Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010
Ethics, Integrity & Independence of Mind Beta Alpha Psi 2010 Annual Report Mission Statement Beta Alpha Psi is a nonprofit international honorary and service organization for accounting, finance and information systems students at AACSB- or EQUIS-accredited universities. Beta Alpha Psi provides opportunities for development of technical and professional skills to complement university education; participation in community service; and interaction among students, faculty and professionals. Article I – Mission Statement Bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi The Associates Through the advice and assistance of the International Advisory Forum, Beta Alpha Psi instituted the Associates Program in 1981. The Associates Program enables Beta Alpha Psi to further its objectives by providing financial support for events such as regional meetings and other ongoing chapter activities. Each member of the Associates Program provides financial support at a level consistent with the organization’s involvement in business education and employment of accounting, finance and information-systems graduates. Members of the Beta Alpha Psi Associates are given equal recognition for each event or project supported by the Associates’ funds. International Associates for 2009-2010 The International Affiliates: • AGN International North America Inc. American Accounting Association • American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) American Society of Women Accountants • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants American Woman’s Society of Certified Public Accountants • BDO Seidman, LLP The Association of Government Accountants • Becker Professional Education Association of Information Systems • Bisk Education The Institute of Internal Auditors • Chevron Corporation Institute of Management Accountants • CPAexcel Exam-- Review National Association for State Boards of Accountancy • Deloitte. • Ernst & Young LLP The Regional Associates: • Fifth Third Bank • Grant Thornton LLP • The California Society of Certified Public Accountants • Internal Revenue Service • Illinois CPA Society • Kaplan Schweser • Indiana CPA Society • KPMG LLP • Kentucky Society of CPAs • McGladrey • Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs • Moss Adams LLP • New York State Society of CPAs • Office of the Comptroller of the Currency • Texas Society of CPAs • PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP • Virginia Society of CPAs • Protiviti • Washington Society of CPAs Table of Contents President’s Letter 2–3 Board of Directors 4–6 Chapter Advocates7 International Advisory Forum Business Information Professional of the Year Awards Regional Meetings 12 2011 Regional Meeting Schedule 12 Regional Best Practices 2010 13 International Scholars Oceania Meeting 19 Outstanding Faculty Advisors 20 2010 Annual Report 8–9 10 – 11 14 – 18 In Memory....21 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information 22 – 31 New Chapter Installations 32 2009 Annual Meeting Winners 33 Nancy C. Harke Executive Office Financial Statements Past Presidents 34 — 35 36 – 43 44 1 President’s Letter Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) is about the students and their role in creating the future of the information profession. The BAP leadership believes that choosing one of the information professions is more than choosing a job description or career. As information professionals, we make commitments to those we serve that go beyond serving our solely personal career goals. The competence required of a professional, when and other qualified academic programs in Australia and combined with a strong ethical foundation, the integrity New Zealand in April of this year. to live by that ethical commitment, and the independence of mind to stand against the easy answers when the tough answer is the right answer, creates a bond of trust between those in the information professions and those they serve. Without this bond of individual and corporate trust, we cannot serve the public interest and would not deserve to be considered members of an honorable profession. Through its programs and activities BAP not only seeks to enhance our members’ competencies and skills, but also seeks to instill in them an ethic that will help them forces were created to address BAP’s most immediate strategic concerns: Mission and Chapter Incentives; Revenue Enhancement and Expenditure Control; International Expansion; and, Communication with Stakeholders. The task force issues clearly are interrelated. The Board has rejected the “hunker down” and “go slow” options and is focused on bringing BAP into the 21st century on each of the Strategic Task Force initiatives. Member Activity navigate the complexities of the working world as they Our chapters have been very active this year as evidenced cross the bridge from academe to practice. by program participation in: Regional and Annual Strategic Growth meetings at record levels; reaching Distinguished and Superior Chapter Status (sponsored by KPMG); and, Perhaps the most immediate evidence of this success competing for many of the awards available to the is the continued growth of BAP. This past year we have chapters. At the Annual Meeting our members will inducted five new active chapters and received five compete in the Best Practices (sponsored by Deloitte) and petitions for future active chapter status. This year, 8,700 Project-Run-with-It (sponsored by Moss Adams). Awards new student members have been inducted. Some of will be given to the winning chapters who submitted these chapters and students are outside the United States. videos for the Gold Challenge competition (sponsored by In recent years, BAP committed to extend its reach on the international stage recognizing the global nature of our profession. I visited Australia and New Zealand last year following up on past Presidential visits. Auckland University in New Zealand became an active chapter this year, joining the University of Sydney in Australia. 2 In keeping with the Board’s strategic focus, four new task KPMG). Everyone attending the Annual Meeting in San Jose will have the opportunity to once again participate in the unique Community Service Day activity (sponsored by KPMG). Each of the competitions and activities contribute to our members’ development as individuals and future professionals. In addition, we have received three new petitions in the Individual excellence is also recognized with a variety Oceania region. Pearl Rozenberg, the founding Faculty of awards presented at the Annual Meeting, the: Advisor of the University of Sydney chapter now serves Outstanding Business Information Professional Awards on the BAP Board in charge of the Global Initiative. Pearl with representatives from industry, academia and not- organized a successful meeting of the active, petitioning for profits; Medal of Inspiration Award (sponsored by B ETA ALP HA P S I President’s Letter the AICPA), recognizing an individual who beat Unfortunately, there is simply not the room or time the odds in overcoming adversity; The Internal to thank the large number of Faculty Advisors that Revenue Service sponsors VITA and will again award support the Chapters and student members. There is outstanding VITA volunteer chapters; Diversity no question that these individuals are key elements Award (sponsored by Ernst & Young) focused on in a chapter driven organization like our own. increasing diversity in the information professions; Representative faculty advisors are recognized by Outstanding Faculty Advisors Award (sponsored our Outstanding Faculty Advisors Award (sponsored by McGladrey.) recognizing the essential services by McGladrey). At the Annual Meeting, a Faculty performed by faculty for the students of BAP; and Advisors Reception (sponsored by Grant Thornton finally, the President’s Award given by each President LLP) is held each year in recognition of their service to a person who rose to a challenge beyond the to BAP. norm, in an organization of people who operate beyond the norm for BAP. Finances and the BAP Business Model You will find the annual financial statements in this I want to take this opportunity to thank my two Annual Conference Co-Chairs: Professor Audrey Gramling, Kennesaw State University; and, Professor Mark Taylor, Case Western Reserve University. Report. Our Board and Executive Office have done Finally, I want to thank all of the students from our an excellent job in keeping BAP in sound financial Host Chapters for each of the Regional and the condition during difficult times. BAP is in sound Annual meetings for their hard work and support. financial shape in the short-run, i.e. we have a strong cash balance. However, the Board recognizes the need for BAP to rise to the challenge of changing times and has, as noted, created four strategic Task Forces to help position BAP for the future. The Executive Office and Board will be keeping you posted on all of these developments through our BAP is an exceptional organization made up of equally exceptional people throughout and without exception. It has been an honor to serve with them during the last two years and will continue to be an honor to be among them and you next year. Keep up the good work. new and revised website and upcoming newsletter. Appreciation I want to thank the Executive Office staff, the Board and Forum members and the Chapter Advocates that I had the pleasure to work with this year. They Andy Bailey have volunteered their time selflessly and I deeply 2009 – 2010 Beta Alpha Psi International President appreciative of all their efforts in helping to make this year a success for BAP. 2010 Annual Report 3 Board of Directors The BAP Board of Directors The President-elect serves a oneyear term, then ascends to the presidency in the following year and serves a final year on the board as Past President. During the 20092010 year, the President represents a financial-information firm and the Past President and President-elect represent education. The Directors of Administration and Development, the Director of Global Activities, two Chapter Advocates, and a College of Business Dean all serve three-year terms and represent the area of education. The Chair of the Advisory Forum serves a one- or two-year term of the board. This person has significant responsibility in their position in industry, professional services or government, and brings a valuable perspective to the board. Two Alumni Representatives also serve on the board, one is elected each year to serve a two-year term. As recent graduates of Beta Alpha Psi chapters, the Alumni Representatives bring a student perspective to the board. President: Andrew D. Bailey Jr. 2008-2011 Dr. Andrew D. Bailey Jr. was appointed Senior Policy Advisor to the Grant Thornton LLP National Public Policy and Strategy Group in September 2006 and to the Human Resource Group in 2008. Bailey spent a long and distinguished career in academia, holding several named professorships and a number of visiting professorships abroad culminating with his appointment upon retirement in 2002, as a Professor Emeritus of Accountancy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bailey was the Deputy Chief Accountant (Professional Practice) at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission from January 2004 to December Andrew Bailey 2005. He was the Ernst & Young Distinguished Professor of Accountancy and Head of the Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois, from Autumn 1994 to Summer 1997. He also held the position of Director of the Zimmerman Center for International Education and Research in Accounting (CIERA) and Editor of the Center’s journal, The International Journal of Accounting (TIJA). Earlier, he was the Deloitte & Touche Professor of Accounting and Head of the Department of Accounting at The University of Arizona. He has also been a faculty member at the universities of Maine, Minnesota (Department Chair), Iowa, Purdue and The Ohio State University (Arthur Young Professor of Accounting). He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland in Australia, The Otago University in New Zealand, The Norwegian Graduate School of Management in Oslo, Norway, and Groupe Ècole Superieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) in Paris, France. Bailey earned two degrees at the University of Minnesota, B.S.B. and M.S. in accounting, before earning his Ph.D. in accounting at The Ohio State University in 1971. Formerly with Touche Ross & Co., he is a CPA, CIA, CMA and CFE. He is a Past President of the American Accounting Association and Past Chairman of the Auditing section of the AAA. He has served as Co-editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Associate Editor of The Accounting Review and The Journal of Information Systems and has served on numerous academic journal review boards. He is a member of the Rho Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi and was the national Beta Alpha Psi Accountant of the Year (Educator), 1996, and has been named among the top 100 most influential people in accounting. • President-Elect: Teresa Conover 2009-2012 Dr. Teresa Conover’s educational background includes a B.S. from the University of California at Davis, an M.B.A. from Oregon State University and a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. She is a CPA, licensed in the State of Texas. She currently holds the Paden Neeley Professorship for Excellence in Teaching at the University of North Texas and is the Program Chair for the International Association of Accounting Educators and Researchers - World Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchers. In addition, a representative of the AICPA serves on the board. The board typically meets two times in person and by conference call as needed to plan overall activities and provide general guidance for chapters to follow. The staff at the Nancy C. Harke Executive Office are available for consultation on day-to-day chapter operations. Teresa Conover She has had the honor of serving as a faculty in residence for Ernst & Young International in the London office and as a Visiting Scholar at the London School of Economics. She is a member of many professional organizations including the American Accounting Association, the International Association for Accounting Education and Research, Beta Gamma Sigma, and Beta Alpha Psi. She served as the President of the American Accounting Association International Accounting Section for the 2000-2001 year. She recently completed three years of service on the Beta Alpha Psi International Board of Directors as the Director of Administration and Development. She specializes in teaching financial and international accounting and has taught accounting since 1985. She has taught at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. She has received eight teaching awards. Her research interests concentrate on financial and international accounting. She has published numerous articles in national and international accounting and business journals including The International Journal of Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, and The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Conover and her husband Jim are recent empty-nesters with one daughter at the University of Texas at Austin and one at the University of Rhode Island. • 4 2010 Annual Report B ETA ALP HA P S I 4 Board of Directors Past President: Nancy Nichols 2007-2010 Dr. Nancy B. Nichols is the Journal of Accounting Education Research Professor at James Madison University. She also serves as the Director of the masters in accounting program. Nancy began her academic career at JMU in 1997 after receiving her Ph.D. from the University of North Texas. Before obtaining her Ph.D., she was a tax partner at Deloitte. Nancy teaches graduate courses in taxation. Nichols’ research interests primarily are in the areas of taxation and segment reporting. She has published numerous articles in such journals as the Journal of the American Taxation Association, Journal of Legal Tax Research, Nancy Nichols Accounting Horizons, Journal of International Accounting Research, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Accountancy and Tax Notes. Nichols is an active member of the American Taxation Association, currently serving on the Board of Trustees. She previously served on the Beta Alpha Psi Board as Director of Chapter Activities from 2003-06 and was Chapter Advisor for the JMU Chapter from 1998-2003. Nichols is married with two children.