Members of the American Academy - American Academy of Arts and
Members of the American Academy - American Academy of Arts and
Members of the American Academy Listed by election year, 1850-1899 Elected in 1850 Abbot, Samuel Leonard (18181904) Alexander, Stephen (1806-1883) Bouve, Thomas Tracy (1815-1896) Caswell, Alexis (1799-1877) Chauvenet, William (1820-1870) Eustis, Henry Lawrence (18191885) Fremont, John Charles (18131890) Haldeman, Samuel Stehman (1812-1880) Hall, Jonathan Patten (1799-1866) Hubbard, Joseph Stillman (18231863) Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (18041851) Jussieu, Adrien Henry Laurent de (1797-1853) Rokitansky, Karl Freiherr von (1804-1878) Whitney, Josiah Dwight (18191896) Elected in 1851 Burnett, Waldo Irving (1827-1854) Coffin, John Huntington Crane (1815-1890) Haddock, Charles Bricket (17961861) Hunt, Thomas Sterry (1826-1892) Jenks, William (1778-1866) Marsh, George Perkins (18011882) Norton, John Pitkin (1822-1852) Norton, William Augustus (18101883) Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet (1810-1874) Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. (1816-1885) Elected in 1852 Dexter, William Prescott (18201890) Kneeland, Samuel, Jr. (1821-1888) Lane, George Martin (1823-1897) Elected in 1853 Boeckh, August (1785-1867) Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Freiherr von (1791-1860) Cooke, Josiah Parsons (1827-1894) Cotting, Benjamin Eddy (18121897) Grote, George (1794-1871) Hill, Thomas (1818-1891) Lee, William Raymond (18071891) Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810-1884) Mittermaier, Karl Joseph Anton (1787-1867) Parker, Joel (1795-1875) Parkman, Samuel (1816-1854) Peters, Christian August Friedrich (1806-1880) Winlock, Joseph (1826-1875) Elected in 1854 Brewer, Thomas Mayo (18141880) Choate, Rufus (1799-1859) Curtis, Benjamin Robbins (18091874) Durkee, Silas (1798-1878) Hamilton, William (1788-1856) Peabody, Ephraim (1807-1856) Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von (1804-1885) Ware, Charles Eliot (1814-1887) Elected in 1855 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August (1799-1875) Arnold, Albert Nicholas (18141883) Bopp, Franz (1791-1867) Brodie, Benjamin Collins (17831862) Bryant, William Cullen (17941878) Child, Francis James (1825-1896) Cousin, Victor (1792-1867) Crawford, Thomas (1813-1857) Curtis, Moses Ashley (1808-1872) Dalton, John Call, Jr. (1825-1889) Gray, John Chipman (1793-1881) Greenough, Richard Saltonstall (1819-1904) Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume (1787-1874) Irving, Washington (1783-1859) Kirtland, Jared Potter (1793-1877) Livermore, George (1809-1865) Lowell, James Russell (1819-1891) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Mahan, Dennis Hart (1802-1871) Owen, Richard (1804-1892) Parkman, Francis (1823-1893) Powers, Hiram (1805-1873) Rayer, Pierre Francois Olive (17931867) Regnault, Henri Victor (18101878) Short, Charles Wilkins (17941863) Stearns, William Augustus (18051876) Thiersch, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1860) Vicat, Louis Joseph (1786-1861) Whately, Richard (1787-1863) Elected in 1856 Cary, Thomas Greaves (17921859) Clark, Henry James (1826-1873) Ellis, George Edward (1814-1894) Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon (1793-1870) Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Sr. (1787-1859) Hays, Isaac (1796-1879) Henck, John Benjamin (18151903) Hickok, Laurens Perseus (17981888) Johnson, Manuel John (1805-1859) Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich (1813-1890) Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides (1805-1883) Sprague, Charles James (18231903) Torrey, Henry Warren (18141893) Wood, George Bacon (1797-1879) Elected in 1857 Adams, Charles Francis (18071886) Andrews, William Turell (17941879) Boutwell, George Sewall (18181905) Eliot, Charles William (1834-1926) Elliott, Ezekiel Brown (1823-1888) Farmer, Moses Gerrish (18201893) Grimm, Jacob Ludwig (1785-1863) Mitscherlich, Eilhard (1794-1863) Mohl, Hugo von (1805-1872) Motley, John Lothrop (1814-1877) Putnam, Charles Gideon (18051875) Ravenel, Saint Julien (1819-1882) Runkle, John Daniel (1822-1902) Storer, Francis Humphreys (18321914) Weinland, David Friedrich (18291915) Elected in 1858 Bell, Luther Vose (1806-1862) Bryant, Henry (1820-1867) Clark, Thomas Edwards (-) Robbins, Chandler (1810-1882) Storer, Horatio Robinson (18301922) Liouville, Joseph (1809-1882) Logan (Sir), William Edmond (1798-1875) Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897) Ritchie, Edward Samuel (18141895) Swallow, George Clinton (18171899) Valentin, Gabriel Gustav (18101883) Washburn, Emory (1800-1877) Elected in 1860 Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter (1809-1889) Dawson, John William (18201899) Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm (18031879) Gurney, Ephraim Whitman (18291886) Hackett, Horatio Balch (18081875) Kolliker, Rudolf Albert von (18171905) LeConte, John (1818-1891) Newcomb, Simon (1835-1909) Norton, Charles Eliot (1827-1908) Whitney, William Dwight (18271894) Wright, Chauncey (1830-1875) Elected in 1861 Elected in 1859 Arnold, Samuel Greene (18211880) Clifford, John Henry (1809-1876) Ellis, Calvin (1826-1883) Goodwin, William Watson (18311912) Hunt, Edward Bissell (1822-1863) Lindley, John (1799-1865) Abbot, Ezra (1819-1884) Bekker, Immanuel (August Immanuel) (1785-1871) Bigelow, George Tyler (1810-1878) Duperrey, Louis Isidore (17861865) Ferrel, William (1817-1891) Gilliss, James Melville (1811-1865) Hadley, James (1821-1872) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Holmes, Francis Simmons (18151882) Marcou, Jules (1824-1898) Oliver, James Edward (1829-1895) Ordway, John Morse (1823-1909) Peabody, Andrew Preston (18111893) Safford, Truman Henry (18361901) Thomas, Benjamin Franklin (18131878) Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf (1802-1872) Elected in 1862 Agassiz, Alexander Emmanuel Rodolph (1835-1910) Bartlett, William Pitt Greenwood (1837-1865) Clark, Alvan (1804-1887) Dean, John (1831-1888) Fairbairn, William (1789-1874) Fitzpatrick, John Bernard (18121866) Newton, Hubert Anson (18301896) Peirce, James Mills (1834-1906) Searle, George Mary (1839-1918) Warren, Cyrus Moors (1824-1891) Elected in 1863 Abbot, Henry Larcom (1831-1927) Bancroft, George (1800-1891) Carey, Henry Charles (1793-1879) Church, Frederic Edwin (18261900) Hansteen, Christopher (17841873) Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson (1810-1883) Jarvis, Edward (1803-1884) Kennedy, John Pendleton (17951870) Lawrence, William (1783-1867) Ranke, Leopold von (Franz Leopold von) (1795-1886) Story, William Wetmore (18191895) Elected in 1864 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard (1811-1899) Chasles, Michel (1793-1880) Dana, Richard Henry (1815-1882) Emerson, Ralph Waldo (18031882) Graham, Thomas (1805-1869) Lesley, J. Peter (1819-1903) Meade, George Gordon (18151872) Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868) Muller, Max (Friedrich Max) (1823-1900) Overbeck, Johann Friedrich (17891869) Pearce, Edward (1833-1899) Rood, Ogden Nicholas (18311902) Struve, Otto Wilhelm von (18191905) Upham, Jabez Baxter (1820-1902) Watson, William (1834-1915) Elected in 1865 Bemis, George (1816-1878) Brown, Samuel Gilman (18131885) Clarke, Edward Hammond (18201877) Draper, John William (1811-1882) Eliot, Samuel (1821-1898) Goodwin, Daniel Raynes (18111890) Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909) Hill, George William (1838-1914) Lewis, Tayler (1802-1877) Meek, Fielding Bradford (18171876) Mitchell, Silas Weir (1829-1914) Poncelet, Jean Victor (1788-1867) Putnam, Frederic Ward (18391915) Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris (18161892) Sumner, Charles (1811-1874) Tyler, John Eugene (1819-1878) Elected in 1866 Atkinson, William Parsons (18201890) Batchelder, John Montgomery (1811-1892) Bentham, George (1800-1884) Bigelow, Erastus Brigham (18141879) Cabot, James Elliot (1821-1903) Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895) Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (1809-1899) Deane, Charles (1813-1889) Delaunay, Charles Eugene (18161872) Faye, Herve Auguste Etienne Albans (1814-1902) Gray, Horace (1828-1902) Gray, William (1810-1892) Hedge, Frederic Henry (18051890) Hooker, Joseph Dalton (18171911) Kendrick, Asahel Clark (18091895) Maine, Henry James Sumner (1822-1888) Mitchell, Henry (1830-1902) Perley, Ira (1799-1874) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Porter, Noah (1811-1892) Rankine, William John Macquorn (1820-1872) Ray, Isaac (1807-1881) Ruggles, Stephen Preston (18081880) Sears, Barnas (1802-1880) Thayer, Nathaniel (1808-1883) Ware, William Robert (1832-1915) Whelpley, James Davenport (18171872) White, James Clarke (1833-1916) Williams, Henry Willard (18211895) Elected in 1867 Binney, Horace (1780-1875) Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard (1817-1894) Crafts, James Mason (1839-1917) Hay, Gustavus (1830-1908) Hazard, Rowland Gibson (18011888) Hodges, Richard Manning (18271896) Lord, Daniel (1795-1868) Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders (1839-1914) Pickering, Edward Charles (18461919) Rodgers, John (1812-1882) Sabine, Edward (1788-1883) Smith, John Lawrence (1818-1883) Elected in 1868 Angell, James Burrill (1829-1916) Atwood, Nathaniel Ellis (18071886) Bluntschli, Johann Caspar (18081881) Chevreul, Michel Eugene (17861889) Clark, William Smith (1826-1886) de La Rive, Auguste Arthur (18011873) Hagen, Hermann August (18171893) Hayes, John Lord (1812-1887) Lassen, Christian (1800-1876) Mann, Horace (1844-1868) Mansel, Henry Longueville (18201871) Morgan, Lewis Henry (1818-1881) Packard, Alpheus Spring (18391905) Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877) Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm (18061876) Scudder, Samuel Hubbard (18371911) von Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand (1821-1894) Wheatstone, Charles (1802-1875) White, Andrew Dickson (18321918) Elected in 1869 Barnard, James Munson (18191904) Brigham, William Tufts (18411926) Coolidge, Algernon (1830-1912) Hyatt, Alpheus (1838-1902) Morse, Edward Sylvester (18381925) Parsons, Thomas William (18191892) Rockwell, Alfred Perkins (18341903) Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate (18411906) Whiting, Henry Laurens (18211897) Elected in 1870 Braun, Alexander Carl Heinrich (1805-1877) Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson (18311870) Derby, George (1819-1874) Holmes, Nathaniel (1815-1901) Kaulbach, Wilhelm Freiherr von (1805-1874) Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (18241887) Langdell, Christopher Columbus (1826-1906) Lea, Henry Charles (1825-1909) Merivale, Charles (1808-1893) Perkins, Charles Callahan (18231886) Pumpelly, Raphael (1837-1923) Young, Edward James (1829-1906) Elected in 1871 Adams, Charles Francis (18351915) Allen, Joel Asaph (1838-1921) Amory, Robert (1842-1910) Baldwin, George Rumford (17981888) Bocher, Ferdinand (1832-1902) Brush, George Jarvis (1831-1912) Denny, Henry Gardner (18331907) de Pourtales, Louis Francois (18231880) Everett, Charles Carroll (1829-1900) Everett, William (1839-1910) Hooper, Robert William (18101885) Johnson, Samuel William (18301909) Lesquereux, Leo (1806-1889) Olney, Stephen Thayer (18121878) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Paine, Henry Warren (1810-1893) Paine, John Knowles (1839-1906) Perry, John Bulkley (1825-1872) Pettee, William Henry (1838-1904) Seaver, Edwin Pliny (1838-1917) Sharples, Stephen Paschall (18421923) Smith, Jeremiah (1837-1921) Trowbridge, John (1843-1923) Whittier, John Greenleaf (18071892) Young, Charles Augustus (18341908) Elected in 1872 Boutelle, Charles Otis (1813-1890) Bowditch, Henry Pickering (18401911) Dollen, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm (1820-1897) Dunbar, Charles Franklin (18301900) Green, Nicholas Saint-John (18301876) Hunnewell, Horatio Hollis (18101902) Jackson, Charles Loring (18471935) Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893) Martineau, James (1805-1900) Merrick, John Mudge (1838-1879) Mommsen, Theodor (1817-1903) Nichols, William Ripley (18471886) Rammelsberg, Karl Friedrich (1813-1899) Roepper, William Theodore (18101880) Rogers, William Augustus (18321898) Thomson (Lord Kelvin), William (1824-1907) Elected in 1873 Clausius, Rudolph Julius Emmanuel (1822-1888) Hillard, George Stillman (18081879) Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrich Benedict (1824-1877) Naumann, Karl Friedrich (17971873) Remusat, Charles Francois Marie, Comte de (1797-1875) Sylvester, James Joseph (18141897) Wohler, Friedrich (1800-1882) Elected in 1874 Brioschi, Francesco (1824-1897) Darwin, Charles Robert (18091882) Farlow, William Gilson (18441919) Gladstone, William Ewart (18091898) Goodale, George Lincoln (18391923) Hammond, William Alexander (1828-1900) Hilgard, Julius Erasmus (18251891) Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood (18161895) Joule, James Prescott (1818-1889) Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879) McCosh, James (1811-1894) McCrady, John (1831-1881) Miller, William Hallowes (18011880) Poggendorff, Johann Christian (1796-1877) Stokes, George Gabriel (18191903) Trowbridge, William Petit (18281892) Trumbull, James Hammond (1821-1897) Virchow, Rudolph (1821-1902) Watson, Sereno (1826-1892) Wharton, Francis (1820-1889) Wing, Charles Hallett (1836-1915) Elected in 1875 Adams, Henry (1838-1918) Barrande, Joachim (1799-1883) Edes, Robert Thaxter (1838-1923) Genth, Frederick Augustus (18201893) Gerome, Jean Leon (1824-1904) Gilman, Daniel Coit (1831-1908) Greenough, James Bradstreet (1833-1901) Hill, Henry Barker (1849-1903) James, William (1842-1910) LeConte, Joseph (1823-1901) Marsh, Othniel Charles (18311899) Mayer, Alfred Marshall (18361897) Mills, Hiram Francis (1836-1921) Ramsay, Andrew Crombie (18141891) Remsen, Ira (1846-1927) Sellers, William (1824-1905) Thiers, Louis Adolph (1797-1877) Elected in 1876 Curtius, Ernst (1814-1896) Dwight, Thomas (1843-1911) Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (18311902) Hamlin, Charles Edward (18251886) Mignet, François Auguste Marie Alexis (1796-1884) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Nash, Bennett Hubbard (18341906) Pattison, Mark (1813-1884) Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke (1810-1895) Rowland, Henry