office memo regarding the sale of books
office memo regarding the sale of books
FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH -202002 (INDIA) 2 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Faculty of Theology is one of the oldest Faculties of A.M.U. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the founder of the institution introduced the teaching of Sunni and Shia Theology. He invited prominent Sunni and Shia religious scholars to head it. Maulana Abdullah Ansari, son-in-law of Maulana Qasim Nanotvi, the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband was appointed as first Nazim-e-Deeniyat. This developed into Department of Shia and Sunni Theology and finally became teaching Faculty in 1960. The Faculty is not only the oldest but also unique in many ways. This is the only Faculty in Indian Universities where Sunni and Shia Theology is University Mosque taught and graduate , post- graduate and doctorate degrees are awarded. These two Departments not only provide teaching and research facilities but also manage religious life of the campus. The two symbolise Sunni-Shia unity and are a living manifestation of Sir Syed's vision of Muslim unity and brotherhood. Faculty of Theology has a rich history. It had outstanding and world famous scholars like, Maulana Abdul Lateef Rahmani, Maulana Sulaiman Ashraf, Prof. Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi, Allama Ali Naqi Naqvi, Mufti Hafeezullah, Prof. Taqi Amini, Allama Mujtaba Hasan Kamoonpuri, Professor Fazlur Rahman Ginnori and Professor Maulana Kalbe Abid, who had hundreds of books published in various languages. Even now we have faculty members who have numerous scholarly research papers and books published in different languages in many countries and those who have participated in religious and Inter-Faith conferences in different countries and delivered invited lectures in the overseas institutions. Deans of the Faculty of Theology from 1960 to 2009: 1963-66 Maulana Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi 1967-69 Maulana Syed Ali Naqi Al-Naqvi 1971 Prof. Qazi Mazharuddin Bilgrami 1972-74 Prof. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami (PVC) 1975-77 Prof. Mohd. Shafi (PVC) 1978 Prof. Qazi Mazharuddin Bilgrami 1979-81 Prof. S. Kalbe Abid 1982 Prof. Fazlur Rahman Ginnori 1983 Mr. Syed Hamid (VC) 1983 Prof. Mohd. Shabbir Khan 1984-85 Prof. Qari M. Rizwanullah 1985-86 Prof. M. Taqi Amini 1986-88 Prof. Wasiur Rahman (PVC) 1988-89 Prof. S. Kazim Naqvi 1990-1992 Prof. (Mrs.) Raufa Iqbal 1992-93 Prof. Abdul Aleem Khan 1994-96 Prof. S. Manzoor Mohsin Rizvi 1997-2001 Prof. Abdul Aleem Khan 2002-03 Mr. Naseem Ahmad (VC) 2004 Prof. Zainus Sajidin Siddiqui 2005-06 Mr.Naseem Ahmad (VC) 2006-07 Prof. S. Farman Husain 2008-2009 Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi Seminar Library Faculty of Theology 3 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 Our Vision 2020 Sir Syed's vision, while establishing Aligarh Movement was to promote modern education among Muslims, economic upliftment, social reform, cultural rejuvenation and presentation of Islamic thought in the modern context and to defend Islam against the onslaught of hostile and undue criticism. Our mission is to make Faculty of Theology a place to implement and realize some important aspects of this vision of Sir Syed. Following are some of the goals we have set for our Faculty till 2020 1. To make this Faculty a prime institution of Islamic theological teaching in the world. 2. To make the Faculty a leading place for inter-religious studies by establishing Centres for Comparative Religion and Inter-Faith Studies in two Departments. Muslims were the pioneers of Studies in Comparative Religion and once again they should play a leading role. 3. To make this Faculty a Centre of Intra-Faith Studies to promote unity and scholarly understanding among Muslim sects and schools of thought. This may include establishment of Centres for studies in Comparative Fiqh, Kalam and approach to Tafsir etc. 4. To place the Faculty on International map by establishing active relations with Universities and leading Centres of learning on global level by signing MoU and encouraging our Faculty members to participate in International Conferences and visit abroad. 