• President Elect: Dr. Mary S. Stone 2010-2013 Mary Stone joined the University faculty in 1981 as an assistant professor in the Culverhouse School of Accountancy. She was promoted to associate professor in 1984, awarded the rank of full professor in 1990, named Hugh Culverhouse Endowed Chair of Accountancy in 2002, and appointed Director of the Culverhouse School of Accountancy in 2004. Mary is a former member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council and the Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Past President of the American Accounting Association, and a Florida CPA. Dr. Mary S. Stone, EDUCATION: Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; BS and MS Central Florida University RECOGNITION: American Accounting Association Outstanding Accounting Educator (2007), Beta Alpha Psi Business Information Professional of the Year – Education (2006), Co-winner AAA/McGraw-Hill Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award (2006), Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants Outstanding Educator (2001-2002), The University of Alabama National Alumni Association Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award (1999), Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting (1993-2002), C&BA Outstanding Researcher Award (1988), Arthur Andersen & Co. Research Scholar (1989), Peat Marwick Main Research Scholar (1988), and Van Pelt Award for Outstanding Contribution to Accounting Literature (1984, 1983). PUBLICATIONS: The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting & Economics, Horizons, Journal of Accounting Research, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, Journal of Accounting Literature, and Accounting Historians Journal. SERVICE: Chair, FSA/AAA Valuation Subcommittee; Chair, AICPA Precertification Education Executive Committee; Board of Directors of FSA; Member FEI, AICPA, ASCPA, and AAA. • 2010 Annual Report 5 2009-2010 Board of Directors Annie Boudreau Mark Higgins Sharon Lightner Brian McGuire Suzanne McCaffrey Lu Montondon Patricia Poli Dennis R. Reigle Pearl Rozenberg Blane Ruschak Brad Schultz Heather Collins Shawn Harter Andy Kaestle Grant Thornton LLP Alumni Representative University of Mississippi Chapter Advocate - Southeast Region University of Sydney – Australia Director of Global Activities Fifth Third Bank Incoming Advisory Forum Chair 6 University of Rhode Island Dean Texas State University – San Marcos Chapter Advocate - Southwest Region KPMG LLP Advisory Forum Chair San Diego State University Chapter Advocate - Western/Northwest Regions Fairfield University Chapter Advocate -Atlantic Coast Region Ernst & Young, LLP Alumni Representative University of Southern Indiana Director of Administration & Development American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) AICPA Liaison American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Incoming AICPA Liaison Ernst & Young LLP Incoming Alumni Representative B ETA ALP HA P S I 2010 Board of Directors Chapter Advocates Dori Danko Scott Hobson Chapter Advocate - Midwest Region Chapter Advocate - Rocky Mtn./Missouri Valley Regions Molly Brown Treba Marsh Incoming Chapter Advocate - Atlantic Coast Region Incoming Chapter Advocate - Southwest Region Grand Valley State University James Madison University 2010 Annual Report Brigham Young University Stephen F. Austin State University 7 International Advisory Forum In 1974, Beta Alpha Psi organized the International Advisory Forum. The Forum consists of leaders from industry, professional-service firms and government. The Forum members who are practicing professionals, provide input designated to enhance Beta Alpha Psi’s position as a dynamic, scholastic, and professional business financial information organization. The service and advice of these individuals is invaluable to Beta Alpha Psi. On behalf of Beta Alpha Psi, the board of directors expresses appreciation for the numerous services and hours that the Advisory Forum members have contributed during 2009-2010. In addition to their financial support, Forum members participated in annual and regional meetings and made themselves available for chapter meetings. Blane Ruschak 2007-2010 Blane Ruschak attended Rutgers University in New Jersey and graduated with a B.S. in economics in 1980. He subsequently attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he received a master’s in accounting degree in 1982. After graduation, he began his career in the audit department of the KPMG Honolulu office where he serviced clients in the health care, non-profit, real estate, agribusiness and hospitality industries. From 1988-1989, he participated in a two-year rotational program in KPMG’s national Blane Ruschak KPMG LLP training center in Montvale, N.J., where he was responsible for Advisory Forum Chair the development and instruction of numerous KPMG assurance courses. Upon his return to the Honolulu office, Ruschak assumed the responsibility of Primary Recruiter for the office in addition to servicing his assurance clients in the hospital and hospitality industries. In 1994, Ruschak transferred to the KPMG Long Beach office to assist with the Southern California Health care assurance and consulting practice. In 1997, Ruschak transferred to the Los Angeles office where he assumed the Director of College Recruiting position for the Pacific Southwest area and he was responsible for the hiring of all entry-level assurance and tax-department personnel. In 2000, Ruschak assumed the role of National Director of Campus Recruiting as part of the KPMG National Recruiting team in Montvale, N.J. In 2008, Ruschak assumed the role of Executive Director for Campus Recruiting and University Relations. His current role includes serving as the KPMG member and Chairman on the Beta Alpha Psi Advisory Forum, serving on the Board of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (FSA), serving as a member of the Association of Campus Recruiting Executives, serving on the Board of the Education Foundation for Women in Accounting, serving on the AICPA Pre-certification Executive Education Committee (PcEEC) and formerly served on the Accounting Program Leadership Group (APLG) board of directors. He resides in Charleston, S.C., and works out of the Montvale national office as part of the national human-resource team. • Shawn Harter 2010-2011 Shawn Harter Fifth Third Bank Advisory Forum Chair Elect 8 Since 2007, Shawn Harter has served as Vice President and Director of Recruiting for Fifth Third Bancorp, located in Cincinnati, OH. He joined Fifth Third in 2005 as Director of Recruiting Operations. Shawn’s prior roles include three years as National Director of Recruiting for RSM McGladrey, Inc. and McGladrey and Pullen, LLP, based in Bloomington, MN. He joined the firm in August 2002 and was responsible for all college relations and recruitment efforts, which included college graduates and experienced professionals. Shawn began his career with Arthur Andersen and worked with the company for nearly 12 years in various positions including audit, operations and director of all North American university recruiting. • B ETA ALP HA P S I International Advisory Forum Alfonzo Alexander Ken Bansemer Muir Brown Mark Bruno Head of Strategic Business Unit – Americas and Caribbean Market Sourcing Leader Buffalo, NY Shannon Dickerson Mike Duffy Gary Grimstad CPAexcel Exam Review Vice President San Diego, CA Moss Adams LLP Partner Seattle, WA Rita Hood Veronica Johnson The Institute of Internal Auditors Director of Academic Relations Altamore Springs, FL Laura Mills-Lewis AGN International North America, Inc. Executive Director Denver, CO Alexandra Miller Scott Moore Belverd E. Needles, Jr. American Institute of CPAs Sr. Manager, College & University Initiatives Durham, NC American Accounting Association Vice President of Education Winnetka, IL Bridget O’Malley American Woman’s Society of CPAs National President Tucson, AZ Tom Rogowski Bonnie Russell Jodi Ryan Valerie Wendt Peter Aliferis Association of GovernmentAccountants Deputy Executive Director Operations & McGladrey Sharon Clemena Barbara Covington Nina Guthrie Sandi Guy Grant Thornton, LLP Director of University Recruiting Dallas, TX BDO Seidman Partner, Human Capital Charlotte, NC Scott McQuillan Denise Probert NASBA Vice President of Development – Nashville,TN Chevron Corporation Manager Finance Development Program San Ramon, CA Deloitte & Touche LLP National Campus Recruiting Leader Chicago, IL Kaplan Schweser Vice President of CPA Education La Crosse, WI Director of Professional Certification – Alexandria, VA American Society of Women Accountants National President Mary Esther, FL Becker Professional Review Program Director Oakbrook, IL 2010 Annual Report National Director of Recruiting Charlotte, NC Internal Revenue Service IRS Agent Wheaton, MD The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Washington, DC Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Institute of Management Accountants Director, Alliances & Student/Academic Communities Montvale, NJ PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Ernst & Young LLP Faculty Relations Consultant Secaucus, NJ Proviti Senior Consultant Chicago, IL Bisk Education, Inc. Product Development Manager Tampa, FL 9 Business Information Professional of the Year Beta Alpha Psi recognizes individuals who make significant contributions to the business -information professions. From 1974 through 1999, this was achieved by recognizing them as Accountants of the Year. Beginning with the 2000 awards, these individuals have been honored and recognized as a Business Information Professional of the Year. Each chapter, the board of directors and the International Advisory Forum are invited to nominate candidates from the fields of education, industry or government, and professional services. Nominees are individuals who have affected a large number of lives; contributed both locally and nationally to the profession; added to knowledge as demonstrated through publications, lectures or presentations; and are active in the profession at the time of nomination. For 2010, Beta Alpha Psi is proud to announce the selection of the following people for the Business Information Professional of the Year awards. Lawrence Alleva currently is the Southeast U.S. Regional Managing Partner for Technology and Communications in the national office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP after having progressed through the firm from staff auditor, to Managing Partner of the Syracuse office, to Managing Partner of the Upstate New York region. When he was promoted to this position, he immersed himself in learning, participated in professional associations, and worked hard to develop expertise. He became an expert in IPOs and venture capital and has written several PwC articles on the topics. Since then, he also has “raised his hand” to become the firm’s U.S. Leader – Ethics and Compliance (Assurance). Alleva defined the new Lawrence Alleva leadership role by developing firm procedures, policies and Professional Service requirements. He now leads PwC’s response to the PCAOB Inspection Report and the firm’s international audit quality, while devoting significant attention to a variety of professional and business ethics matters. At Ithaca College, Alleva demonstrates an exemplary commitment. He is Vice Chair of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees, Chairman of the largest-ever (and successful) comprehensive capital campaign on it’s campus, and Co-Chair of the School of Business Building Campaign Committee that resulted in generating private donations to fund the new School of Business building (the first building on campus built with private contributions and the first business school facility in the world receiving the LEED Platinum Award for meeting the highest level of sustainability). Early in his career at PwC, Alleva established the PricewaterhouseCoopers Scholarship at Ithaca College. Through his ongoing annual solicitations of current Ithaca College alumni at PwC, the scholarship has become one of their largest endowed scholarship for accounting majors. Over the past 30 years, whenever asked, Alleva has returned to campus to speak. He has been an invited speaker at numerous Ithaca College Accounting Association programs, and was its first Outstanding Accounting Alumni award recipient in 1993 (he was also the founding president of the Association when he was a student). He was the Distinguished Alumni Speaker for the School of Business on ethics in accounting and business, and then on the state of IPOs, corporate governance, and the profession after Enron. He was the keynote speaker at one of the first School of Business Honors Banquets, providing a great Top 10 list of attributes for success. In April 2009, Alleva was the speaker at the annual Beta Alpha Psi Induction Banquet. At the same time, Mr. Alleva balances his intense professional life with other personal interests. For example, he demonstrates a long-standing commitment to other community and higher educational organizations, such as the National Council of Boy Scouts and George Mason University boards, and he and his wife recently climbed Mount Everest. Alleva was nominated by the Mu Alpha Chapter at Ithaca College. • 10 B ETA ALP HA P S I Business Information Professional of the Year Ted Vacek has spent the last 10 years at Intel (high-tech industry) managing various assignments including Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) Integrations, Fixed Asset Accounting, and Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) design and implementation. He currently is part of a team working on the design and implementation of IFRS at Intel. Ted was instrumental in implementing the extensive accounting changes (IASB/FASB) convergence projects, proposed SEC conversion to IFRS, and the global implementation of IFRS. His current challenge is trying to design an appropriate plan of today’s actions given the levels of uncertainty and extensive interrelationships between the proposed rule changes. Part of the reward of this assignment is getting to be on the “front end” of some of the biggest changes ever made to U.S. accounting rules. Ted Vacek Industry & Government Prior to Intel, Ted was with Atlantic Richfield Company (oil and gas industry) for 15 years. His assignments included Exploration Accounting, Planning and Evaluation, Internal Audit, International Accounting, Marketing and Business Development. Ted has been involved with the Beta chapter at the University of Oregon for the past three years. At meetings he has showed an enthusiasm and depth of acounting knowledge that made everyone in the room learn and enjoy each of the discussions. It’s rare for someone from industry to give a presentation that is both rich in diversity, yet simple to understand. While Ted graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, he seems to be a Duck at heart. Ted resides in the Northwest with his wife and three children. Vacek was nominated by the Beta Chapter at the University of Oregon. • Kevin D. Stocks is an accounting professor in the Marriott School at Brigham Young University. He currently holds the KPMG Professorship and serves as the Director of the School of Accountancy, a position he has held for the last seven years. Kevin did his undergraduate and Master’s work at BYU. He earned his Ph.D. at Oklahoma State University. He was on the accounting faculty at Oklahoma State before returning to BYU in 1983. Kevin teaches in the cost/managerial accounting area. He has taught classes at all levels and in both the accounting and MBA programs. He has work published in Issues