Augustus (18481901) Sclopis di Salerano (Count), Paolo Federigo (1798-1878) Sibley, John Langdon (1804-1885) Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (18151881) Stewart, Balfour (1828-1887) Story, William Edward (18501930) Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892) Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel (1814-1879) Elected in 1877 Bell, Alexander Graham (18471922) Bradley, Charles Smith (18191888) Cross, Charles Robert (1848-1921) Diman, Jeremiah Lewis (18311881) Dolbear, Amos Emerson (18371910) Heer, Oswald (1809-1883) Hofmann, August Wilhelm (18181892) Holmes, Oliver Wendell (18411935) Leuckart, Rudolph (Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolph) (1822-1898) Lowell, John (1824-1897) Minot, Francis (1821-1899) Searle, Arthur (1837-1920) Shattuck, George Cheyne (18131893) Steenstrup, Johann Japetus Smith (1813-1897) Thayer, James Bradley (1831-1902) Trouvelot, Etienne Leopold (18271895) Paget, James (1814-1899) Elected in 1878 Agardh, Jacob Georg (1813-1901) Ames, James Barr (1846-1910) Appleton, William Sumner (18401903) Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893) Burgess, Edward (1848-1891) Byerly, William Elwood (18491935) Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) Clark, George Bassett (1827-1891) Fiske, John (1842-1901) Folsom, Charles Follen (1842-1907) Gray, John Chipman (1839-1915) James, Thomas Potts (1803-1882) Leavitt, Erasmus Darwin (18361916) Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) Loring, Charles Greely (18281902) Munro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone (1819-1885) Naegeli, Carl Wilhelm von (18171891) Plantamour, Emile (1815-1882) Putnam, James Jackson (18461918) Reynolds, John Phillips (18251909) Richardson, Henry Hobson (18381886) Ropes, Joseph Samuel (1818-1903) Ruskin, John (1819-1900) Sargent, Charles Sprague (18411927) Warren, John Collins (1842-1927) White, John Williams (1849-1917) Winsor, Justin (1831-1897) Elected in 1879 Atkinson, Edward (1827-1905) Clarke, James Freeman (18101888) Curtius, Georg (1820-1885) Donders, Franz Cornelis (Franciscus Cornelis) (18181889) Draper, Frank Winthrop (18431909) Gooch, Frank Austin (1852-1929) Hall, Asaph (1829-1907) Hodges, Nathaniel Dana Carlile (1852-1927) Hosmer, Alfred (1832-1891) Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Vicomte de (1805-1894) Richards, Robert Hallowell (18441945) Richardson, William Lambert (1842-1932) Stephen, James Fitzjames (18291894) Watson, James Craig (1838-1880) Wood, Edward Stickney (18461905) Elected in 1880 Auwers, Arthur Julius George Friedrich von (1838-1915) Berthelot, Marcelin (Pierre Eugene Marcelin) (1827-1907) Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis Olivier Legrand (1817-1897) Edmands, John Rayner (18501910) Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839-1903) Haynes, Henry Williamson (18311912) Kidder, Henry Purkitt (1823-1886) King, Clarence (1842-1901) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1881 Elected in 1883 Barker, Benjamin Fordyce (18181891) Billings, John Shaw (1838-1913) Blake, Clarence John (1843-1919) Blake, Francis (1850-1913) Carr, Lucien (1829-1915) Clark, Alvan Graham (1832-1897) Crosby, William Otis (1850-1925) Cummings, John (1812-1898) DaCosta, Jacob Mendez (18331900) di Cesnola, Luigi Palma (18321904) Draper, Henry (1837-1882) Force, Manning Ferguson (18241899) Gaffield, Thomas (1825-1900) Lanman, Charles Rockwell (18501941) Lincoln, Frederic Walker (18171898) Long, John Davis (1838-1915) Niles, William Harmon (18381910) Stille, Alfred (1813-1900) Stubbs, William (1825-1901) Sumner, William Graham (18401910) Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888) Chandler, Seth Carlo, Jr. (18461913) Dixwell, George Basil (1814-1885) Faxon, Walter (1848-1920) Hall, Edwin Herbert (1855-1938) Haygood, Atticus Greene (18391896) Hermite, Charles (1822-1901) Holman, Silas Whitcomb (18561900) Huxley, Thomas Henry (18251895) Jacques, William White (18551932) Kinnicutt, Leonard Parker (18541911) Langley, Samuel Pierpont (18341906) Mabery, Charles Frederic (18501927) Mallet, John William (1832-1912) Michael, Arthur (1853-1942) Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895) Pickering, William Henry (18581938) Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius (1825-1884) Wurtz, Charles Adolphe (18171884) Elected in 1882 Ludwig, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (1816-1895) Minot, Charles Sedgwick (18521914) Studer, Bernhard (1794-1887) von Sachs, Julius (1832-1897) Walker, Francis Amasa (18401897) Elected in 1884 Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916) Baeyer, Adolf Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von (1835-1917) Beyrich, Heinrich Ernst (18151896) Clarke, Joseph Thacher (18561920) Davis, William Morris (1850-1934) Hooper, William Leslie (18551918) Kimball, Alonzo Smith (18431897) Mark, Edward Laurens (18471946) Peirce, Benjamin Osgood (18541914) Schonfeld, Eduard (1828-1891) Simon, Jules Francois (1814-1896) Thomsen, Hans Peter Jorgen Julius (1826-1909) Wendell, Oliver Clinton (18451912) Whiting, Harold (1855-1895) Elected in 1885 Cullum, George Washington (1809-1892) Eichler, August Wilhelm (18391887) Holden, Edward Singleton (18461914) Lowell, Augustus (1830-1900) Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles (1846-1916) Michelson, Albert Abraham (18521931) Morison, George Shattuck (18421903) Norton, Lewis Mills (1855-1893) Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman (18151894) Ropes, John Codman (1836-1899) Ross, Denman Waldo (1853-1935) Saporta, Louis Charles Joseph Gaston, Marquis de (1823-1896) Sawyer, Edwin Forrest (1849-1937) Wild, Heinrich (1833-1902) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1886 Elected in 1888 de Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix Joseph Henri (1821-1901) Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818-1896) Huntington, Oliver Whipple (1858-1924) Lanza, Gaetano (1848-1928) Sedgwick, William Thompson (1855-1921) van Beneden, Pierre Joseph (18091894) Broglie, (Charles) Jacques Victor Albert, Duc de (1821-1901) Evans, John (1823-1908) Goode, George Brown (1851-1896) Kirchhoff, Johann Wilhelm Adolf (1826-1908) Maximowicz (Maksimovic), Carl Johann (1827-1891) Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik (Friherre) (1832-1901) Rotch, Abbott Lawrence (18611912) Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900) Stephen, Leslie (1832-1904) Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), John William (1842-1919) Swain, George Fillmore (18571931) Thomson, Elihu (1853-1937) Toy, Crawford Howell (1836-1919) Lyman, George Hinckley (18191891) Marignac, Jean Charles Galissard de (1817-1894) Mendeleeff (Mendeleyev), Dmitri Ivanowitsh (1834-1907) Peabody, Cecil Hobart (1855-1934) Schwamb, Peter (1858-1928) Scudder, Horace Elisha (18381902) Stephenson, Franklin Bache (18481932) Stockwell, John Nelson (18321920) Taussig, Frank William (18591940) Walcott, Henry Pickering (18381932) Weber, Wilhelm Edward (18041891) Wendell, Barrett (1855-1921) Willey, Henry (1824-1907) Elected in 1889 Elected in 1890 Bradford, Edward Hickling (18481926) Cabot, Arthur Tracy (1852-1912) Caligny, Anatole