION +/- um Duet Duet zu den Einstellungen zu gelangen; im 1+5 1+5 Display erscheint Octave Octave Other „HarmonyTp Functions xxx“. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten CtryDuet Country Duet +/YES oder -/NO um die Harmonie-Art Trio Trio There are 9 harmony types built into this instrument. Block Block auszuwählen. Es stehen 9 Arten zur LCD Display Parameter 4Close1 4 Close 1 Auswahl. Duet Duet 4Close2 4 Close 2 2. Gleichzeitiges Tasten +/YES 1+5 Drücken der1+5 4Open 4 Open Octave Octave und -/NO stellt die Werkseinstellung wieder CtryDuet Country Duet her: Duet Trio 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set harmony type to Trio 1. Block 4 Close 1 4 Close 2 4 Open default setting: Duet. Block 4Close1 4Close2 4Open Scale Switch The equal temperament (has only one tuning method, and is suitable is commonly used in modern music, based on this temperament method to make your own composition and performance. Especially for piano, equal temperament is widely used Scale Switch and for granted. But people used several other scales to The equal temperament (has only one tuning method, andtaken is suitable compose and perform for keyboard instrument) is commonly used in modern music, based Funktion erlaubt die Nutzung verschiedener Skalen, falls Sie before adopting the equal temperament. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set harmony type to for keyboard instrument) default setting: Duet. Skalen Diese on this temperament method to make your own composition and Musikrichtungen spielenEspecially möchten, die equal nicht auf der Zwölftonskala performance. for piano, temperament widely[FUNCTION+/-] used 1. is Press button to select scale switch menu. LCD and taken for granted. But people used several other scales to beruht. displays “ScaleSw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change C compose and perform before adopting the equal temperament. M Scale switch status: OFF, ON. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select switch menu. LCD 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/-button um in denscale Skalenmodus zu displays “ScaleSw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data to change 2. dial Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set scale switch to gelangen; imScale Display erscheint: „ScaleSw xxx“. switch status: OFF, ON. default setting: OFF. 2. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set scale switch to den Skalenwechsel zu aktivieren, der ab Werk inaktiv ist. default setting: OFF. Y C M CM Y MY CM Scale Type CY MY CY CMY K 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select scale type menu. LCD displays “ScaleType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select scale type menu. change type. LCD displays “ScaleType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dialscale to change scale type. There are 6 scale types built into this instrument. Scale Type CMY K 22 There are 6 scale types built into this instrument. Parameter Pythagorean Pure Major Pure Minor LCD Display Pythagor Major Minor Parameter Pythagorean Pure Major Pure Minor LCD Display Pythagor Major Minor compose and perform before adopting the equal temperament. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set scale switch to 1. Press default[FUNCTION+/-] setting: OFF. button to select scale switch menu. LCD displays “ScaleSw: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change Scale switch status: OFF, ON. Y CM C MY M Scale Type CY Y CMY CM 1. Press Press [+/YES] [FUNCTION+/-] button to select scale menu.switch to 2. and [-/NO] simultaneously willtype set scale LCD displays xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to default setting:“ScaleType: OFF. change scale type. There are 6 scale types built into this instrument. Skalentypen K MY Scale Type LCD Display 1.Parameter Press [FUNCTION+/-] button type menu. 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/-Pythagor um toinselect denscale Skalenmodus zu Pythagorean LCD displays “ScaleType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to gelangen; im Display erscheint: Major „Scale Type xxx“. Pure Major change scale type. Minor Minor There are 6 scale types built into this instrument. 2. Ab Werk istPure die Skala Pythagor eingestellt. MeanTone Meantone LCD Display Parameter 3. Es sind sechs Skalen verfügbar: Pythagoras, Major, Minor, Werckmei Werkmeister Pythagor Pythagorean Meantone, Werckmeister und Kirnberg. Kirnberg Kirnberger Major Pure Major 4. Benutzen Sie oder die Tasten +/YES oder -/NO Puredas MinorDrehrad Minor 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set scale type to MeanTone um eine derMeantone anderen auszuwählen. default setting:Skalen Pythagor. CY CMY K Werkmeister Kirnberger Scale Root Werckmei Kirnberg 1. Press [+/YES] [FUNCTION+/-] button to select scale menu.type to 2. and [-/NO] simultaneously willroot set scale LCD displays default setting:“ScaleRoot: Pythagor. xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change scale root: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. Grundton Scale Rootand [-/NO] simultaneously will set scale root to 2. Press [+/YES] 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/-button um toden nächsten Menüpunkt, die 1. Press select scale root menu. default[FUNCTION+/-] setting: C. displays “ScaleRoot: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Auswahl desLCD Grundtons, zu gelangen. Im Display erscheint change scale root: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. „ScaleRoot xxx“. 2. Press [+/YES] [-/NO] simultaneously willden set scale root to 2. Benutzen Sie eine derand Auswahltasten um Grundton zu default setting: C. 21 2015/4/30 12:57:06 verändern. 3. Drücken Sie +/YES und -/NO gleichzeitig um die 21 20 Werkseinstellung (C) wieder herzustellen. 2015/4/30 12:57:06 Other Functions 20 EQ-EffektEQ Type EQ function can control the gain of different frequency band. And different gain settings produce different sound field effects. 21 2015/4/30 Der Equalizer ist eine Funktion, die12:57:06 das Gain-Spektrum beeinflusst 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button erzielt. to select EQ type Instrument menu. und somit einen besonderen Effekt Das verfügt Type LCD displays “EqType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO]EQ or data dial to über 6 Equalizer-Arten. EQ function can control the gain of different frequency band. And change EQ type. There are 6 EQ types built into this instrument. different gain settings produce different sound field effects. Other Functions LCD Display Parameter 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/- um in den Modus zu gelangen; im Reset Reset 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select EQ type menu. Display erscheint: „EqType xxx“. Pop Pop LCD displays “EqType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to EQ Type eingestellt. 2. Ab Werk ist „Reset“ Rock Rock EQ type. EQ function can control the Class gain of different frequencychange band. And Class 3. Es sind sechs Skalen verfügbar: There are 6 EQ types built into this instrument. different gain settings produce different sound field effects. Jazz Jazz Pythagoras, Major, LCD Display Parameter Dance Dance Minor, Meantone, 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select EQ type menu. Werckmeister und Kirnberg. Reset Reset LCD displays “EqType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set EQ type to default change type. 4. Benutzen Sie dasEQ Drehrad oder die Tasten Pop Pop setting: Reset. 6 EQ types built into this instrument. Rock Rock +/YES oder There -/NOareum einen der anderen LCD Display Parameter Class Class Equalizer auszuwählen. Reset Reset DSP Effect der Tasten Jazz Jazz 5. Gleichzeitiges Drücken +/YES Pop Pop 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select DSP effect menu. LCD Dance Rock Rock displays xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] dial to change und -/NO stellt die “DspEffect: Werkseinstellung wiederor dataDance Class DSP switch status: OFF,Class ON. her. Jazz Jazz 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set EQ type to default C M Y 2. Press simultaneously will set DSP switchReset. to Dance Dance[+/YES] and [-/NO] setting: default setting: ON. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set EQ type to default setting: Reset. Reverb Type DSP-Effekt 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb type menu. Effect DSP CM MY LCD displays “ReverbType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select DSP effect menu. LCD DSP change reverb type. 1. Drücken Sie dieEffect FUNCTION +/um zum entsprechenden Menüxxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change displays “DspEffect: 1. Press button select effect menu. LCD There[FUNCTION+/-] are 8 reverb types builttointo this DSP instrument. DSP status: OFF, ON. zu gelangen;displays im Display „DspEffect xxx“. “DspEffect:erscheint xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial switch to change LCD Display Parameter DSP switch status: OFF, ON. 2. Benutzen Sie das1Drehrad oder die Tasten +/Yes und -/NO um Room1 Room 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set DSP switch to Room 2 abzuschalten. den Effekt 2.anoder Gleichzeitiges Drücken stellt Press [+/YES] and [-/NO]Room2 simultaneously will set DSP switch to default setting: ON. Room3 Roomsetting: 3 default ON. die Werkseinstellung wieder her: ON. Hall1 Hall 1 CY CMY K C C M M Y Y CM MY CY CMY K Reverb Type Hall2 Church 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb type MY 1. menu. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb type menu. Delay Delay LCD displays “ReverbType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to LCD displays “ReverbType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data CY PanDelay Pan Delay change reverb type. change reverb type. There are 8 reverb types builtCMY into this instrument. Hall 2 Reverb Type Church CM There are 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set reverb type to 8 LCD Display Parameter K default setting: Hall2. Room1 Room 1 23Parameter reverb types built into this instrument. Room2 Room 2 Room 1 Room3 Room 3 Room 2 Reverb Level Hall1 Hall 1 1. Press Room 3 Hall2 to select reverb level menu. Hall 2[FUNCTION+/-] button LCD displays “ReverbLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to LCD Display Room1 Room2 Room3 dial to setting: Reset. DSP switch status: OFF, ON. Reset Reset Pop Pop 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set DSP switch to Rock Rock default setting: ON. Class Class Jazz Jazz Reverb Type Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select DSP Danceeffect menu. LCD Dance 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb displays “DspEffect: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dialtype to menu. change LCD displays “ReverbType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] data to 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set EQ or type to dial default DSP switch status:change OFF, ON. setting:reverb Reset.type. There are 8 reverb types built into this instrument. C M DSP Effect Y 1. CM MY Reverb-Typ CY CMY 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set DSP switch to 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/- um Menü aufzurufen. LCD das Display Parameter default setting: ON. Room 1 Room1 Im DSP Effect Display erscheint „ReverbType xxx“. Room2 Room[FUNCTION+/-] 2 1. Press button to select DSP effect menu. LCD 2. Benutzen Sie displays das 3Drehrad die Tasten +/YES oder -/NO um “DspEffect: oder xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change Room3 Room Reverb Type DSP status: OFF,Hall1 ON. einen anderen Typ auszuwählen. Hall 1switch 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb type menu. Hall2 -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird Hall 2 3. Wenn Sie“ReverbType: die Tasten +/YES und 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set DSP LCD displays or data dialswitch to to Church Church xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] default setting: ON. der Ausgangszustand wieder Delay hergestellt: Hall 2. change reverb type.Delay K C M Y There are 8 reverb types built into this PanDelay instrument. Pan Delay CM Parameter Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Hall 1 Hall 2 Church Delay Pan Delay MY CY CMY K Reverb Type Display button to select reverb type menu. 1. Press LCD [FUNCTION+/-] 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set reverb type to LCD displays “ReverbType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to default Room1 setting: Hall2. change reverb type. Room2 There are 8 reverb types built into this instrument. Room3 LCD Display Room1 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb level menu. Hall2 Room2 Room 2 LCD displays “ReverbLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Room3 Room 3 Church change reverb level. Hall 1 of reverb level:Hall1 The range 0~127. Delay Hall2 Hall 2 PanDelay Church 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] Church simultaneously will set reverb level to default: Delay Delay070. PanDelay Pan Delay and [-/NO] simultaneously will set reverb type to Parameter Reverb Level Hall1 Room 1 2. Press [+/YES] default setting: Hall2. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set reverb type to default setting: Hall2. Reverb-Level 21 Reverb Level Reverb Level 1. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select reverb level menu. Drücken Sie1.FUNCTION +/- um Menü aufzurufen. Im Press [FUNCTION+/-] buttondas to select reverb leveldial menu. LCD displays “ReverbLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data to LCD displays “ReverbLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Display erscheint „ReverbLev xxx“. change reverb level.change reverb level. 2. Sie das Drehrad die Tasten +/YES oder -/NO TheBenutzen range of reverb level: 0~127. The range of reverb oder level: 0~127. 22 2015/4/30 12:57:06 um einen anderes Level auszuwählen (0-127) 2. [-/NO] Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will level set reverb level to 2. 3. Press [+/YES] simultaneously set reverb to drücken, Wenn Sie and die Tasten +/YES undwill -/NO gleichzeitig wird default: 070. default: 070. der Ausgangszustand wieder hergestellt: 070. Other Functions 21 Chorus Type 22 2015/4/30 12:57:06 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select chorus type menu. LCD displays “ChorusType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change chorus type. There are 8 chorus types built into this instrument. Chorus-Typ LCD Display Parameter 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/- um das Menü aufzurufen. Im Other Functions Chorus1 Chorus 1 Display erscheint „ChorusType xxx“. Chorus2 Chorus 2 GMdie Chrs1 GM Chorus 1 2. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder Tasten +/YES oder -/NO um GM Chrs2 2 Chorus Type GM einen anderen TypChorus auszuwählen. Flanger1type menu. Flanger 1 to select chorus 1. 3. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button Wenn Sie die Tasten +/YES und -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird Flanger2 Flanger 2xxx”. LCD displays “ChorusType: Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Rotary1 Rotary 1 wieder hergestellt: der Ausgangszustand Chorus 1. change chorus type. Rotary 2 Rotary2 There are 8 chorus types built into this instrument. Parameter Chorus 1 Chorus 2 GM Chorus 1 GM Chorus 2 Flanger 1 Flanger 2 Rotary 1 Rotary 2 C M Y 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set chorus type to LCD Display default setting: Chorus1. Chorus1 Chorus2 Chorus Level GM Chrs1 1. PressGM [FUNCTION+/-] button to select chorus level menu. Chrs2 LCD displays “ChorusLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Flanger1 change chorus level. The range of chorus level: 0~127. Flanger2 Rotary1 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set chorus level to Rotary2 default: 000. CM 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set chorus type to default setting: Chorus1. MIDI IN MY CY CMY K 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select MIDI IN menu. LCD displays “MidiIn: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change MIDI IN channel:1~16,ALL. Chorus Level 24 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI IN channel to 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select chorus level menu. default setting: ALL. LCD displays “ChorusLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change chorus level. 21 changeFunctions chorus type. Other LCD Display Parameter There are 8 chorus types built into this instrument. Chorus 1 Chorus1 LCD12:57:06 Display Parameter Chorus2 Chorus 2 22 2015/4/30 Chorus Chorus 1Type GM Chorus 1 Chorus1 GM Chrs1 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select chorus type menu. Chorus2 Chorus 2 2 GM Chrs2 GM Chorus LCD displays “ChorusType: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to GM Chrs1 GM Chorus Flanger1 Flanger 1 1 change chorus type. GM Chrs2 GM Chorus Flanger2 Flanger 2 2 There are 8 chorus types built into this instrument. Flanger1 Flanger1 1 Rotary1 Rotary LCD Display Parameter Flanger2 Flanger2 2 Rotary2 Rotary Chorus1 Chorus Rotary1 Rotary11 Chorus2 Chorus 22Type Rotary2 Rotary 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set chorus type to Chorus default setting: 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select chorus type menu. GM Chrs1 GM Chorus 1 Chorus1. Drücken Sie 2. FUNCTION +/-[-/NO] um das Menüwill aufzurufen. Im LCD displays xxx”. or data Press [+/YES] and set chorus typedial to to GMsimultaneously Chrs2Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] GM Chorus 2“ChorusType: change chorus type. default setting: Chorus1. Display erscheint „ChorusLev xxx“. Flanger1 Flanger 1 There are 8 chorus types built into this instrument. Flanger2 Flanger 2 Leveloder Benutzen SieChorus das Drehrad die Tasten +/YES oder -/NO um 1. Press button to select chorus level menu. Rotary1 Rotary[FUNCTION+/-] 1 LCD Display Parameter einen anderes Level auszuwählen LCD displays “ChorusLev: xxx”.(0-127) Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to Chorus Rotary2 Rotary 21 Level Chorus1 Chorus change chorus level. button Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select chorus level menu. Wenn Sie die1.Tasten -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird Chorus2 Chorus 2 +/YES und The range of chorus level:simultaneously 0~127. LCDChorus displays “ChorusLev: xxx”. or data 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] will set chorus typedial to to GM Chrs1Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] GM 1 der Ausgangszustand wieder hergestellt: 070. change chorusChorus1. level. default setting: GM Chrs2 GM Chorus 2 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] will set chorus level to The range of chorus level:simultaneously 0~127. Flanger1 Flanger 000. 1 default: Flanger2 2 2. Flanger Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set chorus level to Chorus Level Rotary1 Rotary default:1000. 1. Press button to select chorus level menu. Rotary2 Rotary[FUNCTION+/-] 2 MIDI IN “ChorusLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to LCD displays Press[+/YES] [FUNCTION+/-] button to select MIDI change chorusand level. 2.1.Press [-/NO] simultaneously will IN setmenu. chorusLCD typedisplays to “MidiIn: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] MIDI IN The range of chorus level: 0~127.or data dial to change MIDI IN default setting: Chorus1. channel:1~16,ALL. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button MIDI IN menu. LCD displays Drücken Sie 1. FUNCTON +/- um dasto select Menü aufzurufen. Im Display “MidiIn: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data will dialset to change MIDI to IN 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously chorus level erscheint „MidiIn xxx“. Der Bereich geht von 1 bis 16; ALL. 2.default: Press [+/YES] channel:1~16,ALL. 000. and [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI IN channel to defaultDrehrad setting: ALL.oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um Chorus Level Benutzen Sie das 1.2.Press button to select chorus menu. Press[FUNCTION+/-] [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will level set MIDI IN channel to die Midi-Kanäle zu ändern. LCD displays “ChorusLev: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to default setting: ALL. change chorus level. und -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird MIDI OUT MIDI IN Wenn Sie die Tasten +/YES range of chorus level: 0~127. 1.The Press [FUNCTION+/-] button toselect selectMIDI MIDIIN OUT menu. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to menu. LCDLCD displays der Ausgangszustand (ALL) wieder hergestellt. displays “MidiOut: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] data dialMIDI to change MIDI OUT “MidiIn: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial or to change IN 2.1.Press [+/YES] and [-/NO]button simultaneously will set chorus to MIDI channel:1~16. PressOUT [FUNCTION+/-] to select MIDI OUT menu.level LCD channel:1~16,ALL. default: 000. displays “MidiOut: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change 2.Press Press [+/YES] and[-/NO] [-/NO]simultaneously simultaneouslywill willset setMIDI MIDIIN OUT channel MIDI [+/YES] OUT channel:1~16. 2. and channel to to default setting: 001. default setting: ALL. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI OUT channel MIDI IN setting: 001. to default 1.Touch Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select MIDI IN menu. LCD displays MIDI OUT The keyboard equipped with a touch response feature that “MidiIn: xxx”.isUse [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change MIDIlets IN you 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] buttoncontrols to select menu. dynamically and expressively theMIDI levelOUT of the voiceLCD with your Touch channel:1~16,ALL. Drücken Sie playing FUNCTON +/um das Menü aufzurufen. Im Display displays “MidiOut: xxx”. [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dialthat to change strength as on Use an The keyboard isjust equipped withacoustic a touchinstrument. response feature lets you MIDI OUT channel:1~16. andand expressively controls the level of the voice with your erscheint „MidiOut xxx“. Der Bereich geht von 1 bis16. 2.dynamically Press [+/YES] [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI IN channel to 1. Press strength [FUNCTION+/-] button to select touch menu. LCD displays playing just as on an acoustic instrument. default setting: ALL. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI OUT channel “Touch: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change touch type: default setting: 001. button OFF, 1(soft), 2(normal), 3(hard). den Wert zu ändern. Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select touch menu. LCD displays “Touch: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change touch type: Wenn Sie die Tasten +/YES undsimultaneously -/NO gleichzeitig drücken, wird MIDI OUT 2. Press [+/YES]2(normal), and [-/NO]3(hard). will set touch value to OFF, 1(soft), Touch 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select MIDI OUT menu. LCD der Ausgangszustand (001) wieder hergestellt. default setting: 2(normal). The keyboard is equipped touch response feature lets you displays “MidiOut: xxx”. with Use a[+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dialthat to change 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set touch value to dynamically expressively controls the level of the voice with your MIDI OUTand channel:1~16. default setting: 2(normal). playing strength just as on an acoustic instrument. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set MIDI OUT channel 22 1. to Press [FUNCTION+/-] default setting: 001. button to select touch menu. LCD displays 22“Touch: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change touch type: OFF, 1(soft), 2(normal), 3(hard). Other Functions Chorus-Level 1. 2. 3. C M C Y M CM Y MY MIDI In CM CY MY CMY C CY 1. K MCMY Y K 2. CM MY 3. CY C CMY M K Y CM MY MIDI Out CY CMY 1. 2. 3. K Anschlagdynamik - Touch Response Touch The keyboard is equipped with a touch response feature that lets you 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set touch value to and expressively controls the level of the voice ausgestattet, with your Keyboarddynamically istdefault mit setting: einer Touch Response-Funktion 2(normal). playing strength just as on an acoustic instrument. Das d.h. die Kraft Ihres Anschlags beeinflusst unmittelbar den Sound, 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select touch menu. LCD displays genau wie an einem akustischen Instrument. 22 “Touch: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change touch type: OFF, 1(soft), 2(normal), 3(hard). 23 2015/4/30 12:57:07 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/-, im Display erscheint „Touch xxx“. 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously will set touch value to 2. Der Bereich default geht setting: von OFF (aus) bis 3 (hart). Ab Werk ist 2 2(normal). (normal) eingestellt. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um den Wert zu ändern oder drücken Sie + 22 und - gleichzeitig um zur Werkseinstellung zurückzukehren. Language This function is used to set the system language. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select language menu. LCD displays “Language: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change language: 中文,English Sprachauswahl 2. The language setting will not be lost after power off. 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTON +/- um das Menü aufzurufen. Im Display erscheint „Language xxx“. PowerOff 25 This function is used to set the time of automatic shutdown. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select power off menu. LCD displays “PowerOff: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change time value: OFF, 030, 060 Other Functions Other Functions 2. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um zwischen Chinesisch und Language Englisch zu wählen. is used to set the system language. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select language menu. LCD 3. Die Auswahl bleibt auch wenn Sie dasdialGerät zwischenzeitlich ausschalten. displays gespeichert, “Language: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data to 23 2015/4/30 12:57:07 This function change language: 中文,English 23 2015/4/30 12:57:07 2. The language setting will not be lost after power off. Other Functions Ausschalten PowerOff Language Mit dieser Funktion können Sie festlegen, nach welcher Zeit sich This function is used to set the time of automatic shutdown. Other Functions This function das is used to setautomatisch the1.system language. Gerät ausschalten soll. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select power off menu. LCD 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select“PowerOff: languagexxx”. menu. LCD displays Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to displays “Language: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to change time value: OFF, 030, 060 1. Drücken Sie FUNCTION +/- um das Menü aufzurufen. Im Language change language: 中文,English 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously, the Einstellungen time will be restore sind 0, This function is usederscheint to set the system language. Display „PowerOff xxx“. Mögliche default: 030 minutes 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select language menu. LCD 2. The language30 setting be lost after power off. undwill 60not min. displays “Language: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to 2. Benutzen Sie das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um change language: 中文,English den Wert zu ändern. Wenn setting Sie die +/YES und -/NO 2. The 3. language willTasten not be lost after power off. PowerOff gleichzeitig drücken, wird der Ausgangszustand (030) wieder hergestellt. C M Register Memory This function is used to set the time of automatic shutdown. 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] button to select power off menu. LCD displays “PowerOff: xxx”. Use or datawith diala to The [+/YES]/[-/NO] keyboard is an instrument variety of controls and functions, PowerOff the060 Registration Memory feature can make your performance more change time value: OFF, 030, This function is used to set theand time of automatic shutdown. easily efficiently. It allows you to save virtually all panel settings to RECORD abutton Registration Memory setting, and can instantly recall custom 1. Press [FUNCTION+/-] to select power off menu. LCD 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously, the time will be you restore panel settings by pressing a single button. displays “PowerOff: xxx”. Use [+/YES]/[-/NO] or data dial to default: 030 minutes Dieses Keyboard ist ein Instrument mit einer Vielzahl an Funktionen und change time value: OFF, 030, 060 Y CM MY Registration Memory CY CMY K Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. „Registration Memory“ erlaubt es, alle Ihre RegisteringDie theFunktion Panel Setting 1. There are 24 memory banks, each bankund 4sie memories (M1-M4). einzigen Knopfdruck126 vorgenommenen Einstellung zu speichern mit einem wieder 2. Press [+/YES] and [-/NO] simultaneously, the time will be has restore default: 030 minutes aufzurufen. 2. While holding the [STORE] button, press one of the REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons: [M1] - [M4]. Notice that the new settings will replace the previous memory data. Press one of the MEMORY buttons [M1] - [M4] to recall a panel Register Einstellungen setting. Recalling the Registered Panel Settings For example, press [M3] and LCD shows “01-3”. It will recall a setting from memory 3 of bank 1. Memory Register Memory The keyboard with a variety of controls and functions, an Esinstrument gibt 24 Speicher (Memory Banks) mit jeweils the Registration Memory feature can make your performance more Note: 4 Speicherplätzen (M1 bis M4). data cannot all be recalled when the to easily and efficiently. It allows you save virtually panel settings 2. Halten Sie Registration die toSTORE-Taste gedrückt undOne Touch Setting is on. RECORD a Registration Memory setting,function and you can instantly recall custom einen der Speicherknöpfe M1 bis The keyboard is an instrument with a variety of controls and functions, panel settings bydrücken pressing aSie single button. the Registration Memory feature can make yourdabei performance more M4. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieBank Selecting a Registration 1. Pressyou the [BANK] button. There are 24 banks at all to and each bank easily and efficiently. It allows to save virtually all panel settings vorherigen Einstellungen überschrieben has 4 Setting memories(M1-M4). Press the [BANK] button, the LCD RECORD Registering Panel a Registration the Memory setting, and you can instantly recall custom werden. “MemBank” . 1. There are settings 24 memory banks, displays each bank has 4 memories (M1-M4). panel by pressing a single button. RECORD 126 126 001 2. Select a bank. Use the data Ddal, [+/YES] or [-/NO] button to select 2. While holding the [STORE] button, a bankpress from 1 one to 24.of the REGISTRARegistering Setting TION MEMORY buttons:the [M1] Panel - [M4]. Notice that the new settings Therethe areprevious 24 memory banks, each bank has 4 memories (M1-M4). will 1. replace memory data. 126 Aufrufen der Einstellungen 2. While holding the [STORE] button, press one of the REGISTRA- Recalling the Registered Panel TION MEMORY buttons: [M1] - [M4]. NoticeSettings that the new settings Drücken einen der M1 bis M4. Press one the MEMORY buttons [M1] Speicherknöpfe - data. [M4] to recall a panel willofreplace theSie previous memory setting. For example,Wenn press [M3] and LCD shows It will recall aaktiv setting diethe Funktion „One“01-3”. Touch Setting“ ist, können Recalling Registered Panel Settings from memory 3 of bank 1. keine Informationen aus dem Speicher abgerufen werden. Press one of the MEMORY buttons [M1] - [M4] to recall a panel setting. Note: For example, pressbe [M3] and LCD shows “01-3”. It will recall a setting Registration data cannot recalled when the One Touch Setting from memory 3 of bank 1. RECORD function is on. Note: Selecting a data Registration Bank Registration cannot be recalled when the One Touch Setting 1. Press the [BANK] function is on. button. There are 24 banks at all and each bank has 4 memories(M1-M4). Press the [BANK] button, the LCD displays “MemBank” . Selecting a Registration Bank RECORD 26 1. Press theUse [BANK] button. There are 24 banks button at all and each bank 2. Select a bank. the data Ddal, [+/YES] or [-/NO] to select has 4 memories(M1-M4). Press the [BANK] button, the LCD a bank from 1 to 24. 126 001 126 001 23 Recalling the Registered Panel Settings Press one of the MEMORY buttons [M1] - [M4] to recall a panel setting. For example, press [M3] and LCD shows “01-3”. It will recall a setting from memory 3 of bank 1. Note: Registration cannot be recalled when the One Touch Setting Auswahl desdataSpeicherplatzes function is on. RECORD 1. Drücken Sie BANK; im Display erscheint Selecting a Registration Bank „Mem Bank“. 1. Press the [BANK] button. There are 24 at all and each bank 2. Wählen Sie einen der Speicher ausbanks mithilfe des has 4 memories(M1-M4). Press the [BANK] button, the LCD Drehradsdisplays oder“MemBank” der Tasten +/YES oder -/NO. . 126 001 2. Select a bank. Use the data Ddal, [+/YES] or [-/NO] button to select a bank from 1 to 24. 23 Aufnahme 24 2015/4/30 12:57:07 Mit der einfach zu benutzenden Aufnahmefunktion können Sie Ihr eigenes Spiel aufnehmen, einen so genannter User-Song. Sie können 10 solcher User-Songs aufnehmen, jeweils mit 6 Spuren: einer Begleitspur (Accomp) und fünf Melodiespuren (Melody). Sie können eine Begleitspur und eine Melodiespur gleichzeitig aufnehmen, jedoch nicht zwei Song Recording Melodiespuren. Selbstverständlich können Sie auch alle Spuren einzeln aufnehmen und zusammen abspielen. Die Aufnahme bleibt gespeichert, auch wenn Sie das Gerät ausschalten. With the easy-to-use song recording features, you can record your own keyboard performances as a user song. 10 user songs can be recorded with 6 tracks (1 ACCOMP track, 5 MELODY tracks) each. The accomp track records the accompaniment for a user song, while the melody tracks record melodies for a user song. Starten der Aufnahme An accomp1.track and a melody track can recorded independently Drücken Sie SHIFT undbeRECORD um in den Song-Auswahlmodus zu gelangen. Im Display or together, however, you can not record two melody tracks at the erscheint „RecSong1“. 10 User-Songs können aufgenommen werden. Benutzen Sie das same time. Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO You can play back the accomp track and melody tracks The den Song auszuwählen, den Sie aufnehmen saved data will not be lost after power off. möchten. 2. Drücken Sie erneut SHIFT und FUNCTION um in den Vorbereitungsmodus zu gelangen. Die Kontrolllampe „Rec“ leuchtet auf und das Blinken Start Recording Before recording you will need to Keyboard select a userwählt song to which gibtstarts, den Takt an. Das your recordingselbständig will be saved.den nächsten freien Speicherplatz. 3. Sie können nun Parameter wie Voice, Style und 1. Holding down [SHIFT] button, then press [RECORD] button to enter Tempo überprüfen. Wenn einen neuen Song the user song selection interface. The LCDSie displays “RecSong1” aufnehmen, wählt das Keyboard automatisch and sequence number. 10 user songs can be recorded. Press [+/YES] / [-/NO] button1“toals select the user song youSpur want.aus. „Melody aufzunehmende RECORD Drücken Sie einfach eine andere Spurtaste 2. Hold down [SHIFT] button, then press [RECORD] button again to (Accomp oder Melody) aus, wenn Sie eine enter the recording standby mode. “REC” appears on LCD, and the andere wollen. Eine Style kann [START/STOP] LED Spur on theaufnehmen panel lights up. nur in der Begleitspur aufgenommen werden. It will automatically select an empty track to record your performance. 4. LED of the selected track (ACCOMP,oder MELODY1 - Sie an Drücken Sie START/STOP fangen MELODY 5) flash onum the die panel. zuwillspielen Aufnahme zu starten. Wenn die Begleitautomatik aktiv ist, startet auch ein 3. In recording standby mode, you can select your desired voice, style and tempo.Akkord der linken Hand die Aufnahme. Hold down [SHIFT] button, then Press [Accomp] or [Melody1] [Melody Die 5] toSpur selectverfügt a different track. LEDKontrollleuchte, of the selected track willden über eine die light up on the panel.Status anzeigt. jeweiligen An accomp track and a MELODY track can be recorded together, Blinken bedeutet, dass die Spur für die • Das but it cannot record two melody tracks simultaneously. RECORD Aufnahme ausgewählt wurde. Sollten sich bereits Daten werden diese 4. Press [START/STOP] buttondarauf or play befinden, the keyboard to start recording. The [RECORD] LED will light up. gelöscht. When the accomp track is selected and A.B.C on, recording will Leuchten der Lampe zeigtis an, dass sich • Das start as soon as you play a chord in the left hand area. Daten darauf befinden, die gleichzeitig mit der Aufnahme abgespielt werden (Playback). Note: 27 Style can only be recorded in “Accomp” track. Track indicators on the left of LCD usually shows one of three states: blinking, light up, light off. Press the track buttons repeatedly to shift between different states. 25 2015/4/30 12:57:07 25 2015/4/30 12:57:07 • Wenn die Lampe aus ist, befinden sich entweder keine Daten darauf oder die Daten sind nicht für ein Playback geeignet. 25 2015/4/30 12:57:07 Song Recording Song Recording Wenn alle sechs Spuren belegt sind und eine neu aufgenommen werden soll, wählen Sie sie einfach aus und Stop Recording starten Sie die Aufnahme. Die Spur wird dadurch gelöscht 1. When recording is in process, holding down [SHIFT] button then und mit neuem Inhalt Stop Recording press the [RECORD] button belegt. to stop recording. Song Recording RECORD 1. When recording is in process, holding down [SHIFT] button then [RECORD] button to ifstop 2. press Whenthe recording is in process, the recording. memory is full, the recording will Stop Recording RECORD and save automatically, LCD displays “RecFull”. 1. stop When recording is in process,the holding down [SHIFT] button then 2. When recording is in process, if the memory is full, the recording will press the [RECORD] button to stop recording. stop and save automatically, the LCD displays “RecFull”. 3. If you are recording a style, the recording will stop automatically 095 001 ...... 095 001 ...... 095 001 ...... 095 001 095 001 095 001 Stoppen der Aufnahme RECORD ending is of in the rhythm iffinishes. 2. when Whenthe recording process, the memory is full, the recording will 3. If you are recording a style, the recording will stop automatically stop and save automatically, the LCD displays 1. Drücken Sie die Tasten SHIFT und“RecFull”. RECORD um die when the ending of the rhythm finishes. Aufnahme zu stoppen. 3. If you are recording a style, the recording will stop automatically 2. Wenn derofSpeicherplatz erschöpft ist, erscheint when the ending the rhythm finishes. im Display „RecFull“. Die Aufnahme wird abgebrochen und gespeichert. 