5. To make Faculty of Theology a hub of intellectual activities by organizing Conferences, Seminars, Work-shops and Symposium, by launching website and establishing outreach programs. 6. To make the Faculty a Centre of Research and Publications. Our aim is to get at least five scholarly works of our teachers and Research Scholars published every year. 7. To translate basic sources and Islamic classics into different languages 8. Research and publications concerning current issues and contemporary problems, related to Theology 9. To establish a rich Reference Library of Islamic and religious studies. 10. To institute an Award for the best book on Islamic Studies in the SAARC countries. Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.) Addressing at a function of Faculty of Theology FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE 4 A Brief Report 2008-2009 MODERNIZATION OF CURRICULUM B.Th.(Hons) ● The course of Bachelor of Theology was revamped in accordance to the need of time and 3 years Hons. Degree programme introduced. For the first time in the history of Faculty, students of B.Th were allowed to choose subsidiary subject from all subjects of Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences and Islamic Banking and Finance of Faculty of Business Management (AC Meeting No.759 dated 14-07-2009 (Chapter C-IV). B.Th and M.Th Recognized for Professional Courses ● A path breaking success was achieved when B.Th (Hons.) and M.Th. were recognized by the University Academic Council as qualification to appear in Professional Courses such as B.Lib., B.Ed., MBA and Mass Communication etc. (AC No. 756, Item No.11) ● Seats reserved for B.Ed. Three seats were reserved for B.Ed and Theology was recognized as a teaching subject. It has drawn students from all corners of the country as well as from foreign countries specially from South East Asian region. The course is open to all irrespective of caste, colour, creed and sex. SEMESTER SYSTEM INTRODUCED IN M.Th A new Academic Ordinance to introduce Semester System in MTh was passed by the Academic Council. (AC, No 758., Item No. 2). Both Sunni and Shia Departments introduced new topics and courses in M.Th class. Following are new Semester Courses of M.Th in two Departments. TITLE OF THE PAPERS IN M.Th. SUNNI THEOLOGY First Semester Course No. SUM7001 SUM7002 SUM7005 Title of the Course Credit Units Contact hours in a week Total Marks Internal Assessment Written Exam Tafseer wa Usool-e-Tafseer -I 4 4 4k 100 25 75 Hadīth wa Usool-e-Hadīth 4 4 4k 100 25 75 Qawāide Fiqhiya wa Maqāside Sharīah 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM7006 Tarīkh-e-Mazāhib –I 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM70E1 English (Additional) Second Semester Course No. Title of the Course Credit Units Contact hours in a week Total Marks Internal Assessment Written Exam SUM8001 Tafseer wa Usool-eTafseer-II 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM8002 Hadīth, Usool-e-Hadīth wa Takhreej-e-Hadīth 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM8003 Usool-e-Fiqh wa Muslim Personal Law 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM8004 Human Rights in Islam 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM8005 Tarīkh-e-Mazāhib-II 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM80E1 English (Additional) SUM80V1 Viva Voce 2 - - 50 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE 5 A Brief Report 2008-2009 Third Semester SUM 9001 M u tā lia-e-Q ura n -I 4 4 C o n ta c t h o u rs in a week 4k 100 25 SUM 9002 H a d īth w a D irā y at-e-H a d īth -I 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM 9003 T ā rīk h -e-Is lam - 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM 9004 A q ā id w a A s rār-e-S h arīat -I 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM 9005 Islam a n d S o cial S c ien c es 4 4 4k 100 25 75 C o u rs e N o. T itle o f th e C o urs e C re d it U n its T o ta l M a rks In tern al A s s e s sm en t W ritte n E x am 75 Fourth Semester SUM X001 M u tā lia-e-Q ura n -II 4 4 C o n ta c t h o u rs in a week 4k SUM X002 H a d īth w a D irā y at-e-H a d īth -II 4 4 4k SUM X003 T ā rīk h -e-M a zā h ib 4 4 4k 100 25 75 SUM X004 A q ā id w a A s rār-e-S h arīat -II 4 4 4k 100 25 75 A l-Iq tisā d -al-Islām ī (Islam ic E c o n om ic) S em in a r P res en ta tio n 4 4 4k 100 25 75 2 - - 50 C o u rs e N o. SUM X005 SUM X0S1 First Semester Course No. SHM 7001 