Research Bulletin - Bangor University


Research Bulletin - Bangor University
Issue 6
July 2014
College of Arts and Humanities
Research Bulletin
Bangor scholar’s editions performed in the Czech Republic
Special points of
 Dr Andrew McStay
has been promoted to
Senior Lecturer on
the basis of excellence in research.
 Joanna Wright was
awarded the Theodore
Randall International
Chair at Alfred University, SUNY, USA.
 Dr Vian Bakir takes
over Directorship of
the MPC network
from Dr Andy
McStay, while Andy
is on Study Leave
(until Jan 2015).
Rare gems by Jacobus de Kerle
could be heard in concerts in
Brno (4 April) and Rajhrad Monastery (6 April). Under the expert
direction of Vladimír Maňas
(Masaryk University Brno), En-
bers of the research network Musica Rudolphina – joined hands to
revive two exquisite works by
Jacobus de Kerle, who served as
Chaplain in the Imperial Chapel.
The motet Media vita (‘In the
semble Versus (and guests) performed Kerle’s motets Media vita
and Adoramus te Christe, both
midst of life we are in death’)
was first published in Kerle’s
collection of motets, Selectae
Quaedam Cantiones Sacrae
(Nuremberg, 1571). The devotional Adoramus te Christe (We
adore Thee, O Christ) appeared in
1585 in Prague with a dedication
to the newly elected Pope Sixtus
edited by Dr Christian T. Leitmeir, the leading author ity on the
Flemish composer.
The concert Holy W eek in
Rajhrad around 1600 grew out of
the interdisciplinary research
project, which explores the Benedictine Abbey of Rajhrad as a
cultural phenomenon. Maňas and
Leitmeir – both founding mem-
Live recordings of these works
can be found at http://
v=am0_DD2v4K4 (first modern
Inside this issue:
Grant Capture
Invited Talks
Conference Papers
External Offices &
North American collaborative events on Welsh culture & history
Following the success of the
NAASWCH (North American
Association for the Study of
Welsh Culture and History) conference in Bangor in 2012, eleven
members of staff and postgraduate students from the College of
tion in this event is by far the
largest in Wales and further
strengthens links between the
Arts and Humanities will be travelling to Kingston, Ontario in
July to present papers at the 2014
conference. Bangor’s participa-
already developed plans for hosting another NAASWCH conference at Bangor in 2015.
College and the Association. Dr
Andrew Edwards and Dr Mari
Wiliam, both member s of the
NAASWCH executive, have
Research Bulletin
Essays in memory of Duncan Tanner (1958–2010)
Caption describing picture or graphic.
Dr Andrew Edwards and Dr
Chris Williams (Cardiff) have
now completed work on the
edited festschrift in memory
of the late Professor Duncan
Tanner. The volume, The A rt
of the Possible: Politics and
Governance in Modern British History: Essays in memory
of Duncan Tanner (1958–
2010) is being published by
Manchester University Press
and it is hoped that the book
will be launched before the
end of the year at an event in
British Academy and Welsh Crucible successes
Ineke Mennen was
awarded a BA MidCareer Fellowship
Jonathan Ervine was
selected as one of only 30
participants for this
year’s ‘Welsh Crucible’
Professor Ineke Mennen was
awarded a British Academy
Mid-Career Fellowship for her
project ‘The nature of prosodic
difficulties in second language
learning: the case of Welsh
stress’. Professor Mennen’s
success has come in the face of
very strong competition: 274
applications were submitted for
assessment at the outline stage,
and the Academy has been able
to make just 38 offers of award
at this stage, giving a success
rate of under 15% overall. This
BA Mid-Career Fellowship
(£131,737) will release Professor Mennen from teaching and
administration for a year, and
will culminate in the publication of a teaching resource for
learners of Welsh.
Dr Jonathan Ervine was selected as one of only 30 participants for this year’s ‘Welsh
Crucible’, an award-winning
programme of personal, professional and leadership development for the future research
leaders of Wales. He has attended two-day events in both Cardiff and Bangor and will be
attending a final two-day event
in Swansea in July.
Expert voices on BBC Radio
In January 2014 Dr Andrew
Edwards pr esented the last
episode of the second series of
BBC Radio Wales’s ‘Histories
of Wales’ on the theme of
‘Thatcher’s Wales’. The research for the project emanated
from Dr Edwards’s ongoing
research into the history of
Wales during the 1980s and the
Page 2
programme featured interviews
with prominent Welsh politicians including Lord Dafydd
Elis-Thomas, Lord Barry Jones
and Glyn Davies.