In Accounting Education, Journal of Accounting Education, Advances in Accounting Education, Journal of Accountancy, Internal Auditor, Health Care Kevin Stocks Financial Management, and Journal of Information Systems and has authored two books. Education Kevin has conducted funded research for the AICPA, AAA, IMA and currently is involved in an IAAER/ACCA research grant studying international ethics education. Kevin has held numerous administrative positions within BYU and in professional organizations. He has served as President of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy and as President of the Teaching and Curriculum Section and of the Accounting Programs Leadership Group of the American Accounting Association (AAA). He served as Vice President Education of the AAA and on numerous AICPA committees, including the Pre-Certification Education Executive Committee and the Management Advisory Services Committee. This August he assumes responsibility as the President of the American Accounting Association. As a student at BYU, Kevin was active in the Gamma Alpha Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, serving as the chapter treasurer. Upon returning to BYU as a faculty member, Kevin served for a time as the faculty advisor. He also has served as a member of the national Beta Alpha Psi Advisory Forum. Kevin and his wife Donna are the proud parents of five children and three beautiful grandchildren. Stocks was nominated by the Gamma Alpha Chapter at Brigham Young University. • 2010 Annual Report 11 Regional Meetings Region Student StudentChapters Participants PresentationsRepresented Atlantic Coast 260 33 35 Midwest 302 30 41 Missouri Valley 173 24 23 87 14 12 Southeast 246 30 49 Southwest 177 23 30 Western 141 20 25 Northwest 160 20 13 Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting Objectives for Regional Meetings Regional meetings focus on 1) promoting inter-chapter activities; 2) encouraging student interest in emerging business issues; 3) providing students the opportunity to develop communication skills, both written and oral; 4) providing members with the opportunity to exchange ideas concerning chapter operations and activities in both formal and informal settings; 5) providing the opportunity for general-leadership training for officers and members; and 6) fostering innovative and unique activities to promote and share best practices. The year’s regional meetings were attended by more than 1,540 students representing 228 chapters. The Nancy C. Harke Executive Office funded more than $171,000 for eight regional meetings. Each of the regional meetings was supported by members of the International Advisory Forum and attended by at least two board members and the respective Chapter Advocate. 12 *Members of the Board extend the appreciation to each student, faculty advisor and professional who contributed to the success of these programs. A special thanks to the Faculty Advisors and students who hosted the regional meetings. Regional Meeting 2011 Regional Meeting Schedule Southeast February 25 – 26, 2011 Charlotte, NC Western February 25 – 26, 2011 Anaheim, CA Southwest March 4 – 5, 2011 Dallas, TX Atlantic Coast March 18 – 19, 2011 Providence, RI Midwest April 1 – 2, 2011 Indianapolis, IN Rocky Mountain March 25 – 26, 2011 Salt Lake City, UT Missouri Valley April 8 – 9, 2011 Lincoln, NE Northwest April 15 – 16, 2011 Portland, OR Oceania April 14 – 15, 2011 Auckland, NZ B ETA ALP HA P S I Regional Best Practices 2010 Service Learning Region University Chapter Name Chapter # Southeast The University of Tampa Lambda Beta 255 Southwest Stephen F. Austin State University Epsilon Mu 127 Pace University Iota Lambda 218 University of Denver Alpha Zeta 29 Midwest University of Minnesota Rho 17 Missouri Valley Missouri State University Theta Pi 200 Boise State University Zeta Psi 161 Atlantic Coast Rocky Mountain Northwest Ethics & Integrity in Business Region University Chapter Name Chapter # Western San Diego State University Beta Eta 53 Southeast Mississippi State University Beta Kappa 56 Southwest University of Tulsa Eta Rho 178 Midwest Bradley University Zeta Lambda 149 Atlantic Coast Pace University Iota Lambda 218 Missouri Valley Missouri State University Theta Pi 200 Northwest University of Washington Delta 4 Chapter Stainability Region Western University Chapter Name Chapter # California State University, Northridge Epsilon Chi 137 Southeast The University of Tampa Lambda Beta 255 Southwest University of Arkansas Alpha Iota 32 University of Denver Alpha Zeta 29 Youngstown State University Kappa Xi 244 Pace University Iota Lambda 218 Delta Omicron 107 Delta 4 Rocky Mountain Midwest Atlantic Coast Missouri Valley University of Nebraska at Lincoln Northwest University of Washington 2010 Annual Report Deloitte has been the proud sponsor of the Best Practices program at both the regional and national meetings since 2001. Its sponsorship is intended to encourage students to develop and execute programs that promote awareness and student involvement in projects that exemplify values shared by Beta Alpha Psi and Deloitte. These values are captured and promoted through the topics selected each year by the President-elect and the Deloitte Forum Member. These topics involve such areas as ethics, corporate responsibility, diversity, increasing awareness of the accounting profession, skills-based volunteerism and globalization. All chapters are encouraged to share their Best Practices through a two-step competitive process. Initially chapters will submit an abstract and, if found eligible, make a presentation at their respective Regional Meeting; winning chapters (first, second and third place) will: 1) receive verbal recognition and monetary awards and, 2) first-place chapters will earn the right to give their presentations at BAP’s annual meeting. Winning chapters at the annual meeting will be awarded a plaque, verbal recognition and additional monetary awards. For 2010, to the left is the list of chapters that won first place at the 2010 Regional Meetings and will be eligible to participate at the 2010 Annual Meeting in San Jose, CA. 13 International Scholars In an effort to promote and recognize scholarship, Beta Alpha Psi initiated a program to acknowledge selected students as Beta Alpha Psi International Scholars. • Regional Meeting Scholar (RM) Regional Meeting Presentation • Annual Meeting Scholar (AM) Annual Meeting Presentation • Best Practices Scholar (BP/AM) Best Practices Presentation at Annual Meeting • Best Practices Scholar (BP/RM) Best Practices Presentation at Regional Meeting • Project Run With It (PRWI) Presentation at the 2009 Annual Meeting Brooklyn, NY Selection of individuals to be designated as scholars occurred as part of the evaluation process for each event. Those selected as Scholars have participated with a high level of scholarly quality. Each chapter is encouraged to select individuals to participate in these activities and, in an appropriate forum, recognize those students who have been designated Beta Alpha Psi International Scholars. 14 International Scholars by Chapter Beta University of Oregon Reed Engall BP/AM Ashley Kennel BP/AM Roy Matsunaga BP/AM, BP/RM David Wallenstein BP/AM Erika Bulay BP/RM Alice Zhang BP/RM Jordan Patterson BP/RM Mei Li Yu RM delta University of Washington Eric Liang BP/AM Alvin Lai BP/AM Jessica Nguyen BP/AM, BP/RM Gillian Donnelly BP/AM Blake Thomas BP/AM Maria Klieber PRWI Elizabeth Vaughn PRWI Jenny Park BP/RM Matt Jensen BP/RM Jacky Tang BP/RM Susie Shapiro BP/RM Michael Plengrat BP/RM Hank Cycyota BP/RM Peter Zalusky BP/RM Aurelie Machefert BP/RM Hannah Kim BP/RM Alene Vanden Heuvel RM Marilu Cruz RM Karlyn Kurokawa RM EPsilon Oregon State University Kevin Thorpe RM IOTa University of Southern California Fouad Abu-Kazam AM Jamie Kwak AM, RM Karen Poon AM Charmaine Chan BP/RM Sarah Pak BP/RM Ashley Cho BP/RM Debbie Kim BP/RM Sharon Ren RM MU New York University Jeffrey Yen BP/AM Danyu Wei BP/AM NU University of Colorado at Boulder Kristin Larson BP/RM Joseph Goldstein BP/RM Rho University of Minnesota Alex Ellingson BP/RM Bailey Birtzer BP/RM Kyle Canaday BP/RM Kristen Ruud BP/RM Lara Applegate BP/RM PHI Louisiana State University Sarah Miller BP/AM Rachelle Ross BP/AM, BP/RM Emily Plauche BP/AM Megan Dolron BP/AM Scott Safron BP/AM Carly Krizmanich PRWI Tara Stauder BP/RM Erin Phillips BP/RM Stephen Collura BP/RM Chris Whelan BP/RM Psi Marquette University Natalie Mitchell AM Cara Skowronski AM Jill Brown AM Katie Long BP/RM Rachel Smith BP/RM Richard Casper RM Patrick Bender RM Alpha Beta The University of Alabama David Roebuck AM, RM Alpha Zeta University of Denver Jim Tripp AM Jenn Lund BP/RM Hilary Robinson BP/RM Liz Bender BP/RM Armando Vaquez BP/RM Franics Rooney BP/RM Brian Clenin RM Arpeeneh Adamian RM Alpha Theta University of Mississippi Will Threadgill PRWI Chad Berry BP/RM Kristen Barnette BP/RM Coby Parker BP/RM Brandon Willingham BP/RM Natalie Steverson BP/RM Christine Duda BP/RM Arpeeneh Adamian BP/RM Gretchecn Cook BP/RM Alpha Iota University of Arkansas Tayna Gardner AM Cassie Drake AM, BP/RM Laura Akin BP/RM Paige Gray BP/RM Lindy Milburn RM Colin O’Donnell RM Lindsey Hicks RM Alpha Kappa Ohio University Mark Druffel AM Nathaniel Slang AM Rebecca Posey BP/AM Megan Souder BP/AM, BP/RM Martin Wirtz BP/AM Brittni Downs BP/AM, BP/RM Katie Bennett BP/RM Rachel Denham PRWI Michelle Wang BP/RM Lu He BP/RM Kat Morgenthaler RM Zach Hedrick RM Christy Grunebach RM Cheer Cheung RM Christy Stock RM Alpha Mu University of Kentucky Qorinah Wardhani RM Bryan Bulkley RM Alpha Nu Creighton University Kelly Tangen RM B ETA ALP HA P S I International Scholars International Scholars by Chapter Alpha Pi University of Iowa Eric Hartter BP/AM Mike Less BP/AM Daniel Teper PRWI Brian Nowack BP/RM Tim Rosener BP/RM Danielle Protexter BP/RM Maranda Brandt BP/RM Staci Meade BP/RM Samantha Feldman BP/RM Wilson Roorda RM Mickey Untiedt Sean Iske RM Kristin Hanson RM Alpha Upsilon Bowling Green State University Jeff Koons RM Leslie Benner RM Scott Arcuri RM Amber Solden Wagner RM Lindsey Welch RM Alpha Chi Louisiana Tech University Caitlin McAlpin RM Cecil Garrick II RM Alpha Psi West Virginia University Jamin Maradei PRWI Alpha Omega Fordham University Erica Berglind BP/RM Frank Ferrara BP/RM Amanda Garzon BP/RM Matthew Lee BP/RM Beta Alpha Indiana University Anubhar Bhatia BP/RM Andrew Botts BP/RM Michal Arendt BP/RM Justin Krachmalnick BP/RM Andrew Barnett BP/RM Gregory Cheng BP/RM Ben Jarona BP/RM Amy Ollinger BP/RM Beta Eta San Diego State University Joy Gregvig AM Ryan Aannerud PRWI, BP/RM Minami Murphy BP/RM Thomas Jang BP/RM 2010 Annual Report Beta KAPPA Mississippi State University Candace McGee PRWI Candace Mcgee BP/RM Michael Little BP/RM Liz Krusemark BP/RM Rebecca Kershaw BP/RM Beta LAMBDA California State University Los Angeles Soo Chuh BP/AM Samuel Oh BP/AM David Benitez BP/AM William Choi BP/AM, BP/RM Rachel Lee BP/RM Pat Kie Wong BP/RM Hua Tang BP/RM Daniel Dong BP/RM Larry Wasan BP/RM Leena Chow BP/RM Shermont Banks BP/RM Diana Hua Tang BP/RM Beta XI University of Miami Michelle Wacht AM, RM Emanuela Florea AM, RM Jim Deloitte AM, RM Raul Muas AM Beta Upsilon University of Georgia Hunter Smiley AM Samir Patel AM Jessica Draper AM Igor Ryvkin PRWI Beta Chi San Francisco State University Olga Lazarova BP/RM Nadia Slyusareva BR/RM Beta PSI Kent State University Joseph Campbell AM Ray Dipre BP/RM Lauren Lampley BP/RM Alexis Janes BP/RM Matt Moak BP/RM Michelle Maitert BP/RM Andrew Ashton BP/RM Adam Kanzigg RM Jesse Ray RM Felecia Qamar RM Casey Frame RM Jackie Madar RM Joey Campbell RM Beta Mu Georgia State University Jason Arandjelovic BP/RM Winifred Akande BP/RM Beta Rho Florida State University Brad Ellman RM Christie Price RM Megan Pannell RM Justin Simmons RM Austin Chinick RM Gamma Alpha Brigham Young University Annie Iden AM Quentin Stoker AM Brent Monson AM Quentin Stoker RM Gamma Beta University of South Carolina Cason Brewer PRWI D.J. Hill RM Matt Sigafoos RM Gamma Epsilon University of Toledo Stephen Miller RM Chris Konstandas RM Gamma Eta University of Akron Christopher Garman AM Stacey Kies AM Justin Gable RM Autumn Neitzelt RM Chris Garman RM Gamma Kappa University of Nebraska at Omaha Connor Holt BP/AM Clark Ruby BP/AM Jamie Cafferty BP/RM Cara Horn BP/RM Jacob Bright RM Gamma Omicron California State University, Fresno Keaton Young BP/RM Paul McDonald BP/RM Yukiko Hijoka-Crutchfield BP/RM Esperanza Lazcano BP/RM Rebekah Filer BP/RM Juan Alvarez BP/RM Gamma Sigma University of New Orleans Debra Alverez AM, BP/RM Anthony Burrell AM, BP/RM Alaina Stokke PRWI Ashley Carpenter BP/RM Mike Wang BP/RM Gamma Pi Northern Illinois University Paul Lee AM Thankh Nyugen AM Ryan Rogina AM Andrew Miller BP/RM Tahyr Alladurdiyen BP/RM Chris Navratil RM James Farrelly RM Gamma Omega California State University Long Beach University Bernadette Hunter RM Vincent Nguyen RM Karen Shiozaki RM Danny Vu RM Delta Gamma University of South Florida Heather Beisswanger PRWI Richard Grieder BP/RM Ingrid Poole BP/RM Kyle Jones BP/RM Stacy Romick BP/RM Amanda Porpuski BP/RM Keven Rayne BP/RM Stephanie Wagenfohr BP/RM Jaimie Worth BP/RM Delta Epsilon Washington State University Kelly Kube BP/RM Tara Low BP/RM Scott Hagihara BP/RM Dan Ulrich BP/RM Patrick Heneghen RM Delta Eta Seattle University Gerald Umayam PRWI, RM Agatha Dodek RM Gamma Phi University of Texas at Arlington Tiffany Coker PRWI, RM Taraz Yazhari RM Josh Sherrill RM Haider Abbas RM Delta Theta University of Hawaii, Manoa Vicotoria Nael-Decierdo PRWI, BP/RM Raymond Koo PRWI, BP/RM Ka Lee “Claire” Chow BP/RM Gamma Psi University of Missouri St. Louis Allison Loser PRWI Chad Gornicz BP/RM Ann Duke BP/RM Allison Vazquez BP/RM Delta Kappa The University of Montana Marika Paris BP/RM Delta Alpha University of Wyoming Cassie Marshall BP/AM Angela Barrett BP/AM Brent Bright BP/AM Alex Hebbert BP/RM Mellissa McCarthy BP/RM James Martineau BP/RM Delta Beta California State University Fullerton Daisy Zhao AM Eric Yoon AM Alvin Artadi AM, RM Scott Roberg AM Janet Lee PRWI Nick Saul RM Agnes Sukartu RM Delta Omicron University of Nebraska – Lincoln Jennifer Knust AM Taylor Pugh BP/RM Brooke Parsons BP/RM Jennifer Knust BP/RM Kimberly Zarybricky RM Ben Higgins RM Alycia Libolt RM Kyle Steffensmeier RM Sam Barg RM Andrew Thompson RM Marcus Cech RM\ Zach Jelinck RM Adam Fritz RM Scott Stepanek RM Cody Zavadil RM Kristen Seda RM Jacob Jensen RM 15 International Scholars International Scholars by Chapter Delta PI Hofstra University Steven Baierlein BP/RM Heather Decarlo BP/RM Arielle Geffner BP/RM Kris Karalis BP/RM Delta Psi Cleveland State University Stephen Kresnye RM Anna Badea RM Janell Reeves RM Delta Omega Utah State University Clint Allen AM, BP/RM Brian Monsen BP/AM Andy Christensen BP/AM Megan Low BP/AM Jill Aoki BP/RM Jason Tomlinson BP/RM Steve Hurd RM Jordon Livingston RM Epsilon Zeta Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Kipp AM Donald Harvey AM Jonathan Culbreath BP/RM Brittany Forehand BP/RM Kristen Richardson BP/RM Stephen Richey BP/RM Epsilon Gamma University of Central Florida Sam Campion RM Tiffany Bell RM Melissa Lilly RM Carlos Lopez BP/RM Richard metro BP/RM Epsilon Delta University of Missouri Kansas City Ara Azad BP/RM Funda Kanli BP/RM Epsilon Theta Kansas State University Alec Williams AM Jenny Linville AM Katie Kramer AM Hillary Blue AM 16 Epsilon Mu Stephen F. Austin State University Jodi Henley AM, BP/RM Marcy Roe AM Nicole Brantley AMBrittany Dornak AM Ashley Stilley BP/RM William Hawkins BP/RM Vicki Tippit BP/RM Miranda BP/RM Eric Sparks BP/RM Epsilon Nu Murray State University Brittni Sullivan AM Rachel Sturdivant PRWI Epsilon Xi University of Utah Catherine Degn PRWI Trenton Doman PRWI Adrienne Jones RM Michael Whipple RM Catherine Degn BP/RM Scott Hollist BP/RM Brigette Hammond BP/RM Epsilon Omicron Auburn University Anthony Caltabiano RM Ryan Zeek RM Ashley Burton RM Epsilon Rho University of Wisconsin Whitewater Craig Steubs AM Patrick Halford PRWI Epsilon Chi California State University, Northridge Cheryl Shi AM Schatzi Herda AM, BP/RM George Fronjian BP/RM