SHM 7002 SHM 7003 SHM 7004 SHM 7005 SHM70E1 T itle o f th e C o urs e C re d it U n its T o ta l M a rks In tern al A s s e s sm en t W ritte n E x am 100 25 75 100 25 75 TITLE OF THE PAPERS IN M.Th SHIA THEOLOGY Title of the Course Tafseer wa Usool-e-Tafseer Hadith wa Dirayat-e- Hadith Fiqh-Jafari Islam aur ‘As? r ī Masāil (Islam and Contem porary Issues) Mazahib-e-Alam (W orld Religions) English Credit Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 Contact hours in a week 4k 4k 4k 4 4 4 4 Total Marks Internal Assessm ent Written Exam 100 100 100 25 25 25 75 75 75 4k 100 25 75 4k 100 25 2 75 50 Second Semester 4 4 C o n ta c t h o u rs 4k 4k T o ta l M a rks 100 100 In te rn a l A ssessm en t 25 25 W r i tt e n E xam 75 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 2 - - 50 Total M arks Internal Assessm ent W ritten Exam 100 100 25 25 75 75 C o u rs e N o. T i tl e o f t h e C o u r s e C r e d it U n its SHM 8001 SHM 8002 M a n a h ij- e - T a f s e e r A q a id - e - I s t id la li M a q a s id - e - S h a ria t w a Ila l-u s h S h a r ā ih I s la m w a H u q o o q - e - B a s h a r ( H u m a n R ig h t s a n d I s la m T a q ā b u lī A q ā id ( C o m p a r a tiv e S t u d y o f I s la m a n d O th e r fa it h s ) V iv a V o c e 4 4 SHM 8003 SHM 8004 SHM 8005 SHM 80V1 Third Semester C o u rs e No. SHM 9001 SHM 9002 SHM 9003 SHM 9004 SHM 9005 T itle o f th e C o urs e C re d it Ilm -e-K alām w a M a zā h ib-eK a lām ī S e era t-e-N a b a vī A h w ā l-e-S h ak h s? i y a (M u slim P ers o n a l L a w ) - I T ā reek h -e-T h a q ā fat-e-Is lam ī Islam ī Ilm -e-Ijtim ā ’ (S o ciolo g y a n d Islam ) U n its C o n ta c t h o u rs in a week T o ta l M a rks In tern al A s s e s sm en t W ritte n E x am 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 Fourth Semester Course No. Title of the Course Credit Units SHMX001 SHMX002 Ilm -e-Kalām -e-Jadeed Seerat-e-Aimm a-e-Tāhireen Ahwāl-e-Shakhs? i ya (Muslim Personal Law) –II Iqtisād-e-Islam i (Islam ic Banking and Econom ic Teachings) Islam wa Mustashriqeen ( A study of O rientalist Literature) Sem inar 4 4 4 4 Contact hours in a week 4k 4k 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 4 4 4k 100 25 75 2 - - 50 - - SHMX003 SHMX004 SHMX005 SHMX0S1 6 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 SEMINARS/SYMPOSIUMS ORGANIZED Role of Religions in World Peace ON 8th January 2008, the Department of Sunni Theology organized a one day Seminar on “Religions and Global Peace”. Some very important scholars from USA, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries participated in this Seminar. This was a very successful programme and well covered by media. Prof. Rifat Hassan of Louseville University, USA said that Islam stands for unity of mankind therefore, it is From Left: Prof. Nijatullah Siddiqui, Dr. Zafar Mahmood, responsibility of Muslim Intellectuals to Prof. Riffat Hasan and Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi come forward to serve the humanity. Prof. Swidler , eminent Professor of Inter-Faith Dialogue in Temple University, Philadelphia said that the time for conversion is over and now is the time for conversation among religions. This is crucial for World Peace. Rabbi Daniel Polish, USA said that it is imperative that apart from our own religion, we should sympathetically study and understand other religions also Dr Aslam Abdullah, the Imam of Los Vegas, USA said that graph of violence and intolerance is going up and it is time for religions to play their positive role. Dr Zafar Mahmood , President Inter-Faith Coalition for Peace observed that we should try to develop a deep and profound understanding of our own religion along with other religions. Intolerance comes from half understanding while profound understanding makes a person broad minded. Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi in his welcome address referred to the Role of world Media in creating an atmosphere of suspicion and hatred. He emphasized that Blasphemy Law should cover all religions. Prof Kausar Mustafa of Dhaka University, Dr Mohibbul Haq of the department of Political Science, A.M.U., Prof. Gulrez of the dept. of West Asian Studies, Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqavi of the dept of Shia Theology , Dr Shakeel Samdani of the Faculty of Law also expressed their valuable views. The Seminar was presided over by noted Islamic Scholar, Prof. Nijatullah Siddiqui. From Left Prof. A.R. Qidwai Dr. Abdul Khalique Prof. Masood Ahmad Dr. Zaki Kirmani Mr. Naseem A. Khan Dr. Shakeel Samdani Mr. Amanullah Khan and other audience 7 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 Imam Sadiq and Maqaside Shariah The department of Shia Theology organized one day Symposium on 5th February 2008. Dr. Abdulhameid Ziaei, Director, Iran Culture House, Hujatul Islam Rajabnazad, University professor of Iran . Mr Shahid Mahdi, the former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, graced the occasion. Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Chairman of the department of Shia Theology, welcomed the guests. He said Hazrat Imam Sadiq was one who compiled the Islamic knowledge into a system. Mr Shahid Mahdi, referred to the current spiritual crisis of man and the global situation and emphasized that there is From Left: Prof. Ali Mohamamd Naqavi, Dr. A. Hameed Ziaei, much disinformation campaign and a Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, M.L. Rajab Nazad correct image of Islam has to be projected. Dr Abdulhameid Ziaei, Director, Iran Culture House, said that Imam's message of love and harmony among Muslims and followers of all religions should be spread. Hujjatul Islam Rajabnazad said Muslims took distance from real spirit of Islam and became ritualistic. Thus they lost their pristine glory. Maulana Sultan Ahmad Islahi, Dr. Towqueer Alam Falahi, Maulana Taqi Raza and Mr. Hurr Mujtaba also participated in this Symposium. Contribution of Indian Imamia Scholars to the Development of Islamic Sciences A National Seminar on “Contribution of Imamia Scholars to the Development of Islamic Sciences” was organized by the department of Shia Theology on 16th March 2009. The Vice-Chncellor Prof. P.K.Abdul Azis presided over the Inaugural Function. Dr. Karim Najafi, Cultural Councilor, Islamic Republic of Iran was the Chief Guest, Ayatullah Mahdavi, Representative of Al-Mostafa University, Qom was the Guest of Honour. The Dean Faculty of Theology, Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi congratulated the department of Shia Theology and Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqavi for organizing the Symposium and referred to the role of Imam Sadiq in Sufi and Fiqhi Schools. From Left: Prof. Farman Hussain, Prof. S.M. Waseem, Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqavi, Ayatullah Mahdavi, Dr. Karim Najafai, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.) And Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi 8 THE ALUMNI MEET AND FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 SYMPOSIUM ON 'VISION 2020’ On 18th October, 2008, a combined programme was organized by the departments of Sunni and Shia Theology. Those who attended the symposium include Maulana Professor Ihtisham Ahmad Nadwi, former Professor of Calicut University, Maulana Dr. Kalbe Sadiq sahab, Vice President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board , Er. Nadeem Tarin and Dr. Zafar Mahmood whose field of study now is Inter-Faith Studies. The Dean, Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi said that enthused by the new dynamism ushered in by our current Vice Chancellor, we resolve to make Faculty of Theology a jewel in the crown of Aligarh Muslim University and a big centre of Research and Teaching. He pointed out that this is the unique place where Shia and Sunni Theology are taught under one roof. So this is the best place not only for comparative study of Muslim Schools of Thought but also to find out their similarities and work for bringing point of views closer. Engineer Nadeem Tarin said: Faculty of Theology should be the heart and brain of Aligarh Muslim University. He said that the Research topics of the Faculty of Theology are no less important than Faculty of Science, Social Science or Arts. Prof. S. Ali Mohammad Naqvi said that today Inter-Faith Studies have not only become a part of curricula of American and European Universities but some of them, like Temple University have developed big independent Centres for this purpose. Maulana Dr. Kalbe Sadiq sahab pointed out that Islam believes in the unity of dīn, there is only one dīn though mazāhib may be different. Dr. Zafar Mahmood pointed out that Islam is the unique religion which believes