Professor Vyv Evans appeared on BBC Radio 4’s the
‘Word of Mouth’ programme
on 29 April, as the lead expert
being interviewed on aspects
of language and time, for a
programme focusing on time.
Dr Jonathan Ervine was
interviewed about football and
racism in France on the BBC
Radio Wales programme
‘Good Evening Wales’ on 18
June 2014.
Issue 6
Furthering links with prestigious institutions
In January 2014 Dr Andrew
Edwards and Dr Mari Wiliam pr esented invited paper s
at the ‘Regions in the European
Context: Wales, Nation and
Identity in the 20th Century’
seminar held at the Basque
Parliament in Vitoria, further
developing Bangor’s existing
links with the University of the
Basque Country. Dr Edwards
and Dr Wiliam are currently in
discussion with colleagues in
the Basque Country regarding
further collaborative events (to
take place late 2014/early
Dr Katharine Olson was
awarded a Visiting Fellowship
to St John’s College, Oxford for
six weeks (to be taken up in
August to mid September 2014.
Network for Media and Persuasive Communication
The Network for Media and
Persuasive Communication
(MPC) has won the competition
to host the Political Studies
Association Media and Politics
Group annual conference here
at Bangor in November 2014.
The conference is themed on
Media, Persuasion & Human
Rights, although we will accept
all papers on any aspect of me-
dia and politics. All Bangor
staff are invited to attend (for
free!) – for more info go to
Vian Bakir takes
over Directorship of
the MPC network
while Andy McStay is
on Study Leave
Artistic exhibitions and commissions
Joanna Wright was commissioned to produce a film for 94
Elements An International Interactive Documentary supported by The Wellcome Trust.
Joanna Wright was also commissioned to produce a new
work by Arts Council Wales.
Page 3
Joanna Wright held an Exhibition at Forward Looking
Southampton Solent Gallery.
Delegates from the film training programme out on location
filming in Bangor.
See more at: http://
Research Bulletin
Conferences Organized
The GDR Today: 10 January 2014
A postgraduate conference coorganized by Dr Anna Saun-
ders (Modern Languages) with
colleagues from Bristol and
Birmingham and held at the
University of Birmingham. The
event secured funding from the
Institute of German Studies,
Birmingham, and welcomed 17
PhD students from the UK,
Germany, Austria, France, the
USA and Ireland to present
papers on research topics related to the GDR. The intention is
to repeat the event within the
next two years, in order to build
up a network of early career
researchers working on questions of GDR history and
International Women’s Day: 8 March 2014
“Lifelong Learning
worked with the North
Wales Women’s
Centre in Rhyl, BOCS
artists’ co-operative
based in Caernarfon
and BAWSO north
Shan Ashton and the MA
Women’s studies team from
Lifelong Learning organized
the International Women’s Day
event again this year. A partnership approach to the day was
adopted and Lifelong Learning
worked with the North Wales
Women’s Centre in Rhyl,
BOCS artists’ co-operative
based in Caernarfon and BAW-
SO north Wales. A wide range of
events were held from an exhibition of local women artists’
work / art about women; a film
night; a creative writing workshop to gigs with Banda Bacana
and Kizzy Crawford to a women’s enterprise fair; an afternoon
of talks around the topic Women
in Times of Austerity and a session on women into STEM sub-
jects. Annie Williams and Shan
Ashton fr om the MA Women’s Studies programme and
Glory Voma fr om BAWSO
each gave talks on the key topic. Total audience figures
topped 250 throughout the
week, with a hundred attending
the main event in the University.
City Margins – City Memories: 7-8 April 2014
An international, interdisciplinary conference co-organized
by Dr Anna Saunders with
colleagues from the School of
Modern Languages and School
of Philosophy & Religion
(Nicki Frith, Laura Rorato,
Lucy Huskinson and Gillian
Jein) and held at the Institute
of Modern Languages Research, London. This two-day
conference received funding
from the CAH research fund
and OPUS, and welcomed 37
speakers from a wide range of
Page 4
destinations, including the
USA, Canada, India and several
European countries. Keynote
speakers were Professor Bill
Marshall (IMLR/Stirling) who
spoke on the ‘Charms and Perils of Verticality’ and Professor
Hugh Campbell (UCD), whose
paper was entitled ‘Shooting in
the Margins: The Realm of the
Urban Photographer’. As a
truly interdisciplinary conference, speakers came from a
wide range of disciplines, from
Modern Languages and Litera-
tures to Architecture, Photography, Philosophy, Film Studies, and Museum Studies. Two
resulting publications are
planned and are currently in
Early Medieval Wales
Archaeology Research
Professor Nancy Edwards
was co-organizer (with Marion
Page and Dr Jemma Bezant) at
Trinity Saint David (Lampeter
Campus) in March.