Jenny Huo BP/RM Michael Iskaros BP/RM Sagar Kirit BP/RM Romy Ron BP/RM Jacob Sparks BP/RM Epsilon Psi California State University, East Bay Riahn Dixit AM Selena Sin AM Jerome Ort AM Epsilon Omega Eastern Michigan University Ran “Jophie” Chen BP/RM Michael Taylor BP/RM Zeta Alpha Purdue University Brittany Cooley AM Aixin Zhang AM Zeta Beta Western Illinois University Kayla Sharpe PRWI Grace Costello BP/RM Adam Rebidas BP/RM Patricia Lake BP/RM Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University Commerce Tammy Willner BP/RM Vicky Ho BP/RM Nancy Pope BP/RM Bridget Newman BP/RM Max Goerte BP/RM Zeta Upsilon University of Houston Clear Lake Rebecca Threatt BP/RM Martha Lujan-Ripoll BP/RM Zeta Theta University at Buffalo The State University of New York Jeffrey Bassen AM Marcos Manuta PRWI Nathanael Carbrey BP/RM Tiffany Chin BP/RM Samuel Huoh BP/RM Tyler Kafka BP/RM Kelly Amos BP/RM Slaven Dreno BP/RM Natalie Fenocchi BP/RM Yi Lin BP/RM Jeffrey Nudd BP/RM Mohammed Oladejo BP/RM Olga Stamatova BP/RM Erica Starr BP/RM Olivia Tylutki BP/RM Heather Warnes BP/RM Zeta Iota University of Nevada, Reno Danielle Farris PRWI, RM Vittoria Catania BP/RM Nathan Devlin BP/RM J. Dexter Ramsey BP/RM Jacquelyn Simon BP/RM Lacee Peterson RM Zeta Kappa University of San Diego Stephen Steckbeck BP/AM, BP/RM Andy Kaestle BP/AM Rita Magliocco BP/AM Kerry Pohlson BP/AM, BP/RM Alysia Parkinson BP/AM Christina Oswald BP/AM Nicole Upper BP/AM John Martinez BP/AM Dale Pattugalan BP/AM Felicia Baldwin BP/RM Jayme Carneal BP/RM Christine Chang BP/RM Katrina Dela Paz BP/RM Michael DiCarlo BP/RM Cara Druse BP/RM Diva Patel BP/RM Zeta Lambda Bradley University Katie Kelch AM Megan Halverson AM Janelle Schoon AM Justin Knobeloch BP/RM Tyler Peterson BP/RM Sarah Rayfield BP/RM Zeta Nu Saint Louis University Rosanna Seiler RM Lindy Vu RM Zeta Sigma North Carolina A&T State University Devon Priovette PRWI Octavia Allen RM Kierra Young RM Zeta Chi University of North Carolina at Greensboro Ben Hunter BP/RM Zeta Psi Boise State University James Bird PRWI, BP/RM Glenda Smith BP/RM Macey Crow BP/RM Zeta Omega Ball State University Justin Proctor BP/RM Trent Wilson BP/RM Erin Harbeson BP/RM Eric Fisher RM Danielle Larison RM Kara Polston RM Tara Snider RM Eta Alpha University of North Carolina at Charlotte Michael Lucisano AM Christine D. Mays AM Angela Burns AM Irina Basarabeanu AM Kevin Archer RM Thien Vu RM April Strickland RM Aubrey Rinkert RM Christine Mays RM Lisa Hardee RM Eta Beta University of Texas at San Antonio Paola Resendez AM Edgar Rosillo AM Melissa Cordero AM Billy Mondor AM Amanda Arrendondo RM Briana Ramirez RM Andre Moreira RM Eta Gamma University of Louisville Kerry Griesinger BP/RM Melanie Timperman BP/RM Eta Delta James Madison University Charles Gomes BP/RM Dennis Romero BP/RM Liz Town BP/RM Eta Zeta University of Dayton Lauren Humi AM Susan Massey AM Colleen Smith AM Eta Epsilon Central Michigan University Ruoy Barron AM Alyssa Cramer AM Christina Carpenter PRWI Emily Turbiak BP/RM Alysa Cramer BP/RM Eta Theta University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Anna Kovalenko BP/AM, BP/RM Jasmine Crandall BP/AM Samantha Tess BP/AM Nick Kadulski BP/RM Ryan Bohn BP/RM B ETA ALP HA P S I International Scholars International Scholars by Chapter Eta Iota Florida International University Albert Tamayo AM Laura Sotomayor AM Juan Duarte AM Marie Torrisian AM Sabrina Dinescu AM Paul Gulisano AM Jesse Gonzalez AM Marie Torossian BP/RM Trevor Davis BP/RM Jeffrey Kellogg BP/RM Jacquelyn Gomez BP/RM Andres Cruz BP/RM Eta Lambda Idaho State University Lakyn DeRochie BP/RM Eta Mu St. John’s University Rosalieann Patane BP/RM Jennifer Knoesel BP/RM Michael Meyer BP/RM Alyssa Tallani BP/RM Eta Rho University of Tulsa Katie Largent BP/RM Allison Bertram BP/RM Eta Sigma University of Louisiana at Monroe Ashlyn Labat AM Eta Tau Florida Atlantic University Scarlett Lin BP/RM Rebecca Britton BP/RM Eta Phi Oakland University (Michigan) Kristen Bigelow BP/RM Stephen Yono BP/RM Eta Psi Wright State University Jeremy Miller RM Kate Lash RM Theta Beta University of Texas at El Paso Rosa Haydee BP/AM Nadia Abugalyon BP/AM Susi Barron BP/AM Esther Robinson BP/AM Eric Cordero BP/AM Carlos Natividad-Licon BP/AM Anthony Hart BP/RM Erick Gomez BP/RM Jose Guerra BP/RM Ada Paniagua BP/RM Theta Delta Suffolk College Katie Scharr PRWI Theta Gamma Bentley College Meghan Richardson AM Daniel Berger BP/RM Christina Beshaw BP/RM Thomas Hadala BP/RM Lindsey Sauve BP/RM Theta Eta Southeastern Louisiana University Stephanie Cacioppo AM Kristen Spano AM Mark Winebrener AM Devon Lambert AM Skyler Seal RM Maria Moreno RM Luke Morris RM Jennifer Montgomery RM Lindsey Watts RM Theta Lambda University of Central Arkansas Rachel Foster BP/AM Kristin Vest BP/AM Jessica Rucker BP/AM Theta Nu Fort Lewis College Amanda Arnold AM Rachel Lasiewicz PRWI Joel Aguilar RM Evan Smith RM Theta Xi The University of New Mexico Jessica McQuay AM, BP/RM Kyle Hillman AM Salim Shakir BP/RM Thomas Helgeland BP/RM Carson Townsend BP/RM Erica Sullivan BP/RM 2010 Annual Report Theta Omicron University of Nevada, Las Vegas Olga Maydamik AM Stephanie Holland AM Aaron Smith RM Theta Pi Missouri State University Lindsey Brownsberger AM, BP/RM Rebecca Barrientos AM, BP/RM Julie Ravenscraft BP/RM Ally Hartsfield BP/RM Jinyi Ge BP/RM Jeremy Esquivel BP/RM Winston Wun BP/RM Michael Holth BP/RM Holly Kinney BP/RM Theta Sigma University of Colorado at Denver Jana Kellyova PRWI Theta Upsilon University of South Dakota Gregory Miner BP/RM Nicholas Nelson BP/RM Kristine Kueny RM Theta Phi Western Washington University Hayley Gardiner PRWI Jeff Reiter PRWI Libe Bear BP/RM Paul Than BP/RM Daniel Martin RM Yelena Tikhonova RM Theta Psi University of Northern Colorado Austryn Bruchs RM Chantelle Battista RM Krista Reinbold RM Iota Beta Iowa State University Brandon Honnold RM David Winn RM Iota Gamma University of Idaho Scott Hurlbert AM Kimberly Scott AM Andrea Hasenoehrl PRWI Iota Lambda Pace University Ridwan Zaman BP/AM, BP/ RM Angela Whittaker BP/AM Sang Lee BP/AM Bertrand Pigeon BP/AM Isaiah Urbino BP/AM Dominick Mele PRWI Diana Cano BP/RM Robert Kern BP/RM Elliot Palatnik BP/RM Hiren Prajapati BP/RM Wei Man Tang BP/RM Donald Fleurantin BP/RM Daniel Giordano BP/RM Robin Herrman BP/RM Diana Kaiami BP/RM Vanessa Mae Teodoro BP/RM Cynthia Contreras BP/RM Shady Fahmy BP/RM Andrew Goncalves BP/RM Adam Igayev BP/RM Iota Mu University of Central Missouri Phillip Beckett PRWI Curtis Beasley BP/RM Melissa Gamma BP/RM Iota Phi University of West Florida Katherine Byrd PRWI Iota Sigma Nicholls State University Cherie Boudreaux RM Justin Bourgois RM Iota Upsilon University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse Andrew Cox BP/RM Morgan Lambert BP/RM Kappa Eta Texas State University San Marcos Countess Kwiatkowski AM/BP, RM/BP Roxanne Moralez AM/BP Courtney Campbell AM/BP Irasi Tamayo RM/BP Angel Miraldes RM/BP Eric Ralph RM/BP Kappa Theta University of Louisiana at Lafayette Lauren Sonnier AM Melissa Montalbano AM Ellen Gauthreaux AM, BP/RM Bess Trahan BP/RM Jessica LeJeune RM Robin LeBlanc RM Kyle Buzzanca RM Kappa Mu Sam Houston State University Dana Prasatik RM Lauren Jones RM Daniel Lemon RM Michael Deane RM Kappa Nu Truman State University Joseph Pomicter AM Megan McLaughlin BP/RM Nate White BP/RM Puskar Dahal RM Katie Sassenrath RM Kappa Xi Youngstown State University Steve Carchedi AM Matthew Pollock BP/RM Ryan Garman BP/RM Tarik Awad BP/RM Ashley Tonkovich BP/RM Raechel Bodnar BP/RM Karen Cooper BP/RM Tarik Aweal BP/RM Ryan Garman BP/RM Matt Pollock BP/RM Kappa Sigma University of Michigan-Dearborn Karen Green AM Ana Buia AM Mahshid Keshavarz AM Marinela Zgourov AM Kyle Mlinek BP/RM Hannah Sanday BP/RM Karen Green BP/RM Katre Klow BP/RM Elena Pozen BP/RM Barbara Bellaver BP/RM Nina Susu RM Ilma Leka RM Noela Leka RM Karen Green RM 17 International Scholars International Scholars by Chapter Kappa Upsilon University of Pittsburgh Jonathan Kostuch BP/AM Brendan Reilly BP/AM, BP/RM Cara Reparsky BP/AM Lauren Landry BP/AM Laura Klemer BP/RM Stephen Koscumb BP/RM Michael Haley BP/RM Janelle Kraynak BP/RM Garrett Loughman BP/RM Donald Scott BP/RM Kappa Phi Marshall University Tyler Rowland PRWI, BP/RM Alex Kovarik AM Max Billmyer PRWI, BP/RM Anna Dingess BP/RM Grant Grishaber BP/RM Ellen Moore BP/RM Jessica Johnson BP/RM Joseph Skopic BP/RM Randy Michael BP/RM Kappa Chi Western Illinois University - Quad Cities Beth Patrizi BP/RM Lela Bieri BP/RM Lambda Beta The University of Tampa Andrew Argue BP/AM, BP/RM Nick Williams BP/AM Jing Ming Ma BP/AM Michael Buckland BP/AM Kayla Adams BP/AM Jenna Scinta BP/RM Meredith Klein BP/RM Janell Garguillo BP/RM Roman Cowan BP/RM Jingming Ma BP/RM Maxwell McQuirter BP/RM Patrick Campbell BP/RM Robert Mainelli BP/RM Lisa Reale BP/RM Stephanie Gorospe BP/RM Valerie Bryan BP/RM Lambda Zeta SUNY Oswego Brittany Vetter PRWI 18 Lambda Gamma Pittsburg State University Brittany Bumphus AM Devon Privette AM Lambda Pi Manhattan College Anthony Fiore BP/RM Kimberly Pappas BP/RM Lambda Psi Emporia State University Robert Carr BP/AM Beau Bemis BP/AM Julian Rios BP/RM Todd Fitzsimmons BP/RM Orson Thomas BP/RM Thom Hoang BP/RM Macklin Schuartz RM Corina Nour RM Julian Rios RM Lambda Mu University of Southern Indiana Chris Schwenk AM Clay Ranard AM Emily Shetler BP/AM Katerina Shirokova BP/AM Anna Shade BP/AM, RM Kiersten Deig BP/AM Anna Shade BP/RM Aaron Field BP/RM Jamie Perry BP/RM Kaycie Hibdon BP/RM Ashley Seibert RM Heather Miles RM Andrew Shetler RM Lambda Xi Elon University Todd Cash PRWI Tamekia Sizoo PRWI Jennifer Kirts BP/RM Daniel Shulman BP/RM Alexander Dempsey BP/RM Stephen Jones BP/RM Patrick Campbell BP/RM Lambda Omega The University of Sydney Australia Peter O’Neill PRWI Meena Subramanyam PRWI Mu Gamma University of South Florida St. Petersburg Samantha Edwards PRWI Melissa Whitaker BP/RM Michael Sneaker BP/RM Anita Sefa BP/RM Enton Kane BP/RM Christy Dunkle BP/RM Cuong Ly BP/RM Tara DiMartino BP/RM Mu Zeta Valdosta State University Christopher Topham BP/AM Karlie Martin BP/AM Casey Harrell BP/AM Brandon Eichler PRWI Melanie Terwood PRWI, RM Stephen Rice RM Chris Heape BP/RM Eufemia Ketz BP/RM Sahil Grover BP/RM Shataqua Williams BP/RM Branden Eichler BP/RM Mu Lambda Florida Gulf Coast University Robert Jamerson RM Dobrina Mileva RM Mu Kappa University of Texas at Tyler Kelly Lambert BP/RM Ursula Diaz BP/RM Sadie Gutier BP/RM The Auckland Chapter The University of Auckland School of Business Salah Al-Chanati PRWI Petitioning Southeast Missouri State University Lucas Luckett PRWI University of Nebraska at Kearney Nikki Blaschko PRWI University of Washington, Bothell Nathan Al-Huwail BP/RM Andrew Lowe BP/RM Alex Asou BP/RM Vlad Kolpatcher BP/RM B ETA ALP HA P S I Oceania Meeting The first Oceania Meeting, held April 8–10 in Sydney, Australia, was a success! The University of Sydney was the meeting host. It was attended by students and faculty from the University of Sydney, the University of Auckland and Massey University. Both Australia and New Zealand were well represented. We started the meeting with introductions, then took a bus ride to a Community Service Day at Foodbank Sydney. We sorted many pallets of different types of both food and non-food items into stacks for shelters and soup kitchens. We worked diligently and efficiently, surprising the warehouse managers who had to struggle to keep our hardworking group busy. After returning to downtown Sydney, the Dean of the Business School at the University of Sydney treated us to a wonderful Thai dinner. On Friday we began our work. We started with an operations meeting to determine the name of the region, locations and frequency of regional meetings, and policies, budget, and other financial issues. After the operations meeting, we attended technical breakout sessions on the following accounting and finance topics: • Accounting for Sustainability - Geoff Frost (University of Sydney) • Use of Gaming Principles while Learning Accounting - Paul Blayney (University of Sydney) • E-Learning in Accounting - Julie Harrison (University of Auckland) • Riding the Dragon in the Year of the Tiger - Tyrone Carlin (University of Sydney) • Risk Management Under Basle III - James Conover (University of North Texas) Following the breakout sessions, members from each of the three chapters made presentations in chapter operations sessions and gave everyone an opportunity to discuss their experiences. Each chapter presented what they are doing and issues and problems they are facing. The chapters helped each other solve common issues. The final set of sessions were concurrent breakout sessions for Chapter Faculty Advisors and Board Members and for students. The student session focused on work and internships. Saturday morning began with a negotiation competition. Each team performed valiantly with the winning team receiving a favorite Australian candy, Maltesers. Pearl Rosenberg followed with the keynote address, “Giving Something Back.” Oceania Regional Meeting We closed the meeting with a group photo of participants. This wonderful meeting could not have been more fun or more valuable. Thanks to Pearl Rozenberg, Director of Global Activities and University of Sydney faculty member, for a wonderful meeting! Teri Conover President Elect 2009-2010 2010 Annual Report 19 Outstanding Faculty Advisors One of the most vital elements in the success of a Beta Alpha Psi chapter is the Faculty Advisor. Through countless hours of commitment, individual Faculty Advisors make substantial contributions to the professional growth and development of business financial information students. Beta Alpha Psi, through its cooperation with McGladrey, is privileged to recognize outstanding Faculty Advisors who have demonstrated those rare qualities that place them at the top of all the dedicated Faculty Advisors. This year, the board of directors again has selected Outstanding Faculty Advisors based on a nomination form completed by the individual Faculty Advisors. The nomination assigns points for (1) years of service, (2) various chapter activities and (3) chapter awards. Other supporting documentation can be included as well. Together, the years of service, activities, awards and other relevant documentation demonstrate the Faculty Advisor’s concern for scholastic and professional development of students as well as the overall success of the chapter. For 2009-2010, five professors have been named Outstanding Faculty Advisors. They join 204 of their colleagues recognized by Beta Alpha Psi since the award was started in 1969 in memory of Richard E. Claire by the Andersen Foundation and has been funded by McGladrey since 2007. Honorees receive a plaque and a cash award of $5,000 in tangible recognition of their service to Beta Alpha Psi. 20 Madeleine Carlin Suzanne Ward John Tripp Alpha Zeta Mehmet Kocakulah Kappa Upsilon Kappa Theta University of Pittsburgh University of Louisiana at Lafayette Pittsburgh, PA – Atlantic Coast Region Lafayette, LA – Southwest Region University of Denver Denver, CO – Rocky Mountain Region Lambda Mu University of Southern Indiana Evansville, In – Midwest Region Deborah Medlar Delta University of Washington Seattle, WA – Northwest Region B ETA ALP HA P S I In memory... Michael E. Brown, a CPA and longtime lecturer in accounting in the College of Business Administration at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, died suddenly Nov. 30, 2009. He was 57 years old. He earned a master’s degree in taxation from Walsh College in Troy, Mich., and was an agent for the Internal Revenue service for 27 years. Mike also taught accounting at UMSL for nearly 30 years. He was appointed a full-time lecturer in 2001. He served as faculty advisor for the Gamma Psi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. Under his leadership, those student organizations won the Chancellor’s Distinguished Service Award in 2008. “Mike Brown was a very important part of the accounting programs at UMSL,” said Mary Beth Mohrman, associate professor and accounting area coordinator. “He was a valued colleague, who always was willing to do whatever the