François Hüe, Marquis de (1811-1892) Carter, Franklin (1837-1919) Cheever, David Williams (18311915) Collar, William Coe (1833-1916) Ernst, Harold Clarence (18561922) Fitz, Reginald Heber (1843-1913) Henshaw, Samuel (1852-1941) Homans, John (1836-1903) Johnston, Alexander (1849-1889) Knight, Frederick Irving (18411909) Livermore, William Roscoe (18431919) Barus, Carl (1856-1935) Bowman, William (1816-1892) Burnham, Sherburne Wesley (1838-1921) Cooley, Thomas McIntyre (18241898) Dwight, Timothy (1828-1916) Martin, Henry Newell (1848-1896) Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900) Roscoe, Henry Enfield (1833-1915) Whitman, Charles Otis (18421910) Elected in 1887 Brimmer, Martin (1829-1896) Chaplin, Winfield Scott (18471918) Clarke, Eliot Channing (18451921) Davidson, George (1825-1911) Drown, Thomas Messinger (18421904) Eaton, Daniel Cady (1834-1895) Fewkes, Jesse Walter (1850-1930) Lea, Mathew Carey (1823-1897) Lowell, Edward Jackson (18451894) Lyon, David Gordon (1852-1935) Newberry, John Strong (18221892) Newton, John (1823-1895) Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902) Ritchie, John, Jr. (1853-1939) Thayer, Joseph Henry (1828-1901) Verrill, Addison Emery (18391926) Wood, Horatio Charles (18411920) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1891 Brewster, William (1851-1919) Cabot, Louis (1837-1914) Comey, Arthur Messinger (18611933) Fisher, George Park (1827-1909) Gardiner, Edward Gardiner (18541907) Goodell, Abner Cheney, Jr. (18311914) Howe, Henry Marion (1848-1922) Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin (1841-1924) Mixter, Samuel Jason (1855-1926) Munroe, Charles Edward (18491938) Nef, John Ulric (1862-1915) Richards, Theodore William (1868-1928) Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) Sanger, Charles Robert (18601912) Taber, Henry (1860-1936) Upham, Warren (1850-1934) Elected in 1892 Bailey, Solon Irving (1854-1931) Barnard, Edward Emerson (18571923) Bartlett, Francis (1836-1913) Bartlett, John (1820-1905) Bennett, Edmund Hatch (18241898) Bowditch, Charles Pickering (1842-1921) Brooks, William Keith (1848-1908) Chamberlain, Mellen (1821-1900) Comstock, Cyrus Ballou (18311910) Davis, Andrew McFarland (18331920) Faxon, Charles Edward (18461918) Franklin, Fabian (1853-1939) Gylden, Johan August Hugo (1841-1896) Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911) Hudson, John Elbridge (18391900) Huggins, William (1824-1910) Keeler, James Edward (1857-1900) Lowell, Percival (1855-1916) Macvane, Silas Marcus (18421914) McClintock, Emory (1840-1916) Meyer, Victor (1848-1897) Moore, George Dunning (18621944) Morley, Edward Williams (18381923) Mueller (Baron), Ferdinand von (1825-1896) Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles (18231904) Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln (1864-1935) Robinson, Edward (1858-1931) Russell, Andrew Howland (18461915) Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil (1824-1902) Seymour, Arthur Bliss (1859-1933) Smith, Charles Card (1827-1918) Sorby, Henry Clifton (1826-1908) Strasburger, Eduard Adolf (18441912) Thaxter, Roland (1858-1932) Trelease, William (1857-1945) Vasey, George (1822-1893) Vogel, Hermann Carl (1841-1907) Wells, David Ames (1828-1898) Elected in 1893 Bornet, Jean Baptiste Edouard (1828-1911) Bryce, James (1838-1922) Cabot, Samuel (1850-1906) Clayton, Henry Helm (1861-1946) Dana, Edward Salisbury (18491935) Gilbert, Grove Karl (1843-1918) Hermann, Ludimar (1838-1914) Hutton, Frederick Remsen (18531918) Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August (1829-1896) Koehler, Sylvester