Issue 6
Conferences Organized
Early Modern Soundscapes: 24-25 April 2014
This was an interdisciplinary
symposium, bringing together
scholars working in the fields
of early modern literary studies,
musicology and history to interrogate our understanding of the
early modern soundscape, questioning issues of orality, sounds
and the transmission of language and music. Professor
Helen Wilcox (School of English) delivered the first keynote,
on early modern notions of the
relationship between words and
music. Professors Jennifer
Richards (Newcastle) and Richard Wistreich (Royal Northern
College of Music) delivered the
Society for Renaissance Studies
Annual Welsh Lecture on the
topic of Renaissance voices,
and the conceptual issues that
underlie attempts to uncover
ways of reading aloud and of
singing in the early modern
period. Professor Tess
Knighton (Institució Milá i
Fontanals, Barcelona) gave the
final plenary on performing
music for the dead in sixteenthcentury Barcelona. Papers
brought to the fore the diversity
of scholarship and engagement
with sound and its transmission:
notable threads included the
sounds of urban space, the sacred soundscape, language and
language learning, contrafacta
music in both sacred and secular music (as well as the blurring of distinctions between the
two) and the difficulties of reengaging with past utterances.
The symposium unearthed the
noisiness of early modern Europe and included a panel given
by members of Bangor’s Centre
for Research in Early Music
(CREaM). Funding was secured
from the Society for Renaissance Studies, who sponsored
the Annual Welsh Lecture, and
speakers came from continental
Europe, North America and
Shan Ashton
Dr Vian Bakir
Joanna Wright
£5,000 from Women’s Equality
Network Wales and the Welsh
Government for Lifelong
Learning to host an International Women’s Day Programme
during March 2014.
£400 ESRC Global Uncertainties Leadership fund – to participate in a 3-day retreat on propaganda.
SIP grant to work with Zero
Carbon Britain research project
(£2500); Arts Council Wales
award (£5000); BFI Film Hub
grant for Documentary Wales/
Dogfen Cymru screenings in
Grant Capture
Page 5
Early Modern
Soundscapes brought
together scholars
working in the fields
of early modern
literary studies,
musicology and
Research Bulletin
Invited Talks
Dr Vian Bakir
Prof. Nancy Edwards
Prof. Astrid Ensslin
 Participant in a round table
 ‘Viking Identities and Tradi-
 Invited paper on teaching
discussion on Spooks and
Hacks at London South Bank
University’s Centre for Media
& Culture Research (April
tions in North-East Wales: The
Talacre Burial in Context’,
Early Medieval Wales Archaeology Research Group (March
 ‘Agenda-building struggles in
 ‘The Early Medieval Sculp-
massively multiplayer online
games in MOOCs (massive
open online courses) at the
‘Computer Gaming Across
Cultures’ symposium, New
Delhi (8 January 2014).
the War on Terror: Secrecy,
Silences and Persuasive Misdirection’, Research Symposium
on Spooks and Hacks, London
South Bank University (April
ture of Wales: Text, Pattern and
Image’, Kathleen Hughes Memorial Lecture at University of
Cambridge Dept of AngloSaxon, Norse and Celtic with
Hughes Hall (April 2014).
 ‘The Early Medieval Sculp-
Dr Andrew Edwards
 ‘Contemplating the Welsh
political landscape’, paper presented at a seminar on ‘Regions
in the European Context:
Wales, Nation and Identity in
the 20th Century’ held at the
Basque Parliament in Vitoria
(January 2014).
ture of Denbighshire and the
Pillar of Eliseg’, Cymdeithas
Hanes Edeirnion (April 2014).
 ‘Capel Maelog, Pennant Melangell and Church Archaeology in Wales’, Conference on
‘Understanding the Marches’,
Shrewsbury (Public Lecture,
May 2014).
Dr Jonathan Ervine
 Invited paper at a conference
on diversity and humour in
Paris that was organized by a
French state-funded politics and
communication research group
that is part of the highly prestigious CNRS (Centre national
pour la recherche scientifique)
(26 March 2014).
Professor Nancy Edwards
presenting on the Talacre
Viking-period furnished grave
Dr Christian Leitmeir
 ‘The Council of Trent Re-
 ‘Kardinal Otto Truchseß von
Visited (yet again): The Practicalities of Church Music Reform in the 16th Century’, Music Research Seminar, University of Southampton (January
Waldburg zum 500.