3. Wenn Sie eine Begleitung aufnehmen, stoppt die Aufnahme automatisch mit dem Ende des Songs. Playback Playback Recording 1. When recording is in process, holding down [STORE] button then Playback Recording press [RECORD] button, it will stopdrücken recording Sie and enter the 1. the Während einer Aufnahme die Tasten RECORD 1. When recording in current process, holding song downwill [STORE] button then in song mode, and is the recorded play automatically STORE und button, RECORD. Die recording Aufnahme das press the [RECORD] it will stop andwird entergestoppt, the circle. Playback Recording song mode, the current song will play automatically in Gerätand wechselt in recorded den Song-Modus und die Aufnahme 1. When recording is in process, holding down [STORE] button then 2. circle. Press the button to enter song mode and will play fortlaufend abgespielt. press wird the [SONG] [RECORD] button, it willthe stop recording and itenter the all songs circularly. the datarecorded dial, or button to select 2. mode, Drücken Sie SONG um [+/YES] den Song-Modus aufzurufen. song and Use the current song will[-/NO] play automatically in 2. Press the [SONG] button to enter song mode andsongs it will play all acircle. song, there are 130 songs in all,the including 10 user Alle Songs werden fortlaufend abgespielt. Benutzen songs circularly. Use thedata dataindial, [-/NO] button todisplay select Sie (121-130). If there is no the[+/YES] selectedoruser song, it will das Drehrad oder die Tasten +/YES und -/NO um einen song, there are playing. 130 songs in all, including 10 songs and[SONG] stop Alternatively, when theuser playback 2.a“Nofile” Press the button to enter the song mode and it willstops, play all (121-130). If there is no data in the selected user song, it will Song auszuwählen. Es gibt insgesamt 130 Songs; you can select a user song and then press [PLAY/STOP] button to die songs circularly. Use the data dial, [+/YES] or [-/NO] button todisplay select “Nofile” and stop playing. Alternatively, when the playback stops, play the song in a loop. Benutzer-Songs finden sich auf den Plätzen 121 bis130. a song, there are 130 songs in all, including 10 user songs you can select a user song and press erschein [PLAY/STOP] to (121-130). Ifkeine there isSongs no data in then the selected user song, will display Sind vorhanden, imit button Display play the song in a playing. loop. Alternatively, when the playback stops, “Nofile” and stop „NoFile“. you can select a user song and then press [PLAY/STOP] button to 3. Drücken Sie PLAY/STOP um den Song fortlaufend play the song in a loop. RECORD RECORD Delete User Song abzuspielen. 1. Pressing and holding [RECORD] and [STORE] button together and Delete User Song all user songs will be erased. turn power on simultaneously, 1. Pressing and holding [RECORD] and [STORE] button together and turn power on simultaneously, user songs be erased. 2. In the recording standby mode,allholding downwill [SHIFT] button Delete User Song then press the [RECORD] button for two second, the LCD will and 1. Pressing and holding [RECORD] and [STORE] button together 2. In thepower recording standby mode,down holding down button [SHIFT] button display “Delete?”. And holding [SHIFT] press the turn on simultaneously, all user songs will be then erased. 1. press Wenn Sie die Tasten und STORE gedrückt then the[Melody1] [RECORD] buttonRECORD for second, the LCD will [Accomp] (or to[Melody 5])two button to select the track you display “Delete?”. And holding down [SHIFT] button then press the it alle halten, während Sie das Gerät einschalten, werden want to delete. The track selected will light up. If all tracks light 2. In the recording standby mode, holding down [SHIFT] button up, [Accomp] (or [Melody1] to[Melody 5]) two button to select will the user song after confirmation. vorhandenen Daten gelöscht. thendelete press the [RECORD] button for second, the the LCDtrack will you want delete. TheAnd track selected will[SHIFT] light up.button If all tracks light up, display “Delete?”. holding down then press the2it 2. toHalten Sie im Vorbereitungsmodus RECORD für delete the user song after confirmation. 3. will Press [+/YES] to confirm and the recorded data in this track will be [Accomp] (or [Melody1] to[Melody 5]) button to select the track you Sekunden gedrückt; Display erscheint erased. to quit thisim step, recording want to Press delete.[-/NO] The track selected willand lightgo up.back If alltotracks light up, it „Delete?“ (löschen?). 3. Press [+/YES] confirm recorded data in this track will be standby mode. will delete the to user song and afterthe confirmation. erased. Press [-/NO] quit thisum step, andSong go back recordingoder -/NO 3. Drücken Sieto+/YES den zutolöschen mode. 3.standby Pressum [+/YES] to confirm and the recorded data in this track will be die Aktion abzubrechen. Löschen eines Songs STORE RECORD STORE ACCOMP RECORD ACCOMP STORE RECORD 095 001 095 001 095 001 ACCOMP erased. Press [-/NO] to quit this step, and go back to recording standby mode. 28 25 25 26 2015/4/30 12:57:07 The piano has 130 songs in all, including 10 user songs. Listening to the songs 26 2015/4/30 12:57:07 Song Song 1. Press the [SONG] button to enter the song mode and it will play all songs circularly. Keyboard verfügt überbutton 130 to vorgefertigte 2. UseDas the data dial, [+/YES] or [-/NO] select a song. Songs und The piano has 130 songs in all, including 10 user songs. 10 Benutzer-Songs. 3. Once you start playing a song by pressing [START/STOP] button, it will play current song repeatedly. Song Listening to the songs 1. Press the [SONG] button to enter the song mode and it will play all piano has 130stops, songspress in all,[STYLE] including user songs. 4.The When playback or10 [VOICE] button to exit song songs circularly. mode. Anhören der Songs Listening to2. the songs Use the data dial, [+/YES] or [-/NO] button to select a song. 1. Press the [SONG]Sie button to enter theSongs song mode and it reihum will play all Song Control 1. Drücken SONG. Alle werden songs circularly. 1. Introductory beat 3. Once you start playing a song by pressing [START/STOP] button, it abgespielt. will playitcurrent repeatedly. Before song starts playing, has thesong introductory beat, the measure Wählen Sie einen Song aus, Sie dasmeasure Drehrad 2.starts Use2.the data dial, [+/YES] [-/NO] to button to select a song. from negative value. Itorbegins playindem song when the die4.Tasten +/YES und -/NO benutzen. goes tooder 1. When playback stops, press [STYLE] or [VOICE] button to exit song 3. Once startSie playing a song by pressing [START/STOP] it mode. 3. you Wenn einen Song wiederholt abspielenbutton, möchten, will play current song repeatedly. 2. REW, FF and PAUSE drücken Sie die Taste START/STOP. When the song is playing: 4. Wenn der Song beendet ist und Sie den Song-Modus verlassen möchten drücken Sie bitte Song 4.Press Whenthe playback stops, [STYLE] [VOICE] button to exit song [FF] button topress fastControl forward theorsong. 1. Introductory beat STYLE oder VOICE. mode.the [REW] button to rewind the song (base on the measure). Press song starts has the introductory beat, the measure Press the [PAUSE] Before button to pause theplaying, playing itsong. starts from negative value. It begins to play song when the measure Song Controlgoes to 1. 3. Song Repeat 1. Introductory beat CHORD MODE During song playback, press [REPEAT A/B] button to set the Before song starts playing, itand hasPAUSE the introductory beat, the measure 2. REW, FFof beginning for a loop section the current song, then press it again starts from negative value. It song begins play song when the measure MELODY OFF is to playing: to set the loop end. When Duringthe loop playback, press [REPEAT A/B] L/R goes to 1. Press the [FF] button to fast forward the song. button to quit the loop and go back to song playback. 1. Ein SongPress startet einem Einzähler undsong somit mitoneiner negativen Taktzahl. Der Song beginnt, themit [REW] button to rewind the (base the measure). 2. REW, FF and PAUSE sobald die Taktzahl 1 erreicht. Press the [PAUSE] button to pause the playing song. When the song playing: Practice theissong 2. Während der Song abgespielt wird, können Sie mit der Taste FF den Song schnell „vorspulen“, Pressmode, the [FF] button to fast forward turn on/off the left In song press [MELODY OFF L/R]the button 3. Song Repeat mit REW den Song „zurückspulen“ und PAUSE den Song anhalten. CHORD MODE Press the part, [REW] to rewind the song (base on the mit measure). or right hand sobutton as to practise each part separately. During song playback, press [REPEAT A/B] button to set the 3. Drücken Sie REPEAT A/B um den Song zu wiederholen. Er wird fortlaufend abgespielt. Press the [PAUSE] button to pause the playing song. A lit “L” on LCD indicates only theforleft handsection melodyofwill and the beginning a loop theplay current song, then press it again MELODY OFF Drücken Sie um den Loop zuhand stoppen. right hand part will be to muted, soloop you end. can practise the right setabermals the During loop playback, press [REPEAT A/B] L/R 3. Song Repeat melody. button to quit the loop and go back to song playback. CHORD MODE During song press A/B] button to set In the same way,playback, a lit “R” on LCD[REPEAT means you can practise thethe left hand a loop of the current song, then press it again partbeginning along withforthe right section hand melody. MELODY OFF Practice song to set the loop end. During loopthe playback, press [REPEAT A/B] L/R In song mode, press [MELODY OFF L/R] button to turn on/off the left button to quit the loop and go back to song playback. or right hand part, so as to practise each part separately. lit “L” on LCD indicates only the left hand melody will play and the Practice theAright song hand part will be muted, so you can practise the right hand In song mode, press [MELODY OFF L/R] button to turn on/off the left melody. or right hand part, so as to practise partonseparately. In the same way,each a lit “R” LCD means you can practise the left hand A lit “L” on LCD indicates only the left hand melody will play and the part along with the right hand melody. 1. Wenn Playback drücken Siehand MELODY OFF right hand part willdas be muted, so youstoppt, can practise the right melody. L/R um die Melodiespur abzuschalten. Rechts unten In the same way, a lit “R” LCD means you can the left hand erscheint im on Display „R“ oder „L“.practise Das bedeutet, dass der part along with the right hand melody. Song-Einstellungen C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Üben des Songs Restore Factory Setting Part für die rechte /linke Hand abgespielt wird und Sie Pressing and holding [+/YES] and [-/NO] button together and then turn den jeweiligen Part mit der anderen Hand üben können. the power on, the piano would be restored to factory setting. It will 2. Drücken Sie START/STOP umregistered mit dem memory. Üben zu delete all the user data: user styles, user songs, beginnen. The process will last about 8 seconds, after which the piano will start up normally. Restore Factory Setting Restore FactoryderSetting Wiederherstellen Werkseinstellungen Pressing and holding [+/YES] and [-/NO] button together and then turn the power on, the piano would be restored to factory setting. It will 26 delete all the user data: user styles, user songs, registered memory. Wenn Sie beim Einschalten des Gerätes Tasten +/YES -/NO gedrückt halten, The process will last about 8 seconds,die after which the pianound will start Pressing and holding [+/YES] and [-/NO] button together and then turn up normally. werden alle Einstellungen zurückgesetzt und ItBenutzer-Styles, Benutzer-Songs und die the power on, the piano would be restored to factory setting. will gelöscht. Der Vorgang dauert etwa 8 Sekunden. Sobald das Löschen deleteSpeicher all the userwerden data: user styles, user songs, registered memory. The process willWiederherstellung last about 8 seconds, der afterWerkseinstellung which the piano will start und die abgeschlossen ist, startet das Gerät wie up normally. 26 26 29 gewohnt. C M Y M MY Y MY K 27 2015/4/30 12:57:08 Connecting USB Flash Drive 27 2015/4/30 12:57:08 The piano recognizes USB flash drives, sizing from 16M to 32G in the format of FAT16 or FAT32. We recommend to format the USB flash drive on the piano before using. Do not edit the backup files saved in the USB flash drive. USB Flash Drive Connecting USB Flash Drive Connecting USB Flash Drive Das Piano erkennt Flash mitsizing einer The pianoUSB recognizes USBDrives flash drives, fromKapazität 16M to 32G invon the 16M bis format of FAT16 or FAT32. 32G in den Formaten FAT16 oder FAT32. Sie sollten das Flash Drive piano recognizes USB flash drives, sizing from 16M to 32G in the USB FlashThe Drive Operation We recommend to format the USB flash drive on the piano before format of FAT16 or FAT32. Piano formatieren bevor Siesaved es benutzen! using. Do not editto theUSB backup files inare: the USB flash drive. 