Paper Planning 3107


Paper Planning 3107
International Congress “The Soul of Theology”
Emerging Scholars’ Papers
Thursday 17 September 2015, 11:30-13:00
Session 1 – Room 4
Dependency - A Blessing or a Plague? A Theological Literature Review
Sebastiana Dekany (West University of Timisoara)
“When the Word Becomes Flesh”: An Analysis of Biblical Images of Disfigured Bodies in the Light of
Ethics and Theology of Incarnation
Khrystyna Mykhaliuk (Ukrainian Catholic University and Catholic University of Leuven)
Holy Scripture - Strength, Comfort and Aid for the Terminally Ill People and Caretakers. A
Quantitative Analysis
Claudia Tartan (West University of Timisoara)
Session 2 – Room 5
“Scripture is the Soul of Theology”. A Study of a Metaphor Popularized by Vatican II
Chin Hei Leong (KU Leuven)
The Animated Reading of Scripture
Anton ten Klooster (Tilburg School of Theology)
The Biblical Foundations of a Theology of Desire
Márton Hoványi (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest)
Session 3 – Room 10
Reading Lady Wisdom texts through the lenses of Social Memory Theory
Halyna Teslyuk (Ukrainian Catholic University)
The Song of Songs: A Thorn in the Eye of Biblical Theology?
Danilo Verde (KU Leuven)
Talking About God in Human Language: The Song of Songs as the Soul of Theology in the Middle
John Arblaster (KU Leuven)
Thursday 17 September 2015, 14:30-16:00
Session 4 – Room 4
Zukünftig Lehrende lehren – Wie bringe ich die Bibel zu den LehrerInnen?
Judith Breunig (Independent Scholar)
Über die Rolle der Bibel in der Grundschule
Lisa Krasemann (TU Dortmund, Institut für Katholische Theologie)
Catholic Education - Is The Well Dry?
Elaine Walsh (Waterford Institute of Technology)
On Using a Phenomenological, Hermeneutic, Mystagogical Methodology to Explore the Child’s
Experience of Meditation
Noel Keating (Waterford Institute of Technology)
Session 5 – Room 5
Critical Analysis of Joseph Ratzinger’s Contribution to Biblical Interpretation
Branislav Kuljovsky (KU Leuven)
The Person of Jesus Christ in Benedict XVI's Book Jesus of Nazareth
Danuta Krupa (Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow)
Jesus Remembered and Jesus with Us: Biblical Hermeneutics of Carlos Mesters and Jon Sobrino
Petr Jandejsek (Charles University, Prague)
Session 6 – Room 10
Die Role des Kirchenrecht in dem Dialog über wiederverheiratete Geschiedene
Gabor Kiss (Theological College of Pecs)
Interpretation of Scripture in Christology. The Centrist Approach: A Hermeneutic-Ecclesial
Anthony Chukwuemeka Atansi (KU Leuven)
Metaphor Theory in the Intertextual Study of the New Comparative Theology
Yesudasan Remias (KU Leuven)
International Congress “The Soul of Theology”
Seminars and Parallel Papers
Friday 18 September 2015, 11:30-13:00
Seminar A – Room 4
La 'résurrection' en Marc 16,1-8: récit et théologie
Geert Van Oyen & Benoît Bourgine (UCLouvain)
Session 1 – Room 1
The Role of Scripture in St. Augustine’s Condemnation of Lying: A Contribution to Understanding the
Concept of Intrinsic Evil
Nenad Polgar (Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Vienna)
Revelation and Scripture. Exploring the Scriptural Foundation of sacra doctrina in Aquinas
Piotr Roszak (Nicolaus Copernicus University)
Le rôle de l`Écriture dans la théologie bonaventurienne : le Breviloquium
Manuel Lázaro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Session 2 – Room 2
Becoming Neighbour
Jan Jans (Tilburg University/St. Augustine College of South Africa)
Wieviel Sinn schöpft die Moraltheologie aus der Bibel?
Inocent-Mária Vladimír Szaniszló (College Danubius, Sládkovicovo, Slovakia)
Biblische Grundlagen der Moraltheologie in der Sicht der Dokumenten der Päpstlichen
Janusz Podzielny (Theologische Fakultät der Universität in Opole, Polen)
Session 3 – Room 3
Revelation as the Soul of Theology and the Theological Use of Scripture. The Contribution of Andrés
Torres Queiruga’s Theological Work
Jose Pedro Lopes Angélico (Catholic University of Portugal)
Inerrancy of Scripture: Bane or Blessing for Systematic Theology? Lessons for and from Evangelicals
And Catholics.