Geburtstag’, Kardinal–
Konfessor–Komponist: Otto
von Waldburg, Pedro de Soto
und Jacobus de Kerle im Dienst
der katholischen Reform
(Conference of the Society
Jesuitica), Dillingen (March
 ‘Making and Breaking the
Rules: Discussion, Implementation and Consequences of Dominican Legislation’, A Forbidden Art? Dominican Polyphony
Re-Considered, German Historical Institute, London (March
Page 6
 ‘V erschollene, verborgene
und verstörende Spuren Mozarts im Schaffen von Richard
Strauss’ (Lost, Hidden and
Perplexing Traces of Mozart in
the Oeuvre of Richard Strauss),
Mozartfest Augsburg Conference: ‘Richard Strauss und
Mozart’ (organized by the Max
Planck Institute for Empirical
Aesthetics) (May 2014).
 Public Lecture: ‘Medieval
organum for the 20th Century:
Rudolf von Ficker’s Arrangement of “Sederunt principes”
Revisited’, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Institute of Art, Warsaw (June 2014).
Issue 6
Invited Talks
Dr Andrew McStay
Dr Eirini Sanoudaki
Dr Thora Tenbrink
 Invited to speak to staff and
 Invited talk: ‘Language de-
 Invited talk: ‘Cognitive Dis-
students at Falmouth University
on their BA and MA Creative
Advertising programmes on the
nature and future of creativity
in advertising (May 2014).
Slides available at: http://
velopment in Down syndrome:
the pronoun question’ at the
Linguistic Seminar Series, University of Kent (26 February
course Analysis of Ambiguity
in Dialogue’ at the Graduiertenkolleg 1808, Tübingen, Germany (26 June 2014).
Dr Katharine Olson
 Invited public lecture:
‘Religion, Popular Beliefs, and
Strife in the Churches of Flintshire, c.1100-c.1600’, Flintshire
Historical Society (February
Professor Huw Pryce
 ‘Diplomatics in Medieval
Wales: contexts and questions’,
Colloque technique de la Commission internationale de
Diplomatique, Ghent University (25 April 2014).
 ‘Medieval Welsh history in
the Victorian Age’, O’Donnell
Lecture, University of Oxford
(9 May 2014).
 ‘Nineteenth-century receptions of medieval Welsh law’,
one-day conference in honour
of Professor Fergus Kelly,
School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin (27 June 2014).
Page 7
 Invited talk: ‘Language in
Down syndrome: the case of
pronouns’ at the Clinical Science Academic Meeting Series,
St George’s, University of London (15 January 2014).
Dr Anna Saunders
 Invited paper: ‘“Wir sind das
Volk”: 1989 and East German
memorials’, Research Seminar
organized by School of Modern
Languages / Institute of German Studies, University of
Birmingham (12 February
Dr Zoë Skoulding
 Invited to speak about her
poetry and translation at a seminar for TRACT (Traduction et
communication transculturelle
Anglais-Français/FrançaisAnglais), Sorbonne Nouvelle,
Paris (13 March 2014).
 A reading at the American
University in Paris (20 March
Dr Mari Wiliam
 ‘The politics of language in
contemporary Wales’, paper
presented at a seminar on
‘Regions in the European Context: Wales, Nation and Identity
in the 20th Century’ held at the
Basque Parliament in Vitoria,
Basque Country (January
Joanna Wright
 Art Archive and Sustainability (part of the SIP Grant funded Research with Zero Carbon
Britain / Centre For Alternative
Technology), Oberlin College
USA / Stanford University
Research Bulletin
Conference Papers
Prof. Astrid Ensslin
‘Exploring Methodologies for
Studying Readers of Digitalborn Fiction’ (AHRC-funded,
with Jen Smith and Alice Bell),
Nottingham University (24
June 2014).
Dr Jonathan Ervine
‘Islam and humour: liberating
laughter or community-specific
laughter?’, Laboratoire Communication et Politique LCPCNRS, Paris (26 March 2014).
‘Using Positive Energy to Challenge Negative Stereotypes
about Suburban France’, College of Arts and Humanities
Energy Symposium (8 May
“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting
sentence or quote from the story here.”
Dr Christian Leitmeir
Organization of a symposium
panel entitled ‘Transgressive
Soundscapes – Early Modern
Music, Placed & Displaced’
presented by the Centre for
Research in Early Music
(CREaM), Bangor:
John Cunningham (Bangor), Art
Song vs. Popular Song; Barbara
Eichner (Bangor/Oxford
Brookes), Enclosed Space vs.
Public Space; Christian Leitmeir
(Bangor), Sacred vs. Profane.
Early Modern Soundscapes,
Bangor University (April 2014).
