Bericht Phytohormone


Bericht Phytohormone
experience reports
Literature overview of Dr. Wolff R&D on experiences with alternative
phytohormone replacement therapy for menopausal problems.
Phytoflavonoids in
menopause and thereafter
The phase of hormonal change in women during menopause is difficult to cope
with both physically and psychologically. The decrease in estrogen levels, which
begins around age 40 to 45, reveals the extremely complicated scope of action of
the hormone estrogen and its derivatives. Apart from vegetative disorders and
the well-known heat flashes and sweats, there are cardiovascular changes, an
increase in bone porosity as well as changes in the skin‘s appearance or regeneration and the reproductive organs.
For a long time, replacement of the missing estrogens by external administration of these hormones seemed the suitable means for eliminating the abovementioned problems. However, the benefit of hormone replacement therapy has
been an item of controversy for several years, since women who receive external
estrogen are subject to an increased risk of breast and uterine cancer. A recently
completed study of the Women‘s Health Initiative (WHI) also ascertained a
slightly increased breast cancer risk for classic hormone replacement therapy.
Due to this experience, physicians are a little more careful today and carefully
weigh the benefits and potential risks of hormone replacement therapy.
A natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy can be found in various
plants. A statistical comparison of the breast cancer risk in Asian and European women has revealed that there are significantly fewer cases in Asia than in
Europe. This surprising result could be connected to the very high consumption
of soy-containing foodstuffs in Asia. The soy plant (Glycine soja) includes socalled secondary botanical active ingredients (genistein) that are able to develop
Soy (Glycine soja), plant and fruit,
chemical structure of genistein
a weak estrogen effect. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) also contains such
phytoestrogens (cimicifugin).
As a matter of fact, it was demonstrated that women‘s menopausal problems
decreased based on the application of soy products. No such undesirable risks
as in estrogen replacement therapy were detected so far. This does not come as a
surprise, if one considers the widespread availability of soy as a foodstuff.
Genistein and cimicifugin are very effective phytoestrogens. Their scope of
efficacy includes the most important areas of antiandrogen properties such as a
reduction in skin aging, bone porosity, cardiovascular improvement, antidiabetic
properties and the antiandrogen protective functions in the hair root.
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa),
chemical structure of cimicifugin
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experience reports
Literature overview of Dr. Wolff R&D on experiences with alternative
phytohormone replacement therapy for menopausal problems.
White tea (Camelia sinensis) is also a valuable source of activating botanical
ingredients. Phytoflavones, polyphenols and trimethylxanthines such as caffeine
complement the antiandrogen active profile with a pronounced antiradical and
cell membrane stabilization properties. When it comes to the tea plant, Asia can
also look back on long-standing experience with phytotherapy, so that efficacy
and tolerability are also guaranteed in this respect.
Also within the hair roots, the antiandrogen effect of the phytoflavones helps
White tea (Camelia sinensis),
plant and blossom, chemical structure
of the polyphenol „quercetin“
strengthen their resistance and improve the energy supply. In doing so, they support the hair roots‘ growth and regeneration. Menopausal women who measure
their waning estrogen-based protection by the number of lost hairs, can fight this
hair loss effectively and sustainably with phytoestrogen-based active ingredients,
radical catchers and caffeine. They will maintain their hair in a healthy and vigorous condition.
For further information, please visit
Expert terminology marked in green is explained in the glossary.
Rohr D.; Soja und Rotklee, Phytoestrogene in der Prävention
Privatdozent Dr. Dr. Uwe D. Rohr
Abteilung für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Sterilitätsbehandlung, Medizinische Universität Wien, AKH
Osmers R., Kraft K.;
Phytotherapie bei Wechseljahresbeschwerden: Stand der Forschung
Rüdiger Osmers, Prof. Dr. med. 1), Karin Kraft, Prof. Dr. med. 2)
1) Fachabteilung Frauenheilkunde, Städt. Krankenhaus Hildesheim
2) Moorbadklinik Bad Doberan, Schwaaner Chaussee 2, 18209 Bad Doberan
Pharmazie in unserer Zeit, Volume 33, Issue 5 , Pages 384-391, 2004
Günter Vollmer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Oliver Zierau, Dr. med. vet.;
Was sind Phytoestrogene und Phyto-SERMs?: Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe mit Wirkung auf das Hormonsystem
Molekulare Zellphysiologie und Endokrinologie, Institut für Zoologie,
Technische Universität Dresden, Mommsenstr. 13, 01062 Dresden
Pharmazie in unserer Zeit, Volume 33, Issue 5 , Pages 378 - 383, 2004
Anja Engelsing;
Zeit des Wandelns, Wechseljahre ohne Hormontherapie, „Regellose“ Frauen, Erfahrungsheilkunde 2004;
53: 542-549
Wuttke W, Seidlova-Wuttke D, Gorkow C;
The Cimicifuga preparation BNO 1055 vs. conjugated estrogens in a double-blind placebo-controlled study:
effects on menopause symptoms and bone markers.
Maturitas. 2003 Mar 14;44 Suppl 1:S67-77
M.Schmidt, W. Polasek, R.Käuferler;
Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Cimicifuga racemosa bei Menopausebeschwerden
Journal für Menopause, 1005 12(1), 27-32
McKee J; Warber SL, Integrative therapies for menopause.;
Southern medical journal; VOL: 98 (3); p. 319-26
Beck V; Unterrieder E; Krenn L; Kubelka W; Jungbauer A;
Comparison of hormonal activity (estrogen, androgen and progestin) of standardized plant extracts for large
scale use in hormone replacement therapy.
The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology; VOL: 84 (2-3); p. 259-68
Shaw JC; Green tea polyphenols may be useful in the treatment of androgen-mediated skin disorders.
Archives of dermatology; VOL: 137 (5); p. 664
Liao S; Hiipakka RA;
Selective inhibition of steroid 5 alpha-reductase isozymes by tea epicatechin-3-gallate and
Biochemical and biophysical research communications; VOL: 214 (3); p. 833-8
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