in unity of religions and continuity of Prophethood. Prof. Shah Mohammad Waseem, Dr. Zahid Ali Khan, Dr. Towqueer Alam and Dr. Mohd. Saleem also expressed their views in the symposium. From Right: Er. Nadeem Tareen, Dr. Zafar Mahmood, Prof. Ehtisham Ahmad Nadvi, Dr. Kalbe Sadique, Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, Dr. Tauqeer Alam From Right: Prof. Abdul Qayoom, Dr. M. Ghayath Qazi Zia ul Islam, Dr. Rahat Abrar and Others 9 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 “Women's Rights in Islam” th On 26 July 2009, the department of Sunni Theology organized a one day National Seminar on “Women's Rights in Islam” in collaboration with Islamic Fiqh Academy of India, New Delhi. The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis, Vice-Chancellor, AMU and presided over by noted Islamic scholar Prof. Nijatullah Siddiqui. Prof. Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqui delivered key note address From Left: Prof. M.Y.M. Siddiqui, Prof. Nijatullah Siddiqui, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.), Maulana Ateeque Ahmad Bastavi, Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi and guest speaker was Maulan Ateeque Ahmad Bastavi, Secretary Islamic Fiqh Academy, New Delhi . The following scholars presented their papers. Prof. Ehtisham Ahmad Nadvi, Prof. Kafeel A. Qasmi, Dr. Ubaidullah Fahad, Prof. S. Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Dr. Raziul Islam Nadvi, Dr. Qaiser Habeeb, Dr. Bazigha Tabassum, Dr. Towqueer Alam Falahi, Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Samdani, Dr. Abdul Karim Madni, Mr. Ashad Jamal Nadvi, Mr. Rafiq Ahmad Salfi, Dr. Shameem Akhtar Qasmi, Dr. Ubaid Iqbal Asim, Mr. Mubeen Saleem etc. The Dean Faculty of Theology, Prof. M. Saud Alam presented vote of thanks. A scene of audience participating in the Seminar on Women’s Rights in Islam 10 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 “Rights of Minorities: Problems & Prospects” th On 18 December 2009, the Faculty of Theology organized a symposium on “Rights of in which learned Minorities” persons from various minority communities expressed their valuable views. On this occasion Prof. A.R. Qidwai, Prof. S. Ali Mohd. Naqvi, Maulana Fazlur Raheem (Jaipur), Prof. Shamim Ahmad, Father George Paul, Prof. Mohd. Gulrez, Prof. Shaique Ahmad Yahya, Maulana Noman Qasmi, Dr. Muhibul Haque, Dr. M. Shakeel A. Samdani, Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Dr. Towqueer Alam and Dr.(Mrs.) Qaiser Habib expressed their valuable views. A resolution was also passed to implement recommendations of various commissions regarding problems faced by the minorities in India. The same was forwarded to government of India by the Dean, Faculty of Theology. Mr. Salman Khurshid, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charage) Ministry of Minority Affairs acknowledged the receipt, vide his letter dated 31st December 2009. From Left Left: Prof. A.R. Qidwai, Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, Father George Paul, Maulana Fazlur Raheem Mujaddidi From Right Prof. Shaiq Ahmad Yahya Prof. Mohd. Gulrez, Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Prof. Abdul Bari Mr. Masood Ahmad Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Khan and others 11 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 INVITED LECTURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In March 2008, Prof. Salman Nadvi, Ex. Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, Durban University, South Africa delivered a lecture on “Letters of Prophet” in the Department of Sunni Theology. th On March 29 2008, Mr Sadiq Jawad Sulaiman, former Ambassador of Sultanate of Oman to USA delivered a talk on the Development of Theological Studies , in the Department of Sunni Theology. th On 28 March 2008, Dr Aftab Husain, MD, President Muslim Federation , New Jersey delivered a talk on “Islam From Left: Dr. M. Haneef, Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, and Muslims in America” in the Department Prof. Muslim Taj and Dr. M. Ilyas Anjum of Shia Theology On May 2008, eminent theologian Maulana Abdullah Mughisi, president All India Milli Council delivered a well-received Lecture on 'Religion and Justice' In the Department of Sunni Theology. He expressed view that the root cause of Terrorism is injustice. th On May 29 , 2008 Prof Shah Mohd. Wasim, former Dean, Faculty of Commerce delivered a Lecture on Islam and Environment, in the Department of Shia Theology. 