Dr Anna Saunders
‘Re-appropriating Socialist
Monuments in Eastern Germany’, conference paper given at
City Margins – City Memories,
at Institute of Modern Languages Research, London (7
April 2014).
Dr Zoë Skoulding
Plenary talk, ‘Sundogs and Roses: sensing in the poetry of Carol Watts and Mei-mei
Berssenbrugge’, at Interfaces,
Dijon, 25-27 June 2014:
JOINED SENSES – synaesthesia in texts and images.
Dr Thora Tenbrink
‘Cognitive Discourse Analysis:
A Method for Addressing Cognitive Processes and Concepts’,
Cognitive Futures in the Humanities conference, Durham
University (24-26 April 2014).
‘Cognitive Discourse Analysis:
A Method for Addressing Cognitive Processes and Concepts’,
at the 14th European Workshop
of Imagery and Cognition
(EWIC) (18-20 June 2014).
‘Cognitive Discourse Analysis
for Visual Imagery and Creativity’, Workshop Visual Imagery
and Creativity, DCC’14: 6th
International Conference on
Design Computing and Cognition, UCL London (21-25 June
Dr Rachel Willie
‘Restoring Rogues: Tudor Vagabonds and Roundhead Reputations’, Early Modern Soundscapes, Bangor (25 April 2014).
External Offices & Appointments
Prof. Nathan Abrams
Appointed External Examiner
for a PhD in Film Studies,
Aberystwyth University.
Shan Ashton
Appointed as external adviser
for a series of Art Practice
courses in University of Wales
Trinity Saint David. The programmes include Art Practice
and Community, Health & Well
Being and Environmental Art.
Appointed as external examiner
at the University of Glasgow
Page 8
for the MEd Community Learning & Development Programme.
Dr Christian Leitmeir
Appointed onto the Editorial
Board of the international peerreviewed journal Music Theory
and Analysis (MTA).
Prof. Huw Pryce
Member of Dictionary of Welsh
Biography Advisory Board.
Dr Zoë Skoulding
Appointed Fellow of the English
Dr Thora Tenbrink
Invited to serve as an external
PhD supervisor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Dr Rachel Willie
Appointed book reviews editor
for Renaissance Studies
(January 2014)
Joanna Wright
Steering group member, British
Film Institute Film Academy/
Documentary Wales Network.
Founder member Dogfen Cymru / Documentary Wales.
Issue 6
Impact-generating Activities
Prof. Nathan Abrams
Nathan has given three film
talks at JW3: The Jewish Community Centre for London on
Noah and the flood, Dr Strangelove, and Inside Llewyn Davis
respectively. He has also published numerous articles on film
and popular culture in Ha’aretz
Shan Ashton
Shan ran a workshop on
‘Community Engagement and
Participation’ with an international group of training associations and community participants in Perpignan, France, 11–
13 April 2014 as part of the
European CITCOM
(CITIZENRY AND COMMUNITY) project activities.
Shan also ran a workshop on
‘Environment and Learning
from Communities’ at the University of the Balearic Islands,
Palma, Mallorca during an
Erasmus staff exchange programme (organized by Shan
Ashton), which included a
presentation by Menna Jones,
CEO Antur Waunfawr on the
Antur’s innovative community
work. Sion Rowlands, Student Volunteering Bangor, also
attended and gave a presentation on SVB’s work with a
view to developing a volunteering exchange between SVBangor and UIB. The first UIB
volunteer arrives this July and
will be working on the children’s project at Bangor University’s Maesglas and at Antur
Dr Vian Bakir
One-to-one dialogue/advice
given to: (a) the government’s
Iraq Historic Allegations team
(a unit set up by the Ministry of
Defence to investigate allegations of abuse and torture by
British service personnel in
Page 9
Attended Don’t Spy On Us
Conference (Shoreditch, London, June), to make contact
with end users in antisurveillance, human rights &
journalism field. Vian’s extensive tweeting on aspects of this
event was compiled by English
Pen into an overview record of
the day, also to be used in their
anti-surveillance campaigning.
Dr Andrew Edwards
Programme on ‘Thatcher’s
Wales’, BBC Radio Wales
‘Histories of Wales’ series,
January 2014.
