Members of the American Academy - American Academy of Arts and


Members of the American Academy - American Academy of Arts and
Members of the American Academy
Listed by election year, 1850-1899
Elected in 1850
Abbot, Samuel Leonard (18181904)
Alexander, Stephen (1806-1883)
Bouve, Thomas Tracy (1815-1896)
Caswell, Alexis (1799-1877)
Chauvenet, William (1820-1870)
Eustis, Henry Lawrence (18191885)
Fremont, John Charles (18131890)
Haldeman, Samuel Stehman
Hall, Jonathan Patten (1799-1866)
Hubbard, Joseph Stillman (18231863)
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (18041851)
Jussieu, Adrien Henry Laurent de
Rokitansky, Karl Freiherr von
Whitney, Josiah Dwight (18191896)
Elected in 1851
Burnett, Waldo Irving (1827-1854)
Coffin, John Huntington Crane
Haddock, Charles Bricket (17961861)
Hunt, Thomas Sterry (1826-1892)
Jenks, William (1778-1866)
Marsh, George Perkins (18011882)
Norton, John Pitkin (1822-1852)
Norton, William Augustus (18101883)
Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. (1816-1885)
Elected in 1852
Dexter, William Prescott (18201890)
Kneeland, Samuel, Jr. (1821-1888)
Lane, George Martin (1823-1897)
Elected in 1853
Boeckh, August (1785-1867)
Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias,
Freiherr von (1791-1860)
Cooke, Josiah Parsons (1827-1894)
Cotting, Benjamin Eddy (18121897)
Grote, George (1794-1871)
Hill, Thomas (1818-1891)
Lee, William Raymond (18071891)
Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810-1884)
Mittermaier, Karl Joseph Anton
Parker, Joel (1795-1875)
Parkman, Samuel (1816-1854)
Peters, Christian August Friedrich
Winlock, Joseph (1826-1875)
Elected in 1854
Brewer, Thomas Mayo (18141880)
Choate, Rufus (1799-1859)
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins (18091874)
Durkee, Silas (1798-1878)
Hamilton, William (1788-1856)
Peabody, Ephraim (1807-1856)
Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von
Ware, Charles Eliot (1814-1887)
Elected in 1855
Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm
August (1799-1875)
Arnold, Albert Nicholas (18141883)
Bopp, Franz (1791-1867)
Brodie, Benjamin Collins (17831862)
Bryant, William Cullen (17941878)
Child, Francis James (1825-1896)
Cousin, Victor (1792-1867)
Crawford, Thomas (1813-1857)
Curtis, Moses Ashley (1808-1872)
Dalton, John Call, Jr. (1825-1889)
Gray, John Chipman (1793-1881)
Greenough, Richard Saltonstall
Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume
Irving, Washington (1783-1859)
Kirtland, Jared Potter (1793-1877)
Livermore, George (1809-1865)
Lowell, James Russell (1819-1891)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Mahan, Dennis Hart (1802-1871)
Owen, Richard (1804-1892)
Parkman, Francis (1823-1893)
Powers, Hiram (1805-1873)
Rayer, Pierre Francois Olive (17931867)
Regnault, Henri Victor (18101878)
Short, Charles Wilkins (17941863)
Stearns, William Augustus (18051876)
Thiersch, Friedrich Wilhelm
Vicat, Louis Joseph (1786-1861)
Whately, Richard (1787-1863)
Elected in 1856
Cary, Thomas Greaves (17921859)
Clark, Henry James (1826-1873)
Ellis, George Edward (1814-1894)
Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon
Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Sr.