department needed. He was a popular teacher, with Professor Michael Brown University of Missouri – St. Louis a relaxed style and an endearing sense of humor. In his work with our student organizations, he became an important mentor and friend to many students and alumni. He will be deeply missed.” Michele Dantin Guidry, 49, a native of Cut Off, La., and resident of Thibodaux, La., died Friday, Dec. 11, 2009. Michele was the faculty advisor for the Iota Sigma Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi at Nicholls State University. Michele Guidry began teaching accounting courses in 1989, leaving behind the day-to-day tasks of preparing tax returns and generating financial statements. However, in 2003, Guidry decided to put into practice again what she had been teaching for 14 years. Michele completed a professional internship with Charles Theriot, CPA, where she served small business-accounting clients. This opportunity allowed her to sharpen her skills, update her knowledge of some of the main areas in accounting and see once again the workings of a CPA firm, Guidry says. Professor Michele Guidry Nicholls State University Before becoming an instructor of accounting, Michele, a Certified Public Accountant, worked at Nicholls State University as the payroll and grants coordinator in the Controller Office. Being a part of university life and interacting with students are what Michele enjoyed most about being an instructor. Dr. George Minmier, 76, died July 1, 2010. Dr. Minmier, a Paris, Ark., native, graduated from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1956 and served on the USS Intrepid and the VW-4 Air Squadron (Hurricane Hunters) as a supply officer. After an honorable discharge, George worked as an accountant for a number of Fortune 500 companies and earned his M.B.A. from Southern Methodist University in Dallas in 1963. In 1967, George pursued his Ph.D. in Accounting at the University of Arkansas and later accepted a position with Georgia State University in Atlanta, where he earned the Outstanding Teacher Award Phi Chi Theta for Business Students. Jimmy Carter was the Governor of Georgia at the time, and George’s work became a part of Carter’s presidential initiatives. He became an accounting professor at the University of Memphis in 1979, where he was recognized as an outstanding professor, earned several honors and received the CPA and CMA certificates. George was committed to his beloved Beta Alpha Psi for the Gamma George Samuel Minmier, Ph.D. University of Memphis Chi chapter and was the longest serving faculty advisor in the international honors fraternity. His involvement spanned 30 years, including a number of years as a Regional Director and member of the Board of Directors. George was awarded the McGladrey & Pullen/BAP Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award two times. George was a wonderful and devoted father, grandfather and husband to his wife, Jean. He and Jean enjoyed traveling and taking cruises. An enthusiastic dancer, he frequented the former Summit Club “hug dancing” or jitterbugging with Jean. 2010 Annual Report 21 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Beta Alpha Psi’s Psi objectives are accomplished through the activities of its individual chapters. Activities of each chapter are evaluated and approved based on a report submitted by the chapter to the Executive Office in accordance with Beta Alpha Psi’s Program for Chapter Activities. KPMG proudly sponsors the Gold Challenge and Superior Chapter Awards for 2009-2010. Up to 15 chapters will be named Gold Chapters at the 2010 annual meeting and will receive a monetary reward of $2,500 and a plaque. Each Superior chapter will receive a plaque and a $275 monetary award to be used for a scholarship and other purposes. For their activities, 142 chapters have been recognized as Superior, and 29 chapters have been recognized as Distinguished. Five chapters have been recognized as Significantly Improved, and one chapter has been recognized as Most Improved. The Most Improved receives a monetary reward of $500 paid by the fund established as a Memorial to Beta Alpha Psi’s former Executive Director, Nancy C. Harke. There were fifteen chapters who achieved Gold status for 2010. 22 Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 1 1919 33 Alpha University of Illinois Susan Curtis Thomas Finnegan Ho Jong Kim Da Hyun Kim 2 1921 18 Beta University of Oregon Joel Sneed Roy Matsunaga Superior 4 1921 125 Delta University of Washington Deborah Medlar Jenny Park Superior/GOLD 5 1922 20 Epsilon Oregon State University Amy Bourne Kevin Thorpe Superior 6 1923 33 Zeta University of North Dakota Steve Carlson DeeAnn Ellington Erik Hauglid Brittany Kuntz Distinguished 8 1924 35 Theta University of Texas at Austin David Verduzco Rebekah Purrazella Peter Ray 9 1925 82 Iota University of Southern California Rose Layton Karen Poon Jamie Kwak 11 1925 21 Lambda University of California Berkeley Maria Nondorf Gabriel Catapang Sherman Kan 12 1926 127 Mu New York University Aaron Hipscher Xin (Cindy) Qin 13 1927 51 Nu University of Colorado at Boulder Cathleen Burns Adam Pasha 14 1929 54 Xi Syracuse University Mitch Franklin Christie Yesersky 15 1929 25 Omicron The Ohio State University Richard Young Nishanker Damodara Lindsey Tisza Superior 16 1930 21 Pi Case Western Reserve University Kevin Carduff Justin Williams David Srsen Superior/GOLD 17 1931 9 Rho University of Minnesota Paul Gutterman Alex Ellingson Distinguished 18 1932 116 Sigma University of Wisconsin – Madison Ann O’Brian Sara Schultz Jonathan Martin 20 1938 44 Upsilon University of Florida Jesse Boyles Guillermo Lopez 21 1939 55 Phi Louisiana State University Julie Chenier Sarah Miller Rachelle Ross Superior 22 1939 63 Chi Oklahoma State University Patrick Dorr Jonathan Steele Superior 23 1942 31 Psi Marquette University Cindy Gruber Carly Krizmanich Superior 24 1942 43 Omega Miami University Clayton Hock Ronald Collins J. Vincent Juron 25 1948 88 Alpha Beta The University of Alabama Gary Taylor David Roebuck 26 1949 45 Alpha Gamma CUNY – Baruch College Emanuel Zur Julius Cherny George Wang 29 1950 52 Alpha Zeta University of Denver John Tripp Arpeeneh Adamian Superior Superior Superior Superior B ETA ALP HA P S I Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 31 1951 27 Alpha Theta University of Mississippi J. Shaw Antonia Pittari Andrew Cash Superior 32 1951 30 Alpha Iota University of Arkansas Charles Leflar Lindsay Hicks Superior/GOLD 33 1952 36 Alpha Kappa Ohio University Connie Esmond-Kiger Megan Souder Superior 34 1951 34 Alpha Lambda University of Tennessee – Knoxville Karyn Valades Izabela VanDeest Distinguished 35 1952 45 Alpha Mu University of Kentucky Jennifer Siebenthaler Sneha Kalyan Qorinah Wardhani Superior 36 1953 29 Alpha Nu Creighton University Tom Purcell Hannah Etnyre Superior 37 1954 1 Alpha Xi University of Detroit Mercy Jeanne David Nataliya Motovylyak 38 1954 30 Alpha Omicron Michigan State University Chris Hogan Willie Sims 39 1954 45 Alpha Pi University of Iowa Joyce Berg Daniel Teper 40 1955 25 Alpha Rho Baylor University Bill Thomas Suzanne Abbe Keith Maynard 41 1955 5 Alpha Sigma University of Cincinnati David Burns Ryan Crotty Felicia Briner 43 1955 22 Alpha Upsilon Bowling Green State University Phillip Schurrer Jeff Koons Superior 44 1956 53 Alpha Phi Temple University Marco Malandra Steven Balsam Christina Kowal Distinguished 45 1956 9 Alpha Chi Louisiana Tech University Carol Shaver Jamie Gray Superior 46 1957 44 Alpha Psi West Virginia University Richard Brooks Andrew Fluharty Superior 47 1957 154 Alpha Omega Fordham University Rosa Romeo Carlo Coumoutsos Superior 48 1957 82 Beta Alpha Indiana University Gretchen Handlos Malcolm McLelland Scott Raichilson Jacklyn Geary 49 1958 20 Beta Gamma DePaul University John McEnroe Jon Assell Emily Jung 51 1959 20 Beta Epsilon Lehigh University Karen Collins Nicole Chin 52 1960 10 Beta Zeta Loyola University New Orleans Patrick Lynch Justin Marocco 53 1960 58 Beta Eta San Diego State University David DeBoskey Wesley Martin 54 1960 34 Beta Theta The Pennsylvania State University Ralph Licastro Constantine Mezhinsky 55 1960 40 Beta Iota Loyola University, Chicago Brian B. Stanko Lisa Gillespie Matthew Daggett 56 1960 25 Beta Kappa Mississippi State University Mark Lehman Justin Hancock 57 1961 28 Beta Lambda California State University, Los Angeles Rafik Elias James G. Kunkel Zhe Li 58 1961 119 Beta Mu Georgia State University - School of Accountancy Allison Jacobs Brad Schafer Brett Guthrie Winifred Akande 59 1961 53 Beta Nu Tulane University Beauregard J. Parent Karen Foust Brooke Bruns Scott Durco 60 1961 66 Beta Xi University of Miami Jacklyn Collins Seth Levine Karen Somoano Victoria DelGado Superior Significantly Improved 61 1961 15 Beta Omicron University of Arizona Karen Otto Carol Plagman Kelly Campbell Superior 62 1962 35 Beta Pi University of North Texas Dutch Fayard Jesse Robertson Aleksander Joyanovic Distinguished 63 1962 60 Beta Rho Florida State University Ronald Pierno Christina Price Superior 2010 Annual Report Superior Superior/GOLD Superior Superior Most Improved Chapter 23 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information 24 Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 64 1962 75 Beta Sigma University of Notre Dame Janet L.O’Tousa Caitlin Flynn 65 1962 65 Beta Sigma Arizona State University Harriet Maccracken Janet Samuels JiaQi Bao Michael Sickles 66 1963 83 Beta Upsilon University of Georgia Dan Smith Amrita Veliyath Lauren Olson Superior 67 1964 59 Beta Phi California State University, Sacramento Hugh Pforsich Phouc La Superior 68 1964 35 Beta Chi San Francisco State University Mike Braswell Joanne Duke Amy Winters Pillai Superior 69 1964 28 Beta Psi Kent State University Donald McFall Joseph Campbell Superior 70 1965 24 Beta Omega Texas Christian University Janice Cobb Meagan Wayland 71 1965 53 Gamma Alpha Brigham Young University Cassy Budd Kevin Lang Superior 72 1965 104 Gamma Beta University of South Carolina Caroline Stroble Susan Balk David Hill Superior 73 1966 96 Gamma Delta University of Houston Jim Stinson Abolade Lawal 74 1966 17 Gamma Epsilon University of Toledo Diana Franz Chris Konstandas 75 1966 18 Gamma Zeta Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Ramon Rodriguez Scott Wilmouth 76 1967 22 Gamma Eta University of Akron Pamela Keltyka Stacey Kies 77 1967 67 Gamma Theta University of Missouri – Columbia Billie Cunningham Ben Wells Josh Gambrell 79 1967 41 Gamma Kappa University of Nebraska at Omaha Burch T. Kealey Marc Behrens Jamie Cafferty Superior 80 1967 65 Gamma Lambda Virginia Tech Brian Cloyd Adam Sharrow Superior 81 1967 15 Gamma Mu Drake University Joyce Njoroge Yeouchiang Eng 82 1968 58 Gamma Nu Northeastern University Michael Cottrill Deep Patel 83 1969 34 Gamma Xi San Jose State University Thomas Moschetti Howard Turetsky Ka Leung Nadia Ahmad Superior 84 1969 32 Gamma Omicron California State University, Fresno Tim Baker Vipul Shah Keaton Young Superior 85 1971 15 Gamma Pi Northern Illinois University Donald Tidrick Paul Lee Andrew Miller Superior 86 1971 40 Gamma Rho Western Michigan University Richard Hodges Sorina Dodu Jessica Maronto Superior 87 1971 22 Gamma Sigma University of New Orleans Mark Reid Joseph Beams Debra Alvarez Superior 88 1971 29 Gamma Tau Colorado State University Jefrrey Castrella Lauren Long Michelle Griffith Catherine Childs Superior 89 1971 44 Gamma Upsilon University of Rhode Island Henry Schwarzbach Christina Mirra 90 1971 52 Gamma Phi University of Texas at Arlington Sandra Bitenc Robert Chumley Tiffany Coker Superior Superior Superior B ETA ALP HA P S I Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 91 1971 27 Gamma Chi University of Memphis John Malloy George Minmier Mallory Johnson Superior 92 1972 33 Gamma Psi University of Missouri – St. Louis Leslie Vaughan Allison Loser Chad Gornicz Superior 93 1972 33 Gamma Omega California State University, Long Beach David B. Bojarsky Alyse Fragosa Vincent Nguyen Superior 94 1972 8 Delta Alpha University of Wyoming Michael Doherty Cassie Marshall Superior 95 1972 62 Delta Beta California State University, Fullerton Betty Chavis Robert Miller Janet Lee Alvin Artadi Superior 96 1972 60 Delta Gamma University of South Florida Gary Laursen Jennifer Cainas Jon Minch Stephanie Wagenfohr Superior/GOLD 97 1973 36 Delta Epsilon Washington State University Nori Pearson Patrick Heneghen Superior 98 1973 14 Delta Zeta California State University, Chico Tim Kizirian Jasmine Logston Superior 99 1973 6 Delta Eta Seattle University David Tinius Sarah Bee Lawrence Lee Agatha Dodek Superior 100 1974 30 Delta Theta University of Hawaii at Manoa Mary Woollen Hamid Pourjalali Victoria Nael-Decierdo Superior/GOLD 102 1974 16 Delta Kappa The University of Montana Barbara Reider Dana Gullickson Superior 103 1974 26 Delta Lambda New Mexico State University Russell Calk John Michael Ordorica Charlotte Lane 104 1975 29 Delta Mu University of Virginia Monica Banyi Eric Magenheimer 105 1975 30 Delta Nu University of Massachusetts Amherst Richard Asebrook Ronald Mannino Tim Chan 106 1975 5 Delta Xi Texas Southern University Ladelle Hyman Kun Wang Latrice Bonner 107 1976 57 Delta Omicron University of Nebraska – Lincoln Deb Cosgrove Arielle Geffner Superior 108 1976 33 Delta Pi Hofstra University Linda Schain Arielle Geffner Superior 109 1976 8 Delta Rho Pacific Lutheran University Janet Mobus Lars Isaksaetre 110 1976 18 Delta Sigma Eastern Washington University Dave Gorton Jenni Winter 111 1976 26 Delta Tau Drexel University Jane Kaplan Katherine Crawford Distinguished 112 1977 15 Delta Upsilon Northern Arizona University Kay Pitt Jonathan Marc Wilhite Distinguished 114 1977 43 Delta Chi University of Alabama at Birmingham Angel Smith Sarah Malcom 115 1977 16 Delta Psi Cleveland State University Dan Kaminsky Stephen Kresnye Superior 116 1977 34 Delta Omega Utah State University Larry Walther Brian Monsen Superior/GOLD 117 1977 20 Epsilon Alpha Portland State University Elizabeth Almer Megan Griffin 118 1977 19 Epsilon Beta University of South Alabama Gregory Prescott Cody McLain Deanna Price 119 1977 96 Epsilon Gamma University of Central Florida Donna Bobok-Schmitt Charles Kelliher Alexander Hofmeister Melissa Lilly 120 1977 50 Epsilon Delta University of Missouri-Kansas City Lavern Krueger Gina Brenne Funda Kanl 121 1977 40 Epsilon Zeta Virginia Commonwealth University Roxanne Spindle Donald Harveyr Superior 123 1978 44 Epsilon Theta Kansas State University Monica Woods Danielle Devlin Distinguished 124 1978 51 Epsilon Iota University of San Francisco Diane Roberts Jacob Haffner Superior 2010 Annual Report Superior 25 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information 26 Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 125 1978 30 Epsilon Kappa Appalachian State University Ronald Marden Ronald Hopkins Superior 126 1978 49 Epsilon Lambda University of Connecticut Clifford Nelson Brittany Ives Superior 127 1978 17 Epsilon Mu Stephen F. Austin State University Treba Marsh Jodi Henley Distinguished 128 1978 13 Epsilon Nu Murray State University Leigh Johnson Wayne Tervo James Taylor Superior 129 1978 75 Epsilon Xi University of Utah Marci Butterfield Trenton Doman Superior/GOLD 130 1978 85 Epsilon Omicron Auburn University Amy Campbell Jennifer Cornett Leann Katherine Stokes Anthony D. Caltabiano Superior 132 1979 110 Epsilon Rho University of Wisconsin – Whitewater Roy Weatherwax Bill Tatman Craig Stuebs Superior 133 1979 5 Epsilon Sigma George Washington University Keith E. Smith Rebecca Sagalyn 134 1979 13 Epsilon Tau Wichita State University Atul Rai Melanie Blackmon Kimberly Oats 135 1979 23 Epsilon Upsilon Emory University-Goizueta Business School Charles Brandon Robert Minnear Sara Shapiro 136 1979 11 Epsilon Phi Wayne State University Deborah Jones Daniel Hagerman 137 1979 41 Epsilon Chi California State University, Northridge Christopher Jones Sung Wook Yoon Karen Minasi3n Schatzi Herda Superior/GOLD 138 1979 23 Epsilon Psi California State University, East Bay Ching-Lih Jan Diane Satin Rohan Dixit Superior 139 1980 37 Epsilon Omega