Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”


Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 533094
© A. W.
Francesco Guiseppe Casanova
Chocs de cavalerie (Clash of the cavalry)
Red chalk and ink wash on paper, 234 x 374 mm (with mount: 332 x 450 mm)
on recto, centre, stamp: “PC” [Lugt 2073]; lower right, inscribed on mount: “Casanova”
on verso, lower left, inscribed in pencil: “196_99”
Pierre-Hippolyte Lemoyne, Paris ? (per inscription)
M. Siffre (per Prat)
Coll. Marquis de Chennevières (acquired from “Gasté”) (per Cornelius Gurlitt Papers)
Sale: Vente Chennevières, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 5–6 May 1898, lot 27 (per Prat)
Acquired at the above sale: Paul Oulmont (per Prat & Archives de Paris)
Georges Bourgarel (per Prat)
Sale: Vente Bourgarel, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 15–16 June 1922, lot 24
Acquired at the above sale: Roger Delapalme, Paris (per Archives de Paris & Cornelius Gurlitt
Acquired after February 1941: Hildebrand Gurlitt, Hamburg
By descent to Cornelius Gurlitt, Munich/Salzburg
From 6 May 2014: Estate of Cornelius Gurlitt
Bibliographical references:
Catalogue des dessins, aquarelles, pastels et gouaches […]. Auct. cat., Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 5–6
May 1898. [lot 27, ill., together with Lost Art-ID 533089]
Lugt, Frits. Les Marques de Collections de Dessins & d’Estampes. 1st ed., Amsterdam: Vereenigde
Drukkerijen, 1921; supplement, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1956. [no. L.2073] (3 March 2016)
Catalogue du Cabinet de Dessins du XVIIIe siècle de M. Georges Bourgarel. Auct. cat., Hôtel
Drouot, Paris, 15–16 June 1922. [lot 24, ill.]
20 October 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 533094
Prat, Louis-Antoine, and Laurence Lhinares. La collection Chennevières: Quatre siècle de dessin
francais. Paris: Musée du Louvre, 2007. [no. 1093, as Mêlée des cavaliers, fig. 1093]
Primary sources:
Archives de Paris:
Procès-verbal de la vente Chennevières, no. D48E3 82
Procès-verbal de la vente Bourgarel, no. D42E3 147
Condition Report, 4 April 2014, no. Wien-196_99
Cornelius Gurlitt Papers, Salzburg:
Appraisal François Max-Kann, no. 12_1227 [25 February 1941]
Supplement List François Max-Kann [“Betr. Dr. Gurlitt”], reference no. in process [n.d.]
Photographs, no. 10_F1079 [10 June 1942]
List, no. N_1826_37_0038 [10 November 1989], [item no. 31]
Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie. The Hague:
Italien 2, Carif–Casanova, Folder: Francesco Casanova
Register of the Salzburg Estate, 2014, no. Wien-196_99
Further sources consulted (selected):
Catalogue d'une Collection d'Estampes choisies et bien conservées de toutes les Ecoles, Livres
d'estampes et arts, Desseins, et d'une Collection très rare de monnoies et medailles en or et en
argent, delaissée par feu Jean Casanova, Professeur et Directeur de l'Academie Electorale de
Dresde, dont la Vente publique se fera au plus Offrant et contre Payement comptant à Dresde.
Auct. cat., Henri Gotthelf Lindner, Paris, 16 January 1797.
Catalogue de tableaux, dessins, estampes, livres d´architecture et objets de curiosité du cabinet de
feu Pierre-Hippolyte Lemyone. Auct. cat., Hôtel Bullion, Paris, 19 May 1828. [possibly lot 165, as
Deux petites batailles]
Katalog zur Auktion alter Gemälde der ehem. Jägerschen Sammlung: enthaltend Werke von Aigen,
Blaas, Brand, Bronkhorst, Carolus, Carracci, Casanova, Dichtl, Francken d. J., Füger, Hamilton,
Lachtropius, Megan, Rotta, Vernet u. a. Auct. cat., Dorotheum, Vienna, 16 November 1904.
Annuaire de la curiosité et des beaux-arts et de la bibliophilie, vols. 1911–1940. Paris: LibrairiesImprimeries réunis.
Tabarant. “Curiosité,“ pp. 284-285. In: Le bulletin de la vie artistique, Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 15
online:;0 (20 October 2016)
Mathéy, Georg Alexander, ed. Casanova und die LIA. Leipzig: Verein Leipziger Jahresausstellung
LIA, 1927.