Hays, Isaac (1796-1879)
Henck, John Benjamin (18151903)
Hickok, Laurens Perseus (17981888)
Johnson, Manuel John (1805-1859)
Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873)
Peters, Christian Heinrich
Friedrich (1813-1890)
Sophocles, Evangelinus
Apostolides (1805-1883)
Sprague, Charles James (18231903)
Torrey, Henry Warren (18141893)
Wood, George Bacon (1797-1879)
Elected in 1857
Adams, Charles Francis (18071886)
Andrews, William Turell (17941879)
Boutwell, George Sewall (18181905)
Eliot, Charles William (1834-1926)
Elliott, Ezekiel Brown (1823-1888)
Farmer, Moses Gerrish (18201893)
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig (1785-1863)
Mitscherlich, Eilhard (1794-1863)
Mohl, Hugo von (1805-1872)
Motley, John Lothrop (1814-1877)
Putnam, Charles Gideon (18051875)
Ravenel, Saint Julien (1819-1882)
Runkle, John Daniel (1822-1902)
Storer, Francis Humphreys (18321914)
Weinland, David Friedrich (18291915)
Elected in 1858
Bell, Luther Vose (1806-1862)
Bryant, Henry (1820-1867)
Clark, Thomas Edwards (-)
Robbins, Chandler (1810-1882)
Storer, Horatio Robinson (18301922)
Liouville, Joseph (1809-1882)
Logan (Sir), William Edmond
Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897)
Ritchie, Edward Samuel (18141895)
Swallow, George Clinton (18171899)
Valentin, Gabriel Gustav (18101883)
Washburn, Emory (1800-1877)
Elected in 1860
Barnard, Frederick Augustus
Porter (1809-1889)
Dawson, John William (18201899)
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm (18031879)
Gurney, Ephraim Whitman (18291886)
Hackett, Horatio Balch (18081875)
Kolliker, Rudolf Albert von (18171905)
LeConte, John (1818-1891)
Newcomb, Simon (1835-1909)
Norton, Charles Eliot (1827-1908)
Whitney, William Dwight (18271894)
Wright, Chauncey (1830-1875)
Elected in 1861
Elected in 1859
Arnold, Samuel Greene (18211880)
Clifford, John Henry (1809-1876)
Ellis, Calvin (1826-1883)
Goodwin, William Watson (18311912)
Hunt, Edward Bissell (1822-1863)
Lindley, John (1799-1865)
Abbot, Ezra (1819-1884)
Bekker, Immanuel (August
Immanuel) (1785-1871)
Bigelow, George Tyler (1810-1878)
Duperrey, Louis Isidore (17861865)
Ferrel, William (1817-1891)
Gilliss, James Melville (1811-1865)
Hadley, James (1821-1872)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Holmes, Francis Simmons (18151882)
Marcou, Jules (1824-1898)
Oliver, James Edward (1829-1895)
Ordway, John Morse (1823-1909)
Peabody, Andrew Preston (18111893)
Safford, Truman Henry (18361901)
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin (18131878)
Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf
Elected in 1862
Agassiz, Alexander Emmanuel
Rodolph (1835-1910)
Bartlett, William Pitt Greenwood
Clark, Alvan (1804-1887)
Dean, John (1831-1888)
Fairbairn, William (1789-1874)
Fitzpatrick, John Bernard (18121866)
Newton, Hubert Anson (18301896)
Peirce, James Mills (1834-1906)
Searle, George Mary (1839-1918)
Warren, Cyrus Moors (1824-1891)
Elected in 1863
Abbot, Henry Larcom (1831-1927)
Bancroft, George (1800-1891)
Carey, Henry Charles (1793-1879)
Church, Frederic Edwin (18261900)
Hansteen, Christopher (17841873)
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson
Jarvis, Edward (1803-1884)
Kennedy, John Pendleton (17951870)
Lawrence, William (1783-1867)
Ranke, Leopold von (Franz
Leopold von) (1795-1886)
Story, William Wetmore (18191895)
Elected in 1864
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard
Chasles, Michel (1793-1880)
Dana, Richard Henry (1815-1882)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (18031882)
Graham, Thomas (1805-1869)