Eastern Michigan University Howard Bunsis Michael Taylor Superior 140 1980 37 Zeta Alpha Purdue University Tony Greig Jared Collins 141 1980 20 Zeta Beta Western Illinois University Cheryl Westen Patricia Lake 142 1980 Zeta Gamma Middle Tennessee State University G. Robert Smith, Jr. Keri Brunstad Kayla Grill 143 1980 41 Zeta Delta Georgia Southern University Dwight Sneathen J. Lowell Mooney Charles Hodges 144 1981 8 Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University – Commerce Gordon Heslop Linda Kapp Brianne Ste. Marie 146 1981 47 Zeta Theta University of Buffalo SUNY Kathleen Nesper Jeffrey Bassen Superior/GOLD 147 1981 32 Zeta Iota University of Nevada, Reno Betty Cossitt Danielle Farris Superior 148 1981 22 Zeta Kappa University of San Diego Mark Judd Miles Romney Stephen Steckbeck Superior 149 1981 12 Zeta Lambda Bradley University Simon Petravick Megan Halverson Superior/GOLD Superior Significantly Improved Superior Distinguished B ETA ALP HA P S I Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President 150 1982 25 Zeta Mu The University of Southern Mississippi Valerie Simmons James Gingell Breanne Hancock Awards 151 1982 34 Zeta Nu Saint Louis University Debbie Pike Lindy Vu Distinguished 152 1982 11 Zeta Xi Seton Hall University David Mest Joyce Strawser Timothy Matthew Distinguished 153 1982 24 Zeta Omicron University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire James Rundall John Marchant Mark Bader 154 1982 27 Zeta Pi Old Dominion University Randall Spurrier Brian Kint Superior 155 1983 20 Zeta Rho Clemson University Ralph Welton Matthew Pencek Superior 156 1983 7 Zeta Sigma North Carolina A&T State University Gwendolyn Highsmith-Quick Devon Privette Superior 157 1983 23 Zeta Tau Lamar University Ann Watkins Howell Lynch Kayla Tompkins 158 1983 24 Zeta Upsilon University of Houston - Clear Lake Susan Sorensen Rececca Threatt Superior Superior 159 1983 28 Zeta Phi Tennessee Tech University Dan Fesler Stacey Jolley 160 1984 50 Zeta Chi University of North Carolina at Greensboro Jane Livingston Melissa Hershberger Joshua Jones 161 1984 31 Zeta Psi Boise State University Celia Renner James Bird Superior 162 1984 24 Zeta Omega Ball State University Mark Myring Justin Proctor Superior 163 1984 40 Eta Alpha University of North Carolina at Charlotte Robert Guinn Pat Mynatt Michael Lucisano Lisa Hardee Superior 164 1984 42 Eta Beta University of Texas at San Antonio Cathy Cole Paola Resendez Amanda Arredondo Superior 165 1984 8 Eta Gamma University of Louisville William Stout Samantha Abell Superior 166 1985 21 Eta Delta James Madison University Sandra Cereola Luis Betencourt Meghan White Superior 167 1985 16 Eta Epsilon Central Michigan University Thomas Weirich Emily Turbiak Superior 168 1985 33 Eta Zeta University of Dayton Ron Burrows Jennifer Creech Susan Massey Superior 169 1985 52 Eta Theta University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Sheila Viel Paul Fischer Samantha Tess 170 1986 45 Eta Iota Florida International University Jimmy Carmente Albert Tamayo Marie Torossian Superior 171 1986 30 Eta Kappa University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Melanie McCoskey Courtney Edmondson Superior 172 1986 9 Eta Lambda Idaho State University Priscilla Reis Xiaowen Mei Lakyn DeRoche Superior Significantly Improved Superior 173 1986 46 Eta Mu St. John’s University Patrick R. Collabella Anthony Fanwick 174 1987 13 Eta Nu Howard University Jean Wells Margaret Hicks Violet Richardson 175 1988 16 Eta Xi University of Michigan – Flint Clement Chen Keith Moreland Stevn Mao Distinguished 176 1988 16 Eta Omicron Western Kentucky University Richard Aldridge Shari Henson Brittney Chappell Superior 177 1990 25 Eta Pi University at Albany Michelle Moshier Samantha Cosenza Superior 178 1990 13 Eta Rho University of Tulsa Tracy Manly Dennis Hudson Jessika McCarver Distinguished 179 1990 8 Eta Sigma University of Louisiana at Monroe Patti Roshto Ashlyn Labat Superior 180 1990 72 Eta Tau Florida Atlantic University Kimberly Dunn Emmanuel Jourdan Scarlet Lin Superior 2010 Annual Report 27 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information 28 Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President 181 1991 20 Eta Upsilon Loyola College in Maryland Hong Zhu Timothy Sugrue 182 1991 16 Eta Phi Oakland University (Michigan) Sandra Pelfrey Karenya Miller 183 1991 4 Eta Chi Montana State University Robin Jarnagin Shardae Johnson Awards Superior 184 1991 10 Eta Psi Wright State University Jim Greenspan Jeremy Miller Superior 185 1992 21 Eta Omega East Tennessee State University Shelby Sparks Paul Bayes Jessica Falso Distinguished 186 1992 5 Theta Alpha George Mason University Connie Hylton Bryant Le Julia Ragan 187 1992 8 Theta Beta University of Texas at El Paso Mary Stevens Esther Robinson Superior 188 1992 30 Theta Gamma Bentley College Arthur Reed Christina Beshaw Superior 189 1993 21 Theta Delta Suffolk University Tom Whalen Bill Driscoll Venessa Vey Superior 190 1993 10 Theta Epsilon Indiana State University Joseph Sanders Lainey Pine 191 1993 24 Theta Zeta Millsaps College Jane Collins Angela Pesnell 192 1993 15 Theta Eta Southeastern Louisiana University Dean DiGregorio Kristin Spano Skyler Seal 193 1993 15 Theta Iota University of Baltimore Phillip Korb Stuart Aiken 194 1994 Theta Kappa University of Illinois at Chicago Peter Chalos Tim Seong 195 1994 23 Theta Lambda University of Central Arkansas Stephanie Watson Patricia Mounce Kristin Vest 196 1994 80 Theta Mu Rutgers University – New Brunswick Marjorie Yuschak Patrick Chong 197 1994 19 Theta Nu Fort Lewis College Chris Lyon Rick Gore Rachel Lasiewicz Superior Superior Superior 198 1994 45 Theta Xi The University of New Mexico Craig G. White Thomas Helgeland Superior 199 1994 21 Theta Omicron University of Nevada, Las Vegas Tommy Moores Stephanie Holland Superior 200 1995 24 Theta Pi Missouri State University Carl Keller George Schmelzle Lindsey Brownsberger Superior 201 1995 57 Theta Rho Binghamton University Elliot Kamlet Cody Grant 202 1995 26 Theta Sigma University of Colorado at Denver Ann Martin Jana Kellyova 203 1995 21 Theta Tau Weber State University David Malone Amanda Allred 204 1996 10 Theta Upsilon University of South Dakota Srini Ragothaman Stephanie Suhrbier Superior 205 1996 36 Theta Phi Western Washington University David Zhu Audrey Taylor Jana Kellyova Superior 206 1996 8 Theta Chi Duquesne University Priscilla Austin Dang Tran Jessica Ferich Distinguished 207 1996 22 Theta Psi University of Northern Colorado Allen McConnell Emma Watson Superior 208 1997 16 Theta Omega Eastern Illinois University Tim Mills Bill Wootton Lisa Vahling Superior 209 1997 28 Iota Alpha University of North Carolina at Wilmington William Kerler David Mautz Hanna Short B ETA ALP HA P S I Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President 210 1997 35 Iota Beta Iowa State University Diane Whittle William Dilla Kendra Laubenthal Tyler Sulzberger 211 1997 16 Iota Gamma University of Idaho K.D. Hatheway-Dial Marla Kraut Amber Hopf Superior 212 1997 29 Iota Delta Gonzaga University Gary Weber Greta Hoffman Superior 214 1997 14 Iota Zeta Towson University Charles Russo David Sereno Chris Nehus Superior Significantly Improved 215 1997 30 Iota Eta California State University San Bernardino Janet Courts Ronald Escobar Victoria Roberts 216 1998 16 Iota Theta University of Alabama in Huntsville Eugene Bryson Andrew Spain 217 1998 14 Iota Kappa University of the Pacific Stephen Wheeler Cindy Eakin Kristine Silva Suet Ying Wong 218 1998 42 Iota Lambda Pace University Charles Tang Guilherme Santos Wai Htoon Superior/GOLD 219 1998 11 Iota Mu University of Central Missouri Janice Klimek Jo Lynn Koehn Kelsey Johnson Crystal Anderson Superior 220 1998 30 Iota Nu University of Oklahoma Carol Knapp Jacob Hill 221 1998 74 Iota Xi East Carolina University Joseph Hagan Douglas Schneider Lucy Brenner 222 1998 3 Iota Omicron McNeese University Michael Roach Heather Fontenot 223 1998 21 Iota Pi Salisbury University Robert Dombrowski Seth Young Superior 224 1999 11 Iota Rho University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Steve Makar Jennifer Blohm Distinguished 225 1999 11 Iota Sigma Nicholls State University Michele Guidry Catherine Gaharan Rayven Plaisance 226 1999 47 Iota Tau Kennesaw State University Mary Sheil Rich Clune Ashley Whitworth Kate Ferguson 227 1999 9 Iota Upsilon University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Kenneth Winter Barbara Eide Michelle Cody Monica Endres 228 1999 29 Iota Phi University of West Florida Allen Frank Michael Rosen 229 2000 44 Iota Chi California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Rose Martin William Foley Roxanne Gutierrez Superior 230 2000 38 Iota Psi Fairfield University Milo W.Peck, Jr. JoAnn Drusbosky Nicole Barone Distinguished 231 2000 41 Iota Omega North Carolina State University Roby Sawyers Janice Wetherbee Andrew Cantell Carol Burton 232 2000 8 Kappa Alpha Morgan State University Karen Robinson Babila Galega 233 2000 57 Kappa Beta Grand Valley State University Dori Danko Rita Grant Melissa de la Rosa Lindsey Gilles Superior 234 2000 32 Kappa Gamma Rutgers University - Camden Troy Janes Nathan Levison Carissa O’Connor Alyssa McCarthy Distinguished 235 2000 22 Kappa Delta Illinois State University Debbie Lindberg Nicholas Jones Jarrad Koon 236 2000 25 Kappa Epsilon Rider University Drew Procaccino Sharry Li Sabrina Govindarajan Alfred Russo 237 2001 31 Kappa Zeta St. John’s University – Staten Island Campus Patrick Colabella Gina DeLauro Distinguished 238 2001 14 Kappa Eta Texas State University-San Marcos Sherry Ross Irasis Tamayo Superior 239 2001 18 Kappa Theta University of Louisiana at Lafayette Suzanne Ward Lauren Sonnier Superior/GOLD 2010 Annual Report Awards Distinguished 29 Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information 30 Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President Awards 240 2001 14 Kappa Iota Widener University Nicole Santomero Frank Lordi Keith Lehman 241 2001 64 Kappa Lambda Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Allen Hunt Kristofer Lafore 242 2001 16 Kappa Mu Sam Houston State University Jan Taylor Morris Justin Kelly 243 2001 37 Kappa Nu Truman State University Laurie Turner Kelly Peterson Superior 244 2002 18 Kappa Xi Youngstown State University Raymond Shaffer Ashley Tonkovich Superior 245 2002 3 Kappa Omicron Long Island University – C.W. Post Campus Christie L. Comunale Megan Cavea Superior 246 2002 15 Kappa Pi Samford University Sharon Jackson Taylor Marie Kardoes Superior 247 2002 12 Kappa Rho Winthrop University Michael Cornick Charles Alvis J. Evan Mitchell Superior 248 2003 32 Kappa Sigma University of Michigan-Dearborn Susan Baker Barbara Bellaver Superior 249 2003 42 Kappa Upsilon University of Pittsburgh Madeleine Carlin Jocelyn Kauffunger Jonathan Kostuch Superior 250 2003 26 Kappa Phi Marshall University Amanda Thompson Dallas Brozik Tyler Rowland Superior/GOLD 251 2003 15 Kappa Chi Western Illinois University – Quad Cities Martin Coe Gretchen Schlund Elizabeth Patrizi 253 2004 18 Kappa Omega Villanova University Wayne Bremser Robert Riley 254 2004 117 Lambda Alpha University of Kansas Alee Phillips Ryan Dreher 255 2004 27 Lambda Beta The University of Tampa Mary Keener Andrew Argue Superior/GOLD 256 2004 15 Lambda Gamma Pittsburg State University Gail Yarick Amy Ster Distinguished 257 2005 7 Lambda Delta Stetson University Judson Stryker Michael Bitter Jacob Stafford Bashorat Usmanova 258 2005 12 Lambda Epsilon Winston Salem State University George Johnson George Heilman Demar Drummond 259 2005 16 Lambda Zeta SUNY Oswego Florence Kirk Laura Bea Murphy 260 2005 20 Lambda Eta Marist College Greg Tully Joseph Lombardi 261 2005 9 Lambda Theta South Carolina State University Barbara Adams Carl Curnell 262 2005 19 Lambda Iota Northern Michigan University Kenneth Mullins Mary Jeanne Rajala Lorelei Peanosky 263 2005 34 Lambda Kappa Coastal Carolina University John Mortimer Joe Warther Shawn Sines Barry Long Distinguished 264 2006 15 Lambda Mu University of Southern Indiana Mehmet Kocakulah Brian McGuire Emily Shetler Superior 265 2006 22 Lamda Nu Belmont University Del DeVries Alexa Karpinski Distinguished 266 2006 20 Lambda Xi Elon University Patty Cox Linda Poulson Todd Cash Superior 267 2006 90 Lambda Omicron University of Texas at Dallas Tiffany Bortz Lauren Jobe 268 2006 25 Lambda Pi Manhattan College Ahmed Goma Kimberly Pappas Superior Distinguished B ETA ALP HA P S I Outstanding Chapter Awards and Chapter Information Chapter Number Charter Year Number of Initiates FY 2010 Name School Name Faculty Advisor/ Co-Advisor President 269 2006 20 Lambda Rho California State University, Stanislaus Kim Tan David Lindsay Dale Krugger 270 2006 18 Lambda Sigma University of California, Los Angeles Gordon Klein Mariya Entina 271 2006 13 Lambda Upsilon Seattle Pacific University Ross Stewart Megan Winskill 272 2006 16 Lambda Phi Georgia College & State University Catherine Whelan Bryan Marshall Lisa Redford 273 2007 18 Lambda Chi Niagara University Alfonso Oddo Rochelle Greek 274 2007 34 Lambda Psi Emporia State University George Durler Jason Seaton Julian Rios 275 2008 34 Lambda Omega The University of Sydney – Australia Pearl Rozenberg Peter O’Neill 276 2008 25 Mu Alpha Ithaca College Patricia Libby Aaron Jones 277 2008 13 Mu Beta College of Charleston Michael C. Cipriano Dana Garner Matthew Pierce Awards Distinguished Superior 278 2008 15 Mu Delta Ohio Northern University Dexter Woods Jordan Miller Distinguished 279 2008 18 Mu Gamma University of South Florida St. Petersburg Patricia Gaukel Jennifer Perez Jessica Brown Superior 280 2009 4 Mu Epsilon Western New England College John Coulter Kristina LaBare 281 2009 18 Mu Zeta Valdosta State University Raymond Elson Melanie Terwood 282 2009 44 Mu Eta The College of New Jersey Mark Nigrini Seunghee Choi Rebecca Bella 283 2009 14 Mu Theta Tennessee State University Eva Jermakowicz Lawrence Maples Jonathan Eakes 284 2009 43 The Auckland Chapter The University of Auckland New Zealand Julie Harrison Brendon Potter Salah Al-Chanati Kajal Bajpai Distinguished 285 2010 37 Mu Xi The University of Texas at Tyler Mark Washburn Mary Fischer Matt Lusty Distinguished 286 2010 42 Mu Lambda Florida Gulf Coast University Joseph C. Rue Jacqueline R. Conrecode Christopher Morton Superior 287 2010 31 Mu Nu University of Nebraska – Kearney Janet Trewin Matthew Bjornsen 288 2010 47 Mu Xi Southeast Missouri State University Rebecca Lohmann Lucas Luckett 289 2010 63 Mu Omicron Washburn University Richard Moellenberndt Sadye Mages Petitioning Chapters Faculty Advisor Co-Advisor President 1357 Central Washington University Ronald Tidd Michael Tonge 1361 Adelphi University Richard Baker Ganesh Pandit Natalie Venezia Felix Sapini 1362 University of Washington Bothell Ron Tilden 1363 Utah Valley University James Bailey 1365 Xavier University David Randolph 1366 Massey University Asheq Rahman 1367 University of Hartford J. Donald Warren, Jr. 1368 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Akinyloye Akindayomi 2010 Annual Report Superior Superior Awards Superior Margaret Weidner Laura Paulekas 31 New Chapter Installations #285 - University of Texas at Tyler - Mu Kappa 37 Charter Members Installing Officers – Andrew Bailey, President and Lu Montondon, Chapter Advocate #286 - Florida Gulf Coast University - Mu Lambda 42 Charter Members Installing Officers – Nancy Nichols, Past President and Patricia Poli, Chapter Advocate #287 - University of Nebraska at Kearney - Mu Nu 31 Charter Members Installing Officers – Nancy Nichols, Past President and Patricia Poli, Chapter Advocate #288 - Southeast Missouri State University - Mu Xi 47 Charter Members Installing Officers – Teresa Conover, President Elect and Scott Hobson, Chapter Advocate #289 - Washburn University - Mu Omicron 63 Charter Members Installing Officer – Teresa Conover, President Elect and Scott Hobson, Chapter Advocate 32 B ETA ALP HA P S I 2009 Annual Meeting Winners 2009 Project Run With It 2009 Gold Challenge sponsored by Moss Adams LLP sponsored by KPMG Winners Arts & Business Council