Katalog zur Auktion alter Gemälde der ehem. Jägerschen Sammlung: enthaltend Werke von Aigen,
Blaas, Brand, Bronkhorst, Carolus, Carracci, Casanova, Dichtl, Francken d. J., Füger, Hamilton,
Lachtropius, Megan, Rotta, Vernet u. a. Auct. cat., Dorotheum, Vienna, 16 November 1904.
Mathéy, Georg Alexander, ed. Casanova und die LIA. Leipzig: Verein Leipziger Jahresausstellung
LIA, 1927.
Kuhn, Brigitte. Der Landschafts- und Schlachtenmaler Francesco Casanova. Vol. 37 of Wiener
Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Vienna: Bohlau, 1984.
20 October 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 533094
Kanz, Roland. Giovanni Battista Casanova (1730–1795): eine Künstlerkarriere in Rom und Dresden.
Munich and Paderborn: Fink, 2008.
Tortarolo, Edoardo. Diesseits und jenseits der Alpen: deutsche und italienische Kultur im 18.
Jahrhundert. Leipzig: Leipziger Univ.-Verl., 2011.
Kanz, Roland. Die Brüder Casanova: Künstler und Abenteurer. Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag,
Archives nationales, Paris
Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Paris
Bundesarchiv Berlin
Bundesarchiv Freiburg
Bundesarchiv Koblenz
Business records Hildebrand Gurlitt
Correspondence Hildebrand Gurlitt
Cultural Plunder by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg: Database of Art Objects at the Jeu de
Database “Central Collecting Point München”
Database “Kunstsammlung Hermann Göring”
Getty Provenance Index, German Sales Catalogs
Institut national d´histoire de l´art, Paris
Lost Art
Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Archives diplomatiques, Paris
Politische Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes, Berlin
Répertoire des Biens Spoliés
Verzeichnis national wertvoller Kunstwerke (“Reichsliste von 1938”)
Witt Library
Zentralinstitut des internationalen Kunsthandel, Munich
This work is the companion piece of Casanovas drawing Chocs de cavalerie (Lost Art ID 533089).
Among the personal papers found in Cornelius Gurlitt’s Salzburg home is a collection of about
2400 photographs of artworks. Photograph no. 10_F1079, is a reproduction of this work; inscribed
on verso, a statement of authenticity by art expert François Max-Kann, Paris dated 10 June 1942.
Roger Delapalme (1892 Paris–1969 Paris) was the son of the public notary Pierre-Marie
Delapalme. Roger Delapalme was professionally employed in the management of the Compagnie
des Courtiers Jurés d’assurances, an insurance company, where he served first as Treasurer and
then as Deputy Director. His wife Yvonne was the daughter of Henry Chabert, the director of the
Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas.
The extant papers of Cornelius Gurlitt contain an inventory of art works said to belong to Roger
Delapalme of Paris, 65, rue La Boëtie, as appraised by the art expert François Max-Kann in early
1941. This appraisal itemizes 40 lots (comprising a total of 44 artworks), including this Casanova
While the exact circumstances of the transaction are not yet known, it is most likely that Gurlitt
acquired these works after February 1941, possibly through Max-Kann who may have acted as
20 October 2016 (interim results)
© Project “Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt”
Object record excerpt for Lost Art ID: 533094
A reference to one Casanova drawing titled Schlachtscene can be found in the papers of Cornelius
All rights to this report belong to the German Lost Art Foundation under whose administration the
“Gurlitt Provenance Research” project operates.
The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project, as the successor project of the Taskforce "Schwabing
Art Trove", focused exclusively on the provenance of the artwork described in this report. This
report does not purport to make pronouncements on any legal claims and legal positions.
Especially if individuals are referred to as descendants, this term is not based on a factual or legal
examination and is thus not binding. No liability will be accepted for conclusions drawn by the
addressee(s) or third parties based on this report.
The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
the information provided in this report. No liability will be accepted, in particular, for: the
accuracy of the used sources; the facts, analyses and conclusions contained therein; the
exhaustiveness of research and evaluation of the available source material; any analyses or
conclusions drawn from the sources in the course of research; the findings on the subject of the
report and how they were derived; the authenticity of the artwork, its attribution to a particular
artist, or its monetary value.
This is a first interim report with basic information, the artwork is currently undergoing in-depthresearch or will undergo in-depth-research at a later point in time. This report is based on the
sources available at the time it was written. The conclusions drawn in this report may be revised,
should additional relevant material be discovered. The “Gurlitt Provenance Research” project
welcomes any information that may augment or clarify the provenance of this work.
20 October 2016 (interim results)