Lesley, J. Peter (1819-1903)
Meade, George Gordon (18151872)
Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868)
Muller, Max (Friedrich Max)
Overbeck, Johann Friedrich (17891869)
Pearce, Edward (1833-1899)
Rood, Ogden Nicholas (18311902)
Struve, Otto Wilhelm von (18191905)
Upham, Jabez Baxter (1820-1902)
Watson, William (1834-1915)
Elected in 1865
Bemis, George (1816-1878)
Brown, Samuel Gilman (18131885)
Clarke, Edward Hammond (18201877)
Draper, John William (1811-1882)
Eliot, Samuel (1821-1898)
Goodwin, Daniel Raynes (18111890)
Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909)
Hill, George William (1838-1914)
Lewis, Tayler (1802-1877)
Meek, Fielding Bradford (18171876)
Mitchell, Silas Weir (1829-1914)
Poncelet, Jean Victor (1788-1867)
Putnam, Frederic Ward (18391915)
Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris (18161892)
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874)
Tyler, John Eugene (1819-1878)
Elected in 1866
Atkinson, William Parsons (18201890)
Batchelder, John Montgomery
Bentham, George (1800-1884)
Bigelow, Erastus Brigham (18141879)
Cabot, James Elliot (1821-1903)
Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895)
Chapman, Alvan Wentworth
Deane, Charles (1813-1889)
Delaunay, Charles Eugene (18161872)
Faye, Herve Auguste Etienne
Albans (1814-1902)
Gray, Horace (1828-1902)
Gray, William (1810-1892)
Hedge, Frederic Henry (18051890)
Hooker, Joseph Dalton (18171911)
Kendrick, Asahel Clark (18091895)
Maine, Henry James Sumner
Mitchell, Henry (1830-1902)
Perley, Ira (1799-1874)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Porter, Noah (1811-1892)
Rankine, William John Macquorn
Ray, Isaac (1807-1881)
Ruggles, Stephen Preston (18081880)
Sears, Barnas (1802-1880)
Thayer, Nathaniel (1808-1883)
Ware, William Robert (1832-1915)
Whelpley, James Davenport (18171872)
White, James Clarke (1833-1916)
Williams, Henry Willard (18211895)
Elected in 1867
Binney, Horace (1780-1875)
Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard
Crafts, James Mason (1839-1917)
Hay, Gustavus (1830-1908)
Hazard, Rowland Gibson (18011888)
Hodges, Richard Manning (18271896)
Lord, Daniel (1795-1868)
Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders
Pickering, Edward Charles (18461919)
Rodgers, John (1812-1882)
Sabine, Edward (1788-1883)
Smith, John Lawrence (1818-1883)
Elected in 1868
Angell, James Burrill (1829-1916)
Atwood, Nathaniel Ellis (18071886)
Bluntschli, Johann Caspar (18081881)
Chevreul, Michel Eugene (17861889)
Clark, William Smith (1826-1886)
de La Rive, Auguste Arthur (18011873)
Hagen, Hermann August (18171893)
Hayes, John Lord (1812-1887)
Lassen, Christian (1800-1876)
Mann, Horace (1844-1868)
Mansel, Henry Longueville (18201871)
Morgan, Lewis Henry (1818-1881)
Packard, Alpheus Spring (18391905)
Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877)
Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm (18061876)
Scudder, Samuel Hubbard (18371911)
von Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig
Ferdinand (1821-1894)
Wheatstone, Charles (1802-1875)
White, Andrew Dickson (18321918)
Elected in 1869
Barnard, James Munson (18191904)
Brigham, William Tufts (18411926)
Coolidge, Algernon (1830-1912)
Hyatt, Alpheus (1838-1902)
Morse, Edward Sylvester (18381925)
Parsons, Thomas William (18191892)
Rockwell, Alfred Perkins (18341903)
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate (18411906)
Whiting, Henry Laurens (18211897)
Elected in 1870
Braun, Alexander Carl Heinrich
Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson (18311870)
Derby, George (1819-1874)