Wouter Biesbrouck (KU Leuven)
Zum Schriftverständnis im religiösen Fundamentalismus
Patrick Becker (Institut für Theologie der RWTH Aachen)
Friday 18 September 2015, 14:30-16:00
Seminar B – Room 4
‘God Created Heaven and Earth’. Theological Interpretations of a Bible Verse
Marcel Sarot, Harm Goris & Frank Bosman (Tilburg University)
Session 4 – Room 1
Scripture and Negative Theology
Hilary Anne-Marie Mooney (University of Education Weingarten / Pädagogische Hochschule
Scripture and the Untying of Gordian Knots in Theologies of Divine Providence
Richard Miller (Creighton University)
Relay-Race? – The Special Case of the Scriptural Foundations of Dogmatic Eschatology
Beáta Tóth (Sapientia College of Theology Budapest, Hungary)
Session 5 – Room 2
Schöpfungsauftrag im biotechnischen Zeitalter
Katica Knezovic (Universität Zagreb)
Safeguarding the Environment in Light of the Covenant
Dominik Opatrny (Palacky University, Olomouc, CZ)
Can New Testament Parables Be Understood as Thought Experiments?
Gusztáv Kovács (Theological College of Pécs)
Session 6 – Room 3
Wie heilig ist die Heilige Familie? Zieh den Kreis nicht zu eng! Über biblische Aussagen zum Thema
Familie und ihre möglichen Implikationen für eine heutige Theologie der Familie
Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl (Universität Augsburg)
Divine Creation Without Human Sin: Another Theology of Gn 2-3
Armindo Vaz (Catholic University of Portugal)
Communicating the Gospel in a Family Context
Elzbieta Osewska (Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw)
Saturday 19 September 2015, 11:30-13:00
Seminar C – Room 4
The Name of God and the Question of Gender
Isa Breitmaier (University of Education, Karlsruhe) & Rita Perintfalvi (Universität Wien)
Session 7 – Room 1
Enjeux du point de départ dans le rapport entre Ecriture et Théologie
Marie-Thérèse Desouche (Institut Catholique de Toulouse)
Ecriture et Tradition/ La table de la Parole et du Corps du Christ: enjeux théologiques du lien d'unité
Frederique Poulet (UCO Angers)
Conséquences théologiques de la redécouverte liturgique de la Parole
Ângelo Cardita (Faculté de Théologie et de Sciences Religieuses - Université Laval)
Session 8 – Room 2
Scripture, Virtue Ethics, and Public Life: Justice and Mercy in Isaiah 42/Matthew 12.
Robert Gascoigne (Australian Catholic University)
Encountering the Other(s) in Sacred Scripture: the Hermeneutic Approach of Emmanuel Levinas
Jonathan Burroughs (Pontifical University, St Patrick's College, Maynooth)
Rachamim – A Short Theology of Mercifulness
Mariéle Wulf (School of Catholic Theology of Tilburg University)
Session 9 – Room 3
Psychological and Spiritual (Biblical) Correlates in Counseling of Dying and Bereaved People. A
Literature Review
Aurora Carmen Barbat (West University of Timisoara, Romania)
The Fruit of Internal and External Prayer: The Components of the Pastoral Care of Silence
Gabriele Ausra Vasiliauskaite (Vytautas Magnus University)
A Neoteric reading of the Marian References in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum
Domini and their Theological-Anthropological Relevance in View of Luke’s Concept of Discipleship
Isabell Naumann (Catholic Institute of Sydney)
Saturday 19 September 2015, 14:30-16:00
Seminar D – Room 4
Fundamentalistische vs. genderspezifische Bibelauslegung in Verbindung mit der aktuellsten
Genderdebatte in Ostmitteleuropa
Isa Breitmaier (University of Education, Karlsruhe) & Rita Perintfalvi (Universität Wien)
Session 10 – Room 1
The Use of Scripture in Systematic Theology: a Case-study of Three Portuguese Theological Journals
Jose Pedro Manuel Angélico/ Lázaro Pulido (Catholic University of Portugal)
The Epistemological Criteria of “Truth” and “Existence” in Theology
Marcel Smilihon Bodea (University Babes-Bolyai/Faculty of Philosophy)
Tradition as Translation. A Dialogical Theology from the Bible
Leopoldo Sandonà (FTTR - Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto - Padua/Vicenza (ITA)
Session 11 – Room 2
Visualizing the Resurrection. The Symbol of the Phoenix in Classical, Scripturistic and Patristic
Contexts and its Modern Realms
Claudiu-Teodor Arieşan (University of the West, Timişoara, Romania)
Seeing the Word: A Tapestry of Texts
Mary Brien (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick)
Liturgy, Bible and Grace in Martin Luther and Pius Parsch
Dorothea Haspelmath-Finatti (Vienna University)
Session 12 – Room 3
Schriftauslegung bei Henri de Lubac
Gloria Braunsteiner (Trnavska Univerzita)
Le sens spirituel et son actualité selon Henri de Lubac en perspective théologico-fondamentale
Pawel Borto (Université Catholique de Lublin (Pologne), Institut de Théologie Fondamentale)
La référence à l’Ecriture dans l’action morale chrétienne
Calin Saplacan (Université Babes-Bolyai/Faculté de Théologie Greco-Catholique)