Expert speaker in phone-in
debate on social class in Wales,
BBC Radio Cymru, March
Obituary of Tony Benn, BBC
History magazine, March 2014.
exchange between
Student Volunteering
Bangor and the
University of the
Balearic Islands in
Dr Jonathan Ervine
Prof. Astrid Ensslin
Astrid Ensslin hosted a public
panel discussion between the
Games Developers North
Wales, academics and students
on 11 June 2014. Being part of
the Digital Economies Cluster’s
and SCSM’s Digital Culture
research group’s wider KT and
public engagement activities,
the meeting focused on procedural narratives and the role of
rules and narrative in contemporary videogame design and
consumption. It attracted an
audience of approx. 30 students
from Bangor and Glyndwr,
Iraq); and (b) to a key whistleblower in the post 9/11 tortureintelligence policy.
industry professionals, academics and members of the general
public. The event kick-started a
series of BU-hosted GDNW
meetings, and the next one is
being planned for December
Dr Jonathan Ervine
Jonathan Ervine was interviewed about football and racism in France on the BBC Radio Wales programme ‘Good
Evening Wales’ (Wednesday
18 June).
wrote two articles for current
affairs website The Conversation about football and racism
in France, the first of which
was read over 10,000 times
within a week of being published:
Ervine, J. ‘Why Dieudonné’s
quenelle gesture poses challenges for Britain and France’,
The Conversation, 10 February
2014, <https://>.
Ervine, J. ‘FA fines Nicolas
Anelka but says quenelle isn’t
anti-Semitic – that’s not a clear
message’, The Conversation, 28
February 2014, < https://>.
Research Bulletin
Impact-generating Activities
Dr Christian Leitmeir
Dr Andrew McStay
Dr Katharine Olson
Concert performances of editions:
Andy has been interviewed by
BBC Wales on the Jason Mohammed show about new forms
of advertising delivered by
television systems that scan
people and the content of rooms
in which they are placed. He
has also published a journalistic
piece on this topic for The Conversation. Article here: https://
Kate gave a public lecture to
the Flintshire Historical Society
in February 2014 entitled
‘Religion, Popular Beliefs, and
Strife in the Churches of Flintshire, c.1100-c.1600.’
Jacobus de Kerle (1531/321591), Media vita (1571) and
Adoramus te Christe (1585)
(critical edition by Christian
Leitmeir). Brno, 4 April 2014 –
Rajhrad, 6 April 2014 (Czech
Republic). Ensemble Versus
(Director: Vladimír Maňas).
Concert: Svatý týden v rajhradě
kolem roku 1600.
Including Masterclasses, Laureateships & Awards
Dr Zoë Skoulding
awarded a threemonth laureateship at
Les Récollets, Paris
and shortlisted for
Ted Hughes Award
Dr Anna Saunders
Dr Zoë Skoulding
Chair of and speaker on a
‘GDR Masterclass’ day for ALevel teachers of German, organized by Hodder Education,
London. Delivery of one lecture
(‘The Rise and Fall of the
GDR’) and two workshops
(‘GDR Youth Culture’ and
‘Monuments and Memory in
East Germany’).
Zoë was awarded a three-month
laureateship at Les Récollets,
Paris, a residency co-hosted by
the City of Paris and the Institut
Français. As well as writing
poetry relating to the city she
gave a series of public readings
and discussed her project briefly on the French parliamentary
television channel, LCP. In the
UK Zoë was also shortlisted for
the Ted Hughes Award for New
Work in Poetry for her collection The Museum of Disappearing Sounds (Seren Books,
Documentary Film Festivals & Networks
Joanna Wright
Joanna is currently a finalist for
the National Lottery Good
Causes Award in 2014
Page 10
She has organized the BFI Film
Academy, DocumentaryWales
Network in Bangor http://
dawn.html and the Documentary Wales/ Dogfen Cymru
event at the Sheffield International Documentary Festival,
giving opportunities for Welsh
filmmakers at all career stages
to meet and network with international industry partners.
Issue 6
Cross-disciplinary Activities
Prof. Nathan Abrams
Dr Vian Bakir
Prof. Astrid Ensslin
Nathan Abrams has been involved in convening (with Dr
Ruth Gilbert of the University
of Winchester) a second meeting of the British Jewish Contemporary Culture colloquium
(BJ:CC), funded by the Rothschild Foundation Europe,
which is a network exploring
British Jewish Contemporary
Vian Bakir joined a crossdisciplinary research group on
propaganda and the 2003 Iraq
War, with senior colleagues
from Manchester, Bath and
Bristol Universities, to progress
a conceptual paper on propaganda and a large multiinstitutional grant bid to AHRC
on elite persuasion in the run up
to the 2003 Iraq War.
Together with Dr Sarah Riley
(Psychology, Aberystwyth) and
Dr Lyle Skains (SCSM), Astr id
Ensslin is developing a follow-on
funding application for her Welsh
Crucible funded project on digital
fiction and female body image.
