Determination of conjugated oestrogens in maternal blood plasma
Determination of conjugated oestrogens in maternal blood plasma
G. Schulerand B. Hoffmann Pferdeheilkunde15 (1999)6 (November/Dezember) 627-629 Determinationof conjugatedoestrogensin maternal blood plasmaand urinefor pregnancydiagnosisand monitoringof foetal well-beingin the mare G. Schu/erand 8. Hoffmann Klinik fürGeburtshilfe, Gynäkologie undAndrologie derGroß-undKlentiere mlttierärztlicher Ambulanz, nivers JustusLiebig-U tätGressen Summary Dueto the distinctdifferences of oestrogen concentrations in pregnant and nonpregnantanimalsthe radioimmunological determination of conjugated oestrogens in maternalbloodplasmaor serumjs a highJy reliable methodfor pregnancy in maresduringthe interval diagnosis production corresponding to the phaseof placental oestrogen As betweenarounddays70 80 aftermating/insemination and parturition. placental providedby thefoetalgonads,anylossof foetalvitalityis strictlyassociated oestrogen biosynthesis witha dependson precursors placentaloestrogenproduction. decreased Therefore, oestrogen of foetalwellconcentrations are a usefulparameter for the monitoring production beingin casesof unclearsymptomsof impairedpregnancy. Priorto the onsetof placental oestrogen determination of ovarian pregnancy estronesulfatecan alsobe applied(> day40).However, diagnosis maybe problematic valuesbedue to slightlyoverlapping tween1 ng/mlto 2.5 ng/mllikewise occurring in maresat oestrusanda minorfractionof pregnant mares.Thedetermination of urinaryconcanbe usedas a non-invasive alternative to the measurement in bloodplasmawithinthe interval to the correspondlng lugatedoestrogens phaseof placental (> day80).Prelimlnary productionbetweendays40 oestrogenproduction resultsalsosuggestthat ovarianoestrogen and 80 aftermating(insemination) maybe monitored for pregnancy diagnosis, but the preliminary cut-offlevelat 175 ng/mlneedsfurther confirmation. Keywords: horse,pregnancydiagnosis,oestrogens,blood,urine Messung konjugierter Blut- und Harnöstrogene zur Graviditätsdiagnoseund Überwachung der Fetusvitalität beim Pferd Die kächtigkeitsspezifische Ostrogenproduktion der Stute kann entsprechendder Ostrogenquellenin zwei Phaseneingeteiltwerden. In der ersten Phasefindet sich im peripherenmaternalenPlasmanach einem erstenAnstieg um den 40. Graviditätstageine leichteErhöhungder Estronsulfatkonzentrationen von Basalniveau(< 0,5 nglml)auf 1,5-10 ng/ml bis zum ca. 70.-80. Graviditätstag.Als Ostrogenquellefungiert hierbeidas Ovar. In der folgendenplazentarenPhase kommt es im maternalenBlutplasmazu einem steilenAnstieg der Konzentrationen konjugierterOstrogeneauf Maximalwerteum 700 ng/ml in der Graviditätsmitte, gefolgtvon einemallmählichenAbfaltauf Werte um 50-100 ng/ml unmittelbarvor der Geburt. Unter der Geburtfallendie Ostrogenkonzentrationen weiter steil auf Basalnjveauab. Aufgrundder außerordentlichhohen Ostrogenkonzentrationen in der plazentarenPhase stellt die radioimmunologische BestimmungkonjugierterOstrogenein Blutplasmaoder -serumab dem 80. Tag nach der Bedeckung/Besamung eine äußerstzuverlässigeN4ethode zur hormonellenTrächtgkeitsdiagnosedar. Da die Präkursorender plazentarenOstrogeneden fetalenGonadenentstammen,ist eine Beeinträchtigungder Vitalitätdes Fohlensstets mit einem Abfallder plazentarenÖstrogeneverbunden.Dahereignetsich die Östrogenbestimmung auch zur lrächtigkeitsü berwachungin FällenunklarerSymptomeeinesdrohendenAbortes.Auch zwischendem 40.-80. Graviditätstagist in den allermeistenFällen eine Trächtigkeitsdiagnose anhand der BestimmungkonjugierterOstrogenemöglich.Schwierigkeitenkönnen sich hier in einzelnenFälen durch die geringfügigüberlappendenl.4eRwerte rossigerbzw. frühgraviderStuten im Bereichzwischen1,0 und 2,5 ng/ml ergeben.Neben der Bestimmungim Blutplasmakann in dem der plazentarenPhaseentsprechendenZeitraumauch die lvlessungkonjugierterÖstrogeneim Urin als nicfrtinvasive alternativeMethodeangewandtwerden. VorläufigeErgebnissedeuten an, daß auch in der der ovariellenPhase entsprechendenZeitspanneOag 40 80) anhandder Ostrogenkonzentrationen im UrineineAussagehinsichtlichdes BestehenseinerGravidität möglichist. Der vorläufigeGrenzwertvon 175 ng/ml bedarfjedocheinerweiterenBestätigungdurch einegrößereAnzahLvonTieren. Schlüsselwörter: Pferd,Trächtigkeitsdiagnose, Ostrogene,Blut, Urin Introduction Due to the limitedbreedingseasonan accuratepregnancy diagnosisas soon as possibleafterthe last matingor inseminationis of outstandingimportancefor horse breeders. Ultrasonography-aided rectal palpation has become the standardmethod which allowspreciseand earlyconfirmation