Rosa (18371900) Lévy, Maurice (1838-1910) Lister, Joseph (1827-1912) Penfield, Samuel Lewis (18561906) Pillsbury, John Elliott (1846-1919) Wright, John Henry (1852-1908) Elected in 1894 Bywater, Ingram (1840-1914) Davis, Walter Gould (1851-1919) Green, Francis Mathews (18351902) Hall, Granville Stanley (1846-1924) Sabine, Wallace Clement (18681919) Seeley, John Robert (1834-1895) Smith, John Donnell (1829-1928) von Holst, Hermann Eduard (1841-1904) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1895 Bessemer, Henry (1813-1898) Clarke, Samuel Fessenden (18511928) Cornu, Marie Alfred (1841-1902) Councilman, William Thomas (1854-1933) Craighill, William Price (18331909) Davenport, Charles Benedict (1866-1944) Emerson, Benjamin Kendall (18431932) Hayes, Hammond Vinton (18601947) Jackson, Robert Tracy (1861-1948) Kingsley, John Sterling (18541929) Loven, Sven (1809-1895) Parker, George Howard (18641955) Pollock, Frederick (1845-1937) van’t Hoff, Jacobus Henricus (1852-1911) Webster, Arthur Gordon (18631923) Wolff, John Eliot (1857-1940) Woodworth, William McMichael (1864-1912) Yendell, Paul Sebastian (18441918) Elected in 1896 Carter, James Coolidge (18271905) Foster, Michael (1836-1907) Gegenbaur, Carl (1826-1903) Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau (18311924) Grimm, Herman Friedrich (elected as Friedrich Hermann) (18281901) Kovalevskij (Kovalevsky), Alexander Onufrijevic (1840-1901) Kuhne, Willy (Wilhelm Friedrich) (1837-1900) Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford (1838-1915) Poor, Charles Lane (1866-1951) Saint Gaudens, Augustus (18481907) Smith, Theobald (1859-1934) Solms-Laubach, Hermann Graf zu (1842-1915) Stone, John Stone (1869-1943) Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm (1815-1897) Weinhold, Karl (1823-1901) Willson, Robert Wheeler (18531922) Woodward, Robert Simpson (1849-1924) Elected in 1897 Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844-1906) Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen (1842-1927) Brunner, Heinrich (1840-1915) Dorpfeld, Wilhelm (1853-1940) Fernald, Charles Henry (1838-1921) Furness, Horace Howard (18331912) Goodwin, Harry Manley (18701949) Hollis, Ira Nelson (1856-1930) Jennings, Walter Louis (1866-1944) Laws, Frank Arthur (1867-1936) Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (18561943) Maitland, Frederic William (18501906) Osler, William (1849-1919) Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp (1845-1920) Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cecile (1824-1898) Stedman, Edmund Clarence (18331908) Welch, William Henry (1850-1934) Elected in 1898 Brunetiere, Ferdinand (1849-1906) Campbell, Douglas Houghton (1859-1953) Coulter, John Merle (1851-1928) Darwin, George Howard (18451912) Davenport, George Edward (18331907) Heim, Albert (1849-1937) Jack, John George (1861-1949) Kittredge, George Lyman (18601941) Lowell, Francis Cabot (1855-1911) Metchnikoff, Elias (1845-1916) Recklinghausen, Friedrich Daniel von (1833-1910) Rhodes, James Ford (1848-1927) Ward, Robert DeCourcy (1867-1931) Elected in 1899 Baker, Benjamin (1840-1907) Bocher, Maxime (1867-1918) Heaviside, Oliver (1850-1925) Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) Lefavour, Henry (1862-1946) Noyes, Arthur Amos (1866-1936) Osgood, William Fogg (1864-1943) Russell of Killowen (Baron), Charles (1832-1900) Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925) Talbot, Henry Paul (1864-1927) Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield (18381911) Walcott, Charles Doolittle (18501927) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014