Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”


Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 532968
© A. W.
Gustave Courbet
Jean Journet partant à la conquête de l’harmonie universelle (Jean Journet set forth to conquer the
universal harmony), 1850
Oil on canvas, 103.5 x 83.5 cm (with frame: 128 x 108.5 cm)
on recto, lower left, signed in red: “G. Courbet”
on verso, on stretcher, upper left, inscribed on blue framed label: “388”; centre, in pencil: “D1421”;
on frame, lower centre, inscribed in yellow: “8395”
By latest 1882: Collection Mazaroz (per exh. cat.)
Sale: Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 13/14 May 1890, lot 1
Mrs. Albert Esnault-Pelterie, Paris (per cat. rais.)
Possibly acquired by Hildebrandt Gurlitt in France in the 1940s (per Archives Diplomatiques, Paris)
By latest 1945: Hildebrand Gurlitt, Aschbach
1945–1950: Central Collecting Point Wiesbaden, no. WIE 1936
From 15 December 1950: Hildebrand Gurlitt, Dusseldorf
By descent to Cornelius Gurlitt, Munich/Salzburg
From 6 May 2014: Estate of Cornelius Gurlitt
7 July 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 532968
Bibliographical references:
Catalogue de tableaux anciens des écoles française, flamande et hollandaise: Tableaux modernes
parmi lesquels: 24 Œuvres importantes de G. Courbet formant la Collection de M. MazarozRibalier. Auct. cat., Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 13/14 May 1890. [lot 1]
Fernier, Robert. Peintures 1819–1865. Vol. 1 of La vie et l'œuvre de Gustave Courbet: Catalogue
raisonné. Lausanne: Bibliothèque des Arts, 1978. [no. 105, ill.]
Primary sources:
Business records Hildebrand Gurlitt – possible references:
Current (checking) account: 10 June 1943 [no. 74]
16 October 1943 [no. 74]
Condition Report, 18 February 2014, no. Wien-038
Cornelius Gurlitt Papers, Salzburg:
Photographs, nos. 17.1_F1723 [n.d.], 21.1_F2104 [n.d.]
Poem and lithography Jean Journet, no. 17.1_F1721 [n.d.]
Photographs, reference no. in process [n. d.]
Correspondence Hildebrand Gurlitt – possible reference:
29 December 1947 [vol. 8, fol. 306ff.]
Ministère des Affaires étrangeres, Archives Diplomatiques, Paris:
Achats allemands en France, no. 209SUP/824 [n.d.]
National Archives, College Park, Maryland (NARA):
NARA, M1947, Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, Property Card no. WIE 1936 (22 June 2016)
NARA, M1947, List of artworks removed from Neue Residenz Bamberg (...), Collection Gurlitt (22 June 2016)
NARA, M1946, List of artworks bought by Hildebrand Gurlitt in a foreign country, 3 October 1946 (22 June 2016)
NARA, M1947, Custom receipt for works of art, antiquities, or objects of cultural value,
Hildebrand Gurlitt, 15 December 1950 (22 June 2016)
Register of the Salzburg Estate, 2014, no. Wien-038
Further sources consulted:
Chasrel, T. “Gustave Courbet,” pp. 145–152. In: Ballue, A. ed. L’art revue hebdomadaire illustrée.
Vol. 4, no. 1, Paris: Librairie de l’Art, 1878.
Gros-Kost, Emile. Courbet: Souvenirs intimes. Paris: Derveaux, 1880.
Véron, Eugène. “Gustave Courbet: Un enterrement à Ornans,” pp. 232–234. In: Ballue, A., ed.
L'art revue hebdomadaire illustrée. Vol. 7, no. 4, Paris: Librairie de l’Art, 1881.
7 July 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 532968
Véron, Eugène. “Gustave Courbet,” pp. 225–228. In: Ballue, A., ed. L'art revue hebdomadaire
illustrée. Vol. 8, no. 2, Paris: Librairie de l’Art, 1882.
Muther, Richard, ed. Courbet. Berlin: Marquardt, 1908.
Duret, Théodore. “Gustave Courbet,” pp. 617–626. In: Kunst und Künstler: Illustrierte
Monatsschrift für bildende Kunst und Kunstgewerbe. No. 9, 1911.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Entwicklungsgeschichte der modernen Kunst. Vol. 1. Munich: Piper, 1914. [cf.
p. 36, Der Apostel Jean Journet, lithograph]
Gemälde moderner Meister aus der Sammlung des Herrn Albert Oss und aus norddeutschem
Privatbesitz. Auct. cat., F.A.C. Prestel, Frankfurt am Main, 9 March 1914.
Duret, Théodore. Courbet. Paris: Bernheim-Jeune & Cie, 1918. [cf. pl. XXXVIII, L’Apotre Jean
Journet, lithograph]
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Gustave Courbet. Munich: Piper, 1921.