of singletonand twin pregnanciesfrom day 1B onward concomitantwith the orovisionof informationabout the viability of the foetus (McKinnonet al., 1993; Shideler, 1993). However,in spite of this situationthere is stillroom for hormonal pregnancydiagnosiswhich may be even more advantageousin ceftainsituationssuch as pregnancydiagno'15 Pferdeheilkunde sis in vicious mares or if the investigationmust be performed under otherwise unsuitableconditions, in small racesand donkeysand in animalswith injuredrectum,Furthermore,hormonalpregnancydiagnosiscan be used to verifythe diagnosisin cases of uncertainrectal diagnosis, especiallyat later stages of pregnancywhen the enlarged uterusis not sufficiently accessibleto examination.Hormonal pregnancydiagnosismay also be an alternativefor less experienced, non-specialised practitioners in doubtful cases. Moreover,there is an increasinginterestof horse ownersin non-invasive and thereforemore economicalme- 627 Determinatton of conjugatedoestrogensin maternalbloodplasmaand urinefor pregnancydiagnosis thods. Non-invasivemethods are also of soecialinterestin wild equids or zoo animals.Severalmethods of hormonal pregnancydiagnosisin horsesare availablesuch as progesterone measurementin blood at the time of the next oestrus in case of unsuccessfulbreeding,the detection of equine chorionicgonadotrophinin blood (Hoffmannet al., 1996),the measurementof pregnancy-associated oestrogens in blood, urine (Schuler,1998)or faeces (Möstl et al., 1983; Palme et al., 19Bg) or the determinationof faecal concentrationsof pregnancy-specificgestagens (Schwarzenbergeret al., 19Bg).Inour laboratory,hormonalpregnancy diagnosisis routinelyperformedby radioimmunological determinationof total estrone in blood plasma or serum, - in urine. and - as a non-invasive alternative In the mare largeamountsof oestrogensare producedduring pregnancywith sulfoconjugatedforms dominatingby far over free ones (Hoffmannet al., 1996).Equinepregnancy associated oestrogen production can be divided into two phases accordingto the source of oestrogens.A first rise of ovarianoriginfrom basal levelsbelow 0.5 ng/ml up to plasmaconcentrationsbetween 1 .5-10 ng/ml commences around day 40 of gestation (Daelset al., 1990; Hoffmann et al., 1996),followedby a plateauuntil around day BO,when placentaloestrogenproductronincreasessharply providingplasma concentrationsup to values around 700 ng/ml at midgestation,Thereafteroestrogenconcentrations reachingvaluesof about 100 ng/ml in declineprogressively the last week of gestation.The final drop occurs immediately prior to parturitionand baselinelevelsare reached1-2 days post partum (Hoffmannet al., 1996).Since in the horse oestrogensare predominantlyexcretedvia the urine (Palme et al., 7996),the urinaryoestrogenprofileis basicallyidenti ca l to t he one in blo o d o l a s m a b u t o n a 1 0 0 -1 0 00-fol d higherlevel(Evanset al., 1984; Monfort et al., 1991). tion and adjustmentto RIA conditionswere achievedby the additionof 20 pl 0.8 N HCI and 20 prlconcentratedphosphate buffer (8.356 g NarHPOo,2.686 g KH2PO4,and 0.325 g NaN.).Dependingon the stage of gestationthe redissolvedsamoles were then further diluted orior to RlA. W hen taki ng1.0 ml as a starti ngposi ti onthe fi naldilut ions vari ed betw een 1:5 and 1:1000. In order to obtai n exact values in case of low oestrogenconcentrations,the 1:5dilution was measured of each sample, irrespectiveof the assumed stage of gestation.Paired dilutionsof 1:5 and 1:5OOwere chosen for samples provided without any anamnesticinformation.The antiserumused was directed againstestrone(Hoffmannet al., 1994)andexhibitedthe followingcross reactions:estrone:1OOyo, equilenine23.83o/o, equi l i ne: 7 .21o/o,estradi ol -17B :1.94o/o,estradiol- 17a: 1.O2yo,estriol:0.06%, Concentrationsof estrone equivalentswere calculatedby comparisonwith a standardcurve consistingof eight standardsbetween 20 fmol and 3200 fmol estrone/tube.Intra- and interassaycoefficientsof variationvaried between 9.4% and 12.5%. Classificationof estroneconcentrationsas indicativefor pregnancywas based on the data of Hoffmannet al. fi99d. Determinationof pregnancy-specificoestrogens in urine The procedurefor the measurementof pregnancyassociated oestrogensin urine was identicalto the method described above for the determinationin blood olasma and serum. Due to the considerablyhigher oestrogenconcentrati onsi n uri ne,di l uti onsof 1: 500 and 1:50000w er e chosen for all urinesamoles. Results and discussion Due to the distinct differencesof oestrogen concentrations in pregnantand non-pregnantmares the determinationof