1.auf Thedem function buttons related Flash Drive [USB We recommend to format the USB flash drive on the piano before DEVICE], [+/YES], [START/STOP] and the data using. [-/NO], Do not edit the backup files saved in the USBdial. flash drive. USB Flash Drive Operation 1. The function buttons related to USB Flash Drive are: [USB 2. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode, and press it again USB Flash Drive Operation DEVICE], [+/YES], [START/STOP] data dial. 1. The function buttons[-/NO], related to USB Flash and Drivethe are: [USB can quit that mode. DEVICE], [+/YES], [-/NO], [START/STOP] and the data dial. Bedienung 2. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode, and press it again 3. If the USB Flash Drive has been inserted before pressing [USB can quit thatDEVICE] mode. 2. Press [USB button to enter USB mode, and press it again DEVICE] button,can thequit LCD displays a waiting notice, the upper right that mode. 1.corner DieofBedienelemente sind: USB DEVICE, +/YES, -/NO, If the USB Flash has been inserted before pressing LCD 3. displays icon .Drive If initialization succeeds, LCD [USB the LCD displays a waiting notice, the upper right START/STOP das Wählrad. IfDEVICE] theicon USBbutton, Flash Drive has.und been inserted before pressing [USB displays “Play”,3. the becomes If initialization failed, the LCD corner of button, LCD displays icon . If initialization succeeds, LCD right DEVICE] the LCD displays a waiting notice, the upper 2.displays Drücken Siedisplays USB DEVICE um den Modus zuDrive aktivieren “DiskErr”, and the icon . If USB Flash isthe LCDoder theremains iconicon becomes . If initialization failed, corner of “Play”, LCD displays . If initialization succeeds, LCD displays “DiskErr”, and the icon remains . If USB Flash Drive notbeenden. inserted, the displays LCD displays “NoDisk”, the upper right corner ofthe isLCD “Play”, the icon becomes . If initialization failed, not inserted, the LCD displays “NoDisk”, the upper right corner of LCD does not display USB Flash Drive icon. displays “DiskErr”, and the icon remains . If USB Flash Drive is 3. Ist das Flash Drive bereits eingelegt bevor Sie den Modus zu LCDinserted, does notthe display USB Flash Drive icon. not LCD displays “NoDisk”, the upper right corner of aktivieren,use erscheint imselect Display ein Wartezeichen. Ist die LCD doesdial not display USBmenu, Flash Drive icon. 4. In USB mode, 4. data press [+/YES] buttonbutton to to In USB mode, to use data dial to select menu, press [+/YES] Initialisierung erfolgreich, erscheint „Play“, anderenfalls proceed, press4.[-/NO] topress go back. proceed, [-/NO] go back. In USB mode, use datatodial to select menu, press [+/YES] button to „DiskErr“. Ist keinpress Medium erscheint „NoDisk“. proceed, [-/NO] toeingelegt, go back. 5. In USB mode, it can read a maximum of 512 files folder. in one folder. 5.4.In USB mode, it can read a maximum of 512 files in one Im USB Modus wählen Sie mit dem Drehrad Menü aus und Icon represents folder, icon represents file. indas 5. In USB mode, it can read a maximum of 512 files one folder. Icon represents folder,Auswahl icon represents file. oder brechen bestätigen Sie mit Sie den Icon die represents folder, icon+/YES represents file. 6. In USB mode, press [USB DEVICE], voice direct button, style direct Vorgang ab mit -/NO. button can exit USB device mode. 6. In USB mode, 6. press [USB DEVICE], direct button, style direct In USB mode, press [USBvoice DEVICE], voice direct button, style direct 5.button Es können 512device Dateien Ordner can exit USB button can exitmode. USBpro device mode. verwaltet werden. 7. Press [MIXER] button can change the volume when playing MIDI 6. Drücken Siefile.MIXER um die Lautstärke zu verändern. 7. Press [MIXER] button can thewhen volume when playing MIDI 7.7.Press can change the change volume playing MIDI Der[MIXER] Ordnerbutton „MMKD“ wird automatisch generiert; in ihm können file. file. 8. Loading, Save and Delete operating are intended for the file in Dateien geladen, gesichert und gelöscht werden. “MMKD” folder. C CM M Y Y CM CM MY MY CY CY CMY CMY K 8. Loading, Save and Delete operating are intended for the file in “MMKD” folder. 8. Loading, Save and Delete operating are intended for the file in Note: “MMKD” folder.The “MMKD” folder will be generated automatically when user data is K Note: saved to the USB drive. The “MMKD” folderflash will be generated automatically when user data is Abspielen Note: saved to the USB flash drive. The “MMKD” folder will be generated automatically when user data is Play saved to the USB flash drive. 1. Drücken Sie USB DEVICE und wählen Sie den Menüpunkt 1. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode. Then use data dial Play „Play“. 1. Press to select “Play” menu.button to enter USB mode. Then use data dial [USB DEVICE] to select “Play”im menu. 2. Drücken Sie +/YES; Display erscheint der Name des MIDI2. Press [+/YES] button, LCD will display the name of MIDI files and Play Files und 2.das Untermenü. sub directories in the root ofwill thedisplay USB Flashname Drive.of MIDI files and Press [+/YES] LCDUSB 1. Press [USB DEVICE] buttonbutton, to enter mode.theThen use data dial sub+/YES directories in the rootUntermenü of the USB Flashauszuwählen Drive. select Drücken um ein und den “Play”Sie menu. 3. If you choose a sub-directory, press [+/YES] button to open the Ordner zu3.öffnen oder -/NO um im Hauptverzeichnis zu folder, press [-/NO] to return to the root directory. If LCD displays If you choose a sub-directory, press [+/YES] button to open the “..”, pressing [+/YES] will return previous directory. 2. Press [+/YES]Erscheint button, LCD will display name oftheMIDI files and folder, press [-/NO] to button returnthe to the root to directory. IfSie LCD displays Drücken bleiben. im Display „…“ gelangen durch “..”, pressing [+/YES] button will return to the previous directory. subder directories in the root of the USB Flash Drive. Taste 4.+/YES Hauptmenü zurück. Use datains dial to select a midi MIDI file, press [START/STOP] button 28 2015/4/30 12:57:08 play it repeatedly. Press [+/YES] button to play all files in the 4. Use data dial to select a midi MIDI file, press [START/STOP] button 4. Wählen Sie ein MIDI-File aus und drücken Sie START/STOP 3. If you choose a sub-directory, press [+/YES] button to open thein theto current circularly. Press [START/STOP]button to play itdirectory repeatedly. Press [+/YES] button to play all filesagain um es fortlaufend abzuspielen. Drücken Sie +/YES um alle stop playing, folder, press [-/NO] to return tocircularly. the rootPress directory. If LCD displays current directory [START/STOP]button again to stop playing, abzuspielen. “..”,MIDI-Files pressing [+/YES] button will return to the previous directory. 5. Um das Playback zu stoppen, Sie START/STOP. Connecting USBdrücken Flash Drive 4. Use data dial to select a midi MIDI file, press [START/STOP] button to play it repeatedly. Press [+/YES] button to play all files in the current directory circularly. Press [START/STOP]button again to Save stop playing, [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode. Then use data dial Speichern1. toPress select “Save”. .. .. .. 27 27 2. Press [+/YES] to enter “Save” sub menu. It includes “SaveSong”, “SaveMem”. Use wählen [+/YES], [-/NO]button or data dial to 1. Drücken Sie “SaveSty”, USB DEVICE und Sie „Save“. one. 2. Drücken Sie select +/YES um in das Menü zu gelangen. Hier können Sie wählen Save zwischen „SaveSong“, „SaveSty“ und „SaveMem“. user song: 1. Select the menu “SaveSong” sub menu and press [+/YES] button, LCD displays the user song name and number. Use the data dial to select the file to save. 2. After selected the user song, press [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to enter file name “SNG_”. Now use keyboard to enter 8 character file name. 30 3. After entering the file name, press [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to confirm the operation: “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to save the file. Press [-/NO] to cancel the operation. 4. If the name you enter is the same with the song name in USB Flash 27 Connecting USB Flash Drive 2. After selected the user song, press [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to enter file name “SNG_”. Now use keyboard to enter 8 character file name. Save Connecting USB Flash Drive 1. Pressentering [USB DEVICE] buttonpress to enter USB mode. Then use data 3. After the file name, [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to dial to selectthe “Save”. confirm operation: “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to save the file. [-/NO] to cancel the operation. Speichern einesPress User-Songs 2. Press [+/YES] to enter “Save” sub menu. It includes “SaveSong”, Save Use [+/YES], [-/NO]button or data dial todial 4. IfPress the name you enter is the same withUSB the mode. song name in USB Flash 1. “SaveSty”, [USB“SaveMem”. DEVICE] button to enter Then use data select one. Drive, the LCD prompts You +/YES. need to enter 1. Wählen Sie „SaveSong“. und “SameName!”. drücken Sie Ima different Display to select “Save”. name to save file. erscheinen Name und Nummer des Songs. the steps above to save a user style or a user memory. 2. Follow Press [+/YES] Save user song:to enter “Save” sub menu. It includes “SaveSong”, 2. Wählen Sie1.einen Song aus und drücken Sie +/YES. Benennen “SaveSty”, “SaveMem”. Use [+/YES], [-/NO]button or data dial to Select the menu “SaveSong” sub menu and press [+/YES] button, select one. LCD displays the user song name and number. Use the data dial to Sie den Song mit 8 Buchstaben und drücken Sie +/YES. C M Load select the file to save. 3. Im Display erscheint Drücken Siemode. +/YES den Song 1. Press [USB „Sure?“. DEVICE] button to enter USB Then um use data Save user song: dialoder toselected select “Load” menu. abzuspeichern -/NO um den Vorgang anzubrechen. 2. After the user song, press [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to 1. Select the menu “SaveSong” sub menu and press [+/YES] button, enter file namethe “SNG_”. Nowname use keyboard to enter 8the character LCD displays user song and number. Use data dialfile to 4. Ist der Songname bereits vergeben erscheint im Display 2. name. Press [+/YES] to enter “load” submenu. Load submenu are select the file to save. displayed on LCD, it includes “LoadSong”, “LoadSty”, “LoadMem”. „SameName!“. Vergeben Sie in diesem Fall bitte einen anderen Use [+/YES], [-/NO]button orpress data dial to select one. prompts to 3. entering file name, The 2. After After selected the user song, press[+/YES]. [+/YES]. TheLCD LCD prompts to Namen, wenn Sie den the Song speichern möchten. confirm the operation: “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to save the file. Y CM MY CY CMY K enter file name “SNG_”. Now use keyboard to enter 8 character file Load Song: Press name.[-/NO] to cancel the operation. 1. Select the menu “LoadSong” and press [+/YES] button, LCD displays theyou MIDIenter files(*.midi) in the MMKD\SONG directory of Flash USB 4. the entering name is the same the song name in USB 3. IfAfter the file name, press with [+/YES]. The LCD prompts to Flash Drive. Use the data dial to select the to load. Drive, prompts “SameName!”. Youfile need to to enter a different confirmthe theLCD operation: “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again save the file. name savetofile. Press to [-/NO] cancel the operation. 2. After selected theabove midi file, pressa [+/YES]button and memory. then use the Follow the steps to save user style or a,user data dial to select user song number. 4. If the name you enter is the same with the song name in USB Flash Drücken Sie USB DEVICE und wählen Sie „Load“. Drive, the LCD prompts “SameName!”. You need to enter a different 3. After selected the song number, press [+/YES] button, and the LCD Drücken SieLoad +/YES umfile. in das Untermenü zu gelangen. Es name to save displays “Sure?”. Press to [+/YES] again to confirm the loading Follow the steps above save a user style or a user memory. 1. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode. Then „LoadMem“. operation. Press [-/NO] to cancel the that operation. use data dial to select “Load” menu. Laden C 1. 2. M Y umfasst „LoadSong“, „LoadSty“ und C CM M MY 3. Treffen Sie Ihre Wahl und bestätigen Sie sie mit +/YES. Load Style 2. Press [+/YES] to enter “load” submenu. Load submenu are Load 1. Select the menu “LoadSty” and press [+/YES] button, LCD displays Y CY CM CMY MY K onDEVICE] LCD, it includes “LoadSty”, 1. displayed Press [USB button to“LoadSong”, enter USB mode. Then“LoadMem”. use data the style files(*.sty) in the MMKD\STYLE directory of USB Flash Use [+/YES], [-/NO]button dial to select “Load” menu.or data dial to select one. Drive. Use the data dial to select the file to load. Laden eines Songs Load Song: 2. Press [+/YES] to enter “load” submenu. Load submenu are 2. After selected the style file, press [+/YES] button, and then use the 1. Select the on menu “LoadSong” press [+/YES] button, LCD displayed LCD, it includes and “LoadSong”, “LoadSty”, “LoadMem”. data dial to select user style number. displays the MIDI files(*.midi) in thedial MMKD\SONG of USB Use [+/YES], [-/NO]button or data to select Wählen Sie „LoadSong“ und drücken Sie +/YES. Im Display Flash Drive. Use the data dial to select the file to load. 3. After selected the user number, press [+/YES] button, and the erscheint das Verzeichnis mitstyle dem MIDI-Files des Ordners Load Song: LCD displays “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to confirm the loading 1. After Select the menu “LoadSong” and press [+/YES] LCD 2. selected the midieinen file, press [+/YES]button ,button, and then use the MMKD/SONG. Wählen Sie Song aus. operation. Press to cancel theMMKD\SONG that of USB displays MIDI[-/NO] files(*.midi) in the data dial the to select user song number. Drücken Sie +/YES; erscheint Flash UseDisplay the data dial to select the „Sure?