Holmes, Nathaniel (1815-1901)
Kaulbach, Wilhelm Freiherr von
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (18241887)
Langdell, Christopher Columbus
Lea, Henry Charles (1825-1909)
Merivale, Charles (1808-1893)
Perkins, Charles Callahan (18231886)
Pumpelly, Raphael (1837-1923)
Young, Edward James (1829-1906)
Elected in 1871
Adams, Charles Francis (18351915)
Allen, Joel Asaph (1838-1921)
Amory, Robert (1842-1910)
Baldwin, George Rumford (17981888)
Bocher, Ferdinand (1832-1902)
Brush, George Jarvis (1831-1912)
Denny, Henry Gardner (18331907)
de Pourtales, Louis Francois (18231880)
Everett, Charles Carroll (1829-1900)
Everett, William (1839-1910)
Hooper, Robert William (18101885)
Johnson, Samuel William (18301909)
Lesquereux, Leo (1806-1889)
Olney, Stephen Thayer (18121878)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Paine, Henry Warren (1810-1893)
Paine, John Knowles (1839-1906)
Perry, John Bulkley (1825-1872)
Pettee, William Henry (1838-1904)
Seaver, Edwin Pliny (1838-1917)
Sharples, Stephen Paschall (18421923)
Smith, Jeremiah (1837-1921)
Trowbridge, John (1843-1923)
Whittier, John Greenleaf (18071892)
Young, Charles Augustus (18341908)
Elected in 1872
Boutelle, Charles Otis (1813-1890)
Bowditch, Henry Pickering (18401911)
Dollen, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm
Dunbar, Charles Franklin (18301900)
Green, Nicholas Saint-John (18301876)
Hunnewell, Horatio Hollis (18101902)
Jackson, Charles Loring (18471935)
Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893)
Martineau, James (1805-1900)
Merrick, John Mudge (1838-1879)
Mommsen, Theodor (1817-1903)
Nichols, William Ripley (18471886)
Rammelsberg, Karl Friedrich
Roepper, William Theodore (18101880)
Rogers, William Augustus (18321898)
Thomson (Lord Kelvin), William
Elected in 1873
Clausius, Rudolph Julius
Emmanuel (1822-1888)
Hillard, George Stillman (18081879)
Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrich
Benedict (1824-1877)
Naumann, Karl Friedrich (17971873)
Remusat, Charles Francois Marie,
Comte de (1797-1875)
Sylvester, James Joseph (18141897)
Wohler, Friedrich (1800-1882)
Elected in 1874
Brioschi, Francesco (1824-1897)
Darwin, Charles Robert (18091882)
Farlow, William Gilson (18441919)
Gladstone, William Ewart (18091898)
Goodale, George Lincoln (18391923)
Hammond, William Alexander
Hilgard, Julius Erasmus (18251891)
Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood (18161895)
Joule, James Prescott (1818-1889)
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879)
McCosh, James (1811-1894)
McCrady, John (1831-1881)
Miller, William Hallowes (18011880)
Poggendorff, Johann Christian
Stokes, George Gabriel (18191903)
Trowbridge, William Petit (18281892)
Trumbull, James Hammond
Virchow, Rudolph (1821-1902)
Watson, Sereno (1826-1892)
Wharton, Francis (1820-1889)
Wing, Charles Hallett (1836-1915)
Elected in 1875
Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
Barrande, Joachim (1799-1883)
Edes, Robert Thaxter (1838-1923)
Genth, Frederick Augustus (18201893)
Gerome, Jean Leon (1824-1904)
Gilman, Daniel Coit (1831-1908)
Greenough, James Bradstreet
Hill, Henry Barker (1849-1903)
James, William (1842-1910)
LeConte, Joseph (1823-1901)
Marsh, Othniel Charles (18311899)
Mayer, Alfred Marshall (18361897)
Mills, Hiram Francis (1836-1921)
Ramsay, Andrew Crombie (18141891)
Remsen, Ira (1846-1927)
Sellers, William (1824-1905)
Thiers, Louis Adolph (1797-1877)
Elected in 1876
Curtius, Ernst (1814-1896)
Dwight, Thomas (1843-1911)
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (18311902)
