Übungen - ANKA
Übungen - ANKA
LAS - Laboratorium für Applikationen der Synchrotronstrahlung M LAS - Laboratorium für Applikationen der Synchrotronstrahlung AS TE R Modern X-ray Physics Modern X-ray Physics Das LAS bietet Master-Studierenden der Studiengänge Physik und Materialwissenschaft in den Vorlesungen und Übungen der Modern X-ray Physics Reihe (bauen nicht aufeinander auf) theoretische sowie experimentelle Grundlagen in verschiedenen Röntgenstreumethoden. Vorlesungen für Master-Studierende 6 EC TS Modern X-ray Physics: Condensed Matter Physics with Synchrotron Radiation + Übung ECTS 2V+1Ü, 6 ECTS (Teilnahme + Problembehandlung) Dozent Prof. Dr. T. Baumbach Dr. S. Stankov Tutor Dipl. Mineralogin Anja Seiler Turnus nur im WS Modern X-ray Physics: Optical coherence in Microscopy, Tomography and Diffraction ANKA - Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle KIT Campus Nord Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen www.anka.kit.edu LAS - Laboratorium für Applikationen der Synchrotronstrahlung KIT Campus Süd Kaiserstr. 12 D-76131 Karlsruhe www.las.physik.kit.edu Master-Studium S LA Herausgeber: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - ANKA © KIT 2013 I + www.anka.kit.edu KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association AN www.kit.edu Vorlesungen bauen nicht aufeinander auf! MoreDie information in Vorlesungsverzeichnis and Modulhandbuch Vorlesungen Übungen P TC + Übung ECTS 2V+1Ü, 6 ECTS (Teilnahme + Problembehandlung) Dozent Prof. Dr. T. Baumbach PD Dr. habil. R. Hofmann Tutor Dipl. Phys. Martin Köhl / Dipl.-Phys. Philipp Schroth Turnus im SS und WS Kontakt K Awww.kit.edu IPS Die Vorlesungen bauen nicht aufeinander auf! Modern X-ray Physics Modern X-ray Physics Optical Coherence in Microscopy, Tomography and Diffraction... Condensed Matter Physics with Synchrotron Radiation ECTS Dozent Tutor Turnus The lectures give an introduction to X-ray physics and X-ray techniques involving scattering, imaging, and spectroscopy. These allow to characterize macroscopic, microscopic, nanoscopic, and atomic structure properties ranging from condensed-matter systems to living organisms. • • • • • • • • ECTS Dozent 2V+1Ü, 6 ECTS (Teilnahme + Problembehandlung) Prof. Dr. T. Baumbach PD Dr. habil. R. Hofmann Dipl. Phys. Martin Köhl / Dipl. Phys. Philipp Schroth im SS und WS Which are the characteristic properties of X-rays compared to other elementary probes (neutrons, electrons, etc.)? How do X-rays interact with matter? What is common, what is special to X-ray optics compared with light optics? How do we use this in X-ray diagnostics and analytics, studying structure and dynamics of condensed matter, devices, and organisms? Why and how can X-rays be used to probe several cm thick volume specimen, as well as single atomic layers, surfaces or buried interfaces? How do coherent X-ray wave fields propagate through homogeneous and through inhomogeneous media? How do coherence properties develop during propagation in vacuum? How do we describe the wave-field properties in the near and far field, and how do we use both to characterize our specimen? X-ray methods for imaging of cells, tissues, organs and in vivo imaging of organisms Tutor Turnus How can we use the interaction and propagation properties of X-rays, e.g., • to image 2D and 3D structures together with their evolution achieving spatial resolutions from mm down to the nm? • to resolve the atomic structure of crystals, interfaces, and membranes? • to reconstruct the nanostructure (e.g., shape, size, strain, and composition) of dots, wires, rods? • to measure lattice strain and atomic displacements in crystals and epitaxial films down to deep subatomic distances? 2V+1Ü, 6 ECTS (Teilnahme + Problembehandlung) Prof. Dr. T. Baumbach Dr. S. Stankov Dipl. Mineralogin Anja Seiler nur im WS This lecture provides a bridge between the condensed-matter physics and X-ray scattering techniques accessible at modern synchrotron radiation facilities. The emphasis is given to nuclear-resonance scattering methods for investigating magnetic, diffusion, and lattice dynamics phenomena in solids. Special attention is paid to various applications of these techniques to thin films, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures. What is X-ray diffractometry, coherent diffraction imaging, X-ray holography, and X-ray topography? How does computed tomography provide 3D images and cine-tomography reconstruct spatiotemporal data? And what can be discovered by hard X-ray microscopy? Which modern X-ray sources, detectors, and optics are available, and how do they function? Which unique research opportunities are offered by modern synchrotron radiation facilities? How can we contribute with X-ray physics and advanced X-ray technology to • solid state physics / condensed matter research • nano sciences • life sciences • materials research • cultural heritages? X-ray medhods for In-situ and in-operando characterization of materials and devices Die Vorlesungen bauen nicht aufeinander auf! “The nuclear resonance scattering methods accessible at third-generation synchrotron radiation sources: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France), Advance Light Source (USA), Spring 8 (Japan) and PETRA III (Germany).“