“. file to load. After selected songSong number,zu press [+/YES]oder button,-/NO and theum LCDden Drücken Sie3. +/YES umtheden laden 2. displays After selected thePress midi file, pressagain [+/YES]button then use the “Sure?”. [+/YES] to confirm, and the loading Vorgang abzubrechen. data dial toPress select[-/NO] user song number. operation. to cancel the that operation. CY CMY 1. 2. 3. K 28 3. After selected the song number, press [+/YES] button, and the LCD Load Style displays Press [+/YES] again[+/YES] to confirm the loading 1. Select the“Sure?”. menu “LoadSty” and press button, LCD displays operation. Press [-/NO] toMMKD\STYLE cancel the that directory operation. the style files(*.sty) in the of USB Flash Drive. Use the data dial to select the file to load. Laden eines Styles Load Style 1. After Select the menu press [+/YES] button, 2. selected the“LoadSty” style file, and press [+/YES] button, and LCD then displays use the the style files(*.sty) in the MMKD\STYLE directory of USB Flash data dial to select user style number. 1. Wählen Sie „LoadSty“ und drücken Sie +/YES. Im Display Drive. Use the data dial to select the file to load. erscheint das Verzeichnis mitstyle dem MIDI-Files des Ordners 3. After selected the user number, press [+/YES] button, and the 2. LCD After displays selected“Sure?”. the stylePress file, press [+/YES] button, and then use the [+/YES] again to confirm the loading MMKD/STYLE. Wählen Sie einen Style aus. data dial toPress select[-/NO] user style number. operation. to cancel the that operation. 2. Drücken Sie +/YES; im Display erscheint „Sure?“. After selected the user style number, press [+/YES] button, and the 3. Drücken Sie3.+/YES um den Style zu laden oder -/NO um den LCD displays “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to confirm the loading 29 2015/4/30 12:57:08 Vorgang abzubrechen. operation. Press [-/NO] to cancel the that operation. 28 Connecting USB Flash Drive 28 Laden einer Einstellung 1. Wählen SieLoad „LoadMem“ und drücken Sie +/YES. Im Display Memory 1. Select the menu “LoadMem” and press [+/YES] button, erscheint das Verzeichnis mit dem MIDI-Files desLCD Ordners displays the memory files(*.mem) in the MMKD\MEMORY directory MMKD/MEMORY. Wählen Sie Einstellung of USB Flash Drive. Use theeine data dial to select the fileaus. to load. 2. Drücken Sie +/YES; im Display erscheint „Sure?“. 2. After selected the memory file, press [+/YES] button, and then use 3. Drücken Sie +/YES um die Einstellung zu laden oder -/NO um the data dial to select user memory number. den Vorgang abzubrechen. 3. After selected the user memory number, press [+/YES] button, and the LCD displays “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] again to confirm the loading operation. Press [-/NO] to cancel the that operation. Delete 1. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB mode. Then use data dial to select “Delete”. 31 2. Press [+/YES] to enter “Delete” sub menu. It includes “UserSong”, “UserSty”, “UserMem”. Use [+/YES], [-/NO] button or data dial to select one. M M Y Y MY the the data the dial to select user memory displays memory files(*.mem) in number. the MMKD\MEMORY directory 3. After selected user memory number, press [+/YES] button, and of USB Flash Drive. Use the data dial to select the file to load. the LCD displays “Sure?”. again tobutton, confirm 3. After selected the userPress memory [+/YES] number, press [+/YES] and the the LCD displays Press [+/YES] again to that confirm the use 2. After selected the “Sure?”. memory file,to press [+/YES] button, andoperation. then loading operation. Press [-/NO] cancel the loading Press [-/NO] to cancel the that operation. the dataoperation. dial to select user memory number. Delete 1. the LCD displays “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] to Then confirm Löschen Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USBagain mode. usethe data dial loading operation. Press [-/NO] to cancel the that operation. 3. After selected the user memory number, press [+/YES] button, and Delete select “Delete”. 1. Press [USB toDEVICE] button to enter USB mode. Then use data dial to select “Delete”. 1. Drücken Sie USB DEVICE wählen Sie „Delete“. 2. Press [+/YES] to enter und “Delete” sub menu. It includes “UserSong”, Delete “UserSty”, “UserMem”. Use [+/YES], [-/NO]mode. buttonThen or data todial 1. Press [USB DEVICE] button to enter USB usedial data 2. Drücken Sieselect +/YES um in das Untermenü zu gelangen. Es one. to select “Delete”.“Delete” sub menu. It includes “UserSong”, 2. Press [+/YES] to enter umfasst „UserSong“, „UserSty“ und „UserMem“. Use [+/YES], [-/NO] button data dial to After selected typebestätigen to delete,sub press [+/YES] to enter theor correPress [+/YES] to enter “Delete” menu. Itsie includes “UserSong”, 3. “UserSty”, Treffen Sie2.3.“UserMem”. Ihre Wahl file und Sie mit +/YES. sponding “UserSty”,menu. “UserMem”. Use [+/YES], [-/NO] button or data dial to select one. 4. Im Display erscheint select one. „Sure?“. 4. selected the die file toDatei delete, press [+/YES], and the LCD displays 5. Drücken SieAfter +/YES um zu löschen oder -/NO um den “Sure?”. Pressfile [+/YES] confirm, and [+/YES] press [-/NO] to cancel the 3. After selected type totodelete, press to enter the corre3. After selected file type to delete, press [+/YES] to enter the correVorgang abzubrechen. operation. sponding menu. sponding menu. 4. After selected the file to delete, press [+/YES], and the LCD displays Format “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] to confirm, and press [-/NO] to cancel the 1. Press [USB button to enter USB mode. Then usethe data LCD dial 4. After selected the fileDEVICE] to delete, press [+/YES], and displays operation. to select “Format”. Formatieren “Sure?”. Press [+/YES] to confirm, and press [-/NO] to cancel the 2. Press [+/YES] to confirm. LCD displays “Sure?”, then press [+/YES] operation.Format toUSB format, press [-/NO]button to cancel operation. 1. Press [USB DEVICE] towählen enter USBSie mode. Then use data dial 1. Drücken Sie DEVICE und „Format“. to select “Format”. 2. Drücken Sie +/YES um die Auswahl zu bestätigen. Im Display Note: 2. Press [+/YES] to confirm. displays Formation will delete all dataLCD in USB Flash“Sure?”, Drive! then press [+/YES] Format erscheint „Sure?“. to format, press [-/NO] to cancel operation. [USB button to enter USB Then use data dial 3.1. Press Drücken SieDEVICE] +/YES um zu formatieren odermode. -/NO um den Note: Keyboard and ASCII Character Relative Table Vorgang abzubrechen. to select “Format”. C M Y C CM M MY Y CY CM CMY MY K CY CMY K Formation will delete all data in USB Flash Drive! Bitte beachten Sie,todass durchLCD dasdisplays Formatieren alle Daten vom [+/YES] 2. Press [+/YES] confirm. “Sure?”, then press Keyboard and ASCII Character Relative Table Datenträger werden. to format,gelöscht press [-/NO] to cancel operation. Note: Formation will delete all data in USB Flash Drive! Tastenbelegung Keyboard and ASCII Character Relative Table 29 29 32 30 2015/4/30 12:57:08 MIDI MIDIDurch die MIDI-Funktionen können Sie Ihre musikalischen Möglichkeiten erweitern. Dieser Abschnitt erklärt, was MIDI ist, was es kann und wie Sie diese Funktionen auf Ihrem Instrument nutzen können. By using the MIDI functions you can expand your musical possibilities. This section explains what MIDI is, and what it can do, as well as how you can use MIDI on your instrument. Was ist MIDI? What's MIDI? 30 2015/4/30 12:57:08 MIDI (short MIDI for Musical Instrument Digital Interface) allows a wide (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) ist ein variety of electronic musical instruments, computers and other related weltweiter Standard für die zwischen devices to connect and communicate with oneKommunikation another. MIDI carries elektronischen Musikinstrumenten und Computern. event messages that specify notation, pitch and velocity, control Durch den Austausch Informationen zwischen signals for parameters such as volume,von vibrato, audio panning, and program change informationkönnen to change the voice von selections. den Geräten Systeme MIDI- AUX IN AUX OUT AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB MIDI InstrumentenByund entstehen, die usingLaufwerken the MIDI functions you can expand your musical possibilities. The instrument can output the real-time playback information via itMIDI Thisflexibler section explains is, and what can do, as well as how vielfältiger und sindwhat alsMIDI isolierte Instrumente. messages and control external MIDI The instrument can also you can usedevices. MIDI on your instrument. Sie können Computer, Sequenzer, Expander oder accept incoming MIDI messages and generate sound accordingly. andere Keyboards mitMIDI? Ihrem Keyboard vernetzen. What's MIDI (short for Digital Interface) allows a wide MIDI-Signale können inMusical zweiInstrument Gruppen geteilt variety of electronic musical instruments, computers and other related werden: Kanal-Signale und System-Signale. Das MIDI carries devices to connect and communicate with one another. event messages that specify notation, and velocity, MIDI Terminals Pino hat einen USB-Port, der sowohl fürpitch MIDI In alscontrol signalsMIDI for parameters such a asstandard volume, vibrato, Connect theauch piano für withMIDI external devices with MIDI audio panning, and Out genutzt werden kann. program change information to change the voice selections. cable for the exchange of MIDI data. MIDI IN: Receives MIDI data from a computer. The instrument can output the real-time playback information via MIDI MIDI OUT: Transmits MIDI data fromand thecontrol pianoexternal to an external MIDIThe instrument can also messages MIDI devices. accept incoming MIDI messages and generate sound accordingly. device. MIDI THRU PORT: You can use MIDI cable to link the MIDI THRU port to other MIDI instrument MIDI IN port. The message that the MIDI IN port receives will be auto sent to the MIDI THRU port, so that one MIDI MIDI Terminals instrument can manyConnect MIDIaustauschen instrument at the time. müssen Umcontrol MIDI-Signale zusame können, the piano with external MIDI devices with a standard MIDI Connect thedie MIDI OUT of other Device to the MIDI IN jack on the rear cable for the exchange of MIDI data. Geräte mit einem Standard MIDI-Kabel panel, this instrument will work sound module. MIDIas IN:aReceives MIDI data from a computer. verbunden sein. MIDI OUT: Transmits MIDIOUT data jack from the to an external MIDI Connect the MIDI IN of other Device to the MIDI on piano the rear MIDI IN empfängt von einem anderen MIDIdevice. panel. this instrument will work as Daten a MIDI controller. MIDI-Geräte MIDI THRU PORT: You can use MIDI cable to link the MIDI THRU port Gerät, to other MIDI instrument MIDI IN port. The message that the MIDI IN MIDI Out sendet Daten einsent anderes Gerät port receives willan be auto to the MIDI THRU und port, so that one MIDI instrument canals control many MIDI instrument at the same time. arbeitet in diesem Fall MIDI-Controller. Connect the MIDI OUT of other Device to the MIDI IN jack on the rear MIDI THRU: panel, Verbinden Sie den MIDI THRU-Port this instrument will work as a sound module. mit Connect the MIDI IN of Computer other Device to the MIDI OUT jack on the rear Downloading Data from the dem MIDI-Eingang eines anderen MIDI-Geräts. panel.between this instrument will work as of a MIDI USB controller. Connect a standard cable the rear-panel Daten, USB die der MIDI IN-Port empfängt,the werden jack of the instrument and the USB jack on your computer. automatisch an den MIDI THRU-Port gesendet, so Power on the instrument first, and then open the PCSUITE software in dass MIDI-Gerät will gleichzeitig viele andere your computer, theein “CONNECTING” be displayed on LCD. The MIDIGeräte kontrollieren kann. PCSUITE will connect successfully with the instrument. Downloading Data from the Computer AUX IN AUX OUT USB AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB C MIDI OUT MIDI IN M MIDI IN AUX IN AUX OUT MIDI OUT MIDI IN MIDI OUT USB Y CM MY CY MIDI OUT CMY K MIDI IN MIDI OUT Connect a standard USB cable between the rear-panel of the USB of files the instrument and the USB jack onsongs your computer. You can download 10 SMF jack MIDI to the keyboard as user or Power on the instrument first, and then open the PCSUITE software in upload the user songs. your computer, the “CONNECTING” will be displayed on LCD. The You can upload user styles PCSUITE to the computer assuccessfully a backup or will connect withdownload the instrument. them to the keyboard. Youtocan 10 SMF files to keyboard as user songs or You can upload memory files thedownload computer as aMIDI backup orthe download them to the keyboard. upload the user songs. You can die upload user styles to the an as a backup or download Verbinden Sie USB-Buchse der Rückseite Ihres Please refer1. to software operation instructions for detail computer operating them to the keyboard. Instrumentes über ein Standard-USB-Kabel mit einem methods. You can upload memory files to the computer as a backup or down- Datenaustausch mit dem Computer load them to the keyboard. Computer. refer to software operation instructions for detail operating 2. Schalten Please Sie das Instrument ein, öffnen Sie dann die Software methods. „PC Suite“ auf Ihrem Computer; im Display wird „Connecting“ angezeigt. 