Hamlin, Charles Edward (18251886)
Mignet, François Auguste Marie
Alexis (1796-1884)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Nash, Bennett Hubbard (18341906)
Pattison, Mark (1813-1884)
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke
Rowland, Henry Augustus (18481901)
Sclopis di Salerano (Count), Paolo
Federigo (1798-1878)
Sibley, John Langdon (1804-1885)
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (18151881)
Stewart, Balfour (1828-1887)
Story, William Edward (18501930)
Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892)
Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel
Elected in 1877
Bell, Alexander Graham (18471922)
Bradley, Charles Smith (18191888)
Cross, Charles Robert (1848-1921)
Diman, Jeremiah Lewis (18311881)
Dolbear, Amos Emerson (18371910)
Heer, Oswald (1809-1883)
Hofmann, August Wilhelm (18181892)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (18411935)
Leuckart, Rudolph (Karl Georg
Friedrich Rudolph) (1822-1898)
Lowell, John (1824-1897)
Minot, Francis (1821-1899)
Searle, Arthur (1837-1920)
Shattuck, George Cheyne (18131893)
Steenstrup, Johann Japetus Smith
Thayer, James Bradley (1831-1902)
Trouvelot, Etienne Leopold (18271895)
Paget, James (1814-1899)
Elected in 1878
Agardh, Jacob Georg (1813-1901)
Ames, James Barr (1846-1910)
Appleton, William Sumner (18401903)
Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893)
Burgess, Edward (1848-1891)
Byerly, William Elwood (18491935)
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
Clark, George Bassett (1827-1891)
Fiske, John (1842-1901)
Folsom, Charles Follen (1842-1907)
Gray, John Chipman (1839-1915)
James, Thomas Potts (1803-1882)
Leavitt, Erasmus Darwin (18361916)
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
Loring, Charles Greely (18281902)
Munro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone
Naegeli, Carl Wilhelm von (18171891)
Plantamour, Emile (1815-1882)
Putnam, James Jackson (18461918)
Reynolds, John Phillips (18251909)
Richardson, Henry Hobson (18381886)
Ropes, Joseph Samuel (1818-1903)
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
Sargent, Charles Sprague (18411927)
Warren, John Collins (1842-1927)
White, John Williams (1849-1917)
Winsor, Justin (1831-1897)
Elected in 1879
Atkinson, Edward (1827-1905)
Clarke, James Freeman (18101888)
Curtius, Georg (1820-1885)
Donders, Franz Cornelis
(Franciscus Cornelis) (18181889)
Draper, Frank Winthrop (18431909)
Gooch, Frank Austin (1852-1929)
Hall, Asaph (1829-1907)
Hodges, Nathaniel Dana Carlile
Hosmer, Alfred (1832-1891)
Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Vicomte
de (1805-1894)
Richards, Robert Hallowell (18441945)
Richardson, William Lambert
Stephen, James Fitzjames (18291894)
Watson, James Craig (1838-1880)
Wood, Edward Stickney (18461905)
Elected in 1880
Auwers, Arthur Julius George
Friedrich von (1838-1915)
Berthelot, Marcelin (Pierre Eugene
Marcelin) (1827-1907)
Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis
Olivier Legrand (1817-1897)
Edmands, John Rayner (18501910)
Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839-1903)
Haynes, Henry Williamson (18311912)
Kidder, Henry Purkitt (1823-1886)
King, Clarence (1842-1901)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1881
Elected in 1883
Barker, Benjamin Fordyce (18181891)
Billings, John Shaw (1838-1913)
Blake, Clarence John (1843-1919)
Blake, Francis (1850-1913)
Carr, Lucien (1829-1915)
Clark, Alvan Graham (1832-1897)
Crosby, William Otis (1850-1925)
Cummings, John (1812-1898)
DaCosta, Jacob Mendez (18331900)
di Cesnola, Luigi Palma (18321904)
