List of the visual sonnets published on the DVD and mentioned in


List of the visual sonnets published on the DVD and mentioned in
List of the visual sonnets published on the DVD and mentioned in the essay
Erika Greber: “Global Visions of the Shakespearean Sonnet”, in: William Shakespeare's Sonnets for the First Time
Globally Reprinted. A Quatercentenary Anthology 1609-2009, with a DVD. Edited by Manfred Pfister and Jürgen
Gutsch, Dozwil: Edition SIGNAThUR, 2009, pp. 705-719. Bibliographical references and sources can be found
on the pages given below.
A. Visual sonnets of non-Shakespearean type (in chronological order)
1. (cf. p. 705) Nicolò de’ Rossi, star-shaped sonnet, from his Canzoniere, 1317/1328.
2. (cf. p. 705) Nicolò de’ Rossi, cathedra-shaped sonnet, from his Canzoniere, 1317/1328.
3. (cf. p. 706) Giovanni Battista Palatino, rebus sonnet from his Libro nuovo d’imparare a scrivere, 1540.
4. (cf. p. 706) Joshua Sylvester, pillar sonnets from his Corona Dedicatoria, 1605.
5. (cf. p. 706) Sigmund von Birken, from his Guelfis oder Der Niedersächsische Lorbeerhayn, 1669.
6. (cf. p. 709f) Jens Imanuel Baggesen, from the Karfunkel or Klingklingel Almanach, 1809.
7. (cf. p. 714f) Eduard Mörike, soneto truncado, 1845 (private archive H. v. Graevenitz; first publication in colour).
8. (cf. p. 710) Mary Ellen Solt, Moonshot Sonnet, 1964.
9. (cf. p. 710) Eugen Gomringer, SCHWEIGEN, 1964.
10. (cf. p. 709, note 9) Eduardo Kac, Pictogram Sonnet, 1982 (cf. fig. 21).
11. (cf. p. 711) Karl Riha, gourmet-sonett, 1988.
12. (cf. p. 711) Karl Riha, sonett ouvert, 1988.
13. (cf. p. 711) Karl Riha, sonett für kinder, 1988.
14. (cf. p. 714) Karl Riha, pyromanisches sonett, 1988.
15. (cf. p. 714, note 20) Armando Macatrão, Soneto do nada ubíquo, 1987, publ. 1989.
16. (cf. p. 711) Avelino de Araújo, Soneto América Latina, 1987, publ. 1994.
17. (cf. p. 709, note 9) Karl Riha, untitled, 1994 [a later variation of the 1990 taxidriver sonnet] (cf. fig. 18).
B. Covers of recent books on the sonnet (in chronological order) (cf. p. 709, note 9)
18. Andreas Böhn, Das zeitgenössische deutschsprachige Sonett (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1999).
19. José Esteban (ed.), Un soneto me manda hacer Violante. Sonetos del soneto (Madrid: Colección Visor de Poesía, 2000).
20. Jesús Munárriz (ed.), Un siglo de sonetos en español (Madrid: Poesía Hiperión, 2000).
21. Alain Chevrier / Dominique Moncond’huy (eds.), Le sonnet contemporain. Retours au sonnet (Paris: Formules. Revue
des créations formelles N° 12, 2008).
22. Jeff Hilson (ed.), The Reality Street. Book of Sonnets (Hastings: Reality Street Editions, 2008).
23. Edward Hirsch / Eavan Boland (eds.), The Making of a Sonnet (London: Norton, 2008).
24. Sixty-Six. A Journal of Sonnet Studies (N° 1, 2008).
C. Visualisation of canonical sonnet types
25. (cf. p. 708, note 8) Diagrams by François Jost, 1988.
D. Visual sonnets in Shakespearean gestalt (published for the first time in this book and on this DVD)
26. (cf. p. 714) Erika Greber: Shakespyromanisches Sonett, 2001.
27. (cf. p. 715) Alexander Zimbulov: Shakespyromanisches Sonett, gegrillt und fränkisch verfeinert, 2007.
28. (cf. p. 713) Michael Mertes: Fisches Sonett 18, 2009.
29. (cf. p. 712) Wilhelm Föckersperger: 66. Sonett, 2009.
30. (cf. p. 713) Regina Wahl & Erika Greber: Farbstiftsonett / Crayon Sonnet, 2009.
31. (cf. p. 716f) Stefan Schukowski & Alexander Zimbulov: Fish’n’Chips Sonnet, 2009.
32. (cf. p. 717f) Alexander Zimbulov & Stefan Schukowski: Hot Dog Sonnet, 2009.
33. (cf. p. 718) Evi Zemanek, Jacqueline Klusik & Michael Mertes: Sushi Sonnet, 2009.
34. (cf. p. 718) Regina Wahl, Young Lady Sonnet (Sarah so nett), 2009.
35. (cf. p. 719) Stefan Schukowski & Erika Greber: Schüttelspeer-Sonett / Shaken Spears Sonnet, 2009.
E. Let us shake spears: kinetic sonnets (published for the first time on this DVD)
36. Karen Weiß, Erika Greber & Jacqueline Klusik: One Hundred Thousand Billion Sonnets, 2007 (Shakespeare’s
sonnet 55 in fourteen German translations, modeled on Raymond Queneau’s strip sonnet book Cent mille
milliards de poèmes).
37. Stefan Schukowski & Eike Kronshage: Shakespeare’s Sonnet 155, 2009.
38. Stefan Schukowski & Erika Greber: Schüttelspeer-Sonett / Shaken Spears Sonnet [animated], 2009.
39. Cornelia Geisler, Stefan Schukowski & Erika Greber: Quill Sonnet, or: Hommage to Shakespeare – Herder’s goosequill, dipped into Goethe’s inkpot, 2009.
Erika Greber and Stefan Schukowski