3. Sie können 10 MIDI-Dateien zum Keyboard als User-Songs übertragen. Sie können ebenso Styles oder Memory-Dateien auf den Computer übertragen. 4. Für genauere Informationen lesen Sie bitte die Bedienungsanleitung der Software. 33 30 30 MIDI IN Hilfe bei Störungen Problem Mögliche Ursache und Lösung Man hört ein „pop“, wenn das Gerät anoder abgeschaltet wird. Das ist normal und nicht besorgniserregend. Man hört nichts, wenn auf dem Keyboard gespielt wird. Möglicherweise ist die Lautstärke zu niedrig eingestellt. Drehen Sie sie etwas weiter auf. Es treten Geräusche während der Benutzung eines Mobiltelefons auf. Ein Mobiltelefon in der Nähe des Instruments kann Interferenzen verursachen. Schalten Sie das Telefon aus oder gehen Sie etwas weiter weg vom Gerät. Die Begleitautomatik startet nicht obwohl sie sich im Stand By-Modus befindet. Versuchen Sie, die Begleitautomatik im Bereich der rechten Hand zu starten. Um sie synchron zu starten, müssen Sie eine Taste im Bereich der linken Hand drücken. Bestimmte Noten klingen falsch. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Tune-Wert auf 0 steht. Sie können das Instrument auf die Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen, indem Sie die Tasten +/YES und -/ NO gedrückt halten, während Sie das Keyboard einschalten. Die Harmonie-Funktion geht nicht. Wenn ein Drum Kit als Voice R1 ausgewählt ist, steht die Funktion nicht zur Verfügung. Nach einer Verbindung mit einem Computer wird das Keyboard nicht erkannt. Überprüfen Sie, ob das USB-Kabel ordentlich verbunden ist und versuchen Sie gegebenenfalls, das Keyboard an einem andern USB-Port anzuschließen. 34 Spezifikationen LCD Display Multifunktionales Display Tasten 88, Hammermechanik Polyphonie 128 Voices 600 Styles 230 + 10 Benutzer-Styles Songs 120 + 10 Benutzer-Songs Demo 5 Regler Power Switch, Volume knob, Brilliance knob, Styles, Tempo+/-, Acc Vol, Mixer, Function+/-, Start/Stop, Sync Start, Intro/ Ending, Fill A, Fill B, Fill C Fill D, Chord Mode, Voices, Dual, Lower, USB Device, Metro, Twinova, Octave, Song, Bank, Store, M1-M4, O.T.S., Shift, Demo, +/Yes, -/No, Data dial, Melody off L/R Regler Begleitautomatik Start/Stop, Sync Start (Pause), Intro/Ending (Repeat A-B), A (REW), B (FF), Chord Mode Aufnahme Record, Accomp, Melody Track 1-5 Speicher 96 Anschlüsse PHONES (2 standard. 1⁄4” phone),AUX IN, AUX OUT USB-MIDI, MIDI IN/OUT, USB Device Jack Pedals (Sustain, Soft, Sostenuto) Stromversorgung AC 220-240V, 50 Hz Lautsprecher High 2 x 8Ω, 10W Low 2 x 6Ω, 40W Abmessungen B x T x H 1368 x 525 x 890 mm Gewicht 56 kg Alle Spezifikationen können ohne Ankündigung geändert werden. 35 C M Y CM MY CY MY K 32 2015/4/30 12:57:09 Voice List Übersicht über die Sounds No. Full Name Celesta 3 Glockenspie Glockenspiel 2 Music Box Music Box 2 Music Box 3 Vibraphone Vibraphone 2 Vibraphone (wide) Marimba Marimba 2 Marimba (wide) Xylophone Xylophone 2 Xylophone 3 Tubular Bells Tubular Bells 2 Church Bell Carillon Dulcimer Dulcimer 2 Santur Piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano 2 Acoustic Grand Piano 2 3 Acoustic Grand Piano 3 4 Acoustic Grand Piano (wide) 5 Acoustic Grand Piano (dark) 6 Bright Acoustic Piano 7 Bright Acoustic Piano 2 8 Bright Acoustic Piano 3 9 Bright Acoustic Piano (wide) 10 Electric Grand Piano 11 Electric Grand Piano 2 12 Electric Grand Piano (wide) 13 Electric Grand Piano (dark) 14 Honky Tonk Piano 15 Honky Tonk Piano 2 16 Honky Tonk Piano (wide) 17 Honky Tonk Piano (dark) 18 Harpsichord 19 Harpsichord 2 20 Harpsichord (octave mix) 21 Harpsichord (wide) 22 Harpsichord (with key off) 23 Octave Grand Piano 24 Octave Grand Piano 2 25 Piano & Strings 26 Piano & Pad 27 Piano & Choir 28 Piano & EP 29 Piano & Vibraphone 30 Detuned Electric Piano 31 Detuned Electric Piano 2 32 Electric Piano 33 Electric Piano 2 34 Electric Piano 3 35 Electric Piano 4 36 Electric Piano 1 (velocity mix) 37 Electric Piano 2 (velocity mix) 38 60's Electric Piano 39 EP Legend 40 Phase EP 41 Clavi 42 Clavi 2 43 Phase Clavi 44 Wah Clavi 45 Pulse Clavi 46 Dream EP 47 Tremolo EP 48 Funk EP 49 Warm EP 50 Choir EP 51 Wah EP 52 Modern EP 53 EP Pad Chromatic Percussion 54 55 Organ Italian 60's Organ Drawbar Organ Drawbar Organ 2 Detuned Drawbar Organ Drawbar Organ 3 Detuned Percussive Organ Percussive Organ Percussive Organ 2 70's Percussive Organ Percussive Organ 3 Rock Organ Rock Organ 2 Rock Organ 3 Church Organ Church Organ 2 Church Organ 3 Church Organ (octave mix) Detuned Church Organ Reed Organ Reed Organ 2 Rotary Organ Puff Organ Accordion Accordion 2 Accordion 3 Harmonica Harmonica 2 Harmonica 3 Tango Accordion Tango Accordion 2 Guitar Acoustic Guitar (nylon) Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 2 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 3 Acoustic Guitar (nylon + key off) Celesta Celesta 2 32 36 Voice List Ukulele Acoustic Guitar (steel) Acoustic Guitar (steel) 2 12-Strings Guitar Mandolin Mandolin 2 Steel Guitar with Body Sound Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (jazz) 2 Electric Guitar (pedal steel) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (clean) 2 Electric Guitar (detuned clean) Mid Tone Guitar Electric Guitar (muted) Electric Guitar (muted) 2 Electric Guitar (funky cutting) Electric Guitar (muted velo-sw) Jazz Man Overdriven Guitar Overdriven Guitar 2 Guitar Pinch Distortion Guitar Distortion Guitar 2 Distortion Guitar (with feedback) Guitar Feedback Distorted Rhythm Guitar Guitar Harmonics Guitar Harmonics 2 Velocity Nylon Guitar M Y Y Violin (slow attack) Viola Viola 2 Cello Cello 2 Contrabass Contrabass 2 Tremolo Strings Tremolo Strings 2 Tremolo Strings 3 Pizzicato Strings Pizzicato Strings 2 Orchestral Harp Orchestral Harp 2 Yang Chin Timpani Timpani 2 String Ensembles String Ensembles 2 String Ensembles 3 String Ensembles 4 Strings & Brass 60's Strings Synth Strings Synth Strings 2 Synth Strings 3 Synth Strings 4 Synth Strings 5 Choir Aahs Choir Aahs 2 Choir Aahs 3 Voice Oohs Voice Oohs 2 Humming Anlong Voice Synth Voice Synth Voice 2 Orchestra Hit Orchestra Hit 2 Bass Hit Plus 6th Hit Euro Hit Bass Acoustic Bass Acoustic Bass 2 Wah Bass Electric Bass (finger) Finger Slap Bass Electric Bass (pick) Electric Bass (pick) 2 Fretless Bass Fretless Bass 2 Slap Bass Slap Bass 2 Slap Bass 3 Slap Bass 4 Synth Bass Synth Bass 2 Synth Bass 3 Synth Bass 4 Warm Synth Bass Rsonance SynBass Clavi Bass Hammer Attack Bass Synth Bass (rubber) Synth Bass (rubber) 2 Attack Pulse Strings & Orchestral Violin Violin 2 Brass Trumpet Trumpet 2 Dark Trumpet Trombone Trombone 2 Trombone 3 Bright Trombone Tuba Tuba 2 Muted Trumpet Muted Trumpet 2 Muted Trumpet 3 French Horn French Horn 2 French Horn 3 33 37 Voice List Brass Section Brass Section 2 Brass Section 3 Synth Brass Synth Brass 2 Synth Brass 3 Synth Brass 4 Synth Brass 5 Synth Brass 6 Synth Brass 7 Synth Brass 8 Analog Synth Brass Analog Synth Brass 2 Analog Synth Brass 3 Jump Brass Jump Brass 2 Funny Funny 2 Recorder 2 2 Recorders Pan Flute Pan Flute 2 Sweet Pan Flute Blown Bottle Blown Bottle 2 Shakuhachi Shakuhachi 2 Whistle Whistle 2 Ocarina Ocarina 2 Synth Lead Lead 1 (square) Lead 1a (square) 2 Lead 1 (square) 3 Lead 1b (sine) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 2a (sawtooth) 2 Lead 2 (sawtooth) 3 Lead 2b (saw + pulse) Lead 2c (double sawtooth) Lead 2d (sequenced analog) Lead 2d (sequenced analog) 2 Wavy Sawtooth Bauble Lead Super Analog Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 3 (calliope) 2 Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 4 (chiff) 2 Lead 4 (chiff) 3 Lead 5 (charang) Lead 5 (charang) 2 Lead 5 (charang) 3 Lead 5 (charang) 4 Lead 5a (wire lead) Lead 5a (wire lead) 2 Lead 6 (voice) Lead 6 (voice) 2 Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 7 (fifths) 2 Lead 8 (bass + lead) Lead 8 (bass + lead) 2 Lead 8 (bass + lead) 3 Lead 8a (soft wrl) Massiness Square Slow Square Lead Sine Solo Square Lead 4 Thick Square 2Oscillators Lead Wavy Sawtooth 2 Analog Lead Big Lead Fat Lead Reed Soprano Sax Soprano Sax 2 Soprano Sax 3 Alto Sax Alto Sax 2 Alto Sax 3 Tenor Sax Tenor Sax 2 Tenor Sax 3 Baritone Sax Baritone Sax 2 Baritone Sax 3 Oboe Oboe 2 Oboe 3 2 Oboes English Horn English Horn 2 English Horn 3 2 English Horns Bassoon Bassoon 2 Bassoon 3 2 Bassoons Clarinet Clarinet 2 Clarinet 3 2 Clarinets M Y Y Pipe Piccolo Piccolo 2 Piccolo 3 2 Piccolos Sweet Flute Flute Flute 2 Flute 3 2 Flutes Recorder 34 38 Voice List C M Y CM MY CY CMY K PWM 4th Delayed Lead Delayed Lead 2 Fifth Lead Corrie Quint Synth Pad Pad 1 (new age) Pad 1 (new age) 2 Pad 2 (warm) Pad 2 (warm) 2 Pad 2a (sine pad) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 3 (polysynth) 2 Pad 3 (polysynth) 3 Pad 3 (polysynth) 4 Pad 4 (choir) Pad 4 (choir) 2 Pad 4a (itopia) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 5 (bowed) 2 Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 6 (metallic) 2 Pad 7 (halo) Pad 7 (halo) 2 Pad 8 (sweep) Pad 8 (sweep) 2 Pad 8 (sweep) 3 Pan Pad Pan Pad 2 Dipolar Pad PWM Pad Warmly Pad Horn Pad Click Pad Analog Pad 80's Poly Pad PWM 4th Soft Synth Calliope Soft Soft Vox 5th SawWave 5th Lead Soft Slow Square New Year Pad Space Voice Rising Congregate Synth SFX FX 1 (rain) FX 1 (rain) 2 FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 2 (soundtrack) 2 Prelude FX 3 (crystal) FX 3 (crystal) 2 FX 3a (synth mallet) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 4 (atmosphere) 2 Warm Air FX 5 (brightness) Smog FX 6 (goblins) FX 6 (goblins) 2 Choir Bell Choir Bell 2 FX 7 (echoes) FX 7 (echoes) 2 FX 7b (echo pan) FX 7a (echo bell) FX 7a (echo bell) 2 FX 7a (echo bell) 3 FX 8 (sci-fi) FX 8 (sci-fi) 2 Ethnic Misc. Sitar Sitar 2 Banjo Banjo 2 Shamisen Shamisen 2 Koto Koto 2 Taisho Koto Kalimba Kalimba 2 Bag Pipe Bag Pipe 2 Fiddle Fiddle 2 Fiddle 3 Shanai Shanai 2 Percussive Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Castanets Taiko Drum Concert Bass Drum Acoustic Bass Drum Jazz Kick Side Stick Analog Rim Shot Acoustic Snare Jazz Snare Brush Tap Concert SD Hand Clap Tom Brush Tom Closed Hi-hat Analog Closed Hi-hat Pedal Hi-hat Open Hi-hat Crash Cymbal Analog Cymbal Ride Cymbal China Cymbal Ride Bell Tambourine Splash Cymbal Cowbell Analog Cowbell High Bongo Low Bongo Mute Hi Conga Open Hi Conga Low Conga Analog Hi Conga Analog Mid Conga Analog Low Conga High Timbale Low Timbale Cabasa Maracas Analog Maracas Short Guiro Long Guiro Claves Mute Cuica Open Cuica Mute Triangle Open Triangle Shaker Mute Surdo Open Surdo Melodic Tom Melodic Tom 2 Synth Drum Rhythm Box Tom Electric Drum Reverse Cymbal SFX Guitar Fret Noise Guitar Cutting Noise Acoustic Bass String Slap Breath Noise Flute Key Click Seashore Rain Thunder Wind Stream Bubble Bird Tweet Bird Tweet 2 Dog Horse Gallop Telephone Ring Telephone Ring 2 Door Creaking Door Scratch 35 39 Voice List Wind Chime Helicopter Car Engine Car Stop Car Pass Car Crash Siren Train Jetplane Starship Burst Noise Applause Laughing Screaming Punch Heart Beat Footsteps Gunshot Machine Gun Lasergun Explosion Combined Voice Stereo Piano & Strings Pad Stereo Piano & Choir Stereo Piano & Synth Strings Stereo Piano & Warm Pad Stereo Piano & Soft EP FM Electric Piano Digital Piano E.Piano & Strings E.Piano & Acoustic Guitar E.Piano & Vibraphone E.Piano 2 & Pad E.Piano 2 & Strings Harpsichord & Stereo Strings Music Box & Stereo Strings Vibraphone & Stereo Strings Vibraphone Octave Vibraphone & Marimba & Kalimba Marimba & Kalimba Marimba Delay Xylophone Octave Organ & Stereo Strings Stereo Organ & Piano Rock Organ & Strings Church Organ & Choir Church Organ & Strings Acoustic Guitar & Flute Acoustic Guitar & Clavi 24 String Guitar Steel Guitar & Warm Pad Stereo Strings & Horn Orchestra Full Strings Full Strings 2 Symphonic Stereo Choir & Strings Stereo Choir & Steel Guitar 36 3 Trumpet Loose Trombone & Stereo Strings 3 Trombones Loose 3 Muted Trumpets Loose Club Brass Brass & Woodwinds Woodwinds & Strings Section Woods Small Pan Flute & Strings Pad Koto & Shamisen Flute & Clarinet Flute & Oboe Flute & Bassoon Flute & Oboe & Clarinet Flute & Clarinet & Bassoon Flute & Oboe & Bassoon Flute Octave Flute & Oboe Octave Flute & Clarinet Octave Oboe & Bassoon Oboe & Clarinet Oboe & Clarinet & Bassoon Oboe Octave Oboe & Clarinet Octave Oboe & Bassoon Octave Clarinet & Bassoon Clarinet & Oboe Octave Drums Standard Set Room Set Power Set Electronic Set Analog Set Jazz Set Brush Set Orchestra Set SFX Set 40 C M Y CM MY CY MY K 37 2015/4/30 12:57:10 Style List Übersicht über die Styles NO. Name 8 BEAT 1 8Beat Ballad 2 8Beat Piano 3 8Beat 1 4 Guitar Pop 1 5 8Beat Hip Hop 6 8Beat Blues Rock 7 8Beat Pop 8 Pop Funk 1 9 Rhythm&Beat 1 10 8Beat Disco 1 11 8Beat Rock 12 Guitar Pop 2 13 8Beat 2 14 Sweet Beat 15 8Beat Dance 16 8Beat Disco 2 17 Pop Funk 2 18 8Beat 3 19 60's 8Beat 20 Rhythm&Beat 2 16 BEAT 21 16Beat 1 22 16Beat Funk 1 23 16Beat Ballad 1 24 16Beat R&B 25 Pop 16Beat 1 26 16Beat Funk 2 27 16Beat Dance 28 Pop 16Beat 2 29 16Beat 2 30 Pop 16Beat 3 31 Pop 16Beat 4 32 Modern 16Beat 33 16Beat Hot 34 16Beat Modern 35 16Beat Funk 3 36 16Beat 3 37 Cool Beat 38 16Beat Ballad 2 39 16Beat 4 40 Pop Shuffle POP & BALLAD 41 Pop Rock 1 42 Pop Dance 1 43 Pop Fusion 44 Analog Night 1 45 6/8 Pop 46 Brit. Pop 1 47 Brit. Pop 2 48 Pop Hit 49 Fusion Shuffle 50 Analog Night 2 51 Guitar Pop 3 52 Pop Beat 53 Soft Beat 54 60's Pop Sting Latin R&B Ballad 1 Guitar Ballad Ballad Rock Piano Pop Soft Ballad Natural Ballad Love Ballad Easy Ballad Miami Folk Slow Ballad Folk Ballad Pop Ballad 1 Pop Ballad 2 EP Ballad New R&B Ballad ROCK Rock New Wave Ska Pop Rock 2 Slow Rock 70's Rock&Roll Folk Rock Soft Rock Old Rock Easy Rock New Shuffle Rock Hip Hop Rock&Roll 1 Rock Shuffle Rock&Roll 2 BALLROOM Tango 1 Spain Matador Twist 1 Twist 2 Big Band Fox Tango 2 Slow Fox Slow Waltz 1 Swing Fox Salsa 1 Cha Cha 1 Cha Cha 2 Beguine 1 Beguine 2 Rumba 1 Samba 1 Samba 2 Jive Fox Trot DANCE Techno 1 Hip Hop 1 House 1 Down Beat Progressive 110 Rap 1 111 Disco 112 Soft Disco 113 70's Disco 114 Club Dance 115 Euro Dance 116 Garage SOUL & FUNK 117 Funk 1 118 Classic Funk 119 Jay R&B 120 Gospel Swing 121 Gospel 122 Funk 2 123 Electric Funk 124 Groove Funk 125 Rubber Funk 126 Cool Funky 127 Jazz Funk 128 Groove 129 Soul 130 Hip Hop Soul 131 Hip Hop Beat 132 R&B 133 Soul Beat 134 British Soul Pop 135 Latin Jazz 1 136 Big Band 1 137 Dixieland 1 138 Guitar Swing 1 139 Broadway Big Band 140 Swing 141 Latin Jazz 2 142 Fusion 143 Acid Jazz 144 Cool Jazz Ballad 145 Swing Shuffle 146 Big Band Medium 147 Dixieland 2 148 Acoustic Jazz 149 Guitar Swing 2 150 Ragtime 151 Modern Jazz Ballad 152 Swing Ballad 153 Orchestra Swing COUNTRY 154 Country Pop 1 155 Bluegrass 1 156 8Beat Country 157 Modern Country 158 Country Pop 2 159 Bluegrass 2 160 2/4 Country 161 Country Quick Steps 162 Country Folk 163 Country Shuffle LATIN&LATIN DANCE 164 Samba 3 37 41 Style List 165 Bossa Nova 166 Latin 167 New Reggae 168 Reggae Dance 169 Paso Doble 170 Lite Bossa 171 Latin Rock 172 Beguine 3 173 Slow Bolero 174 Disco Samba 175 Mambo 176 Meneito 177 Rumba 2 178 Rumba 3 179 Tikitikita 180 Lambada 181 Pop Cha Cha 1 WALTZ&TRADITIONAL 182 Waltz 183 Old Waltz 184 English Waltz 185 German Waltz 186 Italian Mazurka 187 Mexico Waltz 188 Vienna Waltz 189 Slow Waltz 2 190 Jazz Waltz 191 Polka 192 6/8 March 193 German Polka 194 Party Polka 195 Army March 196 March 197 US March 198 Musette 199 French Musette 200 Mazurka WORLD 201 Enka Ballad 202 Laendler 203 Hawaiian 204 Sirtake 205 Dangdut 206 6/8 Flipper 207 New Age 208 Tarantella 209 Scottish 210 Norteno PIANIST 211 Pianist 1 212 Pianist 2 213 Pianist 3 214 March 1 215 March 2 216 Pop Waltz 217 Slow Waltz 218 Pop Bossa 219 Jazz Pub 38 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Jazz 1 Jazz 2 Piano Rock Blues 1 Piano Beat Piano Bar Pop 1 Pop 2 Ballad 1 Ballad 2 6/8 Ballad 42 C M Y CM MY CY MY K 39 2015/4/30 12:57:10 Song List Song-Verzeichnis No. Name 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 FOLK & COUNTRY 1 Toccata 2 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny 3 El Condor Pasa 4 Five Hundred Miles 5 Green Grass Of Home 6 Greensleeves 7 Home Sweet Home 8 La Mer 9 Long Long Ago 10 Massachusetts 11 Moon River 12 My Darling Clementine 13 Never On Sunday 14 Oh! Carol 15 Oh! Susanna 16 The Girl From Ipanema 17 Tombe La Neige 18 You Are My Sunshine GOLDEN & POP 19 A Whiter Shade Of Pale 20 Again 21 Mambo No. 5 22 Are You Lonesome Tonight? 23 Around The World 24 Auld Lang Syne 25 Ave Maria 26 Beyond The Reef 27 Blue Tango 28 Brazil 29 Bridal March 30 Can't Help Fallin' In Love 31 Chanson Du Toreador 32 Danny Boy 33 Do Re Mi 34 Ebb Tide 35 Fly Me To The Moon 36 Happy Birthday To You 37 Hey Jude 38 How Deep Is Your Love 39 If 40 In The Mood 41 Jingle Bells 42 Joy To The World 43 La Paloma 44 La Playa 45 La Reine De Saba 46 Lara's Theme From "Doctor Zhivago" 47 Always In My Heart 48 Mambo No. 8 49 Misty 50 My Way 51 Annie Laurie 52 One Way Ticket To The Blues 53 Only You 54 Petite Fleurische Tanz Red River Valley Rhythm Of The Rain Rock Around The Clock Sail Along Silv'ry Moon Sealed With A Kiss Siboney Silent Night Speak Softly Love Summertime Superstar Sweet And Gentle Tennessee Waltz The End Of The World The Sound Of Silence The Way We Were Top Of The World Una Lacrima Sul Viso Unchained Melody Love Story Words Yesterday Yesterday Once More CLASSICAL 77 13 Jours En France 78 A Lover's Concerto 79 Air For The G-String 80 An Der Shonen Blauen Donau 81 The Sleeping Beauty 82 La Traviata 83 Wiegenlied 84 Mov. 2 Adagio Non Troppo Piano Sonata No. 9 In D 85 Piano Sonata No. 11 In A 86 Prelude In C 87 Chinese Dance 88 Emperor Waltz 89 March Militaire 90 Symphony No. 40 PIANO 91 Hanon Piano Fingering 1 92 Hanon Piano Fingering 2 93 Hanon Piano Fingering 3 94 Hanon Piano Fingering 4 95 Hanon Piano Fingering 5 96 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 12 97 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 13 98 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 14 99 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 15 100 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 18 101 Cuckoo 102 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 21 103 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 29 104 Butterfly 105 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 45 106 Christmas Eve 107 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 50 108 Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 52 39 43 Album List Song List 110 109 110 111 111 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 116 117 117 118 118 119 119 120 120 Una sulBeyer viso Piano 55 ULSViso Basiclacrima Tutorial Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 59 Unchained melody UnchainMelod Beyerdes Eight Degrees Jump Etude Valse fleurs ValseFleurs Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano The Scale Of C WavesDanube Major Waves of the danube Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 65 Wedding march WeddingMarch Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 66 Wiegenlied Wiegenlied Old Folks At Home (Piano) Wiegenlied Wiegenlied Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano The Scale Of G Words Major Words Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 70 Yesterday Yesterday Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 72 Yesterday once more OnceMore Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 73 You are my sunshine UrMySunshine Basic Tutorial Beyer Piano 74 DEMO 1 Demo1 2 Demo2 3 Bossa Nova 4 Fusion 5 Jazz 41 2015/4/30 12:57:10 C Chord List Verzeichnis der Akkorde M M Y Y MY C M Y CM MY CY MY Chord name [abbreviation] Major [M] Normal Voicing (For root C) 1+3+5 Chord C Display C Sixth [6] Major seventh [M7] 1+(3)+5+6 1+3+(5)+7 C6 CM7 C6 CM7 Major seventh add sharp eleventh [M7(#11)] Major seventh add sharp eleventh (9)] 1+(2)+3+#4+(5)+7 1+2+3+5 CM7(#11) C(9) CM7(#11) CM(9) Major seventh ninth [M7(9)] 1+2+3+(5)+7 CM7(9) CM7(9) Sixth ninth [6(9)] Augmented [aug] 1+2+3+(5)+6 1+3+#5 C6(9) Caug C6(9) Caug Minor [m] Minor sixth [m6] Minor seventh [m7] Minor seventh flatted fifth [m7b5] Minor add ninth [m(9)] Minor seventh ninth [m7(9)] Minor seventh eleventh [m7(11)] Minor major seventh [mM7] 1+b3+5 1+b3+5+6 1+b3+(5)+b7 1+b3+b5+b7 1+2+b3+5 1+2+b3+(5)+b7 1+(2)+b3+4+5+(b7) 1+b3+(5)+7 Cm Cm6 Cm7 Cm7b5 Cm(9) Cm7(9) Cm7(11) CmM7 Cm Cm6 Cm7 Cm7(b5) Cm(9) Cm7(9) Cm7(11) CmM7 Minor major seventh ninth [mM7(9)] Diminished [dim] Diminished seventh [dim7] Seventh [7] Seventh suspended fourth [7sus4] Seventh flatted fifth [7b5] Seventh ninth [7(9)] Seventh add sharp eleventh [7(#11)] Seventh add thirteenth [7(13)] Seventh flatted ninth [7(b9)] Seventh add flatted thirteenth [7(b13)] Seventh sharp ninth [7(#9)] Major seventh augmented [M7aug] 1+2+b3+(5)+7 1+b3+b5 1+b3+b5+6 1+3+(5)+b7 1+4+5+b7 1+3+b5+b7 1+2+3+(5)+b7 1+2+3+#4+(5)+b7 or 1+(2)+3+#4+5+b7 1+ 3+(5)+6+b7 or 2+ 3+5+6+b7 1+b2+3+(5)+b7 1+3+5+b6+b7 (1)+#2+3+(5)+b7 1+3+#5+7 CmM7(9) Cdim Cdim7 C7 C7sus4 C7b5 C7(9) C7(#11) C7(13) C7(b9) C7(b13) C7(#9) CM7aug CmM7(9) Cdim Cdim7 C7 C7sus4 C7(b5) C7(9) C7(#11) C7(13) C7(b9) C7(b13) C7(#9) CM7aug (1)+3+#5+b7 1+4+5 1+2+5 C7aug Csus4 C/Csus2 C7aug Csus4 C Seventh augmented [7aug] 40 Suspended fourth [sus4] One plus two plus five [sus2] K AW_DP330_Manual_G06_150420 2015 4 20 10:28:39 44 43 42 2015/4/30 12:57:10 MIDI Implementierung MIDI Implementation Chart C M Y CM MY CY MY K 42 45 Skalen-Systeme Es gibt verschiedene Tonsysteme, die hauptsächlich durch ihre besonderen Intervalle gekennzeichnet sind. Die wohltemperierte Stimmung ist wohl die am weitesten verbreitete Stimmung, vor allem im westlichen Kulturkreis. Sie wird für die Stimmung von Klavieren und Keyboards benutzt und ist sehr variabel, insofern als alle Tonarten darauf gespielt werden können. Es gibt jedoch auch andere Stimmungen, die vor der Einführung der wohltemperierten Stimmung gebräuchlich waren und es in anderen Kulturkreisen auch noch sind. Das Piano verfügt über sechs verschiedene Tonsysteme. Pythagorean Die Pythagoreische Stimmung, benannt nach dem antiken Mathematiker und Philosophen Pythagoras, zeichnet sich durch Intervalle von reinen Quinten aus. Sie eignet sich für Musikstile, die Quinten als Wohlklang und Terzen als Dissonanz betrachten. Pure Major & Pure Minor Tonsysteme mit reiner Stimmung bestehen ausschließlich aus Intervallen, deren Frequenzverhältnisse die Quotienten kleiner ganzer Zahlen sind. Sie klingen ausgesprochen harmonisch und natürlich. Meantone Die mitteltönige Stimmung mit ihren reinen Terzen basiert auf dem pythagoreischen Prinzip und war im 16. Jahrhundert das gebräuchliche System beispielsweise für Kirchenorgeln. Sie klingt wundervoll und rein. Werckmeister Die nach Andreas Werkmeister benannte Skala war eine Weiterentwicklung der mitteltönigen Stimmung. Hier wird das pythagoreische Komma in vier gleiche Teile zerlegt indem bestimmte Quinten um ein Viertel Komma verkleinert werden. Diese Stimmung klingt typisch nach Klassizismus und Romantik. Kirnberger Auch diese Stimmung, entwickelt von Johann Kirnberger in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, ist eine Weiterentwicklung der mitteltönigen Stimmung. Sie klingt im Allgemeinen ausgewogener als die Werksmeister-Stimmung. Twelve-tone equal temperament Die Zwölftonreihe ist eine beliebige Anordnung der zwölf verschiedenen Tonhöhen der chromatischen Tonleiter in einem gleichschwebend temperierten Tonsystem. In einer Zwölftonkomposition darf ein Ton erst dann ein zweites Mal verwendet werden, wenn alle anderen Töne der Reihe bereits aufgetreten sind. 46 WEEE-Erklärung / Entsorgung Ihr Produkt wurde mit hochwertigen Materialien und Komponenten entworfen und hergestellt, die recyclebar sind und wieder verwendet werden können. Dieses Symbol bedeutet, dass elektrische und elektronische Geräte am Ende ihrer Nutzungsdauer vom Hausmüll getrennt entsorgt werden müssen. Bitte entsorgen Sie dieses Gerät bei Ihrer örtlichen kommunalen Sammelstelle oder im Recycling Center. Bitte helfen Sie mit, die Umwelt, in der wir leben, zu erhalten. ! Technische Änderungen und Änderungen im Erscheinungsbild vorbehalten. Alle Angaben entsprechen dem Stand bei Drucklegung. Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der enthaltenen Beschreibungen, Abbildungen und Angaben übernimmt Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH keinerlei Gewähr. Abgebildete Farben und Spezifikationen können geringfügig vom Produkt abweichen. Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH - Produkte sind nur über autorisierte Händler erhältlich. Distributoren und Händler sind keine Handlungsbevollmächtigten von Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH und haben keinerlei Befugnis, die Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH in irgendeiner Weise, sei es ausdrücklich oder durch schlüssiges Handeln, rechtlich zu binden. Diese Bedienungsanleitung ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Vervielfältigung, bzw. jeder Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, und jede Wiedergabe der Abbildungen, auch in verändertem Zustand, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Firma Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH gestattet. ! Herstellerangaben Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH Bernbeurener Strasse 11 86956 Schongau Telefon: 0049-909494-0 Telefax: 0049-909494-19 ! 47