Draper, Henry (1837-1882)
Force, Manning Ferguson (18241899)
Gaffield, Thomas (1825-1900)
Lanman, Charles Rockwell (18501941)
Lincoln, Frederic Walker (18171898)
Long, John Davis (1838-1915)
Niles, William Harmon (18381910)
Stille, Alfred (1813-1900)
Stubbs, William (1825-1901)
Sumner, William Graham (18401910)
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
Chandler, Seth Carlo, Jr. (18461913)
Dixwell, George Basil (1814-1885)
Faxon, Walter (1848-1920)
Hall, Edwin Herbert (1855-1938)
Haygood, Atticus Greene (18391896)
Hermite, Charles (1822-1901)
Holman, Silas Whitcomb (18561900)
Huxley, Thomas Henry (18251895)
Jacques, William White (18551932)
Kinnicutt, Leonard Parker (18541911)
Langley, Samuel Pierpont (18341906)
Mabery, Charles Frederic (18501927)
Mallet, John William (1832-1912)
Michael, Arthur (1853-1942)
Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895)
Pickering, William Henry (18581938)
Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius
Wurtz, Charles Adolphe (18171884)
Elected in 1882
Ludwig, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
Minot, Charles Sedgwick (18521914)
Studer, Bernhard (1794-1887)
von Sachs, Julius (1832-1897)
Walker, Francis Amasa (18401897)
Elected in 1884
Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916)
Baeyer, Adolf Johann Friedrich
Wilhelm von (1835-1917)
Beyrich, Heinrich Ernst (18151896)
Clarke, Joseph Thacher (18561920)
Davis, William Morris (1850-1934)
Hooper, William Leslie (18551918)
Kimball, Alonzo Smith (18431897)
Mark, Edward Laurens (18471946)
Peirce, Benjamin Osgood (18541914)
Schonfeld, Eduard (1828-1891)
Simon, Jules Francois (1814-1896)
Thomsen, Hans Peter Jorgen Julius
Wendell, Oliver Clinton (18451912)
Whiting, Harold (1855-1895)
Elected in 1885
Cullum, George Washington
Eichler, August Wilhelm (18391887)
Holden, Edward Singleton (18461914)
Lowell, Augustus (1830-1900)
Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles
Michelson, Albert Abraham (18521931)
Morison, George Shattuck (18421903)
Norton, Lewis Mills (1855-1893)
Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman (18151894)
Ropes, John Codman (1836-1899)
Ross, Denman Waldo (1853-1935)
Saporta, Louis Charles Joseph
Gaston, Marquis de (1823-1896)
Sawyer, Edwin Forrest (1849-1937)
Wild, Heinrich (1833-1902)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1886
Elected in 1888
de Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix Joseph
Henri (1821-1901)
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich
Huntington, Oliver Whipple
Lanza, Gaetano (1848-1928)
Sedgwick, William Thompson
van Beneden, Pierre Joseph (18091894)
Broglie, (Charles) Jacques Victor
Albert, Duc de (1821-1901)
Evans, John (1823-1908)
Goode, George Brown (1851-1896)
Kirchhoff, Johann Wilhelm Adolf
Maximowicz (Maksimovic), Carl
Johann (1827-1891)
Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik
(Friherre) (1832-1901)
Rotch, Abbott Lawrence (18611912)
Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900)
Stephen, Leslie (1832-1904)
Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), John
William (1842-1919)
Swain, George Fillmore (18571931)
Thomson, Elihu (1853-1937)
Toy, Crawford Howell (1836-1919)
Lyman, George Hinckley (18191891)
Marignac, Jean Charles Galissard
de (1817-1894)
Mendeleeff (Mendeleyev), Dmitri
Ivanowitsh (1834-1907)
Peabody, Cecil Hobart (1855-1934)
Schwamb, Peter (1858-1928)
Scudder, Horace Elisha (18381902)
Stephenson, Franklin Bache (18481932)
Stockwell, John Nelson (18321920)
Taussig, Frank William (18591940)