6. On November 28, 2008, Dr. M. Haneef, Principal Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagram, Karnataka, delivered a thought-provoking Lecture on 'Educational Advancement of Muslim Community in Karnataka in the Faculty Theology. 7. In July 2009, Prof. Abul Kalam Qasmi, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, delivered a Lecture on “Sir Syed: Vision and Mission” in the Faculty of Theology. The programme was presided over by Prof. Shan Mohammad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, AMU. 12 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES BY THE FACULTY MEMBERS Overseas Visit by Faculty members 1. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, participated in “Diversity and Dialogue”workshop, UK in January, 2009. 2. Prof. Dr. Farman Husain, delivered religious Lectures in New Jersey, USA, in JanuaryFebruary, 2008-09. 3. Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi, participated in International Seminar on Peaceful Co-existance of Religions in Tehran University in December 2009. 4. Dr. Towqueer Alam, Reader, Department of Sunni Theology participated in Diversity and Dialogue Workshop, UK in January 2009. Published Books by the Faculty in Year 2008-09 1. Professor Syed Farman Husain Hādiyāne Dīn, A.M.U. Press, Aligarh, (2008), 2. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi Relevance of the Prophet's Sīrah to the Modern Age, A.M.U. Press, Aligarh, 2008, What is Jihad. Tameer-e-Millat, Hayderabad, 2008. 3. Professor Ali Mohammad Naqvi Islam the Middle Way: Towards Interpreting the Qur'an, IIDE Publications, Delhi, 2008 Sairi Dar Andishae Dini Hind (Persian) (A Study of Indian Religious Thought Vol.1), ICHR, Delhi, 2009 4. Dr Touqeer Alam Falahi “The World of English Learning”, AMU Press, Aligarh (2009) Iranian Award to Prof. S. Ali Mohd. Naqvi In a ceremony held in the Conference Hall of National Museum of ICCR, New Delhi, the Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Rahim Mashaei who was on visit of India, conferred the Iranian Vice Presidential Award upon Professor S. Ali Mohammad Naqvi for his works in the field of Theological and Islamic Studies. PUBLICATION OF JOURNAL The Journal of the Faculty of Theology “Dirasat-e-Deeniah” issue 2008 published under the editorship of Prof. S. Farman Husain and the issue of 2009 published under the editorship of Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi. XIth FIVE YEARS PLAN th The Faculty of Theology received Rs. 25 lacs as a grant from UGC under XI Five Years Plan for the construction of teachers Chambers, Conference Rooms and Computer Lab. and also for Books and Equipments in the session 2008-2009. The construction work will be initiated shortly. 13 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 VISIT OF FOREIGN DELEGATIONS During the years 2008-09 several foreign delegations visited Faculty of Theology and discussed issues of mutual concern. In January 2008 a delegation of American intellectuals headed by Prof. Rifat Hassan of Louseville University, USA, visited the Faculty. In February 2008 Iranian delegation headed by Dr. Karim Najafi visited the Faculty. In October 2009 a delegation of InHolland University headed by Dr. Raadt, Dean, Faculty of Education visited the Faculty and signed MoU. In November 2009 a delegation of D a r u s s a l a m U n i v e r s i t y, Indonesia visited the Faculty and signed MoU. From Left: Prof. Perwez Mustajab(Controller), Dr. Abdul Khalique, Mr. Firoz., Mrs. Amal, Dr. Amal Falhullah, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.), Dr. Ahmad Sohartu, Mrs. Sahal, Dr. Hamid Fahmi, Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi and Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel (Registrar) From Left: Mr. Ahmad Nazeer Khan, Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi (Dean) Mr. Rashid Mustafa, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.), Prof. Raddt, Maulana Tahir Husain and Mrs. Rim Ke Van From Left: Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi, Ayatullah Mahdavi, Dr. Kareem Najafi, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (V.C.), Prof. Farman Hussain and Prof. A.M. Naqavi Prof. Swidler of Temple University, U.S.A. and other delegates FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE 14 Ph.D DEGREE AWARDED IN 2008-2009 Department of Sunni Theology 1. Mr. Ibraheem Sulaiman Hayadrah 2. Mr. Ali Mohammad Talib 3. Mr. Manop Adam 4. Miss. Shahida Akhtar 5. Miss. Nikhat Parveen 6. Mr. Kamal Ashraf 7. Miss. Abidah Bano 8. Mr. Meezanur Rahman 9. Mr. Aleem Ahmad Farooqui 10. Mr. Shahabuddin Saqib 11. Miss. Shagufta Nemat 12. Miss. Shaista Parveen 13. Mr. M.Shamim Akhtar Department of Shia Theology 14. Mr. S.M. Jafar A Brief Report 2008-2009 (Yemen) (Yemen) (Thailand) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) (India) STUDENTS WELFARE STEPS 1. Computers Provided: The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. P.K.Abdul Azis provided five computers for the students of the Department of Sunni Theology and five for the students of the Department of Shia Theology. More computers will be added on the completion of new computer lab. 2. Student's Grievance Redressal Committee As per advice of the Vice-Chancellor Student's Grievance Redressal Committee comprising the following Faculty members and the students has been constituted to address the grievances of the students of the Faculty. This committee truly proved worthy to resolve the various kind of grievances at the time of need. 1. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi (Dean) 2. Prof. S. Farman Husain 3. Prof. S. Ali Mohammad Naqvi 4. Dr. Abdul Khalique 5. Maulana M. Habibullah 6. Dr. S. Mohd. Asghar 7. Mr. Mohd. Musab Gohar (Student) 8. Ms. Shehba Khatoon (Student) 9. Mr. Mehboob Ali (Student) From Left: Prof. Farman Hussain Prof. Abul Kalam Qasmi Prof. Abdul Qayoom Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi at a function of students 15 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ON MOVE A Brief Report 2008-2009 Scholarships : 1. Dr. Khursheed Malik (Alig) of USA deposited in the Finance Office of AMU Rs.2.25 lacs as a corpus money for the Scholarship to be given students of Theology. 2. Dr. Maulana Kalbe Sadiq sahab, Vice President Muslim Personal Law Board announced 5 scholarships of Rs 500 monthly each for Department of Shia Theology and 5 for the Department of Sunni Theology from next session. 3.Dr. Zafar Mahmood announced one scholarship for the students of the Faculty for the Research in the field of Interfaith. Research Scholar’s Paper Presentation Students Academic Activities : A fortnightly paper reading programme for Research Scholars was introduced in the Faculty of Theology. The following Research Scholars presented their research papers based on their area of research in 2008-09. Ms. Nighar Afshan, Ms. Saima Parveen, Ms. Zakira Parveen, Ms. Zeenat Fatima, Ms. Shahnaz Bi, Mr. Asim Khan, Ateequr Rahman, Rafiq Ahmad, Javed Ahsan, Javed Khan, Raihan Akhtar, M. Riaz Ahmad, Abdul Aziz, Nadeem Ashraf, Mubeen Saleem and Mohd. Nasir, Mr. Nadeem Ashraf acted as Convener. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, Dean, Faculty of Theology addressing the inaugural function of Research Scholars emphasized that the Research Work should be done of quality keeping in view of present global needs, so that we may compete in the academic field. The Research Scholars of the Faculty of Theology also resolved to organize a National Seminar in 2010 exclusively for Research Scholars. Behold not the lights burning slow O ask! how they were made to glow FACULTY MEMBERS: Department Of Sunni Theology 1. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi Ph.No. 0571-2500389 Email: [email protected] 2. Dr. Abdul Khalique, Ph. No.9897282940 3. Dr. Zahid Ali Khan, Ph.No.0571-2708785 4. Dr. Towqueer Alam Ph.No. 9897417068 5. Maulana M. Habeebullah Ph.No.0571-2705002 6. Dr. Mohammad Saleem Ph.No. 9917118188 7. Dr. M. Rashid Ph.No9411803915 8. Dr. Abdul Ahad Khan Ph.No. 9319868917 9. Dr. Mahboobur Rahman Ph.No.9411802101 10. Dr. Naseem Mansoor Ph.No. 3298377 11. Dr. Qaisar Habeeb Ph. No. 2502483 12. Dr. Ehsanullah Fahad Ph. No. 9897413142 Department of Shia Theology 1. Prof. S. Ali Mohd. Naqavi Ph. No. 9358252345 E-mail: [email protected] 2. Prof. S. Farman Husain Ph. No. 0571-2401164 3. Dr. S.M. Asghar Ph. No. 0571-270495 4. Maulana S.Tayyab Raza Ph. No. 9368098498 5. Dr. Rani Bano Rizvi Ph. No. 9412370665 Phones: (0571)2701166, 2700920 Ext. 1781,1787 Edited by: M.S.A. Qasmi Composed by: A.K. Azad Website: Coordinated by: S. Anzar A. Sabri & Anwar Ali