of New York Max Billmyer Marshall University – Kappa Phi Todd Cash Elon University – Lambda Xi Winners University of South Florida — Delta Gamma Louisiana State University — Phi University of Louisiana at Monroe — Eta Sigma University of Washington — Delta Pace University — Iota Lambda Jana Kellyova University of Colorado, Denver – Theta Sigma University of Arkansas — Alpha Iota Victoria Nael-Decierdo University of Hawaii at Manoa – Delta Theta San Diego State University — Beta Eta Creative Alternatives of New York Heather Beisswanger University of South Florida – Delta Gamma Rachel Lasiewicz Fort Lewis College – Theta Nu Jeff Reiter Western Washington University – Theta Phi Palms for Life Fund Nikki Blaschko University of Nebraska at Kearney – Petitioning Igor Ryvkin San Francisco State University – Beta Chi Brittany Vetter SUNY at Oswego – Lambda Zeta August 2009, Brooklyn, N.Y. SUNY at Buffalo — Zeta Theta University of Oregon — Beta Marquette University — Psi Western Illinois University — Zeta Beta University of Denver — Alpha Zeta University of North Carolina at Charlotte — Eta Alpha 2009 Best Practices Winners sponsored by Deloitte Service Learning: Using your Skills to Help a Local Organization 1st Place: University of Central Arkansas — Theta Lambda Honorable Mention: University of Washington — Delta Honorable Mention: Emporia State University — Lambda Psi Developing Life Skills: Helping Others Succeed 1st Place: University of Texas at El Paso — Theta Beta Honorable Mention: Pace University Honorable Mention: Ohio University Bradley University — Zeta Lambda sponsored by Ernst & Young Chapter Sustainability: The Future Success of Your Chapter 1st Place: University of Tampa — Lambda Beta University of Iowa – Alpha Pi Honorable Mention: University of Oregon — Beta 2009 Diversity Initiative Award University of Washington – Delta Pace University – Iota Lambda Kent State University – Beta Psi Honorable Mention: California State University - Los Angeles — Beta Lambda 2009 Medal of Inspiration Winner sponsored by the AICPA Marilu Cruz University of Washington, Delta Chapter 2010 Annual Report 33 Nancy C. Harke Executive Office Dear Members, This is the first time the Executive Office staff has been invited to contribute to the Beta Alpha Psi annual report. I speak on behalf of Margie Fiorentino, Este Alicea-Rivera, and myself, in saying that we are honored to be in our positions, serving our members and implementing the policies approved by our board of directors who represent you. Our Executive Office is unusual in that it is housed within the American Institute of CPAs. Through a contractual arrangement, we have three full-time employees, plus we have an extended family of individuals who dedicate a portion of their time in completing our business needs such as accounting, conference planning, graphic design, facilities assistance, legal, and in many other ways. We are indebted to the generosity of the AICPA who enables us to operate as though we are a large company while we do it with a very small staff. Our daily activities are fairly typical of a small business: we answer many phone calls and emails from you on every possibly topic. We also process your payments and transmit your nominations/ applications to the appropriate judging task force. The Nancy C. Harke Executive Office is operated under the direction of the Beta Alpha Psi board of directors. Support for the office is provided by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) under the terms of an alliance that has allowed Beta Alpha Psi to streamline the reporting process, and to take advantage of may available resources. Contacting the Executive Office Email: [email protected] Phone: 919.402.4044 Fax: 919.402.4040 Mail: 220 Leigh Farm Road Durham, NC 27707 We support the Beta Alpha Psi board, which determines the strategic direction of the organization. When a new competition is approved, it is our responsibility to work with our volunteers to implement and mainstream it into our organization. During the past few months, a task force of the board has been planning the launch of a Beta Alpha Psi e-newsletter. Our staff supported the task force in many ways to enable us to use e-mail so that the messages will not go straight to spam, updating our policies and procedures so that we are in compliance with privacy practices, and developing a realistic production schedule. The PCA was adjusted at the recommendation of our alumni representatives to encourage our chapters to help us update our alumni database. We prepare a budget that serves as a financial guide for what we expect in the upcoming year. We update it periodically since most of what happens is a result of your efforts to keep our chapters very active. We have an annual review of our internal controls by the AICPA Internal Audit team to make sure they comply with current standards. Though our books and financial records are not more complex than those in a basic accounting course, our statements need review and there are adjustments and corrections that take place throughout the year. We have an annual audit by J.H. Cohn and its auditors request analyses and ask incisive questions related to our current and future plans. As I write this, we are getting to the final stages of planning our upcoming annual conference in San Jose, CA. We work with volunteer conference chairs and other volunteers responsible for various segments of the conference. I hope you have noticed that our conference website is contemporary and much more user friendly. In the fall, we invited your chapter to participate in our operations sessions. The Advisory Forum and its representatives will be the presenters in our professional sessions. At the request of the board, the BAP staff has helped generate new revenue sources to help cover the increasing costs of the conference. We want your experience in San Jose to be memorable and professional. We welcome Kathleen Horton, CMP, and Beth Woloski, members of the AICPA Meetings and Conferences team, who took over the leadership of our conference planning function at the end of April 2010. They and their colleagues will be responsible for booking hotels for our regional and annual meetings, negotiating contracts, working with our annual and regional meeting planning teams, and fulfilling the other responsibilities of being conference planners. We acknowledge and thank Yolanda Hamer, who served as Beta Alpha Psi’s first full-time conference planner for almost four years and wish her good luck in her new position. In closing, we’d like to thank the board of directors, the faculty advisors, the chapter officers who tirelessly plan and run the activities, and our members. We had a very successful 2009-10 year and plan to build on it during 2010-11 and in future years. Yours truly, Dassie Baum, Executive Director 34 2010 Annual Report B ETA ALP HA P S I 34 Nancy C. Harke Executive Office Hadassah (Dassie) Baum is responsible for the operation of the Nancy C. Harke Executive Office, the coordination of board and Forum meetings, finance and internal technology for Beta Alpha Psi. In November 2006, she relocated to North Carolina to establish BAP’s new office in Durham. Before becoming the Executive Director of BAP, Baum was a technical manager for the AICPA’s new finance team and served as the Director of Academic Development for the Institute of Management Accountants. She has a variety of experience in public accounting, industry and education. Hadassah Baum (Dassie) Executive Director Her educational background includes being a CPA, CMA and CAE (Certified Association Executive). Baum received an M.B.A. degree from New York University and a B.S. in accounting from Brooklyn College. Dassie and her husband Avi, reside in Raleigh, N.C. Besides exploring her new neighborhood, she enjoys swimming, entertaining, reading, crossword puzzles and community involvement. Margaret Fiorentino is the primary point of contact for BAP. She handles all phone and e-mail inquiries from Faculty Advisors and Chapter Officers and sends out chapter communications. Her duties include maintaining the BAP website and the Reporting Intranet, distributing membership certificates, and fulfilling chapter supply requests. Fiorentino also is responsible for overseeing the preparation of the annual report and updating the chapters with the annual meeting details. She also works closely with the board of directors and new petitioning chapters. Margaret is a graduate of The City College of New York with a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts. Margie is happily married to Peter and they reside in Chapel Hill, N.C. Margaret Fiorentino Chapter Services Specialist Esteban Alicea-Rivera has more than 11 years experience producing various websites, web-based e-learning and web-based applications in academic, corporate and government work environments. Most recently he worked as a Web Designer Developer with MetaMetrics, Inc. In addition, he helped develop the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website to exceed section 508 accessibility compliance and created EEOC’s Spanish-language website. In the past, Alicea-Rivera has developed backend e-learning modules for the pharmaceutical industry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and Military Medicine and the U.S. Navy Seals. Alicea-Rivera lives in Apex, N.C. with his wife, Stefanie, and his eight-year-old son, Stephen, who wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. Esteban Alicea-Rivera Web Designer Kathleen Horton is the Conference Manager for the 2010 Beta Alpha Psi Annual Conference. She is the primary contact for all operations and logistics questions. She is working closely on the transition of information to the new Event & Meetings team for BAP. Kathleen is a graduate of the University of Georgia and has worked for the AICPA for 4 years. Kathleen Horton Conference Manager Meetings & Conferences - AICPA Beth Woloski joined the AICPA in February 2007. As Manager, Meetings & Events, she manages all logistical aspects of the Beta Alpha Psi regional meetings, board meetings, as well as assists with the 2010 Annual Conference. In addition to Beta Alpha Psi, Woloski is also responsible for the management of the logistical planning of AICPA’s external committee meetings and non-revenue generating conferences and events. Upon graduation from North Carolina State University, Woloski worked for a meeting planning company. She returned to school to obtain her North Carolina Teaching License, teaching middle school Language Arts for several years. Beth Woloski Manager of Meetings & Events Meetings & Conferences - AICPA 2010 Annual Report Woloski lives in Raleigh, NC where she is an avid marathon runner and recently completed her first ultramarathon. She also enjoys volunteering, as well as baking/decorating cakes. 35 Financial Statements Report of Independent Public Accountants To the board of directors Beta Alpha Psi We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Beta Alpha Psi as of April 30, 2010 and 2009, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Beta Alpha Psi as of April 30, 2010 and 2009, and the changes in its net assets and cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. J.H. Cohn, LLP Roseland, New Jersey June 16, 2010 36 B ETA ALP HA P S I Financial Statements Statements of Financial Position Years Ended April 30, 2010 April 30, 2009 $1,037,837 $915,673 304,213 215,802 58,410 47,936 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses and other assets Totals 35,611 10,118 $1,436,071 $1,189,529 115,839 199,254 25,569 4,912 $1,577,479 $1,393,695 $88,621 $114,810 41,052 34,662 129,673 149,472 1,350,506 1,181,823 Long term assets Investments Web site development, net of accumulated amortization $156,523 and $151,900 Totals Liabilities Accounts payable Unearned revenue Total Liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets Totals 97,300 62,400 1,447,806 1,244,223 $1,577,479 $1,393,695 Statements of Cash Flows Years Ended April 30, 2010 April 30, 2009 $203,583 $45,018 Operating activities Change in net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Amortization 4,623 Loss on disposition of website development costs 16,878 38,672 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (10,474) 27,188 Prepaid expenses and other assets (25,493) (528) Accounts payable (26,189) (84,072) 6,390 17,717 152,440 60,873 (25,280) (13,129) Unearned revenue Net cash provided by operating activities Investing activities: Capital expenditures Purchase of investments (4,996) (221,991) (30,276) (235,120) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 122,164 (174,247) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 915,673 1,089,920 $1,037,837 $915,673 Net cash used in investing activities Cash and cash equivalents, end of year See Notes to Financial Statements. 2010 Annual Report 37 Financial Statements Statements of Activities Years Ended April 30, 2010 April 30, 2009 $ 642,818 $ 557,361 181,000 185,200 Changes in unrestricted net assets Revenue and support: Initiation fees Associates program contributions Chapter maintenance fees 53,905 52,475 Annual student convention 217,862 209,650 Charter and petition fees 8,000 7,990 135,188 132,355 6,652 17,815 Contributed services 149,639 127,029 Net assets released from restrictions 149,341 136,925 16,167 20,513 1,560,572 1,447,313 384,905 355,079 37,357 41,415 9,498 9,959 Regional meetings Interest income Miscellaneous Total unrestricted revenue and support Expenses Annual student convention Board of directors meetings Chapter installations and visitations Banners and gavels Regional meetings Superior chapter awards 4,367 4,425 306,176 320,026 31,125 53,050 Best practice awards 27,250 26,275 Diversity awards 10,000 10,000 Faculty advisor awards 25,000 30,000 Gold Challenge awards 35,966 Project Run With It awards Miscellaneous Total program expenses General and administrative Total expenses Change in unrestricted net assets 10,000 10,000 6,655 7,337 $888,299 $867,566 503,590 498,804 $1,391,889 $1,366,370 168,683 80,943 184,241 101,000 (149,341) (136,925) 34,900 (35,925) Change in temporarily restricted net assets: Contributions Net assets released from restrictions Change in temporarily restricted net assets Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year 203,583 45,018 1,244,223 1,199,205 $ 1,447,806 $1,244,223 See Notes to Financial Statements. 