Walcott, Henry Pickering (18381932)
Weber, Wilhelm Edward (18041891)
Wendell, Barrett (1855-1921)
Willey, Henry (1824-1907)
Elected in 1889
Elected in 1890
Bradford, Edward Hickling (18481926)
Cabot, Arthur Tracy (1852-1912)
Caligny, Anatole François Hüe,
Marquis de (1811-1892)
Carter, Franklin (1837-1919)
Cheever, David Williams (18311915)
Collar, William Coe (1833-1916)
Ernst, Harold Clarence (18561922)
Fitz, Reginald Heber (1843-1913)
Henshaw, Samuel (1852-1941)
Homans, John (1836-1903)
Johnston, Alexander (1849-1889)
Knight, Frederick Irving (18411909)
Livermore, William Roscoe (18431919)
Barus, Carl (1856-1935)
Bowman, William (1816-1892)
Burnham, Sherburne Wesley
Cooley, Thomas McIntyre (18241898)
Dwight, Timothy (1828-1916)
Martin, Henry Newell (1848-1896)
Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900)
Roscoe, Henry Enfield (1833-1915)
Whitman, Charles Otis (18421910)
Elected in 1887
Brimmer, Martin (1829-1896)
Chaplin, Winfield Scott (18471918)
Clarke, Eliot Channing (18451921)
Davidson, George (1825-1911)
Drown, Thomas Messinger (18421904)
Eaton, Daniel Cady (1834-1895)
Fewkes, Jesse Walter (1850-1930)
Lea, Mathew Carey (1823-1897)
Lowell, Edward Jackson (18451894)
Lyon, David Gordon (1852-1935)
Newberry, John Strong (18221892)
Newton, John (1823-1895)
Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902)
Ritchie, John, Jr. (1853-1939)
Thayer, Joseph Henry (1828-1901)
Verrill, Addison Emery (18391926)
Wood, Horatio Charles (18411920)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1891
Brewster, William (1851-1919)
Cabot, Louis (1837-1914)
Comey, Arthur Messinger (18611933)
Fisher, George Park (1827-1909)
Gardiner, Edward Gardiner (18541907)
Goodell, Abner Cheney, Jr. (18311914)
Howe, Henry Marion (1848-1922)
Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin
Mixter, Samuel Jason (1855-1926)
Munroe, Charles Edward (18491938)
Nef, John Ulric (1862-1915)
Richards, Theodore William
Royce, Josiah (1855-1916)
Sanger, Charles Robert (18601912)
Taber, Henry (1860-1936)
Upham, Warren (1850-1934)
Elected in 1892
Bailey, Solon Irving (1854-1931)
Barnard, Edward Emerson (18571923)
Bartlett, Francis (1836-1913)
Bartlett, John (1820-1905)
Bennett, Edmund Hatch (18241898)
Bowditch, Charles Pickering
Brooks, William Keith (1848-1908)
Chamberlain, Mellen (1821-1900)
Comstock, Cyrus Ballou (18311910)
Davis, Andrew McFarland (18331920)
Faxon, Charles Edward (18461918)
Franklin, Fabian (1853-1939)
Gylden, Johan August Hugo
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Hudson, John Elbridge (18391900)
Huggins, William (1824-1910)
Keeler, James Edward (1857-1900)
Lowell, Percival (1855-1916)
Macvane, Silas Marcus (18421914)
McClintock, Emory (1840-1916)
Meyer, Victor (1848-1897)
Moore, George Dunning (18621944)
Morley, Edward Williams (18381923)
Mueller (Baron), Ferdinand von
Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles (18231904)
Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln
Robinson, Edward (1858-1931)
Russell, Andrew Howland (18461915)
Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil
Seymour, Arthur Bliss (1859-1933)
Smith, Charles Card (1827-1918)
Sorby, Henry Clifton (1826-1908)
Strasburger, Eduard Adolf (18441912)
Thaxter, Roland (1858-1932)
Trelease, William (1857-1945)
Vasey, George (1822-1893)
Vogel, Hermann Carl (1841-1907)
Wells, David Ames (1828-1898)
Elected in 1893
Bornet, Jean Baptiste Edouard
Bryce, James (1838-1922)
Cabot, Samuel (1850-1906)
Clayton, Henry Helm (1861-1946)
Dana, Edward Salisbury (18491935)
Gilbert, Grove Karl (1843-1918)
Hermann, Ludimar (1838-1914)