The research will be piloted at
this year’s Aberystwyth Summer
University (July/August) and
explore the role of creating digital fiction as part of a mediaenhanced writing therapy framework.
Culture since 1990.
National Theatre of Wales
It has been confirmed that Lifelong Learning will be coworking with the National Theatre of Wales on an action research study and impact assessment of their ongoing community theatre work and activities
during the summer and autumn
months 2014.
Shan Ashton & Elspeth
Morris will be undertaking the
work in collaboration with Theatre staff and community participants. The work begins on 2
June 2014 at the launch of
‘Chwalfa’, the Theatre’s piece
for the opening of Pontio and
will include local communities
around Bethesda and Bangor.
Positive Energy
Dr Jonathan Ervine
presented a paper, ‘Using Positive Energy to Challenge Negative Stereotypes about Suburban France’, at the College of
Arts and Humanities Energy
Symposium (8 May 2014).
MPC Seminars – were led as follows:
 Thora Tenbrink (LEL),
Wright (CSM), Climate
Cognitive Discourse Analysis
for MPC: Analysing verbalised
thoughts and communicative
practices in MPC related research (January)
Change, Risk, Media and the
Environment (February)
 Matthew Lewis (Marine
Science), Vian Bakir and Jo
Page 11
[As spin-off from this extraordinarily well-attended seminar,
a new working group led by
Lynda Yorke (Physical Geography) has been created to ex-
plore funding options and how
the sciences and humanities
might better work together on
this topic.]
 Martina Feilzer (Social
Sciences), Crime, Media and
Persuasion (March)
Arts and Humanities
Energy Symposium
8 May 2014
Research Bulletin
Cross-disciplinary Activities
The Network for Media and
Persuasive Communication
Annual Conference –
10-11 November 2014
Media, Persuasion &
Human Rights
at Bangor University
(MPC) has also won the competition to host the Political
Studies Association Media and
Politics Group annual conference, here at Bangor, in November 2014. The conference is
themed on Media, Persuasion &
Human Rights, although we
will accept all papers on any
aspect of media and politics.
All Bangor staff are invited to
attend (for free!) – more info:
Andy McStay now hands over
to Vian Bakir as Acting Director of MPC, while Andy is on
Study Leave (until Jan 2015).
Vian will send out a call for
seminar leaders over summer,
but if you have research you
would like to present to the
Network and colleagues from
across the University, please
drop her a line at
[email protected]
Joanna Wright was one of the
founder member of Documentary Wales/ Dogfen Cymru,
with others from industry and
academia to act as a catalyst in
supporting, inspiring and nurturing documentary filmmakers
in Wales. We aim to promote
creativity, with a forward looking international outlook that
will raise the profile of documentary filmmakers working in
Wales or with Welsh subject
matter and bridge the gap between industry and academia.
European connections
Prof. Huw Pryce accepted an
invitation to a workshop at
Heidelberg University to discuss drawing up an application
for a European Union grant for
a project on language, identity
and memory in the Celtic and
Slavic countries. Bangor University’s input will be led by
Prof. Peredur Lynch and Prof.
Huw Pryce.
Dr Thora Tenbrink was invited
to participate in a grant-capture
initiative towards the major crossdisciplinary and cross-national
ary 2014) and in the Cognitive
Science Institute at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (5-8 May
Dr Thora Tenbrink offer ed
cross-disciplinary workshops as
part of the Erasmus staff exchange system at the Computer
Science Department at Bremen
University, Germany (7-9 Janu-
Nathan Abrams
Abrams, N. ‘Film, Television,
and New Media Studies’, in
The Routledge Handbook to
Contemporary Jewish Cultures, ed. Laurence Roth and
Nadia Valman (New York and
London: Routledge, 2014),
pp. 108–20.
Page 12
Abrams, N. ‘Locating the PixeAbrams, N. ‘The Banality of
lated Jew: A Multi-Modal
Evil: Polanski, Kubrick, and
Method for Exploring Judaism
the Reinvention of Horror’, in
in The Shivah’ (with Isamar
Religion in Contemporary
Carrillo Masso), in Playing
European Cinema, ed. Costica
with Religion in Digital Games,
Bradatan and Camil Uned. Heidi Campbell and Greg
gereanu (New York:
Grieve (Bloomington, IN: IndiRoutledge, 2014), pp. 145–64.
ana University Press, 2014), pp.
Issue 6
Astrid Ennslin
Christian T. Leitmeir
Ensslin, A. Literary Gaming
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Ensslin, A. ‘Hypertextuality’
and ‘Nonlinear Writing’, in
M.-L. Ryan, L. Emerson and
B. J. Robertson (eds), The
Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media (Baltimore, MD:
The Johns Hopkins University
Press), pp. 258–65 & 360–62.