38 B ETA ALP HA P S I Financial Statements Note 1 — Purpose and summary of accounting policies: Purpose: Beta Alpha Psi (the “Organization”) is organized and operated for the encouragement and recognition of scholastic and professional excellence in the fields of finance, accounting and information systems. The Organization’s objectives are accomplished through the activities of its chapters. Financial resources to promote these activities are provided by the chapters and various public and private firms. Accounting method: The accompanying financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. Use of estimates: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash and cash equivalents: The Organization considers instruments with an original maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. As of April 30, 2010 and 2009, the Organization’s cash equivalents consisted primarily of short-term U.S. treasury obligations and money market funds. Investments: Short and long-term investments for the years ended April 30, 2010 and 2009 consist of certificates of deposit with varying maturity lengths. Certificates of deposit with maturities of greater than three months, but less than one year are considered short-term. Certificates of deposit greater than one year are considered held long-term. 2010 Annual Report Concentrations of credit risk: Financial instruments which potentially subject the Organization to concentrations of credit risk consist of cash and cash equivalents. The Organization maintains its cash and cash equivalents in account balances, which may at times exceed the insured amount under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). As of April 30, 2010 and 2009, the Organization’s cash balance exceeded the current insured amount under FDIC by approximately $173,000 and $166,000, respectively. Cash equivalent amounts invested in a Sweep Investment Account (“Sweep Account”), collateralized by U.S. Government securities, are not insured nor guaranteed by the FDIC. As of April 30, 2010 and 2009, the balance in the Sweep Account was $905,000 and $0, respectively. Accounts receivable: Credit risk with respect to accounts receivable is limited because the Organization deals with a large number of members in a wide geographic area. The Organization closely monitors the extension of credit to its members. On a periodic basis, the Organization evaluates its accounts receivable and establishes an allowance for doubtful accounts, based on a history of past write-offs and collections and current credit considerations. Consequently, as of April 30, 2010 and 2009, the Organization has no significant concentrations of credit risk. As of April 30, 2010 and 2009, there is no allowance for doubtful accounts established as management believes that all amounts are collectible. Web site development costs: All costs incurred in planning the development of a web site are expensed as incurred. Costs, other than general and administrative and overhead costs, incurred in the web site application and infrastructure 39 Financial Statements development stage, which involves acquiring or developing hardware and software to operate the web site, are capitalized. Fees paid to an Internet service provider for hosting a web site on its server(s) connected to the Internet are expensed over the estimated period of benefit. Other costs incurred during the operating stage, such as training, administration and maintenance costs, are expensed as incurred. Costs incurred during the operating stage for upgrades and enhancements of a web site are capitalized if it is probable that they will result in added functionality. Capitalized web site development costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life. The unamortized costs remaining as of April 30, 2010 and 2009 represent salary and outsourced costs associated with new site development and enhancements. Fair value measurements: The Organization adopted the fair value accounting standard as of the beginning of its 2010 fiscal year. The accounting standard for fair value establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. Net assets: The Organization’s financial resources have been combined into two net asset classes (unrestricted and temporarily restricted) based upon stipulations imposed by donors. Unrestricted net assets include expendable resources over which the Organization’s Board of Directors has discretionary control and are used to carry out the Organization’s operations in accordance with its by-laws. Temporarily restricted net assets include resources expendable only for those purposes specified 40 by a donor or grantor. The restrictions are satisfied by specific expenditures of the Organization. Contributed services: The Organization recognizes contribution revenue for certain contributed services received at the fair value of those services. Those services include facilities and organizational support valued at $109,639 and $97,029 for the years ended April 30, 2010 and 2009, respectively, furnished by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. See Note 5 for additional services provided by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In addition, a significant amount of time, for which no value has been assigned as it does not meet the criteria for recognition, was volunteered by professors and students to the activities of the Organization. Contributed property and fixtures: Contributed property and fixtures are recorded at fair value at the date of donation. If donors stipulate the use of the assets, the contributions are recorded as restricted support. In the absence of such stipulations, contributions of property and fixtures are recorded as unrestricted support. No contributed property or fixtures were donated for the years ended April 30, 2010 and 2009. Revenue recognition: Revenue from initiation and chapter maintenance fees are recorded in the period the fees are due. Contributions as well as charter and petition fees are recognized in the period received. Revenue received from the annual student convention, regional meetings, and other conferences is recognized in the period in which the event occurs. B ETA ALP HA P S I Financial Statements New accounting pronouncements: Income taxes: The Organization adopted the new accounting for uncertainty in income taxes guidance on May 1, 2009. The adoption of that guidance did not result in the recognition of any unrecognized tax benefits and the Organization has no unrecognized tax benefits at April 30, 2010. The Organization’s U.S. Federal income tax returns prior to fiscal year April 30, 2007 are closed and management continually evaluates expiring statutes of limitations, audits, proposed settlements, changes in tax law and new authoritative rulings. As of April 30, 2010, the Organization did not recognize any interest and penalties associated with tax matters. Subsequent events: In May 2009, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued authoritative guidance regarding subsequent events that provides guidance as to when an entity should recognize events or transactions occurring after the statement of financial position date in its financial statements and the necessary disclosures related to these events. The Organization adopted the provisions of this guidance for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2010 and the adoption of this guidance did not have a material impact on the Organization’s financial statements. The Organization has evaluated subsequent events through June 16,2010, the date which the financial statements were available to be issued. Codification: In June 2009, the FASB issued authoritative guidance regarding 2010 Annual Report accounting standards codification and the hierarchy of generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). This guidance has become the source of the authoritative U.S. GAAP recognized by the FASB and applied by nongovernmental entities. This guidance was effective for financial statements issued for interim and annual periods ending after September 15, 2009. The Organization adopted the provisions of this guidance for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2010 and the adoption of this guidance did not have a material impact on the Organization’s financial statements. Reclassifications: Certain accounts in the 2009 financial statements have been reclassified to conform with the current year’s presentation. Note 2 — Investments: Investments consist of the following: 2010 2009 Certificates of deposit – short term $304,213 $215,802 Certificates of deposit – long term 115,839 199,254 $420,052 $415.056 Total FAIR VALUE The fair value of the certificates of deposit approximates cost. Investment income consists of interest income of $6,652 and $17,815 in 2010 and 2009, respectively. Note 3 — Fair value measurements: As stated in Note 1, on May 1, 2009, the Organization adopted the fair value accounting standard to value its financial 41 Financial Statements assets and liabilities. Fair value is based on the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. In order to increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements, the fair value accounting standard establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes observable and unobservable inputs used to measure fair value into three broad levels, which are described below: Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical assets or liabilities. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to Level 1 inputs. Level 2: Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices in inactive markets; or model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs are observable or can be derived principally from or corroborated with observable market data. Level 3: Unobservable inputs are used when little or no market data is available. The fair value hierarchy gives the lowest priority to Level 3 inputs. In determining fair value, the Organization utilizes valuation techniques that maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs to the extent possible as well as considers counterparty credit risk in its assessment of fair value. Financial assets carried at fair value at April 30, 2010 are classified in the table below in one of the three categories described above: 42 Fair Value Measurements Using Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Instruments (Level 1) Total Certificates of deposit $420,052 $420,052 Total ASSETS MEASURES AT FAIR VALUE $420,052 $420,052 Investments in certificates of deposit are valued using market prices on active markets (Level 1). Level 1 instrument valuations are obtained from real-time quotes for transactions in active exchange markets involving identical assets. The preceding methods described may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Note 4 — Temporarily restricted net assets: Temporarily restricted net assets were released from restrictions in fiscal 2010 and 2009 in fulfillment of the following purposes: Best practice awards Faculty advisor awards 2009 2008 $ 27,250 $26,275 25,000 30,000 Superior chapter awards 31,125 50,600 Diversity awards 10,000 10,000 Project Run With It awards and program expenses 20,000 20,000 Gold Challenge awards 35,966 Teresa and James Conover Totals 50 $149,341 $136,925 Since fiscal year 2001, Deloitte has been a sponsor of the Best Practices program intended to encourage students to develop and execute B ETA ALP HA P S I Financial Statements programs that promote awareness and student involvement in projects that exemplify values shared by Beta Alpha Psi and Deloitte. Deloitte sponsors the awards for the Best Practices competitions held at both the Regional and Annual meetings. Since fiscal year 2008, McGladrey & Pullen LLP has sponsored the annual program awarding the outstanding chapter faculty advisors. During fiscal 2010 there were a total of five (5) awards given to faculty advisors. KPMG is the sponsor of the Superior Chapter Award Program. Beta Alpha Psi’s objectives are accomplished through the activities of its individual chapters. As such, activities of each chapter are evaluated annually through a report of each chapter. The Organization designates outstanding chapters with a Superior Chapter award in accordance with the program for chapter activities. Beginning in fiscal 2010, KPMG also sponsored the Gold Challenge awards and related expenses for those chapters that go above and beyond what is required to become a Superior Chapter. During fiscal 2010 there were a total of fourteen (14) awards given to chapters. Ernst & Young will provide an annual award for up to ten chapters who have made an impact on “diversity” within Beta Alpha Psi and/or their respective school/community. During fiscal 2010, four (4) awards were given to chapters. Since fiscal 2009, Moss Adams LLP has sponsored Project Run With It competition awards and program expenses that provided each individual on the first-place team with a plaque and their chapter also receives an award. During fiscal 2010, ten (10) awards were given to chapters. 2010 Annual Report All temporarily restricted net assets are restricted for use for specific program activities in future periods. Temporarily restricted net assets as of the end of the fiscal year consist of funds restricted for the following purposes: Best practice awards Faculty advisor awards Superior chapter awards 2010 2009 $39,350 $6,600 13,800 13,800 2,150 Diversity awards 22,000 22,000 Project Run With It awards and program expenses 20,000 20,000 $97,300 $62,400 Totals Note 5 – Related party: General and administrative expenses include charges from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for payroll and benefits, consistent with an annual agreement, which amounted to $284,503 and $233,501 for the years ended April 30, 2010 and 2009 respectively. At April 30, 2010 and 2009, the Organization owed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants $35,189 and $58,891, respectively, which is included in accounts payable. Note 6 – Tax status: The Organization is a not-for-profit agency exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and has been classified as a charitable organization qualifying for the maximum charitable contribution deduction by donors. 43 Past Presidents of BETA ALPHA PSI The International Honors Organization for Business Information Professionals 44 Term Name Affiliation Term Name Affiliation 1919 – 1924 Hiram T. Scovill Illinois 1970 – 1971 Charles W. Taylor Mississippi 1924 – 1927 Eric L. Kohler Chicago, IL 1971 – 1972 Robert S. Wasley Colorado 1927 – 1929 A.C. Littleton Illinois 1972 – 1973 Harold L. Royer Miami (Florida) 1929 – 1930 William E. Cox Washington 1973 – 1975 Hollis A. Dixon Arizona 1931 Jacob B. Taylor Ohio State 1975 – 1976 Robert S. Maust West Virginia 1932 F.W. Woodbridge Southern California 1976 – 1977 Fred J. Mueller Washington 1933 – 1934 John T. Madden New York 1977 – 1978 Doris M. Cook Arkansas 1935 – 1936 Charles F. Schlatter Illinois 1978 – 1979 Thomas J. Burns Ohio State 1937 C. Aubrey Smith Texas 1979 – 1980 James W. Pattillo South Bend, IN 1938 H.J. Ostlund Minnesota 1980 – 1981 Joyce C. Dean Baylor 1939 W.E. Karrenbrock California 1981 – 1982 Henry R. Anderson CSU, Fullerton 1940 Fayette H. Elwell Wisconsin 1982 – 1983 Jack E. Kiger Tennessee 1941 Hermann C. Miller Ohio State 1983 – 1984 Richard W. Metcalf Nebraska-Lincoln 1941 George E. Bennett Syracuse 1984 – 1985 David E. Tinius Seattle 1942 – 1947 James McConahey Washington 1985 – 1986 Richard J. Murdock Ohio State 1947 – 1948 Hazen W. Kendrick Colorado 1986 – 1987 Joe R. Fritzemeyer Arizona State 1948 – 1949 Thomas M. Dickerson Case Western Reserve 1987 – 1988 Jan R. Williams Tennessee 1949 – 1950 William E. Dickerson Ohio State 1988 – 1989 William R. Welke Western Michigan 1950 – 1951 Gould L. Harris New York 1989 – 1990 Donald L. Tang Portland State 1951 – 1952 John Arch White Texas 1990 – 1991 Larzette G. Hale Brigham Young 1952 – 1953 C.C. Staehling California 1991 – 1992 H. Ronald Pitt Northern Arizona 1953 – 1954 S.M. Wedeberg Maryland 1992 – 1993 Howard P. Sanders South Carolina 1954 – 1955 J.C. Gibson Wisconsin 1993 – 1994 F. Eugene Butts Appalachian State 1955 – 1956 A.J. Penz Alabama 1994 – 1995 Clifford Skousen Utah State 1956 – 1957 Wayne E. Shroyer Denver 1995 – 1996 Frederick Richardson Virginia Tech 1957 – 1958 William B. Jencks Ohio State 1996 – 1997 Penelope Yunker Western Illinois 1958 – 1959 Willard E. Stone Pennsylvania 1997 – 1998 Willard Galliart Loyola University - Chicago 1959 – 1960 Nolan E. Williams Arkansas 1998 – 1999 Sam Vitkoski BDO Seidman, LLP 1960 – 1961 Robert H. Van Voorhis Louisiana State 1999 – 2000 Bernie Milano KPMG LLP 1961 – 1962 Herbert E. Miller Michigan State 2000 – 2001 Diane Pattison University of San Diego 1962 – 1963 C. Rollin Niswonger Miami (Ohio) 2001 – 2002 W. Steve Albrecht Brigham Young University 1963 – 1964 Emerson Henke Baylor 2002 – 2003 Dennis R. Reigle Arthur Andersen 1964 – 1965 Julius Roller Washington 2003 – 2004 T. Sterling Wetzel Oklahoma State University 1965 – 1966 Vern H. Vincent West Virginia 2004 – 2005 Donna Street University of Dayton 1966 – 1967 Wilton T. Anderson Oklahoma State 2005 – 2006 Karen Pincus University of Arkansas 1967 – 1968 Leon E. Hay Indiana 2006 – 2007 Kenneth Bouyer Ernst & Young LLP 1968 – 1969 Vern E. Odmark San Diego State 2007 – 2008 Stephanie Bryant University of South Florida 1969 – 1970 Harvey E. Donley Bowling Green State 2008 – 2009 Nancy B. Nichols James Madison University B ETA ALP HA P S I 2010 Annual Report 45 220 Leigh Farm Road Durham, NC 27707-8110 Phone: 919.402.4044 • FAX: 919.402.4040 • Email: [email protected] • Beta Alpha Psi is an affiliate of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 10218-331 Beta Alpha Psi
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