Hutton, Frederick Remsen (18531918)
Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich
August (1829-1896)
Koehler, Sylvester Rosa (18371900)
Lévy, Maurice (1838-1910)
Lister, Joseph (1827-1912)
Penfield, Samuel Lewis (18561906)
Pillsbury, John Elliott (1846-1919)
Wright, John Henry (1852-1908)
Elected in 1894
Bywater, Ingram (1840-1914)
Davis, Walter Gould (1851-1919)
Green, Francis Mathews (18351902)
Hall, Granville Stanley (1846-1924)
Sabine, Wallace Clement (18681919)
Seeley, John Robert (1834-1895)
Smith, John Donnell (1829-1928)
von Holst, Hermann Eduard
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1895
Bessemer, Henry (1813-1898)
Clarke, Samuel Fessenden (18511928)
Cornu, Marie Alfred (1841-1902)
Councilman, William Thomas
Craighill, William Price (18331909)
Davenport, Charles Benedict
Emerson, Benjamin Kendall (18431932)
Hayes, Hammond Vinton (18601947)
Jackson, Robert Tracy (1861-1948)
Kingsley, John Sterling (18541929)
Loven, Sven (1809-1895)
Parker, George Howard (18641955)
Pollock, Frederick (1845-1937)
van’t Hoff, Jacobus Henricus
Webster, Arthur Gordon (18631923)
Wolff, John Eliot (1857-1940)
Woodworth, William McMichael
Yendell, Paul Sebastian (18441918)
Elected in 1896
Carter, James Coolidge (18271905)
Foster, Michael (1836-1907)
Gegenbaur, Carl (1826-1903)
Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau (18311924)
Grimm, Herman Friedrich (elected
as Friedrich Hermann) (18281901)
Kovalevskij (Kovalevsky), Alexander
Onufrijevic (1840-1901)
Kuhne, Willy (Wilhelm Friedrich)
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford
Poor, Charles Lane (1866-1951)
Saint Gaudens, Augustus (18481907)
Smith, Theobald (1859-1934)
Solms-Laubach, Hermann Graf zu
Stone, John Stone (1869-1943)
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor
Wilhelm (1815-1897)
Weinhold, Karl (1823-1901)
Willson, Robert Wheeler (18531922)
Woodward, Robert Simpson
Elected in 1897
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844-1906)
Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen
Brunner, Heinrich (1840-1915)
Dorpfeld, Wilhelm (1853-1940)
Fernald, Charles Henry (1838-1921)
Furness, Horace Howard (18331912)
Goodwin, Harry Manley (18701949)
Hollis, Ira Nelson (1856-1930)
Jennings, Walter Louis (1866-1944)
Laws, Frank Arthur (1867-1936)
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (18561943)
Maitland, Frederic William (18501906)
Osler, William (1849-1919)
Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cecile
Stedman, Edmund Clarence (18331908)
Welch, William Henry (1850-1934)
Elected in 1898
Brunetiere, Ferdinand (1849-1906)
Campbell, Douglas Houghton
Coulter, John Merle (1851-1928)
Darwin, George Howard (18451912)
Davenport, George Edward (18331907)
Heim, Albert (1849-1937)
Jack, John George (1861-1949)
Kittredge, George Lyman (18601941)
Lowell, Francis Cabot (1855-1911)
Metchnikoff, Elias (1845-1916)
Recklinghausen, Friedrich Daniel
von (1833-1910)
Rhodes, James Ford (1848-1927)
Ward, Robert DeCourcy (1867-1931)
Elected in 1899
Baker, Benjamin (1840-1907)
Bocher, Maxime (1867-1918)
Heaviside, Oliver (1850-1925)
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Lefavour, Henry (1862-1946)
Noyes, Arthur Amos (1866-1936)
Osgood, William Fogg (1864-1943)
Russell of Killowen (Baron),
Charles (1832-1900)
Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925)
Talbot, Henry Paul (1864-1927)
Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield (18381911)
Walcott, Charles Doolittle (18501927)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014