Léger, Charles. Courbet. Paris: Les Éditions G. crès et Cie., 1929. [cf. p. 51, L’Apôtre Jean Journet,
Gemälde alter und neuer Meister aus Privatbesitz. Auct. cat., Dr. Schönemann Kunstauktionshaus,
Dusseldorf, 15 October 1932.
Gemälde alter und neuerer Meister: Dabei die Sammlung S. Auct. cat., Rudolph Lepke's KunstAuctions-Haus, Berlin, 21 November 1933.
Gustave Courbet. Exh. cat., Kunsthaus Zurich, 15 December 1935–31 March 1936.
Gemälde, antike Möbel, Antiquitäten, Chinakunst, Tapisserie, Savonnerie- u. Aubusson-Teppiche,
persische Teppiche, Stil-Möbel aus dem Besitz K. Auct. cat., Versteigerungshaus Union, Berlin, 31
May 1935.
Gustave Courbet: Acht Gemäldewiedergaben: Farbige Künstlermappe 71. Leipzig: Seemann, 1947.
Kotalik, Jiri. G. Courbet. Prague: Tvar, 1950.
Zahar, Marcel. Gustave Courbet. New York: Harper, 1950.
Klingenburg, Karl-Heinz, ed. Gustave Courbet: 10 farbige Gemäldewiedergaben: 4 einfarbige
Tafeln. Berlin: Henschelverlag, 1960.
Courthion, Pierre. L' opera completa di Courbet. Milano: Rizzoli, 1985.
Faunge, Sarah, and Linda Nochlin. Courbet Reconsidered. Exh. cat., Brooklyn Museum, New York,
October 1988–January 1989.
Herding, Klaus. Courbet to venture independence. New Haven/London: Yale University Press,
Zutter, Jörg, ed. Courbet: Artiste et promoteur de son œuvre. Exh. cat., Musée Cantonal des
Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 21 November 1998–21 February 1999, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, 25
March–30 May 1999.
Bajou, Valérie. Courbet. Paris: Adam Biro, 2003.
Font-Réaulx, Dominique, Laurence des Cars, and Michel Hilaire, eds. Gustave Courbet. Exh. cat.,
Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 13 October 2007–28 January 2008, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 27 February–18 May 2008, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, 14 June–28
September 2008. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008.
Arnoux, Mathilde, Dominique Font-Réaulx, and Laurence des Cars eds. Courbet à neuf! Actes du
colloque international organisé par le musée d'Orsay et le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art à
Paris: 6 and 7 December 2007. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2010.
Herding, Klaus, ed. Courbet: Ein Traum von der Moderne. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2010. [cf. fig. 4]
Riat, Georges. Courbet. New York: Parkstone International, 2011.
Archiv des Württembergischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege
7 July 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 532968
Archives of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Archives familiales Esnault-Pelterie, Geneva
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Jacques Seligmann & Co. Records
Bibliothèque de Génève
Cultural Plunder by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg: Database of Art Objects at the Jeu de
Database “Central Collecting Point München”
Database “Kunstsammlung Hermann Göring”
Getty Provenance Index, German Sales Catalogs
Lost Art
Répertoire des Biens Spoliés
Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie
Verzeichnis national wertvoller Kunstwerke (“Reichsliste von 1938”)
Witt Library
This work is included in the catalogue raisonné for Courbet by Fernier (1978).
Among the personal papers found in Cornelius Gurlitt’s Salzburg home is a collection of about
2400 photographs of artworks. Photograph no. 17.1_F1723, is a reproduction of this work;
inscribed on verso, references to related literature and a lithograph by Courbet with a similar
motive. Several interior shots of the Gurlitt family residence in Dusseldorf, show the artwork on
A note found in the Archives Diplomatiques in Paris suggests that this painting was bought by
Hildebrand Gurlitt in France. Investigations into a possible purchase through Theo Hermsen or
Raphaël Gérard are ongoing.
All rights to this report belong to the German Lost Art Foundation under whose administration the
“Gurlitt Provenance Research” project operates.
The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project, as the successor project of the Taskforce "Schwabing
Art Trove", focused exclusively on the provenance of the artwork described in this report. This
report does not purport to make pronouncements on any legal claims and legal positions.
Especially if individuals are referred to as descendants, this term is not based on a factual or legal
examination and is thus not binding. No liability will be accepted for conclusions drawn by the
addressee(s) or third parties based on this report.
The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
the information provided in this report. No liability will be accepted, in particular, for: the
accuracy of the used sources; the facts, analyses and conclusions contained therein; the
exhaustiveness of research and evaluation of the available source material; any analyses or
conclusions drawn from the sources in the course of research; the findings on the subject of the
report and how they were derived; the authenticity of the artwork, its attribution to a particular
artist, or its monetary value.
This is a first interim report with basic information, the artwork is currently undergoing in-depthresearch or will undergo in-depth-research at a later point in time. This report is based on the
7 July 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 532968
sources available at the time it was written. The conclusions drawn in this report may be revised,
should additional relevant material be discovered. The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project
welcomes any information that may augment or clarify the provenance of this work.
7 July 2016 (interim results)

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