Leitmeir. C. ‘Die Orchesterlieder’, in Richard Strauss
Handbuch, ed. Walter Werbeck (Metzler: Stuttgart,
2014), pp. 348–61.
Jonathan Ervine
Ervine, J. ‘Les banlieues and
Les Bleus: Political and media
discourse about sport and
society in France’, French
Cultural Studies, 25.1 (2014),
Ervine, J., Dauncey, H. and
Kilcline, C. (eds), two special
editions of leading French
studies journals that focused
on sport, media and national
identity in France and the
Francophone World:
French Cultural Studies, 25.1
(2014). Title of special edition: Sport, Media and Identity in France and the Francophone World.
Contemporary French Civilization, 39.1 (2014). Title of
special edition: Writing and
Conceptualizing French Sport.
Andrew McStay
McStay, A. Privacy and Philosophy: New Media and Affective Protocol (New York: Peter Lang, 2014).
Page 13
David Miranda-Barreiro
Miranda-Barreiro, D.
‘Extramunde: a narrativa da
viaxe e o paradoxo da alteridade’, Galicia21 Journal of
Contemporary Galician Studies, Issue E (2013), 57–75
[published 2014]
(free download from: http://
Ineke Mennen
Thomas, E. M. and Mennen, I.
(eds), Advances in the Study
of Bilingualism (Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2014).
Mennen, I., Schaeffler, F. and
Dickie, C. ‘Second language
acquisition of pitch range in
German learners of English’,
Studies of Second Language
Acquisition, 36 (2014), 303–
Mennen, I. and De Leeuw, E.
‘Beyond Segments: Prosody
in SLA’, Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 36
(2014), 183–94.
Mayr, R., Jones, D. and Mennen, I. ‘Speech learning in
bilinguals: the case of consonant cluster acquisition in
Welsh-English bilingual children’, in E. M. Thomas and I.
Mennen (eds), Advances in
the Study of Bilingualism
(Bristol: Multilingual Matters,
2014), pp. 3–24.
Thomas, E. M. and Mennen, I.
‘Approaches to the study of
bilingualism’, in E. M. Thomas and I. Mennen (eds), Advances in the Study of Bilingualism (Bristol: Multilingual
Matters, 2014), pp. xvii–xxv.
Mennen, I. ‘Speech production
in simultaneous and sequential bilinguals (2011)’, in P.
Howell and J. van Borsel
(eds), Multilingual Aspects of
Fluency Disorders (Bristol:
Multilingual Matters, 2014),
pp. 24–42.
Huw Pryce
O’Leary, H. and Pryce, H.
(eds), W elsh History Review,
27.1 (2014).
Eirini Sanoudaki
Sanoudaki, E. and Thierry, G.,
‘Juggling two grammars’,
Chapter 10 in Advances in the
Study of Bilingualism, ed. E.
M. Thomas and Ineke Mennen (Bristol: Multilingual
Matters, 2014), pp. 214–30.
Anna Saunders
Saunders, A. (Review) ‘Das
neue Unbehagen an der Erinnerungskultur: Eine Intervention. By Aleida Assmann.
Munich: C.H. Beck. 2013.
231 pp, German History,
online 19 March 2014
Privacy and Philosophy by
Andy McStay – a response
to the question ‘what
actually is privacy?’
College of Arts and Humanities
July–December 2014
Send contributions to
[email protected]
no later than 5 January 2015
Contributors to this issue
Professor Nathan Abrams – Creative Studies & Media
Shan Ashton – Lifelong Learning
Dr Vian Bakir – Creative Studies & Media
Dr Andrew Edwards – History, Welsh History & Archaeology
Professor Nancy Edwards – History, Welsh History & Archaeology
Professor Astrid Ensslin – Creative Studies & Media
Dr Jonathan Ervine – Modern Languages
Professor Vyv Evans – Linguistics & English Language
Dr Christian Thomas Leitmeir – Music
Dr Andrew McStay – Creative Studies & Media
Professor Ineke Mennen – Linguistics & English Language
Dr David Miranda-Barreiro – Modern Languages
Dr Katharine Olson – History, Welsh History & Archaeology
Professor Huw Pryce – History, Welsh History & Archaeology
Dr Eirini Sanoudaki – Linguistics & English Language
Dr Anna Saunders – Modern Languages
Dr Zoë Skoulding – English
Dr Thora Tenbrink – Linguistics & English Language
Dr Mari Wiliam – History, Welsh History & Archaeology
Dr Rachel Willie – English
Joanna Wright – Creative Studies & Media