conjugatedoestrogensin maternalblood plasmais a highly Determination of pregnancy-specific oestrogens in blood reliablemethod for pregnancydiagnosisduring the phase pnsma or serum of placentaloestrogenproductionlastingfrom around day (RlA)used for the determinationof The radioimmunoassay 70-80 of gestationuntil parturition.As placentaloestrogen pregnancyassociatedoestrogenswas adopted from Gentz biosynthesisdependson precursorsprovidedby the foetal (1994)and modifiedfor routineperformance.Since in the gonads (reviewedby Möstl, 1994),any loss of foetal vitality mare sulfoconjugatedforms dominate by far over the free strictlycoincideswith a decreasedplacentaloestrogenproones, no separate estimationof free and conjugatedoestduction (Kasmanet al., 19BB;Hoffmannet al., 1996).Thus, rogens was intended and they were determinedas total oestrogen concentrationsare a useful parameter for the estrone equivalentsafter hydrolysisof the conjugates.For monitoringof foetal well-beingin cases of unclear symphydrolysisof conjugatedoestrogens,160 pl 625 mM acetoms and suspected impaired pregnancies.Accordingly, tate buffer pH 4.8 and 50 pl dilutedB-glucuronidase-aryl- with the exceptionof one case, all maresexhibitingestrone sulfatase from helix pomatia (Serva Feinbiochemika concentrationsclearly below the respective normal range Gmb H& Co,D- 69155 H e i d e l b e rgd; i l u te d 1 :2 5 i n 0 .15 M aborted within one to five days. The exceptionrefersto one NaCl),were added to plasma or serum samples (0.a ml). mare which gave birthto an abnormallysmallbut viablefoal After an overnightincubationat 37'C oestrogenswere exafter a prolongedgestationof 420 days. There subnormal tracted with toluene.To ensureredissolution of the extracconcentrationsof estrone equivalentsaround 3-6 ng/ml ted oestrogens,160 pl 0.1 N NaOH with 0,1%oraI serumal(normalrange:50-200 ng/ml)were observedin the lasttwo bumin were added to the evaporatedsampleswhich were weeks of gestation.On the other hand, mares with threathen incubatedfor 20 min at room temoerature.Neutralisa- tened aborlionsshowinq normal oestrooenconcentrations Material and methods 628 P ferdehei l k unde15 G. Schulerand B. Hoffmann maintainedpregnancythroughoutthe time of observationin the clinic,Apaft from subnormaloestrogenconcentrations also extraor{rnarilyhigh values can be indicativefor impaired gestation(Hoffmannet al., 1996),Furthermore,twin pregnanciesare associatedwith oestrogenlevelsin the upper range. Priorto the onset of placentaloestrogenproductiondeterminationof estronesulfateof ovarianorigincan also be applied, However,pregnancydiagnosismay be problematic due to slightlyoverlappingvalues between 1 to 2.5 ng/ml likewise occurring in mares at oestrus (Makawiti et al., 1983; Koskinenet al., 19Bg)and a minor fractionof eCGpositivemares (Schuler, 1998). However, since the detection of eCG and not the positiveoutcome of gestationwas used to classifyanimalsas pregnant,no informationis available if pregnancywas still intact at the time of testing as eCG productioncan persistfor a relativelylong time after foetal death (Hoffmannet al,, 1996). Hence the ,,true"cutoff level might be somewhat higher.This is indicatedby preliminaryresultsfrom the additionalprogesteronedeterminationin cases of doubtfuloestrogenconcentrations; all samplestested for progesteronebecauseof oestrogenlevels within the overlappingrange exhibitedconcentrations whichwere not consistentwith earlypregnancy(< 1.5 ng/ml; Hoffmannet al., 1996). The same radioimmunological method is applicablefor the determinationof urinaryoestrogenswhich allows the replacement of the overcome chemical assays of Cuboni (1934)or Rommel (1964).Due to the extremelyhigh concentrationsexceeding56 pg/ml at midgestationthe determinationof urinaryoestrogenlevelsis a very reliablemepregnancydiagnosis. thod for non-invasive Firstresultsof urinaryoestrogendetermination also suggest that ovarianoestrogenproduction between days 50 and BO may be monitoredfor pregnancy aftermating(insemination) preliminary however, diagnosis; the cut-off level at 175 ng/ml needsfurtherconfirmation. ring normaland impairedpregnancyin the mare. Reprod.Dom. A n i m .3 1 , 7 1 7 - 7 2 3 Kasman,L.H., Hughes,J.P., Stabenfeldt,G.H., Starr, M.D. and Lasley, B.L. (1988):Estronesulfateconcentrationsas an indicatorof fetaldemisein horses.Am. J. 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Hoffmann Klinikfür Geburtshilfe Gynäkologieund Andrologie der Groß- und Kleintieremit tierärztlicherAmbulanz J ustus -Liebig - Universitäl Giessen FrankfurterStraße 106 35392 Gießen Tel.:06 41 - 993 87 04 Fax:0641 - 993 87 09 629